The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, December 16, 1867, Image 1

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    IHE . DAILY GAnnE,
° turignan zscarra..)
T. r.
E Er ditor, r.
See. 14 ova 1141 PIIPTII STIZT.C . T.
!nag epolfien Piper west= Peserjhuir.
z wclorisr fsiir" n"tAt;..
... cents.
Vettr - TX t . ei . Zei;;; . i;;;;;..k...
Subscribers, per yeur
Aildreor. ' GAZETTZ.
icAp Ilittb - uro Gayth
Canons:as has agreed to adjonm from
the 20th Inst. to.the Oth of January, In
order that the members and servants of
the Rouses May enjoy tho holidays:.
fox Some weeks pest the -.gossips
tills city have been eneaged propga
ling extravagant statements in regard to
the Pennsylvania 'Rallroatj"Company.
Aa time end the stock market 2110011 CM.
omnrated nog of these statareenia to be
immeasurable falsehood', It trill he rens •
onibte roc people . Into 'whose can they .
Are Ahmed to conclude that they iro all
the produMot ono mill, and', that not r
reputable - ale. ' '
Dunda the latepolittal CARPUS in,
this:Comnionwealth ; the. Republican;
&ate commpa l e yronusect a *mew to
The county that shotati Oa election
return the hugest Republiewrsgain. The
tanner bas "heart awarded .' to Wayne.
county. hie popublicans bf few awn
' ties haie Urnashemselves e itnce the or
garaseticmof the RePublican party, in a
mote gallant manner than those of . that
county, ami—haro recelred in return .
next to no recognitions from their Mom
chattel elsewhere.
, .
Sawann, according to report, lan
extended his land the
ncittisitloi of the, Spanish' West Indio
Islands, agreeing to pay therefor' the
sum of 8150,000,000 in gel). As the
Scotch express it, be seems to' have gone
" daft," and to be in . a fair way to bay
the Government into bankruptcy, lathes'
the Senate' has "mied sense enoegh to
triune to unction Ws folly. The Tree- .
sttry end the people are staggering under
the Mwdens they already carry. To
consummate 'the purchases implies in
creued taxation. Are the people ready
to shoidder additional -loads We do
„ net believe they are.
- • If Oubashell be acquired, Slaier'Y will
• fall neceentrily as the Constitition now
reads. ; What claims for indemnity may
follow 'the annexation of the island.— : •
who can toll I' How far may acquiring
slave tertitori, and' . responding to de
-1 kande for Indeionity for emanapation
therein, involre serious complications
fur the eleat act . of liberation accilm.
Oohed during the rebellion ? .
In use of a foreign war it.wculd cost
More to 'defend theft; outlying posies
sloes thaW to take care of all the elites
on the Atlantic coast.
Is there to . be no end to WA insanity
until the whole globe shall be bought?
Mn: Oro. W. WOODWARD has signal
ized' Ills entrance upon Congresaional
dutiettly making a political epee& con
taining mach= more genie :lad' candor
than all previous speeches made by him.
He declared not on/k that terry officer
held his plate liable to imrleachment,
bnt that there was mtiClimore danger °. l
corrupt men - renialning unlmpeacheti,
than there was of faithful men being
Impe.aehed unjustly. Well 'slid. Mr.
WOODWARD! Not a man. Eli been im
peached In Mae country who did not de
serve it; while hundreds have escaped
the operation who denerred it an much
as any felon earned the latter. The
last and most mennerahle escape was in
the person of Presidentlonnson.
If Mr, WOODWARD, keeps on 112 ttitt
;ray bailee commenced, he will forfeit
the affections of. his fellow. Democrats,
and hartithem after him witlitha sharp
est Mei of sticks.
Justice to 3lr. WOODWAHD.CCI2IIOII,II23
us to add that he did not oven intimate
a suspicion that the President had done
anything exposing him to-the impeach
ing power. Thal 'results from his 'ten
strection .of the authority rightfully
enjoyed by- the President. In this pe4-
tinier he concurs With most Democrats
of this day, in holding that the President.
is something midway between an elective
Emperor and a-King.
Tao Yolloiring letter ittebnted, end,
4oublegs, cniTecuy. to Gen. DENT, 11
brother in-law. to GM. GRANT, may be
taken u correct in all its essential algal ,
Dean' lint.—To be qatte frank with
you, General Grant does not with to be
either a Republican or. Democratic can
ilidatc for the Presidency. He would
prefer to be elected by the people, with.
_um any reference to the present party
orgentattions„ If it Is possible let there
be a new organization representing the
people, and not politicians. The- Gen
eral is now In a position which snits buns
very well and he will not give it up en.
leas he thinks he esn be of ' more service
to hls country. LTA will not take the
Presidency If he cannot inter' upon its
office. uopledged and: unembarrassed
by ploy affiliation and' platforms. He
does not want to decide upan questions
of public policy until they come op . for
- settlement, and hence his- reluctance to
be questioned as to platforms or confined
to certain lines of action. Ho hoe del
site vicwa of hie own, which are tolera
bly expressed in an article written by a
young Iriend of his for the January
number of the Galaxy. Of course he
must not be held. responsible for all the
views. therein expressed, but it gives
about what ho thinks of the present po
illlcai eituttion. While demanding per.
feet freedom of action for himself, Gen.
Grant does not wish to act independent
of the people. • The care would be, if
elected, to strictly comply with
their Interests and . .wishes, . . _ and
do for them about mrs t they
wanted to dolor themselves. Let party
• questions enter the canvass for Congress
men, and whatever, the will of the peo
ple is the General Will try and loyally
obey it.. On one point the Genend is
quite clear—lf elected he will make no
appointments account of political
services. He believes that a reform of
our civil service, such as that embodied
in Mr. Jenckes' bill of Piet session, to el
vital Moment, and all be will ask of any
candidate for.positton is his honesty and
capacity. You may use thliiiote among
_your friends, and if they think General
Grant can be elected without reference
to either of the existing political prating,
let them go ahead; but I again. repent,
General Grant does not care for the
Presidency if Is to be Oko girior a par-.
Be van the larger put of the ltepeb
newspapers in P.annsylvszila speak
in the mane manly tote os the Lemmata
In9uirer In the paragraph below:.
"We :cannot, and do not, sjinpethire
witit the meaningless twaddle of some
• Republican jorrrnals, who prsteed to re.
pica that Intpear.hment filled, because
"It wooldhave produced great agitation
in commercial circles, and have injured
the bialtiesa 'interests of the cornmeal
ty." It suck a col:l2lderatioo,
against impeachment in this clue. It
would be equally valid In any other cam,
uo dillereuco what crimes or misdemean•
ors the Executive might be guilty of.
Either President Idhation Das been guilty
-of high crimes and misdemeanors or he
tuts not. If he hum; Congress should,
upon an examination of the testimony,
bare co declared. If hokum been guilty,
no eensideration of mere polley t no fear
of agitation, no regard for popular
cramor, shotitil for a moment have pre
vented his conviction and removal." •
—The largo reservoir in Douglass,"
mass., gave way on Friday night Arad,
washing away one hundred feet or more
of the lisrtferd and Eris Rail
road track and embr-nkment. - It was
discovered by a man who wee mused
from sleep by his house floating :dowit
stream." Ile managed - to "save himself
and family, and awakened the neighbor.
lama fortnnatelybefore the train arrived:
which was duo at live o'clock, theta pre
venting a more serious accident.
Offer to Sell Cuba to the
United States. •
Price, Ono
t u o n ns dr r e a d G r o V Fifty RI
The txpleeion at Cletkanyrell
Twenty Hinson Deradiiiked.
No More °lemony for ,Fenian
Severe Measures 'Desisended
FuneralDemoastratlons Piohiblted
Indignation Expreas;d, bn
' • • no Violenocu•
'ra Precautions at LI erpooll
Fenians Intimi . . ated
[Argo Rewaris Offered for the
Clerkentrell Wendell.
The Abysinian E*pedition
The War in South America
Defeat of the Bratiliano.
The Roman Oonference Abandoned
Br Taleg:rvn.uip•r4sAbstrin.efsey..3
A special Cuba cilia dispatch to the
Telegram, dated Havana, December 12th,
says authentic Information from Spain,
has been received, with the important
intelligence that the Spout:di Govern.
meat has made a formal offer to. the
American Minister at Madrid to sell' Cu
ba and Poho Rico to the . AmeiicsutCyr.
ernment for site hundred and fifty mil
Ilona of dollars In gold. Th terms of
the sale are: lifty milklona of - oilers In
gold to be paid In cash on the eirabag of
the treaty and fertnal delivery. of. the
:elands to the authorities of the Vaud
States. A second fifty mllllun doilarein
gold to be paid ono year tbereaftar; :and
the third instalmeut of filly milliojttt in.
gold to be paid at the end of six I years.
Prait excitement nievatls ores thenewy.
The extinctlenilf slaverY being one cd the
consequences of the . mile, the national
pride in dispesel to grumble a little over
the transfer, but the general feelltig, ex.
cop! among the oldest families, Is one of
sansfactiOn. Ilia, of course, known that
the. owners. of. slave property will be.
fully compensated ant of 'the turehnse
- .
An American cinapiany has already
purchased' an Wind near Merivites for
the purpose of colonizing 30;000'eavee.
With the ludo of Cuba and the aboldeh•
meat of human servltade on the island
. .
slave traderelest !tepee are gone. . IL le
regarded here ae eerfain.thetthe bargain
will be, completed forthwith. '
TheXowYork Herald's London special
has the following particulars of the ex.
plosion at Clerkonwell prison : :None of
the prisoners ern:dined in the Jill got off.
The street - opprisith, which was par
allel to'.,the prison, : is narrow and
Built with. bonus - . throe atm.* high.
Twenty houses were almost entirely de- -
molished and rendered untenable by the
crash. The firemen wore naniediately
summoned and employed to dig:
gang, in the ruins for the dead. Forty
persons, /1100;WO111011 and 'children; have
been found to wounded; four' have
aireidy died.
• A house which stood in'tbe street di
rectly opposite to 'where the Mattel' has
bean blown in the prison wall, Mu', been
suspeated for some time as the Fenian
headquarters.. The mine of the dwell
ings and mison• wall are guarded by a
strong foroe of pollee. The street high
way 'has been torn up a considerable dis
tance by the explosion, and the walls of
the. Jail have fallen to some extent into
the breach, rereslinglthe interior of the
prison yard. •No ds,mage was done to
the prison building. • • i
The whale city of London is"teiribly
excited by the fact of this sudden and
daring attempt. Everybody feels alarm"-
ed, for- the serious reason that no one
an fortell where the neit blow -of this
description may fall. The Gdrenanant
is becoming exceedingly active. All the
Fenian funeral processicns projected in
Ireland in memory', of the Manchester
convicts hare been probibited, and 'um-.
surds of a add mire stringent &irritate'
are looked for oa the partof the Govern-
It is retired, or at leant4ochted Nety
probable, tbM1110171(1 trouble will , ettet
from the Fenian movement In Idver
pool.. The •pethie - throe in Litrerica—
perhaps even in LOttdon—Le utterly in.
adeqnate to deal withencb a oriels. Col.
Burke, who Is Confined in the Cierken
wellrprtson, is not thy man lately sen
tenced to death In Ireland nod transfer.
red to England atter commutation of his
',entente, but Is-more than-suspected an
being artery nutty° Emden officer or
agent. •Hi brat, present.: charged with
baying ; taken a prominent ye! both In
organlting and 'directing the
ter rlotmoyement, daring which police
man Brett was Shot. Indeed, it. is al
leged that Berke had chorgo a the arm;
and served them out to Allen, Larkin,
GonliVittel others,Juat before the tumult
commenced. "
'Lomax, Dec. 14.—The police authorl
tles,tble morning wort three klrWand
about furry badly Injured by the Clerk-
enwell explosion yointerday. Tho excite
moot In 'the city last evening was very
great. 'Nearly all the morning journals
hero editorials on . the exppmfoh. no
entire gremlin:dna of the opirtionthat the
time for • lenity towards the Fenian:, has
passed. The Times lw particularly deci
ded in its remarks, and closed a lengthy
article with the following winds: "Let
there be no more clemency for Fenian.
ism, whist' Is 'it mixture of treason and
sassesinatlen.' o ' - I •
.... .
Encning.—Sfessrs. finite and Casey,
two of the .FOnlans ooidined In gerken
well prison, were brought to Bow street
today for examinetiOn. Nothing_ his
boon elicited end the prisoners were re
manded.' During the eiarnbastion Burke
took ceonslon to deny all knowledge of
the cause of tho recent eXploidon.
An inquest on both the bodies of those
killed by the explosion will be held on
Tuesdny. Timothy Tie mond, Terry Al
len and Ann Justice, ho were. arrested
yesterday near thesce e of theexplosion,
were brought , to Boir street to-day for
examination.' The only" proof' ' of, the
•guilt of the prisoners was the factof
their being near the spot and flying hat
after the explosion occurred. The pris
oners wore subjected to a long and sharp
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examinatlen ,ht the pre9ol3Co of a large
crowd of pevle. Nothlng,dettnite was
proved aphid them, and they were re-:
mended to
• nun°,
`current that Col. Roll
Rumors a
• ~
the Fenian prlicaa' vibe Was rescued at
Manchester, "Le in England, notwith,
etnridlng the stories to the contrary, and!
Is still directing the movernenta of tbo'
Fenian ibotleerhood., There aieNtiose
;rho openly s tLesert that the explosion af
curownweu irsm - .tbe result; of one: of
the scruples of
Dispatcher received to-day, show time
!benign:l.h captive's in the hands of the
Abyssinian King aro alive and well. A
large force of Egyptians, OorostAns'g
4,000 histejelnefthir
Dab sxpedffihn nt ktifssoiiab.
THE AirnsyNlA sx.raninotr.
Losmosr, Dec. I.s.—Dispate.hes hove
bean received from Massowak which re
port that the Stabil' expedition had ad-
Taneedconaiderable distance lido the in
terior, but at last aeconnta the troops
were suffering from scarcity of water.
Pc.e.gbax turatogivraartoxs rturemerEn
—6,000 TROOP!) UNDER Anna.
Lolvrterc.liseember lo—Ehreitig.—The
public. Coreinhides in honor' of Allan,
flould and Arkin, which were to, bare
*Mk of the .
Pal Cities in England and Ireland were
prevented by the authorities in every
place where the attempt was made
to carry theM out, Much indignation;
was Oman . by_ the crowds In some M
eta nosts,ibut to violence wan committed'
in thiseily. Battalions of regular troops,
to the number of six thousand men in
al,,haveheetirept under : arms all day,
to Haslet the police-In maintaining order
fi end suppressing any Fefileit demokistra-,
15. t. Evening.—
Special precautions have been taken by
iho Government to check any demonstm
grimier distmituMes oldie part of rem
lartierOrangemeri lin - this - city,'es thin
was the day whleh, had been appointed
for twirling the obsecittlate of the Fenians
executed at Manchester.. All the drink-,
ing places within the city limits
Itave been ',closed. ':'ldYl order of
'the magistrates. Tito whole police.
police force is on duty, and soldiers arc
held& rowdiness& tiled; bursar-la The
imlinitear awmodes arofge . aid . o, and .
vessels of soar are &raiding iliedocks.'
An attempt
.waa made, itt:lictibirlanco
with the Fewhiu lu'ogrardtbb‘prenflonsly
announced, to fcum a funeral proceeidon,
but It failed; The city Is quiet. •
nectar rormunuvert—bknor ILSWAII.DB
FOE TIER. t.r & i SICOB S or raiz CLtItE EN
LONDON': December 15.-4 r Is thought
that the' Feulans will cease all 'active
&tempts against slaw and order, In con
sequence of the universal horror and
indignation caused by the disastrous
attempt on Clerlceuwell Prison., Large
'amounts are effaced by the Government
roe thediscoveryand emit of the guilt2.'•
Partly& •
!arm Anisica.
t.llll AND 'emu,
GUAT4uTara or,Tur. PIf.ACILAT
DeCember "IK—The English
rnalletesmerfrom Rio. Jeneiliii• I:ilia
She brings Import:AU news from
the seem, of war on. the Parans. Tbo
Parignajlan foregs, cantor t{she command
of Trfilihient Mier . ad assumed
active offensive cip a ratioge. Their first
movement was awimpletesneemni. They
attacked the 'Brazilian camp and carried
It by storm, taking fifteen hundred pris
oners and tumoral placiw of artillery. The
Brazilians defended: their, camp with
Vent obatinicy, r and- lost nearly Ibitr
thonsan4 men killed, Wounded and
cwicus rk LEGATION'.
FLonmecz, Dec,ls.—A change is about
to bo made. in the AMU= Legation at
Paris. The Chygatier Visconti
•:rensota, who was /Master of Foreign
Affairs lost year, in the Csbinet of Baron
McMinn, wilt re-Mace the Chevalier Di.
Nigra, who Is to be transferred to Lott-
rxw coxertrrrnox 6DOP7TD
VI - ENNA, December 14.—The now
Constitution, after a long debate, has
been adopted by tho Upper House of
the Relehatath;
nomAxcoxyEnccz. mt.k.aposzn
Ps.nte, December 15.—Tho General
Gonfetence on the Roman question has
been abandoned, tho lending European
Governments baying_ declined to take
Eirrnon vrtrimvran WITH ntOL E.
Pinta, December 15.—Ernaing.—A.
deputation from the 'English Bible Eiocl
'ety had rutandience with the Emperor
Napoleon to-day and cemented bit with
a copy of the bible. The Emperor made
a brief address to the gentlemen of the
deputation, in which ho declared It was
lin finitude to protect all religions.;
Lotrootr, Dec, I.s.—The great potrers
Imre directed a motet° the Subllnie Voris
asking '...tbot navisration of the D'ardn.
nelles,be made free to the ehipplog ' of all
nations.. .
.. t inNaurat livalproelty Tn.ty—Stne
rfal iv Lrostann—lla I toil Mist.. 'llea
aloe: _ I
HlTTe.iiipsidi teii.h. rlitstargb Oszatts., -,
Sew FaitNemo°, Dec. 14.—The Cham
ber of Commerce has appointed a com
mittee to report favOrably to tho ratiti.
cation of the Hawaiian reciprocity treaty.
It also adopted the following tnemorial
to Congress: 'That in their opinion the
commerclatinterests of the Pacific ,mast
will be largely promoted by the ratifies-
Son of the reciprocity treaty betireeh
the United States and tho Hawillan
Islands, and tho public considerations
having reference to the future expanelun
and bounty of. our national commerce
on the l'ack's ocean demand its ratifica
tion as no lees Imperative.
The Union leginlativ• caucus nomina
ted Judge Brown, of Contra Costa,-Uni
ted Stales Senator, and endorsed. Grant
for President. - • .
Arrived—The John Tacker and Cleo.
pears from Now York, and Imperial and
Thomas S. &tort from Liverpool.
Sailed—The Granite State, jor Cork.
The oppbsltion steamer Amerfen sailed
for Panama to•driv,oraryiegl,loobarrels
of flour for New York. ,
Flouric7,6o to 8,00; Oregon 17,25 to 100.
Wheat firm at $2,50.
•101•45ou EIS an lirraltea—The Naar Tana.
(Br Teicrroolt to ills ritubarolie stite.ll
orrAws, December 15.—Discou l t on
American invoices for the enacting weak
fa declared to be twenty-live percent.
The new tariff proposes to place f7en
per cent. duty on American e th er.
The New Brunswick Members of "or
nament are much'sliticontented wit the
new tariff. •
Xardirer VOnvieitil it, theoltr fll
BROORVILLE, Pa., December 14.-ISm.
D. Graves, Gliase'ripartner in murdering
Elizabeth McDonald, was found guilty
of murder in the second degree. Ho is
sentenced to eleven years and eight
months to the Penitentiary. The pope
Mink Graves was the worst man, endure
dtssatialled with the verdict. . I
Tight war Chicago. ' •
COT Te/um& to tm Elttstrargo eluatta
Cameo°, December ItS—A prize tight
took place yesterday a &wayside, out
side of the city Boats, between 'Edward
Lowry and James Mack, for purse of
WOO. The fight leafed forty-two Mtn
utea, and wan won by Ikrwry In thirty
four monde.
noon. of Jeueslee.
CDf TOloVnet SO the fltabarib (butt.]
DETROIT,. December. lb.—Hon Gaarge
Martin, C h ief Justice of. Mb Stata t 'died
*day in this dty.
,9',OL•pcN vr.
- -
Indian Peace-, Com
n dasion
The "Ordnance
Dep tallodet . l.oyalLeapies ' 1
, •
Views of Thad. Stereos, Geo. Buller
and Senator Seiner.
Soldiers end &tilers' Unions
and. the Presidency.
NatiOnal Clonventioa to be Held.
.7nttt ror•k '•WMsky It!ng.2,
Growth, Capabilities and Aspects
of Washington.
liaisons for Bamoving Idr. Stanton
my Teen-sow taw Pittsmoss Guaira 1
Waannearotr, De irreins. -
-It isnnder.tood that a majority of the
members of the Indian Pence Commis
sion recommend in their report thai
the Indhin Burtetu be tylthdraWn . from
the Interior Department and made a sep
arate Department, under the charge of
soma Competent military officer, end not'
ettsched to the War Department.
i onoserrtgt
Tartnriblooniuktee appointed ^by rye
"Joint Ordnance Committee held a meet
ing tide morning, and continued the le
vedigatiou of thealleged Amsterdam pro
jectile fraud. The ComniltM. adjourned
until Thlsped-. ay next for go purpose of
procuring further lestimodY and papers
relating to the mule. From the facts al
ready brought to light by the !meatiest
Lion of this matter, it seems probable
that the report of-Me Committee will
contain several Statentents 'highly dam
aging to the character , end reputation of
mot] occupying I - positions under the' gem
ernment. Enough has been discovered
to establish the fact theta regular "ring"
extsteciduring the wet, which controlled
the action of the government to a great
extent in the perehaes of projectiles. At
the bead of the "rhle was a man now
occupying an important place to the Ord
nallee Department, and associated with
him was a party now a member of the
Cabinet, togethervvith several member].
of Congress. The entire matter has
caused great "gelation here to-day. . -
e' insisistse og,cotottattag. -
The only business likely to 14 trans
acted next week is the. passage of the
Cotton Tax bill in the Senate, The Ap- ,
prOpliatiOn Committee in the Douse will
report a Deficiency bilk for the current
fiscal year, but it can hardly pass before
the adjournment Tim Ways and Means
and flanking and Currency Committees
will hardly have any ineaalltes matured
'beffuethrumplargis49Liettl.F.' 44 ..,
lILTITTATION 01 , LOTAL ralsirMeß.l].
A - clep .. u , tation of Loyal Leaguers from
North anti South Carolina,
called on Messrs Stevens and- Rutter
yesterday. Mr. Stevens said the time
for impeachment had passed. An to re
minstruction, ho said he intended to In
troduce a bill providing that a majority
of registered votes obeli not be neemaa
ry te ratify the now Constitution., to au
thorize a loyal Previsional Government
in each State, giving the Governors the
appointing power, and power to make
requisitions far troops when necessary,
and,that two-fifth. of the colored people,
-who had ;no Congressional represents ,
lion formerly, shall be entitled to elect
Cengressarien at large fromthe afferent
States. gatraltalltod his views 'Of eta].
flecation, and inquired particularly the
number of persons owning large estates.
Gen. Butler, after reiterating the senti
nmb] ho, h i s heretofore put forth, saldbe
weuld introduce a biR utting all °Mem
of the Sonth into the han p de of loyal peo
ple only. I Ile then . expressed the belie!
that instead of there' being four there
were seven millietur Of colored people
it the Sop*. '
The pi - ational Council of the Union
League Association have adjourned, after
passing a resolution urging the National
Republican Coffventban not to nominate
for the Presidency a nun Who is not in
himself "an irreversible guarantee that
he is the true friend of the cause of Union
and liberty, equal rights before the law,
and universal mcalmod suffrage."
On Monday the representatives of the
various Soldiers.. atul*- Sailors Unison
throughout the country:Mote's:l:Met hero,
to take Into consideration the propriety
of holdings National Convention of Sol
diem and Sailors at Chicago the week
previous to the Republican National
Convention assembling and to declare
their choice for the positions of President
and Vico President, The movement is
strongly backed by leading Generals,
and it indicates a succest„
The World's special save: The Semite
refuses to suatain the President's sus
reunion of Stanton. If this as persisted
In the President will issue an order re
moving Stanton, and force him to resort
to the Supreme Court,
Considerable surprise has been mani
fested by Senators at - the President giv
ing to the - agentof theiUmociated Press
a copy of his reasons for the suepensien
of Mr. 'Stanton, an such a document is
considered strictly confidential. In Ex
ecutive cession yesterday the President
was bitterly denounced for making this
public, and it seems probable that the.
Senate will take some action coneenting,
The 'President laTieparing a veto on
the bill striking the word "white" out of
all laws relating to the District or Colum
bia. His views on the subject have boon
stated in former messages.
rn=xpEiars oi3n.c3aL
lifidor General Howard heti decided to
retain in the service of the Vreedinen's
Bureau the offleers dintstered Oct of the
service by tho recent order, until the Bu
teen expires by Ilmitittion of law. An
application‘was made is Dir. Johnson to
retain them - ea the army roll, but he
peremptorily refused to do so.
It is hinted that a new linancial scheme'
Will be - presented es a embetitute - for the
currency contraction, and which to
thought will satisfy. the. House and he
appr9ved,by the Secretary of Treasury.
The Ifew Yerk whisky 'ring have left
some most active members to manage
their.••alTaira this winter .and lobby a
scheme through Congress. It is stated
upon good authority that they have two
hundred thousand dollars meth to com
mence with, and double that amount to
expend when the first inetailment is
gone. Thp latest movement • mado has
boon to buy np the correvondante hero,
In order to prevent th6le ischemea from
being reported, and In two or three
cucts they have succeeded with corres
pondents who excel. in lobbying and
make it 3 profession.
Fractional currency • printed .for •the
Week, $524,000; shipped, M 57,670. Na
tional Bank Notes issued. =0,870; loud
in circulation, ¢.9^ 9 735.824. Fractional
currency redeemed end destroyed,
Aniong the names urged for the Corn
missionership of Patents, are ex-Gover
nor Thomas Ford, ofGhlovex- Congress
man liabbard, of Ohio; B. F. Jame., of
andiobn C. Cox, Chief Clerk of
the Interior Department. 1867.
Tax CASE or um. IrrAthi: ;Te.
The message of the l'resident, In rela
tion to the removal of Secretary Stanton,
has boon Printed as a. confidential docu
ment, but copies hive not yet been din
tributedamong the Senators. -
-The epecll committee appointed' by,
the Convention of Manufacturer. and
Dealers in Spirits are still in this city,
and were yesterday at the Treasury De-
partment and Internal Revenue Bureau
attending to the htlxireettreantiultted to
their care.
A Stcushingkin .itet.fnf "Uri the okle•••
PM., of tho lag council o[ - tiro ]oral
kaguo called on Senator fittmnet, it•tict,
• •
couvereatien, avoted the ditrirenchhoes
went of all who took an, active part In
frrratertfigieri •
who wore In any sphere tendert cif„ the
people, atutall tvlio ibritierly• held ounces
In the Federal service. Such man as
Ranieri:2o3l e) Lotchor 'add 'others
sheillilueshr obtrude themselves span
imblia native, and rid
I IllintloM attempting to offer. tiaticol
givaciteldnions on Mei. idtdrie-lcdt the
nation. fle also denounced the
Coniisrvative Ropublimns In Con
gress as the bane at the pedly,,_ attd
said the great raistakes eif tbe porter Wet°
thellalluroto.impeach•thoVresident Slid
to pate a political rights bill. Genisral
Grut he cuthsiderod.a good. erddier 'nut
nothing trLoto, and thereto* op:pi:deli
to enSarsiug him for thePreeddentlel
canditteov...l4.-Suenner•voss saniStillef
if the house bad passed the bit
meat resolution, tibie:edester,woul have
done its duty; and Cengreali vrould re
ject no constitution of a Eleuthera State
for being too Itndlcl 1. yp
7, •
. .
Itls.sailLto:lo 1-3wlxtbto:lbetemo
crutle Notional Committee will select
Cineirmati.a.stidr - plaeo for holding tho
atittinarr nnatnna. - -
Tho tnlvary &Oita Church, enrnor or
Ma* and Eighth, stxcet,s,nns burnod this
nitiont won; coniatinenco of the expba
stan=ots, lane Loss sll7,oooOnsured for
'Aboni stir Inchon orsolowtellliaiiitglit
and today. .
run Arai-nulls' austrora - ' "
Roport Bays the Anstritinettlasion will
bo tendered Montronifirß/alr. -
[Pioni Our Remalaitotkektioidettr
Vsublogino.—lan Groirtes.Valio"µ' 1 141. ,
Comfort —Pabtla Ansomepimitsend
owneenten•—•OEltS, 11“, lAaar.
Is:m.lo*n ratifies...llm Comiler Veto
9e eßtot Ariasoo..Retakisemibeat-:
' Neekto'Vetiate.-Wlce seamen hoe 114.
mo• Lag Mr.' Manion.
Washington, attrio g the tinter Mason,
in a place of mash interest to the 'whole
Union. And thid - pot soleiy front the
*runt thatCongressaseembles bolo, though
that may enhance the Interests There 10
no city fit the Vain—not ;von Now.
York—Whore lifo present. itself in so
great variety of aspect, whore extremes
ako so frdotterdly brought together., Yot
we scribblers , fn our olecirbinn ihtereit
in the beings of Congress," are apt
to, forget Washington itself—now a
city of uhautL2,ooolntuddranka. So °Qin
pletely is the outehle world idisorbed
what Congrells.lw doles aneLgolng to do,
that you. Mtge:. Uteirstat Mass ,Pf pooPle
who liva iseelechsve hero , tr homes
business, hopes, juyeLand advs.
one In a Muldredthffike tin Ile b
fleas relations, or kuo hat within six,
miles of the
_Capita ere ie. a wake
power that has been 'running to waste
since creation Ssf super/Or to !het Whit*
whirls themElienliphidbet or Lomeli:M.
Lawrence. could be erected to 6p-_!
propriato that power, intet which mmaeLs,
bringing the raw dotted or other unman- -
ufactured articles - ter um mold discharge
their mimed pnco—the tas..e, being
navigable 10 tot veri Pm{ of the Calla.
A. rich country eurrounde tin. What is
needed is simply the enterprise and Use
means. Thissity'ought to km one of - the
most fichiriching manufacturing and
eOll2 ruerrial -cities of the cone try. '
tigent agriettlttire should clerbetheltuid,
now scortched front improvident =don.
paid toil witlivereuro and beauty. '
But this is aside from the purpose.
Weshington;.in winter, woe the thought.
Per those who hay° the money and the
disposition to spend /tin flutterbigabout
the ige of fasblon this leper.
. .
a jam • peop.e; going I to owe wreaths
worrniag one's way Into anearlv impen
etrable 11110.4 of humanity, ..4aking hands
with the receiver, who stands up to be
shaken, and then worming yourself out
again. To a reception of Gen.,firaut.a,
last winter, two ladies from a distant
cite went, dressed as Is rands, at
p. en.; Tint thirty minutiae in
getting trout their carriage to the door of
the house; 0 • hour front the entrance to
to the band shaking; forty. tire minutes
teem the hand shaking out at Um back
door ander the clothes' line and-the Gen
eral's acidse hanging there to dry, and
[Mecum Mime again. Of course the a (a
-mode liimilotted ; was fencrally cllakibu•
ted through the house from the front
door to the hack door, each coat, button
or bow-herd faking some email Winne in
palming (like an 'lstrernarn. gathomr)
of tba ganzo or' other 'slight tahric. At
the Preddent's grand receptions the mil
lion go In at the door and ever a covet!ed
walk nut at the window. In this waycol-
Hiltons between Itadiettla arid rebel, are
best avoided.
But Mot else 4 receptions roust claim
year attention. What a multitude of
people rue these who sock othor kinds of
amusement. See the billion' mamma,
goy with their costly lights; .and blaring
bar-room and gambling hells whore
Men madden their brain. with drink and
dim , . Hero to-night Is Forrost, who
plays " Virginias" to a bursting house;
the philosophic editor of Cho Tribune,
who dlsomrses to another crowded ball
• • •
on the martyred Linoaln ; the great
Italian Opora troupe with Itaattractions;
Seth Collyer, the champion of the "light
Weights. , with his . pupils,. Dan and
Eddie, all thette 'latter to !to seen by
those Who will pay for a glass of bad
rum and a 'riga:. 'The shop windows
are gay with Christmas shown and
sounds; , the happy-morning thMogpress
Up and down the foot walks, tinder the
moonlight, and stem, to no. thin , that or
thWother attraction;' the hotels are Ince
bee-hives, 'with each its knot of par:
[inane, lobby. members,- - ttaxbis-to
grind!" Dern aro the delegates at
Willard's who hare Come to regulate
the tilt on 'whiskey. Them y ou see
the representatives of millions In
_ -
that j crowd so light-hearted, ' •
and talkative. Whiskey nella at $1,2-3 any
where in the vicinity of any one - of-their
hundred stills and the Governtnent tax
on Was $2 per gallon. Whose fault is it?
not theirs! eo mild and inocent, you
might well call on anyone of them, Judg
ing from his aspect, to deliver a diecouree
from let Timothy v. 23d, and expect to
be Accommodated. Here, too, are the
members of the hiyalleagmei trent every
part of the land. liere are men who
stomilloyal to the flag whoa they most
conceal themselves therefor In dons
And thves, and mountain fastnesses of
Tenn see! Hero a members of the Re.
peblie a General. Committee, and Chica
go is have the next wigwam and
motile 111 Mole man 0.1, - P grant ho may
prove ike the other) in to be nominated
there iv' the Presidency in May ISGS.
Beside. all, the Yoting . Men's Chriatlan
Aksouiation ia:.ookllng its emaions, and the
churches of the ehty their regular prayer
meetings. What pursuit, what Joyti,
sorrows, hopes, Marx; teresta here
oommingle ! A vast people stretching.
from Polar ,Uhuthato the torrid waters et
the gulf, and. from to ocean, with
all their restless various life—here is
their epitome!
But society here is heterogeneous.
The Cabinet atm its: circle, The Seine
*aria State wines and dines the foreign
legation. from time to time. There two
hero stately atepplorm °fiords and ladles
attif with gold lace and brocade... More
genial and more hi keeping...with our
ideas the neml.official dinner.. where
members are invited ;for lubrication!
Where great schemes are'dLseussesi, and
, the me& of future empire sown—so to
Racal:. 'Where a sate fbr Waimea's or
1 St. Thomas be touched, and -affairs that
sway the cabinets of kings are bent all
young twigs, so that the tree may be "In
' cllsted.". It Is-raid that in • certain brick
house on 1 , street, the whole secession .
movement,. In Its lasi phase, was ma.
Wreck the various parts assigned
and. the- actors :pledged, arid' as :it
were i.. drilled th their parts as i
about to atop upon the mimic stage
and personate the characters '. they,
really were- . to try I. be. , One
said to Toombs, the fiery Georgian 'but
'suppose this com e r to blows and blood
and war breaks out, what then!" "Oh,"
he replied, "men Were mule to tile, and
what differenee is it how or whether a
little sooner or later." 'Presto talk! Jlrt
didn't die, though he became a General.
Slide little Supper:lot sh ed- ut Mrs.
ll mienblef was hawhich has
clothed this • nation in mourning and
plunged . it- In an ocean of debt; • Thia
never be the people rye know it in
our buybood—nind all the pride and
ambition of the few hardness who ruled
••``eocletr' In Washingtm bet a - more of
yea. ago. But let us pass to our every
day thentes. Bpsenes, good-bye, •
Tbe,"old man" le qt It egaHni Congress
struck the : ord "white" out of the Die
trice. of Coltunbla Charter Mondry,
which has led Mr. Johnson ton new ex
amination of the "constlchewahun.'! Ile
don't find it stated there that the word
"white" ought to be used in any such
mannet. Mr.lllnekley has been all over
the Instrument. A veto message is pre.
paring and expected within a day or
16, 1867
t o. 7*l•' ewe iioys will Sebryibrij
by. tbo p - they have recbcdred!from
. is cos over the "GriteNteiree.,.
ti ' CIO - ,I ry hi:Plitsbiughtn?Nlirre;
be , such sensation ,bero theft
h gl ''. , Mon Stare:at cittelf :othet,arid:
-1,,,,,- Age,g1i.m.. ,, 1 4 . 7 .!'
.I, if s'; ell di.d.:you,eyer,i,Mtri t.orl
el ' ti.half.thls fall Limy lidw.r . ' '...
an Ai . ''. heridson it, i It , bitre air;
xi us - tallVt7r- Mr.- .;elin-
"' .I*rfel'it.*;" , '''' '':`' '' - '''' 3 "‘ .
I - -.,t1'... stgistis& - rati:-.- - ' , /, s 4 '
g? . k. , nierriinVitoir.,to:
4 .ciii! ; I.
lntiVlLift. ; .!';" t
tb I• -. e fonnd.thomanks g 1,49 .,
.riv na. • 5 him, within their: doins -41.
Bildt. ' , Wan' Said your
• r , ottipnt, that heaved the Sanatoi•
1110 - *traveled Wields% the StAto and
Ulnae . ; - Noixtblialcrog told ieereien
.ted .. - returitilitittigerrti..stats ;fffeel-
Mg ' -- ":7. and Jltrit‘-ercrythinif .Weis
rotglit"; I • ac from Utei;Potqune to the
las* f•
T ,: - MO - Clarnagsd - tialthe -Ra
lik/It; • •1 t ri r It. tlui.Sottili,spvcrely, by,
Mr.: ~,, tuft slfar . leitYths Abrttrr
I.paltale r WWUoea:- that the- settNatirrg. M.
pith - .schcispokeut.the:ofiktitiraCtl
She rota among - whom theylivell;Wilitt
falser . *era and fault-findere., - .Tbushe
raters '•t ttas'•#ertlierrt loyal pwtpleTrom
theta.. ; a wee one elementofthogrft
fain '<Ain the Mopublican vote of t
. the
north 'fall. .11to-;-'fithelii; ' t ame
[ then", yid upon him and got. sat
I's ''t of Mtn. New they - hat% the
012 their side, knit the tall elec.
tie* kind whim - the eloquent Senator
W hach, only to look at them
end' • !how xtpdo".they loot the doer
1 in .- So Mr. Wilson
„was in Ms
negt. * Semte male thismorning,
and lt* galleries • obstervad that he wa y
rottliptipauul had ridden on the rail during
the n 7. Wirt,tilateldrebleep,s.
~. annownes or eonoi- •
diiW-In retest order, of the War ffia
partgeTre y4ll be a larva reduction
In number' Of °Mats 'employed In
the . en!, Wrenn. The law pro
eldek•hereVer,lbstithe platlettiffint left
-vauffif May t.sabycitnitruis, anti
in aillaY'Mahmoe,oll.Ba - preinuttleil Gan.
llcavial Wilt oestffinattim officer, In the
Pbellithey now Occupy when, as ninth)-
ry Iffity. shall bern - been-mustered
nib. elhpayitsatijilianeWSlihdiVeVir.
1 * /perttutit:44o,4l9,4.'ffiadth WM
also 'ilarge - radriettettorbierktibilliii
-Pena a Office, to the iv:rather:olooa Is
lial4 dl n the. Treasurt *bent' IXS• GO
of a ere named, 'vie reperfad that
.the..._t - COMIIIISSIMIeri "or. Patents,
Hon T. C. Theaker, WI& Mat fasten or
be aced. _The sinews inmitiened are
'it ' -.• neon hitt•watdebtl
ay, Menne aralrit - Farti ... note,
at at nt an o ffi cer in th a ne
ed In connection ai/ffi..- the-Vet
aim ' The place Otislit tebtffilett hya.
MG l 0 . 1. WO Inibraantion of
IlattiliM, In d er=iitiair the,Eltskli
tiT.ltVrapbrase ,, •'lrixtpartal.' ,so
negro needs n man who 'Mall leave
aIF door of his office every thing but
MI duties of Iffiroffice. . .. -
.- . . . .. .
TIVE Strf..k..TE.
- Vatit Interest hp
to thepro-
I.lngs of this bony ft, the telt,two
I T h an e tt ipo4
, 04 3 1 . ir. t.
i n z ra ec kl i f e r . ,
attach I
- apt% 1114rrpit . .9 In his late message. Ile
lean ,answefreb- by Bert - ado Jeffinson, a
,alaratil epee/tea who seldom falls
least!' he dots soutetlthos In his
' t the spreck'svhieh . bast attracted
Mast attention le that of, Senator Morrill
,the return to spade pa:lents It is
salmi:Ware athwart' . le subject front
htlit ti and'will richly repay a
,t'lle ?old:toot ban RIM enlightened the
idlianta to-day no the comma 'which led
hinito partovith Mr. Stanton. Whet he
was the slums are , is not known to the
,pliblia,sarlas message wan considered In
EgientletaSomion. The evening pners
inetendto know that one of the causes
Viewed-that 'Mr. Stanton was defiant!
Yea, be dans: to armorer back to A.
iJobnion that he (Sir. S.) found "conaid •
:aratlents of public intertat" prevented
ide vin to resign—toe very Caner
by the Presidont of midis •
s.. A -
renew Is that Mr. 8. did not Inform
him (the President) that there was going
to be n riot In New Orleans In July Ise.
This last Is excellent! He kept Mr.
Stauton over a veer in hls Cabinet before
he found out this reason, though all the
facts in the case have been before the
world these months. If the executive
message shall ho made public and this
reason is assigned, then there are answers
to it so complete and overwhelming--
=sweat connecting President Johnson
so closely with that. awful tragedy that
the malhgner of Mr. Stanton ran he
picked so clean that he won't know him
self. Let us wan the inermage...__
T, TUNIS ASD ST. 101159
I.•••Ztoosittue of Um liffor of Do
mnrk Coe•COTotoa too • «Otos of to
1•IWOa to 01111 ilea lit 111.111.
. .Dims Yonx, poe. 15, ivd7.
The l'reclamation of the King of Den
mark,lo the people of St. Thomas and
Si. Johns ears: "We hard` resolved to
cede our Islands ;of St. Thomas and 11.
Johns to the States of America,
and we have to that end with the r eserva
donor the Conatitutlonal consent of our
Rigel= concluded a convention with
the President of the 'United Males: We
Wive ny embodying in that Convention
explicit and precise provision. done nur
utmost to iseCUroyou protection In your
liberty, your religion, your property and
privisterigbhs, and you shall be free to
remain where you new reside 'Or to la
more at may time, retaining what you
posse= in earld blonds or disposing
thereof and
„removing the Lin:reeds
wherever you please without being sub
jected on this account= an contribution
tax or charge whatever. Th y
prefer to remain in the mid islands may
eltherretaln the title and rights of their
natural allegiance, or acquire those of
eitlrems of the United States; but they
shall make their choice within two
yearn from the date of the exchange of
ratifications of them= Coeventiomand
those - who shall remain 'ln
the :Island. - after `the expiration
of that thee, without having
declared their Intention to retain their
natural allegianee,shall be ootuddirred tp
have chosen to become citizens of the
United States. As we , however, will not
exercise any ismatralut over our faithful
euhiseta, we will giveyott tho opportu
tau of freely anti extensively ex
pressing your wiahea In regard to
this cession,' and we have- to that
effect— given the neoessary- tn
etructlons to our-. Commefeloner
extraordinary; With sincere sorrow do
wo look forward to the severing of
those ties which,jfor many years, have
united you LO .uaand the mother coun
try, and never forgetting- those many ,
demonatrations of loyalty md efrection
we bare received from you; we treat
that nothing has been neglected from our
side -to secure the future wafer° of our
beloved and faithful subjects, and that a
mighty Impolite. both moral and Irate
dal, will be given to the happy develop
ment--of the Island., tinder the new
sovereignty. Commending you to God.
"Given at our l'abice of Amalicnborg
the 25th of October, istrr, under-mu - royal
hand end goal.
Crintsrms It"
The Danish Commissioner, In present
ing this proeltunatton to the assembly of
the Island, announced the postponement
of the Toting bythis people till the .emn
meneement of January, In consequence
of the unsettled state of affairs growing
out of the late terrible disasters to the
Arnimleso Print Works DaWroyett
By 8010/mon to the Pittsburgh Ussattel.)
RIVER, • December • 15.—The
American Print WoriM, at Fall River,
;were deatroyed by Oro this morning,
with all the printing machinery and•a
large stock of calicos. Fivo hundred
hands are thrown out of employment.
The loam will amonnt to a million and a
half dollars: It ma, the finest structure
of the kind in the country. Its lees will
probably occasion the stoppage of many
cotton mills, and hi a great blow to the
Industry of Fall River. The insurance
ls not ascertained.
roar Thousand Tray GGGGG Weather
• Tioand—Ratiroad Accident,
. SCRANTON, Pa., Duo. 15.,-Four thou
aand travo'ens are reported weather
bound at Bound Brook and Somerville,
on the Central Railroad of New Jersey.
The engine Pacific; on the 'empress
train, duo hereat ten r. w a s thrown
from Um track-by the spreading of a
switch nolo the top of Wilkosbarre
mountain, Tt Is feared the engineer is
fatally. Injured. No paisengers were
Hinreono. Dec. 14.—Cbas. D. Pniler,
convicted atlitarch term of the Superior
Cont* of thotbeft of 82,000, to bonds, the
property orl,oyal , Wilcox, deposited In
thii - vault of the Hartford Bank, where
Fuller was Teller, to-day was sentenced
by Judge Pardee to the t3tato prison for
Ave years. lie still protects hie Inno
taVreletraDb le 4e PlualmrAh tassel.%)
NEW Tow:, Dee. 14, 12431.
17.201 TRAGI Ear
%Samuel Sharpley was yestenlay ,re
lcsuM d• en his own recognipEnce, Kelly
refusing to enter any complaint agaiust
ldro,dtild Leon was discharged. Shaip
.mahes,depositithi that he ban ho
charge to prefer against that gentleinin.
-SPECULATOR 0001110.
A man Bitting in thogold room recent
ildh4 88,000 in stocks taboo from hid,
IrrestriMeket by au expert .
The late sto MR swept, with great:ARTY
Wong the Atiantiecoast, and the results
nro.told in' the stories ot shipw reetr
which hro , reachins nod The steamship.
Atlantic, from Eouthampton, hails fear-
MI 'Parma, nearly sit her upper cabins
bong CrUsheci m, and her main ealooh
diooded, by • the heavy seas - Yhe sloop
rld-aria was wrecked otT.lkiviCiß Island,.
'hiongleltuadlioundi and one man lost
, rt.lttorrs u.terrtittl.•
. . .
I7A itestelalls, Py r the; Allentown,
tirrjved elliPitisitiiiths
eta, onlrechmsday, and
: will :enrit
In the week for Chicago, eipecting to, re-,
Min In two months and glee concerts,
aoYefal persons wore frOzen 'to death'
in thin vicinity tlntlbig the lite stone.
A. L. Duncell's wrapping paper mill,
be t ween South Orange and Milburn, teas
destroyed by Are last night. Loss
patlistily Insured., .
.iiihrll7; . ;l. if F. NVM.
'Advicca IntimMarled etate that . senor
Romero le about toYetnna to .[Tilttetinp•
ton as Envoy Extraordinary and Minis
her Plenipotentlary[tothistiited States.
Mexicio trill also send diplowistle agents
to the hbuth - Abletletur Republica, - •
• Information is received Hi the City,of
Mexico relative , to contract •fintrie
[ tho United Status-Ihr arms • and maul
[ -deny cf war during the French interyen
[ don, andd n deers° is about -to 'be Issued
by Prifolent consolidating the
bonds issued therefor, llTlCCleTtrtrin
tail those recognized by the liepriblie:
Perlin" Dine was -on the road to the
depltal with the trophies captured at
Querttath: -•
The Mexican jai/rinds object to hold
ing a secret session of Congress. •
Nue, Nona, Deo. /5 ltd
A telegram from Nett,Orleans reports
the detit2 pavenpert, the actor.
_ . .
EXACIGiRki it O 71463 . 317gi5:
' Having epeeist to the Iteraid ela tes
Math° aCt.rounts of the damage to dm
141intis d,. Stalartholornow and St. Wor
th:is 'wore exaggerated. Only portion, of
the holet were gowned. The town of
saagairee, anadeloope, was reported
destroyed by Are.
lI:AIIeFER OF TllOlll g.
. ,
Tho Dint lett prxqamatton transferring
St. TIAMas to thernited States appears
in tta St;Tbammt Times i.C . Ncivember
T'Wd ..tbotl. are conealed to the In
tl:AI kfit4lo tmplet° ;change of
' •
Thoillaynna police foreo has boon re
duced one-thtrd, for thaaake of economy.
Cholera report. fornledwil the Spanish
Goserflmonf by telormph from !lava=
hare beet( HlSeentlnnell: • •
mmxm.4-1" 41tlittV.
Advice; from ilexleo ttlat fss'
Government had ordered the republic--
Simi of all treaties made by European na
tions with the Government pretending
to represent Ateutaa. ,
A Montreal epecial aayai WO 0
Oren were eaten toy wolves in the IVOO,I,
in Saint Illtileeld / on Thureday. The
mother had a narrtly escape.
. rarat, rotraTzuna.
VolunteeriSforc l'stpal . ttrzny.,os
quite suilcuatk ada. • ' .
A New Orleans sral stow, General
the election of members of the - Rec sa
struction Convention in Taw, to occur
within sixty
Reports resolved at headquarters Ely
three thousand 'whites and four thousand
negroes, in Louisiana, are at the point of
aturratlon, and Gqn, Lianowk will ask
Congrsesional. apposipsiation ;or .their
The ease of the Igetra of Preston lant;
to recover fees tons, amount of t2,frtat,
paid to the Depnty Collector of.Costoms,
Clinch, had Leen decided. An favor of
Burr Von srocg
Horace D. Tibbetts bascommeneed suit
agalnat the New York-, Newfoundland
and London Telegraph Company, to. rm
cover a large amount of arlgtnally
owned In the Company.
Commodore BlaseWs - amount of the
diameter to the Monongahela publish
ed.-°My four item" were lost, and the
mime!, though ashore in the twain of
Frederickatadl, St. Croix, may yet be
• Tha ClneinneU mailer the merniog of
the 13th Ina received to-day.
ulna IN nnoosr.rx
A firs occurred this morning" at No; 4
South Oxf, nl street, Brooklyn, occupied
by Isaac btreloaskoy. .Loss, tr 30.000; In
sured for $12,000.. .Thres adjoining dwell
ings Worn damned to tbo eztaut of
DX; partjally Insured.. ,
It fa reported the Roberni and Sweep
cringe of the Fenian Brotherhood • have
effected a union.
Advil's, fn.= laaysl—Gimeral Wont.,
Ilardered Ia Prasea—
St. Theme.—Pavorl•lem,
teal Do,ty Pres so.VuDa.
LHr Talavirgt le the Pitt o=o Ilmta.l - •
Hsvwita, December 12.—Intelligenee
from Ha yti brings bloody tidings from
that plum. Senora(' Drente", confined
a 'lnvi prieon, was brutally tuuniered
by Solnwre's jailor. and tibubtless by
command of Soinayo. Thifeuffian dist
Administered poison
to the floneralinhis
food, but finding its operation slow, and
foarful it might not effect its ports's°, ho
attacked into, with . art 'iron' bar Used In
Nome part of the prison' &stoning, and
beat out his brains. The act was more
brutal, from tbo 'fact that the broiler of,
the prisoner was 'confined' in the' same
prison, and being chalned,was compelled
to witness the bloody tragedy withont
power to Interfere. The deedluts excited
the utmost horror and alarm among the
people, and many families have gone to
Jamaica inconsequence. • -
11.AvAtiA; Dee. la—Ads-Ices from St,'
Thomas state that too inhabitants wore
returning, and tranquility and
donuts wero restored:. •
Newa freru.Kingston, Jamaica, .aye
the American e mlgration acbem e has been
abandoned. '
A Te Wag . ceJ led tte
churehea (or the preservation of the Leland
from the late hurricane. ' •
The Legislature la soon to nameable to
consider the project for the imposilionpf
a tax on cabbage.
The weather Is more favorable, but the
coffee crop boo Elfreved Severely.
Ily the explosion of a boiler on the
Ilelmn plantation many people were
HAVANA, Dec. ..15.—A Royal'. order
hue been telegraphed from Dpatn,.illow.
log flour, rye, beef, corn nod' other
necessary precisions, cattle, maehluary; -
fertilizers, .ho., to enter thu pert of Porto
Theo free of duty, irrespective Of Ling or
Arrest or net Exerts. Arent for Oen
•pirney lo Abb.
. _
(Br ruerr•Vl 110 tb•ntsterrra ussartri ,
reovinitscu, R. L, Rciaember
James 0. Leidy, agent or the Merchants
Union Expreas Company; was arrested
hero Friday night, charged with comp'.
racy to rob and attempt to rob the safe
in the Company's . °Mee hero of three
hundred thousand dollars. 110 is in
Jail awaiting examination, tingly is the
mum whose 'operetlons In connection
with recruiting In this State were the
subject or legislative examination. .
laceiiilW7 Oros
[By Toler.De to us musts:Wee (+suits . .
,Spvirsin ezCt . n , Mann., D.e. 15.—An in
cendiary Arent Northampton, this morn,
bib the seventh within the last six
months, destroyed EaZi,ooo worth of prop
arty, including two . dwellinghousies, six
barns and other property, with atonic
and produce.
The were of Dames, Meninin at Co.,
dealers in Foreign
. and American wool
ene, 77•FrankUtt atepet,"Boston, was par ,
tinily burned on I:Saturday morning.
Loss estimated 'at p 0,000. ,Insured.
Ghee I . oe Paroildesit
Teleeraeli to the Plttatetree tistette4
BoeTOtt, De0.14.- . -A Meeting Is to be
bald ba at Pannell, Hall next Wednesday
night to favor tho noraina&aait, of Gen.
Grant for the next Preaider.i N.,
TOVIITEI PAGE.--The Penn tercet
re,.the Cotrv, and otherl local dein
wintered. Aleolde sewn by Telegraph.
The Client Special Sale) Cans Lanes—
where to,obtatalictrseeithshirrhae
Readers will remember 'that the spe
cial sale continues of tho Immense
stook of tiliamingalaceipairdsq . embrold.-
etas, hosiery, gloves, woolen goods,call-
Rnery, 'and ladles' and gent's Ruttish
log goods at,the wholtuale and :retail
salesrooms of Joseph Herne' di 01., Zia
77 and 7d Market street. The goods are
entirely: new, selected within the peat
few weeks during the temporary enema
in the eastern markets, and , kill be dis
posed of at remarkably low rates.. Ladles
desiring to select handsome and suitable
presents f.r the holidays And :a
magnificent assortment of tiaeft4:and or
namental articles which will be sold re:
limitless of original coat. Thisilinewbe
buy to still again should not . falidocall
in and learn for themselves thetiplendid
bargains offered by Messrs. Horne &Co.
to wholearle , pstrons. See and rand the
double column ad vertisementwMob
pears miller !second
.geof:to.i.We pa:
ref. There Is no charge 'for - mhowhig
goods, and , ttro publicciteritrally - aira in
vited to call id and otantkiethe . Mock
and Writhe tho prietA?:`,
Shaftroad neelnerss.
- 174 ro4 line oiiiiroVern ,
road, duo Id thisnib*lo o'clook.a.
Saturday, was thronti , trete thrack at
Por.ton's Station ilia . of; ,Thrrrisbari,
Pftdriy . morning, and. badly Wrecked;
The loitordettive,t ender, bogiongeiar, mall
car and onepassinger e , or' iohnero thrown
oft, and the Malt ear took fire. Two of
Postal clerks, 11. and 'NA:
'Brooks, -who were in the en at thoitime
.1114 rloeid. ant occurred,' were elightly ,
jburned,;odda largo amennt of moll ram
ter was consam*_, - ;T_IM Accident sma
caused-- by tho dirtmement of -a
switch, which hid 'bbeir' used' to run a
freight tralnontthe siding, and not trroji
crly adjusted afterward. Several of the
possongers,Vhoni • names: we could not
ascertain, were sliglftbrinjured,britnone
of them severely. • Tile . train, WO fie.;fie.;layed SO •
TO riir hodis als4Fri.'ol
The Cidtelsiser
A meatlnda ' f the ir*Yeweleitti*
gine. Builders and .Boiler itshenivaa
hold Saturday for the purpose of select
tEg deleptes to the Cleveland Conven
tion. Air. W. Foster Was called to
the chair, and W. H. Sims appointed
Secretary. The _ following gentlemen
were appointed delegates:
Engme Bra/dem—James . Reese, W
Tomlinson, -Robert Lee, A. W. Foster
Dr, Winked:4 T. N. Miller.
Boiler Makers—D. W. C. Carroll, An
drop; Watson, 11. 2'. Agnew, B. W. Mor
row. W. Barnhill, Junes Thom, Jared
31. Braehr
iron :ibunrteri—Wm. Smith, Hugh
M. 8010, 11. W. Oliver, Jr., Jos. Kaye,
earrlson, W.'J. Anderson.
nig doltwateo will leave. to-morrow
afternoon at ttto. deice%
• .
Among our holiday advertisements
' wUI be Mdnd that.of the long Mending
and &ratite eatablishment of Wm. P.
floc This_ firm has deter
s:tided that thee &ail be SZCIIIIO ibr
scuffing East for:. candy f G and buts
succeeded in producing them fit great
variety and of the very best 4nallty, and
as they. - manufacture Mem only of the
purest victoria' and on- 'a large smile
NOMA! the Moot approved mechanical
helve, they are enabled to vac retell
re --
e at New York ' prtmi, enter-'
primal' thin Ginn has displeye deserveit
enmaragement: A: Visit to their Mom
Nos. :lit: Mid *lt Librrty strot, will 11416
pron, any_ - atie 'leith :the metropolitan
eregthW.WeleMer 'm' 'delimit,
etrato that we Eurre not 'toil—beir'erite
The old ooze or 11. J. Lynch, 96 Mar
ket street, is presented is car advertis.
lug department tosclay. Mvarything per
taining to this store is calculated In snake
Its proprietor prosperous, and we are
happy to, know that he is so irt • intry,
respectable degree, If NI; L. would nee
more freely nod constantly the advertis
ing elltsuLne of thy local press, thousands
in the community would than learn that
his stock of dry goods is sleety! large
and that IL is constantly being replen
ished with every style and variety, that
LG eustomera are always promptly and
politely served, that the utmost fairness
and integrity is a rule of hie life, and that
a better store, a better • assortment or
loWer prices cannot elsewhere be found.
lettlesemiet, lleyeaa oft Seldle. '
Titsmild not surprise oo if the loan of
this firm by fire in their now Jewelry
Moro on Friday • mornidg—which the
whole community deplores, scarcely less
than ilieinSeivco—nhould prove in the
end, es neeming misfortunes often do, to
be a blasting. Judging from the crowds
of purchasers we saw on Saturday at
their old stand,3,ve, think it quite likely,
Lnrge, varied anti elegant •aa their stork
of goods now opening' is, they may find
it inadequate to supply the increased do.
maid upon them. Wo mention this, net
to diminish the rash of buyens, but
rather to intimate to thii firm that items
'Slate 'steps should be taken to replenish
and keep up their stock. We doubt not
they will me to thin, and- that a rich
harvest of prosperity awalta them.
The Allegheny Fire Unglue Company
did noble service at the fire on Penn
atreet, last Saturdaymorning. They had
been bolding a ballet them hall and on
the alarm being bounded quitted the
16105 of the fairladies. and malted to the
lire in.. all their Sunday-go-meeting
clothe. and did good work. The follow
ing members were injured: William
Slim, foot badly crushed by the falling
ore cornice. lie bad both ears frozen.;
James limo, blown out of a doorway
by an. explosten and sincerely injured,
both ears frozen; Thomas Donnelly, both
feet badly frozen: - Joseph `Martin, flesh
wound on the leg from bullet and both
ears frozen. The company dealre to re
turn thanks to -Drs. McClelland and
Burgher, Penn street, . for a sumptuous
*collation spread out for them at their
rtupective - residences after the Lite was
Subdued. •
Alleged Tarceny..—james
a resident of the Eighth ward, made In
formation before Alderman 31cIfeders,
Saturday, charging Michael Stapleton
with larceny. :He :alleges that . . he mot
Stapleton at the. Union. Depo Friday
evening„ from Which they cent tothe
Rush lionse to take a drink. Th
drank three or tour times and then or
dared something to eat.. While sluing
at the table he rays he fell asleep. When
ho 4woko Stapleton had disappeared, and
his {rocket book, containing MO. Was
mieamg.. arrested and
hold in the mu:Lot 1500 for has applfar
:ince Thursday fort_ hearing.
Taken Over.—EllieriG Clultry„ on Sat.
Inlay, took to the Penitentiary the fol
lowing persons, convicted of offenses
during the present term of the Criminal
Court: Thomas Flavin, George Smith,
Dovoro and C. Ausenbaes, each
sentenced for fifteen .montlis; David
Jones, sentenced :Dr eighteen mood..
Samtes Godfrey alias Miller, sentenced
for thirteen months, and Minim Date,
sentenced for five years and three
Assaulted a Worame.—Elfraboth
ens made information before Alderman
Taylor, charging Martin Luther with u
eauit and Lathery. Sho allegro thatwith
out cause or provocation the defendant
attacked' her aid struck' her with a
hatchet. A warrant was Issued for kb
arrest. The portico reside on Penn
street in the Ninth ward. •
Mille! toskaters.—Hall's Journal of
Health says in akators .Before starting
for the Ice, bathe your feet In cold water,
dry them perfectly, and givothem a good
rubbing with - a crash towel, put on a
pair of woolen or heavy cotton stockings,
and your feet will remain comfortably
warm for three or tour hours, In the
coldest weather.
flor. Gann' has remitted the linen of
two hundred dollars and fifty dollars
imposed by Judge Stowe on John W.
nitwk on the atoms of libel OM which
he was recently oonvicted in the Allegho
nysounty Court of. Quarter Smilons.
Thames Whttaker, whose ammtwono
tired Saturday, was brought back to the
city Saturday night by °dicer Seth Wil
mot, and lodged 7u jail for safe keeping
until the 'February torin of the Washing-
Yon minty Cottrt - ' '
. . . .
Rietorts three p erf ormancesr he Pitta
burgh realised in the aggregate only 3875 .
Thia amount would narpup cover ono
half "cif her expenses in coming hen With
bar hugs troupe. . . •
Plre.—Beiween one and two
o'clock, this morning, a fire broke At
in the rnaelsine shop of. Messrs. PhiLlipe,
Brother do Co., at the corner of !hound
and Ferry streets: The alarm was
sounded from Box 4, and the steamers
were protnptiron the ground, and ex
tinguished the fire belbre It • had made
much progress. - The fire originated ln
the office, which Is In one corner of the
building. The tors will not exceed two
hundred dollars.
'Plain Flannel, nirwool;redneed from
50 to 300 at Barker's. ' '
More of those boauttfel all wool Em
prate Cloths at 621 e, at Barker's, thin
Ancient line Arts.
To . the Editor of the New York Herald:
'Respecting the relics of porcelain ware
found in the into exhumation at Hercu
laneum which have, been forwarded to
the-Soc iety of Antiquities in London,
Whereof your correspondent says the
bottle resembling Drake'. Plantation
Bitters was undoubtedly pliced among
the ruins by the agent of Dr. Draice, we
desire to state he is =cornet in every
respect. 'lf a bottle was - found there
bearing, our lettering, the 'language Of
the Ancient 'Romans Was different from
the accepted literature of that day. Our
Agent has other business thin this in
=ad ins not been In Hatlymt all.
aubt an d
carry, Plantation
• _Beane; but trying to Impose
upon a society of A.ntiquarians In this
ay seems quite useless, and we do net
appreciate the hake. It is unnecessary
for us to spend money in Europe while
we are unable to supply thordemand for
these celebrated Bitters here.
• ;Respectftilly, •
stWeal" . ,P. H. Damn it Co.
Ono Huudred'pteces of gingham at ten
.centa per ydrd, this =ermine, at the
wholesale and.retall closing out sale at
For - Holiday : Presents, at wholesale
and retail, go to the great send-annual
closing out - sale at Barker's.
Fornuitable holiday presentee to INV.
W. ldoorhead'a, No. 81 Market street.
Yon will there find a largeandjudielorm
if %asserted stock of trimmings, • lace
lidddli gloves, bosiel7, and notions,
imitable for prosanta 'to either ladles or
'gentlemen. Prices eery reasonable.
Caltaud gsaretuo' the large stock of
ladles' furs a Win,
.11ccalng's, N 0.189
Wood street. -
%TONI Brown and the Qucta.—The
Queen wont -to see a painting.' "The
widowed Queen' by the Court Painter,
representing hot on horseback, ever
Willful John BroWn holding the horse.
When asked how she- liked it, she said
It was very good, except John Brown's
eyes.,What would she say to John's
eyes ere be to see the smite, making
at tires Bros. in gentlemen's underware,
embroideries, ladles and Mutes 'a ax
derware, gloves, hoisery, woolllns.
Their prices are Below and their stock
as good as in the city or anywhere else.
Holiday Pessents, dress goads at 121 e
and . rrards, at Barker's great dieing
Wholesale buyers of dry goads will
find extraordinary bargains In way de
partment, at Barker's great, eleeing out
LadlCd Fues.—An immense - stock,
cheap at Wm. Flemings; No. 139 Wood
The Singer Hewing Macktns Cennitany
hale just opened tr new and siplendJA
store on the corner of St..Clalr and Penn
streets. This Company have lately per
leeted • a new faintly machine which,
,while it possesses all the good points of
too old
.machine, has been a:stub:fled, and
made to run remarkably /OM 'and quiet,
Meant. Straw rt Norton are the agents,
and will be, happy ta. explain- the ma
*dirs, to any. persona who. may hive
Two ]Hundred pieces of beautiful Bar
red Fleanele at twenty cents per yard,
Just opened, at Barker's dogleg Ord lilb%
Bargains in Indies' Fors, id Wllllam
Fleming's, 2io. 139 Wood street.
. itszeorat—Onice of SwertPit /kick Ma
cidaps—The office of the Sword prick Ma
chine Company has boat removed bre&
359 Liberty to .511 Canal street, between
Penn and Liber . ty,jrurt op to the elm
vaterby the 'Croon Railroad Depot. They
opeopy the second door of the nets build
ing recently erected by Meson Watson
& McKay.
For itolldsy Presents, at wholesale
and retail, go to the great oemi•ananal
closing out sale at Baiter's.
. Gs to Robinson , . popular old estab
lished ma mart; No.' t,.V Fifth 'street; for
your pure taae, party apices, coffees,
fresh canned fruits And table .condi
ments. linwhere else in tho city will a
better or fresher stock be - found at more
reasonable prices.
One Case of beantirtil Repellant's open
ed this morning at 11,00 per yard at liStr
ken great sale.. -
. ---
Fats. eteap at Wm.
Flaming's, No. 1T? Wood street. ,
The purest and sweetest Cod Liver 011
n the world, manufactured from fresh,
healthy llvere, upon the sea shore; It is
perfectly pure and. sweet. Petiolate who
have once taken it can take tes other.
Ask - far ."Hazard and Quire:Vs Ckd
Liver Oil," manufactured .by Caswell,
Hazard S Co., Now York. Bold by all
For Holiday Presents, at wholesale
and retail, go to the .great seml-anatud
closing out sale at Darken's.
Cashmere Long and 'Solara Shawls,
graatly reduced In price, at Barker's
abud-annhat sale.
i New C.. • are daily received at the
popular retell trimming state of W. W.
Moorchead,'No. 81 Market street, For
anything in his line, at very reasonable
prices, give Mr. Moorehead a calf
! Go to Robb:tem% old established to
!max% No. 110 Fifth street, for your holi
day supply of spices, raisin;, sugars;
canned vegetables sad (mite, teas, cof
fees, sugars, ,te. The best selection In
the city at the most reasonable pica.
Call and Emumne the large and corn
late Moot. of Ladles' run, at William
laming's, No. 130 Wood stmt.: tf
Perstettdog Geod.—The boo* shoes,
gaiter., Mc., for men, ladlesandablldrem,
kom at $9 Market street, are made of
the yory:bast mamba, and sold as low
as the lowest. All goods are warranted
to give satisfaction. If you want some
thing good, and at gold prices, call at
Robb's Shoe Rouse. 89 market street
Fine White and Buck LtneciTcrwelcy
reduced from 25c to 12 10. at Berker's clos
ing out tato.
/23c nu reanced to 10g this morn
ing at Barker's closing out !sale.
!mall Dwelling Deese at auction this
day, at 2 o'clock. The • brick Mame of
six rooms, No. 24.1 Lscock street, Alle
gheny, will be sold on the premises, by
A. Leggate, Auctioneer. •
Go to 'Wm. Pleautnes, No. DO Weed
street, for bargains to ladles' Mrs.
The Place to buy ribbons, trimmings,
hosiery gloves, white goods, laoea, em
broideries, ladies' endtlemen'a fur
y reduced ram,
Vrfoo u
rheed's, No. 81 Market
street. The prices prorating are very
- •
Constleition Water is tt certain curs
for Diabetes and all diseases of the kid
neys. For tale by all druggists. ywir.
Another Job lot of ...French Merinos
50c per yard, at Barker's great ludo this
- 'Go to Itabinion'a No; 20 Fifth street,
for oholce and fragrant teas:
Ear lining at Win. Fleallue . s, N 0.139
Woad sheet.
_. 11AHHIED;
nnton. Dn. lune, .10th. M. try inn
ALIX. A.,l(l4:VB'fO/1.,0f Glrtra Ran,
Sunday, at 2 o'clock r.
Jr(V1...% of Hoary sad Caroline. *Was, aged
three yearn, ten mon* and wym . Th. funeral will take P ft ...0 1 ..5.0.T. Dow
o•elock r. 8.. from the ...donee area
Pare.ta: XS. Pa Ohio wrangle. Ifllrl Sward. All..
gheny. .Thu friend. of the family are loaned to
attend. /
o4A4C . r!l l t/Mfgr ' gfeeP i' sV
IL W. and flora Bancroft.
rum] IWO (Itoaday.) as minnow, at two
oacloaa. from the residence of atm. Male. X,.
BS South ♦,eagle, Allaghany.
A Imre shot. eeatelnlng YO WT
WISH el tat:eel:tax...Me waiter. begatible
Lading Edltortel.UUnt News be Telegesetiew.t
!letter tee Um tamilr
mid [alma sad met railer Ylaelettl aed Cow
:eneretal Maria Hipaete aspen dr
Fee ear,. Xs reenter, lieebeßbe
amid be 1,40.1 It. •
riAT .A erfer. - ..!cie,37Tles
Steele Bebee.riber ......
Mt *ig kat
-Aed one cop! er PRO° a.. Pe .. .Pi th *
'DIM dub, Additions to de b b. Otagle et
No Um. et deb rate. I
Hence TO Scascalle eed.hl rear
Me. be tan Lad epeelte ed. l, ed"". Toe •
weal. es we boa. • irechsesao club>. f.wit.
=um% karma hot one mall a INTO. •
iirYosey by Deem irpree. !toner Vista.
.t. Letter. LIT twat ""..."416
Addreea, GAISTTE4 •
111.2241186 n. PieWA
Pio. WI .Fnocth Street, I'llteborin.. ear
CO/FINS, of ell kW.; CkAPEIf; etri
every description of Posoral Paralsblini tion.
tuensbed. Boom open day nod night. M..
aae CArrtod. Carat...
Davjd' gem
Y. W. isenblas, D. D., Inoue. Evlnd. Idde,
J.M. If. Muter. Eso. •
ROBERT. T. RODNEY. lune er
un.n An Ennalat.. No. 4S owe Ines
fine:bean and Ifo. - 1111 ]lltinond '( wtaan. WT
John Wilton it Brun, ) keeps nivrayn. band tins
but Metal, lieserrood. %Wait and WM.?.
Intstorood Codl.. Waln ut COOlas frt. W •Te•
wards. flow.. Cont. CA upwards; gru.rm.'
Codas to it roportton. Carriages am Mars.
furnished at low rates. cram G10r.. -
and Ingenring darn:shed it:nth. Olin ottet. 4.0
" • Kate .ItD EhIDAL3IKH l*Mmemoe loin
late Wrote! B. Badger.) W. Stioet•
thou dimly teem Demme. Alleelmoi MIT. • 11.. I
toUlo. 2 . 4 ...'" ,, ,kr , thettott. Willem% and
mood bolletkre COLIM. at the lowest mMM 4 r.' •
mica. • Booms ctn . :a at all hour. ttir and nIRUI.
Hume and Carrlerte tarnished oil OM 'MOM
sad on most remonabla term.
AHD cz.taNiscui,
DZETABSIi. Oface...No. *I 01i014.4
Allegheny. Meta Mo. nosewood end 'Other edl..
gm. with aeolhnlett ninth of inhere ynenlehlun
Gloods,onAnzeghenlibrnlehod at imminent nallene
at knew. Del.'. 'AAA end.l.tegry Enablen, nnln
av or nut MrrisioN -
a" - WANVL
mug... for Om nou-
Am.. .114 vq . eln 'rant of attire 'Air.t.i.. , •rr
loiruablp, for The above wort. Sand Orr areal/m u.
wllh full dose-Collo], Address A. GILIESON
CO:, 60Afteket afoot, Pittsburgh. _ _
•••• LOTS 11i BILLYILLD, bur Oaklead libe
tire Kure. from the honour tvant. Each
let Uzl4l. boulltully sltbatiel;ud will be sea
LlbertrStreeti t • • . •
HOWARD'S ILlvelywatt, SARr SIAN% www
rAllmr-nottas tta)•);t r.. DAPPLE
ALARM YIROS 'STRSXI', atm the Moons.-
bola noun.
pion s
" LOTS.—We now offer on , exceedladiff eon ,
terms a new plan of large and dolga-able lota. b.
lag Pert of that Valuable property belonitsurlc
the heirs of L. Noble. situate et the otrpeg
end of Eharpeburp, and near Gavantalltatton, on
the West Penna. !Railroad. • A portlAti ol these
tote front the' railroad on the vest; and Main
newt on the with. The lota ere 40 by Ifilleat e
with wide ornate rannlig throe(," - the enike
property: The soff for gardening peeposee ten.
'mate excelled, and beauty. of location ewe
antes* have no eqOal. ler descriptive plan and
(nether informatiOn call al BILL
LDS, Beal r....tati fftchts. Bitter dtffadie
Ws base Jan reiletTed mother lot of they e.
ablated Watebtd!, . They aza mdeablddly th e
ITAIDer and 1.11237 , tbetha rte. ens bedagbi la
LhL muter, betn. Jeweled with CLIKIBULITS.
lLipoaad 7.taPdlnant. 'with
OKILOXOn=nI Howe*.
WholeiM* end BtWl6~eate,
68 Mill STREET.
*xi, -
Noe 66 & 67 FiliTE!, STREIT,
♦re of.!±wireal,ibarislas
1 m0 k„. 4,
, ,
no o nay GOODS
!caw mairispagrnairr,
Persons withlog to poreltato will do well
to osAmlali ono of tbo twat mosottsoenta over at,
Tier( ,APPitar'T'at=rt. u**"
An *MUM aaditmlea maxi:meat at
TAILORING E132.01.181D1UT.
at.» wrzli Sr., corset et ANtepor.
Merchant Tailor,
Car. Pena surni N. Clair ,
Gill la amp allimurtalebralod
inuipoier A lallaaaft liewboal
Illaaftliras, au islablaloa and
am sate ay. WM. 01111.1131
Co.. 37 llna ewes. • •
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