THE DAILY GAZETTE, TITBLIIIIZD EVEIIT MORNING, (tairsint sicsrime.) rENNINA* REED & CO, Prormietorai,' ...TOMAH =NO, 1.411.0f1. =l3=2:E OIIICI4 GAZWITT. DITILDINO Nos. 14 and IS PIPTB lITILEXL letru; Nail= hper Vedas tmg lnt (mow. pinnt or prrnonnos - ALLEM/BIZ 0117. c , L4RORST. - CffRAPILI2.4.I BEST YAWL I crsa VoInIZECIAL PAM Gs Oa Mats, ?Nara 07 TO DAILLTs rIeirTVZ T yul tiabscnirs, " =7= "k— fau Addrou. CiAZEITIL rrrrsntrnan, PI SQL gittsinttO CtkttitE Tam citizens of Yntuittitown; Oblo, have appointed thirty or forty delegates tothe National 31anufatterare CODIII. HOD, which I[lll bo held at Clereland'on the 18th inst. The llat is headed by 1.1. r. David Tod. Tint Getluhlicansof Armstrong cnrmty Geld a meeting on Wednesday last far the purpose of perfecting their orginiza lion. Haying taken their =MUG theY *era on to declare their preference for General Grant for President, and Got• ernor Curtin for. Vice President Tnesztjountals and Individuals lath!' country who advocated •sweeping sever ities in dealing with our defeated rebels, here now an opportunity, by looking amuse the Atlantic to Great 'Britain, to perceive what the tendency cf such harshness really is. When Anualw Jonnsow, directly upon his accession to the Presidency, was lustily proclaiming the intention of bringing to condign punishment all men who were concerned IA the revolt, he did n,ot build our iym pathier, but excited our detestation. All we have witnessed since has only seried to confirm our original, judgment in the premises. NMWS TEILEGR&PH —The Union Pacific . Railroad is nom-, plated a. ono hundred and tan miles from Omah —Judge Advocate. Holt has recent-. mended the payment of St. Marie; who caused the arrest of Surratt. —William Messer, • proprietor of tho Philadelphia Sunday Mercury, has heed convicted of publishing a label on Col. W. 11. Mann; District Attorney. —The Wabash avenue rink, Chicago, was destroyed by dro yesterday. Loss abcut $14,000e Insured for $3,0e0 in home companies. • •• —Secretary McCulloch says the ex. panditures for the fiscal year ending . Juno 10th, IBM, will amount to Piff2,efel,- 000, of which the interest on the public debt will amount to 3 139 ,a7 6 , 0 78. • --judge Thoaleor, Cominlasloner Patents, has given way to the pressers brought on• him by the President, mdi tendered his resignation, to take `offset on the fifteenth of next January. —The , incorporators of the Chicago Age bare perfected 'their. organtvitiob • with A. Walden as President, and D. P. 4.3sulfiald, Treasurer. It is intended ti, publish a Democratic a naperixtopeoultipr • Ledo" Chicago Tan. • • —The bark David Morris, from Choice land, loaded wills coal for Chicago, ':wsns driven ashore near Evanston, Wedges. • day night. -Tae Captain and crow were rescued. after being exposed to the gale for twelve hours. The vessel will prob ably bon total loss. . —Mr. Goodyear, of Connecticut, hue applied to the Commissioner of Patents forma extension for seven years of his Indhi Rubber Patent, which expires ,on the t. 1.1 of March next. The petition is 'to be heard at the Patent Office cisthe nth of that month. . ' . . • —A largo meeting was held in Cincin math , Thursday night, to consider. the rights of naturalized American citizens Speeches' were made by prominent citi zens. -Resolutions wore' adopted asking Concretes and the President to demand of Ragland the release 'of -every such Citi zen field by that Government, illegally. , -Astsicets from Thomas - Cate 'that oroyal Danish proclamation, couched in. tiro most affectionate wrote, has been ad dimmed to the inimbitants of the pones. •Cons, who ore about to bo locoed- from their allegiance to the crown by the transfervince of the ialand to the Linked States. It has been . arranged that the island of St. Thomaswill be delivered to the United States on the Ist proximo. 'The Chairman of the Virginia Con,. sensitive'. Convention has appointed Mears.' Wm. C. St T. RIM* ter' John Janney," James Marshall and J. R. Pricker; a committee to.prepare an address to the people of Virginia and the United States. The Editor.' representingConven tie's, theConservatlvePreas t die State, has ehdOised the action Of the Conservative Convention. I —Aletter from Mexico states that the Minlsfry wein • .. de:str , ng of- _ reil . O . ing, i CNA - were retaining - their places Until suite time as Congress could, be fully or gat:dyed far business. It was expected that President Juarez would nominate the Lame Cabinet that accompanied him to Paso del .Worteiluting the trying days of the' intervention. Some , anxiety Is created by the move depriving the arn -nestled Imperialists of their seats in Coll - gross, after they had been admitted. • —The Georgia Reconstruction Conran- • Con have pained a relief ordinance, which providest.that from and after its passage levies which have been or may be made under executions issued from any - emitter the State; shall beisuspend edllll-the Convention shall have. taken or refused to take final action on matted of rellef r and that all salcs,under. °sects• that in violation of this ordinance' shall be null and void and of no effect. Tho Supreme Court-of Georgia having deal& od the stay law of the last Legislature to be unconstitutional, this ordinance; which, it is understood, will be enforced . by General Pope, will operate Al A 'bar to a legal: lon upon private debts until tho Convention ant act, further- —The Alabama Unlen'Loyal Le or . i•DiatgomerY, Proteets ' against I th adoption of the new. Constitution p posed by the Convention, on the groan that it to too radical in its previsiotm, • • call, signed by colored' men, for the for •oration of a Colored Conservative Club,' • deviate-ills object shall be: That—Th elevation of a spirit of matted condi, denceand good feeling betwoca theta races ef the South, without which there mai be neither poses, prosperity, tier, re. pose to either. ~Second—lo suppoAjti . the approaching election the policy our-own tried neighbors and friends,' whose capital ittrubines employment and whose roof shelter us, in preferenee to• that inaniturated by strangers and their allies. Third—To .discourage, by all means In our power, • the war of races' counsel and Ignorance seems VI be hastening, and which inaugurated, %alit result moor certain and speedy situation. - . • . —A. glance at tho wbolamle trade which has bsenbuilt up in Iriik within the les four yens-at the numberless retell es tablishments that have' recently gone into exlstence—at the various manufac- Unica o( recent . origin, cemprising al most every branch:. of bidustry—at the improvements bathe harbor, which are thrice what they-Were fire veers ago—at the splendid blocks of battings to 1/0 found allover the city—at the. hundreds; of new dwelling homes, and- many ele gant a:Laminas—at her newly opened. sumas, One bridges, Nicolson . pave ments, water work* being constructed— Mt+ daily newspaper,' —, 4 lep L ut hotels— and a wore of other prromlnent, alttactive and. powerful elentenia of progress—all of which seem almost like ifte creation of a ma m m a, will convince _Buy one, who is familiar with theautleagand 'givea it MOIIIOI3OII consideration, that Ede la now -.ono of the mast prosperous awl preardsing towns to be feimo —Brie Dis patch. —The finest - peat yet discovered in Ills .nntry le found' hi eons, inramp lands near Cambridge, in the northern part of the county. A apeclmen of this was pm seated to as last week, and a trial proves It to• bb a • anoerior quality: It bares beautifully, ••making a fire equally sa cheerful as the best wood or bituminous coal, and is preferable to them on ao smunt of its freedom from the dust and spot so annoying to housekeepers. In course of tillto it is destined to tako the Thirster all ether kinds-of fuel in this region. Parties are now gettinglbe ne• °mean.; machinery for preparing it for use. They propose engsgingln their en torprtse on an ostensive wale, and will be well•rawarded for their labor and In, Tostment—Afeadvillelfliy: ' • —The railroad bridge crosses the Bus (mailroom river about one half mile s:hove Towanda.' When finished It will be half a mile In length, and two .should Judie from present appear:taw; a very aseo'ag structure.. The piers at..eitak and kayo been commenced, end the arlhs tilled with stelae up to the surtacaef the water. It runs In a diagonal, direction, and tho train will make a long curve, In 'order to got nu. It. On the cut side of the river It termlntitas against the aide of the mountain, which will he sloped con siderably, In order to• let the trlia pass. It will be one of the..trued important bridges on the fintiquehanna, and we hope to see l l progrpss rapldly.—/ttat4 ford Aryls*, . - VOLUME LXV3(TT FIRST IDITION. MIDNIGHT. FROM WASHINGTON. Dealers in spirits and tie Ways and Means Committee._ Commissioner of relents Seeped. Conilnnatione by , the Senate. 1 Goldin and Ballots' Convention. Officers to be Mustered Out. By Tslwo% mu• ritt•eann 6isatt.3 W arnarow, Thic. 'l3, 1867. WAYS AN MEANS COMMITITL • Commission r'lltolilas was today In consultation t:h the Committee on Ways and-Merino, wbo during their ses sion were engaked in the examination of spirit metre.. I; l Commlttee from tho National Convo on of manufacturers and dealera in virile bad an Li:denim -with the Committee, and presented e_ copy of recently adopted resolutions by that Convention. VMLIF CO#2IMMIOIt The Indian Piece Commisaioners met last night at the ama. or the • tiommiii goner of Indian Affairs end revisited in anion until quite Iste, engaged In the discniaJen otpointa to be Mtbraoed in forthcoming report. The Commis slot meet again on the 28th knit. : • xis tuftwortnn. 'rho Commissioner of patents, giving way to the pressure broughtto bear upon . him by the President., tenderedbls resig, nation, to take effect on the 15th of Jan. nary next. ' ' STATISTICS IttIIZA.IL The Director 01 the Bureau of : Stet's. ticareports the domestic exports of the ni States for thw quartet nlosod October Ist, were, in value, ever ninety million dollars, while for thecorrespond ing period in 1868 they were seventy eight millions.. . XIIITTIICSY =memoirs. The Mouse Committee on Electterm this morning finishel the hearing of the evidence In the case of Mr. Brown, of Kentucky, but wilt not take a vote until after the cases from that State have been heard. Meat week the Committee prom lie to hear the tugaraente in the awe of Mr. Trimble, whosuseal is contested by Col. Simms, and Ali.. Young, whose seat la conteste d by Col. Sam. McKeta.• =seance' coirrrsecrion. . , The Senate will probably not pass the House bill suspending the power of the Secretary at the Tresaury to contract the currency. There has been a practical exPansien of 1185,000,000 within the peat NATIONAZ. FAZE.% The Conimittee on the subject of Na tional Parke and a new White House, has determined en the selection of two thousand six hundred acres in the north west pottier' of the city, behind Colum bia College. This tract embraces Bock Creek and the most beautiful scenery around Washington.. It is expeeted the lands xittarest the tity will, cad about $20,090 per acre. That on the boundary of the District cafille bought fir $5OO per INDLLIC LOIRT. Colonel Leweenworth. agent of the Elowa and Camanche Indhuni, is here attending to the Interests of those tribe. Efts estimate of the coat of farming a ten sUs for their tuti I. between $3,000 and - AYPOINTKOrIII CONFIRMED. Tie Senate to-day confirmed Capt. Theodore .Green . to be 'Commodore; Commander Egbert 'Thompson to be Captain; Lieut. Commander Francis H. Baker 'to be Cornmandet; Lieut. Com mander Amain Pendergrixt to be Com manderoVm. G. Chandlet, Collector of Internal-Doyenne for the Fifth District EiiffMMMl 112337133 conference Of Soldiers and Sailors repreaerithig" the ♦anon. States' of the Union will 'be held at Washington on the 16th of December, to take into eon /adulation tkepropriety of calling elf. tional Conventionfar the pnrposeof nom inatintaindidates for President and Vice President of the tinned States. • The movement orialmted with the Soldiers and - Sailors Union of this city. • OPPICESS TO 11Z . 111:TIVESID OUT Orders have just been , towed by. Gen. Gnat to muster out one hundred and twenty-four °Mears of fits Veteran.B.e serve Corp, to take eftrbt on the Ist of January, amongihem Brevet Brigadier Gen. Frederick Lowell, Brevet Brigadier Gen. B. F. Forest, Brevet:Brigadier Gen. Martin Flood, .ands Lt...C01. Stephen Moore, twenty-seven Captains, five Bre vet. Lieutenant Colonels; twenty-two Majors, two Brevet Colonels_ and the balance first and second Lieutenants. • • THEASLIII CISOULAZ. • The Secretary of lits..Treisary 'has Is. suedes dmnlar to Collectors of Customs on Oa northern 'frontiers, Instructing them that cattle or other animas export ed Into Canada can only be returned free of dnty to the United Stater in t to Anse condition as when .:ported; when their condition k clurialeit by fattening cc nth" sr causes, duty will lie assessed and col- lected to the rnsurart7porsorleed for Deg, list Impartatfons. NEW-YORK. rauroott to to. 78ttoottros enotto:l ' ' 13, wiz CLEFS 110IIIIIM The dilatant* house clerk of the Bank of thi State of Nevi Tork - sras robbed . In the ettset of a nickel containing three' btu:mired theusandlollars In .- check:a and fire hundred dollars hicartatcy, by two, urn In a sleigh, who held blinnevontly: Payment of the chocks has been stopied, and the only ices to the bank is the enf ants. 'orzna Taroicar. The Coronees Jury rendered it wordlat =EdwinKellfor Thomas ley, ey end recommending tbeenforce-, man of ths law against carrying con cealed weapons, Sam. tinarplay and Leon hasobeen dl charged from custody on • the withdrawal of the complaint r tut snow wreak • : Of yesterday still has • serious effect 012 railroads. Western mails due yester day arrived to-day, however. Yells which should have started last night left to-day. The storm East made less de lay, but two (rains ran off the track In Colnectharut. The storm, which abated bore last night; however continued at Boston to-day. Wm, Doane, merchant ef this city, died last night ft oll the effects of tip:sure to the sunlit. oos.n was =ROPE. About f800,1:0P lu gold gces to Europa to•morrow. - ST. LOWS. •ale et Water Ilesaars-1 Mimilater Ijaebed—hl , o7.l almw tB7 Telegraph to the rittabarak Qum. v Sr. Loom, December 13.-Two, million ands half of St. Louts water bonds, were sold at "Wallop on change to-day. The successfig bidders 'were the National Bank of the. State of Missouri, .which . took one million on Its own amount and eight burared thousand for the Bank of Cotorairos. New York. The remainder, seven hundred thousand, was taken by the Trader's hank, of this city, two hun dred thousand for Read( and fire hued end thousand to !Ilion order from Eu rope. -Theprice paid was trZI setts far the first $109,020 sad P2l cents An . the rer 'Reinder. _ Joseph Marshall, the nespo armled here en Wednesday, on eue p tcWn of be ing one of the murderers, of a 001114114 'farmer, Who was killed at Zander's switch on the Chicago Railroad, flee or milm above bore, on Sunday last, wee taitaa frpu the Custody of comitablo Byrne- in Youi4o, a little town •abotit three mites north of harp on the opposite side of the river, at MUD o'clock last r,l,zht, by a mob of 0 OrlCUMaaled bttugw, "I,rtte; Marshall acknowledged being prhaaßt wham the murder was commit- , ted, bul nbargOd Dm act upon hla com =ll. Ataltaattlt Ashi, who is still at A heavy snow storm twgsuaherilbout 11:30. ails' = morning and 114 till .4107 'Wk.* Four to six tunes anew has }glop. Tmlnson the railroads mum lug the city We not been delayed toyer, . 51.7.1115.1.4.1:4111 - . - - Akkii, "\q"" • 4 ' 4111 P - , ••.. \:\''.-----71/7,----':1189 —_ • .___...— _ .. ___ .... • .v.. •t : ,R, , j- - ~ • ' .....: .' : - ';' 7 . ', .. ; , . t - ~---,... . --).:':;.;; -,- t___ l llellt .. ' -•• - •:Z....., . . ..,--;.•'. 044;vg . s . 0 p i ...__,.._., - - ---.0, ;,D,', ....— r .,-,Z - . '). - •s.- f..... .1 '-:..;-.-.' ''','.. . .' - . - A ._____ llll, .• - 1 ' • . „ ------....-_ ..----..=-.;e2i;..-- --1.-1,-'&7--. a' . . ' '...- r •- •• • • .. -a - . - --"-- ....`-- ., -.7.1"-......,-. \ P., . A llk . - ' , .. - FORTIETH CONGRESS. musanicaoa nee. Is, lea = My. WILSON presented a memorial of John Warren, an American citizen, now confined as a Fenian in a British Jail. The petitioner states heAnuein Now York City when the offence for which he was tried was committed. Referred to Committeo on Foreign Relations. Mn SUMNER presented a petition from delegates claiming to represent thirty thousand colored Rentuckj sol diers, asking.equallzation of bounties: Mr. CUM:UN, from the Committee on Territories, reported a bill to regulate the selection of grand and petit jurors In Utah, and for other purposes . . It forbids polygamy, makes the issue therefrom Illegitimate, establishes election laws, and repeals the law exempting the Church of the Latter Day Saints from , M.r.. jln t qa "notice' be would call the hp at an early day. Petitions were presented relative to . Impartial ;garage, to repeal the cotton tax, from . colored soldiers relative to bounties, and a„lelnatthe reduCtion (Atte revenue. • A :isolation Was offered by Mr. ROSS, I. establish post roads from Laramie. Kane., to Galveston, Texas. Referred to Committee on Post Roads. Mr. SHERMAN called up the bin ex otriptinglkomintirnal tax' raw cotton 'grown after 'this year. Mr. SHERMAN advocated tho neces sity of immediate action. Mr. MORRILL, of Vt., thought it a great mistake to act upon this subject at the present Ursa. The whole subject of taxation should be taken up at once. In his opinion, it would be far better to abolish the tax orimanufactured cotton. Mr. JOHNSON thought the bill should apply . l . )r tan am to the present cropn t to that effect. Mr. POMEROT wale satisfied • North ern men would not go dawn South to make cotton with this tax, and if they did not go, be dl Rot: know n how. any Could banned... Hewes analosis to have the tax retneved,•but thought It should not apply to the present crop, as it was no longer in the hands of Um producers. The bill was then passed. Mr..WILSON sailed up the House bill seeming to families of soldier* the boun ties to which they were entitled, with amendments, which he said would ac complish the object desired. Mr. EDMUNDS said the amendments provided that if the soldier died, and hie wife and children died, the bounty should go to the next heirs. This was going rather too far, and he moved to amend by providing that it shall only extend to the wifeand .The amendment wa► agreed to and the bill then passed. . On motion of Mr. DOOLITTLE, the refusal to adjourn from December 20th to January 6th was reconsidered, and the House resolution passed—twenty-four against nineteen. Mr. MORRI&L'S legal tender bill wax again taken up and dlacusaed by Mr. COREMT, of Olugatrorbo rood a long speech in oppealtinn to the bill, and clos ed by moving to refer It to the Commit tee on Finante. together with the bill heretofore introduced by him to provide for the issue of gold -notes to take the -place of legal tenders, and to facilitate the resumption of specie payment& Agreed tc. The Senate went Into Executive ses slortand subsequently adjourned until HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. On motion of Mr. DRIGGS, the select Committee on distributing • rewards to the captors of Jolt navigates directed to report as soon as tile. Mr. LAWRENCE, of Ohio, Introduced a bill to Increase the numb:mot Judicial Districts In Timis.•,Fleferred. Mr..KERII Introduced a resolution In structing the Committee of Ways and Meani to inquire into the expediency of amending the Internal revenue law to exempt from the payment of the stamp duty all official bonds executed to or for the use of religions, charitable or befiev elent societies. • Adopted. . • The SPEAKER presented- common', cations from the Secretary of thelntatior, Attorney- General' and :Congressional Printer, with statements of the amount of the twenty per cent. advance matte laat year to their respective employeec. leferreiiln the Committee on Retrench ment. Also, a letter from the Clerk of the :House, slating thathe" had I ropared and 'deposited in the House library a digest ed Index of the reports of the House Committees from 1837 to the elms of the last Congress, comparing , with a similar Index from the foundation - of the Oov "erammat ti 113830, for which no appropri ation was required. . • On motion of Hr. FARNSWORTH, the House scent into Committee of the Whole an Abe elate of the Union, Mr. FARSWORTII in the Chair, for general Mr. VAN TRUMP ars:kw in condem nation of the late impenohment project. Mr.I.AWRENCEO of Ohio, defended Ti.. Mr. Lawrent." yielded to many In terruptions, so his speech was mode up of questions and responses between him • eel( and Maim. I.ldridge, Wilson, of lowa, Boyer. Getz, and others. Mr. WOODWARD made a brief argu ment on the jaw of impeachment, argu ing that the word •misdemeanor," as used in tho Constitution, means not 'vi olation of law, but misconduct in oak° knowingly done to the• prejudice of the public or of Individuals.. . „ Mr. GARFIELD ingniecd , orbother'if the President were not defended by some law defining what constituted misdemea. nor, be was not at the mercy of two thlids of the Senate, who might declare bins guilty: of misdemeanor in °Rico without regard to common law or cow men sense. • IIIr.7WOODWARD held that every of ficer of the Government held his office 'ombjecit to the Impeaching power. Es remarked that there was much more danger of corrupt officials remaining on- - imeeached, than there woe of haunt who been faithful la office being Im. Mr. ELI spoke In condemnation o theYsseidoutreca,une. Mr. KERR advocated an extoneion of tha.Judiciaq e) stem ef the _United finger, rendered nevesesuy' by the Mont, decision, and by the growth of Radially case& ..11e particularly favored -tha ea 'tabiiebmeat zr , another tertn tt„the " rtaitad States Court at New Albany, The COnunitlie rose and the . House adjourned...... CANADA.. , Inslna a■o Tariff Rat... or •Nitstro to the elttsbsral? 4 01Tthr.A, Marember . a—m• tOnfiir- Leg are the excise and tarif rates which go into operation for the entirwlhaminion of Canada: .0n spirits, Including brandy, gin, rum, widskey r dCa, 50 0011151Por got ten; on tobacco, 16 eents - spechio duty, with en addition of 5 per, cent, ad re /Oren ;on domestib wines, 'lb :per cent., or 25 per cent. per gallon, according to etresgth; on Uncturce,lo cents duty; on greenleas, unchanged; on black teas, 16 per cent. and al per e9nt.l, , por pound. . • “rxerox, Dec. Vl—The hark Nucleus, from 3filwarikee, loaded with -seventeen thousand bushels of wheat, WM 21,11 Groin - Point yesterday, td keep her from foUndering. A large amount of Ire ad hering to the rigging and hull was caus ing ber to slink rapidly when shi ground ed. No !neurone* on the vessel. Quaszp, Dan- 13.—A dispatch hum Gala says a Umber laden 'bin, name unknown, went amber.) near Magdalen river, matt weak; and the Captain, two mates and nine seamen were drowned. ALABAMA . . . . . . . Diniiiiirsi etJadletal add ~labierlal Oalans—Colaml Orruzerralllv• Club. Cl. Televott ~, tea eitUbarsh eat•tuv.3 ', IfonToomxtrr, December 13.—Nine ju. alletal end mlniatorMl officers have m oonily been ; removed to give place to loyal Reimbllephs. Five of Manilla ap• polntmis were extreme members of the late Reconstruction Convention. A Conservative colored meeting last night organized a Oinsezeattvo ,Club. At:solutions Were adopted declaring against to rattan:Won of the Constitu tion. NaERiM=l • Div neon.* to the nittetorp PLIILADEZPIttk; D60. - 13.• , —Tito nage Of the Commonwealth agalnat tho Mamma. Tack. was called np this day at twelve o'clock, by Ms Donor dodge Ludlow. Mr. Brewster, attorney for defendant., lifted npostponotnetit of the argument The PArSoft_al reason.. stated that he woe Ogee fid AZ 'Attention • to other mice. Dletrlet Attorney Monu wes ready to argue for thoprosecutod. Some discussion, Judge Ludlow, by the . MA sent of all the conteiel; fixed Monday Morning, December Md. at two o'clock, Liipagsmorlly, and elated that the argm inent'uf Mc cone must then he ooracludad, pop AtittirMlm)ra9 „or was not ready. - . . • • . t RCM EDI THREE O'CLOCK FROM EURO j Attempt to Blow Up a by 'reams. The Dedga to Rescue a P ismer. Reported • Loos - of. Life: Fenian Demoutrationa Oheaked. Roman Conference Question. French Legislature nibs Dis solved by She Emperor. fel ;i•c.irr.,z,,t..0.4. PitUbtrillt Owl. 7 rc 4 4. • GIRRAT BRITAIN. /21DICTWINT3 FOE TRW° ".. . • LoitDolt, Dec. t l3.—The Go rnment bag decided to hunttuto• a p utton e i against John Martin, and other persons who made treasonable speech on the occasion of the funeral demo tratlon in Dublin on Sunday., • ~ innrmar mexorranuerrorts orracittn. Gramma% Dec. 13.—An attempt was =ditto Reknit a Amaral to-day ter the 11Janehister •Pardans, but lt was hocked by the interference. of the autho Ulm listrasr, Dec. 13.—Extenalv prepa rations had been made by the lends of Allen, Gould and Larkin to bold &public funeral to-day, but the Govern ent oat.' cora interfered, under the autsrity of the Lord Lieutenant's proclama on, and put a stop to the demonstration. ATTEMPT TO TILICIIS A FZIA lAX-JAIL WALL =OWN DOWN--OZAIOUIS 712. I=3 Lonnow, Deo. l3.—A daring attempt was made today to release this xecontly arrested Fenian Col. Burke, wir is con fined in Clorkeninfll prison.. Powder was placed beneath the prison walls arid exploded, It la supposed,-by flirirke's confederates. The whole aide Wall was blown Into the sir, and threeradjoining buildings destroyed. Many personation injured, and it Is feared some Uves will bo lost Much confusion.prevalle In . the vicinity, arid It Is difficult to ascertain details. 9P. x.—The explosion at Clerkenwell prison had very serious resulta, but was net sum:weal In facilitating the rescue of Burke. The prisoner was oonfined in 10 Inner cell, and could not escape by the break In the wall. Babes been removed tea place ofgteatersafoty: The explosion wee tremendous In Be effects. The pris on wall and neighboring buildings see a mess of. ruins, and some lives must have been lost. It is wildly rumored that as many twenty persons ,were killed, and that some bodies . ars, burled In the ruln.s. It seems that during Ike morning repaint bad been commenced on Ell 1r in the day acme were unknown men cll mien to a barrel, whl ' doubt.- less contained the powder, un er the plod where the repairs were beln made. Shortly after this. the explo i t; took !dice. Tiro man and awe , who were found in the vicinity, ha e boon errestaton suspicion of being codnected with the . perpetration of the outrage. The excitement there Laso great that it is is Imposaible yet to obtain any rrect account of the amtudty. TUE liUntAllt CONTERJOICII. • ..TooDos, December 11.—The Tames says the holding of a Eceropemi order. once for the settlement of tho man question would be a moelrary,-after the recent speech of the French Secretary of War, M. Rouher, in the legislative body. E= CLAIMS OP ITALY ON HOME' Ferns, 'Wernher IS.—lt It wild the Minister of foreign affairs hai sent to Florence a dispatch In maul to the claims of Maly on Rome, based upon, and lc wens same identical with the apesc}of hailliter Rotator 'tribe Corps Legialatlff. LTALSLATO RE TO Et -DIJUOLVED Pants, Dec. 13—Eeenhig.—It i re ported that the Corps Logi,latlff session will be dissolved by the Emperor, and new elections will be held In January next. . I-" ECM Rwryits or. Tai.&x.x.v4aim M1N2117,14 Lowman, Dec. I.l.—Advlcos from Shanghai say it isbelleved the American Minister, Hon. , Anson Burlingame, would soon leave Pekin for the United States, by wey of Europe, on • aracial mission for the Chines Government. • ' RTALI!. AD tffnuazzarlos rsAlueD FLORYNOZ, Dem 13;-Evenfog.—Serions apprelmosions are entatainedef an fa enfrection in Niplee, la which city de monstrations against UM course of the Government have been antumally vio lent. =LEME3 Qusmorroww, Dec. 13.—Tbe steamer Cuba, from Batton, bas arrived here; Ocassiow, Dec. 13.--The steamor Hibernia, from Now York, arrived yes- Russursworie, Dec. 2.3.—The ■teamsr Erlii; from New York, arrived to-day. 17111AllaAL XXXI COltincllClAL. Ltvinrooc, December 13—Epenisp.-- Zotton; wales cribs* week 'ending yester day, 68,000 bales, of which 32,000 wore for export, and' 4000 on speculation; stock, 443,000 bales, of which 79,000 are American; market to-day without im provement, except ler Cotton to arrive, which is form; middling upland 71d; do to krriVe 7d; Middling Orleans d 4 Balm 10,100 bales. - ' , Manchester mar at dull with a declining tendency. Corn ad: minced 04, closing at 46ut Other arti cles unchanged. Bacon declined le; quoted at .400-for Cumberland. Sugar 6cl lower No 12 Wis. Spirits of Turpen tine declined 3d; quoted at 27s 6d. -.Pe troleum unchanged. •Airrweer, December 13.—Potroleum Aat. , • LONDON, Dae. 13—Essnino.—Consols, 021; fi-Si's 7111-161 Illinois C•ntral, 091; Erie, FItkPINFOIST, Dec. 13—Euentng.—U. S. Winds, 7011-16. PAM& Dec. 13.—Bullion in the Bank of 'nn e, according to theregrdar week; ly statement, has increased fourteen nal. 001:111 of grates during the week. . LOUISIANA. Thellatinnetruenlan 01131vestloil, jar Isissrsee tr tbo rittaborgb 000111..3 NIIW Cantinas, Dec. 12.—1 n the Con yention to-day a resolution wee offered directing this Convention to proceed at once to organise a cite government for LOPWE: I 4r TOM over oper oplorixt to be resolution making the Conettintion of 1884 the basis of the prOpOSOd Coast!. tntion and directing the Convention to adjourn, subjoetto instructionefrom Con gress, was rehtsed. A resolution making the per diem of the President double that of members of tho Cohyantion, was unanimously agreed mi. Chair to-day decided 704 9t Irly On , ho od question was on We adoption of the report of the §oloot . Inglgest otanance amend -7,/ ikaeP , P. 7.4. Pr 11,v0 liAgtdro+l Agalft M oamo uP lad N Alfoknal - P Y'n7a MENNE3B/IM 114.11111111%ts ram Celeree'resple ea Mers*mph to Utin littalnuto OUStil.l* NifilrntLlE,DeCelljkerl3.--Tbeattte to-day pewee:tab man (Nwrier . and =gross ta Tsunamis° now lave the same prlallegsa of travel on railroads as aro atcordod white poopje. - • PITTSBURGH, SA.TUEDAY, DECEMBER VIRGINIA.' ON, The Itareasirsciles Osavitatiem. [By Telegraph So the Plitabasit Quasi.] RICHMOND; December &is Convention re-assembled tilts fore-, noon. A communication was - rfinolved from General Schofield approvi4l the ordinance fixing the pay, of members and officers of the Convention. 4 1 An ordinance was reported payt the reporter of.tho Convention three ti rs and thirty-thee cents a page for tits do bate reported by him. A petition was received praying. for the passage of th e homestead law..f udge Snead, Republican, denounced the petb lion as a proposition for downright-rob- bery and in opposition to the Conaditu tion of -the United States under :Which the Convention existed. A motion to lay on the table was lost—ayes 4; "la* 6, - 1 , and it was then referred. • A resolution appointing a Combodttee in memorialize Congresa to alloW the Freedmen's Bureau, in view of the, des! Mutton in the State, to remain herW. bd un tit reconstruction was complete, was d on the table.: A resolution woo adopted inviting Gen. Orlando Brown and etriff. of the Freed* men's Bureau, to the privileges oF the floor. • &colored delegate offered a ron to • eset iti ITVd s• P m e bw't O ll E and to renv:n present staff officers, and falling it In duce him in do it, then go to Washing ton for the same purpose, or procure the amendment- of the - law Boas to girl the 'Convention the right to remove them. Resolution laid on the table. EC] A resolution was offered yesterday rel ative to the Intimidation by disloyal land holders of loyal votbra of the Re publican ticket, and the amendmenirel &dye to the intimidation by oslorsd,4ot era of those colored men and ethoralirho voted the Conserrarive ticket. Laid over until Isl.morsow:. Ai:fp:worms:l. or. GEORGIA,. Tim Moseostraetios Cosvoutlos-• I new ere. lll Silidealial • TatiVlll Cos oestlos. CBI T..lMt i e MN PllUDllrgli eautt.l ATLANTA, December 13.—The Georgia iteomuitrnction Convention te-dayt,ett fused . this reconsideration of the Wier ordtnance, adopted yesterday, by eigbiy four to sixty-four. A substitute to tho resolutions asking a repeal of the cotton tax wu adapted follows: Itesoltvd, That the Convention do re commend the repeal of the cotton tax, and It practicable the application of the repeal to the present crop. -- Resolved, That the Convention consid ers is repeal Is essential to the success ful cultivation of cotton - as the great sta ple of the country, aad a measure of relief to agriculture, capital and labor. A white delegate offered his resigna tion. Mr. IlraWey; colored, wubtati If lee could resign under Gen. Popes order without action In the matter. The Convention adjourned until Men ds, ATLANTA, NOT. 13.—A mob of about filly armed negroes threatened on Tees - day niglit , to attack some students of .the Georgia University at Athens. The stu dents armed In turn and a difficulty was Imminent, when tro ops were majored out and dispersed the neuron. A county Conservative meeting, under the call of the State Convention at 'Ma con, was held here to-night. Much elm- Anal/tam prevailed, and a resolution was adopted suggesting the asitembllntfof a National Convention at .Lonisville, on the =I of February. to forma party for the restoration 'and preservation of the Union on the. Final Woe of tboCenatitu CALIFORNIA. Midloin ipieaiewnt—Milted =Mei =2:2 tar teuresph so ta. Plttaftrit Etas rai.xcisce, Docember o r --710 Constitution, from Panania, arrived this morning. Gov.. Haight has. appointed J It. Crockett Dago of the Supreme. Court. vim Sheller resigned. The Democratic Legislative Caucus has been In •three nights, and nine ballots ingot:l.l.r United States Sen ator. EngentiCsassly and W. F. Web- Ines were the favorites. Cassels's friends are, confident _of his nomination to.night:. 1.41111M' Zia 111111—Dikill Gel alllll.ll. C.111C•210, nisch/ to the Tribune., from Omaha, on the 12th, ears Fort. Laramie corrnspondenos of the Bth stated that a party of Sioux indigos came In the day before and desired to make ;mace. , 'they report thiS the main body of Btoui are not disposed tiS that for peace until the torts 'in this coon are abandoned. lied Cloud me he fight the whites es long as a man is 1 lindlast couriers come ha dully from (hewer paths, 'communicate with friendly Indians, and go back unmo lested, loaded with prorLaions and ant- "...The Dakota Leyhdaturs met atTaiitik ton on Monday. It has • Repubhcon roolority, which to We first time in the history of this Territory. 1114101ber 1011“ rt. essanmArx--Clondy and cold. - COLIMIUM —Clear end very cold. ChmothAnoviCloudy end add, - Lounvo.hs—Clondy and cold, Ther mometer nine degrees above ZOO. Pintanztvzoi—Very cold. Coldeatin many years. linw Toter—Verr cold. Thermome ter wren degrees shove sero. One foot H now. OtL Ctrr. —Clear and "clammily cold. Two fact of maw on the ground. - . Fnaccurir--Cleer and very cold. Deep snow. OrrAwA.. , V. , W.—W•atber Intezatly Bold; thermometer twenty-foal degrea [il!•elda and ♦tl4t4e TalesMldt Le tat !In. • bulk Uaselta..) • , Ilnotviravn.r.s. Dec. 13.—Weathar clear and very cold. River raised tbar floct today tan feet r water In the channel, and atlll Guenenono, P*., Dec. 13.—River ale: het and rising. Weather cold. STATII rililWß . I —The country surrounding New Gen eva, the head of Block .Water Nadia lion on the Monongahela river In reyntte county, Is not only' unetirmissed for. Ditty of soil, and beauty of lm scenery, but we understand that late investisa (ions be. practical and 'dentine men, has resulted In the discovery of TIMES vans at, superior /roe. Ore. Atwelve foot rein of Coil is at hand, equal to Youghleglim ny coal for the manufacture at Coso. The facilities tbr tradeportadou by water are great; there being two dolly Linea of boatabetwoen that-polnt and Pittsbuigh, but a railroad from tilt plaeo to New Geneve, would afford greater (mantles to roach the market-(7/nn e of Liberty. —At the meeting of the Board of Di rectors of the Altoona Academy, en Frl. day evening last, reports "from the can vasser§ thawed that 180 'barn oh Mock had been taken, leaving but eleven shares yet. to be sold. Tills insures the erection of the building, as Ake 'inns yet to be sold will be assumed bythe present stockholder; ruffian taken by other.par ties previous to Friday evening cult.— Altoona Trains. —Wesaw walking abotittown the °liar day—fifteen miles from horttoMr. flat thaw Phenix, who has reached the re. marimbio age of 10/ years. Mr. Phenix does not appear to be above 00 .ptars of age, and walk.wltq firm, ellaua SOP. en lifiright , WIWI,' eeitidnkY glees promise of hairs score- more of years.— Wyoming Democrat. —There Ls in the Erie County Poor Rome, a negro woman who,olainut 10. be 117 years of age. Elbe was for many years a domaaila be the hone* el the late Judah Colt, littg. The old lady, is a con firmed . lnyedd, - but her mental faeulliee and melmory appear' (Mite vlgoretis.— Garotte. • ' —Congressman Finney is at Vichy, en joying the celebrated springe there, and at loot Mnna, WY improving .rapldly. Vichy Is in France, in the department of Aller and is famona fer its thermal =,e; arbieh aceOnicaciOttS in -many .—Brpubitcan. —The young son of Jame* isr• who iris lei axed ny thit &Ilion of o 1140 from o tree, whilO coon bunting, some weeks %Welk 61101ton:1' the effect! of hie Infurrott flabboth znotahlgltaf.—Treen. riflt dregs. , .. - 7 1 rProa , M 2 1 14149 Pr cßig; ha* poi ) y elbo.nivr bell la OA., F ANI rt amid, 7,bena commenalog M 7annarY JR, and continue our dida....4//rvniminn, Tbeibertipurestatid -.most oondn oleo to health, we those brewed at the ,old and favorably known Oregon Brew ery, fiteveasoastreer,. Itlghthwarci. Or= . den promptly attended ILleft 'at the brewery, or &Chemed totheproprieton, Weans. Plow; AWnabi it 00. • _~' MY. AND SUBURBAN. Itetelittve OeithieseleeteVreat en. fill* Werke, au*, Peel NW. liestreyedi—Lese: et About twelve o'clock last night a• fire occurred in .the Great Westerii:Gen Warke, corner of Penn , and Wayne strects, which destroyed. that establish• ment, together with the marble works of R. A. Colville, Wallace% feed store, and the Government warehouse, loaded In the Fame building. A . large number of loaded muskets ware stored In the building, which, becoming heated, dis charged their contents at random. A lam; number of the shall flew In the. direction of the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne, and Chicago Railway Onticc, whore Stood a large crowd of persons, four et .whom were shot down.. • A young German named Antoine Reek, rooolved}sininio ball In the neck, ! .whlchOot an . wu ooneeyed to his borne on ;LI -street, opposite the Depot, *btu ho was attended by Borger, Hoffman and M'Clelland. At one o'clock the physicbms pronoun their patientdying. • Conductor Browning, of then Wayne road, was alsoa ctctlm receiving &shot in the right knee, whichrahattered it. He was taken to the Union Hotel. His res idence Is at New Brighton. Two others ware allot, but we could not learn their names, The 6111“ of tho fire is a myste. ry, and the loss Is not known. rho ow Vinik rhos'—ltotoosooo, ay nos dr liriellols Jewelry Illooos Dom Friday morning, about five O'clock, a' fire occurred at No. 12 Fifth street, in tlii new building 'Of Reineznan, Meyran Soldle, jewelers, only made ready for occupancy' on the preceding day. The fire department was prompt In reepond lug to the alarm, and the flames were confined to the store-room on the first f100r..: The are originated teem a flue which had been me constructed that but a' single 'brick Intervened. between the Joist which passed Into the wall. .The store hadbeen fitted up inelegant etyle, aid it was the intention. of the firm to have a grand opening on liondav: The show cases were all of olled,weiriut and roeswood, ornamented with " German sil ver, Wad furnished with expensive French plate glass. The counters were also of.solld walnut and the floor wee beautifully tesaelisted. The Intenseheat of the fire charred and warped the coin Inge to such en extent that they were al most useless, while the glass in the case., and in the I,re front show windows were ehatterod to fragments in one show case at tho side of the wall,'" quan tity of silver ware bad been plseed. Thie was melted, and the case entirely con sumed. The huge chandelier", pendant from the ceiling, were atm meitied. and ailing to the floor were broken topiece., while the ornamental, stucco work and the ceiling itself were ruined. A large mirror en the wall ,was also destroyed. The (tie bad been burning for Nome Urea, but the storeroom wee no close that the flames were prevented from making very rapid headway. *The leas will be about ,SAM. Morals an Insurance of $ll,OOO on the building—f,ooo, in the Allegheny, $2,000 in the German and $5,000 In the 1 North American ampullae, besides which therein so Insurance of $l,OOO in the o.imania on the fixtures. The eters woe certainly one of the fin est of the kindln the city, and exoelled• , no where in the country In :owl of ' , Its I tg F lts lay esi b ripliig:ten d . l from original packager,' about 100,vcc worth of jewelry, hat title they will open at theft' present location - No. 'A Fifth street, es onnsiderahle time mos: elapse before thane* abate roorn_can be planed in condition for oesupancy. Ansel of Tam: Ilillittak or sin Miaow pruesar, Pm. tN Waa Inagua Comity JaktL • W•a"*".lNLia 1 4uMUDAPittbli --it endure of the 'tinned ro gue Torn. Whittaker, eh...escaped from tlnWash leitton county Jail one night last week. Ile was held in that prison on a charge of lethally, being !inspected with haw tag accompanied the choice excurslon patty of Wane' who some time agewts lied and murdered Ileury !throng at his thildenceln Waahlugtoneounty, and no cured a email sum of money as plunder. Re mos tried sod acquitted on the charge of entrder, but subsequent developments Warranted his arrest so the charge of butglary. It is presumed that he will give strong testimony against Halbbs Arnold, who is now awaiti his trial on the same chugs on which be ng (Whittaker) was acquitted. The sthcient and enter. print:4 -polkas °glows, Mews. nth Minot . and lack Lithe, ware hp. prised of lb* escape of the priseber and at • once mods arnugemoots for his capture. Lest night They learned that be was seen in thety and ;ma soning th at he would glen bliArother- In-lairs hones Atha Four Mlle Run; they made a descent on she prefilter*. There they f ound Whittaker who drew a fertuldsble knife and brwtlbhlag it in the air refused to surrender. The oft cers thereupon presented double leaded warrants in the way of six shooters at his bead and neared his arrest. - Hearns taken at midnight to Wathlngtelt by oni ons Wilmot nul LILW, accompanied by Alderman Butler, of, the Sixth ward. There was a reward of two hundred tars offered for his capture which wad be shared by the gentleman who made the arrest. iniiielbreeethgaiewes Omatest. Several days ago we trade meatier - of the feet that Mr. Brigham, of the Pret aneroid, bad been awarded the drowsing gown contented for by several editors of contem fourtuds at the recent Homeopathic Fair, and we ale° stated that Mt. tillebeneek, efthe titrosccir, hut received some forty mere votes than the sucensofta ceuthetlter. TAO decision was deemed ntithlr and unjust; and a Board of Arbitrators, consisting of two. gentle men, Jahn W. Riddell and SA,. Candlew;. wsa appointed to examine into the charge. of partiality preferred. Those gentlemen published it card yea terday sustaining the actiou of the com mittee, but bow they •arrived at Inch a winetheden we are unable' to' determine from the evidence before _um. It was clearly proven thee Mr. Sivbeneek bad received one half hour before the polls closed, St sealed ballet containing one hundred vote' which did not appear on the teller', tally, but was imbseguently found on: the chair of op* of Uix* Mk• airs had °coupled while registering -the votes. This vote was ruled out by the tellers, and their coarse was endonsed by the erlthrstora: While Mr. Brigham he permitted to retain the coveted arti cles, Hr. Slebenock la certainly entitled to the honor or having receiv ed -the- highest complimenthry ante cost, the 'decision' or the arbitrators - to the contrary notwithstanding. How the ballot wee passed by the tellers in mak ing up their report, or heir it get a k th e . ehair,le a mystery. It was distinctly proven that such a vote had been deposi ted, and as its disappeqrance weakened Mr. Stebeneek's chance*, 'hie friends could not be ethltaed with tampering - with the bellet•bes, mid be ehouid have received the benefit of tit the denhtirin the ease. The deMsion of the two arbit rators Is by no means aatisfaetery and, as B I o proceedings were. Irregular, t will probably ba appealed from by Mr. Bleb eneck's frien d s. BIM Dleilmiesteteatam In Lafayette Hall last evening, Miss Anna. AbtkillAtlP dPIIYare4 tlefleeture on Women and Ictint•Tit wits, or coarse, tinged with her peculiarities of thought and expression; but was, on the whole, &sharp and powerful presentation of the argument In favor of the participation of women equally with men in the enact ment and admlntstration. - of the laws. In particular passages her gamin= wan as keep as say Damucus blade, wkila otherifidie ;touched an minstrel depth or pathos. Men 011.01 rtg 14 he clam, iiti t 4 r P t l e a rcZn het: w add a u n c d rid cute th en Oath fact and argument. Still, we apprehend that the greatest oh. stack, in the way of reschingthe oonsum madam elm desires will be found not in the attitude of men but In the hostility of tho manses of Avnmen. 41! old vitt tzThic— Mr.. Wllllsn Oh dp‘a h MG OfTtodamit,' Petted let, l'itts ro that 1114 yttars ago, add witl rrtrtoixdared by. all our Oder citizens for his long and ezenTlary Christian llfo, exemplified ns ITCIII A /ils tiViTe i n a tsugs. f 4 n ti ° 0 nearly rtiyitUit with tt* %I cidlat - Eptrito , W l3l4l lrctl IP Oil clty 11'114 l a ireoceim, vllij4 - Mt: P4pillap t i pa up•4o of opveptyiairep, use 1000 gathered to ids faththoo- "ifileaotA *be the deila Who iillb to m. Lord" . ' ' Try the Oregon Brewery Ales end Por tals. Families .40d . hotels puoplied promptly. Lease yoar orders s the brewery. Stevenson street, or address. Pier Daradaidtgo proprletop. 4,."1867. Year: atemes Holiday. Eil.Pl.7 Where Ile 4A•11 Good GodSrd Ono .Buy IrdmdeObesp. . The Holidays are upon no and; as tau , . sin there wilt be any anions:it f presents . . , made • and gifts given, either tokens of limb; filial affection, cir 'ciflitiredle: To such as intend shaking investments of this -character we would say call at . . Henry Miner'S;Pifth street, next door to the PostoMee. . In yousgene bylliner's establishment always held the firat place both as regarded the extent of his stock, the good teats displayed in its selection,. and' the very low' prices It which his goody were invariably' marked.' This year, however, ho has ',taken a stride ahead, which puts him fairlyat the top of the list, Ills eetablishment, the largest of the character West of New York, is crowded to execs!' with "good things," the choicest books; the , greatest . variety of games; the finest. assortment of ladled work boxes and siting docket' the most elegant collection r ottouriat's' , . canon the largest variety of stenteiturn's toilet cases; the finest assortment photo- graph albums-bat why go into details. It would take columns of our paper to name the various articles which Mr. Milner offers the public, and were we to occupy a page eve could hardly do justice to the magnitude of his stock, its striking elegance, varied attractions or the admirable good taste displayed in its selection. All this we say after a full and careful examination of Mr. Miner's stock yes terday. Nothing to compare with it in extent, variety or attractiveness was over opened here, and Ivo want our readers by all moans to call and examine it. A groat feature In Mr. Miner's display is the mrnificent collection of English publications which crowd his sheaves. we inajltellttee we will about our pro gress in printing, etc., but the truth tan not be concealed that for clear typogra phy, durable and attractive binding, de, the more valuable. English publications are far ;diced of ours. Wo could cite a mass of testimony in proof of what we say, but instead of going Into details, we will merely refer the reader to Mr. Mi. ner's stock, and if It float not afford ant pie evidence ofthe truth of whit we state, these we knew- nothing about typography, binding. the. Wo will say ziothing of ills collection of English toy books, the tined and most interesting eve have over examined, nor wilt we speak of his English reprint of the great poets, de., which would be an ornament to any library, but simply ask our readers to look at hie English edition of Shakspeare; of the inimitable Lever, of that prince of novelists, Scott, die, and egy if anything so beautiful or attractive has ever been Offered here. We are sure, there but never been so fine a collection of printed works filtered the Pittsburgh public, at Mr. Mir er has now. on his 'Metres, and as they are marked down to the lowest poseible Satire, and cannot be had else where in the city, he ought to have e large demand for theta. - But If Mr. - Miner makes e splendid dis play of English printed worki he. is 1 equally strong in his display of Ameri can books, by. American publishers, and many or theca from the pen or American wrltere.. There . Is elaudard novel, no.bdottof travels, no literary or scien tific work of note, whether published In Eurepoor America. that you cannot pet at hie plaice; sad no matter what style of binding you may. want he can oupply you. We never saw a mere beautiful or vsinithle collection of books, both foreign and American, than his stock comprise+, whitish/ the matter of books suitable for hotidagills, his sleek is. tarticulerly rich.. nut Valletta edition. of the peseta tdegrand gift books, hie volumes , which contain photographs of the weeks of all We great misetars,. of Reuben, of Ra pt:tea* of Gustave Dora, etc., lee-, are aomighltig to remember and he remote blued by, and a more acceptable present than any outset these . would make -we can hardly imagine. -Entitle not in -books - aloes that Mr. Miner elands pro-emlsent.;- Hla stack ; many. other artielestethich you fet - irOvldir elseartiere. The . ladies es tally will discover this by giving h No where •ebie can they Iliad such a large and varied assort. meat of Werk , boxes; .such beautiful glove arul handkerchief. bssest such at. tractive odor mew; such handsome jew - elry boxes," be. Dot Iva pare not spare to go on with the Itid- kufitro it to say, that if you want books of any kind, toy hooks or juvenile books (English or America:o holiday beaks, gold pens or eases, gamin for young or old, oil land scapes, majmted flowers in enameled glass cases. albums, pocket eat/cry, or anything else in Mr. Miner's tine, you cannot patronise s better esiablithment than hie. You will he ciourteonsly treat ed here, ana will get everything st East- For the lieltdaye..--Itesars. W. „P. itnnkertt co., the won. known candy tor manufacturers, Nos ^ and t Liberty street, corner of Sixth, announce their time stock of _lmre candy top. at Nets York prices. DRCOTS can no whero oleo find a larger or • better aesortment from Which to make selections. The firm hays also an hand a splendid as -sortment of candles, fruits, nuts, de., which they offer- at very reasonable rat,. Choke peeler, highly recommended by the medleel fraternity, on hand and for gale at the lowest market rate. at the old eatabliehed Oregon Brewery of Pier, flannels et Co., Stevenson etreet. Orders by mall promptly Ottanded to and pack ager shipped to all potnta. See Faure!' rage. - 0/TY. /n rensimnenee, of. the - fire, .the largo and elegant stock of jewelry purchased for the opening or the magnificent new Jewelry establishment of litosera. Rattle to man, Eleyran it. Mille ho ott SlllO from till,/ out at the old atom, Na. 29 'Finn' street, at ppm, regarWese of 001 t, The Or. yesteaday morning will retard the opening of the Store for several weeks, perhaps aundln,antlinthe moan while the immense stack of jewelry; sil ver and giver plated ware, limey geode, cloaks, dc., must be disposed of at once. Those doinrous obtaining ; great bar. mone aluntld ikyor tills bruise wolfs pur chasing !MIL • • - John Throe& and the Quirta—The Queen went to see a painting ..The widowed Queen" by Court Painter, ro nrstenting heron borsebsekiorer faiths ful John Brown holding the horse. When alkyd how , site liked it, she said It was very good, except Jobs Brown's ova What would she lay .to John's eyes were he to lee, the, sacrifice making at. Carr Bros. In gentlemen's underware, embroideriee, ladies and • children's tin derware, • . gloves,' boisery, ' Their prices are an low and their stool' as good as in the city or anywhere else. Erai7bodY now iinows that -, Snodgrass &Ross, No. .2t St. Mile street, ',reap con stantly on hind th e quest assortment of men:trays Mid. women, misses, and chit. dretes ehoes, to be' found rest of the niountploa; and-will asli-at the cheapest prices. Their 'roods aro not pure-hosed at auctiorile, but from reliable tusou fact ur era, and will proyp desirable egd com fortable. Now goods are being constant ly revolved. Special inducemonts to the wholesale trade, T. T. Eisen., 'No. 145 Wood street, attends to , nll aorta Of }ilumbing,', gas and skarn fitting work. At; tne nhorteet order. on the most reasonablo tome. Repairing done In the best atyln. - - etaistiogy coming, and the well known at enterprising wholesale and retail grocery and produce firm of J. Ho lten it .11rothere, , No. OD Federal street, Allegheny, Ji made special purchtaea from leading eastern mmie linpigy their patrons with choke frela groceries, tens, entrees and condiment. Glewthern a co il and inquire their prices. • : Try 4 meal at Holtrlalmar'a csintAuctal tat B . ooo D;Plith attitet; WM' door to tho Postartlc, (Aacnc, oyatorietad all the del - racism of tbo Beason - tiaras," LID too /1 0 0e , t; wake. Pricolt.'My reatonahla. Far aultablo holiday presents 'lto to W. W. Moorhead's, No. al *arkotatreet. you will lltero 'add 'a largo and Judi cloudy amoited stock - oftrimmlogN lace gooda, &V ex , hosiery antintstiona, aultattleffor prasenta—to elthoo halloo or garalomon, . bits?, very rsasonoblo. RerenS, NO. .165 Wood street, attends to nll Sorts of Plumbing, gm end stave .duing work of the shortest order, en tho epee; reationable tornts. icogratqpgd er? A.. 120 bast 1 wm pay Pittsburgh ladkiii to, yews the brldo semi or 111' 0 * asp g a r n ed u p se their supplies hm] Brothers,ffd. d (9F ue r nt J ured Allegheny city. , ffheatook is fresh, pure end good, and Is offered elthor at whole sale or:retitEl rates' at eery reasonable T:'.TAion, No. lau Woc4 street, attends to all aorta Aridambing. and steam * citing work at-the shortest order on 'the most reasonable terms. I , tepa . fru# done h?. tkitibest MEM CITY ITEMS . . Almost awe lareeelfal landliesta: We have often been pained at record . ing the dreadful casualties which have lately occurred from the use of carbon , . oil. ' We have all along tousled that car;. . bon oil, if proprly' m ade. 'was not-ne cessarily dangerous.' Wcinow to record. tyro - bistancei in which oil so mode was severely tested; and prayed all we have formerly asserted on this Nub ian. The first we will mention occurred at the home 'of Wm. Alston,' Allegheny, one eYeranglast week,: while Mrs. Al ston. AVItS confined In bed up stairs with en infaretthree day* old. 'After thelamp had been filledand lighted for the even ing, it so happened that, for the moment, every one left the sitting room down stairs except a chubby, attiring boy, about three years old. He Xdok It Into his bead he must have the_ lamp to do something abouttlieCookingstoye in the kitchen.- When Mao of the 'family en tered the kitchen .eome after the child _was fingtd.standing .lesildo the clove , the lamp empty, mad the chlld'a clothing and the merpet -- sarldated with oil. if this oil had been io c f4te Com mon sort, instead of the inno hearty laugh of the child, welcoming-Ms father on his return home. • in di evening, there would have been aho 'on-fire, and we might have been called open to record the death of boy, mothdr and In fant. , • " II other instance was where a ohne dalici—ideulofor gas, but used for oil, and hung In a store—had been -improp erly turned, and turned right iefter Wafter thebeing lighted; tenni, finally, after the founts had been with about ' gallon of oil, and all the 'lights burning, some person gave it another little turn, when suddenly chandelier, - -(Ceuta, oil and all fell to the floor,. and eYerything breakable about it-went to p aces, and the oil eves splashed in every direetlon. The burning wicks continued to burn among the oil on the floor,d, - otter watching it for some time, wi th no ap pearance of fire spreading over the oil, the burning wicks wore removed, the wreck cleared off, -and 'brueineu- in the' store. proceeded as usual. Upon inquiry, we found the oil in both these cases had been purchased at the store of Arthur Kirk,- 172 and 174 Federal street, Allegheny, and' was the, production of the celobratedlNatlonal Refining and Storing Coetpany, which we recommend all to usa. T. T. Zwene, No. 165 Woad street; 1, -attends to all sorts of plum thg,, gas, and steam fitting work at th 'hottest order, on the most reasonan a term". Repairing done in the best styl . t Try a meal at Holtzheimer's Continen tal Salmon, Fifth street, nest door to the Postofficc. Game, oysters and all the deli males of the emesotreerved pp at the 'hottest notice. Prices very reasonable. • . . The Best end original Tonic inf Iron, Phosphorus, end Call/aye, k own es Caswell. Mack et Co.'s Ferro Phosphors ted Elixir of Callsays • Bark., The Iron restores color to the blood, the Phospho , - rus renews wrists of the nerve tissue, end the Calisays gives s natural health ful tone to the digestive cultszts4 thereby curing. dyspepsia In its various forms, .Wskerubsess, tioneral Debility, Land Do-. pression of Spirits. Menu:banned .only bp Caswell, Hazard ,t Co.; New York. Sold by ail druggists, Bawl, ...... •T. T. Ewe's,' No. 11.1 Wood street, attends to all sorts of plural:og, gas and steam fitting work at the shortest order, en the most reasonable tams. Repairing done in the beet style... '-' -', Ladles , Ptin,' muffs, • °oilers, ViecOL eines,' cuffs and capes, - men and boys' bats and alp", boots, shoes and "galtelm traveling bogs, satchels and trMakti, and umbrellas, at wholesale and retell; at the popular Twin City store, of 5t1041 . 14.11 4. Roes, No 24 Si. Clair streeL, Pracesvery reasonable. Orders by mail front Whole sale-11m retail customers. promptly at . Try a meal at Holtahelmer'gpratinen• MI Saloon, Fifth Street, nest lbw to the Postonica Game, oysters and all the delicacies of the 4020011 served tip at the shortest notice, Prices very reasonable. At the old established and aver popu lar cracker bakery of Wray at Brother, Non, 19 and 31 Irwin street, wllljbe found an immense stock of water, trugar,butter and cream crackeze, biscultiO,' ginger inaps, Sc., which are frmh andf superior and offered to the whelesale and setall trade at very reasonable , prleet.: Give t theta a call and be convinced f the su periority of their cracker": -- I; .To Wholesale Defers of. Dry -Go•dit we are offering special indite:entente—Job lots front the Eastern 'Auction Sales— Shawls, Drees Goods,' Ifouttekeeping - Good Men's Wear, ,Sheetings, Shirt Inge, Prints, Sr.. a -__ . J. W. ItuurgnA Cm ' • • 59 'Market atmcd. , Chinchilla. Cloth, Waterproof Cloth. • • Cando:term, .Donakit4-4:4,. Cheep, wholoaale and magi!, • Wm, Seniple'a; 150 and r . jedesnl etree4 Allegheny, . `lliarralug In Ladles' FILM atWm.FLm oli'o, - -No. 139 Wood street. • Cloth Barques, newest etylit redricad ono halt In price, at Barker'. Paper CoIleTe,1(11. per bos, - -'" Prepare for the heildaya aid lay In your family supply Of groceries and pro duce, which tare bo obtained at the moat reasonable prima at the" wholesalo and retail grocery establishment of J. Kohen dinrcduwes Federal street, Ally • 7: T. Ewen; .1i"o. 165 WQOCL alma, dtlends to all aorta of plumbing, gas and steam fitting , work at the, shortest order, on the :moat rossonwhla term. llopalrlng done In tho tksstaryle, Placerki bicy ribboii, trimmings, hosiery gloves, white goods; laces, em broideries, Winer and icentlemerns' fur niatun g goods at greatly reduced. rates; Is at W. W. Moorboul'n Market atrial. no prices prer:gltm pre yery reasonable. great Par Bale.—Next week Gardner & Stewart, on west corner Market and Fourth streets, wilt open ten. thousand dollars worth of new furs, of all kinds, whieh they intend to melt at a great rip ductlon.. Price from ti,SZI Upward , Ai U Isis, fast colored Prints, - Sheet- Atttlin acid LlDen Crash, at Barka's, ' . . _ Iraper Collars; 10e per be; at - ' , • ItaatALarf Great flub at Wm. Fleming:a n Z . ZO, 737 'Mast street, for . Try w teed at Holtsheinter'sCont.blea• talloan, Filth etreet, next door to the j‘oatolliaa. Game, oysters and all Ale elicaeles or tin season served up at the ehortest nonce. . Priem very reasonable ChincMlk Ctoths.fnl urple, Biernikrek, 131uo, Lavender • Tim, Btown, • Garnet, from $1 50, per yard - aid upward.; ea west cortitti of Market and Fourth Welts. De.nnPan d ErrzwAirr. • Pure canes, pure tau,' teeth groeet. tea and • prtsluott of all kilt* at, lowest prices. at the extenslvewhOle and re. tall grocery setaManment of J. lioben tt Zip Stk 1. WOW - street, Allele,- . Ilselery, Gloves, and Ladtaa , Canes , and Chltdren's Undar Wear, reduced In price, at Barker's great, &ale. raper COlan, 10,i, per box, M • ii.OLLLB6I. Patent Ear Matte cheap at Wm. Mem.: toga, No. 139 Wood street. . Furs;' • Fitts. Puri:l-Lark°, .took, nll gmden, now and cheap, from Zl 50-a sat to any, prlul. • Bargains wo are glvlng on the Trail comer of Market and 'Fourth i!tfeOls..;•••• • • t , PAIELDNaIt ISTRIVAIM ; VireY&Brothere, Noe. 31) and 31 /Irwin streetOnguufactAge gory best mek org, biscuits ,;-end ginger engage to ho tonna In the- inerke 'Their prices Ste • Palket . Callavy. No pat box, at , • RAMALEVI • • anew.; for the Lander nights,. at Pit toeless. I • Dime View. --,4 great , 1 ,1 41,01.7. Pk. ittork nt Pittcick,N. 41.14astacs-1918—at Zittimles. States, Sksites, 6C riuo4k.s. Lander ri!otPs ilitlitteo4l6 111 I . 1 '1 = e. BE =EI NIIMBM 289. CITY ITEMS . . . Flame, *me t . M ..We wish call. your . ainrition to the fact, that the managers the9ettyaburg Ainflum for Ttivalidlikildbirs whose office fast Ne. 53 plith . SCreet;*inisto - issue 1,200,000 delude et one dolts:SSA which' may be takensingly or IS pence's .:and each of these tickets wi/Vitays: s charice to draw one of the 122,104 prinehtswhich are described In, the schedule.,., There are several' capital' prizes as Wows: 1100,000 in United. Stator .flifintabacks, splendtd farm in Now .17orlt.worth 040,. 000; the fatuous yacht 'Henrietta, valued at . 54,12X1; a -diamond neck ore worth 020.000; two ditunoud ,tiroockeis and sofa or ealllefP valued at 125 1 000 sub, and manpower,: The wind. of these 18,.. 141 valuable preieuta, ars all to be fairly, .distributed accordlnir.lo the published plin,pso ant irepresent aarrangeMen total value ;of ,000. Bthis t ith ed that half a million or money will be raised from nearly,a million. of subscri bers, cleart it itlirtse ' nndwith Ibis . rardttir fa tbs.diryltutt.. fair- and Initaint atbrmorto astlibllsh a great patriotic chtuity, and every parson should ,take it ticket. Tlckots liarticuters can be obtained at the music More or Hoff man fierur 5: Co., No. 53 Fin street, Pittsburgh. Paper Collars, 30c por Lez, atL.r. . 6 1.6 canta Bleached Muslin" at Gardner .lt • tewart's, Market an. lociarthatroXer.Ll .11LuaIrma, five hundred pairs—groat] reduiiid In prier, at Barker's great sale Dr. E. S.' Alum informs his patients and frienda or Pittsburgh ; and vicinity, that ho will bo absent Imm Dec. 113thr; until the 15th ofJanuiry.'and.thaithere after be will only be professionally at bla Medical and Surgical rooros,•No. 134 Smithfield street ; from the Ist to the sth and from the 15th to 'the 20th of each month. ; ' - 4LstrF: Prrissurtort, DoM 10, - M17.- , 'the beat Maw to buy furs fa at Flm.Eng'a, No. laaWoodatreet. Paper Collars...lop bet biz at At SA, wool, Long ShAwls, good ilt r y .r lo i s aot A in t ( d io p rd ou n: t ir h :!Strd•t's,..cortter For 6214 e, all wool, , Empress Cloths choice colors, at Barker's dosing out sea ' The Ringer Sewing,Nachise Company hays just opened a new 'and splendid store on the euner of St. Clair. and Penn streets. This Companykume lately per fected a new family machine which, while It possesses all the seed polnti of the old machine, hay teen simplified, and made to run remarkably light and quiet, Messrs. Straw & Norton' are the agents, and will: be happy to explain the Ma chines to any persorm .who may give them a ealLtf . . • Co at Dace and siartdne•tholargestack of goods st Saodgrass Ross', Ns. t. .24 B $Z 02 I-2 will buy a One English Me rino Dress Patten', at' Gerduer tt Stew art's, turner Market end Fotuih .treats. . Paper Collars, 10c pr : box', at ILA.3I.ILET'9 Bargains in Ladino! Furs, ad Fleming's, No. US Wood street. U -.. Tart wide, Bleached and'lllnblcathed Muslin. 10 castle, cheap al I.s...caata, at Basher!" closing oat sale.. • Remaral—OMee of lawenito Wink Ma. Shine—The °Moe of the Sword !Rink Ma chine Company him boon removed from Sae Liberty to 52 Carel ativet; between Riau and Liberty, Just- opp•..t• tha rotor by the Union Railroad Depot. 'They occupy the second floor of the new build int „ recently erected byitteasrs Watson At 31 rents per ynrk best English . 3re• rinse, worth 62 main, sn- Went corner Market and Fourth streets. - CIAIIDNZIM & STIWA.T.T. II•04, . 6 / 1 0011, nabs,. Cape sad Furs selling cheap at Snodgrass dt Bons', 24 St. • At 2Se, Shaker Flannel at Wm. Sem pie's, 72A aid 132 Federal street, Alla. ghen3r.' Paper Debts, 10c per bily. tre. Foar the Hot.litaya—Merin. Wray d Broilers, proprietors of the old estal ' Baited end favorably...noun steam crack er bakery, Nee., - .53 and 31- Irwin street, have ha store a very law stook of their *try aruperior crackers, hisoutta, Speciale inducements in pricts ore o ff ered tothe. wholesaleand retall trade. Orders by null are faithfully Aida:vied to, at d shipments made to all points. - Package. are delivered, free of charge, any place within the neighborhood or -Bititsburgh. 48 tents—Best -Cotton 'fattier: Illan 'fasts. 14, $4 all wool, cheap, on sweet corner 14Carket and Fourth streets. Lines Towels reduced Stoat 22 coots to 124 etints, at Itarleer'a totalLattgoolelosiag out sato. ' ' IiMai;EZM ilaav Barred Maniaas, •-• Ma Plaid Flannal_,s - Plain and Twilled Flannels,' Cu:agarLionel, dta, , • A good stack Ai kW ' holesate and Ratan at Wm. Semi - ilea, 180 and 1U Federal street, Alleheny; Chinchilla 'Cloth, ill FO pag yard,.op . West corner karkat Ind 'Fourth streets, t3smxaa do STEWANt IMEMEINI Try a meal at Holtabolmer's Contl.nen tal Saloon,' Fifth "Orel, next door , to the PoStoftleo: OUZO, oystem and all the delleacdoa of the season sarrocl npat the abortert notice., .P 3•10•• vary reasonable. I New- Gann am daily 'received et the Mtiler zonal trimming store of W. W. Moo t rud, No., St Marketliareet.- For any lag In hli' Ilan at vary reasonable puinse glvilifr.Woorhend a nll. - - 124 'Onto—Canton Finnic4B,-10 . nents yard - vide ch Unbleand Sheetlng. 12; omits; hory - Glnighainik ' ID °Mtn, good and &I neap, Tnblo •Llnen, .on ves4 corner . . Market and .rcuth streets. • oAlibillM STIMOrt. • .At 60e, an lm sense stook of: Drew Goods, reduced from $1,90 ?aid IRA at Barker's great dale, Paper Collars, Ipp per : bu m . - Oasts at. Wboleside..:_wo sits iht pxOnag f attentlonot buyemat NW:desalt) to our complete stock of aks. dress goods, and all binds of faney and staple goods, cult° the 'fact that vir• sell at tit. lowest =atom; prices, and , out goods to cult purobasent. "." J. W .ItAsucEs &Co. Call and exazalliethe largo itOck rif lA. Cele run at Wm. Fleadnies, No.. 24 anti—lioaT7 Gray Twilled Flan nels, come; Market and Fourth streets ' - Glaninqaa dc STET/ART. _Prises reduced at Suodgraaa st Rosa', Elt. Clair street: . . Oadraad Lamina tho limo and tom pleto go= of Ladles! Furs, at William morning's, No. 139 Wood street, B ernethipg . 000, 4,44• A bootll, paten, &c., for fin, I r,diee andehildren, t k h e e p v aSe • t d m ke eial r , e and ue or low aa the lowed.- AU goods as warranted to give aatisfactkin, If you want soma thing good, and at gold pricer, call at Robb'a Shoo House. BO market stent.' ItaSueed link, Plaids, ArOsiwk , awl AIL Dress Good!, on west Lpnico Market 'awl Fourth atriots . . - • _ -- • 11,319• Rte O.A.SX4IXIIII tiTZITAB.T. Va,n, ran. E r ara.—lfowbatbs thee to buy your fun cheap, ea Wllltam Morn ing* No. 130 Wood atrial. Boulevard Italtieot.tresti lot, rettoted In Co. for our ~ greaj salesaleßarker A'aper Collars, 100 pes 13wr, at Goods 7. l.lft opened at, Pit- vvEKE,Y GMM. Two zornobw, WIDWEEIDAT can BAITPADATJ Ittrire U. ototelnlag YURTT ~..dtaa matter. Malta:l, yt Miltartals.lateti Riot br Teleartra etloatdaltetding for Me lama, Ramada matt mllable ?tutorial tad Corn - Ad Market Reports glees ar oar raper 1 . 1 tr. No Farmer, Unhook, or Moreau% .4 be waboat lt. I 'nuts von Tna vssaux galrl2. . . . / to o Subscriber ...... ... ..... ..........t4t.C a . • r rica.........—... . i cue ebpy at p.p.r to fai ;ore= genic, ...t.b.. i., ••tedi bn ir ... eab to lealo =a ba loa4l. a,. , • ica ro Scroaclaras.— li 'onSortag T., . ban mMI Dimwit,' what *DMA Yr. 1 as ma lima a Wodataaday «mum foes, o -0,1.1.X tat one mall a 'mt. - • 14 . 2 .7 by Draft, Irma,' Annoy Orde , e. .' [loped Utters, ma1b...... , " . "' " '" I th. " .. . ' . • 'OALENTTE. I 1.11-SOBIIROH. Dia.D'a. CITY ITEMS lb CligaE Departmentis supplied with the--; materials and trim siting% The - superiority lo taste ana worknumablp of karnients mado by our Lane brOataliithed, anti ire nit .ofeerink .geF;Lttaxplcis veady-teado garmdnta J.W.-BAnnun &Co:, Market street. Shawls, Shawl.4-871e.' $ l . $1 25, $l. LO, $2, and Lome Shawls at new style., all at it redaction. Cashmere. Ameba, Paisley ' Talbot, all at • bazgain rates, on ,wesi, 3 cornee of Market: and. Paurthatreets. e AnDIPKTE d STEICiIa. Fors r Pars' large stock, very' cheap, Wholesale and Retail,. - at,Wm. Iple's, 150 and 12. Federal intent, Allegneny. -Mate money by 'arming monor, Ita? money by buying at Snodgrass Rm., 23 St. Clair streoc. . Iir.DIDOLDS—At!.:OLD—At Cho rooldence or COLD:P. Crbifora; tq thirßar. D. Toorasead. Mr. JOll2l D. ILEXsoLns.OI ILUtoontnr,rs..." and Who DELLIC D. J.D..II()LD, of Ainold's. A. V. E. D., Po. I 11.1.1110MD—DMR11.111D—On Morally arm:lN . ,. 'Mg, December 17th, by the ller. Alex. cleric. at the residence of the bride's patents, ItZ11111" IIATMOND, Barret Llent. Col.' U.:g. A.; and AUDI" A.. daughter of W. 11. Darned. Zig, of Pittsburgh, re. WALLACE-•WACHEN_gn Thursday even ill, December 12th, Ha, by the Per. Robe. Gra nny. It. Et:. JAYEB WALI.ACE and MAIM WAItIIItbr. tooth . of this City. Et!! Yfil—On Friday creel/dr. at 72 niinair . asr &o'clock. at the' residence of bee parent.. Nire U • I/I==nd streenColta. seemed daughter eho L. and Anna J. Klug, aged 37 menthe a d d = days. - • • • 1 • Funeral on Endear, uth lust., at 2 P.M. The Meads of the !badly are rupee: fully Invited to • 1112111101 f —At . 22hbleetcoan. - December 12lb. Mr. Ital27llA HEREON. In the hick year of her The funeral will take place_ hook the reeldenee 'of T. Mitchell. la. MS Tenn meet, on nar. ati o'clock*. ' • BOORS—On Tluaradax. Deneinber 1Mb..1317, at o'eloak, lion. W.M. Butuir, axed 71 Texan. TSefoOaral take plats Mom Ma late resi dence in Loner kitj Clair townablp, on gumptor :i nonnto, St o' onk. Cordage. nil! leave It. WIlllamo•; lindirrialtr, • Foctilk street, at . IS O'clock. l be. CrJonds Of the Onliir are retpect.. folly invited to athend., • . - WllirMANLAin'Thhredar nit, anat.. LLIAM CHAYJCAN,, im tho gh seve nth nty-eights. year of hie age. !antral from XIS latiVrealdencs OD Chestnut etreta, tele= and Wishlagtoa atene , a. 'Lawrenceville, on BAStillarr AZTI 'tn.:. at I o'cloek: lerlendss f.tba fatally .are respectfully invited to attend., Carriages will leave W. U. orOce, Want street, at I o•clOck V. x. UNDERTAXERS ALEX A !KEN, IJN D ,r RTAUEIt a No. ICI Fourth Stmt., Pittsburgh, 'll. COYTIN 3, of all Muds; PLUM% 131.0V1L1, wig arm, description cif Funeral Yurulatilsui blows ihrultbed. Hotimisipou gar sad sad Carriages turalsbed. ECIMIIC.--11.4ir, David Kerr. D, IL. W: Jumbo.. D. D., Thomas swing, 20., Jar4l. D. Mill r. ROBERT TJ RODNEY. Under- . T.MCIII Awn Mitnthlic s To. C Utdo 13g., Allegheny, and to. MI Diamond Square sd (tio Jahn Wilson Alireit.,) keens always on tuloa the but Metal, Itoseirinsd, Walnut and hialtatton Rosewood Coffins. Walnut CoMna _Com nPi. :nerds. ROZelfiloa Comm unirinla: all Chun Gad In pospartinn. Carriages tan Keane* furnished at lam Aim Craps, OCT.,' Plata endEograving furedshail era W. Ofic open day sad night. - J Al. RODGERS: UNDERTA-. "• AND EIIYBALISEII, (noncom. facto I. Rods.d l I. Ex 14..,) No. Ohio Wait e three door. from neayer, Alleanson • Cii) , 12 • 046 " , '. 1 . ff.boirao7. Walnut and Hoge—. sweat Ludt-Won co.,ffin et.' the lowan ndoool prices. 8000 open at all hours, day and algal. Hearn and Carriades furnished oa abort wil3. and en M. misonable terse. • IRDWARIV CZARIVIECILI, 13:51.•' In6TAXIBB.-4011tei"-14.-14" - Okla Rai , ll. - I.lloitaany. Itstaltle, Basswood and Warn Ledo sae, with acorns's!. stock et funeral furolalaiss GoaLi, as hand sad ftrobbed at soonest soak., at lowest psis*. ,".ials and Livery Sinks. our. • ass at First sold Marne Streets., Carriages. Barmen.. 'Due.; Baddin Born.. de, do, fir hire. W - ••TITIbitOTS iu BLUE." nat. gays. AVe atubursat pf 'salve Antis brusi. tewsublii, for the oboe. work. Pend 4 telfl9l/f,' deseribilau. 'Aggress A. OLLICESON 'A CO., S Market stropi: Pittsburgh. ' FOR RALE. Non BALE 4-1771 RC E EVILOINQ turd IN imLLYmm)),fM r Oakland SOW- . tloi, two Ignores from tbo bonito. t - aek. Ugh lot 40x14,, boautthOly Mooted. and mow O. mold aean r.rar• , , a:o4=mm noun,. VO FOU SALE-410 It PE .—A HOWARD'S tawny and &de SLOW. as• Sae ream:7' HORSE. tUaT); Um DAPPLE GRET HOMES, can. LARGE DRAUGHT HORSE: Wen BLACK MARES: two GEST ELUTE. TIE= SpEEI, now Us Honours !Calton's. /Vrilataasboaant and Wel on nonalasina, FOIL ItA.LE:-Elotite and Lot 042 rummer et Manhattan and •rlatne Meat; Rear Passenger Railway. Lot 41 ify 227 WI. Holum frame, ountalnlng I' rooms and rood hall. traproved. House and Lot on Sheraald, nate Bidarell street. AllegMa7 cur. LotH by it feet; bents Frame. oontains hall. an rem, and good run..; ignitor and cis. A 1.., asiveral aura Boom and Lute larsodd lie-slim; - Inquire of J. EOM • CO., Vanne stmt. Roar " CattßC. 9 41. E—H9W1111P8811113,14.._ na. la r g er earredleelLeney a ameba of r end desireble tote. bee l part a/ thAt valuable property belopeten .Witter at L. c. I. liobia, situate LL the errs[ SiA inharpsbarr, and near . Gl:qt./Libel/nth nu West Paana. Itallroad. A portion et theta lots front the rattroul mt the west. and Mahn street on the south. The lea an Obi Mkt:, Myth vide senile running threeth the entire property.- The sell ter gardenlng parpoete rape Lot be excelled. end for byway of awes hare no equaL Tor de•triptlys plan farther WV/mull= call 111 BILL A IMITI76Ite LT•s,ll.llLeletia agents. Butler Wee', LA.. Title. • - usrrzo STATES- • , • e WATCH CHAPMAN' WATCHES. We LWe just steered soother lot - of Meets irel Weeded Watches.' They are ststarbiedly She, YINIST and BETJT for the peke eves brerialtt ter this market, betas Yowled ..itn cuartow4TL. Xscapaseat, title r' t olaTrolsgruL iuLaaos. 701101.!Isair.:!:nd uatw Maas, Dimuuml & tuuilmTi; P . 11 . 11617271E1. OPPOSITBALLSONIO HALL. OVEIICOAT/NGS =2l=lO ovgavoirulasi ===l H. SMITH'S TISLOZIEG ISTABLIECHEINt N0.911 , W11.111 07' 4 earn, of Pediums. 17 Mr 13IIMDLNO.) HENRY G. DALE, Merchlmt Tailor, Car. reap. rind Bt. Clair iltreete PIITSBURG4 T111:1-13 . E B, \ T -HOLID•T GM Islamist annaCalabratad woes's" Sawing CPX Exblblifos -a■a fie sala - 17 in/. smut= * co.. ry inns. Street.