THE DAILY. GAZETTE, TMILI3M9 ' =U{l' KMLNIXO (oinreuTs i=amb.) - IMrIgInt&PC'REEDir. " . I=reig.riitotOrtsir 74. rsirmintax, r'id`lio%°L sollAII13110„ BnabtellrApers 011101. fiIAZIVITE BUILDING 114, inn A 6 FIFTH STB/116T. Wag tepilitaa Pqa 41 Tester' Pansilnis: OPPICLL PAPWR nr .A.NT . ALLEGMBEY CITY. LAIO.IISM____ , 7BRAPSPP .Is o ' iffej. PAWL} +BasCpArzaACIAL PAPS : Venn nrz.snaT: *** -" ........... .."It'' MAGI Seems, n, per rear....• Address. - GAZETTE. PITZSDIMGEr TENT?". 4 2 tittAlUrgii eaa* THE NOMITIAIIOIO, Mks Repialama Gitx CoiTention yea tetday . plsevd. Li nomination the follow jor ..VolioJoax W. RUMBLE. 'For rreantrertlf. C. IicCAB.TET. 1121% ContraUer—Jorm 140.1ut00. -Per 6olieiior 4. F. „Troint W . RIDDSLI, EIRA Our . Candi- date fcm Mayor, za Tory generally Imam :akienghant the city and comity, having eacimpled the office of Assistant District :Altman , for. a sense of years. Mr. - .lanolin la bu(thirty•eight yams of age ' and may %alumna 'among oar self made man. 'Nearly a gnarl& of a leitnry ago he' wait thiown on his own remain:ma and :found a eltnition in the Gszarrz preen 'room aa fold boy at ecrentyflre cern per week. : Pmessed of indonnta. tdo Capra .be rapidly prighed himself Torwardin the estlicustlini' of influential friends and obtained an appointment 4, =highly:km in the navy. Thein flQ Mon ..which led him to see.„-,. idy nce , 'lesq;f 7 oisr bumble Pc:llion in the Guirrne cab:4ll3==mb Caused him to iagign.:hig pia= IP, the navy' and return hisfittiburen to embrace: the legal nrofeggim. • Ho entered tho gel= of the, late lamented Hamm 73. Naftali', Egq., made vupH advance run= lab= ghillie!: and. Passim a credit able amminatlon wu. duly admitted .to Praldm h the various Courts of dile ghany county. Muting the term of JeuriClL Hiarrkratar, Esq., as Dietrlet latorney,. lir: Einstr.m. acted as Ids as- 'which capacity be displayed rare legit aunty. Under , the recently enacted laic creating ttto offiw of disistant District Itttorney, Gorernor Giant ap- pointed Mr. R. - to tbo position, haying been urged to do so by cumbers of the letaltthternity. and the waited Repwbli• empress of the atyl We feel that the eelection 'ads gentleman, will b. re . 'valved with ratiafaction, and that he will be tedudtedleto the °nice for which be _ . ,basteen need:anted by ' the Republican City Ceraiestion. • With his legal epe . riate naccatrwledge be cannot fail to sinks 'tut chief executive- Ikß;%Trensurer, Hon. Wrtaxan. C. 311POssixerr, the present Mayor of the .city., has been pat forward. That he is vutlltiedfor the discharge of the duties pnitaitdricto the office none will gain say. HIS fa: ameba management of the • -adze of the Mayor's Office recently ap• peered in &highly favorable light In his report to the Controller wherein it was atioint t tha le hid pa id into tho city trealet*tenthoniand dollars more than arty Othia predecessors for &correspond ing period. Melectedi the Wizens can depend upon bins proving an honest and capable officer. • • Jone:McOsr.oo, Esq., has been re nemlnited for the °flee of Gimtroller He has hold the Wilco for several soc a:min terms, and has, invariably dis charged tis Important duties in such a man= arto denionstrate hie fitness for tlooposition,;.• Ere to deservedly popular !id' the tit?ie 7 44.44ertagriZER.,the atedidate for CUT Attorney,, at present holds. That OffiCei mid ill nomination is bat a fitting acknowledsmoent of his past services. THE wAn OF rAcEs If a warofraces la possible in this coon: try, thewidtepeoplain the South will cer. tand jammed in creating one. By their own free 'chaos they plunged the coml. try IMO' enti, in defence of their asserted right to canythae institution of slavery to ,nseu place protected by the dunerl ear. lig. By their free choice they re fused teliy;slown theli„erms to prevent ecutsescigetlon. - BY their own free choice ;they reftused to treat the emancipated with common honesty, or to be restored the., Union on the just and.casy terms imposed by Congress. By their own free choice they refused to register and, vote, and now that thb negroes have the political power they attempt to revenge Ito arialse by refusing them work and the means of living. They coat. a col Italia, with the nape bylvery means, sektrytje Wr ng. the old colorrphobia of the North, that In this collision the power ofthe government may bonnet against the government allies.'" The prefer Wester terminate these .victims to their injus tice, intiely than see them in the enjoy meat of their freedom. . They are so inured to 'scenes of violates .that they otan*iamment to. live without m clui el ' rp whom they an exercise their faeezeres . oodoes, 11 Congress would i d parent rito akiathiat thee nem by continuing to held him amenable to the old slave code, they Would consent to the =maid eimatelpatica Mit; etherwins, they a% thrtroi the lves across any pled 9r land call upon Neethei r 'peedarentit arsaverthe white roue; feont tette . etittallty: This they have done with such measure of success that game emboldened 'to such course towirrlpse, freedmen that there Is 'mini! nest .7Mkger that patience may be ex turetherentihso driven to retalistion; whon`thillittstramts Is to begin. Let not . Northern eten forget that the "thorrortof St..„ Domingo" Were invited by thentteapEto re-enslave men Made free Ins rebellion: . The white planters of the Island rebelledapinsabe French governMent. This emancipated the slam and called there to its standard. "neelt the Yelelheit was put - down, It made filenda 'with the rebels and joined with theater re-inudive ita allies. Will the Ameeican government re coact that chapter of mesnrces and injustice, and : thereby invites similar result? COM7ENnON The 9estir. In common with the Rebel Mesa In general, shows Its goodtaste In ridiculing the Alabama throstittakeud Oonnention, calling its =alba* "buck nigger's," A.c., de., but the following resolutions show that that body intends far above the Consenutive press In good . scare Ind magnanimity. These resolution, were adopted by a strong vein: . Resolved, Th it a committee on recto; sal of disabilities, to consist of thirteen lar.mbers; besppihated by the Chair, to whens;the members of the Convention shall mew the names of mch disfran chised parsers es Wm aided and are aiding la mond/wain the civil gov ernment of tbeStste in accordance with the laws of Congress, whichnemea shall be ose. reported to tide Convention before its clo . Railed further, That mid conuiltUm be instructed to prepare a memorial to congress upon the abject of the remo• tat of &abilities. If this Is the way in which "buck Mg. gers" yme political power they are car= to a eitet'ind peaceable element in I , the body politic - The body of run-ca pable of this modenttion and magnitude must be a credit, not only to their race, but to the race Ickwhich we all. belong. This grretipmmlas that the negro will not disappoint the highest hopes ot hie best—friends, and that Reconsentellon will 80 far progress this coming .winter as ,Ao male the "great reaction" a mere •sake . .i.hought. Of this Convention the Mobile Trains elegantly:says: . "To-day the outlaws sad ragmunial of '. - ip. }, ~ 1 • ' LX ',EXIT. . PI lIIMIZI VOLUME -- Matinee - meet in convention at Mont gomery..; It there was still law in'' the laud; the penitentiary st . Wetnnipka would be wi ll place of inert Mt as it is, they will assemble iati Cilititol at Montgomery. Pope and Sway= de serve to.benrOwned with corn cobs for lineable and emeplete manner in which they have carried out the wishes of their tautens, comprising the ,Ramp. Not only have they shackled and gagged the State, but '.they have loaded her back with a pack of creatures who, •it they were turned toose in the Zoological Oar deaja, would let the very 'giraffes and hippopotami to laughing. There they sit like terrapins on an oldlog Ina ll pond—Calling themselves a Conven tion." ANNA DICKLNSON UXPLAIN'S We have already published the para graph setting forth hon•the falk Anna I:0; bad blotted not Pin signature of. Ole President of hot country from the vial tor's register of a national school ship. , In a lecture ar Boston lase week she thug; explaina her . rtule, rash conduct, F.l,e said: "Jtsl Mere I want to tell you a.little stOry u a matter of self-vindication here In Boston, for I lore lts people we ft , even if the itdrertiseris pabflaked here. (Tu multuous applause.] I lett •,Y= better than ever. I find daft Wire la a story %%IT= of the anda Lev! Bun day ot so ago I went down to the School ship under cover of my good and long tried *kcal Judge Bp and that then and there I took violent ponettston of s book which I knew to te the property of the Commonwealth: or of Captain Mathew'. (I will tellyon for the benefit of these who may be.= ignorant as not to know, that this gentleman is the Cap tain of the ftehoolardp)—and I took vio lent possession of thin book attd a ft er magnificently. penning my oitnname, intending to insult both the Captain and Commonwealth, marked out the name of Andrew. dolmans, which I found upon another page.. The aaual statement of the case ia this:' That going down to the Schoolahlp and having a pleenent morn ing there, a little while before I left it, the teacher of the chip handed . me an belonging to Mtn. I wrote my acme therein.' Turning . over the pages, I came to one soiled by the name of Andrew Johnson, and holding my dry pen In the air, made a - little playful flourish over it, when be (whom I sup pored to bo the owner of the book) said to td "If you will mark ttr en across t hat with ink it will ad d grea p tly to the value' of the book;" and I doing what I supposed would gratify a man, supposed to, bethe.owner of the book, did to Andrew Johnson's name what the whole loyal nation would sladly do with his infamous record and. himself—blot It out - [Applause.]'Bo inncliterthat. I wish the man was an molly ended WI his name was in that ease; and I believe, nay, I know, that the great mites of the loyal people in the country say. Amen] to toy each desire." • NEWS BY M/MGRALPIEL . —Ex-itiayorGordd, of Rochester, Y., died yesterday of apoplexy. mall advion, report the death or-Slarnhal O'Donnell, of Spain. —Shepherd, the Worcester, 31ass., wife murderer,. wee captured In Canterbury,' Conn., yesterday. - -=lDispetches from Flamna steto that St. Domingo city hug been destroyed by an earthquake. . L-Serett aback.% of an earthquake were felt at Klu,Taten.; Tamale; lon the 11th az4L.4th.fnetattt. '-At. San , FramMlea,„Cal., yesterday, Om cornet , atone of the Parker Mono ment.trea laid by the Odd Fellows' Com- —At Memphis, Tenn.; There were thir ty-eight interments for the week ending noon. Saturday, sixteen of which were from healthy{mllow fever. The. city is unusually =ln the snit of the State of California against thosteartusbin Moses Taylor, for forfeitures &Mounting to $76,000, in fail urn to 'Asian passage tickets, Judge Saw yer- decided the stamp act unconstitu tionaL . —Proihiont Cabral has issued a procla mation fermally.donyhig the report that Santana, or any other portion of the Do mimic:an territory, has ~ • .en mold or part ed with to the United - State% to aoy er any foreign-power. • —The Treasurer's office ,in Galatia, Davis county, Missouri, was broken open on Sunday night and ribbed. of four thousand dollars in Davis county warrants and Bay-five thousand dollars in greenbacks. :Igo clue to the perpetra- —At Roxbury, .Mass. early Sunday warning. ,1 1.3.rge establlLMentrused for manufacturing phosplude limo and bone manure wee destroyed by fire, in volving aloss,:ln stock and machinery, of ~,1 00,000. on_which.there,was an In. =nee Of $30,000.. 37. L.,Bradloy. was _ - . . -Although-It is denied that M. Stan _ bery wrote the opinion hpanstthe roan fumbling of Congreae tide months It is knoWn, however, that the article came from the Attorney General's office,. and thutit redacts the views, both of Statibery and 'llr. Johnson on the sub- —At altietHlting of the Northern Michi gan Railroad Company; held , yesterday at 'Detroit, the following gentlemen were elected direckara of-the Company: Hen. Erastua Corning, Albany N: Y; General H. IL -Baxter. Rutland, Vt; Thomas Swynaid. liamilton, Ontario; Nathaniel Thayer. Boston; : Reny S. Wells, New York; E. Z. ard, Detroit; Henry IL Crape, Mink; lien. •Reawell kart, Rochestar; Orlando M. Barnes, Mason, —The "muster out" of Major General Sickles (says a imitate]) leaves him with the Forty- his lineal rank as Colonel of the Forty- Fourth Infantry (Veteran Reserve Cotps) and Brevet Major General in the Rep lar Army. His regiment is stationed in Washington City. and if he should be assigned to duty according' tohls Brevet rank, he would be In yery close proxies. ley. to hie Excellency. - It is probable dial Coogress will call ,for the core's pendants. between • the Prealdeut and General Sickles.on the subject of the lat. tar's application for a Court of Inquiry, which application was denied. —lnto correspondence from Jamaica states that there was fear. of another no -Erre riotous and revolutionary outbreak. The pariah of St. Thomas, In the East, is threatened. On the present occasion, as In the case of the former - rebellion, there are es many en four' bnodred negroes disciplinod according to military prao. tico, and ready to take up arms. The Protestant Reetor_of St. David Parish, has Been already admonished by the leaders of the colored force. 'A' great panic exists all odurthe inland in conse quence. The Government and execu tive officers are on the alert. - The white population-1s seriously menaced:.. —ln thenAlabasna Iteeenatruction Cort i ventlo fiattarday, - a resolution was slop .by: fifty-seven to thirty-three, instru ng the - proper connititteta to change e names of all new counties, croated t the last sessionef theLogialt. I tore, were named in glorification of rebels r after those who participated in It. . rwards, nn ordinance to change the 1.111 o of Colbert county to Brown low w tabled-16 against 12. Tho com mittees n several parts of the Constitu tion re oriel. The officers of the Ear -cativo Department are to consist of a Gove or, Lieutenant Governor. Secre tary of State, Auditor and Treasurer. The Auditor to hold calico for four years, the others for two years, all to bo select ed by the people. The Governor only has been elected by the popular vote hereto .re . CANADA. . 'Forty nest Tikes tyre- game Iners sts wed Mae. Wife man Two CUlldren Perilb lb the Pluses. CB Ta graph to to. ristbauvallssesta.l Mo. REAL, :inv. l&—The ferry boat, St. Marie, took fire in the; middle of the ~;. river oin Saturday. The boat mated the , dock in time to laral,the passengent. .. Another fire took plate at michnght in a T he wooden home ShawFarqv street. ' The occupants, 31r. and his wife, with tiro children, were burned to death. An incendiary attempt to burn the honse of tt i deputy Mierlll, yesterday, wail belOre any._materfal dam age:gle. ITrdihveen t w. e al e l x e t r r e l ' a m v e e ySTbro r h s ferry best l hoe reu s r w e e. d a dr uhe nn'lll4Pie, Nov. IS.-11o y John Roan Wzt appointed moister of Finance. Ong, has b., FIRST EDITION. MIDNIGHT. PItILADELPIEIM Ttie Taelk Deferrimi rttptettt t t(taz.tte Sy rgtellleant Atlsz Ile Line PuILADE rulA , Nov 18,1937, In the Court of Quarter t3tesions, 3. R. Ludlow, Arisectate Judge, W. Mann Diattiel Attorney, Ilr. L.S. Cued day called the attention of the Court to the cave of the 31e,ars Tack% the hearing eta writ of Mecca corpus taken out by them having - been fixed tortilla morning. Ito said the hearing had been fixed long before It was proposed to try the hotel aide cases. The . protemitor had given out that tit aid not intend to ht litre on the 16th, and, it WOUttlitem, he could so trine with the Court es to cause the ad , Inlnistration of public justice to fall IMO contempt. One of the dttandarth'iii Bert from Pittsburgh, at a great jI ecunl ary toes to himself, did while these gen tlemen, the 3tr. Tacks, were anxious to have a bean-Big, the, proieitntor ReOMOll as desirous of preventing it. Attorney General Brewster said that in addition to that which his colleague bad elated, he desired to my that tilde was a civil eastliitirhad. The District Attor ney was the prosecutor in this use here, mid the counsel for the prosecutor m the civil branch of the Court, pnd be there fore objected to any intervention on his part to delay the bearing of the writ. The Messrs. Tacks felt they had a right to tel heard on the writ, asst - was preju dicial to their business to . have the use hanging over them, while they wore sub jectedLo the expense and trontf.eot trot-- cling hero. The prosecutorevaded any expense by not coming here,. and spoke as though he could control the hearing at his pleasure. Mr. Mann thought the Attorney Gen eral was at the head of the law depart ment of the State, and had no right to complain of the District Attorney being counsel in a civil emit. . Mr. Brewster replied—You must re collect that the law has stripped my office of all criminal Mitten, and left only tho citilliMneh to me, . : Mr. Mann desired to say that the hom icide cases had been preparing for ,ome time, and the time for trying thorn bad been fixed for over a month. 'I he wit nesses were now in Court, and ha was reedy to proceed with them. The wit nesses in the Tack ease were not in Conrt; and consequently that, caw could not bepraieeded with, If it wan desirable to do so. Judge Ludlowsaid he would tale up the 'tack C 11.40 on Monday morning next, at ten o'clock. The defendants were pressing for a hearing, and they were en. thledto it an early day. An must under eland that this caso will be heard at the time now fixed, and that all other bath, nets of the Court - would be net ailde tbr the hearing of the.eame. WASHINGTON. Ttlesrepli to the Fitubursti Dieette•J WAsumo - rox, Nov. In, ISM'. IstrEAcinlieNT REForan. The House Committee is in full sm tdon to-day on this subjeet - of - their re porta in the impeischmentease. TICE staliATT CASE. • • There is no prospect of another trial of John IL Surratt. It may possibly 'take place in January or February. JEFF. DAVIS. it la aseertaine. from en official sours) that Jell. Davis will be tried on the In dictment now pending. naTorre - rsoic : '74.tuz.Acar. The Navy Department has received frotn Admiral Farragut a report of his reception at Plymouth, England, and subsequent arrival at Lisbon. He has everywhere been greeted with the !creat e:sit kindness and courtesy.' • SECRETARY WELLES • • Is still improving, though he is not able to leave hie bed. CONGRESSDEN ARRIVING. Members of Congress continue' to ar rive, and there is a prospect of, a full at , attendunDlin both Houses on the first day of the session. Speither Colfax reached Washington to-day. sTANDERy's DENIAL. Attornoy General Stanbery, has pins lished a card denying that hens the an.: Bier of the article affirming the illegality of the extra session of Congress. -The article *aa signed by his hence the mistake.. . [UTERI . OFFICE. The Commissioner of Patent. will issue three hundred and thirteen new patents for the weekending Friday next. During the past week one °hundred and seventy-11v, applications and sixty-five caveats we're tiled. miLITART ORDER". Maj. Gen. A. J. Smith, Colonel of the Seventh Cavalry, has been granted six months' leave. Bro Vet Lieutenant Colo- ' nal hi. W. Smith, , the Twenty-fourth Infantry, has beon'assignad. to duty Sta Aid to - Major General Terry. Brevet Colonel C. 13. Gravm, of the Thirty.fourth Infantry, boa been assigned to the mime duty. NEW YORE, 'Z'klorapb to FloAettrgo NEw. Yam:, November 18, en CUBITY FOR FERRY YABAKNOEBS. Tllo,l3ourd of Councilmen of New York have adopted an ordinance,' compelling ferry companies to provide draw gates at the ferry houses an aerurlty to the Byes of passengers. Herrn:gem, • Benjamin P. O'Key was seofenced to ton'yearß bathe Penitentiary for am berating a letter In thePostoffice: David Stein; eighteen months in the Peniteri -bury, for attempting to bribelthe keeper of a lionded warchoute ; and hfolCnight and Wilson, who attempted to rob the store of Brooke. Bros., to four years and six mouths In the State prison. • RUICIDIC OF A BOOK ICEMER. M "'sea J. Moses, bead book keeper of the New York Countv Bank for eight. teen years, comtnltteaanicido thismorn tng. lie was seventy years of age, tins no cause in yet assigned for the act. KURDEIL IN BROOKLYN. John Muller was murdered In Brook len; Sunday morning, during a quarrel. throe mon were arrested on suspicion. • sTABBIZM AFTAIIL , - • A Germanachooltoorher named Haile heimer stabbed three mon in. Williams burg, Saturday night, In an altematlon about the orthography of the word CIIOLES2I. TA.II9ENOER9. The cabin p tuniengeraof, the steamship City of Cork, which arrived with cholera In the rdeerage, wero a ll owed to come to the city yesterday. PULED. sun EVI[01".1 Admiral bahlgren , sailed , for Furore Saturday. SE2ITENCED To DE 111^q. Thomas Watch was sentencedlo be hung on the fid day ofianuary, at -New ark, New Jersey; for tho murder of Patrick , • - Az.tzmmw ===l = Motoramtrai, 'November /B.—ln the Reconstruction Cimvention, today.' an Ordinance was raised to a third reading appropriating Silty thousand dollars to pay the °Meets and members, who aro to receive eight dollars per diem, and' eight dollars mileage for every twenty miles of travel each way to the Capitol. The Committee on Taxation reported a section to the ,Constitution providing that all taxes chair be assessed in exact Proportion to the value of property, but the Leglalature may levy a poll tax of one dollar and fifty coma, to be applied exclueively to the sthool fund. Ordered to be printed. The franchise question was discuased until adjournment. , V ==l===l HALIFAX, November 18:—Thentelmar Chbe, from LErerpool, arrived this morn log nod meth:,oo,llly rollod for Bosloa. Charles Dickens la a paseeager, SHOIII EDITION ftke...cp Loo KA. FROM EUROPE UT Tel erracili 6J tae PLLunnrin akui b .7 TRANCE. NihErh47l PARIS, Nov. 2.9.—The French claw bent astionibied to . -day. I:moat:0c. Nap leen opened the s.r.Aleß with a epooe wlierein.he affirmed 'that there was longer any objectiOn to German unh on the part.of the French Gocerumen ailt(kr. iXIX,RD CHRISTIANS. LONDON, Nov. • 18.—A. dispatob fr Alexandria brings intelligence that AmOricen Consul, Len. Ulaaries hgs linincted 016 thieroy 10 issue a cri , e perrtnittlit• the rotern to Egypt American MiS9ioll3riCS and native Cb than. converts who have beelLoxilod fr the country. • JIANUILL /LBO 0011.1SERCIALL. I.rix . . Vov2 - 18=i.Er.ii,or.:_.ptifi:i . „± N , 7-10 c Minds Central, i.. 1; Erie, 4XI; 5-20 s, 114; A. 6, G. W.. IN. FRANKFORT, Nov. 19—Erening..--U. S. Bonds tirmar, at 70. 10.—Cotton Steady and unchanged. Brmulatuffs-Corn ad higher; tibar tidied Weotorn, - .lRs 3d. Other articles unchanged. Provisions— Bacon. Is abwrr Cuinberhind cut 4ibc abet's' unchanged. Produce-- American Tallow advanced to 44s Od. Spirits Turpentine firmer, at 27s 2.3 per cwt., Refined Petroleum, Is 4id. • AmrwEnr,—Petrolisten dull; standard white, 441'. 56:!. RICHMOND. VA. The MtWogs Cottet—Outre• ur Judi • •beatam b Um drawl Salm. [Er Telegraph to Um rlttAlmetitk 6.41.1 Pacirmosn, Nov. ie.—Judge Burnham delivered his charge to the Grand Jury to-day. - He said : a happier siate of society is beginning to anpear, and. while wo cannot closoi our eyes to the threatened evils and disturb ancea in the community, yet OM crisis may be safely passed by forbearance snd by* firm and impartial administration of the law. He called attention to the fact that while the great er number , of crimes before the Court were committed. by freedmen, all the cases must be tried critically and impar .A. telem to the Enuirir Dari. rile annou gra nced the robber,- offrom, the etore house of .7. M. Wallehtst night, of three ! hundred `and twenty-dve dollars in ! money. „ I The Court 'of Ink 'ordered at the wlicitation of Lt. Cu!.l. Rose, to investi gate the charges preferred again,t him, aw vonductofr of the election, by citizens, commenced today; General "Stoneman -providing. TEE WEST INDIES 11181sTED itepertell litaktot of the felon° of Tenets...ld Leon or 10.41e0 Lives— Th. StoeY filsereetteel. - ler . Telethoeto the iltueeetta Gs. he. Losnov November IB.—The Colonial onice 'not having received any I ar fielders • of the; alleged sinking of the island of Tortola, and drowning of /0,000 people, in answer to the telegram, sent to officials in the 'West Indies, the story , is generally discredited. bare, or at land leelieved to be'greatly exaggerated. • lfavArte, November 18.-.-Neither the British COLLSUI, any...other parth bas received.— any—piathrdlaill of the alleged sinking of the . Island of Tortola. There - are only rumors of e serious disaster by tha -hurriagne el' the alth of October, with' &White Greta. The report. are*. evidently "greatly exag gerate& - • Nu:alien:4 is*: private lei ter received In•NWO 'lark from Tortola, written on the lat.inatant, bean brief ref erence to a hurricane"*.hlch swept over the Island on the, ..Ttia of October. It makes no mention of the general INE of life. The writer states, however, that -the family of lilnclalr fluent, retidentvmg band° at Road Town,. as the settlement at the harbor is called, were drowned. and also that doting diorite= a fearful lire broke out, which destroyed many houses—, , onx,tms haMMMM2:I O=:1:=;!=t3 Nsw °ALVIN!, Nov. 113.--Speclat or deur .Nu. 1&S from lieedquartent Fifth Military District, relieves Harry T. Rays, ror thesame reason assigned in the far. rner order, and appoints Dr. George W. Avery 'hi bia place. The amore order re moves it. P. Orroeke, Clerk of tbe, See, and District Court In the Pariah of Or • . Icons, for nutifisasanoe In. office, and ap points R. L. Shell; to tho vacalloy crea old:- Shelly to the fernier correspondent of the New York Tribune and now of the Philadelphia ' • • • W. EL - Riley; Manager - at the SL Charleet-Theatre. died auddimly. of china Saturday evening. He had arrived but a few days Wore 'from Indianapolis. Ile was burled on. Sunday with Illasonio GiMare Blithelff " lett for. the Ncirth last night, having in :Marge the family of the Into Brevet" Lienteoittit. Colette' HAVANA. ME3MMI , clacsaa to tam rituVarstt euette.l liavama, November 18.—The French simmer Panama, from Vera .Crun has arch - Where: She; brings W , passengers the Prussian Minister to.,,Mexico , the Colleen Mitilatenl eitikrreadi Miter. all secredlted itoge lidesTrOtieldal c omment. *Prince Halm Satin is also a passenger. All are on their wiry to Cu be body orMaxiirtillin Lad been die livens]. to Admiral Tegothofr, and had become badly dommposed. was ex. peeled to arrive! at Vera Cruz about the end of the month. - }finny reeldcut phyeiclans deny the ex- Lstenco of cholera in title city, " A tremendous hurricane occoxriel at 'St. Domingo, on the 30th ult., which mowed heavy-100'a life antra great.dos - truction of property. BOSTON Dlokoos• booloroo—Ononiblo der 'Como. Tlokoto-11,000 sold. telesrate to tee Piumorse titatme..? DOsTQN, Nov. 18.—"Ilie sale of tickets -to Dickens' qite° of readings to-day caviled no little emanation. 'At, sun rise the crowd began to gathei, and. strong police force wan required to enforce fair .play among the eager applicanta_Yeariy. all the tickets for the ammo, about eight thousand, were sold and hundred& were amppohated In not eeetiring say. A Jew tickets got into speculators hands., Who . Offer them et twenty dollen' each. GEORGIA . Itt eolloe Couvention °Wed. By TcleßaDtt to..tLe Iltt4taargn tilaettel Auausta, November 18.—Tho Ontsor .. . votive press of Georgia advocate -the meeting of n Convention at Maoon on the 6th of December, for the purpose of organizing sporty in opposition- to construction under the military-Ulna, rota with a . viJilivr to defeat the Constitu tion to be stintnitted, utif eh will not be acceptable to their party. , Neither Ume tor placefortho holdldg of the Macon , : structton Convention , * yot announced., inade Oil Mau Domed CU'r ToI,II3I4IIO*CM.F.B I . 4 i I OIti.S.Y BUFFALO, November 18.—A freight train on the Buffalo - and-Aria . Railroad, laden with crude ell, from Brockton for Buffalo, took Oro niter Irving, S.Stwo o'clock this afternoon, &droving trus ty-ono airs, a bridge 'over Dlnd Creek, and.about Six hundred feet of track. The passenger's and freight era being trawl furred over the brmk.t.o.nightoarut , tho road will bo in woiking order.toltnor row. =I Leto Talestoplk to . Vt. rittntrapill Goon.) Otrtrre; November' 18:—Ttie return . from Florida show the. Convention car ried by a decided majority. The reads fared votes were near)* all blacks; but few whites voted. A Large number ; of niigroes art 'elected to the Convention. In Loon three but of four delves/a are tired.. Temas, =I to ex anew State tel bill will tamely be issued by Gen. Canby. The men. %luta request him to /owes the tame. LIM • • ARC . - • • • .k.•• .1: Sli• D ' h o•t• - • • ' • • ' ' 1 1M11 1 11 / 1 // ... " 4 1 . . • ' . ~. • //../ • ". • , ••• , . • "' • ;taws * •_ t• • per_ TY AND Antra , - OLICAti (ITT. f 9, 11 . • attrutia - for Ilfayor. T ant teener sad City Alto 0 laden, matt, ,atamtrial ' Republic= City Couven _n,io Common Council the= mg; yesterday, fot!fdic • thatilitatitirt citiatti• fdP4 • municipal ornate, w one Uttar tuntal Interertt. appeitred fo befit. the , li tiell,LLtakttteare, three e • . rri,ii."*lt wcart , Chi ty, and JOllll ''. Riddell. IT try frlciiiM"dreien imp° , s t t of auecoas, both Mani' e of ntinti. Ta»gaeforo the, • "•• d f,r fife - Convention, the • .y =ail Chamber WON till, to t capacity, and Rib ildoftt chamber were throned , I of tho Convention. , The Cotteteition then proceeded to °oral - dee - thetempo raryergeuiaittion by the electioq 9f Sec retaries, *heti Dr. T. W. Shari , andliient. eel ZW.illieriney.wero 1110.:od hOpmina tivn and elected by itiadattiaciob... The Chairman Ytated that the goevon tion wies'ilow ready to receive VG int dentiala of delegates, and upon telling over the districts :he follotalitif were hotalcil in: First. hard—Solin l nput* nnd FrndeHt'iScluld. Second—T. W. llnrl4 .und. *Ward 'rhirti-Alfred G. \eOperaitd J linat hnm. Fourth-)Sm. Speer W. sh.w. Fifth-Firot Precinct-Chula:lC' _peck and John Stecio. Mecoutt Precilas. Irwin and Richard Thommon. -7SIXtb-Firlt Preclnet-.4n 41.411 m oh,' Samuel 11c/lhonny. Samna' ,Pre cilia.-John Wallace nd Wm:BhMe. Seventh—Stewart.Patzolt MAI ameB Sle . Eighth--John Richardson' snd floury LediS' and In !l'enth--DacidSluisand WilljariVirup. Lawrenceville—First ward--Dri J LI, Rubinson and Clmies A. Drava. Sec- - • • and -• Ward—C. North and Jamror Prabl,,--19.rph G. 13ehles twd 7jini Nthlitben. ' Co Preclnct—B;vroirorir and Mnn. u Black, Seenpod - thabillo David Holmes and Bawd Kirk, • Oakland—.lama Gray and dkjaaaMar tln.—John R. Bailin . acid NV.olltra Pitt--t. P. Jon and •Limeio , Hunter. - - The sues of tha delegates .froirt the Third card, First word of Lawrence rill° and Peebtes tow hip were ono- Mr. Martin, delegate from Oaltion d township, 'toted that his swilleagurfwas side and unable to attend, and' bodied permission to stiliAtltute John Alderson in his place. Mr. Mellhenny objected, and the matter was referred to the*Ctiti. •niitteo on Credentials. •• The Chairman- theneannettaio6 that the Convention way ready td proceed to the election of a permanent Chairman end Secretorlos. Mr. flutter inoved'. that the room be cleared of all persons except the dale gatin and reporters of. the press., - Themotion , prcialical and Mt smuer wits appointedliertpiantoat-Areta LC• O 9 .• The Convention then proceeded to en election of Chairmen, when David Holmes, of Collins township, and.L. June., of Pitt toireship,•were poinination. _ ..I.•tcrlntliti9treil Liken, which result- ed in the election Mr. Jonis bye void of oightoin to tilletlt. • . • • : • • :• The result Wee received with loud ap iilatese, and considerable confusion en suet. Mr. DMiA than VsdtlieChatr which Wien by Mr..lotow after quiet had hcco•nntored. ••. • . • Ni r. Davis then moved that the tempo nary Seeretarlea bo retained as the nor. manent Secretarial of. the Convention. The motion was agreed to. • ' • I Mr. Butler moved that a Committee on • C'redentinis be appointed by the Choir. and requemnd.the. Gliairmatinot point him on the • Committee. The mo tion prevailedamt they Chair , appointed 11.1e4Nrs. Wm. Shore, henry Tatnall, David Mecklin and. Charles .lies It on raid committee. The cf/mmittee then retired, atter Welt the Chalioundunoed that the Con- vention was now ready to receive tierni-r nations for tho Tarlotis,eity °dicers in be .liallotted for by 'the Ciouvantieh,' oom ;noticing With the °Mee of Mayor. The fallowing named gentlemen, were then plaeitl in nomination: FOR YAYOR. Jelin W. Riddell, of Lawrence yille, was nominated by lir. T. W. Shaw "of the .Fottrth ward; Charles Jeremy, or the faith ward, was nominated by .41- derman Joseph Butler; and. Hon. C. McCarthy. the present Incumbent, , wait nominated by Captain B. W. Morgan._ • • On Motion of hlrAlutler, the nets:dna.' Cons closed.' =I .Satiluel — Allender WAS placed in mini nation by Alderman Joseph Butler, who moved that the nomination (doze, which motion preYstied. . • , . . CONTTIOLIXii. I , or the ~itifica ,City Controller Masers.' John McCargo and It. J. life time:at were namtuatod,_after.widettilie nommations for that atm claxed.—.• Thu Convention next. proceeded 'to placo in nomination candidateerlfor ,the' office of City AttorneY, -when Alai. A. M. Brown and Jacob P. Slagle,; were nominated. On olotlon,the nominations closed. • Captain "Mbrgan then moved Dad. - the nomination for Treasurer ho reorieried, palm had Intended to place a gentleman In nominntiOn for that - eillec, but being Out of the room at the time the nomina tions wore made had been preventod rroui I 't II fl tie) Mr. Thompson cloned that the motion be laid on the bible. Adopted. Mr. Davis mound that the Convention adjourn until one ',o'clock, hi 'order to give Orem to the Corinnittere ,Credgn tide intimate their report,:whlett Wax Alderman'Butler Moved . , that Mi. A - littler be nominated by acechunation. Captain Morgan objected, bee-also the Convention was not lull. Lie said they could make no nominations nntll after the Committee on Credentials had made their report. Twelve seats were vacant, Ito said, and. it:worts -Out of , 2; pro °ear-to tho neministion'oreftididattis without giving these gm:stimuli a voice ::The confusion at tali p it= lot ,beteuno so sputa that three ini blo W what was said, and the C innan (loaded the motion out of Order."; • 7,'" Mr. Kirk: then moved thit all business be 'suspended until the 'report' of the Committee had been received. The Chair said that - questiOn ready been decided in tho ssairtuative. 'About . one o'clock the Committee an nounced that they ; hast.itimelsuipd their!. hors, and when the Convention's...ea called' to order presented a rpedositi i -and .report, the' forutor geed by .M MessraiShaw,.ocklin mid Ulna II; and the iattir by 'Mess*. Holusess'and Seek. The majority ktrported infaratst smelts:" ding the daleeleeted funs( tie Third ward, Pittsburgh. First wal.lourrenee-, vide, and roWea.tfmtlahllo;lo4 &ulna , Seel Messrs Walnrutht atm Ilesack, the .coutestsixtta fkore First.Orard;' Lew , renocv 'The minority. report agreed with the majority - M eucluding the. Thirtl..woc delegmes, hut. t the admire Mon. 4,f the regularly clectods .deleglatoa from the other contested districts. Mr. Kirk moved the tuluption of the minority report. - Mr. 'Thompson moved. to 'ley. Mr. Kirk's motion on the tatdo. Mr. 'Telmall moved that the' -room 'be cleared of ull persona not tletomMa, Which prey:died. Ay attempt was they made to clear the' room, which, niter fifteen or. kw enty, tele.; Uteenf the wildest amfusion, tmewerlati., Mr. Morgan then- moved that the re ports of the Cemmlttee on Crodentialsbe again read;zethat the delegates might understand how theyvrcre voting: The Chairman decided the motion out of order, unless ibe.metlcirtto adept end the motion to lie on the table Nero with- The motions or Meseta.. lark'end Thompson !ante then Tathdravfn, after width the reports wore read - . • Idr. Thompson tkom moved the . adop. Moo Of the majorityreport: *tore arriving -at a vote. An the gurs. Mon a lengthy dfsenfslon ensued on the Si.r. Kirk hopod that aomb gentlemen ottbe Committee would arpliti, why the regularly elected delegate:4mm thollret ward, Lawrenceville, and Peebles town ship had been rejected by the majority r. Holm, ' was because they was ALcg..4actLy luau, turd thy via. ( Elf" 1 tfl,s,rl l ,'. I • _ :;11'113 voto becbungml from tho negative to stating that they did not understand the question:properly. Tett:loll • objedted. Ile said no Wordier had a right to change • Ids vote oftkr it tune recorded. - • The Chair decided that any gentleman ;;;;;:;,;•421t to change his vote before the . - • TLo vote wasw.worhugly .Manged and the Minority report adopted by a vote of clatitentk to Alurcoeu: . • • At tilts tioAiiic;oekditiga a alight interinpbaryby the appettrance or Ilialibnorblaytt,,bloCarthy. who in ipproPriateremirks .deellned be ing a candidate for frlor and requemet that his name be w ith d rawni from the Convention. Mr. Morgan thou moved that. die lIVIP I nation for City Treasurer be re-opened. Thu Chairman decided the motion out of. order, trim:ouch, as the motion WO Leda- beat* the fouventlon once and Oita staccil Gam: . - Mr. Davie appealed froth tho declaim of the Chair, hurtupona vote being 'taken tho •.anto . rerarsed. by a vote of eighteen to al.v.toen. - . • • •• _ . Atr.'llargan then. nontthaird W. C. ?liner:thy as a oat:Almo for City.Tres4- /On Motion, DM' nominations closed. Ifr. Davis moved that-the Conveutlon Ri mmed to , notribeste mindldats for 17.:! - Shore moved to vote 1 . 3 The 'yam and nays being called, y the mb tion WAS lost by a vote of twenty-two to sixteen. Mr. Si thetik:moved that, the vote be taken b markink,'Whieh motion pre , ' The oil of, dolepttes , wits court atuttlMv p **Odell to mark, f,r 3layor, with the following math: =MI John AV. Ithicie 2.1; Chtirks Jeremy, 3.1 r. Butler moved the nomination o f ;Jr''. 'Riddell be made unanimous, which prevailed. . Mr. Alonpn; mibehalf of Mr. Riddell, ',who area a Want, thanked the Crearen 'tion for the honor conferred .upon him. : atlr. Morgan Then stated. that be bed been authorlied to witildroW the I.IIIP of .3lid. Brown as a candidate for City Attorney, had mnred that Jacob r. Sic nominated by acclamation. The to Lion prat ailed.. The Convention then on:sae/led to vote for 'Transuino• and Controller,. by mark ing, which malted as follows: I=l I==MEIM!! uQ,;Mcqur 0. LI I It. E. 'McGowan. 11. Morton moved 'that :Jan immlcut• Ore." CM • • 'On motion, a vote . of thanks lens then returned to thni! ‘ hairum sand Seeretnriok. . Alter which Lhn Convention adjourned THE COURTS. ti,tßipFrae. rows rroeeedlud Po Nov: 18.—Present *Jnilgeta Strong, 'rhomphou, Reed aind A • 'Clio following opinion's were ifellvered Oakland Thomas J, G. "Y. Pritereflings." - niliffuell. Opinion by Woodward, C.. 1. French 'vs. krelian. D. 'C. tiffirruedi Cipi don by Tbrinnefon;J Steel vs. Frick.- Westungehtiad. Af firmed by Thompson, J. - ..The list for Washinuton,. Fayetto, :Greene, Waver, Mercer, Lawrence and Vernon° counties was raged- over, The following came wore non-prossedi . Campbell el ox so. kfctiough -et al; Kreppais. Kroppw. Wash Virtentsey - vs. Guernsey; Ve nn:3B-o. Insbra oc of vs. liostetter et, to :Reed"vu. Venting° _City Bona: Vte , moon°. Continued. Cheese vs. Ninth 'National Batik' of Now York. Yen:ouzo. Submitted by it. C. Johns for plaintitX lin error, and by A. it. MeCalmout contra. W. H. Smith ot tit vm atom Wm. C. McCarthy, at al. In equity. Motion for preliminary. - Injutiction. , Argued_ lty Mowers. Vuech auel_Lowria for coWplb p anto.. and by .Iltbirao and Skeet; Contra. John B. Young ,• of ,Beaver, wan, on motion of C. W. Robb, Ehm., duly ad mitted, lerld quali fi ed t 7 uraufiee.iu;ithle FombeWe appeal; 13• aver. 9n mo thin of Mr. - Yeamg..tyrntfnired • _vs .McLaughlin: Venango: , Sdbmirted A:V.!. Taylor - for'Appel lant, and by McCedmont and Reed, .contra. common riesthe—imike Ilelbiza Masi)Ar,Novetiubtr, 18.—Court lootat • the tmaittenr, ten•Wolock. Schulz .t..,Downen vw Jen:ken T. Sam ple. < ?Lenin, tviiirecover the' vele° eta quantity of„ soap. Held "and delivered. N'enliet in filet* ofplalnt Mr 11143,90,' i Conrad fitchnfer,,,va. nth:lllll4434*ra of Cintrieet3innert:,-erton aliromnitic , ry dote: 'Verdict - 1n raver of plaintiff for . Dirotif Whlfe . ..tini•kweider it Co. Action on deoloynt.. Jury with al-6*n mut a - noneutt entered. • • • •. Folowing is the lal for this day: W.' l Elizaloeth'Efortrrislist vs. Jos. 11f. man, o,uurdion. al. James McDonnell vs. lohn Wright:and 'JOIIII Ilif.'Efbert; surviving partnere orN, - , Holcnee Sone. te. Reynbliin Kanfriuun vi; D. B. Grhray,fit liernordbray ye. Nckeever, Stake ,l3.."- Dan& l'ltrairn ' John ;McCrea Jr. sm. H mry, anti, . . , ' - 'LG. Jolin Itie.Vtekur vit,Jottit 8. Lee.. 67. John •Weinn Co Ref f; o'll4 P. Ru y llorper iliattnarA 744 J. VFLPattersonvs. Jo U. vanhook;. IV. H. Hymn vs. Henry Salsmidt.' '74. J.-W.73orker& Co. vs. Dr. 70. Win. Gardner ye...Delumbia 7d. .1. - 11: t lifel‘ille 41i.. Fitts: :6C-hide:. Gold Ititting C 0.% • i .77. W. U. Underhill vs. Alex.. Taylor..• • It le ordered tint hereafter, wheat:Bees are to be passed or continued dpplicatlen must be made oh the day before they are readied Ou the , flat., . .. 9 1Per 8__0 410 4•.-nkidas Stowe. afokepikr, Nov. 18.—Court mot at ton nuts kininiedjury trials. , The ilrie Mae tried was that of the Commonwealth vs. Jacob Unger, for the forgery of aj udgment note of the eknotint of $64. Mni..llelat,tho prosecuting wit nese, whose name Lv signed to the note,. although she could' not swear positively that tho aim:edam was not hers, toetitied 'thatahe had not the slig.htend recollec non. of basing given snob a suite. Ver thetnot guilty, proaecutrisf to pay the I !Common ' iltvU. ' ;US' - er .1 CIC.iIiCIA. Charge malicious mischief, Jacob..Eigart prose. outing aritruisa. The prosecutor Unfilled that, on, the .mal. Jnly/lest; while Ito watt asoohdleg .ther, bill near Bobo; with Mit wagon, the defendant ran Into him _with an: empty . wagon and - broke the Isle of his .lpireseentoesi vehicle. Verydiet not guilty, defendant to pay the costa. Morris giros. didnetrele gene their in, Mal portinitiaMt; here loot night, to no overffnwing bourn iybith urtailutVWsit minded the few old moinbere of the time nearlyten yearrago, when they met with ouch unbounded enemies: 'Johnny Pell wise with them tben, and used',to' sing. Peter Gray and ho encored every night, Now, most the,inugere 'aro new, tia are soma f their note, notably the grand panoramto Journey - around the world, d the IntrOductionof the Dinh element; a Jig, which waa a sboletermuma prank,. tind, it brogan which, though not wind to Barney was quite good enough, Mulled the coniarvaUve min. etrelgoersnot little. TheJaat nets were all good,, and making Ik allowance for thollnit night, wo yen 'safely pro nounce _cat trouper ox. taut. •• Dienieteetoft''' - -; leVtlitit b the'teiTiu'of leis( tie' knit* of ip'ylildei one' in: wilt& to eittlie outfit:lies rtl retha teethe l *fa' .fonnittr tOf persons, .who. °coupled - the •ipbby:otdltu Conventlen -ttsterdayt•-at we 'Cliagroneful In the 'ebb,' Wee filled leng before the.henrifild Qr. organizintf Abe CllllVell6t,kh titan. imlnber of. eutdd not , .Iteld • • their- veneguitl% tTletat ntil the pra. tnedingn r -COrntnentnnh • tOnmets as Soon ilk they were thinly inside the door; most begin'ti tifatlett ' buea sgainet anmc "of tHeilelf;gsites• whets views did net tzu6tly &cord with their own. Boob min' tire 11