THE DAILY GAZETTE, ,rtrataioaro ZNICUT .11.01tItha, 0=7:1 PENIIIII,IIIII, RFED& CO., Proprietors, IV ' :Br' But.* IT.G.V.G!. OITIOZ. GAULT= BUILDING. 7. R. TBTIBItYAT I T. I. v0II•i0w. . ZHU= si .as se inrrn wrzirxr. 445 !Re of Testers hughisii. Cent= lim e . or itrapOil up Ltidigminiall'ai wr "Jul" - iitaTT 0 7 TT2 illTMal a t T ° &iiy wrier* per eTI7.. - " °l ' ftra,roen, per ,- ; . PITZABI:(8411. PENN 'A. ttm, Wish* &IA -.. litnitictrAu TICE= nominated 1 4 ibilltePubllaux.Conrention 0n..110n-, dsisioatits with the heartyendorsememt of this ItepabliMui pressor-the city, and, Wier as we can horn, members of the party are perfectly satisfied with the can didataea:ate& The feeling of discon— tent which developed itself,immedi ately after the annmracenleu of the Insult has 1111:60It . clEtUrply 66 dadd e d, mhi m an d the piny , is united in. deter a llow to . elect th e candidates 'put for b. RepabliciaM will notM7 the ticitet on around of pommel dislike or prOn Melilla of the auchdates; u the cite— wati of . Detttoindie candidates in a city so intensitly radical as our own, cannot fall hart/tithed effect, especially on the eve. pf an important Presidential con- .TgiaElatuncavi will nominate a straight-oat Demoerstie ticket for: the monleiptd oWees. The leaders and de- Cidedly opncised to going outside of the tanks fotcattastes to lead the party to defeat. They aeledt to do battle without forndpg , coalition with any other eta .moat Politica. • , Exreautsavra shave -recently been made,,on a new . method , fise the oril• nary of Illinois, and' without cok ing, In, thm enamtheeture and ' Iron.' Two anathema are leinutged in the twisee; one in whkb.the chemical elements are simply liberated.' The other, to which . a blast, is applied, and so, wench oxygen forced I>l as to produce sulßelent heat to ecuisehma all the smoke, sulphur, and del helloes anbitances. Upon the first ei perimemt, owing to a want of caution in eon:Olefins the process, the heat was mad, aantensathafthe iron, fire-brick, and everything else, were all melted downleeto a liquid neat This' mass was subjected: to examination by the most carefal teats, and found'to contain ab sulpha:. Gnat confidence Is felt that this process Will soon be Mopeifected that ' moat infinneamed Val be mud success. folio without coking, in the marmite tare of iron,. and at the same time avoid entirely thelifieohierdence arising from dbeettarglng smoke Into the atmosphere. 14cCoi;'• : _itie - t3tenbeno nitirdem of whose trial in that town we haye al ready pokfm, bas been found guilty of truirdet lit the second 'degree by the jury, aid Inliceventanced to.imprlsoa ? inent for life. McCoy is a . gray beaded inad 'Oellixiy . years, arn - I is considered Iwealthy, being the ownesof largo tracts of land in Ohio. , • :I Tea -Jamaican Consni- General, O. Hale; Is said, by?. 'dispatch ftom dlex wdrtg,.toprocured 'a decree from . the viceroy, permitting American enta— il alosatiesemd their converts to rewrite' 470. - ' ' • McCumuss declines any government .; office. t The President appointed ; Cloopeir,bla Private Secretary, as Assts. tanf Seeretary. the Tresanry— It Is thotilatt he will not be .coidirrued. . grembeelts or Vote Mikes., Mormons GAxtrrrm There Le I; at present much talleabout the question S I whether the, Government Mall redeem • the flve-twomileiln coin or in greenback.. • • To give Your readers an insight in this 1 • mediums Mall explain it in a few plain words .xed eschew all soplohns: The gee -twenties are n promise to • • pay, the greenbacks are the anne, -ioon ; eloquently one la not an equivalent for • the other. • Ibis absard to say a debt is paid,by a promise to ply. Therefoke if i the Government reedeems the five twenties tu greenbacks It has not de ., creased Ite debt. •If lb.. Government pay , . folone hundred de, liars in bonds, onehendfesidollars in greenbacks, the •; Government has again - unquestionably ; detitkif one . hundred; dollars, pay dole in Mkt' But bonds are north at pres- I out mere than one hundred dollarn in greenbacks, we will say one hundred , and Medea - dollars, consequently by .t payingMthundred dollars the poems , sorsrmild be deprived of twelve dollars , for every one hundred dollen in bonds. ~•-•••. If the Government pays this monetary ,• value for them the debt is increased this • ; I twelve dollen; for every one hundred ;, dollars of five.twentles en redeemed, • •-1 which twelve dollars are to be paid after- Wardain gold, and at the tame moment o that, thisernment pays more than one • bend:widener§ In greenbacks for one hundred dollarts. in.tive-twenties, it SO. , kglo MAIMS duty to pay them en coin, • o or else need nqt pay more than one bun : drodo dollars. . What the Government • would eave-by redeeming the bonds In -• greenbacks, is the interest. But as long as the Government dem not really pay • the value for the bonds, it has on u als:um !' tionablis duty to pay interest. • The greenbacks are no payment for the bonds, for theyam of the greenbacks depends •-• on the idea that depends on they t he redit be redeemed in gold; Itc of the . • Government. But es it is certain that the credit of the Government wilt not be . • the. Mme when It redeems the bonds in greenbacks; in lieu of gold; what was siways.rtn understood. thing, the green backs:will lam mare or less of their tlytheGovernmentdoes not pay the rem video and has to pay in. ; Merest until the,yere redeemed in geld. One can say, women has the peen " tacks ,in possession, they beer Interest. - But the greenbacks tear him interest In greenbigke.o4 „ those for the bonds'are .peirlphri thansithi has id present morn value greenbacks. The Goy ? eminent peps Interest for the credit we render it, SIKI ELS tbe rabic of the green, barksodsgalatleoutWnedltof thoGofern i ment, our credit and confident.e le naked ffor the meen tacks to take the place of t sph4, the bonds, eon ; eloquently the Government has to pay Intereektrmtil It. redeems the five-trim- • I ties Tim bonds -are. redeemable within •e tarsal mora but there is no time ted katheredemptionefgreenbackannd sainted of being - paid at any rate after ; twenty mime, by paying them in gronn ; hacks; the payment Is postponed to en =Mailed tkme, for tire paymentin green ', * S beekele only a changelu the form of the ot 'othedken so the 'redemption in green . tacks le DO:payment.; We have now every confidence In the Government that ; it will ones redeem the greenbacks In 1 proldio . therein exists the value of th em, i But. =POUND suddenly lose Bud eon fulentewhatare the.greenhacke worth? Money moat hilYo A value, whether a real value ors value based an the re sponsibllltr of the inner. Gold has a red vane, avaltuithstnever • ceasea. Pa per has only a confidential value, depen ding on .the -credit • of the issuer, and cesslor with - that credit. It is quite sure that If the; Government mints to pay its dbbtlyit bas to pay them really; It has to elm the creditor an equivalent of real value; only this tan ; be called pay. aunt. , it is -understo od Bust when a debt is the. obligation is to an conk - slat ts . that so. when the ,Ponds are "redeemed in greenbacks ileonsequ2 in thln case the bonds am ill Zia p ot-pai d - d at all. It is absurd to say,llke, Stevens, greenback. are money, Ind the Government has a right to make , money out of metal. paper, leather, or whatever article it olcasm, If phe Government makes money out of pin.; it will be accepted withthe under stanollng thatit Is only a substitute for metal, beemee in the present stateof the general' finances 0111 V metal - has a real value as Money. When I give a person a check, he takes It with the implikostion that ho will melee the money for it; and °wink` to this. implication it can run through thousands of hands. It Is worth the sturtyrhich it calla fur by this impli cation only, and in the moment when. It - fs sure that this sum will not be paid for it, It looses Revalue. Bo greenbacks can • have no value, without the certainty, or at least the expectation, that they will be exchanged In gold by' that body which has Lamed them.. Conseqttently the pay tbe bends. In -greenbacks le an e gahrintre of one' promise for another, or of one obligation fin 'another, end In fad no payment at all, Illeatam this, the Government hes also a mmal duty tomS the bonds in gold. Althene;h time kende were not expressly contracted la be eemed to gold, they wine seeepted7ae anderstamding. 'rethink that MU p the Gove rn ment se well as an asp pgoisa It.. 111 _ ..• ..v.• . ,--,-- ..-,.. :.... f, ' ' ' ‘ 7 16 si . ______ : , ,, tv,- * , z ,.-% :. 1 . M.. ) , , , ,.......x..,...,,1 L-..,.. , .., . ,:-...., —,. -A A't• ~, / 1 111 UFf 7. _7 ~_ ---- ...:a 'P , ),. • - -\ ----..-_gir , 2-__ - -.------- - =---- - 5,_. , - _ - - -- 7 1---- / ,--.... FIST 'EDITION, ISM)NII3FEET. FROM WASHINGTON. Revenue Decision Concern ing It/Inroad Tama The Peruvian Minister Presented. Foreign Venial Treaties Arrange 4. Clemency for Condemned Fe slues Asked. lieporg Cosecirntng Passim& Official Cretan Advice.: War with harassed Vio lende Feimude Spy Denounced BF Tytuna to the iltubarglx tiaietis.: • - Wisirl2:o2es, 1%.:0V. 19, 1697 =vine* or moors. There was a review of the detachment of regiments stationed in the vicinity to day, on the grounds south of Um Execu tive mansion. ColOnel Wallace was in command. ' General - Emory was the re viewing oflicer.' - DECISION CONCEILIING RAILROAD EARN INGS. . The Commissioner of Internal Rove ane has decided' thattpc earnings of rail . roads,rwhen applied to improvement of Ns& beyond keeping them in average good conditien, are subjeSt to taxation. 'Puma LANDS =swop= SO *Mair. The Commissioner General of the Land ' Office has takeri'measurea for the early restoration to market ofthelandformerly withdrawn atthe 'Marquette Land Office, for the Portage Lake and Lake Superior Ship Canal. MINISTER. Senor Garcia presented his Credentials to the President to-day =Peruvian Min later. Speeches were made of the usual wrzamEns COEtNO ROOM. 1 . The United States steamers Wachns setts and Wyoming left Hong Kong; in September, for home. The store ship; Onward, bound for Japan, was passed at' Angler, September SOt. - FOREIGN.POSTAL TREATIES ARRANGED. Three postal treaties were arranged at the Postern= Department to-day, far transmission to the President for his sig nature -Whey embrace the recent postal conventions with the North German Union, Including Prussia, the Swim Con federation and the Empire -of China. OFFICIAL CRETAN apylors. . Cretan official accounts of October 20th ridicule the efforts of All Pasha to turn the Islanders from theininfiesible deter mination to become part of Greece, The Etonian, Prussian and:French com manders continue to convey non-oonr bantanta to Greece. - The Grand Vizier's remonstrances against this - are being treated by them . with contempt. The war Is being resumed with increased violence, and. will not close until alter the annihilation of Turkish rule. A. great sensation has been produced in Crete by the spirited manifesto of an American lady, the wile of Dr. Hill, American' missionary,- addressed to a certain Elizabeth Eautaxid, a Christian woman who was emplo3fed as a spy by the Turks. Mrs. Hill earnestly condemns the efforts of a Christian to betray the cause of Christian liberty by serving the Sultan of Turkey. PMISION arrracamorrs. The Commissioner of Pensions, at the request of an officer of the Treasury Department, has flunished a report shoeing the 'whole number of applica tions for pensions by 'remain of =ami ties in thole= war, hied prior to Novem ber llt, was 237,472- • Of this number a 19,028 have been finally acted .on, 67,0t5 suspended for additional evidence, and ,89 awaittnakaction in their order. In the army branch there were 1,180 ap plications for invalid pensions and 124,- 140 on behalf of widows, orphans or d the p r e e n :we n r t e 9 a , t 40 v 8 iv n al d a n p a p v l v a b d r i a o n n h and 1,004 on behalf of widows, orphans or dependentwelativeis . . . DASLAII 'WANT INDIA LSLAID.. The amount mentioned In the treaty with Denmark for the cession of the Dan ish West India Island to the United States is 57,739,000 in gold. Tile stories from Europe about Ilona of the Prencli upon these Wanda are without founds . CLEMENCY ASKED EOM CONDEMNED ME= The Secretary of state has applied Co the ➢rifled Government for clemency to O'Brien and MCOondon; the Fenfans wider sentenoe of death In Blanchester. CMS. tAtLET EIitpMADED • The workingmen to-night lied a torch tight procession. They paraded in large numbers with torches and transposer*. cim, and then serenadedGeneralgamael F. C a rey, member of Co'ngreas elect from the Second district of Ohio, who ackaowledged the compliment In a • .PeOh• FBZIE.TILLICSIT SONOMA. Correspondence from Mexico saps that President James has permitted the free transit of army stores and provisions to the military pests of the United States In Arizona, from the port of 6uyamas through the•ShiteOf Sonora. ASSIRTART TREASURY SE6RETAZY Hon. Edward .Cooper, appointed As getout Secreretary of the wanry, lu place of Chandler, resigned, will enter, upon his duties to-morrow. • L 013953 121 OEN. SPINNEteS BliftrAU The Retrenchment Cominittce has called upon Gen. Spinner for a report of all losses in Ids Bureaus since .Lis ap• CONOILTIOVIri .A.URICED So far about twenty Senators and sixty. Representatives have arrived. STEAMER y.f.TVIIZD." The steamer Ocean Ware ran upon an obstruction In the lower Bey. to lives OINCINNA.TJ /WI" , ipoanima/ Ititerginisatien. ter ?cleanse to uks Vuouraitthastts.l CLNCIIMATI November I:lo.—The re organLottion Of the Ohio and Ml atheippi Railway Company in complete . . The now board of directors comb& of: Wil liam Aspinwall, Joseph Walsop, Allan Campbell,Wm. Whitenright, S.B. F. Odell, Wm. W. Scarborough, Larz Andetvon, Wm. D. Griswold, Alex B. Locale,- John Ross. Samuel .Gaty. and Lewis B. Parsons. William D. Griswold was elected President, A B. Lewis, Vice President, and John lex W. Conlogue, General. Superintendent. The now cor poration have closed a settlement of all I difficulties with the city of Cincinnati, and hare secured all desirable accom modations In the city. PACIFIC COAST ArTINA3 MHOS 011teLerleillleallOOOS Of Lost neuipv - Teleglaph to the Clttsbergh UMW@ .1 SAN FRANCISCO, NoVeruber 114—The revenue cutter Lincoln arrived 'from Sitka last night. Professor Davidson's coast survey party were, passengers. The Sm Serpent, from Now, lOrk, ro ports seeing July IDith, In latitude' =St north, longitude 46,l west, a 'ship mix am! mast, partly burned, with ,top sad buttock shrouds attached. II bad the appearance of being in the water but a short time. • - • p. Tehtetehb to the rtiteteuth fissattth Bono's, Nov. 10.-The dwelling of Clutries W. Dabney,• at Jamaks Plan, valued at $1..,^ 000, was burned this morn ing. /0 was insured for 00,000. A hotel and stablea. in tipper t o g, ,111%, 8., kept by Sylvanite 11111, and a meeting house, wereburned this morn ing. ..iesposiable" earritass Amsted. illy Town& to Um ritiabanb Unsex. NIMATt*, Nov. 190--Two young men of highly reopeclable connections, nam ed William Meeker andadeb have been arrested on 'e charge of garrot ing a Mr. Beech and robbing him of val uables worth four hand Ted dollars. 4 NEW YORK, My Ts!min& to UM rtt drunk GatArtta.l NEW Toss. Nov.lll, 1867. FENIAN S.EXOB. rumor was „Circulated yesterday among Pentane that an attempt will be made to burn the British shipping here, provided the men under sentence eaten chador, thr shooting policeman Brett, are executed.' Pio Mrs OF ADOPTED CITIZEN - 8. A meeting of °Meets of the Irish. has ' ade was held to-night, to arrange prelim inaries for the meeting Saturday evening of:lrish, citizens, for en expresidon of opinion relative to the rights of adopted citizens travelling abroad, CHATWES AGAINST T 141.1 CDEPORATION cousin= . The Citizens' Aasociation haveaddress ad a letter to Corporation Counsel O'Gorman, chargingltim with neglect of duty, extravagance, patronage to friends at the expense of the city treasury, ad viiing against obodioncegto the lawtsid ing with halal officials in schemes dam aging to the city, and other matters of similar Import, accompanying the charges with detailed specifications, and, demanding explanation. AMERICAN SOCIAL. SCIENCE ASSOCIATION. The fifth general meeting of the Arno- HOSII Social Science Allsociation corn mewed to-day.. Hon. George Walker, of Springfield, Mass., was chosen chair man. Papers wore road on "The Chari ties of New York," "The Labor Move ment," and other topics of social and national importance. lion. David A. Welles presided at the afternoon session. A paper was road on ."The Advantages of Co-operation." PETERSON ADANDONME.i , T CASE. The. complicated Peterson abandon ment case was up again yesterday. Two witnesses testified to an acquaintance with the defendant, one having known Ihim to ho in Chicago in November. It s charged by the ,prosecntion that he was married to the WatntLfr in Montreal on the first of that month. ILLEGALLY COLLIVTEDEETMIut. The dieter' given In thernited States Court yesterday that a person who it ag grieved by the action of n Collector of Internal. Revenue, may have his aint against the Collector to recover back the money illegally collected although paid to the collector , and by him paid arm to the Government, provided the party ag grieved made proper protest in time. Ammucate ',CROONER ATTACKED HT rinsass. An American schooner at Jamaica, from New York, reports having been at tacked bir the eastern end of Hayti, by a small piratical craft, which, however, was repulsed. Two pirates were killed. . • Pm. xt.a.wtxr's tussles. A report save that Secretary Seward has sent Rov.Mr. Hawley, of Auburn, to St. Thomas, to point out the adven t-Tea that will accrue to the inhabits is if they vote in favor of transferring their allegiance to the United States. • "sari CIIABGE OF CAVA LAT.'' ' Meissounier, Bays a Paris paper, has sold-ills picture, "The Charge of Caval ry," for ono hundred and filly thousand franes, to Mr. Probasco, a native of Cin cinnati, who Intends presenting his col lection to his native city. nartatoso ACCIDENT. The midnight train front New Haven, for this city, ran off the track near Bye this morning, Mrs. Joseph Winship, of i Bradford, Vt. Mr. It. G. Watrous, of Now Haven, and Mr. Ledyard Bill, of 75 Front street, this. city, were injured. Senator Poland and family. of CL, were pamengers, but escaped without Injury. YOSMIT AT TDB GOLD BOOM. Colonel Mosoby, of the late Confeder atesrmY' visited it i t t e adth y the noii President O Room today ' an wee platforsq! ' stany members objected, and fora tithe great excitement prevailed. Tim President was finally sustaided. ARILSSTS FOE EMDEZZL/OIENT. Samuel B. Tobey, employed by the American Waterproof Cloth Comprusy, was arrested, charged with embezzling npwanla of SG,OOO. A brother, William IL Tobey, .UlTelltiOUNl himself, for com plicity. Both were released On ball. ~.E7Nls- T I.YANIAN AEUESTED. . A young man, named Rolla C. Lincoln, was'd, charged with having ob. Coined deeds by false pretences, repro setting property to the amount of $40,- 000 in Columbia minty, Pa. .11ESEECTADLF' DODD= AIIIIESTED. A YOunginan named Henry Stodker. of a respectable connection. was arrested for robbing tbo store of Taylor & Co, Beekman street, unto ~weeks ago, of 11,000 worth of.cutlery: • au r a - nos HEALTH ANDUCTeIiw.R.S. Judge Leonard delivered an opinion In ' the Supreme Court, In an action brought td 3. l; , t i nc ,s h r eris i ag t a i l. 4 ns e t n l n b i o n in td g et to u , l ll f t t a e n r tiody from Interfertag with their bud neasexeept for *dice inspection andreg elation. utttlF the.- co-es pending are heard and decided by the Courts. vsnpicr FOE DILEACII or rnosnsx. Mrs. Susan I. Condo has recovered a verdict for 10.,600 against Daniel W. Ter ry, for breach of promise. sinewnninge cnsw ARTLIVED. • The Britian bark, GerL Canfield, arriv ed t o- night from Coemmule Inland, Ilia doostar with th e oflicera and crew of the United States steamer Sacramento, lost on that Island Jane 17th. NEW CHOLERA CASES. • Four new cases of cholera, front the steamship City of Cork, have been dire covered. Six of the passengers remain Ins critical cousittieir. The remainder *resin a fair critical_ recovery. No deaths since Sunday. NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. —Senor Romero and suite received quite an ovation on arriving at Vera Cror- • • - —A gold medal !hi President Juarez, of Mexico, had been presented by the citizens of San Francisco. ' —Vera Cruz had sent aid to the suffer ers by the hurriame nt Matamonan to the amount of 510,000. • —John Mitchell designs to bring slat against Geul John A. Dix for imprison ment during the war. —The OeuskerCity,with the Holy Land excursionists, arrived at New York yes terday. --General Barry will take charge, of i , the proposed artillery school at Fortress Monroe, instead of going to California, I —The author of the opinion attributed to Stanbery is -Henry Sherman, of the Third Auditor's Oilice. •I —Weston. the, pedestrian, arrived at Cleveland, Ohio, at twelve o'clock Mon day night, and was to leave at half--pant two yesterday afternoon. —General Steedrnan and Mr. 'Blair have declined 'the War Unice, and Gen eral Thomas Ewing, of Ohio, is now spoken of. —Gen. Sherman is said to be - going to Washington to perform the duties of General-in-Chief during Gun. Grant's Secretaryship. —Thad. Stevens is determined tointro dace a bill to suspend civil Mike re while under trial for impeachment, quoting Constitutional authority fur It. . I I --General Imboden has tiled an appll- 1 cation for a writ of mandonnua in tho United States Ctrintit Court forbidding ' General Schofield end all other persons from interfering with him in casting his veto at any election, —A Washington. special says: Atter. ney GenMul Stanbery, denying the au thorship of the opinion attributed to hlm, says if be NM requested to give an , opinion to order ho would Immediately 1 resign. i- —A Committee of prominent Cinclu. nations, headed by Messrs. Bullock and I Dugan, are in 'Philadelphia examining I tho operations of the passenger railroad system, with a view of adopting such Inaprovementa asap valuable. , • —The testimony in the Impeachment I cue, given by Commissioner Rollins, to the effect tha: the changes In the Iteve goo ernes-re, for political re:genic have seriously lessened the revenues, gives great dissatisfaction to the President, the opponents of Mr. Rollins using Itsgairat Min for his removal. —The President, it Is said, , direct General Grant to cause to be mus tered out of service Gen. Howard' and Gen. Gregory, both of the Freedmen's Bureau. General Regularwill stillhold his position in the Army, but General Gregory gOO3 out of the service altogether . —Great interest ht felt inChicagoin the Duffey and Many prise fight, which takes place to-morrow. A large number of orportiok - men are there from New York, St. Louis mid other Om.. Mo. 1 Cools will second Duffey, while Oillaurvi arta for Bassey.. Articles have been as algae& by NicCoole and Coburn to fight on the th of May next, 'Within fifty Ix:Besot Cincinnati, for the oklimiO s a' of America and 'four tin:Masud do aside. ENIII, THREE O'CLOCK A. M NO CABLE DISPATCHES. MT ToleVaph to . ths rlttetnirsb Elasetts-) NEW Youx,:lioi. 19.—N0 Cable dla patcbas were received to-day. The land lines aro supposed 'to be doWn. • ALABAMA, Tom Weer*lrsestmk .1%. , re.111. 11 11 1 Pra . 1 .0 eomilss—litate Volostser litlusti— The Framable.* Que•tles. [Br Tslograph to Us Pittsburgh 0 . site.l MONI , 3O3ICRY, ALA., NOVe ber lit Ic the ReecnairnetionConvent n to-day the Oonunitteo on 3111Itla re rted an ordinance to organize a State oltlnteer, %Ghia force, subject to the mden4 of tho Governor. The subjoct of substituting the minor , ity report on the franchise question for the majority report was negatived— nineteen to sevonty-six. Tho majority re portwill bo carried. It disfranchises all e jrat t r o. w . ho mi d t . i e not Lot v e o o te n r. the ne m t mo t w o amtest negro ImM-ego hereafter, and not to maltreat any person on account of time past or present support of the United States Government or tbepolley of Con- In the night sees:ion of the Convention a majority rgireed `to strike out of the article on franchise that clause which disfranchbsvi all: ho do not vote on the now Constitution, NORTH CAROLINA, abilities la lialletsb nod Wlll=l.llogs. Cll7 mnsarara to Ms Wtt.. l R i kxxitar, Nov.l9.—The election passed off quietly In this city. The tiegrees be haved with the utmost propriety. Strong military and police forces were stationed at the polls and . parrided the streets all day. Abodt twelve huudred votes were met, mostly by negomis and MI radiad, with two exceptions. The whites will reserve their strength until to-morrow. -NOV. 19.—The election =red v ol e r ten g sv 'll e ' re ilY po . llAcruntmdfyotztion by unarms. One hundred and twenty-tive whites , voted against the Convention. The white vote in-morrow will be almost unanimously against tho Convention.. SOUTH CAROLINA. tieTheCeuvralloat ineetsm— Weals orals ledge Sr, NM* Quo Han. • Me Telegraph to the riltatorraik avettal Cll.llll.lgliTON, November 10.—TheCou vention elections in the State began to day. The vote in thin city for the Xon vention Is 2,4 bloolui and 43 whites. No votes were eastek,gainst it. Ml is quiet lathe city and State. The Grand Lodge kif South Carolina assembled to-day. Seventy-Ave lodges were represented. Grand Master One. Orr, inhis address, declared the condition of Masonry In theStritowas encouraging. Ho acknowledged contributions had been received from Masons at the North and West for the benelit.of the destitute. RICHMOND, VA Addries of Rev. liewmao 11•11-0111- Piro OrOared to Artillery Ifeboil. (B) Wee. It to Ott rhueer,O. limo. 3 Itteus* Newman Itoll, of England, addrmsed a crowd of three thouiand blacks at the African Church, to-night, The address was full of good advice, to forgot their past wrongs. and preserve peace to tbo future. Gov. Plerpont and Gen. Brown occupied seats on the Orders were received hero assigning the following named officers to the Ar tillery School at Fortress Monroe: MaJ. Gen. Barry; Ocimmandant an o d f the Post; Brigadier Gen. lloberts, Brigadier Urn. Wm. Irnye. -Four batteries of unit. hey are also ordered to the fort, UMW= Um Nordaree—lik Cy la A. swum Ab (ay Tel•zraph tothe In. tabargh livatta ) • Woncirstr.n, November 19.—Shep pan', the wife nmrderer, arrived here to-day, and was fully committed to await the action of the Grand Jury, which meets in December. , George A. Ransom, who has been- un der arrest for complicity in procuring an abortion upon Mrs. Cynthia A. .7.fewldn, causing hordeath, wan discharged to-day, there not being sufficient evidence to warrant further detention. Na phyla clan of this city is implicated in the af fair. To kg ClumpWs C 1.0404 by / 0 .6 Lay Teiegreph t, the rittsbargb (Waft 7 BURLINGTON, Vt., November 19.—The sadden cold weather of last night rapidly closed both coda of Lake Champlain. With groat difficulty steamboats from White Hall and limes Point made their way through the be to thin city. None will leave hero to-night for tho North or South. A large number of steam tugs and barges are frown In Sorel Myer and Champly canal. Thhi sudden and early closing ornavigatlon . serlocully of. recta the lumber business In this district. =2 tar mann:cite am nixerial BosTOX November 111:The 'steamer Cuba arrfr rs to4dribt. • Collector Rus sell, Tam T."Pleida, and othe,,board ed the steamer below from-the United States tug boat. Hamlin, . and upon reaching the wharf, accompanied Pickens to -the Parker Rouse. In ac cordance with Mr. Dickens' requeet, there will be no public demonstration. - NlTars Tress Owes [By 'Thrums Lo sus PlUsbuirl. Gazette.) BINGHAM - PION, November . 19.—The Susquehanna and Cberunrgo rivers; at this city, were entkirly frozen over daring the night. This Is the moot rapid freez ing known In several years. 1111101 Malt onwua DOZnsd (Dr Taleprapb ?Mob , r4h nmato.) MoutLE, November 19.—The ntemnor Onward, with eleven hundred bales of cotton, was burned - yesterday at Bello Landing, on Alabama river. No ltv. were lost. , . .ter Telogysph to tba Plttabor[h Omni , ] SLCVAILt, November Ift —The ()Aeon's - birthday was celebrated with the tumid festivities and ceremonial. Business was stunpended. saver Telegrams.. ' CH, Tglograph 1,111. Plttabargb fltate LOUINVILILZ, November 10.—River at a stand, Trlth three feet three Inches In STATE NEWS. —The liarriaburg Telegiaph nays: Last Saturday evening a boy, wholes name we did not learn, was drowns's' in the lock of the Pennsylvanlis canal, about one mile below 'Middletown, It appears that,ion leaxing a canal best with a piness . nt his band, he stumbled' and felt Into the water, and WWI not missed aunt late the came night. Ills body was recovered on Sunday morn ing.. ...A collision between two boats occurred . on :the Tennaylvania canal, * abort distance below Middletown on Sat urday. ~One of the boats wee sunk, and ' remained on the bottom of the canal on ' ill Sunday, when, through the exertions of severnlmen with the aid of pimps. die., it was raised to the carfare, and towed to Middletown, to remain until the damage,are nspalresh —On the evening of theist Intl., as two boys were fishing in the Susquehannts, some four nines above Wyalusing. they discovered a **pee in the rWer, which was afterwards reeognised esthete( Mrs. Jilecie, of Asylum. She had left home abodt two weeks before, intending to visit bee relativei in Winduaing town. chip, and heOsusband and neighbors supposed 140 was making her proposed visit, notll they received Wand-intent , genre of her death. On her way to the ferry, there fa a difficult point to lie It to thought she accident ally red fen whre down e the rocks, - badly bruised, Into the stream, where *hawses 11/01010Q —The Sunbury American says.—"On Friday let tnat-, John Whitmor, em. P10Y: 1 : 1 2 4.n the [nines at .the :Greenback Collie wee So severely blamed by the expl on of a keg of poirder that hodied ou the following Monday night. Iteeems be was preparing a charge, and the pow der wasgnitedb,y , aaparlsfrom his jump. lie leaves a wife, - Lancaster, on blondanies - t, come Germans were building a wall fora beer vault, - wised the girth slid and 'buried three of them— One wan Wiled, and two very arnionaly Injured:, • fire la the niouutarris within of ilartlibm, CITY MD 81111130419. Eitel:WlT& Robbelly—BOOS _ and Shea Mora Stotwesa or lasures ; nallstrfel potters worths of fassesta—ftleattate or the liargiars—TON prods IS OMAN ofrenoe”. An 'extensive robbery Was committed al the boot and; sloe . More of William McLaughlin, :Ifs>. 350 Liberty' absiet, Monday night, and yesterday, evening's two men were captured under airmen stances which leave no doubt thetdbeY are the parties who dill the Work. The robbery woo not discovered until Yesterday morning at the usual timilot opening the store. Mr. Enter, , an employee In the colkalk , , , lhilunenti upon ` going to the store in the Morning found a spike in the key hole Of the front door which, after some Gun,- he succeeded in extricating, opened' ttie door and entered. The appeeranelt_l the room gave Untnietakable mildenee of having been visited during thenight, and . -upon examination It was distfevered thalt about seven hundreddollans worth boots and shoes hod &sea tartish away. Further search revealed the uittne"lll which the burglars had effected- In trance. A hole was found behind the counter largo enough to sulutlt the lately era man, whigh had been niadeby sienna] of n brace and bit, and chisel, both Of winch articles were afterwards found in the enter, beneath the store. No evi dence as to who the guilty pieties were could be found about the estahlhthment, but they were .diacovered and arrested, nevertheless, ono of them having a pair of the stolen boots upon his feet at the time of his capture. On Wednesday morning of feat week William Johnson and George Wafters ' escaped front the eountyjail, where they hadiaeen 'committed to await trial' n a charge of larceny, an account of which *a published the Ibllosing day. Friday night following this escape it will be re membered that the Pork House of A. H. Laughlin was hurglariously entered, the safe broken- open and a number of valuable papers curried away, among which were several promissory notes ou different firms in the eity.• until the lime of this robbery no clue b ad born found as te the whereabouts of the es caped priennere, but a circumstance oc curred on Saturday morning, fi which put the oftloors on the track, and nally re sulted in their rapt rs. The watehnum at Browli's mill, corner Duquesne Way and Wayne streets, discovered two men eta very early hour lasiogin the ash pit examining papers, and upon hearing of the Laughlie' robbery he made the mat ter Known to the police, and hte'deacrip. lion 'rof the men led to the belief that they were the escaped prisoners, and they at once went to work to capture them. The robbery of the boot and shoe More • also ft:imbibed ;another clue to their whereabouts, as a gentleman who is engaged in the oboe business in this city and resides near (arty'. Run, informed the police this morning that there were parties In that neighborhood selling Name and shorn very cheap. Conkers Dreaslerand Moore at once started atter them - , and yesterday evening found them near Dirty's+ Run, and .Dressler succeeded in capturing Waiters without any difficulty, but John son broke and run, with officer Moore in pursuit. The chase was an exciting one, mad ended by Johnson running under a bridge about half a mile from where he had started. The thieves were brought 'to the city and, upon being searched, un mistakable evidence of their complicity in both the above named robberies were found. One of them had a pair of hoots on. which were identified be Mr. Me. Laughlin ' and the other tuella his pose w e.aion a pair of gaiter. which were also identities] as part 'of the property taken In Friday night. .t further search was made and inside of the lining of Wetter.' that were found two promissory notes In titer of A. 11. Laughlin, both of whirl. were an oo ng the-papers taken from the safe of A. 11. Laughlin ondoiday night. They were returned to their fanner quarters, end it is not likely they will leave them until idler they have been ,tried- . Chief Scott and °Meer Cupples last evening found a set of eurveyor's merle menu, in two entail bozos, one of which was marked "A. Milderstein, - Paseenger Agent, 1 Kent Square, Liverpool,'''' sup-. posed to have been stolen , and placed there by Wafters and Johnson. Since writing the abervt'. we learn that Mr. Smith, the Aselatant'Wardea. found in searching Wafters, a number 'of rev enue and 'postage stamps, a quantity of which were taken from McLaughlin's 'safe. Wallet Irby the Ibblyeren by lb. Ea ploallon—Volittaboill The Treasurer of the Finance Commit tee of the Young Men's Christian Asso . elation acknowledges the receipt tof the, follO m wing sus . donated for the re psef of the sufferers by theists , holier explosions, LIST. OF CONTIIIIIVITOICI. - - - • Amount fortlonslt reperl.4.- .... :_• 0 7 . 141 at Heymerf Bor . 3••• I:°° . .V 810w._..., 4. J.W W. 1. 10 Dn. j Ul 3- ~.. M potato*. .. lonalli:too . f • A $ 3 0 ! oats Tamp a • •. .lank 10•03 VIP Honor, Allrgbe- J. Is. I,Asoca. • 1 ISA ay s. T. d • 101 Alr. M it. I.sO C. W. liatchslor: 10 o'll. Coeloano.. 10 MI T. Card. I OM 4.llorrbscslSWA, M. Y. ao4dgras A •OE sad • aspi/ y IA 41. Tag, art .... 10/ Room No. Iv 11411111. Bran 110004110.. 10Co ' 00 ward. • (3. Magi 10.131 n MlloortbsJr 00 3c01.1.1n ...... I M 11. MeMrat... alO las liotlns•a 33 J. W. lonmatou.. 1 1 . Joa. Loln,ap A CO Casts Mai nd t1"1.7V:N r. "....t! mro J. /Laos M CMda.. . • ... oo • 1,01187.. s 10,LAWs 2SM VOtir 4.:'”`T,V;Pi!J.llk.: ..... SIB wf 7% Chg. Mo t M'Aotin ...... .. 4 • M. Kanallng Jamb Morro " .ry ' ! ft 3 73 K. Hamsey.... lOA Tlrrtle , l7. l lb o, e 3,' , • W I gAlasger... 03. Icrorenravlbs. • .1' CO 077. Gtorgls I 1 0 tsplor , 3.• S. Cash 1 yowler • Co.. TO a) Way. Nelson ...-. u PasUelf, Nelson 3 Bewley 03, C 0.... ' 10 CO M. Ilebalar- I MiCt•• Is in I M Jo n *000n• 7040 D. 33:JobItotb 40 ".e". 01,:iterrin" H. 4. z " Ct ;L Chu W.' - fib L. Ha ma. Yred DloWeb.... ICO . us: !Wender W old • 6.1,1 . 111 - Casts - Al 3 bare .. .......... 30 Arms • moon—. C• 1 tin 111:15, • . ~W. tem3 Ilsksoell • Mar- 1 WOris.ll. L. T. ' bos ;Ar • - M C I • ram t• 7"7 irud caPlofrsr• and —•.• IS 4 , Plabool, All , — 311 11 atso. el estwtsrlin aiie./!l'liestoZ.dtrog: 11010 . .•emisum. sop; D.1•1WM.1,y... m i f. ° l.,! ' 111 54 231 mrs. m tb, claSo •00 0' • nlerson, Cook I Her., 4.. W Co. uldLm•vine. ill own• 0 Malls. 7 1141Vrl ' esaberland ',Ash, Stesoptoll rresbytarlas & Co los PO PlttAberign M loo , orsea • fins Citrittl-n Cooper & C 0.... 41 CO CAbowb, Ante y Wismar. bodge , MAT.. J. 1111 g 37 0? 1.0 0 • An .offiiag fowl Br a weer th e It lillaren of dock, MnUm t, Me'. Cossrayals 113 Web ter at.. M mbool f.r •be Cobb 0 chi dr/ • wlO , . Hltewell Y Mar. lost th eir iatt - In the. 034 AM- er4 41070.• 1007 Cub ]•.b Taw,. tar toots st The above total embitiees all aubserip. tions paid to una up to 3 r, x„ Novomber leth. I wilt be at the rooms of thwAssocia thin, No. 23 Fifth street, daily, front ot9 101 A. at., and 2 to 2 P. az., to- receive any subscription , ' or contributions to this fund. W. 21. Cbsxxv, Treasurer Finance Connulttee, Itellet Fund. aolelds— " 'a • Coroner Clawson 'yesterday morning held an !limiest on the body of Thomas :denser, a Gorman,-,re iding at Mount Washington, who committed suicide by hanging himself Nonday evening. The deceased was about forty-five years of age, and has been addicted to drinking for "name time peal. On _Monday became mealto dinner, and After finishing the started oat, an 'bin wife supposed, for the purpose of working bin lot some distance front the henna Some hours elapsed, when his wifu went to theist and fouturthiit ho was not- there. She -then Instituted a search for him, and upon entering a nmull cow stable near the lemons wan horrified fromotg his lifeless body nuspended a rafter. Asalstance was summoned and the un forifinate man out down. The deed wee a delibernie orio• fIP titig PC:lento.] bod cord and fontane l one' - tad' of it to 4 railer, and, after. having tied the other end around bin neck, drew up his and, was strangled to death. The facts shore given were elicited at the inque4., And a verdict of death by betel& win. rendered by the- Jury. riff deeecood leaves A wife, end wen possenaled of some , property, Kicked b a IfereereDir. Browning,* farmer. Toddler betireen East Liberty and IVltkinshurg, - was kleUed bonie on Friday butt, &d Severe* In- - pared. Ws skull wee fnutured by the force of the blow. .Dr.Solvely,Of Titled street, woe sufaitoaed and has been ,st:. leodinglo the Injured man.- Alt4lxigb the Nusies are serious, there - are sttpfig .• bopt of hls ravver.Y. TSB COURTS. . supreme amps rreetteatage: , Tuzetur, . Nov. lil.—Present Judges Strong 4 Tilompson, Revd and Agnew. Dinsmore's appeal; Lawrence bounty. Submitted by•l3lcComlis for appellant and by 'Daylarbontra. Oliphant vs. Patterson; Fayette. Ar gued by Maine for plaintiff In error and 'by Patterson contra. Leckey et al. vu: Leckeytn administra tors; Fayette. Kline for. plaintiffs ih error and Campbell contra. Springer et al. vs. Trevor et al; Trnan , go. Submitted by Iliureock for appel- Bat, Shriner contra. . literfullin vs. Beatty; Fayette. Boyle for s plaintiff In error, Campbell and How ell contra, not heard. • - Harris vs. Richey; Fayette. Argued Cff Koine for 61th:dill - in error and by Bewail contra. • • Commonwealth :for 1111,0 ofIcall i ” 3 ". Boyd et aL; - Ftl'ette. Crunkbell for plaintiff In error, Maine contra Wells' appludiWalabbagton. Llamas for appellant, Watson contra. ,e Brown vs, West Salem TplP.. *incur. Horner's appeal: Greene. Submitted by Downey and Wiley for appellant and 1 by ilyphanan contra. e - Laullea appeal; Greene. Submitted by 1 Buchanan for appellants and by Purman contra. - John lileAtieltorb, F:sq., of Lawrence, Demotion a ll. B. M cCombs, Nag., and , Thsvid I', Watson, Esq., of Allegheny 'triunity,. ou motion of. David Wilson, teal., werortilmitted toltractlee, the Int tbr gentleman opmially to owe thecae )•.,f Wolbr appW." , -: • , . - " ' commies ffilsse—ertage starrits. 0 TIMM:m.I4 l•iovatuber 19.-Court met at (IL e usual hour. 7 ' s ' . ' On. Mallon oT ' Jetnts"Veschi Ecti. tort U. liirkpotrick woo duly admit. , t and qualified to practice law In this tt. 4111.satirth Morrie va. Joseph M. Dun can, guardian of Ruth, Ann, Welling ton Evan and Martin Morris. 'Verdict In Amor of kr 84 055 4 4 4 r . John Mc Whet Yar t. ohn 8. Lou. Juag mengooor ter 84 ,=. • •, W.ll. rryllchMidt. Ac tion/or (limeys, plelntitlle furnishing oil net ofa quality In accordance wit re wartnnty. - Jury out. ollowLng the trial hut for Ws day: ' John idchwick vs. Ono llartunt. 70 . . Lynch dr. Ca. An. F. Good. 80. C 0.1... Idce. Lackner va, Dr./. A. list ron. Alt t t. ram (ABro. vs. Paws All. A Malt. t It. 89. 'Mil Lull vs. Joint Rushanbeiger. 13.3, Margret. , -McNeill in. John Cald well. ,• 89. John Wallace vs. Prank Byers.' sit W. It. McCance vs. E. W. Gays. 80.;7f.. E. Towleif, vs. Roy. 1.. R.M(.4. Alsiy vt, 4 4Prios Hamilitta. 82.4 • IthrhaMlve. rt. J. W. Gofton. 1) 3 . Weis Long vs. Jos. S•ibert et at. W. Marish Powell vs. D. Y. hatch. • tot. J. Mc Routes. G. G. Smith. OS. Lewis A Richert vs. H. Darning. gsollseSeellosstims—smite stow.. Conk met Tuesday morning at th usual hours =I Burns, Jas. C.' Crawford, Wda Bunt hough.. It: B. Ewing, Charles 'Foster, Joßialt Gay, Georee . hearer, Caleb Lee, Jr. John Lealluat,-Juba 1). Bob)), Jamas Wilson and P. (re ported dead). hat been' regularly aura mooed amjuraru, but not baying attend ed, the hunt lrepoerd tine or tire ute dollar. upon each and' awarded attach- Thompson Bell, Wilson Halpin, Wil liam Catilungham„ . Joseph Spencer, James ILeCtme add Duncan Jurors, answered. to their names on flea cell, but fulled to answer when called on n Jury. • thie Court therefore ordered the Clerk to "dock" them the awe* pay. =I • The tirst esisogalled tarr ma Mao( the Commonwealth en. John W. Pittoek, In dicted for libel on oath of Daniel O'Neill. in the publication of WI article in the Seiefoy Linder.., of April at, T. M. Marshall; Rig, appeared for the de fendant, and dteorn. Robert% Brown; Kirkpatrick and Moreland for the prime-, notion. The defendant put in n plea of eoile contoiderr, having inview the rut , In of the Conrt hi the former twee in which, he ivam emicometl. Mr. Rehe.rta then asked that the elVie of the Commonwealth vs. James 11. O'Neill, also indicted for libel on oath of Daniel O'Neill, be called up. Ito said the , witnesses for the prosecution were pre sent, amiss they, were nearly ell con nected with the,presli of the city, it was desirable that they should be relieved from attendance at Court as soon as pos sible. District Attorney Duff stated that neither the defendant nor his counsel were present. Ono of his attorneys solo absent In consequence pf sickness, but he did not state why the ether was not present. Judge Stowe elated that if one of The defendant's counselled been pre sent, he would have been inclined to or der the trial to proceed, but under pre sent circumstances it would be deferred. The trial of the case tray then postponed indefinitely. - • I= Lewis and Adam Dduut were Indicted for assault and ilattery, on oath of John Ig elmi a T parties garail m a y lio , ti tu a t ttdtd not appear that tiny great lainry was Inflicted. The Jury bound Louis Daum guilty. and Adam - Daumnot guilty, and aaded, "It Is one or those tri al:lg eases that should never be brought Into Court ". The Court heartily eon. earned in the "trillion" suggestion orthe jury; One • remedy wag to . impose a heavy tine upon defendonta es a punish mom for Mitmakingelforts to settle such I ensesbefore the magistrates, whore It appeared no curb efforts bad been made. Frequently by payment of costs, and a reasonable c mpensatiou to prosecutors, when Imitated upon; such eases would go no nuttier than the magistrate's office, and toe county therefore not be put to tho expense of trying them. The reme dy, however, would not be applied In this maim Defendant, Louis Daum, was contoured to pay a Ancor fifteen dollgra end costa • F • Joseph Johnston wailndteted for ma licious mischief #n el - swaging n carriage belonging to Comilla. ONeill. Vlir; diet not guilty, Johnston and each to pay due-half tho costs. • =I lohn Burch, Edward Lane and Wil liam Anderson wens Indicted for riot, on oath or George Bauman, tavern keep er in Stowartstown, Staler township. The riot was alleged-to have taken place on ties evening of the 10th of July last, the defendants entering the house hatted, breaking a tumbler, and acting otherwise disorderly. They were ejected, after some fighting, and when outside, they threw clubst, stones; Q%; , through the windows and against the doors of the tavern. On trial at adjournment. ==l OPERA lloups.—Miss Julia Doan con tinues to draw large audiences at the Oilers House, and as her engageruentter rattuttesiilaturday, tho house will doubt less be riowded during the remainder of the week.. To-night she appears in the characters of Laura Falrlle and Ann tatherlek, In the "Woman In White; or, The Four Vfidons' , which Is told to be her. stronghold. Wo would therefore re. onatuotiti those who desire to• see the niece to secure thelr seats early... VAIIIETIPATILEATRE.—MILIINVITS MEI hams and Jefferson aro ea vigilant no ever intheir ellorta to rondur the tine a pnpulair,. place of amusement, and we ore please&to see that their enerfit II being properly rewarded. The attPlo. Pons for the present week aro numerous and will douhtlose draw crowded houses. CITY Ils.r.u.—Tho Iftmth ZonfiveS fin name° the first grand ball for Thu y evening, the :biting. The manage ent of the affalr has been entrusted to,:lhe hands of gentlemen experienced Minch matter+, and th e public may rest assured that nothing Avill he left undone 021 9 1 to ted to make the affair a pleasant one. An. nosesi Nen 'rho world is not altogether made up of those who would defraud their Iseiel' 'born, for °emotionally' luataneca of hen :May fall smiler the notice of the least casual observer.: A, lady friend, while shopping in Allegheny City a day,oll'6l ulnae, lust ono hundred !Mitten In green bacta 011 YOUiiti he'iscAvertitted the fact In the Gazorin, and vesterday received the money from Mr. 1. Meru, tyro, of Alleghenv,.who had, in eon. temporary, ahnultortomply adyertlaed alai Muting. Of eourso he tilt Insulted at an offer or reward,. end - perhaps, we °dead byi lug publieltYld btu bounty, Put Inas eh as tho , muse gentleman pure l ;sed t wo rm's . abort Urea p al rptaKa r il ' i t g _ ur iofly " ribUirtid'ldt= whietoptad pundoFtroel, that hist ample *Mudd bo need aic an Intently's' to iiPheztY onlll°.rlFikerl*4)Ph, • are,firlor obligagons to the tal ented eillior'Of ilermon neighbor be Volkablatt, for favors received. Popes Mtego A WEDDLSO Wilhelrnina liiaumbaugh yesterday made • infoonation before Alderman Humbert against John Nellherhayen, charging him with' affiliation. Tho par ties aro Germen,,haiing but recently . come to this country, since which, it ap pears,_ au lath:Racy of undue character has existed between 'them, which wale attended with Its natural results. The Information Wee made, and after a bear ing the defendant was held to bail fertile appearance it Court; but being unable to procure the required bail, the unhappy swain came to • sen(es, anti. the lady being agreed to compromise the matter by a matrimonial alliance, concluded of the 'two °vile to choose the least."' The ceremony was performcd the Alder man, and the happy pair left the Wilco apparently contented with the new con dition °refrains. ECM= • Jemiot Flshcorn made formation yesterday, before Aldirman Humbert, against Charles Harney, charging him with assault. The deponent keeps a drinking Saloon near. the. Point, and it appears that the defendant went Into his establishment and demanded ,whi.skev, which was refused him, " when be made an annul! on hint .with his cane, and was only prevented from striking . him by some men who happened to be In at the time. Ile was arrested and held to hail for his appearance at Court. I= John Murphy, an employee at Shoos barge?e iron mill, yesterday made In formation before Alderman Taylor, against John O'Brien, afel low workman, rimming him with assault and battery. Theparties quarreled,' and the defend ant knocked the prosecutor down. A warrant was Issued for his arrest. James Barrett' yesterday made infor mation before Aldt Lien Strain against Patrick and Ann Fox add liars. Glinn. charging them with assault and battery. partreare e the residents of that peare f.ol iormlllY Point, and it appears kayo been quarreling with each other for some time past. On Monday oyening the matter terminated in a general tight, In' which Barrett was considerably bruised and beaten. Warrants were issued (Sr the arrest of the accused. Mary" Ann Shaw made information before Alderman ItleMtutors. yesterday, against Henry ter assault and battery. She alleges that Miller 'ante to tho bowie where abe was staying and demanded a silver cup from her, vetoed at six dollar.. She, rerused' to comply with his demands, whereupon he knock ed her down and took the cup out of her pocket. she also made information against him for the laiceny of the cup. Warmnta worn issued in bath cases, but Miller is eon at, haviag lett the city on important business. ti17111721r OP TUE' PEACE. Moo. Sarah A. Men, or Shaleryille; yesterday made information before Al derman If °Mestere; nst William Li t tleha les, for surety of the alleging that he threatened to do her bodily harm A warrant was issued for his arreb ILLVIAL LIQUOn Bate Matterly 'yesterday made Infor mation before Alderman McMasters, ft!i ust Mary Connor, charging her with Ing liquor without license. The de 'l. ant woo arrested and alter a hearing win held to bail In the sum of ilia lam. tiro dollars for his appearance at Court, InStefault of which oho was committed tot All. ..... LARCENY la - mu t.v.E. Ana Robinson made Information be fOe Alderman Taylor yesterday, mvaloat Ttrinto Malcolm, charging her with- tar ty by bailee. The prosecutrLa alleged the defendant had anarthdo of cloth i*g, in hoe possordon, which belonged to r, anti that she refused to glee it up. e defendant was arrested and upon is IM . aring was dLsmissed at the en4t or the .., Proseculrlx. , . it. . CO'NNFIRACY. , .. Samuel Xrcpps, tai farmer,bonest" estenlay appeared • before - Alderman °Masters and matleinforMktionaolnst Vllliam Longstotie and John Kramer, lathier's, on St. Clair street, charging hens witia...slonsplring tit cheat Roads iltraiid him. -Ho alleges. that he went into !the storekopt by Hem and purchased a ' , e suit of clothes for twenty-four dollars. Ho have twenty-five dollars, and asked for the change. 'when they refused to ' either glee him 'the change or let him ;have the klothes, unless he would pay ten dollar* more, alul when he rehtsed to do so,