KZ LI GLEANINGS, • Weston has gone West. A Grant Club hu been permanently Organized in Chicago. The reel estate of Ohio is .worth half . • as mach as the national debt. They have at last had • heavy shower at Chicago, the first for months. A systematized school for.thleves has been broken up In London. The Fagan ortbe establishment was arrested. Plasterers In Des Moines charge seven dollars per - day, and the Eviller says those who are Univeraanata ask more. A wafer-wheel forty-five feet in diem eter is operating in the Freiberg Silver 31Inea, three hundred feet below the ma • face. New Orleans is spin full of fife and activity . . The general languor and 'tel t nation produced by the presence otthe yellow carer 'has diuppesred with the F disease,. ', Four boys. the eldest seventeen and the others fourteen, have been arrested for placing obstructions on the Toledo I . Railroad. They did it, they say, to see the cars jump. A colored ball was broken up on Sat urday in Louisville; by some white men, who sprinkled Cayenne pepper on the floor. A noble deed which was success. fel for beyond Its desserts. Miss Mazy Beatles, of Chierrgo,. was presented with a VIA diamond ring by a party of her friends, on Monday, who thus showed' their appreciation of her nothing services daring the late Sol ; diets' Fair. II man named Templar died in Davi , eon, Michigan, from the effects of corra -1 sive sublimate administered in a glass of elderly a rival of his in the affection and for the hand of PI lady friend. The rival Is In Hungary Wei - porting enormous qua ! titles of wheat This year to Franca. Transportation facilities are not greet , enough, as the demand and' supply are \ much larger than the rolling stock on the railroads can muuure.- ' Civilization has a hard time of it these days. We are continually hearing that -2 it has moved Ally or a hundred miles westward. The latest news is that a new town is being started forty miles west of Cheyenne. The Prussian Government Is having a new win of passenger car made which can, in cue of war, be speedily trans : formed into a hospitaL The new freight cars are also being made so as to be easily adapted to the transportation of horses, ' lam: maiden. sna t artillery. Bismarck evidently helloed& the old motto, "In time of pears prepare for war." ; Ari old blind farmer of Phtinteld, Michigan, came to .Chicago last week to have an operation performedon Ills eyek and was assigned 'a room in the City Hospital. Oa Friday night he retired as usual, and on Saturday morning WM found dead on the pavement In front of the Hospitnl He was a somnambulist, I and is supposed to have Walked to his death while asleep. Ho was to a horri bly mangled condition, having, ft is sup posed, fallen from the third story. Au Intenae excitement was created in Chicago on Friday by the discovery that is large number of counterfeit two dollar notes was flooding the city. Shortly `'after, two men were discovered in the !act of pining some of the bills, and an ?exciting chat, took place, resetting 'in , • ithe capture of the fueltives, who were, • however, merely "shovers," and the • , unterfeltera are 'till at large. The otes are on the Union National Dank - • - jof Kinderhook, are roughly executed, • •• tend all numbered 2370, a fact which, It iremembered, may protect our citizens, „ !should any of the traah drift this way. • 1 It Is a bad thing to have a reputation • 4 /or wearing diamonds, as the following . • show: A physician in St. Louis 4:has two diamond studs worth twelve • • • 4 .. - hundred dollen This fact was known Sto some burglars, who entered Ids house, lacorned silver ware, watches and pocket. ' :books, end made their way to the Dec • • ~'ior'sreom, where they seized his shirt, Framed it In triumph to the alley, where 'they cut out the atuds and departed. !Fortunately the Doctor had his diamonds • flocked away, and the buttons stolen ' l ‘ were not worth more than five dollars, a r fact which will probably Impress the • thieves with the truth of Whittler's re. ',mark that "of all sad, word, of tongue • or pen the saddest of all are it might have been." . : The amount of destruction by Are in: !this, country . at present is terrific. Ins ' i mesas trac ts of lands are being deso -4 elated. For over one hundred miles along • the line of the Illinois Central Railroad the devou:ing element rages. Wiscon .aln, :Kentucky, Ohio, Itlssomi, lona and Pennsylvania have all been vialted .by these destructive- conflagration& - • Every field and forest is as dry as the gates of Rides, and a spark or. burning cigar cnd is enough to turn the smiling . though parched landscape Into a waste as dismal. as the plena of Arabia. An exchange suggesti that as the deluge gan gradually then may be the germs of the great cccond total destruction of th e ' s world. 'Who can tell?' Certainly not •• the exchange. A wealthy grainmerelant of Saginaw, Michigan, died on Saturday, in Chicago. t Abent two 'weeks ago he came to that city to buy grain and after completing i his legitimate business he started on what be called a good spree. From that time his time was spent alternately at • , different brothels and station houses, ex cepting when he attended. the recent : disgusting prize fight. Ills adventures are of the most revolting and disrepute ble nature. Re died raving and in great • agony at a hoes° of the worst chine. ' ter, from whence it was impossible to remove him. The attending physicians jay that his death was ceased by the most inordinate use or abuse of widely and-tobacco. For the last few days of sanity In his life he kept his 'mouth lit. malty stuffed with the Xlcotean weed. PERSONAL Jean Minter ls playing in Danville. ' • • I Dletens will be tifty.three years old in I Pebniary. Cot 'Thomas A. Batt passed,through • our city last nigbt. . I George Peabody was not worth two hundred dollars In 1814. IlevirdiJohnson denies the assertion 'l s that he'is losing his eyesight. • i A noise thief was shot and killed in Waco, Texas, on the 11th inst. j Errteson has contributed 820,000 to j the famine sufferers in-Sweden. Appleton', Carletens and Llppincotts are all going to start Raw-magazine" Weston is to deliver two lectures in .• ; the Crosby Opera Douse on Thanks : givieg day.. • • ' ; Jay Cooke left homilit seventeen to ti • seek his fortune. ois Maoist the few : who have been _literal exiMptet . of_the text, "Ptak itipi ye 'thin • The philologist, Epirus,: /300, died : recently itißerlin, aged ; sixty:six, He was considered by many, the most ati• ' complished linguist la Limps. . t A son or,Bishop Mcfbraine, of Ohio, married a daughter of /Jishop Lee,' of Delimit, lost - week. The '.186111 end ffthevs, spiritual and Amp"; °Mut. • Med. Henry Irving; a *ball clerk In Gal , T oiton, Texas, pocketed UN dna ibe city and went off on 'a little spree to New Orleans. --Pihmehe came beck be ~r oot to a fashionable den. Meanwhile, in splte of Henq's precautions, the fact of his embarkment became known, and a policeman 'follow : ad hint to the den, where he was fond surrounded by nymphs and aattlaPaPte. HeMy had to leave all these delightful things, end to confess that he bad batwing). atxdollars left' orths pile he bid takem He bas, been sent to jail to await hie triaL Poor Scary ! SPECIAL NOTICES. Eiri n .co l l l44 o. A COLD; on s "ROL? miEno fasondlato at• o!tooto M etloottot. IJ oiloood to le•ltatton of the Lunge, a P.m..." Tbroatjn....,,arCossunapt .1 is aßaateernO I. naowrvs EaosauAL TROCHES Bailee a direet,loOpeset totes D.t , o• it. 11. toblottobeV. a f a r Itirostekstl. 4.11 h L8 Conta.h. and Ty .10tt... .. .tocars•ro wed with always go Altagors and Public bpookeys use Mg.. TA . • Outto .1y " btot.rit ltbbscrotlt any." and d.... ally at the WOlt.tibbi tux TA•10 1.1 .2 017' be ...oil.' IarFOR NOS-RETENTION °ll IorCOXTIS [SCE of Urtao.trritago l l lollatamation. or o f otao of ats elaeaata o Ills prootasta [tanks, scans it tNe Wed., ealooloa, er Anita, In all dlseaxr °re m .° b1 "4 4 ,,,z,.... n F 1,7 E1 lerfnaci oroc t /T7! - Selntlir• ' 3zizrammr la a•obtain mite, dlatian or the ul dlF4lllllMikirtiVEL. D wpm PBMAGE T ?Oupy.tirro. And all ai " f. ittDEBILPIT. Whethv unix air (mum e'l"ln OR rxwaL__Tc Lro:iwbatueer Cat., 01 1 / 1 111{Unt. tab to mat. ROW .(1411111%.15(DING. at l Ather. Ir' ° :,!' latgortlrtloltireto, Comma Delon or m imam may ensue. uur Ilea Lad 81m..d are rap in them molter, and ° IIELLTII AND ' aao that of Posterity, depends upon prlmPt tw of a reliable tamedy. lIBLYZIOLD , 3 sznuicr Buono. Eatabilahmi upwards of IS years. Preiyared h 7 It. T. IIELPITIOLD. ' Broadway. NOW Tore, nod - 100 north letil Oz.. Palladelpnia. Pa. Brid bi - all Drandsts. remitWO 10"'netainotwa . cotkcErr. TRATEI) eXTRACT AIICHU fe ths Great Di+retic. tlahintohn.l COACENTUATID kXTnIC79 etteenrinlll.l, It the Great Blood gii rlfirr.' Blab are prepared according to =limo/ Yharatscrand ribemLstry. and sea toe monad- Ilya Moment be made. Bold by urtmetsts evetywOrre. mangier feEtr PLICEINE FOT.L THE 1/13111EICIHEY rholorVa Carearl PimleaN “Iftgitt Phaionh. Mita Itlsemboir Cerfnu: 14alcsN "Night Bt.alai Camila., ranalenCle 131min:tiny Cetemi. A mod cgrairt. delleateocedAgrsa Per Amt. Oatled from the rare AO ban ilal lame Oat 4dr2lt Lat. lcs aims. • - • • ILannlacthred only b 7 • ' PILLLO:Ir No* Verb. sewens OP covsTraumrra. ARK Ton IniAt..O3IIS—TANZ NO• OTEXA BAILNIIILL 8, CO, BOILER MAKERS SE= •••• IRON - WCOUCEBB.. rd11..20, 22,11 and 241Pedut lit. .• Eume aeeaidd . larva Mel mad renslihedls with the MOM approved smacelaely. we ars erm pareel tornmazatactsma emery de.edptUaot2olb era to the berm manner, and warm:add, .anal to a* mule ht lan monetry. Oldatnerm, Breath- Ttre Beds. Been= Placa. Looomett» BaU. era. COMIC:IifiX& Balt Pau, Tana; 011 15111114 Agliotor., Battling Pam,, Boiler Dad, Muses. Baser rate. and awe maaanlectmairr of 2032- ILLLL I'LTEPIT BOWLES. • - ' Badalrlem done ma the abermeal Rotliet Weal taT ISELIIIIIOLTPS Exnuar • llllClttlaloes health and vigor to the frame and bloom to alm aaidd oho.. J.kblity oreqmp.tod br am.. aTtord... .dlt no treatment to antonittent co. oontamr. tlem. I atanlm, cr t plleptle ISt . taritOßEE3o:4. BEA a CO., orslo natansozi. =LEL% WASBINGTON VORIO, Wetandiersiad Manclll.aturan of nol.l aeut ina.U.onfay Rum adano... Blast in/Iw, 3/111 Ilarlanet7. Bean the. Inaftims. °tannin of an descrlyUcr iioll Ts.ati sad SUM. SQUer .41 Elbeat IrosCW (take: 30.12 canter Vast .4 meads ItZth, aarairests cuirmuya nuncir =OMB far holing toiler. „YAMS taritELMBOLIOM Firritrei" ECUI/11 AS to TIMID:I92W -*OM WASH ems tenet askl • eallema atm/ 1n all their mit, atlttUe irsprase. Mlle *MO !Marl to Stet. IlltronT.ltitea dad pp divan a. n Is leasant la tuts 404 odor. tats tti la fts se a oa. and urn nval s/1 minions pro •• In. - tettn nwr simormort COPPER Nina SIRELTIROMORKS. prtrrutinuati. PARIriAIcAMADY & C4L. Itnno...cnchf Olnestntne /Irnoloor.t: Bott RO D EAs i ; = C ticztro ii.. Allalar= n.i Constantly on nand flanges , Lao Welt. Witrohoose, Att..A4LO /MIT =T ud 1110 tILIMMD tntlatotton. limes] orders 00Coppot cat to soy d stood nontorn. In ',Man ter t } iaD rirIt.NFEEIBLED AND. D , 11. TE COMMTITTIONN et beth aged, age glifirlaCT Mann li will gia brisk ad aerial. feelings. tad sablelin in flan well. dellinria • C .4 . 9 ;FIE HEALING POOL. 4,1473 ROMS 07 Hr./LOT Hower.° aIBOCLI.TION' Areotrrx. TOR ltatt, on to MIME COVITIrDIC, teethe ZEROS& AHEM! a tad Illaratlia atertroy 'be manly ;roam, wade:malt Im pedimental° KaMtlatilt. Wit h rue lactase! Vtenet. Bent In tested ItatetallO s aterjill ir4tatirdretAritltVrlalattiabillt9.. fIeO . IIEILMINOLD 9 R FLUID NEC. TIMM BUCHU II gleamy In last* and oder. 111. front a.i lavabos prdpartlea, and Ida illedlate In Its action. sandrars • CLUE CI A. BCOTT, DENTIST, 't rro. 2 / 8 PE.r STA: rim.= ~,, BTH E1£3211 ' next and 171113•11 M SEMIDIaII for Implootant.damoteronsdlgeuer. Vs. - • r• • 11 ; 317. r nMA " L O T r .•'? ' I 'u.* SS sad debllltsted should Isoutoottl t y b. sill d"'. *-DOLD'S EXTRACT RCM, l.••;vf- go"DIANFIOOD AND VOl7lll. -rui. VIUtI9 w Iltra.tad ty Dinar. DOLD . Sirt main 21SCEV. - . v 7 IgrBFIAITTERED COM _TIORHRESTOBILD by Ilyabeimma L"'"rt4 -(;;lpSnap!,..C . . - i)d_,S.Clo‘ EIMRONA I=nD SAPONIFIER;' .2 C:c.l:cicentre.ted ya 2 M. a B. fa Snorter Hari TWELVE POUNDS OF SOF7 SOAP FOR on CENT. Erery Fatally CCM yaks their Oira 6oap. ALL VARIETIES OF SOAP. ii.nrernd.. s asp a) Cern. I Ti a new Comenireted Lye, for atetlits' Map; just tiltarrered ab ONNINCLAND, IN TgE . 41.1147210 NUN, , and le co:mimed inatzli of Alms lmam of soda. WWI, whew razed with =6 vez FIT. maws the BEST - ...DETZEtSrVF. SOAP kr Tlt WOIILD. • 1 ante Izs Ibi goad SofiSosa its (Ruining in surstgui Hard Soup lengod by WI Thatestil 044 Omar/ la Ito Unita Stasi. - • . . . sr. int, Tacna& 1/1113f11•1:117f0X..11 Doan? obtida u wholossio to mow, owl lodniotolog ll•X•ft**l • Moral ttlaannO, of th• Grocers sad Dryggral to al eke Unroll aid attosatio Ot{l4i t. 1 / 44•14.. , CLI:FPOBD P121CB88IIKI; ~ ~. ...- ~ COLGATE & COM§ \-.C4 • . GEEUXULN r't • ' C-1 1 ( Ce ,aagiGOVE SOAP :=4 l iJ 4, 601 i Pl= 0(11,T BMW& mous, 11.31.4731:L1W1M0T1N aruM c laWNergteMPi 4 . Wa t i lia.•=ra ggLitt..n. MY GOODS =lE=r GS BARBED FLANNEL ! THE WELL KNOWN KITTANNYNGF BARRED FLANNEL, In Black . and. Red, BLACK AND WHITE. x.aactzi evrciocis. AT MANUFACTURERS PRICES! 3IUROY, DICKSON & CO., 54 Wood Street. TRE NE" .BOULEVAR.D SKIRT, DOR LADIES AND 11/15811, la'PWI. Brede I aziol "Laabmidel ed. Also, Real Tartan . Cashmere Hose, . L'an cohni •bast Astor:melt Iml..AAso,•llll.l.aamartineat of -. Ladies' & Misses' Underwear, GENT'S FIIRIVISIIMM GOODS SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, Traveling !i . d . Pine Bhirts, • condom, 37644 sIIIIMNSII9O.. 1M1D023115, dl roam= wrra • nris math prima or Ladles , Drone Trimmings, I= • MOWRY-AND GLOVES, ETC. • • • ictectßawra 'ram" CITY' Awl, immrray Ire especially looted to cma eat ewes,. ace goods. We feel tends. wa Coo aalt all. not AT THE. VERT LOWEST PRICES. MICRO, GLYN & CO., X7B AND 80 SLIREET STREET. COOT= 113LAIMETS, Lbt. BERCERLD & CO'S. -Large else mid beet BLANKETS In the city. 5-4, 4-4; 54 WHITE FLAN'N'ELS; RED AND YELLOW FLANNEILS:. GREY AND COLORED PLAlLthalii GREY TWILLED FLANNELS; HURTING FLANNELS; WATERPROOF CLOTHS; WIDETELVETE; . Auld Wit assattegat of lIZW GOOD% iterme=ber the plat" Is. 17 ZIASHET MITHIZT BANES AND BABE HART, CAUGHEY & CO., Bankers and Brokers, CORDER THIRD AND 1110061 STREETS atuommosa TO ILLYEA, RUT k CO,) MULLIS Dr Exchange, Coln, Coupons, ' 41.1 partlnzlar attmlon Disdta ewe sad Ws at GOWLICILENT BONDS. aopriewinizarreuxurepos. imma NOLiiI:S 84 SONS, .1343,2 4 GMLECIRASI. No. 57 Market Street, , Derotas readvld la Yu Panda sail Curium. Collacaloas nada asall the trtatival ixdata et Voltod Mat. sad Csaaduk. Stocks, Bonds and Other Securities BOUGHT ILID . BOLD oa 00111112101. • rzeti att.:lon p,,..trt to CM pzeztaso aid Ot . V. S. Securities, Ut..151111 OP etaa : • • U. AIM 10.405. U. 6 aerrunairss or INDEM.DSI4I3. ',rders and Voutliarwboullt or oilseed. paihsl 19.118TEU1' SLIMS .11111, .~~.- Interest Paid ea Thae Deposit.. ART .as ...teed ham the - Dollar Deposits subplot to Mask. oollthout latoosot. DISCUIINT DOLLY. OVUXID. rresid,ent--TBONPSON. BELL. 'l6' President—A. N. lILIBSEALL. DL4ILOTOIO3. La J.J Gt - 3ox ."" Mar.assa, ;IL 141 1 M. • JOS. ALIEncl. itOehtoldoss to IMwhomILIC w• MlLki 5L34314. Joseph MUworth. m.cmow,ll, ' Boy. Dht ia Pert. Btm Dalsell, B. i t . LamOOM. D. W. C. Bldwhn. a. W Z. Volum. Th.. Mra: STATEMENT OF THE . REAL ESTATE SAVINGS BASH, lutis 3111 DAT OF 0070813, IW. At 331.115. 110.48 Amd Ylndlu 11. 11.4.3*r0n1y as net. 3SCI Mond., as 101 Coals» .... ..... AMA' eun .... -.Annan n LTABILITz to, • Animist d. PIC( n /Am.'s, lam. at Int. Depositor., Dtr vendlr I, ...... 9.:31 IT Teta; Paget,. Otmtlogent Th• above Le • Lou statement. A. A. Oratlmltit. The naderatrood: i.e. M the betas of tee 1161111. tee hoods, MOUES( S. endbecuritles. Ain 1 osantrd the MO. and 2.4 Ho tottgolteg abwent %Isere.. Mat Li i rtlll. J/1. PBSZSIDENT—IP E • an JOltia.. TRUSTE& Hen. T. W. Wore. Hon. J. X. Moorhead. tease Jtroes. 411. O. -moon V. H. conehaod. J. Palmer!, Harvey Ga l as , 1tic001.70e2117. W. 02.1baltb. Intereet altrored pepoolts At SIX PIS HEMP PIM IM DHS. hatable to Dahodtore Is may .d novembm. nal. If not drawn, nth be eAssd to the nriselpit tad convototoala Open for thedoelts from 10 a. at So. 2 ureic. T. H.. galls' 11010 as 13•101111117 1,•=1111411 srom 6 to • 0•Co•It.. • OSTWX. 03 WOW= STAMM LOH:ha • • • Pittsburgh% =I ALLEGHENY r 2 SAVINGS BANK, ALLEGICLIIR, PA. larlinlaaillani. la .1.13411411. HOOKEHMENI lIDIVIDQILL2 Luna g V LT ra"Nr• 'A Ysin I:dava.ogg on T X:jf tn i f "l4 .l, Alaranna Rona t:w Mren. /MTN W. aid WHEAT. -10.000 BUSHELS CHOICE NO. 1 SPRING WHEAT, IntrlllB =4 or wet's eel nil OPLlbartir Ntree clown OA peirimm.--AtArrea th. as tbs Law ot Passes. tar tissfolisses frssessefed ass unsrsdts Os valued ati ar Assertss nr dins/ n=o l, CVW_ M i t a Vq . llitlA u flg r ftS Mlc.n. :trze: Y . = Ern WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 27. 1867:, FOR BALE-REAL ESTA FOIll PALE—The best raxm In rata hid townsklp. Wmtatoreland count), cootaintar anon 760 acre.. a 1.... nia. Mlles inent6 oe. renoth tem , . , Wiccwa. Bolivar Station. The imorovements Me a imi• bald lor honer, with sloe Mon., • goal mem: • fthuseleuer barn, eltr.M. nn th: NeN Bole linntlAVtliVb o r 7 ' 21 the tenpins le all No. It tn. soil Is med. ma is well sneee; about To score cered the re! R la rood white en. Slarele.l. T O ;Prop ene l a c offered at th e low psi** of SAY &Mars pence. Pommel.. imosolatelr. also. • Lana count), or Moons in rem tennentlo. ne.erea cloned and on mitantion,nem of Met-rata white oat n an d other naimr, dwolling nausea, tole.. 2 a stones, th e atbeil story, with' a tenant house, watt • ern-rate Steam Sawrall la good noels. order; smog occithod of grafted frnit,Theilmd l ts l l mutton esterernth thlobba, with =etates . md subsint. wi th never. falling matioret wen2o one hundred soda of the rooms. Cleliten aarroscit Mem east ofrltthisurb, f arm er. Unfelt =les wen Of efeensbear. TOL nits*. ! PTA n Vete d4lb t 7 1111=111 sood lat gbr b Trto Utlabro' A d CO acne ta Derry township Westartra land com. r.ortedri four miles of Blair. 'nee. .04 those miles of two nations on the the. It. Ift. Inthroilmitht• are. a am thence seenithr home OM ontbaildlort a new memo boltingnit Mist Wall. With two Itra of bens, two Cloths, and ail the iteemeN7 ilacthcacs :holemune onnaNt of Moles *set Mc. The tenth tsamienald with a see !Dot wiz, of mats t. Now !Cinema. and an sleatdatioa of ilme- MttTwlu soh eat low. If agNnled foreoOn. auso'tau Was note! la itth Borovgb of Imilssis. tile weatherise of Indians county, re Th. is • lame foul MOT, brim b•ildlog. of EA stmts. Mid o n tinder tb• a•pOle on., and al.aked on th e comer of Philadelphia and sip. mac streets. or. • lot CO b. CO Iconmil on cold Othialsee ts shams bons, 21 be 50 foe. used ss 0004 bowie It toe law, stare nod toll roOne Sta o.o, ,ohs, • hall. flees to by 10 teen ales. • ll by lin feet on which Is • tame Crane fl 7 Oar stable. weer an It livery stale-. one whoir prole "`"l7 ""'""rpeoetdi nod i V . :A! ItYbil. a:A tv°47Z. l „ sold "1T.`0 ° ,17.1,1p0V2%:::?"•t buff pile ' s, ' o man canonser.. Tbla (minis wit erry menthe , . Vi.'"clnwllaisd on ithin ° t tw otter. Latrobe;•• a tattoo on elm eso no it. 11/acres of a eared ttand, tinder rood fe acing. the reliant 12 acme In good white oak. black oar, nctorf. black walnut and locust linear e Toss o rate New, to • Wan sta. ot nether.. with good and 00InfOrtabla thietthes. • Mena horse tad l imestonerge bars yIS feet. md ha. coal stadee too whole tract. suci is core emisne to Marone, schools, Mite. air Alll.l, • I L A= of JV neon, web. Ete wee, the rems H. Cu - punter's !stollen. Mies from the etas In acres the land is et ear rated ander wood feeding. It. Staid. of eta tenet In anat.:tont limb... There In It hewed log Steno am nun, an. • 'oust synth orthant ins th. U. premises. It is fiend ;tomato:. soft. With an ab.ndatenen Of Unloatoes. and oese.failins soothes Of water. andel Memo at the tow pilot ol Mapes 0,11,• en mom sine, became the owner albateent eoli th intothess 050051 attend rot turn= parumunrs exostre of Id. 11. TOWER, nod Weld tomato Asetat. 104 7001111 t. 2,000,000 ACREt CROICII UDR FOR SILO talon Pacific Railway Co, LITZ= D 1713102, Wag closes t➢e am at thels bed. . at 31.00 to UOO Per Acre Asd oa • =OTT 07 FM YEASS. Tor patlngsas, maps. ay., Merest - • aomm P. IDZSIZBEVX. Or, DUAL B. LAILOONN, [Wry. WASIONOTON CO. FARM.' POE 817.1 L—/, OP4 of Ng netal. of grata WM Li cleated. a s the teraziod.r cugerta . 11l Ina walla oak Umber. Climatal ak Wen Ping. lay Unnalkla Iggatangtow tonal[ Pa., /males fiatalk of West LlU:Lenora. ontgalent to mass gad oebaat. Ulm ow It two lag Moo.,gm gable awl gran boons; La orchard of Mgt gems of Pegld. geaos. Nam. *a. a ..ILITZ,T TO 110. 00. ,1211.19/:31"411114.211T. Nrattr sto a t - isel 21.1 rstate. =:=,==l THITLEESTORIf • Brick Devilling, ant4l744l44lltrest.l4l4rtnall4lket lad T.lrry, mCa elan, mom, We I room. adamecifor. coifeettoner. or other bastsus 4.- Talrlar no al play. Will IXI 404 01ar4444,44- bielansis. on aw/1041114. STEEL & WILSON, Iraltera uQ Fat Mints £141214:_ A 9. ea 610.1111d4 street PINE DWELLING'IN IBEWACIL iintrionber Is now bolidta. and will iiKat Dare Mr., lor. rale. • betel b0n..4 M orteon roma. matria Val Or. bran , tlarA4kitl% eras: "'V: 11,7;:tr"f.: pond ends.. Write root. marble Moues. rota.- ::::he r stUrtts r :114; , f One tarneasso .re !Welted fossil slid examine V ptailaxthtt. M Pt.UIR. alit nom gnat. atic? . W. • C. Ilatiway. cr Ad dm. try Mall, JOHN WAY,../1/.. • 1121:barlir .3owleitLerrtlio P. O. • FOR SALE OR RENT, CHEAP— ' A Fed= at CdePedderd OLLtrop, dd the Md. Ind Ballecad.• eddialstagEl wlk mow a g g , enes; ham.- l e = t n h a t talt oPuTennd"d'al=es .io 4 oe w ddV g:" uel ‘PP 4I A •34 A aiIa ra will :ll,rfVATlOte It Mealy and addend. /a for partionlan Imam of • WAED. • tio Gnat street. ElettO &oboes* the Cattmand. A COAL WORKS FOR SALE, 'apable of running okree barbels delly, th e ending lemma bootees, gore house. Rats, wag ln.. note, ant all the nceecaary extorts for • arge basineca Sad lat.ealata operarloa.• Mere are VI acres of coal. eels Is one of the most valuable gotta on the ltouoagabala deem ?nil be sold low ate on_ good Ire. 11010 USE L AND.LOT FOR SALE. ottattod at owner of Mom. sod ?OM OUM Plustntrib. Lot 11 feet It If 0 *et, a , front; o hydrant tooter on sbaltt Pao. 700. txty to , 71. %V om it , / „ LITHOGRAPHE RS. UN.1•3001 anll REIGERLIr h CLEIII, Cikocessom So floo,l. Borman. II 04,1 PRACTICAL .SEM LIT HOGRAPH C E R E ; T sH I EN T WEST oHOEWOIUSAI A S Enders, Calla. Letter Heads, Donal, Labrre. Uircalarr, abow Card., ITlOnst. 'mraca, Views, a:entreat. of fierwySis, laVitation Card. &c.. 2Soa,TI WI TI , rIM a.. PlOa. COAL A. ainian,, LITHOGRA.PELBI3, No 10 701111141 Apoitol:Mildlag: EMCEES OS (EV. NDTZI, SILL and LET TES nsASLL, En.. dons lama tutu. 14114.11111 FnMTVM.TMIE JOHN IVIEGRAW, ltsasfactuvar mass Wbolasale mad !Wall Dealer Is sU MO of Tobacco,. Snuff and aliccow effor EICEI4IIOI3 1901fleiig. R. & W& JENKINSON. Tobacco, Snuff, Cigars, Pipes, etc. xa a yiIIir,ILLST sulanwre. E9TABLISIIED IN 1542. J. T..WRAY & BROS., auccsrooas To m. commou.y. STEM CURIE HEY, 29 and 31 Irwin Eared, ETIMIBITEGIN. ri. .sin A . * METTLER SONS & CO., ICAPIPPAOIZOILIP OP Steam Boilers, 011 Stills, Tanks, ♦aa Sforsz IRON WOWS, of 001 klaas. .LeeasS M. rum - Ward, rlffsbUrth 11. B. iLdIrCIPPIT, Sealer of Weights and Iffeascats, aa a rovirm eriiumr, • Detweva Literw and /0117 SUM% Order. oramettr &Made% 14. erdluell D. RerdellEaa, MAL= nr .07.2srr A ingf Ant g 8 TILE, VfO Want ad 6, CHIMI4IR2 Tons,' And WATIII_IIP3S. OM* am d Ilrarabastma, .IdT Oadodla Mosamsabala Hansa. mai: JACOB WE&IFTIt JS. & CO, General Patent Agency. c:!=a7Lm=cl BM/VETS & COT ?LOWERS, Eqrzrarnotrtice. oat • 101t11 11. • NORDOOII CARPETS OIL CLOTHS. & CHURCH CARPETS th ld .cleetlon or car stock wehay° mod spEtZLIZar. The I emeet heiortzeevtt. The son aoor•tpilata: The handlomest pttlcrue. Of all Qualities an d fltylea of mußnit caOETs, To be fauailla tale taartot, *ad