The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, November 21, 1867, Image 1

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riginimeor, !LW,* co.,
Alltivpricriartanno., •
071zt1„6oarrne BUILDING.
N limn! smear.
- le d Tan faisiliuk,
' 'anzam .
,pm a zimmin AID
MIT," rim . DART:
aaat.a*i •• -
pun car . •crrzt
" tirt tibblir I I Gaiftis
A lime 1317REAll.
notorti Wort Mrstibrt to: Coarbina
the rattan and Freedom's, Buren in
_ one and ,Sete iteoper the control of the
War pepsrlicent. We frost Commis
no 1 44. 1 4 104 .1 to any each;
_Trio freedmen requlr ti l lo # 4l ;
. 111 , 6 44 sad P t d e c t ;q: fc i dl ag.l l l l Nds
under due ottietaami.
There is so, ANto. Mote; why Bohm
should now be a Bureau to take ore of
frogging gjacig fel iltd,,FlNm of
, ' magmata. AA for the Leman; if *pit
Boren es. otbe ePlitwp.for kind:Um
or tumbled into the IhOosc, se the'
most palliate harborlberagwbrch*
SralAigraiXd our Capttolbzlit•ltt be
.traelfecook, lo ;the War Nepartmegs .
di x tre 412 P i° f IW- 411 124C4C4t1 , 74 7
r.fnstftitOeit;?mirk Separate
lee, to take care of the Indiana. The
. ; gm. mnent must_OPPfet. felts, ofacilm
to command them, and troop, on our
frontiers, to protect settlers from Ilmse
meagre No clam of men e IA
• z*:tuttariti4l4,tac;:giciWor.-fiii4.!
.tkitik thin IMOy
cams. They are seldom trardenell with
work altriontierduty,•ead to them pm. perlf belongs that of managing our In,
giff igkhfol , •
.= We -- ..are_froginctibtr.:DP•
Posed to clam legislation. Let no hate
one law for all daces of mon.
Biledideer•shiiuld be reCogileed rte
• chl rensentermsofequality. Theyaluouhl
right as %white, mart to
•• take a home on Our public lands, or to
, Any one If, they prefer it. Thor. should
taxed to aupport the Goveranient and
make public improtomeota; and If they
de; not Pey their taxes t 6 compelled to
' *irk,et Lx wa g e, , untilthq
It they work, pratecfthien In their that
rbaths ppoceeds of thelvlabor.„ If they
'tea!, imprleph ' that: It they Murder,
'haat ilientnjt they^ believe .ai ' good
_ Cltlatora, let_rhank tote. Leglilate for
than if man, member, of the human
I tikomm wan rite ca iv.
; rank in ' or dirap
*item tbe. earth;. lig the lieritabho
laW or uosre whirr" killi all , Moans
thetzeglectorrefase 'to piteerre their
':_biraltreer 'providing for their own
.../thloArk' 'odd' Irroadmen'r Boreau I
pludi regret to
oas >i linek*meomrauto.
ate It;Opsofr -Offer a premium for the.
./31111i =Dart system Of theft(
- '
-- TRU Erie '
arotiou to
the Vero Legleittiffand &gabs; contain
much Ast/torfuntei, -Se no
-- tufmaslimitlen of affairs Impend the
Rhine, nation forth. the ranceetity
Praline kit4lnEmled SO 104 ado in.
teriala end' dignin shall .n bt be; 'Una
eh ImsfUrarawgrosaribile Prat=
' filled the eraser the world with thagreat
, peace offering* aufEsposluctn, but he
- caagratulateehldiselethat now ti
, .1 ,
e • ab asi o r g trw a , r42l.. EfoAdFise4,
Its strength auntie intness.,
o ed or dig:nhabit; - ailcircumatances may
wanfillk:'.4l4), Mariam -la -.evidently
aware of the inning glory of-Ids ccmi
VIZIL.A• d hiqt ~/fr,. reign, he
oration; oramingent the strong
APnintre is the more Certain will EU be to
uelopEutnqur; Halt cbcdce Buie terms'
' regarding the Papal and Cretan troubles ;
isidEghtly passesinerhoth subject!". is
, concluden the Emperor expresses : the
bsilii that.hri fijefPoen* inith the
people sad retains the confidence - none
edibiltKibesend ibiMribt he faithful.
1" lapotts r . r dingo th e destinies
offr4iltilltared ion luttriinded .
kiiifothir'ereat Zuni*,
Napoleon:o item of the situation in par. Unduly cheerful and happy.
rk.: o l l3 :tift 'AiologY for a
failure to supply our readers with a gun
-1 tity of choice intellectual food which
came all the way from Chicago but
tiligemph...., It_ wan, a ..gcaphic
i d ..zint(inEcrivefe..Of thnsittaistiami.
life Li/ moral entatabiWeliewilich oa
j culowilli take place in the social circle
- 4 ; ' of the Prix. Ilitig,"and which delight
those ornaments to society, yclept brats.
en ,
thiemss and the higher order of sporting
men. The mill wu 'dentin; and so
,vreiftbe ,Mliport: , but fearing ciur readers
would not understand the anatomy of
Vat hnntiltbOdY salbfletaly well to pre
° eller iodate the "bunch or Ares," "the
Preidbasker4" "knowledge bon," "nal
. l en ir 4411/ trap , " " kiwi
and °pm Impoltittit localities of mortal
am* We urn the report the go-by, acid
kepi we hire not offended by ect doing.
domit think the Associated Press
discsindmites wiser in using" Its mist
and - perfect Machinery tor. the ,
maim or rams to.sprimd . before count
less ihndlycirelei the disgusting panic.
f niers of such brettai aff.dri. Such men
as Dedey end Barmy shoidd 10-hidden
- from the world behind the walls of •
prison rather_than glorined in their moral depravity
by newspaper publicity.
AT LA BALL7i,Mon, the menu.
Samurai otglasi hasheeia prosecuted for
- Soma time put by a party of mos formerly
from Pstloburittt, ;tyres and is a sort of
0)-CIDS111141/11:c4ucern. meta pfosed
toodrei:6AsisA ill their iheitiatal temPera.
Attemth to work tegether well. 4. number
of them left 'and went up to Ottawa,
where they bore formed' Joint stock
company, embracing such menu Judge
Catroa, Lester, sad Edward Eames,
andsalums,wholatzdalt the capital, and
contscl the, concern. Ottawa is under
laid:with pad of supr-rior -polity, and
tbiblithriduala concerned in tids enter.
piss ere ceithdeit of making window
.1:lau of much better cinallty than most
zoirobtalwed frau' the East, and at very
to/aerially . /ass cost .
.If the *masa ariusrpriaa shall succeed,
and bo daanelally prosperous as well is
mechanically successful, it will lead to
large developMezds in glass making In
that seCtiolt, u th e capitalists engaged
isreissiof uthle resources . and,abund
estb.PClf Or Chatieter.
of "Gargetostn;
celehtstrd tha,paiint Dentocattic. time,
- !rt ProCetti9N. lo Which ill
rennin:a" to. wear
Otetaiorite badge - of red, white end red.
One little girl tore hero off, and threw it
11414 Br& the etah in stripes irate
tiniat down'frone she ligrlatiltaral Ool
leie, Lexlizton, and found on 'the
atreetarlth:lllsood pinned to It:
two snio bureau flat pita ! foot over
the Agricultural Ooliege while I am a
Madam& og the saroa.
• • A LOMB Or RlOlll%
TWO wbois oimtier of opplkationsfor
podtions oa oodoOxit of The Lae war,
tiled ofitONOTiniber 'lst, 'wir . 287,47P;
of this 20'0,427.h0re bum Aluoly acted
°Pm!. ' 6 704 6 while 9,929
avrairiitioiL L • - •
•Txxx,haTe cergiuLnin Esnioniton
b r xfiftWAutivMer, 10 bland,
white fan' lo mane hbiuni In tbst Shim
L'T74l/CEA Wgl4; 4". •
Plant tilt:l-lois.
Jr .vonett:..64 ,,
i . t
Ihriepr - Nai4leoli If ibettch.
,1•5 tt." L.
•• that (910111111dv
_ .... . .
f9ll"* " . k ttid ' a *:: ih # l4 f; l
exrcazikaankocuirs L/MSILLOMT ABaSti.
1 - a tere z verettatrantersirsexern.
• " P.AnOtil.fiptikaim4.irtiishito and
14z9itu T; giliatv :big:iiiititotii- . The
Enapenar midellitsibllcariegapeecir : i
........The nettsonlyetk,tutingthediseits-;
ithill;elf fix:Tian* laws has ibli„go.T..tne :
-- L !. ) * l `ort . i 4 ;liether earlier. u hen 0 30 ,
for yourazaidance. Sizusiyou separated,
vague dlsquietiacke hive "tom to 'affect
theputilkiinkfd of Europe, and" restrict
the 1110TerllardiOf laduitryark comfier-
:dal.. transaatione In , .611 - quattera...l
I' Notwithiddiding* the - 'dealaratio n of
my GerdilaMeO4 . which km, never
varied from a pacific attitude,
the LI Intlet - has.* beet?' • tooled that
!modification izithelnternal system of
, GermanY most liecorim a moms of can
did, ' This pie'liirtalidir could not endure
kmger.. lets ttoomory to wow.. .my
:the changes which have taken place on
the other *idiot ihe Rhine, and to pro-
:claim that se . losig as our.interests and
eui..lignity shall not be threatened we
will not interfere in the transformation
allectiel by that 'one wish if the popula- I
ton. This disquiet which has been
displayed is difficalt of explaeadon, ate
periadlts which - Franca has offered to the
world the most imposing 'lPedtidld of
I conciliation and : peace—the Unlveraal
Expoiltion . 'Where all - the sover
eigns of "kisidie . have attended,' and
where the' emitientstivei,ef the labor
ing classes of all countries nave
met and drawn closer the ties of
fraternity between' nations: It lisii Idis
appeezed, but its traces will bays a deep
impression upon our ageylar'afierhiving
!aiejettleillY, risen, the Exhibition, has
.only shone with . a zninneetadi- hill
'fancy; : 'Ohm" 'destroyed a host' of
prejudices' and errors : the 'shackles
laf labor, and intelligence 1111(1 the. bar-
F rims. between, the , different people as
I - well as different classes of interzudional
Ishega;.,these are what .the Exhibition
his Mil behind it. 'But -these Incomes
tibia pledgee of concord do not 'Moyne . _
to P s P ers a.., o* * lll .l l mProid, al. 4. thd.itild
eery inednitions of Frnce. It t is the
imperious duty otevery government M ,
' fly : -P x .° l ßi d .. l AgeFendddt 9f dli:ddd ,- ,J
" " diem, in all the deuiettbiwhichoonsti-j
lute the stringthrif a Orildri,l'and it la
for us, as a necessity, to bring to perfac- !
Son the, militety; organizations, as 'our I
. . ,
;weapons are - the army and navy.
The project' of
~ the law 'as' ,proisanted
lathe legididive body divided. equally
between the cabana the changes - .SUM:
F u N l id°44" That system 4lVtPFdat,ed ad
ibig4ll / 1 1 4WeSZOhaitt b S CZ I . B,IO P:
ad to dilmlidattitsbowing. Since then T
‘ • . tlt advisableto f mt the
ins pertain question to your - con._
siderallon. In fred, this "diMeult prob
lem cannot be too carehdly havialtsrated,-1
assell touches; on great, and 'contradictory,
Interests. My Gorernmentwlll propose no
new arrangesnenta, only simple media
deadens of the law, of 18311- but which
achieves the 0104.44 have:always. had
in view—the reduction' of the e ff ective
strength of the armT •duriall Peace' and
Its increase during . the. war.. You will
examine thia, teals* the mgazdzatlon of
the National Guard Mobliee under- the
impronlon ofthettotle.idea, that the
stronger:we are MI more certain will be
the sesurance of pesos...: . ...
• "Peace, darpito the efforts of us all to
preserve It, seemed fora momentto dan
ger. Revoluttonary agitation, prepared
In broadilaylight, threatened Me Papal
States The Lonvention of September
not having -been carried out;1 hare been
compelled to send. again our troops to
I Rome to pcotect the
_power of the Holy
See from reptiblloanbavadenf. • °urina
-1 duct could .notpartake of anything hos
tile to' the independence or Italy, and
that nation, for a moment surpris
ed, has not. been long in" tinder
atom:ling - the (buntersof ' those
revolutionary manifestation's caused to
monarchical principles and European
order. Calm is now almost entirely re
established In those. States of the, rope,
and we may calculate the proximate ,
tone when our troops will be re-called;
for us the Convention of Eeptember,
1533, exists so long as it is not replaced.
The relations' of Italy to the Hely See
Interest the whole of Europe. We ha r e
proposid to the powers to settlethese
slot a Conference, and thus pre
vent new complications.
"Attention bee been turned lathe Raab
em question, from which the
matingrit of the powers removes the trri.
differences of <minim that existed
between them as regard, bringing about
the pacification of Crete. lam happy to
announce that they have agreed on two
principsl points—the maintenance of
la=tignalo tii t e o c:=Vae an Clu t es-
."Situtet Int session, indirental suffrage
bas been called .upon to elect a third of
the menibens of the Consuls General.
These elections, carried out With
Den apckindoend gam lave eve rywcalm
demonstrated thogood feeling of the pop
elation. The journey I have Made with
the Empress to the. East.and North of
l'rance has afforded an opportunity for
manifestations of sympathy, which bavo
touched me profoundly.. I have been
able to ascertain that nothing ban been
able to shako the conlidence the .ppeeoople
have placed In me and the attschmant
they entertain towards my dynasty. For i
my part, I labor IncetwanUy to anticipate
their wishes.
"The completion _of the connecting
roads wan required by those agrlculftrZ
classes, of whom you are the
an' representatives. It was an act of Jos
tice, I should almost say, of gratitude, to
satisfy this went, and an Inquiry, upon
&large wade. is mowing Its solutiou. lt
will be easy for you, in concert with my
government, to assure the enc.:stir Of - the'
"The situation is undoubtedly not free
from ember:momenta. Industrial and
commercial ski/thy - has slackened, In
general, 'in Europe, and is, in a great
edue to the rpprehensions which the
understanding prevailing between
owers will cause todisapposir. The
harrestis notgood; dearness bilnevltable,
and free trade mu alone aware aupplici
and linVer pr ices . But if .these (=nu n
prevent- the revenue completely Mo.
unclog the ottlenatoe of the Budget, - the
provisions of the laws of finance should
, not be modified; and wit may foresee the
period when a redaction of taxation may ,
be taken into consideratkrn,• -
The &Won bus elevated. to the
examination of lawitawhicb / took the
initiative part In the month of January
last. The time that MI clamed ben -not
altered my conviction respecting the utli.j
Ity orthafreforma. 'Donbass the intro.',
&teflon ornewlibertke exposed the pub.
Ho mind- to - excitement and dangerous
Imprison but to render them poirerleas
I count at the earns time upon the mm.
mon sense of the country, In the pro
gress of public morality; In firmness, fa
suppression where required, In' -the en.
orgy end authority orate ruling powers.
.I;et us, then, follow up the !co rk
which .we have undertaken together.
For Whim yenta we have shared the
same Idea. To uphold controverates and
hostile passions arc fandannintal laws
which the popular voice has sanctioned;
but at the same time' to develop' liberal
institutions Without weakening the
principles of authority, let wi not
esmo to spread around us the comfo r t s
of life by the prompt completion of our
means of instruction, to render somas to
piatloo • lees- expensive by simpl
, tying legal procedure,
iafeMl, every measure that "
onderproeperoue the social emedlUon of
the great' masses. If with me you
come convinced that nib party Li that of
real progress and citatsWon;ret sad.
ranee - In that agreement Of Titles, and sentimenta; which Li aprecionelguaran.,
too of the publlci trelWe. You wlll,l
trust, vote .fo i r the laws Which, will be
subatittad to you that will otattrptitalo
_ .
_ .
'i,!iii:i !I ji..` 5 al T IHRLTI '
%I 4 7"
_. 1 , ,,,, - .4
\ P - ' 'o' it ----- w' .Y • •-• -' '•-
:Tem, , P_.. '--:- - - ; 7 '. ' % • r..14Z7.1 _%
.......i 4. .
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- - ---- ' 61 Mum ' - r. " -7 7..' > . :' ; ' -i- "- -- .,,...,ge Ulr , '
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. 1. -
. .
. . .
the grentams, irealtl and happinoes of
the country. Bormyown you may
.istdre,dl ' the
pnwer conferred on me, for no Obstmle
nor unjust oppredthow will shake.
mg dourhgemthrfldlliftrthe firtnrdi.4'
barect_e Mila
neslild'Oai caul the itaatllLad
troops ahi aatleeli• eegeged=ln
eabetanhal work' at deltraae at all 9:
proad.tolfamic alul these hutilcatletia
; , 'ruse" ots iteteitairat'e mike". •
Lennon, November W.—The IStites
reevo,y, Rratece.Napoleop,:, au4 mettle
his atit4eli (tee zeoetitVerer,-peci,oehtlifoa
'sensible of the §econclEntplre. 1.
• . 4 tire. ;
Lottuatt . , Nov . 9:4—The United s taple
fleet, tutdeAatitirsil wil l "aft
dartog• the present week.
_ . _
•.• r I
uirsan 30r" ... r. -r •
ea* Azatiravo
quss..xsTou-N, November —TYO.
'steaived.mer lictirmait.„ Oven Naar Yotiqbas
• LONDONDEII.III, ' November 19.—Tho
'township Deltare; froM Quebikt, Das ir•
. -
-.l.4yzaPoo Nompibe r W.- 7 Tinistesta
I;b:ip riaf , ' fork; has sr
. .
.trvnunvw, November 19. The
steamablp City of Antwerp, from New
Sorrrn,Lurrorr, Nov. ' 2 o.—Thotoswierr
Cumbria an4 - Flaturm, from tieli York,
Lormortessay,_Nor. • al—The steam
er St. Patrick, from
,Qttebee has armed.
Lownott,—Nov.- /9-, Emnnvonscils
94 9-19; 'FiVO Twenties; 71; 11 oils Can
tna, 844; Erie,„47l-. ,
FRANKFORT, Nov.'ressing-United
Astrwenn, Nov: /IS,,Brening—Petro
leum quiet, - at 44 francs 50 centimes.
Ltranroou, -November 19.—Adrices
from Manchester are unfavorable to the
market: , Wool.goodi and:- yarrus dull"
and :heavy.
LIVERPOOL, Nov. 10--E'reaing—Cotton
dull; middling. uplands, 81; 04,1=1,81:
sales of 8,(s)0 Wes.. Breadatuffs—Corn
48a Califonsia Wheat, 178
'Realism Wlamt,l3_B.l.oll. Barley, Is 4d:
Oats. 3.lrlid. ons—
BeefilOs. Pork Ins. Pro.Choese
55,. ...Bacon 40a. Produce—Turpentine
als 0d; Petrolenm,::S for spirits, and
"la 41.1 for refined.. .
laysnroor., Nov. 19—Erening—Cotton
aleady and - . unchanged ; sales of 10,000
bales. Breadstuff, unchanged. Beef
Pork," Baron and Cheese unchanged. ,
Lard declined to 51s Od. Tallow, 440 3d.
=its Turpentine, 27.1. Petroleum nn-
A:emus:us; Nov. kl—Euening—Petro
lenuillak, at 431 francs.
' LONDON' NOV. al—Ecening—Omsole,
01 7-16; Five Twenties, 7oz ; Cen
tral, 85; Erie, 871. •
FRANFORT, No. al—Renting—united
aisles Bonds, 70:1-10. •
BiallUtitir et .111i.kmaiv;41anaillenraad
/00gLI.M1 Yes•ele Ai1ad414.6-reata
masa, Tbteintaaall by , Ms.
Rumanian* Nobels.-LeuUng Illeasea
Moguls 1 0p-reertni Csolompai
iRr T4ll•BltDb 11 14IttlitaM1 U•Sail•l
13.1:4 FHANCISbO; 'lCovember 19. - . Dates
,from Bharighe~ -. ot' october 17, any:
Kowa frougentaln says: The Jtutirmag
at the month of the - Pgilho have recently.
shown great hoetility to all foreignera,
The English Admiral,Kappel, was lately
tired at while aboard Her British Maim.
ty's , gunboat Dave. The , American
=turner Wauchee leae also attacked.
Troubleisanticlpated. •
• Theimperlal trnOpe, It is believed;
will act tUbs winter in cortimaction with
the Mohammedan:rebels who threaten
Peklniuni Shatudnii. The thills'aickly,
'and there' are many :sudden ' - 'deethe.-
aut. Failure, continue, and leading '
lionaes are closing. The French winds-
Ilshmeene at the outposts . of Pevay are
contracting, the same panic among the
Chinese. Out of one hundred and four-.
teen native banks, forty-one felled will:k
in twelve months.
Importer for ISCA have increased nine
million teals. Exports 'have decreased
four million tuts. The Foreign Com
missioners held a caucus hore,and many
are the sun:nista vi to the objo• but it
is auppaied tribe !eget, through the Im
perial Government at
omalous. service Pekin ,an aboli
tion of the an of revenue
undeetroAty for 113118.. , ,,,
At• Hong Kong another fearful Cyclone
took place. The United States store ship
I "Supply?.: Wes Bayed In a remarkable
issatuter byCaptain Conway. Shoperted
both anchors, when Captain Conway
lashed Your heavy glans together and
pitched them overboard: The Sups 4
rode out of the gale safely. The den
on shore lit animated at ten million do -
• Adviecii Cram Tank Tsci, .Porto, Chin-
Wang, states that a large bed of the best
quality of bituminous coal haa been die
oaverod between Chinking and Nankin,
three miles from Yank] Tacking: The
:English Canard, Mr. Worklunn;. will en
deavor to. persuade the officials to allow
foreigners to work the mine at Tacking.
The American, English and French
Canards have forced the Chinese officials
to rebuild the country house torn down
by the mob nine miles from this port.
The English and French gunboats have
been sent for,, the lives of foreigners
having been threatened.
.BANFacrotsco, Nor. f..V.—At Pekin
rumors sire in circulation concerning the
approach of robber bands. The Amer!. •
can Minister baernade preparation to re
calve them.' The Miglhiti Minister Ix
also gutting ready for defence.
A: dliteetrous typhoon occurred on the
Chinn mast on the. first of. October: On
'shore and in the harbor of Bong Kong
there was groat destruction of property.
The American ship Battler went ashore
on the Rocks off Stone 'Cutter, 'lsland.
The bark Lancaster also went ashore. A
great manyjimks were fdacidered.
The British and Amoriam fleets were
preparing to visit . Osaca, Ja for the
oornition of the opening tbo •pn,
port for
foreigners, on January fleet.
••deriellimsedtarr Mayer Is Assbmiebb
cousal-ameettann Babellowan, *add
! bit Ululetisa allies murdered mad
- muds by emanlbals-beyeibubs lw
Wto • Dhboversil . l
CDT Ile 21145 t. ilk ißime4i.;
NEw YonK. Aovoinber —Dates from
Australis, October Btb, vie. Panama, Are
waived. Tim.. amnion:do of FIJI bad
intrrdciett - Mid oaten lia*.* Flatter,
Wesleyan missionary; and six dictation,
' 'sabot's, new United States Con.
wal to Ifelbourne, has been given a com
plimentary dlowerhythe,Auge*Sov.iva-
scow storm hart damaged mops In
-Victoria badly.
Advices. from Peru state the ;dell
guard hxyarktus phices.had revolted and
murdered their otileers and disavowed.
theanilsority of the Gus en:indent...Troops
were Sent to quell the rebellion.' r:t • r
Itegardlng Prado's expedition to
Arequipa •the van guard had arrived'
within five leagues of the city, and the
bulk of the carps was about fourteen'
leagues. • Operations were - expected to
commence soon. One thousand men re.
waffled - within the wells of the revolu
tionary city; They bad forth:led them-
selves very strongly, and resolved to of-
fer determined resistance. The retrain- •
don in the North met with but little e en
couragement from th inhabits. The
force of rebels in Le Labortata an
nd Tru
pans dispersed on the receipt of thence-.
I of the tiniest of a body of government
troops. To
the fearful sceuedaf gpailnustd ae rrmeg tdituiorning
the hurtrevolution, twocompanles of for
eign volunteers were formed idea:toter
the protection of Property, •
In • the mountains of Charm/unruly°
some gold Mince were discovered which,
for abundance and richness surpasses
prlifonffa. • '
Government o caniignees have lot:ded the
three millions, and are ,
willing to furnish any sum required for
public emergencies.
The acting President bid made a pa- ,
cidcatory speech, showing that the Peru
vian Government Is anxious far peace
with Spain.
- The Ai:umlaut - ship Aida, bound to
California "with coal, was. wrecked off
Cape Vern - Thecaptain and 'crew en?
dared the most terrible hardships on a
small island for thirty day; before being
•ontein Arms at na.. Taal.
My Totweet to ma thiebowa emit.] .
'ovember Al—There was
quite an excitement at St.. Albans, yes
terdAY, by the arrival of two ear loads
of firearms addressed to Peter. Ward a
notorleem Fenian; They were metat the
depot by a poase'of men and peon -re
moved Tor storneelsewhere.
The It we Ils.
abler tatilaterTerrtla• Seek
. 1 1Adqta . - • free; wi Who
bai-sige "11.6!` gives mp
"Oirilliteafttlft"f "ciatb°l7l44E'e.-
Urth allty:atloc •
S. Tun ''Sommber I.—l am able
ff►walt-eselptsi - with
our. mita — hurries:a burst
aver . thle =MY fttlithburftift
Morns ott ,t t he gitth of October,
ahoutl2O'clook. At, qttertar to one
moat.* ... , balgar,,and,.wearkd
With: at to belga- to trateldtf
about Uwe% and exhausted its • tury!at
six r. Wards cannot describe the
frighthd tempest— No peed* imagery, I
ever reedbaseceneup to it. I have new
.Witneseadtherettlfty of a cyclone, alcd
• thintr i fik.7 4(110%064 !to
itettehlt te. t
_Amite* tfterY
innne in the it unroofed; a large
ntunberla in ruins th ose coVered with
*Muleteer tlahavealons escaped. From ,
my windle s ion can see the trucks f
WiEkkitv i grfiVlVpatnt the
ut thirty more may be seen.
Among.them, the Liverpool ateemsnip
Whir.h came - In an .hatir 'or
two batter the hurricane began, the
hpanialastrozner-Ner g and th e royal
mall steamship Dement. As yet ono
hundred and ten deed bodies have been
foundend burled, some wboVvere killed
in their houses, and the reset, the mil =
JurltY, , 'the harbor and about+
wharves:: But there moat-bear/ .
number ALB to ho found, as a It al
stench is 2 ascending front the new
wharf,Westward. The • corpses are no
dontft.itevered with detail, suctres matte
Sind spars, 'which prevent them craning
up to the =they aortae& • May Divine Provf
deport avert_peaftlence from us The
Fstye and Todd steamers were driven
on shore. Immense trees, totally up
waked, lie about in every direction. The
rain fell heavily at the tine, so that
every one who had the good fortune to
have a Hoar of °eller underneath took
refuge below. In. the height• of too
storm theetrong ahutters,.ftrmly barred,
hooked and bolted, ware wrenched open,
and torrents of blinding rain swept into
the house, making it like an open street.
I wits thirds predicament, and my wife
handed me the nails and kept thejalou
alas fast white I nailed them. to. Thu
merchants kayo 'sustained immense
lesses,'for besides Mani , of too Imuken
vessels contairang Hoods just shiftr by
purchasers Troth rofto Rico an die
where, and not insured, the warehouses
were filled with unnslordbe, which hap
been spoiled by, the min:
But the. wrrst "recnabs tole bald. The
royal mail stearns s aßhoneyres et Peter
/ad, t r Z 3 t . tw .miles "from here,
almnit to for Europa, Widen
gaged in taking on board pauengera;
malls and cargo Iron the Iztp..lonlal
steamenr, when 'the blast. braum.- She
stood out to sea, bnt the wind 'sent heron
the iron-bound cos * the, waver, burst
her boilers, she Wee craft, two, and about
one hundred and twentepeopb3, Inchtd
ink her noble Captain Woolley, - wadi
down in her. About twenty-three men
were wood., The royal mail steamahip I
Wyo was dashed to pleoes on Buck Is-
land, and out of seventy only thirten
mped. . Theroyalroall steamahip C o
was driven on she
at Tortola.. I
I do not know.wbether shalom. any of her
crew , or parsengem.
French _atestoter,' Is also 'repotted
to be' a "wreck. Oa - rough
:nation, the , estimated - diumigo to
shipping and - property on b a d and in
town cannot be lads than fifteen to twenty,'
millions of dollars. You • cannot lame , I
ine one situation. It is terrible.' Tim
molt: weriemlierflled thatfrrte,vtri,
churel and place of - woratl e p ; is Ore or rX
lees injured. • if Utopians) had bi l e n er "
Jected boluthatdment It could not pre
'altiAtiartr:r.avlderriti? appearance. In
Was felt shocks et earthipulej I did not,
but it most have been an, tor
,there eta
abundant ~Indicitlonaof it "everywhere
Of theinunmerable small craft, ea light
ers and there are few re.
udoing: T em pe soldiers' barracka were
all blown 'clown. The Iliclar house is
gone, so are the dwelling mitehtne and
telegraph. litany of the gall IoMP-Posto.
of aolki.frou i were also blown down. I
mturt writeyon further particulars next
meal, /am oo" horrifiedto go on
—The mania= eoltiol• at P a w tuck e t ,
• R. L, was destroyed by Arcot* ldebday.
—The Coranectleat river, at Springfield,
Naas., was frozen over yeeterday...
H-Tbadditis sciveim wee weitiaiough
to visit the Capitol yesterday.. ' •
—Fltz Greene. nailer -it, aged eighty
years, died aL Otaldrord, Corm, ea TUall-
—The' ;Miscue, with 81e4040 trea
sure; and data! the 19th ult„ &rifted
from Othfon t ia at New York; yesterday.
--Them an fortre candidate,
for Mayor of !New York. The fourth
fan. John 1I Anthem, woe nominated
Tuesday night by Um Democratic Union
N..341nWr0, ilefestod iluitlfactte
for DelXtrath, Mayoralty aomination,lo
New 'York, was -arrested for thing a
pistol Into the crowd after the actiourte,
meat ot,the'pooyeatioa. ' • :
'probable that 'alter the
meeting of Congress, to-day,. the House
ITU" adjourn over until Monday next, as
time mill be .nemormary to enable the
Speaker to make uphill committer*
--The National Republican Executive
Committee meet In Washington City on
the 11th Tmiximo; to decide upon a place
for holding the Presidential Nominating
—The vault of the electlon in 31leals•
/Opp! in gall to doubt. An far .0 beard
from Duly 1e,851 votes werigolled,
whilst the nu mb of tend
rotes 1a40,971.t0tal _
la believed er e
mutton has been defeated. -
--fleneral Canby has issued a general
ardor to provide Mr the phnlahinent of
parapets who obstrnetrallroada, fame
any loss of life occurs the ptentahment
on conyictlon by any Military Commis
sion or Cotere of oompatent jialtalletion
—A man named Conrad Dino, a moul
der, - lett Erie at seven. o'clock Tuesday
morning;to Walk to Dunkirk; a distance
of fifty-two miles in twelve boars, on a
wager. pt IMO. Ho. reached Dunkirk
tae .ndruitas ahead of tine.'; Ills
friends offer to tracer live thousand dol
lars that he can make ono hundred end
fifteen miles in twenty-four bourn,
—The enamel ha' 'AIL Davie have no
tified the Government counsel that they
will be ready •tO proceed with the trial
on the ffith !mt., and that they are WIZ
to /Lave it. occur this term. The
Court stand.; adjourned till thit dale,
and Chief Janice Chase will
Itichtnend_agaln . tu p . rnennt at the be-
Cmingloot titollaugtgliEgYfrZi.
on womd. actuallytake liw place, •yet tturro le
leepressi en prevaing, a mong
best Informed that It ill aain be post
poned. •
, . .
—.a company, of,S'zyncitmen are en
gaged on .a very singular, enterprise In
this city (Mexico), which pertakeN very
much orals Character 'of; the' "Martha's
Vineynni" Search after hidden treagiro
The parties spoken of have purclutseKl
the old Convent Dothingoi and are at
work excavating tunnels 'beneath the
same, hunting for treasure supposed to
Lave been put In seereteaulta said to ex
ist there by the Catholic priests +Rome
years ago. , They have drawly made the
disoovery 'of an underground passage
leading hem the Convent to the massive
pile of buildings known as the "Inquiet
, don," standing on the opposite side of
the street. Several bodies have been ex
humed already which bear the epp
ence et having c.r.
been burled alive. They
have thus far been found Inciceed In the
walls. One was In a perfect *Moot pm.
ervation, and had the appearance of hav
ing- been a man of rank. Ills clothes
even were ahnost wholly intact, and
were'richly embroidered In gold. The
priests or the -city are greatly annoyed at
theme revelations, and have made-ma ny efforts to stop them.
Fonzotr's Arcot:Yrs.- 7 The rumor.
which have boon circulating fot a dityor
'ceramist, relative to an alleged dethics.
lion In the accounts of John W. Forney,
se Secretary of,tbe Senate, have led to
an examination of,his xi:Counts with the
Treasury Departnxecit as disbursing al
ter,. and , It bas , been- sacortalned that
there is abidance of over samoo on band,
to his credit, which. Indicatco that thOto
Is no truth in the rumors.., As Secretary
of the Sonata, ho acts as payrmuncr to
I the Situators,'draws their pay; and , dis.
bursas the money for this and =Sin
&Tit a°6s hli n e a .)flowed
him Col : Main the cu na shiy - or y their 'cakti
for any length of Wry, or that there are
any inegittios In his accounts which
W l, ?'raug ar,r7 F1110191;0 AdlonsistY•
Canada from pers d ons rin kin died
coffee a tavern m
g into witink,
a buck et . matches bad fillen. •
-~ _ 1.
smolt: Tints
won milik
The Approaching Session , o
Underetpding on the ,
' • ;
ReCerit Military Clianimr
The Indian lieservatiop
Extensive Whisks and Tobaci i?
.ririaur t , J,r
rdev.o% fins,' Ptetuburfn Gaiina.l
, _
aeinbas of Congrettanre arriving
tiiii iillthiirratrttlittnillf
' C9 rntftEPA T Vtrgavb'Alzl.s,P*ill:'
a g to-day ' an undarstandhor Was
had on the linpesiehtdent .qtadettort
rntiolution passed tho . thody with II ;view
to atrium:lg secnisri on the init of tile'
member,`until ?heieiiort filmridojo the
house.., /teporte '0f,...-the. majority, and
mthorityare Prigitic e i; but thin)
a probability-that :WM- lfe finished
and presented to the °use before Mon
Sgeaker-cdlfealsa not4et hirm - ed the
sta nding:OotolnittbseAnither , than
low already appointed, nor has be inti-
In mated to any one what, will bolds coutse
the pre/o & There seems to be morn
dull than rarmorly_ in preparing
Brave& Brigadier General Alexander
And. Major Gonerel:VisorkeDSH/sgstlen,
Aanistant Adjutant, have been trans
hared from the Department of MO Lakes
l i t ettio- F , tortlnhfititery.Bletrick
Colonel k . " M. Gregory, Sinetv-fiat
Pennsylvania, Breyct Major, General,
hat beeri:musteredrout sand lionombly
Major G.D., Green. Adjutant General,half Dien
- Distttee to the District of Daeotah.
corscrian vicar 117.1114WARTICIUL
A circular issued , from Headquarters
of the Department cif Weatrinigtou re
quires comrdending 'officern of pears to
furnish, on or before the first, of
oath, liate,,spbellYtrfin brnanle,,eren-
Hated manors duty. in Mote several dem-
Minds, the `nature of theduty on width
emPloye s and the:authority by 'width
detailed, natives of civilians employed
'under. their order; with . duty and
Taw noway itisenr.tylety.
- TheCotanitaaloner Gotten] oi the died
,Office has Issued the n !name.
ttoturto cause to no respected e reeeron orth by h Weiln = di o an
the la n hngt, on e the .s:et e a / ka and Is n
&yore, In the State of Nebrattut.
•• •
• SALE op LARDS. •
Sixty-lola thousand two hundred and
di)lnety-six • semi of public. lends were
disposed of. at the 84 Cloud." pitrin.,)
office In October. Eleven lihndied.and
forty land ratente wore forwarded to the
Register at East" 51,tgl new, 311ehlifau, ibr
costattssmarint TATLOI3. .
Acting Commisaloner Mix, of the In
dian bateau, received a telegraphic die
- from,Commiattioner Taylor at the
i•Zorth Platta,'lllorataber gth, stating that
be is on his way to Waahington and will
.pftdiably, Where by the lot of December.
Inibitnatirti - hes' been received here
Una the Sgb . C , emmitter.ok, Beirench
• -,•• •• • ••••• • • iff, are o
opl,Won, froni,tbeir elaborate examlna
don, at Nes 'I oik, of the violations of
Lite law_ in relation •to tobacco and whis
ky; that' the syetem • for 'Meeting' and
fraud is far, morn effective and perfect
than that - lorpolieellog tiro tax. •L Gine of
the Committee. In a private letter, save
the only remedy Is a reduction ti
the m
s and that this should be coilecte of d
till, taking the's= on capacity,
A, apialal asym Tbo Committee .nn
I:tallow; In the atm . of 'the Denickwat,
Barnum; (coin 'Connecticut, will' report
on the improper we of .nioney„. and it
is pritbabie a new election wilt be order
did ,P.. T. Barnum, the ,defeated can
didate does not dab* the seat.
, rhaenatntrr. •
IL la maid the Judiciary Committee stow
lands tire for Impeachment and four
• •
Bt Teletraillt the rittibuth .
Marc Yogi, NO. Yp , 1567.
- PAciria AND L ATLAVeIe that; . 1
• The election for directors of the Pact he
and Atlantic Mall Compinim was post
poned until the 10th of December.
In consequence of nerving d injunc
tion', which-will be argued In court. The
former companies declared a three per
cent. quarterly dividend.
The iSup`rinae Court' ha-day M fused to
grants mandamus nompeillug the Com
missioner of Emigration_ to admit an
agent of th e Erie mad to Untie Garden.
. . .
J. B. Place 4: Co., largely nipped In
the tee Add eager trade, hive suspended.
The liabilities are hearyi,
mugs "tour AIMAITO.EL. . -
Barney Aaron, champion feather
weight pugilist, la matched for $2,5011
asideagninin Unknown, •to fight. In
soctat nctMtan mammas. • i
TheSoclal Balance Congress held Act/
day's meetlog at tho'• Rouse, of Refege.'
Randall's Ishund. Papers wore mad on
various subjects relating to prikon
;Milne and adtrimacules. .
Four thousand five hundred dollare
were ?wavered against the city for .tho
death of a Lahore, by the fall of a derrick
at the new Court Musa
cora:miters CITY COLUSCIL, , ,
The City Council of 001i1D11;11i,iihlo,
are shedseeing' here,
war ion: PWIIAN ■urvia int /
A mit was 'commenced nuttiest John
/McDermott, forsuppilea fUrniabwr and
need hy /be radar. fritheraldoe Campo
noose or common. preeeediews-4.
maws st..ereet. !fewer Stu
vesiscsairtolas Yttmoulatiwoots4
Oprowa, Nuvninber the 'rouse
of Ckininione, lastqcight,-Sdr:. 11f011entle,
me/lotto° of o motion tor copies of the
correspondence relative to tho foreiblo
abduction; of British . subJectartrom;the
township of Moore, by' United States
°Moore, Sir John A. ,McDonsid, an
noclneed that the /louse would be asked
to continue the susperusionot the Elabess
corpuuriat, and to extend. to, all parts:of
the Dominion the Drovhdone of the act
for trial of Ibtal_trnaibirnewsers. 7 )4.
Ilatinabit; 'November . .X.-=The Clreat
Westernßeltway's cart/enter enable*.
own Ith Alive 'were ' destroyed by ffrolait
night. Loss very heavy.
Wes Von Deimos ins& 1/Prii4-aiiiii
tialle—Tbe Mossisis •f
—Vaatioderate 0111ter Deed.
tßriYirsralohlo the rlititrtmtt Ottel4.l
lIAvANA, Ecrarentor.lo.---Tho French
steamer ranannt orrow for St.
Namlre. Baron - Von Ita,gnua and Prince
Seim Balm sail In her for Zaino°.
It if expected ,that the Auatrhn steam
.frigito Nooari;)vlth the remains of Max.
Iranian, will pot In hore imßer way to
Col. Quevedo, Bollvliin Envoy to Mim
eo, sails to-day fur Baltimore. " •
I clog, Btoeozup c4.Confoderato °Meer.
and' latterly . EinPortntotidont and ' mar
Engineer of the Vera erne and Mexican
Rangby died 011 Jho.lath hut. • '
tar Pad/la ash 41.115a110 Telegraph .Ccual3.74
ZrOirenlhei 2C,—Whore
aro aboutrivii teirtor water lathed:ilium!
and !kiting. Weatber cloudy and
Gnarmanone, NOieniber
feet of water .irt thattlioanaL. ‘Weatirer
cloudy and cor.
tallli r ci; =three feet two inciteik,
I i trf ilf/
;4.t: 0
mmin mgr.
11 n
Iliar Frac homy WW2 Ana/
efo ideterfires awe Iftrerfer
-2" aa, tar
tar_Talhossl W tta rittelsoitadWeit4 • tu
und_cado ov. .—The prisadelardis.
tweenFredl assay and Andr Daffey, of
this cify,lirgin 0 then:m.29'4dollars snide,
cams off thhlreifterneen. Million ixfre,
bearing aßoliatwo thouaind men, went
out, twenty live miles on the Fittatana
and Fort Wiyne Rood lunl,then catha
back to within Bunion miles, at Roberta*
villa near *hire toriTeir and riirpnga
fouOt y. The matittood up abotit
two Ocloc d foughtonendred and
tbirtv-tive de: one 0, and forty
oneridnutas de half. The rounds were
all share, o - ettotssling , two minutes ,
and t prid. ray. one or
.tve twoonda
The Won by Betess7.. •
D th e - ill - vorite_saong'
RdwittL2disreakavin g Night, beitre;
while Ell an Wet was now to the
ring. He strippelr badly, allowing legs
liko "'plpo • 'And' a lank'
dndlToodl : e evldentl body benty sought to
gain_ by. • nut hie ponent, and
played the • • game ell tlarengb; ex
cept In . • . unda—He,foll several
times with •cs blow: He - was punished
severely obody, bet ahowed no
blood,bnln. clean Utile end neat the
A• e . much discolored.
I =
bled Wm to trike
the other •• ut retu ena
rn. Ue exhi s bltol
ntedltunse • 'fiat was loudly derided
,try tho •• • fbrwhat they, =Hod cow
0111H00 th • Mg" to avoid punish
ment. He seconded by AfeCesde and
41 t xd
; Pent& tYllsi of fit. Louis.. a .
Htueseystld well, showing a fine
IffantwelL his limbxcleen and well
corded; ',.. sperfeationf oft 'physical
.eteengtn.... e t . gave bcdyblaw}, and
received WO, taking a great
of •• • ••• gluttonorudy. Ho was
salve eh, - 4tet'ong, but . showed no
:woouce, azi• • • not tey to stay blows; be
very. . • q.. avoidithe eel:opsn
to strike,, ,• -Ho w an seconded ;' by
Jerry deo , • and. Frank Nye, and
cotutselled ~, oe Coburn. Both parties
were light r) , Duffey for lack of
sdrength - •_. for want of knowl
edge. ,N • Ticary, of Chicago, was
retiree. • •Wd was very orderly,
bejug co •• • • ' • • of a largo number of
an 113 with 'the higher class of
" ,
Li gtsTe l li i "lt• •
ardsed. ats.
tit7TO4Moittltviiiitobimst thissi.l
Sr. Lome, 'Novel:cam 161.—Gen.
and lefttc4 . y i . for. i Washington. Thos. l ps, of Kentucky, w
sobbed of *A hundred and slaty -dol
len and a&r. four hhndred acres Of
land IDA y.•
Twelve d 'dollars in bondwand
a lttedea,..; from a
ussig,ljempp• t t Co.. In
the. Atexcipf.te, Union' 'Expose, oilier,thresersokaolgo haat - boon recovered.
The allnaleks sold to a broker by
Rhona, Sllfein. street lambent, who
sand he tipha ortioned It [Dorn - -Benjamin
lineemhal, &pawnbroker.' Strauss was
and stolen from Capt.
ItTilliel u the Southern • Hotel, about
the time sobbely.e( Tuussly,
Genipp & found la his possendoe,
which heclidmed to have else got Boni
Rosmathal thnubingaLar maim want,
Tae bonds ware found on the petson of
Jciseph Meyers pawn broker, "corner bf
Third and elillveatreeta:. Inhfora'shtip
there were ,alto found several stolen
.watches. crab's quantity of Jewel
ry and eh Rosenthal and Myelo
were atuthebile bell. In ftl,OaD.
Strangle Ia hi have Jett the - city. Thee .
police hello" they have a clop bathe real
perpettntor`Of the robbery: ' •
Two hernia :Pf,.highwiun
from Palm Munn, were seined here 1.0-
day by the Government Macon for non
ymat, venue tax. Part -Zinn steUiluded• J. I, Smith anti
pert Sperry, -
. . .
, nil* mil.. comma X.
inlaelne-,anamsm. far
° Vault, Matsu Tialiet: -
ta, , Airrnma...........7- .
nicasiON , No., :A).—Ttae ConaerTa-:
Urn eolo 'nen bare nailed a meeting
for, toqiorrOtr ahrbt, to (militia Opir ut
ter abborrenetl . of nab tip besunhi and
Ineinillarie. aallewbv Lindsay and can-
Owen disatileriee. 'around Richmond
have closed. nommen' were ttottlnd
ina titian rerfprtifitable. .
Reporte to the Military CaMmiisionti
show that one hundred colored men In
this city wen!, discharged
,for ,vottug the
Radical ticket: Two , hundred tire_Uow
reportod dietharsedfor the
: same canoe,
but theimployen. 0i 11, in ninny
they bad no work for theta.
genres. - Debate let 'Ma . TlMliellese
Semate—gieetteal et ales. see
• neseeslreetereies—ltinene Ileirguaaala.
M W Ilear meleather.
lei Telianuot io tee ettularee essattal-
Naantribts, Nevembnr3).—Theritias
a lengthy debate lit the Senate to-day on
the question of 'extendlng I'l:tither Sun"
old to nol/Salds. ThO InVold Rona :In
, .
yoirti t h e ' appropriation of about Mit*
and a half millions..
Colonel J. - IY.Thllllge It eloeted Judge
of the Seventh Circuit by three hundred
and oix "Majority -tie& Elettdder: loth
are Radical, and netudg alt tbe vptes were
casla".l{l7l=n". manly , a fe
4 WD. a liegla, bar Wag Ull'aara down and
anua r zed to Oath by his.father: The
nrxtreirePouri, Ow,
*usual CeimanualeatNne MUNI- irrilad
•t f.AI low Fellows.
Tetrisselite tIN Plusserettossints.l
INDIANArOLI, NOVelllbOr'n.i.—,
The Grand Lodgeorthe'lntiopendent
Order Odd Follows of. Indbitut, limed
their thirty-fleet annual oonaninnication
In thie city tedny. The attendance of
representatives du dr*" the, present set.
slow hai been largo. Reports
from air the Orand officers OM e
cause or Odd Fellowship trilndisna to
in the roost, presporous end desirable
atillariisse iso,
:sr ma rmot! to ins rntsbargh liasetuLl
LOUIRIILLt; . I . (ON'ornbOr . 51.-The an
nouncentenlvf-ndlepatoir from Bt. Louie
that three Maitland dollars damages, had
been easonsed in tho IMltod States Su
preme Court against the • Loafer/Ile
aienuteritiehroond. wan an error. There
nro no milts sigainet the low proseuro.
The Richmond le now 'lying up hero
awaiting a rind. She, atarte. to New .0r-
Mime on the first water.
„L—The billowing notice pu Wished an:
the'programnio of the . . 110 1taallbOtarei:
..In slew of tbe many reoent thefts. of
fulgay,l6lo; Zgalull,rl7:4l
piece. are being acted, the ladles' and
gentlemen/ of aie audience ere' moat roe
pectrully roguestiel by the ' author and
manager, if they should observe any per.
son near them in the, act of writing, to
report the flint to "nnittuther or anklet in
the theatre at once, Warder that these
dishonest par Alee may - bb'dotected, end
the odious practitio brokelin •
—The.never-pattsing operation'. of
Time has-at last • evolvnd an mstume
whore.the hater our period has proved
a blessing to the head of its Wearer: 'The
hat . that .was cpolled.aud the head that
was saved were those of Hon. Charles
Sumner.' it° was inspecting a sleeping
car •on • Michigan railroad, when the
t ratn,auddenlyaterted. Tidsthrowidm
foriviud,'•and he . struek the ground with
his hat, damaging :that article considera
bly, and InillCting a slight injury on his
a imadandfaeb.' ; Mad Ate. , Shetung , worn
Mt hit, his bead, Instead of its cover
ing, would hareaustalnedscricius Injury.
—Mad. Stuart, nee, Grennehent, Ithg
had a great reputation tats balletaanCer
la France during the reign of Mario An
toinette, dlal-recently Tot add at the
ago . 0 f Imo. hundred and .eluven years.
Lino carob to thin country as the mistress ,
of the Mugula do Lafayette, ' after.
ward became the wit.) of one of d o,
ington'a ofilcora named Simpson;
died In IPgi, and she TIM, .elleewatii.l
married to rt . Virginia lawyer named
Itraiolphe chart; who loft "her a wldqity
In 1814 witha modest fortune and cloven
ohildren. - At the limo of her death bar
descondanatntimbered over a huadred;
—The English nairnpopera Some to um
n 'w e i w h w t d a chmn Under
k eo m m a de gr eme u ofsetlalhettok to an . koitty et
the queen's
subjects. "Acre la tees= to believe" ray
theca antheritles,': ,"that,rfer Ateueop :
kaa - reaoliald id:emerge fronx‘ho l cott . part
salve cockatoo in which eho ;ham ' algal
far tarldng perlod; , and that-Ila,neit
madam will beano 0 - the. nod' briltua l t
, an.recontdazies bee Jmtg and binetletal
`` • ,
. . •
An Eater ratfeds-Venmestatlon oflbe
, Belmar smote /.,bet met* •
Etießeave• Argue says: Capt. Barnes,
Iligilletartned soldier, was nominated, last
Ante, by the Repitblican party of Beaver
county for Treeinirr. Shortly after
zrds .he was greatly attacked' by the
tor of the Local, a
„Democratic paper.
„Re was charged with some of thegravest
as well Us with' some of the most trice..
lora offenoes. Among the former teas
that of stealing a coat from a certain fish
ing party , near the When this
alargOAVll.9 rondo, the -Executive Com
mittee of the Republican party of tbe
county 'thought it neeeesary to, make
Berne - inquiry Into theeharge..; They did
ticiand laainedthat a doe had been stolen
from a fisherman netted Trax, about
Mgt fintot Aprll, Mao" On ts. - fiether
Igreatitgaion they sacertalned. thereat
only.sem .Captaitt r Ban* net' con
nected:Kß' „the Ault
that he was some s hundred mile.
away when it opentrd,„ The Committeepublished a caraltatitethate feta, and
also informed tad l % that Captain
Irene" desired to de a prosecu
tion at once ftgtdrill 'VI. tor of 'ttii
Local, bate the solid rota the Co
minim ho retrain front "doing tes
until after the election. Instead of this
yard having the effect of a vntbdrewal of
the charge. the „Alcor of the Local • re.
Iterated It, and declared that ha had en
ormity In his oMce to prove that pit
true. lie invited the voters of the coun
ty to'call In and see them. A.dervinels,
he charged Barden Bard pith eta:ding
a sat of vomit with obscenely , tortur
lags littler boy', (add committing
.some offense la IWO. apocket book lON
Conneated.: Captain/B. bore thesechange*
etae,.e.tou te! ble until the day
,w p lop, when he, come
'mance,' a viewrat vin
dicating hie
On hug 'Thnrsdaill:tre4.lo, AVM' baled
up. • The indioutt t - visott.• which 'the
defendantvists anal eihrtAftfeti dire
and tot.fafth that the teen&g e
laid charged theqamseenter, int& paper,
with stealing a coat with stealing some
spoons ard with having committed
crime In which a :Pocket hook '.lll3°'*l
prominently. These are the . charges
upon which the investlgathm t ok
The numTnix hefore retorted to (now
reshithir at Nine Castle) was put Upon.
the stand.' Ile testified that be bad *
Hato Apr!l1BB0 • hut near Beaver Point stWut the
that Captgßa. -nod
two othermen. ela W
ted is! gat ,thile,
stoithattlealitnrais castle:wade%
, • t tsotelert4m.
Trak a) alga dl-34.4seentbs,
iturbor,ealled ant, Dow be hastened'
to Ms relkl, and On ejecting Capt. B. from
hisprandaor- he look some «poem, Am.,
tromilthiraltat, which belonged to him
(Trax.) DiatostimonYotTranwas ee
ls:Wee histtivo boys, one of them
on y about tour and a &dr fears of sae
when the occurrenim took place.- Tim
Commonwealth then . proved by Trax's
partner' arthat time, tit w oo told him
tlip next day, net that,it Barnes, but
another onamsmed Menthe he 1,2(1 the
difliculty with the
„night before that
Barnes' name was never mentioned In
connection" with the circumstances, and
that he (Barnes) was entirely unknown
to the witness as that time. latettel Ed
gar was next called, and testified tire he
was the one-armed Mari with. 'Whom
Trax had the difliculty. lilt testitnony
was cerroborated by ..'
the testlinony
of soma eight or ten others, who
wore all acquainted with the facts.
(At about . this stage •of the trial
a warrant was leaned" fee the ar
rest of liras on a charge of perjury. Ile
was taken Into custody, and being una
bleto'proctuv bail, he was see to Jail,
Itheroto now, 'remains.) It was farther'
proven by some' half doyen witne,ems,
that Captain Barnes was not In the corm
ty at the tinvei'-had not been for months
',afore, and did` aot. -rattan for several
';itLet.afterwitrds. After listening to the
,F= g ai t , ry retur n e d
put a few ales, when they returned
a verdict orgialliveall , the amnia In
teem dictment. ne defendant was at
terwrmd brought be .41111,4 tut Court,
to pay the galltarte the preea
velem, a Mee of two handre4 dollar: .
Asa & Ilossimilati w ent, St
Proniinernt among 'the cite sire sod
entorprisheg- wholwate and 11 mer
canttle establishments or (heal y, -Winds
the wall known . rl s ertri City , tore of
, , .
lireaars;Stuxigrass ...k : lbws ; N . 21 St.
Clair street:. Started With libe I capital
and "Inducted In no, enterpri . g and
libeed manner, keepinglbe Tar 'stook
~, . , ,
always opts the fullest . Tequi ends of
,the "Wade, , and adveitialtig .. nable
1 prices amt living,
,tip• to• the advertise
ment' the - house' -has pros - Pe-W.4 and
suoceocied in gatheringabout itlarge
alum, •of the . ptiblic Wade -Tht 'stock
embraces boohoodsees and.gaito , hats,
Acepa g and fury, truake,satehels an tray
elW bags, and umberellas, - In owls tie
pin-tut/Int the very Nat quality otgoode
'to are kept, auchsta will prove satiefairary
i the purahaaer. The line of boots and
"and shoes embraces all. 'that. is tsahl No
have been planninaod with a ••v tor t o
wear and prove. durable 'and y t- eel)
cheap. The awortineut of hats an caps
la very tine, white the stock' of . I les'
rcuartarusit be 'canonised, in point o qual
ity and • variety. The trunks, cv hies.
cho., :exhibit the-Sarno auperiorit and
.arsoffered at manufacturers' rates.- rom
long personal acquaintance -"wit the
anambers eif
themrm ws . are pre
to commend is tier highest
to our region, as we know them
fair dealirrg, honorable and omen)
• main every way worthy the large
or trade already directed towards
, .
Sado of Cho Rua Alimony, Coon - fro.
• In the Sopran° Conti, Wed,,,.. ay
morning; the followldg ilecico w 'en
.___ s
wcou la regardto diesel° of theSto. ben-
Tate .Roilway Compady: .. .hod .ow,
November 20, Iso7, r it Ys Orderedlhat the
sale of the Pittsburgh 'and Stenbenisille
Rallroad,inade to Wail J. Dowell, PI,
for the sour of ono million - nine hun
dred and sixty thousand dollars, re rt
i f
whereof has heretofore bon: made this
Courf, be continned absolutely, syl out
621tu 4 i rs=reParla dw d - ,n r ig ta it 'l 4lll,
Monica Huston,' Joseph hicalg u r, O.
Vonernan. Dr: IV. Domino, Win, rtss,
J. Melluniey, W. S. A. Prondllt, olin
McFarland, whl.hage• this day ti tiled of
record a statement of their several icon
dons to the confirmation of th ludo
sal lti;to participate In thepr "reds
of e."
• .—,.----...—.....___. :: I
. Fatal /leeldeskt—corookoell Im.,iaeat.
An accident oteurreil nt the Round
House of tho/bllegheny 'Volley ,Railread,
";iMilterclay' 'learning, "Whicif resilted in'
the donut of William lleClelcen, a'
brokeSinttn on the road. The, e OM of
his train, Nd. la, was emplo yes! in
switching isms at Unl time mo Honed,
and McCracken was standing on the
locomotive. Whllo it was backl g slow
ly after some care, lot sprang err and mu
arod in front ofthe tender: It Is su
posed that hoslipped on some lee, as ho I
got on the track. At' OVOrit ft he fell I
ta i
upon the rail mid the wheela of 1 e ten-
der passed over his lattly, killing ' en
otantly. Ile was lmmediatelp ou up
.and conveyed. to, his home., • roller I
Clawson held an inquest and a v let of
occidental death was returned. ' 1 o ild
octutod was aboutnlneteen f:age, 1
and refolded lit LaWrenceville.
Aoodomy of Mosta
This erenlng'Mel dlimea E. Mu loch,
the Ehieutionist, will give,. hta s nd
riittOini under the auspices of thel, ting
Men's Llbrarry, Amoelatton., ,The en
terealifibint will' do:WinnMica with 'the
18th chapter of Beeend. Kings, n rra-
Hug the blisphemy of the King of A s _
aria awl 'the dostructlon of his 1 oat.
This wilt he followed with llr '
o llostructlen of Sonencliorlb," S as -es
porter* tragody• and . ' comedy, - par rale
poems and extracts from the l'lck lek
Pa ll ' . an 4lo cutletilsPlifi. , Miirdoeh - 'a
no superb*, a fact wall, known bto o
readers, and' ho wlll - doubtless hay,
full hodsolo-night„-; .-:, •
gemate Atetipoones.
21 fret'lliehsrA,11ancy' had her pee et
r i t
velc9.4. or tufattlY4lve dollara,last es l
ing, While' rifling In a 'Tenn oir t
s*sanger am, by'si wOrhan Who sot no
tfilmir:Latiel did nin ,- elfs&mcfr-lior 1 e
until alter the Woman had left th e en
but shn thinkenhe Mould' knew 'Lei 'l . !' ,
- she would sootier again. The , aupposed
thief left thenar Unobse rved, or at least
was not noticed bonny of the paseenge
at the, time she left IL-Feinaloptclitnel
ettrari rather aMovelty in thin eity, al
though very OatnnitrlAll 'tiko 221i4 ant
:they aco, tle a general thing, mere sue
easeful tlutulgotttletttenv of Me prole:
7 : I I;. I PPs r ,rA ,9t :th'. l 40r "1,4 r.
sale .123 , oluircuitect ap teirance of
po retail. ahop,winclowil4,.
•1 N S.
. Pollee Ilan,.
Amusing 'incidents . frequently pecan.
at police cobts, and developments are
sometimes inside which are allghtly pe ,
cellar If not strange. - .A moot' a peculiar
, nature coma 'up before Aldarman Me..
I Mosters yesterday, the farts of which aro
as follows: Mary Metzler - charged Wll
- ham Wilson with larceny es bailee, and
In o
the infrmation oilers'' alai 'oh the
, , ,
fourth of July Wileon'boiretived Leona
her One of her. husbands 'elifkLe; which
ho still retains and refuses to Kayo up, al
• .
though havinkfrequentlybeettrequeste.d.
so to do. titria Malaise .iesides' at.' the,
corner of Bodibrdstrurno and Elm street'
and Wilson i, a partidular friend of beis I
. , . . s
.0n the Fourth of 'July ho deemed to at,
, ,
tend a
,plc-nic, and having Me—Clean
linen reported the fact to' Ms friend Mrs..
M. who kindly famished. Mtn With ono'
of her huebalad i a,:expecting, of coursed
that ;it would ,-ho • returned as 10011
1,19 possible thereafter..; This,: however,
be tailed to do, , 'and as we tarminformed•
awl refuses to do. .Nearenotlafornsed,
whether her /disband knower the trans—
action, af... the ; time, hut presume'
he' did, as. a seaman Would "
take the liberty of lending an article. of
Mar kind whbout • constahing-the one;to
ithona It proper/y belonged. ' Wilson; if
, the Laots. be ate. stated, 'is 'gtillty of the
baiesetntrattitt:da in' not returning the.
article ate kindly furnished btu. - A war-'
rant WILI issuodfor his arrest; ~ ' -'
setumh rraortens my tenaltaL.F... . 1.
• Mrs. Mary !Etchle ; of nut • I
ham, yeatimitte , mule information
Justice, Maisel] againet_ J. Flt ,
moods, Mlas 2 .MrthohleMeanstuni . •
14 4
M. Williams, the former •Prinelpol and:
the, others teacheri oLthe ,Eest ' Bilialtig
hem solgtere;ehanting them with tuatcult'
and bay; „ . Libe alleges
: thud her . Milk son, son, aged•nine yeah vas e bid
school , and that for sonitt'm.W.d ndttet be
was It Mt andalittsedby-tbani„l, and. that
Mcelyzistipds• teat Min veer/0w bead
Withattlck ot*oodFittinetingswere in
/WO. upoublzo.o,:epe:•,
..,'e i
The above Ilen Mac; fifths affair, anti
Possibly may,. cestt‘bitkittlia not at
all probable. roon.equidreetame4 be
eo much of a brtateNte to tart' ta - Maid of
nine yore over with a stick of
wood., Meet Mao , isi doubtldial
honest shout matter: 9:rattlit.JT alit.'
gether Ilkely that her.informajbm in ret
glint to It was ;Olatailb. WortyAbo•ebn c t,
Trbleh„ tinlowestringly ctirrtdrorsted: WI
not at alt . :pliable. il, -,,•• ?1,
. • ^Thereie eotrieilmii,li ar tes' , lft
hirllslittariniti . sattlyp but
a rebxceedinglybue,-seitat _ 2tall. -
Dtramte'lntteethil e p ~ y usitewyn
e pairtlyaobrealytetUkditilim=
Mildew. autatnate ,
were arrested:and hadd3Fithesertg;
when t the truths of. neer, re,will nu,
doubt be brought - taut. _ ail elev./ r-, I
, Yeatraurrn: .•• ''; •• - .
.'Ha firanger,land latorrickynn• es
terday met at•Sigleys end tipples ' abovo
Brownstown,. and some differencenhate,
Ingo:kited between them, they attempt-
od tonettle it weetarding to ; tho rules of 1
the - T. It," it, which itappeara that rs.
WYrin was the Winner., Mrs, Granger,
probably feeling sore oyer her deftest,
made information •against Mrs. Wynn
betbre Justice Snydor,•of Lqwer Si, Clair
low ushiP;tharning herewith manna. and
battery. -A wareant rarakimned for her
JanollemaY and lEilmehEtrvenette,
of Allegheny, appear to have been hadul-
OM In the !Usury of a 'aet focrr
day, in which scratching ' biting and hair
Luning Weto' the principal features.
They neck made litlbrmation against. the,
other Why AlderulanStraba, tbrassault•
and battery. 'Warrants were homed *nem -
hictillthe belligerents wore'semmedand
held for bearing., ~• . 1 •
rrynarr, or war macs._
;Patrick' Fox liesterdity Made hireema
flog before Alderman Satan: again*
Jameriliarrett, Meagrely of the • peace.,
Theparticio'hadga . moral row a this'
thtStiahmit s Sena* ettadeinformathm•
=;l2.`"LTe watltt
.nitfotihimyortvpg,..-bdtta nanetv.
mihiefiodt - . ilk* ror the required
ball fterltileaptionearice at Court:
iiite •Auvratith:likeirttl.!
made! 111-'
Car Fonleht
with assault an,11Z4.7g, alleges
Mg defendant kr:arcked nerlowa and
kicked him. A hearing w oe had ..when
the case was di grassed at the 'Aat or the
use rim - mum:a,
Proderick,Brinningar :yesterday made
information beforelddertnan .Tllol3lBa,
charging: ono Wllilard" Wagner - with
fabso. pretense.. Min prospector allegui
that tha do fondant obtained from bun
83 - 15 worth of coati - 4041er false 'mid fraud
ulent 'representations. 'Thep deferidaut
as arrested and Ow:omitted to in de
fault of bail..
The Rishrrottretbets' - well the Fat
ter farm, Pioneer run, Is producing two'
hundred harreli per day•stetidy.
A new regular f9rtr barrel% well - was
'atruck onFriday last at the Foster, farm.
The old t'mplre Well is to ba y Teemed
out in a lbw days. •
wells on - the flentrar'Tetiolenm
Coriginy's propertk,llteCllntock farm,
have been enlarged ! bly , Uslng , Robert's
torpedoes. , ltefore tbe! explosion the pin
, ductien.ofall of thole walls amounted to
on/Y about thirty hermit; per day; it has
now.been Increased to two-hundred.
a Saturday a new,iwenty barrel. Well
Ra. 9 struck. on tho Poster tarot, •
/11170 . number Of new wells will soon
be In operation, It is epplinnecl. as a urea
many have wed • anthed 0n,1p, 0 04 prop-
Yanhiwoomplim LM Iwo .Boni pro•
diming !wells and In refinery. Peru,
which qountrgthey keep supplied: . Sev
eral neei.wella nre going dawn and, the
company. loohs to It happy future spent
In anrTll'lng all South -America with on.
i Almaden*. :
Mr. Agnew, .a I reeldent ,Collitta
township, woe seriously iti t iured Tues.
day °mans., by tittling'frnrnthe mit of
'the 'now Skating litink; .A.lleshiny,
where 'ho' was' engaged at work. No
bone" were broken; tiv
num which h 6 fOl ,1 I nternal injuries
apprehended. ' H a s received 'prompt
nustlicai maistanel
to and .was , convoyed
Me home at - East-Liberty, in a car.;
An Effort Ls' now !being made by the
past and present puppiie or the Pittsbtargh
Ventral 'Ugh Sehool to raise miens out.
lleegt to erect a fitting mouttment.over
the remains of the late lamented Pant
W. W. .Picksou. :Wow:lustre thosaholars
for their kind t emembrance of the man,
for no tutor was aver more assiduous in
his efforts to invert knowledge to those
tinder : Ilia charge,! and "we trust tho
efforts of the ladles Mid 'gentleman who
havo onderiaken the'ttistter will be gen •
eronsly seconded bravery- sehelar:who
has received inatruction in the class room
ender his charge.
1143 Y .'lli J iw ed• — Arthur,,lpaitivi ii;
burabont zatira airc. W
eriously was
s injured - yesterday AT
from a fence. • attended the East
znltighom • Public &beak; and • during
recess,' inicomnanY with some other
boy% woe CULIMItIgi himself by walking
on top of tho fence which surrounds the
school building., frordwhich ho fell to the
ground. Ile was token to his home,
which is 'but a elhoil distance fain the
school.; mid medical fold ribbed' in. •• NO
bones wore broken, and the little fellow
is In it fair way to recover. • I
: Leetore.-- Mr. Thbpdoro 'Tilton ilea
gifted editor' of the Noir Yorleindepend.
era will lecture before. the Allegheny Li
brary Association, inl iter..3tr. 'Swifts'
Church, *arcs atr ust. ',oh' Thursday
imbuing next, on the !'Ar t pf using the
ruled.' : , We feel that It. la unnecossnxy
to urge attendance us - the 'lecturer Ii ao
widely lcumenas s dee thlukeraidlisked
scholar and writer fled' chignont talker.
cur& ,u . admission' can be obtained at
the Library .Itoome, :.'City 'l3oildng•
• Mourtihig lionse " Rehbery,.....A young scamp plying Mailable as liartin.Lutit,
or; a fow days since, went to Imard.*lth
0.-F. Buseheni, In Diamond 'alley, near
Smithfield street, On
,Tuoiday he dis
appeared without phying his hoard hill,
und upon examination it` was discovered
that a number of eel:ldes of clothing mid
a small sewed monoy' l higenging to othe
boarders .in. thaimllB,o :hod also ,disap. r
7Beat to . tae. Howie . /Unice:—
J=oo Talbot, tried and onnvietect. In tho'
Cour , of tinnrtor §ottlinny' of la B e non y,.
tunl optenr
Jrns by &lonia
'CI Wry •
by A
Leggate, tzetlnnegyVini Wednmlny for A.
Itte gnaw ot "13;(100.' • 4
thltl.00ROOt;• .:Why
excepting the people
go In till the hero dee'
st cUrtailing tor
lei we. .connotssity;.
e nhis i ot, willingn co, to.
, .
Stencils and Brandi-. The attention
of our readers IS directed to the adver
tisement id another trolunin of Mr. J. D.
Matthews, Stamp and Stencil Cutter, igo.
231 Liberty street, oppoidta wood. Mi.
lone of the met, bftt stencil -cutters
in the city, sad his had huge experience
in the business. At the shortest notice,
ho gets up in k , the best style of art, brand-
Ihg irons, stamp and stencil alphabets,
and figures lir steel and coPper, at the
most reasonable of prices.
In the *mug Pocket —A bay about
sixteen years or age attempted to pick a
lady's pocket in the Allegheny market
Thesday morning, and had succeeded in
getting Ida hand in her pocket when she
and aelaing him by the
coat 0 4m : with one hand dealt him sev
eral' Nowa with the other, which mini
him apraitling Into the gutter. A.police
man was notliled of the affair a few mol,
ineffill . Oennird, but the would-be thief
had ramie big escape.
Aceldent.—tir. netwy Murray, a glasi
blowdr, Of Brownsumn; while out hunt.:
ingwiths t mend, Tuceday, , was •shot in
the shoulder by hhtowu gap, which ma
accidentally discharged in crossing:
fence. It was a' double barrelled atiot .
gun, and the entire charge of one barrel
entered his left ; shoulder. lie was taken
to his home by the friend who accompa
nied him, and medical aid procured;
T 011 . 0 0 aft 0 91:13p0111.11a)
w old *odd re-tddort to-morrow
Considerable. typhoid fever prevails in
• City, but h; not of a Tend type.
coal 104E4 at ton cents for.attranior
utltp andiarron and a ball for MIL" t
..Tbe:.west.l4er was . and pl .
. ,
PI:IiBiTH PAGE , ...?Iti: c- Courti; Addy
" 'elonal . Sabsaildlrdle tdi Ble Boller Ex
pk , slonytuad, d; e t , Ate., ,
.. . .. ..
CITE . _41.EM13
Is wenn Ittillteitgits to Gold.
Wo hare froiqiently spokeri of the pip.
'alertly end excellence of 'Col,' &wire
lama:patent' and' copiright eci - O refer
iturreaders totba fallowlstglatter, which
4 0 40 / 4 4 4 /Eid ant *Olt khul 'of as
et z_ A
P 49 lialrita4s l r, U 1 69
,Pittoborgb,-„po„ vocs:
• 414114VIMCOMbiti VieglUnir V lintlaT
otranty, the , tertitoty I purclused train
'you 'recently • for `MO. 'I Aare already
cleared three hundred and • sixty. r dollars,
($1460) lit outlawing only, two small Add
llageu, and sin confident I can mote
second 'thousand dollars' out of the
county. 'Your ,patent and copyrignt it
more Viand. is represented; it is worth fee
weight loyal& •
Trunk Hansa, 164 Wood street, Pitts-
dew Goods! • Hear QMGati
Mate Countrr Blankets,
Orey• Blatiketg; qu i l ts ,
, Coverlets dm Quilts,
A. large stock, very cheap wholesale and
at. Wm. SEMPLE's, ISO and .18"..
Federal street, Allegheny. •• •
Ladl..he Furs, .114rep,er
The largest stock in the city of Siberian
Squirrel, ilungstritat Mink and
Hudson 'Gaye:table for children and . la
thes, can now hewn at Gardner &Stew
art's, West corner of Market and Fourth
streets. -Those Fars wean entirety new,
and Are for sale very low, cheaper than
at any. hence In thla city. Also, o large
stock of new Dry'Goods, cheap.
Hes Rob Raj nanneL ,
king FlanneLe,
sind Flannels,
~.....•auc,Fialow prices, ,
wholesale and re at W. SEXPLE'a
lsO and 122 }Waal a t, Allegheny.
zhat , •••',7 6T • - - wmlam att5.A.47.14
• • . 1 . I see, ehtiwould be healthy, and
• tthinlVOivit theifoaTtalitatioh
Bitters, that lean:mon of
preparatimut tor
giving tone to the stomach, energy tothe
torpid liver, Rio.) , to the nervous system,
and strength to the muscles. It Ix= ad
mirable regenerator of . nature's Wasted
ornegleeted functional genets in either
.man airwoman. It gently excites and
pleasantly scythes. With a bottle them-
,ofibfeiy nuni may be his own pleYsician.
ltlagendlek Water.—A dallghtfol.tollat
sutlcle—suparier to'Colagne and, it half
'the mice. , srtern.l 7
At. Auction Tbia . Day,—At Masonic
Nall Alm!Iola Naomi, 55 and 57 Pllth
street, et 10 e:-m.' and. 2 tn., will be
aold Furniture, Carpetar Piano, Madame, Queeraswase, Stontul l are, Yel
lotrware, °Mee, Parlor and Cook Stores,
311rrows, Picture:l;l'23;m.y Soaps, • Tobac,
co,Segars, Cutlery. cto. New Carpets at
p. m. Smltimon, Palmer .t Co., auo
. .
, .. .
Largo Anotion Salo of Dry Goads,—
A. Leg to auctioneer, will sell at No.
159 Federal street; 'Allegheny,' to-mor
row, • (Friciny,) morning. .at. 5 ' .o'clock,
Blankets, Qinsimeres,, Shawls, Fars,
Flannels,--Ifilltary` Overcoats Elestery,
and el general &Malta:sera of seasonable
goods, worthy the I;pecial attention of
eoonomical- b uyers.-
.. . ..
Headache, from whatever mute; is one
of those unpleasant symptoms not easily
harms nor speedily relieved. Wilson's
Pills dropecullarly itrealve In relieving
It.. All the /ending druggists in the UM.
ted Staten sell them. .
Frearb Merino% 'IMP.Irts, Coburg"-,
Alpacas,- &a., a good assortment, at Wit.
SEurtara, ..le and lel 'Federal stroet,
Ameghen • • •
'To Wholesale Boyer , —l um Unpared
to odor you at my new bouse_
_do. 10.4
Wood street, a suporlor lot of 'trunks,
Valises, On-pet Bams, tele* etc.dotrer
than any - other house Mahe atty. I men
uJhaturo all my trot*, anduun vrarnme
thorn to bo made of tlus very lantmatart
el. • Remenibor the ninnber 104 Wood
Thy Goods at *holismlc„—.We
hii partimalar attention of buyer. at
whalmale to ottr com W plete u& stock of agloo,
&eon goods, and
.of my and
staplegoods, and to all
the . fact that Ar wa.sell
at the. lowest' eastern prices, and Cut
goods to suit purchaser'. r •
. J. W. Banksn
59 Market street.
Waterproof' Cloth, clowiii,q, 40., a
good selection,. whohnnle and retail, at
ar. grammes, 180 and /82 Federal
atreet, Allegheny. '• • • • • -
I • sesseth/og Good.—Tho• boots, shoes,
gaiters,, ladles andehgdzen,
kept nt 89 Market street, /11121 made of
ae the veil best neaterisJ, and sold as low
tholowest., an goods are wax:anted
to give satlsfactlon. If you want some
thing good, and 'at gold prima, otdl at
Robb** _Shoo 'louse, 89 market street.
lx,r tho place to get Your Trunks. Vol. din,ta at
Lfebler•s Trunk House,
No. 104 Wood annet. Ile keo the var.y
beskend oath° latest Naylor., -.Call In and
To the Ladiee.—lt you want a Nice
Traveling Beg, Vallee or Satchel, go to
Lelbler's faahlonable TrtmkNouse, No,
lei Wood stmet,and yea 'will and any
thing you can Trish Lorin 131111ne—oh
and P 004; .
S 9, Moat, Urn% Cavort
unmans. awl . 9.4..T.Lau1.a. AU
tredital trY Aborn; 131 ru matl ial
'treat. , boo.k'ke ta. • el
- •
whoA Large Atsxt.ikf Shinrb, wen , eheari,
les and retail,'at Wm. Eimart& , s,
21!0 and 16.; Federal etree;
IWIOWN—DAVITU.s.Oa - Thars4ay October
Mal, VW, by Ho , IL'L. Ligo SASIUML
or Pliishnotb, we./we, ' 1 !X!i!.! C.
DAVITI% - otAllegtiony
vaanalariurr—TraNza.'--oa metal itt's
aisni, by tic, J. Dertaltt,atAU ostaldanosOlth•
Washingto n , lir. LOUIS g.TANDIROILIn to
111. WAY' a. YLUSITIL both it 131111114bata,
! .
.i . ' 222,22 :r2gra ja 1 . nr,2222 . 2221e r n5&
te . lak, DAVID 11. IS,i, 1.2 , 0r0 7'
It. Amtrm win' lite ilmie ftio Illil 1...07
'den.. litiuentuar,liiiVaviquar, ahaltegl.4.,
at Scoakick F. X. Ilia ttleada 4LC IL. tualli ..a
F“prettuty hmtea to winiii;
i cpri i p:T v ial , lIL 1.... t.„ t 7, silsri'4l7l*.
4; er dAVVriinr roZdefnaous—Rie.
. n i . 5.D. , 422..itt1e city, ..- • , ,- •
• thriosatal via take place holm ltie rethiiilee
or,bI TAPSr..N.Q; Mime* Mem es Vaini 1
122t2 2222., 22 2 2, 21. prett22lT. Th• Minds ;
of tbe 02224 aro rap:Wan) lavltecltoatLead.
I i;w I r `tAZExTE,
wzorsiminum 8013111:111
A wra Met. mamas ?Orrt. l7lo4 ot latftruthurrosidlit tA 4,141 411
haft' Ultortala, latest/10 .7 1 t 1 NRIO.V1
msn. ralnable Romans latter,tot LOik Mtn 4 ,
sad twins msd most na tots Gad uo
marchl Market Retiorts /WA ,asy pier
tA,.. et? , NO Farmer. Meanie Or alittils.ll l
"'aid be without It.
Tams Tom TO moat 0 472721
ttfr o ft n teftliblar
... WA.
—And one copy of p.p. to 1 / 1 / Peru
alt Addltkou to elsW 04 1 g'l = l
wl thoe. al dab rate/..
liortcs TO etrescinizat;-.2i /41411 41 8 7/01P
Dl 00. b ouo ano me/10 ./114-
'44. 4 .44... t vrea.444 , 440/111 1 WW...
H 4 b 40 . ,101 4/ bet ow malt
iirk/ifoun by wet, xxim/i, Morner ikkl4l. •
oi tilted/tared Letters, //Obi Wit di oirttio. •
ROBERT T. noDNET. Va44 o •
TAREn axe tßollatith RO. Y otal
Allisheny, and co: W Diarn.d . bid..l
John Wilson It 8re...) keep,
best Iletni: ROSCWOO4I. gloatll3ll4lltnth •
WALuul C01dn. , 0".40 .1.,
Rosewood CorOns $2O r i t!
COMEnt proportion. CarrLiges •
famished at low rates. Crapthi tßefilfs . ilste
4 .d Endr. , /Orrnralshed gratis. oni.4 030 4st .
CNo. In FottrtS Street, rittsbangh.
OFFINS, 4. kings; cnArrs. Gy?.
ererr deseripUonof Funeral Tnrnishhid „,
furnished. Root= open dap and ] nikkk.' l !" .
notkannOns—tier, JEIIIT,D•DA"...
11. W. /moo., D. D.. Thotnisi
• itta kVA tartiAlaccig . " 6iieee
Tate s.not 1t'n0.44., 12:0. m.6„,r.
three doori Awn Allegheny:l4 „.. 0 "
wood lodination Coigns; st the
Prises. 'Noon. oyes all hones,
Hearse Ind Carried. thralsited on' Agit
and on knees reuonsfili torsos. I '
DESTASSIL -0Z.,. No. tit (MI6 WM.
Alltsheay. blatant% Rosatroal attdAtlteettlol.
tins, with a complete stock of namilllMMiblibur
, Goatsonthaadattel fn armed
at toast prim. Sale aad'Llivri BMW. Wt .
tier - of Tim aid Middle • litttati.v - tuttittioc
Itatmetraw, tia.ldloi Ittitait.4ll4 as,
'f - I.Esnericar ?IA atom e cid.ow up"
! L u d ems; aouap i s L UoBLL 04$10.
• • tlre or Adult, with Fire to Ten Ttiendiantl'
Dollars (Rib; to Introit •la 'a' well 'ettitarbad
obolsoale rad Teton Dreg Hetne.,Thitedilon
ennead toueeCOS. Beitolro ror x.lDALizzir
al BRO.. tie. 102 /mirth street;
b,—AITALIC t3llMll,
, •- 4 4 ar , SEY0Lvsitseimeish de "An
cer BlLles or Carbine.; it de ihnah
Mies or Outlier: $5 et id nob riot:Oß'. Azar
or Rerr Aerate , re. crab •pato.ittreeritty
rertillon Of intoner. Persons banns .1.7
&bore arms eartsendebode trr .B.xprerito. or d. to
. 7011 2iSTON.9reit Creator - Maw Wolin.
.ill /eminent, eeneer - Waysta. Yttriburittio
.mgstircutale.- ,Boit =am.
TEL, BOYII 01.4: 1 81.*. MUM Or. Ttillt
ROM 4.,ND i . 41.. MAWS or
,ther..s,Bl.aligy.Coassolulan i .
kin, *Me wpm. stf soy canumtiltikihmilVd.
kat • OW. aa4 Mau mord. ottlenridajmund
Amirmlikp otsboaaak alm•Pog , 41111. ml
viaa.apM A...43140111mg
00., do Marto slam; . 41114.
rooms now decepted by tie Betrestursa,be
. Osten, Balleasttland Trabstartselos : .1:110‘11Mb.
No. seal Fifth street, over o.ll , teCUakalt*
Carpet Rune. These roosts sr....esti' *MM.
kw stem bets" located ilf , ths•esuitrwit•bisb
sus,. ittatas Filth street, sow' base' 11.61111 a.
Os 'Meets pavement, ratulerlet thebrthmi
from noise. etc. Front ressm <chimps boa
proof:Tull. Posseeslabtan be had 'es VW el
Proximo. legatee sr OLII7XB IteoLi3Too.ll
CO:, =l , lllll meet. •• ;! ,
r% . l . nr:M
p O n' .B ALE-820.scipeev00 0
IYADESING LARD,' In Teeriakiese.
Good tills. Taxes all pat!. 'Ma 'ti,a4LitorAlsi
property.' Pot partleurara . 13reprt p t 4
.. r D.
F OB FAZE --BRICK , rilieD
—• The undersigned wilt inn all h• 61441i1f 01
• Brisk Ter..l, to airy Detente's/shred to "Mgt 14
the elute.. The re/411mm. Isltls id heated.
~...4 .
ern hardeleseents. Lenie rens ten Yet* ,
need ePPIT het those +ebb mean bast u. AA,.
dress Z. T. C.. Allegheny P. 0. •
p OIVP• L --11011 SE8.—.11.T
110WAIM'S Llvery!alill'Sedo
One r.AXILY HORSE (parr Ilrei IU/I%i
oftlty - ,flOl - I.9ES, east 'D HT
HORSE; three /MACK' MA.ILIt9;"
Y 4 Hems:
rn ad'
Itakery, delete • bnalness of Romig toll
barrels of dour a week, and silusted.lst,
PALO STIttZT, A:M-oin* lefeflMete
sold on reisonable terms. The abuse bai•rf • .
&dug a good bualnem and I= th•AstltdtpsOl
dog , Lou sands larrer lq non cnnning.
Anr "arson wishing to IA bAdinim •
trill dad Inflame opportnnlty. Farigainders
!notary at the
—:• Ai/Slash cilladar, SO letL atAkaollegtz
lush. la tree lava., 'ilea Owe El lash Russ, .11aNta
Stack, Grate G.., all ralapt•
rip. The engine Is strarly sew, arst la perfect
Wear, and wW ne add rary.stirgi. ttßr not
baring sae tor /t. I , ewe oe be preallsr/14,91e
Abell at W. W. WAI.I4CC'on Ch/trry
Far prism atl: tams apply at NO. , lllloltileidal
stit. reet. Pittsburgh.,
„sI •
FOR SAI,E.--lioure sutd Latest . 2 1'11.12UL. msd /Isom
nest 14ssso/sr . Bs7l T. 7.0i51 '-wlipti
Ironsaframs, emstalnind aid
improved. 'fosse mid Loot Bbs4llo.ollFµ'
Indwell street. 4.l.legtmov City. Lot try JO
hat; !mass fram‘contalos tmilsttS• VOMIIiPsO,I
rood caw, Older mot gas.. Also .. ssmasismilM,
Holmes and Lots to good lovuloth , logiloSotd.
• CO., Dewar street, MIR% airliina.
Fon PALE.— •
PALE.--A rt4inxicuANCS
it otkred to as xtlry , isentlemss, baring
sash capital of s4sw to ; yorelotts cosillAt#
testa to a well establisllSdwod rryvis
brloilllj Itellnery. 'To it 'Mat stews 'lo
travelog, Oils is a. rare. srpoonwoltlfSlS WWW
t loci to his interest be will r oweltsass l o7l44lo„ •
ner month sod 'Cspeases. health la ' thioaly
PissowSwwoor okferliitii , solli
particulars ettquiewwf- SILL &SHOT/WWI,
Wtsto Brokers, Lawriossoalkw;:•
- pOT&-eilre now offer ettliSteeinthistyialky
tersuanew plan or tare and nestratticletaitee s
tug Dart or that saleable PrOPert7 animating*
: Umtata. el. r. , Nnalth shuts at ttaiinyak
end epberyeaterit, sad tint p.mtkoimuLoa
et.wso leduoia.
iati 'front the retread tee' man
street on the south. The lota era arryliDglilk
with wide streets saming - Linenttiathe antita
property", The sail tot anniettiltylieljealpfallle
not toe excelled.. cad for built) , or Juuli,,, mg
"mew tease Lo eerie!: Y. duaultupturiau
Author Ulbraullut cull at BILL Ai
I ' D P.' &l4lr .u"
me. I
LE ED .S T ATE B .:!
W. ha est recolred ado or lot ot
ebroted Wooed*, They Am ortdosboothi , jil
ihlgoakZkr4oeVjraa?Ali7 etflitV =Mr
IL: .
tpinio!foaznis naziata,l
DIINTEMILTH a -.H4suir e t •
1,60 Pula araEirri
upeosiis 1 1 1AhOldl • OULU n, , atm
- -
HENRI G. nms. .
hlei; •
15, •>.
„. • h,
0.01, and et. 44 ersi
• _pittsetißoft,9ol;;,,-e-‘l•Nik'
. . . . .
t 27,` asamest
sain.go . bezEi9ra r . : , : 4,.-07
3t.bitb. um. isheanithi'
, ".• Itl a:-
At ,41ilf •
r" , t'X
rj~w moue; ~syr,=,
• • • ~•,- •t. 5T - Lail
• .."17414 0001)6a
4 setixtrilaiiihAor it ni x sk
3nrun torosi AtretaaW:
. 1 " , 1,1,1611410 5.104 takjiii,
raLL'Asn crr4y r " r „ A 3 WW,
c m!n iostriAtLt =4'