The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, December 19, 1867, Image 1

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tetunwn axszeism )
r Eli Ma , REED di CO .
3 L7 . 'req:rri.ettprag
T. P. TocsToe
Editors ,
snit so EISTEI imuurr.
Leofig topsikiz P9or of Yodels holoyhoo.
(Mom moilli g ir a rnrliGn LID
7arr or In Dona: ..
Dell.rred - E srrten Mt week.., is
Addrosr, GAZYTTZ.
P117)31317IICII. PENIVA.
711 annfacturers in Counc
First Day's Session
Memorial and Resolutiens Adopted
Adjonnnient.llntil To-day
.. [SpelaiTelegrapbtoPittabstrghCazette.]
. .
CLEVELAND. December 17, 1867:
To-morrow, morning, at ton o'clock,
thine will
_assemble to Ws eitya eonven
-1 tion bf Manisa a fectuivre of the country,
to take seine action regarding the Oner
.. • one Mies imposed on- dornaftic -mann
: factttres and, productions. As yet there
have t o ot many . delegates !arrived, al
' • though every' room of the leading hotels
- -' has been 'eeettrei in advatnee by pro
mised delegsliels from Pittsburgh, Bal- .
tim6M, Boston, Philadelphia, Lyrist,
• Providence, Clileago,.. Detroit, Alliwau
, toe and other Important...manufacturing
cities of the • Union. This afternoon a
CAUCUS of delegates was held and a pro
inmate fixed for the Convention to
morrow.: It ix proposed that a plan for
the complete reviirlon of the present aye.
tem of Intethal Revenue, so far ea it is
inimical to the manuacturing interests
of the• country . ; be prepared, endorsed
• and forwarded taCongress, with 111 . (61 . -
• mil:lipoid for prompt action. The lead
ing Betegatite asseri that tho present de
pression Bs trade, which points to an um
evitabin iiiiis„ is. largely due to the
excessivn taxation imposed on home
products by: the' Government. While
they believe in mstainiug the credit of
the country by jusehnd reasonable n.)n
, tributiorat in-the.way of speckd taxes,
and in,;ftilly• aiding the discharge of the
public, debt, still they hold that la view
1 71
, of the elpharrasenent In •Ilnanchtl,el ea
prevailing from one end of the to
.-- the other, their inter - eitti,'as well the
i nation's, can beetbeaubservedby adjust
, . .
i ;log the revehnerrystezu to the actual ne
, CORSI tiln of the Governinent. . . '
Itlahoderst;xal that - the purchasing
Ipolley 0f7.1r. Seward, his inordinate de
' i eke to Incrosse, at - vast expense, the ter
,: ritorial possessions or the United Staten,
at a time when the nation Is weighed .
down almost to . bankrupts}' by debt con:
trockd diiriiik - the oar. will receive — n
merited - rebuke from the Convention.
Pittsburgh will doubtleas borepresent.,
'ed bee ;fewer delegates" , than . our other
. eity'of like importance in the country.
: Ilbwever, tthec gentlemen in attendance
; have been .. selected with good` care
. ; and will - Willfully represent pittalturth's
intexesta In; the •Conymition. , The Con
; veulion cannot fail to have duo influ
' once en theNetional Amembly, and Its
;I proonedinsar .will be watched for with
touch eagerness by those Interested In
,She enemas or home Industry.
• - ', , CLEVELAND 'O. Dee. 10,1007.
Senator Cameron's loiter favored tak•
,1 ing oft the taxiii; ea manufactures ini
.. .. _
• ruedlately, making. luxuries and cue.
4• •"?'"N?" ..5: .'l tents pay the ordinary expenses of the
• ... Government; Interest on Um national
.• debt must. bopaid In gold; currency vol
. omit be t2So businesi wants;
toirnottreilllflrllninid...fer collecting
revenue; in.'llicier cit,good men only;
• would send tife dishonest to . the pent
. • tentlary, and IstoPirosed to the imnied
•laterestinaptrati of Speck payment
- • • Ginn: Ifoorheid isin favorer the rodue
lion or reit:lova of num •tra menu:facto
res,'sind "especially those that compete
• with . foreign labor, except luxuries;
would rednril.fie nnuater of taiatde
tiples, thus SaVelle exPeuse of collection;
NYould further tax whiskey and tobacco;
. . would cooperate with mannLicturers to
prevent importations, thus securing the
, balance of trade in our favor; believed In
funding the floating debt by long bonds
payable In coln=thothrttibr.roderoptlon
* ' by specie not distant.
Jetties DI. Conper, of \Pittaburgh,
Said thrr.r.lniventlon should [t ore in'tbe
right atria:Lien. Mils' generation shooed
• lm relieved from the payment of the
• principal debt created for -the preserve
lion of the nation. If to pay ilminterest
• iby llse presetit system makes the govern
- meta it partner in bualnese aith man
ufactumr, without risir,the forelgrinot the
bonse'roanufactuver is fostered - by the
• • • Government. With the heavy Internal
reienue law and'lmport dollen the pro.
ductras are :entailed between the upper
' • •
and nattier mill stone. - • "
. „
tar Ttlers ph tome cienezrati Gemmed
Ayr.l Day's sassion. .•
• ' • Cmorixsteta Dec IS, iH'.
The National Convention of idanufitc.
toren; antentidest in this city this fore
boon at ten o'clock. Abotit two hundred
delegate* were present, repmentlng
' Maine, Vermont, Masescbtotetio, Con
necticut, Sew York, Maryland, Pertneyl
,oania, Wsst Virginia, Ohio, Indiana, Jill
' nine, Wisconsin and Michigan. John.S.
Newberry, of Detroit. wail appointed ,
temporary Chairman, and D. It. Sidway,
.of Chicago, temporary Secretary. After.,
recess, the conintitlee o 5 permanent or
, gunizzation, through E. It. %Yard, Choir
anon, reported the following permanent
oflleoni 'or the Convention: President.,
: B. W. Raymond, of Illinole, represent
' angina vratch.interest.- Vice, l'reeldeilf,
Ethan Charnherlain,of Hew York - , cot
' ton; Charles Dickenson, ConnecUcut, on
Irma., Comma silver end copper; P. W.
Gates. of HMO', machincrv; John Mc-
Nulty, Maryland. Mane reiluery„; G. W.
Cochrane, MOSSiebuseliP, oboe anilleiallo
en J. F. inirchard,` Wisoonsiri s , furnl
. thee; E. W. Stevens, Pennsylvania, Iron;
• Z. mattes; Preserved
Smite. Ohio. cap-building; Robt, 3fo.t
goonery, Indiana, furniture; B. HaUlton,
Maine, seem; J. H.- Woodman, Vet-.
' snort, cotton.
Secretaries —.Jasper 11. Williams,
Cleveland; H. DicAllister„ l'lniadel
phiep.A. T. Go.born. Cincinnati; E. F.
Watery, „Massachusetts; J. If. Dowill,
Ilitnoft. .- . • a
The report' was accepted, and .3lr. Ray
- mond took the chair, briefly returning
musks forl9. hritioreonkrred htut
• by the Convention..
Mr. J. S. Newberry, at Detkoit, effete , '
tallerwing-reeeinUonti• •
It The propoldtion and mil
- for the Convention emanated from the
Detroit Manufacturer. Convention, and
by their action they specified particular
ly.the aubilmta.*bfon lily *JONI maw
sidcred by tide Convention, and •
Wricntpts, The delegates appointed to
ibis Convention wets aPpo lined 'muter
such call, therefore,
Pcsolved, That no the mole purpose for
which title Contention woe woe to
obtain from Cougima the Immediate to.
' moval of nil taxes -upon, manufacture.
and production., except luxuries, and
to dieing° the male of assessment and
oollection of the revenue, and th e ap
point/nerd rani removal of revenue I'M.
e will mains the actlori of this
coot-catkin to that purpose
After a brief dlacwision, the resolution
you adopted unanimously.
A general committee to whom Omuta
be referred all resolution's, memorials,
ate,, tot consideration mut report., -eras'
.I,puatel as (talons: Maine, P. - A. Dow,
B. F. Hamilton; Massitchumette, F. F.
iihsery, William C. Plunkett; COlllieCti
-mit, Charles Dlckenann,Georgeilei)ramn;
York, John Williirtne, George W.
. Chadanek; Ponnsylrani., W. Olive
Jr., A.. Campbeli: Marvlnntli Janaourk:'
<tarry, -GI Y. Tlifonyt , Ottto,"S.
ton, James Maxon; Indiana, Robert
blontgotnerv: Ililaol. S. J. Russell,
Charles Itti 'Mitsui; Mlelduan, I. Blow.
*inn, George F.....0r1y; Michigan, B.
_ Ward, D. AL Lticluirdson; Vermont J.
' The Cointultteo was instructed to re,
oalve and consider - oil Peeeltitione, wag
„a:onions and memorials itatimitted • tol
The Convention then suliournecil. tin'
ludfpart two thisafternoor..
' Cr..nermartn, Decembea 16.—Tiza.after-'
tone session of the Manufacturers' Con-•
eentloct was. short one, , Mr. nalnutind.,
President, ogled G. W. Coclaraue, vice
President, froth Monad:town., to the
Chair, who will hereafter preside.
The Committee on resolutions la In ses
sion, E. B. Ward, Marmon. G. B.
titc.bbins, Secretary. They are carefully
pre. clog a report and will submit it to-
The time of the Convention was spent
in hearing =swam to Invitations from
Committees on Arrangements.
Letters were vend from lion. D. A.
Weihit Commissioner of Revenue, Sena
tOr lteverdy Johnson, Representatives
J. K. Moorhead, D. J. Morrell and Wm.
Kelly, of Pennsylvania, Wm.•Law
ream and J. A. Garfield, Ohio. Gov. Cra
m Ifichlgno. a=d Baker, Indiana, Hon:
J. T. Faxon, Utica, John L. Hayes, Dols;
ton, Stephen Colwell, 'Philadelphia, and
others—all,expreasing their fullest and
moat cordial sympathy with the objects
C o nv rha t t o tl n ,.
K 'M lly a
and f
M o e rre rs l
were referred to the committee on reso
Adjourned to 7 P.
. SVENING master.
The Convention reamembled at seven
LlThe Committee on Memorial and Des
ut ions made a nnanimotui report. The
airman offered the report, - the general
plan of which embodies the report and i
etnorial prepared 'by the Committee
the Detroit Itfannfactarers'
on substanthuly, as follows:
Resolved, That this Convention af
firms, first and before all other conside•
rations of advantage to individuals or
classes, the sacrednessof a full and just
ultimate payment of tho national debt,
and that in„urging a change and mine.
tion of internal revenue taxation, we
would bear in mind the financial condi
tion of the country, and the expenses
and just obligations of the government,
and so plan our reffirm as to improve
that condition and thus in fit time meet
theai obligations with more eat* and
greater certainty.
Resolved, That however cheerfully
our taxes were borne wherrneasssaryin
the crisis of a great war, now that our
condition is changed many of them 'ere
unnecessary and &mesa business, and
hamper the productive industry of the
country, and that our burtheusomo and.
exhaustive internal taxation ellen be
apeedlir reduced to the wants of an eco
nomical administration of fiscal affairs,
and since the revenue under existing
Laws may be estimated at 6150,000,00 S pez
annum more, than such necessities
I:mire; the 'internal revenue, tax and
stamp duties excepted, in All manufao
turas and productions, luxuries 'except
ed sbonld bo removed.
Whereas, . The [[experience of the
world shows that the most simple ape.
terra of taxing, raising revenue from a
few sources, Insure. the moat vase,
I economy and certainty, therefore, ]
Resolv p erplexing is full time tho
crud'- an details and Crud'. ]
Use of a ayatem- so now, and therefore
imperfect, as oars, be put aside, that ]
simplicity, order and economy may take
their place.
Resolved,. That wo full 9 eralarao rind
commend a atatement of the Secretary
of the Treasury, in his late report, that it
is evident the administration of the rev
•enue must be more efficient than at
present to nave. the service from utter
demoralization, and in view of the grave
truth of that statement, we would urge
upon Congress as of the highest import
ance the' adoption of some plan: a board
of examiners, or some adequate means
by which - character illness and reeyon
. shall be rigidly demanded of all
revenue officials, and also a reform
which shall prevent corrupt officers from
using irresponsible power,avithoutjudge
or jury, to plunder honorable — man and
fatten on their thorn of spoils thus basely
. •
t h artge a t t M r
dett ta ts a" 'l3"
duced to 5h16.18,5,121. since September let,
184.1; and Whereas, the experience of
these two years ld 'closed shows that
severe and conipllcated taxation news
sarj for such henry and speedy pay
ments, if continued, pill exhaust and
paralyze the resources and labor orthe
country, therefore,
Ilesolred, That such rapid reduction
or the debt Is frau g ht with danger in the
near lature, and should not be contin
ued, and that eN b lithen all the States
or the Union are Inanclal conditionto
pay tneir due share should the debt be
reduced by a small sum annually, In
creasing as the growth of the wealth and
population allow, with a view to fall
payment as soon as it can be safely done
without perilous exhaustion and ember..
Resolved, .That we- deem it of great
importance that constant' nd systemat c
care be need that the Government in
eorde and : outgo balance, with that
difference if-auy on the surplusaide,
since without such care it is utterly im
possible to adjust revenue matters wise
ly or for the common good, and equally
impossible to avert shameful national
financial-difficultim; and therefore we
would suggest that ftt committees or
beards be chosen by Congress nod the
Treasury department to meet, confer and
carefully Inform each other of
the probable it:mimes and- - expenses,
that an' appropriations may , be made
with a careful eye to this balance, to ob
serve and maintain which is honor and
success, to injure or to destroy which is
shame and embarrassment for individ
uals or nation alike. -
The Committee further` reported two
memorials for presantallen' to Congress;
urging upon that body theadoption ofthe
views set forth in the resolutions.
The first recommended the collection
of Internal Revenue exclusively from
,whl sk acco y,
snuff ferme and nted liq ; uors end wines,
tob cigar
rail way' dividends; and deposit;
shpunboat and
and successions, licenses, atatans and
broken' ealea of stocks and. gold, and
that all taxes now levied upon manure°.
tures be removed. The memorial
urged at length that from the sources
named sufficient revenue could be
raised, leaving all our Industrial inter-
- sate to expand unfettered..
The second memorial urged • the adop
tion by I Congress of the recommenda
tion of too Commissioner •of Internal
Revenue, of a tlsorongh system of ex
amination Into the moral and educational
Illness of all candidates,ffir omen, as in
all European goverdmetta.
Then sotptiomt were considered aeria
list and adopted,
Roth memorials were then takes up,
and niter a brief dhictuadon adopted. •
After the transaction of some miscel
laneous business, the , Celfeventlon ad
journed till to-morrow morning.
becks' Felt li Canals. Vamonl, >
Bew Tor sat. Other . Sectins.
-13hockit e of an earthquake, Wein
felt at IhnleSo'clor.k. vellisrsormpiti=
Ing~ di Budinii46, -
Montreal, Canada. - At Burlington most
of the Inhabitants were awakened, and
the shock tasted_ about twenty seconds.
It wall feltthroughout Vermont; and in
Now York as tar south as Witliti Hall,
and throw Canada from Belltille
to Back e, New Brunswick.
firmer R, N. Y.; December 18.—A
considerable shock of en earthquake
was experietteed bereatteuminutes past
three this morning. - Tho duration: w**
shouts minute and a half. • -
OoDEsaneno, N. Y., Dec. IB.—A N - lo•
lent shock or an earthquake was felt this
morning, It ahook thb firmest build
ings, No damage to persona or property.
At/nu:2O4:N, Y., Da:amber 18.—A.very
LlNtioct litsock Of an'eartbquako. was fort
about three o'clock this morning.
lifoxrukriL, Caisna, Doc. 18.—A ao.
sera.shock:orilri earthquake was fell at
151ONTACAL, Dec. IS.-.Th3 earthquake
eatendod aerar weer ae. Port I.Lope and
east to Three riven,.
JThrYrT rrTry
. 1.1141 , 11117111.1.1 °MVO.
triT 7 141nPliO 4191340=10.141 , 41
KAM .F.rtizicarsop, December - 17,—The
to-n:_ght withinst Making aikr n w atiailan
for, ailed Stake Senator. They agreed
to cast the vote in joint Convention
morrow, , ao an to- prevent the election of the .ftepublicanh: .
letterth the Alto tiabformoti. tcom
Iltaripoca county, states that the *saw/
Mills dam property, of Meaiposa county
was swept sway by the goods. A total
lass. .A Urge portion oftko wreck went
ofer tho Crown Load dam, two mild
IWlo3v, on too 10th lest. The work was
just *Walled, and east nearly' thirty
A telegram front Oregon, Washington
Territory, ahuounath th,ll great damage
Ta.iti done in that meths; by. a storm,
The town of Monticello, on the. Cowlitz
river, was destroyed by th e doed:" 80: now:damage woe demo to She. telegraph
,througjmut the country,
Floor MAI esa from g7,00thi13,00; Wheal
1A,00; 1..0gal pullers, Nl..
lroaindeie4 pea.
qty Tslean Die Ll* Plttabam UsiStta,
FT. MoneaDeo. 18.—The stesiagdp
Sappho, from c ! r York thr Wthcang.
,tpb, founde, , 1:00 ' O FIW' Wa rn
.10Vtd• "
, 44 , 40
__ L
4.0 /78' . , , . Two.cmvoNs.
1116112DA7 /ID BA /DAT.
I A lasso sheet. pastalaLoe lITT (Jul
MON of tateresilas low/1.11 .wo lowed.
• &.Biffit'f,,_ Issdles Edltatills, latest News b Telerr.a u
i - '
4 31 t
Message of the President to
' Congress.
WAnnoraron,Deeentber IS.-711ePres-
Went sent the following message to Con
geese to-any:
Gentlenterk,of the Sweb, nod Howe of
IReprostafartver:2-An edictal copy of the
!order Dented by Major General. W. -S.
illannack; Commander of the Fifth Mill
' , Ary District, dated Ist headquartera, New
Orleans, bn the Z.4th day of November,
has reached me thu Department , l
Channels of the War' and 1,
herewith communicate it to Congress for
• • action as may seem to be proper In
low of all the cirethnstenees. It will
o perceived that General - Hancock an
ounces that he will make the law
o ru.e of his conduct, that he will
• phold the Courts and othercivil author-
I tea in the performance of their proper
d ties, and that lie will use his military'
• srer only to preserve the peace
d enforce the law. declares
v explicitly that Ws: sacred ".TiglltS
of S byebum . jury and. privilege of the
corpus stunt ! not be
c jted out or trodden under foot. Ire
- further, and in one comprehensive ' ,
ae • tence asserts that the principles of ,
A • erican liberty is still the Inheritance
o this people, and over should be. When
a 4 • t soldier, with unrestrained power
in his hands to oppress hie fellow mon,
v. temerity foregoes the caunce of grati
fy ng his selfish ambition and devotes
If to the duly of building op the
II Wei and strengthening , the laws of
h country, he presents an example of
the highest virtue that human nature
co able of practicing. Ths strongest
cia m of Washington to be "ling in war,
ft tin pence, and first in the hearts of his
ed ntryinen," is founded on the great
fa. that In all his illustrious career he
se Mulonsly abstained. from violating
the legal and constitutional rights of his
fell w citizens. When ha mar rendered
his .commisaion to . Congress, the
President of that body spoke his praise,
in saving he had always regarded the
right's of the civil authorities through all
dangers and diaasters. Where Dower '
above the law courted his aceeptanoe, he
calmly put temptattert 13yAnich
Magnanimous acts of forbearance ho
won the- universal admiration of man
kind and left a name which has no rival
In the history of the world. I. gm far
from !saying General Hancock IS the only
officer of the rho is Itt.
fittenced by the example of Washington
fu Doubliteal thousands of theta .
lly 'devoted to the prinail
for which the men of the Revolutt p en es
laid down their lives, but the distils.
gashed honor , !belongs to him of being
the firat officer, In high command, south I
of the Potomac ' since the close of the
civil.war, who has. given utterance to
those - noble- sentiments in the forme( a!
military order.
-1 respectfully suggest to Congreas that
some public reOgnition of Gen. Han
cock's patriotio,nonduct is due, if aorta
him, to tho f4ruls of lam and an throughout the country. Of suCh an act
as hls, at siielen time, it is but titling that
Ito dignity should bo vindicated and
virtue proolaime47 so it's value as an !IX
ample may not be lost to the nation.
D, C., Dec. IS, 10167.
' -•-••• • • •
- 7 -
Reeselre train the President Oompli•
• estnating Gen. Late
•ea the Tablee•nmenuantry Seeres.
strenettea Mill pasted.. - •
EBY Pelesiasi to the Plttssersh Bssette.l
'Num:coxes; Dec. 18, 18.67.
The MUIR submitted a memorial of
enlaces of 'Arkansas, addressed to the
Governor, setting •forth that in conse
quence.of destitution In some of the
counties fears existed of an outbreak,
and asking addltionril military force..
Referred to the Committee on Military
The Committee on Judiciary were dis
charged, on motion of ?fr. R
of the
from the further consideration of the re
port of the Secretary of, the Treasury, in ,
response to the inquiry by Ole Senate in
relation to the employment of an Attor
ney by that Department in the Court' of
Claims.. They were aleo discharged, on
his motion; from the further considera
tion of the resolution of inquiry. whether
WestVirgidia is one of the tnitodStates,
whetherthe net to prOteet all persons in
their constitutional' rights is coustitu-
Ransil, and whether the Constitutional
Amendment is or iirmot part of the Con
stitution, on the ground that the Senate
hos already passed on those notations.
Also, a report, with a recommendation
to postpone the Houso bill to regulate
the selection of jurors in the Distinct of
Mr. SUMNER atated thathe desired to
examine the bill, and it was laid an the
Mr. HOWARD ladled up the resolu
tion requesting the President to transmit
any correspondence between Great Brit,
ain and Me United States relative to the
Joint occupation of the island of Sem
Juan, and copies of the agreement on the
• suable:et
3t. WILLIAMS said Una Information
hid Already been communicated to the
Mr. HOWARD had not seen It, and
waited to know why Great Britain was
permitted to occupy American territory.
She had no right to a tingle Inch of that
After further dismission the resolution
Ives passed.
. Mr. DRAKE introduced • bill, supple-
Mental to the several acts In. relation to
the reconstruction of the rebel States,
as (enema
Be it enacted, that nothing in any,
the acts heretofore passed In relation
the reconstruction of the rebel Sto •
ahrill be construed as authorizing the
opening of registration lists in any •
States, at anime, at y elect
that shall be hel y d
t therein for memb
of the Convention, as- provided In so •
acts; but at any election hereafterheld Is
any of lire said States the qualified vo
ters therein shall be those who werereg
littered as such prior to the general elec
tion ritieldehrluchtnemberswerechasen,
and at yy -election In said Stales upon
uVpQo tam granted In and for such
Stsues,lse provided in said AM,. it Shall
not be necessary th-it one half of ail thi
registered voters shell vote on the rime
tlon ePrutifieriticin, and So touch of any
such act as requires that number to vote
stanch election is bareby,ropealed. Re
ferral tqthe indliclary.CoMmittes.
Mr. THAYER Introduced a bill to
provide for a .Diatrlct and Circuit Send
to +Hdirbetudta. 'Referred to'. thel CoM.
•• - ,
Mr. HOWE aided up the - House rase:
•Itlllott to prevent the Smfeltore of ear. .
tale land granted to railroad!. In Michi
gan and Wisconalit, wldch passed.
Mr.-ANTHOHlfpuced a bill to
amend the - art le elt to and regulate
the printing of, ngreaslonal dam-
Mr. JOHNSON; from the Coinmittao
on the Judiciary., reported In favor of
admitting-Hon; Thomas, Senator
elect from Maryland, td lila seat.
. The report Is accOmPlunied by Mu mg'
'd mice taken on - the subject and a•rmolu
floe offered. by. Mr.geheson toadmit
Thomas to hia .seat on: taking the pro-
scribed oath: • • .
The •report and resolution wore, on
motion of Mr. JOILNSON, laid on the
table and °leered to be 'printed. "
The pill to exempt, unmanulactured
cotton front Internal tax - warr taken up,
the tjnestidh being on the motion of Mr.
COZt. KLING to. postpone until the! third
-Monday in ebinary. • The subject was
"debated acso m e length until a motion to
adjoarn,,htlfr. A.A.2454x, stooped the..
- Mr- RAMSAY, however, yielded to
the suggestion of the Chair to allow the
nuiding of a menage from the President
relative toXistutral Hancock, after which
Mr. WILSON said the Military Commit.
toe had referred to them resolutions of
thanks to GoneralaSheridan, Sicklesand
Schofield, for their administration °flaw
In the South. and he moved to refer the
ecinitnutdentlOn to that Commmittee.
Mr. DOOLITTLE—And printed.
• ; Bineitos9,
Mr. APOLITT nt--LE sa id no g ot counsel it
shouldlne printed.
.DOOLITTLE— We never sow a
President's Metman,t l 4W W" 9°t• P 514-
Mr.CQFK.,T,ING mud 111.1.1 n: history.of
F the G overnment'there - had .m/of to tile
le 13
seen racmage like
totte, ith owing such a spirit rui pat
thawed; fie not , anow that the
Pro Per diaposlion won to refer late the
tiongulttee on Military Maine, hut.
thonbttli would strike majority , of the
Sevrtt, when they read nod reflected
.uttato It. that something :more or leas
shan that should berdoue. there,
fair rutintlp lei It on the table, for the
present ,
MIVDoorATTLE 'made im effoit to
get the floor, but Mr. RAMEY [Misted
upon hie motion to adjourn, which woe
pgrariar tAttiitasEN7ATrvEs:
ET.191. vtrered a
1, resniution'xi,-
,eltkle .04 .ttfOrthatkcia rocelVed "that
.4 1 9 1 14F:it' wl!altog yesselerhad
• .
teen ordered off the Russian coast or
America, in the Michas Sea, by a Rus
sian war vessel, and that theboate of one
American Teasel had been fired upon,
and directing the Secretary of State to
furnish information In reference to such
sets; and - .whether Americans have or
lune - not a right topaz's's° our naval lous
iness In those seas and on that coast
without molestation. Adopted.
Mr. POLAND, from the Election Com
mittee, reported in the Missouri contest-„
ed election that Mr. Van Horn was en-,
titled to a seat. I - Aid over.
Mr. KELLY introduced a biU to
amend the bankruptcy law. • Referred to
the Judiciary Committee, • I
Mr. GARFIELD, from the Committee
on Military Affairs, reported a bill pro-
viding that all persons relieved from the
charge of desertion, or absence, without
leave, from the army or navy, by act of
July 19th , 1867, shall be furnished oertif-
testes of honorable discharge, under the
limitation and instructions of that...act.'
The second sectitn repeals the twenty
list section of the act of Marelf3d: 1865 .
which disfranchises deserters. ,except
that it is not to effect ' the decisions of '
court martial", and not entitle any per -1
! son to Monty, pennon, % pay or bmole
-1 ments Of any kind. !
, • The bill was disarmed by Messre.
WELL, Illinois, WABLIBURNE, Ind.,
LOGAN, and other members.
WASHIIURNE oppotted the
second motion. and moved to, strike It
I Mr. LOGAN opposed' the, bill as the
entering wedge for the restoration of of.
firers of the army and navy Who desert
oti the service, and Joined the ranks of
the rebellion. It was the same Marne
ter of legislation as that of the bill
I Dossed yesterday relating to officers
cashiered or dismissed from the service.
Mr- GARFIELD • said ••the represents
' Lions of Mr. Logan were very grave
very serious` and - very. nawarrented. ,
e wra n n o ta ti h n
t s h li a g t h ttehsis ground
enure to the benefit of rebel °Mears who
Ind forfeited their allegiance at the out
break of the rebellion.
Mr. LOGAN said the style of charging
a gentleman with. misrepresentation or
misstatement of facts was very common
to the gentleman from Ohio, buffer him
self, be would prefer that the gentleman
should hereafter nee softer .phrases If he
desired toapply than to him. • •
` Mr. GARFIF.LD hutted that he was
not behind the gentleman in the court.).
des of debate, and if he saw a gentleman
had zblarepresontedMis partition. ft way
becabse he had no trick of language
which could say the same thing in any
lest direct or decided way.. -
Mr.•ALLISON inquired whether the
:repeal of the 'twenty-first section of the
act of March 3/1, 1:363, would not virtu
ally relieve from RH penalty those 001-
Nu. of the army and navy Who had aban
doned their Ilacand embraced the cause
Mr.-GARFIELD replied it Bid not.'
Those men would still be liable to be
court martialed andputtlahed for deser
tion. This law simply proposal thalthe
extraordinary_ provurions .of the act of
1865 should he repealed."'
Mr. SCHENCK asked him whether
those men, hiving gone back to clan
-life, and being no longer in the military
service, could be tried as deserters? , _
Mr.. - ARIFIELD . presumed MMar
Mr. SCHENCK then argued that the
repeal of the twenty-tint section of the
, act of 1865 would let all' those men go
soott tree. • 1 .
After further discussion the rooming
hour expired and the bill went over.
Mr. RANDALL asked leave to offer a
resolution that the resolution of Novem
ber Wth, declaring it Is not necessary to
proceed further in building or equipping
ships, of war, shall not be construed as
the expression of an opinion ht favor of
the discharge of mechanics or laboring
men from the navyyard.
. Mr. PIKE objected and the resolution
r was not twelve& •
c Mr: BUTLER, from thiCenimittesi on
Appropriations, reported an appropria
tion bill to supply the deficiencies in the
execution Arf the reemestruction laws, and
for service -or quarter/siestas and'smi-•
plies, of $3,550,000; incidental expenses,
$300,000; for purchasing cavalry and ar
tillery borzoi.. $400,000; transportation of
army, s 7 , s3o ,ooo—making in all 1112,000,-
000. There are alms. Items in the bill,
making the whole amount $12,665,000.
- The .Houtie went Into Committee of
the; Whole •on the state of the Union,
Mr. DAWES in the chair.
Mr. SPALDH/G °Adrenal the Pont
mittee, dal mitts that the Home bid an,
der certain circumstances and conditions
a right to intervene in the treaty making
power of government.
The Coalmine° rime, and the SPEAK
ER - laid before the -Howe a Message
from the President, in of
Staler General Hancock.- „The' reading
of the Menage created some amusement
on the Republican side of the House.
Sir. ,COVODE was anxious - Ur know
whether it wits genuine-bra hoax?
Tbe SPEAKER mid it wee a Menage
from the President of the Melted States,
delivered by the President's private Sec-
Mr. ELDRIDGE Inquired whether It
was In order now to offer a resolution of
thanks to General Hancock?
The SPEAKER said It would require
unanimens consent.
Mr. WASHEITIRNE, of alt, 'win sod
the resolution to be retuL
Mr. ELDRIDGE Suggested a similar
resolution to Mat voted to Generel Sher-
The SPEAKER suggested hecould not
recall the words of that resolution.
On motion of Mr. BANKS, the .mee
mge was laid on the table and ordered
Printed. (The message Is given in felt
Mr. EGGLESTON presented a remdu -
lion from the City Council of Cincinnati,
and a large mass meting of citizens of
Cincinnati, ',rotating against the treat-
ment of adopted ciliuns by. foreign no.
bona: Referred to Conunitlee...on . rot
sign Anita.
Mr. /HUNGER offered • . resolution
calling on the Sezretary' of the Treasury
for a variety ,o f Information in reference
to Tice's meter for dletfilerifis. Referred
to the Committee of Ways and Means.
motionSY. of Ohio, called up the
to rewinshier the vote by which
his reconstruction bill wee (on Me 6th of
December) rearred to the Judicialy .
Committee. He remarked she Commit-
tee on Reconstruction had agreed sub
stantially" to his bill. _
Mr. BINGHAM corrected libe col league,
and said the Reconstruction Committee
had ?elected the substance of his
The reference was reconsidered, 'anti,
the bill came before the House.
Mr. STEVENS, of Penna., from the
Reconstruction Committee, offered as a '
substitute the bill he sought to introduce
yesterday. ` • .
Mr. BINGHAM moved to eunend the
substitute by.cfrikingont the . third see
Ms. MAYNARDmeninetimihn would
offeran. addlUonal section, authorizing
the State Convention' to establish provi
sional governments.' '. • ' .%
Mr. STEVENS. in order net to retard
- fi ti u= 2. of the bill, • withdrew the
Aft:r debate, Mr. STEVEN'S moved
the previous question, and the substitute
arcto, sureithe'bill as amended pass
f!ditress 104, nays 34—a strictly party
The following is the bill, as passed:
filthe it enacted, That so much of the
section of an net passed March ld,
1867, entitled an act supplementary to an
Oct to provide for themore en:intent gov
eminent ' of. the rebel •Statee; passed
March 2d, 1867, and to facilitate their
restoration,- as requires that a majority
of all registered voters of the District
shall be cast in favor of the ratification
of the Constitution before it bet:Omen
valid, be and the same is hereby somod-
Med that a majority of voles cast at the
election for ratification or rejection of
the Constitution shall be wansidered as
valid,`and an affirming or rejecting said
COnititatlon. •
Rec. 2. And be It further enacted, That
the votes of Um several States Mentioned .
in the acts to which thLs is antendatory,
may at the time of voting on the ratlike.
tion of the Constitution, also Tote for
Members of 'Col:greets, who shell be enti
tled to take seals ae members. of the
House of Representative,' op taking the
eath'of oMeo required by law, whenever
'nod as soon as such States are duly re
oonstrueted mad entitled to'rePresenta- -
Von in the Congress of the United States;
aqd Wall. a new apportionment_ shalt be
made the electors tor said membenshall
I ho according to districts as they ex
isted to the years 1858 and UR, except
When otherwiserovided kw and the
amine election o gic ere who alien make
returns of votes coat on the rdifimaitin
or rejection of. to Coneff tplion Shall
enumerate and certify the votes met for
Members of Congress, and give &dill
=.3.itor ; election to those pthmessing the
• nurekter of qualified votes, and
pito eljall enliAqliteroto.
tar Telemph to tee rumen* tunnel •
Loutsmix, December 18.—Itiver els
tog with five feet Live Inches In the es-
Ant by the mark. Weather clear, ;with
the thertnenneleeta 31 degrees;
Deoein tr.U.T...e December I&—River
stationary whit etx end' a belt feet o r
'water Itt the cheaneL 'Mettler *moder
etMg and waif meltlatilderly.
Continued Fenian Excitemen
derAno Attempt to Blew Up a Prista
Arms and Ammunition Seized:
Examination of Prisonert•
Press Cassorahip -in Prang.
Exciting Debate in the Italian
Pariament, .
The War in Abyssinia.
Klog Theodoras Apia] hag the Torok
,By Telegraoh to the Mineral Oesette.l
Reader, December 18.---The examine:
lion of John Martin, • and others Con.
neaten' with the funeral,-deticonstratioa
' ors the Bth instant, was oonoluded• yea
terday, but the decision elf the Courtwas
reserved. This morning' the adcused
were again brought before the magic,
trace, and Mr. Martin ail Mr. Later
were committed for trial on a claw of
misdemeanor. They immediately, !M
a lahed the requisite bail and were Ma
charged from ettattt*
4NOTILEi ...waster TO BLOW Op PHISoNI.
" LoNDON Dec. l&—.fiberacua—Another
attempt was made to-day to blow up tho
city prisons. Powder was placed under
ono wall of the Idillbank, Jail, in which '
a number of Fenian are confined. The
preparations were all completed and the
rase nad been lighted by the cOmpliatom 1
without attracting attention. Owing to
some defect In the arrangement of the
materials," the •iiiiirder did-not explode,
ficid the plot imis' disc deiriql, balers the
attempt could be renewed. No arrests
have been made and there is no clue to
the minty "
AllY3, *C., BUZZED. .
LONDON, Die. 16.—Arms and ammo-
olden, ester:aukd lig the Venialuio
been diaooVered• and seatetl by . the, polio
•at seveial places In rogland. • • ,
• • •
Lennox, . ,
Dec. -18 . - 4... dispatch front
Maseowalt, naps 4
.ropart frOtti the itt
teriei reached the British expedition that
King•Theedortis lutit sit lire to maid&
etroyed Debra Tabor. - • •
.P 12 4/ize. rantasStstiv.
. 38:-Prifeie Mlnleder
Menitbrea replied
.yeeterdity to tbe. at
' tacks made upon the Government by the
Liberal party , hi' Parliament . In the
ammo of blitipeieh *said Gary would
'boner or later posses. Mome, lint that
end would be noeomplhibed not bv arms
nut by moral force. Baron. Matatal
followed in a speech In ,opposltlon to the
chief Minister, swine' 'Um popular vote
in Nrplerimd,otheor d %
Maly Mori,
ed thelintLat deznaridecta different policy'.
Tar• .
sAirmut oes.anox.
.de Brae taT
Br. Prranenuao, Den..lll.—The laaal
betwdeit Franco and Apatite on the
Eastern queetion, it persisted In, will Im
peril the trangOlLlty of Europe.
o rims comminute.
Paula. December la:s—The Manifest,.
publLshas &radar, slimed by the pie
het of police,. placing the Press of the
sity under more rigorous censorship.
ruguirris.x.. AND conlissrum.
Idviertroor; December 111Ereing.
Cotton closed at an advance. of id; Mid
dling Uplands In port at lid; to anise,
lid: do Orleans, 74d; sales of 12,000 bales.
Brni a edstugsoorn. 46a 4d: •whest. 'Cali
fo while, 100 2d; -so 2 , red wes
135 7d; other articles remain unchanged.tern.
Provisions—Beef. 7 1 2 1 .6 4 for .I,ger
cured; Pork, ela 7d; Lard, 50f; Cheese,
220: Bacot:. • 40s Od. Produce—Sugar
dull; Roeln, common to medium,
Petroleum, 2 e for spirits, and is 44 for
ANTWERP, December 18.—Atcning.—
Petroleum closed dull at (5 fraam.ltle-
DAMS, December 'lB.—There wax - e ra
action In the feeling on the bourse to-day
and setter; are flat.
—• • .
Lennon. Dee— 1 8 .-Conirolstell:10; &Wm
72; Illinois Central SW; Elio 491.
FRANKFORT, Dec. l&—United States
bonds 761.
Oa Ike Lake Shore Head
Between Feely and FlAy Passengers
fussed so Death,
List of Killed - and . Wobaded.
j tt7Telts.Do la the mail.% Sellell4l.l
811/P.111,0, December ' lit.—The • New
York express train from Cleveland on
the Lake Shore road, due here at 12:45 r.
being badly behind time, when two
"runes this aide of Angola, ;either from
defect in a rail or frank mot with a seri
ous ant • about three o'clock this at.
terntxrn. The two rear passenger' cars
wore thrown off tho rack androlledover
on embankment of twenty feet. A train
with in:goons, officers of the wad, and
othere,left at four o'clock to render as
aistance. The killed and wounded are
expected here at nine o'clock, and every
raSt ionank s t h b e ei ngundeed
o hy h
tb e t able. -
:The following:ls a list of the killed and
woonded,as far ma ascertained
- -.• . ,
Lect-fdra, J. Af. Strong, of Buffalo;
?dery Freeman, residence unknown; J.
P. nay ward, Agent of Bowl at State
„ .
Wounded—Anna Maria Gates, Corfu,
N. Y.; Mary Moore, Brooklyn, N. Y.;
Mary Sheldon and child, Corfu, N. Y.;
Mn. H. A. Thomna, lifting. It. M.. Bus.
sell, Franklin, Tenn.; W. L. Pettin,
James . Brown, Butlido;' Mr. Laing and
two children, Groton; Idnry Bales, Corfu,
N. Y.; Robert and Ann DfcCirthy,
Princeton, .111.; Daniel Our, Brooklyn;
Lydia Strong, Buffalo. Ira Babcock and
wife, Syracuse; Mr. ' Forbush. Buffalo;
Robert /Stewart and With Onelds;' Mrs.
Hamlin, Buffalo; Winn ie McCarthy,
Lowell, Mean.; W.H. Moore; Brooklyn;
Albert Rivensburg Albion, N. Y.; J.
C. Cribb,. Salem , - Pa.; „Pi: /11.
Utica M. Copely, klinnepolli, Minn.;
W. IL Teller. [Dim; Mn.s UM. Thomas,
Kenosha,. WM; Garrett-.Horley, Corry,.
Pa ; J. M. Ayer, New York; Charles W.
MORN SXRIOUS TwAN nar011274).
BIMPALCI,. Dec.. 11.,-The , ambient at
Angola was more serious than at pest re
ported. Tbo rear oar wont over an em
bankment of Oily feet, was set on fire,
and on of OAF- PalmaPlw only two
escaped. The rest were burned to death,
and all that la left ht a mass of blacken.
.1 and charred remains, without , any
means of ascertaining the names. The
accident occurred atißig Sister. bridge,
; 11u4 , 1 :fig r i. 1 71:Virtrliglit l°14. a2r e
rew "l wounuoo, errl;ed Mire ;S i t hall
Past nine : Vltebeliribelitthe =idea
will bo here about twelve. Every prepa
railob la being made to care for their I
wants by. the, citizens:-
Inquest% are now being bold at Angola
op the killed .... _ _ .
10 llarge num b er or philtdans c;r Bari
oft on the four o'clock special trap to
}tale[ the Wounded. ..
Fp reported klthiccthe following are
or Spartans org, _ nsylranial
I `BS r. Onwhis, - residence unknown;
W. If. Base; North Bend, Pa.; E. li.
Forbush, Bogle litre. W. Freemen, Nor
, with, Pa.; lidra. Hubbard , Fit. Catharine.
C. W.; Frank Walker, Bu ff alo ,
Additional Wounded--Betiry Jackrain,
1 1114 &T. Howard New York . . Jam
Walsh, Brooklyn; W. C. Patterson. 011
Creekplltra.-Flaber. Yineweata,(Masaud,
ble); ChsaiP.WOWltuffido;:a. T.Flsh
ar, 9r.ransitsy gismenotai•
- J -
e Bill * to Suspend Further
Itednetiap. of . Cunene .
Bonded Warehouse legalationa
NAllona' Bonk Loans
Pittsburgh Revenue District.
Southern Publio Lands.'
The Maryland Sett tor
Br Toleigraph. to to. ess.tir 3
WASAINGToN, Dec. 18, 1667
1471710 D NOT INF.& LLLEILY.
United States Treasurer Spinner states
:the reeenUy published method of deter
ding counterfeit notes by comparison■ of
iolnumbereseci letters is not infallible
A. B. Slaneker;: of Philadelphia, has
appointed revenue agent for the
'State of Texas, end be left (arida poet.
REDO:MO.4r Or cranzsar
The following la the House bill to
uspend Sortfher reduction of curren
cy s Be Itiacted, , •fronf and after
xhe PLlNalra of thin act the authority of
elearotary.of therm/Sul to make
any reduction of currency by redeeming
•r cancelling United States notes, shall
' • and hereby Is Suspended. •
For this Senator Sherman, from the
Comrdittee oh. Vlaanerb.hea reported to
the Senate the following as a substitute :
That' so much et the act approved
April 12th. 1666, entitled an act to amend
an act entitled an act to provide ways
and mean. to support the government,
• • proved March 3d, '65, as provides that
, •is Secretary of the Treasury may retire
and cancel United States notes to the az
imut of four millions of dollars per
thoonth, be the earns le hereby sus
liendeduntll Congress shall otherwhie
povlde. • -
.tThe Senate Committee 'on Naval At instructed its chairman to re.
favorably en the bill authorizing the
Ident to 'appoint naval oak:men the
haired list, not below the rank of com
mander, to Consular positions under the
Overnment, with,bort pay,
! V_Tho statement Chat the Secretary, of
Fite Treasury would, ins very short
time, abolish all general bonded ware.
houseefor spirits, or such 'as are Made
;nated as dam 13, and establish more of
Maas A in its place, was unauthorized
4)Se:rotary McCulloch. Theatory that
distillers can store spirits reaninfamured
In a separate place is' also I without
'foundation. There is authority for aay
,lng Secretary McCulloch hats In contem
plation the removal of certain store
keepers of lirge bonded warehouses.
The Comptroller of Currency has sent
-a circular to Rational Banks for the pur
poise of asecutaining the total amount of
money loaned by them during 1867, and
the total number of business #l5ll ac
commodeted, together with the average I
time for which Laaratwertlmedil- .
The Secretary of the Treasury, to-day,
sent to the Rouse some intereeting docu-
Manta relative to Internal Revenue mat
In . the Pittsburgh. District, showing i
that Mr. N. P. Sawyer, 'of the itepolgie
aasakwepapec In.
IQeged in whit l th oci a l t ts ci t t i;y has to n b et e' Akra .
black-mall -business. It appears that
some charges- of- this - slut reached the
Internal Revenue. Bureau In October
last, and the Conunisslonors finally sent
J, Miller, a Revenue Agent of Phila
delphia, opt there to Investigate matters.
Politically, he la a Democrat. and Saw
yer and his associates are Johruun mon.
Mlller went to Pittsburgh and spent
twine • time In making investigations.
Likterepart - to the,Treasury Derment
ISitizeigile de thet.lidler pare arOceliber.
With it were atlidavita of half a dozen
Deputy-Oil Inspectors tanderJ. Ct. Lang
don, the Chief Inspector'of that District.
The Deputlm werepaidacertain amount
per trine) for Inspecting, and the tame of
brut to deman
amountect from
them all a certain per month,
Some of them being allowed to 'keep WO
and others $12.5. LEDreanel, one or the
o s
n w ey ea swears that Sawyer
he revolved e d r eg o in
edalt the
month; that he said the President ap
proved the arrangement; that the Pronto
of oil inspection in the Pittsburgh Dis
trict should go to the sunned of the Re.
public newspaper; and • he also swore to
a long conversation In which the effort
was made to force him to giv ing up his
receipts, and' that because he refused to
do so, the Assessor and Collector asked
for his removal. • Charles B. Strain, an
other Inspooror under Landon, who
totems to have been a colleague or con
federate of Sawyer, swore that Langdon
demanded all him earnings over ninety
dollars per • month: - that ho renal to
comply with the demand; Bat Sawyer
thereupon now him and told him be had
better' settle with Langdon it Co. Re
further ware that after he had declined
to come down as they desired, they did
all they could to got Film turned mit.
John Littell, another Deputy, swore
that hehad been builledints paylngover
part of his earnings, and he said that In
seven and a half months, ending with
the middle °lt:it:totter, he had.paid over
13,000 to lAngdon.
Swat Braun, another' Inspector, swore
that yAr demanded, liege share of
his earnings; that he ptM him some
hundreds of dollars and finally refused
to divide Any farther; whereupon -he
was turned out of orrice.
. There Is more testimony of the Name
sort. Mr. Miller, the agent lent out to
make Invostigatiorui, gives a summary of
the evidence, and says these transaction.
are great violations of law. prejudicial to
the public service, and highly discredit
able to the parties engaged, therein.
They show that Sawyer exercise. a ma
lign influence over officers of that Dis
trict at onus powerful and dangerous,
and it should be abridged. Be further
says Langdan should be at once re
moved; the /useseor and Collector repri
manded for lending themselves to tisins
actions calculated to bring discredit on
the admintetnition of law; Limit eho ‘ uld
be forgiven, because poverty was the
moving cause In hie came; and
In It may be added,
cemeinalon, that Miller'. recommends.
Dona were Corrl9d'put some tints ago. • •
TUE manynazin an:taxon. -
The 'repent of the Senate indiniery
iCommlttee on the credentials of Serurtor
'Thomas imps they have taken evidence
and rind nothing aufficient,ln their opin-
ion, to debar Mr. Thomas front taking
his eatd, unless It be found to the fact of
his eon having entered the military nor,
vino of the Confederacy and and °holm
'stances connected with that fact. With
out the expression of an opinion In re
gard tothle point, they report the whole
evidence to the Senate. The feud.
- ninny- for the most part la that he
had dono nn act for . oragainst
the Union , hut that hie associations
' - wore with those whose sympathies.
wore with the South during tboreboillon.
lehn Thomas, eon of the Senator
elect, admitted he was in the Confederate
army. and that before going, thither he
was ne - ilealedly and earnestly Invoked by
hie father not to do so. Furthermore, a
. 000lness occurred between them fu con
'evince of inch convenuitiomr. The
money given by Thome to his eon was
to buy him personal cornfirrla and not to
aid rebelilun
ionyrinith rtinfao F.AhrpL
Mr. Julbur, Chairm a n d s , N a a s Howie
Committee on Public,
ed to the lipase eon will Bonn call up
for ection, an important bill derlaring
&drilled to the United Slides landllffnut
o-dloftentherp Swim, in 0.4 k), to old in Ma
oonattnettop of railroads. The grantee(
these 4nda havitexplred, and fhb bill, If
lised, will open up to bomeelead @ritzy:
and settlement nearly five million acres
of latal.!
1,. . ,
Chas. 4. Ctirtle, Preol dont of the Spirit
Manufsolurera and Dealera Coilivigi
"" b ' r °" t !' c `r mite " on
O!I 1
ittleaaltti PrtltlaciMilodeolbellTo:
Itta. 416 tai 'd' ifartta: " ' -
:1291 tiloa'rtaal" cottrtaserg.
nuo t aretati of Statosttetio-the 4oh
ate the moll oritivn T io IL Jug.
sit 4.: i to hem the Miffed Ettiowl •0
the l'atetrattodal'lttenotafy Cotiforeace
at Paris. ‘ '
.. , .pomas - rip IairOIITS.
• parldroctor of tap Buren% of litatlatice
ailed th ailed litotes, gn• th e ttsent ra el.A.'
lag' e
th o s we r e
udderat:adrift -except
where a million and a
half, at 4L1 . 3,474,/18. . .
tas gstetr P ass u to the
Mb n ar e k b l a ma ,'
Barn, N. Y., December IR—Tbe Sten.
ben county Treasurer , " salt, was broken
Open last night end robbed of elgbt
thousand dollar in, bench, of esirtons
• melds—Cee.ner'e Inquest.
A remarkable case of suicide occurred
yesterday, atthe house of Samuel Ward,
No. at Penn street, of which we hair@ the,
following particulars: Zanies Manojx, a
young man alkkit thirty-one • years of
' age, who worked at Hartley's saddle and
I harness establishment, orf Woad street,'
shot himself, about - ten o'clock yesterday
morning, and died front the sheets of the
wound about three o'clock in the after
noon. The deceased came to the city
about three years since, tibia Huntsville,
Alabama, where he has a mother and
three sisters living. Ile haa °mauled a
room atNo..T3 Plum street for the past
rburteen months, and his conduct has
been of the most exemplary character.
He was an active member of Division 42
I Sons of ,Temperance, and cram also .a
member of a Masonic ledge In this city.
Ire did not go to his ' work yeeterday
ncornlng, and while his room was being
•serept and arranged, he went into an ad
jacent one, which . • was occupied
turned iend. About ten o'clock he re
to his own room and closed the
door. About fifteen minutes later a Mr.
tb see him; and, upon open
ing his room door, found, him lying on
door partially insensible, and a lour
barreled pistol lying near Mar.. He was
ut once placed upon the bed and • Dr.
Spoor Wal WC him. His wound,
was dressed mud. the urinal restoratives.
administered, after. which .he stated to
intention ds present that he idiot
himselfally; had, dine so be
cause . did mot,desirta.-to live any
longer.. He decllnedrogivothe reason,
but said it should "remain a secret and
be buried in the grave" with him. Ile I
lived until about thine o'clock, when ho
oxpir d, and, al th ough perfoody.rational
up until the last moment of his life; ex
pressed no regret for what be had done. '
The ball entered the lower part of the
chest, directly order the heart, and
lodged in qtva spinal column. Coroner
Clawson was, notified of his death and
held an inquest on the body yesterday
evening, when the jury, alter examining
several witnesses, found • that "the de
ceased came told!' death from the efforts
of a.pistol abot.wound Indicted by his
'own hand."
to Arrest end a Race.
J. Ramsey Lorimer, oo long atipstavo
in the Criminal Court as to have booomo
almost 'universally, knoWniwm one of
tho actors in a rather exciting scene in
the vicinity of the Court House yester
day. Ile had a preteees; or attachment,
foeJ. Charles Dieken,who, it seems, bee
failed to appear before the grand Jury as
u.witneas inan'eMbeirlienent case, being
the prosecutor.. Mr. Larbner arrinded
him, but (the. grand Jury not being in
wagon"consented to release him n
paying t he coots the attachment. u
Mpo r.
Dicker hesitated about paying' toe
amount slcatandad, and in the midst of
the conversation gave, Ilse officer "the
shit." darting off at his bcat speed through
the rutpuda of the Court Rouse, out to
tho ktreetomd taking refuge in an otter.
ney's °Mee on Fifth street. The officer
followed him elooely, and on reac e gin
the door of the office, found it c los ed
ageinit him.. After some parley Mr.
Lorimer.. demanded tbo body of Mr.
Dicken, claiming that he was a prisoner,
and announced th at , aniess his demand
WAS compliodwith he wouldstraightway
lay the matter belbre the Coqrt of which
ho was an °Meer. The door was then
opened, Mr. Lorimer seised Lie prisoner,
conducted him bock to the Court !louse,
and them the woo arranged, with
out the interferenne matter
of the Court, by Mr.
D. paying the officer the costa.
F • ,Copittai's
Wo published. yesterday morning, .
notice of a sudden' death in Allegheny.,
to • which the name of Mr. PJahmlller
erronemorly appeared as the. deceased.
Joseph Mar Warta Wes the name of the
unfortunate Man, andhls death occurred
in the honseof lifr:-Elebtrilller. The de
ceased waasi Soles, , and boarded with
Christ, fletzol, near Sharymburg. He had
beenenifering front coneurupelontuul was
unable to work for some time,-and on
th dayof tieartrhrosate
for e
tho • pumop his of going Ottro l stl i Z
Ile was assisted to the train by Mr. Met.
whoitocompanied him to the city.
and upan Ids arrival be d him carried
to Mr. Elchmlller". where he died in
about fifteen minute'. afterwards., Coro
ner Clawson held PA inquest yeetords,y
morning, and the. Jury rendered a ree
dier of death from natural causes lie
woe about thirty-Ave years of age and a
brickniaker by trade; was unmarried,
od.d has tee Vals, qtighbor.
'lns tar 11187-1451 L...
GllT..—What' a thaira in this almple
word! It Is a sacred axiom that "It is
more. Limed to give than -to receive."
Where ma you purchase such
ter or cheaper than by ordering them at
Chip old and eminent NOM° of C. Yea
ger & Co., 110 Blarkol street—the very
Madquarters for all manner ofgifta, rich
and costly for those as can afford to buy
such, with Fancy Goods. Toss, aut.-
mall° end - plain, quaint or curious, in
numerable. We dare not essay to name
the attraction, of Yeager ct Co's Great
Baser. A whole page of the (fixers
would not suftlee. "But - we challenge our
readere to name anything in the whole
trick or Toy* or Fancy Articles, suitable
for Holiday Gifts, that may not be found
at their Store. - So, keutlo reader; wend
your way to this store of oonntlee,
charms, this hannt or Si, Nicholas, pro
vide for the comine - Chrbrtmea, that yottr
house may be made the ocean of Joy,
that the clamor or lumpy children may
reverberate through all ita chambers.
ratortalmoinit by she er.rular •
et ID* Plaselburgb ream&
The Browning Association of the Pitts
burgh Female cellego win give en en
tortalnment at the College Chapel to
-morrow evening. The Association has
been noted for years for lta excellent en
tertainments, and the coming ono, pro
mises to bo fully up, to preceding ones.
We recommend those of our readoni who
desire to spend a pleattantand profitable
evening to attend. A. cordial to - ilia/lon
Is extended to the friends of the &noels
lion and 'the College to attend. Thorn
will be good essays and excellent music.
The doors open ,at soon o'clock,
and the exercises commence at seven
and a halt
Pelee rest••••
J. tupto made Information before Al
i dermankfaliaittera, yesterday, charging
John Gatos with'obtaining goods Mader
false pretense. The prosecutor is a shoe
maker, and it appear. that the defendant
purchased a pair of Wins of him, prom
ising to pay for them the following day.
representing that he had a sum cif money
coming to hinf which' would . dne at
that .The caw .will hardly ' , held
waterl,lo elm an expression of the pres
ent Grand Jury with regard to similar
cases, but If it answers the purpose of en
forcing the payment of the debt, the
main, object will bb nteompthawd, A
warrant woe issued for the arrest of
' Heir
fora hearing,—John Smith, woo
arrested yeaterday on a 'charge of obtain-
Ina' goods under-tabu, pretense, on oath
of William flofft, 'before Alderman Itlo=
Masters, Tito parties Temper
unceelllo where the. prosecutor keont a
store, and it is allegeci hhn that the
defendant obtained goods to the vtiluo of
*23 by making false and fraudulent
regreson ln tatlans; 'fie was belt) pi bill for
t blessing
isoktay Cla.'""Th° TZETwit Prit
good ean be'"w
a e bl The 1 Weed
serving mac ne, 0
Is unla Venrany,lltallOWlOdged 10 Ina qa .
bent,- In heti'''. 414''Itt"ogrIsToitti%
Abair been sent triT,!Tetni'siiit the
rprollot: flt.. l7 l l° ert 0 :11,0ed ke. 00.1:
0. 112Graut
see It at W.!!
street. '
A. T. AL—Ereetlen or °Meas.—AL a
inaeting or /Minor Lodge No. 287 A. Y.
the following oiDeerli were regularly
- ' 444 ' 1 /nd ter: the enanlng
Masonic year, ecniti:nenelng Ht. John'.
Day, December 27th: W. Br., Hammel
"Whiuters; H. W., W..D. Spleen; .7. W.,
W. F. Lang; SocroLso., 4s. etdmatt;
Treasurer, U. taNdip.
4U-Utatas Presenta.--Ladlea Is mush
usetuVpresoktar Em
'pedal Ira,
gralus are being oel'arscl la Embroideries,
Liandkerehlelk woolorn. 'Gleam and
Fancy Geoda r at Cree Brigham; 51 Fifth
street. Their stork wan all bought fur
ratan sales. apd they are salting every
/411g SI cheap ea the cheapest. They
STIR gat t k e tuadersuld,
• - '
The Grand atu7 yesterday adjourned
till Monday, January eth, late& and be
separating visited the jolt. Thejury
passed upon two hundred bills, aud
there yetramslas quite , a number to no
Letter 110 4-tiviit:y reeid4re of Al
- find an nor fourth page of Ireclell4itter Het of- Ariel&
12Y .
To the Pastors and Kotatimus or M} g•tiota tboineboa of Pittsburg% Hu,
swathes., mouth rtstattorge oast
We destreto lay before yen the action
of the Committee appointed to prepare a
definite Plan of operatiths by which all
Churches and Beuovofeat Societies may ,
act together In the work of city evangel-
izatlon and 'ln the dlstrlbrition• of their
ccharah'. h T a b v ° lnr i r o k dicto twofol d to !Oaf
spiritual destitution, es well as. with, the
wants of the body. • •
In regard to thefirst—evangelikatlth
It la our earooet desire that the gospel Of
our blessed Saviour shall be carried to
every house within oarprescribod lim
its; end to emirs this end, the Com
mittee suggeet that the entire territory
bo divided Into districts, and thateach of
these anveral divisions be given Into the
care of 60020 ono particularcoagregedlout
become furnish it. own workers,
and responsible forth° thorough
vLsltatlun of the field asalgoad to It. To
preserve the unsectarlan charactorof the
work, each •iisitor will bo furnished with
a card containing the name and residence
of each pastor, and roe location of each
church and mission school; and whore a
preference as to place of worship Is '
pressed, the person may beeitrocted to
the church otitis choice. The 'Woman's
Christian Association!' having already
dhttricied the cities fora sladbi purpose,
the Committee propOse to place this part
of ate pion in tho heads of that orgatura.:
Mon, feeling assured that whattwar Is en ,
trusted to It wit! be eatlefaetorgy per
But in this unity of effort and co-oper
ation, we desire to state, . 11 ,:ictly,that
there Is no intention to interfere with
any addltiolud missionary efforts of In
dividual churches. Leaving latheper
meal activities of all whatever field
they may thooso to cultivate, we unite
together that the - whole may bo won to
our co union Lord.
. _ .
As to the seared feature of our work—
the relief of the', poor—the Committee
feel persuaded that ,thogreat want of our
city is a central orpetization, to which
all mses of destitution aha wh ich reported,
and through the agents of w nil re
lief shell come. We therefore propose
that all the dLstinettbenevolent societies,
exdopting. these that may exist in the
several churches for, the solo object of
taking care of the poor pf the congrega
tion, be merged into the Ladies' Relief
Asaocintion of Pittsburgh. Wo think
our proposed plan , of evangelical visita
tion will bring to light. maw cases of
destitution that • ought to-be rebeved,
while it .will also, largely prevent the
fraud and imposition now practiced up
on benevolent individuals and societies
—e fraud made comparatively easy by
the numerous sources from witich the
unworthy are permitted to draw.
These ore the suggestion , which we
make to the pasture and members of the
Pvangelical ohm:cites of the cities and
surrounding boroughs. We believe they
ran be curried out into practical effect.
Will our brethren give theMa prayerful
A meeting will • be held in the First
Presbyterian Church (Lecture Room,)
Wood street., Monday afternoon at three
o'clock, to which ail Churches and Socie
ties who have a heart to co-operate In
thin great work ire requested to send
two representatives.
In order to save timo—a meet import
ant consideration Just now—and to en
labia the W. C. A. •tti assign dietrlchs at
Once, It is Lighly important that
Churches and Benevolent Societies
should send representatives authorized
to pledge co-o r oration, if the general
scheme .11411 be adopted.
The work in Allegheny. is already no
systematized and sucarsandly carried
forward, that It. in not thought test to
attempt the appUmition of the present
scheme there.
_ On behalf of the Committee.
, W. IL .
• ' S. P. &oval..
The ratverestles.rath. -
The Fair at City Hall was well attend
ed last night,' notwithstanding the many
other places of amusement stow open in
, the city- Tbesales at the different booths
vrere,gyilie lively, end the voting on the
Among the nittnyother.artleles to be dim-
imecil. of by ballot, we obierved a floe'
I go ld beaded cane at the bOoth over which
Mrs. Ituffurti presides, which is to be
awarded to the "Reporter" receiving the
highted•nn tribe, of votes. •
iA number of Valuable articles have
been disposed of by raffle, and a nuaber
yet remote lobe disposed of. The s fen
did Sewing machines from Carson Bros.,
which are to be awarded to the bolder of
the "lucknumber," attract speciai at
tention a nd . the chances are taken read
ily. The great feature Of the fair, how
ever, Is pfepromenado which tokes place
every - evening, from ten to twelve o'clock.
The Muide is delightful, and the mina
re are ever attentive po the comfort of
Inmate in this as well as everything else.
There Is no more pleasant piece, of
atmrsement In the env to spend an even
ing than at the 'Universalist fair.
' !yeah Every Dag.
We haie personally known atm a
year or two dealt with I. N, f3elmon,
Raker and Confeettonoi at 'Nix 109 Fed.
end street, Allegheny. We speak .ritat
we do l.aosv, when. we say hut calks,
frulted,fancy or tiun,' are not Only "fresh
every day," but ore always' skilfully
prepared and done just right. We were
lint attracted to Slenam's by the testi
mony of a notable housewito that hie
cake' and confection'. were. both better
and cheaper Shim at heather shop An the
same street that we bad - been deallng.
We are glad that by his advertisingl.bls
establishment in the Ga.zErrit 001 r read
ere everywhere will be apprised of so
excellent d place to deal. We promise
further that those who patronise Mr.
Selman will atte n tiv e el, his "wife and
assistants ao and °bilging a s to
make his cakes and' pies The ron savory
end his candles sweeter. ls also •
clean about bi shop in the perfect caller
and cleanliness al Waye apparent.. Go rm.
der, tee and judge for yourself It all this
be not so. .
=akin. to pesspialint Perm .
Peterson W Brathera; of Philadelphia,
aro issuing a cheap edition of Dickens In
pamphlet form "for tho mlllion.' The
price for each volumo ia twenty-five
cents. We are in receipt from W. A.
Gildenfonny, No. 4d Filth greet. of "Oli
ver Twist" and the immortal liPickwiek
Chriatmas Stories, fly Charles 810ke,,.
:Pee tattoo. Peterson L Bremen,
Paliaoeleals: W. A. OtidenienairNo•
Fifth street. Pittsboral.
This edition of "Christmas Stones"
contains "A Christruaa Carol" "The
Chimes," "The Cricket on the e arth,"
"The • Battle' of Life," " Th e anted
Nan," end "Tire Bargain:' -and
Is the eighth volume of an entire new
edition of Charles Dickens' works, now
In count() of publication by T. B. Peter
son & Brothers, Philadelphia, which Is
called the "People's 1;11 &IDA, natr
led." Tip starlet' require no notice.
They leave a world•wido reputation.
naming Ms Mother,.
boy about. ten years °rap mom to
tho Mayor's ofilee lust avoolug, and Eta',
ttnltlint ba mule front 4.mlWalia, near
Philadelphia, nod was lu .sesivh, of Ma
mother, whose namo is% Emma . cappell.
Ile Bald his mother Telliteii , 4this city ; and had tft come:tatet at
0nc0..110 came onpeottog her tot:M.OMM
at the Deput, where ho remained übtll
Into la the evening, when ho was advhled
logo, to the idayor's aloe, where ho nowt
In, waiting for his mother ,. 1114
t meet (110 eye of illftiatratiliw Willi IC
hoix.,..b } i meevi to lost buy'
wlthliroKr htlste,
D odor his Injorloa—Mr. William Bic.
Billion, who was injured on Fridayerren
ing loot, on Fifth' streot, by being run
oror oror by a horse and sleigh, an account
of which we published on Saturday, vow
removed to the libmocpathio Hospital,
Second street, blondes , morning, whom '
be died of Ills injuries yesterday about
ten o'cloOk. Coroner Clawson inapan-
United ajury, and hold at inquest on the
body at three o'clock, when it was found
that "tiro dm:cooed Cattle to his death
fro injuri roooked on the eyeng of
the 1 m
4th lost. es
on Fifth street, Pittsburgh,'
bybeinlgh.”gacoldentally run over bya horse
and sle
Ondadou•—la our report of the pro
' ceedings of the Republican Caucus, in
the Third ward, Allegheny, we uninten
tionolly omitted the immo of William
Murdoch as ono of tha nominee. for the
position of 3 :iireetor of the Poor. We
did not fntend 'to do Mr. ltfurdoch an
'Month aa be has served hi the Board
with =Alt for the last two aeon, and
more espeolidly na the ornisslan of his
name was no fault of his, but ours. We
make the OOrreetion cheerfully.. '
Fifth ward, Allegbeuhr—A preßruips.
ry ward , Xtepubilenn voters of
the Fifth' Allegliooy, will bo bold
at the Se.boothouao'on fiaturday everting,
at-7 o'clookitor tba purpose of naming
candidate for, ward oflioas, at.
ttaciatiee of th . e voters rocamst,d,
maw leasalletiese.
Rey, Henry IS. Ainsworth was installed
as isstor of the Plymenth Couttrega
tioeal Church, in this city, last evening.
Thafollowlng was the order'of exorcize
au 'Opening voluntary by the choir;
reading of the minutes by the fkrlbe,O.
R. Rooth, Mansfield, Ohio; Invocation
cod reading of the scriptures by Rev.
Edward Hawes, D.E.:, of Phljadelphia—
lat Timothy, VI Chapter; introductory
Prayer by Rev. Hawes; Anthem, Isaiah
52 : 7 . "How 'beautiful upon the moan
tains;" Sermon by Rev. T. E. Twitchell,
of Menefield. Ohio —text, Prov. XI. 13.
_"lie thet winneth sortls la wise," and
; Drage XIL 9, "They that be ise shall
shine as •the brightness of thefirma
ment:" Ordination prayer bylßev. Prof.
E. li. Fairchild, of Oberlin Ohio; Fel-•
towable of the churches, by Day. Alex
ander Clark, Pittsburgh; Charge to the
Pastor, by Rev. T. R. Findley; Mercer,
Pa.; Address to the People, by Rev. FAward Hawes, D.D., of Philadelphia, who
was Moderator of the Council; conclud
ing prayer by Rev. Mr. ,Caldwell, of
Mercer.' •
CosiHest Cwadifait Candles! .
Not candies only but Fruits, Nuts,
Cakoi and all kinds, fancy and
plain, of the choicest. quality, always
froth, pummel goixt, are kept- formate by
lira. R. C. - corner of
field and Diamond streets. This old and
favorite stand,tormerly kept byStittlite,
more recently by Mrs. Morgan, and now
by: Mrs. Neemer, was' ever pop tilar and.
never more so than now. Mrs. Neeper,
has, -In addition to cakosand confections,
fitted Im in excollont style an ice cream
and oyster saloon for the special cony°.
• nience of. ladles, which, we doubt not e
will prove a great 0011Telibi]dri and be
libenAly patronized. She also mtumfao
tares for private parties to order Pound
Cakes, Jolly Cakes, Fruit . Cakes, lee
Cream, dm., No commend 111111
vorite of so many old patrons as worthy
of manse-now on Toe friends of Co
11, Reaper, kno es.
wn as a, member of t
the old Daguossio Greys, and for his ser
vice. In the late war, will care to - knew
that his rendezvoas is at Mrs. Neeper's.
Trinity (Episcopal) Church Fair and
Festival.—Thci, ladies of thla church have
Prepared a number of fancy articles, and
will opm a Fair for tho sale of them, to
continuafrom 'two until ten o'clock p. m.
this day, in the Sunday School room of
the church, Sixth street. Supper will be
served from six until nineo'clock. Tick ,
ate only fifty cents for. admission and
slipper. We happen to know, that the
preparations are for an elegant and sump
tuous repast. The proceeds to be in aid
of the Erionary work of the church In
the west..
Pedery.—Thomas Sullivan was before
Alderman Thomas yesterday, •on a
charge of perjury preferred against him
by Thoth.," Atetiade, who alleges that
the defendant committed willful and
th in audecioarl
uop ft t,p e e diaugwee on Adermanof i thin
city. The defeadant was held for a far
ther. hearing.
Hew Stung able* note cement, aloe. •
an Taiwan to de eutAttrth easette.7
Concono. N. H., Hecomber 18.—The
Republican State Convention was hold
to-day, Hon. Onelow Stearns chairman.
Governor Harriman was nominated by
Gov. Harriman accepted Hi o nomina
tion In a brief nddress. James M. John
son was nominated Railroad Commis
sinner. 'Resolutions were adopted en
dorsing'the reconstruction policy of
Congreas, proclaiming Gntlen. Grant ns the ,
first choice of tho Conveon and of the
peopl• of New Hampshire for next Pres-
Idont, denouncing repudiation in every
form, end declaring the National debt
must be pnid In good faith according to
Its tenor, holding that taxes on Govern
ment securities should be paid ovir to
the States according to thegnota of troops
furnished, pronouncing against the pur
chase of foreign territory, at any price or
for any nrurposo whatever, until we Luna
accomplished the oompleto restoration of
peace, loyalty and law In all existing ter
diem and, calling on Congress to refuso
appropriations for any object not abso
lutely demanded by the amenities of
the Government and therpeople. ,
itappased larder sal Areal&
Cie T.larcaab to flu Patabaraa laaaalal
HUDSoN, N. V., Dec. lA—The body of
a girl, aged twelve Vara; who . was burnt
to death by the dostructiot. of • a tenant
house at Canaan, hut week, tom been
exhumed and found to contain marks of
violence. Shots suppased to have been
murdered by the reputed paremta, named
Brow; to obtain a policy 0(13,000 en
her life In the Travelers Company of
Hartford. The Browns have' been gr
outed. Report says the chlid was not
their daughter, but adopted room Ohio
Come data ago. •
mull& me scminalbs. Use.
IBY T•legraX4 t 4 eltuburah ( Wan.]
BOSTON, December 18:--Tho steamer
China mailed to-day for Llrorpool,taklng
V=l,ooolll spode. It . la reported MIA Ls
tha last dopartaro of the Caliakand all
Drat clan Curiarders will be withdrawn
from Boston after Jatiaary.lit, and ro
placod by freight ateameta.
—Albert Smith, it - freedman, bag been
appohn3, by General Pope; JOlice of
the Peace In Tusealeinme.AMbanta.
To Wholesale Boyers of Dry Goods we
aro offerhsfaxpectal indacetoortts—job lots
from .the FustemApetlociSslli.,
Dress , Goods .u.salleoPlhil Goods.
2 dm's Wes; eh, ahlitialot PAWS.
6D Market street.'
enditlikettugat the Ftlnk to-night,
fee in beautiful order
Great Western Band rdecta at even.
12g, and every evening.
Lob at Flui—Go to the Rink.
For 14310 per pair, very , heavy, all
001, Blankets, at Barker's sale.
Great Wedern Rand o m Um /WU.
-- _.
!Something Good,—The boots. shoos,
gaiter s , tke,.. tbr inou.twJaa and eldldren,
kept at SU - Market street, are made of
the very beat material, and sold as low
sa the lowest. - goods are warranted
to give satistant /f you want, some
Robb', t glio e le. -.74d.4-4,...1.1
° aa Can 01 . bgaatlfal Garnet Maxi
$l,OO, at tteßkor's groat Rao. ma',
Can alai Emma' tho largo and oorn
•leta atoOk of Ladles' Furl, at W il liam
' lo,llll B* No. in Wood street • tr
AreUe GTO* Shoes—Gam over 'abbe%
Gant Blanket, Overcoats and Panto, just
reeelved, and will be dlopoisod or at our
usually low pricey, Oh the Snosanaah;
0 .9 0 OM of Sailtbison, Palmer it. Co,,
55 and 57Plitti Week. '
WMle Voustry-Ithan e i. - •
at Ltarker's sale 30;
Cat mtd see ttae tarp Mock - of Indl — m
rum at Wm. Fleming s,..Ne. 130 Wood
e vespningitanial Skating it the Rink day and
Ilesdache.—Dr. 'Wilson's Pills have
become quite muds, as a _remedy for
headache of every description. They
have Invariably adhnled immediate re
lief, even when other remedies have
failed. All the druggists In the - 17hited
States keep them..
The very boat Delslam and Artuurcs,
15c, at .Barker's, •
linrgains in Ladles' Furs, at
Fleming's, No. 139 Wood merest. V •
Empress Cloth"; Qa coottyroal good, at
Barker's sale.
Eop Man, cheap. ot. Win. Mondale.
No. 13D Wood otreet.
ErerstodY goes to ins Rink.
Fork Ellsoltets,:Carpels, Clothing art I
at private sale at suction prices; to does
emp consig orium otaf. Sm nmen, at the mammoth auction
, Pelmet. dt Co.,
53 and 57 Fifth etenst. ithson•
.. - .• • • -
mat% 81111 e, extra 4rlde, $1 2 .5. et'
Barker's Sale.
eirrore7. reduoed to 75 treats at
On atac No. a rj a o t p i t d as a tara at 'Wan.-
'at ' Llama
a. Towels, 121 e, ivdticod trotti
Barlu) •
Barker Biro
BATTed Irasnele, ceidecat
's We., • • • • •
0. .
Ba. at •
Irz eques...„ orie.ball'fbrmer prees, at
AUrea want Eirgalitsja to Wm. rialri-
IWA!, No. =Mood street '
TIMMS FOR Too waizzi
I '
auto a T.:-
—.Cod one copy of paw cc the pomp teak.
op she 0100. Additions to 0.1•08 ass p• .••••
Pay tlaco, of glob Mos. .
Nato= To etoascazszus.—is grist*" you
toper, be nuo and apathy orhaP CAM= yoo
as co. Imo • Wedutodar edltlea for =b
eer/bars luefor bat.. oun alma.
431m.y sJ than. FOOrf
et 12111.0,,,,,..d Lost., opky be mat as oor OAP,
Addreas. GAZETTE.
Iltantlfol Sop for the Million, several
Lugs consignments to arrive, and will
be disdosed ant auction / and private
sales during this and tho coining , wook,
at the marnoth 'auction houeeta Smith
son, Palmer tk Co., 55 end 57 FilTh
White Flannels,' 20c, at arker'a in
!pod quailty.
Our Cleat .Departatent is supplied
with the lateSt styles, materials and
trimmings. The superior 4 in taste
and workmanship of .erm ents made by
our linage is establiahed, and we am
offering groat bargains In ready made
garments. J. W.Manssit d:Vo.
• Mt Market street
itidtalo Over tuaon I
harad at
the ,
mammoth emporium of Smithson
Palmer et Co., 65 cud 67 Fifth street. .
Berke r's. Many and Glavin rodrinad in pica at
Go to Will. Flomlnen, N 0.1139 Wood
'treat, for ladlos fUrs. I '
Poplin Aloneasoheap at Ilarl,er's dot
sale. •
MPaca. cheap at Batior's
.Co to Um Rink
AMID —ErrEPEIEN/103-03:
• a •
re....b.:oth. by Us,. /raw , •
Iderke of ILo brlds'a. r,14. Mr.
,S. GlltTiffroir, lug., E.O now.,
ear dargister of r
phi** , rag.: al AXltAkmar tity.•
;!11,1,11roorri Drpara Oars •
ITsun/row-4= mdria.,4 Dec: 1114.
= UOIIIII.IW, 1n tbe:nlit Iblrd year
Th. Itrarral will rake place frost redder ea
of hla blre. band,. .110. 911./blo
. 11 n 61 . 111 /rabbny Ully. TnubtoLititonntao
at 10 web . Tbs frl end. of tb.
fkonllr •oo
vited to attend.
ERTM - tmlB ,
NS Fourth !Newt, PlOst,Segh,
ever,- Sewn/Mon of Funeral Inlrslidlisß
rollllllb<4. Zoom open day and 311,shi.
and Carriage. Rimbaud.
It smascss—liev, David KM, or.•
M. W. Jatatms, /3. I), 'bonus Nowise. SAN.
Ja<ubif. Miller. Np.
TAQg AND LuselN.. No. 43 888. St..
Allegheny. and No. NI Dienmond Square, (or
/ohslimon & 8r05..) keeps always on' han d the
but /fetal. 'Homewood. Walnut and, iroltallost
mewood Boliinm. Walnut Co(*.q from E3' up.
wards. Baswood C.I. &Xi upward. allot.,
Corn. to proportion. Carriages and Burets
Ibrolmhed at low real. Crape, Morns, Blsie
end )(nearing leridshed pmts. OBoOkormi d oy
and night.
, • larN AND EMBALBSIB. ve Ito
late Unmet K. Roderita.) No. VA.Skeels
three docre from Beaver. Al!exheal Cll7. 1,1 "
Staa•ar.wa. Ira boawaY...Walitat and
and Imitation Comas, at the lowest reduced
falaaa. Ream. open al all hears. day_
Ream .d Carelsgea tarnished oa sheet aottx
sad anima reaseaatde tem..
DZIZTAZZ6. Ofles, No. 2 Ohio Wm, •
/Weigh.). Natant., ItOoenood and other tko.
dna, oath •otonolato stock orb:moral Irurataktury
tioals, en handand fornlabed atabortot notion.
at lonaot prim. Sal. and Livery SUMO.. oolP
not of ,ftrat and Middle Iltraeu. Catolava..
pyrniaoa, Boggles, Baddla Norm.
R TN4the
• • PAINTING BUSINESS, one or'Gi beit
localities. beinctiro Miles loom eltd, os•
toddled railroad. Good shop arol • vttli,etb
Gelled bootees, To • dead mate. ha c ra Irmo
Ogee r ,
to dee hundred dolla. • rare eb
be rice mai
offered. Address :Pr.; Tom .a
Ghent. lutenist, ran . be had. tAtbeC
. • ...Mt IN BLIDA.* for t t.. 1101.
dan.-14 are In want of ultra Annuli In (WM
LoWnsblp. for Use aisore work. Send foreltcnlnn
with deseolnittin. A.daresd A. WX.11C8024
Co., litatte I street, Plltsbarnh.
To LET—sTonilatoomx, "bite.
blo for Groece7 qtW Pealoon litore.kboate
or of Ferry sheet and Diamond alieyi neap
lDlissond Motet. Tbe building new. ' roumotion bill be boat month.buSdlog aebidnolusi, From Deem and Dee/l—
ine &Dadra. Zuonire oi HAYS • bIiEWAHT.
m Ila Liberty Etreet.
(GO LIM IN BICLIMPI,D, near OUs pla—
tten, two squares (tom the Lemons Pant.
lot Om., betuttfull) stteated. and will to told
cheap. Eneatni of WILLLUI 1.101.1112k1
Llbierty Stmt.
H0W1E13.13 Chary oad Solo Stobii.koaw
and WASIITLY HORSY Mar: throe Dar LIB
onty• mama: ..... LAIRIID DRAUGHT
WORM Mtn 7tLACE. MAIM; two upin•
ILIUM 7/12.8T Writtlct, oonz UM ilosoilt..
Ilatla Boas.
Allintosset Itooslt.doohl. eonttnlssi.l
FOR daLIC.--potne and Lot int
may of Manhattan sad 'Adams 47:414
aear rssseatur Hathrsy. Lot SI
House Ritmo. soots/alas rooms- nod Rood Wtost,
Weil tarprosed. House sad Lot m 193 1 . 1 5 ,144 d 4 s , "
Bidwell, stmt.. Allstaeat elm Lot= of L.
bet: boats fru.. contains pail. to. toms Ilya
good xitsr; water ..114 VS.
H01L144111114 Lots la good toisition, Toombs pt
HUSH kW., Beaver struSt. sou CB.
FOE SA LE—That well knoalit
TAVERN STAND, all.te In the fin?
Ward, known as t`A oder.. Ita • ad/elaiaW.
the Warket Nacre, or. Non atreet. Tbe bottd
lag le three storks high, and mot Co.. taallailY,
built, cps:hieing it, large • comenalleos t °ohm.:
besides a large' Coecert • good aMble 'tot
the' back cad of the lot, attach to r. by IT fait
deep. 'Prom the ...enlace* or the
this hottia hasestabltshed a perseaueut beat/Mae.
Rod le extent equal It ma latter thee wry otheT
boom le;tbe razd. No better pitying coopeity
leNehaftterlng la Me market., BILL. WS/tin.
ert ile. Real TatWe Agent., thw,. .yr g ii.
Lae rehe
56 rum traixr.-•
Ate oaklu g of ocods Is their 110.4. Wore
/Fut net toed • ootr stook of Thor -
Watches,: Jettelry, Mier. Ware,
srcerAcr.r.s Ann
3:lliTiuumilain6l. .IBeasoas.
Which tit,' ue detinutned to sell at
vicar tow riicEs
ulrittOoAll4lollili I
All Immense and choke gam:arta:mot at
111.91"1"1" eC'A‘42. •rilftlftala
(NEW imitnneu.i
jimt nir G. EIAILr,
Merchant Telluz,
Cur: Peas mad 61. Cab. Iltreatca
THE BEST noLiniv
Mill see el' I boas tilebnitieS-
Thew * wrismes &mina s,
Juskt,,,„4 oth ir.. l&thltten as
estrimui &
CO.; R 7. ruts, acme.
I , inunday,
0 At the re -
,p.. 9.