fEE `.-&&ZI CITY AND SUBURBAN ' witirsaulr Noventper !0. .Present, 4sogesfiittov or6mpson, Agnew and ifi o. s , %R. Rhodes , Lawrence ed. Ls . Th J.-power, of Plttuburgh. on Co. ; r t nii ; 'snotlod di A.M. Watson, Esq., W. , / duly admitted/ad quollao 3 to PronCeo in th,.. Count. Scow oPPealt Washington' t, count,. Argued by 1).v 1, 1 wi1.0n,E.,,q I . ibr lig"e'n! and .by MonigMnern eon!' I tak -.." ' . g. illatrins; Allegheny annts.' , satiratior it_, ~.o l,....fora ra inthtt in gr ' , contra l r sis, et 7 .1 3, tabor: Venangri _ ,„_, a„.„ y aruras for plahnin 4- ftr= r. Hey mk, contra. MAO da at. vs. Pittsburgh anti Stenbingilla lisll.4ond Co. In equity. ecrigt - . ) ,...saojailithous—Jtadge mitomiti, i w. m ..olisx, November 20. Ciottlt. r.,:jigra;%UilatiLal bon!. .. .pitkdowsie - Of IV. Jr. Byram V& Re r r mad& Verdict in favor of pti • fpg , x l i ttyncli and .lionri Long fo use aicual, Verdict for plain for . •,:!• ,filotion for a now trial. t_ger,,. Latimer va. Dr. J. A. Ile n. lifai or of plaintlfr for $15.1 —: —W.-ii:McCanee vs. .W . Hays. 0,,, r, iii eu t f mci wittriesve to inovo to •e -pAttlatthise Vs. °Apt. R. Ibunliton, . , r..L tr rr ro in i. wo o G ... rove. Yerdlecdry favor .. i , tr Powell t z ar. D.P.: ilatel- i"er toe .I.bi I . S - ,..,. Mgt,. the trial list,' ibrthiS lam 'grAlillosa vs. Burnet.. , , . . ' - _lull:I., Everett .t. CO. vs. J.deßrew t. _ 4l rritettbom vs. Ifilitt. ' .t en. I.& Rasing°. 10;1, Musgrave vs. Hazlett anti wife. ' .7, 0 ,30f6:1et0r Vs. Duncan. ' geWm. Darker 4 Bros. Vs. Lafferty ,::4104.QuIssoso vs. Adams Express Co. v•BE- DO rtyvs. McDonough.- a Y a k , olLhou. • -0, Scott vs. Schlk et al. lIL Digger 4:Boylngton vs. McCauley ‘oirderntosh va. Settler MltialL tOoyie Hart. , • 4. - Xtettnef et. ux. Ts. Pitliburgb, Fort & Chicago ComNny .., 0 .71 1 =s - on the daily - 1&t. will notbe contintusl,• except. for 'special 7' no—not existing before they were placed on th e tleattor Sesttosue.-Judgo Stowe. . *mut metettlie wind hour, tan o'clock, .J.lfbarieseiy morn3ug. 'vEnnttv ntztinttim. Id ilio . also of William Ed #* Lane and John Burch, indicted for Ito; on oath of Georgo Baumann, tavern Iteliforir in Ste wandown. the Jury found a — TerMet of not guilty, deforatants to pay ASSAIIIIT AND 1341 . 17111" 3 ,.. Llry_wassw . oru to try . three =sea, - ra icti 7 o nnYnnealk Vs. Prank Tine; nG (or asiault end battery, on ~laddlar, Wm. Anderson. Commonwealth . vs. Geom. Ilaunionn and Prank Tine; aggrcrated aksaultand batternon oath of Alba 13urciat and Commonwealth vo. • =l"rin u e; aggravated y j a ohn tail a lla aria n tr nri nn d Zontd iiliteyi,Mn math of Edward Lane. The ilesault and batteries were aleged to njbtlie been'comotattoil at the sumo time .J.susiLln the stumetrannactlon out of whlcb , -Ibl Charge elicit ortghudeil, the subject Zcd the ease previously , tried. The jury ?Mud Tine and George Baumann guilty abnple Bmitend of uggmvatadj nemult sid , batlere on Burch. mid Tine, George - .Mad John Baumann not guilty of the itfne. brought by :Bono, but George '..lllllgimanu to pay-tise'enits. roc - n=llOOK cask. Charles Dowers War placed on trial, charged with, stealing a pocket book Muir ,Weiger; in the vicinity of Girry's /him Not concluded et adjournment. Belief foe the Beller Explosion t • 11•1111Kror. .fidlowing tuldittofiet eubserlptiOns ....logiefutudfor.the relief of the boiler ex... Zigeetori sufferers, ere reported: "In= 1" . aloveg..:.'l 6 4 1 1777. L. c0: . 14 lar.ZrlML.':. 0.10••••• dd ad 4111eilliesstan o),lion2,ll2•Ualon . io - 14 tie. l'r4rWl . . W. P mattes:o ice , Wor • and r .I.4.lbeameenr.., 00 ii. l pi•I• .. 172 Z. C ;)n i ti: ' " ". ICC 4711 Mat c 0.,. G. d ir eo 10 1. ~ A ted r s • pare. : a . 2 ) . lcuiler.oll Id CO INg;7o l l . iie VIIV.II‘Vg a tt CO. Batty? I!. 2)00 U. 0..0 tr n '_1047.070c• Cagle •e Dart 0t r. 3•401111112,1,1- c• 5aU•1aa1...... td Id 00 ll:7•lt,c . it 10! =FIT:: 0)0. • • • 'ZOOM P. O. 10) • -1 1 2airce-..."*"xso ' 9.4919599.. r a3. 11 •. ' 05 394924599 9911t29 5.a 511/9/994 13.99199- lam. sod •uk.• !....mleo••• Me- ' lista c .4....1 . 3g ; }rod C 95: 4159 i ===m 1222=311! GENERAL NEWS . —lt is claimed for a certain ring, lately beignestked to his daughter by a knight who died at Teignmonth, that it was 'nos the property of the Queen of Sheba, is‘whirgare It to Solomon. It Sax taken from Jerusalem by Titus, brought to Home; and sea Oran. by Clement VIII. to Water. From itim "it passed to the monks •of Leicester Abbey, and thence ‘tato`fitivsto hands on the absolution of the monasteries It is added that the for te:taste owner of this ancient relic is a :'Mud in chancery. —They lowa Waahington, D. C.; a • kind of watch that far surpasses any thing.of the kind before :invented. Here • Is a description of it which we tale . , from eiVsabington. journal: "Toe or dlnat7 operation of opening it to sec the thinisivisMds It, toe twenty-four hoar. Opening it four times winds It tar ten ihgyst, After . lota. thries opening' the splint - detacliee !belt, und it may be opened and shut at pleasure without of tenting the winding apparatus until the F2flnil= " u _ when •he t as f ira d g B n t“ .pans the. watch .will. mail . set thf • • —A young man, named Francis Han , 'sec bought, the caber day, a line house n Vienna. The money with which .he for the property had been obtained • an somewhatpeculiar manner. Ile was!' s.lellherabor of Maximilian's body guard, and bad been taken prisoner In 181.4, in ,t tattle with the • troops comminded by 'Porfirio Mx Ile our:ceded In effecting his flame by killing a sentinel, but was, a few momenta afterworl„ met by it Waled oftteer.• He killed lain also; took a large valise front his person and ipdloped to the linos of, the Itnpmiallata n his arrival there he opened the valise, silidlotdal that It, contained, besides number of Important pvers,.sl2l,ooo in - American currency. Ile delivered • the whole,LO the Emperor Maximilian, who permitted tam to retain, $50,003 of it. The fortunate soldier soon after returnri —The Levant Ilerald, of October 29, contains the *tiering; The fourth wife pi Sell= IIL died en Monday night, t - palace tradition declares, at the extreme • old's' of one hundred and thirty. lint t this is anstlikely an exaggeration of at lawiltddrty. years, as Selim only reached the throne in Mr, and married the de tailed 'when Young. Site must, how ever, have been close upon a handred, and thus witnessed the checkered events of no fewer than five reigns—from Su warrow`e lantehery at Ismail to the safe intiont'of. Abdul Aastz from Frangtstan. She was burled with great pomp In the 'bray' precincts Eyoub. the sumo evening Prince Mehemet, the Infant son - ,the Sultan, seas also summoned to 44tredlita. little remains were car ',:.yesterday-morn'ng to the tomb of IrandlUther, Mahtnond, with still Ereanee ceremonial. .Soclety_ of Friends in England — Verve relaxed their regulations respect. latsdrear, 'aid some .of . the. younger - Meaultetra avail themselves of the liberty '"thint•rseutikered on them. In a recent „lrillIg• et the Friends' Meeting 'louse Urinal, the bride wore a (Irma of white arededallk, *amen, huddonablo bonnet, mainl composed of orange blossome, _.eand t r e eg veil of tulle, ed ged with pearl. • The bridesmaids wore dresses of ' 2 while grenadine, the skirt s'o f which were eeddggeedd with blue; and white crepe bon awki. tettomed with Lino. Ashler of the bride wore a dress of pink satin, and a bonnet of whiteerope, with white forgot eftenota and ostrich. feather. Atwater . friend of the , brldo worn a white grotto - 'dbie Muslin `dress trimmed with white pink, and awhile and pink bonnet with • • ilowerskntch. Thesefashionabledreas • am were In striking contrast with thoso worn by ladies present, who still adhere ;$0 the ancient rigours of the Friends In the matter. The ceremony on this oat - also was to egret ..eccordance with ttho -: ; lpas onabllelaed usages of tho Friends. ;.-TbisiolitriMg experiment Wort made by Mr. Bert: He tied a rat tall, under ' the bell of an air pump, and in imam dleteprtrximitrtoorgrontmtedtmlpburic „Odd, seas to gradually deprive it of all JiloistXtre.•2;Then placedlt in a. he sealed glass tuba g.,r five days. Attabdenelof this Limo Lo subjected It , -fides number of hours to a temperature cdpineteseight degreen-eonilgrade In a tem and subsequently waled it a see. In his tube. 'Four days more ba ciapeed he united this 'tall by its ant ty to the freshly cat stump of a living . , healthy rat, and quietly 11111104 Abe remit: ;His enema teas as •=atella it was marts:Mt:dm.. It corn. .• to`sind and-perform the eat , lwellittlideof a tall, ,and three monde' iirtarw°6 be•dammutrated,nY a second amputation and careful inleetion, that It renee tandatioalelthviroppor vessels find rouljiviaspartortisa scowl an, : Wit..lBll:EllEtTZ. - DAN i AND no 118 Wood St,' near corner of:Fifth. Government Securities, Gold, Silver, And Coupons, Sought sad sold of tberal term. Draft sold do all the principal elides of [mope, • CONVERSION OF 7-30'. . W. ors !ow ohooral to maven the SECOND AND - THIRD SERIES 2 -$ 1 : 01'1 =TO rni New 1867 6-20 Gold ioupon Bonds. l JAMBS T. BRADT & CO.. balm o Gemmed Somitiv, Coiner Fourtb.4 - Wood weranot.. IBA B. EticVAT & CO., .13494 , zilmeires,, • • • AD Mtn conanul Maim or. Fourth and Eim(Weld ntretts. si i4 VENV 4, tt7g.l..rft`T S Elo l3 l• l ; ma. to J'aaaary an, aud It au= la axetaage 5.20 no.tris OF 1867, Ntereat Iu GOLD at 0 per colt from that data. IRA 13. /101VVIC d CO. FINANCEJ AND TRADE. OenT OF tern PrrranalowGeserea. WeneltaDAT. November 20, 1037.. s Gold opened gm at 11976, advanced to 140 X, Out slang dallat to large Speculators arculd like to run up the market a Wile more. but too4y le Too mama to keep on buying sad cam large etosks of 'gold, whtln tt " le almost certain that In lets than sixty dere the market gond doellue heavily. The government le Pinaning a -vim coarse In not ailing oat Its marine it present, as thle alone he. more to. gamma on keeping the market steady than ill the movements of Well street broken and the whole community combiner maid do. We nee our pro:LW:lon, that . hank stocks- would mil considerably lower before the does of the year, es le seen by theererolt of the auction sale. ID conseqoence of the tlehtnem of Um money market • coludderaelo amount of United States securities were thrown on the market,; aid bonds deellood from %to Id poi cent. from the highest prices of Saturday Inst. Seven Thli ties and Ylve Twerstla of Clay are Von, sad Yon Fortin, principally held by speculators, arenow . olfened at tellf, against 102%. the prim of lest weak. .The demand for investmsat however le lacressing from Um west and all .01mM:rat dletslets.. . - The stork market opened doll and biliar, but rallied ameba this artgukooni the . idthiste for call loans, however, will put a damper ma imp farther up wire movements, with the eh sepilon or North Western, cumn. In which there ie a cornet 'prcpers4 that Is likelg to prove more dinstrowe to thou who Cesar:Ot t so the one or last Orteber when the stash Odd at C, sad afterward. cold at Uti. The express: nooks are all Inn. end Mwl/ up to its WO est pries obtained for them Ones last Jae• Motu rtooka aro lour and Coll. but We prawn 101 l la only the ureenner at . a vfdfadt normal movement; aintsdy partlea ars try to by to alt tea by Ottes atorliontred, but It aces:mu If bottom wan masebea. Tor Any ads dleposed to mandato anal being aura argentine .• Lula rental for idle alai, thus U as r tiMpOrtranftj *need, than to the cheap Mlnlig atoeks sblett have a foundation. Clothas Nov York. Anittationa, reielved by Pk. 11. /anis, were a. followsr • ' • , /41, trigg lail's, In; IF ICs, IBIS,' 101 e tip. 2 .*Sl 1e 3 3, /NU; 117 Ail MHO", . . . Cleveland a Pittsburgh Z. 11. ..... ....e• kW listsbants Union Stoma..., .. „...„.... is . western Valon TefogrSph - ' - ........ ..II Erie 12. It.. ' .».... 11 Pittsburgh Fort Wayne S'ebtrugo Si E. 117 Nottlassestent ItsUroarturrsio........ ti Northweatern—prstsrrs42.4-- 14 Near York Mutts/. ' .... 1.13% Onto and .11dlubutippl,Cortigoates. •0ni"...... 31.1ahlgan Souther :, . o.osztr... 1 II galekstlvat •••,....; —The Calooto 211bisno of Tuesday...us: Me Onion Stork Yard lo ok weut to profs.% Thio•ftenance. Webs,* ton - furiturr puttee lira. It Is generally andirotooCt that the sew.' concern had lada or an e.aplui. 11 .4 k it OA ealt• slugs btalnoso sal baying eut►tte o 0 rulers taint.. No onitonay Wes ever MO on kind. and the ausageoseat ;eland e• ooyttung ...hooka on' it." oorrinyaraforit td 's the city la payment of lrafro_onolaeritnostoo of deyooW TU. bar - socootio of muck es. Our& mama to the otb* illy boate,dotag tow wets vita I; as the checks were Obliged to pats Through tfe 171.2114 Lionte the mat. Clay —tause:ulna • • oroollar', delay to rastlay.rw• I millsaact. We - MUM' toot PM' litotett*l I pap. or a oott/Icate of deposit for wine ma*. • ^ ..- • -• Jobne•hatt....... to • co U,,yyulo+liaa Xlllll. 1.3 :3 rl+nn l ovu: u:... 1. . 16;1(. 4 6= 1 ;• , •F AM I OM 11..%.• R.c. 25 CO [ 4 CD yea* gnaw to Co , nms. ter mules. Wa• Geiorga Browa... %CO —The Chime Reptedioorsi cif Tuesday, or port. month smatters In that elty, as follow.: The money mutat mains without asty de cided Minn. Mau thr Mese of the week. The demand for loan. from pothers Is on Coe In. muse, and Is yeah= to %one large 'at um of th e bathe. The wuthe coat=... remark. ably virulent, but lie q Lengsble for Outhea. B Outdoor enterpttees ere 41011 y uibiloga In prommorof ereetlon end completion are Nadir ...aka Manta. and an every hand th e wonderful growth an a - peaty of Chicago la mulfeet. The se sus of navisatlon will hardly e loim. unal De t sa large sember. The ampmenta of meth ore no u they Should Isk,but are loth loath or the heaviest shippers /lath withdrew* from the wakes for lb: meson. and will Inv.= thou, means to phrrisloos and puking. FM strictly nreashas bultures paper the . astkos eagy I enough, bat doubtful aectuitlea are Mandl to negottate. Spends/Us Pep=u' 4loo/01100 negotiate. The cone. rate of Interest Is 10 p ;41-02er eent. per sanest On the threat th e rate = 1 pi:resat! per shah.. • The New Toth Trance: of Tuesday, UTE Borrosters met looking for 'aid four 'Corgresa,. and the sesszon macaws to be lamely oems. pied by enanetal again. Jost now nose moo. plant med. of the aserettoomy pow.= of the floonelal movements of the enutuy at b in tonna It la thorned 00.1 0 00 the .41sout4e. thy policy , . that under= the Suntory. thane the months when currency •wu enmeshes. Gant, sad oath= maths nu u 0 pre seal. per annum, 4 0 4 not uneel the four millions el le ral Under., nodes hu diesateocary power, but used he sondes revenue to buy up interest. beefing debt, and eanseflt at the tale of taut millions monthly. When the era= .m 9 wee ready for menet and the demand far runny at Ita height The peeing= le =ken by =than and debtor. that Quechee of the T to retard to the eantraerlon of lagat leader' bee Sued. and made as ethrthat every - trader and borrower may knee whet. 00 derced hrs.. and business be allered from the otythay at. Lendlag the =creature of the Treasury fat. gaol to otilltherr.. Anthe fundlog of the Boren ruse Thirtioals y an unwed fut. there M 4 O wand . wh the Tretharer .6001 be Is. .=meted what to do In lbe 0001,0(01 mango tion. It the Legal tendon, ant to be Wanly reduced four millions par mon - la and the glee. =toy reqothed to merry out thie peaty, the petiole will at oath adapt their bentineu so it, whet 01 =ay. If, on the other Istersd,tbe tradingd frommeunity are to tor in doubt en to the Tenney polity, and Id Width the Monthly etatemeuts to see what - the ..Tressurytioes. Ilnalesu mum tontine. to be .anted awas It has been through Lea, with an lasethrltY den- Moos to modes In etiort enemata and total to long eusthemente. • The time has echo for. the sdopeitto of a Shed dethelsi pulley and the float Ithandoomeas of the nylons kitbag experlmente which hare bate Mdiby tko oo. pulsing due 1001. • •••••ii.. 3 4 f.. 4 ME =EI ==2l==3 _ . 107 teleiropli to tbollttsbaralt tlonetto. CMCinitATt. November 20,-.117= and' O lower; Wally- 410,110011,00: 19'0o0t =whooped; go.l red itAto spring, %beam:no geode, SAUL • Coon In or demand; NOY OS /SSW bosh of new ear at 73(715e; no dm:Mad for old. ()Modal' at =gars for No, 1. -Eye steady Itt 01.40:- 'Utley In salt% detnaud attelisetees 100 ban.. olddlog at - 114601,C for fll4 - Cotton doll under the unfavatable news fro d Enelond,sod Arlen ars emts7, =ladling 113 , 00110.. Whisk/ dolt tied Moss nominal at 1V.33 In brad. Provision* on. Changed and GIL. Mem Pork 11111000M,C0 mintlly 7.70, new prime .team sold at Ilitio; old prime ono be bcotallt" sayllyfe. Bacon unchanged; &en 40 Mid. at 11%01 tlm for onooldera and IWe for attar &Idea Orono Mesta doll, at 709ta11140 for Ocala en. shles and homy. Rogan good demand at fall rat.; soles of PAO headat 1id.f0Q6,9 3 t e' irisT tritiffe:4 o :3 ' r f e o ' r sl ee i t 01 * It . Ilet i ti,ttsz i dir r and moderrate b d e rt i nd s .:4 Glor 14 . ente ' lay 'r il.T1If 111fon Por Pound. Timothy doll ond prices notaluaL Flat = On. Apples dull of 11.11003A0 =4l . lr l tiTS . 4ll..E.ratern ' Agri ioultie for reuned free, Gold, nay. burr • 'Toe money Mating moths tles blow at Ole mcent. Ezehonge 4011,. at 1.10:5c/rout tot Tossups to ths.sittessranthstStta ) CII10•00. Naverabss 20.-The witatkoir Is clear ondocol. lqoar quiet at 110.250111 en. Basis s extras,: Wheat toodsrale and antiva 554 str2Sio lover; 11140034,20 tot No 11-.11.75 01,70 tor a nd alos dull at 111.,{ tin No 0. unro dul So Moor aS lOoro Mr No It 14014140 tor X 06..° alining dull as ello tor Not Oats dull at llse active and 6070 low. art clog low dull at 44.71. titular dna and 103 Oleos 110410 for Nor; closing strong at ociustda mina Provlstuns dolls Old moo pork, Sll),Ws Cumberland, 914; short tib mid- V2l:=l7. l . l l l rors= aN K. . .17tesspps sus more aCtbro Y al .047 ,15. Road bOlstouri 66,001105a1t 1; 0.700 man omnsisum busb sots. Sidonsenta , -.1100)661. sours 107,40) busttnsbeatt bash corns Treldbis ars dull g yea ou dao; Toms own, and SO an trltast. SO Tolocrstai to tioVlttobarek Oatotto.3 TozOoo, Sovembor 19,1floar—rtoelpta of LOY) barrel.] .qtriot. Wlicat—rooolpta of 11.0011 both - Amboy ;10 batter Otbot traits quiet sad Orm; Wan of Amber Mloblaso at itattt mace of ..ataborlor florlotottO at Aar.' Coro without mater , al etutojoit to canon 37406 bulb; Sales of Ito. 1 Wadua at $1.0% and Ka ditto on MA Ntradiara µOf ; tom Wafts Oats. tinoba lL naad; lop advta of arta bosbairales of Ha 1 at Stoma N 0.9 at Ora Cy* to bolter; Was of rift 1 or OA led 00. 'to better. • Batts) qofot ; rretdpts of SC both.. at fl.ll for O.' 1. Drat...l.llov, baboar,oo. Lako Froftbta U nta at 100 On Corn to Oswego. and Oe by steam to Itotralo. . . [Br Teco rob to the Ps it am. 41k Orirsoo, November tr—hoot staler an/ neetuumeci. 7 Wheat sinermageei sales* of 7.M0 barb No. It Maria° wring for step. mat at 02,013.Cera quiet: Mita Wittig tolota at Me for varier imatianeee ebeloet sales at NMI bsrb per Quote St al,tB, mid 12.003 bath tifr Lake Genres ea private tem'. Byterat. scuts amitneset. .Pus somleaL ..Lake Laipeate...447,200 Wet erbeatt 11,000 bath earni WO bob barter. Canal Nirperta—LMO teils email Mete bash artititti PAM bent beritn7LlXO NMI; . . JAlll S 14L7ALL kSON, GS and .to Water Street, LAM OIL MEW, f a w n , Le =FM LV &IULTtI end We warms oat Xo. I LAM MI nen ben ciene.u. ay sten tends, aan peon. le sea se low u Clooloaxil Oar No, I Lard Oil sea xnue-ennc,b. lilies Crum ratistesuss sad idaadsas lauds of (Urban QM coneumtly on bunt atemokanta and Mann Aistmtmgt4 11 to Laid from to us ordering Lard tnl from Um West. feta: rirraistruxuamusuglis. °swim." , Rua Prembuttssu Gaimers. Wannuattoy. November to, 111tf. 4 libere mem to be a Mum foaling in the goo. wad deficit, espial) for Flour and Grain. tbsugills Is; thus di no material &dream. in liter. It I. mid that the mousY mortal is gulag np fl *Lis, ast4 this, if cotr .t,'wlD toad to improve Dullness, os •Strinons7 te =OW =Ware always ••hars s tendwey to dsrme tad. ganerdly. £0 early resumpticat of nay. itraUort world do more toward. laming vs. Wand life and usterty tato 4.= 01M" rwr. was regret to state, Um Mom for it rile srebyrdo moans &own:sent. • Ofidllf.-Thar. le Intl. or nothing doing Is - Inuit& tBO market we cosi:Mu agate 01 .1.11002,13 prtme Sof, and 1 2 .071.44 for Matt -Daley I. in batter desnond end blibmt sale of 1000 bushels Spring at VAN Bye ts tOrtd diamond, and we al* report alas at VAL Osin is quist and 10 good oupoly but on• ebtudged; we continuo to quote at 010100 for, uow, And .1,1101,111 for *ld- MU arm and to good demand but =Maned at Mite 00 track and 00100. in atom • • • muus—rhe market la draw and more ac tive, wider Um Inborn.. of the &dram.. in (Alum %bona to yakprtass W nach.ged. We rontlnue to wrote .1 gioatabt for Spring 'neat 1114 1 /001103 for Winter Whoa, and 1144114 for lam brands. Bps Tiourls quo. tad of - 0.600411.it0in . d Brickwiteat, 16A@ kw per cwt POTATOES-Dull .ad con eontinui to quote at 'Meek 0. tn.]. and II for insisli lots APPLES—Thece into Ming or in the r. dusk 1.4 an the doom. Leave op MILT ,001 1 Prim irimalwatua, ruuths from 1203°0." Onl, for Isle to minis. _ DRIED TRUlT—Stesdr,lilti regal. sale. la attar at Vtl/ fa! Applea uad italla far Peattrea.' r steady pith mass sales of fair to strletly puma Timothy at US to VS. SYS of t OR prima baled at Bs3. 1.11317E1t1i la steady demand, and prime to 0016111 toll It selling at tstadp. lot Som. moo picked, there I. Wale or no demand. E3o.l—staady With s desisnd fatty tap to the SoPPltiand is enutosa ad quote at loom OlL—Lard O 4 1a steady with regular sate ririsinnUketatirs istrtio for fle;S, rod 51,10 for ONlOtt&—Eltatlrtaittacttai Was ht Mt. at VaTaat per bbl. • LARD—Wanlei &MI taal~A at onoa O,ltni o. Twa Prevail:raw:Galore; • • Wzresarair,i ilovelatier le, : OM:IDE-TM mutat was mime, active to: day, she eau. la ths_ aggregate, being larger thaioa lettudsy T ada,.bat Rises are without quotable sham. Boot oil t. held pretty final, at log and but little Mau& lariega t h e dewed, la raw llghtt-et the pleb W. eau ',exit sal.. 'of We lib* oil pet. Ma to be relantedtle tti arrive, atier rea area Nhtuus tq AIRI4 lealairra, at Lk% exhale) for all Wa s pellet's option s at Me.. For Muth Uterper,l3o. Ire eraelline Ui QUA& al 11. la samMtse• etzeUra-thare rearm to be eau. arrilre pir: ibis polUdar /army, u 4 eo La au we itai laaraoso burro, i i The dock of 10115 thla marksti La the Wadi or ratans u isilleelete, le - alowit selhautted. aid the ANY/NED-4tia morbid for bowing oft woe more satire Moo yetterday.lbar iitles. In Abe niverete. bang larger than gruffer say pre eveMurgay UM +reek, but the gvueral tone of the suuketiee not • Wong se on Tuesday., can towords evening Phllodelpbts Onvore ware Wang fog conermlnii. We esereport Wes orate halo for Juana. at Mel 000 do do st nee, 100 forpemanber, at tilettene ftw Mime DU. tt tit, /WO fir Domunber; nrger Sago at MOW% 10 es& bow Jim to let*Dß.ldl,at runt. sod Serf foe November, at gle, Goa one boom ears tam As mill be wane by refereaeo to the aboreentoo, moms of to.. show i ought as. them November haying dropied Imo mom to So; and Desembnr Corsi tip ft maw* , . OIL arcrron ium Mon ouocams zoom,. Alt Lanri f it Co l n& retinal, to Worpko, • A.. D. iitor.to do Waring. KIM it Oa.. PllCril dodo to Brialar. Log /I 00. Doman It WBBnotz. id do do to W.P. Lo va Jo Bra" - Plabdolphlo. 3, 1= Olt Co, tilde du to _ Wax. -.J..tk0at5t0...ium08.C.0..41.11 do do to A.O. W "4"4 F =B Clo., so do do to W. G. 171144441,1 a. . • Ott. ossmor luso sr .0.,. v. B. 'inch - cot mlo; poo bbtrirf. to Brown. t. Botts k Co. Phltsdalphla. (310 M Al Snosest, 410 do do to Pall Sotua. ft Ol l :l=er, Zoeller Co., GOO do dote WoOl.o. Moo Co., rtuodepoto. •woott i iotoo tosodook lio do do to W. P. Loma 80. Si Curt t Somour, Si do do to Wdont Sous. Bro. it 00, Mao door WarlacKJor Co. bilstapb.to. . MEMEMERI • -ItEw Yeas. 'Nor: "21-;Cottilti Iwo astlalo sad • obads anal aidea of 1100 taloa at 13 Wisifo far middling aplawla °Wady lat. 330upstace17te 11.171 .titils; market _qalst and still la favor ad 0 7erl' Naos of WOO bolo at W 43001 far anpreflas Oslo west. am; Wainglagi for taus wawa, CLOW for road amp Ohio; 130411140 an of. loam Calllbrout floar,fs beefy,. paw of UM Maks at 011013.70 an49113.70f0r extra atoms sues of 010 Obis Bye gnat 14,13411410. Watery swot wad sinebangad. bed getst lelo athWs hea d t -Ila otipt 4 lo6ADtrti AMCb=lof ry nai; tax 100. 1 ithir 113 for white Matsu Ming mall lots rat an 4 *bite Mate. 70 ar; dr off= to western at /W. galley llefo tratar. for glum; Niles af p i tho tot Canada West at CC. Walt aid/law. of Mini at OP toe Canada. Pau steady; ages of awl to ea bald altl4it Cans-rooolpts Taut tin; market a abaft* better. closing dolts althea of 12. as '111011111.10% for airrad; warleflir ar SOT alte ata mlwai '4OO for small toll 00.0107 yellow ilelattlela Wthad thith-fibac Ileadath plit tab ca ainalsanpr It n bus arab tar Wftterl4 4 oloelag at Wm afloat Coal owsbangod. Wool ttneludigedi solos 433 ,734 Wand. 3213330 tbr 4000.0110 deem 2e0120 i sole' tialot and snob= tea. Cleo aulart Carolina, IjialiKa Colas ithie. Sagas finnthabos Ando Cuba at 1701104 aill = bafaT t Basra: Mflaa" ," lll . . Pet/Wien steady; 11 . 100 grad % sad 11. far waned too dad. Pork lowan sales 1.100 000. et 00,101321,00 for mess, aiming as gatlO nab; 0131,34113 r prima and 020,61441,0 fortineth mem Heal 0na033 wife thl 0310 at 103:04119/0 for tsow pals taws, and illatthb /0 for new extra mess; Corot awl steady; Woo 173 tea teals mess at 10333072.0 t ana 140 to prime =so on prlyavo Imam Beef Hams quiet, ea/se 173 Was at Iddanynfil. MAgea c irs Nth* 613 bozos - at . it "l bilik • Cambeflaad IgAei ituatilonil ‘ _ 4 eltl , fei 01W, /W 3 011* ror westora thnsiberthad eat for Dr; eataoenoo4 11430 for d 4 fOrJaegaty. - Vol ' Yaw alturhatln-1 1 10 ; , midim i ss at 0!f farl olooo Ly teal bbt e ia 11/301W4e1 Weal] lota at 13307.1.0 ISO DWI , WIWI Yana. 'rya?, Ito. Bawer Le good 4entatid at 1100 too tor "gotta Ctiowe Isiat7 at /14113. freights to Llveryool Quist PAP/ bus wawa Lasths-Root Wooed doll and 100 lowez 707 eatoutott. Wheat (inlet sad rather 1001071110.3 sofa& 14.WW401' 31h, i gallOW,l4. By. very Dna at 44374111. th far Waters., Oats dull at no *AM for Wade ens .• Pont Oath sale* 400 tiblo stew maw at •M '' S= krA 0 'lL:4 4 .lgonfld g Dawn heavy; sa/at 100 Win abort ilblad at 1130; Cam Nollead oat - 4ml at 10344thre dollsory. Yard 4 01 sad lurfy o alio for au SO prase - Wawa WWI total sea . =I Br. toms Sarsd.bss SO.—Tobacco arm and some snags allstistr betters lugs $530/ urmmon to medium loaf *SOMA rood 1 P s Dom Von= fi rma: Ass 70 0 0 .o (for 001 In Moor axtressely Mtn; ratan! Imola tats lower ram; bus time to no dernaro di super taXo7.ld; an , • Val Ograbla extra PAWLS,' treble doe 7 snob., to fancy snosoupa. Wheat not quotatiz i ob.gadvTlms to t in,..red sad orbits I gun% @VI at aL7501,90. Corn Arm tit to vs at WM tor chola. Tato., .and whits, Oats no. abased at .Ofta. Earley arm at $1.300 =l2l 1. - r tbir Snolv42r hams lo o llloo.. Lard i M g a " baro ta , n 4 m o o t o l "fgk,dl,zth74l" =121:1321 • ' tNiaalaaraoh to Oa litlalaisa • adt.,3 .Caaysaaay. X" 10.—Flow gun desdn tecalpta above Ma mamas tot tb. Plot taw week; and tag I %. Sr. ' Our. raga. t! l ggr r IV r n tlaert 4eZtea telwla ut i vi or t . tbl, « . jlLtlsdaNt = r.4..l2i tivar:;,ll4:2,crvl'Vd"424 6301,1333 NO. 1 tta. as 0117145. Cora dal/ "ha lq! 11 1 1 . 11,1 4 oa 41IN. 014 040.1 . b e lled Inno Loa stocoataw. akaU 4011,,a9. GRIM oala ar .Loma als harts] /taro tor 0(0.1 sup. ST, arm i• at 41.110/.19 for .tats sod wartorn. lay quasi sad aaatuutial.tilo tor No. ttalaacla sad alma 1110 , 01•1**Tar la: do. Petrolatum 0011 linA .M4_ WIN WWI • tale t1o• wourdlClll.lllo.-X1 OWoa.ll9lllnal, c=rem . — suwiwk••• iiiietir; (07 . 7ela ' srudk 10 010.0urgli fleuells.)- , . var izig. Alum/Amos; - Na,. 11).—Illatu• • dull olLti plum of mil tloOtils eXtra AS ,60, touxU7 00. AMMO =4 extra wheat qul.o aaG boson oslior OS 'III ' No. / UM 41,14 for No IL . Ofiti Orme with War at tastotta tor A& 4. Coro &marl elk* at 61411fOrNO. 4 old. Sielstita Inns vassisoaalbslosWpaillU, Oswego .104 e. nomisll-449:01)bla.Sotmakooe am. wheat, ;700 bus -oafs awl 4000 bus. cOln. MOO. =00....000bb1a OM, 7Ik10) bus . Irfutfl, ra pate pfd 7roDaa aaa . tar Telisrapli tollo.l.ll3abluge eueti43 • •: . CILIOA 00. NO•Slatlet Ana," L. *BM Itra ull; 114,64µ14 for SW to goed graded. Hopi elm 15,23,fp_r_onnocan .118,1110N7a fpfr3eaoo 41= ShtearetzatrcZa4.. . . ilailaiNdaasalltarkaa tis/sl:lstaia aklainaiwrithametkhi Panstmuvu, 50n10....9110w fhb and olaups." mama 11% 'was. a^ prinws .ree7filit;• Cora lino; ailzgl lianas 41,40. 'OEI Ann. a$ WM. ._"s•sl/44*$.1caollaair -40,73fonsusaspask$11 Mid • . , . . Mudd Natters is flew Rork. ( BYTOM:Mk to ii.Patiawit ease tta.l Arir Toss, Hot. ur. • The Now market Is hettishlmeths island in argent at .7 per mkt.. for call loans.; There are tedliatbeas' that the etrihdeboY Is ID the malls artddrdeloust deellAsed to street etoelch Sterile d etasdierat t 51 0 95 40 for the boat Ma. without, n 7 de tldedehaage, and opened at USX ideal:teed to St, and declined [DIM at the troth. ~ eeOatiYrYr cc Stocks are %info lower, and the dtreringe &relight. There Is he dispositton to swat. gee thi stow, but lasharamottati Gould not be seta Without IC further conteutan. -A thseah Whom would mum &quick reso.: Van ix bonds. COlipoas hdattatlLUl do VT, 70eadoPA; do 'ft. /oNetteXl de *eh le6MO iocui do eels, 107M110711,00 m a: Ten.Portl lt , belrMS; " 80184 ' 17,7 %0703%. • Stooks Mined streng and hlgher,,. Nom. vreot Commas Ins the math featom, .sturs hag the greatest stsmith tluoughout the day, even when the market- sae• wren. The toUowleg arc the Matins Was: Cao• t00U0431 Cumberland amass, welt. iyrto a Co. Express Mgt .A , fauts do .7114; Mated State. do 7b7:9etern Enloe .Klit QeJeloalser 111 1 1 11 111111701Maroltgal graph M 1411.11% 'York Central' Me Belo n Hudson 1Z012,556 Wie g M i lne"? Fiu r t i 41114 5 12 southeni Uo 0 t Wogs Illinet• Central IN540130; Plum :mitt Mapellt Toledo lineloticillode Island 9344 091 M Northwestern 67;351ait Preferred red W. oWHWrair". LL 111,1310 ellliee. Mains allures am dull and loser. EMI:. SIN. Bock. Yoao• M" :91111 . 2:1 4 .(1 7, g 7firtj 41042; Ed:o M - Beraledotrauu.9.l,44l.. ion 2.MM:ff. Theresefete. of the , inabPreintry tb-diy were i 11,457,537. Payments, $1,531,01111 BM. alto% - • • • low Orissa* /ger • • (07 Tetem to sen tee Vlttsbasse att..) ' New Oatainif, Nogamber 9,,Oltten Is In good demand with sales of .I,IICO. bales- mid, dila g at 17011.in-11msIpes,11,602 babel ex. porta, SAM hales. Smear. common, seen,' prime:l2Mo. Malamute sell* as Sae% see tre e d. al, IrogleSe ter coalman to choke. Floor ts doll and depressed 14t119 for Appel, Ilne, and MA tor chalet,. Corn •10 !mug dell; elth sales of while $1:41:1140. Oats, the market. Is dell andhaelmeedMess Pork, $21,40. Bacon, Oars Is only a . retell Owl nese twang done, etth Walla( shoulders at 11MMI1rMa, and Wear sibs .411.174.. i Lad hu 11(f0il11001t0 111013Vo for mime, In tierces, gold, mom. Borgne.. 140Q110. MR,-Yolk ErohanßeL nu premium.' MEIiREEM Ittnirmik NOveMber lia.;,.Viont dull; Wins st gled) Yoe e••g - : and - ala2l for Wastofn baker's. Wheat quiet. Wee VOX Ems 170. MMUS at Xee du at 11.110 18 1.ilion a boo s llea.n 1 ada a aaka o eCo o nomabl aw Uf fcf No. I Western. Oats tome Intl nominal et e7O for Western. Ikea nominal. elther Kati. ales unchanged. .lleftlpita-Whatt,' stag 11'..20 - r . ....9492arm0tr. a gg! r beat, MX) Mist earn, 70,M0 bust oats, latand bum berley.l4ooo MIL haled ttelnistalt a fen Shipments on printifterout depending upon getting throngb. orneerk bevilioods WitAket. TelestaM to the tltteetite thilaFtc,) . Kra Tots. Nev. 11S1-Dif seeds 'Steady and Is tslrdelnead tovsesple Roods adsomet to the stsuldr. and the Prints ath =tht Unlade. teellat very low. ladlis Jobbing at 113 per yard. double • Id/b. waist ./sat year soldat. fr.. The vadat nattheable change tbelay /s ilia cithlthe of to a yard in the Drill of Antares dodalliesorldebither, selling freely. at Me, whereas menet /14,- lames are advanced to l Gltc.,la Men Ow, v/IPtl.th be Palllanlat • ! Lys Tverrtsmototilaiststargiannii Lomirais, leavember m. —tialee of IS Weis totacco: /MP to Inlatogi' 'UV " Dupe:thine, Olosth„ alea ,75„ Weems, ,thno—elet new, :)ateat, aerial Hogs —parker", Wilthee,44o. !Wit Warn. ail at 1170.14 •-stioulaercliktr. clear thlea thlealiselnel, Taxa tlethee.Thlerelia Raw whiskey. lath to toed. Getten—sold -4110 0, Oa Teo weather le eltheey awl • Toirgonoo tot t iglosOollitNatoot.) • ISormoons, Nov. 10.—Ilour 44104 solos 'Mtn grad= arlis A:withal:tan La filo attn. wb.t.tozautr.u.susemo tat mime rod. Cal Nroa one tOo molpts - mostly of tom dcrop; old mum] onlotorn d $145131.80. Crol• , ub and doellood To; man at, 104117110. r+o " 4 1 40 4,4164,40*.: it, linvabillir-1 ItimWrolt7llyarit f 7 Ebb JOAN Yo. , W Y. Aradifts, W beds dear,- N PAW; Nfonr Yo , ist 0.1 0.11/papAL 4 w, Marilee Mines I Cle; Ms = razoilific4i3igt) Jautiriraux DRAPTSMA. Ic. Oc t .t aro. ri iiusai muus v us sussassa • rrrstmiunc. Ching , altilliMaNllVl 5a,00,0 (1 1 `. 11 Pial) i4 111 , 4 *' 11e w " emmaeuewi - . . Pia saws beam' -' sou: • CAMN — Grillitlt' a p t itesii l t tiVlLlATirs=s•Vgagro d ha salt try am. A. /1..p1111W ••• . Cow 14borly sad Hasa strut", ' ;G: i.sy G:4: 1 k r,s TramsDit NOMIBEIt ' 4 21. 1867: 0=1:1=21 =21=21 I =3:=2l ... .. • 'templila tar !krt. • Mr Trierraph.so UN Plurftrilk warrikk.) • Maass, "Sforinabrr 10.—Porttao, 2.1 1 4 Id 4 elokaa dun. Corn, 1111.1201,13, Oats IV& Hal 021001. -- ikpar 41all kiwi ntratuar. Pork, OVUM. 4.:koz War. iilgiller. Lard Ile, Tbe tpkukthar 14 cll:114r Iraqi warm. • IIIIIPWW/11 1111113.114114111.. 1.4..”717.421v LID '?1111.5.... R•LLSCIA•. Noveablit 111..41610 eLler, Id de ware. Head id 'Wan 4 .1+414 Mai& la /4 Ar=il Wawa beau, I f a lserM4s44l4 & Adj.; 114 4314 potatoes. Anostsordo 71 de oPPI44‘ W 14 1/loptoT4 _darn, 1.1: gea .14j it ••-•Plan. 01.114 KAMMIdIi Web d0..r.111 J0ak1444 14 do oe, fY J Ed./ &Ike; 1 at oars, Emmet, LaLtro_pkl dada, A. $44 , 144433 de do, 4 4. CS ual t ic = "l" " 4 4 1r ,, V47 4 o..lllleptda 11104 11.4144 • .111611447. ea/toad& W Tatacal albar. ".714 • 1.11. field • Sas; 1 Ow tors, I de eats. essintbdal EttOVlss II la+ ist• 41 111044:1 , 414 apple% II Voids & Ow,d IRAs en; • Slam,. 0. de Maim& 11 J• &NO & bolo dIT id - 4. dr, nppis., do beam. W liltkpaillst • I:Vi IWO opldoo. 11 Motu. d tor meta, Naolok (SOLI at 0446114150 a. Rad= a tkpi 1 dodo.M-J. it Gaeta'; lm tibia /W. Aegociplcip tobaelq. z flegraer; o dao,ll,Xeooorg I le do; II Elm* moo; 114 olio try Ida* 7411444, fa do oat., 2114 a. .or & Varner. • , tioollarsall.lfart Iropars • Ozto6. Pronnater 00110-11 6611 Col do whom / 8 Uwe* dt UOl dd dlooddd 11.114.1 Hamm ilk to ...M tonal. Nlatak a Cot Ido do,pm AI SIM do. lootdodt 11.1{ W 1 do Mod I 1 do ol do, Or It Sbooaborgor Cot ri hop /op, Cloganor dllotkill olldled; 116.1611* V Tol/nt=6 t- Id bap , diatof asPoo Volt- Wimps 13 Et dos Onoes.lolo ti float, /ohs Pmldoliddilll tt * halir dat Ws Itoudd.rl eider. PI Boa J. I.lfit I•Alsiy, r d Ildooshar. 4.. t bdlo ItodUnf, [OIOO O. Weisel ear rya, Yeidt do de. DoodPolloott II tow Gar...onm. rod ; s& I D Ina.; N 401 W.M.01 Saith. lottentda Olarta; 1.14 lOW sods, •- - • terainhoix:EoLlnamOdiflholizaltlL . R.. Servashir 20-102 301. tour, I) *Olson 100 do do, Shomakor •Laogi Moan eon, E W Tab Oft .7 starnii..o U ffislt bbladry apploo. Jmo ov, hbim is Oaapa • homy 4 theta tobacco, E wannest; 2 do do W War; ev vows, Llp.idamotty 4 dodo,' Pattaril47 ettnl. I tyl3MrAgtoog 11 41 k1.11A, J llashatt la Eon; aka Wiry. Itruestoda h =Lan MI do do, Ll do oathEalim i ntl= II do sotzt.l3 Loral Mks nal. SAM h Ms& bbla adv, Xmases & Aomori to do apples, V ' tarloy, 6•111• Mt hada, , CIN aaltslatli VW Ohba Saar, Stoma Airaohowir 1111.1.2114 anabin au hay, Ewen • (WWI 1 aat moat. E. Yalght... Wawa Col - ou. Yuan • 11.410 do 41, Jai 03•31W0n 33 do d 0.12 Lame= do ft. Jab W211&.0111 -, 04P 1114 W 21.71 1 = bottoolo Shohoolais 000 ma, I llblo _mnwor, Barka a 130;21 aka barley, amy Wela6 sk 1116 ii mak, dat arboa2. 4 W .CApoliado 12 ileaath Emil MUM:2OIO baaksta okra. . . . Assam . siirsomagnembank—ue bblie loar..Stewan . lascratitlas 11 , de 'hop& Itippiana ado *au. II Elaski IN &LB St Ms %.v8( ..Nei leo 4. do,flowsd &Op; vests atm Bat iL S40110&&111 W 11.4 Atebtsurn & Ms ..l 0.0 UAW& /Wawa bi MGM& . I. bra alai, yrrrairosict TO WILIT:OROWERS. EIII/Ela itiNGNiiiRD BO" .-, ..: - _..:-:7 , :, r!:', - :..:;- ,1 - !.i,-; -- 7•. , L'•, , .7 ; ; Saper.f*pa*.:Oftilit; igasumaoYazio ai • THEAiLtotEmfAttalla co SEWARD StiCIA 11PITELII: ' r.,.. ' 10 ,h 112 I!!**11.1011,11,1" ilia. la all; talOsid} alThirl a M•Vs bavirsi••• IS* r i Vatet v . standard for Waists larraTent,.W.alillil D urirrati=ou n para Par rOontat • ean raWis Daunt Mob fa all 'WI"' so lei raddradd„ ld Sealer of WeLOIS 4101,:iltaliltrii ate.aronsrugtititi, 14 07. +xi listly struts: atiesded *DMA' - E[7ER► amain pit w szu'eul riUg' xii; ti sli t= g ag`fi pansy. noiam,•. PUMP MAKER partnriga mila, =AI rir'onn.iente PITISBOI6IIIIOPI W0148.' PM -, N gli "` 14aubefscre the bat • ' , - 4ND vioNavy. t , U . 7 1 T hip Wareheasis, 2K !it 1175 411ditinr 11. Uall mead tor Iltrnliir. arktmtli RIVER ~NE1913 The weather moderato:l wraewhat, yestair day. and tut eriligniilt,lnienlogdyiuon hear, With ladli•Units about equally favorable for rain ersnow. As • tastier of eowsiknariga. thin Is still anspettesd, sad te likely to !amain for stets day. torah:n:4 • Thubluseetlas Sourisakbt 'ilfattaday; gays; Wears Informed that Ll:ellen at this point la slowlyillloc. Thera arinertatougli boats hr• tweet: this point and the rapids, spot the Vaniii, and it la thought that all 'going dim: stavenhe regular slow paelists, WlB Meese at ono* to St. Louts. probably not to rettun, ow ing to the Clinfer of their hating to winter to riglook 'The Tainnii jut tip last night after another lOsif of freight.' This will no dont:the her loot tap far the eseson. The Dl:bootie Hdirakt. of Scutdaf, says: Win. ter to • nirproasking, - and packets an buntiat their holes. Thi Milwaukee hue been laid up in 'the 'di:ugh. 'The Pembina, Capt. -Gialitirek towing two loaded bard., arrived from below, siterithatt, *longwin paakagsslor tide pork wended her way northward. The Clastensti Gardtkof Tuesday, tee' following: .No Arrangement hit 'pot beeta entered . Into ' an-the - 3, N. IdeCollougn to enter the Lents etas snide, se • reenter packet, In elute aroma Of the splendid steamers of the United States Mall Line, now mato*, bat It will be nom ._atito mani la sart booth orthia Ilne to ortt.h.. draw dories the week. The Oen. Buell will be reedy .for buidnesals it couple of daysoind we may tepees her hare Thorn:toy or ••• We aid• report petard*. that the .llttle propeller carde Walltarae had exploded har boiler, jut above the 'tour erotic, but were !suable to ascertain that ft was Ulm The Oar. rte WlLlleate le awa d by Capt. Coffman," end •bse jocosity , . Menasmeil Ss lowan tams tetween the wharf end constable.. ThoDaleuco. hetes . nearly oasaplated her CV.- wilt - wan. t evestag for Memphis , Captain Duk•llelhotot la ootamandi Mine. light neat, audit Ifely to se though without Korea:hint ILElirr •feIYIS4 foot. The steamer /foray passed. up yesterday for Marlette, The Golden-Foe departed_ en cow Meg' for CtocinnetL Thedossier Z=1•11 Graham hot /ant. up bore wanner' forswore water, The Kato Yntitank to still hen. No boats up or down to-day. Weetherl. elan tied cool. Tax Rums tairnox.—Thaflit lambi lbw of - Sandi, sapeAls • meeting Of Ito Board of Onderierltuts, bold at Ow:kolas lestarday, at 10 Weloot burnt/Mt • of lnauranoe oa-barg•• eras dborosead. The dissuasion • oak a orb'. range, and the general '1•014.010.0 seem ld ed to So that • blaber rat e of" promltua shou be okaigad air barges. but Oat • dla. erboltailnaabould boolede .la.tbrialiallty of buxom sod the Dower of boats towing the sum Tb.tx quaddort. Lamina .tbe laboring potato 1. vilbsiber itiks elteaidor erfould 000 be W. ken an say balers. _ I IPliattatre -takati'hin butines:ahould not. banns nand by punkin boat be nantad. -boat s Willi in. Popebtot ,1.04 what an . tow preparly nestlag, And • kcal nate I tiontatlatt• swamioa was anima &h and • Committee of fin waa metaled to venue an arbolastan men, to b• aateallted at a man na or the- Board. wraith snee pima Tunny tanning ant: Wears Winn that Um Imu• tag '.attha pubLte to mann Um barns 80 any Bean bah . eoeumn With the.. lat•l7 nat.a.elang annottims ma la nand nem. But thus noun entandy be • duestadantoa madvklmtween tae pretalavamas tows, rains by oniaanlmweetar tests imra the banes taken batman built lan the pones /or tamatin, the '../elailtilapt Yuley Prannortstlea. Van.l.alitint tan dmin the pant nay Nat out over tkrae h nab oN ol 011 . 0 bbb abbObtbblet. 3 lCM oink of prim , (5, MAMMY annottaia of porton inikeented. TO* whole kw pate by untlfinbel tablibialy• bays boo bitty.libt VIM". Wiitt• Mt/lola. War- MO billantioO, thy premium d StoOtalt• to O.K 1110.000, . . , Wally the enktite follinnagltamt h _Mli2• Lactimatl Sivarinr x . .... 343, .. Capt. John Coniim 404 1b... Itslbints. oI the slim Claud. arstrad trove Piltababgb pas. tarday, u roots to Cairo. - Capt. Jan. W..Bateaalor was altroMd 1 1 1,4- &tat of Amapa:tattoo. W. Mar wan- I y ar w artda .... ywora , Z stew Ungtals Jaw Capt. Jas. Montagne vest mat of lb. pilafs an ttot,Torktatnittom St. Lasts, Hs mums by - Tn. 'imua 'audu. sattoa ts Caput alas _ u amalikaOras sot aatuntsnaiot dna was 'adman to. sae ant Maass% laddw, Mr. Cob*. olVoMa lb &Mk Mot MM. Um rir " Ib l Veo L loattala let . tor,..Matadata IMM. to bring dawn Gown Cola Irma mamma was naabla to atlas. - T"jr . N. 110, 0941 - b raMmol. sad h laid Up. Coat £11.115150 a» Sato.-•Tris tawboat T. D. Mom, caw Is Cow iltareirrttla, *arty ibattodapontb • a tow . of - east. soma - 10,505 bushels. Xs at travertine as. and a* al. tin/ was told to partial la Maw alballY awl Portland. at Ms pat baths!. TM, m Jost tbs matt miss or illtsbargb m l la ISIS atty. Tao Wise, damn*, to ta1.17 tat pa sad. betas? than lb. rallear. not korona San Manna is De oa O tar lat nal af. s i b . • ....., 11 , 4 „.. 1 , ra n zr ,itar4falai:joat appalls Llawnonla TG Manilla* son b a nal 05... Ina arena Una too llannot.O. no. —Lotnaplls.W. , W,.ll4a. 57. Loon, Illoonnar tl , -.111. firer la an nanny, mob ea *money of • rha. "fano 10 Tre fannnet ta than, On* ao4 a Inn fon to Keokuk, nos net La nee Diann .4 thaw paainlboa=jaL t iarl N iagrai 14 .11 bona la nen Wan with On swoon. sad all+ an aunt 0401 oosopolhal toy in. Two ea nen Way /Callon 1111 0.. Swan/ boats an analog la Unix plans. Can. *wry. of prolnono. sill, la • e na.,Usaana aos. Manua the nano Oln, bound far of thimain win ma anon la tan. no of nab. Win Olnano. • teal art,loo antral al St Pate owns Ono not or want at lat :Anna of no allsionota tarn. alms taco tan cm .OUO Iµ4 an lin noon' Ina and ann. _II hen naaaraci y , / al Wan wita wawa loads vale nay . Int3CEII,LIIISMUER corns UNIVERSAL..' 118111111CONPOUND. , AR Z , 1 . 1.111t,T Raw .d llama/miotb . r• b r....ntneltoattmotoctorti t :grt:ogtV.giiiaCirstbsttt HOUSEKEEPERS, PLEASE.TRY IT. ;:lionv Am, ~,hrnis DU, lbtotoliO tt ; pa :: „riziv,-,miiiavvat, 0t41113. tilt; so. It It traissatell to IMIE, t'sol NO 1.12 , Vatr.=X1.7.1:P.: Warols ' isVlittalti.." l . l " "°° ! •ia• Gip 2i SLATES A o 0 fllO. ANDIMiI. ' 4L11141 41.6.11110011 /1171 ....'"1g0g. 0. Wllaaa ANDERSON it WILSON, ' lidero li iartt Tailors, • ry pctunit tN •Giveria . ruesritunro 'stakes, 6711111; pm WWI Jilt needed, eor ..H Inva fiat ar Moth. Oadillam.; Yauuer. orer.n tad 1 , 1•1111141111( 00144 IWO if AM - 1.01).ed ta mks la Um laidat was, aft. nstalasorleed. Cali dad setaa.7 q. p rirnstr.s, vi.g0b. , 11.11,14 • NOTiCE•••••ill this Court at .• • CO.M.Spoloala, Ito Orotostor T. ISM. ISSOLOIXIs or. wmrw nIIIIIIIIIOT. .1111Osnots tittoollord VIII Ole nutmeat ebs esseessose Of 'InEOMIII• sad *melts seodl&d the Come. ko bold Sled ty my ease: add do • tto usoleeleala shall to p. 141 ottkla Cr Ipso We Cal. It erlll Sly 4557 to good Ali to i=ikrido 'Ono, sad ChstOSO noses IS. bees esssess4 ter ydidostol eds. , eleddieSS ' , Mir Solteitir. "MUTATE ods•-ssag craw maim sost Ifs foryff .1.1 num.' of a prtrstaralituri t if Ova s.o to Amen:** wifely as ode iesatamt. Also, al Weskasu, AU mbar alifsaf• is tat organs ffdttfati 7:424afti,7 er as flay " • Tultl=r4V.V.:f4Mtl7l.l.titte, Awl:4 warzin: IRON CM =Ur WORILL dear CLARK & CO.. ' urn: in.I":"AtiATY S's UILORLES 11 , EIZEMIVEIN. ;115/illll3 l ool;ont,:asal:ezivii* Dlia***l glise talleo iLivoin4WgAirrlin;4l7.ll.:l A . 6TETT4EII2 BONI & LYN " • • itaißradwaxlls as Ottani Boilers, 011 Stilts, Tanks. • Asa slizstllll3X- W 01174 of salts*, boe..s- at. tiOgrd. ritsibenta vfo.tCß.arOn n r~ OV,INAMENTAL fatraidTgi r ster , O 4 O 74, ,A . lll. pumas s co., ,Nth 98 fourth Streak . ' , . D'atiroire.f o ommtNputimircia .V I AN I3 sP T IV Airt9Tirtii,"lrT4'!LiMrj.VS 8411111.1 k MO!IEJEY A:ziozervanciTis;::: - _ relVerAe6/ &RION InteLDlereri 11 UL.IIIII 111.1112 U I J tat N 87 4 111 Cig ANN eV.' tossa,, ; . MIBCRLLANZOIII3. MUSS SHE SBILI MAUS. THE Centrffil PaCi r fie RAILROAD; 1111 Wit/ITEM Mai O TEI Crest National Think Line Across the Continent, • Saint constonated math the LID SAD 1511 PIS;. VISIOA (It Tar InWITZD BTATZS GOOXIIIi. MOT. In destined to to one of the KOSS two. lonnehire AIM ToLtrantal RAILROADIS II one Irmo, as It to . the sae link of COMOOIIkatAOI2 totereen the Pitted Come ane the Cheat Interior Butz, over which taw tountase overtime Weal want y0a5.,.000 01w • 'principal, Portlow of the Lin Stem &too Itetwoost the two . Optatts. • - .ltt fine eaten& Weal neeramente. on the tldal inlets of the reside. eatterard stress the 00.0 and most Dopelons Darts of cauroi , 111, Nevada and Utah, oordisroosts to 01 the mei Iguana Halton. of the ear West. end 0111 meet and mama with the reads cow boll& Ind nit 'lt the Rocky Moentaltte. soots 100 own 0. 0 0011011. 01011101 and. 10 roanlas operatloe lathe salamis of the &errs /Nevada. Within •Ow da3135 aghts. now graded. tall he added. and the tract curled 00t1selvecroes th mental,* to *Dole to therChaat 001 Lake val ley. Whence full= progress 0211 be sass sad mold. boo. itatartals and eitolinnent 011 ready at nand for 900 =tree of road, and 10,000 me, ere step:oyed 1• the eonstrustlor • Tbsloaa Dulness span UVs complaled portion airp.ales .4 Vmlous ototliststa. The Surer for IDe qurter esdlni Anon ilst are as halms, In GOLD: • IT %sue.: ski' $187,579 GI $86;1348•47 $401,031 17 Or as the iste of miontilthoos pie !mom, of which men then three-toltrifis are hat peons on lees Ow ip, attics wafted. This la ascii the so• tall. legitimate trate of the road. with IL tin.. minas fa Ito isiountstee. and with only the hoe. mnl ratio of griverabiezt transoortatloe. • 004 hi esalules of the ratteribie carried Eir the further istaidixrattberoaa.. . • . , Celeptere taterseeliebilleies .diumex th parkd woe Isla than $114140% Jtdd to this. eter-expeadlng through mate ud the proportlohs et the Paters bedew b.• .L'olloooaliparOf u. allthOrined te.eOnittilte thels line esetward until it 0101 meet sad unease whit Monads low billdlne eats of the Booty Yoentsis maps,• Atialtiehlt Ittelltury erlll hand and contfil half the eallre distance between Ilea Prittelsen zed the blend Meer, at awe Items probeloe. the Unlte4 Mate* will hate Invested In the eample. Ilea of 005 atnel 1101.6911,090.er at the ever ate Me et {?6.000 par rullernot bieledinS an" abeolat• gnat of 10,000000 woe.. et •the Patine Leads. 111 beaming a taint Mew., m the meszelitmat enteortse. end .by raring it. Ant Ilea blur of the Wien Monona good. holden, TUC ULIT.a.A.L 00Titariallm ra U. PICT, leveled Tua 000rharrt011 Or 'mitt?* hurray:urn, and has carefully raw ded War Intereela atithat all ordlimey cohtlageneles, The Oompaay War 110 Ws. Sheathes, Then' Tint' . Mortgage Thirty You. Six per anti Odopoirßoiple,: , reiik•tra itea . 2avran i mig. tr sand i eftro= ' olNetallaniinal told do F&Mout, .411 aelllng fur the prevent at er Nat. and ecaraed laisfest Rom Jul, Ist Mod, La. entreat,. et which rue o .ll' Ttald slr per aim. WPM lb . DITINIUM" Stun BOhde, entbortwn try Art of Murree; Weowl only se ta• work progrentes ad to to twig =met Mli Re the howls 'great.: Or lb. Gorananatt WI rezoseehh Leah chew. the Prt as noon • owesieted. to porn. sad or. der,ntwe railroad, Is shins hen been arssOul Wore/set ..... task wroarrlti4gt h O% m y th loi=three s alts die %0571551 ot htortgene Mena lawn taa be leaned apon to Meant'.' melts hat Statisheitrouts twee en theway carwhesecnone Gal fa...an of the rtetee Itetiread Act at trofgreen, too Moe wfillan wreral nottoret,'• oil, eal other atawesot Waved Wade. _ illia—Ttior aro Ma gamier etas *pa altit• of Um Watt vita oat 1/.1.1•11. pocum WM va lima. -Bata 4l taloa alias of tin boars. ' mono oo0414"Mootooda ao•todoorrloato Dm) ' 'Me Mul fusion ao boson of mart aoso. 214.4-12 r y bolgreto 000 t. of frodlif g 0 alas.s ma, ofS. hazels.. la moms ' .= .peal.. .I.?* aLlea flim zoom ooto, POIX - 0 AC.Li buloOsii alre:edy y 1.141. thew; go 4 unnal latarea 11•Oollttlek Nita sd. , D•Jable 10. • Aftb-470. ortiolpol tom well Ea t itsiartte. of ils ...do Wog pa, • Ole tola. aPOIL• Mods. amoomaat- . noirfoug sweetly ISlTAllgateet Urn InMie.l4 N. sad prospocio of Elko toad, al k4 Lim Iwo 411.11.% tha Comrsaf • a stale.. as weal. /7 pleonasm , ' UMW Canal w ?maw.. go.oostors. toottiot3o•Nos4 otbors. u u toots... 11 N.M. rat loOto sod eannosolBSof Pon to• p 4.12.111111. (11111310 U U UTILISLIt IMIIII3 Into Central Pacific FIRST 111DRI'idGE BONDS 1114/7r Satiate ter tits Iltildetreltrms. Tvr4v• to'Cighteen pet Cent. Advantage, ' WITH THE SAYS ILIT. OF lIITFASST. Yam tooarom 4n the cam at ,Y.. Idoottotoo IMO asOloet. Of vs... to sdalst lostatloas rday today. tee melee is...lmmo:sr _ , ::•14 1 :kt. "" o " or . por a PIT To g . ""'. 7.3Li; •St 40% Oft 000poo t do. —MIAS .11. W. Mt coop.. tio. —sada. H:;.......::,,,....,...3-,.....,,. ~.....; g......„..„............,..,.......:„...,. ... tars, tllgl ord., ) a do. do. .X=o WO aals • by ill Bastes's. lbssillaresseeralle. Owasso seserlstirs rum pilleit awl M.O. Con to otustasik oat to ME dr, HATCH, . . . . tales al him kt ionised tectridek tat Emig It ette et lie C. P. LI. Ct. No. I NOISSIM 'Street; N..: N. , . . .... . ea.,...it eoroecoe&1111.0L. ritte•buti SAO I. 118 01.11,451111" CO, 101 'IL SCHMITZ & CO ... No 31 - Fifth Street, A lIC NOW orrICRINGI at retail ...... Os Su.' sad Yost steal of BOOTS AND SHOES II TOOL CITY. crtliteststla • i:ill.s. Mali, Wataierg• teed.. nt_ o boot 0 b. (sslity awl Woe ell.sts autos sao i.e.. n:ttiiore' L tlP.l.7::::lrgill.r.Vl"." . . .. ftilldrams said ' )(Wee Waltlss. Salmi sad urs. Ina.. IC all styles. • . Uost , s lelsa Calf Neste old nese, dote Call Badisolals .0 Courser. et stuArtot qsalltY. sofa, a ..asol. . • , .. .. . i . 4= V . 711cti rrmtii:le i s7ltr b ... ononn.tetsnan9zo t duos.: ' " • ALI. AIN OP/1121C17 - '• ' . . AT THE LOWEST PRICES. • - N0..31 filth Street. , The Higbee' Market Price PAID GOLD SILV ER, canon nit mrounnlntit J. F. STABIL & CO, •Banken l / 2 1171, Oar. WOOD AND TiDDD STAMM.. 08orr. pzicssiLvAlut AVENGE LIVERY AND SALE STABLES, 328 de 140 !!! AAAAAAAAA 411110106. Cads/on forlomals..l.CO. !loom for 11. sonde. SII.CO. Haled 004401 1t24 tote as trwo lo=tioloca 711111:041._ ofoeezligl am . SCELOOL BOOEA.' nadarqsl tazranarad do rarnte ... 16all i. 0db4311 , d) and Ibialka n a X liZararroaa. 6" 7llo, ' 61 111.111RVOIS neda,Thnasur., enTIMIT_ *LT A, YO SLATS null ► Ult. for blaennor.7, ° TA ., " Pr o, aT, ,4144.d erb.itsitiim • tri antlred4s 113 slam St.. Pluaoareb., HOPE' excE - • • I. L armousr... ..... Win". ; nimenanr TN rEalrB. tittirrit jj et i nig'274Prolg Peg We' nin rig It WM Dora k..lalwayLge lina•Ualt W gagriziliar 7 111 "41 . i° ! ' 111411,1411° pas scumpris • OP . / 21 LW OTTLIC. On mans. of lb all palatial,' MU/ I* .I nWYP 10, MIMIC ', 107 1111A2ELZZOITSLEZT. • JIM M. 1110,0114010 L,,R. manufacturer or HAMA un DOYESTIO WADS, Wholesale voutst.th_ Salon. In TORACDO, Uldnisa, ssur.. ririts. ae: und. , : nl• T. Wow alme on Ono, .• • - ' • - • ' D musier mias. . ,arrarl.lbs rtvVlttaborsh. V WELICAT:-.10.000 1108111tlL8 CHOICE NO 1 SPHOIIIWHEAT, isrlirtua AM cot, ule by.. - - aauss • - 11.• Tanen. set.. EMIAXes.I ANDLAIRD. • " buSato ma Its salsty r ' • r. swims .co r mai Wgze 40..PPukitt#14, ICAL. ztinif irm.o *-11.4* • - 7438,;. Sloot"Vos train Use goi;Polipoo or the Tar, Citirrit. Omura, 1111141 Errs, lerforzed 1134;16"11 . 41Pooloo of So" Rpm and taro, Socoooorally Troorod by oa.llLayser, Ida Pella Mama 8. SIGIIT RESTORED The elle ie which wealleded some week. aro, Christiani Miser, of Seaver nonntrl le now entirely confirmed or the ailielieriee Si' Mize limber nectar. who to-ley called on DI. II I- Bill In person. to thank hins 62 , 16'0'4111mi end skill In restarted her ti /SITU!' AND PLIIVICT MUT.. 11:10/I1hey kaillMen nnt ly blind non= months. the was ass Wad Uses she Omni not distionntsh Amy Meek outs nate out what it wu. The ease L remarkable, s bondrede of case. like bee'. are docmed.to' dnknem, ,on the illinsy pretext test Unroll no care, end notbing.cao be done. She ernratider 8.8388.1011 treatment 'for two menthe, - and 'NM. Oh* nnelled to him: #troughher brother. tuatua P. POISES, slight bonen were entertained if her star getting her eight.. Her easels well known in tbo neighbor hood.wbere,aha redden; madame been reaarded as one of estraocslin try recovery. We. the undergigoed, know 'kilo care at Itlis lbolatt. aline staled. 05 6:1111.01 StIIOIIP (BTOlbte.) • 1‘710 . 1' avetille,Alleattly; VOISSMCC#SIMIN s.outti rum, then Weer.) =MCI IMlntr! Headß. Brow!, Tet•M. ' A. n ' Jhrlir tf.4. l Jo A. Fintelf.' -- . C. S. /3.1a.H.1HH tins, LarzHns., . Vell I ." tY "" ti 4.'" ! J. A. H. I.levcodarter. J. F. Mftrrlaori, A. H. Hob Ar 4 'Cibristlams'llolad; 5. untuon.er:' Cher ['Mag. r. xrr~e. ~a[ JLaart na Alifi NOw est, , . A ./ . Norton, U. Pirri• Ilf• r iekl, l 4l%,°•• , hrh. IL Wllaon. ;Ma 'Pa ry Z. tten, Wilou. /Aa lelikrii:F 4 • I:YR,P4; f eidlitotea either, lbeeetether.) _ to was eusheiteured he blood, sad li It este-I.lw lure health hoovfledea of her total am% the recover/of her ,(letter of her brother 100 etas abort. »tem by medicines to p_ 1141 4.. W.& bf item! SM. he tilm Fisher. and bare. sastoratlon to health. I tight... ths seestetlAW seta forth: Du. Divan—This Is the II t of names that hare to Toot sivestlistirst of the Core of my .Isle.. Chrlstlut• Plates. Mast am» ail ssIII• lee to but their nutlet 00.4,0ta hero vets mien attostlshse to cos that Toe hronaltt her altlst so seen. My magma smuts . ..her Millie to voit"daeui•ori. ...ads - ofteigin4.i.stittn is ttot World.”. ens says If mans!! not Coale sthasi It she ballsees bllaehhl would not be IDlneat ills time. We 111 lots In Sendstof oir ItellalTlMPeets , === Dr. SLoreies - Ctiosiatotleit Roots!, No. 1120 Mean Street, eoroor Erika. 011 goo . hours dens be , se. , tie P ea. ' • CORVIMIIPTIOIL , . , It 00014 thke • man a Monate to re. the Crab IX, Ptak .hare be. mitt. ..not Ms Capon , PX Wad: and If it Oki ....tomato te!ittelegt It ha 00414 make blataalf wars. by the reedit/I. .0441. before to got lielphroitgb, natlr twos 0700* - bilattfaitinhatiti 1.11400 ratios of matter .7 par. paia la one or bola 011111 now bunk. n nifitalatil Of the 0004.0.1 solos of Oil fier.:.•32baltstlaz Atitl ar ebrit utreiu, beetles Pm.. treat. of sae somstitese. expectoration of blood,. rime bre tbe met oitl.nt apaptos... apparent (otooly to the obeerelasiphyeirles. but to UL. P•lienty VW* eta;.. bolter v, awn ...Mt ...ton. than tbuia. 0 bleb are 6.4 mod. mutton by mom Itatlon and Wynn 001. me.. eropciteal QM> leg an 4 Ilstantox and U.) are 1:01g0,04 out tearillyillordci to ...Ws vatal ia 19107..4. ...of the 4.1..0f the *bah, Tbe'sfate moot.. elicited In Pals.. are union sere to bentonettsle We true sua mat R.dlllos of tbi rcuptrasUry erns, 4 Perlc3 ,suecnitator tax sot POI Pt azeoulnit. albetber Um Lulls en .11os ...any or aei. Moog It 1. the best ate.o4 of ea...lnn The tong.. 11410 .tad OneelltiolC me* Illeiroverefl.; Yob spprevilsue trealseet 4040.4a914171111104. rat. sild evert else.. 4 part more tompleuly ceder the L.- Gan Of oppropriste retaetlies. We 107. by beaa el tb• opts/oat/Al count:4llm or 41e.f. or veal. 4 of the bo4lll depeae. eat ea • beprareiletata of the blood. which ear rbei, is Ito ecter.. lattorcelo. me... and de. omits It la the 1a.., or eta..re le the body. last au **WM. or nose II drwelted I. the 01 . 4 i der. • smell Pl4llOlO orwttuat stuveuk Imo vordo.s. loam imams at wit clam aWu want tatkatteou use estax•im uutsaueuu.rt buttete r mlttur sastalt. tf avuubuiroald envy II on of the uvula. tad Trbiel tun bees easily dose' ID w bigtbaltu et init. - Abeam: Ur. minims rzaralataitatrru Idea eta 5011.61nu* ukg tomb's stlige et Mgt dlususs. It sons Da the Vary prlactple ere Lay. auto:tabor*: by Nang*f= aueur , ut el eurp.ag o 0 or's= to do. ifialpletbar. <41.00. quo sad matrons sadly extespnbetined. maa U 0. wars oat statmlat 0. carrled 0.2. .4 the . remotak atatexia of bropir etuusclar. tztre out be lualtb abd ma pommy ot skim" and etoothea. la many coos or 100000001100 00100 be. Deem. rem.. Dr. ReTser, NCI* IQ nest. tuu Wean. Our:meat win do (Mk Inc nearly .11. 11. amperes • 00e4111ne e 5.1114 1..C3111 .09/111 es .1=157011.4- 111%. 00kb Is il.grtat utia. aid atriuVasuu and watoput the putty* be ranterotl. 00114 11 1.0101704 004'.00[100 01.1112000.10 e 0041 %00n pettlels4 of vent ea& or extreneons nutter, ...la dog ...boy 11. ttY *lO4lO. loathe amt.. onaborLl beta( deposited t• • • TIMIONAIT CONsUIIaTION.• 1111:617LTLN 031)1t PLZURIST,CUSSD. Masa.. of Ulm. Told. carpastar. or 10 astaprast stmt. 111.1.• Curt. I roos , a slolsat !Utast of tOrarto4.-1.-X 4 4. tat. stiel laßw wttaa cossillastlag all saw asstr. swing asst al stress. sad ...US sisairseitlssw ItastUt. Donn iW atiaro of stmt.! Sad 0000001 plias:taus ot tag abateOl n ,varariaa Is ale Wm ► Arum a• 4 Dart all• n• taw. Irma ta• stalsod tsts tbe mussy. real. I SUL sad wt. Om a cabala Sdostor. blko toed d sOO7 last elasstads sad that Ltaossnittyr vas sin doss sea 1 1.044410 if ooNatnirmom. I ltalsr. . 4 0 10.1 Uds Ualot ,Ital4l 414.41kt•1 %ladle of taf mats aad lass 41.0010 0.41.110 010'000( 010000. *ad 1 ssakir siars'Slay, Gad al. maaa dispaSstas of dim gelthig 1.11. - to lass boas of dessoadency. 000 Inc.. las taunt balbat . sus.-tasuabUt..CoassispUo..4 Safi. lowa or gOOw .aWO . D7. D0..14-alrairr. sad cwt. Its I wadi Mao.. Calabar Iwol.dell oaths Dos• tor at kis alas. tal ft:nista...read bad Ittni.. Wass, laap bls ••I.IIISO DOTIND.w Ca told Ise tea sispar'sDa o 0 aryialt laairoor 04144 . marl 01•••••4. Old as lassabt wt. grog care lad tea roowfsruoolo tea s. of bls meal.* asol4 set .11; U. ratted ou'Ur. ILe7fweer7 011000r00 Mr am Wand atut thin. 10 00100 L 0 Maass. .4 rses Mo 4 sad Dad to coo. 01(01 and (KT, 100 00 .. lamed the Naar* outman lacatotor:aitch • rondo brats aosalltrol•a• aa4 ocoriaat4ll Odtaraur %Intl the inmost Usda. thi stadlassabalpeduts - Stoat tb• vars gun, • and $ nallll7 tad 007s011 earliest stioenr, sad./ coast sad lassaltag. - I assess.. Featly to lob; sad roman aay. HU wall; all we rattling of my tabs sal etarari. .d 017000eralt.t. Is ta trrars 007 (pod. AU IDr ntstivis and tpeadi snow of Q. ...ad sta. Of tar 411.10 araraivortriartustax• 10000. 00. of the atllolaoo.olsao _ma by Dr. RaTisraraa • Ana:Mellor 0•3144 Ursa clam walla I wail. Waueotion with U. other sm. AN0131 . 1131 quits or orovtncdtyuoa.z . rutintotrt Or don. U. artocaz, or elArnil . I.M& ahisoulxy Daum. . '1 mut ethrharyed tom the trotted SAW. Matt Ia Jarman.. ISM, on amoo at of a Wound In tat natm, from *Men, sad a Manes arblon the army antenna nroaoinood 0011817YrTION; I bad aterrbba coma and All wool la ntraturtn &an dna and Ina nasal. to do mf Mina: Ilbortly1u• tar my reteraDina the arinv, f sada ihSleathni to • Dlmatelan of my tlemhborboodmid,aften Wards, to Mother hi Iltubondtorldsh rtpune aloe. whom ramedls• I used faithfully the the months. without say ithiMirer. Mat ram. er draw worn, sad Waded In doh and atranith .ray day. — ltrAtigna‘llodi' MY mother took* 1. poems Ernutn. Oralrom stmt. mh..l tin Mb 'Map Uke mine bad bean highly iyolont of- and Lontmyealf aadarlds - nrWatant, the Manor rundaedmr;lnno may:can:Ally Mth his LUNG 50111117;:and told Ma that my 141114nd was badly dinged at; tho area; part:, bat If 1 wan metal he henget he could oan ms by following Ma dlnaloaa elotaly, whlob I tit he= Mee def. toe ib.w ti.no**4... an Dr. Itimei medicines from the ant lent I commemol4, 1 to Me thaw; and mYlloaral Melte hai Improyed,laid my ahem'. here It Wu anal MI myn a ann,rwe It . .mtbrat Omani OM and moan and bye boil nail,. 1 can ao. do %Allays weal, and take graat•pleaanrein illeing me testimony In hem. at Dr : terror'. Anablealmul pledlotate,' EMM;2:Mi;II A tutor Ave yeses* etendles eartd by Dit., IL6lllltlpp. LIITUrr • Ltlt. Ezys.,—lty wife bulbob etAat.d wltb wean ta , ALtileadty at bre walla= aaor sts ratTh' rare es ' eti n le=oe " . TO. collipleleM beredlt .d sae bed nees trested severslidlyalelabe =I rellef. La Int. state orb. el. 1 Atacama eram * ,e at your PAC: Ibettifty e i latifintitett i rtri - rett verj ien=.l erelitta sea cot n dollar . bottle. I. eared bar 5.M.,. .4 ens now tat tram at the farmer disase, except ambles.. I would also amore . et .0 the medlar. A 171.01 to a tale andi mouse Theeeattiae Wittny one do.. I ezpre...7 enetre "Aster. tma pee easdneset Sad AMMO at Liberty ea' 01011.14Ltble yaa AWASIrroa. Aii.rr Cbm san. AMID mum. noes 21 Team • aaa WWI ended With COIMILIMItIOII ot the loop, for whlon be mu dletheree4 ham thealley. Weessaaelsed byte. way•Detradany Nrreoa sus ha mart die erttn tie disease. We b•reant blot to Dr. AZYBEtt. 1110 Wood ernes. teem =rens m. 0.) Ira*, emanateft. ta. 1./...eaWra.Aett.lotrtaLars...••• ••• sound sag well. MO le eat, well a. beta sa tar the pest terse yea.. Mere alincta.l le WO maser esaLtkeetUe beired., vraLTitlnia; Tetaper.eevllWi'Ast4.trA T , szt "milk on, recltiti mut 1 4 1 R•73 - .4;›, KETZERIL P. UIIO CURL 001Viltaeakki.elpliZirtinbIORIME00. 140 "DO IMlVM>94llll,l4,thm rem. N. Leo PINNIA4IIa,, /qui szmakutlostproP 1 411 19 .6 1 , hig : 4 :4:1 Jas. Vzsuraa, PrA,t r. roma, nuy.l 7 iirrSBURGII FORGO AND IRON Viaivricrrarns OP Raleirlhai Rarlietlui nab Bars and Sotto Railroad car Axle. Rolled; • Railroad Car:rl riaramerea Lereancitivo lls mos; llemmacialavo ollhiada .; Tobias, it: pot Piston Head% Ildidiablial Mufti; - ' Piston Rodo lie star Pitman Jaws, Lb , be. Ctilics, No P ;RN STREET, 1 ' • ' Pirilin , . iii. PA. ' MU BOW, 11l ROUSH .. _ ... ~4 Lindsay, Sierra IFEnwer, •• linntifOottnn& 4i ioiiera of HARD , MtE . 1 CUTLER , &c., 337 - Liman STREET r Gor r - W vsze.. - • , One equar Below Gown Depot, Mal Btal6n. AP isonto for reibßbillize R3ALeil. itillf=l - ITEK ViIIEIS mom hii OK& c,i BET BIFEIED COST EMIL gum; FLO in amt. u nin 1112.1. MULir.470,071421. °am Llama= art SAW PLATES. 'mime AND Ezarl-stmunao; RAILWAY SPRINGS, owl spring era, • Cast and. 'Ormuz Plow steel PLOW =son Asco *qwza 34.31 alums, map OD !Mitt Tin; 91% al7 th dir l ag zr Witieltimse. 83 Miter BL, Ptuee°[ll selltikil • ATLAS WOISICSi oarox 8,1'11E112 TOMAS TM. Work, an arms Ma Mame ate PPM maples ortalallement La Wa alel ark praparie to to d& rbilaa. l4 !t . P.WW PuiLVPI!". Boners. 411:rante. . Shad yon Wart. Railroad Cul2lyra, Bolling NM Caittnip, • General Culls" • - •x . i3Oialon 6 kkitf: ± cams - Jo= RoNET !UCLA, /1111i1DRY, Carson SL,lbb Wand, near 4i•S. IL &air= Diet; Steel' Moti Eiru i lls / 1 - Cu* geunDr• cn: ..aa I saa..austworus sat FORT PM 1701121 DRY. CiWilin kW mows HEAVY OUDIVANCE,' .•Lizi r Ebrator t 'atuorr nev i • w ".. 24a mm tl m a nz i i rru ARAMS IMMlLaihd horttonte= rwir=‘,2ll latiSTO cllt i rookt o oar old Mock, In an TatalAlt ssrr des the peon ' rwlsl=t%r. lessi, to toroltb short no tles. - ool:o norra sKrallkt.yr GREENWOOD FOUNDRY. BRAVO & DONNFILLY.• Jobbing and Machinery Castings, 74111 Overt Wpoos, male So L e a Nos, Ointie, 240 I.lberty Street. ••171A0 lAc.laay et Waste nallettm) • DUQUESNE IRON AND STEEL WORKS HALOILL BATS[ a ea, Iron. Nail& Siginga, Axles; rum° x. name =I4.A usu., ea, WAILLEIOUSI. Mr.. 97 - larevtem 123113rempt. 1111121114....5. 14 SWAM STOVE WORKS. A. BRADLEY & n.a.n.un.n:ri,..mvet • .- ,Cook; Patlarant Beating - Moves; • 1•111011 ora the 0100 100,04 LiniZZA: WAY vats i nall ir tr 4 ;001c0t0100.1 alba sasastsetan GRATES, GRATE 1ROR1I!1, Are: , ; • 01200 00'0 VtrebOtre s oiorner 0000.041 M Moo 0 gt 0•001. littannylx. Yuma. ea lElLikait. TrIiVALICM 11.,WOLP - .7/t. &CO., ' 11.1.1,65 IN Eta T a W.f.M 3 :o. ChltleMi an no, nrealvlng largits I alums boar itoolt . Which to affarod - Design AS w•icao=uel. 6 4 2 ,0' 1 000 and Rig* ON 'spittaaraisitia., 3p.k. BLACK. DWIO!111,' IPVCOXILINW , priTEMMOIL ramn, xu . timiur4 ,Co" maniiitinn e< ' am 'mow • niceiraDvari 'apcs. Vat sad WW1!: At in Was , totansjoilar I.llwfsai fa Illansizetand thaw aniastaktnteiy-MNiu luny uQ • ismos... —rotor AtLitt....:AS. L. 20zary , ALLEY STOYEYVOIRIEL , ALLEPAr i Eitk u 4p.. Rake awl NI. 11111 - 5 /117 = 14 TVAITOBVSKr. ° 4 vgb are the colobrsted Allexbany WM caller: mat Coottng I.lla LoWeral asd Boatlnal Om coil or wool, and .I,lm, gazi•lll44, Hollow Ware rnuMly. , • map IL Eitrsit-m—z•—.2'llThrn 11412. jumpy. maven ebON Sloan Bolters .011 1$11114 • Tait; .000011;0111Voilis, t 11l lanes - 814' PittabarkiTs, Pa. • CENTRAL - IPOUNDRY BOO oLIX, NZ:at ChM 3 1014.1411:01allass, Stoll tattoo, sa. 'rEcols CARLIN". EMI tin TlMMitailltlitgly M t ?" I" 2 "T'uNirrali r u.°sli übnia raUtirl4 1 . 1) liir4"lllPala PITTSBOWIMONIOL 4.emmrse sou swarnan,cF Iron, inibkit; Tub and Trunk 1100Pq ANDinialtit r t .ydip ' Thrirmditsll444, G*'d?E', BYERS & CO., muirvicruazi . ius Bar, Hoop and Sheet Iron, WROUGHT IRON an non MIMI RAMO, UM , it 111.*W11141CN OIL WELL TUBING, Office, No 98 Water street PITTErEURGH. Pd NATIONAL FOUNDRY EDJORO I arCOMIKI49 Corner Carrell ind - Stre", NlnpriVard, ; ..r.ITTSBII“GH, PA. . . - "FPM. ganatrilsr, • - 'Cast:iron ATM. •• , • FOR BAB AND WATER W O RKS , egvarittueuttummttiftwg amensioiNtea fit AD VOL TUE jtTrittlrga i tlVlWat i tool. ' T oAT7lmolor: lloilm,,itur TANK 41201Z1r151., CMtM)IX-i` - 1tA21211/AVICIIIt ' Ttanni ,'kdwOmyD minmals 111132411.1.6 OTLINDIEBtIfik BOTWSIEY Ottietteta ad:Tamar, WBuszaase AND Aunt rAzui z ei tao.mur. rasa Alin GO*. OMAN PUVAABOIIiTIRS, AND IRCIA masolmoanaufixiii. llutz ommaduron. wer...14:4.4. Ind.& gun aa.A. Pittsburgh. Pennsylvania. pro - 111 "Irst&t. i4e3baTil a"lasatudisi4 lEEMBINGTON.']BON LlAin) .doxiurroadu dr Bass Cannon; Relined ctimoat =RMIg= Juniata Blocan Ixou. - • • ACIESCIEAII2 . 3I•S soiran a t9iAnAgno* 'MOP' min T'aatt.LNULY Loam.. " • . apil_Ala nat a l, narrvison. ' , - afElt ant IR. BMW • , ••• • •_. a , ~. OTLOIDZILarda ILUND 0111711/47.3 120 N. litat.l. T BA/Papag mill. lb, sum nut. ' 1911101:1T laaalfrlZllB Organ.. ' 11 , 4;44 Itit Puma.' sad Oasatassaak......• OM Warabs atal ua pat uses at t s Wert& 11EXES. -ODOR 111 . ...laeoatJauatlan of Plat s4alatoaa 40Uttaallo Myth.. Warkajittabutalt. aaillikt rivetirtantsicium .. ANDERSON' 000K .& C0 47. . ~ tI111:1=6E01/15 To awns, BOYD* op.ii Itusamni!mrw or me WS - REFINED CAST STEEL, &Mai, llat. wad . oatigm . ai 4/1 far "rt Oan.Etael• t, • SEAM° - .LAD YOTCIIIO 212211/1 PLOW . WINOS.SIIIIBOAL Arras, CINCErI4.I44,IIi,,Ae. Cad iuul Common Vlow & Oporliteel., Mar . -Conti or Pint ano Eranilt2ellt4l.6. • KGB. M. BOLE & :W. rouxzwrias, Engine Builders Illd'PladilaSiS i . itikisionier.mutes as issa nieutiimps!, or 41114114 Ma so , ore taLt.plel4ol6 P.A.*. a area daraixliols:lo.i4 o W oilar. :Ain Ansa", Burt...A.B.ll9lA,lropnah • 1tae.21.4 Prop, •Cor. Potnt Allay a•Deroe. Yelhadry. Dar. IA KM44.=.Ua strel4. •-• PITTIIIIIagit. PA. BERLIN i FOIJNDRY. ,PRICE BIM; No. 29.1Poiiit Strait "111• Claire ladfcep Contain/4 oA L. 24 . P U NI II4II / 4 Eke*C :Pfpo Boxes, . . . • .Irafitn i t t T ' a l o L z L lltilftltO w Nliale.4ll . ... /ad multi. nonsally. , • - MONT BLANC FOUNDRY. Butler Street, NintD Ward, OPNEIMg UNIONINOX =LP.? JlTZTVrialarraillq99L , .' 044. 14 i / Ell and B'idg, Vas lIDiUlt x[ll6B Pk* 1e4% , • Kakliery aawleaitlariVlNOlny ' ! o:lvkinagiatiAr n'ai:amtaty •33CltioCC , gammas =Lemmas. , „ , ' VflU fll' 2c MAOIILIIID. 01MatiT STEEL WOMB, musk Jai X 1 rncrossaa 6r" BM QUALITY E 987131111. I """l.o. l 4V i ar l Aft ru "' !now. aryinre g yao!nrs.oirr Moe. 813 Woad Btruot, 0 , 41%.4zas 31"DM% itetufw-rAs. lutiOnErs . ..us.' sizes Clen!a BOLLER WORKS. 110RARki, BARNHILL CH.; . 41.unreiclizizs ar sieam 431331thi. Oil. emu. Aetatal 'Nit. 'Rail Y eti. Cramnalali ' V4l in n llrtdgta. -', • VOL LIBERTY... AND-SECOND 578.. _PITTED UR tarp PIWILPTLY. lye= • ROBERT LEA. STEAM. ENGINES AND EULER) Freight HoiErtere AND' DOCTOR KNWITY ! ,, , • 14-airtiiigietan otoo, oori'or or Insit suidi/ 1 / 4 fire7 Strews* lamp rirmixos. PA. UNION ENtFORISE - maw • ialrentii, 4 9l2,lll"lsll-M, ankanAnotnOLlalla W Al ln Zaa. WU • • andlUmdsatat u aCHlnriViCaaTl*o...: rAvas i f t t ag . alegrAt , ZVEREON, FREI/TOM* 094 virJrxerL r.s.ru z==x l PAlT.'6 , A=. AIRONCITYMILLS. &,•BMIORPIRLD, seig.a.mairftlawmuiareisiaiiia nixiirst AirAroria atria,N4l.; rmiT-A.7mi Dri *TA : ( Oil :,X-iii!..')*l. Broken. ~,?,*SiititEl;iiiei,,Z:•ii.,;L:l .• ' rsznurcses• t Laiist&t..4 Qsiablur, WWI; Innesisaik MOM* 101401. aad.etlat lauds vrasiksukto4o o o l, blikaSOOks luulolloual.. 11.-CMdarlelli ET2 I I A I.lMilaiiial VALLEIT ".. OS SIM 1107110 DAY - Jai/1/06 INN inane I. ut 1....11m0 Wins sibltttlinrikpipm. SOSsetnss WIMI Oassi Moots. so souonno Lamp. -arm.. SAO a. NW 111 W 11. ltopsolow. .. ...... P.n. 1010 .1. 11.1nonsms/Seconssnoelatlost 1:CO P. N. *MS. 0. 71no Boos Works Ammo.... lOW a.. 10. ta11.14 Second Bodo Worts Asoolp.. 11:331.. sc. W P. /1. HUltolo Accoassoodttlos...l6:olAsl/1. =S. X. banday Muth Train. from MrsU P Portti W' mat " c "'"— s eicreid>ll 4" .iostio g" M a itt Des dsi slob Um of psaistO 110 /10.100111 06 011C1ly. D.mt•Pni 3717 214.611:11T0311. ant. 'PITTSBURGH AND 0021M12111 VU.L Mims= , on • sine oirmum.- • trn ana attar BUN ix, October laity LK, tha tralns aria lonla lato Depot. emu 'K .1111.1 Warar streets, as ftgl ' Leaner , . .arrfair, Paaabogra ,Eittotatroa. Mall to Ina tram tattoo.... tart.. it. G. 16 v. a. s:aroee••• a to r. of WOO Jo Nit West Newton•otomod.... 6:ls r. N. VW nt6 WNW lleleesnort Weenm..11.0.6. se. 6140 e. Wean. • •• 19:Zir INN N. Brandt:Ws i le. r. a. nonday Church Train to lota 4110 • from West It togy to ltd?. X. 100 A. X. • 7or s Ma% amt. W. It. swot% SNOWintendent. ... oats IGENNSYLVANIAL. CENTBAL argagillia agr L a t " l>iFt ; 94a g iti a e g rltitri of yf . !nddnicton and unt. . Litiary, dta . .. tullams . tai LW. 4 7 It :fa 0n 4 .13: Wall'a lie. dal ala WM lesba,..k. 41111• trln u tfAlp. L. L. 7,31• 3p11 . 21d..... 5 4.061 Olnetnaia24' 9:10: omred. ui oa . Ott 2 Mtrge 22:2 ritelr iit t...l 4 l g% eall's No: L. p m ft.ss Lint. " 11 al L r'fL , 4oll • W,114 , r... 10116 ma% 'amp. : ! Taeon j r i z Train. Han w lam em. ll2 a. =. Vane*, I "u n d a r it icaTletria7 2 11rtir M. au - Phl MUM , ' an W.ll==. Aiwa. alanatt Expreas.anina Antkr meant, . 'All ether trail:unsay =apt Iftnaday. • lor Mt= Infozzaatlon .. • H. Ettaimr/11.1,041. a Zfennsigtro p itailses4 . ormy as% Dorian Itch Oh r . Inrier 4 Lrad Dorian lEralaa. nsalao . Inn 10 a, meant in va:no baaa:na 01 the 0004 1,10.4 take.by arivz.ot rEi 'WESTERN • • RAILECOAD...'.O4 41113 J11L.11541. - .11,A, aaa 41=Vra.5yrra414%:1,44.4 d.riltostk she 7.74 1144!,p 491 loesty Ity. Bs • EbtailttV44o 1 11dt.1.41. mrat 111011.1.111 ra'attat,l2l.l •oraNm. re.D.tti- I IMPJA nannerry , e Ate 1:10b.n. Shupe 2. Imtp.re - ..varvirg.; • gragn . 4l2:v g .t. n w r ll a h .ta OM at Ida r. x.. 4 arthre 411/***l as 3:61 r. Connantetbni 114.04 -Tot psi fairs 14.4etty . ,_ . between ' anen ru. niary oz ACl street. /Inn . 8411 .1% inarrtsb.l4 .4 A. 4 6 U* , 66,0*. pl. * at Blau°. • T . AO tra1r.51.1 . 44 411texttany ~117 Olt 61 .1 z 043 p. mane wren; meager.* as port Iran Walkernilne langel,llq. , ils snr 11...t0wn • t r ••_ • _•• t',4 3- 4.^/"1 Ttotott to ary „parott_ Me; Ptidbargh." tz be t...A. or or Information opplio- JAMS§ I.X7MTe.t. The Waitert Penalrants i=et anima oar rtelt ter isamee,reee.M i la r eu. /as Apr, MI a limit uktr .ru ret . te ,. to Of t h e vela% wine KO the iralter `lllllo.aallaal.D7 Mat. '''SagaVallitt./.3"ATaIjXI • •-. , , • . .... . .... ._ . 1567; ,iiiiIIMIM,-. -', ' 4.7O7IIPAUNIAMTUREIV.- jp.Oatepasl.ut o ,=alA.4l, 6 bing uctyx. • • Aaiun. Re i gnitt:ll3l:: V 4 2,nc'ttli s.n. i .ISFI L .:II2 4 4 , 12r.a.V.Vjair lige:. zrAWILIEMurataLI .r - nri ii i4g:nve.....rzr iu - 1.....7.1.iaza.,..wei. , zwr i t0 Mayan from ego y. _Layyty , A_llly_nalli ' Ll d rill l'A el ' ini am 11 . 1M ' ,14 . 14 :: n i . aal 41.11.1. • • sliflas4 3.•06. trat6 44 •Zl - 2:. palt-ztv.ili. 2..12 • ~. ..,„......„ WI Z1y ,1 3 1 4 . .: :cm , -4,- II .im I—.t ..1i6 l"Jrc r! 7 ..7..a . .. — .u 1 ... L- "t . ;4,7 - ICI mum, giumetw;4timegati n., • • • , PAN •11111910,11014( " 44.1. 0baber za.ri lle., ISCr u ,=All a xg t. nal idt 72 ." 7 4 7: 1 . 0.$ ' Il111,am• Vianter's , r. at. • V ° l2o: A 47° 44 ,r; Camas, Tral • leaves as Tau .r.sg , ..:vanntir 011iclaaatl at 10:00 next romfble. " a a a . 1ag: 7 2271.1 14= 12434y d epaas. rtle S r, the priaelbal Debris win ant linen ygebisiej Masts be . i n iid!VC Oi MOAK maw NOVIIIeTUIP l 4_tantiM 11.1. Dep . tannic sifiii.) N.D. N.Y. 130110rieltrielral BV. V rat V V .". SMOKY Rill. 11074 11101 PACIFIC Zk§TEllll' prvislOtt. MORMEST asr s ' aoaxe nom m. sus whiUtl VOLOitAllOi NEVADA. - , -caLtroisiza,' . , .141141.4.. MEM • tvouib;it.n-stito usi'mat .4417..0142.1*Ta . rsolVal4.l"cnniza,s,ma Oa '! w. riclEa,llalLeesil from Du. Lao* a liumlbafaadlt.'Zto asltro(tl Lb* VilLisy);:ealb• autism at Lavrsugs. Topaz sad Pltype. Dar all potota la,Essum. *tad oil:rat% - lied of Llsitortli .. ittn. et. trztrzwu ern= rxrar.sa COMPANVIV LIAM' ON 0171011 AM) MAIL 'AND - 11:31.11.121II COACH TOR 7., DENVER, BALT 'PAM& AND ALL rourn 1 I MHZ Till and Irish Wipe/MONIS TAVIRVIRLYLLIN at co/oil:Es Tort. Tao; Alkusterm, tiollt, 2.44 d New W /' Watt tli•rieein adAttlAiii reillassti4Vl vrolvment..d the arrAumegiU soAlAinel.• SPORM79.oVirtcrut TEMl6.4th,' .* LON boss it* wenern tariManA, WA Fowl Am oiled Amt , massed runivalibt , Tickets tar sale at ell thie,sepaitleellte the batted Mates .and dettmets. 34 nix% sad Ant mares 'YU .. vni !YOST BILL HOUTZ. I:I7iIUR rAlaitti ROA WAY. ir.4/371UN D/V210.11. t. • , a. Akapa:aama. esZeztolosibin, *. wear -. e.amrraies 81TtIME8HM , 13: - • S TE/311 . ° . ' Fact/#7 LIVERPOOL & QUI EPITOWN Ireland. 'ALBANAN 3.• 111/11181tre...tvrigy• rlEthx—earn,lB U. 8. Mal. 11 tea autlirlatt tte,,Oolosa/p .1/24 " raidashllientiallookeabli • idam, Exmag 4.81 p. 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