El Cis Eittsbatil 6aytts CITY AND SUBURBAN. ALLEGHENY COUNCILS, u..seini.x.atsty ziott.r. A te , pler mibeting of the Allegheny City Connate wax held Thnieday even ing. December li• Member!, present: Mew.. .Brown Danger, Drum, Gang, Hall, Ilyler, Connie*, pfuirim, J. C., Pattenion., A., Smith, A, 1/., Smith, Wm., Thomas, and Prasidant. The minutes Of the previous meeting Wine readied approved. Mr. Dine. presented a petition from the eltßem reelding on The Perrysville Patna Raid, within the Ilmits of tbe city, asking fora plank side oralkfrom the ter ..welion of the brick sidewalk on the Rue of add street. On motion a n dr, Drum; the petition wan' received riled. me, Drum presented a petition Coking for the removal of a sus lamp at the upper old ofrodernl street.' Rezerred to Comnettee on Don. -- : DIY. Hall pneented a petition from cll.- 's:sae Interested In theproposed parisen , isileay to llilidale Cemetery, aaklng 0 . the right of way through certain streets. Referred to the Committee on Stunt& . .. • Mr. Myler prpented a petition from th . Colt= bla Book and Ladder Comps reiihkri r e ffp for ulr a the t o t paymente n neer certain ric, immapanied by a lu Lion authori zing the same to bo pa The bills iron+. as 5,110.1: y . fair d: Co., for e.lr rater work.... f 1.13 • Abik. 'teed, for work onto engine 40 0n13.0'1011 of .Mr. U. the nuttier was mferred to the Comm( ow on Engines frith power to net. !J lira Drown, of the Water Committee, presented apetit ton front said Committee setting Porn - .that the Committee had paid the hands employed during the sampler. and asking Hutt the action be endOrsed by Councils. - Granted. Smith, chairmlsn cif Finance -- Dommittoe, presented. the report of the . V.ty Controller, submitting for approsid bills on the several appropriations amounting to 315,121"91, Which he saps, in vidditinnto bills previously paid-and those enteral to be paid, togotherwith the inter -est fullingdua on the drat ofJanuary, and meeting the requirements of the Sinking Fund, will swell Um exponent to the SUM of $3387191.31. exceeding the estimated receipts it the beginning of the yeir 884,490 27.• MI approriations except 9 and 13 wore ex o u sted. Re recom mended that the Finance Committee be authorized to borrow money to pay in terent ,dOl3 January Ist, lies, and to Pay bills; that the Controller be authorized to charge up to the several apgropris , lions the bills unpaid st the end of the year, and to carry all bahuices to appro. priation No. 12.. The report was accom panied by resolutions providing for car rying out the recommendations. Thu following la a recapitulation of the expenditures for November Engines and Firemen. Streets and Bridges... Wharfs and Landings, Contingent Fund Water Works $ 658 94 3,896 GI 158 43 238 35 10,185 fa Total ......... ......... $15,121 24 City °Mears, Firemanb Police.s 5,372 87 Prealdtialy paid "10,281 43 Claims unpaid .... 2,983 33 Total to dato q 242,740 87 ma Controller called the attention of Councils to a resolutic n passed at a pre vious meeting, authorizing the payment of Smith 41- Orr out of the Wharf Im. pot-9mM Fund, and stated there was no such Fund. The report was received and thetas*. !titian adopted. Qdr. 3.lyier presented the report of do Street Committee, accompanied by an ordinance changing the title of Record ing Regulator to that of City Engineer. The report was received and the ordi nary finally pasted. i Mr. Myler presented an ordinance ex onerating the contractor from paving a portion of Carroll street, extending fifty four feet from .f.eideralatreeL On .motion of Mr. Brows, the orcii :sumo was reforred to tho Committee on Streets. . Mr. Miller presented the report of the viewers 1311 Locust street, in the Fifth ward. The report was laid : over until the next meeting. The President presented the report of the viewers on - Union street, which. he said, bad been laving in the Controller's office for. thirty - a:lay; awaiting the ap proval of Councils. On motion, the report was aPproved. Mr. Miler presented the report of the viewers °tulle Canal street sewer. Mr. Meter moved that the reptirt be filed in tiseareasurer's oface, and that all persons upon whom amessmenta - have been male be personally notified of the amount of their saisemilliments. Adopted. Mr. A.- D. Smith offered an onilnaltee providing for the negotiation of a por tion orthe citybonds, by the Finance Committee, in mounts of five hundred dollars, for such sums es the Committee may deem necessary, pot, however, to exceed Read three times and MP Smith presented a communication from the Finance Committee 'accompa nied by a revolution authorizing them to have prepared, negotiate and sell en the best possible terms, bonds to the amount of $60,000 in accordance with an ordi nance pasted May 9i h,1E47, at a price not lees than - 90 cents on the dollar. Coramn eicatlon accepted and resolution adopted. • Mr.-Patterson offered a resolution an thorizlng the Gas Committee to procure and put up the lamp poets already or dered. Adopted. Councils' adjourned. connox oeuiccie. • Members present: Messrs. Cutler, Drennan, pill, Ingham, Ririe. patrick, Megrew, McDonald,. 'McNeil, Slagle. Smith, Voegtly, Zoller and Pres ident Riddle. . The mtnutesof the last regular meet-. log were read and upprosed. ' Mr. Dill presented' an ordinance "for better regulating of Councils," The or dinance provided that no mem her of Gtaacila .ball be eligible to a seat in that body, after presenuog himself before the people for any Grace of profit in the city, county or State, and that Connalla shall have power to expel any Member so offendin4. Further, that domicils re quest any employee or anpolnteei. of the city to hand in his resignation before, be coming a .candidate for any Wilco of The Chairman stated that in his opin ion Councils bad no jurisdiction In the manor. A motion for its adoption was then made and socor.ded, after which the rulcs'were etilipended and the ordinance finally adopted. In Select Council told on the table. Mr. Dill also presented the following: WttEREAS, The experaes of the city for the present year hare exceeded those of the past, and la view of a large in crease' of taxes to meet the demands of the cite expenses -for the coming year, Therefore, be It • Beeolucd, That the Mayor be instructed to issue his proclamation for a voteto be taken for and against the Common Im provement at the City Election to be hold on .the Second. Tuesday of January next. - The resolution was laid on the bible withont disenastan. • Mr. gams presented the report of the Committee en Markets, embracing the following statement of receipts for the month or November.. -• • • DuinamDallaa,Clork of Markotasl,lB2 20 John 13. Edgar, Diamond &Wm ' ' 493 99 'Jam. Huntar,Soomicl ward Scales 351 30 Total 92,012 40 The report wan received and ordered to be tiled. • • - . Dir. Slaglooffered a resolution int.truct ing the City&Engineer to ascertain wheth• er the Western Pennsylvania Railroad !Company were, not building a wall on North Canal street, and report the facts to Councils. The resolution twadopted. Mr. Voegtly, front the Committee on Engines, presented an ordinance for the the better regulation of the Fire Depart-. ment of the city, which had boon pre pined by the Cmyttnittee' In conjunction with the. Firemen's Asaociation. The ordinance given the Association charge of the Department, and provides for the appointment of aChief Engineer at nsal ary_of SLAV per annum. Mr. Cutter mortal that further 'consid eration of the ordinance be postpimed for the present. l Carried by a vote' of ten yeas to four nays. . . Mr. Drennan offered a resolution au thorising the purchase of aim sleeping brinks tar the use of members of the 'Ellsworth Hose Company. The resolu tion wee read and referred to the Com mines on Fire Repines and Hone. Mr. Smith offered a resolution instruc ting the Committee on Water td report to Councils the number of feet or water pipe laid during the year, together with the cost of laying the same. ' I Mr. Smite nutted that 'Lives reported tbatthe pipes could have been laid much lxv i cheaper In case the work had given ''out by °entree& • • The resolution was adopted. Atr. McNeil presented a rumbai on in regard to the placing - of a Lowry tire plug In the Fifth Ward, and asking that the Committee on Water.b• filreOed to Inform Councils by what anthdrity it . bad.been done,' which was adopted.' A revolution, adopted in Select Council at the November meeting, in retard to postponing the laying of a portloe of the pavement of Ridge street, watt then taken tip, And after conalderabliscus. eon wus litid on tho table. commit then attiournisL The Snow Stortm—Tho mow 'dorm with which 'we were Malted yesterday appears to have been a general ono. The trains front both cast and west were sev eral hours behind time. Therelesixteen inches of ar=orted at Croatia° and Conuidtted.—Andrew - • Stouffer . Was oommitted to jail yeetardpr for a period o f um days, on a charge et' disorderly ~,,,,dao4,lby Justice J. S. Smith, of She r SowilaWP. NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. —The news front . lonine, shows that Untangle were pretty generally sada. doer with the loans neg otiated in the 'United !Rates by Maine: Romero dur ing the late civil war. Their amount is considered liMignitfcant, and the people have become,reconciled to them, tomer, the Government becomes stronger as its agent's arts are vindicated. The Government will present a: bill to Congress, which ahall designate the mode of payment of the outstanding Mexican bonds, and will also determine what bonds eta legitimate. All loam or the Emperor are repudiated, Congress annulling the election of certain members of that body.who served the late Elope,- —The filth match for the billiard Cham pionship won played it Montreal, Cana da, Wednesday night, between Jae. Dion and John M'Devitt. Dion led through out, sometimes by three hundred points. • When Dien had madol,2-9S hi'Devitt tied him, but the former went away with the lead till he reached 1,488, when be miss ed, andlCDovilt ran out with a break o: 128, winning by twelve . points, amid the wildest eggitement. M`Devitt's runs were 113, 181:152 and• 12S.- • Dion's runs were were ZOO, 110 and 157. • —A. large number of officers of United States colored trOops have been mustered out, Including-Brig. Gan. C. H. Howard, who will doubtless be retained as Civil ian AssikantCommiseinner of the Freed men's Bureau In the Washington Dis trict. number of , veteran Reserve Corps otiloera have also been musterou out. • —A local freight train on the Cleveland and Toledo Railroad broke through the bridge over the Sandusky river, at Tre mont, Ohio, Thursday morning. The engine and ten cars were precipitated into the river, and the Conductor, named Carver, la miming and supposed to have been crushed in the wreck. -. —The cholera report at Havana, for cloven days ending Nov. 2.5 th, indicated that out ef eight hundred and seventy one eases there were four hundred and eighty-one deaths. —Advice& from Havana state, that the drm of Paris & Honig, of Havant& Is re. Ported to have failed. Liabilities sienna , exclusively confined to the Treasury for duty. —lt is reported the Bay of Samana has been tendered the United States for a loan of a million dollars in gold. —John McLean has resigned the Presi dency of Princeton Collige,,NewJersey =Cl=2 iNDIANAPOLII—COMBIIdaIIOIViDgiUUIi; wind nnrth•eaat. ' Clacuricasi—Cold and snowing. -- Cnrarrans--.4nowing hard. Cora:onus—Snowing and sleeting. CLEVEGAI4D—CoId and snowing. Hanntanano--Cold and snowing hard. ritiLADELYHIA—CoId; windy and snowing. , on , errr—Blustoring, cold and snow . -n fiearrars—Weather cold. - • - Lome's - mos—Weather very cold; throe inches of snow on the ground: heavy hall and snow storm commenced on Wednesday, night, and still continues. • Bosrox—if thick north-east snow storm commenced here at three o'clock, to-day. • EBY Fite et ead tal lantle Weer sph to the Pim barge aset BROWZIIVILLY. Dec. 11—About six and a hall' feet of water In the channel. Weather cloudy; it. has, boon =owing all day. GREENSBORO, PA., De d. 12.--Diver has four feet six Inches of water in the chan nel, and rising slowly. Snowinghard. IdoneareTower, W. Va., Dec....n.— River unchanged. ' Weathei cold and Lotnavitax, Mee r 12.—Rirer three and a hall' feet In canal. CANADA. [By Tolevmob to gm nue:torn 0 • zetto.3 Orrawa, December 12.—1 n the Com mons 'yesterday the rmoludons in reference to tho North-Wesk,Territory mme up for coneprrence, and were car ried by a large majority. lisme cal. at soulagasky, 0. CDT Teleran!, to the Pittsburgh Oustla] Sawatrssr, 12.—The severest storm of wind and snow ever known In Ibis section has beeuxaging for Me last twenty hours. The water In the Bay rose five feat and did Much damage to sidigs*. ..Many-chimneys were blown down. ' - "No signs of Me abatement of storm at 5 es It. Iroonowat sotiroout•ettlthmt. CDT Tolmmo to the rttroloary Et eneue.l Mosrrestana.,.. December 12.—the number killed try the railroad accident yesterday arm fifteen. Other casualties are Over forty, many very severe. It is feared more will die, anc f others require amputation.' ==ll=l San nutcase°, December IL—The' recent storm extended throughout the State, doing considerable damage, leash. log away bridge. and interrupting stage travel in the Interior. v.itzlo):lNrcißt-4•lw-11 TO WHEAT GROWERS. • EUREK& ANDIONTATED - BONE Super-Phosphate of Lime. • V.LAINALOTORED THE ALLEGHENY FERTH.I2ER CO., • • SIGIVAIND & CAL 111 PBELL, .raorairr,m. • Oleo, MX Pun Ht.; Plasbergb, Pa. . Tbolstut Yeettgaer Ist use, sad recestalsEl tg stagumen Into My. ems pi trial, to be Its. dard foe ralStag larpa.sof Nib.; 11.. Vats. Oorss, rotate.. Ite. Re bale pab17,12.0 opt etronlisttou • .sroshiet emstatri one.ut and valuable irtatetottat is tato so. Islter,es, of Whtth Da sat tra to say Isss..• tele.de.se MYERS, HOPPER. it CO., B.3oLszn, 10.11.01TILOTVILIII0 ON - - FURNITURE Of Every .Deocription. OVIOOL AND OFFICE FORRITiIIE No. *Smithfield Street, II OIWH.Pik „ 1 4 9 ""ffi ChM MONIS. 0. a...11311....110. 0. 50M5....11w L lium. maxim' ar.a. ME. CADVI9 • "1.11 1 ;11YER141. WASHING COMP OUND AN ISTINALY NZW zit NE/IT'D/I. We era slew ontinse4 In In unn-nanns thle telueble article few elwessing purpose., elect we hare Weidman. Oen e Ire essialse w uen. HOUSEKEEPERS,- P . • LEASE TRY IT. f: • witalt you ow save utleart (tom throe tote bouts' burn labor on 110 iroth•bourd, onion nni i il i rlegirtl l it Is oyat4.llU. tuotuto t cleans then euslly N a n ma t .. t 4 to ortubtor. 1 It It sloe neell4 tor rtIItIItIDINO IY/An.IUL WAtlff MO D4ltta4. AO. 10.1 s Im - rotated to oottUau NO I LI*E, or other blotto°. artlol.. Yor solo by 1340. Call- 004 DettIUIJISTO 'courant. tinti whole ; Italo nod 10411 moor 0110. 4 Balsorooto, blo. III) a 0011111 lITOZET. , I t em R a ATER * CO. . _ PHOENIX BTBAN /06.1111111MICIL.MUI. ;;AT ; RINVBEY. L; I "". SPENCER, M'KAY EILSTRIIS A~ wlwo Ale, Porter and .win Stout, 'PA. '. PFITBBURGH, HODZST WA , 11014. gammas' RIDNOD 1E Po . )01 boxes asslgegg Clot •• ilipLary dog Ilsalbore 44.; ?le ' .Ft.T.T.V; ce. .• .ollsoo /oda A WI DM,. Wtiw LU110; . • 100 okgs. Asa.tertl. a • • VII pls. 10 10!s. illaggroafae; , Igg • br Cur: .tore will tot Gas 17 0.1 b. CAM White *fish LLD JrBOL ON HA ND AND TO • Clbs nitolaut.; le Io * tvaSa. Farb %Ito No XVI* • MVPS PS Larerter* U •• XX Drip - .• kolia•diow/C I Ono x1..1,11 nabda, Oulu rat.. ectittut t .on; VS Jjj (•j )i 11 Woad IS I. E'II. Mt. DIMIELTZ, BEM AND BROKER, 118 Wood St., near come; of Fifth. Government Securities, Gold, Silver, And Coupons, 80-4;M and sa`d os Mani Sarum `Drafts sold 712 all the ptineltal dila, of En.oe. CONYORSION OF 7 , 30 . 1. "re are now prepared to waren Um SECOND AND THIRD SERIES 7 - 301 Is tang Rew 1887 5-N Gold cinpon Bonds. JAMBS T. BRADY & Mien 11 femme Searkies, Corner Fourth & Wood Streets. IBA B. McVA & CO., 13/30:333.0r1111. • DEM LI GOMM! 810/11118, Cor. Fourth and Smlibtield Streets. ..g." 1 ": tent. to Jlatlat7 at, sod girt thiaillntiCo.l,o 6.20 BONDS OF 186; Mewl LN GOLD at 0 Orr NOW from Vat 4008. IRA U. meliaef Mt FINANCE AND TRADE Grime Or Ton Pielliztraon Gasterm i Tilerstenay, Decommber 19, 1317. I Gold denten to-day 'from 131% to 113%, ad. vaned to 113%, and closed weak and dull at 133%. Pew pornvs van give • plausible rm. son far thle sudden and uneneeted decline, but It should be borne In mind thst the prinel. pal support for the gold operator. and the ou trun:ltem high premium was mainly caused by the, large dumber of wealthy foreign bigness house. either beehive Arm. or tenor. term they had • dont Interest In keeping op the premium to amble them to sell than goods, bought two an three mooch. before they aduld be marketed, at the neaten 9...t -hin pleat. The &Musser Munn. during the fall ninon nod tee consequent henry decline of good. Ins crippled these magnate[, and not ens limited then purchasing power, bat ac tually lowered their credit beyond tenon: This very elan of men were the purchasers of gold at from 141 to 143 before the Penneylvetd• election., and when gall detlined, by the men. 'lmitations of the Treasury canna, to ill to in. that Win on forced one by on to sellout their gold and realize; any (anther decline has only added to the number of these men until' they have all trodden the nun road nod will' dhutypear an operators in gold. When ntton and other snicks of {matinee commended a • • • pole. to Distend and whilst these goods were on the) nee, bale at misty dna aonli be cold arid money reedited or, them no collateral., but since cotton and other esported mune. din I. steadily declining, neh bills would , neither be accepted In Eurone nor have they mw nine as coil Is. If there was • came for the •PPreeletion of grentenke at present, rive Twenty,bende would, uncoil at 113 la Lou don, and 7554 la gtankfort ; nay, these eecurP• ties would at last command If and 11, rent. lively. It Is evilest from these genres that shipment. of bandit are out of the question, and In order tol.sy off Wont... inebtednen. Mild has to be shipped diming • parted of Me. 'trust. It is, however, understood that • iledt foe the gold, Premium la not to he deter. mined upon SC 'Present; • rise of Muria. a. *untie. In London might every the premium down to 111 , a 1 i IL blob pain It might roe. nimbly In.' ea that a sharp, quirk but short. opined tent woulddeke place; we should not ore3look thi t the government hes the means to peeved a rise by ntlelpating the ISt•test due 3.3iniur ' 1, Isis—ado woo done twice before loam Interest of gold operator.; perhaps that atoll could now be Justified n ice don tor the honed; of the canny, It Walt street reprennis the boldness Interest of the . ceuntry„ With the decline of gold and a non moponse of the London market of our =Mown menthe., thereto nil Garen:meat 2CM/- tin declined from X to 1g per cent, but rate. wee firm at the decline; a kw more each pulls Will Inks people very cautious to Invoiting in Government Doody shore par, and Ucuttrese Ant son nom to • ten and determined pony regerderg epeMe • payment. ..4 testes ends. , 'The stook market le higher arkgreser on all Ma leading railroad ahem, but isellarreons stockier* unchanged ant rather weak. U prose stocks are on the decline. The leenl money market le tlehtelske before the rloee of the fear. clotlag Now Tart quotatkaa, tactual by Pb. B. Marta, were as follow. Gold. 121%. 18al'a,111%; &NM, It an, MR.; lOC lan. 104%; Cong Ola. to7yA !ccoM, i—ao., su.x. f:arrauna a Pittsburgh ..... dershants Union Dimas &ester, Union Telegraph Pita IL. R..'. Pittsburgh Mart Magni. & Chicago R. B. irorttinresternllr o t W red_....— Vs. Torn U.. and Mississippi CaWiest**. ..inehigan Seuttmen Cond. BoMix iletoksilvm W.% • --It I. announced monewhal antheratively Met there will to no orostrectlon of legai.teti. den doting the mooth of December. This will I 5.1110 for thet i me ono of else T ..' 'P."... titsrun the eoetreatirmists and the sena/Mon ! 1' The reamie MU:nod it that theTrea.- err le short of mummy. Mr. Anthon y . blh is &littoral the tionven. don ofTrOstered bonds Imo evelpon bones, is • Miami. of questionable propriety. The nif. Wenn. to thesnarket prise of the two clwros of bonds le Ns eery slight ihat any one deals eie of making the change oto edam It with Use .lisstrET sod coat by eeterles them Men by attempting u, effect It by d. 1.4 appit• eatton to the framers. Under the present taw no new coupon hoed. as. allowed to bei enbatituted for old bonds, for the reason siren. that the premise, if It shield becom• general, would favor (mad mad render detection Calmat If not impoesibleetP. Ledger, -nave the Ohlalsso , Tribune of Wedecedity: che demand for Money is lame, and seems to steadily on 'the Th. gooetr7 omits ecoainue to check largely In order tu mors the hog erop,and have drawn dawn their balencee to .6 low point. Pastime, dealer• to provision.. grain operators, and tmeroberits ors sli m the market far loans, and it is with dial. salty that ail who apply Int money can.et ac• malmodatitme. None but arm class pper is I taken, mid loot. are only made cut elan time. The ecruelty of iEssient reghease compel. • I steady Sew of currency eastward, nee them. I every prospec t that the market will remain very cluw nett! alter New Tear's. -Amami the .0.001 entomb,' mhemes that have been lately et:weeded. easrcely as ears tamp.., with that of Mr. Williams, whirls Is now before thin Committee of Way. sod Means. and oroperes to provide for. Unitedforming of the entire ambits debt of the States. It ts based oath. mirseatlon to the Secretary'. report, but Offen from the pled there remta. eluded la 'nand Imptitant partisolara It provide. fora ex per cent. stock to run fifty years, but D able after twenty years et th e option of the ar governmenL It prowess to re serve enema th of the interested to be divided enrol. the States wherein the holders of the bond meld. is the extent of the money ob tained from ettlmina and earpolatione located in this country: the interest' obtained from noireeldente to go to a stoking fund. /t gm.t , bolder. of ourstandice ...KlMea of any dmenptlati the privilege of shmiglog them late greenback. and bolder. of greenbacks the right to convert. them Into hood.. If holders of bonds gow outstanding Abell sot wish to ehmtga them for the sear Issue authorised oy this bill, bet .hall demand payment, they Omit he paid It Imo paper money except where ' , the law and sonnet mittiortrlng their Issue" make them payable tri polo. The banks are - authorised to ennead., thew horde at mathet value for greenbacks, and cane.. their national! eurrency. Tim title of this measure L. • mi. amass. It la • 6111 for confounding the public debt not for rented rig 1!. -./Y. Y. Post. tenralElpiAnill R.EEEiRI7I. Onion es inn Prrrannann anserra. Tammany. December 12,'1111. Tba Inclement weather Is having Its effect on Dulness, restricting out-door operatlone, beeping away coructry boyars, and vs fear that In the and our railroeds will be blockader', and transportatton• very much retarded. ,The 'wand twice., continua dull. and so far as we can dlscent.there Is but little prospearfor any immediate fropro”msn4 the Indleatlons for an early resumption of nal/nation am not imibey might be, and now tole ~loci desirable evatit takes place, Ober. 4 but tit tibiae, of say:lMPt.lo , ..lln trade Knee. .1/8/121—Friali Maar Wheat Is la dead des mand, and roar ha quottd.at 10,00 for [Ltd, and for White. Barite is dua but unahannsd 0$ 01,1601,413.. ()Me Inn bat ttehanned,tate. on tract at stead% anti la stern, at loirus; Coto ls Omer and •In better demand, our ba qaotsd at IRMO for new, and 111,1661,11f0r old. By. to still guar.!! at UPS k;td. move—n. Fleur 'market is steady and dna, with► fair local' demand, but pries' are uash9gol. Ws now quote atlio,l9oll,eo tor Sutton Wheat, 1112,04/213 for Winter Wriest. and 1100010 for faaer brands. Bre Flour, 10,00, and Boskwbest, 0146,00 per out. • • GROCERIES—There are no new character- Utica la the grocery market worthy of spieled °Aloe. The demand sent:suss very Light, be tes restricted almost entirely to supplylos mediate wants, while prices have nacsrgone ao ;panel* °bans.. Steam—Cuba, liQlyet Poeta R 15., tie 143iei °nutted and Granulated, 17340; Cob Ise, Kai -R" a., • Itto, elel good, in; sad strict— ly pawl. 21,0. Mcmgasts—Prtwo Parto 76/21Pej New Orleans—nous 14 wariest. Syrups range from 00s 06 111,10, as to Sriass—Orate Popp.. Os; .ASSPIss. 3301 C 1,.,., 4701 Nutmegs. $1,60; 0.0.111, Or; Ole. ger. $5O. • ' Soßre—Babbitt , . 11340; Oakley'B, par lei case, Dobbla.fs, Ilia • • Casatte—tdoalo, On 9 tat,t4s. =l:33= Biwa-Panel Starch, Miall.{ 03r., 6 LS(QI4e; suer Oleos, 11(111154. Banns—New layer, 14.76,4 z Sezi . rant& Miaow 6xor-12.211 per bar; Levi 1100130 Porepozs—Th•r• i• • alight izto in Pio demand, sAI %As saukst J. II • • Asa. Snort oleo of Pooh Slims It • bbL - No Swots In marmot.. APPLES-ston with maid d PITTISRIIRGE. DAILY GAZETTE: FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13. 180 JAMS DWELL & SON, 69 and TO Water Meet, LARD OIL MARUFAOTURRRII, CARBON denim ix MUDS. LIIIIIIIOLTIIIO sad OILS. Na Mr No.l Lard 00 Waal btu beat Oluelauall. or other brabob, Una propooo 23 arts as low aa Cloolartatl or Mimeo room Our ho 2 Lard 00 am • Labatootor oaalmat be Laea extened. u•eem Luonoauut sad mtaaalsrd tovads Or Carbon MI eoulaatt7 oa buouL ILarunantm zoo luaus &damn 11l it to Moo. Lauren to glee on • • bo lero Oorarloa Lard oo from tba Wen. wee De no. et Sete per bbl for good, to choice, DRIED rauiT—oontioaes dull and dr." p. log; Wee at rale for Apples, and Belk for Peach.. URANTIERRIES—DuII at 1112415. •• Burn :a-um :a a steady_ demand for prime to choice Roll Barter, aid and Ragan report :egoist sale. at 130100. Print may be quoted at 000. • EGOS—Seam. and In Lit demand _but oe• chanted at 1241310 for font packed. DRts SED HOGS—Da GU d•m•od st ISItHeo for lair to palms heavy average•. BEANS—DoII at fa,1201.m, - 110MINT—Ctootad,a4701,60. ' • ••Illy at 141311. POULTiY-Chlak•n4 111Moi . Torkeli, Ito; Duck., ffl. YenUoo. by whole a•ra•u, 12%0 • Ito. Poultry Is dull sad . vsty plenty.. • azirrataz. ta' vs-sroc' atiminre. • 0111102 Or TIM PITTS/IMMO/MIT; TWIZZIPAT, De 011161.0 1. 11. 1817. carrt.N.' • The market was a little more ultra during the pact week; the saies to the aggregate be ing mosewbat larger. but there Is plenty of room fey, improvement:, Prime fat cattle were to good demand aed Melted supply, and as a consequent*, brought as ad 00000 while the eammorrer grade. were uaehanged, though more solve. than last week. Oae drove of fumy Southern Ohio titters brought glige. but this cannot blt talt as a Lair lodes alike mar. het, a. tine pant ai grade of tattle to not of. feted varieties la tht• er any other market: flood to prints butebers eatUe_may be quoted at 76 to rqe, aniMedium ditto ate to 6%. For the commuter grade. of stook, there le tot much Inquiry, awl relatively apeakuri, prime are not eo high as for prime cattle. Hons. }. The Ilog market has again been quitsiactlre this weak, and with favorable leather for idanghteriny. oar packer. boughtpritty freely, as did also the salters, skipper.., CoMpared with last week, prices hays intU farther ad vanced, and at the adearte., there appeared to' be • very good demand. and about all that was offered were takes. On Wednesda y►(tnneon. Nemo. natbaugh & On. (patters) bought.fsor car loads, and E. U. Mite. L Co. (packs...)alk carloads. ' The Sheep market bee been mod le as. tire during the past week, the maw, in the aggregate, bang about op to the wualeten dard, brit pricei hare undergone so material outage, ranging from, $1,16 to San per cwt., grow, few inferior to prime fat mutton Sheep. The shipments east for the Week were Lag heed, ehoeang an Incressof tampered with the preceding week.. . SIIITKRITS OF LITi.TOCK EAST. • The ehlpieente of neck Ewa doling the pm week from the Panne,liege Ventral Stook Verdi were as follow.: • CM " 13 .04 Sheep. Philadelphia au ' 3114 N. Y. via Adentaira,....lo64 11,011.1 iiihinsore , Way Stations ' ' ... ail , nu . 11111 ~ ' , Totals' lal 34.333 . o Dreamt:ea 113.,..........1.01 40,1111 . Oa atassacaloo3 to ..... rat Cat. AID IDAD. Seller. Boyer. " No. PA**. GI tea aa L to 3190.1111311 116 I Al . 'B S P/11111pa to 0 Sae ED al3 Wm. nutter to a Cmutmell la 331 Glads & I. to Pldeock &Co 14 3 aT /I 11 Donal to Maack &Co— 194 4 7A Gala /Inbar to 6L Kan Da I a D K Needy to Kan la 3 26 Hedges la Taylor to Hue . to a re T P Pollock toEsae rt ' 1 Ta o II Boon ate to Kau 44 331 Hedges 43, Taylor II llama El 4 It 3 FAndriaon to DalDlat ...... .... 4131 331 Hedge., a Taylor to Pratt 314 3 26 31 IL Salsa tola 11 Johnson...—. So a si, S Chapala to 0 Barklay '' la 3a. Beata a Tails:kW; 103 1a Seller it Marlow to Bakal— ... la 'a 13 Sena i T to .1 Raul, It? a as D Cana to Rad* ....... 177 8 DI A Lou. le Raul. 113 4 CO Maga aL. to Lloyd ' as 3 D 1.1.5 a Ls. Lloyd' ' • In 3Tt Plum a L le Lloyd ill 3 Ti OS Barite Kellar ' 1/11 440 TR Mt; ACTION. IS CLTTIM Tn CV?. GM! CM C/131411; /11;i7111 . - 10 - 1.5 rand to llesetas...-...... 45 If Wass a I.t• 6/411 10 le OLtas 6 L to Rime. It it tilts. It L to Klement 5.- 14 op Moos &L to 1101rdle..- 21 Is peon // Martin to Corr It Co ci 00 He/Igeo & T to Rom 4 le Radios & T to Motel 11 Is Hedges aT to M 0005..... /..../,.. 11 7 ill Hedges& T to Molaroder 1 74 Johnsen to Clitapsos RI NI llarsetoo to Usostdo. la it Julloo6a to Erase 17 to Reeder to tleter.-... a t o 11/Cloodeoto Ao.l 1 0 2 Kw topte, render to Zon it Sletruder to MI srubinll... 20 "1 6/111 to Hews s i 7, Brown to Rie,ten0........ ........ . 40 to Klement tortier ' 24 tp 01rOtrider to wall al eo 11441toder to &PH 4 cp liether to Notrer 111 Si Phan/dog to MoPeezo.a. I 11 liarrall to 1111/14r It Pk Garrall to Mli/or ltarroli to Milner II er Smith a Tto 11141118124—....... 4 to Wapner to Canady B5 It r,re..4 tolllll/er.... 51 It (114.1 8 1., to /VI 10 4 Man a I. to Ann 1 op TattradtTiorrt LI !Mot /at OPT. /CO Kato. S.". -8010 5. .... /..—.. Na PA... Ea WE: FTIIUI —__ 9tn r •Voier 6 - IITIO 0114161610.... - 110 67 11 11..4 & Citesbaarto Cltlettrals• Ili 6p Flan to Ohcbtelft. It 00 149 7 . 00 Flan It 1., loOtll t•ortst - 141 . 716 Chalfant to tlittikrebt 966 -_ 700 Met/1010a toOttettralAL..-. 4110 r ,a, Ga... a 1. to ollehre.lol 40 5 40 Itoblat6ol6ollo/trelol--.. All 7 12 Mau 8L 100114661116 176' 700 Cooker to 011ettuelst 53 7 64 M 01.71416 Ile 011ahrelet • ~.. MI 7 WI: Folio &logo& I 7 . 67 . 700 1 Fox to Singer & 1.............-.... 60 . 740 Fos Co 8116er & 1 ~ 57 •70: Letotrt to Stoor &I 160 6 so , Uotanteto toStuer k 1— /IT - 7101 086800 80.1510401 . 8 1._........... 80 oau 1 litatts 8L to 8180.0 E I - Ito 000 8010. to 610ger 6 1.-- ' At 7 10 1 OW .a 7. to Storer al 71011 7 90' elan It I. to Unger & I - PO 720 I Conehrau to Bluer & I • .1711 7 10 . Huns to 61.6467 a 1 11 710 (IL. 1 * & 1. to Sugar • I *906 7 00 OW. AL to Sneer & 1 101 - 71• Holes to 5116810 & 1 .......161 710 11611410 0104117 50 I, —.. HI 7 15 Lemort to Sins•r &I 100 796 011ie[ Co to Mimeos.* C1e.... 111 070 Olen At 410 to 201450eter & Co.— 1111 ,076 (01.68 Co to Muyeatter - 6St 6 , 70 Hedge. & T to 916446940 111, 060 .U. 91 to Almeoger 11 . 0 46 Hole to 91e6.1161161 1111 6 50 Clint to 7Seetettger 211 011 710:10. to 51easenger....1 60 076 Futter to Alemoser ' I.= • 54 AleLlogb to 7446040441 13 6 40 Payste to Men .0001 VA 7 DO Hedte• & T soiSasseassr ' 131 ass !Ledges& T t Atemettyr IR d 77 &61.0 n to Meeatimer 45 4 76 Ustalltes to Kesssaser as _ 160 Starer 6 1 to to Baru ..... ....-- ISO 0 so. 111056• AMIN ' . tel ' • oio • i - „. - Edger B;,L [Si' Barks T 4 ' .6 , 66 Bennett to Barns 10 476 4410500 &I to Barn. 13 6.11 MeKreo to Baron 147 . g so nbeater to Barnes ' 201 6 40 Holies &T to Harbaugh • 13e.... 1.7 ;5 60 Coot:ran to Rarbaugh 216 ; 4 76 titirmour to flattangh— , 43 '5 76 90122 to Buenos% 114 614 Mille: tollarbansti lit 7 00 Reds. & T to Ilsrbitugb 137 460 Glass It L to , ffarbaugh A 00.... 112 4.16 alsttio. a Co to Ilatbaugh, ...... . 100 7 40 Mans to E 11 Mireta too 741 Gimes at I, to ELI Myron 64 • 001' Heath to Myers 122 724 Pettldge to Myers . - SS ..7 le Beath to Myron ~,.....—. 101 724 Lamb to Drlpps 500 40 7 to Corker to 1.1152 101 714 Iledses kT to rlppo 40 460 Need, to Drip 0 ' 96 750 Marsh to Drlpps 103 7 06 16¢001 4I Tto Drlpps 27 . 7ro Hoffman to Drlpp•6l . 720 Ilrewalng to Dnpps - ' SO ' 720 Knovele• to 0611th 120 ._ 020 . liatilin to 00110 90 '606 ' /lout to Smith 110 6 87 : Mettler to Smltti 123 560 Metzler to Smith Ili , ata aid.tu to Smith 111 0 631 Metzler 10 55/10."...—........• 116 0 ft Mast to 502169 _. 141 0 NT Glass to ismitli 0100 • Salto 06 650 . Mau to 0 . 131 6 . 90 Glen to Gravel ' ' 101 4 DO Cool. tooter ' . - -6 CI 20 Ctiody to Orr .....—. 1/6 4 to Iledgesk T. to On . 201 046 Combs to to 107 d 51 4211114152 to 0rr.... 110 '6 DI Medea 41 J. to Orr 10 521 Donald to Orr 111 , 007 Blackwood to 110 ~ 91 ' I/ 61 nedge. Is V. to Orr 111 060 Brans.: to Crouse ' 13 400 711166010010000 . ' A 5 Op! Drowning to ClOO4l, ' 07 . 655 RU001055055 10 0,94., (7 610 to C Ol . _ _ -- 67 -0 60 son roon Glass to Crouse ITT . 6 00 Glass to,Crouso 61 717 flew to Croon /51 706 01015 to Crouse' .-- 3 33 . 130 Le mert to Cron." - It 666 eteCord y to Croul'” llefrber to Un.oti. e.. 106 100 Coulter to Crouse 1111 , 060 Holden es S. to Crouse 15 760 Honey to Crouse 55 5 Mt Werner to fh0ute............a....—. II OIS P.n. , to Pideoelt 251 . TID ilorens A T. to Pideotk 640 4 IS 155151c7 to Plettoalr 140 5 67 Q. VI! 2- r . i .. 4 .,Ak ' 111 '7 6e BiZrzlietc7l , lsrr ck WI . 013 Metlalllster to Pileock 126 , 7Co 715611 to Pldcock • 101 080 Drip ftH. to Pldooek - 11 41 to Bald to Pldeook ' 63 ' 560 Gill. to Plat Tolg ......... : . ....... 111 ' '6 60 Porte , to PlOaock . . ........ . 120 •66 .hestrer.lio Pic , . 214thears to Piero* ' 121 000 113 6ea •Yearllburg to E1ere........., ........ I a 6 10 Craraploo 10 ssltsar , ......---:- 760 Med/ to Coulter _ ~. I 41 76 Dscae to Coulter O6 11 56 McCurdy to Crease 111 . .710 61sCoasell to Crouse to '7lO Urklefori ft C. ro Oats* 49 6 70 • St. Lewis Rachel. • tertialegraph to Me Chubut= ilisseite.i "87. Louts, Dr.:either I.l4—TObsiten quiet and uncrianged. When doll at 13a for middling. Fume Whetter demand at foil p wee; superfine MAMA Intr. 11 0 .2 0 010.- th r ; treble and otiolori $ll ISMS. ',sop , . tatell,oo. Wheat better emanflat it,7o for prime red and white fall. an 81,73 for sprint. Corn opened at $1,0101,01. and cloyed doll and lower at alt 11. Oen firm at 78g178. Barley Inn at 02 forpkolos fah. Rye steady at Provlsiolia quiet but firm; &mall salmi mewl Perk at aXM Hum ..-cleutsides 14840. Lent midst; small sales darnel at liNe nom with 00. WIDOW heed to the market ; orlon declined telt° elOillol 040. exeept for extraeho aeoelpte for past two dere—hoer. MOO bid si ow wheat, 1000 sack., cora. hfiXibusal D aub 1 bash; barley. 1,000 We at her; OM Muth hogs. stoat IhOXibearL cold and freer iug with a alight enew thli naming. • r7rsitoacia rursociamiumime Mom oe you Prrieroues Gamma, , Terracoar„ DeenuDer CRUDE - The mutat wee cresciedluoly doll to-dep. mot a aegis sele reported, while prices are embroil: Onebanded. Oil lo balk eon to arrive. or ou moot, cannot fairly be quoted above Tel It 1 poteibla Mali:order pemiller etr eametamop, such as a ahort uller havine 11th Deiced emitted, the tliis of liatiuity, be tog weary op, Webs be editing to pay le, or even 110, for the nuon that If he has cot the oil to inks a. tender. the contract is void and of no aecouet. An Oil 1.3111 telegram quotes the market doll end notaluel at $22.1001.15. REFINED—the muoket for 'bonded oil. ow. int, we presume, to continued unfavorable ad. vice. 'from Antwerp, was dull and neglected to-day, but •Wigle sale repotted. 1000 bbl. for : all thiiinosith, boyerta option, at Lk. 'Vila 1.. decline of half a lent, oomosted with yet. baggy, and fully ..sect, thatthaied with Mont day and inesday, miles Bailee been • mode on these day. at SISX, to Xes. -There le but little offering at theee agorae thie inarketi indeed. there f • bat little hereto offers and as haebsen the ease for tome time pleqour refiner. are buying la Philadelphla to cover their forward. contreett. Tho stook, of all in thin market le exceedingly light, iodised: tamest exhausted' and the &Moments eentlinte tory inelgolde tat. arc sarttrwhiwwwwy A. 7. Z. . Dilworth. 8r0.,' 000 .Obis benzine' to F. A. Dilworth, Philadelphie. Forsyth, Bra Is iks, 204 do retried to Waring, lgtoo Co, Philadelphia. • OIL SEIP4M4Ti now DINVINITZ 3.74111er. 47 able relined to Warlas, K.Lor Co.. Philadelphia. • Tiotahloeort 04 Ilet.0o.„ 50 do do to D. 19,1 eoz.Plttladelphts. li. A. Stewart, 00 do do to During & oOok Baltimore. 'Sere York' Produce Nugget. CUTTel.jvapb t• .e• Plitentrxh tisselteo • Now Tong, Ida. N.—Cotton dull, heavy and lowerraalm 001.800 boles at 1.01(01510 for middlion uplands. Iflonr. receipts of SAW Obis at Ordlea:LoVer; sates eff 7.199 bids at 511,5009,15 tor porfloe at at el $9.13/1113,W for extra. western; 10.03013.011 for Round Moon Ohio; at. Loots $11.111,00 for good to choler. extra, elosina quiet; ihdifornla floor doll; soles of POO sacks nt111105010,M; oleo 700 bile of rye flour at 07.0040.20. - -WhillarY dull nod uncasased, Wheat, reonlpts of 006 ho.; dull and 0001001; =Sr lower; sales of 7010 bus dtddeago at g 431. Eve firm; sales of WO bait of flood:taro at gall. Barley smote; prime firmer; antes at 1,8„.0 boa Coo was Wee hOOl,OO. Belt onlet. Corn, receipts of 723 os atfdatdoll and lo lower; taloa of 31,80 bus at e 1.36 for old - mixed western In more eau 51,3101,34 fora an an afloat; 11,%111.30 for new white and yellow Southern. Oslo, mounts of 2,009 bum less active bat on. • obtruded; sales of 0101 bus at 280r3140 for • western In store and 11340060 afloat. Mee doll at etftol4e for Carolloa. tlOllOO and Sugar dull. Cnt meats 101(01We. 01 °lament duet. Bops quiet. Fotromunt dull. at 10.43 tor cruderate for retard In bond. Porn dtriat and beery! soma 1,700 bids 011,37 tOr moss Bolder at *ll3O =Oh; 1104118 00 for Prime; 013,734519 for prime mesa; also M bb l. ew moontellera for February, nt 1113,Wand n for I.ola of old do to January 20th.a4121,000 01.1014._ Boot onietand onclianstral salsa WO ems nt *35 90 for prime mean; 131,230321.Wf0r. India mac e . Reef hams steamy and *oche's. gad. Wawa, doll; talea WO tome. Comber. fond out for January at 10/4010 - 4 , Out meats steady; sales f ar g at illral4o for shoulders: 10401,110 hams. Irrsused bogs steady, at 1 1 340030 for. welder.: 0140 IM for oily. Lard ontulnal; sates WO Oblast 1`114013140. Butter steady, at Math, Choose steady, at 110150. Freights to Liverpool 41,111,04 M/ On coraper ateamer at 010. L1T..,. r. o.—Flour closed dull and 10a lower on Douro:ton grades. Wheat Vmmal ly loser vith shippers thatating ow a mu. lariat death°. Rya 'lnlet and Linn AL 111,7/ for western. Oats dull at Ida in Coro and Sato afloat. - Corn doll at 01,01 m stare for old mixed western. Pork dull and heavy at 1121,010111.3714 for mess, calla and regular. Reef quiet and uncOuved. Cat Beat/ mom. Mal. flacon nominal and lower. Lard doll and heavy at uteuNt far fair to prime steam and /attic rendered. I=3 I fly,Teleirropk to in. Pittstuirsh tisztste.) CisCistasti. Deo. 11—Tiour oldish, dull _and guime nominal, at, 411011,60 tor fall and 110 21410,30 for eAtra. Watt dun.and brie. nominally go lower; Ha. 1 red $2,55. Corn dull, at 670 for new est. Osts otesdy, at WO. Ilya firm, bemuse of the liStt sup p o i. at *Li. Cotton very dull and prices nurinal; ruldditnif can be Douala at 13;je. Hues la fair demand, but at lower rates; Hee 060(37 IS, dressett 116,f0Gtivh reeelin ISO head. Provisions dull Mess Pork Is tamed at $3; for old and $21,60 for new, with out buyers. thlik Meats nominally wane Hamm; kettle tendered 1340 sod nomlnal. Green meat* dull at 754115 , K01ta lot annul. net,. sides and hams; old uunct shoulders Hotter scarce and firm. at zatc,, for fresh. E'ER. Scarce and advanced to SIC. Cloverseed firmer, holdup Haves 11166, but lo oales were , tuatin,at beet 110 Tftnei trr 01l and prices nominal. Flax 011, at 01.15 .01.90. Cuffoe awl at 1661160. Sugar 'tot not leaver. APOles and rotate. un changed. beef Cattle in demand at 44,6313 SAO, gross. Gold, 173, eloalug dud. kidney market unchanged. ==:=l Cy Telegmgh to 14. rlllotnargh ti arena.] 05,0000. December It —Flour pellet and 102112!io lower at 69,161610.9, for Sprat; az- M.. Wheat eatteettled and Irregular. aloe. Ina eta: lower; sale. of No, No. 2 $1,761311.101th clotting Quiet rtt 14281111.10 for No- 1. 11.7601,2514 for No.t. Corn doll 5011 01000111 email.' at 830 tor N 0.9 and me for now. um doll and to lower, elm., at 6113.3. lire ginner and 32240 1 016.0 a: 11,6121 113 for N 0.1,11 30 fowN 1. it y firm at 11,71 for No. I. Mama Pork outer and Zo lower et. 12/1 rUb, 81.20 for Jenuery MOM ern extra prove and romp 116,21. 8 wont Pietted Sams Atm and 111.0.10 51.1344317 Xe. Malt Mem/ dull a; 10,321104 e. Green *gam 80112; Rawl lle. Ewalt. altmln neglceled and nomlnel. 7.rtt eaglet at 17c. 'Droned Doff moderately -.01101 for 111,11.77 1 light doll and aam 10.0 f at 17.15116.03, dleldtog 011 two bemired. Eaelpla-11.too htne 11311 f, 1.11110 too . boat, 3.103 tm• corn, 19 Mu h. oats. 80 pmett m-10,200 hnle flaar, 0.000 bus •Peat; kW] to. corn. 4.10 5011 o*lo. OEM ====2 t.tT,ttfloi to tons rtnttstona tittottnl ettvattan s December U.—Floor very . Arm sad price. stssod2; dannlanitia oprlon WWI Bin dosabla eitra rad $11.622212,t0td0n isle and stable extra arblta $132;14.00. Wheat quiet and notoloally tosiOnaolost: N 0.4 tad ntoter bold at SII,EOI No. 2do 01„50; o. 1 Illlwattken toying IN:N. Corn Its tate de ands antra of non .called at $1,421; old No. 1 tatted 21.011 do yellow 21,01. and unebaopeds alma bald at no Irons atints. Rya arm at $1,20 for Ito. l; demand atalarata tor Stat. sod neatens. 21•2162 arm, at 21.7001.22 tor 80. 1 State tad Qum di, rot:met:lM Lit m and unthawed. but, the tea dents , Is no ward. standard white In Indid wer.x.; teal tea t le: E==lll3=l2 (by fre.egrail to Ilt I !Mau kb Cliff W.) Loclevtu...o•o.l2.—Raon of 11 beds of t0..0f foto 10137.0ef medium 1.5 $l5O leff, aourny loaf 179.:32k1453. T': 3 4l. r ent, poo l . No. I ova. Wheat ell 455. ?feW corn ID oar nlOn In busk. Osta los In bulk. Ulf, oaks Mark for chow.. hew Orlefon moo. links INGIo oar kraus; tee receipt. were Our, Hoak. Au. pork. knoooa.lo for prime. lad in , tierce* IF row. Whiskey = toy Tejevaph the IrltUbv rg thse:l4-1 Taitsett.rata, December It —Wool active —medium snow, .40aneedi miles $ 3 . 1,70 411141 e. Petreloses quiet—crane salve, at 71a1e14e7 refined In bond. :A,442.5*, pres ent and Daum delivery. IN.vr drtri. trbemi sides sod at-01.2001,5S: welts SUDO M. Corn firmer; oldy emus. *1,40; new al.ofl 01,10. Oats Arm at 6137.5 c: Premien/ un- changed. Alltlwaakie •reix,ri•th to the Pltt..bough dasttle.l • titixtraulaa. D.C. 12.—h/onr dull: tilt double extra $5311.1X11 country do 99 4069; extra 5401.10. Wheat doll at sl,(la for No. I, and 91.77 for No. 2. Osta st Stu for No. 9. Corn dull sod lower,lUeltle for new *hulled. Steel Ix-090 bble dour. MOO Ou wheat, 21.030 too not., 2.= du core.-. Shipments— OM Obit dour. Do1:61. alarket. (By To'tin, r to •re ni cstrAr.h Gasetl. Burrs," Deeember 12—Flour dun and noebansed. Wheat 1301111 Ilia. Corn dull at .1,53024 for new and old western. Oats dull, Onto Iflarley dull; sales 11.020 bush at 12. mowed. Cticetre siM. Wort Pork arm but very doll; at 112410 fur heavy. Lard 120 nlghwinea nominal. Dressed null , Piro, • =12=33 • Cal Telegraph so Qs rut o.a Onatta.7 - Totano, /Mambas , 12—Floor la quiet. ,W bass; amber Is bald at $3ll with $2,6 , / bid; Woe the-the month at $2,13(1.1 Corm dull and 10 lower, with Was at Steal.' Oats to lawns at elo for No. I. Rio Robot. Darla, waist. Drawn! /lota • abode armor at SWIM. • Dulnane.. Markel. (el Telegraph to the Plage-eh tiasette.i Illacirtuone, December 11.-11nue nen:dual and unchanged. Wheat firmer' TM Booth. ern $2.71.62.tU. Corn •rttnett mixed western. 5i,.2 Oats cold at 706740. Provlstons gang. Alois Bacon eheulders 1/0104c. = •,(117leIrr•D4 as rUtsbnrah Ussette.l • SAN FILA.IIOO, December 12 —tioar quiet Superfine at 11e.7207,22; $2.2012 ape. Large salmi of Wheat at. 82.50 an arm ' at that price. Legal Tender.. 72:14. • Cltlosgo cattle )ocher. "Ile Telegraph to Um rlttaborsti Omtotto.) ORM /109, Deeembrr Is —Hee Cattle sottan for boat grade., at 117,f 0 07.75 for Cood to eb- trochaic., abloping. Hoge Armor at SONO 6.00 for medium, and 0,15427,13 for goad tO: Trims. 1 Now York. castle Ilsekell. Tflosrsph to the Pliteaerab ussette . .l IPSW. TOII6, Deo. le. The Beeves marke Is 'traffic but innate° on aeeount of the' weather; eupplyetbout ZOOM . Sheep firm but quiet at letter rates: Swine firm at Bienge. E=1:1:312 (fly Tgierrept, tame Plttsburae u ite• 3 . Manrita, Denambar 12...—Cntton—uo Inst ant. Unto at 7601300. Osta,7so non, find and onanann id. Men; Pork: bhoni - 12431 . 25iN.C1nar Stamp 16,40110. LAO. Isom. • Dew Torii Dry floods Kirke*. - _tarleemob to the Pltt.bsure tiseetse,j . New , Tolls. Deo it—Dry 10:40 mute; quiet And languid: Joe Mi. ...It: tatoll," • JACOIn axmaeox.. ,• JOSHUA RHODES & CO maisters, HiBLEY MID HOP, DEALEBS. . Mace, Miltl litreef,• "rmsniners,i - e.• -• awe name RebaMa StreetomearGiska lllovas. Alleg - bray. TEAS . Just iteelvad. luso ud sholae lot ot fxaa AT num:4o4*kt atAirr, " ' • . So. IS Mamma. rltUbnalth, • Arhlah &cabala& retailed Latices that trill &eh oentsttMaa fain soy and ere.? Seas.. Oleo Weal & idol mid son will be misled. WM. IMIAMOM NON, I:==•=2l Flniuldal Rioters ►ri New Yorik. GOld Closed as 13334 . 31 iresfrOltto Itts ritsstmrsh essette.l M!E!IMi Money, market steady. et NV Pee cent. on eeilleterei Sterling quiet, at 0,41r%th. gold or drat class bills. Gold lower, opoatog at 3134, incteloslas et 133 , 4. GOV' • !Metter...lL Gerertene.i %weirs doll end a shade cud- V4 , ,49; ' In ' ,44o l llf4Vl l P l et ' lo4to l lo 6 3l l dlo figahrz3.,,;14714.,07%;di.,,0hVi0i1i,,n.15131e73; , pened driver, an 4 d 7 rDo " ug • h a trifle lower In the atternoon ' el ad steady., Canton. 46; Adams. Te l Amer can. 111;17alted stetae•i t ; dells' Express, II; llerehan to Union. it; Mariposa refer ( I, 15%; Pacific 11,01, 1i1.%; i Atlantic ll'ali,llB u e'• western Onion 'rest - [mph. , altn~• Fe ork Central, 116%; Erre. 7/)X077• Needlog , IlIllf,; Michigan LentnO 10114; kllchlgen elouthern 12, Ilosison. 13l4; • itusbareb. MN; Northweitern. &Of; do Pre. ;erred, afeelk; Illinois Central, 10:3; Itoeir Island. 50%; tVirs Wayne, 59 , /,'; Toledo, 103/2 133 x; NV sheen preferred, CIS; Sr. Paul pre ferred 61; noontime, litlA; Old Tennessees, OM; New do, IN; New V Ittlnlaa, at. N.l.•1210 .11•6318. . - The market Is heavy and lower: Gregory declined to 181..ellnaig heavy; Eldorado rcoe 1°1506165 and active. Other ehangee are slight- • • 61:6-566&PUti 1010111P . M AlOO 1111 t. to 41,V.1,591; M 7 7 ; bnunce,slo.447oio. . 11111.014110 MT M1L1L.601114 FlTraeudod, FOOT Wiling & Cam duo Lao December 12.—a can pig metal. Nimick & Col Ida do. J plan Moorhead; 6 do do, Bryan a usughey; 6 de do, 4. ears Moorhead; ; Hon. Jag Wood & Son ;Scars Doek Iron, ore, Shoenberger & Malt; 600 bble owner; 11l bloom. Iron, John liloorheal; 600 &Ms dour. Shomaker a Lam; lob do do, 9 Lindoay Jr a Uoi I ear told. J R rattareon; 2601 n ham., 100 do lard. soon pea green ham., 624 tee, 496 green Ole& 556 Swat; sloe& F Sellers; 1301500 (bin deue,Culp & Shepard; IVO do do. 9rghmler & Vorknorp; I au mlddlinge, S II Floyd & a Co; 5396 pee green attouldera: Jame. II Varker; 1314 do cams, 26 dreased hogs. E U Myers k Coi leer bra., F Schott; 130 bbl. dour, D. Wallace; 7 cars hali, U 0 Dees; 14 eBo rags, Meal, Dialt.on a Uoi 1134 dal broonier Porterdald; g bd is 'Ugh tun. m, I 3 do abaft& 40 do rages, T 11. re k Ilea; 26 aka oars, B Bea ;1 aka rag.. pod STY /5 Clark; 3.5 bonne glassware. Semple & Co; 17 bbls rye Lour, 44 aka cornmeal. 40 do rye WPM., Id Rid dle; 31 Ike re:., 51e0tillough, Smith & 001 719 bag cheese, J S Dilworth a- Co; 60 do do, Haworth, At el/anald k 00;195 .ks barley, Dler,.' Daunala a Co. ,1,1,111,1•1, LID PITTSIMINIS rt. 1.19•0. DentOber 12-40 bbls yine2ar II W &Often 2 ears Iron ore, Bradro Bond ,Iron Co; 4do du, Bryan 3 llaugbey; 4 do do. Tug s Uro i do do, M4Kolght, Porter b Co; I du, do, J Polottr pun; Bdu do. I do clay. Lloyd,,f. Black; 10Ie blooms Iton, John Mocrnewd; 4 kgs node Lute ter,Vonlorder A libitpsod; 4 ono tanners =rap. A Comet]; 10 O R Igme. Lll Corlioio; 1 pair gates Maine; ;Rutin; 9 ibio ;wpm ore, T M Host,• MO It lueribm,Staek o.Shoea; MO dodo, W 1110011 b Col 20 boo °oodles.= do mo4p . canters Frans; 1242 en MIL (I A Worm. castle; SI do do. B It Mtuire; ba olasswata, 6 Mu do. Um., Walker Cot 19 dreamed hop, I one airy, Reese, Oral? On Dud: I d odo, do, llnturt Hun Mtil; 2 plies G 0' Knott; hos ;odor, L Hamilton; to Ito rye, l ob eenor I Harper; corn, Wm Mono; r done ware. J B Smoother; 22 Om al:wattle/41. Vast Co; II dtemed hop, 51 Steel a ll n 014444., 15 ohs torn. I dressed him, Mr. 51 lla, I Mono, 31 R. iltder; 051. var., V Luis; 13 chorine, tops, D R Eckert ilreosed hues, Metioridtan, Jatotauti A Uo• • aka tag., TILZYIe, Dickson Cu; 4 empty keg., McKay • Bra; 2 dleand hogs, I DII hurter, I do P totts vraobers, I ev Nick, wood, Mathews • Cot 4 bales hires. Popp A. Raker; I bid rgs., bbi butter, w P attak a Co; 24 polo tiptoes, Millers Fraley; corn, 00 ska 11 do barley, Moßenry A Hood; 14 do do bleanur d Har, Errrearrzoll.tantotars ft tiotoimart oeCesebar If —2 bales eottoe. It to b & So.; do do, Eagle. Cotton alstlet I earn. Erletat Cot lib age rye, W .1 Meek co s t r eat stereo, Weever, Yorke 1 Co; 103 bola four, J Garde ..tic , . do do, tallemaker • Leave! hales tot. too, Eagle Colton bulls 10 do,1: Hyde Son tes empty hada J II Parker; IS I.elea rot. ton, Holmes, Bell et lac 4 do limp, II 0 trete SC.; 40 boo candle., Y !Sellers Ir. Co •, 10 btds . lI t J H Bari.; to out omtch. Haworth. Be. Doradd s Do; 50 do do, Wm Cooper , a Co; 7 ..... paid 411/or, 10 Pal venaultsge, U , L FAMtemeak A Boil* bats dust, J C Burma; lot trattemo moulds, 2doCulloaph rs 0o; 10 bola ell, las lAptlamtmlo bale* vdtro, Home., Bell a Co; 0 bb l. tallow, 071 ehurtmattge; ID 3311.011 L Fsherstnalt Co: IS do do, Shomaker L.np; 14 baiee hemp, 11 lletwig a co; 12 ',hi. clay. Ilk Mot :Ads slateli Bogle Cotton/11HD; 10 0. de, 11.1. raltnestot7 6 Cot 11 halts !lax, Byars, Holler Ar Co. 21 1 , 1). els', Bala.. Daft, 13 do wo. Mohasco 6 Bartley; 0 am* [a bated, W I, Jamas; et cast. owl, 1 1.4011 alto balk L rahocaotelt s 00:23 has lurch, A Utlel: helm: DO do la. Hesaleton: IP; do do. J D Draro; 25 dodo, 30 II t 7 ..total; 23 do do, 71 W Rankin{ 60 do do, I: 1.1 :Mere A Co. AGLitualart V• 14.22 H. R., December 11.- 3 can Ms Don. J Moorhead; 1 do On, TlcKnlcht Portly • Co; 2 Co do, Rt., Omar A Dull; I do brick, lbesseu, Tailor 4 Co; 1 Sr. lumber, W Robbst , t 3 bare Wort, Jou. • Louthlla; I lox ds*, Il Iffrodoblem 1 rolls leather, M D Loot; lke wool, Munk. 4V. butter, J Palatal; 1 mole rags, 2 as Ils•ses-J. Knox &Orr; a sits rass, eboba chickens W 112. ()males/ • bbl . nit. R Hallos; 101 do do, I' Slitebell; 9 2.11 0 4..7 4 `3OOl tl eke auto, ;Scott • 012 ah 2 atm sa ...kenos, various owners; 12 rtes produce.l 14.111er; dream.) lws. J Rae - ..l;1 iks rye. Si do oats, Scott 4 (11ssL AZ.1.11.11 . STATION, 1/4.0.4, 12 —2 duo war., .443 y 11...t0un00; 12 ea:44l4m 5 1.51 4 1. . 1 tiratu 17 14 Oaareld. Bwor 0.1140211;uo 10402 Dill.. 14 , 11•2 • Bea: an 0114 paper. 1.0.1• 84p44 CO; Lu te la flaw Stowort •,Lorwen. 1.4100; 11 ski n Otaffseltec C/1.412.0411 Ohl eggs, Moor. ot Darisont 151 As Max 7ed,..121 B Suydam; 31ar 1 510144 d. X SI. 1 tl; I ow *boat, W 214600 It Co; 4 da lumber. g,c.dr • .7.14 thatilss. rinv66,662 6.6 , 16 Onnrnt6nr.is R. A. D. 6.6066 I —6 inn leather. K K Wstibti In DC. paper, "Dane. Dickson d no; I car untaL 5 DI Vfleternsao; I en tan b 6116, Lapps al noise. BEISCELLANk.OUS. ScHoot - liti - 01 Ar WEOVESALE. - O rd .all nad taut. SCHOOL HOURS STATIONERY. tESD MIL L'CLCX 141 T. DAVIC, t.:LARKE & CO., ealavou NTIIRET. tor. Almond F. W. U. Fib:LAI, 011ALIEIR GLUE, CURLED.BAIB, tanner& Scraps, Ccroong, CATTLE TAILS, Bones, Neat's Foot Oil, tea, tmge mu. arthensit—N. I, 4117 Fl EI) OTis T. W oIIS I tam ) L I W. J. GILMORE, telatraegar to tillataat t 4 151it.11. 4 .1 balualaelarcr. Waal•.aa and 14UE paalar TRUNKS, Valiaea, Carpet Bags; tze. JD" A ii , fto aosOrtom of LADIZIP [LATCH Ithes Mom). on bau No. 106 WOOD WIWEZT, Innobworb HARRIS & EWING, Wholesale Druggists, Cor. of Lair ly a - Wayne Ste., Pi2T3BURGH, PA City and Cavalry Trade - Ploilelted Ant:ll2 HAZARD PO W DE; An Ivo* - mmpAttrn TO au, .1 shone...at nOrlea. all orders fOr lino or troaN iota or lIALARDIA CELEBRATED PORTER. a AR ordira lett at or mall'? ;sail to mr storo, N 04.172 and 124 RED2IIA.I. STREET. Alla: 0.7 I Cu.!.., or to 102 SECOND NTEZICr. rlitaboran, Pa., wtu roccl74 noonot &Mallon. 1001.81 ARTnrfa Two lIONDIIED TLIOVELIND , . Half Spactish Segars, Jun received ou ecutalctunent, 8111 be told Y law as Z” LOA .Dothirs .Fer Thousand ROBERT F. WEDDELL, I'Vona or 811ITEMIZLDa ral • JAMES B. JONES, iDRALEII IN rap Iron, Light Iron VATT AND AIIOII6IHT IllliA. , r-i. AZ> P. 0, cal c 3. rrrrr 'Asoloroart Mi and lII* ease. Abe City• , :11114'ATE DISEduSEB. 111 nersau - PENN 132/1613T, um Mod: • . the cure Of all disormo of a prliVa Worts ~ algeelaranlrofrell=r4:2o other Osamu of {he gooltal wino and shelf en...10n.- , ore warroutrd or moor? roll:m.3rd. Moe Loon-1 Loa a.O..USVALIitiIThe • WASHINGTON KILLS, isgtto Btrett, tear Pittcbtrich Gni' Neuter, •Wa W.".ANDERSONr notutoro• or CI , FIN AT% FLOUR, ow , ereu F. ED Orders deltreno. , La expiry, troo clwro Onln uf all kbado prod. pad Corn obaliod. ma start notice. 1./55(101,T, lalar of Weight and filee*es • Do. 5 POURTII EITUZIST, - Zotncca Liberty and 1111: 4 , /Mau. - iler•tanrinti• %Usti,' to. .n1,1:01 . 3E.C.IECEIt, I itai&ir t/ pin211 . ,,, , AC, , , D /11• Z. 1 Thflinty ales w . r And WATIZ YIP= " 7 4 Its Monoersaill L 6: n''4l.Bll"rr . aura a, mossn, I - :426.zacriEstrmacrrsa, ; 11.14rogrA V.:11°...1tn.' Z. PITTSBUROR BOPS WORIS. .FULION, eolllllAll & CO., MAAWASarra Umbra CORDAGE, .OLKViI, LSD TWINES a is mg ,IPFAresouse. lit II /IS Writer MA eau ooro d for Circular. '01348 RIVER NEWS. The Heir remain. national., at this point with three feet le the channel by the,Monon. Lambs pier mark.. The 'weather continue. stormy and cold with frequent znowVquelles and while the prospect. for good Weighing ire excellent, we regret to state that the same' cannot he said in regard to a rise In our rivers. If It should happen to torn warm and rain, even half a day, a eoalboat rise, It antsean to . as, would be Inevitable, but the Wiliam are that It will continue cold, and Untied at a rise, we may look for Ofreere up. The eltuatlon at Brunt 1. unchanged; end is likely to remain 11001.1 i there Is water enough to carry off the nueseron. cosi barges and Liam aerator' at that place. Aaoordlog to: 01ur an derWasang of 144 matter boats cannot pas. this point In conseipeenee of the obattuetions above referred to. The Lear,leas, en route from New Orleans, to Olneinnatl, hes eight tibia of molieste for /sal:maim Sr Co., of Pittaborih• • The aleesenger, from New Orlnane. to Oln- Mutant!, passed Vicluthurg on the Oth, and the Watumita arrived at New Orleans on the Oth.- . Capt. N. F. Davidson, Preadent of the Notthweitern Unica Yocum Comp..", Vol 0.. Thursday hart the recipient of • Micelion of hotly designed photographs of the pi...n eer steamers of the line for 1847, the name' of the company, and Um emcees for the year, to. nether with the oilman of the elfrerens,boate, inscribed on the margin or betweeit the photo. pantie—sot beteg inclosed In • large picture. loam, forming a listing 000.100 t for the wall, arm • future reminder of the boats and (Moen of tios temon of Ital. t Say. the Clneinnatt Commerefai of Wed.. day: The mrk/atoll. they Wilson mod Belle cae In flora Foment] yesterday, with light tows of coal. A little more is expected down to.day. Capt. John IL Conway and Charles ELat thew., clerk of the Sliver UMW No..l..ar rived from Evansville yeaterdsy, the 'pullet having ,said upT at the foot of French Island, wattinfor water to get over the bar. Capt. Conway returned to Preach Island In last night , . train, and will bac; the Silver Cloud titre as Soon as there Is eußlelent water. The steamer tanund far New (Manus, wtth IWO bales of.eutton, toot. an to White rivet., nem Petite Lading, on. Friday night, sod the entire °aria wee contemned, and le a total lore. She wee valued at MOM and limited far 110,000. Nothing w sued. All the peemagers and mew, with the ee exception of John. It fells , . the Stewardmesped. The misfit of the Mete .111161•11. ritxxiXo or Tux PrLokur —The ruins will prate. total loth.' tier bottom wee nearly earn out, and the kelt,o9 stanchions driven through tke matadeck. The llent occur , red at the Grand chs-ofr about sixty miles be low Item phi., shortly after midnight no Thom day. It is supposcd that the obstruction which brought her to grief ati the wreck or the H. F. Sims, soak nearly ten Iran afro. The shook was very violent. and caused considerable w a s among the passengerg, but no personal Irjory was sustained, Toe boat sunk In seven pfloteor eight minutes after Malian, and left the barely time to run her on the bar. She had about eighty tone of freight, most of which wth slaved In good order. All the freight In the hold that Contil be gthav lase been re moved to the dethl About fifty peeeeneere were anoerd at the time of the theldent. The Pilgrim was three . years told, sad was re- Shly repaired at an' expense of OM MOO. e lies straight, with her ethrtcoved side pan tinily underwater. It would require a bulk. head at least thirty feet •long in raise her, U, Indeel. she eth be Weed. The owners are Nat. 0100 M, Jobe Wood horn, H.. 0. Gray and M. W. ileitahnover Cert. Green's quarter oas Insured foe elm In St. Louis. The value f the b at wee 010,140 t 0 1/ 2 , 00 h• Sr. Lope. December 10-11 a weather Is pleasant. The deer-te falling, with IS Inches water estimated to tillro, touches to Keokuk. end the. Illinois and hlissourt entered for. Steambos, try to get 7th ter barrel for flour In Now Wiese. The Ocean Were left this condom haring secured MO barrels flour at th. The Louisiana e. eieee Inane to.dag fee Near Or. les e na, Incited to the water. Yesterday' the Over at Hannibal was full of the, and felting rapidly. .' boats will th ud back rapidly to this port. Fretchts to the Arks:mak 11.75 to f 1.60.. Quip one thcambest arrives yesterday, and two departures. STEAMBOATS. PiEW• 41/hLEANS,.. --- —Ste Towboit - llartif DAVAO/1,1.1d Barges Nolt. 1 and Y. vcoli enttlasta.. rbtnyr . ander trill lean,. vo an,Port tan 61,4 ate, from the (001 of Market tttc. For frolybt or pillsage Apply onboard, or to oat' Cd.C111.11.4 BaltllXS.Sgeat. FOR FRAGRANT TEAS, CHOKE TOFFEE, AND PURE SPICES, TO ROBINSON'S, No. 20 Fifth Street 86VOELD 2 6 tir.iirnTEMPEIEUSG • STEAM POWER' • • BRICK MACHINE, mA...,„,A.Tua.... THE PITTSBURGH BRICK MIMEO:NB APD MUCK NANIIPACTOBING CO. 111.1.1136 takes thi day alltetlTol.l the bent. twlttiont the propagation. by/wallas ne• rtlMTbi . t " . " 4l:4 gtitt eneugh to P be neaten up elght mi n t In Um Va InA `;;,„f:.makin gs th * l, 14 .7.71,; ...111.4nore ere , oekter brick eOO.4L U •no noes tooling bent be Int& taxed. I. from Oa cents V: , ...llf i rg i r , 1 4 000. atrordlise , 4. 14 , 4 rates et built at Cl eta 0; tge molt at in thrgri !tyke Inr,treußeb cod pecriayent I n Ironton •prir far 2treMere. String Nil .trifortns. ISon. al the Inane, - .6l CANAL 131".. Id Plltary. it.tween Penn and Liberty etreets, nem the VeY, !L. C. Dep.., 121111121:1110H. roan r. tars. ROTH & SON, Importer. and Wholes... Dollen to toREIGN AND DOESCIST/0, BRANDIEI, RLIB, WEI5liaEl3, azo.: &04 807 I,ll3earty 0 tweet. Oar.: Inca tdarrartscaNta.... Deo Irate :o inforat their Meade and the peddle to saner. , that tea, have ,O re lopen heir wholome s;nir. at the above blare, awl sow iv." to 0:1 all 001005 la 0.. Doe, ar tbs. sa twfacuon or all who *lli favor them. ch lout awl x 5.1 eatabllttlat reamtillou of JOHN nI.III 5 111 anceeleata gu.ranteo for Ina ampere,/ ania. hod parity 41, their Rood.. aril to wi:t be t heir :om to Ophaldth. Lame. Vor medfrat corrosee. rams - no. .ttentlon 1. directed to taste ion. stoat of OLD HElLliAllt WINE. And atiperlor . quallticsof FELENSIIII COGNAC... Order. left at NO; a In.aoNO. wILL edwa ter promptl r attar Clod to. J Ong ROTH a Som. ealcciir - . 8. C. HAMS AM) DEIED BEEF. will kayo eamcnevr b. C. Hams and Dried Beef Oat of •mole and for sale on Monday, Eftlento 'her 'XI m,d after. F. SELLERS la 00., Co, Wayne end Pear sinva. A . p. ENG . I4IBII ie. CO.. Ab. 134 Fourth Street, rotnnvOrrs of Onlio(nra MUMMA 1/3/LAI6 AISISHAIETIO, 1117ATTII killAinnlAA AND 4 210W.tir'S 4,PY BOORS. Aiwa; rennornotao ma or RI.A.NIC. 111 AM. BOOR BINULNU on. Tonolol Ito form.. A largo mot of TUMOR): o3n•lAntly on batol. WEST cibmadoni MACHINE Norttonot CorceX of j u lti t tg: ALIVATX.II • Cl). fIiCAATi! All If I'ArrTAIN7 " 4 "' dnAIVUANDHEW CST AND TOMB BTONN4 Ar.. 10. prorwly exraterk,rlLlCY:lllt TnEk.s: TLIEEBI TREES 1 A yaiy taiga Blatt YnAlt 114 abs rebe Zybrireacs abd a tap. Vines, for nabs by Joni a. •i a. suanoun • MiE,N JOflN FIF,CII, .OIINALMENTAL /Ann! A . M u N W . O o ne d oo r AN m WPEN V D d n A a N r 9. di ADW wI A ,, u.n/O .• denlr4a; l DsNnc.t,o o La Tarry Nealpo. DowChoi.... . ID OOO IeW , Re. A Rood once In osah tll in gi•. o far Rot, lAdloo•wad gentlealwaNt tdaznotthordons is ail [...et Inaan.r. • , 111.1171411 GIII.O.LES I . I.EIZENSTEIN t 131 yr.mr7,4LigT., siazunzb :(Yearth , / ,, 0r above I.llaer Glass, china Ware & Table tatlery Lt. IAnTXIO7 mum. IC•eryttlaar magarvl on • A eat WWI • tat. 012 baud. Call Uld eltamble odo. Um WHEAT. -10.000 BUSHELS MICE MO. 1 MIND WHEAT, Allir! ng rad for rale by • • DA9IZIs.WALLAC/1. nel ifir • • " SlClLrberty rtrt• CHEAPEST PLACE IN THE CITY TO.IIIYY THY TRIUMPH COOKING STOVE, I= r. C. D 17717 LEGAL. TRITeiTEVIS SALE or Valuable Coal Property. • By virtue of to order of the Coon or Common lieut. to end for the cunt, of Allerbetty. mode remember et nn. In, In pull- Uu. the undtued Trustee Will en.* 111 Public sal., on b e premises, on MONDAY, DECEMBER 15th. /5117, At the her of 10 oeclom te. of side dam An Om valuer:pie sent of Alai, anima as oho ••Ciart C011..' signaled In WM metb teems,' s, county aro:amid. bounced and elescielho es taboo,. riot lirglating et a stone on Xrdos thmeo by said rearm) nano 69 &arms o f 6.hinuelite tot .cane; theme by lend of H. n. ilembleeath Mg diereees wen 61'7,0 per. eliesAo a wh i te Irak...the nee by land of Woods and MCClnee Mini Odium. out 64 pirehea to ltone; th em+ soup 16 degrees east3Opembes a tO a siOnernhelim by Welliure's helm south W deenem.mst IS a 10 perches to a stone; then eouth•l3.is dear... cast 0,14 perches to a stone; thence mate dial eitirreee •mt If 440ielle• to totoat: tneccelsouth In deuces east fw = reemlies a atone; theme ty of done 'Amundson none MN' degrees .•st p-rches to • Moue: thenea meth 500ex:ties east: 4 10 putties tar- hickory; teem on to gil4 deem:: :7 . 444 , 1dii i ' d7pred ‘ son . rio ' lq h6 ;ll , ege t i? , ' it. 4 / 140 Per. to to atone: 110 , 10 uorati 31 dramas east 11 peeches. to the place of beginning; cont•leler one hundred acreo. ;inlet measure. of Minimal Coal, t .gelker with all lad singular tne end•r ground pfletieges, neces•ary la the en. a t ation mid se Ind out of !anneal oil. and ltohe prlelljeire of operand a-4 keeping open put of ;he 41 , 3 of • pla W.lllam Edmund.. fiTn a .Vity ape all drltt aod air roe rye needy.l f or V.Z.°17T,1.1 . 24.:11T o ,tl, D;;;ATa° On= emend prlyreges 1a the excayaiton mo taking oat soy ad nine g cowl, and Aso the pti•lleire of aided Sala.1•111111le.tOilv tot Male handing D Wil e sl:sl 'r g:y " b e etit:i r s W o n e? a/ by of the 1 oughleemny or' Monongahela eleers, or both. ono .he best eMatali Inei-Vne-I.lord mob and the baleace In one and two year/. ileClinal Lef Judgment bead and - .engage uo thee weinisege • Nor fintlaer Information Inquire of • •Leff.X. WA'fliON. i hnisteis. No ra !drain Myee.ti Ttlidn. PENNY or. DAVID (.11.A.14.pal ORPHAIit.', COURT SALE. BIr b TI , N,T . UF OF AN ORDER OF h. '4 Court of Alles . 12.? co9lll in n :::6t;' , :Yritrgl7,".2:WlLl7.lla, • ON FIRIDAV, January 3, '6S, at ILO o'clock, A. M. All the tight, altle and Interest of Lane Mad ras, •f. le and v. ell that. crenate yt.os or parr tor land attest< tart alters°. territeltlp. county of Allegbeer. red Stare of Pennarlyssla, boozer ell and dercrlbed as rollo•r. VW: la-elnaleg at s Otte ark. tot enee lead. of I.ssoltt - Ir. north sin tyrrse ern b rrf degrees east, e tablet n remora %dr b art stir; the.er by name sera% * 4:1 ' 714C - bet g 1 " 6:04 i galertlj n e Val north Itlrti-ene deg ets west, .0107.10 ad ho -tenth pm... a.. bostrlnerce . t eno r to of Abe. nor 0 rimy 11., o.grees earl *str ata, sad trra-ten , b perrhert trance 110 11. forty 110 eight.ll. %Sere. elarrn %weber: e lunar strca.l-0.0 argree sair... ler 7, sad serent.-Ars 00441.4 th errebte: thew. ay sods At 00110 1 linagety teuttb. IA.OO sr oa negates .reetwentT sod to , - tenth symbol; thane* try sat tsnalt oar end . nee •tralf de• a era •sst, tear pr rt hot Mabee south els I..er desre•e eartl arr. atv-tlre end revanty-nrehundr.,ll percher: th, bee van, so.rth ern un —gnarl, prep rat- ra twe st - three end , eas-tento . per , llll tb f enee r Or saran . /t . :l Y 6 . lTr e e7r-b o a 4 tart:tto tweatv-rve .1 rreet• east, smote srd eight-ter th pe•ihrs sad tbence Janda or Coca - ,t nor% 11 rorty-one red oce.qttarter f.';`:t;;;V:PV!.",Nrefupl.Verti`l':4;ffitr root/nal. •rd it • tr- rat% Corn, ea c .t 1 oef •Ala by Craft. • Foal AS VAR?. E 7,1 eltalrl-trat, rum teal toe to sane •1 Ster;fllndrns.l. de0614 WESTERN DIST IICT PENN.- - • ayLiNorA, get The ucderslgnsd hereby /lye. both:. Of ttls • 06polnlannt of ASSIGNEE OF ROBERT HERVEY; of the borough ur To:entrst. In the county : l ot Allegbeur. and- htate or reuorylraula. *Nan said Disttict. who has treel adjudged • bank. rept on his own petition by be Dlatrlct Court of Bald District.. • ..• . ueee X. poix. • eorUr Paint Alley aia Unioncene W.T. noethel . • 'WESTERN 1 iswilier OF l'EfirißTLVAbilf., B. At ritteleingb. October t Lb. 1317. The under- Osumi hereby glees netici of his 'appointment Y /Outs nee of JACOB AB KAHAAINI. Of the City or ritti.borgit. in the county of Allenbeny, 104 Mate of Pemoylvanth Within mid District: who bee been eithieferd a bararniot noon nix 'WM petition, brine, Model •nri of ma th Ob l i g ee' Jura( 11.11. EN ' Er.Y, Attorney. at-Low, No 93 Ithemowl street Obin.mb_ • EiTATE Or.JER 'ISIAH MOW GAN, DlVlLt.—tratle Is hereby 'Over, toot letters tertuneetery eh the estate art Ste .boy. tossed Juts:ll'A Morgan. lett, ULM, toonsblo rtleht y. the tenet,. of • brobelly. Fa, base but rar ee to elszolder SI 7 n0m201,1 , eldlog to Owe tostchly or ledesendeaae, Is slid Mut.. all oats.. Inetetate bulgur claims or demands trg-41t=uani.:41.1t:Atre7sTU". Le SANDER LL TLLitM6ON, axteutar. nort.ao LAT : TERtt OP A fIIPIIS 181 ISTA. A , ?lON brmr Debt gritted to .bo nodor rtrtrO br t h e lb ror W.ll. of Al obbab7 Um mato of ASA BELL• SISLTSLZ. law of ItAborlo .o.blo. deb..., all parsons todobleo lo raid relate will Taste Parcrorti, tad 'Mono harmg zipleet the mote pre sent them for settlrmtut without delay to (HI Ph; Toorboblp. R] Pri•T;t!5 , 3 1 7% 11 ,3*.;17 1 .1.P.. - INES No. or WENT MaNWIES- Twit, No. I.—Notlee Is tetchy INTRA that the Cataene tl.hstel A.asselleloa- hes implied to the Court Of Co o oloO2lea/. at No. NM loreember Ter= foto, fees Came, or baaroonatlos. Ned ties sane greatest .1 t ea teat term areal. Goan.stales. exerellnas a-e sled thseeto lh ProPteltate. JACOB H. ao.freS. esothoootare. NOTICE It hereby given that o..v l n o rici r ft o t r 1141;111Z11.'7.X',Ve,"::ty°' eg beet. I'.. iten.ss.d, hare bee> Keel:m od to the endereenee. , neihrsa . Adesteho noon. PITIRSBIIII6II IMPORTING HOUsE. ssisszin as SCHMIDT & FRIDAY, GERMAN, FRE SPINIGH WINES Mil-LIQUORS • 409 Penn Stteet, fillsburgb. • Cat IC1111'11)1 having retuned frpst rope. has am., tar. purviases. and 1...100u¢ arraserment. Irtak Ito followlnut 1103 C OW. "_ VPsoklY CO. AaLie. Champagne. ap.oasy, Chatartroa. AIN? Va g lAlLlfe . ?ttir MOSO ••- Bum.. CAM; • solo. REDA no to`ll to DV. is.ttestotra. • Stela. Mori Crulasult. Sparlllas Hoek.• • Bata • ”41,. s• 4111, h TWIN atEll rxottlf Alee. A ebotee anon:vent of PLOD OLD 111/1 WIIIaKILY mutual. ea bud. Hawing pertectedarrantententa•altll theta., • boat.. we are ut• to ot.r the tattle. , brine of W1N6:4,..d LIQUORS. F. 0 -guilty aadcOmpatlM. of ptleu tottatted. oleatula THE FORT PITT LUMBER CO. Cap flat, :r : : $134,000 Fredleal—EDW. DIIMBIDGM, t •eoree.ra—T. a. ITRIGEIT. eopeatatandent—imi. orusorts. Tae FOIV ebsaed TWO r‘ T . Ti r pp t r i et.F 1 6 - 6 b INIVIU;rI a.hll TWLASY-unZ A /tuds of annulled in Isann In Parr" Conn.y. Pa. . and ea u theft. on *large Innant ntw an now cr ena ted iT474.,,gir Ps= SLUR LI% toner or rosier Illegierq • . &mam a /RP CommaMextloa. to DT mall should D. ad T. A.11711.1E/UT, Beerocary. PENNA. SALT SIANUEACTUR'S CD. Z S'CS~T~Sii'~l~.~. A• PENNA. 11 1 0 CO. saaruza, IVICHEIISIItrin Iron ]Broirer, 124 'gird street. =MIL 21Z117114111. Pk. 4aatlbt the aala oc Uaratrall, Ilkaaaelnaal Josephine, Isabella, I/vac:mum. 'lstaa.bar, Olradaa. azd otimebritada Tone) lorbeny Coto aaft 011pliant's 5 B. Cbarecal Ct DION& C100n1.,..41ts .4 k0r4212 resq.lll,4 molt Ita4.• CITY COLLECTING AGENCY SEATON •& CO., Local Collecting Agents No. 1241 Wcrisraz AIM r. 0. BOX, 21111. of.taildosectotion• Wee for **licence Se Cole naletcbcre ta* act collected. cola • 1 , MANITFA .I#.l. Warn. Presn yr. P. Pownis, If ap.t. PITTSBURGH • FORGE AND IRON CO., I=l Ras Dodo Railroad Fish Bare sad BOUM Railroad Oar * J.s.Rolladl Railroad Car •:lea Hammered Locomotive NV*Weal torooloilvo Irma* bßaPar . aide Rada; • Totes. Rump.; P 1.1,. Readla. tessaboat libardo dioanaboas Crlallhq Plato, Rod., Wrlstil Pitman Jaw., CollArs, 41.56 Orstcz, No. 177 . PENN STREET, P111r8111:18.G11. PA NEW ILIDIVIRE ROM I .;.‘ A- Lindsay, Sterrit & Enwer, Dianufseturersir, Imparters or HARDWARE, CUTLERY,', i tc. 337 LIBERTY S BEET, Car. 17174% - jrxmo, One Bquare Below Union Depot, PITTSBURGH. /sr LIMO for PAIILBAISILIB. SCALE& SHEFFIELD STEEL WEILL SINGER, NIMIOK & CO BIM *HD CAST RIMEL eqUANI, Mt Le RIM U ALL lilA 11:15.1011:11AT, CE110[7.41. dAIIiI IND OTAMI Cllll SAW PLATES. .LLIPTIO AZD 81,mmiazi72,• RAILWAY SPRINGS, cast *ring steer, Last and German Plow Ailed, PLOW WISOd AND. MOW= PAPA. srnit69, AXLES AND STEML 111C1 0 ZISIrpagailnl i dAVL . LOP OLOW,ILkita, Wareliwaso, 8$ Water Si n FitiSrgh, iteLOLI , ATLAS woriss, JCIORTOX BTIZEZI . Rhin Warq, Pittsbagtre TEMILLS N.I2I3ILLEB, President. Tllege Work. am, mane the htlYll.t sad coat complete .41.01 lahracat 1a to. W•vt. and an awr praparea to tandali • • Suilnarof ETeriDes • . Boilers, Oil ianti; Iron Wort, Railroad Castinga,. Bolling BM 'Cal:tiny, angina Coalinga, 0.. Maeldna Fasting; General Casting% ORDERS SOLICITPJ) JOHN HONEY, HECLA . FOtMIIIY, Carson St., 9th Ward, near A. T. 11. It. H.e.mer Dies, Steel Mouldy 61a5 El utljlo.4B Cam may, IO BMILWOjiIt mom.. attended to. Or. Sad utlasetanty tea FORT PITT FOUNDRY. US nit mums HEAVY ORDNANCE, AL.T. labrD3 CAPTIOI3. 4 , ut t" ,...It t LINVAMINVEVY HlPinen LOOolled beetn.lT„ - As boVatort.. the e Pot •111 al ea need an Ode /0.14,1, • .11wetn . distesed or our old irtook, we are prepared, ISM SAM ASO I.III.PAORED PAMIRS. wthetmeted under the eaperrlslou of Xr etzerr, to turoun 9atL MAW - HM:I3 at Writ no =Cu noxieD c. Dwro,— Daum= Dowszat WIEVIVFOOD FOUNDRY. ollivo &DONNELLY Jobbing and Machinery Callan , Light or boar:. - of tither Malleable . Cal /zoo. or an ostLegna. alt. and styles, gaited SO eeal7 ParOofte. load• to order. - - °Mee, 230 Libe.7o Street, =I Itiesd=o7 of MaslaßolldLoi.) lUQUESNE IRON AND STEELWORKS. ImarAsr;RAnz a co., itaxmr.tervaiu 0.7 . Iron, Nsfla, Spying% &slat s massif. Ennuis ass LE.trzszsota, 41E6. 77 - 'Twisty= ..Frltreot PrITEIBVIVIM. Tlf BTOWE WOHR& AL BILIDLEY 8 CO. Itsaufaztatil 111,47 ittteW el Cook Parlor and beating Slaves, Amead. realak meth* a3le brated Twiny and TALLMAN (Closl Marna rO• sues). and lEUVISIDES (WOW Gook Also umutflat'are GgATEX, (MAIM =OATS, .its. • pea and WarobOuso.4orter of ay., Iva aad Wm a Janos. ettcstmrah. anvann o. &wand laltna la.elk Et 13W.A.11 7E. B. WOLF. lE., &CO., =ALM XIX Hardware 45:0 - atl•pry. nenv receiving large • r Mayas toyer eteel Trbfist, Is °Scrod I Dealer. at - • • - • 32 . 3RXCa11116 Corner Liberty and St. Clair Ste., -marl Pittsi7aara~► • pa. Wu; 1•103X11. VILLLEI BTOVE worms. • ALLEN. PA'KEE & CO.. Mee arid Wrboure, 301 1.111.6817 VAL 3 :l2llll . 2 n itiM t ia '&72'1 1 / 4 4' 7 . 2 _ L I mblets •ro the celebrated Allogbend and nool•so Coal Cootie; Blom: oleo, the AbtOcrea and deralbel for war or wood, and the vortrallod btu or the Clartre• for 000 0 . al.S . ,Arb l o l , 000 c.. Wordere. dam. 11.ettlar;Dog oa• arm Hollow , t MUD it. 11.1111111/1...............41911C5D SZIMIZI JARED EL BUOBO et aon, Mears Boilers, 011. tltDin, Tanks Skeet Iron Works, ace. 01 Penn' BC., Pittsburgh, Pa. CENTRAL [FOUNDRY Arm leo* iTonilis, BEIO 3Pesaza lertreert. BOLLMAN, BOYD £ 'lmam WWI Bab. NM Outten. 801 l Lather. alt. THOS. CARLIN. num VW NADU ADJ lACILIS TO r 9 t.9 , MertNnPutan c iii& aubuLti tuaTututi. tuna ventuum, rut. law kault a malt 12•11.4.Xt0021 nat. 4. order briall LoidairS:f al= PITTSBURIM IRON WORKS. J. PAINTER & luarosicrersures os Iron, nabliet, Tub and Trunk . HOOPS AND EMMET% ,:••w•• , IRON CI FY rnii.L.s. =GEMS & BUR al; s -4 MarxAetarm of astised,Obarosalaitaista Pena 1.1111:612trZ =MOW. ON:4,ArDW.aa oast. O. sie VABSZ. NANUFACTN ELERN Al GARRISON Pittsburgh Foundry, XSXUTSCTVU Sn SLIP OX XXXII GR&TE FRONTS a, FENDERS, Furnace and Oven Frames .A. 23. a 3:3CoCorEi; FURNACE BARS, Cooking and Heating &tows. 1% 0111./11. Sr Oaten and Warettonte, No. 209 Liberty gtreet GRAFF, BIERS & CO.; ELVIIITACTUREIpu Bar, Hoop and Sheet Iron, WROUGHT MOH ILOS MD ÜBE re &AM, 1448,1 C . OIL WELL TUBING, Mee; No. 98 Water Street, PITTSBURGH. PA. FORT BOHM, STIMI AN!) TANK wc~s Yi' i~3. CMMEOLL e.. craimqa, CE=I TIBILILAIL DODBLE•YLUED, TUBULAR EDULBOXS CYLINDER STZA.IIZOILESSi OIL STILLS AND OIL MANES, DOWNEY% sr.szbrruza AND ABU ?Ails SZTTLIN PANS, D SALT rez a AND CON.. STK= PIPES, GASOISE,SERS, ANDIRON BRIDGES, muscat Doosa:6l4o cola, SHUTE& • OMB* hdWortsrata•?Se+osd.TWil. ' Alhort'lnad Liberty titrs•La. Pitisburgh; Teriraylvania. arctrders Atm' to IlLs above ald.rsu 10.11 b• Dromptly attended =VMS KENSHIGTON EON WORKS. LLOYD & staararaCrerlana a, Best Osamu), Raked Charcoal .1.011 J "ata,l3 loorn. Iron. ME Bait. HOUND a Mil/kill-WM Hoop. BARD T 1114 m. BOLLZIEri.tht,a , EI raIY.KT IKON. XOWKEI sae Ii At BA Itt.- CYLINDER 1330 0118111) 01: 71.14uza SKALL T BAIL& Zu And 10.10 IQ 1 1 , 1•*.e. WWI) WIT CHAIM! and OPIN.T3 14±.. COAL FLAT PLUM, CICTIEI2:I Punetrad sad Ovnaercoal . : _IVON: BAILS .O.ISI•ISAN. Warebacme Mee at the Wertz. OtTEIIII L 7.. contthatialou of Flnt W.A.) ad. EginlyX tbe Mr, o.t wart, PI. o , llret Gum Bt ACE . STEEL WORKS. PARR, BROTHER St ItrANcorAcrooros or ALL Dzicosrrsoos Or .Ocoee and Warebougo, 10. 1139, 124 Mee. Ond and 119 &12.111zst Street', FITI^IIII2GH pITTSIIIIIII67IRTEELV9OOIIB, ANDERSO,N, COOK & Co., • (517Ct1Z5E083 2O JOSYS, LOTD*CI)..I Maanfiketurers UM., Dent REFINED CAST STEELi dune, flat and Ontuon,of MI fi. n; Bow /LT aloe. Port and dhett Cost 19!ael; Out . REAPING AND MOWING MACHINES, • STEEL PLOW WINOS. SPRINGS AXLES, 0111o0LAIZS, Re., do. Cast! and C0111.910U Plow & qrtt4 Steel. tot=iAltroitailroie r . "". "r°, tott:d RUGS X. 110.—....—..........."-:«11=4191012. I 1 UBTI ULIVOfrLS. HUGH. M. DOLE I, CO., rou.rmens, e Builders ana Machinists lEakt°order Elwin Ea 4 Laud /helm Unities Of all plat. vvErrassetl ' to Elva aatistaCtloo. /or C•O7 deverltaloa. made tO OrJei ITlatEd DOLE. rorema Yechlne 5. 0 D. Cor. roint Allij & I.) , Ane. rOunazy.llol. 82 tau 84 Thtrd tirsat. PTIT3/1172611. BERLIN FOUNDRY.. i PRICE & SIX 4 • OrrlCa AD 'AURAE:musk . N 0.29 Wood ditreat atinktictize skit keep konlnaatiy on Lama Thimble, /Attu S Pipe Boxes, PAWS BOXILIi DOG MUM 31f01,14. arrn.r.s. ina.Low wium. Pad easUnks likkarkDY. • • .04:',4 MONT BLANC FOUNDRY. Butler Street, Ninth Ward. : =MO= UNION 1! W:: YUMA 31. TI"IVIRMS 1 17.3riLerN2C • Rolling Mill and Bridge Ceilings. .tiumite BEER! i5ll Pill lOUS, Anahlettery .and Coullatzte anntetrallyt ttranzi ynmaytly and emently ====. 08.1.14:1E3 sacazobr2sLm. EIIIMIT fr. MACILLIND., °awn., cgosomir w..kira, WORKS. LSE, miff & PARKIN, . a, or • BEST QUALM CAST STEEL t . .120..t.te nn , . a ate Ms, t, ski elipter Imported