Ell PEESONILL GOSSIP. . —Bayard Taylor is very 11l at Rome. —Old Peter Cartwright, the preacher about whom so many anecdotes are told, is eighty-three years old. —The . London Herald calls Mu Kel logg's triumph the greatest achieved in London for mazy a day. - .7eirrest and Booth ire both playing Michelle; the former in ITaahLegton and the latter in New Oileana ' —John Brown's body ilea a moulder. derimg in the-Aft and lila eoe's does the same In a lunatic asylum in Ohlo. —l9indell Phillips, Vallandigham and Fred Douglua are among the lecturers able season at the WZaleyan University, in Ohio. .=-111n. Rane,(oa of the original Pox girls of Rochester n otoriety, on account of their connection. with knocksi) has repudiated Spirituallatn. —Rosizi refuses accept of .Baron :Rolliachild's pro& hcispltilitiss„ be canoe the great ban er refused to lend him fltly francs forty eon ago. —Nicholls, the sad zither .1' ,'Sherman's Much to the Sea," is e gaged to be married to Miss Lamgwo • 1 the daughter of the Wine Prince. a —Salm Salm and Ms noble wife, r . Soon. are going to Vienna, wine thi princely double rival of Chonfron , ammo a position in the "Imperial sad royal army." —Geerge H. Saber, the poet, lumbago 'elected one of toe directors of the Milan Lear:m.ln Philadelphia. He hos for 110Z11) time been &Menu of that power. fol organization. --Thomas Cotten, of Bolen, N.' T., died In the Inth year of his ace last Son_ day. He was Goa father of Senator Cot ten, of New Jersey, and of Dr. Gottsil, President of La Payette College, at _ Dutton, Pa. —Leopold de Meyer pronounces Jer ome Hopkins the greatest erniztant he ever heard in Americo. Nothing, how ever, is sold of feeling or conception, without which a pianist is no — bstter than a higler sort of lrgam. grinder. --Onset fa over eighty Years of age; Is s hearty eater, drinks& bottle of claret every day for dinner, and Is to excellent health and spirits. Amber, who Lai old as Gnlzot, never drinks anything but water, bat he rides a great deal on horn back. They each work eight hours a day still, —Mrs. Morton, the poetess, hu Wien lair to $11,73,000, left bye relative, who did not "lay dying - in Algien,"_llke the hetress'aierO from "Sweet Bingen en the Rhine," but expired In India, where It is *.o be hoped there was ne leek of "Woman's nursing," ler there were . , • tee:aptly** lace of rupees. The New York Past adds: "We know that since tho close of the war, Merman has been preparing for his own net and tluit of the Government, complete maps of his campaigns, all of which are. ea 'Untie to the writing , of an accuratehistory. Whether he willmaka literary :wsti,of them we do not know." —The Hamlet of Edwin Booth is not • appreciated by the critics of Mobile. In .that elegance of language which gliptil the supeXiority ; of all &Miami. en they pronounce it ',no great shakes." This mu, probably,* the fault of the ghist, who shoidd hate been natural macipgh to shake the heartland chatter the teeth of all the beholders. - ' • -The liosten Advertise! , and the Hew York,Tosi tips both very il2lOlll for . Sherman to write the "History of :Ike War " for which no one is better quslile4- by : .",`his sane' of style, kis • grAing 'of subjects; blit,apMeaa of api. 4 tet, and power of terse, nenees nu- Hon," dad think that he might, it he .• . chose, "gire to the World a, book of 7iiTatebreatltiiig Ilsisx7, such a: poster ; fly *made:joy as keenly and prize as highly as would the readers of the press. eat age-"' • • . ' LITERARY, Tavola Bar, a, magulae which weeir paid, hat which bas managed to den *deg' for 1101:1111 time, has chromed heads, .and Mr. James Hannay has now beacon .. 4 1:(adeX the Boor' is the title of the Christmas number of Chambers' Journal. Most of the magiziaes are offering their reader extra inducements thesepuist ins times. ' ' ' 1 11. Stoddard has written . a • 'Chriatmae hymn . for America" for numb:mitre of the .Sroadirey. —The People's Mayarinefor December has a Japer on Bryant and Lovell. —Anthony . ' Trollopo has allowed ids mew magazine, Br. Paul's, to naitch Ia" to the great historian In an article styled "An ;may on Oarlilelent, containing the ye* atrh.rhridly Easter] Of i Shoddy Maker and big Matlnone Kaki —Mr; Htuiphrey Noel will - shortly pohlish a ',History of the Art of Print ing... which will contain surly one harodred - fas sAegferofparspf the mut printed books: —"The 13enr King" ia one of thentost anauslng new books for ebildrern: —"Wonderful Inventions, iron the Mariner's Compass to the Electric Telt+. •bh Cable" - - &Tag interestthg new book recently published by Mx.' John —The Sansorli Text Society lisoonte publish a new book. - —A new translation of "Galatea" by F.Oryantes is soon to be published. .--"lnstructions for Pariah Priests," an English poem of 1420, is being edited by Mr. Edmund Peacedr, for the Early - English Text Society. ' • t-Wyrkoop' & Sherwood is s new - York publishing house. Petersen de Co., of Philadel phia, hare begun to home a new and very cheap edition of Dickens, at Mea ty-Am cents a volume or four dol ,iera Per WASHINGTON. WORES i y e t in i c t 11, eneenenee. graonindstworinabsewb, —Jno. 'CL.Brigge, the author of "sir n.st - •,, renpi ,,,, O f T em P ep _ Lai. Aluttlat. Cu r a min argil daserlstiou:oll per, „ an i other whicbila stem unstuck zoncraanerwat zroa won. " 4 " Mee: No.lllcorses ft% ant Wthisl4ll46 times wens prime faiorisas with the boy air arrow for exmantwa ritrurr . population of the - country, itu assumed n4T " b " lb " m """""m* . the editorial chair' of Putnam's Maga. IarLARE SUPERIOR zine. • Iter liaatiner MAO 70101;""ei• In the correspongmie of the Traftheltv Pest; of St. Lonis, from lIL, the following anecdote is told of Senator Sumner: On the averting of October SI, Charles Sumner lectured In Bloomington, sad the hall la lichienpitr's Opera House was tilled to overflowing. On this occasion Mr. illuer gained many. Irian: a, especially among tint O. mans, on account of his impartial criti cism of the tempersno3 movement. Orer a bottle of Catawba wine, shortly before the Velure, he gave . hi American friends the tillowing account of his change of dews: "1 was educated a strict Puritan as you were, Twenty six years ago I visited -- Germany, and spent my fret Sunday in /ox.la-eitappeUo. Ignorant of German I hardly knew bow to spend the day, when a crowd, moving in a certain df. , reetlon, attracted my attention. I fol. lowed the multitude, and found myself In an open space. On a little bill 1/44L0 happy, old men werulaylug on some musical instniments, don tho gouts children were merrily playing. Every body was happy. I was completely charmed, and asked myself the question, "Why cannot dmencansenJoy the Sab bath in a ainglar way!" Prom that hour my Puritanical colf, was too small for mei ft spilt, and since that day I have had brighter and. broader views of things." ' • Then lir. Sumner praised the wino that voila on the banks of the Mote/- and, the Rbine, as well as the remarka ble sobriety of the inhabitants: "After I had that fatal encounter with Grooks"—mad here the General showed the old scare on his head—"it was GO man far- and German wine that cured. me: "If my countzymeqz could vialt Ger, many, and become acquainted with the inhabitants and , their - custom,, they would Dave other notions regarding tem perance and Sunday 'awe" BORNE dir,CCVSE; GREAT SALE SiTIZaT-a CU:,NTITV'tMI9. THE GRIMMT BARGAINS OF THE 'TRE' LARGEST STORE. x.A..11,(3-icsrx, spoon-, I • TSB BEST ASSORTMENT IN TIES LITT TO SELECT FROM. f You want Christmas or New Year's Gifts, Nos. \ ; 77 and 79 Market -Street lir CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST, A LARGE STOCK OF NEW GOODS. 1,000 DOZEN HANDKERCHIEFS, Just Opened, all kinds and qualities, and at NEW TOWN PANTO PRICES! REAL AND IMITATION LAC-ES, ILINDKBECIPS, SETS, COLLIES, NEBEL COMM IF POINT. POINT AMMONS LW vAxxstoresziza. The Latest Importations and Choke Patterns Embroidefries, a splendid lip.. Infant ahes, Caps and Waists. Broeba dears, very cheap. Beam Hal Firers of Embroidery. • Fine !flipper Patterns; Fine Him enapedders, Embroidered. • Cloak and Dress Ornaments. Gent's Farnithlug Goods, Ties, deists, Shirts. • - Zephyr Knit Goods, Hoods, Sables. Sontago, Scarfs, fillttess, Baronies. Two eases Balmoral DLitt', frimb goods, at 0.00. Two cases bbirts and Drawers, at 60,eents. 'COO Poor Real French Corsots,'at 0100. 610111 god Hosiery. all kimb, and cheaper than ever, Brooebes, Sets, Plne, Money 14gs and Fancy Goode. Fine Silk liMbre4as, 60 Doan Bnidd4ra Dripleislidst, at $l.OO. a great birgoirrolt many ether articles too namerotu to mention. - Good Fleecy Lined Hose, 10 cents. Hunt Fleecy Lined Hose. 2S canto, Labietiqine Far Top Kid Gloves, $1.50, 800 good and fashionable Hoop Skirts, at 50 cents, Just molted. WE ASK YOU. TO GALL AM) EXAMINE FOR YOUREUMES GOOD GOODS AND LOW PRICES. WC)1331WD33 Nos. 77 and 79 Market Street. EfFECTULL - NOTICE& GrA CAMOIL AL COW. OR A WHO TURIALT madras haardiala . 'catioa. tad &mat Oa cacao& ouoood to *manta Irrttai What Li* *maga a Pirsaainast Throat Dimas, or taarasaptloa. • oft. Um renal. • • - ' lIROFFAIS . BRONCHIAL . TROCHES Partite • direst Intel.. to• O. arr; r. taa mediate cter. Per Drea•rulla lama. Catarrh. Ceasimpatre mad Throat Dawata., Trocres aft etao rata Cat. 4.4 . 111acen sate Putalle • Opoakra ate tha. to claire .t/ =earth. tea of tea. Obtala oalr •• ItioCaraul. SOC. V aal de se mar Aa of tag affillaittear bot.coara ta•t mar. te trast. glrW7ll. nssisarzr, & BOILER MA K ERS „I IRON W r : 4 : 14 44 4 4 :4 and 28 Penn 11. Hulas iodized• latai turd sad raralabalri arta Jae suet approved lasebizety. w. sa ors. Med to suaugicsan star deMlPtlaa atß.tt entouawiawes..at loarrusU dual to ~laude la tbe roustrr. Calararni Praia lat. lire Bra. Paean Mery Looriaaatu Mori, ara. 0011,1•Zmrs. San Pau. Tuts. OB I=4 Asitston, 501 1 / a pPau. 'roar -Snood, gairstrlnu, aulpoia Inaoreetareri o AUX. HILL , " r122221rf BOLLIX& Iteogrtosilase as *As sbertfintatimlsena tarnolumm REA & metes c.m Boasseir.' #.66 • =Wow. COPPER MILL SIIIELTINEWORIL PARE. aseamoy a' Co :gr4ll4 , Arnblisjr, ltraleri• sad Salt wsr . irc t4s IF I . mirt . Balood dita_ OolAtartur.AltrAnter.-_ , lt e grlio w an d irtiralikr rn = l"ral. emias *mai. et a, ru" 1,9 " Wind EirTILE HEALING POOL. . • AND SIOLIZIE AILRIACV. T 'ogr o iv t ,ll3oolll.Trf Fos and Dm illatarankADltan l ' advamb Pediments dosing tap manly some.. and create Pediments to IlailitlAtita. 010 ma means of Wier. Dent tie Maisel letter eneslopes, trodoz . ears.. Address, Dr. J. 014 p n "4""' orgoinoz.Aiscorr, DENTIST, Jr°. 218 IPALTX STREET, lablet mit OARE'ETS. & COLLINS orsaro sumo BARGAINS AT MAIL Nos. 71 an 4 VSFltth Street, MIXT TO 1.739*11p1.134 OMIT= MUSS. ascoira FLOM =Z=l GICIMCCISI ICCD WE COMTISM TO SELL - ..13' 4 C0N1L1V313:1 icic, 10-1:14 sTo'i 4:4:a 1867..W/lIITER SToch.lB67 CARPETS, MATTESGI9, OIL CLOTH, Wm -Dow SHAMS, DRUGGETS, • MEDALLION DRUGGETS, • 24.ATEI AND 111:1GS, TABLE A.ND lux+) COVERS, JALL-WGOL INGRAIN. ==l A feted tiwat. VXST lAW raxamL BOVARD, ROSE 4 CO.. . . iovQ NALTIII ll= 21 rus h Ittavmet CARrATII AT COST For a Short Time PREPI.III'fORT TO TALMO STOCK 1 fay Lugo /natant OIL CLOTHS, Window Shades* SOLL~a~ Cheap All-Wool Ingrains. McCALLUBI 51 mu mines; ason• WOO 5. CHURCH CARPETS. ht tLs sateetlma of stack w hums mW thi. . • . arievidimr. . 'iL w r ".l""l"Th" re ut igrag."ltua n .. art all _qualities and Bayleo of OHEIROII CARPETS, Se be foam! In Ws nuns; and Offend all Cdtaldiss and Denomlnstions at Easters Wholesale Prices * An too& Le a r Ilse at • vast redoetlaa fro* lan wawa , ' Flees. McCLINTOCK & COMPANY, BILIFTM XIX? ade mscnAlucuu. LID SAIIMIIMure D 11.144.,P MB MAN. Wi N U r o a lai d L OLa. 70.71 Tana rrnantrum. rA. ILOADQUARTEUE FOR Warm Alritegisters and Veal(latore. awl ... Whit. Xatanal.d, !purr at Maul. at WISELL & COO& 1:43. atm LIOLETY R. CM! BOIVIA,TICBSt ♦t IIsOAELAS73 817.1.2(8091:11. JOUN 24 aA. IDOCIE PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE SATURDAY: DECEMBER 14. 1867; 11 . :F.1115p : aft IC4 1,1 5 . 00 0 ACRES OF veLaimamm Timber, Coal and Mineral Lands FOR 11A6E. int..t. 0. the lite of the Penlaritth.l. Ceri lost /4iltro.o. In Cambritieopity, ' , tibia short 9o.l4l;"'hosrpWorreirlipettle The Mists{ ate best qnsittPO Pore risti blionations put mai/vile the erbole traet. The The off , from sea ftelhout toward. the rote of the prop. :aNu a"gar °,l,, g.l.7l:4lf,lirgghri: snot ym fi soul postbag little tosiassfec an it. Ihe ciao "t i 'eg= trtilt" toil. 'ZAN.eridstigi alregogroe s e; liana stone for hetoaeath the bet tees et ZTPrr;‘,ltr...l: bell of Iron um which {Donlon :Fur 4.14,• .' 1 .747.11zr:,.it la of g "1 Pap. i Ert":, I"*auggsir!Wei; `liar e a r elect le a t °~r e aw Lill, rateatlp area .d led u 1 :41=91' V. ,0 4 0 4"::.12;:t11. tut. th.ro ts mate rn. &ad limber on •oo rliToPert7 for itmlfaLincb 41razr: «all= r , :mgv.lnt° :Or lona re poprietors/. elesont Crigeria et irt.4.ifTwhorkl:4Vtietahltt rilaludt also welt adrptrui Irv! - =elitttliTa 'ere:nag e arc poo/.111 adopted to OW*/ to For flusher put/muses &pm 12 Iroarth strict. FIME:I SIALE-41nro Lots, each so ft r .b114441 : 1,7 .M7ge11,,1.1:4=114:Vi stwrallas Oklatir taallia n& ban moot kl n. On said Mu is • well et aml sanding waer. • Daiwa ran , roma yrapa se, walab ba aald very l tat cast, or at, gUraft.f.l2:l.4lglf ;I':`,llfrt.'a." s°"'" _ , Grog n.st)f faaaD 000¢7, Alb. WI Oast Nata 5 l In lac Botoulta ot ledlnaa. 150.. font rter7 Allec 1161¢g Di4lll: r. : :111 :...1 , " 7 =0`r i arrniiltipkr.1:V o u.! tact Matta. all • tat Oa by YU lees: and au sala Drellatan la Mum, tenon Si by SO twat. %mad aa a m oral To tn. low., store and 1,11 room hl7l.olloll7l rtratt i g4llll7•76ll6ltt: Matty Iltect as • Hatay Haat... 11 es :1;Ni:41,1,474 kii_gao""nne,"m%Oee Immtions r r • :alhat house lo W oo ten and will be sold It ea 5... 1 %.:N1•0i111ec forty. , to , tio We aortae: Vas ftaTtl; Darretoleth to la, for a oared Mad. Radar !rig rglolaa black trlttniaturlrers t •O Is rlt rata • farm. in • alga save or caltirat'on, with :rrellsiTelErrked7b riti . Etr d e l nik i V r lFlT b g oo .:l verdant to °banm schools, Ellis 4c. o !Witter Pa ta rtunugas sequn, ol 114 11. TOWER, Aram 144 Toarla It. - dell Zeal "Ana 2,000,000 ACRE CIiONB LBIS FOR SILB, EMI Edon Paella Railway Co, ZUTZKIDIiOZ Wu gm the Wu of Mir rosy 11100 to $S 00 Per Acre •aa op kORIZOIT OP 1111ri 'trail. Its puttelikr4 v•etrua JOHN P. DATINABBB. uka4 Manlntoner, Toiftka.alallaik, Or, CIMIIk B. L&33031, Seel* Su Logi& lemma% 11011311E1111 DOVISIEII u .:04 rider rink 3.7 tnnut-abni Brick On• thiell•lsory 13n two Britt ..... one mo..torr 71r• tw04110.7 name.. Usll. 00 0.1 0 ... 1.100 POS SALL SY & Wotan mat Zeal .Istati Sitents. So. 66 SmlA.Sald street. 1:1=1 WASHINGTON 10. ramqt. . cos VALX—A Vaal at oar,* at waft) MY eland, MI taa ramatadot cavuad wttl AsaWnNwhits amber. latdmdad Weat Palm -I.7r:h, :aal tu Hann =4 egw,7430:01: aad grata Imam; *a totrAard et alb t WM at Tradoo/a.tran. Duca**. Dams, cm:3:l Ns. as, zsztelr.s.ar. Matti& lioct sad Beal L;;l:sts. Azolllo Building. Pauli strop. - _ VALVAIILE PHOPERTT FOR CALL-TbsviAisulber Wen he Flouting Rill with about Fit. teen Awes et Zang'. ta la It I mil Unman. Treatment. -Mee atlas above rutabergia, 111 c.Z+Ht......Erz.v.ar.;....41.11,1. mllEr.r.., ~:.,;;,,a z ...,1 7.1. 15tat10t5., so lee r able, ?'kf eed .4... r direr. , b all aen mew Pities SNIVEL, • Os tO , °Tenths.; PIR SALE 011 RENT. CHEAP-- Inn. al Clannuatia. • Sultan, ea flat neu tral Bs Abase. enalslals& MS setts: Improve- Tisz two baulk: sad stings; /rood webs:et ell la are end rood lb: caltivszloa, Alas. um. e other tarns. la good loosettka sae well len. rawl. 'steak I will son elms:Lana on moon. wens. also. =O. otabeal ballets& lots tbsolty sad sabarba • Tor maw pantealan lasOn of AP ...al WARD, 110 Glint Mee -18* Clathedr,uL Mrl A COAL WORRB FOR SALE. .e.arbi• rgl.l,"'naeo n % arta. mule, and all me ware:wry axturea for a Meae Ourrueos sad immediate opratic. There area:, urea of eoal. ohl• la owe of Um moss t o worts oa Me Youomrabela elver: orlli -be *old l and asApood terms. norep_ AND LOT 1•011 SALE. tl at. at mtve.rirrtc?,..a.,!.%* to Co az allay.. Frame aid .hat.p, two "cal." 8..11.1.1111 , zr . la 11 7.35/th {treat. aid v.t its);z:j HURD ARRIVAL OF WINTER GOODS. Boys', You're and adldrea's Halls deed Overcoats. I:latss stook u the Lovett prices. ORAN & LOGAN, Ns. SY M. (weir street. WiNTED GOODS. E HOUSTON & 00., Fashionable Merchant -Tanen Y 0.97 MTH STREIT, Haviont taaalval Noma sane, et. Winter Coatings; „ Togiiiwt vent cal Uses of OLOTH11..(1/28T. iliu.ZS sad Viten MAL sits imams teed sad Muss all•T resssaslas. AI , II mend, Iles and Eop , SZADT MAIM OWT.111214) on tau, IS Via. to Solt Slid . %Wass. • askSIS .......... .. ... MasseteAdwanamela.4 AMINEBUNNW & NVILA - 04 Merchant Tailors, "EMS FIIBINII9I7IIIf . 43 GOODS • 1291001il 6iSBl, 8ea8,211. IL Jut received, Oar ran sad arlaler allele of Motael. Oushaere. VlUSlalearetrgaLikad Siastlessea.• 'valeta., II P.Parla to Male zy th• Utast striae. as re. nasel• pries. 0 awl sot v. *Ol.O jSfERCILILFT T&ILOBIL r • JONES a DUFF, Re. 3 Rot CLAIR lITRXRT. baysjost trrontlet ti 1174 1. Pvl .5 faIAT6I4; sa t 'Lace oaty ors pm:oared to cot Sad mate lip lit • styl• equal UtAlal shop In the eon or TO = - 000. CIGARI3.Bro, JOHN MEGRAW, alaiebetarei et vid Wltsluale anclßetall Dula La all kinds of Tobacco, Snuff and Mg ' ZICALMOM .Exesuirou SirOIUM R. & W. JENKINSON. ==l Tobacco, Snuff, Cigars, Pipes, die. 1173:1331 . 1. IT sisesomiz telsZe 2-k•ty , (l) :1 s fl w.. 1101111•011- • • Confectionery aid Bakery, O. 29 0 11X/1111161.0 MEWS. Detwna Serenth asta Ltdeity a/MAT/1W 02151711 PALOON attilehed. SUNDAY SCHOOL CELEEMAL ft.MragreVINNI2I zum4 " . IQt cairx, aosrAcnouism.; Ai ta, songs a - ozax - Cras I'IXCZETHON. NO. 20 MAXOND. 1.111421.2%, fedihme Maar COMILIF diCoxan , a Wind; CITT' 0. ALzionarr, xat. 5,4• nal. NOTICE. -7n Dammam) of a ao. 'solution on:Unman& adoesd tbe US last., I bbriii‘b adtity all parsolas at% n• e ass bad bad ..... Speer-kg simian abate the Serum te/ persset tes tam. loosed to tald within ten flays from tbe este of tea noutleatlre. et se:" eonts, oServis they will be brok■ off to becardasee *llO the tame at data nentatioe: THOMAS MillsAW. z 0121141 !heat Oenuataloner. BARRED FLANNEL THE WELf KNOWN HITTANN . INO. BARRED FLANNEL, In . Black and Red, BLUM AND ' 1111.1 erraoic. AT MANUFACTURERS PRISES TELROY, DICKSON & CO., 54 Wood Street■ THE GREAT SALE STILL CONTINUE 77 and 70 Market street, NEW GOODS 0"0"IST , EL3IRtmLII7MO7.III, 1Tekt.1.4 7 , lzbr,llll'.lll..ble"." French Corsets at, $ MOW 13 THE TIXI TO PROCURE BARGAIiiS • A. we are determine.% ea abase imt earl premint stock barer* lam Now year. , . •• .coo - ir JOSEPH HORNE & co. 44.7: 1867. FALL TulnE• 1867. ARBUTHNOT, SHANNON& CO. Wboln•l• D•ale.ts DRY- FOODS. 4 • Da 113 WOOD IDEZEV, 14131Ww111. (ICer ak ra: tvnt irk. Deu. Goods. Pali.. M. sluts' Cheeks 0.. rwiedh gleams. .aus eta. 7. , GesleaSK, ml.. e . email barf.tl Itonmasana . serate • • strs a sztv jai AClLT.virroltm tan.r.wv.id.r. .I.infltitirla I=';`Pl Vin944:2'. rrou'igrUlf ISSZ11.11341: iktiZats I,S2rTIM S. San oadl =Woo ocr : MSS } - siCCANDLCBY &a!, (EAU WWa4 Cuv Va.) InIt)LIMIX DiLlataii/S ISEI9III4IIDIONIESTIC 6 03. 1111 wooniszersr. 'iled &nue stpre Dlamen4 &LIM errrsumesa. cob Warraaatea so COI. /aka or 1111444 aa weL as any Stave in tharalsa.' nissEcc & co., d3l LIBZETf ITltic? Also on band and for ss , t. PAIFLOn. ITOVILS, G no;goPs STOVES. szeDmis.c n otiiltia anxs. BICAITTIFIIL PRESENTS FORTHE HOLIDAYS. Mai r•RIALS PT liTtrirrZa. On IN& AMID lAN T•11111:0; LILO •NT 111111LtIINALIIT, D133*111 Axel 27A. Bain. • Alto. slant* SiliSOStalintl of DeeoratAiditaillsb •aa Preach MUM TOILET Now pattern% of Oar on exb,Yitea, Tut apnea nod tur.als ai ',Wiped rata,. ai SS VCr•coaci Miltreart. .zredrar AHai GLASS SHADES AND lITAADL JUST arilirsp. IT IS WOOD OVAL . AID 11011111' SHADE Itland iv/tint ataa2B. LOOKING GLASS SPANDS, rOit LILY ADiD IKCLCYON Ter age at retlaced ratan. anzar Illeßr. $20,000 DOLLARS -$20,000. COATZOI33II.II 0771., orrr ow assionaxs, D. 114, usr. WANTZD. to auntate • 'Loin eao.boo;-' ler "lora at yurg.. LHred.pq•y s =2 I==l z• raaNcis. • cliff , Mrl OWFICE PENEBTLY/Int 11. .nnt.unintrA., Roe. I. ISM She Pteitleff,t:Ma iteltroal z repany bergiri gratt. n r, It ........................ PAILI.Vft 12r n iggrd'etr.iirigrIAI Dialog Saloon In tat Hat. Depot, toy or v 'il,:lif:tePigAgg bulb's lltutelebed throe sheet tele. beet manner. Melt he eeeletter oedema:el that the 1411. eeeo convent will regale.. teat all of teeters. teeth/meets shall tto Mit le • straetirdrot or os•neer. for. toe antooniooe* sod cowed, or patent eery patron D 4 us Iles. Pfec“ale addresto: to J0R1X...11.0N. NZD agt. il'arb3rit• "'!"r` t iID3T RECEIVED, AT ROBKELTS & SHERRATT'S iiitozactui.eA m t Mrum • - gitel Im fintiatuy , 10.11 ninTruip . aT.. rrrrsmsom, A indimmis of Cooelae. MMUS* Mad Parlor aurae; /ander& nn Irons and atands: Oyu and Tare foal Cues WI Hodlcithli 11""N"i... 71137rtafrVAL1SAM:13=1 AP E"..= for cooklai meat.. cetlOnanc. 11."." _ 11”t iaVa l ra '117 :firaThaeNliill1 1 4= Store. ter antbraclns and other coal. • N.aca. R. LIS. ere aprcial attaittell to JO nnowseture of Oroarrs• a:Wates. DOM. L. 'WU W ICApI 4II IIOIIWAIIfI. =1 Wholesale and Retail Man orsetarene or Tin, copper - aid Met Iron Ware, And dea's re fa (Mohr Fe aTOVErI sad RIM= PUEN/AlAltit/ IIAnt,WASZ. - us nom 10 Jet Tlll.lBll to on ao ~6 0 11nm...eta) irrivtrr; opoomo the P t Po.t Moe, .4 Ito. 14 1r VAC truur, SlClned. ' PITTAISIMOR. PA. STOVES! STOVES ! FREDERICK SCH • Veipper. Thainad..lllldint Inns Wars, • leTgrzniFirtier 4 1 ,nta " " " u 4 a Net. 113 WYLl. , writgre g.. 30.1 and 3 1311331 Wart wb0'3:331• 1136. malt 4obblag 1104 Itlniatejag prodaPtif 3313.1334* 815,000 " LOAN, ON BOND AND NOWTOAOI. GO.. 110 C. Z.-1312.1rw. isanuma Risk NW ZONA betuttit }nd oda. •••• .•, . . HUT, CAUSHEIT & CO., Bankers and Brokers, SOARES THIRD AND WOOD STREETS rmannt H. PALI agroesacomaio !curia, UN! o 004 Excluinge, Coin, Coupons, tr.! scour sumo: I :11w zit rix 4MVIBILNISEIITT BONDS WIT LIBILITS ON IA DON. Sal :MI IL - ROUES & SONS psi.ALivimmosui. No. 57 Market Street. ITXTBBUWAIS. EEO pbo i n adeotrZ" rpll.o OaloSWMwadCd:la ru.l; the Wa n ada Shahs, Meads aid Other Securities abtrefirexhaeLDoe ootuallue7l, !Vss., Oulu, VIM 1414 yuratulas nd icre si..Sele T urities, ftwatilan.R.anoir grim k . \ . 1. ,ow , 41). I.lllu l.t al . Ir. a.• Ms mils*. Q is. ow= or nitnrarzaszsa. oru C#lt!boaga, Or 00tlaatat. fi,lllElikillit (03 . gm!rtr,Imwept, _L. ,:--4117tgBITIGN, it R ' wnr. orrs • GenerCilanklng Business, It filllLll,ll-111131410011, -Or Blonday,.loveluier 18th, hut AtoosuU of Maals.-Mak en, sad /Wefts ta am limited. Coll•ct 1 0.111.1410 *4 l - .11 It.lht. l th. 1 : 4 1 • State. tad ' '• • Interest • 1141 •116•11 . 7titti D.k.iU. UNITED eIITILIECURMEI.BOMIT IN) 1 011 Bln , V.,VAII Clasktelr WSBTIIIII' SWINGS BARI r- • Orb. 411/Pourell. geed. " craitazaparanzumco uses. 'neared* raid.. Taw. Depotnr. Amy aaa irrsatrad tram Oa, DMZ" upward. ClwaliOritluirlit laterws. 1)IIICUU/S2 A) aux. A? to vatocur.. PreStleat-LTHOMPSON BELL. Ties hesidett--L 3. MAISHALL. • Muceross. a (M m a ` 4 "'" E m I=, swwwidwi zlieu ze sat§ 821/SaiszOlOt Panytts, • .iosopl, WM:It • r.l rag " z. It. , Slzw..thrf sm. &LLEGHENT. SAVINGS BANK, ALLIDEINginra% LIME LIM 16411aL ITIVOIROLDE2II INDIVIDUALLY LIAMS /hymns re:dr.! d4x orr and. tatamt fflie:Ppola sad leartsr alianicrs caw ectlewad •O. Wslianly "7,lltoOtial., mut w. '."6"4104 ,dr oB ass B d u itsrib 11• i 89 10EITO Etti. WOE= le& 111,'10 tIS lifils ENA g ii' si Lf - D Ate ON N A = - - a .$l4. - v 4 k 7 Fri'Vl77:l:r s l M .V.ZraZgas.":Bl=l'42.7), / inizrojaea imaorpooii JAClolal JACKSON' & FREW • i• • °moon soLoviugazy I 174. r. ) I IANILL/ACTTMIII3 AND DLIZZ.11:11 Ilarnew, Saddlery, Trakr, de., lapruprimma Wok 141 u. lip ul lux Ipfpre. • t thee am Wortroan. 147c).1013 Wood alltreert • Air rob. Nr•GIG I". the WOOD/CMS g BIT e.t.a rearErsl mar. • GET' TO ELAM MMIEFACT6RBIB. tarDEilstairrai haring' ths sals Acesey for I. sus of us o•lstsuss COPLEY POT CL AY. ass pr•••••• 1 fandlla It 110 say qun4lll/ Ml•l•llllllM4 l 42=3 .l 4:r •r fOrartle. l ., Mod •1 web lunn••••••• ••• belf4=o • better•4ll4l. dr gala Una ••/ 1/.1.1.1ut. bandas warm' Al ammo, stated se rt. =5151 reread, M. n or tts4:7:=. W. slll I[sl oilh• ••121•1• at Ws Clap lo Pm./1.1•4 4 tna7 smuul sad laa 4lk BOL • wwa:2l . l". P 11742.1.. s s. =RYAN, i HiCUEJIA LR BONDS, STO KS, REAL ESTATE, BuUtimil. PourUt U. dpoUo Hank. Tlma kl.a. of etc 11011Wasst ranee and Yoalelpu Binds. and all I.llllole lla and an ammoniao, boeuthcand nod. yO2ll J OLIN D. BAILEY & • 1 • STOCK A$ REAL ESTATE BROKERS /11710TIONI/XJ/J. ./Lro4rkutulrlutot at u ttotla fitoe x. ks .: n o xt bold roratOzo, olthor on Ma proadotiat ..102 . ...005nl grind. Room.. . •11;astar attaaitoo Data. as booltotbis to Mt or/0$ [cola at private sato. .. VIA ritUATIVIT7 • • OM' Or ALLICEILIBBY. !A.. • ALLEGHENY CITY . • COMPROMISE SONGSWANTED. hiddleg. Compromu. Rondo at the Olt7 of AUtheth7. t., ors lieroby iotlded th.t see Inalthe lend foe lief oda be Invemod -Ii theee,Aosiee atthe loom% Wee offered. Prape thth will be recolesd broth. an derstheett eota .11'XIM/SLYLY, the in of Jonaory. US& ' • D. DADY2I2IOIII, Tr!.LUMP of Dm City ar allestaxy. Pa del/1111 • NOTICE 18 REELUT GI MN to tat nowt of oh. • Mx pee o • 4l .lMilatelpall Nioinlief tie air Or auntie.' , - . Tut th e Coupon. on aeld sends. oosolop de Zenon() let, INA wlll be pale on tele do% (les the Maw tax.) al the BATIK OP PiT21.1117/111H, In the Clip of elltsbain. P.. d.1,11,.."r Or v. I CLarzElins, e CU/ of ALtegbe.s. Ps. W. 1 :4141,j111,1q/iNi4 DIALSR IN HATS. CAPS AND FURS, Drsi gu t rrigilla,;iragens. B. , goOLlSlguilthaeld rt., Pittsburgh, Pa te! Ohust OubDUT MAUL =ld satlstaallon gang. telpS. FR• ITLIR ILER a ROBINSON. oeaun lo llama 011.11=1{,) LOG- PUMPS. P: 7 . 1,1 6 ,1 1V.1i1711."EV.14-7`f Y4,1:1.14:1=1:14`44a"" Fumy lIONILL3I4, PUMP MAKER. ilitatz*frzr24l4 IMWASEITZI I I 41. 61 1 i -t h atitiOS KIM la the R, P. 6ETFY~ Wm:wawa Dan= Choice Wines and Liquors, so. as x. L Car. 08/0151% AZD DIII•um• , 111“ best Oft. P. • GOOD ALIO& CHEAPIREAD IN DEAR TIMES. MAAR, hi WARD DRYAD. nu Wort &Attest. ' The Initial, 'II. WO , at evny Ward% ;Rona .1... DAXlsewr OIL WORKS dr. COMP EUREKA OIL WORKS, Eureka Carbon'Oii, TIM OXIMBRILTZD Sperm Lubricating Oils, CM:IC[OAL LINSEED OIL, WbolesN• DeWni a Crude, Endued and Lanai:4ond ails; Lard, Spam, Whole and Nish 0116 R. C. MACEENNEY, Aient 18 Irwin Street, WARING & KING, mum num AU DEMON Petroleum and Its Products, DalzelPs Bleck, Duquesne Way, PTI7IIOI7RWEI. PELLLIPILPHIA ADDE23S: - WARINC. KING 111 CO., IAT INalmat Et.. M 11& H. M. LONG & CO., X.&FIC110T118186 OF ERII 11111 BENING 011 i. Brand—" LtIOEFER." • -11 s. 21Mars'e War, r - • rrrnaaeua , MIL TACK BROTHERS , CrEMINOOR 1111111C8A144 ARP noires ut Petroleum- and its Products, , FITTEBInteII O///CZ—Da WI , . Sanding sena of DaimmCWll7....sa irlnta atmat. rttuaDualnacurries-Lin Walnut st., VafTrithl...te•••--a.a. asazaml EAGLE OIL IFOGEB,, • ..T.uw7c*roiscterlirine. INIC NIEMAN at ANDERSON, Rafters *ad , Dealers in P ET:R. OLEI:NW - ; omos; noctiarETOHY. M1.21111111.X. COCK BULIST AND DINITEMII WAY. J. a somral..a mannr..w.is. warnown 801/0 OIL mous" • 1 1 01111 , 0001101 Limet Thr sils 211 kimds L 17/IR /C 4 10. IL 'g OIL 8, .Yates. 4AIE /Tatra. • • strr.mit. Esnsw a 00, AL COER.ito. C. 14 • 11.12 . 10111 S. A. 1 117C1r11101t. iItIISTRONfiI - ft INTC.ILINION, Eloositoto to rXrCAbitt.litt• TOvon tuna? Wu. COolro.lr rooluN Mod bY Ibn MINZINUTLILI - , , , avezistaitTolraizeicksizsy CA, 'AR FAMiILY 'COAL. OM. uut Tu11...7W/. UT TAT . 17781(117. te • r •hts ifortr. inr• irr4rrs Lettgq yud.. et addruud by sujilp .. 2vo i., nag. Pavan NATIONAL COAL'CO= ,COMPANY. KKw" a um irtatriaiddeaters. vitalises cod rs. m • BEST FAMILY NIIT COAL AND = BLACK. 10FIITH AND VII Vr AtVA r grri I ririg . tb• alty. inl iinV PUB grAktiteeir yl REST. FAMILY COAL AT Lowsn juiulte lITIA TT asc.az unnif a Co., di. %inky Obeel ma rat v. t a liihm ALLIMILICINT T. lii coat temealuk at. uhs ' iewsn num COAL! . COALI! COALM , DICIBO 811WATITA POO • ilaytis =mond MM . Matt No._ oe7 ',LIBERTY NTI/EET, . Mita* 010 Tioar)UULWilaipp 7LOOII. AN raw repine io mamma 7ough3ntM. =MN AVTCOO oo &LAMA. At as knntat aurkst xi* • • tA r gi u =ll=. I.IINI Wdtvpd pn.pu, GUUnWE :8 IL AB STRONG, rotrotrocumn e oo um] aim azdnadasftitarentat 0444110 . ark, and Dieftlpiturised Cake 077103 *sit owner lulu aal Int Tilden Lit. 'Val ll' l rret. l. l -tut l i orrtt.'"' g i,.,.° axe a:nos...tame oapplheal .z UR beat %Mg* o[oo4l or fJobt at um levers can Vtders left atm, at limy ollom b 1 retch, itollllllt sopEnion C. CHERRY AitzArdi PIRAr.r o 0017 AMlLetia ti"fo. "is r a itflll%llZW.7,llV "n• / • P&INTEBB inenATOotrzeinca...... Llllloll.a COMM= & Rouse and Biga Painters? 1111 e. toe m ast ream Ptiltsbingla etas CAI., ROWILAND & manure, HOUSE AND lIIIM PAIIITERS4 GRA7,2esa /LID !Liza.= as ei nraiviarro. Aziaessutarr. 11A1411111.1110 Geri Ise bat alanver. J. K. HAMILTON, Jr,, Rowse and Sign Painter,.. no. iss taiga' Plitablizigl4 grainliag,Glaiditgnd Pita* FILMY rawarrico. • - . Mixed Penta. Yar..15114. 'Patty, 011E4 soN.Turpeapn,..WlqUiLl•CXoo. . :11, 1.1.=7 . 111 .5 1011 ...--.:......... a. Winnar. . HUTCHINSON a , 'HEPOUNN, .. - , .. • tem :"Ro .41) , otryik, -row , , OP.ILLIIIRS AA 841411:326 O. 1111PENIPA AVE trA Pinsbur All wars by bull mom • ly attandea to. . JOHN F. CLULEY. Hawes and - titts Polinten. 4.20 1a intrrarpria rzno.rth. FL. snit:TO7 Opposll• .e. old amt. 1101,1nT BIM= :mouowAnt 81111DEIR, HOUSE BEM AND 011HAIEITSL PAINT. . ER& LID 08.1.13E1S Alkszaztsaa. . BfM 65.Nertiff aide of 01,1unand.11.1eithealf.' OctounemAl .3W/lug alr Mail to order. ..Ordwtes redgmi.peothr.z.soolikai...taltasju.pr•milm.7 - soassmal,l7 on hand. . , sou - I BABE. KNAKE ic.BEFMTLEIL imasoad ta watutLiant a ruLtua 10. U 94 Cp . Ir ' BL Plttaburth m . . ]L.imiiirio.,:organ,, .. Andleutest Mena,' Dire•clialatifores al•braied DRADDU 1111'. Dow =art.. ua SODOX•O2IM.D. 4 cp. rh 11 . 461 D•15,P1•3015. ' . 41110. 12TritY a 00.2 47027 AU SO , NA. D. • ft. lir. rarnins - ....brzaic.a.z ...x. DA 2l o.4anneruargs r. 1,2107 eurz4.6. SDlDestlialunku• INLimai 'V Salta n2l : um. tar Iglu,' &ways as balsa. .]foal - RE/KOVAL. . - . ' . °NEAT SALE AT Olaf myw i r t sumt oy, Mtlllo/11.1.815T81111219111 11:LTIAnit 21:.1W•t;l1NAPCZIng,' bet•Yeen Mk &ad %bah .tryyta. yadYrill mom of my Presi ,. n mg!, It u Vigcrw o ratere. IMmegth i llellittp • HMI purnwriwoßoAss AND PAELoDIONts. Direct rross tLo /sosorle. or fi. A. 1 , 14_0 Treat. Lto.'oy C.. not.Froseon B: A 01 2.44: jar_ll owrards. 4 " oizeou imeolut 0. . M. STEELE & 80114 M. ...Rim FLOUR, pimp!, tanalx, And Produce truer I y. Po. 93 OHIO lITHHIT. near Zan Common. ALLzeßirarr crrr, 111C2.41. & wiener. , comimok NERinurra, AZI), DMus' Flour, Grain, Seeds, NW Feed, die, .149 1.1.1=27 132131111. MUM rirresttnen. r. HENRY REA, Jr., - FLOUR, GRAM; And Produce Connnisslan Merchant. 6.5 . 21 . 11 ses LlttEktl7 MIMI% PITTSBOBBIL ROBERT KNOX, Jr comunsarox yazacu m . • Azd CaMarls Er==l FLOUR, GBAIN AND ?BODICE, come % 411 LLBESTI BT. Plitabarab. L. J . BLANCHARD ! winy.RAxas AND =TAIL 0. lA. 0 a NI za. ni111:215. 898 Penn Street. • & AMER, • . • Comnsisaton Jilerchaistai Dtulan la PLOI7I. GRUM mel FiX)DI7OI gendrully, WAT7 6 / 1 ,--abon dallshilelo "mg. Pittsbrgh. lY' FET2IIIi & ABEISTSONG, Miran An coma WM, Am. Me era *Maar, Oral 11714ler110,1"grrn.""Vo"'t FJZZarit • • Wilk; irmax. -pp ILIMIE b. SON, - Conualulaii =ROB .11.11171 3 / 4 .1 .17enters Pr - FLOUR, GRAM. MU. NEMO mallIAMCG1:11 =MO. 17: No. ID Diezuld. A 7 7)7x1ia.C 1 11:781.11, AU. cheaTC:l7. - Jaktatt DAV. 4311 A r. Afyon...4 I. 11111011.....1111. 30111121; REIM & 111R00,4iccesson to Straw • Arden., "P ttrgx ril Mretio rmtl golVib lk iittrotre Irrhtv JO= B. VASEM LD aloes Laa Yo &rdtzg ,c,onsiitis.. ~aaaa Morauy. Ifoo. MMUS .1.1.1. . Lt. ftIDDLE r ,No. 1.414 M St, ww ..ats= i . 6 l :krur r 2llereasstom a l sal Pltutargh assullwrres. Otst idvasced sarXastll.l.lslS, lisld rmine• razor • sll7- sail actvgasawAsa zaces..ww. z. zoom lout L MOUSE & ECROL, lac,- csasOcil TO Josra Soon a CO.. WU!, a"..1• firoarn 5 , 14 ccemusi. Ken . % Oar woe! nadtklead sad Watt" stroVa. Ilttabar Q.CHORILIIER & LANG, clan dealers Inumeulms. /low. Grais.. Pm . dna, Provision Mob, Choftio, am Mows • /OEN MOM. ',ALLA= RHIPTON &WALLA(' le, VP 111tOCIERS AND P."wet. HttrtntTr Y/10MA= Dmicas; NIRh b. $ • PLUMBING. GAS FITTING `. 4•101.11 ell'AS4l.oll & 11‘1129h co., • NO. llt la ITT dust . 1 .1,, Yollto Saws 11"40,) ; L 13 4, 1 t0 :snit JIM& , &sato. Flamm 1 "424 1 .., Wuo. Dimioisms et orryinlat amnion s r... orwoor.ouroor .J. ivory's!! WICII POMO, • Ale azi4 Etex ?MIK r4c/. abe.L Lead. 111. Noce,' at- Itczact •.! Oven to rccatilac c/ TWOOD & BRASS F WCIME. lINDM, I err= sya • Corot 3rd and Anon Cerroll i enyd Lida 824 /lean Cu in order. eel a-ar"teAapn pa Ca Sp l . er " ta.ReT Agents for A. B. STEAM BLOWER rasps have en. Others. sae every one la eeentea. Run. mut. El= HOMY Streets, i ttp=b, Penz. tzs 'moron Co.'s I P Pe I NGINES, 2.-ZZato u SUMe mg band. AsZaull • 101121 r r. COO/101..:406. : 14XL PER & CO., - : JOHN L H BRASS F Steam and UNDERS;: Pitterk ; AND Vitali inaci,i is 013 I. all basal. of *Teri da*.ll,lloat • TORO &ND TURIN% Corner of Pike an PITTS SU • 3•711.130 Walnt Strode Mill THE MINS N NOUSE MUM lINDEIMIII6 .1..T.;1ee to their. filen IVit'iIrEVAITAI • IYo. 344 lablerty Street, . fll'aNlaliTut M i g.P.Y.rgrA :7,I74IPITZIP= " t r4t u a b lnrolt t PV. Pot. Travelers will On Ms boon an era/lien non so stop of. ate. Iv be iloomelbodiffee .87 bow. day or :debt. Conneoted PHA tba Due lo • spilled RaL Pi Coneette. Tublike or Cable ye ons Me. to Pure be Me On 7. eff.it•ibtoli.O. vritti or without maw, ... IL. AGNEB, 1 IT:el4 , ' ' rrrivairaesr. NEO beg tobn. rbe v.►u.mn VI4)IISTA2L,DtItI: 003DOOTRO OH 3. ST. JAM , 3014 403 & 40 SUBOPHLII PLUL . Liberty et., Dot i or..at• ti. mum I, ?Tin:Bustin:4 : t MIAS H. LAN& , Froprtetor 'rata boas la Neat/ nal 1 attl 01.41e1y brr• alal.l--aad can raalcat all Um Kallroad. sow ;1%14: a :ly St .•Vair 1141,12 la, You sung l yos• room and say tar yawl meals a. van rat nut. Tba Sertantaat etn. , I; ti .114 e". t. s.oi 117" " VAUSIVAtt, Igcna at ... shorten ' sup *ad . ..nada -ST..- LIU 1 1 ' 11 -. HOPE, fox . was armor N. E. Oor. Pan • - prmistrig xt.A2l,k Ida 'kiwi/Rs., 'A. MITA JOHNS° , :Proprietor, - I Thu hoop hal 'l,4cra thee., pawl!th1004901• I.e Om potato: • refitted ear utot ts now oleo Foi.Vl;/3.413:3:11: . 116.10:4:1:1 from. riiiines ll cutPENTEIrd:AND - troattict• 'fat nm n. Bien tmata. "VIM' Prthtfri" at ../tunZot 4 . 2. PtUr " 1%165 111 gt, /NOY aIYI h. Z. Et . ..P.t House Builder &Oa" Carpenter. • Nara. comer of BA RICDIIII . 4I.LLICT owl DIN. Qtr , r2P4S ly • lt. Orlobing Sad r.Paldzi dna loft! Wuhan. an. dt.P... 1 .• r ref; J. DICK, • CarpelAter and' Blander, • ai rwrwerrr.va.wra.. AVicstr.S. oppeatt• P priti Anil um • Jobelpf Moue •••trie dlernVen: El womptly atunded to. ad s•llsrattl. wikrrneteit 11nItinnwr . • . , Hoio!Lic spauxems AND CARPENT.7. BUJIMING and IMPAIRS Nay attend ramazso ,* atm. 1.1j7: ''. '., . • . lIT Nntsblefanrat.. ' LITHOGRAV : 1 . . . .. _ aumuiLT soreienix MOB Mammal to Idea 1. Bak PRACTICAL LITHOO 11111111tirmint Lett... HUM. %/elm algltLtrlt 0.41 , . Nckg Is and 11 .g 'mina • Oat), r IMERI, itVN Dol s tt . , r% surnit A• IgULT Hi laITHOGRAP :1 scVed;roliirru sr.: i .. T irasoza .4,41,43154 , ..d.a11a a galteltag. If liad ILLILL•AtZium Hann Wtiolestale 'sad , retail danlic n attrWigg. rird a / I N £O, ; cturer, e" 17(:-.1 , 4i ......t, WESTEUN IN6IUNAZIGEI 96, • • Or 2/TraiSinialt. Amt. k AV...trabtr p r t = t ras • WS wan Wlll Inoue a.ot W Wad. otPtrosigral Maks. .a.booan Malta laaaagoa lobo aro Inso Imams lo osouno Sad , rba aro dotortaloo4 by psoarptooaa sad laborattty, to butatata atm amulet "blab On MI, ao. nowt._ jto NAM , to Do I orati re/m ng the ben Mantis* SO Moot ,oho 4.0 AM /116 KUlar, Jr, ' thVY. A a47: • D.lll noQ ' BE Mr YR &NE LIN nirsunA.Nez COMPANY, IN FF,AKUN Sinn BAN[, No 43 Ohio St., Allegheny, Pa. • Henry InsiL Ge. R. Biddle. lb.. DM.. T. Harper, J. K. ftattls. •W. X. flOmul. /coup! Lalttaer. • GE0.44 .WEDDLIS, DearatarA iiirantir 1 • oos prANtirmverivt: IRESURANCE CLUIPANY. " ' CF FITTSBUICH. PA. 0111.41.113 rut Iliterill, MAU Meat. 'Ms la a B=4 o, : v ralr, lad Imre y e le° WI/ MN? ALN/CA. Presidas, - latiip rYL*Eile,trPtsclThigia. 1111611 VdLialLilmturr. k.C " * M.; Il l : r : " W Wit It • .7 hm r S acar Ilk =___ j • .1 oda)! ISAng, •• . Job Vo•awa s , .........Pht., A. Assam. imarr Serum. - ••• trite IMEMMTY Amixtisr LCI/18 BY FLEX "11111111111 iNSURANCE %IMPAIR. of , pirtiAnEx.rlua., Mee: WC and atr culastirvr iii..'s..iie ku. pm R,Leass.' yam : 4 Zmno. Samue. Jacob F.. ILVI. . D „, ,1 . klecno W. nanyds. Alr o r -. --' ' lflAer, iuttziut t. wit. a; yrs= a, eme•aurnia.u.. • a. GARDNER COFFIN. Ana , Daiwa atone wen iat.tvid a Weed ns. A 14ZEtiRENII EINFSZTMANCE. OD. el rrrrammem—cfflunk. Z0.,110 17111 I =raigall klUto ar MA skiltartv. IBEr nne! D, AR r n mtruri gym: 1.. (7 . Te• w ur " • fr. PEOPLE'S ‘!,* an'P:ns. TANING num AND NA11441 N&NC4.: Damorns. i s f. a.„ . , 1 70 .fria.,...: t r .r, fa r A cr, , l.: ILJ A ti .„ . salesD. yeau..' . O. Mt= _ _ .10:71 1 AW Vlai Eflajko ta it A. 1. W OTAMTIOIged, DaAn AA% PEOMiItIONAL. Jpilm _DU CLAmsr, Attorney-at-L'ii.w.• , awe% esmirr AT awitan.L.,„ Oollsadoas soselatry stimphil te; ;+' R . A. ex:lEBom' 4 &ton:Ley-at-Law No. 98 FM& Stroott RRIDDLE H Att4n2eyat-Lar: 01163%111.41$ eltaii2ll73l2lthrri . . , 4113.6111011, stwlFo jp piasi 11 Ilaak.. Issiltll3 EIISTACE 111. 1:11011110Wi ALIARMAk. Ex-Otlicio,Jastice of the peace, Amp row= maerarsuri._ k IE huritnais. A . AMNON, .r JrIIIITIOO or :EM rrAO3. Coaysrueer, Boat Sawa anklasorsaas Arm,' 041.850 N STIIZZT. Oollection of Emu ualcll44 •nd prouritilr sttanaed to. • WIGLIWK 131. R&RALEII. - Mr-MT OP T nuns, um.. - = C0717'.. ANCI2B.- o= l . South mar. ygg= sky ottoodad to. ". DARREL BLeMEAL, M. D., PBACTIC/NG PICIBIOIAM Case sa4 itastelasala No. 160.6nat Bt., near llltb. • 20:331 J, IL FERO II &09, Attorney -at-Law, 1r---T" 7 e r• 3 .l:.. ..~ H- Er.racconzuca, 87 Gnat St set, - sa. asscattom eves tzi UM+ at iew busine &DIMS L.LEWISi . ATTORNEY AT LAW, No, 88 Diamond Strreet, 101111.1 na - rsztrzem. Pa. JOHN W. BIDDIEILL, .ATIVENEY 'AT LAW. MS 11017F1M ,11121111= HOTEL, Er= H . C. INACHRFSX. • 7 ATTIWNET&BOUISELLOA AT LAW No 69 Grant Street '..,IWWWIOI,!6*P.A. JOHN A. SWUM. 4.X.e.laikliemetjamc. Ett.elliehh .Inottlee Of the Peace AND • YOLICIi ,X.LearrEATI. 05c, U Atm et; appoint, Catkidra4 lona 5ad a 8 A4t"." . 4 4 .42 .4 romemess.ddlsntel. zalll.l nW ir f rAi mic2JITHWE C W "TA" AND itz4.I:...TAIT 0%, "" 84...4 rm. strew. I.4l;ran jrl Jzzirjatig awl Ws 1 1,"24., ,,, VAL=.104.404t 4M= JA2IOIX_ . 4341.• of IM Yea. sag Ilona" ra JOHN C. ItIoCCI o AlintitYCiD COlitinfgA AT :LW. N 0..• 87 Fifth - Street. -11 .9.Ue4 lacl Izmir' -of r. , 7 M.MM7eollutut. uemll PlikNOrilzhttun:4:q hIENte - HANTB' Una! AM) SAM STABLE J. W. NICHOLSON. PROPNIETOIL ■os 141 AND MA =TWO MD= .10ivoolt• at ne nt..ll l, ll l lMtadZa..,4V woof .IXONAS annawat--,...nanuml. MOLAR) MITCHMk LITCPy r.aad: Sale Staple* fIZOLDISETT Upped'. rfaztrtnatiaalros4 IMAA;, PITTSEURCH., - • VilluVelar ai:enUna paid to ItralAtag 8.• .4 Carrlwo for taxerals: . Rain et item.• • . warns P BILIIr CLIZI 44 L-1:1:w:1;11 vim N 424 6. AU rhitd 1414,1* DYBB' ApgD sCoth CM Wined ,or. eco na sad LAlnze• pxiiira' m' aw od or dmd. - , C G. FISHEWS itstabliskseit Nth 6.111 DIAMIOSID ALL??. Illetireea Wood sad tionthvie .tri e All goods retur.d two Aca.ttn: EirNETY OPERA notgE WK. EfiXONiVOK Y. W IIKT(It tr • rit•Z;oo:'. D* ,, Kb.t a l p IW, linwl F0nd1y..11101.e... Kr KL , O te . t m 0 1 ,13 U-110 .. 41.1!1.POM IS I'OLKKOS TAIII.LdJeNNY 1.1:41). SATURD..X EVASUNti. the scat May. Ledo Capitols, ...1.11 .00f$ Eo.flo So coneciaz mit tk t/O eloff ,oo ofoo of VMETCHES 1N IYIIIA. • ... • 01. 1 _ .t Wauan O. inns, Jejewur...kprot E. 1 ,7 ecr•ggswith wage, ... Me MeTell &Monter lerenlre—: be niece Cu. t. ar TOP. FAIR AND JFESTLVAL 07 TtIL FIRRT lINIVER4ALM 6PEN AT CI I T . HALL, THILODAY EvEinn4 prormßEß Bendt's men crony eitllllooo and evoalairl eor Mom been dewiest, and Weaning.; moral and 100 did catistalamiess and annincnilen• have Won armee:, for th• " 3 "l• let elm rul and ornamental .r'lek•, feint/et with Chelan.. and hew yearn Craws.. • 4.• as/wine:a of de wale/. and " I " Mr E ' n". irirerTl?; ' ,l 7 t he enbi. oe'enie tame•. for sale la the HIV% Admlssloa ICI cents; eallarsa under two... yeses -3a mots. BS; Thin licA V.O Pa 03111114 - ADS takes Plata latal.distel3 atm closing she deaihne 'FA fl AND. FESTIVAL, rOtt 'us SIMIZIT CT TAM tNORTH CHURCE. D'II;VdIC& haw Fliut hello* The Ladles or tie - 1,401nm PAICS.IIre.IL. , OH wvehata New .4 7eeltr4l, eat. . , , Tamagnar svEllzse, PSC. KITH. 4.36.144 tbe 'IRA .4 Intl' fpt the loft et Arab lug 'bete nee. Chart). i_.)...hme• later ile NMI be ter We. 4,1.4.5. Len. and eettathmT. no .14.4 All We of the ult. aierfamea to ale tbLitatertrJe. ir t • ;) • - C Bib iItETHE BEET Ift 1111111KET. frater.'llatter, Fnzar,tleda. Easton' AViao and Oyster Crickers., Cfrafrxxls.or MlClrcosal.;` No. 91 .Liberty Sirepe, A ai t ipm FAMILY CONVENT. Maw gad wet arnosemeat Ibr having HOT ;- WATER BOILERS stitched to the net eod at DOM." W — et Mat% No that tae Wll-11a 1 2 .1.11.1nee gee. op the none ,PlPo beato n ott the 'roar coned to Ito orelIo• re Mr ‘ett9titi trilVtlfti b AC M tre ' vili:tr nit of Money. hie new innufeen.t con be .rtt Olt Loney No.; eoi leOmmon Co WU./ !Stave. .r elt:4lVIZi- :411; Uffidfr ltdlV/Cialence ce nook 1 , 0•• =Melo the Vino eitfloteo3allfrosttolte to stole neon. tr.:Punnet .the - Alecebnenn. the Both c one Ltd., on. stint Coot. 'Gelb& nodes ate • oil at WIG tl DULLAII4, bpiolltew 4. • • B/ & C 0.,. „ . 0:19 CO. 90. 235 LIktEDAYSTBILLT. llsoniketarers otllle Triumph Cook More. H.KifiKPATRICK, w.xtacyrxcLis.x. BOOK-KEEPER 'AND ACCOURTAINT, Olr arZlPTi•trire TE PA a.vrtc.a. 12. ATTLND Tu CIPEHING panvia MERCHiNTS' BOOKS • Ok Mel IRsellvy' nooks Chnodrand llr :Opened Ay: Dooele•l7.r7 Deranged 11•01tai aCestrAtel7ioJOsted. rajrrs rag aft , orrnmer.s . iawe set la •Utoroluth bnalutto Ont. Oaks. third ten, Apao 11141 r. K. 503.1 k de2:bas prft ALLEY. • XVI. ionetryirren that the vaderelved, Profited ilenst? to setieo Vaults WI • .Widening of Pitt Ailey , • -THIRD WLZO . ALLE6B/ENT. 71osa Eteitir,berry Oty.to "Montgomery avenue., lolly:mete o n I.l4llyremUes to r.= the dottes of torn aoptlatoieni on ILLONDLY. the 23.1 of Pe • sember..l3l7. at pitOoloot P. JOHN .ALA IltIrlia)N°1117P:4131). 0 purr CLASS LOOKING GLASS 40PICTUREFRAMEMANUFACTORY. j.1:51 . 131c5• ifo-110 Wood St, Pittsburg4, .aL'rgVa .aa ITLScr liftT. PW.l.4ll:wAlarr,over and' stetustir, immd4 CIPORTRAIT and PICTURE NrIES. Canada ILPArl:t os kittl frriqtthlte ' t Itjn r = Inceezzuns.hlp. catenntio earn REO/LDINU tad In idly Irrligarbraltrkli.TE, P • ItcAttOLE, Merchant Tailor, Nth !El Emlttfield Et ) Pittsburgh Lou. oln.tantl7 Oa hand • este etsonment of • '7 ,, CLQTHS, C.tFEISIEIIEd & VHSTIN GS. 1160. ENTLIMEN'S FUnNIIAiiG "OOPS. @LIM'S CLOTTIMI - MADE TO OEDZ the West stv , es. . • 0/17C1307 fart Coolnadon AIM man . ..loyal ' • • Clitantrada, Oct. 13. Idg. rpm ASSESSMENT tar the Cradlng. Parted and Carbfaa of Candi.. tote sad DIXEC6II eitTZEIB, Rent Wee star Wheat to Beerced Vence: and r.:rt,mt AL_ LICT, fr.'Vea to roantala Insect. we now ready 1 • 01 ; onalnInntlin, and DUI .2161 A le Qin I==El Mee. West Market liguldlng, ostlll Stull 0.1.1's Deoember St3d. when they Inn he y'e•ed In /he Cltr 'Steamiest's UMW' fox eceleetlos. H. Z. MOORE, City ltssineir snl ass-error. EOM REAL ESTATE AGENCY. mzervicosatrxmcsse-. The partannAlp horstlfoto colst.lho lotorocos ALTLIANDER LOVA .nd ID WIN W. Tu Pi ES, %lido thi Arm of A. LOVE • UM. L. this day Oloslvedbr mans. column. The Lulhosa of Oho Om WO no sottish try ♦. LOVA, of LASS- A. LOIN.. h 011.1.10 Z. W. Towlig. I.llAiOn JOS. CUM= hiELEPOR a EUIRPEIIy =M=MI FLOUR ORAlittarl PRODUCE Commission Merchants, 349 tassarr sr., ?musses. onssura.st..ollelted. o,llrart.x, Casklor. leo SinUonaJ