t: ' 1786. -Tr, rcc . " l . l. 1368. m mum WETTE Tate wont slag pispg r 01 the Slab , o f Piuuyt.a..ta, Wart as end year o f ita mildews with Wrested faelitia for di , - reissiaasaeg the eurnad.onos of Ms day, find for rsadcriag 'text Aervf« in the mat Presidestiat ()anew of seem.' Thefortheorsinglar em CoVress prOlotoes to prove (MS Of the mod ir.Port.- Med Mkt Aimee the forendia* of the G0n er,....4 std jr .,,,abge will be anz. soetely mpazebed by Al intelligent masses. la wino of the deep ntlertd effdered is the proceedings, the rwrWri of eAc GA ZETTE Aavi mule arravOmenta tar daily divagates cod Wort doing the esseiene, front a NOY agaugeng emre• v csi deo r, whs. et** tAs co"ftlease and friendeidp of tie ;mato 00400001 aJ the Sawa* and Zoe* the Asada of tha roa,s mos Deoprotera, cad the leading done sehattralgat Trailangten' that reason, e t a 'degautos receiving tbefinn, tritest and nod reliable intelligence from the seat of 0010004 Th. „ wow . of as &ate Legisies. sure, at as forthce o6 .9 maition, teal ahro prove intentitinfrfro nwch " many Pees .t.„„ . - tance will come no GJEZTTEssia kap al 'tsOt fg 7:0101 4 daring the entire eaceion, an lateltigent and MAN correspowk.4 wh0 ..0 prolegilg Mori thaProesedinge by .ineutasf telegraph. .Tt u all ;nay PoWeal journal of Pats ";;;; "th Weds and steadily :au urisetylee held by the Union R,,,posteas,./allY, and ederyrstal by a Wed ase twos melee Mtn. Imam so nor seilsleselon lass sssks. sane as o.,,tolikeestehesUsPsit alt se A. ......monren tee inennenenstge. ....,h,ronent, neon aenernens ins seneeels.f TO. 640 . dmerbloelsano mitt 0. matotalom. nb !I ~..",,,,,,Olarbayeresseeikla Waal On, INOMiel4 Th , damming Wit le kept op to th. r. the fay. and to esedwast arse ndIMOWS mirror all no trtmasttome kk.klkfrod.e lh .our. man. (women, sad skisteds rot CO. GAZE TrE o mgaMtko of a tho on , m7reetna and Mot Woratjamehtemil oommerefol nmeepapn AmPMTAIMM Wars rammed los market rim peeti - Mdik am Ball flame la Meat .pen a. mispek L. mares trookaffooo for man Von arodusto radio do. de . an tatty petaaMl OW. , ad...teal., 17 lisakrse and p. ~mat.. 2°.l mos O candela( mak ram, and Mar se.romrr*aewaer oef oaae+atn. aosorrs pkt.dodnelat mos dirpartmad Imo bent aimed A.bpleo w ou. mal seportromod Omsk, take ,uframo putts as attratim sad sot/Stop. egalialkdOkiro, Umber and huburs mti lon- . ryvailsou 40arhatat lan native eke MM. Waal ettbspertanta. and artil le so moduated kalk and reeoY4O smathers alt mkgatea desomensttono. ria aplsttsraL art. Ms. Mowry. pr. , ~1463 ati,cupt.re... rf t paper Isf:i eminbilrfs• ammo. uklltell Wit smrso sett. At//416.0.. mim as as OADX currrn. ..... Dsitast dm is PassimMk 4//ssiess mut all Ms .0.4. 61 .0404.1vri1m5ts ma. ismsds Sodim . I=== rye r rnr Olzfrrl hao Urn entespod . lOtkiimotoistsitai Dail,. sad soothe tar. 00411140miasil last rein/ falsity sosorpapri alosid ai is Pm Arks. forws . colueilOW sost.imaitaro sum .11 irs. Miigooisnossofetorist snot if' Misimplk imul Pm fiat" idttorialssf tke d.(b, liaise/40i tiottist of moan/ mod ref mitt.foil sta. far.fll.p imports.: ponifatip Skim world or pouffes. Its aolest braleireciiii, Mill at alto! is m 4 anima., as to in 4ow .tao /*ft* end /ardour. A. mum.: a.zirrs er• si Womb mareat . •-baeelledral to IM the illistairlifstamiltiiJor Math Mows .4 mitt's, est faiimmoratat itritis is. Wooten Pesompl moots; /Mims Ohio mad Waikrs• Timrinto oss mtirstaiost. rl. Stu OM GAZSM are soolintitanrbilm to Olott Gatti./ IMAM/ arisithisstromaro is important issmo. Ad. IssiMitla Solar is Um ..,see tho tiro, Msi/sae Passes...4m in o.: yet 1.11/ fooff , q esittair wp *kW Oks; (mesa atimly cAar groolgstua 0* rotes, as ••• er• irinees• Or sow of or orlon iilloYl4 betkorshoof gf • wall •ses.r. Ad dittry f 1 'CO* dis ire mad. at ay ttsug, at par t NW Pervaitert out lltsrehesati an n. quota ti . . Isw. crarz.vica.T guns., 4140415. - ChM 41/ lin Men Irk -.Wan* W rnerVlne non.' 10^11rmoo6m- own/ lif 00.•• Daily or niiilron n. inqpnion., nunnat.l„lEED k co, .1111.1110.11111 atrith, - tath . U ,. cithirr yawnsfa WWWWW thithsithwith. alulWirt.ts Vtrfflali Pa.; et glom stud sa.rkei wiq be as taw irSI . jars thwiu gag with the Dat a: tkitagrtqt tairth meisior. Romania Is. zsa. Tezderli not far distant when the washy nrill lie ailed to Exam the death of the'ireet old Commoner, That ftrVens; 'lle is raphlly tottering grew irard4rellis blends liar to hope that be will santre thiongh the corning Tat Ptelildfat la still fretting aver the het tiiint few hundred - Mcks of Wash fasten hold Ira arms to their Isormsion aedheyi the:melees into mill. tessponina Tbs country can hand Ighe la r axech daajat from the existence of negio• Eddies. companies, -and the !Saddest'. exhibttleat of shim and cow erdlcelpMperdouble.. aizatui that =Moir the gcrrent. agi7Ki:Divie are reedy to ro ad 'Ohl& trhd." The reuo as. ideasd desire on botlt 'Audi" that Chad Judge Ohms shall preside: The ,he candied lastly to Itaa thei,.the. case has bean dropped, sad des Kr: Davis was i pilsorter et stste`,o* two '3 , sars in order to we Mai nes pluttaltoient. Taii)lo. * .Lleicedn is not entitled to becoming mote &p -lanet 'Ater ' remit strange con dna liti4iVorimg - to foist Ursa( CU eMeltable and patriotic people of tlui Ma Mori tmacoonntable since the seigiledatgater at bee husband Su asassacas • "Shad sittlement of the Oda, * , sing all the. debta Mere ruislaed 4110,294 412, which, divided asoagthi *dew end beim, gives sae.- 1.4 *WWI& Lincoln, and the same mouse to each son. Bobcat T: Lincoln beimedwid bin share apd also that of the Themes ,(Ted). The mama in. Yrs. Lincoln, leas about $ 4 . 00 0.-biridatoie drawn, is subject to bar 0, 41K7 icalso appears that she re odvedibe 1125,0030 voted by Congress," sad coaddlistioas trans other source., of 104 e 1 /Y. 0; Roberta, of New Tort, gave CO" Iy addition to.these sums, she lea the property she seoently offered to leen. Tidisd, $24,00. - TAX/CRON AND CURRENCY The awide diversitj of opinion exists , throughout the entire country as to the eldPleseett of the Lade duties and the repletion et the Currency is psiP+. ble en to the dullest observation ghls miltrutety of sides is not limited to Mons expire in ordinary helium Permits, but pervades as abso lutely those dimes whose employments have led them to give the severest study to thew quatices. Indeed, the very doctors of Assam exe more completely at loggerheads In. their theories and pine then the individuals who make no previsions to a thorough understanding of the principles involved; and this con poem Want them!' aggravated by the display Olen intolerable dogmatism. It mum Inhale, therefore, that the approaching session of DOOMS/ Witness an delete struggle upon fine. a 1 question-that is, upon internal gegelon, the imposition of limpets, the s oma 'aianagenient of the Treeni7 pipettes; the national liabilities, the b a gs end the currency, commotion, in. Sties and specie payments. - Of - coarse, eget pectulle47 interests are Intimately i s pgied la this struggle. Men Wad tiad piellely with each of thee sp wipes will twerp Caceres'. desiring SO SoIIOOCO its action in each a manner as to swore erereptled tent bandies ssd lar-- 4'4211294: 'lTbz con ed will nos tie see howlest.therana• awl *Wall =V_ PeMSOted ; bat 20 -what intent seehlaleeest c n maw' la i hoesslat Melt Ittoia pioulazniitellL policy moreshorteighted thanibli: - I not be imeelned. MI the real in a of the nation are bound acgmb ui . en I COomepersd..•• of ill Pittsburg]. 0m , .... 1 closely that to the long run what is. t I Sr . PAUL, Mum., NOT. 14, 1887. for one Is best for aIL Tem porary- I EprWal PITTSIVE.B GAiirrr— natages may be gained by part( 1 The smoke of the battle foight on the individuals engaged in epee-lal callings, 4th instant is sufficiently lifted to an. by partial enactments, but thes e ... E at.' nounce the fact that our State ticket is be rendered permanent. ' elected by between fear and dee thou _ ---- Many of those who abjure legitimate Mistiness calling', and make a trade of Politics, will contribute all they can to rr eke bad worse. The tendency 413- most universal to attribute a stagnation of business, a ceasetlon of customary employments, a pinch in the money mar ket, or a financial crash., to the political party having the largea *hare in direct ing the Comie of the government. It sometimes happens that such incrimina tion Is reasonableand just; but it is more frequently the case that blatant' or nion- Mary embarrassments arise out of names over which government has no control, and forwhiett It is simply absurd to en. deavor to make It responsible. Theori glue of financial crime are commonly ea obscisre and undefinable as the causes and spread of epidemics. Financial ponies and catastrophic* oftenest con from gen. oral derangements In which considerable proportions at the active_ business of a nation, or of several =Won, are involved. A feeling of diarist per. ndes all classes, like an - atmosphere. It grows out of multiplied consclousnesses that affairs are not sound at bottom, and that a remedy can be found only in kind of commercial insurrection, In which the sanctity, of contracts and the obligations of honor are contemned and repudiated. In some ones, what may be called a species of nivereal amnesty . follows, in the fora of 'compromises wiping oat old indebtednestes; and then a fresh start is ta.ken. The Ilepublicans, though they have had no sort of control of the .ffnetttlye Department under the existing Admix titration, are in a condition to be held largely responsible for the governmental managemeat. A serious shock to com mercial prosperity—a paralysis to do. mastic industry—any disturbance of the easy and mantel flow of busineas.:-cn. be used effectively foi their Weaned& meat with those who are not labittated to discriminants wisely. Bach Demo crats u have no craft but politics know this; and henoe they are eager for bard times until the presidential election shall be over. It dies not matter a straw to them how notch inconvenience or actual suffering is brought upon the people, so that their party is. not held . respowdble, and they are thus melded to reap a po 7 Wieldadvantage s . Thin 'are genuine soldiers of fortune ' who care nothing far any canse,.bntonly for-what they can rd maki O of it. Republican politicians , =the contra ry, are • deeply. solidten that measures should be daybed, if Possible,_ to aflbrd financial 'relief, to quicken trade; CO stimulate productive industry. Their political chances will be improved if the times can be Elide. PitilOaqtlB. Betimes the .iontlicting ambitions and interests of different Bets of politicians, and the want of agreement among bad ness men, as to the course which it Is best should be adopted in dealing with the publiequestions under consideration, Congress will be greatly divided' and per plexed. Necessarily it will mirror all this intagonlantsesisungin the community. If sagacious business men ware In unison as to their views the case would be cam. pantlyely easy; but they are hope.enly divided, and will demand an agreement on the part of Congressmen of which they do not find& an 'example hatheir own pelllollll. We apprehend, therefore, that the diecussion will . be earned and protracted; and indulge the hope that It may result in so eiftingfactfrom that the pathof wisdom shall be diatinct iy seen and followed with the common comsat of practical men: Ten PITZBLAI or Kazuo watch every morning for the reappearance of 'ltfontezums. They say that one day instead of the sun rising the ancient Emperor will reappear and lead his people to their_anent land. Every morphis, on their knees with erossed arms, and evechuit .faces turned to• wards tb . etaid, they wait uhtil the edge of the sun- appears above the distant hills, when their hun 'away with a sigh; to Wait for another - day. The • popular idea is that sometime within sin years he must come.. This theory of the caw tug man is, one of the most widespread superstitions in every quarter. In Ber-' many Frederick Barbarous is , sitting in the Eyffnaumm, waiting till She time comes when he shall be allowed to step forth and lead - Germany to .unitY;.some practical ones look upon Bismarck as . 0.11 man, but he is not, forßarbaroua is still coming. I Denmark has in its strong Sangsberg the' impatient Holm Dilute, who is to coma' forth and flibt ter Dia fatherland la the hoar of her creates need. Some hare lest thelr taithll 'Holzer Mace be. failed tia tan rent the • partition of Denman, - But Bismarck was too much for Una - And even *ere in new- practical America, we bare 'the remnant of this itipermetan our constant filth, in 'spite of attmerou' thaappointnients, in the coming man. . _. . ~ Within the lutlialf down years the Jinite,d BMWS have beCome - fashioneble. Permit; In . Europe come here on, the slightr.st provocation; some with repa: unions for talent,' for . valor,: fer Wealth or rank, awl Wme with no - initiation whatever, dock over UP bb MOTO 01 P!itt lionized, Jest co the . popes.? brunet ,I sonnet° flow. 'Every European ailabli ty now *days, to complete or to idoin his eareeronustbecome an object of la- 1 event in America. Louis Napoleon anti I Garibibil, the Prince' of Wei 'and I KOSSCLUI have all hoen hew, and G au d; ban, pi din, is coming..it is too coca I to expect Bismarck or Francis Zossph, but thins time and Queen Weeds:atm, yet a i r* . ii 4 d.. \nci sae would be sue piiscd at a tda4 frosi the Czar of all the ftwidu or, his kei . .r' . .--The TY oooll 'e ad vent 'Meng tut is netluti t pcusibUlty, t and naive la anvenieltanee the Wine oft3t. Pour being ted in oar midst. In the meantlowthe ' ' "Miesui WA for .1,,, Europe Is not so tatons it was , and those of us.whe ha pati co or poverty enough to wail, 'et zoo Europe in • SZCZIT political societies are Liming unearibcd In P Riots in a.-email way hive taken there; -immense numbers of workmen are unemployed because the buildbig department* of Baron Hausman are dubbed. All these strzwiabow the direction crib. political sephymand Just each- a state of affairs tuts preceded the great revolutions In France, and hare heralded a change Of government if not ;of dynasty. Natio; Icon is growing oldi kU souls feeble; the popular feeling is again showing Itself; France is on the eio Of • change. Will Napoleon be willing to-risk.all oft • war? Thetis the guestliniwhich'ster tles European Journals, sad which •T 1; decal' , 'troubles even the . Sphini alibi ToillarleL, Xmas. Ticknor& Midi give a din ner to Prof. Longfellow, the other day, to esletonts the completion and publica tion of the translation of Dante, on which lic'has been milked for the last twenty-dee yeari. Btu twenty persons were present, bet they formed a society sedlstinguished as oneceemellimagins. Bryant, Hialeck, Dana, Lowell, Babies, Emerson, Whittier, Ewa; Curtis and Parton were among them. Mi. Charles Velum' agent has last perpetrated_ another Inipetdmenne. Ia his Bossokatlverasement ha requiashis audience to , be seated ten ailautesbefers the readlap begin• This man Dolby's cheek mutt be Si /1411 , sa ins Dania MINNESOTA. sand majority, 'a gain of emmt one thousand five hundred over the eledioa Of DffM, when the same nominessa'who are reelected, were the aominessef the Republic= party. Judge Flandraw, the standard bearer of the great un washed Democracy, sad the willing Re po/mutative of Repudiators of the Ra tional debt, has learned that the people of Minnesota do not favor the idea of elevating to•the Chair of Slate one who, when the country was almost in its death throes, gloried in its disasters. and mournedWheisteceasfuL The bat tle has been a hard one, for not only had the Republlcian party to meet the issues of the day, bat had to fight //Weighty Bide issues, such as schemes to ply in fall near or quite four millions /*swin dling railroad bonds, Imes by a fanner Democratic administraden, for which ulaßtate has never received oae cent on tbe dollar and to Sea the whole bank. trig capitol of the State, who, by a cun. ngly devised plan of their own, sought to amend the Constitution of the State that they would be enabled to escape the bathe& of taxation, except for State purposes, 1. e. pay dee mills on the dot ter, while all others d ry thlrtysix mills. The incoming Le thature will not be as strongly Repub lican as the las; for the raisin that Republicans over the State hare, had, like us, their petty jest mules among themselves; rieverthnieu the Republican majority will be quite respectable on joint ballot—from twenty upwards, enough for all practical porpo set Cf the fate of the Suffrage Amend ment, the best posted politician= give no idea at present, and nothing but the fall oAlcial returns will set the welter at rest Tide much Is &soured. The vote Pr 11 is very mach heavier than it was twee years ago—and the Democrats are trembling in their boots, furirv, and to. hogis i Lthat it has rented. - y county, in which the city of St. Paul is situated, is intensely Copper. head.. It is but a few months ago• that the unterrifled seatedosi the bench of the Common Pleas, for au= years, a man who. oat-lieroded Nand in his Intense hatred to the Union, andwhe, like Plan drew, west to parts unknown is order to escape the draft. At the late election the sum party returned tothe State Son, eta and Legislature one, a ,Breckluridge democrat, and the other a bitter sues sioniat. The President, and a majority of our. City Councils, are of the: same inthiehold faith, and, as a -consequence, we are - brathened with taxa. "The Klng," as Grady calls It, fa, if anything, worse than tke New York one, of which hero bitterly complains. What mere can I saythat will convey an Idea of their warthleuneuf . ' Winter is upon us, but we are facing it bravely. We are not as belated from the "world and the rest of inarthind" as we were. We have direct connections , :rellroad with the Rut, and the lo l by end parlay to Ls Crosse, Wiseman ng , 1 In obviated. It was no 'joke to ride one , haildred and eighty' miles, day sad 1 Mght, and the weather 20 to 40 degrees I 'anew zero.: On havers have been fair—in some localities abundant; yet onto mile so high that It is with the utmost economy .that a salary of eight anedred• dollars IsiGispor misk, enables me to make both ends of the year meet- Plciur was eareeteen dollars per barrel tut spring,and It le sow ten; wood is Alas dollars per cord; potatoes one dol lar per bushel; batter forty to forty-five cents pet pound. Clo th ing Is from 15 to 25,per cent. higher than at the Bet. Now, I presume; that all the 'emissa ries of life veneer or gaits &shish with you as with us, but the pees of labor with you Is higher than with te, Be sides you ere highly favored m the ar ticle of fuel. Only think, no ale Simi. ly In modera circumstances can do with Ica* th an W %sen cords of used per year at, Woo dollars a cord, which amounts to one hundred and thirty-five dollars,. when the same family, in your midst, would keep ' warm at half the cost, kitd have the cheerfill light of ' the Are thrown In - graft I here seen lusty, Miami newspaper, a etatentent of the earnings end divi dead/Ina:hired by .some of the most pasuntratit reilwayern the United Blum ltione•pald less than ten per teen •upoz she*, betides providing ample ,cantin gent fends, but - I doubt not that - when the (next report of the faint Peal and Pacific Railroad lees the ftbc - tt ever It does, you will be asitenisi mita earn lege It war worth one's while to be at tile depot as each train reached the sta tions on the ever memorable oth day of November, year of grace 11367. Such .lasdi of "sans- callotes" as disgorged thanainta from. the cars! Without ithing urbe very =Trate, I mposed th w uds whole snit of clothes mightippad bly have bout gathered from army the indirichals„ ell 'potently of the Celtic, ace; and the word Diadem* wises legi bly written on their mirunkaances as .11-40-1858 on public comas and tencee .I • have been wondering ever sines whether the successful glutton of George-I...Becker to the Slate Senate, who is also this President of tbs first dl. video' of the St. Pad and Pacific Rail road, and the immense travel trafile of that : day have 'relation to one another. Probably, it was senate coincidence. - - Ole thing-the Democratic party of this city deans credit for; the elec t ions wee . quiet and favorable—with ciao sr terb exceptions, a stranger, unless at the polls; would not have known that an election ~was , being head. bag medic should be given, inasmuch as It so sel dom happens. . • To counterbalance any ills e we may have; net know* among you, we have a glorious country.-. The climate Is per fectly healtby—our falls rival those of the most favored country ; our winters, if cold and long, are, perfectly dry; no slash, drizzle or thaws, consequently no cold., wheezing -or coughing. Our traings—'well, I can't say much &boat them, for, - although I have built and lived: in my wigwam a dozen year*, I have' never, sees one, nor do I believe that the oldest inhabitant tea did. Our summers are hot, sometimes veay hot. Of a lecessity they mast be ao, for the smarm ire short to mature gra in crops. But it is seldcrro, indeed, when an strand um 'of - - good air le not stirring, and, what' is' Zest of all, when ths denizens of." Old' Pitt" are d ra gging - Guar pil lows on house-tom!, balconies or back yards la hopes of being able to catch a braidit. we:of-this North Star Sate enjoy cool, .ossoeful slumbers, such as, your Shoenbergers, Bradley', Benye and Woods would freely perukes* for quite a condderation. - heather Attics in which-we excel—we give Republican i niajnithei, while Pennsyliriada elects ! 811 # 8 0 0 W- - 4• rineir- azzresam, 7r. Adams liprar QA "leo, 64 WM arestols pa awihortied toad S• norm Adveritmadnea /brae GAMMA MI ail °Ow papers arstrewsl iM Vtigsd MEW THEA.TRIOAL NOTES. I ono 0. amass. • BT. ?Am, Mmr., Nov.121:141817 John E. Owens had a successful m casement at Cludnzatf bust week. AIL Barnett Is resting kis b orn° near Oltininrinu. We baps he Is study-. leg some new selections. His old pro grsime is woi& ont, Beer.her's Norwood Is rendered with goo d fact on a New York stage. The curtains falls ma a hostof characters not yet disposed of by the author. The Back Crook is "running M ' 'Law:ream Barettwill return from Zarope tut Christmas. lie met with success! hi Relighted. The yfebb 'esters are about to itari for Qatar:lla. Badly Melville played to beggarly houses in. Memphis, and fa . earning north for thehealth of her finsices. Bite was id Cleveland last *soli. Ohs is inlay popular herb. - - The thrust= theatre wu dediated to :the art thespian by a.. collation. ,of bread: an d • better for Were thousand men and women. Edwin Adams is at the Park Theatre, Brooklyn. • Kate Reignolds is in Bt. Loala Lander is lo Baltimore. Ristoti closed an ansagentent in Boa.. ton on Saturday. Lncilla Westarn 111 In that city at the Continental._ Booth is in lit. Louis. For nearly a ,week a dear:Wins in been ravaging the auto? in the ghborhood of Bad's, Wls. Thou. dsof della» worth of property Use been destroyed In the shape of standing Mutes, dwellings, cord wood.. fences, ban* grain and hay. The ground la no dry.that the ire has la tome places busted two hest below ths . surface, smr• ming 1h mots of trees to • that the allghtem, bmaUt of wind muds them toppling over. The amount of damage done by ire kr the woods in various M s f the country this year kaa been . . The dry state of the trees and ma renders a mightycoallagratlansa ..wa if In slit Indus Ws. ' iIM : iJt ~ : ~. 1 e : A:MMM' i Ilmakastring Proclamation COMIIIONR7J.LTH OW PTIMINTLTABIL. BY JOKE W. CiELRY, Govmama From the creation of the world. In all ages and climes, it has been customary to set apart certain days for special re. gloss obeertence. This has not ahrays been lailuenced by the light of Christian knowledge, nor by any proper coneep-- tkin of the =meter of that great Being "who ruleth the earth in righteousness," and "who daily Mid= with his bens. flw" but by an in sense of the ex istence. of en ovr.mrulidg Power, by which the world and all it contains are governed and controlled. Aided by the dictates of cultivated reason, and the teachings of Divine revelation, we, how ever, are taught to recognize in that Su premeßaler a Heavenly gather, to Whom we are indebted for existence and all the blessings we enjoy, and to whom we owe constant and fervent thanksgiving and praise. It is He who "maiteth -the earth and wetereth it;" , who "setteth the furrows and blesseth the 'springtime thereof;" who crownsth the year with his goodness, and whom: paths drop fat: neer' who "clatheat the pastures with flocks, and coverest the valleys with corn; who maketh the ontgolnp of the morning and the evening to reptdoe:" who is "our refuge ' and strength;" who "maketh war to cease," and' "saveth us from oar eninilem" whose "throne is forever and ever," and who "blemath the nation whose God la the Lord." . On all sides welave Increaser' =cr uces of the "loving kindness" of an All-wise Parent of feud, who hu con ducted our nation through a long and terrible war, and permitted our peopleto once more repose in safety, "without any to molest them or make them afraid." The. monstrotd sentiment of disunion Is no longer tolerated. The Fbig, the Union, and the Constitution are esteemed as the safeguards of the rights and liberties of the people, and are revered and defended u the ark of their political safety. ' • A kind l'rovidenco has not growe weary of supplying our continuous wants. A bounteous harvest. has re: warded the labors of the kombandman.- Flocks and herds are scattered in count lees numbers over our valley' and hills. Commerce Is uninterrupted, ,and vessels laden with the products of nature andof art, d,munolesled, over the track less d eep s.: Neither pettlleace, donkey =or nodal evil; fautelal em ante or oommer-ial distress; have been permitted to May the progress and happiness of the people of this great Commonwealth; but pace, health, edu cation, morality, religion, social lei pr and- refinement, with their attendant blessings, have filled the, cup 'of comfort and enjoyment, to over flowing. Recognising our responsibility to Him who controls the destinies of nations as well as of individuals, end "Boni whom oometh do= every good and perfect eft." and to whom we aredeeply In debted for all these and the richer bless ing' of our common , let us unitedly give our moat devout thuds and hearty thanksgiving. therefore_, do hereby recommend that THURSDAY. THE Ur r i D NOVEMBER NEXT, be set apart as a day of praise and thanksgiving, that all secular and worldly badness be upend ed, and the people assemble in their va rious pieces of worship to acksowledn their gratitude and offer up prayers for a continuance of. Divine favor. Glum under my Hand and the Greta Seal of the State„. at Harrisburg, this thirty-Ant day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand „eight hnn dred end sixty-seven, and of the Com monwealth the ninsty-second. JNO..W. GLARY. By the Governor: =Z:;=2 PUBIC LI LORI, ran Ltipary, Para Llasers. Pan Lyman, Pin Llamas+. Pan Lawari. Pars Lyman. • Par a•Mlalut parpsraa. Per maasalaal warreesa. rm. mallataal pactwawa Caine Brand!. - I Part Wt.% • Ovum an ..,. Pan Waits. War' .., Mhn, Wtwa ' - nun Ma% Illablatra ' ' Catawba WI,. - Para Hall./ Catawba Wawa Para Beta.. GIL • 7ansn Irktslry. ly• pan los . It *4w -- pFalty• IMAM .1111171:rit • Carus at Oa Dlamood se/ Matti aria. Corse , et UM Mamma t ag Stettin. won. • Why Shake f u r au ßurn t Po t 17uPg two qua to • au mane *mpg UtePUPast• p of 111•7 LIPP P 4 IP gill 11P1P0.7 0017. •IRCiali/ upset kelptoport.” , L blot be platakglu IPP MOP WIWI& /10 pad pt PP SO fogrOgganinlg lak pa proPPC PPP, PIPPLUIPIPM 1101.1. kg 1.c... fg op getabilspd 100thklaory or gaedlesttolg IS la PIA s tlu LtOPPIPT7.-.% aTUNACIf Ingfrigldy 0n..• op Po Stool PP gslusattag 41.100.. Qoplao *Pop MILK gat PPP." It ON Pt PP Ph along • Pantos. WOWS& 1$ 'Palings Po Ocala. 700 WPM .ago no sub . stop. PUPA* Patton tis pergolas PM. SP SU, grza, Cot thl Mgr W. Pig **PPP krp*: In Wt. • pulls hr sorrow , It mat.. blogiglogP P • 'ast rol PA go PLO AP P. UP P 10. PM • gpedlo. I.lls pg organk pgpgaggst 014 Pawn suur. Too ligp• arogyi.(l.llltUontogi Igtopaltug t Oners, gat UP poollogt Polo owl .1100.010•11115 0012.010100 prOpPIPs of IP Memo% order. PP striplutAngslAped le PP gpo tut asetudial 'Mop tapaipb tea spits. of Po body U , lornetly Van. 'PP asaPog gold P tko Itplo PAP of gag ens P um Teo 101 l WIPP g t P l ap is u= p ul P IMTSZPTO 1 .. P u landent botk. Wkotkor pgg4 wog Pao AL.UalloAll. Sr • Isauld7Otto l / 1 be ' loaf orolutet• Pip Plaptoas. - The Greatest Success knower V. see credibly Informed that dazing' Ow tenant OS Othator tip...s aold •la sato Orr alms othr TIVINTV-Ithrt HUIDIZ.th 1110?- 11.1:3 of DI. X ITSZ/PS rZeT.OZALI2IIII . . Stow bottle.of istaltleabosttoeetneo tnidd Itton nth slut b. WO thousand. at neopth aro allow. wit couslys and odds'. It nth. Una. th.tholberiutrW dalibt. that DIL. Mani! PECTUSAL AMU? LIM groasart of all nth.- din for . • : The Decterptaeotea to We ad the eankoy rhea tn. Peelers , MU to de geed la every ewe el bartruss, »eget swab, bleed opfttlee, ease. et say . husloleet lon einem. The tame et DI. ELTSZ/Ve LEO NEILL 0 000 Ur to sow ea ends 50 Os boozes:la et a.t nub, sad la way UM* 1110 , ar terroad OM Waite. Ot Uto .. Imatzte sad ststy IliOsna4 oso pool elan= of PlUslootes, sot .s ono send so do wittiest Ma groadstfal widlstios. 1l atom ottosltO Moo zoos et cars; Its mow 10 tom loosaolold Ulm Wes atia to Wog trot! wasolososotson; Its ortll bums tompeacel of Isemisso togrottosts, too sod. DL. LIT. IMCTOILLL OS Illrta be otturoi. 460 us ..y DI tho loopto lorio Ooro hal ostastol to ass U.' tot km Istrileastil It,e ID. aorta ash us at soosiottlso mot rompoctobto It ia. mottl. sal proftsolos. 15.10 1nt1.,. Dodoes Drool No& Woo Otoro, 10 Wood stmts. ' • • Ds. ILLYO •WS 001toULTATIO1 DOOM. OU Loot Ziontsatloos, Ito. 120 rzsat Gann of XIV. 01101. • are.....a. Mk, . NOTICE. --An application will b. ma. to tats Olnra.cairr .f resfallvaala for as 1.116D01 V! JIMFJ PUPIL ..• • - • aua lot a blow., =lowa i. Us Wan of Qualar *ewes* o f All. any coast , anul.ibl•t• I i fEscHANT • JONES & BUFF, • =a LAIR 11 , 1111 IT. the nal slat, .4. or BS it ve ire 1 ILI %sit ragil .. =.7 , Vale Zi up 1171...71• sqn. .1 .1.01/ sal top• I. 5U.... Wils. Imy •r, datenalwa to amino ren•llve 1 , e1,1 110111;104 m - AlErrur LiEttixt, DLL= /la HATS. 'CAPS AND ' "UM, Alm, Yasldasta.yr. ifloataaala aaa, flaalez la I ZUNI% VA.L.1.1111. Re.. as. In iiiitassim nssibusab. ar./PUT nusimuoa oar antes& STOVES 1 STOVES 1 FREDEiICKSCNUI2E. ' Capper. Th. Lag Meat lava. Warit, Desht Is Chnism Oeolguig. Pari . aa4 thistiag torn. Brulasis B lac k Ran. xil TLIS utar ashiariaa. - toyed . War s aad MA //fralllelflag as* Imit4ulag prosoUt att4aol4 S. Pe BAAiD AND DIM/ BEEF w.gitu bate some .1. NC. S. C. Hams ea'. Dzied Beef . Cis •nolni out !Wall R. .b.. 11, 31r1.s M. uA all snit. rarszaarsa • .•11.1 Oa, Wayne sal •dras rtreela... BOARDIN6I,-.A la•larde PIIANINT ROOM% WITIIIO9II . BOARD,. At NO. 129.411L1NZ p, lIIIDIIIES. —lO bale! tait0111; la barn TnasPailildr 131/ watt.) oars: " Lined &rola t attar Xesrha4 dos. Lard Vaeltsta; Collar 11040101 ft". . "1" 1801/.21 WORRY a 00. EXTRA Nes. 1 AND .:2 LARD.. Is Mon eat tor .1* sea lobslnsisall" NEW ADVERTISENEN TO rarraEf LECTURE. tuner • A. urcideci or lhietaltdro 1.446 /. 0. T.. try 06, 4.6. it. 6. 06.616. to es 11111100IIIT Cairaoll. Bast .111rostoillaah , Ol 110crilaT NOMAD, t s . ISM Musa. at 7 oclock. 'lto km Me ore .6661017 16 , 14.2 6 6• • "ML aollt . it • ' flirts • ot Lector. Ocanitlor.. Mr -GRAND BALL. . • t- , • THEREAT,' 16141fEt • ' - . VvreestfaLlianttninva that MT val T. 4,2 the* TWA Ursa Bala vs vIT Z.8AL1..., ... Tliiirollar livildilsg. Wevesiber filst.' Mails Iv 'tactility 4. vevalas Bassi. Tim Dm ...de wolf by •Vollei tow trve 1101(013112( MI CO* All int IS d 1.0 atuvd. ?VW. VIVO • elt.h4l, urTimatcairrum Littma' LECTURES. LiCTUELIt comurrTzs mamma tt• it%/ 1 1541::trrotara ° 114 ° """°°°° aut. aaasizs B. MUJOKIOOti, fa !EIairsuITEIVIIT HOOP, luta AlliD not MUM. AT ACADEMY OW MOIIIIO 4 Wlto So vill et.gant 050 050 Pr.., Isoludllis ENOCH alltlalr. shilliSt as tasisise 3414 SS. WO Neb..— kW/ hi It Wb Hutt* t. MILO& A Oman Moe of wit Imams aillsoras. to WWI by - u• saboortbfrs. vla itsteteafa. lwardAy. resta= t .b. int alge ardri i_ ssaa-4 . 1 erliatitlLY.:l7All2r, etl wt Ina 7&1113 TOIiMINICSUILII3. • 0111eaple threw Iseafas. erlll atmlyar of a....stab, with *ambers _a *Paw* esitel 6 77 'ear, wits tuNt "umpv. • Ita t glew•obin. T.2r earn.. • • Mold ay all saesmeal. la 1.• Vatted lute.tL partlao beeraal ta 10. Oar paper awl ame. tap *a it. saner far la. woo. Wilt Blimp far ia:gtrarrrittrria=biaVor " :llli Atka: e. Oars. 7 • . . e 4 maws Se all Vane etalanaltee elate. eel" Ivy Celt/ per gutter, et treaty MU p. Tau. pp lA. pet ellee as receipt et "gtlea_a .• b. Pin . 0 tlc **An. IS aerA , e bread as 11:412•11111::11 aL Oiseart. Um lama or bath rablerlbsr, peal Wier lbwa aa4 Wats In M 4 blotto by anti..van OEM Wei% er esalatare4 WWI (aat at casabas =====l I, MIMI It (, Minim, Jo. tit Broscl.s7 Sew I talt C 47 $lOO FOlit TEN C'ENTIL Oaly I to MOTO anbaribers 'ere mai:ad t. him* Ike (Geed, Isaum•S W Oral illoetrated THIC WEEKLY PRIED, andel la Llamas mamma will Mamba TiLll27lll WiLILLY. Mt in Nu win, to trazimal UKpaallwUtra. h. MIMI tilt be as eabodlaint of Um carti "11Wrwarld• wilt WI grod.. of the oat walatat wrlon of the t. 7. JFIC.IIM. OUST , N the salt tut alaracts, be ommeaco ella MD Int Rube. Intl I . IIK 1LL1751111.1 . 10g1 Intl to oatioilr original agd at the mon Mtn.. Uor UM and, USU... o (real aipaitso uglabor involved to MO 1111140014.• Md. It ootostary that ...geoid Min indi Ois soarmou girca , ailon. la order Ia do sal.. ire Ulan do so fallow. W i re 7a ih ln o a. *Wfn gi . nw oo l v y W d on ri a, WO 111 no blaott4d. 11.17.1,1 print 4.716110wLA1*04 ariciese4 in • .teat vms••• par. NWnut the vapors sonWolog the gran. Maks bolrooon by ash. external . pursalo..nd all parcLaiers will have an *lasi dud nor the BILLS, gins. nothiso the VI order. will to oneloi. id !metals ouplos of the donnas for Um Pd. arias. a il MI 142::: t i cTit7.ll.;•?.!7'T - ...7.: . ... 4 i1 l sISTSVLILI • °""" 1 "*"'" 4 ' It EZJIP,Itta ............ . ' ... --- In 1. 111 Aetna*. Inivet Watent. ra 10 klual4 Scenes i islnne • oakAntet inv.., 11.1nen. re 4 Wileni 1 n , nankin& 0110 a, Elawlnig • Winnows Beni lLn ng ektin.. 111ann , a5...... Ti .. ff li •o r ::= . 4 to b no:2l.l 0? Ate +ninon. Tf/ GM. Tl,lye!nrins, b. No Dolt., j • wstry. X. UM Inntn OM Man Ten DoWn... • .- MI 1.711 b. mailed wavy MUM. apes Ms rooming mnos, TM. OMITS, or Csvoseepts. focal, any tame:for frksaa .414 ...SS, .Sadrout, , • sTEAnt cir • "Maw Tau num'," 101.043 Na'ss Moseys', 11 11,11CRAMCS' BANK, No;l4Smitl3.lleld street, errraillOßGE. PA. MUM MID 0A DLITinTil. ANT 10X IrCp2l9lo) PROM ON DOLLABITPW111.1): psiodta reedrod naklioet t Oa k. litibeas laom. 11111.&41:110ZI,Preatdosi. LIDO. D. TIN DIOS, I.ey aad SWIM U. HOPKINS. Ilollelter • rsveran JAVIII ZiaClllol3. JAI•H. 110tILINS. MIX. Taal" JAAUtiI DOWN, bE4MMMEN =M CLASSES AT 11001118 of tih• YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. fro, ss mire MIA= Cigna erete tented ender Oki stolen. of Wel Tose. ltes's Obrlett7 .ssoetetlon to re. elle levelly In lb. r.dik LIVID bb!ow acacias e l l e i t .• Vete sad Wr lb the Insulators SO " Alerceletierll: tretb i rmar faciaelat kobe bee" Salm by Pest. LAMILIBY. qBW we beniblt; Be. ember 11.ness • UM.. by Yr. raw? BAtri-' PAM—BM. Eyeneely. Nor. Nib 1111.. tiu. Is Bohm:B*1 Lteing, by n•atingtg: NOV. i • relVarßeri— doee •IfOrat7/ZlJTo4bkfpan latlD Situ • blur Y. otgerA t tillte " lllll./ ter litir atigelirtitt MN be E i ßb Beget. or by Wog weenie !8.0... Deere or MICItatION. 110 M HOPE . SPICE MELIA A. ITATAXS. , 7tr4Eiranr erizraws, Ilatoonoro to f a D. D 11 . 3 riltrfor traa r l d r fotigni -. u get.. bank: road Dlale.7. Vat Yell Imo rrostt Cots wu I.lways boa.- Doodlog dos. W ardor MOO UT. .r.ark rtcia . for arzezra niroviNta.—Mrs. KITCIIIII ••• hill opts as ' ' • • ILLIIIIIDart Tat OTT eNtriANT. Mel had rase 'piety el the Ulu{ Minn ULLLIMERY. ks u irt a too IFT.DIIIULL OT., AllectiorY city CENTBiLL BOARD OP EDUCATION PITI.B 1a... TOBEIi Sank, 1867. To the Select god Common Countila of the City of rittlbury74 , ENTLEnFIN: your Committee appointed to Audit the Ae. obeli ts of t•et Ventral It la, d retpectfulle repot:l3,les dlectia , g -A 'mitt dUtT . held load one the a c. o. of said ...tildes corm, The ham.. le 1, I roast". .1 , 3,e 71C11 61. tlatetandloo Warrants. mama dts, MAU.... net bat.. 0 411.01.1, 'WI. be Mead a. Tall. Or the Tresenter aad , ter.lect)re • elconoto the ..Lot of v. Ivnate ISeded. peel and oatetehdleg..sed a detailed eta.emeat of the eopva I, ( 1.13, 1 4 to sea Colored Deb.). Ittrt tit° ' • • Vthlt:r.tll.l.:littu• .. . TREASURER'S ACCOUNT. ~____ JOHN R. M'CUNE , IN ACCOUNT WITH CENTRAL BOARD OF EDUCATION. 11116. DM on Jtst• A. TA HAI.. . • CA 12 6 7t, BY COSS, paid Tolon4 ra Word tenant... Win. 40 rratranl ". 2l=niiia ."" S4anba. blab • • .. ' 6,4 W al e zoo aim •• •• .. 2.1.14 111 Ward. LUCIA f 11...,.." 11 W . T`alcoer• Co' ored •` •• I..`a• 00 Jima .holly Coliertorro4ro ', , • ' Exoeased •• `• .. ns .4 W -11.10, In (011.--., 214 OA 1 1102141 1 4 Lets " " .. 2.4eq 00 Jos. ll.alw. C 0 114410. daer•cay7 SOO 00 Mitt` Ward. 16 4, In lI`I.. 10 On l I Bra`and racoon Be. IA o 0 Collontors, 1204...... 71,719, .0 ' A dverctsluft Andttars 040. • aO. A 44021410. GUIS•411[101. ` 11 1111.1%71.... 15 en Be on fnnded to``ot`econ44` Oho pool on Datolettea. BYI 4 1 if drama 114, Oat...idol g, Jona, 1 balaaca MI =l3 11167. Jnaa 27. TO X.Meson tukad Ern TASQisbR 111117:41WrEITIMID 1317 T, Ilbowlag tee Amount of Warrolito Driorm. Patti sod Oaillsoodliff. for Um Tsar Zaino* June Ist, 1.67. =1 C."" • rjrjrpr: ales Expfasses lieeent I= TIZIPrAIi.X.T4aII3.. MYTALICICLIICEZIATIC. • Expense. o 11 L igb and C;olored Ilebeala.• Bleu 8C11 , 101.. Tete... . 81,433 00 4.17•7 •.-:. O7 se Rant 1,003 CO Boat Cho. —11 l W•tlT4r.f.d.x • - ut a, Vre ' i l i g an .. Pool ..... —.., - .: 41 ,0 7.0 10 in 211 Prl ;aril i 114. 4 .61 7 .... —....—... •II CO Ins..n. 47 /0 7414041 i 4,laimary and 840.114 —. - IT , : 11 , 1 cu1•art1•11............• ' Clemleols o.t Sowals...". --- .0 Walking 7..1s —........ I: 21 Dm.. 1 07 7.1n4 sad .Lent Iran Wort - If Is Bluing. . . 0 40 Pisa .• .4.1..1•117 .......... —......—• •• .. 1 0 . N . . Uniting 114.17104 71044.41 ..... .... .. . ... .... . .... 422 liegrelthag I arsltnre Leek 444 lA. 1 it STATEMENT OF THE BELL ESTATE SAVINGS BANK, Oo OD ]ITT DAS. OT OCTOSYLB. IW. It= Bands and aleflead.."•••• - '''' 4 4,011 U. i t al tit 100100 01333 rat3llNe a to (1433 111,u. N 'fetal Ana. b . iiiiciic "..-.....1/111 IN 13 aNaNdlis 1133.1thers 3310.1N7/ alimst Navas Ds. Depcolton. 7esbtl. LWIT lON (7 total Llabllass- El!!!M::=I lilt.* Cootlosobt rood. t fa,tti 34 The above Is • Ira. SWIM., A. AM calte.llll. T , erwor. sibiterirtlerbtlks A ionlslFay.l..tY: bad ""." 4 "'"'' "911•71:11ers. ' • • B. CHIL& IS D VWC rZSIDWIT-14b. .1 JUbMIS.IP-LY. nartrners. . . H.. T. Y. Xowe. Boy. J. IC. Wowhead, lan .1.“, C. Y. we,. W. 11. .215:140aw1, „ 3. TOwar. Homey ClaWs. .111l. of al was arrlt ?Ayer them:. Th. long _ga eetabltabed repletion of JOHN' 20t11 will be • analeleat patentee for the impala, thentlee and Pudll th , &ad at will Dotha. aim to uphold the sante. For medal proms. particular intentroll directed to tlatr tarp Met at • = ripaisce voulsrlica. °ram wn. at No. 21 Dzi*OXO. VIII sloe Ire promptly atuadeill zonar lean . 4 sox • eat 11l MARVIN'S C:7IILaLCI ARE SUPERIOR TO ANY Mt 100E1 011111 Y IN THIN XA%Ut =I No: 91 Liberty •' . rxri Or FOURTH. oc211:- RESOLVTIOL. to widen Pitt Wooly 4, bi the Select mad Cololtolt Diatoils *flag OD of stllsghtay, That TM f em It n t o NNIT2 ead ..4 betake. bed weed solely for the, our post of thtstralkt too *Dal allay; prDlgad,laat she It hour •as are sob Douala Dit sae lbot, or the gr0....4 posed to ha Was ah.li MS peiltr butt, trtlllizt= Belford VilholTerts,t, aningly arowraq ht. rotated • •wars Dor and moat Dm balsaiss aad basalts la assay...nee ia• peovltleas th acl al &Dumbly, approved KU M. A. 0.• ISO, d t.at ;be Claus of COunollsizetary to.la of 'be •D t appOlelmel t. tha. anattatl lipto • law Ws the ltth des Of !IMAM., Aaste Dobbs 1147 10.11EIT.D. Prialdout of &loot ClosaalL Attast: D. 114C7Itillohl. 01.101 of holed. CoaYertle. - Prd4tiVr i elistiloaVialetl; Alt." britralanua D"'"' on anal. 101 l A. S. JACICSovr aistaxass WW. JACKSON - ac REW, te.awieri to Locoman a hum • 1.21 D =LULU= Ilarnese, Saddlery, Trunks, Ate, A . .d alai Iteem a. toad tad Import boa [ULM =MOW WI tOO *le pumas, strut 0 .4 laroveitions La Nukdk RIP oi LWOW: AVOW fad Warman. 357a.101111217c0ad. wars far ROVDMIAN BIZ HI far Wisa ton rewurtnals. •. . t • BIZ BIVS 011q1796Rii . 407. trig 44 ntt nen arnT:474._ br m" bn. ‘ IO iiikaaw. .1 • •• alma :auras. Amaits.... • 102 f==CZCI Amount Pant!) 40 74 00 1 5 200 to 11.04 if l 2.717. 80 2.000 00 Lk* MI 4101 .0 I. V 7 00 .5,00100 44510 %WU 4400 03 Afo., St KM 00 0.900 13 09 i i Is faoo a 0 100 00 I :11 ‘ 0! 0 . f;.150ti .1 • 11,4 U on 2,211 Si 0: 0 : , 1.000 107 .0 0 003 42, 110,r/ . 7 ti µ1.30 = C , -11.4.01ED DOEIGOL. Tathers ......:-..:—.,....— WO) 01 poirlx I. .-- -- IN 2 ...._ roar Building LetJ . 1 9.A.• el liervbblub oli! g ....._ II 42 ' Is .2 Em Carp ow, Work— runkture. .. . Tin S;Yai.e'ill'aeg—;ioii btatlete , 7 IN Bier w.. =UCXI= CCM CARTER'S NEW SHOE HOUSE, 111 OBIEGIIII 1142 1111111 BOOT' 110 SHOE HOISR No. 47 Fifth Street, (Orrolna rag 01. a TaLtriti.) 4"*A ltili r e 5..Z . d : 1: 1 7 . ETE • 5.111 sad 11. maTlnced. DANIEL. CARTER. cmcro Weather Strips, :lido Lr d . irrlt h U o' . .gely Z0 ,i 10,1112L TOKIZiad to Drab & kri.. Rrarbeirs ZionitirrarETVeZtaVe wood by ,the es. o f lesoMbl. C. neat., 'Wel Lolda 1141 robber most saimusaity Lt •na7 part. Call .4 set as Lltutrreed Clrratar =I ==== SCHOOL BOORS :11 T WHOLESALE. I..°V.Mu u tlgr:" th oat alu'd toll SCHOOL MU & STATIONERY. =FiRD sei PRICE Liam DAVIS; CLARKE & CO.. 93 MOOD 11TREICT. oat. Dla=cual mart EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Whereas. Otto. toutaentary lave nada I.' aura of otoe Wester of Wi la la sod far all. dkaoy tool). Fana. Lila linderlldaad onto of Oa Last and tenaora. of TIII/1443 B. OLIOOLZ. Zap . talo .t Oakland Toonraip, sua sooty, doomed. all parsons ob.:Joon:. deo saw tot a *we of doll deovoed an nanny notlliad that wood. payment wig be oddlod. add all DV.. MMUS °lab= • float Isle Ntata arartgatated tO prelMattla Way legally title.. tlealsd to Other of the todosl3oed ntOnat Ira. COIA.R.• IN J. CLARKE. Of . Wand TOtrusly.llentour COT WT. *LILO MAW. • • Of nowt Wald, flttaboran. . WILLIoII IL 1113,11 - . • Of • round Ward, Muroran. prrrsacaan, Nov. U. rad. , sololifralt3 TEILII I TEAS t j. Just rueelvest. a Lugo uatd e➢alte /at °Utah . Z . 30411.0. AT raxecers TL murr. ==l Which art baths ratsilad at vitiate that aria MP 91 0,,11CM011 fr.le Arr *SO Ov*rf them a Mai lia(1 yoa lath iss ass What. wt IritlillClN IDOL nee Mamma, Pittsburgh. TWO RIINDHED THOUSAND Hag Spanish Segars, igt . nealvial omutin.mil. WI to .014 Eight Dollars Fer Thonsiumi. HOBERT F. WEDS - Mix.. coma altrramix.ik warn it. DeM ESTABLISHED IN 11342., • J. T. WRAY &BROS.- atomism TO N. CONNOLLY. STUN CLICKER BAKERY, 29 and 31 Trivets Sired, rnitinvaeu, /PA. SHEPHARDM CRACKERS, 81'7 Liberty Street, rrrrunnielf. PA. NEw BIBYARB AND GRECIAN SUITS, U a na awUMl strwo tor ma Na mum, a son GRAICar:DaIiAIVi Xs. 42 au cli.ar 11111;1411011. 11PEATHEIRIF•114 an con. ar'"., ,ntaiimait : NEW A_DMTISEMENTs. I NOTICES 0 0, MILES UNION PNIFIU RIAU Reaming West from Omaha, ACROSS IRE'COMENI. AWE SOF COMPLETED. Taoreloa rare ti.lw.a ernayeay bare Ming% tenger line of r aligned /a the Last Mex. tut, ...the than wee iter bent by any other time, and they will un tinentbal radirkerltli the mon energy until It ti completed.. The Weatera Dighton la being ~.1.41 malty enetgard liana naorandaro by the CsiltradtreallaCatepith7. of Canna/ale, and It Le:petted that ' MI it .... n rum =COI THE ENTIRE. ' GRIND LINE To the Petite .11l be open for byelaw ta =- MUSE INAS U$ -THIRD OF TaZ :WORK HAD ALIPLADT NALN DUNE.MOIIX THAN. ONIt•T It RD OP HE WHOLE LINE IS NOW IN BUNNING WIDE% AND NUM LABOR. ERN AEC NOW EMPLOY el) UPON /T THAN ETV/ 1180'0117/. Mae them ' • Forty !tinhorn Dollarr in honey hare aimed f been expended by the two mower fat companies that nave undertaken the enter prise. end to era le no tack 'of funds far its monk vigorous Prosecution. When the United:Mates ii 0.011.1.. Mend It neusserl to 11C1,11 the construction of the 'Union Pacific Hall:oak to MOrelop anti protect Ile own Interests. It gore Ma tombs:ass anthciriend to 001141 t such ample aid no phonic render Its speedy completion be. yond adman. Tim evenings skeins el the Onion molds Railroad Conipany. ' derived front tti Morarament and It. own sumtholdere, may be bricky eummed ay es follows I===l 1-United States Bonds. liming thirty yam to run .9 buried MX per cent.'curyeauthtereat at the rate of latatal isar mile fat 111 mails on the Maths: then et the rate of {LM* per mile for 350 mild throe .h the W.. Xathatalos, then at the rate Or IMS.CaI Der site for the reaseittleadietanci, parallel the lloited that. take. attend fins a. security. The in• threat ott these hoods Is Dald by the Uniteddtates to.rtustaat. welch aloe gmya the temple? oth half the amo.t of ita bills la one. for Mee- Porno' its frilled, troops, mails, Atc. The re-' mai.ea hair at these I,llm la placed to the row. Pay's credit, mid forms a Making land which may losity discharge tha whole amount.' this Ilea. The Mamas stalest the government dace Lodi at the earreat year, atarant to foar and osodtalf time. this interest. =I tom .... 6 10 2—First Mortgage Bonds. ' 'By Its charter the Comm, I. Itermitted to Woo its 'crwts wires Morttrage Bonds to Die erode eistonat a; the bends honed by late g ' , Yawata:di sod no seri, seat eels as Lea rem preeraters. The Traitees for itte tend h olders are the o lion. D. D. Versus, D. S. denatro from New Tort. std the Mon. Oates Ain* Member or the°. 5. House a! EoprosentatlYee. *he ere lasinniroda far the dellyery Of - these bends to the Company in accordance with the terms of the law. = a—The Land Grant. The Union raelee liallsnao COlna.) halt a land grant or ab.olnee [mann tem tete gas ernment of /2.03 seres to the mile on *ellen of 100 road, whlcji w 111 not hr worth less than al Der sore at the lowest inlnation. • • • 4—The Capital Stock. Tae author/ as capital of tha Linton Pudic /i.llms4 Coottpaay Is $11:03,00,Wa of which