THE - DAILY GAZETTE; runrainzn inmlEo==-01-, (SITNIUTI 111rCkMD.) PENINVRAN, BEER & CO., a I'roprtetos~,. F 4 077TC.E.• GAZSTSEIBIJILDLNO Nos. Si oast SS rirm WLIBRIT. 11116.1 Pepiblicu Piper al Total Paruytriatz. CPT/OW, PAPl E Sp o ll'g rr l3 . l7llGE !MD eLrz liTtL r ixffElll . ls rr. f1211.14"r Or YU DATLTs . 1 4 1:11 ri llta7 r by rerrtere per week... Li Cen . '24 ketwerers, per year .kg.o., Addres s.GlAZETTl6. .. I 17111111711.011,, prsjsr.A, Gait. Vnais Stasi has written a let ter to Mr. Jain Rohm, editor of the &was ZeVung, and Secretary ' of the German immigreutt Assoc-Intim, accepting of the New York Agency of the Association. Ite is also being urged for the nosition of New York Agent 'of the Tcnnerace Board of Immigration. Tinr: Village Record, in ' , response In a runtrapYthat sccently appeared In these cokzmns, says Hickman wag at Waahington on teethes!' entirely private, but not pout'. cal. He is not for Hancock, or for any other man, for. President, who is not fully identiged with Republican prinel— , pies; and ao far from lowering the plat. form of the &pulpit= party, ho is in , avor of elevating it still higher. Mr. Hickman will go to Harrisburg in obe dience to the dell of the people of Ches. ter county, and will be found tlin cafe of honest legislation, public eon omy, and high-toned Rep:MR=IIRM. I • Tux Wheeling Intelli2encer of rested day,, after referring to the enspenalon of operations in sonic Of the iron mills . of that town,. remarks': "'We are informed that the reduction of wager, of 'which they (tha workmen) were notified a week or two since, hes bemt assented to, but that the notice given by the pioprietors of similar es tablishments in Pittsburgh, would not expire until next Saturday. The cm: PlQyees here ere waiting to set what course their fellow workmen will pursue in that city, and it they 'also amen; ope rations will be rasamed:lbezt Monday. We leitrued.further, that they bad con cluded to go to work at the reduced rates, and it this information be:correct, we may export that on the date named, or Immediately after ;the holidays, -all the establlslunents hero will be going co as ,usuaL" NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. t • —ln fhb Virginia Reconstruction Ceti ; von tion,yesterdby• the Committee on nefiltat, to whom Wai referred the resolu tion instructing the ' Auditor to suspend payineut or any interest on the State debt nutilthe Convention was astiefied there we, enough to the Treasury to pay the whole, reported adversely to any se ': Lion nn the subject, having received as j sorainwe frou the Treasurer that the State will be able to pay all demands as t• presented. The frpOrt slots adopted. rho followidg resolution teas re. lbrred: Thor incorporating a provision in the Con , titution that Immigrants to this State shall not be sued In Courts for ; debts Incurred before immigration, and exempting-a certain entount of real and f parent:lßl ,property of such immigrant. , from seizure let debt, and foe changing tho syldem of State laws from t remedial to prevention. The pre amble_ to this .resolution refers to proatitition of the liberty' of speech and the prates for the punishment of attempts to intimidate at ratification elections, for pnwenting citizens being distressed by disloyal tax collectore for tax levied years ago. A colored delegate. offered a resolution prohibiting distinction on .ratiroods, or other public conveyances, i NfA i . ilgti..)4 , As - .-I , ~ :1 5 ' .' f ' , V4 lll l.. lbw _ ....___,..... ..,....„......5......:;.__ ....___. : ..,....._.. _ ~..i„.., . 1 r - 1 • , . , ,_, . 1 i 4 I _._--____-• -- - - • _ .__.--, --•.: ~,......- _ ,_,_„,_ , . . • ...,_ . , . . . 4LABAMA Arrest of Georg. Shorter, lbs !Imre Leader of Ina Inourrectiou In bat '.. lest - Coolts—Prlstafurn .Ltberatell by a FreedmitimPo Bitten* Aire.l, ES) Talerrat.hto the rlttatrutakilluatul.l lizw Yong, December 17.—The Mont gomery, (Ala.) Advertiser, contains re information- of the arrest of Geo. Shortio, a nage) of that city, who wad the leaner of the recent insurrectionary movement in Itullock county. Shorter claims terbe froni 'lllinois ; or one of the Northern States . , will says he tuns sent by the BadiLuls of that region to organize a government forthe blacks. - The blacks gave information of his whereaboutsand he was captured by the whites and blacks. Whea the deluded negroei of the neighboring plantations heard of it, they gathered in considerable numbers and clamored for his delivery to them for summary punishment. - 7They would bare put him to death, but the whites interferwl and pursunded them to let the law take its course: Shorter was im prisoned in the county jail at lnlon Springs.. A letter of Shorter's to the negroes, whom he culled officers of hie government, has been published, show: mg chez/attire of the organization be hoe tflected. In this letter Shorter decreed the death of Jerry, Treasurer of the rev olutionary organization. There aro other letters of Shorter's in possession of the civil authorities. . . TCaptain Brice, agent orate Freedmen's . Bureau at Greensboro, recently took the keys and liberated a number of priasners ,rho were confined by order of the civil authorities. Ills action has been severe ly condetnned. • At a Sheriff's sale to-day of mil estate and railroad steels they sold :at remark ably low figures. Land sold at from five to twenty cents an acre, and railroad stocks at ten cents on the dollar. NEW YORE, Eng Telegraph to tte PI mews h uasette.2 ' • Ntw Yonir, Dee: 17, 1887. STEAafamP ainzg.D. The steamship Allantlo woe tetrad, charged with haring brought here llquoit valucd at nino hundred and fifty dollar not on thninanDests. AmunAL rmAtun'e BODV. ' The body of Admiral' Palmer woo brought here by thb Susquehanna.: = Mrs. Rosana Murphy; another victim otths.Tenemaat calamity , is dead, and three other sufferers are likely, to ale. • EUZi==2 - - • .. The Thu t Beefs of the Union of he Fenian Brotherhood, under the Presidency of Jahn Mitchell, is published. • =2 Internal Revenue elllears seized sever al establishments in New York, where x 11301 1 ,111 inimitation oT ferefitn. brands Were inanufsetured. PANANA AND NOITIII AdeloasteomAspinerall to tho !Alienate them bayo been heavy floode on the Isthmus. • ' Letterefrona Limn state that revolt:l - outbreaks la tha North had been suppecesedat last, and - President Prado has gained evictor' efseme magnitude nt Arntpalpa, which will probably hays im portant consequences. Prado, since the 19th of last month, has been master of the western pater that qty, which con. Mini the strongest mesttlens„ • • WEST INDIES, Domtrootly* Fins At Ileum's= amall itaaanlmapo—Earingtinko at • *att. *ma ana Great I Leas , leant St. Thotst. Demo t kat* fel— Devaluates as siesta itneresslemate. Car Zeit:MS totharlttsbutttassetto.) NEW Yonsr, Den. 17.—me ilerabls Novena special Bayin .We have news from Demerara which states that a terri , hie fire occurred there tho day previous. Tbe report of mr/hquake shocks at Mar . Unique and Guadeloupe are contrealict ed. Wo have the confirmation of a pre vious dispatch announcing a terrible fire at Guadeloupe. There • ware' several shocks of an earthquake on tho Island of St. Kitts, on the 11th and 3fith.of Nevem. ber, the see rising several feet on each occasion. An cuthquake visited Antigun on the 18th of November. musing groat loss of life and property. The reports from St. Thomas are more cheerful... Thu inhabitants are recovering iron their pante, and baslneesswart recu perating. The men of the Now York Submarine Company were engaged In ralsingwibeke teltingroid stukces. ' The xevolution Id Hayti was Masao. ing. President-Cabral, of. St. Domingo, was n:fiwching 'watt as army. against Heyti, :under the pretence of avenging the dogtrot Monter, but inreallty togaln possession of thef whole Island. The conamerelal feeling in Efivrana le ve•lrisecure, and the condition of sea. erel merchants •is a critical. - SOOIO tank rupteles may be expected. -Greet preps. rationa are being made for the reaiplloa of the Captain General, Lelrtundi.- LJI 011 Mon: QS EE O'CLOCK A. rvl 111 AI WASHINGTON The Finineial (tug4thin EM of ths Tetist3 Committee an, iiiterftlan and kicklee: El Zil pondence Concerning ' Removals. Vs g •Privnic” Letter. UZI Nomin! liens by the Prestden EDE eny County Olt lospee Lion Investigation. I = D►to Um Plititukr3 . lk B 3ettell Wiunnurracr, Dcc. D, 1E437 ..ENCIE COMMITTEE'S lIECOIIt ' I The ; Thai shouted In Mel that store -' • . ate Committee on Monne; in port made to-day, remark: It ho the effort bf dotlgress, not to declare anti obey the elating t to Mold atomprehenslve policy 11 preserve the public faith, re onfidence to the people, stability business Interests, and yet will the sense of,luaticeof thopeople. unhappily drateh into the arena financial matters, it ought not ny sense partizan, but may be o. finless Congress can adopt a meeting the requisites, the con- these most delicate and difficult s May be 'transferred to the , where the hest of party strife to dangerous results. 'ommittee examine at length .tho ms of the bill reported,' state the m of the public debt, and then, n the question es to whether the are redeemable la any other n In cola of the United States, Intiesn Imparted goods, and en the public debt, are, by ional from the legal tender ale implies that the principal it le not etcepted. The eon drawn from the payment of loam: In gold is answered by that the act under -whirl, Is were issued etpressly de s note shall lf• lawful money gold, and shall bo receivable' tof public debt. The :stn..' construction was put upon the agents of the United States, is y the fact that this was not a struction, recognised by both part of the contract, but was talon based upon a supposi te of facts, which, when the trilled, did not actually exist. et if the bonds are payable legal tenders, they aro re r dye years from date In id of 'money. The word Ales a duty or obligation, a performed at the time .he -word "redeemable" :settee:try power, which ' .tot be exercised, but the ' money, in the name -mode ' 'i redeem a note, or •pay a dee have deemed it their t the argument in favor o; ids in legal tender notes, concealed , that this mo cen adopted by many who evade public admitted foot re s bonds weregenerally ;supposition that' they de: that this was ex. r inittrnrized agente or negotiating the loan; Mon must have born ,gress and was net eons was sanctioned by three vretaries of the Treasury: faith of It the bonds have higher in market • aloe ss, and public eentiment, country and in Jearope, I IV aa a breach otpublic credit is of eo sensitive a line cannot restore it when is better far to_ forego a Meg,. If in the judgment men we have no right to the doubt should 'be ire a of the question impairs public credit. Until so new loan can be' negoti sblia mind beteplell arena idea of repudiation, and the ire of paper money worthy f George Law. Committee ears, been pro ',en= lrf .o lol r t r o eso re i d utlon void. Als; instead bf e* sTt:. ion, will only create di nes, and the resolution II be a subject of agita- duty, reduet •trfCl diselat gagerni tract 'vol Pr the that tit" Chat been than both wool( faith. Q~C Tided that t.l able , _ rations induce the. Com mittee, deciding the question, to pnupose ditutien of new bonds, clear anf at in their terms, for the Five-Tr ands as they become re deemsbi Is ozeturnge must depend noon t k lan i n l e ic ere w nt tha o tr f: lim b : holder, great of them will .readily make th mange and that the govern ment wi ble to sell the new bonds at a rate rill redeemer purchase en equal as of the 5-i7l bonds, It is the maul twist of the Ixindholder; as well the tax - payer, to have, right.' cl ly dedneth That Congress athr full rudder:Won, should so settle them t he they wiltnot be effected by any un rtninty as to the manner of their pay e at . If this change is refined by the ondhoider, It - will be time enough t determine whether, by the coladition of his bond, he. may not be paid hal and money. The plan . pro posed es bliabes the maximum of cur rency a en amount deed by law, and it m ay , be diminished - by 1 payment for taxes and its conversion Into ds. This ' process Would, it is bell ed, rapidly restore otircurren , . cy to the tandard of gold, without the sever* disturbances and uncertainty caused by the present' system. When the restored credit of the fleyernment salvor:ices the Market-rains of our bonds to the gold standard, specie payment may be resumed and maintained. This plan 1 la in aecordanre with the uniform prac tice of our Governmentprior to July lat,l 1863, mud of Great Britain daring the long period of auspenonot speclepayments, from 1797 to Ina. The holder of paper money paid out was allowed at any time 'to convert it late Abend or annuity. The note (arced Ipon the people 'during the Suspension o specie payments Wila never allowed 'to of leas 'Table than ether securities held by public creditors. The Committee are of opinion that the time is not distant when it will become the duty of Congrasa to repeal so much of the existing law as makes a United States note a legal tender In payment of debt either pabile or private. This pro vision TM adopted with extreme rabic-. taupe and under, the premium of over: whelmlng necessity. : • - • - Tho Committee having stated their views upon the different propositions of the bill, add that they do not consider' this measure as embracing alt the linen- dal measures demanded by public in terest, but the.* present It in the hope that It may not be embarrwised by other, financial problems now exciting general discussion. lINSIOVAL ON STANTON, SIIZNINAN AND SICKLES- OONSIPAPONOSINCE SOIONT- TED--011..S1els “rtuy4Tr" LLTrEft. The Speaker hod beadle the Moue° to , days communication frenn Gea. ,Grant. 'enclosing correspondence the, removal of Mr. Stanton, ns Secretary of War, and also the removal of ,Generals Sheridan end Sickles. Nearly all the correspondence has been heretofore pub. !tatted, but following L tba private leak. to the President from Gen. Grant, about - which so much cariosity has been es. (Prints.) hirtroguaarsins AB= •or UNITED STATEN, Mule [nen, D. a; August 11, 1867.-IEO Race enejj Andros Johnson, President of the .Dnitect Stator-Sts :, take the liberty of addressing you pH vataly on the subject of the conversation. we bad this morning, feeling ow Ldo the great danger to the welfare of the ,coun try. should you carry out the designs then expressed. First, on the subject of the displaCe scent of the Secretary of War. moral cannot be effected ageing hie will without the consentof the Senate. 'it wen but &short time sine, the United Mates Semite wax In session, and why not then have asked for his removal if it wee de cided upon. It certainly was the baton ,Uon of the logislaUve branch of the Gov ernment to place a Cabinet Minister be yond the power of the Executive re moval, and It is pretty well =dm so !kr aa Clablnent Ministers Sr. affected PITTSBURGH by tho tonna Of the Tentiro co bill, that it was Intended aspects to,protect the Secretary of War, in Wh Ale coon try fell great eonfidence. Meaning of the any hi*. ho expla :: ,Any by a astute law y er , hat common Veto and the views of the Is yet peepla wild give to it tho effect intended by its flisk ~. ~ Second, on the subject id' : MMUS' or they il7y ahlb - Ccitradiaiider dip Mirth Military District. Let meakk ,iau 1.1 consider the effect 4t wonldllitavie upon Le public. . Hu Is universolb" and , de_ servedly beloved by tha pooldli Who. but• tinned thin Gpv,eflunetd-diunait.,lts triels, cod ratirkd by•thcisaviih ghtn u• would atilt he eneinlos of this Goeetnneent. - . lt : roll to the lot of but few ran to do as much Ogiallbt on onomy -as Gnu Sheri dan did during tbo rebottled and It Within the seeps of the ditty of l hilt few in this or any tithe*. country. to do what ho has done. Ilia civil ad ministration has given equal sallefitetion. Ire has had difliculties to 'oat:Rend with which no other District Cousatander has encountered.. .most, if no Ito, from the day he was appointed Igefrict Com mander to the present tinsel :tile pro.. tins given out that he was to bin removed —that the Administration wad alsmtln- Lied with him. 'Kids has boldoned the opponents of the laws Congress within his oainmand to op hied In „every wav to ttu3le of • and has rendOroil necessary • ensures which otherwise • may at r • boys been necessary. • In conc.' liesemo. tn] say, as a friend, desiringjpeare and quiet, the welfare of the wldaWl country North dud South, that it If y opine -.ton the • loyal people of: s coun try—l mean those who ea rted the - Government during the greaktibelllon— will not quietly submit to Vtio reiT man of all .others who ills . ye oz pressed their conlldonco In oved.: I would nidhavii bikini the hit'o or ad' dressing the liseentivo of fits bolted Stases anus, but tar the tonntsisation on the subject alluded to in thlsS nor, and from a sense of duty: - F E t that •I know I ant right In this ma ;'. - With great respect, ,: • • your olaslientstpt tat, [Signori.) • U., ' It4NT, Among the opera is a let to- Gener al Grant from Ileior GonetlsJASheridart, dated New i ;deans, Januarya, 19M. In relation to matters to Tearlartleidar ly referring to Um condition the Union men and freedmen lu ditto Part, nf the titate, which he says is * aty horri -7 Id( . lie says the govern thi de nounced, freedmen ate shot,' II Union men aro penmen fed i f thoy ha the temer ity to °sprees their opinion.... I . Thin letter 1 ;en. Grant, - der date Headquarters Army of United States, January 2 , J, leti7, en es an foI 'IOWIC .. liespeet falls Torn to the Secretary of War. Attentledi is Invited to that portion of the writte c ca ommuni tion which to the dition of the Linton inon and frceilme it.- Texas, and to ilia powerlessness of tie{ military in the present Mato of affair* to afford them protection. Even the *oral effect of the presence of troop, is p a tisingaway, and a few dare ago . a piqued of soldiers on duty . wool 'Tired on by 1901:nn Citizen* in Strothstwille. Iu My opinion the great numb& of mur der, of Union men and freedmer. in Texas, not o n ly as a rule 'Unpunished, but Clninveitigatid,constitntepmcdcallv a state of insurrection, and believing rt to be too province and: dull of every good government to saw n! protoc don to the lives, _liberty anti property of her citizens, I weal recom mend the deeloration of martial law in Tess, to mecum Mono. The necessity o- . for governing any portion o f r territ ry by martial law is to be d torrid. If tesorted to it - should he li nil In Its au thority, and chould leave al local an thorium, and civil tribunals free and un obstructed until they prove their ineffi ciency or unwiltingnsse to peribrm their . duties. Martial law mould gureeecnrity‘, ur comparatively so, to all claims Of cit izen% without regard to ratut . color or political opinions, and could oontln. tied 'until eociety walicapable f' rotect.' Eng itself, or Until the State is returned to its fad relation with Um Union- The application Of martial law to one of dust. State, would Lt. a warning . to all, and if agoveasary can be eittauted tomhera. U. S. Glt A NV, , e era I. actiona;::%=: s ihtt4l44u . V .F . ilea.. TEE OIL. INtIVEGTION In the AllcgbPno &strict has, ax ,nu have already published, been tee subject acme talk here. You have doubtless noticed that your renresentatire—nen. Moorbead—introdneed a resolution In the Meuse on Friday, calling for the re port ofJatnes Miller. This repo cite full as I learn—ls now on the film • the Treasury, anti In answer to the call of the House, will be' made piddle' Sometime during the week. It corers, as you are aware, n history of all meremants- con nected with the inspection of oil In the l'lttelmrghdlatrlit—in reference to which there have been allegations of Irregular ity forst nest swious kind. Mr. !tidier is the agent of the Department, and was sent to your city to get at the foods and make thareport. Without speculating In regard I. inkeentants, you Pan dnubt leas wait till beck facts as Mr. Miller reached shall toy disclosed in the cede. Lar and appropriate way. ' Then, If there are, &ult., let. them all on the guilty head. 1:12125122 , - • The President's menace in reference to the ease of the Secretary of War will not be further considered, it is said, till his return. He Is now in Ohio. drawn thither - by the sickness of a relative, who ban since died . ' The mbst 'serious charge made by the President against bin Secref terry is that in relation to the New , Or !canal-lota- It fa well known that Mr. Johnson was in constant communication with the officials In that, city for nearly a week beaus the great slaughter. It Was notorious here that a groat difficulty was brewing.. • Senator lifOrton, of Indiana, has nil ate facts In his possession in reference to that secession uprising, amL will be likelV tit - bring them out.. The. Senator is . litiffor log under a revere'attsek of a dlseano , which nearly paralyzes his lower limbe , but it Is hoped that he will be able to elucidate the factanetwitlistending. ltis physical sufferings do not affect hia mind, which ft as clear and powerful' en any in The Senate. oleo engaged in theprepara tion of s speech on the - nuances, which will be looked for with much interest by the public; its he has given special atten tion to the subject of our, .national car retry, and hero Intent. student, of all the qmatione bearing upon It.. D4-.11813 conntssiostr.n.` Secretary Seward to-day. presented td . Preside/W.:Mu:mon Chamberlain Carsten son. the Danish Comm 'wiener, and Cap tain Ilederman,. of the Danish Navy. Iter. Dr. Hawley and eommoderelloggn wore also presented. - R.ELLEVED FIVE VIE'R7I3II". Col. Wm. Kilgour, Captain of tho tint United States Infantry, was today rte Saved trom the 'army , hy Gen. Grant,. manumit to order,' of - dm President. eaptuln "Vigour has been ictealtacitated from actlienervica" On account of wounds receive,' during the war. NOMTNATIONS nx TUE PRESIDENT. Tim Itreeldent - tosday nominated Oli ver - IL Inadlord, of Pennsylvania, an Consul at - Brune Barnes, and Edward of Michigan, Secretary for. I Utab; nu"! Ilresident tuts Withdrawn die nomination ollraMeiDennett an Gal lector of ens:own fer the Tenho dlintrlet ',fixed:llmm. he not being able co:melon tioyely to take the requirod oeth.. . trxxcirriv&onnen. j • The ninon/mg kiaaullve °Mir woe El ' : Tr dV7cdd end d that all cam- municatione in writing intended for the Executive Department of this govern. meek and relating to nubile buetueset of Whatever kind, incAuding auggeatlonsfer elelms ' contracts, employ ment, uppolatmea t and removal fain omee and pardons, ho trunetnitted direct - iy in the heat imitence to limultputrtere of Me Department; to whlciatheeare Of the subject matter of the communication properly belongs. TM, the` has fn came necauttry ter the punctual . and regular,dfspatch of nubile matinees." MEXiC7A7I TIONDI 111arlseal, in charge of the Meat oan legotion; ntroln cautions Clbs publto against buying any 'ether bonds of thu Mexican Itopublfo than those mooed un der, tbe contrart !stood by Qon: Cornea vittlt4otin Ai' Cornea k' - Co. of NOW brk. None °thong aro valid- . VIE CURRENCY PILL Tho Senate 'Minot, Committee havo tinnily agreed to report the House anti. Contractionl.substaattatty tie it pus-. sod that holy. • Bailer Id Weldon la Philadelphia. ritt Tileerash 0 the !Illiinigh Gem* r = . PiiiirA6uLpar. ' bee. ir.-Llkirly' mornutir steambeller in the distillery of John Thum, in .Wcst Palladelphis, ex piated, 'completely shattering the build ing anti "etverely injuring three persons. Express Cowsissy Mantes (BY TO $.1011)11 to Ike rttistaria young ' A UllOllll, N. • Y., Deo. 17.-41' 'the mi nim! Wootton for Trusteed orthe Marcbauta Union Express Co., to-day, the old board of Trustees was re-cder,lod without Om. 'Mon. ~. ~~~r~~ EDNESDAY. DECEMBER 18, 1867 PROM EUROPE. MI The inno)" on im orient' Pinnies. The Clelhemiell OFdrage. Teriible Explosion at New Castle No French Envoy to Mexico Sale of Cuba. Denied (By Ttlertrapi to the rlitsbarin iitgetts. antrissr ME "mum" 01 , 1' AMERICAN 1-114.12:da LonnOw, Dec. 17.—The TiMe3 devotes a leading article to American It strongly objects to tho financial place proposed by Secretary McCulloch a. in volving the offer to exchange lilt pkt cent. bonds for tlefi' par cent., and as a violation of the Oztont that low , Mut fitin should be met by local moans. The T'imcs th nka the Setretnry's plane would aimplv auhstituto new evils forold. TIIEtLEREENIVELL OUTRAGE. Lannon, December 17—Evening.—Ata invent Wan Lold ti..slky on the bodies of the persons killed' by thd alterript to blow up the wall of tho Clorkenwell prison. A large - number of airituninea warn examined. but nothing saUsfsctory aiilteit an to the perpetrators of the TERRIBLE rxmosioN AT NEW CASTLE:. Lennox, December 10 7-Evening•—n. terrible expiration occurred at New Cas ile•on-Tyne today, The' authoritira last night received lateral:died DUB a quantity of nitro-glycerine had been secreted at that place, if Was 'supple:4ml by Denials; The Sheriff and Town 'Surveyor, with a lined, of polifemen, ' proceeded to the spot indicated and diet covered oil packed in the rumal =when While the men ware removing it t4et substance; eiploded with tromendou.s toriathin. Several pelleemen were in stantly killed dud' nut of the petty camped injury, The men who were nearest the package were blsivn Materna . Both the Sheila' and Surveyor were badly' hurt, and are lying in • critical condition. TIIC SA_LIS OP bet:tint:4 The truth of the report sillich reached here by the Atlantic cable, that Spain bad offered to sell th 3, islands of Cuba and Perto Rico to the United States, is • 1 rauXess. NO ENVOY TO MEXICO Pants, December 17.—The rani . e in dignantly 'deaths. there is any truth in the report which has been current that the French Government has cent as En voy to liar-leo, The Bmnste is buoyant, and rentoe have advanced. rincaiviic MID 'CO IIIaRCIAIL. Lteceront., Dee- 17—Eresing.—Cotton closed steady; middling uplands 71; Or leans 71d; sales of 10,003 bales Man chester market heavy ged , dulL dlrced stalts—Corn des 64. Wheat 15a .id for white Catiferala, and 13, 74 for \e. 2 red western. Barley Le 3d. Oats 3a Dd. Peas 45s 64. Provlalons—lleef Gd for western eared. Pork 07e 54. Lard 50s 3d. Cheeser . ,-s. flacon 105. Produce—Sugar, 26e. Prltroleum 1 for spirits; refined firmer at Is 3fd. Ismsnosr. Dee. tn. Consols, 92 949; 5.Z bonds, 71 1-16; 111inois Cen-• G9f; Erie, 191. Fiusixvons, Dec. 17—Eivning:—V. 8. bonds. 703., A,rrlyzni,:teo—..l7—Errafti,i.—Pskysle nta—...landartl whits 43 fn um 2:. con times. MINETACTCREIts' CONVENTION IN CLEVELAND. Amsainta lair 70. 3a7—OrloealM Lump. 1.1 from glig bloom Itallee r -1 'Orals ValL • . risy relegrapii t. W riLutresrelb Bueits.l CLEvELAND., 0.,. December li.-Tpo National Convention of Manufacturing arivemblea at tea o'clock te - morrim mon:door, at Cipmrs ELUL Delegates are expected from eighteen States, Including Kentucky aunt Ten nOMSCS. The arrivals were numerous this even ing, and all the hotolig are (11. The °bled of the gathering will be strictly confined to the purpose, named La the call, Tim Uf eeouringthe early re moval of taxes upon manufacturing and produotlon, except luxuxitii, and. to sug gest changes in the mode of assioniment azureollection of revenue, end the ap yointmenr and removal of revenue ofneern =1=1:13 Orem Uoune.—Noterithatandini the other attractions to the city in the way of amusements, Miss Emilie Melville, the Most charming. young actress of the day, continua'. to clnaw well at the Opens Douse. Last evening "Esmerelda" was produced with good effect. Miss Mel ville In the role of Esmerelda was nee focdnn, .and Mr. Bates' .rendllion of the if mei back of :Intro Dame is seldom If ra ever equalled...lle intoente the spirit of the character, the keen perception and high appreciation of one she had studied It carefully. The entertainment conch.. ded with the ever enjovahle burlesque on the "Black Crook." Tills be preeenteit the "Comical Connie.," the 'Pretty lioraebreaker". and, the "Black Crook" le conclusion. LarAterrra liar-.—Mr. Harry Vin cent, the eloquent Englistourator, will deliver a humeroue lecture, entitled 'Wu. cial Foible.. in English Life," at Lathy cite Mali, Friday create:, and on Satur day evening his lecture on John Milton, Tho lecturee-are given under the anent. CM of the dierchantilo Library Aseepcia lion, and tickets can. lie procured of Mr. Appleton, at the Library Rooms, corner Of Penn and St. Clair streets,. LEortnts.—Col. J. B. Clark will de. liver • lecture at the Pdth U. P. Chnreh; corner of Webster aad Washington streets, Friday evening.. Subject: "Chria. tianity in Politica." anal Ott/LIMO .lillloelsar Tat. leassz Mai Loudon, Meghblid, The Academy of Musk, will no doubt be the elite foci:aro of attraction to muse. meat neekors during Christman vreok, it being enga h ged 'for a entries Of uphill!. lions of te groat original mammoth ?Oltenia° Tableaux front Londort, Eng mond, the great sensation of the prompt . any-.. tiontlernen who have had this op portunity of seeing those .tableaux In Nen. 'York and Philadelphia, pronounce them the onset wonderful night, Barran. Ina anything before witnessed by , thorn, and it . is is also eppken of by the rantorn penes enerally as g a magnliltout affair. repreneming th bein e lending reaturon (al Milton's great poem of Paradise . JAW," with a vividness and gritudner which never fails to call forth admiration' and elicit the moat euthuniantlo applause. The theme In one of the finest that could be nelecteti, • and none but, master bonds should attempt its delineation. We look for nn Immense andionee at the firnt 1 Attating.—WoUnn emtrely imagine a greater annoyance than coughing end beating in rhumb, or gatherings .nf any kind. It in net only unpptactutt to the person- coughing, but alike to theca who hoar It, and .we. ;could . advise all wko would Wish to pretreat this annoy ance to go of once to Sample's Apetheca. ry Shop, Federal and Lacock and nrOeure adman boxes of I:Seaton's Pine Thar Tax; Troches, which Is the only sore remedy, For nnle wholocale nod - 'lie also keeps on hand a stock of aLrlctly pure wine and liquors . . 'the Reason of It.—Men, women and children have been the purabasiens of our morning edition in such numbers for several days Past, that we have boon obliged to print more and more each day , to nu pply to demand. The reason was explained to Mt yetitorday by a lady who said robe. "warden to, nee the' Christmas advertisements." It is gratifying to know that through the kindness of many patrons the Gaza - rex to. found a good directory for this cameo( curial/ern: • Pestpaned.—The meeting of the Cor oner'. Jury, In the case otAnteine Keck, who died of a wound received at the Are ori Penn atreet, Satnrday morning„ which was appointed for last evening, woo podia:mad mid" :Thansday . at two, o'clock,on account of theshoenee of ono. - , • , CITY AM 81JBUIPLIN. li *O. iirdt.:i lshii an • nisi • ' The grand jury etrzith Info. Court yes terday and made Inn Iry. conce r ni ng their p o werso as to the matter of costs. The Furemart, Jared W. (truth, Esq., stated that li, i +ore of ih a s lur* be hod been requested to inquire Whether they could, in certain cases, impose - the costa on magistrates. The cases wore those of ¢, frivolous character, inch as thouldnot litlia hien f rifothnned bb magistratee. 1 Judg,: ~ ~ 5 ... e Sthwe se tqagistratem cotfld not bed held accountabk, or CM Costa im posed ion them„ unles s there was eta_ ' deztcothat they had urged on the nrortd cutler., or gone beyondithe lino of their doty, , whieh was simply . With° the in foisnatlcir4 lostto the warrant, give the pliity a nearing; ei-C...4 . nroglatraticonld not be hold responsible ',for en error of judgment, any more than (lortit IL /. 'sell coo wore' uld bo, and they: he o r some times found by th it superiors _ to have mado mistakes. .. The il'oreman, Mr. B ush, remarked that quite a number_ of, tams had been before the jury—cases Whleli "Weald not hold wa ter"—wherein the parties proce ruling 'bad been .In no (fault, except In the fact of their Ignorize. These pu tteert at milderable attended Court ex pense, and to disposing I their cases the fury be/tinged .to that that. they . (the prosecutors) ttbould pay he coals, flinch Maas that the tmunty . should. „Many of the cases were for false pMtonse, the com phnnants Reeking to recover motley claimed to be tine them in some business transaction. The evidence presented does net Justify a criminal Prosecution, hence the bill is not found, and the Jury must: find that the prosecutor or the county KIWI - kr: the come. it seemed . g idt,. . b ir th pto put the cost on tho former, and unjust to ()atilt on the latter. 1 The -fault, rested with the znagfaitstes, and what the jtiry spedially desired to know- was whether the)` should not be hild resz d catalble—by bins payt he s c the poor 1 i gllraetu protected. Judge Stowe said ho had already indi noted the powers of the grand Jury as to ' costs. In ignoring biLls.of the kind in-. thinned ',they must say Whether the pros .actitor or the county slennid pay the costs. 1 Subh was the law, and If a change was desired' to: meet the cad 'trembled, the Legislature must be app ed to. ' - WWII= - Roinhart, a ember of the Jury, said oases wore, gen to them of the Meet frivolous charade , each ns any disiPichUte who.knew 111 A• B. (re could not help knowing would. nothold water and .would not send before a plry-. of sealable mom. It appcmiedito h m (Mr. IL) there -Mould be aothe Way to read ~,, such migistratee. - - Judge Stowe nald then agistrates were elected hy the people , an exercised thinr . funetirres ander the Cods tution. Ashe . had wx*.nay. remarked, t °Jury could, opals evidence that a 1:13 intuits had ad- Timed orl urged • preeecu 'on—went out-' side of big prdper duty—Mr Improperly I exercised hts prerogative, bold him an- ' Countable as prosecutor. .lanorauon to tie extent indicated thy Mr. Atcathait) would be Immo Mriden of Improper action bjr a magistrate. The jury then retired. IN ado not think this proceeding ou the _.part of the grand. jury et all remar able. Grand juries for several terms t, have allu ded to the same matter—th I ury of the September term - talking i tonna not a whit too plain or severe w leit they said the ern complained of .1.0 unlinlY through the cupitlitY of the numistratos. True, as Judge Stowe rem ked, a reme dy might. ho provided by t. Leglature, hat if the people thorned es would see to. It and sleet proper nt n—make the °Dice of A Sermon no • I.le by elect ing eitledas to tilt It who rs po ssessed of ordindry common aeon and who. 1 standing in the mammal y is mrles- tioned—there would be an zul to the op , pros:1100nd robbery prac cod upon the' poorer and most Ignorant classes of so-' deny. • Width the evil ma my exists in the eit94zeple in the sub rbs also sutler to a con erable extent fnu the encour agement, glean by Justice. tee litigation. If It mill bo - tione, we xu e t that the. Legislators be applied to ail n law en acted to snout the "prole ion” referred to by , Mr. -Brcupli, the I man of the gra:idiots:. Sr =GM . e.., !10c. Yesterday morning a ut °level o'clock, 1a i young led mod - Millet while skating on the All heny river, above the Si. Clair Mrs., bridge. vere toned tool tar ono and the co broke with, ~ him. T r e current woe an strong that be ed down thg et m, and would doubt] have drot+ed it not been for Mr. William B. McCiu who, seeing the accident , nnd the hal leas condition of the bOy, pulled oil his coat, and per fectly regarding. of airs own safety, mu to the edge of the ice, plunged into the stream, caught the drowning boy, and 1 with the assistanos of some others got hint out of the water. The boy had managed to keep afloat, but he was chilled almost to death, and could not have withstood the cold much longer. • , We can imagine no greater heroism than that which prompts a men to jeop ardize his own life to sore that of a fel low 'being, " ,especially when the partici, are strangers to each other, es in this case. sir. hictliure'n conduct was highly commendable, end worthy of praise. A man with a heart such 16 he must pos sess, could hot be guilty of a mean or. don under any circumstances, and Is worthy of ,the fullest contidence„ und esteem of nil mankind. Wear° I aro rm ed that the above is act the first instance In which Mr. 'McClure has, by personal bravery, ..gad the lift of a human being. But uo matter whether it is the first or not, it is sufficient to show tint be has the heart of a man. In recognition or his heroic conduct, bltainest men on the wharf raised a puree oilltsoand presented to him. I AtteMated Outrage Henry Hese made information before Alderman idc3inalerti, yesterday, charg ing James Ray - bone with assault anti bat tery and attempt to commit rape. The outrage la alleged to hare been commit ted. on Saturday evening' on the Alle gheny Valles; Railroad, near Lawrence- I stile, upon the wife of the -proecesiter, who resideeluStewartstown. It nppeare that the lady had been to Lawrenceville and was on her way home about six o'clock In the evening, when she was no. coated by a man eutduleed to be the de-- fendant, who caught hold of her in a rude manner, throw her to the ground, and would hare proliphly accomplished Ms hellish designs hall not the screams of the lady ,brought "Amend persons to her assistance, when Ito vilinlu ,made his escape. Raybdne, whop - le a watch man on the rennsylvairda Railroad, was arrested and gave bill in the antra of one thousand dollars for Ids appearance at Rourt.. It to duo to the defendant In this ease ,tis state that 'ho says be was not in that locality'at the limo the offense In al leged to hare been ouromltled, but was at his poet on the ffenneylvatilaltailread and that be la able lo prove nn =I! We render alneertrthanlm to the very many friends who are filling our adver tising and local notice department with Intelligence to all our readers of where their storm are and what they contain. Tiel need effect of their patronegc of the Prom mutt be apparent to the most cann el Observbr. Their etorm are crowded with cuptomers, and thousands of. papas, and mamas, uncles, ante :and cousin s, throng our side walks, anti et 4 laden down with bundles of holiday goods or active In the searchlor them. Those who care fullybAamino the notteos and advertise.' meats in the Chmarra will - be led by them to know what they want and where to lied it, and thus ho greatly aided In the preparation ter merry Christman and happy New Year. mainatawa Mtaehief. • James C. Dates made infornialion be fore Alderman Taylor, yosterdity, chant' Poterlhnlgan with malicious tots eider. ]talon h proprietor of a tudo.n on Canal street, .whorl, it appears I called for a drink, buts. he wed.: in Ifr. Bates' opinion, sufficiently drank the time, ho refused to glee hits anything. Finigen beatmo hoist/mins and "'".Pat out of tho' house, wharanen keploted up a brick and threw it tk ugh Lilo win dow, breakin light of Flak. 1401111 twenty-tiro do llars, and destroying sev eral articles tho slew window. Fiat gnu way arrested, sod, after a hearing, committed to Jail A. default artha roqul sito latikibe i.impearance at Court. y,,,,,ressy of max. • maith,,, Aisiiit 'Teleplay made infer math:, bairn Alderman - Mc d:lgen% ctu n i,,,John Alexanderwith larceny.. .The I ,„,dce 'veld° at Minefield,: and tile derm:ant it IS alleged took irom the prosecutor a ton of bay valued at 18. else made . information charging Aleminderand bla wife with aseault and .kattery. Ho alleges that be rolled upon Alexander to see about the bay that had teen stolen when he was - elected by him and his irife and beaten ahametnlly. Warrants were bsoued 'for the arroot of hooomom. ,•.:f, ,:i'l-L;:;: 7 ,.' -',..'-,•'??;' - %;q• , '-.:,:--•::%-,.,.'''' ,:-7,;':',.,-:' ' • , Am:Miele and Auteseusitiff: In Ws age of progiesi the I rofession of medicine mild lat , aindled in the true scientific spirit and practiced ', di -come kind of syetematic rule In ordeito.rneet ~ . ill* requireirients of adttricin knows. The system of modicht TI It has been the Imsiness of our life o eiti'dj, and the experience of our pra ice to do t W e -nitrate( hue Peen reduced; !L_Pleure. ,t . embracing ther Weil seitled lalqe/Plex: That all diseases manikin tlisionselyes lu the blood: That the urine Is 800 - Medea. tirely front that, fluid, and carries off [hi d4secturd particles: That these may be' ' definitelyy, ascribed to the penis whence, they Clyne In short, that ",whatover may be UM &define the chine * Worn fails to furnish us with a OM i'4, pig -Mel plea upon which it is to be Owned.' (Prom.) ,i.. II Thee* propositions are rawly chat-hi:ter .and - demonstrative conclusions, end cannot be COI liv Idle Xpecrilation, I . In loaf olit .ittale przestii la based upon a systematic spewed of nowledge which missive of ruts end odes, rod thereby-prevents those who make expe. rience their guide from wanderingln the .mglores of apoculation or dwelling on the quid:sands of quackery..:4 ,. • The correct dtegnosis of di. ' how_ ever, Is not the only &den:drum derived from our system of practice. It le in the administration of remedies in Meordatice with the "conditions discovered. or the nature of the disease, that tha greatest bent Is obtaled, the great t advan tage derived. Hero It Is, that 'be alma riorlty of our claims are dyne nitrated to the public in the cures that, rei made by our medicines. Hero the, patients therunelep reap the beiaeat of our /Mors, : and obtain the toward of ourI11•11.0Cela; ''many of whom speak. Is tones f heart felt e ar for [him bonefltrx , Hear some of their grateful I' orrl.l edginents: - Mrs. -- says, "I thank /God and your skill for cart, g use of th dreadful epilepsy. I halt not bed s 'fit f It' for two years." . Mrs. nays, "You hay cured me of that dreg Ifeel a thousand times obliged to you." ' i - Mr. — . says, "I em WO Your remedies cued ate Pe yea pr omised. The liver complaint Is reliov j tlejaun dim is removed, and the dys pale is all gone."' I ' • Mr. says, "My wife now en— Moly well Of .the dropsy. Y Icir medi cine reduced the etrelibagha tiEe days." —I— Mr. trays, ".[y son. entirely well of. that scrofnla." , i Mr. says, "Your medicine cur ed ma of affection of the kidneys." ' • . Mrs. ..i.--- says' , " I thank you kindly for the very greet relief from that heart disease.", - - . , Mm. =Ss, "Your iwnedteshave entirely cured me of that female weak Scares of letters are .thus• pouring In from our patents, giving us the pleasing satisfaction of their grateful acknowl edgements tot. eures performed in nearly all the different discuses whleb alllietthe human family. Of these .'eures performed" the peopi . e have a right to know, and as aphyaletan ma have a right I. the statement of the facts, bete' they are demonstrative of our syttema• 6 ton*. Let those t y our remedies who wish. L. OLDsurt, 31. D. - : 132 G • t street, Pittsburgh, 'e. • • Death4eir MI. Eal Luz sr. Wo regret heir tt thi death of Maj. , W. B. Mellinger, at Cleyebuoli; Tennec o- ' see, on Sunda ylast; the infOrmation bat- ing been coat eyed by telegraph tolds family, at Mentangehela City, Washing-. ton county, an that 'day. His death is reported to have occurred oil Sunday, and althougN the person telegraphing the fact made inqulay as to what dispo sition- nhonld4be Made of the romaine, in, reply to a assugoto forward the body at once to this city by elpress it was stated that it had been but led. Ibis circumstance I In looked upon as rath er-strange,-and Mr. Marcus Mellin ger, nob of ' docessed, will start for Tennessee folder to investigate the matter. Meier Mellingur aria a we 11 .4 known citizen of Washington Cettl37 paled l i n h t i lt t eT ' sur . against esteem fse SuMti t e 6 n, drat entering ,he service as Major of the 13th Penntrylvania ' Regiment (three m'intha men, and. afternede In th e same posiOo with the 75th Pennsyl vania'tim Velma ers (of Neglay's Brigade),' going to the a yln the West, end re training in th , service untilfallinghoalth d 'mpelled Witt to resign his comcaission. He purchased real es ta te at Clevelapd, Tennessee, artier° be has been sojourn. lug since the 'lose of the war. Bat a few days since hi family, who stilt reside in Washington'county,' received letters from him, In !which he spoke hopefully of his laraiirs,Sind also of paying a Irish, North, first going to Florida to see some land ho had there purchased. His many friends in this city, old comrades in arms, will leatif of his demise With sin cere regret. i i 111!lbes lu M Nog Me*. Thew! Denton's Pine tree Tar Trockee,,s new medicine, criiipounded by an eminent Philadelphia V.fiernist, tried first in ■ re tail way - by James T. Semple, the well known druggiSt at the corner of Federal and Robinson streets, Allegheny, is found so aftqaflous, so quickly and surely relieving every cue of cough, cold, houssest, sore throat, catarrb,.tc., that our good friend Semple, ever ready to make %rural all kinds of enemies, at once secured the - general agency of this great vrecprid, against the aforesaid enemies of al man and woman kind, and now supplie druggists- and all people with this co. late defense against the whole army . congbs, cede, fie, "now encamped ro ndabout these cities—Try them, try the . —We have done ess,.and again say, tr, them 1 . ,te or 13111.—Jacob Eyli mode fore Affierman_ltfullin, it .Rider with obtaining else pretense. Ely iLI der, he alleges, obtained to, rained at $"t3,50, for hoed Wiley the next day, Money in bank. He fail.' e time specified; and Mr. it information as stated. fondant was arrested and Alderman's office, Where . adjusted by the payment i costa by Rider. • . Satter•.—Genera Hilda y made Information be- Mullin, charging Joseph 11am Heinholzer with as ery. The prosecutrix ra nk ward, this city: She &defendants came to her vetting of the 13th I Inst.. l'affinisslon, which She Tu ttle standing In the dodr ern from entering, one of her with a hatchet: The arrested and held for a cat 'in. 'xi. In forniatton, ehaageode under l tallor,-tutd goode from • which ho prat -enying ho hqd ed to coil tt Hylt mode t above. The • taken - to' the the matter rsn of the debt nu! Assault and brand yesterd fore Alderma ' Miner and Nir mutt and. ha sides in this b allege. that house on the and 'demand fused, and Ir. to proven thorn struck ' aocusod wore heating. Disorderly Mild ward lumen of NM behaved hi manner, thr v'elenee, and language tow , Au hirerneall man Mullin committed a' vvarrard w as celeph Keleher of tho 'Allegheny, went to the olas Adrian yestenlay, and self In a very disorderly ' atoning . Mr. Adrian with A.Tian and hfs b nib7 .n.was made before Al7ler barging him with having breach of the pace. A owl for his arrest. Holiday GII I you ran besto Is un a Wm:1 43 1 y I best. 'millet, It I%M been se • . Tbo nreacet blessing for a andante! present • nu. undbino. The Weed acknowledged to be the ,dur stronger evidence, • 1 0 dos same house whets .wously boon sent; they And the Weed kept. Call IL Long's. No. 112 Grant others bad p wore sent Iwo and see It at street. Fifth 111COdng of t IEO iftah ward, at the school b a t f &clock, fa candidates for tondanco of the linglinnY— , -A preliadna e itepubllean voters of Allegheny, will' be held use e n Saturday evening, the purpose of naming ward oillees. A fall ga olers la requested. .—John 6. Ill'ohonmillir alp last- evoning at hLs 7 n AlTeg u h th en C y . anal elty . . ltre* The noLitied, end tall hold morning. •Neddeu Dead died very audd late reltlettee, nbove Cheatn I Coroner. leas nu Inquest title See Joseph wont on the e 11111 at their They advertise orne & Co. , a advortlao nd paw', road carefully, ire, and be convinced. livat what they do. A. DonutWel am be found, nt tho sato of I d appropriate present d to cost bot very little, Gordy at Barker's, duped from $1 losf and Fo Dark Wateriroof, on the corner of Ma mi tn. • artoranr. Wholesale an of Dry Goode meow stock. t retail cloatitgaut 'sato t. Barkeee, and an im- Then Coed aanta at Barker EEMEI;Iig FOURTII P Concernin -seams E—Cltlzens mewl. opeplur of Pike ElUeef; wws.towar; nod . 1-2---;----.... -- _:;: tE y 'i.'Hl , i-• . 1 1 I i e. NUMBER- 292 CITY ITEMS. = To the Etlilor of the New -York ITertad: Respecting the relics Of porcelain ware found In the late exhumation st Heron whlent bare oeen ihrwarded to the Society. of Antiquities in London, whereof yout oclrrespandent says - the bottle resembling Drake's - Plantation Binawas undoubtedly placed among the rules by the agent of Dr. Drake, we desire to 'state he is incorrect in every respect. If a bottle nes found there lasting our lettering, the language of th 6 Ancient Romans was different from the aeoctiket.e.. literature of that day. Oar Agent. has other business than this in Europe, and has net been in Italy at all. No doubt Americaks catty, Plantation i Bitten to Rome; but trying to Impose pen a. society of Antiquarians in this al/ mum quite useless, and we do not appreciate the It is unnecessary for us. to spend mosey in Europe while we are unable to soppy the demand for those celebrated Bitters here. • Respectfully, trWsr.P I P. H. Dnaxea Co. to to their In their troverted Cell and exeralno tho large stock of Lakes! rue Wm. Fleming's, No. 189 Wood street. Many, !tinny Year..—Mrs. Winslowts Soothing Syrup for children teething hes stood the test of many years, and never Snouts to fell. It is perfectly reliable and harmless. It regulates the atotnech and bowels, cures wind onto and griping In tbo bowels, eeriena the gume, reduces Inflammation, and alleys all 'pain. Per featly safe in nil cases, as millions of matters cm testify. Be sure and call 'for "Mee. Winalow's Soothing Syrup.. .Hat log the jilt-simile of ^ Cortis.&. Perkins" on the outside wrapper. All others are base Imitations. . T. Wholesale Buyers of Dry Goods we areoffetirtespocial inducements --job lots from the Eastern Auction Sales—Sitsiwis, Dress Goods; Monsokosping Goods, Men's Wear, Shootings, Skirtings, Prints, " J. W. Bantus 6 Co., ne Market wired,. Fors, Fan, Para.—Large stock, all grades, new and cheap from 14 60 • set to an price. Bargalas we are giving, cus the west corncrof Market and Fourth streets. OARDIPLI% EiTERANS Great Western Band at the MIA., • Donn Forget to call at Viral. Ineining . fi,• No. 139 Wood street, and entombs the large Mock of Ladles' Fun,. Great barwdza InSllka, and all kinds of Dross Goode, aj Barkor'avest aaja. • S-'• . . akin,,n face. and all rong of thek certainly cured by using - the Juniper Tar Soap, made by Caswell, ifarard ,t Co., New York.. It surpasses all other rennin:Si, as it will prevent= roughness of the akin, if used during cold weather. It is conveniently applied, avoiding all the trouble of the greasy comparusde now in use. It can be need by ladies I with .the - moat tender akin, without irritation or pain, making hewn and clear. Sold by the Drugglats gen erally. Oar Cloak Department to supplied with the latest - styles, materials • and trimmtngs. The uperiority ma d etaste and workmanship o r garments by our home is established, and we are offering groat ba_mains in ready made garments.. iY. BARBER & 19 Market street. Shaul,, Shawls, elhawls.-471c., $l, SI,LS, SLSO, nud. Long Shawls at $3, mew styles, all at, a reduction. Cash mere, - Broths, Paisley, Thibet, all„at bargein rut.% on west corner of ./darket and Fourth streeta. Gann:run & Brawn= Immense Stock of Ladies' Fora at Wm. Flomlo,fa, No. 139 Wood street. Whine, Red and Yellow Flannels, greatly rod need in Rake, at Barker's Bala. The ginger Sewing Machias Company have just opened • a new and. splendid store on the comer of ge.-Cbar od Pawn streets. This Company have lately per (acted a new 1n19117 machine which; while it possesses all lb. good points or the old machine, has been simplified, and made to run remarkably tight and - gukt, Menu% Straw & Norton are the agents, and will be happy to explain the ma chines to any persona who may . ;dye them a call. • • if Ladies' Furs at Low Prileits.—Slberlini Squlrrel Muir., at 180 0, 138,00. Water Itjuk Stuffs, su,oo, 113,60, #4,00. Berthas, Collars, Capes, Circulars, and Children'. Furs. Large stock, all kinds, cheap, on west darner Market and Fourth streets. GAILDNE.II & Srwitawr. Something Good.—The booki, shoes, gaiters, etc., ibr men, imilesand children, kept at te Market street, are made l o w asvery best material , and sold as low as the lowest All goods are warranted to give satisfactibm It yon want some thing good, and at gold prices, call at Robb'e Shoe House. S 9 market street Great Rush for Ladies' Furs at Wm Flemings, N 0.139 Wood street • Empress Cloths, Mi C81:021, &Oleos'. at Barker's sale. . 121 e Cinten Flannels, reduced 'from 181 cents; B cent Frluts, reduced from 10 cents; fast colors, on Weat cornerllfarkot and Fourth streets. • • GAIIWITII & STEWART. Something New.—Tbe Hoods, Gloves. and Knit Garments, just - the, thing. for sleigh riding and necessary for tho win ter. Cheap • and good at Ifriorhead's reihionabletrimming store, No, 81 Mar ket street. • ladle., go to Moorhead's, /co. 81 Mar, ket etroet, and buy your trimmings, un derwasr, collars, ribbons, gloves, hos.- .t.c. Ito sells cheaper than" any house In tho city. . • IlandesmeChrlspaas Cifts.—Mithers, Upon wish to buy .a handsome Christ mas ffift surd something that will be ser viceable, go to Moorhead's, No. 81 Max- - ket street, and eximilno his fine stock of goods, and you will not Atli to get some thing pleasieg.-- Just Opetted.,—The finest d best se lecticn of Jewelry can be aeo nat Reins man, 3leyran Soidlo's, No. 42 Fifth. Call and see It before selecting else where. Something handsome.—some sr the handsomest Jowelry, of the very 'latest. pauerna said finest quality . 'mot to had at Reissman, Meyrse Seldle's fashion able jewelry atom, 2 , Tc. 42 Filth street. l'arici.Stllo reduced to 73 'mints et th great rata at Barker's. imrs. Fara, cheap, at Wm. Fleming's, Gc.. 139 Wood 'Arcot. . 12 .4 Ceutc.—Double width Dark Gke hams, reduced from 183 c,„ on ,the arm corner of Market and Fourth exacta GJLEDNELE & Braman. . • Chinchilla Clothe, in purple, Bismarck, Blue, Lavender 'ran Brown, Garnet," from It be per yard and upwards, an west corner of Market nuil Fourth streets. flAttntfli6 x STEVARt. Co to Moorhead's, No; $l. Market street, end see those handsonte white Kids for parties, weddings, dock Beet 'arid cheapest in the city. AF acata—lfeavy Gray Twilled Mai nab, corner Markot and Fourth streets. GAIIDNEE d OTIRRIAT. Bargains inr Ladles' Furs, at :VIM= Fleming's, No. 139 Wood•etreet. tr Bl a k Stlkti very reduced-to 1,25 at Bfrkor't closing out,ale, /Winced one-half,—Hermosa' Po line,' Alpaala, and. ad Drama Goode, on nest corner Market and FOTWOWCODI., GARDNER ta STEWART. Ear Miffs cheap, at Wm. Fleming's, No. ISO Wood street. Chine Mlle Cloth sl,se per yard, Asn west corner Market and 1 , earth atreeta. °anneals tt Srawarrr. Call and Examine the large and com plete stoat of Ladles'•• Pura, at William Fleming's, No. 13D Wood street. 16 ceata.—Boot Cotton Batting; Man kato,l4, 4,50, $5, all wool,_cheap, on west corner Market and Fourth !streak • . GaitoltrAt dt STEWART. :Haired Planacts, , .20tr. former prim; at Ilarke ce s n al "e"bair sale. ' wiln. out • Splendid Skatittg at the Rknk day aad evening. tooatttuuon Water is a certain care for Diabetes and ull disease" of the kid neys. Fortale bgta, . . . '4 .•: - .. - 1 , ,•. -- fi,,',:.i::.:,.: - .;:.; ,., : ' .7 :::i '.' 4 ' .- L'='.:.':? .. . .-:',4c•i,:::,:.'i.i"'.i:':''t;:-'.."L'.' M THE WUUY a .TWO . 111911138 DAY .All A. :ma stank smuts:lad .ro an. UNN3 of thittrattlaimsdligt =sit. inelsap. UMW, Ulu:trials, latest IQa.a br straps a t oi Ma. Tithesti7. Heading Maur for ! e r.anly sad italetit tees isostistLabls riasael sad tk z , seersist Mutat Reitoits la"e by C. a. 7 Dang les' tak• city. Fri Eseltsato • Mattltait slang be without It. awn ma las Wmo=l"fki . char of Tea one copy of payer to lb. pe • Retort HD Wedeln Addltlose to clubs oda bade at LW W.. et