Et.tgittOut.gli- Gayt4 THE O'iONNOII-TACK COE. "We herewith publish the proceedings or the O'Connor-Tact ease, which has kindly been furnished Ile by the prosecuting 'sa l/V.l. illaVOUth no the ease excites coestd erable interest bore, we feel that we are not ilArnding upon our readers' patience by publishing the evidence, la furnished, en tire: In the Court of Quarter Sessions, Judge Ludlow, Saturday , December 7L., M 7. 03mmenwealth va. Augtuit. 11. and Theo dore E. Tack. Present—Yrosecntor and Defendants. Can.:l—District Attorney Mann. and Whin: and Collie for Common wealtn. Brewster and L. C. Cassidy for Defendants. T. hour Elrod forargamentin the abase •05.0 having arrived.— Mr. While said:—With submission to your Lionor— Mr. CM:Miff—WO propose to re.. amine Mr. O'Connor. Mr. Whlie—l object to the re-opening of this tam. The other side now propose to Gll othertestimonyi we are satiated with thnca. we have made out, and we do not want any neeldtallen from ttusse gentlemen to p•rlect lt. Judge Ludlow was el:Sento:al to nay that the counsel could not re-examine the wit. Woe. Mr. White [to the Court rem:M.4— Worn we eloetd, certain telegrams— • Mr. Ca:ably—l Wave stld that 'proposed to ie...mine Mr. O'Connor. Mr.. Mann—We have orieeted to It, and the Judge needeollned IL. ( wily—l want to a.m. him with refers nza to Jeer qUelitiOnS leblen appear in hit te•intionv. Judge mere re-exatuttintionot irli.n.ui as to what he has been exam. lu ed —io aro. *examine Mint • Mr. II ann- , 1 do not o(.ltee, If It Is confined to that, 1 do net • aunt tO, open the whole en-e. J tulge Ludlow—Certainly not. They em uexamine ea to nowtelitlMOny. Jame, O'Connor erainined3 we. then awnro. ' • (Lsittnined by Mr. Csinedy for offend ... ] Q. Air. o.C.onner what did you ay your object was In rtsftlei.r the Torchßrothers. oesm. In tbA oily of Ptillndelotils,on the %It otiond .ITo amt.:nun Ilts answer Is, that his object Ir. to see them.] Now, 1.1 that your Answer nowt I had hubluess with them—that other business. . . . Q. That Is what I want to knots. It was not shoot this p►rttonlnr busloassi L Not about tots particular bus.noss. This buslucas was brought up whtlo I was here... (),.Well,lllotet went to extend it. I sim ply want to get an answer If I can, A. Yes, Mr. ICILLIO Thatll Ao OthOr ou calbllslo e led on n t the in= this 7th ) of J u no in A. Yes, sir; anti tot. b Wane"— Q• Wa, afterwards introit uuedl A. WY biOtight up While I was In the dada. ilon long wan you thettl s. w ;ar t /. oawnot exactly state; lao• banly Q. Well, ;Mall I don't want tato exact - • A. Well. nOt exceeding half an hour; that is my recollection at present.. Q 014 von Ariake other contracts through other brokers or agent•, or oonintission boom.* inquires those of the Tack Brothrril MMalaMial - • - Q.' YOU also made a remark In the comae of .nor testimony. that you were advised that Tacks were at the bottom of this arrangement by which you wore be/dg JaA. red. Tea, air; I made that remark and. I know it to be tree. Q. Your answer Is that you wore advised. Wuo was the person I A. Toe Brat ner,on that told me of it was ler William Dilworth. a mos person in the city of entsbunthtrespectable an hot suing looms tolls ohthacter, but Ile name. A. Well, I say he is. t.). What was his name 1 A Mr. William Dilworth. Q. Whore was his pines of business A. The place of Pular. la at the corner of Seventh and Grant streets. Q Wet/elms! .It wait the common talk, sir. • Q. You said he w. the Mat; give the next one. / cannot give • category of every per son who told met It was the common talk; he tont nutof It first Q yes. I earn got that answer; that Is all th a t I desire. you saw A. Tack in Fail. delphla on the Pith Of Jetty 1 A. N, air. Q. we O d , what woe the date 1 ' _ A. I can him On the morning ofthe SSW of July. Q. The tti 1 A. Yee. sir; du= was Monday morning. Q Dad any of your coutracts by teat • Um e matured, and by Must Ume been repo. A. Tli,7re was one of them matured on the 27th; thealeth the Wlghtman and Anderson contract. (1. And you thld you would not pay lit A. I had said 1 would Mime on toralledel. ph= and examine lath this matter, and do wnet wan right. Q. you had refused and Said in public you would not deliver In theeedatee with your comr.t! A. Metal !dated to you what I mild pct.. vat sly. Q. 't ma sad nothing oleo but that! at. Nothing but that. Q. About abet time was it that von sold T,5 terra et oil to the Teak Bra! - A. I have We exact dates and tail ono. tract.. . Q. Well. let us hays thetnt A. I Witness proothes papers from an en veloper• TUC lirs==e, air, is dated March • ' Q And what Were the terms Calif for how many barrels. A. Jellies O'Connor and Bel,art Finney, sellers, or buyers rather. . Q. Suppose you let me seethe central:Al A. I es_ slr, oertalely. [Certamtpapere are given by witness to conueel.) Mr. Cassidy-That will spank for Itself. tree ,Wllnest-troadtnei . Jelnee O'Connor and I[..ert Flnney,sellero: Took Bro.& Co.. buyers-Sue barrels deliverable to Jolt. O I believe 11.9 the ono you have.. And .Liareh lotn. Joanna O'Connor and Itnbmt Pinney, buyets; Teak Bro. a Co., sellers. 6.40 bar. Q What Is the price • Dativersble In September. Q. At how much I -twroty-eiebt I A. Tom nrst contract ts at twenty-eight cant. And Waren n 61.; James o , conuer and itobert Finney, buyers; Tack Urn. & CO.. eel ermeolbarrelectelleenaLle in August. nasal cent grown Finney, 9 b u yer s ; Tack Jllies O'Connor Bro. A • , fetters -SO Marna, Uellethsble in An grier. at Vosnut.. - essima 19th, James O'Connor and Robert Finney, boyars; Tack. Bra e aCo milers; ant berrele,denveratile la August. 1967-Mii, cents.. And March °Jet, Janina 04:41nUOr and Batten Finney. buyers; T.k Bro. &Co , sellers; Ski barrels. deliverable In tnemorith of ileptember, ned, at Si pmts.-making VOO °erre te In all. Q. Of welch you and Finn y were buyers' -dAeOf. M wh ewiMa cF i ß nn o e . y & a nCdomyrel sf ewllee but, tearable at those stated periods at those stated ptlers. Q Do yen rememberwhat was the =w on price yonebtained in thlling for delivery JO iv I A. Yon veld have to refer to the contrast, Mr. Cuddy. Canyou give us arty Idea withoutt A. In Joly. Q. 'Tee lowest price yon obtained in sell. tee for delivery In Jolt I. --- A. Well Ladoga -. One Cl tnein wee sold at what was termed the "buyer'. Warm all year.. but was called by Wtehiumn and 'all unmade I t lath, deliverable July lath. whteb made It In feet deliverable in July at 'lb cant. Q. Test you think wiu the lowest-twenty six omittt • per.. Tareh is ther my le. mpremon now. The-pa- all . Did you write to Dthlthr pro. In role - Hon to the extenenn of the Wightman and Anderson A./ saver wrote to Banker Ileac Q Nor cease any body to write to them/ A. Nor cause any person to write =them myself; I don't know what other people did -I dein... Q. Do you know that any body , wrote to than on that theism (Tetra emotion gave rise to some dispute between counsel, ooneerang It propriety In` croee-examlnatme. Tee cont ro versy wended by the witness.). Wroth. (to the wen): I toted I did not write to linaker 8r0..; I said I did sot. write. . Mr. Castilday-Yel, I know. That sounds . yore mach like-. The Witness-Is to what other persons wrote I had UO irnowledge, nog did I cause any-pereen to writa I,NDr, you moan to say you had no knowl -edan of any other perm= writiagi ' A. Not that'll , : ns aware of. Q. It was not t [oar instance/ A. It was no. t tor instance. nor did I wineor thus e person to write, nor had Q . p17,7;n1gre.7; make en, mameran• duos so u that ian.lant TOUrself that weeds was intended to be delivered! A. t have told you that I did not write, Me. Ceesidy. Q. Did you write any memorandum which Yon -Intended tel be delivered, either to Teeth or to Banker Dees., upon the subject • of thgerontracit A. Not that. I am aware all I Write • gr.t deal. and atmed to a large arpoont ol bmi • nese, and the melamine ems 1 may makeat Cul moment 1 have no recolleetson of at pras.t Q. Did Toe Write aultbtegthat was de. Itvered . by any person , or anything thalweg delircrod try yourmemotandisms, =Attires tits U. Tthet A. Not that I know of. ' , • tI. And you Are perfectly ecrtain-ipitte aa a:enfant of that es of all yea have stated hero-teat yen did pot write to Bunker Bros on tett sal:dee:l A. lona to pont/Vat/ that I Aid not writs ta. Ina= on thts sellout. Q That to se reliable as all the reetof Teter teatinieni t -teat is loth judgment on the "' bin) A. Yea. el, . Q I onlysaat R. to be an Vernon as that p•lncat you have stated about other mai - " V ' Yee et e • abr.O'COnnor, In your examination worn Y: a Ilref 13 hero balm., yen mated-"I found I out tore • number of tract soma woro held by behalf, some by ig n orer Ueda. a Co., and two of them by 'Tthk tiros" 1.1 What two oentmets were held by. Tack Brost yhthe war. inal 01264 for whlehnnel brown= malt. tt Q. Whet were the nanthill A. One In tan name of J. O. Itithethrick A Co., Red the other in the name of hunker - Uroe. & Co. . Q. These were held by Tack Bros. A. Toot' brought • evil tor the differ. ante , Q. illy Mr. Maui Brought a snit in taste own riatoct t t - •. A. In their nem name . Q. Did you mato the cataracts yourself direetlY with these part) th a t Is with 2 Bunker Biro. and with Kirkpatrick and whoever It weal -• A. ho. sir. AA. who dld make %hetet . Mr. Tack. Q. Mr. Tack made them, and not 'year - trent A. No, Mr. • Q. Yon did not direct the Turk Bras. to • - ell them I ' 1 d not then know Mr. and Kirkpat• 00., of Ntrimatrick A. I do not ow know Ile. Grienok, the managing pertnev• th. i• - oo approve of th e oontraets made by 0.133 with Mr. Tack? AU d e t th n u e a try ly h er b.thha cold P&I rmyd satil. the e..eathens loaned at that time. Q. Dld yen atom than to fill - Wee two . pal Ocular contracts! Q, , .n know that they 64 alfal thane two [base contr.'s for yen, and paid u tt ,....7 out of their owirpochet A. I doed know that fact. Q YOU i re know thst fact I TenA. si euey allege they d hi gio. ' Q. T did not dtrtht them to settle It 1 A. I directed them go settle the matter. lat hen did not furnish them with the money Vs indite lt, /d Tont The witntse, Mr..O . COnnor, then. cald. I , wlsh DOW to say aword to the Court, so ra gmen to My going down there on the Inth of pity. I wo also Spero on theXit. Wl= went to Mr. Tack's. It was on Madness re gardens a thousupt dollars tor collection, i which bed twee pitmen la Mr. Clealdr's hands. for which he C.w.0.. M►t tuomi'ltt. a check; toil this conversation arose. It was brought up by shun contracts. Mr..AMPla vas Tack told me, then, he wall very lent , ' I wee sonny to loose money on these barrels; fOr at that particn lar ['meth. Mar ket was ;tomato 21 cent.. rinney'll and my purchases were MRS, WA and re cents. Ile told me the market would he sulk lower, and the only passible way for me to save in ;self Seem Ines In these contracts. in which he was thresher and I was the buyer. orio g o "short" on oil. And that Wife tee gin of this whole matter. And, nettle on that advice. I - .1n reply to 'a remark by Mr. White the witness added:) Ile said he regrettul that I was gannet° lose. We bad purchased at 22,211.; sad ren , s. The market wasat that time down to 21 cents and would go still lower] that ,they were "short" of oil and bed , been •short' of 011; vast the motet was "slut: ted" and would still furtherneeline, and Anti Only possible way, for an to de wee to make up this toes by "ening • alloll. of oil, and to go antacientlY "abOti," so as to make some money. And I went to Pitts.. burgh to see hie brother, and 111C4011 his stateinentp.. leg o . f [By Sr. ie Dwiter.] This iris the morn. the sat of Jalit • A. The morning to the 7th et Jane. • Q. roe lead the %eh of July Amt. noel O. No, sir; lb 'FBI. 'be 7ta 01 June. when Rut twee here and celled at ltr. Tackb office. . Yr. Cuddy—Tia have got It all mired uy. I called your attelltlOtt to the date mot you uld the A. 34". — PiT—well, you are well aware of what I refer to t coo th e 7th of Jose, .he a l first called at Idr. Tack's otlice, he gaged me my business there; and I told Mtn WY Pm: Ocular business was resat dire a thousand dollar collection which Mr. Cassidy bad made for me. And while I was In his ettice be brought up this bonnets In which I was the buyer and be was the seller. Teen he explainel to me w as h was "then" of oil. that the marketglutted: . arid would be mill farther .oglutted," and the only Dos sable way for me to save myself was to go still further ..abort" of that, so as to snake • large amount of money. and urged me to see his brother when I would go to Pitts. barge. Q. Are you positive about the date nowt A. lam very positive about the data. It le trio date about which 1 vote In speaking of the origin of this. The exeminatioa , of Mr. 011ounor having I been concluded. Me. Curably elated to the Court that hie. Burke was now present. kr. White add. I would not object were It Oct for the met that I left a eau half- tried In wocalberY , on. the faith of the rdetige at this Court that Oat argument I would be the drat thing tele morn log. Ur. Cassidy—Mr. Durka—he is here from Pittsburgh this morultig. DLit. All. Mann—We weed to argue this case Be It Mond, and we closed with a al eat deal of the testimony on lour side telt out. In addition to this. kW. White has to go back to the country. If they want to know on)thing shoat Mr. Burke let them go to the oMce and take it down. Now to go at with the calling of testimony nod go heal. I would keep us going back, and that too. notwttbstanding It wu definitely and cue oldedly fixed that the ugumentatieted Mo. reed tom morning. Judge Ludlow—Well, in coder to deolds upon the preen facia of this case I must have evidenee. DLO.. Att. Mann—We have furnished Soar Manor with evidence, and 11 te now agreed— Judge Ludlow-1 say that I must here this upleet legitimately before the Court. Din. Att. Menn—The mthesses were all crate-examined and the hearing total Cate wasentirelli Cassi dys r. I nut to expedite mettert, Mr. Wrote. If It is not material, and Mr. Mann Intl agree, we may Dot down what Mr. Berke will gay, and we will hand It Kt your Lipner. Judge Ludlow—lf the witness comas in ho may be millet. Diet Att. Mann—lf It Is to he bearCh.dt had better be beard nowt the witness is present Jena., Ludlow-1 have sat here at irregu lar interests and suspended other bast:ken, and am now ready to go on with this ease, and would like to see the end of it. (Dist. Alt. Mann then read the testimony (Previously Muni of Charles C. Burke, and lumdrat of Caunul for defeneuts what they Intended to prove, or to what they de. ,aired VD call the attention of the witness.] Mr. Caastaty-1 will ask my question. Yon can object to it after you hear it. DLit Att. Mena-1 object to any question by Counsel until they state what they in. tend to prove. Mr. thualdy—(To the Court)—l propose to crose-exeretne him as to what that cant/vet of the 34 of August was made for, what It was, and all about, it, and whether he does not know for whom it eat made. Judge /,ndlow , —You pan ask that cue.- win. Inc wane.. Charlet C. Berke. baring appeared when called, was anoallnal by Mr. Cassidy se f01i0...) Q. Are you not aware.Mr.Barke.thatthe lot of all told by you on the ed of August, MO oath—deliverable each month—from 00. tabor to Jautuary. at 313{ was really for Al :red gill. of Bostont A. Yes. sir, • Q. And that you dertreil to make the mu tract in the name ot tee Tact .to take their I name instead of UM nate. gi s r. Ball A. Tel, sir. Q. What .alas did the Tacks make to you, ordam& roe. In the month offenet A.June 17th I sold tor Tack" Brae. 1,30 D barrel. oil for dellrelyr trittito the next 30 at 65‘ centa.• Q A alum's with whom 1 A. I told it for Tack Bro. to D. Bushnell. of plttsbergb, at 04 ceros—iftlehartrols de liverable during the next 30 days—M.loz On following 1)0 days Q. What other ertet) Witness—Do you wish the sales } thefelY made for Janet Mr. Ceseldy—Tss, drat. A. On March Pith I told 1,000 barrels, de liverable in June, at 714 cents, to Mr. Henry Buie. 4 (By Mr. White)—Pot la. Penny Bar wA.y 1 To him, for the Tack Bros. Q. What oath In Jane was that' A. That was sole March EL LI sold In Marsh, deliverable In Janet A. Tea sir. Mr. White—(To the Caltrt.) I think that that M going rather far hack. The month of Matron le um far back; these transactions began to June.. Mr. Cassidy—l mere:ln.s ell trattethilon.. I propose to show all the transactions be tween these parties. Judge Ludlow—Oh, no; that le going into vow" defes. ML Breuterw•A purchase made In March, pelwarable In June, would require them in Jane to purcbase Wan that poet and there fore it would be parttaliot to short that any MI" hove ei72°;entr's r' Ls.anMr. (Mount and themselves., hut that they r ere loin past contrast.. Judge Indlosi—leut then you most con flue yoursel ass to the of the witness. azarntoatll4) to chief; because. r &name, for the parpows of this case, ac. cocaine to the testimony of the prommartinn. that those defendants are dudes. In oil; I stock brokers or oil broker& Mr. Bre...tare-Jr we have that Idea fairly imprersectou your /gnarl mind. It Is welt enough. Tips is • feet Mach I thinuntiesk Is per. Orient te Others mit 'h ow lof the a. itoo-its ehlef—not to ou this partieular transaction, but teemw thatundition,that they were outing in oil: not that they re P te r rtal4Vm . a7; e bef ' 24 1 . Vo:. 0 11rgOt want to leave Wrath conjecture, but rather to torte it in she way of pypef. I aie fOg s e I.4 i l e low; e l , f it y: i rt it re keep t s lt , t the teatime( to as ex aminatimeinmhlef—out / gannet g 0 bean 41 that. lir. Itrewster,lTar 0.141..... d thl. man for a general put polo, awl teat !.'as, to 1 MM. Meath.. a ernitrecte were Papeete when they professed to tape been i ielling They wanton and Masa art 4. AIM or that purpose, 0 tarry ant that theerys.Ann they ..examined as to certain transoatlona IMew. I submit, for the purpose of counteracting that Weary, whoa was the genend purpose, of their examtaktipavirechief, we may cross examine this tattoo:as es to traneutions ebent that tune, Which would in to di That that perpme. That Is OrrtaielYertedi exeminatton. Mr. White—Now, we went Into the ene tura camp and wipe:deed Ida .itnesse., and examination strictly par. Pu lt lacontracts. This is a. matter to which It may be very proper for these ara tO show in their delenos, sal yery Improper us thaw here. Jullge Ludlow was understood bleu ho confined this examination to what had al ready been given In evidence. MBy Ur. Cusidyl—liew, as to Jane 7thl r. Whtte—We bate not asked about say• thing to early es Juno Ilk. Mr. Bunter—Why, yes; your *attract was lone 7th. Dist Att. Mann—The nth of June. Q. (thy Mr. Cassidn—Be goal enough to Mate any tranasoMona at or after the lith of June. A. Not premien to that Q. Had you any after shalt A. Tatra 'titbit sale of June 17th—ensits. Q. That Is the one you have jut to red. Any other In Janet A. June 17th. I sahl before we sold 1,5(e barrels; then,Jame 71k, the Other sale. Mat Att. Mann—l do not Utley we 'yoked about any contract on the lilt of June. There was something asked about selling et 14, on the lObt there Is nothing about the 7th. • Mr. Cassidy—We hue the eight to ask about alt you cannot surety take out one wawa.. snit lay that we shall not eat Oda; any thug else. Mr. Mann—Tea can ask abort It on the trial, but not on the hearing of the will. Judge Ludlow—The outrun referred to in the examinetioneln-ohlet Is subject of erns eexeminatlea. Mr. Mau—Thie it Oa untmt 10( 1, 11 ilth) that we an d In &rifts*. tney .ant to sneerer that by showing thee there was another of the 17th. which oat d be a defense; It would not be Aub:tut/711Oct that. Judge Ludlow—On August 3d, there was another, sad on the stn 01 September ether! also In October, I beltews, Apgut„ September and Octuber. _,.. Mr. Cassidy. -1 To the witness) That Is all. Mr. swrko. ws Court liana we ought not 10 sila yon Mete iluestions. (End of Orates... Many ) Mr. White—Now,-air, I shall jimmied th real these telegrams. and leh i stir your Monte te sow the dates, no they are mate. rh o. that (Au beer them In mind as 1 'ball read them to you. 1 - 4 .,: g4 one I read Is dated. Jtaly 33, iIIEP. left for Now York Mat Pleat to get, mons IS call. Moue bare dolug worry thing to excite the marlitte That thlestleOf Is from the hoe. of Tack Bras.. in Pittsburgh, 10 the Pbalalelphia bottle. It says be is ben/Velez eirermblog to e mate the market!" The rant 004 Is on the same day—from the Pitileibsiphia bows to the Pittsburgh house ro , followst olibeforti. rent s best offers: T . 14 thoesand etedulard Light Ora to artittet can oustbly get for former et, latter, W. Bea ail tee &epee re. Ithers. la a heopler Is one of the members of the nag, es tour Boner will recolleot by the tembenp, be I. requested to see all the proper Stiners. Mr. Clasidy—aisr.elaWbre. ,4eta.„0.1,,,,.....1nr Ir s l i ttit these reolvalt. Mr. lithlue4 am gang to do., sir. The art ono le Julys*, from Pitteburgh heuse to pab a delphts Ponta 1.411 that tenet k can doter Booker is AIM ttandead plot., al ready auranged. and 400 light prime Wow white, reoe. 'Alan. the other 100 Logan% W. ...keeping tweeript contracts. we have deliveregi tor him.• Whittle as ma:lamer° as oosehtle tor Bunker" Oe Jae let 4, mr, we have this from Pitts burgh Douse to pioladelpbla haute "Would Wylie sailing every barrel. buy ere all Tear. and hold till Owe delivery. Loot. eery moth as If (thud... Tit") would be twerce. If conclude to call, do to, direct by trine ame gad advise.. tio July Ittn..etea M 4 plilladelphialrtnele to I fie glutei:arab Mese a- elf you can some hunkerta Calls IwO M4 do eat, or try to gal otters from prime bey.. not in the aorehmetton. rentsriall won't boy. If yon alder with tetra Mews, call te me for private convenellogo On the um* date, the Majadrepgda taass to the Plttebureb he..., ogee., his just solo Schalk%harmed each, Illapt , Dee. 9 liolbrook, Crecy, w a yie.. xm Mill e rue ardent to bey these month.. and re matt The operstion is too stmilasr. Keep la gabtealf pee thr m .... /KM. the Philedelphla hums to Lba ritt.l bprgh hctso, on rto 11th, "1110taght two I buyer's opt= allelar clone thoused earls I from Attalla, Apnl litts, Both joint Book rr. The one not carted was etiolated our' letter of the Mb. bead telegfeell tO Kirk patriCk ssd krozh ciamig 1 44 1 / 11 } lea properly delivered. The others are al right. Wilt pall Lo-lay loho Aleddin " The next; ant, elr. Is July 16:b. and is a little voucher In lU pbrueeulngy. from Augustus 11. leek. the Philadelprds member, to Tuck at Pittsburgh 'We know teat • certain Bunker, Bros." -(Toat g in a cipher which Is "Fee tionV,Factionc Ulu cipher, hot in their own private book. we Ind a cipher name for the firm of Bunker, bro.. and that name la "Faction:l for "Faction" read "Bunker, Bros.) "We Know that a certain Faction has informed no of their probable inability to proceed on the weary Journey. The head centre whole called would not Ilvo always, Is hare arranging with us, and will prevent taking the step if Possibly can." mr. Omele, (Interrupting)-It Is very importad. Air. Whito ] Is sir, whoa you recollect that he lathe gentleman who win need from falling by Augustus Tack, reporting on theltreet that he had (Cootlcrinoih) "We have the Inside trent and the Only ones possessing triformatiout It Is itQuestion In osmseqtenoe oil will go no Or down; Warden, Dinka rosy follow] Clutters be cancelled, bo. Our Dopers that the dun Pittaburgo portion of the comb). nation will go .° high that they will never I more be seen; can't blame New Yorkers; they have been rellered of weighty lead.; but Pittabtirei posseeses a Judas Iscariot; don't for your life Intimate contents of this. (Signed) Avearcs U. Tees." I Tim next Is. Jaly. and has no signature but "Tack, Phila ;"-and notified Finn., would hots him for dazing oat King should act decently and let as Unseat, 1440 et ft." I Nov, sir, the next Is Jelly and that le from the Philadelphia house to Pittsburgh house:- coheir won't loan yon'the oil return able at the same price, we pay for IL-we oppose borrowing; boy put letter In post oilice yesterday without stamps - thug; contains full particulars. everything; It O'Connor is going to Incept propontrinti hare it done to-day by all means." /tableau the =Me day (the rhila.lelvina Doused "Lotter written yesterday noon. held there for postage; see mall this morn. In g e J sly yid •gain (Pittsburgh house tO , adelphie Iam): , Settait l m earee for Philadelphia this after noon, arrange with him." July ?nth. 11107 (Pittsburgh house to Phila. delDnla bons"):-,0,Coonor tolls %Sted man will be la Philadelphia early Monday mornine,wlll arrange the 1 4 000 barrels then; see that Wright delleers for Wiktitinan on Saturday Or you will have trail l 0; Ignore having anything to do with O'Counor con tract; let him and. Wright settle that when De gets there. , July ffdli (Piltsbargh hometoPhiledel yyala neesi);-"waident wits offering posl -1,000 this Month, 31 to every one In the amend; we bought it; ho now back. out on telegraphing It was sold in Philadelphia.. Pittsburgh berme to Philadelphia house (Jody reth)._ . , Yesterdare letter Just re ceived; anything you do for Fannon pun ha, Bros we endorse cheerfully.. Pittsburgh house to Philadelphia.' holpe main; this fa July ISM, it does net comets. Its proper place :— Did you Intentionally omit to call 1,000 Aladdin; theyhave toyer received notice; you know we have two calls with them; It you Conclude to call, we will get Schalk to do it, as he accepted the contracts for ne.c . Philadelphia house to Pittsburgh house: "Rave accepted drafts for *even and three thousand." Philadelphia, September -4, P107.-To Tack Bro.d Co., Pittsburgh Antwerp 504: tele graph Just received-bully boy." That air, was so important, that on the name dime the dlepatch le duplicated to Unal Schalk: "Antwerp 113il telegraph Jest reoeived-bully boy P . Wined] "Tsar Bloc,' The next (stile same date) In to Emil .Setialk, Pittsburgh: " They are trying to work the marketdown hero for September. Had we not buy joint three or four then:wand.= or lbetter ess, [Signed) Tack Bro.& Co. If Schalk Is at dinner, take telegram to Frank Tack, and have him tome Schalk at once... (Note—The latter sentence Is a postscript to She telegraph operator.) Then October 4. to Schalk &man— ia% Brewster—Than are all after the date Ott). suit. • Sir. White—Undoubtedly. The OrmaPirts- Cy had notstopped then; we only wish It had stoppedtnen, and that there had been no overt. not after that. ...October 4,1817: Emil Schalk, Pittsburgh. We think that Nino barrels cont.] be et:dotty sold for shipment, sellers , Sledge, nod through other parties. we not appearing as sellers. risks would ease matters by the ntb, and eventually help the market If It Conk' be done. Will you Join oil Tack ilsornens." t n o e letillilji te A? c tla er l i ner:lSo i rs 'e ! befog made bare, to get ZOO term , e nether to oII,r at 7 to half. 'toyer this month.* Ambubl offer. .11 15,000 now 7half. it is done with the lntention of breaking W and if alit taken mil have bad ef fect. We eon mania ten thousand of 11. 0 .3.0 get some Itteburgli parties ar range teal vamp eh ly get Ovate. ten taken to New York. We have bees working bard to keep things stir here. but something most ba done quickly like matter pro d. When do you expect to come berst glue an your Ideas. Tact gam The next one Is from Emil Schalk to Shen. toter, hew York. September 7: "lee author ize yOu to tell our Interest In the Antwerp Purchaao. October to January. .hetiever yea ean do se at a net prods at too francs per barrel en more. (.able thi§e - Mitre°. Moulin Thos., ale. comprise all thetelegrams that we propose to roller at present. The next thine Is the transcript from the Custom finaso books. We have It hero properly t w ertt9 In Slant of too 04,000 barrels broth were. ed td melt. now toadlng, we find there ele . gon sea were 91,001 —a etightmistake of a hundred [hominid barrels. That, sir, la the evidence which we offer. ^ then ;,44eiscd the Goext at length 'leftover' flow. May it plate. ynurult,ontoti,n.,7ll,/,r_tgeVhi rot : WI-Am, Upon the cherif ;-Z ""' !'ed y entered into • con.piracy to cheat and de fraud Janie. Q'Connor,• and saw:Maly; be cause they entere tit a conspiracy stilt more crimiusi in he eye of the law, and that was by combination by fat. rumors, by agreements, to pet tip margins*. het. Mous outclasses, and thereby get control Of large quantitles of oll,to enhance the price of this which has became the great com mercial product of our State.arl an article, I may say, of Prime necessity to many per sons within our hordes, :Sot Oply LO deal ers for man ufaetnre, oat for nee as light by nth nun by poor, it hn come to be equally required. Now, before speaking to the evidence In [him ease. 1 prepuce to cite to poor Honor • few of the authentic. upon this crime of oeimpirsey, not that I think they cantain any principles with which Year mon. hat of again and again enunciated in this and the other Court, bat because, In my view of the matter, they are expressed in my so opt mid forelble, so appropriate to the eircurnstaimes of the case, that they leave very lotle indeed to be said in the on of ithgnment. cite lirs, from Hawkins , Pie. of the Crown, boot 1., chapter it. enter,' co been doubt that all con federactes w ha 4 sooner wrongful to prejudice a third per t loon, are Welty criminal at common .eArain, sir, In Commonwealth vs fiddaway VI; ...homed,this theth languag of Judge King. "To make Conspiracy e au Indictable offence, there must be. either a three intentAori that the Injury /ball result loom it ar the object tenet be to lament the cOuspirators, to LOP preJudith of the public or the oppressioa at iddlvidimlo, and . this Is • el.. of cases in which direct, and positive proof can seldom be obtained, re sort must to bad to the acts and declare. flans of the parties to Drove as well the combination sante motives of the parties Uttering Into It." air, in Res. vs Do Beranger,fillsole and Derwin,. pill, Lord plentswo said; "A ' nubile mlactilef la Stated stun object of the ....piracy. It la by Fondaumors to rues the peso of the Public arid and the er'me lien in the act of oonspiring and cdtobthing to effect that. purpose. The purpOie Itself is reiteoevons; it strikes at pee r ice of • vendible commodity In the mar el, and If it glee/ a entitle. price, by me WIG. remade. It Is strand levelled effete. the Public. far It it againat all who may have anything to do with the fends on that particular day! , Le Llano, J, sald Balaeg or lowering the price of the funde, Is not,per se, a ortme-a mew may have coo oaten o sett out • large sum, and thereby depress Prices on a oar 'reefer day. yet be patty of po offenos• But .if a number of per.. 00.91. say (nine rumors to ratse the funds on • partic ular day..-iliat Is an offence. The offence not Is, raising the price. bat In cunispizing to raise It by false rumors Bayley. J. The end Is Illegal; for it Into create a temporary raise tie funds, with. oat any foundat4on. The necessary conse quence of which mint be to prejudice ail who bemire& purchasers Miring the period of th at AtiatuatlOn. Dadkpler, J. The meows used are wrong; they were felee'rumars The Object Is wrong; It was to glee a false value to a cont. modity In the peddle market, which Ir. in. Suriotte to those who had to porotisse. Again, sir, In Levi vs. Levi, 0 Carrington and Payne-In that case, .Ir, all that those men did was to agree that toes would one PlOy One tif their camber to bid at an atm. Lion. - nothing else. PS. number of broke n in the hebit of attending encodes combined bidsve one of their number make all the and aft er every sale the parties t o mat And divide.. Judge Ludlow-Ail these cum you will lea opted In my opinion in the Kew Kra oil use eggY"thresso4M4:6l Tone &ti l t: 2=l vine k i t e - (r caSe. • Mr. White-lreraming); lintel (limns, edthere have a right to open competi tion, and II • knot of men go to an auction ' iltWo n tt r artirtgr n " le ed los; nirgn. Nerds, Lord Kenyon's re:port h. Mgt "A number of salt dealer/ entered lath an agreement not to WI under certain p r icer th ese men have the commodity-. they Merely actuallyat t wlll not wall that whiph le and bee s fide, in their pouesemn for I(llthan a curtain pd.. A criminal InfOrMatlOn wes granted Modest them, and Lord Mansfield declared that If soy agreement was mane, to fix ate price of salt, Or may other necessary of life by people dealing in the Commodity, the court Would lay hold of oui opportunity from whatever Coerce the eouthmint might come, to show their muse of tan rime, no :rimier whether the price was high or low. new quote from a New Turk ca.-13 Wendell, p oCombination to enhance or reduce the Nide of labor, or of any article of Indoor conc.,. Oro Injurious; they may be cements.% bionmeerlitin the pub. lie to glee mote for on article of necessity or convenience, than Its worth; and. on the other pe r less than it s worth. Without Imprope friterferepea, the price of labor will. be regulated by too deluged for the matonfactured article; bat the rte. does Not exist to enhance the price of the set. e te mar the wages of the mitotic:llc by a.v toned or note ac he means. All combine , fleas t 0 edbot each a Pother. , ore Injurious, not only to the Individual oporc.., batty the public t he ame. ' Wow, weir, t question here Is whetter there to estrippe of sueh • combinatiOn so came . with n cases to hold the. mon foe t r ,oh, told.° thew OPPortan hp to do tht they have expressed their cug,hty re tw it lo y ear their chareotar litenre he unity. That Is something that they nay they are anzions to do; and Mr. (Monogr Las testiged that Do weal./ he ' gratilled Indeed If deny Th. Theriddrd - f mon. rim was form hie friend. and whew h e pr to the tsheeaction;lOnt he wtdild'berery,glad In deed If be coed believe that he wax lane tient of this. Wok, l e se what evidence 1. requisite to hold thoe m ile. ; rend. sir, the [lowan.. p e r report, of your Warn "aeolsich m a MM. , tried only a few weeks ago-the casetp"f 1101118 t likotherton. for (cheering to eb• lob wormy Ott forged cheekat °Peter Mires, charged with being con cerned with George Drother.n and Thom., BrotbertOn in passing forged checks on the Corn j„lactiarige flank, wee before the Coen Devon. of lad.:ean corpui. The proof was that. on the day Genres Drotherton Celled at the mutt of CoinOel William fl. Thom.. and nnrchlatd flour to oblate ache ch. turns was seers In his comp.)* at • hotel near the mill, and at • biter boor as seen a few squares off. ale with ;;rolherbuni and that On dey on which oho Of the forged ohm. ~ ,g tA c w . s i z i.te: at the B b t o t i r , we se . en ...pane with I T'homas BrOthelltra p trona which place al ell Maw pi Mr. Moeyiliat. are, where the chocks were tag. ;Wore presented at the hank, could be had, that Thomas litothertou was seen to peas dawn to the Cour Exchange flank, where he got a hundred dollar bill changed. The Com monwrgith assumes that Brotherton was gent bylaws/tip the bank Wiese If the cheek bed tionni stopped. After the testimony had bees heard, Sedge Lnditior rentarked that flee hoard tin liabese corpus, in which ...• . PITTECI3I7RGH DAILY GAZETTE i SATIMMAY: - DECFAIBER 21; 1867: , the defendant lens merely surrendered to the custody of the tthertff temporarily. and wee norm actual custody, he would not re quire as strong polo( of guilt as he other wise would to buld for trial, especially In a c'''ect.rigiouronsPirecr. in the testimony eubudtted he thought there was enough to justify him us him fo r and be there Now, him for trial." Now. may It please the Court, / take it that In this case and before this tribunal admen stand equal, and that this unknown stranger. Bunts. who was taken up an the street. Caine in here upon Aperient equality with these men. the Tacks.even th ough they come hero with a grand flourish. and may, pother., live In bet. , houses, and, In niece or obtelninn Ore or ilk thousand del. check, go Into a transaction In which a hundred thousand dollars may change hands—men who by their own dec. !orations make a ermines* of dothir the very thing with which they are iterecharged. Now, the evidence la thlacue has shown ' certain Mete, and I am much obliged to my friend (Mr. Cassidy) for recallin Mr. O'Connor, sod thee expinrolnslnorn g folly the theethel e th of this matter and bow he waslint led into HOB trap ' , Mai bag been sprung upon him. it seems he hod a trans. action of about a thousand dale.. and a colleetionthat was made,andthatthelkatim were In some way Wendt:in in that busid.s; and he gate to their olidce, their coenUng house, with no Idea of entering tote any tranaaction In ell, but simply about anis colt.tion. When he goes there.. Au. malt. Tack volunteere this Information to him. He got him Into one tranaaction, be got e purchase of inlay= which Mr. Whoa nor w. going to lose some three or four thousand dollani...and when Augustus Tack, with silently which seems to be a pert of this business of making ...tinge,. tells him, ltnow you have been got into trim and you are going tole. money; nowt will show you an operation by which you .orettevert you come In with us, the market Is 'visit ted... 01l is falling and most bah we 'our. selves are netting largely "short" and era are going to COOtiOUO to do so becalm the prime moot go do en; we know a ll about the bottom; you area friend. If you enter Into thus thing and authorize as to snake 'short' contracts for you, why yen will be in the same peat with us; we will protect you If anythmg happens, and sive you the earliest Intormation of the market. Mr. O'Connor. had no more thought at that rime than have any of no here of engaging In ln anything' of the kind. But Tack king the won. dance he (O'Connor) platted in his brother. sends tam home to Pittsburgh, and any.: "B Theodor at once stout this." With a baste which I think your Heuer will conelode look. at testa sueptcoue, he , urges Mr. O'Connor to go at on., that the oPPortimiry will pass if he does not enter upon this thing Immediately: "You will loose the chance because oil Is falling sod will fall every day." lir. O'Connor goes home and sees Theodore, and Theodore re peat. only in stronger language these ducesuenta, which Augustus Tack had held ' out. Then Mr. O'Crmuor, relying im Omit lily, lint upon their promise that they would take care of him, and give him the earliint end lint Info rmation, but, second and prluelpally , on 'their own allegation that their I terest • would Join with his; that In going Into HIM butane., he was to he in the same boat with moo who Inter all about that business, and who would give tbetr whole time and attention to IL Bely ing on this, Mr. O'Connor enters the, Mao, and authorises them to mako contreate for 10.0 CV barrels of oil. on thexpress under. Mending that he wan not to e f urn lab a barrel of Mil but, merely to payer be paid differ. euc., either way. They go on and make the contracta. Now, these contract., your Honor wilt tango, name tram June 13th, I believe. to Jule iht. TnedatemaybeJuneldtb, but your Honor willreeollect, the contracts are made ono day, and accepted the neat. New. .peat, the firm of these contracts was unon June 13th. Judea Ludlow—The contracts to what date I Mr. White—The teat ono is July hi, built was not be reality consummated until July Sth. Judge Ludlow—From, say Jane 10th or 11th. to July oth, or oth. Just hero, Mr. White, loonier to Mondale. the argument, and give direction •W ) our comments noon the evidence. I would liko to hoar you °pow this question, apart from any other couslderation In the cause. How far It is Mosel te ttbulio and ...Ir. Ole market I 1 use those phrases because wean understood them. Suppose anoll broker or stock broker,or any other broker. mak. a eentraet and ends his contract—l mum to say,he executes a oontraot—and there stops uan MI orator or stook broker, and Immo. eliately thereafter, he eaten into the mar net, and, Ls oombinsUosi with other., he bolts and tome the market. is that an In dictable offencel I mean this, apart from the COOllOCtlOl3 of them Tacks as agents for this gantlernan. men, secondly, trove the evidence, were they his sole agents, with a continuing oversight over the coutracm, to the eno of the connter. nod how far 10 ...- neaten with the other saddened, in the ease. does that bear any Illegality I Mr. White—in answer to your Honor, I will state thy position on. them points and afterwards proceed to teaks them out. I take the position, lie, that ever)) ' , Walton" .W . 1)04.1110. transaction carried out by combination. by means of [tenth,ns parr chemes or sales, false rumors, false news, or other deceltful mean., or by Our...a or sales male by the oonfederatn for the pur pose of getting control of the min" ti an indlotabie cramping:7, Icolcf. • ear( ninon,/ NOTICES arliEbOND WARD, ALLE ONINT.-The peiaa -11 t. pablicatta of tba atcaa{l Tts d attli toilet at Utsbabaal noun, ILVININO, Dee. Est, At 7 o'c:ock. tomato ocskt.atiai. for Ward 111 ocers, totes lota d tor IPp PrEtoary mce dtt..:l7 t;gir'Skil'lCF.-PE 0 PLU SAY. M.A. 'BUNK UT PITIEBORSH, No. liJ Twat!. stint. It. las. la tale befo, Juyoul Pt. 36,, aryl Pear .t ..2st from Oat Pat, I. 4iro. BuNlo boast. VISIT NATIONAL BANN or PITTSYL'avIL Dotelabel . IRO. IN% L. Iff"THE ANNUAL ELECTION at the.Bant. of a Directors of this Rao.. oth Os had n . • TtlroblAY, Jaatacy 14th. balk Bottoms tba boor. of 11 o'clock o. •. and 4.19.171 11E2r=12!TBZ! ALLI6a•NT 1 1 / 1 110NAL MAIM. / PITMDCaeIt. Dee-Meer 11l •. I . C. arTHE ANNEAL ELECTION for ze lee thereto. to serve fOr the ee, Wei 7 e•; sill he Ite:al at lee Beat, es . mama:. dauarrr 11111.181. Blames Qs boon of II w. N. an , 2r. =MIN N. W • • Cl 2. Ilt•bler tlLtVl;t:7."'” Plttsbural. ttee•tober 107. arTIIE A%1117A to. FLECTION tr bin atom Busk will take piteeat L. SaalLeir atm.. on TOICSDAN. Jame./ tatty WI, Bel ....a the bear. ct tIA Y. sad Ir. kt. delettal 4 0 08 taehler. T.n..411.3 Oa, Moils ur Prms.lo D. 1 . 14/shargu, Dee. uth. Isar. tar"TilE AINi.AL ELEtarION ter lery• drri.l IL. VAIMP. - 3`llVVlllt.l.t;6l!"atf..r.ogut baste Oh II A. K. WO 2, Y. ieuif LIVE:Jean, 1:4104 NA1 . 1044t. BOL, Plrtsl3C•cni. Dte. It. liar.:6loll.lAL ELECTION leg year 114./ g 4t tasFLua„fitaL.Tr SITZSDIIT, .1/1817,1111T 11, I!U, Itatrren tat hours of 1 sad 2 r. r. , 41145:a It. a. erl , H. Ca2bler ltscuonce. 2i,rt0x..1. rlll4leagb. Dec; lA, lb ( • arTIFIE ANNUAL EILECI'IOII rn D'seet.l.• ce P. Batik will be held at oho 44 , 1eletee 13.111.. TOXiSte• o tn. or. 1401, 11.1. htteme. h 1.4 entry 041 a r ana Jae/. 11. MAHTIti. .1.11.111 • 0.00 k.. TarldnitMN'S hATIONAL Bair& tr,ttshoran, Dec 7, ,rit, ANNIIAIL ELECTION for Clevon thereto .. to rot. for the e . T ..... crar will he held at the Banalart Bonn ott Ulest.l•T, 'hooray Teti, Ma, oalcsto Lb. roar. or 31 A. Y. red 1.. Y. M:i=al=M y/ar , a`• TiATlolux. &MI rltlabargh. Dee. 1 , DM. I Or AIC ELIVCTION for Eleven ofthlo Dibli. will Do "rid at tho ilantioi A10e... on TUX iLl•f Jitoolail 4. 11111, between 1.1111 boars o' I A N. and I r Y. X. litollllo2l. "0.01,1. CITIZNArs'iIATIOrAt. HAWN OF H , ToNtr... • Hlttateargo, jieoessber 7, USA I Ia`THE ANNE IL ELECTION for War Morel ors, to for Um ea. eclett Tier, 1.111 be be,: at the 11.00, uN 0 [ILO. . •••Y, am of January, MS, atm hoer, of It A. N. awl tr. N. fin=!=!2 241 . 107(AL Data it Of rtOnalltilCa. I DetatatOot 7. I AIIIIVIILL .ELECTIONI •-•—• -.. for 74 no Direct°, to wry. tor Oho sp ool R year. wilt NI held at oho Haaktor 1ie.... 0 0 urs o n 1014877.r1A at . . an Ilk. 0003. bet•trett Oh: tf 1 son MMM= max Cm; FA*lowa& NI za or Pyrreatraue. 4 Pltt.bautt. Daeambar 7.b. ; TBEA'NITAL rucer.or 70x DlKatao/18, to serve darajr tat tar. be .hald a; Me ...nuns How, 00 •rtrz.suAy. Janury rltb, M. BetNeen th. bout. of 13 N. son► 2 r. v. Ne10122:.k , NtNo•Nrr IN. ',eller IarTFIE ANNU be AL. ELECTION • of Director/ the lICIIINGI NifInIAL !4% Of Will take puce at toe Bootleg Honor. between the boon. of .1,10 A. and In r on TUtiluAT. the lath deo effect/or/. ISM Li. M. //Dotti% cooler. littstrwgh. Pa.. IN. Id , OM .1.7:119 Orrter or LADpIN Ult. No. 4.311.1111. Pltt•earga. IgrNOTICE Is HEREBY GIVEN It. V.rt.or blr betwees TIIOII4/1 J. MIIII7. MX. JUIAN T. JOHNISTUN sod 11. I. WILKINS, ander the. et7l. a( prereton, Minim/ & Winking, Was dls /CIVIC oh th. lbth day , of ltov.mbar t Pot, by the withdrawal ofJOHN T. 4011X.TUN • All debt. doe 00 and ty the still vartaershlp wilt tut settled by ths sesaalalve panoue, Who Will 00albue the busts,. tioder tha Arm sod style of BREINSTUN t W 11,41.1261, T. a..BRZENTOK,. .I. T. JOHNsTUN, 11. B. WILKINS. PrFTSCUROIL Dee. 11 . 1667. • ,s, tar " OHIOIi PACIFIC B. IL CO DZCOTIOB2. =1 TIE FIRST MORTO&OE BONDS CM TIM Din Pune Railroad Company, DUE J. XII a HT ter, ira • Will be vata on end attar toat 4 at •• II poLp tom, 74/1 UV O .y. (KENT TAX. At , c„.p.r. ODE., No. 91 Haas. We, = 6' •0 - - - HENRY w.,119 64ca, Clonfeatignory and Bakery, sop SMlTtiyll6.l3 I?RIZT. Detwees Ilemtb and Liberty. tarLAolicts . warms eLcome mt.hed. RUNDAT SCEIOOL CELEBRA =MO.9OI..I:I3iNtit PALITOLS. LOZ OBZO44'OUIIOIMLN•Ip4 a. a ' 03 as linreo3 313010411.11M433.iiia1.73,7 .117X411, 11 1 1 lIMICIZTZER No 30 DIAMOND. 111•003.3 r. 103ZIo. BOQUETII, & CUT PLOWER& /It tle OAKLAND GILINHOMIZA eat • 10alt E. • L. V.DOOIi LETTER LISTS Liet or llncallM FPL Lett.e. ltemalnlnl In the Pittetntrgh end Allegheny POstottlfte. December 31, 1167. PITTMBIJIMPI. kiZNTLEMZN•4 LIST. roll GastCU! Pollock alO Prig•• ilion II (As Purotthect to the Ptlid S 1 Haa , l3 •okar itanikOtoit Ii2war.1•0•011 /14waldlaJ ItatiMJtl A as. • Irma. , Cow 2•3 i Cu ?loth assn. Mc • • J ti Maid 1 oletction.lss r • Inlit Jo. oY A , ton M Toot, It 12:13213 Hu Iwo Dro lln ~,,, Joh Goon I W I, loarht • "o LB spoo DD West. Wo DrootJo briowald o .1 Uree¢n Thom Oreeze David ttaas ado= • • let ITIs LI ♦ W P•rty irA "'4 l exist J nee, PavLev l • H Pear... Hv PPkertsv %cub V:.: 11 ") IN D lan, Deal. It Char.,. Catral Mann isalorr Jleto poets Olt Co rut. CoU 1.,u • i g Union Son ICJ MD MiU= a CD Mall J It 11•11 A, / 4 11.,14 .4 olatel X lacer. C 4 1. 1 .. Chum'. =I LIST. DZCCM to A. Pittab FIHJ 11/laul Inca Belle H aas [A. .1161,t1 • h sue.., VOCH W McLeah X OM klasten WWl* Mt.-0F =MI arg647 Itsry , I . Lnrker &M. IESA Raxtop Rv.av Ha cell Na Ue Rader . " 11L e Balm Bin C A. ran Nii•• I. 1 att 16., Ise Rio mt. d Y Nootls vtnrrls, Brunett M r. it r T r lies 4 Harp tiratlf .r,/ It • .11 r tiVitT2: It Br. rs J Liar.. 11,1 A gSS2 PlurreSo. 110 r.nn.ueu eelman O 1.. nor. Ps< tarli n T Pow., KOI• Port. tot?. Porte? Most Paola. aryliet . F:L:.., LL. u%,,..„ , a eblutoMal thippp Parnk ' .1 .1.-1144 .1 Joll.kon X P °bawl IL .1 nainink Mattis 1 Ikea Jos Y .:1:;,41.5 • • Insttulaars t x.ri . Yr A L I ZVTIN L. 01.., L o?busk Umaee, k Lola•• Jeanie Swedes lam Sae•sez Butte Peatt Anale ease Slattfee Janata Ala. Mare Itaatta A talth L K •Alta Battle KW At Manta M , rT 1 , ,,,Mat Mr. W . l ' ill.%llr . 11 " ;L:Tie n' I....vermd nal' .111, J C abs a 1 Oit2tV e r r.s tie l :1;Itt: DeWier Marla 2 12par Mt. 11 1:12 4 :1, II A Duncan A I' Taylor l Jc nai o s r.etors Wall 0, m. 014 fall, wits away ISl•fltlite If [atlas KW I rttoW. IMMIX WilOdblUlL X Mar Mr X 5 of ItiLler Altos K. , It. • ph).farrj• 110.00 11:r2gr majamme.lEat• • *Vaasa • • 11Ile Fatah Lulls •Onal Palma i I Y fop. 0 I= ==! ALLE6I . a ItleA rt•a• a COVI trl i gaz. j a ' Tho •5•11. Adams "Lira fw "g h u T hater Blem• B Itnirt how /ran 1 Blars thOtr• t IV! r n Briturr h or wp ; ter • 47t: M., oeai Uhl B It h I tit, huthroto linteta '.. le tha loictstWrrgA Goadle.l iGsaltllt Wte weglastars II .1 [=Zi Merkvald MU. ma•••ase, Wm r alorbertou.ll Il 1 -gOVInI t NMe -eery Cwt= Hill 20swt4000k Jos rEZ=U3 Etl= EMM= =1 ISM 111bIlex .114abale 11:1tb b butbseas b 11 Subbtaabon .1 I, • 11. 7.11.+7 bast LUZ b nowar I at 13 ==kl 14 bia.on /teed J'es.• Neede Job. 11400... eta 31 MOW , 41 /I llosm•baneb, Kale" &COI d 1. 10 1 na Ina' la[ 'a; °I 1 30mo:1 1 111a'Y !tench H , K 'Keno." 0 =Ma ram rh" C o aim C:15017 oko , 1 rugoom • Co Jot. 12:1=213 16 - ",ga - .ben 4iNre Sdauder .ememtk • Ilso J L 4,0 [lnt Law., Lal• I) C I moo. uue b•n Y C•••.•• Km l' :4 1 Sifts effl. Lige o e2 etes , ete Goo ee. wort NE Iler.eal J. Re ikeebe a I al eJ Fleet% J 3 N. 1150.MA1 MI. lk toe I Miser Malts Mi. ay. La n ul% I,tato • /ea I agtr Toe. I.14:01: 7 ° tl Mil sr •aran 9= 7 :gm I Vat Iva. V F P nark 11.0. 0n.,... itJott.-1 HIM • UV e 7 JJubL X rts Fred Ev n a.o .worth B Llr Vs, Maeints eeo it ch.lll.llgts alun ae. Nuts) J W ItaleshOf , r Joe Nstal.ll. Matled Ja. II La +op telt It A IIVV: T Mbarr • Clark 'l•twaa Urals Vaarmaa V n 5 Weldon Chr st od, u 31% p•lan r ana Can Vain , as• I woll Fr•nk :to l l( owan ItiVaVire ' 111.414131 Mudler WM •1•0 1 . ./ Po Prsa er Th,. 52=0:1 tryvattlek s us risbtr s J Wit .• ea tins rwllllimi 21 2 Waite% li•Itla il•tud Ws. Wilma. Soot I.Va7. P M. Yet).r6) Hill 114 D 0 tIVALIIT4II !n.\•q ChM t's NMI . . scia .7 Jzio AVT3TION SALES. By SR TSISOS PALEY* dll 00. THE DESEHABLE PBOPERTI 56 WOOD STREET, AL . Z . 406:1170 . 1 . X. 1 10117. OpDertmagr i'st. at 7yl Weloalt r. N aa Me primates. will to 'old, Ina very oa str.a• N 0.68 Woad bar. lag a Domol MN bat. ana aitasollog bark which• M. manset.ll bad te...mor• 311. 3BMialo I= SLUM and Handsome DHIILHETS and TI LT ORM tot OHIO Ladoga ; CaHrlin, CLUTHA!, 10.. ot I.IIW/.11 OLIVER • • MCCLI NTOCK & COMPANY, I 1867. WINTER STOCKS 1867. CArqETS, MATTINGS, OIL CLOTH, WINDOW SHADES, DRIIGGETS, ; MEDALLION DRUGGETS, MATS AND RUGS, TABLE AND PIANO COVP'X.S, ALL-WOOL INGRAIIC El= BOVARD. ROSE & CO.; 111 Filth Street, ei=M:B3ICE CARPETS AT COST FOr a Short Time PREPARATORY TO TAKING STOCK I Teti Lula luortmed d OIL CLOTHS, Window Shadek4, =I I - Cheap All-Wool Ingrain& MeCALLUM-BROS., 51 MVO 111reol, above Wood zo3o NEW FALL !TUCK or OARPETS KoFAB.LANDI & COLLINS OPTIII TO OATH BOTIM BARGAINS AT RETAIL N... TI and Tit fifth Street, a Err to mars° irrArss ocreroat nousr =l:=3 DRY GOODS, TRIMMINGS BARRED. FLANNEL TIE WELL KNOWN EC ITT.A.N N . I NGF BARBED FLANNEL, In Black and Bed. I=l EWE AND WHITE. AIL Sail:LC*3El lIIITGINO.IN AT MANUFACTURERS PRICES! AI'ELROT, DICKSON & CO., 64 -Wood Street, 1867 . FALLTILLIII,77.-r 1867 ARBUTHNOT, SHANNON & CO. waamt. DRY GOODS. lic=== • or., repl4 viers Drew Gads, rrLetts, Uteshae. Cbeeks 1110•Ple. *lntl 41t4. P. 4 )I.Collosrea. tlelt, flats, ok rt., Whit. ticizo.• thesebo ,, fat Ernwk; • full 11 me of N 011,114 and Mall Good, karnod Plumb, of hod base• 0410,11011.• E, ;fia_uss aaaaaa far •UZ.T.II , ZTOTPu COUNT= leallit•Trucgr.lig,4 I r',Z,V minion. at MU Maus. • full Hue 111114.- psemenis• e zra d s7 b sad .:.mine our W.T. lIIIWOug 2. 11. baluzaticArotfil.&..l CO., WHOLSBILLZ DZALZI Us FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY DOORS Mara 11.1 ° .:bars DlSaand alley, PITTHRITIUM. PS. PIANOS. ORGANS, &0., 014111.[111.1X1C...I.L.Strarrlili BABB. SNAKE' & BiLtUTLI2I. “11014100,11 walla:m:sra a Xs. 11 St. Clair *St, Pittsburgh. PILLIIiI DI Pianos, Organs, Lad Maul Goods generally. AireaU ten the 0.11.b.....d BRAD 111 IT, MI. Tore. Bad RODOBACRIIR I UV ralhdalplla. !LAOS. . Ll^ WM= • COM! .00STAUZ.,. D. I IL W. MISTED/I VLIL nadiILTON , IS r/LTIRT Ths but Ilallaa Ind Otsmaz Vtolla av Gut IR !Ulan aNnn es REmovekt. GREAT SALE AT COST! .11= 1: toa t ot l ItIISICaL INSTIWNINTS *OOl rizimb A latt i tio. IFIVITX11 1 ; at ml pram% stank at vica"VIVT•11111V" ZWZIDINUNR. lOU OP No.lllo molthlield Bt.". D MATTHEWS, • STAMP AND STENCIL CUTTER, mai ..lberty Wreath oppealle Wood. gA S A R AI:2I 4" it i p " If 42.311118 r 4 .11541Ekrg r Le wean. lo wool or Como., at pokl•I asd Me LOWEST POSE:SIX PRICE. W eury 4501E1,6.11105. -- ATAilltlrn KEEP ON BAND IMlZarto v sn u al ta l lun iv e l vo avb f 441" "ALV4t/inkfrITNUAT. Awl Wadir WORMS, nutthe ran irOWITSITIM ill). IRON WUUK WOR ALLEGIIV N „ ooaßry WORK a 000 c. OFT:v111117.11=11n11‘`'.7.1°V11 1 ,;41t leo* reeeleee le the Mellon el the ahoy. 10. - Ude.. It act:Pedalo. •Ikb sample two detailed VV: AULT:WE t ;P::* " • Cot. Wotelled ioetth c Si t altreih. ik.ll.l=2:3oalalignee. FOR R A Ir.W-E.L.A.L ESTATE• ~ . . toot Hotel In he lioroogn of • not, 44st t Indians 000054, Pa. TO 4la :e four *tor" Oslo. b..11.3143f, of 54 r•oms Dosement ',odor the 14 , 01- boot.. .5,41 . .ed on the eort..r of Phllsdel r his and 117. [fret. on IL !IA et: and on 1.1 1.•• tra.t irose a or 150 :ped es • . . . •osod bona. In tn. 10./.1.1.1nr , std b'll room snore - . •1.0, • 'rpm. eta?. e WI - 1r an rest; .1.0. • laa,r lot. 601 , 7103 (-wt on ntleb l• • , area Ram. 11. ea.. a livery Btabl .vr nol., prop (my rae recrtly ten 0.1n;00 and ren•lred troroughout. •n o d 1.. , rt• of tbd test IosAllon• f r ft DUI. I.• bot..e In W.:. in and will be sold rrnlo n s.l:,, PP V . i ' l r =" e t Half lad.. tO cube:wed:oer. ° This female in Derry We . ..morello:id County, roe. Within two 'Wes of Latrobe, a station on tan Penne N. et.; Moores of 0 cited mod , under food feoolleg. the ivslase IS acres In fool while oak. blast oat, h Clone, blast wo.not and Intuit timber. TIM Is s rule farm. In a Woo stela of eultivatlon. with rood and comfortable • Irma house of II rooms: Mgt bar e,50 . Tel teen. need hs. coal and Ilmeeione under the whole tenet, slid cos erne.. to onorcboa school., mills •e. rca Milker Plifileniars enquire Of id. H. TOWER, dell Held /State Lent. 104 Tourth 2,000,000 ACRE 110ICB LINOS FOR SALB, BY Tar. Union Paciflo'ltailway 12=1= Lying along Oise Una Of Melt road. at MOO to $5OO Per Acre •nd ono CREDIT OW VIVZ TILL= =I .70BN P. DEVEREI7X. = oe, CHAS. IL L*.BBOBB, Baty, =1 WASHINGTON_ CO.rABBL moleß BALIC—A tract of SW acres, 'or .M 0 cleared, and We remainder covered math line white oak Umber Situated in West Pled• lay townebl;, Waal:du/ton coontv,Z*...B loath of Wen Alexander. and I( of n nalle Mint Haneytorm. Is 000001000 to thurCtlOS and natal.. Hat on It two log bonze., new &table fountgrain bout.,; en' orchard of elAbt texna - of rount n9Dles. Pears. Denetlea, Alums. Ara Good venter In ere ry field. =I se. O. 33/./.4.taamer. I=l *mono Bullet., /Fourth Meat FRAME COTTAGE, SITUATE IN MT. WASHINGTON. Wlthla X. equate' .oth or the Mono•Rrhela bridge. .re e boas. contain Pre outoe,kitellee. eeltar end vault.. t igt e. lo . 3feeLsroc u i t t ri , e . 1 , 0411X ; ' ll7 p lirl=i; gi ape or lee reran: darletiee With all lithe. re shrubbery. loch as gooseberries. lolsekbariles ragmen ea and e rrrrr tai Wee, heath, pear. apple, golds* and ...terry trees. Mild be soidf cheap. 'ageless:if ST}3EL & wu sox, 105=1 Ho. !HI Etm MOS. j MIMI F°" SALE OR RENT. CHEAP—, • nine at Carpenter'. glation, on the oe hatlroarl. OODIA , 1•1114 1264414[' , Improve menu, two bonus and Moles, good orehard: In pasture and good for eral other gams. Iy goodlocallthee and +el. ine oroged. which 1.111 eell cheap_ anti on magma.- Ide arm. Also, a romber of gooThd balld.ha.!/Ott In the city and Stbart. 104fUrther partlentareAmotre of W,IZLet WAX% Het/rant elm% • apihsa olrooalte the OatbOdrer A COAL WORKS . .FOR BALE. capable of I - uniting 'LAM bushels dall7J to. eltalor tenant houses, store house. eau, rooa oda. saute., and all the neesesarT Inures for a .arge onshore o ats I/v=oWe operation. Th erm are PS acres of 0401. Ws Is oue of the mon beluable Work; on the 'CU sold 11011•114 on roodterms. *poly to W. A. sineoN.sea e. Zstato OCe No. in Omelet.. ooposne Coort Hants... .or, TIOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. tltuntrdat *ono. of Meese and !Otto Sue., rlttaborati. Lot XI feet by If 0..; ex ao allot. Frame' toast. 1.1..0..? lie room.: loYd e. 1.1 Woe PP , d , woe. bydtapt 'rater on the/. Prix 4.1.700. •pplyee. B. AWL till 4 W., 11 Fourth Meet. f - I BANKS AND BANKERS HART, CAUGHEY & CO.; Bankers and Broken, CORNER THIRD AND WOOD STREETS rITIfBQt• El, PA., , BOOCLES2OI2 TO HAIN, hll9lllll 004 exchange, Coin; Coupons. tad gsrLlcalsr Snead= plld to the trsi , &bass sad Ns of GOVERNMENT' BONDS. 41W61611 . 11,11.1.1/T5 ON LOIRIOS. artalll N. HOLMES & SONS 113133STJELIMELleht No. 57 Market Street, ntertgmunt. . Depart. !Pulped In Per Tan& and Clartiouli. Oolleeilona rude on all the principal DOW+ Of Piates awl Caput.. Stocks, Bonds and Other Securities BOUGHT LID BOLD ON 0011X13131011. Putt=lor altontloo wild to too varoh.“ sat Wen! U. 1i.4. Seenridels, ' 4 ' l4 ''.1.' . ."0."1.:(11; U. B. IRIS 10.401. 0.0. OVVII7IOLT2B Or INDIBTIDIISZI. Orders and Vonettersbaukt OS eollaeted. 31X31 KEYSTONE SAVINGS BEL 293 Liberty Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. =MI General Banking Business et THIII nit 1181213010Mi1, Is Monday, November 18th, Ins i