4. 4kfittist4l Gaytte AND- stfIORBAN. THE C 01711513. • . .-psetaiet pert Irru. —Jeer* Pc 4 . o . B,—The alp of the Trns.- of the Springdale 2.tethalist Epluen- Chnich.vs. John Bunter, Sr., et. rearmed and not concluded at ad .. 2-Autarient. usahmen Piivea-Joilre Pratzar, Dec.o.—The Jury in the awe ' tit eDotald vs. N. Dames dr. Sons ra ,arbed • vacillator defendants. :Motions for new trials were entered In ottes.llfarshall .t Co. vs t!...l • Weddle sod George McCombs y. P. Lyiehysliargaret Warne. Ae -On efeetecamt to reroyer pessoyalon IWwDerlY 1n id ward, Allegheny- a ,....55e Sterrett. y ittca e. December 6.—Court met at e t, th e =e el bear, Jadse Sterrett on the Bench. •'.:, . uulmorr or rArana • , The of. filo Commonwealth Ns, g. w w thi n sgos; indicted for the larceny, 01 .. No d e e OVA and otner paper., T.lff. Bill, pinsertator, on trial at the time.ofsdjourament Thursday, was re; ,wmedtkae.. Iliamlog. The counsel for defendant callealenu tabor of. witnesses Who lastiffelas to 'his • good character, after w hy,* thecae° was submitted to moiety without argument. Tho Court chan ia shojary. to the effect that the .tainget the papers did not constitutes hum ,. rfielury returned a verdict of .. fi t • jiLVT,TO 110 1 / 8 E OP REFUGE. O cci • ' inn.Malth vs. Jaeob' Kayser; In dictment W ~,,. eeny, James Lawson, prose_ cater. T. : defendant In this case warn a p ow ,/ te' about slat n yearn of age, 1 sad lt El alleged ho suit a pair of boots from, the. Prosecutor, o resides In ', c ondi/. township. t appears that "m.o. defendant onto the house of thsprefeentor, on tiro let of September, .4 esnied• away the ,La which was iderwsidrfound In his posseaslon. The . i n ,‘ /owned a verdict of guilty, but on 'a of the youthfultleas of the pas ente,reeotumended him to the mercy of %bit COurt. MI was cant to the House of ....Lam= IMIIAILES 01' A cast( or wtitz • . The next cue taken up was that orals Commonwealth vs. George IL Fry, In ' Aided for the larceny by halloo of a mud: of lino. M. Hitter,of New York, prow). ‘; eukir, who allege s he forwarded` to : Ur:defendant a cask of Intim wino, for : . Nr.Bargher, a saloon keeper. Ile-was '-lit die habit of making couaignments to ~.Mr. Fry who In this case, it le alleged, appropriated It to his own use. The de f.. aliened that the wino was not rip , prepri.Rd, but was left on hi• hands by , U ' rgher, who refused to mko it, on ao- IMMO( some delay loth° shipment, and ' %.tendered the Arlon. Tho Court cliarpd - that the Conunonwituith must satisfy the . Jeittharthe defendant - not only failed Mdellvetthe wine; but that Ito converted cite his own °cilia useof some other thai ' tho rightful owner, before they could Bad a' verdict of guilty. Tho jury re illMtien verdict of guilty and recom mended the prisoner to the mercy of the Court. - . . Rl= • l 'Thomas&Olth, Indicted for the larcenk .f. watch; belonging to James liar -1)1121:41. plead 'guilty to the indictment, that he woo Intoxicated at the time the offence we, committed. The larceny mite committed at the St. Nleho- Lis fetal, where the parties had occu pied. room jointly, and while Harbaugh was, asleep Smith took the watch. Tie v. arrested the 'following morning by Writer Cripples, and n pawn broker's cheek for the watch Tumid In his posses sion. The tienteuce of the Conrt was that the prisoner pay the costs of pulse , entlothand a tine of ono dollar to the Commonwealth, return the property . Itokah or pay the full value thereof, and undergo en imprisonment In •• the West ing Penitentiary for a term of fifteen oalandaYntonth*. • • Ati3AtTLT AND BATTERY VOha Thommy, indicted for assault and battery on oath of Christian Yechel, wee pi/Wed upon trial. The defendant, in camping with two other men; it is Alleged, entered the housci of the prose : enter, who keeps . a saloon in the Dia mond, Allegheny, at a late hour on Sat. ataxy ni.,Ot. preceding the 18th of Octo ber, and manded the privilege of play lgame of bagatelle, which _um refused. They, thou assaulted him, and one of the party struck him three times with on the neck of the head. Theourne ease d. waastill on trial whim thotourt adj • Iynt, Woad, to tbs . o:tlimos of 41 The Allegheny in , 11.1 . Association for this Relief of the Poor haii faithfully dia. permed the means whichyou have placed at their disposal for twenty years. Dur- Mg this Limo We bare en fully ... enjoyed your contidtmce, that. you haYo never failed to respond to our appoils, to What : otter •extent the, demand upon no tad.. It has only beet: necessary to ate our subscription book among whose nen= are familiar to nit as speuereuz giver& • We stow ask au increased liberality fiSi the, reason that the necessity Is greater thin ever belbri, and unless our means • atrial:if, are . greater the suffering must M correspondingly Increased. The tir o:instances which make many of -yea foal lose able to giVe, limr with ten-tlehl force upon the nufortunote who are com pelled to seek aid, and In addition M. the isedlnary closes of want, there la In the city an unusual amount of sickness among the poor. A number of families 'ere by °yr visitors suffering • small pox must be sustained; and 'ere are almoet as Many others who Oro almost as helpless from ohrooic diseases, or other compile:Clone of misfortune, latch entitle them to our sympathy its their distress. . _ . With ..heavy hearts 'at the thought of 'the king 'Winter just beginning, and our minds tilled with the sorrowful :irenes which are daily witnessed by cue nrs, ,we make the simple statement pf our needs In full &Rh'that God will put It into your hearts to 611 up the empty treasury of our Society. Our subscription book will he circula ted, and contributions may be handed to any of the managers of the Society: Mrs. ithidasoni \a 1 'Federal street; ta .. ..ltrtinet. No. Stockton avenue; Hays, Stockton avenue; Mrs. Tee. TOT, Anderson street; Mrs. Palmer. An dersen street;' Mrs. Lioskinnen. North Canal street; :Mrs. Breading, No. 72' Washington street; Mrs. Lowry, No. 2. Washington street 7 Mrs. McClintock, No. 47 Washington street; Mrs: Jan.: =Robb:mon street; Mrs. Patterson, sky atrecT; Mrs. Anderson, Sun dusky streak Mrs. Cochrane , ai Sandusky , *gen rs. Poindexter, No. 10 Union svente Mrs. Hoag, I:splenetic: street; Mrs. M ay, Bidwell street; Mrs. Logan; Bidwell street; Miss Fleming, Robinson streak Miss Smith, Park street: Miss Bell, .No. Ohio street; Miss Blakey, Washington street; Miss Waring, Union . arum% Miss Morrison,Stocktim avenue; Mot :{lesson, Western avenue; Mrs. Whithen. =I :I==G=22l We announced a few days ago the dia. eiventy of a remarkable ,selt spring on thoproperty of Gen.. Wm. ltobioaen, of Allegheny. 11111.1inating the epontancetuo lbw at Live hundred barrels per diem, which, however, la 'now supposed to amount to over two thoneand barrels per day. We are glad to learn that this won derful now ef•water to likely to be MA MA both In the manufacture of ealrund ibr an eutterreive hygienic bathing eatab- Ilahment, which We suggest might be [either IMprotied by ingrafting on " !ho projeot a first.-.lam swimming school, with male and female departments, As Iletmain to thin subject, we subjoin Ole Sallowhageornmnnicatlon from an en:d amn citizen of Allegheny: . MEL ‘BOlllW2Olel SALT WELL. • We understand that tho discovery of wriminetuiellow of atilt wider from. the wall of Genenal Itobinson, la Allegimay, Is likely to prove of greet value, not wily to the owner (who demerves a rich arinani Tor has larus espenditure,and perwserance), but to the public at large, la Its sedutary hulttenoes on' tim LRmeml health, by Um erection of a twit water bathing aatabliahment, with mainsail/- omi, apartments and buildings got up with lute in their oweitrustloa for pub. lie sonOnimodation, and thus eupercedo the preatioa of resort to the seashore for bathing purpose., ander the 1101410.8 of kiolut .Lock cowpony of fr.. 1,44,,, tp gay thousand dollar., Irreipective of tbs estunsfactuto of ash, of which' the peat flow of water will afford 13 supply ancient for the production of that n.o. = ig artlelein ridge <plantlike. Thus Allegheny, in addition to It. ether attract/one, a deeirible watering Place for Wyandotte well tut for retiree Liao and healthful anirmement. . == The present oundition of Fifth street, ham Smithfield to Market, does not. at ford a Very Pleasing previpect to 'either the maestri/um', who !wire to traverse It daily, or those engaged in businaas ou ts. Tbe thought s aving to wade throagb raid ankle deep on Um principle then. oughfarieln the city for. several months, as the pram/. state of strains would in . dicate, to hy no mans a pleasant ream ' Son. • it • t nore, the writhe is r who uldallreanra upon, 11. t at prob. able that lb* new, paranoia can 'ATM* so si to make a good-lob or it, 'flaVith should ba done by ell &news. gieWiglve It A fair test, ram we pre- Statems bard. freero would equally re p:dein' progress of the work. if our Collielasiorui are correct, wo can see rto remedy for the evil, nob:am the street bet wnv ed with "clinkers," which would 6,1“, a goal street _during the winter, and en ascetic:4 bed for the pavement In the spring.' • —The oontuicUon between gee and loodnese le dinned _trout Uss tact that alum tbo Introduction, of gee in lino.X. vllle. Tousionace, not a ninglo crLuio kat PH. R. MgZTZ, BA= IMI BROM, 118 wood St O . * toner of BM. soTAtFunvoit Securities) ~• Gold,Ailserc • And Coupons, Knight mei seal as liberal' terms. Dram told an all the principal dile. at Zama. COMRSION OF Wf us now Diiiimzea to Col2.ltrt tba SECOND AND THIRD SERIES TrarPt taav Tli , Rai 044.540 C. 14 Coupon Mids. JAMBS T. BRADT & CO.. hurl Commit &milky earner Fourth a. Wood streets. [IWO. hieVAi & C0., 33.64,32,..1m.er5„ - ID 1111113 Gomm? SCIRIYD dor. Fourth and Saliba.ld Streets. eglttr-41411:g1t7 iL u g met. to J..caq at. and (Ira taut le .range 5.20: 80. DS OF 1.861, tartest 121130LD at I per rasa:from that date. . - 'IRA el. MeV O.T t OD. FINANCE AND TRADE Osman as Tex: Ppm:annex Gesirre, Furnet. Deethemberg..lo67. • The decline of American securities' to Voli d•a: end' Frankfort wag followed bran ad vance In the gold premium here of pit trot. Thawairket openettat 117%, but Coon =name dull at that, and closed at MX at the edit:tail. meta of the board: The same roost that pre dated 'a deellne from ID et:taut; are etill CO. tletoretnely, the searelty of money and the ex . . P...• In tarrying gold. Ina commercial point of view' gold should go much lower Solon • tic. oan elk. place, then there le no demand font, and no ledemernerit to buy for a else that would rterapermate for the rich and cost of ear ning. For polltleal tessera no anion.l can behrought forward etroeg enough to Justify • materiel .decree, even if a policy of non-cols traction should be pursued, the premium at present le high enough, and the probable =Be. are has been dleeounted. A. to the shinty of the Government to reduce the national debt during the next three or four years, it matters but little to long to there le gold enough com b= to, without bullet to pay the Interact et, the polite .debt. After iperled of n°44 hat red* and badness pro•peray, tone. eau be levied to eover the den:genet= of the next two or three:year. with more ease than any leele latiOn tending =Mud.* forged buidnesiatra. Oarenneent bonds are dull and lower this afternoon. wren 'Oar the advance of bonds In London. Tricots no deramtd far . Invade:mt. and rithar • dlanoaltlon to salt than bur. She Moak marker, , Is .toady but the buatnen is Ittht.. Northwestern e.ntraon Is still on the rise. and Express &Looks are . at a aim! WAIL Bank cloak. are freely .tiered at coneasalons, and tool emnratlin bonds eon be bed (or lan than coat.. • . Cloth* Raw ...York quotations, maim! by Ph. R. 7 . stint r. wars as follows: , Gad.Stx taloa. 17.2; 440., 1800, icr% 1.4; tscs. toafiLOompols, 247,0 ,107ia.; 101 M; TAO., 1 . 1 %. • ChinWM a Pittsburgh' 11... R. Merchants on Exam. 41% Western Union Talegraph ...... --..... 2U% Erie R. R.. . • Pittsburgh Tort Wayne As Mileage R. R. U Northwestern Railroad —common Northwestarn—prefsarod—. tali Now nisei Neutral.. ...- ... ..... lill Ohio and Allaalaslppr CartlOcatas es 111ahlps - Southerng d M tiorydon 41 Quartz I LS gull:lntim ' 104 —The following to an exhibit a the aarninge and caveman of the Paton Padaa Railway, Easteria , binislon. far the. month us. Osto. her, . . . . Total Illovittuatattbustaau I 111,619 59 filatattandtaa aodpaamoger troll:It 1.5,561 61 . . . • --.--- T0ta1125;515 se —... Working expeorae illso.laa Net proesed• to balance • ' 117,Ann 14 • Tettd t2C,1711r Oetoberl-..road oPen 1.0 Eli. . • worth .....—. October la—roa d open to Hays 90 " • Arun. iitaith at /lain Lam operated . during .00. " • Total Government boaleau,a• above, 81,617 If • , • -- Fifty pent. ce retained by law by U. Tr 131110 10241 trotted raunre State band. received. 40, 160 miles 144110.t00 Interest on mama for one moult. at • per cant— ... CO Excess for month of October,rstalued be-U. & Treasurer to, meet bonds $ 11,1168 to Wldetk contrlbutai at a rata 11011144,0 t to meet the riaidpsl or these booth la about 12 ysais or 11 years . Webs maturity. , . . . —The following's sometime mad compeihen Mee emionithrof the nip= of the Secretary of the Treasury , . Th•Storatary adheres lo bat polley of, soq tetetlt eel the currency, heretofore exprthsed by hhau the 'proper one to be pursued; and thinks theft Is no name why the beehive. of the country casino% the brought to a mode* blithe by Judy I, 113119. Li order to bring thls about he hOldellieetthith thief. are aversely,: tient,the fundfiekor payment of the balance of the In. tereebbeance pate., and • contlthattee of the polity of eentreeitant riecond, the full enalott nancoof the penile faith In the peymeet of the public debt: and thine, the menorah.= of the Southern State. He argue. that the question °repast. payments tenderllth the meth quew teens of the currency, taxation lad neounrea Mon. He gthelato an elaborate argument to thew that theothersetith should be applied to the legal tendersowther than to toe National bankaotes, and he does not approve of eubstl toilet nthebbacks ' for National bank none. He tabus lames Posed tiniest the Pirliort• Clot to redeem the Five Twenty bond. In cur etney, tad woe economy in the public expee. dlturte, and teethe to the setleot of hatpin, faith in the bonds. On thee latter sulJut he quotes froze • speech made byStevens in the Howie Stine one en the luati tells fr. en. der ethelderatton, the which he twice referred tone hood. as being pupal:de 26 gold. On the etexhaectio• of etwenatructlea with the busenees pp/4*dt, of the country, he Mere to the fact that lest year, notwithstanding the Gripped condition of the Southern States, Woes War. furnished three:44mM* of all the export, rept abroad to keep pp the balmiest of made. Sc eptering the matter of taxation of 601622161 eat bond. nod the fundind or oar thaw, be leeks. ea important recommendation in favor of ounenthdatedlY per cent.- loan, to run treaty Abeyet. om which onwaixth of the lemma shell mennaly wi th held from the bond. holder* and paid over to the Individual Stets. The Secretary urge, greater Atubillt7lll' Our revenue leers; recommende • revision of the tarigc which he toys yields a large amount of revel:month pet Goes not protect American manufacturing hateteats; and rail, intent!on to the deelthe of the Amertsan shipping &thereat. ,The Internal thrums faith. be says, would have yielded mom revenue than thtlensted If it bed not been for the whisky fraud., and the (enure of the rertl22l6 Ofiletr• to 6626=6164 whiter y tax, showing that both the [Meets azd toelettleetuthre of the *nide have beacon. thoroughly demoralized b ythe temptations to rode or violate the leer. The report sheer. eduction of the public debt daring the put of over 1189.11e0.000. Ha tetimatee the expenses of the entrant goal year at trigne3.ooo. and the receipts for the same period at thilektme,Coo. truing a Delon. of 11100,030 ow than lei of 'July, Ida. On the hole. kir. • Ilatlettoeb takes hopeful flew o f the financial etteatlon, eayloirthat WY nuance. an In a mash more k)tiotartory banditti:* than at the date of .our Iketrenorty sad Chet during the name period edeelded, L0pr01.620216 bar also been wit. nested In the gown& econornleel pension of 26101106utry.” —The Nem York nibrour,of Tburadag, gem The seism-or. Congress upon gametal goo,. trawls metaled II commarcial Mislay mho ow asnal 'lnterest. The ooniraction Is legal Ito. Owe ktedelloss far his thiown many booms of loM{ statating mid hitherto good reptitralon tato ligallailop. gad mug more mint follow • einttAelila IBICAGA4B. La Cowers and M. Secostery of the gleamy/ hold opposlu opal. tans •apes this point, sag as Ap .110BIpronalml will , he. OMBe without est/ailed soallegrimeg. the gear promises to aloes with dissatMlia ter milts to ortslisarg. ' • The sent pvrar also says In regard to Es py/do atoekse 'no gramma romputles bars =ado an arranpalaut for ea Intorahaara or frojiata, sod ion a reatiorkeratlro tariff. No roomolldat lon low barn lalylo UM. h the or• obsota Volvo alaloilogt o llzer Oath Oal: TOO pale iVralcar STAINAIR Lad rotor of Ito boldars ab Sono ter ate 4124:.r0p. that IL should matt no silk ••• • - - rErrsiousaii METAL 17 &MUST V 1710107 min Prrmorcielf °Amami,. !LOOT, December e, 1817 II .7 - kfMtoll•ll4pt, eonUones dull, the Wel In;Um accreime, beloccomparml /elf Irbll}l, comma •ad lateelorgradm are meek apd d"dcidOi, good etanderd 11 408 0 NMI fimilh firmly ot, formic quotatiesm .IMc knowing is • report of Me . sales thallolf tbs 1=1:2=1 la jail. Gin Forge P. 1. leo Forg e 40 " rfo.l Wooodry 41 SO— aostt los ' 4 . Neutral 4e 014-114404 2e `' .11°,4 Foooxlry —_, 44 00-4 moo 19 - 4 • " • 10 ?to. I 0 • 4 6 / 4 4-4 mom 4a 1111-4 aal ~.rr9.4XP'4. COO : 44.4:7,14 . / e olr LL 114. .4 10 to. o,7en ,110v.it 1.. Mahonley Valley 0.-4 loos frf °mother—fro. yard.... It 00-4 rt./. 1111 " DpeoGroy;-from yard—, 40 00—e tom 100 AT.KIVO ...fro ic,—frolo pled. le 00-4 moo 1011. F; • C.. m put.— tn. so 00-1 MO oMediad Greyns tey—dro. yord.'33 00—S mos Mr. Mottle—fro. . SOY 0 irk.. yer.e Wblte 0 id— tea • • . , . • , Clawa ligarket... . tisiyelogrank to the Plts.bersh &motto Ccisystswo. December AL—Ploor aiently sedge's!. and closing . ' Elm; doable extra UP: double extra nal winter. 811014 and treble extra white. 011,5.01 , 1: Wh os r t fso I r t e o acrteidv e a n t t l e l r . el m d a art ket I . 7 1 /,4 G . No te o 03. V 112.3 w 401 Mlwat 44 pring ; g2.lo(ttig. COrh better .d dreier:old No I shellod6lsl.9o4 new do, 9442930, domluldls bettor sod Use market Is firmer and highest No 1 etatoGOCcro Trout Mingles.. Mrs nom loftily unchanged andrioletyruild .12501.4.0 1.0 Otate susd...taro. Marla. firm; No I Mato and Cana da bold at 111,020 1.63; No 2. $1.001.10. Petroleum dull and , nergynal at !,1011. for !Meta. hooded. • — CALkilo cattle lllarked. jUT Taluraphlotaa rltialryirrel Cescaoo. Poo. B.—Poef CatPo quiet, at .6220042UPAZOISMOP1001.11. . JMUS DU/ELL & SON, . . 69 and TO Water Street, LARD OIL MANTIFAOTTIREBB AoRBONd dealers ix CiODS., LIIISIIICAIIIIIII esd CA IL. We waxiest ow Ire. 1 meal to tee it bast - vlastaxt4 or attar lerwole, and peewee to sell am low Y Cinclanstl Clllrare Ow No Lard Oil as • Lahrisclos canna% bt excelled.' Dock rewe. felluicaldag wd elenderd bread. Of Carbon tni consteelly oa band Iletchwte and sown femme vlllllla II to Wel: Inure" to en, cs call before *Merles Lard Olt from the wen. . Orrice re me Francium (nmet, FAIDAT, Dommber ti ISM T. Thu* Lamaist:kg resli7 new or linportast to M sold shout the peers' markets. For some few articles there I. is Improved dsmarid, and that, too. at stiffening prises, but as o general thing, busufesi Is dull sad beery, with but little prospeat at , ear leilosedtate improve , . west. GRAlN—There la quint an aatillid =mud for Barley, and maiden are paying 11,15 for No.l hortay. Wheat ta quint—sown Wheat L very dull; Plinio Winter Red la ninon at s l ,ttel,l4, wad do Whits at $2.1501, 4 2. 04,1 dna, walk sake on trash at 4,76114. and to .tor* at 10127nk. Ryan nominal at $1,45,21,60. Corn In in better demand and Water boa 11n• changed; sale. of near at 11111.06, and old at 11,1101,26. • . FLOUR—The market la firm, with a .toady local demand, but pries, we not quotably higher; aalea Ina regular any at 11001n,150 for Spring Wheat; *lOOl2O. for Winter Wheat, and 110015 for fancy brands. Rya Flour, ad% and Buckwheat, 1105,00 per eat. MILL FEELP—BaIe of 1 ear .bolas Swonds at Itz. Altddltnta may be q.lotad at KIX. and Bran at 11.4001.11. POTATOES—There Le no stopreeement to the damsed, and the market continue., exceed luelp dull; entail sake of Pesch Blows et ideal per butheL New Jame Sweets quoted al ill pat lartoL APPLES—The damstal Is a 11Ms more so. tlas, , aaa while the mast le • shads !imam., prices are swabs:4.4 miles at 12,60011,0 for fair to prima, soda{ for abates. flotrEQ-=TLtra is • good deurazd for Rium. chorea Roll Butter. and we ten report regular wales et atfkate. Sale of 95 tubs eiemon peeked at lee.' EGOS—The market L dram, tmlar the lo elueoes of llghrreetlital, End pricee h••• .d. vikneed to EIG•Sa. DRESSED I.looS—Tho picket, otti touttat at from 734 to ttio tot Lout to wit. item areiogos., -ILLY—AoIo of 3 oar baled, 021 Intsk. it 812. itlee from oonott7 wagons as ilBela. to to =atty. • I:4IED FILUIT—DuII but =Vaasa . ] *ltalia far Applak and 11011 a for Pushes. BEANS—DuII at 113,16(ip,a0. ItOttUßY—Ctuoted 11707 X. APPLE BUTTER—SaIa. at 11Q64*. rrersnusuan ezimoz.rom ausarr • Oman op Pre - rearraori Oa in, / - FarnaT. December la till. .ORODR.d . Ii• 'market today differed la no respect that we scald Pretelre from that of viierdeirt there was not a angle ewe treated, and priors ere dull and nominally unchanged at 83407 a. 'On Wednesday evening there twee • sale of 10ed bide—not before Toy ortaa—at Ta, t 4 intro In tank sari 13arreltd oil cannot be 4troted above eXe, and eves et this, then le Mile or no demand. tart night there wee as attivol of thirty-nine air loads of oil from Oil OklY. the AM through ehlpetant that hoe been made on the Allegheny Valley Railroad; three dal, loads if 'Lee ahliVial by Masan. Orators a &mars, of Oil Oily, to 'Capt. Jean Wilkins, aid tits belanee, we believe, is for Warm Lauda:art i Frew, the well knoWn Anlea• )14:FIXERS—Thus arm not • single Opara. tlon in Doodad oil to.day, at least we bad none reported. though the market, aerorthelews. I. 'reported • abide grown we are sognisaat of direct odors to buy for all the month, beget'. optima. at Ile, while spot oil, we pram., would taloa ZOO. th. Ws/Wader and Thurs. diy there appeased to be ao buyer. aoove 21K eatlist for all this month. as .111 be Wise &bore. there Is an Itapreveruset or fulty telt • coat. We erecoat, In hopes that • reaction le mar et hand, and that before starry dayl elapse, we be able to motto baiter market; the proepects; however. 11..110% eery encouraging. .car. sinners runs 01:1012E1100 DtrOT. 'Hutehtuscus Oil Ors is bble ref. to 1.. Wilson; Philedalohla. • T. K. potty.. ft do do to Warden, Fns a 00, P.ldlodrlptds. OIL IWI2O LIM ■T A. 11 , ..72. IL . Marko a2ooknor.3o OWs rata P. Wright S &W. Pldlodetpbts. h . P . Z.Letkil p or d .,A . T. tat do do to Wotan, tod I Mo. •• New York Predate* II &that. C kr Tvleirapertoth• vitt-dodo dawns.] - . sltarfoax, December A—Cotton iffrdo better; sales Of 4.3 bale. it 11812340 far middling uplands. Flour, terenda of CMS Obis; 15/D.se.bettari . sales of lanai MA, at 115012250 for waperdan grate and western: W.oemto fbr extra elate: 1 2 , 10 62 1 105 . eat.a wcawraitag,eo2sl2,2s for round hoop Ohio,' SitOWILM , for Coaao.l to goad St. loola; 111211115,50 for good toctiotee aura do, closing titm. California floor woody; Woo of 222ssoke and barrel. athll,soQl3,LS and 350 Inds of rya flour at 1171542..10. Whiskar mind and unchanged. Wheat, no receipts, zgliSc oetter; sale. of 5,..W0 bila at ip..21421.00 fCr NO• 1 s Pringiek=22.32 for Na 1 do; OM for Amber Green Any; 0,95 for white Cali fornia& 21.95 tor poor. white douthern and s g a a l n . g f foO nAmNo r th a IrCe '. sr ll ays S I. f 7 i o r . m Ca rley *arcs and - advancing; owlet. of 32.100 on. at 01,80 for Canada West. Malt galas and dna. stoaaJtoes of ago Om Canal. Peas, rln re µL4I Corn, receipts of 7,0 M L in;WM better; sales 5t3.000 baimixed western ate In stores i 11.2534 afloat:o43olm for new do; and 41,23 tor raw white Southern. Oats— ;vendors, 14.001m5/ulna market opened fir mer nod Meted drooping; sales of /19,120bna t 790100 for western to cores and 620 afloat. Iliceitiales of 25 tierces at eias2s(o. come quiet- Sugar quietisCas ICO Mats Caba at 10){111Nie; MO nous llavana at 12420 Amasses Ono aud ardent Wes of UT Dummy at 45857 e. flops quiet as 40061. Petroleum quiet at 1010 Serenades 21.52ef0r refined; bond rcL Pork heavy and divammal sal. of 1,250 bids a t t ,, 21 , 147 , Alsf r gor p i:::%it : 1 12,14r2i t frr a if:Ime mese; also Ifo bola mere. Rafters for January, at Met Beef hears; salesof SOO UM at previous oncost alan - tierces India mew at 1410. Sind hams firm; sale. ar.4.55 Obis at 520012. Drew bog* flr. er sr 100 for city. Cu t meats sales or ms tanage. a , f 0 0 ,40 for shun Menu 11552)17ge far hams. l.trd firmer and active, wawa of 25W Meted. to Liver pool qulstand steaMils,alia With cOrnat persteam. • Laraei . .- • Iflour closed at fielikibette A r 'with Malt demand, partly sommtattre. Wheat firm, at r. 4.451 for Ito 3 ear lag, and 11213 Of.fk for Ro.leprMk. aye utast and firm. at aI.MI for Western. Oct.. are dull, at Tro In Itore, and SO afloat for western. Corn la em. at 11,33 In stare, and 11a3A afloat for mixed tuatara. sad e1,a101,371 for new do. York 11 q atm and *tarty. at =JD calk and reiralar. Bmf steeds , and to fair demand. Cut Mesta dim and quiet. Bum at. ads and to fair demand.. Lard Ilan at 1.449/23d0 for fair to prime kettle rendered. =I:ICECI=2 (Br Tslempb tette Pittsburgh Omits.] CiIIGIZIATI. Deis e—Maui clone] firm and Indoors wklug in advisees/of riot family ell GU. Wheat closed la good domande:ld motelmfora than sadism, at for No. I red. and $7.43 for SM. I red. Corn adra.e.l to Engine for new ear. Vats nearly, at 630 flit lio. 1. Rye advanced to $1,67, and bold er. wked WAD at the close; receipts 'Ugh:. Cottonlirmer and the prices Wilbert mid. ming 14). , 4913. sale. 2.200 helm. Whisky very dull suit the prices nominal, at hi bin bond. nogg opened arm at MU orbeesi live ba,ou7ewa drrmow &etielt 5r.d1409, .1 t buret eawhehr draw. and the market clonal week; receipt. Ir.fgehesslitho MLitt pecking to date toehold. MOO head Mesa pork mu In =Wants, demand, with sales of old at $ll, saw mso. Lard' to good demand • 12!4c, and but few sellers at this rate; fielders asking lndalre Ono Ideate sold et 702012% demandd •runi Wm. There ss no or Bulk ideate add Urine; are nominal. The dumbed for Lard le arm from par. tics from the Interior. flutter scarce and Arm atreelftio for froth. Wastant. 10 p. adraneal torte wd the upply light. Lite need Oil Windy at $1,00191,0:1, tee latter the jobbing rue: Petroleum declined to 43645 e for repined, duty paid, and the market dull. apple. yd pcentstim unchanged, with a fele demand Apple. tunecoo, POtatoce 0346 our b id. Beef Lactic is light supply god Wu muket firm at W /104144 e for grim. sheep firm hut nuttangtudi sale. at *WO 3,10 per untidier gross. The Money Ina. net tea shade easter a Wing per cent.'*Er... 6111Mpi plenty and ,l O U. (Mid 137 buybag, kW% selling. • • • tilkleswo Starkrt. CRT TCW , X4O W up+ pittsbaratt lianas.) matt. Deo. 4 -.Vous Nrater Rad mods ...toy sways at 10,255i0,00 for sprioa Neu. Whilst uncbaostel. at {Wel,. I 4 110. 1. anti 4i,Ninani for Na t. closing steady at Pix/ tor Na 2. cornce lower. at a ttessale DE No. r. kad 793 0)00 for N., oats acmes awl 3S to plict.F.a4 503.40.1.. Eye 6 0 70 ,l 3 fo r ac'lAro~J4 for t:l°' ley uosattied V. For • stitte4l,C6 far Nat Maas Bork at 7WD. 411..27 deltarry, and Mat f t Casa. lard easier at rt=tm i g. " Aulitttartiffeit i • :gtj kl No. /tweet Pickled Dam steady at Da. Dratted at. ea... sad lb to Do lower, n 01121111.10. djyldsng on two hundred. Lie. Dots miles, at SiXey,2s for Infertor to ex tra cacti,. lisecipto-mad bbis Floor AMP book War. t WOO bush DOM bu.b Oats .12.1X9 Hogs. Sialtatmots-1.102 kits Flour I 3AO bush Wheat; 21,042 busk k,argy AN. nosh Oats. , • - MC Zoltan il4rjfi• IBiTelevspb to the rlttsbotoll ttootttad 07. Loma'. December O.—TobaoCo Übe ebaurtea. Cotton heavy it 15tio. Hemp Oat. "Iloor jinn, with • better demand, bat price* ur,ctialutedt suparitne 116.6061.00 i en.• tra $7,600e.00; doable extra 41.40018,04 tre ble to fenrY ett.Mol3.oo. Wbeat bit at,jpand Debt, at atralete6 for choice to MO - fay, god SIX for goring. Corn lusher at 0101A—tette; fpr ramp . white. Oats arm at 710710. Daley bat ra tbe of borers. Ilve advance, , 61.7001.70. Cork eobt at t o for new .aaqiiip for Jeati Vga l lg e ;a7g, V tleTtillit ' a l ir t atruicr!slit o i,„,igap; pc; thee Many, oat • emote, tr ln etplbsl . l34 . gtit i t 1,000 ;gig *belt, If:nth 6 la S la l7 1,200 oam, .IGO both; barldy, 500 , Pito, .IXteo beset cotton, lAD Weather Wear itb warm. Markel. Tolseratb to Pltut...rire Gsartte 3 Ifmwaraan, progmber 6.—Moor armor at W349.130'f0r 00004'5118,73130,T5 for extra. Whrat tmee.tled at al.fie% for No. 1: 41 1 766~1(( fop N 0.2 and 11,70 for No. Ova doll at for No. Z. Coro pole at SU; fpr new, Ifeeelf.to.-13.000 bele floor. 11SWIfboo wheat, 10,003 boa oats awl nertff boa 00 00. Bnlp meets-3,800 beta floor and WO bp wbeat. roped. 111WO.P1. By Tele(e,pb to t e rlit.burib. Ossatia.) Toner. Das. G.—hone quiet. Whops Ilzrni sales amber for last half or the month at ghteglrhal. Corn—old quiet. and new to better, Well old madam at Vol new tskr. oats 10 bazar; Was No. 1 at ens. Dye un chan74 ged. 074 Daley gimlet. Dressed hOitefirot, at PITTS) 31TRGH DAILY GAZETTE : SATURDAY! Financial Matters la Few: York ==l2Es3 CHT Telegraph to the plum. ats eaort4.l Aro To az, Doo.O, IBM Money market active and firm it sir oar cent. for all loans. Sternal; Ma. at 100% Ulm,• gold, for first-clan bills. Gold farmer, opening at 157%, advancing to 137, anGelOalng at 17734 Government stocks without decided elan we; Coupons It, 11S54011ftd , C 2.. to N. 0 107 14; do. 'II. /04140110ixi do. VS, 1055;0 106Xt do.new. ltdl4olory,; VINO 10711; Ten-Yortton, 101X010134; Seven-Thir ties. 104.%01013. Stock. opened neatly. with a =irked ad• vanes on North Western. Common doted firth. Fannie Hatt 1.2301 . 4 , 4: New York Central, // 4 011.4%; Erie, 7150371Ngt IterAlug, 5e6115 , ,( ; Michigan Central. 110 t Michigan Southern, Mad }Lock Wand, ..1634095y • Northwestern. 4430:64% preferred, Fort Wayno., 0730197%; Pfltaburgh, arairgaiD fruiecm, - 1260102A4; Weat.ern Onion Telegraph. agielii;Tolerlo,3ol4;• ' St. Paul,. Preferred, 01%; Wea• Nance.; as t Adams. eh DON,' suttee. lc; American /KW • • bier. oe chants Union. 4014. TRY 007•72710. 07 7770.100 air mime. Tne•Erpreaf states anthoiltatdvely that the Convention of Express Comoanles, titch has been In amnion for some day., has consented to mutual and 'amicable ar rangements for an Interchange of freight and pack•gea as common carrtilia, and an finProziniate uniformity of olitirmes. Tto oqmpetltlOß for business Will calm. as here tofore. Inrownv "Anvils. The Erpress roporte the failure or J. K. Oland Co. and GooOrldge i Co. • mars. re5t161131.14 Sh 3 ares =ore waive. Gregory. 330; rta; 1151 th St INlrrostlee. So 5; Gantt. 11111. 115; Corydon , 43; Wa114.111.. 360; Edge 11111,345. 1111:11S-TKIASIMT. Bacelpta at aut.Traasam .1.4q7,077; pay manta, a1,893.9M. Balance, .103.852.9.17. ' Dow TOrk Dry flood. Misrtot: (By Se mphW 161 rtusbargh Wwetw.l • Na. Tole, December o.—Dry goods mar. ket quiet and steady for most deseriptiene of Staple Cottons, wl th bet a limited demand far the legitimate wants of trades eorme style. are veld Intik more Uranus. /dwell. ton brow:roam= Lantana are scares at any price, and Laconia tdfrmiconta have ad , vaneed la to the aerate, 54a tothe Ellertres T.. 1. S. Brown me, k owoonr; radtweil to 170 IS, and the Salmon Fall. bleached to lie; Pemberton A. brown, commands Mo. Paper eambries 1401 wars tmeelale and Warren aro selling at llka, mine as ilmonvllie. Brown tuella sienna. at LBO forPepperell. Brown sheeting. aro ales irk light, sem hand Leary makes arm. at 1(110 for Appleton A and Lawrence C; 110 .for Clark. and Judith Head, and 15140 for Atlantic •, which is very seam. No charism in print., except 14.1 rn auction on some styles of Oriental Crossley velvet. limpets, of the bon brands, are reduced to $3,05; da cum quality to 43, and patent to 02,40. • • Linalaialei Market. _ 38y Teiegrapla to toe rittata eh Gatette.3 Lociarmus, December 6.—Sales or 'ewe to bacco ateady: Inge. 18,e307.00; medium Ileht. new leaf at 415,23. Flour arm mid higher; •uporana,p7st xo I $11,1:411I,75. Corn; new ear. Inotra. Data Moody at G. Wheat liLed. Uaoon unchanged. Lard Arm at laeLitio. Dem Pore; new, gri t b3l2M; old. pl , so. Cot . ton. 1401i4ic. W Maker nominal. Sugar; new crop choice LottleMes, 13e. aloge dolt and lower. at $ 6 5407. grriam tecalptis, 1.140 head.. Ilulk =moduli and unchanged. illarket: (Br Talegssp.k to Pltubarzh Itstrtnoar,, Dee. I.—Plcmr active; super. fine 0.40Q950. Wheat Gnat receipts. Light; good to prime red 11,63. Corn firm and active; new white 00e to $1 for damp, and $l.lO to 11.10 for prime new dry. thus Urns, 62071 e. Provisions firm for want of stook dersof new. 4 .11soon—thoulders 100; bulk about. We. ===! (By Telegraph le t e • Pittsburgh time:tar Pau.ardetrma, I.c. 11.—lrloui dull Wheat —prima nrsa, and other - deeerlptlons dull; une M.6thdo. whlte Cara lirw‘ old Wand realm: ft MM. Earleyy—•ale• LOOP Mt *morn at 10.6001.2. Petroleum gulag; crude 16%mgal:teed to hone =IC= [BY Tolarrardk to Ms Pittabarga Unarms,' Lloootaber 6 —.Cotton soave at MO. Coradoll at 304385 a. Hay Arm at 10 O. tints swarm at 7110900. Pork,.lp3 rar old: 111.76 for new. abouldara non:dash clear sides scares at IEO. Lard doll at 13 013 So. 'uremia, ar PrTMama., Tan WAYSIB 0210•411) December 6-2 ea rn bulk meat, X alms a Coot do do. Hanna; DO Ms bane, Heiden 11. 42 can bulk meal, J H rules;lo pkda grew F Sellers a Oot IS baillosbasoo corn. Shomalter a Lamm 4.20 bbia flow. owner; I ow bran. Kull iittcharV, Ido oalddllnne, 11.2 Jr; 001. Rolm 113 Doe; 121 dodo, Gardiner; NA do do Sothrour 'Cookson; 10; 42 do, Head laMata. eart 10a do do. Watt a •Wllsoo. WO do do, 0 W Hawn; 1121 do dd. D WaDue; 056 plao load, T H Hooted I ear mtddllndeli Sehnelbsek; 13 Das Ink, Kay a Co; 30 Oslo Odor, Shomaker Lang; 3 oars barley, Canon, Darlington • Ca; 6 bee do, W J Hoek; 113 bee ono. 33 do oats, II Rea 32; 6g dream& bop. J llssaa /I.oen beifoheeso, H.l Hrelent 13 W. raga, W lea nanny; 3 dressed bone, Volga a Co; it dodo. E LI Wows a 00; IT boo laiodow nlawa,ll now.; IO DOM tobano, K Illograw; 3 bbla butter, .1 Llpplownta II aka rods. Markle. Diokson a CO; .3 ear. Roo ore, Sbmenbenter a Blair; 26001. rya tour, 1.1 Walls.; 3 pkg.; rosary, I do Matter, S F. Warts.; 2 ears clan. J weeds: IM boo oats, do rye, It do barley, II Rea Its US oil bblo, Lockhart k. Frovris ball Ws netts, HNei .o Ilro; ter) 101.1 new. ShamakerLana; lacy Y Seners &Coll bbdtobwoo, Morraw. t..x...u..tru An T/1311171.0S EMLlloan, Demmber care plg Iron, KU blooms Imo, Noma A Cot 10 bbl. Moe, CS do apple.. do butter, 2 do Miaowed, 17 eke dry.peaahea, 11 Du 1!1 10 bouts, 21 do eora.-1 kg butter, South Anent.. e 55 oeta. to do .on, 2 bide benne. Kellum a A.r.pm; !kO. lash Owne3 do' to, Orals Beteg 1M empty oil bbl.. I Littehln sou & Col 1211 do do. 0 A Woemsattie; legehek. Yoath 10 do rye, J W Iralrieyi IS lOU apples, Yugorder & Shepard;ll3 Wm dry posothe, I do uniou, I dolmen., I Int eon, W .1 Sued A 7 dressed hog., 3 bed. rider, illerbort; 11 - torpedoes, E 1.: Medial tar oath MeHmary h Rood; 10 this apple. Thu Kitchell; 11 Obl. elder., &hock; 3 /ruin& bop, Dr Eluolton; II bags tauserli MOM% ' Ido wool. A llocrular a Co; 111 dreseed ky..l 141eue & C;; U lie 71i Scott A 6lia1;10 do do,a6 do oata..l meou, 13 do rye. A M•anorllt hie pipe.. OC Baer; 13. k. rage. 3100011oult, hunt A Co; to dabs. Bedford MIAs Vol b urn Iroo are, W 11 chorallenter & Montt do de. KeEhlr rot. ter 05;11 MO fee. Bomber, Onlen Malang MP Cotten. do do, 11 A Clarke. Co; See do do. A Allen; 1 ear Inmber. elute le KoChanigle; 2 do' Iron on, Bryan A Caughey; I do barley, 1.15 r• eon. Darlington A 00. PrnoicaelhOorangl9lltoOrlorilu/LIL. December 1-1 ewe Mayo., Andereoe A Ha. 11055; 10 rein 011. J a Penal lean do, DM wertb. KeDonald A Co; 10 do do, .7 Lippluott; Yb kale. eotton. 5 Et CUM. &Co;11 do do, Eagio Cotton KU/aril bill 10m1.7,31 wk• wheat a. Lug; 00 oata, aaehe 010 17. , MenemShomtker) 1. /1004; Udo do Pane. beim a Miller; balm p.P.h' PlllO P I IW7 Co; 32 Wr • barley, j Outgo ielg; Oka. butter, Ido Kee. Klemm, Harper; 3.5 alts rpo, Ca b ia Obi. dry truth 12 golowo. Cot 114 do norm D Wa/lerrei 1M alra barley. 11 do rye, I' Shield.; 130 obis w 001.... Ilataliton; 3 11l to. bete*, bleCulloog A 001 3 bbl. lard oil, L White a Co:a tart sausage, Parkas; 0.1. woo end goodies. Shlpton A Walls.; 60 bd/s hides, Maeda & Bon 1 ear tort, Eloyatox.' Agraimmt Vairdnr Womb. ( last *zoo nod calls, blartls;Hrbakell Oo; 1 ear pit seal, MoKalchl, / . 0110! • COll 40 do, Rem, Orstr Dull: ado do, J Mambo:W.l de do, II -Wocdoldoo; 16. roll. loather, 0 Nll of mon; Is aka rage. McCullough, Smith fa :7o:a drolocil hon. DEekerst 60 ohs oats, .. doarboat. Scott a Ol.al:6 alto mama, 6 pall. hotter. II Koll7ll ha M 7 good.. Darr k MoCaudlosal 14 pkg, oroolcu good', Mallon al Shlproal l tors 00 Mug to scab ear) orodo 011, rubor a Deal i bbrou,o, VArgogerlch 61 Llama. PrlTllllltolll AID CfrIVII.LMLE. Rn— Deseattow b—l ear aetal.tl K Wlskwabiat 2 bbls Palmed, a Wa babe, Watt 2 Wile.; to rolls teeth., W F MaLsoighllw to wttls rope. brarabeil, Fulton al tot to bdla alum Iron. W Aroatroa{{al belle paper, Markb, Mims & Co. • .AiLsaudwr Descalbor 1 , 00 dm. door, Elliatey t Uot I cm dandy, J Sb Mem It U do, Pled, Damned at lbl CJ ebb 50.0.91 aka add, llolu.l lidr.Stadmit Lisidehele; aaaaa awes, Bair& t Itopettsdat .51 Elsz.- dud, Forn rer •t ra* er Od. asipazloN sp Odle 9p0ke5,130k '44" Eiantzr.,,...% utis'uw , . JOSHUA upopEs k CO, , • DICELI pr , BARLEY AID HOP 11EALIRS, oMce, gs 2 Pena. ittreet, 11177111110101/1. TA. JEWS Mime .11•baes411ireet t 14,11 T Vas ISW GOVERNMENT IILiNIETB, las t il3ib Cott I 30 HALES lane; beavlNo; I GREY BLANKETS , • .et!fee •Treffilull; 'vas nareassu awl reeleUgus. (halr sodrs 4) airfiu Want oidctei a co..- ) an14:111:131 Ua WOOD liTillrat WAITE'S 000 D& E HOUSTON *O H Fohlenable 11017 STREET, Um. Jail r. aural o woad guppy of Winter Cpetings, Together wito ro I Ilse. or TTLOSIIN, CAElile tt in sod Vial loll& lits,goortol.oo gad Pr inTro l ot.) °r i g a :And TelegAliY - iiint 011ATIIISSItts glop, ston iii e,. to omit Ito thus. • mant' NUBBLE AND it ATrli ANTLIN • • - , • /! the ?Itteittigi A ELlfoirb. . • °a i r iad as; trylwar ar.r.cr. • sett • IN•tel!elaw on etoo.o poor, re "" / "U r i alftr 't*irlt"i'artakala:tlP " " "*" **.." -* Iga inice• row.. 'llfaggfArif3ta W10.105`4175g. W.atail; Zan.* nail/ Flat,/ llsatle• an Ithd l i =glum" ' W 470217:1 ruel..r..a Manila Zad.lll , l4CO u rVat6 roln:d IT puytiTE Disalum& oaor—ling YOU/ risVlghw a " . l . for Ms toot of art disarm Of • p In from t.o to four rlomtr/ plata , rare trestotoot. who, whims IT MI o th er olsosoosolmor COIMO , 0,01.144 Con trarrostod or moor/ refolded. la"....)ruzr—watNr-411ter41=1 ut 1.114.141, 1111watafactuter ILAtAIA AID DOEBEITIO MOANS, Wholes.% sad teual dales 1.- IMM lti Chula.lolo/1/. Lailavtli• Isl WOOD STIIJOBT.' WUA Com., LH:4lm, ritubargb. r, fITrIBERGR .ROPE WORKS. FULTON, 31EMAII *staelle=lllthe but COaDAGE, 0/1.111/n, £IW MUNE.% ia ev:73 Ihr arelson4e, 114 C. - 115 1/1444?)11...-- Vail Or {end for Gimp., •p1:1,49 RIVER NEWS The weather!. very tickle, changing two and even three times within twenty-four hones; on Thursday evening it was stormy and cold, while yesterday morning, a rata eat •In which continued almost wit.Yout cessatron dor:agile entire day. Laat Oght: it appeared somewhat colder ;and It would got be surprising If was thid sudfthestue to-day. The river appeared to be on a stand last evening with twenty-two inch. tattle onanael by the metal mark. • The advice, from the.headwatirs of the Al legheny were rams favorable, though some tirh at conflicting flf there was as much rain up thy's as there was here there will doubtless be • rise, as there lake hero, there was con siderable snow. We think that already smooch rata has fallen to Cause a rise, provided the weather dyes not turn suddenly cold. Oa Friday last the celebrated Teortytheo, the woll.knosva Ironsiad of Uunfedrate fame, was sold at Airier., La., bringing only a few thou. thud •dollers. She WAS built at Selma, and cost the Oongslerate Obvelmment about SI,- wax). The work or repalling the of LoWs lona, along Use Lower allsalsalpp:, Is progre slog, though Put slowly, at many polnta. Th Oomndasloners are at work at Writ Otto. 'Rouge, Plaquemine and St. Bernard, tall St. James, St. , Chula., and Jefferson aro n. Weated. It Is said theta hie morn empty barrels await- Inn shipment at Lawrenceburg, than can be. found to all of Cincinnati.. At Aurora there are SOOMM reported. • • :thlriny.the month of November. 12.811 bales of cotton were .hi p ped northward, over the Louisville .6 Nashville EMI:IAL eyelet .8.310 bales ehipped,fin ttiewame month last year. The Dubuque //was/ pu blab. extracts from a number of letter's received by businese men In 11111 oily froin whoa residing In New York and New Orlnnt, ail commending the Merry barge enterprise. That paper remark.: " • No ono doubt. the edema. of Mr. Merry.. en. tennis*, and we Teal:au to seethe' wheat, within bye years atiarthest, the hulk of the produce tho Northwest Is *hipped to the eaboard mancete by the way of New Orleans, at a coat not exceeding the present railroad emerges to Chime°, there will ,be lem wonder at the enterprio which has opened this cheap channel of commerce, then at the stupidity of men who• bate ehtaltiVed for railroads a* the only means of reohing market., aud of the people who have no long obotitted to the rob eery of reiterant told'. There can be no - drubt that thin Merry barge *moronse le of the great. et Impratocc, and le so recognised by the leading gusineesmeu of - the east. It 010 be a amerns, and from its inauguration will date a happy •ro for the produeme of the Northwe et. thug cannel peled /tom the enormous tribute. levied la. railroad frelginages'od canal tolls. ST. Loma, December 4.—The conflicting effects of the oda an d the huh .cold - ipell kept the river yesterday in a state of equillibritme The weather: and streets are intemely dlr. egreemble thie morning. Theo 1. reported over four water to Keokuk, four feet tea ineho to C airo, and, at • rotteh estimate, twenty eight :babes In the 'Wool., and three nod a hall feet In the Missouri. The Naples pelmet has laid tip, Laving run Meadtly nearly ten month.. The Ocean Waveand bargee at tired from Inthcque, and will leave far New Orleans b Saturday. The Walter Danes will Pamela below; also. It is old, the Wallis Able. The Julia h.ts not soared, Mtbougb ahe left Cairo neatly. Moe Molt ago. She ha two barer. and ten tune or (night. tad got aground at Bahabridee. The Louisiana agate lead. here for New Orieres. Seeping—Weather. voider, with occasional Aunt. of .now. ' , We clip the loitowinc Items from the Owns oat' Otenetercod of ay: Te Camelia heves fur PorteuroutThursdh today lo p late Of the Darman. The !starlight will My up for the present. Cart W. Cf. Ebert ant Oapt..Stanalsh Reopen'. no . s era Epb.lef for Pittsbureh lolart night e Mr. Eno, mato of the Clifton, wail wanted is Newport, Re, on Tuesday' evening, to a daughter of OOteln McCleary. Jame. FL Marren, writes Shot eight Inch.h Of e bow fell at Rochester, Pennesmaula, no the 21 lime Ilk will arrive bent le-day. Captain W. O. None, having purchased an !Merest in the Alaska, ha. %%%%% Ocharge of the Milo. The Wituanlta, for New rli/atm. pewee Memphis on Detember 2,e01l I the Template departed for Louisville with 300 Pelee of cotton. The Ezra Porter arrived from New Orleans, and enter. the Whlte river trade. During November, 12,811 b ale. of cote on were skipped northward over the Louis ville cod Marvell/a Relload, egeloet632o balm shipped In the some mouth last freer. The (Cairo eorreepandent et the paper tarnishes the following eitilltional ;particulate In regard to the sootenrhst comantie marclage on the Minaret. t Mr... John one. of Plttehorth, wriond Oar. or i of the Delaware, relieved the monotony of along rip' by aselduously eulitvatlng them. quantal.. of a pomnaer, Mire Frattele E. lisle, who, In company with her father'. foie Ity, was maroon. from New ho land, Athens earranty. 0.. to Hare.** Wont,. Mo. A day or two ego the young fott•cooludwl that, ae the entree on the Detsware water pleoatit, they world net be satisfied without • Purger one it mob Other.. rich... end the ofd folks woe aw trox6lnely asked give thermumet to the omen ono making the clourney of life" together. the ofneere of the Dalawere gam ptoot as to the good character of its. Grassy, and a. he further premlod kites; at. sincerity by 'Wog with the family to their new Nom Altssourt the old folk. ear, their willing consent.. On attiring isa Carr Captain Calhoun aerated in mooning a license an a clergymen. (Rev. C. H. roote r Parer of the Yrs...feriae Chuteh lb thie city) end laid the Delaware at the tie until rho ceremony was' r ate ov er and the etteitte. of the oemelon rete over. A loge number airlifted Supine went ...eat, Mar mtresponCent being among the number. i.e Able was also preavat. lie and Cassia Calhoun took an totes. Int ..... In the pew wordings, and cooed the thank. of the young movie end Melt friends by :bete dtetaterested kindoos. Joe WI. an •aelted that he tithed to set se brlionnalrE but • more notable pew en, vow as brooks found to 111 that position. Mr. quit the to at thls par e nt with hi. Wide to the hew haws of he May be be laptop In his new eildaUon,and may hie future 'move... mete to as eneeeesful eemeltudoe ea that of the Delaware, far, al though Ilk. her. he may meet with equal!. and dub bottom pretty bard. yet these Iltti• , not. ents will bat toenail tae ryerletyri which le therspim of MA" . . . STEAMBOATS._ pen New OILLE.4IIIII.a:Ma --- The Toeboaz - .11•61' Jr/W.IOC sad Barger Nor. I .412. "gas e.111011[1.1.. l'ostnau. ab3 , 6r OS the arst rite. from 15. 1001 of 11.025% 1511.••• t. r.t.ta or apply on taud. or to JorC CH LICLES Ra RV/JB.•geot. tilt 0 CI-4:11 TION err rirrseenoti. Ot In treordtere with the provisions cf as Art of the beast.? Asceesbff ol uuuu of cola Pr , •Lii•E for the Iseortiarsti. at lie Cite 01 nobburgii.e d *be sae toot co, pientsta *howl, •• ',LIAM .If 'et tt cr..' of ttol duo ito tato._ toy . twsie'yeic• lion. ta 4 . 13 the 11- IN :A RIM A 18 1 0 07 ...us , h. •MI 4 •`. tee mot la. *he rivets. na ray. he. In. t• Tote s . to is el the Ifotice of lie` . i-xtts• E . veto( hte Goa snoowehtla. me , it Weir entrertt pi. a et hot. 11, **tett ous Is their tete* wove "lire. S. .0 .7 h•lIot slaw th pewit* ooe of lopotaitat 10 esti Set' . oiliesehty,•aporme 4 to. eta cf Artit AA. It. th• timed net:cit. O n e bane to serve as Waco. nf esti raw. Oe Dir....feet, (lout rit•ier . 1 C ell pity. • One Swann to *tetchier of said eity Me the.. to .ry la tat, Ott aei of told eity. Iht Vint to. the above atted elthoriti•l, the a t•teti• lit taw alfet title +lli • lc. by istot twa tenets to cihe m- Whet, 'of the Select 'overt of •14 ty led two ve.04.1 to ttttt al lotto hers of tbe cost.. beeocid wad—Two [pr.pa to te xpentie•• of Qv. att. Crouell A. 4 terwi pettoti. to be meth* bele nf the convene Cot net. 1 bli4 otrd—Two orraohe to he etemb.rt df tbe •••.• Orwell mad two pelsots to be ectiatiefe of the Outlaw , Yost. it,' 'two oftsOlis to b a whit:shirt of the Pet w sea three fierce... members or ( memo , * (No onil, • • ilith ward— ...Persons le bmitehibere tithe -elmt 004 Ste pet... to, be members of to e oon toote.l. has. wtra Dertoes to he member. of the Sit it .4 Geoti. pens. be thembin of the fAiihmairtiohet ' : ' savtnal wnt person. lobe isiwwitt-fs of ;hatliwltt.as d two pawns to be wAtotbast of thy Ottootuft oad . vitoOlt ward-Uwo pa - mono to be weal hers of tte et aud pawns to km members of am• Cote mod Co 0.0. itinthrd-Poo persons to be mew ban of 'Ma - netted wa and there patents tub ntanaterg of the tiOnantell Connel. unit Word Teo verso.. to Te me rs mber. o At de la np d and tytt be Melon t or tha mat••n l'ue Lawreneerlttewrlrst ward One person to be wetaver of Om :Select dad 1.0 tottaone tux nit others of the I COO ob 1 .0011. Lawrenceville no road ward-tine (ere, to b. &member of he title.. •04 t•u wren. to he at the Common Connell ' ll:1 7 1;11 tewathltrwlitte Dentin 10 bo antember or Inn lintel.. and tern tet, be Members of natit m mon cool • oil. Met , / Went hID-tt Jr P 1,50. to be • tn matte i• ofp• 'b. Wet. end t • onto, n Council. 0 pervotta to be members of ..• • . reetae• town. 4.te person to be • Member tee weltet end two pentane 10 00 members of lb. Comma. L O an • (Mined towne.tp 4 .000 Detoon to he AGI what .0 the ne.ilet. and two it Tema la I.almettlbere of tine Itomteot Cannel.. towns , alp One lwri In to be member Of the Mate:Atm twa torten. to tot no manes el th e 00.01000 tawattat - • . •• Emu of who . ° 11•1 Ih• qualided to 'mere. loa lemma es of the !Dame of Irma se motif. of tills oommonv.alth. Moor she be iteoldoote or the yard. In which they Mall he elated. and titan at Me Mm- be saltation Totem therele. • Un t .VIITTIV r illiA d triViVlVl2l7 ` 4“, 2 9tar, Tho whew re of the rim mom •f the city to PI tam, A. 10 la• at at tbe Palate retool Pam is In itsla tread.. I ' ' t 11.402;1;1: ;a T. SI emo veer . Thee lector. 07 The Third mord or the city of harem, to moot a , too hones formerly Wee- Pled he Wale. Henattay. toe, of e•etnel sad 11 t 4 ° • • let sef ti • Fourth tread of the oily or d Yittebnirttlo meet' at the Poem reboot Mom. le tol t o PIfW Tie Orators , of 1..00t:a of t, Argalli..7l;,!,`,7,, , gll l .r.T,FAU:re"l° 7 lo•elert os at the With war . 711.1 erecter,: Of the city of l`lasb , w, to Meet at the P Wie bthool Moot. in food ward. • . . She fl eet o•A of Um 'tee e 4 Med.. Iht Wet it the haute to• cod reepled by UrOty itek op Yolton lite/et Inta . ar% Y7ttspiZettLeereitti rate L lF .butilitelV: to held want. Tee electors of the le!ghlb crer I of Mt cite or PI la Wei FILM tabor,. c, to mete et toe robl.c Moo: noose TUA , l•ofittot this Plinth mind of theplty of Plitso 140, ;o Wit; NI, idle 4,1:•11.t.crh00l 11 In .1d . ..0rd. • • ' "•• 0 • r . . . The vicelon of Um Tenth ware er Oaally a( IMmoorsh. to meat at toe Inane &men, aeo. p a le y Franc/. Jamt.no, 0.n.0....1 moth mot OWIII4IO 4 Mr. elf, la sant wen Sao eltatannf (h. hertweh of Lawrevf settle, V r,t ward, en Po hr i10.m11.114 w•re, Seerad waru, at I'oollo alchoul flume lo M i d ard. Abe •hottre of th, 800 T0:m.144p, ph pro: cheek to siett 50101 boom of eow ph COMmer, lathe vilely of Mod t Morn,. T, • elector...l ortriana l gite r . e z2: &rt.% ra n & .1•6 etrefora or Mete? TswoehlP MIAMI at the public reboot boos. mina loworhls. . alectol. of Perin.. Tawmalp to onot at if o e setnien ileac, 1 110410. commas., too-n se ;new au ow . balm .110 4, - oh th e -14.140rk. a 01.14 , I pad; my, 1.4050004 ohne, to Lei Tne e , wow et 044.24 .TuwaehtD to mlv Nt " tartanv.V, tti; Saltalo .Chwel haute, ' scat ' o.?tiand. , c lek o Odd to 4 -7 2. 311 ;P. 1 5 41 AVJAUTIIT. Dole Kayo/. lE/10.--000 pip best brand. 111.01? " 7 " . ♦ "' lA ' rt . 1rA7111211 LETTER LISTS • List of Drm!led For Letters Rernetnlng .1n the Pittaburgh and Allegheny POitol:6C¢J, DVee=ber 7,1887. I , rxrreinveGa. arNTLICIMS'S rah Gawtee 1 Morgan C. 3 Yar ry Was de Iltrotshed to the Pittel?, • E ; Iken Td isdwardc.lH btui lerJor ax ',sub Id thartcyz , r IlhOrlde loup 511 , au lab ud C K mutual,. Yorsar me, omt Iv 81 el La la a. Vcaoalbs Cul Ito TO c .111 MISFIT .ITT 0c1305514 I) {Ehnen A / I n ate, rhr• Yarnell W O 1.12 J • V.i Thos 'ch J irlonn,c,ip iteliLl2 I °M .1 inh r :nos - . . Allan 1 John elev. , er P Abbe•t nett A.len P Andre • 1, der on t r ul ' Tn Au% exseAtnuel Anthers J 13 A.kes John 11.nc ,eth J - 51cK nsla St u ein c Dhaen John set fiernakl J . I l es:V.lT/ t Dor J 11.4 n oru a sl Esker H r Be. John Balm d Co LE • • ' Irinrl; ', ll? d C ~U.w In rank G I Wm • oyn UP Ant U :4. Hrll 11 " H L Han Hama tnt J H H.inela(l , 11 afar It tic m Ho* . - wrweil A.clticu I_ Moho/ Overton 11l Ilrer Jar H lOUs, J U He I A Hast• U . Hosn a t r H U IPntlitS U Ye a lsoluKt.. MU • lu rt IPIL ( t to et+ to)erla, Raab it wel , rots .Ir, M 0.,. . . Daum • 11:Ter.r . B. ',II %In esauvurt Barn • N Bs " W I4,111. " ,01,b aelhdel L.a ory ueet if u na • Rrsa I .IL lir es, 11' Quinn k.ke for ; O.OIIAC 11;c1ce, H I n 10Ci !lived .1 [suehn A 1101 H U re.l•aa • • en H It *A .I la./emu s Sunel Set HY thy, I . We sbeare • 1,1 Jae 14 ...ea, SIM: le on In Uffor'n mlOlO ./•rr3 RV: 17, trio. g w 0.4113 nuIJ sus rhos . es num... Itobt I ilighgstes W 11,d tsson 21 Skov J flood W oltstinJ Holden s J Itcogh Hog e IlinlJr Ye° IV Hush s d h n. os I littnt e nuesiphr r (I ev W J H Ind John 100E01 1.41 4 11 • Bo Bond Hu Boiard Bowo •11 C 04., 11, IV n Damn. Oro OH GU= Hystra UU He•4l 7.5 Strum .10 4 nn.r7 Hultnn JO rßg. MEDI 'awn Y V S4ultm ge• Irwin J It ' ninlh A 4611. mane"' Jackson loan :1 lin Hunam, I aei,an , H S wets Isaac M. P . J h ajliMllns It e r aer.lL IJegnfl sr. ,r vetJno 11 NT.; ;3; 5i... i lt,': , lif..u. 1, - , ~.",!,t,,T'kur mob II Camp S lam 0301 •,14311 C naleil J Cat• rit Ikkatit 11 C... I J Johow Ilcury's comers X (t.r 3 Ci.... J tax I arb I Id IN=l =ECM eiSr Kaarr John I T it!,;;;Vel ILT:i5`..(l- CIidEMZU ..i! U f a" ; .* V I . .ti C W Coot J yi U 1 Anw Cooper W V oroonsd .d , COOnall d Consrl... it Lc.2 . o au ass 1,;1:;ii, 1 %%lir 4 1 ,,P ,, . ~ f , a. ir; IK , .bs IC j 1.11 ,, , Q2 , 1 . 0. ¢ . 13 ~ :tril' : l ir V5..!.;?,,,,e, Cu. tlr.t,t*.P. °l ,__ ;:',19..1 J.? ~ Eii;n:rntts Ti O W I• Idols r<tcr L ' ull b ;:ge: ' I Wiliter r s Henri Loan Jam. W 1.41C3A JuThB o os l itattbta• A I W 1.14111 S • Trist. A 0 vat I H Ulan .1 U nallgtmaaJ nwtes i jaa W st Lon• W 6 U. W. 1.1 J It s • v Ban Mae Ihr, Feru g ,:n e j o , d Dourzerly V Ittortiona G It i Re, teams. 11 I. a !may Hausa 00t•7 .10110 lIV beatlandgor 11 :;: 3 11 LOT. MCCLURE& E. .... to au .11.11,sbutgli Gaut/ea A ,;atosaloyer IS,ktettoan.ll Id Alter A ar' . ' 11 ' IMc Cone.ll Jao Anal. bl lltss ; ...ger V It Mn • n Arctout lt !ol `i Weeper nory ! Hardt.. A . Ntatratta Penes 11 Morris on!. 0 Ouslen K rta ;lion R Yrblson Kota Ert. y Sin 'll.ttag. p (..I.lVy M C.. et A Mrs 11 - 01. a C ;garter oar. 1230.. nor, I Coootlet I'Vo.tersol C N. Cabo. 11 Sri 1 glock L ittle • Rant. :lrylse Wm Ur a 11. Crosby 11 (tore) ad Joe nn Ills • jars 1 Esker Hall.J ga . l.. pie II ;rob. A Mi. .artio'eNors; 1. o. A ;Joon), A MM..... Rot'. A 01(003 lig!. K 'Obt..:AsJ atn 11 a oast ty et,. TV. • nr..l, kora. 1" . "°12`" 1i i:"..2Z/A:.'san Pang ann. 'LIR. Mouth ;meas. It I. 01 Unto!? 'Jtela z Edger knee t.cek.r.A.l a A.. 110. Jaiti T V. Moto ; ' 9 ;Titan.* NKr.. ;Moon. .1 elltrs•Titompe... 111 Coo, Bridge 'Murphy 31 ! W _- Uorrlsoa f•A 3/ • ! Word Prank r n ..ot la.' We barr t; 11.• ;!.!cco..Aor. !Wlttlatas I. 11 LADIILS [As Puna ==! ♦LLEM V 667—0 ...oboe 7. fetkPorntithed lo Me PUtsburph Gase2o-1 '- n , Gibson B 41ellroslit y tn 5 , ENII A J •ti, a., Bob' . Iloiturpe II Itaraes A itiowaaut. •MeLoocell Ja• ! • town C • t 11 , ;Mellow, J a ; Becket C o !nicks •11 . i tiro 1TA ` ,1 ' , 2 0:...t ' n.77, ' . 1 1 ' •t ! ':',..111t Mr IPArir. Hemet. Jaa ' imo,lellanal .1 . , Hoax r 1J Hews Jlv. 11ctirothr Wm 11,1t1 f :,:1:;; ;',?."'• 111V:g; ' , ...,,,, .5. lla-tios• Jeo 1111.1 . isrrfl 1•14 J Bi U fl . ;:e . is ."" a I Neely N K P B.: 11 .1.4 Hmrock• J 1 ' 21 , ,r JEW • ita. Ipois T ..Ptiellte Jaa BY. o V•osio NI; tlatVels • P ire gr :rx- 1N , r.,% Wm HiPo s t l t e Vinr r .• 1. mall. P N jealsois AU • 1• ••• Mn 2 . 2 0 , 25 P , Paltts Poo X RaoIMIOA : •,11oPara •a Y Xere!itt 11 • . ,Hero n LI 1 !Meal. uoo. Brook 11 us • . 1 Nods.. A 1121 cit seler 2 'lnearam Thole , Ito •• Drboiab "Q i ' i s hams , FA iia * A4, 2) ,7,4 ii.... 1 , teke..o :neg.,. J•coti 01•10 rt. , ;Ja..11..0t513A31,•' X • 1.1•.• ••••• ;J••tJaroti iS ..eta It 111. erwerera H ,J. ll.s. • Jena) rel.'s., Wm tittow• J lZOT :JoelsoberJ ,5it , ....r , li'm nol.llllJ ' lll IK os •Kti mail 0 C. ,1, 11.... 1 X 'lleamar C nrae J T Oadortit Jos IttLan 00 iObo , pourst I sank., or• 'lima C 1 :ow., J (Pus? 146 , 7 0 A.A. a • , 00v., a Jae 1 - Poe .6 bos 11 ...opt. erhtelle• sa Craig it ' X.., 0 • ,al out. Ls. 0 s hire o f /liae " ..lleleeo 2 / 3 0 , 1111 21 .1 , Iterr.o. • olio. tor tie , • ..., Au a ti• , pc t o ..,•• !worloser Cuss =1: :; ' 1 tgr ' " I :Za a rfa:l o Ltreit•al 111 !Bog er 11 : 2 1 . r. X. 17 !Kaue Wm .Taylor 1 a• 10 Din •to : I. , Thomposo L 0 r ' ljes W et erloa Chi. It.odoisi II 1 1 in. Ito 21 f rirolti o i t : " A _ i _ 7 '''' . ,,.. 0 , 0 5 .2 : till ..;`,-, irallowd W A %Lilian , 1 "' 'Vo;xtly •pall Voisear.Jas it/cllllO l l . j : I ' . 7 I . ET•LtX ' PrTl7i!l.l • Iti ‘ rit ' l l. =l i '"'" v) Pam, Amanda! oanelest 0 Via son Jae Vlaseger . ;11anortle.4tieo IWil•tsJ • rotor blond Old• sha:ln P ‘.l ol.ms JlO 0 .2411.rJ II . Waloti JAo .1111.1111 C X Hs.. e.r 2frol; • • .I.r Li • pray Call...lnt ;Wort% J. •orde, , Viatmon. X 01001 no• d !Ma rot. 11 ; W ItOsms 11 2 oirsham 11 ; orrtslo Mrs ' • 1111•Asslrar 1: ll e/ .. 11 ,11.1lIar A W right a .1.0.00 tittlVel r ..l: ' ;,....5;!, Wright orisons Jno •Ileem.., 0 • Frlt sop LC ' ()tray P Mn not... L W 140.111• ••• .5%r01111 hi t !me! Inky IC / Welams A Pfiar nordleier II li im0t,,,,,,,,,1 r MICE EMBED \ Address r. B. Wo..iiworlh Ayou. ~:. ROCHESTER CHEMICAL HOREB. ;.: : 1 \ , 3. 111, 113 1 Ili kills Ellea a \ aupallltalrllL Zi. Y. . ...\ P. r. army. ' p , ' to' ' - f . ."; ,\" 2 Ifre*".7* .11-1 P e .40, 4 0 El 1. - fir. .. ,:,;• f , cP. 0) 2 ..; ', .5• '. ; 1 7 4 . • :1 ,ie": 1 1: 2 \.% Q.I' l l: Ft ) s s.110i:-T , \ii 'o.: . Z$ 2 1.41:;;1!1? P \ '0.34E1 ; ttl 2 eqs-s, `,, pc .11:.Lit: tn0......,1\,7.7. t a pi• 0 -i7,7. $.,,,,:.V1' , k . \ " N at ~ ..r. 1.7 . U. .3•oaik 1/ On •+.l. \ 7 a . r, ,—. 3311 1 N111:113,1 al \ i d • a .. . i nacura Jaig..l ll -- 0 , elri - L , zn:!hlavr A t,' - 1, 1 . 1 1472'. 1 7% 474:11:14 \ / 191:1I11.4111,1 il,tpaotripoo 4 l , , JOaN 50111 y. P. Cunt. , JOHN ROTH & SON, Importers end Wbo'ess'e Dealer" It . . roams' AND DOeiZeITIO WINES, GIIANDIGI, GINS, 1 / 1 1318, IA/1319.1r1E8. &0.1&0 4 807 .7-.ll:ocortY giti•esot, „INTONITS tlttlTnrlfls Cnz y , greg:g. In :a I :4:M e ttk ;a t :A=l: sit WOo will favor thato.. 4 JOAN p l it t gr r: 1 11? lt a .;.! 71.;;Vart TL'llt""'rg OLD osmium writ, • Led Mopertor quoin:riot • WEENUSI lOUGNACIL p • , ?Lstml.g.4l ,, let ,t yi In.trowp, Vlll alma be 41411111 MOTO $ ?KM. sir B== A ',try lug. stack ur ang nude Vag A , Ugtnenuuel ArgpsVlno, Ibr sal. by aims 'La A. notuoun mrls,lhr a estaloos L EtECEMBER 7. 1867. MIBCELLAI/EOLIS. TOE ITE?iTUTRY STATE LOTTERY. GRAND HOLIDAY DRAWING, DECEMBER, 1567 Whole Tichetr.Sl2 Ilalves,s6; Quarters, 83. No more at ee a t ab e nd in br p e rtete pr eent . candem de h o r th a n b , io w c e in dmen ie , ntu u .7 nee Lotte - y. Now that the Holidays ere au near at hand-the mason when It seems almost a duty Imposed by the custom of our forefathers for many steer:aloes. aswelt as a plas.. to omfer glits from lolled bauds-lt mente peen- II angfittStir to tve!presents toil pee.. mare It value. It haa song oren acknowledgedov Mt who ate Infolmed teat e Mom Lottery ever, greater itidureme,to to pure.- .., • Ot Melba. any other legaiseJ losie.y In •the world. A Inagnln •enteidele a umber Draw ing will take p . s..e on the gat o Deceroter, widen offer. 0111714 Alet (Mincemeat. to (*.the. deters Pardus boo. t Itaß. 77 r iti b eere l L to for some •ne f ' the many solenoid Irmea.sPell. • A. auld lose no in iyilly 1 0(11likttl. M.M) 1,0 will be titaMlMlted • The e.pitalrorMl is 4.50,003, limo log • handmsreo •krtnee to the Stole holder of the corresponding tithe, Hundreds of well attest...l Ito:Sorer, oftni.ir to the following, aft Menu, navy uektl.r.l2R: ••Mtts Marybussell Miai, who died in 15, rn k trintfg7. S Z:,•l e . a . r .!:;„, a ..7, - „f or y [hones dohs..s• dee rleite ' t rlit:NP.an t:id drew Able magnid,ent Rent was y e t, met n to her by her father. Dr. onlttorn <e of the MI" yl,lllllO, t 01011104 Judges ol bib thee, How WM. homes Wonitt bright.ned be • surce. In the Wand Holder Drawing of the Ktlltur KT ntsta Loiter, on Dew tuber SI, MURRAY. EDDAa to. Rtxtomm,.Covlngtoo, To whom MI coommolettlott Rhona addwat . voMAM TOBIES' TOBIRS' TOMS! 50,000 NO 1 TOBIES , RECEIVED 11 Also, boo,ooo Lancaster Half aponish Cigars, I l vgmlood, WhIOD Wa [gar to Um trade etiotO tirCall and examine before purchasing elsewhere. R. & W. JENIINSON, No. 6 Federal Street, • talon otrOtwHENT CITY' PITTSBURGH 111 PORTING HOUSE, • ORTABLIAITED 11311. .SCHNIDT & FRIDAY, 1111PORTZBB OF • DENMAN, FRE& CH AND IPINISH WINES AND LIQUORS, - 109 Peon Street, Pittsburgh, • . Cur blte. H.:HM[II/T bovine returned from rope. bps orate lotto ovrename. lad poleeled :arrange...was wilt toe folhoortne not our ;nooses: a. BHEILLER . 4ilre . Cbsospaorne. IntnlutE a Cll.. apatnay, ilhanspaane. 3. PUMAS o • 1.10.. Oonnao and Dorcas.. A.•1111tL1310, Tette. tto ID UUos. Word.. Vona. • liettl. U nottulD nenbo.e. ARhein. Rhein. L. • le VG MK CO, Cm:oaten.. Opsraltoa . Halt and t EA.. a 'CD Ales. .'1 WINONA: a C Mulch Ales. • enolee assortment of TOWS OLD RTE WIll•KISIS constantly on band. ' Haying otrfoo ed s rrolgernent • nlth Mambo, boo•-..... aro stto to on•r the etOicesl lir ten of WINKS a•d MASHES. Eizpslrtlitlon 0 WWII, and comports of prices :oho ted. A ancer FAMILY CONVEN/. XMCIL. ♦ new en.l novel arrangement for hoots,' HOT • WATER BOILERS attbeted •o the kick red aeon:mm.ol VAT., s I that the wawa A. a •hten awe. op the moth plpe h•soealt the wvier nevem! In al ordwerr em.d rzullly. by pewee the Mean Emetic U 2,011111 Its holler. which eta seer the pipe A In of thy stov this new orabaveleet can be put on to soy Mo.l, .urn common llooking Ware, of t , z , 11 - 417:447i.1,`,Y.'1'111.'111N Uhl, 1r..1.2 1 • the O ran beer Poll.ra attAtto d to thetr , litoves. t•on0100 the Attachment. the ?in n ;na ri)t.• BlfliELL & CO„ Ito. 235 LIBXRTY bITILLLT. ktetntractererswe the Trlomph Cook Moo, 1868 . DIAMESI, • 1868 Ur At L VAR'S. rut'. Coquire, Qoairille, Billet, Ootavo, Commercial and Packet NOTE PAPERS. 114101i6LIPT, ALLLpM6N . AATURNEYS, and all ltEe . arilltar7 _ Mancl-ALL /Olt SALE AT W. S I 1 ? Cora Wood and Third Ms. 1 . TO GLASS MASUFACTUREIIB. n T_E UNDFJCHIGNED having £100.7 for tbe salsa!' U. COPLEY POT CLAY. are nor/ prepared to Inns!. It la WY tluttnitr to ttoye waking to-procure WI. sopertorartlele. Dartna fifteen yenral nee of this clay we bare nr.. Cron nt web OnlPertlons as we believe -Laws It a better ankle for pots than any to We market. we bowleg metered.. arersge eland of efre ma nn. for welt bele'int some Jesting as lon. az *Wet end We mouthy... We will illinalSh weelptr for th e proportlon Ott he Dixon?. of OW 01st to curious panbiAlll4. Tn. Clay Is ground nod mouldwlls lernigar l ifellem it • sox. /fort PM Clam Works. le :al Waohlon. Ilnabereb. W. TEAS 1 WEAN! • Jan reealvad, • large sad eh, lot of grub T 3911.1111„ • AT FIaARMS; TEA_ MART, Ka tS ULmoeA, Plttsbutk.. • Uinta ail hate retailed at r Meet that , al,l del} eatatvtltlop fr , at) , tat every ...rte. dirt Them • WILL and yoa ba swigged. WIL /RANCE Q NON, MI 'PAPER HANGINGS, MIT SUICIAI . TING, IF ons•t TAME= AT No. 101 Market Street. JOS. R. VIOGIERS -141k0. BEITAIDLIMIED LY ISI2. J. T. WRAY & BROS.,' IL= STEAM GM BAKERY, 29 and 81 /Mein 81res1, mrmainZoll. PA. se.l3:rt CRACK} R , 31.7 Liberty. Street, PrirTAJBOUMI. P• wErr cOintim • nticinNE • sTOUZ WOHNO, Yonlomi Co,zo, of WOolknomillmouluflr. UNTRITIMMENVaintaI tlt alkkkri 1 1 1117Matt li ke ". . t ." .../11r . ttv . or oromolo oda tod. P WMWI -Y R. Es, it.,*( - 5 - 14 - , ealar. of Weights and Measurers No. 6 1 , 01161.T111., • Between Llterty sod Terry Mr..., Ottlen tbiVlnutly att.toloel t , enJe jonx PEcK,' — iieuva ?MENTAL Haus WOUK EEL AND rißroizn. t' roam, lartet. one door (Ma Wood. el L s ir VtAro. "' ll. " :ll4 " l.l . 47.l l UtiNT.W: . 4 tomaeo Lamm., Monts., v. " ' • R. 34 DM* cull will be WO I . wr /bar Ilear Th a n l a..ittg:l l"'"" b.l"'""aVrab pN HAND AND TO ADMIT.. a Muir. Cuba lonlai.•.; nr41.g47 ll' tsyru' 7 p•" Porto 11 11 XX lhld• do• • " :11ittrarl;,;,„ il' ON l4, 7lleo oug to; kl1F11111•ARII eo1 4 : 371 sod 174 Wood Itrect. EaTnA Nos. 1 AND 3 1.41111, la 0(w...A for We or • T. kit:ime a co.. na, W.. and Peet... CCMOICE FAMILY ifLa l ` llt-4 n 4104411. 4 , 4 Obb , petymids • 4 .4141 Lads.. 444,14 y nod.. Ya 41441,14 ,1 1 ,44 on b. , ' by 15CH , J040414 , 4 14/4.411 4. 1116144 174 Wood at O. pEACINES AND APPLES. Wet" ..w Wa s Dried retches agaby borandrz Wood ntl, 111111 TRUSTEE'S SALE OF Valuable Coal Property. By 'virtue of an order of the Cour:of Common rte.. in and for the e:oloty of Alterheay.,:nade re:llea:bar -. 11:1.67 : at No. 11:. In pant ion..the nmierstrn. , lPra.t...e wit' expose at public aale, on the premises. on MONDAY. DECEIiIiELI IGth, ISO; At the be. of Iho . c'oct a. 53..0t slid Jay.. All vahianie rein anuan a. the — 33.1 t Cool." situated Iu I.llllhoth townshl9. count, aforesaid, boundel ca desceir. a 3 lie', tit; lent eg Ville P. 0,:,. tie.ace or nut renney norttt &are,. 34 ln 07 5. 1 . R 0 3.01 W. Itotie, thence hy rad ef 310.31 , ...113 6634 durro 4 . ont 6117, per ches to • whlte eat 1 tn. noo - ny lard er Woods and IleCiore de. roes 1.1364 perch. to &stone: M00...a 16 degrees east SI per.. degatune: then . ..! 36.3nee's heirs south h 3 ~ east AS 5 10 T o echo. 10. atone: thence watts I=S&leis c a3t 358-13 perches 14 • atone:, tnencesuato 04S ...ejeoes eat 16 4.10 . perches tO •stone; trience sot. 03 deortes east Reecho. ...tone; then. stn hod of Yu. • .1133.311. aorta 36t4 south 50st p•rchs. to a itone; tbetme south aldearees 101 l 7 4 13 p.m.. to a lohore; l.nee . to 4 !.4 dorec•. east 41 per• .3 stun-. snare tutu lan. of Irtuisto Edinnadson north 59 ..3 es 62 60 , ?ar CI. to a stone: then..e north degrees oast pe•ches. to the hive of I•ectoning; one nondmil servo. strict tneatutc. of stln&ral 41.1, t tether with 50 ad slusular the ode , - dec. ary la the ex < .ratiOp Mee La,. out of Attarral. at, and VP th Va_ r •lV,lllelintnlWllt:T . JriV r g n teenny ans all .13 anclaireo3 ear. aeedrui f minlux tie.... and •1. , p of Wog 133 , 93,9, I and cup., tee aforesaid undes• t,e131 , ‘ rt. lb lbe ex 0.131. •ne tar. any ad lout og coal. and a..n the .1 3 no. Of W. suer omestonu f 5.• Otte .11-33. lelTreety with the apturtenrtnees ,3' n ' t ' ll ' eVZO ' ct b. ; re ' V:CI C ITI :LT; :f ana 3. of km tell •FM I-4 s e cu r 0. 330 , 31 . 103, year, secured 3, judynicat be. and m fo - elgthleT r dr=r,n ' liliintre of A LEX. M. WATOION, i!Or T 1413 3 3. PENNY or PDll7 6 4lrA t tg(7l34- .9ietarent. - • a 0r231346 • VVESTEIITY DISTRICT YENS- bTLVANIA., Gel The bederelreed ' hereby Wee MOM. of ht. appulement of -- ASSIGNEE Or- 1101InT•IIERVEY, of the borough gelerciateni, to the county or gn,o,ny, and gate of Peniaylyents, sold DDirt:t, rinhbas bun adjudged a bank rupt on his own petition by the District Court of Said • RVOH M. BOLE, Attet.nee, northri corner rolut +Boy Oa.' Duer... War EXECUTO&S NOTICE. Whereat, letters testamentary hare Reels 1.. surd Py the Reglster or With It and far alit. ents.y.eorouty, h. yrEso e,111 f. , to the Anurralactd Ere. t oots and v=2,;,?Y0r.:;,'.11v, nut , fleA l toar prompt parrot:E. atit e Iterreea ga nErel. and all person. harlot Claims grin tttttt estate excretal...l tn pre sax t the snmalesally tle.tEd to elEnte of toe naderslgoed sattltnot de• ay. CHARGES a. CLARICE. Of Oolland.Townsbl&,,tre i s . lo . heca . r. Ur Chant Ward, PlttatorEr ' WILLIAM M. RORER( Ur . recta Ward, Pmararah. Prrrantlßoll. N.a.111. La?. onlitlard•r W TEIt 31 DisTmer OF • • PENNOYI.V.S.NIA. At Plitstrorgh. tktober fult. If/O. TIM nodes sinned hereby Fled. nobly. of la:, appointment as Assignee of JA0 ,, 11 •BILLII.LaftI, of the City of Pittsburgh. In the scanty of Allethsnr. nod Mate of Penasyleanla or.thin said Distort. Who bae bob a bantruot noon ni• :owe petition, by tha District Court of said dlitslet JuELE 3f. KENNEDY. •EtEuce ' ttorzepat•Law, N 0.14 Diamoiol Dreat. oe.N.EN VSTATIFI•OF lEREIIIIAII MOB- IhNe . ll.—Notlee le hereby glren that letters terteente.ry on the matte et the above n•oe-d Jeremiah Merged. late or too toarnehlo,ol 171n.t0 7. In the county of • liegteuy. pa., hat. nten aranteit to al z•nder k • nementi./..slding In the to wo.ht of ' lndenrudent, le meld a . all InexetOra harlot Maims or dhamode *gall" t the en ate of •la deem!, at, an. regneet. ed to mate the gakto known 'vitt/out delay. LaXaZiDgit It. TtlOhtritral, /neuter. • 0012.00 llEREALN,Letters.,Testiailen ,g4V'e.7..Vrt". /More ycl e nTl, M tVo, o dl ceased, ha. tor 00.0 granted to ;he hudarsleoed, all oermons d .o 551.1 est.. •re. In mate Immediate rav,atat sod Mos* haTION tlaves spit at the sald estate w its prOCOL them. properly aumetalcatrrl, forsetsiemeat. . J.LitYLIS /MIN, Extetttor.. se . tl . MICK sio,,nrt. EtITERA DlsTnier OF • rENV:IYLVANIAL, aa. At Vttabu4n, the 19lb day of August, L. Ind. The undersigned hereby glees notice Of appointosent ea Assignee of RUBICILT WAT. SON. of Leweeneeelll,lo the County of Alla enema s and State of renotylvana, within eat Diatalct. who hoe been adjudged a bank.up upon Ma Gen pitlitoo, by the District Court said Dlatslet. , S, JOHN H. BAILEY, Aselgnet, Atlonleyiat-Law, $2 Grant alraci. I' THE MATTER OF THE AP- Pt, CATION of the PITTIOWBGEI 11/.11, CIII• NO A 1. ter • Charter of ineorenrattoo. Arse cltraetlld.ehoilbye aelOrbel , rem. 1.7„ fur • Charter el /neorporatteo, end the ••.12.11 • 111 1 he 'trotted AI nest re•rn of maul TN THE MATTER OF BUILD. 4Nt/ LOAN' AS 4 IXIJLTION No. Y. UT ttletulNll.l.3l. %afire It bereby given ilia. a be above Assoc's.- tio ti bat gorilla. r.rr • Cbartnr of Inaglio, stoa. at NO I if. li.Cember Teirm, 1117, Comnilob Pleaa , vart. mid the masa will be granted at ;At nest term or tar, Conn. unless negpsiervin are Sled to proper time. JACOB In Wal.Tirtt. 7'4i4 • Prothonotary. . • WI . IEREAS. Letters Teataitnen: 1. oflgt,i, 1L14.11g.° ra lecested bailor .beott er..uteeoe''yoatalloor: a.I potooos.ltulebted ta 1414 e.t.a axe noutested to auk< lotroodtate paymest. and tfooe btrorog claim@ osalsontne .14 estata,•lll wet.. them. moot!) . antheottehted mt. ttrarnt. ltu3E.4 Cititht. ' aeitard:d&T 22222222. THE'I . SI I , I4.TTER OF THE AP NOA.IeCNTtes OVNE. GERMAN nUtlcte- No. Or Wlen-P.lll/chlttliatl. Telt, No. I Nattea Is hereby'iro. slat, tha aLove torte., A 'coda lon has non:A IC the Comer Coatietan Pleat. at No.' 33i. Itteembee 1 ,111 fcc ••OPacter oe InPoracatlaa and Jffate 11111 graotent it the next term 0 . 0 tal4 I. ,, met,alma exec/Aloha ate Pled Morten In prate time. JA.CI)/1 H. Pt Al.l Elk • eteb:b7 Protttonotarlt O.IIDikANCEB. AtilITP • ,PLE 3 IFINT.7III AN November,E Pa tad the lth d.y of 011111- la twtl r of (la' elpe iecr.ort T ownin extt tb: Vora teen. roanell of the Eoronab ol Lare..erel.le. lea tilt hereby enacted by the au hot ft* of the ea —a. That no mbar du Coma toat reoetyd e prlallar. of tat clotte, frwifeLearglathlr=m;ag elk Lnweeweervlile COMNO, will tat: Lich gas L o a -he ”In aron V, sod tee attlat us thereef. at es low Eat" at elt (Imes as th e.. lt E h gatl, or Last may at soy 'tote hereafter be th e re. ,, by 217 tfeT 9 a. P e n at i g;tVI ' 2. 7 1 , ;:::::!: p. • that. eontatance an prosecute anti:snails within eta mo...the tram the puns. or ads ordl banee. • tt•citeoel That .hen any ...eve; lane beetle,. Of toll borourh obeli be opened br rant.opituy th rttreo n 0 .4. j az i .:2 , 42Lteglt , t h e , r: . ilreattlee Teti.. as a oresald. tbe sante bal not be ...et oven or obetruele . for au un ta. e teary lebrat a c( time. Eat b• fuel and reoal.ed, and al• 10001.0 •ncl Oro bee. d0n.....1 by MI open Itg ot man garnet. lane or I alb) . as •f .resel ah• I. be r romptiv And speed. 1 .entored the eald Om Company. no Mown Pr [lT: . r " = . lN. .Irettl.otbellb cr str.s. Ton. nr al., as afotala . ties Comecon shall use all neeea•arr preestolo.s peo.ct tie Ilene too iroperty of One title!. from aeableut gad dames . 14.001 ertet or e• bee to be •reteten no;r n gy n r e .a4. a^it, wart. or.ppu en eon for Property •f any e Illen or betotre plabllc ovl a ere. . 11 %;:llat . t r r a l- o a r n[ L e oy tttre h l'.. , l'it7f, 4 debr u V a r4 Lthea•to*; eon tgl i r itt? elaTti'OMioelit Garrett n ' v toe mum of tareote, flea col ar ee e. • le for eeen.hottra ...tine...tett therm , after tub ele•lctlon. :be fo ot note fo r lord. toes tee treat ore of key Loch te by forlq sot ma a n.. 4:: ttle o A,Veo dr leltuais 1 0 11. tala %unit (or see amegei telt eft then mire ba =tater Ur .17 the arliTet:roPlWP ""*" .'71:31y AN OILDINAICE (or the 4a7d .,,,g.LPg'f,rl.Mgln.n ZI:41.4".4:01 he llotongh 1145 et the BRITT 41 1 1:7W'.,,...,g,e,4 , e ., 64,/ the Atrof•Pneot Tow. vonnet/ Borovy4 of sod Ma cot. not 'Mu the Otron,h neonlar. T we tautly smillor.efd end ensp th ottered ' teVarlt, D lilt tors oe of veer , tt •theet et tenetantt I. not the Inter.° too I of eel! thteet •Ith A.A. eon Itrtht.thettor.,tthr 1". " 41 to o dr;, l lrtlige% r lV: , or t .1104 6. Thal the exth h• of 5514 .10,00[11011 ho pall Lot of the Ilan tub ‘l , atery •• provld4ll (or exteolue oulloththe, the for fpnyth end h an:::Csle!.lVl 7 4Z:el ' It!Ti t un ' e t a 27 r , ';i e 11l e ' en told -`towe (thoDe•thlth t' tp ke tl v b el 1 100 : 4 1,q 1 , o t c l: i l , tkpr hod lealed • and •5‘3 0 04 S Th. t o thou a ther," m adhen. free logaw p thrthoeoll4 MOC,I f ej, Letltletd %be lt .1‘,“41.1 Itegulatfe, It shall l.te dote to thee. • d at enftion the &awe -Inoue the several lon.hold era owalue property on elk in feet, senordlog to the a le ttef4lo he ron. toulean at. end tn•rontpon to I gee net .e• thereof to tho ORtlkl . WIP,. o r s Id 040 of rethietthtly4ff.:l,4lktervf:g• wrath.. "r e . nt=l s rclasure • ofthld ' hBolloo 4, 1 hed. It 4 0•41 'be the OA, n 1 the Treaturee of eall ktoroufh. the reterit . th tr:e ' lL t g r•V:gstC•(oe tgrterdea:sPatTe, said, Mut halve the etnottate ,408 twee, .rte are fond Ito blot thine day, heel the 11 : 7 = 1 :•% °,41 =44 , 47ViVz,144?"" ., ‘ J. 0. llUrßilq, /terve. n ' e ' rgl74 l s;l ! .le M , kst7.i l ,V4Y 4 ' •„,ka AN 41)11411:t1NANCEI. retatlor to the Kt I l:at Toofw Wm Not. ?fl an..- nat t yrtett Dttt; o nietti 7 =inodnf Ora; oti.- :arelt'e:""l7l7 ..o . C. 4 . ' ltel::•VegttiMtn:: de."l..;l';''''A suety nt.te 1114; a'..i?„,&,:otvr;Vt-b."7,,!,'...1P1ZT1V1 t..11,31;e1.3;:0r ao , ll p•ItInF t!. , 0 505 e 11111ot: : tenet y dev:e p. • l eootweioo tem far !tow y • tog tO ae Vltteu e b oe Lewreeetell e %Ile , Tre , l.• , tse ad , t , ateekt i nte7. :rite to,ourb yurZose of the pilotless, et•otry tte4l.4li r tv , IFIL,:d at the colt of said xvrlow 2. ;tattoo herpes of ••.1.1 !tomes& is bettor Stu o, lend to •tt rl be tat - littar•;e tn. cap 1,1 ?t - el . f and 1114114.1 t l' ift Venn% i ti s o;..4% . 4l..:•ii !' •te. OtirltsA, " d Q. It t 1 • • un, Donor. _ - 11E3 AF 011101:17 AR CE reiftling to alite e it a. or Onriat ai ia, I. Et• it ordned and enaciral Oh Lis Baratta and Content yr ills .Ilvexdoh of rtatr , "ltt to etwoaii tr..la - 11g,d idler the onsataa Itia annotate,. the Lan ranee oghttlhrf,7" :gAr s 1.0.1 ttorw.etn hlr'ltah pont of taring down. re It and reptaldni the aond.lt tapas, Ina el sad sanoty pipes, ann the atual 'and. proeStatxt nettlaell- Wean.: teel therewith. ;Jr shOO; t . rltle liatoagh.or 'Lwar• A eat a touts, Or ...JOry unnaa satahsghtints..triels. s and alite, laroarh the eaelner. °roils (3,"1 .1 43."` """'' " Nhtorloit that tha ...arrest or,sahlattati it beret/ antlentlet lasateerlht Bthine ur the capital stet, or salt wit CoallOny. the tants ot no Burgett n.id °map, a a. Boma/ilk o Lames ..rule. J. O. BUIFIUM, Bonus. .97:143 MANUFACTURERS . . Vres • Z ..... r. rorna • turf.. PITTSBURGH FORGE AND IRON CO., liter Iron: Rallread Flats 121tra and ROMS Car Axtea Balled; Marotta Car AM*. Itaunnerett Locomotive • ! Loam/tatty, panne Moist.. Stde Hods; Yahoo., Strapg . P/Mon Almada; Steamboat Shaft.; Steamboat Cranks: Platen Rods, Wrist.; Pitman; Jana, Coltman de. OFFICE, No. 177 PENN STREET, PITTSBURGH. PA. NRlfi ILIRDIVIRE •ROUSE. o' 4 Lindsay, Sierrit & Bawer, Manufacturers & Importers of, HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &c., 337 LIBERTY STREET, 4=lcsr: laravy - xio, One Square Below Won Depol, , PITTSBURGH. 411 . Moms for FAIRBANKS' SCALES. SHEFFIELD STEEL WORKS. BINGER, MMICK & CO BEST ROBED CAST BTH lIURI, ILAT AD MGM, Or All MR WS 0 =1:1111a. ellttl AND COAL OWN SAW PLATES. iLLIPTIO AND lILLSI•ELLIpTiO RAILWAY SPRINGS, case sprites, stage, Cast. and Gentian -Plow Steel mow WINGS i i.Nl3 NOW= *SA SPRINGS, AXLES AND STEEL TIRE, Tlll - 2117tigiNNWOLAW21 CHOW-RAS A A. La. a. Warehouse, SS ;Water SL, Patent' Racial I A . MAS WORKS, ORTOM STR.k•la . Muth Watd, Pittsburgh T/102LILS lf. AZILLER,PresIdent nue Worts are alarla the Innest and molt complete Attabllshment In the Weal, and are not yraparnd to tarnish • lizigines of rvery Denrriptlon. !Wen, 011 Toxic. , • • Sheet Iron (Worn, Ballrond Cnatlngs, Bolling Mil Caatinp Brier's emoting% Karla ne Ca l ming; General • ORDERS solacrEED notunal • JOHN RONEY,: UCLA FOURIRY, Carson 81.,91h Ward, near A. V.% R. Hammer Dies ? - Steel Mould., lents• IM id due Cutisgi gmently, dgrazo..F.l* Dolor&tr attoidos la. Or a alga ,car•Ozur and rattasztority tzrentea. PIO int I , PORT PITT POUND 131. CHARM lINAP: HEAVY ORDIVANCE, ONO ALL ELMS UP RILAVY CASTS - NM hoeetal =Gallon paid to Ot)LLEati 111L1 Woh.,RLABT ItAcHINEW and YAWATA =PAIRS attended to oremotly, As herttoloes, the Teal taatartah, will ahem Os toed at Ma Foundry. Haring dtspded of 'oar old noel. We art aarrtred. IMA NNW AND INNUOVND rAttilrAL totatracted ander JAe man :M i lt. NUT. to taraltti MAIL ttoe. thaank ROM C. MAYO.". ...... CILLSIIIS DOSKILLT BEENWOOD FOUNDRY. • BRAT!) & DONNELLY. Jobbing. and Machinery Castings „ .. I.lg u bt o o r r au bca p. aj am ol either Malleable or Gray ararr D.P.m. /a &di to t t e r s d ' er ” . . "1.". Suit.° to Otßee„ 250 Liberty Street, (lcadensyor Mule Mdldlar.) lUQUESNE IRON AND &TEEL WORKS. HALLMAN, MUM & 00., IWIMNICTIT/Llall 07 Iron, Nails, Springs, Azle! PrusE. 9P11.11G B. STEEL, IA _ wismotrar. 9-7 laramear threat. ..acu rirrinstrnmy. BILUMII ATIVA. STAVE WONIELS • A._ =may a U. • Cook, Panto, and • [testing Blom- Among whlah aret:te eqle bratejl ZUFLI . L, TT .71,7211:1M1 MitalTP(rtgi Cook Ooves.) Alto maattPumra GRATES, GRATE MO T% dm 1 1 4, :a . : = 1r tiVroWibr r iV•Lir.= 7.11349 ta.,kirrowAitim. H. WOLF, JB., &CO4 DILIL32II 13 Hardware 4/"ChltlerY. I.rs now zrdzwu tirt , g r al .t :t . stool anzt.wx . mmaiwawmaxannew, Cantor Liberty and St. Clalr Ste., nemattariblaa-satopa.. W. X. Eta... —....79 pr WI" VALLEY irrOlir !WORK& • ALLEN. NPOCEE & panVElV , tfA.T.l. l 49 477 .lfii i ni -.11111 . -itteattiat ;. i7 l 7,...ggraf 00.1 000111 If 751 1 , 7* , : 01 0 4 AsSoersi and tgi r ttzvol u T LOV i g . ' err, talge D. ULM% JARED raL aDvan a tiON, INANCRACIJZZI2 Mara Boiler& 011 BtlUg, Tanks, Shod ben Works, &c. 01 Penn lit., Pittebssrab s .Pa. .19r21 CENTRAL !FOUNDRY W0121(8.- 1:1430 X.cassai 110111114 N, BOYD 8 BAGALEY, own non. ~,un Cl_oothoi, MAI [alba. Be. THOS. CI.A.RLIN. !alit IND NADU MID 'tam woiu, Pl ND ZlLL 7, !! ,l Tvgat a inift.9.37 2 ) tegitifz.ve - alZultva %mitt WAUUN m~tFbAt ?yea ittymool zr= PITTSBURGH IRON WORKS. J. PAINTER & SONS. awroracrnmita ow Iron, Bulbar*, Tub' and Trunk HOOPS AND SENIM. • P.l•4l4ClPPinta. PA. I I SONI a TY MILLS. ROGNRS & BDRORFEELD. Manlitactarers of . Neff nedoU o areoal.illiklatag TlailL ismnzersm Oworin AZDWA.II . rlnikNOs4 tiPre ,1iZmf,%01:4:49:1 A, GARRISON & CO., Pittsburgh Foundry, YANMPACTIMI ANII flit ON lILND GRATE FRON'TS 42 FENDERS, Furnace and Oven Frame's .496.3aci Co Oros; I , 'FURNACE BAILS, Cooking and Heating Stoves, la Ours. V/11Tt. , 111 No. 209 Liberty Street. GRAFF I BIERS & Co., ILUSIVFACIVILEUX Bar, Hoop and Sheet Iron, WROUGHT IRON IRO RIG 1131310 cA& BY111,!I t IQ • OIL WELL TUBING, Office, No, 98 Water Street, PITTSBURGH. PA. PORT PrEV BOIL , STILL in WC>MES. CARROLL & SliYlllEit, ToMMA.R. DOITEILrArLULD, TOBSILLA . TIRMZOI. 4OI LINDMISTILLIIIIOLLEIIII. OIL STILLS AND OIL -TAKES, OBIBEIGIM BILLEURICRO RED ABB PAlus EXTTI.INO PAM, 83. LT PANE END CON. DENSERs, STEAM G.5.50111TER5, MID 11.081 BRIDGES, PILLION D 008.5 AIM 00. LL MOM OlagostaillWarkeoOra or gooomd. Mare. tutd Llbony Itymtio, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. ilirOrdere Pent to UP ohm ittlelnkm will bp Promptly allonaod to.• mb7rYIP KENSINGTON IRON WORKS. LLOYD & BLACK, iwonrACTinsini OF 7 Beals Common, .llennedfa ired) 'AND Juniata Bloom Iron. U ia 111 70VA,V171,1,11 6 .113 H . 1 nuTh BOLLis FL,AL i trol minim UIUN. MOWYK and FIRKARS Inadmves ot/AnD on 1/NU=N =OF. T VALLS so anti 16 lbs. to la• iraFF. WROUGHT MAIM and SWILLS Ikon 4kagn. FLAT RAILS rsseb.ol gad 001111.119.11t0 COAL sCIuAN NAILS and erTECIZ. Warehown and Mica at the Worts. tiltrallr. 011t111 err. faeontlanatton of Ittrat stmt.) nn leltdnit the.l,ltnets 1,111344 BI STEEL WORKS. PARK, .BROTHER IA" to., 11rAtflITACTITITLIIII OP ALL T!lSCllrtlaill Of , • omco and Warehouse. M. 177.1*{ Soo ood awl 1,1114 k ilit rim greets, riTrailuatm. pirresuneu firren.wonas. • ANDERSON, COOK & CO., ISUCCV.V.OIIIS TO BOLD it 00..1 MannanOartra of Ilia*.st REFINED CAST ST7dEly are. Mat loft Onta vs, Of all' M aas , rs; ir e n or No.. t not aluaat Coat Owl: Out ZZlrlsO ANDJ l owißowacunais. • AMU. 'Low' WHIGN, EIPII3OB AZURE, CIIICULARARe..ae. Coot and Common Pilaw & Vpmni Oales-Corstar Shat and Haas etslets, tno o lakek• alma. the lionangranala Itri It,. N. ZOLA. INDUSTRIAL WORKS. • HUGH. M. BOLE & • rOu.rimens, Engine Builders - and Machinist/. Make to order Martha sad Laa4 Maws iclais, oral slma. warnated to give aulataettan. CaaUnga. of <MT daaarlptloa. made to oller Ulna N=l.ool, 11. BMA. /arms Aaahlaa MOP. Ce Palat Allay Dupls.& Way. .Iround.ry. Am. n SS um 14 Thll4 Meet. • 7141•11 „ prrranunem. PA. _ BERLIN FOUNDAY.. PRICI a SIM. .• oincia sn tuutoom. No. 29 Wood Skimni ltaulletariaat/ keep coastaaili a bail! Thinibie, Skein it Pipe' wAtmoatatirapasi AGAR lad =lungs canerally. MONT BLAND FOUNDRY. Butler, B,treet v jilinth *art arrow= umuieutolxuaa, Hollins Mill Ilill and Cridge Car,dnor. twomi 19011.13 uo PRI PA3,. Ithkerp aad Castlain Nue...u r . Wawa promptly and WiltateL 0 . 11.14L0 Z 3 ILIZADON.LUr y CBREItT It au orfaran. REBOOT MIR 'WOECIL. ; HELM BUM & PAM" OP • BUT QUIRT CAST STEEL, 7 "kleVAttrit Pluararsottro. tyLOLLI, War FINS OS A . :Office l 88 Wood Str e et. . • sr. on sn•PY 11011111. InfILDEIre. - Prprisetnteol.-Jiuto 1111. lam de ... • - a. W. WO/M01....1.. DAJW‘W/1i...1.1111. autt (yaw. BOILER 'WORKS. • SORROW, 'BARNHILL 8 CO., W..IiCIACLITMII Ram Haien, on snug, iignard of Ihinkx. Oat Pans. Ganonntners, as, . • Wrought Iron PLOW/4 fibectlron Worn. to. ate, COL LIBERTY AND figr,on ff&, • PITTSIWRGkr, p 4. DONIS ROBERT LEA, wad: orAinirsuut Or STEAM BRINES AND BOILERS Freight Hoist AND DOCTOR ENGINE arcuthes or au aescript.lons 'sus to aft. 09 .11er fa' rim &ad Worry Ilerwites tal knn r/r221.10108. EITEEM4-PRIIISTON& CO., Pr.irvrarL 1 0 •4.1r1+1 WCitit.. ECK r,rzgar„,inr. vdta *IC DT. JOHNSTON. lirsofagsulair of CoMLINU.TUVU, 4111 Mt. trATZAWL'IVINATI. Ncl 4 sit iluds of 111ACHINCI. C.ll nee of WATSON and 41111.11M1C1T14/1116= of T. 11.4 .trots to. STEAM To AND moll LIVERPOOL a Quiiatrawn,lnikad. voiles d. wiesa. THE INDIAN MBA, Pral? ! :gia7ll?Ylg r al.r4 P:Pr i z.V. 4 2Mll. tee nage. lin, Jo. ituslastril Attu m 34447401% rumt“ Adsay /112,atn . °At!. riftgargrea. liti AD 60 tirAB CH AGENCIG, ..... Jut McNeal. a b ofp . :s t:lreist.ittaraki . , . . IN .. Con , do,: go •' INIT.4SNs Nara. Yo; ' ON NUN Nadel)) Um lirit., NaKNILLY.IA . / age,
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