_Re_Eittska.o Gapfts a=+DANTINGB. Paul Moray Ie In Path. 011 has been found in oolorido. There in no pair fever In New Or leans, The PkElidelpitta Bundin buattacked Chief Just me Misc. The best shares of. soy. Plough shares.—Judy. It to raid that Irishmen never work at the tobacexi trade. Speaker Colfax will not rue for GOT ernor or Indiana. Cambridge City, Ind., is to base a g 30,000 . odd Fellows Hall. Lafayette, Ind., has a hone eighteen hands and one inch in height. . There were fifteen cases of yellow layerin Memphis last week. 27,000,000 pounds of frame work were used In the Paris Extdbition Daniel Drew, the railroad prinCe, has given neatly a million dollar to the. Oil has . been found in ktissonit As it Is in Pike county, we suppose It is Ash oil Coburn, the Wither, L in Cincinnati, preparing for the forthcoming fight with licOooL liourdatilt end Cbirles Resitio hate written a nowt" Jointly and sold 2t for • $15,000.. Why Jo a water-ally like a whaler Because they both come to the surfae4 to blow.--in The Antietam and Omaha are the only agues now building at the Philadelphia Navy Mir& Alexander Thimu is tired of Nankin —ha now says he wants to take immen sity in his arm:, It la said Aare are but three titles In the World which hue u large a number of Gernum residents as New York. McCoy, the Steubenville murdurer, has to pay coats amounting . to $1,020, besides being imprisoned for We • The last descendent of the bloody Rohesplerre died recently, in Vienna, where he had lived in extreme poverty. No wonder • youth gets chaffed wiien his whiskeri begin to grow, for even they are down upon Wm.—Judy. . If people are Judged by the company they beep, what a variety of opinions mnat have bean expressed on George Prairds•Train. A. Paris - - .lndent lOW _ correipOndsat says that 13teph. ens does Aid comb Ma 'beard, which is an etceasiTely interesting fact to Bcepti c:lll, no doubt. Corinth is a Tillage, to Tennemee. The Corinth 20--- ..ne rinth Nen nye that "Memphis located' too near Corinth to do much' bosh:lets anyhoW." Wild Oste are coming up In Wayne county, Ohlo. Wo think It is about time for some to come up sonm,,pbtre, canal& enng the numbers town. Sonia Italian brigands cat a prisoner up into small pieces and hung them along the read. Rather a rough way to proclaim peace-s. Chief Balancer Lyle, of the Phlladal-1 phis fire deparinatmt, was burled on Thanksgiving Day. His funeral was a most imposing one. Theold Duadarberg is now called the .Rochambean. Bhe Is to be armed with fourteen guns and manned •with five hundred ninety men. - James Blmps. of Zen* Ohio, had forty autsof fruit stolen from his house last week. Thloyea go about now with drays and catanutran‘ The Mug= of Bate, still an Infant in the eyes of tke law, has $750,000 a year, : enough, we should think, to buy and keep spar of ordinary Butes. There are sayeaty.four thousand feet in the Cleyeland skating rink, and if the weather keeps cold there will won be a great many more, with skates on. A young woman in Liverpool, baying pressing need of &marriage license, stole one from another young woman, and re pented the rash act at leisure in gaol. Philadelphia is to have a new bridge over the Elel:await] at South street, and eight hundred thousand dollars .has been decided upon ag ,the maximum Stanton, Anthony, Tisin aE Co. were lecturing in Cincinnati Thankgising arming. Women's rights Lomeli* fools of therandires ware freely discussed and Illustrated. .. Tbaningtving wu very generally ob served in Win:lll3g, W. Vo., and the intelligencer mays that business was never before so .completely suspended on a Thanksgiving day. The Incorrigible Hew York Xelosipte off the following : 'Tine cut aeld.k . loo . had arrested a musician for beatMirtinse: Ws understand now that he kw Amsted time for beating Kentucky." Thrilling-lying day win not gennaly ' . observed Cinibutati. /r.ost-cf• the stores and business offices were open, and though senric.earren bald at enost of the eittichits, the attenda nce was very What laths dlYaraace betweeit a child, tint falls from the top landing WIN( bottom one and a man that rialto 'Eng an? One falls down the' stain and the* other ataxia down tturtalls.—..l44. , Over one hwtdred dead bodies hare been removed from the colliery at Fan. dare, Wiles, and the search still goes on. Each and crery day Is 'now completely taken up with the funerals, the owners of the mines paying the funeral ex . There has been as much . !menthe takit need on the diettlleriee which work under the rose as would be needed to keep the patent Mike well employed for a year, it it had been legitimately employed. Pollard, the notorious, bastaken to the extreme - conservative once more. se now spells music with a "k," and honor with • " O." We wlll 10011 hare him spelling Ins own acme ,Parrothrd in awed of Bollard. Captain Guy, wbo broke jail at Bowl- lug Green, Sy., la back at tdi old cell once more. In consdemtlon of the desperate character of the . prisoner, we would suggest it few guy ropes fir addl. Oozed security.' Oa Oanday evening a man in Cohan. bus, Ohio, seized a lady who was walk• tug in front of bit; by the back of the sloth with hi teeth, and bit a good sized "place out,-before she could offer any re ' Matinee. The lady is improving, but 'the . vampire has not yet been found oat. We hat of some negro prize fights hating taken Place. What supporter of John Morrissey , and hie party will after this due to deny negro capabfilty, groes ars • marching on. They will one day be civilized, and, as we tee above, some of them lave already, reached the lowest:row:id In the ladder. Malatesta, not the original Jacobs, but a froltenrr in Memphis, was shot dead on Monday last while quarreling with a fellow exile from Italy. Another man. darer frob the storied bores of Italy, named Vacaro, and also a sojourner In Memphis, on the same day fell down cistern and broil:ebb proud Roman neck. Monday was eildently a bad day for The women of Htragnay hare offered ' to sell all of fluor Wirer, geld, and Jew• els to aid their country. Trasident Le. pea thankfully declined the gift, except tug one twentieth part of the.gold offer jog, from which he will havecoinemada. Heretofore there hare been no gold coins in Paraguay, and these first one' will aver be waked as mementoes of the pa, falai= of the women of 1667. Ia Dresden 6,000 reams of Mbumem "gaff paper are made annually. Two million eggs are used In manufacturing this paper, yearlr, ands large egg hatch• ing establishment Is keptbasy supplying the hen yards of the nuntifactory with chickens for laying purposes: , Boii years ago the trade was unknown there, and now more of this Ogler .11 made there - thin adthcrest of the.worlds ' SPNCIAL NOtICES. lank cot am. • COLD. Oa A MLR TellWATeloolrostWoodlato at toottoO. skal lama/ to allostott. /Z ollolmt to Irritation or the /Maga. • Permanent Throat DiseeM, or Conmunittion. =I BROWN% BRONCHLIL TROCHES • 'Maytag a diroat man as to the put+. Sea asedutersllsf. roe Urrnabitt. u. Cata.h, c....amptaire mad Tiroal Trea. ars lased witit always goal t0 11gt0z . . „ ..11P1N1a1gtt . ......: 1 1. them Chnant 0.17 1001CraaT. TI Czu..• gud so: 40. 01 of th• WO.TX 11=^3 ===i arFOR NON-RETENTION OR PoOONTLIMNCE of Urine, lorlOollrol. lulassmouolo, or olooratloo of tle Bloador. or kide cry dluares of Um proalma lAra bladder, cello:Jul . ..eel or belt le tut do ..lt=l4ll3ol=hir..tb&t.diad.:4lea, avro zroacr MUCH?. • arßELmßoLfre' 2311740.131:1 . L. a Galati mull fat dlsenaes et Wa BLADDZIA KID IMAM, DIA/Pbt uNDANIO SUZANN COMPI.AI ' OZNARAI. DEBILITY, And all diseases at tba lININ Wl:tattier salsunitinA al 0/10A811, ALI On 7XIIALIt, ham 'Cistern GOO originating. and ao put- BOW LONG lITANDINO. of , bese °Maas modem tbs am of a dlantUo. It no magmata% Is submitted to. Ooste motion ar taunt mar Mesh and Blood ate supported from tease sounna, and NIC•LS7I AND lIATTLINNA tat that of Posterity. depeads nett prompt use of a reliable tamed T. aurinotars rxrisacrr ntronit, LWOW:Led . Yinragar of IS Tam. Trepimal by H. T. 11.7.1,111:21yLD. Damguy . r01:=7011 . 11 1 -71411•Vis, P.. ' Ma by MI DrantlytY. 000 0 00? ariamatomuse CONCEN. Groat DTATD HS S I T /RRS AIIsCHIsIi nS iz e =MSC, 1141M.5.411.11.2./L Is the Great tbood rimer. bath an propane stew:War to Yule. Of Pharmacy lute Chemistry, had an Ha lave tlat ean Mewl*. ey Geld by oroastate e/ yerbere. Deemer, NEW Pampa roil THE H/NDISIICIIIEP Plla . alea%l - . 6 .110.1 m«ulas Cerra..' Picalent* Blonialag Cu....' Ire4l '•Night at« Wag Corea.; Pia&lssa% "Night lll•amilmag Cueaa.• Pilolea% "Ntlglat Bleseklas Cestai, caplaha Maw" sed hum& pa x tram am memo sag Inittal Padu beta*. *bib It tbas lb nub. imontactand oaly I ; •PIZALIiN sort, New York. 'DEWAUE 01 . _ ,.. c01:11MCELMTS. poi InTALOIII4-TAIII 110 IbrEfELRIBOLTPA rarreAcT IP ea 3UUse U anAtelleate dlsi r oVents their GM.. .tutu.oilleelle. little or sp. eh It ts Ines. laeoueeulesoe sa4 no exposure. It plaasso t tuts sad odor. I n so Is Its Kaol. sad Ina from .11 Minto properties. • WW2& asaxm.L & CO., BOILER MAKERS lAD SHEET IRON WORKERS. Nos, SO, SS, 114 and SS Penn St. It Itestag seethed la th e 7.114 edd Mashed It nith the meth 01.011112 .Insallserl. w. an 97.1• pared to toannacture every dethrlptlon of 8011. .rata the bat thenthr. and trulanted within" ani made ld the sonata. Clthniathe. Stheaht lad. lire Beds. Bt. a Pips& Leeessotthe NW eth, COndesuars. Ban Pans. Hats. 011 hittetore, Settiths Peas. Hotter boa, dletegee. hater Pans, 8.1111.. =AM atutmas of AIMS. 111114. 1 5 PLUM= BOUM= Soar= dons en the &erten unties. WC est far reLmeoup rat s E.XTIIIACT trams anlVO•la r:lio rata ' 6124... 1 n0t1it0r In raae d If t: aaU. trootaa b lut Ist=oilonalt . Wm. Insanity. or tylloptly Its.ensto. oelaior, IarLAILEI BIIPICEIOR COPPER MILL &imam:Eau: - WITTILIMIGIEL PARK.. Remount. a co., i p ~sanaatur xl n t ~er ns Suite.ta_ liferfiltelt iar s " l —s• 2" .arid,. aLu [maw. Itrinafteet b =lllr . Oarataatly hanerbusare , Mstaine•ai iirtiO W =D " frAti i riv rir .ormatal ordor• td - 13•ppti sat to aarasaares lIIELNIBOLDIS FLUID• 111. TKACT B treat, Is !Immo la tuna and Wt. fn. Ma all Wallows prapealls., sad Is. 111 11. . taw/7/ . O,IOII=IIOITiREI. a. Sees an le zoiormar. Mat • liscizu.l • - WASBIAGTON wanks I.linederiniCaillitialllel4l4oPlttabazgly ltaanfsdarati 01:- . 13atelud I"ftSlat . c tOr ludscy.3... T.t. WOattn r a , aPP wn O Mat 114:1111 comer hrseiolii. eatteaaa Ma: Alir•mts Itc , 4ltrfilzpli 1•4175 T a. MUM far toodlu totem. luta= WENTZ . lOLED -AID DELI. OLTIVOONWOMMON.wI Unit Min. eie SoLlooftw•Ai ZW. liowt Savor. It Mltk Ood omnstlo M.+ft'' oft ftablo oft to Mem wall. minor? orTug azaLkiril aarb tioirsi or =tor. sowAxo Assootarrow strostis. - -iioa r,no . rt i mi g an i varr a i rsimor u o i l l ATeadattroy muity,pmerrs, =We Im peAlmltato MAJARIAMS. wit Is rare inemar Wier ernelopemnee et etriere- • Adrlrle. Dr. J. I.I.ILLD. Ht.Oull slum-.a Arimelatfam. 71 ,11 .4elphie. /E./I se:NAAR • .. • tarTAILE 6101111 lIMPLEi. 51A213 and • 17814.7.0 , 111.11SDIVI ter smiles:not sal dasieroas Cense. U.. Hasse ir.roacs 2OU AZD Iserairria ROCS WASH. • • 04,11:101,7 EICOTT o - - DIG.NTIEM, Jr(A. • 218 PEAra• STREET, =3 reizsmouir OF Mix "Is rrazieTV.—Therefort We 'fenny. mold .10,1111.1 W guald reasillalaly Hz.- 7.01.D.1 =LC, le Mal. • Whew? arDIANHOOD AND . YOUTH= , realsed ;Unal. FirSIINITERED . 11Z7T9iLID 11 liagninj :Cheap Soap! Good Spa) EM MA MIXED SAPONIFIER 091M12tridAM Lys. 2 (ti, aB. fa' grbr Hari Sen. TWELVE POUNDS OF SOFT SOAP FOR ONE CENT. Every Family can Eike their Own ALL. VAXETAIS OF SOAP. 1 _ p.i . pcmplly 11sas i Pa • Cap 01 ( Ts • norw Cannentagai Lye, for making t3onp, just dlscararad to CMCWAND, 111 TRY AJWTIO sun sad L camped sosinlT of Aleminate of Soda, which. when shed with w VM /AT, prattles the BEST. DETERSIVE SOAP tax WORLD. - 1 Box Lill maks 175 ha good Elott tamis, or las 'quinine to markt Hard Soap. 'wanes e v - in anucests Grei«;ol to the trend Wee, Ur null:cuss Asa saczt _ mum." pia saw.. waasiss• cs wolg martalalag 40 1404010 tiben4 dismant, 44 11 M .0" 1 " nie Orman W. Dnanirts IS all am &Ingram . ging Mass KW Vatted Mimi L' CLIFFORD lIIIEBRILTOR, Glimend Asir* PSTICICIRIES. N'llllll. _ $15,000 TO WAN . Oil BOND AND KIMISOACIDA • . 'E.-sidarz7T. . No.llo imithiald BUNS. Bed nista ben wit &ad octet. itM FIEF ,15 OMENS - 01 ♦ NEW STILL Oa guano, vlto o 0 palatli go sad gold add TOL wr WANICZTII4I.III . . dos. L itguaiso a mi., DRY GOODS, TRIZECUNGS. BARRED FLANNEL THE WELL KNOWN kr - Jurrr.A.NNINEI- BARRED FLANNEL, In Black and Bed, r=i BLAOK An WHITE, r...a.ra.ckan 00S. AT MANUFACTURERS PRICEII bITLROY, DICKSON & CO., 54 Wood Street. WiCIRS I FVRAr 1 FURS! JUST cr.CEIT FVRF3, To which w• larlta the atttnatica of ear &touts had outman. .• Also. • Nll anortineat Ica' cal Celan krdshieg C. Lc. . DENMSON & HECKEST, NO. 21 FIFTH STREET. THIRD :ARRIVAL: NEW GOODS . M. MEM & CO'S. YOUII DE LAMM, worth Sbe. forma CALLKIO6, worth M. for 12)i 44 ELT.VD 1‘1715L1045, wortU No. for I. = CZ= BriREIMS. worth it CC for GRZY .1.11111 81.1.15111CT5. IZIWPEWAIS ALL WOOL worth II for rte. IZME A WEI asrartateat of new and be...M11e.& tioasltt at 11.• sa s. I== I*. 17 WAIN= wrakre ids 1867. "IL TRADE.. 1867. ARBUTHNOT, SHMINON & CO., =fltl=ll DRY GOODS, 70.1.15 WOOD lltilarr," Pittabatsb. Oa. at as. to anairs Dreos Goa d., FelatA Wad.. ' Craata ..an, Taxa.. tat.• Malatya Ms eta, F. aN. Caz Innen; rl.• tea libayla Cl rta, White Won.. Basra ea sad 'Brows DasaWat; Ma of Motions awl anal 1.4, zarnd Sisaaele, Eastara bans asalreelaz• • ..” - Nplet. , 13:..L.LN.Y0N.. , PURE PORT IIABRXII VI.S.NXXL. CRAWS OIMENT.L6E ILRUND LAN sll4 COUNTRY n , ..11.201.4erb, s a te op sawn*. .1 Nat: rata. •• pal line in all a... vansatuts. • . v.. ...nrens . dare , tzl . Lel 'to tall uld exaalna our ' 7 `" GENT'S UNDEUWEAB. =l= 1 111115116. ENDEZWEAS, BOYS• 1:11iDERWIL&B cau.Dszaro Ins nir.vrrsa, = Au.A. ALL wool. AID NEELtii. 1= 1ik131131 i'CABLISLE, /Ma. 2.9 .Irif at 111.1troot. Tar rikw. “cmovz•rirrize. , CORSET e &Num?. 78tboH CORSIITV EIZZIECI= ALMIALTDiI a'ad COIIIINUIIELS ILO% SIW rrll to Or melon:cos, 121=T1 IILACB,IIM & CARLISLE'S 19 Fifth litreet. WS. CAIIIeCIMADLESJI £ • Wilma. Carr a Co., , oitEmm AND DOMEATIC DRYIIOOO2 Nf.llll WOOD DIBEWT. • DUO 11Ow anon Dissoonil Trrrearize ra. HAZARD POWDER. AM NOW PREPARED TO' I MI, at abo nest =Co% an orders 10 large or mall low of MitUtWd CELEBRITedir POWDER, An ord., lel atm rat b 7 m all l to m 7 atom; 1711 lad ITS YILDZILLI, ISTEZZT, Alta Lenz Cl.ty, P.., or to lela SECOND IsTrEST, Pllaramra, Pa.. WIII meal vo tromp% attention. aefrNa ALIEITIIIIK KIRK. / 711:P. ATDIZZOX.. .. 21101. .. 1 • 1107 . (wt. Laaamiii A NDEEtt ON & WILSON Merchant Tailors, . , AND DIALER 1N GENTS .FIUDNISHEVG GOODS, ID Min 1313% len FmiWEdd Just neetredl i our VIII cad Wittier SW. of II C =IVT " &IT ' 114 tuVr K 4:11 and PM.. to tusks hp Is the latest Mi., W.. enable oriesa. - Vali sad se+ ea. setesat i i `BT.4IIIIIIIIED IN 1842. TCWRAY & BROS., 01:100=1101121 TO It. COSTVOLLT, SUB CHM 1110111% 29 and 81 /ruin Strut, 112T5111111.01.1, Pa. I=r3 TWO HUNDRED T .!)UBAND • Half Spanish Sears, /ant mortal oa oosulazoma. oral la wild Bight Dollara Per Thorwand 11011ZIIIT F. TVEDDEIX, Ocrnit et 1411111111111iLD a WATZU N 113: CTrics,ot inrrAtros .. A . l7Vr . f 2 .4 THE'AIIIIEMMENT for grading, win sad Weft( el SLorota , Arraux. trom. rolt o 'to Ulna -strse4mll ISZLTTT Alin', Rom Urect to 13evillisrs 'melt' • • - - Is now toady for eznolostlon. actl etll remain In Ws Whoa. West Karim Bollegot. omit 'rtes .:lay, !fermi's. 71W. VC. when they aUI be placed In the Otto nesintrez.s Oglee for collo Ulm H. I. MOORS, Matlam and Surveyor rirmarmata.—mirs. DI. ELITCII33I "mt.*. OZ BATIIHDALT, 1116'91a INSTANT, • sPIBARI and on ••,rtcty et the Wen mks of WINTENt AULLIZz!ay. at Fe. 100 17ZDXFAL er., .4 1 1.0.4/ City BOW:TENS & COT FLOWER/I, 'At o.:oLiti;ipiiiimititiouicrs. 30821* B. a k. YlTlSBTlikiff. TPA IVY ciAZETTE FOE SALE-REAL ESTATE: MSALE—The berg Farmin old SOWashlneArestmoralamd enartm, Pa-, Cootslabia atfout WO ser. eltaateof eta Otter south of the renarylraula 1te1110.14, at Zollvar BtatfOrt. The laillscreemettte are a Issigi rh , gTitunt.j..l344: irtn = l . 6: l = 4 Vatien i"l. .a r et f T.° l:7:t i e ' f ' 2:ll itTtZ.7gtgiial the fa:wing 1. at 1 No. I: s e c .ll le 1004" and ji .ell 'entered: lane, Du acres eleareed the re ainder ta real white oat 1.111210er. Tale relip. reit le offerf .1 s• tn. ^on dl lry nf OPT dollar. yotacre. roasessioa tasuatmely. tars or Ms wee lu rawa totnothiry \ger:a:nonfat:4 county, =mreseltared and me. L r d ' Z ' jrrArn r i n 4frl 4 0 1;1:114 1 =1 . areM emrtaa. Irmo:ism 1 sidry. 'with • trenarhoimeL , with • miswrote Meant lemma/110 goo ds den orstrri acieufActer'4,llall i ti 11Ag i ; . T1rateg Itr-LT4,-4 with M.. AMU snIMI "drain one bemired mate of the Penns. Railroad, =miles ems of Plare ntrple. and three stile wein of:rem:ra t Jlela Arm le ilea. tr;l.. " ,eu d4 legi le underlie:Ml AV rife itle is mi.. ell acre. in Derry tenniablo, Waelistorti. And comely, Pa.. within fol, =m of Bla, 01110. ILEA Wee rilne: of two an on le the es. w. The Improvemenu are. • new frame dwelltag 110 Use alld ontbulldlng: a new .tosm taw and gristmill, With two mn album, two bolting Mottle, and .111 the areterery arteree, and %Jenne orals. of choice MB Mesa.' Tho whole tenele underAld with a Mx foot of et coal, now o p ened. and an armnilaze• of lime. erone. Tbie property will 41014 eery low. If "piled for bolt atie Borough of Mena, the 0000 0? vat of Iridium county, rs I 'Thu la • lure four 'tory Mies belidtag, of 61 room" and a basemeet ander Pre weeds house,and Is gloated on the corner of Philadelphia and Cly per eireete.'on lots s 0.201 !ems and on said remises L shame Mame 11 by SO feet. med as cad liottle sham e low, nor. atd bll room Mimeo: eleo, steb:e Mb, Cl feet; al" a bottler, 10) feet on whleh le WAIT/wale rtehle. h ies as silvery Mehl . ne who.. prop erty bat re,cently been painted and repaired throughout, an 4 Is one of 0110 belt looatioste f r a puttge 1:00re 19 Weetero Pa., end will be sold rerwptmapif applied for 100n. .4 alarm of 11l acme: et half prim. to • with madame, Th. tatterm e Derry telex:alp : I Orr fttoonlited Coon tr, Irttela two ~,H...r Latrobe, • 'tattoo on ft 1 , 005 ft. K.1!0 amen of eared land. under iprod foselnip lb reeldue 11 &estate aood Walt. oat. Meet eat, h otory. black 'talent Menet Umber. Thle Ia • gut tate A, 10 a llish sive of eultleetlon, With seed a nd m twat:anat. 1 11114140, • trams boase of 1000tevlar0e earr,St t y ll3 feet. /ad hoy boy tad L:meatelte andel the whole Mimi, and le con venient tn.:burette , oche els. a 11,.. sc. . . A 1.,. a Yarn. or It? acres, ',Able Ili ! the Penns IL Le et eallinnterrs bintlet. dil,. from th e city ;100 aereset th e land Is char and enact mild rending the destine or the tract in wol to eta. timber. There in n hewed log tense and ben. ant loner spite orchard of the premise.. It is geed limeston iddl, with ad inemise of limestone. and never -radios aprt.res Of water, end Is °Maw, as the 'ow prin. r oz per acre. on. Goa lime. bewail therm:ter bIL 'era in rkh.? button sad 055505 . 1M...4 . roe MUM:Ir tart! nem 0 . 147iit a 1 • Up 31., TOWEL nu Pal Fsteta wren. 104 north lit. • 5 . 000 ACHES OF VALITABLE Timber, Coal and Blinoral Lands FOR :ALE; • Situate on the Hee nf the renntylvanla eelt. Aral 314.11rwe. In Cambria county. reltlln. host Meteors of U. Ihrtrre *mica: h. ••frontag e oa the eeltarotof areal" three =Misr Sever...le. et'. he hest quality of pens Web bttrituteous rest frodefile the whole trust. The Telt. elm gently m toe Railroad tewarge the :sera the flrop• artyarty. thus makrea it , fewness for =sang red thus Iher • ts • Imre ma/Mtn. ' t he . his bet Illtre to M. ufaarere It. 'the tr:n"_,, , , 4,1=74 tatd,r foillo k al:111 15 4 s; rtra laa Potter , . Way r.aene wries foe bending men Ibr glass re aratteeterers. Not ter berme., the bee 1 . .1 Otelle Coll , uriottl•• • SLUMMY bud of Iran • whist, it. bate open. wed Is westward. A great ponies. of the tract Is casetr4 with valuable Slabs' of large /growth, sorb aa Ash. Cherry. Lille. rm.- la" Oak. et. Toe Is ellltlea foe treaseertleg toil Waller. whestivarnateetured late lumber. WA tier east er west, ass v nee th e weed. tiers Is • web.' I owsr new 31.11 e the extrewe kart of the trent, wed at the II alt , aid kilatlealbere to • race lent Wawa haw 1411 i. recently arts ed eel now cutlet HOW torktek ten per gay. The de m. 4 rot lent., as stirtole% Is canna.. and a eue larger eePelle.l4 he retelry told 1.11.• mill, • elartbs. teasa,le teem nag Crater on We bravest' i.e arrest fuel milts. • '• 3he UMW oretialit• • ela • ;serge MM./0 Crete /RIM 11.21.01 n. There are two arts men , stor• built for lona. proprlttetat la elesaste , "etc; se store hue., sr eye. k.a. end about ten tenet. ht••for workmen.. W. al , also wall adsptve l. fartuleg curve.. and ender prayer eartrolterea Wee , " versa stoulet steel tralt crepe. thlte tee/ Us goeelellt a4sple4 to greets/ purpoe.. 7. loniser pawn:wan• .1•Ir . : B. ZIL•121 • co.. na3erbet ." ' lowthntreet. 2,000,000: ACM CHOICH LANDS FOR Sill, BT TIM Colon Pacific Railway Co, 2.1.10r2a.4 IjIYMOB. . Lau:mutate the l .otteen Mad. at SLOO -to 05 00 rer Acre, A..aa Oa • CSIIDIT Or PITE TIMM Pot t .. '4..... , P*1- 40,- .;lear... • zons - X. prvzszux. Lilailic.2.oainilizat. UMW., Z 444/... Or. Onlia iLtiusesis, miry; - LOab• talsaasul. 1•1•3 WASHINGTON CO. FAIL7I. in slxa Lt t r. regra" tab Ins ottltoost Umber. lillostoo D. swat ?Dol ls, tarabte. , ••Givglart.o . nzasstr y to.. 4 Dila blab oj , es nzclrfa. nail souls toosesl as o or elslll last s! Mar Seipp. two. to la Diolta are ' Goal 'rotor lo Oyer, • TO , . 15. . Grater Ds 'sad Boal Zrissle. molt Ara:toll . Youth Matt. JOB BALE OR ENT.CI:IIEALP— • ism. at Ca •• es alas Cra. tral 11.411ra.. mania a ma .r.i; txr4rtrre• real caler Tama. la ixa lecalltars .4 Ir. Car. 4/4.11.4111 arla 43.1 t 71111.11021. 1.13 Alm .4404 ► la the atr avbar • • 741 . far.. par1.1.1..11 , 11. ef ,AAD 110 O W ra. Mar . the • ,ir COAL WOORS FOR SALE. esimbleof roonloir Ms. bustlers In. eadrus monist t0....W0rs /Wm wag , ons, moles. and all the' nee... S.W. rot • tnatlnsos sad mumedints opestt.n. There ass toren or eon%•bls .111 one of UM Most eslonble works on tbo Idononsilbsla. ?Wes: .:11 be sold low sad on r.ri Sews. : bp.? tO W. A. lilrEnt/X, Urn. 0t . r.,, so Want ht.. °wooers tkmrs Hos.. movie AND LOT FOR SALE. ottattad at earner of Duman sad etobo Sutata. 'lguana:A. Let U Asa Of lot sal. a a.• IlveiTtrrtz...r.ginAT...fa." TA I L: fralit: a 6ptraat wawa um abel..,t! . Tott tlalir.tit. - • LlVieltriblnt.h. 0044:6TTYlii08'41 & (1911corosors to 12odt i Ir. Madams. • C 0..) PRACTICAL l I THOORAPNERI, Too ellr.P.ll I IVHOMCLPIIIO Lei:4l)lM' %Vibe TtIC )101:131TA17.3. Iturlscss Cords. lorttre Itesds, Bowls, Latu2s, circulars, DlV.yomoo. ronroath ...ersiCesic, Or ilhiaitCts„ 1271y2122 Card Cards , te., /Joe. 72 Sad 711,_.W rat* CH/S. A: MILLY.B, • 3• Bo FCIVR.TtI sr.. Apollo-S.4dlog d CCM wiforrs: NOTE S., DELL aad Lti ?Xs n 1 all% dada In all M r .a , - aro !OH N MEGRAW, ILmolestorer of tad *Ketosis!. tad Beall Pploz to oil 0.- - 611 of ..r Tobacco; 6n.uff . sogi ji agt A O. rat Awn t2iCat WAWA, Toasceo, PUN rovn,rl•. a.% TS 11n h ExcEtaion Troau.s. Jr4;412114501N. 11.11 d dealer. la Cobacco, Snug, Cigarsi Pipes, le. 1.. fl'; 6 IZD FIIaL " "..""• a S. 1116YAN; ` [ [ DEVELII IN BONDS,STOOKS AND BSAL FSTATF, 4 1 , 0 110 Bhittd4 O, ArOuri4_,4l • . Rank, trenrtnei and Banda, add al kinda of mccks b•ngb: and gold on cantata id, _l.l± . ;dlFadf • nnntht and We). . • GOOp CHEAP BREAD IN; DEAR TIMES. ;.- sac o dre for WiImaHIW&D.'}The'LOVIO and best. the tr•lflnla "H. W•" on OVerlloo. A.n..1•., mhlecee•Y • I L P. GETTY, Choice Wirtelaiolidquefe, 3° _.• 35 N . Z . 4 : , 0r• 0 0 AND DILIIIOND Allotheny .ON WASHLNGitig fidiaNtai Itted; laxtidClol 41111 1111Mairi W. vv.A.Bi pasckg, .• Vraii7l4l7 e .P.WZlgn 2 V'fffil l t; 01111 a, elty. free • C ••Itarrn. Urals' of all klasly 1.10 . Mi 1 1e1, 0 0. 0.0 4r. tonlee• IsnriV lOWis 110 (ail CARPETS AT COST. For a Short Time. PREPARATORY TO TAKISG STOCK. A try Lute beard of OIL 'CLOTHS, Window Shades, Ec0x.k.T.1.A31172223; .6 ND Cheap All-Wool Ingrains. MCCALLUM BROS., .61 01111. Street, above Weed. CHURCH CARPETS. I. the eelection of one Mock We bare made Ude • SPEOI4LTr. The lamest sesortattiot. The meat appropriate aeahraat The Landsman patter.. Of an Qualities and Styles, of CHURCH OARPEIZ, To Oa found to 101. m•tat; 1.4 oftirod i• all Churehto aid Uwominalon. •c'. Eastern Wholesaie Prices! • u. d. i i , ltroo o dgitarr 11 . a* at a veal 'edution /NOM . OLIVER McCLINTOCR. • Br. COMPANY - 23 rim( slarwr. CHURCH CARPETS. Ws Use lasso and essetnlS setsaiW STOCK OF CARPETS. • , Zangta 606407 tor - CarimUng Chuivhes, . . firitTer =l4 4 .l.'Ptte"" b ° l All Churches and DensuinsUens AT COST! • Al" ellsnlin Ina snit:SS Bfattings Vied for Churches We Gan en roods Meer Ilae at • mien melee non [rum lest summer's omen. BOVARC,'ROSE & in Pura arise. Over Lan II Sells. ENGII.4IIR WOOLEN CRUMB CLOTHS,. NEW PATTERNS, BRIGHT coLonst, MoPARTAND & . COLLINS, sawn a vs gm* °HELP ALL-WOOL Lranitr la arum u. Imes vat sar waoL Lima' Ass zirmz. rD & coungt no! I 21411 D 75 rirrn innexer. iyoulass wissTa English Tapestry . /BR USBJEVI CARPI TA Is me pbtl;la4. Oat ebesigt by IIcF & COLLINS, 71 ~sl Ts "FIFTH sawn: Coco* vacs, ' AT itaNurAc i rinizia* PYIOtI.• . . McFAELdIQD a< witowass Ain sumalt: COLLINS A3D worn tars!. - _ _ Sq 0111131" . - STEAM POW )2 BR!CK ;11WSIJYACTUUTTi R mg PITTSBURGH BRlOlmeola3rg SIIICS MINVFACTCHIBIO CO. Ttds Wartime tats• tbs clay first non di bask. terliboas Qs brow/rata.. In waist ae• sesaarT for ...eft Wet' , saestusta aad Mai.* , bolosahlr. praising. to, steal tasablis, brisk WIT ssossa to bo Intatd as slOs tdra la Um il.ttLas b lear. Ter arkkar mow Um wrong., VIE: oast ef sidling 'beta be this testa• Ulm= fa tears tellt.la_per 1.000. sroardta/ to laa rata et msg.. kilts vs anarthstre. Tbs' alarblas U befit es sly et Lers sad steels sad la taa lon nyl•Ter it . aafb ad pereet ga " la:a= MtUl l l'' ` 1 "" ""T e 4. LIIIICIrrr 1112:, id 1116127. .Ww the Ualaa a IL, Dope; .valdS4 rrrnatmen. rA. CARTER'S NEW •r. • • SHOE -HOUSE.' 111 mnsoui as i wn• BOOT AND SHOi,IOIIB6 N o :47 Fifth Street, (01TDIMITIIS CUP TILILLIIII , .),; . , . WLero to iferarod, te 'MOOTS, 111011:111 oe Ntel i a i t T sey ottaltrga fa ttrlty. Le.. DANIEL CARTICIR. JOHN, ROTH. & SON • hoortus sat Whotesali r Dintlas . 70VSION AND DOIIIII2ITIO WINES, ( :IIIIANDIRS; GINN, 8111118, WHISKIES. &0., &0., 807 Mallboorty. *meet, ertnarrAtIMETUILD . t tbeif tria.4 164 tie vll4 " % - a mom. In remora , t rte.° •• &Vs JirhtigriAtirtrie XVI r s u al on .11 who _" 27raltalibitsbid iailos of toatielNiliaM 1.111 Os • so inclestrartintos der en Mar vanity end o the ir " 11 1 01' t li=tos 1$ directed to triatinerile °WICK I . • OLD OE *U Mutt.. • Arta relretiordildtlres of • YREICUIVOtINACiII Order* left leo. ell R.A.letp. .111 sUe Peal ue MlA:dee • • JOHN 'NOTH H SON. =MEI 1011 PECK, onivAmErrrn. ttLLtrA. - . llll lt t e nue, ltav Vt lOD Vll 4tripant=2 Ira les cash ba• alma Slai B tit. sad EVll—llizeitni!ikaikittbirdil. A. EvratTlXß sOli4 & Co4' • xaicsibsal Os • , 6tesm BLHIIP, §4; 8 1/1 1 8i A.9 13 / I WPMI V05 , X. ' ,C., 4 /1,k 1 1 4 6: UMW , tint-Wahh*ltllllo.llSlti MONDAY. DECEMBER 2. l 867! BANKS AND BANKERB.- HART, CAUGHET & Bankers and. Brokers, CORNER THIRD AND 111001 NTNEET& • rrrnsuzion, WDOWIRIOIB TO EWA, HALT DRAWL= /X Exchange, Coin, Coupons, ragalli" thalu ' INOVEILWENT BONDS. Araleffr DRAWN ON LONDON. 'xial:o3 N. HODS .8c SONS, 33,9,..rciarammt.a. No. 57 Market Street, DODOdiarK4trett larztruide sad thirresey. Wllettbotte wee en ell the prfaelliel palate et U. UMW Mates set . , Stocks, Bolds did Other Seeorfites DODGE! LID SOLD ON 001011BUOI. Panieulez IMO= %%la to the maws sad We at U. IS. Seouritteih, • litelueles 11. O. ELM Ul Vent • do. do. I.ldOsi 11. B. 1193:1110.40e. U. 0. ozwarictaies 01 nirDszmos Orden, .04 Vonebatetwehtot eoneetea. . dlatdl FLEYSTONE SAVINGS BANK, 293 Liberty Street. PITTSBURGH, PA. r Tam BANK WILL cunt Be . neral Banking_ Business, net UT AUIR9IOOBI. IA moixass. November 18th, but. 'actogatit a Amts. Daatin sad Manhunts invited. Colloatlaas anale e 0 ipot to Um Valtad Maim .B.lo4mad. ' - Alerts% lalinrs4 ea Tina Doran& UNITED ITATfi MINTS BOUM' AND 10U. GTO, T. VAlh DOREN, Platter. STATEMEIT OF TUE SUL MITE RAVINGS BINE, Oa UN , MOT DAT 07 00101118, mown. amt. ma a 11' 1 4: 4 i:1=g: iiiM=;=::::t t zr US Ca ••• 8441. Is • . Total acieta if mat du bel.egliont •Mina SITI JiminntS yamber 417 • 5.311 CT - Total r *Mt if . . A. A.OaltlUilt, asiff. Ilmaaderolgaad, Aadttlait_Canulttoa, lava natatalni Um Sack. et to. 111.1 r, SIM abln. l.raad latattstaa t . sad asaatlttia , ttal lal tam has gatamatimatn. u. Mut • a. VOICO , To. NIZEDNIST— s atika: . o JO nm /f t% 7. Volrs. Ott. X: lioartamd. dZera• w. Moab, 1,49 lowa', o laria t i t tleml u t Dimwits Ikt &TX TSB 1:2444 ? .. .....b...11:1111«4 1 11 "*" r. =0, 7 comyirsto{l).. 4 l.4.. .57111•11• an net Ms ." " ""k • 7 111•11)1,711 Ina 9 uo - 017/01. aa same —.•-- —l= ll VinT, • tunrgat Domale SAVINGS BANK, NN lb Youth Siren, CHART/ ID IN IBM Amu= .inuntsuois 54 tidal =a I•Vota. Woes Wad.. ♦ ovealags.ll.•• lit to I:: toploalsttallr Tat ' ltgaVM Moped. nod. of mats of sot 'ea usa Dotakr,. sad • drndead the stoats fo al.. totes • yaw. fa lars. las Ne• *Wu. sla.sastalty J sad Dom.. sta. Us fulak mu *Maths. 1 Mena tit six pia mat oar. Lantl, a. dn.. oss, ta g Jr.. , to tun.. = i l ' Vast ratr ansys of Ms. ca ""%uttalWt. . • sbUar 11.7 AF. A"C.rWt.. r .., s pan N.. this ri m srtil do.. la sos thsat..ll7llllll6 -• • Soots W . Manor, pLion, Salso sad assal.aoaa. oa st *Mow • WO •WtOZTTiI r,tm..... 4. ii...agrats. 14 D... .426: &iv . % .. j=liattabUger. ELE „ EIs. ta i nsader,r.. MI. Asdaniloir n thobarl C. Goals. lissal t .i. =.. e iiil t , grilini L talY r alter r. ae..uun. t........ .. . ( Zs! : pa 11 4 .1•14 .gt44•t• J. Wol l r it a. •4 y 4 .l.lt WiHn agn ...t.rttbi•uLr ki marw . A l Vt i = rRi•UT—JsI. D.lll il WINIMI MIMS BM, Ab. 119 Antra gral. ClandaalllMlM- 111133 341 - 11ateraiit Pala s Mae Deposits. Aar sum resarned trim Om Dollar' upwadriM. . Depoidits ralolsist $o Climoth Itateres‘ anoocrit: DULY: AT SI CIIXLOGX. Presidat—'fllollnON BELL. tifie Predibmt—L,M. MARSHALL. • -♦ r . • ..gzemat.. SAVINGS SANE, • • Ausasupouri, Clirgoaratfisedriii 31.0411. a. IT m OOZIOLDICIIIIIID/VIDULLT MILE a illtgt remand sad stkime ant. Imes.% lamartau tftit um ..l7l. = - zartln a lki n st wa sestley U. vhnsus. l i c riteetaus, k risms, J.kikh JOILAII. " CLAW. kryk. THE FORT PITT LIMBER" CO. r r r $126,000. ..ravaidisstew.. , Drraiiitnum ===3 Sapertsieliai—JA*. 011./WMrli TN Tour errr misocu no. torn.' Ari tn e "rei r tallWil a :c.W'l2l2rla ...ter OM% 00a*.y. .rectos ttor. es !!!!! 111.112 S. um pawed to - 1M11. " 7t4 13 " ."" Eltllllll, tail if budez sal BOIT h. 4: 4 =04.!4,4!**...bvz.12,1611%14 T. AL. WILIOXIT, X 0000 Carr. prrnintaten, FA. \ Address C. 11,11 'owl wadi& disu, 100IIIIITER OHB/1110IL VOIXL 1:1 'ln 111, 111 A 111 dards (Intl. e; T. Ul7lOl, , I \ aeossiisiritii:k. T." 11l .. NIOIII ihrosKiway. is; a izt::..E, 0 I itit, 0.... t:- ,:l i 2:: : :: 1::::: 1,. .. .. i ;. a n 76. _. . I 34 0 1 8 ~E.A.4,,, . : • 1 o xl 1 ..iii: 1 a 11 . . ...,..,, gr re ;„ i/E : Zo; 3; 1 8 4 4 -5 1 „......, r.r.. ~ 111.111 . . 41.1. 01 1 :41:r4:" a.. q . 71111 N%14V11 3HI rid e . ni l"tre4":4 .p.: 1 2" 1 . - seiegiXiaw l lo \ . PT .alit."ll ° .=3l.T.ll i nt:TlT .:.- teurrij/e,i a i tgagetpocka \ • JOHN D. BAILIN a BEN STOCK AND REAL . ESTATE BROKERS ain ivorionassa AM qr.: to ma ai u Musti l a,llte t Zt CU ° Von,_ ao. of . oltrof Oa — ti minion Of ?" Attl ' Vart.iggroiWriftWitafiffP. UPI "41" 2:1" 4 , 4 1. 95 rin# " 2 7 ". o .1 9 ( IPPliCation wUt bokalt ll4 l l 4. 9 7TsPf PrreOl.7lfalis 4L reziorpr .7 4l l mi.nnEL • ' l:;;iiolittid to Java ityt It Istriiinf.feMfq. la 00art tgoOffp,llolloo.ll ovjairir /ow, e eTtoir 4:1 ___ ltir STEELE & SON. LizALvia LK FLOUR, riD1F1D..97141.1X, Asa trodups irt.nalY. 20.96 01110 neu mut Consmon, ALLEIIIIC;P CITY. KJ & BITCHAIIT,‘, COMMISSION KEROHAINTB, Floor, Grala,Beeds, RIM M. PIO TALIMIPCP LITAXLM 1111111b87 itrrsEttustr. HEIGIT REA, Jr.; FLOOR, OR A.r.)r, And Produce Commission Merchant, X 4 , 1•18 SETT EMMET. ' TTITEU IMO B. ROBERT KNOX, Jr.; coarsussios sazaviLunr, FLOUR. GRAIN MD PRODUCE; LlBlee, 413 LIBERTY ET„. L.J. BLANCHARD. _Ww;ll.2lAls MID utTair. CA. Ft CI 3a 1%43, .1896 Penn Street. nik.. • &MI. M!841U3 Ie: MOM, ,. Cossestasioss Aferelamas, • • Doalers'ilLOLLA7l% .4 PIIOISVOZ graela . ll4o . W..y.sit. stroya pm;nz & mountoare, • • =moo en mon Ilittillif, t.Lt.l n ut ir rzt : liam a rej.kg,iptz : Illarfet 'Stmt. owner of /MI, EtislZgh, ra. halm meal /1 HNOZIc.SON 3 : ANTSLad milers in notrE. sum ELL IMO sad 1.a0D17131S Mena. th SO. ,a Diamond. OinValt• Olty,a4/1. DAY. ollAwrosp it commis. rtriaT2l ,4 fTEloa vi i RO N aiV tlwr'atnHAM.WiAßAfai .0 ITTLE, BAIRD St. pimps,: ;al.. o.lll.l3.llltra,l'Ar 00{1021 Tar an 4 Pnisbartni mamanna Manny U sad 114 &toad street. 'I2U b. b. • vialrfora,..a. a. arnatu ETIIIER 41r. 111 rm 38..). (tificcethsion 7 o la r inn; in tqa Sp es. Conee au at 144=1="Mh`thetto?' U 1 B. CJOIVIELD,Coma n iiaIsJ- nttt ~WLeajork. isge,22: 4 .4.e.liii 440 agrAMIAI447IIIII44 firi4crliantielt 1111:111LE,No. 188 Liberty St v:azut.N , dcnlr,„ , A . ~,mg, , aml Plttatntitt sannitscsunm. -Cub advsneed os Ocealgossen!s, aao pa* for 1 . 104 , .• • 101011. 1101.1/111211.1./11, II01:11.11...I. E. 1117111/6 To= L. HOUSE & MEWL, Sue- C 2141014 JOICI L Eons A Co., WboLir Ws Omen sad Omatalsotcra • Meree.to, car no al sad Wasar nroo,WPlStabclll SCHIMER . LLANO,rIOIB7 Preilsitesytls j. (*wow Sly Oarboia 01 g ra. amt 1174.41 nraws. =tat m 17,501411 BWlrroll &iiii.llC . l Whole. uM GEOCWRII PRODUC MULEBe; Was Slim iitneet. eltiohurtb. • • 142i.0s 14o0) , .$:).;tegeLi;1441 1 / 2 140del JAZZ" arnsaan . ..... . . swank, CALVALRAGII & CO., zci U 4 unary craiarr. . (Wpmlt* Han•. Natal.) mewl mut W tu slut .11tflid . . Ak WI Nen Maim _flydrasta.ralaja, Lead Pi" abed Lead: Walt% Wash Van.. nm Hose. M. rratepil add partle•Tir insulation at... torroWiss wools Aruroco.issareox roass.a. u.cassairr, 1110011 - & ARUM MUM FOUNDSBB, nakAs AND - eis Firry.as, Cofat Srd sad Lthertyßtreets, Az & itr u ar i r Nara ; rn i z swim 01.... u." sda t the atthitt 0111 sad Margo . /41 Xdllasalas. &atm Agents for A.SCiumeroa & C0. , 3 STU A-AC P IMEPS SLIMIER ENGINES, rwm. rim . atriums. um all Wks., sad •Very one la graZiarited gare ssUs• balm nun. sosalantly on timid. &anus frOair Y. 0001rox...En. JOHN IL IXTO - PBB a Co., - - BRASS FOUNDERS, Steam and Fitton, It sosbetaxm of Mal AND SMAJOS WWI& of Hort dosortfoloo dosboof 1K Oil !1.1 111131141 IBD T 13111.114. of all kloas. Corner of Pike add Want Street.% PITTSBURCH, PA. Etti THE MANSION HOUSE, THE DEItAIItMED byg toxin . mum to Welt. Mend& Mid ,tha th 4 -ItavVonfrag:SlV: m'•".'"2l No, 344 Litierty .Btreet, .111 eitollsoo to U. 11 1a tbs boot st.l. Alto 1.4.1461vN btOottit b.. we.. .03. Oscar.. roan. alllooly ttlraltlans 111 Um boo otylo, U. .117 two Woos. , yolk Milt the 11111.3.0 0. pot. Trovoloto win Owl Ibis bongo u orretlon: os• to *too at nod will; sooteneogatod nay . or Gosset day t.. tolto tbo Mew Isseplabild Nan Ort . tbocert. la/MU. or sluts panne tsko. baud In Radar. watt Oo matt. Antis orttheut toms • WAGNERac =EMILE; • • 56.T0r441 " PITTOUVROB. 00.111DUOTED Oa ..rat mnicesAs ST.' JAMES HOTEL, Nag. 405 it. 40, ILibertrilt.,, , wows. tagalaa Dvirt, ITri3HIMS7II. JAMES H. LANIMIN, Piiprietitt eiA. 4. tit= er..711 . arz.1.;11.11.2,..M Om. Tas WU* rear sans .4130 Vt 7 OMAN Mr a,s Let thals. Tim eam• 241siV4gi. l. rat am " stitafgalrsitig amen as tbs•Sortess Soma sad nasonsfbm T. LIMO INTEL = UM N. Oar. Penn Canal Btu, rrrnratai l uni JAISEB JOHNS O N, :ProPrieto!. nts Immo nu bBllll minty ratita4 am. 1:11:. `""i Pr " 0 ' '" :4 4 :4:WIAA:4:IIi :le) arM Dr: N. W'. BATES, soil sEciv,. , 1:111t• snit titsble. in Toil , or Tan ant Port' .td *pasta/ !to Lle rT sad Wle stun qww. . DIAMOND, AlletberlAN, lieellfloo-Urnio nocond Ward. Elonlm 0(11 , 11111r &Token tot 'on „traroblo 414. " as tilVggliggi nr i P llarthant, snail Stree , LPfusburetz JlO3ll . e* .ite,! i ttt,.il=l.lo . 44n4 ll Ar. F.l 7' 11/10. " ‘nroUlet Linn , 1161,5‘.• • PI one Allenbit 0.14 tioDr, U rant nsa. EtiOt rasa ueaa a %my. Itieroifion. Allegoanyl ! tr., .2Y. nor. N. P. pommy • ..:vErunirer tuna N 1111110111111110, • rikVIFISTIVIEFIS lovvi"7ls6l3btnli T io nee. er ttraet. to Ohl cotreet muff Ilioaktos cruet. um al Um la We sod strokeaffe•lye _Romer niece bpaeltl. VoLftivoll, with :11=f. t. l 3:` l 2l)slu r Y.'w,°Z Easton be lute at eta Ito • Weeelf, oorner of Lone awl Llbotty 1t.,l alleselte w q) 1.1 I rtve Intone le riding to gaff" riettleepr mars, or prmision, to to. tom, mut f Velum; Joey ay. M. D.. 11. • Ith: Vol. _4Epltral.. 1VTir107457e7! ouuksJusEmata.rn: BABB. lIRAICE 43178rT1,89. snansmr,,igs *4**24* l No. 12 Clair gr., Pittsburgh EnalleSs Orgltalet AllXillaat SoattrostoOtr, ' • ' Arm. Arista sa us sonoices sluts It IT. New Tot% 001 ;t 0 4A9B44; A W r 24.4•1014 rt.t.RILVV; ,k tu 4 s . {V.'S AtIZO. D. • .W. 111111Ti1.5 •AILICIICLI GA AS. atiIITILIVIVIS PATZLIT TM Omut'aa assa utftiacyrolut . t. mg. taratet.. al • ay. nu int.& ' 417:re 'Jo own. vicurvALLEl. r iwarv7" l • • •rvi.1,"4.14 .:11 1 k.V 414 itaisalustuctitn.ftoters7ol.4. 47.1tAprAl biaaii; 7litb Vior.rags4lllllll:l4th'" DISURANCII WeTELAN 0118101ANC0 00, r gen:ZlLll73l:loX;p l piaiiiis: MC P. t Bira CAPT. OICAMIX KILLIMMIArn 041“. grew emu • owl! win lima. [ID stalsz, Pfttstatt. , Ylllyreaf i tti , 4l=4.l Mau Tea: crown to the eon...art 11 . aad j . 4 - t4a . g u 7 , o i nfAa , be . at Drotilttan v0'.41% Aci;ey . a• I/ 'a. X0rr104,74. oast -r. !: r Kei r xsmsiiutr. BE N FRANKLIN INBUILARCE COMPANY, IN fRANKUN SAVINGS BANK, No. 43 Ohio Nt., Allegheny, Pa. • , Diu°Total - Henry Troia. Geo. IL BtEOlO. Slosost Doom. T o•. Harper, J. B. Malin. •W. M. litaw.B. JotepD.Lanmrr. a Ra: D. MEWL= Sactstary, lIWARY RVILII. Praiddinat. ads pENNEITINANIA DifilatANCX ..- COMPANY. , OF PITTSIUMIIIC PA. ' Oiliee,ln ms IliMpl, mu* mem, na.h.m.rEmrsal„ang4 ! 4mis e usin °" '' VoniA7u*NyZazi. Pr/as. • ( ilblliciny ju carr4 l . 1 %. limn( iv . im.rrrun. 1.0,.....d v ra wr ,'" R.7a% ir , itl'n'ailk. 31. ' E ns 4 acne Painter ,, . -. 1. C. ex i ; -A1,41Mt...-. - - i.ftgottri• - -- ....won' opronl, MVF INDEMNITY AGAINST LOSS BY "LSE RANKLIN INSURANCE CONIPANT. OF PMLADELEHLE. , , 013410 435 aistl 437 01111=315 R. (Dori Boaaker, Una& Tobias aner • yid mws. WM. 0. 15T3114.1111...,-.ttsfi. pro J. GARDNEWOOFFIN, Mart, .b 17 AlorttOrtel; tor.'lll,ll I Wood AL L LE G MIEN ENNIVRAIIICE CO. - Or l / 1 1141 t,et tan Block • Mama spin al Mai ea in miliaria iBn 1 - 19714.2: uM11:14. Jot.* Igirin. tr i a . , ice; I na , lAm. ' p 61.1 . ' W it! riellre e L „ DIM.% - ' Do . bare . Dwra..' Obanes Dan, tie*. D. V/Z.,.... pEOPLEM INSIMANCE CO. unto?,A. LOUAI.WOUD AASi ea A KOMI scairratim,- TAl.um rum Jaw MAMAS ADM, Tott watt..., ' . fatt.tift ~ ~ Ulm lt. l'Atlrt - Myatt; _ Tr. ttfir • Ztra.V.l.u, ".• Lamas D.Yerase, O. Haman Lore, 1 . 11161.1P11.=2 . • J 1:114 ATZ.VIos • A 1 BARU& • • Ci.pt "AVM. Ckinus.--, PROFESSIONAL.' JOI7IV ElicCWO:Vt, Attorpey-at-Law.. OM., 71 GILA= 11T" 1911slerill CM= R. A. CAMERON, Attorney-'at•4.4lw l ' N 0.98 Filth Street: R . BIDDLIC BOILIATS. At 4 M 4'.4 444 " 1 7.:: . ' 0111 "‘ /CI 421 " 1 " 813 44 1 4 ottoutra evio to tows to Emit- 'EUSTACE & ItltiTitOW., ALDERMAN. ' Ex.oencio,Justize of thersams, AND rozacra rueterrnarc. Owls. 111 heu viais luta, 1%614;14k gr Dent Boura y trunriedesetilZ , rorameta•••.ll dimmarit • ^ Tara • Austeme or Ms mime. • ' Occavrounr. Sae ista4.a4lnsanines . O=BOM 'miler. Zan Irlyartattami. Oarlattios. of Uenta 50i1c1144.-Yd Mundt, orerjsld io.iar3.7lP WILT lanß. BABILED, xr617011 OP SHE PEACE, - CONTZTANCIA, Mem CASSOF irpt. 11.zys=4.itt. masiatTm=ars .• . • my rya DANIEL DicALEAL, IL Ds . PRACTIOINia PHYIIIIIMIII4 So. 150 Grant St., Rear mm. j . a. irmastraoil, Attompot•Law, ink s• minis warn, tax= hoc,. TOY? ROOS 'darts naIcCORNICh. 4116.11carativib.Xiiresr. AI Grant Street. - • Ml==7Ml w . L LEvnil/2 ATTORNEY AT. JILAW, No. 93 Diamond Street, JoiLl,w• lanMEP , s " A.TPOIRIBY AT.LAW; olorsccei . pm its:roux:a • I=ll ==M IrfollllEl4 eaUlttlitalt LA* 61:1 Grant Street • mmhz, prrTananan, JOON a. HTILUIL EM-011/ao,Justiosof theresip• AND roraca itAciteriiii. - • - Mee, lIA Plcu& fit, animate Cathrina; th rs 'tof.ra "Lti N Z " =" qi= "sd =ti 1111• b IMIRDIllein Old 41•11•thil. seorcEir ROTAillf ASI iiK a arigc r earl 0 /1 7 1111 , PILLOt 111 m ,..u0r nt5eza.......,. ...,. 11MM:10m:tele. lotto and otMntatatc. tk.Milk.Ottoo of '2l,24kmds. ozoostaUon lad Ilentr• or 1 • 40. ' of Oa roaco ua 210,u7 JIVEIIII C. tticCpEMEI, • IiTORNEY iND.COUNIELLOR AT SC. No 87 Fifai--4i3treet lariessiorta, nounno. , Eid Afteiti Ora/ 01,01011c°iiect44. oi:Vdizif kr.% 14 *I BilmexwTs. - ; LIVERY AND SALE sTABLL vi.!fiCHOLSON. PROPRIETOR. iino viola" 'moll, Ift:+o . mitiima=te"noA4' ,trotteink atistuimm, iwunk.toi w paremu• iktut W sytm neRRIV II3I Mr IOIOI 4 . Livery and Sale Et!taltAia, imumgm 914 "'"r"?" 1 ., 31 ."—"P r oo•-• r PITTSBRGH.. MPPArtlatilat akkaitica rult t> I;.iglao4i 20:74 DYNRB AND 6001.1Rgit8.- It 3 . ' 'alos. 134 Ouid 117 PiLtd [(boat.' DYES IkAD OCOITELIS; Straw 0041 aeined or 14:eit. lainir . musts 1110 OLOVIS C G.FlllllEit Dialog and Seonlingbisilldultes as ts putiosi, ..'.".°4'w'*".l4hal( 4 l=lll4nt .extrratclarre4W.r."."o4.w•-4111; OIL WORXS& com:Emst EUREKA - 011 WORKS, Y.,, =.wl ' • Eureka Carbon Oil, ' TEC GILLIBLATZI) Sperm Lubricating OU i, ON/OCM LINSEED Doom to Crude, Banned and Lubricating OWi Lard, Opium, Madonna Fia Oils. B. C. N.LCHESNEY, Agent, 19 Irwin Street, . - ritTsgUatig. WARING & KING, 011188161 mum us BEIM IN Petrolium and Its Products, Datz,ut, Block, linquei§miray, • irnmunissir, 1",16 . . eamainasauk. Ziraral . WARINC. 'KINCI at CO., UlT.W•ililit XL. H. M. LONG & .CO., ItLinTrACTI:DIXBiI 01 . PER VIIITE BURNING OIL. Brand-=. , ixonoßß." ego! No. 2 Dialaesaa Way, - - . ITrilsilintaii, PA. TACK. BROTHERS COBEGIINSION 11121CRUMI AND 758011:14113 ftl Petitgenia Its.Proditeig. OPTIOZ-14.4.11 , 1 owner of thet met. Way and Izerta street. , FaILAD WM*OrNi 3S— r•Wr Weleet aptrorla I Witt rn 17 .7 ' ilaMootor DUI= OIL WOlllll4 WIFHTNIARI &ANDERSON, Rafters wad Dealers itn PETROLEUM. oimoz. IFLOOAD STONY. commit aLsr. WOK lIIIZZATAWD Due WAY. 1. C. 11:11111111..0. A. =USA 21.111113111111 AD 50110 OIL WORKS, _ Ilinetrutare ud tare tyrants en klaiL of. L UDR Cd MIA G - OILS • ; IST. CLAD/ VIMIT. 11111117/11. lialtaW a co COAL. COKE. &o. prim:T NATIONAL , • . 'COAL 4. COKE , COYPAICI. a.ta ./.11MDI tad disliaa, wbolanals .:4 no BEST FAMILY COAL, NUT:. COAL AND. SLAM rotairn AND NI essu Alt wears Mr drAVINhe dry. t o est, will mael.prtamplAret - ta .ttew : B. A. if crIMADS7.... bawl...m.llam BEST FAMILY COAL Miran aft Mull sad dall Vica;a0111.0:41. A! Lowers Kamm nue, BY 03cen F. LAlukt,it co., ciabitay ens &a a n r t a Baum ••• • 'at.lcruitiart - crrY. • .. • . 4mill:rids. Oval teraliatel at the ratmt rates CO4L! COMA! 00131411 .D 1013011• STEMILT & CO., remilo2 shdr az;(4o . . O. NM ilusuointy Bleu KIM =cusp riocrl, la saw %wawa! to ,tx.ratu goal T 090105...” L1MP01C7,0047. os OZaCkii.- AM. !avast Mutat Vt° =ti.l ALIIMBTRONG, TOITOPOUIVIC es COMLIZVILIX 00AI aaaakosittlor eni . Slant. orbs tossolpainviud coke 0111C/6 Alit) USD. • Obragraf nailer aballattaut an yard ou Lib erty end Clymer • mem, blintiontra, utd an home mom_ burr Leak L Pittsburgh, Pe. ir n aAr=VatittZlll7 Onleits WI et say of their Mogi wet neer, i PAINTERS i4arm. Q'0111!flEllt as LABS, #1311150 and Sign Painters, ir4hy;o sksnirsains. 6 tub . :b EILAIS CARDS dn. =""1""" w, a. maw RovirWlD,a IWW I II.. HOUSE ADD ZION 'eutiriims Tre l / 4 4 4 DIMOND. Aucamensers, UktCEININING - dosetilttik mdnnaE. House . sitd ' Sign 2 } a ester; 11 " 36 '1 1 . 1111 X,/!illitnulin• col 2ir.ATur xxxotruo. • Mind ishata. Tar, ratty, • Glow. ftVrAT.tro,llluk Wl.t r.."4,'2ma. 7.1 HUTCHINSON & Repol i to t dCA imam toms, ._7 ONOINNWPAND No. 15$ NMI% AIN.IIIN o Pitts&Urge& avfars'ig , win ensintnlY andmie'd . ;JOHN F. CLULEY. laause•and Sign . .ragnfe.r. re. n. mqntruttb Tittiburath ra. ..9:•rot • osnx.sua'cu'ad .tutd. SOKELT ern= M 4:0 WAN & 8N DER, tottaa ila LID OUAKsssu Liar - MAIM ORAXPERBAND GLUM& .14.,11144rolollelandollt Mural& /alert ant.. 'aide re order: .M r pe " 4l4 NO: Manntr Vetted. to. ere,. peeer Ater retry Smolder& Ara r • la& . olelrmes • .Y: :d: ; t lAi . N- . . Carpenter. and , 141141fIfitPLIPI JobblZZ: o4 l:ll7kgarl.dcalii4 l. .A. , pia Vw)u7 Sltattled IV BatUratl. 14205 n ;y.Ol • •A' VG TOWN.. L.P. Tete r, ozer I/DATUMS Hesse Pupates and luirdera. Es 4. oSJObtas tad Ilztadlog promptl ateesaa tlramn 4,1116010. 4a? Jaina): LI yel.z. xis raurcat. niAlecrEs, OXPENTEREI AND BAILMIIII. 8 6. ii;oiu. OaM to a66iii lat liiuA 6i, nes* ay, h. AIM 411 . • . , Sense Wier am; Carpenter. • • MU d IMILICRIPS 41.1.E.rr aati DV (.4lZoobtax tepattilit ii.itnen Haver. nusipXus . , OARPENTERs., '"""° 1 ; & ridw, , 1111114iIIIIII•1411tre41, Lei!) ;14 ti(e)A 7.4 : e crell HEIVUV ay. uouniung, • CoOaiitiOnery and Bake 4,, §T, , soo neriiircrin a.t.errede.4 =gm. strtArmss , Orrillt SALOON ilia:bed. QINDAT SCUOOL,CRLIPB/1.11. no Tion.ACaned, purapos, ICS PPCAL COS 18IiBU a amb" , "!!"rtralae4l7.l.quotCll4 . l:7 alttall:TM llit-TatiMEDFIL al'2la. 16 DILVOID. Ailagkety. USt AMIIIEZIENTS. larNEw orEns ROUSE. mL IIiNDSZCOIt ...... .......... —UM% C.NNISO 1112.0.• T. H. na.xx .... That shitttratite.hi this ell, a VA resewiw.4 LTrIC trILS.• LILDT DON. • Itfixl)l.l - tad TUlthlhali EeE atad u. 1:67, will Oa erateltheh• elJTor the boadOil HMIS NIP; 4r, lie Bart of Dos. Tor:need° wlth the tined enriehno at E.r.hIII.WORTH . Earl or Leh:esti r. with • far"GRAND FAIR, Under the an eptoes of the 1.1.e5• Fraitopthis (Wit& Imam, roe tteS tenant el the HOMEOPA.THIO sosPrva, (Virg. wlt! ad,lresi ILA .1011 . 111/14L141. W. otlur toolata esragess:4l. Monday Engulfs DtelliMMll. 1.4 And eextinulne • aurtl SeitraDO.. l l a a :"11. The rate writ be open twit di, o• c• b I.3AeTA':.'".. n=tbe Children matt If Tian, _ Lipp, bA vreed era"' dal. "" 71eknin atineepelide Lb! Vie GrACADEINT OF Blinn. TWO CONCERTS, • BY THE i. lIIENDELSEOIRI QIIINTETTE us norrod, I ' •'. • Il ed DI lilts ADM]: B. UTAH. the Hll*Tit ttcnral red ... I Wednesday and Thursday December lith aud.ath, II I?. • • The SIZZIDELSH , HZ du - resins% owls TlitndAd UTAH. hi. rlttDrry THUS. and thrice...mince ..... what= noantelthe beat Ilvalcal Eaton atamagla lc American habil, 10• r•orremum mar ur,remr. dmruhrt, dummied. — nthoorrts, totof, with adage d dadadal. Anarts6icic—ratquaue and On.. Chidd l ig ad extra charge foe Setared SZAU. ratallT el.. bD can.. She salc or saats arid couscous at C. 0: et mask. note, SI Wood Nasal, lirralbal..P .