The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, December 07, 1867, Image 1

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1 . 71.71 MAX
Editor... ,
r • .11[15..
Bostue. Sfanavr.
Minn 4• 111711 MrsszT.
lam; kW* Nu . of Taira Palsy
u n t r i muscia AID
caw ottmMENCIAL PAP/110s Mr Matt,
le 4 :terei rr ey earners per emek... U
11211 huberribere. per yea, ...... .222,2 e
Address. GAILIC7II2.
712712/31211011. PINIVALe
ClisTiftsilut Gaieth
- zg.tonox, TUESDAT. szczitirs. to,
• irUAZGO. .
04 Tuescbry next the citizens of Con
solidated Pittsburgh will be called on
Ito noose murricipal officers to serve
;during the drat nine months of the corn
;',lng year. There are but two sets of can
didates in the field for the principal offi.
!ass of Mayor, Treasurer, Controller and
Olty Attorney. The ticket which heads
this column was put forwiad by the red
; Warty constituted nominating criliren
itiOn of the Republican piety. It emlirs-
Cal gentlemen who are well known in
-.114 community and whose fitness for the
;respective positions for which nominated
has /16141 T been brought into question.
!Mr. Riddell, is a lawyer of acknowledged
lability,' and will . maker an creel
. lent Mayor; Mr. McCarthy's intern.
';gene and strict honesty render
him worthy the , cholas of Ms
fellow-Intl:ens for the responsible office
•of Treasurer; Mr. MeCargo as Con
troller, and Mr. Slagle as city Attorney,
;have both given ampls evidence of their
;peculiar .fitness and qualifications for
',those Offices. There is no good reason
whyall of these candidates should not
receive artery Republleitai vote cast; and
we are hopeful that they will. Their
election seems demanded by the exig..
, ency of the times, as it would approach
a political calamity should the "resole.
bon in politics" extend to a city, so no
- torionely Republican as Pittsburgh.
Let every member of the party calmly
weigh the importance of the election,
and vote with a fall knowledge of the
effect following a trerjuserratlc triumph
in Allegheny county. , •
The Democracy have mede no regular ,
; nomination, but many of that party will
p-rheps Tote what is popularly termed
the Lsbor Reform ticketi but how its
candidates represent the aboring inter
est is a mystery. Dasetiefaction has
I crept into the rank and the of our old
opponents, and many of the more mai
; ble of them will either vote the straight
Republlain ticket or remain away from
the polls, rather than cast their ballots
for a menspefticket, each as offered for
t their support. They . cannot relish the
Idea of exalting to edict one who has
; over been identified with the Abolition
party, and bitterly .opposed to their
I principles, and who deserted his friends
because theytefetsed to elevate him, and
in pay for his renegadism has been
thrum upon them as a Candidate. Mr.
Blar.lunore, will receive a full share of
t democratic votes, but he cannot develop
any Considerable strength with Repabli.
cans. Indeed, it is a matter of doubt as
to whether he will poll the proportion
. ate vote given heretofore by his party.
The opporilion ticket is weak, but the
leaders ere good and effective workers.
They will not permit a single vote to be
lost if energy and perseverance can bring
it out, and Republican must be up and
at them, or s through. anatary,„..tkei, •,.
in store zattibe lost to them. The die.
tncts shaeld be canvassed and every Re
publican voter made aware of the im
portance of the forthcoming grog& for
party ppremecy In the government of
the city.
Sonia years ego a railroad was projec•
ted to ran from the city of New York
to tho.tawn of Oswego, on Lake Onta
rio, on a route nearly midway between
the New ;York Central and the Erie
Railway. After some delay, and under
different charters, work was commenced
on this line. Recently a scheme was
broached for consolidating the various
companies, and enuring, at an early
day, the completion- of a 'double track
road; and It now looks as If the enter
prise would , be "consuniunated. The
eastern terminus will be on the Hodson;
opposite New York, end immediately
north of the yard and dock of the Erie
Railway. When this road Alban reach
the valley of the North 'Branch of the
Boaquebanns, it will be intersected
. hy.'
• railroad tinning out. of Lucerne
county, following up the Ltekswanna
meek to the summit or divide, and
thence down the Swum This last
enterprise is in strong \lands; and will
certain:y throw upon tIM Midland Road,
u it Is called, a coal traffic of Immune
amount, an sufficient ut itself to make
both projects romunerative.
But this route bas another admit:dirge.
By actual measurement the distance, this
wey, between Cleveland cr Chiago and
New York in \ ,roventy-five Winless than
by elthnr the New York. Central or the
Erie Railway; indeed, is no longer than
by way of the Lebanon Valley or the
Pennsylvania Railroadby Philadelphia.
The counties which nig thus proposed
to traverse are rich .in agricultural re
.aosure, having been long populated, and
will derive Incalculable advantages from
direct and speedy-nontinnnication with
other parts.
Wit-regret to 111110121:1011 the serious
Illness of our esteemed fellow-citizen,
Robert W. Mackey, Est., Cashier of the
Allegheny *tonal Dank. No gentle
maninthis eommanlty has more warm
and sineete friends, as hi has devoted
his whole life to the advancement of
those in whose welfare he by chance be
came interested. We sincerely trust that
be may recover from Liz present lllneu
and be permitted to enjoy many more
years of his lire of usefulness.
nat St. Louis .Republfean presents
this feature in the Operations of railroad
extenidtroe : •
"We perceive that IV= for this roadif
arriving. from Pittsburgh, via Chicago,
and is transferred to the can of the Iron
Mannish' Road; and goes forward to the
work on the extension near the Iron
Mountain. At the SS= time wo see
` that Iron ore by the car toad is being
transferred from the Iron Mostitain road
and goes forward to the Brazil works in
Indiana, owned and worked by Cleve
/and capitalise."
. A German baker has discovered anew
riotszli or plate, which, while retaining
Its de:have. taste,. is capable of being
rolled mit to tho thinness of paper. On
this he pinto, in chocolOr, the pro
grammes of the various theatres in the
town. Az audience supplied with Gums
bills can pass the weary intirmlaslons W
esting them, thus adding an additional
pleasure to _ those already enjoyed by
theatre goers. ,
Probably one of the most prevalent
and least noticed &eases is catarrh,
which, if onattended to, maw la con.
sumption. TOO following is room
mended Is a sure care; One part Slimly
palverized saltpetre mixed with two
parts of white' anger rothmed too door.
It malt be snuffed op the ncse a .dozen
or more time a dm zumording to aka
salinity of the ;tuck.'
Etna el` Senate.
I Matter" in th e
Im en hment in the House.
IBint ell Concludes His Speech.
R ly of Mr. Wilson.
non xi to Lay on the Tobin.
• it to the I!Ubancli chasms.)
WasurArTotyLkia. 6, 1867.
Several petilltions were presented and
Mr. CORBETT Introduced a bill to
amend the act making appropriations In
Government service for the year ending
June, 1807. The bill Is similar to ono
recently introduced by Mr. Williams.
Referred to Commas(' on Appropria
tion& -
Mi. HARLAN introdneed a bill to
supply the deficiencies Incurred in - the
nanny of the Rana reservation; Re
ferred to Committee on Appropriator'''.
On motion of Mr. EDMUND% It wee
-Rucked, That the Secretary of the
Treasury be requested to Inform the
Senate whether, since the =4- of June,
IWO, any unexpeaded balance of appro
priations for objects named in the laws
making such appropriations have been
-used t supply any deficiency of any
other stem in the mime department or
- mace, or have been transferred to any
other account of used for any other pur
pose, and if so by what authority.
Mr. GRIMES Introduced a bill pre.
viding that from and after tho thirtieth
of June next there shall bo annually set
aside from the surplus interoat of the
naval pension fond the sum of fifteen
thousand dollars, ler. the Ipurpone of
forming • nucleus of a naval insurance
fund, which shall .ba increased
by a yearly charge .upon the pay
of each officer of the navy
entitled to the benefit of such fund, ex
cept midshipmen and third Assistant en
gineers, at the following rater Commo
dores $OO, Captains $BO, t-kanutuaderes7o,
Asalatant Commanders $OO, , Lieutenanta
$OO, Master. $4O, Ensigns $.lO, Boat
el/AMOS, (enamors, Carpenters and Sall
'makers, $2O, and all other officers of
the staff and marine corps, according to
relative or assimilated rank in the fore
going Unapt officers. Referred to Naval
Mr. TIiA.YER called up his resolution,
heretofore offered, and amended it to
reed as -
Resolved, That the Secretary of the
Treasury be directed to inform the Senate
if Edmund Cooper assumed the duties
of the °Mee of AsslatantSecretary of the
Treasury on the 30th of November, and
if SO under what law and by what au
thority, if any, he was allowed to do so,
or whether he has been appointed Assis
tant Secretary . of the Treasury either bo
rers or slim the present upsilon of Con
gress commenoist, orZwhother he has
performed the duties of Assistant Spo
of the Treasury or es Acting Assistant Secretary of the Treasiury ; also the na
ture of the commission given to said
Cooper, and the time It is to run.
The resolution wasadopted.
Mr. CORBETT Introduced the follow
ing resolution:
Beanhad, That the Committee on Fi
nance be instructed to inquire into the
expediency of reporting a bill to author
ize the Secretary of the Treasury of the
United Statps to contrantaioari, and issue
bonds of the United Sturm for the same,
redeemable at- the pleasure of the Gov
ernment after —years, and payable in
fortim . bearing interest payable In
rar the i - eirpoise th o e t red e cern t3 ; 2
States bonds, commonly called five
, tarentlea, as theymature.
Mr:CORBETT said the Intention was
to show holders of five-twenties that
the Government would redeem Its faith
when pledged. As had not been pledged
heretofore in regar d to the five-twenties,
and as it would be Imposidale to redstart
them in coin, thin bill provided fora long
loan to take their place, redeemable in
Mold and with a low rate of interest.
Tho resolution was adopted.
Mr. DRAXE'S resolution censuring
the President's Menage was postponed
until Tuesday next.
Mr. CATTELL introduced a joint res
olution, which was referred to the Com
mittee on Finance, to suspend the opera
Son of so much of the act of April lah,
1866, as provides that the Secretary of the
Treasury may retire and cancel United
States notes to the amount of four mil
lions per month.
On motion of Mr. 'SHERMAN, the
Semite took up Mr. Edmunds' bill pledg
ng the faith of the United Stites to pay
I' the public debt of the United States in
I cola.
Mr. HENDRICr3 offered a substitute
providing t hat.
Wnantexe, The public debt of the
United States, except where otherwise
provided by late, was rred on the
faith and credit of U ni t ed States, and
the earths would b redeemable in lawful
money of the limited States, which was
declared by Congress to be legal tender
for debts public and private, except duties
on Imports awl Interest on Odblio debt;
And :Whence, It In not good policy
that Congress should pledge the nation to .
Wear morn burdteuthan the law ragnlree,
Resolved, That the public' debt of the
United States, except where the law pro
vides for its payment in coin,, shall be
redeemed in lawful money of the Uruted
Calm, and the faith of the United . States
stands pledged accordingly.
Mr. HENDRICKS hoped the proposi
tion would go to the Committee , on Fi
On motion of Mr. fiIIESMAN, it was
so referred.
Mr. SHERMAN introduced a resole.
lion, which was adopted, calling upon the
Secretary of State for copies of the cor
respondence between the United States
and French government in regard to the
International Monetary Conference, held
at Paris in ...tune and July Matt also,
espies of Instructions to or reports from
delegates from this country thereto.
The Senate prodded for adjournment
until Itcmisy, and, after a short execu
tive melon, adjourned.
Tito SPEAKER presented a Memorial
from the Chamber of Commerce of New
York, relative to bonded goods; also, of
tbo Cons , inational Convention of, Louisi
ana for the ropeal of theeNtott tax.
iItrZA,CIIXENT QtrinTiatr;
The SPEAKER. stated the regular 413.
slams In order was the proposed im
peachment of the President of the United
Stated, on which the gentleman from
Massachusetts wee entitled to the floor.
Mr. SCHENCK appestat to Mr. Bout
well to give way, that the. HOnita y t
;age on the bill offered twitting
from the Committee on Ways and Mein;
repeating the act which gives authority
r e the gocretmg of
... the Treasury to eon
Mr. ltO L death_ ,
ed would
lead to a long debate. 114, - however,
consented to yield the floor to W.
Hooper; of Massochusetts,whe proposed
to otter a resoliMon declaring that in the
opinion of the linitlt ap the amount of
revenue annually by taxation
Alba not exceed 5300,01)0,Mr_, *A4 in
strucapg the Committee of Ways mid
Means fa rogf,
ternal t a bill so modifying the
interne(i t.vo 0/ of m reduce
fe the ,
i fnim in ; 300 . 000 , 000
and nstructing the tame
Committto on Ap
rao.Moletions not to exceed that tromet,
ding bnerest• onpublic debt, in 1
appropriations reportl to the House.
Mr. SPALDINbI wishe to discuss,
and therefore should object.
TUG triolutitn was not received and
the House .mined the consideration of
the subject of daischmoot.. !
BOUTVMLL: tin hin speoeh
menced yesterday.
Mr. B'ILSON, of Lows, Choir lneß Of
the Judiciary Committee, obtained *lw
floor, and proceeded toaddress the louse
s&dtot the
.iat , gi:jzzfn
setts had made oat a much -be tter ease
than the record • • B r a, ing be
pftenm ed It wee fair for him ,ta
*t, gr4roinentheorecOf i ni e ;ini ° ll
was all be . The gentleman bad
consumed Ids Usti in f. pc-Instant attack
on one feature of the *ATV `report.
02144, spear aa the proceed ti "rec t a,
might be :stricken frmathe
'= " llltheyg, affecting the Mee in the
ruotest 'dorm. No member of the ml
timlty of the' ,Oilaiveltrop regarded the
doctrine that only 'crimes and :Wade-
Jneaners ibdteated rind& the 'statute. of
3bp 3,4o . te.d,Olntesytoulditundly fail:each
••'• " • •
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mantas 'of the slightest importance, eo
far as the correct determination of this
question was concerned. The minority
affirmed their doctrine was correct, al - -
though itwas Introduced into their report
rather as a suggestion than ea law. It
wax immaterial what opinions members
might have on it. He would let it rest
on the argumenateentained in the minor
ity report, and wait for dime person to
answer it when a case should arise in
which it might be important. Neverthe
less he challenged the gentleman from
Measachneettli to give to the Nona° a sin
gle caw wherein the English House
of Lords had crossed the path
of the report of the minority in this case.
The position which the minority occu
pied was that uncivil officer ofthe United
States could 'be lawfully impeached ex
cept for a crime or misdemeanor known
to the law, and he would give the gentle
man from Massachusetts the privilege of
bringing in the common law, statnte law
and parliamentary law. Mr. Wilson
here - reminded the gentleman from.
Meassehusetts that he (Mr. Boatwell)
bad signed a report of the Rwanda-no
tion Committee, asserting that in some
matters on which he now claimed the
impeachment of the Plash:loathe had not
been actuated by - wrong !datives. lie
Wilson)waa Rot here to defend the
-President. He must boa bold man who
avoid do that. For himself, he hall not
sutfielent"'beldness , even If he bad
the inclination; but he was not prepared
to say 'Committee so ells and so pertl
undone as • the Clexurnlttea on Bacon
struclion ants wrong when it declared
that the President had boon actuated by
no improper motives in the very acts fbr
which the Homo was now asked to
impeach him. de to the surrender of
property to Sputhern railroad com
loa; . he (Mr. Wilson) would dispose
of all argument on the point by chow.
ing that it was not done by the Presi
dent, but , by Secretary Stanton, and
-from motives of great public policy
to open —channels of- trade and
commerce. Referring ,to the inten
tion of Mr. Bontwell that !Soldiers would
be used toprevent blacks from voting In
the South, Mr. Wilson remarked that
the House was asked to impeach the
President of high crimes and misde
meanors, because it was feared be might
do something wrong. Ile thought, howev
er, the House - would determine whether
the President had already committed
crimes and misdemeanor*, not whether
he might possibly do es at some time in
the future. • The case should be tried on
the record, and on that he was willing to
take-a vote of the House. In conclusion,
he nail: I believe the country desires
to have the rauseAlsposed of now. They
desire to have it out'of the way, either
by sending articles of impeachment to
the Senate at 'once or laying the
whole subject on the table. I be
lieve that the people of the canntry
desire that we shall have done with thfe
subject, in order 'that we may give our
undivided attention,to other matters, and
therefore,- having thus pine hastily,
briefly and imperfectly over the long ar
gument of the gentleman from Massa
chusetts, and depending on the strength
of the case as presented in the minority
report, or rather depending on the weak
ness of the case as found in the records.
I move the subject be laid on the table.
Without. taking a vote on the motion
the House adjourned till to-morrow.
By TWeinta to Q. 111 stlittryb
LONDON, tee. o.—The Timer has so ed
itorial on tl4h 'subject of tho sale of the
itilitiod**Thoinae to the United States.
It liglars4 With the transfer, and hopes
the sanitargineesures of America:is will
exthignisli‘Uso causes of contagious fa
verii are so prevalent In that
Me — gMiutas arrested in Birming
ham jeastaidly afternoon, for complicity
In Fenian operations. It is alleged he
was the per who furnished arms to
the mob who rescued the prisoner. Kelly
sad Deassey from We pollee at Man
chester. ' •
Cuminlir et • Inaragerer-LTlgni•Lir
Mtn Zarsed.
Sr. Louts; December S.—Peter Chris
man, the murderer of biases Ross and
his son, In May last, was hanged in the
Jail yard it noon to-day.
.The doming mill of Umfried, in Doug-
St. Clair county, was 'horned en
Wednasday morning, together with a
large amount of wheat. The mill was in
sured for 55,000 itt the Illinois Mutual,
and 88,000 In thsalartford. The stock
was Insured for p 500 in the North
American of Philadelphia, and . $3,750
each In Peoria and Sangamon. -
Lounorttmi.—Cloudy ; prospects or
clearing off.
111DIANALPOLLS.—Dainp and warm;
'raining slightly.
CLIWINNATL—Damp and warm, with
an,nppearance of rain.
CoLosams.—Raining and framing.
CnErrmitcm.—Raining; cold, with a
high wind.
CLEratainz.—Ralning and cold.
OIL Amazons, Pi—Cloudy, with an
appearance of rain.
New Yeah Omm.—Clondy, damp and
Carcitoo.—Clear and warm.
ST. Locu, Mo.—Dark and damp, with
indications of rain.
ProLanmr.cuLa.—Clondy and cool.
Snows's - mils% Dec. 6.—River about
live feet and still rising. Light min all
—Three thousand eparrovis aro now
boldly engaged in preparing their win
ter quarters in five of our parka and
three of oar churchyards. Akorrespond
ent, who observes the habits of these
little creatures, writes: "It is very In
teresting to see them mrryina into their
houses the cotton which their kind
Mends have provided for them. Their
concert season at Onion Square is quite
over. Their pluck was well-tested re
cently when a large parrot alighted near
their roost. At first they seemed to take
bin: for a hawk,. and were shy, but soon
three hundrodof them 'pitched into him'
with a loud clatter,
and poor polly was
glad to retreat to the top of a pole at
Fifteenth street end Fourth avenue, and
there rested, more frightened than hurt.
The sparrow. should - be fed daily with
floe cracked corn, crumb., etc., until
May, or they will emitter over the city
and fall a prey to their mortal enemies,
the cats and hawks, which are daily seek
ing them. The ben-hawks have been
seen at Washington square within one
week. One handrail more houses are
needed there at once for the sparrowe.-
Who will furnieb them!"—h. Y. Even
ing Post.
—The Nashville Press rincinmeasays:-
4 .We lean that a spirited skirmish took
place at 7
mi i 7t rna on Saturday last, be
oan a 12 to man named Lowry, as
sisted by depth associates. and a
cclonsi man named Ogler, It seems
that a son of Lowry went luta Canoes
house, and began to' amuse himself by
playing with a gun which was standing
leg ip the room. Carter, fearing that be
might 'cilikkastne gun, tried to make
him desist, V o
p boy drew a knife
and threatene dCiedy work. Carter then
pot him out of the house. Scalp prier,
Lowry, the father of the boy, appeared.
With a number of others,'; and attacked
Muter, I)ring upon him with a pistol.
Carter seteropd the lire, and in return
drew a full volley from lds assailants.
A rapid lire was kept lip 'for aomp time,
but strange to say no onewss hurt, 'The
affair created a greet commotion, and
Cot tiip,”he excitement was at fever
—Thackeray wu an aocomplishedpia,
man, and used to pride himself oil Use
&Wuld c pm end dexterity with which he
coram greatest pomade number
of words into the smallest Rossitg e apace.
A. few week before his °Bab ¢s woe
present at the usual Saturday dinner, at
which the contributors to-Punch are ac
customed to meet and arrarsge the pro
gramme for the _ next week's number.
TbO conversation turping on ildr.Thsek
kitrtl Scll.l thin way , P. Nigift
ma gad. glv,o an ilbsstration, xrlicre 7
upon he Prct4/71,e1,1ftlAr-klmiloY piece.'stud having marked Um pirclo of the costs
on a piece of paper, be drew in thO.CePiPF
a crown, and filled up the remaining
apace with the Lord's . prayer, which he
r4lbed without a single contraction,
word "which," epelLing it
"vb. NlAkOmAy relate, too, the pen
used was ao ordins4l,wwill which
happened to be in the f
-4lnka and an aoquaintance were an
the eirich one day, and heard the
sdroatnliig and giggling of some young
ladleis Isho were plowing to bathe in
the surf. /Inks' friend asked what oo•
cloned so much noise In the bath-house.
."ob," replied Sinks, "It is only some
Apology to Saboorfloiro
Testerdayjast as we were about put
ting our city edition to press, the steam
engine gave way and refused to perform
its all important share of work. In
consequence we were obliged to work off
on the single cylinder press of the
Chronicle, their magnificent two cylinder
press having a bed too small for oar
large size, and the result was Mat the
last of our carriers did not get out till
about ten o'clock in the morning.
We apologize to our readers, although
accidents will happeg in the best regulat
ad press rooms, and trust they rosy have
rioJust cause to complain in the future
of late papers. We tender our hearty
thanks to Messrs. Slebenick S Collins of
the Chronicle for the use of their press
and printing materials.
Reeencry Molts
Notwithstanding the recent arrest of
parties under clecumstanocs which left
no doubt that 'they wore connected
with the robberies tliat were being com
mitted almost nightly from the ears,of
the Pennsylvania Railroad Company,
the thieving wee not stopped, but , kept
up almost as regular as before.. It was
evident that the robberies were commit-
Led by employees of the Company, and
It was at length observed that the thefts
usually occurred on the nights when
Henry Hess and Morris Kemuier, two
repairers, who worked at the car chops
every other night, were on duty. At tue
same time the neighbors of these mon
observed that they each brought Mime •
groat variety of now articles, and that
they sported frequent cotta of new
clmhea, and always bad new snits alike.'
Close watch wax kept upon them, and
lust night. udience was rewarded. De
tective Hackett and Officers sell, Davis
and Pander watched the suspected men
very closely, and early In the evening
sawtheen enter a freight car, open a box
of wine anti remove four bottles to a
safe hiding place. The men then went
about their work as mull, and when
their time wax up, went, without visiting
their hidden wine, up street to the skating
Ek. There they sack gulshed their
terns and went by the railroad track
k to their starting place, took their
wine and went home.
Yesterday morning Detective A. M.
Hackett made informatiod before Alder
men Taylor, charging Kestner and Hess
dith larceny. Search warrants were is
sued, and eflicers Bell and render pro.
ceededtwith one to Hess' residence at
Stewartstown, where they discovered a
large uantity ood consiing
of toots q , shoes, c lothing ,o tobacco, cig st ars,
hardware, ate. Officers Hackett and
Davis went with the other'warrant to
Kestner's residence. on Allen street,
Lawrenceville. They returned shortly
afterwards with Kestner and a wagon
triad of stolen good., which they had
found hidden In his house. Among the
finding. were t'arpenter and railroad
tools, a quantity of new hardware, a
me ge ,
cl r i i c e o ty a n o d f
r cotton mcldhe c n l o t t h h e in w e fo b r ,
bootsand shoes, a large number of new
white handkerchiefs, men's undershirt.
and drawer. In large numbers, a far cap,
a quantity of knit goods, home, of cigars,
a quantity of fancy soap, several, papers
of tacks, ladies' velvet hats, mew.' felt
hat., and other articles of various des
criptions. Mr. D. M. Watt, on behalf of
the company, made three separate infor
mations before Alderman Taylor, charg
ing Keetturrwith larcen. and One against
Kenner and Hess for a like offense.
. .
They wets arrested, and in defaulter
ball committed for • hearbig on Wednes
day, the 11th inat.
=nit.. .rile. 11 , opiebUifaa Itioestive
41,1amlaineept Allis••• 11 airy. ,
Thursday evening • meeting of the Re
publican Execuidee Committee of Alleghe.
ny city was held at City Hall, in Alleghe
ny,for the purpose° of making arrange•
meets fer the corning eleCtions. Jot:a:Mc-
Donald, Esq., of the Second ward, was
called to the chair, and J. C. Patterson,
En., of the Fourth ward,. appointed
After the chairman had stated the ob
ject of the meeting Mr. John 'Megrim
moved that the primary election. he held
n the last Saturday in December, itilitt•
Inst.), between the bout* of three And
seven o'clock, r. x., the voting to be by
ballot. Adopted.
On motion of Prat L. H. Eaton, the
Judges of Elections were Instructed not
to receive ballots from persona who had
not voted the Republican ticket lut fall,
and that the name of every person
voting he recorded.
Mr. Megraw moved that one member
of the Executive Committe from each
election precinct be appointed to meat
with the Return Judged on Monday ev
ening, December 30th and receive thb
vote. The motion wilt adopted, and the
following persona appointed the said
committee: First ward, Thos. Scandrett,
Second ward. John BrDonald; Third
ward, tint precinct, John Holmes, see.
and precinct, Captain Casper Gang;
Fourth ward, that precinct, John Me.
grew, second precinct; H. W. Aufder.
hide; Fifth 'ward, J. Heath; Sixth ward,
.1. Cunningham; Seventh ward, G. Wet-
On motion of Mr. Menne', the Elec
tion Boards were Instructed not to count
the, votes for any candidate for Mayor
who had not previously signified his
willingness to abide by We result.
The Committee then adjourned to
meet at the call of the Chairman.
City serially
A. G. McCandless, Physician of the
Board of Health, reports the following
Interments In the city from Nov. 24th to
December Ist, 1867:
Menne of heart 1, dropsy 1, typhoid
fever 1, uterine hemorrhage 1, scarlet
fever I, min born 1, disease of bowels 2,
hydrocephatte I. pneumonia 7.
Males ....0 f White.... 10 } Total
.Females.. 4 / Colored... 0
Of the
above there were; Under one
year 3; frotn one to two 1; two five 1;
live to ten 1; ten to fifteen 1; twenty to
thirty 2,'• thirty to forty 1; sixty to sev
enty 1.
We looked In, yesterday; on our friend,
James T. Sample, corner of Federal and
Robinson streets, Allegheny, and found
hlm busy in opening and arranging a
Line Mock of new goods In his line, in
cluding, of course, every staple article
in a Lind class Drag and Apothecary
Store together with a variety of Fancy
Goode", and an invbice of California
Wines and Brandies, very choice and
pure. Mr: Sample proposes tcroontinue
those Importations, so that his custom
ers may rely on finding at all times
thaw wines so celebrated for purity and
flavor, for which California has become
so famous in both hemispheres.
On to-morrow (feast of Immaculate
conception and anniversary of consecra
tion of RI. Rev. Bishop Domenec) there
will be solemn' Pontifical Illeth Maas at
St, Paul's Cathedral. Some ofthettmnd
est church mush may be looked for on
the occasion from the excellent choir un
der the ealciant and zealous direction of
Prof. Bahcnnit..
"Ileydri's third mans". will be pioduc:
ed, and et the offertory will be tenor
eolo by Mr. Curse, accompanied on the
cornet by Mr. Y. Weis, leader of the
great Western band. A rare treed may
be Kgipipoed by all lovers - of sacred
Pic'erl.l Sermons..—ltev. P. M. 'Long,
of Philadelphia, will begin a series of
sermons In the First Methodist Church,
Fink street, on Monday evening next,
WAS obiitidued during the week. ills
discourses will be illustripd by large
and oil painting.. if 0 haeJtist
closed a series of successful meeting. In
prosbyterian churches in Cincinnati,
&pp revival Interest among
the people. 44o'tz•epoi0 audnixdbleth
alba Churches are Invited to meet and
worship with the Fifth Street Chin's] in
}Anse Interesting atomises. Furthee
partienlmp next prig hys4vertbsemeut.
Coanteralter Xion1FoltPIL 0 ••
who wen minuted som a sin , dt
Williamsport, Fa., chard' l744' !Alit*
counterfeit Unittid Ettnt4earten_ev. '•4 •
heating Wm* Corinpiesloner Meaud
/el., Yesterday, and was pominitted In
default of tif,oo ban for his sfilieinfince
at tlyp next term 'of the V. B. !Narita
Court /A Pg•FitY.
PcolPatunneut.—Tbo AniCilniversalist
Church Association have klrully .yielded
to the Fiomosopathle Hospital Associa
tion the use of City flail for three days of
next week, nod theopening of the Cid
tioniallg Fair, advertised for Monday
nett, ill( anoonlipgly
h e deferred until
Thursday, the 12th lat.
IC . ommttted tbr Larceny.—John shark•
rgert . oaltr i, mod , 11 , formo c tIon;
•6bnor Vat lareen;7s. D e l Leo l =ris
*Wed an dommltted for trial
There has just been put in successful
operation in our slater city one of the
largest and moat complete.]ilt , houses
In this country. The Miran was orig
inally erected for distilling purposes and
was built in the most substantial man;
nor, but the projectors of ttrat eritsrpr:se
falling, it passed into the hands ofJoahua
Rhodes st Co., aho thoroughly .rernod.
clod and made It one of ran beetarranged
and moot admirably adapted molthonsair
we have over eiamined. It htioratted an
the hank of the Ohio river, a fewfeet
from Robinson street and nen the Alle
gheny Gas works. It is nee hundred
and thirty feet deep by one hundred that
wide, is live stories high and built of
brick. The first, third, fourth and fifth
liners are used for growing purposes. and
are arranged In the must scientstio man
ner. Each is provided with!. coutented•
floor, laid by Mr. George Bassett, which
la as smooth and solid ns Marble, and If
anything much harder t hen that ma
terial. Double rows of steam pipes to
protect thegrowing main from - Moralism.
of frostarelald along the wallson all sides
of the room and other Improvements
; of a aubstantial character are Introduced. -
' Adjoining the growing room of the first
Moor are the furnaces for supplying the
miasmas kilns 'throughout the °stab. -
Ilahmerst with theneceetastry heat. - These
aro !scientifically constmoted, and are
li deemed, in manyisarticalars, far: sups.:
rior to those use in the - malt homier
• throughout the country. The kilns am ,
conveniently situated on each floor, and
are large and cepapions. By machinery
the grain is hosted - Trout the growing.
floors of any of - this rooms; and Placed
In whatever kiln - it stay be desired to ,
have it. The kilnicelght In nrunberome :
floored with perforated Iron tiles, a pat
ant not yet gencitidly Introduced but
iTtmet"'Lths6d floor we:
find largo forl d
barley preparatory to. being malted,,
Elevators, with 'steam power, are - con
venlently located so as to render Me
handling and distribution ofgrain enemy
matter. The barley is all hoisted to the
roof from s hence it is disseminated into
the four huge steeping tube located In
different tart. of • the building. - Them
tubs, which 'aro each supplied - with on
ordinary tire , plug, aro of white cedar
wood and-were manufactured in PMlas
dolphin, costing nearly one thousand
dollars apiece. They are oval in shape
and aro of such large proportions an to 1
receive for sleeping eight hundred bush-.,,
els of barley. We have. merely attempt
ed to give our modem some faint Ides of
the extensive character of this great
malt house, which has a capacity of malt- ;
lag three hundred thounaml bushels per
Year. The • firm owning and operating
the establishment are all well kneern
business gentlemen and have had ample
experience in the trade. Their otllost Is
located at No. gse Penn street, where all
°Mem should be addressed. •
r. T. Zweas ProwlLeal PICINI:4In Na.
sad Nsean. Witter. p.,. 1 5 Weed
Mr. T. T. Ewerts, one of our practical
and finished mechanic.s, has won a large
shore of public patronage by carefully
performing all work entrusted to Liman
such a manner as to give the highest sat+
istaeilon. Ills stock of materials cannot
bo surpassed in quality by that found in
any similar house in Western Penney!.
yenta Possessing nntunial facilities
for the purelameofgeo6, ho ',enabled to
successfully compote with eastern deal
era in prices, and can offer tare !good bar
gains to the customers who favor bin.
with patronage. Yesterday, we bad the
pleasure of examining the fine araort•
meat of articles peculier to the businees
found there. The selectlonof chandeliers
of the latest and moat fashionable
and varied etyb. la. very fine and
will compare favorably with any we
have over noticed. Shades, bracket++,
pendants, hc., .tc., all in mod
ern patters, and of 'improved char
actor. will be found on hand at reasona
ble prices. The stock of iron and wood
pumps Is able very large and of just +melt
character so the country dealer or pa
tron can select from. All the latest pat
ents are introduced, and as Mr. Eweoa
makes ...thla department a specialty, we
commend Ms house to the patronage- at
our sieges A large araortment Of bath
tub., water-closets, sinks,- begins, wash
stands, gum hose, marble wares, hy
drants, will also be found. The
beer and ale pumps adopted by the trade
of thin house are of a very superior char-
Fr . ier, and will commend theme elves to
vent, saloon, hotel and restaurant
pers, whi let be bras++ coeks are worthy
iipecial attention. lions.. are Mud -up
with gas-and water at the ehortestnottoe.
All work and repairing will be faithfully
and promptly attended to. Orders from
the country by mail are solicited, and
experienced workmen will be dispatched
on moat reasonable terms to any point
desired, either to put in new work or re
pair old.
Ohs Getiyamyg Asylum (Oft NAM...
We do not know what object can ap
'peal more earnestly to patriotic citizens
than the care of invalid soldiers—those
who went forth In obedience 'to their
country's call to tight her battle., and
who, either wounded or disused in the
hardships of a bitter campaign, are left
helpless and homeless. A t ithe terrible
war recedes slowly from minds of
the mamas, it is to be hoped that these
living evidences of its dread havoc will
not be permitted to suffer through want
and neglect. The Pennsylvania Legis
lature. with the sumo commendable pa
triotism which characterized its actions
during the war, have not been indiffer
ent to theellent appeal of the soldiers who
now roam shout our State In wretched
ness and poverty, added the weight
of lie official charter to a scheme
originated by a philanthropio asso
ciation to erect an asylum on the
battle Reid of Gettysburg. or wounded
and disabled soldiers. To raise fund.
for this purpose and to give all an oppor
tunity to become contributors to the
laudable enterprise, thus giving It a na
tional character, the Association will
hold two grand gift concerts for which
one and one-fifth million tickets, it one
dollar. each will be sold. These tickets
entitles the holder to participation in
122' JOS gifts, ranging in value from
5i00,000 down to a eingle dollar. Mr. E.
R. Gardner, a monomers in whom we
have unlimited confidence, after care
fully examining into theelutracter of the
entererse, has mounted the agency for
this inti, and has established hie °film for
the saltier tickets at No. 53 Fifth street,
where all necessary information may be
obtained. ' •
When a nerion possesses the srllcle
that has taken the front seat, or'that Is
universally acknowledged ,to ho the
champion over all others, there Isground
for satisfaction. - •
The now Weed Sawing Meelane donee
an watnpetltlon. It Is so simple that any
one can learn to run It; and eatleraellon
guananteed. It luta been sent to the
samo house where others bad been pre
viously sent; they were sent back and
the new Weed kept. Call And eeo It at
R. 11. Long'e, N 0.112 Grant street,
Corona's Inguest.--Coroner Clawson
held an inquest on the body of ()Mullah
Maloney, an old colored man, who died
- Suddenly between doe and o'clock
yosterdaY morning. Thaler" , rendered
a verdict , of .Meath front natural causes."
The roman fbr bolding the Inquest was
on account of the rather suspicious TOD
' utation of the house ho occupied, which
is generally known as .. .Fort blalony,"
and is situated at U.lO head of Webster
Flue puree; 4lre end choice porter.
constantly on hand at the old establish,.
ed Oregon Brewery of Pier, Dann/dn . &
Co., titavonson -street, Eighth Ward.
These Wagged porters ure certainly equal
to the driest imported articles. Whole
sale and retail' orders are reaped/01v
solicited. Packages delivered to rill
pointa of the city and linroodl4o Beljhr.
borbopd, free of Oaten.
The best fresh X.N. Alm can be pur
clthked at V e lowest market prices at the
old established Oregon rßreweryof Plot,
Dannain tko Co., Stevenson street, glglith
Ward. Orders by mail will receive
Mompt nitepkomststd' packsges inpew
end 'twin barrels inThalf barrels will bb
delivered Wang plawitEtho neighbor
t'r. '!" '' 1 ! 1 -PPe4 eaFeru-I.Y.
'The universal vefdlet b In favor of tbe
rentlum Olen brewed attho Medi' poptt7
Inr ap4 mftetudre r°ll.°
etrtlbt, •word. ISM&
the entire nietth'4 l 'eelthue
theme aloe sod pulerg ounkdooKy good
end healthy beverages. Order. bY Intill
will be promptly attendtd, and ship
ments carefully attended.
Now rs the Time to Prepare Tour
Presents,—ln slippers, pin cushions, In
okra whisr,•and tidies; also, gown and
ithemise yoke., and pillow eases stamp
ed from the French. patterns; braid atilt
and embroideries also; stamps' for sale,
at UM renowned — Wood Sowing Machine
office, IN Grant street. • decti:St
illsaway Itabaa.7..
One of the boldest exploits we have
heard of for some time past was a high
way robbery committed by a Daly of vil
lains who bang around the Thilon'Deppt,
under the guise of liackmen or baggage
wagon drivers. An old gentleman ar
rived at the Depot from the east on a
morning train en route for Cleveland,
,to see his son, who le dangerously iii.
Immediately upon ids arrival he inquired
at the ticket office when the Cleveland
train would start, and was informed that
it would not leave until three o'clock.
Ono of the sharks"' above referred ,to
heard the inquiry, and noticed the aid
gentleman'e anxiety in the matter. He
watched his opportunity and as soon a,
as the old man left the window he fol
lowed h m, and
elm that by going
to Allegheny he could leave at twelve
o'clock, as .there was a troll) started
from there at that, time. Being anx
ious to eve his sick non, and knowing
nothing about the city, the stranger at
once agreed to go; area was conducted to
a wagon belonging to an accomplice of
the "shark" who had first accented him,
Into .which the three of them got and
started, for Allegheny by the way of
the , Hand tercet bridge. When
reaching the middle of the
bridge the driver stopped his team
and •demanded six dollar,' of the
passenger. Ho offered them two, but
itherineisted upon the payment of six,
and taking possession or the old man's
ear Pet sack put hintont of the wagon,
and was ;Moat to drive otT, when he
agreed to pay them three dollars for the
sack, which they Mob, .leaving him on
the bridge. Ho came back to the down
and made knownthe facts, bottheacatups
who bed victimized him were - non at.
The officers know them and am only
waiting for a favorable opportunity to
nab them. "..f". .
nia &woolMl
On the 2111 h of September Mr, Yred.
Crick Sc and his wife, visited a
friend near Perry.lllst, and took with
them a baaket containing sip) In bank
notes, which was esirelaraly left. In the
buggy while they were In Mean. with
*friend. An examineOen of the bas
ket upon.. their return home convinced
them of their careleesuesa, emit bud been
oirechauhd and the money taken.
Mr. Shcild at once returned to the plat.
at which they had been yislting, and the
only clueobtained was the mysterious
dhaeopeonsnee of .Philip Swagler, a (he
ftier:l, employed by the friend above refer-
Odd to.' An *formation woo made against
td.ftettelineul morning arid officer Dressler
.._ - sotokto"Seir York lu search of him, but
M*l4o tied him. About a week since
• liMeaseertainod that he w. In the el
.• jeof the city, and Thursday night of.
' • Dressier, Rivers and Cripples, hay
iitigfreeylved definite information as to
whereabeihts, procured a hozhe 'and
buggy and went for blur. They found
him at a house about nine milm from the
city on the 'Butler plank road, arrested
him and brought him to the city and put
him to the locklup, where be will re
main until this afternoon, when he will
have a batting. The pr ison( la quite
eathyant, but does not deny the charge
nude against Men.
Leurentisevtite attars* Tscites. •
'The clUzena of the Second ward, Law-
Mlit., hold a_primary meeting at the
llonse yesterday evening, for the
icdnlnatfon of candidate. for Ward WTl
res. There being two Citizens tickets
in be Hold, the contest was very excit
ing arid' bitter. BelOw we give the re
J. C. i l uCrum--/ 84 A. D. Andeisoa. 21
chbilett, Jr.t72 H. McMahon 15
Jno. 11.50utt.....101 I A.
' WICOOL MilL(.1 . 011
John „Munro
John Ilooro
J. IL Cochnta
XwryfX marreron.
WM...parby, Jr '
James Eder... . '....... ...
Jas. Polow . (a 3 W. C. Drown....
Tl•lllmir.l.g. Ship.
The great musical tableaux of the
"Burning Ship" will be rendered with
powerful effect at the Academy of Music
on Monday evening next, under the di
rection of Prof. Manning and G. M. Al
eiinder, Esq. • Thls arrangement .haa
been made in order to accommodate Rie.
tort with the hall onthe night the
Tableaux were to have taken place. The
musical public need no reminder of the
high' character of this beautiful coutposi
lion, which In not only charming but
thrilling and effective.. The scenery and
mechanical arrangements, together with
the entire stage managementowill be Un
der the immediate direction of Mr. .1. C.
Mall. the former popular manager of the
Academy Theatre, a sufficient guarantee
that those departments will be cleverly
managed. Mies Core Brown, a sweet vo
calist, - Dr. .1. G. Ildandicsa, Mr. Mo.
Cutcheon, of the, Allegheny quintette
club, and other equally favorably know
vocalists will participate in the pro
gramme. Secured seats will be sold on
Monday morning, at nine o'clock, at
Kleber's muslo store, 122 Wood street.
I =1
It Is well known that during the war
everything went up' to fabulous prices,
and everything, except dry good; mortal
to be on the same grand seal; The fall
in the Priem of men's underwear Is won
derful. When you can way an under
shirt or pair of drawers for fifty cents
that mall during the warier two dollar;
or ane graid enough for any body at ono
dollar teat sold at four dollars, or a "star
shirty' et two dollars that at one time was
just double the price, or a good pair of
wool socks for twenty-five cents that sold
for Ilby cents, you may well conclude
"peace prim" bare been reached; but it
is a fact that many goodsare being retail
ed et less than the prices at which they
can be produced. If you wilt to ON It
Illustrated, call at Cree Brother; tB Fifth
street, who have the best assortment of
gentlemen's furnishing goods In Ll:mity,
and were the first to mark down to "anti
war prices." Their great- sale of em
broideries is also well worthy. the atten
tion of the ladles, tut they have the hest
and cheapest stook In the city.
The great sale of trimminge, notions
and furnishing goods at the extenelve
wholesale and retail eatabllshment or
Joseph 'Horne ,k Co., Nos. 77 and 79
Market street, still continues, and the
eoenomleal are embracing theurtearee of
the race opportunities for bargains afford
ed. New goods are being daily received
to keep up the supply and as they have
been bsught -very ch eap, are ode:octet
correspondingly low rates to wholautie
and retail patrons. The firm are deter
mined to close out their prelim; stook of
goods before UM irmutipir of the next
year, so Cleat readers can depend upon
the factthat the special price.' are made
in geed fulth. • Call and IWO for your-
Third Ward lionlootloom
Tho PeopCXVOT Of Op Tigra wool held
11 primary mooting yeatoriay waif quttlie
the following nomiunilons:
Select Mandl—Bernard Rafferty and
James Ilaniman t
CoMnion Cbilnelf.John J. Toney, and
Thomas A. Ponder.
Quince/C-4%0 1%4k. id'Connive.
School Diroctorg—aohn Kelley and Jae.
Judge of Brenton—John Henry.
• bispeclor—W. V. Baffertv. • • -
• Ream inepenee—Smith . lawtoa.
in a u x treat, near
9,1 P o p n : p7;tl r . rg. ly Mlbckod house' of our
Smithfield. Book. fanciers wilt find a
magnificent assortment. of choice and
tare second hand balks, which kayo long
attire gone out of Mt !
Viotti! i itesiadrafirk and. private hnt
lids ate atap t led at the mold reedonabie
rieeliwd!..Portegrl:37 the Oregon Brewery
Messrs. Pier, Dannals d: Co., whose Wilco
is on Stevensbir atrect ! In the EWA'
011PernI t —peritniapenfAllent.Dny,
whose neath Ive nozlco In yentenlat's
bon.. ouriVird In the city loot night end
vl ho tntorOnl tamnrrownt. ono o'nionk.
wee. ,
The Grand Jury ylalted the Homeo
pathic) Hospital Fair yesterday, and par
took or dinner,..notaa guests, but by way
of contributing to the worthy object.'
Try the, oaf aud t iol i tarp at tpp N ovo
Amweri Mr, gals co. May
lemon st.reat, Eigh ward , and h o con:
vinced of the superiority. - • • •
ALLEOTIENT Carr, Dec. . 3," 1867
was considerably elated by seeing one of
your late issues, since it contained semi
. ments that pro valuable to all; 1 'know
not who your correspondent may have
been, but ho deserves great praise for
broaching the subject 'upon the few Pei
coif fie lerturee, that are delivered in this
It must be obvious to all that it is
strange that a city like Pittsburgh, cel
ebrated over the world fol its manufac
tures, should be 'so devoid of Literary,
Smieties, or Scientific Clubs, where lec
turM upon various scientificand Torches
iodise bjecte can be treated upon.
It enema to me that, when a lecture is
announced lobe delivered by a crowing
pullet, I. e. a strong minded woman or a
recreant ehantkleer, I. e. :tweak minded
man, our Milli aro • crowded; but when
any thought is given of inviting acme
talented nod ecientille man (who may
perhaps have given years study to at
tain his profession) to give some rale:Ml
le disertutions, the idea is at onerraquash
ed, because his, lecture would "be pro
nounced dry, uninterestlog, by our emp
ty headed ladiesand their icarnedescorts.
Let any mientilla man pronounce his in
tention of delivering a letter. upon the
Steam Engine, upon Geology,' Astrono
my, or any other scientific or inaction"-
hal pursuit, whatwould be his audience?
wiay, perhaps a dozen, this is vary con
soling to 4 man, who perhaps has con
done.' all hI lifetime experience and
information Into a' lecture—u lecture by
whets aid he does not wish to renlenhili
his exchequer; but to elevate his follow
man, and to endeavor to teach them who
have not. had the swine cbaneo of acquit . -
lug knowledge as he brae. Messrs. lidi
lora, man ; is moat truly happy when
ho Is endeavoring to benefit
his fellow creaturia. 'll is the duty.. of
man, in whatever station of life he may
be found, to 'try to help his aasociater. I
The act of chanty lea groat end maguill
cent work,( but charity does not Mono
oonalat of giving money it confab. of
giving all that Iles in one 's power. Hew
often wo meet a men who mu., be almost
as we might say ;penniless, bid yet who
has a certain knowledge, which he im
parts to his fellow beings (very often
oagratultouely) that num !swore to 'be
red than the millionaire,: who gives his
subscription to any charity, not for
charity's sake,' but that It ahould be
known that Mr.., and so did this. Os
the caber hand, let bliss Anna Dicken
son dome hero with the intention of filling
our daughters' heads with - absurdities at
the rights of women; or bloomerism, and
the lecture room will be" crowded._
I myself am connected with one of the
largest extablishinentS in the vicinity,
whose employees average five hundred
mechanics of various trades- I have en
deavored repeatedly to establish a Liter
ary Society in connection with the works,
and have alsor~ promised a course of free
lectures; l'utehf no avail—the whole
thing fell through for wantof patronage.
I know' ascent gentlemen who 'would
willingly lecture upon various scientific
e thjeCtlh provided some Society were
formed, or that some one would guaran
ties some alight remuneration for their
Incurred trouble. Mostneopleareaware
that It requires notonly; extensive read
ing. talent and forethought, combined
with practical experience to treat upon
*dentine subjects, while a. lecture upon
ordinary subjects can be written by the
boor. As • manufacturing city, Pitts
burgh doea not require to be deafened
upon the rights of women, political
economy, or any such subjects. • Its in
habitants 'require to lee taught each
things as may he useftil to them.. ' When
do we hear of a lecture being given upon
steam,' its properties• or its uses, upon
the steam engine, upon Iron or Its
manufacture or Its adaptations. I feel
perfectly satittled that it some lecturer.
i posted upon the subJecti had given us
an oration upon steam, Isla months ago,
we, the newspaper readers, would not
have been startled by the astounding
theories brought out in regard to the late
'fatal boiler explosion.
Our learned and able divines, and also
our temperance brethren, are expatiat
ing upon tire, evils arising from thd
abuses of strting drink. Let them rive.
They Rimer begin to corms at the point.
It le all very well to say to a young man
you mint not dd tido, „yialintit not do
that; bid, at thelime t EF - Fte - liffitTell — fil in
what to do. Oneyoung mechanics, after
a laborious day'l work, aro glad to seek
sumo place where they can receive exhil
oration brepirlt, end as there-is no place
but the tavern, the theatre or the low.
hauntsof immorality, have leave to seek
these Places, and, by constant attend
ance, help to swell the list of our crimi
nals, to nil our penitenti s, our gaols,
and ;our. hospitals, Pitts urgh ,waffts
Ramp a l place where the you g men can
epeed their evenings, w hiten they can
learn something useful to them. Every
one knows thiedrearinese of, a boarding
house. Now; I ask any of our reforma=
lion expatiators (which by the by is 'a
new expression) if they could upend
their evenings in a boardieg house, If
they could find the ease they re
quire after a hard day's work in
such plates. No, they menet. Then
what roust a ' young min do, when
there is no place for so. I aed Inter
esting intercourse. I trust hat'anme one .
will take the Snit-lathe in is matter, for
we are sadly behind. - Leah at Ureat Bri
tain, with its Working= 'a Colleges,
its institution. and charita le secleties.
Look at France, with the eat aid she
give. to her operatives In scientific
knowledge. Look even at Russia, who
Is now about to Introdnee a system of
free night *cheats. And w ere are we?
We, as American citizens,. et hugely
of the advantages we have f education,
but I never have yet met ith any one
who has traveled to Eu .po but says
slightly different. In ell the railroad
shops and large manor= ries of Eng
land there are a series f free night
schools, where the employ ran learn
from the A•B Cto tine highest branch.s
of mathematic* where mechanical draw
ing and geometry are made a speciality.
Look -at Chance's Glam. !Works, near
Birmingham, (England,) ' with its
noble institution ; look , at' the suc
cess that It has met with; look at
the chance or prospect the men have
there. If any of the emnloyeee pass e
certain examination they are sent by the
government to Cambridge or Oxford
College, and aro allowed a certain sum
also for expenditure, what la technically
called the middle class eXamination, is
what we want bare; for amid - our great
array ormechanies many amid be found
that would equal any of Our great engi
neers, lawyers or divines providing they
had-the chance of acqulrink knowledge
to suit them to the poolthinii.
I do trust that some kind friend will
endeavor to promote scientific lectures,
and their necessary adjuncts, and I feel
assured that many will bri found to give
whatever assistance they can.
• 'I remain your'`. respectlully
Panel:var. ithlKliel . , tit. 'N.
OPERA lions E.— A very fair ouch
ones attended the Opera Ileum lost
night, on which occasion the charming
aotreu Lady Don took her foron ell ben
efit. The amusing mum (liege "Wo
man'o Bights' was pros sled. In an
sdm l l l lblentlantior,fortite ogenlnk piece,
and the entertainment closed with the
amusing burlesque of "Aladdin." "Guy
Mannering" Is on the bills r r t he mati
nee title afternoon, With dy Don In
the principal role. This is he h
rt hot op
portunity tkat will present i fto our
i t
( glu' to one Lativ.Don thls i tleasou, and
no nun should allow it to taut unim
Orrr Ifsm..—The Llemeopa. e
uhe F air
at City Ilan has so far boon m decided
success in every respect, and deahtlese
will, continue so to the mut. Tim sale.
hove bopg nnustiglly largo, while tho
nrOgnvd. front other unreels exceed the,
fultecto,tlnge pc the managers. The
moult ltunty sad intelligence nightly
assembled there renders It an exceedingly
pleasont place toeend an evening, and
In addition to this makes one teerooto.
fortable to know that the tOnßey 0041 ,
tributed there Is ogpxopclotpd to a chart
t'rlitllgtrirr Paklihuatoemwenhttain'dthpul'essmuure.
mas bo the means of relieving sugaring
and distress. The balloting on the vari
ous artistes is steadily Increasing, and If
we mistake not a hanggcngg sum wilt he
redirect frpm iple likirco. Per Mover
ghe voc6 diatayardng steed IlIddell,141;
Oltutkniore, &O.
4CADEMY or l'illi/g—The sale of tick
etsfer Ristorl's **wan •at the Arearfily
or Musla , nomme,hene to-.3z 0 et Mellorrk
mu*te COIL_ ' coil otreet She p laps
Wegheegg, Thundny and ?riga.? et, en
thr of next Week, when wilt to present
r, ?Virab , eth.S. "Medea" and "Marla
cOl atte„' , ,
Masonic Mall—lett Nith% or Macey!..
trTs — Ttllit peonlnwill bb last:or hot
perms/ mum of t-rontsaor and Madame
Macalllater, the great illusionists. The
rincipal present lost w as nsig
a complete silver tea set. drawn
by Mr. F. Rephan, No. 10 Third Street,
The principal presents this evening will
be two splegditl *lves hunting moo
watunee anden l aM
bl s in lidiUtien to ninety
eight 'other *eigie present*. A. fare
well gift matinee will be&edible after
noon when ;Well 'child will receive a
handlOnse present. - •
Pittsburgh Female uolleaa—Ceseek
Lass Alight=ltlisentar of the WMle
Mention on Monday.
The Conceit last evening of Prof.
nee at the College ("Impel of the Pitts
burgh 'female College was a 'decided
success In point of attendance and the
musleal entertainment offered. There
was in attendance a large and apprecia
tive audience, and every person seemed
highly delighted with the vocal and in
strumental performances. Perhap r In
our notice of this pleasing occasion It will
be pertinenVio remark on the success
attending the Pittsburgh Female. Col
lege, which is now justly classed among
thorned praiseworthy and bast managesd
Ulaces for the education of females in the
nited State.. The attendance during
the fall term, which is Just eloeing, has
been unusually large, and the • progress
made by the pupils decidedly
factory. On Monday next will com
mence the winter amnion of the College,
and parents or guardians basing
daughters or wards to educate will do
well and wisely by placing them in the
College, where a practical, substantial
education will be acquired, while they
are surrounded by strictly morel -Influ
ences and examples. The terms of tui
tion at the . College are very reasonable
and the accommodations offered . the
:scholars are of the Ilrat order. The Col
lege buildings are very complete in
every department and are located in ono
ro f the healthiest as well as most secluded
• partions of the elty. Rev:Dr. Pershing,
the zealous and enterprising President,
will be pleased to forward circulars of
information to all those who contemplate
placing their girls under Ids charge for
The Eleetlon--Election offieers will
avoid much confusion on the opening of
the polls by proyidlng for themselves in
advance with some twelve or fifteen box
es for the reception of the ballots voted
for the various candidates. Our friends
In the oily, eripee r ially those in tbo outer
districts of Pitt, Peebles, Collins. Oak
land, Liberty and Lawrenceville will
greatly oblige on by promptly furnishing
the returns on Tuesday evening. so that
th. 4 may bo spread before our readers
next morning.
• •
Tootined to by Dr. IL. •B. Erowo, of
Troy, Jolforoose Colmar, Pa.
Dn. F. S. Anon s, 1318mithfield street,
Pittsburgh, Pa.—.llcorSir,—Some twelve
or fourteen years since I was seised with
Catarrh of the Redd, which, despite all
the efforts of four skilled medical men,
continued to grow worse until my
throat became seriously affected. The
bead discharges were a source of con
stant annoyance and very offensive. My
constitution soon began to give way un
der the fearful ravages of the disease, so
that I lost thirty pounds in weight. I
had despaired of securing relief until re
ferred to you by Henry Drown, of Jef
ferson county, whom you had cured of
deafness. It is now one year since I
cemmeuced your treatment, and I am
rejoiced to say that by your chill and
treatment I em now quits restored to . a
healthyietate.., Since under year treat
ment I have gained thirty-threerpounde,
which to three pounds heavier than I
have ever weighed before. The serious
nature of my condition, and the remark
able cbaoges bronghtby your treatment,
convince tue that' the moat desperate
cases need not despair of bor.
.• P. B. Brown, of Troy, - Jef,
(anion county, le findliar with. the na
ture of my nase, , Mid your ammusful
treatment, and may be referred to rela
tive therbto2,
- •• • - • ,
That Caa•atapllali Cu b. Curial la
a. Laisaar to. a Daulolad.
. WXI4 6 / 3 4
CO:tacked with a
ragich soon awn 4! in -was fi l ted iaa bran-_
The throat disease continued to grow
worse, and descended until my lungs
became diseased. I tried various treat
ruente without any good effect, as con
sumption, which I was told I had,
seemed to be unyielding to ordinary
treatment. Every 'day I expected would
be my last. In this hopeless condition I
op lied to Dr. Aborn, of No. 134 Smith
field street, and to the surprise of all who
knew my critical condition and the grati
fication of myself, I began to improve
immediately. No one. thought I could
possibly live a month. It is now six
weeks since :I placed myself under the
treatment of Dr. Aborn, and during that
period I have :gained eight pounds of
solid Hush. Now I two walk up stairs
and attend to my chores without fatigue,
which I have' lieen unable- to do for so
long a time. My weedy recovery is due
to the peculiar treatment known to Dr.
Ei ns. EfAnownsr 'Unreel%
Corner of Second and Chestnut erects,
South Pittsburgh.
Try a meal at lloltelleiraor'e dleen
hal Saloon, Fifth street, next door Cor to the
Postofflee, Came, oyatem and all the
delimeles of tho season served up at the
shorteat notlee. Prices very reasonable.
Chrletmas Is coming, acid the well
known and enterprising wholesale and
retail grocery and produce firm of J. Bo
lton ,C Brothers, :No. 09 Federal street,
Allegheny, bayou:lade special purclutaes
from leafing eastern houses to supply
their patrons with eboicefresh groceries,
tette, coffees and ixiiiditnents. Give them
a call and inquire their prices.
The Best Place in the city to buy your
hate andmipsi is at the Twin City More
of Snotberaes & Rosa, No. 24 St. Clair
aireoL The Mock embracesall the latest
atyles, acid is offered at prima much
cheaper than those which prevailed be
fore the war. Call In .and inquire the
prices. Special inducements to: the
wholesale buyers,'
Seasonable goods for winter In the way
of flannela, cloths, candineres, plaids,
heavy dress material, country and east
ern blankets, and everything Atonally
kept In a that-clam dry g oods establish
ment, at William Semple s, Nos. 180 and
182 Federal street, Allegheny. Prices to
the wholesale and retail trade as low aa
can be procured elsewhere, and very rea
Buy Your Furs at the popular Twin
City store of Snodgrass i 4. 6 leo. 2.4
St. Clair street. The stock itt large and
admirably assorted; while the prices aro
touch lower than can be found else
where In the city. Dealers who buy to
[tell again will be supplied at very ro
sonablo prices.
Fars, Fara, cheaperat ilenilmes,
10. lan Waal street, than tit any other
hot s° in the oily.
Try a - weal at Hffltsbohner's Cootlnert.
Int Saloon, Fifth street, next dcw, te, the
Postofflee. Game, oysters and all the
aelieaclem tbo season served up.* the
RilOrifdit notice..lArloes very reasonable.
PI'SPAM for *old weather and purchase
a -cult of heave clothing at the popular
emporium' of J. I). Ramaley, lin. gfel
Liberty street. The entire stock
ed. et retell at pricesput* kiWaf tAaq
those prevailing to tkiCII4O/90 ,10 e fi s k 94ll
unuicet i ;
Fatahmild° Shawls. Naga., Sontaga,
tiatale, and a oomploto tmortment of
raider dry maxis, at William Semplo'N
Nos.. Ma and lett Federal etreot, Alpha
ny. Prima very renaonable;
A Large Pluk or Wool (tomb just ro
eett:pllaUd otthred at low priees,,at Wm.
Semple's wholesale and retail dry goods
store, Nos. ISO and 182 Pedant 11t;444,
Allegheny. •
Country" IlleMaie or the very heat
quality, at very ramonable prices, at the
viliultliale and retail dry goods house. et
William Semple, Nos. ISO nod Astred
• al ritreot,'Alleghetx,
Call and e.volklgq. laiTgo stook ct
Ladles' (Or atls.'in. Fleming's, ;So. #d
Wood Otto%
vol. wit and roro holidayo presents at
wvatly toduced prices, go to Relnoman,
Btop:ni.ct Soldlo'n, No. I.V Fifth streyt,
Email° Me pool% mad others,
among the luagkeo collodion at, P -
Great flush for Ladles' furs at William
Ftemlng's,-No. 1&O. Wood street,
B 4 .loeh.—for the Aistori nig4ta—leave
ordure at Tuock`a.
aptt Gold Pena—at rittc4',
p4rle . s-1868--at
I NCV kittOCki,
91me Vlpvia—at
furs—Banal. of
French Coney sets for $5
Water Mink seta for $7,
American Fitch nets for
— Siberian' Squirrel.seta $1
Siberian Squirrel sets Si
Siberian Squirrel sets Si
Siberian Squirrel sots ,
Siberian Squirrel sets r
Siberian Squirrel nets KO,
Children's eels for $5, w. I
.Children's sots for $4.50
Black. Coney Mull for •
Black Coney Muff for S 3
Hudson Bay Mink Ber
for SO3, worth $BO.
Hudson Bay Mink Ber
for 873, worth Vie.
Hudson Bay Mink Be
for $9O, worth $l2O.
Two Striped Mink Muff
TwaStriped Mink Muff .
Two Striped Mink Muff
.Two Striped Blink Muff .
Hudson Bay Wolf Robes
Prairie Wolf Robes $2B,
Buffalo Robes, $9, wo r th
c Buffalo Robes, lined, $lB,
Ladies Hoods,f piurmm,
I worth $7
E 10. worth 815
1, orth $l4.
, worth $lB.
Iwr " o o gt: :
worth $3O.
Worth $3B.
rth $lO.
world $6.
1, worth $3.
150 worth $4.50.
*as and Muir
has and Mitff
18, worth M
1, worth $2l
, 'l, worth PO
, orth S.lO
worth $lO.
Ladlei Hoods, fur trimmed. l t , worth
Full lituiof Hate mulCup3.l
lifAms 4C Co.,
O. 261 Liberty street, opposito Hah
'1 Ivan
The Best and original Tonic of Iron,
Call Phosphorus, and Call ye, known es
Caswell, Mack & Co.'s erro rhosphora
tad Elixir of Callsaya k. -The Iron
restores color to the bl , the PM:epito
me renews waste of. t o nerve Unite,
and the Gallows gives natural health
ful tone to the digestive organs, thereby
curing dyspepsia in i various forms
Wakefulness, General Illty, and IN;
presslon of Spirit.. IS nuactured only
by Caswell, Hazard .k. Co., New York.
Sold by all druggists. , snwl,
For ; the nollds.m—lfesers. Vlnty ,h
Brothers, proprietori of the old estab
lished end favorably known steam crack
er bakery, Nos. and 31 Irwin street,
have in store a very large stock of their
very, superior crackers, biscuits, &c., &e.
Special inducements in prices are offered
to the wholesale and retail trade. Orders
by mail are faithfully attended to, at
shipmants made to all points. Packages
are delivered, free of char any place
within the neighborhood o Pittsburgh.
Try i meal at Holtzheimer'e Continen
tal Silk:101; Fifth street,next door to the
Poetoillee. Game, oysters and all the del
icacies of the salmon served an at the
shortest notice. Prices vary reasonable.
Everybody nowknows that Snodgrass
& Ross, 10. 24 St. Clair street, keep con
■tantly on hand the finest assortment of
men, boys end women, misses - and chll
dren's shoes, to-be . found west of the
mountains, end will sell at the cheapest
prices. Their soodsaronot purchased at
auctions, but from reliable Manufactur
-411, and will prove desirable and com
fortable. Now goods are being constant
ly. received.. Special inducements to the
wholesale trade.
- At tne ola established and ever Toon
ler cracker bakery of Wray d. Brothers
Noe, 29 and 31 Irwin troet, will be foun
an im m ense stock of. ater, sugar, butter
arid cream crack biscuits, ginger
snaps,- Am., which ar h and - superior
and offered to the wholesale and 1 etall
trade at very reasonable prices. Give
them a mil and be convinced of the sil.
periority of their crackers.
Ladle.. Furs, muffs, collars, victo
rine; cuffs and capes, men and boys'
bate and caps, boots, shoes and gaiters.
traveling bags, satchels and trunks, and
umbrellas, at wholesale and retail, at the
popular Twin City store, Of Snodgrass dc
, lloss, No 24 St. Clair street. Prices very
reasonable.. Orders by mall from whole
sale or retail customers promptly at
tended to.
'try. meal at lloltsheimer's Continen
tal Saloon, Filth street, neat door to the
Postoffigs. Game, oysters and all the
delicacies of the season nerved up at the
abuttals', notice. Prim, very reasonable.
Day Year Hats and Caps at J. D. lla
mallav's emporium, No, 13;4 Liberty
mew— b7 -,, *
doing, se tho prices have boon specially
reduced to suit the tightness. of the times.
All tho latest styles will , be found for:
men and boys' wear. Call In and see for
yourselves, as there to no charge tor
showing goods.
At J. D. liamaley , a clothing house, No.
=1 Liberty. street, will be found an im
mense stock of men and boys clothing,
made specially to his order to supplythe
retail trade of this neighborhood. The
pods are equal to the finest custom work
in point of (mitten, neatness and work
manship. Prices aromuch cheaper than
eastern ratem rates. , •
At Moorhead's diahlonahle retail trim
ming More, St Market street, will b
found, at greatly reduced rates, a superb
selection or elegantly wrought elipper
patterns on canvas, clpth and velvet.
Ladies desiring to maketheir gentlemen
friendp holiday presents can make no
wiser selection.
/twill PO Pittsburgh ladies to crews
the bridge and purchase their supplies
of groceries, teas and produce at J. Bo
hen & Brothers, No. 60 Federal street,
Allegheny city The stock Is fresh, pure
and good, and s offered either at whole
sale or retail rates at very - reasonable
Bargains in Ladies' Fum at William
Fleming* 'No. 139 Wood streeL tf
At Iloorhesd's fashionable retail trim
ming store, 81 Market street, gentle
men will had at grmtly reduced prices
a splendid stock of gloves, 'Mien'', sus
penders, dress and overcoats, traveling
shirts, linen and paper collars and. cuffs,
neckties, scarfs, cuff buttons, and a gen
eral assortment of gent!s furnishing
goods. where else lit the city is
a better assortment offered at ea /ow
Drys Goods at Wholesale—We in
vite the partleular attontlon of buyers at
wholesale to oar completo stook of Oka,
dress gooda, and all kinds of fancy and
46 P 10 goodk and to the foot, that we sell
at the lowest eastern prices, and cut
good. to cult purchasers.
J. W. HAZE= dt Co.
• . . 60 Market atdat.
Try a meal at lioltzheltneesContincm
tal Saloon, Fifth street, next door to the
Postonloo. Qame, oysters and all the
delicacies, of tie season served up at the
sttorteatnotlee. Prioes very reascembit,
Elegmitld Watches' Ibr ladlea and
gentlemen, sliver watch.., foroign and
Amonmin walohee, and a fall lino of
fashielmlalo jewelry, el , mks and °ma
moU4, at greatly induced rates, at the
Will-known Jorielry establishment of
nobleman, Murals .0. Seidl; 20
Fifth street. • .
geea Gook...TIM boots, shoes,
g.alters, ac._x men, ladles amichildreu,
kept st 69 Market street, are made of
the very best material, and sold as low
as the lowest. All goods are warranted
to give satisfaction. If you mint scone.
thing good, eta at gold prime, call at
Robb's Shoe Room. Se market street. _
Call and Mauna the largo and nom-
Ante atntot of Fun, at William
leaking* No, 189 Wood street.
AI lilleselvsalt, 81 Market strefe.hulieil
will find f. magnifleent display of cm
broldbeies, netv atylo ribbons, lace good*,
*velvet hats, and trimming goods In end-
Jots variety. 'Pia goods have bevel re
duced to Woes, smell profits and- quick
sales being the motto of the house,
Prepare. for the torilday• and lay In
your fatally supOy of groceriee end pro
duce, whlcb cati" be obtained at the most
reasonable prices at the wholomdo and
retail grocery establlahment of .1. Koben
Brothers, No. 69 Federal street, Alle
At 24Q1104.01friehlonable retail trim
ming end notion house, No. et Market
street, will be founds voj elegant seise.
line of rich lace goads, • imitable for
Christmas pfesnuts. • Ttie prices are
greatls ;ethical..
?so makes. pure teas grocer
ies and pnuittco of ell kinds, at - lowest
prices, et the extenstrowholesale and re
tell grocery culahlishment or Kohen
th Bros., ;ale.WFederal street, Allettbs,
The Best Pieces in am etty to buy
your clothing and hale and - raps aro at
the stores or J. A Ramaiey, Roe 2R,
334 and =Liberty street. Th e stuck is
Ivo itnd the prices very intittclag.
WraPanrethem. Nal. 2a and.3l Irwin
street, marmfactarie the very! bestomet
ors, bleeteta epd ather. =KM la be
Maud in the market. — Melr prkes are
Wry. reasonable. .
" nt aewell 7l. asimi tic maw th e
holidays, al greedy need mtes,, at
Holmium:a 2deynen Seldle's, 2g0,..
A.ugwo--44 Ritwalg's,
A lane contittlior FORTY CUs.
WENS of istanattlap stadia; stsibr. InNtOue
les4lng Edltortsb .at Nees try Teleernieat'
Melt, valsible ./latter fir the TOM.,
and fullest and mon rollahla flea >MO and tarn
teetotal Market Reports pleas ht . it? Pmt s
the city. So Farmer. Mech.!: a: Disrobes
shonln las without it.
trews FOR Trut Distetr n azlrrna. :
SSW. Soburtber... .....
Mobs of 11ea.....
Chats of Ten ......... «...««....«..«.. 2.11.•
—And one copy of paper to the pOretelletibill
DDSs club Additions tooled, ens M miSbest
st doh rates.
Norma to licascluzzas. — la Mae"( 700
SWAT. be rare and epeelfy wkat auus ros
ant. u we Una • Wedenday
mites, Wink bat ono auk 0 week.
kir blow by Dean, Exerab. M. 50 a i.6
or In Reestexed Letiors, my be MIS al sad*.
~rmserireati. lid
NEGLEY.-4)n the 4lh of Deresalmr-s_ MIL et
) 0 4 )2Mork r. DANIEL EILULITI L 1 "
rimy -math ear of Ins aga.
The funeral will take Mate tram Ell 1/04 Md.
deuce. near East Elberty. KaTtattcar., the DA
lust, at one /leloek 2. at. Carriages hill llat
ralrroan • SorsaultS. cora.. of eraventla hale
houltatleld etre., at It oleloek SL
SANIN AND E SillUNtft, No. YWs it.
Allegliant, and To. NV Diamond MU". 02
John Wllson d 8r05.,) keep always on basd the
best Ideal, IRCHCI•00.1. F 1111110 t and Italtlddeis
Rusewoal Codas. Walnut Comm INNS SI W..
wards. Rosewood Collins= upwards; lid Oder
Codas la proportlan. Carriages non Eltadata
tarnished .t low rates. Craps, Mono. figs
and Engraving famished grotto. MOO Rd. fir
and night. •
.as and Muff
No. Poarth gime, .Ptuisargb:
COPTIfis, or all kinds: en APIS, (ILOYMit
even deseelpttaii of Futiaral laratahlag YMY
Erioats opextdar mad stlight. awns
and Carriages furnished.
arsomacsa—se., Dail4 Karr, U. a.IM4
M. W. Jacobus, M. D., llamas Marla(, 11.1104
Jacob IL Ernie, Ea 4.
orth t , 2"2.
, V., worth
• liErt AND EMBALMER. (sneotomaiir golLo
late bionuel SJ Itudgafa..) No. 7 Oblo tlttoala
three doges from Dearer. Allognang IMP
lallie.-Idosire , rod. Mahogany. Walnut non NAP.
good Indtation_Daillon at the lowed Moon
;Incas. }looms open at all hour', day and MEd.
Rears* and Carriages furnished on snore notrm
LO t on most reuonahle terms. ,
ED". AR vs.
DzaTeisze. ONlee. No. 2N Obis ISMIb,
'Allegheny. lletallle. lloseireal SSA ISSAgeteNs
ens. with...complete Mack of foam! Fandligrt
lloods. on band and Punished at sthertsseadielle
at lowest prices. WS and Livery
nes of Pint sad lUddle iitzeste.
Bsronchcs, Buggies. 'Saddle None; 17;7=
for blre. ' • .
WANTE 11)—lbANVAIS*Zikir
.••2LIZ DOTS IN SLUE ' ' , INS the
day.. Waste to want eV salve Agestsla SWOT
towlohlp, for the &Leda work. Seed CorelssalNS,
dub roll deserlpllos. Address A. uruurox
& CO., CD Nartet itreet. Plodbergb.
ItzVocvms.—pdiaiis AM Spew
oar =es or Carbine*: tideo ...II t alma
Rides or Carbines; :o W Mull fat OsolVe tzar •
or Navd . Resole. n. Crab paid AM egyry IS.
scripUon or dreonas. remae hart*/ nq as
above arms eon send them be Express a... 41.
JolINdiON, Ursa% Western Geo Wollio,
a:si remains.. e. cornea Wayne. tletabootOs
FOR RENT—Warehouse lko.
Immediate], .
TO LET—Four small madam*.
**, venOst HOUSES, to the Homo& e
',uterine, two of whiste hare four mete. lam
quire or D. S. HATCH,. corner or Boron!' aidl
Washington latest. LaerressortUe.
.14ENT—A inzail Frame
noose, with Fifteen Acrea of Lead, *a Ida
line of the Perry"'Replant road. one sane deem
the line of said city. The house Is sow sad Oi
land good for gardening•parposet. l'agnize se
RAMSEY a HALL. Real Estate Aireais. X. el
Beaver street. or DU. TIIEULORS SIMPIIOII.
Sew Ilrlgitton, Bearer county, Po.
'" rooms non emu pled* the Secretary of Ye
Union Reitrind and Transportation Clamp
N0..3 PIM street. *cc O. lieCtialook &Ph.
Carpet Mee. - These roam. are very !.Sable
her *feces, being located In the manna Wish.
Dean and /PIM street. now being laid Wan
the fileolson pavement, retried* Uwe IMO
from *lse, etc. Front room mutat* lainelleen.
proof 'melt, ' Pontemlon can be had on Inelln
proxima Inquire of ULIVNU XeCELINTOCIIIe
CO., in Fifth street.
' M
FOR Seit.F.I—TIOTEL —A A it}.
duo Country hotel dilay a raid Westin.;
with Rued 1. W. at., will baiold wilts "Moe
furniture and starer. For pantealan lapetus
or C01..]. D. EGAN, t!,lsth Met. ...or ISM.
Fon SALE-820 A.ll:6am nolo.
VARYING LAND, In Imo. Tenn gam
Good WI. Taxes all
,paid. WW trado WWI*
9AVttt7• for partlenlarz taqUes di 'D. it..
LOTS IN' EELLPIELD, neap Oakland La.
ttou. two *game from the horse ear Pack. Lib
lot etado. beautlfblly situated, and will be Ma
cheap. Enquire or WILLIAM 'HOLM PO
Liberty Byer,. •
R E--II 0 R ES
HOWARD'S Llxery and Sala Mall% dies
gni rAMILT HORSE 04111,00** Dania
URET 110BSES, cula LARUE DlACillet
110E8Z: three ItLACE YAlt29t t. GUM
ILLIML FIRST 82111 M, near-tbio MnifYi,••
hi ad toll on coma/Ulna.
BALE.—llouse and List ana
corner of Manhattan 1.14 eating' *MI;
now Passenger lialleirr. Lot 411 01 LC list.
House frame, contal6lo( 7 evens Rad soma Mir
well Improved. noose and Lot on t t 4, RUA
311deie11 street. Allesheor Mr. Lott 117 le"
feet; him. Irmo. rental, hall, ere nor ad
good cellar: water and gas. A 1.., ••••,11111111114.
[lanais and Lola In Racal location, Inaleiza el a.
SIIgII ig CO.. 8 treat, near Plelaeate .
poi's sit. r—seAuraisma
1.01 4 3.—We now otter oe eadNlyls whir
terms s new plop of lento end dealrellon lotkliew
log part of thit enfeeble ptoperty beiellnießlc
the heirs of L. C.l. Noble, situate at apple
end of Sb.P.Oori. end near UoTaata Ilenthaeh OR
the Mut Penn► Railroad. A porliow VMS
lots front Aka railroad on the ve.l.. um. Ids
.10001 on the SCUM The lota ars 10 by ICORNin.
with wide !meets Mahn, through the manta
property. The Noll :or gardening pontoon, Mine
not be emetjled. cad for benety or location ainli
acme Wee oo <goal. Yor dew:101,o ;la WI
farther Information call at SILL a 8L1V727/14
Lre, Real bitato Awns, natter amt. UM.
. •
We Inge Jest retched another tonal tbanligle
ebrated Watches. They •re tindealtsdlig
FINEST god HEST tor the price ever Womb&
this market. being Jeweled with CIUMOLMt,
Zepaed Itstaipensents with ' , ,
wbolesaleamt Retail Amts.
rIPIE 813186 T.
Merchant Tailor,
co:. Petua:and St. Clair 134111
SitICAKFAIIT 7 to 19 .i.N. _
DINNIIII—Ity , o 2. , 4 t. X.
91/PrER-.1 to t r. N. . .
toontOr from 7•. y, to 7
tifo. 64 Fwarth Street,
OM le am sensed VeleaeMet
Melees& d Wllsews'
Le►taee, ea riblblusa OMNI
ter le by W. 111112211 Z d .
co.. 27 Wiled leireet. •
H. SMITH, Merchant Taß3r,'
liNk IS "ilia SZI tomer orressesi
L nom retching his mecond segqgy of
canentitaze. IrrlMingl y
Asel 0•101 00