The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, December 05, 1867, Image 1

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ZYZZY mossuro.
.(11.01DATI . I
nn i 7 "l".
tirrioz, GAM= BUILDING.
moo. soi malt nmiiresugorr.
repotteu Parr of Wm tgonfruis,
ormolu. pApro:nr rrirmanau AHD
; ALLEGHB worn.
.1410R/tr. rlfLtltlereutitSßT FAMILY
..s UONXVIcI*Z. !PBX is pia
- •
De br"***
• Hall 1.
4S. T' GAZSIt.
Ettllart. P.E5.N.4
CIE littolnagij &kat
Ef.rqTl6/1. itIZ&DAT. PECEMBEE
207. OTT
iIIILI.IIII C. Sealant'.
.11p1111 • 1CIDARGIO.
Gait. Gaul. was 11001inved - for the
Proldiaay hy in Imrieriati male meet
:taco(loyal tlaloa • held last
night at Cooper Institute, New York, at
yrblekl. 'l'. Stewart, the dry Roods`
raillloastro, pnaltded. •
Bpr three - mere working days inter
-' ;mart's between; this, and the municipal
Let every Republican work
whilthere is time, and thus contribute
his sre towards electing the entire
aleliet placed at the head of our columns.
-1,74il • Pemoopits aro 'Mita, but can
triumph oalyihrough Republican inert
ness.' -64 . 6indiaiteis are worthy of
Anippert. and .be elected by over.
whelming 'majorities; provided Renubll•
• , cansvork to accomplish' that end:
ACODIDIXO , to the decision' of City
,Ntorney Biagio, the election , Of Alder-
Xiteri; Crinstabics, School' Directors, In
'peeps* Betrui Inspectors, and Judges
cf.:Mention, Will take
place on Tuesday
next, under , - the proclamation of the
Mayor, ordering the election of =triplet.
paloltizers. Let this fact be made gen
.known, as many , persons are
under the !repression. that they are not
to vote, on Tuesday next, for any other
offiCere than those cited In Mr:McCar
thy% proclamation: -
'Tmadisastromi cycicuie, n hlch swept
: _with each, terrible' wrath dneris upon
'Britt& India, was even ;mire terrible
thin :at first reported. At Calcutta, the
- metropolio, the loss of life and property
was fearful, one thousand persons bay
:and some thirty thousand
kits end ludoltatione being swept away.
The violence of the cyclone cannot
wall 'be ' estimated from the • latter
the retiree homes, arc formed
of mad, , bamboo and mats, and
rtidelkimt tJgether. The ternicyclone
is synonoidoias to hurricane 'or tornado,
in/applies *more 'especially to , atmos-'
pheric commotinns, which' whirlingly
sweep 'onward from the sea in a direct
courzoo, carrying with Ahem death and .
destruction. A, cyclone is generally
newly s thonosnd miles In dreamier
-itiCe,todieintimes as many in diameter '
and motes forward with considerable
.z.ziritirt will be held at Cleveland, Ohio,
an 'the 18th inst„ in pansuance to' the
to:owing call, which was adopted at the
1a u; ieeetlig pf Manufacturers held at
Beliering the time has come when the
Internal Revenue taxes on ail manufac
tures end vroduetione (luxuries excepted)
should bo removed; request manufactur
ers and. producers of commodities now
taxed to call Meetings in their respective
towns, cities and communities, and ap.
„point delegates to meet in convention at
cdeveland, Ohio. December 18th, 1807.
i'• This step is taken with a view of urg
.i leg on Congress, early in its - prevent
eeeiliel it Washington the necessity of
simplifying and changing tho tax list m
en& 'a manner Si to remove' burdens
unnectuary, and thus relieve
and stimulate the productive, industry of
UM country. - -
It is urged that measures be taken at
once for full and large delegations from
'all parts of the United States to be pros
. ent at the Convention,ms the depressed
condition of trade and business through,
out the country . demand prompt and de-
CISIVI3 action.* -
At d meeting of Cleveland manufac
turers a Cordmittee of seventy•tbree was
~,ppoleted te represent m the Conven
tion the Tfglons intereeta of that city.
We Imre not learned of any, movement
on 'the part of cur manufacturera to ap
point delegates to represent their several
tateristnia the Convention; but"presiime
they will net lose eight of the imr,or
lance attached to the meeting.
.TVs State. Somologicd Sod
Oliltrotill Amid' its -annual mddi
Sandusky to•doy:
7I The Episcopal Chtirdh at Risen.
/wood, Long Island, - was destroyed by
tire at an early hour Wednosday morn
] —Canal navigation In'New York Is en
' tralistuismded. .Eo beadle hasm passed
Ilea slum Sands)..,... •
..,Onialtititdrial barrels of whisky from
'some point shove, were soiled an the
lasso , ra.. Ht. '.l.;sds, yesterday;- by the
1,1F,i144 States Mariihol. - - .- .
• - -The iiltranwah National Bank, Sa-
Cannah, Ga., has voluntarDY resigned
Its privilege as a depository of gov. ern
:neat funds, arid appilid to withdraw its
securities as such.. .
—At a meeting al manufacturers of
Portlantl,lle., niesday evening, on the
=Merl of repealing. the Interco' Rev
enue burs, delegates wore appointed to
the Cleveland Convention of the alb of
—The Xiinsais Baihra3- Com
pany bare received bonds from leo gov
.ertintent for the seetlon of., the road ac
pepted by Ccunmiasioneri on , she 28th
eat., snit yesterday applied for Commis
sioners to Inspect =ether section of
twenty miles, extending to 13/lith mile
—lt is indensfood that the excise du
ties on spirits will not be altered by the
'Canadian:Parßement. - A alight' reduc
tion will he made on tea, -sugar, molas
ses mail coffee.. Idanufseturad goods,
aUCh ea cotton fabrics, will not bo sub
-hp:shY change , -.•
Waddington, a resident of Van
' couver's Island, is In Canada to promote
the schemes of opening up, a commenl
mdloft overland pith -Wit - Leh COM:obi:I.
It is proposed to open a line of land and
water carriage from the bead of Lake
Superior to the Pulite Ocean:
;.--The, number of deaths -
In New York
' .144 week visa: three htlirdred and sixty
thice, In Brooklyn thirteen, or about
twenty - irk ono thousand,M the former
anti:anemia in ono thousand In the lat
ter. Tim number of deaths among those
who 'had -exceeded thePheeinceithm
wais twelve. The so-called avmotte
• diseases as aclass 'till koepat a minimum
ratio - - ip , ,tho Ilat of,the climes of death
butte amount Of Infantmortalitylenot
much reduced. ;; ,
. . ,
—DlipatChes recOltrsl at 2.Cew York,
con pleidantimusunce thatthe malls front
Chini.and *Walk tett , : Yokobotna
br the steamship Great Republic, Oct.
25th, and Han trnuteiserce, - ,Nor.+2oth, Tin
Welts, Fargo A: Co.'s Expiator attired in
Cheyenne Or, an qhe meaning of the
30th ult., and wero thane() forwarded by
the Union. ravine italirosd Company,
who .delicersd thorn InNew York yes
terday. This will be httt forty•one
days fromlapan; and onlyi fifteen days
between San Francisco and New York.
—Theruhele vote polled at the monk!.
pal election Tork, on Tuesday,
was 104,114 a reduction of abOut 8,000
frimilthO 'election last month; end 31,000
lea! thanthe reghdared Vote of the elty.
All of the Aldermen -electxl are Dealt.
crags, end all but three were the nand
nem Taint:luny Hal.. ,The council
men elected Were ellTammenv uoml nem.
Of aeven. 'School Commissitinen throe
are Itepublioans. Fora Civil - Justice,
ThaddensiLmto, Taininaby; was elected
by +it large mescolty.' The election wins .
ono of quietntever , held in the city.
lint tow arreate•lor Illegal voting were
made. Meetings were held at, various
political headquarters in the evening, and
.poeches were mndo by Isaiah itynders
and others.
Seward-Motley Sorrespoedenee
Internal Revenue Report
Bill to Issue Colipon Bonds.
Dinner by the rrenc32lllnfaten
Debate on bnpeacbment.
Examining Er oar&
Homestead Law in the South.
Republican Caucus on the Southern
By Tyleg's, 11 to Me Flttabli . rAll Glainte.'3
WJJSIIINGTON, Dmembor 4, 1807
' The President sent to the Senate
the correspondence between Secretary
Seward rutditin Motley, late Minister to
lasunn. Mr. Motley's last letter, under
date of .innotisth, closes os follows:
"As you chose to arraign rue in No
vember last, officially and peremptorily,.
upon charges supplied to you by an un
known intormer. I had naturally expiat
ed come notice from you of the reply In
which I denounced those charges as false
calmunleo and contemptible. This not
having been the moo, I think 'proper to
place upon therecordsof this legation and
the Stato Department tho fact that the
nuthor of the Infamous libel upon my
character. whenco you derived your
zbarges, Is absolutely unknown ln me;
that to ho best of my knowledge, mem
ory and belief, ho never tom. me nor
beard the aound of my Telco, and that
until the publlmtlonofhlaletter I never
beard of his name. That tbe ,chargus
by whomsoever invented or uttered are
false and vde,- There already told you
in my letter of the llth of December
'The report of the Commissioner of In
ternal Revenue linnet the receipts 011867
at Pi/SWAM:I,474, of which about fifty•seven
millions were from inmates; 'Of the bal
ance .P.M,70,978 was. from 'raw cotton,
4,091,791 from relined , petroleum and
coal oil, r,1,9n1,914 from cigars, etu e $l5,-
245,497 from chewing and smoking tobac
co, $5,871,345 from fermented liquors,
345T,294 from distilled • spirits, and
,„ from brandy. The expense of
collecting revenue was $7,712,089. The
receipts iorirdr, Angliei. September and
.1867, were i 70,253,549, against
about one hundred and twenty live mil
lions- In' the corresponding' months res
pectively of 1E45 and '9G. The Commis
sioner opposes the removal of the tax on
distilled spirits.
nErrnuchac aaalcus.
A cane= of Republican members of
both Houses srea held this evening, to
bear the report ofthe Executive Commit
tee on the present condition of the South
ern campaign, and to xenFult. on meas
ures ne^e•••ry to complete . the eirl,mni
ration of the partyin the unreconstructed
Scpator Morgan presided, and Mr. Ca
ton, of Illinois, was Secretary. The
report shown that from April let to De
cember 9th $40,673 'were collected, of
which seven members of Congress and
employees .at the Capitol 'contributed
$13,000, the entire amountbeing expend
ed, the greater part in printing docu
ments for Southern circulation and the
employment of orators. The elections
of delegates in favor of conventions had
been successful in all the States„ excerpt
lag South- Carolina, . where" there
was want of time end places
for voting. The Committee think
that If another election should bo
held the result would be favorable for a
convention in that State. From &deices
from Texas it is believed that State will
glee a decided vote fore Convention. A
resolution was passed continuing the
raining of additional funds for carrying
on the work at the coming elestions.
An act" is to bo introduced into Con
grees, on the recommendation of Treas
urer Spinner, providing for the issue by
the secretary of the Treasury of coupon
bonds for registered bonds, as -registered
bonds cannot be exchanged for coupon
Tho French Minister {gyre a grand
diplomatic dinner, ast evenlng,at which
Secretary Seward, all the Enropsari Mtn
loiters. and the Cladrmen of the Senate
and Mouse Committees on_Toreign Af
fair, warts present.
DYILITE xriacannirr.
The debate in the House On the Im
peachment 'Reports will commence with
asegal argument by Mr. Boutwell, ans.
taining the view of the majority, Ind
probably be followed by Mr, Wilson in
a motion to table the whole subject. It
is expected that the motion to table will
be carried by a majority of Ahem to
Gen. - Grant sent to the House to-day a
letter recommending the New/Ivor iaw
that the Superintendent of the 'Military
Academy take the. rank of Maier Gen
oral; that a board of visitors be organis
ed to report on the actual state of discip
line there; and that no candidate for ad
miration who was rejected on his exami
nation shall be:retmpointed within two
The Quarterrair Genenil asks gasp
of thiff..ftn and one-half mil,
tol,upply the deficiency in the cur
rant Itsc.l. year.
Thalia of pardons. sent to the Home
to-day. numbers throb or tour thousand,
embracing those -who took part In um
rebollion worth over VO,OOO, postmasters,
agenta contractors, Rc. , •
• General Grant has ordered the Ezem
Inlng Boards of newly appointed officers
to be broken up on the 31st of December;
and Cariliele barracks for - cavalry, For
tuns Monroe for artillery, and Goventor's
-bland fob Infantry exatnirudlons.. the
three outer officers-in meta place to con
stitute the Board.. • '.
. u
Three hundred and ninoty-fivo.farms,
embracing 10.17..03 add; °fiend, havebeca
added to the productive • CIP3II of the .
States of Mimeses, Florida and 3f lags
sippl. during_ October tinder the home
stead act.
" The President, sent In , a num
ber of appoinunents, mainly . In the
Treasury Deportment and under the!
tenure of office bill, including the cases
of Collector Callioot of the lid New York
District, and Collector Jones, of. Rich-.
mond. "
AciniCCLITItAL cotrmetoonr.n.
Col. Capron entered upon his duties as
Commissioner of Agriculture to-day. J.
W. fitoken.Cblef Clerk, and latterly not.
ing ns Cornmisalcmor, has resigned.
Order RsTemente , Oee. linkaeoelk—Stc
eves...union OenYenned.'
Now, Dec. 4.—Gen. Hancock
has revoked Gen. Mower's order remov.
lug O'ltorke, clerk of the Second District
Court, for malfeasance in Mike, and
pointing A. L. Shelley instead. and raw re .
instated O'Rorke. TheGeneralesys finny
cheroot ore made against the latter, the
Judicial DepartmentortheGoveriarnentis
pull:Riau to take whatorei• action may
be necessary. Gen. Hancock has also re
voked the order for Gen. Hewer to into
his regiment. He will remain here await-
Ina further orders.
The Conatittalonal Convenhon 'panted
a rasoltaloa Axing the pay of members
at ten dollar's a day, and - nalevolwenty
cents each nay; and elected a colored
warrant clerk. ,.
General Hancock has ordered the
adJudlcatlon of ranking levees on cute in
plantations In the perishes of St. Charles
and Jefferson - to the lowest bidder, by
Ltent. Col. McGonnigle. on the filthiest.,
the lands to be aubject to".special Ilea
for the cost or the work.
- Weather Report.
er vdeerstob 10 the Pltutturelk Oasette I
Lornsvuza.—Cloody and cold. ,
-Psznanar rala..—Caludy. and cool
Nrw Yona.—Cloudy and cool: -
ClllC`AOo.—Clondy and cold.
Sr. Lotna.—Cloudy, wel. and cold.
•lEPIASAPOLI9.—CIear and mild.
.:. .
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liooolotion In lbos Mugging
SholPrealcOnt WIIb lineneb of O.
alai obligation. in An / 11 ••••••--
Debate on neoolation to Mint tito
Itepoellag !axon
ton rallutO In Ino noose.
C o 7 TanOnDi , iolborlttibargbeabetial
-4. Mr. HOWE, of WAconsin, appettied
In hie scat Tor the llntr time.
The CIL&LR laid before the. Senate a
eommuniestion from the Legislature of
NeLnialia, transmitting a Joint resolution
ratifying the amendment .propossd - by
Congress to the Constitution.
- .
Alai, a Sosslntion from the Convex on
of Federal Soldiers of Kontucky, request
ing that certain property In dm bands of
the Goreplor of Kentucky abalt not ho
,allowed to posa Into the hands of disloyal
On motion of Mr.SIIM.NER, It woo
.Reaotred, Mat the President of the
United Sdites be requested to communi
cate to the Senate, if not tuconipatible
with the public intercat, copies 'of any
correspondence between the United States
and Great Britule relative to existing
claims of these governments on each
Mr. DRAKE offered the following con
current resolution:
12c.tolied, By the Senate and House of
Representatives concurring, ..that . the
President of that:Tutted States, in declar
ing his annual message to the two
'Hodson of Congress at the present ses
sion that the acts heretofore passed by
these Hotises relative to The reconstrue
thin of the InsurrectioAlry States aro not
only objectionable fof casutnptlon of Int
granted power, but many of their'provi
alone are in conillet with the direct pro=
Millets of the Constitution, and that
those acts are as plainly unconstitutional
as any that can be =twirled, has trans
cended the just Ihnita of .his constitu
tional prerogative, to give to Congress
Information of the elate of the Union and
recommend to their consideration such
measures as he shalt judge necessarYand
expedient; that the use of such language
by him - in his o ffi cial character . Is, in our. I
Judgment, calcalated to derogate froth
the rightful authority of the law making
power of the nation, end Incite insubor
dination if not violent resistance to the
laws which it is his duty, as President,
tp take care shall be faithfully executed;
that as between the Congress and
the President filo former is the
exclusive judge in the first in
stance of the conformity of Its
acts to the Constitution, and that when
any net ha.s been passed by two-thirds of
both Houses over the Preeldence objec
tions any subsequent, official denounce
ment of it by him-as unconstitutional,
In the abstracts of any adjudication to
that effect by the l t Supreme Judiciary- or
the nation, is a eparturo from official
propriety and roach of official obliga
tions, justifying and calling for distinct
reprehension on the part of the Senate
and House of Representatives. Laid on
the table and ordered to ho printed. • '
Mr. ANTHONY, from the Committee
on Printing, reported a molntion te
print the President's Message and Re
Mr. HOWARD hoped the. reseluilon
wonld-be laid over: Under present cir
cumstances he could not vo te for print
ing the President's Message. He did
not think It worthy of that attention.
He considered it a a:Anton Libel on Con
gress so far is stinded - to the mon
struction pulley of Congress, and those
who voted for It, and he would not) rote
to circulate what woe an insidious indi
cation to the rebel States to use violente
in resistance to that policy. It was eta
constitutional and revolutionary."
Ccesidemble debate followed, partici
pated in be. Messrs. Sumner, Anthony,
Elleicalew, Dixon and others—
the two latter in defense of. the message.
Pending the dimeuasion, a bill u - sa in
troduced by Mr. TRUSLBULL to make
fire Judgea or the Supreme Court a quo.
rum. Passed.
Alm a bill, by Mr. WILSON, amend
ing the bill for the government of the
Southern States, by anorthic 'a majority
of those voting instead of thomreglaterod
to mil a Convention. Iteferred.
communication was received from
the President, enclosing the correspon,
deuce in the cam of Mr. Motley.
Mr. EDMUNDS' bill, pledging pay-
Mont In coin, was taken up sad debated
until half-past two, when the senate
went into Executive Session.
. Th e galleries were Ciowderlin expects.
tine of the impeachment gnertion coming
before the House.
F 2
• On motiob or Mr: RBLiLT, the Sen..,•
tory of the Treasury num directed to
reoort the amount of funds In ouh
National Bank on the Unit each
ntoatti t from the 80tk of July, 1166, to the
Slst orod., 1857.• •
Mr. CULLOM' offered a resolution,
that whemaa, the 'Britleh Government
claims exclusive authority to determine
the question of the validity of American
citizenship; that the United States Otri
enament recoffnizes gradation among
American . citizens, whether naive or
naturalized, to receive protection from
the. Roiled. States Government,and fio
claim made by any foreign Government
over American citizens shall be recog.
Mud Re destroying or weakening the
right of such citizens to fhe protection of
the United States; that the Lolled States
Government will, at all hazards, protect
She rights of all. citizens, whether ;at
home or abroad, and itia the dutyof the
President to see to it that American
citizens, native-born or naturalized, who
may be In other lands on lawful pursuits,
,hall not be unlawfully deprived of
their liberties, or. eubJected to military
service, or otherwise. deprived of their
rights 'as American citizen& Referred
to the Committee on I . :onion Affairs. :
The Howie took •.p n the regular
order of Widnes', the bill to repeal the
tax on cotton.-
In the course of the debate Mr. CO
VODII gay, notice of an amendnieut to
reduce the tax on cotton to one cent por
Mr. MU ti gave notice of an amend
went to the substitute, by making the
repeal of tax . apply, to all cotton on the
farms where it grows, and which to the
property of the prod.:it= at the time of
of the ar. -•
I;AM t.
ER gave notice of a motion
to recommit the bill, in order that the
question may behmorporated in the reg
ular tax bill. - .
qtr. PILE gave notice of amend
ment to the original bill, removing the
tat from elleotton that shall at the time
'of its panagenontintio to bathe property
and in 1 possession of the producer
Mr. LAWRENCE, of Ohio, moied to
recommit the - bill,. with Instroctlon nr
report back ,an additional aection that
the Court of Claims ailed! not have or en
lanais juriadietlett to. recover back any
- The 'motion to recommit' was with
dmwn, and Mr. SCIIENCK - rnovcd the
previous question; under which. Mr: Co
vrxle's and Mr. Mpnn'o amendments
Were rejected without division.
Mr. LAWRENCE offered his amend
ment as a new erection to the bill. '
Mr. HOOPER, of Utah, asked Mr.,
Schenck to let him offer an amendment
for the exemption from tax of cotton
raised in Nevada, Utah and Arizona, be
ing for home consumption. • ,
Mr. SCIIENCK declined. •
Mr. MILLER renewed his motion to
recommit the bill. Nezatived.
Mr.- LAWRENCE'S amendment wan
rejected by - slaty nine against ninety
titre*, and the bill passed. -.
Tho SPEAKER presented a commu
nication from the President, with a list of
pardons for rebellion. Deferred to the
Also, from the Secretary of War, trans
mitting the estimate of the Quartermas
ter General of the hinds required by his
Department. Referred to the Committee
on Appropriations.
Also, from- the Inspector of Military
Academy. proposing certain legislation
relative to the Institute. Referred to the
Military Committee.
Also, a statement of buildings rented to
St. , loots foi;ll4l!ikry. purposes. Same
Tho SPEAKER presented a communl
eationfriarn the special correspondents of
the Press, in reference to the premature
publication of - the President's Message,
asking an investigation as to the respon
sibility for the breach of good faith and
honer..ltoihrredto, the Judiciary COM,
Abe; a concurrent rosointion'• for the
appointment 'of .Joint Committee on.
rettnnehment. Tabled, the proposed
Keeton tram taken In March lag: • •'
A like resolution for a Committee on
Ordnance. The queetion wee ordered
thereon, but without a rote the Rouen
Alabama Mims forrespondence.
Belligerent Rights Allowed
by English Law,
Italian Affairs in French Chambers
Political Arrests in Italy
The London Cabmen Strike.
ay iraugme to the irltistatrign (Mame.)
" BANAT IMIT•115..
Loupes, Dec. 4.—A second install-
Mont of the correspondence between the
• British and American Governments In
regard to the Alabama datum has been
/aid before the Commons. Lord Stanley,
in a dispatch to din Ford, present Charge
de Attain . ' at Washington, says England
will never consent to arbitration of a
foreign power, the claims involving lier
right to recognize belligerent,. This
right he heats . is purely a right at Eng-•
lish law. ropeata hie offer to submit
to arbitration the Andiamirclaims, and
to refer all other demands for Indemnity
to the decialon of a mixed .connuission:
LONDON, December 4.—Tho Cabmen
continueto work during the day unlit
fourth the afternoon. when 'all leave
their itandituid not a nab can be .had
after thet - hour. -
Losrnos; Dee. 4—Essaing.—The strihe
of the cabmen has,ended. The povern.
petit has jtoldal - and the ephratioh of
the obhortous law has been suspended.
Eaward Thornton, late Minister to
.Ifraill, arid iirceatai iipoitit.a
.ador to tho United States, arrived to
day from.Rlo: 'The steamer liy which ho
came bringei a rermrt that a formidable
revolt had broken out lztPaysandra.
LONDON; Dm:ember telegram
tram Bombay gives a rumor that. Ring
'needing of' 'Abrraloh: hai'ordexed the
English prlarmara In his custody to be
executed.' Dipilli,llMievei., the rumor
mole confirmation. r - -
cowArtancAtiow marronsn.
Ix/Norm Dec, 4—.Errning.- - Selegraptl
i ommunleetlon In Inthrt, Iritteb rtet in
terrupted by the Cyclone, luta been re-
- Lannon, December:4.—Furthei par
ticular* or the disartrous cyclone which
reeently - oncaried hate been received.
At Oainftlia the lose of life and property
was lbartni.'lt Is &air:dated that. in the
city and neighborhood one thousand per
sonaporriihed and thirty thousand huts
and habitations utterly deatioyed.
Loamoir; December 1.--The debaser on
the ..Itallan Expedition In tho French
Legislative body vvas meth:died panel--
day. On the Liberal side Sirrion end
Gueranite made apeoches, in whteli they
attacked the Italian policy or the Gov
ernment, and' condemned intervention.
ROILIM aCrEnEsrlat..
• .Paary, December 4 .— The Shack/x.l to,
sins that the European powers linen
agreed to the General , Conference prii
posed by grimes, with the s&ceptlon of
Dollatid mid Belgium.
Pants, Des- f.—Eroning.—ln tho Corps
Legialitif taday,lfaitmis du hioustier,
Minister of Forehpi Athdrs,saidthid the
meeting of the general conference which
France had invited, was nrsertain.
Should it not take place the Government
of Frames would_ be compelled . tO exact
Dom Italy . & literal observance of the (1 , -
ligation of the September Conrwitkin.
1n emccoisowr.
Pius*, too. 4.--Count Urevoln,-En
roy,of .artat . rla to Rome, hae non tied the
Pope that the legialathan of the Reieba
rath moat, pre/Need on 1% course, even
antagoulFin to the Concordat, should
the May Father refuse' to. reintse the
Rmperourrancis Joseph from the obli
gations of *treaty znade before he became
obturgthtfianal monarch:':
Baron Von Beast ? in recent dispatches,
the'meettng of the Zttrefeset Con
ferencs. take place without a pro
gramme; so that each power rely be free.
. Mamas, December t—Tbo 'Prussian
hiss resigned. It liasid
will be" appointed Ids sueoesium
" Vlonariets, Deceinper 4.—The Reline
War °Mee has ordered:oo,ooo Chassama
riga:. Many arrests forpolltleal Timone
ware recently Made by order of the Gov
ernment In different p are of the King-
1/111iAlteLai.'-iLIi* . iDOW * *CIAJL.
Loapotr, Nor., 4.—Eoening.--Cenoole,
O 31,• exilividend fe:eite, 71i; 1111001. Cen.
tral, SW; Erie, 471.
LIV,IMPOoh, 'Dec. 4;..TA:ating.—Ootton
Arm' with more( doing: :ales M-Ahs of
12,(O bales Middling Uplands at 7i, Or
leans 7f. Broad:Au& unchanged.
air:ions—Beef and •• Pork.' tichangisi.
Lard aSs (kl. Itacon.43B. .Petrokun un
AlMmitr. Dec. 4.—Erenlnij.—Petro
. •
. '
The itecovist.ullirilep
litenannen December 4.-2 he Con
vtmtion thfa morning elected Judge Un.:
derwood _ President, floorge. Nye, of
Shenandoah, Secretary, Wm. 4. Yell,
Itlchniond..Serivannbat-Arrim, . and one
white nod two colored door keepers.
nay. Mr.)lite:bell, of Richmond, chap-:
lain. , The Tote no President was alety
five for Underwood and thirty-two : for
Nelson, the candidata et' the Censcrea-
Judge Underwood, on taking the
.ukettr, said he-hoped. the ',deliberations
would be characterized with Christian
charltyfor all, and as much forgiveness
and forgetfulness of past Injuries as is
consistent with future askrty. Ito hoped
the ConititutloW to be framed would be
humane and equal to all,. preventing
crimes, promoting education,
unequal taxation, and compelevery,dti
zen contribute to the neeessitieeof the
State tnproppoortion to;the value ..of We
property. ,lie alseloped -a homeatelid
exemption law.would be PSMOIL
Chaplain Mitchell Ws ,opening
prayer, prayed for ex-Confederates as
well as l , ai Men. '
General - Schofield - transmitted a com
munication to the Convention, sending
them all appeals which have been made
to him in eases of contested seats in
cluding those of the Ittclunond deices'.
tion,ell of which were submitted to the
Convention for action. -
. .
The gialerles and Melon were densely
eroiVdcd with blocks and allightsprink
ling of whites.
In the afternoon the Convention niv
pointe4 a Committee on Rules, and
elected W. If. Samples, of Baltimore,
A. - rule was adopted" to - draw Mrseata,
which tim Conservatives, who were all
sitting together, ineffectually opposed:
The committee which waited imam.
'Schofield reported ho had given them
come advice, and ha would bo glad to
see members who wished to consultwttit
him. The Convention adjourned until
rumens° Grant acceitenr Yofiki•
th• re.. 14.11,?. to the rittaburth 6asette.l
NEW Yong - , Dec. .I.—An immense
moon meeting Was hold this
. over.ilnk, 4
Cooper Institute, of citizens focoring the
nomination ollGenerel 0111111. for Prclale.
dent. Wm. E, Dodge called the
ing to oriler, end iimilionted AT. Stenl;`
on tooth°. Chair. 'A list of Vice Prmi
dents included some of the 01.4 *Oalthy
and intliienttal citizens of New York. ;
Zutlgelton offered a' rosolutiOns
which was unanimously adopted timid
great enthuslasnoliat the brilliant sera
S.cess rendered by Gen. Grant have shed
imperishable renown -on the American
name and character, anti relying with
perfect condolence on the septa tyjudge
maid, energy and unfaltering patriotism
so strikingly dispinYed throughout hi
whole • civil end military - carcer, - wormi
sent Gate U. S. Grant as the candidate of
the loyal Union people of .New York for
the oillice of President of the Uniteit
The :President oft the meethitiolwa4
'given authority' to appoint Standinil,
Corrinsitteca, with
.power'tte,tatte melee
tires to effectuate its objects and purpot
sea. Speeches were made by Francis B.:.
Cutting,. General'. Sickles, Lyman 'Frei
Main and Slrucou..l.l. Chittendon.
needles of Concreei.alamoere Algae
• •ea by tae Prose, ae. , •
(US Tethereee to the elthstutrie Othetteir
• 'HAVANA, Deempber 3,--Dattra from
Oily of Elt.siee 'to Xrivanibor ~0;lai,
received. Vile Corigress assembled „
day. .. bare quorum eves presera,..l%
Eloxieraftewspapors attack Rosiraras,
making a ruinous enntractwithAbo tint,
ted. Mates, .Escebodo has gone :to. hip
mull% Dint, is quiet and hum arrived at,
the lhaphal. It isexprroted Ortego Rill
be elected to Congress. President Jus ,
roe and his Cabinet were attending pub
air to the Imminess or the Government.,
A luty . wan Inv! on dour to rake money
toesrry the ruobla sieetieu. ^ '
The American legion in In arrears of
pay. There were rumors of blextead
enlistments, and their desUnation Altar.
misty surmised. • It
It is mysteriously rumored that a atoms . ,
senger had ofriveit With a special: Watt
manic-Won from Napoleon to JUaroz. :
Sehor Rtimero, Coll Blbdoek, ileuerla
;Sturm end others from the I : 4 lited St f te t
mirPted in the eity 11faziee. "
• •
President Juares end wife,. the 'United
Stems Cleirge. 31e. Plumb, and otherk
were one railroad - train which met wlth
en accident, bht. were nstt
. - I
• ALA.IIEtriIA. ,
,The, liscesmarneOcin - Veavehigioni,l •
i 8i Totemmatt to 60,1%40 , 1,4h tt&getS , .3
Atoirreougur, December i.—ln the
Ti.oistrectien qo,l'l.imtic4lllo coma*:
tee on Constitution _reported It to the
COrmentleir,whenit area fet.ladri4
proposed. cmiteuming the whole: day.
There n4ll hcent loud fifteen or twenty
rotes meet -the Conetitiqlon on le
deril - Yote. ..•
..11myrnoxany, Dec, I.—Alarmlnft,ek
resles bare been corm:tatted by blinks in
Rinliock ,noonty. In the neighborhodd
of. Pyrite the colored. loyal. Megan; hid
organiuil end resisted the procasseaor
the civil anthoritien. Coder Inetructli
from colored. emlissorka they. form
a rode otl&ww, opened. & ttourt, oftl
and organized it, arrested by night
blacks who opposed their Unlawful;
reedlnga and carried. puntshment • so . *
that, their victims applied, to the, cliii
authorities for protection. ' The blacks
sheriff and his deputy were finally ar
rested, hut other inmrreetinnorylead&M
ormtmzed the, nc,,,oes, end made. art
armed itoristaniie. Aid from etherlaigtos
wee stunteened, and this blacks necked
to Union Springs': threaticrink a general
taw eaterminitUoa of the
end tokisM panceisselon of Mei; emontnlis
TM, Meek leaders woof to plantations
and fumed the laborers to join they for
yen;:ear.,•, alined,; pretended order,
from- tirnrr,t Slynyne, rant thou bed
a right to kill all resisting thear,nutheri- .
tY• During the tzeitmuent 'We negro
chereli at Porate Wel! burned by um'
known panics, it IA alleged by bleak
Immteni to inflame the nrgroon. The
whites rinivereally regret it. The white
citinerts organised for protection.' lien
oral SWIli,lll wen appenled to and rent
detneltritent of troop, promptly to the
scene of troubles ioniser° writer; Firte to
Mach insufrectlonteta hare been arinsted
and lodged 'be 1' 'tiled
Ly tho • doll Oullutrillea. At last co.
*Dante order was :melon.] and all wan
. ,
• newel • 11:rierheutlitrIels
Trtherioh te the it. tbergh 0=40.;
( Due, 4.- - A lila wall intro.
ducell into am llouro to-do, nud paai.ed
a secaa:l raadlng mpeallag lava
disqualifying ca 10 1 ,41 versa= Cram mil
ting on joriel or !wittier oilltv, The
voleetce;elll(ty t„ twenty-awe.
- • • •
Wver Imms.
RT rotio,•ndavantwieleirlamtent.rito
GUELNI,IIOr.O, DO, I.—lilver threo
fent in ohnonftl.-antl
Wpnilir , r coot and • C.
...11021VIANTOw.N.' '
.Dec. ua.
clmno4l. NV - eatbor cloudy - dy and the snow
InclUng. W.
Ilnovc.Nsv tx.t.r, 4. The river boa aboullivo lets or valor In trio obautko):
and rising einnly.. Weadspr elenr and
CUT Ta.l.arann to she Ppastsnilk
1.4Z,n1iV11.1.15, 4.- 4 ltlyer,alaticulery,
with (WO feel nine "lnelle4 in the canal.
A-snow storm la now •
4.—lllver falling and
Ireat4Ct •
rOy Ta'vnyL to tts tendons:li t7uetes.l
Sate- FitANCIAPO. Doc. I.—Tbo Great
Republic, for Xiang - Kong and Vokci
banita, roiled to-dav with a largo numbm•
of - ,paseengera, and' thirteen hundred and
slaty thousand (Milani in tremnre. for
freight 1n valued - at , three' hundred and•
twenty-live thousand dollars,.
The loseninbly grented•thie use or the
Chamber for a meeting of fenlana to
expremr Indignation and Korean , attlui
Manchester eMmutioins. - .
--frau. rit,aut bleak) io be prep:Art:4n
new order, which Nem etitt, farther re
duce expentilturts on tite tarmy,acw,iunt.
The inocenten t made ;tome time elven to
dispense with the
.aervlcecor crow ton.
employed in the army will ' ionstituta an
iimiortant relture 01 theniry artier, and
will 'lns** n redection, IL isettitsd,. of
8,000 men. Tim abolition of the irrevet
aystern, which meets with grentikeor,ls
now antler the consideration of the Cann.
mince on Military .Vralrs, and - some
change., ore lOOktsl for whichwill avoid
UM COWIN/On audjealou,los which...bare
arisen fromproinothime of thiachametcr.
proponition of Mr. Wealtiburno,.„of
Indiana, tet pay: tim'eunny frenitlyi not
likely . to tarotwith Inman. in the Com
mittee; as they consider the cebeme Itn•
—A gentleman living. near, Neer: Or.
leaus,Suns &cherry tree under whlch,every
day, them fulls it rain between tined 6 n;
ns.. Strange to say, there :areas* clouds
°resigns thereof, but the raloWintoseverys
day, mud has sluno ws for two weeks.; A
losly who noes ncr by:, who lately lost
her husband, sllsessvored It soon niter Lid
&nth, and It was neyer.known to bo thd
essWbotbre. The spot is Vlattettdally by ,
people to whom this singular pod entree.
talons rein, without blonds, Is an Inex
—Thn bonds of tho City of Beaten roll
higher le the .I.nden market than those
of the great United Hinter. And why?
Boston pays her Interest In gold'eheer-:
no a matter of jostle° and oonor,.
and netur talk fortlefeldatlng theprineb!
.prd to doureeiated currency, or In any
other evalive manner. Hence eh. 'has
credit;. and .t hat evlif,laWOrth, tta the
broker's tables show,.- just twenty cents
on tho dollar ht taeor of hoston'a Pee per
cont. bomb; against the National Ilk per
—There are aver seven hundred dwell.
logs varent not in Chicago, so that
owners of' henna' have, titinewlitentlY,
oho au a ,dlspositlon to make tame von.
(mations In the Miss. . Most of this° ore
new, built for Selo during - the pSstiMailort,
but lett oyes, and now held for rent Iti
idead. The .fact or their having no, ten
ants seeinii' to be sunlelent proof that the
eupply has exceeded the, dawned..
• —The ceder' of ilghtninie le crane,
white and hlue, verging 01d/404-accord
ing to theintenelty of theieleetrielty and
lta altitude. 'The nano electricity there
in In the air. the ;whiter and more du,
sllng' in the tight:" Violet - end blue hxd
ored lightning to dietharged hem annul
eleudedngh in the {witted •
—A Mr. Moyd; or lintitoni - aged nno
hundred and neven years, quarroledwith
bin wife the other day about cowing on
a button, and inquired if he was to live
In this way all hie life. Tho gOod
wife, who be but ono hundred and two,
replied no, for she should have a divorce.
CITY AND susimuirc
A Coq tram 'be Ilepoblloon city Fa
motive IC...amigo., to Achollontoi Ulm
Mintier of Young. • ,
As several questions hare .orisen as to
cancers lobe voted thr, and the mode of
' voting at the coming election on Decem
ber 10th, sod it is desirable that the ac
tion of the citisens throughout the city
should 'bo uniform, and as there is no
one authorized_ to decide the question
dettnitolv, tine RepubliCan City Diem
tire Committee have 4ined it proper to
peldish•their viewa for Ole • direction of
Aimee interested. liaribgtaken legal ed•
vice oti 'tile abbjeet they .hava come to
the fohonie,,»conchtsions
Under the Consolidation WI Otero is be
question as to the duty at electing the
Mayor, City Controller, City ; Treasurer,
Mr Attorney, and Members of Select
nadCommon Connell, iaaocordaom wiu,
the:protlentatiOn of the. Mayee or the
VO are also of the opinion that iho ISOV
deal Asards had townships ehouhl elect at
the ~ trame- . time 'all total 'Officers VaIOPO.
terms of Wilco will expire during the
'comingwinter,includingetectlou officers,
6 330 , 510rn, aldermen, school
directors, .te.' The third section of the
act deal not in express terms provide fur
their election at this time, but that they
are intended to LIP Includod under the de ,
ecription of other,eityonicere, would ap
pear from the fourth section, which pro
vides for, the election of nil city officer.s
includlisg.siabl °Meet's, on the. second
Tuesday of October in each year, and do-•
cleave that, the first eleetion of such Coln
ells and salvers after that of Deetnnber•
next. ea directed in the third,section, shall
ho.beiti on the second Tuesday of Octo
ber, ISCS. • It is hereby clearly Implied
that °dicers shell be elected on the sec and
Tuesday of Ttuoember. Resides, if they
are not elected at that time, this abetted
would prevent any election until October,
18GS, which certainly was not the inten
tion of the set. •
Though the election of oMcers is to be
held on the.somnd Tuesday of Decem
ber, the tenon are not changed by this
net,. and the present luetim.bents will,
therefore, hold their office. until the end
'of their respective terms.
The officers should each bo voted for
upon separsto tickets. •
ffitujenth *octlon of the am rof May
111th, 1857, whit* provides for voting fur
ail city officers on ono ticket' und.Coun.
ells upon *nether ticket, and - ward offi
cers upon a third, Was repealed by the
aet of April ?2d, 1031 P. L. 471, which
directs that the laws in relation toroting
In force, previous to the passage of said
act, should be restored.
Thorn* of March 13th, P. 1...,
ItZ,tolkies not :apply to cidthl.:
in terms apply to tho districts lately fin-.
nosed, lint an they aro now a part or the
Oily. 1. Is .prestimed Mat tbs. same -rule
would apply to ell the officers to bo Toted
for by them. It ccrhtlnl,y would as to
city Ufflears;and Were is no reason why
it should not to the towashipand borough
All parsons gtualltiodlo Tota for Stata
and'eattnty ofo o aro bottled to voto
at tha.electlon.
The fkinitnlttetvivtli 'furnish ticket for
Ity °Ulcers. The several districts will ,
be expected to furnish tickets for the
local orneen. •
By enter of the Comet flew :
Jrieent A. BcTure., - Chairrnan
A. L. rEARMION, Secretary.
Perebtea Teitssahtil
The ilepubileana of Peet>het township
have nominated the folioed:a:mild:dates
to be voted for on Tuesday next:
Illet.tcrCodlectte•LJames ;Steltibben.
CooMox Coustat.,Jamegv.R. Palmer.
Joseph G. Denies: •
• At.nenstax—Andrew D. SteVensou,
Charles D. Ebely.
Scztooc DlctrbTom.,-George 11. An
demon, James 31cKlbt.n.
Ptsrra - ron—Chark, 11. }Moly
A. , +e,ion —William Wiley.
Cos,rint.r —TboinazD. d
n ribrvi
One reader. will remember that during
the put summer we pftbitehed accounts,
at various tiince of valuable cattle hat
log been stolen from fiaTMO2l, In differ
ent parts of tide and adjoining conollcs,
and that in several instances the lbw
traced Ilk rattle towards this city, bra In
nuinnance, was any discovery made
nifdderit to load to the detection of the
Lbw; In fact, to weli did 'lto perpetrator
or perpetrators Of the tummies cover UP
Huse nacho, Mot not the slightest clue aa
to who the guilty parties were could L'
obtednpdc - But like all other , crimes the
discovery: the criminal was only a
timeline of time, and a fete days Mum,
metrol ntonths rifler the thane had' been
essamitted, discoveries weremade which
led to the arrest r.f certain rattiest under
circumstances which ocarcely admit or
a doubt of their guilt,- We published
yeetertioy an amount. of tea anon or
John Meerut, ou °alb of William linyd,
of Indianotownahlp, charging him with
the lareeny eta cow. The cow. it ap
teem wnsfoiod la the enable of John
Flinn, of this citY, by ollicer Bell, and
bleutined by Mr. Rood as his property.
Mr. Flinn muted that be- had pllrchaned
the row from John Mowray. An Juror
motion for 'lareenf was' made Slgning
both Flinn and Mbernry,and theywere or
rioted. Mewray, at the heonnu, admit
ted that he sold the. cow to . Flinn and
mated that be had purchased her trent a
man at Slahoning, but was unable to
/bathe manor tell who ho was
It appear. that shortly after the cow was
stolen from Mr. Boyd, three hogs were la.
ben. one of whleh was lound In the pen of
.11. J. Wearer, of the:ill:tilt ward, who ate
ted that be hod purchased it and twooth
era frOsst bleirray. Tbehostarasldenntlrsi
,br Mr.. Boyd, and the other., which Mr.
Mowroy • said had- been butchered, an
swered the dmertptlon of those taken.
Mr. F. W. Sharer Pita loot as:ow, and
one anowering the description appears to
hero been. sold ton buteber inAlleghetty
city, hr Mnwraw, and 'mothered about
the time It was taken. • 7 .
Pre , . ,W.Donv.ll, at. Tarautom, beat
two hogs a short time Since,' which
alleges wore taken by Muwray, but they
hero rest ne yet been found:
.31.owrey.: after 7s..heartitgin lho tint
case reentlenerl,. watt erimMlttell toFtri el,
and information tniving Men made In the
other moos, commitments were lodged -
asalnek himlnSwoh of them. It Is idto
gether probeble, jf he In the guilty, men,
ati the circumstances would seem to tn.
dltinte,khat he tut. some =cow pllcakind
emery effort should be made to ferret thMn
A. Deele.
la realty remarkable to what entrees
.thole contertrilt!lo 'obarktt, the
tutelttnan;Wlit reisbn to truvl•
eling public. We have, an ewers' own=
alone boretofore, relerrell to the mariner
11 - Whloh they fleeced atraegere,ttoti yes.
tardily we beard of.inother Owe litertdoh
a stranger wasillifkon taunt dono foe , '
to tho amount of two dollars. The
rn ion-
ttearl in question arrived at the city
Morrilng. 'from the east, en
route (or Cleveland,. rind being none.
emulated in the city inquired bi „tho drat
Man he met where the depot was from
which the Cleveland train started: Un
fortunately for him the fellow to where
be addressed the ingulry. was. a hock.
man, who, seeing a chance toswlndlo the
stranger, - replled et once that he would
take him to the place, and that
be had better take a carriage, as
the thin would start before ho fraild
reach floatation on foot. The men de
siring to make the train; readily:tolerated
to tho arrangement , and semi conducted
to a carriage, into which he g0t....1.1n0ky".
closed the doors, and after driving him around IMO or three ix - wares, pulled up
et (be 'depot of - the A ileghtny Valley
Railroad, whore he landed his passenger,'
charged Mai two dollars and drove ofF.
Thagentleman did not tied out the "sell''',
for some minutesofter, when howent
to the window to purchase a ticket; and
was Informed. by tho agent that the
clevoland trains elected from the Union'
Depot, the ono he hod lust lon. Ile re
turned but wasunablo ro fput the fellow,
who had victimirod.bim.
Coroner's ingnest.—The Comber's:
jury Impannelled to threat/gat° the mat
ter of the death of Mra. Sarah lio.liutin
and Ann Eliza Weiner, her grand-'
daughter,. who worn killed at Swinarale
Tueodny morning, met at the Magnet!
ogle°, In thin' city, yexterday, 'and :Mier
examining, normal witnesses, among .
whom 'wroth° fireman and engineerloy
the Bala, thcronderod a vordict of ac
cident:aide* rolloving Mcenginotir ot
the -train •en • the ItCroad Company.
11.0111 all blame hi the Matter. ,
I . The Rev.. F. C A.. Noble, of Bt. rant,
hfinnosota, has accepted the call of the
Third rreabyterlan Church,' In Pine
burgh. to become their . peeler, and will
onto Upon the duties o h the Aret!iabbath
Petroleum Assoelatiom—There trN be
au important meeting of the Petroleum
Association to-day. and it is earnestly
aired that than be a good attendance. doe
advertisement. •
Tel ma of Jahn Shaw, .11i,hu h•litokla eoe
Wllium J. Fiewing for the Slurder
or John Valium, et tbolistcnrn. ray.
The trial of John Shaw, John Britton
and William J. Fleming, far the murder .
of John 'Evans, at Cookstown, on the
second of Augnst lost, the proLeedings
of which by to 12 o'clock Tuesday wo
published yesterday., waereaumed at two
o'clock on i Tnasday. At halltpast three
o'clock a jury bad been Imnannelled end
sworn, and T. B. SchnatterlY,- lan., Dis
trict Attorhoy; proceeded to open (homer
on tho part of the Comintmvrealth with
An able address tothe jury, 'lifter which
the following testimony was taken:,
Dr. :Gorden, aworn---Am, a 'surgeon;
roads. an examination of the body of
John Evans=don't recollect the day of
the moat!, in. August, 1807—at: Evans!
,in Troytown, two miles above
Cookstown, in Fayette county. There
were bruins on Boone' Leek and on the
right side of• hie, bead, as if he Lad been
struck with a something soft; the
skin ..was..not broken; made. a rpm!
martens exemination to ascertain 'if he
'had been drowned; concluded ho _had
boon from the amount ot water !Puna an
his stomach and the froth. in-. the wind
pipe end mouth; was a member of the
Coroner's Inquest; hold an examination
in Cookstown on the bank. of the river
on Saturday morning, shout an hour I
after tho body had loses taken from tlio
water; tho body was then taken to the
former residence of Evans, and I. there
made the poet moricot examination; eves
satisfied that he came to, his death franc
drowning.; formed no opinion as to bow
the bruises wore produced; death did not
ensue (rein the wounds. _
Cron-examined—S„ was •not -prcerent
whoa the body -wax. tokeo.out; maw it' a
James Carr, sworn—l.:aught the body
of Beano on datunlay between the hours
of ono and two o'clock -r. st. with a grab
hook{ couldn't lay how :deep tho water
was; ten feet, Moro or less; 'rho-body
was taken out about fifty yards from
shore; didn't take it out of the water
until the jury come. $ • •
Cross-enarnitied—ilafts were lying be- ,
low the wharf; wharf talon/led past the
rafts when they were laying inshore' the
rafts were up close to the wharf; there
wen eddy ',valet below the wharf, but a
current th e body' Was found. •
• Jamen• Errs; sivorn—LiCe In Ccoks
towns Ftk*"ettn muntv, in the third hottao
bele* the wharf, oh -
Water street, on the
bank of 1110 river, fin the evening of
the day of August, (Prithee) about
twelve o'clock, v. ar.,'l WWI dlmtprbed by
a poise In front of honse; I arose
(rem nej• bed, Went to the - window and
told the partici" making the hoist, to re.
tiro. Id Evans -- then remarked that
that was threw as tood hien as there
'wad in that tOwn stood on that bank.
They w"re - itiarreling nt the theta among
therusels ci,l one of theta said let us
mate this - hp' and treat', another said
1 , t.! get the 'whisky, and they went
,:ay. It was. John Evans, John Brit-
' , ll, end Fleming;; they, all had
acmethlpg ti; shy tome a tiro. time; I re
cognized them by thelfveleesi In, about
an hourfron; the time they • left. - 1 woe
a f rokWagnin wah the shout of , murder;
I arose and .V.-ent to the window again,
ani, I heattl lvans "for . God's sake
don't take fny /ife; yen have all trove—
what mote do you fital;" he (Evans)
said he was drunk, and Woftid make it
all' right Wheh 1.10 got ;when'Then -1
hallow - et, boys goawaytind filo moo
alone. I Raw two poramislun deavn UP .
Shore and np Into the idreet 'and. down
the Erect as hard as they Could run. I
then braid Mr. Evans etrihiglant Wilfin
tho water;"l ended him two or 'three
times, boo he made nouns:wand think
celled lam by .hla Rival:in:mune; lie en
deavored to answer me Lot I couhrnt
underslend whet be -sad; be then
made throe or four more Worts, and,
ea aupprered, gOt op • ou the
raft. All then was quint for a short
time. .1 then laid down leaving my
wife in the' 'window. and pectin a nolae
soma. distance above she caked tun what
It was! I told her II seemed like the
lin...biking loose era skill. Lamm went to
a window, sod saw a Bata floating down
the river, 'and run on to three rafts;
dill not know who was in the or
how mane, but the mars were quietly at
work. They were liters for, soma time;
I don't know Lowlong. Afier a few mo
menta heard the skiff [rioting again, I
got up and saw the skiff moving towards
the other short,. itwas between two and
two O'clock.
io q T t ions risked by the define.
Johei ct/oratopt--Beer Toclling Fri--
day °yet ing, at eight o'clock: lie 1 ,01110
my house and naked for ale; didn't.4oo
hint any more that Right; ,•.Fleuthig, anti
Fyane came to my— door about twelve
riclock.that night and naked for wIllekI;.
my wife got up 'end . told • them they
couldn't, have any; they. .thanletl; Flem
ing came to my 00040 lext 111011111111,
and mixed for alt- he dented being rums
door the night before, and told ha eoulil
prove by Aaron Illaanbaugh that Ile woo
0 the hollow until ten o'cloek 'at' night;
I knew Fleming by his yolee;. he an-
Owered to bin name; was 'troll acquain
ted with Evans, and know hie voice.
Comm . -examined—Didn't gel out of bud.
when the man Tapp d; Hwy owner .to the
house thaw; I epoke very . 'tn
Fleming next morning, when I told him
that I didn't want him tosome about the
house any mare;" -
The Commonwealth here offered the
Comnar's Inguost, to which define
objected, Mid . atter amunients on both
ea the Court ruled it out.
Court adjournedelll 0 o'clock Wednes
day mornuatt. .
A ftiii 'altos Tartly oiroiery inst.-
. . .
There has recently. been opened Ito Al
legherr. city.' a - new• first elan tamely
grocery . store by fessrs..i
thillth, at $o: Federal street. Tho
proprietors hare had long experience in
the basiness, and know how to manage
their sales as to render thelr'estalthalt
.meat highly popular with housekeepers.
We juild a visit , to their storeroom yes.
terday,and - .were . .sarprised .to fled it.
. .
eqUel in Oicry respect, If net superior,.
to our first ohm. csbahliateneeta 97 the
charaaer.• Tie stock la eery large, and
has hems puichased with a view of,Sup
plying every:.. . I{II,UL,, the . ; way
a f riatf r e c L i tti . rie i tl ea Lita - t7roc s 'es=
sauce, labia eondinfents,,shaker herb.;
mince raw, crauberiles, . buckwheat
Boer, AO. 'The goads Intro been se
lected with rare 'judgment aud care, and
inzeietbutjireve that is "desired to
the shipping coreraiinity. We hare en
joyed lung acqualetithisa 'with the gentle
men composing this 'firm, and, Cruel a
keowlodgq .of their .laego . experleuee,
6 . 7 erilllenduess training, and stria le
tegrily and, ,honor, .we can . cotenieild
them to the. patronage of. our readers
who may need . anything'lie . the way of
.. choice family groccrjos .
~ •
• Cinweetlen.—We am reqncetedby Pro
faner Neale. Principal of the Allegheny
ix/hared school, to essy..that the .
aloe" refermdlo. at that nchool;lo- o
report of the ilnard,of. Controllers, Will
Prefteloned by shltalux claw" from. one
room to anothor. The error wobeliet e,
occurred In the remerlie of the Cormtv
Superintendent, Mr. 'Mullion, who via . .
nett the /whoa,' and at -the request ol the
11ml - deleted In what condltlon be Found
it. • He, therefore, le responsible if them
le anything wrung in the rowurita. , But
if Profeanor Nettle's anhOol In conducted
without confueion, except In ramming
domes from one room to another, it la
certainly a model erhool, •
Malicious Itilsehisf.r-Annie Olmstendi
who renWed at the Corner or tiownd
Arthur street, in thoßecond wardLyils
fordo) , tondo infornottion ltugh
Modison, for mnUclous . bilechief nod
sorely of the. pace... She Alleges that
Madison COMO to her both* On''Tueutloy
otternoon Willie Oho cool
demanded atimittnneetwhiehwas refus
ed hint wherecipon'he the door
opon, entered the boom, and pulled tier
ma of bed, threatotted:tco thcktt. her and
burn Um bootie deign. Ho wan arrecded
and held to bail In the sum of one than
e/Ind dollars I** betel*
, EsleAnd.reitirid,For..tho benefit of
!Se - North t C6nileb - lir -Excelsior , Ball,
Federal street Allegheny, 'the ladies of
tbelynrresbytertan Church Will held
fin 'Festival, einnmenhli; TM:Em
ery 'enitelilig;' December' 12th,'Und. con
the lath and.l.4thaer. the pur
pose of furnishirig tbelrnnr Church.:
chuipe let. sit atiloles will be for vale; else
dinners, lunch end refreshments nerved.'
All frlendi of the elktr3o ardlirvitodtnald
tn this enterprise.
flared!, • ;Yell, and Dragdy.—Delfora
aid-vitt yesterday made information
beano Alderman :Strain: itcoilmit
Thoznas Priserdytisul Monk' BroTe
dy; for surety or gni peat',altegnig that
they threatened to, shoot her. The,par.
tiro reside 011.1Jibpi .
ty ht.reet. . A tenrrant
was itTuod for lho arrest of the! accused •
— Drp
Grunt; who sraata l itne Unto since hoick°
for his apjfetultnee at Court to an
swer a charge of selling liquor on
da was tera arres b Suner-
Ri y ers on y a
s ba d p iece, n d comm f t c ed
for trial.
An. oppertesslcy for Safe lanentmealt.
, .
Pew tifunielnal corporations in this
cmintry, have been more cleverly man -1
aged-financially and otherwise than our
wealthy neighbor across the water, Alle
gheny. Ifs affifirs have never suffered
from any blundering on tho - part of in
competent officers,-Init, on the contrary,
hive been Managed with More than or.
[Unary tact and ability. In the style and
character of its market places, city and
school' buildings, water works, streets
and avencies, It. to vantly superior to any
contemporary city of similar popuLstion,
while few municipaLcorporatlons in the
country can-boast of more publiebreath
log spots in the -way of beautiful com
mons and parka, Tho total debt ofAllis
silent, will not exeeed four hun
died thousand dollars, and by mod
est appreciation of its effects they will
swell up - to several million dol
lars. • Finmacially oar sister city
in sound Ma ellver,•'dollar, and yearly
grows. more solid and aubstantial.
viescof these facts the loan of VO,C4XI ad
vertised for -In another column :by
City Controller IL B. Francis, should
not- --long ' go- begging - for • takers.-
Ais -the interest -will be paid -with
prOmptness every aix months, and the
Ilmitatlisn'for payment will not 'reach
through many years, we calf imagine no
moreanas or profitable investment.- There
are but fee' stock. absolutely safe asmp-,
italists know full swell from experience,
and yet they areestmely sought far as
safe Inyeatments leaningtoagreat city
like Allegheny on well -paying rates of
interest le a rare chance, and Aral - eel that
every dollar will be taken tip before tho
close of the week, Parties 'wishing to
learn further particulars will cell on Mk.
French.; et the Controller's office, cad.
joining the Allegheny City Poston:tee,
who will be pleased to give all the Infor
mation required. . ,
ilosompstlisto norpltal 1a1r: 1
At the In City Hall an entirety
, .
new feaffire wise added last night. "The
Gattery of. Fine 4rte," comprising sixty
pieces, - never eleerwhere exhibited, all of
than iturtnrlreil by the several' artists
during the daY, and to chametor'and ra
rity quite unique. .The imilection is
numbered -rind 'Catalogued to facilitate
- the investigation 'and . to explain the
many mysCerlets which the curious visitor
.±s eager tolsoirt.' We predict that for
tlie - Conling. days or the =71:10 the'"Gal
lery', will be aiming 'the Things that will
&sear: There were many fancy
added to ilia Collections on the 'various
stands. . We noticed "espeelally that the
"Strangers'. 13aar" had. been largely
and richly replenished by liberal con
tributions of fancy goods, many of them,
of rare beauty, froth the family of Hon.
Henry it. Foater; of Gteensharg,.from
le. rt. formerly of this
city, now of Plillsdelphia, andfrom Mrs.
Dr: Hughes, of Wiffiallng,.. We think
there hare been no additions to the Corps
of young ladles kindly officiating et the
rarioffs stands, elmnlybecause the num
ber is already itrgelent, and any 'int
provement in eilleleney, beauty or grace
Is impossible. .
Plpeeldl 841_4, at .I.66ollllorste
' os, 77 ensel Teriarketillireell •
Headers -will remember that the entire
stock of trimmings, embrelderfas t lace
goods, ribbons, furnishlnx koods, boa
tory, gloves and millinery goods in the ,
extensive notion bonnet Menem. Joseph .
Home Co., Nos. 77-and 70 Market
street, in offered Lis du; *holt:ante end
retail trade at
.greatly ..reduced.priCes.
Washing to enter the coming , new year
With alight stock, the Arm have resolved
to awe out at price. regardlcsa of cost,
giving patrons bargains seldom before
offered in this market. The stock ls
fresh and new and purchasers cannot
fail to make judicious seketiona.
high standing of this tine, who transact
yearly hustness approaching a million
dollars per Tpar, laaaflncleat guarantee
that the apechd 'aide. la no humbug th
draw patrons to their door,. Desiers
who bur to selkagatn will And It to thir
advantage to pay this establishment a
parenatang . -
- Lovers of the beautiful in art and
nature should not forget dua advent to
morrow evening' atjhe fold Theatre or
tho Mreo oalebrated . Efungarlan
Jeaa Jean Petit pod Kin Jaszi;
In ihreedrainatiopieenavaitterigril4satv
for thMo .Nottilug
run surpass - the' novelty - of Moir' charm,
ing acting and tho beauty of their •
afire and peifent phyaleal prolaintirma.
Them trill doubtless be - a nutlrto ate_
them, and those who desire good - koala
bad better nuttily them at duce at Flehar
•&.. Bros.' music store. ;
. .
• •
• I •
• 'Congress Street —The"ottentlen bt the
Street CATITITIESSiOnet is directed to 'the
sidewalk, on the right hand
s ide of Con
gress street, between Wylie and Frank
lin: In several places raste sroter.ii rap
out cat the sidewalk. where there. is on
gutter to carry It oil', and, as a rouse
ginue,e; it floods the sidewalk for sever
al yards, and student It impaSsoble ,dur ,
log this freezing' weather.
**sat.'L.—Albeit Benoit' appeared'. be
fore Aidernian Thomas . yesterday, - 'and
inane information 'charging. one Jobb
Ilan with astatilt.' The prviecutoe al
that the defendant used Jan
gorge towards hi n t. l calling him a beggar,.
and threatened to attike him, A-war
rant was issued for the arrest - of the
acct. med. Tee martini reside in Oakland
township. • 1 •
a.rety of the Peseo:—.Tames Connelly
yesterday made - lpfarmation before
derman Me?dinners egainst Michael
McDowell, for surety of•tho - peace, sl
icer's. that Michael threatened to shoed
his son. Thu parties 'reside on Etna
street, in the Filth ward. A 'warrant
Bay lfetar' Lists wat t tips it ;7. D. Rte.
moloy's °mg.:dingo, 7 , 16. Liberty
.1 - on wilt tapir 12 1 0130 7' DI Re
es the bavo - been spo tr.llY
reclined to au tithe tightness of the times.
All the latest styles will bo found for
nierfluer boys' Irene', Cid!. farina Soo for
younetvos, c pa -them, br:nonbarge for
,Lowing goods.
At .11.111likistiriy , i clothhig house, NO.
330 • Liberty. street; wilt be found an im
mense- stoek btxnen and boy blothing,
made specially to bin order to supply the
retail' - trade 'of this neighborhood. The
gooda are equal to the fineateustomvork
in point .or fashien,.neatuesaand work . -
manalaip. — PrlCes arc ranch cheaper than
eastern raterifrnteta '
_,„ . .
TIM! Ervitt Aa'clock,p. via.; at Atirtion,
0w....:. , .ri1ttab10 badness prolie . rty, 06 Pirat
troclt'AP_K(Lota and BcdMagly N0d.148
'a d )70.ogocd, Stroatl' .f,ogpliter lidth
early. all noctaaarpr.....ATArtdoory for a
Ilimyery..aila . ,; Oar '„readers
are referred:td":l4 - sid , Ortiae meat of
Skrr.uhori .PAtitti&Coy Atictloneers.
At bl4 . lbeaCa taabloisible Malt trim
..llllng :store - El...Atarket street, b
fougd, gAzittly reduced rates, aouperb
selecticiu. of. 'plegskilly wroilzbt s4PPor
p .t.. 1! • on, canna, cloth. and..,vetvet.
11103 dairing*spfkoi.holr gentlemen
friends holiatkr . 4otetlts . - can male Aso
wiser . ,
lt, will pay Pittabuigla ladles_to croai
die Imidge and purchase their, supplies
utgrecorlcc, teas: and produce ut
130n.t. Ilrothorß, , Noe, CO Federal street,
,S.llegheny city. .The stock is fresh. pure
and ;Ina!, and la offered dther atsshole
sale or retnll , rotessat -very reosonoblo
PrieM ;,-„
Prepare for Old 'weather and pntbliase;
suit' of heavy clothing at the popular
ompotinm of ?%. - D.' Rnmaley, 33(1
I.lhettp ! , troit. ''Tho entire stockitto ff ett
etl' , toren at' prices' ton& lower than
Um.° proyaillnkip tlnivtholcialo eastern
Prepare Mr the' betide's and lay in
rg, i ir an htri B ee n g r' 4 ' ,l,4,==
reasonable the srholeeale end
retail izrpeery ellebllahtnent et 3. Kellen
Brelberl,'"No'. 09 Federal atre,i, A l l e"
gilenn ' '
; At 'Moorhead's thshiortahlo rotall'trica
- ming and Ootion 'hoate, -No; St Market
,atresh will'ho found p very elegant sate
-lion ohs rich- lace goods, Imitable, tor
Ottietnas . tnesaltts.- - . :The POces
ruin'octets. pure teas, fresh grocer
ies and produce of all kinds, at lowest
prlco4; at the extensive sv holesale mut re,
tall 'gloomy establishment or J. Holum
.at Brett, No. .60 redoral-stroot, Alleghe-
. .
The Best Places In the oily to buy
Volit al Oiling and • laitti 'and caps aro at
tiro inures. of
334 and ma Liberty atrevit. the stook Is
Lugo and the prim very inducing.
All wool French Morino. tar 75 and SO
neuta, worth 111,25 and ; 4 .1,50, At' Balm
Hazard's Powder,
Bo justly celebrated for its strength end
cleanliness, can now be bought in largo
Or small quantities or his agent, Arthur
172 cud 174 Federal street, Alle
gheny. . .
,This powder no now sold Is the result
0: forty Tear. experimenting, and Is pro
sneered by the best judges the best In
market—either (or mining . or sporting
purposes, and is put up la either metal
or wooden kegs, as the customer may
wbsh. 'The blasting pswder is marked
Mining F. FP. auk! FF.P,Is a very supe
rior article unit when put In 'wooden
kegs Is, much enter, and retains Ito
strength longer than spy powder in metal
kegs Whets wu add to all this that Mr.
Kirk, as anon ashe wax appointed agent,
at once pot &cirri the price two dollars
per keg, end is now ecillug It at $4.10
per kt-c,,, with aliberal discount to 'deal
ere Mad oonsumers by the car load.
In view of all this It will boneless for'
us to urge our readers to send their or
ders to Min when they' will receive
prompt attention. .
Lanka - Intrar.—Tho only . plane In thin
city to bisysSgoodget of ' , um Ls at Win.
Fiming'iL2;o.. l 3 o Wad stroet.
Plaidc—Fino drem good., ellke. linens
end mourning goads: at Bates dc
For the. wray
BrWhom, prOprtetera of the old estab
lished and favorably - known steam crack
er bakery,. Nos. 33 and 3; Irwin street,
have in store a very largo stock of their
very - wipe:dor crackers, biscuite, te. kc.
Special inducements in prices are offered
to the wholesale and retail trade. Orders
by mail aro taithfully attended to, at d
shipment* made to all points. Packages
are delivertal, fro* of charge, any place
within the neighborhood of Pittsburgh.
• Everybody now knows that Snodgrass
& Ems, No. 24 St. Clair 'street, keep con
stantly on hand the finest assortment of
men, bovs and women, mimes and chil
dren's sfioes, to be found west of the
mountains, and will sell at the cheapest
prices. Their roods aio not purchased at
suctions; hnt from reliable manufactur
ers, end will prove desirable and com
fortable. New goods are being constant
ly'recelved.: Special inducements to the
wholesale trade.. - :
DandSlarn.,Schiller says: - Every
morning does this - fellow- put himself
- kkT,ll rar e theN kire f'S.l72l,ltEgareeni;
thing heedful m his teeth. t A bottle of
Ward's Toothwash on. hie-toilet wonld
go farther en making ...Ana man-of him
than all 'big efforts. Sold wholesale and
retail by Joseph - Fleming,' No. 84 Mar
ket street, and all druggists.
Call and Examine the large and corn
pinta %Mak of tatiles' •For,, at Wm
Fleming's, No. 130 Wood street.
Cliaks and Shawls, the tne . best
mods at the lowest: prima, at Hates dr
At Moorhead's fashionable retail trim
ming store, No. PI Market street, gentle
men. will [twist greatly reduced prime
a splendid stock- - of gloves ; boalety, sus
penders, dress end overcoats, traveling
abide, hnecisrui paper collars and cuilk
neckties, scarD4 cull' buttons, and a gen
eral assortmint of ' - gent's ihrnbsbing
goods. Nowhere also. in the city is
better assortment offered at as low . .
• Attila old establiahod and ever pooll
- cracker bakery of Wray b Brothers,
Nos. 211 and 31 Irwhistreet, will be found
an 'immense stock of water, sugar.butter
and, cream crackers..•bisoults, ginger
snaps, lc., which are fresh and superior
and offered to the - wholesale and t etall
trade at very reasonable price. Give
them a call and be convinced of the su
periority of their .crackers. •
Ladles' Men; Muffs, • eollarra, elate
rinds, Cull's and capes,' men and boys.
halt and caps, hoots, Ames and gaiters,
traveling bags; Satchel:a and trunks, and
umbrellas, at wholesale and retail, at the
popular Twin City store, of Snodgrassßosa, -No 21 St. Claw street. , Prices very
'reasonable. Orders by mall from whole
sale or retail customers promptly at
'- Christi:Ms is sotrittiv and the vrell
known nod enterprtsusg wholessle and
retail grocery and prmluce firm of I. liCe
hen A Brothers,- CP' Federal 'street,
Allegheny have made special purchases
from leading I:mstern houses to supply
their petroMwith choice fresh groceries,
teas; coffees and condiments. - Give them
a call sad inquire:their prices. .
. „
— Cheari..--tedlM• Furs, ebesp, at Wm
Fletning`s, .No. 130 Wood street,
. .
Iltlankets.—Cmale blankets, Drib blan
kets, a full amortutent, from it up, at
The Best Place in,The'elty to . buy your
hats and caps, tint the Twin City store
or Snodgrass' it ltom, No. 24 St. Clair
street. The stock nualu - scas all the latest
styles, and Is offered . at prices much
cheaper thin those' Which prevailed be
fore the. war., Call in vmd• inquire the
prices.; Special inducements to the
wholesale buyers
Ility_Yeetr Forsat :the popular Twin
City atom of Snodgrass at Roan-No. 24
St. Clair strect. - Tho stock is large and
admirably assorted, - while the prices are
mach laver than can - foundelse
where In the City.. Dealers who buy to
sell again will ho supplied' at very rea
AR woos Tiootoi for $l,OO, worth t 1,50
at Bates 3
Barialtis: Ftirs, at WIIIIstn
Ftemlug's, co. 139. ood. street.
At Alearheadia,S.L Market street, ladies
will find a mstudileent display of em
broideries, new. style ribbons, lace goods,
vidnatliats,7and trimming goods In end
less variety. ,the goods, _ have been re.
duced in pr ices, small.proflts and quick
'wiles being the - motion( thnhonite,'
CIPPda- , gA ..W.eltesie•--WO In
',TA particular attention of buyer' at
riholeeol6 ofiredmplete stook of allke r
dregs vale,.and . all Wads of emery and
staple goods, =dr.° the fact that we Dell
at 'rho lowest eastern 'prices, and ant
• 59 Market street. '
_ •
.01nettunc...quo4-327.9 -boots, shoes,
ters, kr.,.ror men, ladJosandandren;
Vert "at aS market Street - are 'reads o
thowetg beet materLll,.:and sold saltny
OS the lowest. All goods axe warranted
to givo.satisthetion. _lf you 'aunt suds
thing " good and; lif:gtild_prices„ old. at
Ittibrir Shoe Rouse. 19 =whet street
Wraiorniotherf. Na1...20 and al /twin
etreet.'rnaortracture tfro very boat crack
'ors, ' blecdtts ned•'gtoprer" insp. to -be
round jr. tbz _mark,et,, _Their, prices are
very remsoriable,
Bro.: Esr,N 'Ebrol1 4 , IMmer, CMICIrE
1;113)L11113!' op& CAWILIM, ignoceadau r
treated by, 'Dr. Aborn," 134 Smithfield
street.' ,A hook by ma 11.60 mtgs.
• . .. ,
~ Cali • ud Ito mine. Mb lit° and ann.
pleto stock, of Ladtes•.- Fars , at winhun
FlemLog's r No, 139 Wood 0tr00!.... .tt,
. _ .
' Fleming.e, 1W0;199
Wmdstroot, in Indlear,Fc=-...
Waterproof rr9 . ?,; 11,e0, hell'
Blrmimeham, Toe..
d.T, December :a, lea, bitbielter. G. O. Wed
u aortas. D. si Ens= sad- XL.
. .„
&I. at
yilte.*ll4 Ski - . - 4: Vralris:llElo3Uß IT:
=WM. Eso.. of Inla 81a1100.,10 111 .ALIVLE
OVITAY, of qui43 -!100. bolt of Wool-
- et. .. ► T
w 01.17
daughter of C.ptelit DUcht I
The funeral Oil; tote OWe trets the reshienee
Ofoee retbeT; 'et Iferleiatntet; fight% ',treed.
,21114(Theeethla o , T.hOWlNetle'eleek. The,
Agenda at the feallT ere tropeetielt7lnelie4 to
31eIKENICA.—Tn BoEar, N. T. on Teteshay
mornins.• Uhl , Insmanth. XL.LEN COLLINS
510EV1N4,. hits 4.t.Jasts,shSeKentis, ht, this
tate Dtaaa ota leattlasiti:Or
her hotpatta.,..l4 ,
. f ann atret, at OM o'clock
TDDtdDaT stnehr re,Trets Qin to
PatrielOa Caarta;4t tfreitact:
or the Wally aro ftsare.74l.lll, 7aTUe44.,.tut,a
andhk pans, aseq l'a . souttis and II
The ratieral trtjl tate fairs Tuctitenet, the eth
bytt.;at footeleek h.; en. tram' the iteldeetee of
X.rgts 11,111. M. Lavtiermsillls.
The attends °rya& Amity ere respeetflatly In
ilted to ' '
TIOTLIC-'4lrt Tao Oar enaleig,'Ddreilber
Ile; EX(.lp6orlfp of C, •
„ .
Yuoeral froiti iletlate reAdence. -10.121.1iden
r treat. Allezbeuy CIL!, on Sn CuelP.s.T MOIXIXG,
at le o'clock.
TORREST—On Weeneeday annenhay,
bar .at 10 o'cick. ELLA J. EUKRZET.
months old, only daughter or Win. $O4 Nancy
• . TWO ninon,
tarto rwet, mitthdas cuL
MINS et remlltut masteylnata4 l
leattme &Mende, Wart tie , re by islegragmA‘a
'tall. valuable Ileedlog 'Cotter Ito, the 11.44
.4 rollett arta meet reliable llemozieloadOin
morelal Mark. Import. olrea bY mir paper M
the eltm. No lamer, blectomie or Mimi,ip
abould be Tr !thou?. it.
I tingle Sereerlber..... ALM.
-a of Wive
Club of.T.
And one ropy of payer to the swop gotti,,,
ip,the club, Additions le elate 4. b mean at
mi.., al.. rotes. ' •
Nance TO STOOTIOWITT.—Ia oadortog vou.
P.P. , . be outs sad toter, 'stun& adttloa Too
sed, as Iwo Ina. a Wodauday tomb-
Nether. barter but oat mall a wwt.
Srlloney gDrsti. Ups.% Mosey Onlata,
or la Regletend Lena...maybe mat at ear the.
Adds..., • PAlderriC.
. .
Thine AND EXIMLInte: To. 43 Mlle
Alleeway. sad No. 110 Ilbstiond tat
Joint Wilma t Dror.,)keapi idways ooload tea
beat Metal, Aorenroed, Wont and tmltatlon
Rosewood Callao 1r aunt' COATIS deem el op
wards. Itesernaed CoalualeD upwards:4. all Olt,
Callus la proportion. Carriage*, asallenroes
larnlal.ed at low roles. Crape. tonal'. Plato
and anent - lug rumbaed gratis. 011os operiday
sad night. • • •
- • .
No. le4 Fouill! Street, Fltlaber"
COFFINS. oral) kind.: CRAPES, OLOvresoim
even deaulinlon of Funeral Tornlibin,
turalabed. Room. opan'day Ood MIMI. M.0..'
and Carrlanea furnished. ,
ilaramanono—ilee, Daeld Kerr, M. M1R0 . ..
M. W. Jacobus. 1). D., 1 Shama& !Swint.
Jacob 11. Sillier, Lao. •
• 10ER PattritilttEß, hrincesenitelLe
1".• Bamee l E. Dtagnri,) Zia 211 .010 a, MIMI.
[brie dome ham Dearer. Allesheny,CMP.
glll4.Roeewool. Mabritany, Wawa end
areal Imitation Cott., M the lowest redorad
prince.. EM MA open 01 ell bears, day asristpt.
Ilearm and riarriams.ririnlabenensabost mklse
and On most reseonsUle time. • ' ' • , ,
DEItTAKEtt. cattoe4 'No. :H . 0 . MO MT. , .
Allegheny. Metallic. Rosewood 'and oiher Cut-
AM with a ooniplees sloe' offaesent Pernlalaltm ,
Goode, on head and turntatinel ahort<it itutioa,
at lowest primp. Sale and Liven' ISTAhlini, 00
nor of "trot 084 3flddle Street', Caniatea.
Duouehes, Doggles, Saddle Tiorsear
for hire..
WA iv "0. E D 7— CA, 3I -YAIe.EIP •
110TE1 ,111.1.71,", ler.ltie JOU'
day.. We are hermit of active Age rata .0 , 7
township. for the above work.. senatoraucal.r.
with foil drterlpLloe. Add.n
a co.. co LfArket urea, ulna riu.
Alurr rezvoLvaus.—sto .
ear Billet or Carbines; lb to dr nub Siniroio
Hideo or Creirbinea; in 4 8 <rash jor
or Farr teroir tr. - Crab paid for .avory,,dir•
scriptlon Ilro.arins. Hellions knying eac or
above Irina eon send theisi Iry EndrreSii
J. H. JOHrinObr. CirenSWintoro OWN Kate.;
DI Penn .tract, earner. Moyne. rittobink•
Fon It EP T—Rarabonsivßo.
111 LIDEIITT STREET. rougydosterm
TO LET—.-Four-sitaaLtoild con
yenta:it 110108/13. Itt doe Borough of Low
twatwvllle, two of which hawil four . rooms. In-
Oolte of D. P. HATCH.' esiwer'of nOrioeigh Wad
Washlngtoo etreett, Lawratteerfltet,
noose, Willi Fifteen nee. of Land, onllae
Ilea of the tereisellie plank road, one oath from
the nee of sold ell j. The bon. I. ether and the
lend good for gardening perpoMA' naketha of
LtAllttlY IIALL, Real &Beath Aponte. NO. in
Dearer street.or
Sew Brightest, Dearer theme:,
om. now ocenpler by the fieerettri Of Mos
Union ro Poffrowl sod Tisterworhelon'Oornplati:(
No. on FLP.I, street, over O. AfoCUntool. 11, Co. • •
Carpet Etora These roman are .ot delete.
for elk., being tomted bt6e einttnior
nes, and on Fifth streets. now bang ten ietts
the Sloolson parement,. readering them Ire.
Rom noise, es. Front room 0011t3100 Wit aia
proof 'set. Foliesinow can %where. thee%
memo. Inestre of OLIVER EfeCLIVTOC/CM
pour NA.c.-E—HCITEL
.I... Country Hotel .401.. t good businens,
with good e 111. le.. elll be told with er
furniture and Silures.' Far partleulere enquire
of Col.:. D. EOAb• ninth etreut,,,netr Bunt
pota SALIG—,3:I4 4 ACWA.,!, 00.1
PAIt3II.NG LAND, to lowa. Term. iiila
Good trUe. Taxes all pal& trideYOr
property. Tor- partlenlers tawdry of D .
SOUTH. N street. ; •.
VCR R 4,1,E-211REEBUIL1313161 , ,
LOTS IN - BELLTIELD, nor pokland
Mon. two Square. from the bone ear Week. Earth
lot Call`. Draughtily situated. and will be'retld
away. Emigre of WILLIAM HOLMES, DM
Liberty Billet. _
OR ALE...-110 . 1111E11,74;1"
HOWAIIIWB,LItery and Bala, Stable, one
an. YAWLS' man tllatli Woe DArriar.
anzr HOMES, ono' LAIIOI , DRAtiorrr
11011217.: thin SLACS 8LU1,E54. two
MABEL YU= sznxcr. tba Mounds
bola House.
167'lio . ese ' i.ssht and wld im'eamilUftole
FOB ii91.E.,--Hoase and LIAO*
csorust of Manhattan .4 Adams - itreetti.
ear ?mummer Itallway. Lim di .try'OCl. fest.
Maw frame, containing 7. looms and podiall.
well Improved. Hone a. Lot onaeldeld:oo4
Bidwell greet. r
.allegte. Cltr. , Lot IR ?WU
feet; house frame..ntalas: boil. he rommleede
good cellar; ~stet and du.. Also, Anal.
Hone. arol Leda that. location. Iterldie Or•e..
ItUISIt a CO.. Beer. MM.. namr
was.—w. ricor.o.trr•on.ortordtqllFoOfir
terms • sow pion of large nod degralril,rPiNt!.
log Dart of tliot valuable, properly batel4Cotso
rho heirs of L. C. I: Noble. sltioto o We abraa
end Eihr."Prborg. Rad oe. (irtri,t4llWiMlli
;le Wert. Penn. llama& .A yx . trtlOi•tirthero
tots front Me railroad on lb. inst. iir:Fihkfiro
drool cm- am riot], Tba lots oro , lol42lNgoil,
wltlt ; wide street., romans Abroug4,ll4 L ootko
oropoilf. Thu roll lot gardentogitosporeg
not to imielled; Nod for boot" of lOtaros'ikr.l
wen h.* no KW.: • For desiodociropisorano
Author lohnootloa .all at 6," t tantraU.
LY.II. Reit! FAtito Agouti', Hollis . itroigAkor
- •
• W., bays lost. :ea Ina soother lot a:theft -
abrated Watches: Thsf See toOthlialef
,TINIST awl BEST for au pittosesclessWito
falls market. beloa ;W.. 1 . 1 wlth Osloll6 14t.
Expossersespetaesit ,
oaaos warrior ii15411461 , ”..5
• Wholesale aidlutinligesie, OftlYAil
SE ,
..,S A B TH - ik irriaiti 'lf .
••• • OPPOSIT* WASOWTO 1161.1“.. it .
nror o:
•• • Merchant]Tatleir,, , :.:
Con Perotend At..plekle
war.F. tf. GEORGE ROUE4
y • AL; n .
„Fp4thei• Mere:lE6:4s
Ad dealers la Beds and yleddOtd„lfslltlfalen,
Bede ; 1111 one, Blankets, Qullta ,tuido.Bnis
en •
!Meets •and flips, kept to stoln.knl Vtdirle.
made out of he hum module , . 'ret ,Ileardekkee
prlesser,XVltitlED Pr.A.1112.11:9, waplajo,tr
the banal pound; and Creryllttnn 'apt - 4'3'1461in
'tothitlyheletery Blaine., • Ottenersiprodllaly
pollelted add promptly filled,'lstorp, empegft
dmlthileld ,and,Tblrd Streets, eerier rdmekinitte
Dotal.. rrenacritotitt'
,1412TiACeTUrT"G C'3304441::1..+4
ItAks the Tkiek siitetWati4 clothe aftspest.
Eatainmr,i3:Tro. FIPT/I 03;.E.14!
NEW sTour.xm-,
H, SMITH, Merchant-Tailor
No. 9, WTLI IT voisar 41t
• • 0.10141311=8. VESTING%
• Aid Or@ 00111ifilti