The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, November 26, 1867, Image 1

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rtratasnin MIT MORNING
(maws szairriao
l . rarporiotormi,
. luto. •
asouaess Matage
Kos. 64 aatt S4IIP mII IrraszT.
hper of Tutu? Penmilruis.
Grp. •TAHOrr Orris
I. ll ° E4Priglitri T A ' ro, LEA: "mu.?
, aszeivz.
rmrsumtear. PENN.A.
pittibutO Gay&
The majofity and minority reports of
the Judiciary Committee on the eticannu
of the impeachment of the Preeldent
were yesterday
. Introduced into Con•
p,reSa. The majority report, alined by
Messrs. Boutwell, Williams, Lawrence
end Churchill, elute high crimes and nits.
demeaaars of Mr. Johnsen, and recom
inendi his impeachment . Ono of the
minority reports.,_ signed by. Messrs.
Eldridge and Marshall, sets forth that
the Pre:ldeal has been guilty of no high
crime or mbulementior, and urges
that there is no 'evidence whereon
to, Itopeacit . .ment. Still another
minority reportelgned by Messrs. Wit
; son (Of titre) and - Woodbridge, declare
the, President guilty of 'misdemeanors
In office, which subject him to centure,
but'are not of such a Serious nature as
to warrant his impeachment. In a day
or eo the several reports will be laid In
full before the country, and the people
will hate an opportunity of Judging
bow far. the President has erred, and
whether .he is deserving or, ~ un
dustman the. ; disgrace .of .Impeach
meet..- If , the accumulated evidence
proves of =oh character as to warrant
Proceeding_ against hiM, Congress must
not relict in the discharge of its
There should be no retracing of foot.
steps, no turning backward: • The peo.
pie. are ready for the meaure if it be
shown that the President has Hoisted
his sacred trust and committed such
crimes and 'misdemeanors u to subject
hirn to punishment under the laws of
the land.
IT IS PROPOSED that a Nptiocal Expo•
altion of wool and Its manufactures . be
held in Chicago dating the month of
May, fn the coming year. Insomuch as
the subject wLll receive the attention- of
the National Wool ()rowan' Animal
alio; which holds' its
_annual meeting
to-morrow, at the Coact House, we
deem It prudent to suggest that the Er
position be held in this city instead of
Chicago. Pittsburgh is central to the
groat Omen growing interest of the cows
try, while It la admirably located for a
national meeting of the character. It le
generally understood that the Rational
daeociation of Woel Manufacturers Is
favorable tithe holding of such an ex
! Whitten in Conjunction with the Nation
al Assoblition of Wool Growers. Gni
Imania 'craters., merchants and Others ean
certainly °get' indsements. for the .
log of the Exposition bete, and we hope
they will not'be slow to act In the mat
ter, but it once take such measnres at
will secure .to Pittsburgh the honor, as
well as the: adystaages of baying held
within her limita an exhibition which
wllldradr thonsands of visitors from all
sections of the country,
Tan ;Twenty-second and Twenty-.
third Congressional Districts are Terre
seated conspicuously In the Corwin- ,
atonal Committees, as given elsewhere.
Mr. wasaasta, of the Twenty-third, is
retained. on the Judiciary Committee.:
— and . Mr. Ifoonnzszcorthi - Twinly:
second, is honored as one of the Com
mittee on Ways end Meana.
A Card Item senator Gran
In reply to an article which ap. nred
in the Leader on list Sunday a eek
Senator Graham makes the following
statement, which was published in the
last Irmo of the journal to whose editors
the card is addressed:
Ems. Lastesilt• am agaiii under the
necessity of notietng an article in the
tut Issue of your paper, which' der me
great injustice. In that article it is as
serted • thnt "MUSS. when the name or
Dr. Gross was presented by the-western
members, Senator Graham withdrew the
name of Dr. Gross from the mums,
Mating that the eastern members had
pledged themselves that Remble's sue
. ceseor should 'come from the west," ;
and that 'mow, when the timecomes far
the election of a western .man for the
position, Senator Graham deems It eon.
sistent to repudiate the - -agreement he
personally arranged."
Permit me to lay that there Is not one
word of truth in thni statement in regard
to any each understanding or arrange
ment. The facts are simply these: In
1605, when - Dr. Gross was a candidate
for the State Treuurership, on the 'Ru
men of the day on which the caucus wan
held and about fore minutes before it,
meeting, Col. Glass, in company with
several other representatives frees Alle
. county, waited upon me -while
engaged in the. Senate chamber, and
stated to' me that Dr. Gross desired that
I should withdraw his name before a
.ballot was taken.- This war the first in
timation that I received of the Doctor's
intention to have his name withdrawn.
I proceeded Immediately to the meeting,
and before a ballot was taken withdrew
his name, taking occasion to speak very
highly of WIZ all a gentleman of great
integrity and ability, and remarking that
• when his name should be again present
ed before a Republican caucus, I hoped
he would have as large ertrajorUy
Mr. Kmable then seemed to hare. I,
never heard of arty ermine:merit or con-1
dittoes. reatelnd or conceded upon his
withdrawal until I read the Leader of,
jut Sunday, . --
In the SUM *Aide its stated th at I
am "advocating the election and writing
letters In (seer of Mr. ConnelL" I have
not written a single line in his favor, sor
can a Senator or Representative in the
Statalmfoutid to whom I hare made an'
appear3a hielehair. It Is also stated
"that the only Republican Senators from,
the west who are in favor of Mt. Coo-
Dell are Senators Lowry and Graham.".
There is perhaps as little truth in thia.
as in the stt..r statements. I am cer-,
lain at least that. the other Republican:
Bemire from the West have never an. ,
theriebd the Leader or any one else to
,ppeak for them In that behalf.
The Leader "diaOrdms any intintlon
to do me the least injustice," do: - I can
conceive erne reason why it should
sire to injure me; and have no doubt
that the writer has been deceived by the
misrepresentations of interested partici;
and now, in order to avoid future mis
representations, I trill state my position
In reference to the State Treasurership.
.Early in the session of lattwinter scum
ber of influential persons . urged mo to
become a candidate, pledging to m e map
support, dm. I replied • that I -would
take the matter into consideration. Bir
fore I had Came to a decision, Mr. Con.
neil announced.hiresell as a candidate.
I immediately determined, la considera
tion of the physical affliction of Mr. 0.,
hla limited pecuniary mermaids eminent
&nem, and my 'personal friendship, me.
tending over a period or tweetydre
years, my intimate association with him
•thr five years on some of. the most
portant conemittees, and my estimate of
Ls character as a high-toned gentleman,
that I.wcrold not be a candidate against
hun. His voteson the Railroad question
have, it it true, differed widely from
mine,• but his partition ' as Treasurer,
eheuld be be chosen, cannot possibly in.
deuce the &Malone!' that question one
way or the other; and if it amid, - I am
sure he is too bortoroble a man t o use it
I may add, very properly, in this eon.
unman. that I have known Mr. Con
nell Intimately for a quarter of a cen
tury; that I bare bean sameiated With
him (or five years lathe, Senate, and that
I have never once heard his integrity
questioned, nor the slightest Imputation
east upon- his boner or he
sae his ebaracter so gam ftily until I
ely assailed in
the Leader.. During his eight
continuous service pt. the Beattie, Or
which ho has been a most meth] and fii
dastdons member and whilst ruiners*
corruption were circulated freely stalest
many otheemembers of tbe Legislature
at flarrisburg; no bne has ever intimated
to me the slightest; summed= of his i
testily; and lam sine neither the Leader
nor anyone else can adduce a ainglefict
to substantiate the charges now - made
against him In the heat of this struggle
for Respecthally_yours,
, , Jamas L. -URAL'
VOLUME *f tyyrri.
1 1 11181 EDITION.
Fenian Excitement In Great Britain.
Intemperate Demonstrations,
but no Biota
Re orted Reoaptrtro of Belly
Br -ad Biota at BelEtst
liiii baldi Reported Better
Cal I tegrapo to tie Pitts-11..1h Gaoitt.7
• ovesAT satratar.
I.O.!ZDON, November .2L.—Much ozone'
meet wee manifested among the Fenian
yostenley In the greater part of England
and Ireland. Large crowds of Irteh.
men congregated at the street comma in
Mon heater, Birmingham, Dublin and
Ireeircarrvaised the action of the Gov
ernment In the recent executions While
demonstrations were intemperate, there
was no open riot or serious disturbance
of the ; peace. The _Government is .
• prepared to meet any . outbreak. - Dis
patches from various partsef the court
try this morning announce everything
Ltvincetaat., Nov. 25—Funning.— le
reported that Kelly, who 'vas reined
from the pollee autharitieS atMane.hester
so:120,11mo ago, has been recaptured. It
seems that when the ateamaldp City of
Pads, whiellialled from this port on the
20th Instant, reached Queenstown, sone
of the pollee of that city quietly eamii
aboard and captured Kelly, who bad
disguised himself and :taken passage
from Liverpool for New York. .
Ihmsusr, Nov. 25.—Therei have been
several quite formidable bread. riots ro- .
oently. They were all, suppressed, how
ever, without serious trouble, and the
city is now quiet. . .
CAUSE OF aintn.u.DC#lwasitss.
Loirmg, Nicember
Dispatches received here slate the ill
ness of Garibaldi was caused by the harsh
treatment of the Italian prison officials,
who took that coarse with a yiew of
driving him to the Batted St a tes or else-
Where outer the cbuntry. • '
Notice was given In =the Commons this
evening that the Seward-Stanley letters,
relative -to .the -Alabama N.lm• would
be called lbr on Thbreiday next.
• Pants, November . 25.—The Emperori
Of Rosman and Austria have formally Big.'
nllled their intention of pdrtielpiiing in
the proposed Conference for the Settles
meat of the Roman question, as sug
gested by Napoleon, •as have also
meetly all the Smaller putroim of-Europe.
Tho omsrse thnttPrussiawlli pursue is
not officially.' known, but it is believed
she too will send represerthares.. The
note recently sent from Great Britain on
the subject Is accepted hire as a more
formal objection. The Pope le known
to oppose in advance any action of the .
Conference which Invades the rights he
now enjoys, and particularly any plan
divesting him of his temporal power.
Etzerms or. Dirtrnra.
Ft onancs, Nov. 2.5.,ne Mintanws of
Wer — iind Jasticein the new Cabinet have
beet♦ .chosen'Deputies to 'Parliament
tater n Closely' contested election.
• .
• A ballade from" tariantuto report■
Gtuidaldt as considered, better by his
physlchuts this morning.
Loanoir, NOT. 1t.5.--Evening.-,Cousols
947-18; 5.4.11 t 70-1; IlllaoL .Control Wt . ;
Elio 463.1 •
Famtrirozrr, Nov.?S. -Erening .-11. S.
Bonds 75a.
lavar.roor., Nor. 25..Necning.--Cot
ton cloned hearrand irregular, but with
rather mom doing; prices declined fully
id; middling uplands 6d; Orleans 81d;
galas of I:000 balsa. 'Breadattiffs clewed
quiet and steady; corn 46s 9d; California
wheat led Od; Milwaukee do 13a Ad foe
No. 2; barley Zs 4d; oats 31 lid; peas Ms.
Provisions quiet; beef MA 3d; pork 71e;
lard 61s; cheese 120; bacon 49a Produce;
sugar firm at :)s 6d for No. 12;..ta110w
Ms; potroleuni apiritS 2si refined is 4d.
Alirtrzur, Nov. 23.—Ercninp.—Petro.
lenm firmer; Balm at 46 francs and 60
centimels; ) . , , . ; .
rip Telegraph tt the Pittsburgh Grustte .
Puir-AmidivirtA, biovember .25.-414
Tick case was ctiljed before Judge Lud
low. at ten o'clock this morning. The
prosecutor - and hli witnesses being pre
sent, District .Attorney - Mann Insistod on_
atrial. Defendant applied for a post
ponement, /ditch, after argument, was
refused by the and the trial fixed
for Tuesday morning at ten o'clock.
The Thal et Jett heirie—liens•ArriveL
• sr the tale: Justice.
:avilitsispik toile Thisborattfsertii3
Ittcnitonn, Nov. 25.—Chief JUstiOS
Chase did not arrive today, consequent;
ly the trial of Jeff Davis was hot com
menced.. Among the witnesses sum
moned for the Government ate Generals
Magruder, Mason and Graham, of Yir;
ginia, and General Gordon, 'of Georgin.
• ,Fracedy to
tdrx.t•anPk to me Pitlartsgla SaseSa.3
Sr. Loom, Xocember 25.—Early tido
morning, a young German named Major
Kienger *shot his employer, -He
Welter, In tho head, then broke Weltees
srlfe's skull with A1:1.4x% robbed the
lonise of fluty dollars, 'and dLsappeared
and has not yet been discovered.
Welter and his wife orn not yet dead;
but both arean a very critical condition.
The real :cause, -of the tragedy a not
known. , •
L By Teimnisa. tome Mnseartre O WU**,
Lou - mini:EA Nov. .25.—Rlyer fillingß
obrvely, with 2 feet 10 Inches the canal
by the mark. Drizzling Ain all day.
Thermometer 09.
Ilsoornns, Nov. 25. , - , lllver
Heavy rains lest night.
Ter/®e s Farce to—L - tailik Ticket
Theft:v=le of Fortune, eten in this
hard,. predicts]; nutter of , tkct age is =II
open for mow *gobs= isourage-to war
ship at her shrine. We not =frequent
ly fled men who seem to have a surer
bold upon the fickle goddess than was
- ever gained in - the labonstort - of the phi
losopher. An instance of the - kind has
Jost came to our knowledge. On the
lGth of Lost_month a - ticket warsold by .
Murray, Eddy & Co., Managers of the
Kentucky State Lottery, located steer.
ingtory Ky„ to one of their correspond
ents is Philadelphia. - to due time'the
drawing took place, under the "manage
ment et 41se Arm we
,have named, and,
like all their =sine* under the guirass
tees of fairness,. provided in the laws of
the State, a= 'which base won for
the reatuft Lottery Managers 'so
high • reputation for upright dealing.
The Philadelphia purchaser of the ticket
referred tos-os Well known citizen whose
name is withheld at his request , as all
the business of Moan. Murray, Eddy
& Co. is held in strictest confidence—
Ands himself to-day the lucky possessor
of the capital prize,n handsome fortune
of fifty thousand dollars, which amount
has been promptly remitted to him. Such
see luotantansoua jump to wealth is well
calculated to bring back to memory' old- -
world stories of fairy gifts; yet almost
srrery week we buret similar restate of
leek/ - speculations in the Kentucky
drawings.— OWNS= (Ky.) Leader
Nov, 101/s.
, • -
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Reports on Impeachment
The QnestiOn EtfinTed Till
Wedneiday Next -
Announcement of the Committees.
Variety at ,Billt Presented
. .
(Sy Toiegrah to tb ritis.intrea assetio.l
• _ .
Mr; 11011 G AN offered a resolution,
whicb:was adoPted, eiernpting from the'
provisions of the wool tariff actof March '
M, articles actually imported on the 2d,
.1d and 4th, of March, and authorizing
tlro Secretary of the. Treasury• to refund .
over petal unties,
Mt...r,DMIINVS offered - a :resolution
that all ruonles reeelvoii by nay °Meer
or ethpleyee of the Government or any
department thereof, front sales of eap
tared or abandoned property In the late
insurrectionary distriets,ahill be immol
diately paid tats the Treasury, term., titer
with any interest which ha been received
thereon. Laid over and ordered to be
printed. '
- -
Mr. SUMNER offered a resolution
granting the use of the Senate Chamber
to-morrow evening to Rov. Nbennan
flail, which was opposed by Messrs.
Trumbull and otters, an establishing a
bad precedent, and wan rejected—ten
against twenty-seven.
Mr. MORRILL,(Me.) offered a resolu
tion instructing the Committee on Mili
tary Affairs to inquire into the exped
iency of - the itnmmedlato reduction of
the military forces of the United States.
On motion of "Arr. WILSON, a resolu
tion returning the thanks of CougroM
to Generals Sheridan, Sickles and Pope
was referred to the Committee, on Mili
tary Ai:fairs.
tin motion of Mr. EDMUNDS, the
Sorteant-at-Arms was directed h i mrest
Edward T. Din:that., and bring be
fore the bar of the Senate, to answer for
contempt of Congress in refusing to com
municate certain facts within hts knowl
ent. to the Committee on Retrench-
The galleries were crowded. The pro
ceedings opened with prayer by Hoc.
Newman Hall..
- .
Ur. INGERSOLL introduced a bill to
prohibit a further reduction, of the cur
rency. Refer. ed to Couttoßtoo on Mr*ye
and Means.
The SPEAKER presented-the ersden
tints of T. S. GMlsday, Representative
from the ThMl:District of Kentucky, In
place of Mse, deceased.
Mr. DAWES, Chairman of the Com
mittee on Cies-Sons elated there was
- pending beforethat dommittee an appli
cation of Mr. Blakey who: claimed hie
mat against iliac. If that claim were
allowed, then there would not haro been
. .
.any vacancy. or any necessity fora nose
election. He therefore moved the cre
dentials of - Mr. GalLsday be referred to
the Committee on Elections.and in the
meantime lie ba not sworn in.
After considerable debate, the motion
was agreed to.
.003111117EL9 ANNOUNCED.
The Speaker announced the Curnmit
tees of the Fortieth Congress, as follows:
On Electirma.—MMises. Dawes, Scofield,
Epson, Shellabarger, McClurg, Cook,
Poland, Chanler and Kerr. L •
Ways and Afearu.-3fessm Schenck,
Hooper.and lfoornead.. •
:Bau-Linfy sad GM
troy, W
Hooper ; Buckland, Lynch, 'Hub.
tarZl, of cot Virginia, Judd, Coburn,
Randall and Borneo.
Pacific. Rrtfiroad.—Messrs Price, Rig
by, Donnelly, Clark, of Kansas, Mallory,
Allison, Griswold, Logan, lifaynaril,
Brooks and Niblack.
B. A t -'"9r tJ a ime - Spalding ,iln
, Beaman,Butler, Kelsey,
Phelps and Nicholson.'
Claims—Messrs. Bingliana,Washburne
of Massachusetts, Ward, of Now York:
Holman, Harding,Cobb, Mercer, Stokes,
Hubbard, of CommotieuL
• Cbmnierce—Mesars. Washburne, of 11.
limas. Elliott, Dickson, O'Neill, Eggles
ton, Humphrey, - Sawyer, ROWLIPOCI, of
Novi York, Axton.
Public Lauda—Messrs. Julian, Briggs,
Glossbrenner, Donnelly, Eckley, Ander
son, D. It. Ashley, Hopkins , Tabor.
.Poslofiriear and Pbdt Boads--Messra
Farnsworth, of Illinois, Ferry,. 0., IL
Lawrence, B.W. Clark, Lincoln, Lynch,
Hill, Fox, Johnson,
• ' Dietrictof Columbia—lfosirs. Ingersoll,
Illinois, Welker, Baldwin. McCullough,
Koontz, Woods; Wm. Williams, Halsey,
Van Horn, of Now York.
Judiciary—Messrs - low a ,
Boutwell, frhomas WUhtama Ha..,Wixal
bridge, Lawrence, Churchill, Marotta,
Bero/utionary CU:my—Messrs. Ward,
Now York, Stevens, of Now Hampshire,
Moon, Trowbridge, Lawrence, of Ohio.
Halsey, W. Robertson, Eldridge, Van
rubric ..Erpenditurce-‘Meeensi Hurl.
burd, Now York, Broomall, Htirlburi,
of lown,Plents, Brownwell, Coburn, Po•
tero, Tabor, Goltz. _
Private Land Cletinie-hresera, Orth,
Loughrldge, Woodbridge, Woodward,
Trimble, Halley, Boman, Hamilton,
Manufactures—Messrs. Morrill, of
Pennsylvania, Ames, Sawyer, .Binitit, of
Termont,Bellge, Moore, Laflinj Barnum,
Van Tromp.
Agriculture— Messrs. Trowbridge,
Lawrence, of Pennsylvania; Ross New
comb, Fields, Wilson, of Ohlo, Lough
ridgn; Kitchen; - Johnson.
bard, of Iowa; Kidney, Clark, Ross, Van
Horn, of. Missouri , Scofield, Shank.,
Taffe, Mungmr.
• Ali-teary Affairs—Messrs . Garfield,
Pile, lierchumricaskburne, of Indian;
Dodges • Baum, Hawkins, Sltgreaves,
Boyer. i •
Mffitia—Masses. Pl.le, of Mo., Harding,
Buekland, Banks, Gravelly, Blair,
Shanks, Adams. Anken.
Navel Arafri—Messrs. Pike, Kelly,
Twiebell, Stewart, Starkweather, Ferry,
sterns, itif N. H., Archer, Haight.
Foreign:Affairs—Messrs. Banks, Orth,
Washburne, of Wis.,:xfoCarthy,
Blair, Myers, Robinson, N. - Y., Nor-
Terrgo,ifes—Memrs. Ashley, of Ohio,
Cullum, Marvin, Ranter, Taylor, 3fulj.
Yaffe, Wood, Of N.Y., Hotchkiss.
ficrotritionary -and War of 1812 Pen.
sions—Messrs, Loan, Mullins, Price,
Washburn; of Mims., Miller, .Selge,
Vanshburno, of Rut, Burr, Morrissey.
Invalid Pcnsior.s—Messrs..Perham,
Van Horn, Benjamin, Hamilton, kinun,
Pattsby, Barr, Fox.
Poads and Chwatn—,3lesers. Conk, Cor- •
Wilson, O. Cake, _Newcomb,
Dodge, McCarthy, Kerr, Barnum._ .
Mines and Mining Affairs of Califor
nia—Memo. Aaliley, of Nevada, Briggs,
Ashley, 0., Ferrhi,. Hunter, Mallory,
Woodward. Sitgreaver.
'Freedmen Afftirs—Messrs., Elliott,
Trimble, Loan' H Paine, files„
'Baker, Adams, , otchkiss. •
Educarion and Labor—Mesars. Carey,
lloutwell, Wilson, of.Pn., cor
iaell, Gravelly, Barnes, Stone. 4--
ainage. Weight,: and Measures—
Messrs. Kelly, Judd, Smith, Sims, 1101,
Carey, Arta.
Rffents—Mmes. • . Jenekor, • „Myers,
Chanter, Brownell, Peters, •-•
' Public Buildinesand2rounda—Meanie,.
Oovode. Van Horn, of K. Y.,- Cobb;
Moore, Nlehobion.
Remo! awl Unfinished Boaineaalt
Messrs. Poland, Wllaon, lad., Pomeroy,
Windon; Morena."
7 1 fileafic—Mossre. Anderson, Planta,
Van denant, Boum, Galen •
Actaeon,- Messrs. Broomall, ..P.okley.
Arne% McCallbugh.
ErPondititre of - Wore .tlepartment—
Meson. Arnell, Ptke, Pinney, R. W.
Ille were introduced and referred, as
. -
To reduce and reoreanbe the military
peace establishment of the United States_
To amend the National Currency act.
To allow a drawback on articles used
in the construction of vessels. ,
- To amend section forty.llrat of WO \a-
Atonal Currency act.
'Pledging the faith of the United States
to the payment in. coin _ of the Five-
Twenty bondS.
To define the moaning of the words
high crimes and misdemeanors In sec
tion 4th, article 2d, of the Constitution.
To repeal the tax on cotton.
- Authorizing payment of bounties 'to
persons rejected as volunteers who were
Immediately afterwards drafted andhekt
• • .
For the repealer intennalrevonnotexee
imposed anon existing mechanical and
manufacturing industry, except
Wed spirits, malt liquors, and trio pro
duction of tobacco. -
In reference to the annexation of bier:
leo to the United States.
To establlatt a Nary Yard at Cleve
laud, Ohio. .
By Mr. BINGM.a.M, to rapaid all acts
authorizing tho Secretary of the Treasury
to retire and cancel tinned States nines.
By Mr. JLTLIAN, Amendatry to Pre
emption -laws in reference to o additional
bounty. _-
Directing Inquiry into the condition of
of thelitates of blaryland, Delaware. ‘Le
. Pritivtding for the better security or life
end property, and promoting commerce
on navigable waters - flowing into the
Gulf of Mexico. •
Giiingthh right of way lietwt:iti the
SL Louis Arsenal and Mississippi 'River.
For the relief-of Limb tioolliF.
To amend thbact or April 10th, 1%3,
Ibr establishing rules and articles for the
government of the "Jolted States , army,
Explanatory of.certain acts In refer
flee to the armory and arsenal at Itoelz
Ssland, ill,
II Declaring eight hours labor a day's
work In all cases Where labolers,
chanicstor artisans may be employed by
or on behalf of the Government.
Provide for the sale of co fain lands
end lots on the Sea . Islands In tho Beau
fort District of South. Carolina, •
• Concerning certain lands -
Railroad Companies In Alit
Wisconsin. '•
Cranking, a lease of a port
Fort Leavenworth reservation
To fax the Fourth of March
-the day when the tariff bill vr..
In relation to the public d
!ranted to
t.tglin and
bill, , lntroduced by Mr. BUTT
vides that the national Ridelit
paid In exact accordance with
Congress creating it % that ~Is,t i
' contracted to be paid In gold to
and all not so contracted to h
lawful jtunnty.of the United IS
To tix the value of legal tender
iprovide for their redemption.
ntroduced by lir. BROOMALI
the Secretary of the Treasury t
all legal tender ranee present i
Treasury for redemption, In stun
than one hundred dollars, at tb
140 per cent during. the tlgi l
Second month , after passage th
Mi. th, of eau
uring 1391
month, and so en, deducting t
cents per 100 per month.' Th
to fix the value and to provld
ultimate redemption at par.
By Mr. MYERS, declaring at the In
dustrial interests of the co entry, on
which taxes were Imposed andichcerfully
deserveput down rebellion It d treason.
ouch lessening of the harden,:
as is consistent with the pay nt of the
interest on National Debt, and a gradual
extinguishment of Its pHs • pal, and
that the' olicy of Congress Is to reduce
taxation wherever It imper the ex
istence or development of any industry
or interests or the people. .
By Mr. EGGL.E.TON, to pr vent. fur
thee contraction of the current: and fur
ther conintsion orcurreitcy f o bonds,
the interest and principal of bleb are
payable In gold. ! •
The,fronso proceeded - to the aids...a-
Bon, as a privileged question, o the reso
lution altered by Mr. RUB' - SON, of
New York, in reference to the treatment
of naturalized American damns iu Croat
Britain, and calling for the lespeachment
of Minister Adams.
Mr. ROBINSON addressed the Ileum,
in an hour's speech, when the resolution
Was referred to the Foreign Committee.
Mr. SPALDINq offered - a resolution
directing that no committee shall be au•
thodsed hereafter to send for persons
and papers to examine witnesses, or
(meet at the public expense, without
further orders of the Rouse. Adopted.
Mr. BOLITWELL, at 2:40 o'clock, pre
emoted the. majority report of the Ju
diciary Committee, recommending the
Impeachment of President Johnson. It
Is signed by Messrs. Bontwell, Thom.
Williams, Lawrence and Churchill.
After the Clerk had read the majority
report for half an hour its further reed
leg was 'iliepeased with, on motion of
the reading or _the reports would ou
''!p.Ple atim two k rnta g ra . ;p .. of the Majority re
port, edited by Mr. -Boutirell, Was then
read. it declares - that In accordance
with the testimony therewith submitted,
and the slew of the law presented. the
Committee is of opinion that Andrew
Johnson, Preeldent of th e Untied States,
Is guilty of high crimes Led misdetnea
nom, requiring the Werposition of the
Constitutional powers of the House. •
Messrs. Wilson, of lowa, and Wood.
bridge Join la one 'minority report,
and Mears. Eldridge and Marshall
Join in another.
Mr. BOUTWELLmosedtimpostpone
ment of the impeachment report until
Wednesday of next week.
Mr. WILSON, of lowa, presented the
minority report, declaring that President
Johnson was not guilty of high crimes
or misdemeanors.
The whole subject was postponed unti
Wednesday or nett week.
Juit before adjournment, Mr.
SKY Introduced a bill declaring the
effect of Impeachment by the Houma of
Reproseniatives of the t'resldent, Vice
President, or any civil officer of the
'United States; It was read twice and re
ferred to the Judiciary Committee.
motionto Mr. BLAINE moved
to reconsider A n eta
tb vole refer
ring It wax lost, so tho bill could clot be
brought beck by* motion to reconsider
the reference. ' • I
• •
rro 31crnn win vmasEr.s.
Mr. PIKE offerrrin resolution declar
lug that in thejudgment of tble Ramo It
is unnecaarary to proceed furthor at the
pretreat with • building and equipping
ships of war.
Mr. WASHBURNE, of Wie., offered a
a resolution declaring that in the present
financial condition of tho country, any
further purchases of territory are inex
pedient, and that this Moose will hold
wolf under no obligation to vote money
to pay for any such purchases, unless
there la-greator necessity for tho Some
than now exists. lie explained that he
did m t intend his resolution to apply to
Walruses, but he meat* by It togive no.
tim to Denmark and all the world. that
the House would not feel itself botmarto
pay for any territory. He moved to sus
pend the rules. The rules were eruspen
ded-93 to 43—and the resolution intro
dubel and adopted.
Mr. BUTLER offered aresOltdion, re
citing that by the act, of February 25tii,
uineolzdc.;33titizfwathean reve
apart nue
sinking fund, and directing the Secrete•
ry of the Treasury to inform the House
of the amount of suck sinking fund, &a.
Resolution adopted.
Mr. PILE introduced a bill declaring
Si. Louis, Missouri, a port of entry. Re
ferred to the Committee on Commerce.
Adjourned. -
Weston the Pareestalan—ifs Iran, In
Obi 1111 b Due Unwired *lle Trial.
my octoroon to to Imola:lob ti note.]
ELHEAnr, Intl., Nov. 25.—Weston /eft
bore at bre ininnten alter 5 o'clock; tea
sed Mishawaka, nineteen miles from the
end of Ids ono hundred mile trip, at fluty-
*six minutest after seven o'clock.
CHICAGO, November 25.—Weston arri-
Cod at South Bend, Indiana, at P o'clock
to-nlght and abandoned bis fifth attempt
to make ono hundred miles in twenty
font hours. The roads were very hoary
all the way.-
rresbyterlui Gfuerel • gasembly,
Flalen D•elleed.'
(Br Tstiersoit to um misname, Ussattsd
blasitvitavt, November . 4 25.—The Gen:
oral Assembly of the Ptanhyterirm
Church in the dulled Staten, at Nashville,
Tennessee, received a communication
from the Cumberland Presbyterian
Church declining further nestotiattons
for!nnion between tho two churches.
Thal:louse has passed a joint resolu.
Son asking Tennessee Congressmen to
support Thad. &everts' confiscation
Legere Oinsonalaeell
FO 11T Ness, November 25.—The pel
pita of the city wore filled generally by
members of the Lutheran General Coun
cil on the-Lord's day: Their aermons
have been very favorably - recelved. An
a m te p non t
omethso o C otnon- e d l ay eA
sgCehsu hh
hymn book and liturgy In both the Eng-
Bah and German language have been
adopted and will soon - be published.
;Prig. ifirlit Tads',
ely Telegraph to the Plitsbargb Patella.)
BA.III 13101111, Nov. 25.—The , light be
tween Caliper and Kelley eons*, .oli to
morrow at daybreak, on the Virginia
shore, thirty miles down the Potomac.
Cayes' seas arrested this morning and
heldln live thousand dollars to keep the
peace , in Mary/and. Bail was given..
Not • Ceiiadtlet• rer President.
[SY Sates* te ta• Oltiebetah
• tTricA, N. V., Nor. 2.5.—1 n response
to its nomination, Ex-Gov—Horatio Soy
mew has written to the Democratic
Union that he-will not boa =Mete for
the Presidency by the next National
Democratic Convention.
Vounds Labor*.
my Telegraph to Um Iltutrargla (Walla)
MILLwAIIKEE, NOilatbOr 25.--Tbe pro
yeller Colorado and 'event! Teasels 're
ashore In thin vicinity. The wind la still
Fall Abstraels or the Majority and
Minority lleporlsof the Judiciary.
PresidekiaVoi Inipeachmsnt
The douilterfeit bond tqatee.
:on of tho
I 1%7,
Int Into e
Further Important Developments
.Eft pro-
Et,' Volts:mat to tle rtitolttrob 0510,104 -
WLtot:4,:errox, Nov. 2; 1867.
?RE 56001
uess lie
lie nets of
oil debts
so pall,
paid In
The eharge's iniade, and to 'which the
Investigations, of the Committee have
been hipefliblY dirigetl; arc: tisitipation
of; picoVer and ,tetanus of law in the
corrupt obese of the apPointing,, pardon
ing and veto powers, in th e corrupt In -
terferelm I& bloc( tOtia, slid generally hi
the commission of ' :kis - iiiriounting
,to high orioles , and intscletnetui
ors limier . the "Coinstitution. And
.. ..
upon thin recital ii.. 'WM Charged . with
the most general duty of inquiry into
the otlielil coilduct of Um l'resident'of
the United States, and !of `reporting
whether ho Lad been guilty' 'of any acts
i which were designed., or. eaculated to
' overthrow, subvert hr eoirupt the Gov
ernment of the United States, or which,
in cemernplittion of the .ConStantion,
wonild constittOn a high crime or Inhale
. meaner , requiring tit;.interposition
,of the tshistituticriiel . power tie the
donee. It will lon ob•orved that
the groat" salient point of the. accusation,
standing out in the fore-grim:id and chal
lenging tiro attention of the ennutiy, is
usurpation of power, which invhlves, of
course, a violating of the lad. Arid here
it may ho remarked, that perhaps every
great. almse, every bagrard departure
from the well settled principles of gov
ernmeitt, which lots been brought home 1
to Ito present -fttintintstration, whether
diseoveri lig • itself in special in- ,
fractions 'of the statutes, Or • In the
profligate use of the high powers eon-
;erred Inc the ConsCtntion on the Prt*l-
dent, or reveating itself more,manifeatly
in the system:nit:attempt to seize upon 1
its sovereignty cud disparage and super-
cede the great conned to which that
sovereignty has been, °cornettist, in re
fe/o,leo to the Ono great purpose of the
reconstruction of the shattered govern- !
mesas of tine rebel Sur en. in accordance
with has own oldies, in the Interest of
the great criminals who carried them
into the rebellion, and In such a way as
to deprive tile people of the loyal States
of ell einuies, of indemnity for the past
and security for tine future, by pardon
ing their elliceris cad restoring their
lands, and bringing; than bark to their
hearths, unrepentant, and their hands
vet red with the blood of our people,
into a condition where they could once
more embarrass and defy, If not al.,
I utely rule, tire government which they
end vainly endeavored to destroy. It is
around Oils, and as an ansilliary to that
great special idea, thee the special sleeted'
we have witnessed
will he found to gravitate anti revolve,
and Itis to this point, therofore, no the
grrat tower hey which unlocks and in
terprets all of them, that the attention of
tine noose will be tir' directed.
The report then goes into th recital of
events since dm Inauguration of I'resi-'
dent Johnson; and concludes fellows:
In meordainte with the teati onytu,-re
with submitted , and the view if the law
herein presented, the Commit e e am of
opinion that Andrea - Johnson, President.
of the Unitr-s States„ is guilt • of high
echoes and rllisdem.oriers, rtsj t iring the!
Interposition of tiro Coming - 1h mat pow- !
vs er this House; In that ripe the final I
'surrender of 'the - • rebel are. Ica - and 1
the overthrew. .of - tit rebel
government the • said Andrew
Johnsen, President of the Unreel States,
neglected to convene the COO .13 of the !
United States, that by its old a d nether-
lty legal and constitutional measures
might have been colopted for o organi
zation of litgal mad constitution I govern-'
mints In the Shoes there reeen ly In re
bellion; In that Inci prociatuati n to the
peopio of North Carolina, of GI 19th day
of May; 1541, he :tat:toned the he haul'
authority todecide Whether In govern•
meet of North Carolina and w ether any
other government that might ie set up
therein was republican in form 'anti that
in his ollice of President It wo. his duty!„ I
and within his power, to g motes to
said people a republiean form r f govern
ment., contrary to the Catetitut on, whdelt
provider, Unto the United' St ten stud]
guarantee to every State lath Colon a
republican form of goverume [,contra
ry also toe deliberate opinion if the Su-',
preme Court, which declares that Con
gress is - vested exclusively with the
t power to decide whether th . govern
ment of a State Is republican • not; - In
that be did, therefore; reeog tiro and
treat a plan of government, a 1 up in
North Comities, under andin conformity'
1 holds own advice and direeti , lid re
! publican in form And entirel restored
to its functions as a State, uo itbstand,
fog Congress is the branch
of Govern;
went in - whieh, , by . the Co lotion, -
Such power Is :exclusively vested,
and notwithstanding Cong ma . did
! refuse to restognize.eurli: a •go even:tent '
' ego legitimate government, r r a ger-
ernment republican in form; le that by
pubiii - 'proclamation, •1 an other
wise:, In tile • year 1165, he • did
d i .
Invite, solicit . and cony ne, In
certain othair States :then rt. nay, in
rebellion', 'conventions of pens no, many
of whom were known.tralturri, whethed 4
been orgartlesd In an ' attempt to over-
throw the Government of GI United !
States, and urged and directed uch tint-
ventions to Immo such eoustlt dons! for
such States, but in that Ito tite r manias-
I bunted to accept, ratify. undoontirm Cer
tain so-called Conatitutions, formed' by,
such illegal and troosonable assemblages
of persons; which Constitutions - were
never submitted to the peoplt of t the
mspective Staten, nor retitled by the
Gritted States, thus usurping ml ox-:!
ereising powers vested try the So nathet!
bon in tine Cote:navel' the Unit Stows
exclusively; in that. he pardon - I large
numbers of publicond notorious Mira
whit the design of nwelving fro• them !
old in such - conventions called h hlsod•
vim anti direction for the purpose . °Per- '
gimizing and setting up -a eh Il
legal governments Ira, the States
then recently •In rebellion p ler to
the annual nieetibg of Congrea , with
the intent thus to constrain' Cow rens to
crept, ratify and andiron such Illegal
and.unconadtutionid proceedhigs; in that!
he did within and for the Staten . womly
lu rebellion. create and establish a eiv ii
odic° the office of l'revesitotal Go etnor,
end °mated an °Mee tmknown to-.the
Constitution or lows of this tend; In that
he has uppojnied to such ollice so emitted
In mid buttes respectively Men w o wain
public and noterious,traitons, o well
knowing, that they. Mtn been nob ed ,In
o ro i r ie t ia ie ~vr i4st l ixt r o o n w t
, t r ud th i e or c u i t o id4 r‘
b , io ellOrts
notes and
his bill,
• redeem
at the
tot lens
o rate of
1 .1 month
wring the
o third
enty- o
for ILL
the United Staten, and well linow:
that these men could not enter np
duticn of cold °lnca without coon
the crime otpurjury in mantle,
ton of the laws of the country;
Ito direplod tho Secretary stain to
Mountie paym.t .of money to raid
persona tin illegally appointed' as a sal
ary or compensation tor. narviroa to be
performed to toll °Oleo co illogelly men
ted, contrary to the provisions or a law
(Atha United States, approi'ed Pebruary
411, Ifittfl, minded intact t in:thing appro
priation» for the - support ottbo army for
the year ending too 90th day of June,
1011-1, and for deficiency for eigrml herr
lee for the year eliding Jana jeaa;
In that he directed the Secietary of War
to pay moneya to sold knows for set ,
vleo perlorined lu .id °Mee Co Illegally
created, which moneys Irmo so paid
under hie direction, without authority of
law, Contrary to law. and In viola
tion or the . Constltutlun of the
States; In that -he deliberately
dlspentied,with and suspended the °pera
elton of a late of the Untied States, Wait
ed on the 24 of July, keit,. entitled enact
to prescribe au oath or talk*, end for
other purposes; in that lie appointed
to offices created by the lawn 'of -the
United Stated pertains • who, as wore
wall known to him, had been engaged in
rebellion, who were guilty of the crime
of treason, and who could pat.- with
out committing the crime of per
jury, or otherwico violating calm
holly the sold not of July td, L 8112;
inner upon 'the.duties thereof; In
that without authority of law and
contrary to law, he used and - ap
plied property taken from the enemy in
Elmo of war foe payment of if.xpenaes In
aulipOet of the said Mora and enconstl.
tuticehl'gnyeiniernts So - set' up In sold
Sated fly In rebellion, and for like
Parririt*audln violation of tho Colette
tied 'lirtd Molina ofoillee, lid autborMed
mid PermittOd a levy el taxes upon the
MAO Of said States, Gins usurping and
eximilhoing a power which by the Collett
itition -let vested exclualvely In the
Coltman, of the= United States, all of
whit*, Were a ' otatorpation of power,
contlfary to the laws and Constitutionof,
the tilted States and In violation of his
oath , i tof °Mimes President of tho United/
t lin that the mid Andrew John
orit Preendera Of the - United Stites
has h ni..m-Mgels to Congress anti:
othe wise , publicly denied substantially
the eater Codereas ro provido - for the
'pee emicm of the Government , anti the
rpddratloll of said Statee to the Unirm,
and in like manner ho has amortediiiii
exelpalve right to provide governments
tileor and to eceept and proclaim
the loratiter of sued, rltatters to - the
Union, all of which la in derogation
of the rightful authoritY of Congress
and lakittlated to subvert the govern
ment Of the United Stateatinthat -- in so'
cordiulos with the said declathtlon ho
has Vetoed various bilispassed by Con
great fee - the pacification mad govern
ment -of - . the Slates potently in
reterillohnim their spectiy. reetoration to
tgnion, add upon thin ground and Me
PiMen - that said States had berm re.,
stored 11l Gait places In• tile - Union by
his aforesaid illegal add tteetwattitutiored
ptoMedings id thus ,en. Inbaryisistre
and - using a -.tomtit-PG . onel power
or lb a offloillre held: eons to Tretent the
IGsterationroLlket linlan-lanotte flown
.thepower of removals from and smelt - it:
Meets tooreoe for,ttut porpose of main.
Lining egeetnallyhis arbmaild tem-Pa
dog, and far ~.1118 tpottoxis* tot - sober
inetireofteration by Congtelg-Jill tie
St Governments solllegallyi find min
!ado - pally set up In Men Stales 4V
,- In rebellion, such removals nosier,'
eats haying' leen kotepded and Mi
ff with gtestinJetrtothilittaat'a eer
y and with en losses CO the puin
leireilinue; In that in Mb exerelae or tier
c i a,
pardoning power he sued an orderfor
therestoralion Of ono brondmdAnd nine
ty-three. Men lielongong to 1 - 1 - t sit.
girlie, who, upon the records of
the War Department, ..wore • mark
ed, es deserters fecal I tho army
Intl:me of dm, end eldamotan the repre
l y on of ptivaie and infeleittiel incr.
se :and without nrovions itivest mo ,
ti any Aglow of the War - Depart ,
male, for the 8010 purpose of enabling
suckgraena to -onto in an election then
peod gls maid Platt% and with the ex.
tofikation that ; del it - ould do tote ors to
support ' bite In. -his aforessaid an
constitutional. r imloctalliagoo. , ho. will
knowing, that the men so rontored; and
by Virtue of such 'restoration, - would be
outlt,W to a leogio mien tit money from
the'M'miatity Of the Untied States; in
that - by, his memago to ihrt Ilqese
or ~iitopicsontatives, on tho :-.1,1 of
itefe,, lira, Mod other public and
pet-sato mean., he has.altampted .to
prefent the ratiestionot an amendment
M olio Constitution of thb totted States
proposed to the severil - States by ttio
Hoopes of Congress, agnsgMily to
the b Conatitution of . the United
Staqie, although such proposed amend
rrieaM Provide/I - among other things ,
for o. the validity of the . public
debtor the Unitml states, rendered pay
meat of tiny oath: torlage , st °manes pa
bah Abe or of any debt 1 in aid of
insurrection oti rehelllca egollett the
Untied States impos.sible, Caber' by the
Government of the IJufted States or by
any of the Steles recently in rebellion,
he well knotting that the provisions In
serted under soot by his decision In the
taki illegal constitstotio foe said
States were wholly , irsidequito to
Dissect the loval people of the
kited States • against the - pay
ment of claims on account of deka
inearred by such States' in nid. of rebol-
HMO, t h us rendering it practicable and
may for thelao its authority, in the afore
said. Illegal tuninnenestitutionalGervarn
room thus set en telex and oppre. the
llend .-1.0010 - " • AL &bah - • . °it 1-.'rf , ..
ey of thoso who bad been engaged
111 an attempt to overthrow the Govern
ment of the United States; in that lie
has made °Metal and other pub: re deelar
atic.O. coil statements e - 311,1113teti Miti de
signed to infer° and impair tho
credit of the L rated States and to en
comae° person. recently engaged in
rebellion against its autuoritytoobstrect
and resist 'tie Morganication of rebel
states HO called, upon a republican
bah% sod colon - toted and designed to de
prive tho Gonm'est of the United Stites
of the confidence of the people, an well in
its patriotism as., In its constitutional
right to exist and to set as the
department, of the Government
withal', "under the Constitution,
possesses 'exclusive- /14181MtiVO teem.
en, and all this with the intent of
rendering Congress Incapable of resist
ing either his said usurpations of power
or of providing and enforeinguimsurea
necessary for the pacification and rooter
scion of the Colon, and that in all this
he lion exercised the veto power, the
power of removal, of appolut.
meat; the pardoning power, and
other constitutional powers of
his ollies for the purples, of delaying.
hindering, antlobstructing and provent•
ing the restoration of the trillion by Coo
stitutional means, and for the further
purpose of alienating from the govern
!nen! and laws of the States those per
eons who hail been engaged in re
hellion, arid who, vrithbut the aid,
comfort and; encouragement thus by
him given to them would `have
resumed Ito good faith their
allegiance to the Constitution, and all
• with the expectation or conciliating then
to himself personally that he might
flintily provost the restoration of the
'Union upon tholes% of Oa Jaws, passed
by - Congress; and farther, that
said Andrew Samoan, President
of the United States, traneferrea
and surrendered and authorized
and directed the transfer and surrender
of railway properlyto the value of many
millions of dollars to persona who had
been engaged in the rebellion, or to cor
porations owned wholly or in part by
such persons, be knowing that ill
HOMO instances tho railways had been
conatractod by the United States % % and
that M others each railways had been
cantered from the enemy on war nod
anereards repaired 'at great cost by
tie 'United States, such transfer and
surrenders being made without
authority anti law and in violation of
law; in that he albected and allowed the
sale of large etusuotlties or railway roil
ing stock and other railway property of
the -value-of many millions of dol
lars, the property of fho United States,
by purehmeand construction to oorpor
ations mid parties thou known to him to
be unable to pay iWeir debts thou ma
tured and due, and this without
exacting from said corporations :and
parties any securities whatever; In that
ore directed and ordered suborinate of.
fliers of tho Orivemment •to postpone
and delay the collection of moneys duo
and payable to the United States - on se
count otsuchStates, in apparent conform
ity to an order previously made by him
that the filtered upon certain bonds is
sued or guaranteed by tile State of Ten
nessee, In aid of certain railways, then
due end unpaid for a period of four
years and more, should he net paid out
of tbe eemitogs of the roads In whose
behalf said the bonds wore so Maned or
guaranteed; that in conformity to such
order and direetion, Oho collection of
, moneys payabloi end then duo to the
Unitod States seas delayed and post
poned, end the interest on such bonds,
of which lie himself was a large 1
bolder, was paid according to the ,
terms of Ills own order thus corruptly
using his office to defined nod wron g
the people of the United States and for
his own personal advantage; in thnt he
hoe not only restored to claimants tberee
of large amounts of cotton and Mimr
abandoned property that hod been
coined and taken by the agorae of the
Treasury, in conformity to law, but
hots paid nna directed the paymont 1
of the actual proceeds of steles made
thoreof, and this in violation of ti law of
the United States, which orders anti re.
rlds% payment into the Treasury of the
ailed States-of -all moneys received
from such :tales, and provided for loyal
claimants n oufflelent and easy rem
edy in tho Court of Claims,
and In mealiest 'violation also of tho
spirit and meaning of tho • Con
stitution, wherein it In doctored that ,
no money shall bedroom from tho Treas.
nry but on consequeneo of the appropri-
Minns made by law; and further, in that
the odd Andrew.lohnson, President of the ,
United States, authorised tine use of the
army of the UnltedStatos for the Wawa.-
Mon of a peaceful and lawful assembly
of eitle.ons of Louisiana, and this by vir
tu° of. a dispatch - addmased to a person
who was not an officer of the army, but
who was a public and notorious traitor,
and all with Intent to deprive the loyal
people of Louisiana of every opportu
nity to feomo a Mato Government
republican in form, and with Intent
further to continuo In places of trust
apd emolument persons who had en
gaged in an nttenipt lo overthrow floe
Government of the United-States, ex
pecting-thee to conciliate such persons
to himself arid secure their nid in sup
port of his aforesaid nneronertitntionni
• tl„ the
Viola -
n teal
- All of whiolt omissions of duty, usur
pations of power, violations of his .oath
of epee, of tho laws and of the Constitu
tion of the'UnitedBtates, by said Andrew
Johnson, President of the lJnitedtPatee,
have retarded the public prosperity, lee
.send the public Novgsnuts, 4;14.
ordered tee' liulinesi and finari 2
ees 'of tho chnigry, • encouraged
Instebsrelination in . the e.peciphisiat .the
States reCently, in rebellion, fingered hen-.
tinienta . el./hostility. between . , Oil:Lerma
demos nfeltizens, revived and hegt aiiyn
rho pont of the irehell ion, buziefflatedlho
motion, .disispnored leepnblican Sniffled-.
Lions, obstructoil‘ttio riforistion of Bald
thd „Union, and '&140 and
postponed thuseacend and fraternal ris
organization.'of the' Government ofthe
-. l . ll6.:Comhilltte. therefore. report, the
aceomraliSlnereicAtitions and .reeorn
mr.rgn%Mo' rte.
. illreances
. Terolete,Asea.Aus,
. • • Yiric.l.tait.LnlyniZtos, •
sc:9oaiix~ a~eoar.
Ilepresentadvis Wallet, and. Wel;d:
bridge leandedM then, report dissenting ,
froth' the conclusions of the Mal orily
Committee. • They any: •'- _ r
On the third day' of ..furto,lea;
declared byte mleinn Yet() iti - the .Cetri:'
mittea. that frdrif the , testimony befOrts,
thetnet dlctnot apnea rthat the'PrealtleM
of the Unite PI. Mks wig - gpeittUrt - of
such • high erlhilis
moaners 'as called on that. catarelbe of
diet laqtagechltd; power 'of .thitydlOttete:
'The rota - stood, - yeas.o,mays
21st inst. this .netion. tbe,oemmitOo.-
was teyersed, mar a -veto of..tiyo to:four
deelaeck In , of repefidng to.thicv
- 1M
Rowel - Ifitistitelfrriorit'Of \the. Fr, du ,
Went. - Forty-eight 'hove not
yed, 'alopaed , -since Jere titerot'dn
fotmed ° of the;eborieter` of the f4teri
wnlifirtertetente Thlareliangodeittitode .
of the 'east. ' me tretellthenu-of..tthrer
event 'compels. a ..gerier,sl treatment Hof
some features:ooe. cam SS .11. pre-
OW/ 1 0 by tlietnajprity,:which other wiHe
- week]. /444 hops tiiiitodorniini in detail.
Tho report oldie do ority litielresall the
presumptions agobast 'rrheidenj, eldses
the door against all duallis MIT affirms
floe ao astablished . by the testimenYliii
suppalt (I'lllol 'there Is ripartiele
of evidence:e -Trhicic would -be
reeelkil ,by any'courtltl till Lora 'WA
dissent from alt .of thiu.and from'
temper and:spirit, of the, report. e
cool Olen- , 'unbiased Judgment • of
the nature, 'filth., the excitement In
the midst of, , whit. +id shall
bare paused away, will not tall lo'U.:+o9-
er that the no.litleal • biltern&ts of Thu
present time h.5..1 in nollleolesiderable
gree given tone tr tee Aventricin , ,which
We decline to monism°. -Irlensfrtlne'its
we do, from the report,of the Committer;
both the Imvof the rase andrho.eon
elttilons drusen front Ilaufactk , doyeloped.
bit the testimony; a tine a•rosard for
the ho4y ortileb imposed, on etc the high,
and transemolantlY intPutiaitt, duty; in
yet red in,an intcstigation clolfgos
agninst the Presidents,' Impress us to pre
sent at length oar ViVATY of the subject
which Inn i boon committed:to m9'll4'll
most SU itorm stoic of the Roma° of Iteire
foot that the spir t of the partitauslitmld
be nuns. Ids, slid that the interests of the
Republic. no they aro measured by, its
Constitution, and lows, Ittouo , shall
geld° no.
...Messrs. 1111c 4 trt and Woodbridge then
proceeded to disown- the constitutional
question with regerd to Ittipmehreent,
showing by.refereneo to legal authority
that an inapeachuteat cannot ho support
ed by. any .act falls short of an
dietable crime or mibdomentror: English
prrsrsienl4 ore rererrod: to at length
und copicus rtitht_eon , made , from
rho testimony of the cnotnuili tee in order
to refute the reasoning and; conclusions
of the majority. They conclude as fel
town: -
Arun, deal of.the matter contained
In tho vialunto of testimony reported to
tea House'of . oct value, whatever.
Much of - It Is more honradY ,pi n ions of
wltriessee,, and no little ~amount of
It utterly ielevant to the mac,
Comparative] *mall AmMicitor ft. multi
be used on it lof this' arse tmfore the
Bennie. "At! of the tmohnony relating to
• .• • • try- cud tvirebelen to bait
• • SW - SW - the - te•easehmetfee of
Preaidont fincelo, Outlier? of.-; Wilkes
Booth, bin at burial, the praeileo of
pardon brokerage, and the alleged cor—
respondence of the President with Jef
rumen Davis, may be interesting. to a
render, hut is not of the allghteet Impor
tance, no tar es it dtternainotlon of this
case is concerned. Still much of this it,
levant, timyer Lay brew luierv:6l-vit
into the majority, an d has served to
heighten its cater and deepen Its tone.
Settle down upon the real evidence •in
the case, that - which will establish,
In view of the attending 6MM:6E4IIIMb,
a snbstantiol crime, by making
plain tho dements which constitute
it, and the ciao In manyretpeets dwarfs
lute to pollilcal.contest. It approaching
a conclusion we do noti fail to recognize
the stand.points frortvwhlch this Min can
In. reviewed. The legal and the political.
Viewing it from the latter, the case is u
success. The Proddent hasi disappointed
the hopes.and expectations of those who
placed him In power; he has betrayed
their confidence and joined hands
with their enemies; ho hot proved
false to the express and Implicit
condition which underlies his ele
vation to power, and to our
view of the cam deServcs the coo_
sure and 'condemnation .of every well
dispoSed citizen ci the Republic. While
we acquit him of impeachable crimes,
we pronounce him guilty of many
wrongs. His contest with Congress has
delayed reconstrUction,and Inflicted vast
Injury upon the people of the rebel
States. He hoe been blind to the neves-
. . • •
silks of the times, and to the de
mends of a . progressive civilization.
'Enveloped In the• darkness of the pool,
he seems not to have detemod the
dawning brightness of .the future. In
capable of appreciating the grand changes
which the past six years have - wrought,
he seeks to measure the great events
which surrounded him .by the narrow
rules which adjusted public affairsbefore
the rebellion, while Its legitimate
comormenees- destroyed them and es
tablished others. Judge blot politically.
Condemn him. Rut the day of political
impeachment would be n sad one for the
oountry. Politiepl unfitness and inca
pacity must Do tried at the ballot box,
-not in the high court of impeachment:
A contrary rule might leave to. Con
gress but little time for other busi
ness than the trial of • impeach
ments.' Bet we are not now
dealing with political offences.
Crimes and misdemeanors aro now de
manding enrattention.. Do those,withln
the meaning of the Con.stitution, appear?'
Rost the case on political offenses; and
we are prepared to pronounce against
the President, for such 'ofihnees are nu
merous and grove. If lite:clean experi
ence is desired,. we need have
no Mineola, for' almost ev
ery election' . there is productive of
a revoluilim. -If the people of - This
republic, desire such 'a result; wa have
not yet been able to discover it, nor
would we favor it., if Its presence wore
manifest. White we condem n and censure
thelitkal• cinumet of the President,
and fudge him unwise In the use of his
discretionary powers, and option to the
people of the republic to sustain us, wo
stilt affirm that the conclusion nt which
we have arrived is correct.
We thereforo declare that the ease be
fore us, presented by the testimony and
measured by the law, does not disclose
such high crimes and misdemeanant,
within the meaning of the Constitution,
as require the Interposition of the Con
stitutional power or tide House, nod
recommend the adoption of the following
Itenotrcd, That the Committee on the
Judiciary be discharged front the further
consideration of the. proposed impeach
ment of the President of the United
States, nod that the subject be laid upon
the table. .
Siguod] TAM .9 F. Wimorr, •
,FicE.Vic E. Woommnan
Messrs. Marsbnll and their
report, sayof the President, Ills great.
eat offence re appreliend,4vill be found
to be that Ito hue not been able to follow
those who elected hint to Ids office hi
their mad assaults uoon end depart
ure from the Constlintidurd Govern
ment of the fathers of the Republic, and
that sine/ling where .most erbis party
professed to stand when they elevated
him to hie present exalted position, ho
ban dared to 'differ with the majority of
Congress upon great and vital questions.
Be has believed in the continuing and
binding obligations of the Constitution
that the suppression of the rebellion
against the Union was the preservation
of the Union and States comprising it,
And that when Elio rebellion W. put
down the States were all and equally en
titled to representation in the Congress
of the • United States. Planting -him
self firmly and immovably. upon
this Position, ho has incurred the -, flerce
I and malignant hatred and opposition of
all those who claim : , by virtue of the al
'egad conquest of the • territorry, and
the Imbjugation of the people, of the
lately rebellious States, the power
and right to dictate , to fleet the
Constitution and laws they: Shalt live
under and the liberties they shafts:it/at
tained to enjoy. In this tilfrdriinoirbo.
tweet, Congress and the Pretudextri;and
the desire of each for the Alloptienby the
country of their respective" views;'; is, we
suspect, to be fonnd not only the cense
for the movemoatto. Impeach the Prost.
dent, but of blieerisitre and condemna
tion.. Outer Itilturgrirwn tllo embitte
ed lbelings anr ilolant hatredof the
President his. former friends.
The *mitiority • of Cengteag end of the
' COtiattitteo Above entertained 'and been
premixed:to deelarepts all time% lu Con
gress and mit pflt. _even, Mete strongly
Mau exprented - ho ' their • report, thief
some eentarehini teondenumatei.7 ,Tate
opinion wasnot :formed upon f the testi
' Mony.,takenbbrore the Committee . ; of
Upon any.fai6 tillethedbY'llit , inveattga:
thin— lovas.•etpoilti040PPIRI:100 0 1 0 8
out of ,a.dtflerence..ot. views_ upon
pallliFitl qdestiOis...;lti,was Lire
with Which' tlio ntsjarliftifltirmmit-:
toe entered - upon‘thbves tied. , It
was that Walch aim:Arid mid dictated
en4Wriatuand But
notaithalanding tlieannte-cuslatitisr-.1
Joni and Invjudices; the Minority , ri
Committee have been cousneljed; to nud;
'eller the . fa* ,consideadion and .
Zteot.'...4croirricted:;dellberirtion, tint i the .
er r fit tror M tmn. e lic"lr :r n . m ought r
lotiiimptiaelied, and benne none; as we
leslbt„ attbitertimr Mtn. tattle official Jails=diction of--the CoMmlade the House:
/dant: either bytkernaletityo; minority •
i Withentnurejustidleifon,„notjostitiel.
the Abirenanient..fpwaid:thp: other, mitt:
Aidmds,ier - te brikte,reprtahh* upon - tag,
and'dla notion.
With at: ndinetd/ %WI the wejalitrof
the,Cottlinftteb; , sitr .t.:euistot, the
ehargce- Made ...agndust the. , Preildant
irka iIerWSW lataraPt- premire
.1113 Impeachment, without. dwell;
lug : renew Oen.- Utter ; -MUSK° • - 1 0
point to the, commission of a single 190
that ,is reemmized_hydihe law*. of our
:coin:try:Mt Itigh''Orlide,§t-ii;trdsdo
mconor. The Prosidentinalthetianetion of
his Cabinet for every aetilikteAdeitheboa
icem on oiguediyet t bey ere recognized no
especial favorites of thepartyof Impeach.
ment. Mr. Blanton gave-his einphatte
approval totho acte for which theXiesl ,
dent in arraigned, and rat the Egaecie
tory le a . ifavorite and popalas martyr,
and tho :Whole countri vezed.:wita
,olamorous appeals; for restoration Au
power and place. ',The „President:WM
treed every meatus hie power to
Jellbinon barb toe speed" , trial,
owl yet he Its" been &oatmeal through
out tho land foe procrastination and pro.
Iventing the trial, while the -Judges and
lemiccutingodleers, havingentire control
'of the tremor, have, been deemed worthy
of, the Meg honored plaudits. • Were
eve' r Inconshitetrelo more glaring and
Inegalinable:'."ollo these, and eon we
Iptrall*be Mistaken when Itasert
that, - ever honest may be the Major
ity of t - Vnittee:tbe verdict of the
country posterity will , be that
the •- crime - .the Praia= consist.,
not In ',viol s, tut-An refusal.
Ao. ' violate th - in being
nimble to keep with the party of
pMgress. in, their. e ly,advancing
Movement, or to stop Mid" and" above
the Constitution in the 'fkitainisifittion of
Etoverbinent; in preferring, tho Con
-ktit Mien el hls tmuntry_ to' the dictation
an emeriti/tams partizan cobalt in
bravely daring to Meet the; maledictions
of dame who bare arrived at the amen
plialinient of it Most wicked and dan
gerous" revolution,' rather than to en
onthte• the reproach' of his , t own, eon •
ecience mid the • mimes of postern'' ,
though all time. .
The electrotype plates of the :bogaii
twelity add one hundred dollar notes,
and. these of the face,llnt end back' of
the olio 'thousand Siteert•Thlrtles, are
nose in thou ion oft& Setsada:nice.
Divisional tliti:lrestitaiDePartraeitt.. It
has been dtainitcly ascertained that may
one liUndted and eighty thousand delimit,'
of the eminent' doyen-Thirties wars roat
In circulation, 'skid *that the rest 'then
were prlaled were destroyed, so holders
of Seven-Tinny notes, who bad them la
their posession preerlous to Amp:114,48114
may be sure they are genuine.'
Tho Roman Catholic Arch' Bishop has
sar =sl
formally exprassod di ilroval of. the
recentni of Orate E , ecreitary t
a rettegonc: ',Oka. , aimis
protestant latlY.bYSProtrsterd lt l'elator.
niter their marriage lay a Catholic Prieat, -
aiid the Priest's Catholic Churches an
nounce Curt any of the faithful who pro
duct° to get married out of the church
by the Tory act incur excommunication.
POUPTII PAGE.—Proceedings of City
Councils; The Conte; Pollee Items;
Amusements; A Maliclown Negro; Pe
tition to Congress; West ylrglnLL
' News, &e. • •
Saturday dilemma a gentleman en
tered is ear at the Connethey'll° Depot
with an overcoat on his arm, Which he
threw across the backer the seat he in
tended to occupy, but as the limo for
starting had not arrived he walked out
of the car, leaving hbi coat in, the seat.
Shortly afterward anothergeationtan en•
tared, who had his overcoat on' and seat
ed himself in the seat whichlthe other
bad Just left. Ho had been 'there but a
few moments, however, until he changed
his seat, and by mistake took the over
coat with him. About this time the sig
nal for starting was given, and No. 1 en
tered the car and proceeded to the seat
whcrehe had left his coat, but it had de-
Parted. He stance commenced a search
for it, and finally diseoverod No. 2 with
ono overcoat on and another thrown
across the back of the seat he was occu
pying. After watching it for some time
at a distance he approached' the gentle
man and exainined the coat, and finding
that it was his own claimed it. No. 2
quietly informed him that he was mis
taken, but the other insisted that it was
his. Mailers now began' to assume a
rather serious aspect, as No. 2, finding
that No. I was in earnest-about the mat
ter, was becoming angry, and desired an
explanation.. : Tho gentleman who had
lost the coat said if certain articles Wore
not in the pockets he would not claim it,
The pockets were searched and the arti
cles named by the bwner found, much to
the astonishment of the .other, who at
that moment discovered that he had his
own coat on. Eto apologized in a very
gentlemanly manner, which ended the
affair. Tho passengers, however, en
joyed a hearty laugh at the expense of
the man who mis-took the coat.
Mr. George Beaven, a practical and
hard working 'gentleman, who Is in
every way worthy of Encouragement by
those who can appreciate The offorte of
those who labor dtlgontly to win public
favor in the face of mortal opposition,
announea that he has Just received one.
of the tined dada of cooking and des
sert raisins, canned BMW, Eng,ilett pick
les, foreign and American sauces and
condlinents, and it magnificent assort
ment of candies, nuts, &c., .tr. Those
wishing to prepare for the great National
Thanksgiving should favor Mr. Raven's
well kept and cleanly establishment,
No. 112 Federal street, Allegheny, whe
they will find the pices at retall as low
as the wholesale flg es in the east.
Our German contemporary, Der Frei
hcies Freund, has beep enlarged By the
addition of four full cob:untie. We are
very glad, indeed, to be allowed thus to
notice the evidence of Increased prosper
ity incur Teutonic' neighbor, especially
at It is the only,Gormsut Republican
organ In the city. We will be glad again
to notice Ih3 enlargement as aeon M Its
needs press them to such a step again.
Lecture,—Thoodoro Tilton will deliver
a lectnro before tho Allegheny Library
Asmocintion, Thursday evening, the 18th
lost Subject—" The Art of Using the
Mind." The lecture will bo delivered in
Dr. Swift's church, Braver street, and
Mr. Tilton's reputation a* II lecturer
sufficient to All the house to Ito utmost
' Browning, who 1111$ injured last
wmknear.Wilkinsburg, by boingkickod
by a. mule, is now improving. Br.
Snlvoly, of Third septet, his attending
physician, having trepanned•bim, now
espressos hopes of his recovery.
Convicted and Pleted.--Bernard Char
learrorth wan tried and convicted in the
Quarter Sessions Court yesterday on a
charge of assault and battery, preferred
by Alfred Cappier. He wasecintenard to
pay a line of fifty dollars and the wale.
isavrenreefile...ln the First went of
this borougn (now apart of tba. city,)
Labor Reform tiokot for Councilman has
been nominated, viz: Select Council—
Philip 0. Keller; Common Connell—E.
Ileptllngor John H. Scott
National 'Wool Growers' Mariciatlen.—
The annual meeting of the National
Wool Growers' Association will be held
at the Court House. In thlacity, at noon
next Wednesday—Hotel Etc* quarters:
Monougabelaßouse. , .
Pocket Book 'Om proper
column la advertised the loss by a poor
boy and girl of a Small red pocket book
containing railway tickets to St. Louis
by the Panhandle route and sonic small
Sixth Ward, Pittshargh.this Reptile
'limn voters or this ward will find a no
tion addressed to them In another column
orto-day's paper. ` • .
et ,
l6‘. 9i!oirsalitemplirs.
. .
,di. large';`idocle of new &acids will be
opened tO' r daV at tlietrhalesrid• and retail
dry goods berme of Willlntriflemple, IS:es.
ISO and 102 Federal street, Allegheny.
The goods comptlseerary description of
wearing. Materials, table 'linens. -aheet
ittga,- shistings mislins, Irish- Hems,
- at.; Sc., all or the very r beet anul
:finanner." frridt Minim int to be even less
than the riding rates now bold in the do
prpiscd , warketa of the,..Fitst, ,and few
oho pors 'who study bomomy will fall
g -this, establishment- a- Malt. - A
force of polite end, accommediding
4ri ..
- CT . Will be found In attendeAce, "and
See urge.Opon'ono maim 'an' exainina- -
Tien of the goods, and en - enquiry - -into
'..: Inole6 *"..P•AUF rieeorered.
°Meer /Relater yesterday ,:found. at a
raeentlauead satiety afore; No. 472 Penn
street, tbta elty, two saddletta bridle and
"pet.ot I=eial ,tt. part the - ,,plandee
Wait* tboAllegl;eny "'add* tluosas
.air added in ..I.lloehonyAraandayaainee..
Xinellf - tliii - Vedfea and the - bridle was
Identified and' claimed -by. James • Ma-
Brier, Esq., or..allegbeny, apd tho other
,by Ray. Dr. Preisly. Property. belopg,.
inn( to ten different - Parties baialtudy
teenton rod and identined::trwoluiddlas
and a sot, of . lemmas still remain it Al
derman,. "Hunibert's
Tho search la still‘beitkg prosciefitiali-r,
David. tisk;,Chiet,Pbegineer of, the
blnaDepaidinent forts null':
ber,of years, VW found dead In his °Me'
Sunday montiog., Hewes held-in: high
Ustimatian in Philadelphia, and MIS also
well kwiwn in'this city. 'lllr. John H.
Rain, t'hicf, nett °them of the. Pittsburgh
Piro Depart - nerd; will be present at the
funeral ohsequies. '• ' •
Concert,,The concert at the Female
rolle g o this everdng.will doubtless be a
lfrand affai i.. The abilitlis of Prof. Bless
ner and his assistants are unquestioned,
while- ninny rof . ,the pupils of tho school,
who will take' part in the exereisin, pos
sess talent of tierhlghest order. It will
certainly prove a rich:treat for the lovers
of good music.
A . Saterllegious Scamp on .Sundaynn
tared the vestry of the First Presbyte
rian Church, Wood street, and _Mole
therefrom a valuable overcoat, the prop
erty of Rem- S. • F. - e theft having
been committed doubtles th s while the ser
vices were progressing.
gain at. Inst.—We were visited yester
day by light showers of rain at intervals
during the day and up to the hour of our
gomg to-prem. Wo incline to the belief
that it will continue long enough
to give us a much needed rise in the
• ..
The Elgfrth Ward Iteptddleins will
hold a preliminary meeting at the School
House, on Monday evening next, to
namp officers 'to be voto¢ for . for ward
The Workingmen's Convention assem
idea to-morrow to nominate candidates
tor city cesz-Illayor; Controller, Treas
urer and City Attorney. -• • .
t The Markets aro plentifully supplied
with all' mots of produce,- vegetables,
meats, dz., to antiematiort of oar Nation
al Th. kiTiving
- The holiday appearance of our retell
dare• windows remind as of the near
Approach of the festal season.:
There 'was no business transacted
'et Use Allegheny Mayor's, omen yester.
• Ilanger,—Wo horse scotched the
snake, not kllkd Such must be the
•rassonlng,. at thlyda, of !You tienalble
7'=us , ••'• WaL:see itshimsesy action
and small bodies. T`or • example
You bore had your tooth tilled to stop de
cay., You hare scotched it, but iidtkilled
IL Kitt it atone, by a free *se of Ward's
Tooth Wash, and hove a month as nature
intended you. 'Sold wholesale and.retall
by Joseph Pientlng, No. SI Market street,
and all druggists.
To Wholesale Buyent—ram prepared
to offer you ist my new house, ISo. 104
Wood street, a superior lot of Trunks,
than any other house in the city. /man
ufacture all my work, and am Tarrant
them to be made of the very bestmateri
al. Remember the uumbor,.lo4 Wood
=Tuts JOSEPH lama=
My Good, at Whole=ie.—We in
vita the particular attention of buyers at
wholesale to our complete stock of silks,
dress goods, and all kinds of fancy and
staple goods, and-to-the fact that we sell
at the lowest custom' primes, and cut
goods to suit purchasers.
J. W. Bank= rt Co.,
• ' ; 59 Market street..
&methtog Good.—he boota,• shows,
piton, for men, ladles and children,
pt at S 9 Market street, are made of
the vgy - bestmaterial, and sold as low
as tbEiturm-L" All goods are warranted
to glee *satisfaction. If you want some
thing 'good, and. at gold prices, call at
Robb's Shoo Mouse, SO market street.
House and Lot on Chestnut atreet, Al
leaheny, at auction. The premises, No.
26 Chestnut Greet,;sAllegheny, will be
sold on Wednesday, to-morrow, .at 10
o'clock. See A. leggate'a unction ad
vertisement in the tenth column of our
!mound page.
Call and Examine the large and com
plete stoca of Ladles' Fora, at William
Flemings, No. 139 Wood atreet. tt
Tratikat Trunks:l Trout intt—Rimem
ber the place to get your Trunks. Val•
lees, fin. is nt Llebler's Trunk House,
No. 101 Wood street. He keeps the very
best and all the latest styles. Call in and
To the Ladica.—lf . yon want • NiCe
Traveling Bag,.Valise or Satchel; go to
Leibler'a fashionable Trunk Rouse,No.
104 Wood street,and you will flru any
thing you can wish for in his line—cheap
and good.
Go to m. Fleming's, No. 13£1 Wood
street, for bargains in Ladies' Furs. if
Eye, Ear, Throat, Limo, Caster
treated by Dr. - Aborn, 184 =1
street. A book, by mad 50 cents.
A Very large stock of at:moo:Kis open
ed to-day at Wm. Semple's, ISO and 182
Federal street, Allegheny.
• Bargains In Ladles' Furs, at William
nothing's, li•o. In Wood street. - tl
ROBERT T. RODNEY. lander;•
4agiw Awn EA/ Gallo. No. G Ohio Bt.;
Allegheny, and No. 00 Dlarriond Square, Chu
John Wlhuiu 8r0.,/ keeps alwan on band thil
beet Metal, Rosewood, Walnut mod &Matto.
(1. lwood CaO... Walnut Cahn. from ins nr.
ward.. II tweerood upwitrast all other
tattles Irk proportion. Carriages rake Manta
ihrulehed at low rates. Crape, Glover, Plata
and Iregraring tarnished grail< OGG open day
and night: • --- •
I Fourth Street. Pablo:TO, Ca.
CO/PEINS. of all kinds; CRLITZ. GLOVES. ao4
oraWalcacriptlon of Yoberat Euntlihtag Uocuqi
rt , rbisEad. pow. °Poo day and bisht. lutes
and Centavo furnished.
ElMlnalr(sB—Rov, Davhl Eon, D. D.,11w.
M. W. Jaeoblu..D. D., Thomas 'Ewing. Eq.,
Jacob U. Mbar, Esq.
-• KEII , AND EMBALNNII. - (meaarmor toMa
tats &mud E. Dodgem) No. M Ohio Moat
three doom tram Dearer. Alterman/ clo.
"nu.Lotwood , ltOostnr , Walinst 004 no.
rood /mltation Germ,. at rmo Wrest rearm!.
pOlOOO. Room open at all boon. day sod ntent.
Dom and Carrtmen Caralthed on Mort maim
andloo moat reammatdo tame.
E A.
MUMMERS. Oltee. Fe. :re Ohl* Strong,
Allegheny. .Nehglle. Soserroo4 and .other OW
gm with aoonplete.lock of funeral Punalthlgn,
Snag; on hand and furnlehed at snorters =Wen,.
sr lowest prices. Sale and Livery . Stables, ape-
per of Slut and Middle Weds. Carriages,
Baronegee, Bugles,. Saddle nerves, As, le,
Mr biro. ' -
A. J. lIAILLIBUOII. at the Owlets tl k
ats. B.
Lawrenceville. Pa. 01124AXESTAL IL ' h i ww
uld STUNS W 01110; 81011 Z BURIAL CASIO
Warranted water proof.
rooms 001 V 00CLIpIlld try the Secretary of the
Union Rallsoid and Transportation Compton.
N0...31'11th street, over U. McClintock Co. e
Carpet Store. These .rooms are Teri . dolmen..
pr *feces, beteg located In the centre or bad
itess,:ant on Fifth street, now being laid La
die Iticolson pavement, renderitip them inn
from noise, et. Front room contains Merl ate ,
proof vault. Pouesalon oan be had on Owlet
proximo. Inquire of 0141rEM McOLIMMB4I
0003 nth Mist.'
. • .
• lam. Lunn; ;ocialtibir FU TT cot:
trades of ll:Mortaring ioadlog cattir.11..1.41.1
...dl.l &Mortals, latest N... bY
4.. U• Mattor 101 . tha rood:r
sad folleofinad moo rallabto Inosocfal and Ocro.
oiorclal Mutat [Wort. gifoo
Lb* city. No Yormor, Moolfulo or lilsrOnta.
%Dowd be blibust IL.
Tilaa renal ICriamy
Knee Sobsertbiti. . ...
—.had *us copy of fur;;;;; " 117 — po-.
o p the 0 1 .0. Andltkon• to °lob& esa sada
tap Um.. at clot; M.P.
NEract TO BOuscamas.—ln lorderlig fotttr
. M .ere and .4*W, .rtl4 editim 7 0 .
mutt; as we Issue a W.lttes4al 401,10"°”'b"
- /Orbteary by Draft. Zspreas. blorarY Ortibrir
oy Itagiararod 'Attars, may to rant at oar eat.
Address... GAZUTTICa
WA" , 4TED-4 PARTNER, tic.
lire or silent. with Five to Ten illoosatid
Dollars Cash.' to Invest to' a 'wall established
wholesale and retail Dreg House. The loutlais
cannot be excel ed. Empire of J. D. BAILEY
& DUD. No, Ite. north street, Ptifsborah..
W •
ASTEIs.—We avant Agents
In orrery county In Pennsylvania and Onto.
to sell thre,e Indlspeitsibte articles, .trualott In
orrery This Is no hninnor. Onr skganti
aro *toning foot to sixteen donors per day. Clall•
on or ad4rerl. CUSILISU A LOCELLAST. litoom
In Ed: pair Hotel. ,
WANTED—ARMY 111131118-
7 7 A1t3117 ITEWOLVER,S.—IIIe cub for. elm •
err Ulecv or Carbines; 113 to .7 ca.h f r Bean*
Rifles or Carbines: p ole end , for Coals Army
or Nevi Revolv Creb pald for every de
ecriptlon of err anei. Persona baring say 01
above ann. cap erne them by . Express e. o. d. t
J.ll. JOIIejr4TON, Ur. at Weverin tlan Works.
334 Penn v.v.!, corner Wayne, Illttsbereb.
~TANTE D--AGENTA. for two of
the bait aellini:dhltaaild"..
infOrtall Id. One ent 'ldy . aterlei of the Nu
rTlLlsa.Cone. an , TLY-BetladlettnedMili t
•atroo filecoodt of the Inriorllfe of the eannentr
the most !trifling and Inteneatlig work bpete
the public: The other entitled "The tOttatto
C,falope¢le. • •i ono of, Intellttual "Colt=, and
.Ir/sato:fin et - ehy.complete' In <dialer/fa
ohtaTo 'voloirie of °tar. 1 . 400'p . m, llitistratodi
Bend for clreulnri or fermi, *ltieb are TetT 14b,
exit 8: EIALtieCO4 lltirt4rd;COoti.
~ 9,o o trar „WARD-at PEBLIOI3II
' IIELTINU.—Tba Republic... Vote,. of .thte
Still, Ware, l'lttaboreb,...are .reeneated tomtit
it the l'ulille eehoot theetey ort'WEDNESDAT
EVEN ItOtt. November W:b. at 7I o'clock. teo
nantefraadhleare for the .rarlota Warn Oleseao
arid tranract ether Important; helleau. '• • • .
. .
.A ltepoW4.
cad preliminary Meeting will_be -held : at the
Eighth Weed S.thool House, Atm street: Me,
![U9 DAY EVENING:, December 2d..t0• nitres
niece, to he Toted furor Ward Deices.-
831 A t.L RIL'EN POCK.
ET BOOK, contithlng ntleigeCOnd•cllisir and .
one halt price tickets to St. Loafs: areglhp
Llandle Route. vis Imtlanspollet its . * h6Fpg•
check mud some small dotage, .The
confer a great tartar Mt a. poor yet worthy rut
and boy by leaving, the ume at No. a DUQUESNE :
WAY. oear bt. Clair Street Bridge. s
1.4 , 0 R cnitimm.
FEED STOUE Sir ode, doing . a good Dort
near for retailers: Enquire at 054 Paolo street..
FOB SALE-310 ACRES 440011
TAILAIINO LARD. in Rhin. ,Innits ens).
Good title. Taxes elf paid. Arida for eitY
property. Tor particulars itidnlyit of
LOTS IX DELLFIELIL nag' ()Whacd Et(-
lion, two sq.see from the horieeal• t tick.' Dwell
lot 4001&'. benottiolly ' , Heeled. end WM We'lleld
cheap.." "gow . olre of WILLIAM LIULII92I:'7D'
Liberty Sieeet. ' '" •
The andershrnedittll gen all or oni4tall of
&Brick Ward, re any perVIII Whlllalt to atentaehe
the bailors. ;The T a r.' is trw,'wlth 'Ohba Bic&
ern Improvotoen Ls. Laaie runs terfinsia. Ilona
need apply but those who maata . boalnera. Ad
&cis L. T. C.. Allegheny P. 0..1 ' '
peat HALE-111011HES.—AT
HOWARD'S Livery .4 Sale 44Able. one
4. //MILE HORSE OrsiM thrte DrEPLZ
HARES. Pins? 87114.6/, zw.r the' Monm444
Rehr Hen.. • .
iirflorse, boosbt .rtd wld on eammisdon.
Bakery, doing . [tininess of from 1:1 UAW
barrels sldhur a i leek, and aflutter! at Iso.ll
PALO ALTO ST ET, Allegheny Cityrsdit bat
gold on reasonablp terms. The a bove bakery a
dolrp a good bosiness, and has the facilities ot
i e nr.
&dog a much arger one than 0 now Mooing.
Any prawn tang to engage In the boldness
will dad thla opportunity. Par partlonlarl
Mantra at th BAILEUT. .
FOR SALE .- Route and Lot os
, wiener of llonluttan and Album street.,
near Passenger Hallway. Lot 44 by Eff
!louse frame, eontahling 7 rooms iud goal ball.
gall I/apiary:l. lloulta and Lot mitibeleelet, near,
Bidwell atm% Allegbeur City.l Lot 73 . brie:
feet; house frame. contains' hall. 111 . 74) rooms Ansi
good cellar: water and gas. Ahoy ' several naafi
Houses and Lots In good location,-1 Inquire ./
01011/1 t C 0... Bearer strut, near Cbasout,
Yancitester. • •
offered tog. attire gentlemnils haling •
cash eapital of /Ben, to purchasecine-third lo
wen -
tercet in awe established end w ill psylig
bticaties Refinery. To a Wen accustomed
trarellng, this is a rare OpOorturilty, - aa In WO., s
lion to his luterest be will receive a allaryofllifin
per month and expeopts. 11l health is the 64 ,
reuontoe present owner offerhti to SOM
particulars enquire of SILL ,t IikIUTTERLTS
Real Rotate Brokers. 'Lawreneeville.
lure lot of ground finglk (bet in.Raer.
Liberty. on the.Frankstown ad. FOyards [rein x
the Railroad efation, on which' L erected WI"
two story brick house of six rooms, with.
cellars. This li a good home, jrell finished
throughout with numb Inantels.l •c.; MIbE•
doors laid wltti , tirickt a pump nil the 'door
fords aa Abundant and conetnat sopplrorio4
water, and will be sold very cis. and on easy ;
feriae, if applied tor won. Fort erticelerselL
quire of O. 11.TOWItil..110i5 Zetaie Age*. it
154 Fourth street. Fitteburgh.
LOTS.—We now Oder onextdinottl'eonr, ' - :-
terms • nen. plan of lergc and des! able I ote: leP ,
tog part of that relenble property beldagtoottr
the beteg of 1.. C. I. Noble, eltnate at timiappeg . . •
end of Sharpsburg, sea alar on.tu, awl...omi :1
the Went .Cennh. Itellrosd. A. portion of
lote Boni the 0111 road on the we t, and h U I2
street ins the math:- The kw are 40 by /COI
with wide 'streete mentos thn , 4l - toe *entree
property. The eon for gerdeeinfcnnoo net.
not be *heeled, mu! for Weary' location and . -
nee.. het... eoord. - /or desert re plea wig
furthgr Infortentloe eall,lt SILL lUUTTILIte
yrs, Heal :Aden, *louts. Butler stPeet. La .'"
We have teat received *lather lot of titeeif4)
ebrated' Watch.. , They ors ..nadouhtioUr
FIN ttaT and ilk:3'l'lhr the price et... erotical t
b<iawale4 Intlk calltWXJl - 47;$
Exposed ltar-aptoneat. with '
olutocaszirsu nAzuses
Madnanle and Itatall Amt.,
58 larra STREET. I
Merchant Tailor,
Cer• Penn and Et. Clatt-Stipeti,
ERdoW o rLe co o mp li
Ilsks the Loc an ltitst, and a thp ebeaps.t.
saes& sad best.
sa unm p, So. A SIVTLI erasrr.
H. SMITH, Merchant Tailor,
NON BT.. coiner *I tedinsi
Is now receiving LL second sawn/ of
TALL .I..!'D RINSIR Curnig,
HOLIKEI4,43ELL & CO. , ' •
Anchor Cotton Mills, pio-• • ,
Itmallnettiren Ileavy. I
/Lath*: sad II yrsolla , _