IM 1786. -1410,14 ervse isus TIE prrrsansa GAZETTE Irks zaii/plt *fly paper to the State of •2 2 easinylaan*, entire the Did year of its scrietsnee loath hammed fee/ilia for din, aeminattng the current pears of the cloy, Sod for rendering good political service do She important Pratidetdia/ 2969. ne fortiewnhtOsessionoi 00 n7r4u promises toproreoni of the moat import ant hem ewe the fonnatiots of the Gds. framed, and the proceedings gilt be a+. .{May !Waal . O. the intelligent entairm I thijeepinterea centered fa the proeeed,Vrienri of the GA -2,3771r hcao : node arrangements for daily dispatches mad letters during the salia!la from a kifttrY '‘aWit t ent eerie sPetstlatte who eanfidence and !remits,* eaf 4111atteroW members of the ts t . nette mu ppfentse, the heads of the sari- Iletiartesaat; and the leading poliii clans who frequent • Washington, so Mat „den, era( depend on receiving the lint, I.ili, and wig midge intel/fgettee from tito seat of aferfaMent. Th e p e onlings of the Mate Legielat tyre, at arfarazonsing session, WIG also ?ere interesting, inasmuch as many gnu. el em . of ,,,portanca loin come for wi t h : cum; The GAZETTE mill keep at the Slate atpita4 dosing the enfire'session, etei bl e ak* and faltittut eorreapondent, eme aria gleomptty report thoproceedinga by ?sera and tilettraph, ete only potttifeajourna/ of Pitts bwro ‘chwaitiVully reflects and steadily „dr.*pthe prine!plea held by the VW* Repuhlteas Arty, and interpreted by a loyal Ontirress., • jtithas at 'Vatting watt, at way pa .144bpatt datt6.• pt.,. en. mon, watt,. Or pole. Meat/M, M. , 0., M.P.& ay =az en. tor . Is 14 Gootatiattetatill. wgja.gaa.torgittantt, evert, dtbarrhotent tea eaartieter of its asetsrut ,onnsns plottt he vtarfittaftwt, mut nit eremeld Instate Impettestautelll tat hart est,' dimmed. • I ma mon dops , fineall riNlt M Int ,aa to On largadia/alan the aaa. dfld 1% C 011401.1.4 0.9. 4 1 sflt fianiana mirror all tag tglagaltagur watig of- A. CUL Beata Qattara and vandal Una. and aanlatala for A. 042.672 W AI. rry.utfea o/ alt... eio,rxrubv 004 Ms ej.ii.vir cad amantaatal lanartamer Asia'. gag. Ad/ Iken reaeread ler sand in. ,arret skis.% saw at an tlysia 04 , relied oyes ag Nna4Y gag earnst awaratfasa foe gatufne. Yreduels, wan. &a. Ifre . an dally aaWnd froas actual tut.. 2y ltatkfal mat qt. iv view' onus oottoottet onIA and ,eat prom atom totorortinotootonrof au 0.12872.8. ntjtooraefosi news deportatow Aso two Wand 11. Mann of an ab to sod orpootoooodoa.o,..w Sin rondo, it plot'. as fottmettorsoott wrist spo. 14al1 to loyaoro, booboo and boohoo,. sun ono won,. lllMMlfferoictelortmoat VfU mart. O. attn. amen. tte imorrtamot. tort Mt/ Imocondsdett ea tile 9teaee , pana reastablito 'lmmo... of MI mifernas demomMoottom. • • . Tha agrfaalll44.l an. aeftnee. literary. pra• allaal and ear departaanda a/ 144 papa. ml/1 laataueted fa a manner 4a41e.11 4.21/ prom salts. alta, to the natter. . bongo Or tat DLI.LT GAlarrrl. its Mona, G% Ono Tear.... 11.c0. Delfoorod fa PitisOuroll, AMA., ante! ail No ettoorot Bennis 133 far 33 ev3ts vat. poroe4 Oarrure. Tnic wZRSLT assort. WEELL r GusErra M. barn en !anted thinsass Assaf the Daily, and it nom the tar. wed. *Leaped and bed weekly family nennyayer the hate. It rhombi be to the lours (every Parser. enc:Male snot buttons. snits. It Wart nosh mat forty Mid ').Omen( anon by Myra, and matt, the tenant,' edUntiatz of la dotty. and a nhateit seisellene f literary and entttle Ctn.. ItHl4 rerrythiney important palatally, In tAn world of potiltee. ke aeries/. enevicotuneue mll4 a edged la anseh a eta nnerar Se dad favor with the farmer and pardoner.. She snarbl report* of LAO ird.E.ELY a.zsrrs an iv moans "renneent a-beenetedyed to he tlee atandhenit authority for both buyers and re 10,0, and la liemionerrial envier to Modem POonorl..! ordithr..,lll3sotofts Me and Inner% Eirittnia ars 'eagle quint.' TAo nes of On VISE ?TB .ara nand eseldreseety, Ds th• Chit Ca./•Z of A M.A.., merely. W refooioetiso important Como. tad. (mow at rls/tny 'keen In the awoke, at to. VIN OW bounder teas... Hen in dleyhde. Chhr !/outs wIII Arm.. by wain, at, tut, eilahnets owe, and not alanday their eminent ones • in Mitre: n.e to ' are avreaus that *one or our • readetwahas,l4 bideyrteed ea events ems, de. &Mood le oail ran b. and. at any time, at year •lo rain, Pentmatterr and Merchants an or. 'wends,' to ad as /t.% • mum 7/ on rim Wray= Ihnnrrts. y, Mask Sednerther' , ISS. 1.13. Otaba atFlaa —and and ta otter spite alita. far FOr *we ar% copier of .g 'htt, or w imes EEERTIERE. REED 00, • OMITS BRSLDIEG. Jra. el and M /VIA Stmt. Pittsburgh. . . Airboentry raven to Western renewheels, hisgteenitaticoned Western VW:lnt& ilieltilitsg Os Mom, and rending marked met, will be =titled te one years exchange with the Delta Cte aittshrgir Gaytte iummtviDAY:leiniratfurs 27. Ukl7. Tun Philadelphia News quotes oar neighbor "the only paper in Pittsburgh which noes the telegraph freely, as io dized to take the back track." Whet MI oar Contemporary to the the rge • Buuu and the Bruning Pow are en gaged In s controversy over his late *pee& in the Cooper Icuartnte. lie de •stres to be "Judged according to whit'. 'dui say, and not according to'whst I did net." Few speakers or writerz are tr.. "waded this privilege. Tire Doylestown Democrat says: "The third seislon of Ramp number two be gan in the city of. Waabington Oil Thurs day, the gist. Ire would remind the Rtnp, and all the Rumpites.,' that•they meet teeether, now, under circumstances much changed since last July," and pro— w& to inquire if it will dare persist in foreleg negro suffrage on the South,. and WI on end so forth. If Congress fells to obey the orders et the, Democracy alter such an elegant and creditable an edition aa thfil frog, Doylestown shall be fur nished them, it must, Indeed, be irre• damnable, and may await, in fear and trembling, the frightral mill stone which is to be tied around its neck, preparatbry to the more frightful plunge Into the sea of wrath which the Democrat has In t*Orattorl- [. Tin Ennui tkmranxitarr, whieb las bean ledaring. na 'on magnanimity . to sinitld the political criminals who bathed outland blood, her given a Stains eximplii, of forbearance in th e late judicial mtuter of five men Migaged ts a rescue In which a policeman was abet There was no _evidence that any of the sten had lifteci,a hand or fired a UM, but some one in the crowd fired . lets this lock of a prison \van, 'which wee asnwlymg two Fen4s to prison. The shot *ie fired to open the lock, and a nollesman, inside the ran, was killed by It. The prisoners 'were served, these Men were in the crowd an were Fent ale. and her blessed majes 11 merciful government has hanged hem. HOw /wig Mall the. oppressed pe pies of the earth proem under the Iron eel of its oppressors? • ' XMDFIMEANOR. The crowning advantage or a repre sentative government Is, that the repro. sentatives are amenable to Itio people( that theliacts can readily lie condemned or approved by those in whose service they have been performed; but . there,ia . it tendency, In ouch government, to heallaney In cases of doubt; and, not un flreque4 the representatives hare questl to be decided by the people which the people have appointed them to decide. Instances have occurred In which legislative bodies', in this cobntry, he,. voted back to the people legislative - powers which the people, in their con ttitalleni,-tuoverplaced in the - bands of their representatives. The practice of legislation by the whole people, In OM. Teßtlol2l4lllBC.Mbied, ; is' one which bas been filed extensively, and has been mt. peamedo „. by the better way of legislating Isy representatives; and, the representa- tive while seeking to conform his action to the will of Ills constituents, should never make the mistake of shirking the duty assigned him In the constitution =dm Which he acts. When a new case, arises representtitires ere but too ept to nemidd the resPonsabillt"7 and refer back to their constituent'. • It rasy,grivelY be /teeth:rued whether ammo bus mot dons this in ttott matter of impeaclunent. fotbmg can be plainer pan the fact that the people, by .their Onottudian, hare referred the whole • I to hesitate and refer It back. to the peo ple. They have already said that a pub llc oftlmr "guilty of high crimes or mis demeanors" shall be impeazhed; and the only question to be determined, in Mr. Johnson's case, ia this.: Ma he been guilty of crtms►s or misdemeanors? To answer this we. mast nab, What is a crime or 'misdemeanor ? In answer, WEnarnia says : Mum wwwww behavior, evil cOuduct, fault, nustemeattement. /ri ar, e'e.° a pp lie s s atroctone na ture than scrim, lt to all effeneee of a less nature than a felony; and also in eu offenses for whieb the Law lies not provided .plrtlC4lll, remedy. Crimea and misdemeanor. are more mynonymous t.; bat, d enote on taupe. the word sonn et.made to otfeases of adeeper acid mere atrocious dye, while small fault* and omissions of leas eons. queues are comprased under ill. frontier name Or misdemeanors. Xessra IrrtiteltuaWoonantrxot in . . reporting against.impeachent say : "The President has disappointed the hopes and expectations of those who placed him in power; he has betrayed their confidence sad joined bands with their enemies; ho has proved false to the express and implicit condition which underlies ids elevcstion to power, and in our view of the cue deserves the cen sure and condemnation of every well disposed citizen of the Republic." How did he "disappoint the orPect l " Hon' of those who placed him in pow et?" By being openly and unquestion ably false to the most solein written and spoken pledges. Axe riot falsehood and breach of trust crimes? If a Man obtain pouession of five dollars worth of goods, by false pretenses; he isliable to imprisonment as for felony. This Man obtalns 'possession of ono of the Most Important trusts in rho gift of great nation, by pretenses false as the -father of 'falsehoods; and it Is not even a misdemeanor. Did , ever before, say chriatian nation set up snob a standard of moraliti ? What possible assurance, or hqpe of honesty in our public officers, can we have lathe future, if we say delib erately, now, thiough our representa— tives, that obtaining office under false pretenses is not a crime or oven miide, meaner. What can any. party, and the whole people, expect if they hold oat en& bribes for falsehood, perjury and fraud? If this principle be fairly ea. tablished, whathas any cunning demi.. gnu° to do r in , the future, bat to adopt the will of the known majority, out Herod Herod, ontatrip all the friends of the popular policy, in his advocacy of it, got himself- eleeted, throw off the mask, and make the minority tri umphant? No lover of hie country; even though he might endorse, comet encionaly, the viewi now expressed by . Jarringly Jormisorrohould countenance, by any shadow of approval, the course he adopted to give theme efficacy. ~ No higher, reward for treason can he offered, by this nation, than a failure to punish the treachery of ,the President to the party and principles which elected hini, and of which he sought election by the most fervent and frequent protestations of friendship and championship, while seeking their destruction. If his cOnne, In seeldng and obtain ing the position of 'Vice President, is not a mime, the ninth commandment Is not law. If we, by our representatives, vote that It is not . a misdemeanor, we vote to strike ; that command final •tie decalagne, aid to make falsehood and tre,chery forever honorable and safe. If be is sustained noparty can have any tutenrattee that the man for whom. It casts its vote to not an enemy to Its organize don and polity; and that in dentin hire it will not defeat both. , Another phase' of the Wnaen and Wooottnrons repartia a bold announce. meat of a different and infinitely leirer standard of morili in political than'in bnaineas or Driven life. " We are not now dealing with pond. cal offence& Crimes and misdemeanors are now demanding our attention." Both are probably lawyers and fully aware - Of the tact that false pretenses in piirate business are crimes; bpt, pond. tally, they are what? "deponent eayeth not." Our roliticians assume to exclude religion frem politic.• Are we now to go ► atop further and ahut out morality! If so, are false pretenses the espousal of principles and coslescing with parties for the sake ot betraying them, to be set. down as political virtues? Or are 'we to seek out soma middle ground, as eng nested _by these minority reporters, and locate them as midway between right and wrong? Bad will be the recorded' that day when this nation ream - elms treason to any party or principle an lets than a crime. Bat thew dissenters from the Majority report propose to avoid the resporenbil ity derailing on them ea . leglalatora, 'and throw hack upon the people the dory which the people have already u. algnedio them. They any, "Political natures and-Incapacity meat be tried at the ballot bor, not in the- high court cf TrapWclunent." The; high court of impeachment was established ,by the -ballot box, for the express 'ptirpose of trying political nu: dtness and. incapacity, .and without It there ii no safeguard against treason to the ballot box. In that general system of checks and balances, by which our liberties are guarded, in the Constitu tion, hipeachment Is designed to protect the ballot box from the fraud of those who may witt election through it by deceiving the people as to their true character mid purposes... A man who should obtain employment of another, or of a firm or corporation, upon condition of performing certain services In a prescribed manner, and should, after election to the post, do the very opposite of - what lie had engaged to do would be liable to impeachment and dismissal before- any court of jun. lice, could be stunmerily dismissed not only without wages, but be held for the damages accrulag, to his employers for any, loss Incurred by his breach of con- Lansaw Jetsam; sought and obtain ed employment of the majority of the people, Of thu country, upon condition that, in his position, he would make users:Medians, and in the work of re constrectioi, make rebels Loki back seats. Has be, to the best of his ability, Walled his contract? If not, why should he not be dismissed as an uttfatththiser vent? Have the whole People less pow er II :enema geod faith on the part of employees, than they hive conferred on .the humblest - Individual? No- man Is set poor bin homey use the power of the ' whole people to compel his servant to folfill his contra, or Ignominiously miss him. Is the whole lets than the smallest. pert? Is' the. ureic° of the Commonwealth of so little moment that ihurervant ,Is released from , the safer guards by which the Intl/Vests of. the humblest employer ere proiected. The party Inpower, the majority, rep 7 resent the Commonwealtheboose its servants and 'lnscribe the terms of 'entice. lie who accepts serlice on its ter= bound. by thorn, and whenever Whenever his conscience interferes with the dia. charge of what ho assumed as a duty, hie remedy Iles 'in • resignatiOn. Every public sentant,who violates his contract with the party that elected him should be impeached, dismissed and rept:Aged by every party. Only on this grstmd can the peopLiknow what public Meas ure wildbe 'secured by the election of this - Min or that. ' -It dlsappOintina the ox. pectathum, _betraying the .coniidancet, or: in other words, violating his contract ,with those who placed him In mower,.b not s tidsdenseinor In public life, let as introduce the principle Into 'private business ' tesinsaeilons end watch As ?Tea MEG&trade limos says: Seyinte:M. thonsuid "Itenublicans'' in Pennailfanti came, out from their pally last month and declared. th eir. faith in thedrmnese, wisdom and tn• tegrity of Andrew Johnson." Will the Estes ,please state at what place odd. deelaiation was made, aid who wain the witnesses.' present - eat of the Time; says the radicals will carry the State because-1y hite conserva- Urea hare resolved to remain passive, and adds: "Of course the effect of the recent Democratic Success at the North has been to intensify this determination of the whites to told aloof from all participa tion in thereconstruction proceedingy and the popalar'llisfavoriwith which the - Northern Statea here reintivid the prop°• titian of negro wattage has here infused a slender element ~ of hope into a yo ;icy which was . the offspnrig.-Of kind of grim diaper.- It may now, therefore, be regarded as a foregone conclusion that the Convention election which is to take place in this State during the present week will be carried, almost without op position, and in every district, by the blacks; that. Is, by the Radicals; for the events of the last few months have effec tually dispelled the hope that any con siderable portion of the freedmen would vote. in -the conservative interest. 'The whites will keep altogether away from the polls; content to rest their case upon the action of their recent Convention in Columbia, en publishing a formal pro. test to the world against the evils of a. negro supremacy, which they consider themselves, under present arcumstances, poWerless to avert." Who io under obligation to interfere, to avert the calamity of negro rule, in the South, it the Southern whites thus court it by Inaction? It has ever been held that those who' do not seine the right of 'suffrage sufficiently to exercise it, are unworthy , of it. AA the slay-st home Republican; of tke North, aro responsible for "the recent Democratic success," It is but a ter exchange that the stay-athome Democrats of the South should reap the reward of their course In radical success, and their conscquer sea whaterer these may be. No shall not call on Congress .to arrest the conse— quences of our mistake nor acknowledge their right to deo. Tux Florence correspondence of La Untie advocates the release of Garibaldi to insure the safety of Victor Ernanuel's three', and says, "Garibaldi is the true King. of Italy," that the poor King dare not show hie flee abroad, because the people , will no longer stiletto him and "A strums mils:inir indeed is this 'Garibaldil- When he arrived at Spezzia, an excited, entheislastic crowd thronged about him, and cbeered him to , the echo; women threw flowers under his feet, and struggled to kiss the hem of his garmenc The, populace uoharaessed the bowies of hie carnage to draw it themselves, and he entered the Varignano Prison with the his of a conqueror. The soldiers sent to guard him lollowed his triumphal car with humbled and sorrowful looks. When, it ever, ho is brought before Judges; they will tremble in his pres. mice, and the name of the public prose cutor will be devoted to execration. The only law under which he could possibly be condemned; is an old Tuscan statute which onsets that "Any Tuscan or in. habitant of Tuscany who eximmits on the territory of another •State acts of hostility . not approved °thy Government, or who exposes the Grand Duchy to the danger of war, Mall he liable to the penalty of ten years' imprisonment with hard labor." Fancy Garibaldi eenteneed to hard labor by an Italian Court! The present Chamber will never authorise the prosecution. Suppose Menabrea has recourse to a dissolution. The come-, grimace would be Garibaldi'' reelectlnn by twenty different constituencies, and then there would bo no choice but to release hire. How often have we seen Pleihnontese wader sentence of death for , political offences heavy their prime to take their seats in the sub-alyine Par liament. In spite of - all the Ministry can do, it is condemned to see Garibaldi within 0 few days enter tLo Florence Parliament, HMO amid thunders of ap clause, _which will be echoed - by dense crowds outside." Tux Jewish Soldiers` Monument As. soclation of Tennessee is the newer of a society formed by the Jews of Chatta nooga, whose object is' to gather up all of the unclaimed Hebrews who fell der. hiithe late war, and to bury them In the Chattanooga cemetery. They have inMed the folloWlng special _ call and re quest, all papers North and South to copy it: 686.6=17:r Rooms or THE Jziriur Sot• mugs' lioNotxx_vr Assocurriow, o► CEATELS 001* Tus., Nov. 14, '67. = 'll7nannas, The Jewish Soldiers' Mon ument Association, of. Cluatanooga, Tennessee, hive undertaken, and are now ready to exhume the bodies of all soldiers of the Jewish faith, for the pur pose of burying them in the Jewish cemetery of Chattanooga, according to Jewish writes,l and purpose to erect a suitable monument in honor and to the memory of our fallen brethren, who fell on the trarloas battle-delds in ill TiCill• ity, or dled in the various hoepitals of he United States or Confederate armies, during the late war: Therefore the following call is hated by the abate named" association, to the Israelites throughout the United State; to give timely information to the Board of - Directors of the Jewish Soldiers' Monument Association of Chsttanooga, of may of their friends or relations who tell on tho battle fields, or died in boa pities of either army, during the late war, stating their names in full, birthplace, age and the corps, regiment or company they formerly belonged tot in order to enable'said association to carry out the undertaking above set forth to A 1111CCELS- All end. • All communications must be directed to Morris Bradt, Chattanooga, Tenn. Meatus. Dnepr, President. It. Fini.anals, Seely. - • 't,Hurricanei careering madly through the tropical latitudes, earthquakes:oiling and rumbling ; under water, volcano* that have long slumbered vomiting forth their wrathln hot lava sarcoma qclones sweeping, up and down, continental coasts; and - meteors dancing and gyrating In the has rang—these szertho - !!signs and weeders" of-'thee latter days, all fit tokens of the reign of fanaticlim in poll. tics.- 7 Bortort ?oat 4 Ate we to infer from this - that , • . Canes are to .be discontinued, or taught to go softly; cartliquakcit be held under injunction to stop' that rum*ling and' move alopg on Nicolson pavements; volcanoes to put mnstlud plaMers on their breasts, and take Oot toast water to pre vent the effect, ;of ,the, emetic which Old Dame Nature has administered; cyclones retire to island anodii,. and leave coati. metal coasts clear,. and meteors Join I church and give til i tbat wicked habit of dancing when the kroner:my come into,. power ?, Did the hurricanes, earth quakes, etc, keep still and go to school, like, good boys, in,theriood old (Lys when Tames Buchanan and his prude. cement held the helm, and the opposition were unable to get op s disturbance on board the old Ship of State f We breath• lessly await an answer: Two Idismuna, Itoetieston, N. Y., assembled en audience in a public hall wltnem a spiritual performance. They wets securely , tied, in sight of the aediflade, and placed in a cuSpoard-like box, Where the 'piths were to enter said box by the only opening, - s small hole, covered with dark cloth; 'release their clicnett• means of conxtrunleatlon with mortals, rind proceed to , what they Spew . Tire . gentleuuniapviobated by the peopl in clay- tenements, who were waiting to hear from the folks who Intim got rid of the clay, did up his tying on inch seientitle principles that the spirits, who must have forgotten their loners rind' pobket. knives somewhere in the ilk of hades, were unable either to untie or cut the gordlan know After the time bad expired the mediirms re. mined bound. The audience had a laegh in lieu of manifestations, and went borne without, any startling revs. latlcms from that bourne from whence all the traveleh who return appear to 'ery poor advantage compared to what they were' in::their old 'days on earth, and to the unpleasant conclusion that the progress of eternity ie pie ndtanceof Senator rooto and COI Denton in the Senate melee, ma: an advance leokivira• A number of colored 1)0)4 In Chicago indulged in a rew •in a dark alleyon Bander etening, and two of them were seriously Injured, one _being wounded near the right collar bone, and the other Irstabbed In the abdomen.'When the .pollce reached the battle Held the con• tending armies had retired, 'and it WAS not until alter prolonged search that the wounded patties were diacoured. PrITSBUItGrt DAILY GAZETTE : WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1867. cconcoswastfrit 07 PKISNETL4I.ISII.I BY 0 W. GEARY, GOVERNOR. From the creation of the world, in till ages and ditties, it has been customary, to set apart certain days for special re ligious observance. This has not always been influenced by the light of Christian knowledge, nor by any. proper concep tion of the character of that Great Being "who ruleth the earth in righteousuesti," . and "who daily loadeth with his hew: film" but by en Innate sense of the ex istence of an oyez-ruling Yower,_ by which the world and all it contains are governed and controlled. Aided by the dictates of cultivated reason, 'and the teachings of Divine revelation, we, how ever, are taught to recognize in that Su preme Haler a Heavenly Father, to whom we are indebted for existence and all the blessings we enjoy, and to whom we owe constant and fervent thanksgiving and praise. It is He Who "vietteth the earth anewatereth It;" who "setteth the furrows and blesseth the springlogs thereof;" who crowneth the year with his goodness, and whose paths drop fat'. nesa;" who "clothest the pastures with flocks, and coverest the, valleys With corn; who maketh the outgoings of the morning and the evening to rejoice;" who is ' morning refuge and strength;" who "makethWar to cease," and "saveth us from our enlmies;" whose "throne is forever and ever," and who "blesseth the nations whose God is the lard:" .- • • On all sides we have inereasecressnr ances of the "loving 'kindness" of an All-Wire Patent of Good, who Lae con ducted our nation through a long and terrible war, and permitted our people to once more' repose in- safety, ."without any to molest them or make them afraid." The Monstrous sentiment of disunion - is no longer tolerated. The Flag, the Union, and the Constitution are esteemed as the ' - safeguards of the rights and liberties of the peeple, and are revered and defended as the ark of their political safety. , • kind Providence j_has not grown weary of supplying our continuous wants. d bounteous harvest has re warded the labors of the husbanded= Flocks and herds are scattered In count. less numbers over our valleys and Mlle Commerce is rininterrnoted,_ sad - vessels laden with the'products of. nature aedot art, speed, unmolested, over, the track. less deeps. Neither palliate°, fluatitte; political or social evils,. financial .ent , .rrassmenta or commerzlal distress, haverbeen permitted to stay the progress and happiness of the people ot this great Commonwealth; bat peace, health, edu cation, morality, religion, social im provement and refinement with their attendant blessings, have filled the cup of comfort and enjoyment to over flowing. Recognising our responsibility to Him who controls the destinies of nations as well as of mdisichtals, and .from whom asinoth down every good and perfect gift," and to whom we are deeply try debted for all these and the :ieber bless ings of onr common Chiilltlll4% let us unitedly give our Most dewtoil sr:USW. , and hearty thanksgiving— -• ,_,•••• • I, therefore, do hereby' recommend that THURSDAY, TEE ggra DAY Or NOVEMBER NEXT, be set apart as a day of praise and thanksgiving, that all secular and worldly business be supend• ed, and the people assemble in their vs. , rious places of worship to acksowledire their gratitude and offer up prayers for a continuance of Divine User., Given under my Hand and the Great Seal of the State, at. Efsrtisburg,shis thirty-first day of October, In the year -of our Lord one thousand, eight bun• dyed and tixtraeven, and of The Oen& mbnwealth the ninety-Second. JNO. W. GEARY.' By the GOTellier: F. JORDAN. Secretary of State. i COE'S DIiIeXPSLL CORE reg. flak. sad woos lb. Massa. ' - Car•Vriu•i••• Cu. 1. • ...MS. $• , •••7 lot AIL 41&...e. !le sumac! ad W. 1.. _ . . Coe's Ihystkrati Can sexes larer*d sass, t tho at satiated • itb this Matadi trz It:. , Cas's earca sad yoa do hot have us watts' week boost Its Co.'. Dm:orate Core Is the greetettspnethes ewer legoon: Lt rot only crest. the edpellto., het enables yen to eOOll7 elated year hide Co.. Dyypeptls Cad lI stelohnosided.l* all the leselog physician& ' • e^w.l l l.lMar• Car 1. so Iseelashle NnyQ to 11l oho .0o yeah,, * Sedl/ltated end tow .fate of n0r..•1 solos. - •., iirsols • gun for fittataitt oa "NEV. /MEM! ILLUDIG, 5.14 Otwitat ettwit. timer et m• Dtismeed.'wosr rant A Card to Sensible People:. natiessit.der, If the up ct et the leeetter tree theetten, 7oe w.. 4 set be esitish enetth toren.. mien... at seer... ..O. hall tiara Here Me Ames., then, to protect yo,ntelf al tile der .....e la soute. tkaaft more lmport..t a. ..thee et the. Sett ennsentlaea leer nontenle sal. linen *Mem: reeelt. tear liver sad fess nestelet toe. Taut esti. itsa eat. your aalleal ante- Im tettlittat ag,....ninni ten. and late.. :r . e a r c :3 . s4l . lVlLlita p t j i tel a lt CH Darts s. . opee the thetal d•tifttsten. •onallhe sad It• lstreet... sees t hepr... be neetellea ei Her sat ealiest , ts sitot or al , si'eatintat'r pre.. these this elle.. the sere., the me, t Setitsl. A.* rester me won ae as .314., mor toss sine. *an fiver Mum.. teen le se eats Ilsest si ut.petottor ep,elace at peetto*A oktCh, Cilia uproot/Pests la - • • . • bootArif %Ha shl ath: Tbo ettroteste !II:4, I=l ' L . :P:4re:: IT. •;tl l ; yout•elf opelo.l teen y or tot. oboe m.d..? 10.5 ts the qsetl.... A ttte" et , 0 8 M. grin. teeOltetto of tow se, H. ISTA7 B 1 r, eon, Witt ao. tree antes an 4 Untot war or as to.tatto• ahem to — moll • eltue steen •• Toe toorot4 'Elate tabs' oe to pr.lenetlea threael, leer puha ns' lads no ex. tree •en es sow. • Po.- ezio.nettetereettou. dent Is 'twee.- Needed, ale pa t to A; 7• ruey on. - It o . Ibt Pest...tor meat Dom cab le! .11.neee.ornele•trt, eaten, On. eh the weer nye h 4o lio al — bu e t ennn..t. C epe e lln r a evoo t r ne m lola totes, dyet g p.Lennt ewe eel., cow.v Ie • ee,On se 1 se :meet deb, lty. U We Mouth Hal earreettee. • The Greatest Success Alums. We an credibly latortasd that lotto; lea /math of tietaber Wert ma said' la thl. eDp aloru oyes vertu e•.eret, HO.lamb yoy. TL/15 at Die. g. [Tata.* rsotessi laser Time MUM at medical. Mut am that talla/ aed that la that aumuods of people aro aaltelad lath Mullis mad midi. It laaa berate., O. taaaiid all /iambi. lent DR. 111111 E Wei PLCTUIt4L bYtalr Ltho mites oda" num die, for mat amdic. • tia Dovor prop. , • to fora...sou. triteo lhi Yortars , Fula to do ioed la evtry rue of 14;arteunto. racs. It.oh. blood 6,1114.4, ar Our Msl.leal Nan dttO.o. T4O of DI. ILESOLIt'd CHO r.111.f. C UGH IMO. CP.I2 Sow Or wads os ttio boudorles Of our, ht.., 1.4 tunny owes has go. tar b 4.44. Dien halts. •, Of tug olto bun.d aid sixty thourza4 solo put. nuts... of eittstnisu4 not o. out 01414 to 4o lOU woi4orful media.. It. ottra. 011..4 moot pn.ot Conn Co ..caul. 4.17 Isoutehola Shwa Ithu baa as+ di Ds beteg Duo GOm not4eartutooes; Ito well lames rap , 4uut , of tionnitss logra4leol., bus aids .D0..H11- 8)16, , P KM° 4116 St UDC to be . titoover dzed net illy by tho people yr. Itive .4 *0... I. us .14 Out D. mtro4uesd If o SOM. 104 are of loa.y of lb. most tespoet.l, or 11: .tell. .at profession. 101 l at lb. Clortorq Ont. y Was leors, ,l 0 W. 4 U... DL ItClll- ire cuaronerknom woks. on: L... EYamfndfoose ht.: E. Uhf OZ. .met of rotas %Day.' 14...ber Üb. NEW ADVERTIBEMENTB. rffffßi'lEEM =I o=2 at/°CMr papers (Anne/out Ma UiUad Maki ITNnIAL RVOIICII .1111ELTING. 110 s Steam PtelOPS, •tt Hops, ler •la /Wt.& balms. Mott. sad 71St Clair street • • Si r ; IPOTAER DELTEItd. of a eq• 4:l=l:AriM a teltrat=tl:::;eitili at re ute re et. Clair street. • e : 7 sr. nitittnre. CLOTH - 111640f aye derapntots B.pti nip% _ r at LI 'min J. FLIEI/1.4.0n.. MILLE IVO I.VREIICATING ROOM. r.AUNIAU. Of oLI he. at ;41.04 .411%t. Clair atrooat. _ t , atm H. TfItLLIIII, 82E, FOLI 14 11011111 P: WORK m~Il.O A 'nod. ituady man Call nßSala ¢tppa7. w Irtstabll root s, lIIt wlll P. 7 tam th. Vela 11:elgrby ". Utz), ukif. Mb, hese s „.„ 4. R""."' DWI GREEN CORN. • •• , • WINSLOW'S OltirAl CORN. but co It Orb p 0913.3 Rue an I Pt MO by the gab or Intel IN tin /mil? Onloory or llalllllollf SHITIE, I NO. tta Vodertl Meet, GRit EN PEEN, Jag roertvr4 o.t for raTo fir *be. use or Ms the lowen ra to, sa the family Uro wry clan of “ SMITE!. 50..16/ Po:feral Street,' Alleiriiimy. pEnissintvennuk.A.viutim • . • • LIVERY. AND SALE STABLES, . . 1$ dtrrtm *: 1 :::fo r 7ran i rs n‘ is. :4 41n 00. lta A r7: 43?;. ru. arral., $3.00. H. Ines Ocoolov.rd .0 , 4 on cam. loLuton. Nona Torn.ountatOr..... o . 2 . nean.l2:w . C Alill tfigAV AND . Ctr i l i jot , WHIAVALS DILLIAZIO3 ; ,fOREIOIII ADD DOMESTIC DRY DODDS. nre. woop arattr., . . crhfta zte....ammtmendiarey. eirsaasisom .FOR wtignt... -No olos. We Wawa Nasal 110 tar.• Troth 0..41 %system WIDOW'S Mmes. o.ra. Tomb sada*. Irasm, PI aa•pnlari 11.. nom. sucaotua arta 70aatsal.4aar raga. Con Hams •s 4 Taaaasa. Bloke/ tra Coro, 00M. Near Lava. 1470 Sad Caorms alstaa...arratta,Clune, Primes. as,. moaned .ad larialaal issl'atOrmall7 Moas Of abO. AVMS W. ao3 • Coma Llbuir sal ilsallAursta. 4:14? • V 1:4: 41 , ) 11: - V ; " TMENT.'-' lar'T. rE CEW 4 cuunce, e eean U. Dtam- et z I re nal ... NyeGfVliin-li 6-iraTlce , tocosaatzen , • - weVßANKlmirrira fet M. TAIITIe9 10:10 Pis •I•st rctb•alst •treoc. obC , e Ittalebtad. to? We put*, •LES. .3.• A vp•jelyt: •TM ItArd eta Yr.lmenza , i th• DM mmad Maoris( the aide." n , bei • - ()MCI OplipatoitGAZZLAlNlalleirca Co,, II w &hot Wet.. rltttbereb. nmeetnertl. 'Walt JELEerioN FOR o rip. foalN 11112140T0R1 0 , Uhl eatitipanr: t^ 'acre e'ensatne hos, will behold tt tho •15,0, I. 93 IN, star titttbat.b. Difeeener 31, sa'. hawse. the beers of I • now arr Jittial H. tmAlilXT.lloolhiery. • A DJ AIIIMED =ETUDE} of tee members of 'MAPS PIiCYLVARIA BATTERY WILL 58. EIELD CM . • - F/DIDAT EVFFIAIC/, soy. syra,, , • . . Ai TX'clock - at she HOPI STEAM VIBE Allt nova. ?Ina w... •Ileteteartnt, .3.4 anarbara art ...rattily Welled to alit C. •A VILL Ylu Nl1L• .- -• errEVV sal% n. tmED, rat% 4. Walatiu.. Cormalttee tra Anaalrator.. rafrOPENItiG. . r= NEW ORPHAN ASYLUM, Us TANXISRLIAL /MULCT, on WIDAZSDAT AND ItiIIIIUNDA N. Xforamber XTth and path. 4 Thanksgiving Pipsitvat. Two Bandictliasle: Promenala, Saiyar. Ig,142 : •; '" 21.11.x rarOnAND VOCAL AND .INSTRMIENTAL CONCERT,. • AT MASONIC HALL. TOZBLIAT EVA7II/944, DEO, 104.11, Zan, - .BY Mat E. A. stwma; ' likaidated by her poora aa4 ae••••1 diat altua mataara of Mt-Dona and allotaaa7. - „ adadsaton a• CENTS. ' can aa had at 11 , lar.a Yoe. -tare at Woo atre t. nod at Ka. Dames. ad Yalu at. Doors °tau a•± o'nfoek: Dallormaaoato ton. mraw at oZ.lftrth to Si 11,011.U4 • CLVE'r SACQUPS, (MOTU 11/CQ117.8, • EttOLIIL BHaWLI, PLAID Per.ale M very law price., by WRITE, ORR & 00., 36 1317211 IMES= refl. Toe SUPERIOR r - SECOND-NAND PIANOS. I . Owe 7 octime.Walust fa. C kick •rtnit A to.s. vim I berets • <11•.10 . :A 01,60 11161 . 1•11 • r/64300.2 Weth the Vali - it , . hiehleilid eat and will he Wowed of very tow Sae S. ea the harem who b • et. tem 'earn OIL 4 Sink nem la be eehll at oat.. C.C.mcia.ort. .1" 0 AP 111.41111 r r1717:1 `GEaCTPS EIXDERINEAR L &Das. lISDISPIC wee UNDIIIRSAiI. BUYS' ONDZUW ELL cnuu lux% unnaawssai. ♦ complete Liao of Wes. to '.,arcs, Am WOOL. *No ammo. 11'4.1; icnr u lAL:watt's war EAtIICE & CARLISLE, Arco. 10 .IPlStta. • INirviet, Tag rER • 0 01.A.107.1'11T1NG.• warm GLIFULTIL /lIENCS COIAZI4 LLIO&NTY.TIT VEZAWLS. 1=3:131 .CUUROTUDIIZ4 KIDS, 'aYW /KYLES U 7 21111131UXUS. =23 & CARLISLE'S, 19 11fIth street. BA Y, r,annet.i. & Co., 31”,tvasts at Patent Lead . Pipe, .A.ND SHEET LEAD. Labe; .104. We dea'srs Ann 618 in MO 110. 1117 suageit Street. IMILIIVINIII. =EMI F. W. C. E`.0.1.41D, Mutts IN GLUE, CURLED lure, :fanners , -Scraps, Ceraoaa, CATTLE TAILS, Bones, Neat'a Foot Oil, &a, O&M *ad Wallallll/11..N0. 19 lIM 177171XLD ceeula• routek“.) rnvastravEr. PA. BEAOYAL. • ).011152 41Lys14sun . v.r u p Jo ,„„jrzr„ *Tress ATil itcs. =I wimp orscsr,' Nei. bqks• Ivecar•ll• Clwle..o.tilic ai r. l• !i• 1.10 WNW lames virdr 1) . 4111 rd •so“, grit.. %111 lamp, 1•""; 5I 1 M lasiPl atu l, 4 : slaiAtg lZvg. T a % au , BoML4:cratu 'eV 044 The Highest Market Pelee PAID NO& MITERIPTEITT SECUETTIEL GOLD, SILVER, 01410111 LIP C 411.1111 MUM I ' I. F. STANK & CO., && 17000 AIM /MIU 11111111211. a31:1101017 LADIES'. FURS . 111 male.. varlet', a ..pmer gallUty. SELLING AT no LOWEST ?SLIM, HA?ale. ii. t . b• maw rrnats :' '.! ' TS AND CAPS, PRATT /I RENNTV, riders* etre.% Meghelm RS MARTIN LIEBLEB, . • , uzLics trt MAT!. CAPS.AHD. FURS, •1101141111., Wi0n , ...04 rrn . 11.{101 P. a.! L.. TRUNKS. 5fh.A.1.61. NO. in maigundo rutsberigh, Pa on 4 patlifiKtles lash STOVES I STOVES 3 FREDERICK SCHULZE: Copror..TlA mad Itioet penis Wax., Desair I C Co.lay. Par:. noll 1110.1.1 lit:."1 int r alltaalY4VlValtitZ: Z '" , • Iname.e wen., ....Fide ram it Alt All itobbleg led mostslas prompts, MERCHANT 'TAILORS. I ."JONES&DUFF, • • AnVl)Va.utpArlAUfi. ao, whleh tti.7 antwepand i 4 ! Y\ aallnwit• 21 6 , Vg l* ...rrV.iitiarsiltal ' ergiAte t op * : to WM,. • 1011,0a5...a month.. J . DI MATT STAMP AND STENCIL CUTTER, 131 311•1/ty Street. opiealts Wood. ._ di a lM lll /rI B I " I274iIVI4 TE ND 170 111C8 •n at. • at n , ••• •le add taw . howEarVArriii 11116. p.>l /11111 warm ra fEHEn! arm, .•• . . CrailnOMNille..l7,2 l irettry leare.uts 444 Naleuhuluren t r!t • L ' T Y ,, - . l° :::l 4 . , ,llutirD • Alt , &NI A hi. beeta um; sobelal4. .4 aeldieeleuel Oa. Dean bads accoralug So taalor a le.eeeartlealla. ALlevelle UTZ Water. . Oetotere SILL amUreirr ISeleaexCl CO.. no. lie wat /Rama . I. .TrenefaOla blenaieber 147. ,Dlol be Preoldent : 2,ll Nrinf ' d . Z . :;fW 7 AtAV .H.Vd E :t°,ll"..ll*y°, l ' t 4 .:," 's•• .0 .illl.1"" 4 Ball Galena Lead; Llit"' mum., zaisaz aoa L°2o,"gs j -Two r ...pect t b x !« . tfo 220 LitIOCII MT. a1j..16611222, • Docasbors watttram th e Baud atrett or lns. peaslop 710.7 (IOLD IVATCHZS, = EITTNTISti•C/li% $:0 aptraitt. at 80. 114 IiDEBSL srnr.zr. JuLIGM'T Er!=NCM •• foltrwrnri, , V, IC. 4 FOR THE Orricz ern. luta' , • Prrranuxo E ARSEssnE. O Mania°, PAVING the t In ad Luau/I BYEE t, hem 1. 4 Derry alel: allatlar al It *.aallm sate.; MILL ltarrla-to Rua, siren.: a 3 frotallarrts to Baidula taraination e and will rem leltaltreY. Pentad...a will ha pianail-luibe City poi mains. • _LC • H. J. MOO Mott Ward, ra : frau t, trod Porn to PREY ALLEY from !WEI Set ALLEY, at, aro nomreadfr f .r to to rata oak, until A. 161V..arbto Lary immures aMm for MIREZ BLACK VIADIR. D STEEL . NFOTLIES PARK, DBOTIEII it (0., 611 . . ' ALL osscat rucxe Ot . • galba l lEW/1/.1. • 02200 and Warebasto, 120, 122, ISt 800- oo 0 end 112 Ik 121 2 . .,221 Streets, , orm:rEem WESTERN INSURANCE CO., WESTERN AI. AIKiCS., Ileithent. WE. .Y. lizunstrr, becretwiy. - r CAPT. 'EI COBAIS AXILLI), ut atal /idea tl Onica, id Wat e r nsei. Yuan/ £CM iii: Wide Hoare. op maim oey rittrenelt. • , Will insure iiioopi. ali etude of Alin ata Mailed Shea. A home Mittiatioumancned by Director wno am well kuown to the commucity. and lent me determlaed by promptheas and liberality, to math talwedis thameter wlllOO they lithe a. Zir Sa r i adat i aggre . it weoteasion to Mast ..0. Lout, falt.magg. i .11,74.12n21.',. LVALt.47.,.;,, I Lean* , Adt..01% . eb111.1........ David M. Long. Id in• ki °mirth, j , D. 112msta. not, ' Qt. to. ti cite cti.T. Seen.. . • . , . CIIANICIAEUS, . , - - . . BRACKETS. AND LAMPS, sou ;mann ass on ons Int Isten patterns au d ben yr k till ai at D iem ent,,m, wake ar. U LIAM 0 . 33 Obant Ile. at Val , 3 with • , Wl.l 3 L3ht,itt , aslat for,F.!, • • ,a All of Lust iatterts &oft bt et worSertantial p - 6140. • Jr 171.1. au:ST.IIMT Or Bilden, Ball scd Parlor Lamps 6P/I, ill PAPIS arxacoszss, d 7 0., aso., = Anisus HULK, 119 •94194 lbdtral Bt.. Allubtn, Oo 7•W • WM. I. SCUMBIITZ & - tO. - . • No. 31 Fifth street, ARC Z. 1":. dt.vr,f2l o P at retail BOOTS AND SHOES - IX Tale CITY. MAIFBISIYO vitlVP;a7ll . aitiVillio=c:mr Lap. .:10 5 -7;:= L ;171741:3 . 1 ;rth kflAtosi Xlccol. Dam Dom Omm.•ot etclaci • ''l"' and 11.1 2 2Arra C{.!of tad al[ atom co7ra n o 7 ll. 411; s 111. Z -f AL..% c es Im.t. Pon' tad Yrataa• llclm [ln tad MlMgc-ed go Mom sod cc m. 0.., ta c,. 1510iscaummat or intaetto• Yam, 1545.1. AL% ARS 07/11$11D '• AT TECO LOWEST PRICES. N 0.31 Illth Street. 'Wince . PUBS! Finks: 'rung! wr 4 ntv}: J 'CRT , 11£ CE IV- ..IF° E 3 , ITesfle► re lar , toilts alteatitra of sari trlistb sDi eaeiemen. el= ni Er es ►anisii Cith, u. DENNISON & NO. 27 FIFTH STREET 1867 . FALL TRADE. 18 6 7 81111 IN ON & CO, Wito D..w. la DRY. GOOD % as. 113 WOOD DISZEIP, PDS. Ora IN Males rte. V,... G.N.ds. ?data; Citeck .pa, Ty. 44 . 6 if. Ca..11.....av0t, tel [tam.. ft., WiNte N.Metto 4 MI. Re vont /NW Stull ;Inept Motif 3.• 00 NI • Am.: h.N. mwa aerNot • nitltilt!g = gagiD N lttit , •ltA,TA COOWl•T H•••N/LaTa. aal• ssoatly KW trim. • tall Hee la CS C.; Smnaleau. IEEtME;= • so l . r : T. ftllitlOS NEW STYLES SIBYLS& AND GRECIAN SUITS, • rir r iwest to Ito till maw., o BITS GRAY LOtIAR, 110. 47 1111. L7alrllll7olo. SCHOOL BOOKS .AT WHOLESALE. Oftatry Dealvs ara 11111164110 eall .24 esuo lie ows•nenavri met of SCHOOL BOORS Al STATIONERY. ItsND 7011 rams LIAT. DAVIS, CLARKE & CO.. 03 W OQD WrlttltT, gm, m , Diond &MY, s STAIR. RODS In Bronze, Fire Gilt and 'Silver, anth nr..truiesut. Y•Yieb,PY.YYMY th e MY )1,,,0tt roma 1,. Owe. V.toOSI. the Rae Of Owing., so 1 an DI Milly.ted In SO LOALSOU liaantaatund 0101 by ' w. T. *a. imuszaiwil, , S* ip://00211TAILIM 'Kew:folk: /Or us fsr iRMILISAIT'S Patent. Meld bf as I..srpti Delaer.. . t niErr ROC AT ROBERTS & BHERBATT'B . 14110LISSALZ AND BETAIL nit &PPM 114 Skid Gee Iv, luifsetut. gIU. U lIMITI/11711D lITTIOII3II/8. feU Re p diteglir=irl U ga ele, Out sad eg WWI I. cal Vases and II and grAn s tWAVlLatrautiZllll; .1114...11g - gllb, - far cooking laws. vegetable'. gia . Tal_litalt a*. tit * a t ; I o n ' oa t irtiTil aNlTin s ai r Plif.;; ■ and onto? coal. ' • I. A st IL Cita "P"Cbtl 551051150 the fps g• .O tura or Unarm , Canisters. et tohil SHEPILIRDM CRACKERS, 817 Liberty Street, mrrasuicau. PA. CITT COLLECTING AGENOT. SEATON & CO., Local Collecting Agents, oTo. 3.13.4 - 2Tamarth P.O. BOX. PrITIBUIIO/1. /Ills of *I a.. off Afars Lars for IrllfirPoo 1 1 ::Lifeomo .der. Dill. me aut toussued. 1 EAD.-800 prigs bedaly= branrds ;vans i.eLititems. t , t - EW ADVERTISYMENTS. SPEC! IL ITHIMIONS ! LADIES' I' IS ,AT IVI'CORD & CO.'S, 11.31- Street. A GnEAT FAIRLY" COxv.egra. A new and novel iiiingentent Poe haring' HOT ' , WATER :BOILERS: att.ched , o the to end of eornotoP COOS atoratt a that Ma waste bu. as .I.lso ItC.• an thllAtOtre. pine heaoLatt the w”enauc•S as. An ardour,. pine fare bt pantos tha blase dtrtotte throutrh ttta bolter, which annoyer the plpa to la uttee stova, his new eraneamev t eau no put on to any Ha 7. Sur Deosssauooottotreova s tar Tll7l a csa 111110$ t ld.e ot/ or a r lmost anr noes Cook Stove 011. R 011.. ., an. Lis.. au. , mob stock. toe thw seeder ate tort f AVS:s D Ast.S.flu, by +marine So BISSELL . h 3 LISZT:TT Brgr.tri , Iltnuntsturern or the Triumph Cook Etove. KEYSTONE - SAVINGS:BINA; 293 Liberty Street,. ,•- • • PITTSBURGH, PL . TBl9 RANK 1{7348,i:1t88 General. Banking Bugines3, At tiVII Ott 61160t110151, OD Monday, NoVeitiberAllth, Inst. •ftettlitz at Banks. Insakers sad "'chants Calla Atun. Ind* ou all paints 1.1 ma Cnitad Mate. and Oznada. Inkiest al'olvvi en Tiro Deiositt. . . uNITED STATti tECuRMit !Amu.. CO.D T. TA! DOILEN, Mahler. FOR FRllfiltitili TEAS, CHOICE COFFEE, PURE - SPICES, ROBINSON'S, IQN No. 20 Fifth Street. MI EE1233 /2 JOHN ROTH•& SON, hopo2tero and . Wbo:ess'a Deem to roar-Am mu? Dcourstw WINES, BRANDIES; GINS, ESNS, WHISKIES, &o„ &o, • 007 Liborty AlitreOlt. Urrt..2l2lE , Roe tooro to listens thelt.l22eil at sod M 4222110 to hoer,' test enty Itntope , od their elfoUloo , a i{. at the stay, oil.. adt Ste DOW runt.. to 1 on, era to Ito, to lb. sotto/lotion at .41 lb. out rayst them .`:l4;° ethh .: 1317MLN.1.1=tVa =IV° . g'°°••, OLD GralLIL• MOD, Lod otpertoroottlttito of I , IIEMOR INDLIIALCD. mews loft at 2 2 .. 1r DlollOND.. 121:122122 01 ptotoptly aLtaa4.4 JOHN BOTH I Ilk RON. octeir GREAT REDUCTION r = = N PRICES ! nrr s coons; " ELEGANT POPLCOL = Ca= FRENCH MERINOS, 1 , LANXELS. 13LANKS"r, de. JOHN PORTER, = 'WINTER GOODY: • _ E. 110IISTOti, di 064 _ . Fashionable Merchant'. 80.107.11171 t. Bligfa t . Raw' Ittscrstatata treetd Winter Coating% Toni rite ' Ml Ilerea• of 'cumuli: CAM $O,lll...d Niks rlhhri Nita gtmatatatd sad P` l77 . 7:g4 " :rittilita more scurr OLarlrtio. -ce • Md. At pr.,. 'to ow% Me. J luta orrziEn7, TIODLEVARD SRIRTS, RREA.RFIar &MAUI.% TRl.ll3lLtia fLttINS, . COLORED VELVETt3. F. 11. 3EIA.7OIDIN'S, =:E=I! • * FICE PENNSYLVANIA. n. n. . ColleArlt. • • . trtlAblPtIVA. WO , •1•41111: Tlte f -nom Ir sal • bat masa , Lodepally,Ati•oll att. Calte - tta -1 tr. y 111 err •Irenrattaal , 1.1311 1,4 lot limalat Ares. rare ll lK:a•11.eallrally las Ont. Woo, Itaatl4l. 1/111l!IN kit! s7.lk7ristl 4 3 14 Al% . ler or yr., • Ina raring °lnc Attar. mock, k The bole's al. P/Msouyea And AlLalll6. aro ,u fru , ' bra oitme , alba seam Ulna" b• ler ee• V •leamatotal that CA111•11. Fe td Company wtlfyalre tot. All at A.r.e em lablla Am, La .bolt kit In la • A air UV drat on. .• at pa...v./gent radro..l, to t Ite Item. . t ztassgi be•44nro. JOAN Y. LIR. AT cq `'..""4"1:31.°;(*. !gm soyellnswr lett thy t 3 itte, ezienl Call . . DALES large, heavy Xo. GREY BLANKETS; vrota Jgrenori . illleas i, tam 1 , 1045 11 ?Zekuy bterelwasa and i0t02.41= Ulm ale. la • boaa. M'ELROY; DICKSON 4 CO.'s .93mm/hp '• lIVOOD '!'DR otorsT ESTABLISHED TRAINS. 1.11/1351i14 TAM Orrlf... :GILMORII. ohlket.Of IP 0 ILKOpII S / Ilanufaeturar, Wholnasle irahl ItstalliMalpr to TRUNKS, valises, . Carpet Bags, Ste. s 4r o va. 4 . 4l , :r mt or LADIES , o►TOtt= Ng. tea ROOD rittaborrO. $. ihnnTAN, BONDS, STOOKS, . AND REAL ISTATF; dpollo , Bub: twortatebbi4 auldint Ilendt:tml all klub, etcbta b , bbb: bpd sold ea , oubbademb, _/dorms!. bAybt wisni & • Who Wide tad natal! funetiatetreri or . TW, Copper and meet iron wart, 4.4. a deem' la flf,plitiect i.04/X9 "Ad T101:78I ilJya LOEWE* ULGuWARIL. fil gaping ap of ten nn onit. tbt'ea:l4:4l l l:7o".::Wi r iatiVa! Imitin"" miasma. lA, NEW ADVEET.IsEMEttM: . NEW COORS! NEW COOO. =ffi BEAU 11,e 111, FURS Weik'cosls retstl AT -WM, SEMPLE'S, ISO add ISO Federal Street, ldlegbody. 11&15, pTEAW ELM 11:138.ONS ...SD rixtrans, atm, .41. t IUCTTI6. 101T53.1:EPX..17.1'. 160 a 169 PiDEBAL e 2., Aiztenrwrr = = =I UNIsLt/LORID OLNTOR .17;ANSELS. CULOUED OLNTON FLANNEL! tall.• tarps stock', very ahf ay, rtWesee tad I AT W. SEMPLE'S, ISO =CI /82 Federal Street, illeireoll7, I= HOODS, NOBILS, Bit:AO/ELL mad E 00 I• MUM =I GLOVES, HANOKERCELUEYS I=l • • ?be attnttlott Of (Norittry 'liferebants •vol Re tilt P4rettasers vs peetvelly lovited tO to lute melt azamoderas. Drl:e.s. . Wholteqe and Retail; al !TM §EmPts, Au ISO tad 11?, iul d 4:T4. Akio) rah h. TEUSTF.ES SALE . Valuable Coal'Proparty.: elittle of at nr ,, er of the Court or o.2amon m and for the e.ent. of Aliethenv. mule the. file weene.t D. Iputt- Indere/110 , d 51.11 expose et pabl/e gale, on, be preens., oa MONDAY. DEC.ZUBZU 10th. 1807,. . .• At the hoof of TO o'etle• A. M. of cold days All the e • ea Of cal, seta. •s .ho Void." snowed Mt ittanetb.lowciltl • . 'count) oftward. bounce) led delcel•e• folloo.. tlt: deflator •5 • Motto Ors John Penne. is lines heta ST mud, Nary posh tit dsgroot west to • 'tour; thence a lad of 10. U. tiatoblo totatilld .d.roeto 'rem I .0 nets Wm to • whits vat to nee be laod of Woods end 0700,000 $l6O Ildo twit 64 h. to • Mont ; Shensi ta. porc u II detects owe y• p ltpt.l 0011 AO/C; 1.6•11 .R. 7 Me ..ore's air. tooth M deft... ot.t SS 116 pe,COAI toe nearthono• theat 124 deo r•re east la 11 pr e lost none: nce oco t . 1-J4 0001 15 4 t• potent. to • ae; .11too. ante al on tast 3 6l pucka a It iwooet thse.e• oy I.on of Joe:. t•lnaiLf6lo, .eltr.e• .•A CT p.rolto. to • wool; thence eolith afeleittee owl? 4 di pins. ter hitter, 1 , 1112•0 Ott 4 34 data* ewt tt ye o iNg o ta n '' ?;itP;31,141:,',42 :1E7)0 per- Coe• fo notate: thor,e vorLI ee acetate 0131 AU oe eh.. to the taw. of beirleologt t. 1•111. 0.6 513121r1at nem. ottlet raoa.nte. th e stet 00.1, v. /retort with at: son olOwlar end,. gronnd yd. IT, m miner) In the eX Tattop ond to o f out of mineral t •od also the pritlloste of alerting son Statile 0900 on •oy paw of .he tondo( W Mat &Wooed so.t. any anc n 1161. 1 ,1 and air ••• deo. neat., de Trrak:lll3= VOL Tin:v/1= around 1. , 1•1 twos la the tzars,' ten asi toting out ol ay ad eta °groat. sea a. to the pri•lleett of Woe sae lent °memento Id' that ball/Ing P T r' laVal " t l ay " :e a tlUrrtroTtilltr_lty wa - theit ' , ablate tty or eanontatela rlvam p or both. sod w of he not wwlity. s-Kwestldtd e..t. and the balance to one and two ream taioThl Jodgmat had. and Mcldaste to p . oe. tae slil‘ of witnnet •4 ator DP tot.ron offeudlorr oda,. sbe pro•a tenth, or I sure than oriel na• or twat.. Ova Co'. tern, r male liable to ps• all et - pease. or te etortn•auy .fett. lone orally.o disturbed .o - food Load ow. It . on alit wa r tureen tees pun .r ' tn r e:Atrlie r et:O " t b r i ' d *. .. " ; o c t_ n r;;;ent '" l o b n ; bapellanndent of ton Or star Wert s o wn tatter rt. any atreon lane or alley t. put down or take Up Inner PIPOSt - and tea Ilapenntendret of the so slur eke and trni employe. or Dan shittleeplace the parlament eader the ft.. landau sad slag elnlafattlun CI the P.P. Street thasalltalonte: . aC 2:asto theerster Vets are pateaten , or ...that, tbe Outembetoner of the arbiter Platelet eh Weepier:Atli-, pave ekett at the exegete of tee ana any p rat It or 00,11110, a p emit to ove , lane or alley to pot deep • Newer.• tba ll W pet ee It &Item nada . tee • Irertl.Ot pruper Street intonntranner. not thole shad not use tlancer used at a part of tuna sewer In ray street...a or Wiry 0 tllO, nay. . 1. oso.' II Moor Ilor ptiletteeend hpr Clots abaft bo collector:1, other aeb a due the pit/ are ete- . • 4. Mat Kay ordinates 01 Dart 0 oraluonc coo Ilene g• .llh tie paagkese of till solinaaa. the p•aseat lima, be aad the mon Is berth? pe.faa aa far af affact. tbisordtaavee Ordained WI enact•fl tato a Iv, la l:061.111 Ws Mtn dal of Not a sav is .t. ii g. , sz i, r, • Presldalat of Select Conch. ittast, - 11. a. Xottla af, • • - • =OIMtt!MI Preedout or CooUSo SToELi . Attoett Aron itC3l•Nritt, Corot or Common'Coondt. wo A 11 01:11NANCE permitting tel remuytrasb, BsWaal Clminny the rlgla • Erect Telegraph Poles, Ate, , pg.. , C. NU nSferfaed tie d eruleted by az Mayer. Aldermen and CUL.%•• of Pillsbury/I. la Mike and Comesern thrtments committed. and UM keret:, arida:teed asut enacted Oh therreteornth elf 014 same, That the ...nen Irman tial , tond nnna- Panty M Oa. they ate heresy scaornsec erect flnns or tett [rata holm • entf LlDtirt• etniet, rom Ora. Street to the 0117 lice: esti poles to he plamd close up to and . ga'latentWrne matt erected be .ald man pa ny o. and Liberty strrat: Monhe done tinder the tuperyMnont sad In.true -0 t rain Ite Fontime r. Lad to b mahatma/sr to.the Ocroodtse. cc Strattr. The late Peent7l - H dlroad COOSOLn, to .eutte or mg • 'll9og tee litn•avar) , rat • for the r tdre, ad Prop. .4 almoner.te the anlty hitters f. a LI, see vlut; to pave and keep In relate the pavement arotten sate popes. cad Mercy/ale MI numets no all Grammes/ cal regoLaloodor toe only. In mi.rd sn oh. .mettot at teneereph pones cad wire Preeiard, howeetrdshat. M. city e. tyre Itie tight m ace time, tier twice Pmalmat of tend Cohmah. of Ids ...5r..." es to tendent of the Western Waved of mad rentrotd. to ranted fed tenni tell I ON innate: Lad the alt, Ilirther tet•tve• Ibis lieht to eti alt tl ate tee pare hernia nalherisad to he erected, nor the Mrpose not plar.l.g /Ire alandi Telegraph mina thereon - ws . 11.4 Aar ottlAsees or part of *MIA. • eropAlesivi wits toe 0.41..g e or itals ordtasoca tA. prlness LAS. be and it. muse Ss ItereAv • " 11411ge ' A L L :r get ' At onaell thi.lAtA dot of IsorreAtivi A. D. 'MT. . Ezy PresidstVAN:aoansielS • Altest. E. ~ lloNnow. . • • ClArk eeket . Padden: C o mm o n ou STEEL, ' • m g sgValtoltflget Connell. tor A.oßoiriVirCE anthoriztng the coustracttio Of a Piib: le P ewer In jliamopi jr4, Vot=ortf i 7itgd . Al , 11 , M Selo eat Casa. Domicils asenatert. rad It it tura, ordained and esariat la authority of OM n 0.., 'Mot tat uDo balsa, be .0.1. e bona, titratad b scalatito for Lioassie for ssynsrye..... yeDl.aar in D 11110 ad der,fr.ta .r..PPer oils of Eladttleft to the wo acre% soar.. • • • • big. Tbst fre he payment of th• enactment LL it beiabe ord r e d end d I reeled test the property tetegMed by Me flammable of tad veva. emmi be ethanol eq Mt ably d(5.119, and the sonnet!. ae Dolby •pas.l,lll. 810,11 nays T aSijsyesid ) James Trimme, (seventh ere o weer anise, Or. eleirat ward.). S:lnk said Litt! and morel:sent, •sd when epproved sy sanneith frail be siea fn. gg f rg, s e g o, et the Of Ly engineer's ithie, and Ut. • nopliesle espy shall be depoeMed with the pi:, Traumas.; i t shall regninsly enter credits thereon epoinlise the stammer anent:seas es th ey pay. their Ur •••111Z•lilt. sad iliab Tit. from tractoro for MI mobile Date them by authority ether bro.{ ti fa, . • " Sea end to lei She re fettl.ths Manner di • SPaibed by setor .a.rusoly,:aprlvey . . .. . D ar t . exc. 1 ,Tbat.4l2, ordltommt-or, of oel Stalled toodfettt g with tee pellet° of lOU ordi. Mb,O t time, be ond tilt ono.' a [wren 1111041134 ICA GO tar 141 L boAntme miect• Ole . . . . Ordafeed end enacted listo a 'aerie Council the :nth Oaf of Diorembe, 6. D. MI. • , • , eleMs ale &LILLY. ree.ldaes of oelect Column. Atteet: . . . • Cit.a.or etleet. nennetl. • TH-.I.AS EITIZET, • rt.vddest of Cunt.. Connell. Attalt Heim delLatilut, • - • Cork es tanalm. Council. . nort AN ORDIN4PiIdf: GRANTING oARIC, IenoTELTA 4 CO. and PAM.K. Mr CuEDI • CO. t7* , - Int to Ertel Coke Ovens, Upon Oelr proPertY dithelnak of thn Allegb ny Cetneen Walla and Taylor strdsta, ,Nlnnti IVArd. - kicrias cum end reetettoLll a lha Nay., Aldenses asUl CUU.4 PUUtkurp to &hot gniat Comm. Councils 'oeseranterf.' an U U hereto, Notatend and moored by astnertfy eras eo.ray a Cm. to nuet, upon uneiroeit yro yr. It. meow mutates*: evens .11.11,4• ittuteouut for the stunt:cure erects 'amain tent .ult4ty auto, the outs belong , . to she ette ems. ttto.l That us told ..ce • oven. shall be erect ed teto.ut rstottk ale Tutor sweets to Ile Moat ward, sod touted anon tree Dant of the 011egheny firer. le front of tee nal nod logo bettwau etteele Sumo ow. Dui In . : irilltyg!io!!ego !o : I T W.I t I ,M V I II Vt=l a =iZlALT,Afll: Of tallSw troth. 11- Tbni ambles benPet stated ball be thattrate to pr,reat Conedis. me tory at -ay see .01...enbaraelog OS, prtharsee bore e mated, epee eirlos Ms others of Sec.,. Theta., °Menace or part of oral eissoe coalletley alta thy pasthee et this orel ethos et Ma ptemtur and the sane berth, repealed to far eathe sum Mats that . . , , 0ra1.1.64 sal enattatlnta slaw IA Coaaclistitla =Mazy of a. 0. Z. • • ' -- - . Alt e rit J deat r at l Sel a c t t ir ell. Ittast:W. el. Moo.. w.. =n== . T1101L•tt ISTEXL. rreildent of Common Connell. Attest: nrca alcbsasn., • Clerk of Common Coon:AL ass2l A N 0111111N4N‘E anthof /zing arts ea af anagen of the Centrat Manta Fats •To Erect a Frame. Balling. • Sacra)* ft bestahard an! ennead bp Mayo, Allarents to ad Cat.. of Palabundo (to &tea MI6 ammo* lanosein asasnaatea. oast re feriareass ardafasat mad angasolet Der auLtorify aff it.. sea., That Cl. lenuaten of .tao now atattaa Fas a. at teal:am Plttsbaelbs he and inaiy h.leby antaartstd areC t d next, liattllnf a. the .lalta Ward. oa see Renaud now blown aa be Ceatsal nosh)/ Vat.' saw apnea. aot to