Eil 1786. PR°SPWX . 118 ' 1868. TV, PITTSBURGH BABBITT 214 largest doily paper in :the &sta. of Parnsylvania. enters the 22nd year of its existence with increased faeittties for die tioninating the current" news of-the day, sad for•rendering good potaicat service do tlut important Presidential Canvass of dBGB. Pheforactuning session of Cbatgress promises to prove one of the most import ant held since the formation of the Got . , ernment, and the proceedings will be ant iously 'soaked by 'the intelligent masses. Sn vier of the deep interest centered in the ddugs,.llos proprietors of the et hare made arrangements for ..daily dispatches and letters during the session, from a highly intelligent corre spondent, who enjoys the confidence and friendship of the leading members of the Senate and Hones, the heads of the cart ous Deixirtmente, and the Leading politi- eiane who frequent Washington, so that - readers can, depend on rest imng the first, ftliat and most reliable intelligence frcnn the seat of Governess*. . 27a proceedings of the Mate Legisla ture, at -its forthcoming swam, will also prove interesting, inasmuch as many guts. Stone .of , importance sell come up for •bicislation. The GAZETTE wilt keep at . the State Capital, (Wind the entire session, an intelligent and faithful correspondent, who 'evil/ promptly report the proceedings by mad and telegraph. It it the only political Journal of Pitts burgh which faith/ ally reflects and steaday advocates the principles held by the Union Republican Party, and i led by a • loyal (bngress. • fre ll elm ar ameth roadie,/ ma - am, Palm' rald at aretc• dollars per avail vaette Mt prim Iv ha darht. hatear the elompoot vett es tl6, tos , SIOOt man. prr,tte the COUR.% saUA. - WOO the netarmonmi, terry deparloneit AY , NV, rtnearthrud. The high character' of Is, altterteet mimes, erthi fa matatafead, and ell maim, of pan te Oa portals°. mill ha /hart sem dirmaima. rb• ...or department rill tm kept up to the revaiereervir of Om day, and in comtemmet tense wtU riath.thaly mirror all the tranmettrar ...air*/ oats of the Mr. Ssals. dmrury 005 mortals/ tarps, need maintain for the (USE '.l"Td . the rrimtatipm 6f a it.. Werra-War and And etomslandiy mos onmescrist neiles9aoa -4..04 mince Aar km moved for meta me pert*. Waal NM ea all Mate Me maid arms a enaMate at A. corr../ orotatfoso for sainsofai tUrsit, Tam predartmeattis. dm.. d.. are daft, rathered from attotasalso. 6 11 faakna and 'o' @fent reporters. .ree river new is eatlodeet mith Nynb and ...lel prom awry inbratherferetverqf ele o rrrrrrr The.dhanelat new drpartemat Um Oven paved M .Svgs dna ells 001 rsperteneed letaher. Wm Veal rinds it galls as attractive and .n.r.t illem tatty Ititaiarro, Oradea and Inerimenv mourn.. The rettemer dervearem rat rail minim the attar Plea due ft/ Importance, and ad tl he re reradoefat me le he stamp., mid t00tt6616 to member. tit all &Wmw denomination/. rim arrimettarat, art, Mors,.. Wrote lb 1.." . anal and ether dtpartstoto of the Patlerl o " M maelmeted fa a manner aellid Wilt prim , elle l e . :hater, to the reader. Thalia or TEI DAILY flArarrt . . it. . . ..... ........... .... r .... Pas Ifear...— Dai.red ritite.vit. IleghaV all Ow tooSimmat dorowks for IS cents per..k. Pol. • CO., Haulms. Na. at Wail stmt. CAOO 6DX, Elsakas, 116. A WWI Amt. sad, by Oa Ootoparty.• stoostind &loot. throszbont Um Vatted AIWA.. StasolSosoow drhoald s. nod. la glnfts or otbor foods pox to NM Twit. sad no bands 041 0. seat Me of obwg. by Moro osoreto. • at. . TAIIPHIAT •fID MAT, stools/ tba Progns.f tio Work, arooarett for Cosotruo• Use. so. Vo.• f flood., moy b. obtesed at (b00P007 . . 011ros. or 'of tto sd.oritrod steal., or will 00:0001 fay oa apolbootloor. SOJELIr J. CISCO, CM= 17=11:17/ Nit GOODS! DDIV GOODS! . 1 LAMS IirOCK 07 EFA ireat irilinTh eisle sad retai.7 3 . BB ' . T WM. SEMPLE'S, is• Urn liOeral Street. luissbesi. NM =LW IiLTS, 1!8107(/ . ADD PLOWlB3obesp, * l t TA M& 111172163i'matrin no a us TJMICILL OM. AUMISMO kLIID 1LA3111116.6. sos-zor iiasszts. FLAN pe orice• rz.ANEt.a. OkItTUN 71,11.2iNEA WWI= ourrtnt Flamm , darn stot, variatap, rhotaiale and t• AT WM EMMA 7 . !use us riwairrat liras% awaken/ esawts torrael, soons, aystAs. maLicozAt...4 'ior rums, I uoanuir. %%Waxes. awns. amouiracuTrv. • Ilatattes . tloaot . Oetatry le•ralstata _sad Re. Wawa Zireilodelairsnaj ""`" " Rlsolestsle and Retail, at`, . wht. Itl d 111 SPECIIL ATTRACTIONS ! AT oOltri 00. 1 13, 131 Waod:Street. awraq rannut •toarsmar •aiw eat baylit srrabillatattbrbaatolt HOT . ..WATER . BOILER'S tba but sad Gramma coo* Moira, a. vravta • bleb lioe• oP tbo L 1112.1 trios al/ Ma Viseted ra as Via.? 1 . 0 13Vaik.:14, trVl2:l4lAnts " pignill' rt@ atom t Loa ow asatoihamat eau payer Oa to aay la a. 7. V.l coalmen Coo Mot Moo. or u. tuft bTOVie. Of Slogs% ..,...rl.lool{ Maya Wale Ia UM rVIL Data attaabre loa r a ! 1 „ bl.l. 04,00 of &OMEN DuLL•Ito, by spat/toe to 13183= & 00., • 210. nab zainarrr zastrr.. atii.nmearta of wt TrISIMPb (W. Stara. SEUEEPILLIIIVA CRACKERS, 817 Liberty Street, pirrrunmam. ORTIIOI.ICITOWS 017101, . • • Ityreet7,F, Uelablv . tfILINL I Abe Conti 01 guano bustmaire.is einniewr. um. eribsam. Or' WIIIIIIIIIIIIII , I47IIMIST. ill punnet ISlbrerten +see elks abinAbt sa.e.koppt, Vsmainad blinalt• lirdtma bithe Lead. flea le =Todd, axe eV • los IMOUGUIeIIIM • byl be pad erlteht thine ter trole 011 , :teSe. ertikee-le7 OVI Se eleleet areinUrest Death atjaa lr aelyera wit .tee •1 0 0 30 . 13 0".". GIX=2I 313j4:0 _ .71EXT.T.112:1131C7Gre THE GREATEST BARGAINS EVER OFFERED IN THIS CITY. PRICES OF ALL GOODS REDUCED TO COST AND LESS! THE ENTME STOCK, WHOLESALE IND ERBIL, TO BE CLOSED OUT. PERSONS WANTING USEFUL HOLIDAY EIMNTS, Win tinci this the great oppertunity to purchase everything cheap, at I JOSEPH HORNE & CO.'S. EACH . ARTICLE HAS- BEEN HARKED DOWN TO THE LOWEST. PRICE; The Wholesale Stock to Present LOW MARKET RATES IN NEW YORK. Resa-tititchid and Embroidered Bandlmelda., 50 Cents and up. Linen liandkercitiefe.lo cents and up. Real Lace &Sods, a large assortment at Prices to salt all. Trimming Ribbons, at 10 cents per yard, , Ladies' Opera Bid Gloves,ls cents. • Gent's Geary Rid Gloves, $1.50 per pair. Heavy Cotton stockings, at 121-2 cents. Boulevard Skirls, at a great reduction Good Balmoral Skirts, 81.25 and upwards. French Corsets, at 81,00 and up, Breakfast Shawls & Fancy Woolen Goods at less *la cost of making. shine and Brawen, AO cents and up. , triplex and other sakes of Hoop liktrts a big let, walk fro* RAO to $250, slightly soiled, at AO cent!. Neck Ties at half cost, A COMPLETE LINE OP MISSES' & LADIES I ' UNDERWEAR dazazzo GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, AT VARY , LOW PIG-IJEMS GOOD STAR SHIFTS AT $2.00. 5,000 skeins Saxony Yarn at Five Cents Per Skein Uncut our Tim Is now in how York Purchasing • , scis ..aLer 8-crerlOlV OF SBISONIBIA n) RIMY GOODS. tirCaU audExamlne far I aarsava4 at Nos. 17 AND 79 MARKET STREET YSTONB SHINGS LINK, 293 Liberty Street, YI4IB3IIIICH, PA. • THIS RANI WILL OMR A _ General Banking Business, Alma ne.latualoun s 0 Nlondar, November pith,' Init. - . • • deoinists ot Buts. Makers sad Jfiaitsato we Waled. • ' Collectente Aldo en ill points in teaCtleited States as Canoe. ' - Limn allowed on Mime Deposit. • UNITED Sint SECURITIES BOUCHT AND SOLD: oro.v.liveo maim: Mmte.. GROCERY IND PROVISION COMPANY. .1011 N A. MelilLiW, President. ' J. P. 18114 EL, demean. •.e.. 'took et skim CMD42I7 sirwir assaita r r ilLut u mv . zuur so Aran amid's. 4111.1.1.1d1r ALW C;12111117" Ai 28 Federal 13t. WESTER GOODS. E. HOUSTON 600., Fashionable Nerchant Ta NO. 107 FIFTH !MUM Have tut realm mow" no), of • Winter Coatings, :11111.11,V1::,4,1gz oit.c= 6 ,4tll: PITAT±' p "T prylarriudlio. _ .II gADI irADX u O m 4µHlaP int band. AS prates to Mt MI Ou , JcE PENSISYLIFANIA IL H. COMPANY. rlntanttrlVA, War. INIT. The P.eat i rala awiroad UOVIMII hanky ih. glee tbDe a prey Will ree•bre oroossa , a bellA tas Ina day INA, 1 or !tame snip Malt steal... Orel, tee tletea Mao: Rotel al Fit ure, tae.aAgaa Roost It .111100•11, •ed Dist.g Amuse It It El at beers Depot. fee • ter • or years. a Isla ett-ing on er berm ele.o 1, tan • in. we. at Ylttlearsh end Anuses are ttrstseedtareaelastntalts• tonna:user: • /tout DA e prate., esientood that toe 10 ..1 cae.paer wul tam all of tuna.. tatalsotas..4l shall be hlptla► eortatly fry{ W.. ft. tee ese.enameo, eat soauen as.taagers Sumas lax Its Ilse. N zpoZVI. beads..ft to JOHN, X. MIN- Area Prtlittillr 4 114".ti1:471.1 BAILEY, FARRELL k CO.* ti.anuctm,4 of Patent Lead Pipe, AND SHEET LEAD. vbalcialatfis'en In its In otter iirnse 1111111,11 Ma 167 131611616316 Street. 112T5131788E1. PA. of :nOtwall mussmANN. HRH et nit Wynn Tuul Clutbui ilunsidth and Den In Hardware. VIM goods of westy bata sole at Q. lo pilaw. s• .1 del • I lnall_ .9.1. Wahutlar. roma & HOMN 1 0 Aloottatoors to JAMS/ cauttma • xaworAcrusais or 'I 4 OG- PUMPS, Amd 021 Ites woopsx TOBIN. : .roat . oi Wive! sae Tel st • ets. • hopes/ CM. Where beast" orowpt7 1046444 d liePohlot 110•• 00 the tonne.* 001184 0011:(03 .BO.IIIIDII9rA !a r g e P g ,M U O"; 8E001116134012 MIT 1001 TO LBT. rt'reggriNrAVV "W ar a"*" %In% boas. reMmOrdig $lOO TOR TEN CENTS. • Oal7a raw aon rabrarVizi an ravarra lama toa aperrar,lnua or the Gnat illuirstad THE WREILLY PRESS, mud, la wassail ansimmiwin-i....bu Oat la valsoorlll for &nomad tett orallostios. •• . . The PEXIS3wII4ON sorootoodiaaookorthsapioll or too o • toob d n. ervlooont "WI trails with thin , 3l.l alike mama/mat Roars of W 07. • .. a 'irt/Mtr. •" or Qs mombrilltoot chancres r lo auszaairs• to oho Lon donor:. - TH. ILLUSTBI,IIO .IllTt oetlnli , ortetael arq,l at Os mope Mrs,. •. . • ' Tbs ryas tuna= lad law l a is tide entetsztte alladtr: 11 seesaw"' Out Isle shoal* AAnsrt•►Nissen:Sem afros salon. ..lifshisr 4tWWI sstgune. • • . . sUhEetgtling . I. th re :fr. , . PM 1 , 111 1401:47:6 " . 1 i s t igett; se Ms Alias sn.t. emi zs s stain lets. areaa M b ils i rgra t " Atigigiel t s .. l 47. au& WI parebalebteartU sa meal es for theses. y aid elVo. • L • Besides Ills .141) BlLl4.,.oreeril eseast • ed tuts= sepias of Ilt,edittOs fpr 1 , 4 • 8rin51 , 11511, 4107554 4 1101. (017151 u from 0. Vatio,•• 75 7 , 5 Nolodeos..,. 171 MIAOW 115 , 111/7gr... 7 1 / 5 4.31Sza11111rar !I Mina soses ' sL w Lms3 Raptla .0513.Matall itagnselll•sllses 1 4 , 1•01er a tWarlai ii at . 1.11 ... 15...— 71 Yb0t.5.0511 .{* Ibe zslya . . lo ...wait - teasedso/11.' I*J ;la 17±1ve7 . 5)5,05._11.7 n 11#251.1•71113 . 1 . 11 WIII =ON se % i ris.. liras I.2liTaxtot of pt.., OSIN elwas eoples Awe!. thretfor#lo.. W. 7.4 lor errvasw si. co i - • IrslirVOLE tizes4. aolitaka 30.uBroidway. HO York cur. Qs=a 'rumen:ran RICIIIRO . & CO. zaarimmtwao. • 'Plc :100 Wood Street RET CTAWIL WARL INVAAT M I332 T r rAl COT. TA LlAli s ahnmer r i k; TU AM , • 4pom,. - Ain dpkfflgizfr AmelAtios AV Me %TOW% pe GA vartirta to e nlVWboisaalE WI us.. The= I ==VA* stockotmll7. Vilna ima lima IL salsa Lila Aka sat citlei. JACKSON " & -FR W E ebtenern Ie Lao/111/ST a TEM.) itairorAtmagesa mut DMZ.= IN Harness, Eladdlery, Trunks, de., =ll at am= Fiskets, Iskr: z uvl i¢n Itipp, . , At tMfrao Weruccrok . ihral.lo3looi7cood. der 11016 testi Ibrthe WatiDllllll2lsll.% far Ve•t.rliFiMa• I•Wa. *WIT T* l 0 1111JPEEttOU SECOND-HAND PIANOS, = frau: litoth the •boiv aro to splo.dl4 code,. aid , 01.11 S•tili.porod of • t was. who hoe 411. twm 11111 k for 41.11111hasa robe WI/ 41, onc4, C MELLOR -- • 41 WO:111 STRICT. CI2113:1 F. W. C.. VELD DRAM IX GLUE CIIIILED HAIR, Tanners' Scraps, Ceram's*, CATTLE TAILS. Bones, Neat's Boot Oil. &cn ono aadWarahousr-No.IIII4IIIIIIIIMTELLD STIUT, (seasit oppoill• the Poi 1.1264,) I ===l WE WILL WEEP ON HAND DNB PU% cl.36%allrlus. 112 NOTICES. gar 11(0TICE.—Tbe 116.4 ti verraral v atentriciplcr . oil.. Colar&lY ,011. be tag at t. cg 'rale Rams ..*lnor or Wml sow • lIUM D.T" EVENINO. Deol3oe, Tat TIZ . attaaaua galt e t b rIV2 I ! nb.V . bees:Tll.T . opst cx or koNo2reAssca Ixacriciore , .. • so. rola r . I : • ritubanett, ne w atte.ur., V Fo li arN n_ TIMN DISICTeXLECTIO tt N i et tbtsCeth ‘ tneerthfot the e 10011136 711111, trln be AV: A At tho Y 16 W e itt . r neht, ElttAbh r. h. n Topine. o r. Doan.. two. Ott .% •••• bee boors of 11 Jo vane If • Z. no= tiC JOHN te. th6ALIAZT, Now 'fit AD7IVRNCDNi~6 "I:112116 10103 PINIRYI.ViIIIA UV 4'rEilY. I=llll= ?wow/ ETENINfiI, NOV, /Mt U. i \TZ , M; . /WO4 xambers ars Glonessre usyllou 'Jammu°. • Yinii4ll4: 4 Ar: -‘• noVtt . Cbisaltui al orjr.ix, inktaaa. j AUCTION; 13ALE; 811111111/18011: at : ,U. VsulanLE nvitnEss • F 0 1 a OS VIA= AAD D r ALCODD 011/ATel AT Ao ono.. Ua TROOIDOT, beeembor VD, St OloWeell 7. Y . ow IA• wont...v.lM I. sew tot of erew.d, frond,' 211. fret ex 1th.,33 stroll% end riwaole[ b"k art.i, J irair, thaw bv1113.1 alerted orer.. o . e.pmef 1100101 SC. 101.5 has evya ava eted OW Y. tiovent• autat as • Downed Ws. ovewm. • AVM Teese two deardde lot. of greaset, Bee. DI awe LO Ve me meet, vvelt Verlag o %frvwt of het. eadexteealre We 03 MO *As OW. Ow *bleb toe...fee dm large 1,401.10 , 1 3 irtelt. wove, heete, havlse elozWe welly. 6.4 went •t water. Tut en0t4133 mad, at • trifling 05 0.100, le eval.teol , to meatier 30 sehlail 313 , 30. Le% ••• owe powted teem awdjur . ..Par, sod ...iy ail th e ..chm..7.0 Pir • .484.41447 or oDtlllety Domain to above tw '• 1 crlita ptop•rtione•thire auto suave is ewe ewe two vein, 11th antetest. Veastve hf bo•Il and mortgage. Zegive ua 1111311110•17 OR ..me ten. If afts.% .lm a. D3ll4llag; le " Vtrel . dtairett l' itell ' atittirt 4 e7pltsltsti . . 33 •IT 14. Al Innen. 'meet:A.lu Orr, uS . PITTSIII:4 - BOILII: • I o arsordweth with the tworlidonz • of an Let or the tither& Assetebly of he Ceworfewoalth at Pthanivthla,provistag' for the l erporattera of the tat) of Pittsburgh, and or the erica. the. hithrants thorny.. /, LLI4III O. lltia:Lnltptlf. Motor ot egad env. do tone them woe was .tlia Vt;;lrA 1 the 6 111 IV eln nue 1 11;tra da of teelloseto. the I reenwoo'of oeloOtly. stolleee to vote for Inetabfr • of the /loath argon, pen Is trots or this Comatonwertitn, Iftlet tear oneorot pthoth or boulthe tire thief woe la tear nin*Otl. WOO sad month, , no tiles owlet tip pinto one or a stanOtthtell Ac A. tor smoothly, anorovot two sie 4,1 of prrsoa to serve so Vontrollerew esto . elty. Chaboreon to servo se *reamer Irt' sold oil, One halloo to wave th (flty eltothir of nth eltf , lth the tame In °Deformity tO the Mena oiled thtbaritles, the a Means of the !atm math will tires by .11 1 011W0VM01111 to CT. so Si. Inborn or the Belot Colteolt odd ly and two imam so one as members or the uommen Connell. • Smoot ward—Two Dances to D. ambers or rho ballot Connell sod Ores venous to be memo ben or the thanwen Coitoctl. Third ward—Two persons m beeterabars of the gotta Connell and two passes to be mothers ofIII. Common COalioll. • !Math wa,l Two peons to be revalten or teo Orlonand terse persons to blthatonbere of the Cowmen Cannot'. Firth went—,we persons to Pi' withal M the Nowt and Ore yawns to be members of tee .01.111 word 7w e fathom to be nthethers the 5.1. cs end five pentane to be ithattnre •Ithe Coombs (annett. • . 1 101.311.14 V.r4—Two hereon. to be mesh ire of the iseleet and two venous to be tuantbus of the • Clomtweh cramel'. !Nash woo—Two pveons to tar weleban of 'the notoot and 1/11116 patrol to be .sullen Of the Costooa Coma. • • Nltthwar d Two Warm to 05 Otte along so oyam.. to be ambers Of the Common Uotte ell. • • . • . - . . Anne Wall Teo cove's t. be assn St the *elect end two parsoke tf bone-mem of the team.. t beset). ... • . Laorronoovioe—First word Me Verson telhO ao , olooor of Um belect ponoas to M Senkbell or obe Cola ron Iv. mall. ' • . . . 'Levennteeelit• bteoseleelel—Oesetrtta lobe setember beiges sae tee WIMPY. 10 PI se.morn et the Ilaessecat tetnell• Cobh. town htp—Un• Oates I• be *Numb. of tn• e.4ai and two lemma Lob. =Unbars.[ tot el 92111 PM eln• 1.1.111 township-One p•Pson re be • ott=ber oe tb• ed•ct 0 04 Leo per.. to o• a.mben of w. Loomm • n Connell o' edo,. .0.. person to be *weal. t. P• 1•01.4 two nano. to be maim. Of the Common COSMO 1. . . ..... . . • Otdlone to s o d a Mead to to la tabu o Ida de e wo p.n.s to too mouton Of the o.nono Couned.,. ...Dalt. one Toms to to etertebe Of the Wee% molten, damns to do sampan et we tOtollnen toettactl Hasa at whoa shall Da quelled Vs arra as lama rs a timed at Ilaynsestativas at lals uotononwthole mtdult at sae lads la' , hien dm, shall t4i elact.d.aad shall attae um : ba small as rant Itttnla. At the -lactlon bollttd•sstontala apTIPt , Dalt. THILI3N. BOAT UP Dal= a a as, OW. Sto tlacan at Um nett ItAnt arta* ally et PI tatwa. 6. so Mon at las Psblle taboo! hone L said ward. leactors Of nt &woad ward al tka Mt, at Mut:arta matt at r sada Drawl Howe La electors of the 'tiara ward of the GUT . of 'Plusborph, to meet a• to Youth Ilithatrty ethe. YAW bfr hthlth Ythiedy. aalllaf Of Xsimill Sad f i l Zia7al;Of the friOrtb the of ?Lase go. to meet er. t”rat d ragiorn Meaea iv eald ward The *tee ters of both arder/a ef the Pint • eith of Itteherith, I. tent stile tame tehool hours, corner of re e a std &data suns. - Tn. &al an of the oath Ward. Iftlat of OS city of r Itretrithe ow then rth yiththe War. Lidos* trisuct Ward.. • , - • , Tad Weida /of Oa ramie meet ttw forth at the h./. forthefl. , • cardedtry Arany pee. wit ?WWI rather to esthirrent.. - . . . Tan Winners ca ta. ii*Trath.ard of the Ott of Pluittangh. to magrat ins rnbito pose*, le T. decors et the tlillthinett of 4h* Ct. of • P 1 44b14 , ff m.41441** Publ.* **hail awe The e.eaton of tb• IlletlCarad at Os AMY of rh.b.Mn. W Mist et Me raqUe Beboot Roam IA mid wall. . eke , ors of Teeth mud of Lae ally of rimless-vb. tautest af tbs bowie hams sly Dam. garitga r diirVire a ti, " matt ud Tao electors Peeence:obi Hopi amseacirellle. t , t award. II , 0 annul la tale wee; Nana tram ? at POlllO beicrol Hsstt 111 We eeet;ors et Co This 'rasfulai, appeal/2F atpet.s. motot tee nous of Oca.pn 11 us mute of haat /Abaft). Tee aktatara the lower prattect,of Co.llol V - trembly tonal as the set.' en-Juntos Da lfut WWI. • a* aleatora of Liberty Tawaehlp t at the ;melte anseol boast In unl turn , llo. • The Utah.... ad Pao lye Tansablp as mut at On panda sae 1 'man, no:mummy tuns u annul Ouse ..nn to Um arsedocra rAld Plaalt 'Mad. - etas 'filtasfooel Grose. la We lesraallp. • Tea at...tsars of °salad ?owned) te aunt • lbatosalts adml hove IWtala Tateashle. • The atectors of lilt. Towlablp_te ea. at at ll 4:;.:lV i relt Acesa. ou r !Panama, In age , emu nada, ray hand and seal of timid alt o . at pitannual. UV, th e UJI 4a) ot.Nio. L. s. staber.•, D O. brualincr. yos Kum. MARVIN'S cm-agaimmums ARE SUPERIOR TO ANY eke UFOII emn) a HE iunt • . WOOLS/ULM AXE , =TAIL. No. 91 I.Abertv St. ,PUOT OP 7098121. ESTABLISHEDOLDESESTABLISHEDD EM!NA ROM IN 131 Z MIT. W. J. GILMOBE. elecouaar to Omahas • Lumina llianntmtarare Wlolaaala and Milan Main la TRUNKS. • Valises, Carpet Bags, Ike. • Or A la-da dasonlanent at LADIES. SATOH mu. dams oa hand.. 101 WOOD swims:, rffisbanak. ow. as NICHOLAS SCHWA/OS. KIM as SCHWARTZ. • 1111olesale sad Bran Xsaistralster. Tin, topper and Inlet Iron Ware, And &Wen is CnOXI.G al 0173 .4 ROl7lll / siaWA.AZ. m itionn 0) 30 DU lOU ft# 11/11. th:'ftutilg.uriramm 'Mt o tfi P/TTSICIBiIIf. PA FOIST 04.1811 LOOSING GLASS AND PICTURE FRAME MANUFACTORY. .• J". LYONS, No. 110 Wood It., Pittsburgh, fiffir' ett P A SMILVWIII43OV,* and PHA Atop, E 4l= Ilit t a gti g r a i rtna wertsumblp,_ fieDI9 . VD lIZEILLDEINO mental ta the %An= ieu`Okuerz. ulrunin TILOS I 1111118 I =I not Matted, it lino il.sa cholas lot ot took ; 3.a!UM • AT TRATCWIN TEAL - Dia UDlsaseuel. Eitigbirgb. Mick ma ben/ ntrllled et 'rifts Stilt yid daft .132•EN13110a tr. m anj awl Sway wax. Gin tama 11151 554 7.1,111 Ds astlateoll. ItratoveL. GAUT SALE AT COATI 111•Lurs Iteot or =lou. umatrirtrni Al " 4 " :_ . " r t. •11 —l3 VA rtz hn• oci.ee. raw .4 Woo.. and a yag, " ' ' 'r aa " r * Vat l rElVAlrttar No. lib Motthil•ld amt. SCHOOL BOOM. , • • ki.ThVgittrozzrzrax ,0 0, t.. cm gritairty, lIME P IS I PAANT Me ROUYp V .4 51.42.11111111,601 G, for blaftbowds. at us proultl7 atteadad to 6 :adlenrlrs 113 ?bah: Mint 1114. BOttillENG,-A few Bwirden puma ROOMI, Vigil GOOD MAD, as Mo. Ivo aBaar IsTalre. TNDIA BOBBER 111ELTLIO. - A. 110111. Item Ptathig. guano mi It/ ids at Oa Indls kabwr Drool. Viand IS Ili Glair nr.n. ' u. /.811.1.1r10,