IN I rstrt 'IIIATITZDAY,DECIEMBER 7 . Isisor. • • . THE GREAT CONTROVERSI ~ , 11. 0 igerany the cable tel gave le atisiite; account of the impression pro .'egis'Briiope' by the late message of President JHOMON to Congress. Even . the Melba Times, which be never ex 14)044441hoilightest sympathy ten the People or Congreu of the United States Irilhicratioggle for the maintenance of , ihettstion. and t h e extension of equal vow to alI . Casnes of MOO, is impelled , 1 to-declare that- the tone and bearing of the Eveentive is rte imperial as that of any iovereigd fn the Old World. Nor ,41ts ,atatement overstrained. At no gip during the last two hundred years, has any monarch in Great Britain dared t tobelet the language and exhibit the de mesne:Awards earlianient which the :wad* for two yearn has steadily „manifested -towards COngrese. Snob gsmper and deportment would have cost 14,toglish monarch not only hlscrown . -At - nails head. be men, moreover, that censure 317,ititen Mr. ErEvana as well as the vireindent.— We are not inclined to de .. • -land Mr. EaILVEICII from this incrinaina . 4tidirei 7iiisiany other of like character. ;#.lalernitli 'end measures have given him • ..istatition distinct and apart front that of 'Mitt great body, orthe Republicans. In desd,,,we cannot recall the mime of an. .otiferßadical Member - of Oonaress, or - Ire prominent fladicr l . journal, that 7,a gone with hint in his txculiar ldeae ' ,flandealing — with the rebel States and *Theirinsurgent populations. The maw .of the Radicals have constantly inclined to, lenity; have demanded few or no ex plations;_ have Insisted that military :geryernencnt, for conahlerable periods, lWakrepugnant to the primary. idea at -popahm instliuVons, and of dangerous • ?tendency in respect to all clears; have 4.01te AT in demanding that withal little delay as practicable Universal Amnesty Idiot:ld be granted. Some of them, an Mr._ fthnterrlf. have been ft:Woody demount.. -ad by the COnservailver for refusing to xi, Bravura at all. Radicals have been mainly intent - 'orrrectifying old abases; on restoring andlnalienable rights to them from Whom they have, for a long time, „ : „ ifitsof..,:always, been withheld ; on so -abapingthe new condition of affsira as ,ItEttier'all - Chafes With the cepa, pr0:W:4044 :W:4044 the laws, and to endow them rilth =equality of rights as well as el This is why Conser iatives•and 'Democrats unite in con 'Beififfiii BAN. But their vindication AO come In duo season. Passion and .pedindlce cannot last forever, and when Valle subside it Will be clearly seen that Agovernment, by the People' can only be Id fo r 'stand by fairly recognizing the 314cdnfe: polttieal 'eqUality of all. The Slates tried the other process, and terrible has been its chastisement. bitter erperitnea through `se-have been led enlighten no as 241n6 - , &tare i El j, The General Synod of the Reformed Dutch Church met at Albany, IC Y., coin, days since, by adjournment from the annual meeting It Juno, to receive the 'report from the Classis on the pro. posed - change of the name. The vote allowed that of thitty.twri classes, twen- ty had voted aye, six had voted nay, and four had not reported. The ques tion then came before the Synod for final action.. Alter s long and earnest: debate the Synod Toted one hundred and seventeen to erten to ratify the amend ment by which :the word "Dutch".ls. struck out of the; Church name. The word Protestant was also dropped, and hereafter the body is to be known as the' Reformed Church in, the United States of Americo.' The dogleg speech of the venerable Doctor Matthews, the oldest clergyman in the Synod, was powerful in the fact of unanswerable facts in re gard to the disadvantages under which they have labored in connection with other' denominations- He stated_ that while the Dutch.Chirich in Nevi York, within sixty years, had only grown from eight to twelve churches, during the, same period the Eplacopal had increased , the number of their churches from eleven to' flityeight, ' five to one; the Pres. byterians from four to . forty-four, eleven to one; the. lifethodiste, nine, to one, and the Baptists eight to one. Notwithstanding the preponderating vote iCI making , the change, the opposition from that portlon of the 4critable Hol flattish descent is. Emig la 'wealth and influence, the Chisels of New York taking the lead. It is not right, useful, as money is for church purposes, that thh pe.rse.besring congregations should con. troPthe destinies of a body in so vital • matter, as the majority seek to 'do. It seems the question-has not been sub mitted to the' congregations, and is not necessary undei their polity. Bat the question of the transfer of the Church property'from Um Reforined Protestant Dutch Church to the Reformed Church, is. a question ,to be settled. The Inde pendent, in commenting upon this change, remarks that we- now have the German Reformed Chard), representing ouch of the German and Scandinavian churches as were Calvinistic ; the De formed ,Presbyterian Cherub, a . email body of tkoteh origin; and .the Re formed , Church, representing' - the churches 'which sprung from Holland. The question of dropping the "clutch" .has been conducted. with vigor 'within that body, to the exclusion of other in terests. Now that the' final action by , , ' the hiihest body in thi Church having decided the 'matter, we . hope the body ' will enter 'upon i . glorious career ' of, 1 , It is gratifying tonote that the Frlenas .arp organising Sunday, Schools for the youth Of that body,' RecentlY a Con vention of Quakers was held at New Bedford,. Massachusetts, embracing four days, during which - some of the Evan gelical Priends took a leading part in the divansions relating to the useful ness of Sunday Schools, mission schools and modes to reach' the . chnrchlees. Even the queation'of ZEICIIie WU dittoes: ed and found advocates. There Was throughout an aggressive spirit showing that the evangelical sentiment. se alive among the churches was felt by this staid , clase:of Christian& Since the adjonnimerit of , the great I Pain Episcopal Council in England, It is I proposed to held a Pan-Methodist C 4312 1 ference, and also a Pan-Presbytertan Synod, to unite the respeettre branches of the American and Calvinistic , type. The, fruits of the Philadelphia Union Presbyterian COnvention are mopping out In many of the leading cities.. A. mass Meeting* of the Presbyterian' Churchee; favorable to union on the out- I line of a basis proposed by the Thiladel. ' phis Convention ; has been calledin Chi. cago. The all is signed by fDr. Robert Patterson, of the Adoones, and others. Calls, at home. and abroad, have been made open the American (Baptist) Poi , sign Bible Society to supply Me Scrip. tures to the freedmen' and foreign coon-4 tries. - .The Baptist churches are urged I to provide fends to the amount of twee- ,1 ty-flve thousand dollar& The reception of persons Into full stem. bersblp of the' Idethodld, Episeopal ' Chnrch, while apparently more formal i l is, more Impressive than formerly. Can- , Mates are instructed-as to the nature of I GRANT mOvEMENT IN NEW YOBIC. the obligations they mamma 'beibie 'the I * telegraph ourreaders have already time aid their reception before . the. en. been made acquainted with ihe fact that tire congregation after answering certain an lieinen . sirieeettgig washeid at Cooper questions, has a - salutary .ift ed. upon Institute, in the city of New York, on them- . Last Sunday mondngrwas - 114 , 4 , 4 weanseday eventog, ibr the purpose apart In 'the • Liberty Street:M.: E. 1 o f fccoownending Nen. GIWIT as a can. church for. this ' : ceremony,' at :whint, didatefbi the Pretidoeiy. By mail We time twenty one adults, young mewood 1 uiffiliffifssiticulars. •' ' ''' ' ' ' women, were solimnly received raker a 1 The meeting was consequential from careful eaamination by.theiiisi* , nni. I I ine unusual number ot men who shared W. H. Locke,. A: X - At the . el* of i n it, limns. more so from the personal the ceremony, the -fiactamerd ef - the onarifter„.9(.. 4rin? .4ropprtion of the !ord's Sapper was :administered, ic, a men. Nundrede, if not thousands, of the rge number of communicants. , foietmost businces men of the metropolis, The Methodists are not alone m the were then, adding the 'combined weight decrease of missionary contributions -Tap FINANCIAL qtrEsTto'si. judgment of. Congress evidently • ,I,l*.Ortizes.vritb, that of the country in Neldlng the Financial Question to be one-of- the - highest Importance, and de- Carly. careful and exhaustive consideration. Already several moped . fiehe ban, been submitted, which evince: Chagjzo, ordinary pane -taking has been need aiming the vacation to comprehend • ihe'diflitilties of the case, and to find - smiteemedlea• adapted to -remove them. It is a misfstrtune to the country -that poplOsratiVely few of the members -of Other of the Houses are specially tatted kir their private studies and employ-' ' • Ws:to deal intelligently ,with pro. ' • itlerni Of this aert. Many of them are Withal to legal subtleties, and still More in the dialectlas or party- controversy, ; FOBS fen Of thee/have diligently stu,lied or hid large experience in shell:driest/nee cd(fburice and trade. Indeed, a 'good • Ityntylarikers zed merchants, and sorry .Ortheze. reasonably successful In their itamaita, tre mantint to follow the reln 02 in trhini they were instructed, x, than' be at the trouble of ex-I jeaptiaitie elementary principles which' terrible, and determine the operations in ethiffi . s.they are Involved. Fronathe action of the CoMmittee of Warps - and Means,' Which wo chronicled Pintsifd iy;tts well as from , private ao4 ire infer that they who favor e . contraction of the paper currency, and " 4' . zettiutaby that means to 'specie pay.;l manta; are in a minority. There are In &cations that in the House a majority Maibefoind to favor of another era of expansion. But, the temper of the Senol • atirlbil. not Warrant the expectation that au ithsolute increase of paper cir ctthstdort-iyill be =Waned by that body. . astiairanin It be disguised that the feel. trio' the - House is much stronger . %mink ihe National Banks than it wan behersud to be before the session opened. thg is becoming very general it IS not right to exempt from taxa , flee 'bettor ordinary purpose, so large an • 444 . 1 of capital as is represented in the Deflatai securities and banking capital. Doubtless the government, daring the veer, obtained money with which to pros ' ecultsuilitery operations, on the beat terinilf CoUld, end lin:orally ae well as legillathound to fulfill Its engagement& Tea &otherwise would be shameful and ifittfltiettng to .the, last degree. Still, • this . consideration, powerful ash it, and conclusive -no it ought to. be, data not satisfyinnleitiides. These feel that cap . italics took advantage of the neceseitles of the government to drive hard bar gains with it; really got It by the throat, eilirrattaitralned it to accept each coed!. lions as they were pleased to dictate; and that these conditions are so Oppree rive upon all who are angered in pro_:. endive industries thit relief from exist ing Inequality of burdens meat be had. Still, it is claimed that no measure so sweeping as the subititution of green becks for bank notes can be carried. A new loan, of sufficient volume to take up antrhancel all outstanding bends, and which shall be fully liable to taxation, May possibly be agreed upon as a COM- Rromise. _ - . illthineseelastis th opghont the coon. try are in a feverish state. Their affairs have not pmgressed satisfactorily during the past year. In many Baca of pro. faction the priceso; commodities have settled even below the rates that ore beibre the war, while wages eta, still high as at any former 'peeler& lab: ,alone are atilt dear, 'and will remain so, at I eaefuntil after'anothsr harvest. Here are . serlotte difficulties In the way of agreement between' owners and the men they employ. The outlook for tint furore is dark. Men do not ace the way before them, and consequently hesitate. , Thee there is the general ten. dency , of the currency towards a specie bash,: which is about as strong no the disposition of water to run down hid. -Governmental mammas may Impede this *cadency; but it - still operates, crea ting uncertainty and .•distrust. Sr.u :Totindbel' by-so many tilelenlilea, it Ls in— catobent. oe. Cengtese to proceed cou ttottels,,reeptet the felt adrdntegc of the 49 . 1?udzia4le. %....,, , of their names to the movement. In this array of mercantile and financial celebrittes were men of nearlrall shades of political opinion. There were Re publicans and Democrats, Conservativei and Rsd teals, Loyalists and Secessionisti. Of course it was not a party display, but a demonstration independent of all ex toting parties, and perhaps intendsd as antagonistic to aIL The following are the resell:Mena that were adopted: Reseiced, That the American people hare ever been true to the instincts of I patriotism in maintatnlng the rights and i honor of the nation,• and that the ark. I nowledgment of distinguished 'services in the national cause, cannot fail to be regarded as a grateful duty by a free and Intelligent people. Resoleid, That the brilliant services rendered by General Ulysses 8. Grant, at a period of Imminent peril to the ex istence of the American Union, have shed imperishable renown on the Amer ican name and character, and can never be forgotten by a people alive to the blessings of Wenn:Mons under whose in fluence they kayo become a free and nutted nation. Resolved, - That in the judgment of this meeting, representing all, the great in terests of national indusny, tue public sentiment of the country unmistakably indicates its thole° for the office of Chief Magistrate; and that in accordance there- with, and relying with perfect could-' once on the sagacity, judgment, persist-' got energy, and unfaltering patriotism,- so strikingly displayed throughout his' whole civil and military career, wo pre—' sent General Ulysses 8. Grant as the candidate of the loyal Union people of New York for the office of the Presi dent of the Ulitad States. Resolcad, That the President of this' meeting Dave 'authority to appoint twen ty-four °aliens, who, with himself, shall form a Standing Committee, with power to take measures to effectuate the objects and purposes of this meeting. .Here is not simply a casual or acci dental avoidance of all ideas and meas ures upon which the American people have been divided for years vast, but an •--- - • - - ayttr Intentional ignoring of them. Genend GRANT it put forward not as the repro; tentative oft Polley upon which the individual, constituting - tho . meeting were agreed, but as in himself sufficient to silence all quettionings and to settle all doubts. • V Row far this movement, which was clearly deigned to be the point of a fresh departure in the politics of the station,: will meet with favor throughout the country, cannot be told immediately. But it is apparent that his testimony be. fore the Judiciary committee of the Home of Representatives has commend ed him about equally to that Wing of tha republicans who are averse to eeveriiies and to the more moderate and reasona ble of the seceasiOnista. If this demon= Stratton shall be followed up by others of cognate character at various points throughout the country, something for midable may come of but we conjec ture by far the larger part of our people want to know why -they run before they set out. RELIGIONS INTELLIGENCE. last year• We Ica= thst the Reformed (Dutch) Churct has had a decline in receipts of about fire thousand dollars, and the disbursements have exceeded the Income by nearly twenty thousand The surprising fact is stated by a -re. 'igloos journal that fifty villages in New HampshiM haireno preaching from min isters of soy denomination. Bishop Simpson dedicated in Detroit :he Central E. Church; Sabbath week, said to be the finest structure belonging to that body. The value of the lot and bifildieg Is estimated at one hundred and sixty thousand dollar& It is probs. hie there aro one or two churches now in course of ereetlon that may exceed that Amount:, DA the day of dedication twenty.mght thousand dollars were se cured, being about five thousand more than was neided to liquidate the in. debtednens. TfenryWard Beecher received thirty thousand dollars for his story of "Slur- Weod" in - the New Yorlf Ledger. With his liberal salary as pas or of Plymouth Church, revenue from publishing ser mons, books, and• occasional lectures, hie income is pretty considerable for a 1 successor of the poor fishermen of Gal nee. A correEpondent °film Chrigian In telligencer advocates the advertising of the Gospel in the secular newspapers. A lady responds to the suggestion by offering do give fifty dollars annually to- wards the object. Ansel - Slog to the views of a City 'mis sionary in New Toth city, idle and profligate' parents send their children frequently to Dlission schools in order to obtain the supplies which are furnished. He gives an illustration of the reason Assigned by a profligate father for chang ing his children from one school to an other, that they could get wore at the new school. "They do things up right," he says: "Lost Saturday they were down to measure us all around for nets shoe s, 'and this morning they've sentus a whole .barrel of flour. That's the scilool for lute," hic.eoughed the wretched man. Bishop Asbury, the first bishop of the E.. Church, histoiy says he disliked the fair sex. There was one circuit ln. Virginia where the young ladies were so fascinating that all the. young preachers sent there were soon taken captive. The bishop thought to stop this by sending thither two decrepid old men, but, to his sti4rise, both were married the same year. He exclaimed in disgust, "I am afraid the women and the devil will get all my preachers!" Wise as the good Bishop was homes mistaken as history clearly shows since bls . day. The Laeral Christian (Unitarian) thinks Boston should get up an anti society. Without joking, punishing schoolgirls, says Zion's Herald, with the rod is absolute and unavailing cruelty. Shoottor Affair oe the liteenher Jet he — Omentandailletl end Three Wetrad- • A. larnentableslicoting afTray occurred Sunday evening, on board the steamer I Julia, bound from New Orleans for St. I St.Louls, in which one colored man ; ilonderson Tome, and three others, .Russall Adams, Huns, Horton. and Frank Jostler, 'were nevirely and 'dangerously wounded. The circum stances or the affair, as related by the ' officers of the boat, svereas An old man named Horace Collier took pas sage-on the boat at Springlield landing, for the mouth of St. 'Francis river, and a short time aftershowed evident signs of being crazy, and milling for the captain under great excitement, stated that the n oea empty edon the boar Isere about to ill him. lie was gnioted alma the promise of ample protection, and noth ing more was thought of it aunt about sapper time, when the crew were on their way to the .cook- house tci get their food. Collier, who was seated upon the cook house steps, drown revolver and com menced tiring. Five shots were tired with the result mentioned. Two boils entered Jeers' body, killing him In , Collier woe immediately fie cured: and open the arriVal of the bast at this point, lcilzed in Jail to await an ex amination.— Vicksburg Timm. • • Davila". sear sfa Fenian. .111 c. Dublin correspondent of the Lon don Times tells the following - Story: John Francis Nugent. nue or the Pris oen whit. was acquitted at Manchester, and re -arrested, has been convoyed to Drogheda, his native town, where his return created no little settsatton on Wed nesday afternoon. Precut ions had been necessary to prevent any attempt at res cue.prisoner, who is about ythree years of age, and six feet In c h ight, served his time to bin father, wheas a builder. ilia Fenian sympathiea brought him. 'under the notice of the police at an ertily period, and In October, 160.5,1 m was arrested on a. warrant from the Lord Llentenant, and alter four months' im prisonment was libel -wad on giving heavy, bail. In _May, 1860, he wasagnin arrestedby the police, who found him iu a hack parlor in his father's house.. He contrived to engage them In conversa tion while suddenly throwing up, the Sash, and springing from the window, a hlght of fourteen feet, with extraordi nary agility, ho .suceeeded in affecting his escape. lie got Mr from Drogheda In disguise, and made Ills way to Manches ter, where he folloi'ett his trade no a par peeler, until ho again 'fell Into the hands of the police lu ortusequence of theattack upon the police, ' —Our :city witeelected this morning by the tight of more than a ton of bullion brie/affront the reduction arks of Mr. Cullom,' on Bear creek, . a branch of Snake river, about. a mile and a half from Montezuma,' in Summit county. We spoke not long since of the forward ness of Mr. Cullom's wore,. Since then he has made a run of one hearth with the above result. In twelve hours, fourteen hundred 'andseventydiro pounds of ore Sc., smelted down, giving eight hun dred and twenty-dye pounds 01 metal— lend and silver. This hos:not yet. been assayed, • but is supposed to oautain from. WO to f.,b00 to the ton in silver. The been-wore deposited In the brunch mint brithis city. They numbereighty three,. and the total weight in • about twenty-two hundred pounds. The ore reduced was from the Comstock Dearer Newt, Nov. ='. '-_ • , • —Brigham Young, by n Inteorder, directs althlayoung men to germarrled, and gays that !rafter a certain time any girls .ara lett over," be will marry them blmaelf. • '• • SPETRM PORT GRAPE WINE. . CIPSEit'S roar Fin SPA ST IN L. hP.Eb•B MO IMAM WINS. 9ne trandred cases of this rare Port Wit., r.. seised this st ay and (or u•e at low/miss, at .7 USE l!LI ILZ.I!JS No 1 Yorke* streoL tor, or he Dimond COVi DIEPEPSIA. CURE 7; cows Coo A t za.mur Twenty ems of thelke vsArse'fets eyed this day 054 for tale , a t Very lOW r•l in es. re- St JCW.CrII iI.SMISUIS. NO. el...k•e et eo . R=!!!! Greitt becret. • sod treretla tnedlestlan Ss to help Yt rerallt and kaantaaa—the eare the stttarga 01 the only ore oteo re that In Sews 'or Itt baits. if Ste n etehtis item L enettared. she moaelpa west. and the , the bed,. In tau.ta f ptrtlal collapse 'hat Is It best to do?. &mot teaotes ea the mar t BUILD UP LOUD Al AN. Braes War lop woold • lotteries/ <Oleo. the pabulum nerd. Ix • Toole elteratlro. Bova me l , op It of the depths of ateettur and.Uespostaaeo, Ith UUSLY.TT/UPS El ITEMS. • They canes Inters. ehl'd may take Item In do . ..noted torte years, without Shit pfirifbillt7 or hire,. The three/1,104V powen areal. trete rearmed e ..... Jetty thttr •It on au the wl.ted art.* T RH! are absolmel a reqatiz td t here le eytbeblT- Stir t , eTr *oat...tom ~toat erlll ttel, p lace ro'n°,l, seedglZ,"lll)l,°74. pepttst tot.. Mitt: rit Preen, !two...halts, iota A &alpha Of I' ho litre. ft O oth•ritinaielhil will pm:lege . ..le the er the Kars eIT et that In. Mtr.y.,W.`l74;th,V.,!.l!Ttl°4l.""u*""' The is are. f i Al , lis hut^. • Important to Country Blerchanti: Matlainta'rlsltl.g the ctsy to !twin iliefer sup- old do , - dll to WI ind grim _pod:do. eppodoso of tin: JSZYBXI:, w woos mad pot- le . a inrply et Ma Ivalimble PECTORAL, alrlitlP and 0L01,1) tbe former of which bee been need lathe ink fora prattle, for over twenty 'art., an, lou treed tboaranda from the con ram ntlya•• crave DII. X2YI364.IIrPECIORAL SYRUP will inv. wlably tire sealefestion to all Dereooe lth caught and ioaroenaes and the caul m. ' .it tlaultronalt o f ot the most bonen.. can. of Ostia.. of a toes. eara• tor be pbyslolane, and venal!. eln., , lned Inetztab'e, vonn atom tall to wer 1.1110051 t to anent'. tnnt Ilmet Of eboeo wro aes dabllleamd lothall by reeknem should resort toaome ronned) ns Dr. -X Itronlitel IItAXIII, loblth ill nut oily tlranen sec punt, ado { aua+al otaoins enntonunda end Mata, arbleb for a walls one, but aftarvardt flak lo o for te•rioratiorn tioavtry arartbapts atol•raivave• ' cannot Co von, bolt • doe. C ol or m shay. ataroars o Medi, am • arta 60 l6ll, rooter laetnri t o uoun nriwne tinvititiLnd Alt ling net_n ',tn. /311,"VitIrsaltiti:L IT.Vdirtitgg l iairitt • faction. nt tan pfoaln tr cualipaalarate only with thrjVir.TonirtVeitTterlief'S PLUM:Inn Anil Mina no other, at Is, Wood street. /Seek Cow ol.ttos • Alm Int Pew. Meet. tat blowentbarnilli. 1.01. r.IIII4BIIIWh DAILY GAglinE: SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7, tSt,7 I 1786. PROSPECTUS.. 1868 TEE PrITSBUREK EMETTE!. The largest daily paper in the mete . of Pennsylvania, enters the Fend year gas existence with increased facilities for die- Iseminating toe current news of the day, Ind for rendering good political service n the important Ftemdential Canvass of .S&S. The forthcoming session of Cbngresa promises to prove one of the most import ant held raw the formation of the Gov ernment, and the proceedings will be an, lowly scotched by the . intelligmit masses. I In view of the deep interest centered in the 1 proceedings, .the proprietors of the. 04. Zig= have made - arrangements for daffy dispatches and letters during, the session, from a highly intelligent cor,re , spondent, who enjoys the confidence and friendship of the leading members of the. Senate and House, Ms heads of the vari ous Denartments,..and the leading politi cians who frequent Washington, so that readers can depend on receiving the first, fullest and Masi reliable intertigence from the seat of Government. The proceedings of the State Legisla ture, at its forthcoming session, will also prove interesting, inasmuch as many ques tions of importance will come up for legislation. The GA ZETT. E keep at the Stale q.pital, during the entire segaion, an intelligent and faithful correspondent, who will promptly report the proceeding, by mail and telegraph. It is the only political foam,/ of AlM tourgh which faithfully reflects and steadily advocates the principles held by the Union! Republican Phrty, and interpreted by or loyal Chingress. It giro. no asetah reeuttap matter ne mt, fen., so IR at teeetardatinro per mimeos, lohtie W pile, is but et t, being She akeaPott a. ode ** tAs &X, pen newnylper fa the Commonwealth. WOO tie vetiorgeenewe e g.rn department A. Gen etrearthened. no high diameter eV . it.: ,thfor:nt tatunw Wit is inaiseini meet, and n i t ve~ffons N pubtfo importance Wit be reart , sety 7 hey...a. The oiler dopurivona PM Po lope, up to U.. roptiformonto 1 fd. day, and tioonatuttod Petrie mail faithfully maroon ail the tranoastrfano 114 , 1 , a, , y aw, Wthe caw. matt.'; M.:4Y pad aorta at /arm and Mantel far the 0.4252 TE GU rm.:taloa of a itee neteryomage mad Aft okors /many tad eoustereia/ neutopaper: uPio num Put bun rourvedjUr mar)* su , ports. Peach ma et aft thou b reitod upon do cornea, uo tka Oatmeal itoadadloao rfuautaa. taw. farm posaguets, csatto, , E aoo daffy oathered Amu appal tales, by fatafut and off glue reporters. no ',foe,. Uttar fs ciltoolul with pars. mut pall' tn'ou, aefry fotorestiaafeatirt Mt o.urerra. Ma luau doportment Aao bum 'pfacul U. shun. Of apt and erpertmect &nth, tad° Wit reader 4 guff* du attracProo and lutfutsp. Katy to banters, booboo and Muir.. "ew,els malty . • 2Tte ret/zetona espartnurnt sent men, as attar• !lon due tie haporta nen!. and OnIII art Ire easchuarel t. bn ;biasing and reactants to Inenannv Ott nrifenue demon. !natl . ... • MN spiel/tura. ant. Minn, !!(army. sena:and °Mar deparlintadf Y at poDsiwilt b. condwired In a manna. tentel lel/2 prsm sate "aatory to fhb nadir. • TADD Or WAD DULY DAZirlt. MI.. Norala ts,Vonths LOX Mae Dear Dettetred 0. /titre Dore., AMAteas awl att Dot actioorot Borottihe for 3 Mt! per may 'pavan. to Oporiero. THE WETEILT GAIZICITE. 77te ITIZEICL I CLIZYSTIt M. Min alkiria, 1014 e same efoeese Yee Dotty. and lo 144,44 lan 444 4441/411 and idol loath, fmatlll ao 4 / 4 .4.r In t. 4 stn. le Mooed be In Ow Mom of nary farmer. wolobanfe and book.. ma. n 0.. oaon nowt/Orly 4.41 colon. Demme.: sow by teteyrayA meet mall, tbb 4.44 odtforiato of 41.4 dotty. and /goblet oglortfoo of Maury and erg omtyo 444, toydbrer mitt& nerYtldn• 4.4ntant portalnino to 44, world of polities. It agricul tural ootanan4 wilt kedged in .44.1 a usaaarr a 4 to And favor WA Oa tanaer , and yardmer. TA. nark.: ."part of Oat WSEKLI O.4ZET.T.S aro by Lallinal• ronono arlhortotv4d to be no stere4arot ouasority rar !tab any... and 4 . 01 n., cad in onaonnylat cfrohy fa Mat. P4noyt• ran/a. Sauna Ma and Motors Yirolnla an 1 ootlbont neat. TO. Po ref the e1y.Z5175 an and 44141.4444 by 44 Otent Calor. of Ilkykroy manly. as Were.. In tabvertant tanuo. to dr :ermine Me. rottaiprle4 In 44 sands at lA/t time of leo bayixess bane/1440s 4 &sputa. Oar .1.441.4 will fain" to eir patio, np Moir el OM at 01{014 bill not ailovelng lAeir vraorat ono to orYlre.- as boo an initial. teat non 4 of oar readers 44444164d0yrf4d Oa nook *seam. ad. data. To club* can be sada at any Mao, al peon iy rotes. Poomatt•Ye and Merotanto are rt , ourotort to a4tab 4444. RiIUIS • On till RZILLT liArrnm. ii.Dic6lastrikr WO. at An . =. tt.grto2;4" vst—er.;;;:7".l.l4Lit /tar 7br_ M. poplar a/ .rtes .13.3 t h, wary.. cuSansot tRI strepridam . • rsznixpr, SEED ets 00.. •. • • ELIIIMITS BOILDISIG. Ter. it medal Mb/Urea', PitteNult. --- • , a Country paper. In Western Runaylruniu. [mum Oblo and liVeutsrs Visents nublbiblen tee .pore. and smarm muted paper . .. wilt be euttbed to one yews exerabge mid tn• LAZO" tieirrra. NEW AD VERT.ESEE.MI2TS WM. 2./NC184.31 Jr„, Adams lispross Or he, 54 Sysh Mrs.:, Is 55 onothortsed Agent to mars Advertisement:fortAs 6uffBT-1240w oil oar. papers, Ilirovishout 514710t00t Mots. and As 1ckm4.7.55. • CURISTMALS PBEMENTd, FOR GIRT LEMEN. Useful as Well im Ontamental altBllll3ff 4.OIVHS. rzab!ea scans FAST - I - &MELTE', FAkTINE! JACKSTS and atm Y111:11i1Nd cArs, kurnaar G!NOINE 1...3U EE•N BLUYEs. GENT'S BODIERS, CLOTU, KID .111 CALF GLOVES. In *lidless varlet), all of which .e cdu at DOD. . l a , Pace. - GRAY, YOSIBIEL & RESE, Me. 02 WPM .0.110/6162 8171LD1N.3 I L2II IT (i IA . • The tree cantaeplan or nal:Walhalla, art hued mutely •poo • phystelrgical panelple• nten am ACTIVITY or eine; tOnela unreal. , Wog or vane the Lire are ratan. anttheir natant value bete{ amleallattd in • manner that la 'rant in the Bataan oat? Or ntilleiti Item tte mama, ' , MeV bane . wa eau heal aromas as lament ara properties*/ , the atm sum, we brine the norihnal.. unnant!Yaptca to bar, to Dnwana Oirolran . nallaan man! omen, and morbid maariale 'arena; the am , Slaty or it • deettrallag ciatatelanantory or,- ans. and aall,a Vara. With whiebthenatem Is beatalfalir supplied. .;ilta -wean • thne - am ettner.obstatcted or notaederalood. as pail. ty la ate tame; thereto,* Instead of mtaklear. l lest we as b- fait we harogaited MM. Many I an aro ein sty it It oar blob ea pain to liars drat ae ,awn of sahteouanera lietbe bodily tab. treacle, la order that wo may live to Johan t oar I tatilral walth at Lan/leen. :Mr oar 'normal tonics, altorann, mhos/ant; anal.% to . we i/.1 tht etanhaaarf vital mat!, waken themornive lands innate by &OP. Ily • arrect nation oath nun a the prorate or Manse ?, wearadleat• the whole mash, ES, panel ea:among which an tape worm, erratt worm, Ga.t al.a. tacom.. natant; elect, ab eman• •roPar.among a the 10.• cr omit:men raiglatti• easier,, deaf' nere, liver complalot,orspepala, rein. rheum{ I tam, mansion., and In short nen dlimara that , Pen la heir to, plorided an 'Ramona plan 1.,' all•tly adhered to. We do notexpectio plena als.tint awn who have been the 'letlmr ol mama.: and legatoot ltego 01.81511101150- .10. carman., aed central& contrarian tuna • Inc praoace; and now watt runipol sinew, - 10 X. lolls broadest nen ! en Sr. the Vlmatni • vautz blatant Method. py glolne as a exll, No. 50 0/011105 AVENUM, • s dce:nei $20,000 "Ltmis-$20,000. CRT O. ALL , Dee. X.; 1041. CT(Tlislraelri OrlIC = Loan o $20,000, Ka= Intakeet Pitiable te.. 1=23 B. D. rn4xtets, • On, COnLlrollet. - • • n. A. %VIA. . TELEIt . • V. 10.9H1101/4 0 • • ..• • • ltOCCOsons lo Oilman.) - 1.4 (3-: c:.istr.E!s,''.., 6,„j. pen So /LINO A t '1 ::n 3 .% " 21: 1 „ .1 :417 , 4%: , Pfe , Oo^o oo tho alo , Hon oar., -Wald 1,0.00 . .. 1 7. 1613 ,orr TARNEII, Fat tale by MEM EW , PEAUDIV , 110551121 r • AILAD . arum lust, mOO4 ;rid for aale Q., ttgr4r•ir IMi.VANWl'lngirrtradif.4ll3:: torsale utaifatuly‘tireasnrSztf dot • ts2l 11amtV10.74.4. ri 6 8191 6,4 TED 'COCOA Arun Ise tvar. i ti l re Irma irk ? " 11 er - • * Ittnr • firkin ti Ito peevriicam-1 bags to airol, l o. d,Plnv. ter "" MOINT 170.; pEA-NOlrSAltt bags,, ;p, frri,V? DIOICRY M ILLE SCIA.P . I3IO.E BO • aim at !laud it Kt. C/ • LIMIIICATING 'b PtICINO. of fla r. • H. nuLura. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS rgy - Tneurir cnunce , slit, • " • fete. EFACItt lrL')f_____o4l.lrr at flf ~c lro k cr. PRIE4.CHING ETEIEI yS - in N DNT rU. eUOMritxte °&17: tg y.., '‘Z giVikl „ Wat re tralarlditlt e l kite... Orono free. Sabbath kelloOl MO o•cixt a.'.. sod wilitor !Irjusrta• CHlrk3pll., AntilwAy • ity. - rreIgt.; Z W•M NIZA T kir.VATITI4I:74 th• Put.. of the the w. J,SEcil KING. belt, free and .11 aro CH . ' PVIII!..1.; LECTURE—.sub. c ... ••!ua thburclraitai.on-1, 1 lNab b.... 1 a c . a Pucry V.:....1 la mu , :e a 1 ll be ia l ar ' fa r r d ns ' aranTi Lurch. corpar Sista alda:a-a77 AY AVE 1111.0; De imh. • All alarabdlal y Not.. to attend. ' Mr tiNivEiiiTiiArslr CLIVItt ,11, 'COIMER OP 1111ANTANDPII1120 !MI. —Pas.or. Ile, A. EaddEltiLabi. Pn•anidad „ WilViilYZAti 112' 414.14:g1eire.1:: ailed to Came and be at. i • sab,e.a ior ta- won n • evenlag—.•, heir Wei and Oars." !tab. alb. aall.dt,bi. (Unlsarl•n.) ve II drown In it. Ind.. Id•. ' • raririnsT BAPTIST CHURCH. - tykes at the N 9,74 Ezliejt%...2 , 1' ,, ;(Er411`"!,, 0 : oat blot „atm., ntte,:ctalivi, ?ark. and oat square tram el. a tar op aST CONGRE6ATIO tenr[n '‘' Vo r orj,if w,dne. an at In. Prayer fie L'1" ` °81 7.:_70 . 7 . of m e rvealags. 'maga. and g en.. c00g,..._ nA k t .r.?: DXII7 f riVK: a - o u s nt. egegehtgg get ry r”at. eh, 5110: tt at and2r. 1.114 130BPEL OF 00M110.91 TOMOS. Zga WlN lgg s , at aol to the jeet ot • settes C Lunt, g DU- I. naltbath Event/id:2lov. 1:—.1112 Drtenli. • 2 tabb.sll a nte• tug. ?Inv. 1.:11151.41mr. 1. ab . 5 Bab tntlt Etrnsl•sAltaxon.. S. ea2b..Lit Annular. Dec tt• YOU and your 1 , 125ds are cordldl2 . .55 . 2/12te an d ntelnotne to all: rTIFIE ANIVU ELECTION of Dlroctoro for Ihn II HMS BilifJAL BANK Of PMFBRGH, Will lA, Teel the Daeklce Hne,<, Otywee TUII3. I.lba 11 1. .h....11,..Ft.;.4,1171.38,1).744 MEI ma ia!rcuituli NORMAL INSTITUTE • NEW OLEOS RILL OE FORMED ON NEXT noai)sor, To complet• &mina ha thb Nara al Etudl BY TEE zoo Or rims. • • LIT Dillon, grlshlwir to iota 1111. eig,..boom PrLf..l. Mkt Immeulat.ely. la'The 12IIISICAL TADLEAUx THE BURNlisi'G BEEP Under it, dirt Croat of P et.U I ANTIIWG and . AL Sllf• I/ • IL ass pea ate 118. Maya war e AMIS. Ul4lO/11, and ell iii;endered Aetna ACADEMY OF MUSIC, On KoLday Evening, Deo, 9tb.; Tips first psrt consist oo &Ist: omen*, Qom. Cm., ite , selectee how belt limbo,. lot et a woltbst be [ stela costes or .01 teleeted Chores lad fad s.rchsttear pp teasers .t. up for tbeacesslotr byttopelt otP,lte sa. I,ll,Bl•—•• Paybiest —The nap teems— P tote of cullers — Moths, anO &late—Soot of litone—sone.d "tor Is." P:rrit t liV l V =l74t l.l ;lot% Itatber.a t r.ver Pies Lltteovered—Destrtlon ofP'PAßlVirtl::Morat Atobt—Aa.k.b. Winehitt Vests] Sten to'lrbs —Zre• oto , sre te Pr epoly—ag.ast Made—Ste Stet Tkat—Pro.r... ;,:isr.lii'tr;TtaPclstlll?Or'i tratt Weed street, a t e BONO se all MlNti. t . be tth sot. orra 18 67, liiIISTER 87/L'OCIa. 1867 CARPETS, MATTINGS, OIL, CLOTH TVINDOW SHADES DRIIGGETS, IIEDALLIOZ 4 7 :DRGOGETI MATS AND RUGS, TAIILE AND PIANO COVERS, ALL-NCGOL INGRALN ♦ ■eed arsonm . en L at VZHY LOW mos, BOVARD, ROSE. & CO 21 Filth Street, (leVatiltATZ.4 = AT 11A1LF PRICE! • I ten'''. or.enlau. ' • • lAslnoton.'s Travel. in loath AM.- tx I ye r Goldsmith. Br Wa , lpelo trylm it • TbaO. O •Aa•II•4U IterAluttnet. - • lefe, op.:tel . and teryle. otabraluto Gin • Chapel and Church Archtticta .. • iron of the Vette* nate& Dunlap. • Laws of reeptylvaalw Troatet ape:Lialey's Practice. 'Tole torPa 114 We • 'warf of the Great eabeiton IspettlUon the Dead Patti the Jordan 11.4alcvs 4illtory Of the drat& Itatelllow Two rolinuva la ere t pewe, Tactical Work., Itrr.':;,llTt4l 2 IY I -°::1;! 1 0 , 0 wet., as Gogh;. •• Deasy Mete' • • Ylcat.wwwPa Ufa or Christ. 101 l gllt. • 11000 ToLIInEII TO iSILLEtT rnoil • - • - -L a u p. ms,ma,Msnrew.Preaqh.o•raa. ZIA.; ne " Pc ' ol d t.thci t r i ilts W 4l. " !'"'" n ook .; _, 4"'" /Iflaletietr,ll. all/Maids. wholeeale mad retell s " Tor tg , lrs r ln ' ereat assist's, at ilegis ben• Prices. ' na••k numbers or all the Steleale i ts. "n 4. ' Pt"""..../k " st 4 i . e. lie ttrf.iol =ln: "lot'', en 'l bulnempttone sectored for all the toe l o c k. .0-4. ....--..i r.r-- - the ate Iragaiiece ad Mail:gel Pipets Caa W.7•13 . 1 . 1k;and 'Ai till . • 11001 C AND 'NEWS . DEPOT, BlLzilh atreet. below JOHN D..EGAI N. GOODS FOR trUDHOLIDAILS, . M. BERCIFIRLD A CO' itputs Dr. LAINES. wort%;yo, f. CA LlCo9,totitt :6C. ler I..r.SICKe3,ALL p roe- 75 . Da' id. ,EILSE tiTITCDXD 1.4141D1. , 70. IDIDIUDDgaILD do. mum Bari riwcY PAUL! Y BURiMILEII HAW lei BREAKFAST SLI44iI I= .11szae.M , bei!.#e 4 ., SO , 871 rimumirr writrxr. KEBTOSII SKATING .111 Mi .11abinsq illeg6ny City. 13E0=1 =7l LX3=l:l3 154615 , y & Treat hr. . . C. L. C.a. - W..1,, lU . e. z E. 31u0diii: ""' " "" Thl. tl. l -lak wilt lm opalsollet a lat. day, 8 tmoß.DTN!"t`hrtl'hilaa74ll4,',' :!?,71 . 1 smut .ad hoz, YUJI a v.... 47 •ralylog . am at:. of the Mut, to HARVEY. Gwirral Wititager, I=Ei • BEAUTIFUL PIIESENTS ..• .; • • FOE •:THE HOLIDAYS. • • PINE JPARIALIII Pri.TUEITILO. ' On INIL AND. IliE/111P.AbT, • DPICIFEII OO TZA. Al•o. • I tra• auo[tmentof Moorotted Kagtsl Itad,14•11112 ' 01111 A • TOILET 6 137M 11 . - SS 'Two c•cs istroet, itzsria Illenr. Glues MADE' AND NTANDL JUSTM9LNE,D, AT '314 . ,W00D 6T.. OVAL AND ROOD SHADES Witb s andwitlsoot tiattlAr arlal eland h'llbk al 0. LOOKING GLASS BrANDB, nil, Lim ( ANU minFroat =3 11EXIir .Ul6ll r. CM I NIGHT SCHOOL. • Ile 7 :rot 'at :'°l p in Urn ln► gide ! Col la the ...... tesole of Ito ottY'tro!,ol:.!!!‘ ve:::zzA.Arr" W4NDAIC• &Wise. V?E INSTAST.' drs•is• ' , - n. ft. Pi a / I CM Beetettl , l. ' ytifyriGs • • lion 90Lessa Lead, bY lILILEY, FARRELL •CO NEW 9DVERTIBEX-ENT& 100,000,.100A02.0. too,uto. 32=1 fait weetre.t, the abort amount cd. .111110021 //.+a Ll , Llhro t irldettortll btlllspowd of al low ratts, to th e Lrade. W. U. Who!csala Unwer, WO. I.ltwrtr rtrea ru:socreh. ELEGANT GOLD AND SILVER 1717se:takuois•. Tor Ladle., GU L Ln:m.Os we r' and a , rita .totk or De e JZIVKL.r. CrED ac., ente at. toe lowest NW.. et lip. 112 FEDERAL tarazEr. EILIOEENT. rrs JoIIN BEI !X!Cd.i.Olt moan®. Cr/nail-I, and 'American manufacture INUEV U. 01.188, 111:1T:211t.6___,. VOT? •Irth PITT ALLEY. 'Notice Is bereOT els ea 111 st the nodermsgred, op:visaed Viewers to ssssss tstreatm and dam mg s for the Widenlng of mitt Alley, TUMID WARD, ALLERLIERY, • Prom ntratrtterey alley to Montestnety avonne, will meet on e pet etPee to felliq the detlfs or Male ant Ira ,eta. on MONDAY; the:34lo( De. cetober, 1367, t 3'; erelot3o r. 31. Jelitt Arr.roN..., . . .. 4 i.lOO G.te.HABLi. ' PISSEOP 11[11"0/.C.P. CHM ALIIAACE PRoPzirrv'ron rA.L.E.—The ittbicrlbor offer, for itale hi, Flouring Hiili with stout Fif teen Acres of Land, !Motto In Wcriff.lltO on wnfhlp, Westmorelandt , cr.. {went, •two oftlesshfve Plftsou fgt. . on, 1011, from l'lnf , tiers rntlon, o. the wi. Whet, Waller walirovf. The toil IT In food do c.. hot two too of burts., , aott S.= at fl I'l7,'l'f."TZAafN':,fe"ei.. :'7C Sh e n teoerZCicew Se, Lou f Sept :Ofof <~tl nut the titer. upsofo of PretIi:INIVELI-, net:ll7l , GuEA T urn, trerioN , • COLORED DRESS SILKS. WHITE, ORR & CO, = :Zelo.ilZre !toolri or C 91.0 itED DRHOS d‘..„ IIZILT vow ramp, HOSIERY ! lorminyl !Endre., won't/1,441.ra: Ch Into n'a id rd.,. tn •lan:ara; • • Oroo , an Glove. a- , d e'did'"W°2!P'L:ii:l:..L4V.'...""S • ladlea°,l.l(eas , and Ctin , r en . . Woel.a Stine: Wm.: and Ca'Wren's Vista and ora•• and 'CLitdrin'a Wcolen uadlea% )11.4171,./.lgldz:qa {radian U love. • Ittl i s , ;A't ,l ,argatit:=, ua h .fr i ""!°,l7 .ou:e • how uhddrcn'a /Nanny Cathmernand Tartan Plaid E.: Infanni. 13andAnIt Cap.. Mode, ELIO. aid Banta; - • AHLe'S OLD nTaL T ND P en EAv OCK , ICO STORE. • dalnl 114 I . !lrrH ST. /CRT. , . ........_____ ":.:•••/) ://,•- •-) ./." • • :,1•-`,/ , ',6 , :c , ../.. f....c.7. , ,: z."?c,'. • ~.6,j. ....b•-•\:),,......./ • No. 37 METH 'STILE . ET S i • . P 1111711till a PA.' OUR ISVF.ana: CLA.OSYS an: now to mu -On:nips. re: so • el:Rotel curl or the day ear 711117 .1::.11ntZ Lgtniolontirrertbl:"...74; •!..7::F,', 1 *,;1414; *;:si.lN, l ir lllLVititktr; blob la nal wt-f:: •thutaa. P. DUFF & SOY. Prllooloola, • dentldt? rtrXl 4 .Dultuxt. Pa, - ' THE GREAT SALE STILL CONTINUES, AT I and 79 Markel Street NEW GOODS zarrx. .4Lartawi-vrx-sram.. • Bought wen . to and ertlet erlillbe otrered a 1 VBitt WY? BEICLI. Call atd e•-u the' French Corsets at $l. ... 4. M.nT IS TITS Tap.: TO PROCURE BARSARys, _ Tble brings the floe to the eastern bete of the Mucky lttontetns, and lite especial that the Mark 'Mlle. /aid lb tr y Wits further. to Zr, 'Nee. the 0 lerhest feint et the Mad. br fitilnel7t:' Tile maximum grade Mom tee foot of tbe mootil; titles to the Bement Ls but eight/ Net to UM,: male, oh le that of momy maters toads mosle one haedred. • Wo , hlit the rock.miltings on the' netted slope will et:sauce iluneett the winter, and there le sown* reeron to aoutt that the en- I , 1 , 4 4r , ml line to the YaMfla will ha oronfem, ri • Ursine. In NM, .•; , 1 -- .:• -; 9 .,; • . ho means prostile.tior the troustruettso of ,'LEGIAISTLY •--- this t3r. striallonal,Werr, are amyl. .' Tha Dol.' ; , ~ . . -l. tacks atasgnurts Its TIX pet Caen. Duxes at the 1 ILLUSTRATED WORKS, • . TA or $ U.OOO to SIN COD per mil A forestial W ..k...•alsc.)er. Mix is warily and rehires', TZSIIVeON..3 Y.LAITig. Ilitsirsted by mee_ , DM =tut to here Dont Vs the fell extent of Its , Lire Dore , une rel. l'ulro, claims in i. ersleus. . 1 bele hoods are Penes aso DOD QUIrKtPTY. Itore . • ill estrsione. liked oich t• rely role section l, 010.11 bed. lild Otter It . Clnlimor; - Ins b. •n es/select in' United dimes Coutrelm: tillueers Life of , Ceressuos. s . el. TUE/AYE OP MAN- nonlirl'eml Ty the. Snobs i moter”ed pronenceed ro he In all respects • witfabh.e,terne. g i l li ii ge t ,a;tas u, an u d r,i ll t, l..m . z . ' . r ., ~.„ „,..,,..d. th osoceiy sowed te,eu de_ mar, le. I .ucelmes • "Agresti an pots, senate shops, mauves., and All ths emu-- „,„,„, nsminel :uta s t.. One roleme. - sarr riling Stock and Other usielPstautd, ; ; num,. Tell morocco. , The Unltcet /tares lire make s s' donation of THE NNW Till r • )11trf'f. Must:rated with authentl. wove of risme mentors., le sm, DA sin scresoflasa te tie mile , which sell/be. tiered melt. 11t beautiful Illustration.. 2 1 a source or Jerre tes,,ge,, to Q. comp , : salt. 4 TO. . Mutt.' •. i /Tech of ibis Lad IMMriatte Valley Is mane TUE gillietrau• 07 ,N VOL • A viers or .. . geeeryeieu !teen I . ' portrite With Die- .9 . 9 1 realle Itt Dinner/A nal other large' gsselinel sot bl.tierlerl elistrbes from ie. nes Strlcil sod. 1 sol. -- moirocco antique. : an tsd sbontil Ds Cotter tne t it quality.; TAN All MISIT93 WDIT lute' Or Tilt UN trCII 2hi Dempsey Is ' also• *imbeds:a ta 'Niue Its BuisK, Dr Washington ireleg l Wu/Hrs. • .. _ .., wi,,,,,,0ri,,, dr,,,,,,,,, ~,,,,,,, Oull utrst mortgage llontli la In 01201140 urea. • tista• euessely engraved 404 whites:l on r 0 Ice Issue ot the Uovreinstellt. and to more.: Ma least pePer; Dist , ' b on. l - i • • DOS. D. D. tforreti and Dag. Males Ames are ; I 1.71.11, bW I OP.• a Ilor.t,:rirfltrtilanLotreortell Trustees Oar the Boldholiterr,-and dellrer the; •-• ilrgit:l P rlrilUstlons * mid. fae••111.11.. or 2 .. d.. 09 Compete. ca el Dell nem/. PM, ens *cutlets) Lutogyaoh welts or gighletal lirtsses, to lila& they always represent .to est Inmons Poems. Ale,. 17 li nod. mid proi active - Aloe. ''- '' ••• BITTNI” WUXI'. ..8,1_,!. a•d';N,1,9,9,9: vein The Uoihe Ised capital or /Pe CM:open? Is Unl ti11;•:34Z,9,,1?; ..'"?'' ,! " "*" llondrod Dillon Dollars.' ot'veltiell 'Weer eve . filejiimp; TIN.BEKiS ItYktrill 'AND liaCltZl) Millions Lars vow Mid It upon the mot* g z. --..Pt/lats. 000 /Innen 0 Illustrations. tee seedy atoms. ~. ' • .. As we bre . d.ternatnett 13 eiOre out our present elect tolore One new year. JOSEPH: HORNE & cc d.r: THE GOTTZB'S SATIIIMAY i I , fltT 'An el • .ax*rt, Dta canton, was A u• I.Y.OARIRTI Ae llhutmt an. of Ut Ottil.t.. Allehsy YOR HALE BY' KAY & COMPANY; fld Wood dihriet, LAPATZTFR /1011.DIN0 CHANDELIEIIki; BRACKETS AND LAMPS, ros a•rsas GL Os vlt Of later nntterns and VAS( Inarkatatunin. at all paces, anu.nn Ithich an., Ohandellen al ...... sW/0 ro ewah: 610. .• .. tk , ;:g? .0 •• •• 1.1 . ht Ilr!sket to, ra. I=ffl ALSO. • rote MII:11111.LAT or garbed, Hall std Parlor I,amps AI) PAPER MBES, Ciri.optEtre, mbc3., ceo.. qvantlll. to rat pnrchoers ARTHUR KIRK, ITO rederfil Alleitkar.l. WINTER BOOTS • .YEN'li xstrLz ISOLZ, DOIIBLEG LIMB, CALO iIvOIT. • • MLNII TAP BULL CAL, ROOTS arive passim cm .r aEWZD noun =MD Long Leg Rubber. Boots, nraut not, !one 7ba xrEspasiscr.r. dt:Pricbzio'.4.' . . partnprablp heretnforn W.S.CMLF.2 LOVCa nd WDWIMq, TUlVrai,- nt der Ina nrcn.on A.. LOVE At Oh., h 11110 day dim nved br mutual cononnt.,.llne: bondman of the Ann OW bn nettled by A. LOVA, et cuss tweas, Tonntn.7 I 'V .AdeptNi - to the Zeason '• ' • ror Gentlemei,:Ladleaf I:lo7.'and...Ulsic/P. AROIIC & RUBBER , OVERSHOES, 7 : r. Of d rezaint I: arietles. : . . as An or these haods arc o : the 111.8 T GEO. If LBREE, ,SON & 00., 11 'Wood Street, 4.41011t11W11 CORNER lT YOURTHt NEW ADVERTIS SCHOONIstaRER, Lt SON, XT . 1 .2 3M11171.11.013-.IEL White Lead and ColorVorks, ll= wfirrE D imp • satic, rurnr, 'SLUE LXA.P.__ • 2.M.COra V.K.1212/TX.r. Glan. An d . 4 2 . 0 2!i r• driOr &ca. 03,te, 80 .4.7 EOVRT/1 6211.525 T. SS~ci tr. ..3. 450 4 2.52, 451, 450 ano e4ca titrrst. gad 45 Stand 52 Le.COC. /servo. To ILIA (hurdles and tharitablo Insitutions of Pittsburgh, Alle gheny and yitioily, ' . TI E: CONVICT:ON HAVING bee... dnertl•ed In I lie etted•of thootoonott mire in the ( Ilartteble nor'-tett. and Benda, roloolont the eIEr rhea tenth crorß'llir kemdzy Belton/6 Is made vi.elo,s, sot cher:o' id ih ' k Done waettrd t Ittrogli •II t. lick of a common Naas or cporetlon and .a.motest nadet•tandleg monk' thed tt•cret beetle or nodule. the Baud of Li. lecture cf :Its kone• Nen'. Cl , lottut detects- Ito., •t the retootteentlat'en of Its Bement:lee on city hr. /etzatlete, here ree..leed to WI a Coefort nee mettletror re Dream:mires Bete the mite, thatches and charltahlo sec•stles, for an In.retinge of clews atnl execrleace on theme 'most terpor.ent tett:Jecte 13:1=11 lt Is earnestly regoeStrd that etch Chtrel, Aszontstinn , rt presented:by. .Ite Pastor or rrer I:ent andone or= :en manners. hr meeting will be Led IIiTHE ,111tEktr.`:1. EOhiv OV oT. aNI)IZEW.III KrliCo CAL (31 - IURCH, Hand street. on. T111.18:1T, IIi.CODA 12. 4 t 714'CLOCK. P. L Ro-. /..11COVEL, , J. B. CLA/th Y, D.D., Rue. g•. 11. LUCKE, ' lIA.v. JAB. Z. DU. X' BEHAN. H H. TOUTER, vAxstm, • IdeBLI/n2 Oat. conCI ty rangells stlo n. EAP -DRY GOODS DE L NES, D ok LPACt'AS; ENGLISH mid FRENCH NIERINOS Dngss GOODS, At :rattly rellueel prime. at tioOONNELL & oa 178 Federal 85., Allegheny. _I • 7.I(VSLINS, TIOKINGS, ‘ TABLE LINENS, A large monk bast oremett. at ERWIN- MotIONNELL VS Federal Street, Allegheny. TIED rLA.)-iszra.s. O REY and YELLOW FLANNELS 13ARRF D FLANNELS. Fanny SI4IIIT NG FLANNELS, Just. oPENED. I RWIN, 11,1'1:6NNELL 41 , C1:14, ra Yelleral;:re!t, • I -7-- GRLY WATERPROOF,, BROWN *ATZRPROOF, P RPM': CLOAKING; FANCY CLOAKING ' A ia•gattoca, at lotryaletp, at' ERWIN, NeCONNELL federal SEAMLESS SKIRTS, 1 . 1 A LMOR A 1. &Hi RTS. CORSE.TS, rtg ERIVIIN, lITONNELL CO., iltrrautam, sr/mkt. ii.paninwr 525 MILES MEM ENION PieTIC ItiILROID, fianning Wrstfrom Omaha, ACROSS IRE CONITNEIJI. • nu It ow CrIPLETED. . • ••• . ICarntngt 'of the Comp. ay. • At preset!t the moat. tt the Compass. are de !lead omy fro= .11.4 local ersele....but. ads le a.m.!) m neh ante tt ell'illinat.l2l bi RAT the in terest°. all the Leeds ths'CoatPlat can Sine, If act enetier ea:Paw.° beat: tarot doubted thee when tne read yeomplies...l the Janney c. Or tea only /Lie ca c ul:meting, the Atleatlo nail Patine Mates will lit large bwreed mem , pent, mt, es there wit re dolepetaloa, It can always Si. dote at prodtablerateo., 'Perill be milted that the Delon , Ptel3o Bill - Is.; la /set, a SOWitmillave {Pena, btattt ceder end to th ls e.enpsrnslen or lioilarameet balm* rge extent 'with Go'sernmcat wooer, and that Ite betels ere Issied miderPlove ranee at elieettoe. I tlalnylleied Mateo shaltegamarlty Imo dare rt llr getrded., rad mitaleiy [teethe, to bayed oPan a larger or morisvaleab'e prepetti. . . A. the Comr•nY'. • • Flint Mortgage Moods Ais °Tried for V:e present at NISETT CiNTB ON THE DOLLAR; 'they ire. the eb tout Seen .tty In thantreot, being tebre Ihnel 10 per.eent. oosr 'hos Latted Ptates block. They pi,, i'er Cent In Gold Or OVEII 1411111 PEE C/LICT. re tip* the baVal rectal. s.l.3criptllag nlll be la oree4 PIM burrh,br sztur, cstraaz r a co., Third' and Wood etroota. IN. EIoUILIAZ7 *llO./ roantt nreat. , {AOII SERASISSIL d NAIIPI, And to Ilea York at the CoMp”Y'a VAte, 200 t :17 Nessan street, and by • CU7I7IsTEICraL NATIONAL DAMS, Md, 7 Susan crest. DUDGIC CO, .17antara No 11 Wail Street. J Ils J. CISCO A SON, Bankara. No. *Wail amt. and by tha Company's • aleartMed Agents tbrusabout the lJnltert HMOs. — Ittatlttaitts ehould be made In drete or other fonds par to Nay Tort, analhe bonds Wlll bit rent tree of abargabireturn express. ' A. now I t Aar ITtar.7 . AND kaP, sboalap the Program. or tba Work . , liesoareea r :Construe. [tom sill Va:no f needs, may be obtained at the Corebaurs , Calera, or of Its adverUsed agents, or Wltl be-Sant frre on applleatlea. roux,►. MSC% .Treantrar, • NIFYr. ==M! EU. 1161VATE AGEBIM TART'S LIJCEIr I EII, „ DKAIalt HATS: eite , a- AND. ;F U RS, VautilLettiter Whnlina }Wad Caalee l¢ TIMATIES. vAta•Es•a•.• • He. lag Soli amok' .t. Plit.b.tath JP* piomptly alio; atl4 utlyfacUoi ontted. TzuLTritil RPLTING. of as Iti; Zgig'a 1141'g I'IMIAIZTra bt. Mgr eth et: i. a H. mum. Ta FAR ur,fts, CLAY MANUrACTIIIIERS, AND I'APITALI3T?. rn.EITIc Sword's Brick Machine, Tilrany'.s Pipe and Tile Blachines, and Ingraham's Dllcbieg Machine Dec. 11th and 12th, AT FALTORY OF fROSSAIAN BHO3. Woodbridge,.N. J. We call the otteetfOn of k soon Surranc. to Herons,. STICK hiccup.. It will dentme the prod.' of any - a - id. It makeu nerfest enc. of a superior comilty, does our. With the sneeze elremealdurgs.i. ditpeauss With trick moulds one lotion yard to the greet .or motley and lab .r. Beak and 11,11, g plts•.are not wed: there Is lote [Jae by the math In eritaltins for timpeeed day, nor logs of brick/ exposellla norms. They retell. a below assani•Porear Psemere. sod dry nelforcly in hates—not a aum outs... mot soft maul inside—so y are stronger end one, Is tone, whelp tto waste and eon 10 hereto, hrielno the bite, Sad lead.' tee hatted brSekt trained. lila Moab r . zotrand'a 'goal brake than roar ours. ors IleomPe nmehlue grinds mud With. bond and p.m.l baleenlntle wool manner. but Um Mar •oocerste ...salty of grater Tor temper. mgr The moulds art tilled ei the strew Prise!. elyuller bitlers Arenberg maouluse. tbroul'e roma. h., eighteen steel, mouldy, nicely lived with blunt.", its the Philate•Phle•• :`rick prem. Thsy are Net lo revolting loth aontal.. mould wheel:'. The empty 'moulds are curled stades the gristlier natl. and the screw packs tie mud lotu them rlg inches,' more rmvs till. The Wheel then pa.. them I under an ine3ned pumas of Malted cut fret,. .which presses down and strike. off the clay. The. I bridgesre liamly comp - eased by Memo poser=l by the Ming of ,the pbsotisre as fn she lnU.d l- I phis brok press. Ike W....a gingko inhaled brieke to the ending or the maid' erten), (by which their peke had.) .ohnlch emirs I them amount .to ihe wheeler wh:ell m reed/ to reoelre them. _The.,trtitelers hlite the . Miele tmo.eoursea high on ea. of lour hakes' I across the srbole Yard, and. Mien Tepees Mier.. ease until they arc eight esurgeo.blgh, teary to bewared Iron:lnform: • • • • ' • I Them. does not ell. to the' polished Med meal.. At every rt..: all On the polished east ' Iron plunge.). throogh the moulds apd thorauxely empsYlen them.' The teen etr keep. the.ready.made pressed bricks OPlthlually nl.- 4 1 140[31" (atilt, the whtelere eau hake lb up. ant the Dalian gang keeps the •Mink as B . B k, of the s, somber of m. haw. a! the brinks tfiliMeMy. to eloht (8) tn. to IL.. englor turalibesth e power. - • • Ire Intend to, exhibit the' waning of boordis bride mattes thaintine at oar tattoo.; on, the' day .ol one anetion. Die. 11, (see'•• Jaetloa Sales.") 'Eke ziiiamer Matentsiolil have liar-- clay street !stir s. a. on that ete7. nodal others interested are blotted to ...mina it. If scented In time, it xrUI, more than Pay. for Itself axes year. I . - We nestle to "form a cootpter,,vlltt brick ma tter., eller otreet. and canttathlts.' to ore thts' made., hirovldlng that ow - tremor rood el y; tads .cld aumadranteres will betin their tray: properly, at rearonable prLcae, la cOnaidenalon; of the benenta and o r the use ot.theae Machines. . The Tlffalty Tele Tfae lila 0 resedalei the ord bricimaillitio In Wimple, dilate W hiMit estionof power to viol el 7 nal delve It net la strong pollshe I tiles, se feet ai they . wheeled wheeled away And dried In the yard-lboto situ.' pliftiog the tilo manufacture LO wheeling readY made tile. lio other =saline :Metes Vil e ro; smooth. strong mod cheap, and eaett fared:is' with commuters, with so .ecornomliat mammy . mor riot eideuec. Wills them two meebines mil' en itglit re) lath cyllud.r engine, til t and belch. making can. be advaatareonely eon:Muted .1W samy placem We shall to.o beVeady to fornith: tnichinei with all the diraistloa and emplane--' eons neemeat7 to amide utt yards and . ear on; the bonne. The r • as , . . . Tlffeng Pipe Machine h valuable ant,' ttles for the menufactore - of setter pipe. It sor.- pumas all other pipets strength, Mr/Lightness, agnmenees of lolnts, Cala! to burning, and smoothness when 4.... d. . ' NGRAULIPS DITCHISG . • Most add greatly to the national wealth. it dig/ the ditch and removes the dirt without peak.p. The plow nem Is double. Oho tad rata on the team wheel axles. Ibe other end on the•ele-. setae wheel wilco. .Tate them plows ere none coder this doulae plow heart, tcSl l / 1 %11 the beam' ' wheel and elevating' heel. These wheels die (I. 1 ein the bottom of the 'ditch.' There the doers I draw and cut the same at the I a rfl ea ded la deep ditches, nu refizre tee elevations between the elttetiar t helloed, w beta ate leveled. did tte ' ; belle.. rate over, e.; Ito Machine Makes a wait tottozedudlton roogh groat. The methlnels mown by be demean wheel:Wo o Jett sort., to ee% most Conbleplerir opened furrow elt (e) Inches di, aen inch be It Passeir, t dewo'lllClllld a belt Inene the Ste. ..a Mete ith I the gonad In the furrow. Therside element: three iodic. more each aide, tot not delt•a• 1 deep as the centre ferrow, and tern the loose ; ; din down on the heti between the Endes eel' the elevatlag wheel. The deact/me wheel =he!. On' 'kV/11AI es up the halt an 'dka as they Mei. Mill la the furrow, and 'the dirt Is carried over the wheel be ewe em this Into • banned another one Din the ached whore It rams CS In shoots each silo of the ditch. Thltt grit clpie to ylow deities and eleywo the tit without gearing is • the true one.• The std. wribe ditch an not . neaten and Chat eyed, but see emodielyentene, parallel and perpendicular. The earth Wow", into ate ditto anal. away. Inns Its •amootb. man. whereat; In the eloping tided ditch Itel/1- log lase ilde dawn on the. akin. /lc's. dog. , mall a s s min c.a won, eight feet deepen car, Property, to est:locator clay. Arai - oatmeal:6 the Salop Int trunk one Inch from the perpecd.ent I.llldtllall around eta years afterward, tut with' the earth and sod , cold at the swine. A ditch dog three felt deep 'a dry, and by this =inane. sind• arm when& dninty shorner wood have the Class shattered and crninbltrg la. ' • . The fernier delve. back and tomb turning It as eisy ae•reenng machne. sad. Vons•nd:ele•: ens Jots 13.000 dm al i.e whiles to tax the. strength ot hls tram with, bit there linot such ' waste of his tesmi'e. Power by dare draft, Mete log, etc., tee exists hi mowing maditnes sad other labor Oaring meditate. • <Maven ma-, "o'nlb :''i"Ske mowing dober, ieldbelsltto 2t Indepichee C hoke midst of mod, dirt, sled, and allude, to hoke op the gearleg Ind waete ite power. When the ImeranteeMitty of mune la neathOtte for dl- y work in deep detente la considered, also ohminty (Worn In elt by intoned this roc also thee Iterate= has ecou.c et OM patents Pen theft, it •wlll be den .wtrateditlinlt task. .1 ., o th/rim:inters have to levant machines with out gonna, to break . d was his monapedy of • pre, ded ditching wedeln. Still, loventera of , al toolue• wtton nature did no. problmt the use.' of gearing. WOO pullet, y. would not have •eue .ce.c,,dedh itordl;:xerneehh.pmroLlbl;.l,,o.n.2,w,„nde, er . ostrhavinlon the 1111 4 4 11.11101101,111t1 Cunha' (avant dosice to , to elevr tepee at my do direr log mnbleek, have matinee lost and wonderful uncese where they dull 111:11kel.p their oimpet l tore at such a distance below themas lava b nos threat:a I:doar. In id; 'LETS' saint ma chine. true sad. Woe; Weyer< mid be Mehan.: dr , d thoussaid ansnallr. 'and million. et dour e. are thecae, dla innefeic nine them. inside ; ydreihe sale al molder mechinie his grown. from nth op to acute 007 NO per year. heists; Dagen ewe ratans expire. . In 17 Teats. Men: .will. bent lent:tom S P1).(03 te 10,t(1),CCO mowing' nablees sold, to be used afar days Le barve.t each year. Cheap end goodditches to. , 11 4 1 , A • trot le ' ; elleeP die to farmers. The tendon, ts to , incrosse tee ore and value of Cue: bet 4 as ther Ml* zondne cheapen. the eh anefialtere at teL the illedting tontine reds to value of oar die ere idelnee,_as nen se oar elle Machines gee worth mote than other tile Machine, .. . . . • ' Whelwill be the yaltiel , the one ettableye enee. , clfar. 0 p.r.w..41 fen aunt in. sense the natio.: wealth when sue s bra ackee of Maness ; is serried mtobiner e mowing. Manlare. etc., I create 111011 w• alltee• seal del . ,.. Wartiwlll antran ally to worth to the bail .l antes of the too end pipe macknea of too linesman ()lay . and Meaufacturlag Com mune WC. ingrateunt Isk atocabalder In the cempen r e and taloa an active at d deep interest In lit; ; ; welfare. The' elMenter mathlan,wlll he aaed as; an ellr to tee ContynY, and n erved by some of Its manntra.withnt cooled the Com pany no colter. BlVOrd'll Orlek machine will al co he acid by • member of the Cdutahy. What 1 more sere Menne. to nettle Wealth, and be In -oependent or conoetliera, ran then he th ad 0 test a award's brick mutant, Tiffany 0110 machine and dttchlng Mk Attie of est; We etraltl she nail value of I titera- natestori tothe Cnlnnian C.ay and Waeufacturteg Comp asy in. io,,,i•reepgot e , tf proper t: de so.' The radio : do not discitmlnate ettangh bet Ween &seniors I tin torrent then Wont, Intel.° others,'. ad of co, course eo but •Ittle. ferther la Impnyttnents, ; end nabs Ins entors with real genies for Origin.] I ievetedime, who 0 resources at Oulakend reve tio. pnient ire never ealtattet.l while health Cat- Math, Cet oleehledy and sysCornor mattiata, tare te Laing 134.101a1. and add :: be hoptored 1 toward matting rem Impeefettlem. ' -" •: 1 Thteednventote and thelr lanntloell:nle, con . heeled viltlithe best eley ; poperty, keiswi..• • railroad, three.folirthe of a ' mile connects the day bent anal factorles. with a - wharf on ship rninnel Wit adoilis of shfprointe elate: to the consumer. br rec.. son'ed_ dear or nest 0511. mina. : The Ilef Is gluntity of dl lover tender md to pla - where tt mikes blob yule their. Phinttee•frons S.COO CA) ti 10.0 : 0,003 hint rime ; year: . Swept , . hreck mantes add atethe sal ; to ...Met i. le Clay.' !Mw m as eea toeine yl!1 11101111 n 11111c.ay 10.1.111,117p1p1p110101. 111fastrs pits mat.ilno' will nee threttlllol43 strata Of : day to matte en it ado sower dee. 'Tenable ere clay will then be uncovered at on kery relined ewe. .. t, . ulir as Cheap to deg a ordinary ally. (Mr peones cantos but. Meta rune, wher , as tee greeter parFlon la Wnetedan . olt 12 111131/ 10 get the one larvae:m elec. , day. le et net better for die, plea; and brick conanaters to bate an Inter , en In lath Ailey Meek. with .nee • system. inch manner, monopellted, and nth men ~ awe have sooner I' Wine his the e Oven or will there be Inch no opp ern arty In nay one nor !et; with such a conabinallon of 'advantegeet coca real es em ne e ettnentei n good 'Weodhtlalte clay bloke, are herd to be fett , el tel more herd 'to to:bought. The <lty eanoot . ,be ion by t rel. dent. and alwaye Innears la'vaae whitel y - Ice Cher Improvements sre e.tele eecieeljeerfect, bet we cn / 1 1b1111111111111 lbw het Len was hale sorb they •trintel 1 t; with snob and artineLsl adein tapes; men medalled man mall and amen ' opportuales to belie' so bashes, ma 'i en motto Mod he preheat 411 thee co. at' In our Hite. ...reliably Nis Tank , City', wilt 'etod'loonhatti worth e Sewn pipe; before the clay SrenPelly Cleaned for health, end maker enter to rwrier. M.. an “urainlog rJr PrcfOb iiiinfiedie4•. by yen. C. weden,sc Id at ..terfeutturidOdice ) The el,kund far Oro brisk win Increase: she de. mend for the le ICOIIIIII.II/{ enerlDoullei common brick the same and the fetus consumption of Clay •004 s le beyond cOniDotatlen. Our peen. hsr:eats: &deli:nag . a to eTery respeetex Ut lc ,notrf n..p:t tbatt sem otter tosn,, ply tots demand With ehrag and 112ertor ecade !Ike vnrntt o( en arc eporinon, uld t it rose of one sc . ,. rot :els Oat( an litlon ,bCats. Tto to2mit the trllowl k Lent*. lo prove totals au noJtres mi . ,. and toe bank iln :how ou2 Ilgarei and measurement: tone very nnt, u.:trereatlmattd. t sre prsfer atl eklts 2to tor treolerratlmate of deer half I p r acre 6 asstat 2 ment. rent nom. Brick 2 O f i t l e y 2 :41 Per loch The) .......4... 4 .1 Wltz— n0,e , .. g tees deep., Ipa Cl lfit !ub ).. , ..... . 22 8(;160:—.52.1 22 et ep Ftrl ....... (Best .No. 1) 2,310.(00O211-172.22) to 042 6 , A 4= 1 :f5.7417`21 1 4 Aw d. 91171!:1 1 1.. r &v. la.. CC —.--- , el. • per sere of kik) Ettofsre Tsolf•PlT %I I , Prew-practeel keret maker hewers that witb coal 4.1,, e , " 'fir Sid" iscr Ued 0 dr foclllzfeit that hi eou'd make a to none to leave ble prip9t bovines& sad is ke rood,. far one Catuaaay with slob. Wettinei a. 'they eel give, at (fr'per coot ofthe Caine Of tbe goOds—b /cause to knows tb at cutrboss lb..bor'llone Nue paorest pert', mu will rayeinenstioollfiell to we. (lire brick.. Oar Teed would rereto fora mate 3,0 3 / 4 03 b Ickwitts (CO °Mow rfiartilmaelsintsanditidersoldb liri• this. year.: 'tar fAtave beet rewarded. 'a LI wf h - feltehle ittcds,Vne - rhere'Plre fil . tlek lila and one or two ehroters Beak filechlues aod lit. fatty's Ste Machine. would; propane from I Can.. tit to 10,0Xt. 000 idea litxt - yeir, or vey'l 411.070 brick nod lltted,Col drain Ole and •a canal value of fire brick and pips; The busing's Is bared' only on the boy xeotoratlda of CroSeentao Bros.. and world be nowortby of tbebiisleco of e'er)... yenyued I's edrantsgos. dliciumlngour prexut rode and Incomplete notate, to produce ore, difid.ool.. sod to unuaccreariey put Mo.)r art, bf your, and al/mm our eabsuble mnelafisea Ind other lucerne, to/on/tree 'rote Ng, It would PI Id 'booty buerofoon fit 00;014 Capitol atplattern 'wee of Intern; not the Inurtaee' to Value it • J r property, and catabilshmect of oros - erous bus- I' hos would ire invalu••le to tee. Comport,. Mt/I.oer poster rerleffeto . thifn 1 relnitees ' and capabilities or the place comet be made *vat/able all (be oet.ral course.of .movlng I dirt to hafd reeds cortex - valneble book and tile yards aboortf we from cost,' and hew oar rebottle machines and moderate businees be- creases cur Capital and fixtures; as idle clay . Prodeees.nolidsc hot every dotter of additional work log capital above, a pr. rent defame that Is •ueat outland our clay tit - °rib each machines er ones and matte, 'lath good, es can be made. Iv:Omen than 'pay Itself tract every lesion. it cannot be otherwise. for It produce, vein etle goods from dormant e aye and form ebrystbet are icated .6 a fieetnni. to or ere that are now aceerring wealth white eeeee s l valuable clays of Woodbridge are nod in an manner that is not ontrageonely awkward and estefuL There are few breech es of bar nos , where the Coral use of capita, la more Pl.. then In briogi•g our dormant 'clay. coot of the poied. There a. po Uncertainty alscurthelr existence or value. It requires no tigers. boring or /boding to Dud them. They se vialbir. and It. lief as much tieyortatos to get tot ce to dig a crop of P 00... pi testi more gb. Still we found Inch • dlsporlUon to tan the property as • stecutatlrd utter than a;brlck. making otorelion.• end men that rittoWall streetcelecs and aortertortssoilo in...into 1 I distant steiloos &Ileac:unties, rkleir nOthlifir but office exuenso; samples ef Ore: eertlikettoe I from . Protegee:4l%7in that those eatnytte yielded 10 many th on tend dollars per ton. could ! toil hzedsore fly coeraved cook ettottleates so much cheaper than we could alter ependielt ?dare to dorelop real proanti, tad teololi one ortuciptira, Bata/ dowsed If ffilvtaeble to-en dure oureapital below the ,pant puma of the cowmen, and pat our property atom:els tenth. retaiforth/ sake offittere inmate, ' The amount of Cock We lane raTO,tre) are, not begin to leer:tent the real Caine of property tba Comm)retura. Orr rade Statures we,..-- . . say prove Moir prectlcability notahoutd hay. b•ought their true vane no "Ulu the clay property. But Inn get the on for he °lay przperty does, not coot the Company Mtn: on the Other bead. Zr we yet the vat =tonna Yana Or Cur- alai nroperty from the Company, thou 'we•get nominal ply only fir over {50,00 value In daturas that has Uriserest cub and procure. One er thelother. we lose the veto& of trestles to fante Utientsr to es done. We get all our pay far the meet vat u•ble tied of Ben /gnat. Flu • thin eoutry In stook of the Crewmen Clef end binnbfeelrulef Comp , sty. and not one deeor to euls raw we mate It. We sell *Olt Is necessary sod hold as tie can' The hivicitora and working =gem Ventura an their resources with conilue-, and no 'doss everyirerkleg - m•subs,of the Company. lb. Patents will cut Ms , Co.liti_oo3 to 1150.0601. Met, but It Ir taxless tt prepornms Mtn the Tune ear. of these. patenubefore their value was tont.- 'Tie Irked,. property, psunts, everublag will out' the co. (=cording- to anent of orepart, retained be Cennally / Am' UV. 000 to ninon Including newel [hound • altars worth of nay ready to ship, The mama *nutn all eeeeeetaeoald tot b 0 drill eated for double-and treble the meaty. ander Mu ether elnumstauces, but - e, rj m mbar deems It ben to <orint:a_ all our advantages on any terms and indemnify ourselves •by fetus burtyess. "Ala gives those few teat can end roofs to use:late winkles the hen fit of the developments of all our' Company and Iterantora far, year/ put. _There wi I he IMMO In Par value of the Comm, steal roc sale. _Privets ; salobaroro c 4. Autism gra il:teed In order to select sums °tn.& . PEREMPTORY Gash Auction-Sale I $lOO,OOO of Beal and Personal Properly, Flre Clay, Clay Goods, Maibitery and Block dr TEE GROSSMAN CLAY AND MANUFACTURING CQ To wale op the totsloess of CROMMLOF EBOI. On Der. 110, at . 12:1-2 P.. AL, ON TELE fientlsigi. One 'Good 'Farm of 63 Acres . to a high "aloof cultiralltn, With a good tee.. story and natemant Dwelling and two Tensit. Homes. Barn. Mid ontbothitoga thereon; $7,010 cue tomato ,oti Loud and nor pga. ir dedrA.l. Also..thelthick. Hors., Ctrel„ Mgr, Poultry, Catnaps, 111.4, !thin's, /fishy%) .alowei. spd /Mayer, Ponape, litancum, Manures Day. tali 11,y. b ImP,atc; acreiOf Wheaton tho pound; aso, ...gime: " usoinneat '6l' A . l faiming ituplemOu4.. • Alto.thO Fodor, B and Mitten' Furniture of. J. U. Crum hint. conalattug GIN , yards of Vet'ot nude Oath. ' eltit Frame Moron, og CoutrisTables. lfahmthation. Tate Adana, Tables.. Am Too ' Joitage BeddoOnt tem.).oll Ototn; Carrwth.Dtheketh. and Olus Ware, and a several manatee. of, lioutebold Twa i n/. Also. co Dec. the 3211.1 tithetholtk • tta) a, ..117Acerneryi w , Now outland and owned by the lino of Oro. man OM.; WIWI - , sold at the Paeidry, at the . Um, fir cub. on oeilsem, Dem MIS o'clock . hallows: dawn al. TbOunand Tona of No. 1 Firs' Clay. M. 030 no. 1 boat llre Brick, 50,Ct0 feet of VILMA d elthad Sewer ripa,from 2 tattled teila Inchon illseutter, wllh Befins, BrAnehei. Idiom. Trap., &e 4 Co. olio leveret thoesind Dot of damaged rips; 401/A0 COMmon, Hard sad Pala Badding Brick: Tlle aid Pips Machtnes with giturcitudr harm pow. or. Brick If tenthes arid 4ktureA each cap tie of nuking LIM butt per hour, .wlth two horses and ole men: In ordinary day. (oar clay re. quires 4 hoses ) £IIO, M Hors, end Okada of asap Flouring and Orlotittlll- (Witir pthellega Or banding el,) iatelf Athol:top, with two ran of dozes.. Torshie .arater-wited aed new machinery Ituoughout, well located ford, Imealoo4 buslidoa• • • ' el" 7.200 our:a...or th* cibLy dind Draskalasturing vopoeshore. Capital Stook SID COO, fro, fro, . . ... . , i . . ' The pmipertiof Dittman., cenaleta of 077 , enamor land. totwileb y to if lt enderind with Tim . I.7 owlthilactoilea; Rita Tarn; Hoene. Railroad mm Wharf, with IS. ft. water at the Iles, an Mullen river; VS miles above Perth The auction brill ;conned) fake biter, rain or Atilt. 'Everi asilede (strip' hid let will be sold, Old, to prevent deter • Minnie ere re. dement tactual:Wm the Preterit , before the rale. . lieverndra Drink , illeublae. - Titian/i d Tile and . Pipe Plaelitillia, aid Twin.. bembi Ditehing Xechtne, *ul be on ex ligation on Doc, DUI aid Ink, (the data of the ea e) ror tee booed& or the petite. All parsons are I netted td cumin*. . , • , Thoth...mei X nem will leirta New Tint. foot ot Berelay meet. at 7 a Pt • Dem:abet , idb end 17th: tiontilite 'Celt I .ldb:silos Bitten Ist, and Round; Mo.:hm( TOUtemillet, rent. Allibel sad' South Amboy, for our. eremite. Retortine, lave est Werke at tie conclusion -of Monate ru.s. -ao cents: ltren.ridon Ttalota, 10 mote. For tat* at the Attar Wm.. b• • r.; or cn beand . the boat. N.M. prortda3 on Dour. . (110 8811.111 ' 11110TIIM, ,Woulbridge, Middlesei EL= =ll /I.4)UMEIIy BELL & co, ANCHOR COTTON paxLiG rrrnstozweil liminilacrtureno of rtesr. 3fiktlism Ltigb ANClliClit LIND reedits RIMINTINDE AND sinnntire de'..WitirrmAN - nava- IMINOVII) TO Ta rn Nrer OPTION NO. 33 WOOD, sumer, Nert Inul.beaw *ha ISl.Chaele.HoNd. Irltard Übe w co o.desd tow. Ilude old Mantis aut gitr, V l t lk % P rtZga:F f cs l :ita:4aAi I ti yuleaaQ I2:u figta l .4:i . '"''lllrl.hl. .17; feir Boargprit ft usurr roan, mmi GOO 80Aak ~etio.:1119 uniarr ezur.rr. "Mu" • 01/IFETEI & CUT FLOWEF4I, •tile OAILLLND f18Z1L11H0175.1113. .otiN 41.41. WI MEI tar' REPEUILICAie CITE E EXECUTIVE - ♦ met:tine of tb, Veotbliesrt C:tr ^a•eut Committee will be held at.tim 311r0V3 OFFIC.I3, MILIT an ;,Z Sotaraay Next, nt 3 o'clock P. A fel' a:ter:lsere rt ler larre'ars is dralta. The Mesta will be ready for v It °Unity, By order or Amiseu• A. BiTTLMS. 0.710 C UT Mori oio artr.r.t Velt , o.z rzCo, VrtrborP,..f,orrwir ri, U 61.. Will IV 11 . 1(..0 I :TiON FOR Eli no. : TittN in [Et:CIO:Cr, f.,;,p,,i.shejTfil, m 1 77 rz t g " : rs e iZTITr ' Prc el. . I r.O. ToZapilli". Il i ereacer ]N. :IV, billing. I "7 CC G of II d. r. knit Ir. N. , Jlitill: It. L./I.N El • 2,iorettry AuClTfcirirk? nr antrum/N. I.4.LatEst - 4: CO. TIESIBATILE P,ROPEZ.TW. -LX On ntincork . , 41.,..1. .a. IT C 7 'X' XCI ,INT. TU1181211.1, //fresh,' tOtr t at 2 welor P. 11.97.1157.:l1.,?.:";:".:,`g:;•.n I:g4','°g`l2,l° 1171 I'n?:;!'iok;'g:l 4 4oh,v,44,;,i, 1:141,.;,,,g Or, too; „to all, J. on othlea It rrautcd a lot. k eoa hi, dtotalLaa !wiper; Imr . raLlte rev In, in as ,e.eitioe, auel kalanl water tOrdti,ool: ert ble rta. , tlt al • parlot: Pail t ogat . . ka Yor co...tract to bu al rte.", 4,etralrl' Ivy te no lahborttool, or at • paying , %.artttaent to basin., mak or catttlallatt. tato, la Ito proton more r rat ra b 0 10 age tala r .1. For terpa and larthot par:lt:oars Fall at lb raiTll3OX. PA.1.311;t: W. an.13)71417:114u. WYLIE fiTQEET i'IB(Di•EBT eiT at UCTifO,ll. . On 211Zi3DAY. Dere,ber lOtb .. at ID e'd• do e. • 4 tat rat:nee, will he ael.l the icra „ Ca ien . y o locateil I I or rroeoe freeti.z Zllte. a IV7Ho miser', (be!ne tie. •ti.• pear VI Ma alTrii , , led extentlie beet Cl: eats letnes. on 7.744 etae:ed lee ihree-atur,e4 brick Ceuta o f . , Ltd store rote at Rl:esacii....acephal bp 1.0 I."ee'r'anu6i--ssl:ft'ea'all.;l/alaata without Intelve - °ltlYpl.,:tvrt, hap, ao canteen? Jee_1441.4 trareraii, Mould Ittl,rt I . l l4lt,ekaott or ".'LM"'IVIIIIIMi',..I.IIFiIi *.elle Aectla.. e., '''' ' • ' , Saadi, Flee alalit. . SPECIIL ITTEIMONS ! LAD S' FIRS, NC RD & CO.'S, Wood Sired. ALLEGHENY GROG (. 1 Y AND PROVISION COMPANY. JON A, McGRAW, Prolacnt. J. ?ARIEL, Fecretary. Toor,rok or uo. CoxMghl hltbt 4 r °6 .4 bought up- Thostrolabbse sysll thrattehttil lts busubta, b.? Deru 431.1.1.0.Ta1r cliQxrc7sin. Lt 20 Federal St.. Allegbear CECINA IVAXIEUoiIiPE. 111111118 h 1111K130 & imazt . cnapsauza.m. Ne. 10 WA Streari. . BIIITTAICIAL /4 , 1) 151.*Gle X.% PLO:2r.2: 21. OU': 'WALT, TEA 71t5.1 . 5 riot V.S.L'hl. 1:771 , LEBY(ttsrars Oa !mod. Ef fertfa r kncorrt. IPAII 74 E'r Ok / NA NA brllTaruNe. noilzus,r, soAssr., orrory SitSelirttO• • • nerrrow,.. • rzoLinit :from Mir.o* wh m oloao as scull tradeA l • l 'gr stle to thI,I eatirodlos,t,oiroli.o.stoet°reser,rrrees ~ra tltt; srls as both, rosters ABE THE BEST IN MARKET. Water. Butter, SERIF, Soda, Baster, Mile and Oyster Crackers, 8a2.4 are...nixDr =era. I, .• Na. 91 Liberty Street, 100 T or 70eItS11 ESTARLISITED 1838 R 0173148 rprrrn Ur WITH Rol and Cold Waif!or, . . By ezDerlenced astd praellest wornmen. lii'. TATE. I Plumber Utnd Gas rester; 227 Liberty Street, Pittsburgh i and 59 Federal Strati, Allegheny. I BAILEY; FAIMOELL & CO., 2 fsfantActfcrs Cr Patent Lead Pipe, AND inEE'r LEAD. also, whottsale durer• 11.1 tins 9, ag 81/11 1111119 111111111 N0..167 Smith fi eld Street. irrrltrusois, PA. CLIL=ZI LADIES' HIIRS. An endless rarlet7. of strode, oindltr. aszLnio Li THE towar'rarom Also, al . the /SEW EITILEA HATS AND 'CAPS, rawrr,sr; zieNrivs lie. 107 Federal tillroet, Alleabear.d FILM CLASS L o on i 6 GLUM • ' • . Rilo PICTURE FRAME MNUFACTORY* J. - LYONS • - No. 110 I VEK) d ma?? TSYf .:4;;the WALNUT. O7AL 'fI.,..3ILIktrAINVU "4 Err,l4° gacizv,,Eif.94l.lo_ "ArCrtploi and Bracket Utiles Of t c.,“l.Gw " : L4 7 A... AND Xll o Ltafiriu ditellt4d tna ilp• r " ; MEM- INSERINCt AGENCL svammain tiVCANDLEU, 111.114 mann BT . , eliv , :i6nrh, eta. :o[2tent Accatifor 14FM:a P....i1v..,..... i. font Mental Lirp, oaf:fake Co.i 'ea Strl9 i i ME. t I rum, LW:: trroci ~a .ii iricriptls;ni of lamm, Illectalls re.DoculSk C. , ommEst 1,, ~ ~ )03112,,,,.. i...112S ormASTER , GATZWIZIBUTTERFIELD.I 1 Atomeis& ems° ors-Aair' -L • 13 AND SOLICITORS IN ANKRUPTCYrI mina 17116t1 omee, DS GRANT lITIMET, UtrOS Yl 271L.CITZLZDZAi ZEIZI SCHOOL 1100$s. 1 ,4 ; , .t45:1 , R-Vittf; ‘ 4, vmpriflz-,.,o§Pd-pii-119 521 . 1 taaL:r. ei.IIPAVt. to, .b4abo.4llz, All amen prormili atteade , 10. fin 'PlUbtgatil'Q GOOD NEWS. CHEAP . .BREAD IN DEAR TI Arktulro for WARD 8 /111.8.11). • .88.4 teat. Tbe laltfils "H. 1V•" on WBr44. Non 848. PAES.
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