Eittsturgt &keit GLEANINGS Vineland, N. J., Is going to mainfao true beet rot sugar. - A. T. Stewart sold $35,000 worth of silks alone last week. fro: Die wants to resume his place ma.- ,the Pacific Railroad. 'Jaunaschek, the tragedienne. Is en route to, Philadelphia. Tickets to go to Dickens' readings are selling at Oa In New York. The present noble.. Marquis of Hast ings Is played out financially. A revointimurry character—the man in the moan.— Lowell Courier. The deer in Missouri need thinning Ont. They are eating op corn crops. Stele:Ling was the popular amusement in Ncwburyport, Masa, on Thursday. ' Blanchard Jersold is revising and adding to his biography of his father. The mills of the gods are mentioned ' as instances of pugilism In high life.— ' Boston Post. Thom:mem must, have gone back on as we understand that rat skins, are Wither there than kid. Goural John C. Ereckinridge has gone to the Holy Land. We sincerely hope It will do him some good, ' Carl Schurz isgoing beck to Europe. may be in danger, If we dont Intend to take care of our adopted citizens. -Editors roust be a rich sort of people. :The bills for- dry goods paid for by a. New. York editor's wife amounted to $lO,OOO last year.. bunk the Taeplag war over one • 'hundred million men perished by slaugh ter and.: starvation. . Quite enough to stake n very complete set of Chins, we shorsid think. - It is said • that T. B. Pugh, the ' delpida bookseller, who hes been menus ; Imprestrulo to Mrs. Lander, has" not merle real the brilliant dreanos of fortune with which be started out. • .The Mexican newspapers have agreed to use allthat refined eloquence for which they are to well known in attacking Minister Romero for his late conductof affairs In the hatted States. ' Hayti is going to establish savings banks. I? things go on in the West In; dies asthey have been going, Ahem bankr:vvlll be - safe, for their deposits Wilt be made hithe bottom of the sea. kman named William Hoffman com mitted suicide; by. taking morphine, In - the: streets of Nashville, on Tpesday. He had served for twelve years in the army and bad been honorably alscharged. The Mexican Congress is not an and. gable body, when It does meet, which is not ellen. At Its lam meeting there vrar barely is• quorum, . and even those few men who were there made themselves disagreeable to each other: •• Moses Norris, one of. the Rest settlers of Allegan county, Michigan, has been arrested for steeling the horses of a hue arrival. .Another of the oldest settlers of the garde county was buried in a well, Which , was digging, and was taken out deid. Cloy:Haight prophcalea that the child is no* Hying who will, see, Callion& licintalilca with twenty milliosur,eutal ihn Francisco with two m 1 lion inhabitants. Couldn't Mr. Barnum be induced to se.! cure - that child 4- It matt bee perfect marvel or adalemace. _ The Princess Bah& Balm h in New York. Almost' every way . haslts beio witness„Joan of Arc, Maid of par. agossa, Florence Nightingale, Josephine of France, the boats or them during oar own Into war,: and thin noble Princess. wi; le now in Now York ' Frank Brody iras frezen to death near Nashvule on Saturday last. He was fn.d lying perfectly stiff ill the 'toad tiith a full bottle of coal olds one pocket and an emptrwhisky bottle to one band. Probably if tbe, ytate of the bottles had . been reversed, the , Brody would not htvn been frozen.' • • *. The Alabenti„Conventlon.hsebeconte excited over sleeping earn: Borne of the members wanted art cars to be available for all colors and conditions of mat excepting Ma slcoobrg cars.' At ads ox cepUon there *as a grand flare up and a heated debate ensued. Nothing Ira datertnincd en, however, and the subject w4e pos.poied. `The: Cour! of. Appeals in the State of Kentucky has just decided that ordina tion of elders in the Walnut street Pres- bytcrfan•Cnxrcb, Lori:Mlle, recognised by the Central Assembly, is null end void, and that the Church property be- longeto.tho Decl*Ltion and. Teatinriny iarty flits will Lea imxprlae in.the North A book celled “Blew Bongs of the United States" hsibeen published. We gives epecimen called "On to Glory." 60, tome, my brethren mud staters, too, We're twine to Jena the heaveely crow; To Bullet, our Saviour. let na slag, Loll realm our loud banana, ries, 0, there's Bill Thema/41 know him well, wot to work to keep from hell; He.. tot to pray by night and day, • It he wants logo by the narrow way. • There`a Ch'oe Milieus a, alternates meme4 For, you two, I know atmt going oohed,. She told Be, a Ile ale afternoon. Ana the darn wilreet her very woe: , The Eapreas companies are about to be confedemted, act that harmony may reign in the Country. Hereafter we stip. pose that a package they be sent to, Phil adel obits . ' without going around by way' of New York, merely because the sender did not know- the srrangements of the Company, unless, indeed, the confed eration may constitute a monopoly, in whieh,cate time will be of no account to the companies, and a basket of peaches starting from New York may strive aa a Musket of peach trees at St. Louis. Philadelphia economized so ranch In building Its new Court Home that it hu succeeded In getting one that looks like a substantial brick barn. Not content with this, however, It has been ',econo mizing In fuel, and the North American 'says that the jurors have - to dance about to keen themselves wean. Besides this, the house cleaners have bean dlemmsed, leaving the are of the whole building to one janitor. Public spirit of this kind Ls re'reshing alter reading a few of the ]auditory articles with which Philadel phia newspapers teem. At the annual meeting of the -Church Zztension Society of the M. E. Church, in Philadelphia, it was deeidestto make a special plea in- behalf of this new Church Society, by holding meetings in the principal citlee. We hare just been I informed, that a mass meeting for.the promotion of this cause is to be held in Chrlat, If. 'E.. Church this -evening, at which-addresses wilt be delivered by Bishop Imes and Dr. Kynett, the Cor responding Secretary of the Society. Blehop Jaime Is to preach to morrow morning at Christ Church, end in the evening at Smithfield street Church. Dr. Eynett preaches at Liberty street Church in the morning, and at North Arearie Vherch, Allegheny, In the even. , We believed that It was very generally belleved.that William Tell was a myth, a sort of Idealized hero of the, fancy, common to all Earopean countries, and originating in Scandinaila, whence ho had been adopted into heroic mythology in. Switzerland, Just as the sleeper in Byffhauecn is reproduced in Holger Henske, in Charlemagne and in hosts of other heroes, and as Peter Maus has come forth in Itlp Tan Winkle. Th em wonderful legends travel as far and take rent in all P oile as kindly as the down of tho thistle. But we see that tho learned Coyrespondent of the Cincinnati Garette has thrown ilia Opinion on the other eido. lie even tells us as a novel wind tip to the most affecting history, that 'Tell lost his life, when _quite old, lit try. 'Mg 'ma rescue a drowning child in the Tierwalder lake. We thought we had heard the sane eridlig to the Horthern Tell, in Norway, but of course mistakes are common to all, and the old story, like many a tale in history, may haVe repro. . dead itself. 'SPECIAL rioT.lcEs. larA COUoll. A COLD, OR A Mit •IFIEUAT reeetr.• Inv:keels. et •eUeb. and skobbl be clucked. II 1W0554 to eobblute. !salt...lon at the Lung., a Permanent Throat DI 0f,.. Ute rcsntG BROFFIVEI BRONCLIIAL TROCIIPA Harter &Circe( !previa, to Mr ticrir. Ora lia• ibethLt4 tear!. For ltronrhithi: Arthrita. . Consatapttroand Throat ...... Tloeitica •ro aced with &Janis food C../ 14. higer• and Public Spa...keit ate thit t, e.t.a . .4 euen,lben vle, oDtun .nly •UtollN' o' o. it.'• sod do AO. ta.a SAT or the WORTEILisS 1N,,, , , ttt•t 0317 D 0 OWttod. 91 Lr, EViaTTPCIEIr. mr-nar. ILLIRNEpELL & co., BOILER MAKERS slogrr ISO n WORKERS, 291 t 20, 22, 24 and 20 Penn 9t. • ltatlaß .e.nd a lerie 76rd end furnished It .. .the Man cerrtyrea naclttnetT. We ere On. 132111M.C.11}8 etrly deecrlptlon of 8011. ere Is the beet meaner, sod trarmited cronel to 1 17terde Itt the Country. Chl, tels. Breech. Lee, Fire Bras, Saari Mt. Loorietlre DOL. 'ere i Corr.:ensue, Belt Peru. Tug, Chile. Lglietore. rettlltterza, Boller 11. BrIoC“. at}tr Nat, aua lute IttanufactraireAt BABB. BILL . B . rATVAT BQILKES, lieestrlee done imtleettotlest aoua. Icategl r ROKILTION, REA l CO., ittticee to Beramai. ILIm a mzussza WASHINGTON WORKS • Atarthottintl of Boat .4 Emloaary Eteas Elm 10.1. r.... LIIhI 11.1314c7. 1.1.31 Cuunn of all d.ertEttou; 011 24t111.1. B9Ber Batt /neat Bost Wolk. =obi 80. 12 earner Pint azd thaltkiteld Eta. 44 .. ...te for Ul?!..ID11 PATENT IN. JECTO3. tbr feed. g boner.. 001:"33 tarmAisE suesiture CaPPER M 1.L4 triIELTINIKWORKS. =E=2 • • - PARK. McCITR,DY & CO., Mamaßtpuross loneatAbly, intaltall mid Bolt OtbDtz. 7 . .. cud Co om. Bottoms, /Weed But Bottoms. Pytass Solder. Also lm Mettler* n TM Plata,e t At. Oonatantly on band Tin nest'll &chinas Bad Wastbot se. No. 140 STladT /SPRIBM and 1110 BEOUND STUBBY, Plusbntab. BcreclAll artless n: Capper Cot to any detirtd anl4.34alser WIVE HEALING POOL, AUL, HOUSE 07 utior. HOWARD ABEOOIJTIO' T and N 6 t a l atilarlgtlWri3Er o'SYI7. i eli destroy the seem "4 " I.° w rp .° o t J riiilerggfr , r grm -un .4.;; Asldner,'o, eorMeZRZ,I°,I VOIVAPARR. 'iIargVESICH A. scow, _ DENTIST,. .ro. usto ps.r.r STREET, 1=33:3 LEE= W. 40. FIOLTI . , • ataList GLUE, CURLED -HAIR,: Tanners , Scrapi, &roans, .CATTLE T AILS, Bones, Neat's Foot Oil, Bco,, tiZee and Werenoune-14:0.1114 ISTII ZIT. Clattery opposite the Yost CZen,) rrrrs nastirs., PA • TEE OLDEST NISTATILISEIED 28.17N.1. HOD= 11. 0/Trt w. GILMORE, CS:cootsar to titz.xtrox s .11zettot.) liamtractorcr, linobeagle and Baal! Deslor to TRUNKS, Valis's, Carpet Bags, &c. .fr-Vat:l7.l , Z"'"" l " l2 !°"cir No. 106 -WOOD STREET, Pittsbarits. ocmitia IFFICE - PENNSYLVASIA H.R. COMPASiT. TIIILAnt truth s For. L The Penthyrrenia hattroth Methane" berth, flee nutlet that tetT arlll result. Drothseeth With tee Ire; to of Jute?,, le" for Italic. sr- Vet :Qs tre 'v etitra l22 f.V e Z o lsgrag toe Inntutf Sateen nt the florin:ark unles s for • urn or years. another...log o or benne Al area I. lan , The hotel. Iltbsourah and Altoona era threlthed throeththt te the bsthentntr. It must Is express.", understood that the It rout compeer seta theatre ( teat ell of teethes. tabilthreth *hall ba kept na a. Meth) int e'eln manner. for tea convents... and comfort et I...theatre pure Disler Ile thee. 2r•besths be internee to JOHN M. ETA. AID utts:theat bpects ecnunlttee. to. nir Arch Pthlthelpeta." =lanai CITY COLLECTLYG AGENGY SEATON & CO. Local Collecting Agents, 3 .s34..Wcriaxikalt: P. 0. WJX, ..... PlST3BUlakill • Ellis of al (mulattoes taken for ealleett au ectiffat of ce• , iftscate 'arse BUla are eat collected . W. I. /AC USON ALXXIMDZI 111 W JACESO/Ifar- FREW. . (Successors to Lotroustrr a 1111. r.) ' icAligrecruzzas AND DJULLIeIfa is . . Darner 99, Saddlery, Trunks, ac., And mill Mao keep an nand and Import tram Kamera marteta all Itta I. patterne. all. and Mamma, ate Eutds, Nes. Isgs):4 Usni tier • At 00r ra*Wararoarr. No.loB 1311 - 400* aT Sou •r•uta far the WOODIELNAJLO 3I r tre•torti Permsrl.oo. aol.T - u7.4 — zrziri; — .;; — a — iv.7zre"'"L A NOE ELSON • & WILSON, Merchant Tailors, AND DIALENS LN GIMPS DOMNISHEYG GOODS, tn- ONO EMI?, tear Imitkitli. received, our Wan alvl 'Winter !Stock or Cloths, C•rsimerrs, therwatlege end tieetiteiner esomeliteg-tioode. white we an prevent! to mete tip anal lat./ Mies, et rt. !untie T 1110.. - < ti. - odluta 8. , C. BOIS AHD DRIED REEF. =1 S. C. Same and Dried Beef „ Velar .mete sad for sale on drones,. Noreen ber Mar sr a after. P. SELLZ Is Co.. Co, war. and Penn stmt PROM STEER BREWERY l]!. ceszrre...as. avKALY.Jaanzar LlDpw•. SPENCER, M'KAY & CO., MASTERS OD BRBIV Ale, .Forter andßrown Spout PITTSBURG% Pt BOAZ= WA. , 1301P. lianexer. SCHOOL BOOBS AT WHOLESALE. °pantry Dealers are Incited to call amt exam. Ina oar e. leash's *toot of • , SCHOOL ROOKS & STATIOHBY EIXD TOR PatCla Lll T. DAVIS, CLARKE & CO., U 3 WOOD EMMET, tor. Diamold alley OCT. X CHARLES REIZ:ENSTEJN, 153 SMOPTIAL sr., •LLIAIMILS , (Youth door above Distrond., Glass, Cliffs Ware & -Table C allery AA . le ASTERN PUEDE& ireryllans recatred .1a ern elan st , lf eon hand. Call Rod cr.unlne oar a - 1,111. PLACE: IN THE • • CITY TO BLIT TITS TRIUMPH COOKINO STOVE, 1. at tie. NO 0 LtaßT OVIZLT. r. C. DUT7T A . OTETTLIER SONM a CO., MAP 071021711213 OP Stearn Boilers, 011 Stills, Tanks, And dRRICR IRON WORE. of W klo N. Locust et., rum Ward, ristabsulh ems: GOO. O. 4 1A1134-...,. It. t. OAT IKON CITY BELT WM/I& • • .CEO. O. CLARK *CO.. Iduradatemers drszs of CIVECLINI. Cemented and Zile Oak-Tande t a X.d.dlP43:Ler Solna . oft tZ ,- r Ka. JAPANNING, MAIN AND USIIIIIILIPTAL, BY • WILLLIIaI LLOYD, • • No. 3 It. Clalr.3troot. MTOLIIIIIOII. Pi. Crocus. Tos47.l.tcro 80-J0000000.../010.24. Sow. CARBZCCA/ o VEr c I .., CO;,. WHOLZIALZ DIAL.L FOREIPIII AND DOMESTIC ORYOODIS. • No. 1114 WOOD STRITre I ,, Ued !Tau SOOT* Irianl4 rA. i•rrniumunt. Pa. I STOVES 1 STOVES 1 F „AUTOS, - 7 . .NZCIIANAIAL AND lIJININBARIING DRAFTSMAN. Ott. Pllll.O A oLL, No. 75 MUD traltm with ACT 1101117al Co. • • A . IL ENGLISH & CO.. • .Xo. 98 Fourth Streit,: , P•taisniisot 0804.4,11 , 3 READERS. DY,A.1411 A11121.1E710, IHIRTIII ORAILEArI. LH LL CX.,..EVIS VEY BuOIDL. Alao, nn of BLAME BOORS. BOOK. 21111110113 ex ... In all HA farms. k largo Mot of nTA. MOP ERE comitantly on E. 4. DRY GOODS, nrnKigN AT 12 1•2 CENTL 081 CASZ . XXSTUCYT AILT 50 PENTII, DARK ALL. W . OOl. C11161111i2L5. AT Is cENTB 600 D DARE DKLAINV3 •T 1 835 CEDITII, ALL-WOOL BED FLANSEL. MEE AT WEL SEMPLE'S, ISO . 182 Federal Street, alletteskr. LiR6E STOCK OF WOOLEN Gm, For the Cold Weather. IN BLANK6IS. COVERLirrs, QULLT!.SEILWL 2 3. SONTAG? rvn Le. SCAIITS, HOSIERY. GLOVES. CHILDREN'S lISDERCLOTHpId. JR ERIS UNDERSIDE:TS & DR/AVERS. CLOTH, SCSAVE oeartzzais, DOESKIN. E \NY HASHED YL&NNIL.S. PLAIN anti TWILLED FLANNEL!, Jtc. .Al. l . l ..Drtrees vs <an a Ibund arprlas., :IPA°lotate and . Itidaid, at WM. SEMPLE'S, I. In ai It:101_14 !Ind, illeginy city. MSS BUM FLANNEL THE WELL KNOWN gxTTALOT N I1~T(~ BAWD FLANNEL, In • 13113,4* and Bed, MN= BLAOK AIID WHITE, .aIL Mi.S.R.CrE AT MANUFACTURERS PRICES! MILROY, DICKSON & CO., 54 Wood Street. GOODN AND PRICES TO SUIT ALL. RCM!, GLYDB & CO., ':7B t 80 MARKET STREET, Would Wet* tile mutation of tau public** Mott largo Roca of Lollar. Wool !bawl.: Ladle.. and Chtldren's Wool Hood:: Ladles• earl( West Balmoral liktrts Cblidrea•s Wool MM.; Mirror.. Wool Loreto.: Wool WArtlits, of all colors. We e•ao offer for We one of the Ilnut wed disavow lote Ladles', Gent's and Itllssesk Gloves, Beet, Cloth, Merino. MR, Zb ar We km ola stook the min. complete ae.. sotto:lent of . I l• Gent4Mertne and Mont Cost.; Gent'. Wool atm Me•lno Piing enn Drencems that's emu— mantrap/41n, Mbirta; all the best styles et Cul. :Ms ma vim. also, • lame stool oren acts. at totem Eastern poles. splesOld lot of Slll ILUKIECEIHS M fig lILD/T& ' Also. Lace Cal'aia, Haaaterablara _FM IteoexlMandkareb.fir, Pin. ssens. for Yells rise 611 k Ty..., far V. At. - JobDna as wain as n tall basa - a. VW 40 wet to loot overateet as wa are abla tongs la . tasu °Make men fastaflaua. 1•01111131, OLTDM & CO,. p==l=l 1867. l I r'LL TR ADE. 1867 -- ARBIMINOT, SHANNON & CO. Ilnol Dealers in DRY GOODS, No. 116 ROOD OIIDEET, PlDabtoßle • • or at Za•tern plus Drew Gocds, rants. tiles bee s• Twee., Cloths. U.S. sinters. natal ets. rs Csrslentram, Pita. tel !bowl. , et ete, Whits Otos. !beechen ant Brawn Dom sere.: a fall linear Eotrens and Email e arrest Stansels, tt Eastern and name nasitenternse. . . POerr stouts for 1, 131.LERT0N , .. WAAL. RT' BARIUM TLANAIXIA. tillAClllralui SAltlrADrbAlt7rlLol. and COUNSIIIf /MAXXAM:6.V. etrosUr Am teltrlaa. et NW Yrkes. A full 1 / 1 1. IA WI dr •- o r=ar r o n lart . ted to tall wad asamloo oar e. AlonmEnT rzi owe,. GENDS lISDERVVEAB. LIOLI2I , lINUEZWZAII: X11551:5* UNDEBWZAII, BOYS' ITHDERWZAIt, CHILDREN'S lINDE-UWEAR. = SILL ALL WOOL AND MEIIIWO. = ALUM CARLISLE, staex. 19 11111tromell. aca, TOP MEW .43LOVIC-71TTINO' , 001121V2 CIZNOIDIZ 711ENCH 00.01AMM. ELEGANT EXIT 13114N710. ♦LZLADZZUU COMMUNIZE ans.: NEW zrrnans or TILIENSIME, =MC MACRUM * CARLISLE'S, 19 Fifth Street. AT pATOWS, = NZWZIOSINIIT AND OLOTZ NEW EOGWORD JEWELRY ==ZI =! 7117111%* 01..11311\7727:1. del FREDERICK SCHUUE, ("Opp... Th ...I Sheet troll WO., • Defiler In Cutlery. Cooking. Portaged Minting mown. gender, griffin...l Block Tin Minn. No. 11$ WYLIE chßiSt, near Wastilogtoin• Ifgannind !i d maned Ware. and r NIL IfirAll gobbing Lod Heniffrlog PrOIDDLIT ottani:lrd to. PrITSBI:TRGE. DAILY GAZEI 1E : SATURDAY. 'DECEM DER 7 1867: FOR SA.LE•REAL ESTAT VOR 6 1 .1LE*The . 'Farm In Fairfield tronlSllly, Wallteurolsed counts, Fa., dantnlning Omit 231 wee, st.sted• mllea sprat, of the Pecausitserf liallroad, st Aolleter Station. The iminovemcnts are a I S rge rtgueVh=ls7Z4l6/n,' ro 'Attignregg,e . lati P st,tVo ' f r Puttil ' atlltl , I'ANVAZVV:c 4111.Vc11.7.1.1r.h mender In sant nen oat Umbe. T ylabY 02 ...ted at tee ton „tea of lil dollars ; per mgt. possession lialuallatelf. r a_ays. • Sam er an urns in Pens tonnebtp, =nacres cleared a i t , lgte. sad other 11mber.-2r4Tllorfgnifa'l47;.../74thenni with theaters I mug. with tenant hoe., With •• ursegata Steam baerearil ,[ood runtinri order- venlig Orchard of grata:lA.llll. The land zwu n i o n a l; : ntrT Sore Is tblabbe.salth Ilmee tone witstst ouePunCher h n :nliereirtt.7otiti4 Railroad; VI miles case of ittebaro../d three weet of tireensburg. This farm Is pleas = bad 1611 21 b. eltuated In a soodnalehbor ,..l47.7 Sere le Underlaid wills Mal . The 1 , Ursa, glaeres In Darr? township. Weal:more lutdconetv. Ya.. tortibin lbar miles uf •Ille, and three Mllca of two acetic.. oil tbo IL E. Tbe Immovesteuta are, a new frame dwelling house and anti/I/gang; • nets neat, tr tAle 4 A r n i ttll ' lgid w alt h tZneTto ° l4 ' lrittre ' . rhoo Tet t :ll f .T.Pft:rft!...,7ol now opened. Lad an abundance of Ina, i Monathis . il property wll.l be sold sore low, It ell lied t r fO soon. also, ea best Hotel in the Borough of In/lane. the towels wet of Indiana county, Fa Th s a :arse rune story Intel btlidtag, of 61 room, nab 4 lot ea b. Sus I , lett 0.1 . 1.1 piccolo. Is a frame 5001.21 by 01t..., heed ma 0004 house in tut low, store ar,d till room bbove: .lau, • ha,. stab en by le lest: ale, a ore. t, 80 by u lOl feet on whlch le tare. into, pay eu throughout, and IN one or ten nen lecationt f r a putiLle house In Weircern Pa., sod nI4 cold To e r relt= l :ln P lite2 f' Sete ' Z ' . t half „lee to cub mnomer. Tulle farm to In Perry le wrietti u. Stri , imorelandocuuty. within tno teibs co Latrobe, • station on trio Penes It. th react,s of ec ared land, under Rood kudos tb. 11 erre. lunnod Whltalmt. black oak, h black roe n I. and locust 1 it!. le itel r " . k . rt:d faitT; " • 0, room*: largo ears. 6o 61 lec a t. ' s net ha ' . c ' olll and ilmostOn• andat 050 who's t•set. and Ls cod. Teni,nt eintraino Schools cull. •L • .70e ton parthabara capture of • H. TOWER, not /seal Saute *sent. 164 routt,, , ' moo ACHES OF VALUABLE Timber, Coal and Moral Lauds FOR SALE. Minute en the line or the Penn. ylranla ren • tral kellrotd. timer., annul y, I.lt hitt • short &stance of is !canon; b. aI. outage et Chee r laol *early three ladles. several V-Ic. Of .h hest quality et pure nen bituminous ecal Underlie the Wl.OlO light. Tics Veins els. gent'e frocktee kallroad low•rds the re•• of the ptep• ff.1,1T1T,V.1.1 dlt end thenatufte lire it. the apetlT ' rrat " Pla Yeltdar teat, .L r ll4 t• ... r Are ape Potter's eters. Vats.. far Intlidleg the lue thanalsecurers• boat far beeeath the bar ea el the coal ..tas Man 11.. a gamble huh of Iron which hat b en . :Fire d g'&walV.7.ll:.`ltP:.tilrgt7gl loreo Cr0w1..4. such saheb. Cherry. Men. Ca, It,. Cal. ate. Toe Iselin!. for tress •ertlng tali timber, when es anefaetubed late Mob I. either eaat•r West, are alsellipatlird. ,11,10 IS V. Watt, Oen/ Baer XIII on no entreat, Part ut its treat, and atlas el, otd etattoa there Is • 4 cost leo% neon, say tell% recently eras an 1 nun - shying MOOD t012.0020tt per day. lbe Ira d .or ethr the. totes e an t a amen larger .apply comfit he readily .014 at .to. entt4 • Lit.• that. se ts niero to and nether an Ude pn.perty far ral snot milt, the imv nronsate at the pro pall are 'worth !Cam $151.0:0 to 01.000. There are taro large at •n• Moss bunt far termer LagaleS". itt td• 'b.! tty let ••lai au stare h se, 0 'oh, he. and ...out en tenements foe oh: tosiln w th stables. &a. These Made at • also are.l ' adspleo 14 fantail g tarpow n had reds par.gneelrnrale.e.t sawderi• adapted .o grsalea ppreeses. Sergarther partleatars appiy B. .110L&IN roottb Strrot. 2,000,000 ACRE CIIOICII LEIS FOR -SIMI, EMMI Union Pacific Railway Co., ILISTZBIr LIITIMOH Lriol mELaeot.heir reed. 41.00 to SS 00 Per here, on • OBEDIT VP FIVE YLAltts. ►m particulars, maps. at.. 44dreu JOll3l P. DETESEITZ; Lab CO=l9lAillonm, Topeka. /Lassa. Or, CUAL Z. LaMBOll.l5, Seer, et. Lout,. ItLuotal HOIVE 3 1 HOILI6EO I Glut thit , storylltick.. ..... . ........ uewory Litt teree.story Brick 9 fa) 7, 10 U 4. threcomory Uric. ao Oat two.itoro Brick ...........--- —. T,60 tow, 9,9.1t0ry B•ick.—... ktfo Two twooioulfraketto, tact.....„......L0A YOE SALE BY STEEL Er. WILSON, Itroiars tad Kul ULM. aaenlr, I:= M WASKIEIGTON CO. FARM. YOB SILLE—A. tract of GO acres,..a which X 9 la cleared. and the ermairidef celercd teitti One white oak Umber elta.tedin writ rind. lay townehte. Washlturtos caviar, Ea.. Smiles until of Wen lierandar..ana 3 , 4 of. mire from 11xteytowit. le onvenlent to churches sad Xboola. Has on It two log house., new etahle and grain hone.; an orchard of doh, acres of Ya ClWlraZihnm a Te7l:l2 ". a' 1:1223M se. es. Broker In Stock and Beal Mau. I=MM =E= FOII SALE OR RENT. CHEAP— ♦ r...th at C.l.Wer's Matto.. on the lapell Im uparerreand. d nM mhl.ag o o a rt d . o Abe m er oral other gam. in good bosh Mee and welt Ito nrorerl,,rbleb 1 ell' all Cheap can on Timone. We term. AL.q a camber et gebd bonding lots in the Mir and =hertz. roz ttathas pantanlartdmin at sti .L u. Wm. memed eomette the. Cathedral. A COAL WOBIAS FOR SALE. capable of fanning geffli betel. deny, 10. elsdlng tenant beer... rare boos, rasa.r n., males, and all too necessary Ounces o r . l o !erne baste...and Immediate operation. There are VS acres of coal. It one of lb. tooth valuable waste on th e efoonnunbele river: "11l be *old low and on_ good zeroes. Ast P aVint i" .. oitEsKeettli.st.;.". HOUSE AND LOT . FOR BAI.E. ritm.t.d It earner of Dabcab 4,1 robo duvet.. Pittsburgh. Lot 2.4 feet b, 110 t, et .0104.01 otl .41.7.. Yrszes ben., 0 00 .0 . 1 . 1 1;o0 1, 1,11.1to:2 ° .7.11. '. Am 10 :ter so B. Abr. lybi ' 117oartb "rat. e44:OIei:4:I4:MIA mea•itm Poroutt. .ntuar R EgGERLY & ,_.„. ltlneasson to Goo. T. dr.talchasAn A W..) • PRACTICAL LITHOORAPHERP, The ONLY ETTA)/ LITHOUNAPHIC Ntilt Ph r WKB Or THE 11OUNTALNIS. 110.10e1111tiOrtIO. Letter Hoses, Benet Label., cloooloro. Mao,/ Carat, /Oriel.. VON, stilettos Of Thq,ll.ta, /111,/fltlO9 Vr,dr, tr.. Nes. 14 .4. 1 1. nt:d q.. Plttr burgh. CHAS. A. HILLER, PHOGRAPHER, No 8 BOURTEI BT.. Aar:M.Bl.llMo g CHECKS DV kTTB. NOTE,. ELUL and LET TER maxpa., done In all laylat. • , oj Ceti JOHN MECRAW, Illannitaisnammb k oarl:vald Umll Tobacco, B n na at and Cigars, eigsWantaninv.V.. tnirt'VtfarglaVtffX""*.aal EXCELSIOR WORKS. R. & W; SENKINSON, Jeimee.t.mr. I.l= la Tebacto, Snuff Piggies, Pipes, dm, e WIDeRel. ar cceenm Warrasatea to Coot. Cake or float& as won Os say a tore la the Union. BISSELL & CO., I= Also .15. a ead forme...PAWL°. STOVER, 131UVX5, OR (TA PRA/Srl. /TRDRIM. COORINO SARUM Re. S . 8. BRYAN, BUJ= 127 BONDS, STOOKS, AND B.YAL ISTATF, .elpollolldirg. /fourth R Book. lonriaco and Xonfolpaa Boido, and all kind. K Otcas lo.noistooo told op ocionO. , Som. Mortgloos boooht and so.d. noZI OrfiesOrtllST [Kamm Alm Ncrairlermt. • /121 , tontott. Now. JO, MP. THE A I%IEB.IIIEIIIT for grading, p.titot and aorblog of • BIDTOID . AVESUIt. *Om Yollln to OEM sttoct; and .111.JSTra ALLZY, from theta to Derillitts stetity: buoy rot 47 for extuatuttiott. sod will tocsin In %hie olbee, Wert Starter BvilAlaß. teal Tpb, Noyeibliei Reltb Ilb7, whim they v , Ili be placed to the City Trearbreee (Igloo for eollee• JUL .1 MOORE, Ottv Eurlewr xnd P.rywrrn, GiliPETs AT COST Fora Short Time PREPARATORY TO TAKING STOCK Tay tarp lune::loot of OIL CLOTHS, Window Shades, =Ol.llaNaM7 DOI; Cheap All.Wooll Ingrains. McCA LLUM BROS uosnFiFinnPltree; above Wood CHURCH CARPETS In the Fe%ellen al one Moth we have toad Ole s. SPECiaL Tr. ' The Inman arhntnent. The macct spp , Pr atu de.lßaf. Tin hnad“tmest p •tt fro,. Of ail qualiffge and Styles of CHURCH 0 A RPEtS, Tone found In tolsmarket, sod offered luluch,s and Lan. at Eattera• Wholugale Prices All gml• s ••air Hue et s pest feduCtlOn last sesson'prtces. OLIVER McCLINTOCIf. & COMPANY, So. 23 FIFTII hi RIM at DI NEW FALL 6-1110:- CARPETS. merestim_ ek counts crrza To CUH surzu BARGAIN AT RETAIL Net.ll and '73 Fifth Stmt. N 63.1" TO CL•S7O/11100ili I= I= WM. E. SC9IBTI & CO., No. Si fifth Street, Ar t uzo i llop . r . EnvG at retail. BOOTS AND SHOES =I ladles' Mater Waoatee toot:.or Ito be quality end I a LLL :00 to llitttou Ind Lice. • tAdlet.' Lnatlnc tattre tislttrs. In L ml C. r4ress, of tC. Cutib. xad WaLl:rjr • raft/ alld Drava .noet, of all 51,11 Gent's Floe 1:•:(13.7ots Led Fitly, dot C ilsimo ,sop r.l. and cang,Ar. or tupenot 1113.111;! ,toolap l P,... &ea s-o Ile Iv w inn •na Ca , llNtreed on liuof Wu& st:ortna:t. of WILMA' Fancy Sate. ALL LGI OfTILED. AT TAE LOWEST PRICES No.ll \FlttbStreet. 1111 RU AROIVAL OF WINTER GOOD. Rope', Yont's and (Indian's Sella oirld Ortrcoals. A Ira Stock •t the lowe.t pr;e4t, Kn. 47 Pit. 4,7.5ir.1413reet MEEICEIANT JONES 2...110FF, - Nn. 3 ST CL A Ml4 , ltr I[7. tar. Net bretayht from ale east • , 11 tun,lYor i:VrIY I.titt)llB, 1,0,151 ttr,e., YnT/ Nti3. c,....,rustua. & , , a slit th.y prPoamt eat Stet mate up i ayl., must to any ahoy II the east cp. p,. ,t,ey •p. yetYrlalle d t<l Cpsetee aP Oat. rPt . e.v. • Inertl pa D /11.4.T11.11F.316 , , •• • STAMP AND STENCIL MTIER, 5131 L,ne. ray 9 . Appeal. PRAxol.sa ISo-SA srslrrs ASO STEN. CIL MA SKIXO PLATT,: .414.11.11iFTS A$D t f fl n a E4 l , Z7, ,, r4 "r ri. ' ".7;7li.V -ew coo po.w. .- 4?,OLNTS 11'•X'1”. . no:RA -II Prnpos.t• w:11t riwelvv, ustll the Icon ' , AT J.14..A. V. btll. far tlat, east Wrouht Iron reel tired Ix he er.ol. •.1 tbu abort 1,1.. ' • It. S. /Mtn tfiu. i cn ..„„ e R. S. 6.3:17 REMOVAL. GREAT SUE AT COST! )4L7610 227911t0 111 /NTH Cr/ dM lw tS. I , t n t gtr/4/ ' APT aTu Ctt.'te6 itltD nod nlitn 'nil..., sod will el atm7 Pre...U.5.k at VERT INw YHICKS. Deft ,14 'i,gs.7ifetlfiTearitttt. tie Rerr COelft.SlOXlst'a .Lip., CITT - ALLeUilitxlr. AIN. 21, ICU I NOCICSI—In pursuance of a reeelutifor f floonelle. ad Ifoeti the 14th Itofe - v tsopty •It erne. er , tee•ree nen bye, sat atop came WO.) Atwood the lenti el the pas - eaten t limae tame loweren to 1•14 trfet lotthto leo 4a) the date of tbo pebtleatt-n able nester. Otocrolao they mllt be to hecordeput Ilb Ittettfl i r t f ti etd m egMee. ;toed ,elesderettoo. 11=1 SUPERIOR COAL. • C. CHERRY & Co., talkers aka fiklprera f rrasntriunt, UM% POMO.. and lAN!' LY . WJAka•I•I3T OUST. Soli STACK: a . aal nellee-ad nramotir t • ars part. of tee elttea. at the /wean markets[,. tekee ant rat.. corker TUG call wet WWI TO,N. ffew t r ir . t r LTJAtiTak rlttatrarialt; F . ME SS MINN. Flllll ST4 !IT, ERN:et/ Tula Lail's& 84, Gunsmith and Dealer to Hardware. • Tint class gocr's nt all dtreeptlons slsrayr Int] 104 n. 1.1 .ah• lowest prnae. rpsirlog dotirearefuli, no short notlre.: J.11:000 WAHELINGTON MILLS , Visetingto hut, Itil Pitfabu ß 6 6riu ilentor, 117. rr9. ANDELLSON, of On 11F.414 Wrin and un.tvrEll MID. gofers deihrerad In situo . s . city.. sa;• . f . T.s . sa I °Ma of all kind. ii di nn noon noilas• 'b seilif '4 ! • JAMES B. .101IES, DtAL~6 1a scrap sron, Light Iron, 13/11hT ArID 11103. 704 4:3 , 30123. k. cliC Gs, Corner A•J•rsena X asid Elm en no. A IieSALTx Cl • WE WILL IiJEE ON HAND 13:41=1=1 1 nn"'0111.6 T BU Lue iiYU kg%) • • Y YAM% and At • Mum 1.1111Mitellti;:iclOO Won % nesruo real. ogtg• 113 .r . n !Inlay 2,..nmvi A A rine - 47•11, 2 8elnowlftr ' ", I IVOTIcEin bevel"' given that M vettere et A anit.t.tz Attain on leo Notate of (Pall LIU N a JJNZIN Vali late of the en) of All, tene t re.. earemetel. NATO Wel Kraal. as to I.4eonderalotd. JAII6 CI.LIIK • tiZukti.. wanlv6r.- 11011:eff . Adminlstratets e , ISMIRINGC4.—TIVO genlemen ne notate !woe,. t 114 i fuel. st Via an !sally residence. . respectable so 220 >Jcotß xt, uet• Short walk flout the pension - LLIII6IIMAY, a I traat.or Bat. INFO IA nuntem rutnriakV,"l4 4 .,Vatat.,;l 6017 J. DING, of pt*°‘!"; r ut.. BANKS AND IiANKNES RANT, CAUGREV & Bankers and Brokers,' CORNER THIRD AND WOOD STREETS errreltier. m, M305E220E8 TO Han, }LAST ,if ON) Exchange, Coin, Coup:ins Lid particular attention to nut case* and talc of - ' GOVEIEUIENT BONDS =I N, HOLES A SONS, MALI*. CMS:JEUE3I. No. 67 Market Street, MOWS& retched ts Par )cede and Currency. Collections nude on all the principal points of the !hilted times and Stocks, Bonds and Other &Cur tles BOUGHT /VD BOLD OH 003=0 rutin:du ettentlav pale to the parch and sale of 11. S. SeeitOtiee, U. Ba tt Or 11V88 10.400. U. 8. 0111171110ATILS 07 INDIESiDDIZINI: O[Cersaad Vourderabouht or oolloctsd. • .10Z:s1 • KOSTONH SAVINGS BANK, 293 Liberty Street, PITTIM . IUR6/1, PA. TIUS DANE WILL OPEN • General Banking Business, et TOM hi, 11311,1140E1 ; tl Monday, November IStb,'lnst. Aectonnta of Banks, Bucker. and Merchants' sr et lighted. Calle :Mtn made ea all Dalian In the United Stales and Canada. Interest atoned on nom. Depo • • r y UNITED STATIS SECURITIES BOUCRTIAND SOLO. T.:VASI DOREN. C:aabler. STATEMENT OF TOE 1 BEAL ESTATE SAVING 3 :BANE, On Me Tier DAT Or OCTORIB, Roads ano MeeSalim•iCTS. g: ;47 nas rw A alma Cas --araLsts csl Tcul use.. —"Ha"' lemma dc W.- *KM 77 atac,cl lat.-cc bit I, , cpostlon. IT a 'muttn I. IC 9.711 CT Total lie.to nee Cont.bon Tettut•—••. • 7%e abort, Is a true statement. A. A. CI Treneorer. The 12100.00 Andittne• Con.esttle., hove en o ttnineal th e boos , of sue 11.ne. tee boodle. etron•lt. s tes.. nay conned the e 44. aid """""Itli7111:17°` ILDS. • raimower-i..N.Z9vam.Y.- to. TRIRITEE.S. Hen. T. H. Y. 0•41. Hon. J. K. itootillted. lean Jonas,.. - O.Y. •••0...T. ~ K S. 00 tJand, J. Palmer eels, @HWY. IV . . N. tltalth. • • n llztr . ..• t i.tiizzA 77 pepOtttf at ant t l'ilt ;6 . 11 Roveteb tr. wilt V* 4 :ortli?ave. l 6l3ll 0t , 6 to the ott4clp6 sue ooureete. Opt. fordopoOts nom to a. N too t'e.eloot T. a.. dollt; alto oh nsturday *realty Item 0 to tr 0ft1 6 6.. 63 FUUltill ormsrr, 1.1011.43 WESTER! B,OINO RANI, Xo. bD rowith Steed. Ca11f.41.24M.133EL73110 143100. Istiareri.Pald aka Vitae Depaattsk • Amy rasa resolves' treat Ciao Dallas applied: - . Deposita rabjsat to Cheek s without Enterer& DINGOIIST DUCT. AT AL O'CLOCK. Presldest--THOMPSON BELL. ltte President—t. El. MARSHALL. Tzoursos Bats. 4.4. JOKar Li. Uss.aKs., • A. K. KW.st. Jos. Arius. n0e11.141.9 IL mbeso w*maLL . SZNICYLIGIICW. I Wm. PM - MU& R Wm. C.14,//gU. 4 Du Tlllwarli . - e;r.lksTM Km WUID Dalsoll, Dn." LamontD. W. C. Indwell. L. IBrowa. IL W. Mil., - 1M44. Reim, lILLEGIIIILIII , SAVINGS BANK, Origami-I=ocl. 123. .11.113417. BTOOKHOLDI6III LIDIVIDOLLLT. LIABLE Dwatita twelved wd at: Wr east. latwoll Www4 a. the. depottta. Pullouts, Mewled Met. to WWwttow. sad proceeds Inotwtdd re. Wttott. Dtswadt 1357.—mouday dad Tkantddl. O. WettaW. CV J. L. Ackley. Peat AlJeswdtd Mont 7. D. °Waren. rgedekelh 70D8 W. ItIDDI.K. Caddied, SIVORWEI SELF-TEIPERLIG STEM POWER BRICK MACHINE, kLINI7IAOTITIULD 87. Till YrrniBURCIEI BRICK • BRICE MANUFACTURING CO. Shia Nada. Jai. Ma clay &tact Rom IM amt. toltboat tha prepatatloo. by ...a. ea. cersary-f.! . .oft malllmacrlach) arid tam.. li d lArgtna t ..DZltz e lonit atort. l lualt yard aa olarta. c t tal 110 .b. t 1 :wal l be rtn bard* tr • •41.1itlre ara ' gtz . ,l:, DM go ' rc ' 11l 1 otaalatay ;hem Dr rho marlins tart:ll . l go cotta 10 tle. 14 . 91.1 user 1.000. a..cordl. to the rata of Tithe f°l,3l;lV.U.lagltlratint= U.. as streamed. 1/MiMMEiI CCM M;7=ol FOR FRIORINT TRU, CHOICE COFFEE, PURE SPICES, CM] ROBINSON'S,, No. 20 Fifth Street. I , ITTSBIIRGISI PAPER BLUM. fACTIMIVOCOMPANY. Idiumfactunnal PRINTINO AND WRAPPING PAPERS ardiccoN AuLth irrr.unalrytuat, oath. ssiatniTON NSW MOLITOR, rA. ornom AND wertiorotrim, No. 82 Third BtroeirflUsbnrgte, Po. orlllolll6-AMIIJIrf el lll7ll . l . l BWahlet l r " l3.. r. Dtat•VOnS-Agnin. Hartle. John Atvh....n. 1,1.7:un0.n0„ John U. L.tvlsogsigh. Johan. ror. um. O. 11. Merrick. • Valli Paid for Paper Stalk. . , TWO HUNDRED TERTOISAIOI Half Spanish Segars. lat u rectiTed condsnlaust,wlll be matd Eight Doflare Per Thotwand. BOZIMIT F. INEDDEML. anrar of OXITE/18LD t Wfvfmg HAZARD, POWDER, I AM WOW PREPAIIED TO n x i vtAptc.t aotwe. all Orden fin lugs or mum CELEBRATED POWDER. ♦n orates loft st or sent by mall to my store. Rot. 172 and 174 7ZDYStAL STILLET, 4116. 'posy city, 16, or to 104 SZOOND STANZT. Pitletnrsb, WIII 1154311111 prompt &Megaton, sol4/9 Or Crrr Klranrailt t roltlTion. Prrnntlatll3. Bor. IT, 4557, THE ASSESS/11E1'TA Ft/12.TUE GRIMING, TATUM() Anil 017.11111110 , of the folloidaritnuts 'le the lithth Wittl;..e4; t LTIMIt AH IrrilltEr, these: Pena Meat to Hal- ham st.ervlltlittle WrltZt7. Notillmae nreete: ALUM hose Voids te'lluitt Streetat Aid SPHINti . ALLriI bola Hattie to &WI oda etre stove noir relk43 . fot •xeslnitian, end till! remelt I DIU °Mee 'milli lILTURDeT, December 7.11, Der, whrs they trill NI placed to the City Treunrer's °Dee far on, Woustair. coireitaus EINEM 011 WORKS Eureka Carbon Oil, ras lALEBYLATID Sperm Imbricating Oils, cumuli uss.EED.ckg, =I ,Crude, Refined anti, Lard, Bpossik.'whale,ina Flab 011 i. a. C. mAonasNAY, Agent 19 Irwin Street,' WARING & KING, LAI DAMN Petroleum and Its Products Dalzelits Bleck, liingesne Way, FITTECIETZEiIiI,III. Patanztraul WARINC k 11412 & CO,' at.. Mktla. .H.' LONG" - & Co. , I FOIE IYIIITII BRINING OIL Brand—'l,l7llEVEll." • OSlee, ND. 2 Du4tuosn•3 Way, E=MIE!! TACK BROTHERS; t 9 ; 111411 t4 ,1 5 * ! Inman -1, C=l Petroleum- and Its Products, emr,nuae,ii • ./ 9111.1AT camera 'Amines.> wa.,91,1 Irl2a otraeS. rumADstruie ()Intl u—a 7 Ivo rmrt. .0.11=11,031 EAGL.tOIL Wank% miaocrsalnosvcria.i.o. • WICHTMAN ft-ANDERSON, Reibiers and-;Dealers lH PETRO °MON. 6EOOID erirr. 01.ung alas. Puelc , lMLlM'AirD,PrOtrto4 RAT.. 1. C. =inn, rtrrtor...w.t.lnicrianiET SOHO OIL WORKS, hailti4; Al2.lruill et AL.C.BALiCeI-7/./I 6. :O1 LSD ~~ intvyruma, - liriga44 , 4 co, COAL COKE, &o SATIOTAL . COAL & .0010 CONITANY MEM fin. cblypen and deal." wholaaals 141 BEET FAMILY COAL, NUT .COAL AND RACE. OP, romerit 1 r 1;r, Yin: Plttrmitpli, ea. t 41 - 22 , 47 , 1 ' .. 181r.L. btoorkomadonat. BEST FAMILY , COAL ALITIVI es lard AM ileilvenil Inca.Dtllt.ordet. LOWEST wait sno, HT osua Lunt ei co., be. haat itrest'ai ?.ft & Um" ALLJIMISIVE arry. A .uratlte Cosi Ml:dated at SI, lase., rat.* COAL! , COAL!! COACH! DIMON, STEWART ft CO., • ' limas trOsond War lalittw 10 • No. 487:' =MATT ' STWIMM two, cal/ x ri...mLiszcoND ItLOO4. zow.praiwrwl tW.S good Tocgalogowil WM. M 7 COAL Oi eiatisa. /14./111. wMt orliwo left a thelsolaaw or willrimset to aim lbsoogik the SW. will to witondod sank= atmLIN XL=STUONG, LOQ6ffiOBKENYk COmusvium 0063 ===l OestaiLek, ax,ei Deontlptilirtime (al , orlncit Azu Tent.. Carat. of Sailer ua Morton. PM)... of Lilo at? .3.1 Comma Nina mu... and 03 eimosol siren, ....Loa. No I. P., ?amnia and 31.4.afact0r... toppi Sad with tat tan atilele of Coal arptf.a as alto {avail fa al -.• • - - Orden let at oar Of O.C.g. otlcervlll randy orostent.sttellUon• . OMIM LAVES. (NIQLTE.II & LANi, ' HOll5O and SigaZa.int,ers ' ar..xeo ensarr.sirszer„mtg.b.r a t.• • - (Owen. OS itte..lra). 'Juan cAeneidospt,omer.', W. W. Z0W5.AX1),.....• .1+:4...0r...M t X. srA.r.lue ROIFFLAMII EIAB11:2.1S, HOUSE Al D VON PAISITERS, tro.'s4 mown), saxi - Arartss.,' ual.cust ltFtl ene. J. K. - HAMILTON, House and Sign Foiriter, .• TUI/11) Inttaberegb. Vratning 6lizior and Gilding': .4*TLY; aYI tI.P.: • littre4 vvif ! . Brn.b.., Turpentine,' Wh,te Lauf Zinc• Bn. r. .11.13:014,11l. nineminsom a HEeßußif, 111/13, :, 1 '. 1.13 141111 , 11 C PUMA No. SS IPlNST.S.Aqpips,PfttieorkS. All Gram by Mal .1 . ..rA1.7 atiaadal to. ItigatovAL:!' JOHN f. CLULWY. ilatiihrand Sign Pahsfir, resuw#4l !of tcy stenlits imarnatil eV.; .tut ..T2t7•7 Onyana the ale OA , • . eons:: '4;4; MCILIOWAN 'SNIDER, nodat-a►aH Eas. AHD GRAMM IND a 11 1 1 ,-. 6 4o4o 6 ,o44SairsiniviikOemitiVi • Ootola.cll4 gplo OW to DM.. . ( 4113!' 2TZPArtrwiratwirlnglif,lf; oonctonLlT on bond. .11.4 t CARPEZi TgAtic Zig ciittir. and BLI dOl, N 0.33 ItIttiNSYLVANIA ATEIIJE , appoint, JobIISOL dent WlLltnattret• dt.p... 411 oetttly • Tmtartly nittandad_ln, nad anlsta o. ntloa WO, int not, •U F J. U. P. Tositssiorotus;.: yossionsoTanneV .. . . Cirtientirs and'Befidors. All 01240 .i.r.741,41.ir ia6iisule.g . pro r uy altend , 4l to. Orders left at 210. 409 ultle m kal . Pttlaburgh. sad 11. ID ricaukisT.. 00,4020010. air b. S. F4AIHCILES, „ cuirEMß AMP , . BUILVEIIBI , Cknitrietta Mien troutilvint. Otani Prong.. zds2otggli.lr= att.4l2lloOrtrA, :ulaT43ll, au la. 266 281 *Rua 8t Aller.bus Gq, Pi. Rpase Dellqr aud Carptnten I vtaqs. VAMPS imam and LW. quicalts - vr ,maiatig 4aplis.bp,s do. with xt7tNifit. ELover.: *wit.= as AND .. • if:o . rizeints prOmotly sitnad ! g". ' Tongssox . . .an, Ativ.intit[mtd •treet.' • OTION : , Horan IV: jeanatcp; Confeotio nry and Bakery, siooIinTHIPIISLD frrawirr, . mat7ibe,l 7 , 1. IairLADIES'.O7SI . 2I/ 0.11.10WN attAehte Be/100L. CELESII6. 010710. PION/Oel, MOIRA 1a.1171310. Oa, 10120211111.11, CEISWO7O2IIIiIEr.,_ 4114e:4141ii31000 La eEo~n O e U iino~ alCriarEnoO NtiONCTZIIII. No. 10 D10.110:711. allerberm COMMMEt'N matm:wns. mBTEEEE k SON, PLOUR, FEED. GR.II.Pfi .110.95011.108THILET, lainr East Common. ALLEGHENY CITY. PA. P. =CRAM KEIL & niTcluirA 00t1XIMIN MOUNT% LSD DUMAS LW Floor, Grain, &ens,. Mill Feed, fic, a*e w=ra - erraArrr. airx=r prrreamaiir.' ra. Irgmill - 11:EA, FLOUR, and PrOduce Commission Merchant, ' 9011 LINETRIC BTIRLICIN' rIT7POUSGH. ROBERT KNOX, Jr., FEMEE COKNIXISIO.II ittlimotirr, - too dealer in FLOUR; Gnu AND mono, omm. diri Lien= NT. Pittabarah. 1 J. BLANCHARD, waoLaiLS awitl Arun. JEI. EEO; 398 Pcnn Street ITIMSI MTIIANE ts AN.IER;. Voninotertfett ifferchantati • INvlersaLT. 2W.P130; otter...l7 a N. 111 WATEU, Mar. =Meld FIETAER & 61-REZSTBOPiG, ,!.: • 'ffinggii 111 %AMY . MU% 1 4e VrIVAttilaMtfeictertrik gliik et eine% corner of 71m, rrttairmey Wrvz, 11:Rdi p ILNOX & SONCOatosioloo ....,1(10.12H , . AND , aid ' Dealers In storm. oozy. bwir, TEED as.; PBOLltcrt no. TO Diaiend, opposite 0 1 / 7 131.11: 4110. ctsztr . 101 7161 DAV, CRA 40111IltsjQeminin. SION MitECHANTIIIPION....ALFIVII sl k .4 35e rtnal nTSZET.II4ronse rrw..zett• ann.:Hod. 210111E1g ,, A. PATTON, WholosalstlitaariL "mt iterCtutata. Flan.dealers .In. 'taut*. oty. 9=44. Fla% (Afton and Land OIL trona . Cotton Yam. aU Pittsburgh ma Cam eanerativ 13 sad 111 Iloackad tams. Plttabarant • - - P..tetr5 , n1..,..111G . D.1117/1:111. REIMER & IBELOS.,j4& ex..essors to-Ewa= lireuumaka Dam, :plrorelen Nuta an 4 itplul. Coalteion• 7 ci5g=1, 1 11 , 7471 , 91 . 1 a Flit s b r fig :IT jolly B. CAIIFTELEIP,ConuaIi-• den nad Forward.' kt... 1.6661 trbals. 4,•! 1;1' Paut .662,.6 Ow. Peal rratt, I'oo. gc,r r =n.d . It!, 1187 m. stmt. POOD.LANO. t.SI3 Liberty 8 wikd arragt., o cometheo.e..t.t...ta g rjo t ro ir. baro w adier74 ,6 7 6 . C. erne s4vozoettM man r•uovaa.attrraza rrraass—ins. .11:11111.N EIOUSE & CsiSansto Joirrl L. k oral - a CO.. Waola rale I.lrocrrs • smut Can talon Marettuts, • oar asr at.. idtall.bllstd nod Watts Moots. r-1a5t.7411 • SCHOSILMER b. 'LANG, Whole. salidmalen luOmertn. Flour. Gni., Pm ouu liczy;:glinZathgre.l3/ttl,marbrali: J 13.1 '111A14.1.01 QMPTON & WALLA( E. Whole. . nuoIUCtIRB AND IC:I/UDC/ DICALE/5. lip. - wirpos PLIIIEMIG, GAS 1047111 G. JAMS, CATASUSIII. S. SWAM. S. CAVANAGH 6C0.; ' • • • - ..• .14.1.14 LIBEFITY BraBET. • . (up - pod:* 8.n • . 110144) ?Halal PIAUI; tti 09 811:11 JIflW .A Wind 24p*, tlyloonts, Pimps, Ulu/ PlPS'inomit. Lad. Wasii Maus. Vaal PrOVIDS to rooolrlol. 01./ Lad eooarq r. z..."R00D..111:4602 5t.C.011117 ITIOOD & lITIFFRBY. *BRASS FOUNDERS,, ' ATEA4I . AND " GAS INTTEDA, CO4 of 8r& and Liberty Streets, `''''r, ° "'''''l.. 6 . 7 tlll4'i =M.= Opedol aunt'. Todd to Um dittos oat MI gam= .tudwpde., !pais for A. &Camera it Co.'s ST - BAM PUMPS EMI 11firL01969SIECN EGINES.. Vb. P.n. tuk . .. ravertor %drum"n onvall othen..4 erten , sevta +strasitaa to glw esti*. hello.. Astons ...stun, es Mad. Mantle )01 ball M. Mans— Joe. JOHN 'NI. COOPER & BRASS "SOUNDERS, • ... Steam and Oa/slitters, ' • . Iluntamsrers at PITSLVIS /.111) MUSH ern7 de4llytlaai dal.. la °La ~ILI. TT.:11913 &ND TOBIN% 01 AU Ma. Corner of Pike and Walnut fdree% tiPITTSBURCH PA. ris.3o HOTIMS 'THE MANSION HOUSE: THE ENnEwiloiceo beg to fin. • "two, to their - Mende and lee emblie ha• e-partheste tele OLD ZOTABLthilt 1. aed rvel.th 1 10.3 the ' 41, • . • • • • • No: 344 Literty•Slreeti'. •••••• - • • A r.d. 'continue to keit . ..lt the etuk. .11ANtivN Imps. .., romp, eh pewit , 1 aret,heu in the bet i merino event. , nreilt (Pen the Itilleese Pe. TraPilers eel lied title hoes. sty excellent i l i i i eW,d ' er:rlcla n t i tt i 'in I. !!! ! !!rniii !‘!" ‘", o Vev,ititnieltti the 11011 e• . iiolendhl Eel. • ratrillyt 43 , earls Imams totes to baud a/ th• day, 'week or 1,012 th.. with or without WO= WAG . I4IEII tr. 23ESSLEVI 003E0011ED ,OS THE EUROPEAN ,PLAS ST. JAMES. ,HOTEL, Nos. aos & aot . Liberty at., • oppoati. lip o.km, U. P . rilwouusa,, naity bunt and oatradtdly rap abbe odd coaventent to all toe nonfood. itott• to` trtlrs =IV,: MY' r `IIIAI ♦ Von Atectnelr rcop i m,.• , lll4 . 4>aj for , past stat Co.. lac ted ablitiolat li . oaatt aU bows of tto 04p on n moat. 11.11 s add nirtles , rtmoll.4 Ifino ddOnata It tad ohart..totollea and reasoosing ST. LIVARIEII 110TBL tux rat w.usoriut ruaff.r E, Oar, Few & Canal Sta., ernaeosas,ra MINSON, :Prapi Tfla amiss 1.11 team thoroustly tatted mu artttnastted teboat, asa siv now oiler pa 10 DP 4. 44;01 f Dr. N. W...,8A:1711:S Dvit9: • • VETERINARYSURBEOk • • .02. tad iitablei tel rear 6, Irmza.t r. 1 41 ..101.1.‘ Oa Livery am] bale htwea.ol Milan •• niaatosro,alle t heur. PA. Iliolelciat-Itt PUG Alto 111,15.coritt Ward.. Htnqu'tkil i tlUr treated Ibr ! ." latgliitlx=4l ,Fr Trallnitth.b... Hod> IttooluAt. Maul Oleo; rimenriti; Jam. . Ad... 1 1. , 0.1 Cou.lntres INUIT Ikpet. All. 0.11: Least , T1:13i.1.°41 an? nrt.r Amegth#Art ...tog ttnitt. u Allegh. 71. At= PROF. Duriszr, . • VETERIARY 8,11:6zI N t4)B 1848,68. • Thanknd fie Ws Dott'OntogabigetoPto rotetTod. ro.. eLitt.lncoUcoMeco tint Its orned 1103,...t.ir.1181,..at aOnieref Ldbartl Wattirttlttol ye. intact, tremoon Ottbol,ll•Ct antl, etooktot Utiles at MO IMICT WI tbe (ann....Wove' trot.l otteallou gllrelk per bay. Vittle: ll : l MtbilisT.l. 2 gArig (.Tin um, boast.% tt.l s o .4roaldotlio% tett 4.44. itt:%%'lll.4ll.lll. l at'Veldallacea. Its 6114 by petatittion, to tNt ,foltotrlnt 1W? PIANOS. ORGANS. Ara. ciimhnomiin. au x. f y watix.....06.81; BARS, SNAKE EliErThEat • wikradmi BASS, . No. 13 Bt. Clair rittSkilrgh I= /Pianos, . C:Prlotnes, .A. 645110.1 Cod ousraily. • ow - nolo Alkireaujor %Ise Co;otrmod Baai)EL kr. New York, sad eattoxacuizat sr co nA 16T &I", =r & ..00 2 .1..11171, an 14 4 a. mr. &t‘ • Y. 0A1.2 . murrIEPON.II CATNIPS 61311.4,0 Erbble.o.ltalten sod 4ftni , aa Wait, 1 . 1,1, tltbtrinai alamns an nava. ' . amait WINE iSiEW T EINRWALL ED :41,41 , ,,,as=eazil,1"utztrai . i t tut a Imam 0,37 alba, lila Malt NIBS 14 . betted. Pot sato at leall than Lltiaary tiriests. 011111.14ITTS maxma.43 rush irsxmaatium WESTERN INSURANEWL .00.; OP riTT*I3DROR, Wm, ft.FIZAVISE." °Ler. 06•)391 allia. n ° Ortarailt:lPM. °Me, R Water amt. Omit it 0..2: Iparg WWIIp M . .. Pltlabgergh.. ger* aeolo rt. g.ll tied* allot aort Marra' Wake. d home Ingtito don magme4 try Dtwootor who pre well Mom to th e eamoralty. awl who no tersolet.4 by promote.* me Liberallto. nrattlo the ea Cra.. whlell they ba p gamed. es arteriole the beet 1 1 .radoe to UNIOg who Mire to re torral. John IL Proem; S. Killer. Jr. Ohm J. (Pane thttottehrao!r7. ; _Nettle. le...lnas. Mom., Lwow. Artior. phi e David lt. loge. W m• tea ciatZTAT. Ilearatere. BEN FRANKLIN - ' ..INSURANCE COMPANY, INFFROWN SAVINGS BANG, 5%); 43 Ohio Eit, Alleglieni, Pa. Hear; Irwin. Fro. N. Middle. St... T as. Harper, I.l. , mltts. • W. lt.btalran, JOpeDh Li;itner GEO. D. MIDDLE. Vocrotszy. HENRI,' MINIS. Pre.Went. cot= pENFXYLVANDI INBUELINCI 00Mrt.17Y. 11F.I,ITTSIMIH.: aztee',a main stns., a.itt. MOM. rid/ '. .HCt ... . 00 .1. 3 7'..14 iinzsg agatalr 1*" VE P OWT INTAFC F.,. rmsdne. Vi , FirigPi r •tin v a, 4 ' .4 um. - .' , , - . 7 - 7 . HUSH Wl.a.,e_Sli X. E..5..14417. - DtasCritme..: • Lilausr6 Vatta. oe Wilson. t 4Xt.rait . irIPI37: kg V n iXif Ins. . Tr'. ran., .11,.. Ammap.= - - U5F71307.,P!. isrpEwirilr • AGAINST LOSE BY DIRE *ANION INSURANCE COMPANY - c. rita.Angt.,Prus. 434 via cannniro r New MI, rtzle44. • enamel lb eta., LAN 4 • • Juob / elseltb, lA...ad 0. egoTio lArAdt; UiUf *al • Elrart , V. DALY, VIZ Irmldent. WX. 0. WUXIX, Morma.ry. pro ' . 6ARDNEI.I COFFIN;Aain . st, . ail=rls North Wood old. ALLEGREN V MI MANCE 'CO OF riarstratarm.-Oramh ts? lOU iOnct RACY Flock • . dud and "Wine JOHlt !AWI - Ic, rinneith .1011 L" L. =CORD. '7l4.ft:emu W.l4lll=Tai MfJo.. 0. !WW ut 1 Hotn, itatartes 1 los. • - H t W. U. Svnriloa. f3OO. D.Altakiesw pEomvs 3148 DICE CO. comas. lc s. cam EICIEI ZEPAINI. • ThXI N rink AueD • irAiturs =En. ' ret Ward ' ',. Patdr. L' B. • John E. rarer. Cbadas Annual& Capt. Jaa. WlLler. Jana 7. Mr kaMaink Wm. Van n't•k. " Frank O. Mame.' - ""D. V 7 n Wer. P C AI i a.IIR =data ' IF.' F. Gk . irjrf V. E . .4 .1. VI.. /Wedillitt • Cl,t5J &M. iziiiint. titan Las rum , IPtim cazi4L jomy nsceLAREN, Attcirney- at-Law. 00.., 71 QUASI 1117., Ftglabergll6 I=l R . A. CAMEIIOI4. Attorney -at-Law, No. 9S Fifth Street. R . BIDDLE. nonrsTs, Attomapat-Law. ms muss. ifirßP./. 1 .1.1.1310. /ITU 4) OWNS Iaa at tIPIXT. EIISTACE H. BIABILOW. ALDERMAN. Ex-0111clo,Jyatpee of the NM*, AND PULDWO/14,815T8A.17. • - OSE% k tommirpsis km% Pittlint*li. 111;170B7PAPTittigt=111:At A . AIIIBION, 07 , 17:1:6 PEACES.- Oaarrmaccr, Real Estate .0 UVl.ll26lllng Cift3OW6:THZ ET, Zsat Oolleotlon a Mats and promPttl at.sanded so. • WI:I[4,IWR U. BATWEEti DISTIOB Or TEE . . CLITZW.: STR Ra . r. ntarly nrpmiltot ta4 ttalhirm . ./Jepot, Koat.D ritterauti. Basta= sa. Inuted to his care, prompUT artande4 .27 WEI DIXML / MIL • PILACTICING PHYSICILILNI • thicc sad licsitloay • No, 160 Giant St.' near 111$. a . B:FERGt'S Attoniosr-at•Law, SO. 6o rim= maxim moor]) inzou. 11, McC9I49ICH, . S 7 Grant Street.. F;===M W. A. LEWIS, ATTORIVET AT 14 - W, No. 98 Diax4Ond Street. mwmi /7=k :emu. PA. JOHN W. RIDDELL, ATTORNEY' AT LAW, OENTIM US EOM= MUT. EMM3 I.Jt., R . c. Ittacaccu, ATTORNEY AIRMIELLOI( AT LAW . No. O GrAnt titriet.• prrrsounen, PAL, . dttetit aof the r*tat ' IiILGISTRATA -"+. .: MCP; ILI auto St. opposite Cattudiral,' I:4l4lt; lk ' j att =1 44 .131 - ressat WM promptness amlalsompt. ant.. WILLIAM NOTARY PIeACT I tillemettid Metre etreets:Latera ° 2 2 are7" erCVll:=4: ogn.....trag: manatee see utroetteelment el all UMW wuzziL ram 3 - mlosist the resoe eAditOtare C TIM ' JOHN C: Mee° , t: 'ITTIIRIftY 6qNstuos rt-aw..,. Fifth Street. olirreSztor.i: =4l Aaron arn . E~~jv:}~~{:y~.~:~i1:;:~ M . MCMINTA 7 LIVERY AED BALE STABLE, , nictioLBtll. FICIPRIETOL am to .p.=l. , 1 , 11 MIMI! (OPP.Ito Ken:Rants' Hotel.) • 11011430. CIAIIRLE.Ons, r„,. Uoanm aneadox rxtd•ttr pnrasae aao nla'a.l floral% wnwssp,-- L..r!Aqn-rs. aimms7.' 1101,1111/011 4, DMHU, . . Uteri :WS Halt Stables, dxstansorr , ----" PITTSBURGH. ..• • . . 4111" Pan iglus stseutort .paid ta. fin labl.g °eau ant C.rrtarre zor frlnoo'ar: . linnet tent ac . J. Lm NCD, No.. 118 Mit Weis g: DM. AND ECOUBW, Straw diode Cleaned or Dyed, ..• • , KID OLOVi3 iii.r.,LDixtraLUX.lll4!oita.. C . 6 1?)nrsilrEn 4 s! • • . . , YANO - le Dyeing and Santrin,; Establishment . racy DiAIdIOLID AILLSIG DElirtra WO.llOO Malang t iem • 111:MEZIE NTs. ar5E VW OPERA gin g& Wx.rElvmsiVOT T. X. ..... • ^t•ltt ItNO •9E t r I , 1 1, ute 'Flee I ts of °VI • nett n,.y 1r.VT:2,15 1 .:. last LILDT D.rlC. ..;3; Dartented. Wa.t.tra d'o h lIW al tii.EVI MA r Int .,, • C`; - , cr. isr. nai:lo . 3 •NI , „ li•tbl•en 11 , ount re, *Ph S. - 1 , ..•/ frt•t Puri. LrirthmiA ^ b " : eCt4t T A"' ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; OF IOGSW. RISTORI. I. - .J. matt. r•apeet fatly a r:111"11fe. Mat Y►IL D r.t.11.11/ •1.. Rtre In el.t. hu•fp tn.., ,taxpAttc nWalaa WlYnl..-0p))W 'YI'-wIYR crae Wa.: WYU\Y_I)AY I:VEstxo. Dmmt , r 011. DIRMC o,i nsnrx. • THURSDAY EVER'S , • ELIAASZYM. FRIDAY , RVR , INb. Deo.nOur n th . EIA.- S 1101.1 " . . now Ilelwx.rate trasado. araioisirrTa. • • T st MA I) 4 at TOW loai 1:4 4 11 Itirkv z. :l new alerts. atacut 11641 eltl aotlott too., :...! " .11 . 1i:1 4 rat i a ' 11 7 :1 4171 V aletesa ...Anti. a) th.t . exottltatho of titans • • _ aor • to. Vt. Sale or seats u• any Of ltis may ex4.-1..,11 4 • ISl•sce atInTOST, St A.... " .d a t •Jo Wawa stroat s.• 11 la. Fatty t Irate 7.1 at• ts. 041•4 ary.64 re • 4.4., &al% erGRAIID FAIA • Ueder the noshozes of the . /laid ffalflepithit , For the hfeef tof tre HOMEOPATHIC HOSPITAL., ALT C7X.rir 3:EX/Maj . : . vemlng 'lO anilreasbr MA4OB WILLIAM riLEW,and utll,lll.ln SOpTiato !Monday Evening Decembir 120.: And en, tlnuTan SATI:6I) . Ten rdr coned taco o'elnet r at. dlni c e=t/; Chlter.! odder IS rms. • .. - . -.. Mem r tellt be reeved every I .y; too 1: to 3 0,1 , 4 k. 11.1teto I r c.0.:e1.. and 4.ntttil 71cente. .. . ocitettin . rerrisAboNac: neiLL. EIGHT'AU.CIITS IN WONDER COLIFICIAG . FRIDAY YF!]lA4,dor. Mi . .... P . ROF. AM NAB. DIACALLIaTEIB. • El Cral it the Age! a• • iie WHO prra. - 61a rronlex go. L ele.. “Itettato Ito trl. u n d .gt titsOLE. , ern , re ~,,R n . E , Cr 14,11rE1l and if VSTILA ow . 1..: rle.rant ard.ag/T 1.1 / be taV/1".• ;VISA. Iti/OHT. e mi n n imp, e•-1 ENEIZZI . • •• - _ • • Loan op, st 7 o'clock. to .olosookso .• Sir (A.A. , 1, 0 VS k•AT/tiko• ever" Saar. teclo• k•I . ea kcal/ 01111 , 01. kglalrl nonvo-oe 07, [eat. Admleslos coma:10.0 party Of LP,. awea., . . . . , . HA U.Y . SrIfAION. Boalmeui4ti.nt nrrau ,TAIIIIL AND FESTIVAL MEM FIRST TNITER,ILIsT (1111RCII, - • • WU OPEN - AT 2ZITASD.IY I:TEEING, .IEO=33EB Ingo An • .1.1 tr, Obeli ••e•T itte•seen Alta SheethA th ; A. B t,r/iln . his tos. • eweri I, had hitaitn. In 114 e it eat . ll*, Met auttatattsetatate hay., b•ea arra., 4.41 h•r• thel 4 tan. lot or at. (al .01 atnratee•al trachs,taxittitt With Chtlatteat *ea h••••• bean erchility.lLllls rel o ta. "W t e aTh 6 4 j urst d er r ro. te” 4 t:riVar Z e akrs. 'm' Cart: Prot . tiee lano prepare,' and teitt na•sht ife# by iUe ban. I. to • r ale is the HALL Ada Ittlon i 9 Cent.; onnares natter 'Meted air he • 4 4 1, Pa OXENADW lakes pleat! Usti ea , malt ar.er elottag the tarry at 151 . .3f: ata:blti FAIR ANDL FESTIVAL; WORTH CHURCH, 0 )111103 113,16 Febal. Efrut /11021. The Ladle. fq gm NORTH PBN•BtT6BILS CHUN,In.I7It ia:td e. /Ali aid tutee TR TliTlet•rla Y EVENINR, 1 11 E0., as:lc:act' oular 111.1 x and 11th 'tau them. , bera or ntunt lug lh lir 'nee , Cherub: ~..elko,oa let of an 100 WI fur ••14...a1ra Deattad , ,,j I..na . k, ord/ eCrobat sea secret all 18.41 Yi tbe e.e.e a Clll9l/Cd ID alint this' . . IarGOAND VOCAL Amp • INVISUMCNTAL CONCERT' AT MASORIC HAIL; 11171681:1AY 'DEA lOtta, 1 BY XL% E. £ SINTER, '• , • • abe 4 . b..y fr r p b nn n q t e . 1 .. b ritta. n , • ' ' W‘ololii;tiat7 fe iit s Mi l 'igi:r::;;l lio Poor. ope. a n . clock; bun/b....be tb CO. =ebbe latent /mir th to s. bo r lntat • H. KIRKPATRICK, BOOK-KEEPER AND deC01M7,137, or T Y-7 /VIT. I`x•lU1 ` x•1U PRACTICAL .11X, PEIMUCCE. K WI. TTERL TU • OPENING eN3 MMHG !NTS' =Ks,' - Neste Paley eaak■ CIONSII IMO Re. Opened by Doable lbcdry. Deraaeog reek• stecai JJJJ y atOpteted. • • Penni ebitil4 StT eILEMbd in Made Oath dkonnAb bade.. style. • YgrittrV,R - IP B'nd'2"4Ztr. C. U. xxrrr 0,0 S. S. nen crt!nrikm... LINSTBEIG 1111011INtON. thleterpri t• , r I ILAMMPIII.I. 'AND -YOMSIO.• _ MINIMS. ante Etti and Di11..2033. ai Bait. road aad über. ot 'rpm' colt Totten la .; • CAS. Aa D . FAMILY , COAL: Offee T.d—ruo2 , Of TIM STIIW: ii/PO•dori at thll .r 4 Or adErCIHA. Mill will Co prompt JI 10E. B.4muEL as. Tics.Ensnarer IEI lz Iron- ro.. er - • 1 124 First Staeot, derrrsarraen. Agext eau of Conmall..lk4autustorp, Jour bine, 14.tothi, 13.3.caan0n.. auanolm. Oleado, imdplimer4ruda.otAthre.lts. "Teas* toighany Coto and Oil ptant's C. H. Chitc6al rid cimls IDe7tta 19.3 taders nrpoctralli se it 1641" JUST ItECEIVEEIP, AT, ROBERTS & SICIEBRIL Tra„,.'• 711.0Le&A.1.1! 41..L1arrAn.. ;; . fi r Cippex Red 124 Tu. liremtut R D . el HUITIMILP rrrnamiarilf • Am sbd tartar Staves. V. nth:rt. fir* lions 2.l24Gtamt.: Tao. , neap atid end v.se• 110 Hoar. 'lad f`g=,,,TV"roirafErvitAimattlx coot.l.ag fteu. nutet.blw I . 4:l%T.,ge,.'n'ita.RLlW•ita.tlNls7l,` Syes, foranthNette to oth.l . wet. •_ an. B. d. glee , v.ttat uteattest to VI maniameturr or I.lrotera. Garages. oellumf. Lawn nicoorap "444 Kytt a SCHWAgTZ; .7' Who Wale Lad attall Xiondt4ter.vesei ": Tin ) Copper and I heet Iran Wm/A; waa deietnflif. oivo rUil2tl6/101.1 kIAat.WAILS. DOILNS !II JOS FM I051:10 Ishii No ItS urtTtle`NLD 13,Nrrer...gle000tto the foot thllee, one N 0.14 WYLIZ ha.UNIA ~li ra , settragii. JOHND. pstnEy .ts, Bum; STOCK AND PEAL ESTATE aktmeas . • AIM aucrxxoNaitas. th. , llllti:V=it.. rah trarn ' i l ktnr lH :le.. bola 711.1101A1T, j:E.. nigher an Um premise* eV al Inn neard eTTrane nom& . , Pariloalnr stfra U. pain. nn nennninni. no tnn ode at Bent LTA-Cent tateaLe gals. ••• • . • tenor Mewl Elf...in the mnatc7 ittendeg...!, Mk". I ...MK , . OrnErr. pax 'CHAIM ' •.; • PUMP - MAKErt Mad lasaufscAnrer of all Mao al pirooomr; 9 9131 a 1./. bp. 33 DT/1.3.33, Allaaaca , 11 1 ..11:tereds1 attantlad ilven to ttili alanarad.c FUTON - rEnWE '•-• 1 .61.15,51 , •• 4 Ist: - • ••• llfartalattory• of Iftlaa-al P.19.1al fa, et all Sian ontrpf theer,VialM44pc/ItlezTt,. grara 11 Dewar 'Olathea whl•tb.lollb, mad at tar, 10, p. s. taLI.SE. 1,17211.•141.•,1?„, 7111Trell. aclow Vlraburgb, *alba lialo t ADA 40. Or . • •t • alnatlok, D. R. AcciEvat;: • INT. FIRM nnwGll. AHD TILZ., , Eliobl6 ,I5RATttel. WRITE4I,tr cuitrxrir2vra•- • Aad .11c.1. . Mos d Watch...N. 181 FM= EtTR,VJFai, 001WitellOottovxmn-,ok n HEADQQA 11TE115. 1 . Warm Air Erg is , en and teviiiiieft H&c% as :Mats lEnsmel .d, aaaw or Rklll,qs. BISSELL & ( VAS N. 433 taRRILTI CEEM $15 , 000 TO LOON, ro:4ll♦ifliasoBllllsZ.4.. • ' - •• • Z'ZINL,2•:W•i t . . of tuduzsild ltrrep Wei Zsu. bemeat .314. .. r R. P. GE '714 W11 4 n.19aj.. Choice Wince and 1 El ligi
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers