1113 s:thitsinal I eAairitt arri - SUBURBAN. 'TSB COURTS SepremiCearg riteeeedlng, c oui z ... .a i ovat nicer 'o'clock S.'ltartlay, sumo indgas Wog present as on Friday. S. A.:Tot nacii,, , Eacj:, of. PittabUrgb, on motion' irr t Lucia, Esq.; and John NlnoConnell,,,F4q4; on motion Hon. 1 ~ W. H. Lowriti,wire duly admitted and gold tiled to practice In the Supreme Court. , " Foster re.,-IrTiut C. F. Argued by Lowrie for Irwin, and 'Kirkpatrick mud IfellonocartllC 0,11 / 2 4 refenod' to E Todd, Esq., aa muter, to zoport the facia to the Court. McDenald SigklF: C. F. Judgment -of nos pros., ri ta bwgb, , -Ft. TS•tie & Chlcnita Railway COPIRSOY ' NV. Shaffer; D. C. Contlnultdi. Andrews tell; li. C.. Argued by Reed anATlompecui for plaintiff In ror and byS hlroti contra.- Court I,hadjoitined until .9 o'clock on l'iond B r - , . . . -Cossistss Pileas.-ruff South. ' 10.—The following business wu transacted: . PesidOrof Ann narns to become a / tette: obi sUger. Rule to shOw cause why t h e proyorme the Petitioner. shonhl not vanted,..returnablo . tiut.. Monday of In re Optic:alien of Einory M. E. Church of East Liberty for a sluutcr. Applicatlou for atuondtuont. In rtibation of l'iincoln Memorial Ceme 401'4 charter.: Proof of 1.0111- oeilon Bled and deereo avrartiod. rollosifig'ls-thi trial list for this day (.Ttruc.) Staltit vs. Kirkpatrick' . Shute & Danner vs. kumple. - YoUtigirit..Scho:Diructors'llhlid and Tenth Warda. 62. Clark at,u.v. vs. O'Donnell: 51 Varner Va. J.-• C. 'lamer. 55 Varner thliurtnrau vs.. Winters, Detrfi'Etvirez vv. 55 Shaffer ts. Iteibert's tlialu tra- Riall.vs. .• 5& Abite licelzwalacr, Lash A: Moore. • • . _ 59. Evtuts Pitts. Vt. AV, St.. C. R. R. Ravers Liam. have Lxu possod f, en momenta in the- Supremo Conti, to be put on the Ilst. again by attorneys inter- Some.patad ":ciscs Lava bcolt sat for partici:dm days for spacial reasons, and those the attorneys Internatcel aro to hal-a placed on the list for the proper day. =l= TWIN, Couit; inet en Saturday and peatponed the taking up of the xrial list lor soother week. . - . 4:knitwear Sessions, Juty trials •st. he resumed in this WOOlie Coimaciaption Some time WO we Publinhedltom count of invention' ' by Mt. Jacob Green, for consuming smoke and econo mizing fuel, with Carnets from lefters on the subject received from an intelligent friend In Philadelphia, wheal large ex perience as a worker In Iron qualifies lalmloGarmarightjudement on this Inter erring subject, awl who, with others had determined to erect at Nottleown ex ' tundra GinzaWorks, for the purpcae, among others; of testing . a practical way the prinaple Involvel Green's lilketition.-"Ticettiliig thee sulled one of pecidiar tartest to this mina:Lunt = u n= n" ln7n 7 l : ti f° fe,7e l rr,fttlee . saw .cortespondent tinder date''of tini "Itattlplensitie ja My' to }nit' that thelnivenicht "of 'Seco li Green for computing Wiese and gwris a great sue; ems. We. have : using Inc nearly three mouths one melting and one blow ing andffidtattiqg furnace, and aro pre tsf:sistart three more melting and 'fftrinum4. . The nines 3 in eon suminQ witlionteldsciL neyt, confeithig USW into a-pure in timeelybot flame and wings/ least forty per cent. of coal, Is no ' longer ears:lon. The improvement, in same reyeas, ex- - eras out 'cipectations.. 'The heat is wale controlled:-"Tlds ' Ont-inventinn Is attracting mucs attention from manu facturers. - Ufa the greatest invention of the age when carundered In its Manta laity to sit .kinds -of manufactaring, from making iron, steel or glass, down to brick and. limo 'kilns,. lot iron mill itrai In .I.Sorristowti has „tested the im provement/en woof their furnaces with such success tiaa. they have .negoti , far the right to apply It le nine heating and puddling Shinners. It can be op oiled with halo expense to furnaces of the ordiunry'oonittuotiork. • • • • • • We find tho beat, when We apply the int - prevenient; (which is applied-and taken' off Its a moment by'opiang and cloning two valves) is hintanily Increased, that it In a mart, mellow law, not as destrac stee4a-lareinlet us without the improve ment. When we shut al' the im pehvemeat, which Is done.in un Instant, the furnace Throw,, off a denim black smoke, filled with I captaining, then, upon application of the Improve:neat, Irma& as thought, the smoke Is gone and we bans a War, bright Same, much increas ed la bad: The degree of bent required is under. our perfect control. We and also that the heat is evenly, no one place la the furnace being hotter than :mother, sale finibutiarettkod - with' ... . draught.: .h f one woo the Chimney_ draws- the dame, - awake and gas-outin the men,, direct line possible ,toy . the • top. Of ibe chimney; lend% burning the In the oche:hi-the -"eat is c f aa tid, with a preinnireefnir and steam beneath thegen gratee, ( and a aw t ful toilV'i of azY above he fuel o compl .e the baatlon the smoko gas, canon •in canna with the hen. , la y),*. a p.a. sere • anti Jr wing . alike all ttliepate of bring+ wr di a clear - bright Welal's 'riot 'Pam for further attracts, but will be slat c how. our ' friend% latter to ais posed. to eninahe further a Ann . ..toprovemenr- • , - t on. The following additionol so , ,Acriptione have been made to tho fond f or.the relief of the entrereis C. W. W. Yew% 4144 IX Xi* C. Wits as a C. 1 4. Lao ce- -05 co adalliLs owp.pt a n r ,‘ art e , to 04WW. ;zit= ienel.ol7, gr. e1it "6 .... 1 . 1 . ' llt 14 ' 4,4 aWWW,, 4 :lltre oddeeirs lewd WeStaiillYrer . ,:i. 1 4! V. L = l— ....... ^ 2 W aca ......... T.'l. Mre . k va= JiODO us imja. ;. 1 Cu - Weer .feeT3ws 11. N to . Autfihri . / 4 .7 weoNew. to y , esep .? tee.. II J. koala Ix?, " sa=a: J. LT z1 . 7,,:wi.;. t; I r"‘" 2 g. „ 10 241,UWIrtra:: ra.0....: 11to gitg . V f • Wopubt,aeses. Mametd,. g) 4r - igt7.7M , PP ' D gql/ 1 :4:ti: PIMA (1, k" ro li el i g.. l.. • IL . , Da =Del lOD . ;Irmo Lee.. 3so,3;clllwe borlt Is DI se.. ,pusrost.. ros..cr 148.1315W0W. Ce .116 Tar_ DMZ. I D ir!CV . c337 , V. WIS. 1511001 We 02 ern 2.1 allelistienwewWir re 74" 43, TA - st tho rooms of the - oda tke, Ro. =TULIt street, dilly-, from 9 to, 1 0 f - a: _st; sad .9 to' r. u., to receive any ellaeMptions or contributlong thin faad. W. Of.A:PET, Treasurer Finance Committee, Relief Patawts to Peanastmalans. The following patents to Pcnnsyl iimplana were - Issued during the week •ftattilf November 1, from the. United Bides Patent Ofilcm Bittdb - drthurs, of Ptitaburgb, for hot ai• John of Johnstown, for nu , prayed mold for mating steel ingots. T. J.-Lockhart uhd Josiah Locke of Pittsburgh, for improvement in Wye for kgbtning role, -- Bs D. MeCreery. of Oil City, for int- Proved mode of obtaining motive power nun petroleum and other oils. D. L'..Painter, of Mechanicsburg, for improvement In flasks for casting' Ores. Joaeph Wagner, of Newcastle, for im provement In well tubes. John IL Qurteron, or riwibarg. , '" Improvement. In air engines, Samuel %winger. of Lawrenceville, for Improved car coupling. Israel liepler, of Cory, for improve. meat in fireplaces. in ' Frank Ketcham..ef Mrmontrabela for Improvement , sheep trough. Allan lgellson, of Allegheny city, for improved washing machine. • J. Wok, of Letvlsburg, for II:opt:M . /- ad school desk and teat. • A. El. - Valet., of Lancaster, itir liti provementlik guide or. clamps (qr. ba.r won Lrsmesa T. D. Voorhies, of Easton, for im• provementln scrim driver. _ We are authorized by a gentleman oconectod with' tho nianasroment of he Elevator, ln this city, io say that there is no truth in tho statement pub lished tall= owtr 'cltr - iodrna% - tte the effect that thoatahirhadbeensold to tbe.Pesuisylvaiidllilaasilroad Company. We are glad to lesinlittimithe eatno.su-- thorny, that the obsta.eles to the suoolm of thb Elovidareompaay hy° nearlygn DOM overcoat% and its Madre are now In a healthy a n d prosperous condition:* , • • illonea by the Governer.—Willietta Oartaaatho MSS convicted on Virednee in the Court of Philadelphia - for Zlitainlng a 'rambling noose,and eeu sewed by Judge Pierce ,to six monk's' thiPriboinuent arid• t he o f two hundred andlitjrfinaa*.bas bee two by. GOVIIVIOr GCary, Mahe requeet of many ,relmortable ull 4 i'ens. end hua,:therefore, 'OM Te/0634 from confinement. FUEL 3Li.. BICIMIELTZ, Bonk 118 Wood Bt.gtear earner of Fifth. Government Securities, Valli' Silver, • .Coupons, souht Lta .014 et tthetht tether. Theta Ulla . 712 ell the folooloal cities of Enron.; CONVERSION -OF:1-30'S. WO the lEDOND AND THlRtiltillEt naikTais New is'ers=l:6ooiii Conpon Bends. JA BS. =if & CO.. in „ladencomet Sinai; Corner Fonrtin Wood Street,.. IRA.B. IdeVAI - 4-,CI). • XLlmes - ,et. Lll/ BULBS 116 6166111111, Fourth an4:Snll6atild Mints. F.TAern ar:.raine AND PAM g VET , ' Le the insecure V T a.r 0 ger bent. to Jaenery att. gad give Qom In r-v.a.se .5-20 ROAMS iiS 4 IPA7 taarest IN BOLD at apa nat. Dr , m tha data ' AWL*. 210, ay a pa. FIN : AI4OEI Aar; TRADE Ursine as irlillPri‘extreingtheirrd% . Swintudar e ttee. h her te, tent- I -0,01,1 opened at tr",l, declined 1.• OMNI weak and eth:d-y.. Cable dispetchei "ow e ] • d'c i de".. , :rdikewinentlnlissitedS teto 0000* with Enecrpech makers, end the pree Ptet Orictlinc-3;.lene their Der tent. absolute bond ptir.cipa, eh d t h t ehere t pontlehlgoldia. likely to 'mi. - . h eehi h neenceetitheinerkedi . inn will nod uehie the anemia. splietairnif Stevens. dothets., .A.,tes.et-0.f." 1 4 , 5.1 1 4. rho Dour: would Mew tt dull* We for Piteinn holden do :iiatutageitoi A ili Per-ner.c. Joan, tusking tire lateens! on, all noluuckai in-either London, Pntie and rtaaltfortor la *lithe...Cities. and at metutity atdolntely'iei &tamable coin. . II the cotrocliii* el thrinkeentejcer , penniiis to be =Dreamt a re/Indian on thintarityand resenhe'azanoiClWOolet and, ilia cerAphinted machinery of collecting tarp ce tire thccieeng and one ertirla bhdone away' arit'e, then there lino otheemethud ' at bethit re cesium better adapted than to,t,sx the beads 'chat beat six if; gent band. ' , gas reettatinel . la Intereat would each twenty-lire mllUeeo an; cushy to the' teenrntaeni;` and would reach every are thee actially made Ann ored moat out of the - depreciated - grennbash. 0 11 iTiiheYtthe. national bank... Tit o 1 1 atitiii Cipitillst: The band market in doll, bat batter tangier far Ince stineit ►t loariegateal •• •' • Tha *task =Ask. lsaa tbe balmily boliereaViVill attest that measures will be taken ant meta; Of Comeau to increased tbeionweey of the runtryi the Inflation of ptleei it the itOek esebeustamould molt bo followed by other *elides of Dom; mem, swept aosltottima tsaLtacmhlshimil itseentulis, deellps for lot 71•'111 . 1eg saatal. reward. to keep' them. ell a .p.a. "nib. colsi , . , posiag Nor. To* ootattopf, zsailyed 1:7 Ph.R. 'Alerts. wftlll.lonowe; . . . - Gold, IseirtlEalta Mfg; Klee, itia, to 131: 3u731; A 863, 10elLthmtsols, WM; 1040 s, 10%1 . r CteTtediat Platallitmli )1„. ••••• .... .44%. allirchants -Orden Itsgrese...... . Welton ram; Ede Plusheorgh Zen Wainolt Chbutdo. Northwootent wwr _l4 New Tern 'll Ohio 0110 Wittalisirott do Allsingan Si Gonne Ss • Qunts I 111 grandly , _ - -A oration as to the Juni of loans by na. Oben bunk* Welty age Indindual, trok, end, cornwathn. n often raised, and neon Still ow:nether twitlealded. Scott. to of the in. Meal bsaldite%'lntlgrliegrets'lln forktl oe • one. anOtlniciatiorporttion , at flan, to tenement. of the capttalatoth nth* leaded bank,olorr natal. • 'wort* which sontalmaa forgotten by lank sunders. Mkt& prorloo 0e tolZlTelfwg - SAIS tiadertlOS of hid% ten paper eirsi& by the aim not oaring the &kno t la an la ha voadastort4 . • money torroweL licandlog to the letterer ehulow -toner. obaltegoll Or . Ote Idler crime] currency and revenue laws Is !boat so much am we can expect of the &reran et • hnotsalty . , to then dna-Ih= is no Ilan. la the heck sat, to the anoint of lona whlch may be m.d. to ...obad.fir.lMMehs4 the 1...0141t0d. non Is to the shops at • noconnter b nee+ papa. r, en.% billa• . - -Says are iirpikdiode • Mbar , ' There . 'geed, tar danatut fat Vaeorr a bat there dote net, seem to be any - manna tor, . o nine It be from mall traders and tent the metvaatils sad ntanufamtrLes Interest. th[The pnostool applicant. foe loans an grate dealers, and attune Partin ho hare alltenal ese lanes trona the steady and large Mallet 3lama comatte are austone rry thetr stocks awhile longer In the her , t aboaeihlng may result. 14 ther fora[. 1L b..k.ttto helping slang Coe most worthy, SW I tbeet rat Wed to nen, get. It. But In ear lfl;re money to wanted for ap-aol. attn. exemo • glen It II hard to fat, e, If adenine we made mambo MULL to, 'We enough to protein , the leader - ogalon all ectolingeoctsa. 310110 clues annuities ass pared at 10 per was pas neat. Oe the stem It le any any =On to Isnd norm" at Ogint on cent. pee month. - -The Chteido TA.Outor, of Sattuday, We ualentand that some of the National Danko fa the wet 4 are etattatting then' awn. pond reaelves f or the three yet area *wall onen to be ow t d for the tams porpen. One entitlene for 0310.C46 was raw:Peed here. kw nays e4O for account of the SIM Kennel Bonk of Sparta, aeneensin. The failure of 137,..11. Ma/lory, lankk and gold brake+. to on meant Ths cocain an • Call! on. and the nabilitles are inanted at PAU —The ar York Maws. er Saturday. say. The Woe or gold - terday were et 1411014.01.• 141 Der amt., the market Awn.. compared with lent. Wens:: while the, earth cold wenn abundant. ann.. Wrenn. I per ewer- laterret le vain for carrying over Delacers. The actual cause Of %herrn° in err. e ohm three 4.Y. eV, to quit. Washs problem today as It wa.• yesterday. The foreign quotation. err Veiled ltate. 6.We, mad_ eettes_ead the txtlitiealaahte news 7µllo wise It, UM these is ••trOng.tkoki creation on the - etre.% that the operators in gold lbr • further earthde la pride an menthe ; 'upon tlessienlstaaltbat *rests use 'lrstabse, lob this week, either/ ,pthtlesl or--attamenth nywn the next renew rt Magma ars' to unsettlrreenlnkwie Yid thus promete a=aloe told: We recant this ea at leut a coma. tare dalettintion. doubting Tay mach, as we do _whether SOY lectelatton Am. the Aturennt7er ittrutuN a b b ef "" % ""Na . cadat'7ou=:, Thet event satiety Wr deoluntery teeolutlent will be moved and - yaw:rat is setts L52.603* but the thence. ;nth .411•411 one , nexlast precept' union - either ;nth* dinettes Green. traction 07 ospauthen. nukes. the tgunelloo should be r e.pu r eintpteletted` 'babel= the vielre orithe4ecretary44 the Treetarr sed , Abs.de=eade of - the Northwest lorthore intr. 11001, ;nntlhOrill Illnleordth ereenoseka where tt now atandi.andinereathut the National leinknote; altattlittloa:,l4.oo,9Xl .•-•-- , • . , • • Sleif T ort trvalives By Teicamawriiarittabaribkas mcr. ---- - . 7100 ;tostr.,Kos - .12,-Cottetilower.:"lo2 • „ • 1.6:0 be?cs , at inictiad for ialdd.Unr aptsturs.- Flo to' - teeetots.l2.72ibillii-dull • lind.7ool2d Illwert• slues 72tubbls 5t1ri,6002,10 roV itollerW doe Bute Inn western, 2220010.110 for extro Store, 10.408 LUG gar . extra weetern,l2.l3l2 13. 20 r- B-'04 , 041101215,60 for St. Lamm Motto it Ching alwrlAoo • bhis ex - tris - Stahl, for peeeraDenrectCYidsce=,lN ceitforstiti lajtiesis'y and low MO melts at c,co; fisher Vtibl e gZire dour 27,10122.00. Whisky goon. Loa ilackaroorti. colors .10.076-tensh-dell - end ta,r )Owes) ' - UM of Ge CCOlltudtal ICUS for•lio.litiptinth'' ss tor Ka. : do., 22.2102.24% for Ito. 1 and Udo. =MO. IMO tor wistris eholea amber green bag.Menadte tor white Canada, $30 , 4 for white Michisarc City* decidedly Ormeil Isles 12120 truth westernlll.,(a. - Kerley, dr.:Ping; shies - 7,2C0 bash Canada western st Cub sales SACO bleb Cairstla peas at 81.42 In bond. 'Cora-reeelpia IMPS bash-with , at deeded ensured *situ 14,040 trash at 111.34 /21.112,4 for edged weaterti. eine/mg at 4 1 . 14 4 • 12554. Oats-qtordpts.7. 4.02,121 cidenly thrnitr Some. Estive inOnitTi SUM bosh itt •• , for western, closing with no' be., thi•-• Coal Siondnal; Lesdlotr, emirs' -Mreerbilliorayrerztl2l2ll . weights. lose schwa sod deoltatng. with sides ot WACO posmds 44gibist ter die. - tisece..- - . Mao tat I. %sew WC, Carolina- , •lidttee -111 Suar • trICI with: stiteiet:COS hogsheads It 11:4121 •; on ce,' 41:11:_•Tetroletun_le gribit'sig One 'Annie,' and 7citio for reined' In b0nd.,..1 Bops Pore itrattrlttistlr.'r'r&f.truf".ze" bele it-11214221.1Z tor, mask. aiming at huh: 1112.754210.43 , 'tor prbne, lind - 411.- - tor • • nritrar mseg. , Beet beery, with sales or, at yretions prier. • Beer ell are, and vrath sales at- MO OW lit rie.h:o:22o. and 10' ticreof Tarn. beet at private terms. Duerr Is quiciwitti see:sot leo Doses ray long char at IN. • Cat - Mosta are heavy with tales of lid packages at 85(1210o (Cr , shoue and ISHOIto tor. ris.. ard, Ls . Amos ld lot steady. - with tales ot m 1336 L DVSs i5501230t.' glitter IssOliVe and tlynt At WW I Ma rot KWh.. Cheese' is henry hl yreigstsr to 2.lverpool • are n••shadte grater War , oblONtroFl,Onrirg 1.201/0 blahs WIZ SS hit: yes Liws.stglorn• Slated doll .0.1130 Worsts bolding; oft; lowarr-yirtoes.•, Wheet dhlt , iinit 2422122.21t0r No 2 sortnw, sae 813301,10 ti e for o mning, Ara -very Oslo Kt 1174.220 r Weldon w ith.food - erste exprortddriatel. Oats arse ar..103;222 Venom - Cornstrtil at 1110.1421.52 far stood • to online western. mixed. , Pork notritosiv ett. regular, for roam Beet doll anti ww. misilged, Cot Insets, Milt and tleettoing. - itLeauhoin Wally irrear. , Lad dull' at• , 122 r. gin for Kcal to prime 'team and Kettle., . chmult , . DD to tha ratubunn Gantt.] lto . -,,OperriaVar: IC ii:Ml -rfour dull inaari ara-ot - AV bbla 410 far torged "toter and 1113,750u50 ...twat Wheat.. dolls • urea elm ton Awaits Canaria at 43,60. Corn arm rorStra Inclluas. Barley ingooddataand for cbotoelata wall% to acaroarsaluot WACO' tau 6101 co Canada Mara; and 79A00 Du - Bay Qtallte at pas. Bye *Loa Peas In - dercaddi sates of 8000 bus &Villa' •la . tond. "Canal tralatttil cbanx.d. lakolowora-59,000 boa vault and — l:Ona Malay. . . • Fill 7[lliisoltoo StsrNot. • us? •rticitpit to Pitt..bassh Gszetti hitt A212112,',..Tui liastO. Egs, 4 l2, t gi t rat,/. Whsat A tut:=7ll: $1,827/ Tor rto. /, sNa for 10,2: Vat, Amer{ st rat for 210. 2. Coro doll, at No for Fret olds .2 slot, .st 2/0 to Elorrao. sod 7 oto Ottretro. Ittmelpts-11,000 Obis 'Mitt babb %Men I IWO Sol/LOW 1.072 t.Z StilpmentS.4l,2CO- MIL ow .111ottr 63 vat haw latest Wbdin pat' dorrif• - ' JAM 941/ELL & SON, • • • an* W.1144r atC 445 9 LdRD OIL'ILiEIIFACMUILEM, girKlDda LUBILICATIRS awl • aromas iv Na I Lard 011 ilatit to Um oaradactusalL or outararl larar c prom to WI se low as or a etweltoo4l r -- . Our Ho .1 lArllOtl s• • labrlealaroanstotto Loma mast ladairadtat sad standird arm& rot' Carbon Oil tons tautly on -11ArraollOr wad was Amaral" will lad la tltal, lowan toratno aka coll Won ordarlalt Lord 011. frost 11.•" Wan. - felt: iimesam. or 074313 .Pirrurirsaz (UM*, } SATlTlDLT.llrcmceobre 1 0. IW. g the Vaud toutheta haurbsen ner.arhatly duadurtng the put Week, and what trVI:O2 SO Whither* Is but Uttla prospast ot way dlatalmPtaireidiut. The Ittlprearlon ea 11 cans *roma _ that papas Win rgo luntal 4 thlt, togethar with the =settled =Mon •of gnautu =attars, and extreme tighlaua 10 the tuartaftutketa, bu a tudatell .41 10 !uz.S At all ot the bum= usd tPosubs• iltenanodttlas, and savants the get era roltuattatbuittesa, - : •• •1112.1art,:trhast is *Luta but .Ludy. 'and the densang Is light 'wag restsioted cat Andy UniaPOStog the tdUnediste snake or thee etty tern% 'an now - quite et 1114 10 0 1 0 for tame 'aidssid tuAtql,to for Ma. Batter is In hettat demo'', and enter but un chug ed; we - ethtinite to gut* Spring at 11,3001.31. Oats Onnaiand:tn good deniand and La tuned sup. i l ly; Nays at cards. on -track, and worse. to ston.. Corn Is dolt and fa aood eupplly we .0011001 w suet. at • 660,1 Ca for Am, and aLtset,te for old. Alpo Is to* 000tetta1 StitS PIAP, . , FLOtettltues dull and weekorith a . g r .ophsg. *lnds:UP But -managed. sales 1n ston at ttopootoo) for Sprlng Witstr 112011.10 far - Muter T Stan. and WOO for fanny branda. Btu Flory MOS .*Buckwheat. 040 ter aWt.' = rott.TOLS,The supply U oonelduably la of the diutuid,and gases wilt but ntillsititeetWe now quota Pesch Blain at re 113¢Ara trutisid:factit itinU las La dots.. APR), s.!.,rlt,etUtHue largely Is emu at the; demand, Out -sew axe surthansea; regular sale. latstata as 3*,15002. 60 pee pla, for Meta . - /MUM FattlT—efautti Was ti stars et &Pyles Vat Steles foe Viiselass `'et/ABEIESIRLIES:-Seies of eowaaa at aetlia pat etadmd aulurgeod at atadsogsas,oo. BUTTETt-edzoo to than Itoll la seams bad In rood thutasta but utoshtogatil - wo *outlaw to tCubto'st 050400. 30S-Saatoo sad bt Wr demand but oz. tilalteed; Was oh:tail:I *bad at SaNSIO-sott.' ...1.1.1.T.-The futt, ittito aboatatily, - Oadtliasoirkat Lttm, wltt regular sates trout SOnsithr wagous , atalfelb 'toot ; bosh ateoldbUt '.•OIIi-L.N bu lobed:WV stool/. with tat tilso atlas .at factors at Oa for No. 0., 004 4t,tro:ji. oraorrs-a two ertth mow. salsa In Ittoro Prialinll43lll7ll7loLitalENJlMlZT . . •J,Outosteri IF= TlTOWllll4lrenternal ...TrAtintoons Komatsu 1147. IDAUD/L,Tho Tillotson market hos bent itlenotor toul tounttled, ullonstwot ell Yell week, AUL while thus luutlent fill volute of bottom te tlu onlllitilt" plums gegtlWel uth but irsek.lati still farther declined. It • RN thought that al the llstuslloas for A/tulip ton rl le was bi m lanai proallotot, gad lb• auppty la this market in. web net witututtal would, toad to lump try piton, nyedolly tar slut °timid lipultla.dillistlle.but malls not Aro water ' as u 01l th e Par. or. sellsen opllen,' taw nodded to h., ail Am Nallitinsi APtll, ItY%hit bmt . 0 / 4 Ma I week at*::l3ta Wen llttlethil to.ur vet * " fottovritle3o bble nest wafer at Mt 1000 for .11aritry aodTebrinT,at let lOW tor all TM .IblhelltnagArst set 11010 AM women wow. ot tot Oat no to intim, ars. It was tumoral iP She that Mai Linton oral to all to be tie anent *filth' Ahem duo at st, but of this w • cannot apitalt puttlletts lid =Mir We tt. its Ws got ft,noi pritentlOS to Youth for ife ttos - thing that toads to news* the price& ott, la Os tut Out the Allegheny . -TOO itatzoia wILLb •ompleaatt tatoato to wittos two week.; alter that. be brought uretinipoonsothst us rhea. BETlltElli—The nuke, tot twined ows• , elolies Mat nut unsettled. Ws ogaltsted with list Tato - - - eittes .Om &Wont matatially, •; wad 'Weill Oa dulls:A the man derold I "WC All stutillentlogi , There trot Annals sale repolta6aaeday-600 tor Deeembes, buseaft .1 , 00 3 . 14 WSSW4Wt. wets[ SW. was • sale • 01 , 11174. woe mouth. at . Inv. Late be ilie'a4lassaa,St wan meestad that ZOO So ado llteretOrbistiglirstbst ecod4 biebtalaell tar °Hi:nimbi& arid' llsoimbet, but - so tar am we :aeold.Ormrs,thanumess so,ogras lard belsiv 9rtlfoUi ratan NM Soo wham:o4 we am. denitai..faot• N 134.41.11,..114 '291.1.5; while JSIS.Is, tO JUis my be queSs4 at 'ST 432714.4.hdit5 , Ala Warm .Les Was dailrtiae tor two at three dap. Upon elm wholg the market him bins la • paninky goo . dltkur all week. and aotartthateatting there has peest ihle inalatesof tik the sum. 4114. lit* 'hairs 14•44 . tar dadimed an weak. . k. 11.E.TIVALs—Th. tcUosing an du anirsis roe the week W. Wasoo AO llama Olt Waite. 101 us 011 {flu MI PIO= aBN . 110 l ?rall.gbar - - Ull J.U. /C:aki.tri4k. Re I my a. mammon... 1 a Kam& & 0 ,, ••• b. J. T. lalw.. .PM Jas. Wilkins .... 11.11 211.111324 . 4716. — ..u0 so: 13.13 in W. d: Satothes..... 11) P. Welsosbeiga. CO Brivi, It. d Ck...., la, retsl. Totalrecall= lAA west-- Dual xseclyt. .lea. Su!. au. amen lust STA., 16 Not; Rot co. Ito bbli reload; to Wads& Yids as (lo.Pldladolplgs. , • Sratiditi,WwW . ..Zo do:do 10 .161446105 . di ro., PEiladef - P. lifetssobersor.ll.o do do to Wands. Les Si tio.Phlladolphlo. • Stootobelosor, LoshiSt Ce..l4o3:dddo to Worlog. La IS Co, Paumaphtn • Lltortr Wols, SOO do do to Scionr.Bork • P. Sum as di oo.i ICS do do to Worts'. Kin • Pairoott. Loon Stookdois,loo dodo to W. P. Logos tßro., Phlladslphis. or. Edam we sham 111QII101111170T. roo= . traa•a.uqat..aflak Pais A. D. 1111 C. BO Mb* DV* II Co.. IlDadalptcla. JA Mlle; so! oo ossisss Irosuso Log 11,9P+ ilnikauhu. , SLltt paDtek. 00, 11l do. do to W. P. D " a a Williana.ltito do . eer W. P. Ld• • dea,liliro, Philadelphia. avOO.I24IVIDIU W 111D1bar . t a Ca.Tausaaaata . _ all * iugma, to Me gitubargh &WAWA.] Creconisys, ticerentber- IS.—The••emigre misiketa were ;inlet to-day. Flom; not rood; dace and rather dulls family $llO 11,16 ' , Wheat ;plat at 1245 for rio.lowl,,aed irt.il dor No. 1 forte g. Corn unebanged; mew ow In local dawang at SU. Oats firmer at Itto-boldars Wes Wiwi risking Oa. Wye 111.44.'• Sarin unatuinged and quiet. Cotton dub. and =Wallas _cow he. bought et Wit Tobaeoe steadzra fats demand= walg a tteti Pork ° bel t :l s t v an, Irith no salW . Lard In demur; at t sales LW tiarats orrild agthla real holders sow ark "Ilbrolawstew.wthning. Beam unchanged; shoulders 11%01;34a. aid clear aides Wyrfo. Green Mesta selvanoed LOT eath; tor shoal ders,Pidelland barna. to he dalrrered the nen good eastlierand but Hills 4_ Won towel for Welber delivery Mr aritwa. 1- butter dell; tanualOhist rash Iry rolls la wir b="64 4 B. 4 . i ts_ 4 11 1 ,,,e ' re.;1 Poulsose twohatgrod Rua anti: 4F Quit at .111%• - it 1.11 demand at id, has IL y sold Weigh us ViTitt er r t art.MOon, and buyers ant lons to get boor; receipts WO be:1 , ...1 r 5; ;Wad Oil dull at, el. Petroleum do ll at let far refine/I . lre. Lard Oh nn :beef Cattle doll with a largesupply, at ewe 05,0 wag. ibelliD 01 lame /Ripply sad dull at ;Wet peas. Goldin% Mans ! , • earwigs :A 0 16 Ofylllerrapla to the Iltubsrse Garotte .Catosao, Ncritember'll.—Ther• Is am In. creased demasd for mosey far partin g morrow. and by shippers of grabs. oinot to rho !steam °lslas seams, The lOW/ of ewraral. bowever, Is ablate. Hoar fairly sone. sad stradyla IhleVe far Baru atlas. to cholas Wish extras. Wheat ussettledy • Was or swing at e1,e481,33 for Not. as° W..V01.14 tar No% eloslawltt Wig tadaslng gg for latiisr au . Oats laprail,. and Me an early Waist. WI IKlefet itetsmusatly deelbsed to BS; olostos .0.1141 1. at. 7 - ' hyoll rafrly settee at Si. .; oloslas at outside. Barley Il i s ri ,rod • assaddi closing at .1,10 far Bo S. etas steady at yesterday's rates. PrOTI*IO etarrs sad Arab War of mess at 1119,60061 1 zalet9d aseals .„, a N .. so.,lt u taSt ba ti Tril t Janaru7 Liter etasay at 101012. Dressed hog= sa VAL Escalate-4We bbla apart eetat statist{ 00.00 bash corn' 11,000 bush oats. etuothesta—.lll,7Co ; OM* floor; leads Wbstal 61,103 Carrie 6S.are bash oats rrwlr. LWI Gllfleitgrepti to the Pittsburgh °suite.) to. ions, 10.—The tobacco thonanO, extuoads the supply' ethimecto to teeelloto 1,611 V.; shipping 1419“11e; manntse terlos*ard. opoltattlower wed only , oftheed for infililthegoeFletlT.lrrevelart 1 ge. Weiterla ir 4o, e li mobi am Mo s o 4 or eases to 0.007 Walt. w l.eot nonfat ono cutler tor WI, as KOWA (00 00 ;001 to cholas red, and - rno using glenuen, SVIO. 'Corn 'ORM foe nos. ana. nOoO4ll Sot 0170 VoiMoO. Porn ' and alined lower, - at 0642070. - llowandZV a nnonangoli: man Dorn SA batterd ao pi: Bacon wanted; tee= " eobiggil er■ 12.40. Law doll, at no 044% nutobeir 1 11 = 10 Ate. aStth a t 401As%anotel to OM. Iteeelpte-1,400 It . 4,700 nu whom, SRO undo corn, .14711t0l Mbar:B.7 th ble emir. womb. A lss ar , - ' fgt.:dogfish tetlOPltYLYrlb9 satt.3 CurvitatrorLNarember .Id.—foci WIN Ana steady: mum the demand fair In trail* lotnoted teeld.at. -a range al $1011,63 for .datttle extra sprta s 4llEl . fordeuele atm red winter: atm I for *soils hod - trims siresorldta: h dull sad lowur wantemmilag of No. lred winter ACnodrn . a llllal a BIA4IMkd at 1 2 41501. m. m oos -lag at the Inside figure; gto Mr new shelled. Otte dun tad tullEht denarul, at for N. fr .."... Nye fine. at 11,410 "C M far o. 1 ISMS and mestarn from Mom, assisy .. I . l .,ssupeite for No. 1 anti st,sso _1.15 for Na 9. Petroleum unchanged se wssu • taw dasawsa mums as 4speci bonded nominal at - . ' summt. tin Ta rsMte tao IrtusOugh easoitof :Loturfissi. Ifor. - 15.-Bgoo of 33 'MEI* of tobacco as Will . for /ISM /sot to latollaul loaf. Cotton Who for 100 tal4dlros. Moor onobstuied. WnosS: 1111.1f 1 0 1 . 43 . - COOo-abl stiolls6 pl sieW Oats GOO is Dolt. }logs tuft and olorattiaM4Cr. You late i rrali, ta tsimpO, Ram. wing% DAII.Y GAZETTE: MONDAY. NOVEMBER 18. 1867. Flialidirlititiao - fit tow York YMa,fyMi J UD'.. rdwirrsali uut 6.xett 34 Nrw Tow., No , 14 ... Maar. et Seri per mot. on call . /oen , i. Starling quiet Wan Po , einl: In got?, for ern elan bill.. Gold loner,.open- Ins: thigh sot:tang to - 1 0 % re sna l et 123%. The (=rental. grer-te We $213,7711. OoritiNYZlrrit. Gereguhunt eteekdererequlit and With; 'out my decided Ch• Mt.: g o 4l"ia ti t Vlte% geciolei ,t do lormticami 1044' 106401. 0 4; • 105.40 MAIM sTows Bt la a n t e id d e lmowen e &Is M fa t t t e e s te nt seadets. Lome 1th4 419 . 1 4; Inge. eaeld9o.o3Si frITW l it= 431, 1 =; '1A712,1354,1111=011411 ato•fact legal tenders shos•hot decree/0 SLA= STOO/6. Stacks opened unmated and blither, with an advance subsequently. and at last the s t Lu=e i losedi v tird • Cit);l_l9l.gra, cum. metiraa 70, Ayms.7l% , mer chant. mu. 34,_Qtaoludirar ttAtiiir, mut_ riz,ll2 , w= 7 ,mtll*Tattyttv i e rots 77.ai04,7 Hudson, LWXIE a - Ifeacttng .849 Obbi cartlecates .3%. St. Pant el, Preferred allssonri iceetcot,t, Inwood Southern SIOSPX. Moots Central 103110111, Toledo 10901uStA Soak rl,tganr l CA orthwestara Preferred Port Wayne The Merits shares were Erie anTiroWl. western common, and these absorb a large portion of the speculative tutorage of the street. .11.1:6011; the Stale stocks Tennessee X to %Mee% and Missend to elSie 95%. • Mang shares are steady. Gregory SKlty DO; Davidson; 03099; DIM 190 t wallklit, 43; Edge • Hlty 354; Eldmado, Bwilannso. retrolsain, 450401 dllesheny. Sin 1117laitAllirST .W=2l6 BOViiPti at the Suharassers , MALT wen, 1V 50 7. 70. , Or .tek, 17,603,031, Including 41,793,557 from muttons. Paymerits tads!. were PAM, for the • week $14,00.2138, ante, M1D,196,416. The Imports for the week were es follows: Dry G00e1,009,169: Get:oral Seerollandlse,, LISA At the Cruntelnlps. Stook yarda ihe host. mess transaeted aortae the present week wmasfollowe: There warted:loam reeelyed oontelninfr 1748 , heed Of Watley 10,1411 Hap; ens head of Sheep; 118 IlMees. 'There . Ware slaughtered daring the same LIM(' 818 Did, 1,040 Sheep; toDcalyea:.. Telioark to ritisburib eissitet • Itussentli November •10.—Yloor don. Wheat ittgoMl enquiry. Mut to lowert islet of 41,000 bush No. .1 Itilwaukoe MUD, 0t S,W; MOM bust; No. I Wilwarikow and Chlosm No.. II at dose offilted at $l,OB Cameo.% and VA M loirer t irs of 8,000 bush No. IS Wasters - OS'. t 14,013 bush Prime Nov Western - M.1,03 ; bosh New Italian oar lots at $1,05. Oats—market bate -salts - of 11,000 bush at MO. Barley-clot of IWO bun No.t Weetern at 11.9124. lieu Pork, scarce, lit MX. L ar d, 140. ' *ocelo Nye t.— Wheat,ll3oXl bulb i Corn ACM 15,0febosht Oat.. MAO bosh , Barley, Mine bile,. I Flour,s.9lunble.. Mnonionw—Wheat, 146.1:031160 Corn, WSW bash ; fiats,l9)sol bush; Carley. AOC* bush I n)B,l3Mobusti. Freights lOweinst Ito for Wbakt, Ito for Coro, 10110.543 for Oita to New Tork. Ilan rairloUiio Market. ..By To!union to Me ?Mrnorth emit.] Inancosco, Now. stook cot lama In the warabovaca of the city . is oat motet at antin make.. Tour SLOW for ax. tom a6,7so7.l4 l Slot s urnporffna. Tito stork of wlteatin lara to mill:mite& at 2.93.C00 etata.. 051.040 or violin is in waralosawm in Me Mtn time wan no trainnotiono, mot =naro nominal. Local Trader, 71}L 1g Btocke—Yellow Jacket, 380; Cnollar, Ita; Crown Point, - 5131 • 000romli 114 Rould Carry. saol§.••=.101; 001.1 Sanwa, 11, Imper Mi. lte; Overman. fll Whir. Mt. Oxiiiass Martel. , BYToleißaDb to the Pittobaan tisoottct Naar °Risky*. Nov.ll.—CattOn gain and easier; Wks IiCCO baleen receipts 'SON beam dawns I,l4lllolalirmiddlingltiglo.o. Sugar and magmas unclaimed. Fiala dull and Co r n superfine 0, 50 : Corn dull and &mama) Was at V. Lk& Oats dull ml 78p York nanilnal. dial and deatiningtahaulaara 1301 clear rib litcalearl7a.. Lard prime tiaroa co la 0 keg 133 M. Gold 1 l Starling Paw ark exenange 3epremium. • lime Veda Dig &teed* Km*AL • - By Tetanal" to We ?Mamma. Quetta.' - Stew Year.; Nevazabee Id—The medlar Is dettentlnt sad bnataem fate, while genera are melange'. Brown Meetings of the beet melee era mum, and hold at DI& otheralitralt rant Cleans era bell mt. Prints are steed?. Delalstm 1.3344117. Pa per Umetnies, tyAllt"4. . • • • !Istvan* Markets. (217 Tel4lol4lllloUlkriniebl6l/I.B.MMT ltittrombir —Sugar drat Moo 11 1 ,4 rotas tor Noe./ to 11. • Souse ailgss Van tatattata 11111 commenced pumas', but the plaid It, amsl.l. , 1111 , burrIttautio'baTe.iltelt. tropell the coot awe 111 Porte 11 erpeent4 US. rUt efts° ane to wins.. retibidelphla Maltel. • • [e7 Te.hystes to We titialauglt 6wasibit.3 eittvilizrittA. November 10.—Thar aan t .1=151,00550. Rbeat eleadll a• d, Pr/ma. Cora Elmer ; Iwo mak alllated t o ott 11143101,53%. UM+ ateuly, atMOlop. waisky dal. • groaddita aarker. • Car laturOata taa Pittraaraktiassurti M.11[1.1411, Nor. 14,0cdton Fat at 155(a. Coro roam as $lll. 17.3. Car dullilt W j lira.wooly. Marmar] &ad emoting'. ea. Pork dultaitdAd Clam Mid /64111 , 344 Lard la IlralP Mack • 111111LHICULM • Protest=LP= Waifs& Ciugorio•-•... Nor nekt.l7,-4 earl was/. Malta a tha S de do, Jos Wood • boot oda Loma. a Col- Judi./ do da. Bffoo a Loogrwri r do do. Joao Zoos has/111W MOD door. tl Linalay Jr tea; I* non Wah_Dowea Win SO do do.lll.laror, Maros Pa I tor bar ley. ey, ,Patr.- Dolma" Col 26 Ma ofy BL.rabtatora a Wi 7T tato Diatom sato. Yawata a abopiali W bbl. malsky. L Stroosterist .7. C.l 1a toslord. Boilers Co; IS bags 0013.114 do rla W lama it Ski no, Wwll7„Dickson 7. Voile an wool, W IWO: Jra 0o; 7Wm boa on. W 115670bw0r W at 7 Wol2waii otovos.'.l Wye» are Val l i. L'il r be'srnt .. 11lm 1. 7 141 =m, m t iU s.ll= ONO btds D Wan, lot turnO hardware, Hors Bond. toile hears. Drama oral to wraaar korOwszo, Alordoook. Mares Cot &Mohr soolog paper. Llamas** Lava fa do; Woos*Si' Sharer - • Or; 11 dodo. =go r o t o s Tr: 3, 13 Ltinduacooll(l 4 .to W Coopt ' ol OS 4: dd. - tr 3 Lonturi. Raw it Coil au map Wo, job. 1111•Daimati I au.- Owley. Crap • armload; 111 .ta Notemula-1170 bid* Ileuraboassisa Iola; I um slam, Asdatacna &Huainan 4 bes toe Co r Maul ;41 bales salon. Holmes, Bell Coin Om Wows% held Notsfor; Co Iddes G • Hanson I ear *my Briokst • 00, akt ,qa Illensnoe • • 004 bbl. &DPW. llallrga IN/try I Co: lOW ona, av " kis slaw bbla } L paashsa, Olde & ..,18 U,4 " 4 Vasa; aks po; I bbl lard Arbaiskloo • Co r 241 ate eau, IV Won a Burl Di dis bay" Ellustumk, klwtry a, go; 1 oar natal, thasabalsea • thseettode T ear mums, 13 0 Battelle bbl NEM a PIP • butt.. t . bbla apples,,W .NAmta 411 eke oats, Manor • Mirla aka .1/4 do oat& Is do pola. JoknaL ICog IS booth* Flatten* Prot l=af Isom /I AIT.4OIIIOIII . STATIOS. Itoimb n pigskins!. firod • linos VD oito &orlon x al& I oar salsuho. Boylo, bed. bia&- Owo&o..•,/ a .7.&711.&27; 110.ata 2:12 er . 17•4 "• nolststs& Lino. f sk. mi. .17644173 01td&0 7 ...., - 71_1 • 1743 Et Ws , taboos& •It -IMAIWofto do btla et4st. IL Book; 7 '.an 1717., Obajf_77 Itotsnaoal Ido do, J llom9hllµ - 11 mon, Lappo & Watts.:.. Alteresmor VASSIer 31,11-atoventbst 111.—• Ls obis Street, Surto a Cr* Obis tient tea trerneed, Bull * I tot. tuns 4 Woolll4sl 111 Obla Ovskolioat door, .3 OW boom, worn 433 obla oil, P Watreoberter Ctor lam .01W 'Everson, Preston Co: tao biarrEaribt. Port* a Lot II ass nvairlo t,. I do. oloodkroood, ISOM. • Wildllo. Obis °boned, 64.0.04 & Careptel* U las cots. Ju 4L171T.41D Hrnriankok Hardman, Nommabn is-a ;ass kW roMNflattak tlot Mid dandled. Wm Mardothl dose Wok Lta• Sao; loon Met lambsr. W W Lidos i Oai ltus do do, .11' HILL 11 oar Ma on,Z•smos, Pastes Om I ear oats, Maks I Cotloo bats Wm, Salem Oa Itipt molls, Volga a Oa, Prrnurnamt -nark OttrantramMOS. 21. Ids Nosetaassla , —m bra Madult alas. 11110/../. k 0006 a aka nom N rostao -Oka Moat, .1 8 Ll{gat%a OosY do do, Om it—Wsishi s 0 ads oats, W Itoorstat "Ma papa, nOiskle, itoutluip BELL *col, Anchor Calton M i l ls; fitisburgb, kt...nau.r.r.a "Teary, Medium •anl 1.1a4 D IPSDLOTION OF PAUTNEB 'The Cm heretofore axial ar.aadet tat nano as 4 style of .1 Elf 1:1114AMA A CO. slki• 0, 4 day tars dtrieleed Ly motaat eoamat All claim. again% the IllrM slat lie "restated Ur JUBN A. JACOBS for oat ll.meat. era el thdati indebted Loin Ina ara reqautde meat to .aid party. .1011 M eiLt Ms% • JOIN A. 4At.01114 AIMS. Y. mots ' WHEELER & WILSON • mAtiqAcrrunnua 00.11.Pkte7 • • swore : LI . , lUtob. and ante ohapes', eta. ealosrooso, No. V NIFTII 8T1121.1'. WILISMIZILS : Lefton Tiktduszen; ra w alt.stre , et WILLIAM /LIM. .I,MI pumas * rsittoiledl gr" i• wok* inirwilwis wayawls. mad w r mg iwalwat las inle....Atrium will E s tiwilltilwilw. !urn: wwilw kiLIE SIMMS j - Or A Wir Us mew. ,TUG al/ %WSW I.l.lll.S.**alval• =M==! WHEAT. -10.000 aysfE Le CHOICE NO. I Still. YINEItT, nad tar watt SPANIZL W/1161.1414 oat tral 11.3LItorty • • BARU &!SEM AhmacriffammOwsiii Is = Vim to_ :1118111 B 110Pli Wollia FULTON, IttitlOAN CO.,At --' CORDAGE GAALIMI, T WINES, it tTen Tariaty, waretwaums, 114 & um wafts IL Call err pond for Circular M=l RIVER NEWS The river remains about etattoomy at thla punt, while the weather eoatinuee cloudy sad *old, with etronii Indications at times Of snow. ti pil l SS oft now setiouely CU tjui, , wil have* freeze-up tem w 4 Me. 104 if; must be confessed t ha y . oks very mush like is at. present. The LOulsville °eerier; in snglebn the'faet , that the 11. E. Lee sad Grest.ftwpubilo passed Memphis on Thursday for New o:lssas, re. marks. . The Robert E Lee, wore , . was greying ris lent wafor or merey, dying Rapt, and the Great Republle Was &awing about the eeme water. yet both have sueessefully passed ever the bar at Point Plangent, where but dye feet, water was reported. It manes be entre , tamed fora moment that the boats were 'l.O. ter marked," am it fa hot tonal n show more water by their mark. than they really draw. though la le alleged that many boats draw more water than indicated by their mark.. The toroth:Men le that there was fully ids feet Or water, or more, over the bar eformald. ' The theatrarati Cbseasecial, of Friday, ,aye ; The rapidly needing river canean chipper, to hurry down their reerehandim in order to get It On' before we have lower water, or perhaps a snoperialon of navigation by fee. Mr: EL A. Dohrmanle In charge of the ogles Or the Wan. antes, new loading for New Ode.. Dr, Thomas, Yrealdeet of the blerehante Laurance Company. returned from the awaken steam. Maeda PO* yesterday. Ng reports the Under: write. along We, with hopes of raising her: will be remembered eh* WY stink In the Missouri. • 8.. Louie. ZiO•tnlbarl4.—Ttie Mary klaDois. Ma ems comet:lib* Vicksburg trade, sad the W. L. Leols will be the Saturday Xruoplas Thw Wblerwriter• contesiplate taking no 'risks to the Lower glissladppl co bars tow olpassouger MAIM% Vkli 41101211.1 a• of navigation see incressing. Receipts were ruse, gestalts, end today. Tao Lin:Unlike has Overlord for Now Orlinuor. The Simms. lasm tbliornyolog for OlosliusstL - • . Test batanonlev anualtee• of pronitheat and well-known stemottatmen, cep. Dented by the lots marantlon of eaptaine and Owners, la now ln the airy of Manage= to noreseet the Western Memaboate • _era the in Waits of Weston comma= sad savnation. Axioms the °Warta of the commleteevepresent , lag the steamboat 'men, L ono to emend the' Ideatiboat law. They have boatla Comments =lion with Mr. Mettalloch, the Secretary o f the Trcaeury, who has the oontrel of the dr nutmeat regulating and governing enamboang and steamboat Impactors. and the honor= la Paeretary has favorably received the canard,- tee and their enggestleas. This committee is composed of Captains Z. M. Shalom. of Loolsylite; Jae Pepper of cu. omDWt evAleutdnt /IL LaultylL A.D: Iwo and 01.11.1nhoor.r. of Pitestugh. The new lOU= hoer reoetnereand by the Conventloo. farina a. iv:mina:mu Of tonne sad 'bruiding boiler iron befroa It iernad /a the rinetructiatt of steamboat ballets. Keay of the earner= tartir a =hay valve that can aot be. lataperederith: or Mat Inspretora , ari not latereete4 In. "The subject of =eland draft abauld be eased apply =very may one. Mal. men ate' enamel to 14. emaldeling it u u ken .ta not only destroy the boa, but Is= to The WheelingTal .4/I peneer . of Finny, says: The .Leal Leon innt Baaaal4so No. 11: arrived horaPittnunth earty imam.= meratag. The ton.= departed for rationsbny at 11 Velvet, full of penmen and Intihn the latterde. parted for the Tennessee riverabout to o'clock with. fair nip:. The Zepress arrived from I pernersbueg about IA entok. Conn Au. shots lisanonaludEl Way hes op tokeep ewe. piny wen: Um Mabee= The Leolain arrived trom u with tee tone of okr toss , -100 One 'tor the Laßelle DLUIa and SO Torn M.. Pura. Month Saint mill probably loan the loraletra tor ellantunel. This be a good opportunity for cot martnantil to stip freight batinten tail point sad that eity. , We take the follow:0 - from the Loutrrilla Mot= Of 'Thunder The remote wee. nu. rent •yesterney That th e local neembost la. =nears et this . 4.lstrlet. IWO= Deere= and Jon:Cr:lna had been ratite:Mout *foam and that EUa Wlthera.a formareroU Yawn pint. as Cleo. kloinatOn. had ban aypoinuel la Mak tonna TOO old leaumbeette Wan well vas= la the dolls. of the once, and wen 11.4• wars attentive and =men la the perfernearn of their nal= Olin Wither. hay. Ico=n than mill' reap = * Loneettle and Now (Mee= la_ tot menus' lean pa= he. ha been f la. She viglediy of Ban steer. Mr. Innen= I • pneMeal engineer had fouadrymaa of this city. ' • A Ea:aphis tetweas um The Gee yet el the her et Point PM by ft.lay ure bylaw nude' • bar tussle sad pantiles tees out. The Great liepublle emus ever too fat at nue point. The Ono bait le to ma to the Memphis sae Neer .Ortessa trade u satoszey pecket. se eousettas vita the LAblrntte reg. Win ellp the fait:Mini from the anctuatt Oascttaq 6t F taer.' .."TM Importer, bows Pittsburgh. Mt loot tZtorar AL Louis, droving tour IM, withdautos autos Warty therm -Hot Wool on Jerry Xmas, DU Than sad Jim. Stewart. TDe Italloverson sin Lett for AL Llorgil Isar riming, haring isms Cross rib.. She wits desiring throe bob. Hu pilots an Capt. Wm. PAW sod John ivrW riz .111 f Wild Durk tar Am Wows yestaday with two , arch dnwing thiroo terr: PAOLI.. llsas'Esaft and Issas • Trio Wausalts ti thir platy boat onward for New Dilossu • Parilie wen ie4esrrstlet ie.t .d yto 'Pt the Voltusals to put po toe a 110 p is Nu. . . _ A it:/exa. eirtimuL W•donodo7i Wl= 'Bod tonipoi lUnar woo o oaoduatoly o*Uvii *a %Mug% owl n tor Sootbima tn.om Wok; totato at mica notabilotiad oo :lo Email did not tut oolootoo It took into podia. intarootall to um Mom. To madders Us sm. ea Thugs nu droodoill ionnoinn. Tbe Ohaatuetl Zeoutur. of Frthy. eau: The Doe; with Ms harm .Onset, um Murk tut ea tsethattoe Wedouday moral.[. , The gehererhoo.>o trying to get mush Mue.g *grow% et the stank met awthiteg wend. bow Wreak one el the Uwe, breaking elf stem. The Shur. Lake was acrome at, the awns tame. The Potoms• wan them for some Usu. bet atit 017. mid 11 stow lath sip ellehret. tng iralth?g for velar.' , . at.. Iteleleresee• rev Taiethave to tha Pittabenth elthatta.l — Nov. L ie —Elver istaithow7. tilth 94 feet to the cartaL • llextrati.•Ner. 111,-Fltver , Midair Idelde. Weather ether end hlethaat. 811WW3OLT8., REGULAR 11 rEEIAL‘g i dMA PLOKILI•DZIWARC fITRI ran PorOttgialklfallisyslElitt EN/Alain sad 01.14.4 Urea" . Li CLUB. E.. 2 • • RW I .I. g. wm Iran' ri1t.b..g!...47 %amok% .4 1 rt erPes r. M. Lays rasamaa nn weEVIIA. LP. f Welor.l gr. so. . Tor I:v . og= or pthoge apply boare..ox , • not j 011.4 AIM" 0 A 40,:4:44:y V.i :j ft :1:! BIEIIVRAIITS 9 LIVERY AND SALE STABLE. 1.W;IICH1111011.19toiairrol. nos: I 4 garb its mow sisum, 'ioommissecuatesotet.t 'twin& caseuate.lti. uew sitsatica.w4 Imams law = 1110RAL&ND 1111tHill, Livir3 ;ail Sale Stableas nd LIBMICET iTILICIII4 oime.tte resitsrtrealagatlies4 PITTIDURCH• Parturena lineation sea I. tasUldrit Hen* owl UsiriNta. for Homo Ws at II . LlTHol4l3lilliMttli Ilmaaitut ..—.7a17.41171441 SIXGEIILT •196 • (14ccouoril to Elf POSolmiluna•• COO -.•-• PRACTICAL' LITH ORR/SHERI .. • . . riTlitrA D WlTtr " Net t• 124165 Midi* /AZ - " 4 41....•) ".".. iv , .......b......; b PI ~81, tAtt:.• 15:„....-.-ommid 1 igra ~..„ riu.. CIWI i gPAF EI , LI At THOGRAPitkpi 11 °. *Pali° Uz 4 t i e Ao 11.0. 0. laTtEltl6.ah.r. pIINT V PELT.,WORW CEO. cri- Matirrw.gwripiaegt,kl Lostlaer mg ozW. I:ipuzzierEnr, . . Nth AZUCCIIIIIIII,. • (fourth dp9r above thamokol.l 611 0/ 611V are COM ( .4041 - t AWITILN PRIM Ivend th at =lna la ad nit clan Mace ea Call Asa ...V STETTLEB SONS & CO., Steam Toilers, Oil Stills, Tanks; And Blom LIONIFUFIC,ot libido. Imannt tIM Xdflti ram, pittourgii JO 11111N1111 4111°DWARAMENTAL /Mirth Mtet. Qui dear frttok La. lVtgrinti.7 6 7 ol : 6l : ll : 4 144 '7llooll=ll.la VlLMlNgenit 11/ Sitt I .V1i1(15 . ltil ig= Ita , -. l ltlthit 12111.1,11 t **.l SIM * a JACOD WEAVER 111. & CO., Giner* l r&Mk,18‘110/ : va >i it. • of &Ia mats? 0133 penny nento436 'PUMP/M*loElle 41111Itit'Pftai.ctli 'MD Olty. p... IT "I !OOPMU.. "M. LMVutiPitil COANTN GINGER.. VII . fur In . tar IS Donal 4 5in.011 , 7 r uder ). altH , _ClisussLlUnny sad Maud Matti XIECTELLAISMO I 3 I3 Tll - WHEAT GROWERS. EBBE= ANINONUTBD BONE Snper•Phosphate of Line. - luaruracrrusiD BY t tHE ALLEO ENT FERTILIZER CO., SEWAII & CAMPBELL, 1•1201.1111201111. I Ogee, 358 Penn' St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Tba belt IrcetVliar 10 0" and 000 0t0 1 " 1 0 7 bays gly" It a trattlr=trinnt•Wat Da t ll7atm :3 or v ow," alma". a Ixaaptilet contain"' atarestUto and valuable atatemants It Ulla Por tals" caplamor and" will Oa *eat 00 , 0 a 00 W 3mamtdtheir Iddreu.: PITTSIStriGH IMPORTING HOUSE I ABLE I 4 T llta. SC DT & FRIDAY, iormarzas or GERMAN, FRENCH AND SPANISH viNE AND LIQUORS, 409: Plus 14reet, Pittsburgh. Der ML a BYIDT navies returned front Au. tad pupated arrangenterar olta tee following urn elm bouweet f. 11111EMLLIL keine. Cbergmgae. • . 1 1. 1 P Y iLI S ASI 83::tgo"roU11.11' 4 "". CNA.. LAMMING, Vette. lgOntle. re neon.. Cadiz, . win" =HAIM ACLIILIDT, 20.abto0lr. A Rhein. A. Hoc AZYGMI a CO., Crewmen. npsrellollk mid wA,,A aeel , Aachen Aloe._ YURNGATI 00.. 5.1414 A ettekei Wortinent of PUMA MD Mt leigloHNT oonetantne on head. • Harlan perfected errangenterdeWillt Lbe &boy Itone.e,we are abl.o of 0440.4. bro. or WINISI sod LIQUORS. Issmlnation .111/Ity .4 boalp.S. or POW 401.1.4, 0.1.111 HAZARD • POWDER. I AM NOW PREPARED TO .I . l M s tin rtnal nolloa. all Greta. for la m a or In:USW CELEBRATED POWDER. • Anordan tart at or net by bout to my Eton. Nos, ITS and ITIVIIZDESAL MIST. Ail. IllTuT intl. FA. arto 1011 MOND NUM= Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh. Pa.. will malls ;romps attention. ARTHUR KIRK. . uREW PHOENIX SUSI lIREWEIN J. sriscsa...ris.' lei/X..112MT LIDDELL SPENCER, IN'KAY & CD., S OD_ BRBW Ale, Porter aruitiown Stout, aoisien. LIMON. GUI Lert COLLECTENG AGENCY. SEATON & CO., Local Collecting Agent". Scruxua. r.ll.vox, 1141. ' .ITITEBURFIL Inti.et gdl dtsuitstion Was foe oolistaz N:4l= sals32 who" /81114 ant INK at 11•444 sezw•an. KIM & SCITARTZ, :1111.44414 .4 1144.1114.11.41.2 Ili, Copper and sheet Iron Ware, aea Donlan tn OunalS9 errovss AND Bul7lllr. PDANDDILINU IIANDWANZ. 1011111 111 101 1111 DUI tO 11111. 11:14PLIPIVIWICeWilres'agr. =MM=I! OTICE:-TO. JOON 1.. CORN roe ALUIIIIICLAXII CrotILST. Vats e.ttee Itut • SPl.D , lllitt land eat at the 0 nauseam . % et the trotted Ptatee,rood tome Crowed. egatestMte *levered rota eates Sw eet. et iteased C.Mt/I`. is/W. Meer t . realm roetheore eat elhrerotes Pre the Otstlllatrou and tellies) at rebel Ult. all Ulu the property at tee esl4 Jab. L. Cc. eat Yrosseelror WE. ha. af Vannes eentstv. ad Toolelletle laat litetalet of rosorylesolo. Slot Ica SO led appear. roa.: eteeepereassersteal m th IV= TI 'lirA:hrnly 41. : a lIMLIIIte. W... It o'eltai a. . thee seam to laurel.a ror throe reroretera mum. =I teaks their alb:gall.. Le thee leeluelt. . Tito. A. lOUNLYT. . I. ti m bal, Weston. Martel. Po. Ifielskelle Wee. Nov. 1.1 lea. eat., pROPOSALS Wilt be received UNTIL ?KL Ma MR. For the Grading, Curbing & Paving edrAIN;VINT; YerADUZII, 1011001 Lela WM 21101'1201MS and VAMP ALLZY, halo Donut of [Wpm., Seplrsta Md. for Wier esol4l.atos. m 11Folsoa, paymealt. . . ter tartbsr panteulan spoLT•S *Ma , of th.IIIIIITOY. GeV. la. P. wiLasum. E.TWr'fflWf'T' rr Itl= 11:1:1== ANDERSON & WILSON, '"..lllerohiant Tailors, •AD 1L1M1383 IN Gnaws rvininenviro Goons, l mitt atim. Ilar WW I c tla . ted= n rr t fl=d4 . gial , erag lairedletata•• Irrpausalar laprlds. widen v . * aza prepared Pr taste pp la Oa 1.1.1 striae. late. .141.1114 mlcuOM sea are au 'Wheel • M rrerl -Cirt ist etplaerrOz Wa la toe.." OlTstm. D . t atair. . 1117 NOTICE.—In - the Court of orermeleer. flosgret.r T. ISA. WitrillirAt . Wr.viirsa All 'also. tat.tetts4 Alit take stile. MAI lAA trtil=eiknriAllgallratli d • liA • I.Artanal• Omit 'es . guna fa% v 1b . 41 1, 4%. , ,:zrgt De A1).1 , 111.10 AU peoperty betwetaa to atil Argots Au sateusd tor mown cot am . GAM. • CUT Polldlar. S.I HimmitrAuTzus Fon, Wins Alritegblers and Yankton, Yl r 2 Of Zaamated, +ae+.R or Banal. .t 1111111 ELL Ir. cit.% No. an Lanza:: !T. CHEAPEST PLACE IN THE • Cliz To atm Tur; TRIUMPH COOKING STOVE, = OIiT °flitches,. lith.At . .SRALRD PROPOSALS will be • +Halved at this atata PAT_ ab N tJ rafrlV L llert. zsr."=" 1 174 radiator ThastlAlrt llTlaltter. la tha Matta tatd. • • - . • • B. B. !KOWA, • DitiVATE DISEASES. - . • Oda -ssas *Jos STZEZT, our nasel. at MI tit* Ar AU Allem.. of A. Vt.* , * ah 0100, all4A/Az ammo. Alum ges g nal arms 4- . Owe wontatall a,MAIM rietinded. 02.1.. I tosad tAAP. EIL- B. LYON, Sealer .of Welgab and Neiman& .iwairovirnirraem witwors tawny , ud ran grimy. Utad*DlOlistrillattasdall • witge 0.: R. arOugrins savuttii rjui. mural. ottunarers. WA JCB Um aid Warabtratte, .60 ILIWCOTAAA , '• IMidta Wationtshal• Ire 1 PLASM AND ODNADENTAL. ZIT maximal LLOYD, Aa 3 1111;3Q4leKesel.. NITTBUTIROU, PA. Droowerait Ouilsteri .81.4Armaned mps! to utinsllo WASHINGTON MILLS, YnhhOn SW, mu WO iinix Sink& W. w.;ANDEnsow, .t"6.7IIIfAIR :11;1417a47:1`11.T.:1111.1...' 11. - Ottani.... V. 1141301011 rittran & ROBINSON, 1 teueolsion to JAMBS CIIAILI3.I • LOG PUMPS, Irugerait°2ll l All.7 ) M ° E"l l —iv wit promptly .141.1 w vi e; mo os stiortasi Moth. ir SLIP/DUOS COAL. „ C. CHERRY AID., Lim _sad_ p_tipmts Prffilltratit. BAB, tArglntil 4 .4laglishillti l y l tne .4* I th• MUT knrot mgt.'s an PUS. Ode. WI era maga ', anal, an WAT. P 8.3% . OTI.IeI/1411411.-Xlastargb.- L N. HALL, Elanutactarer of wou Azz Domino atom, Wholesale eleh_Orlall_ dealer In TOISLOM !g i l c ittll i l Marsh ao s assaleollie ff=M:=l;T=V=A - - MISCELLANEOUS MYERS, HOPPER & EL, Dr.acusors to R. B. BULOGR. ILLNUEIACTUALIS Of • . FURNITURE Of Every Description. SCHOOL AND OFFICE FIIIINITORE Ito. 45 Smithfield Street, I • girl tall moll:meat of P1tt.15.;0 Itawalab toted Fataltura eonStaatJ7 an !Land at LOWI/32 UM.11....W1C C. 1107711.1....1111.. 5, WAS TOBIES!.IO6MS! TOBIRS! 50,000 NO, 1 TOMES, RECEIVED WEEKLY. Also, 500,00.0 Lancaster Ralf Spantstr cigars, Justretelnd, whla xa clfa to ti<e WWI ChM for cub. • rirCall and examine before purchtuiungeniewhere. & •W. JENKINSON No, 6 Federal Street, = IMEIM TEAS °! TEAS! Of ad Prices and goat Ity, at 49.. 7EG. XPL GILLZ.II TL. Brij , oau g par lama. uoaa!! • J.• 4cl itEfa 11CMaN= Xxtro - , BLAME TlMlS — PoiraimevEftehanA °MO.. ii Mina Xr.ll7'dgunng"l7:in pit OW %.1. L4O JANIN MOAB, • y0 1 . 10 .21 4 0PM.Z:1 . _olosat 11.1.. a m it IL , 1.0 No, 1 Ylookl Sou. mot. SW*, da Y. /LIMO No.l " 1.6111 lac NVOM lho stove ono Goo coo . sl eet JUllt what kill of Teo they wantroad boos them pot op to 0010 0 .11‘1. IMO foronutted by. soy Or Rte Complai a. Pow 12212::Afijai:gt:gy, pound In 0000. . .04 01 es, besideo 00111011 pp., sad artiolo width azootly mat& th0r..1% . . , . mo t7ll ,116.1174 raland 111.. Idle:hazy; FOR FRAGRANT TEAS CHOICE COFFEE, PURE SPICES CM ROBINSON'S, No. 20 Fifth. Street. J CST RECEIVED. AT ROBERTS do SHIMIATT'S 1411q1ZOALIC AND 11121.7.1. 5. Cwt. ail mit bn isr• bididej, MT.. FlTTsinnea. EMI • to supply Of Coottog, [Waist and Parlor Marco. INodar*. YU* Moo .114 eland.; nag, Mat .00 row* t oat Vous d Mods. tad gzeandarjaMmrattjw ta aAlat z otoi for 000tiog wool. frosotabloo.' Doddlon. to ono vs•oe. sisal far 1011111.1 . 1 Nktalit AS•l.ttallit sad W. Boner tartar Stn s tor antlftetto Asa other:l.U. Ma am it. aO. Oro op.alsl otteoll , a to Um mulmetoroot Wows. Guano,. oefoali • STAIR 'RODS,' In Bronze,. Fire and Elver, WWI ?smut natant ng. witdett preernts tbs rod .haring INVIn Hs .itbont tba 0 splines, andel. De ad,instell Is an lastant. , - Xaanfletnrod 'may by w. J. lyall ay. =I . sir Aafor rivet. &lQ 07 W Larpet Dealer. PAPER HANGINGS, I= No., 107 Market Street. JOS. Q. 11111121756 i BRO. J REOONDULICIER AFEION node.* at ta• - SMICTIIIILI3I:73SILCMIC White, Lead and Color Worki, WlilTi AND RIM • • - ; • Z.IVU,V VITT, }IL LIZAW anuulrna V rrss WSW. Alt 6.114:y14n Omar In all. • • 011ie,. No. 07 701p1111. 1111111 M. 0 .1 a 4 4 1161114., 4 4. 111 . oL treat. Cis • • • - BONDS/ STOOKS AND BZAL ESTATE, Apollo Building, Rutin Street. RiaU admanluttgivi So ' arl Wad, awoke sod •01,1 on =on. Rattiness boughs sad ..1A... . •at TQE OLDIEST 'ESTABLISHED TRUNK* RUMS IR TES (STY.' • W. r. Citaa.ADM to Clmarazin • 1 spisalmo 'Uaaallalanz, Vriolalla Ina IteDll Dula Is TRUNKS' • Valises,- -Carpet Bags, - - Sce. aar 41 leo onortmena Of LAD INV SATOH. LLD Yams cua hand. 1.. ICO WOOD STUMM P/UsluogO. JAMES B. JONES, Scrap Iron, Light Iron, our nal witovanT utast. I , l.4oMria; elbC.. • . Akwaer Stade:Ms 'Styes ' Hid 'll,lse' , Avows.. Allasbeiv Clan . T , COMMON 111.1.011:131E AU Gomm WORXll l .4ontoreat Corso DI • —11 LED% AL'IVATO, •. ' limen balder q•nrpoye czi . port netts, lIICANTH AND ilTigP aro% • mule ros avat.lift guarLi t t sat w agitra. orompuy anemia. rtilejij -A, 11. FS GILHIII A CO -Alm 98 Fourth Veal. . robllsOort of 0dU001).161,141631id. 11!112PS .Aurramirrio, 111111TVO (1114111VAilt , girtilkliiratie u tootftaiN7.4. 111,11g1 ,1 "tfarA,,tilv.,•-tE‘k 'ATP B . P.'6E'lrL . . waor.u.is Diuszinr , , Choice Wines-and Liquots,-' so. 05 M. 14 pot. OHIO UT. AID DlUltail+ ILSII Altmann'? r, NOTIIuE is hereby. given that wanaglalMSULMlng of Almesbent, Po..tiontatode , 10 Int* MU. VI to We asoismigaid , .ILIIMS CLIME. tiStAttin unirragT: ' Administrators. e!EI GEORGE BEATEN, •• CANDY MANUFACTURER, • tad du/eqs i tgadAt ra. taralk h : . ARUM t! linalt..4ll.4ls.Vilft•• taammorrs ;ELLIE!. - •. an•ortotte. at DimsipmfOr lann eared and Lor si family 01 . 0.27 selputenratimaren, ---- • - • . =na=a . • •417 largo intact of LIM all Ueda Trees sarscaw urapa . .rims torsalaM Jena R. • A. avamouni Alrasioi m,'. aatalono. 1 1 t17.1i.CTU/MR/3. Vusrzi,Tyc.t R. V. Ma". tnp' l. Punta RG II FORGE AND IRON CO., I=l Bar Irma; italleood Inch lime aim Bottle Mi11i...4 Car &Mee !tolled, tbalcoMil ia.r Aztec Hammered Locomotive Fromm; Locomotive lielaenliageM Ittde Bode; Yoke., Strop.: Piston Beady siouaboat Shona: Bitiambost Cranks; Piston Lodi, Wrists: • . Pitman Jaws, Culler., OFFxci, No. 177 PENN STREET, PMMSBURGIU.PA NEW. EERIER 11011811 * V . • • Lindsay, Sterrit & Enwer, ' Dianufaotartire & Importers of Et A RDNVARE, CUTLERY, &c., 337 LIBERTY STREET, var. vera.nrezo. One 'Spare Mew Union -Depot PITTSBUBAHL. Mir Agteuta fOr VAI¢IyNYBC 1101.1514 SHEFFIELD STEEL WOES SUITOR =OK & CO BEER 1101111 ED CUT Elia 2.tom, ms ow mon, at Au un auss.; =Lax, =Faun, t7llO ANDC,ON VJf SAW PLATES. 11=-LLIJYTU) RAILWAY SPRINGS, cod *wiK? steel.' Coal and Gorman Plow Steel) mow WINOS AND XOWZIt SUM- • SPRINGS, AXLES AM . M 'TllM stmejltremcnimmSTErroaxian Warehouse, SS Water St., Pittsegb. .a1.111k4 ATLAS WOEUSS, Jfil T 0 X OTRAIRT Ninthellard, TIROMACT. IM:MEIt, President. Traeie Works kit snobs Ids Until aaa Most anol•to egabllabausat MUM Wat...11..1 an Iry pupated to ftraill . _ ' CllerMlorEvety Delutriptlo4 • Boller; 011 Tante. • inteet yth Work. Lairoszt,Cutings. B3lllng XIII luting. lenilae Casting,. Illachlbe Cut:lNp, General Caattelp. ORDERS SOLICITED rniti JOHN ROATEY, UCLA yOITMIIRY, . Carson 84,4ta ward, near 4:*.A. B. Hammer Dies, Steellgotilds, . Wing 111 ad Win &sags pailly. aa 3 Zl2.l92.T=LrliVgAt. ° l3 IMIX111.• e 2.4 I ILE PORT PITT FOUNDRY. cam , : UAP NUM • BRAYY • ORDNAACE, • ND ALL £1141:15 ps HZANT oAttrifla rm lemini attention - .pad -to BOLLINV rra• BLLnT MAutinrililt and RETOBTO. Azirinos ascandad to pnoemptly, As Unto Lbe bet • 1 0 IN *sod darn!, dg. - mut, V* an p4=4, dl anwW NNW 1,7 &now pat - tarn& constrented under the pppt rvldojl •311ran1 Wald, NAIL tut; .o Kaneda n • .. noltn Rpm c. a DOEMIsIa GREENWOOD FOUNDRY. BRAVO &,DONNEIIIIt . Jobbing and itlatbinery Castlns, Lithe or beery, of • ether - JiLiglellito Or Gray trop a[ ottomans. shoo sad styles, salted to weary imp.% made to order. aim, 250 Liberty Street,- n IUQUESNE IRON AND STEEL WORKSi HAILINAN, BANK & CO., Iron, Nang, fignm, Azlea, ZION& 13PHING AIDLB.BI2II4en. We,. 97 170'satc;ar ait resit. Privantrittay. BEADurr., .w. taisEss A ETN4 STAVE . 117.0314.8., A. ' BRADLEY 81' CO. - • Cook, Parlor and Heating-Stoves, . ingot, amino ftte brUod XUBSEA • ud TAlazmAN Vona Mang) ro• A viZTAAAT sad mnIELDLA (Wood . slavm..) Alm Sumotacture • -: GIiATES, (MUTE PitONTS, Ames .0 Warsaw:me, comer. of d strigu, plMommb. Itntnnon • . nfil HE A:lt IDWAL B. WOLF, .117. 0 &CO.. . DXLLIIIII Hardware & Cutlery.. art may avilit•lng Jars' al AtUnia to psi ito4. • *MO n caared t Dcalan at 7111,1140=ismizz-SILT Corner Liberty and St. Clair Ste;o0:11111111; smtreepublarock.. DLACIL DIAMOND iMprlarliMaNKTO2S4Xim. PIT2SIIMOII, !AWL. BIOTIIIIII 4 Co., . _ saga QUILIT'r 11.1ULARD OAST errraz. lignars, /Ist aa4 Octag ot all Me& War. 11111. d agaal to ay lialiarta4 or lassaAttanallta %Woo. . anelogoalamma. as la lad 16111ns. aa4 *mama 01,6•44 Alt4bSl6• Ntt Wt. ALL= --Tas. L. Iva,. VALLEY STOVE WORK&'- .• - - ALLEN, RIPKEe &40 W ll . l O//1. 301 Lille poet. 033tla0sld. enunanunnrs event r k litty 1.1 wtlll, r•sa.ou • .11111/1 . 1110 Imo ..0 5 l " 1. llrtit terktnraiswriar 4"" 7 " C "4 M "n Hollow 'vans litemitkily. °l'. 41 a" rm.*. a:omin D: JARED IL DRUM 4 fs ON, Rienzi Donors, Oil Stills, Tanks, • Sheet Iron Works, Ac. • GI Penn 814 PUlabicrgh, Pd. MERU 'FOUNDRY E!EiREiN BOMAN, BOYD & BAULK Chill Volta. Ylll Claattags, Itoll Lath • THOS. CLAMLIN. FRU Vali nomatuaatirent. 242:61DZY STELEZT, v eLYIII4:XX . ,:erb 0I all TL 1.114 KISS, wAGON HOZRZ. 5114.. U. AIM !MVO*, 4.4 .4 le cr444.K.L.14 44101.151... 4/1 Mmes. PITTSBRIGH IRON WORKS, J. PAINTER SONII.• -,- suroratirams ar Iron, Minket, Tub end Trunk HOOPS AND BERM wr~M - ' • PA MANUFAO'rURERB GRAFF, BYERS .& CO., MINIOI'.IO7IIIIVIes Bar, Hoop and Sheet Iron, WROIJGHT IRON tan itr,v4 rums rot us, sila. TM, it Jb.ZOIPCI4 OIL WELL TUBING, Mee, So! 98 Water Street, PITTSBURGH. PA. nrChila NATIONAL FOUNDRY PlOP:10 Corner Carron and 8 • fdroeu, Ninth Ward, PITTSBIIUGH, PA. o'933k,fcx Cast Iron Bowl FOR GAB AND WHIM WORKS . , .. , Illy Yips* an all castvsrUzal3lll2 Pitts. In DTI , Mad *V1121,2,42' LZINITS/I.,'AIW atoll .....It, meat Of' . . ' - arum comas in as inns ottan 1 woolti loam:all Ifts slitattlena 01 Itaputllttaad ents at du WaAlci to my mato co/ lI,STUtas. PORT prrT BOILBR, fiTI L IND TIN W4:YEt,3I. CARROLL & DOInadMAIXD, =mars 1113.11.80 X d CI7.43SDEIISTEAIL WILKE% OIL STILLS AM) OIL TOM% COMERZYB, BPLITMOING AND Mit FASIB DS lIICTTLINO WM, SALT PANS 11W cox smßElutDOZ PIPS O, % ess9mmirsout, AND 1.802 a PHIBON DOOlO .I.IID 0011 5.111P1N0. oillineadWarkaseraorliseand. Mira saalAberty Ilis‘at" Pittabnigh, Pentwylvania. IrOrdars sum to the Oar address - will b pro=ptliattandod to. •.. - aLO7AS KENSINGTON WORKS LLOYD & BLACK, Best Comet!, Relined Charcoal Juniata Blooth Iron. Arsonist , . aka. ROUND a Vass 1303 HOOP,_BAND n iT 6 m3 ANGLE I N. ROIL= d blizar num. GOMM and En RAVI OTLIEDZU and GILLED OR MOHR /ROE. MALL T B • .v.O 30 and 1810 a. to monad. WROUGHT musts me aux.= tor sum !LIT IM ii Tsulated Ihdostaralla. NAILS .d ' Warahona• and Ma at Um Wort.. GRERN OUGH 111?...(a continuation at Tim Greet.) ad lalabutlik• Oil Gls Warta. Plindannh. geld Ai prrribuuessrmwonss ANDERSON, 000 K ds (BDCOZSGOBS SO JONTB, BOYD • W.,1 Kospfaciuren of UsilmA REFINED CAST STEEL, Squats. Plat and Cletagina or all 'slam: Saw Plates Hoe. Pork mat Sawn Cast Mad; Can Steal tar REAPING .I:,D XOlOl,O X.AOMXXII, ',razz; PLOTrIPI9OB, SPRIZIOS AXLES, CIRCUZLIZZata.,da • past anti PO Elow*PFii l 4, l6 tic4 "Oaleo-tornor or 11 0 1r.t sof niutiiinti..tiio 111...ak. above Itts Yoaeata➢eia . , sn SA z a m.sows.—" INDUSTRIAL RINKM BOLE: CO. . _ . . POUlakigitg Engine Blinders and _lllaildnlsts, Kaki to orderilartailuatimba.nuna nitwit; Wall slam warranted to Ora sadtbetioa.. of rr.trY de...l;m*. made te. ',Awn 141x400, IfOr.s. Tortola Karabin Shop. Coe . . Polart"Aller• Teuton's.. Way. .rontsdiy. Noy. anima killed street. • r/71141Valita t /PA. . . . BERLIN FOUNDRY PEG & SHI43, UP7141. VrAllaiol3lll.' N 0.29 Wood Street 111.1.hattikre put app aaeltaatlyoa amid . , , . Th4N4O4, 8 .Pilie::Birie* -:' , AroLualimuiszoloelimmo,mpiut • SITTI.Z.S. , adULLO W WAX.. ; 1314 ;Maga gmaaraltr. - • - ,MONT 'BLANC FOUNDRY. . itytlerfitreet, Ninth Wait,. orroain inacusr non . °I7T/1/3ESITML43I,II[. OMURA and Bridge' bitallge. • till nUllil /D and(Gastive Vii!reffir Mon macaw &afaciaLeilx, ORESPRIT STEELWORK& maL6lB, , su - ii , a roam, Kuranennnots . BET WIRT CAST STEIL. `titrigt=fagra.rw., mu:a : as aenfigawn i z rINZ CU= 00104.38 WixxiStreerti u 62. 0111131 AM Prrrlunrium. Jona Idth. ItOIIROW,...TAS. 1111=1:134 IBIJI3I cow's.: Deluxe - sycqusx' MORROW, BiIiNHILL — a CO., Stet= Saari, .on • thlllo w gigaton, Tula: thtlC Pans. Garotturters, - • Wrought Iron Ettidgeu, Sheet Iron Work, Mg. WWI ANWEECOND STN„ PITTSBURGH, .r.f. SLYAIIIIMLDONIC PROMITLY. 37Cb3 ROBERT LEA.; JI.NII/1.0 . 10111107 STEADI:..ENOINES AND MILERS .Freight EtoistOs AND DOCTOR xrpanirzs: darClmtUmaandeseziptlau made to aide* •, Coma. at rust lual Perry Iltireeder" • laluM rirssocrarga.:4•A•7. MON ENTERPRISE /ORNERY • :WEI. IL - .TOIEWTON: • y.NAnfsotarar rUtt OsllttrlN oL f IY C L OO KI3T 0 19 1 :. - ' age.49% C/I IRIoO2O, aOndlbdoofLlLC t NZ l3 .NTlkW. l or WstiotrosrPltxlm44 to. EVERSON, PBECTOR& CO, PPS msrLIKAT,I4 LIELOTCWOMKS, zrwama IRON CITY ROOM & ITITACIIng4tS i mieA.Waleeel•Junlatui Fobbed asrduai xrtemr. • • 010•111 /I.IIIIOIVAII OM. NA. 1311311AVALITZ7 SIAIII.ISCLIIL WICILEMSHISA Iron Eroker. 1241Tirst8tmrt„- jcitaJdor et* sale ,of IMINIZACM Dusismos., leukanspef Glindon, &Motto. briids *Math/masa Tote. loshany Coe. sad 011Damt , a O. B.: Outwit PIS it l .4 7(Taissimib sad order. rupiettallA.V. n: ' ‘TrMM I 7I A L I . 0 E A rL'llr PALLET RAM. =Laps pr ths ad altos THUOMINIT h July 1111.1 1 44, hales NUI Warsaw" shelve oh Slttableral saner like Sad °shot Motu. as followst tussah Axiom. ...... CANA. N. Ile nu. USX,. NAM 44 Ns ICiktaliateo=2.4 l l l .loll letsr.N. OlOseles Strst hods Worts Weeorn,... M 40,14 Slate Y. He Sods Worts Adam.. ;NMI, Halton AseammNiatlon."..lo3O A. Y. 12111).21. ehadoy (Month Train. ;atm sad to dodo most.--; 1:0111%. 111:01,1S Shores.; North mots% NNW omuseollest In. hostas NUN Woe of masts for if =Alba had talia:y. Moll South coussiNtiteWh WAN.. NNW Ufl City sad Sholttin. pirre BURGH AND CONNEW V ILL% 12:11:1=333i1 . . . . On •ad after 8172:Day. Oetoteiltlb. /M U* nibs will leave .be Lropet. corner et Weal 6 Water arms, as fell .we • • PCONot tittotrosNO. 2(1.11 to Not NON Deo:it'll. 7:oo tiot. o. K. I KIR. N. Ntortoi • *. 6 . 1.0 P.N. 10 , 0114.10. Woot Newton Attotood,.. sao P. X. "1:131. First MeNoesoort INION. N. eewne —lnE4‘. fur g. rtridToces .• ''' irav -.4., .- .... .= BandaiChumikTmlB wa nd -- -•-• ---- from Pint ti alum ..p......4. . F?7.llBket, vplB 10 -- - '''-' — 4 . W. /5:8 mum, tn m tintan dent al e ' " rah , On ma alter CUMBER Itth, tit7e • *W. mve,hhe dep a rt treat the Inuoa 12up %Rif% Wakialmicaaad Mbeinltts.. ea P.17. 11 ::!.= Mit Z 121t7trt. • att Wall.s the. 1,.. g? In All twaiTt.: rip:Astz {,actna act Va. lag are all's he I...liteeetae, Johhtetown 414.11:13 h lartornel/lah =mil IT H P Vont Wits 21. i Tallp m I r an Tang ■ .tecatil Amu stagrans aIIV ad X ■ Sin Clara. Thaw lean WOll 4111411.611,61111! IlraalkE COL la.. racalas Paalrankialtoll iM*irnitrairreatlnin. Lt IM" •CthelltheU Zaanas3 lowan Value daily except Banda. reasalatus_EADralo aza isedatacsa /AEI =llama Tgla wand ;i n. irotgiftiti=oplAulre V .. tor flatava lzaarT z M w taii ii. The Taattlyatlal Ulaaeld Claway•Wrias ‘ p=7 51.7 rlfo r gitrar2OZ=l nandrett Dell.. la reiate Jul Omen ama. Zr;k stal warm as !sae Arlll la la tin Mt Of Ls owner, MUMS takes aoa =WARD rwo„...ir k. U.:Leta litipedtttesli . FENNSYLVAN MAILVAIIII% • ENNSYLVANIA 4111MINII tuainn4 wui mth . Watt MI" TERN Luuku.—o, .Rat JUNI.S4. rasseaser 17•111 S. Wawa Pestuvimis ana daysn trom Us V Itt , VUIVV. as tab.: AZarna. Pr,-.9:=Voqiit 21 . 4r, rrarpall phi I 4 lexpria3 ..,......10.13 A. r. iStuayl3 , 43A *a 11:33 4 isAulk....f.o 3. 1:Z. r. 1.1. 1r5prea........ lAN= ' Yalr.. "l . N " :Mid. i l giatiit i ti 4 kr . Ilaraturra An 7:10 p.m. arupPg .110 1. 3 4.. r... • Atano mi. 7.0 rally .0.0 id anrry. Tra Mara Trala leaves Allsgrarr .11Ortl. every Etawlar at 7:31 4 It. raullar th . V. Cllrr at 1:50 4 14 rrturnfar Ira . Onv atlas r Ir. aril Irrlve si Allifiltaar •33.743r.N. 7 -. . .• .. • Ikea:wain= lack etb-7or We la papaw Tbenty, between A.l . leiboeydgi. mg 6 street. HUM tee ends. stop' ti t uv iqg Mtlagg:ellio ' o n ikkete. P "me ttllns lemee moony ettxot Ke Dart z r o t r4 l ,arr&st4o no:may= w 0 H.weeheto numb Tickets to miy be want _well • • masa sc. a at. Maar Strad. VIM litetdf i e . .Pltt.bat. and et Qs ltebitt,72= Virnlter labitinatlon supine Stalrost 7o tThe Western Penalf r : M 111330 nee 1, , ,g,ti0g i du,"1101 1 .1,4.8 m1t veto.. baassa• assteatas itts slams Is salsa, le1:11 be el bq ot eve, eetep taus br spr 3DIVLIW a. V EZa tri k 1 -.• itenl Ban 867ty_- bo fitifillail IZiO • jZ/141 MVO . 6.7, teshas wilt lean .en Amon. %crib ells: RUN own . _ N LIN PD WI W„,i AND O LIN eLAD ND October 201.nlif: %D, inn. I b.PaLCULI . I?I.I4. IOU( . . cmd:Wci.± Wz=g R.BeMnst && MA to Imitgals Mai • m Roehmtm ' , Ana & NOUN" p 'lmeisaale AV& &Wpm Ti. HAM •• IM3 pm Eatra '2 AMl; Mimeo • I=l"rtiAtim. ElAT: s !'" bi' =it k:. .2lll c . f i t ot Uhit : o j eara F i6..... r taw vers. mama, menus &clammy% PIN RANDLI ROM% , . at b tar . ex or ranr..-on al.u.oznial li glum Insaaar. ~. LIMIII. Wall Azure . .. 2:0 A. . Itss Plata atta.a..lll, aPLIP.I4 /A4r -• LAO 14. • - 41,116 Walter , . ALLaaaitaat , a-Itsali.a.. Iftl=lrlecomff ATP:: lait •-• Mallaaal.o* Aymara.. 111:m 1..• Cal banaaritsUl learn at TAO Clnetanatl at 1031)..at tasralaa. , lioagtlat fi a22iVixrriv'= I:7l4allfßitWig l inglsOl l c W wai r t A re l no meg a re a TD MU= AD ArNoebastrit ot<ariifitwee• Pittabcrp 01.1.Aastl. 41A6 tat o.l4lt'eaaate.GlßA am* 0.3.04"1.2 taa TalaatDal TAtuto WINS alaa *AAA. ! wnm"Zukau be . nue sa4l!4•l4lra alli h nGt MIMI mom, II • , Union Depot, (Fianna Ages iIAT I WZIL. 0 Air • SNORT ELL MO PACIFIC 449.11 WAT, EASTERN DIVISION THE; SHORTEST AHD -HOW Da4 ILLULI34‘ „ROM pm, Us, Un-; • an ' a .! l "°; 411 4 1 *, ".04012. l ussuinams. MEM Two litiliuriezis Liao sad Lejirramottlk abna.)ll tseevieda r 'eli tly 'zisliat DY .filitas of Pa 045.1 Railroad tram M. Lamm' tad Nanaßal sad St:Jo lialboul Irma Quilftiolcoe moths/ al fis» soak Topaz sad Waimaa fluma4a , DMZ. *mum ea at mmat • wen illrFora with tae =PIO= 00NPAISTII: DALT -;LIAiI OP, CIVZSLAXIi )11/LIL" /MD 1133111=8 COACIII• `DEIMni„ EMI.TUUM: taw au. male xs Tax, rnuariisurp. ud'rStlaL Is Tavirra KV/ nu COACIUSzt flu, ran 17iloni. amts Ron, AlisqueNne, llama IN and . 1 , 4 PfOta" i..e...Tomet moue.. . win, 316 man arlauolsa ai toillig sank sad Pitmans. and tan ansaignis t lts saga WM MP tpansible Umlasd, T11,2.1,0115410' Wes films its 'return imt WWI gal. . . vaned Amlltfletitta tbs traaniantsiattlnfsftl fif Du D Weft.. ' rickets for tole at - iffnelpil elm is the Valued ettun andthasass, - - . Ea sire and ASlC.itpit 210.1=1 - WA. 1111. !MORT' BILL OUT 17/1/.OaPACTI:2O tyLILWAY; 5.211710 DA7131031.. • ' • ' 21==1 Glutei! ensaginteadast. Oen an rtaight gad Tleittioxat-' SMEARS AND 'son UVERPOOG Deana TWI".• w.in2‘ - TEE /MIN • • ezwErrivi. SirtfalliT•Zrnts . L t rip.. tow/ p~pV 4 . 4 7 AZINT 14 . U.s OQUIPaat." wsz. zusanAur,..zr.:l,- z.. 1 .41+ . 6,01..,t.t0 Book Cabin Psunitersy, ' -' • - 11 . 1rIlt reams', xxcicu otas"..r.tiskarett. Ps. =I 12:171! APO IPA
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