tin Ri 11 .I;ILEAXiNGS EC 0 .talaidtat,ate Arnold will be / 44 mixt Laureate. The Antericix press has yards of talk About pedestrian feats. 'chalk,' slaters are giving , teinful concerts ut England. _ A.lboni's Ulu is said to be u Pod ail over /4 envy Particular. The Age Is the name of a monthly madwaine pnidishedfd Chicago. Metherdel B. Rochester, of the city of Rectisuir . .., died on Monday lut.. A IsUintf-Are thousand dollar wire :. druids to be built is Blocimingtob, The Hudson Elver and New York Central 'Rallreeds are to be combined. vela of snoetior gypsum hu jut been dliamtred near Chriutawsburg, • The uegresa 9f Bt. Lolls have ;started new fottalghtir, PaPeri called this Ire') Grrt Priumithe Orientalist, la about to give -w othe rld:7 /elite' beak of travels to the NMI BiMoand people In Aleppo. by. Irani ,l'oen read/red homeless by fire recall{, The diecetcrof New Ydrk has • raised aoudad ) , or Bishop Potter from $B,OOO Per annum i 9 $B,OOO. TheiNeW York Consewrew.ddirerrianr Okra: the /11411110 Of the sobs in creaking of boots.. The Altman of BPIli/1 has abo liabd ,'Royal Ball Pighta The Pope's bull. lighting will continue. • A. London -papa asys that Victor . ; . irtoetewi .Ptuities Pilate 11. A poor }Pilot to weather the storm. Ilalutted hours and ghosts are again berowning ..faaldonable; new one lea CCILZIty, /IL" Vii; ran . post . can in Louisville , wlthoutrionductore and call it a new "elart;., Nenzied that. here long ago. Acitput fell dead on the street In Bt.. 'Lot& 'cr llndaesday night, and the . takyakdatia say It was cholas that killed ; fie:: bridge .ever; 44.3 Bilululppl at /ctiny o ion a million and a bait Sad. will for we mail nu. - A t cgoi, . ..recently, s box foyaidWith the body of imam. with ihe hied aid feet Chopped off and pack. :A tit With - -• O'HaldWhi, the Irish emit, wishes to in•Asnatica. He has challenged fins Mao. and 'Mike /11cCool to tight Ito !g5,000 a aide.'. _ There Is , Sian Oldo who was dia. *ailed item thentilitary imp:eta 1812 the ganand et old age, and is still Wee aged la ..• • " As ezekange 'aye Out A. J.'s version Qen. Dix'. finning *ran: Is "If any aim hanbi dollra the Arend= flag give . ta_riteiSee." iF9te Hash Ludlow, the author or that I ' l° u s "Littli - Erftber."is Writing as. iher. Wend; be- is Itrobably the best 4agudne writer we have in this teas • - Gee, ]Valenta au left Dresden for • 4eir: York.: ,He got u far as Paris, .rhem lb will iambi during the *lnter. .A part: :or.l:fikalily arrived in the 1 thft ilamiltote to as usual on the other de fiiita the other istuenber-nelnded te . They stick up for woman's led* She to !boat to publish a book . Pad li:eduan's ,wroaga . poi During's recant kugueohardin lug albi 25,000 at, the. springy .creatimis I rre up kipping. Such mholesale des . .action !mallet win be likely to produce i mgamelm--Piale. /WWI& The Rldladelpbbi /riming Buiistiii. • smiths responeiblllty of the follmeipi - iatersent: . Enbilde br charcoal gm ;at oat Of Lesbian la Phis- They now date other methods al-IM-Yer Jos. Os asuesterAtire clue to a lair ,biat off North' Dualism, and In the tarry !tits Mened to got out of the way, stay plagued 'their hint, and, with a ' rug* of choke Elannu, meat i'mra to the bottom and staid there. Kbegbibiiis Minutiae . of the Com e s, dash was disanettnited on account of :es author s Itar ..or. tits popular jru3g-, bfill*,adlie praised lanithlo be eomplofsd. It is one ef se most entertaining of - histories, and is ammunt of Napoleon rtt. d'etat Blsmirrj nay, that limda will . thrillbtr •-• ice bdika sfueitest Midmost feimt , ' - ' Dicropa , sowei, This shows thatßls , march deem not expect Runs to hold ' :ter present volition last; for' if it,were tot far Plasslai'ltusala wild` overran tamps and avenge even the death 'of Soresu -.' Pike noted fa his late opera home in sew aid nagnigoent ha In New •Yorktalmest completed, end tax Stricken is. to open • it. with his • pen troupe, mann by Rrigeoli and Grange. The itiebinery of the stage ! td the scenery a, . Mid to oxen in per and bentrannidoNftiho'bi'd • :Ter used in New York. • . Amber is fond in this country on the ' • few Tertily; Musacheanta and Nary. and coaster: The neon of the Baltic ' 1 - r• the prinelninner fishing grateedi, Nampa hive seen pieces as nrge u outlet,' picked up in the . nsigh *hood . of. Ifterlimi,- Ressia. • Neer' ; chum is also found near the Baltic, but is of a birder and inferior nature to hat Rand laAnialfrieer. - • The refuel of the Ring of Bavaria to. :azzy POJACI4III Sophia has calmed a is his kingdom. The prople, rho emitted 'When the King went to its bridal conch , they should go to their 'der, are indignant atthe termination of bed; hapes; and havebeia'dottig a little .4oting,. TM fether of the rejected bride I Ms resigned. all , the ofiloas and orders • inieh be held in the King's service. the King gas to the'ppm& and &sap. 'som la the Tyrol jnst the same es ever. • i CeptelnNayne Reid, whose name b mown to every man, who bas - bean a ;my within the last fifteen years, and by large number of men who haven't,. is new wititmang, 141 NOWpOn.. He has !mitten a new Christmas nary:for the Philadelphia Press,. and, it" is said, is tratefecovering from the - abets of kb , gnancial misfortunes. .The Newport lers suggested that' he be seamed to xivo public reading. kb. Reid says in i reply to this siggmbom hope yen ;will do me the honor .t• believe that I I ,11.1•0 cone toArnerice for a higher . pose num to =absenting's' of =pelf ' ,has a literary showman.. - Nost of',- our readers': will remember t;Nlas Tenneren Claim, who girered-t c rthit city SOWS years ago. She her 'turned lIP again In CUSP.' AS the /al • t i lowing certificate from the 2infone will ebow: E; I "On the Piet of Narch but 111) , bane 'antartgAstingthe night_. by het i groand Isiergold latch tancludnand were ',ARM en= I gen ,tup all hopeCeCoMertivatteg thus, ail f could not Litany clot. s'Susineat celled ins to Chlango,.' and -while:lime arts handed mien - Mies Tenasuserenrcu• era llvingst bitt Wan& evenna..' Rev: dot heard of.itermomaerittl powers whenchild, I ..was. induced . to call on her. She at once told tue that Ind met with , a less, and that ik was three things,-it ::looked to her as if it waifs watch, a 'F?chain. and a large roll of bank bills. It astonished me that I at one num° interested. She went ma, 'and told me that the chain we. geoid relic, and that pay watch was out of Mid; 1134 wpm catch in opening, !which was tru. Sae then described tao men. She told me Ant I could not get the wimpy, but the * i tch and chanted been sold to a maa ::who runs on the; river, awl that if I limed follow her mince I would 'and ,ahem in seven days, which .I did; bleu , th " last I found the man, . Mollie lad l i mn and he described the men he ;bought them of, int as she said. by insane Is W. s, nticass s.Qutk :Faith street, St. Ifrab, SPECL&L NCiTICEI3. 1:47A f i Ntlpgalf. • COLD. OR • 80 CZ tIBOAT rypnlm IsuMWe ". tootiolit and obouldO• fAOU.d. if allooro4 =MIMI*, • Irritation of the (11 a Paramaest Throat Disease, arcassamptlea. =3 • • BROWN'S BRONCHISI TROCHES H. , t2i • direst 2 aloiaes to Oa WU. also fm ssod/aus swat Per o res. w.. Assam.. Catarrh, Odwaasespuvo Mid Threat D a as w wea, Trauma an used Inds always good N • .....!.4;akikand Publla lipaateral no th an ' PM!. gr:Pg ".. ..." .".. L .. ar. a IlitaleetAt. Tad• imtramors [b., may Dept f of 0" W°" " Soto traannuan rotildiT lar/UlLlf BOLD'S EXTRACT BODED AND rIII . IIOPITO lOU WANE ewes secret and Oriole disorder. to ell their Mao atutodespesse. Moor*. ow. It dIO Aro indoor. Mir arid no Tr; ywdlate talk Wain. arridifideVnlial Wuhan peepeetlex. tredre7 EW METRE FOR.= HINDIERCHIET rbales,• “Nlibt-!llpeaniftg Cm..a PY•Mc.. ••}.(lght Bleeinhog Ceneas. Pk*lona , * ottiiita Blessepoir Ceavais.? Phe Clipeeibig Pla4a.. “Nlight Ithwasing Crerems. A most rapilnito. eleazok and lira, rot Peen= Anted trete Ur ram .mm 4 Irestaltal lower trot rrkkh U %km aw. • llionhed7~ - Mama dt mo!y. Now Yea*. • szoiara or •com'rzßrsrrs. AS FOE .RALOWEI—r.ILE NO OPERA eam..m 1 ; (0 " 2 : :1 • dims au on. a:W.44U ZetVatir a= •MTA=ltYstrd‘ut Pagrdgil - ,d l l 7= ' *r th ris b i. "4l4. :E k llTlP LEM EXTRACT litumk. set:lorl WrIEMNEE . tOLIMI . xruciscr La certain an ter diseases of the ELADDII6. ILIDN 01).11ML, DIAMT. vim A.NIC WK.A.KN . !WEAL". COMpI.AI Lod all diseste l lim r whakne.sau te t zia ust pziKaa from whitest.. cause erlghtialed. sdni hs ter of • - tow Loses:Lama. Argrit t • tr s mir= t z oft Ooneouption orti=tylw meas. Us/ Mesh and Blood are eipeportedfroas these antress, end the HEALTH MID HAPPLNI:IIS. .- aoe 114, er . ..t0ur. &Ping/ "Pale Proiet One of a rellablereinedr. 11:211tOOT /established upwards on. you , rirel‘tod hY H. T. zuzunms.D. wapitis; Cht= " ritra tr. Sold be all Dreerlets. eehialer jariIEILINIZOLD3B FLEIDEX TRACT BULIIII Ls plum. ta Una amd odor. tree from all laJarlons praparttse, ud tak ateitasa la Its ao.Ualt, sa.am liarWll. BABAUOLI. & CO., BOILER MAKERS SKEW IRON WORMERS, ir0.:20, 22, 22 and 22 Penn elt. • fisting toacnof• tags fixd. yed fonlabard EL! tae moo or otormi auebloory. two are tare. Oared to s•aallotaro may descrlptloa ars la Mt toot scsatior, and oransoted Gave to say made la tar Cautty. Otiscotat.'lltatob. tog, TM Beds, Stem PIINts. Looomottsa Bat. aro. Condemn.. Sett Po.. Tanks: 011 HIM. 4ltatory arttltas P►u. Zoller Iroa, Brines. Saw Paalt, sad own tesantroomus of RUIN. 81LL•S PILSEN! nonasz, mmutar ttcn. as the Ostler IarEEELINBOLDSB CONCEN. TRaTZD KITH ACT A InEW the Great Dietetic, liaLentert,D CarCaerr.fonto lereltacr Saasaramnr..a Is Lee Great Mood lea rner. Seth as wavered aeaardlag to re3ea of Pharmacy and Chemistry, met are tee noel ea Oreleaa cane. laa4e. Geld al, °mail everrereere. orBOWNSON, HEIL & CO, 'Mesea ors to iderilloar, haul • 111ua31.1 - WASHINGTON WORKS.. rounders sad Knehtimituanialsburph kaastseausza }lost d Inallsam Mama 1114siza. Masi Callao% torn Itsalessfibessr. dasttlax..Clandaaa or sit desedallassze• Saul Allfi atUhl, Bala sad Shwa Iron wan.. tamest HO. If eau: Prod cla awasalald en. tar•Ataibi e 7Luurs ram ril. lATOB, hr teselas beasts. faunal : ..1:',1 . EIrCIII7 ere. !mitt .d vigor to tit VAtollaWlf .oad Lt so Mumma lagobsottted seaman Una. lanaolty. or opttnktio Itto mama. • MOM Eir'LLlm !MEMOS COPPER MILL 4 SMELTINEWOUS. m:m3m3iGur. —PAR Ke . MOCIMIDY - 4400'- eucti=r 000020 r. Enders_ !AllaMt 'DZ•Nretts,'V ial.OOO‘MS Ala Oolataauly on Mad =maws. Mselantm__ 0. 0 17111:1T 0T az= MiIIOECCUBID"kW, Pltutbarttk. In tim OC. eat So say AWKOO Dev14:03.1 tr.; ,1 1 A • 'CATZ 008 .a=amoiso.• iSMAGToup.v. , /L Alva REM J/G POOL. Asa atoms pi Jason. . . TaWARD 12601:114174' nk. lteN, ea tee tJaiTkO r P SOLITTIDIC e 3 sad the MIMOSA AM:WM sad Itrele.erea gaet=lll.2e2al= ”d el ". Rolla. Bent to mewed Uttar eseelopra, free at eaas of glare. "A&lntas. D. J. St‘0011.• TOZL T Jersoeteeloa, Paledelolth,re. • ~ • 4 . • ,ZZ:11 , e , lll ;It • ;..; rarstVEICT .11. SCOTT, DENTIST, .ro. 9!s PEJIW STREET tatal.Tlll ITTTEIIIIII9II. Ft : • : banns 7 •M A , '• I : 6pSoapl Good,&" - ' NgrIUMA ammney SAPONIFIER! Cicausimidad Lys 2,015. a IlLic!Sogrliz Hari TWELVE PORID.S4F SOFT SOAP FOR ONE COL Brery family eaalSaks Owl; thm ALL VASIEMS OF SOAP. • car.. '" L • is.w L ' ye, fOr mild Bosll, jets!, Opeonsed in OILYINLANT IN TES ARCTIC/ NUB. and Si nommen! mainly of dl®lnt4 at Sala widely when mind with lam 17111 TAT, ratd9ooB the- BEST'DETERRIVE 130 AP 1 Bo: will auks 175 rod &6 equivabol b) ma k: Bud &lip : iistaui wan Druggists .awl =I ram =can iris" igazalrox..al naglara aaa ollaata 4 111i1.116111130 aw.ti ran esataladag air basest * 1 S tnamal afaarman. at um Omaha man proarreau fat an Ina Maras an& anima of .a. illetted Waft* az of L Cij irrsiinme. mum .1 . 1133111 . 011, MAIMOOD; HOW LOPIT I 110 W XXSZOSZD I Josepablirbod. !nos sins. lirmlor .n ro NIX =NT-, A C. On Um X Trlstaloat mot c" ormatcrsto. or tlendxal Waltman 14, Wigialta Vir " ol_ nu ; belf•Alroao. bf Krz. ttiLfitierart 1`,..4=1"g rj141474..f°1<" La •NY • anyekNye, toy •4244,34.., ea XA T o ok ItZ rear m tratiam= O I . 4 . 0 n oth* Sax MA. Aloo. Dr. O hroVal a rXlUrsis Xo/d4... Moo 1111 soma. Boquirre & cur mowz es, 4 , 14 Mho I:IAZZAin, esirainutue. 001 , lOWA X. ♦ it. 111113.010171. DRY GOODS itITLIIN TRADE, 1887. M'ELROY, Dia.soN 4i CORM No. 54 Wood Street, PITTSBDR64I ) leltibow 41:1PITer Their twrco exit DONE= AAD FABOY DRY GOOD BME..2I.IAMNISI, AND NOTIONS, IN Gar Air trAlurarr Toe assortment MU be kept mom Mete daring Me ihm.•44 and • - Cash and Elhoii Time linkers A. lityltiot to sioastot tits Steel. a. s. 1taX41,07( JAR= /bliiiiioll JOBB T. RIMAXIC. 1867. LILL 'ntim 1867. ARBUTHNOT, SHANNON & COMPANY, .W IIO 4.I:IIs.L.IIDZAISES ffi DRY GOODS, No. II Wood Street, IPXT.ZINNIII7XIGIMIC. orrzu LS =►TIER moss Dens Goods, Pill% alelitots, Checks, Jeans. TweedS. Mike, Costliness, satinets. F. & fassimeres, Flame% Shawls ► Hurts, White Goods, Bleached and Brown Domestics, sum. Las or Notion and Small Goods, . Barred flannels, of Eastern sad barna ma chasms. WZ ASS AUENSIS roz 111.117X.xamcFm121011/ FIDDIPORT LIMB PLUMS, Er, CIMIIt.A,SGV/11 Greenville Barred Flannels. I=l COUNTRY BI iffICETS, striotly oa anantiottoz. ' at 10:11 Priem. & Fall Line in - all Department& azar. to ot/I ozootiso oar 115 woodrstreig. =sumo% SHANNON* to REAL LAMA. REAL LACES REAL LACES. REAM LACES. " .Aan {9K op ' 2; thU ' 4f. i..nWt'► ~qlu of EZAL rani? CLAIM/ Pols? 9•CZL IANCHOII3' BEAL POINT eaung ocrurrtrams. *WU. !OM GAUZE B►BBBL SE/LL POINT 431172 L airre 7 1,1 . tot to Pon of a •Daelal leipostailoa, oad as otterid:at moth atttrso molar plies& • Ladle. WI 'olio elegant good, in wales, ~adweiliietl! ear &wanton; nom & CARLISLE, .cc). 1.0 n MO:trose.ll.- BELL LACES BEAL LACES. REAL Layne. THE NSW ARD SKIRT /Mt uanno Assansiza. la rlala., Bratdst atol s■Drelnored, Also Real .Tarlaa Coo;wore Bow la al/ caws lad Kara• but ossortatast Ito AR lab Alao. •tall aabortiam of Ladies' it,Misseellnderwear, GENTPS FIIHNISIDNG GOODS SHIRTS AID DRAWER Traveling _and Pine Obis; cou.ans, TZBJ. sosisminow. iscocrizas, pfIGITHiIt WTI A ISPLICIDID STOOK OP Laidiew• Urea Tiininiings, 'et mry iluerbuos. NOSITITT AND CLOVES, ETC. - it:mu:maim mu lt m: i m r,x ,*.mv= t oz. ga . sc,:a AT THE VERY LOWEST PIECES. NMEIL CLYDE & CO., 181Sli SO MARKET STREET. DRY GOODS! DRY GOODS! • • T WOULD CALL THE . ATTEN. Ti S b O room: w • lamam m y of ook. Is wltel nss GOODS MD CASSILISEDSS, • • For Men and BOW trod. GLOATING CLOTHS, of pest Tatlffy. BLASHriIk both Country Tarn= mkt. tallonoa's Trooport IlAitetED nurims.s. 4.4 gad 1.4 Infirm SLAW/SILL HOMO= SifZILS COUPS, la .n grid., • CLOS= and SACCO'S made to prder. \ H. J..I4IrISTOH, No. NI litarket Steal, Pfttabuript. re, oat It • EUWER 8c LONG, Mum ur ELY 43-ocoiSs, . afteattas to Mar saw. stock of PALL WATIIIPSOOF Move BAUM BIi /lA% Ale, Alio, • fll i abet og aTIONa. 24105. low. in 0.2 ". . p ion nreses of the DI pz4 :It at: 01 H 1 b WM, No& 1U 'and iss Third naves. Di= AND 80017BIR, Stu* .4ioods : Maned or Dyed, JirgEpat . )lllCll sad LADLILIP tzarina aliar. = Dyeing sad ficeiniag.getablidatal • NO. d 1 01L1t0XD ALLY. trams Wood ma Sal a ...I=44maggp.. rITTSBIIItGIi LAIL! IiAZATII3 MONDAY. NOVEMBER 18. CHURCH CARPETS. wi lure • leer. a 22 d carefell7 Wetted! STOCK OF CARPETS, Bought egnelally for Carpetbag Churches, !ft lll =l::=WWAV"r"°' All Mire Des and Denominations AT COST! Ala WI tzar all 1,041 a Itattingli Used for Churohee at 01:PT w• odor •u roods la pot line at • gnat Mac- UM ibis hum insman'iprtheu BOVARD, ROSE & CO.. AI 12FTSREIT. MIII=ZI Over HAM a Bell% VELVET CARPETS, BBVBSIRL.S. C'ARPETS, INGRAIM CARPETS, NEW PAMIRS. Al tuIauLOWLE this or Imo., Ne , Tam or Pllllsdelphl., It? MU ij 1111111 OLIVER McCLINTOCR. & COMPANY, Mo. Mt MIMI MIMS! McVALLIIM BROTHERS, No. fit Fifth Street. ClLltrrinih O.IIIIPITII. 4:lO.llraTS. • Eptes4ld mumuneat of NT prim 41.11.017eic+1 Taaarmaxas. • =es Warn% steak of OIL CI.,OTIIS. =ITEM Crumb Clottus, Druggetsi. Ast *xis& quill, et RAG CARPETS. IicicCALLIIM BROS., at rink Ilizont. above Rom. prausu WOOLEN DRUGGETS, I - EEO CRUMB CLOTHS, KEW PATTERNS BRIGHT COLORS, BP3T QUALITI4S, MorABLAND COLL/318, Ms, 71 TS VITIN K. CHEAP ALL.WOOL I.r 61141.1 r C4RPZTS, La ! , Silt pains. atTli ma to ta $l.lll par 702 wiroucsamg *au zirrAir... iIoPARLARD tIk—COLIJNO, 71 /1/11 , 711 Barra minium mat ironaz WIT l English Tapestry BRUSSELS CIAPITH, la anaata .laat opsaalba MaPARIAND es COLLINS, 71*Am va aura mum,. COCOA DILIMINGII, AT MAAUILQTUitii• ritCVS. AT WALOAX fAIX AND ATTAIL ItcFMLUIII) a coLuss, arIIID If PlTHlarart. 101 :I:ti.-yy:i:4:l waarxr Amu'. `OV ER & WE, , • Houle and Sign Painters, too emirs maces, nu 'sapient., W 1 OAX1)I done to= . C"'") w. a; PAWL ROWLAND & DAM". HODIE AND =ION PAINTEIS I • - 440 :•. 1. . r P•S•ii.. .1 • .1 • , • 7r) A 1; H. HAMILTON, Jr., Heine and Sign Painter, se. U$ mow mu m% ritimin 4 — flazt!is 117411:1=1. arsary rAttrre; .VALunass.. gurrr. GLASS, 8890ae. 11111PWIlti. WIWI% HUTCHIMIN HEMEL, - EMI; NO ID 611WILIWI - HUM, i1EA111.316 Am) (malts* iv* as MOM AVAINIA - Pfltlllfflorty Minoan by mall Arcllaptly Attended to. EMOVAL. JOHN P. CLULEY. House anir , litaw Patister; Ita. removed to • 3a4 21311.1213111.41a3 VT.," litaibarga, M. aullmfa • 033304114 the ola staad: lam, 5v0crwAx................1.nr0. Ali aXMABI 8 SNYDER, - NOM DWI AID MAXIMAL WIT. - ?RB. LID GUM= LID OLLIDEU. pro.llll,2tertli Aldo of Dlsamend,Allimberi. Conrgal..rid.rugazrrla4orda.zMow u 4,4 7; =3 G MACIIINGUL DO PT HE DIECLIVFJD BY, - 7leit ma t Xm aft iEiMtrl bite /Mlllat has DOM t.st.4 oty MA la al easemo. Pro. 10Oaisssa street, mum Mxrin 111.111U1514. G,BO >I • & ILIUM! ELASTIC STITCH All LOCK STITCH Sewing Machines ZEIk Ma. 106 'NM [drat. GET NOTE BVT I GR,OITEER &ILEUM/ _ ••• • Itmarr•irg. It lo Wren thirdniths beet. Dall'ltintlealilialsel 10. 101 JUTS I4 81141 ma fi n lIMINEUlts CeiniaLOX null &Hill ILI MIIII Reelle; siden w evnisinimis. ttomiss!=last, Naps rums imam /alms • • abfrielhatows. THE GIROVEMI k HILILER SEWING MACHINIE tll. Ull3l. /.46 of Blimbiolon. Mo.M nor nau ' aUs t 4 gif) PIP anima mums. oulf• OffltlS44 = HALE—Thn beet "Farm IL Ir= Joe - ems, iffnlteeryLy n e, tollee eiretet trtgnenityi . V . TeryeeeL U' d ' S r. Bolyrar Btatton The inwrowircr * bee. IN, hove, with nine reents " , s ' = • a frame bank barn, Munk with the bay :VIZ! Two .1 2 01 e and one sweets arenas.. The hole titl. ` ,.1 : •11 VV 41 .. - " u 'r27l1 211 . retoreill .edam MD acres elesoacvynii.. erty I:O.ltAtftiV. irruT k ePlV " :l :. oll. l" , nret acre. Pumas!. Immediatel ' WV•ite're;r4 Zortlnrerni*" ....'"jtnel as milusatlon, y 3 saws of grolate Wes., NI . ; a S tg i o e t . h e l r b umber, 2 dwalling bonne.% tattle:QS with a 6 ~. I.°ZtrAls . rawiliiii u gtd". b nlrni , enter; sonny orebard of gralleti n trelt. Melted sonny WYLY ttilableatlx.di Wee:tone WltelVltrtilltArgit. irdsPlanniteninei taoast; IS mita eta of I • ltUtrurnh, end three wen of Greensbur. This DisM pleas. WW2and ellblbtY enlisted In a coed Delltieery w as gym tu Underlaid With F1!O. • Its ftr,ry . tetrad fretbiZtli .llll‘l4ll.lte; r'" m tts '. elf • 11. The and s imments ere! new th ytunt, wittily, bows outhelldlng: nr. Yoeo* trtili4d tT1et , 11.14, 4 7 , 1 1 th , g0 run of bans, al] re r r : = 1 :1171 . !./7,4 ' T ' rrti l i et e n M a rAlrFt 'i li re. neer openad,saa en ebtnadnnee or Haw 'lltd Ada ereyerty.will be sebt TUT /Ow, It aPZWe Isp. tee grifetet , beijotoais Aregta r ATI t % of e?ee VIII. dad ➢eau ln tee loer.e e.ert d re L L above; alma a crenab et. by PO reet.• also. n411101..10 by 103 feet, on w le • 'tyre films amble. et. as slivery Stab! 0..bol• prop. NU kit reeentlr bees painted end repstre4 apa Vat Toil 171, 0 1 0 5 ;OWLVs I•a., me WILL Mpod . 13,1,P3U.5•0 11,4 for tont. saunter% lig f=ti In LL.rrtrw 2(lo at it t(Drioo.'tal Westmoreland not ass 400 moo Lattroto. a station rel roost tt • U.: Illacros ?lo eared and, under good laded the noldee rataf * V• n n d ' i b ocTst a t a lclisel. 0 o 1:97,4 rata (Usti. In a high stwe of enltival'on witel eninfortathe mildly's, a srsevelaeae °r F. o eletel. Urge tode.lo,. y Mn; and e. wal and nano'. nedwitot whole meet. and Is con ...hat to channel.. mime's. mil's. en. Lisa. a /arm of 111 acres, Irani. Roes • Ile point B. at., at Usttoraters atty.'s. ItIIH from the ear; le) wee*. the lane Is a ear itttittlgtie g3rittiefilildefive`gi the bee., and bun, an a youncepste arena , . oa the premise.. l• geed Ileums+ soli witb an sib .110amm of 'lmmo. e. and nes ref -fa/1111.1 3 U . ; ti r a!ii.. ft.:lft'; gster=l:::o7:4:: Is • usage. In orb, r Moines. tad outlet %Mel tett. Tor farther penleelers metre at XL, TORE.% nut° A.cent., 104 rourthat. 2,000,000 ACRE HOICH LANDS FOR SILB, =II Union Pacific Rainy Co„ LSfFRS DRLIIION. Lithe gorse the Will of Utah rout. _ • - 11.00 to . 53 00, :Per Acre, Ast4 on 011FJJIT UI lIVZ ;ZARA Fcr imitSettlara..laipr, PO,/!1! P. INFTIBLEIM, bud Oczuntha laser, Tapas. taatas. OT, OHMS.wir4soss. sups, B. Lola& Dltsmin. BEArv i rm,-rxiDELueNT and VW I Farm of Ninety Acres, Tv. miles above lleie•loort. on Um “Tonpl. , It. river. Ile Q 041.1•111111•1141 tesdpaseem tiroz% - Pan eel sang .. , y Nano.. e.t.a :=l,6l="Zr`F t*eritl.l:=A.Utra: to.e 3.91 k ibe el.. Ilk *Um Will .ad *Lap O , wor.o ( Iniolzs of STEEL &WILSON, r. Broken WI 80l latata 4MIIII. N. 111111.1.tbsehl Mag. WAIIHINOTON TVS 11•14,A. tract of 00 &ma, of walcb la Is elsarad, aad mooted. corona with na waits oat Umber altaatool IMan totrathlot Wanlytootatattlara.. Castled with of WM AL.Manger, sat 2 e Mlle boo 11=rwril16.1,aartarc:hg....o.rones lad ud rtillltaltaciatiorchard et atckt atm or yoaatapolet. pun. ptantry, Mas t 111 , L Good 'mkt taanty Sad. =I Mll4 Bzolafri ta Moo* sad Apt irl•l4, H.Llttas. o.tik mt.. FOR SALE OR RENT, CIIIICAP— a ran. at Camaatar. • liatlaa. m Ma Om- Mal Salina& matatadaz 111 mama; morn. sant. MO Mau ma steaks, mod mama; ad a th r , fo r l . l m..da torza=ataa....l3.rour. Er me 4 r 114,7 4 - ratgardattT= MANdaga "nkn."7.lo=ll MMEI3 = Ak COAL woass ron "aim seeable of nrealae 'Lea %Wade delly. ll etedhte Wreak !Lousy Man bee.. Pata,vag. soil a ralth i %7•4324ll27= are TS wee wt sae/. , la one of Use Mint falaabl• 1r0k..2.11 Yeateeiraltels ricers wtl.l be Sold es, low sad en i fackwes e. r.. 74 r.ea .• A=7* 1401111 IE ARD LOT, FOR MLLE, ottitated at ostitu ot Linetto ood dodo Strooto, littOboratt. Lot U tut Ot VS tut, os• usdled ao /moo Soto, two gams Woke, or Soo ro om:gaol altar: largo onto I, lo Comm hydrant...dr oa Oat lot , Polon M 710 ., 4.0K1 n itioNlß LEGAL WESTERN DIIITTUTI'PEIIN -6.: - • Ske ...I•4lgike4 Leroy _ jM &ogle. et Us ==rl I ASSIGNEE OP ROBERT . HERVEY, l, .-,.. erib.,eusastorr.vm.r*. tit, uk• mmity it Auspear, sad atm.. or resins:Was la. *Rid 0 stld DistrlCS, aead sea Casa ad/14114 a. bask. raps. Ills ewst 0.1101.0 torn, Distils* Court or HUGE Y. 2014,,•ostemeo, . - corner MS.:lh - ealtroe - Way. Tee -minis! COITAT'OF THE _ vr iT aapv ") D iats7 3. , ! ' !! P" '• 1V.. " goIIIT 11 111 - 611 , a5l 1, 05 NaLI.T. • partnelllTX L 1- 11 .LLY1155/0e.1.5. lbw srapt To Weumi IT WAT C 0111115: Its 5150.351/5451 1 r 111 7111 1 •• 5 5515 of 010 11551545•51 as .5 &r.t, tgigiv ttglrlEy„t . WI 111 OW or AltegimaT . Om teitattsr 5.55- 5°.244."tbitt5/4" =.151'141:11V11.4114 3 51 :4 4 11 11 1 = 0 ,1511 . 1111,51 1/114101 Coon 1015 do? at 1 / 1 15140, I.l.•lli7rl 'y '3'74 - 5.11i11111 • Bunn H.'ilsOHaY • • RIECIITORIP NOTICE,. Whereuu,, LetwlTetusr¢tv7 e¢ the WlO havio ta• • si..U4 er:_r i'dl ;ia .d i!! , l4 4- I . 2 2, l l l7atatrailvil_y_ •n 0 Y 1 wrwas havlarle•acia la, aphne Vetra u Vie=trtrrit iro m : I S . PArlrelreott s I t! 4 1 1 c th 'rtl iled, nu. barn, - • exentOra.• • ETECI ROTATE OF JEREMIAH MOR. ...GAN. [o'll.—Nollot Is boner Oren that Inter* tahrotootarT og Mg, aotat• ut• 74 . 1 4f. ' 17.14Utr,t ' Vgle "i n"... jag IK•utpastad to • le:solar noitt:o. r•ttattit 10 the tow. top of lodarettOt ow. to Intllit. I poliona lasts:ow bill,, elahot or dolma* u2:17,111.111:1.1.tr5 4 1'1,V11, .I'' A I.• XASD/L/k la. 2/10 N. ,lkitest•r. mambo • A DEIN iSTICITOWN •-• !Oilers of sallaldratkts Weis/ KOEUALS. depmo. It of liana,. ..leetteny., wady: Pelssuy.vsela; Zniid b :Pc37: i4 1 4.1.1•Vr1nn71 9 Itoeg a i ferns. ana b oot., dom. 11111/ %Innen 10. MIMI/ ..htgabUt.a. 6. - : A LAX &MIME Ti a irrlat..• . . - Meal litollidenciammal, env. Amur, P. ilatOrn . • • I lw ett r gi s triTiP 61 ' TriE riti e t ; IEB wlmtlpl~TlUa , OP - wcer xjuuse:t : oct Ocular MateatiPlaa, at 80. as, i•aptaral* Tun. IS , . fire °barter of atoroatrattoa ao4 tha loaavlll op smote! at the next left a IWO Goan, owe. aleaptln&tientll44A.LhvrOa. 17:4 7 t.tma. rrotoolatarrt EXEC NIXTECE dea4e ea led pyk ;4lll l_ 4 l 020.11.410111.111, .10 U. Ind =VI " Prettrille ""U rz " lo.. T4 4 "' /40.04101.1. Or% IL ARA • ly.11;0,4 51:4:10 as) IN FM ;I:l WM. J. DICK. Carpenter and Eltdlder, No. ai rewririmanA e felleV i oneonla, L OtaarMs" Ußeß . gabblsi'dotte who seamen sailli n ateth, yu wan% Vr" Y .n. "" b.i l d arag" W M intr TOIM TOIIII% yoEsr • Buie Carpenter s aid thindeit Jti 1[611..0 lebblqs WPIIB=ttroC4II74VSP, air9.1111AXC31......•.............1•X.14 Manly, FRANOIES, • CARPENTERS AND .11111e 1 1.14tt ir rre l ts. Woke YoersehUma Stec n 012 264 sa Minor et; - moil Gip ft, Z. 13. E1'A.1215,111.10Ft; • Home !Wider awl firpiiiter; oatießrer ws 4 3 ' sll als !stutp rlic _raise amtnu, 40.1, lOW Ito WI 7i HOLISM BuILICTAB AND• ' aiIRPINTII#III.. a p . rusase Aim; siziAiasprozotil ml.o -imaaamos a astak 1.1.7 6.01401614 NM ~, BAIT, CAUGHEY - Bankers and Brokers, COSRER Min AND WOOS OREM prrrisintaii.!Pa.. tenasagna TO RAM; HUT 00.4 11:321=EI Excluuviii, COM, 1.1":""' Lt ertaiilaira GOVERIMENT WINDS MINDOS N. ROLE & SONS, ~ BAL,T3Br.rapusi MI 59 Market Street, eilizatraoa. 1 . 4 .11.=.40:4 ii ha, rand. and Ounsaey. Oaleethnt. I*. on all the zrzlnaltra) petal+ of the climax mato mkt ttlafau. &Oath gilds and bier itturfiled Innen can sera m antinguoi. m t e ..ineu.....u. u . . 14 to um u. and. U. Sil. Securiti e s I.l+lty. .. isi • ' T. w' iSfa: V. 13. PM:810.401. O. 6. 0. 2 3T1170ATX21 OP I.NORPITILIONIM Orders and Volaeribonstior callmritd. ' WESTERN SAVINGS . Ab. 00 Posorthlitriit. C1114624L tr... "1 ; r3212"12) ...t..4' . tauD stAdert. Ur Ghost. Without DERNIE7IIT It crow= - President--Tnom rsolt BELL. Tice Preskteut—t rt. MARSHALL' ='l ttiodboldsto whina•r• - . - ow, 17 : ar&L . • c '" .41,1"=` Milts Dann; miry Lucien, I. geldiell ! itrm: DOLLAR , SAVINGS BANK S lie. 15 Fearth, Rivet * • CHARTERED IN 1856. . . . _ .suss,,;st . 01,Sta Salts troll Sto otolook„ 11111. ea W 5.. ., Llittisilt.tarattPeß co 'Agit son*. In to Mai 0e....mr" .4 &Vile. ea. wails do. eland tulooLs year, la sae sad Doosalor. ts..; ts.trtv..3.ll.lzos datl in.=1.21%.1111.1.2uta1t1 Ls lbo J.A. tho rots of sLs pry sat *sear. lI.MIL min drlitl Olt. f• Dlik#4 111' depositors/1 priselpsusto bests the =esitsm, '"*" ".' s t" ivaurg 0.11.41 r. VIP. Te a AS lift 6111121741 . 221 800. 4444araE1a424.4 ity,l4w4, Boles sad sossussosS, cuss osSilalasqm nuuramr-ationsit LIMES. : ' . Vett frn.2414 I W l' salaeo X om H. Bewsb`ti~f Ll". eilley, es 11e14 . Moeda ... . Waa rea5e01 , ....... - . Chltittan ' A.Vl•nrarlC.Logdhl;; Catris Adam; tutirennwir, wawa T. buranall. Vamp L. Curia. ./eoa (Vrpt.. Corms, . Ortastri . r,u_ upir, litui J. rasri.l.l% SelsV lL W e ti a l i Y tm Ee " =M 117 114111 " t l an il l 48. SAVINGS. BANK, atptlinalLST, IPA. Cl oripiandadeelr 1,22. 1.041", arocuouna moutrieat awns Uop.lta noothrel mi mix w. out. Musa allenmi ex p. do m. !minim atieuilaa l eaun iAsV Vatwast atzo.raVerariaLla e. w.iuet AL. Tun.. 41.1...adar Yr, Detama n44, r.ad . 'ORS W. M . ORDINANCES. ve . ODDIII4IVCI6 - -rsiattar tro etzgolin. ia aTatirftillotme t .d:Wi t - Worows wor row Coolooll O-aoreow. Lowoosooselo. wet a to is sWo waded loteo 4. florfro 4, Woofs. Shot from we aver im• ow svtov;Valtorsosor. Lewrrowortile ta n . P..atro. ir:1041.::17114711 lat" x.; sr we al y 'WNW It Wasn't. irlf• to. I.lros 444 slim/ Is otH lboroseh. for tiw VOW. f twlie sore. 'VII. nod repobiss weshnt ors. w• •- IrlOf lOW% soft We ows.l as ve -7117ta tar,l7OliTa'ittAllVka.7a7:4: tke WW4elt wsotry. wttl That &Ida/mot or !glary dew to raide•lUgoOsys. MOON Lars Kai slion. Weeny h We swersts• of tO4 ortolsega bonny Mut 4.11:11 r 00417 4. 'St Lai pat of WO 0zg:41 . t.r 4.1:11..r. T ow of file Borsosh etwos of the papist! stoeir of •3711.1 T te ryotal 'W. In Conf.', In awn of toe Barnso sad Connell of the Warms\ of AttnotlVlNO Sur" : loswreseent b.. It. 4.M. MOW* Ait o ol/DITIAINCE relating to --Laying of eas - flpt --• Se do rdatiod dad atatesd ay tat /wiser egad tatatett et tan lanosaa flanatett 4.44.11tal data and Ma .• Panetta t Lela eedmasaa d. Inter We nd. Out . * •nacan awl Oa power and dally-3.d tea sal , pa the elerwatia natal& ataeaotant ade7a IX • W. Bettonatt s Coelho ear pa. • at !Wag elatra, sada . tad and ettrabl3 Y epadatt OlVak let.a and eappty time. as tee tart tad 'centaur. 4441444 passe .fieet. rard'lrA'rgfaa4'lllV,itrtet:: . eat nonadit..ll . lk o m oraeldnd Milt all r=::( t el t igVt6l4 g bv.by tta. 2 lo. 4 al Mrapalred at 41.1.4 aatneetaat to Wont..air 1 - 1 ! " -liM k Rowena/ Um capital eta tot uld Gas Cedapasy. It ••• •of d. Barg sa Lad Coaaad t.. Itanadat of Laded. envllle ItaCtattiClN: 4 Strr"ii. 3 '' m Jareaneettle. Not. - AN'ORDINANCE .for the Grad. Pm=ttadMtilat w4.600rb0l Clutroh str- et, from It. tettraeolot eta. Dalton nasty ,00tOwszily. to lee bentege Itneet the e.t.a% or Lan smith. • • sleeerm• larnow I. 1. Llenfants, as ~ad bg Deese . 61/ ... /Jernyt of Um*, er let taw. That the bleat tenezt„,r, Ictil Ihs SlOtOlioo JOrgol.tor. ad Ott MO Poser anat. , ma and cep .arerr4 ""'" i Ver '"e'" .l7l 4 elte stren4ettrat . extesetse frost tts. les matte of aid in. eta unfree Street. satantrol/ :: • Itt b th= Mi l tits th u sar '" a c a ar {IGO Kia , 10113.4 . 1110. Um earnest or ensiles laid Meet tall palelt of ta us Borohereuurr. ee onttlad tor by t a ektite, ord'SalifM, 020 for take poroat of afralatake a •t.esd apart of I atlas tad meta 0•14 Street, lOU* 1.4.4 there Is homy , 1.1. • orea , nl tax,. o toe •Ily tewet est slat several let•bonstag ad aut. at on all attest. lei at Valeta to the feet frost tetras .m ood. tpace, ad Nadas ea - siuttlse .fo earn= 11. That te . totet ge . the root and sr. Da. • pktar.se o f Main:l.l=w= cltir it's ISM* olialwao Nrniot lot.M1•01 <MM., nioprily Of iithl Meet. Oft 10 LOG 1.1411.1 k tee realsleated. ea stemmas toe Eta - entre Umbra, to On ante as asters of said lot or lett rapeellytlr. or to the agate sr geardlas as slain. 8, makOrnoPeror osok MOW. 'Dent TrooBOna of 0134 he baCtION 4. Sea It .Imm . be the dui, Of tat T.... M . Of UM 1101•1411, tos the mare so Mut, so os.as wake to be eV. , o th e part!.. en wto la &Ont.:MIMS boapittOd• &Om •stlel, tea unless Us moats of tech sweet ine f tr lS to tat ea train, heat tat Ano a ee[ eat i r 1119 1 .7•Tri tat "I'l J. O. ,dirt, Baron. Attete—M..4 Oall. -.l l..Soreilmolde. Lt.,. INA ' .—. . . yfarreamist.l•loeipt,llhillie leasil lk. lien as air Itimplit u. BISSELL & CO, . . Or r Thass ig t% forma*. PARLAY STOVE amass. Albin O. B. Woodworth -& Soh, a rag / liochemee Chemical Weeks, AM in, Ili i 111 Wile BOA ' lic rr.Mpt:i . . T. ' ' • • . -.... 1 1 11° 1 1. - - . 'EMIT r•ti:Ald b .. iiill:'4l E l ! ft! Ili .43 dr4441 1 " / cit: 3 l 4 ii _er a ~.,.g 3 • 1 1 0 4 41 1 . :1; .• ••-:;•: ',E,:,, aL, son;362=ist, :I • • .30. 0 .1......am5mp... m . , b ran 41/1111111di MU ~ • . Arart.,.... =l7 ,Mgt niiiiiam nvi_n FreinA._ 'am . isea .14 14 OS 19.4 ..111 ........i.TIIMII, . ~. ' vounimpa ,Evtgoon , 9o.4l' • .J 7- DR. J. bAati NI% FAMILY MEDICINES. r _ • . DR. JOHN RAR ENT S Anti-Dyageptio' and 'ver Pills, A °SEWN CUBS OE I Liver Censplaints. Decpe la. Dili.= Attacks. Jaundice, Sick, cadsitclie. Colds. antic...eta, ,Ita. , • • . TUE , .Ettn llatr4OnoE AND 11 414rtfairit4V 4 IAWII1; mutt Loam mart ptcum linrder Oar tools Mu. Calms may bound" ozPortlcro, waded poly bitioirtboto orb , town trtudottior rowilinner Vitro fVfoiP74,TdillacriifiracrlVVitiVit 110 no rill , aft P.LLS. View art to other Mr yet Compounded which hate lived ortumnal imlutscrlort, nor do tut mbar 001 S Meet Um require:l:Lena or aids housebind. II do UM. ;DO:a Of lzehree, thi dlnnwie foe th Plll. are Depends', ba whet a they will tenet...needy and permaneot eur . . "[bey rent tan from Ws btood al eornant wttion awalrtaya the came e the ellmattet they rpm time esmetorg, ...al. table . candy ate the bowalsi they nom a beal.by mtlon to the enaolirg It to throw age I mormid. bunion: they inomoLit th e. =air tOLV: itr. °A:rz,Vll,7 till 01004.' ...ft of roesi bet lb DluriurnA.-1 bit dhdresung totuatlyrreo ;1 it Vt! ' gira L e' the mbar ' an <7 re . "f r whthh an sa follows: e. nattier am al nes. Lon preantrar below the .stennint or ne gat hone, .0w tlmengstathre &with . • ar eruct/turn (..a.er brutal on bronthorett a ofingnitei. to vomit. Sub-ft.( 11. at pretadling from We weasel s le ftVS'it.l2:4lW•fv=Vrette.s.4 ::;14,1111ri: great skerression of opine 100 wog to mrtm. Molt grutt mer. • ; It I. seldom that all the Motes pthms found la the sic. ;anent at one !met any of them. therefore, inammeleat Ind:nano. of t; • Prmenoe of toe MOW.. sad zeta' elf DM O.ol. rlne. DE. 3 ItY(IIZDTIS LANTI-DYnPe t tAC /API) adult W.I. In eal dog When tat , n anCordtrot Loth. direezt re I attack a ...of the many venni .1,,e eaetp girt men fbran at I hone eln be atial o.ory; Olt 111 tee sere Messes I coed an Ilea no; Inspire k . ll we Coulson. p that se Ulm will irrek 11l M Di.d(llllf 'Bin P.. • Lowataxtres. DT / n= l ; you r.;C 0.- g. fl h g b tOmg--Intar el. be vet rw utel &Meer ibbl i Drags I t7 eTirri . lE.Dire ' r!9lrl't ggin . ; drag stet. I ades b pens thwed. wy asses gdor, whit bent aptomentrieres.. tad theta tit• am, testae. et aZy sttif ••• wed.' ! mount b•e bil es,4tly sew ed #l. lmmtrtlasf lade a ofnattered br ...11. • Of pit . elten. I rme.th th •end • Z ° 0:51;::` , ;4 0 .4. 4 1 H. atJrL vr...nru.s.z, nip. nattlinthri.--I . Mrito to "earn. you to mod sae a box of Vote gull- Dyttntotto rill. by WALL 1 Paw erne.- abls to ge , t, eat aloe. eel • •Ileabany. I*.onot art bout Mem; they bay...nem so mum mare tow than O say Warr =lefin. Is sea m.d. 1 bop. ys ft well Cuba , one doer s to rar W.W.I tent get them When 1 want./ Its ware Myelin San dm If It taws. • Year. mew Ime. with VW shoe. wW obilleaount. re law ptentaity, rcg. Bat St, tam itlet iftlar,toferla. Par modm* L Per .60. - .7.l'lazd Zg a y 1 .2 1 .1, 1111,. '.. ;th ma tweedung y. apt' I.thithe pleaSerella reeortt sewn., them Mad from .• ethry truly, ynen. D. It .1110/ID.C7f. , pocratient. PA., 1113,....Dt. tf.tortle-rt on.. O olo lder t a b l at.l arena We Le tOr nie of year PPD. aro , .7.711% SlTatt etk i rd L1T:4.17 Zat.ff I to In got wrm but when 1. began to take ow pine fgot b o ne r .• f ha , e no Late , ed of Pm doctor.. lam itow O.T•ets-ys,ware arm s. • • -IADWAII4II. W 4 Thl. Is 1.1 cert. tkaal e tzar , ili..4 L argrat's Yde.t Pm la My funny rot toe law two yearn. mad loons team. the ISM °WNWI ta woe DNRe .w aAnDgit S rth, 2 P . 10., gay 1.110.. ETYi • ig P gll D Lriless •NT-DISPamI .ot' .- •4 bo l mLni mum mated an+ plata., He ea snd can Mir Dr. MieW• 4loo l. l rD7CMlnio ma Liter 11114 and , . • DR. SAIIDENtfa • • . Aa GIO rroi-efob tgi. tee ectiritaii tun er quiltar • rcermisie • Auv. • '411.0 • .9 frti c " iP r Tig r LON ‘17..•110 41 7 /0-16 ' "'OF.7.a.g LONGS ' r SWAT • AI I 0 Vligs • Dll- 001...11 /SYRUP eattaltul Patbrag•taludeu -bat Ile Oa' lotra by Iba snasalsr l lllolsLlFlLS Ds K well. 1.1. does sot Orr up mush at stoat ... Vaa,„o,Paall' prepara tions du Iltat sell suer S at MS loan rra 05$ laoseall,ba plaleask Dour tade.tbseouo aorta. al Pueueblat tube.. sad aastece ILS cop eton. SION, Si WI smut 11.1, &soles Übe maga sad , pellaila. W page fruts - ppr•lauts spat est. DU.eAktiltliVO.l.4/11,CLPIraUP is erlard, ca 'sunk Maeatlt w.bowolPs II udu , fepiatal Y a/rata al Lls sae. seat saelqsadfbe , rolip.r.tilrea Ir Is Jos mast alleuentaao4ll.lolostlinett everr.% altiroTe•ed lizaTt Ant tU'"""4"L' ises•• env, vragiaker 4.l4llllssisrs tst altY•lpttla W 1401141 PI • Lela. DR. JOIN BARGEWS piuretio ~• '}~• TOJi Ks xrDltErtAtill BLA.IIDig • PIII yjn Sow tte. beloott ui oolitic Co atatpetslaborttooftm 2 " eao. 7.o4l:mez j d te r gisolt:llttbit e litaolosatto - son f. ton: tlits7Olirtrtb. gl ige rf . altro k .,; 2loiOt Sa Well Aiwa - elf 't ha apott , or +GU.' 1.• Woo ofttylisvo Mtge*. toms of ltto , •,•• tfteol of into *ad lit. Ines. no totattof atm tie Nw ostoortooeett tiro homes, elot tifoot. of tee &gams, Move- am so.k• ttiZrgntrt. P rAtitit g artrrro %It steter amolltase ps hawed' for there ootapt.laot .11sa bo cat floO,to trovt7 sotta , s droot,"ltstoo. t 0... .1 pityolooto t our to' is ottorolt •laforn • ^••• seesibiessaeleati sag rewind mull sm hebhl to inroads Uhl and of oho ho mid .Sr.? waste. to the. • - The Slone* coo stool, chi ed Rost-seho sad to aldth Mose rills art reetillorier soppesh!e, It hosed teeth( to tired Os alga.. Utelehoet , ens she the . leva.to. Or obeartiet.ohe or tamale et Oh or tho k tepee a, 'Mg ten tobollger, de .sd [wows. by s p.n.! the hu ll°Me Wk. sometluiessalsed • lag Mewl lb. Inlets be ea• abdomen: or • gait, hooey. or manilas' Vida • steadied ens. the bate e.t.a the I der extremity of the right ob. dostuis to the tidier Out Id the thigh ...eight Seats, le chgerleneed la 'lnd dog the Kn. sad Muir venom. Waistedor.th I. trophies,. 0-ropledat grouse • beady re inedesit ex. nisei- Maas. whirs stootileg. hoe. dash., to peel boa Beetled tuid nithadoo • obis.. ptmetah ;4lll=l.l%ttugard,Varibrol those oho heed emote:6l.4 the moon Ciotti of I now reissettilly 'chant I} t. •pe him. be I==A teasersil art l . Zentsl. The et• asightierSeer Sad eel be 'termed lei in tag csaTsricarz.. , an-tall II apSelene age teal was , nrl7 main IS sud s tut lecewn pa= lathe /wee and Seedt? le: T 0,414. litl 11l Mr. kleUllaterk 1.• late" =beat joie miens= rine *else 1 Ole, Lod ea* n 'feet./ Cared. al= gave eel Het mtg of tee aneggeln glee*. lee= ellitteee t/tancat4llll C..ea5.zirem.in.4.3,7,./114:htvgg.Tulg:Illor.lt leer glee l gave been =kite zwelele• rev we.' arei elkieflem gOvelelaa w. WOOL 10 et; te. IN; oe ..../ Old seo gravel.' I teak arel.4M vs' P.1.--(4 . ,:v •va.gal=Xl'. lai lig g • =A //a. nallingnr-1 =IS Mr a long Vale =Meted el= east shoeget to be Veva/owls= le ler beak. se that We= / =select dome I. coo= •eareelf /germ lerts_t •gala.. 'I was advisee Us NV. t,:et Mr:4r" '••• "° "7. net Ate ham 11 731 . " imp others, •In i rjyr . Jolt, eicnrjr•Beirow bor.' • 61.-1 yam/eve leak stale inlets* elle agate law bee*. / Ira/ adr.sed Milner= ple_ . '” te9 l. 4Th r erivs! ' r fii.;:tra74l ' ll l % m. teem= others.= our . ' :=l.l/0 tee seam eff Sal v( "...vos,••,i l dol. I fan for ahem 1 eoald n ` tlut4LoTtJx. - Ii•se.•••• =Melee elle tiel =naphtha. 40ppaa0 r= itiVL:rwt - az . k. end ties, of elite= drool. =lll Met elle veer Plea bays neer tak. Mgt bog. and W./ .0.41119 00/11131211 =slag term. as / reel bet.= Do•taut NMI felt tot fear • ears, led I heva ne drub: tee watt bagelll core lee. aids s. 11:=3 epolla •-+k .N. for Me op pt at Ile down lorlillows ps •0 hat at tritr:l4 as putat LlMlZZ: e tlikV.kb ad 7 au.d ... we...L ateen. ferel.taico, I de, 7 Vrarallbr tirte &Mete Dian:Pe 1:11731= iieuaw 7/tI4 teal. melting tar th e earl ache' aver met mita.. ou luta eettedently teeoitieeealheagi% 'nee, lea per' be - aq Daiwa-to a* ;, e ms se ... bold sit • GEORGE A,. 'PE. BOLE PIWIPBIETIin, _ , WHOLESALE DRUCCIST; 87 W•od Strait, Pittsburg% ; THE FORT PITT CCM LUMBER . CO. . Capital, r : : $128,000. hiostdesiF-EDIW. numwmas. A. WRIUUT. G=.l.=lMtft • The TORT cm? LuAnnum baring par. ebasad TWO TIIOO.aNI. TOUR Hwy oaf.'" ataa re .a.2ID TWaNTI , OI4II 40=0 W uanala4 pl• law.. La Toren Mawr, Pa.. and awl.. War. as shag s Swam tam MO., ara Raw /111312 Olakia mg cuter $1 itsig.ut •111q* a as....l4gwiwu r sun le anaw to • T.X. Wasp T. 4carekows. .. PITTBBITRB&Par. TO GLASS iIiIIEFACTURRIIO. TUC lONDERSIGNED havitik tcrou solo *may tor the malt or Ls oolot COPLEY POT ..CLAYi. etaXNMZNP hi " u ttegO,PutZ gUTAYAM= to .14gag*""Iii .bosst mule SW Dols tisossar .Is=is bairtag , mowed. as arsamn,tsso ot Its ayYseathleasak .I, 2 4nowasul a r k ..e zta for 11:11.7Ar arlelttro7thts altoM =AL i; &Ss tnay Is dla L L Drrinuosa - ii sat, tow Irian.= rentrgin... an rArEir awn- PRINTIIIIO AND MUFFIN° PAPRS 'mairmiiii4irstißiVil.ll, (410; MilifiLW Anf mud. YA. OREM AND WAREHOUSE, Its.B2llslrd Street, PlUilliargb, Pa; onuarts.:AvaviriELASTa b rdel a tt 4 WIty I .ITAS seAe l =. . 7 eM n iat1N,2.1.411 1 %.74 Usahlra ESPOSIHOWW, - • oU CONfldlBB'N MERCEUE 111. 1.9.4. ........ ATOLL NI_,ATEELE sow. . . DiA.LZII3 174 TFLOUR, PER"• OR.Illa; And Produce morally. 50. 95 OHIU !Mir% 0 7' I."*° "" . "' Aziar.ainutY CITT. Pa. A . 110171161 & CO, wnoLzeuaai DILLIN/1 AND Ocauniseion Merchants in FLOUR, FRED, AND PR O DUCE , No. 565 Penn Bt. rriestitraen. PA. MZI BAWER BURKE & CO., COMMON mecum, • &MHO - TB 70a THII . feelße i gobe Liberty Oi Works, i.rda IRAdadra tar Orad• isamied on. Lib. aral m 4, advmma made ask coastramiam , of Orada a. Halted PauMaaM. Tarla for amt. Oshipmant at Wade Oil at Lawmatmedm M4e, sad Mamma., Mama alDammaas - and lianooM naval: riMatomta• salaam 7. KEEL A nrrcusiwr, - • 0011MION MEIORANIB, Floor, Vain, Seeds, Nilliad; M ra, H!,Nlilf SEA; Jr., FLOUR. GRAZIn &ad Produce Couladon Merchant. ..• tanzarle assFxr,-rn7insintil* ROBERT- KN0X,: . .14 commqpit FLOUR, CIRRIRIARD ogee.. tut Luszsimay.-eittab L . J. BLANCIIIARD,- • , O Gt• 12 . 1 . 3311 X 41 04 - . 898 PeraiStreet. LISL Ain& NU BANE- & ILIUM .1;- 1 4VArbt 17111-2 w. and Fr I TZEB a• AHNIMRON4k ...• 19110J1136 /II MIMI! IBC102; II Narks,. Most. matt a Meth upw'altii FIN babas zotriMßEt. tecii aninuntos. ANTenad Dollars is ?LOVE. OWN. MILL Pl= lad PIIMMIC)1111141.0. Tr imancid. oFtelp* Ontaatli Ans. Mt:4, -y,77 . 7 36 . aaa , ass i'4lllloTEill I f `PATTON' 3,149://S, : e.-1M1ncia.....4.41. snag ....Az. & BROS..i=3o.lor• ,ort° VI ,Ur z _ JOHN 111, CAIIIFIEZ"Cammasi... slos 7onranUtz adeAsal sat 11111, We 1.. to iTatealn Bonn* erl 1 Nos , PAßled i WririniqPigt rse NOS. 014.10 Whoa MVO. ELIZIPPIPViros /14 rsiilee T l`rii 86' ritteberce. s..Cortealiodostets sa Wholesale Deed. ceeer.zy Prated: asel=nmeasistaree. Cteeh. adraaseal to. and Dahl fbenrcaliter vans JOIIN L HOWSE dr. IXdralhildier cusp= rtacer oi k i mma 'rids We , On, eus ser ot Ifteltblata luta wow etriai. , Scuommuzu4s.LAll - G - #ll , lsole. - e.r.= 3 ,911Ma 4 ""4 I Ma r cra! • "my unrum. • 4.'lm:sus * QMPTON /I:IIIRALILAt sa hROCiRtI4IPP •fupof U th Ximot.Pltt elnhalt. a a W_OILEES & OCIBIEF4MBEI EUREKA WORKS, Claitantarall !3pem LabitimiblctMi, MEM= WO= 444 Crade,; Rifted anClAltillicltthif OCIM Lad, g .gym ak ix ttial 1124 B. Cl ? K&OHRSNEIi; Agen 19 Irl!tit fUnnts NEE H. M. LONG' & .CO.: ..1414•0111101313 or • • PM WHIR BUNG 011. Brand—"LIICIEE." 69ee, Ao. 2 IrequeasillY. TACK BROTH ER S, EOHNIMON UROMt!I, !- 21 .. 1 ?Autou*44' • Petrolent and Its Trodtielk iTriesingea onnos.nauErs...mmu s • at ihnustmwa EA( 17.2.1,44P6': 4ULLADZ14.1114.07/110.ST WARING Si-KING %mai man en mum lit 2 tetroleum and Its:Produtts.. P al z a W 6 Biwa , OuVient,eM 4, 4 , ernmiussucrA. numarrisaqua imam&' : my* It. PIM • BIN Tlfl ItESTI " PISTR4IA 'BLUM 11.1rAD. • , ar r i orz.lumsza • ;Esintrictirabigmi *tit for ato. r• H. PTOSI3ER Pe? Ivoluos i nr.w.car. aks audi narksi Ste.; *- «al emrsaullext,'sa. EAGLE' OIL MUM% = WIICIRTMAN RaAn*if and , kleapors P E T.R•CiLE sacroab,trmr." - omunuAtuur. Welf BT. ABM PINITSBNI WAY. . J. C. Imes. a. ai min= vrialaalip. SOHO OIL`. . . . - ' ' Illastaiottisard hm int ate all Was L TI.II a inttirvlo4l. 111111111111/ OM V lapl/NARY BMIGEONEI; Dr. 11T. ,W. 13ATE.S.' . _ .317:111.111:74=MMV ... , DlAll*3lll.Alyclle kr; iii. saildswo-113 PLO Allsal‘lllllloll4l,l2ll. ( Boma Oil rella u trtall fter =slag tlip VAVOlgign o i I' ,V", ',,,' "1,4 St Elliaszsb‘p ..0 1 . - dc.—ielt iitutO ia ' 7 . '1 .., s. i•o4.' ftlia 5 ,.. f Ad. AU it O. n A 0 .1 4,,. E ve . c .. 3 . 4 ., A . ..,„ .. : 4 7 . .0. encr - mimbiatAry 1 TO Anatr. 1,11 "M"r0! )- ,.. I ."P.- . .L pncw. zit. tcnorsm.,.,-..,.::....:' H Mug kb .. treiAtutra ls t trill i Tar Waal, batlees aamatt"saat Slaaaloaa maim *asal% " nar Yd rasSdiato btr 8.011 naanaLtlia, a MS VMS • 4*.•wit—nle • .....e•Ta 6 rttSlaralant •= l ll Wile "11' Faarat , ~,' .T- JOE 0( altdlllllll2l4 AttOrner.fit.LaW. Gabe, 21 GRANT Z. Iftitsbarim6 QM:7II=M!TTMI K CI so. t Attorney-at-Law. a szoDua ROBERT% Attornerst-Law. cmaN N Ir.: 78 MUM Mane 411rnpoolal attention r !IMAM V B TACEB.3IOBBOW, ALDERMAN. Er6.olocio, Justice of tee Plato*, AND forms mmuframe. lax faurtruii An% littisfk mnh. twrin.. ata l ti n tini Instals. anaut w oroletrtnen mid ellsoatak. A. AIIMICIN Jr2l7lOZ OT TRIM rsrca. OamTads'. 4.11 &Isis sad bianapi atm, CASSON ElTzarr. Itan giralnglim Oollecaoa of Ito*. gouolud sad preta9,l7 VILLIAR!B.. 134/[IiLEM4 71IBTI08 or tea ham ' coavirraitimit:-4;i. ,immtwassicrl.mt inn. so 1. earouoromptly 44410. j:Win rum MAUL, M. 10, muncuire 'mons ,umawa Bed•••••;.. :No• 150 Groat 1..4•11/11OPSX MCI:. • rERGIESOI4, lAltanterldelArr -„? mai% 2 , tam' ' lig10; 1 1!#.0 1 Plitaio ftbaliEtteitattKratotrop It.,, , ,WltEitrairt Etttiost. — i4ooif.oitiodies‘ It to on ittatto'.. LZ= . . ArromivET AT LALTIIN - - pirriumumpA. 0„ Diamond newt JOHN RIDDELL, • ATTORNEY AT LAW. lib rointrir sriumr. -iimta ' MTBirrnea. rl g c. ;tummy., MOhNETWOOWIIELLOI AT LAW 4 1 re. 09 Grant =Mt. virrinsvactit, PA. jOgSIL: MLLE!. ' . Atir,4o cloy Jrusticeof th'Peaor :AND rorsca KAQINZBATZ; 9W* MP St. °Matte Cattotn,l, , D =4711 . 4 _atosanteemnut4 - Env= WIELLIA.II! JA2.IM r i a r z fOTAIEN rrnacu. MM; ogic...Wa .11aUsz met l'ra,ocwwu, t=== log jy Of let r3og .anVeavemin Ida.t. . !!=M:iiaA= JOB?111:141/1tCONBS, eGUNtan/ IT .AIM , • N -87 Fifth Street m l . o. oe_atzu, saaanrs any o~aWo 4 h. /15[131011ANOR. nUNSLIN 11)R/1210E CcIMPANY, I IN FRANKLIN INlVltilit . , 411f .n.t. Ile. Ohio .st o Alliebsey, Pa. nitrir i, Geo. It. =sac Shaes= . T.& J. EL.Sulti... M. M. .. , f , ` : z..0.* ,11 ...a..F. . • ~.\ • oco. D. num= Ikendary. asumwmwaser.rs.suw..- ..: , _ 4.24 1t4E611E33f INSIMANSIM CO IMes sErrusnssent.-csies. as. a Ims. O MUM Mock A sa : m 1 eilla . nrt 011 . )4acto ot 'tn ampitettot Ei r rNy p W4.1"8. §azt posuirmyeau - IN EI VUAN , '-',,-- i- r. OF . FMIBUItaII, tA. - osiimf t u pro enroes, aipiik mai. iiii - .H.'ibi ck.iazii. sad iiluizsa mum 1•11 AnWita.- ' , minas. :.: rs.., ~..,- .r.-. 121=! r i f " .-, . ~ •:_ - . - t ,_ , At/LIMIT LOSS ' MM. RilliL111:11111111tilnUltillrb „ - - ; Ole PHIL& OMbis",lll4s iima aa , affsesavie in. pert 7giL- . . . "I : '' ' ;.' e s a BM I M I 1nt41. • er:start. frp a.i. r.v 4 timmt corsuc. may' , ithiftrza -Irmo wan 1.. Corm Ink* #44. 'MX? =Mem w an k0m.1.4 ....ka t L . .g ow' wan I Vgatob. a.ae. ,a,-,111 ItlllreAloweterw PEC,./ 1 4 11 IMltuaricE amok a 3t. oon.woon Aso rimi en , v ' v r,..tiffAs.*=Te n i. can nue . puTioar Or IP • BIM 4... lINIK.--Tbepallainoblp b Tell T i ed ) t i ginr.. °• d at F in" ... - 1 oar aia tagi'Ziltiptine 1 , t1$1) troll Itum roles n, be ut alSoill Mb Wenn le etegbilb Si. II 1, will milibolibelibtalsor of no- Lb% fra,, boilable ..bo Unbolt of .547 . 11 7 0 t tiab sal t. itMitio =it - MI h" -,. I . - ~. ,OZORBIE It. trrA Qui; • • - • .- . .rikuis zaavra allegrlLY can re" arm go. I. Dissournox •or it• • inOHM Lar a lrral o biertibra ex A lt titeidakmlrt seids i C uap V rir il atViritiW e. ooesfai ' V&A " tl WtN trir 4 ,Ntes4 • tub isth. 1.0. earfoßni HAVE THIS DAT 4183411246. - 1415V"'"'"'"?""ABV.7"AIW .„. _ . JO . UR D; *Amu iEtur4 r sll . lelt All REAL` ESTATE 11111(111 ,•, - , . /11131 Avionossmar - • ... w ft .eli at Astatun. " tvtir — mid - a t du .„ J.,..2 rdll• 0,44% *Wm, 9 SimprUse at =2 , 2 pai n vit bagfilkm,lgi . U, !, ',....3lltieltrr Rtaria.. "444" 1. 'Plyisinsan. PA, thuota r THIS COOMPLNIt now a Mr.. Att B,oote iN a t:l2.742i =11M: 01:44,1 a nd4 tz. at=t2.l4lo Ittilsoa. wild. miaow. tdi r tge ttlaut At tat I. In. sad ' "'dialed and BOA Alt at nada, dUt m d e i t tniMaedattlde . ohpd.cou beta W tlf a o z isttar triFduoetetdevt ro4W rstrdnit Altditt ICIEW OPERA ROU.E. 14 W. 011,11.1.1).....••-•••••••• jwyter. Resat /or the Ilatila..l/ Thlt meant neut.& JOLLA DEAR. Hee kle4levoleets.l4 ythereVae.. XIX" . ~...."3,11.Mt.t11E1, the retebtated /lave "othUL Ore. .4 the poem. wog un met., ikelooo 14013. X 'ND/. ZTXXIXO U.E. •S. W ee.... will , thet.eze. e . the the 2.0 eergelth n. X - 0011, 325 nz TVOLVS: n xI taste e:lef, "CM. nice. 0.01. but. Toe...Mee with Wel' r•x--j. so ea, Tee.. .- agrABLE COMING, No. 911 Filth .Street. Ma Fu naked, p igual nA onLT NOSES BROTHERS' IBENSTBELSS PBOIC 8091 . 0.114 • , • AT MASONIC HALL. For Sda NIgD4 oery, a dwwdocing MONDA.r AW I Ed LY N N ol2 at N s N tte j l aY oow ...alto•w refertalnattattb.l dosttoNLl Tett .I.l.lL•ti • Idt eat..l4 ettdrfrda rrotrow doe tonb ... V/. k4l ottla• op•dt feolll to It and Item dtcd wl• for too dote of dtdared meats Adaltdon. 26 crate: • Peery. d rat,. 60 ed. r . l" ';:r"'"Z*.At'°"'"°,....?:".ll.lll° far Tilt rti iiLFIS ThRIETIF,IS . T. Sorsidnacut and irstspdearsoce of th•ldlia. debts COSON , IIII, 1 , ..011.1[11in and rilellaS . • SI. 0 .IJorp•N yd. Mts. Lucy DMA IsailMad stio fero•de Ju El ti 4114.. h = dna,. Strtned — 114.0.110 a UM." ' " ' TIE !UNION HOUSE, Tm u mov iGiEn beg t o . r t lf.ghub.:22k,putrlriur Must 'No. Zl4l Liaerty Street, • ftl tatinVlN.VM'.l9,..b.rosn= 77. 1 .1 g newly try ,, lm tr: tit: 21= P.S7 ITAvelersVllllltltChajo fo l!o i ls , :gr u l nut the Hon. Ls oleadtA raselllt cr. rule pawn. t•ken board bf [Way. sea Or =auk, rrrio or wax.* roam.' WAGNER &minima, /0 ok .005DOOTED OA TIM SUOMI UAL i. JAMES HOTEL, 40b & 407 Liberty St. cropece en. trnio. nem, I.I 7TAEOSOIL,' • . • JUII3B IL -LANIMAN Proprietor. This holm Is wilds IWO sad spiels:Ws teti• . slassa, sad soon:Wm So all tau, Nalissais ems. :Vry " "Vragslr g Vs= pi*.• To, sem., 'mums & 'ago pay for Tsar . Novas as sou get Oa. • Tee haulms= ear. vested enth this !malls alas ca ell hears el Me say sad 01.(11%. Boas sna woes sappUstt synth =s ths manes mute sui !wawa, ST. LIWEICB ROTHL, taw Tam zpiorz ur maxi N. E. air. Penn & Canal fit& JAN JOHNBON, ,Proprfettar. its we toisi. manual mita owi new, tarnished larro . aza am ewe. • - yy~: (c JAI cairiaraar..« .. ... CO., - • " 30..111 MEM BMW. (Motodt• Elanl4.llolll 4 WWI MIMI, MEW 80411 HMV . ale gad Ben r^n^37drelite.' inn" =I Pip% Shen La 4, =llt , • WWI Inillim% Ho., ta. Prompt aneennltiele: utomaim. lan. la resmnb•l'Ut cine.d.....Y. ITWOOD & BRASS MODEM, STEAM AND GAB WITTEGA s ' far. of Erd sad Liberty Streets, padto jth kgromater B.Caiarea tr CoOrt STEAM P (IMPS BLOWER ENGIIVEN.' non /limo. aka: orlysiticti Odom Yid 111•41:11U wart. to Ora Otestoa. t Puma 0031.1atly ea %sod. r 5 /i.. R...., • M1...C.1,, / 0 .1... I ff.:l .- - - , JOHN L COOM a cd., BRASS FOUNDERS; Otestict.sUld Gaa Fitters, Wandssianin of !IMES AND ZILIZAWORC. of Pr .7 anzilittoa: ftslars L. GAS NEL. Twin IND zaatna, of all ktetas. Comet of Pike aud Walnut Wage. =sow* PITTSBURCH PA " • COAL COKE. &o DITTEIBURGH NATIONAL COAL et COKE comii4Ny., 1.4......au5el dallier& lefolsole aa4 BEST PAEFR,Y COAL, NUT. COAL AND . BL& 09Isamu] YAM—Carnes 101311721 AND 'XXX rinalraTel, fI...b.ZA. PA. All °Alas for t e stmosy tha dry. ar napalm ' %,ir s eln is V! biroig".va BEST FAMILY COAL • &bran an Lad,faddellvgaid . inuirtOr 0,411.4 , AT. UMW IAMB! JAM, BT 03411 F, LAVM & 00.; Ott Balmy gm al P. ►t Ir. Num Axone:Lulea Agraisbaa. COAL! 004114.1 COAL!!! DICIBO3, STEWIII7 it 94 . . ,Ealtu catita No. ass .Lissairs trrnesT,., • .a....dyclitypb.Alio_lugooND Are ewe Anpere4u.Areueagoed Lae l = Ar- • c LIMP, amOOAL OD OLOOIIo . as o• wort% net prwL, • U2l rB H. 111DISTRONG, - - Totraimaimer* oonitiumnaa oatp and Itanstdetzenannt ow, 'mew, nod Derraplasuldose ‘' 'lO OrriCß ASD YARD, IR.ras , of Ewer and loners: Int ma ,T.M. • Any sad Otßair istroass. flail +Ara, sp..o strimt. molt Loci Nol. 4 .eltt i ltbur w ilra. ra It - , Orden :eft at at) at that: ofilee• •121 MOTs ' ' PLS.N • 011,GAlift3, Sta, inui.s.a.usa.. 2 3 3 .Tit.iaacs..w.s.zilawnl3 . • BARL SNAKE BU.t;11.1,13111. Iliemessaral& WANZLIXE & ZAMA NO. /11 Bt.. Clair St., Pitts!mit." ;":t planos, O'saj~ e N • 1,0 Awl iluira ("ft.'s reamer, areols AMU torumagona42 IT. /Nom Tort. of Bateaux - twit a 00.- rbnmtwohts. rl• 3 a l . lip.waxy • owe •vorriker... sad,., D. • U. W. rwrruni cui." oars. sum:brows rAirwr rtramiun..a Gemeacs likataaati • '"' Isretrta. . KA JOVE' UNRIVALLED Pi A3oll.—Tlsa . ramt. tat taatba mad ..aro ta " Velonaar th""" taaa alrothar i 14" . Mali atcadTh rin " fir ale sal lass ilkas hoary . . °Lunar= imam, a ruUk • - • • SOW Aslllll tor Kaaba., Plan "alas Maas, sad Priaoa'a Latenaatie o% Ornaa. , „ TOBACCO. ow JOHN MEQ RAW - , Tobacco, Snuff and Ohm •••16 giCizieroa vroluas. - R. & WI•JENKINSON., Malatuitunri sad dastard he Tobacco, Snuff, -agars, Pipes, itie. f " SaDiaaal. tdaaaasir. imonm•yr 003 OPECTICss deo. n Henn w. iroasacm i - , . _ c 'Ocinfleticmery and Bakery'' ' &s° " x l==t! 1 1 1541ittmsuspALo w , ". ~t,L: _ : gIIMIDAY SCIEWOL CIELEIBEIt. tvzzezcz i rlit s ynori9i!PAlrnipke ih . WS 00N/Moialnim, Al thin lore{ retiNtallo y iliFrraZtr. xasvavvapit'. !Pig?!ar• El E 3 rl HOTELS. PTIrr,pIDBUIII. PA. Ja.zsum;r:.crem:- VIAIXIS IN 3E
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