tke litsitut tEtayitt Dzacilitita 37. VW : it m now - am:um that the Xmopean Conference on dm ibmoati qacialan has fatted. Tho other Aswan are tire ! of hoeing France Mai MO a cue, and the summon them to fatly it. Tut Homo of itspresentatires, by II luge majority, bas pseud rendationa strongly alluring. to its plan of Bean ttromion. delaninon of Una was ne t on ly n e eded, but must hue Wen felt by the lime to birequired, after lis re cent back down. . YXIITTILDAT morning we .copied a statement 'from the, Phillidelphia Press to She eft that a report would moon be made by an agent or the Treasury De ginninnr, igewirig extraordiniry cor ruption in the .collection of internal Avenue faall county. We are minn .,„ by gentleman here, who claim to be • well informed. and ITheise position CPS tisiali Siva them op • • 1 ;12111ilea af In the facts, that tb. Senor' in question has respect only to • • .'pharges recently ventilated in cone • -with the Jasper ti en of oil. it 111 eta d that lain. Kean: gio has signified ;Intention of call ing for this report, a . d t,hat this einem gum pre rise to the ads-statement alluded to. GOVIIIIIITNO WIT OUT , CONSENT. • I That England has shamefully mis governed Ireland, for many centuries, 'ls a act 'denied by all men who are so :mastered by theologic egotism that they 'mender all historic problems from the rraid,point of .a. creed. This number . Includes most Englishmen ani a grad many more. All these, to borrow a `phrase from President Johnson'i recent message, believe Ireland Is entitled to be "well and humanely governed," and that this is what England has been and tistirt doing lox It. Impartial history tells a very different tale. Even English statermen, in their places in Parliament, have stoically avowed that England op preased Ireland upon system, and that this system of _oppression should be con tinued. During the last year the condition of Ireland has given England much uneasi ness. The Feel= conspiracy, though badly managed, has manifestly enlisted the warmest sympathies of the larger part of the population. In London, end 411 the ether .c o mmercial or Manufactur mg centers, throughout England and Scotland, the Irish denizens share liber ally in the feelings which animate their countrymen at home. These denizens are so numerous in many places as to be really formidable. Latterly the English Government has , been trying what virtue there Lin penal severities in the way of Stippressing realtuary. and - Organized outbreaks against . its authority. Sena Fenian leaders' have been convicted. sentenced to death. and executed. The Popular answer to this form of intimidation came in thn blowing up with Powder of a prison in which radius were incarcer ated; in a conspiracy to abduct the Queen; and in prolectedfutteral services disclosing the depth to which the Irish are agitated and the strength of , their de , termination to enact redrew'. • These are the legitimate fruits of that "well and humanely . governing" I/Sikh tho Conservatives ars 11111901 to intro— duce into the 13suthern States There was a time when this sort of govern ment, laid on the shoulders of master, was borne with little winning; but that wan a time of ignorance, when men did not nnderstand their rights, or, know ing, did not dare maintain them. Rap. pity far all .Int . tvrants,"that period has gone by in some countries, and is rapidly dlsappearlitg from others. All arena, by Conservatives, to restore it; will be THE CONCXEIIMONAL PLATFORM Political parties are always best dr& tingulshed by their generic ideas and -tendencies, rather thin by the specific measures they may from time to time . espouse. 'These primary ideas and tan; dencles remain permanently, while par-s tkular measures, having met the exigen cies for which they were devised, came through the nstural progress of erects to be of consequence. The Raptiidle= party was organized to resin the encroachments of the glue Power, which had grown to such tilmisu• Mons al to menace Liberty with com plete distraction. It was in the order of things that all who loud Liberty, either for it. intrinsic excellence' and - beauty, or tot its extrinsic utility and baited: cane, should mite with this party and contribute to the accemplishmeni of the and it proposed.. If any man tsd dcii ded - the beginning, that this party could be better judged .by the special measures it , advocated than by the convictions lying back of alt mess • ens whatever, ha would have nude great mistake. This wu demonstrated when in the course of the rebellion 11 became necessary to Milks it the Inoue of Slavery. At that conjuncture the Innate tendencies of the party canto into exercise, and Slavery was over- 130, on the other hand, tho democratic party M best judged net ly its tempera zy measures, bat by its inherent tender• den; It' resisted the hedglin about of Slavery, because it liked that Institution and would gladly have made it both per manent and nationaL The country has reached a develop. mutt where the measures upon which the tails' greet politica parties divided four years ago, are effete, having sub served all the purposes they were de-. _signed for, sad so become unless as shib boleths. Nevertkeleu, the vitalizing ideas and teadencies of parties rentals usentlilly the same. The Resinbllcan party to still devoted ta -Liberty, which is evinced la its demand for the recognl lion of Zquality'of Political Rights; while the Democratic party is still for Slavery, as it attested by the vehentenoe 'of its protest against the idea of nicking men equal, Lin all respects, before the laws. idea/urea only have changed, while the fundamental principles abide as they were. This inherent distindien beinguideri t stood, it only !monies neat:only for' each political party, u the next Praia dentialcalvass approaches, to define by what particular measures, =nett ito the existing condition of affairs, It will oym• Wu its character and intentions. Tke &pulite& members of Ocngrees, though not speciffcally charged with this duty, so far u relates to their party,„ occupy a positioa in wbiek they cannot helptorshadowinr; with - tolerably cer tainly, the hoes which the National Con. ventiou, when It shall assentble,Will nu. thoritatively trace. So lanai the mani festations during the current session enable no to form an opinion, we judge that the Repnbilearis will buist on these points. 1. That Reasastrzctbin shall be consummated in accordance with the plan upon which the seceding States are now Proceeding. 2. That the industry of the country shall be relieved, to the largest practicable extent, of the burden of taxation which It now carries. 3. That the policy of contracting the paper currency shall emu. 4. That the cur rent expenses of the government shall be cut down to the lowest pomade point. 5. That the arm . ; shall be reduced to a space standard, nearly upon the tenets that existed before the WIZ. O. That the augmentation. of ;the navy shall be s ounded, and sales made of alliessela not needed for actual service. Of course, the' Ave months that Must c l am before the meeting of the Natioll-: at convention may produce. abatements or o oditietts to this platform which can• not n01f .. , be fOreinen. The-delegates will bi r etthe aduktage of receiving audentbdi from the constitnenciesof • later duty than those held by Con— gressmen, and hence reflect more aeon rately the ,state of public opinion as it may then appear. Still, we apprehend, that an, essential agreement will be found ti exist between the Conyention and the Republican aide of Congress. FA.M. GARDEN AND HOUSEHOLD 1114ir ire. for Mogi wad nue The subject of Stilling domestic ani mals for food comma directly home to eeery farmer and- farmer's wife in the country. Siseghtering Is lot so pleas ant to the farmer as the preliminary la bors of breeding, railing and fattening, neither are the Inborn it imposes upon the good•wtfe'eo agreeable. sr preparing the fatspare ribs and sirloin routing pleceS far-the table, -yet both are virility It [every desirable tohave cold weather for the operation; and. u our cold .days are vary likely to come in threes or Leuze, there seldom being More than - four con. mcntive very cold due, and usually but three. it is bat to be ready, and to take the first clear, cold day for the work, and to trust to the two following days to freeze what meat is to be kept fresh. In regard to pork, that is almost all to be salted or smoked, this is not very im portant, yet It is Minh more COlTOtliellt, and pleasant to handle meat that is firm and aid than that which Is flabby. The meet convenient way for a farmer to handle heavy hogs in slaughtering Is to have a bleated tackle to awing the hog by while bleeding, the rope being made fast to pne hind leg below the hock. By the same tackle he le lifted and lowered into the tub of hot water Ica scalding for the removal of the bris tles. The dressing table ahould be level with the tub, and as loon as one hog is scalded and lifted oat upon the table the rope may be attached to another. It will not be necessary to use the tackle to lift the hogs out of the" tub, for this may be doni easily if two japes, held apart by the or tour ring., line a piece of rope ladder, an fastened to the table and lie in and across the tub, so that the keg willlie upon them; taking hold of the ends of the ropes two men can lift and roll out a heavy hog amity. In cutting up beef it important to remember that the object Is not simply to get It all into small pieces, but to have the pieces in such shape, and socut with relation to the bones, that the mast will cook to the best advantage, cut up well, It will appear well en the table, sad more than all, be more palatable and. nutrition'. - All this depends nurehupon the cutting up of the carcase. There are many approved ways of do ing this, and we cannot now discuss them, but may give two general hints, which, if fellowed_,- satisfactory to `everybody. First; cut so that tke Pieces, - whim brought to the table,tmay be cut ar-rosa the *bre, as squarely. as possible. Second, .so divide the carcass that each part shall have its doe proper• than of bone. This is -difficult indeed, for the skins and knuckles will have much' bone and little meat, the end of the ribs, too, and the piece including the great bones ofthe hip and pelvis will - be disprtrportionsiely buy, and pleas ad from the leg for smoked beef and salting may property be quite free from beam neverthelus, retail butchers know they must ever try to make a fair division!l the bone among their auto. mers; and the result is much more satis factorily shaped pieces than if tide prin ciple were net heeded. . Dried apples are used as a necenity la place of glean apples They are not to be compared, of coarse, with. the freak juicy fruit. This issn consequence of an error oa the part of-those woo dry them. Almost any apples are taken to dry. Would a man take such to eat—to use for cooking, We eat bad apples 'only when we get them inthe dried state. Not only that, wetret them in a bad state, partly tattoo, sticking together, often fly.spocked. 11 is a habit mars than anything else that giTeSallruch . apples; we are also somewhat careless and con. aiderably ignorant. .Weillre not aware, forlastuoe, or do not realise it, that an apple Media still much the same that it was before it wea dried, eseeptlng the ice. Thu, a Inca p ple ewill bo sear het dried, fatly as sour u when inlts green stabs. If hard and immature, .01Asti qualities will be measurably re- Weed If year apple is sweet, Ton get it sweat dried. If it. has a pod flavor while pun, that g[I.TOr will he retained when dried. If the treat Is mellow when dried it will retail its inel. lowness. The best dried apples per Tape, that are used, are the.lEseprm Boit= ..hugs—not when Judi up u soon as picked; bat when In a mellow Meta, u they will be la February. or March, or ea if. if theseassa is warm. Xade when a fly has no somas to them, and property &hid, there is moth ins fineresave the perfeclion of the green fruit itself. Thus, - winter drylig et fruit is hotter than when made earlier. The 'Died fruit is than clue, bright and mellow, and net harsh and - 'soar—not Umlaut of rotten Nudes and mold , Indus carelessly maaagod, - dried too Claw, and permitted legit damp durink the pre. cue, (as is the case some lights In the absents of fire,) or after; for fruit whea dry mist be kept diy. Treated thus, dried fruit is bat little below fresh Dried apples maybe Snide of an ex cellent !laser, to the following manner; Alter stewing them, or cooking them dawn to a soft mass,. (a few alarms' be. fore maim them slay) add alma= or two; sliced thie, and stir well iato- the mass. Same persona who arsAmacquinted with this method_ take thews • for some eery superior frail. It . makes nice fruit for the supper sr to:eat:on table.,,,Brrel , prow to Sake Good COMO. _ Gast corps is , lumuy, but Goa the" tat Ocadotsmstwith. Itiadeabtfulwheth: er one family in. • dozen Imam- what really geed Wins is. Though we have published "lias epee' line open This mlbjact, we gin the lillawieg, front - a lady airraponehent of the ,Germastown, rick , graph, and hope woe of eel lady rends» will give the method recommend ed a trial, sad repart to eta the results. The making of is a rare thing In this country; esolOptactua boil it, thus making a decoction instead of so infusion; this eirecloally gets rid of the delicate and agreeable eremitic 'Dover, sad hems a comparatively tasteless bey; cage.. The following Tritrticularo will be (mord worth attention: Never buy you cam ground, Int d it; It yourself, immediately before grind keep vier coffee pot, whatever kind you may rise, wiped clean and dry Wilds; a damp tea or coffee pot acqtdres a musty flavor that spoils the bat tea or coffee. The cheapest- tat portrait* the best coffee pots are thus. made on the Breach plan, called cafnieree If you have not one of these, adopt the follow log plan: Put your freshly trotted cof fee into the cone pot provlowy needs warm, and- pour upon, it water actually boiling; .Kt tho. pot by the aide of the tire for a . few seconds, but do not tat i; bad up; then pew 'cupful out indent= it buck again to the ;mein order to clear it; having done this let it stand ,on . the hob or center to settle , "lied in lent than .live minutes a transpaient, strong, tit,. ladle cup of cone nay. be poured out. The proportions of Coffee (which should , sot be toe finely gritted) recommended, are an ounce to a pint and a hall. of water. The milk used with coffee 'lonia al ways be boiled and used as hot as possi ble; the Wiling of milk Imparts a 'pecu liar and erceediegly Vaunt BAJO/ to the Coffee. . White aura la recommen ded, AI the molasses like flares of moist imps quite -overpowers_ tho delicate us now* is remiss. , The egghninass in France la - almost exelealvely Confined to small farmers, by whit* rtcP carried on Ws vigorous and commercial manner, mere especially in the provinces of Burvandyclfermandyr, and- Picardy. According to the latest agricultinti returns furnished by "the French government, for forty-three de. partments,the nine °rugs and feathers produced tea year was taken at 82,500,- 000 franca. This was considered to be such under -the mark, as the courant's. lien of Pails alone is equivalent to 12,- OEO,OOO francs; and although, per b ea d . it would be lees in the provinces Minot Paris, it-may be fairly set at mthcrithire than half as great, The egg', which St Paris are worth sixty francs per 1,094, average forty franespdr I,OOD in the coun try. We thus obtain obits' 0000,000,000 francs, or, with the export, 142,000,090 francs (Z 1,680,000); as the annual value of French eggs. At 114,-zate the con• enmities amounts to 2s. per lead of the whole population. Ono -of the French writers** this subject vves 1,000,000 eggs as the annual produce; aid if we average sixty eggs as the - number that: each hen would- lay, there would-be at least 117,000,000 fowls, and these at One francs apiece, would gite7414,925,000 sterling as the value of the Nulty pock of France. For the peat,,,year,%-rmthe lime ratio of duty per,head, the eggs importedinto this country-represent the laying Ono less than 7,800,000. . GCZ= Oa the instant of the accident, place the part under cold water. This relieves the pain in a liteollld, and allows • all lands to become composeL If the part cannot be kept under water, cover it over with dry flour, an inch deep or more. Is both cases psis ceases because the air is excluded. In many Instances nothing more will be seeded after the flour; simply let it remain until it falls elf, when a new skin will be found un der. In severer cues, while the part injured Is under water, simmer s leak or two in in earthen vouel, with half their bulk of hog's lard, until the leeks era set% then strain through a muslin rag. Thismakes a greenish colonel ointment, which, when cool, spread. thickly on a linen cloth and apply It the . Mimed part. If there are blisters, let out the water., When the part becomes fever and uncomfortable, renew the oint ment, and • rapid, painless cure will be the result, if the patient, in the mean time, lives exclusively on fruits, coarse bread, and other light, loosening hood. If the scald or burn Is not very severe —that is, if it is not deeper than the I outer skin—an ointment made of sul phtir,- with lard "enough - to make it I sinew:rail:oy on a line; rag, will be ef fectual. The leek ointment ia mom need ed when there ,is ulceration from, neg lected Imhof, or when the injury in deeper than the surface. As this obit • runt is very heahig and soothing lathe troublesome excoriation& of children, and aleco.ha foul, indolent gloms, and Is said to be ellUcar.lons in modifying, er preventing altogether, pitting of small pox, It would answer a good purpose if families were to keep it on hand fir ergendes—the sulphur - ointment for moderate cues, and the leek emUsent in those of greater severity, •or of a deepernatarm—EfalPsleseeet of Health. , lording nasty 11111. aw. Sayan corrupondeat from Wyoming county. Ifew Toth: . "Tell'yourreaden to beware of feeding rusty straw to their suck. I had ume experience in this line last winter with three 'colts, which had free access to a 'tartar rnsty spring wheat straw. Ti.ey came near dying; their coats were /rough lad' staring,- swellings, filled with thin pus or water, appeared on their limbs and come parts of their bodies, and they also seemed to have a difficulty in the head and oestrus. Change of feed and good care aloes got them .through to grass, but they were mach Injured. I have .elso seen cattle do very poorly when feeding oa rusty straw, though they. ware stabled and fed hay, &c., nights and morning'. 'think farmers should be earafol to feeding or allowing their stock to eat this ; the best use for it is to bed with . "-Rural .7fers Yorkar. TIMBER ON THE PACIFIC BIDS. Enrroas ClaMerra: At hla maquest of i friend In the eastern part of the /bite, I wrote to my son; who r 'ldee on the bank of the Columbia Myer, for a fell and accurate statement of the several Umber timber (mad In that part of the world, and of their Mama ; for the eon strnetion of named cars. Ia reply he sent me the following, width' may be Interesting to many, mad passably of practical value to was ._. - - Tsars, trily,' ( J. C. OAICADZII, WASHIMOTIL I T Tza., lovember 5tit,1,1867. • • • _* Ton askit.there is "Um ber on the Pacific aide suitable for rail road con, either passenger ! or freight." When this maid and the Dales road were drat stocked, the trucks of all the cars were brought from the But, aid were of oak, it being believed then that there was no wood on this side suitable. The upper frames of the passenger cars, too, were brought from "the States," and were of ash. lint these ! frames ways procured in the But mere becatuie Mar., was no one here who understood ear building, than' brains" 91 the wood. Before these arrived, however, the com pany, needing cars, bad tam an built of dr, and we cannot see but that they stand u well u those, the frames.. of which were of oak end sai. The fright cars on these roads are all !of tr. except ties triple brought from the But; and ; so far es we can MI, there could be no l'better wood. • Three years ago lam spring we built :trucks of lir for two freight ears, by way .31• experiment, and they are at good as new, yet, notwithstanding they have been off Use trick armlet time; the wheels being btches narrower imp than the others. Tits conductor tablas a few days me that they were the may 'good trucks on the road, end that if he has an ultra load to take be always chooses one of these care. Re says be bas had 25 tone on them et • time. We. mow use no other wool for trucks and trainee For siding we use yellow cedar, which examen Teri well, but pine would be better. ! We have three klub of sir , white, yel. low and red. The white dr, eametessen tell me, is the game as their of Malec Title blithe need, and for • nothing en. Mut beards. •The red and yellow are almost the mune—the red a little the hardest and strongest ; bat we arra discriminate. , Bo far as I hare ben able to see and leant, the red and yellow Ira are peculiar (o this coast. They areby lir the strong , Mt of the ustift woods. , and it is getting to be pretty generally believed that, When six inches Cr more thick, they are twanger than oak. Our experience with it hem would p igishoy that It is. ! White oakiallte only kind if oak we tiath on this side, but it Mahn greatly awn thewhile oak of the LAL - It is of littleease for aerthing, - being rough., onarsegrateedr end heath, and it is wholly unit for Om wart. - ' The Rah hero dighretrom any In the Bast, end Is not sane. es - good as your whine shh. It is s - . jln California them la pin of pine and the agar pine is almost the same Mod of wood as white pine. We hare no cherry, walnut or. hard Maple,p nor any wood to, take the &co I have taid, I beim, ell that is need. ea of our wean, and much In flwar of tna ahonbl net like to advise any 0710 to cone have and buUd can of for no conipany would accept then. One not acquetnted.withlt, or who has net seen It tested, would as soon think of sales white pine. For the bodies of the care It would do, hat the trucks would hese to la of Zuni , * oak. I doubt even If a California company could be indttald to try .a fir track by weer of experiment.. • An ever, your son, O. al tili ag Paris t u Con a n r teaa ar t ga w r a trut w ed ic he a r confidential - Mend "dlacloaea Do of black - velvet, lined.wfilavholet satin, and trlmjned withphtnohilta. - Tidal, cover ad reth "an -alegut palm:oasis°, color 131arck, also lined with violet Win."' PITHS LIQUOR", mars tarsals, ' 'ran L 14. 01 4. nu* Lit.on. ? Yes /or noiliellgal ruppmes. Tot iudiefaikl ipttpoita. Nor mead eat psrposes. own. Brasay,Pia*, Onus ittaagar. - • Nat Mai. Maly Irsa. irmapiwint. Mans WM., likaan Ira% ()stash. • • Lin Hatted Oka; )Casswhos Was, rats Itellast(Sta, a 4 an pa V"Aar INT* Ate 'A Sl* 111.4 " 71 ,., AT miaow rucansws,' . , . . s a= a UT L a t.a r s , igumi iuggestionioi tisellsaison. EIM Whtsr Ist Wissil:bis.iesinst overlie WA. Tfli‘s•lst tasstrilt,Wldelss el:swami; saatalat.Lt vaterfalls OpOiliagsisted as Irsll ss Issas:um aatart,' tb hiilO Slans.o. l .• Pisluses •so Seat. ?Zs Wood Is &Irks [roan.. tunes Oats boST gat wss4 INK isles? Somata, sue *Hits sag :tem. DleasisrlturuxusT. .la uninsult• dlindercor tbs {toast sat bss.4lsass NMI/0 is fns await . : ' i tr,.1at . 1.. rte•lnt• to law, the flattest ig-4ist attack. of Olseave ly • I Oats, 0011.14..11.•1 t•se•gh the MAW,. epos the clatellktiOO ath. alma. syiti*O44l:selotaxiarte Ur! " 14 fan nsfet*, sad bisci.4i• taro Of allies beasttleti: Ipet lbw U ••4 ..41,1Xte oto wee. Mk* TOotO awn lo• e•a(l4tm4 aretos. LiTliitai•FLATUto a/entitle la Will U.d 1. sorpi tn. 'whole 'alma rAdaert ; ' , IA V.: ..ortiar 014.• Ur* pond regeLltell ar ovbytof Mt*. 1.111•• 14 thStt 111014 0•21110UOL Erg. Tri ne 0' BTOlt apt .11.1;X6is. .11•10 :DTI Virvutt• othselat• *ad el/Over: - of Ma =utile:Mak lad Waite* iroett; WI" sad Seats pat Ile Ittnallste ea/ lofaalitt brat nand baie yt4 eltest•rol. ' ; conies lu aitu nininroa . set yawn', destrcri 6:,„A,,4i . , . . _ wboll conir•f•LDi. b 7 eollatazifebiatiff ape •#•e•tft,.ibe• la ctareLr mkt CSiqi!„:rial7 tatarraDt Oil/Maatria lasa•rmaly b 7 a tom! lark" ' tbt rt th ig b 41 W.. to. U. Malta Of [Mtwara Walsall. lat.:mad Isaias. LW. SAMS, of Pittsburgh, a.. pr.m.4 • medial= silica, altloalto 7.! MN atm It la attn. If 709 wUI MAO 1110.11 WWI galas total:lFeb, will 'alloy all Ilalt.t •1•41 irritation OM. /ttata, afalln a parsavamea far a day *nify well astir/Ord," rthittlataila iso posy coups mir Noir =animal Dar Via Mt mad kat 1:1111:811T ritIVIRIGx opin roar bull arrive awl anise ottlaga. nd 71M .111 to a batter awl Impala. Isla, sag *cabs Waled awn as •Watto aaacia 70.1"nidthb011. Ifoa can pt a at aalf Draft - • awns!7lB. conrsuvranoir wales. Tit Lau lizmaitlau, No. U 0 MIX sr. PITTSBURGH DAILY iGAZET7B i , Tl7E§ DAY; DECEMBER 17, 18672 1786 . PROSPECTUS. 1868. THE PIiTIBUREI sacral The Largest daily paler in the State of Penneylsuinta, enters the Sand year of its exietence with increased facilities for dis seminating the news of the dly, tired for rendering good Politica! cortices n the important .Presidentied Osamu of !BO' Thefortheteatingeassion of °mynas promiaes to prove ens of the met imporb. ant Add lines bla formation of the . Gov clement, end the prontedinga will be ant ioady watched by the intelligent Inabsed. In view of the deep interest centered in the proceedings, the proprietors of the GA zErre have made arrangements for daily diapatehes and letters during the session, frogs a highly intelligent curve ts/son:dent, who enjoys the confbrienat and friendship of the leading snewberifof the Senate and Hoare, Lk ./uifid.s.of the. vark one Isenartsnents, and try /Wing politi cian* who froptent Weehingtensi so that reader. can depend on suceivind the first, fullest and matt ratable intetzemix from Tha prootteslinors of tha &ale ' Regiela. dere, at iteforthorentng maims, Will aLio perm enteresting,intsaisuch is many Yee& none of inspertmee war. some ,up for legislation. , The IFAZETTE oat leep at the State Cispitai,deriny the inure Session . , "iihstoWiloat fat, f. 40104 sorreapolidatt, oho grin preppy report ikeproonidings iT b.. Mid AL. Rto the may Wad peernat of Pats- Mere, which' Idly nyteela mut steadily avow., thi. • t ea held by the Onion Itepubileas , and interpreted by a o t . /Vat Marines. - It Om esiureli nano, to enV.1.11. , aotd at fade. 4114. PR steek WO, ti, vim tr Ind Ned, Ws, Me ohm sr roll at Mr Mr r.t...mpapgr t. as woman mu. Lk entargtatatt, apartment la arm ameatheam. roe use anteater IV Us alleoriat ealimn, rorttl 5. matstataa. mut ail mita,. kr inane importasei Wilk Itertmly A. 17m mita draaramat Im Abe • up' to A. mrutromou gr SU day, *ma to mmatisatit Um* seat' Newts, mirror alt lA* traumettem ar •Mt er ta. MI: Malta Comb" Mt aorta at term autt matagata forti• eaurrs namdattm .t. Um aatirurtmag .at ant *Lass Amity mamam:retat amsupduar. ' autat• Mato tau ema muomMfor maraU pair, sough des aisit Amu 4, raILM. avow a* serroat, as thi DIMAININ4 tina, te.a pro Mata aattta ;...toll, latimud frau sow inida.4l/ MIAOW wad Olt. lama mportara Tha rigor sow La wtheledi eatil aera, al Wit Pew eeel/ hea , taitwfaetin Vile 'Affirm 27.0easetat dapeetweat W W. si Wow in Ow" of as eittweedwp.irv•WL4,l4 beWar, who WU reader P (WU attreettie end wire! ap. afetty to basterr. bream owl Weida we we. • Th. ratirlm, dvaii.w.i winnower tin Mal Now due UR immortemes, and wallow N"ApelayW MWMY4 soir al . . • art. prima. • *oral cur Mar deparlsmat ar Llwimp...MU be emduitagt to • ma... 0146111. min woos M. Tuna at 1213 DAELT'Clicelm 461{. LIIL natured hi Pleblorripi,lirlyer /nal 411 VW a.4lsmig J.rdwAho iss e"taps r opirkwirstabia So Oarriara. , • San WICVKILT IMAILZTTL 114 1 / 7 311 L. , los oatmeal ts 4rafa eta ea at Dethb oat *ow Us ism wt. shaipot sad beirisatty toothi lonmpdapcp gil• am; iiMwdk Ia P. /lowa Vows firmer, meehestio aulf MAW.. ow.: IT OW ask 1111.1),Arli /MO vim leimprem% R.( m 51414 boas/ 40014/6 OA iaitv. end a Wt. mtadtse Lv awl art motile ems, temiaorr WM moil:We 0.1.1. M pwreaftdow Mid er pp Was. It& eirria.4 twat estwarr istl4 M &Mal 4 Ay a Nossaor as to Ora Mow Ma Oa am*. ea 4 "memo,. aorta Imports qf tur11711174 0443 rrs lowest to 1. taw .foam AC beta imam sal setarn aad fa salu •frole. to Wan.% nva.. rat.. Samara Weal Wow. nava... an adt...4 Waal. Ta. ism sizarrs... vat CAW 0.. 0.1 . 4. wawa... IV 1. 10,011talbt Sawa, to imago. tie mita V w bah.. fa Candy tait Nap us a 1 retta. eq. tad" ea.* ... afx, nut a.. atialtag gua moan, as toe arr anew tat .644 of sae aut.. Maid 1.10.41... a lOW. .dttgalwr to cliblie am &mote at ma taw, itmaC. war. Torlaargsr• nu! Zdreu.s. man foa Sta lan= 111•11.11nal Iltate .. Mho ra, • 1.11. IVr irmifte• fn. Drfir Ras try addrearte• • ' TENEW. ZUD & 00, lbs. tad • Mil tnie. Plitshrit/L ••• . Down' P.D.T.D. Warta. DeszaDula. jutenk OW. sal Vedas Squint*, asbUstigic Lta um.% sal Mal Le suniedi pain. out Do *TIMM to CH Tetra usigasso Trial 1241 DuLT NEW LDVER . JIM Jr.. Axiom Damon CO Aga M )VP Arad. to am orAertirClitme mew Afterui Away 04.11117Jtaad aZi ether 'sows amour! poi inetied,asier WALING WITIITIOVT DRUG/ Mks trsa strata. pl. el, .tual Mania art 1.. sod:vole are paystargleal -ape Ct. halornT Or Mihttizelle mamt. attas at sant. WI scam... alit Abell , =Meat tale beat optallas. la : a maser QM' b Plana la Um Satruararat Or Dams. -am C. anal. au beam TO tan, haU OIo.OMM the Wm.* vital plapart. al, at.. n. Mu tOO IIiTIOSOLNOSIOO4. =SIC& le loth, 0. 00213110 aa? 211 MUSS ILOSI. cm; aall marble itslartoa tame' ibo le. tatty or ta•Slaaralic atataals. .a alga • aall salts atlas. lath alta. la. Systems tomatiffiall pOrlw. , .11. .an Cheat saa allataalatnatal . not astalit..l.Che ty la tee lama. 40.4 watt. 1.1.41. .0 v. am* gala. mete Song' la o o a.. n la art klallut pala b laira 11101 as la. of rtsktemassi fa lattlly tan. Mode. la art. that Ta nu Ilia. admit oar war. Inalta Of hall.. •H. oar masa tosta....ll.ratties; othailaati. pactlaa. • tha IMMIDLT Ciealow 01.141•1,61140/4 unfold morroclve mammas ialletad by area. Br 1 Gonda 4.11n4 to as auto Os imonis• 'O7 diftass, eat.. lha.ool.leaMlo or Pcaales. mama 2010 I 7 lapatrana t asst. 04,04. Ac.: lawn. Walls, alma, atr. alto's. Omar, bisasitt, Maw*. as tle Pea. oratallatlea, mama MI Malatya ma... 4001- 0000, Lm caraolatal. draper., Nob. ehaaaa. {tam. 0 01 raitit.2.4 la Wars ov.spalasantbia.. Cop la kW to.. wend. our razattaa flu le aaltly anal. to. Ws MO MOS sitact la palm • But *masa., au. tan cleat. at the na1 1 . 1 . 1 1. 141 .41. 1 of thane Ilan able macaw, aad antradaa arras. tar lusetko; . yd unr vlsk.rxrucus *lon,. rho, la It. krosdost mg Mt tboVloVomi sartatrlz Name lletlata. b eatat as a asa. at „Ma. SO 011112/141 &OA'S entstagnil6 HOLIDAT AT CLARK'S 15Rui Nut's esankrirr; • tIALIi ANT/CILLS. smusi. P01;0111111/19, t 4N4 a. N":lo3llift3 . It*Nit tiiiritrems • • •• ' S. OCZOONMAINNN ,* BON x•rannisarcrxacivan, White , Lead Colot WOOL', ifilltius o.4o,;ismim • 4DA *am ire. rovara irtniort. 4 iiitje.rad4Af :I.= A O chilair 100,000, -1110,0*.e,.-”io,000. . . . " Jai; received, the idrave gamut at ' n loom stANDLT.N, • , lirblAs u h illaposid it( at low tra. w. eozitt.r.' t 1 - hi - Liberty - drat, Plitiburati:' • WE STER x illinitiCT:Or -PO as SILVAN U. LT A VI. .a !maid ireisewlttla Uld dbtll.t. tho th , 474l4lllVAlrt.`" A sptil tr=r- _ _ . EmsAIIT emu, AB* sa.vant • WB/4021.16111h. 14. 1 ." 1 .....4 Ileatlefeal wow. tad • timid [MTV Matt kli. :Taiga tg: 101111.1111 NUM. SS Yu. sit IPZIMAAL 117141117, /Multi:3m NOTICE - 16 nitnentanwar• I. , *anon& 4 YA W L ° rg! ' Dann. /.4.,notnirligorill L. r',i,,,, ‘44 dun at ,vll., errawass. Imo boos ton or awl/44..4 .onluatios au ton rano socornsont=odaramott. adoe Nines Ltquors, 1. si 00,. OUZO twAxi) ' DI MIA Lt allealwa : , t silo Dr 41617Arti10tli7ne Pei er. PDA.tlVTB;tkastauner' 4.1?""`"""""7:11111tIZIEgy.on. TEXN. CORN-14 c r 1440, to MM. Wash .447 Entsxr a co. NEW ADITEIIVOMMUOTII. NEW GOODS FOB THE HOLI'DATB. wit Jim Jon rwetriwif iron thi lama stook or ellout Su* Tait itOumilY Or -SUL awl mos - promo( to onormoto PRESENTS FOR THEIR FIUEIIIB..T OUR !MOCK 00311:182 . or Mead Mold Wateles, Ladles. lola Watebees, Mai Oast , . 64.1Rin.s. 71.• Pearl Ikts Linn att g; K"." Slue Loral Bets. ILL. Garnet Le.,• Fine dold eau, tar Elms., 'nye. Mated . ' Ware, V' 1114 Gold and 1111trwr leLlCanas, : rir ldke" .4 .• Pan - Goods; 1. ni H n non in Intik WATTLES 'At 'SHEA F.!11101. 101 Fifth street, . • ==wsms;=2! GREAT DARSIAINS ritENCI-1' MERINOS.' PAIRIAT k BAWLS, black and red antra. 'CLOaItaANDPACQUES. • 101.DAYINGI CLOTS - xq.accF. sum rxr,irra. HOCSEEIEPEE•II GOODS, ark? Xs, salaam:, thaw Call and aea thesa. ar H. J.ALPYNCIEL'S; - 96 Stalk, t Street. 'VASES'," COLOGNE SETS, FA - btOlr CHINA, Parla.rt. ttailiatei, BOHEMIAN GLASS As 4 stt:se MP= AID YANOT 00065. .la ir42:r. alCol.l.4moves., _lOO Wood BtrHt. BIfB YD IL &RUED & 01. St6FAB 'TOWS FOR 110LIDATII, Limit. taxa, wz WILL SILL Ls Low, is Way Ham Ii the tit,. SEUIPMULD'S. Steam Confeetionery. 31? Liberty Street. E=IZE2I CANDY TOYS! CINDY TOTS! AT NEW TUSK rsicks, NT W. P. HUNKER & - CO., N 0.5.224 & 224 Liberty Street, tl. - 01131KB 07 Candy To y JOanufacarers. arm. AT EATON'S, = Brad!ers Beilex FJlyptit 6klrts. • L el we AND baillallMl/T11.141, aau 04.1. LIN urns, r :i c k.I4)ILIZI SLIM AT sint.raw GIiWAT REDOCTION =if 20;11PRICialig DUNI 1110•DL CLOTH SLCQII U. mutely (zoom LOAD mama, Itoz sat* al very 14r1rdwa WRITE, ORR & OO FOSTPDXERIENT. TUZ LaDm UP TUX P•swylTants &Tens E. E. (lurch weal , respeettaila tlyi Nadi:tatty; outs/ in • a/avagemnautag is yearning . raarwirotte 313Cm.31,, !nbarAlS AND PIIIIIVAL weial vs, Ss nye r o w t45)74..111,1k amid iirsa Maw. litts,llllft oit 12th , .11ekttealnady,sold timpumesi. delsdri BEATTIEVIL PRESENTS FOR .TEM HOLIDAYS. _ - • trurE PARLll.VaresfaciTis. _ . • CIAO& AND nostasizas TARIM: ELIMIANT • 111WILYAIT, DMZ= aaS Illt• SAT*. • • Nnotimasof Dgonsim raLtut Lad 141110 , calm& Tolarr Pitterily et oar alra Willa.. tan Opened Mild tar all* at ta4latad MUM, at - lat§ Vir•OCNCIL EiVreetta. dodo lllE.lflir Erzgar.: GLASS . ' SHADES I2in /MANDL :64. vizir.% 42 jlig WOW) OVAL , ND Rom sniDys, ot.u.tan.att mom. LOOKING GLASS ortints yath aid:Limon roma taw. BILWar 1/16.13r. HAZARD` , POWDER. T MI NOW PREPLUEII, TO clop torten sotto% all 0 . 1410 . WA*" „ . BMWS egLEMIATEDIOWDER: obtiti art ii . or ii:ms h mn ows. Li. ssi I It 4 7 / 4 1/JLII. BTUS% An. 10. 1 .7 Oftit to /DS Asetthruirras..ct, macro; ruorsiman pramistinuaa. • ARTHUR KIRIL-- Sh!"T. l, .T.Vl,Vmno!noli JETroker 741121111P/14;''' *oat forthe nl.,0:10111.14; Aossalnetaw .Joaanlgas. Label; thaseusos... itia•Opec blestlee, and ontix brita4 ollattlesel* Tosgb, lota.arCots sati 011p11414.4.0. B. Clonal nfik it "4 "" "" "F "l r i ~i it PAW/ 'TEO!. . - ;.., . fast vagalved;ll Imre lad Oaf ai lot oirreal Ted at Iliancti Trak .;:. wllO - 0.4,1Am aamOatlaaa beat aly tad soana aaaroll. alto Wm • trial aaa yam wat Oa - - aca • • titassiaaailnkataavaa. • E' OLDEsT mitzatusenED Tams . : oar. alofierseir le Greaten .11 11%.") asaarsetarsqlPholeatte so* Rms. Dula II TRUNKS, - Valiti6s t 'carpOt ago. Air Alava lellortuient of LADIIIM , MATai. toe- woon mu m% inetebenrk irlitriVE:ratuirsiLTATlVLlLlL, 4..VMPIIi Y. .. • .iil 11 7 ; ritrat`A n TliVoo mina dr 1 ;1= *". lir too anit day of JaA11.1%,180. itee wester op. r i d t :Vjg i arLintimal.f. tom Ufa= r po. /lobar Illaiiifirla " tralVaMt4"Mti'l4 • tor.> oryeass. aomaol•oflas tea. berms Marsh 1011.0 Tb• tofids l'ittaaufab aad Altoona aro au.n m i.. ud n b g r e o m Odboa ad l a a r t ssheo O d o t s b jocr i a n , P*4 . ° 4 t 2nra L"irirlgeitrLagllte..afr onbtlodrtal= ma o. te oanaeol••o• ai oalbrt or piglavatrortalos vol., addrodapo JOWLY. LAE:. 41'60 sirdol. 1=11;Va. tdreff. HEW ADVERTISENEENTB: HOLIDAY GOODS! J. B. McFADDEN & CO. OTTID PECTFULLY AN- . hano . sitr celallAuinL"llat=ilioticlth.7 NODS MUTABLE FORTIN 811180 N, Ana weld re. , ectfaUl ask. of the DWI, sally azusanatlo.. Ow stock or • WATCHES,DILIONDS, `JEWELRY, • Silver and Plated Ware, le very °Umtata. sad baying bun ;massed elaos tae late DECLINE IN (TOLD, are muted at micas sure to 431172 66:111PAC- IluN. J. B. WcFADDSN'4 CO, 95 Market Street. Moat a lac:meter:Ws are tatrolld g the "VIENAERIC OBLATE RAGS" Smelllnt tow alb vely In./same. 01L4. Ail) SZE. TRIM. ITG2ZI SLEIGH ROBES, SLEIGH LININGS, xiw BTU[! AHD SZW JrATTZBICS. IstNitWlea l tec n trist. l i ;VI r *"." Co 13 Male • • IN THIS ItAILHT. • H. liblasdlisadasiss DIUGOSTSand /HILT. toi 11.141.21 Malan; CAHrsTs. OIL CLOTHS. de.. at WU LOPEZ MOILS. • OLIVER • • - .McCLINTOCE. & COMPANY, Firm Inure. ORBIT CLOSING OLT SI LB • • FALL AND WINTER =war cziec)c•ding, J. X, BOICHS'IILD it CO.'S, ea MAILKILT 1111311112. Cenaeariss Monday Dec . 11E1 NOW DI ?US TIYL TO ONT TOI3II Christmas Presents Cheap. sirso Nit JOHN BOTH & awl Wlletsmte Thaler, la - .Pgiormair waiu DOAN:1110 W 13153; lumina, GINS, avas t wEantes, efo., &0., ,‘ Mb? ialltbaart3r caroinlituarninun ear" • bos leave le inform Meld Mina, 400 tbe pulite la "sem tbet tezree *boded tattle abeleale Fete. et tbe ebbe toe, eed ere new reedy to VUZIII O I4 ., Inn. 40 tie. ettlabottea el ail 'lll6rAirat'it:Ar.'"/"."Ua'fr tee eapetur beelines end pattteir Vett+ peed! akin 'eta bottle! els tee ease. 704 atedlest patbeeei, War &mattes le dinteted ;lair tem d OLee 613/.11/1/ 111/U. Lae rapersor blames et • gliaNcis . • Order. lob at Se, SP D1L.1103404' WM also be Prolabtly attuded to. • 'JOYa ROTH & SOX. i • TOR FRAGRANT TEAS CHOICE COFFER, PURE SPICES' 00m • nopuirtloN's Na. 20 Fifth StreJt. 5L...28,400• 111/E0 0001"11441t _ WAIJITMN tensgMlata • Loan- of 1a20.000, Hr a Mrs or 7Mtt lakrest piyable tgLL u. a. Firmotis, ottr acktra.i. EMI • • I PAPIR - HANGThret lOW IitAIIVISSI. iIISZAT VAIMITY. • No;'101' Ittarketlitirset 1011:'R. Avalon t Blao lemon . , FOUR, GRAIN 111111 PRODUCE I _1(Ioniml&d&O 'Nlerchantsi I.llzallr IT., PlTTlBtritalt. Casidglasnau soileuti. I 11*matircer—s. Maltby ankle.. 31.0.6. lI•ILiT.V. O, • O • f • 0 . un••=10 • cht Br TE —UMW otlgs4_ . Amer azvotTuts.—iwi llL.n.spia sat inner Ceeletbel; to V sulk he ll '6 , ob• Call tee Cols'eAMY _ 11$ . be xirt - lueolvert. Code babe nee beer edp. reepelost of. leimmai 'Venom lariat Obi V ielmmitete eau mad Diem by txpress. b. 4. 4 JOl/13TOS, Great le'selarn Ova **Hay See Fru neat. earner Warne. rittabbrib. a dialla au, Gurniaddi and Dealer In Ilarilsrarir: Nntetu~Eoaf, of sA P "' A `r . ,oloalmaratittir. on Mon zia.n... l"" j.ll:ag: pfolimun.nnits MID! •enlog: BBIN,'i, WHITE] Are .t -P. N.lrirsck 1 par IClLililiar PATIIIe n n taaut. .i t gg n t a .IC la oot.'necrVrZ"l:l,llratalapisiat...Zlallralvaly aOi : t ' ApiaTlS LIEBLF , I4 . . DILL= HATS:. CAP 6 AND F P RII,4 Ilac h Zainfecumr Plidesal• • Dolan I.lluNEi, VALitetd.a..; it 210;1111111mIllineld Plitaburalsi PS Orden molar IlleS. WO utlatbstlen i!asx GEORGE HEAVEN, ' • CANDY UANUFACTUIER, A ". d r i t.rgoiaratAnt 6 m mt.ozziAs. SITIO" second icor jn : yo 11 Waal Boa, Illaelksay Olvb I NEW ADVERTISEMENTS FOR TUESDAY, AT yvm. SEMPLE'S MEC= emu DARE .1111L/L1N7121. CEM=f3 1 eavi W/DS 78LEDR MERINO. • b.TV.I. 12=1:=3 2 orris OLLIOO for Orrafrrtr. EC= Gies pi:MD DADA PlliS'rll AT If% Cijirj,. • = 1333=12 ei!i;esboxy7.WlLlTX M.2MdIiTLLNRICL. =I I asa neavy PLAM TLA4P/L Cl=2l I..ea hM77.2.WIONIGAILICII = "Inge. naan stun BLAIMETA Sliikßi damned: A.T111.00 HACH, . . 'NANCY %BIT SHAWLS. lil7 them) AT eyie. PAM CELILDILthiI ALL,WOOL:II.O23. 19=32E2321 =I ♦T 11le. BEil POUND GOOD BATTING!. =I =I = I==== ass cues a 'gamma's, mars, cam. • BRUT 7.110N1T, HAAD.Kvcane re; eLovre, YLII2IILLTII. $76.175, Wholesale and 'Retail. al WM. SEMPLE'S, 180 h, 182 Federal St., Allegheny. 20 PER CENT... SAV A DISCOUNT of 20 PER CENT. rtoatfrom regaLar prices Wowed on the eating OVERCOATS, TBOlt DM:MIDIS 15217 . . ►T RAMALEY'S rashtumble Gelblig Maierlva, are. 336 Llbirrig Street. PIR 'CI SAVID A DtcourT or 11111 . PER CENT .feetri Wtook glowed on the out B.P.ApY-kLiDE CLOTlllrie Witt tire exte!Vottet O1rm00►S!, at Ra MALEY'S Fashionable Clothing Emporium, Jib. 336 Liberty Strut PEE CENT. SAVED A DISCOUNT of 10 PLR CENT. Gael' palms. allowed en Ms entre elect of FURNHIIIrie GOODS, AT TIABIALEY'S Easidosable Emporium Jro. 336 Liberty SirveS, deNl,lll ornerrs WAYltf trawr. JOHN STRVENSON & SON, NO. 93 Market Street, IPx.r.razircrstcaff, we.., = TI MM" December 17th. 1 lift •BSOSTiiST OP Colds of Theft Own importation; Tr zcogxo lartab. irresel. awl Ileum likiedit ruts" IStauvv, Vous, &a. Braes Statuary, Tam, Iles Yu W, iron. AllVeaster and (Intl:Mods. Poo/ Oltullooda. - Wort Baxes, Hiladhreblet Boxes. Dr..l■ll d.w. Wrlttog Duks. Card Scalds. Obrent Mmes. • A 34 gram bum 0r1431316,31iAb1e HOLIDAY GIFTS , • Paxllab Plated flood.; as {Tett agnate. , Beamed= Shan Yana and Blanes. ate. maw, A rout era= or Irmah7.l:4lT•Mito i Dismono 'Ml*CvquT. sna .11 ■ooa* 'ta: H•Tus imported In mr sow, direct Rom ligntr" to en tatextm to WI racy Vaverabie .11)rfetat JOHN El'l:r.vz.rifiON & SON. 1e11:1311 eizAssieit.ints, ;• . .ORACEICETS ADD LialPS, 701 zrra.mieis OIL. pa rs ar w ag l ajri If OT k ma:lA . lf esall Trlesai t!.. ,C6apdallan at....:.0/14 so s• W." $ 46 ineist...pittaras and OeatwuYma saliW A Tax.i."Assorraco! Or j Kitelien. Ball and Parlor Luips, . . . • OPAI ID Pall 111013, innnzancksaanuo, .00.; Anna.. qualities to wit perchuors. AILTELIFit, , as vs* scimi at,. anutust. T911.4.0001' TOBACeOf TOBACCO!. . • FIVE HENDRED - CADDIES, • inn nscacrviD oat oomaceirsisser. CO), 61111% Mal MT (MOM I Bilk ' •Ai leer As 80e. per pewit:L. Tobacconist. Ordain Ind 4,46.7 'rho co l o:,tra wow& do weli to eau an eloWdo ele ROBIIRT. WBDDELL'B 41thyL,wriva hhic ! Cor.lbealthileld &Water Ste. 1 41 1 2 - • BRILL- KEEP ON HAND YG syske to ardar all ktndg aDrilff vad Vta&Wl":2othriri,„_ 1r ' l7 WE I I HiP3a At DMZ 111X11 WAOt N. rut 1111=•-•";1111'. CIEUMPEST PLACE: ON - TEM CITY TO ITT TIDY : T RIUMPH COOKIMCP,STOVE, Is Ns ab.14041818T STALES SIEOOO " UNauip 4I3DiIOPTEIAOL 0.• 2Mt: No. MlReiltaleld Strad. = N - EW ADRTHIRMENTS. NOTIC7~. REINEMAN, MEYRAN & SIEDLE, Jewelers, 42 FIFTH STREET, BEG LEAVE TO ANNOUNCE that ovtxue tO the entran at., ro a m _en ?rider moraine. of elt h heltWest r eVeAttittlerif 1). camber IVO, as preeteucy senonsoeo, • but o0041 .1 11:17 h geto Meade and the 11 sad :relent gook or gut!' "" OLD ID SILIT 600D3. WARES, DIAMONDS, OLOOKS PLATED WARE, &0., - gap edsny far the now store cull 2 .....peneei out al our Dreatut looatiou. No. 29 Fifth Street, IJXT TO 1LL142 BLOOL. i. Mull la order to Lire Ott , pain= Watt* toel - onz IMMENSE HEW STOC/C, We have Immediately eulamed out meant r, Where We Weald Invite Dm pub!i mica t .re d exelee oat AND YAWNS before poteaulag camerae'''. the gee , Ito., end got gimlets toot for our large Italy, lee Will sell everrllleg Greatly Reduced Prices DIARIES, Icor 11168, I• ,'I INITIAL PAPER AND ENTELOPE3 =Et= FANCY STATIONERY. BLANK BOOKS, of erely desatptloa; ea bead Sal =Me to order. • • PAPER,GTOrjr Ike aid quality. DRAT /MIA PA= zoo's, ILECIIIR z00m.% TIMM BOOK?, CHZOK 111010, en ell tie Beak. = •MIERS, MOYER a CO.. Poet Building, 39 Fifth Street MICRO, GLYDB & CO., = I= HOLIDAY GOODS, JUIT sucaztviv. II Colllsll2B A URGE Vann- OP . . Sassy Glove rote*: . eiaar litsal.., Wrath; Susan Jewel Our. Carom Sauey t ortsoseleS. SC. New Style Durex Skin. le emu: ~ , Size Lot of Album., worth fru& SLIM wary - 11. hi, Nees's., Ler. ha, e! atessfa tor S r eepoSASlOSnok 1 as SUS • pats .. . . . 1 Splendid Steak, et Late , Gude, lIB3M Pot. Lau Huildt.raltatt Tolat Apitlgn• klazeikerebieft; PCs, L.... c011ar.. manta. Lacs veuani L.lllls , Rao Calms. lfi Afau ticLu Tan Unix Elsa dkafalslt. Mkt& .11eaVd • Tackfil •36 cellist • roll vett. Rlbladiese, 121{. cents; • lie•Ty tulles Sibbod Alegi. a smuts: /W.WI So., 21.auts: Laollae Mertz* V.v. •llabtlywnws.73.; Paper Oollarb. Na /as beZ.lO ant. Nada • Itgowsiber, taw goods an to to lad MILGRIM, GLIDE it CO.'IL. & BO Market St. 1867. -- GERIBTX&S GIFTS. - 1867 MACRO' & CARLISLE, E=L= GREAT HOLIDAY,: BALE. OF MAGNIFICENT PRESENTS. Jrwel 1.,34 Work Boxes: lic.Vl sad lilevA Hosea; Parfaisery Ma.d.; Imil•DnalOsig Ours; Mao Yina. ud BelnOlusat • lug, Jet and Iraloy Jewell! Motown Wallwa sad Hu.; ' ' NAM and imitation La..; tient a 32.1 brotaered Itaatik•lf /h. loart•I lls•Cloth ant Slaw. • quoins stock or Underahirta and Drawer% ♦T VI.ZT LOW !AWLS. 311.411161F1L 3b7.1:131.1Pai =t o ?, Slung to this cold ruip. • somplmte TEUIVING3, cosarrs. mJm% ZLPHIB AND EMT GOODS. 01013 111111i1I I I nun Ittclivms _& CAELISk.II, 311.11V1a es;taNriset. 14. KIRKPATRICK, w.sza..s.cmschaLs. BOOK-KBEFFS AND ACCOMITIIT. Of T SITT•71•1 TRIM. PIUCTIOLL /114 rifillaClS, WILL .I.I7iND OPENING AND cuieNs Soul ibbbilitilitiry B•oks Cleo OM bbil if Opeao4 by Double 101 ,1 / 7 . Dersuwed *oohs seoftrasely outlasted. III!es ilt, bablis bait& • tbenntil banaess WI. on talri floor, Apollo 811 1 / 1 114, 'XL fge SOUltlitt BTUNIT. • • doll as riounie& ar&a. & CpK ANCHOR COTTON MILL% rrnsuoivm. liundhetozom of Rau*, 34.050 n •ad Ugh &It?HON AIM NAIMOLI& saurzesi Aim aiming F., W. 40. F.E.L.113, GLUE, CURLED HAM Tanners' Scraps, Ceroons, CATTLE TAILS. Bone% Neat'e Foot OIL &C. Once sad Wand...use-10. 7At eIIITEIMILD VTXXAT. Canny mons* Uta ran WILL) . PUTSIIIVIIIIIH. PA. HARRIS & EWING, Wholesale Druggists, C.Or. of Llbsvly If Warns ilia, PITTSBURGH, PA. our luta Comity, Trade liallattalL eadzi BAUM & inommit, • •• d r 01[114 prmtmtoic BIIIIS10190tos,.• =rtrar:M ji=".rii • WD j. NEW AD c;rl2cmr/%2T Mancirms AND MANDFACTUNIZA NATIONA4 NANA. Plttalotrel. Doeoub•rr 14111.11 C, IarTMX AL3111141. IBLIICTION ph°. It Na oirli ea t , Ilya win w e TIMM/LT. ilwury .1111tb. Boma. Ll:4lmm et 11.. 1l.•2;d21, • deitall 30201 SCOTT. Jr..Outil•r. SEMI-ANNUAL CLOSING OUT SALE 7 OF !Fall and Winter DAY CII.OODS, lIMil BARkER'S, 59 MARKET STRUT, COXaEaCriell THURSDAY, DECEMBER, ID, SP~CIw :d AC lONS ! LADIES' IBS • T.. BTCORD & 00'S, 131 Wood Street. p,stAillEs 1 SKATES I WILATES I I hire weielved the largest. Qs tbeapeat. sail Oa best Amu t at - • isr. IP 333 8, ,. , mr. 0r...1 is ult. elty• •ausn tuirurn. VD:VIM ntrigth t ritli WILL'Ate et LAMES!. SKATES • lame *l'll= the leen Ske.tenstde Manteca. I "me comfortable room eana•mad lOU .7 meld re, wrens ee LeMell elm It ea their "eau betore 70D D.Ltl ' DT I/Ail= now=. L 76 laced street. MICH4.NICB I SAVINGS BARK, N 0.14 Smithfield Street, prersausen, Pa. urnmar rain os =rostra.- Lays ow MOIL ON DOLLAR 011PARD. Depoiltsnalved'flint to chalk, Iriant tp• tend. • ' zwimas i!La9imoiric. Prim/Ideas. aso TIBZILIA,II4WriaII Tress.", JAXIS i/0P1t1311116 E==3 FEEi2ff, OESMIMM Eirr.4IIIMBED Isllll. NOVI= l'lrriD VP WITB Hot and Gild Water, &Col XY Muisle“ W pll42lsal wattamos. JOHN_TA.TE, Nib ,wisher .I'mi Ga. Flier, 127 Lamy am 4 nObursti i and id Federal Met, Allegany. s. 1111111 rt /11•61611DLIIM. GRUM Mal= 161110. SWIAIINIEN Epp. u 411101111211 Ilimerst Asa* aF Wats= huurrhsati et Coldbuital Life Insurance Oh, F7: 5 1M77M1TK;77 PM.. • rt,"4, M'MASTEIt i OAIIAM & 11 111111IFIELD I itteneyla einnltrtwit•Lair, ANI.JOLICITOU IN ItOlllllllOY, !mumps sr. gag.. le 1112.11112 seravvr, I= mxri ESTANLISIIII.D. IN 16142. J. I'. WRAY & BROS., suocaseoza To x. ocunrctivr, STIIII CRIC: t Bthill, 99 amid it Jrririii street, . PPMPAPIIISCH. to:i 4 I:4 • • •LLlbil.l . ■Ai/ONAL aktllC Detinaler 10 • I . C. larTat. AMA*r'ELS:CTION riles 7Zr. VI/M . lr -11V.11!:11".4.*. TIJIBEILY. Jimax47 Iftß Ny Itt.wi **Sirs of a. x... 4 T. 0114:161 S. W. Is v. Cuhi,r. TIM/ lArioAttAta.. }. , ar m. 1111111PAL DI AaCTION ULILI for Dlrsetlni, Is save Sothis plyliss!,:mlU s! tfte Nasktsg Nom% """". JOG:: K. del4:tb LIVINGSTON, Cable. • I, l 4lTM,."'ilr • Amaral. ELECTION fai t 11;r121&ILC , 08t. io Sena tor the I .f Vtat . trlll t , e held attlto Ittalttnit 11011114 TIIZSD&Y, JA3UA*y 11. /tddl, 111 , 11=1. !wan of P. at. O. OYITH. CaahlaP Imuyancll , HSYtoNSL JAW.. I rlttaaural,Doo. la , W. tarripm, D ANNUAL' my...ono' Ur.... of tat. Haat will be told 14014 o:f..ll"Cern i , ye . y . Li=l,, r a zt.ta • . TBANISALINV RATIONAL NAM NOttabann t Ike. f t IW, farTINE ANNEAL 'ELECTION JOT Germ DlreetoN, to *woe for tbi oust. ye. .1.11 b e We at the llanklag Bonn nTR CADA!, Jammu? VA. INN. WM.. a the one •t II A. NE. mot Ir. N. R. VAN X•INLR. Woe rre.iAtat . • ftor Ls , or Nwri•NAL 1A rltteberel. Dee. 7 Tali I AN EILACCI'ION tie imau lrepors oral. Beek, will be bett a aS MO. bet wee% a: rag: "1' ." 41 ' "."47 •. sad 1 r: 1. M. *IRMO tt, Sadao.; ' CT/Mar BaTfo.aL lasts Pirriali..ll, 111Untril4 Dozikaber t, UP. tgirTWE ANN" ILL ELECTION nKaatu7 :N....1g rat 1. ,, r get:kw. .11611. bon.. ..EOlllll &DT, Jr.:Culla. ?unrest Hamra: Bur or comma% Deane. ma. "II7UR ANIMAL ELECTION , for .14. as Dlsseloa Itill1711(ot tae a. 0r2 K 1171 3 wltl 0 :31# Tr, 'lralfr.V . Z. hosts of 11.5. 3. sad 1 r ta. JOS. B. _ 1161 CITY RATIOVAL BANS 0? ft/TIMMS'. ieMiNST,I. on. THE ANNEAL ELECTION 701 TAILICPEEN DIRECTORS to tun 21 1 Z01:2:::7 . 1 SS.. Will be Mad AS Me TUMIDLY. Jammu 14th. LUL • Behan u. tow. •• 1' 121[. 83111 Ir. U. u• I , A 14111.1.111, ZIJECTION • of Directors ter the 'llllllll 11111114 11111 01 1 1 / 1 111161, will fake place at the Dukllr Dense. between the belie _et eltiree A. M. sad twos w., 111 _.. 12 r! the 14 1 e rlitTria. " 1: =ler, ntislisrgh, Pa. . Dee. rth. /Ono IIarTMON PACIFIC U. B. CO. NOTICE. TBE 0011PDXII OP THE FIRST INORTOMIE BONDS TiA Dien Patine Railroad Company, DUX JIMMY:Ir LT. La 11 As WAN Gland altar MIL Alt . , II GOLD cot*, XXXX OP GIVAILNMENT TAX, At lb. goupsfira Oaks. No. 20 Bus...itat, N 4,011. aw Tor I t. JOHN J. onsco. Tresgarcr A.170T/ON SALM& at 1111112111011 PAL C di CO. THE DEIiIIIABLE PROPRI/214 • 66 WOOD 13ThIM, A:II7CPTICIIOM P.M OLTIIMOLT, December told, VIZ? P.M. Oa Ittilmlso., will be de. Ina.. Am of Broiled. X. Id Wool street, bat ten • Dont of WM bet, and Ctleadlitir back ma en mldelt erected Ute matmnt.a!ly 0.111 terte-atere Brick inane. Boon, at rem.; 0011111114/ by. deem P. Meat and abbe Dealer. Xed • Who'ems 2 a tute -- ( . ..tatrd nuh and the batman.. I P.O. bed two Team named)p bead end maniac. "et • beeteeee els laea , RY MIMI, psned.'.4 us butane ma gen erally. able abate wave Tory itttnotiVe. es the onnortantly fir Ismestmen. la Wood ' street probatay we otter, rat. mamma. baIITESUM. ialrsa /OE 000 M), 1617 Panda7lltb stmt. ETA. LeILWALIER, CTION BALE OW 11,000.111,12., W toot toO Umtw lo oa WU MOatat Pit Inn rottsiorto ttotlAthot. tOtstr. of Irwin Moot sal Mrs.* WIT, for 5c...., oboes It trigf,a. e CCO Bklitto43 Pilo tio•Dr. It, tad on too Allerthou T. 2.1 241,116 111.4 t ahargubarge MOS ItaILWAIIOIf., Avet.r. VALUABLE. DAME' STOUR'S, ISU.-111211DA7 ItYLIFLNEI. Jteetast:or 17th. at sbtertelect, will le eole. on the second lone or Ceneerelalpalesltocces, Xo.loll6initbo laid street: 15 aharaCTOltd National Haan. la name Pooplesi National Bank: NO mama Triumph till Oa ILkan. Plitabaran Ural. Co. 10 alas. flan Moat* Anoelation Ml 0.10.• llaseloatair Ilarings RNA. ',abates maellti t • IlantlATelograidt CO. 13 abates Coaxal rank alkatior doll A. MeLLWA.III.N. Auctioneer. == • FIIRMITIIIIE AND PIANO AT .11.17011011.—f10 enure house/mid fund. two tt rte visMeset Suillastutz no t i ll: ; bekenaataVs Ant Was 7 oetWill Pine Torte, la 0.".. ! ... " U " . 11,21111A.51t. Antileamar, dell US federal nmit, •11717 my. VA :4 ;# 4;4: 11 16) Fri) r l / 4! li ff. 1867. 1111NT= STOCK. 1867 . C RPM TS, lIATTINGII, OIL CLOUT, WINDOW ISHADER DRUGONTS, MEDALLION DRUGGETS, MATS AND RIAIS, TABLE AND PIANO COVENS, .ALL-WOOL INGRAIN. . *good elsortmett, Tptl LOW MICR& BOVARD, ROSE & CO.. 21 211th Street, del COPIA BATTS CAIIPETS AT COST. Fora Short Time PREPARATORY TO T/BIRO STOCK I To, tarp Indust el OIL CLOTHS, Window Slhades, aßco3c.z...dmscrzzaal, Cheap. All-Wool Ingrains. McCALLUIrI BROS., 1111 W Sues% above Weed. 11030 NEW WALL STEC,' up CARPETS: IicPABLAND COLLINS OMB TO CUSH nirsiss , BARGAINS . AT RETAIL. lion. 71 And 78 viral street, alter so tritrrim wrArss crmtrom Howl; saves ?WM Yealtretrin a/MT. THIN IN TO GIVE NOTICE that on Vita= tb l D n M m adnays fy was triadl MAM tb a 11121111W17C or STZPICIEW Z. EMMA Of Allistitny City, tbe emote Of 1 resben,. Mad Ulm of Pensurylmmil has ism the Sadiron • bankto pi on Ida on mtltion; th at Um Payment of my debt. and dears A of my rro. histolongnag mcb baakmpt, alm s or Gm his oss sod the truster of Cuy PmPOMY by ass dforaidden by last- Mt • monitor of the creditors of the saidlmams. to pro.e that, debts., aa4 to Moose., or moresints of Ma emm, 'Mt be bald as • Panel of aMs.roptcy. to be Midas at No. IA Federal amt. Allogimny RM. 11.. fenla as et ocock a. a. 'SWAIM /L. AP .WLI . sends. • If. ft. MarttaL wE E 6 N . DILSTIIIIUT or. PENNISYLVANTA. At Pittgotrgb. the the day et Dateakee D lxg. 'rho 0000rsigueo bentrr gi A IL.; FpollsitottiA . Ak Assignee Jtmara I. Abe Cmoty of Alto. .:41;Itt e. Wlint.r.f.,l ° 2l:4l,t Vak..`"n d „id nhum f pgiCoj, jly Olststot atielo • nun ti F /1111'014 • .6.OIIANICAL AND EAGENZIIIIIII DRAFT BACAL.N.; omaq PUPA II U 4.. No. 71 TalaD :CL lir liolluaiNo. PA.