The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, November 25, 1867, Image 1

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-ru mallumxvizr unitanza.
• = uroirsira stearym)
• orrict, gAzmx suamnso.
Boa. 34 awa M siren sinuorr.
ispig leydritu Piper
If Ted= Peurylngs.
, grirgrai . la r plailrlGE AND
A.PXBP and ZSAIT Actinl
- : t ., ang.G2.lo/41../. ALP.Ilti is cy szwe.
• ''.%.,7' ~ . , = Mil C1t..131X DAii:ll
Ef i l ieriiiliiikr.:
'' . 7 . `" -- Itspilghtuir ! lixtmtupa, a grattlemsa
foiwbota w. edertala a large imam
~Of:fraamot sad esteem,. Ms saaimaced
~,,;,istrasalt, through the caimans of , the
7teadir as so ladepateleaf oaadhiste ter
qty.Treesarer. Mr. Al. card presents
the light of a aiaed
itt strangest
. 9feglig, kJ. Mauer to w hich' he was
"dieted the ma* titootoutoo to that
_Cosby the lispubiltati • party. me has
W -Flat la etilderod because his
elskiti for'the ;Mottle:mare net adds sad
• as mrits*-wOrtity catallaste sordeatod
Ls tea paps* of lon. W. O. Medellin!.
Wschagr dbappolatmeat was per.
hot the more bitter, Mace Ida chums
fM - :"'Paditmletir may oP
Tuts: deg of the 00areatioa,
'amf karma was entirely artexpeeteg.
,:16 .".8. 4 gissarassa * lagardeaablete ricer.
alsat,ll“ hr baa made* grievous
Mee* la his Wort to break do impend
.eklotbaoltd:r beriamialts
1 1 " 1 . 18 f 11 / 16 4 1
:,iltl ..P.fooaPhe Me' ettrerioi•
Wing. Ald Walpl him , la an oelee
which gi held by spitball:4li%, What
ars Mr. az.ll:lllXlM'e claims on
the MO - Whit 'grief !orrice has he
~ Widsrcet*Es('-alsould receive =dna-
Masi sithi mere , eahhigt
was he lajarod„ sad bow
awiadled out ota'nomthatlea which was
' , .;:iisissigovidad biro/ Why dwell pub.
' lie' *0414 manifest Itself la his favor
.:hag *Ore than far M.r. Jemmy, for both
-- ware Keay saugulee of 'success sad
dls Hole deka Mr. A.
rti , lcidnitbat , lte .•Was to
L bare now* the
"loodaskon provided Mr. -Moder:sr
'Sea been out of the wen Had he re"
oaf red hapsaittralos to that dram, either
from the' Refodilicaus at the rimer,
'eleetheut or from their represemtatioas,
UM &logos who compoped the OWL
. .
' movement' of lir. =cam' will
not denier. very considerable strength
An2thaseitirasid Ile of Abe . Ripublican
party. The trick is too palpable and
none will be deceived. A. has no
hem lin somas imbue through the bare
, „ probabdity qf Labor Reform and
, , Dem7rietic parLW- Milting On him and
fttreeing it Citizens' ticket. His desire
4 to defeat Yr. McCarthy sad thus con.
• vej that parties can be whip-
.pad into ,itleitsurts by aspiring Wield- I
Shedd the contest vest between
Wander and;• licCiuthy we
~..Wpaddhaveaoheidiationia predicting a 1
41 1 4 , 4*1014**titita latter, as um Ae
Vol/Mina Ma:determined that while the
° PirthiM M
ire ak* over radical
clateele . thout the States, the word
~hetliiot forth from Allegheny county,
the banner district-of the party In the
. . - Xfaloa r that the great city of Pittsburgh
has inuxamobed to the "revolution !noel—
tow . and elected a Democratic Mayor
and opposition Tremor= •
• Let all earaost &publicans stand by
the ticket nominated. It wee put Ibrth
by a OW seams as first bought the
515 Or the grit' Locator before the
people as their cabaldate for heddeat.
Its candidates are worthy hearty sup
,party. see will be electal, wielded the
• tangy &ken down all attempts at dlsor
geniist her codition with the
viticiti*; and standing together weigh
,- z OOI Pik .9ltpt,tglitto ol POI* . tom to
• aitsh'there at the poll as they !are
been crushed Wm.
vA lia ZACIMION OP sogroN.
'ltstgrday's. report .of Vie accident
of the Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton
limiroad, it is stated that, while Min
: -- liolgiri,"of Nair • Orissa; eat, treated
hat in the wreck by an open window,
shrieking and buzzing, and all elforts at
mous, from the outside, gars assurance'
of bang Attila, "a Mr. Jackson, of Bus
•- um, . nutted into the -taming oar, to
sartiber, and was nem atter seen lithe.
:--. /gain the tams of ,Isr.kson and Batten
.Ala Warhol' on the roll of honenble
hme,Mul WWI; the paha Or mother,
.orlthatorer near and dear friend awaits
Ike orabig of the charred remains,
should hal atciUt pridepern&
;gel deeisiMir
opoirthe ruin. Who would not mellow
, hoot the carpi of his &amt and deu
isi Wandlike' had died in so bonito and
a mime; .than see Ida 111. -
Lig" fate if hi hat shrunk .form any reet.
SOM#I4I meet= le sari the life of SA
. Oil*? Ito name" rem , idgerril pile
141iUblIalfilltIpt:e than the ; pilots
who havolodd the Win and ran their
living Malts for samme point of possible
...whey Ihr their pusengsts, saddled that
- odiers might lire; hose firemen who
kayo Gala' the'aioet of dnty;' those
notdO.lnatistood's torn makiiig who
thence to whichthsy
!. bootie .The proudest epitaph which
pikers) aritteri on a tomb is Lids: • "ifs
died am odes enhilt 'UM," and a "Mr.
Jiciditli it 4144'1' 1 kik elhieti Imo more
tbieszakAznates et as emus. ,Wkat.
;"a.aloirallt 11100111111 t kept soar plane of
the evests of the tmleirse, would be
*tor iftr. you* more of breathing
abllaSit this planet, mewed to the la
'4llllhte Weuedaese aid mistake' of the
, Sealeataliga lit whit% he aropletettle
latparatorr to naming
' r aft %higher plane f The, Went to
. I V I4 I I . O POPI alan PIP /f 4 Y e lrt of
L,ltenetag,'he gibed at a boond„ end all
itarilissaars debar gad nobler be cow
. 00 . 44agis th is iaiepa of kis.
14.1trailthit OW Ia Detrpll re.
!aemettflet thailotolson pavoneat, • %IV
I bAber Of /Idlest skeletons and Wea
ves:sem ottarded, , Bolsi twenty-dye
let 614 aoseleljea ekehnons had been
I 'll'ierdok by , hat Wednesday, all of
lihielearart lentetterith the heads to the
Lout. • Thoesientalischav e been Interred
hest onesetlesodhee take advent of Eu
etrestotai.hteeelos, ter luting numbers
, ode,* :or onnithan . inn found;
- some "cutiously shaped bottles, an an-
tilfplohoriiiet tad some plieee of plate
.11themillrhiaIt lo•sappoeed ! co su p.
pled hirsioch tradSri. The oases are
not to r, hiseeser; es the Potts.
"OWN% 10 0 10 beating vowed. sad
„Wiwi wore to this neighborhood, add
r,bottieltioutq yserinisiose thin
..-estelandisd years no. Such emu
vskike egfni aueouth Wigs of cut in.
Witon.b You—Befese the election,.
WM* nettoen sent from Lynam'
(Ve) toltansiees toWork'eut Yrdtlmd,
with i ittentenoittailfpAndloll beck to
. 1 7 1 11 9 240 illo7 !en( thi7
i stemal,eitowe.. dlthofistedio thole
Agenwetttltt;Alettee'irene deetroyed,aad
_they Ware Wend .the iced of the tile.
graph. They %WWI foltrenwontetion
reteAngekeelten they ell walked
.meolteneleod nines to , vote,
Zipe there to and Toted. tan who
mprice the Una await to so
aid deluded ski thole enezoles
Wazyl. Bcpe.bec *qr. n tine
Of thalats to.peorae
with the understanding that It
ows to DeptrAd bgt Inne:entered
but three UOllltrit both, and that was from
lthieklnucian." '" • '
The Case of Surratt
Loss by Bank- Failures.
lat al' Se . Contract and Slavery
igtaite fsersCatil-at4;rms.
Refusal LIT lido (*PIM
Pr43aehleg in the. House
hi Ulu*. h So Um Pitt.tura Gaulle
WlLsiallaTolc, ;ray. 73 , 18a
The het:Mona currency- lamed from
tho Printing , Bureau •• fort thewealC
amounted to $544,000; aldpmonts 131,97 D:
National Bank Currency betted $19,129.
Fractional Currency dertroyedsH2,Bl.o.
Tun Casa or. itazarr.
The Attorney General is understood
to bale expressed the opinion that Snr.::
raft cam:lotto legally triad *gain tbr comma
Act ty in the assmaimation of Lincoln.
A new indictment may be drawn, but it
morelikely the piece= will be releas
ed by Congressional direction.
smarm roars 11011111.
Ig reported that.' Gen: Grant will ro:
duce the number of muitarrpocbt In the
south, and concentrate troops at points
where they can be 'mon economically
sa soon Si the tkuurtitutional
Conyers ors in the several States have
aura nowna's aznovass.
G _ It la toulanitood that upon the issue of
en. Mower's recent orders, making
prominent official changes in New Or.
lemma, Governor Flamisrs telegraphed to
General Grant that some attire removals
' wore inexpedient, tome of the appoint
ments highly objectionable, and asked
that th e order be suspended until the sr
rival of Gan. Hancock, who was
expected. It is said this Wes the only
oemm Gen._ Grant had received
up to won.ltis action 1n matter
was taken. • •
• Loas nr *um rairinuars. =
apecial_says .tha creditor' of the ten .
National which hare Wad - thus
Liar will realise about eeveaty . perr cont,
end the total lora to the pubtio will be
nearly one million dollars. The dm*:
Lion will of course be paid In 11111..
-•• • •
la to beaked to_make an ap
propriation for a new• War Department
building, the plane far which have boon
• -•••
- 11.1171Mi1l micarrns
The receipte of Internal Revenue for
the seeekaare .2,114,0t0; totelaineVulY
igt 4 32 . l X°4 l ° o • .
wErnicei- in.
The Oammiasioner oflnternal Kerman.
tyto have' ordered the release of
quanti of whiskey, owned by the Ken
tucky Bourbon Company of New York,
upon'. which admit . ware trade by
narrnir or OWE. SCHOFILLIP.
General Schofield left Or Richmond
after cordial and eshaihetety. interview
with the President . and Gen eral Grant..
The Presidot himself=
with Gen. sondem." Judicious
bedew of saint. •
IL EtiaIM I . II MOZAX7-4LT-A.11.1113:'
Vlll , Mardr-Dral/11112111 "Bartirldge, of
Bentosim aze modules 4d- of securing the
positionof Semf th e San,
Ms for him . Mr.. BArtrueo rown ties no
talon' of being »Moved. The eful a =
will be considered In =Cat I
Dressler( o77LLta,
Thaddeus Steyetts'-. - WU for.the divis
ion of Texas 4 Dokeet prepared, but he
prop:sea to-take bold or its soon u the
impeschinut pregame has somewhat
._ . .
'Avon or sorXruzuceirr.
•Ms understood the J. . •adletary Cron' -
mlttee, at Its meeting on 130arday, de
termined ta report In favor of Impeach-
exams ommethem msg.
Judge Wylie, Cling in equity, tuts de
cide' the cam of Brown me. - Bedue
Brown, ma a representative of the eredl
tone of Beeket,monght to am aside a deed
, for the use of Mare Becket, who was aM
leged to be the wife of Clement, for; the
purport of selling such property under
an execution *gaited Clement. '•Tine land
in quell= was originally:probated. In
; the name Of Cement R .^- ir hnt...Mary
Be chid, entof her own earnings, Impror.
edit by--ekeW.ngintie, therm, spend-
Ins Ave or aix thourdollars fir this
purpose from bar earnings an weatearso;
mm at the boapitath. The-Judge said
that however worthless a husband may
be, all the maninv ef his Yrill!iire
and are therefor* liable for his detain but
be held that this principle did not
to the present
law the cue, bemuse Maly
et was not In wife or Clement. the
evidence showing that whoa they, male]
together, In DM, WA wars alayri, and.
to the code of slavery Um Mahon of line.„
band and wifewas • stringer.- ZVetlaftir
both were emancipated they continued ,
to •live together just aa they tad done
before, no presumption of marriage
arising there fro m in this cue, bemuse
the fact of. their prerehms , life modelea
the suture of their redrawn to meth'
other. Both of thepaities to their sworn
answers deny that, they were ever sbseqtly to Om acquisition of
their freedom lf, than. marriage prior
to that wee inmomible, under the-Mw of
slavery, their relation to each Other was
only that of concubinage, and its charac
ter Ms not bean changed sin=
act of Matte., The Injustice
to be done to this poet woman sad her'
emirate of her
by ir eres on fruits sa awl thrift Um ,
and applyin'
lime to the ent of g
the debts at a thriftless and trlfings drone.
whom she het fed, clo th ed end - sheltered
because he was the tether of her child
reel; ma y kabinet-01y he seeded without
the *violation of any of the beaded
rules' of law. The MB the
be din.
E i l v a , air Regithr
I ra n e =a * 2 l l , er tat
Ilsoperslinemil .11110,116110•14111
ifitesalso—Nirw ertaisse Irrealler.
Wasaimaro2r; Nov, 21,1167. :
The *Mind loquatt-oriholtegTl oene
menend its eittingsatmoontiaty. Cons:
log together &Revue* a mien of date*
to the dominant party, It was interesting
to, °burrs the. Deleting' ot both. Ado of
the 'Hens& The telegraph
made all that was mid today very old,
Was matte to the medium of this lettersi.
so that - thasole'voutionot thi scribe" is
to repOrt the appeamnos “Ildnineo—
which, when manly put, le siwaye
tareduor. Wlththetlmporturbablestutv
ity of manner which It wonld seam meth-.
tug mn even mete, the/ overt muter
Spathe Colts% &nod on hist pedemg
calmed the elements with wrsdkt:
The first thin in order beinr ere
tweeting lii of - new — trombone, Mr.,
Stooks, the mod inoonelstait of human
beings, objected to the Tennessee mem.
bers on grounds that in the ease of the
Irentneky membews bat annimark• held'
to be mew" until:cab/a The -etetemw.of
the speaker yaw however; lb* noticeable
feature of the whole. : Saying himself
to his fall belt and- lookbMsoornitnt
around, with bet in air, he
g prononnerse
the singin prophew—wbil al
folio we "fie shalrsoon XIV° yon your
awe Pills to: Milks ,- no.wxy
faces. Prepare for the Insertable. The
dawn is brushin_g. The ,skr fintirhil
the Invincible Democracy so long mat
down will clew this house. and 011 these
smite with there Who wilt:justly; two.
mg their will. 'Let the prothonein 40a
MusselmiettO beware , (Mr Dawes,
Chairman of the Committee on: E/lIo•
lions, who reported spinet Brooke in
the moo of rooks vs. Dodge, in the lad
,lest, if he , perpetrate any
more meld tri cksupon' any Member on
this aide the Hones, the people will send
ids victims beak by bream! end OTC ,
whalmlng IrMlorilles.. I Mall comeback
with ten, and perhaps twenty thousand
majoeity the next time I. have to contest
my seat.' To which Dawes said.
.Doubticsar it In New . York they can
end_ y and time to emit tbeirotes.".
Mr.Cluutlar interpolated snowshoe'.
jjethwato rtensht, threw in a sort of
. .. ~. . . , .
. . .
. .
- .
' -_ ;AN_ .- . 7NE're-.: - .- ..- • ::, - , . •
. . .
.-'" ,-.: '•:, . ' .. ..". 11 ja- V ' \ '.'''"" ' 1
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, : ~..:,,. • : ..
_ k,_----.61...=•* -- ....=--ittt..,..,-,•-• ''•• '
t -
- ,
:' . .. . .
, . ,
. . . .
random shot, every now and then, win
es/les of bovr.goodhe was fitellng Over
the immacubite sixty thousand nutty
, toward which his own (theptve Po
beillevi tididstothistcontributeditinpi
Mr. Chanter is • sleek, straight, fierg
yr Irishman. He has en abundance
eabondsh hatr; a high Ibro
gead, &net over - Hibernian visage Plat
the smack of that rich brogue On the tip
of the tongue, a dlatlgniehed looking
pair ot "spool" on Lis nose, Ma whiskers
wall trimmed and combed straight for
' Ward,flnd th at elaatle sort of air- all over
him that whim he bounces np.-whielthri
does on an average every five minutes--
yOCCMU!ltapreasectmith.the Idea that
there an India rubber spring same-
Where about hint and -that to, hold, it
down' is too much forldni. He Must
open like a Jack-knife or die.
Mr. Eldridge, of Wisconsin, did not
fell tb , bring forward him objections to
Col. Stokes, and the Column letter was
again unearthed. You remember that
Ma over last session. Gen,
Schenk hit themark ne
In the centre when
he remarked—"the objection of the other
aide of the House to the members froM
Tennessee 'ls riot tbat they (If any of
them ever really were) were In the rebel
army, but' simply Mal they didn't stew'
rAere." Had they come tibiae= alb.
heyy members, still, hating the
Union, t would dud friends among
the Copperheads with open arms to•re
ise thorn.
.Tbe result of this debets3mt have pub
:Halted. The exultant sir of the "De
mocraoy," and the front and Mi. ,
abated seat and spirit offirm
our own friends,
you have, however, - nit given to your
readers, unless this shall convey some
poor idea alt. re teste d are •of a
heated,' closelysendrim " In
which the rebels, backed by the White
House, will do their best to make capital
ant of everything for the baffling Presi
dential election..
ow watedihd aro all the tootlesery
Johnson, and hooralert in favor
friends of • the admirdstration,. appears
from a little circumstance which occur.
red, a few days since, In the Pittehnigh
'PostOdlaar cleric there, John P; Cun
ningham; taw Wintertime (not, heartier,
in the niall,) a ccpy. of the La Crease
Dana:eat., edltedby ant Pomeroy, usu
ally known and ever rejoicing he the cog
nomen -• He has made his paper
noted, perhaps famous, among the
moorstey," n '
rellectionanodoWhemwoysw M h r. ,4q
coin, and oulogiesuponDavls andrebels,
;'and the rebellion In general. Mr. Cun
ningham saw in the copy that fell into
his hands something ; particularly outra
geous, which 'justly excitedhis patriotic
H 6 got a copy ofthe Zanesville blur.
ferannouncingtheelectienorGov. Hayes,
and marking that and writing some re.
`mark in reference to the offensive article
in . I trick's"lpaper—what I know not,
to Thee reolouUe,We "Brick," and sent
them to hiceiby mall. In due tine, the
°eerier, the mote and an order for the
dismissal of Cunningham got back to
your Postatiloe f tom • Waahlngton...Cun
nbegluim is at a lees to account for his
being known,. as he did not ego his
name. His commuzdtationwasprobably
tampered with by some person in the
Postottloe, and the name olCumaingbant
Alseinsed to "Brick" thraugh aame
:admirer otthe 'Trick" literainre. Of
Course the editor of so heave a paper as
the Democrat is a power here, and one
not admiring such bricks must keep
alleuce.. So mucbTor Cunningken,,ell
With his heed.
THE tatimactamvr. „
- Title word was pronounced' in the
Ronne Puterdal, and el. onoothere area
• finny et excitement.' wil l -report of i
Me Judiciary Committee be:node 1
On: Monday.. - Members mat be found
.who believe that the -Presid -w ill be
impeached' and removed , • . thin_ two
seeks. - It Is Waged that " a ease
will appear against thim are: never
Made against. any Matti*: . or
conilltntional ruler - ,Antem. ,
ter add to year .
was nun the whole ,cenjt *Mol d be
startled. st th e disclosure. eh would I
be made, and that the 'note . It would
'maze those who think the =have
frightened every one from their 'propri
ety. -The report OfMouday is lookiWfor
with the greatest interest and areast ex
, citing debate will arise out I nt it—but
there will be no impeachment,
umnrtmeturat. qtraerr. '
This will bianext in interest and im
portance to Impeachment andreemstroo.
titan.. Many persona hem. and_ among
then members of Congress, I favor the
replacement of the nobe henedlav the.
National banks ly greenback., in - place
of the three hundred militent of bond'
new paying 'Mutest in gold, plethed es
meanly for the National Melt bane;
put the 18. indebtedness into - the form
of greenbacks, phial, while they will
supply a clirculatimgmeilum—ead thirty
millions more of it than this nation
al banks ant lame under the law—trill
call for no Interest. Then further,
.as ea
relief from the burden of taxation , re
'move it to a great extent from tuanufee
tun= and collect •It on luxuries- - Par.
ticularly. - ..uthe whiskey pay Ina quota.
It does not seem probable, moreover, I
think that th e polleyofrontraction willthe
pushed any farther. The Western mem.
bore are =prior liberal expansion. It hi
not necessary that the public ' debt be
paid to.morrow. Thin generation has
given the arms and , ham let 'the next
T h ee • hand in
.paying the at - pongee.
pandin b or the country
demands more money The nation in
ten yens from now can bear a burden
with ease which now weighs heavily,
Mc. MOM are some of the - amuments
ans hears. No Committee of Ways and
Means ever had bete* It more weighty
ir perplexing. questions than' ; the one
*fifth will be announced en Monday.
The idea seems to, yrevall with many
influential members that the whole debt
will be ameolidated in a Ave per cent. 1
bond of which Italian 'the expreedy de-
. dared that both. interest end trincipal
lbe paid In gold-this bond to have'
..tertY Tants to run.. - •
This Ace Mama among. cittei is again
In turmoil. Again there are threats of
tlotand maraacre. 'I need not tell you
how much feeling there Is hero that Gen.
<bent • hos oveeWed the der:felons of
,Gentawl Mower, Who removed 'entala
municipal °dims there as obstructions
to- reoenstrattion.. Hayes, - the She=
whani,Moirer, put aside, was rebel
- Brigadier.General, and accused of being
specially eiethe in 'wearing in police.
menim the ocesslon of the - rdsust,MW of
aly, /868. Let us not; however, 43 , or
inttmift that General Grant isnot in fall
wympathy with the mow of freedom in -
Mew Orleans,. Uremia he- has derma
thing We nun exp lai n to-day.
, .•
Monday Hoe. W.-D. Kelly will in.
erode= a resolution for the repeal Of the
, 00ttort tax. Hon. 'rhos.'"). Eliot, the able
and upright' ember from the New Bed
ford (Men.) Dietriet, will also intrOdnoe
• fesolutlan of Ingary B. whether or
oat ttler4lffireibbi, regalredby tto.lpuhlla
inttireet, -, mar. the rreedmen't Bare=
, Continued .beyond July xt.
.If =Oh -1 ltelgUtlarl IS adopted, an ne d
fall inordry made, it will be rotted that
two /einem of the Government has been
more ably administered than thia, ender
the hand of Gen. Howard, and that none
has done more, or a more difficult :cad
beurrolent work. It has marked out, as
It werel et: new. world_ for a whole rang.
Tbehistory of the Bureau will be a val.
Mader &cement and' give added Interest
. tothe story of the war, - . • Vtaroa.,
• --..
• .
Istisiss• n!spatetio.]
WAathi 24.
iicrEAcumarr _iATiER-ADVAxca
• • cora:toe tuttones nErcrawn.
The HOII/IVJudiciarr Committee bads
very long eaulon 7 }ntml 2 7,. b4tingini . . -
til night," on OW impeachment isporta
Appileatkete of prow reporters kw ad.
vane° eopkw of the repot - Wunder pledge
moanabe publiabed Wier- preeenta--
tO tbot Home,. Were refused, and they.
will have to, beroofed efter.pmeamounn.
Seam ei
Seamy baying been kielned .on the
members of the Committee . , nothing ban
been 'said - (Weide - pettier giving., an.
lthwof the character of the marts. They
are; however, known to, be very lon.
Soinformatke caul* obtained to.verify
tbs - fermi that one of the committee bee
chig=adaa to give a majority,
.... _... .
z 2
.. lllMAORlNchncrallaminc-- . ..
Rev. Newnan/ Hall perched ascension
In Abe Bapeasentatinw. UAW, at the Cap
lan. thin morning crowded auditory.
A mong el,s ' udl ato,tinany Send.
Exemthre Da - heads of
or n s
- - BansAtmedllger nub icithump.
pii' , r,uritaxioy.rtaibuitaciaottio
Saw Yong,. Nor.. 2a.—An immense
1 tnaasr intosting of Irish citizens arm held
ode armful:, et:Cooper bunt:ate, * under
lanrsuirpical of . the 'lrish Brigade, far the
Immo. ,crt: motentog agat the -12:.
frtogemt . IH . it. of the 'tights of American
enliens . _ L ot - Irish , birth, .on ~'the
pert of the British , Governaient. . Col.
James MaliesyMettpled the Chair: Geo. '
114andik Rapine, General Cochrane and
other enteltere - xanio ;addressee. ;Rem.
tlettiming thg Je st q the meet.
tOgl!Tre titOPtad• ' ':
'•• - .`... -
nirwm,rk4ot tamilssibust auirao.)
d ias h„
the of iiwneekth,
Me from
igensauseveashio Ceavesstee.
My releaser. to us roust:se esental
Idorrroonsar, November 23.—The
Convention to-day passed an ordinance
imposin g as additional tax of ten per
'angora of the tax otherwise on.
the taxable property of th e State for the
purpose of paying the eitseti of the
Conrention, to be auseand collected
during the tax year of MS. .
Thebill of rights of the Constitution
prerviden among other Minim that
men are created equal; that they are en
dewed by their Creator with certain in
alienable rights; that among thee* are
1110,11berty, and the pursuit of happiness;
and that all persons or donee In the
Stale, who are or may be deelsred
sans of the United States by the Coasts=
lotion thereof, are hereby declared Md.
sena of the State'of Alabama, possesaing
equal political rights and pantie privi
leges; without rilattriction of race, color
or rmrvioua ocardition..
The eectlonlnthellillofNights defining
treason, as passed, says no one aludi be
convicted or treason except on the. testi
mony of two 'witnesses. as to the same
pe nCo acts, or upon his own confession
in ourt, ' •
The franchise article provides that;
those who shall be chortled of. treason
shall not exercise the right of =Tram.
It le believed all those persons who
canuewithin the toasty thousand dol
lar clause Of ProaldentJohnaon's amines
ty proclamation, and wiriest whom pro- 1
cowlings were agitated in the Slate Din
triel'Courtk. who, en being ned • byl
the President, had • la Court to
enter the Plea of wand guilty,' are
disfranchised by the mew Conatitutlert
If title is correc t, thirty or
thomr- i
and whites are disfranchised. •
liben raft:4*m —An amendment. to
the Bill offfiAts was offered, that cons
mon carriers alien not make any dis
crimination on account of o;lr between'
persons traveling on a public (*near
' once,' which caused- great excitement
Several black delegates delivered spesth
, ea demanding entire imolai equellty and
right to ride in sleeping Cers, de. Two
whites favored the runendment and
several whites oppued After a heat.
eel and protracted debate the subject was
postponed ttutli Monday. .
The Rapeseed Weave Itietwg—lnaler.
. treeMsnearclgeritsweir-lite gisanage,
Ins SWAMPS totes SltUtoirth seamed
Nam YORK, Nev.- 24.-• The Herakra
Ravens specials give news from nearly
all the Wesf India Islands. •
A n rising in Jamaica is expected
about C Groat alarm prevails
in St. Thomas. In the East It is hinted
UM Snroorlai 'Pate neither women
Int ealldrett. ' °Meld IliVesflgation -is
add to confirm the serious upset of the' •
situation. All negro equation are re
joicing over the belief that Rev. Mr.
Phillips, Baptiat elewman, will replace
one of the Justices nmov ed from the
bench by order of the Government; but
this will not bo so. -
It Is repotted that the disapproval by
the home government of Ex-Governor
Amain's land . grants in Honduras to
emigrationcompudee Rom The Southern
States of the U States is confirmed.
Advice* from nited
New Grenada state that
a great many . pronunolamentos were
made, and that the Interior was quite
disturbed. .. .
Venezuela advice* state that President
.Falcoar thheeded •Itr WAR his
Cabled: 'The rebels in the nterior were
nearly all captured or dLebauded. -
from Ileytl to the 4th Mit,
state MDetailsit General Monter. was dill kept
chained and guarded at Cape Hajtien.
Large fords of hteurridlonary troops
were at work for the overthrow of &d
-nave. They bad taken a town on the
Domhxdan tiddler. A Dldatorahlp was
demanded by a large pottlon people.
There was Intense excitement at rort
an Prince en4Atid Amenably appointed •
commhaion to consider the propriety of
reng exile". :Sews:to s&. Domingo
to t ell
tedium e numb of Herten
Man ts had been pouring Into Me
en border ptartnces to strike a
blow against the Goland government,
and a desperate engagem was on
expected. Two hundred envre
centiy surrendered. - but after 7=l
fervid In the HaVtlen army,
car the gait belbsithighedidtapei t
taking clouting, *quire:ninny and two
cannons, which had been given them.
It te stated that!' Is feared the result
of the late dorm will prove still more
fearhdly disastrous Rum the consequent
Inundatloit and heavyrains In Garbs
does. The crops to Barbadosa. premise
abundance. s, - • •
IC Is rumored that a treaty fee the
purchase of two Dar s& West India Is
buide boa bees slgztad at CopenhaiMm
-:-The &mato of Tonneau, has pass,
ed a bill appropriating three and a
hall millions - aid to the Mate Itallroads
—Southern loyillgts urge Gen. Mower
for the Freedmen'. Bureau, Incase How-.
and is removed. It Is thought ha Is too
radical to suit the President
—Mr. Stanton does not dcalre to bo re
lactated In
takeix. Office, bat expecte
Con to action and rebuke the
Prrident for bla violation otthe tenure
of office law.
—The friends of Mesterei Averill are
pressing his name for the War Ofdoe,
and as be was a. victim to the late Praia
dent's Ire, he may get It.
—The Mae House visa thronged on
Saturday ing bypartles om to
see the Pr mmidenkorn a few 'tomcatt "axi ed. He
la 'all/ busily ®gaged in writing his
:—,/. Smith Taylor, a notorious horse
thief, In jail ctNutivllle, on a o charge
of murder, 'seeded the walls on Saturday
morning and escaped with two other
prisoners, ono of whom wasromptured.
—Col. Ifintater to Ven
ezuela, gen, D. kt. Talseuidge, U. S Com
missioner, C01..A. B. Klein, of New Or
leans,and .
P. M112711y, President of
the Common Connell of St, Paul, have
sailed far "St. Thomas; where they take
a Government Mesmer far Lignayra.
thouperatry Orglifsursit..4mg.g
rummest Bale Ziestetax7.
tirTategrapti to Oa Attstazilt Outtl• 3
Navy! Oumearts. Nor. =i—The Con
vention met at noon and./anted colored
Men a. lampaniri Chainnait and Same-
Wry . : .parmatrat. orgenhatlon was
effected,. and the Convention adjourned
until Monday. rorty-lbur negroes and
twenty-du white. presented themselves
'at the caucus. Judge Tallithim seems to
-bathe choice for permanent Chairman,
but It • to probable _ the negro members will
elect one of their color. It was an
derstead calms . that the Inn step of
the Coasts:flan would be to declare all
guttooftlue Tustat, end; to mats their
own. appointees. , The , retard appoint
meats 'by. Gen; brawerorith one or two,
do not Batley the members
e atlMOutta33. Dr. Iteery, newly
Appointed Sheriff au li hi. °Mae thl.
dmeonun d in e g
,Td bCidowoha v nmost of his
their eculons, which bad been Inter
rupted by the late unfasten.
tr u rne Titortapitt. ths rat.
BBowsiviLlat, Pa._, November U.—
There Is about four. reet- two Inches of
water in
the almna._ The weather Is
Mouwarrowir, W. Va. November 24.
—,Twenty,two Inches waist. ht the chest.
net Weather. al to mild, but the nun is
-almost 6 yamoke from fires In
the ounatalus. - M.
....raca3180110; Pa., November 2L--The
riverfa two feet In theahannel and fall-
Inv- Weather pleuant. (1.
ter Taberatette me?mama latiatia.)
Lovrevrttak - Ihrvernber
Iblllng with three feet In the • Canal by
Ideacracts,, Nor. =.--Ittret
Weather cloddy and'damt, •
pima ihisdni li nkmen Anima.
tar nonamea to Mount, isinneaa
Oxon's. No 4. - 24.-The . Union . Nelda
Railroad Is cow AMOK two bundled
and twenty-flee nines wont term Omaha
teas eastern banter . Rocky Mona-
aaliitl, expected the 'trick ;will
L.% to Roans' Pam; thirty mike fur
thOnand the highest potnt• between the
atlantle and Pacific °mut; lutlonnnt7.
The maximum grade- from the foot of
Vie - m M
ountain ilne inammit to but eighty
net to the mile, while that of many east
ern muds to over .orto_ hundred. The
work On the rook cuttings on the west,
•m i g 3 t reWillcantnne during the whiter
early in the yin ,
lc k lag may be rearmed
to naressisas tat esetaware.
(Sr sek6vietu rumbenak.elama•
Wu-minnow, Noy. i s Daily
anuteitar aii—V &qv This afternoon
ton , inen.'six col and tone white.
IMO liawd: ..ther Coma. The exhi
bition was try a large crowd
xnen, , boys sad girls. nit morning
Aye men wen
and parsons, liras formed,
marched to Hide Park. One e. the
most oonspiennos Warta in theiththth
sloe was a largo black latnneCiitam
wbloh, htherlbad the motto=a .
indemnity to Mon insheteoes
sands ptsura.l On thoand*, ',of
the mourners at Hyde m om „ a
solemn meeting_ was o
cording . tp Prt
MUM rtarN
ring lb
llPPeels A Ot
the and'
at Man 11• r
terms, cc
ado]; the
the r
raged -1
In hill
has al
Mans Amoco
MTh_ an. M.
Mc/than heemchosen as the place, and
the 11th of December es halftime.
Minos the last dispatches the govern
mentsof Dale and WurteMburr hate
eignilled their intention br accepting
places In the Conference. '
eXPOIIT 17/0111141i.
. ..
The Paris Patric &mice the report that
GGemmel Mx bad expressed, any desire
the repreientation of ' /he tatted
States in the Conference.
orounarmurts sax ' • :
Pairs, Nev. 2i-DL horn
Rome announce Unit' the ' 0,17 rather;
in aolorthume with the advice of France,
1 0
has ordered the mime of Garibsidi
, aril who were taken [dee is by the
Pontifical tame during th :late gun,
Amman or PEZNCII es•
Pants Nov. 2 t—Trarthave been
ordered to aaU on Monday m Toulon
for Clefts Veochts,vbere Max will -take
on board One ilielaion 'of the French
expedition In Italyend return to France.
aonnumnt Itintowit.* ILL
Fun/amen, Novomber 4,-11 lo rl
ported that Garibaldi hp lyinixerlonslYta,
In on Tarignino, and th at blz SOUS
haw? both Innis! to Ids bedside with
The journals of Ws citydeuythe truth
of the reparithotthe atoned Goyezumeut
Is about to ratio a new loai.
coxes:nu . on To csaLle cos PANT.
Putts NOT..=- 7 lt la iseerted that the
concession applied for by the :Sated=
Telegraph Cable Conipany has been
granted by the Prez* govinament for a
naiuiciaz•itto cogtsuattau •
' Frmemvomr, November 21—.Noratee.
—U. &Sonde quoted to-day is 74 for
home et M.
LONDON. soy. —Noon. —Console
opened firm at Di. 11. 8.1-20 i, 733: Illi
nois Gntzn4 85 f; Psis Railroad, 461.
LIVZILPOOL, NOV. 2-soon—Cotton
opened heavy st 83 for uplandutiddlloga,
and 81d,for Orleans zni&ling. 'The aka
are estimated at 8,000 Wee. Rreadsittili
are quiet. Reined Petroleum hu de:
dined to Is 4d.
Lennon, Nov. 1;3-2 P. le.—Qmsalalbr
money DB; U. S. Piro-twenties 701140 i
/Wools Central MI Brio Railroad 47..
quiet and steady, though rather more
doing; the sales will reach WACO bales;
Lard lila. Bacon 4Fa. Provisions szet
produce unchanged.. ,"
QI7IIMITOWN, Nov. =.—The steamer
Virginia, from New York we the 9th
inst., arrived here to.dey.. .
Totiotottli to tb. Plinb6lllll
. NiE TOM; Nov. 23.
Ast Immense tobacco factory, In the
lower part of the city, was safrad yettar
day, ea the allsgatton that correct 'p
laints of trattaurthsts had not been made,
The Mayor, City Connell and a num
ber of editors, from Columbus, Ohio, ard
at Melia:or House. 'They have been to
LE f o ra
water .ar p
work. here and so r
u tq
Amts, Tani:As.
It Is understood a number of cannon,
a conalderable quantity of small arms,
and a loge amount of,.
were dispatched to St. Thomas by the
Government on thestounerfilouth
lea, which salted yeaterday..Tho opinion '
was expressed on board tho steamer that
our flag would. soon be bolded on the
islands ofSt. Thomas hod J '
LS/ 111/Wmak..t• tee ritsteeett Sessile./
Pour/Atm; Me., Ncrr. 24.—Tbe steam
slap liforavta, from Llverpool Nair. l/tb. , •
end LoOdontierry on the ,16th; strived
this afternoon. • •• •
, - (
C MW2il7.
-4 1 104,324 --
.1 00 44 1. 0 r
%not' aim-
Asa Jct.
" ' Z i t Zither
S ps
tr*L i gi
ale 11113
1..1bb Govan:min
..atittn pc-Ay:l7 $01,1,.
, bin beensuramcalted.
Us' sidttless, SWAB
de.hmond , to-momile.
Uz ic gu.
""d Dina, %1140;i
bir "7 ll::•itio
11 4 1 ‘ , Lordlipidir
"4 undlzd
.ontrilea and' tti
wttellr'World. The
LOAM perl&Upre
en ClOttliDg to
1 / 2 0110 r 1 . 04SCOMI.
"I am Piq ued at e
111 have expressed in
fermi. I apmeciete
far Myk r-I ree.
mete attachment, to
r. - From the corn.
.gicernent — oen... mi one of my most
mutant objects been math
talri. ' with - Grim "Britain those
friendly rehab= which have al
redoubt hornsmany Ilona.
tug so ru
you rordl mut youraelf
maintain the relations so naehd to the
of reentrant= and the pmeel of
-The reznattibranor pf your
en your personal qualities store
to 3ron the warmest weicereo to. as.if
Itwas believed that 'bottrocu fwo hun
dred And fifty to thtoo handout nibs were
last at tbe colliery explosion at Feredsle,
The temp sent agar* beiribaldi
coesistot them
heal toeu and two , thoteend .French;
acting as Ruppartt and turning
on two !Janke. The French hawse two
k_Mod and ,Udder4lght wounded. The
Ono !tundra sod tw
romutitut tow as
twenty' killed arid
The thwituddisie . los was els ..hutuirsd
&ad, left ani iturgehkattd wouuded in
proportion, with .airteect bdudrod prig.
bum tat= to Rome, and seven hundred
;dldifentto the froatter; Tub cd.op o t r in e
-By steamablikaamonta; Muni tramtruzg
on the AOttt.':.and &Whams= no the
.12th. Inet,eletalts of news on* day later
hltAfr been reoseved.
• Etesuktra, of Paris, dates that all
the iturepean Stair have declared them-
Emmen in favor Ms conference on the
queottsot, - :' bouroquontly the
French Goptratuoat ban forwarded a
osoaud cireahm, premising a
conference .to all: wren antattar Stamm
Alsatria.—lo Mondays sitting of the
Committee of lemer Nouse on tile corn.
K roc ur z...srith Alttudotr ma b tr a tt
Aottp .'.
there was every proopect of a *adamant
of the financial veal= of the Empire.
i . ,
d an
ruts to
t meal..
ontt is
Was of I
GiesWeal Amiss ef the Preafaite
eft* Claierelle Moe Qi.aeatleol of
CU Vales.
Touotropb to tag Pltiotranti
Naitroxtme, Nesimber 23.—1 n scoot
dation with the recommendation of the
bi ) ; c of triemPrealt hA
la -
UMW States, to-day poatemied the
question of union with toe Cumberland
Prcebyterlan Church will the meeting
at Baltimore, In May. The repreeenta• '
Kra from 'the' Kentucky klyrind were
admitted. .
Weston. ins Pealeatewas.
Cu. Seleataph to the rlttebsese Ossetia.)
TOZ.1:00, 0., Nov. .—Weston reached
Edgerton, Ohlo,st ludfreast five, o'clock
this afternoon. Re goo. from there to
Waterloo, Indltauti Alteen;lntloe further
watt, to-nigh; where he will remain'
over .BOnfhty,• and commence the next;
one hundred utiles trial on hfobday.
IllissirsauSSZl s si at Eipaairtila X. Y.
tar rnessiss to tat ritususli
Exsaysix.i, Nay; 24.—A desunatice
Anita WI plan hat niglailistarged the
Fanatic:a Telegraph and Express aglont,
nisraulallaijawteryhtal shoe ittotoin
also L b °race awl materiabs of th e }lnas
Coontyltspanifscal.. ficartie_ly anything
was saved. It I,s Impossible to estimate
lbs getplevew.-14enteleS 08 sliNe
', The bonanor'sjat7 impannelled to
quire into the cense of the lido boiler ei
pleat:n:4 niet Friday • evening. at the
Zdayar's Odre at 'seven o'clock, and
after some two hours' deliberation
rendered the following verdict:
That- the . densaiidetnintrie - beetled)
came to their deaths on the Bth day of
November, 1847,said deaths being caused
by an oxplosirm of the steam hollers In.
the naffnif-ttall hbeara ,Iteese, Graff
t Duff, in_Pitttegnalpr,, the
.cattaa or
said explosion being low vrater and an
over presentee( steam that no blame tub
be attribetild to any member of the thin,
lt having been shown that every precau
tion bad been takau by • them, that the.
Iron of which the bollera were
the -, best quality,'
and that they were well eonatrneted; and.
It barthernppein that the engineer was
PeaX4 l 7 competent Pa.the per pm
anmanee able duffs.; but th pro ey consider.
that the practice of It., 'engineer in per- -
mllHnggbiatireman to bave control of
the watdr - itteensurable:u the testimony
or the fireman in that rose shown that he
had such control given him; that In view '
Of the great care required In the runnhog
agleam machinery, suuLthe great risk
and dangerio life end property 'entailed.
the -Jury recommend the painage,or a
law by tke Legislature,- - airecting, end
compelling the proper end periodical in
spection of toilets. and. exatainatkm of
engineers, and permitting none to take
charge bedlam xnechinay until in 'pow
session of a nertinCate granted by a board
Wilier Ow Mal liallasvia bk,ohe'lts,
, Apleasea...eamainsell
The following additional inibacriptioni
Gotha readrftuutibr t o !salaii3xpiosten.
J . A. W66,0116'... . ' *Oa. .A.0410s 6
W. ii z Par t _: 2 llt..... ' al**
Third Watt .-616.• I- • Jolla 1 , 1•••{4 .....‘ •
la Mae% All. -' . W. Asdenes."- 6
r'irr,Nl,tr." ; . N.J. 0.0...
14. 5z....r....,...: ,seto 4: iniulT r ° . I 1 1 0
iltilltaviie ei! " - . J., h agw: - . 1.I.: - ' l' 01
i....* T i1 i .a4.,1111 Jamas a 0a.... 'I 60
v.% 20..21:21:tlitrzfri.:". 4::
-22..0.0 ..22 .....0. .. .: 2 0
zn..y.aumx!....., }A UJ. Crosapt 7;tio
114' Fr.ripal n a ass
immissnyom.g.P.Orl.•••-0, cl
.d-' , '-' W...2.l..Czawar, ~
..' ,' '-'llThiucti , :VOlnnititaa. '., Mkt
Tim crintpr4lothOls of. yang, dill
dren'irolipt tt Mb"' =soh of tho year; to
bo anslotot qv or the , prevahutoo of the
croup. ' A lady rothrring to this fact
iniNias,:top9Wa to 4,!0 . 2f0r, Zl.afen
to send -yait say -mother's, /SF
/vim which all who, have tried. it. dawn.
infallible. - Take announce of sweet 011,
and add hal( en ounce of sum opal.. AD- ,
la to
nu 'th
of. o aloe, tinder the ams,
tbe :bands, and'hOthar,:lif.tlai
t. It wiligenerally relieve the nitwit
anew casapfatatiii airs
menihey nee externally,
wh—oAtillartnlinnven: to.difaralt"Ptilinvell:x"PdAnsions'
_said in :a sem:tonna Bonds'', ISM, that the
columbeld of 'a pare newt,. mould b.
loaded with the prolongs of imayee
did not gq say flus§tinheoltimbakt:
should Menbe Hied' at me Almighty,:
though that was ' the lnevitalde- sonelu
1 :. ; —..,,,u , ...__ .
.., ~ • ,
0941Vith.4eli.b*f dea d
4torxean ini ' ti
r .tnoPr S it i.4t , thdnia•
lt.rakra7:rmtngr , serer
inuanowThoonectkai , bare. tact:tombs
cif thintectein ofthedebastng II ' dark
. 1641 g the,prasent year, and 'as a
~,,"6 , O,Wi tt Oodeo er/mb side IherThilY
mctoulja... The rapid increase 'of pmn
„ltiipen,,yrblelt has a tendetiey to increase
the vaulter or totni„ • loafers and ca-
goats, Is doubtless the immediate tato°
triads tuatwess, or at rand • One 15f 08
C"thir, but that It hi the chiefrouse, "we
me =5T1611684? to admit. This old say!
. ••• adtan always Semstbmg finds ,
,Yar fetettands lodes" -
li Mine tho less true on acciotust ants ago,
and titbit
he in k
be found a key to the
of the increase of crime: in the
A l e i n irf r Admianulion, that I Idleness hi
thelenief cause, it not naturally fa
low' Unit theemse ester* beyond the
I s iah. who counnita , the erintet',„or, in ,
0 words, is noesOme rleelanamottut
abltiat egteat ineesure erns
_e Idlenesa?
To Wer this miettlotreinumuttortgrlh
Is° yneasseary to attend viereriminal
mufti, or make a elle lathe , jail, WitbV
°faddish wlllsbnw - clearlyniuw_tbe groA
istV4Of mimbieds are •young men
ti rT em between thew and
,rlZ 7 all of w Y tb ar r a ;;;Vltt li 4 4".
~,,,..,....b. 00,,,,, ertrita
laitthey, without b y playsslob or Use ill
iettleia. TM:Owing the asse,- who
*nimbi are demuntable for the
• gaga perskaast II It titan as
admix veldt no ,ohlen hi
74°41thgbai:Infor kb; mina : astibt
tea s = '""*"b grutl .` oE
Itisilim, we auk Ittat be r g;
_fill to *SU ;trot' infrilA ig , "
I ta4kiii 3 Oltr 04 ;and elm
enVarhabli 0 MIS kMd, 'dtent ' , e , trittni
bet hales lrieWlstalk elhatt?'^ , • ;-t.
n .Toittle ken O scans mole iittri
an_ btloci:
tbar Otibtl
riatettat • altutu_ lituang
westascOrtan 31 . tier coassten .'
• ialCigtunanal so uro,At
Plirwig in. OD
• tr . Witty and in. of
free •• • 'when the hoe
Is t. Mame pastor Alan the pply,
thaw bo excuse far are
Meted number of alleles aintenithed
whl ate not clearly traceable to ante or
the other"or bath tisemodes named,
in ned
malt Wog the claw, are yest glom& a
greet Measmelearfully tie t If
ever* young man wbo ?menet mama
of obtalnitig„or the ability or desire to
acquire a professionorould learn a nee
ihr trade, and young , wernep, blateed,of
wientsfing their time In Idleness votllll ,
endeavor to fit . ' themselves fbr the re,
• spomeldepoeltlotoof Trivia aqdmethets,
to width they all aspire, en Improvessiftv
In Mammals mdthe dearease °Medina
inthe' canto:malty would soon be appa l
rent. 1
Itpatenta would exercise aproper ca
and guanillateldp over therrebildrim the m
number ortays 'who-nightly frequent
dens of vine wad inplatmellty would not
I be.. great. as It la - at present, and
of the 'dons Would be Compelled tone
for wait of inatabo and patrons. To
eradl e the woe of 11co width 'Akins
the el ,It, is necessary Matz/Ito at. the
first se, and until such a plan 'is
atop the work will be a slew one in
deed. Wan assochdlons may labor
falthfullY, but until aided-and assisted
by paca, who alone Len apply the ef
fectual Mmedy,„ the .effect of the ir tabor;
Will eetteely beqotleeable, for as, ode
poor le lifted out Of the depths of
gin anyllWeery. by these laudable hull
tutlons, another Js plunged In to &greater
depth 11 the neglect and carelessness of
,d.ldes llMai
Mara atetta.3 •
Unborn.' '—aff.Dairiie
oh Moil*
, thso4 our; 10
=lady Of Out
ad it, la billeted
daY 'mita ani
Aran •wasam
ths' ori. tame*,
&Wan G lab Mad:
,; Wald - a 41I l e w
tobo =la
'ad* naq
. „ . . . . ..
Afars V. S. toonotastottse Galion.
'Moll iteohor—lts -
Salor el Thelooos. sine
Ss Aliened
, Veld so rnao to
..Asiswet lits cosine.
On ...9xtirday William . ,A. Thompson,:
the MiteaPristniiontig man vatioaras rat.
°catty arra:opal in- Nam ',York, while et,
deavorli to 'obialti funtla man number
orJ 4101 ' ecks and drains, hada - hear
lag before, Wilted States Commissioner
9srlibl, a chirkprbf robbhigthiaMall,
podia& ' (iiiiaby the man Minsk, ,
asbillteii - .-lsostwol,tarats.,
em 'arching°. Black, it will be
ta was arrested daring the
latter part 14f - October lest, al tan the
vary act °fn:Ming the lock bores In too I
POStOn101 : :OL: , 033003 of or Miele-
I ton kern I Ile was unwilling to undergo ,
, all the . mem of the crime, and ex
a desire to nuke °lk ccmfeasiou 1
of his participation %therein" • He-was
brought down from and sworn. He
stated that about the Ritat ofAugust he
became painted, a plmnlo, with a
mart nom Wilson, who soon took him
Into his nfidenee and developed to him ,
a planate_ bblibit the lock boxes In the I
Pittsburgh Poston:lce. He accompanied
him to the office that night and several
of the boxes were opened and robbed by
Wilson. Subseottcuttly the accused, ,
Thornton°, was admitted Into - the firm,
tinned for lessening the corruponden vi j
of several leading mercantile houses, an ' il
things prospered up . till the unfortunate
night of the arrest of labours. Th* hitd
nightly visited the office and abstracted ,
letters by means of false keys. - The wit
hal:l trotod that on the - night he was ar,,,
rested the man Wilson hot- - made his es-
cape, atilt was his arm which had been I
caught Inside the letter box. • 'On-being
discovered, Wilson - fled handing , his
keys d the letters to witness, who was ,
arrested with theta in his possession, pi'
Lady storv.)
• -A reve ratifproceedlngsatmlastThomp- . ,
son, in New - Ifork,liefore Justice • Dos-l
ie:A which it appeared he had plead- I
.ed ty to *charge. of 'endeavoring - ta '
• d several penkinit by - drafts dis •
honestly obtained , Wes admitted In eel-
Mr. Roseburg, Cashier of the Ranh of
.Pittabtirgh, was sworn and identifiedibe
Prisoner as the Individual who Milled on
him; crime Ume - within , the lest- slaty
days, to get a draft of two Mammal dol.
landzawn by tha PIM National Ranh ot
Dubuque on the Park Bank, Now York,'
In favor of James Wood, Bona& Co. He
refused Mouth the draft and ailerwanla
learned that the prisoner was nnauthori
sad to collect the monad. -
Intelatiltofllsooo bait• the prisoner
was committedtoJall to 'await- his trial.
• •
Igisetiagefsb• !Mate -Ward Musses.
• „at, ausuattse ;satire so se areas ed. ,
A large and enthuslahtle Meeting 'of
.thocidarnalanf thoXlnta.Vard Was ,
-• • •
On. Baturday 'evening, I n JUde ß endelic a 1
..- . .
froll;"for thelpurpOse of perfecting the 1 1
arrintiments forproetiring a steam lire
engine for the vihnd: 'l4..ll:Fierd,Est
was called to the Chair and :Ur. .7. .
Ibilteley chosen 'Secreting. •Tho'shb--
scription books were handed in endthe
I amount subscribed not being supilcient
to. order" an engine, Charlet; B Arm-
strong addmeed the meeting, and-woe
intfuedistelyAblbsWeldby kleseriJ James
Park, Jr., A. J. Cochran, David McClel-
lan, J.
OnswNottli , Willteurl , Berger and 1
David Ilnd, who. volonteored , to,
take the matter laband;oollect whittled
been 'subscribed, solicit other eubserip-
!lon, end order. the engine.• Vey 'kind
offer of these gentlemen was. received ,
with greet applause. James Park, Jr.,
I was appointed Trauma= • - !The meeting, 1
after tendering a vote, of thanks to the
[ gentlemen whovolunteeredtanndettake
the matter, adjourned, 1 - f.
.Thug tho matter of obtaining I Memo '
ge n t:gra:l ld ite. ward bee
b.'nesi blen
It ) ; :
labored ene catty - for- for some years to
secure an en e, but their laborshlive ,
been frnitl From present , appea r .
sums, in the bander of hutch gentlemen
as haverdr mig the project, so engine
will soon rocured, d greater scent.
Ityalfo KIM; tho'nntriernmi:ttres In ' ,
the neighborhood.' The growth of..that
portion of the city In hirge rind vabiebui 1
manuthetortel luyi been , very reptd; and
the loner by tiro' enormotta. ' StaCct 'the
operstioni of :Abe alarm telegraph,. as
shown by CI o register of the,..ft about
twenty -dye . per cent, Of tho 'llh , ei 'that
have Occurred fn the city lisrs'almen lio ,
the Muth woad.: - -AU. those. who hay°
.aubaaribed aro al attleatedWhitactla their
irubsalpilansandAhoss ,who , have not
enbseribiM will boall'oTM-atropportutt-'
li7 tg l OOSO.'' , "l. - ''L , .1 • .
.._ . .
.„.___. 1 . 444 h 0 T",..%4. 1 519 1 1
w u man .rlttanorgn durlnghla sojourn.
In the mintifi“ 4 /. Vatter tootared from'
Ih nboinlenTlektiortFlolds, states
is Tate fir meta answer tlt
Resenttr quertoi reepoctlmg .31f.
inpkt, - , o
vimt to Pittsburgh. It to not
7et diehlicliktert third he wifil
berwadtti*reigthigahorilll ?pa
otaty ban say la thaturuanti v,
thn , t4 t su I have early futon:dation u
Maybe ‘l6lthruinetl ,
The Riddle Homicide .—Th'e trial of
walls= Hanikattb, at .Phlladalphia, for
•tealatuderaf- Cal:WM=l Riddle, was
Interraptatt ott tlattuday, ono of thi
jukorklaivialt, boom* eq. Ser/OPAY
that ILGe.was..deepetrod 0f..-.Judge
.Pferee . 411 SChenfeid Jars - Mao
cotalcovit Ala AMlNatlare.' Mena pr,lloo
jury a " court, and phyakft,l.
thst.fbe Mullane 'ow wax no. 34 ana,4lo.laita.wassurfpnaltat
to .6=71142.- .
. ;a13.4-..00 .
,i.t• ' '' ' Crag taticettiss`Pre I Bloater • an.
In .gar adrenal col
i ' -r " iitaii" - C --- aa • •;,..i. L . ` •-' ' " -;
=us ' seoraan• aTzr,m, t he
, n„.; iii4i4, , ,it . . ,. t il ed - i : o , „ -. rdentaateudaht wWchlstobeeld.nnder
•'''' 7
&Utterer& ildirhe war • trseitewqbr`a.,44.,..,,ant: •
qm. 111 : 2 4. 4Mb „„
~ 32, "Purud w pi g
lot Of ettrtuid altitatat bn did iiiie; mt iiSi - - fressosso; as will be "onierso,-Ambriwes•
ithirirdnghatitimlrl,trbtens4ille: the intimater Mat/ Of btrentostbrThlent
mfasdf turnpike road,latita..lnterseathhi tgrf u l li T =A 4o .Nwtil t % t il m l 2 Aeloll
L With Ifill street: torßyl!w•DitoWl a: th e 'caieltliliatligeatrt- Mit - ortha llng. e of
: the company,Allxing,the grade of their ctucrent"•-• ' autatiaaltionw of.hlXtr 1
. road made an excavation itt, BIM greet, s ord 9r-q W'? t•; 1 2, , 1x,t t4 4 u . 1 ?cl. 1 4 !ATV.]
' 'fri• which the latter' witi-e Invents-. ./Yell' l 4nre• ' •
. bla for/ravel. aruil forted the pantie tO
encroach upon. the letter which
lltloheris trustee kid` thusrturn It Into
to publte hitthway. , -The petitioner asked
that a InarldaMne bO,IIII4IIO,II.O.UMBOEer.
visor or the mad commhndlngAhat,,k4Hl
street' be property graded-and 'repaired
for travel..: The courtArrantedw xl2lB ion
the , company, to: show ease* why ; the
Mandamus should not'itame, and: =WO.
It - returnable 'Orr %the lint :ifonday !of
Jury trials will_ he znstrhaeciin • " thla
Cann toglity. AstroSsing vats the ilia
forth.) day.. • r , -, t l` -, 0 , 4 I' 4 , a '
riut6o. J AW e allaPow_ve.,Joilni okal,Cflei
67 n , Eatist‘ssvite.rearit , A. N viiiissr.
t .24/..1141atpa6 sacv wan rittithorsh, cps]
M 4; 4nYNti, i . 24, 1‘14:
thig Ckatt ot gy ... ,ete.t,s t.. 4.: ..;-*.
4. 4.1 40 0 14 A calfeCiand.ll44o4l: irS:
-00101 : 13 a411Pneitt CO,. . ~. ~
77. W. -I :MaidehliAdidartEwiteira Vii.. •
1 ??..J.:Na1tu1tn...,t,..: ran ut t. , ..t s , • I "
e 78s El *P u lealPWL 9 11 ;ltalatr ' • ' " 1
_ Ect P. X liar va. 0 Braun.'
~-, .• coensaln tetra iall , Wicaltatt, •'' -'
J S #M ,D .,.. r iXeD ,2;347.lyuituen ; ot . . 1 4
aunt mlacelbmeona 4 491fICNCIlitO LOTS!
' 7 ,..
/PP II 5i Ak..41 1 14. A ..%, 1f i:
_At BIM&
'''• eatclOetelardttlkluteitiMiltixescr
• 112 thillexelaa.. av a haa .. rtr'.l.• I
1 , • • • e vs. Burch. t..
' n 2l., .7.4L:l ifka''' ' , •
.'" Mason.* Ware.' -
' 728 0 r , illatelthiacout ,•. • • ',
I •• Mi s WH, l r‘ ':
i`i• , ,r 4.? . 14,:'.
~., • , --,. 1 •, * . , , 7,, , . .• , -
la' f.'.
'°g S s tr
- ._ , Lit tc. ini,e4iji.' t ""
1 •ir eg'S.W. , '"' ''..--..................,- , ..C...... sa- , , I, i.
Co 91111F00mIllweillastrOleaka•AllteWit.;..t•
40,734t6•2fMni1ir, ta1.G.°13...9r.5:
tattle and lawserfon•coniTnahn ' of' wns:
Andtesson,l,slobn •Itirrelo, and 1 - Ed wit-ii ,
Lane, were untamed ,to. pay ...11nee of
tstenty, trollakeach imithe eosin.
I -I , "- I Pitegrit!Strest. stoles: .
• .• :' • ,
re' C2ariatLin Fisher, a German; who•l4*
dtecame here from ;Philadelphia,- bad a
. ring.behere Mayoy2,forrison, of Al
,legbany,..on Saturday, , eltarged,wkill tbO
kli.weny_o; a pechet, boot',. , gmtalning
about eighty dollitrs, the Property of Mr.
luithins;:wdoniki g h ? ; Soe'retary •Of the
lil igheUY.OWGtiarilians: orthe•• Poor,
lialibilf trill - tt§l4 in etiq'citi Het. • Fbh'
erl li k eetritecelevibirMe. M. and' Mr.-
resented' thatte, was out..cit marry:and
n searchisearch , of,work.. :Mr.. .111., gave, .11Int
eraidOfirteiteir - itilting, and algal:warner
yeelpinalbletibrri ladek's , hoarding •Ibr
blm:r tebalsgekedbiskritoS Ica tb3r , ktn•
M. 'Slog n A tablatti bit grim, hawing
takerrf t o u t rd glyb•Flaberit dollar to bay.
so niriocelttia,•atteratirin he-
INC *led t og
a -4 5orrt qt Jhe Maid..
rag., - When . h . "returned; it teal gone,
'and him Fisher:" When arra:did' 'at- his '
Wanting honim ,, Frisbky:arrtdngp Flab. '
Cr. dented . bra guilt, and upon heing
sern 4 elad s nothing wee %band to' confirm '
Igunge/tut- -gra h a t atday.the.Pookot book
wearer-did ie. Ohio street, near the May
or's artee, and It' is ' supposed' to have
I been:droppod by lehrtter. . - while being
u:plumed by an ()Meer from- Lls board
-IMg litige. twenty dollars of theamount
It contained "was -'visaing. Fished. wag
ocuramlued Mr lama.. , • , -
Espies's:l'er Ciao Warkilrel Bri.Witg•
• • • . ,
2 2 special dispatch over:4l)lr •PeclHe
and Atiant*.jine we learn that &beat six'
o'cloclf Saturday evening the Gas Works
at, • , . .
,Eirownayllie oxploded, . blowing the
back." Part and top of Gui house cut,' and.
ma:ldereydt damaging
windows of the houses fri the neighbor
hood• were badly dainaged;luiditlfette of
the Merchants' betel, adjoining the Gas
Works, were nearix • all broken. Tha
employees of the Works were at supper
when Um explesioti occurred, and no one
one was injured.. The cause of the. ex.
plosion is not known., . •
—Since the above was in type we 'Yearn
that the explosion at the Brownsville Gas
Works was named by a leak it. the puri
fiers,. ignited bya light in the room above.
The tops were blown elf the purifiers,
but no very serious damage was done to
the rest of duo apparatus. .The building
. was almost all demolished 'and the neigh
boring homes eoniddersbly damaged by
the concusrloo..,
. .
Detainer Arrested TNtse
Degernier,'s prominent citizen
of Erie, Pa., and: Deputy II; 8:0allector
at that place; was found to be a delkulter
to tho:Glortuttment lAD= to thearniunt
ok-W,U00,. which, with his. own fortune,
ho had lostin oil speenlationa
_what property he:had, and, th rough
the influence of 1.1181 foo ds, proceedinto
were delayed, and he was permitted to
Ao to Germany to obtain meana'io settle
I his account. Ho was unsuccessful, and
returned to Erie.' He did not stay there
longtwentT where: be W M, fora ZeoalTC newspap er
Thence' removed Nishr,Mfn
be became a reporter on the Moats Zei
tang, a Gentan paper,. In . the Mean
while the. Hilted Eltatm officials Ammon
the lookouVfor him, mini at Last discern
ed ills Wherrabonts. .• He was erreettid a
few dame shim and bronght to this city
for trial. D,egemer is abolit
. Hlty:elßht
puirs oht ands man of good education
and Requirement....
lieraiend nerri_lgOiden•
On Mittirda, halt h gentleman in the
emplciYorliettent. Canisin; . Parllnghin do
Co. drove °ale . oeltlarid In the. buggy
,lotlonglng to tie:calm.; Whlle.he was in
_a ho m attending toeome buskins' some,
DOW' untied the horse y and getting into
the buggy droVerdown to o 'old Oak
land Park; .and,. nnhltetilne'tnrtied. the
,hors e loose and .tunibled ~the vehicle
down 'a steep
to W, Tho horse
wandered to towninor was • capturtsi by
two boys, who took. him to Patterson's
• stablea v , where he was atterwarderecoy
ered by tho owners. It Is anppOsad'thal.
the party who diove the borne and balm , .
away. contemplated „stealing , them ; but
tearful or discovery, pbondoned the Welt
ad- made tho , displ as Stated: • '
• 'Au*On4 so w F ., . , e - 1h1*0.h!!... 1 •
,h'rlday night:fent the freight express,
coming wont over thaPanniplyrunalhill..
road; whlte: 'Pidadag "proving
ground," near Weill; atlatialitMentiriter..
ed a pile of drons.itei rdeiy'ridh4' 1 *bleb
had been•Plaetafeetosii , the' •traolri- The
abet:rnctlort woe. dinnovared-iti .time to 1
prevent disaster. ..Twe succeeding Irides
encountered like obitrunticia in the same
docallty, Itaplearingthat the rafie add
141-11`4` been 'relaaeed: after' removal,
bu ;tali the tltat lantana° the denippa
felled, the train attaches discovering the
daapr La ft. No Paine
trialbaspared to ferret out the „villains,
whose dental! doubtlmf was to plunder
- " ward
' The thiloh 'Republican- valets of
Starenth Ward, at , thair'prlmiiii hieeL
log on Batavia adadlng,!nomlnatadlne:
mavens gen, arnen to bo , vo lea for at
. aka ocapogeleFtion: L' - .
, &Lac}, Courcit.-4umes.;ll4,llnEuen
Und-charlead. .
Conarox'Cotravtr..—Nl. d HE('
,A.r.Dalutan,—..Capt, litloya.
BC/190L rittnaions4-011atios
and• cam zdenes , ..tikidioe: - • .
,Jonou .Rtatanott.-.Eleorge
,315arEcurin.,14ax.. K.:Moorhead. .
• Rnruten'lNatrcuukt-.72101: R. 'Cook.'
- -reeErei et-tad Neck
, ehain MO. =jamb lea Pitchee, kindly de
nato4l47, eaatara , homiee y tbraugh the
Weeare..T. - 11. Beal' fpf
bettettt of - Itie'ntithirera by the late
:bolter emploaion,.‘till.boac ht at mutton
this - evening, at; 4, o'cdork, at 3 1eaordo
Balt - anetton ' . 35 and 57 Fifth
street. 9. 13. Eiting; Amt. Chairman
Committee; W. ht. Claim Treesuref.
The Totim Coutioll.or Wyten. DV%
passed an - ordtnanea tolulrltig all
hurdling. cloatoio to pay Into the town
ireaonry ;!ii Mos° '44" d.thull Per daZ
• The Great: Welter' Dine, - ono of the
'beet , the country will hold' a - teand
ball ,t9-nlitltt at CUY.- 111 / 1 4 ac to
letlint on Invltetlott.
.ourcb -
caPifr ii+c9,4 l 24r .ecopg gib
* I
. 1 1. q f.
/ .1 ..,
,'The. cantata of, the ."Buining Sldp.
„produced 'fa excellent style at
the il=demy onfudet on the Sth - of Do
,, with , fill orchestra:and scenic
effects. It 31.1 put, the.stage '
- under the ant of:a:J.:C.l3ml,
late of the /teed runinicennatt.- 3Elea
Cora Brpieu, are; Ltosdneglanlyßongeters
, alll appear, einkported by the - bat of 04,
ant. The eh:ale *llllbe utideithridlree..
liorrof Prole: Mon, add Idinund er .
e Ilme.--1". • N4ent,,,
ifni=cketrAgentbf theßinthingbn
razi Wirie and C hhtego.Railreadi ad:
menaces a change of Una) on that road;
which goes Into 10A- lo,day.-The
end pep.. • t '
govirrn PA.Cirk.--Tru,ituatia‘.'
felten-Importunp . the
Unita latateenleselltal V twain.",
Ain; ate. J ;v.:4
-011 1t470 18 ;
• Attend' stieAuttimibinis:z4,4
P Crantlo.6. ~addlandT4
~t6 and l7 ft: ll'46 'A 401 =1,Pd
rep;ardleabef Ixtvolewleae; to close con.
IdgruPente,a senora itioaprtguent pf Ary .
' dreas goods. Nthketii, ntis,
tweeds rjdeco rut; 'doming,
twelto urntaalkillmdnedana.
dt ti ..,,SMUSMON PAIXYR th; CO, •
EMS- 42 _Wares than Ignaranee.
Rowstiany,orr in than:lost simple met
ier - Of avers: day life. Ono of - the most
latlibterrors ausde by the present
Yaztei~tFop is their mistaken ideas Otis.;
g i chs , pr,their Dawn' week, ioncelses
is•btit - ono"monsoe",rfalie , ohm.
JEistyasszteetharbllo 'cabala trehance•
, P ll /440 Ifosr4ens4
Sold .srltoleside . andretall 'try Joseph
Flogaing, No.= 84. Market skeet, arid all
To 'Country Marcitayan e atunit
lion la called to the` holm/ and re
tail - store of ..a..411t1r 3iilk, 2t or
172. and-. 4. Federal: atteet,l Allegheny,
iust the .place to , buy- yOUr tgrVerielL'
..afr..:ll.l.rlr. leetalties ;or buying en
ebbs hfm,tu . atd to retail merchantllee at
I " rer ti kukal 7 Y. ether Inas° in
the two' "'Ho cepa at all times all
klndanf and ; be pleased
to tutvelentfeafeall and examine his price
apiallty, num bers ode kept by
hint.: Remember: , 172, and
174 Federalatraet, Allegheny City, me •
New Goods:-
• • Brown linter-proof Cloth. •
Blaak•Water-proof Cloth.
Chlnettllle Cloth., . • • .
4 , Jests Cassoe,res.
and Sa lr ttnetta. • .
A well ',selected 'Stock at the lowest
marketwholesale ' and retail at
Wu: Ehrupta's, 180 andin.redrral Street,
IF:entucay Snap. I .otict3 - 4—The only.
Dtawintp in dim United States.
The Grand Brolliday - .lfitaning
place Docemboi Slit:'S.Wo, - to bedls
tributed. Capital •prize $50,000. Coha
n:male:Wow strictly. confidential. Cir-'
culats aant free, by addressing
• 'i3itrnitair, EDDY at Co:
. -
The.Pureat and sWeetest Cod Zlie:r 01 2
Yn tba world, ivanufictitred from "fresh.
.bett perf lthylivers, - epOn - ttie sea shore; Isla
ey pure Itrat t!'tiets-who
Pave on e e. taken, it p
eon , take Pa no n pther.
Auk for "Hazard and Cuswell's Cod
tdi,er matiniketured
Lasard. es" •CO.;;New York:. Sold. by
- DT 'Goads st :Whelenale.—We In
pargcobar attention of buyers at
holotr.o Wear otamplato stock Of allka,
drugs goods, and kinds of fatiey and
staple gooda, and to the fact that we sell
at the lowest eastern Niece, and cut
goodorto cult porchaaera
• , . SO Market street.
Call and Examine the large and Pl ebe atoen of Ladies' Pure, at William
Fleming's, No. pi Wood street. tf
gemetldrig Cood,—The boots, .noes,
&a, for men, tadiesandoblidren,
fit% 89 Market street, are made or
the very best material, and sold as low
as the lowest.. All goods are warranted
thito giro sathdactpcn.. If you want some
ng good, and at gold prices; call at
Robb'e Shoe Rouse, 89 market street.
• can Flied Flown.
Fancp'pLld Flannels.
Bob Roy Flannels, .tc. . :
A largo stock very cheap, Orbolesole
and retail at WY. SEYPLE'S, 180 and 182
Federal street, Allegheny.
to Allistietilatia.--Arthru•Kirk, whale
'sale' and retail grocer, Nos. '172 and
174 Federal str&S, hal - received one °title
bear *Os or groceries orer brought, to
the city, which will beciold tower than at
any how in - the ' • - mars
To. Fatalllek—Go to Arthur Kirk'.
Grocery Store; Nos. 172 and 17 Federal,
street; Allegheny, and bny your 'Sugar
for putting op fruit: He has thel
best, and cheapest stock in the cl4 l . rg jnal •
and ace for yourselves.l
fomenting Pure.—The Teas, Coffees,
Sugars, BplCeSote, Bold at Kirk's Gro
cery Store, .hos. 172 and 174 Federal
atreet, AUeghany, are warranted to be
the very best la the ;worked. Call, and
get a . price Hat. srb-1
. rural gund I—A larks variety, very
cheap; vrholosale and - retail, at AV/r.
Szrytat's, 180 and 1W Federal street,
to W - oa 'Floatlog's,• .bfo; 139 'WOW'
ittreatifor bargains brandies' Furs. tf
eye:,) Ear,'" itroat,. 1,1 ma; thnurr
Duausas 'and 'OATAnatr., suocessfally
!ratted , by* Dr. Aborn 134 JEtmittataid
atreek Cook by mail 60 cents. .
molders. Tab:lunit%; Gloves, Handker
ehlell; Notions, 'ke., wholesale and re
tail at.WW.,Briceir
s, 180 and 182' Fed
neal, street,' Allegheny.
. . -
_ ..
.. .
sap' true - arta:.-Fr cluisp Gro
om:es and something good, go to Arthur
,Kirk9l. Grocery ,f3tors, Nos. /i 2 and .174
Pedartd Erect. Ageshapy." ww•
.T.aterstilty/ecotntits mad. Cape at War.
Eutu.rzirs; 180.. stud la 2 rnoral street,
for Water y certain cure
for Diabetes and all disease of - the kid.
neya. Porta° by all druggists: 11,47.
ami 73 argilMi in:Ladies%nun, at Willi am 6' . s, ng's, 116.1.19 Wood street. If
ryOh nrairr—orrierfr , — Th e
Bnow ono:Mimi try the &metier el the
117nleread and Transportation Oanspanr.
Ma lag glith street. over Q. leeClln tut • Co,,
emPet Stem.' These roama are very dealreu,.
nittesek wsrlocataa I. a. tag
Una. and on ?fifth sweat, noar, Wag laid vial
IDa A liaison pavement. rendering tlesca
from iota, me,. Trent reams Omani. large Om
proof vault. Peaseenien eat be had on that sr
P aim. .Immire or 01.1ypt Icet:lLlNTOcit
CO" 13 girth' etreet;
-mum or.timmaG - cieure,irr
lciaiturra •
al !) .
/ I W, II 9ML
'''TP' 4l '!!" l .i.urad noPlrot. •
. :.141ED Wyirllit =MEM
Assess: viarrizas.
Anchor Cotton Mills,fittsburAk
11111.112cMea ADD 1A?
, rwo - sorrturs,
wess'••twfibt. • coisaiabeirstrlitT Mid
usura.ta.t.nutiu. resdlre mattlit, faatidlM
la.vut News larnitnitraPiag
AWL raluslit• fasulbut MUI•r tbr
ied ftdrott and anal naslge rinascua and bow
smerasi Marballeport. Rlrrai bT +.7 POO" .
the geobasla or.lYWiaw
atbeeld be without IL . •
YOE VIII =Env aurrrn
VAlLrjin e W l ' r . • ..
'—♦od ono copy or piper is it.* pasaajoUlaur
tbe, dab, Addition, tsaeits sea ti• *sat at.
Wwas.S siss nos, 1 '"= -
, NMI= TO BIIISCILLBMIId-At iutdottgr rear
ewe and nimuy ,fa roik
Ir• blue • - waftedosiy bred).
eeetcan kirteti bat no titan • IrTa.
.14Molly by uritirspasea;Mosny prom,
.or . .initei uurftt Teo to seal at own*.
Addre., 1 - 0/119311:TM
J tc! 4 : 421 1 1 :,..14Vinf r ir. 7 r..,..CL
Nre,ol4 7 nr4 *WI M00b....-1. •
Foneril from the re sttliftce Of ttef tIIRLIa. 40.
Cher tout rtreetf tart renOrrlate,
Tee' Meal of the ffsttlly
tro rrtpoctotllT Inyttolt to ot tend: ," •
ROUraT. T. lIODS,Er.
. . .
• .ivrbr. AZD ,N6OU
°. S6 *
Arkihens. ,
and No. so Dwaond . (Or
Jollab lrllen4Ribiz.) keeps tibia b as
best Metal. Rosowo ffibmi•ber hanktW ,
Romelbo4 Wbbibt.
Roaewboti Cabbie:9 7,r3l#4lbblibtbir
Co l3 4. ' itk Knorben.
~C3lTrael , M!. llbbebpf
' it'lov tube: tftrb-akiej;
'.. " ft ib m, lblibtbbilaqlepiwrl , Odes *Oa, 4 2.7
bad xaght. •
Lux.:4lllElV i ninuagrrOlF.R.
.±4:4 Ife'rcierite'SßNeC*
ohm Heide; cn7lit6.
even' deie'riptkee - ot Tuners] ;INtrieleli,B,!B•
tneMehtet . Booms open day en)1,1!If!+
siorterdateellien . abed,.
•IttPrettllttrj-enee,‘Daoto lEerr.
7" J;. 11 0Dtiannh' =I I NIPAWA-
.11te Same Rdarg.;) Xo SOIMIZse#,A
throadoorottem Wire. Atwet e id
awi no. , sowowoodillideoldmr; IKabittidThwiliwoo
wood •iwatutow,costok werttopliwiiiViddbood
..nowww, °Dow milt biard:shilordelagm• .adowvoyraerativatai*nocattim
awa W mosi.vmetiautitlinr. • 1 s
EDrirrAgra: Oesee 24l42WlL4 . , rretiCOmoauleis,H llll 7
All4NPay. dihauallo.liodomot Oa - 44k Up.,
Au: vaggiunn.aanxesectpanallfte
tital.;...huni and ettentfthr •tergibtiativea
at lanaat thiftraad•LieekylltabletAlata
dtta of. Ilan sad 'lll,l4l.ftsetta;
8.4131.1., , Saadi*. tistiomv
for hire. •
t. •
GE IRE rElarilloiftiti;o,iiiViilii
~&;=llllL'uaa*. Ponsinryikri
,AR4STONZ.VOI/ES°: 51 . 0X2.111:1BILAL ZOO,
yamnati4 water pmat. ,
. 1 !! . .f,X,OeiteilCed
SkLY3u .t.8.8-11st. sad Ler
B . siares., Adana A.l B CiAz
WANTED -7-4 k.. ARTNEII4 Abe
Ilan 9 . , silent, wAtti tO Tex Manualll
tßotlarii to-love! tan l a yrql.•,lo,abllduol
,Oiirleiale Ail& se
Ding liou..Tba /ocgtecal
cannot Oa ea cel:ed..:l:poir,o of J.-D. BAX/Xf
:4 BRO.. No:MiTeurßa str eet, rguboiih.:
.W ANT;1111•7-76re*V i ii !;-.-40 11161
tv e4,intr.JA
to sell:throe lintleyensolgo.nr9eles, r 44.41.2
'ere 7 ; house., This An ad% ;Ma, .& ;W 4 41 0 ."
Are mating tone to
on ria4res. cur94J3p 4,r,..qcOuBz..nang,
.zs. , • fp, „ •
W A N " 4 ' E
.a.rsizakvmivs m itiac ut , 113rflpen
cer UUlt. or CarfOLL74 t;i3 1, 410..4 r
Eines Carbin tg; .4ekel - stb for .coStlsAtir7
or Awry Iterobfeirt.; per Intl. 4W...trea t do
script!. irt 44.1trms.; tuTlikm..l7
t4r , bT rapVtts c. 0.& t
J. U. JUAVATOri, ar.atMestormOrta.*.rbb.
=Polka ON, t. tamer Wayne.
ANTEEA far two or
thape VEN
st AubledielLtildelbeedsaliTas'
.P t i b l l shtd.n . Oneuntitlaul,tilLyitierdea of. the sere
pent. Coot, ntstl.,by esurauttenedictluelion,
• Rise acTunnto fWe luau/1k of ttut tOUTIMW—
the most hrlittng and intpreating,Scortbef•e•
the public,. The ounce entitled ...The Cuttegi
„Cyclopedla,7 a Tint nr.intelleoluel,roalVe
arenteieln every famSft completelu onglaega
°stare 40:nn,c of neer „1,CO) pages, ItlintUalede
Send fur et s calars nr•ertru,,,ae•Se• east •5t7 ,4 1••
eral. A. S. 'HALE & CO..t liarseard, goon . .
Aril) g'lVltt..f‘lr' ;Thiar a 1004 bad
near forreiallers.. Esquire at 92111radttnttroot.
FOR sAL E ,32 oACiiEs-fiioo D
-2 .AILWING:LiND; lu . /awn.« Tense nue%
Good title. T.:et an paid: Wllt trills garutr
nrspert7. - "AM VuekttAdennereuvllolPVlV.
SOITTII...t:o. ti liuket went. •
t too:Tux. from Ole borm.ber p•ect. Leek
lot 4Ml4^. bests tlfblly .Ituatell. sod 'MS be mid
Neap. Esquire at WILLI/01 110L.31T.5% ISO
Liberty Sim.. •
Tto oddenlEned Will sell plt or oso:( at
• Thick Yard. to ant' person :tithing to ewingn
the business. The yard la new. with all the tiled.
ent Lesproresoents.. Lean runs ten Tears. Nona
need apply Jana those sato naean,trglwealt. Le.
dreas E. T. C.. Allegheny
FOR ALE—nortsEs.--ivir
HOWARD'S Lirary and Sala .StatArr e *ow
Sue FANTLE HORSE (114): throW.DaPPLE,
11011 SE: three MLA= MARES; two GREY
nsters. FIRST ernEt a, near Ow ltoponia
beta House.
airifon<s bo4<gt 00 <O4l o.'
FOR , HAVE7-1 1 4KER.Y.,A Wed
.nakem , dobig of .rroin
barrel, or flour'i ereck; M.. 14.111441,
PALO ALTO STIOCKT, Alto:ht. cictrilltba
!olden reasonable ten... d'ha Above baba" •
• 01 • C • In.' hada... and by tilt runitinat •• •
doin'dung a much one than bP r enni, innibinh
tu nNinithtturhattneal
win rind Ow a rare opportunitz. kprilfgpi,tri
Leandro at the BAKERY.
Fort S ALE. -- Eto.tuse and 1144014
corner of Manhattan and Adams, sinus,
near Purenair Halts tot' 44' . by fliaL.
House frame. rontaln4e_7 ronsti aad inodliaft,
Improred. Mnase and td{ onB4adla4, man
Bidwell Amt. Aneo,ir Clty. k.k.i.dUft:
. ,
het: posmtruce;equianso tudft iirt roam and
water aAd irar• ••••nl&al
nouns and Lots in gaol location, ladsdask Oda
HMIS Q. CO., 'Orator itrust, !fele Chaarins.
FOR RATAgAiIiCIRR-0111. Axes
to aa acLLfe,i[Wtieya,as -
caeheapiral or 'two, in
terest In L w II establirbef seA ~en V 511417.41-
brirallag Itelinery. To casau neerssisasal to
teaseling, etas Is a rasa opasrretuirrotala,ol.
llon to bLs lutexat be wilt reeelvi a salary offaat
per Imontbsitid eipeases.the billy
rasa* for arenas owner orerlacita HU: rot
particulars enquire of au.L.r. sikun•nyar.
'Real aerate Itrokiia'iawrineorille
,Feu , pio t utz,
large lot,oteroutnd 30.11 R reef IA Eiwit
Liberty . ..on the Frankitotrigr yardgfreda
She Rantoul Mallon, on width tworeiladiatimo
two hors Web house get slz roues%yethb,A,,,
tellers. This Is a Good hob., SlaltdO,
throughout With rosrbli telauteli, rn,Bse
- floorel.ll with brick: -a FistntsalihisS,chigkgy.. '
fords an alit:lothat and cOustaugstrtglyaro.,.
water, and will be sold very..'etulsb asulLegg f ro ry
Wan. Ifappiied for Soot.t,Eor PORlCSRulleb
unlre of 0. 11. TOWER. Reel Estate dgest‘dgp.
EN Fourth Street, FlOstt , Sgh.. ,
O It • a A -I.:E-4111/111P11181111114
I.OT3.—We now over on excanilnil4Esety
reran a now jdair or large proldu(iibla
j y y
Ins Dart of that valtrable nrollert) bilne4l4 e
the beer. or L. C. 3. Noble, titan& afalle, le
end orSbarpaborg, and near 9aTi geotaStallor,
the Wait PCIIOI4 Raman -A.`norilorl'erfltheAs
lota front the railroad an the Weed. Alleellenna
avant On the aontb. „The, lota ans Sesxs4,o".
with wide, streets' rpnnlig
. yropertx. The soh . tor gardening Thn,6 6 ..
not be excelled. and for Want) 01 loneetw ii e ct
Access bare no equal. Tor, dNcrlp t( ry nneher Information call at lilll.L.lo,daurOa"
WAIT!' COMPAStnikrtilit "
'lke have Jastremlved another 644 thee'it.
PLlke..4ll.lVeliinT gre:ll7""
Mb market. bctkkJeweled truk
hxpeeed Eacepement.tMth
OlinprekliTihn 11‘.1.41115*A-4";:
• - "WboleWa and RelstrAteit.;. t
DUNSEATit & Mismokti
1., 3.!
ormarrs lutogyo' ta".
• r J I
G. aux- a • - • k LL .: VYL
• 41
1, 1
Meichutt :
COr. Penn a4d Et. 4 6.1.
-- Street',