The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, November 23, 1867, Image 1

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runufazD Limn MORNING.
Orman =am.)
4.; vvvvviAur. .vOitAv
r....v2vvvox, 1. 1.,..1:11.
4 a 7 nol4`eAz . mT 311MDIAO.
Nos. Sit ova SS twee Sumer
earn; feptilina titer at Triiat : tetiniaiii;
OPPIOuL M i tar r izariGE AID
z. gagraw a r i n gm Far; arr
- • lass of Tim DiaTl
reiltZ7enl;;;;;W. 11"11‘'
1113b.W;, perm. ......
ildirfea. • GAZETTE.:
) • Prrilittritall. 1.11:247,A.
ans.. GZOEGII XL barna, one of our
Okla, most experienced and learned
idiyalcians, Washes several important
amp, on the Minims orteday's pa
per, which will amply repay careful pe.
Wastre glad to anaotmce the rearm.
lion of Dr: Livingstone. the African sz
*tor, whose death hu bemichretticlid
.by newly sully newspaper in the world.
' • Notwithstanding the graghleacconul of
his mnider, published as' - coming' from
t ujompuoontrabands,"" Um explorer
has been malting his way into the irate-'
'der ef Africa, - and, at actitefiritivery
late date wu . in, the tin enjoyment
of health and strength, gathering infor
mation wherewith to entortnin and en
/Ighten the world. What an array of
his own °bites?) , notion will he have
to read mills rattan to '
Tine Jan: summoned Ly Cornier
Chawelme to inotire savor the taitei'd
the recent boiler explosion hits jut
returned euwenikt„ which le .elsewhere
published. The exoneratiempf ; ream
Reese, Greeds Dull is tbnahAraciajAttsi s
and /*viz): heard all of 14 gypsum iLd•
deiced, we are Prepared' te'eriddinelhe
vudict is \Juit and. ,proper. The
Stets developed in the - voluminous
• testimony may &lilies briefly stated:
_ 1. Thilecessed original'r was
competent and zebu; and was at
at the Liniment's Useful explosion. ,
The Wm had taken all due mean
-1,10111 Apotittliipkinat reels Arr occident.
haring Any-bid to the boilers all the
Ildhltuarde known to weience..:
knot boilers were - mide of the vary
beat onality.otiron. end .rwere of ;excel
leneworlemenstdp, having Wei minn.
lammed by Means, Clognola Snyder.
Ai to the immediate cause of the ex;
ploelon all la conjecture. The Onlywit:
lneee who might have thrown ray. light
OA that subject woe Instantly killed at
his pect,7olprosibte ',.thentiet t ete the
nearest approach which can be made to
the trueisms. limy to prevent t h e re- •
eine:ice Minch terrible oalamtßee lie'
cannot fistulae, as in this ace.t h e dis
aster can be triced to neither negligence
er incompetency on the pert of the elf-.
'Meer, nor to sty detect lithe biners .
or their arraneement. The verdict of
the Coroner's Jury will receive the. ap.
pronto! all persons who have been anf:
ficientiy Interested in the Matter u to
are weigh the testimony drawn
from. the witnesses summoned.
'roclay the Democratic Executive
Vain blithe meet to orange a Conan.
Oa for the nomination of a straight
Deuroaade city ticket.We trod that
Bliadlatra will not Irt(atitidrap:,
ping, and by any staying at home, and
4 „ falling oft in their vote give ground for
a tartar* of te.kitiOn. - The Repub.
aria have_ shady . nominated their.
• tieket, and it.. is one ilt. to 'be 'elected.
The ma data are such as we an rely
upon a -transact the , eitybusimia
promalt, l!Llthliar d ind*Sely; aad there
are abundant' analderationi to induce
all brat of good order, and an honest
adminbardieri Stlicir city arch; eosin
them' .kharty and. - &velar support.
- There an always hart bathing, about
the realm or a nominating - Convention - ,
and prebatifalways will . be, Unless a
more perfect system of nouriustion can
. 4seliced,
_yaw is we sarekbeic
with the Imperfections in - . the. ales irm
have ourselves established,and 'MSC ao
art to illscnourlntion as a remedy ter
say Mistakes we may are made..
A few . Itepubßanc . are diseppolisted
in fang to mare . the . noridatiop or ,
thek faverites; but, to 'safer or , Invite
the defeat of their:psitr by lukewarm;
Zia lithe support, of the regular nowt
near, or by actively opposing . their
election to encourage, oppeeltion, is a
tadransdi for allelic - LI or imaginary. -
' If anworthy or dills:mast men obtain
nominations Acand; it Is a duty to ,
deist dim; but on our ticket there is
- not' one nomination- of which it an
Joily - ..he said, "It was not lit to be
mide." As the ticket atarta, , ff. will
tube anhonest and efficient city Cavern:
meat.. Let it be saTerted, heartily,
the party it las been chosen to :taw'
.sett, tad by all - honest dikes/ Who are
tasselled in the wellbeing 'of the mu.
lithe charges. brfdr. BriOOKII. against
Bonin, of Tamura", be true, he ode-
Wray shoal not be admitted to slat
In Megrim, and Republicans will be apt
to pee that he Is not. Prom the first,
thai' flare Noted LI a ardrit :of Magas:
slinky toward that State, which lea bad
precedent I rekonstinetion: ari
a:Won of Senator PATTI:aeon and the
seeming,, if not actual, endorsement. of
his ptujury, by . the'Senati, leis a attack
to the moral sentiment of the 'Comm:ad
ty. It will be remembered - . that Lis oath
of attice.required him to SAW. that be
had serer *weft te eeopost any Govan.
mat at War. wlitftint thuted, States, or
sought, pr held saY calm under it;
ke openly acknowledged that, as judge,
be bad DMA tpariPpetitheOinfederacy,
had might end received a a:Venice,
and amardiadahe functions of the Mike
Tette, said' be could take the oath, be—
imam his motives had hien good, and, at
hem% he had been loyal to the Raton.
In deference . to his peculiar morel con.
sistency he r was permitted to mew that
be bad not done an.? rala Or IllreS acts
which be said bead done, end theree
right of puriary was admitted.
Ells eitmes, ether, makes It , appare n t
that he is not troubled by any cry nice
sense of moral rectitude, and lice body
which lowered Its.morel Kanderdio suit
a Tennessee conscience, shotdd be care.
feel not to =mall farther downward
on that night. At the bottom, society la
In g 4 for tacker eny Watt of ,tinth.
Let tui•htio na MTO flntillitali 10)41
from Tenneamei or any other State, sit.
ting, in Oengress, as the peers of honest
Tom Montgomery Mad says and the
Mobilo RtYkar rifeato nit • Abe Con
sarratirsoolaNsMiato larsaorpadma n d
he prepared 41 , nor/pin..
taell(nAssass fron twifng on Ida info.
sawn aoprr Closinution." . .
, .
TUB witlwat,woltio . g iso whit tho
Costatttatton -will be. Ilea who Toni
such an. ors] &al of the 'read= of
the billet bOX'Woold itttaloty be .well
alculated to establish sad toalatoln
rept:Mb:tut form of
-.Ado raki, or Pinnaylimmia, will
offer in Compton on Monday, this resoln.
Reached, Thit the Welfare of the pea
pl. and ntalntaitance of the faith, and
craltt of atm Voeetmentreentintetha
repeal of taainempbeed 'the V'XisMir
11Ws on cotton and the notions of
manalctul P , 4c-- 444 Inddel
A Ceneaii blibe - notit lute alreadr
Men made, which !notate* the -
f tbe, 10,743,,,f1imm!,,0titr=
—Fri:that. devoloprosatisof Medi:aster
show that tt ocatirred op h-otrf of nearly
a nille;:tad averseng about thirty het
Ask height, the aspect to the track t.o.
tog so steep that it was almost Impottai
ble to roach the cars. , •
Gen. Grant% :Report.
The Qatiasi2tAimrle Department.
OrdlUilice Affairs—nreech Lat.
lug Arm%,
Mitarl &Uinta $ 77 ,0 0 , 600 r
The Rem:mums Ciamanders.
The Impeaehme:a t 130 Ports•
:Sy Talismok ip,Shre r rpsursz esszate•l - -,
ask. allure's .sitetter merorrn
Glati„Giant, to his Annual Beport,,,aays
" 0 / 10, 0, 181 t7 breftlio ''e
been :.dhinteled or during the year,'
and - nuaberomiciril offiCers Ablator-ire&
The: ikeolitthe brisPectlite. 'or deck yea
beengradlp Me • reotannasnda
4 1 p4therthat*Miztuattai tear „ discSalln.;
'Mame ofliter4tfttedtnen'fit'Bo*ov!...Pid
total itrengtitMf thas in b
,K,Stcp re;
rtrulti Amine* OhOtaIM,ICAI
doottiariajiwitilo4flOxvThe. eks4 2 j
ostallmoMMendirsbliMM - Inthe termer
:a.orflooi..naelaing to."kre
Stara areweehatnA ut t system 'of
1 / 011 ft 5 44 1 04 "
thlisuunbertif descitions, and the re.
Port reecatrnanals Misers pernishreent
to be - preacribar lbr, etich °Masa& '
.the dare of -the: La.: report Ware wets
abentlq,ooo ..telnnteera in thgeerytee e .
:the prepart"llea. bat .200. arid` these
eta oomtnlaktned 'officers. An estrum
of the 'member of officers la the Adjtitant,
tifeitind's Department- Is recommended;
*Loin the drapartor,flenemps Office,'
tinier rae,serame.,iistriaszla :eitreen•
:TlM:reeeit'af tbii . _4. - trari r nutsetertkif
end showts-that-orewaleiren llestisuid
celanatti &oatcake' hive been",eet_thad ,'
amounting to. nearlytg44ooo.oooll
ing claims to the amount of it44etteAle
still unsettled:. The =MS `deparlinertf
haa disposed or shout sixteen thousand
mules, end the sales of earplug end' u.'
servicable =lamb AMOunta te nearly'
1000,000.- •: The total= ile* thla choris
ter since the 'clam of hosffiltles amount
to'. about $18,860,000. purchases of
clothing were ,made daring the tear.
About - tlireit' hundred cometerl4eirlave
t t ec ir t i. t cipaniet,end thirimmbn Of soldiers
nearly throe hundred thousand.
TObaxio for the army for the veer cost
it3eo,ooo, and Indian ambit/tones fet4,939.
A farther redaction of the Paymasters'
Pram b r 000mmended.,-
' " , ''cMeafsets e4.r" sir
Tintrelaitiednetkeittf ono-third'in'the
expanses of the Ordnance Bureau, and of
seventeen per cent: of - Monsen employed
in the amonals. -,Xo disposition is ye
reads of theaopriation the thebuild- t
ing of the bri dgeat Rock Island; on ac
count of the re of the Railroad Cont
rast/ fOlariorat pert 'of the
'raid. luau mlsnf.* t number.of. Melass
anemia to soommended, and 'Rea for
others are reported upon. During the
year over twenty-three thousand el=
deldamakeix went, filtered :into
leaden, and over one hundred thoniand
Mies chneredandgepeired, and all toe
soldhent on the plains have been armed
web these masktget, - - Tlp tire present
time thirty.thousand stand pin to ms of Al
kinds have • been Changed in Meech
loaders which it pronounced . the test
and moat serticeable gun in the world.
• alldrsZtr 121IIXAM.
The:entire MUttery 'estimates !Or the
coming yea Pare g77,000,600-450%000 far
the .Thr i Kt o ted of the General of the
asp, a for thetinta t Generars
onleNsaso, Gar the Anadoroy,
.42.000,000 fir expenses ar *Quarter.
master CiticiMals et t,
teaya IP =
- twill requirerequireSbol4
-15. 1 X0.
. *boar SM,SO3OOO.
million and A h enc alf tril l raked tar the
Ordnance , Rineen,• and , U 7,000 for the
Signal service. No enprepriation WM be
caked for the Nabigallioleopinreatt, motor
the Bureau of Military Swam: Gay
Griot bettbeopinion that -peace with
['the Indians will materiall y the
expenseof the army Slid =City the re.
ductiOn -of the:form. , A $3,6019300 dr
dr the entire npriropriatione aro intraided
to met dsßclendeu .. '
General Grant recommaideartin
in them:Umber of Cadets Cod the -amen
tleneefor Last one year oeedditional .
Par be , ere y ' °Tana,'
rid iiiicerwrinicrtoti mraeringsa
On the imbject of Command
ers of reconstructed discta it is un
derstood that Garners! Grant will hob/
the following ..optnierci ,The military
cammanders, so far ;as their - deetee are
concerdect, are held lin subordination to
him (General Gran) and to the War Da
talltr i se t r e ,i r in d military
th capacill
are : n s . ;
indepea r dent of both, eat in the
manaa.of. removals • eyrie ppointment*,
IHo W, at white they are Independent
in ;:thialt- erthefesthero Is 'not
one of them who would not yield pool
, ave and entire submission to any ex
pressed wish of the civil . administration
placed over them by the Conaltutional
sets •of Commas. tlaa.. Gnat, entirely
approyis the .manner In the ear,
eral District - (katuriandent /Ate r dis
charged their duties,
moire °Br I.lll•7.AONlugrr..
• Tire Housertatandttee on . Judtetarr
will hold a meeting to-morrow far the
purpose of Wooing upeatbeir report/ion
the impeachment case. - Representative
Wilson, of Imre, Chairman, has writ
ten an elabora te -more. Messrs.
.RldriAge and 'Matehan (deems:rata
it la taidet • halm - reduced- theft.
eke* to writing, while Separate palace
have been prepared - by,biessna , wil
-111.131a, Boutwell 'and' Lawrence. 'The
°ire° in named Papananalty be hartaffill
had an se to form but one report of the
four members in. rm.:minority ; wholly
la Savor. of airraigning . the Praddent.
What the report of the- msjoritp,thrett
Republicans and two Demconds,wiii
be, is not at this time *rata MAIN of
conjecture. The question wt¢ bodeter
rained to-morrow. . ,
is generally 'coed that Collgreill
will ropea- 1 the cotton nced tax. The Redretare
of the rreYury will on Monday send to
the Senate a reply to the re eetallan colt
lag upon him for any facts or reportage
PASCSIIOII of the Departmeng on Mal
enbject, and will enclose a from
ComMisoloner Wells in term of repeal.
1111fieersaksS Sas Jusaft—DlvtiNt Pie
Ihisketa Tressun..ellacrlsorms
laarlso-ibr rater Gesat's raw.
Clivellagrank to; las Ifirtsbarre Comm
HAVANA' November 22.—The ship
Danube has waived from St. • Tlsornaa
linb, via Prfrto Rico. She reports severe
shooks 'Of earthquake at • San Jean, the
principal port of the capital of Porto
Dlverirwere Workinq in the'Bay of St.
Thomas to discover treasure sunk In the
late ' hiirricatie and were meeting- with
comma. Five millions In specie went
down in the steamer Rhone. The story
ad the submersion of-Tortola proves ut
terly without foundation. Tortola suf
fered Severely from the recent hurricane.
KUNIITON, Jamaica, Nov. lg.—Serious
distrutances have occurred between the
blacks at Falmouth, on the south side of
the Island. &ad soldleri and new police.
The blacks are on trial. This is the first
'measure of the Glovernaumt towards as.
tahlishlorr • military force.
Sir Peter Grant's determined policy
111,11=13m has astonished the little dem
ag°S.Ore. Re enthuses Re-Gpv. Erear's
nomad of ompressing immrrectiOn.. •
wibed dos staisi. rose. name 0106
üb.r.u.s,b, Me ruunarin dasett4.l
ni r t o sn ivn in idl , ewnecnEp i , w. t %realWdpateCnot
a h e t Wada " d Strawtr.
p oft Americn Wood p T a d n .U 4, .Dixon e*
to-day. The cam.
plitnanta Irma 6 1 .endssod, and then).
plicatlonAr tclbsed., . ,
. 4 BOZO\ Catellaw Women.•
ill Warm" Nib' tinsinnek ilosotiori
WiLitritriTur r -.lFavz 2 &—Penntte elec.
tkrn returns have notyot 'been receive&
Columbus sod Dupline counties elect
Conservetlint. Cumberland, Blllder4
Brntuntlok eadAnnent nominee all elect
The State hes probably Ann
woo InAlbrity for th e C6iventkoz.
_ _
, =Tor - ttaispriook
Lotrurstr.ta, Xi:member 52.-alverlVA
fanthg with Pune het one Inca fn.ollt
- • ,
_ , - , igh: ;,, I,STABLIft - *- - ,I•F, jilt .-„ --.' •-', -• ; i„.- .
t'All ' l le i
. -' • - • - ',' , • • .
. ,
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------ _____---- --------__-- -..-,- _ ._ - , :... 4 , ---
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The Cot'Misses tnectselndt, Bala.
a*** * rialwall nattnasa io -111•• ram.
seagers Killegg-herrible Danko.-
als.airs Ilanuma.rall raillaalara.
The telegraph has already given us a
brief account of it' terrible accident on
Thursday morning,. near J.omclaiid 'Sta
tion, on the Cincinnati, Hamilton &Day
ton Railroad, twelve and a half =dies
from Cincinnati . We obtain the foll Ow.
Mg account of the disaster from therm- -
nth °melte of yatterdsy:
About half past five o'clock Thursday
morning' a freight train, approaching
Cincinnati, was obliged to . stop at the
bridge 'mom IC:reek half a Mile above
Locklartd, the filot,.or "cow -catcher,"
by which It Is better known, having fat- '
len to thoground." Upon examination it
woe found that a conaiderable length of
time wo Id be r needed in repairing the
damage, and tho conductor 1.-mowing
that the New York Lightning Express
trail on he Atlantic and Great Western
Rea would soon be along, sent one
of his wtheamen about halt a mile up
boad i i.
the true , to signal it, Soon the shrill
whistib o the locomotive was heard,and
the train : came dashing along. The
r kraktemian, 'standi middle of
the treat 'waved his ng
si on gnals The engi.
neer ea them and whistled down the
brakes,'. Tlm train, which :earlibted of
six and two freight and bog
4gecoackes, being comparatively light,
an olirthe •s,.kesteten . being at their
i nt 4 InV=t.' ' l2 l tit i ti l il . l i a l,t r i liTt;
been etc the duty of the' conductor
of the ght train had boeu performed,
and the ponsibility of stopping the
lismilion AceOmmodatien und freight
train, which was only a short distance
ballad, both duein Cincimudiat thossate
UllOrKbeitinglisi to conductor Miter,' of
too - Ilw lark Express„ train. About
0104.biny'lera-tidie Wye the sceneot
thlt ereehrliffoPit4 -I WMelt Imp are
abeti An th ere laWahortitin de•
sided _ln reed, and conductor
Biller, kn • - ,esthugthat *herbs/Ms not a mo
motet to Blau,,* ditglaiebhielt man with
signals' up the reed. si ng hfip on his
totind thet amenity of usin pcesiblii
I speed.... hen -,about half way be
. tweercl •• ir7 Expfiles train and. the
clttrile,''' •e - 'AA:reburies:Wien' train
was • ....rte. ,
~. be. coming . along
at ligh . • 'Speed. The usual 'signal.,
were giv ••, and ' Mr. Brewer, the
engineer s the o Franklin," 'the engine
drawing • • accommodation train, saw
Ulo=llllo whistled down thejeakes,
but the teal belg t very heavy, consist
ing ..r:tiosei fee and two passenger
,coiebes, • . being a down grade; and
-the track • 3 • • very slippery from, the
,4gren, track ,
.ggy atmosphere, • it 'Wes
tonna i • • . hie to atop it in Umbrian&
I,the engine ringed into the rear of the
exs,ltess • . and now was inaugurated
sucite Siena ' is almost, imposeible to
di ernibe.' T • express train consisted of
; two freight •'.
baggage and two passen
ger cars, bele ging to the Atlantic and
Ureat Western Ream& undone beggam
and'one paatempw and a sleepingear'
belong s
th Dayton and Mic3.gsi
Raliroadoehl bid been hitched on to
the main train Dayton. These three
cars were in the , .and intothe sleep.
a s k,
Ina coach the an Yrankuns.forced
Its way. cuttin the coach oat in
two... -The. The _ e pipe ~ and . part of the engine were- - com
demolish , and 'the box 'of the
tender lifted from plum and thrown
tbrivard. in the to ton the kerosene
redacting head Ilea or the engine was
broken, and too eentents of the - lamp
were emptied on the . floor, rand ignited
by the Ore from the•stove . which had.
been•roverttirned. - -The flames spread
with fearful rapidity, and soon the whole
tear ph/tine afthe car, or rather what
was, of it, was in names. - Some of
the passengers who had been awakened
a short' line before, the accident' by the
porter, who it seems was in charge, were
either &anted or in the act of dressing,
all moped with only injuries; others,
and s hun thorn that sisters, Sallie Its
ettois and Mary Morgaa, of New
Orleans, ere asleep, or at least had not
arisen. These four all lost their lives.
They all occupied berths neat the rear
end of the car, and It is supposed that
three of were instantly_killed by
the eon on. The ether, supposedto
be 'Rachel, had the lower portion of her
body cora etcly wedged in among the
broken s , Ac., and found it napes
, altar, to extricate hermit o She
1 wee Ist :closer , proximity to , a
wWpw,,, however., angmanaged to hint
the Ow with her band. - Through the
opening thus made she forced her shoul
ders and arms, and adled upon thous in
the vicinity the help. • Several ot theme
-le stricken passengers !tithed to her as
sistance, but it was forted imposaible to
extricateber from bet horrible andheart
rending position, although,the etrength
of three men, strength' alined' sufficient
to pall her to Metes, was used. One of
the passengers, a Mr.Jackeon, ofßoidon,
seeing that nothing could be done to re
lieve the young girl from the% outside,
Mulled Into the car, and waenever again
aeon alive.- raglan the paseengers an the
one attempted to pull her th the
window, but they were Ethan and
kthe twat and smoke from the, burning,
cat 'becoming' so Intense,' they 'were'
obliged to retire.. Finding nothing colnd. be on o to extricate her, the pleat girl.
throwing up her arrus,'shouted„ !t),Oodi
If you cannot' tame me, Rill me us 'quickly
as Ocentible." ' In an instant mere elm
wascompletely wrapped In Angell; and
het. prayer ', , eu
.tras_vvered, She wee ,a
carpel. .
' . By tide time the ear was one : sheet of
ffames„whlchwere soon communiaded
to the oat forward, and it was qui=
consumed. • lietbeing warded with
• terriblerwark, the flames spread on. and
:did not cease till fair more came six ix
Aled been' burned: There was n
piece of too wood work, of an yor,
the ears, twelve inches in length, left nu-
As emu ai the denies canned ' , the work.
of removing the remains from the debris
commenced. It was suppoeadatfrattbai
eight or tut persona bveead oat their lives,
aridttinw with, nn little anxiety that the .
mak firogreitastL The ,first bady found
'was that of Mr. Jackson, who heroically
lost Maitre while endeavoring to aeratioat
of a Miens being; He e k euly
been smothered by the , and had
fallen In libontthe middle of the car. His
clothes, had beet aimed completely
burned off,' and ids body, cleared* end
. blackened; was burned to a crisp. It it
had,not heeninicien that was he who
M a the car to save the life of one of
the Miss Mamma, be would probably
never have been Wadded, almost all the
lash bertha Isom burned off of his lace The next body, aruppoissi to dimovered wan that of
the young lady have been
Rachel Morgan. Mar lower limbs were
found to be wedged in between tho iron
biacings of the seats, and several _of the
bones were found?to be freettne& =Her
ellithing eras grakand her flash se bid.
1 3 , blackened and charred as to make her
also totally unrecognizable. Near Rachel
were foundthe bodies other three sisters,
BallleiThinnelt and MZ a . Their bodies
had been terribly man ed =lit Is sup.
, lened, ma we 'have v
' stated, that
the, were almost instantly hei
. baffles were all badly burn , end Rota
Teatime at par clothing reitelned, -
hking that . still mare bodies were
burned, the, an.vious. work, proceeded,
bitt ibrtunately there were nomore to be
found. The above were all who lost their.
lives, but some twelve or tilfteen .. werre
more or lese *lured. ;
—Purther particulars of - the accident .
at r. oo dand . ;on the - Cincinnati, ilt iz i ., 2l!.-
. _
ton and Dayton Railroad, .on Th y
morning, represent the scene eattorribla
In toe extreme. The crash was terrible,
the oars of the passenger .. train being ail
jammed Into each other. The Indite in
the sleeping car were crushed between
the timbers—one having her bead taken
completely off, and another her entrails
The woanded are 'Richard Carr Toledo;
Aaron Broker, John `Meier, W'apokon
eta ribs brokenv Charles Blares, Wa
pokoneta, knee and elbOw Injured; Da
-1 Vld Brown, Boston, coati:Won of the
arms, hip and bead; Christopher Hoff
man, severe contusion of the face and
body E. Goseralt, Dayton; C. W. Cow.
den, 'an Wert, and Mrs. C. H. Culbert
son oy, all slightly bruleed; Peter
Col ; New Posey, - slightly bruised C.
-nein , Cincinnati bruised In bend;
Mrs. ones, (colored,) New 'York, slight
ly b • . Mita . Wunder, Cincinnati,
save ly cat ' on-toe hip; Miss I.4 ez t i ,
Elvin Clneituten, pakten badly cat.
put • _
s pertnieres.dreettsansias Oyer
ssas. rainwea r lehersse.a-ed: Ob.
tler. mar to the,,Puutsansutts.3
AWA, NovembCt the Rouse
WI sin notice of a motion nest given
ish lib the intenthut °Him govern.
man te. extend to eltigans of the United
13 the settle belittles • thr •obtatning
is to Canada that are afforded
7b¢ failure ot.n - Thadoork tb, Co:, •or
Mon el, and.rorapth &,- - ..Kbagetton, of
gnaw, bra cubed cotudderable exelk ,
meat In bdomeretal *des here, and It
le weed leveret smel t er hoboes will
bats ved.
The !reel Griattsidelsee the pea.
on the frentierto keep -et shaerlook
t . 'arrow and giterd: 'sabot -Tett.
Dr. Litiaptone, the African
News of His 'Safety
The Wed IndiecDhaster
The 'Condemned Fenian,
Efforts to Sav l O TlSetr Elves.
One ofthem Respited.
Public Meeliege In theft. Behalf.
The,Queen Declines to Poe
pone the Execution.
Thi3 Romdn -Question
Again Denciumed
Fresh Irruptions Lt Italy
The Blue ,Boisis or iFrance
French Amny
or, trump:, la in• Pttubana. Queue.'
GUAT =rms.
SAFI= or DH. zavtimeroim.
LosooX, Nov. 24—Dianatches con
taining the gratifying intelligence of the
sifety of Di. Lief/wanner" the celebrated
traveller_: and explorer, have been re.
mired. The particulars; are fear, but the
Doctor is known to have been safe and
well inApril last. He was then (rapier
' ing the • trust e e of Africa, hundreds of
milmi from the sea mud.
'' - Tire nisaargn TIIS mum lamas.
LoirnoN, November 2:.—The Colonial
office is in receipt of dispatches from
Government officials bathe:West Indies,
relative to the alleged Tortola disaster,
Indicating that the aco3nnta heretofore
publishedbave been greatlyesuggerated.
While it la true the West India lslSnda
were Wilted* a severe hurricane, near
the ekes itiflast* month, there Is no evi.•
chmatw-thaz To'rtali suffered any more; or
in any other way, than the other islands
to thatnuarter:
• arrardan 'Minx mu..
Leuze* Nov. —The Annual Sup
ply bill jet: uipesiard lit the/loose of Corn
loons this evening.
Strroar TO saws wax cor;nixxwo rixv•
Lira AT isaiscrurrren.
Loamy, November 22.--In the Houle
of Commons last night an effort vies
made to save the lives of the Manchester
rioters. John Sancta Maguire, member
from Cork - , moved the Rouse interfere,
for the staying of the execution of the Fen.
lane convected it Manchester, and mean.
While the 'points of law uponwhica he
based his resolnUon be referred to the
twelve highs/it Judicial authorities of the
Realm. The motion gave rise to n long
and earnest discussion. Mr. -. Maguire
was supported by -nary Fawoett and
Sir George . Bowyer, but gowns
Hardy,. ChidSto2/0 .Aad Kiniti'keztade
strong speeches against tho motion, end I
R srasSnalik withdrawn bjribe author,
the opinion of the House being manifest
ly against any further consideration of
the aubJect.
t • .19,'"TrC rrap etrittsu MILITINO
3.14.147 n, November , . —Shore
one of the co damned renlans,has been
Punted .A publin ; meeting
was held here yesterday by persois 'op.
posed to the execution of the Simians,
and resolutions to that effect pissed.
Aacrruan DzxonlrrnATzox
Lannon November .V.,—An orderly
derool4agion . against, the ; (elocution of
the Fen buts took plane last night. A
large number of pereone assembled at
• •
one ;Alba public bans and passed reso
lutions urging the 'Government to grant
a stay of proceedings. A committee we.
appointed to draw:ttp and present a pe
t.tdozi for mere to tho Queen.
Bituartonan, Noiember --A large
public 'meeting was held yesterday to
. protesramtlint del hanging or the Man
chester' :FetliSMl. Some disorder and
riotous demonstrations occurred at the
conansion of the meeting.
romman ostimoras muerantao.
• LONDON Nov. 7L-Preparations are
being made in this city to observe In
peculiar Manner the obsequies of the Fe-.
Mans Who stiffer the deaM penalty to-
Morrow. On Sunday a famed prom.:
Won with homes end. all the usual
devices wlil be onpinmed and marched
to Hyde Fmk, where a %elem, meeting
win be neld.
xxcrimirder 111 iwicaterznierrit•
Mancateriti, Ifor..e..—The city has
the appearance of a state of seise TOO
most. extraontlnary promotions havo
been taken by the Government. Barrio .
cedes' are inked In the Streets for tlt
protection of the 'troops. Reinder In
fantry are statiimed at different points - in
the el ty,and the troop', the cavalry lately
arrived here,; are potrolling the streets.
LTWoor thmethonsandspecial policemen,
who haVebent sworninbythemuidcipal
Mithewitim, distribdted among the
police 4ettem4 whore they are receiving .
,Clompooost. hinrotieon summoned
to the goal and have beeu . closeted with
the condemned Prliontuti . during the
greater part of the day. Everything. n
dicates beyond doubt that tho Govern
nontAs determine:l not to pardon Cr
commute the sentensoof.the;unfortunste
Men, and.intendi to make of ttudr exp.
Outlon Au 3 Impoilotok domloutration of
llrmoeaa and rigor, in Order tepid n atop
to Fenian plolonceindentings.. •
nig QVHflt DrontrEl .PCSTPOAII.II2IO
Lomas, Nov.=—To:•day the commit
tee appointsclby, the meeting Lett even
ing preeenced to the Queen, at Whadeor,
&petition tor the - tchdponement of the
ezeancipa at MiUlahester. Her Atoletty,
in a most Any* manner,. declined to
gnult ttro'peUtion:
RIOTS 1r4.118.0 ITf 7111944N01TA11
BIRILIAGILAM, .P.o9ol:llDer LS—Evening
—The' lniitighiotts proemial* at the
jamming to Sayer of the Matteheatee got
era lastArldisrod' twat . gnat oxcitointint,
azol the saltation Is Laurearing to.dey„
A bittia antl-Tonlan fueling pavans
among thalamar potting' of the
Sion, and aorlotua rioia are feared.
aupaote we: to ?CPA= sEASre.
Reports that propositions hare been
ieeeivederom the United Stelae for the
purchase or the Hte%Ws Bey property
hes ceu a ilea In the tame' of the
rl11 ? tT.
',IMMO Or rAnizA xzwr—imonrEit
• worm =I . OMA° MEM/ =VA
Lannon, Hoinniber 21,÷46"11"9*—.
Dispatches timallOranoe stint that the
Italian Parliament will coniwne on the
. 511; or the
.ensuing month.' Baron Ito.
imi, formerly Prime Minister, 'ls cm
stela to be mode President of the'pormlat••
.%wtotoh of Parilanitnt It le =ld General
Monabrei.lneetant Prime Minister, has
betted another nete, :whereinCluj aet,ion
of' France, in Invading the PiPalf . ROta,
sesereik denounced.
Roma, November 22.—Some: fresh
Irruptions' have lately been _made anti.
the Papal frontiers by small binds - of
Ginibaldians. They were promptly met
by the Pontilleartroope and In encases
speedily 11-oppressed.
Tan Zuntrrton or rintrytuit.
NAPLIZS, Noe.2.l.—lloant VestSetws Is
*llll pouring Ruth an Immentsilfohlitie
of dm. Seven distlat streams of molten
muses have beim formed and. as they
Prow an Li Winding paths down the sides
of the mountain the scone presented - Is
magnificent, • ! '
P /1111011
?IV; PEW .4intr
- November .the Session
of. the Corps Legislatif • yesterday „the
new array bill, which has - been prepared.
by the Minister of War; was Mired ofed.
The measure ho tamed em and its geriend
featurearesemble, the'law of One
i.e provisions increases the term or,
military 'we're tonine years.
Ttio Em,parer,otAustria has signified
to NapolefaiAS willingness to jai!' the
general rttropinuf Conference preened
by France. . . .
THE aLrE noon
Panis, November 2.l.'—Earstinst.--frhe
onlefel...pine Book, published by e
rrench- Govertunent, has append
from Its pages tho following paragraphs
are extracted: •
The Government will soon fix Matti°
tbr the return of the Preach troops iniM
Italy; '
The Sultan of Turks3r„ though he has
declined to adopt the course advisedby
France,la endeavoring to rratore
clullitY and peace to the ithind of Ilan' dia.
The relations of Franc:mitt' the United
States have result:Lad their usual matrutti,
Franco, following her tradition, beholds
with true sympathy the efforts mills In
America to efface the tracer of civil Wiz:
Regret is Oir!ntbiDdi that the efltttituf
Prance and Englazid napasify the itbir
rel between Spain and the Republics of
Chill and Peru wore made In vain. It
Is honed peace winanon be restored be
tween Paraguay and the South Amid=
QUIZ:MOWN, Sor. =—Thifiteiiontr
Itassla, from New York, Ims'srriso4.
lA:cnorr, Nov. ". --Erening—Consols,
9II; Five Tarentle;, ' 7ol; Illinois Croitml,
Prisrcusonr, Nov. 2. ^ ..—Eivning.=
Armrsort, Nov 21—Everting.—
loam improvecliStruadard White la flanes
2.5 centimes.
Liven:vim, Nov. 00 —.Eventetr.—Oat
ten closed quiet; Middling liplsr.,is 81d,
Orleans, Rid: sales 10,000 _bales.. Man
chester market for dry goods an:l7mm
heavy and Inactive. breadstuLol—Corn,
48a Id. Whent—Callfoml, las 9d, fur
Red Western, Lle 041 f0r100.2. Barley
5* Id, Oath, Ild. Pena sa. - Wfills
6d. .Pork 71s. Laidels
Hawn 40/1 Spirite bf Petroleum 241: , Re
fined PetroLoam in Md. Sugar rev dd.
treri H tire l jit . =: d . " ftitstree Th l iii".
tem mirp muteness.
lirr ratemaes to sae ensnare s a autte.i ,
Oatmisirs, Noremtrn
Mower this- evening *lr C. 4 aireci4riers
dere aespendlng those portions of the
orders of the Zinh and 2lat. ratiolr-
Leg ;edictal and State ofilotina..•
The Hers' special dispatch says that
en. Oren directed Gen. Mower tutus,
peed his order making removals lentil
General 'Hancock arrives. We and In
formed that although Dr. Arai-nib*
newly appointed • Sheriff,. has not ... .• .
the required bond, a military •
sent Ml* afternoon for the • • sit
is oiling the occupants from o• •• • •••
Stamen ilancock f te exiiacitect
_sr eadqnsxtars' hand ands detachment of
I negro troonsarw on' the leiie . awaiting
his arrival.. - •
The Connell lase night 'Ai:I4W
the Mayor's recommendation that the
City:Notes of the denominatione 011100
and t 9) be stamped toluene T3,-la IntreFs
Amnia- meeting - of - eltiamit is 'being
i bald at lafeyetto square, in porauar.caol
a tali, to conalder the city rinances. A
len= pretunble resolutions Was
tole cite of. which la, that a commit
alf, eleven citizens be tippotn.
ted co cordar • ,*- Ctetutral San
cock ma ,ins arrival,, end explain the
needless and demoralizing - trurderna Mu
posed mi the people by the circulation of
the City Notes as money, and he
has been asked to relieve them
from the morodrone , aril, either by
removing the preeent Council, or
compelling the .municiplauthoritiee to
fulfill their present engagements, and
suggest the enforcement OrAttecougUen
upon which the groater.particn of the
money was issued, that labtu not re•is•
sued when recelenalbeck interim - Tress.
The Reeenstrocatin treavesues.
fee Towson se Ise etuawasa tiasetsci
hinsvoossur, November 22.—The ar
ticle of tbortkotatitutton on Judiciary, as
reported to the'llooonstructiOn Convert
don provides that thp Governor *hail
appoint alljudgei or the several Coterie,
solicitors and counsellors to be confirm
ed by the Senate. • ,Blaglatratos, 'hall be
be appointed - by the Governor, but the
I...miniature may change the marmer
of appointing thorn: CMncellars ahall
appoint mister.; and Judges shall ap
point clerk. of the several Courts. The
terms of all thane. onsets shall :boils{
years. The appoldtenent ofjedicial Mk
cora Is provided ift order to...prevent tbo
elections being controlled by colored
voters. The black" delegates atronglyd
or bhi dlint o uoa was introduced and re.
fantod, to assess -shut of twenty cents a
gallon pa liquors to pay the expenses of
the ColvenUon..
An ordinance was introduced and re-
forted, providing that tho loaner tr. 5,000
Ito the Alabama and Tennowee Railroad,
which wail repaid to the State in Corded
eters currency dining rthe war, is still
undischarged, and the said roadie bound
to pay the same now to good Money. -
At the evening .sosslen of the Conran
tion, an amendment tO the article on the
Legialittivon Departmeht wee offered, to
empower the Legialatttro at the next.
smarm to go farther 'in dlafranehbring
persona who participated in the rebellion
and have not aided in Iveronatructkm.
Tabled byavoto of forty-three to thirty,
:5? Vsbarna lathe ritual...CO °Wit)
New Yona, November 807.
CUOLEBA 'ALT qnsmeatstar..
The cholera at 'quarantine is under
complete control and gradually Abating.
WalsET arIZED.
Siateen hundred gallons. of spirits
were selred to-daz at Jackson's notify
ing establisblgent, Greenwich street.
The thirty-five hundred gallons seised
at the establishment of Hoffman ft
us, a short limo ago, hive been relented.
Roberie. Link, of Diegtown,Ps. who
waste:rested for having procured goods'
on the strength of deeds representing
#400660 worth or property In :Pennsyl
vania, was dlarhargol today, the com
plainant declining to prosecute.
STSALING PaOlf vita EXPltaal. .
Two youths were arrested for stealing
a small box on the Erie ,Rallway train,
belonging to the Merchants Union Ex-.
press, and containing 51,518, two watches,
and some clothing. „ r , •
Walt. .51r AVIOATIO*.
The hope was crioessed In Albany to
day that the mildweather would re-open
tho canals.' Up how
ever, millions of property. woM afloat,
and the ice boats were all at work oa ths
Olunnplain and °thereat's*,
- Ifichard O'Goonan, the .
known Irish patriot, died recently near
Dublin, aged eighty-4x. yam.
flow as Rickpwrit.
PCsnasa tau. rldlanrit thuttio •
Lon)/1131.2X, Nov. 22.—A. destructive
the occurred at Rockport, /ndinna,
Monday. A iargo and valuable flOtiring
sal'. owned by Duach Co., three Ammo
dwellbig bosun* nnd the huge tobacco
inanimery of .lameaClVlEl, with consid
erabletobacco ;Auld machinery, were
uran consumpd. '.Lowa about 2/
xm insce.
Indian Sumner In Dakotab—Rall
mad csinaplentes Ootonnalnas—Pral
ins ilros—eireas Alsonntenon orP.u.
Or unynniii to the Punnerch flasenn.l I •-
ST. PAL l L,brorentherr..—Major ROL
C. Walker Paymaster 'United Stites
returned yesterday. from bedittd
the "Red tllver of the Nerdy' and re
ports the ;Isere and large lakes all often
and the _weather Sn Dakotah Territory
charming' and mild as •Indbm summer.
The health of the officers and mould
Ports Ripley; Abercrombie, Ransom and
Wadsworth Is excel?.ent.
, Ramses Ctrr ----The San
aa, City and Cameron Piallrosti was fin
ished to-day with appropriate ceremo
nies. Short speeches were made by
MayOr ,ARen and Ron. C. .IKeareey,
President of the road, whodrove the teat
astalsted William Gluten , the old
est citizen of the place and one of lis
founders. isl hangives a new con
nection via te nibal and 14. Joseph
coed with the . Ereit by way of Chi
: cap,: and , •..ltuniedtes- an additional
,Louls, • There
at this place
the Kansas City:and Cameron, Albumi
n River and Union Pacific and Mimed
'Pacific Roads, and there are in . process
of construction. the West Branch of the
North Mlasoari Road, Kansa City and
Neosho Valley Road to Galveston, Tex
as. The Wank from all these roads will
concentrate here sad much of it peas
over he bridge now building across tho
Missouri river.
. ST. LOUIS, November tires
still continuo to rage la nearly all see.
(lons of the west. They bare been par
ticularly. severe In - western and north
ern Missouri and N0e..., in many In
stances actually Eleventh:lg whole farms.
Immenio am mints ofpropertyharobeen
destroyed... The swamps m southeast
Missend are sold to bon mats of tire,
and along too "Illinois Central" railroad
fore dlaumos of a - handled miles the
prairies are homing, and in Union coun
ty. Winona, the (lames extend Into the
woodi, winch ore now burning. No re.
lief is looked for until a heavy general
rain falls, of which there is no • irrunedi.
TrIOEI3:dO=, Vd
" Anita' at iolloroon Doris.
Tel• totty Mumma easalq.t
BIarROND, Nov. 22.—Jefferson Davis
left Canada on Tuesday, and to avoid at
boardtttion in ISew.Tork, went on
the steamship Albemarle at her
sailing hour,. mine o'clock Wednesday
night, He wax-. nnaccoavanled by
any one, and on his 'arrival
hers be , look tho. coach -. and
droyo to the residerpto. of Judge Onicl:
No ono expacted his arrival to-day, not
even his counsel, who deny the report
that they have any intontion of resisting
.the trial beforeludgelJudexwoork Djtvhs
Is In excellent health and quite cheerful.
Many friends are calling on him to
FOURTH PALGE--TtusCanwta; Litheran
Connell at Port Wayne; Antosentents
end various News Items. ' -
Th. Aso or Proems.,
„ We' have no desire whatever to be
numbered Anong that class of persons
styled "old fogies,” yet In this age of
progress there are some matters of en
entirely' too progressive donne-ter, which
are brought to ohr notice daily, and tie
ing them, deem It our ditty to speak out
against them; even at the risk of havieg
that term applied to as. ,In earner daya,
befoul ...Young America" , became lio
bnoto so great an extent With what is
termed a spirit of tulvaneentent, or in
°amnion parlance, .'goaheadltivenao,"
bantlsries and thafte committed by boys
of from ten to sixteen , yeers of ago were
of rare ooeurrencei, but neer they ere
common. Formerly,it was customary
forthe parents of children to superin
tend their education and exercise s care
and watehildness over themiwtdch now
a . ppmn to hate been entirely Ignored,
g dlttastefel. to dial. parent as
wall as to the childi, and the
ocuisaqusike L thsit the child,
bang allowed & "free rem' , in all thin*,
making ha own etrolos of.
. • • • • _
.its own Um. the retiring, is frequently
'found insockayof thevilest charactor,filla
Its young mind with the lighter and la
many cases most obndztooe !Demure
,of this fa= Rm. anclmay be found on the
streets, la Millard halts, • drinking =-
loons, and numerous other places not of
the most refining ammeter, If not de,,
rarticilye to the morn*. and hen= the
'result. The young mind becomes pots.
by the baneful -InflUeriers wit 4
which la surrounded, end from one
step to another Is kat op gradually. until
In a few years It la lilted for aluicot any
Mime. Yet this= milled Omni= It ta
old fogish fat a parent to put any. res.
Inlet upon his child In this fart ay.
The Lord deliver us fromench progress,
Iroimg Smatters.
Kate Wilson, a resident of the Ninth
Ward, and keeper of a oonfectionary
sbop, yesterday appeared beam Alder ,
Man Taylor and made Infurnardlon
against William MeDerthot, giobtalratt;. -
oil and IVIIIItun 'Page, charging. them
with burglary. The defondanuare boyo,
about fourteen or. afloat years of. age,
and work ate glass boueo in the Ninth
ward. Tbepreeetutrlx alleges that they
camel° mar hotted apd :broke' open a.
whidrac through - which they entered,
but before they bid taken Iltlythlng oho
disootered. them and -tbej , lied. They
boweter, returned' In Um course of an
hour or two and made another ...attempt,
width was idle frastrated. A warrant
was homed for tlioarred ol:the ,young
. Illestalttr. •
Dr. A. O. McCandless. Physiclanto the
Bonk of ifeslth, makes the following
report of the Inicrmottle In the city' of
Pltritrargh. fom November 10th to No.
vember IDth:'
Asthma, 2; disease of lamp, 3; old age,
'IF small pox, Ii COMOMptIOn; 2; eroolt. 1;
trroachltta, I; diarrhoea, 1; disease of the
Of the alitive ibia 4 e veers,` mier 1 year,
31 from 1 to 2. 2; from Slob, li
I; from Z) to
30, 2; from 30 to 40. 1; from 40 to 30, 2;
from 50 to GO, I; from CO W7O, ham 70
to 80, 1; from 80 .to 00, 1. Male*, 8; to.
nubs, d; vrOlto, 11;. total, 14.
Maslow la 4b• atalb, Wawa.
-A meeting of the citizens of the 2Vinth
w,atd will beheld at the - Independence
Engine lionse, this evening., to lake
into musideration the propriety of pur
chasing a 'down fire engine for that
'ward. , Ift'e ward "In the city • needs a
manner worse than the Muth, Indigene
tor procuring .one should. be ‘taken at
once. The rustier is ono of impoitanee
and the citizens of the ward should at-
tend.the ineeting.- : • - _ 1
We call attention to the sulvertlaa.
mothert 'Arthur Birk, to be , found .in
column, of his large stock of
Chandollaia, 'da., among which
are some of the celebrated Tacker Qum
delists which 'Wok the premium at the
(inter Exposition at Porta Prominent
among Isatweleellghtebaudeller
of the came pattern as one purchased by
King William of Prolate. Thls is a large
chandelier, Nova feet and a half high, of
beautiful propOrtlona and exquisite na
bob. Any person la scant of chandeliers
or lampsnannot do bettor than call and
examine his stock,
Fire.—The alarm- of .
.are prreoedlng
from box 40, between' four and live
reolocklesterenbg. was oectudoned: by
.the burningof a bed in the home of Mrs.
Crow, on" WaMut, srt, nom 'Penn.
In The Fifth Ward: 'The ta DM clothe" Vero
Ignited by coming in contact with a can
tUe which/rad been taken into the roam
and left 'Whig ricer the bed. The names
wore extinguished. by the application of
albw buckets of water. , Tho lire depart.
tent recto promptly on the ground' but
thalrearrlces wens not required.. •
Free Iseture...Sabiwt—The, Script
nre doctrine concerning Ctuild,_ tut pro.
tented in the itearlf-OFdeeat The. argn
Christi l i th e o n
that. the Lord
Jetiat onry God - of Uesveti
and•Rartb. • TWA will bethothird of a
;enures being delivered :Try Rev. W. R.
Reitrule. tit the New lernellem 'Chureh,,
antuttof Wood and Eilxtli r streeta,-Ban.
slay evening, Nov. 24.
Cotentlitedierles Dongberty wee
committed tOjell - Ifiyulay , by
on e Lindsey, to alvalt:a amring -on a
eilaro of amen atid'hattery, preferred'
by Lilly McDonald.
Aldermen i'deldeiderii etonnilited
at , Pb - Harlitb - to !newer a charge of m
oult end betterret court,. on or
Samuel Keifer.meth
We templet:gated Eton W. d. Minx
fenny, of Efth street, the October Itun-
Der, of the .London 'finartar/y. , of
coarse It is good, and we think .9:10-0Z,
two of the atiteles bay, esi rele; ;expo.
A Domostle DLOlialty
Of the many developments dailymade
Mpolloe courts, the follosiingwhichwas
brought to' oar notice Yesterday is per
haps worthy of mention: In the month
of June, IWO, a young man of twenty
five summers married a lovely maiden
with whom ho lived In perfect happiness
until April, lad, when, in answer to hie
country's call for- men to take up arms
In her dcferice, he enlisted in the service.
Filled with the spirit of patriotism which
at that time pervadMi every loyal heart,
he bid farewell to his bride of a few
'months, and buckling on his armor went
forth to do battle for his country In her
hourof need. For twoyearsa re,larcor
respondence was kept up between them,
and the fond hope of being permitted
to return ha'safety to her whom, he bad
swornto"love,chezishand protect," was
ever' uppermost in his mind. The wife,
whose •clevotlou was only equalled by
her patriotism, which had induced her to
consent to the separation which both flat
tered thenatelvea would bo but, tempo
rary, Was cheered by his letters, so full
of hope butinil at once, ttio letters mused,
treeke •ue'l by without hehring.from
him; weskit lengthened intemonths, and
Months lotto_years, yet no message was
recalved„.. , "ldope long deferred maketh '
the heart sick:" she therefore, ceased to
hope, and mourned him as amongst the
soo we - blood had boatload
uthernoil: . or parhays that strong nod
manly form, noon which she had looked
with such delight, had wasted away in
southern prison. A few mouths of
mourning seemed to quiet her troubled.
mind, and with all duo respect to her lost
love, she loved and married spun. The
second marriage proved a happy one,
and for over li year the loving pmr
lived together fondly anticipating a long
Ilfo of haprilneas and prosperity. But a cir
cumstance occurred about the end of the
first year 'which 'slightly- changed the
aspect-- of Minds. The first husband
' who had been mourned as dead, having
been raptured,- was confined Ina South.
am prison, and kept there until the close
of the war at tobleb time he vas so re
, duced andemiclatod that .Where tto
a United States hotpital, bere.
mained Decimal months. before .be was
discharged. Upon 'receiving his dis
charge hebastenedtajoln doubted. Whose
fidelity he hid Whig once lie
when he
buigledegine his - feelings
he wasirearmed by the wife of Ms
boson' dullish /had married again. lie
Old not follow,:tbe example at "Enoch
Arden," butattiod upon hie legit rights,
and the wife 'quietly informed husband
No. 2 that sim.fahnsid.ired it her duty to
take op wdla her first love, and
be would thineforo have to renounce all
clalma Tints the happy lair were once
more unitatrand far tr• Cow. mouths all
went or merrytw the "marriage bells."
The husbinddbwovered that the intim',
eY between Maude. and the man who
had usurped his rights was perhaps car
ried to a grimier extent thou the neces
sities of the mute demanded, and remon
strated with her about the inaudr, but to
no infect, and Wald of desperation he
resolved to leaf° the wilt free and-un
troubled, end to this end went to work
to pack up hi. goods. The wife having
retired, he pined heroutoflhe bed,which
ho then bundled tam and when she n.
monstrated threatened her with vio
lence. Sibitappeansi
and made
Ifelibuterayestenlay, and made infertile
den ainilregbdit far moretyotthe ponce.
A warrant , Was Land and the un
fortunate husband:arrested and held for
The well known lifidshan 42 of the
Sons of Tempemneerbidd a pleasant re
nutria In their maptifflialiAt Mozart llall
Mat evening, There Sias a very largo
attendance, and in 'sociable,
friendly way all appeared to enjoy them
, selves.. Refreshments were served up
in eltirailit'aty/o at a Into hour, several
hundred /*dies and gentlemen partici
pating in the feast aftobled. . A band of
music diaccursed excellent music during
the evezdne . At the elose of the enter.
tainmerittbi Young folks adjourned to
Philo llall..Nsileres they. improvised a
soiree and tipped the light fantastic toe
to their heels's content.
. •
Mall Dabbers ...A bold attempt to rob
•o. mail or* made It the Union Depot,
nudity, bya boy about sixteen yews of
• , which was known e to.pre
entlte„ 40400/3411W9
ad of cu ug It opou dlseove •
Hit was ou the annotate hie of the pall
tug fence, on the right • d aide of the
Pattenti, and betbre the • acne* who die
covered Jam could get o •er he had made
Pod his .eacape officers are In
search or , Min. but as yet have failed to
find any clue likely to lead to hie dia.
--Petectlie Salter sae - brought under
erred bethre thelndletery, Carmine as
a witness on Tlcarsdo. /lie excuse see
that he thought be wee not wanted nu
tete a certain •Irrunert could be fend
whom he had been searching for,.but
could not find.-
Wray a u,&. cracker*.
'seussoesilng Isfr.lf. Cecinallyin the
proprietorship of the old and well man
aced steam 'Cracker bakery, Nos. 2 and
al Irwin street, near Penn, we promised
that the , youtgrand enterprising firm of
Wray & Brother' would so successfully
Conduct tha business sus to rapidly island
I the trade. •W were's:tot wrong. 'Under
their management of affairs thp 'bakery
prusNred,,and now wade Rows In from
all directions.. The tirm are careftd of
the high .repelitlon, attained by their
crackers, ginger snaps, biscuits, ste.,,asni
no artless leaves the establishment but
will compare favorably with the =sun
bonnets of other houses. Their price"
are very reasonable. Packages are ship
ped, careful!" to au koluts. or delivered
anywhere in this - heighborhood by
wagons.. Oleo their Crackers a trial and
be convinced. of their excellences
Als4:4lwr . Clue
Of those beautiful Dstoumt BIM. Pianos
goes off to-day to the residence of Prof.
R...tkordutrt, one et the most thorough
going muido teachers , and also professor
of modern languages in the University.
It la of, magnificent tone and workman
shill,-Pwassutleg that rare liquidity and
poetry qf tone which clutractelizes the
Decutuss, and makes them the fittest
piano or entutint on which to Saterpret
Use inspirations of „Us genies. The
Drawees are now used by three ' of our
leadingrunalalatur, Prof. liohbock,'Prot
Grebe and ,Prof, Isondart, and we are
Sure the time knot km distant when the
Dasototrus will be in the houses Sr oft our
logein! musician& This piano arm thr
by Mr. C. C. Mellor, 81 Wood
street, the sole agent in this city for the
Decker Brae Planes. - • •
Will Pay tbr,•Plttsbrirnhers to visit
I the extensive • and well managed Ilo
g_heny grocery and produce house or J.
Kohen Brother., No. enyedend street,
for the largo and.fresh stock of grocerles,
teal, spires and produce Is offered to the
wholesale and retell trade at very reason
able and fraluchea-prleen Packages do.'
livered • enywhere bra of charge, and
shipments careful ly.nuttle to all potato. •
Call In at William Sernplo'i wholeiale
and retell dry goods eatabllahm6M Nos.
1911 and ill Federal street, Allegheny,
and examine the choice lot of 'woolen
goOds, plaids tuul heavy dress materltda
which are offered to the trade and lady
patrons at reanonable and todnelng
Oar Mrkend cols. D. Eagan; the - wan=
known book nollor and dealer,
mathatroct i below Smithfield itroo;,-bas
on handonobf tholinestcollectionabrraro
and currant literary, works to bo, found
In the city. Poroonainnood of anything
In tho Ilno should...arm.; hlm.wltb, tall.
The Best Place In Allegheny to -pur
chase groceries, ten and prodded la at the
extensive wholvsalo attd Mail establish
ment of J. %Oben Mtltlioni, No: te?
Federal street.: ' Thar' prices 'throughout
the honor =ovary reasonable ' -
Cara.—Alliliar coal' Men aro here,.
cautioned against buying scales with
adjustablehoppera or chutes attached.
A. patent Mannar will shortly issue to
V. Keeler, scalo manufacturer, aS
A vall ana - deatrable dock et drygoode
suitable Tor winter wear, will be found at
f:114: 1 ztab e le= at Boni.
lad ita Valera etreet,,tilireittretyi.B°
. - -
New Goals and dolly rodelved tit.ll7n).
Sein_ple's dryads house, .Nos. IRO and
MlNl:data , .Allopbony. The en
tire stack o at very cheap prices
to the wholesale e n d retail trade.
- -
Blankets of 1111 descriptions, of very
muionsable prime, at WWl= Seutples
wholcitole and fvtall.dig leads adobllab
tatZcs. 160 itrul',lgtt. irettoral itreet,
• -
.8118 Mutes at Pittock's
• Practical Plamber.
.Among those who bare bad long end
rienee in Oao Plumbing, Gas and ; Sw am
Fitting business in this city b Mr.T. T.
Etrens, whose well knowuestablishment
isloCated at \ o.'lli9Wood street. He hos
long beat recognized In the front rank of
those 'following the businets, and
work has teen subjected to; UM cleverest
. .
tests without taking away anything froth
the high reputation he enjoys. Fraction
himself, giving personal supervision to
all work entrusted to his owe, and em
ploying. none but the 'very best me
chanics, he has made an enviable record.
He attends to all descriptions of Plumb
ing work, 'to Gas and Steam Fitting, at
the mast reasonable prices, Orders from
' the country districta promptly attended, to
and competent Mechanics are dispatched
to all parts to execute new work and re
pair the old. At his !here, In addition to
a largo and carefully selected stock of
Gas' fixings, Chandeliers, Pendanta,
Lamps, , Globes aqd Ornaments, will be
found a very excellent assortment of Iron
and Wood i'unips, Hydrants, BatnTubL
enclosed . Wash.stanns, Sink.basins, and
everything pertaining to; Water-11xIng.
For any' work In this line, we con safely
commend Mr. Ewen,: to the patronage of
our readers. Remember the place, No.
Xi Wool street, noar Sixth. ,
Tae Old Tea Hodge.
Few of our readers need be told of the
location of tho old 'established tea mart,
Which, for aught we know, supplied our
forefathers with the delicious leaves from
China. It hasever sustained the highest
reputation, as tho teas and coffees ob
tained there became proverbial for puri
ty and excellence. The proprietor, Mr.
Joseph A. Robinson, continues. to keep
apace with the tlmmi, and offerli tho retail
patrons such &Judiciously selected stock
of tcui and coffees, sugars, dried fruits,
spices. seas - finings, raisins, " prunes,
canned fruits, its, etc., as cannot be
found In better quality or assortment in
the city. The prices aro very reasonable,
and we urge our readers to favor the old
mart with a pnrchssing
qilsene•ar I Take mg .Wall. Abroad,
how many poor,. miserable Dyspeptic
people reee, who would - be healthy,and
rosy, and happy, if they took Plantation
Bitters, that paragon of preparations for
givingtons to Use stomach. energy tothe
torpid liver, slop to the nervous eystem,
and strength to the muscles. It is egad
mireble regenerotor of nature's era Med
or neglected functional powers, in either
man or woman. It
_gently excites and
pleasantly soothes. With a bottle titers
of, every man may be !Assam physician.
Magnolia Witter.—A delightful toilet
artlcle-- , superior to Cologne and at half
the - • • srxrna"
• Tho Best and original . Tonic of Iron,
Phosphorus, and Callsayn, known as
Caswell, Mack .t Co.'s Ferro Phosplaora
ted Elixir of Callsaya Bark. The Iron
restores color to the blood,stbo Phraphi...
rut renews 'waste of the nerve tissue,
and the Callwayn gives a • natural health.
fol tone to the digestive organs, thereby
coring dyspepsia In. Its various forme ,
Wakefulness, (+mem] Debility, and De:
pressloa of Spirits. Manufactilred only
by Caswell, llntard d Co., New York.
Sold by all droggista. ' sn'ay.P• I
332, 334 and 336 are the noixibers of
the three large and commodious business
houses on Liberty street occupied by 7,
D. Itatnaley. At 312 will be found a
splendid stock or clothing; at 334 a large
and nsagnificent stock of all the latest
styles of lute and Cape; at 336 Boots,
Shoes and Clothing;', The prices are very
reasonable in each or the stores and bar.
gains and satisfaction are warronied - to
all who wale a purchasing visit.
Ileliday GM. to Jewelry—Now is the
time to pnrchase holiday gifts in the way
of rich and fashionable jewelry, silver
and silver plated wares, gold headed
canes, itb., at the well known home of
Reinernan, Ileyrati it Siedie, F0.214 Fifth
street. The elegant new store of the firm,
on Filth street, will shortlybo occupied,
ind in the .amanwhile great bargains in
jewelry, watches, docks, and ornamental
and fancy articles are offered.
AVlSoandlest and' Delta*
3 .*4Wactd
Ladles' ln at the - whole.
sale and retail mtablishment a Snod
grass de Boss, N 0.24 St. Clair street, and
eiallainkt the large and varied assortment
of ladles and gentlemen's Boots, Shoot
and Gaiters, whirl' are 'offered at ex
tremely tow Priem. Boys' and Mutes'
Shoes at manufacturers' prices. •
Midday Glib foe • ladies and children
in the tray of white wando, linen goods,
embroideries, loco goods boalary itdoces
and fancy uncles, mues, 'be procured at
Z 7 '1,'.1".1V.W.`V,1.° ttlrnmin
al Market street- A. apeCial redo*.
lion often per coot off forcash.
Tb beat place in the city to buy your
hats and caps, or • hoots and shoes, or
ladles' furs, or umbrella:4,o; truhka and
travelling bags, la it, the popular and
well known wholoaale anti retail house
of Snodgrass Noss, No. 24 St. Clair
street. A liberal reduction tootle to deal
ers who boy to soil sputa, •
Pabuilds Business Property, pp First
and Second stneotupt auction; on Thurs
day( Down:Wen sth , ak3 o'clock .r. mt., to
which tbo.special attention of .bresere,
disttliers,' machinists and capitalists is
invited: Seeadrerdsoutent ofectiltbson,
Palmer .1 Co., auctioneers. .
Lady Readers trill remember 'that tho
specials:ale or (Rimming', laco goods, em
broideres, urnishing goods, contintuis
at IV, W. Moorhead's No. SI Market
street. A reduction' of ten per cent is
made off tlso already reasonablepricesi Po
cash purchasers. •
Seo at HoUthelsztersa-dret chase
taarant, Fifth treat,. next door to Um
Portotilee, the splendi ga d
m display of do•
Try a
mast fowls and wild
Contlnentaol e f all
and s, rta,
meal at the ao
lolled that lt ta kept ln Up top style..
,Wheie dopon bay your Clothing? Cali
in and =mine Um inagnificentstockat
J. D. Datnalay's,..No. Mort* stract:
The prices are very °bean and every at ,
ticie is warranted to Oro satisfaction in
Catmed Fruits, the best - French
pure splss, choice aagata, and bested'
tees and coffees, will be found at the
most reasonable prim% at the old estab
lished tee mart of Joseph A.'lloblugot,
No. 21 Fifth street- .
Bab and caps,-At.i. D. Ramalaq's,'
o. 334 Liberty street, will Do limud' a
lam ana Lindy assorted itock or Data
and caps, embracing all the latest a d
moat road ionable styles, which are olgir
ed at, eastern numniacloarare
Gents Furnishing pods, Atria.
drdwers;tieek' tick suspenders at great
reduction in prices, at the retail trim
ming and notion house of-W. W. 'Moor
head, No: 81 Market 'street Ten . pel
cent:Q.2l°r east'
Boys. I oFs and Caps. —Tho finest gook
of men and boys' Rats and Cam In the
city, at tbu cheopest prim. Is at the
holesalo and remit establishment of
Snodgrass* Ross, N0.'24 St. ChM. street.
I% t
e es conducted dining rooms In
the city aro than, of Wm. noltrhehnor.
next door the Postolnee, Firth street,
and the chnrgee are moat. reasonabla.
e ll in and ace for yourselves.
Purchase your teas where you can buy
to best advantage and where nothing
but the purest to eo:d at very low prices,
at rho old established tea mart of Joseph
A. Robinaon, No. 20 Fifth stmt.
Fars.—The boat Qf Farator la
dles, weary at tho moat reasonable prices,
may bo &and at the wholesale and retail
eatabiLibmeat.of hinoilgrars &Rasa, No;
21 SL char street..
Clothlng.—Tho IThest stock of =Ws
elothlng in the city le st Thunaley;,e,
Liberty street. - The prices ere
- 3,137 re:mumble.' Coll awl be salted
Ales - the choicest,. and Wines,. the
parts; on draught, ,at the Continental
Dirdnq Saloon, nest door to the Postal.
floe, INfth titteat.
Oysters in nil styles ai reasdnable
oent Ifollsbeituer's Continental Dining
Saloon.- Firth utreet,'. next door to the
Freud Ortcre received dallyst the pop .
Mar Coettnental Dining Rooms, next
door to the PostoMoejltlh street:. ' '
Call and U.:arable Ito iargo atm& of
Fun, at. Wla• • k/9 13 1 11 4 .4, ,, , No.
Bargains •at Ladles' Fan at Wat,
Fleming's; No; ISO IY9td aired.
, 1
E.r :f.
Tehompb or weave.
It would be a gross libel on our home
talent, genius and - mechanical ability, to
'assert that • the justly fimious pianos
which have so long charmed and filled
with admiration the entire 'musical
world were the perfection of science in
that direction and could no further ho
improved.. It would be equally unjust
to believe that their measure of popu
larity could not be overrun by the fame
of new instruments aspiring for public
'aver and adoption. No invention has'
ever been so close to perfection ns to
baffle human ingenuity to render it still
more worthy of praise and greater use.
More than three and alai( centuries ago,
the rude though sweet-toned harpsichord
was Improvised Into a piano, and since
then, with each successive generation.
Improvements wore added and novelties
introduced till that instrument has ap
preached nearer perfection than could
trio ambitious claimants for the honor of
its vention have ever dreamed in their
wildest enthusiasm. The Chickeritig,
the Steinway, the Knabe and the Tired
-bury have successively shown and re
colved.just laudation for one or more
very excellent qualities. bit the march -
of-intellect was onward--sativlied not
with what had been produced. There
loomed up on the musical horizon an in
strument which summed all others in
maiv• essential particulars, while com
bining all the new ideas, the novelties,
and the perfections of•lts rivals. While
equalling, it added Vastly to any. or' all
I other instruments before the public for
' favor and•endersoment. It
unmistakeable terms Its excellencies in
hundreds of parlors In, our land, - and
wherever its tones have Leon hoard, its
superiority boa been ackeowledged.
Rich, fall and powerful, soft; sweet and
ravishing in tone, stout and durable In
workmanship, chaste and elegant in fur
niture, it rightly claims the highest
praise over any other piano manufactur
ed in America. Such an instrument- Is
the Docker, an sumouncement which our
mash* readers doubtless'ivere await-
ing, far no other instrnatont stands so
deservedly high in their estimation. •It
In unequivocally endorsed In the higheot
terms of prides, by the leading Arderiein
interpreters of the. groat oki,•rxenituarit,
and is attaining fame just in proportion
to the number of Instruments veld bylte
manufacturers, and the consequent
knowledge of its superiority pore actual
use. C. C. Mellor, No. 81 Wood street,
is the wale agent for the Maker Pianos
in Pittsburgh, and raids extensive ware
rooms will be found a.large number of
the Instrumento to which these desiring
to purchase are respectfully directed.
Dry oods at luilcaale.—we
site the G particular. attention of - buyers at
wholesale to our completeatock of silks;
dress goods, and all kinds of fancy and
*Mph) goods, and to the fact that we eon
at the lowest eastern prices, and cut
goods to cult prirchasima.
-59 If.a.rket street.
Call and Examine the large and coo
eta stnelc of Ladle.' :Fors, at 'William
Leming's, 10. 139 Wood street. tf
In the Corner Wlnelow.—Prog's Chro
inns at. rittock.'s.
:To stlielesale Floyers.—l ion proyarsd
to offer you et my new house, N 0.104
Wend street, a superior lot of Trunks,
Tensest, Carpet Bags, Satchels, ower
Ann any other house !tithe city. fly tifacture all my work, and can warrant
them to be made of the Tiny best materi
ol. RemeMber the number, 104 Wood
T:SELS Josrl u T.nrnr
. .
demethleg Good. — The boots, shoes,
ohms, dre., for sum, ladies and children,
kept at 89 Market street, aro made of
the very best niaterlal, and sold as low,
as the lwest. All grads are warranted
to give satisfaction. If you want gouts.
l ' A d' oe a i r roni a . t e, gr L ia P lot 'st'
Oitty to be had at Pittoare—Stereo
seopie views.
Kentucky , Etats Zetteker•-Tlniokai
1.41 , 204.4mait0gs in , tbe-llMted States:
Gnind Delliday Drawing-vat tam
plane December Stet.' 1. 1 3,W.,0 to be'die-
Utbnted:+,Capttal; prize pOO. Com
cMinn seat free, by addreiming - •
• ikt trae:, Ent:
Go to Wm. Fletislng's,. No:` 39 WOod
street, fee bnrgslns in.lsslies' Furs: ti
Truskat Trunksil Trunksilt—Remom•
Der the plane to get your Trunks. Val.
Ise*, ike.. Is at Llebler's Trunk House, Wood street. Ite keeps the Tory
beet and all tbe latest stiles. 01111 n -and
examine. Tut.,
To the Ladtek—lf you want a .Nice
Trawling Bag, Valise or' atchel, go to
LeMar's feahionablo Trunk House, No.
101 Woodatreekand you .will find any
ands you can with for lohlaline—cbrap
Cot, Wm.: bleintor . s,_ co . 139' Wood
street" for bargain's 10 r Met' rum. -
(:0A: Al,t They Slec.--"Dime Vilma. at
Lam& 11Lica 19n..x. Vim - sr not
WASS.--)3eslitifUl. ood; sublimequal•
ides, in all widths, at less c than can
be fel:and In the two cities,. maneswe coo.
nee omarkpt and "Fourth greets. .
are. GAUDNER a STE-water
Eye, _Ear, Throat, Mete CHEST
Dreasems and CATsann. an:moseindly
treated try Dr. Aborn, 134 Smithtleld -
stret. A bwk by mail 40 mud. •
• • col= In Ladles' Faro, at Wllltatn
flaming's, No. XX/ Wood etreet. .ct
New Nooks at Pittmk's.
170 .TE11—WALTT:—Ob Tbzurikto arculng,So
vcaber Zst. LOW, b 7 Acr., 8. LI. SP...kb. W. @..
POSTER, 3Z. D., and DIRDLI W., diughter of
John WU, Eso.. both or thli city.
wol.r. —) aApreheec,,TrY,Slaak Ward, trot ,
AX ; ":I4 . - ot " tilia. h 72: ° c%%ll,
nod 42 year.
The funeral wtrl Like'sdarn/ 0018wrnswiT3g-
Tanoclow, at two 0'c10ck...210 friends Or the
Welly nra re' tteetrulls lathed to at lend., . .
Leer,. gad Deaver gapers please eohj.)
ALIDSOW.-1/0 'Mende,. alterno.dr e - at hall , '
Peak two lerlack, kre. wIAZA Beall D. ALIA
h.ON; nu:lller of Der. Jenne Allison, In the 74th
, lhierral will tete place ewe Doom no, et
lea edeloelt, Wow . her late resldeord In Mehl.,
Ww.SWP. Allegheny repot', Da..
11701 Fr A ZIVDTIPri . , TS! 1.111 reT=N ° D! ' Tin
1 17 a the,. yea. and row
Dahr.tolrrommeldetwo of herpireat,:so. 93
Direr Aseoee, Allegheny, Tula reetordey).Ar
elottodx. at two We/ock.
. Ulm. AND IllkALygR . No. la Ohlo St..
Allegheny, and No. 10 Dlarnond Square; on
John ylttleen a 8r05. % ) keeps even on hand I.ln
ben Metal, Romawood, alent and. Noltaido.
Na ~wood 04111. Walnut Colton Inn.
•tM4 , Itose.aul Codh.g2o nynnuels; all orbit
Cottle to proportion. Cnrrlnges Ana Marne
Narnlohed at low rates Crape, Cilarea. Plata
and Ingenvingthrntshell gratis. Ogleoopen day
and night.
No. Da Fourth Buvit, rill:dough, ( • a:
COPPINS. et W dada; CRAM, 01471521...,
wrerydeftrliptlon o< "mond rongiblor dose,
humtshed. iloostsepto.dayantt Rolm
miCarrinires ihrSlatted.
Drlntmicu—Dar, Diva Yen. D. D.,ltcr
M. W. iscobu, D. D.,lrhoina• Enlof, laq.
JaCOO M, MUST. Rae, '
413, sobesax e . lINDERTA
XED AND NNNLIANN. (sneeestee tow
tau Samuel X- Roam.. Ne. 12P Oak.-
three! dams tram Eaaver,_ Alleattady City. MM.
Inlik• mawssay;
ar add imltadao at 'the , lowed Wye.
fricea Zooms *pea at ail tided", day sad addat.
Um" awl Carriages' Ihratalted as .Dort soLI
sad Oa maid macadam term.
RDWAIID MARNIECIM 111N- DirtAXis: Oflon, Zito. MI Ohlo
AltoOM. &WWI!. TY.W.Kook. sad. et/ur OA
MU. with ittomploto stock ottonoral ranAgatn,
ott hood Mt tuna:MP Ai inerloat outla,
it RAW* Vial. Ws and 14r037 stibloo, eat--
set of elm at 11134d10 Illtnota„ Cotrtotto..
ioddli norm: &a., ar...
tor him ' '
. x.r.IIAPPBUGEt. at taa Mama art
Lainamakattba, Pa. eattaKtrrAi, IMAILBL,
sad BPOITIC WOLCIPI; eteNitittput, laa,
• Tion-Tba tratoknapablltao votary of thi
eavostb Squa ate requuted . to macs at their
Chant Wt.; at quarter pad 1111•41I'V4ierki.t.
so:WM*4 Ward Moon, to Oa cid for at the.
lure stmt. containiad runt, cut,.
MOH of Istsrestlas moans matter , Was Mall,
leading =assists. MUT News by talsrssia
AWL, ligMar me' tem VOL/
and MOWS had ant /Waldo flassdall Sad Ora.
morels! Market lima. Ow , VT .0 P . a . ''' .
the say.. Jis.„.l!aradd, aidebSida or Irsirdinin ,
should be villitiont, Is t ' -
rums rixitins,rricbtosnairdlo
at etloinriber. .... . ..
Clots or Teo Ls, •
—And one soar of la* to.tba. Pasoan Ilalikaa
°P thiretob. Additions co clubs dos to dodo di
any Ur.. as club was.'j
NOTIVZ to Sonscarniiii.--In,ardarind Ton
Doper, be vide and :spool& Irbil, *Mow yits -
want, se nissuea Weddeohl.eddidd ire sop.
icriborn bartnx bat oe bull *fir&
aa . lllszgy by DWI. Xatadah' Kolr/ ar - _ —
ntollegLHndlwttan.naybe6ntatse rilit.
Addriloo. . CAZICIPTI. '
WANT E D—Aur Frye?helloed
sALESVAN. tu trki it"" ll.t "a L.-
rdePedness Address A. U. Outll3
• I tr. or Went. Nelda litQle to fbabXXxXl
Dollars Cash. to !caeca to eb wen mulabUdikil
hulceale and ietall Dre Wks& , 'MG librX4 4 .e
cannot be excel ei/.• Enquire' 07. D. :LiAli t CY
a Imo.. xo. lmloartb atleletant4b.xlit•
WAVlt]plk...Vre *ant L l Agenb
0Tt ., 7 o otytoronoi7lruli.a4O 4l o.
to sell 'Orr, IndloponsAlo oill<lll4 tiott,O4 to
ornr, LoV re. 2 1. I. no Loiatros. OnO
arrm making roar or dater n dollars por dor , pat
on or addrorr CUStitNa ipexttirr. RPoa
Clalr tiotet. •
WANT E D evarti-
HO _
tat__P t t
err 1210 es or Carbine.; Si to 117.0 t
Wes nr Carbine.; $S o de cash fa.
W W. Attt7
or Nary Itevolr rt. Hub paid 'SO attn . d t .
gertptlon or dre arms. Person. hoeing 007 0,
abort> arm. ran semi them be Expraie.o. d. •
J. Ilt JOHNSTON, Gnat Western Hen woe/..
- ziPena streg t, eornerjrayne,
watt Tamale. 'no Molt for3be XICIee.
DAN AND TILT:. lty Mrs. A 11. ItUge. Of
the U. 5 . 5..40 - Commission. It Is Sete kb.
son of the war. or of any eampalsncir Goan W.
bet a tun and gaPant record or the salrtilee 4 "
sufferings of the rant and ills. Tor *APS ADO
territory address or %Poly to A. ti1t:40024
CO., 00liarket street, Pittsburgh. •
Fon lIENT—OFFicES.-•-Tbe
• rooms nos oempted by the 9eer.l 0106
Union Itenroart and. Trammortatton COOPOrin
O. es MO tutor s one U. McC li ntock a Va.
Wind More. Then rooms are may &MOM
for Warm. baton looltml In the ambient Mibb
limb and on FM street s nom,belos brfd.ML
the Moots= ferment. rendelnit them Arra
Rom nob., ein Front room amiable MMUS`
proof-Moab. rossesslon can be bad On SUMS'
Pronitob Ingot= of ()LIVID. /110011111TIXIS
CO.,lsllfUt street. • .• '
pox` os 4 Lt. —II IRE comma;
''',„„.REED STORE fur sale, doing sirOall awl
Otat for rciallors.,Enoulta at 034 Pan* atm&
Ft eltliALE.B2o ACRES
Fepariniu.42opilic. kn.:A:mid wok
Good glle. Taxes sA, pald,..Wlll, tell& laelllST
propperiy.jar partlealm .Itgqult• oti 111%.
SOUTH. karket Street. : - ,
pan 8 aLE=THREE nviir.piapla
LOTS IN Bit/YIELD, sear 04111.1 i
den, two squares front the houneur t'aek. Taub
lot e•al4•, beautifully nanted, sad ai/I:ba sold
cheap. Enquire st.WILLIAII EUIYII3`.•
Liberty Street. .
The osolerslgneal .111 . aeU as or oossilalta/
a Drsek Tarsi. to aol person asbhiolt to Mai"'
the bosletess. The yard Is new, lettll all the mad,
ern haprosecoenta. Lease ran, MOM
heed aPD7 W 0.4 a(whoteeska badnvia. Ask.
dress. E. T. C.. sailegheeir.9: •
Fon L
HOWARD'S ldrarfand Saia fitaida:•,daaa
dna TAAHLY HORSE ,ally): 11...•142Pix0
Grey .uoicsEs, LARGE DWG=
HORSE: three SLACK ALUM; two. UUr
HARES. FIRST BTRRMa, maw OW Mad Exp. •
lola Vaasa. •
AM - Hones • • it aad said an eanalaladom
ilakery, didn't IC bottom or foam MI isap
barrels of dour i week, and glinted et lko.l ,
PALO ALSO STUMM, Allekhent qty. won be
widen resiou'able terms. The atwee balmy
doing a gold batlness, Oaf loa the facilltlesOk
doing a tauelilerger one thanla oow matting.
Any *non wiablor to edge's ha the boalstewl
will hod Ildt•radeopportardo, trut p..tutiim.
Tamar. at the IlAiLEltlf. .
. • At a loch cylleder. ro Ittch iteoluj *WO
lach.4ll nett logic, with two
Stack. Ureic nut, hl! mayi ter. mkt r.dit.4,""
up. The rogloo la needyemir aretar pedlar
cider, arid will be mold very chnily pe MC.[
Aaslok err for It. be be exiorilhed ak the
chop or Jr; W. WALLACh: he V l aerv7
For priceend ter.. guncif4a.X. usplmioset
V,A 7 4 11
.. .
1 0 1W'
dik vv... Di—
FOB MALE.--Bourvitilitil.,!..
eon.c a mina.% un • vi — niit4, rusenger Italloray." . -Lotigg .br, tr . 0.0.'
oosos, gtosoo. coatatolng 7 MIA , . aigr-040.4
ttbproved:' not.' udf oLoi gm/11W NV. i....1
thrall strata, Atieglono 4 tIT. Lota:l brat :
few house tramq contalna tvonril aoi
good WWI water and gas. 'IaSo:1; monist ice.
Houses and Lots to good location. Iroodos ot A•
RCM sCO Deaver itreet. us+
VOR NALF, •—A RARE (mann=
to. teethe • gentlent.,lmlinget
mob espltal of U. to parches sone-Wm I.
terms In • well eitratellgte.l and Oki! ming LW-
Oricatlui. Refinery. To • man. nottnittlafol So
[meeting, a a ram opoortunity. as. •441.
t lon to his Interest he will receleeßmlas7WlßßO
•per month and tepees.. 111 health ii the'oely '
ft 141.1 for present owner offering let eelL Roe t .
particulars mulatto of SILL .1k SktUlTXßtyr,,,,
Iteet Retate Brekere, Littroistrerm4 . .'" ,•-• •
port SALE, -- HOUNEAND)ror ~.
- A largo Toi, of ii . oond tlizT feel. is last
Liberty - . on t 4 Twakitotra r id. riirdas !tie'
the Italiron4
.41211014°0 width Is etwa4 ,
two story back house orals
rellsra. • 'This 1.•• goal 'tom!, wall priilled
throughout with [Barbi. ortautOls.' &tat: dinar"'
Boors 1.14 with brick: o Pumpa4 aht &anew.,
fords an obuntlant and vtostant sorphrof goo 4,
...tor, and will in Gold weri atop liatil'oliolay
tarots. If Applied ibr soon. • For fartlbolarseihw
noire of 11. TONSIL, /teal XatitnAgistr t
tar Fourth lime; Plttshurgb. ' ,
011-.14 A 1,-E-BEIAETSEERS
myrs.—We maw ofier on ozoiodinsly terse our
• or. plan Of linen a.ithx•ll44;4.-
ill Part or that v,thubbi propel, tithiasinilo
the helm of L. C.l. Noble. gloat. At SPROF
end of Sharp:awn, and near ti - olts =many
the West Penn. flatiron& •Porticni . Otani* '
lots front the ...Brood on thnwqLand
meet on thn 000th. Thii lota
with wide street. running o=4; 004 erilq
property . . The soft tor giudentsBPoritiola no*.
001 00 nnrollod, aid for bounty attn.:oils* sal.?
meta horn no iontii. for tiewitiptirli pint
thrtiter Information toll at SILL At
LDS, ItralEntato4Alionts. Boller Sinn:
We bare Jost retelied r
MigTra .. ..llgrflta print ever tomit i r
labmartet, bd./r CIUM3O
t.sposed Zsexperzont. with ~I •
casomonkrzis, iimautar. ,
IT4elama. !ad Itttall a gel!"• , f
HENnw a.- nets, - fia
Merchant , Tailor,:
cor. Penn and st.asir
mAzurAsrmanro ocuceilrr • ‘ A
eswxwo iracutria
Lvejwatitett. asti at* tba thyme, gap '
!•kung, rt mu:
NEW STonE ..430
H. SMITH, Merohant.Tafitr,
n corm*:of
. sior nteelvlOg •
cA 5 3 4 1 . (1 11021,,V11:211441a,
Aad OVEII et/ATOM ar
nommEs, ;tux &ice., -•
Anchor, Collin
Manufactureri Healy, Yvan. aid AO, •
1 1