GLELANINGE • " ywu hung in BC Loafs last week. ' The police foroe of Paris is to be in - creased. - t Obanfrau is to play "Sam" to-night in boahrrille. •-t On di; that Marshal O'Donnell was . assasainaled. . The :Mahn/Iga Opera Troupe is play ing in Boston. Neal Dow is to bare s pubfic reception from the Hob. . • The mother of the desperado Oortimu died last month. . John O. Saxe translates Era &eche. -Bully for Benching. Hops and munberries are becoming staples in Wisconain. . ") The consumption of the luny is what is killing Beresowski. A French troupe I. operating to pay by :houses in New Orleans. A newspaper in North Carolina has I been put up to be rained for. The Cordervatire Convention in North Carolina has been postponed. Don Jain, Byrdn's Don, has been '• translated Into German by a nun. A bride in St. Lodi last week had a trail fifteen feat long to her draw A lawyer in Eau Claire, 'Whunonsin, la blessed with the name of 'Enna Angel. Thirty theatres amuse - London, Es. traordinary fortune those theatres hare. Poor Fernando Wood didn't come back - bow 'Europe as )tayor of New York, Hrs. D'Laaell is very sick, and Mr. thinks Ditt.raili. too bad.-21: Y. Now. Wby la the Ohio river like a part in rausixt Because it is io.lo.—Zonienals Democrat. The Empres Enemata is to be godmoth er to an expected royal highness of Austria. The Parts Temps thinks thit Liszt should be made Pope with the title of PL nlno. The Connecticut river is to be stocked with trout. The srawn of 40,000 flah has already been procured. A philosopher has discovered that men are willing - to be overestimated - by all ether men lave tax collectors. Victor Hugo has made peace.with his wife, a fact which his boats of readers and lovers will rejoice to hear. Petroleum wells are. . being sunk in Anna, and Anemone are working theta with a sort of Allelic success. California State convicts spend their time in gambling. Healthy Institute for bettering of the morals that must be. _ Walt Whitman deardaeth American poets. The lack of admiration Is about as muttal as things are now-adays. Dan Bryant has gone back to burnt cork to flan Fronde:ln, where he gets 0100 per night for the condescension. An exchange has • correspondent who haa shot a jay and wants to know if he ' should send him to. the Geed letter of. flee. An exchange gives under Items .of News "Hackett a playing Falstaff." if that is news where do you get your olds? ' TheLouirrille Courier says that the matrimonial epidemic in that section is • only precedented by the increase in pop- Wawa. • New Albany boasts of having the handsomest court house, school house and private residauce in the Suite of In— Wane, Dickens bis refused to go to Chicago ;'• because Chicago only offered the poor man - two thousand'dollars fn atingle • lecturp. Sheriff Orcult, of Kalamazoo, who wu shot by rioters, is supposed to be in a hopeless.condltion. . He was shot in the breast. Madame La Princess° de Miramon, . , widow of the Lite Mexlean General, hu arrived in Prance , where ..she will re ,‘ • side with her fainly. • 1.. Be,. Norman McCleod, the editor of Good Words, has been sent by the Church of Bcotland to India to inquire into MU 'S-• sioaary operations in the Kist. • Gen. Phelps, of Vermont, says that he his • copy of the first book issued in America—a dictionary of Aztec, pub .' Eshed in be City of Mexico A. D. 1571. • •• Bnow was ten inches deep at Mai •••• guano on the 10th alt. Mining opera. • . Gone are being carried on with unusual vigor and will be • extended during the • winter. • • A few days before Thanksgiving day we noticed a curious ethnological event. all the turkeys were =shin' to lave their lives. Thls might be an Interesting hint to the Czar. - The Commercial Hospital In. Cindn nail is fast approaching completion. The - Enquire+ says it Is one of those • ' solid structures destined to outlive Nev . end generations. • The oflicers of- the Michigan National Bank of Kalamazoo presented Mr. Ed ward J. P 1 'helps, their teller, with 100 and some ♦eloahle silTerwere, on the occssion.of his wedding recently. Elturtirck got:drunk in 3Mwankce re. neatly. Bismarck is a co u sin, wat least be eep, of the gentleman In Bann who has Invented the 'new color, • a number of other new paper co thingalately. = Prussia has made new and improved contracts for the curling ,of the mail i' with the two old lines of German-Amer r, wan stemma. .Especlal provision is made to , facilitate the tnuuunission of samples of merchandise by mail. Shale, a Harvard law student, walked through run and mud from Boa ton to Harlem Bridge, a distance of 215 miles, in four asp, thirteen hours;and %bitty minister. Three of his compatt -7 to ne started with him but failed by the . i Borne girls base been seized in the 7 streets at Utica and bad their hair eat i. off. We saw at thb Fair Friday night Ia young girl , whose Mar . fell off without any apparent mating:. It these hear miters are about, the pollee should put a atop to them. A German in Quincy, lIL , has a blood mark on his cheek which is in the shape of a_ perfect deer, in the act of leaping I•nd as fine in outline and execution as it done by a practiced &WM. We envy Lim, for the perfect dears *icy rarely mark oar cheeks. . • . A Ban Pane/ran paper, with patent telescopic attachment eyes, looks forward to tbe time when California grapes will be sold in the Atlantic Slates for tire cent. &Pound. We don't •look forward io the time when anything lent be sold at that price here. ; After a little reflection we have come ; to the conclusion that the last words of the poet Hillock were not practical, as it is aliened, but pocAic In the .4/ghat degree. Psfitilooni are not considered giecesney by ns for the next world, and ; who but a poit could imagine an angel in pantaloons fit companion for the same echesial belngs in petticoats; A hector Neill bu written a letter to the English Government in - which he • eunnierates things to be avoided by the I English soldiers. Some of them are: Small pink heided die,, Poisonous hen , at, blpoopoilml. serpents and pole.csts. ]fang of these we think, even an Eng. lishnian, would have sense enough to *Told withontbeing told, and those srldch are not self-erldeoitly dangercras, will, in all probability, ho avoided only after ex perience has taught caution, Several_ of oar exchanges, a Boston one among them, are so exuberant over what they comically call the great re. sedan that they have to, wreaks little of their superfluous vengeance on our late great President, a flan whom, when t h e y thought public opt Mon leaned to decency,.' they did not Ws to malign. 13ot - flow, misled by a fancied leaning or the people to the other eide. They pour out the lately dammed up floods of ri baldry upon the memory of the late Ile um of their former bneeneu. WrilnODOß. A COLD. OR A o ter SitROAT nequlr . slattkodlate sc. itd shawl(L elkoetod • SC olloweol Irritation of the Lone* • Portia . uotoot Lhoottoo, or Coirtripttom. IS of the renal. BROWANI BRONCHIAL TROCHES Harbin a Must Inflames to ins guts, Mtn im• I.alata 'W.f. • For Eiroughttin /Mtn' entomb. Consumptive ond Thorla Insenieu Imam me esul vlie slums g Men.. ilste. and Pu a lilic greakars 1M tc. Orisie . :ifify"NitalsrS Botescninn T 101.: nann• sad ao no; tag. ot WOMlllang Minim nine A.M., be Wand. titan Iglistirakm. toll:481. • , C .. . .1 , , I. I.OUNTENSECIof Una* ei • • y.outroz. or olorrrtrOs of lb. Modal.. • • ...a df mrojg,tll: prosier , ar k erwo ! r ono 01l dimuss onrito blad4orr deal orrollbrer r tin HiLIC1110"'n1, LP= g NIICXII. lostatw. :•• ,•. • maractuertr...4 Ls a MUIR earo for dlSsasai of ilto IILADDRR. DROPST. uninir/LAR ORSIZItaL At i lt t i ARA all ellsoos •or um Melba oxliakUly.."7""3l. plf,l OR PRISALT, Proz wltalarar torso orulaoung. soo to mu "' ' • 7 • ROW Lams manilla. Disrupt of Ouse orgorts moires tbo odor • ret dlolo. Ir ao outmost Is submit to. Doososop , lon or moats, mare..... oar MU sod Blood are PappOrlPl Dom year aosturs, tud ats 11311. TR AND RA.Myrarat to , Mat or, Puurlty, dsputis opoa prompt ono or a ratable nasty, • RiLILROLD'S ZX MOOT Boca% oinrardo .ot L Tuts. Primed by U. T. lIIDADOLD. Druggist, fOlitri i retk iiir:r Y ad t P.. • Bahl try PI Drarinsu. “:1710.17 t0EL1N11101.2199 CONCIEN. TRATILD =TRACT PUCIIII 1 Um ... t . Omar Inane. HursoraPa COl/11:1111111IAT101 IEZ 01 / 1 1.1U1ILLA 10 no Oren Bleed ra nter. Both are prepared 1.0001111111 to =lot al ra nter. add Cbaurnry. arid art laa manor Wye to r turbo made. . laid by Drunter., everywhere. p , p;v4 . o l 7).i•ilf.34o:l:FlTi) Pk&lears 51..r1.g Csvors..3 maw.. "Mess Elonesir Oom& Pim ..NtentWoods, Comm, rhaloaht Blesastag . Camas. IrksisaN “Nlitsillloosslng Clemniat A Med ettradle. &OM* atA Ttrirrint Pratexer pawtbr firri brerilfrl &ant 5m trOLA L i t its soma =EI PIIALON & BON, New York. Ascroz ~R ALOWS—TAIOI lio OT):Da : A D NNW • elr Mem. al title —. ' MC. " ' • lu I . l zoostaim is I ..etcaTr . d il eo extrunr.. "'"*"" , ppleuanZ.l _ Or. Immediate ta I Jr. .11 1.1.2110. propmi.j. taftlnirl _ . IarWAL BARNHILL C 0. ,& BOILER MAKERS ,1:1: IRON We : : 23: 1110 r, 20, 22, St and 22Pann BL Having world • Ism yard sad forn011•4 11 W 1 1 the 1 .00 sPlowooo akaohlaorn vs an Dn. pored lb maalasetoro err desarlpt/oa of See m area the hoot moaner, usd irsioaated ocool to say =sae .ta the ootatrf. COboxon. taa.liro Bodo. Stem rms. 'foommottoo /10/1- Oondamors. Boit Pons. Talk/. 011 KUL. loltosors, aselllas Pon& Bolin boy 1110011. Bum nos, sod kg. maaaD.ttten of HUE / BOILII3OI. doni oa tb stioraa 'atlas. 1.11001 wfraa.7:_elibi.CEloons:Pyrt.usivut rh.ek."l°"Deati" . 4 , 4 mas 7 alarain let b Inbadmod to ea ~' • iwßrnßa; arr ammo ante acmarsoz. MEE/ It Mums; WASHINGTON WORKS, hind Walsall Noeanent.alttalwroy Kaliatsatattan Saaf laguy MO:Lau. Blurt /1123t00n. SW *seldom, 9..r. 1.3 111oftlos. Cutup a all •Luorllllo.4loll Tuts aid Btllls, Dollar and Met lee. WM. Mon N 0.12 =ran last .on RW1314 , 131% /3/ . 4oata tor 4113713.1141 ?Aria? 13. 130103 fbr. roan.. boiler. .atitell • .:1 •., • , , f i fICRIT Ls Nessus , tast" and =Mats Is Its actloit i'd*" 9"9"ti"' FirIARE SUPEMOR COPPER MILL a SMEITINEWORKS PARS. hictetlßDY & If.oaafloturm of IttatUklag Efteglon• Ll:Aloft s Tr d 001 , pitr . Ba A leates, W. 4 OW Nal. Ira Val•Nrrilhata, =Wet faa. Oov i =l au Loa illotres• Maatituos p2vjg azouNlrbiAtrprialL V, itz " a orders of Cm.. sat to &ay fodzot tem MYTHZIIII4ief I CATZ CONIWITTrrmIn. et troth am*, HscaritoUe. Bran. Is pi!Mritr. REALIN9 POOL. AND HOIMZ 07 7111107. ua Z IO W 17708 , 14 NOB yo uu.firs t*eletiVeereelyb". 1118145" p iti mi Arz , A wed awls We. ranee. Deutz waled Letter le It " Add" "...„, . ...2 D.- fra WeliadllAdd. • , . , • A BINS.d LIZZAPII ILTJIIDICO for MACY A. SCOTT. DENTIST, • .Are. 218 PE. w STREET, adalmlit ?MUTT GE tr.; • l• F. 7 • I „ri . • :it! 11 ' 0 ert - (heap Soap!Good Soap ZAUOJA =MD SAPONIFIER! CM 8 a Avg ffielaTi Boat TWILIT POUNDS OF SOFT SOAP FOR ONE MIL *ay Plait can Mks thin Ora =I ALL Vim' OF SOAP. (la Emil 2. LIM In; e. Cu. a) Coffee. Ls Comatrated Lr Ear =ldyl Soap, Jost dlaavieri fa 1122211MA11D, nr TUB Llano MAI sad Is compoied isolnly of Alumbats of Sods, whieb, whoa mixed with *IF mx rat, Radom the BEST DETERSIVE SOAP Dr TIM WORLD. Hos will zooko 175 i good eon Sago, he ordiral4mi b tapozior Raid &.p. istalia ball Drugliti and Chasm' In Oa Malted Ditty. Mr MILL MTN LiCII wz • Donbas am obtala el itirliaNsaile Many ssei esztatidag 411 limos* at allwal Allaimust. id the .ifsialreaSl eresors eat Ihnis ala low= sag autos d Ma 'Waal Mato. L3/4... =non nniesoir. Goma Aser4 PECTIERIZik /MIX CoLOATE ic COOS GElLbLiti &C O . CR EVE SOAP % . 4 ‹ ismasmnekusa from Poi eh, y • In .11 drertra. ". vejaii 815,000 TO LOAN, os soars AXD Mos:mum az. spratrzegiv. 1/..llllllflai s u l Stmt. SW Mato bought sad Doi& MI BARRED FLANNEL; Tap WELL KNOWN 1L:30.A., NINTIN43I. BARRED FIANNEL, In Black and Bed, I=l BLACK AND WRITE. .1441.1.1.01-113 AT MANUFACTURERS PRICES MUM, DICKSON & CO., 54 Wood Street. =ZI GOODS SOD THE HOLIDAIS, M. BERCUELD & CO' YO J 5 Di LAM'S. wort!! CIALIOO . B. worth If& for 12:1; 'turas= ALL SPOOL. Isarthal for 716. Do. do. lull tar ILL HEM STITCHED HANDY S& Huss. ZUBROIDIBED - do. do. -PLAIN AND PANG? ELLAIL PAIPILLY BOIDIAID saiwz.l. easav~er eaiwcl. SCAM & att.. ite. Itammaiber they d.r de. If MULINEXT rrazsr. GOODS AND PRICES TO BITIT NICOL CLYDE & CO., 78 a so mum entorr, n • . • Woold broil:a atteaLlon atlas - pu blic to thehr Ws. ock Ladles' Word Shawls: Ladlea• sod Chtittrws WO4I r; - Lianas , and Moue Balenorat Irta: • Chddledes Wool *Lit.; Wool Loggias: • • Wool Wrlsthaa or all rotor.. We also or. for ale owe of tp Attest and nheanan lota or • Ladles!, GUN aid Nis Cleves, Clad. Kellam. Ink. 4 We have atm to .tat the moat et mum& or Oeat.s Merino and pat Coale: and 00 , 1110 • Idrts moo Draworst more 1 savanna aolrui alt Uso teat s lota mesa atm also. a Wire Met Wont Inotaraeoloos. • sztesoid 1 / 1 1 imam= U m Up, Lase Er.dx . , BUsenod Headlarebb ft, M. • Inas Mkt Time, for 9.41.. as. Jobbers se vial a. avian bays= rift do wel to loot one oar Moak. ea In are able e1..11 tb tam of the most failibliaaa. , DDDDD 00. dsll :lase la Markel mast. 1867. FALL TR"L 1867. ARBUTHNOT, SHANNON It INL, Wallah! Dealers In DRY Pt Woos waszsr, atm ad Loan wins Dram Goa.. data. innabnon' Clank. -Jean. Tweeds. dawn. dale ea. I.t M. Coestaann.. rAir"""taarad:ri"lllno_ii Dad efts/I Sad% arra Slanneu..a " a%•%1 ad boss wayward We as ants 14/12- PORT IlienllND FIANSICE" ctalti 1 1 / 1 2111I)f.s, dna amity of dm :Wan.. a 0501 Maw. arm Ilaa la AU 4••• DIMEMIII.II. Jaw- •Invited to asd eFamise ' on out eners. =ffil ....._R. GENT'S lINDEUWEAR: 1.11D11:15, IDIEDLIIWZAH, X 1118.121. lINDXIIWZAR, BOLO. TINDKRWILL caumumps umurawitia, • eoaylete us. •t 21 1LN. AiL ,WOot. AND IMMO, At mice. as Rol; ma Were the was. ■mam a minut i a, • I=3 • KILOVZ.ITZITSG" OOZDZT • GiNUIBT siesoe CO =WAIT :air twapta • Amman:D/13.w woavomur XIDS. NUT m'iof Taming Juicvnaw N MAIM= & CARL' 19 Fifth inmost AT EITOXPA, MlTltla hilt!. ZLW 1101i11.11T AlfD 61L09118: I Mt ZOO WOOD JIIVILIT; lihvat dargalaa la wodzsar :Assn: ,7171/VM copincanaFs. cputdiecturauces & co., M WflffiClan 044.) wituucaus Dimas* 11l IDIEMI MFR DOMESTIC DIYODOIS Lk.% wean wain% !We bow *bins Dulsom we I rlTTSlarglia. MAccie PEIIIIIII.VANIA B. a. !AIM rurtopiLlOaro.4o74 usr. 0174%.."2 1 .7" 1.111" 4 1.* " 0 " 7 MI alit day Of Yros .... Oftegto==. VOW . Oolsreivolt Ulan% 11•14 i as tuair's•Ton " llliiru " • "" 41 6" •t. of T fres. womAroclagoo oo L'. O 4 ' 11 "" 'ngtagrar:iit"'"uVr44l22:34ll - tobthhouLt r eillllV4pt IosILS 11 , 4 coovoolow co NW matort of 00../der. polfo•Istor 1100. __l•rop4o4 111 0 • 41 441•244150 JOHN IL YEN rigltgt atilea:"'"'"" STOVES z STOVES FIEDEIIICK SCHULZE, • .oepptr, Via sad limit Iran !Faro, Mail' Clthrf. COOklmr • Parlor awl Ifinting awn. irendm, iirittaasa sae fn.* Wwt, 11 7=1 1 .1 5 dItea r rs 11% nut:atail aebblas aDd PraniPUT winum— nusnEl.s CHOICE No.'l SPRING WH EAT, Awnin g sad Ow we by DAffiCL 'WALLACII, • SULlbatv min* BABB & =I 411.11UAPZIMMI • • 7111112 ABSOCI/MONIIIVILDIWEI M• •Of CLAIM erratirr rarrs etr 1.114.• • nom. es Bposlst atuennoa theelo the • • • dl ••• NOTICE Is hereby given oVirkril INLittrujil e ttr i za d. JArta MARE - immix WkLITIII Admlplan =I ........ . lODGIMGII.—Two ries •• • Die Mllinlimea cut obtain 111.7 =MO _.!.!: 1 t :21,144:41114:a,L, glia ali4 OWA. U i v ; 20 " 0 ' iljulacimiL . r, ALLEM! , BM •dmrn walk boas she H v, 4 Areal r Su- Aruba Brig..Ms SALE-HEAL EST FIRSALE me best Farm I alrgald tosualp. Weetermuited Ma% ttio Ant ° Yreer e it - aimed. at Beam Macro. The brannueramle •re •large hoed lo hame quer.e. Mtn nitro rooms, good outer; bus, ohm. Mt. M e nest of sta. WpLimy~~ Two apple and oat =se rif mil on; the femora. ~.14%. rehaed. Ty whole farm,. ab Ms Vida „. .alsl ' r Lit:err iva gour ... . , : t hire o ost.... apri tlagrorr . . ut, Thi s %l untrrogr ." - Licari.= or MI sells la Ten tomash na ly, Wartmdvealorelead mum, ue. u.. f Int.esta sir= oat f dwelling houses. I. them I =ries, M. ether story. with truant s, oraar•Mth egret-ate Me= dematil 200,2 Onus, 'pug =chard elsrafted •.; nay are with culahle,MM rc era subsoil. with lust allies env vita= one hurtled reds or the hallrosd; allies met elfUtalleflEind three WM. met e mnu_bqzr. 'nu vesi. Aber. ri.fi4A,ggnal tr'"4ll3.MMe Tka gAMO. OUT 02 Derry tOreaehl.AWUtaurn ralfralare' sta VeVetreo ffi ltaUeas egtt l ig rt. B. The lialirumnents are • lam =Ma eigNif rogue erad . iriotatibulla=g; argot, t om es. bolas at. and all the arorturiry artames. sad • rearm of choke trait tres The weals trut Li tutdulabl II • els toot vela of goal. aur olattred. tad ea abudsace of 11m* Thle arum, will he soldrury 1.1 wiled formal, Lao. tag best Hotel la Me Bertorgh oiled las, the .r. g r Out of lulls. comm.. FL Th. re LitlL: gerr..l.l4l. ° VA2?l,o%.l 4 . situated. theocrat, of Philadelphia ud 027 mu Hams. ma • lot.. tts arc rut; eO4 on mull Prenalue la a frame house at 07 SO feet. acedY • toed bobs tag lower more sad 0.11 rout. about elem. shuns liable 50 barrio. la by 102 fbet. on Mik a l es• Wire frame stable, used. u a Livery stab!, 2na whole Step. thin IseanAlT been palette! sod npanet • pabieet iv%;.°ll, P.....l47l`uutTgla vt.,T;,„,hp;:hrtitl haft prise, to. m. Tide farm la ta Derry township, Westmoreland eguraty. , entail too mtg.., Latrobe. • stsclu on Ma Peons It. ; Iro seou of .0 eared mad, under goal recolne. the =Mu U gems la good same oak. blue eat, a °kern black walnut and boost timber. Tate Je • Mu rata shad la • high stare of =titivation, wilts rood aad omefortabm mlletnee, •• Irma holm of of. mum large bars. 110 17.2 Yd has goal sad = m u u ba aehe Um o w l hol m trc u a d l ma io=m llentariliml moan ot W. U. Tolima, noi Leal tstals Meat. lea saint, at. 5.000 ACRES OF VALUABLE Tliaber, Coal and Mineral Lands Situate op the Ilea of the reguaylvaala Cha• tral Rallrote r itroacabrla ocual7. within a abort dlstaxee of %roar. Ou a I;ontate i on Mho best qualrty o7lue elehttlinoes coal r4,.%"'i1: whola i t r drettla T t ' lre ' r r tf t, J:i Pit7e g gc7. igri t r i llltti m eglig el:: Mr. f=llll7lManig sod t wulutet bed Uttle lomat ofamare rt. lee rittro'f . t ellruVA VIM " oti coal, r:vtnl Pr OP lildlaY Plrtean ton. d Pot saa e ac e a UM etNuot or beneath the bed reel of the coal dawdle, ilee • valuable bed of Sr.. tore, whlth bye Oren :ntl d wad w h o . 1 4 :147 , eitmv. 0 .11. great i lcoarn of W r i fFelTne.. "l l lb eirtatill ' is a f t i " ttrii4orl og tuts tleabc.r , rebut manufactured tato lumbvr, either gut er rut, areurpansed. .1 here la a water t crow Pew 11111 eat Use extrema pert or the User, sad at the Sally° ed elthlatie Morelli as ghee lee. &team Paw 111111 reeent,7 onto ed and tll7llg tfalittratirra:um.,zhat-, usual larger aupplr could be retelly 101 l lithe hlw theta la amele rotra nag Umber on Ws property fee funeral each mllle. The leke , avegn•htli 0e the propetty an worth from MOM) to 4:41:0). There are two large maw alone built tor /otter proprletcrs la clausal learyls: large non hem, rwrd and soma% a tenements for workmen, lat h Stable; de. Them leada 6,1110 well adepts. to farming Purpeaer. tad under proper agnoulcural treat tutrtt motile yield good Prom. while tee, are" sr 7. l f ==rratv o porwe. 1i01.4724 t 00., berth nicer. =I 2,000,000 ACRE! HONE LIMN FOR SILL = Union Paella Railway Co ZU DIVIE/0111, L 71.4 tkas te.lla. of *ale maeL SLOG. to $ 00 Per Acre, ALI as • MIDIS OW rim MEMO Laud Omaja.toatr. TaLaka lama Or. CULL IL Liu. IdatP7. . adld• K. Lards. Mammy Vs Ifool VoQum. iosolOol• beans. at of HOOSES 3 HOMES: Uure.ol.oo7 add , Ulm t..7.460.7187i00.--..—••-m--•••••••• ^e" thk• th ree story Bak .............-..:••••• MO flees tares-64w 1ir15k......•.-...-... 7.000 Oa. three•.tun 6 as Ott Use %avatar, Brisk 1600 TiaS tar 0.04077 /rams, 1,1100 I MI, ros eats sr STEEL & WILSON. Brokers mut Zul Zgaia Agaa. Xe. 66 Emithlaki street.. EMI ASIUNOTON CO. FAWN. 11.331114.1.2,—• tract of 01 acmes. Of vette 7494 clewed, ea( the rettetteditt weaned emit W melte eak Umber. eltaetod ••• West 110d -1•41414a014, Want coltallara., sellaa mete of Wen •Issas&r. tad 3( e • lan• tram eatoraleet to utak. sad U seite ' t " V " T"feematt 01.0 100 004000, aim! rtabl• Lana vats balms; 04 orchard of 01400 4.04 of I'''SQoool%ratcrP9l"lrn'frverraelwl"".d. IMZEI . 1321 .1 , 411.1111 V. nrokeix la Block WI Zeal zeus.... Pocrta RMS. M=M FOR LILLE OR RENT. CHEAP— tha.s.2=4 Was. oa IG CleS: . thdliales, goodo . vebsthl V sad good for sal t . aslos. Also. sev . other Pulps, Is goad lthalltiss sad web to. provsd. width I 'M maul swath. Ks Sams. Also. tthd ths air Sa4 Suburbs. /tor Mika. parthailerf S yn s i szr w Menthe Semi% cogs moths the Oth.thdraL A COAL WORAS FOR SALE. ar 11,Cla baaltela daily. la -01.11..1,4mm:4 lamas. Aar* ham, Rath wag .alea, sad all th• amalaary W.** far a laza. Ousloom am! tammltsta opannton. Then Ye dal scram mf •.LGas or Um most mMutdo works 0 timitoommniml• now wilt ao vole tow sod mire tar. I t.jj &VA oo &tut.- req• e:• , ISE AND LOT FOR BALE.. ra "lota my. Inas Iteet... tw. tr ynw kidA:=6llll:la. Pirel V3.7ollStk Minh. Vyi:(ce): , :t;l:il!ii EIMAXCE-SIMISALIG.....•••-....42111, CAM RINGERILT & ohmea r er. to Ow. F.lfelintemaaa • 0864 PRACTICAL LITHOGRAPHER& itloaua guTITr''VAPI triatreZt Cuts. Maar a tabeLl4 "7nertartteCTlP ISVILI4I%. . 1 .111, JIM. TA luta T. st.. =Au. bush. ORS, A. Amu B r LIIMOGRAPEBB, oto POITRIVII IT.. *polio ■.llLiag Tfrg a ,a & t rologaVilt . eiliii.. " LZT TOBACCO. CIGARS. Bco. JOHN MEG RAW, lad Patin Maw la all cum of Tobacco, Snuff aad 4/5 .=.1. 31 :?....a.P•""...,,. • KILCKLUDB WOll.llll. R. & Wi JENKINION. mid dealers la Tobacco; Baal, Cigars, Pipes, Ix. valliit&L re Liamal% WarrMated 4•00•16 Asia or lowa so well u siglitore la Um Vo,loo. • DL HELL & CO., = ♦/do on hand sad ta . N x t ra m oVlll, 111.11DEM°.nonweritat..... S . 8. Billr4Nl SNOB= IX BONDS, STOOKS RJAL ESTATE, g. 'aura St. kitalko*VVEMl IliestlNlVltin4endotillatf.t!—d wd. .a •14 • r Fa. JAMES B. JONES,. DIALIa IN Scrap Iron, Light Iron, CAST /AD 1111 1SOCCIIIT IRO; aIIMPIO. aro. 0.1.7 lini:1111 p ar! L =HI 111 hr ve s iimanqtrAnizas FOR Wars Air Registers andYeatilitors. Mack or White lataatalatt, aquae or Ems& at ROSZLI, & C 0.% No. ass WM= ff. = PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE : MONDAY. DECEMBER 9. 1867 , CARPETS AT COST PREPARATORY TOTAKING STOCK OIL CLOTHS, Window Shades, 3 ECCPX.a Cheap All• Wool Ingrai McCALLUM BROS., a 6l SIRS Street: . abOVII Wood CHURCH CARPETS thin 74 the selectl44 clout stock we here mad Ta tower aseertalat. The mast eilleeoDelete Oestrus. The hexeleomeet Of all Qualines and Styles of , Oltolol CARPETS,. To be found la MI/ market, aod ofrared 0 all Oharal. and Danosalaattoaa as Eastern Wholesale Prices u rj . ...z4cisr °..t •gnat reduction nenn pLI T ITtit McCLINTOCK • & 'COMPANY, PIIMEI NEW FALL STOCK Z 23 CARPETS. .111cPABLAND & COLLINS °rime To oou3a Bursas BARGAINS AT RETAIL. Nos. i'l and 78-I'lllth Eitreat, ViST TO trEITID STATICS CUBTOY ROMIX. e= r =I preusn WOOLEN DRUGGETa, CRUMB CLOTHS, NEW rATTERNs, BRIGHT COthitS, EEST QUALITIES, LOW PRICES. NeFARLAND & COLLINS, mes'n a 72 w trim sr. Gann. ALL-WOOL ziran.azdr iNdIRPET/3 to bright °Non. asA Ceat# to ;Lill Dv 7 WI( OL =MS - AND 811.11 L. IIIaARLAND & COLLINS, ad, '7l •ND 73 riirrir-srazar. LytutaLE WIDTH English Tapestry BRUISE LS CARPETS. la prima Inikm., Jan obebed by MoLLELAND & COLLINS, a4n aim vs virtu arassr. COCOA MATTISON. AT 1111113/ ClTThurall• PHI AT WHOLTIALIC •IO lITTAIL. NoFAELLISM a COLLINS, D fI7IIIIIIITI2NT felt THIRD ARRIVAL-6F WINTER GOODS. Boys', boob's put atlldroa's Balls afoul Oreriosts. A len Rork at the 'mist prices. GRAY A: ',o6a % MO. 40 1114 04111.11111.41.11. Piaitrattk-iir.l6,-:12°" WiLWI. ANDERSON & WILSON, iterohant Tailors, DILLZMS ne GOMIS svanrantere GOOD/, us rum, mm, tar WHIR citurcrc.d. Ivplim.aolgrAtazarpgi Ultatlrs. r . 7haceooa L, ries OM 4•1117,11... MOWS .:41 ta. T"Dana MERCHANT TAILOR*. JONES Ec DUFF, NIA 3 ET. CLAIN 811111171 MeV i•• 4411141114 ITTANCUAVITION, e .o: l 4. l l.3 4 Tavalte.end brawn. • • !two J• • STAMP AND STENCIL CUTTER;. ' Bs. L•b•u r CM:ZU/14/1 / 1 112 V/WAdffirl l 2l4; V1TT1.4111, 1 1.-P °OEM ~/GYILIOVVi 13a2r3N&TtV•_ VOR VTND. 11.43141 • 101 N ALWGHHFr NY COUNTY 11.013 H0U•14 4 - Or Mitirri.territitigin isid°l7.;44' lrol .q. !red I.p. erection 01 Ow ••340.4•441- 11E. .0,. 1 7. 1% . 241 Ay sit 41 . A II emu.. Cp.. Wool nod /on rib•la., YU...4mb M.V.".41111. 4 - . 444 REMOVAL GREAT SALE AT COST! o ra la g" Em i l J.: m u t erf u ll n a Via saw traildiar d trztlzal :-.2.11182, OEMS.' oeill No.lo).4.lthaala nasal* In tan. IV CtIT azzaitrif"..l.ol aG ,ffnc.. t n 117 ° 4 1 1 -1 4t a h I b IiT I EZ IV: 1:2 oo 411: =is:, all 24 M ae il 7.:4 4 43frA 1 i: ft . # 22174 , 1 5. .11 I Do 41 fririettirAt °t ' nonthll BOW Comasmo.., SUPERIOR CO AL. C. CHIERRYA CO., ligelitn24l..rawolie s -07.:::tww,Y.U,17;`,714i11 14 14 4 "". ermszTs, Atizt,.7• aIIUSSEL&BIN. 111 , 111 MIER. Wan fwd& (Wu b. cansmllh and Dealer In Harder& 111rtt elm roam of all domeriptierns lawny. or 17.11:4,714.•11°.:.14.411,r.`"" as WASHINGTON EMU% Birst, art rdideql lola Smitr. We Wo ANDEIIIIOII4 Manufacture , of COUR Manta RTC n. and UnUttittla /RMII. ardor. dellve owt rica chbacclty, free • f.ab.lo. Wats at all duneelidem sf d t dad torn &ballad, °lumen =We.. ael Gr.ouum HJEATVE4I, 'CANBY MANUFACTURER, ____ "' .. k , m wa aro"o., 1111311SMIWAIra:Warn a. For a Short Time A Tery L duortmeat of N. ROWS & SONS 33 111111.1311808. Dumelts mad mul u ha ramte mad Clartimr. Challamtimas mmlita ma LI Um :mandrel WM= M the lIMMM Butes and Stocks, Bonds and Other Becaritko moon ion BOLD 01 ooixaoaol, ot ravoloslor ottaatloi paid to its parasol lad Palo SPEC.I.dfLTr. V. S. eettriti.eii, 'll.teltdl"B ll. d iklll S te OF ala : 111. 11. PTV= 11:640s, U. 4 038171 . 10.LTES OF INDtIITIDNILIS, Orders .ad Voudiantralat "Ueetad. Jaho B4VSTONE SAYINGS BANK, General. Banking Business Petroleum and its Products. PYrISBURSH .114 Bull4las dorasr arrlaques. Way a. Irwin at... I.6ILADICLPHIL OFYION—IST Wainut at, atdrow OaHaubam samba ant all paints Ix 114 Vilma I WX. lambus. fltatas.4 Casa.. Monday, November lath, Ins Aceonxits of Basta,. Bo4kors lad Masehaato latercnt Thas Devoid ts. NITED STATIII SECURITIES BItUCHT AND SOL , 1:120. T. VA DORT.N. Cubler. STATEnEwr or TOE UAL INTATE SAYINGS BANK, 93 the 31fl DA7 Or 0C3 . 01133. 1157, All3/711. ROmb sad Ittorlaage...—.. U. B. /S-3, Hostas, at par— •. • U. a. lal Baud*, at. —..• •" ono* ratan. Clash ' ESCOrD ?LOOS. Tata Ass.l4: .. EEN777:=0=00. 82"" ... LT3I(7 row LtabU1tte5...........—.:-.04.06 77 ggze n Ntgrat I . r. . Minn A. A. flanlllllll. Trauma, The nodardeaoo, Andlila. 00.1111ttaey Lava amnsafited boot a of ta0.13 sok. too Realla. lito . ter,.oo . oocatlttos. aaA ooaattgl *ha eaab.'s toragolar alatmeat eArtoef. - I. n clnar r t rIiZSIDICIVPLJAAA.graik r. S ZOSTEE6, ota Jo oa. T. ~ Move. ; Eon. J. IfOoffaaad , Isaac W.U.W. U. ores.", ; Palau!, Mamas, '2ltasolas To• 0117. W. P. Montt. a arosh.l Dopealt t RIX PSIul orr?Y (H 7 HablNppllo .I yaid Nrman, WALl7flrrr..ll7MTri tan, t also oa Wardsf ovvalats mat obtoet. .. akis °MOS. SS 'OUSTS irrazrr. Plitstrurell DOLLAR . . SAVINGS BANK, mro. U Feertb Street, . eIIatIeTEMIED DI 11356. . &WTI .511.2211..011 H. drZl== "" "" Vglrjarr. amain. Ist, from 7to it wale... an bon n* 7 = 1 4 hi all.aim o. Ito I wan.. is recelvad of au ma . aos ea Ihila aim Wit., amid a dividend or the neat. do. elated tales • near, to Jane and De ws.. La haa bees den.. emnat.aannally la Jam and Dfi mamba sum tho Bask oraitorasaand, . UN rue 67 an par iitaL • rm. lateatal. 11 tel awn oad, le nisei! to Oa credit or Um dene•ltor as priaelpm4.4 bean the rain Waned foam •it. arrt den of Jul .4 aieeesemn, compwadinii rake • year draws troobilm the dolma. to ma Up wininat , hit yaw boom. At Ulla nalankon.fUl dlile la loss thaa murk y... Hooka coo talaug L. Man.. lONA Rai. sad itegalalloas, laraiidnall MIL. oa id the Ono. F . ^ 3 • riu4aemlLsistmmlr e— e, r ur ese i . M. AltbW..o .. am. aim L A .r run. etok. oha a M . n I um L' . I samu . Dal. . tasatirraaseek. ..catutta. Twr.... we: J. e....derna!r!rtelgp. Lomb.. cam. —. .0 16 trJobs 17. 1 1r.i7. , Wt. Ulrard.irt `r. Abu* a. Cutter. r.r. R. Y OAIf 4 a „ igr yliztv . .a. Chati.M69lo... ir A mbilkuum .4, 4. Irs. IS Ale nagger retie 11. =77" . Walla. V allanaed lea. WM War. Immo D. Kelly. Was. P. WITIIM, aaLscrase—CRATCLIIS . OTLm. tactwrnair—.l•l4.X. 1). ItILIVI. Th WEISS% BAAL au. all Pirierth aired. +A ZOOS. as TIP Deptita Aar am reembrol bad Oas Dollar briptyL Dell4/1118 14141111111 41 11481124 huw Imam& ' DIMWIT DAILY. AT n,cromocii. President—THOMPSON SKILL. flee hesidelt—S. MUSHALL. • OW DIJIZ Oar a rgrA=. Alain& • - /teWelMHb •1112•11.. VP. - 01% OnVC. . Delia • riteitint - MAIM% 17: mammy SAVINGS BANK, 1111121sUrEnr, 41:174"3:i1ag0a. Sas 11154/11. ITOCILHOLDEIS lIDIVIDMILLLY MILE 0 .1.0 1 t. roeishid sod Mt FIR evokt. Isimmt Utlnnot U. Innalth WUCall.atinktles " Um .91=ZatanWttiy.: • It 11 4 1= Almadars Mom NOM .KIHM W. San* tr. •• 1v711.111r. & ZOO r I .'"`' 4, 0 'go El ii .4 '1 'g 2 ii i or. l' Mi. be 2-4,. 4 r-ii rw E o. aI wap 10=.111 W. B.A,Cciloll ALELUISZI 111-SW JACKSON ik -FREW Clineeenion to LORREErr • ram ) NAILXURJURTRILZIS AND DIALLERS 1/1 ' Banter, Eaddlery, Inas, ke.., 4 : I7III,II2 7I'iIItfIVILZITP47I Imprmumsa lr as &deb. b is 10,110. •t thew saw Priterals. • Milf • 3. 10 a Wood %titt l attiglr' Dm fin u "Vig: CITY' couxema . Ammer. SEATON & Local Collecting Agents, o. 3124,2r0urt75. tit. P. O. 8(.11. PLIIBBOBB. 2 ./ 1 111..1r :01 elescrlpilfens La. for *enemas :Z . l made •bee:1111111. ate not eaUsvted. Cs BUIS MID DRIED BERL wilt lava same amir ohoica B. C. Same iind Dried Beef %.Itslaor as. a lioadarlana l 2ol ot 81111•211111 • 00. NOM Car.... .4 hoars{.. .10.0. CLAIM... 4. Z. WATILIM.....D. 0. OAT illoN cur", HELP WORIES. CEO. 0; CLARK CO.. Eg=trar i zjizeges o lm in 3 r..ea.tbar , ..ll3ottisa. . Vasco um; #O9 Plumy " lll4 1001. -1 :c AND BAITEM OIL—WORKS& cold:rex-xi HART, CAGGHEY & CO„ EUREKA OIL WORKS, ifiaofOotulai Of Bankers and Brokers, CURER THIRD AND WOOD STREETS Eureka Carbon Oil rirrearz , ft, r. ,_ - tux oxima,,,,x. 0H 1 00138130113 TO Kffl ILLITA 00 4 3 XMAS= 171 Excliamp pan, Conpoioul, , aad Imrilst v a zildr to Ur oar. GOVERNMENT BONDS. AIBBT DBAT/909 LONDON. WINO No. 57 Narket Street, 293 Liberty 'Rivet PITTSMIRGH, PA, THIS BANK WILI;'OIMN • U Ma Ulf 11111011101311, 03 r !ZVI IT? 411141 AU. ft REMOVAL. • • JOHN R. CLIJLEY. JElouse aped Rlgn Pulsator, Has issavo. No. as INITHIPSIBLD ITlSibarit. Pa. toriv,l7 Osman. N. old Mod: =2EI MOIL? MCCORAN.t.)IINIDEII4 HOUSE 8101 AND onarstiv PLUM. MA AID OULU= LED °Lama • 114.116.0rerth siliti•MtLakeind.AUestllENn mr....t.txterjs .re c to order. Ntotvl. Srautir.:*vladoriasaart.4 .aanoutatlr on ,aptikue. I''t 211. J. DICK, No. 113 j AV blich 6;mt. Ilttsbolph. Pa ' rzOtilaits7l.4l4.4 ""e/ pry.paySStb .7"Dr011• al se. •attenteloi vrarrsated ..lo:lV:rmro . /71:77011. yOEST BUOTILICIIB, Boise carpenters and Builders. .41/1" Cs ofr thi taitthaV A ICSITC4 gaird a Ttlisbja. tad No. 1$ 1.1•81..5T., POOM Audi. ragannat, & FRANCItelii - * Et Barra s lAD WILDER& 441.2fArirgtO4.l4V s,g! 9 Ist Ell al la Uinta Bt. illede t r, S I , pa, alai' MI Z. H. JP.A.131170.11., BUM }balder and Car-pater. in.bierna N lipt raitiljrflit.S•LT Asa "U" ial I ag yD e abut sad H• • Piftg doie :nth nosineu - - Hoar= DIULDERS AND 11.6.{4.111 CARPENTERS. jl i T o Lt . 41:514 Awl 14,4185. promptly attend Pritar.iros t azem, to BZUbetell stmt. t.riTziy:ftypyir ) :4.* . ym Wane W. nonsscU, Confectionery and Bekery, .xo. 100 exmairaw'ruzirr. co•nox. twiyartir 4111PLAnIZIP OTITICE PA.LOON attubot SVNI/AT• 8 (woof. , cram ue.a. 192.4 t rounnir,B, a... lon cams. cosr 4 2% mAithelor,sulsuAya •• ina he,4 NO. is Drikbiiir. Nast Sperm Lubricating CHEMICAL LThriiiin t 014 Credo, sm■aa and UmbrianUna Onat Lard, sperm, gala and Fiala OM. R. C. NACELESN4Y,' Agent, 19 Irwin Street, PrITMI7IIIOEI WARING & ' OMEN IMAM An Petroleum and Hs Produets nataell's Block, anquesne Way, intimisTimat, PA. riniaumunta ADDIUI29II WARINC. KING . 111 g CO., 197 Vie:hkut Phu► H. M. LONG & CO., MANU/ACTllltaliti OIP ' 0110 MTH BORING 0 Brand— a lllMlTlV Ogee, Ns. 2 Duquesne Way, I TACK BROTHERS, COMMISSION BINNCIUNTS, LAD DROERata ii ILf AIED!XEOI/ EAGLE 0/L WORKS, . 3 E4mNoirrozLovii:,l.l3.4 ) ., WIDNTRIAN &ANDERSON, fiefloarn amid Dealora fa PETROLEUM. ovum sioosin non - . ouILNZHILIOf COM STUMM AND D1N1726911 WAY. a. a: Samais..c. a." tslisx..W. E. war: HEAD sow) OIL worms, 1 MADUACIIIIII sad Sava for all of! LUBRac.ari.rt e oit No. 117. CLUE irrsirr. . =Mut. Autrey a COAL. LOSS, &a. pnvits,vueu NA.TIOIVAL COAL & 00HE COMPANY, tal4la du m ri. sad dollars, wbolauda add rd• te BF T FAMILY COAL,. • NDT COAL AND BLACK eNFaup greI. b =7..IOI7ILTI:IASD TV) • u an d.» for &limy trk tiro alti. 07 " m er`B mr. gr—gelLltg.- BEST FAMILY COAL •T LOWEB!! =MT ItATEB, gr OSCAR F. LAIKIII & CO., est kit* unit Ni in v. a a Luny ALLANaI4III' CR ff. tokslathashdie Owl Unasked ai Qs lowan ratite. COAL! COALX! CO-ALM DICISON; STIWAIT & Nang' rsimmid War Cain to No. 807 unir4lTT STREET, cr.sey Mt, 1.10. mccomp Mx% Lre aa. propanea famla coon WISP. .NOT COAL OR NM/WAG /11111. lamist multi= leXt i llumtsli l MU. • 1 1/I " %anUmaded Irak OA R. ARMSTRONG toconxinnocatsmamaa Alitllitaasfacilarin 0•61,1111/611IN sada irenapaartsgmi coke 0//111 ASO TM/1X Omer id faller aisid llaissamt Snit yard on Lilo mein Tot C "n i:r th atii Waa l Ilea llasrattetm uppll•4 •ILb Of bre% eller. Oonl Ciiiks at um limits am order. at Grp of oltet yl misty. Mum*. L4404:1.:1 wan= pun. obuurra House. and Illmihante" 11, iN Gam 4111,1b011:11 tuppliklui Catladr.l.) Ile to altt. ' GILLIS CARDS goy & 1141118113, NOOSE 'ANO SION PAINTERS, AND fiLAXIMI3. la S 4 DIMOND. ♦LLSO,@IIZ. OaLCIMII• do .t. tI b. mum,. J. K. HAMILTON, Jr., House and Sign Painter, 1133 THOM SITABILT, Ptiltsberib. Lining, Glaibm and Gilding. srans =array.' . 11/1e44 ?Wait. Tarlabis. patty, ElLiu famtiTimmailne, Wlcte Lead, Zia*. bp. P. 11. I MlClttlosos..«.—...:-.../16 J. worscrax. Hutounsoura HEPBURN. WO NO ID - MEDD DMA OPALINZIM AND 6L11111031, Ile. U ?UM% Ay rat u*. Piltabinegh. ALI nem trt man' tramv att•ndedtn. • carpenter and Builder, 11 . sTEELE & SON. DCALZUM Lc FLOUR, PEED, 14124.11 Jr, And u Put COl.lOO. Pr 0.11., reuerally. 21,/, 95 OPUU /m A.I.LEfiEPNY CITY. - caraxi; EITCILAJIT, • COMMEE[ON REBOHANTB. doer, tram, Beetle, NM Feed, ict. **GLUM= =Ass:. lIENRY REA, Jr., FLOM, GRAIX, And Produce COMILEI9SI9II Merchant, 21/5 LIBERTY STREET =TIMBER& '4I6:TTS . ROBERT KNOX, , Jr., 0011EMS1110111 mizsosr, Aad dialall FLOOD. GRAIN AND PRODUCE. 412 LUSERTY ■T.. PI st•bransk. L . J. lIL 041rito, WHOLZIALL AND SZTAIL GI- FL tiz. 311 R. Pe 898 Penn Street Asa KPBANE & ANJEB AZ,11136, .. Coiesmiesion ./tertlitintsi bylaw, VLOIIIL 'GRA= aid Pitol7l*.* :=1,14.4.1%:44,4! abor. emithge F j ETZEBII Azuturrikozira, mune com;an, gum, Arr lb. rLiooiVlOnr. Gram Bao.fa,i:=Hatter. Head', Dried Mita. am !Value . RN "flgrd'aF"l"*raar of FM % Itannzab. Pa. MOM 111:11 pp KNOX & SON, Connahstoo .a.w. =ROB • .11.821fiukd Dealers Cs 17.471:11; GRAIN. X 11,1; YILTD and MIDUCIII ill Maxima. malt. eitYlhn. Ali.- goiny elm - lu 701! _..‘ _ TIAV. • • CRAWFORD,. - Com mis. Commis. oilEihtiEnti l it" irra f°8 I °' UX and (La y; Wareboes• MILE Olio. Noe. VAI and 2118 lITHSET. atarage Traalabed. Drogbenzeiats welletOd. • - - LITHE, - yrrax,BAIRD & PA TON, mole:ale Oronors. Connalsalon llnroLantq ril! cll4.lertinfinliu. "x t2431°,° Ce Corson 'Varna ma all Plitabargh =go roarralls IS and elagand aunt. Pittsburgb. - - I. surrxra—.l. a. IOPEMEn (Successoh to JA. to Itttymix , & AndervoLOWtolosolta I=o4 tltmst. &nat., &mould' &MM. 7.4lll=l=Mb'%ll,t.e 101Thr B. CANFIELD COS/IMAIN. o , don and Noroaltios Neicaut and 'Mole solo Halt. to Wort.= Bodorro Ohm, Not gi-I.4".4Con.ditteq4Driirl4llllerorgol lin u e . o b w r o n. , Nos. Hand ladlroat otOdot. RIDDLE,No. 183 Liberty Vt7.llll=hrte,;=?. e .,..".." .tIAI Pittsburgh toanalltatares. Cash navabeed , Ohbglgxusigat3, 004 isald Paothlo• glom. illy_ mot nOrilinul.axo 13011... w.. H. Haan, J_TORR J. ROUSE O. BROL, sae: case Ors 1 , 3-JOlrs t. ROVES 00,141101 Ole dram*wl Comalsaloa Merchants, en Air Ot tlasllhae a ld and Waltz stmts. rlStabfah g, CHOMAKEIR & LAM), Wh01e ..., isale dsalers LIE/marlin, 71dor. !rata. no_ data. PrOvlalollai Flab, 0h...., Balt, Carbon 01 , Nos. 111 In Wood LlCroal. sauLlbartmlltraol, Pluaboreb. 1%. aok.nal :WMltrron.' WILLAC. EHIPTON &WALLA( E. Whole ,,l.ergHbOgEAS AND rnonveg Vass/mut. Waal,. IV e7aNcy.T:l4Crip4l,lll JAYI44 CATUSMS ...... nnors, CAVANAGH & ' - • 10. 114 tnnatrr MUT, r tOppodus I1.» • . Flottl.) pute,u, nirmi& cis 8114111 Mill A. and Ilea P.m Airdrant.s. Ptaips, Lead Pip., 1 1 / 1 1.0.s Lait. Mat% Ws.6 masa,. tini HCOOs 04). Progoli .04 ...OSOO‘. .Itp.p moans. • Is Cr? &ad onsol. I. L. AIIimOrt..IIKISON N.C.Lrflar ATWOOD & 'ArLIFFRBY, BBLSB FOIRITIBBS, STEAM AND GIUS Cenor, 3rd sod Liberty Streets, #v t rit t Bard= ra i ta rbar k. 4414, =v . CU —.4 Smut attszata_l2 DLIIS Li UN IttOts weit .00 DR.,1414.0fyil staamr . tils. adnalkanW Waft/ Aseitifor A. &Cameron & co.'s STE"AII. P ETIVEPE BLOWER ENGINES. nese Pionne bisve..ntenlOnaanuttatt. overall oilteroLig. en., one L. wenant..l.o (No n.el. faelLoa. Punt. ealmallinl haze. fellinaie OM, r. C005ia...40.11LAT11“.;.... • • =XL // 11 COOPRIL a CO,, BRASS FOUNDERS, • • Bt:+ani and Gai Fitters, • . • itsaaractaras of MIMI AND 73 .14•0111381. of only doserlotlon: denim In 0111 /Li. SWUM. I.ND TUBIZIO. of WI Usu./ Corm et Pike and Ws!alit Street?, PITTSBURCH. PA. ROTEL& La i tinj;(110; 1 1 MEM ee Lo thfl r irt at tad !Int lizes:T u teraztt4t OLD 15T2111.1114, No. 314 Liberty Sticet. Ant Ant will tonttlee to Seto It In the heot stret 1111ANsUoli ovtr vas anasreo ot " Tt .2t " tireltieT '4l= Ve k l;ittVA Po! CDitwor: ............. Ibis I=zlzzaell.7; ar. dis g cleat. Coenteted oat the how, Vniendid list forCoootrts. Tamales a , Matta Demur t.aoikia board b . , day, yak or aboalb. vita or I•l.ltoaut rooms WAGNER & ZIESSLER. • • imrcr=3 .00101:14TED 011 , _THE LIIROPELI 'PUB ; JAMES HOTEL, . ; lie& 403 & 407 Liberty lit., • .7PPorta ai Uama Doc% PIT I SBI7WiIt. JAMES H. LABULIN, Prorietos TRU Come la ...!{,pout and Rd. adliely fat. aislird. and opißraillent to all it. Railroad. osir• 1 i:L11.3 41 : .',3ry '011=?L'11110.24.11.11 .0. ...taro, roar ronia ud pas 'or 0440 17141 UT ladpi . VA WA ' t day and zughi. Ball. and R ant anks supplied midi St the and rs=ll. • ST. LIMB SOT (talus inniurzAtx pus.s.l L Noi..fenn dr Ir.huatgiti.,' PITTIMONIGIII. PAL. J 23113 dOKNBON, ftprletor, Thu house bsi teen pm... 01y netted el ' w ir• roar ' U4 "" . .tu uuu is slow tu :4' 1.1 z 1 , 00 :{0 f= Dr. N. 17.• 33/LTESs VETERINARY BURGEOY,.-i. Ogle. end v4uotre to rear or Motive 'noir nag :imola . i tee Laver, 144 bole Insole or W/roo DlAlllo.lllD,rillaibr;Orr7y iPor.: lastdoeoe—in Polo Altollt.,Seeoltd Ward, ' Herten ettl.fnllr treaice for all ectrabledl. ea.*, and SathifaCtlull climate..., lif ligroin Ver,:AWA,a jitiA4M. it F __ L IIVMYD EL tif . 4 A'Afils, / ,' 3. I 'i it AT ALT 711 2, 4 1 ...It,' wilson'ilrothrri, orrerioo ' ego OW' Les, leolood, .I.lleitt (I, K. beel ,. .lireat a nO. rult=r vd.4.4r tzrarsrAipk: rdi!"4l`l.i,lr't,VlT,A4.ll = ; miatetay t . • •• • • paor4vi rapirrET, •1, VETER01111111:1 3 101114 Tbutr oit , itb.iAtrougkirAfrati . imit e i. titieV,Vartrairent pat cons% O( j e t ifals a iagS vet Meet. tretwoon Ohio Meet _OL Smitten a,aaaa. Cello. at tag latter AAA reeloanoe the fonnor nlaeu tlytelti Attention givenWY j."•llle,. melt 01114 and Invent', rots.: at te: Alan, =AL A. MUM" ..rd e....kkabTrirr, rl Iloea toriding to et tto r Mtg.:C.4cl by Demur:on. to ~,„u., PLANOB. )% cvii: i:iiii.-iii ira:iciAicit...xcr..av innab BALI BEITILEB. to • - •3:43a7r • VIM.% 110. 11 SLlChilir Et, pittaburgh DlLtili Ili ela,nces, 4:brgelans, Aaq /Fulfil Clues FuerAlit. ELLDBI 111 r. New York, &ad SCNIA.QI I / 4 I 00 ridladslptia. PIANug. HO A. • - LW. MST= 5'00.41 •• 001 . 7•010. D. /t E. 'W. - 81freaw IMES. azdT /LTUS . B.PATINT oEtta k. - nut bon n Itattia and etyma Vieux istiltata sl *wry in • KN tubs UNIIIITALLED -PI tith' - '9%P.°47 s ` kgst:i ttrr. r; 01b., Kw 144 k T 4 . 1 11. I rims aticu sana fibsol7 LIPS: Z. 1 _ OILIMPTri 111•II1174 Pitliftrtl4. Pat 4. 1 111 ALtil:ba="l4llZ" 7 4' „ CR. WIpTEEN INSIIRANCE: GO., 01 PIALRIVEiht,. • ma. P . LuE4Beig A z ' Niln ug' P " 4 "" AALer.,_ y ask titer-Lat. teem era *mt. a= , ,,i7.lhr e r t.a nwe., • Ott,* Wary witiras= f4t kinds uftetre the kr_t...hle go tw are4 . 6ll klatre L. meat-sin the, gerSeter watch thePraTee.".. ?Masa to ttegthest erenewup., to 11,6 m Dom. JObSi i. YOcvnw IL MM., Jr. Om. J. Clarke. Rirolkltet Ina.; /Loam, 41.11r1ay.. Ifblmp Parma, .Darl.l M. Loma, 11Pm.,NertIr.M. 5027 ~1 1.D A U L [YAW. Ilearrearr. BEN •Fit ABS LLIT INSURANCE I IN FININICLIN S/011 Ohio St., A = .. . . . Henry Zr....i Geo. N. Rid:e. &mon Dr.te. T ed D. 9.:. J. B. Pmltl, 19.11.15t4nran, Joseph Lan ex , I 1 - I_,, • • . , GEO. D. RlDDl.D.pectatary. KERRY IRWIN. PrealtieoL ocIN I pENASIMITANIA 'INSURANCE CUIICPANT. OF PITTSIWOOL PA. .. Mlle% al t SlNlist. past aloes. i nix h ralcale araisai. ar apurta aestar w. Tairarativra... F....... httMiti:T4i: DIM= 11: ertir"" 4 mvir .zta, a.°2:iJ Lip;,.."' iraitillt,,.• Aalk"' fitiTeilfk, ••• am... r iramituirrr I AGAINST LOSS BY FIBS. lIANKLIN INIORANCE COMPANY OP PHILADELPHIA. Moe: 426 sad 427 0 / 1 1287ta172 err. Near SM. MUM. Vi•-BULtaaral R 4 LOP". ' T OP , ..W.KM, Lam 54 atm , . Slreln . , - M - oms W. Itlcaasthl. a ' re Pats. '''. CHAS. 0. EIVC/EXIC, Ir.atde.t. wm. mistra V egilefi;"'*.p., gr. d ' .1. Get.npana COFFIN. Ages; i f - ELtahrl3 Rorth West sor. Third ii Wood atm, • "------- " A ILLE ' ---- ', 0. -- ALLEGHENT.EVSIIRANCF CO O/ rirreatatea.—eaus. o. pef ruts street Bank Bloat &maul ia Waft of Pio, sad Marls. ;OHM IRWIN as...F...ctflaat. C. U. J0.112f DON D. BroCNi4tIDICO, VlceParaldeas ~ becestary. 00t. WY. .123./..N. Sawa I 4 hit Irma. a • anes 11. Mdc4L UOl4 WV/. Inaz B . ti.lintrAm . ti t i r"'" ariZtts. Rol ./ Igt;g1 4 „ num ii.1;14034 inuicl....ilers,' OW. D. 31ctima TAEOPLE , B INS MANCE CO. £3D rm orrur, lk COIL ' .A NOMA COMPAIIIN ' - ' i SAADIO 1/BA LAD KAMM sum, I. "' na1...J.147, — arr. Li : , -d. .p.......,ka, .• Curiesimucle.. iltatitir . - ' Mtl x illi.r . 'MUD. VEnna NVA. giti i rdr, =kn. JOHN WATT. Wu rnalaaat. J w...."."" Lir %M . .:Oast ei.9 Aim sot. PICOniMCLONAL JOW! MccranEN,• Attorney -at-Law. UM% 72 IiIIANT ST.. Pittalnualt. Oolloctlairsrowsity atteadea ta. R . A. CAMERON, Attorney -at-Law, Na 88 Fink Street. R I BIDDLE ROBERTS. Attorney-at 7 Lair. axe', as awn. mum. arap.t.t atuawn rialto ense• 11 1,Ptef. m•111:•13 EVSTACE 8. nitumow, ALDERMAN. 11 x-01111cio,Xtualce of therosias, AND ?mica rAinwritArz. Ms, Is. 73 fesustsuis Ettsitrgh, Pa. rreloveled " ”isanatA wt nroirtneii alto telt.mtitli boa, morns or 'ME trams. ourvosir.o„ Baal itstate sad ammo. Amt. CIA.IIZioN num*, Zfl Blnalitkaa. 001 wed 1.41.1 es of likat• iv0L411454 won mn mill sno to. Witt H. B • . : • IMMO Or na PE4OE, . C , ONTZTAVOIR, as 0111.4 CARSON SITICit, neatly *omits the Bonny Dtot, Plttttratex. Eastern ow , trotted to Ids can itromptit attentell to. aty ITO ~ .~ PRACTICING PHYSICIAN ova sad seduhrei. No. 150 Grant St., near Gigt4 J. s „, rEasnuses, 4ttorney-at-Lar, Z01111,111117/11 tacOwnftecta. Prow Mut n. mcco vs, 87 Great Street. limas Menai= alloa to al alas, of 1.9 button. w. a. ill' vis, ArrOIRAIDN AT L%W b -N0:93 Diamond Street, mle;tl nrannentr. PAL: JOHN W. RIDDELL, ATTORNEY .AT LAW. °aim s ■R no Nolan= mixer. M2I PITTSEVEOH. PA. 6 INACiiiay, ATTORNET & SOUTIALLOR AT LAW No. 09 grant Street, prrrsinnitait, pA. =IMIE JOHN a. trillAlN. azazzpianar4famr. E2 o ollEtaloy .Mlles of the Peace AND kbLICZ 061:11.112 puea aI , oPioata Gabalra, mamm. pa. 1. 1 hittl=a i.721= Inth mainotems mud tthrastel. nvltal • • wILLIAdi JAILNCEIrj_ROTART tr i V 241 : 1 6T27.11 8 7.ANgt.1 ZA „,... C t riz a rkSivoe•lness, Limmatevtllo. — •• nmatone Dtzetuule Sad We V9111,4243 ,. ...p.7r4gart n t1a i gg • .. r .f ' 4 , 4 Of gd re41*44;1121e/ JOHN a 11ice081118,7,-, WORMY IND COONSEILOR I II aw. bTo. 87 Fifth- Street arrinutoms, Romig; ald Amin et P. 7 DU.Dtbr.ollactiAL imelza LIVERY•STABLEB : . MI4I,2ILABTIP LIMY AND SALE STABLE J. RICHOLSON. PROPRIETOR. Kw. at AND lle raise ,sr MO telnk.maaname 'liVe g ragean. s • r t'a, ?"- ' "%Mr ,ROBRIARD 1111 1 1t1IELL, Liver, and Sale Stable's, nemonsurs ainasze, OPMeiti I,6l3 wMallia /411tailit MIK& PITTSBURCH. • Staftriteralar. iitUatioa psl4l to . fusfshlag Beane .4 Ourfang for freafahn - 11ofsale mot At II wry. • CUM /WEER AND SCOURERS _ J. LANCE, Rot. ILI and 127 Third Street DYER JUM SCOURER, Straw Goods Cleaned or Dyer. “X o lg i :L.p . .44 Liwtar Mite dna C. a. risacirs *dui antgeourthasitibilibineht divaimoirD Eat itms!..ludemuultial. l o 2on 111 goods ketkrawl la Imo vraikk.kkaa k: D. cobleik 10 Wormer Mtn Math!. amino' - ANTIDIENTS. rar'NEW OPERA EleolUtiK. WM. 11LNPInsOt.. M. lint hDpoirance this teason iitULlful Prl=z Donn. and Comedienne s 31118/4 ntLinatllt. MOND hY avattustt, Ittcemtmh tth, in b , pre/mated, the poplar cur ai VA:SI:HOS, TUC 981. IC LT. raeehna ed' h the Mai; Or Mlaa /mite 111,1M4e. lo preparatlon -.• The rout or snow. "0 - ..e.0r of the Seem ent,•• god 11.• SSW bay. irnae of .• y Pe Mark Creak." ith7rThe IdUSICAL TA1111.11211.11X, TER BuRNING NIP," Ireg,r,tvii. r. 'mamma ua =VA= ris T . o ACADEMY OF MUSIC,' On Monday Evening, Dec. 9116 a , mfg , TV will consist of /Ot= 113. mew ..I.l . gen=lven in hot hoO A. elladecttCherne emu MI ...NAMPA:a te:Valot nn to 1571f1P.4 P Fla FT—Mother —Tba dour Pon( or eellore—Mother . Ikll4—balg rt fmate—•oar see of btee." .YsXc rzitn e flp ! o f :: t o 7 f : i j r . m a .: =4.r . 1 of the • et— testi Sten In Wad. utoWille-010- grZ4 c ;,.17 — nr.1. Kaarsa• war •, , • t, ad Pur Of Mee seat, to be b at ity 2Cl.birl Woodetreet, on tat/il Una nal tatlnt kW ot. C OMPANY GI BANK, eghany, pn IgErACAPEICIT or nem. RISTORI. DIRECTOR . • .21E. Pligffarif , N.Llllll7l"o4% .burgh three gramma reutussathurhu o Mb NrGr.thrgurratlngs: WEDNEVDAT EVENING. Deambar Mk. . . I • RLCDEA. TIII3BBDdY *SEDUM/. December MI I ' ' zuasnirrn. .- 7/111)//lr EVICNINO. Decembes Wei ay.. , aLII. , d elaborate tragedy. firitili AISTOINETTL The mammy of . 111ADalt < DP/TORS Dad .' 4 .i1ft11,,72,7, ;11; V Tr!,%ll27.`Ata. " rllifeitt'rfetitrtlebsltill'eneilg:lgili4 la: peroopalsoll, , Deterred Bests, Id. fide of mats roes.( three 211.1.• wall cO.. Motto O e l l 4. NI D e. D.. at U. U. Dances Ivo, W etedle.' Adumolca. it 00. lamely l Ind. 71 toe. 1114- lery GO Cc^ 14. - diNeLle • ________._._._______ • fa'GRAND FAIR: • Inklea.tbe auptocsoltb• had lauspithie Clujlsib lash* ra the benefit of th• • HOMEOPATHIC HOSPITAL, .A.M" 4 0.17Zyr crivv.ygtfxr,,,trzaJwi wait'', • Deoember • ~• ';g:RlP:Lite°4ll”T.ualTt& 117.: .1% . 12ILI: s Z4 D eeeti; Cblerew usderl2 isira, Mower will be wire.] ever/ 4167. boa 111111. 1 oieletk. Ilcbeie for eabanaloa wed M fee. :Scents. • tar— ILisosic !Lux. lONT NICHT* IN WONDER COMISCIAV ?SIM 111111 E, 11% WO, PRor.AND MAIIMICALLIMI the Gnat 11114sts of 111 /pi WIR irr.Vit? °I" "" fivi Ts be% 1 4 ra UDC V i lfitC:En1.1111 1 11t d d ttgi: Doors open at: u'atuak•to coal:nice mai r kir GRA kJ) (111k . lr A A INia. ay.? eaten !Val int. rattigl i . NAN= Vartll of tka hot.. • . • • • . Ur - TDE FAIR AND FESTIVAS; FIRST UNIVER44LIST tiflllll3l, WILL OPEN AT, CIIT HALE, 71[11118DAT 'EVED/1113, ZEININBEIL 1 Ana 1.1.1 be oven . e.e.y *Menlo.= auf *TWOS& IZIPL=TArgIAL:ITWIUM.2k bate b.., arm t•• 1 lb. oe 0 ••••4 • a U••• int Of ...Nil And ornamental .ruolex. Unita. with Cbrisuala and New ye., Peanti • • • msssonmens OS lewolry, And .nltAteln mu, eceL . e: u IteLn; Ullsr 0.11.6 41.4. rint,..l6 !nava Donn prePanr4, NMI b 4 ,nkt.lte tnaladt..,fur. Als In Ye Adtelsoo• ht.. tent.: Liataro., • Teen 4Ver;,•D riauXtbrADl• UMW Jet.i. Immediately +War 010.[00th. 1003. aCJAR.IL. • verreia AND FESTIVAL. 702 21111 USW? Oi TIM • ; NORTH CAPRON, 0 IMIOK In', Taira Sind. ---_, The Ladles of the IOORTif PAXs/ITTeWr MIURA...bib bolds Isle wld Tull, ••••• memo., Tkaint•DAT NVENIII.O. brA linire '. /tab cooVxtobto the Ittb and 111. b. tortbjtpuo ' '... Po. of larot•blog their bow Champ. a wane . ' o 11;tote! sugste r wil be for a% Alst i ..%1,..„ . . i'orl'oo atollenoTtr:l7llllta, blabetprbtoo • • . ' next r4r[:DAlvD VOCAL AND ' INSTRUMENTAL ,CONOKEIT, - , • AT MASONIC NALL, • T0Z15174T EVZ•1116), nat. *wk. sitsm. BY MB& E S A. esarm, - , Maned by att . ;malts + and sayers] Sat dam &ant...a( 11.twayaa aim A. 17•7•7.7. 17•171771 , .... 5 •1727111; Ticket. ewe be bail al ,Mellor's Illaaba ataaaa • 1.7. • ars. t. and at lan 111 nava. • 117ta RI. Doorsopal. a . 7 o'clock: t a w...aft • /kW newts et ene•teerte be B. Is Wham ITEM .• • , R. KIRKPATRICK ZOOK-KEEPER AND ACCOUNTANT. of TamsrrlAriVe SR • EIS, P1111.171113/IZ4 PX/LINEOE. WILL 4TTAND TO, OPENING END CLOEING NIERCHINEr BOOK% PlogleVeltry Boolus Clued aas 80. 0p...a by Double Matey. milymured , . 130,01[11, MISCIMII.I7 PAtillit LIMP 86TT LE. 111 )11131nad• Olt 16 • ttOrongh bash in; ie litre. • / St/r1V516117..... "*"* c. U. /1311131110r0 5.8177C813,10.117 AEMSTKOiG & .HITORISSON, PItIrrILIII and DELLZES. aft.. toad ono Elver, or enrnuoirrortainaeusirr CAS APtD FAMILY COAL 601 ea and Tud—TUOT or- TRY 1171111U/T. tear tia•Wnekle 1611 . 0tdtra left at Um Tara or adds... 4 man win Do swmPV7 Ml*. • sAinvEz. M. WICHEILEIMUIt Iron Broker. 124 First Street. • PITTII/Miguip. Pad ALM An the sale of Oornlndt. Doosakohok Josealas, litsballs. Mammas. snaiuminn Olesdoty ss4l otter Wane. otilotasselo. Tombs toeless Coto and Oliphant's O. L °WOW /TO LIMO. ColoOrszessts as 4 order. SOSSoeIfS/IS SO It JUST UJECEIVED, ROBERTS & MEWLTr& rfl, topper tail OW bu _ tali • WW I % a o.ti ammurruz T. mususen. '4• ihu simpl' Origagabgt.tnic le ;MOE , U rin ' tc " : 4 Z.. itlal VRses .1.1,4..= gt.rmlftglihanlitillfarTAll. lft.lrii iII4AJIATIML, far . ankh., ...•••• Ver..l Iptddlems. /Le, le Imo vane). *s Amu "AtOmar's ault An2:ll4.lllitigrimf pa m. il.! /Vero .4.400 sttelltUa la la sivnaNatert V Uvocers• Culotrrs. •., &a. $ wicnatat geawszta. KLIIM'SCEIWAIRTZ. W bolds/de dad Bdtall Mdanfacts , d. pd , Tin, Capper and kites:lnn Waia, tritZWATITETPAT °II " 4 ul nas TIN UM ID JO DU 1011 fI , IIIIS, No DI •dudr.reLD 111tridd., Itrfrar«srra..d No. 14 1yr,L.14 matt ; ea. 01111 D. RAU= & 'TOM( AIII7IIEAL ESTATE4IIOOIIII AND AIIIMONENNS. At:MPtnl to M. of :miller at ,01 nome *MA, OA Um On3atmon gie atjbo r th cgirfide jeTnltitWagpthrnAhrevuomista. VW:VAUVINIMaNf7"ftwit:- rEititle 11010101, PUMP MAKER . iqyzw.grAra A g r av vtim u., OM &Otte a...ft& 17211:40. PIPLTON MACIIIIVE if/OMM /nunavarb 1w Ina anvi° ,1 71b.f.1%,%,44t4t.e.' vita ; w iazhl•4 l ll.l. l 6l,3Zrem " so dined pram. r. P. 0111.114 •0.1 r 4•• 06 'h. OM.V% 114 ILLE int,E 3gewrise 1 A.-. 10 /10Pg PACES/MI, of An i11e 0 . 2 . 7 at if atm ISt t. C 1.,, /I II EL !!!!=:2! MIII