El gittsintrgij Gaytte QL O'CONSuII-TACK CASE. ( Ise the distinetioucosctuetna.l which is hal down is of these very authorities I have . that. if a man want. to sell, though It he a hundred thousand barrels of oil h he had, in las possession. and he ~ to go Into the market and sell lt, i lug that the effect of that sale will tie leer the market, and that le going to In t tome ono who loses heavily—that la no viable offense. lint if that man. who hundred thousand barrels of oil, goes other man who ban floc. and to another • has ten, and say. ..look :le r°, let us all o to go Into the market on a certain • and offer all this stock for iele and the will be to make the market tumble t we will know beforehaad what lignite app.; because depending upon this meat, we make our contracts, every . k Is regalia. by this combtnatlonoixid n thee, by the let, pros, redo. the. wof oil( and we have from now until day to make our arrangbuients to profit he fall.. eTriat., I Rey, I. clearly an M. 'le wwWPWoria Plow. /rsaY these men t -at. /Mt Shove and beyond thut,l • e Mesh..., (tad Woking at the eel. +3 in this Mae, I don't ace how ady twa bin man canj duel, It I 1 energy them on that very early day In June, when . lreoaner ealied on Augustus Tack. i on that very day when he want home 1 to liolleitation of Anatt•ttni Teak, tel I he Interview with Theodore—l entree • Tack Itros.wwitit torn, at that titer, v ng tee Intention of doing that whirl, .) aterwards did. In other worn!, by a very time, It lets pianund, set op. the p dilation was made and the mean! Men. It pen to take this mat in and rub him t ese contracts,widen 110 Wae asked to k . as the Mend and confidant of these , up who wera'also his paid NM... I r hat tau the object and Intent Ot this it nation in the counting boa. at II . elphla, and Of Um repetition of that I .rsnuon at the chanting house at 1 .1 burgh. And /say II we are to j o u, L s,ttilug, se the auttioritlea say (and we 1 ✓ not aimed evidence of what these men 1 d „a mat other, Ocean. cons baton do . I eve lei W h om May co 0 forward d ratify what took plea. at heir sorrel p irate lietcrvinwai) hat if w look at the a matancoa surrousdles: the ease. If wo le at the artless of these m n, and sea d painting to a common end why then I eat come to this reasonable Conenl3loll at ordeneewith the maxim o law, that it tang the man Intended to do whirl, Ids A ns must Inevitably bring about. L e 1 , / say, that when this mad went Into i • lotus 'rrck•ti Mikanpon other holiness, d t Ills thing waasnutainced tel., notice, It that Was when the twginutrig of these e teats of this conspiracy It tone found. let Me no whether I cannot show that ovel No thr itolr . O'Connor to then told that they are g to go largely Into this thing—going online. In it; and your honor will re • that ho Is to have the earliest Infer. on of any change, home.,. he Ism be e Immo beat that they are In. And then there these teen engaged, that this I not be smatter of the mere wages of ,roger, what, employed fur that trans a. and who, the moment he has finished • transaction, has no morn to do with t that this Is fobs. concloolug treas . n In watch they. (Cache,) are to be uro• and friends; and In consideration of 43.903; they wera to earn as commie. .they are to heap him In the Mine bunt theingulVen—to keep hlm in that boat, when they atop out he is to step out them. The contrast wag, that ho was vs the darlleat Iniormatlon—that they to keep bhp In the same boat with selves, and that tie should step out of bast when they did. Now let us see they did at. Air. O'Connor nottiOrlses lo make UMW contras:.. They go on June loth to J uly otb, or irtntever the , was, selling the contractr. During all dem the market la ts they stated ' ti be; tau market is dull and rather do. If. if anything. They make the con from time to time. And this m.n is too In Pittsburgh relying on the Adel ' his agent., and easy in his mind that i going to make a largo sum of money ftlicen trammetlona for fear that this tramould got or anything welch would la w nce him csatigaw. it Is necratary to allay any i ketone that alcbtarimon ell part Irmo hing he Might bear. These people that where there Were trauracqueis , gloil.they were an ritent.d j that Merl t some tonslnem Isere watching theta. I eight here their suspicions aroused; therefore,. hurdore. before leaving humb,iladettelle Mr. O'Countitr that he ls • • la Ph ilade lphia to take cars of their of that he is taking a large' of money to preventthe mareet bong t • eredn—glo,oll4 in U. S. bonds. to pre , any advantage being taken of himself 5 principals, sod to take care of their e leaves tor Plilladelehla, and on 11 MD contract la made.. It la still en. ty to sdlay this maws ar.'3Pieloll3 an lii moutmet is signedi and on: too 31 this. • ills down and serf' es &letter to James ear, stow, what data lielorty; Why, petting an anchor to windward; he we ibis thins will be whispered on the et; ho knows that O'Connor wilt hear it, he edema tO allay his sySplgons as to How, let ris see what histangrago Is. .Ciosiday—Whlle you are there, will show ps the evidence of a "Cornell' , . white. -lye will come to that by and think, titnrcrer, the evidence ol that foond In Otis letter. it nowhere else at this man ( Pack) knew Were was a er ; that he knew . whO Was en It; and ha lancsr O'Connor could no likely to who was In It. And, on July Id, be co to tale man: "Sarno parties here o been very Indmitrlone In Clinflleding •its Chet 11.1rer and ourselves have a trying to 'comer , the market. 'Thum is urd, ae 1t m entirely sganott oar Ihtereet awa tan tn,rlr..llllVll.llen.P. 1.111 In t • and dbeal Me actt WM ,r,d Eltt ill CP the/ mow than, Q .. .. . - . • - - ow. Oa July Clehe says. It is against Ma Int .rest to have the market advance, and to . to reports that 11M:titer and them ;l, . had been tr., Inc to ' :c orner" the , dud. O'Connor lad °over heard of sorb lo a- ' tn.... nethlor of the hind; he to tit ,: ir astonished to hear it said that Tack w fa' Ms; for It to to their Intorost to le: ;,,w. rybo,l3 - 3rhow that the market ICO3 fall .lo ; that its should he Inter.ted in that. lit t TAP]: twee that the report Is getting not. sui I howrltest to O'Coonor to allay any sus. pt 011133 he may have. Not only that, but ho . ere to Logue, WhO IS 'oCog his total to get 11 the rise: und really the only pars. a have thus tar b0110141e0.110 , 1 era Plus h . rgbers, who have been boylog from 21 n. to 03, tale istontll4 delivery. Wo coo t( tor. 0000004, this afternoon, that the w 010413114 121 1 .bu,t0‘4 1 . ,0114 so tho letter • ion, slicwing.tbat 'Weis a mere wow. .r thing, ttai..3 applies only to oil tor p ~,,t delivery, atm that his (O'Connor's) up tracts, which are tor Ware delivery, W , I be profitable; and that Ihee•Silfotmust !'ow we turn to the telegrams and whet we emit That letter Is (Wolf on July 34; / it on that sett' July SI, after these pro bare got the contraeth signed, they tel rapt, the One to the other (the private eirram front the oats to the other Of the • o houses of Taukst) 'W. P. Logan laaa . . . . •e on to make Ma Yo. Honor • entand• nil I tho i•Calltb aro. TOO op• Hon wan to call in slmulteneowly 70,n0 to of oil. which, in the ordinary nuo hinge, would not be called in perhaps elk Won tbs. Brit then people, on tile t July, ou thevery night when they ..lO'Connor to tictioro that Logan la op ed to theta in Interest, nod With ought rOlOOO to keep his operations eteret— 1 . . , ' ll ' • ltg =rtTrrlfertl " =: . / .. ittit= . • fia•t•el eg ritpd a to tins rbilailethLis bonze: • use byre doing everything to emits ket." lion,thero as the evidence Lo goes On to esil in tbo /ODA pustule, It juiro been plocsd under Ms name ,coutrid . Theodore 'race, undo, his own . ..• mow thgt Lily Urancit, the t•lttiburdb ah— • leas.. inmate r anti Cassidy (Intern:lV -Oh.110: ha 11OU'L Say no. Wnite—l am very glad le bear mi . ;de on the other side cry oat and spring , . suddenly. r. Brewster—l was up wheti I spoke. White-It shows where the shoe . :hr.. I never Mu anything better ho . trial of is cause, than to see two genie , Johan up excitedly in this wet'. w, I tiara roan for your in form ail. the gram, and will read it again lest there no be env mittate shoat "Leann ror.ltew York last night to get buyers .en men.; here doing everything, to ex. the nviallet. . j Tate, Deo Cs Co. .1 . . Brewster—That le. Lis house. r. Brewster —That to etactic what I say; la his bouse;l hat la not Logan's hears, nre Logan had tie hon. In Pittsburgh. r.nrewster—Oh, I beg your r.don. Le r.lllllt.e-1 beg ynar pardon. genuemea; 1e cha Philadelphia beime 40 41.1n0w. -that la what leads .ren late 11111 £OlO i/ r: Cassidv—One moulting—excess toe; I it to refer to the onset. r White—the evidence, I think, has ~ sed this matter, end tam now 111111sT/Tg 1. 1, and inns Moods have anythins to i in reply, they will have the opportunity Isay It. , r , c,,,st s ,y-1 object ~V, Dia saolog ivy no that is 1t...{. in evidence. There Is no • Mince that Logan has a house In rill.. . gh, end I object to the eaSettioll that he • one. , /Ist. Att. Mann (toll, Whliej—Yon call ' b. t Tack's hence as long us you please; and . I 7 may ad .ol It gpribt ve go, the per.th. I r. Bretritter— et ha el , a of tno District Attorney, nail 3 . ott tear anything you please. ' . White—Wu:l, now, with the porous ' rt u r o li4Vst. l rfflArio .a , i n eaf.: i ncngr; se h, here; i ern lir. Bremiter. I bare hot a 1 w rd bore, if I had,/ would shot yne up. 'r. White—t hose do doubt Of that. il sughter.l 'ow,sir, I say, that when this Pittsburgh home telegraphed to the Phtledelphla h i.e. "the house bore lo doing nil that is untie to excite the merket;" end when It , telegraph./ some tone bolero, this man I • an has loft Pittsburgh; what hie her : u ttla to need, thorn coo An no ,Sushi at • 1 a I; the Tacks corn acting tOgettnar, and a _Una for this very unroos. - Well, now Li re a the tenor of that. Either these ' oz. were w”titig to keep O'Connor in the 4 rk; were gating atria:inert/3r to tlhnt or, ore swath: honestly and In good faith to 0 in. Now let us see, what they wonl.l nave • •no If this la/VI all honest tritnattition. hey lad promised to giro him the earliost I formation; that hO should co in the same nt wit lid hem. Now.tbey had !ulnae in . I mention that toga. ."*LOjtlg oh LO Make :1 • to. anti itoinnthing eing done liex ite the mnrket. Do the y [ see /dm I is wing In tho mane town with than; Le Is Lc Mimeo rel. do the lls . to hym ; cello; Er. 'Co n n e r. Logan h y as $ gene on to make cello; ow let VA red whether me eihhOt.get Oot -r thin boat; We worn In the beauty.; ecp,d A .ostly, now, the kinniticnt te, trhott y ,,,,, b,,,,; not bettor leave the host and hero le nor I n t o .ontation I" Why. net at alt, Sir y theng t y cooti. ng,e tO tell this Wan thu Over,-: trna ri' . Well, ~,,,,,,obgt , :•rhe next thing In Order otter tn in -Integrant, Irby - , Tneedore goon onlyo Philndelpht. and liestayathele upon Si. This num eidrSys -his ',Foorth of Jule, and think. everything he rlght ttloi tt raper, as Theodore h , u 1 said; because your Mellor will recmilret Mahal r.O'Cumor Sala, when I asked num ewhet Old you do after you Cot that tette'!" he mild; "1 relied On...tea/St L comforted. I what was said.. W.. •tultid wen as he realle be. i t o ro It One but st totrip.rtory thing. What , ),,,,g, do we floc' On July ate. we god the \ 0,,k of ez -se time, Outhrle. very bury run nigg ground the otreetseVbttsbergh. Now, ,we asked Mr. O'connor hat Mr. Guthrie • wendoing—but ts-st was nother occasion. when both my trim:lda i opined up: they did not want to hear what he yes doing. But .tee night before. when pooh ladeuraohed what the bones was tier ir that th‘r, .11re soaking onus. and .Inthg rveryttln to on cite the market, they t.. 14 Mr. O'Connor , ~,,,,ething they were doling. lint my friomie don't west to hour that: lint wlnsZcyer It was, It WOO smiliciant tot rouble Idol, and he - woe, to Prank Tack and asks shoot this yews. Well, there. my friends were VerY anxious in shut off wh i. Yowl - Tank to4l - ~... tint ono thing was, Oust e. :clew r ,,m was chows to h id from TheOdore t, ‘ ,.. Who tont then In ',l,llwlelpOls, ,0 e ;,;,,,:i—0f chant lb t oi l the petty ,,,,,,,g 1 0 Philadelphia had boon nomad at Went Philadelphia; hat the cars WI t ,„,,,,,,,,1iceed ;if the t auk, and there was • au oilmen. excit:men 'Mont it. Now this Wee inn news which ten telegenilbed to the , Plutsburgli bonte, shin . nd 1 ergeed, was "Ming overrthlng to teat* the Market. And what is further present...ll . Why, . that Augustus Tack Is going to Washiest con With a Counalttca 10 have the ell re- leased. Now, sir, when we. And there is falsehood in the matter, we know there Is WEE; because honesty don't require it. Now, Web this Creel W h beene lot of tin ety three barrels of ell had seised because tt was wrongly marked—a common occur rence. But nr these ninety-three barrels the Tacks claim three Darted.; and that fact Theodore Tack knew, because he had gone there to ascertain his part of the lot: and In the, fact of that they telograPh BID.. burg, that the whole of that large quantity In the ears had been seized—the curs switched oft yhe track -god teat everybody was Imman.ly elicited about It. Anil on, N nevi, in one twenty-four hours, oil jumped from 21 to „B can.: and In rant twcuty.four hourr, Mtn operation dr Calling the oil etriiltartennely , ;sod!Mead - , lag the false reports, tale teLonnor. If tils accounts were to ras 9ettied that day. Is nut of pocket some forty thousand , dollars. Now, there fa the operation, the w e al It Nat,doe and there is new s lt. ytl, alr, wt not all. This is cfrenlated about the seizure., and at - the umetifile. everything I. done to let this men (o , tort. stop. If be Is tOld this thing at outs. COY. he May "get ugly. about it, as we Say, and an and investigate N 0 matte, lie Is let Into this thing step lee ITlle h n l it t -,` ll tg'i/lili b l‘:Triat y ht:reii trouble. But the next thing. Nis: Sar °Tonne, goes to an snot taps, "what dorg this thing mean, 1101/ yetruiatle a lot of siaternents.to me, you said there wan a f il . uta t ti d f: e m . rgk s et a d you knew all about I meant Here I meet your el. ' s* running around, on the BM of ,nly; here oil jumps from twenty three to thirty cont.—explain The next thing that Crecyto his attentlOn, 14 this circular of Crecy it Co., alleged to be a Greek house, I an/enactor the purpose of giving the idea that thittnan Tack did not know them at all,that he Merely knew them by reputa tion • Greek house. What is the refire aentatlon about thall He la told that a eon. ald , rable amount of tenets wore loading for Europe, that there was 190,000 barrels of all actually being shipped on vessels In Bblladelptua. that the oil Is there and :°o=Togrg.r.troflt''.l.`dtt- 1 42 man supposes that alter that thing hover, oil will lad; hot In the meantime, this fable news is circulated. and It keeol up the price of oil. Well; that Mr. O'Connor takes 'for truth, and he testa satisfied a little logr. B ell. R Is 'the next thine) Why Kr. O'Connor is advised; he was not allowed to state the other day how he got the adVieei we toted bim, and Hr. Cassidy objected, hut he thought better of It, arid asked lie. O'Connor is morning how ho with advised Unit the Tacks were at the bottom of tale combination; and' Mr. O'Connor tolls you very frankly iwaa the coramon report on the Street; It was known toverytrody In the trade. "The Brat scan who told triu anythlog about It was Id, Dilworth. and he told me Um the Tacks were at the bottom of this combination, Ulla 'cOrner, and he goes hi m straight to Theodore Tack and taxes him with being In it. Now what dOes no say to Theater° Tack; (Hr. White reads.) "I sent for Theodore Tack and told him I wee citing ,o Philadelphia to Invest/- gate the troth of the etatementa" "What statemerdel" Why, "drat, to regard to the sulture of the oil; secondly, what pat the price of oil up; and thirdly, whether thlier vessels wore leading for Europe, sod What was the cause of this advance by which I as to loan so much money. I was advised —1 told him I was advised . and believed that ho Was at the bottom of it. that hie firm was the =sintering of this corubina• thin, as against myself, and if he was guilty;. I would spend %nice the mum% of money, in purdah ment.if not, I would be very glad of It, for hie own rake, as / had alwars es teemed him Yea' bight,' OP t o that thrle , " It was not, sir, so m cieh a matter Of money; r.O'Corin or could probably have stood the loss of all that be was going to lose, but he felt as any houerable honest man Must feel when be Is betrayed In his trout In a friend, end ho .011 to him, "If you cur chow youritueoance, I will be very glad or It." And he would be glad of it, and would have pocketed the lam and felt some satis faction In the reflection that hill inaltddenee hap not been betrayed; hit trust In human nature would not have been Imp aired by an act of treachery so detrainhost which he had reason to puppets we.. being • cam milted against him, by a man upon whom he relied as ha did upon this man Theodore eiti roar Honor will perceive this man Tao makes no replies to them charges; he does not deny imminently that there to any truth In them. , (Mr. White rude:) .1 came to ittillsidelphia on the of July; the MU, was tanday.. On the hi th il collet on Au gustus Tuck at his odic. on Walnut !street, when the Cr st salutation wy, that he no. derstood that. 1 was totting about him on the itriet, saying that no had acted Mahon mtly.. Now your Honor will perceive that, id the first place, before this man (Hr. O'Connor) ' ever heard • word shoat any combination or "dement' or the connection of . them Tanks with It. Theodore Tack :writes: (he. cause e)he guilty dee: when no man purse e hot—he writes ip this man: "lt has been reported on the street that we are in th e reported le not true—the Wormer! has 'busted , and we had nothing to'do with It," There woe no charge made against him; ha ran to meet It before a word had been said. Now ems, weed dots the brother do. Mr. I O'Connor comes treat his. home In Pa - I burst!, to bit hotel bore: i u m s ake to no I herons being abont the'matic at all; be goes ilmently to this man's co Ong home (and he goon to without speaking o word to any human being on this subjoin) —he Ron to their counting house, .witere the first mlutation was, that be (Antrum. Tacky said he had understood 1 had been talkies abodt hfr t op the street, saying,tbat he bed acted 4:llthonestty,!! that 12 what be knew this men hate mid- (Mr. White reeds.l told him had Seen `up Nation on the street on t o &object., while in ehlia• delphiaount had come to his MMn the first dace; he then Laid me that any allegation alket . him were not true; I told him 1 weele inlestiiinte the matter frilly and see abort iti 1 then Wool to Gummi Cummings! erne.' .Whett I left Mr. Tack's canoe we were not ten friend' ly." Mr. O'Connor afterwards in the oreed-exammation. pays lie (old him (Auguetua Tack) that he @Wenner) knew he wee e relented and that Task was at the bottom of My "that he told Inst. he was !swindled and that his home had - done it." how what is the replyl -why not a word—no thdignent denial. H e taxes him with it and he seep P.m.{ ate going to Cummings , of. Mato inscatigate it, andl am soles to Cad out this thing.. Sot a wool of reply nor a denial now let ns me how It operates. Now up to Lhsa Mthete, these Tacks never atiowed O'Connor to s w ipe.. fora enemata they were enga ged in this .corner," never admitted it , ever olvnigen the changed eircurm mama, never gave him any advice to bay, "to cover his 'shorter! (using the language of the trade), on the contrary everything vers aerie to keep Ulm in th e moat, where these Tacks bed scemely lett. But now-Mr. O'Connor says, "you have de- ! mired ma t am going to layestigate. I will Maud money to imaist, you, if aunty, ands am going Wherever punished;" and then he belle them what he Is going to Inenail• gate—they have boon enClearoring to keep !! trt w, what is Min nest thlngt Why, the interview at the Continental Hotel *bet night. Now Mr, up to this ttmelt one rum travernalle n oi direct admission that they were in it; on the contrary. they Wed - to demise and mislead mid lead him to think that they are In the same boat with him. Buterben they And concealment will no longer answer, what do they dot Mr Finney teraldes that "Sr. Augusttur Tack told lir.O.Conntor. in my presence, upon the evening or the 2iitts of doily Mat, that they had a mental/cent Wog before them, that It lgr.CPCoanor would go into the ea-range , moot, that as trilling loss be had sustain ed would be maul meth thee - Melds el , " The very thing they had fold him before about the contracts with himself. They had got him once, and they plunked him five thousand on that contract; they had now =t. tam In a mooed time arid thei want to plank bjet fourteen thotirand,• new he Is to go Me • loud twenr, theori sing La which he would be plucked again: no the maxi!. has shown. Demme. If Mr O'Cnnor baa gene Ipto that, the result would hove been that in piano of malaria money, as your Honor _suggests, as oil is now dealt, (I do')lt know the figurel—Mr O'Condor,Ln Waco of being !Math sot at esker, would probably tat every dollar he lane In the world out of pocket. (Hr. White readel hp explained the object In dwell , sa explained be Hr. Cl'COunor.. To carryout thla project Heppe., there wen a monsiderebt• number of persons-1 reed further: "That It was contemplated _ upon a margin of h per barrel, to hey 04,100 ber7 'relent 01l in Autwerp. To nears this, it would be necessary to take 10. considera ble !limber of people; that Emil Schalk would agree to ;thin for /LOCO barrels. Obey ' Pier etho barrel., flanker Bros ~ten barrel., and they themselves for 1140 ti or pintri bar-. relit mid if lir. O'Connor crane In, his inter , the would Os coneidereil In proportion. and the profits would tarlatan How, sir, berets the oblect'and here le where Mom these men cannot escape, be , cause- octet thMs own mouths they are ; couvictwL They were Id obtain thooontrol of this large quantity of oh and stimulate MO Prins arttnelailly. Prat In Europe and then In this ally, and put the oarsmen very largely. lima • Mr, your Honor will rooM. loot one point, which I omitted to state In this connection. that when Theodore re. LUI•Gd from Philadelphia, and saw 'Mr. O'Connor Ip_ritteburgli, ho had emcee.. thin wadi' Mr. O'Connor. cud that there he I said that he wee etill In the same pindtion that O'Connor was. Thagwite p the Mtiof Jell% that (iii Into/name were still Identical with his iff!COninnts), that he was ea !short." se WOOrtnervii se. Mow, from that conversation (Throb was tflititalletery altar him return from Philadelphia), he goes di. met urea 'her etreet end there he mean this witness Burke. Andwheit does he ear y ou win beer In mint that he bee )oat come !ram O'Connor, r Ita (nits be 10 suit "short,. and le to the lame boat with him, end therefore gulag to bis great loser Inferentially. He m ore, Berke and he talks up the prim of 011 moth; be spent, "bully," tries to enhance the prloa efl4 . lbe mar het; and he says to him We aro i light— en right, upon the entrance." Now, there he be banjoist come from this man to whom he oars We me wrong, we ore coin gto lows If you lose," and be prate Parke and he tells him "011 le !thing 4nd - tbat they will make by lt, inferentially that they are all right !then tie cheese of the market. Now Mr. O'Connor, la Ms toettipopy ete to that louse biters.w at the Continental. parrsayer, "It ag og. r for me to state that the ngemont mw proposi tion ...10 toe was that emirs Marty wee to pat up those al seance. ithd the 01l wen to be pare/Oiled In Antwerp, and toe market !devoted tom, and here also. 4th4 this at . .. . . . . . . .. pat up, erne to be what IS termed a margin. And In case the market went 4ow..noth. log tuorermald Pe loaf than the ss a barrel. The market Old go np IA AntwerP, from 43 francs to ft friu.es a barrel:. • /row, did they go into tide operation! That to what they were going to do; did they go int Your Honor will recollect the telegram from gang: ,+ which, the moment it to . received, they telegtsgh to—whom! • Whir, ie the first place, if the Vittsborab bootie, the ca conspirator there, the uoXt place; o dspli. cote Moffatt! Schnlk, that oil had gone np to be francs, with the exclamation of triumph after It, arm that which ran tip thin man'e tosses , apkors—plinily tay.2 , Thep had gat it op to as francs; P.M "friend bad been .411440:rap or 1.70,000 f w emai l kn how meat otha*P4. to.. m out of;) anti tuts, was law um* to otatto?' t° 't"""b— ..ilully bey." Now, opo thing Moro—had those men twee' In the efuntduatlou from the Drell now. what do they say themselves ae to . that! 0 1 chtil the last moment, until the , tenth c no lodger Pe evaded do they ' speak. ogees. Tack thee. mail "they were for t 0 ,,,,,,aw Aen' , they Called It o ' "boil r ill':' —that le to elevate Ml...ye/ear? , rlatt Is depress oil; that the combination that Mid i already been MANN had. afar: . worked ece.ssfully enough. hot they. were , ..imdadr with on, ago ihay pad pantries - Se out, and, the comoinotion and s!ringit must , he "carried out.. You will retinues" there win on doubt as to west that referred. Mr. , O'COrmor hod tomot thorn with befog in that ' oomeloatton; ho Ind told them thatthere uas a center, and that they were the Mato miring of that corner , aim be was being robbed b t. herefore, there lees DO doubt In their i nte nd s ; hey keen what they were enticing about. And it IA Jett to explicit as 5, they saying Cl. to him *Sat .1 he July ems. , Varieties, sr...bleb too are 1170,013 out 01 pocket, has been surdenful . • Now, listen to their / ad mow: ' , That the gouthlnatloneshlch has alremlY twee made , bed totter worked enccessfelly enough, hat they sere . fouar . lona oft.. Who) Why, Au gusta. Tact lalpinala loaf "The oomidu a t, o ,,, has been already made; that I. a.b=r - craialt ...,,, as.. tinsed dt with eilll And miry nen contracts out; rad the • combination and erlnge meat he corried ce.... pen he ex piates who wee gots:Onto fle owe thet desporotsureses emoted desperate remedies, and the moceMerst, must be carried through,. ernes were goaded , with on Is Your Honor remembers the eSpreetbei, They had been putting the price of oil rip, and on one day had to coil In7;4w/barrels, basing in at gradually advancing prices; an , altneuch not pas oven successful /n the rut, hp , t h e euestson was now how to • as it is technically called—that is, flow to get rid of this Immense low of oil 1 1,1 I, t h e y bat control of,• that is, at the er ns, If they offered It at a lower Bider 'they will Into on the fall what they hod merle in getting It hp. Now they tad t his ,Itaporatu ewe; they boa this Immense ead—ant! how were they to "unload , ' • s sync. movement must be carried througo,” and be. [Turk] "then sod there osked "s 0 give him' (Tisck Bros.) aro. , u tirposa Of two dollars per bar , tel On 10,00 n barrels, namely, ta),ood cash, f eel go in, and of course whatever mosey ' Wax Mode would be divided pro rata amend ns, according to the money we had In. In conalderotiou of sloths would maze every effort to re' :re these contracts " Well, now, the question 1., was he in the cornett Why, who were the "corsonlo who was trying t o get thls opt The telegrams show that Bunker Brothers were in it, and Benoit was lull; and these very men are all the seen who bold O'Connor'. a:int...eta. Now, be (Augustus Tack) :aye, he was very fnumete with ficlaalk, "and be will do what I wish him to do—Bunker Bras' a Co. we have Jett saved from fedora,' vile until that he made the !statement regarding Bun ker Bros. & 110., knowing it to he false. He asked me hoe' this thing would do In my 0:410.". . Now that is the bind of men we are deal ing w itts--with thin man, Ang.tl.l3 Tack, woo tells O'Connor he has gone and rep ed what waelalseort the street —shamelm ort.. alY false—that this house had failed; and torn gone mud set them right by reporting that they had not failed at ail: Then he asks Kr. O'Connor, "Can we not report that you knee falledto Nothing of that kind is Mr. O'Connor going to do, and wed be (Segue. tug Tack) knew it when he made the propo. attion—well he know Ma man, and that it would not be accepted. :Now, Augustus Tack knows Jost the figure forwhich those contracts could be got in; he tells him (O'Connor) that 04,010 is the sum. Now, /et hlm pay that. els, GOO. Ile had fist got. rive thousand.' Ho then asked him MVO to go Into this new "Clog) , " and, thorefore, they would hive then some 4MM out of this man's pocket, and would perhaps put him Into ether coh traote Wlllollwould doubts or treble his /On. how, that is condoned by the feet that afterwards, ;rhea Ste. O'Connor went ..ad Downlegras an d him trot nker the Bros te . a Co, d from sheenier and Schalk, Eventing the arrangement nod putting up their respec tive sutra They were to put np 411t1,000 each. That we old cohtrol can barrels eaell. at a margin of Jig a barrel. Thor. were a number of people to goll3. hut -theme four with Mr. O'Connor - were to be the nu cleus of' tho "clog." . . Well. now. the next. thing to which / call your Honor's attention to, that on July 'll Mr. O'Connor sends them a deposit of a thousand COiilru on the Medetty ooatrert. That le to be put op no a margin. Dot these gentlemen quietly pocket that and refine to put It up. Well, lb at Imearcely an limn of evidence as to the conspiracy. It is some indication of the character of the men with Whom we are dealing, and It lead. to • very important piece of evidence, and that is the letter which win accidentally shown to lir. O'Connor. Mr. Miller, who room. mats the other side of that Contractmmes In, and there Is a dispute about this thou nand dollen In Tack's rare. and Tack re , fen to a letter to hie letter-hot to convince Mr. O'Connor that ho had done what was right about this thousatil dollars; and he points out a pmange in that letter. Well, Mr. O'Connor reads that letter, and iced. vertently rends a little further than was pointed out to hire, mil Angmtes says •`lio. Man; that's all abouthat," lir. O'Connor says, - "If yon Wont toat honest ly, yen had better let me sec thewhoie of la" And atter some little controversy, be. doesn that position, he reads it, and what he Midi "I-read it, and in that letter as the nroof m his hiving bought that day Was IL,MO barrels of nil; the letter Wu dated early In July." Now, your limier will iecollect that all through July those men represent that they were doing . the other thing. The moment this man goes to rend this, they stop him. Vitt shows there was something that was ' to be kept hidden from him, and they stop aim, Tom's la proof Of guilt—there In their own hand writing. Ile was baying oil the day he eats he was selling I Yes, and I amitmell him in not very polite .anguage. 1 said then, he had stied me. stud I may SO ow—that he was baying Mt the day he said, and ailtultted he wan nulling" "What old he say I" "I don't think he said anything.". And how coati he! 'Tnere was bit own inner m express (tenni cif the "t7otitinntwwhich he a l;rrreli tostimoin snows that on the very day they wore mi. Ong for this man (O'Connor) at twenty three cents, they Ovate buying loom this into Burke at twenty•tho—buylng Irma him at twenty-tweet the very time when they were telling this men they were In the same boat with aim and selling an he WWI. They were raltbless to his interests there as every where else, Now, your Honor will recollect the testi mony as to Wig titman , s contract. and soma ethers. We Ond. moon probing this matter. that a large number of Wlghtman's hats,, other contracts are indirectly in the hands of the Tack , " 'the operation," asw call ' ed, dram I n . such a way as to Mow the ' wheel within the wheal, Now. It woisld not do for them to get hold of O'Connor's eon• tract directly, but tho operatina to lust toe tame inn if the whole thing was done direct. ly; it arrives at the same rend t—the money of James O'Connor finds Its way, not direct ly, but circuit manly tato ten pockets of these men, the Tacks. Wightman'• contract was in the mimeo( Bunker Bros, but .when hn comes to settle it and teas Theodore Tack In Pittsburgh. Theodore lets oqt the fact that their bobs fa the real Owners tnOugh it stands in the name of another party. and upon that, some $1,700 is to come oat of this man's pocket and go, indirectly, Into the pockets Of these men, the Tacks. .Now. if there to not utmd evidence of a conspiracy In all title tram not think any man deed ever fear of starelhig In an, danger In this onnemunity of a prosecution i for conspiracy. ICIe a secret crime, sir,— , see in whinh all the Perlin engsared In It are leagued together. and from the start they fire to he watchful to prevent arty eel aellee getting out which will convict theta ], Of It.. And Co must not look Merely to the way to which their actions eoint . , wand o at and prole the pembhatiefa `s it o the motiyes which prompted It. No where are Me then tent Orilt tell hit. o , Connor they are going W sell. They twine(' him to Sent they are to that bide up to the Vary day The very day sM m et coma: Le made, that he has autho r ed them to make; and on that very day they turn round and are found on the other side. NOVI. m not that • con from which aJury will draw the Infer ence that they meant, to be on the other rids when all Me co:names were made. When we Mid them in retest combination with other parties. telegraphing the now. one this thing la to he done, stating toot cells are going to be made before the man, who It to mate them. leaves' Pietehnrge, don't we draw the Inferenee—would not a jary draw the bafcrence—and is tined &Ult . alto:men. •to be drswn, that at the. time these contracts were to mlytle, they were aying Ott the way in Which they were to make money of html Yoe how else eon their conduct he accounted foil Why telegt eph tn each other to keep the matter secret? Sllnp/y. hecause the, were In the otimbbiatlon. That was the ob ject and Intent. And when O'Connor nte OhOrlien them tomake the contracts, tart is wham he walked Into lt,• and where Theodore Tack telegraphed .„.^ heather thatimgan g,melo nano calas, and hi• loose was doing everything to excite the tad that I. whole e (t hi str wee pulled; and then for tear that ts land would gel Out of the tram they rota him and give him tali Anfortoution—that It Is a to smug. teas' a nt ed hrd and that It ea. =Med by Mile rumor about oh being leased. And they go from rue ell another Witten him safe end quiet to toe 'hell (talon points to but one C 0 and that only—that this man war to be .plucked" theherun- Arias.- m is ts when Augurtus Tabi: OMP. to the Cotal and tells him they have been Y et oful so tar, and it is neoessary to only. ha then they will take h e in—that only shows that they were t o the tootcombina io rona the first; arid they only coma then t lot hlm In because bethreatens e prose cation. lle has said ho will spend his money to punish thorn. m et th e told them how he will Oct hiaerideneet they know he can get IC, they fear the regul w e they mailmen as the el moinent,rnow we have cat at, the price of elilme are going to cheat the public; we arc going to cheat b ut we the same aa you are cheated, but we wall take you in sooner than ho pros ecuted .for It—that. the English of it. sow, there 1/1 IL conspiracy, undoubtedly, uponthe principles I hare elled from the deeislo , e that where a party goes In to purchase ' by hlmself, where he wants to • purchase arable legitimate phipose, he Is not anawfor thereon t, but where he combines with others; Wen It la a criminal conspiraciv. _ how, then; tome teen stated their eon epleaCi, the object of It and the mean. of It; and both that obi eet end maws were Illegal. Then:lollP% wore by putting op this article and gettlegeontrol Of large gee:lntl. .le Antwerp-.which. It was nod. would pat uP the p rice here. The obleet was that the) thighs profit by It—profit by It to the rule of outsiders. Now. the fact that they offered to taco him do In nothing to their credit. They dl4 it only when threatened with proseoutton But this man Indignantly refused to go to and make himself Safe at the exoenee Of outsiders who were going to be ruined. Now. there Is bat ono thing more to which I Invite your gonoi!s attention, and that te . with reference to theßi two telegrams. thic is of July 2.3. whion, you will recollect, wee before O'Connor had left Pittsburgh. 110 bad told Theodore ho waticoming hole; and ha came hero on the 27th. Aud yet us early se the 271, and after /dr. O'Connor had tna ml Theodore wi Lb the after be heti told him that he had bead advised lie woe the mainspring of the combination, he tai. egraphe• to Augustus • - what! Before tole than had &aged anything shunt settling, he telegraphs to Augusta. teat he pair sent on fall particulare of a proposition to Bottle with O'Connor, and th at O'Connor was go. lag there (Philadelphia), and If ho accept ed it to close 4at gine" . • Now, what Wee teat propesltlonl why, manifestly to lit him Out for align on con. dition that ho would got elkfou more into their hand,. l'bet Was before O'Counnt bad said award about it, Or all he had said was, "1 1492 going - onto Philadelphia to Invest!. gathi" end Theodora immediately writhe 10 hie brothor giving Win authority 'ornate this fettlernent which was afterwards p posed at the thnittnental Bated. And that. as 1 tato before. 110. O'Connor at once and indignantly refolles to hare anything to do with.. . Now, the Other telegramhich I. sylph to spank abent ads otie In which the head centre Is alluded to. Now, your Honor will recollect that the communication of these men It midi that they employ a Metier for the stemma( Bunker, of Bunker Brea, a on.; as one of the conspirators of that firm. Now Mi. ' , O'Connor tolls you that Taek said {hat Bunker Ikea. were going to end how. Lo (Tack] coved them: Now what doeltho telegram mean which your Honor (nod I do not wonder at It) thought to be In .rather equivocal I.aossrs War, lot rim suggest the key to It Thin was a comblim. Sion hy which genera partiesleagped them-• tolheep toe pries of Wow, iyhat is the notisect)nen Cl pup elf these litV. ` t a .lll h &rNt lr ula IttiesrT:rtkbet and In their own linidesp, e nn ui in an mid of h. 'rasa is the er le Canso if ono man tails when his mock In In• voluntarily tint on the ws market. or lf any one man betrays Ma fellow (which there Is a great temptation to de) Deoituse the great IIY in iOrner;" vi to •miliond.o the oeasyduel at any time to run Lome ghee of •vendable commodity which la prod oc4m limited quants. A. min may make n e t m o n th.y Mr the supply of more ail neat th qv. lt Is prissfole to 'nave proneht over the ma/te adm it he Pill have no 4 Ifileulty tis doing it If ).t. employe a dozen mon to run around among Menem add make °entrants with each. And In that I 'way Le can • ithout any trouble rate the price of oil perhaps fifty or one hundred por cont. There In no trouble in tho opera. Hon, because the bondman In under pee...- ties to deliver oil upqn R terrain 44f. red b h e a efnadye.r s Then I W p y i O be rtot Odeliver t o ron d on° ? why do not men make fortune* In taq, way, Why. thin person will hey. garb. mod Whether 'lnman. Quantities of oil— so her lie bakhorafuelly Wade tuandrede Of thousands Of dollare—bat the question Is how Is he to realize Ms dollars I Why, by soiling. Hut the,rnoment he attempts to ~ .)a . a guy: 12.41,1 r. bin .price andthe value Now, here wore these men in the ocorn. Pr," and they wore In the vary petition of torn who had. made a ncorner." Bunker Wes were o f travel under their load'. they could not travel the weary way_—they were afraid they would break. There was PITTSBURGH I .' A' Mkt' u I I ' I ' ' . ether man whom these men s,s.pecusi Ming them out. he wee the mon Who Igkeeiveli.ageetrel.Oh ;;V0 pod. .—thas break the . .corner. ad ruin F EirA fIOIUGFIL A COLD. OR A orn t , Now, equivocal as that .1M- I Ming laktlA.T requires Immediate at might have seemed, when I reap i t : motion. and should be checked. If adored to h If our Honor will Apply that key t o i matt nevi ' Orgestion, you will have rho tree eon. q r L imo n ,. ..i tqt ,,, g m „ . h yre Irritation of the Latige, a permanent o^—mbei why, informed Augusta" I Throat Disc aim. or Losimanapcion, c, hie co-Conspirator, of his biabtlity to I' , Is hittathe enroll,lnside ad on the weary N That i s t he . "ut Prat ,we i • , e the track.. maim , ot ;that is coming. and now . ' WHIR IVA , BRONCHIAL TROCHES , oe,ti o . Is, "What - action are we to ,; ... I e 011 tub, information. We have one o f , Hartz. I direct Ingtenet to the pais, glee im : 3 I i 77 . 0 ' , "C '' i a course,; ell sitter r i ii r T O ti b ; 11 . i i him taro'" r t r o e Pr' Bunt, l h e l4 t , '' '' ' Z s' 1 4 ,1 ," " ' '''' ' T‘ T r . u° " F'VI: 4: r:P. rli:::::' 'n: ht: 1 Aw Threat. ; LI , oo tint tt. t h b o: ell i will a d th o vr e n. u " ,,, -I and .I ~ allnlo . rottn . lrst .., bll ,.. o . 11 , p 0 e ,.. 0k . ors ass trona 5, 'Will oil go Up Or down." Then comes ' Obtain not, 't Blow JrltorterOJLL Too th Infermanon that .Pittsburgh oontains a ' c , , ...d. F . '._.,,_. ~,,....7,,...,° "05 WF '''' ..L ' .ll Ju ea Iscariot. That m the man who is go- ''',J,: t .‘;', ,„."` t . ',...'1„11,,' ..--- rolliditT log to break tbenit up. to sell them out. The ---- ---- gnettiJom Is, .What are we to dO.. ,Sae FOR FONRETERTION OR then commit, tbecrimpllmerittO tbili pluck oI the New Yoram: .We ea " l a ms ingaract"R"Maro3littrtnitt!lViltdel.°44 the New Yorkers, they have been relieved killays, " dissail of the prostrate glad.. stem . of weighty louts. and .Pittlargli pusses- in Ov.bladder , calculus aarel or . twick dust die lifees oa,37u.d.aslnlzcari...oh,;innec.d...".d.onoFfttrhot.r.the a pos n .,tts , ,.,..su p d......tl;dise .. ..f i s th . o . r .. thie u. blad" .... se . r . . It : i .. dgrr r 4 P can rErroACS braxii. • Now, my friend [Mr. Cassidy l asks, was i there any .00rner." Why. Una which I ' --- have Juat re...tid:me yenthe danger which eas apprehended fromlhls anisOmily Who wes going to breakdown the market. And they and Chalk are to take ten thousand ands each. POT what purposet Because they are afraid their "corner" may.bresk, and then down Comes the oil, And the poor man will have his light at a fair and legiti mate rim Now, p lir. O'Connor has stated that this wail - the common talk about these "corn ers.. In this connection, It may be proper for us to Inquire, what was the effect of these “cornersii upon legitimate trade. Awl l may be here permitted to read a short article upon the abject, which expressos In Much more forcible. tannage than I could apress lt, what I would here say on tho subject. I read lt, not a atithOrlty, bet as the opinion or one who knows thoroughly the matter of which he speaks. It. Is as follows:—.lt Is mallest nom the fact that this `corner , In petroleum must have ban undertaken just after the crash of the 'cornet , in broaden:Nl, that too whole avilaryls beteg suted to a series Menet, operatloes, And that the monad the spoeulatom leave sae article or sale they fasten upon author, to be wood in the same way tor vlettmlrang Whenever independent. journal. d e n ou n ce such nefarious tomblnatip_pe, they are met with the statement that 'these things ale all regulated by apply and demand, when we have the orbit:moo before us that the high prin. are artificial. It should be ss everywhere held tout these movemouts are 000 resmict tit/recent from onlinary gam bling.' They obstruct the regular and le. ghat:tate morements or trade, ad the men who engage In them deserve no support or sympathy from business men. Ili regret that the petroleum Interest has boa seized upon to save their purposes;, as. whatever they touch In this way cannot fail to be Injured by them. The triode bee been draw very well nine. the great /pew:dation In ell sleek exploded, and we had booed that the boatmen was freed finally from such trans. , ' Mr. Cassidy—Will you state your authop Mr. White—llly o Authr is the New York Pram, limp friend wants to hear it; but I think the anal° soaks for Itself. . District .tttornoy Mann Ito Mr. earaltlyi —Supproo Mr. White septa. Mr. White—l do not say It, but I do not want to claim the ccoat of saying that wJuhic dgh's raid a well e Ludlow—Thaapplies to all "roe. sera"—whether they buy for a rise or a .. _ f F4L,. ' Mr. White—rmorrebtedly It does, Cr; and whether man buy for erne or for a tall, they are, uotindy. criminals In the eye of the law, unless It is a legitimate operation; 1 do net say—far be It from ma—ther, it i s criminal for gay man, or set of men, to look •t the oroduction.of the market, and Judge from that whether 0/ Is going up us down, and make their contracte accordingly; but Ido say. may It please - tine Coon, that It sinkne at the very heart's blood of trade and commerce, to allow a seta( men to bring about thln state of thing by themown combination and their own option. lam not to be told, that • men has not the right to bay When be pleases and sell when. he P 1.... Why undoubtedly ho h.; and my man who looks at the general Mootedma of trade and oommeree, and btlys that article, which he believe. le going to bo end., Is thereby Meng that. snitch is of the utmeet benefit. tie is doing Met which Joseph did In Egypt—making wise ,provlsilost for the entreaty that is Coming—and by that .01 prove. himself a public benefactor. But when a man goes into the markets, and in conJanctlon with other., gets control of article* which are limited in %belt supply, and Camel a rise and fall a n teir price, be is robbing the public. Ido care for whit parpose it is dote—the guilt, the crime lin In this state of things —the mime 11. in combining by undue isteins; and eotuDiea- Mon is always .undue Mewls" where it pr - putt ds o ees t fhird thi eves.rties and puts them 10 the fien thi . _ Now, whenever men combine to contr.. Lb, markets and compel a rise or fell to erica, independent of the supply, I say they _ • criminals and are liable Labe indicted f c conspiracy. Sow, I Wit my friends to CO listen:dirt and ray they heVe Pet done that thing. I have presented th your linear a case In which I think the evidence Is very different from that wide-6 , SY wives in the case of the man Eirotherton to whom I have referred—l have presented a very strong case—one very rarely met with In a court of Jea. it is a ease of secret crime, in which weave to pick up Oar evioenye and inform ellen where we can get it. Now, .hat has been the answer of the elate side I Why, Mr. one of the most eueuseles• attacks upon this man they tied robbed that I ever heard in a wort of Jus tice. Neither my colleague. nor shield terfcred, as Wit might have done, to ;lowa the wltneii on the stand; and, ait, let those who can feel proud oftktl. ereas-examina non—there Is one men sr has ho twee to be ashamed of It. ant they brought out of this man that which he might well begat of, that he was at the bead of one of the largest banking inaLltutlons In Plitshargti• that there ho had settled millions and millions of dollars of amount* without a mat not of lls pitmen that Kehl Won the highest eete. oilmen% that eOnl he paid man traltylOnelt that, the Treason= oh the ited grates had complimented him andretitroed the thanks of the nation to Ulm for this wavier. he had rendered. That It what they gotten. or him by that Oross-a.atnination. And we knew what was usming, and did not interfere because we know It. I thine it dim to our selves to snare hero the Mean Why we did eon interfere to Protect this gentleman trees what I think was sJe Insult to tatn, but which 1 thank recoiled soon the needs of these d him efendanta In their efforts to rob and II =Ore , Lets it* mere to soy, sir. I leave this case wilts. you, end I ask that these men may have en opportunity to do test welch they hare said they w 1•11 to do, hut have time far shown no Inclinallen to Oa. name ly: to go before a lure and clear them. pelves. I will at, for myself and my went that he would be glad even sow to packet his lams could ho have hla faith In these men restored—that ho thinks more of the betray.' at his Width In them than he doe; I for the money he but Inst in this tranne. Use. RIZZI ItarA to e A 1 or 210ETING 6. Ott Veld at Me t Z.:TfIN S VI: :17; " :1 •1 cOr ik.' TY 7lW l.i•4l7.dorsZVr.l +l4O/•l6.l.teee to .. lii l: "'"" A t_ 3 t7 ltlegl. /li ;ilk. J„..- . -rN t l a!Vt r i - K Mu Fourth .4 C.. • CiV)1t...11,V0.000. :.11 : 41Zat .44'."‘" rrethleat-iattlitA 1.1,0(0. LLI.Y Oil N. 1 , 14.17 huh Treasurer—, F. yalh RUN dultur. rt.:hi /inn NaTionet. BANE Obeembc: ,40 lr - r•TEIE ANNUAL ELECTION ."--" at teen en of Dawson! of We name wilt be boa t, on TtfieDAY, January 1111.1, I. ➢elnren the boars Aj it yeloAk A. •. and =0 M:11=‘!=! 1,1.11011• 1.11 . HATloe.st.. I . 37,..twitetf, December lit • 16T.' (THE ANNUAL EL ECTION for "Doe DireCtors. to serve for the en- We, year, will be be. 4 at the 1U231)41.Y. o.lbary 14th. le I. liAtwoe the Lows of II A. Y. w, oe14:1$1 B. W. WAVIER, CLAW, 111.1wr.44,1 Awn /114n - rJeryainr - I AT DIOX•t. Pittsburgh. Deartoht•r 141%.11A7. GrTHE ANNUAL WLECTWr, (Jr Dtrtotors at thls /taxa ',lll trle pl.< at MO Batilttail ttai TU1.411.114. 74:hart 14th. MI. Brow•rta the hours cf II A .)rsadly. a. driostre 401.1.! Spurr, Jr., °rattler. TM!. VATIII TAX. II A rert Ul rel2Sear non ristaborgu, Use. 1.1. Is.. rut: Avpii AL ELEuTIOSI to I Di tett , IS. is gems der', Tlll {e wlll he Leta •t this Ileaklh{ llau.e. lILY I/11 1 . Jet 1/:h. 1189, Datweea the Pours or II A. M. sul 2 Alai 11: LIVINUM, UNIoX NATIONAL AMA. rmr,uunon. Lee. Is, 1a.7. arTHE 4111117 AL _ELECTION rar".q.; iacc liiTheoPT.gilf.P.2.l.°."4" TUSSOI,I4, JANUAIST 14, 116 k, 8 4 t 0•ee45 Ih . boo" of I a N l S. r. ALI , T IL Cathie, InßCllpl . l7 , )1•1101,11. YANK, i gaLle A rl , be held arTIFIE ANNtrAtt ""'"' ga ‘• t the 11 .Zif b , P 17.74 0,1.1T.'" B ELE UT lON cen the bourn of 11 " P. K. J.% ALARTIN 11111:111 (lathier. TVADIDINN•II NATIONAL BAlel4 - i - Palatal:ea, Dee 7. , MU, re•TITE ANNUAL ELECTION fur [lvrea Dtreeto a. to telve fur the ,er be held at the Helaine Hone up ealr•Y, Jame•re 7th. ISOB, Ottereest the boars of 11 A. la. and 1 T. N. O=anSIMMMI rarA!! ELF(' lON for Eleven " IML Irttwces Wel:wars I. •It . aol J :a M. tiIIUDON. BANE or PtTTlOuront. irittantrelt. December 7. lira. arTTIE ANNUIL ELECTION for B•ar Dirtoo, to re, a fur the en ealf liph . 7 ll/I . be ee'4 at rite IlheY, as betreeen lb. bout. J. Y. BEADY, Jr.. Croltler. Irten , allNaniONol. Bonn Or eninnonen. I Pooombor 7;1,7. f VirTHE ANNUAL ELECTION for N no Dirocto , •. to sons for en • 01 ryear. Will he held af the Ranking flume, TO.'l MUSD& J.uoto bstwoom {hr TO. gr • '" 600 3 .401 ' ,Ef. HILL. Cashier. MON LITT Bo THE - ANNUAL ELECTION YON THIRTEEN DIRECTOR& Le helve & ink Wag Int the (W31.0W2' 'tor. Will Do held at Ills lk.oo. 1131[3111.Y. January 114101. Eetwreu the bears or P 4. wed • r. ooihlivoye 4. Aw..Tyi W. r e ! bler. ar THE As AL iguL ELEiunolv h( Direttary WWI )10066 1010111,1111 41 IIIIORUEGB, WUI flag place et the matt,, Hoe.. between bhu tours or el , v..n S. and two r .. on TU1181.4.Y. the Ittrk der of January It IL w KAY: teeter. For h. Pa.. Deo. Otb. It 4, _±,./.lt, °Z.'47l4enr'At".°R.. - °I4tUT. 3 41 5 : Rye !II 0 rli;t: hlnueny OIVLN • tbai partoth hip liachco.Tllol/1111 J. ARUM 1 ON. JOHN hiPl H. B, : w if,h We , hither ihdotylp Of •• _ • , Urereton, Johnston &MMus, Wan tralolved on ebe 'lnn ;lay of !Wm:3W ler, by len•lthdrawrorJOUN T. 4011 N o All debte...• to sod LI the ..td paztlienklp wpt be settled by the rergalqluc ww •aatou• the saes tie. Orm sad 041. of BlatieZTIJN t WlLlt9it. • T. J. J. T. JoHNeTuN, H. 11. WlLLlNS. rilTezopoir. tittll7o /Zi 7 (ei Pe reitig.) :44 IarRELDIBOLD3I • 331701317 caftan ears for Drams of the • Bite.:I 4 I .I O %biIMHAVEL, 1/091157. Ana all diseases of toe URINARY ORGANS. Whether catmint, In MALI OS IGLEALT, te r? ‘ in whatever canoe orleirmUng, aad no Mat* HOW LONGSTANDING. //hews or •bese area. reclaim the nes of • diuretic. If no treatment la submitted te. COO pomp:lon .open may ensue. OarPleati nod Blood arehem thesis waive& and the HEALTH AND HAPPINEIds, andd that of Posterity, depends upon prompt nee reliable Comedy. HELMER/Lire EXTRACT BIIOHI7. Estabilahed upwards of IS rents. Prepared by . 11. 7. Druggist, GI Broadway. New Tort, and lei eolith lot h SL. Philadelphia. Ps. Sold by all Ihneeista. se/I.M ar RELIT UOLIPS CONCEN. TRATE') VA - TRACT 110CSIU 1s the Ote•t ele , retly HeennOLD'A CON.NI . II/1120 HiTiukey dale le the Idreat /Mad Th riller. hoth are prepared according to rule. of l'harepac7 and Chemistry. end net the laaa al• lite that can be [mule. Sold by Wallace§ nee] ywhere. settlterP PE4TE3IE FOE THE ILLNDEMACIULT Monies'. `• Night Blooming Corer.. Inaleo'. “Night Bloomin Ceresm* Phalan's ••Mohr 11leamiag Cerelnu P6nlonb ••Night. , Bloesateg Comes: Mama% "Alight III•eaelog °e e..., A most exenlelte, deiiraa utd Pricresst Pmts. Iloteled from the rare stud beautllMi *e fret ahlok It takes Its name. Ilaanfartzentol only by ; PIIAL Off & SON, Nave York. BEWARE OF COIMTERFLTTEL An FOR no ALOE'S—TAKE NO . OTNEIb IerHELNICIOLDN EXTRACT HUMID AND IMPROVED MOSE WASH cures ...int and delicate dborder• In all their manta, atllttle expense, no no ebmige in diet. no Inconvenience and no exponent. n Is pleasant In tots and odor, immediate In Ha salon: and tree Dorn all Itif 0 iloas prone elle. . , , saftairwr ItarWM. BARNHILL & BOILER MAKERS • lITO SHEET IRON WORKERS, Irci, 20, 22, sit and 22 Peal stat Steered • lame yard sad 1110110144 It the molt LPO. - •••3 anal:dna?. me an bra O ea Co manelbetere eve., deserlpunn a< Bob. ers la the best manner, and srurantsd soool On say made 10 the *pantry. Manus, Breed. bin. Tire Beds. Meant ripest Lneonsotres Boil ers. Condensers. Belt Pan& ranks. 011 BULK Agitators. nettling Pan., Holier lroo. Briageo.. duos Pans, aid tow ounutoOtnotio Oy SLUM -11111.4.2 PATIN T 801LX22, goootrias &me on Ins Mines. none... IsCest - t m ; • siren health advisor to It frame and bloom to the valid arm Dety is accompanied by natty alarming I yap tc.o and it no treatment it salmilited to. oonsomp • •• gruouiresoN, REA & CO., L^ ntaec.• cint Ltosizass. MINIS 1131.TX141.) WASHINGTON WORKS, rolliaderssatd Ilseldsll4ll4PlSlsinarill• ItsinaktUtrei, or Bast and sisiloien Stumm SAIC.A. Blasi Bashi., Mal Masktrerv. Sur. Lot. 00011100 . Curtiss, of all elfserlStfonsioll nalui mid SUM. Dollar sad Sleet b., Wolk. Cliatt No. IA carat, Tint aat eloUthl•l4 Pis. iirtirsata for 4117S.LI1D'S 71.7ur JZCIVB for teed!. Tatiana. .•11.10 arENFEEIRLETI AND DELI. CATE CONteI t ITITT/OXO. of both .0x.., Cit• Itobtalotles 112trolco IMMO. It Will ere elt sodertorittle henna". sod roable Mt to oteeo welt. otoleatlrr • IgirLAE.E airriemost COPPER. MILL & SMELTINLIVORILL PARK, MOM= & CO., Bana.•amtann of alleathlatleer 994 Bolt Uno.r. Pressonl Copper a, ltalrod BUJ WilfAVVerlf ll 6 32 lnltt i l . , l 7=llm " Constaatly !mad TUMOR • Wareboera, Mo. 140 I . l.N i ntl> 094 190 09C101D 61TRIVT, Pittalmtgb. Suacul onloro or Omni . eat 10.9.7 4serot nuera. • 9041011401.1. E NO MODE VNPLEI. SANT.II4. UNISATIL •RILIECUtird for atm, and dad/m.o. dlsdaues. Ur KU.. uoLD'a cAn...krr BM= AID UMW/. ROM W. ae1:10,17 arTHE HEALING POOL, lE= r'di A tilgaligLiZllytoi and the nnlitlntk •11thele and hteLAII pe*bifl n h 4., "_tTlPZ_rJr'26r,,lit,="sreinnt renes."nent In Unmet tether eneelops* Rea et Ad4.llt ex 21.4.17 tar BEIATBOLD'S FLUID EX.. THACT HUGH U ;W. , In tAttit. sal metnue .or. tr. la ran &II tAltitlous itratmett-A. mtd Its ellon. _er ttnry_ . GrAIDLNCT A. SCOTT. ' • DENTIST Jro. 216 PEAVIr STREET, totaßtnis • rrrminitint. IarTFIE GLORY OF • MAN 81 1COT11.—Therefore .1 . •••• awl debllltstad should Ilanualately w e MlA no.,* illt•Cf OtCEt. _.2.ihwonr titrINANDOOI) AND TOVlrti. TOL VIOOII R rmg.t...j HNL.. 110!,WO TX, %ACT Bram. •Okanry IRTIIIILATTERED CO:VIRTU. TIO , IB RYSIIIIALD by Uas.W.D. Irant.!.cy BEFtp,__ 6ap,SoapiCoodSo) NATRONA 3=103:1 SAPONIFIER Ocmoentruted Lys. 2 Ch. a It far Merin' Hari Soap. TWELVE POUNDS OF SOFT SOAP FOR ONE CENT. Every Family can lake their Own Boap. ALL VARIETIES OF SOAP. Co. neatly Made ea . Cup 4.1 Cogroe. Is a new Concentrated Lye, for making Boap, Just discovered In OltiiittLattp, m Trtz Ammo tau; end is composed mainly of Alumbaate of t3oda, which, when ralzal with Rim Us 3 TAT, produces the BEST DETERSIVE SOAP 11i TIDE WORLD. 1 Box will make 171 Iba good Solt Soap, or Its equivalent is eupertiot Hind Soap. o,,begeg try all Inwegists and Groom =I or PULL 11110121131 t>ln Ltd SOLI/ Dodoes eau obtalo it velgoloado basso, ogok souttalulag 41 blimp. at a Ilborol Moecoul. of Mi. .4.1...1. Simon an& Dr.llbt V on tho torus &ad.:Wooer lb. 11.11.4 1441•111, S. OS CPTIIRD PEXEMIT) Osearal Aim* :113117/4. mum HOPE SPICE MILLS. 1.3 ITM/PXII. ItiNELMAIT d firs vs.irs. alnenosaara to 4. 1). DnaYo. nalaulactersra and Daatesalls alt Mode of aWlenly A n cilisprisu LK% Pi 1/1 and Y 4 YOU lind WT. MU pssst Bayley. 0.1 Meld wsd faun Cola Meal always .s/ hand. Noselloo done to order promptly. Wagon •trlll call for Roaellem tad eettratemer deliver atm day. STOVERISTOVERI FREDERICK SCHULZE, • Copper. Tian mad 'hoot lava Ware, babe la Caller,. Cooklse. Parlor awl Heating btOves. Penner. Allt.lllll and Block w 11.141, No. 111 WYL•llebTfltST, sear Ws/Ma/d • l. leaa,oend and 'loan! Ware, vole:dm!. and retail. sir An JObbilag sad Myst/ling prospUr itteaded to. FEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ME 111BASURY DEPRTME ff3=Ell PEN :mamma, nzays,' 'C:PTIC:I3EI VII HIM Of 111 A N S CEEM COMMO wealth of Pennsyl Due July Ist, 1808, E roLLowrsa lc) .AL 741 - s , Due ] uly Ist, 1868, EM32l2' DEEMED, WITH INTEREST =I OP PAYMENT, OR PEE- Fanny and Mechanics ] N tional Bank, OF PSI .11.3:13111.7.a IP MILL, Loan of March 271 h, 11539,41ue July lit, ISIBS. Loan al July 19th. 1839, due July let, 1969. TSUEST OY THY ABOVE LIi.A.MB WILL CEASE ON THE Err Or JULY. En. MUM Mall, key d nide. 111 l V: lllTlllti, Ld.leeJ. T. P.llllll, Pile !nuirer. Comalidesera of Illsklikg rood. HARRIS & EWING, Wholesale Druggists, Car. at Ll&strtv & AIL, P/T2131113)1GH, Pd. env lase C4illats7 Trade 1144.141011. dada SUGAR TOTE FOR HOLIDAYS. • L•NUT. LMON, WZ WILL I.Z.LL 'As • Law as all House la the City. SHIIPHABDI Steapi confectionery. 317 Liberty Street. I ESTAMMIIIED J. T. WRAY BROS., roccmuss ro Y. corrocs,r, STEM CHICHI MIRY, so. mull 81 /rein agrydf, PII,IIIIIIIIRON. - WOW FIRST CLASP LOOKING GLASS MID PICTURE FRAME MANUFACTORY. J. LYONS, uo Wood St., Pittsburgh, grAs4. B sssit sag autarrtsais to mir e Llis WAIMIT,IIIVALWat 7141:011VBR011t PORTLIAIT Ind rianlax /WU* Carlota Congos, lisacts sad Hamm. Osasols, Tripod sad Jamas& Tstdos st sipslalte degas sad liTiMatirr) szonsonre .Ziontf;l la Um sod:1111KM IMHOONIASER k SON, aprimnsialszacwaic White Leadand Color Works, WILISTIMD HUI X.A.D.„ .. _ L4 hfaiTii #llBlifrailizxn. end all solar* Ora or In oil. Oftee,lllo. 07 101011T8 • • rl Illrbartr ' l l t - tI 4 4 I 9 S At a i td 9$ LW ' gnat. All V, W. 47. _FEUD, MILIAN 13r GLUZ, CURLED FLUB, Tanners' Scraps, Ccroons, CATTLE TAILS. Bones, Neat's Foot Oil, &0., prrrsnozau. PA. JOHN D. BAILEY & DUO., STOCK AID IEALESTATI'IIOKIIIS 41111 AllOll9/1/414111. ttfif ritirdiarlitttorito , %Zit =.• aura ►arat d either Mk pouttloO of tbe ooard of Tos4o Boom.. ► Pao aStestlaa pal 4. as Walston, to tho We of goal Zama as private sala. 4.4 • Vilfe.l l rdlittg 11 . 14 . 111 AW ." "W. no; /to. a mamas.. JOS. aura. ME&&&& & HARPER, POUR, MIN ANI PRODUCE Commission = Merchants, as9JAPSZTT r/TIIIIVIGIEL • Scraturatorr—./ B. II CoAlar 12. lisunasi M"1" 1 mo. as.. u. danam MARTIN LLEBLER, • DIAL= IN • HATS. CAPS AND FURS, ♦leo. Nsatttmann , r. Wholesale WI Reiall Dealer 4 TRUNK'S,. VA1,41/21, am, XL 1119 ni Pltembantb, los Ordrmi promptly 111•41, sa4 tratlastrllon anteed. J. D DATTDDEI W, STAMP AND STENCIL CUTER , lwity 111 , 41.1. •topostto w.. 41 .• IRON . /12:1ZPet.IND Brlib ,NZPLAUII. ALPHABSTeI AND lb. iorall"Artnill 170.%1 eleaeon.s.lt/o. NrAOZIITS 41 We WILL KEEP Oril 111 AND TznrveriNvit u arq g i& lin via. I'l2 3 Ri 4 4. 4it it g I.l . , ,itzstms Wmatrarem.-zuns WO pal. 1.1.11111.4:11.111111NATIM Inn. IRON WORK WOK AMMER,. Nir COUN VI( WORK 11 Orsrmaw.taltru,:taitur V'lNgsAiX Los required lathe motion al the abate Mutt folio oforni•Deo old. wool ak . f Ootollod plans sad rprolliositaan al ofile• Of rim it Mow, or4h j a p ottilda i n. „ 44l . l. Wend oad kointh Iltiab7;'6,, W. b. , abut CARPETS. OIL CLOTHS. & SLEIGH ROBES, SLEIGH LININGS, NEW STYLES AND NEW PATTERNS. 12::=14 a gi d ct..Z.er.,.X ......'" ' R. 47 Mt M IN THIS MARKET. Blight mud Hindiums DBUGOETS And psur. IRBIL for MOO LlaIno: CARPETS, OIL CLIYTES. ac.. at .1111 LOWER PRICES. 0144IlitR McCLINTOCK & COMPANY, del: xi.. 22 rirra siam. 1867 . WINTER 5T0C11.1867 . CARPETS, MATTINGS, OIL CLOTH, ' WINDOW SHADES, DRUGGETS, MEDALLION DRUGOETS, • MATS AND RUGS, TABLE AND PIANO COVERS, ALL-WOOL INGRAIN. A good .sortment, VXUV LOW /BIM. BOVARD, ROSE & 00., Ni FlLlttiStraiit, de? (OVER BATES t 8Li.L.15.) CIBPErd 'AT .COST. For-a Short Time PREPARATORY TO TAKING STOCK Very large Lisoriment of OIL OLOTHS, WiLudpWi Shades, Etox.x..ei_ivrosis r Cheap Afl.Wool Ingrains. McCALLUTA BROS., 111111tili Street. albeva Wood, acat ENGLien WOOLEN DEUGGETS, CRUMB CLOTHS, NEW PATrnRN9, DRIUIIT COLORS, T QUALIFIES, LOW PITIO.=J. 003 COLLINS, 2=12 x_. 71 & 1.01 CHEAP .ALL• EMI i.ran.ms =En la bright a010ie,..1 te to SL.N per I. • =3 111=331 KoI!AILLAND COLLINS, • 71 •XD 77 IP 8 ISTIIZET. novels w English i apeatry BRUSSELS ICARPBTS, =2= ECti==l Me COLLINS, =! COCOA AATX ,AT ALUM/ACTA AAA' PAIOZE, AT WHilblXlll AND RIMAILL. NaFARLAND COLLENI, WE= 4 CEM ORY GOODS. BARRED FLANNEL! TEE WELL KNOWN -sarr‘r_,t.NNlNE;l BARRED FLAINEL, In Black and Bed, = BLACK AID WHITE, AIL LeAL1T.4131,211 11111C4Cifailr. AT MANUFACTURERS PRICES! AVELROY, DICKSON &10., 54 Wpod Street. 1867 . FALL .TRADE. 186 7. . lIIBIPISNOT, SHANNON & CO.. • Whatisale Dealers= DRY' GOODS Na. 115 WOIM SIMIZET, Pittsburgh. Offer al ra.t a yrime Dresi flood., Prints. Oleehalls•Cle Seem Tweed... (pthg, .11.M...tuas F. • al. Cssaimeree, Plan. agile, Shawls. advt.: Watt Omens Stesebee rallT r li o ons i ns=!OVlVereVittg:ol home Innauameee. sre u astu n nti „ff t. tkailLr rit”. Milllftr:Orn,l,l)..ll;'',4ll"l'"l..°l - at Mt tam In' de iiazzmnizzltaid to call and examine oer ".".?" 7 ". aitarnrear. fIABII, MI CANDLESS & Utsta woaoa. oar • wilonceazic Eir.A.Laßi! u. F e EIREION AID DOMESTIC DOYE/DS. 50.% WOOD MUM', • nut leniao alma DiameadTV. toloti I ) Liolo 4101; II 5t ;4 :44411 Winn. W.fionnscu, Oonfeotionery and Bakery No. 000 pltiTilltal.D STREST.• Hotwoop eatonit, sod Ltben? MIMS PALoON ntuenM. SUNDAY SCHOOL CELEMIA; TIONS, PI CMOS, DUO= PAYTI.M. furnished with MID ben- log oiF.Aar. coartoTiolvain fe At the knnist pita =don tacalionestualoe. 67 a,:rm-crio wasciwraura 111 DIAMOND. Allultony. /Mai • FOR BALE-R.2IAL E pail SALE—Two Lots. eh 30 by MO rect. on Warren o geet. • ten bed f.3rY and Wyatt's. etre... nthl erected meate nary frame barmy of tour too.. ad base- Ouches, On. ..Id lots Is • no good it tint water, a bae-neon, tome 3 change! ire ems I its , within no o tutlY. of COI a city, near the liar of • rall • Also. ine bra.tHotel In In duct s norogg • adlutis, Use • aunty seat et Inducts c ots y , Tts . Is • lax, four story Inlet building. rooms and • D.SC....lst undue the sr. oty - and ti sitaated on tbe aortae of Prillsiclr • al s mut - street.. on a let (0 he 411 feet us et.,l 0 - etattes le teams Louse 2s by OD f ad as. wood house In the lola, store II ream dilute,bs nu, a rants stab yinby re alms. • 10b f..et , on sealers!. e frame ute, • en a: • leery slant . te rop sv bus ratotly ban palmed nylre • l 't4:s'n'sToOs's'ilolv°.:oillno, mbar very at. an II *polled fors oon. Also, • .o r em of I,: scrag: a• tas to• cash customer. Tras (amt. In snenifs, Westmoreland county, tree Tel .• .11.10 f Latrobe, etatlOrt . fM fee Penn& et lOSCIV• of a nand Sind. ander goal re nits residue 5.2 m. 4 in gam toad. oak. b lack 4 *km'. Waoliwoonsit and lantst timber. • • ant rate teem. In • hi.; eta, of cult n wi th goal. nd fOrefuttsbls Whale., • • a hogs of 8 teenttlt IStBO bare,6o y fee bay coal and !Malone omits. the 41101 e tra • •I Is cons Ver.lent antra.. sho ots, mills For further putt.. ennui.* N.B. T 03211 sea Estate !cent, CRC 2,000,000 A ire con mos MM IK BY :az I= Union Pacific Rail :Me., 13=EMEM Lain. along the Una of thoif $l.OO to $5 oe Pe jAcre CREDIT Or !WE ZEM 701 . 1liellen4nr., maps, ae,....2 • • Joan P. Dik • ,• •-, luid,CaragaslOner, lo • Or, (MIAS. IL LA*llO4, . GEE= WASOLNGTON CO. F , • Pan hALS-1. tract of 4.50 sere • of arida =ls cleared, and ltie remainder al tired with fine "Mite eat Umber Equated Ph • eat Find lay townahle. Washington county, , ale. Loath of Weal Alexander, and h( of mile Rom Haney tat I. onvenlent to eh rotes •411 achoolt Mason It two 105 bonnet. ...me stable Lod grata hams; ad orchard et oti.t acres of Toone OPTICS. peanc.xemlies. PhirM Boa water in seam held. • Axrcr TCP M. f. 33Et.4 A Seater In Blast sad Seel Apollo Budding. • ••, 1•.',1 FRAME COTTAGE, SITUATE IN MT; WASH! !TON, Wttblt TS utloutusi welt of the If .uougsbela bridge. is 'he house cautalusliee to tlteb u, eater and eault. Lot 103 feet tura •01 feet deep. fronting on three Streets. Oa be led aus 410 lull betel,. gtape..4 tea. oft,. differs,: darletles. nd with all blots at thrubbe ; suck as acu...ernes, bleekber , les veal, j r rrant. e'ito. peach, pear. apple, lace and abort, tree.. 6111 be sold cheep. ' utra • STEW. &'• /Maker. 11.1 RAM /MAW bit, EIZIE=2=I plElott SALE OR BENT. Ct P • term at CarDenter , s Station. o e the Cle se era] Railroad.. containing Jin la a d; 1171101:1 . 7an71:0d,:rtalMfirl . . ° oral other Panall. In good localities sally Is,. proved. which will 'seU 050.0_aao on ssoatti ble terms. Also, a number or good b. • g lei the 0117 and allannba. For runher particulars._ e of W 110 Resat Waite ' Opposite the Cathedral. A COAL WORRS FOR : ALE. sDable of 71'.°Z.f ralV, one. male, sod all t h e neeesmy for • rgl , rgorol o ctlt'4l, l ,l l l:A r r.i7: l l6 . .TVA onlnable work. on the Monannahel• ter: oeLll he sold low and on !rood term. II Apply to W. A. AMMAN. Mal ?At,. nnee. Nn. let I/rant cadooelte Conn Id • I 10,10 nOUSE AND LOT von ALE. Abutted at 00rner of /Webb and ebbo litreets, rlttaboryb. Lot Ya cytt Ha teat. e . s• tendlo xf.r4 front; hydrantlraler BANKS AND HART, CA Bankers DORMER THIRD rirrairvir a.l GiiIICUISESOES TO HAILS, BART lao3o Exchange, Coin, Co pons. &IN particular a Atte:WWl paid to particular nd . a / a of GOVERNMENT. B ', ND& If= ID It HOLES & JEI&At.rq3MM Mo. 57 Market Str arricuP' D•pailta rewired In lrar lands sack 6 . Collections =do on all Um principal paella of Ida United Mates and Canadas. Borks, Bonds and Other iitteuritleo • BOIPE4HT LID SOLD ON 00.110CIE3IOL porUalar atteatior; 6014 to the toirr.kaso arid We of U. S. Seadrities, lacladbur D. 0.0[210 U 7 1061• do. do. 1...5P0z • U. I. IrIVIS 10.401... U. B. UIIitTLTUULTELI U/ 12iDEFIZILDNLi4. Order.add voocherstocidu or Oullecuod. ISYSTONE SAVINGS BIM. 293 Liberty Street, • '•• rrrrsarkeu, PA. THIS BANK WILTs s OiN A General Banking Business, IV !Mr krt OX Monday, November IStb, huh Accounts of Banks. Hankers and Kerchauta ate tuvited. ' Cannelton, made od all mints In It,. Utdand Gates and Canada. • Interest allowed on Time Dopoalo. UNITED STATES UCURMES BOUCRIAND SOLD. • Gl6O. T. TAS GOREN. cashisie: DOILLAIt • SAVINGS BANK, No, 65 Fourth Street, CHARTERED IN 18551 MINIM J1M9.21.9)11 Open catty nom IP to no•cloce. Motion WMines. umber l et, evenings, &Ma 3tay /DM No in, Mom 7to o'clook, And from No vember Lt to May Lt, from 4 to a o'clock. • Darman. received of all sums of not 'en than One Dollar, sad a ddend of Me prollts dow• clued twice a year, in Jeu. and December. la. teen; nas been declaredseml.alitomily in Zone end December since the Bank tem organised, at the rate of six pen cent. •year. Interest. It not drawn out, le _rimed no the arsdlt of the depolltor as prluelpsT. and bears the same return - from the erat days of June and December. compoundlew twice a year withoel tronblinn the depart to call, or even _ pretent Ida yam boot. At th tor ia rate money d to ontde in lora lban twelve yeam. Beeke contalninx tbeOharter, Rale y and peynlatlons, famished hvallik appilesUon at UM office. John 0. - Ilachofen, A. ll.taloa, Dew. L. Fahnestock. Heber. James Herdman. Joke H. Ithoeubsegar. James MnAuley. James l.l ehldle. ames B. D. Meade. Alemader Speer. fwd M. Pennock, ' Christian Ymner. TIICIPMme, Wm. J. Anderson. Hobert C. I.ootnll, YoTPO. A iItMy. . 11111 IK° P. Manball, X.-^(,e c Cootie Block, John MarahW, riotgw tri"' PAT V l ', Jobit ' PrvaN ocomp. lob% W m, iinbmentat Alexander, Peter IL Heater , Whit= Vinthinh. ' Illehard ily t lesso Whittler. T A VIP A:j-b HAAL In . P G W' Mi " . 4 lincemany—JAW It. IA It !mini. et: W BOY; wro. 60 Fourth Mese. C3MW.I2.II.IdACCI . zgete. Lateran Paid as Tim. Depoil . ..• Any slaw rovatwed trom One LaMar upward. la D•plallit/ sabjest tV Cheek. vrilhout • I.ll.iluulthr DAILY. it. 12 craboox., President—THOMPSON BELL. Vice Prestdent—A.A4MIESEALL. DIO.ICOTOEI.3. • Terostretox J.. 1, au.r4lirri. JORN D.m..sza., A. ra. • • OtOOkdoleters to ttbam wo maitreW ortyll"ls.smtmhorito , •.M Nowt Willie Molten, • tionry LaaMoMt. U. W. U. Oldoell. A. M. ttramA. S. M_ outton- That. ItAlse. A . LLEGLIENIt SAVINGS BANK, ALILLixisir.BIY, P.& Clirsv"sa.laseml izs, 184adr EITOMIHOLDEILS INDTVIDULLY 'SLIME ~Depoelte reselved sod six sty *sat , interest Ito„ Op time desolate. Tsruealsr *elastics ~ TT'l =Tiislnt . .ri ' idirae l idqtrrie r lZ: B. Wettern, Dtp ~ J. T. dioadslci, A. Astisy. I /rack Thrum, • Llssander Dane D. Maus.. • • .1 1.1151.11114, President: JOHN W. BIDNZE. cubist. mil EM YEESC4,LLANEOUS DR. J. SARGENT'S FAMILY: MEDICINES. DR. JOHN SARGENT'S Anti-Dyepepilo and Liver Pills, ClLkirdlN CUILN ?oft Liver Coma Inhale, D7ap.D.la. Blllena Jaundiee. 110 k Ilead-delties c. d.. /Lb THE RILIFII4ORDINABY AND Tic-Irtriwavfezr,c'b.' LaNrtirracisrrr'Lllm Itt:tprta4rAmblle. th arras tees smelt aae =a:prof thou 'eh , t‘ rrrir 7 ltatitleTVll ' etat tt7jC7= 2 , rt&l ' iltVrtf Vec , rATAttl: I . lo . A y ei I.IVIIP. PALL& There are no other welt' have 'dram etiall meet the rerlatreatent olr tgr bniel= r theme. • • I cannot...if ammo, enumerate the OM.. fOr which these Fills are bendiest, hat whenerer.• cathartic is necessary. they will 'firm a arierolY cot c tVorr t . boson, ;Th ral !Ty": the tattoo• Off disease; they epep those ebtheiorY r. mels which am pry Into the briwelet Nth. a health) lotloll to the Liver. enabling it to throw off el comet boson; they promote the secretinn orbit., ,old digmt Perth the blood. .4 will , in a short ume, restore the body to melee( sound Imaitht tibererni.a..-1 hls di/guessing 'malady—. pronaleut n oar coeutry—ls united el ...et of tone in the Moinacti, she tuna sylubtoins of whlch me as follows: e. pain or nomelnese Wien P.MUM below the sternum or bream' lone, brutimes, attended with ecnrernetatinn (water or Imart-borntl • disposition' UV vomit. ' ks% 11 tfiiiir Afti i t irthro:Por icss of memory: a vertigo.. uncertain appetite: g%:: l =ll:ld",',:st.7.l4:4 lo urgt: chin • d It Is seldom that pal est he above symptom. aril found hi the mum at 'one time; any of the ZhertfOre, it a eolith.* Indlution•of the 'presence' in of tue diseare and needof this Medi. re. • TOR. OA•011DITT /1.1111-01^8PEP , 10 AND LIVER ML.nee... fah to corinf thls 411•••••., end. taken Inecedlnt to Ina dlote.lons. attach • leo of Ow navy carttheal es could Wt . " tut rti• h tgq - i " vtritri:rm Inspire halt-Wt confidetiCe toat D on• UN VIII • • in " L AW n N ir e D , r. JOHN B LITL A C R. i L irr-D t er Mn ten e t - O D & I• M . e J • - Sias is kart:negate etionlieu yltb you saistlsuus peptic and Llyer rant they sell to tulle my drug store I ner• Won nein them to 73+7 UM, ilea also, viii. ' the , best enumottences.• I find them lb , made elaclent or tiny &Ilia I al r ast wed.. I have been fiequently mtohlshed a& the lame amount of bile papered by so soma quantity of pile even. I raven ym le tend sae • teeth sapoly touniallately, se I navelwort sometime without. .11. DIN BILITIAJe se le Sym.Arryna.A, to motion - pen to send me otos of your Amp R peptic elite by mar. ;t bare nos barn abt e bi a', (tem eines 1 mat slim/betty. cum. do wl•hoot teem; they have •one me so Man mere good than slip other niesliallay .ter rased. I DO pe Tau ICU sista sinite demote°. Prolfaitt, Metl./tattoo get them wbea I want. .1 illst sure ) will let Mat If blown. • Tony comobance with the above will Othie ritaargENtf.: :Roca POINT, Bel -0 r` Q, PA.. February ibies. r . wild s lan • Alter entering for limper. wild Ply?? Comne attended with b.... Re. and Dili, went remedied, I tfas Induced te.try your pil olden zellayed me Imediaie.y, and I take plea/tor la recom- Mewling tnem to all era le ss thaw “m, Verr truly, leers, D. I.D. RUMAT. .11oC•INTen, FA., lfCt.-Irr. SAnOutty-s won. elder that owe my life to the nse of Your P.M.. sears I been tome Mom I woe miler cow. 11 ' 11%11 1 1 071i! '"1 , 5 1:3 tWeliTtetirtri lone DUI. fast etter. and I base no of tan dueler., Ism 1101 w ThU late canary that I bayou*. Dr. Serpa ti" L ar d? "feAll'ururd INVIrT. - °°`" r ° .1. le Dr.VINli Y. .Net lirlebton, re, JOT L 110. riAIMIONTia ANTI-I/TarILPTICI AND LTV= rll i.e esti be had of WI Drejclts--teab gutv mi.!' L. plebe 135 sure slail ca ntor Dr. ' t a k e Ispeptic not layer ruu, and take no other. • DR: ARGENT'S. 7.• 4:311:7 . An rri.d.rrepta to far I beromniets re 71 1 i l d i t g ai r l Pr fifi D i l i 1 5 ! W T l' ) r il a :l 52 . 11A SWEAT& NAMING , r THE LUNGS, 10X08 DI& ALEGEN'III COLOR MAIM Cantata. nothitia Walton, bet eau be' lain ty the wtb ri•rifeet safety. it dons not Or, by • mutt wool. at Use quails prep... Mons do ihat an ow loodlnit the countly. but loosest the pities from to mimeos surface of tie moncnist to . and imams Its ertuctors- lat°6,l;a. Wbegvinif subduing It gprorAtregilltt . Ole re rifylooverell lion. at the rtgralai. Nile benrlct I. tam mlnotas, teal ems; nedfo eltimalt 5541. tirei to ULeatlunr When %%Way lan In 1111alite. taten aivlall e flee of .1 •tome ,B wa • 96 gIiGENTI EZIE Dytretto 71017. KEDNET I r Back•ache Pills, DIDIUIIIO __ AND BLADDER. The. Pills Near beta before the Wahl. Is this neighbor • • • • ler upward. ef thirty. two thers.dierteg w Ice t i me • her have morn cal* Parsemenu In fat resehrfal alto Minif Parse doom-Sans • troutdmaniediaasses4 ch ub Tnes bal. the .kip et the best Phyncisas. his fast la wed oared by the timber of won dered .ante. th have cdthted, some of long standar 4. re • of duty and thd wroth ne then of thasaut • 0 here experienced the Worth nal effects of eased.... impel. me to make t i gier c Ts. ". 11:11 4 .1 b ,Ig g ill "t tgr: otter medic., published for these complaint. the Can be ad LO every man', 000 e without the MY oft ph 151.0 t and tt Is a well known' .act that there a Ulo , aande who are eltter too isr removed t or Sr. unable to • procure the la of one who beef serried . them. - Ira t h dl tre n s7Vi g ' sZ i gi d al4l 'e plic e ityr. l l ' fined to cent In the erred Sr Indrm!ree omen ' :;;;Ir it7ar e utfrOAMllZl:s., " Trete" . _%r • tosou.4 ;cr. le k•avra by • derpmeasen pall in the Mull or tba eta. some tini.estand• Ina renad the I us to the abeelbt•l el a dell, h.'s. or bun, Polar *Standing from the bug - down ths i o r astntnity of the right ob. dome, to the Pah r part of the Odin. Sirs. dlr. gsulty is retool. cedln 11011ille the unr.„ sod -Maar nelson thed . with . tub ireeblesema dors plaint arson b•e endure violent enerclaei mat; when stop • ag.. hare danger In ammo.. as en ct poslttou tithing had letherellsotdmr eeettlem fo faith yenta al lostlag.tike Vlrtae*ZU cream , of im am ut•lne and *WS the advice of Ma. dim have sitlealed the goal elect. of I storsdromot d gener a ll y .ste be Paving that It wl I him Mil* The few certlecat. ntai aye ha tat tallet4L.. ate atlEADOeb • • . the. referred to at., . . . ' CAPE.: • . eta—rtblii • Is • titionn Tom tau. I WAS 'tar, matinsglicisd Si • sloseatpsta la lb. hits. sad treat stPicsity l voiding silos. 1 vs. eves... mended by Kr. stills so WM loam of yoat titissetlo Pict, Itch I dldr sad sr. ocifscuy tared, sad I b.-sot leis say pf the itoospist. beisissigh ess moat. • Ccio T. JOHN ISTZW4Hr.. - In I hare to Worts Tot oml, boils.. tow. lat Ufa ...Unity to Ulan: some Or To. Pills, lls Ws. utile/ sossiledve Ito era! days from aimless witbout efhot. grolie • Matt gigs lM g .111 ~domi mi ie ;or r.r.aralti a ' air ' "°, 1,1%T4 1 ., Ittr.g • • • . MARG.:IIKr BA er. ,1 mu ter A lons time alblated. ; %GMto be ebeelemlem la to ben I (Robed dawn / could r 1416.11' men? 1.7 . ha tam s. bats 'ghat t ack.go Mgt gonroetrrittt , .! atrrx.e... I• svar to other., • . I H./171 , 0+ wroYia AttiDeutecrotlZlSlMZs.is M AR4VA,NS cRAKERs ARE THE BEST IN Water Bitter Outer, Soda , Basioth Wine and Oyster Crackers, ..s.seset sviveezavez• Mewl. 1 0 /o. 91 Liberty tit rept, Ms3i,or roticra. S . S. BRYAN, 4EI BONDS, 1130'ZSTATE, • Jpono Buildipg. l'ourth . _ Auk, mania sad iftentw Dania; sad ail kl.d. of Mae bought awl Pia on eounloslo. DariPgp Wash; awl sold. ' IMO ij: ,kti E as!-INEw oP Wm. Ummonnemmr M. , W CANN:NU. .1 . . M.' F1amm....... ..,m~nyeer ~iixe ~t.a.Rer. = Plat •LDVaTSice. lb Preach bithgte, 17. 'MEL; 1:11122ZECI tDe ce:csrattd Sari;..) `111::TVIM:::iti:,.H1. De (Nieto o:l WON D LVZNIti , piesonteS. me R: es: IrOF.Ntell lirT, or, T lhotoldo. 11::4 v.. To cooc.odo 1.110-mo M=M Marietta Ear.}. It.r. P. E. oartrq pf MEEM - . 1:161PY Inca or moot. X DOS ONLY, NCLNO • IarACADEII POSITIVE:I' C 03.11 Monday Evenin l CRIMIts IHK-1 , Decembrr 23d. rid lititer, own, Illweesober ==l=2! ~ nu ..~ntos ~0~ n.ce ~ie ~ e m.wapq.+ ••01' Sant. elf*. t. , .. I &IMP SILL eibitoltlOn. MILT° TABLEAUX, =MEE ?bp soon extrAto ,, lliaalto tog toe mnn mt tight i t wlutesa 4 exhibition th tho world, nee 'tring 6 1104 W way herever :111214 bei ng and The Dupes ceivalrg tO the WY,. at SU to.a of aav PAUVAT% mi nor o st foe tbe last oeosatton to tho ast‘.' !non PoPoldtt ball. I X l3 g Spectacle, of Ina beinelAer a sgoot nvd .13 ••/n1 and Un la ralLll+L 1104+.1“.•• rld.r.hoWoolelblEll , lo,l3 %lb% ciemed .ortt • Va. , n elllee, Me larla.t and • Packed Ni t atter Night, Toreeks and thou an able often tarred away. unable to 'it %la h. Woes. dofind see too Utast Sp,otasle ofd TAIN AND Szs/IL dE1161,. tiUST halccdole.as tof lit art O. 31117231.1. II 2a'Stat•Zr.,l". Cando:sodas, or 1410. with dolma lit council to the earth Nee arum lieu thrannhChaos I I 7. - .171511 1 7 The Ed' ffarden—Adam and Mee—Their Do and E.l. Dolslon. 311N1k . ERS 'rke Elite and , rite'!lltgew t PaAroulte The elticeas of Plettlinrylt will please beer in , ethid that thls le not•I be P.norsmsoi MittooT Paradise Lost. teas. lies ....ore the mte., we've. out bilis. 01 tr bersolse intitating to 60 .0 tate at. ou• it of adremising-t as ' h.- la g tan great original :wool. Tableaux. trot, Wad., Ifingitto/.. and the ly entooieter sad Mettle:We repsesepts lun of 3 Da s.ltunT P tad 'so Lott In the world. Ail others In. lmltali , nit An able Elocutionist ,1•111 recite selected por• roes of toe Poem, • Ita Willing affect, enplain. leg each seem). ' 1 111 orotr tact all Must. of pearl, rimy hare tia cgiywituipty tt all this wonder/at exhibi tion, tee mile, ot admission is reduced as follows: V nen itette Ind Dreg. Circle 0n1y........ LS fence. r... , , circle.. , . 43005.5. tindery ..... 0 .. tmodas Ai evened eieed etats.Parnovt e a Dr. at r.. SO tent*. Ada salon to Metinee, ail parte ofitcuttint minty. .Onituren .....113 cents. lleterved teats eta be etlita without evil. Oar.. for SOT 0160 t dotin be g the week: At •,. U. : Mollat'll Stale Ittute. hi, Wood • troll,- whet, • elagrant at the semi yof Mimic eta re seen tn. r daf t from 9at id to 6 P. 55 , commenclaa . naTtrilll• r. La.& r :ISt. , at ars open la toe... are at r oielark. to Vail. mmiee at rif prtchiel Doan to Matinee open at 1 weloth F. 51., to c wmence at S precisely. dentletasnly Usher. 111 Oa taatt.adintee sad ha (Melon, Pollee Tor to preserve Citaer, Carriages may be o dated In, welting ,•5 9, The cabinet Organ sed to thsse ratans' meet. la one of teas e Is Zgymitten Pint Vol nut-ti a. Hamlin Wa. furuit bed by him E. . dation dm sole Arent r Pit...baron and Memo Ity, Sit r arcrooins. 31 W ...e.• , ) Clint.!BihrDVer.ttg"' CM arnmtaOFlC FORA SHOE ZIEN TIME OELY, Nome COME Tuesday Eventn. l ar.%ws~ieis j) T 622,100201 at I Wel • , rec.; 241 b, 1867:. amu? r.trwn untie. e. uA rOHDsY Al' EN=l rvel of tbi Age! LEIBIFIOS AND DIVIIIS I APOCA i= 'YPSX JILTED. ILL US -, • The Book of Be • THE VISION ....a to el.. to PI a ABLEAU. thowto door in klenyen *no • &Ads Of inatn--Inill • , • d to M load—Rol no • --The BM., of 1.1:.— , Hugs and le torus— IA rurpte—Death on Man—the Amy of Wr id—The Day"( Doom • , elation Unsealed. OF St JOHN: Y BYLENDID MOVIITO what. ht,Jo. a gaw. +hen 'Ar I 1'...MV,17 "gig nt:: i' h. Petrie,. ani•lth 4 " IV e . IPret: - -41:h * orol h—rn• lieren &Os Up.a. ha Bottomless Pl{—The . , As desorib•tby hlot I tan mere nit wan the IMILIS, and en• Ucoi of itevelitlone. 1.102 of the SGTOP ewlta tha VIsloo;of the, DAY OF UDOMENT ND • FERUSALLEIII. • The whole CORDrIII nee the wain, as ain, Viste re late t'a Book et et velatlons. and ercerntlag Le slur. th e most STARTLING LED ÜBLIME bPECTOCLES Vouchsafed to man. nd ontorevealed:to St. Sobel, • the •thelcsiod rlple.. that the World. Unease eta, asfyht to rate s asses that mast so D 111.4 and plc Ire for Nose THE GREAT DA OP XIS WRATH! Whoa loses hall be 'able to ' stand. Sons the uterlstl. sad Shiner Glee.° tes booe d ' Ike Ayes. bolls/Sees tell or I ter i caud Eternity, and rep ll'itirtklOSlß OP . THE RIC/quEt , ITS,' THE 13.011 Of THE WtelIED. *dot =Cents. no Malt Pelee. Doors opts at A 0 Cook ; Exhlbl.lote to ells. aarame at eet , ~e : 512 ?allt . a1 " ; °* I ' l l ia Uß O U ll Y teal F L a " ;s " l' cOa T " deSel CHAS W. RIGGER. Jesuit.. THE NEM 11 - Ar • THERAXIII AND FESTIITAL FIRST ONIVER 4 ILIsT (lIIRCII, t c , WILL OPEN T CllY HALL , ... THIrkiBDAT EV.Bh NCh LEOIiMBER. ]7TH, A... wit' De oven •set efts:tsars and rret.lnat. • and Skids bat a a rearal, Mtd Wessling. motel social ent x Corneas itud,atansernents bate teen arranged It? the ose.r• on. r- iargo lot of neural and ornamental 'islets,. together .with Chtlatinas and how Years Yrerenta. a urn assortment of Jewelry. and suitable Italtreshr men*, sueh MI listen, Fe. Cream, cages. Cas al, Trull. 43 . hay, been prepares. and win be • aid Age d by t il e. Ladles, roc sale*. the Haut 'Admission *3 eent3; ellthlrun under twelve learn 53 611 t, • : .• . . 84r ; Tre (I.A.ND PrOIICSADV. taker Direr 4.3 •.trelll l69 ately 11.11ar erning.tra Nall. star r. 6 I arOIIPUAN rEL ELEMENT OF THE CATHEDRAL. dole Open Every Evening otter 2016, ffiE3loiii - N - t - TAILORS WINTED' GOODS. E HOUSTON & 00, • Fashleilable Inerchani Tailors. 110.37 I'LFTE BTIIEET, naT4 jut nutrodo soulsd supp'y of I Winter Coatings Together. with MI of CLOTHS. CASH!. h -ILO hod VtriTistig. /Its iourutout and Hoye' itHADT NAVE () sO Lugar te u Os SLIM. at lulus to omit the Wm.. MIS - • - p: mcAnDLE. Vercbtant Tanor, tro. 991 Smithfield St, Pittsburgh. ' Seeps cOnitaary oa hand a Zneusorlaatanot CLOTUR, CIS SIEFSES dt VESTiNGS., ILSO,•GUITLIMWS FURNItHifiGG CDS.. OINT , B CLOTIIeNtI lILD7. TO 118D7.11.10 the latest Str,.. MERCHANT TAILORS JONES a BUIE, fN. 3 PT. CLAl . ll l 3 , lg r in fi DtiMit raMmiIm O . I V.TINEIS. ttOuATllius. So., which 'lvy prroned ent awl male op In style equal to ny ehop In the ent or Inn, thee rre oetersolor oto des., se 4 . nDe W receive 0100001 pa , ron age. to=,h34 AUCTION • SALES BY anirssox .PAL-11FJit & CO SIIMIT,9II ulue, CAR-- aUCTIOX, • 0. m 0.0411% Dec. 431.1tta the a on Urn forniabeaselt of hnOsettlil4 OttY). In. samba ...7n. parlur and lx rereotion charm, te-*.teliril, Marble too Waal, 'Pelona nerd. robe. 11 top orogen. bum... enc.:o..d wt h Stands, N. too,anles, raey robot, • awed, coltaaa beildearl. calla diet. 4.4 wood ahem parlor. c :man. and ball e.rpera. 'lair rook Moine and k Innen tank. , loner. sod clamor., alunlee a-P.140, Vg.. k tl g eTlerrrt:ei ' llrV i ,7l . e . .1311tatun, te..LN tv. - a ' ll v e;;11. dear . Samson PM. stro.t.; BY A. Nei/MAINE. • IBANIK. STOCKS. um*J.r-70113om1Na EyLl7l2lO , l'ecernber as ag oyel orlll ac be sold. on the seonsol go Boar or Comsserelaltlares Room., No. 100 isentlo.. gold street: , h se are • Nearness, ravings nark. 11 shares Tetra be:tonal nark. , 13 so; tee no , ond National Rank, In shares Keystone Sa•lnee Bask. 11 snares Clttso`ao Co 1 and COS* Co. • 17 snares Ca tab:sea:l Si 1 1:10 7 107 aloe Co. • lo snafu troll Noose Auras:lop Orlr .4" r'e u k! ti Mt! ' ttlilVes.* 'salr . m.2 DB lED CONN.. 6 tor .11. by the int7ollrloSaMTnnelred, and itnli4gAtttn;ftV4tl.- _ .13 A Eii Est uEa'=cnoi4e the Pe r il mart r e anfl .• _ , • ! ve,•me, IX CUT VLOWERS. tUOAILLIXD UNlCEllllouizis. JOHN 11. I A. 111:111De0lif El