El II K 3 gitish* &myth TSIDAY. DMOICII11:1 11 S. MR Tin House Committee of Ways sad Silas has agrod upon a bill to prevent • SztlSir coat/actin of the carnally. No =sinus' whatever ought to be pit ru the report - of s correspoidest of the New Tort llerald that s fresh pa— stures of Italy is contemplated by Franco Or soy Wood tie European rowan. • Iz a Footle the people of Beath Oar- Olin& Mel decided to call a Constitution al ° mo tley, the Tote in the Interior b e i ng Wier than near ; the rout. Thee one by one the tecolted Statelier* ewe lag In the work of rearganlutioa, and if no t a of them will be reire- Seated la OONIO , before tke , clew et 14,ie presearireesloa. Ti g go-ailed 4lemocratio journolsare ' m id m ost the an of aneeti , l, in the mm , sz iemOratla manner, at poor people wyp yap ant enjoyed the adrutages of I deenenst sad culture. Tao aptness vim oickthey ply this YOCAtiOn ShOWS edit W. pabit hu only lately been or * Wiked, the MOIL.. to it has w e lds erished. Vs, if.. ALLIEON and W. ii% Davis, • . Jae pablisher• of the Juniata/felted/Wan, ) 1 Y boo convicted of libel, before the Di s po ootinty court, on oath; xf John • J. Paiteson, and have been sentimosd to t ri, • Pays des of ;100 each, cost of prose ' _ im am, give, security In the sot of 000 . poi of good behavior for e term- of g m e year toward all persons, d patio:l- W, John J. PAterson, and !rapids. iiid in the jail of Dauphin linty for luny dayi. At the request of the de , neelants, 001. Patterson, the next day, *. , gentrified on Oov.: De , r.,i to grant them . poem, 'raw New 'York Times' correspoadeat . 11111 MIS how.the message pf the President gptied publicity before It was prorated Se Pongress.:l It appears that an enter. 'Odra cercespondiat of a ItostrAJ•tc* ad wastset sap in business by as lade' trethd Mead at tho White House, and hawked about the streets the pro:trot document, real , rtng perhaps sae thou- mud dollatiCput of his sales. hassue.ll u there was - no end_ the copies in km pomesdon, his source of supply sawn base been at headquarters, or is other ;Wads, the President was s party lb the speculatioia: Tits Aaronr of the Secretary of the likerietary: of the Treasury is an able Nocerneat, and his reccunmendatioas, ea SR LI they involve general principles, an based oa tin' best deduction' It ricwoomis science. Whi he depicts in vivid colon the evils rem inceaverti• Ida paper currency, and !strongly argues tour of a speedy return to a Bowie standard, his statements are let river /Yawn. Tie public debt eannot bra paid, ass the taxes be materially reduced, nor Inamstry and trade be quickested, with out Stet restoring the constitutismal and cumint meamre or values. Agienree to the confession in the deport of the Secretary of the Treaa ea that he is unable to prevent ayste . Italie frauds upon the reventut„,the New lark Pod nye: "somewhere in Washington, it Is said, there is a shelter and defence for these rogues. We do not believe It to be in Kr. Mlettiloch's department, but Se Menet be too vigilant in ferreting Kt them abuses of patronage-" • In this otomection it may as well be asaliosid that the conjecture is eater -haired by kfibiltag—onzw-tbsoi lorkl•ki triads are connived as a source from 'flitch to draw funds for electioneering Tao Committee of Ways and Neuss ars reported to bo opposed to a reduc tion of the whisky tax. If ths ditty *el be retained at the present mama, et anything like it, the people will that meals shall be provided to 'a lbino the payment of IL — Levying high tittles, and not collecting theca, deriaas th government, enables the distillers to • get three or four times a such for spirits as tha consr.mers ought to pa;' , ham the circumstances, and puts ad dhlosal and ' coequal. burden mother lamas of pro4tiotion. This Whist; , lax swindling has run about as long as art/1 be tolerated.' Do inembeg of Clongren, as well as the Executive • putment, understand thief ROE LAW AND PRACTICE.OII IM . 't • - vizAcurituxr. . The three reposts made by the Judi dory Oommittee, on the' matter of Im pmehment, have been printed .by order *Lae House of Representatives, aid make a pamphlet of 711 pages. Wears indelited to Mr. Tomas Wsurascs for aligner it, and have given it a careful sad dispassionate perusal. Mr. Witeon and' Mi. Woorrimwell, ionstittnieg the Republican minority, `‘. have built up a legal argument which bar • basis no more mittstaatial the Veins& It is simply umaing that : .mes pretending to legal attahuments, Should make Such repressatedeu es they do touching the law of impeach aunt :They assume that a President Osman be impeached except for Weser K such character and gravity u would upoos hint to indictment in the oeurta. l l The Let Is dye impeachments have bees tried before the Renate, and in neither of them was an indictable offense soaks the basis of the proceeding. In neither of 1644 Mel did the defendant lassuplf, or nay member of the Senate, or any man . Of ordinary intelligence in any part of the country, imagine the rule asserted by these gentlemen to be in the slight- IR degree aPplicable to the case. The people of the thirteen celeaies, - Which originally forined • the tratted Sates. inherited English law and puce. dint as absolutely as they did - English blood; or language, or literature. So thr as they found English law. and pro tease% unstilted either -to the general esaditioO of the ego or to the liberal brag of government they eatablisked, ! they modified it either by constitutiosal sandal' or by statutory declarations lie all other respects the principles and bans of adjudication remained na •llB4llclumi. No thoughtful man can read the Constitittlon withreht 'seeing eel -614480t this in almost every sctien. Is three particulars that instruusat altars the English law of barinclaan, sal ally in three. It provides that 'judgment Ii cans •K lapeactuaent s h all not extend farther ! .1040 to removel from alias and dir ipallitillon to bold and enjoy say office el honor, trust or profit, under the Vatted etates;" but ;Oa on to specify Vial "the party corevictod shall never. theses be liable and subject to Indict swat, Irbil, Judgment and punishment law:. The object of this gaslement is obvious. It was intended to remedy • serious evil which had frown up, Whereby linpeubssent was wade • coneenient Instrument for Inca-, youibly taking the lives endfottenes of drab or enemies. S. It provides that "the President, Ties President, and all civil edlcere of, Us United States shall he removed from, sin on impuchment for, and _cowrie- OR of, treason, bribery or ether high "[Sans sad misdemeanors." The knee -1611 of this declaration was not to limit . Impeachment tolndictable offenses, or q persoos in tic civil er rs ee. italther •; 3 ! . :',,g1s Executive, nor Congress, . nor • the ~ ::‘z! : tyeerts, nor writers of authority on the ..,10enstitntion and the Lowe, hays ever so until within the last two years, WIG iifft any to shield the deepest off-order Wit country has ever produced from the ileguences of Ids conduct. A military A iwa] came is as liable to impeachment gatitivil one. BM a private slam, may bo proceeded against for litchi= by, this proceu. 6 specific evil wee cared by this stipulation. Under the British monarchy, when a favorite Min ister or a subservient Judge was ito puehed by Parliament and convicted, he was shielded by the prerogative of the . Crown, and retained In aloe. The framers of the Constitution la the clause tinder consideration, &imply provided a remedy for this abase: 8. It provides that no bill et attainder shall be passed. This made an end of that terrible power by which families were smitten to the earth or torn up by the roots for the crimes of a husband and father.. —lto far, and no farther, does our Con stitution L modify the English law of int leachment. Whoever has examined the cases of impeachment heretofore tried la this coontiy, or has read the chapter of Stery's Conimentiry on this point, knows this to be the fact. Against the law all thus expounded the Immeunra ble wind, just now prevalent, goes for nothing. • If any Republican member of Con grew,. or any Republican journalist, thinks that, contddering the shortness of the time Preirdept Jot:union has now to serve, or the presser. bf otter toishiesa, involving the common welfare,' , and which does not admit of delay, tt Is in expedient to arraign and dajose we are not prepared to say there is no reason in either suggestion, though we de noladmit the conclusiveness of either er both combined. Whoever is of our way of thinking Will stand with Us. rhino wbe are of a contrary mind hare perfect liberty to go their own way. But when Republican seceders of ontagreu, or Republican journalists, affirm the President has - dose nothing' whereby he Is rightfully expwed to impeachment, end/that the Constitution and the precedents ander lido tot rench kin cue, they disclose either a strayd iganranee or an unbounded mendacity. In the comae of a fel days-as soon as our columns are relieved from the peculiar preasare now falling on them— wo shall present our readers with an admirable exposition • of the' levy and pracliceof iihimachment, to set fora In tbs(teport of the Majority'. of Cur Judi ciary Committee. - , NEW PUBLICATIONS. • litettiOle of the Life sad lesbora of Preo. els Wayland. D. D., LL. D. IMO Prem..lent of lama Ustrersitv. Ey flit sone, Ftss, cis teesteed end H. L. Wsyliell. 'Po o relaters. Slew York: Sl:lshtar. Lo. Pitts burgh: Della Clarke a Co: Religions biography, elevated alit in ordinarily, because it treata of facts and tot tenon , is heightened when the nub feat bait moved in the higher walks of learning, and has also done something towards molding the morala l of a ratios Cantor Wayland embodied liaise charsc teristics in the highest sad broadest sense. Born of, parents who had felt the pit-mare of persecution a dissenters in England, it is no marvel thathis spa- Whits were with ,popular freedom in this country. New York was 'honored m being his bli•th . plans. Graduating at Union Coliege while quite young, he soon after entered Andover Tocological ' Seminary. From this he bo ' Came pastor of a Baptist church in Boston, where he became very popular. In. 1823 - 14 ac- cepted a professorship in Union College, exchanging this place in - 18.3 T far the Presidency of Brown College. Here he developed his great powers of ripe schol arship and eminent executive talent. Daring his connection with.thia College ha wrote tagreat deal, and hill works on "Moral 15 , 3031311" - and "Political Boone. my," will long live to perpetuate .his name and exert a good influence on men. The sons have executed their task well, and we regard them volumes valuable far beyond mere denominationallimit. .411 r Novat.,a or Varlet:lee to elr Edy•rd Balm. Lynn.. Bert. Complete in two volaralC_ faatehedi bf Lip trtr i , t=. l r i a. l , rte.:ll4 ' 4 ' 4 Paisburgh. It is hardly passible to find among the many editions of Bnlwe.r's works, such *combination of cheapness, portability, open-faced type and beauty, an this "Globe Edition." • Type large, prigled on tinted paper, with engraved tratilif_ piece to each volunte,nad handsomely boned In green Moroi:co Cloth, and Only sl,oit per volume. ,"My Novel," or Va rieties in English Life, is regarded among the best of Bulwer's writing. The charming style and keen edge which pervades its 'pages, has given him an enviable reputation in.thelitarary lain Stones STIMMUIRS : • A Conn et , Lactates oa sae Politkal History of Ens lead. Br Golilla la Swab. it,.. tett: Harper fist liratbers. relaiseets. per La, Zub ry . lisa . sr. 33.1 73 rift, greet. Tb e event* narrated In them lectrues, aside from the notable characters—Pim, Cromwell, ked Pitt—are of intense in terest to this loversof historic lire. Him- torical facts are here embodied of the stirring tiara in which these Elea lived, aid sated so prominent a part of a mo mentous character. great reforms sought by them were toonnoble and Mr vita men, and relieve the action from the tyranny' and despotism vilgich pre veiled. Pro receive/ the Pesitioa that he deserves, and Cromwell end Pitt ferreted well the great wink - history' to onerously accord' fit the Professor Smitkplaturen the geed themes, with :Muter hand, and compreuis in these lectures, volnmes. The pnbletion . of this work, by this eminent house, will be s valuable contributioa to Atis clan of rusting matter. TzmS•rozr err WA.Linsali Bsou's Tor.. 1117 H. r. Swald. Trarithaed from t Dant.b. Prr.3Bl.larlel.bm S. W. Macon • Co .PLltaburgin Ileary Muer. , This worn was puolialmd asenyisous 13' in Postmark, in 1880, and aftarwards relmblisked In Esubtad. it wu .woll roomed aud tt eaCellle the author quite a reputation. The same pupsfarl- ty that atteado4 'Fredericks Bremen's werke la her country, was realized hy the author among the Dines, Its reprn election in .the country, by the esnelicnt put:4l4'lBa house awned, will eigibuess aeci,r, it • wide sale. It deplete hi a racy, ealitiratlng style, Mania piousa of society, especially of the middle and. higher grades, and pretiento.the lade chanseters in graphic language.. .. norm.= BArmisa. By Übszbw - Dlekra. Illaytystiti Octavo lrelitlon. IWO& thirty tyo orlirtnal tUnsilltnou from Atts=g. by PAY lak.l Styzorwr. T. .11. Brothers, Philsdatobts,'l%blWhons. for ode by W. A. 011dentevnyrirstik West. Brisk aa the competition has bcen for the works; of the. great novelle, this wellaaown publishing firm has sold an immense number of their twenty-four different editions. The "Illustrated Octave Edition" Is a new' cutdhlate Sc; Public laver, this beilig the second 're am* of the series. This 'volume Is printed on • large octavo page, double column, from new type witha east licdd face. .The paper is good, and toe illus.. trations, full page size, are printed On fine tinted paper, and bo.aid in cloth in • substantial manner. Them inimitable papers are , fandliar almost to everybody. Mae. Pinnies rrr 8.4 r. AJID Towle lionsaxnerrniO as. &int en- Inignen earices, Nor fort, Sheldon co. 1./W*o9cm naves, um . le i co. - Elzht yextvogi4 l o l Pl4 l Pr rA l l i k ilied the firma sditiotof,Eideqytoili.:. jai*. i tical elemenia rendered . Ii popela '.it prat, *ad In It* 'redir!*:fora - will doubtless be Incressingli3Oyolar.- All : the receipts hove bemi by the. anther darieg twenty Yeare ex perience is lane/seeping, aid found to be good. It contains receipts odic's*. fa variety to meet fully the wants of a featly, and the author beg asp:daily kept in view economy Itoproviding table handsomely. Bair of the re ceipt books in pre. are bardelled .with useesa matter, bat this book- aims at practical information.' • erssoti. AND P Bat.rnyo ..ro res Artutta.tott ♦ID Tito Ovsavantor `Vs 5t..1- was,. ; Br Ueomot 8. 11 . .t.e11: cll. Barton t & Co. Yor s.O b 7 LT& Va., Pi ttetbargb. Careful readers of the dotage of the National COmrress are fee:llller with thrrareer Boutwell's name, especially because et, his oeunecilea - with the im peachment meannieut nosy agitating the ( " 6 . 1 7, A 1144. hum 11 4 "PO" , lb' Eterittwell isknown for Ms eminent ear 'steel daring the dark days of the rebel lion. These speeches comprise those be delivered within a few years, in Con gress, Faneuil Hall , and on special occa sions in different places. Valuable papers, toe, which appeared in several influential Journals, are also reproduced. Both addresses and papers am couched In terse, vigorous laaguage, and breaths Intense loyalty thremghont. The pub. ILakcn have shown great taste !n The mechanical production of the work. Jrnon Novi sr Extra Pownida 13intwoon Bs lir.. Edwin fibbbPard. Loring._ _pu Haber, Boston. for sale by Hilary miner 71 and 73 Filth BtreeL Lemons of value to young led ;es may be gleaned from this beautiful little vol ume. Paragraphs full of pathos abound hero and there, and one cannot read the work without having awakened the ten derest e . :Metions. Tourists to the lovely village of "West Oakland," England, zre'Sberla • Costly 1:110alttuelt, bearing" thLs tas4iptle..;. "Judge Not," which points hhavitiward over the grave of the herolce of thin book. sweeee ape Mb vv.... Sketches tad 'tortee of their tic.-rtory, customs, [Oscar). It litintirOete. Be B. G !nature, With Was. Orations. Balton: a ,ale • Lincoln. Pitts bur.h: Dwri., Clarice a Co. Thla in the third volume of a aeries de signed to describe suMe of those king. dome, provinces and . sountries least known to young American readers. Such hooks fur the young are the more valuable because, in additros to the in teresting historical . information embod ied therein, the author introduces -the dashing stories of deandinavian life, which give zest and relish to the youth ful reader. Etch of the volumes will be complete in itself, although the promi nent characters in the leading Story will appear in all.: • . . . . • HA 1114.11 T ' Urea.. ley Miser , . Dickens •Yenese , a Zoltion. Witli Illustrations by - TI a Browne. Pluliste4PMes T a ro• terms, b Prattle.. I . :manure,. IV: A. eilidenfrany. On the reception of proviens volumes of the "People's Edition Illustrated," we hove spoken in favorable term:alt. admiral:a features„ boih no it rogards paper, type, Lining and price. Each one makes a CUropael, and portable vol , lame, and heretofore sold at two dollirs sad fifty cents a volume. • The price has been reduced and ia now only oue'dollar and fifty cents. Tho ivory of - Romany fledge la uit is well known, is founded upon the great Riots at the close of the lut century. The thrilling scenes . of that period are portrayed In Dickens' Inimitable etyle. Mier Taacaalr.crle Seeming.' Loring, Tab. Ilsber, Fromon. For rale by Henry Maar, 71 andla Fart h Plltalexratt.• "Jack the Giant KAller," "Ciudertl— la,".+•Tue Eltephag Remit,. In • tie Wood," form.part of the exquisite tales of this gifted author. - liertather'sgrent name gives her a cordial welcome. Ls a writer she is quite a favorite.. - = 'We further vlslied the curious water works of old Archblellop tintieno, w►ti lived and ruled hie acre' about 11313. - Ile must have given - some of the Uwe which In. had promised to the Church to prorate amusements, for his palace 6124 kni.rattln are masterpieces at various e.mitivance. In the garden is lung wall: lined with grottoes, foun tains, sabots, and auntie figures of the animals. tn 'one plow .is-u wild boar just riling front covert, In another a run. rang fawn, seen though the green twig, inn grotto of.fantiewo stone work is an - arctibishme's crown, of gilded tin, which rises on a dt.t elevator to the height of ten or tliteen loot, and then sinks again, el.es and sinks alternately,. the water pouring oat down Its ruin all somud. In another place, a wide sheet of water, thin as blotting . paper and smooth as glass, streams out in a solid convex sheet aver &demonic of water lilies, and still another falls like a ball glass aver a circle of moss. Further L on, there Is a email helm., in Which are wooden dome, representing all the kinds of trailesttuem at their different crafts. The wafer Ls turn.; on; and at once the figures begin their works. One party Ls nailing elutes ono house roof; another with brick and trowel is building La wall; a third in blackamithing; a tourtirceepering mats and atlith kneading bread. ..Soutoprirete are also passing Ina priaseeatont an, old woman is scalding in toe' market place ; a butcher knocks down a bullock, which rises again as offen an Witty lf lo • p p rs.ln a palmo at the background, and all the retreat life of the century is displayed. It Is a child's plaything, but excellently made and very amusing. Further on and in the house is another eretto, iu which an a tablature ruin--au old castle chamber apparently ailing all to pieces, hot. attil falling •as at brat, though miler two hundred years. And the next room to this repreaentsn rave whore a dragon sails round irra ring of water, and In always about. to eel a stone Andromeda, always being struck on the head by a stone Perseus, whose figure water turns. Thewalls are covered with artificial green vim. through whose leaves are neon lizards, dragons, and bisects, and beast., all of some composite, and front every nook Is beard chirping and singing et birds an if an avtary of birds were hiding among the recesses of the rocks. Theiteare all driven by water. The net of an antecluml air to then it tall of holes and pours .dotsa a perfect infirm shower of rain, through which the sunshine Perna a natural rainbow is bright oaths colors of a pram; end be wreathe doorway, mini a score Of . smallpipea, the water comes banning 4 in streams that meet and form a pretty (retina arch, under which onsi_neay 'walk -with an umbralla. A little brook cornea running out of two lion's mown., down inward this doorway, sad in Its clear current the speckled trout are seen dart. tog to and Sm. Still !nether OD' are passed some stone Keats, with between the realm which masts were perhaps invited le, sit bait .tarnee 10t1P+T•and moos beautiful. water . works, end ut, .a Biagio turn a stoatjet of water is Ottawa up throOgh'the central orifice, &MlA iess lining the 'gorse from his pare In santeltaste. A, rough joke, not too Com mon, lot ma believe even then, and now disused. The visiltor to this spot Is next sent to sees natural theatre, which some freak of the reeks - has wickedly con structed, as if for the very encourage ment of playa nod bullets,- and other weariful practices. Ilere is n stago, a canopy over lt, a green room behind the stage, and aloe chambers for Stage nem cry, (hi., all made ready to 'hand cut of the living 'reeita, The whole 'ls perfect in Propertfetie, and nearly oval in form. In front is a place for spectators, also sanomod, 'or rooted by 'another rock; Anything more like the work of Minim hands for a spetlatirpose could =Mit lr.be haniood, Fairy's 'watch hardly bears . more cogent signe_ of intelligent design. " SIPPFWA PCtET 011A.PE WINE. 'raft o4.tra Ivl e. Oal Fr *IOS Irma v ..rz wz imadred ea. tels• Pare Pert Wlse, cared Cta ILO azi4 tat .1.. JOSZPII rLIMIMPS, Ae. bt %forfeit ottert. Dlotaoad Cole.!! , D 7 ETLPOI4: (AVE, COL'S C 004.114 Twentr ease. et these veaabla Mad loamy m 4 Ilea Ws 4•7 sad (OWN*. at varyte44444•4 4 at • tuncra ae. w•.i•..e-..o..•tt'eif.o,ooe • Mt' G resit fteelrlet '" . . frlforstted ...it ft m0d1e.11,,13 fi to ,Iftlfrfia Melt late?.,. tut ttivri —the if at,o:the alftlit an llgeolily fjl . Ofl . Of CO , o tbog a m ,or al boats 'it ttl it Wails stmt./id, ha =tad'. tritlf;tud UO Wm! .11re &Le todr,lo • inoto; f p vital . .....elTa lat ffte - is isbur WA° t %grata. oo grata • y !ILD 11Y,7J .11 KAN. Misc.-btu taloa tot W al 'of WWII/ft adl Ito toad. 1. • Toitte•'kitai.o.loo.' 'Litt him to • ebedepths et ~.Milt? tut fh•Doutloucy frfek atm?' et - rEftft tiler /MIL Ilfer Putt faft,...A.0h1.4 lam It daft acted ...At it... *Utia° .f o e rftstltfllty of been. lbotatee.o !vital pc *tr. arc fr. , , ,, •t0 , 04004 soorto WO, ayes i .t as int 'dud gr.. ft to tte , t, Itt utter t o. d ra ftlobl,re loon aze , of do. Ity the ISIT TAW. aboolmotr folo/W I* WNW or 1.11C04.•;••• on Voo , 11•1: pltet. Ot•tt.tfolOttrr, t wnit •ecttl of okod•nn oa ttf sr/ fte wall -.tett ...Ilia UM IS Dr.- •ut nat . t.at fril-mt iftutd.rs, ood•foottons ,, f kt I/111 ,Riott U. Vie.. 1E '1 114 4 4 " ." I :tri t t4 ' ;l`WlC, '''l'43 Ll* imp.risiot se cutintirx Aeriebanto. blernbartrelslttng the !11l toter lb belt rop y!, g,434 . *50141 ao 544 At !ill at, ISt abet omelet. nap... Of Lbr. XVICCEIL Ire booed I et., acs pet 11 a &err:p of las toraJuhle r ltZeTtlfte L. BY LIMP .4 FILVIILI e/t4110112/1. tbe !order 01510th ber beta bee JO Ute Loa bit prrettee for star (*rat., P• 11111, and lisa ...I teem tar es front tee wan emotive•e pate tall. EZYSib'ePX(77QI . 4L Nyuve Inve rter, Pln ettltfattlan to aft pterpa t ,gu ck a Ith • erg!. en 4 bbrorarb 1.1 lb. stoat pet. te•ladtea 1e.1.4.e1l ti. iblizaboa of sbe trblist DII b I TOIL. Rtollt/87beliolfr C 4 It tall? colt. ...ma et tha best b e. , bre , teareare. .1 colon Att. erre. Jar b pbraktaar, be brlt. orenee terb fr rs ' e r .:74; n tnri; " :!•:. tllle d t it - eta tab to blob. ater tte opepe.,p, 'bu s Prbel • p olaneet raison. blab. verb , di. • IL rco ett.tnet 8.:14., ,ehlet• rib ta a. on. eta... an 4 "lamb brtora. es • arrant tt“.tp. "giro. bat et be are. te•enell On tier}, r Ite•tenvlaor sed ls .*: Ify rp:llr, , 1110 1.'40. •11,reo . rlob la e rater rt• roarer, a. ••nrat • o • • It r lab sp t• fr am e • Senn . rde rt I !tr. r-t. It C ora, , a :b. I*.y 'r 1215 rvg OL r - ttrVi -11 al, Ir .Ita •od .lle tea Par , •nuo,!ke .; vt.•ll Inn. of esn'in.....t Met q ti,t'ura toe p eto. •1. JrUtP zrzte vi.p er enter' _ • Shit or t ae: artB alt. tateblt.`fint 11211 i take ber, a• Wood stroll. iLeakg,e coareltntrott rs JCL,. stP•Pt. ihnuararca, wt. et O. 1-Iteh t)AiLY tiAZEII TR : FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, ISO 1786. IPI / 1 51sPz eT ug ' 1868. THE PITTSBURGH BUTTE: The largest daily paper in the State of Pensury/oasita, enters the 82nd year of 6sistence Ina increased faeilihesi for feMillahlig the current news of the day, and for rendering good potatical service n the important Presidential Cancasa of 1888. TheforfheomNtC seeaionof (AmStresi promises to prove ons of the most import ant helot smut the formation of t A a G r oot ernmemt, and the proceedings will be anx iously watched by the intelligent *71248.1. In mom of the deep Interco( centerufin the proceedings, the proprietors of the A - Z ETTE have made arrangements for daily dispatches and letters during the session, from a 'highly intelligent corre spondent, mho enjoya the tonfklence and friendship of the tickling members of the Senate and House, the heads of the' vari ous Departments', and the teastiv potiti ciana who frequent. Troshingtorti so that readein east depend on reemitnng the first, fallen and most reliable intelligence from the. *eat of Goremminnit: The proceedings of. ttnf State Legisto hrre, at its forth ...ring session, will also prove interesting, nuttosuch as many gints holt of importance tell: tome up for Legislation. 27et G.IZET"PE. will keep at the State Capita/, daring the entire session, an *stettigent and faitAfal oorrerpondent, who trill promptly report the pr.:see/laws by mad and teleraph. it to the only 'political journal of Pitts burgh which fait/041y reflects and stsadily advocates Liojerinesptest held by the Union Republwan Peaty, and interpreted by a toyed Oongreas. itptatea•toneh rarity sue, or ay paper satel at trek 4elfan me. cam., Mete es Tales te bat Oahe, kiss Lk ehrespert a meg w the tar. vatmenmperts thoMmtmenittnatt. - Fat the miarmokne,. eery dakeekral has keg ermeheim. TA. MgO Mmserr of Its eltiorki eetemm..rte I. Mt Wel 11•14, and alt ...ems of "Mir Imperfame oat M feaelaoth Ileosseat TA. nem. deparlment INII 11wriopt wo. I. the rreotivsa.nts qf fM uay, awl A ce,wlrata trams oaf fattAisaly mirror all thd trlnnetfo•J• m:O4 11.11.1. r ..I.a.slato,n for A. GAZXTTX rev.t.tow Of • U.. linverprisist, mad fret tlass featly word ihmosun+.l sapper." •Klith apais A. Mrs meraffor warp( n. ports mita, c0m4,1116.11 b• naiad, up. w am ent eerreet, as OW rmol jimotaVoss for 1014.4fise tons. farm pralmtt. tattle. de.. k , one daily frealitetiliag Oily. Co faIIANI ewe rte. ryporerre t .7%4 How tuna, Cs .11.etad eria ea, 4124 all , prom awry ("Port-sting faat.r. , VW. 0.1214 r7H. - - rideftscrattal sees dlopetrensentAna Men 'Newt In Huy,/ ae crw att. ad asp.r4rll.4 boat., man r•-wdn If role an attractive ad %W4l Sp.- .12Pp Imilort. brokers and Matlrbos men pa.. mall, • TA. rellftenu der:Kruse will 'wet. , tie an.- Mon gt. W bliporfaaa. .14 r atM er,62.41.4pt eu la b• pienatie, a.evandal le to mnelSore al.tt rtheorat tinado [motion/. • rlle as...ans.! Int. seesaw W., se , /swat awl etn.•OrpastawW SW pops WU es eesdaa.t/ws sums.. saga MIS "me soli. "sorsry . to me rester. Tbt klq CT 'NS DAILY 9.41411 . 121. Tarim Mouths ........ Stsr Ifirmthe ...... —..—.. ..... ....... as tne. Hare a OS. Detliaemt WY map\ Alleplureir aad all P(Patiat kompaa6t far it apt* pie teat, payable la Carrie.. • TV It WS ill 6141.11r1 - 110. 21. WEEKLY awrra ha« aeon moforroof taw none Hu .• Vos Dotty; aadU moot Oa e.k..1...pce ad Me wetly fealty woorpoper helix Com. It ohould to to LU hoop of ..ay fon., . mainly at /mean , man- It Oa Oa lag - MU milet aetatis of oot-ront nroor ty ieteacitt ad varli, tie tall." editarici• tea 0.14, and neaten .thotta of Moran, aid M ande Una, 'dans sea aritlici Lopata! w! au 14fitite. et. GVIIIII , hail Mau edit tc *dint ill omit a mac, at to Act fame ail tie fora.' ed pardon, tto curiae/pees ef tA. WEAKLY GALT TIT on hi vaIMIIIMMS comma eirameriedatt to IN Lie Sandal msfarity tai Won ad valor, and to easeendel efi , o4* la Melia Pam, t tato, Amino Oda aid Waters. Parisi* ere atiecet east. Tie Ol.• of Me sizsrrs nap crolano hp a VW sere ernoolo.. roforosog In imperfect team, to dn. brace 4e atici tante is tic oak. at ea Um. of MU barium. iteravertio la tl.pr4. Car Agorae favor la Or oottmo rep noir eche it ea, eta cocci/at a ilea mused ace •apfrs, ar re Lye wa,eta that sat *I ma reader. acrid be dasfied N of. eat • sae. Atttooo to ekolno no I. ass. at art ttec, mer ty now Paratetere ad Maack ore re e ment to ma imati Yt!sI.UN TI.I•VISItZTOI2.IO,. PI - Per spociana . eaDite itf tills. IMO/ W•alg adlnos.r W pnopridenr. ILEEI)•IX); • • 011lITTL 1itt111.211310.- Amr. NI sal SI Nib 17FW. rittabor" Centurrenspers tq Wetafl reenvrtftal. issteiti Mitt tted Wort.rs Ttr...1.114 141;11 41 , 1 amyl, alLei n we mvn.d rinso, ' O .l b. own marie else y arl.iehrl;e tMt the Wm, ‘.l 11.1TTIL NEW AD cERTISiXEIiTB '•11. ?Z 4,24 X ltrprus (0' !t* 711th bLrom4 er+ arJwr4oE Egest narx - a AtiwrZerrarits for Pit 0.15H:1711.6.4 ari aßer prlp46l Rm.,.`,61.1.r MOO. Moir 100,000, l.c. ' s "' 19° °°° Jut ttetitrf, Om above ate.nt of 800.111 NAND/"Ay wbiohlrill b. Moved of at lbw gads. W. 11. gt.BllL7. Whogoag, 211 (inert, - orosoi. Ignalmer22. Brain IrlITL' PRES EVI ITAVVRE HOLIDAY 4. rAmirciier r Cllrrir V ♦ID VOX it ru.1.1. k 'maw, • BMX XX and 'IAA XA.TTP. Alio.. l•rpe RAS:AMA:of D.eamrtzt Engllab awl I.e. vga3 mg• ViILEThiETTS, • oettells. Or twortatlea. Vat come/ 4.1 r.r)a.: at,•c 1313 IR4l7cscral. tStreo.t. - • ..sitals Etz r. GLASS SRADEft AND ACTAADo uP ;MED, .ST.IIII IOM) IT.. OVAL AND. IDEND -SHADES WM awl wlt'seet.tande. oral , ettalnad Wens 1.90KMGGLA5E1.13171.1.014, rote MIA AbV PI[ILITOr INNAVVI. = nr,swir; WITUOUT DUI . .•••• sri is baslyt Ppas. PPlA.4l..pltal en the AC tlyirr 01r,O.PP - 1107. In appippri• at non •Itsi /se 144 and th.ls satasst 'Sga beiss s3asillst..4 is 4, seisist . , st la ratan lZ tag. rimaits.tille as. D.ts , is Cress. ; /Is syStass. list attars sr* pas lass', ttavestli O. IT. tp.reat vita _p , OPertita ,/f Via I 0.14.40/10A lh6 rissiox/uMaTi.VA.IIIPIC. rixas.tia sin TUX PIIIIPP• cnrlil. .04 ssaroa4 natarisis /aresla , las mai , of t.i ds/llrsii/ • 0,000111. suss/err str vlslosssis•Ssf.ty 00104,,,,Ksh.sa1ss boastilltllS . saa•lle4.. 531 04/o.l•Sset are ether sisOssided as tat Sider/WO. tall yeast tj , is It. same; tberskas Ante./ 01 0.00000 Igsw•dl! Ire. h•Ta 101.144 1.0:• 0.010 •slisalriesasUs;tt Wait blialastreiti tairsr. S.& 00.„ims striskiesessoss 00 Lao 6 , 4117 tols arincts,:laavisstilittwe ' basun oar zatarit .with al 0011101... . MS slur Porsnal 1.43041, st.latalsoti. seisityss, 4/s, r . oast th.a, zatirsittis sa %/es of .IPLI Mtl.4 thaeOrkes7ll , loi,pa*UketeAdi if drags. 07, • arreeltsesibal wita 044 00 //L".. 0 0,010 . of 9.!, •ug. of 000,000.. aspong wltisioss-Saps Irusrs. arrslit asras, Aka.; 01 . .0. tiqs.p. lA/FM. Watts, .0- ssr , ts , raos7, "'Malty. 511t13e1 of 1.14, t.-sts solnutsarrrialittassishis, des/ .4 7 . liner aeinal•lat, nisp‘prlaa tat, rhansaa Orig. nears:WC had la abort array alma,o that anf is holt ta, prarlitan War 'rearattlat Walt la mutat'', airman la. Wade:7ol.MA errallnw• all. , Bat theta who 040 . 0 berm the 'lariats al Ina ale prrhel.e. and laganleas Ilano at shells rintfl alwnrograhttEr, nod raw , tirla inwatrarlatarvrat tar prattles{ Mt now Ida tanks. IsltshrtY.: nen, ID Its bresnast *tow tan try the Trellis Mater. Method, by alyinr as - m ann. at bro. DO 06NTBDATZEIVII. .Diteebergle, AT 6117 . 0108, „ • se wirrniniii2CT FEW PUIIIZST A; , / BLOTZet MAYO . bOOWOOIi 4/li7EI.IIY; (I ..s 2 g.a.lart. • - - 17gre.S. GPX . ..102421111=1. dtk I V.TTIEV/Fl' ADMII%isTNA. Aa.Tiox enrik, to ilto.ottltr Kra ' ,l 114 !ail g . riad 'NAVY. ,hvg , ot n ' atilatilltartmalliot t a...0w1. all pats*. 1:do atom 0 oald <115440 VW male losorma la d' " a a ago . I ltr , ft •1 1 5 S F . a? t, del: 11 Onott.alp. IIiOSI - AtIOISI rOR ALLESIBIE. . - 7 , lo .7 :rrsili t '. '77 4 , °a7 ') g ini iitt l' L licii., ... --- „,...,:t A k T , list 1...tr0d ta the anialos at tat abate la. t - std. •In . 6“.•rdfrell .. hillrelP4 4114 61.11,1 L. 6 1 6 1 6 . attaaoaleas 11111.4 at Jai OWe. of aza q!VEBS .: 1, Wiest No.': It. Cialr 4S, %I SO. 4 AKIO, I. etcara. t CM WI 4,00 row tO, It.. Pitman:O. ._... 8 - ! L. ... , i Catmint., [d'!l w a wet. s.. c VW !al. b! . ~.. Nuarr 8c 1.1100{.... • els 11l .- '' . flittßY; I'ILIKRItt.Z• • 6ft. ._ _ • 000,rise SOFT' GIVIZINA LEAD, C 9112., %D .? No.l Witter: '' Tl).7 - , ;77 , H I 1 —. CED. 411. 1 . lett • t arrlT4 yal, far 11,1ktA el 1.1 , 1:1:4V 4 CM. POT CLAY-50 bbLi. MLoaud, ttrae, 14r w. b 7 • - uxustwormracw. NEW ADVEILTISEALEINg TS arACADE.IIfor aveib, Positively the Last Coneys v, CLEM MENDIKLSAOHN QVATETTE CifOA And the elarallar lidiaggtres. DVSS ADDIE S. IMAM 71m (Trlday,) Aryrigors, Deceiibtr A MIZORAM Itt Or 0111 • Claartato to ••Zotto Was tr.;•• Larotebta than ..,,thataa galattnet•• • attan e Rom 2 .. rtti :7 :nt:tn g 4 4 l ' or'l e lt aAig " ?tial l ty t.9 4 ' . and •ft, •• an. M ..Laves Li.... by U. a Elan. IPLuTe by lteloC. VIOWN aad pe 1111..0 . br sch , Ju and Walt Frit.. an/ airs 4 'LULU, latity, by IV. a. await.. aid ttalsaL ••If le the =Pet of en of s h ... Wee. eon One ti.d ceded out teat nee .n .N was es iv caltd•h et laid Imo* respeloted. •• LW I ret. , •—iTheenets Parse, dotastdos-I , lquel. add Drys. Circle, Sp no vet rie fa, seemed • std. 'amity lA, cn• teat.. neer. eof Is at?* Ceneert at 4 dee r 3 r Ak4.:Ai*ny or IVILSIC. RISTORI. DICLTLO 3 0 ra r gki ir .i: l7.7ll N i url ' al " iVo 4 t.ll . o level thre Jramstla tayl e 4 Ib , yWEDNE_DAY YVENIN(i. Dteember 11111: =1 TRUBSDAY ICC!. IN 0, I.oenatt..l2tl. M==M F.Vne ;Nw. Dee - •mbee lithe Gnu. met.l'e new and els xeste trafe •y. • • MIAMI Ft /LIMO la Erni. Tho mm ps-.) of AD td T.1R1610 1... 51,11 t ' lro 1 O . ::• . :11: " $== • rtlata po.• ae..a .11 ttaly, so: has aaaaaa th Waltonle ••ttnatloo by An rscallasoa Of MI Da 11,10, •sal•ro, Reserved .12 este of sesta f•r sot Of to Ara., 11,...,11 •zo- store *a Sat...l4V. at A.' s 1 CI. %Woes r• II W0..41 ~,,,, $1 . 41. ISISOVIT ' Irela 71 4S 4S. 11.7 lery Oro •t. ••••••ttrr. tiEVNIOg SlifflNO Robinson St., Allegheny City. I. 114.11NAIP ==l =MI ==572 DIIIKUTORF: • U. L. VALDWat.t. I 1""'". al. A it.l.looll.lltrW'''"" Thl• a... 111. k :Mb. epee d la a for day, h••••. es• to- en... 4 ea th.tl I • • Ohl , . Y. the Tth Um* I ft. ON ill "iiibi"bb R'. C. : 4 AftVEY. dettlit Gemeriall Mitsiger. m-A ..r.:, • .f . -1, •.; ~ % 4 ~,,, , . ~ , .. ..:,_„J...„ :!1 ... t..,„.., ....v.,.., K:t3g,,r. : ::: -it ANN THE MIT IN MORE% Water. Butter, f•ttear, soda. %Won Wina and.Oystlir Crackers, Bad .oresoli.or Thaem.l. No. t Liberty Aireet, I= SKALE.I ILATFP MATES* I boor reoolood tie Itreeati tie fitatemi, 4 test estate etas of E r e Mr. A. i'l7 E;1,1, rya,. •Ifere• It thq ,•••1•11 .....ap•-• • egru,l.,e. Vt. •••• ..m.1.,•11 It to:TH.OY ” 4, 1..1..01tairi1t. [Alt. A. Ire.rf ,•allty LADIES! SKATES dome of ilea tle 11.1111 as.. to Aare,. /01,111,11,1 .1. •r• L. 4 ea as* lion er don.* neer. 4u•t ••• artume vs vrt..• tart naell ' tl;* leo .4" lIIIIICEEI JA.IIV4II DOWN, 1321=1 Er=ls=! A AT WA MILT cfnmeNz AL or..na.lnaral arm... Tara% Mr bast.i . HOT WATER BOILER S .atatehaa .0 the back er.i oractatoossook clam.; tho liraf • an. Web woo lb Ye tfora. Dee.. tc..tr •erroO aa mean or tar Stole. . Plftlir r.. t eau to pat of la tar n. T, cro•cobscon Cooklak nobs. of , rt •V or 13,itst •or nortk Core a rIZ non. r me.. an woo cook. Ne tts .L 0.. or.VZ a D •Ll..tran, by at pirlan to BISIB.LL Co., • • No. 01$ Lzurrry imzeirr, • nr. raot tr_e•list O.S. au •811102t..,.....4- S. int ICKIII9O3r. niIiTRONG & (s.e.,— .Im...ulna An TOII6IIIO Cual,,Vaaln.ra • att.N[ll. Fltirtral .116 MULLS. 17 I& Awl ran ft.er. et • . rirratet regetumassirr CAS AtLo FAMiLY Oledeand Tetd—ittlT OF TIM Ir 1111111". alerted* le-ektn• ARP 0 4. as laft. at the yard OS \whammed be mall edit he pnoePaY LOW. • K-PCIRKPATFICK. apiteLcrritcma.x. itOOKAIEPV,4 fag ACtektfitiNT rrrLITT•IT■ Tr* La• Fa amizoirat PKietILNOL. fut. ATTgair TV• , PINING 'ND C1A.104 lii 111 W WKS • labia , mbry .111•••• Clef,/ *MI fb•— by•b••• by Saablo Weary. liersal*/ seeks beebral•ly blisaled• • Yi..bi • New•Altr OLT VLYJILAUAIImmbeat IR • ‘.O o•• 11 Slyb... •uiens. a: w ruuMrM ers..., .. ~a,ir Taueu AtilfilllNlA. or ' WINTER GOODS. Son% ton b'd and falldrain MU - • • .4sd Overcoats.- • /Clan static at the lowest 4 .4 ItAl aft JAW 47 ut. 171s10 GI4IIIAT 121E11 4 0C11.1021; pi DRESS GOODS. wranu, ORE a co, s tins kraus. mamiuq...t.tarimumupow o .rAT L. W rascrar. HOLMES, BELL & 60, ANDHOR COTTON M;LLS, =11:=1 • rue et MISTY. llgilehan sql /91178011110i1) YI9AOLIL The. Highest Starke( Price nuts Fe 11,.. &RIMINI' =Una GOLD, SILVER, aura IR awn WIWI WA J. F. STARK &'C70 4 .111 a • b•r. Iriliar/RI/IL $20,000 °°I4.4 I PF--.1 0 . 00 0. CRT 01 ALUOiGillrretk°3:l4%/. *AR D, I. ncial.to Loin of e 20.000, 1u s4rn Team . Menet payilaccil- = = S. 1. 1 / 1 111014 . -- Lett? CastroUlm OMR 7.n t , ilrd of r n:•••roWris of Allootoodr . oti: 110 , vltl.l. hava rn.:Ttd Ie even a NIEU ache.. In tuy. , letz4. of tbn la! ttn benlll a•. •ao•ilo in ivitod Its my EO , O k 0 ,r Cprel CM 1:1110BIDA 1r 701 , 11.N111516. t3tU If oiTll.rilf d TdANOlii,_Bomis o• ,- . 03 . f0rt3.7. F 4 isit.v N."• or olAren broads ...Int Lolibt' .tu ' lit LAtlp Woad ito Wood I%- • W. • - • NEW ADVIIIITIBBBIENT,.- To rAinuens. CLAY IMM7FACTURETIS, AND CAPITALIqic p SL.) to cciu Sword's Brick Machine, Tiffany'. Pips and Tile MaChines, And 'lngraham's Ditching Maihine. llek and 12th, AT TUTOR f OP (BOSOM 4.N BROF. Woodbrid6, N, J We cell the ottestleu of Metal wallet to ewoalre BIiCZ VACIIXP It will deed. the predegg et asp yard. It autUes Perfe.3 bnuts of g e g .,der Ttuilty. doer away ork,h the etteen• strew alllrg seed, dt.peners nab t riot u,oulde en.. luting yard to she greet orlog or quasi led r. Monk and SILL a pits are est need: these Is D0h...10f time meenlowweltine for phtpred oiler, her lost ef,bricke ezpopol to slur They receive a heavy caata-Peleer preenno, red die uniroraali In 'amine—ant • e em owslie sad suf, mug testae—en tb T ere ironer end truer In few, while t..e wa.e and eostlo lunges, bromine the bile end real.{ tot tailed brinks Is lessened. It Is eh ep r ••• try way to good Oriees than pour ores. Swerd's ambles /grinds mud .110 brotd eon powerful halves is Its ewe' wearer, 0 121 nee_- only tttttttttttttt of water er la-per leg. TkeLneuldehre Shea w the ip sew prleel , pie, P•lley's Newburg See' award's machine has • elghtwa eteet aneld, p ‘ eli It el with plisep rs, lite the Phileue phis lrot twee. They are sot It. rdegleleg /Wh genital. elletWee mould .h-et. S he emh , g swige en curled under the arledlu a'mill, set therms,, peeks Inc mud Into thhre aid hiehes, wore t'wo tall. The wheel the .11 'pa ae• thew wider ea Incited pl en er curl t. Ira-, with* pregres , owe apt t. ff llle eta-. The Wets ere Smelly comp usteg hr ilesm p et— hy Ile Isleg of the ;du Ives es 'a tam P 1.114461. phi, be el press. Tee p era- rs Ilft the 101.0. d White to this surf.* et lb. .outs well, (0 arblehUlti, edges lire pollehed.) wet,h ehvl e pm, erten' le the wheeler lel, eh he ready to node. then. Th• whee,rs halte belebl ewe wwws high on gents of Icier Label arrow the whop tern. &Alb. repot Ire pro cess rata leer are elebt eeereee 111,114 rca 0 to be eteantel fres stn um men Ms mad does eel stick to the polished steal mealda At erary rive ellen the poothml ear tree etearta KO [trough the mould. sed ha S. teemairely emptying Ilea. e rag lee, r ate,. toe re.ly-mad•p`easeol Dela. ette tie arty re eta{ oulae feet as the sett rare AA het. th m up. and the ball., Ling keeps ete "WTI /At/ ter the was arab, te , met, tuty; S. tee 8,k,. dry grekly. An &Oat 0) Inca alludes emit.. tureMbee iht• power 100.0 to Inhibit the wonted' of dwurre brick 110.11 Ili amain* at co/ notary„ er, tn. diy Wear Iteetlell, b•e. il, des •• Ilaley.iit The theta.? /111rellla will 'why. Var. way street at 7a. mon that dire Arlak'-meken sad ell liken ism rests/ sto 11.11 ed to selectee 0. Iliteeatoll I. time, It will MIN taus ;my to. 11141faeat iew: We &mite is farm nompuly with Drink nil Oaf MIA" and reet•sitsts to ter meelOset presidia/ that e.nrre of • A Cl 7 Wile snit other Milan.ism will rut In theirs a properly. reues•bit pr c•e. Cu eimal 'rt. ion .tae krgatitl sad of 1.8 net et than Sha T.lrasje Tile Rae el." nn n. its elsord anch 11th'.. I* els pl., atell. t 311111. sal.a of pecan to dela 1 0 , f attl del., It we; t mass ',Was! Mee. a. rest u they • le wheeled swat and dried!e the 7.r.—.he. ear- Pill/ tee the tie re.cruture to *heeling ready sada tile. N• oiler !inclines staked Ms a @swath. Maimed Cr! vitro'. end reel 11.3711 with ce advisor. with to eresoradrat and m isnerlailiaddaea. With then. twonae)dae. an a led ill inch tilled , r englee tad dad irrle aortae lei be serselegeon.ly contained I. uy Wee's. Ka eh all re it be riser to fls tied smarmed with all int arsenals and . .xelace .134 • mesaltey to •eh street yards Ned cagy so tke haalaaas. The Tifton/ Pip. Maololooo laaaeleabiaaaa Woo for cll. sissallotors of savor pip.. :It as founa all.ollor pip. it stroornt. •Lf.olfhLoo , smarazool of ,otsts.. satel7 In barmy,. nek onoollueof 'rite& cued. Mgt le FM'S' DITCIIIAG Merl.. greatly to the natlerial ',Alt h. rig the dish Gad IraMM. the din *MA.. peek,. The Die. oasis Is 0..1.. ooe rod ris oil to. edam .10.1 sal•s. Throther fad 0.4 ter eie vateretriel szies. T. 'hr. pie... sr. tov elder tele deal. eh. beat, Pete.. the tea. eUel..d elswatiag wheel. 7 tie.ealirel. *ma a oath. butt.. of the ellen. Th.. the oleo. deviraad set the eat. at the !mince ..11.4ete th refit. ILO elar.U.Y eitter.• • eltvattet I.d imam • heels are me ed, .4 th, b 011... pats eyes. I at the • reit lelts tied ditch e. revels gonee. ?a. • aeltlee Is Cs. by .ha elenit.g .heel atlee. 44111. ma. ea limier... doable plow Opt.. ram. Mt Mts.. wide, • els iall\glipmur. lee ^belt ...tee the blow sad tests W. tee Ire.* la Its tors.. ?be side Vows tot teree lea. mare twee side, tut set beta. deep es the attire farrow, ssad teralithe lee. din dew. s. num bolt, here.. the deep. .• as elirratleg The,sise,trag wt,.l rol . over tali.. the Nit .4 dln a titer .51111 a the nereeer. Lai the dirt is earried ever •- . • .Is• mood' moors., tats totter 101 l owl soother N.s•atta.waoo west, It r••• Cls ohooto I ••el allo of It. ditch. This t fir Ciro to plot. altear• S. •I••• • the dft wise... • varlog I, Los true oaf. 11l lodes of Ma Coe • tie ttot see titaCeolci. sat i.e tato 'Oki, co sort. parallof •ad percoadlratzr. Tito tote Yrwt 1110110 Alum •Itrlalts any Mot Its astaitt, wits. charm la the sloptag altrod dlotbot.• lac l• HOI/••• down ti tat. odtitta. Coto dog •• • ma. a•• wort.