The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, December 06, 1867, Image 4

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NDIT33 A SllBAli.
Dinlrlcs atirt—Jadg. Nam Pion
Terumenar;Dee..s.-7r..ourt met at the
usitat hour. • "
Dart& Iluirlimme et as. re. Thomas
- Thorreosou: Veollet in furor of Mabatilfs
liichani ve Lzc. ,Nitinongahola
Irnlioy Rotrball' Connomv. Verdun in
favor oriontinnir for $4 $J
Trustee. of Sprlck.idolo Btetbodist
- I.lpb,nopui 01 lir Oh Vt. Jlun Hunter Sr.,
aL ,Ork trial.
rollovria4 Lento trial last for this day:
IOL Samucl Cirtratli re. John Callen
dr co.
139, J. ICChetly vs. N. J. Higley.
134 nm , . Gmlna. Vo. li. J. Bigloy.
124 lleery Dawns vs. the
133. allabael Bradley Va. name.
134. p.:Gilet.ts vs. Jades. Oil Co.
186. ludx , rt. li. bb tor use vs. G. W.
CoMii, el aL
137. Tu./Loy Davage" vs. Win. I.
p.rt orQuar . car 'mantissas.
TirI7II2IDAX, ii.--Cotirt met et the
tb. -mta hour, Judge Sterrett on tile,
♦:rznaeo'RBTLL Lutz'. CABE.
of the Commonwealth vs.
indicted fur libel, D •
~0 1 0,st i tinriwecutur, witliih was on trial
a n djuarit meat r•eterdtty, was resumed
• this Moronic. 'ihe tune of the Court
up, to chiven o'cluok in
--taking testitir.ny, alter 'which the caste
i n n argued tty St. zhint•tswelder,
for the 11‘.t,ttd.ut:„ Cull by R. klidttle
B a b.,La. L,1.; .0 tLe ! , ot,tosition, The
Court in:chat4o
g the jury defined 'the
lair of libel. and ate tett that the defoid,
ant harlot; 1,, ,y 11ia natneel admitted the
w hif fl e , tom • imlilicuttec, it only re
ia: the 'cry to tied whether the
m ainn•pubinshi sal dchonatory or ma-
Ilcions, end ren ler their verdict accord
ingly. She jury retired at twelve o'clock
sp,amd teturue at hair-part one with
n,terdict of g illy, and recommend
ingtho prisosier . the clemency of tho
Der, iliur et Attorney, annonneed
• to the Court that he w••uld and( tip , the
defendants in the whole curies of litre(
fb which verdicts of guilty 'had
been rendered, `or ieuin. nee ou Saturday.
. matirrAtnino A NUISAXCE.
Tho ease 'of the fknuutoiiwealill
Plitshm-gb, Allegheny. A _Blanchester
Peasenger Railway Company, Irtdicted
i -' for 'nunntaining. n ino,nce, won next
' taken up. le in alleged by the'Comroci
, wealth'llint the track of said railway
O ° l P-P.cti' on the Maneheder plank mail ,
_ • ' ben settled it ema.olerible distence be
. low the nuance, which renders It Impure
irslfie for Wagons and other vehicles.
manpn . y• bad bean. notified of
the fact but refused to repair it. It ap
peurad, from tlio,t,tlMooy, that the dtr
lticulty wie, run-.d hp that portion of the
nand Used no not I,w :on st a y having been
them 'than n+ tunas libed up unlit It had
bean rained several men,. ab o v e Ala aria
. • Lull aurlare , 11211 Ivavaar, the rAillVrty
tracklower than the romo:lider of the
road: The Court vime,bbd that nukes the
railway couioany •1.111:, I some
intatino eta fluent pecumiting theni to
maintain 1.1,n).).1 to It, pre.ent.condi
thirty and the toil' fotitai Hint it Was in
each a condittoa u.s to ohdruct public
tnteel, they were - liable to conviction
=teethe tudielluent. Verdict guilty.
_mini-rr ev,run Pnena. g
the twos of tbo Contruouteealth
Anne - Donuldson tut( Robart Roberta,
surety of tholwaeo, Francis Megprenz,
pmeoutor, too Court ordered tbitr.thb
derendents tbo
The cue of the Commonwealth •iira.
, Ws.hington. Into Pak, or the Regular
chttren on Grant street, chariot
With the larceny of s receipt for $lO7, on
oriel - or T. :I." 'lrue .taken np:
Mr. Washington, it appear., neon
till a hoary - b elonging Mr.
. and settling with Bel}
for e rent is alics.p.,lto, haie atolen the
receipt.' Washington ens to pay 2150
rent tor the house, dna claimed that Bell
was to deduct Slot) for inconveniences
'udder, which hu nail been placed while
the /ionise was being repaired. Retire
refused to make the reduction, and while
• out of the mom, Washington, he alleges,
took thereeeipt. The private prosecutor,
.11r. Bell, erns caned .0 the stand, and bqp
the graphic limaner in which he gave hi.
testimony aGenhal cons:dor:o,le 11.011.4k
neat to alt iu the lour: room,. The
counsel far the prosecution endeavored
'to cheek the wituves, rasa confine hint to
statement vif facts pertinent to the case,
bat faileal, and an a consequence 'were
'soolopellEd to anew him to tell his story
In Ina own way. The awe mrse is trhtl
When Court adjourned.
Catismon Flue—Jringto
ThfiminAY, Doe. s.—Court net:unto
'usual hour. • '
The ease of Dilworth va. Bunn,
.port tat on trial Wednesday, was
,csacl'a , :
dad, the fory tindrog far the plaint&
in the snot ~f V 337,13.
The neicl enee tak a \ ttathat el .
Jima. itleitnn.d.l .'liobrie! &Sone:
TW A ens .sta net ti,l2 t, re , arere7,ouo. The
plaintid•tbed do,o,hed Ntl,ooo in gold'
with the ttet,ndaa &leered teat no.
the 12:11 of Ne ., Bele, •he gave a
itTnv.m , :v7,==int:git
Of that month, 1-,t in the meantime - the
premium no gold had declined," and the
action le lirmt,,lit to r• ',vet' the differ
ence. Itetweett the atnomit received ' a nd
that which woned have anaued- it the
sale' hall been Mate on: the day -hem:.
flea. itlne drtcrccsct np was that there
was no peremptore• order made; and that
the time of the tetle eras left to Ituil
critlon of .Air.tiloltnes. On trial. • •••
Fol batting is the trial List far this day:
SO. (Ilay.) - Grecurrahl& Maui . ve Bar-
24- Lynch vs. Tlrmlio. - -
Itobiromn ;NlyOtt'.
Zr. 801 l A: Cavanaugh. rm..llyerri..
2S. Addy, IVlllianns -Bartley. •vm.
Schollr Dunn &
30. Fields rm. Frarier 8 Bro. -
1S1: 31 cgtiode7. , l - fchelhon et. aL
tts. -.41t1i •
Pitudbangla retro:cum Asawastlea.
A !sleeting rirth. Pittsburgh Petroleum
Association was Lehi yesterday et three .
- o'clock, p. m. in room No, DalulTs
building, corner of Duque:aro Way and.
Lwin street, 31r. Burke in the Chair,
Tifelninutta of tiro previous meeting
Were read and ttpotorrsi. • •
Mr. Long nutted that before proceeding
-10 the regular buline, of the muting,
Mr. Muspity, Agent for ilia juktinkt: Fire
Extinguisher, 'WAS prtawnt and destriat
to protoikt Lis instruntint to the noticaor.
all mon. ••
Mr. Murphy raid be did not derma to
male. a •pect!J,lllat. he had his inatia.
meat with him. tied lie desired ,base
present to eXatuino it; that no far es
• practical working, were eaneellletly Mr.
tang, who trots preacat, could perhaps
epealtarith morn correctness Oran him?
-11.r...WIf.e.I.rabg 1 - yowl:mended the affair.
oriug . that vote• returnem ovedd to Mr..T.furphe, .ired
that eller the hording the menAers of
the derocles inn give the metier euel:
tentloa.aelt demanded. Thti motlee
Mr. Lockhart, chairman 'of theZam-
D uae app2inte•l t‘, visit Washington,
0, relative to the reotlations et, the
- ROTIOUS d/Oirtriot,tare,randing Oil was
called upon to report: L: said that
be luid not Visited W,ohingtOn with that
Committee, hot that tic, other Mei:ODOM,
of the Co:umitte, had I:erformed the
duties for which thaT fool I),,eu appoint-•
od, and being -, resat could perhaps
nuke a sath,factory r4pert.
itt % Logo., of Lho 'oloiolittoo, reported,
,that Lhoy had ne ,, n do Cow inbodoner of
Revenue, 0.0 had 14 to:Oeetkal, in ruccona,"
pits/zing titeir jolliroe, will, 14446 the
Asassclation t' atoillar,
On tuut..luu of lir. 'slug the Committee"
Wri con t rnued, as aaialso the Committee
en Gemanur.
On motion of Mr: Kirk a vote of thanks
was returned. to the above Committees
for the manner In which they had die.
charged their dm _
Tim Comuilimo r , u AV"einhte and Me as.
arm prenented it report far theaig.aatianes'
of the ...k.seociatiom recommending tbe
adoption -sr mmatrenient by weight hi.
p resented to Congas.. -
Major Frew moved that thla Alameda
eon adopt I.lllprhaeiple of meesureutent anti
.• .
irk thought the principle a good,
me,. but feared Loaf it would lead -to
some eomittelrin, an they would hereto'
sell by eveit;ht. .I.ln thorght It bast for
Aseocla den to eall'afx.tventlom of all the
retinere in Ma United t ioke for tpe put ,
pose of Mainz )..e.le of memeurtment,
and Mr the ku - rJ[ll,o.•.:t of raliollll Oth
sr matter.' rel., tu the trade.• f
Mr. t ,!..t I ..oannlttee
Mere the proper. t.,reate Im arratige'the
matter ml rr ., 4l“!t, is they Irere the
*gay IWP4 , / ti9 ntalie house v. ho had toads
. .
Mr. AVaring Item:eta tho hle.. of call
' ins .or Ireiners
good ono ain.l hop.,iftuur woold
pot Ina 'rental he to tae el:we of I, 1 21106011
ut . be pmtented for the action of tluit Ceti-
Tendon. .
Major' Fro. I,.‘id grit tlo•
rnessureterut be eyri;eta wernot•
..idous 000.. thorn 01. on noccealty for
av,y cantedon; that nit ceames toadn
'by th., '
Fla LIVII perlectly j
that it folly ntvesmary to
And the We gra of °run, and
their the of balloon could be
Ailed by weight-
After tome surth,r rchlarl:23 the reee
ltdod rens
2dr. 7-Ong, :i...e.,01arv, a gorn
-21:11.11:11Cutiola Jams th titYttr.i.fll-r . or
Petroleum ..t.e..:.:64.1.41 • of Vensteo,
and AVaireli cou cnolosh4 t - th e f t : 4 _
/ownhc..-rcoO/Upen ,, whiell had been Mop. ,
tad by that ' 4 l3elociation.
Revolved, That u Committee of Three
be appointed to confer vitu." other
nem Associations, and those interested
the repeal ur martial repeal of the present
tax on relined nit.
Mr. Waring moved that the commu
nication beavoeived. Adopted.
Mr. Kirk moved that. the Secretary be
directed to address the Secretary of the
Asanciatipu.Sendintho communication,
andinform-him that this tiost
sat/stied with the preeent Mx Aesto
on cia nil. was
Ma). Frowatidthet he scold not vote
on the motion a. Wax staterl; that lie
did not think we. were. all eatistial with
the present tax.
Mr. Kirk said that ho only made the
motion to put au 'cad to a quirtstien which
could result in no amid. Ile thought the
petrideum interest could easily bearthe
tax, and he thought they - al:multi be'/ens
lied with the present tax. - -
After some further 'discussion a vote
was taken -on the motion - of 31.4.R.tq1,
which was lost.
Mr. Forayth mated that a committee
of three ho appointed by the Chair in ac
cordance Stith, t.he reselution received, to
attend the Convention at Cleveland to be
held Bee. - . lB th;t:rreprosent the petrole
um interest.
'' Mr: Froti-hbjected to the Mellen.' lie
hoped that a reduction of the tax would
net be asked toe;
Mr. Kirk moved to lay on the table.
The motion one lost. -
A vote was then taken For
aythe's motittit which was ad o pted , and
the following - gentlemen appointed on
the Committee: Menem. Forsyth; Frew
and Waring..
Maj. Fr...rand Mr. lyaring positively
declined .iterving -on the Committee,
when Messrs. Musgrave and Barber
were substituted.
I. .11x. McElwain moved that the Com
mittee appointed to 'attend the Cleveland
Conieution be instructed to advocate the
repeal of the present tax on refined oil.
Mr. Waring objected to the motion.
Mr. Kirk thought the Association
sherd,' not interfere in the matter; that
the Government must have the satney,
and that if it
,was not paid on oil itwouid
Lave to bo 'pkid on namething else.'
The motion was lest by a rh...videdtote.
Mr. Barber moved that the Com-Mateo
be discharged. Adopted.
Mr.; Boeteor movedEhat oil salts, of oil
made' after the (fist of January next 1.0
at lifmen . days oftimand live days no-
Mr. IVatrittg Morita .13111 atnendtiwat
that the whole contract system . 14 refer
red ten committee of live, to nuort at
an adjourned meeting to, be held next
Alter eoratklerable dismsslaa. the. too',
Lion wax adopted, and the foltesiuggen-
Iletueu appointed: -- Mevers. - Worms!,
K Irk. toddler:. Longnudldusgruv.c.
Mr. Kirk •attbrnlitt.d a resolution teo. !
.erumending ' the .. calling. - Of - a Bittionni
COUVetitioo, which woe referred toe rout-
0.1 , :1; adjoura • i
'Amount at rastaa In Ike; Trenanry.
• 604.4 0 311121T—T10• A B a for Moo Moo..
.rt, or* 61114 Closlnn—The mate ar. , . IA I /11nwtey. A of
A meeting of Allegheny County
isoldiers' Montunental Association \vas
held yesterday iu the City
Building; in the - Diamond. The meeting
cane to order et three o'clock, by - inning
General A. is reaoson to the <Moir, and
ltPpointing Captain W. B. Cook asSecre.
!tendril in the sum
nt $120:1, OrlaCeOunt of Pleture Gallery
at the 'Fair, Whicitwas net centaltscd in
the Itnal report.
On rTaistloa, Captafir W. p. Ccok was
added to the C.octunittee to 4carto charter
4 Incorixtristlion:
Mr:'Tanies Park,"Jr. „ ,
Chaliman of the
Copia:dna', on Location "and-Design of
fling all the bills, he aided a meeting
the oomthitted,to *chick he-hiadis. hi.
t o
of the eonditletuot .tbe Fund.
A committee was aptibinted to mdevt the
tunthi of the /Lssocuttiou, arid, to draft a
ehartor. -The - eemniitteo appiiitited to
invest the funds performed their duty co
set ftirthlti . the Triralitirer - ..RePort, but
all yet no report iaasheen received frem
the committees appointed to draft the
- -
Sir. :Park, 'rremaurar of tho Aasoci,
tion, to obedience to areselutroit adopted
.at the last meeting, submitted the 101-
intei - report of Lho receipts of the differ
ent bootha In tho late Fair and of private
contritmttons, and .13.9) of expenditures.
JoIEGS TL11.511111, IlACOnll7,li
Wlll TAM ALL.Stlli 0001111TT SOLZILILIS'
TlCkot, ••
Uhl Water lima
Mtn ts. Pressley's Donut
a t alrati.4 F., Churn
lairrenceiltla itnot.h„.. -. ... did SA
First i t reahytortarilTheach Bonqt.. 473 h 5
Third Preitty tartan Church P. - .a.: LA
Christi,. Y. F.. Chant 7.11 tl
n"-itißaatt•llTarGetn;'l9-ntirliti. 671 19
airs. Fearlan's3osk.' ' Gil 29
Manonegtsr_ Booth- • ' hl4 73
igra. Merman & Sauffer'slikkith. - 113 CO
Tologragth BOoth •
.• " 23.43
Trlsoikerta Clivt• to
Bfortill2taseh . 314 ,
Shady Side Booth
Blath Ward Booth 4971rit;
Bluth ward.-Fart, MOO= •
&Co.'s.r.mnioyesa 37tH os—vm; oo
t /92 31
Commander,. CiAw....„.
figures. Oftirect..: .. .. ...... .... 142
...... . . ... ... . . 243
Ose Carriage 0.023 11
SOldiarst Home BOOtti, tro
..... 73
CnriosltylShort....... • " , 131 07
-Badges and Assistomta , _Tjeke:a.... 703 to
holdnint Stitolh ' 42 ti 3
Bias Ball Match— .... 71 n
Finite Button! • 11l as
fllghth Ward Collection . a fis
saWalateace Lem:allies 2.212.27
C 7 to. a- L. Fettrann.gaerstary gar,
annul Fund MO 70
Cetleetton Fourth Ward.Etituaurgh
IliJaa.Varnar asd./.11.191411 0 ne.t. oat
D. O.
- ..... ' 12 to
Conductor, and Brakeamen ienr
canla Itscroad by D. Ft. Watt 7 2 7 20
Pr " • '
roe n. toncwrr iz
ger. au: t raathry... ... ... . • Di sa
51 CO •
Coileetiona irm.btestart... - - - . - ..• • ~. I, l tl
Beonomt- soeley
mlp , Je.nie Watt.l.'oMß on seines
i&n.thorneLtbrary :41
000,. John Watt, pate of b00k,3 of
Art Gallery. per Gen. Foamier .
I:, en
ie •
o ftlance " •
DerrnatLed In Beam far • '•
l 00
o ° as' lt.. , tiolmen.-"
A Sons
4.14,653 ei
Total steenmel _ 2./a5 4.1
Net recettne • 2,5,ct..147
he undereigned, atalltrira 'appointee
by - The Cduotatee to at lect a mite and
superintend : the ericSon or the Seidler.'
3 , l , idusocrit,"•yrith" illstruCiioUn to oxen:l
-n:l.4th, “taventof SjUlaei Porle,Jr., Trot t weir of .. ""Tittrlludies' Allegheny County
.Solpiersi Menureente.l Ameoe;atton," re.
ainctfully report. that they have cornpn,
he accutnlianying Youchera with the
snti - les cumr.o.tittirtue ac,-..43nt, and lind :
Udetn correct: . -•" $t to. JaX.Nnte%
•'• • •
•rfir; motion tht report era, aarepted
tin ,1 ordered to be publlehe,d,.. end to tote
.or . tunael td-51c, rarir, for bie
ituinuno to the Ameelition.
• .
On motion, alliommittee, consist:lnk of
General A. 1.. Peariton; Captain B. F.
Jennino, And Vopt.ititi 11.: Cook, Wax
appeinted to draft resolution, relative to
the death or, 1131,0 etieral Jtsm,s H. nig
ley; a wencher of ill, kesoeintion, tore
port at the next meeting- -
On motion, a Comotiftee, comNtiott or
Wt. Preatun, Mtn- Watt
soil Gee. Piineirsn; Wee tippolnled Mean
tee witiv thy -et - the Allegheny
Cemetery, rela , ivetoa site in the . Verne
-ten. for the eredtlon" of the monument,
with power tcrreCelre lendere or other
ionatione, und to report the - 62th, to the
A.siabelation at their, g
beat tneutin.
/Pa mottOri, a premium of:one hund
red aenart woe authatiaed, to he otit.r e d
untlil the fat urFebr.tatir; WS,' for. the
ilootign or the. 11ot:emetic- that 'may hi
aiopad by the • Asaboltition. ,The de
signs may f.ti left 'nt the' Millet.* of Janice
- Perk; Jr., Trioi , -,utet, .o.:121) flocond
street, Flaellurglt.
The Aiunelatitin `then adjonnied to
meet In 'the YOULI'• Men's Curl-lion AG
liomatioo ptc,, , Viral itteet, Ott
next Titunoloy nuernonin at half-past
lt.ner raw , . - ,
• ,1 4t M . .. ( -1 1 7 2 70 i, l'reanurer . of Lilo
Yfellbfl'und: for the sufforerl front - he
'situ Pirrerlcritlio7;ii:og-as/.h0611,;;i-
lug s..l,lloonst.4oo,tmlyiiou3r- .
.Int 44 140rIu, Jr °5OOO
Outs:. Church. U.,. Cooo cz ou
Derr Presoyterma Church. Ilan •
9 43
119710ut Ortie9 of Drriicht ..... .—• 25 00
l a w ieucevllin'Prtsbyt'utt Ctoltc7. if 52
112 D'. Tatten,o
-13.192b0,,V2 Tfittfat.l;l•,
Coat C0., - 300 -
145t444D01,091,134 .1.07. , 19D.40924.:.'
Actute Net:l494nd, Flab Ward I'ul2.
lth •
44t9p3oyees or Athu. Work. ......
D. ,•• altoe. .... . . - $4O
T. * A.T.4224,0 tr. no d wsrploymo t o oo
irtryt Dorman I.uko4r9tl4.l4urCh.ol
Jtrr9 Z4l 7 rUC... --- •••••-,-.112.00
Ctzon2 4201ra
r 45
~q 1.445 '427000001 It 52
9csal 140939 AL O. O. 2'. 110. 491,
„ toy J. J. Coll.?. 700)
. = amount previous,y reptittuct. 13,171.52
.7,. ‘ 9 : 141 ..CLAN14: 7 . 07
Trouu,urur ,Itellef Fund.
Arr4tedon B eepkien-001arni Sllens,
lvDr, o o and Gordon yesterday arrested
of his arrest ho was satemptlng• to
sell a cheek tor-444177.3, lo trio Ball's
Head Bank;'New Toni, payalde Z. A. -
.Parrett. ur order, dated 7,\07.• :Pork, Der. o
.Id.; 'Carey rive he round the cheek In a
taieknt book on rho Penrerylvanln Ital/- ' ALI , IlaliPterctizror of
roll between Petra lltatlon and Greene- 11l VG,I7A /,IID DdII.MTIO OSOLIIII,
burn, about halt pa s t eight Ler-Irak iVed- xeo oetnll Ata,r In TOCIOOO.
nesday morning. Tiro pocket book, ho g?l , , &es T 4••
nays, contained ' no. monoy. Carey "'"'",.°.'"'.4:
brother, at 139 Mal Ler - , .L" p
ry alley, In rho Fifth ward. elver 1.1
Tyr .AlAruTr.
A Ccpltal Jetre.--1 Chruntrle imp, 5 • 1 ; u. 2, • •
daki CV , lll77nii to h ornint; AL - a; ar, - ;„,f';,,;,.i,
woaa4y hhohasbten ewtordwOri I.4`VCII !rt. • nPI
times tojo4 fort irtyy thtyis wsch limo; F . ; Li"lit • ~P;
and facetiously remarks that Proton Idle
out bile will hive„ Govornment ' "ithen..cliolew l'utP> 121.. eregar;
Cues net.
semritios to bonat AVe.nao!t, 21410
Wher4. 00,68 51 U /aUS,V.. ..14: 172 sae 174 W. 94 412ect•
The Con - ert Layt lOWSt..
There assembled Last evening one of
the most fashionable audiences we have
ever! isms drawn together, at thef Acids
my of Music, on the occasion on the sec
ond concert of the justly, famous -Men
deiwohn Qu intel.te Club of Boston. The
attendance should hare been much
larger and we can account for the vacant
seals to no better way than believing
that the intellectual and musical commu
nity aro not fully acquainted with the
rareelsaracter of the entertainment of
fered. It must he remembered that
the live gentlemea comprising this
compass- have spent the best yeoni
of their Lives in practising with
each other to concert in order toapproaeh.
perfection. tio eneceseful haVii they been
in their elTorte to this end, that they are
marvelously correct Itf their interpreta
tion of the inspired compositions of the
great masted toasters, and execute With
wonderful exactness and P r ecision •
Thsir quintettes evince combined mum-.
val exetutire abilities which are at the
highest order, and were it not that the
audience couldiee five performers instead
of one, they would incline to the belief
that some wonderful wales possessed
the fseility of playing on a number of
instruments at the sans instant, Co exact,
so perfect and so powerful is their con
cert. Then added to their efforts the
Club in. , accompanied by Miss Addle
Ryan, a sweet songstress, whose clear
I notes ring out naturally and powerfully
to enrapture net audience. To hear
Come old and charming ballad gnah
. and melodionely telling from
. her lips, every note made passing current
'for its full value, and every word die.
!hilly articulated; is enougn attraction
in itself to draw thonnande of
of sweet mush: together. The audience
last night W. highly delighted, and ,the
frequent Lurks of euthuatasru told plain
ly how the musical feast was appreciated
-Ib-night the third and last concert. will
be gig en, anti trust none of our read
ers who have not yet heard the Quintette
Club will fail to be in attendance, Se
cured seats, without extra charge, may
be obtained at .2.1 r. C. C. lfellor's music
spare, No. El-Wood Street.
• The ether %tee.
In Wednesday's paper we noticed a
charge of assault and battery having teen
mane against Mr. Theodore Gray, a con
ductor on the P., Ft. W. d: C. Railroad.
We have since learned further itanicu
lara; 'Which puts an outirell tOrrent
light en the afildr, and fully 171111, ,Mr.
Gray's conduct towards bis pt . .taectitor.
! The latter entered the cars While in
' motion, and seeing a lady and gentle
man 'oil the street who wet e desirous of
getting aboard, deliberately arose from
• his seat and Pollen causing
the engineer to stop the train. The con
ductor • Ara . ssed through the, cars, not to
collect 'tare, but to • see who had stopped
the train and for what reason, when ho
accosted e prostutor, who sta th
ted at
he th
tne e rope, fe•Hug that he
could take that liberty inasmuch as he
owned stock An the matt. AS the Man
was intoxicated, the conductor asked
lilts where lee was going, and hi replied
to tieivickley. The conductor then or-.
dcredltim oil ,. as. the train was under
orders not to stop at that pr any other
way, station this bid* of Rochester. To
:avoid trouble in the case, and as
the lady taken aboard by the self-con
stituted c o nductor wanted to reach
wiokley, -Mr. Gray stopped We train at
that 'station in violation of strict rules to
the cYJnirary. And this was the preiecu
tor.a grievance and basis fora suit of as
ban lt and battery gainst Conductor Gray.
llommopPable !Complied 'Pair
Tho sales at the fair coutinue to be
large. The supply of fancy goods Lo bo-
homia contrii,utlunc several packages
constamtly replenished: Besides the
from Philadelphia and elsewhere, of
benurtfut wig newer*, etc., etc., Werere
calved yesterday. .I'he "Art Gallery,"
exhibited for, the first time -in any coun
try at th is fair, on NV•dtassilay evening,
Las pros eat a IVoIItIPLAII 51101,G121. Ifun
dred. hive visited, laughed, re-visited
and laughed again at the grotesque and
mirth exciting subjects, tout the curious
art by which they are illustrated.
'Ries:ash for the “Art.G.allery” and the
fresh additione to the cariefy of fancy
articles, We predict, will compel the man.
ogees to• extend the exhibition two or
three slays into next week: ft Is note
worthy that the valuable piano andother
en.i.tly articles' to be disposed of by the
wheel of chance, are not impositions on
the confiding, hot will be Co conducted
:bat every person who has paid fir sue
or more chances will be sure of
and good faith in .tin 'result. No hum
bug or triaery, will
„La willpermitted.
.• 5,T0 Si
Jeri liteessi—rota and Dirty.;
A. jury panned 'of the District Court,
Judge Hamilton, in rendering their 'sera
Met in a eits.strled 'yesterdey,. appended
to their finding to the ease enbaeltted •
complatnt that the only room unoom
pied, and Which they were obliged to tier,
had not been 'warmed, and was in a meet
filthy eonditien, and naked the Court to
such•onlor as would prevent the
rneurrmato of sorb culpable negleta.
,thigoilampton thanked the Jury for
his attention to it, and promised
to protect them trout ouch treatment,
We presunie the County Commisaioneri
will be as ready as the Court to promote
the eoinfort of juronsand that they 'will
do their whole duty in thi matter as soon
as apprised of the ditaculty.
'We are informed by reeponaltde par
t:lca that tho ttem pubilebed In Wednes
day's f.tAz.ccre., referring to the negli
gence of the watehman on the Pitts
burghremdStenbenvllle Ttartitied;utiele.
crossing on Eievoud street, :does him in-
Justice Wo do not _know •anything
about itto fists , psisonally, but the infer
inatioruPlia whirirtbeartirinWni bawd
sae con.idered reliable.flowerer, the
person from whom Are obtained it Might
imv• beon mistaken,. and we willingly
make the correetion. Mr. D. Small; the
crsi,hms n, informs us that ho has never
been absent from his past without'leav
ing asampetent man in his place. '
V.. 1
itteent.niarna.—Crowded houses and
delighted audiences greet this great Ms-
sionilt at .11.onie Hall nightly. Last
evening Mr. Lxvltrilrennwin , residing
'on : Sixth Street, dreiY masahritailver
fed pitcher, and Mr. Harry Myers, of
Clinton Rolling Mill, drew a
splendid silver hunting ciao watch and
:Amin.. This evening the principal pre
heat will comas: of a complete silver tea
sett, in 'addition in ninety-nine other
valuable presents. On Saturday next a
Chil'Hatlnco will be given; when every
child will receive a handsome present.
Union SS - siting firntakating
of the season wll done at Union Skating
Park yesterday. - ''The ice wan !sentient
and a large immber of ladles and gen-
Xiamen were An attendance. :Notwith
standing the season Iran opened earlier
than Was ext.:Mod, tiw , acoommodatinisa
at Union Park are all ,that could be cla,
mired, and will donldlemcontinhe so (lit,
ing the acaison. Skating 14 a pleasant ran
well as hirtithy examine, end should
meld with general encouragement. , -
Died atedlumbae. —3lr. Allen C. Day,
a young-Ilan lerznerly- a resident. and
well known eit:zen of TIN city, filed at
Columbum, Ohio, - Sunday, while on hie
way hurtle from Kaninir. ,The - reenaina
have lawn telegrnph,d for, aurtwill be
anal here for LnneL. Niolice of th• fu
neral will be published. _ -
-11orace Greely, having received gill
vial 'noLico..of..his .aptsointatent, -M
-aignrd. tho Austrian
or;etutore era In Washington
city frons:all partici! trio *pixy Wargo.
a reduction of whisky tom to
mute per gallon .• • The 'Way. and 'Means '
Committee is oppoisl. to Inaldn'elny,
--A. marrity of the Indian _ Commie.
sign, valet is to too , erultlo next week, It
is understood are ...Runlet the movement
to transfer the Indian liareau to the Wax
Deportment.. Some of flu nteloberti will
doubtless urge a eeperste hansom.
—A epuelal Cbarleatou, •B.
state. that offleial information from Gee,
. .
Canby's headquartera la to the effect that
onnventloula Stallb Carolina la probs.
Idy d, notwithstanding the apparent
I failure at first indicated. , lixturna trout
the Interairshow that a larger vote ,was
polled to the upper counties than on the
sea eomi. The Convention fa North
Carolina vall probably be fixed far the
early part ofJanitury, and that for Sittith
Carolikia . itehiewhere later In the •413;10
~ ..67;,Atot • tur4c
6TOWL , 6 , ,n7,1_ :in rtimnsl ,yerigaT pt
wnt Qnnittnn,
V . f.7l!>s
- SIAVq.f
4,3'1,, /
r n:;s: Lrrtirp, uesr 17640
cf.: 11:teer.La of • yr:1":1,
,1,44, 4 , y an trat):‘ , l3 111.11. CV:
/ , realnw. Led'
7','.7,.. 3 '.71..`r , gfV15:',1*.
F i ll.. R. Ni--Farrz,
118 Wood Bt,, near corner of Fifth.
Governzient t4ecuri ties
Hold, Silver.
Souse% ate ra:11 ca 12eeial w Drat.
.e:1 all the erimeiral et tit, of Nornee.
WG are new Drenared lo maven. the
tECONO AND MIRO PERNA 1 . 3 0 . 11
New 1867 5-60 Gold Coupon Bonds.
Mien ix Goviininetrii
Corner Fourth n 0431/ Sirfei
litA HeVAT &CO
19.61 , x1.15:0rm,
in MAIER 11 MERU SlMltta
Cor. Fourth and Fallibleld t tre..ts.
.17e beide. of JIIMIC AND JULY
81Larte-7111RT:SnOe , cterect at 7 Nat , ter
cent. to Jaaunry a;,..1 girt Ow. In exclllauge
8•2 O BOXDS OF 11167,
Isterarrail d ltl.p at 6par csat. frainihar. eaf
12* n. Diy 4.7 at Vfa
11r6tostas von Prreeinaelatlaturro,
Tavhonar, Dectaeother 6, MOT t
Gold opornid doelbeed to 137. ad.
thacid to 117.,4, and ■eeallr closed at laaJi.
The eds... Tatter/al Inu manly due to a
torlak demaed for exalesge In Easlaud, lo az
ttelyat!on of the payment to Engels of ea rltlloa ten
dollar. foe the Teirltary.ll.lleaka; but
after the parolee.% for to.lerc Rummer, the
market deellited seats, .
Head. are In s ympathy ylth j the advance et
the quotation is Leaden and Fraatord, but
dealings are eery Siva. are Kramer and
higher. eOll.llO/2 IWILMIOCI two
per seat., Near York (laurel Cu. per cent„ aad
the Imbue* et the list I. ht. Express stares
Cr. Kra est' meelaatied: It suppend the
sently seeatiletat easeelliettom e( all the Ea.
yams line* bar seeit aattetpatilit,lndiah a.
mate ler the Harp 'advisee etkalasas med
Cbsaliketlifew York quotation; roaelve4 by
Pk. L. Marts, want .I , k:tows:
Maid, ISIII: ISSP4.l.'nbr, ISM, 1075 i;
114 4,1404:141i. 104,tik 4.buknol4, 107%; , 10.4 ant
ISIS; 1.-Isa, MS.
Clore:inn I Pitt4burati It. IL la%
blorthants Union b..prola 44.4
Woes., Vol.. ,Telegraph . af:',,
Eno S. 11. ~- 714,
Pit:abuse:Port ;Varna k °Wenn IL X, V . :,
4tiorthareatann itakkro44-40nnaban...........
Nortlisktatrrn—yrakkrtN— ' 44%
New York C0ntr11...... .. .. ... . .....„ 14
Ohio - and bilatisslypt Cartincates . at
bilthigan Soutllork aid
—The New Tern Tribune, la unticieg that.
pest of the senetazy Air the Treeeury, eo.•
neatens fellow• - . .
;The repel: et the klearetary of lb. Treasury
eanta• do internal beyond Um natural cello,.
by In bora. Etliti...t arlutialtara /a. layer
of asking• payment. Tie fteerttary uprisen.
the (stars ematiries silk. Smeary la a lees
Mnerati• tight nblkgibepakbe mippoted Wetti4
be the ease, sa fat ea pasllig Lb< debt me.,
d. lames. of ability to rennee the debt
by large 455th
&tumidly. It le erldnet that by
• trim meteor only emu thir G•reramset: be
k•pt from making rem - Inas (Weld a RAT.
lug Its old debt. Tea awervasry Showa a son
plus from tale than to June.lso, of 114,11.2,1 e.
• sum repretentlag It. probatie re.t.ielloir of
the bob, la that tlisa. • .
Sheulatie ootten tab NV stureionni. G.* de
ers of reposes fres that astute woe,e
awls, away his stviat.•ll kake bOrteml•e
before Jazuery. HIM,. setter et imitata,y. Tka
O•Stelary estsolat•• orlaatme am Miler thee
tb• 0 4 0•111•4 st the country w
to armer. ./Lr •0
thee singe tD• mar Gnarl beve eaglet edam.
leeked leap Itsuriahlug. nikrialtage. la mill
the orderer the day, seri Knit. titosa
tudlrtm lab., ate tot a:We aaattostaat• pro
bi• ete • .:stpthes from svellch U.+ Gm..
meat dad gat rare....
Mts pep:sr:l. to cuanollAtte the ..:.Nato • t.entl Plarthor.d at* per neat., asitalatai I
oar asst. as boas. kaa bottling to reeenam..l
it. Twenty year* is 'too start for • lye per
Oct. bead Itch as be for kende
erttleh new cemettutd for ire peam alatod• reel
fret of . with the advsalale c a six net
molt. the tsr USE4I mien the Tr< salary Is ob , s
to psy thin CT. Nalblat will leapt the •cro.
Ct•rs of the Oovernotont to eurleater Ike
.bsnre but a stem Issue, P 5 7 55. he , 1,0,, .;
taut My years. If thee* mese free of %Marlon
they Rasa betaken in diekeetrabor lb. pres
ent beat. but •• lamas rat•ol tattren era
short•Statas WEI •SCllll•rdblb then...4ll,We.
is• debt an affairs Saw stoad.
Ileum Paperklae tip Malosimg is regard
Expams - s toads fa that IbaStat. -
.Th• expiate tracks wan mealy. It IA ex
, bated Ibex • tl•ily•Illtellf Alma !der
agate' Man, /Laotian amt Ualtel State.
.100 • Ceratatlea et MOKPO rent be $14.4
till week Tee A/menial& te get Ite
et Km sew seamen. ax 4 ► the Kerala,. Kates
M ter 11140410patd reallte Keil is
mire ea gown,- It Is Motel Ike legal pros
callers. growler oat at ale rearm area at
Is elan**, lave baa iliartilmad. tee Ibis
tan are aatemplatrat 05 en palate. If
a oil direetere wick Sc conn ate
e tee s een roan
. of the laratlegallielle readiesamole
fdelag it enti 100 hoed la pubilatex a btat,
meet of the ...Maori of Its stale., as tag
lay gleam M go, wiemt Item tatting in Mailer
431.111213 AL uvr...areca aims-sr
"Negate: 6. INT.
The tree.. tr.N in Cattle ibis net were re
tearkalsly llghhlalaed they are • e• tut(af t.
fleet ew tor* smart Werth teportiat
ketket wea eon.
teem els &gaudier stock, partlettlerlYtut
Girds, sellable tor retallley la t h e eastern
Raring.; there woe see er tiro mall beach,.
er Tat Cattle.* sal*, but they were belt away
abase wild the' berets . thoute thiy were
Worth. and the owoue Wag astable to tu
lles their idles, skipped ors further stet. Pe
are uulzant Of Dusts keying bun adlinod sett
rerueet ter do' privilege id picking one ear
tot •1 three 01 extra fat SOsttbans Ohio stows,
sae the rims 'party oWsred to like lens head
of the mime lot of battle at lte,"wtilest slew was
hemmer, were tura Cattle,
esti eueot there N taken al • rale etiterlaa of
the market, Nit to loudly wee is • tisane of
a year thist tide dais of stash II *first here to
lerwhare ree‘. Gut to ...deist/4 * wrisse .fat
buteherict sine mat bit qieted
sat sums bald.,. asked Ts 4 Itsniet the fa.
prOVIMIIIV , II,ftI• 114" Torii - *adore this
weiliteedep to etterewholterif iosturbst r ter'
utter sitth the uefieleeily light stpjly. Tee
(Outlaw Le • fell reported the Pelee trees ra
ts, last until ioen to-de,:
Mete r s .1 Taller SOW Ira Closerdoe to
Crane.! Co. 2t bud comae. *anis at 115 k, if
held for Doals• to /Demob at 4,14: iletrall moll
.$ he of 1/o•4keiteken Cloth-. e. *Masao to soak to at 04, oa4 la teak at 5%.
Loans •old 31 head to Xa•roller at •X. 7
Ti . . . .
e Hog barber Matte acime sod
ao•eldeready exulted We ereek.arad wirk• good
demand eed dlodulell/4 arrivals, owes. sera.
pared with Jut week, are. lollylso, WA!. 34. r
serer kisbee',.ited 'pow viiteseiX Pie
144 Him Tork to ;alma keavy i kllediM,pkla
Sege, and then -meg be regarded a t
mem [be market...Tne conibleatloa formad
tut:Friday week I Cies it the atdpern*Mretset
tie ormeqaelou FLealdlklid•lS.
prst issues. oted It issues. the ebigpare arueow
begins Hera tne..sirddie 'teen," ea uguelj .
steel thee evertableg inateia to be /aortae,
ae narzeinsly aa before. - The pawn In,
lortldirare• for tie preand BOt kolas( tISBOBoB
10 piy its sivapiwt. - 11'4 /gooier tne dell/Held/
Olitkr6lst a Ca. billed 100 kcal ken . AlO.
awl at Oa at 71 L 11l (tam eau* at '1 , 45.
Chbb• at 1.1434127 hum g kitatti..44,llsol fp
fromi Italdtta at 7; 211 from Mal at 414
inflow Taylar at It4;101 from arattaa at fait
110 grim CautllMart to 434 134 Irma ktalllaa
Tartar at Mil.
- T r. tro bought 01 1401 Troaltaidetaan
t - tratilia, — Xatertelt k
[roma 1:101n Bublima
111arsar , 01 !altar bought 200 haste from hard
Otaltam at 7;147 tram 1/Petia at a ei:IFI tram
Ottlaa at Oil 147 from truth,. at 7; St from IC.
litallit at 7; ttirirttat U bad►;Graham at 0 4S;
941 Items .01411tataoat at 7; tat tram Nut at Lao;
27 from Leman at 11.116;114 from Mt. at-0 St3tt
17 trim Fatten at 0,70; 14 from 1.101 at t 7%; 54
ham Sutler att."
Drlpps a Swett.- bought 1101teld /roar::
labattas at 64; 00 Dem Ottat 04;84 trom
intma at Fill 10 (rt o Orr at Te it Deal to
17515.. at 1,04' ' '
allaso 1 Lafferty an/d haad for Tookot
Dow... at OSIt VII for J .J1c1.311. lizt/taea.
PLOW. at Ohl Sr for !lobar. .11 Gill. to Ila/11.
goo 'at at 140 for Boom & Aaborta toliallbyttit
at 0,40;111 for J. Ifolaarto Z. It: Myer. &
oSit 11l for J. Stoll& to (111ohrolaz & (4. at
VAC; On fOr alctlallltter to (Illebratat' C.. at
Si for loaf/WAS* Oilabrelat lk ti
10r Ulan & IV. to Ram boyar at @Aorta for
Took. to axon boys. at 71210 f.l Szedalotkar
to ouzo buyer at 04;104 for Unraby to amulet
137, nano to ammo. at 434; 127 for Pint to
lobo fr 0..1;132 for Itottota ride Car to V.. -
Mott& of Oyi.
Hulot. taller sold 131 &sad foe 14.Illtir, to.
1111.1.15 t k falr quality. at Oa; PO for
tutor to Usti:mug& & 1.10. 4000.0 at 3:41 143
for Solootbacalt to E. Smith et 0 fO.- • •
Sheep *arise.o considerably armor,
the gilt last week baler fallOteod by a ebeet
snDDb tale eroeki buyers were takins hold
yffi klnterlp. a ttr eastern pen beta wore iv
444444 tila week. Ana abiopers, therefore, were
not pstlital4 . tfetlfit a./ erireisse..,..retiel
&flu... sheep me) Le looted at/4.9/1(0;
sad 444,.., lionteson &heap sold at a.
44,14/4. of prices. Thu. demand la meal) far
Plata tat itutton Sheep, the, eommeaei grados•
44 , 44 4 4 u 4 ,,0 ekeorrted, Tbat
.followtat is a
partial report of thrisslos.
01w k Lillltrt7*l4lll Or Holmes ljn
ter to Pratt at XXI 11 be yen somawm to fl.
Lute at 113:0111 rtJaae.ta Hebartaea at a; 11l
for Sio..nastor to [laul at 3.
Sledges Tay!** wale IC4 head ree4lostsr ru
ridsosuasle, Si, shipped these ear lases to
1111, 4 14 C0.,4 1 41Ca115ke. , ...
Baird to Kass, linAesd of prettpiptod Shsep,
welshing 11,140, 43.4%. •
%awl boseht e a heed fr ets tillasS, Lartety
& tto.. at 2,431 /111 hirhSlesie asselsold assn.-
/tee 02 lint It Iron D. Lyons. svetsghts IM, t 0%.
mittaaasta. Marital . .
cur 7 ***** iltubgrea (twits 3
11.111.warean, Drs."e.—flour ArsOnr
Duu Ulu Euir. 141.0021.r0; Country duto at
1111.1a170,23, Extra eta/000SPniet.
nt 41.37,13.17 Y. far No. 3. mut $1.774 for NO. IR
Oats sr Ilk. at Sao. tor No. 2. Corn dlecimrl
to U7o for Now 4bollud. Bccolpts-1.000 111.
Floor; 11.00 e bush Wheat t 1,1100 bush Oats;
impel bosh Corn. Shipments-4201 Ibis
Mar; 2 POO bosh Wheal.; 1,200 0030 Oat&
inalde TO Water street,
AralitlON Ita C2.IIIJE. LEMERWriE9 .ad
rtraran a
V. I Lard 011 trobal boats,
brit ,nstanatt. C r c caner brands, and Mynas
Is a , los , as Clneln.natl Claud. raid,
',Par tmard Oil as a Lobbleatar stanand be
le, Crems LW:neat:lnn and standard brands
or,k‘irtt'nt4"arn*.!=lfici:rtsl4.l.lllllllst It to
• bn. rive as a WI Won ordering
VI. !raw tbe • ell:
Fit 3 VAG 1tA211.6111.
OM. Of tin Prrresentallasaren,/
Taossoar. Detember I, lial,
There are no new festerea le the banal
'alienate worthy of epetlal satin, Dulness
coatlene• dell in all departments, an! es the
-weather has iecome moth solder, the pee
' penis ler a raasmpttan of entreaties are net,
we regret to ante, very tnieurtging. the
elver abould htppen to fa, e. ap before there
In a tin, we will likely beef• Pretty bard Dane
here title winter.
°RAlN—Wheat Is quiet Sad .
%actuated at
42,elemn fur prime Rsd !Plater, .a nu.
2,3 e for White; there Is an domain( whatever
for Spring Nehes. Cora 'la In better deans/
sod firmer; we now quota COW at Nell, end
old et fl.lee2lM. Batley o.loe aak4 11(e.
mead; prime to 'Whole." Spring way be quoted
et al,Kei,ev. fists era sod to Ratted 1,116
pingo co“tleee to effete at 071Ildle, ea treat.
and 'alert, 4a atom. Rya le dull sad noalael
CIROOEHIES—The :aerket for all Wads of
Monde tee:slits doll. The riverntlil beteg ,
cadge a veld Halted demand. Ia Oefee we
has. to refrort a decline bothla geld and ear
reesy value. Sugars roman very Arm. TO.
quiet. Below will •- be feud Ike fdllei
clorytt-trhuree, 2534 e; mime, not good, 21•1
fate, ttfilltot common, 214121.
ricoaarlltrolre Porto 2;.., Mier prima,
Wier goal, Incr mine Cuba, ItorktOlkA
LiNe. Iltelidietalidsoll bard. 11 %.0 "A."
1114t;' "D," Ito; Eliza .0, 2, It34e; 0 0r ,
1• ellcw,10411/w.
Starts-OMA. PDYN Mr
teed, lieStr; common, MD.
MoLansta-Pima recto leo, 71.10 e; Naar
Orlesse-wows fu raatkat. - •
Bricsa.-Grela Popper, too; Allspice, Me;
Craves, 4lcr ?Barney. SIM: OmMlr,
Br Caaa-Sais, 8442.
CO.C.TRATLIS L 715-714; Rabbit's! Potaah,
FLOUR -There in a • steady legal de.
mancl Illottr, aid whirrs the 'Baikal M Am,
prieea are urcebasycl. Byrlng Moat *sada
may he quated ar EOM to SOON; Winter
Wet., 6.:.4:1.4:4. and 1114.14 ter , Jamey
brands ice From le still quoted at IM,III
per PO. Ltd Buskwheat at 111101,23 per cwt.
ao:edto for last report, the
auks I. conseaseam et thetalaked
arrivals, and'piers Ora a raked. ktpklri ealoa
In .:ore at Y2,50:4 tor tale toßatrd s tre4 KIM to
lay primate elate.
Pc)Tlll3E3.tionitans dbeteedia.gli e
with. artyply Br enema .1 Qs deassadr
may boar be gaoled at Me to el pm hula, la •
MILL F.B.ED-Selre of than at BlAlollll,tllr
gyabods at OLM, aad klidellime at VAL
- BUTTER -There !a a - steady denamd to.
prime :0 storms B-11 Buttar,aad and we ean
report rerular ..lemma 111404.
y„reqs- Ilrm at 1/63U.
DRIED yr:vit..— Dull Oat Craohamylkli
small Irak, is more at I tots fie 4ples, bad
Dilittet4r reaeke s.
8211-4 Illaz treat ....euater Warms 14 $l.ll
Nis per tea ter comma* -to suistly prtio
vita:fn.:Ems- 1114idensill
per barrel.
Yr k et, teak*. per bashed.
1109 .11 NY-quoted at $70114-
rirza ilum , urßlCSOLEl7llLillYpii
gnu% tyro. P.itaseses Guam,
ietomeeat. December S. I
Clll;Dlt—ittece to •0 Imprnyemeat to Rota
la the Clues market, an.eta a queasy,
aro are mit ohlige4 to report
42.1 e. 41 11 .01‘0.1. HOIV ISA( 7t Will en
auLthceitil,ll.lllltalt to naPtet bea u bet we
are its h ..bea that there calll be a tuaettn Man.
Unruh smut be inalatied that Uvulae..
qua fat attn ere hp ma
luau fayesub:m Th. hen. which 'an boat
ntertaisel ear some days • put that then
woutt heat early bullteles, bays bratty gum
rely sohnle.l, elect no weather has lanai
enzemily said 'the to/maple nuns
poduttlant ccooley the Hutt on the leo at Ot/
(1113. SoLic na we otuld non, then "runt
astulc c.c'e to—iris. ant, I. the x►hence if
which, we c Innate io .incte entail W 13401
aXe. At t:P.y, the mattot 1. chill at IT ,Vkit
IZETTIKEID—Th• embit far bapdad 1:11•••-
, mata dun ocal asslca: ad, wllll but 11111• Prase
part r,t coy MirMattat• lmpnreah t t . :21WWW
mot a sisals W., toeday, at least, we bed
/1(1..0 raps:te. and, Intl. abswaelarblab;llni
matte a:rant4lr a: T4fieder cpst. axe %X Le
Us for al: the month, bliyarli Optlont. It Is
ormiseatd• am that tbs .!Daiwa outlaws
(clan of percsplAtir vitals 'tea . NM
week .r two; ter tom, days east tatty base:test
reacre . ted Cm to XS Sorner, latille a lot ma rkt
eons, It W 3. to uncommon thing to
roycrtet. The steak of oil fa Um an
est —to:h :rude amt named la •Scesthell•
Mat—tau teeny A:aim:cad, bet tits Mat,
•• :Terri co .wets, rams[ Imo mud of Jablladsl
ntna an,: Ncs Yale.
ons. Ant.," our rxual ergmas4airOv.
I', Ntry. WWII ref. to Wirdes, • Ftw
Pkilanteiyhl. '
0,1,10100110 0.0111,10./1. 01,1
ratia.ofWork . Una. bonslno to O. W.
Potlair , 4
frortyth. Bro. & tau. II bbii rot. to A.
Vilma: 4 Co:.
_ .
Sew Tort rreeere Marti&
[so viderani) to 71. ribulartla 0 howl
Sim . roil, . Deo. e.,..Cottoa le 3 .A'Stps
better, and ntoderataly anti's; alltal of*.
Oahe it PnAlllille • ter" =ladling rim
—receipt.) 111577 thiapptour la ialtias bet•
tar; ide. of 35 tee bits. part to gravest Kim
faVeo) acparnne ;tau sad westara, 0.158
opt,:k ortre moor% eaXalail.7sl, extra ...
arra, 0 3 ,3543312,5r0, Ohre, - ItieWlLOlfer coat
en to .,i . S.
Lcc., sumrs23 taped
to elloPm• tot, olotma. gale* and emu trall-
Milt ta I o ' arm; ealaa of lonle mkt ant bola
a. C ll4 O l /0. 3 1 Woe of Is Was. ale *tar al
$ 3 .: 3 0 - 4... ' , haat/ I.
If Pant) .31. be; waren Is read better; alai
43..v0 3343,4 11,31.3,21 tor fit I *prise; the
Im3)•r :•:'.•. Mr cantos) fes,ito. tar No. L Ma In
awe; SLAV for elate roathent; 041114113,0f0r
Caltfrmeta. y° le scarce and fro;
Dales er Va. a Mara at VAL Mule, IS
seatco, and tamale.. upward; Well.' am.oBo
be. At 47.50.846.3 over nacre l rite anarkelas
neat and il risk for Canada. Peas afttruari
owns of 7On ho. la 1a0..1 at 111,41. Itocalpta—
Coro, II.1:0 to). and alma le better; We. a
P 3.01) bto. at &MOO) for 11112,d vows In
tom) ti0tef.01.3.3 afloat: $1,3311111-Sat slur, do.
erne. ( marmosalterastarrool,l4printe west.
ern ymlittoo. Oato a shade) bettar, aalinin NIP
Do: at 7Mine for vonera ID UV*, gal
agoat. ectre• r.tart Wee WI bag. lilt on
orlvat• tarns. daft dal! at' MAN°
41 0fo
corolla, hugs, walla and ens) MIA* 0
blot. 13n too at 1 1 ).5111155faiae *ale. of NO lade
at Itt),e. Aro/nate, n•let. Bap. gales and
oat banged. Petrolatum looady at 11.11.13
Mr et•de, ova "Wiz for' n 111.64 bout
P.,* a ..c•or . a onlatt emote 11,114 bitty at
sm.:Juin! .115 Int toots, eI. Ella rat ,
'liar, Cafe 111,'E for adage, gaol tit 7101111,10ter
prilw•mmay •lemilalos IS. Wm new Na.
relict - a'. tor J.Uary, at an,f7.4. Haar beavy;
sale. to bil• et pravloote oriel, aid I.*
mertmo) en orlvato terms. o f tillerilarato
artmaloo 700 hble at imasim. au.. Jell.
Cat Moat. firrnerllllllet 375 pay au 0.90 he
nt0t11 , 11.114 and 1131.15',3'e for hams. Dreamed
liott inner, at 15 , ',.'e for skit,. Lard %inhabit.
. ) aalot Ivo hots at 12%.1.3e. linttarodlianY
at ang4Sa for State. Unease dull at CILIA
Prolgutm to Liverpool ateady aqui a nyder-
atn buslra... • ,
L -
aesst.—YAnur :eluded MIN bettor oa
loneut and nitdlat• Wed.!. Walla , fdlla
liatut,T with light artop/y aa.l des market.
at 41f,wfit7t for No.waad ai,aldrall far No, 1'
Sprlnu. Nye Arta at 111,67014, for antatara
ONta ...Andy at 11 l la 'torn mid Me 011111tt far
western. Coro otaady at 1111,3101,X1 stars
.t 'ottua araarti. atid 114
MO for afl now fOr d
do. too k aeav te yl aalatno
auuu.l at v1.1214031,at matt and riatilar.
Woking at Sal.fdlani 43. leaf dull and. sa Cot Manta: Ptuady, with • fair da.
moami. flacon nominally itriebasrtd. Urd'
airudy. at 12; for fair to prima Stein
mad kettle read•rad.i • .
csarlaaail *arta.. •
By T.!fitthsh -• Omlisbargh amine 3
thsctirs sit, Once
Mb. r 5.-144311 r brattier)
Orirdy;' mins ot fate Ntletatw*.
ciosing at, ergo ter Boa_ eel aati
Am, it, fur No I torn. COrtii thorn was a Nth;
dnoply with au advances sal.* of as la
lee et frifiiii7u...,Oals i fein at 630 for No 1.
Rt. O
. 13 srlur arm N •.Cettoa =Staler!'
ulns or).1. bales at I.lo# for d 11114$1111p,
Tolisooo In good Cowar wlthelleirof
tett/10(10es at 10.508111. M; leaf $11.41. Hog.
In road iismand, and priers highlor. closing
.V* o 7 firm ht 5iiir427,23 bar grou sad AM
glom oat receipts MOM head. Tao total
011100131 otekoil up to this data Is 110,00. I
Ali pork 10110133,04 at MA for Old sad
41500 for new. but It Jo beta Elk
limos meats lrt itemitod at itio, 3-00 and /b.
no, thsr nom boldk-i'o higher. Thar* was
agouti demand tor lard at 12 , 40 (Or sew and
411 atireil at tuna rote won tattoo. Thins Ls
nothing- doitlf in Imik toonts, lutist
marem and are at Mill too rut for fresh west.
am tact avec Mr New Terh
.00.1 c wisp light pa only. , !la Mint isoi
moos* towbar got' Lumina' oilaOllll.o3e
COMM? tall grid ni 411,M psr hog 1.41
rattle drifter at latitil•ho Der gromi lie
cellos hero. fallen Our. An/try/num doll at
4th for :calm', duty paid. The matey
market le 0.0110 and currency la la bitter
ofey rot Pastan rates, 10/12.per
ehaago.luillt.l.oillvoluto7aAhZlL/ t
buylagauttg/.117 - •
- at. Londe Maras,.
Car 7 , lerrirb to the rlttOuran 410014.1
...Br.' , Lootit. Deo. B.—TObacoo aattelayand
finohanned, Cotton bold at Isa orltb buyers
at 103. kietnp—more dolor at 1/ 1 . 701 / 4 1/7 kn.
ntedreutod. ...floor very dell at pm.%
treble tcteholve, 410,00111,00; hoer. •
ES. Wriest doll and usohangedi 111,M1,00
4 nigner with -Was a 0 41,1111.0 ter
y 011 , 0 . , Or for .1•1. See adraneed to
41,011,0. Pork 5014 at 411,4010 br alto
pack*, R, but . new country lOW at same
14.70. na.3tt weak at 110 ler sheaf dart 160
for , .lear oldea . Dry salt ahooldere,llo, Lard
113.:0114o for Dome. ilogs native sad ran
at 05407 1 ,4=- Zocalote-1,100 4011 r doer! tali
apnea wheat; 1,00 Ault corn; - 61/ bane bar_
ley)- 160 barbels rye; 4,020 1041 trip. „To
wouttkor la cleat and amnia
Ti.e.gratatz w eltubargo littatotts.)
.13 maghtaks, Den:mher !C.-10u V
to better Armand. Wheat, elipethilly bon
grades of obotoo Mitt7laott,Lgli, as wavantll
of lon, mettlum ortolos OtropkOr auttol•
fals , toetri sc; roOotpto light. , (...M.1102.1 , 14 0.11 ,
o.storn, $1,111.••011. mars Anil tot,
01'01U-4:14 ProYlllollll Orator, builtaboul•
dark, 1,90140.
4r. %Otago tattle IffsekeS.
[Er TelulYyYl, ,0 Ired glas49tigiiisaLo.l
OniegoO, to•combor gm arm
anA Istesay, gags,to oc h erl.l SO :Lir.
and 0, 71 4 7 , 0 0 for snot , to Boa Cat
tololorstoly aetivo, at. VIANIT,OO pat jaKt
itnoOLII Shipping, -- . • •
'Marla! Manors In Sew York.
closed as 137.
MTlectstat to nu Paten
Mosey - niece. Liiili .tivi tit 107. oar
Omni for eel load. Starling etoody at 1e9;4
itICIPX: feir':,ltradls.l' Hill. Gold
e•odY, OPeclog at link advasebas co 1.37%,
sad aloes' at I.F.
Glavernment coct• letxtiont— deci,led
1111110;COnfasus;81.1111,1113 , i;41. , 41,117X
eamcm, da, yeeNkeil3 ; . CS, 10540
. gra.;rrtielnlV4olllT . Se ' v l eaViiri
111 s. /14X10001.
!recta *pealed drat axle lower, lent closed
Ira, sena a Icon., butecovered. Caa
tea. 44041; Caleharlant, 211121;..Ma11e
lams. America., II; Adams, United
KUM hagi Merchants Union. 41; Qatcksll•
ear, .7040,11( c ; .1111"Mema, 7401.L1; Paine
Mail, 11ME01244; AMaritne. 117 , a l;
ank Males Talearalel!,ll.`loM New York
ceadral.ol4l,lll44lltArse, /1;01.151,;litrolson
Blear, 12001111M:Read1nr, uks.
Certllcates, /401R4t at Pan), 11%; etiehlean
csaLray imolols4LlSMellicao Bo ashens,
4,1 /1 UML• II /. 11 , 11 1M0100'.,; Hack Leland,
sax sertaseeetera 435,0111%; du. pref.,
1 001 1 011.r0r1W 1, 1 1 . 1 1 . 9410 1, it &Luu's.
65", e• . . • . I
shams dull; 8...314arter, 'US;
44tvgary, INDittli eolith t• Mr:melee, 3 0 2;
.11t11.1, bt Edge 11111, MO.
juadp;.. flab•TraiLinary. $ . 2.611 , 8.9711g pup,
114 0 / 0 17r. E,Lpoe. $
• Chicago Xoirket,
By Tologr . spl, to tko Pin ieurgit
-•- •
CeuoaeO. Dseehibar 6.—lflour linear bat
unthaskad. Wheat satire; :We. 11V,e2s
. Maker, an t No. ieset % nt
her, $1,1291.17
for its. 1 arll' 212.„77111,, for No. Ce
quiet and lo lower, at SO
.t(o for Ito. 1 also
22.2.9bi0 for Ito, 2, Diem,. gout as •Lic tor
Po.l aall SW for haw; Oata Sinner at 6.5.210
Loc. Ilya 4070 higher, at 51.4111,41 for i.e.
and eimai,ts ter /ea 2, closing at the not
able price. Barley...mottled Ana 111210:
lower, oloabsg nominal at $1,72. There was
a brisk speculative - asovors.t in if...
Perk, with as advance of 7305e1 . e per 1;bi;
galas of SAge bids, at va,1 5 41r1.7. - . r promo t
sadtern dwirori, C1(711•5 am sot 211,36
cash. d Omer, at 13211 . 270 for priori
steam ca. ,and 11142 for .lanasrr, linen siesta active; shoulders 7c; hate 10y,t 0 11c;
titled Inns 130 CUP. awl 13c for Jan nary.
Xl4lllOlll. Haab 4411101: 4:Umber/and, calddiPa
/gni. Droned etas 1401.1v0 041 230 hit t;
sale, at 17127.72, cicathio at e 7,1007.72 'far
good lab. liatoelpte,,tue bbl . flour; 34 000
bug% .4011111;4;; UAW ban corn; 12.
pita. Illtlymento-6,11•0 bolt Soar, 000buch
cleat; 1t,00 0 .011/h000;411,0111 alma
Selo trealirati-jr easels Markin.
Ely Tslarva la be lit:starve sandal
• Nair Tose, Dazaaabar I . .—Weatkar fla•
and trade dull *Ronda •Teil Tar 11is **mon,
atilt Urine* a e dea•rally atamly. Tko Ur.
lartarm 4 I bleanklil LUAU. are, aelhas
dew* Se, 111114 Setnear, Idatn
deat 1111. 'Wean ; heavy mak.
shafted au poly InaM Shea:Aar.
camlaarable dria
10•4 at /614 e ter Atlhat le A. tan for Clark , a
and laellan /toad, and 14;i0 far Appleton
and Lavaroalif (1 dais koala, believer, are
plantlful'aad' lOW ilbougk. la brown 1.4
Mauled Prints them la a In od arms request
- Mtn* Madly Market; and all tae standard
,Trlnta arra acilLa atoadlly at ..11tia. wile
&Woo; style. la oblides color: oga,..ltko Cocas.
UM - brted , /lhei'llald Merrimack lo arnoaa
Plattant ea Ilmoloths ids. Dolatnea ht mod.
arateditaaad at /Min lac old makm
MO far mow Canton Flannels mld
:bream Drilla In light supply, tad Clealrible
COrnaleind,loll MUCH rowdily. : •
, ellolregoad Iliark.t.. •
•rlly'ralairaylt ta the fetisettre It *sr:W...3
0L1,6/1114. 0110.11...1101r ataidy 11.11
htl double aura marled, $130.11.30; depble
oZtra/414 arlatter.lllll/ln Angola antra lad
knells asters . Walt*. 'HASH. Itleat—re.
taints Vary !rand the market oonsliler•
ablygraluirt Mars et MAl...ante* altrtoir
ars saktng &demi. or I tone; we q
Ito. I red irtatar 11,41); No. do. as 11.34,
WWI .11/11rankaa spring at s.l,cBfrad.
CO. In llonldlnaaad and batter, OW .ti.e.
Itald•ai-Iliaeator• IVO& - Oats Armor mad
batters 110.1 hate held at 'Matrons the atom.
Lye naulaal and 'nob and the tner.
kat quiet, at e 1.1141,41 for d t a's sad western.
today truer and natter; 10.1 bald at al.'.
0 1 4 0 0 1 .30/,41•1,150. Petraionas doll and
notaltislott /Jape tor lorated2l4o tor . boa-
XWw 'Week Cantle Asnitoi.
L:ll.Ta.grsok . has PltUnornla a sne!le.
Ng. Yon*, Inotwmber'll.—Cintlle market
Ttw, nuolocr otboovos Clans far roonlved eve
Mad, with an ad v..* of .1121 V le
Cf:/%6:%t:rp? ',111:.47,:f.;
were lOw cattle oo nabs it twonyht lons
Quid*. Sheep and !anon; the boot 'hewn
Isom tilda 'lastly le, coifing on oldh as FO.X.,
While Nom stoat Soh! dn., on low so 44:
abotne lamb, sold at 6,140%, Act. Arm:
prime DAD and down an law we moo'
Talagraal to too i'lLtalparr% fligtett•s.3
dwarrazdy Poet's:lo*r. 15.—.TIont ,
Vat.% inlet; talra ado 4 hos .No.l Chloago;
fauorttly withdrawn front market. Corn
dull and 101rortaales 311,1111 fat No. t Reston,
at Id.11:111/4 tar atm, arol aldu for old, Oats
dud al ladlalla tar *mall loft abottara. Esc
fr ralr fattotry at Ma for Weston. liar,.,
mlllll2/11 at V,45.1r410 (Sr etAta luck W.steru.
Otber aztlelta Moat .ciaato /troth" , r
-51.11111bn0, cora, luta h.; rye., 15,000
toot, barb', 1,010 d•ar, 4,701 b 1312. •
CBI TO*MIA teith• rlttabar i . Ciassite.)
VSlrmo, DOM.6,4IAur Kew,. .*.
hanged , Wheat n.011.ge4; idea 7,700 bl
Ne.llllll/watite• club .82,14. Corn don;
salesl9,ll4o RM. 1.21.. at UlO. other
grotasoolaufol: ma 150.4 br Trade to.ds7
mow a resol.ten anklag the Cereal Bee--d
to snood Um '4.2411100 Wolitg the Vann.
• Loodowll.lo nistlnee.
CAT , ot.tftsXl SottiPlatias.gS disougd . •-
I.lminirtstS4 Die: 3.-Salts at SS Sham lug ,
tobseoli.: 4 x.,s for ros.llans loaf, !sad
*MIS Air ea O. riaor in,segpas for Yo.
1. ifogs o groom. Was. sl.,figgf,3ll.
Oita Cdr.—sow isms—snou*
dors I=liorildos lira
Km rye, 111103,b0 far end sad noir. Srlus
icy —rslr, In bowl. Ca. !;Elton 13 , 01110. •
/Jimmy 011.1116 MI kkkkk ,
Isr Itet %go Lt. I. me itttsbarga liamat.l •
AIXANT_ 1.--Cattle atapply of.
tr. Bl. LIM Wort tattek ar as ad vino* of
30, run alaap—rocalpto , Sul;
*alu kora 11114%.. and lU*b e at t."...4,„
llow—raaelpta MA; allM,llll real at ii!sit
754. for 111t114raa, sad 7a13.i. for Lila..
emu fet.
[llly To[wool I* a* flttitbaut.lisastte..)
?ma annraa. neaambar 01-.Pounleast
satin; Woe of alObbla celled at ItallPlo;
deltirary Doembar. Flear dolt. Walk,
.14 , 114 red. 110,1041240: atimil o u. 283. care
doll' old glided waster.,,34. Gro.
eatiaand prealaloaa•A toeb.dod.•
Ta.lode Martel.
r SP Tel.e.alla Pltuta
Imam, Dasei...ilakr daft. la bpat firma
aad lattar, Am. ber *pen tag at 0 1 . 1 4 . 10 ..11
ug, q¢l.%; 304.0 tort
MUNK mot at Irteks. Oat. Si 4 , A40r; tales
et lf& I at MOM. ' E,. Soy QC... Dreamt 144.111. at 7,41/blia•
loasTmtara tots Prtroarraoi rtArtaloo.
Bowsaw 4.41- mks *lt Jae.: I 7 Walok & Col kJ
Wad dd. 'W. 'D
Xidlowall; Welk awls,. 16q
, e4l ear lOW tort a Cliu-lf 164k0 sou, r oat
64 4 11oXoary • Bawd; aka rotas kis lard,
60 Sa,y
_pa plOO, 44 1.4..1, at de •001•10.
0102 ser A nd • 11•1144 a 44 Md., 0114.. eltra
hit,,&Vella at. sato, Ea aaer • Mn,;..,.
.16 alta gala Witakt/1 dretsl3raw, 4011104, at •
4;4111as; g &altos, 0 0 ., • F/ 0 407:1ns
414 , 4•, .1 0 Ilk•aug; 40 6)10 WI, (.1•111•• II A
liras . rowel legs, 111(otrood/ess, /swim •
00g I 611/ •41.411 , Menu.: 4do to. Hama.
tattl/41 I drooled lug, PottSt N4orlist; e•
do, .6 P Maass & 0e; Ila pet, Me•e••111;
I 4 /1/ old/. Emelno.“. 51tos (ha 144 .10.
was, 'gam, og, /* 444 Jones &
31'4 4" opgtrit I,lglt 4 ' 44 itt:
gg de,■• CI./Ask Co: I * 0 .•••A44144
ihcakaalata • assail ,0 4 , 14.0/ • T Row.;
ow boo., ward • Cameaott; I ass
Parl& Itze A 001 404 om-2i:woo, Well. a
C.;l aI; Itretool , P i rilataa tan 'I 49 In.
v 41424414 Su Jr. • • -
Tirmatsinat,zszsir C4iratur4.l4/LaL,
Dlowallot A—l no boa., Seward • Catspboll;
to W4fiat , 0414, • tilopossl; a boloo
E Uyslowsent We 4144 lip 4•10000, A 1 11, 064011 t
00400 faatioro,l Motor -• Lel 00 1 0 , I 100
drag*. 111 L 14100044 k A 00; /0 101,10 *IL, Jar
DAlsall • Rasa /A kts ilastl/0•L
Ilia 4 • 41 ./. 4 4 bx hip.. X E 1,4;
4 •O o r • ILwan-Ill;s6ta waAa Cols.
0 a 4; a 1.1■00; I sera 400110, Rattan*. a Lo •15-
farawat& LimaWolso; u 0, Leo snow.
111411441 44 14
COI 4' Sow, a.: tit
pl. lead, Amoy, Ramo* C. I khdi setwoao.
J A Jwkollos bah; llomad J P ISCOtti 31 aka
haler, .1 Goassolokt If As wheat. (111ooto.
atria.l. • Co; bblo dry pooiltoo. Ido batter,
ooa, /0 4 000.0101141• 6 , l*Lsgor; halslre
Crtst tit O P n e rt . :1 2 ;• " :t a
tOr r t , *matt do, J Lotlworl& a .a •
oats, IE4I 0e; al *kg *woo. ill do whoa,.
&do 44r4. 311 de sato, Medlin If Rood, Id d6v110:1
I s krl i Oa k
__at.-1)611Ze V21 4 :1:: ' ,mt .. ,"
Ossolooll • ...wit; 31 bolos ootloa, A a
(16114 a 00.
. . -
l o w , 00•wa•a, Foe, W•Tai a ( 7 4 , 4•130 RAC,
Diketwoor ants florr,C W 14,4.0[1100
00 a 4 J Roljooltis a bale - ,p0t0411,• D lidderoft;
214ast Aordwano, rah...n.6;134 oia rre, l.
.941166 e; ilseorws: bete. J Dra t .; kis lard,
Istfger, 41'47: i1.3rAW111:11r..1448:4141:
E apt. CO do; brosac
nes: ashlar do do, J 1 61.1pplawsts; 660 de
our'hatulloo,,Pootl47.ll4loes Ue; 26 p.a.*,
24 gag Vim a B 1,1111.111 potash, Wm
1260614 A Vat 2 it. rods, • g..4t; 13a *co
17AL,70.7".' 111"2.74:;;;',.'01
dna*. Its, J /Juan is col Set 444 bayl.y.
trarocia, Dattlagtes A Otty ..2 ell bid& L
k116.01141114.1.W1-64 UM [MC 80.01.11411Zgh.
m i l " A 0•04421421n v iat4; . it
1116011 1 114araloa ana; somnbeme INlaln RIO
14414 Eollookilldrislading4 J Hawk;
tgbi'Z'OP:elirrt r gll s lif t g:lt!"4 " Pgi:.t. t , I
11141 Olds toar, 16 de dalea_reaollow. X' Joltito!I
Otos lard, X 54114 as 2..11J0i I - oar , 44741,161. e
41nAimar 4 r TmALa L2T Sc ot&ODeaus Ihfs wm k—s
wheat, J 014144146.1124'-iaarkotlag. lionoadt.
hots Soooot Si.,. pig his. fdoEslght„ Porter,
• 0011 de de. 144..e,Gra1i 4 Dutly 40 WI wheat
Strilab A On: 1111' wok. oote. ten a
allohartAild eke M. ./ & W rottley; 43 dmaad
ILTl.Pra ff rl73. , l l ll3 V:l k trOrg:l7lll: ' ll
Uri 0710• r• Mal 4.1 Ms hat tsm, that& lire; i
I dreseod 44411,•1 U aye , . alio; 142 no onto,
.1 owls; I 1.41 wod, t a soda. Dolman a
Ran&l oko bookwhoot door. itde r7o, 3 do
sap. lino i6en,-11.14aahttos.
00INT Static*. DooiothorWa s
•, R • • thkr444 I . r: barley. Pin . , Aso.
CtiA ;:ll u iL4 '" , " ,l::, " ;
. 1 0 r Laosalla; I woo tuba J P.,•t
-teallold; oar itayoo, Smith & Orr; It ilts solo.
Utaalaghow ;16 aka ;To. 14 de eat& Xataedy
k L•I6XPI X bid 4414.14•41te5• a Ore; taar
Amber Eeareo• 04; 10 mko. food, I W SUR*.
sea; 47, Ito eats, R Mood • Sea,
'follll7l tao a at
Maliaters i
thifce, 38 lassin atreet,
Eels II•vq Robschaa RA/ Vow
Allegbaur.' " 7 •
PlTlSilitatill ROPE WORKS.
FULTON, :80 . 1T.FIAN & CL,
Itansilar.scre th! best .
bi tlti MlA's
Iltarebes.oc, 114 II 1116 W.*/If II&
Uall or stud 2t litrvilar
he river aoatiaasa to rases meadlly, sad
the weather hea tame* eery cold; then was
matiderable lasting lee I. the Allagbas.7
rirei yoaterday, sad the telegraph ?sports
serge.. la the ' , Eddy" at Oil Oar, sat pod..
triaae aresesg ea 11. Iwo. We we:Whitely
Ihralahad with the fallawieg dispatek from Olt
Oily, at 11. Treaters Uate• eMait,sa Dustman
Wan, last erer.tae. •
Oit. CITY, D 1 enzaber 6.—There le • gorge la
the Eddy. It ntsve tall the bulk oil hosts I.
leg la It on the oppatlte alio at the dear, about
Mt to 75 eardt,tu: alas . sees of t haat at as angle
.a dogrel.. Pio nanny; hat been dem by
the yorye yet, but it It Wage to Man at any
tomcat. Hard t:ennbag 13 the onlY Olean. for
00050.; the venuther to growing Colder.
- The Iteateater wet onpteted to ants* at
Now Orleans, front Matthaei!, ea Nrlday
. .
Capt. Soo. Draws, ireall.kkowis sad *eels
respected :atoameoatvan, kas pima appolated
a➢laf dark la the United states ltazaltal's
sake to this dey.
A telegram treat Cairo, mder data et Tat.
It earet The Delaware. Otatim le att Yea.
p • bed all the tante briarent the water. TM
• rat blew her abtaaq. • &&&&&& ril et Wel
.'s Dar.- Caei. Others earrewly wiped
jury. • arm pair will be Mishit bete wee&
e beat retarm. Jobe Greer, of PlttibMtb,
meta: itairate of the Delaware. tad Mlee
l'aaap R. Ileii., who arse emigrating with her
Weer'. family from Atimee teener, OM., to
ilarislea Guam,. litletoari, were mamas/ ea.
the Delettere ta.nitiit. Ditty quite ibe bar,
and gess with Lit new re.atlves to ITamourl.
The Delletetaen, ea roots treat St. Louis to
New o,lcam, TVar at calm en Toady
We oily the fellawlaa Ilea, from the MINK,
Latl Cemotercikf, of Illidaeadaft
Capt. Gray m ad
Capt. W. Baltzhoorer
from IL Lem /mired yeaterday. Tao ..mar
left fey ?It ralriry k .134; alukt..•aad tall miter
will Tallow In a day or
Tim Wild Data
orrind at New °Comm from Cisalanall
las Id. Capt. Tito.. W. Guys) alma altar
1.7w0, November tatk, of Car.
Ikea, ad ferty.tkree Tan old, "Caps Garvey
ler ma-re kaaht weary .... of kW life. was ...-
gated la Um atemebett litmlaen ea as Ohio
sad .. .. Ipol 7tvora, all lest. a large alt.
aralleelrlas extestias from
burgh to New•Oarans, who will as arkeakel br
the palatal avaosseareant. A. widow aad two
ellldool al.. mutual. hls ills. The Phase.. a
/Itt/e stain will em smoko.stsak tad
la the tralghbleared .4 11l fowl. leaded la two
fest, dapertal yeetaulllT for Parted Door river.
She will ply krorern Malt , / Point mad 1711est
out 11 ettall.tial with the llempltts nag
It. Koala plakots that attea.m. Copt. Vale In
arrived with her F.lllay item I . .irtsmooth.
Ike ()gime had Abagrolrer, of same dal*,
*ova the frileall_ ~,r` • (Av.. a1...1n s Jots la
asiallaza eras Al7..rmora la the Witte Leer
trade, la In Um lere wail lb. view
nI hoylaa -a beta, all woo loaklag at tie
VIM •• let Arseriei, yemetday. •
Cali.. Gee. nif t ierw . aka Ida Alias 11l
Putosursh IV milldam water.
tallith, Sae ho Titled
..up for a trip to tam
mi saartias I. lan spry's.
Ti. ‘,. , 1141X it.. f obis 1114ysalerday
T. lifistablll.: LOW, In. will baraaftarna,
Issiseaea . thla port km. port. a•
:Ivor, le taloa ea ler arrt trip to-Neermair, lad
taklas Eramonlle sat 0010 rimer freight.
Sr. Loom Desemser 1.-Thera Is • maid
meat 'alias of Ike wtathar from Owe to at
Pool. 011'ea• river Cava avor. itlday Stall,
ova malt were atorlog alt ea ast ..... . •
al.patsla 7147.4 htaat.ttae. Nereaher a, sllyv
thy wehtksr wa. teteatcy 7 •ell tut aight,wa
turely alealoollt• rim at tits pelat, kat Um
lee lushes asranteleml away on Um
saM4 441. A: Peon., ea the Duals 057. the weatkrr berm.. warm ee4 se lee lest-
In, The:l.:62lyel fell fear mobil It Keo
kuk ea
yorte, mut asy . d ay.
Nate. 7.4.4 same
the /Aver Otto lrose ee le far
testes lam weak ant fall Use. flatanlay enl
7.4 h ' Z4141/1: hri:kir hate lii the manila'.
ph. lest 'Cr bat Tank,. wax ;WO,. year
Old sad 11.11.14 far •
Puha,. Wall. I. Cheering jleark
that Mere pmaty of werar iii some of tie
tees.. led East.. erre., mai. de hyalite
rollevelaa ; hem :11.110alIa Tboara ef,latarday7
Moat, 0.1. yule, entalia-lva fist Mae at
Galriavill.. a Ile • Little Illasee; Malaga,
lite W. rrlor, sad sem, 4er t ..... trim at
Nealrotatry fa t be Alabama. Irlut twin ropott.
et 001.... hall' AT d them., sad between its
.tl4 Usmspoits-kli • Atl.allaar (mitt to am.
0v...ral rtae la MO ear rtfelo. eaatad.ry of
Olf Loam harlao 417,41 somatmalet stook's(
ratl*.h. prepara t o ry Or *forward asseemeat.
gt , .. =plat+ igiarbr,t s
tnt Tigegrar. to 'b. Pittsburgh Ought. 1
Iggiergis, libgbisibat 5 --Genoa gotlve St
13 , 011 s 'Corn Ssecn. .o.lts goatee me
tail. Mb, grog Ar Floor STIR 134: tar
rpsesed. Perk; #24 for silit ant 01111 tor
SC eu:terb 12iiZILP, bisibr tutu Ivzolnoia
• fi;112111,SIBOATS•
Foe 0,126 LE &MLA : Mkt
MALT D.Y.A.tte, and Narita Nes—tas 2.
'oetho'figify Cosa. liZt%
Tor rrelobt or garraro apply so borort. or to
_crt , s rt. al'esc 'work 414 a
\ roattana 6E21'0
:fL Ooze
.2. ,„
0 I n
. 5 . ,
V 4 V. 4 4*** irei Ire :Zv i --
t 0 Min i$ a WM.1011141%
447104t1e IVIDAY
vf bIEtIKS,
~ne^_c: i t arre'llum:l - g .
atVz¢th; ?nate, Ward,
9 'YE .11%.411Gal
Cast Iron cowl Pipe,
FOR GA 1 3- ,inat wows,
INc au ratLfiiFq -.(( w, ALl'aalb~
cca: ii ,
grran, Lncms run
qtAFF ; Elm k CO.,
Bar, 1104) and' Sheet Iron,
vinomarr IRON
11 . !.r nw IRMA
_ .
Once. ?le . 93 Water titree
T A92tI6ACTUfI dO,
vua rx.ortiamaskt..
Central Pacific Railroad
First Mortgage Thirty -Year Six
Per Not, Coupon Bonds,
1 rellicipas so d En terebt Payable
In Gold Coin,
Bpi" ' gm. , the 15,—.
All the 0/till:lt:lease letorest : ti .141 emd
an., of In and l e tore
• or par
e ler and alto a.• In deface. tewaahle, cone , /
a to act oak: leer. by •asee north
eleven net ese-tol Iltir•• wen. thalve
47.7=14 ... * e• P ra ‘ : , .. th &Trly ••/• Ira . =
roar -troth imam. tea peat: allevee i s * wad
—Ater* nor •tely leo I degrae• ease. flair
/aloe and toe-te h
n , • parakeet atone* Naha fort).
met y and elek•-teet3 perch*.
Ang;L ttir/141.1.4grg:Nr:=
tent. 1l e ul. bees 1.1 ''''''' &neer, ..nfre.t7:
11-tr•-• • •11t. r aWn :Pglet!
:::rfl r etr: "" '! ' I." "I' - ht'a: arree• eahl^
Mr.! and' sla'T•Vrt%re':;!::TY,•4ett'a.'ier=
ire ‘ at • •rti ty-shrtr wad ea na , f refs e/eit.
F 74.,
~ b
„ ia . • e . : 'd
ina : : e e o l7 ,
Ceeera• nee th • , xt•-one •ad r• sr. er Ca.
I7•:rawr P /t'.*lTh e .. ;;;. '" ltl:Va . c.l 4"" tr n . ' n .. ;l!
Malta I ht sects cad a pllch... r - I
T [es Cilll, on 001 d/. WWI ;.11,16rbZ read.
.4 dmt^ 4 l•tratir, tUB3 trift?::+3l3l.l4
aar lk leafy Madinat. c•11:114
forward the frellll fad raa•eagers frees theTEIVOTEE'S SALE OF
tcalporuy Weals. in aka sienatalha. I
Prenent the preferred claim aeon one or the
lasaltatportant Bass of et:minium/ration la the
trend, as it Ls the sole lint between the ratite
Coast Lad the Groat latarlor Basta, ore, which
the haat.. overland Intel sanst pass, sod the
The real II haw lastly bempleted heat Seer.
slate to the rlehoot Mining hes - NW. the Salt
Labs auto, ape is beteg rapidly carried ler.
wart by the largest forte of I aaaaa 72
ey erae
pled by ally ftellrosd Company on Cal. anti.
neat The natural, legitimate, remnerelal
beeteWor the reed immune all Vre2lo. hr.
Pet:tense, sat to proStabls beyond riralloL
Sten amenhthe eldest reads In enuttenee. The
E•llltl3g2 and Itipenrea for the easrter ending
October it, trete S. fellow.. IN GOLD:
fledge OregarTNO
Za,ZINGI, llTarfelte. RAlo.l,we.
5593,847.92 $102088.61 $191,75131
Tide molt, however, would bare bee, far
greater but for the Of wagon teams to
Tt.• Vatted Batas antrent tat lad Ile Stale
tat tine* ar Banton!, lave 1,4 aided as, toe.
tent the Brett Intervene., teat Ue Coaßß.r
Wilt ammo eery Inn nun) Intent obliga
tion. ant wall bare the telloang amen tie.•
amen at tenant teethe contraction,
E V;
p, Set landau, ett, tee
Ilgie,Wein - anei4 On.) ikACerini
17 N. beauty Beads, Malin. (mber
dltan Ina.) 46.1117,41 e
Plat Montan ili7:100
9evreen, - m 131910
The 11n3r idoaraAea I.'osD3 an, la
41.006 exh, With uml•anensl geld nevem
attached, sad ate • Tared ter, sale, for the pees 93 Per egg. and accrued lateens Irne
/ale lat e la metric). at erlles isle Obey geld
Altworperarrest. 'open the Investment.
The. Lmdt, antherlard• by the Paget Nall
toad Leto Of Coagraso are Ironed nnly as tha
yr uk jp:egrum, and to tea oat. enthot only
ibo emoted by the government, oad ore
th del non gab-whole minable proberty
avolobed by tam Above ■.. onion. They poste.
rectal. Ralialuires 004 ItllaslagaS aye! other '
C,.ryapta MmHg., tad it. &logs. to rut
WORLD, from their analag Aiatiollenl of into-'
ty, eibentalms Lad pro.. - •
ClllllBlOl9 Of 04fILNILY7 3MJYB
Into Ceatcal Pacific
Now Realise for tho oldorstrom
'l ✓ weloe to Eighteen per Cent.
Rena c a n be Stained throorb tie subscribers
dirretin or ansoil reraerible Dabler &den
ote,. Descriptive Pauselam, Means& Inform
aloe as ►a bad et the olio* of la C. P. ts.ll:
He. Street, Dew 'York, ad et
r/1111. & 11•TC.17,
. .
tankers 554 De 51•31 la 11535mateat 65553111
554 61555310 AgeWs of thee. P. E. E. C 5., 75
5 Nauss stmt., New York.
'AU% •I'DLOIII3SOMS.E121011.:
. ,
IN•01.11LIX &CO PI "
manlxtsvfty tt+lnugh.
arty ITI7118118811,119;
la &mord Luce with the proTiMell• of an an of
the Welters! Aellelubly 'kw CsAlWellweeith ir
p.1:1p1 Be frt r . tllbleerperatit.l
111111\ 4 1111 : 1's t g AtttiriC.VOATIVT.
it.rim•f4lo4 Way e• isms title my pree'ezia
tiew tu•S ea the 'llllO.llO WOCAD• I' IF'
A.. D. 11117. Inlet 4e'. Ct. en
et tee Sesta, a. trerm.. or sale city. ,
t• vet rem wesebnerf the Zeus Itep.wenta
tiros of this' Ognaulawee. , wUI wall at melt.,
tiewersl Disuse of asletaa the Cecil:ewe la their
reeWile warn sad 'reelect , att• •leet
eall-t eater tap precis wt. of
,a impalement
sale Alt AA/chalky. aapytiesd the 111.11 yof
safe% A. 1. lea tb• An few' es tieweis *Secret
Dee yersea Y sone as Mayor city.
Wm etymon to serve C 00000 ler et 94 , 1 ;
Owe permits “rro as 1 reasurer of eal4 city
ciy.pone& te ...Vat/ City soot.. 1(1E4
th• nit 1.17.,1t1it tb• filletra
IT I M 4172':nt .11rt.1..)....
earn La wabers of the Select tWunt el. ef *OA
slay sad two 'wages te an, a• makes at the
the Sere ti n A.1 74 .711 1 .re. :61:1411: TO be at:so " ...
ears el she remites Ceettell. .
Salmi •atil--Tere ewnwaa ett ambers of the
*Wen (Wee! awl ties acmes
ef ir gweeet...
to scL% g 7174
lee Cows..
Steth Ward— we Penne le at Newlin ef eke
IM eat two raness to I. Inelabass of tut
ilista woe - -
dliii - Wir . 4 .- T - ;• pens.. bomber. Ler Os
Dann and iv* onopab he inemlyno of the
seventh wTwo ono. le. newt era of
the hien no pen.* toile nohnots of the
Cannes 1... aft%
ward - Twonn.ns I. owners or
the .1.1 aad One pane. le N menthe. af ,
Ile Connell thosell.
NOM lardT• Imm U 01. asielsra of
Us sno ar t ead three mom to In nanben of
the Cannon Count.
oeta ward Toe tone. ,
le De =wre olf. , a
.. helot and nio pers.., to la Mi. eof no
1 ;ote•li
Lo lo we...qt.-TIM braid On• pan. toes
wane. of tle felon sad two •droas to
members elf the Como,. ven amt.
toorendevills lee••• ward-One Doreen to to
• Wielabor ribs 11 , 11Oet Sad to• p.m,.
zattabolll or Um tOnnem claw!.
tewasletyr-Oas twos ta bo • matter
•f Mann twe hero. to be heathen of
•Goan. C. tell.
1.11•117 anrafl-Onsibenotta Ole a nenber
sf thwialfen .4 te• herons to ye amber. of
ths I..batant ConneiL .
,44.714,== p...
peons•7.l.•• • ta
aoag ajz,
Os Gonne. Cannot.
Monad townie lrnel Matra to la • nasal.
tieUt• Inn* sad o re . tleol• ta be menet. of
Cann. Commit.
rut yowl, a. Nnu tit be •larmlber
W Senn ••• IN pone.. ba amber/far Us
data .f whew WWI De 4.11.11 ed
Dleome tint N hu.541.114• OIL
T, 25571 E riII):II:4:VITSITLVISDL"-t
mg.,. t• . fee.
tie 41.04 104 'Wing
Tee 14.1.• of US flesOnd wart af O: Of
Flttelwrglt tenni. th• MOO/ant Bose I.
The noon at Oa TOW, ward of Us OT
runlet& It, be noel. Os leen thrown, nose
tel K Chartn iamantr, demo lanmal Sod
flttab IT 4reneranof Yontit wait ottief.
argh. to, nal at th• Pablo !Won llenbet
• The neaten atbent peanut. of the 111111
rrfe Lir '.ll l .l:llt.r.vrAV "
The Mono of On W.& /Int Eta.,
of tia !My of flnihnllet So nest al
Won leen la old lend.
• The Canna
Oa alltwal.reel tat to sent et
Os Moo fornont eon ky Ann 1414
Ito ateetotli'Lle• . ro d
ward of Um .144(
21thelmok. nen. Os ruble Mahon Anna
and Ward.
slatotson f nt
a s t l U g sPoo solid•f ,
Tha alestin ofOs 'Platt wereth• oft) :E.]
Plttelesrgh. ta not et thelornblto inhot
L T ••I4 ward. rs
T. electo of Os Tamil lewd of th• din e
Pittotholt, tonna at It I fornarlyweof,
1 11.7.2 s r d r."' be; ' 1 :17 , 1 " .7,7. • " ""`
4 1 =1 gitta '4=4
le.. lord. POLO 11..1 Roue n.M
o . tetere of C..tlu Totreekll, toper Into
etin,lo not at it. lotto ef denote Won..
as wino of - Roth Ltherty. - Tee Alooten
t. eon, premien of 0.11. ll l. attle taunt
the 'than boon on /MUM lsOaaltotO•
L Olootan of Linen invialtly. Isbantst
"11,14111=1.fbgrtlia: 74 40711:tat l' ens_ . et WM
tb• pabt • oho PI lantell.' telifOottly c. 0..", as
Na.. hues Dio. e• Os amide. . plod
P 1.., non 131 .1w00d Un
to. 4•1131 d r ataTMitalr et "
Tto eloelso of flit TOwn410:1 to 111,t at Um
".". • 94• • !.• " 14
• Ives } p
ad..y 1a.4 .4 anal of Onto! et,
•••••••./ Pluikrek, ikk4 as Mk tay of tie-
L. vont., S. to M.
Pittsbingh Fespiry,
• KANCTACTITIII axe it.s.Ord,Zl.l2ll,
Furnace and Oven inLies
ALix 3:)(:)cazi`is
Cooking and Reath4ltoves
"ALT . VAitagrg.
Utt W 16 1‘110.6, -
209 Elbert
irony rpm
_ Nvcartlas.
censtoLL - Z immEn,
rustrikue, DOCroyx.7l.l7gD, FIBLIZATS
swum' a BOIL SEZ,
.9 2 ; il larilllt ISAL2: PAU 42.11) VON
'smut PITiIhi 3 44OII2ITICSJ3; AM) IKON
1112 ,9X.D001111 - Alap COAX, eNOTNS..
• •
Pit burgh, 'Penneylvgnia,..
NM le Ile Skrnl addriu will be
PronDtl=acteadul H. Wattle
iii•stn.e.(;r!pairaz or
Freight Holsters
Aft' Daunt Exams.
Streastlass or all tletortotleas rule to wear
Center sr Meet sad Nervy Streets.
0A111.12111' ••Col3lll' SALE.
B Y risTur. OF AN ORDER Or
the 'a Ca taef All aa 0,117 NUM.
r . tllotip fee te tet lb. Coy Cr e,,,tnge
Utt7er rntsbank. eermt, •lereeettl.
ON FRIDAY. Janlam,' 3. '6S, at
ICI o'clock, A. N.
Valuable Coal Property..
Dr 'lnn, or erd.r et the Cow. of freemen
-11 e... In .24 ter the eAlar•
V/ he or. in*
Ztre!"Vra,—;;;;lVlP.l' tltPel o pfe at
public erle: ee •Le p:eabµ on
'At the liar of 16 o's/oes el oald dad: All
tho.yalnape vein of cost. snott al she l•Cart
ottuourl In anzalith sliraohle. county
aforooatd. bounde/ nod dlieliken as I.lilrl,
lint Lieglinlng st a Op:leen dine Pennovi. hie;
thlic. oy soli Penney .0 , 02 dnitrol soli ,
a 1 Yfi n«etuNa lose; 4..;141...
0104 ut •white tat. Mali Or lend 4 1 . Woods
ondltsCinso sloth d ...... cut 14 nlithes to
• moot thole...tilt, II lift,. east nese!.
trio Olin*: lino , . 111W.nres be. limit 00
derroos oast )3 3 18 lire. to a scone:
121/ r/.• etat 133 !there. Ina none:
thonoe 3.1 oecerpo 1.4 4. 1 1
1050: insane south 6.1 den-tee cost perches
I.4.•otonat then. ry 1.11/1 of J 0.% •roltausilea
oar,. 3015 degraes .lit rich.. la • stone:
thence south "decree. to 7 4 ler nkslies toe
hickory. Scour. nor" 4 , 14-dezree• slit 41 per.
sli to • slit"; tlilie lots ef Wthilit
Edmunds's inn". 3/ develi ed. Is 6-10 per.
lits/6a stone: lion, tort! 1 . 1. dolieli Past 31
Melia. to tho Mali of lisionlog; lint6lth"
03, hundred asses, strlct ef hin•sal
o", t.ether with all od sinsolot• the node..
prone adrift's.", noialiy *lie.", in th e co.
s 0 ..L00s LoP to. bit on; •rAu..r.t .nd
V. ll 4l P aTCl . 4 . ll . l f a g:Vs ' sf Ar.litgise..llnTtro!
o. any ac ill dr , t ald sly :limos swears] f
analog hone", so* te• pshrlicos of estop
a 1 and cop.!" too albstoold none"
rlionepettheffes lo the tneayatlin .n 4 taking
irk:lo7's ge C l l sti ' l l ta t Trion d f:e 4 LTYVit l l7:l
polio"e wilb tee /37,3*.nce a
Tut or soo tasen eat slitter by way of
lie s•liallilioy ...... tel• ellise, as
loth. sod Is of .10 hest asllll.
and ‘ t.r:yln'ettre r Jad;scat bond 1011
engl ' or
lot faroar rga°.!Th..
lsr Wool stip S.:
THUtt. P 1.11172 or D AV I D ()LAVA% XS.
sItYANIA., sa,
• •
of *be irfrough .of Tafeattoo t 4 the 4 mat7 of
Allegheey, and !tate of rehneylvanta, ofteta
eme Mama, will" h. beet heti mired I hot•
root on hle t►e Dlatffet Cowl of
old 1.14414.
HVGIII BOLL, dasfgetee.,
t,rear Pala{ lad Dpaaaan6 Way.
ast:ll2l •
Whereas, latteretestem.otary bare bred Is.
aft.d or the lberlster er Wills la kit far .11Ie-
S e hu la t orii "y e
n wllll~d tee Comaear lite sr: oaklsed To•eship,
la still ey eely. dedissull, all persons who ere lo
des to the e Alta of gala deenared are hereby
aotbeed test. prom bakrneat will be re also.
Sad •Illreisomi harlot, e Maas rote st rale - mato
are requested:a p o rr . :e Mt the 11512.atzlahtautp2.1.:
tlea tea to ell Cr
eill/10.179 4 4. (ItorlKlL •
Of Oaklaad Telresel&:ititsithr
Of . 117 . 1.761r101Ta r1W it
Of zteetia Ward, Plltaeareb:
PrnbaCkart. Nee.lll. 1357. realllbrdaf
rizirrErtm .DISTRICT OF
At Plttabargh, October 24th. UR. The node.-
slaved hereby :dem natl. of DU app.:dal:sent
as aaelhaee of JACUIt .1.1116.1/Alit; of Re City
of putsbargh. 1n the treaty of Allethear..Ad
Skate of reaturylesala, within Bald 1/Rtrtst; iths
W ben adiedged • Dantruot whoa DR 'ow*
k•etithos, by the Dinett Court of kald dlstztat ,
Aid II 31. LENNART, juatalkaa...:
Atteraertts-Lass, la. IRDlanikad ktteer..
• SAN, DLO • D.—Sotico I. hereby tine. that
letters 0w1et...1A.17 of lan estate 4st 21.0 anent
gm JeFevalatt Marra. into et the tor:L . oj, At
F Yilatlll47 Arapro r rValiffira. r .ti42M;
to tom solrastop nf Inner/sr...ale% ntl4 Etats,
' iss40.•110111.1. nantn; claims or
ototati the gl".17:11!"' %%TUT", VUT'"" - .
5tLn.14.241/03 eat/412;4Z
WHEREAS, Letters TestArti,Pß
tom the !State of Wji.[AAl rralr,
boo of Caan tore thte; A ilooN ra i se
daenaset ii hOMtnig be.,.
petter.. Indebtrd SI
tr'eaeot theta. ..10:A9tY11 tar
111;saihd/er i.
exev., o
poste , No.
tolae I.—Nottee 1. booty Ora. that the
a 4 A , seels.tea haa aoplle4 to toe
Gana( Gain., Plus. at a- .654. loatenthar
rem I. fora Charter lazorpoutlea. ator
the taloa will he Mite, ti the ow tern of aaht
Cahn,soles. exception. are dhol 'bloat. is
Proper Um. JACOB 11,
A auretturairr 7 4) eR !' Ott 04-
raL'liti' ' . n. A.Stit, lif..
1 1 . 7 ra <lllVi,e "721 LVI•lai.“ l.. .
from. al. Telni. the.edan..%l
Lavr.worttia. tad ft e.c.4 the
A1..11. tat T.ll. cttfor 0.. • 'am.
11111U,141.1:71.. .1474:1,,ng
faminneeyhts lII MAII7ri r g:I7:a, a:a=
ar tutu...rat uy TU. auntiar M.:Lane
. fillg .l l : ratgeTtr
sw.ritiillth/..1 prousevie. ti^.
within strautlks fee= ils•
[ulnae lb Seat alma ally Meat /an p or • 'ay
ef .614 brines b U.. be *ameba bY the 4 .4 On
Cebeelay A Caned an r twain( le :ettM
het Coe tee perste. of rafter 4 arm. rte[
ItratVL AV P .iteel%.a " tVea d i t" 4 ‘ 4:
Yweararem Infra eft ' llea bet rime ar ° eatterre4
ref mina ex al. rabbet aa4 Ott
17,14;,Atv: er,1".4% . " e ..iv
Way ea *fennel -tea nie vu ceatr nib .41
AU ItYYSIMIT preueLleas Yearabbet ite Ifter
rise pr•yelly .r TAO CRUMMY if•at DY014,111 e
flAlllte.. It swell !TM: 9f e+llw et ren aa valbitrifl44i n e e: ;7e •
1mpg1. 1 ...t .7 Vilna ar ilr<ol,ll a ',Jerk
ILlgra."l‘.7.: . :l.l l l.T.r;r4ra;
. ate& acarrealree theme! Ware ley 4 .4.-
m1.r1:41 Avt:.l.lttr7lVol:,
eo~ niter
rgtf 4 . l : l T. - zwax,gl,.:nf."4::;.
' t rait nil Wang, •r Z 7 idas
grAirSr.. 411•14:XerazIttlAregzii:4 fee ev•
.z.nee Da.vtialasor oruir.bai,iir
AN :ORDINANCE for the Grad
,,,,,,,rtrieireux WWI Cmrllof Charcti
le tett 0111Uk o.4l7.,l:4ll7l•WnwriZtaltif.:7l
nai l % a :Pat r tooteod It At
Jitypett toett nom Orttliteti of th, ,
• /0110 , nere1/4. 444 it ittni/0 •040e004 .14 0. ,
ittoftp of htetallee, teitt_ilbe btreet 9seeetitioet...
lititT:7ltr 1114:74 1 le; a =44
n. rielltrre epotelo too eh:, rte..,
VErVIMItr4e e ntql1:1111 ? gil l a ' in Ugartil
a( aid streettralt alto tats 11.40 54411,11 trd .7
;?/ h m el i f:thri bLitl rid4TgirienTr'etrltr
prtvided per be tulallarg and Moore. et. I rT
ol.pNralleatellgln Zttre7nll:lt . e% W a b b . :
there It tereby tovle the ir a
I.peelallar-lo sem iv
treat thereat , tad tf . ;imptl;ed a. lA. 44144 apt
ouglfr.rt t0 . ..A at the et . .l
V., of patter o•d eurbittla t o
.*Sort the several lot-hoblers
ea as 4•141 . •14, 00.00‘ . 4140 to the r/10 Let.l4 be.
140. Imam.% end t apeman 10 tire not e•
thervort• the enter or o•rsent el laid lot et
ltteftoTttPt%W.Y;lll37.lheoii:N.e nlitrgett
7 1 :g o 4;: rf /ToTIY t V;T: g d h h el the
.V 4 'Xr , Tl.: ll4 t=q!:,t4n' u T-
Vo•l ' jet
sae canno to 114•04 . et miNviuni
it. 1041-11. 1 31c0 . 14.0. • lett, KT.
La•rezet•i3l4, . 1 .0 0 .1,3117. • te1....
AIV tin DINANeII relating It, -
0 • ta , o >vine et Water Plfse.
'2111112; :`,:=PVATIV:r4oI:I,IO!,
Lailarcadville, awl IV larea, vaatefoi bv s
ama PI; Itia1=P . 1111 :.::41,:4;:,!il,,`,1 " .: ,
VI Rata, t , laopaal. of .alerheav eau rtfl t
of Pallttylt a. la east: have halves aad • 40 021,
111.11 P.
17..f1"PPIPPa"P11'1,7 I:Y."11616P".
14:11L j d e 4111 . , i 1 e 1,11 :eVieveleith.%,
l OU. to •, Lterraleavll:e. Illan ra
ettl •
arr. and the ndiatent tonnalr,
gaaaaa; provided, 1, a: all alnualdnd/11,4STddand
Iranl>d. n.!0 0 0 r` , 417. 4 . u...4.1 rrt11e :;
,=;;,".:th.74M,Y1M7°41`.:4 ""*sh
Aver .I,n , ear., - e• 0 414 et aa•
'ELle1Pc:11i,::11; torrirl:•/.4etegjA!.....°
Attest, U. mccelit
• La+rtnert4ll, ast
ANtotiwant:i.l,4firiCE 'relating to
MICR .7C re.ll.o(f .14:411:. ealefe4 IMe
jZtir/ 'tcft loranO. .7 4 ;;T.P.:ssst Irtdlnstter Ua trz4ViktreV.ll;:l7'..7rVie.." l .
I.•ta pa a.,1 c/Ley• f
lbawadutt °I
c . . 1 loro.a"z tar
,mtbe4vi...lo.4•.llll7l,lllsobrerjja lb, . 11 .00 en of Lew.
C •ol,ll tr t .t e l . rir,r
dillpsx• IV lirfnoat ' in •C ' tx
Le~LrrV; focal: .loe an cf Ue
shall b• ref Arad CZ
3. - I Cm ft.. of cattl 10..0
Ittect.c tqoub.cril.c.for
1.ry... f Ice eapltsl of cal cc. Cecipmr.
lDNntb H. re:AVIV. ‘ " C.'" "
J.MoCAN:s. edit?' BUY jrini.l ""! . "
LcarlsCoenlle. Yov. 4, Iftlf
frf.u , 41/.%
vzarna, Part R. P. /bus; uses.
Bar Item
litallimoa Flea Boy% am! Ballot -
Ballroom am *aloe Boiled[
Ballroom Caramito Itammere4
Locomotive tinniest
. Frame llbapei,
Mao Boas; -
Talmo, Serape;
Pram. nelliaft - • • ‘ .
Illemaboat Phaflot
Pillion Recto, Wrist.;
Pltataa.lavro, teller. de...
PlPlll.2oftGli. PA
IMEW 111110WIIIE 110ESS.
Lindsay, Sterrit &.E:uwer,
Maiinfaoturen & Importnia of
417 ear. 1 79as3rixe,
One 84nare Delon. Union Deiot,
Sr Arum for rususAbots , MOLLIES.
xagorAtuvalio or
Al69Udt; I 1 En .G 7 al aira
lamb, MUL&T. OlNd.uti% MC,Areav
ILLLIPTIO I.D 721[1-SL I' ' .
cues carting'
Cast iind Gorman Plow Mee?,
PLOW wisua Jaw ios7zz rum
SPRINGS., ULU! mcp rani, 17 1 / 2 41
K M tar - 7^4.471itr 4
• W4lAn, ea.. ac
Warehouse, 83 tf.e4zr 84„
ErLis vionias,
istzzr , °dr sraara
Nbth lirard i Pittsturgk
Inclines N. SIIILLE33,Pc , esitt int
IVA Park. am =oar Itrtect Cid wait
' 4 !eta ettabllsNaent tL tbs Wcit. awl ulb
new yetpaxe4 b furalstk
11 4132a . ofliarery - Deatzlp.ttor..
Bolen, ()II Tomtit
ghee". Um Work,
lits.Uroad CastUils,'
Rolling lifill UtzUngs
Capin _
Xforlane Cul:lugs;
.GemeralCastlnga. •
, 1 ORDRES sat Wrath
Carson 84, 9it. Ward i near A. V. B. L
Hamm Diu, Steel Non
ltai g Yu 1 1 i° 4 4 13, 61 Pam* ,
, . ,
JOBBIIO/ Droairdvattesedell to. Or:
den soltelted and re:Wally and katistir.tarfir.
eliAlit,te,l . O " F r 11111PHIIII
• • •
• •
.as 3 irrßEg . !
under tba 'nap: evtekla
1102,1* C. . ...
Jobbing , ant - Macttli4ry Castlage t ,.
• -
?r,Zelm,4l, e.y.p„ej..1.111.10010 or •Grrir
P"' l t. 14 ;
Sittlor,ll3ol,lber:ty Street,
4,4laDiAlir, BARN ar
" • "
Lam, SPrrags, Aaloa,
- totre..n.p. sap
4... 7 •v er 4l .invir.4zetenutos... f.
* vTrainalt4a: '
- oar-
reek, Parlor and Reatiargiciej '; •
"Jearvlt I.lla. tre,34.4;&;6‘.'441-ttrA."
liH OI L A P Ataii -m it,l 4
as m+nuacw[e
aztkrstl eublTp.:e44.llkam,
lal lk It la "V r. 41 f
AM ,
V4l_ ~ LE, , EliG: kKa"".7 -.4 7
- ,4-6C,..... " '';:
-'': .lITUVa,
- ALLAN reg'K.le--et rt,; 7
0910.1 sad War .
ti.alta ateLtdaa ar7,. -Z' a.o 3tJr 4 ,
ET.Ir m tlow-,,, , .. R T i , t, -,- , .-.• :
n, WI 1.11,0 A T ~.)
la ar of 3%, Xmaara, . a T i. a. - .".
pia{e., • ....a4., ',..4... ;1,, MO 111604 41111,J..... :: 4,-
. - "..1
..Y....AMU , - 4 :4 N Dag aat• aid
xaman at. ourtzt..
.1 Val:, 1 )-P4 °Awes. at sox, - •
c.llll Boilers,' Oil "Stills,
Meat iron Works, as,
o . 3 .. um Pen,n, s lit,, FM. bur . gp iy , pa,
. - ,--
AIM AO= Tfololll.
meta enroot.
1 01111 AN, BO YD BAOALIY,
411n11 101:-.,, WM Cum.. 8011 larthts.
T/308. 4 0A.ItIXN.
itpui gm RIMY Arazi MB Wilk,
'."Duf r,gaißPAßitintlitE.Ms
V 1 12%.74i.
:‘l:,.Y*:;:l4lViesti tl'Ait7.l.°:Ardtr.
• ILL1(011/LCISIIVid
3 13a
ett Tab Tram s. and 0 B.u..imTa;
& BDRCBCaIcr4 .
yotho mm i,-. • • '
• 1111,21,06131rw =SLOW. 91'
ozom dataWak ousa. 5am0 . , 292111fp
"' f