The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, December 17, 1867, Image 1

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Ttirsialutro'rvzzr monwara
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ciAzarrx EFtrNa.
10..05. 54 wadi 16 um
6 11 , 1148 *TIM
ed* lepairpaa hper. IrOtn Peauyina.
i . 1".0161. PAIitIaBOIffITETIICIH
Itiltin4l4lr mg BENT IAMTZITh I4I
PAPS It Os flu Iltate,
E;VgrA t wn,;;;;; - ;«17.7 g
amaLl r..r
p BUBO% TWlN'''.
C[TE pittshl j Gairt
,IMl'Mantitaeturerai National Clonnnn
nontlin, which wilt commence Ita ,el.
termarrow, at Cinnabar!, promiiel
to ,bea largo nod importantconvocatlon.
Probably the r representation. from thin
city lelll be less than teem any other,
town of cossldeesble manafactuilag
PPOPelsv. .
Tit 'Elcianton Rfpuilieen and the
Di s pc4h am tlfscemdeg the
point vilifier Gen- Geery's preattnent
ffientippiqoa with the .Temeaucto
iv:moment - Intl make or mar hli 'pros
pea forrOnondnation to the Governor
amp. Better twit a year yet, good
Mender before 'bringleg the Governer
abloontler dint:mon at MI, -
- :m....11ire./ionanta Boone and bar fourchil.
arei; the eldest aged thirteen, wont fottott
room, si,xa Z 3 Amity etrmt,
Now_York, an Strodey, zufferiug 'from
the emote of laudanum, which had been
admintetrred by • Ntra: Room, herself on
tterottnt of hoedietiotattelrt phvorty. They
were lekon to - the Bellvno Hospital,
end' the phyelchtms deioraired of height/
their lives. . ,
—tier. Humphreys of Mississippi, has
received such information relative to the
?rejected outbreak among the steppes In
lanuary ( that be has deemed It. nocests
ry to issue a proclarentlou warning al/
combinations for ' suck a purpose that
their Intentions ore known, and they tan.
not atutoeed; audit the black race believes,
the.lande will be distributed among thent
they are greatly deceived.
' -severe distressamong the Whites and
negreee of Hie South, especially the latter,
Is anticipated during the winter. The
freedmen are being discharged In farce
numbers by their employer; en aCCCillut
of a `scarcitv• of food and moans, anti
starvation, to many lustlincets isactually
at Ile deer, of both . whites- and' Mucks:
—Walkor Dlrritinda, et' yotnig..mer
chant,r while riding en Pigeon 'ltoost
road, near Itier....plals ; Zaierda..Y evil
lug, au met by two negroes.• with nine
kelp; one leveled a musket and without a
nerd fired, shooting Edmunds in the
forehead, inflicting a fatal wound. No
arrests. It l supposed they mistook
trim ter another, as no attempt was mete
to rob him. • • -
~ .;•—ltUrtzmart. Son'a piano. factory, on
Stoats street, Buffalo. was destroyed by
fire Tosierday morning, with a large
number of pianos and material. Lois hi
1 etwik insured • for $lO,OOO. "Tine
building was. owned by P. !Alias, and
was at et2,o , Xi; insured for 5.1,000.
Forty-Deo workmen wed thrown ouVor
—Theta Is Mlle doubt.but that the Sen
ate will restore Mr. Stanton to the pesltlon
or Secretary of War, but It Is understood
that Mr.' Stanton asks only a vindies
thou of the law, awl does not deatro to re.
mums the °thee.
—Se,crotary Boward - will Bain furnish
additional 'Alabama claim correspon
dent*, and take no further steps in the
matter until ho has an expression from
Congress on the eultect.
--Thitriende ef theadininlatration are
urging the removal of General Pope and
substituting Meade, owing to the Mr-
Elora rimvat of Judicial <acmes.
—An unknown man was found intr.
deied on Sunday, near Ifingin's plants
• tion, tireltn miles below Memphis. Ho
isaupposed to have bon s flat boat Man.
—A- L. Donnell.. wrepplisg
lbetWeen South Orange aid 31.11bru7, Del
aware, was destroyed by fire on Friday
night of lest week. Lour, ¢30,000._ • •
Rey. Dr. Chester Dewey; prefiiiaor
of chemistry in the Unireieltyof Roches
ter; N. Y., on Sunder night, rt
Rodiester, aged eighty-four years. -
..-40no ton of Quartz,; from
• million gold Ilelcisijust 'smelted; 71.141
eight pounds buli orr. - - 'rho . miners are
greatly encouraged.
—A. fire at St. Patel, yesterday:
morning., burned. fire email wiioderf
dwellings on Roseville atreist—loss $5,000.
—.ll is expected that Ulu Senate writ
peas the bill to repeal the tax on raw eft::
tots with but fire or six dissenting votes . .
—The - reported reaignetlen of Mr.
'Meeker, Comsninaioner of Patents, has
not yet - reached the President. - •
—The Hudson river Is comploWy
blocked '
- =Teo excitement in Chicago over the
spirit of the. 'jail which has been
mentioned by usbefore. most be of as
• unusual intensity. The . Tribune gives
nearly a column of local to it - and amens
.that hundreds of applicaute for permie
, sloe to upend the night there are nightly
1 turned away. some men have even gone
so far as to commit petty crimes in order
to be allowed to participate In% the gen
eral horror. We give a few selections
from the Tribune's aecounted how Thurs.
day night passed: . it; •
tuaide were collected act UM than fifty
'peptone among whom seem several
public of leers, four or five members of
the Board offiupervisors, and a number
of prominent citizens. Besides these
there were three trancespeekingstomm.
These, were all collected inside at nine
o'clock, and waited patiently for. the re
currenee of the mysterituts sounds.
sit nrecieely a quarter to ten o'clock
was heard a wall so plural and lull of
agony, that every. one hearing it started
t to their test, while the prisoners in the
different (*deceased their laughter and
nouversetion, and listened. The sound
S seemed to urine from the western Lead,
_proceed as far or the middle corridor,
• where. It reached. Its greatest height.
'LS Then It dire' gradually away.
" In the middle corridor a number of
gentlemen etood and waded while they
hoard the mysterious rounde again and
nestle repeated. Theo, shut within the
oilier clung Endo iron bars, and placing
their ears pgainst them, listened in el.
- fence. The sound was hoard at irregu
lar intervals until after trdiedght. when
the crowd dispersed. "
-e There ie little to he written regarding
the sound which is nightly heard within
1 the counte jail. That the sound's heard
as stated, hundreds of our citizens who
have listened to It an attest; but what
its origin is. whether the result of ach
e- dent or design on the part of • atoms ex
ceedtrigly^ clever practical joker, , 'the
most or those who have heard It will,
I. like ourselyea, be puzzled to decide.
There is no ono who dearns4t passible to
proved from the throat of a contrite
: quiet; neither Is it caused by the winds,
nor by the stenrn in the Imatlng pipes:
Believers In the infallibility of trainee
! speakers will endeavor to hold their
soul* In patience until Moaday, when
• they are promlied an explanation. But
ellartil•agree that, ghost, spirit, bird or
t devil, It Is new very mysterious.
: Besides there, the sworn statmelite of
t, two men, watchmen employed in the
lire alarm eielegraph department, are
, given, in which both assert that they
have been troubled hy moans and groans,
and by a man who "(mks In • at- hem in
their terrorand make In the jell yard
and who alwete dirappears when they'
go for him, ever since the third of lest
sly.. Thee have. kept, Faience heinto
* fore for fear of being' ridiculed, and per
; haps losing their pieces • The spiritual
] hats ores etimptured sad proclaim that
this Ls onlythe beginning of a mender,-
tntkin which' will. shake Chicago from
end to end, sod one trance medium de.
clams that more light will be thrown
on the subject 011 Monday erasing. .
chnsago s noted for sensations of the
biggest kind,
,but this one out Memos .
• Thenatest information dates that the
ghost excitement hoe subsided, it hay
• lug been illecrivered that the dismal
noises were produced by a waggish
prlso'ner, through the instrumentality of
a broken steam-pipe. .t"
Among tho patents homed to rennsyl
vaniarie during the past week were the
Daniel Towns,. of Pittsburgh, for Im
proved aerial carriage and way. • .
llerbert W. C. Tweddle, of kittaburgb,
for improvements apparatus for dis.
• tilling oils. • ;
Ilerbert W.C. Twaddle of Pittsburgh,
for improvement in distilling hydro
carbon. oils. -
; Samuel Gissenger, of Allegheny City,
for iniproved brink machine.
John Henry Smith, of Allegheny City,
for improvement in - raising oils and
burning fluids by pneurnaUe pressure.
John Koury Smith, of Allegheny City,
for improvements In ships fbr transport
in. petroleum.
John V. Hawkey, of Greensburg, as
signor to self and Isr ael
~ T. Shegier, at
sates place, :for improvement in horse
Joiner D. 11111, of Allegheny Clty, for
improved apparatus for draining sugar.
James B. DM, of Allegheny City, for
improved centilfumdmaeltine for drain
:, Jag suss:. ;
tar TarManti re the htta►art►Usutte.l
Waeminirroir, Dec. 10, 1867.-
Mr. SPRAGUE his scat.
On motion of Mr. HOWARD therms-
Went was requested "is transmit the an
'count of the United States bonds tuned
to the Union , Pacific Railroad and Its
branches, the .amount of interest I eld,•
Mr. DAypi inked M resehitlon to
establish a tribunal, .to whom Constitu
tional queatiens arising between the
United States and State goveramouts
may be referred. Tabled.
Mr. WILSON introduced a resolution
to fix the ceeepensatios ofdiplometlo and
consular officere and define their dative;
bill reorganizing. the several mis
sions; a hill to raorgunize and reduce ezl
pewees of.tho - Deparimint of.fitate, end
bill le "oobllntas oertein °Mosta and
agents of the Freedmen'. Hun:mu—which
were laid en the table.
YATES introduced a bill to amend
the acts providing for the calling out and
enrolling of the national iercos.
XATION.fiIatiItE.CAPII4.I. 4 &C. '
Mr. VAN' WINKLE introduced a bill
to provide tor the apportionment et na
tional bank capital among the different
Matra and Territories, and the Dratriotof
Vt. EDMUNDS Introduced a bill to
provld e for a utatla of taxatiait of anon•
Mr. WILSON from the Committee on
Freedmen's MUSA-a, reported a hill con-
Coning in office certain officers of the
Freedmen's Bureatr, pad gave notice be
should call it up to-morrow.
Mr. TItUMIGJLI. mffersd a resolution
inquiring of the Attorney General what.
special counsel had been engaged from
Juno 30th, 1650, to June 30th, lira, and
whether certain officials in his office and
Court of Claims cannot be dispensed
with. Amended to include the year 1865
and adopted. , - • ', • ,
The bill to repeal the cotton tax was
taken op and opposed by Mr. MORRILL,
of Vermont, who moved, as an amend
ment, to exempt foreign cotton after
April, 1168.
Mr, FESSENDEN also opposed. the
A motion was offend to amend the
amendment by making the tax one cent
per pound.
adcoctited the bill and opposed the
Bills wens introduced by Air. LAW
RENCE, of Olde, to providelfoi the ap
pointment of a Marshal of the District
of Columbia,
Ey Ur. WILLIAMS, of Indiana. To
pay the balance of bounty to non-com:.
minalonod omeera honorably muttered
By Mr. SEEM; Ts repast° and limit
the admiralty jurisdiction - of the United
States Courts.
By Mr. JULIAN: To fix a tame for
the election of representatives' and del*.
Wes to Contuses.
By gr. BRIGGkr: Joint Resolution of
thif Maigan ..Testislature relative. to
eustomt and elciac
By Dfx..IISLD,WIII4 C -To abolish the
lannied - anaaitalampaystael. -"". -----
By lir. HOOPER, gaga: To prevent
the depreciation of corrency by prohibi
ting the circulation as money of anything
not authorlied by low.
.... .
13. Mr. HDRS►ILD, of W. Vs.: To
Wititate the resumption or - specie pay
ments. Th. bill provides than alter the
let of A1y;180, twenty Der Mint of-'all
.d tistPotted goods roar% pall
titiltod States vitae altar theist. of July,
1..500, forty per cent.; atter the Ist of July,
1670, sixty per cent.; after theist ofJuly,
1671, eighty per cent.; alter theist of J
1872, the wtosie.
By. Mr. BROOKS: Ia relation to logal
tander,notes, The bill provides that Qs
Cominithie of Um 'BousM and
the -- Orkiralite• sel` Nays - and llama of
the House shall inquire Into toe expedi
ency, Ant, of making Legal Tender note*
receivable in part payment of Custom
duties, say live per coat., after the lst of
February 1868, with Like proportionafter
the lot of March, 11368; second, repealing
the Legal Tender on all contracts made
after the Ist of march, 1868, or, if not ro
pealing it, enabling contracts to be Made
payable in gold andidlver.
Sy Mr. DODGE:. To amend the act ; of
Augutt 3d, IVA; for the bettor organiza
tion of the military establishment:
All veil) appreprigtelf referred. ;
Mr.BEICIAMIN offered 'a resolutioa.
reciting that.the Pioldent in his UM,
annual message had seem fit in utter
disregard of the popular will, es express
ed in the election of member. at -the
Fortieth Congress, to recommend the
repeal of the reconstruction laws, the ef
fect of which-would be to remit the gov
ernment of the late rebellious States to
rebel hands, and abandon the entire
loyal element there to the will of traitors;
and that It is eminently proper that the
House should. • reaped in emphatic
terms to so extraordmary a proposition,
and resolving that the House will never
consent to take a retropde step from he
advanced position In promoting the
cause of equal rights,„ nor, to •dismate
from -itsfixed • purpose of prideeting
all men m equal before • the law;
that there Is no reason to- doubt that the
restoration- of the rebellions States is
being successfully accomplished oss. a
firm and enduring basis, and that. no
good reason estate why the reconstrue
lion act, should be repealed. ° •
Mr. KERR pored tolay the resolution
and.preamble on' the table. llegatived:
Yeas, thirty-tame-nays, one Imndred and.
twelve. The resolution and preamble
were then adopted. 'Yeas, one isundred
and eleven;: thirty-two—etrictly
By Mr. vote .
lows to amend
the act of May 12th, 181 1 / 4 . spatial/Awls
to Loire for railroad purls:sea -• ..
By Mr. WASEIBUONE, of Wish:Milo:
to establiah and declare. the railroad
bridge of the Now Orleans, Mobile- and
Chattanooga Railroad Company a Post
By Mr. NOLBROME, Idaho: extend
rig Lk, pre-emptton and homeotend Lows
o Idaho.
By Mr. SCHENCK; to - define. the
meaning of certain acts rebate: to the
Mr. PILE offered a reap lotion directing
the Secretary °Lilts Treasury to report
whether, since the not Ot July last; any
national banks hare changed their mien
ri ties held in the Treasury: to • wore
their circulation, din
Mr. BLAIN °blasted to the conaider- -
&Lien to-day and the stuirienaton or the
umor rActno naimoAD
Mr. DAWES introduced a bill to change
the tine of holding thsannual meeting
of the stockholders of the Union Pacific
Railroad Company fran the tint-Wed
nesday of October to the first Wednes
day alter the ith of Mara; add tiliOnable
them to fix the place of meet's:mat Wash
ington; Beaton, Philadelphia, Baltimore,
Onlesge, Cinch:mail, St, Laub, Or . Now
York. Passed.
Mr. W4SEUJURS„ of Illinois, tried to
get in an amendment restricting the
rates to be ceased Ibr passengers and
. .
M. CUTLER moved to Reagent:l . th°
rules to enable him to otter & resolution
declaring that In tio,indiement•of the
House all Indebtednessof the salon
ought to be paid in exact accordance
with the act of Congress creating,l4 Mit
not otherwise, that Ls to My, all loans
onactml to be paid to geld to bei so paid,
and an loans not so enacted to be paYa
tdo, ought to be paid in lawful money of
tho United States.
Tho rulos were not suspended—pees
nap -five, nays eighty-three, son the res
olution erne not received.
• Mr.RLAINE' offered a - resoluilan
etructingthe Committee on naval affairs
an report , whether a reduction may be
effected In tha number of talkers and
men employed In the navy, by reducing
ibe, foreign 'quadrat' to the number - ot
'Wpm and ann., which were in France
before the :Adaptid.-
. 1.12p1X0311 ToIiOLD/Ens,', MAYNARD introduced Mlle for
the batten. eitabliihmeht; of .eortiln
claims for. pervious to. aoldlets In the
are; of 1912 and to' provido for °Moore
, •• •
, . .
• •
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end aioldlere not mustered into service.
Appropriately referred.'
Mr. WOOD asked leave to offer a reso
lution declaring_ the Howie reserves to
iteelteright thiJudge bribe nocmaity
and ilety of making disbursements
of publ c money without 'reference to
any action of the President and Senate
In the-soquitiltion of territory, under
that cdattee'of the Constitution • which
vests in them the power to make tres
tles with foreign nation.
Mr. BANS objected, d the resoin.
Ron woe not-received.
Or ALBERT R1:11F... .
s The SPEAKER presentca a- message
from the President transmitting copies
of papers relating to the trial of Albert
Rook,, of indiatiacin Newt Orleans, and
atinitirthal nO! union in , the case bad
yet boon taken by the Prisldent. The
mectsdle Ira. referred to the Judiciary
, ,
• The endorsement en the papers by the
Searetarypf War ad interim to that "the
crime - was a most, - fetal - hi end brutal
one: that this was the that trial for mur
der by a military commission under the
reeenstructlen acts, - and the sentence
shaUld be' carried into effect."
A mea Age wee also received from the
Secretary . of War ad interim; relative to
the claimer the State of lotra for mili
tary supplies. Itoferred to Committee
on Apprepriatiess.
mean° front the same, withdra . *-
int his communication of tie 2ist of
vember, which recommended an In
crease of twenty Per cont. to ,the pay , of
employees ,'ln the War Department,
which was referred to the Committee on
artricrumurr APPROPELI2II•If RILL.
The House went into Committee of the
Whole, Mr. BROOMALL in the Chair,
and considered the Deficiency Appropri
ation bill, which appropriates $118,59:., ,
;and after debate reported it back to the
House, which attached to it, by p vote of
seventy-three to se runty, an amendment
giving twenty per cent. additional to all.
• alvii,employets in..Washmgten whose
compensation was under two thousand
dollars. The bill was then tabled—sev
enty-three to sixty-seven. •
The Deficiency Bill wax again intro
duced and passed without the prevision
-for additional compensation. •
The House reflused to stipend the rules;
en - Motion of Mr. SCHENCK, In 'order
to discharge the Committee on Bankang
and Currency from the centsidoration of
Mr. Lynch'. bill to prevent undue ex
psnston and centractior, of the currency.
Yr. Schenck's object weal° send it to tW
Waya and Means Committee.
• Mr. RUBBARB, of *est 'Virginia.
asked leave to offer a resoltition that the
Committee on Rotrenchnleat ootoddor
the. expodionev of roducitia the pay of
members of tongreas to four thousand
dollars and ton cents mintage, but it was
objected to. • -
/Wares from IM7Bl—Tbo Murder of
riMo. limatos—Tho Pron./me Tumul
tuous—Am sigh ML. DomMego—
tonsterfels Mosey.
MOT*ltcrahlt to the Pittsburgh Gazette.,
New Yens,. December; 16.—Havana
'penile dais that the murder of General
Monter. at Cape Ilaytien_ Is confirmed.
The populace became very tumultuous
and were denottecieg the murder in un
measured terms. War had been declared
against Hayti by St Domingo on account
of thysid and - countenatmo tWi thigov
ernmeM lenbitimpartiowasof Bose, who
recently invaded Dominican territory at
Mono Cbriato... General babes forces
Were dreaddron the march and it was
stated• the., Haydeu fancies had left,.the
capital tdaneet the Dominants.
Anettier special dispatch say= . Uni
versal diecontont, reigned- at Cape May
day andAport emu:mays revolution had
Millimu, of connterfelt Hayden
paper dollars were reported in circula
tion thron • •ut tho republic.: Soma re
• bThgv
hid - a hand In their etulasion..•
Nsw Yens Dec IC 1867
• A lire oecrurred early this morniag
a beaemeut houe.,• 568 Second Anon..
Though the building 1016 little damaged,
ear= petwna were suffocated to death
aid eiz badly injured by suffocation
and jumping from the wind•we. • The
names of the killed were: Mrs.
Margaret Rinearsi.. and her daugh.
tern, Bridget, Ellen and Mary,
aged nineteen seventeen and fif
teen, Ellen Murphy, 84:realest:, Mary
Murphy fifteen, asa TtIOMILI Murphy
thirteen. - The injured were: Patrick
Murphy and Rosanna Murphy, parents
of the foregoing, critically; John Omeara,
husband Of MN. Oineate, critically; Mn.
Julia Kelly, badly In spine: - Mary Ann
Garry, thirteen, daughter of Mrs. Kelly
by *former husband, improving rapidly;
and Ellaninirtfy, a younggtrl who board.
ad with the Murphy:, badly burned and
Injured internally. The flrecommenced
in a bakery on the And floor, and there
an suspicions Rams the work of en in
quick .Paimate Cr. a V..NhYaltase
Mae as ATIS•1211—h•111•1111•1d.
117 To'wadi to the rlttAnro
bas Fnasausx>, , Das 16.—The opposi
tion steamer 'Neriitia arrived from Now
York lost night in Ally-nix days nine
hon., running time `bringing pitmen
gent from Now York, Tin Panama, in
twenty days eight hours and a half.
Official information, received from
England at New Westminster, an
nounces the nomovaLef .the capitol of
British.Coltimbla to Victoria. '
Arizona advicas to December 3d, state
that Vulture Mine had developed a lode
'thirteen feet wide, takingout large qeas
titles of ore. The mill was running day
and night. -The Indians made a raid on
Voltam City end raptured several ani
mals. They were puraued and pirtof the
Cock re-takin, but the Indians escaped:
The steamship Montana, from Nocik
ern ports, with 3320,000 in treasnre, arri:
yeti. News amitnportant.
Arrived: Tie Barks Cambridge Val
paraiso; Sadowa, Zorrro Azu.: Bau sch Sea
Serpent, New York; Loyal Sam, Liver-
Four anil, at 87,5368. Wheat 32,50...
Legal Tenders, 71.
Lame ilre—flehooner Loot Jo a Emew
• - and 11lesebul. •
' Dricomber .16.—Tho •Alimt
Mai °monied by J. Manger & Co.,
grocers, and H.• Mulholland, hardware,
wan Immt on Saturday afternoon. lit glso,ooo. • •
ILayrterow, December 18.—Tho
schooner C. O. Almond, of Detrolt,with
•lifteen • thousand bushels of wheat,
:bound Ca Oswego, when near that port
was caught in the snow storm anima.
day lest, eprung a leak, became unman
ageable, drifted the entire length of Lake •
Ontario, and bear-Mainear this city en
Fridaynaorning.' She will prom) ntotal
lose. crew were all saved in a frozen
and exhausted condition.
iii fetegriplt to ea Mesta se °same.]
LouniviLim.—Cionly and cold.
Innt.crurows.—Cloudy and cold.
and snowing.
CRESTLIECB.—CIoucIy, cool. . •
Cotumme:--Ciondy, mild. •—Cloudy, mild.
riniMmunrM.,—Clear. Thormeme-
Mr, thirtj •
114.nmanuno.—Clear and cold.
Orr Amions. ro.-431ordy, Mowing,
CHICAOO.—CoId, snowing.
BT.-Loma—Clear, mild mid pleatant.
Naw pleasant and grow
ing warm...` -•
(By Tolitrolat Loth. rittsbotoe ammo 1
LoOTOVILLIt, Dem 16.—The. steamer
Lecialre, from Cincinnati for Nashville,
struck a -log nest Bosukensburg, Ky.,
on Saturday Right.' She broke in two
and will prove a total wreck. She bad
about' two handfed tone of freight, which
will be entirely ruined. The boat was
.valued at from twelve to fifteen thousand
dollars, whereof about two.thirdis was
insured. 'The amp was valued at 5250,-
000. No lives lent.
ilioanir is Zatirettiod reelass
(ay Tensaw la to tee Yituoarze molests )
Puts.tissirssit, Deasmberl4—A
Meeting was held yesterday, to mako ar
rangements for a funeral In to
of tho.
Fenton executed In England.
Lomacrun, December 16.—River ris
ing, with four feettwo inches in, the ca
nal by the mark. Weather clear with
the W:lnter at 3$ degrees.
RompConferakee Quesline4llled.
Fenisa Excitement Unabated
Ay Ts.%Mph to as rittantat SWIM]
Ponta, Dec. 15.--It his been definitely
ascertained that tlie,..Enr?Pieyr•Gonier
ence plan, preprised by the pi r Na
poleon, on the Rinifair qv" on , fail
ed. ' •An • asiemblage was blsire taken
place to .11rwach an tbs '. but some
alMeultY was exierfen la the_ pie
matte oorrespendence UM *the aY"ar
rived. - Porte ' was then • he n • Of, Sod
the form ofirpresentation changlid,
loathe same day was adh to Sub
sequently, after the delivery of a speech
by Minister Sonhir an the MN ect of the
relathens 'between Rome and Italy, In
which he declared that Slay could never
go to itonii by forixi, the hesitancy of thi
Powerswommed tho form of open objec
tion, on the ground of tonality. it has
torn aseertianied today thai Abe (Mater
enc. of Congraia will not assemble; as
all the Groat Powers have poelhvely !re
fused to attend. _
L 1 I
axiii/Ti..IDSNT tr/C#.II4.TED.
LOICDON, DecembeT 16.--The excite-,
mont occasioned by , the recent opera
tions of the renians him not abated.
The prase cantinas* to dencsince the out
rages,, and demand wigononS measures
far their broventian isithe Suture: .Th*
rimes in an article on tke subject say.
"Fenianism must. enixtiringlly . tead L 6
the repetition at such acts se the Ilan
nhester riots and Clerkenwell explosion.
Open seaman the part of the renians Js
!out of the gnesticin, and iron and icifei
murder are their only weapons of suc
PNaleeai4s•= Ceusansmileirtlete
Somme—Tim souresary. to Cab Mel
also esums at
Oleo law Gmesusail seval—la • SIR
OS le !lupine Sam Tote lloosaue, bus
Deena., as Me finesase et ashy slosal
BMus —Tak• New Orleans Mat—
Itaspbssalbillty ItbereteT. • . •
Niter 'Tons, Her:ember 10.,The7text
of the - President's coinmunicellontn' the
Semite, relative to thevemoval of Secre
tary Stanton, Is published.. The PIOSI,
dent says In reference-to lir. Stanton's
determination to remain In the Cabinet
under the Tenure of-ODs" sin
Every member of my Cabinet advised
me the proposed law was unconstitu
tional, and spoke without doubt or res.
amnion; but Mr. Stallidire Winans;
nation' of the hew - was most elieborati
acid emphatic. He referred to coneltu-
Usual provisions, debateiArinking roes,
end especially to the speech of Mr. 130-
canna when a Senator, declaims of the ,
Supreme Court end ulna from the be
ginning of the Goveroment. through
every auccomivo - 'administration; all
concurring to establish the right of
mama as veined by tho Constitution
In the President To all them he added
the weight of his can deliberate judg
ment and Menaced ma that it was-my
duty to defend' he power of the Persi
dent from usurpationsind the wino law
of August lllth. I was no& to
and him compelled by a Hew Indefi
nite sense of publlo duty under the
Conalltution to assume the vindication
of a law, which, under those:damn obllga
nom lef public deny, Imaged by the
Constitutioniteelf.--- - he &delved boo
was in violation of that constitution. I
make great allowance for change of opin
ion, bat such change is this hardly
W s within the limits of the greatest In.
deliveries.- I was ao mitts- Weak with
the - frill mastery of the 'quitetion wont
fasted by Mr. Stanton, and was at the
time so fully occupied with the prepara
tion of smother. veto, • that I xgnewd
him to prepared* ego upon urn
of Ora.. bell UM he declined todo on
the ground of physical disability to un
dergo, at the time, the labor of writing,
but stated his readiness to furnish what
aid might be required to the preparation
of material. for the paper. .
I now peas to another subject. When
on the 15th of April, 1865, the duties or
the President's ogee devolved the .
I fitted a foil Cabinet of seven members,
all of them selected by; Mr.. Lincoln... I
made no Change. On the contrary,- 1
shortly afterwards ratified "'change de
termined ppon by Mr. Lavoie. but not
perfected-at his death, and admitted Lis
appointment, Mr. Harlan, in planed
lir. Usher, who was in eftioe at Mallow.
The great duty of the time was to re
establish Government, law and order
in the lneusstaiLonary States. . Congress
was then, and the sudden over
throw of the rebellion required -speedy
action. This grave ZOOM had encased
the attention of Mr. Lincoln in the last
days of his life, end Ms phut aces:ding
to which ltwas to be manageethan been
prepared and was ready for adoption. A
leading feature et that plan was that it
should be carried out by executive au
thority, for,
so far as I have breninfeam
ad, nellherMr. Lincoln nor any mema
her of his Cabinet doubted hie authority
to act or proposed to call an extra ses
sion of Congress to do the work.
The first business tranneteditt Cabi
net alter I became President was, the tin-
Inclebed business of my predecessor. A
plan or scheme of reoonstruction wan
produced, which bad been prepared-for
Mr. Lincoln by Hr. Stanton, -his Seem
tary of War. It was approved - sad et
the earliest moment practicable woo sp.
plied la the form of a proclamation to
the State of North Carolina, and..efter
wards became the bads of action in tarn
for the other State& • •
Upon the examination of Mr. Stanton ;
before' the Impeachment Committee; be
was naked the followingquestiont Did
any one of the Cabinet express a doubt
of the power otthgEsacutivelitaschof
the Government to reorganise State goy
erntrienta which had bees in rebellion
without the Mit or Congeal, Be' an
swered none whatever. I had myself
entertained no doubt of the authority of
the President to take measures' tbrAbo•
organization of the rebel States on the
plan proposed during the vagAlon of
Congress, and'
agreed he the plan
specified bibs procinmatien in. the case
of North Wane.: Thereleperhaps rt e
act of my administration for whch I have
been more denounced than this, It. WAS'
not originated by me. but I shrink from.
no responsibility on that amgnt, for tbe -
Dian approved itself to myjudgment ana
-1 did ant hesitate to starry it into execu
tion. Thus far,emil upon this 'hal policy
there was perfect accord bettesen the
Cabinet and myself, and I saw no noses
otter fora change.
- the President etates the great differ.
once of opinion with Mr. Stanton was
on the District of Columbia suffrage asuL
rooonstructkm bills of Mareb.lBas
vetoes otwhith were oppesed - by the lat
ter, although all the other Cabinet mem
bers supported the President.
Ti. Xreddent continues: I havenow
referred to the genenil grounds upon
whieb the withdrawal - of Mrs Stanton
from the Administration seemed to be
proper.and necessary; but I cannot omit
to state :a special ground, which, If It
stood alone, would vindicate any action.
The sanguinary Mot which- occurred. in
tho city of New Orleans en the 'loth of
August, 1860, justly aroused public In
dignation and public inquiry, not,ohly
as tothose who were engaged Mit, - but
as to those who, more or • less remotely. •
might be held to respensibility for IG
occurrence. I need not remind
the -•• the' °flint " which
was mode to fix that responsibility
on the President. The obi:lowa+ 'Veil
ly made, and again and again reiterated,
all through the land, that the President
was warned to time but refused to inter
fere. Dy telegrams from the Lieutenant
Governor end Attorney General of Lon
islena, dated the 27th and 28th of Aug
ust, I was advised that a body of dele
gates, claiming to be a Constitutional
Convention, were about to assemble In
New Orleans; that - the matter was before
the Grand Jury, but that it would be im
possible to execute civil process withont
a riot, and this question was slake&
the military to Interfere to prevent the
process of the Court?" This. question
wee asked ate time when the civil snorts
were in the Mil exercise of their *other
-Ity, and the answer sent by telegraph on
the same ^9th of August was this: "The
military will be expected to sustain and
not interfere with the proceedings of the
courts." On the same 28th of August
the following telegram was sad to Mr.
Staab= tty Major - Gettintl' Belt;glumly R
owing to the a nee of General Shet- ~CITY AND
Wan, in oommand of the swilltary
New Orleans: *191117191NN
_ .
"Hon./Men M. Maslen, Sesretrwrilf '
War: Stti-A .Cor.yentimihas hem mat.
ed, with the sanction of Gov. Wells, to'
meet here en Monday. The Lieutenant
Governor and City authorities think it
unlawful and proem, tothreek it urrlbl
arresting the qatekois. , L hissWilirestrio
oiderit oe the subject; but have warned
the parties. I could not anuttenstroe or
permit such action without instrueffou
to that effect from the Prealchtnt. Please
instruct me at once by telegraph...".. -
The 28th or August was on Hatardayi
The next morning. the Mb, this dispatch
wee received by Mr. Stanten„ his raw,
Hem:min this city. He took. no , action
upon 1: and neither sent instructions to
Geo. Baird himself, nor cams to me for.
such instructions. Oa .the next dayj
Monday, the• riot occurred: Haver. Noy
this dispatch from Geo. Baird untilsome
ton days or two weeks after. the riot,
whey, upon my call for all the dispatch
es,wlth a view to their:publication, Mr
Staidonsent it ,to me.. , :inane fads all
t r eCT:t tb lurgrr i
Committeee h. Stanton ie
Impeachment invescigetioo... ,
On.the . _ 3 9thi.tineof the zier,,aed.
after t was supPresso r f, General Baird ,
wrote to Mr. Stanton. long letter, thine
which I make t h e following extract -
Stn; —I have the honor to info - m yolk
that a very various riot occurred here
to-day. I hid not bees appliedth '
the Convention for protection, but
[11V; Lieutenant Govorcor and. ...the
Mayor had freely consulted .vrlttr.
mp„ and I was so fully convinete
it' Was VS Ithortgly 'the intent ar
the city authorities to preserve the peeke
In order to prevent military Interfenmos,
that .I did' not regard an outbreak as a
thing' The Taint
Governor had* assured toe that even it'd
writ of arrest was Issued by the Court,
the Sheriff.wenld not attempt to serve k
without. se), permission, end fdr to-day
they designed. suspend it." ,
I enclose herewith copies of my-cOive...
spot:Atha" Wittritho Mayor; and of a dis
patch which the Lieut. Governor claims
to have received from the President:'
"I regret that no reply to my dispel
to you of Saturday has yet reached one.
Gen. bberidan Is 'all absent in Texas."
Thrldisperett of lien: Baird of the 28th
inks for immediate instructions, and • -
letter of the 30th, after detailing a terri
ble riot which had just happened,, ends.
with:ari expression of 'regret net the
hatructions which he asked for were not
It is n o t tin:arena, or error', or 'orate
slots of the President time this Mit&l7l
Commander wan left without instruct
tions, but for all omissions, far allerrora,
thrall &Unreel ttilestract,-wheft Matra.
non might have averted this calamity,
the President ;wag; openly and persbre
ently held responsible. Instant-
IV'. without waiting. for proof of
the delinquency ef the President,
it was heralded in . every, , form •
utterance:.bir. Stanton 'knew then that,
they Prier:lent- wss 310 i responsible for ,
this delinquency. The exculpation was
In his power, but it area not given by him
to the public, and only to the President,
in obedience to a requisition Ibr all the
dbrpatches. No one regrets more than
myself that Gen. Bairds` request was not
brought to none& It- is clear
front Mg dtspaten and letter, that if - the
Secettary of War had given hint proper
instruction, the riot winch arose on the
assembling of -the Convention woolak
hive been averted. There may- be those
ready to ray I would have given no in
structions, even if the dispatch had
reached me in times, but ad must 'admit
that I ought to have had the - opportunity.
The President then reviews the rebt-:
Soros between the Execntisk and .heada
of Depetrtenents. and quototri old re:
cords of Congress and debates In the If a
tionalConstiuionalCarmention to prove
the illnaitty of lb. efforts to check tha
responnbllior of the President by de
priving him of •the right or selecting isif
agents. Ho enecludes as folloirs:
I had indulgecitho hope that upon Ike
assembling of ' Congross Mr. Stanton_
1 ,
would have ceded this unplou4uuo
plication. According to the Intim .
given inkts note or An 121 b, a du
which have fait •mYself called.upoo
porn was by no moans agreeabe, .
el I
toiiinfro , • •, ••:, •• • emcee.
Unpleasant as this noossoary••change In
my Cabinet beet been to me; wptin per.
*anal consideration. I have the .oennia•
tiOn to be assurni that. sm.far lia 'public
internists are invelved, Sure in so canoe
for mint Salutary resibrma inter born
introduced by Vet Socretaty. ad Palen..
and a groat reduction of ',apemen hoe
Men effected. and ander his administra
tion of the War Departsiont then bas
been needing of million, to • the Than
a rr. AsmascirJet*m.
IVAlnrocrioN, Me. I'2, 2SBs.'''' • ••;.'•'
!Pi T•levaph to t►. nutary►aasettei
Wasittiterrett„ Dar. 10, h%7.
The. President has ttomiasted to the .
Senate Wen. ii. Uttar% to be Geeeidor of
The bill for,. therearpallistfott 4160
.Statir Department, introduced by aiiia
br Wilson, provide* thatit thall Otte
lawful for the Secretary to 1111 the ft.ce
of chief clerk, or to replace 4044 s of
dlvielona or binnebeet by new apppint
meats nut only-by' arm:notion: awl that
no traveling expatiate of any person-con
nected with the Department shion be
paid; that the ,serer service fundgtudi
be abolished in time of peace. ll:math*
Preitinent's approval
dentvoucher thwaxpenditnee aaj,
tnertioy titim'ot pear* but ill I of
expenditure from the fund* of the Dn.
parment Wall be for purposcsauthorized
y law.
Conoerninß.the 4/Ittiatna dew the
Landon; Doily jgrits.! instarinif
difficulty raised so Qiatattously by Mr.
Seward on Lord Stanley's accession to
office still Abetment-it oettletll ll . S' l 4
the Procne& sustain Lord Stantev's
pdsition already published. ;Rt. -Xiirtly
Noes terminate the article by, e b tsfink
int. the hope that the '"question shoe
the tiro onuntries maybe nettleChatbre
the Democrata—tbe bitter enemies of
England—come into °Mos at Malt*
Venous Acienieici,
An accident occurred l/16' corner .9
Grant and Fifth street*. about six
o'clock lain evening. by whlch Mr.
S. McCritcheen. and another Oreatlemall
whose name we did not Darst,"*ern
'sorely if not seriously inittred. The
gentlemen had taken pasmageln.the Mln
aniville passenger sled, and ietelCidttang
In the front' ,feat With the - drlitet: 'They
bad proeemded as far as Grant street,
when, the homier bounced, and' - one of
them when urged by the whip kicked,
striking Mr. Afcgatcheon, In th e, moon',
and the other , gentlemen In the breoist,
knocking themboth out of the sled. The
Innilatmen were.picked up end carried
inte•A le's drug stem, where their WA
rice were attended to by Dr. Atecook„.
'There assembled, hut eveniii, iii ihi;
Acadenircd,l49 l is. I Yort 7 latireiiO 4
faahlonabe audience, on the oassekstlf
gra. L:andieiednit . ,apponartep, thlis sea
son, in hiatia-icar Elizsbel4 l ,
Queen of .England. - The great actrroy
who; perhaps, tan' not her bona' onto
wings, seemed to thorongidy. . coralsres.
'bend the character; and rendered it, th
decided effect, developing .. threat nt
the play a wonderful power of liderp
ration: She was admirablj :sup -
by tillable company which atten hen'.
To-night she will again appear in Ellin , '
&bath; and we trult - evexybo . ar' who cap
Black Crook.—The 'burlesque `on Oil
"Black Crook," ea produced at the,
Opera lltoueClast Knight, la the meet
amusing farce we ever witnessed. The
charming and -1113 nistlls ryaung; actress;
Melville;lea the exclusive right
to this pleas, and all who wish' to see' It
should not hill to goy to the Operi Hatt*
during the present week, is her tingle.
montlerminutas Baturdernight.
In the else eighth - ad' Carson ditirttstiry
Hunter,who were killed et Oakdale gla.
Con, on the Panhandle Railroad, Hater
day. tho ith Inat., mot at the:Mayor% e
go' at four o'clock yesterday eventag;
many rendered a verdict to the elect that
the deceased came to their:death through
an.tmasoklable accident.
POpielon Albsri -Perdu
merit, a well-known , physician., ills& it
biz residenoa In dllegbennatzidayidibt
last, of boart disease. 'attar lame week*"
Mom. HS was btat on ilooday,ids
Amoral being often od by Odd Fe ll ows,
to which fraibritity,be belonged. •
False Plotemee.:—Androw O'Brien Will
committed_ by Alderman Tlioimu:Ao,
terday; to answor a cbargo of obtaining
goods ;index Sake ' , pretence, on oath °I
Willtsni Tbompssm. ' •
.111i1Bi' FMB
Opmeest an the Bees ••f•aliolibe reset.:
-Monday forenoon - the jury called by
Couttner.Clawson to .hold an ingest on
the remains of Antoine Keck who re
rreeed Ida death *mud at the 'disastrous
on Penn street,' Saturday, "locoing
CI last week, by the explosion Of a mug.
,ket,rnet lathe Mayor's office an d corn
raenced, the investigates. The Jbllow
--_ _
lug testimony was elicited t
, . •
imminszes women;
Dr. T. Burgher • sworn—Attended the
before h is death, was celled in
hotatoneo'clook Saturdaymorning; he
resided on Liberty street, near O'Hara;
;be was said to Lave been injured by a
••lards' received during the fire that
'night; on examination .found the right
*claviclesplintered, and a wound into the
Interior of the chest; the external wound
'was about the elm of a copper cent, and
was of a ragged nature; the depth of the
bound was not determined; the sub
clavicular vein was lacerated, or perhisps
entirely .divided; internal hemorrhage
luretheravity of the cheat was apparent
ly very prance; the nature of the wound
proved - that surgical aldwould he inelleo.
tool, and further examination wee not
deemed neceesary; remained with the
patient until his death; which ocurna 116, f an hour after Iw :;,lvoundwaseuctm w ould
duced eye Minnie bath and it la my
opinion that a ball caused the injury.
Dr. T. H. AfaCtelland corroborated the
evidence of Dr.:number.
,2 1, 0818 S tiSiiiiiat iSMULted to th e fad
umbellate wercwhboring in all direc
tions from the Paining building, and
that. bp . , sitar , tll9rdedloadidar the, IMS
he Wee tarifa, deeding In the street
near the curb fronting the Ft. Wayne
Rtilreedtotllce. Lt ''' •- t P
Ves..lifasteit, sworn—ln 1864, or there
-aliciuts; I was skipping clerk for Colonel
'Cress, and at that time I attended to
:halos, a gtuudityof ordnance material
reme - ceefte: the hididini. in inostien ; a
,:quantity of irons Wereemong the stores,
and I suppose those which were burned
'on Saturday to have' been the pnes ; the
- muskets' were taken to the warehouse
from railroads and steamboats, anilserne,
It suppose, f ro m volunteers dlthandiel
here; alt that I saw put in the building
were in - boxes; if they had not been lev
boxes when received they were boxed,
tip before being stored; at tbot.';tlF.
lauppose there ero over a 100,0 0 0 d
- of arms placed in the building; so as
I know all the guns' wore - inspected be
fore they were boxed up and stored; it
was no rare of:my tnudneas' to see to
this; alit duty devolved on the Ord
nance Department, under ion. Whitely,
at the Arsenal ; ono or two officers were
detailed by General Whitely to make
the inepectrons ; they were Mr. Johnson
and Dlr. Kenworthy; don't> know
whether they inspected then guns or
not ; 'don't know certainly whether any'
of the guns I bad hauled wore loaded or
bet; think there were no cartridges
placed in the building by tho Gitvern.;
meet; the orders were that nimil ehohid
ever be placed there. .
array " Nov nrerawrim--ltzecnrrnon
D. it'.
Welfare tottined to the fact of
having rented to. the , Government the
premises for the storing of arras; he
never knew of cartridges or powder be
ing stored therein.
_ . 31, jk -rth, --
Ammer., sworn—Am Chief
Clerk of the Paymaster and Ordnance
storekeeper at the Allegheny Arsenal;
have held the position duce IWO; it has
been my huffiness to superintend the
receipt and issue of all stores at the Ar
senal through the war, and so am famil
iar with the receiving nd issuing of-the
guns In question. The a arms stored t in
MO building were received through the
ordnance officers, from liaahvillo, Ten
neseoe, sod Louisville, Kentucky; they
wire packed In boxes and shipped by
the ordnance ofllciers to the • com mand
eXit. of the Allegheny Arsenal, they were
readp I 4 IN and stored to
~ Vz ;ag,
counted and dared them, the in ' apectioic
being supposed to have bean done by
the ordnance ofticom; they have more
men for that rurpcao than we ware at
the Areenal; we opened every bet and
counted the guns, but did not inspect !
Cletu s o see whether they were loaded,
alway supposing that they were not; '
never bad any cartridges or powder In
the store house; never knew any guna.!
to be dimhareed In the handling; the
arms of the troops discharged west-of
Om Allegheny, mountain. had to
be received by the , command
ant of Allegheny Amend; they' .
were principally Springfield and
Enfield muskets; as fast as received
ttity wee" &nipped to the United States'
Armory! at Springfield, Ihuoracbusette,
repaihn a tetanal inspection was 'made
at thew, and they were leaded up and
shipped; about four thousand of thus .
'received from the troop" west of the
"neounialna were French musk's* the
'keys of the warehouse were in my care;
!there was no fire in that portion of the
„building. and no person hod to 'lilt it
during the evening; visited it myself on
Friday afternoon, land found everything
all right.; If I had bad the slightest sus
picion that any of the guns were leaded,
I should have reported to Gen. Whitely,
and bare ne doubt that be would have
had them Inapecuad carefuy; there were
60.70 d guns stored Mere s o Gm time ei
the fire; In January, MK kir. .7; 11.
Johnson, bought over twenty-five hun
dred of the guns stored there at Govern
ment sal.; they were still kept stored th
the-warehouse; know of no regulation
lamlring olllcers receiving arms to (n
-ewt them to ascertain whether or not
• .
Major A. 3forgen, sworn—Ain
military storekeeper at OM Allegheny
Arsenal, and have been aloes ISO; know
of tho gutle having been stored In the
wareheuse; the reeponeiblllty of taking
precautions and making regulations (Sr
the safotyof Government property rats,
under military rule. on the commanding
*Meer; in this case the commanding of
ficer wan' Goaeral Whitely; there was
nothing to prevent him making an in
spection to aseerndn whether the guns
were leaded; 10 thte cm the were
recalied In boxer, and It woe lair to slip
pose that they bad been previously in
spected 'NO officer ha any r4,ht toturn
'overloaded arms to the Ordnance De
partment, sad as ordnance einem has so
right to box up yid ship Plab that have
not been inspected; suppose that Gen.
Whitely took. It for granted that the guns
'received front ordnance; officers were In
a perfectly safe condition or they would
'lot have been Sent to him; they were
mostlytweelved daring war times, when
It was Iniposalble to exercise such care
as would le ezercisedmow. • _
J If. Tohnim, swots.—Am _ proprietor
of the Greet Western Olut Works, and
occupied a portion of the building that
web destroyed; know nattiest* lbw ori
gin of the tire, but from all that I men
learn, suppose it to have caught In Mr.
Wallace's atoranext My.,eltop, between
~ the
the Government warebouse; have
the linpretalen.thst toy. More was first
robbed and the place then fired; don't
know just how , - nomfy 'guns I had, but
probably , about-three hundred; , had
small lot ibt cartridges on hand; none of
my. guetwere loaded. bad throe pounds
'Mater powder, and a larie can contain-
Mg &tout ten pound,: ha a number of
gone which I bought from the Govern
ment, but drew the bode from all I sold;
Sewed about every other one of those
which had been need and not:repaired;
with loads In them. dome of thorn con
-tallied four or five bullets; some of them
contained gravel, stones end other. I MS"
silos In them. 'Alarge number of the
'guns stored in thawarebotum were pla
'ced there while I was foreman of the ar
mory ehapat the At...emit. knew when
they werseing plioadthere that many
Drumm were loaded, and cautioned my
. friends to td beware of them; knew one to
explode In the ..hands., of workman;
don't know whether I reported the fact
'of their beingltodtel to Gen. Whitley or
not; it was not Mr duty to' me the load&
drawraof desert bundned and fifty guns
which Imukcluuted from the government,
think Ifeund every other one loaded;
while IV'S employed at the Arsenal I
made no secret of the fact that the gum
were loaded; it was the duty of the nom.
mantling °Meer of the poet to give ot dent
to bare the anus placed In proper order.
It wee well known among ttte workmen
at the armory 'bra at the . Arsenal, that
enemy ofitte cons were loaded' we for. , .
Venn] . foon - d, loaded MS witirespit on:
At this point the inquest adjourned to .
lie TMUMB4 at, half-past ISEIMI. o'clock
Tnestilly (this) evening. -
Hare MIEN° Citflir-firprb
liliet watcluagu st. the S. PAU giuvit
brjage yesterday, pindpinformitton I*.
Age Alderiontioraber apitmd. J. P.
Murphy and Samuel , Fresliwatqr, car
driver, on tbenttibUre.4/legbeilpind
Menolustar rimrer nauw!qt,„tor_jalls
driving cern% bee s Cler 4 Ze. P rx, V•
Ile mddit 4:aro:tenon at .7.
Simpson forlbe tame arum. The par,
nee were arrested And discharged.= jay.
moat or coo, this ban tao Ant of
find's? ' •
MONDAY, Decnoiber 16.—1 n the case of
the.Western.Pennsylyania Hospital Ya.
Allegheny County Home, the jury found
in favor of the Dlaintifre for the sum - of
$3,046.97, subject ,to the opinion of the
Court 'on the questions of-law.reserved:
Edwin, Ilindley vs. the Township of
Wilkins, In August, 1866, the plaintiff
and hie mother were passing along-the
plank road at Turtle Creek, in a bury
and as they were about pamlngtho point
where the road Is crossed by the railroad
track, by a bridge, the horse took fright,
backed over the bank into the Creek and
was drowned. Suit is brought to recover
the.yaloe of Unhorse, negligence being
alleged en the part of the township au
thorities in allowing an obstruction in
the road ih the shape of a huge rock, and
In not having erected a fence along the
bank of the creek. Oa
Following le the list for tills day:
85. W. J. ariamm vs. 3L E. Centenary
Clutch.- _ .
J. S. Wllson;v A Fairview Oil
430. Jobn HcClosky vs. L. 11. 11
. cAbey
and E. s:Wright.
" 131. Thomas Drennan vs. N. J. Illgley.
12.1. - Henry Downs vs. N. J. Bigley.
133. Michael Binds , vs. N. J. 13 10 0 . Y.
134. J. P. 011301:011. Ardesco Ou Co.
"137. Tug ,'Mary; Ravage" vs. W. H.
ThenrimloalCourt met at ten o'clock
hiorati:t zhcoatitti; Judge Stowe on the
Tha flied case hikertpwasa that of the
deMnsonweedth - v° ?dialyse' Grogan, who,
was Indicted for • assault end 'battery,
Wrt, Graham appearing WI prosecuting
witness. (ho defendant keeps a tavern
on Ohio etreet,'Allegheny, and the phas
eout= twinned that on the 15th of - Oct°,
her last he corm . roughly- and forcibly
ejected from the bowie by defendant. Ile
Purifier testified nest ho heti no' provosa
tiou for this ejection. Witnesses called
for the defense testified that the defend
ant had ample reason for patting out
Graham, and that. no more force wao
',used than was neeeseary under the clr
crunatancea. The Jury found a verdict
- of not guilty, and directed the prosecutor
iLastertn• or* nor or Tonxeco....„
• Isaac WLefama r colored. was Placed on
,trial on ittnt lud ‘ htLyantehargipghlmWith
N49..rtexiy.•r box, 10 . 1)0.f . c . 1001,,tit0
.&xv.,..ropyps .9 u sfia,
'weed' mot, r 7 ;.on*"Vidtaral, etteet,
Altekhbey. 'O der Orietittood, who .at-,
rested thb =emelt; testified that on the
evening of October rith loot, ho observed
Williams . pick up the box of tobacco and
Mart up street. Ito started in pursuit,
overtook Williams, and convoyed him
to the lock-up. The Jury found a verdict
et guilty without leaving the box, and
the accused was remanded for sentence.
Lknoimy OP A COAT.
Henry Bell, colored, wan indicted for
the lorcety of a coat from Prank Sneth
rr., an employee at the Monongahela
norm. The jory toned ■ verdict or
Sargent* deferred. •
• Thontarrllegue Wu 'arraigned on an
Indictment charging him with the lame.
ny of fifteen hundred pounds of pig metal
from the metal yard of Itlemrs. Sheen
berger Blair. la Um Fifth ward. One
of thiswitnessai for the prosecution lewd
fled that some. time in August he saw
the defendant and two others unloading
some pig metal front a small gat moored
on the bank of the river in the Ninth
ward. Ile told them that the metal was
stolen, and that alter he had made the
charm several times, they threw the
metal out ofthewagoat cud 1411 it lying
on the ground. The metal woo subse
quently Identified •bt. members of the
firm, and Bogus wag arrested on the
charge of having stolen It. The defend.
ant offered no evidence, but hie counsel
argued that be wmfghttply employed as
*day laborer., by party who stands In
dicted for rat-Giving stolen goods, nod
contended that the Commonwealth had
tuned to establish the alightoLguiltAn
Mrthirdefendant.- The Jury
found a verdict of guilty, and defendant
was remanded for muleuce.
en= o i n k'w an w ort fo n r ezt
stolen goods. The .pig iron, for the lar
ceny of whlch the defendant in the pre
ceding mown tried, was found on Bow
amities premises, a portion of which was
under lock and key. Verdict not guilty.
Wm. Soles eras arritlgned upon scharre
of assault and batten'', Dreferted Mrs.
'Jane Wilkinson. The defontiuti is n re
epectable farmer, residing In the Tlelitlty
of reit Perry, and bad blackberry
patch, which wait the source of consider
able annoyance to him, by hie mit/ober*
and others trmpasalng npon Abe prem
isee. In August last.theprosecutrix arid
Muer women were picking berries, and
were ordered awaylby.tharlefendent,who
bank a bucket out of the Unita of one of
the Intruders. Mrs. ,Wilkinson`testilled
that she wee renting on_ the premises,
whllh on 'tier way. home, ai the time of
the assault, and that the defendant' at
tacked and beat Stet shamefully. Ver.
dlct guilty.
• 1111.07a01711 AMLOLT.
Edward Curren wan placed an trial on
an Indtetment Ihr- felonious' sesanit and
battery, en oath of 'Michael Doughely.
The prosecutor,'Dougherty, was employ:
ed es a "pit boss" at the coal wbrice t
the vicinity of Nebleetown, am! the de,
endant - took umbrage at him for no other,
meson, acetalngly thou that he (Curran)
bad - fatted In chaining employment at
the coal 'work*. The 'parties met. at
Ball's tavern on.the Meth - of ?got-et:ober
last; and Curren,• - flrat •drawleg a knife
nod - keeping It concealed,' approached'
Dougherty with the eelnark : "Eike you
would not give me a sob." Dougherty
replted,•"yee I would, if I had a place
Inc you." Comm then called -Dougher
ty a "liar" and used other bad language.
Following this they "name together"
scaf Carran need the knife, and clinched
with Daugherty, and after blow,
bad been exchanged-they were .pura.
led. Doughertys clothing was conaider
ably cut, but no Julury den, to hie per
son: The case wax on trial at adjourn
I.afrill.s, Re: -
Wo were afield our readers were not
lobe made aware of the large stock now
opening by Messrs. Wattles at
101 Fifth street, nearly opposite the Gs
xxrrsi 'office, but that. inttiligeat firm
has determined otherwise, es our adver
tising columns aliont toidayi" .This gore
U • new one!--tho goods are all now—a
largo stock milted to thololiday sawn
fns just arrived. It embraceli,
all ths - staple articles, such as watches
for gents and ladies of the highest and
all the lower gradelcalooks,Ac., an end
less variety of fancy-gouda adapted tA ali.
taxies - sad Someoftheuture
of entirely new. designs-And of rare
beauty. Persons in , search ,of present s
fee the holidays, abonlet riot 11/
this store.% . be sure to find
bore exactly the thing; whether for
father, 'mother, brother; sister; grandpa,
or the children, or for belle. or beaux.
lever or sweetheart:
ifamobesuir Nasals= lio•gts.;il , (
meeting will he held In the Moorhen
ter Presbytertrut thie . evening,
tinder thct ausgins tho•Noutig Mon's
Christ en Saaociatlen; tor the Purnoaeor
noticing kw reiiort of the. Committee on
Gollections,, — agpoliated at a nrevlouti
meetin ancrttitekttlnal - action th re
gard to the establistutent ottlaa.Reading
Maros, for which purpose the collection"
were made.' The matter te ono oigener•
al interest to that Immediate oomtnunitc,
and the mood ng should be welt attended.
Thesotabilahmentoiagoodreading room;
under the: cilreptien of the Assoolatian,
would bo of incalculable benefitrtp,uuy
community; and the chrtstiart - rtlonlar
Manchester should give the enriso
hearty support, and those who are cop"
bin of doing nothing more oaf; at 771M1t;'.
give encouragement .. .by their pttiypnooat
tho meeting.
_ .
C a 44 641 /4CitikiPY . 1 1 1116 . 3
laibirnatiOn tame 160 , 53
, It; Kerr,
of McClure tairiatilii, 441114 Jolla WI
tho pow. The US=
fondant was &Twisted, yea idler, alms:
tug was bald .1t The. aura - of 'three h
drid dollars .pail 'for. his appriu - abee at
Court, in dellittlt of which he wan corn
twlttW WAIL - : - •
James hfcCounelly, at the same
and place, made two Inforrniittotia agatast
McCarthy for ayseteettri awaken, aid
battery er,Tibliisirrety -of the - - peace. la
Oath whieUcou t ruktuiatits womb:N.lod
nu. 'rbotnss.s4.
oppeired before Aldernaaw Tbomas yea.
iered nn ' Information
I Pg# Ck - arlonArld, Wee
pretence. - Tna . rOSOCaltht., Snaps .that
the defentbuit obtained two _weeks
bowling fromMuk, ten amount.,
log to ten dollirii; tinder 1104 represen
lial°,4L tlefendantirna arreated on.
Warrant matted fur bin arrest, =deem-.
Vaal t,41,110i. lu. defealt of ball t -
Time Iteaered.
The .well known jewelry house of J.
B. McFadden &Co., 95 Market street s the
bided In that-line in this city, is notanly
thee-honored and venerable, but if is
equally honored for; the high toned in
tegrity with which lts :business, alder
the management whether of the elde or
Younger McFadden, bas alwaysbeen
conducted. la this;. establishmentj
man over received pinchbeck for gold or
glass for diamond. They are, bylongex-,
perlence, :perfect' judges of goofs, .ond
have acquired a high reputation-for cor
rect caste. This is always apparent In the
quality 211,1 style of their goods, and is
appreciated by: multitudes of containers
Wilo habitually patronize this house in
the faith that they will not be deceived in
quality or price, and that no trickery or
jugglery will ho :practiced. Their old
patrons need no advartitement to secure
either their confidence or their custom.
Nevertheless, Messrs. McFadden adverb
ties in the Gaza-rya:to-day, chiefly tin :in
form their old friends,arid a had of our
readers besides, that just new, In time
for the holidays, their usually=e
stock has been extensively reple
and now embraces very many fancy Sr.
delete( new designs and exquisite beau
ty never before seen in this market. The
most refined and cultivated taste will
find in the assortment many things to
please. Among the novelties is a -Vi
ennese skate-bag, of which we expect to
see thousands at our skating parks end
rinks, and numberless utilities, orna
ments and oddities worthy of visit, ad
miration and purchase.
. Jane Fitipatriek. alias, Annie Welsh,
who figured conspicuously in the public
prints a - few weeks since; has again
brou, . .
gh‘ herself to notice. Our readers
are itobbtleas familiar with her attempt
to. bleekmertail a reepectable.merchant et
the :city; . hbw she vintimthed • gay
oindeat: of divinity, and. More recently
the reported "outrage" at the 'Orlin
Depot, in which elm figured as the victim.
The present difficulty, It appears, arose
out of the fire & ease mentioned, in which
she employed an attorney whoolpenlUll
inr•estigabon utile case, threw it up ani
Wald. have do with It., She
watt, therefore , compelled to employ other
counsel,'whis, we are informed, 4so re
fused to conduct the case after he became
familiar with the - theta. Jane did not
relish this Mode of proceeding; ind yen
torday .aho.reraired .to the °Sloe of the
attorney:Whom she first employed, and,
without giving hint the slightest intima
tion of her inteutions, "went tbr Ithsi" in
regyhu . ',„"Klikenny cat" style, scratching
his lace and tearing his clothes. . The
gentleman endeavored to get out of bar
way, and started to run, when she seized
hold of the skirt of his overcoat and
heldan until ft wan split lip to the collar,
nod the attorney vaniahed through the
door Minus onethalf ofhlsoverecat. Ha
made information before Alderman Mc-
Masters against her for surety of the
peace, upon which*, warrant was issued,
Jane arrested,Ond lodged In Jell. '
Alderman Butler and Ofßeer Little
yesterday arrested ettarles Lucia, tie'
negro who it will be Mmembered effected
his escape. from jail about two months
Mace, where ho Awl been placed to an
swer a charge dr horse stealing, by ex
changing clothing with!, fellow prisoner
whose tann expired upon Ike day on
which he :made hte 'ew-api. Jima* it
appears, has been traVoltiria , hackwurd
and forward between this eitlany Buffa
lo, New York, ever since his escape,
and upon the present occasiOn -came to
the city, throe or four day. prior to his
arrest, and intended to leave for Buffalo
this morning, to Join his wife, and go
from there to COT to lie was
log his business hero for that purpose,
and . had shoot completed it, when
captured. The ellicers hearing or his
presence in the neighborhood, repaired
toltribersville, thb -place he formerly re
sided; . yesterday morning, and upon
up zone articles ready fbr cniuisporti-
Hon.. He wee taken into custody and
couldi ,
'Wed to the care of Warden White,.
whe ho is likely to remain until other
guar era are provided for kiln.
sauna and MillitIllr•
. Matthew Niannas made infarmatine
before Alderman ;35felfesters, yesterday,
charging Prank Toner with assault end
battery. Lie alleges that the accrued at.
tacked him on the street cad knoeked
him down, - A warrant- irmiefestied
the arrest of Toner. r.
dairies Butler. made Inhumation the
eatno day- before the name magistrate,
against lotus bleier) charging him isith
assault midearisu. - ,
!The parties &mem
pierce" of the. Pennsylvania Railroad
Contriany,arid Wont at the metal ,tal
on Grant street.. They disagreed ant
their work, arid to Kettle the dispute got .
into a fight, 'which resulted In a prosecu
tion. lie= was arrested and held for a
A child of Mr. Henry Paulus, reeiding
on Ohlo avenue, Fifth ward, Allegbrary,
died on Solidity from the afflectsofsevere
burns, received the evening preilona.
The child vraa aged fbur years,' and had
been left alone in a crib up stain - in the
house. The 'Mother had been absent
from the room but a few moments whale
She was startled by the piercing screams
of the child. Hurrying op to the room,
site foutui the child enveloped in flambe
She succeeded in extinguishing the fire,
but the litue fellow Wes terriislyburned.
Tho child had climbed -out of fa crib;
which wean= the fire, and It is sup
posed that its light .eight.clatties came
in contact with thegrate.
The Wrest lip•e1411•11w.
The attehdance et the special sale held
by Messrs: Joseph Norma 4t.' Co., Nos;
77 and 70 Market s t re e t, hal 'been very
large, and thousands of, persons have
already availed lliemsalves of the rare
opportunity afforded for obtaining trim
mings, notions, embroideries, at t Alzrz
e holiday goods at great -
The brut ero, determined to close out
their irnmenseatock at:priosa 'ewer than
have been offered here for many. years.
Dealers who are in the, city to purchase
their holiday goods are earnestly invited
to favor this house with a ealL _
Manila lizelserk—Elitabstb Janet
and Jane Linock, residents of tba Filth
ward; appoar to be sa banter= pugilist
tic honor., but EUuebetb.doea snot like
the practice, and attar round"
between them,:whlob took plaoeyester
day morning, wont before Alum:Mtn
Taylor and:made information- against
Jane for ssiault and battery, A. warrant
was issued; and it Is to be hoped that
their desire for "P.' It" notoriety nosy
terminate. with the omseffort. •-•
gamy a tho .Peaceafathew• Miti;
nu 4 tondo Intermation. benne' Alderman
dlchhottets," against Frank Toner, for'
nrety of the peace.-The troomeutor
aides on Prospect street. A - warranty=
Issued for the arrest or the steensed.
. • •
.lama. Butler, yeeterday. made'
ttudian. , . he the- mune :nutirlandeq
agaptat John Nolan, • ler surety of the .
peace. The parties • work In the m9tal .
yard of Penunnss~ Rallread.';'#
'Pald theeitts. = .lamea s ken Made
Information before Aldorm Humtt
ebarging Dennis Defeetrith • nit in
tatterg.,' Donn la elm arms .• and taken,
boron, the Alderman, when I o metros
arninably settled and tho d • .ndant dis
charged upon payment of • tn.
c,Ott, a? Soon townelpi ye t. daT imuidO
.inibnnation , bettors - Alderrn Madan
wk.. charging Willuint Ash filth esa.
into liquor , vpithoulilhieriso. Ashby re
sidoh on Third idreht. 'To.. hailded
cad held tor sliming,
tfekla mado ln
fermatlota bercira .Aldo Lladsan
charging Cue*. Williams itla lastaaV.
The tlereadan/Nroa arrestail *ad, after a
hawing. ocgatplltod tajaa detkalt of
the totlattad ball lbr lais a pearaboo st
• lllnltermaltst. Fair; et CUT all, le now
In full We; andla the great on of
theaemn. Let. oil who w . to spend
pleasant (musingly 14 a p want place
visit' City MIL:. The Fair loses each
evetilng with a itrand promo tale.
~patrdy Uptm—J. Promo yesterday,
made information borers Al , ratan Mc-
Masters, charging
i t May arid
Itiaellel; his with keep! g a bawdy
house. The. defendants real . oa Third
A.warriuit was has lbs their
....IWO/Or/ace Gorda, suits }be boll-
Presiposypt, vary cheap , micas, at the
P.3pithle and well known .tall trim
nalsgatora, Jf's„ftt libtrices tied.
rolAt fattuadasill ausimuded
during the holidays—fro • Tuesday
taxty 24th, till ldanday, Jan, Oth.
To Madinat. anyess of Dry Goods we ,
are offering special inducements—job iota.
from the Diatom Auction Gsles—Shawls,e
Dress Goods, Housekeeping Goods,
Men's•Wair,Sheetingi, Skirtings, Prints,
Ac. • . .5, W. lianuait & Co.,
59 Market street.
Fury, Furs, Film—Large . stock, all
;trade*, new and cheap; from $4 40 a est
to any price. Bargains ere aro elog,
on the west corner of Market and Fourth
Warleaday at Wm aesple's,
At 121 e. 2 eases Dark DeWaits.
At 62ie. 1 ease wide French Merinos—
a good bargain.
At tie. 2 eases Calico, for comforts.
At 10e. 5 eases good Dark Prints.
At 12lc. 1 case Grey lientacky Jean.
At 25e. 2 eases Heavy White Shaker
At 31e. 1 ease Hid T" Plaid Flannel.
At Me. 2 eases limey Yard Wide
Feather Ticking.
At $1.25 each, 5 bales Grey Blankets,
slightly damaged.
At 81.00 eacb, fancy Knit Sbawls--vory
At 61c. per par, chlldrea's
At 121 c. per pair,. Ladles White Morino
At 181 c. per lb., good Batting. _
At $3.00 sorb, very pretty Malin
At MOO each, very pretty Berthas and
Seandaes and Balmoial Skirts 'eery
ahu Shirt Fronts, Hand.kerehnefs, Gloves,.
Gauntlet", Searle, wholesale and re
tail, at,'Wm..SempLees, 180 and 182-Fed
eral street, Allegheny.
. Far the Ibilldays.--Memrs.• J. Kokes'
ck Brea., the popular, well-known and
eitenslve grocery arm; N0..69 Federal'
street, Allegheny, havejust received for
the holiday trade a very large and caro—
fully &aorta' stook of fresh gmceriox,,
spices, table condinonts, sauces, . &c.,
which they -offer to their wholeeale and
retail patrons at prices cheaper tium any
whiCh has prevailed here since befoul, the
war. The firm have also made ample
arrangemeats forties supply of fresh pro
visioas, and housekeepers will find the
stock constantly en hand ens of the moat
desirable from which to make selection
to bo found in either city.
Shatrle, Shawls, ghaWla—Cic., $l,
$1,16, $1.60, 112, and Long Shawls .at $3,
sew styles, all at a reducgon. Cash
.mere, Brocha, Paisley, Thdbet, all at
bargain rates, on west corner of Market
and Fourth streets.
Holden. Glove; Ladles, Genta and
Children's traderwear .reduced .la price,
at the sale at liarkeea. •
Indochina - t
lathe hi purple, Bismarck,
Blue, Lavender ian, Brown, Garnet,
from 11l Se per yard and upwards, on
wort corner of Market and Fourth
lareetill. GARDNER 41. STawAZT.
Empress Cloths 621 e. What more ap
propriate for a ho li day present? To be
'had - at Barker's great sale.
Bbr the - holidays buy your. crackers,
ginger snap*, water and buttei biscuits,
and cream crackers at the old establish
otb steam bakery of Wray (b. Brothers,
Noe. 79 and 31 Irwin street. .
Go Ak—octire Auction sae of Furs, Dry
oda, , Dreas Goods, Goods for Men and
Boys Wear, Muslim, Pants, Blanket. of
all kinds, Flannel' all colors; .Clothing,
Trimmings, dc„ this day at I 0 A. M., 2
and 7P. M. at Masonic, Hall Auction
Rooms, 51 and 57 Fifth street: Smithoon,
Palmer & Co., Auctioneer.,
LadkV Pura at Low Prices.—Siberian
Squirrel Muffs, at 16,00, 17,00, $B.OO.
Water Mink Muflh,
.114,00, 13,50, 14,00.
Berthas,. Cellars, Capes,. Circulars, and
Children's Furs. Larne stock, all kinds,
cheap, on west corner Market and Fourth
streets. GaznagnAt STZW4.IIT.
The Illaserrlhestog IlgUnie Company
Lave Just opened a new . and splendid
store onthe corner el St. Clair and Penn
streets.' This Company have lately per
fected a • new family machine which,
while it possesses all the send points et
the old machine, has been ealtpbfted, and
made to run remarkably tight and quiet,
Messrs. Straw &Norton are ties agents,
and will bi happy to explain the ma
chines to any persons who may sire
them a call
111,00.—Xxtra Dark Waterproof, re
duced from'l,l,2a, on the corner of Mar.,
ket and Fourth atreeta.
lints for evening, dinner, carriage and
primonade druma in variety, cheap at
the dosing out wile at Barker...
Altai= sad Alpaca Poplins, CI eolo* -
cheap at Barker's great
• licadh..—A party of coal miner,
&bolt!. twantjt,ln Number, left this 't ,
yesterday on ;the Panhandle BailecU
bound to Tehnesies. Another piety of
twenty-flee or thirty will go to y-
Oplalan.-11 Ix the opinion 'of every
sensible person that the teeth should be
carefully looked after la . youth, In this
climate, In Oteserve them for use In after
years. • A free use of Weds Fluid and
Powdered Dentifrice will preserve the
teethttom decay, harden , tho gams and
giros delightfol. breath. Sold wholeeen
and retail by• Joseph Fleming, No. 84
Market street, and all druggiate.
_ ,
121 CerdS—Doithle width Dark Ging
ham', reddeed from ISfe., on the west.
earners( Market and Foarth streets.
laaltD2flra & STIWAST.
Serrates in Ladies' Furi, at Milani
Flewlog's, Na.. 1115 Wood street. •' tf
Reduced One.ttalf. —Martnoes, Pop-
Brut, Plaids, Alpacas, and all Dress
Gout; an west corner Market and
Forth streets, GADDItICE & EiTZWAII.T.
Beanttchl all Wool Plaid Poplins for
holiday presents, 500 per yard. at Bark
eYs to-day.
The best place In the eity to pnreluum
anhable holiday presents for men, wo
men andrnhlldren is at W. W. Moor
head's retail trim:acting store, Manlier
kat street.
%ad!'leg Coed.- - The boots, abatis,
ga- flare, de., for men, ladles sod children,
kept at 89 Market street, - are 'mad& or
the eery beat roaterbd, and itcdd es low
the lowest.. All goods .are warranted
to give witlalketion. if Inn' Want Sam
thg good, and at gold. prioos, at
Hobtek &hoe Home. 891sorketstreet.
Clothll,so 'arc
_per ' on
wejecsirner Market and Fourth streets.
GAnDnica d filivranr.
, , .
T - "44414 Ex.ronathir lane corn
ladritoex of I..adlea , lows, at 1111.11 am
relttlng's, No. 190 Wood street. • tf
outts.—Dest cotton 'Hotting; Man.
Rita. St 4,50, $3, all wool, cheap, on watt
corner Market and Fourth streets. •
llAnunTad erzwaar.
- .tiro Geode 'for holiday present, at
the 'cloning out sale et BarkaPa ..
The Tay best crackers of all Mode are'
t* tat obtained at reasonAblo raki, at the
old eatabllabedOraokar bakery of ,Wray
dl3rothara, Zia. Yo and 31 Irwlo street.
TM Destraide Property, Wood
Stiwt, at auction, on tho premises, on
SanirSaY, Don. Vat, 2i o'olook f: r: See
advartimment or Smithson; Palmer Q.
Qs., Auctioneer& .
Massela stall kinds, greatly reduced
in price, at Barker's sale. - •
In 00 thkly.—Lealea' Squats Shawls
Bright Plnida, reduced $3 al A...bargalna
On too west «mnor blarketand Fourth
. ' °Ammo, d 4TrwAlrr.
Centas Farabblng . In endless
variety; cheaper than can be purchased
alasiabare, at NV. W.lfoorhead'o, NC. 81
Market street. - -
Try .the eels 'maed oyster ereeliere
manufaettued at '
.the. oft - eetabbsbect
steam bakery of Wray &. Brothers, Woe.'
29 , end 3,1, Saida, street. ,
ITh , ainels of ell kinds, greatly
in price, at Barker's sale.
• The bed end :rivet beatitthek
:15e; at Barters sale. .
Uone Corers; Gun alaatel
Overcoats and Pants at anstion'
Smithson, Palmer & Cos.
Emporium, no and ST Filth
1511 Pi l,
wl $4
; ae.e quality SkirUng,Lnii
4 Barker's. sida • • Cl‘°
♦ beautiful all wool Long 8
at Barker's ado.
A Wire 01.41. OWtetalbt FORTY COIN
MOM of un•ralarrndtnis Incladlaa
Ltitortatk lase. /On. br Seleerarai.o
Yell. valuable Reading Matter fbr atm Paean,
sad flllleet and moat reliable Inuanelal and (km.
'notelet Market Renee..SM . bY an 7 Ppm In'
N. .117. No N. r .er. yecilaale or *enema
abettld be ...Mout It.
Meta eon TECklelllZlNannnlTle
Che of I.llt.
Club. of Ten
— a.".• .07 etp p r i ethe yarws iratbu
.P .iddltion• to alebe aba M ewe at
th.. at club
Non. .6 —ln *Merin, mi
vo.r, b nre as 4 n...g/r/
•• we Loci a Wedbemby edltbm WOO.
iptbars bsylzjr bat boa null • week.. '
,4111arlitomry by Wet, tayrii• h Howl o,4 =s,
ofr lit Itagt.b...s Lour., maybe seat at ma Mb.
liddays% GAZETTZ.
PITTBI3IIItO II . ribtra
We sincerely believe that ti.e mother
tut° neglects to provide Mrs. Winslow's
.Soothing Syrup for her suffering child,
is depriving the little sufferer of the re
medy of all the world best calculated to
give it rest and restore it to health. There
is note mother who has ever used it but
what will tell you at once that it will re
gulate the bowels, and gt-T , rest and
health to the child, and' is perfectly tere
in all eases. lk sure and call for •'Men.
-Winslovv's Soothing Sprup," having the
foe simile Of "Curtis it; Perkins" on the
outside wrapper. All others are base
121 c Canton Flannels, reduced from
18t cents; 8 cent Prints, ieduced from 10
cote; fast colms, on West corner Market
and Fourth streets.
Cemzman it STTRAIIT.
Our Clialt Department is supplied
with tho latest styles, mantrials and
trimmings. The superiority in taste.
and workmanship of garments made by
our house to established, and we are
offering groat bargetas to ready made
tpirments, I. W. BARKIM & Co.,
• D Market `street; .
Koterproof—sl, Extra Dark, reduced
from $1 25: best du the city, On west corn
er Market uud Fourth stroeto. •
Reranatits of Dress Geeda ter children's
wear, cheap, at Barker's. sale this week.'
a SM fou TH o 'cloc k, Hail mJANAIs, DMembe, ralS 4
t e h 4
e.sts•serett ?emu. -
The funeral 0111 take (like fr. m the reside:me
et her set•t2-1 ter, S. U. Tutteo, No. Si /hot
area, on W2IIOIIIIiDAT, December 18th, at
o'clock P. lb
POBso4— oh n Sun and l a r olnoe' clotck
torte years, tan Invatls and seven days. .
Tbe funeral will take lilacs on Tots Dee.
11th, 512 o'clock 0. M., item the resideneeeflid,
parents, No. 114 Ohio avenue. Filth said. Alla
sheer. 7111 friends of the tastily are idyned to
attend. ; -
No. 14 Fourth Street, Slttabareb, Ca.
corms. of 111 Mode; CRACIN. GLORIA en.
ever" deoniption of Runeral Stunt/btu Rows
foralsted. Raceme open day and ntint. Hawse
and Carriadea fernlatad.
nsWNSCSR — RA•3davId Serf, D. D.,ltAr.
11. W. JacebrA, Thomas inlet, lag..
Jaeob 11. Mier, Rag.
T. RODNEY. Ee lwll—
TAU% AND EMIDALXL,. No. a Ohio St..
loalsion and No. to Diamond Square, (ho
Jena `Niro. • Bros,) heaps always oa band the
best Meta/. Rosewood. (Signal and imitation
Tissewrod CoDim Wainni Coigns from sts
wards. Rosewood Coln.. RA upwards; all other
Colin. to proportion. Carriages To. Hawn.
furnished .at low rates. Crape. Gloves, Plata •
and Invading rornianed gratis. Once epenalay
rod night.
J.G. nouGERN. ErsotterA
• KEE AND EMBALMER, (suites. toile
late earner R. Rodgers,) No. 7 Ohio tercet,
'three daunt from Bearer. A 1101,6.117 art.
talBR IrAiwwrod. Raholiann Vtdattt and 8000.
wood liattation Coln., at We /oweet roduelet
prides. Booms open at all hours, day ud aloe.
Busse and Carriages furritshad on Wort moll:a
and on most reuse:table tstru. -
DaaT Odle,. No. 344 Ohio Anne,
Allegheny. Metallic. Rosewood and ether W
ins, with a complete stock of funeral Ifonlitllno
Good, on band and furnished at mortal notice,
at lowest price,. Sale and Livery !liable, arrew
per of Vint and Middle !Street, • Calli• 11•1.
Beronette, Boggles, Saddle Horses, to, /ft.,
fer bite.
-.. VIE ROTS IR RUM." for tbo Holw
'days. Ware In Root of arrive Arrents Is eirry
Oorarblp, for the above work. Send for oirealar.
deocriptlon. Address.. A. GILIIISOM
t. CO.. GO Market arrest. MOW reel.
ble for Grocery and Produce Store. Waage
career of Ferry street and Dlssuoud &Vey. Nese.
the 'Diamond Sierte!. ' The building I. new.
roussena wlll!bet riven next Inman. Also, the
building adJoluf F es. •Ith Stare Room saminsrell
ley excuen-d. egelre of NAYS • nTEWAILT.
No. lilt Liberty, sl tett.
LUIS mar laud Sta
tion. two awaiesfkom bane ear Pack. Raab
lot 41.1149. beautifully labtaiad. and will to sold
aheap. • Enquire of Wilt'ill( HOLM R. Sri
Lately litedat. •
HOWARD'S Livery sad UM IRAN ^ ode
tas rAmir amass in.TI: tone DACCLIt
MARES RUST STRIAB/osear Koncnisr•
Wallow. •
M.Mus.. loossht s.l sold on soossilsslow.
POW SALE.—House and Lot oh
earner of lisalattsa and Auer imam.
tear Psmeter Hallway. Teat el V? kit laelo
Herm tram, eanialalng nom and ItMet,
well Improved. Hoes* aad Lot an AMMO& ow
Indwell street.' Allegheny CM. Len by le
Mt: house tram. contains hall. Ive rooms tad
good NAM; water sad gag. Alsen seWaral url
Hasse. tad Lots to good Mallon, Willis old,
R 171311 A CO.. Beeves .treat, star Chasaat.
LOTIL—We now offer ee untilliisly etuf
leans • new ot.en et lento end Annette lot; beo
tag part et that valuable property beloune
the heirs of L. C.l. Noble, Clone at Le amyl
end or lltinnishiliT, end near Germs Mattes. Ott
the West Penns. Iteliroad. A. Donlon of then
lot. tint the railroad ena the west. and Nan
etnet en the month. The tots en 41 try LIMO.
with wide streets running. through the eist/ro
property. The soil for gerduing nennes taro.
out be excelled; and for bendy of Westin. edis
seem hate no seed. For descriptive plu end
farther intbratation call at SILL A
LT% Real Ludt Units. Beller street. Low. n
villa. '
We hare Jost Isoshod =other lot of Mom
tbratol Watebos. _rimy .an , sodonbtatur tb
TINES? sad BIM? for tbo ytlo. trey Smolt is
Ms market, Mink Jeweled volfliC/111111.11.1111,
tasozonierut saLsacts.
Whoksale sa4 natal' Amts..
mulusEsTa & Rural%
66 rie2u gnus.
wpm= Itaugna HALL.
• lit Immenie tad apias ;issoruneatat • •
No. a iNT/111 aL Bort*, er Nlederalc
Mprchant Tailor,
Ctir4ain 4d - qt. Glair Street.
Ott is am) arires• vele
1111se•1ar Willson...
Iliebtmes„ 4ria 2:11111.1
ter blab b 7 WY. soak
C 94 II Firth illzert.