El H. 181111EIEVEM, - BARBI IND BRO 1 , 118 Wood 13t,, near corner of Fifth. Government Securities, Gold, Silver, And Coupons, flout& and add as IlOstsl tosols. ihnitS sold Vas srrlsolcalsttles of Issose. :CONTUSION OF 7-3075. , - ih - prep4.l to taw/ art - • . SECOND. Ala THIRD SERIES 1-80 9 1 INTO 2116 N e w oury 5-20 Gold Coupon Bond!, iAkES T. BRADT &CD - Inks a Gummi lectritis, t. Oetneiraurth h Woad streets. 13.41, •.McVAI & CO., • 1 seta:Livers. 7 in MinBll ;mum Unlink Cir. Rena !Lod' Smithfield Streets. • 16,411 r 1..ii1e /millers of JUNE AND JOLT ret t ro . 4lll=Vt.t.; ' girge . gll,?xl e l: 6410 ROADS 01'1867, ' t.l 7 4l3uuLD irei r l;l • 47;triXt ot. .. 11.34 1.1. AT. D erne i ed OA yi U mArrall D TRADEL Otitias oe Tun 1.1 • cams Ostirrra YoeltAr. D.emebet 10, ISrl. Gold opened' at 1.34, • ehood to issit, obaelal to 111%, and el. ed st istit—seartitt arm. The transsettoon yepeeulators ere ta• orsious, eurpasslag es the gold eatittotent el 1W had 18St. The . sweats of told. be stunted with , law visa. here &meted the bawawird tsadears of gold for the present, but Ittenot:lllLelyttlutt able shipments Will eau. tatte fez zoo length of time mad are nearly lande.to balsam amount• with Europun tunnies. Acother *awe for an advance at present NaTbe attributed to the lair quota. of Fsvo Sweaty beads, blit in London, witidhatdiwutt ehllnseutr of booda and slaw. prime %maims are emending shipplag rates farther eight Mlle. A tome number of specs. taints predict a sudden and greater advance in the prionlan than bu tliten paw Isiaha the iast two yeas, Month' %her 05 0 Pima bo plausible theory.o The ISeetetery of the Trees. 'gybes still power to nil gold• and If he trill • only notlelpste the Jardary Wendt, the preen .lsau would to lower during the next four meta than it watt dazing it 6. rtudeat =en .esnj swell stocks et pretest. - -'13 6 0 4 4 /1 4 10**r toaay, except Five Tam tbotaat,mbleh miaowed to 1093 i. Some spoo.. bad , orartold, and flow nap totood to boy In ander a very limited tupplO. Tb.ln ,yintw +d dtsnindAs Light, belt altar Janney annotata ate nattlad a demand for bonds I. libel? to niat In that lorry prin.*, and tainitals then dnrlos thb &Macs. of the orb.' Tho sick market Is doll and WWI.; CU.. Patstardh Railroad Moot advaarad2 par oiai. Tort Way. la Yi • tower. and that outs. roads aft MI • Avis Satardayl •qtiotiatous. Clueing Net Teak gnotatlons, ?salami by P. IL karts. wet* . follows: ''Sala, 114V,r Intl'a, 111%t 6- tea, INN% INC ISIC teat'L.“ It6l Consols.- lall{ 10-Ins. lee'(; T-S. Iss , , , i. . . , Clorrohnid •• Pittsburgh. R. R........... is aternhantr Colon .I.l.press WA areotern Solon Telegraph .... .. s R y, d. ' putoonsgh Fast Wayne k Chicago R. R.. - 99% Northorsosern Rallrood-oonsonr. oats , Northtoatera-preforpi..-...... ..... .... lerw.Rose Oontral... - . - 111 Ohio kod IGlssloalppl "' SA; , rillt - ase - s --- to kllohlgan Southern •112 tkuTdon ...... 544±..1.,-.. The following - xtaterstat exhibits the busi ness of the Pittsburgh Dlearing House, forth. seek ending Sebtrasy, December teth =ro '. 9 1 Iran alma 15.07 117 201,20 S Is . • 81474 "A 1553.441 21' aims BS . .67.7111 3$ 201,811,66 18,261 83 10 It 11 : Totsle (1.115.910 IS WOAD Ed —The New York Tribune, of Saturday, exit: The propoalUor, to glee mere eleatiolt p to the aurfeney by tablet ' money en &Fait be the Taunty on demand, when it in superabun dant and cheap, and restortog It to circulation when =torso le high and capital genre meet. With favor, bet the plea con be emended to adrundage. if the Treasury intends to become a Trust Oconee, or • Savlage , Ite4k, alieWd not snow mare lateen than thine nicotine. allow, if eo mnets. It ein get targeerusui at Momper gent. To' give elasticity to the cur reary It hence], to proving that It 'unto. On demand to parties pledging (enthroning beans anti -cant. of their par valise lent , seam at 7 per cent. Thle would provide bore revere with Government 'conelarsla a sOnree Of relief In a stangeney money market. or at flee time when the mopsere to be oared. People would not be likely t w o overfeed. upon carreleythel obtained, se would be the me ender Mr., Lyneh.s proposition to here ••• dewier balloon of 11320.teenee," convertible tato bonds and reeonvettible Intocurrency, es • the money market made It pre( tabln Beet el CO eel:omen . bride dringtess VW be debated to death, and the eerslen end, probegdy, with - no maternal changes mad* to einteing loans. &teetotaller, wilt cease, for the entartgat tea ms that the TreefinT ts. in no condition to. eminent that policy. ALLcanietrx C/I.2'?LE 11/fl EE OPTICZ OP to Pstriscou 1m0n... Mambas. Hi, There was a remarkably light supply or Cattle tale week, not near. if resehing, dye hundred bead, and, as A SOratquenet, there wadi sanandrsiel feeling on.Ahe part of hold ere:sed better prices' were obtilliaL retailing Cattle. such an ear but butchers are In the habit at beeping, brought from 75( to e; 'sad memo botcher, cattle said st frotn eX to re, and mermisot do all to alga - We are credibly informed that some Mover make a grantee or boyhig and sallied settle on dabday Ithensyer the opportamity ogars. Now. this L all wrong, and is not mloglatel to add wok to the stand/am of the Med.. Besides, thaw Is an sesesellty whatever for it; end gives them. who acme in it an unfair Alvan. Lege GTE? those ••• hearth not violate the Chris. !lasi Sabbath. The tollowing Is a pretty 101 l report of the attest . ElLaalewood Blackatoek sold IS head of mein= tp Wats Kentrisky cattle at CSC 11. And =amortise stack at ato eq. Bought 16 from Shepard at 6,.ead LI at t. h fa% r.varitoori n . 4 l"l4g O.IOIU . liesigee • Taylor sold as Mold for Gluon at Mersa 411 Tritlitleut sold IT ►head dal to vy,. eit, embers 'retorts having sold 10 head at 71 boned in bps, sa rind re, a to ng. N. Gen told n bud ter. Nerd. t Efalhole, Ormteirald •Kahn report no head .1111no10 atabs at a to T. - IL Vernon - sold 10 hew, at 4 to 4%, sad P. Haman.rt hl o IS , bow% the "top" of shies brought 7.40. alww, Lsdaty t Ir.. sold LO bud minion sotto. at 414 to 7. , Pater Nimes reports soling bought 14 head Pooch souls from Varner at 034: 11 beau work ages froufahorkt.srferty a .06. at 454; +.l It bud from Elselswood k 111sekatook at OA. 111ip0togsr reports bating sold IS WWI Mom uo, (PO cattle ai to Tsi. • =CM= • ' The Repel, gni. criminally Hetet . this Week, end irlth an 11 reiSais Astaaad,tbe muter roes Innerifleider thee for several Weeks Out, end holders eripertenced no Ole:Lenity- ebtatalse • pretty 'harp inners; - Ai sal ha green be irforenee W the report of eating, prise fa Sheep 8014 at $1(1460 per . Lief g medium ind /10.13111104 grades 0914 lrom Is town to we poi /14 . a.disaizt Pewit* hiSilniatsolota%lto bud Ramp bad Lambs at VAC par bead. • Taaasaa Shiba;; report. a~ratatised 170 brad Manes county Sharp st IMMO fs3 per bead. _ I. & W: Tonna Asolii 144 head tit Um% • Meas. at 01.76 pet Desd;if bead onsilasrs.. , !. isalebter at Oa par bead; IS bead o( cam, bead; 1711 ALM. 04 00. • Jsaob al repotto having tetallai 110 bard at la so (11,1 i per head; aryl alLototaled 77 Itao4 to Ulaira at 40 pa porsad. Jana, IMAM reports baring mulled 100 band Lawn:ass Isooaty lilsoap, At 6410 'to' 11.00 starketlas Wen Atm and (Addy settee , dneate the paseWeale, tad pleas thee snit tot. thri: advanced, sae we now 4100t41111 • Will way at tlattlis pa pound, pow, for LW to plus linty iv/trews. ' Latilettlat /t Brow nowt all having retwl ENrltti Wad et Ititttlfh' W. report WO hard salltela is Glow, lasterty i Co. wholasaled DO head pa i Emmett i po. at I , , , irra. ' , Torn Callas Alaskan , My Takers littgblogif Usssits.l /Inw Tong. in—Secnipis , —Beaver. f,tm.hemit - einem and Lambe. - 47.706 Ooadi Rots. 22,417 head. There is a modgrata nap. ply erholidgy rattle with a brisk demand. hod broogOt Tory tughpriccoi sozooselllng at tn. lowor grade.. 10 3.0. 1088 1 1.na light. demand. and .abotti Ifo lower; [herb was shout IMO head on salet extra. ifkl; 1113,CO019,60; first ali; glaillSAS ram to' good, 814.0205.Z8 o rd ixfta7 VOul =MI igionor,lllA4ll2da: The mazietfar bona and Lambs is without ingisrial change with& gar, brisk demand and grin; 00808000 0 " 1 ." 1100011 about 2,700te04 On InnUceStra l 0 T. passe, 0114l4a: and infe rior to Apo& 14070. -Swing cloissciiiesgyi tlisrevara 102 ear loads ØlBllO4lOOO. mend modarstel Mr* for heavy prime doro-fed,73lo7Jf for nir to good, 000 7'40 forcconnion att4 rough. • ; rldladallibla cattle isrlsot. EST Telairnalt•• U. Putsburib Ow U. /- - PIIILMMVCIA,DIOI3IXIber le —Sect Cattle In fair dernaa d. and 1;* btabec I CIO. 00 %Me bead at Chto(3lo,Co for extra Pennarl .vanta and Vreatcra them; 47.009700 for fair 1 , 0 good. and woaspo for common. -Blimp Indalr demand and better pricer; IC° bead aC s4.so4llOoarora weight—Hogs unchanged: 4,00° bead at $10,04110X0 nett. . Dew Tort Dri Yeaile Market. Loy Tabun:A to tab ntbobarso thablia.• NSW TOIL DEC. la—Dry Goodl marllrt Oman. bate atul pate' l. Without irsitb- We chasm*. no ALtperlesa rript Prmk4 at rot Elver. destroyed by Jim t•Y the third Isr:brat mill In tY. eotmtry and Its destine. loft must baba a •Onsible erect ea the pies. - 'By to Qs Pll4.osrgb 102.11.1 4 &—1X.210 ja.530645 for common to.c.botra. But mul e A 2.11 im..! isOastoll. good 4:4 WOW; tipper IpsdifjOakded endama• . . . JANE Duzisu & SON, Finaucial Marten m New Maw• 69 awl TO water street, WIN &at 114%. LADD OIL MAIWAOTIIIMIO, A " " e t... CBErptee! LUISEICIVILWG sad • We warrant oar No.l lard Off 04.1 to the b tell be. tfinala.U. or ottLeg, Wen.. .4 MIX. as to es43larlosinil or Chins. rites. Cr. ffn 2 lard Oil as • Liehrosenor saner be Met Woes Laytessl.L end neg.. bran. Of C.D. WI cool laity 0e tun. exClants - .4 In.. factors. 5111 leg n to Me. Interest to fir.. • call before ordering Lent Ulf from the West. • 41•7 ==3:ll Oman dm ewe Prrrantme*Ctssem, 1. t Moanms, Dosember le, 11417. 48,1 report no material imprormacrt la the seeeral markets, MA: thkeieise bOMmere test features worthy of, special notice. The arrivals of Flour, Greta; amt. army other ar ticles are considerably restricted Ia 'mem. quelled or railroad mansportstiOn Ming some what 'impeded by the reheni snow storm, bet Mocha are, ireireithcbsse, sualetentty large to meet the present requirements of trade. . GEAlN—Tharek L atilt demand for Mater Wheat, hut . doling la vary dull; we eontlaue to Outdo the former at gable:Ad for Red. .ad 11.0011241 for Walt*. .tlarleyla arm, la light supply but illlOksagiii may be . ductal at gi,a. 11,11 for swing at,d 1-1 - '4l. , Oita !beady; f t Wei to store at A.:allay , be quoted at wets. 00 track: Co le arraaL fair demand at .1431,10 for um". i11,1ie1.211 for old. Rya 11 dull at 111,4001, , _ FLOUR—The now al. quiet mad Ja Hula dull, but with ut 7.quotabte . ehangp. Via 1101101A130 to caot 14 - 1110"l11,00 for Splog Wheat; 111.1/212. for Winter Wheal,. Auld 1110111 for tam O r i. Byr 1f10i1r,55,611, sod Buckwheat, oes, tiek cwt. • BACON—Tba mark* ' lio'• • little' dull, tut paces are Or., though uuthano.l; Shouldenl at 02114230; Bibbed Side. 1112100, and - sugar °amid Rama, 1113.4 e. '1 . !,. •—Ta atlll gaoled at LE34Olld; 4 . 11002—Them lea oorttizateq ataartillemua for Dressed noes, with ratite! sales at a to lge Pm good to prime heave arenticia : .: • HAT—Ie arm, with a needy deemed. and Molar Wee from aot*ry venom at *a4211 ol i We or 2 ears pima hal aat 23. . : APPLES—then le a ale Weal Mammy an; the market is steady. ao 'prises are Well acme tatted. noting from 424)5 per barrel . tor Goer, mon to prima The eat weather li telling ea stdpmenta ' • • . • . • POTATOES—Fatah Ia we an ln 'better demand, and may be goo al &Wadi at Itltt,ttf per Mil, and a14)1,06 par toga&• • .:. ' BUTTT.II--There : al steady demand for prints to chalet 801 l Sutter, mar lad we can report reveler salsa at Mao.. Print may pf quoted at 4.14260. . - . •• ; : on.ugusanzuA at men. - EGGS,Ita Batted eappty . and tha escalate continue light; eaiei at 314010. DAMP FRUIT—Dc u 1 and unebangedi =alarm to quota at two' far Apples, and 110 its far Piaales. DEANS—DaI at mut. aomixy--4,..t.10. $707,50. PrrrsausaktpaTimoix,ux Onnos op tun Palma rnou Oar:err; 111otaor, December la, • CRUDE—There are to hew characteristiu . le the credo market worthy at special notice. Dullness and eampleDi dimwit! on continuo. to be the Weer 01 the ddy, and there la bat ID.: tie primped at present kr any immediate lara prooment. Thsedrlsen,froria the oat MM. taus unfavorable, and until there Is emotion there, we eannot mocalbly look for Any. ' ptorement hoot and While the advice. from Macaw thellithe [Maar, them is net likely to be any Improvement In the eutersi marltts. There was not a single esle reported to-day,' and In the absence of Which, we onatthiroto quota spot elt, in bulk earn, at Ye. Same dope a aoltwutherObtbTwm6 of one u kansflne operators that thus mouth certainly be a roe. Den tide ninth, and whili math se event la yet Pomade, It le hardly Probable. and mesa 'who have tees operating, with thie end to vieware lately to be dtsAPPolute&,_ - • REFIXED—The cornet for bonded oil von- Danes oscatelnely dull and Weak, and while thereto bet little More hi prima, the to decay to still downtrod. We have but a anal. tele to reeenl, earn this, running tram Jaaairt to Joe, commencing with. niXe for Joinery, and Idolater one billeSint pa.tlUoo mob subnormal. month. It woo Old that the but ono for Deeember laday wan Mlic, which compared with last week, lea decline of from one half to encyclical per silica. Maw seems to be no dossed for that a:, and there to cot much thipary for Deeember. • liCl OIL mairinorrs ►awl IMQVICIIII2 nolehLuaea Oil 00.,1ea sbla re. to L. Veil •eos,Phlladelphia. Pout% 4 WillialiatO3 du do to R. P. Loa J. mum 41 do do hi linFlag. *us.* cc% Philadelphia. • ," MiEMiEMM Now Your, "Dec.. 1.....c01u5ii•3i0 - . better, with a good Matthew doh:grade. of-Willgi. bales:• at... 133 o . for ...middling.. upland& Flour; receipt. LIM bbluluartiet a sheder firmer sad very quiet; alai of 3.11:0,1110, at 01,6309.1.5 for superfine, Pita ini; western; 49,10000,75-for.estre.litettsi; /111,4001tg0 for - pod to choice white whorat., 19,9081.1,t0 for IL .11.1.2. for common - to good lit. Louis; 411.011 for good to choice extra do. diem. UMW. - CM/fonds.' flour - dulk sales of hoc sac.. al 412.2.301rea WY. dour firmer; sales of rei beta at $1,15009,40 Whisky tinlet and tolerance& Wheatirweel PS Me bush; ruaritat mine , - Uttar :sed qwetf salt{ of LtOb bush fair lie, 1 . spin sratia.39; MOO wish white Wittig= at-43.19, sad co bush . Inferior white Tennearee.- Rye grin. Bar ley 'Moue and emery sales of . 17.000 bulb. at 111,11.101,7ef0r western; and sl.ooq_lo for Canada West. Melt erns. Corot: recetpta Ltio bush; warkert-lebs- bettor; Woe . of i SIN) hush. at 111,4901.41 for old mixed west ' ern lei More, the lamer targeted' lotaillidd!: 01.41f0r new Ms add.; and 41,59 tor small lots of new whits western. Osten receipts 1.101 bush et Arm; 0.1 10 of SLOP Otob, at MOW for waillarminetamasal Opp afloat. C od se nominally unchanged. Sugar bteadp • Waco! OM littds , Cubs and Lori oxes Mauna, at /IXalizo. Molasses nomi nal. Fotrobsum tieust., as .-1134011310.. for crude mud - Mc 'rem tetliird hooded. Mops quiet Slant unchanged. Fork Interp - sort . and lower; salsa of LBW Mils. at gidade2l,l3 for mess. elostag at 491.10 regular; $16010.:0 for prime, add .0.7311119,00 fur prima mass. Put tust: .aloe Of IM Whit =rut un changed. Beef Hams steady; sales of 174 btu, at egyilML Bacon dull. Cut Meats stewlY; War of' la - Plus,' at UMW, Pm ' shonldern stud for. hams. Dressed, Bogs opened. Milady and cloud lower, at Modoll for 'return and 9110100 for edgy. - lard a.nd roopinguale• fMO tails at WA, ! tem sm o ell lots /FACllnin. o Butter laliady,at D MOM for Mate. Cheeses I boavy - u 1 1 13 1 . 3 .: Freight. to Liverpool dull and. drooping.. Laver—Flour" Climied - • shade firmer and' . nther quiet, with thrsdennand coulined to proulng W6Jit• 1116 /00.41 trade. Wheat • wile higher end quer, mita ship Der. bolding off. Roe 0042 44401.0 at C 1.,. 01.75 for western. Oats dna lic to more,. and tellto afloat Mr weatua. Corn yulitt at ia.www-4234 for goo( to prime Oleid weacern In mere and afloat; add #l,4l stirre ol.ll for mew admit. Fort heavy aid lower; sales Of legibbisataigeWZLOSMush and reglitim. I Beef dull and unohanfird: Cut mum noni• maid Lard drill 00 123:01.3e10 tor fair to ' prime steam sad kettles rendered. - , . . . • Manna Invnat. rev Telegraph la the Mahwah pantie, ,• Currie - sem Dec. It —Flour dell sod tho Pikes tutelsaceedt fondly 1081:1,80.• Wheat' Inactive, but the vecelpte Innnig light hold, arsons not willing 60.011 at the reset mill ore are offering& No. t red held ,et 4tlo,- but not Wesel. as over 14,e5; No. I tering held et p. 9). and No.-4 do et ID" • Corn nroter. owing IA *light Supply ton geed demand to lead begot new ear inlgre. • Oats Braga- Itu.. Ind hue etklolt Mhot torero ere not Willing to pay over 06 0 for No. 'l. Barley unchanged seethe prows remain et 11141101,75 tor fall; Cotton • shade 4roter, and bolder' are asking 80, with a demand .611140 for middling. Tobacco enameled sad quiet. _whisky dull, et 12. Di in bond talabtetot the Peon time. • ilogelowerrbut Mr demand at the decline; live - Igat,te; dressedlaDoCtieelare are pseklugourrtelp .7:rb=t,,Vgriltfil=iEthrtts: caws were WOO head Onto .11 cri,tho rovolpte &menthe weak add up 11.000 head I there are toe .boot ma% hea‘t le lag 900.. ProvlslOns and zenithal: Yeti Mrs *eon tor old and non, Bulk -meant - ago 10%0 100111. 1201•440 for prime bottle rendered. awl 11 Sic tor ~Drita. atilarly Meth. •dteg Mut and get. Breen bat. are la . de: moue, at Bo for Mhz ahOulftra. and .ddes ere held at Blect. Oat not saleable at these Wee. Beef cattle dell, bat the inlet* are sachangedtralr WIWI DUBOW. Dotter unchanged; froth wastage, tafgeN. Egg. ayd nod Eapply Man. caoret . teed' feram. - .at 10311.1 e - Vowing dillnat VAL plus sip for prime: Coffee doll, at le to 250 for ann. 1 , mon to prime.- littgaroneh.ged, - bet Cabs 1101301 Porto War {BMW. /domed' oil unchanged; Wu on %MO Wort.. 11. 00.1 by retail 41,00J1,03. Ptllinla nip • ~ h t Wino for reload duty-geld. uln Gold 114 buy, , ing; The matey market ceolllnuea eleee.at 16 toll, with Mehl:NC and lb to la =tilde. reletregi t thigig.bil.iii.giitg:27 Deemed= at 546u1121412 for epetng extra. - -I? heat oparialY 'trona mica No. 930 bighortigrogtisoll/ neatened and lb. a4nnee mat lan; Wes Of 210.1 at $40201,23, No.o at 1 11 .404274 l cleans Quiet ad 41.24 for 'Nix r CoriVcron. aranly aotive sad a.. hither, closing, al Ina torNo.nuld Mo for nen. Oats steed y and gm at IMO= Upeinslit WO for No. SIM and for No. 2. Marling nothing doing. Jaen YerluZo loner 04 da) Wt. Lard quiet and Steady ar12012 , 48 for kettle rendered, 11%0 for nun. Snallidi Mesta neglected and not:gnat at Saturday , . dnOtaLlont. Bolt Meats dull at 1120 for or Green Nut toodsraldlyaetne t0g012240 lorMarni and Won for tlbould • en In= we lank. Dreasentlopt active at ame232,22 , loyilskt. lOta. 47.71.744 forgot weighing, over two tintigre.3.. NOCO/Ptii-, 4.000 bias floor( SW veist,ritoaa Inat corn. 7.4 0 0 bum • Oats. siiimzumui-soo tobls lons, lON by mhos[, 0,000 bus ono, • . . SW Leda ' (ay Telearsab tithe Mltaabarch tissems.) 117. Loms, Mei:giber M.—Tobacoo easier put:, net tiottessnardlitsir MMus: Floar-1u the absence of shipping facilities the demand ts entirely lagi4gprtrig double arta, $10,75t treble Lra 'lO /Racy, d ouble OIL Wheed—the is haAlta arludisalesi primiiatid °beige MM. cbmoe Illinois spring. brought, taw bald , highsr.4ll.6lol(4. - Mess porkJORM. BMOC:M.6IW 111/04.....104,1 Shoulders,/Me. .110en4iot& of aisegi pork' were orrered -- ag et. - Hoge- . the'supply:hi large and the market fist; .mr e rgl at wAtitagri=firralf tC • dri '4 oats77lll bush Darlene.= heed OOP. ==l==l [lO Solearao,4otidllrtranria Buena.). •OcivrweivDelll , ll:nzi la art: uisi' and unchanged. drrneri X.-I Jyrlng at anralLAO; do red at 11114 0 111124 Di do ...bite at lowiNaquilt but Utuoud Unbar nt forlifo. 1 red stearin No.2.at dr,4804,50; No.l Illivrankea spring on apot 10 car iota u misekto. Corn In fair Demand for Do. at alatdri old nandnal and imams lona ' , Murry. (rata in LW MIMS: at 080674 for YO.l State from atoro.. Erg Arm at IMO irDt armd for Maul and western Barley lat 11,1 , 161,75 for No. 1 drat° and Cosuidit. Titers .tnons. lemuldrriktr. tree petrologic and OM saarldd t t ritlf 11191110) bOaddrl ItOgliald 110=0,- CErfelairypat to the rineverge Gasette.l - : Bik4 TOZZ, Dee.l6, DIM The Kerney market 1 envy and steady at 607 per cent. on call loans. Sterling le firm at 101110% gold, nett clan Milk hold' le firmer, opening at 134 decllnlnk w 133%, iolltanclng to and cloeltnr at UN. nova:snare .root. Government Stoeke are a shade eatlez. Commas ed.111%°111,4; do V., 30841110(04; do ve. t0dupa043429!_5...1.1060101i; nevr. / 1 134 eletlido 1W.M•7.%; Tea Partite, lee% Cloo4;s•Veda . . Opened buoilutt sad" elOwd ' Osady. CUP top,spXB46)(;lLltimberlaud. 5:0.17%; Wells. express, 54%; A/ANT161112.•4106.211 Adm., SVW9; Coned' Mates: BOOM mereperde t7e50e.36f4011, PalaSalver., Wanly htarl. pow 114410 Pgalfle ell:ISSW1511; Asian- Us. 11Ph011% 4 ; Westerltn UntOli Teerrrsph, t rkAa= 4l g4lO r liel i et atjeltse, ll 4lllNsg 0 . 2t0 tlertlll - Ws ash s PI• St. Pawl asKaux, oc. Peal prefairee • et; - 1110 h: vez-ugt tva.e.11421 frith. SsO,WA: 11401.03%; 9 73arati NOrthwestern. 59%1159 , A; Northwesters, preferred. 117047%; Port Wayne, WgfSICO; Illssond. old, Teases. ifes's,Oldg, , tad St% new: - • , .1 , 11.011110 XML 114,01 . 101. . • -. • . . _ At the PeeMe kIW eleation to-day about one hundred and fifty thousand votes were 'east, the ticket Delors &anemia:al being 12:11:1Z=3 • • • , There Is 'ln lacressed Modally aid an. Imatlon•. In the Mining Shares market to day, with n general advance In prices. Quarts Hill ram to 100.. Uregory 595 to IRO{ Edge Hill , MO; Sarlte & Parmelee, MI /CLIO. EL=[rrs _ The reCelPtil of tai6 Elut.Troas to-day en/ 0447ttlipar414,0„43izzal sion4Tin • for Tsisersrate las .Plubssith %saw. Locisruzz.Dceeinter IC.—Tobacustedid7 at $.5617- tor light lugs sad medium - leaf. Cotton 1E f or iddkna uplands. noun superans ; fancy 4131 Wheal. 1014002,50. Corn; ear Mc; shelled In In bulk. Vacs ObilleVa la bulk. Mesa York dull at aill. Baum, shoulder. ill e; clear sides lecilabgar muted hams 20e I balk. shoulders Wel rib sides 120; clear sides 1240. Lard laelNe. Wtusk7 nominal at in bond. • ' •flanalakee/fariteS. . Lay Telegraph to the Tltieberrb Gazette.] a hfftweugga,Drceraber l6.—Y/our armor City Double Extra at 0. 12 89.50 I 9 0 hstti Eta at 4.3.73®232 Extra at sepOS,te. Wheat unsettled; aI,SI for No. I. mot st,xt for No. 2. Oats gulag. et Ste for No. S. Cora dull. atmerto for' New Shelled. ILeeelpts -700 bble•Floar OWES bash Wheat g 7,W0 bush Oats g 1,0:0 bush, Cora. aatpmeate-1.100 bush Flonr; for bush Wheat. rebate WYet. .far SidmanZs t the Pittsburgh ammo Torso°, Die. rd—glour euleL Whim better; elm or white Mlehlgari 1111, amber, 1.1,07. and for the month $9 OS. Corn: old • etude better, new opened 40 end closed to bericrisales of old at Val; new, $l,OlO 41411 Oats unchanged; mew of Ito 1 at. 640. lrys—eales of. No 1 at 61,40; No 9 atsl,3o. Bar. ley t glhe tor Inst. .Driceed hog. at 88611, 111111/11161. , . rity Telma+, 0 to tge Pittsburg% Omits wais.llosrsio. Dece 18.—Ilour steady. t dttdOgo 1 NiNithratikeo club $2,15y No. 2 epring hold to /1.10. Corn @trona; Wee 16,030 bosh No 1 western at e1,Q61.10; told It 11 ./1 at the close. , Oats and Rye norolo aL larley -steady; western V.P. Park sad Lard .00012soged. : alsoeLotaa itoodnaL Drusid Lion; Bone offered. =:=l . My Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Duette.] Pmnanstraea, December bi.—Plont wary Incdell weetem I Eztra Fatally at $10.7114 D dvancing ; new w AO. .Wheat /led at $1,441,611. Corn aeatera Yellow at SIX; western el" Oats unchanged. Petroleum Roll team Crone /ge 'aennea in bona, 751502310. Walakey nominal. . ' • . ' asisoala Mara s. Mr Teem ft 40 'AI Plit.bu g 1 UJtu.7• 11.mrin 4, December M.—Caxton 1110, tall tancleno, riaward. Cora, 830 , 3 c. lI.Y. Uita,7B3,3c. ParklMOOGUagl*iMuldas. Il Uttar 111des,13-Xolea. 133004. nos,: firm but nuelmaged, BlLitthaelto Mark at. C By Telegraph to tfve Pinata rah es-satts.l liwtagoa.z, Dscinnber 16.—r/oar nominal. Wheat very wares and szies Light. Corn active; prime mrxe4 mita= 41,221. Oats arm. tlrrialons quiet. • 11le1I111111 2111, MiALLZOAD.. . Prreweirass. Yorr Waving& Clnosoo7LlLi Damian /a—Mak& *Co. DI asia leg irwaii Wood, Soo • 0%1 do do; Bryan & Ido do; .Bhoesbarder la Blau,! do Irak or.; liaworth,.2l•Doardd & Co, bets dour, DO baseheeees Whomartar & Loot, VC bbis tours &edema, Cook & oe. I It dim, I eel etaeli D Wallace, .k.•rr., ,. D. 8 Mt, 040 flow. yots.J If tile Die do; & o ries,rden Graf 0 Dna.' patient; B L raluustosk a Co, a boo ylaseware, roast aoty; rt D Thompson, lee talls ow:Mewl/6011m As Phillips, 23 tea aura; Sperwer & McKay, lase. barley; 3 0018.15, or? eat nit elloandlatora & On. a has bar& ware;W Wets I do sundries: Bryws. Wolkar a C0,.l lAD aaDett; S ilodelhstar;ll bas alas. ware: .1 Sellers a Co, WO tea lard; AMC's, & WU papers C Dodson 0 Bo ~0) en &6;llglass; 38 Dilworth too,l eons; :Logan & 6;118,4 aka Dm Saari Vote% & Co, II liews; J. Slowali, ass plow Mame ;• - 9V D iron, eels erode td Dation., IDa arise; Lloyd • Illask. Ido do; Sparse • Challaat, 2 dw dot J ;Palaver • Sooll. 000. Pil.rural44.ToUriort & CfrionrzarrE... iDeember 16.—.1 Gardiner &Co, ICO bbis dean A G Childs A ,ID Wes eot.ton; Dalmu,Dell lak Do. 4da de; L outds. Childs do: , PD,r• Paper Mut Co, 6 bdl. papentitibsear Tookansp, able rya Au_ ,str• Lams WU.. man. I Oa. [tummy; .1 Ball, It trunk Knee; 111. thy .pp:ea. utak race, 1 Atkin ADO be. batten D Houton. au do; idationty aclicol,.4 aka rya 11 dO oats. Udo 714 . 1 .40 do aorn; 4.141,14 tbdl. WI; E idatbevra, la dor brooms; Pettit 4 114411 n, I Mg lard; Gain,. ilssay, - 2 abla apples. 2 61400 Irta• ter, kaki beau; .1 Gaaralah. 'Woks berlarak 1414,1 firkin Minute A Sally, 2 baleJapaa linen 6 Tartneoraek. 75 MU tread !won't Ma ,Wronney A Do, 41 pea aisle; WS, Ul gib dal loes; J Unto., I bas lonia; Muted,. Stunt; .6 Do. 6 do do; E 11Iegrair A Co, 4 badd tense.; 11140e7 &04 lot • boardlOr %ellen 04 tea lard; 11 11. x 110... &Coo Dbl. top annul corn; Meaner Behnelbaak, I d Ila Mer, 2d o 4111 lard; 4;44. Z 11 , Tabor. I.ar 4f 5e11.501 anii" feat Dierreber ro..%trat;a PitirTlag Ma boat lumbar; Illadsk A Oat lilt blown; .T • W Falrley,Sl aka r i O 8 Ployd,lB Mandl; Jam k Soo. I ear a l ; .7 A lanabaw,a bblioar mnrolato pt. W.Tobasoo‘n Aka *slat Redford Chair Co. Api shatmli do rockers; .1 I ender, I ear baaa;J 01e1a. nro* W 6 Finwa.llo do dal tar des OnDay Jr Clark nabdlAparrartarnftr Berpar,. 05001$ op. Pint 8 - nreWol=. dd nPPW , _ -• , Illir.worwow Varney R. B.«, Deenew IlleHnishi, Porter Ir I.Wlnr pig Poe; Ina" Grad► D 0143 do TINS. Cannon 0 aka bock. wheat Pan; OUrobta..Garabb k O N ,OI reap whnT;TanornrWShrpard. p do b w 1.11 r; Solberg it Igartr,4 blear Mani Kan k Orr.* bat Ibblbultar;s NAL.J, a DNA salt. Arzwiewri SvAlWas, Daszaher, IL—es bbh ry• doer, I ear hay, Eltawart► Lann n hals. II boa anon, • Hirkt 1 *au Walto, .7 W . mann' a /Data, Irceintly ilt lElppil9o Ilia llow.ll. EaciZ k Sealelap 01 , . ~As tiD bte bulgy ' / I.tt t 1 wit thing* Sold .111111/:11tII01/111= . ...r. R.l.Alszaw JOSHUA HODES & CO, 1111 sterm,- .BARLEY AB HOP DEALERS. ops, 182 176:15s 4firort, rarest sue, r*. Nall Ilopse iiptotata Wort% alleseiroy.._ WEEISLi • GAZETTE, THE LARGEST - *ND AOCINOWLIZIOLZ TO . Di 'THE itiT PAPER IN TIM STATE IPriee, lw glob. of Lis suil upwards SILO; Illasto,pipler,llLso. IS I MR roi IDIOM 111 m min IT liAll MO EQUAL. is . 6y,csi9us cotitttsthatigei his al CvAP,IPION MIR FOl' MARKET ems tr CORTAINA NEWS 0E- THE -WEEK , emErstyLter ritzrAagn. -,aar Axrsi k .7 VIELT :SitirspitiDT/ON' .' • ;;~.: - . IN PECIOB -. A q° ol : 6, ELEGANT . POPUNEl t • , , FANCY KIWI. 84A,C1 BIIX11; 7, FR4Nrs 1441111408, //IfArCEITC* a - o 3 atai4ure annum% 1011 N '.Pg...cl/4, , 911011,1111EBITILL WOKKKB PILLI7I3YX/I.' 911 Alva strzt. rte., cr. , : Wood. Mr c rft . f o os. Basl/455 Ilentloom'S'74/4.. ItoOdprlot:cola oTetigreoritr ri and ho a :alaot osut..s THEHOLIDAM-11Va are me d t z, Lap / 0 Waara t r d rilli 01:0•14 {OW; alga 5;11.1r ty enc. nm, ins M 6 nsitelar. bun W.... Omni; rtanenss nlni !ppm ol ftnun.; fapr 441,1411 1471 d. 7,2 Liga isint r a n nals. • FrATHEBB-14 Dap on COMI. lalrn , 'Atom DIOS= ft CO. • ' PITTSBURGH DAILY _ GAZETTE : TUE S DAY; DECEMBER 17. 186 PITTBBOZBH 10P11 WORIL FULTON, 301111111111 & MosahearstAs bort CORDAGE, 0&11013111, . AND. TWi.NES i k Warolgmax&.llll • 773 Water 1111. Can ar mad tbr Chtnlnr. T.P/tra arnm NEWS. The &voile wan reeeding steadily at UM Point neer le we anti lake out:the manitalmilts . olecured by .imi—ging feet to too : a/kennel. The weather matinees cold aialf . 10 . 3 1. lAA the BlenousheLs is Fitting erg conaldereelegoating lea The Allegheny river to completely hezan over. • Th. griming( gusseidssi th SO*Lug bar sap up fros floahester; she Isft that ort Suaday night. :Ms Wirers report that Brunot n stlll obstructsd with goal. bargs, sad that slut had to. ho *algid through with the aisistaues of Pliyata Advises mastoid • yostoplor :noon that tho tiolotro No. s sink. on Sunday mess K4patooky sad Is .4pp:odd to tail low - Bhi to binia - ti sm. atiy ter COMO. She Wu °wood. by Capt. J..G.Sotat add °thin; of Wigan iiitt hid 'aided it Cdpi animator* belloop ! tor Nashville. Na tottair da upPar attaisuinapapir Nanifok: ”ns, mound aututu aid Mater. - aei far. itilh semblei that of lyti.-It soutlaned thy all thuhui Dumber, haw. tho first day of Jao uaty anow Olt tt . aulderilile diptb, tid,ote had Mika ot rood stelablag. Th. winter ba ton that the Itbralsolps did not *lota at .hl , The Mulattot liver ts roar Maims lower at Ctuthayalltied4 than by ,airee Visa luotra The eteuestup City or Paris nuttily tuede the outdoes pausal y. atoom'ther Atlantic Oeemt,llroppleae anchor at nineteenth., Neni York, at esti p. , Nevem* 1111th,j tot elyht , l days nod bur' Moto ret iltteentetownars. land. November th Wa stoned 334 mile. in I . tWentYlattr Itottra—u avian", et 16141 mile. I The New Orleans Crescent, or 0 'Meant dote say.: • Our loading an honored yesterday by the arrival of the emeadtd Wausatsa. Centel. Shaman, from OlealonseL bay* netted many steamers, but can truly state that we have never seen such a-OonattpatlOn Of neat atm ead'ditrabllity,-se our be found on the. malt. Zy.ry deportment. lo oe admirably arf tonged that • muter head Mist have bete called Leto regionalise la alePlalitelt. Inch ad' mixable taste. The Waunelta fa aaw toadies for 'Plltaburin, and bolos et tight draft, will go awash without reehipplaa. • (Capt. Tom must have been . u sWallled op' loon Ovsevrof . . • Raw lioireireat'orro . L—Tha Any 0;loan Ttines ku the tollarlar - • • The etelimer Joe Layout left yeetarday Aber . soon for St Louie, and a portion of her ono consisted of one hundred bales of cotton. 'glue cotton la entailed to Clairo. aim. by mOll.lllB line to New York at SO per bale. The Wards. boo le that It shall be landed at /la polat or . Thir.eame paper has the rebottles:' destinatioo in ten days. numerous Meads n otJam F. Fendentrast will be pained to learn hie death. loutish occurred on Thursday, December sth. Mr. 1 . 113111.111111.1 was for manp ' , eon engaged la •tilie capacity Of dieliargine clerk rut the leyea and hod won the eonlidtace oral! who irrigated him. and hi. lon' will be deeply felt by many Mende on account' of his trustworthiness as a clerk. Ella rumba were Mewed -to the tend, on Friday by the members of Hops 'Lndita; Lux O.V, and a lame number of Wends. Mr. Peadamrast was a Amite of Kentucky. earl ' leaves a wife sad tame ehildren to mourn Me ST. Lorre, Direembar 11..—. The GRIN of the auction ruin rmdd decline 'here, end for moo; relies shore. was s gorge le the tam the Mt. alealppi at. Fart MdLcn, IoWM - Ttairtlyarat Keokuk fell three feet from Sudsy croalos to Wonder storable. Dome coating down the Missouri are baring Mamotable dillicelties to tont:ll.4E4la We amiltaa b eletnanioo, and tow.. ions leektagg another doubles to escape and another will renutre Lode the ammo: Tam decline ozattnuea hen. The Ida Mandela and tiontavtile leave to-morrow Mt New Orleans. wit one boat is adyernsed le reeve today; the packet Bello of Memphis. Oaly rho. tortes atwitter are reput.4 t.tywq.u.tr sad grand* last evening. • . • , - TTs r L yn nn p igoPt t o ie r l m id b s o le re . alined al retail to Itieipar load of st bushe/e. but the Weiss, front Pdtsbarth Win ad...* to as Immediate rise, holders put prises uy again tu the essulag. Sloe.: of Um maths sod Hawesville eoal Sansone, tar w be Mtwara VI and IFS pat load ef bushels. " • ' The 4.. Louis Duptach ny nit boat nutted la the' de. 0040000 ere beets' • ratter hard thee. The tops.... tot • nip utmg• PAK .14 eh the'Preettut • also et meter their nee !Aeon luviog cutout exceed teMe, awl In many Inatausee wee eousidttraelir tem. With • good 'Usk they nay *taw ta Oak tuteestull er !Mewl huedree dollar. Llttro w 04.0 knees heteate et IMO tor the up 1118 to eons out 0r... it IS saudote they eta get (het =mtt op etreet• •kleseu lames have birth made ertihie the putt two treeks,•nd the proepeets for the route we ' Fye extract the tollowthe Ilea/ . trim the Oureissati Ommtbr,elsaturdayr 1 1 ,1 nra Mum, Mrrearly called the Alleue n May, was brad 1,111 Thunma 17 8 . LSOOO4 ESQ.ier Is J6OO Mb Tricker, tor 11,019. Prick present member of Me (;Ity .00.41 from Ikl ward, It Is Me tuleatleo us take out the petroleum apparatus match has Iseeerie beau used to :puerile risme. arid substitute the orilleary coal (arouse. Mom t Ale a , lo, Sea mallet WWI earb that Canton Or elattedt meet 'timed.= tom the Intoreee bin ,Of Bela .heat with Irene • at met, teen...AMY to the boecabgt Hoe, d to aortreet thereat I ottta the lone t enbeet bidder, at their Me. er . tIOU. • 17tiee . .itite Z. That the . e2iterre Of petite/ /ltd ;street shall to t eld out et the Bore orb 1 rrsury, Se Provided 621 .1.1 eteleeeeee. end or 'rbe purpose of defraying the ooss and expense St( Wine end nereteg sal. , street. tom be end geese Is nett by leviedetepeelet tax.to bet en ally 'Wetted on the leveed lote.o tolled and *but goo said street. ple d r , the het. Stolle thereon. end eottryirfsed Sad bounding and abutting as of tempo a. TIP . soon ea the.. and ex. Mena- of paying and curbing said street Is fully merrlelood by the Beroneh Modulator. It obarl ,boo bro.:Mt, to:amees .d rtheertteo thor fame I :emend the se. ral to holders owelut patoperty mod street, ...ding la the relater:le be , lent and tarreupen to give ranee f to Ms owner or owner. of salcl lot or : lota rolhoetlvely. er to otte meat& or guar...as ordeal oireer. and smoke return et ruckuses. meet to the Treasure r tied norough. • beCtioll4, Th.. It Mali be the dutl el the Treaaurer or mid Momegb. on :rho return so made. to eate• notice to be %teen to the p • rlb• en whom eameaments bare been made as entre said. lost übleoe the amount. of r loch a...- moats are paid., him In Marty day. from the date same he ho old roomed ...Mout tee ln the manner prevleed by jaw. • J. U. BUFF UIL Unrgess. Attest—X. ro orlerk. Leorreeeevllle. Nov. 4, lercl. 007r020 't.A./tr.• ODDINANCE • 'relating - to. ten laying or Water Pi yes iiicTlONisty BfU eatiefeedand enacted 1!/: Burgs. and toms Lb gf Porouo eg foilecoverville, and it in Newly ennelogeitChe NONWP of Naiad.. 'I hat from and alter the ha.- ettne of tole or...lnane, the Lawrenceville Cbrysy net Water Ininenyt of ellegiwny bounty, elate, of Pei hellcat le, shall have powyr and ithortty i.e ay, public a tattle. Stie.ts. lanes and &NW'S te geld bOrons h. ter the fut More or laying down. rel. rine and would g the Vlach it pipe., main sod saPPW PIP., • toot the %lanai and en. emery detle