El 6)t Vittsimtj) Gay* CITY AND CHUAN. TES COURTS. Oh'Met O. 3'4l' . Wuliarne. TUZSDAS, December 17.-;;On motion of Thou. Bayne, Eaq., Jobb. Glenn ' WU admitted to practice law in Ws Cknat., In the cue of Edwin Mudley vs. township, the jury found a verdict for defendant. W. J. Graham vj. Ault 11. F— Church. Action on a mechanics lien. On trial. Following in the trial lint for this day; 114. GiOtlll sa. Anieace 011 Co. ' 1137. Tog "Mary Bargee, " va. Brown. 141, Forrea;er Co. vs. Jennings it kita. la B=lB va. Same. 143. Ballinger va. Knox. 146. Patteuon vs.. McPherson. 148., Wallace vs. Beoket. 141 um - ney vv. Windlass. goona sole*S-d■At■ stow.. . Tozszoir, Deeembiu 17.—Court met et ten . ' In the can of Edwbrd Curran, indict ed foriblordows assattlt and battery on Web's! , Doiyherty, the Jury found a vain/Ant guilty en d recommended de lbodaot to the me yof the Court. '1 . 'O'NEILL LIZEL CASE. . • ,'Jade Stows ov rruled the motion for "anew trial in he Case .of Jame. B. °Tog', convicted of publishing a libel on Diniel'O'Naill, of tho Diepatch,which motion was argued a few days since. The defendant being present, woo called ogler. sentence. The Court reworked that the libelous article had doubtless teen written while the defendant was alarting from the statements made by the prosecutor in the article publLslied In LOOlXtpateh; and that in view of each probability the 'antenna of the Court would be light. Thodefondant was then eat-snood .to pay a tins of two dentin &lathe bean of prose c ut i on , , i • Jphnard Henr,y Meier plead nor lr con ''teedcretti an hadlotment for ateault and hethrj. - They were each sentencedlo pay n finebt Bra dollars and costs of ptreecntlon.- . Johp Mitch, a jeweler of Allegheny, - *us indittea far Me larceny of a watch The watch was the property of a man named Murray, and had Den left with the defendant for repair, Jnry Johnto agree and wore discharged. Murray.was found guilty on two indictments for larceny. The first In dictment charged him with the larceny efa red and whPecow, and the second for stealing a white pig, both animals belonging to Wm Boyd. Defendant was remanded for sentence. Joseph Loflnk, Jr., of the Sixth wird, plead guilty on two charge*. of illegal liquor selling. On thetbstlie was sen tenced topay a Lice of fifty dollars, and on the second a fine of one hundred dol lars* and costs. - - • • Ht u.11:1 Brady was arraigned on two In dictments, one charging him with coin; muting as assault and battery upon Emily Bradsigns, and the other with committing an aggravated assault upon John Orton. The parties reside In Me- Smespbrt, arid defendant is employed as night watchman at Fulton et Co.`a rope . walk. Jury out. Michael Joyce Wag anoefun . ed for an aggravated neenult and - Watery upon .11m Fitriudrick. On triarat ndjodna ment.., OPENING OE PIKE STREET neeiloe et Citizens et the fifth use Math learee—Oppeettlen to the Pre . peel—Demand fee the Repeal of the oeeteeeee—yeke elleglietay Talley Dread. In pursuance of a call a largo meeting of the residents on 'Pike and Srnallmau streets, in the -Fifth and Ninth wards, Was held In the Fifth Ward School -Hass, last evening, for the purpose ef, Perfecting arrangements' to resist any measure to open Pike street from Harri son to.Smellman, the damages to bo 'seemed on the • residents. Cot Joseph Noire wee called to the chair, and J. H. MeElrosappotnted Secretary. • ' Mr. R. McGowan amiss to make an explanation of his action In the matter when before Cspncils. Ha stated thatthe ordinance for the opening was before Councils two months before its final pas ;lisie,:dationd theor pig daily pe dla r : 7 ;o was er li o u n tr : stratum being offerer and no opposition en the pod of the citizens being dawn, be gave It his vote; but seeing the unani mous opposition of the residents, he 'wend do all in his power to prevent the acceptance of the report of the assessors, and to have the ordinance repealed,.. - Mr. W. R. Ford, being called open, stated that since tko Assessors reported he had paid some attention bathe matter, as some - of his constituents were inter ested. The ordinance was introduced blr. Hare, of the Fourth ward. Mr. h•el said he had defied Col. Phillips to inquire the action of the Allegheny Vol. leyßallread in the matter: Mr. Phillips odd that-then the ordinance was intro duced it was news to him. The railroad dict not ask for it,but they wanted It, and had no objectlpn to Pike street being opened. He desired nothing that would be a hardship, and if the citizens 'opposed the opening he-(Col. Phillips) ' would not by any act of his press it. - In regard to the report of. the Aesessors, Mr. Ford stated that it was the most "bungled up" thing he ever looked Into, and would simply say that Councils would never accent it. . • Mr. R. A. Colvillethat it was -Pair Ninth a matteron only should the Fifth should be intro. dueed and engineered through Councils by a member. from the Fourth ward. Mr. C. discussed at length the ordinance - and the burden imposed on theresidents, and concluded his remarks by offering the following rest:lntim, which was unanimously passed: • Re-waved, That thernembers of the Se lect and Common Councils from the 'Fifth add Ninth wards are requested to nee all honorable means toddreat tloe pro jest of opening Pike etreet from-its pree ned terminus, as we the citizens of the . Fifth and Ninth wards those most inter. easted,belleve that It will only result in benefit to the Allegheny" Railroad tk rn. pang—whose charter calls for runefing along Pike streets-tad not to:the benefit. of those who will have( to pay for ; therefore we, as citizen, of the-wards, enter our solemn pretest against the opening of said Pike street under the circumstances. Mr. John Herron remarked that. in this matter the Allegheny Valley Rail road was the power behind the throne., None of - the citizens had Naked for the opening, but it was evident that the Rail road Company was plashing it, to be benefitted et the citizens' expense. Tf the Railroad Company would open the eared at their own expense, as they are bound. to do by the ordinance of lAid,• . then no one would object to the opening. The ordinance had become a low, and it was the object now to have it rescinded by Councils. Mr. Irwin read tba ordinance of last' which obliged the Allegheny Valley Railroad to pay for the, opening of Pike street to Smalimen. Remarks: were also made by Messrs. Robb*, J. M. Taylor, Paul Siebert' and otheee,to the effect that they were opposed to the opening of the street an der-the present ordinance; but if the railroad • would pay for it, they had no monitranore were presented and signed by those present, when the meet-. mg adjourned to.meet in the lobby of the Council Chambers at the next meeting of Councils. • lararallma Room es abiaabuab—bteet.' Sag as the Maacliesler /Presbyterian church.' The meeting to take final action ln re gard to the'proposed reading room tn lidsacheater toot plebe Lest evening in the Manchester • Presbyterian Church, earner of Franklin and Market *freers, Melt an bour was deioted to: religion* everciaes, after which the transaction of , regular business wag proceeded with by. „Pilling Mr. Oltver 'McClintock to thb :chair, (Mr. Brady, fernier chairmen, re. signing to give place to Mr. McClintock) RIM the appointment of Mgrs. Moorn and Bonier, secretaries The Constitution and By-Laws for 'the government bt* the orsmniration, 2ats p!ored by . the Board of Director. of the _,Young Men , .s Christlen Association of Musburgh and vicinity wore presented and rend by_ldr. P.: A. Emery, end after being freely dnd thoroughly dPu•tiesed; were zmonimonely adopted. r • • . Additional : subscriptions to theamonnt of ;TB were received, whech, added to those already repotted, made the amount secured thus far for toe support of the enterprise something over WO, which _he indeed a very encouraging exhibit, cent/Meting the abort time the matter .bad been before the people. The Cemunittee was enlivened and in creased b 7 the addition of Mr. Brown, of the Lvangellted United . Protestant The I Committee appeinted for the pur pose reported that they had secured the room above Mr. Hamilton'n drug Muter en Beaver avenue, which they designed. g e o=ky for th occu e Board of pointed in accordant% with the ' Constitu= ' tton and By-Lowe. By the liberal dont tiens or materiel, hc., from gentlemen Interested in the suocess of the enter prise, the exposes. attendant upon its 4 preparation would be considerably les sened, and they estimated that $625 nosh would furnish it throughout, exclusive of reading matter." In response to an invitation by the '.Chairman, seversigentlemen made a.hort addremea, commending the work, .and all breath tilt a apirit r of trifle /Mgtt led 7 g:rayer, and wii the meeting.. ( dosed with the hentedietion by the Bev. Mr. Holllngsbead. • We oorigrandate the citizens of BoomMn hg n the est m ids t n s o n a wR be - come stized fact, and hope that they will accord to the enterprise that, capiird s upport, which it w mdsently deserve. VII. R. 311E1EL7CZ, M' 1 . .. IND BRO , 118 Weod ma corner of Fifth. Goirernonemit tiecnrities, Gold, Edlyer, • ',Sod Coupons, SOULS 4114014 ea Ilberal terms. Mans sad let all the trenglrma cliks ot Elmo. • ; CONVERSION OP 7-30'S. low wowed to convert in* lECONI.AIIII THIRD 7.80's !Fromm N0W,180.549,6910 Coupe Bonds. JAMS T.. 118141 1, Dam u Gm= &wins, Corner Fotrirth is Wood. Streets. _ IRA B. .1110VAI .& C 4) • .13earameres. dB mintl coMMEIt num Cor. Fourth and.thalthtleld Streets. tic% 134 " Vate . gsgraA,Al Jaaory old Owe them to eZetuntlie 5.20 BoirDs.or isev, baton& IN &OLD It 6 per ant, frog that 661.6. • la& B. 111666 Y & CO. FINANCE AND TRADE .-chrimia a. iiiiiriprainum warns; I . Unmans. Dem:Ember IL IBC. GoklopermA Along et LUX, but the market soon • yielded lite primate to mil at the ad. valued prtha front Satan:lay. al 1 Memel Erin nt. , 1331(8thi1ir It Is most remarkable howAnde. pendent the New York market mover to the London quotations of bonds. The Donde have declioeti frozen to 11, and gold decitned, and E.Me of lag rtdentieeti If per cent. In New Tork.• gagmen:at prime of bond. In London, and - with' gold at 111%, no Hermitic. can be chipped to Europe except to be held there aa callatarot for sixty lap' bills.which It present are not moth to favisroxcept tint-clam homes drawn onindepandant Ettht exchange ie net quoted 11OX, the epecte Mapping ram. but the demand for KIM In very light, and par- Um prefer to wait math agar January to nee what effeet the large gold atittithentente trinket. on the market. Beads are Inner today with more inquiry, but people eta Al to bay at the adyaneed prim, and pref.t to await the salon of Con gress regarding the expected amendment to pay bonds, 'sheen.. told, to epeele. Money In eastern eltle.le sealer, and may innude so oath the Moose of the year, but the meal.ets• ttaal settlements may cause • temporary Mtn geney,and forte emeGosernment emulate. The stook market l strong with en Memo. log tandem, bat for permanent thvestmeate the best yerlag Railroad shame are tau high to be progthbla Wrest stem wen dream. sad Xining glares are dull. The beginning of wilder weather this morning had the errata to tense newllfe is buitam, and a better felling Moselle to bellows elrelm generally. . Clatar NW+,Twin quotations. resolved by Pk. /tidy !on as follows: Gold, Lel;g: LW% 11.1}e I- 01, ISM leS;gt 1 4 0 1 1 , 1 12416t.,„1 0 NP0a&ahh Cibeelaud d Platsbergh E.. Merchant& Vasa Express., Waste= Voice Telegraph. Erie Pltteburgh Torn Wayne C7hlsano 11.11: 1114 No ,heilroen—Coosueon' 1114 Northwestern—preferred...--. ...... se% DA = " P . TWEerilies= 4a 9i Eldon. Southern. 112% Corydon ' QuZrts Qulakstlyer • lIN , —Dispatehes 4 . ,Waablegton on Saturday state that Uie le Maui VolanUttee, at ter a lenethydlerusitton of the Itnanetal qua.- Sea, Screed to Prelims notion until the test meeting. - It to hinted that a new echese wilt be presented as a et:Setif:rite fur the etoreney dodtreonstt MIL Shish, It Is thoughtortll nth.. ty the Senses en epprovel by the Seetetaiy: It mum to b . gencrally bettered that the Inanee cemitt;wlll not arr. to the Senn, ill b susPendlag power of the Secretary te retire' or eaniet, trotted Stares notes. Seers. Lary MeOntloeltde °pursed to II In Its present sham and the opinion In that the comedttee eetnelde With Ithteonast therefore It to likely to be in isweiadee it ' s toles with the 'Secretary power to eent .l 7,lts Us ducretton, 0 certain entount 0 1 tinders cash month, WS es eeedlng. perherione or two millions, testeed of four`thilltenC no toy provided by Ins.._ -• ... —Yesterdey;se !Rarest on the June tune &L of 7405, ean e Pith toot, become perible; aim the ptiestystand Merest on the Decent her compound Interne notes. The pri“lpel le l . parableis thre per mat. certilitatea fdr - all notes et pore seer. and probably sane. teethe of th e coat will Demo disposed of; telt the interest - end notes of denewlnattone below SWOP al" redeemable 'in currency. It Le probable that silt less than TX Wilton. of cur rency will he Pald one withtn a few day.. Sane OF Sroexed,Teender evening, Decem ber rni,"ati - esiond Boor of Cocureerrial Bike Boon., No.loll Smithfield street, by 4, MB. wet...A ...a.l4wir -- Third $OllOl2ll Back It Mt de. People. de do 1;11 00 —The =louts . Heredd reeler. the opera. tfoonettiti Penniyivanla ell 1.152, and state.: t 'that although • 01l bulginess to now under.. lotus a depres elsewhere, It Is but ellehtry arrested le' ell reeler,. The Heratd nem . . the +seesaw tly product:en in the entire no. gtoc is now y ten thousend: lair hindrect barrels per der, The numb= ne wells on which operations =ll= commeneed during the nett two months will not =seed thirty. There ere now two hundred • sad thirty wells being drilled In the enure region- About ourfourth of these wells ere toast= oel tenitorT white thus foe Us =wed auproductive, by) welch Is now below miejemed to further east before =hag limo-- doted. The Meek of oil In the oil region ea 7th Instaat, It, lima tanks, hole haste - cur she a t hood. of prod broker. sod shippers, and to toed.. . tanks, unotratea Co IMAGO , barrel., Wog a dare...during the month of svoo barrel. • - mam. to impnelty of nearly ene ban. deed thousand barrel. now In'course of ' son: etruct ion will> e completed oo the Arm ofJen- - , tart'. The capacity of Iran tankage which lb sow In order to 4swelvs oil Is seven hundred and Shimoda thousand area hundred and rilnety•eight band.. , —The Atlantle!se4 Ctrs= T7istorn Selling trouttlew SIM _ shwa= intimation in rellrosd gird= la London. The holden of certificate. of deb.:lune hsesbas lute:ivied to hold them pelidiesi }solids; proceeding. tolneure a faith- fat edminliorstlem blithe MM. Anrestlinete" el i. probable *smog. mid working •xpenees during theirent lea leers gm= a urethral • tn. ens= of ornaalsod profits fro. 110.711,000•1. INnA,soo, 7l 4,omia ierts. . ~'• .1~1 r'l=l~zi'U~Atl.,f7T7-i on.= 0. Tim riresstraan . Gazer/; l Tcresnar. Dieembar 17, IT. t OSllDE.olhe:Warkert - oentinoce dull end neglected, with but little prospect at present of gay , losinedlates Inapridement. Ti,.,. sense to be no esmankarbeterar,elthar for present or Ittitradtilimi, arid, to the absent* of pales, - .tradarsunstet to geode spot 011,10 bulk cam et Ps: At no time, perhapt, within tie pest mien hsa the markat bean lts. math a completely rtsguated sondition as presett, and It does icaamtringe thin aide Ineseng extremely tow prim, there •is no divination mandfeeted desseythlteg.. fluestotore, when We market. treaseate pretty well demondired, ..insteldces , ; .heres/pltelsedin• lOW, their bud at sPeculag., WY bats. is • Iwo. , thing. lee.. epeenlatire movements - hare not been very nunenful. and ire a eoisinninsee, Wove who here trio do tine.= aspcfas to try •it over. -A Me tres Irma Welty remote nit market dull it 11 1 1.1"dedO. Watether addendlog. • aicriNzp=irohavit bat a .halt eels to M.. Pert terday, WO idea from reb - rnery to Sons, laelattre,edgego far •the Ana month. and sen, adrenal of hew a cant per tenon for etch' nib. ietitent month. :The market at:iodate. ex. Medlogly doll tali -weak, mady u .1011 hare been noted for some - day. part, 1110 operations Imre been entirely or a mbecelstiterberacsar. - extrodlog for latol3lB. For spat oil, or even ell this month, there ri ms to oe no doomed wastanx: sue it lc d l sa lt*. - rtreneenfate quotation. for thase,P dalrerlta. • OIL OOtrltfYlloolo 00000.00 DEPOT.- DnOcan . & wDlmm., 010 btls relined to War. too, WogOs. Philadelphia. • mt. ateu:ren neer er A. r Chart a Stamm X 23 Obis refined to. Emil ltahally Planedelphlis. • Forsyth, Dm ss uo :17 do do to Warden, Yew/Ppm, Ytottoletts. •• • Dlloronhatro. Oo lal do do tor. As Dll. Worth a Phlladal a. Jew Baser. d,.,110 dodo to F. A. D/lworth 00., PAlladelphts. ' , = . . COY :demob tetbe glttebargb Gutter/ ' . ' Ontelita.tri, Tien 11.—Flour-dell and the, perces Mer lower, and the demand quite Beht: 'fatellY 111101P.th extra eldelto Sp iglasidonethanged. recants Debt and hoid en Brady contemillnk far pip for Wm/ red, and WM for No. 1 sprit, g. • Lorn arm; new ear VeSto. Bye dull and unchanged; No./ gl,fil" Oats ant,lata thi ell§o: Barley trachea. gee and name. Cot n aer , told dlur ir lb. Tobacco quest area changed; Wes areal!, ...Eil owing to the light pts; th e total re f:talon for .the rent wen but 3XI bade. whialry 0011,at g2t3 bond. Hoge dull and the rates , lngerolart s en of boo 111,10,1,...0 0 ,10 nett light out be ght Let 01.001:10; rec meta of 7,Ce. Deed; rovers gcnoral/Y are yeekbegOu there leaven; rather than accept. Om curet/in 'Out at the same' time-,there ant .0 few . Dackent ..dhlrig en7tbirtit. ' Beare • very dull and the marlosartageteedi =unite quote/teas cur be/fives.. ems Ir can be bought at. =for old, 121 stea m . Lard la ollarlng at liell%c for nalliOtise far kettle rendered. 01.101 MO 1111; C3l, 0, lON en. for lumldors. sides an huge. Bulk meats; ilaieltihfe foraheuld. s and aides loon, but R ir. there tieing no. de a then rates are nom- Mal. Butter dull, h t not lower. Cheese unchanged. app le •at alto IS oar bbl. OtatOte Ana. at Cover eeedMOlto and firm. Flax dtill, at el,eo. There is no dimtand for timothy. Grammes unchanged . and dull. Thera 111 lay change 10 on. Beef. ,eattle dull. the wool being better. bat the orlon truant. lower sales to butchers at ,1ii.5006.2); choice for Moment brought 1110 7.s4sodurtaa large Chia castle into . Sheep quiet end unchanged. fiord %lap and 111111Ing. Mangy 'market, .' •• • • • • • , norke4 priiph ths burgh • Itarrnixiim, Down Wboat anll and rece thrblv Coza. Iraq INDI Tallow: %Q UM Oats Am in imploo, -mown waunaur nnoluakitea, . . JANE DALZELL & SON, 69 atal 70 Water Street, - • LARD OIL . MANTIFAOTEIDERS, Aid dealers 111 . 0=1:06, 11ARICATZEIS aid OSLABON ULLA. We 'remit our Na. 1 Lard 011 !Kcal to the beat OT Other breeds, =4 PM.. to lOU as low as Clicluzell Mean rata,. Our No I Lard Ull se Lubriessorzsamor to exotllod. Mot Veal Ltbricatlng and standard brads of Cutea Oil ootultally on bomb - Xeretuats ant 11113 U VI Bad It to their lateral to gtoo to acslllsaron ordertn4 Lardtlll Rom the Wein. sit, Firreptpiesn - icilarra, OVVICI CV in Proramonan 011211.. Blo:roay, December 11, 1117.- There le fait MU* doles in Use general mar lute...mottos in a regular away, and, Judging from nuaical Wiest - sons, tEmo la hot moon prospect of any Immediate Improvement. The demand for almost everything Is confined mainly to eupplylog Immediate ernuts, and, as • Cuiliftquellte c [01.164 in; operations art ant of very froquint commence. GRAINWheat la gulet and uneb.ged at 12,6002,65 for Red -Winter, sad $2,1003,61 for do Whits." 02,1 U to trot but susehanged at kin 11.15 for now, and 5t.1501,70 for old. 117 e• duOttd at $1,1001,0, Oats Grin, with a steady beat demmd but tuteltsugedltdoW• Oe trooll, sod 10072e,..th store. Barley fa not co gnu, though the to this market Is very light; we eordlnue to quote at 11,6001,0 for Prime Iprbut sod Fall. FLOM—The market la dull. but with a umitod at,ek, paces are pretty nett sesta/Med. We eso report sated at 110010,21 for 410MMOZI Spa., .d 100,10011 for good to oholsl do; $l2 12111,60 for Wmtar Wheat, and $llOll for fuel bralds. 117. Flour, 113,10 P.O bbl, and Bock wheat, 403, 14 per BACON—Ie quiet ”d vonabanged et 12e1.2% turNhouldere; 1101414 c for Ribbed Side., and le ®lake for Sugar Cured Rum - • . LADD—Ie quoted 41123,101 M LARD on.-b striate but unchanged at eagl Me for No.; and It 100412 for No. 1. OIIEESE4—SaIes of Hamburg ethic; Factory at 1110176; and'Ocabe n at lei APPLES—Om but unchanged; regular auks to More at eta; per bbl, for good to choloe.• DUNI): FRUlT—Oontlenee dull •but uo chanted; mall talc. at Tana for Apples, and Lelia for Peaches.. BUTTER—Prtmste choice Roll Butter Is In Soot demand and sell. readily at Inane. ORLNBERBIES--cantlnne dill and map be quoted. at Strata for Cultivated; ' EGGS—Searee and Waller, fresh packed see• ley quoted to-day at :Su: POTATOES— Trlttbillie demand I► ► Mlle more active, prises are Unchanged; oiler Patel Stems ►t 1803.4 d per tad. u • shade levier, and mar be owned .►ttrosa per ton, se tn quality. • BEMIS—DuII at .3.4/513,60. ROBIINTItaII at SION per big. new York Predwee markifit, Cpl Telegraph to the rittsbargaGssette.) Nat, Yoax,• Deo. • 17.—lahes quiet at 118,1548,31% for not. Cotton eery 'Arm but quiet; hal. WO of 2,1%) bales at I for 0810 • dans npluida Flour; receipts 8,701 bale; market • shade armor and very quiet; of 4,1500 Ws, at $8,5009,24 for hoperffne, State and western; 1110,0001040 for extra State; 40,0012,25 far extra modern; 812.50 0110 for Rood to choice white wheat • extra; .10013,10 for common to good aria , ping brand. of extra B. IL 0.; $llOl2 for common to good St. Lona; 112016 for good to choice extra do. closing quiet. taltfor illa flour without decided ebonite; sales of of SIP natant e 12,2100,50. limo Soar Orman sales of 203 bele, . 57.5069.10 Wedsky quiet and un. Wheat; receipts la both; market sautefirmer; mars of 18,1X0 bosh at 12,294 for No. I motion; $2.63 for red prime; tateo fur amber !Canaan. end alb for whim Mato. scarce nod dmili sales of 1,190 nose State 'fat 111.75. Barley aurae and 11350 better, AM being Offered and 12,05 asked, for Canada West. Lard firm. Corn; receipts 14.033 hush; market more setae, but without decided change; Wee We of 76.000 bosh, ta 111.4X11,41 for old mixed 'western in more; $1,425,01,4354 for do saloattel4l/1,43 for new domain.; e 1,27 for inferior white southern, and $1,11.4111.40 for comm Onto gOrat JetleY 0.51 receipts of SIO Ousel market a shade firmer; eates of Info) busts, at 1311214540- for western In store; tqCS7.4O afloat. Stock la warehnuse—wh.; 1.012.731 bash; cora, 1,612.11 a bosh; eats. 2,11,1.40 bosh; rye. 921,315 Mat; barley, 379,00 man; mall, 110,173 bun; peas. 10,r13 man. Edon vale: ata140754e fm Carolina. Coffee quiet. anger Is in tote 0.04 sales of= tads Cuba at 11,4012 We; also 1000boxos Ilarana at 11540130. 010111- sea onlet; sales of ha lads New Orleans, at ,ESSIS7O. Patrolman quiet at 107401Mie for crude; 250 for refined hoadad. Hope quiet eclat: to for American. Pork keavy and lower; sales of WSW bbl* at 153,7063ake7 for mown Mmlog at VOA ems_; slools.l for 0rm5a;512,343'9 for prima mess; also BM I tale new Was, sellers January, sad belled°, pedlars gabroary, at 1=,90. nee quat; tales of 12S tab at presto. prices. flint Llama ...ill taloa of 136 bids at *MGM. Bacon dull and beat,. Cot Mettle quits; , sales of Pa packages at lia9ge for shotilders; 11.01.1W,c for harm. Dressed hogs lower at T/stiO9io for western,: SMlStl_la for Ma , ' Lard quiet; tales of =bids at 165013 e; .sad small lot. at 11340121 - Bauer mead; fled to wood Oemann at Meek for State. Oboe. 11019. •Frolglits to Llterpna lower; 0,0:0 bush corn per stellsk La.:cur.—Flour closed mato firm, mann tory for low grad. which are scene sad wanted. Whew/1 shout lo better will; a Lam and ontat market. Ilya a scares arid Arm at 41,73.L75 for western. Oats Arm ta 34N0 in ;store, and Maheat for western. - Corn is quiet at II to store, and a 1, 2 ,5 Minnt for old mixed western. and 61,1001.43 antet for now do. kora . al ongd declining: fat tale =mint eh1, , 5. l at e10,754M.110 each andregular. .I.tret to moderate dato.d steady price. -Cut Meat/ aouttnaL flacon dull .4 dr.ning. Lsad andastavy 125401331 for tali. to prig:Mater= and kettle reutlerW. . - LI ::: I4' = [By Tele...tint/ to the Fittrbareh desalt.' Br. Lome, December 17.—Tubakeri Is firm but unchanged, • Cotton Is firm at Flour; holders ate firm bet there Is sasce y anything doing and prices are unchanged, Wheat Is firm but eery dull at ad:4M7M ' w 4.2. to , choice tali. and gLesegLle for choice town caring. Core Weer/ deal et 01.00 for ehalicd„and felaMtro for ear. Oats range /rout .I"3to'ac, with bet Yes buyers ootalde of contractors. Bye •L0301.7S Barley 1 firm at alell'or t ralr tall. Freels- tons are dell and nowt:led. Small sales of Mesa Pork were made at tn. Bulk Meets. lisoceeartd - Lerti aro nominal. flogs. /me* declined to 0.9400, with a large .apply. Itecelpts—Ko oarrale Sionr.Dlll sacks what; MOO gangs come 1.110 ur.ka WO eacha herielesco soks rye, and I,oetiltaad Thetereather Is corder; mercury about UMW- =2:=l fnrrelearseh to Putabergh tiasette.3 Camino, December 17,4100 r audience , / 118,25010.= for ennne extra. Wheat; No. / 11011 and 963 e towers N 0.9 .00067 and on changed at $l.B Ncri.s7q..nd iu.sma,9l; 1. Corn quiet end 10 Weber; 870 for - No. If eatable 0.2, um 81991/11co for new, Mosley Oate stea.37 at 581.49380. 117, nub:BW as4l nomloal. Parley Mare action ate/4741,M for No. I. Prorismos— lleee Pork, 120,0 0 ; *m01,919,75. aroma Hams. 1034010NeT green ehoolders,B4e. Lanl, - 11% 0120. Bolt and English Mesta tnaelve ano nomMal.'llecelpto-8,000 bbl,etorkr,9,ooo boo wheat. :1400 bee corn 7,0 0 0 bal 0640, 11 00 p• menta-4100 0m 00 04.10,000 boa corn, COW boo cats. = ter Telegraph to the rlttaburia datptte.l - Cravimaan. Decorator 17.—Flour In fair demand. dna and unchanged; doable extra Raring elog;11,39; doable extra red $ll,OOll 12.60 .lonble extra and Ingle extra white 012014,M. , Wheat firm bet Ifi moderate to. 2r:l4 4 l°V.Vga 0 1 1:4. 4 'a 0, 1 11 .11%, 2.41° er, and 253 e bett-r: held at 111.0281,011 old arradnal at gl.elfli 00. Oats firm, and held at 071) W 0 for :to I from more. Ere nominal but tirra .at $OOO for' No. 1.• Barley 00101 berthed, no into, reported. Petroleum— light, demand for lzco ex 000440; bonded doll at 2101/e. =1 111 f 'Alumna to the ?Mebane Gasettal New Oat's., December 17.—Cotton ad vanced; middling 15ci sales of i,coe Ulu] reoetpts. 1,1511 exports, 70. Seger deoHned oorm ooo 5 :40 5 c , prime toolioice 12%0 /..sc.- Molasses unchanged- flour dWI; atiperflue MD, dunce *17,715013,50. Coro quiet and aim at $1.16. Oars dad and un onaegrd. Lard and Baoon michmiged. Pork very dull{ holders mining I. titer lln Colamerclal 144501151, Butt noedually 147. New York Exchange at a discount. ==l or relearleo to tea 'luau/se Omit.: LomartusiDecomber Vh—Tobaceo; sales gy Imes at g&tor logo and 115:16 for moo I. um leaf. New Louisiana Boger at Illgliggo for prime to Mimeo. Cotton at 76 ../flonr at VI for auperllue. Oata at 1154060 is bulk. 'Corn at 850 for new abetted In bulky alb for , new eon—WhestatgaSedrlAL der* at Ile; clear aides at lb; balk &boulders at act clear aulleast Lard dull at 130.. liras Pork at Ira Hug. Mall at 6 . 5446340. Raw Wittaky in bend at 306114. • = /Er Telegrapti o toe Plttsbursh Basstta.7 , Alt veal:rase, December 17.—Flour dull and arm; city double extra 702.7 N cousitrr. d0te:7549,12, extra 1.52.70 Wheat quiet , at 010 for lie. for 2. Oats quiet and steeuly at 17c for No. St Corn dull at 070 for sew - abcliod. Uwe lets-1,200 bbls Sour. 7,000 but wheet,SAo bee Data, 1,000 busoorn. Belptuorits-1, , b0 lees emir, 700 bus wheat. My Telegraph to the flttanargn Gault.] Tol l oo.Docemoel ,l 7.. - llos. qedet.• Wheat quiet and Uncbmged. Corn; now na2so ealea at gill(alfeln, . and for all the month at SI. Oats le lower; .al.a at dic for' No. unchanged; sales al 41,40 for No.. L Barley ;Inlet and Arm St OLEO for State Dressed flogs dull and lower; isle. ate/Ogg eAd—Otiteldo priceslcor heavy., -• ! 0 0111netelptda .11.11110 c.. Chr 'Yeleirt b to tbs Plitsbaringstotte.) Putts's:spins . Iteenteher It—Mina un settled; western , este' ;fatally; 63.76010.73. Wheat scareo--holders demand en Oven.. Corn Ann, new mixed 'western. $1,2/001.361 the litter for .ebotee dry.' Oats tr.'s= Quiet' erada lest retitled to boVA on the spot. Walskey—nolldnit doing. ,esTeegrapbto the /Mutant ,tlanatte. Bonrato, Deo. U.—Flour stand,. Wheat nominally unchanged. Unto Idol:an islet o,ooolmh old and. nom et 111.15. Vote nom)... nat at M 0 llye—aales 10,OOO1nalt Woatorn at 0.53. snit 10.603 do, RC 1110. Wean Perk,' Lard and Mahn Wes nominally unchanged. 'Dream*/ Hoar offered at $0 for Wcstorn, but. without buyer. - • New Torit+Dri Geed. Market. tri Temsat , co thet Pl,estp.ilt Quetta Nraerona,iDeo. . . tioala demand sommrhat Improved. although .narket tat trotn active. Frlcaa tooolltirOe Without .msential ehange.onli. alteration netleable beton redaction hi Auiookeag and Wombed and lip' top do. The former new Bala at ISe and the latter at lea Chlessro Clottlegisirket. • ' CDT Talrerspla to the Pittsburg!. tisutte.l C 6101.00, Deingobar It—Deemed Ifess dull sad SOW° tower, closing itt log oft go% .14,e steboy lands7.l2e7 elosed mottos m at .5.73/3e.4ei MR Ea. lota at .6.f067,00 far medium to - eboloe. • Be. Cattle dull a 4 115.0M15,1!0 for left. to good steers. • C3=l • My Telegraph to the rithrtnirsh err , rte•J • Arrrthari. Member 17.—Cotton &MX. lte. thkrst tangos irons MOM Into's. AWAY at 8451217. o,sts et al. /lour Ina Zor cholas and others oricbthral. Pork main at. 812,80, althriLldars .M.11301_12c; doe? lade. at /EMI 780. Lantat /MIRAN,- rritABIIRGE DAILY GAZETTE: WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, Ism: Filkaadal Matters-Is Dew Teri, likoicassea up 4 Is4f. DT 7 11.17. , Dh b tie nu.b.reiGauits.i . . R:• Yalu", Dm 17, ISS7. The money market ,11 Stead,' at Sfr Per cent falcon loans, ehlefLr the inaido rate. Sterling 'quiet at 110011.0%g01d fore/Inclose !Alla Gold town', openlag at 13Ii. advanc ing to 131, falling to 133ji, and closlogatrong at 13m:v.34y, Steamers tor Europe In-mor row milt rate half • ml d , no or dollar. from hero and c:tarter of a million from Boston. Governments firmer. Coupons of 1011. 11140111%; do of 108401%%; do of'Gl. 10001101%; 00 of V. 3.10 03% 01; new, 1074 °MN do of VS,lfy,olol%; jties, i T4CoolgiVeynsilisttileeornerlobondli of Du been the festers of oft market. The Jeve, due at lislllsx, o !ergo shtlinient from Europe. and the arrival of. other lots ebould make 932 bonds plenty next week, hientitlme borrowers who cold 10701071 i are tailing In their deliveries. and rash weds are bld opal the plegsnre of lenders. kteantanse It is easy to buy et 1070 RN, sellers fifteen or tblrty dove without ,Inierest. - Th • elihnress BITS the public 1113COMItill by the ca et cable ps-dsy quote bends In London - 714711.11 ,while urlvate advice. quote them et 71,27131. ' There it evidently some n takehere. • The railway market to buoyant, with a gement lreproretnent In pricer. There was a report that the prellmlnary Mops bare been taken for the connolldatlen of the carnetse of the New York Central and Erle aed probablr those of the rem:L.7l,mm Central. Erie was the great feature of the market. The arprers says: A:reportiseurrent that among the reforms to be Inaugurated on the Central,,fluilsou and ilarlem roads wu the abOttsluF m t of the Exprose business or , in other we oen mid to do Its own ' Ex. press could se. The rumor Is not ermined la ce d could not tie traced to reliable author ity. groagovrerwricas. Ciustoa 473404754, Walls Express MUM SilY(„Aniencan 7941179 M, Adams t Tjulteglitates 1111 , , alerchants 40 Quicksilver 19M1110, Mariposa TMO !ga rage Mall I*-201:1 1 6. Atlantic nag° 19 1 4, Western lintels 304.31%; New York vential 11731011174,. Zee 73X,014, Hulls= LUSO isw,. Mariam 119, nestling 9310119554, Ohio Uertgleates 400 5 5 webs. 99141449, St. P.M 4411119 1 M. do preferred, Michi gan Central /104, Illahlgui Southern ivie . a 3 4OO I I, ? AIgno u P,4O I IMIITTM inipsllg7=4T4Wi!""-- ata M ee 11 sett ee • o ll Quartz at 1550140, Edge Hill Ed, tiMiLCI & ran:palm Sul, Gregoryb t, Sidorado LW. • •178.12.17/T 87.0•11 . 111. ' Rea:apt., 43,0E00,169: pmymdate, 13,418,800 .balance, $143,176,465. - , LKPOWaaI MO 11141LE0A.D. Pirriasnaos:Poirr Waging& Cauctasio SLR, ,Detember 17-45 bs. asesa,l 21.0.010; 2 ".bole. tow, Lemon& Wein; l caddy totmeto, Megrswloo2cll. papshl 021. tranotrrlea, LH. Ile, Baud at Patton;2oll 4014 [lour, owneri oars blooms, 02412 scrap Irma, J Moorhead; 11 ears Inn oro,Shoenberger & Blair; 3 333 lard, a do apple better, Total a Co: 14 dodo, do lard, 1 Del dty ehernes, 5 ohls apples. to .002. barley, H Rea Jr; 10 ass uadles. Elt Thomas; pkg. rags, MaClulmogh, Smith & Co; T boles wool, W Harkar Jr .1 Um a 0333 43331, ma. J Wood & Lb; 1 ear staves, IL P Adama a Cot 1= b.. girarkje, Dotson & 02; at dressed hog., a ears 101110 neat, I P Hanna & Co; I do do; J Llppin. gum; Ido do, E Myer. & tlo; ado do, 0e1." lu. a Co; I do do, J R Parker; I ear bran:Kell a ttneliart; Ho tea tut, F Sellers & 00,11/0 halo 4uo. Skamaker & Laos; =/./ do do, tiam LindsayJr & Co; 100 do do, Culp t Shepard; 7 eau metal, Mallet & Co. , I.4.IiVIDLASD PITTSIIIIDDIE LIALBoaD. December elm ptg Iron. Madan d 00;4 800 beadles, S Fahntlstoek; 4 40 do, James Boma; l 0 bble oil meal, Utoetude k Storm; Dee meshlog prowder,Bandar, Hamner d Co; 2 bon hale oil, IL liellere 8 Co; Id bble ersakere. Jae 11 NeKaaaell; 1002 a mdallee, Snorer; 1 ear dim; Monona & Alltr; 1700 foot lumber, W W 0o; no do do, LI Setualdt 00;116 bble Freed apples. Camps I a Yrassyi/edo do. W II Oral .4 Pall 41 - 11.01. pies, I DOI do. I do eggs, 1 keg butter, South le Allen; I bbl. II our, I kft moleseee. F Uood; 2 koses ollDess, 1 bbl app/ne. a-Walltorer; Ido green npplee, Brtnaing; 8 500 chosen, Joan lellrehel4 lb sky whs.; aleartor Insperi 23 do deta, - .1 Olmor;41 , do doaCennetly 8 Lpothrop; SO J T. 01.0.18 ears 101r-14 Zan in 00; 2 DOM suer, 13erter, I.looreer Uo; as nets dele. S P Striper re Coif 011. lard, El .11enaste I CO. 8 dressed hope, Wills, BUM a 50 tt0o; 2S sle 022..18 W Fololey-11 hags, 51 Suet Son; 13 Palen tags: Plarkta Diode a Lb; 5i dressed bank J Ylima 00; IP bbls dry peoclms, W U Waft . Aitardutre• IL December M— UG bags rya. Id de data di do awn. 4do Need. Ikon a - thud; 'lt do bola. 111 McFarland; a do. A Dodds: II do rye, Clay a Walsh; 113 do oars, tbatotbers; SO do do, hell & littabarrof . dreamed bog& .1 Harass; wed bbla oil, Whitman a Ca; a ears do, Clark.dt Sumba; II do do. Flatter & Ban earl weal, Madded, Porter k Prreenindir,t7W-llNntrsak CPlrotor•et R. Dee-ember 11 , 41 ma song, 7teerers Lome/lo t/elm; 101 VMS. WI canoe At "lamert 1 bserel' seed, Graff AL Adler; If bales cotton, PLeauedy, 01.1J41/k Cot St do do, ♦II Ohltds a Col do do, nolo.. Dell t (.10. ALLS.4.IST ETATION. Deargabar 14 ens stoves, wslyui nobortoossWisks Essored. Sus do= 7 dos blooms, Molf.Wat• t Smelly Id dodo. blues m Dust. Was W W••• poonsidote So feed. s 3 rp•T Palm 8 exo candles. Baklsid • MehOnow bbloJspos, P W • rIVTIMMit• awn Owtstalassu.sa R. L. Detrariker le-10 roll. Hatbar,l3 a Asdarsock, IR bdts *haat .ron, W r ArDOl9l4, a kg. bat. ter, Watt L W Mon; I. bbl do t illalstoalty la aka tanner amp*, Iloovelee L atO. • - pauty • 0•401 /11 , 01•11.0.1.. . JOSHUA. RHODES & CO. Malstero4, BAHLBY AND HOP DEALERS, office, 352 P.llll yr/atavism, Fa. Mali House ißebecca Nilsestosear Una wares. Alloshoes. II rA CADENT .OF MUSIC. TO-mmicarr.r. MRS. F. W.:LANDER, LAST asplethiAlwa, ELIZABE'T-EC, licppetted by tt wive al artU las To - Koliaow (M..") U.t 2101 of RI MY STUART. THE ORSAT 1.12 , 11)E?. MINDINLIIO.3I - Dc EC= =1 SATURDAY: • /Atwell :Wars. L s . neatnieenredatolso:ettenionse.4ll.oentart, 110,_0[04 d e g &saran ana reseresent:segos SIAM. tgrOLIPHANS , ‘F.ELIZit. EN , _ BLUME' OP THE CATHEDRAL. Open livery Evening After 20i6h aaia $20,000 DOLLSII3—S`2O.OOO. borssoLsitwa onsca, CITIc 11),A1.1.1.311ZZ1T. UK. Ilth, 1117, I WiNTID. , to jriollate a , . Loan of $ . 20.000,' . rd,...seiem of Win. .intiria p.Titile.gi.t. • Aril'''. .. • . ramscns, CRT CastroUTT. OUST CLAIM LOOKING *ILLS! AND PICTURE FRAME MANUFACTORY. . •J. L YONS, No.. . No- 110 Wood Its Pittsburgh, • . . Heats tat Valid 111.41111 Ma alklUill to todulctat FIN AST OTTIAL or *ma, HUSEWOOD and ViALNtM OVAL • and VQOAltei antuon, VoltTltAlT and names Op.ottall :Z117;2,1 ' 11:11: DlTii s tti.Tegto7 and 1 , Taigiaim BEGILInitO totanted tit the hi rinzat.ll76lkiii.: PHOENIX IiTHAILBRSIVIIRY. /06. WICAV.*Itat.T LWOILLit SPENCEO, lIILSTES INO HMO .pe, Porter and Brown Stout, nrrsevasu r PA, SOIIItQT 1.11.7t10N. hlsmarr OFFICE T€II3BIrLyANIA. U. 11. 1 . ..11117. .The rennlyththis itallroad linuthetly hereby eve !seethe that they will rtheivethrelthsele Until the nest , n of January, ler leasing eves, retell or etheetthely tee' nionitlepo t BOW at rthebureb, tee Laden Donee at Annoys. •vid the philbh Sedum In the llscletutrot /depth. for ^erse of Seth, ebthaaneing ea before Ithrele 11113 Tue kolas at rittenereh and Altoona no motbed throughout In the best manner. • tbe eu Mai or understood that the Hells meaner,uhlten ta ' for the cconveni ent nce and comfort of iththencere intreelalan lin llel Propoesie I/111 On edirossail to apart 111,KX1F- VgYarlatilllagaMg U.'"''1.111•47.04011, CITE tei4x.crtral AGENCY. SEATON &C0:, .. '- Local ColliilllllS- Agouti, D7co.. 3.134 31Pcsimaii11 t. r. 0. nuz. IITISBIanUu. Bd. of Yl toisrislooossooo tiot.oollosnoo No covomaa Iwo BUIS orasoirPootloll._ VINE DWELLING IN BETNICE, him.-11be .abtarlber la now tottlettitZ t t Allgra bra ready lot =n . , Mtebor. Irrati MOM, tdea ohttit. 1 4 AVI 00 0 in. largestoto roam obMla• Mate toot.mixtblo mantle& SiMot• ps Woe., Front. EMSO,4e. thmand the most Ocitatlfol In the .011.1. rams. Ids.. •tam oittotsmlto tattled to call a n t ozastMe JO. pnoatota. Wet ottostet 001= 4 nom Quota, 1141110 Otatloot w. swiww. •11. arasa by • J 011.2.1,, lIETSBEROR ROPE WORKS. FULTON, MILLMAN a OD., I= CORDAGE, TWINES I , is grey witty. Warehouse, 1111 A u 6, rasa se. =I = .RIVSR NEW The river continues to recede steadily at this point, 'with but 'little over three test to the channel by the Monongahela pier masks last evening. The weather moderated somewhat yeaterdej,but lest inning the wind sense from the wait, the wrong direetiOn tee rein, and the barometer at Clap. on. stood at MI. • • There hes not been e single arrival or de partureelnew-otir Isla report, and navigailett, both above end below, Is completely ens. Derided. There was little or no lee In the Mr nottgehela at this point yesterday, but the river Is again in low, and the weather'. so changeable. ma to render navigation both On profitable end haeardoos. The towboat Stella unneeded la getting or! "Nerrimen" on hiondey, sad returned to INo. Ibee'eltoeke, where ehe L now held ap. , ' ' The towboats Boaz, Neville and Collier, are laid utile the Little Kenearh. The W. F. Curti., battle V. and Harry Dean have hid up in the month of the Masktogun. The towboat. H. 0, Wean and Sam Darker with empty barge. from Cinehmati, hove furl- Ted at ' • , , • The Starlight was at the bead or the canal on Saint d sy, wallftig for water. The IteesengeNtrotn New orteeze, is Intl op at Cairo. She hoe IS lac] sorer, IDS Nils molasses, 28 erste. ware, and 10 tool sundries foe Oinshineti, besidee dohalderabletrelditt for Loulaillle, Pittsburg'. and otherpelita: The Jennie DILI., Clink In the. Dileernitl near Levenwerth, hal been valsed,end arrived at Loam:earth last Tneedav ileht, to await the arrival of Capt. Blount, who would take her to St. Lands for repels's.' The lerdiane on the Upper Allesouri have eon. verted the toe bound Imperial into a wigwam, and Intend neenprla It ae !rind" ter the 'winter. The Rene Vernon arrived at Now Wiesen on the lWtr Mr. - Norrle Doreen' of the St. Mari a, le hintvery 111 on board thatsteamer, trom hut. Leto advice. from Omaha say that the NIP soon rim now only salvager Itinehes Water. It lower th an It hoe been for lifteml lea.. The Nlie, on her way down Iron the moun• tenni, with ealusble cargo at robes and fur,, was caught Inch., inegorgenearliebreelth Me. She wee compelled to tranefer her eargo to the tlouncli Bluffs and St. Joseph Rallroad, where they will be shipped East. ex. Loma, December Ins-Ftertestlen Is prosecuted with the utmost dilDrnity The Turner, the list nsal Isom below,reporta belt forty.fuoy Dubai water on bath and onmeroue boata sad bargee eground oboe. (ham - Tim cora and Mountaineer. sinned hut eVenthe Item' the tdimionyl. The 'hull. of both are damegod. - The Btecuesk /a of fot New °Newts on her nest Dip.. She ' will not reach Unite without trouble. The Belle Memphis left yeeterday. nod will be 101 l OP so Mem phis. Only thirty niche. Of water in the Xis. mind and [knees to Keok oh. The Nlealseippi Steam Navigetlou Comment , held.- =mune et New Orleanu • few. day. slnee. Unst. Dollar., imp; that a boat built no the prepoeed pialYwOuld go and coma from U.. in Wien Coy.. sod 11.1 r• thirtyceLs nous. In making the landthgs. It would save forty. ma cord. of wood, or et tenet OW per day. It would entry twenty hundred toes. tae save en each toe. Traveling quietly, there would' be • laving of (Coda week In the crew. Oa the 12th a light host darted from Quinsy for Loam:ga t hot eves unable to get np, tag curly Armen huhu of water. Water la eo let et Keokuk, aloe. the lee gorged at Tort bledleort, that the ferryboat can norrne. The Ann. WWI" on Tauredey evening ate o'clock. wee still lying at (jultrt. Capt. John B. Dar% Superintendent of the bletophla and White River racket Lino, has Pbrehated the tee tte:lllty Liberty No. S. of tisbtale Archer and e hieculloekt wife fetid. 0211,000. The LI ty No- S Will be visaed in the initiative! trade, la plan of the Guidon. The Oiselnhati Enquirer. et Insedas. say,: A pottiest of the Pittsburgh Sepal Seel aistved Teetudtv, taaludlng the Abe Hasa, Maw Hot. etta •ed Atah, with tows all tight. They lave to aggregate of WSW of sod. BTEMIBOATB. VOIR NEW OkLEANBIaSa —The 'Towboat Rani DATAUIt, And Yams Nos. land 2. Pupil commander. 103 lear... &Y.. on rue. rre. the toot of Mat., • • rot frets.% or pasta. apply on boar . or to ne.o ctiAILL.2.3 BAJANKS.•y... JOHN ROTH & SON, 'lmporari iail F6olegle Mal" 1. tOnZION ASP DONIS:MO WINO, MANDUB, GINS, BOMB, WI3IBIIIEB, &0.. &0., 807 X... 11,4 littrocrt, orrpun Ilarmtmcn STGIST. Rae leans to Latent tbilr Islead.rand the Pahlle to renew that therlaneoptlae4 thettlabolethla a:nte, tthe shah. place, nod ass sow trues to a ll all order. th ole-Ilha. to Um saalstaessam of all who will favor them. th. lon and hest hattbllabed rapntaltho of Jelitt Esnli be a thalelet gia ft. the andtslor sleadlthamni purtte tha:r coo.. and 11.01 be theta alto to uphold ',ha..., -hot medical purpose. portlealar Atlantan& la &meted an their Lona stock of OLD OLIDLIID WIDq lad superior gsalltits of . rccaotl,o4arcs: pmp n aetfte atd mo.M DIAMOND 4111 em be • . JOHN BOTH NOS. ~~ LEAD ,PIPE AND SHEET LEAD, =I mai; rtarmaxps• 216TEritita. 811653 AID IROX COCO, CEC=I =I Ille BAILEY, FARRELL & ED,, Nth 167 WU/add put. LADIES' FURS. As gutless varlet/. of saved. totality: BELLING AT-THE LOWEST, PRIM• au0,.1 - , the AIM STILTS HATS AND CAPS, PRATT BENNIE'S, So, 107 Seders' Street, Aliesboss HAZARD POWDER. LAM NOW POEPARED TO MI. at Aortas& oOLUX4 Orders fur Aorgo or blto of 'LIZARD'S AKBRATED POWDER, A3l ordem lett at or tent by mall to my it... NO. 179 awl 114 IfEDItIiAIiST6IICT. Alio ithen7 City, PO., or to leg BILCO;VD biratET, Plitabargb, Ca.. 0111 I=loo prompt attention. 11TWIABL Ilesmso 0.0. 0. CWIZ...C.S. n. FA1T1N0.....1,11'. T IRON CITE, BELT INORR 6 4- CEO. O. CLARK & CO.. ta=rCr.ZtyreZ44°42:l4lZlAWa 3tacomt.ltscrx .33catlxi. L. Daunt.OeRTYIBT.. (16 doer • ow.. Pittahare“. WEST COMMON MAC:UTNE STONE' WOUES. POll.Ol n$ 00100 01 Wa.OuOIDOLi Ait.solounr. 7IIILD.K ALIVATLII • CO. lr i Op ORM Or'irtrre 00 LIM Malta S O r it&WAn D O. -8 11 1 111r171 1 14 1 i * Ali r li t ta "" 12. B tSAD AN .1 . 03,th STinan, iiirOntaripromptlyesec.laa. 1101.1rtlitA MINI OUAIILEEI lIIFJZENSTEIN, 139 PEDEriAL 19T., ALLTAILLItaii, trourth door atxria I.lloroond.l • Glass, China' Were & Table I atlery 1.2 NATO MN rale= miwrca aof ra. elms stnro on Lona. Call mot examine for roo4o. . - - . haft& ON //AND AND TO ADMITS. ibladlir. Cats Molarrert , 50 bbla. rano Itlerr M01.r.41 fa •• Bolth i..llrtgar Symp; • . ts I,ovetnrs .yut A • • auger 21 , 41. a r trgsr; . • =Md.. amt.:throne Itlerr 10 .• r. Cr.trr, ar kno, rret.l awl 1741 Wood FIRE SCUEEPTS 11. NEW On sane.. Tel II ell pstnOsts .314 told mid val. 107 xensarerrarer. _TORN PECK, • OULNAIKEPiTAL HAM womunt Fourth Arne, one door Dorn WOO]. ntisbargri, &War. fort bane • rat 43/Ortlitaat f Ow, ww..l{.•; TrAit Llostactunk•• IV Top•••••ealpo,L4lua . , C 0414. urw-Nu. e... ' A 11904 plug la Altalt .Irlll ghti• for aro Hair, • Ladles , aml ieatlemelM6l>teottlig 401.11 nentert onmaime. - FOR THE HOLIDAYS.—We ere Just to walletofa sepal) , Of extra Oman arra London layer llaluna,l4 whole and pu , r/or beam tiro betalese JcaUloe. fle e )wane; choice fttlrea rixe, bwtats. te. sad drums; ere,. elite ant Intranet rraboet raper nail *lowed.. and a fall user/Mem of 'Jeanne Fruit. and Verolabltb, toe male at , tap laauly Oreeely !non of . JHO. A. Bilfalf LW. 404 . , Ootarr Monty and Head alteeta. RAM lt M OSE% ' B ARB - -110.11.02aczw23 . crwizh . ' rarrrz AgeocutTioglntrt.insni t tfos., utt a trr CLAIR ISTILTILT, ryrra=. P. W i "stri. Gr E PUGLE PEA": II 4 , CANDY MAIERFACTUREit i Dealer orda rint 11 4 . " a ' riot rzw . ffraurr, amma actor tram nti 2 ". L. ,411•41"47 EDITS. CHANDELIERS, BRACKETS AND LAMPS, 7o Mal= o OB uir.... Ot latest pittems nr.d best " •=ollg Wlll4ll Ala I LlO3 E,41 C'handellers at p."wot !G o v I 4. ..... .43ter All of latest pater. acd bee. woltmarolllp Al-00. A TCLL AES : LSYSSS o . r althea.; Hall a• i d ParloiLampsj 'Ollll AID PI M 'ROM 4131.1..0333E38 1 , ergo., I. quattitles 10 .nit purclaser. ARTELDIi 119 .2.1114 Fidersltii..ltem, THE FORT PITT LUMBER ob., $121i,000 Capitat, Prez4le:en—EDW. DITIIIIIDOZ. I noporinitandent—ldg. GILLESPIE.I "The FORT PITT LUMBER - 4"D. haTnag Ono. onued TWO TEIOUN.NO POD 11UNQW11) wn TWKNTY-ONE AenEs nueuned plao Lon. foinO.Costmr. ercesao tbere. on • Islet num:oda , . )17111 goo now r reoarcol , to .V:l3 3;7, %Trig rr ."881. i e 't EMU OA comer luau II !liar 84 IT Codusaintesdlods Dy mall amid be 4* dressed so , T. IL WHIGIIT. SleeretaTi. MM!!M MYERS, #OPPER & CO.; Mammon t, R. tc.. tIL , 311:8, • rtss. )IJSIUZIAUTUErREI U 7 FURNITAME Of kvory Description. SMOOL AND OIEIOE FEIINITUDE No. 45 Smithfield Street, I= WA' fall arse elsent of flthbnrf Mannfio t^..tt oolaiwitly oa lamd ,11.0Wf1:11T pang rIZACIV-Y (1. osteMa. u rtf rt"..B....llv. C. ItOrrin. —TV. S. W!I.Z PITTSBURGH IMPORTING ROUSE 14111ABILS6IXED 035. SCELNIDT . & FRIBAS, HERMAN, FREk CH AND SPANISH WINES AND LIQUORS • • 199 Penn titeeet, Plttsburgb. Uor MUL rmtut DT haT/strtetartird Croat Co nn, bas Eau a here puren...; •14.1 laolectvC manomcv. waif %Le funowtrwo first etas Korm/Lt.P.R. 4,l•R.Clissapsitcst. Os VI, ottl. 4 Co.. srmrnay.ct.n.mpt,”e 4. PIMA LW , • CO..ComaelmnEe.l6aa . • • 1.1 ; ' •• 41. •• PAI.• ~,,z44 'AN 11. 4 .• (•'! ui.,..., A Ebel. ill's a 41 , ~,,Wit'• `...",..aatii. Spalding A. „ K.stagei g i.., Cze - _ . lista adt lentils. •ti Ales. PVi&a, Viki'Of.`:,,,,,<,, Ai— 'A clot.* tororooont of FOAL OLD rry. w W:ilik.1.1 B. WOLF'. Tao, it. 00., DLILIDO SA '. Eluvrdware & , Cutlory. " aiek attastawrza_wapremdars. 'garter Liberty and St. Clair tits" .z.steepirotz.rtara, irak. *K. wan. ,—zomr Assar—ra.3. Imo. VALLEfISTOVE 17011 1 118.• . . ALLEN.. &. ()Mee ind Warehench 3 , 01 Llll.olTrat.. max v11m0n24.-11 'raft re: i r ° 1 on nee ate venerated Allegheny and madam taxi Cooking eleeeet Meth the Antocral rad Oellthael for roe! or 'hood. ad the neutvalleall War or the it.ploo, be Wood: Woo. !att.. grans, eednee. hm. aradilev...Daragona and 'rood, L. ups, It. 1M1131t........--,...zossrxto Th*LUSIS JARED ple must" ki . soN • • 30.IIZTACTITIUna Steam Hollers On Stills, 'Tanks, lAA WorlM, at, • 61 Penn St., PUbburgh, Pa. • OEM,,'FOUNDRY 81000 BOLLMAN, BOYD D. BAGALNY, obni . ion mstius, sat titha, ike." THOS. CARLIN-. • roIDISI NU MODULI) MIDI 11810¢1, ..dcrrt.tasnazzry .14. 1 ganno6acturor of uw ok .LINO MILL Ara wow (tan v t r i mvs y z i re i AL so b.* on •Imod an 4 swan onaczerlMLU rail:ll2 , lLS. oto,ll6lmca• I'ITIVEROII IRON WORKS J. PAINTER di 80115. frob, - Babket Tub and Iron* HOOPS AID MEM =rECIMMIII IRON CITY !RILLS; ROWERS & BUR •: I .14 . ipshisamisareoalaiusma dit Plats offizirersim3:l4l.loo2r. . (mom Licowaz' oamso.simmusic MANI7FA A. GARRISON ft CO., Pittsburgh Foundry, rirorretcrsi AND an or army GLOB FRONTS do FENDERS, Furnace and Oven Frames and noorA3 FURNACE BARS, Cooking and Heating Stoves, I= Air 011Ite and.Warehonsc No. 209 Liberty Street. GRAFF, BYERS & CO., AudlimmaTinunis Bar, [Lop and'Sheet Iron, WROUGHT IRON lid we Sauna CLI, OWL vim, at 411.X.r.18C/p OIL W TUBING, Olftee, No, Oil Water Street, ErrivsstraGir. PA. I= WORT MTV BOILE, gfill IND I WCPlEtiafg. 'CARROLL A. SNYDER, DOITIMSTIAIIID. =SOLAR SIIIE.NOI 46 CIMINO= =ZAN sou.azza, OIL STILLS AND OIL TANN% asnonent, BIFOSECIBING AND SITTLINO PANS, SA= PAN! AND CON. DBFISIOCS. STRAIN nen, cumourntes,AND mon BEIDGII.3, swam . DOODJS AND WAX. BIIIT/21. Of so oadV7orka ...nor Bosom d. Whirl • SAO A .o.ad Ltbort.y StAvots. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, !Orden sent* nearon runes rID be DroolDtl7 ottorL4od to. toli7:120 KENSINGTOR EON WORM LLOYD & BLACK; Best Common, Healed. Charcoal Juniata, Bloom Iron. stRP-OithliT BAIL, FLOUND 6 OQUABLIZILOI HOOP. BAND. T aso ANOLY =ON. • SODAS PLATILiud hlPtier MON. 110WZIC nod BLIP= ithlte. OTLIIIDLII assititrellD OH YlltaltSl3lall. SMALL T Win; ead 10 lbs. to the YAW. - IPROUOWit CHAIM ”SIDPI/LES Ito saSte. rLAT LAMB Ponobee 0.4 Coautermah. • CURL Knuth; num. ILLIZA and SPLltalt. - • Warehouse ault Ottee at the Works. EIBILN 0111itt IST.d.la continuation of First street.) oh. WWI», the muds+ Worts. mamma,. 0011.11 Bwcx moan • STEEL WORKS., . EISK, BiIOTHEF • & 4 - 0 . KANIITAVIITAZA3 OT ALL DISCAMIONS 07 AEVI I IMIBLTs . (Mee Sad Warehouse, 120,12'!,121 See sad ace ID 6121 First Streets, Tesl3UBilH. pITTISIISTRGII STEEL WOHRS, ANDERSON, 000. K & 00,, tBUCCI.ESOII3 sO .10n2S, sours CO., ituislistarusat the nest REFINED CAST STEEL, Nut's: not •, ,, a warm" Cut alsts:' out nom, nes. 'tart awl Mut Steel; Out duel rot 'RAPING AND WOWING MACHINES,' STEEL PLOW WINGS, SPRINGS •ZLHB. DIRVITLARIL a 4. Cast and Common Plow. & ► axing Steal. tnitxt—Cores: at Tint sae Boss arrests. two ►lasts &boss the Mow/LOW. M... max x. az% INDUSTRIAL WORKS. KGB. N. BOLE & CO.; - Po nrilkinßS, • Biggins Builders and Blaehinisis Wake to order insigne and Land Me= itsurtnite of all sites, warreeted to diva sesistaatton. Canine.. of every description. made to order JAreta Nation, estp•t.....e.. 8. /CL; Porcine.. Machine Stop, Car. Point All A Duette. WV. ronttdry, Noe. t eta St Third Meet. ' PITT3IIIIIIOB. P.& . Ilerrs • BERLIN FOUNDRY. PRIOI a me, bmca wassomam • So. 29 'Wood Strew' Mizakeetare and keep cerestentik on bead sb hisile, !Mein It Pipil • WAGON BOSEIB„DOil MOW% jr_UGALII • blineTl,723 LIOLLO W ILka teeeekilk, • • - macre MONT BLANC FOUNDRY. Snider Btreet, Ninth *ant OPPOSITE UNION 111134 =LC QoUlng Doll swin4samerrwmazza.` and Bridge Castings. • men nun lM trei tom Kafklakery and pasting. gluere4l3, onion promptly a:W=IMT ttestted.' Enurra & attozurmn. UNBENT STEEL WIRD, mum, BABB At POEM BEST - QUALM CAST STEEL; Wartented Ulna! te 11107 LIS the Mar t. e .that katperted trot Do- aaaßta Itt O ane.fsatv.re., srazzat ArtitNT rATOTOIII67. OAS* A..ttl) Ala EMMA. , Office, 38 Wood etroot tN BT. CIILLWAS BOILDITRI. Pirtenusaix. J.. Wt. WS. telhaie 1/011010W .448.46 ZMIXIIZGL.JLB. DLL= WWI& BOILLI2 WORKS. • MORROW. BARNHILL co Reim Boilers, Oil EMU, Agltators Twat. daft Pllll5. Gaoomoters, .:Wrought Iron Bridges, • IlheetironVlart. . . age, COD. LIBERTY AND SFAXIND PITTS - LI UR arr ROBERT LEA, aItiIITAOTIIIIIIIA 07 SEAM ENURES . AND BOILERS Freight Holsters - AND DOCTOR mum. arclimag, o: .0 deacrlattoalmatle , to art!: Geyser of sad Farr, !t read. JeirTZU7O2/0/4 =I EVERSON. PRESTON& C 0.,. Pavidrerr.i:o.T.iit I:I4OINTWCPIELIKE4. itteAr.l4l.b.`l , l"':, 4 "ll - 1 u as ENTEORINI MUMMY: / 01 11118Tos.. • Ilasoiteetatar of °MEIN'S STOPIllik URA:l.cm 1 ItNIMOSVAER WEIEILITI RW P tilai d ligl li ennil fee& OCritTlllll9 sme of WATiOta trrar.rre. tout `of /Mb ernes extension. Pluabarib. Pa. STEABI TO AND VROM LIYEEFOOt &QUIEnSTO)IfiI i & bud. T~caYnasß '. THE INMAN lam, nais-r n4Y "IPRiravll FitinXilap'o4.B:o4:7l; - • Wll4 1112R181.14 izoluhs Aunt to Book Ra TH nagsz t. Mims Litwin l.l4 amokM 6TBXIT tuaarstk. EMU. Nos. 1 .2.IND 2 LLIZEN iaa,ana tariiir ilzwasedhiL Oat - Otte wane am roususits. MI .11441.1, 101A.M. ALLEGHENY VALLEY mitt, " AD ' agigiggai ccenusea by. via/. Oa SA4 slier THURSDAY, July LitS t Wt. Du= will luary sad durlys at rinybiss/b Dimt. Mat alks tad Ussal Meets. tothm., ,- lt¢ev. SSA' RiaiTaiiiiiTecommod•uon l 'lo.Trit 11: /Int Soda Works •ccom.... S: ire, 2.1 t. nOthild nedn•Warks Jammu.. ninth. tnai e . /Minn Accownsualaitha_... 2. aand.y Church Train; twin • • and to Soda Iddr. if. 122 C A. W. Id.nr••• Narlirmata cleat thrinattlon at Ilaa bruit with lice or packwin for Vrankile and lita2 non ttaccauecua 'run rude. fruur on City and Frar.l2lc. /7//' • . . R. Nast. prrIVITERGII CONN ELLS ' VILLZ 13AILN.J.W. ligaM3/1 CHANGE op t!aOa and. atter SON Lt/oV, October late, 1567. the kite the NT.t. Warr of Want tad Water ortela t as fo!I • . . . , . . _, I..earest Amtrak • flaseursdi 'llied.r xr.n te iad ri 't: t - - '' ' . '4. OW a ost'n. .:tr.... u. a wr. N . isaines• •,. ~ • - acor.v. le Cis. a. West Newton Ac:orzoto.... 6 . 1 i r. it. etas. It. First idelltealMal •eFons..Slia. a. a. Mei A. st. recopa .• • cks •a -MS,. Y. c:o1r. Y. Madd ..a 40 F. M. 5L4.1r..1• tritalay Clot tett Todd to and ' from Watt Newt. L.. MSC, U. Id= A. a. Far liCkC:4 Lyn , to J. B W. U. BLINTZ, PmtintowtonßlNG. Amt celtt. 1867. 1867: PlTTRstrfteiti. FT, yrATNe. cCiIitCAUO R. W.. AND CI.XtrEL.AI.I) A rtTTe ißat.. E. Y. Pam Now:ober Reite, Ite, Rater •011 Rare Pun act arena sittla:2o3 Oriais, north alde. rut, burgh , city time , a follows: Chia/ors a relthatne o 2:11 a so thevalaud this are S. r:l3 a m Elle a TIN. Y i en? aei !Chicago ain Chicago 'l' '"thl;!: fdlt CJlp Chicago ex. .. MI a ral CI. a invf 4113 ra Mts. &CI. • Ice tau a;13plo ' CVl T Nre a e l f tfi 'it ' d If4l ' iG - Mtg.' 2:19 pa:11141. Ciq;A• RWA. Am Br. p r: a 74.i.le i pZjAtI t es f i ltrle i' eA„lfrat 17 1 1 . 1 . 11 1:o3 am Laaulela N;l2 toltr. !'ll :1, Rochester ..I ' oll2 am W. 111,16 3,1 0 Lesties.la . 31!0.1 air Laietatala f:l3 • nm N. ;4;1;1' r,. Leetsdale 10:13 pm •• p p. hi. °Maar> Ire- eatiltiee m. 1.00-ea. Teta tares ora ariares ea:ls% holt r. R. lIYINE. Repent Ticket /Lai mriEfor SYL FAZIA HAILEDMI.—thi sndam I ' m NOV/MIMIC t, Ur, EMI esseetther Traits on • hirtutterh reentylvutte liellroaa trill ante* end depart y . , front hallotra the Peter. Iltreot la et • .1.1.2aY5. • libaryo , *lto I 0:22•..1‘...—....-- 1:511..K TempOrt NO.I at froopor: NO. 19:9-LM etharob I Ildaa.it 1161rOs , g-No 2, 1:Z Exprem........ 2:Za rat ircapert No. 2 CIS tat. llama erfl'abe .aN Lit • Fr.port No. 2 a :•ol rot . llarzasa We Ay 7:197.)f. ibat peg No:. Above tratna aatly banoly. Tao Clutch Title !carom dile/Many Janet. " 7 Vl"` 4 "'" at rola 7. an • tlOsty ' atlon Tlytett—Soe tale In hectares t thltaltty, Detncen Ailed bait . • C . 4 - tlitetiThOtt 'treat. Ideatd, %ann.:, rine. Or bs . Xtda. ant. 13harttabetrz. nod goad only on the trains attny plod at Stallone a padded on %I etett• Tito train lescraa Ail., heat . llty at Oahu et N. matte attract canned...ton at Yttedhrt whit titallashi Liao of Matte for Battle aod Ilatt• PUID:05111 • - • Through Tirketa miT be per...hand at the Otte, e tit. ttlnrr &rein, later ettreenern Brldra Plant:hid: end et the ilztleta elite 7oi twine: LarraTiatt holy to - *gang. era: mete t hilt n ot Tennsltrants rlallnsad arid no: earnearn anly risk far lta.Tr•gc, Caetpt. 2, Wee, pare), • and limit Made responalLlltty to coal value. ell Organ eau:viten tbl wooed; in value, 37111 tiro. no red of the enTsr, nein: laLsn 6F enerltd con treD:. 4~ eial in' : . _ F t )uz I'e PENNS'CLVAT.I7 ISAILY.WI D. • CfNTR.II 11 Ott; 1t"..7, lreLat nit! 'Am Unit, „ . • On and atter OCT° r: arm. and depart frozri of Vitstanionn end Lit,. amtslll4 Van Tr!ln lip •Xj Put Ll 4.—. 1 . , a tn. Walla No, I, in , Hiinten s Oinetatiati 000 c ' ll ionattolre A.e.15:1n TVVINV ' rt . t00Ro: Z.: 2,111=1 Tfl i nt Altoona Meets • • i train t0t.4,15. • TAt eletren Tralne leame Wan't 111/ C.,• etutday..Wea,j2., reser/nee ra:"bnrES tel L mettrn:ni, inatee iqttzt, - 0, at' f U. nt, and arryte 'V. all , untaion nt tree p. 'LC/mamma /Cant:ea Itavre dull y. Ali oteor tenant dallyteasent Ear.r. Yttlixettinla etty.rttn to I,oa • AM.. 51E.1111.10110 AUL Ttaln arrive deny . . CIA. ettnatt .Expreee artiren et cent :ZondaY. All attar intatnadally except Sunday Pot farther Lttformatlen annly to " .litilr:11, 01. The rentanyitanla keiltra4 Coonle 00 yI mune any rlzt for 22.2 ti, 0 0 1 It¢la a , 2 27 jr .22 rut s27 o .l2 , 2fpr earl area upnera 1n vabr.. lee that annu olTIIot l :5 11 value •enil La 0,110 ill! tau a g ‘ ; ' II C LI.V.IY:t!, eral btxperin..,lpnt. , D.la, • : xe ',A . - 'a ,o. • ...V1...U.6 It fa • R r CBURAL:II3. CfiCENN.III R. Ij . PAN lONE. ICsIeI3 m A a ND OF. 1007. m traits adater a UN ' D , A t T n at Union Detrot as follows. eittsletegt Ilme Datum, Altura'. Ida. 2:10a.. v. 3.10 11. Fast Lift • ..... Y. • T5Bl. F. Yslt ... .t • A ' f. • a. Jallatlt s Hlila &sta. 1...111.0 H. 2.101. Z. IttenbenallieAcconatl`ti . 0:00 P. n. o tto A. 4. Mato Ald.n Ace. 210. 1.10 r. f.:N A. It. epinl.a4 Herne. -aced. "avast !tapas at 111 j. la 7. arrlclng in Cincinnati 56 67:8 kis M Chortli Ton leases Padaf at MSS 1. Y. Theta, A. at. Train tenica da`ty. eandas s ame lll atdeeptc. aestrlae_a.claz.v . a , dl o OF trOVit n al ' ilt/IFITV ' SFr O e ualsc of ars Jectwe tat O ett rttUlter 6. gtt o at . d amt. WU" Ticletn be tete sta dad Oa tirmact, enema . a - .cdcuni lIDioD Deriot; (lomat 'aide° D. ZISOTELEILAPAUGIf,TIOkeI. Aff cat Sala Aral Tietset Agnsta. JOHN Flllfst.N.R. • &cant. • SIOKY MIL ROUT? MO nail RikiLWAY, EASTERN 'DIVISION. THE SHORTEST. AND xesr . lIILLI/1.21.5' /LULUS Om :Ise 'Zan paints la corrisco, arvena rsuroEitts, 1711111. .'mtizoap. w.lNliazdzioN. Jritie stxxxco. ..uLtuo, Two:ram Dave Mate 14 se tad LUTEIIIIOZI.I, dally.'. CIIIADIS excepted.) Om the' aril.: of Dalin of raelle.l4llread, fret. K. Louts, sad Efealabal and 3.10 VAllriad hem Quince; eon. neettnif slbawretee; Topeka aitd liVneaego Eta/Defoe ell pent. to Kea., .Ls r ,„.k wen of Vilmorth . ..MI the 11:SIT:Dr ETLIT.3 ILXVII3BB corri.nr , s DAnx LINV or °VI:BI43D 3.11.1 L AND 3.1:33123 COACH 1111 701/ DENVi EIiLT 'ABA AND ii.LL POINTS UT TUE TERZSDOSITV. and with !LINDE/MOWS 11114771 S E 1.5( LINN o7•COM411121 for lost Delon, Banos lost, Tuts, Allstquarone, East. So, and al* tiolota 111 , Arizona and NOW 16exlep. With the recent' sAdttlons of toil:or stock and • soutpaint, and the artaistrocuts mode sink ros spoor/Ida User's* Tronsportstlon Muss hon , Its wealth tellill.11; rood row Ontbl quelled factlittestfor the trularlation of iralsbt Iu tba Par West. • , Stekete for sale It all the ininclpel et:W..IS the belted State. sad C11.1(11. I Ile, estre and Luc PI•H vats. T 3 TTh THAI smolt? cr:z iIICII/10 E.A.Bllttell -A. A 111).. fleaersltri:ltAit . ie• . virz asz\rir.; Vcwra Yr*tett and 21c`scl 4,nt. PERIL SALT -13AKINACTUR11 OEM pUIYATI]_DIELEAMES. , 7-0/4*-5152,6 _ MEET. se. - • • Pot the cite of all di..cum• of • prlvai In Om two to tour days. by an •nunlY sato %ruts:tem' Alms, Pcsasul Weal QUI alsastra of tba grealial organ 4 Iroolaws —7 Sol " Pa er .. so a l d. on d dll 4••• 41•. 0,1711, Yon.' NOTlCE.;—Whereas. my wife. lint' a °tinter. /1 lag bcl,cicl 010EINs0X., the. Mi. Mout tut cause or I rovocatlon. 1 beenrib,.. Ma vino. :rem trostinsg bar an 1311 teClla1•111da111. 457 ,ELO 4041 at bee onittacipls attn.. D•c. 10, net?"' arcrcirdiagi 3132 120t.114 llcsa, sad WI TLC& OM