ICE ittut aZEttS GLEANINGS --Chevalier. Wykoff married. —Cleveland wants s gallery of fine --Dogs arc vaccinated in. Prince for distemper. —The Manassas Gap Railroad track has been reltud. —Patti is jealous of Kellogg, who in turn is ditto or Pam. . —Three thousand bales of cotton wore raised .11-111inois this year. —tie - veland is also desirous of possess. ing a female medical college, —General Dent denies having written the Grant letter attributed to him. • —Heated elutes is the latest lbw. tlou. The • beiling is chemically done. • —Washington wants to be reformed, but begins by, beginning parties at 7 . • HA. German Arctic expedition Is being formed, end:eighty thotumnd dollars are to spent-- - • —Pike's new 'opera house'New York is larger and 'este - more poop e than the Academy of Music. ; —The roses' and 11111 es ar all in fall bloom and the trees and grapes green, at New Orlesh", atilt , —llolmes's Guardian Angel into be - - translated lad/reach with the title of "Ancestral • —Thirteen thousand men are engaged at ConiUrneen, in Fnace, lathe capture and Mire of Nadine'. —A horse, evidently believing that all flesh is grass, took a bite out of the check of a Mr. Ragle.• —oThey say" that Goldwbt Smith is • going to remove to this country, ha being dlsgested with England, —.The first Grant club in Connecticut was organized in Hartford last week,' • Gut. Whittaker taking the chair. -Tr. bridge oyer the Misibuippi at Quincy will coat 61,000,000, and will not ho ready for' i use until next Anguit. —The Camden. (N. J.) nickel works were' completely: destroyed by fire on Sunday night. Loss, $11,000; no Wear . ance. —A boot blacking machine has been invtnted. We OLGA Weis the only one of - its kind, althhugh there .are numerous eye blacking machines. a —lt is stated that a Japanese named . Ban-govoo has been immured in Savan nah for pounding:it trades Man under the Influence of tco much—Bos ton _Post. • --lA. woman in Philadelphia died of beak disease, on Monday, in a railway statimi, where Abe was awaiting the de . pallor," of a trait on which she. wished to gO to the funiral of a friend. —/"It ,exchange l Uys "drunk end ; orderlies saw the city wood In Minneap :' ohs." Bach trash - have often seen that • ftho city wouldn't put up with anything of the sort here. • —Napoleon, not contentwith his pre& one literary fame, Ii writing another book. If he does not watch out, the cruel Bismarck will get out a better one and again eclipse him. —Qbcry. If England can afford to '' spend $1,1)(0,000 for a war in Abyssinia .1 how mitts tan we afford to spend for a piece of Cubat—how much for the whole of Bt. Thomas; for a hole is all that is likely to be left there. —Prentice says that. "Carl Echcra's writings mike people laugh almost as .1 mach as his fighting used to do." Just so, and the same way that people like Prentice then laughed, out of the wrong sides of their:mouths, and the writings . aren't going to right them. —The . ,,Ebnadelphia Bulletin annuli, ens In one holm= that Ole Bull Is about to sail the Ainetiest, and in =MAU. that ,Nrp." he has arrived in Boston. If both are true, the City of. Paris may u well shut ; - .,up "bop for a fatter than she is some - where'. , - •.• —The Denver people have gone back on the Dean Pacific, Railroad, Eastern !". Division., They say that that company has been fooling them long enough, and that now they will balld a branch road to Cheyenne City, load strike .the real Pacific Railroad there. , --Amusements aro becoming ♦ery to tont, long erbiley, to anglicize a tea tonic expression. Wigne.r's now comic opera la sold to be six hours long. Of fenbach'e Robinson Cmsoe, just brought out in Perle, is See hours long, and Distort's Marie dntoinette, when not cut downpecupies the whole evening from eight o'clock to one or half•put one. No one can possibly be amused for so long a time, no matter how miming the _ . play - young woman, named Coon, died very suddenly in Chicago, on Sunday morning. From the sundry bruises on her head, the emaciated condition other body, and the iii tement of her husband and children, it is supposed that she was almost dead .With 'starvation, and that she fell partisan 'Ottt of bed, withher head resting on the':Boor, and thus died. i Bonus suspicion lot the husband having beaten her to death is felt, and he is in custody, but the smieral opinion is that th4death was an accitlental one. —Mr: parted,' managing director of the Union Pacificßailroad, is prepariug to erect a pile bridge across the Mis souri at Omaha, as 1001 to the rircr shell freeze. An exchange says: ..Thu bridge will secure unbroken comment• ' , cation during the winter between Chi cago iiiirethe Plains, and it will save the railroad •eWurpattlea, in two mouths, more than it will Cost. Of course, when the ice breaks in the spring, the bridge _ will be carried dawn the river. But daring the winter. months It will save a large sum in the transportation of freight across the river." —The Cincinnati Chamber of Com ' merce is crowded in its present quirtere, and. recently appointed a committee to waliupon Mr. Pike to ascertain obwhat terms be would let them have the splen did hall in his new bulldog. Mr. Pike, . after considering for a while, offered the whole building, hail, ahops, ofilees, with the ground, for One =linen of dol. late. The committee thus reported, and , no 'idiom her, se yet, been agreed upon. The hell is described as the meet eisb- Orate and perfect, in every detail, in the country. The frescoing alone being finer than in any ginner building on the continent girl on Taesday last placed her 1 tongue on an lron pump handle In Al. bay : Nobody salaam! the operation, and at sha could not all one, she wee forced to remain In the decidedly un comfortable position until some one noticed her; when, by heating the iron. .the tongue wee released. A notoriously henpecked observer of the pedormance rushed home armed with a piece of cold iron, but his wife lipuitia sharp forlam, and' would not allow her tongua to touch it, thus blasting his hopes of a quiet evening at home.. —Oa Thursday last a negro, who was was one of the two, who, early last week, murdered au inoffensive German farmer, without a shadow of cause or plovoe.a . . Goo, without ever having seen him le fore or . haying spoken a word to him, and 'Without being in liquor,-was arrest ed in Venice, Illinois. A large mob of - Germans collected' end three times at : tempted to seize and lynch the poisoner, once having actually fastened the rope around his meet, but the sheriff and constable, by dint of a good deal of per sorrel in iluenip and bravery, rescued him: At the third attempt theconstable who had locked hiniself into a room with the prisoner, fired through the door at the beseiging crowd and wounded a man} this stopped for a time the ardoiof the mob; but they returned a fourth time to the attack, and in spite of theilve barrels of the constables - revolver, which were Bred in rapid accession, the door was broken in sod the wretched negro taken and hanged. The, other negro; the accomplice in the murder, is etill at large. HORNS GREAT S STILL 4::10NT T :1: GREATEST BARGAINS THE L.A_RGFEBT THE iLA.Ft. s Tqe BEST 1880IITIIBBT IN THIS CITY f Thu want Christilas or Ne clam= woo s. 77 and 79 Mar wE carrEms TO BELL CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST; LARGE STOCK OF NEW GOODS. 1,000 DOZEN HANDKER,OHEFS, Jest Opened. all lands and qualities, and at NEW YORK PANIC PRICEBI REAL AND IMITATION LACES, HANDKURCIPS, SETS, COLLIRS, BEBE& COIFFEURS, Ilf PODIT. POINT •PLIQOID ♦NO VALEINCTILVNEA. The Latest Importations and Choice patterns. Embroideries, a splendid line. Infant Robes, Caps and Waists; Broeha Scarfs, very cheap. Ikautifol Pieces of Embroidery. • Fine Slipper Patterns, • Fine Shin Suspenders, Embroidered. (leak and Dress Ornaments. Gent's Faraithing Goods, Ties, Scarfs, Shirts. Zephyr Knit Goods, • Hoods, liubias, MIME& Sown , II ns, taslives' Two cases Balmoral Skirts, fresh Mods, 'at $l.OO. • • Two rases Shirts and DralrertS4 50 core. 600 Pill , Real French Corsets, At $l,OO. . • ( doves and Hosiery, all kinds, and cheaper than ever. Brooches, Sets, Pins, money Bars and Fancy Goods. Fine Silk Umbrellas. 50 Dozen Bradley's Doplex Skirl. at $l,OO, a great bargain; and many oilier articles cos numerous to mention. Good Fleecy Lined Hose, 20 ceits. • Ears' Fleecy Lined Hose, 25 cents. Ladles' Fine Far Top Kid Gloves, $1.50, 600 good and fashionable Hoop Skirts, at 50 cents, Just wolfed. WE ASK YOU TO GALL AND=EXAMINE FOR YOURSELVES. GOOD GOODS AND LOW PRICES. xcbakixnEr mrcaßman elb CCP., Nos. 77 and 79 Market Street. larA Cavan. A VOLD. OB A SORE 21111G&T rogotrotelowiloto at maim. aboola bo etkockedl. mowed to opatinso, Uri Wien el the LUMP,. St y rasasterat Threat D l se veus/ L oilen the malt, BROWN BRONCHIAL TROCHES . . . Timing • ditto lalinana• to the parte, e ve Its 'mediate mutt. ear Ureseb.isis. apt cata t rrll, Comnamptimr• and TlirS 13... ates, Tmen..r. used wlth atvray. io ngirLaaa u sslraLlit . lll2gtiora thon Obtain only . 43.0W1ra natagentia. TOO. caras." and as no: bar aav af. 1.0 140asanlal traniOn• th • t may ba Wand. • • SOLD LVialrl/6.18. .011:68.2, Grwmt. auliurm. a co, BOILER MAXIM AND . 13HZET EBON WORK:EMS. Woe. so, rion am 20 Pan It. Maras aoosuad a Wad yard arid foralsbod ti Nita tea moos approrad um:Maar). on us Drses pant to =miaow. .rep d.eriPtiva.f".fr' ars la Um ban maaaar. and warraatodaalal, o aay marls is W eaantry. Clatataara. Wood. tag. Biro awl. Kiwi. Moss. XocanaO,Ltra ors. Condemns. Balt nark Tula. 012 Agitasora, Battling Yams. Zoller trtia. BM*" agar Zia; and owe nuataararara at BANS• limos rxruir =LIM% • ; alimillair dear.. sla abort.% sotto*. Woad rarn 0 MR 8 ON, BEA C 134 Mew • an 90 if oussiat. imJ s Xiszia3.l WASIUNGTON. - WORKS, romuilakril lima Itasklants.l.ll Itsoutsaarao of Beal sad malosas Was Idithoo. Ban ZoolSoo. XW Kaaba:T. Gan Stattlaut. Mau= of al duallottoas Ott Taus ono Sults. sous ail non Iron Work. Moo: 1t0.7S coma Tan lad Itodalatt aill-Aztatot to iallhfiatril ZILTLTIT /1.02a1l 10l haw. taw. ' .altat IarLARE SUPERIOR • • - COPPER MIMMEINICSTRIM, sc. PARK. licetrEDY &T 00.. r ismtlifte ansbnii. Ltd Solt Viasoas s P". ien r 4Arr 1..1 Deal. Is stalk EMU. ISOkk .apagN ralls__TAary.l24_l74lr r Far:um sna 1,141 Z caw ND LtAbargb. • nperAu ordsto of On.pat . eat, to limy desired ussiCall4:4or2 Ia"THE HEALING POOL. e. AND 800102 01 DUCT. • DOWLIID ALSBUCCIATTOet DiPOll . l6. istONSI. Illtlt„tor Loa Lama or DOL.IfIIDer., end Um ZlELsolitd, ♦ Mend sod I tlegaßiss weld, destroy tea seamy pwroro. mma cantons. pe Menai ts to 11•DISIAltirt. sole et mere mesas ot '71. ! itztion,lVllr Te.N.• steward assousereto s Peolladelphts. Pe, setlsolaT - • 4-qUarcnt A. scarT, • DENTIST, $lB rEdrJr STZLIEET, 1T1V1131714111. ITLIaIOZIASOIf. TYLER ainoalimoN • laaceatoon to JAWS/ OlLLlnnela 1r11117,1CT0112211 01 LOG PUMPS, And all 1111 o 1 TUBING: ear w errtrtll dOOO on sao obortans P aolloo. • o•Linia CHEAPEST PLACE m TEE currTu , sut Tux TRIUMPH " COOKING RPM, = CaM=M pr.nur BONHAM, - • PUMP MAKER, • 0.03....z.t.irTH1 17 ma.W001444 Oily. Pa. tateait%ettestae " %Tr* WTBEII ISIOLTING. of a sn• See giorawior.a• expressly ler forsa. rams to stye eatistsealtra; ale al= .6 Ist. Cis!" Mast. . i ' : G: I. I GiCVIS 132 T.TMIS. OF THE DAY. TORE, *4 'l' CO C 0 fiRLECT FROM. Year's- Gifts, et Street Pia7)W6U Lames BRAM PRINTUONANO. MOM° rims CLI./iNtva MIL/. IMILIBILENILLZ,OHIO. , 11/41.111T0N_.!111.4.. MOW JAX/ORTON. *MCA £3D IIMIZI101;11111, No. 81Th1rd Strad, Pittsburg% ra. INTIONIS-AVIIIInri HAlLlruidott. Jxo. B LMA N. SAIIIIXT. FriDat. Ontaneaa-A.S.S 'Hartle. Jahn l. = . l4 B. Haman; Joint B. I.llagros. Jobs 11. es. • OA Igal Mt Payer Moak.. • NEW lIAPHE HANGINGS, MOW XIOZIVTIU, m Off,ZAT PAZISTY. A 2 No. 107 ,Market Street. JO& .11. AlVeling X BRO. A. EITETTLEIt BONS & 430. Steam Boilers, 011 !Stills, Taalis t • AU BIM= MON WOOL, of all Lads. Lowasli at. Fifth Ward, rttt■s.rir *GM JAPANNING, maim onsAutrirret. .W 1134.11111 LLOYD, ick.s/O. 11 . 1111111:11tealf. PA. filAulesul Tea Centaurs fle-Japasued equal to .I•l7iSe. WYJIITON DIACIIEVE 1.7011RE1. LIBTAALIMSO 11$. jirgergige gi4tev - .rattr. A x t i vora ;11•11.14 n 4., 4,0 and . 11Ti p. OILI•Bli. Wellsville. 0.. .12J IV:Ol ra r ik i rle 4 ox lixinroZrr LYON, Sealer of Wattle and Measures. NI. I rousra Wit Wen Lltertr end Yves .t 21.14 Orden proststly &Male& VAD:ECIMEL. DIM= MI - =Kam nits _llium /AID =X, - ATONE If ZATIi . . Wan% LIII*,OIIIII/NITT And WA AA IIPIII. Mao And Warehonni, 16T /mart Erna= •Dnosne Illotoarnbela noow. ..111 WAIIHINIGTON.XILLEI, fwiAgin St* au Et** Gniz ➢mtn: W. W. ANDEMON, ef PAM lfcaa BTX rwirs. sad UtIOPPID lain. Orden de in.. la enact any, free . f eas.•• Unla of all nada daepeed r .d Oorn etalled..22.en sot.. old ' F . WCWW.IIO/14. 711711 . 14111 t ktun !End 1 Clutha 116 , 4lansmilh and Dealerla Dardware. ..'gr air. slag S.D. 2, SIOIIOIII.IIIIIIT. 01 11/0.1 SOW. O• JdI:GN eit.5 , 000 T o LOA3:, • 'U BOND AND NC iNroAtil. • G. M. 3P 7PaPV•Ir s sto. mml2lollBl/ Benet .NAal Natala Walt aad se' tsY F. Autos, I STOy=t STOVES" *KsoixAino.u. MID 11111111 , 1=1110 FIEDEIICK SCHULZE, DRAFTS MA.N... z 44".• Tt. and Alk*.t I.oa War*, _21,2j421PALUE3.... TI • Tam" .am. I et,==kg_raftjattjellrtiii4l/ pr, 1 ! 4 W3lll illTarsTleat Irtgates• • sue sad ntlled tetlia jr;AUJO.DINISMAtittpaid.II .KILINDBIE • : •\ Iro 100 bozos Booboo Clo coos curry eAz A II: NIRGILISIEI & INOhe • 'so .. awat.ox • to; :4 1 7 .... .. 1 7. r."" C 0 tt taus: MO. 94 AMlOrth i . 1.44•4 ~... LI. "" 'of 011010 , 15 WA big 00. Yobbonet. 'Arcot White • 'toot "edily Uda trirgan. Brim l a Wa ll 1 2 2. grip. libujoasoooy; . VUWairiTilib IJONIt rove of BLAIN soon . 1110 oz. Y.) •• •is•cum la Rae tore eby • • ......n.d.,41.Zat.. 0, 90 k ~ f g;rr, 4,a ~J. D. .13/1.11712.141P . .b pox. -..--- - ---7.77 • , :.: „i, DRY GOODS, TRIXEINGS. BM= FLANNEL! THE WELL KNOWN HITTAN ; NIN- BARRED FLANNEL, In Black and Red. I=l BLAOK ADD WHITE. lirAilit434El IST 40401 C. AT MANUFACTURERS PRICES! munoy, DICKSON 54 Wood street. THE GREAT SALE STILL CONTINUES, AT 77 and 70 Market Btreet. NEW GOODS— artriss .A..11.M.117X017111.• = j ag 'lgft.".ll,, b lg . "" " French Corsets at $l. NOW 10 THZ TIZE TO PROCURE BARGAINS, •..e are detertateed to Hsu oat ov MOM 51000 before us Hew Tear. JOSEPH HOENE & CO. Ilea GLYN & CO., win TO CALL nil AT ZIENTION of Cs Was to that cruradve .totk HOLIDAY GOODS, JIM 710ZMILD. IT COMPRISES A LARGE VARIETY OF . mem. Stsads, Ws etssas:.. , ',left' Owe D formriss i ;re Zsims,, t SLOG. WI. Larslss tor sews. Lame let se east's fox Sopped Z.161310m. VAS s seta.. I Spleuillid Stock et Lace- Goods, I= Octal Laos Itsalksrablals: Polas Apylltraa ilaa4larealsll: MlLlms..o c r jr . salon Laos Collars Pare Llbeit Haaa4ewbteo. acute. • HetsOd Suitt. Zaino% Wean Cetu s Ribbed Mite. Lt mate: Man Noise Ribbed Hors. IS maw ali.wool Mem Ziemer pidies• Marta* Vane, allabgy . raper Wien, teals • box. ix mats. ' ildsuralez these goods as td be bed at MACRTIM, GLUM A C 02.8, 'TS Sr. Sal Market it. 1867.7 -- " - 1867. exalsnus eh Ts. MACBUM & CARLISLE, 19 Fifth Street. GREAT HOLIDAY SALE. OF I . IIARNIFICFNT PRESENTS. Jewel and Work Road: Edaelteroblef sad Wad 801113; g f4,4,71174.70 1 1111:4: . tree lad aad Eon. lawn: . Ids Jet and /./La .Idalr7 Noma. Was . • tad Badi • gal ad balsam Laotd: Plat* add rdaroldered Sto• Castmer• Mae Oka ad Le elan. Aeoladata Oat of tlnderahirts and. Drawers, AT T.IIST LOW 2111013. Mss nacwiramcv. Jut nu ant; JOT this old aulh • MoDi.t. 11.• TRIIIKINDI. count. tread, zrrans AND 'NIT GOODS. AR ifoll MO U lIMMY MT tent IdACWJN & CULIBLI 'L a c:. me ansub. « 1867. WALL TRAM " 1867. ABBUTHIOT, SHANNON & co, =1 DRY. GOODS, N. Hs WOOD szatzsr. ODSaban% UM at sonars' playa Detre tiewata, Prilat Utimilinn. • Calocks Jew, TwooD, Csatta, car slour..• WA.. eta. r. • Y. 0••••12Aar Fn. LtetiarlDOZWß l •E Mk.Ve• •ag Samaltillt AL mama /Imes, of Slam sad hams alsel•••04••• • . _ m •fdia•i i i= D AlS:_ 7 74.triE7 MIA sad VargdPeal • =al anal! aa ram- Wads . al MW Maas. • fall. Una la ell tle. =aro %IVO ta aratabta • LESS £ CO., CAB} FaC s al tl 0.0 WHULUAJJ D*AIJ DI, FOUND AID DOMESTIC ORTOOMIL ■t. N WOOD irritant. 11141 Mahe above DLiusoad alley. WITTIIBIIROB. JUST RIGIMUTEEN AT BOBIETI * B.IIERWIT'S WNOIXILLI AND NITAII. ergo mai OW Ihn Lamdadmq 11111‘ in . 0111117Lial 111 r. Prrrntrum. • nal tiros et Coal ea. Illetlajaa ttsal Itm. "ildsrellte Iron WI mu zad woun ...mi truer mad l aCiaa Hoassfanifib gropq_lit . •Is resent. batiiNO/11/1•11 , 1 !ITS 00%/11114 .07Aaarue. ler ontlaiests, yeaveabl Vs. aa, la Dem L meet • it PILLUIt Alf 1.49.13 ea Wm Buser l• a for . st ta ud oetzl. • • °ea Ia IL gln. owl Matto* to fit ailniebfatle Of Wooefli . Can . Carmel %sr, sontaris. genii/ARTA wborgai ion &tea Mauna's, ens sr TIE, Copper and Sheet Ire' Ware, i r lit_e_ ?. .pnw lFY ro k imi s rovaosao moose , fu 1111119 in 10 you Pen “ ems N. us.Ppeett, the Poet !Zito, sad ai m WY esetitir, et 11•41. ITILTS4I34 I 3H. Ps. rivrE i FOR SACS-RtAL 5 .000 scam OF V VABLE Lauds Timber, Gal Yni Miner FOR RALE. Shasta on the line Of the Penury calla Claw , teal Railcard. to Otinihrla twenty. w ibis • short distance of humeri 00.1100; has lionise. on the Relieved of nearly threes:Mrs. . rang voles or it,e twat quail. of gars net bin -noes coat Krg:l?:,=l„%td.lL,'Weel: algae. my. tout maker It faro.. l kw hunter and case y drained. lbe. l“ large • tfor oohs It will =sib. li ttle Innatinfacinr• it. the ntoPertl cents., s olsostwral eines of etwitlawl 1003 0 50 I LIM,. 8 , 0 alt. Firs and e0tter1..)•.... dom foil balding and for glass assunfaeltirdrs. 301 far teem . the ben Viet of Ina goat cor=don ltta : a nz ralti a l = tila toi rk e4 . lean 7 tisn, :which b ar es t :is tfr(g 4 ' 21 tlra Lao tremor.. when mire to /mbar. either east sir We a him la • water tower new MW us the arldilln• eta oo or th• treat, and Wt. Zailiosd etsallin than ta ta gees lent stet= Saw MID. recant. etwo_fd swia now ma th . 0..000 .11.000 feet pa daYi .he dd . mead Nr loamy at Oils weint iiwastalit, and • Winn' entls7 Wald.* readily sold at the Wilt • hli• there la ampler coins sal UMW, on Utts groporty foe anent Sank nate. - Tao IntorovemreU os the Drone.. ftora HOMO to gOOAO. Tbs. named MVO aunt Mons built for torn. proptletrin IS We tat I • lams store boa., riche. and shout ten .airoattls for IsOlketsa t W flews ands ar•also twill adapts. to satitll Mpg.. and ander Mho? agsloviltaral trash giant would rigid goad,wins WO wee socelallt adapted to itTnit Tor farther puttee... ap ply to El/ B. ItoLLINI 112 To. FOR SALE—TWO LOti/ each SO foro b inlrWelair Ttreet,,lftiVa l dt`ls undid I:::raa—. gogiedolarr,,VAlVl ro.d "' oargllng motor. • baka.oolll. 10ma raMlYooto. go., motet will be sold very low Ih4CMI3. Of 11S. changed for • moo I fug. within so be tutee of Ulla elo. near the line of • railroad. /thea, tne best II menu ohs Potosi °Melee/I. the county seat of Indtena conntm Pg Shutt • lane ton? atatt Inlet bellateg, of 141 ruOlat and a basement ender th e wools b nee. led le donatdonated Op 1110Orner of lltdadalp *aft 17_ ed Meets. on • lot SO 07 L. louttp an cull; premises La • frame Dente 2107 Of t. seed as a wood hoes. In Ina low.? storeaall b.ll room above: olio. • 'nuts etab'w le by 60 Mott aloe, • half lot, SO by IM feet, on which b:lerge frame stable, used as • livery slab!, Ibe bele prop• prry nn recentrf been belated 4 repsfted M 0140002 and is one of the beet locations t r • palget !mese In Westolll ea.. sad wlll be sold Yel7 (mos? It •Phlled for won. • • i •tso, • Mina Of Its Urea. •at hid iglu, to a I out; customer. TOP hum le In De tognaoll. Wmtmeraland oolonty, Pa..' 'tittle we 0 11 10 ar Latrobe. a mottos on tee 7.51 La 41. ; Macre. Ocleared land. ander good testin g. the twalda. 13 acres Is good unite oat. 0110* o . 0 Otos), bleak melees and lame Umber. 1 Telt le • tu n rate Ism, In • 111 g Metate 0041 n calttretiott, wlllt fre ,..l cr i gorta b r . 11 , 0 1 41nes, alnune t honee eoet and limestone Eder the wille traell . :171;oon. yealenoto cbarnbee ethoole. nallle go , for MAW berldetuateesdatre VI [ • MIS!MM/01 2 1 000,000 Itg i a auoicii LANDS FOli Sfill, NT TIM Union Pacific Bailin& Co L7ll/ akmig tlitltaa of i{ $l.OO to $5O l O Per Acre I=l For partlcalars. mapa, Eq . 'Tiara.. Lana Oraustolosir. Soilaia.linstr& Or. VEAL IL LLIIIBOXI, rejr. Ithatrat. WASHINGTON co. FAIIML • TO)lf USX—A ti a 4eo Wes, Of erelleh KO cleared, and the revealed*, cover e d with too white oat Usher- toasted fa West rad lee tamest re, Westdeatoo easel Pa.. It allot south of Wt Alexander, aso leo • mute Dos I=l I ;s , avealeat i o to SOO Ortl 0011,11414 to. 0141 LO Of I:ree eian deu of Yotlai &roles. Mon. peach.. DI. PC. BOA *star ti WA. • airl.r To I • IS. IL aawrir.f.zir.. antra ts Slant awl Meal Ma*. cam=t2l FRAME !COTTAGE, I, SITUATE IN MT. WASHINGTON, WlLlsla Teeeeter Valk of UN Iloaosgsbela bride. Douse *ostal ..... rooms. klWes. sad vaelL Lot ISS feet frost be %Mon leap...sun Da terse 111,..14. 05 the oq aim co jou e•••,os ...eye linos. of he 611 M.: oladellea. with II i kinds al arobbery. ea* gooseberitoc eleaber.S••,01.1 comma: Woo. 1•••ol. .41 4 %, "d Oen" Mo. %tato •o:d cheap. no •of SUM •dc WILSON,' Wolin mid LAI *itsb Lam% • INSISIUMiId Mit S. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOB VXLLIL—Tia atm Or Pas Ittl Flouring Mill with about NIP teen Acres of Land; • Manta in llanntr, to•raddp. Wuts••••assol vamtv. I•renty••••• miles *boy* Illtsbarilk, aa, one salt* from Mizell-ors etetten, •• lb. •1 4 , gb . seLlia i lter paltr7 . 4l. Itioneln 1.121,1o : tor. re. of , arelki ti rum tatt MT& sitirlV Sr; tr 6 6 " , Frame Souse, .'L bk. Sc. /Joe, halt 11{111101161 toil. near the rier.• Sequitur - - 2.11.'11112111V11,T. dr.:11111 . Os Ulm•or•••10••• VORA RALE OR BERT. CHEAP— :.4.2ran ...!Carpear , troa, o• la. C.- t=rxrgjita.r...--rs. 4. T " sCittr ".. , ..nrsooslVl 41•13. n 11 3 110 •10ti..4:1...../ lOU WrMill WAIL% r21:11 A COAL WORKS FOR RALE. YpaW. of wrbigar.t.ift,"n 7. ono, stoop., ••• all UN, soessossi••= 74 . • • lame bosleporas4 Isos.medlat•oparal.l••• Timm area& aeon of coal. 'Shia Is ono of the mast -.goad. works on Use Monenor•l•ls dorm wu, pi Bahl Om aad o• ospos Isom, : .t.DgEnoTLA:-.11,gtc..-,itgliotl":"3tr, 11008 E AND LOT OR SAM trlTr‘ v.. whi:44,27.1 I:l7.ll:Ptt4r IVII trout; hydrant satar ea 0004 'Priv. EWA. • B. My"' TAILORS E HOUSTON di CO. Fohtenable Merchant .Tallits, NO 37 Ping liar* calve 4 • an sa4 Aapp . 7 of Winter Coatings, • I,l37.7.l4,mumti.ow. 4.o Tasuutt 1011011 p . MIcAIIDLE. Merchant Tailor, ifo. 911 @manna It, littaarth Kulp, eautWar7 on laud • Lae gissonaLeptof CLOT ilkCA%Singgi*llgeitiNgt , . SUM, GEMILEMNS FURNIIINGI DOS, olive curripnro SCAM TO ViDll4 is do IMAM as les. - TAILOIIIL /ONES a DUFF,. N. 3 11,. OLAI2 lITREZT, bay . .. lost bronalt &ma the out 101 l mm 4. Wt 31.0. titK/DS, tlitot.lllllal3s, VsoTINGS. 1./VallUtiATUitHl. Ls., which aro prooorod to oak sod sato t, la • style equal lo say obOo In the Wist Volt. Th ey ore Otto:mimed to domino nod hag to noel,. •tboral Ostrooogo. soiltll44 TOBACCO. ZIGABB.Sto. JOHN MEGRAW, • Maashatorar allot Wholes/A 'sail avian Psalm' la au Wads of • Tobacco ) Snuff and 41k1E iatk , TaVorrio v.a mutton worms. , R. & W; JENKINSON. lUastselezers sadl &alai Jr T•bicco, kill. (Igen, Pipes, &e. i. .••• • mi o •••2. Mr z•.•••rm, ife)o atbli (eta I ;-1:1101 HENRI W. BOWBACW, Oonfeationery and Bakery, 310. 100 pIITIIIIYLD MUT, Between !oyezth sad Lawny artatasstoirrza 6ALOWeattarla4. SUNDAY fiCIIOOL CELEIIIIA. mot. Wilos, DINA= wrens, aa.. los CRUX. coarroinotra% • (M.P.., It ItUl As the bmiult bilecuk4 on the ablation , by • " -sr - TFAIi! TEAK I Jul r *calved. • Ism and 414444_10t of treat AT ■Lagirr TM& LIT; • No. SlMl:mond. put.birsa. 111111 ch ara bash totalled *thrice. that will defy cootherieln treat say sad *veer wup. SIT* Wm a ttW and hoe trill be sanded, 'rm. null= ar sox; • rtfutkinch:.. EMI= ;mu= Comas stOXiirs CTT O• ALisousrs. • t/sw U i. li I C ; NOTICEL—In pursuance of a ..solstice-sr Closaalls.' Mould Um L barest %sally sU rizor t saissaslm p:: r•" ' I to WO Wel trtlits n is i s IST, .117011:47r. I SO issbitelsatcs ski. =mat, ouisrslse doff wilt Us brass off asessdsoC• With thoTtrosiatursrji. = S DAY: DEC L'ANKB AND BARKKEIS. co.; • aers and Brokers, - I THIRD AND WOOS STREETS rnizetati a, 11*A., CORN' 'OBS TO ELLITA, UHT e 00.,) CM e, Coin, Coupons, • - i st t. • . attaloma i tt to 1111 , NREENT BONDS. ?PUNTS ON LONDON. 117IIM N. BOLUS & SONS, 3ELEILDTIMIMEEILE6 No. 57 Market Etreet, Damns essldasd la rar laads sad Clunsm! ciou.weas maim all tae pnicipa ',ma otl Was Vatted Bud, sad °Ulla& 1. . . lads a n Oth r Becari , tl s Bo uc unßOLDOXocuumnar..nis ".•`ilumsod faStsssasin ItsNs SeeiStieNh; tai lf 2lo. 4. llll ff. WlLlash day, November }ant, hut. ti of . Ewa; taus ti litrelcati 144 ' etloanasde on all vols . la w. . 0111:44 I I a 11074 oa D 4441414. g IECINTII Bern' AM SOLO. 11611" T. VA MOMS, CleAllar. lusts; 021 ItsWl AVINGS.It No. CI Fsintk 13 • I I: • : TER= maz*ll . • . u =rolahalog . non Wgr. firnbo 1181. bah IT U d i t dont. sai Wont II: i von In to No ht. h o rn llo lo'clOet. ' Lk It. natlent of all n 1141: Oct 'en Mu Ono to, sad . ttln had o nu prelim d. noir,' Who • year, Ita Jan Dedirldbar. Id. taidtt llad Imo 0•01...1 seml ully_ h Jon Ind Delinner sum ths Sot vhs orouthol, A tth my in Ms Du con. • y0r..1 , 12147. 4. 11 4. n0t dhlr . ta InL a ttentd.l% a : And. Ilitarlsi =1 I gt &OZ . dose sad U t zgar ib rzplica t gdaZ . l4l , , a year . ./Inunl Oa u ptEM rad. tatemoldwol.4 dx=rn pa allus.. i • Doe 1 anttatalas Ms Marto, Ily-lain, Mee and tallon. fanalnuct 1n.... ...17Pihnthe 0 Ye fata ' 4l liz th r:ah scs manamorie tt,rw o 4.t. Ni.).. . . 055 ..., 40 • 3.50 It 1 L=l, ' VIOL., iri :riot. rOman. (W I= Vara. IF • rnraims. Ilrat.J Aslathot. Crly.l.,,neds, 911% Bray, c .,... 1 7 •ikb ei. ,* . . tru/ C lsek. . 4 42,,,, .. Veda° Carlin, hinTli, fag* Ira A. Coto; OrneloVho. ob. IL , hem ilm ltlairwalt. ott J elltirolos.. Win.. _pens,. r. 1 1 1:=: ' FIV .= atom • 1117 in.r. l Tau tramp=CIWILIMAI 4.. Ou l Lnr . esculma,--JAB. 11. U. MMUS. v" Ir: - Hilt acrilr PertoriA 71TMCIFILINCID 1560. tato Poll as limo IlikopiattA ' Aar swas reoolvel toind Chao to ooldoot to Moot. 11/111tost Dlwulß DAILY. A? zi est--THOMMIONI HAL. Itu ProdgeaL.4, L MUSH/ILL JOS. WAS= to +SOU vs MIS - ‘*:• ova tirlTlTAZtotirri FUR. potllle • enejtano•3l.. • P.a. i kiLltgainy SAVINGS SANK, azzianzini.m. ClorgaimalWl Liz 2.041. e. ITOOLIOLDEIII 17DIVIDLIWZ LIMB %V " 1 17: =r. ev.nk seE . e.oas mai prapttx VD: . 1 " 4 • larkiat T NNW" 14 1 1 r get 41.11/1 1141111W01441/F. MrSII4 SWOIIIII SELF.II iinne • STEAMPOWER BRICK MA HINE,- 41mAcrnmuu, PITTSBURGH muoil &OHINE 1111 K tVACI Q CO. 'Ms MAW. Ulm the tl dint num the beak, (unbolt the grewattom. Of oclakfli titan "Santa' afilkly, Irk la sum! ovals, brick vo,uadi sp Wel to EX V sis "L lentr . biaar ..:l l7lir r Ank "'" . 9 144 ii ;:re . tr i zi t rai.=ltMa el ant+ tri.ti , or Ir= " iell 1411 tor la WI . a 4 Ow. M/ W.W1.14 , p IT4 VA IRWIN Nat.... rasa sad Liberty Oman nor in• Mum 11.1 F. Loot. MON ITTIIIIIIIIOS.Tn. lo.akeetutFAvnatints. ...Mhhohmonwhriv hav e g ed ..ia Amoy TO 1411:121111. L:•IISP PLE Arath ... w AV S . Va (l4k irvo nfZ i4 l :4 . 2 2l. 4 . l o+l= '" F : t • Itialw .d ireta awn etipet. Wesel. Dot, 24 seVeVar imar. slu. We .14 turwshmairar r ja tteiaLMre 11.1.0144 to menatailillaatkrais v"4 , '".." , 0 , 4 arsinuali & son. mron nod ',sown= Ovum•• wiz:Pi. , our . or Aur.ranicsir. 'ratanNW, onuJ. Dom:um. I. Wt. ALLEGIIICNI CITY COMPROMISE 101101 WANTED. Person. boldieg Compromise BODO of UM Civet .I.lWiest. fa:, ars beriby bottled tbito the Mattes read for Rltt b. Invested 11b them Mostleatibe lowest ratere!otramt. be retetvell be W sedentesed, statil WADiIIeDLY, tbe let , troneTl of ILTallio SUITT o. idunfo /TAIT 11. WT. aoa eetINAT. IarVICADENT OF SIIISIC TO-NSGiS4`. MRS. F. W. LANDER, =I ill&BY STUART. :THE OILEAT LINDY 6 tHNIIIINATION 1 FRlDAY—Benoit wd lut ap . pe.r.e• bum. = Farewell Mahe of ire. • WWI Wenerd et nbe!nrießlome•earvelelltore. el IMIL owe:. &eared awl reser. sew* 41.00. Jell OrpERCAIViILE LIBRARY LECTURES. PM DAY Ana SATURDAY EVENINGS. DEO. 20TH AND 9111 T \ M. HENRY VINCENT, • • The piterartrad English unity. ..t X.extevyotto Seal. • WILMS ]GVENUCI. tte,rate t t trap. )y rN quest. raw. v INGLE rwtll deliver nu burattoma trad autratesitet Ltetsre. ratted. BOOILL F OIBLES Iff ENGLISH LIRE, •'Lour.^ul"dturtd Shah:Et:l. test late. Os Peru. and the then. d'alk.ta and tid... Paallinists. edist. tra:ln d s=i4j:' tZgit ' s7,. i gre . ll ' l e telf aral PirallteTtita and Thos.:vs. rata Urn- Vara.. 2. Echols, The 1 trate... Th. Wotan:tin. T a 111.. The Woman. SATPIIDEI EVENING, Dteamber LinnMß. EtttOltbiT will do leer ta.s: b • tett ~ eutliltd, • • JOHN _Sohn Them., N o nechat, The iceh o e wo g tt e 14 (. 7 0 ese. and Doers open et. 7 0t loin; Teeters at 7_31: oreverit dalentlott at doom 3.1..0 l i b rary M et ar he Derehallee of Mr. Apolethe, at Library houo.s, chimer ?tee sad at. Clairstreets. WTTIVITY CHURCH - PAUL AND FESTIVAL, WILL OPEN Thqi . sdai, December 19th, 4 . IT 1 O'CLOCK P.ll. • edmi.ion 2 .l anu. Lpyiper awl A400..100 ' ascent.. Tickets for late at Illtbardson & CM*, lf H. E'lop'e asel J. It. Welas St acted—Wils VrTHE FAIR AND FESTIVAL CXI33 FIRST - lINIVER3ALIST. CHURCH WILL OPEN AT CUT HALL - • lIIOII3DAT . EVENING, LEOEIHEEN 12TH, And Will be men every afternoon and emelt., A Sander Mute hu turn ,scared, and ulaaslng. moral .6 social entrralument and Amusements Dave been arranged .r theOteuifor. , ilege lot otneetd and omamenral rreleita. together With Chnstmar and km. Years Prevents •be usonmear at Jewelry, and satiable IthreeD rrirUi:rflitl"totiTtbeV'pr"irsp.4ll.dCgi be Dhl -Rea bltne Ladles, for run In the Hall. Admirelon JS eents;ehildren under '0.1,0 Tetra. 16 ern. AS - Zbe D. AND YoIMULNADI takes p.m Immediately after Diming the /All,lllO 01/PH AMP • 3F°.,A.3CIL RISE ENT OF THE CATHEDHAE.., Open Every Evening A fter arLECTIYUE-I , l_y the' Rev.; ••and=tit . .l . agrgleiaP - 1111rt.T... i pl , ...r.;.T ° ::,fttgi g rarlitte7.4rl74 1.67, at :X n'olook. for tn. berm...rot' the IL P. 6. had at t ° 4_ l VZo..l67ll;hlt a t.t• anti at M. Sprat..., No. M . /CW.I .trert. • be, Shear. • • - delCartr.olts• . IRON CITY COLLEOL Corner Penn and tt. Claix — PITTSBURGH, PA, • • TEe~aaly prati left Ilasaxess Callas. ta Paso rylvanla. ruIt.CISCULAka. atalalag tott. turn - a:Lathan. of (Noma o f clad), apeat• atm at • • . hit' Coslejs ?hit lad tantsulup,. views of the Ml:term:lt Devartmente. (Mee!, itents,ae.,4olll:ll.Ctt4 leht, the lastitatton, 0141 at the College, of *441*.. sautes COWLEY, Prima'pals. win; . 1 rtrailmo% Pl. Warrsaateti to . Cook. Bake Or Realli as wall swamp Ilteve Ita th Talea. & 'CO., , LIDZWIT EMBEET. Al.o an aand and for t atlf i. l9ll,B , :r is tZoVm . TlLl6E . ll4 ° C n Otialleatri. do. Water. Rutter, Sour, Potll.t, Rego, 'Wine and Oyster Craciters, Baca 41:Tra.cas-ow I:lldesa. No. 91 Liberty Creet, •i OT or 70USCII MARBLE AM SLATE MAATLIN . It the Pilltirgli fibs luble t It:deltas. (Moe and trarero6.4ll9 and tat Linn MTY ' C. Mantle Warman On ',tetrad OW, Pertain wanttoe Warble or Plata Malttlrett end Rio tbwr Lauren to coll. More:van p Mat wi ce bare leonine dlserl ' ortd On =robe. on. or sold,. ear. be Mareeetted r and Made to I oot at well as new. . . • There Moo other plan, la 'Western l'esnaryl veal. where Slate Mantle. we at tralletored. All bade .or Marble Wart dove to the beet !ratio.. Marble Oman coiled ' de Ibwed garrete at itmtern I=l plrr MZET. Noue . u erne / alma that tea Insdarst shed, 'pointed liawara to Mesa behalts oud dam. sr a tor tei • Widening .of Fitt Alley, Imam wAsrt, litizezepir, Yr= Etrawberry aver to Yotittorem7 7•111 meet elk the yreathes to fulfill the duties ef lerlr seitletseettf on MONDAY, %hate) of De • eembar, VC. M o.doet T. Y. • ' • JOHN etefOli. - .• • tlettejlt. IhtZlllt 801. VIED. Effil 0 .01761101.1.31 auD aaanlo.. PrrtiXtUtatr. 1 4.• Ja IW2. $ TnE AsSESSAIERT- 'toe: the Citatitg. i'sarlitg and Cultibit of MU'''. niallltBCXll i 7 aESII9, from Wetntir . 01044 to Bea forik ind ruPLott AL. TAY. lOom 1:10 to Tointato tired, oTo oow r.s67,lba ozmaotlio. and EU runts la Oleo. Wein Market Billding, Malt Itommi.. Deeembtr 23d. wtion tborollt bop 1 rod7a aka ,csts prymesin. concouo. 44i i ss . J. MOW= J Stager and tlant7oi. 0