THE , DAILY rustasam rasa: mortztuto. 112:51MD.) PENIMILIN, REED & CO mft-aprriemoras, • V: Z. PIMIMIAN. T. SIAVATN• •DOrina~~ ]IIWRe.H orrier, GAZITSZ BUILDING Nos.' 114 Ina SO 71,111 STAMM Leaks Peps cu Kpa of lain Panylivaim. UPPIIM M i t i t a ll' i paßllloll AID LIRORBr. lIMST rAPER n, the 8e... mn Di ?El PALLY • eent6 DellitclW by earners pee week.. Ls • • maithabecriben. per rear ~ kw Alidiikes. • GAZETTE. F:=lo=l3 1 5.0 EittsinttO Gaytts THE 'CITY CONVENTION • The morning, at ten o'clock, at Coun cil °hambeta, City... Building, the dela'. gaterrihmen by the tiniest Republicans of ommoildakel Pittsburgh on Saturday, will meet Is contention to place innom. illation candidates for Ufa Moe' of Mayor , . Controller, Treturarer and So• lidtor. familia as the nomination of the Union Republican party is almost equivalent to an eleaticmd n thls city,the Coaratitlia is charged with an all im- Porlint, A 4/. people , without at liselion of party, look to it to axe cam:wisdom and judgment. The v. eras °Sicilian be supplied should bo oc cupied by;s6aimen only,and we nom others 'be placed before the Party. rgrit; support. Tsui Preaident Mu confidentially in. formed Vat _ubiquitous fellow, Francis . YeOlosirey, of New York, that ha does am minim to smother term in the White 4louse, brat Will be sattalled to undergo she shelving preens'', provided some res• - wish,* party - takes up and endorsee his policy: He cannot beer to go down alone Inks the dark depths of s polttipi Maim "Wzimuts, Boatwell and ',immune, of' ths Judiciary Committee, Marotantendly :written out their views fa fivor of impeachment of , dent - Johnson. The document of Mr. abouutA in solid arguments, sad piononneed-the ablest literary of. tort of 'la We, and that 'la saying very mach In its favor. NIMS BY TELEGRAPH -Di..litenry Pi Sartwell, eminent In DeWitt/10 dted- in Yenyan, Y., Satan:lay evening. —tering last week the pollee of New York made twelve hundred' and eighty nine arrests. —The best Republican lawyeno in Washington do not agree sulth Attorney Generel - Stanbery In his opinion against the legality of the coming session or Con• -6: test between the - stallions George, Wilkes Viand Fariought, Saturday, at Roston, for five thousand dollars, was won by Wilkes In three stnrght heats. ,Time„tßil =I; track muddy. —A freight train on the Ogdensburg and Lake-Chansplain Railroad run off • the trackman Pottadam, Vermont, Sat- Indy toOnning, precipitating the engine soul das cats down an embankment, killing a brakesmun named Cummings.. ..Sara Creighton and John Regan, ar noted at Memphis some days since, charged with robbing the Express &Mee at Jackson, Tennessee, at tire thousana dollars, have been committed there In default of ten thousand dollars ball. —Weston, the pedestrian, arrived at Conneaut, Ohio, at twolve minutes past eight Cede& on Saturday exening. His feet were so badly swollen, that Ito could proceed no bather, thus falling to make the one hundred miles in twenty-four --The yellow fevor subscription fends at New York have boetr clbii d, On the rep:glad dhseontinuanov,of fever. 'Be tween eighty and ninety thousand dol lars have been collected and forworded to GalVeston and New Orleans. • —Ala large meeting of the leading cigar manufacturers of Philadelphia it weareitolved notCaccedeto the demands or the Jonnternen, who are on a strike tor an increase bf twenty per cent. on their wage!. Thu strikers number about one thousand. —Robert H. Pomeroy, Into Cashier of the Mohawk Valley. National 'Bank, committed suicide at-Utica, N. Y., Sat urday morning. Mho act is said tall have beet* oortimittod on account of eged defalcation. from the bank. - —Au axplcaloa of a karosenelamp a, St. Paul, Minn.. at a party given by Gen. Sibley, Thursday night last, resulted. in the death of lbutede Murphy, a servant girl, and serious injury of Kiss Gusslo Sibley, who will lose the use of one arm, Otbers were burned, but not seriously.. —The British bark Oliver Cate has been libelled at San Francisco, on be half of she. State of California, for twen ty-two thousand dollars, for breach of the -pasaenger Act. —A. State Convention 'of the Fenian Brotherhood was in session for 'three days at San Francisco last week. Sixty- Ave circles were represented. They unanimously endorsed Roberta, and re solved to support his efforts to equip an Irish republican army. —Fortlatramie advioes of thelKli say: A council was held with - a few chiefs of the Crows on the 11th. They desire to remain to their uwp country. The Sioux ' were not, represented and will not come to Laramie until spring. but request -General Harvey to meet them at Fort Phil Kearney. —At Memphis, Tenn., on Saturday, at the it:Mance - McDonough and Me 'Picker, an injunction was granted rittar.. o.oDetteltwrreltial.irrodt3cing B.=aid placed in the bands faro, who closed the doors just its the audience begin to assemble. The ease will beleard —The raise one hundred thousand dollars for the. family of the late Governor Andrew Is being carried oat with the characteristic. libendity of Boston eitizetut. The subscriptions, which me private- and unsolicited, al reedy exoeed, eeveety-three thousand r—The Government. or Canada will, during tkepresent season, =Malt to Par liament a plan for the establishment ore Government savings bank, -Monrovia cial notes In circulation on the 6th or No vember amounted to P,918,242; specie In Marra 8300,000. Discount on American invokes/or the ensuing week, twenty sight per amt. • —At Cleveland, Ohlo, Saturday morn ing, a man-. named Gregory, a photo-, gr ea ephsketoing business in the public wee fOOll Ide room with ,4 threat cot ln , and arab him a girl whose name is unknown. and who had been abet. 'They were both deed. No circumstances explanatory of the of breve ytt canto to light: • -The Columbus and Augustin nea tened Bridge, at Columbia, S. C., was cared by tains for the first time on fistonlay. Fhb directors of the road, with tosnycitteimx crossed In the and twain. The bridge is a handsome Iron stmcturs. The entire length Inlo:l4ofeet. The road when complete will -be the grad through Ilta between the North and 'South, and will shorten the distance between Columbia and Augusta Nifty mita. The layitig of the track is being ousted lorward., -A dispatch from Fort Harker to the St. Lotib Damara say= Two men. were killed' by Indians twelve 'miles nort h or Fort Dodge on the l2th. The bottles - were stripped- but not ecaiped, On the same day -Harry H. Jones was killed near the. Mee place, and treated In the nma manner. The Indians are supposed td be northern Cheyennes. - On 'Meader , last three persons were ,bunmeotaly, if not fatally iured et Westminster, Carroll county, M ary land, by the bursting of a annori Dem o crat i c a salute In honor of tho t ae victertar. Ono man had a leg torn off, and smother. his side penetrated by a large fnunnent of the gun. -An Omatto.dispatch nays the five Indians who coulpittled the massacre st Battens!, Minn., some thno since, have been given sap by their chief for punish ment, and have been hung. -A. T.Leving,of Buffalo, who arrived In New York City about trio weeks ago, luta not w he nmanor hoard of alma the 9th InsL, lts lett his hotel with $36,000 In Ida packet. It is feared betas been foully (Irak with. -Two entire bloekein the basilican put of Louisiana, Pike county, 'Missou ri, ware destroyed by fire on Friday night, involving a toes of 5210,000, on which there was an insurance of sixty thousand dollars. -The - el atruction et Charlatan, S. C., in the transportation of cotton, owing to the accumulation which las existed for two weeks, ie 11(41 overcome by the praenos °temple simmer tranaportation -Shepherd, who murdered his wife in Worcester, Mete., on Friday bat, Is Mal et 'err,. VOLUME T.Txxrr. FMT EDITION. MIDNIGHT. NATIONAL CAPITAL, liiiil Mr. Stanbary Denies the Authorthip of thA . 0 0pinlen" an the Addi tional (ogress. Gen. Sickles Mastered Oa Far:opals Portrait- Puro haeed - Maryland Investigation Postponed 1 - • Influx of Congressmen The Case of Colonel Bolger Ovation to Thaddeus Stevens Mabamit .Itecoustruction. Tangrua ta Ike Usaatte.] WASILISEITaIf, Noy. 16, 1867. TEM .. uNcoicaTrruTzoNAL comimiss' STANIIKIM DMII2II TELE Oa Fridein twmumnication appeared inane of the city papers, arguing that the meeting of the Fortieth Congress prior to Melina Blepds,y in December was ttn constitutiotud, being signed "R. S." {The The Cominunimdion wan, without other evidence than the initiate, attributed ro Henry Stanbery, Attorney general, and wan so published In the newspapers here and elnewhere, In a letter which will be published to-morrow, Mr. Stanbery says he is not the author of the communica tion In question, nor did. he ever see it until be read it in print. XILIOR 13=ERAL9 ItIMTEIIXD *OUT General Grant has-lamed a special •or. der 'honorably mustering out of the service' Major General Sickles and Brig idler General Scott. The order take* ef fect from the first of January : "By direction of the Prerddent, the named officers; being no longer needed, are hereby honorably mustered out of the service of the Baited States, to take effect January Ist, IBM Mej. Gen. Daniel E. Sickles, United States Yellen:. teers,'Thig. Gen: R. K. Scott, Brevet Maj: Gem United States Volunteers." • As General Sickles haa beerimustered out as a 'Volunteer officer only, - he .retains his Position as Colonel of the - 44th United States Infantry. - PAIMACIOVIS VORTILIT. It is understood that' Page's painting of 'Admiral Parragut, tubed to the rig. ging of the liagsldp Hartford and direct ing the movements of _the Union fleet under the fire of the forts in the harbor at Mobile, has been purchased for the ifanperorof. Russia at leo,ooo. i The pic hire is now on exhibition at the arthira 'fedi°, In New York. I=l The . fractional currency honed from ttrePrlntliagnureau for the trees amount ed to $470.000; ehipded, $404,884. includ ing $lO,OOO to the United States Deposit°. ttPittaburgh. aid 1100 M to the Treacurer at St. Louts. National. Bank Currency lamed, $1113,580." Tractional Currency redeemed and destroyed, 11407,- 600. ME MARYLAND INVESTIGAIION The Judiciary Committee to-day ex amined several witneeran regrading the Government rallaryland, and then post poned further Investigation of the nutr ient until afier the first week in the nes- elan, or the 25th of November. The time of the Committee will now be occupied with the impeachment investigation. 001101Pm.w."`t .AHRIVIICO. The city is now daily filling with mem bers or Coisgress, not a few of whom are seeming permanent soventoodations, as If looking to a protriwied session. INTEANAZ The receipts from Internal Revenue for the pest week were two lIIIIIIOUS and ilßyjhousond dollars.. TINS iFTEIPDED. The CoininissionerGeneralof tho Land Office bee assented toy the desire of two hundred settlers on the Sioux reserva tion, in Minnesota, for en extension of time in which to•pay their indebtedness to the Government kir lands. . ALABAMA. BSCONBTBOCTION. A 'special dispatch from Montgomery; Ala., dated it p. m. last night, says the Constitutional Convention adopted a roe. elution fixing adjouinment for the 25th. Inst. ' This wilt allow the question of the) ratification being decided b.f.:Moths end of the present your. 'The Committees on Executive, Judiciary and Militia, report. ed. The Judiciary recommend that all judicial offices; except Justice of the Peace and County Comminioners, shall be tilled by the Governor, subject to confirmation by- the Senate. Tire Mi litia Committee also recommend that all military officers be ap=e n d by the Governor, subjectto con by the Senate. None of tho reports were acted neon: An -ordinance proposing compensation to slaves for services from the date of the Emancipation Proclama tion down to natal enfranchisement by the Union army, caused a good deal of excitement. Some delegates are deter mined to carry it and Ax the compensa tion at the present rate of ten dollars per month. It is scarcely Feasible that so extensive a measure can' pus the Con vention, but It is quite likely some com pensation will be voted. „ PROM ALASKA. • Following is a Copy of a telegram dated Victoria, V. 1., Nov. 16, 1857 W. H. SnottriloYecretary of bTate: Beached Sitkablth of October. Trans fer made some day. Protocol executed October With. All well and all satiate, WrY. Pignoda• • • Lovnti. H. ilosstutr. TzE.tsuttY oxxworr. It Is understood to be the decision of the Treasury Department that unless holders of idevenahlrties shall present them for conversion Into Itlve-Tirenty bonds at mattuity the option to make such oonvemlon Is Jost, and Seven-Mb' ties will afterwards be paid in green . • I= It la the impreulon of several Mem bers of the Finance. Committee that a live per oent. loan bill win be passed dur ing the coming sesalon. • COXIIITTED SUICIDE. ' diaries Freeland, of New York, clerk of the Internal Revenue Department, committed suicide thia evening, while laboring under a tit of temporary in sanity. ((Item .ear Regular Correspondent.] Elovean=llie Vibe el' CeL Te A l .l edar sa e s p e e s b - - r T fiage ro ta redeem 41.A10e. • • _ WASICINOTON. November IS, 1867 The. near approach of the session is bringing here' many of the mem- bars. Among others, Mr. Stevens ar rived , two days ago quite exhausted by his vide and in a very low state of health. The fires of his intellect, however yet burn as brightly as In Other da ys.: The spirit still willing but tho flesh is weak. Great nuMbers "Ailed upon' the old min at his snug house on Capitol Mill, and ho shook hands—Pll he was nearly exhatuded. Mc. Seward was among the caller; ' but coming as ho 'did at a Isle hour ;in the day , it ' reported that ho failed to .secompliah his objectors 2dr.fiteverts had retked. Those who had the pleasure of hearing hiscon, vermilion Will not soon forget it, (Imean Mr. Stevens') - for he seems as' full of faith and hope as when he wreathe chant; pion of free schools in Pennsylvania, a score of years ago. The re-action mani fest among the people la looked upon by him as quite natural—ls always accom panyof the i ocean w ng greatmov e hich rise ts; and sink alongmen like the waves the shore, while the great tide steadily goes up, regardless of fluctuation. As to his health Le remarked to an inquir ing friond.thot "all the physicians agreed •aa to his ease that he is glittering under an attack of old age, and that the m a / a rly is chronic." It would not seem possible that he will Doable to attend the sessions of the House this winter, but he will' be here to counsel and advise. Who his candidate for the Presidency Is it ro- . ) 211 .-!"4, 3 , • . • ry • • • -1 1 111, AAA n efyit% • • '0 •• •• • • .f • • - • - t . , • Mains yet to be seen, at least by your .correspondent. TUE CASE OF COL. BELOIT!. There ISas been much talk here of late, in allcireles, in reference to the case of this °Meer, who was dismissed the ser . vies by order . of President - Lincoln, du ring the war, after his acquittal by a Court Martial. The present President appears tq be making this ease, ike that of - Fits-John Porter, special, and wants' the publie to take notice that a new power reign. in Warsaw; that a great and magnanimous chlg , now rules in the Halls of Uncle Slut. It is sought to fix a stigma upon Mr. Btanton'in con nection with Belger's case, and In order that your readers may see Just how the matter stands, and freely appreciate the difference .and distance between then and now—only some four years by the almsnac, but how long, measured by that Janus deacznaus of the poet—we will recall the Buds briefly WI may be. In November, 1863, a Court Martial In the case of the above officer, at that time Chief Quartermaster tit Baltimore, after trial for neglect of duty and fraudulent conduct in tho hiring of transports and purchase of supplies, found him not guilty. But the Court placed upon the record as an explanation of their finding that: "He had transacted a largo amount of public business during the time covered andespecifications in charteringvens purchasing , coal, and although In sumo instances he appears to have pur chased coal at higher rates than the caah market prices, yet, considering the cir cumstances, especially the kind of funds provided by the governmentfor thepoo 'menet he was required to'make, and the urgency of the orders under 'which ho was frequently called upon to — act, the Court attaches po criminality thereto, and has therefore made lie findings in accordance with that judgment." This remarkable "finding," with Its codicil, coming for review" to Hr. Stan ton, be takes up the explanation of the Court and remarks thereon: Ist. That the lame amount of pub. lie business referred to was for nearly a year confined exclusively to dealings with A. B. Hall end Cohlens, and that In all the time he did not ask for assist. ance. 2d. That the 'same instances" In which be appears to have purciumgd coal at higher rates than the wish mhrket prices, are the transactions of a year, amounting to an aggregate of more than SlOO,OOO, In which he is proved to have paid forty and fifty per cent. more than Hall or Coblens paid for the coal to coal dealers of the same dry, who delivered It on board Government vessels by Hall or Colgens'. orders. . , Sd. That Belger was provit\ , ed with the same kind of funds paid by ltather Quarter Masters for purchases bit the Government. • `The Court Martial having found that the accused chartered vessels pad pur chased coal at rates • higher than cash market prices, and there being no other examen proven or suggested than Moire mentioned, the Court - practically nega tived Its fintling_on' the charges and spec- Ilicationa. It waa held by the Secretary that the evidence established the fact of dealings and transactions in which the government auficred loss from conduct which, to say the least, Indicated gross negligence amounting to fraud. The proceeding. of the Court were therefore disapproved and Col. - Belger, by order of the President, dishonorably dismissed from the United States service. . . It would seem sufficient to state She ease to insure the concurrence of every honest man to the views sotoecibly pre sented by the Secretary. In fact, proba bly such the feeling until It became necessary to dud or.make a case against him at this time, Every place have eager eyes been sr:inking, in the past two or . three mouths, to ferret out some thing to impeach the integrity of the man who born' the weight of that war upon his shoulders. The search has been fruit lesa. As a last resort special. cases are trumped up, In which personal anlmoal ties may be ekeited, and the public be brought to believe that official power was wantonly used to gratify , a private grudge. Them as an otricis‘ the great magnanimity of the President isparaded to the publlC. view. Two years and *half has "Andrew the Merry" looked upon tills gross injustice to Colonel Bel- - ger unmoved. At length his eye has turned upon the fingerer, and ho lives. There is yet, however., a peradventure In the ease. The President ha; annulled the order, which h It was d=7.g:f l g t s C4.ll : 4 lWit=47l,ll would not only blast Mr. Stanton, and blacken the memory of Mr. Lincoln,i but also give Andrinv great, glory and Cot Edger—all his back pay. here, howev er, steps In the War Department, in the soaps of Gen. Grant, who decides that the place in the Q. M. Department occu pied by Bolger in 1863 is filled—in fact that in the rank which be held there is . . . no vomicy. Tlitr- property' decriSed by Prenidentlal clemency to Belger is found In the bands of= innocent bolder. All . - . to what aball now be done, no man can decide • but Blnckley. A. man in possession of his . collar ability will make a way or ... ooe—ael vellum out faciam.- - Meantime, In looking over the whole ease, Mop faithfully copied from the record, do you not Join with all your loyal reader. in the plaudit to Secretary Stanton for kis part In the matter of "well donp good and lallhtul servant!" Bat let it be Under stood that the whole croon of the act Is not Mr. Stanton's, for the order_ setting aside the action of the Court Martial was made to Mr. Stanton—he fully concur ring—in the band writing of President Lincoln tdmself. TiLE PRYSIDYNT'S HPEECII The'great effort of Wednesday night, which the telegraphbas given you, wnen Hr. Johnson appeared before his Mende and spoke his pleoe,you have. doubtleasq . That speech, of two fingers` 1 3 1:r i l, doubtless cost great._labor. It was read from manuscript, very closely, and with some difficulty'. The lightwas not good—it was not "the light of other days"=-and . s. pair of apso,acles dld'nt seem to help him out.lf you ever saw a turn out at "Dolly's Battery" after a hard day's election in the .Third ward, then you know how "line and hearty" a crowd heard the words of Presidential wisdom from the White House portico on Wednesday evening. By a most lu dicrous blunder the band played with dolerous strain, as the President came forward; a snatch from the opera of the Bohemian Girl,. . sintabeartboreeddownwithgriefandwo." An officer of the reglmentAto which -this band is attached asked the leader the next day how it happened that he did not strike up "Hail to the Chief." Honest Hans replied: "Bey rash mo up and cry for someding and I play Joe do dlng I comes to first." The speeth was a ono "cozutidoring and oomparing.". I= It has beertheld by all who have close ly studied the President's downward ca reer that he was prepared -for any step however desperate that shorild bind to his ear the Southern rebels and secure their voteafor himself in - tho next Wee- . lion. .TUI morning a labored article ap- Dears in the Intelligenecr over the letters H. S.—Henry Stanabery, United States Attorney General, to provo that all the legislation of the extrssession commenc ing with thsith of March,lB67, as also the session ofJuly last, and that which will commence on the 21st lustant, and; con,. 'Untie to the first Tuesday in Demmbis, is and will be of no effect, because the Constitution declares that "Congress shall meet on the 'first Monday. in De cember, unless they shall by law appoint a different day", and that the act of Jan uary 22, 1547, did not appoint a different day, but provided for an "additional ses sion." Let ns suggest that the Constitu tion says Congrm shall assemble at beast once a year clearly implying-more fre quent meetings. But why argue? None so sharp as those who wilt ace! The leg islation of the additional session being declared uncomilltutional, sweeps the field of bbstructions. • " =OM This "bravo" Lieutenant of McClellan, who objected to "going In there" at the second battle of Bull Run, "bemuse there is fighting In that direction," imihowhare laying thetrack fora new trial. Mickley to the rescue! It is currently reported that ha Is of opinion and "has writ it down" that the Executive is cOmpetent to haute an order granting the trial anew as desired. Moron. GEORGL‘ Itioetioa—.laty •I•mg•ell Is U. 6.4uoiars. BlNeLiinapo w Um ettublutb liisatt • Mu:gra, November 16.—Ofticial vote of Georgia: Number of registered voters, 188,647; rote cart 106,410; for Can vention, 102,2831 againet, 4,127. Num of whites voting for the Convention, about 36,500. SAVAS.NA.7I, November 16.—1 n the lhdted Statos District Court, to-day, Judge Erskine presiding, Ex-Governor Brown, counsel for Hon. Foster Blod gett objected, by way of challenge, to a large majority of tho Grand Jury, on the ground of their Inability to take the pro ecribed oath In the Act of Congress of June 17, 166:..' The Court sustained the objection and directed the - Marshal to impannel a newjury, MN MI THREE O'CLOCK A. M FROM EUROPE The Roman Question Difficulties About a Conference The Condemned Fenian& Danish West Indies Purchase American Invention Adopted The Meteorio Shower in France nostilliies Resumed in Candia C YYTdeinbpb to the Y 1 ttabargl3 .natte 3 *BA AAAAA QVIISTIOH. obzurznEirci: ruorosED BY r RANCE .Loanos, November 16.—Tho Confer ence proposed by Emperor Napoleon for the settlement of the Roman ques tion seems to be attended 'with Mimi tim The Pope objects to any confer ence whatever, and the several powers which have been invited to participate are divided on the questions of a seam, ally for a conference. It is asserted that Spain is the only nation that supporta the temporal power of the Pope in any event. BILIT.II/ N. TUX DANISH WM' 111 DIES. LONDON, November 16.—1 t to now lead the United States Government la to pay eleven and a half million dollars for the Danish West India. Ldands—SL Thomas, St. 'Johns, and Santa Cm:— subject to the claini of Franco on the last named of eaven and a half million dollars. TICE CONDNUNED r/011.11.N11. Matirciamyrwa, Nov. 10.—It is thought the sentence of moat of the Fenian who were recently convicted in tide city by the Special Ciimmlaslon will be com muted to bard labor for a term of years, or banishment. Allen, however, whose offense was' the wont, and presented firmest claims for mercy, will probably, for the sake, of example, suffer the et treme penalty of the law on Nov. Ltd. FENIAN TRIALS AT ➢ORLIN Dumas, Nov. IS.—The Fenian trials are progrossmg trithLs city. The Jury In the case of Costellolast oyenlug brought in a veidict of:guilty. cciarello and whO was army - toted apveral days/Ago, will prphably TiCeive their tO- Duntax, Noy., 16—Nierting:—On, thp opening of court this wonting, Warren and. Indian tiers sentehood to ,flihteria years' imprisonment Costello wits =a tm:load to twelve yeilt,r ISPLICCIMS rriN.ul-Azeruinoxzna. Deratax, Novembe, 17.—The Fenian prisoners, Halpin, 'Warren and Costello, when brought up ,before-the Special . Com:Melon yesterday for the last time, to receive their sentences, were asked by the Court if they - Ind anything to say airy the - penalty of titelest ihotadlier bo imposed* their.cnees. They replied by nuthh' ig,.strogg.speeclun, in which they entered their proteins maidnerthe jurieidictint . orthe Commlealau, denied the legality of their nisi without amazed Joey, and =din= that as citleene of . the to United States they . were entitled the protection of the American Hosnrinnent., No Ears Fos TICE 111.411,5.'M LONDON, November 17. , —Tlia ter Observer says: "There fa- no hope of reprieve or commntstionfoi'diidd 'aid Larham, and they will be executed With- Allen on the 29d fruit., according to the terms of their sentences." , TIM WYSS INDIEB DISAIITEB. The BrltiatiTioverniaarif has received from the West Indies no Official advicia of the anbmemlon,.of the Land of 'Tor tola, as reported here by a cable dlipatch from Now York. -` =! I=l PARDO, November 16.—Brown & Lev ers life Raving tackle ' an Ametican in vention far hidentaneohaly lowering and detaching amen boats from the aide of-vessel when under fall headway, has been adopted Eby the French nary, after a trial by the French fleet atToulow TEM. YETZONIC SIZOWEIL. _ The meteoric shower on the night of the 13th and morning of tLe 14th, was very brilliant. Many thousands were visible, not only ln the city, but through out France.. The natal records were made by Professors at the various ob servatories. - 11.14T0 VITXTV/1 Qt7AR17.318. Pam; Nov, 17.—The troops, , .of :the French. ExPeditlenary Corp!, in Italy, are making preparations to go into :win. ter quarter. at Civita coknaiiinzx eiciara=4. General Dumas has been , anialtite4 re encoeed Marshal McMahon,,Duke of Magenta.. Governor General o Algeria, and Cowmen derdn-Ch ler of the Berenili Arn 2 9 CurPL ncermarszalY. 114X1314. sasunEn. ?late dispatches from Athens State that a nee the failure of the Turco-Cretan mission hostilities have been rammed ABLIVJUi OD?. _ Giasoow, November 17:-The steam ship Columbia, from New :York arrived IFILIASOIAL £ZD COMIZIRCIAL LoNnorr, N0r.,16,-Jgreaing.—Arnori can securities are-": irmei and in bettor demaud, though prices are Rnotabty un altered. . . ANTWERP, Novi 10—Evening.—Petro leum dull and declined to 441 francs. Fastearour, , — Nov. 16— Evening. Bonds cloned at Ut. MAINE. - ileigiiag iTazo-recd weather— r===l Rumon,dialne, Nor. 47.—SleIghs hove appeared in our streets and the weather is exceedingly cold for the *mason. Thcio bt emeryindication tomight Unit naviga tion will close Lmmediltely, .although many are lamella that we shall have two or three weeks of m o derate weather; and an open river, to COIXIMUSIIIII/0 for the add snap we are wow experiencing, Ponmann, 'Halo°, Nor. 17r-ThO house of Henry B. White. corner of Con gress and LAU etreda, was, as he re = ports, robbed by burglars, butt evening, of one thousand eight hundred do ll ars In gold, eight Inindred dollais lit allover, three hundred dollars In greenbacks, and other articles. liallresel *cation!, an— Olt llida Take' 1 . 1 1 / 1 1—.H.177 Leif. [By Taloorstai to tha ritubarkh Oust'. 3 • NEW Yong.Ninremblgl7.--About one &Mock Ude morning an oil train. near Cadleon elation, Erio rgad, bound east, was ran into by a freight train ea It was being run upon a siding, disabling the locomotive of the freight train and do ntolishing some oil can.. The oil took fire and destroyed altogether twentPsus can and a locomotive. The amide= oc curred on the down grotto and It was Impossible to remain on arty of the awe that were behind the lire. No person was injured. The ken .1a vary beery. The passenger trains . were detained, elgbt hour. and the, passengers andbeg. gem bad to be transferred: The ob structions will be removed to-night so that [mine can paws Monday merging. VevrlrTric . CB, ithiSTIDIt to UN NW&luirk esseillOO ALBANY', November 17.-43111c1al se tarns from flirty-eight counties,- and re ported nisprittes in Kings munty, gives the 'Democratin State Ilakot 60,,M3 major ity. ,iu ONDAY, , NOVEMBER 18, :1867 PITTSBURGH, Ea XEW Y (ft TaletrsDtk to limn NEW Yoax, GEE. =I I Nov. 16, 1567 Visited Governor:a Is and had a handsome =MEE The expense at the • etropeliten Po. Leo for the. ten months ending :Nov. let, ORDERED YO RT. -LOVIEL • General Clark; who has had ebatwo 4:11' the Sulatletenee Departutent ban for the put three yearn, bee Aeon orderedloSt. Louts, and ‘Olll beittotillfieneral DIbTILLERY. me A.RTi[YD. A largo distillery 'wait seized {Dili ti located under n tat-boiling .establish meet. It has been in existence syear undimeovered. • izrcunnisnism. Mary Prucello was, to-day, committed for trial, charged with speculative moon• . illarlem, by tiring her store to secure a heavy insurance, while only a fett'hun dred dollars' worth of goods wereou the promises. ITEAVY A warrant ha 4 been lastest for the ap prehension of Victor Vanbevel, charged with grand larceny of allke,naces, set vete, satins, Ac, valued at fpo,ooo. from the dry geode store of Joseph R. Lanni mg; ?i'o. OH Broadway, during August, September and October, where he was clerk. Henry Q. Green, at whore house the etolen.goods were stored, has bean 31011TUABT. The deaths In Oda city for thelerelc were three hundred and thirty-nine. . • The West Virginia oil lands Case, Dart ye. Walker, resulted in a disagree ment and discharge of Ute Jury. venture rrKY9. , A hattallton of the &Tenth ..I*a.ntry sailed today for Savannah. Three hufithed and aeventy,five bar rele of whlakeV were wired today; alio a diatillory initrooklyn. - Several very importaMpapera reletlng to the pending whiskey eaves bay° dis appeared m r ne yateriously from tho proem enting attoy's office. Kate Arnold was arrested to-day, charfethateed:gthro etrue d rZ3diy.etnr ST. LOUIS, A Promlotat Firload of 1110 Dlooreed broker Comolleted of lon Gloodo—roroaisoa oil By 7.l•Arnab um Sr.'Louts, November G.—Seymour Vanllaire, a prominent cri ~ nal lawyer of this 'My, formerly Chi' t Attorney, was shot lust night by loner M. Ruth, a clerk in the postfttlOUe affair grew out, of the unhappy rel atio ns between Vaullaire and his wife, r Ring in Idi vorce from her lost week, Ruth being her moat important witness. Yesterday Voullalre and. Ruth met in the 'satellite, an angry altercation ensued, and Vani lla/re- threatened to aboot Roth. the drat time ho should meet him on the streeL Last night Ruth ad. companies' the divorced wife to the theatre, and when retitruing home were met by Vaullalre, who tired. et Ruth, , xdissing him. Ruth returned the Are:, the ball entering A'aullaire's right breast, near the nipple, lodging summed the 'Moulder blade ,; _ lndicting a 'humor one "wound, and he noggin In a critical condition. Ruth gave himself up and was released on bail. _Thit`attair created a great sensation, all the parties having occupied highly reapeotabtoptalttons in • •Ahraham'Abrahares, a prominent and. wealthy pawnbroker, was convicted td• chtylof having received - stolen Evvoia and sentenced to , two years .1n the peahen . , - .. ti lgvo cleaxisrdellned cases of trychinA died in the city' hospital 'last night: A. phreteriffinatManktettottlameranadirovad at a Meeting of .thellodical Society this evening the mtutcleis..of . tho men. wore shown, which isintaided'elscus in great nuMbers. % One 'of the men had been treat& for consumption, the other forty pheldlever. . . It la now stated that no extra session of the 311esourl loglalature will basal' od by Goy. Fletcher. . , - • of lievill*Sal An =We Pars lisprboeive- , cousionalatlait er Pabilakiausts by, = HAVANA, November 17.—Advice[ front Vera Cruz 'announce the arrival there, on the ith inst.. of the United with Senorrevenue cutter Wilderness, with Senor Romero end his party: The cut ter received • national salute from the fort. Senor Romero left fore the mpitel on the 11th inst. The Wilderness had. very, rough passage, wee: badly Wein. ed and lost her funnel in a gale. She was . being repaired, and was nearly reatirto mil for New Orleans. All the members of the Court Mar. 1141 which tried' Santa Anna, With 'the excoptioh of prosecutor, have been sen tenced to six months Imprisonmontpr the mildness of their verdict, add .have already been Incarcerated in fortress San Juan D'Ullos. On: the 30th ult.-President Juarez cm- Muted the sentences of-Imperialist Gen ends and Colonela, both native and. Ihr eign, to four yearn imprisonment, geld and staff officers to" ono year, and line oftleers two years and survellialtoz of the police. Other foreign, adherents of the tunpirzi, includiagsoldiers who serv ed-In the Imperial forces, are ordered to leave the republic. Iligher civil officers are sentenced to banishment, and leaser officers to Imprisonment and surveil bateau( the police. . BUFFALO. N. Y Pretiellar itanted-.lllearir Less. city Tsiserspli to U. eitt.barsh ilasatte.i 43orrAto, .Nov. 17. —The propeller Antwerp, with a cargo of 17,000 bushels of wheat. and 600 barrels of floor, caught Am' at noon to-day. In front of Reed's eievabir, and burned to the water's edge. The awned wee owned by Lathrop ft Co., of Racine,Wis., andwalued at $50,0001 In snred for $41,000. The cargo was valued at 0100,e00; insured for 350000. Tho vessel arrived tl at .'e o'clock t itle morning and bad discharged a portion of her Weed. landotut cargo. The fire is supposed have. originated near the boilers. The shipping and.clevators in the vicinity or the burning vecsel were at ono time In Lace Mons. Ltploslea—earslaeesaaa Inremaa KlLllad. (By Telehm h Is tbe rmistsirslitiszalte Brrunwtrion, Noy. 11, - A .terrible accident occurred in this city this morn ing. The freight engine Tioaghlnaga j of the Syracuse, Bingbampton, and bow York Railroad, exploded Its boiler - at half past four eclook, tearing the engine into fregruente and instantly killing the engineer and fireman, the fortuer.mumed- RdWardCanbon and the latter Wm. Rose, both of Syracuse. The bodies of the men were found against the woodpile in the tender with both their heads torn off. Mi. Canton's head was torn from his body, leaving 'mdy a tuft' of his side whiskers his Jaw and-upper end of ills spinal c olumn protralng tram the back or his throat. - Mr. Rose was struck in the forehead by a plow of thoboller sad the top of hie skull cut .ilipon removing the victims from the on - One, n hot iron from some portion of the ...fixture was found in the breast "of Ur.' RCMP, burning his flesh. A' large pleat of thebolier, weighing one hundred a nd fifty. pounds, wee hurled about t wen ty rods from the place of starting. Another piece cut a limb three inches thick, from n pine tree ten rode beyond. Another, weighing abont sixty Funds,- was found forty rods distant, The explosion was heard and felt tips miles from the city: - Tits liamas in. emu.. • cs ir Telyiapek Ito U.& Mahout tissetukl L E ,,:vmrwcarrn, Nov.lo.—Eighty - * three representative districts in this Slate nen twenty-two Demoarata. Tne re. maloder arellaptibiltams and Independ ent.. , Forty Zanies give tba following result: For negro au rage. 7,5011 against, 10,114; far female suffrage, 6,101; agaioet; 1 0,332; for.- disfranchising Maloyallais, .11,3taii spinet; 10,338. —Liter adviccs from r.orto Elea nay the late tempest wits more severe than the two terrible gales which'vlslted the ill-thied island Previous t 0.1831. - All the towns. have been terribly desolated; one thousand houses have been laid In ruin ' and three thousand have been Severely damaged, Some of the houses drug en tiro s tree t' have been demolished and .the way entirely hidden by the rules. No news whatever: -- has boon received regarding the effect of the storm in the central portion of the island.• The loss is incalonlable. The merchants of the Island bare demanded 'that flour, corn, provisions, de, shall be entered duty free. Every living thing, man or animal, upon the Island of Tortola per. !shed. MEM CITY lAD. SUBURBAN. Cilia Iterirm . kteettr.iiitiesittfoe of N. Wmael Carey. as , Larayetio t-alpesehea, Ito. I Puirmont call of the. Executive b - .49mittoe of the Labor Rtikirm"party of tkits city and ViChlity,ll Illeftting was hela at Lafayette - Hall Saturday eve 41Ter, the purpp!o of eitcauling a wet colt* to Hon. Samuel Carey, member dolt from the Second Congreaslonal ttlf.OhlO;:whe Is en route' for — Wmh- I City to take his seat at the enau ttiilettalcaf of Congress. Tied Washing to,:tEOritit Rand was in attendance, and at itittlst o'clock. In . the Averting a very retiVettable crowd was assembled. The me*ig was organixed by ratlllng Thoe. A.,,,krmstrong to the chair : supported by, 1 , number of Vice Proddenta and Secretaries. 'istterdaY ption by Gen Tlus chairman after tinusking the meedug for the honor."confeaed upon himln iwleeting -him to preside over the - Meeting, intioduced George Babe r Esq., of.thk, :•-•esing - -Adteisate, who delivered the Address. of Weleome. His remarks worelrell,deeter and were delivered In on elkfittbra and oyelblemancker. • #.4NO',IIITICI: CAIpL.I' Mr:Carey said that he was pleased. 'to come tothis City of 'work shops, and was certainly: flattered by this mark of re spect ore the part of the working men•of He claimed - no such mer ita M stuihntod to him by tho gentle- MAW 'OW '4211 just spoken._ But his mecums only sort-edit/ show what work , . *Men could do when: they went to world the proper way. Ile had beeti el by what was termed the "Tin Du Itrlude." The boys who went to their work daily with their dinners In timbithkets had elected him to represent thardlevflangress.- Be had 'always in his kelinble.way worked to alto' tote the condition. of the laboring abuses.: The legislation of An nomades has over been the interest of capital and against labott Ilver shwa it was said to Adam in the garden of Eden, "by the sweat of thy .brow,"• de., there had bean a com •tinual effort byall monto eat their bread by the meat - of some one else's brow. He believed that the Into civil war was a conflict between labor and capital. It had been and would lie attributed to various cameo, but the attempt to 0 1 ,- pase the laboring classes was the true. cause Labor, ho said, was necessary to physical development, and In order for man to be great Intellectually, he must work. God • hinthelf wits at labor, and sat hit seal of - approval upoult.. All the groat men who have left the foot prints upon the sands -of time, ho said, were the children of pov erty. Evert in our country, a score of greed and good men could: not benamed who lied not been laboring men. lien. Franblin was the -sixteenth child of a family of seventeen. children-eon of a soap and candle maker. - 'Wewhlngton wee) a. laborer. Webster • was raised a poor boy one poor firm' Examine any of the eminent divines or statesmen and we 'would find they had been sons of toil. Velma° pp:granted further In the last half century than we did in. the whole six thousand years preceding it, because of our efforts to educate the la borer. The only way to advance society was to educate the laborer,lnventions were Alio des were labor:. The taborets want time for study, time for improvement. The burtheas were un equal- on -capital and labor. We want unto system by which labor shall have its fair :thereof the product, and not have It all paid to capital. He approved the granting" of public Jambe to eripitali.sta. A land monopoly-, he said, was the worst monopoly In ti's world. Another important question was to equalize the public debt—let- capital-be laud u Nell au tuber. He was opposed to repudlatlon. The public, debt, betted, ain't lee paid I fit takes every cent with , in tholcountry.:. lie laid the five-liven ties were not stipulated to be paid in ' gold, but In the lawful money of the country. The greenbacks werethelegal money of the country, and if it was good. etiongh for the laborers it was • • . • • • • •• cutout the Avithdrawo.l of the national currency and the loaning of greenbacks, with which the ilveSsientybonda should be redeemed and thus we would be re• tiered of an interest bearing debt. We ehoaid have a tem:viand minium; 'of cur xenon and we Lave now Masts hundred millione. The ono-half of the property In the United States was now owned • by live par cent of the people. • After some further remarks In regard to the finances of the country and the question of paying the national debt, itha elucidation of which •IVIIR clear and able, he again thanked the meeting for the mark of respect shown "him, when 'the meeting adjourned. hot b the Itt—l•sys. • Mew liter tetlt.l re. Rata Annual morsel ter the Dis miss colony-wax estsdamey, mouse and swum' denudes—A la.ndssm P. There was enacted by the State Legss lature, in 105, a low dividing the State Into twelve educational districts, and coo. tomplating the establislantmt of a Nor mal School In each, to be supported ma State Institution, and baying for Its ob ject the thorough and complete Itistru lion of those who may choose teaching es a profession forllfo. Under the provis ions of the law thorn have already been four enehaelsoo . Is. establlshrek.vid , One at. Mellersvllle, Lancaster county; one at Edinboro, Erie county; one at Mans field, Tinge county. and one at Kutztown, perks county. The law requires that before such schools are recognized as Stets Institutions, the protectors must furnish sufficient capital for the pur chase of ten acres of ground, and a , tor bultdmg with -accommodations tor the hoarding and inatruction -of at lead:throe hundred scholars, and which must slew contain a hall large enough to accommodate one thousand tor-- sons. In his hat report., the state Sit. perinteudent of Public Schools elated that that policy the Stale haspursuedlowards these institutions, is to grant to each, at Intervale, 1113,000 00, to be used In par eluding ground and erecting and fur. rtishing buildings; and after the -echools bad gone fairly into operation, to allow, under certain conditions, to each pupil desiging to beiximo a teacher, - fifty cents per week, and to all Imduat. a pledging themselves to tench two full years in the common schools of tiro-State, nfty . Under this arrangement, pupils entering one of the Susto Normal schools, and being prepared to take op the stud. lee of the Normel course proper receive Warty-two dollars from the State, a tram more than equivalent to the average cost of tuition in these school. when .4d. by the pupils themselves. Dletildecisoldlors or sailors, or orphan children, whose Dithers lost their lrve,r In the service of the country, receive twice as much. per week es ordinary students, The district In which our readers aro moreimmedlatelyinhittsted is composed of Allegheny,Suller -and Beans coon. es..-It has Mug been decided to . cellar- Mill, under the provisions of the law, a State Normal School in this district, and the proper committed is now. examining into the sites for the locution which claim attention. The -following gentle man constitute the committed. Meiers J. W. F. NVldle, Sewickley; J. B. Lyons, East Liborty,• lielly, burg, CoL William Espy, Scott, and Prof. A. T. Doutheti, - 'Superintendent of Allegheny. COunty Public Schools. At a mooting of the committee, held on Saturday, II vary magnaramoua propose, doh woe made by Vol. William Espy, who deservedly ranks high among Me publlo plaited citizens of this end of the Mate: He offers to donate for the site of the buildings six acres of ground In Scott township, rend further guarantees subscription of twenty thousand dollars towards the erection of the wthool. This eke Is all that could be' doeired, posses!- mg advantages In pointof Ineallon, gen eral beauty and adaptability over any Yet suggested. The Committee -sill for ther consider the proposition at the next meeting, .whleh-will his held et the Public School Howie, Tonic Creek, on Monday next; at which limo end plias, other pro poufs will receive proper attention. =I distresslitgeldeut occurred on . the Pennsylvania Railroad; between. Derry and Conemaugh Stations, on Friday night, between nine" and tee; o'clock, reaulted In the death of Charles Ihmson, who resided on Penn strut, in he Ninth ward:" .The • deceased. was- ti brakeman on the road, and on the even ing g his death 'was ,on the second through freight train bound east. How the accident, happened , Is nor precisely known. The last Seen of V0n0011..111111, was shortly aver tans ;Mock, Milan. bp amaatad lu coupling beard to the train, atter which he got on and thetrain lattlbe station., When it ad'hproceeded Cruet to Conemaugh, the - conductor. mined 'Wilson, and upon returning to hank for hicalound Wink short 'distance back in a dying optittlon, the train hay. lag pursed over his right log, near the blpjolnt, crushing the bones and Ultdis biting his body frightfully, lie woe mediateircoureyed , to a house near at hand, tuulputaboanithefirsttraln going west, bet tiled before ruahlor the city. The deceased was a married. man, about fortyrennet Cigo and leans Widow interjelint atithisen, = The DeletelleElection. Elections were bald by the Republi minn in the different city districts, -on. Saturday, for delektatea to the Convert lion called to place in nominationcondl elates for Mayor, Controlior and . Treas urer;t° be voted for at the election on the ascent! Tuesday of December.' The conniat. for Mayor was no exciting that 4tit little was heard of tlio candidates for Controller anti Treanor/a.,The,routent ants' cunt For IdaYor, McCarthy; preient Incumbent, charins Jeremy, of the Sixth ward, and J. AV. Riddell, bt the Latin ziciOville district; for Controller, John _fleeing°, prosent incumbent, and. It. J. McGowirt, °Unto-Fifth ward; for Treasurer -Smoot Allinder, the present incumbent, seems to be the only candi date. The folloivlngdelegates were chosen: First ward—John Flt.lminons . and Frederick SeMIS; for McCarthy. . Second warl—T. W. Davis and Edw.; Honor; for McCarthy. • • . Third ward—ln this district the elec tion was broken up in a row. When about sixty yoteetbad bennpolled,a mitt xi:mod John Robinson, in an Intoxicatod state; appeared at iho polls and made an effort to seise the ballot box, after which there Was no more :voting. The delo gates running were: For McCarthy, A. Ncitier, Joseph ileastings; for Jere my, A. .1. Romp, M. Fain; for Riddell, John Robinson, Joseph Armstrong. It will be- for the Convention to' decide which "aetv are entitled to aihnlimion. Fourth—Wililam W. Speer and Dr. T. W. Shaw; for Riddell. Fifth—First Precinct—Charles Beck and John Steele; for McCarthy. Second Procinct--,Toseph Irwin and Richard Thompson; for Jeremy. - Sixth—First Precinct—Joseph A. Dia ler and Samuel Mollbeny; for Jeremy, Second Precinct—John Wallace and Wm. Sherd, Jr.; for Jeremy. . Soventh—Stewart Daisell and James Sleith; for McCarthy. - Eighth—James Rkinirtison and Henry Tatnell; for Jorowy. • Ninth-Tames Lewis and Arthur Meek- Rog; for Jeremy. Tenth—lnv-Id Sims and Wm. Simpson; for Riddell. Lawrenceville—First ward—Dr. J. R. Robinson, far McCarthy; and Charles A. Bravo, for Middoll. Second ward—C. North and Wm. Wilson; for Jeremy. '— Peebles—Josenh G. Realm and .tames McKebbin,• for McCarthy. • Collins—drat Precinct—B. W. Morgan and Thomas Black; for. McCarthy. Sec ond Precinct—David Mimes and David. Kirk; for . Osklaud--Jamas Gray and James Mar tin; for McCarthy. ' Liberty--John ' Baum and Wm-Ir win; for Jeremy. • Pitt--41'. Jones and James Hunter; for Jeremy. , The result tut to the Mayoralty In sum med up than, Third ward omitted: . . Di.stricts. -11eCariliy. Jeremy. itirkkil First ward ...• •• Second ward—. 2 Fourth ward..:. Fink ward - 2 Sixth wahL ~ .. .7 Seventh Eighth ward„... I==l Lawrenceville— 1 Pitt Colnns. ..... 2 Peebles' Liberty Total • l 5 1G 7 Tbo Convention will-rueot ten crelot4 this; forenoon in tho,Charnbora. Teibetasri , 'Asisssomiloos est was.. es , Pasairyhismills --..agilther Mrsnt. The Westerii Pennsylvania Teachers' Association held its regular monthly meeting in the Fourth ward School House. The not lwasina Wes held - Friday even ing. The meeting was...ldled to order . ati seven O'clock. hy C. A..Chanaherlain, I .eud ohened br Pro 0. . Lucky, niter *hien the choir sung n beautiful hymn commencing. .Teach•toe the - Way; ac'.. • The Salutatory Address was then de livered by Prot If. J. Gourley. Tho following question woo then read: "Should thelii . rectors appointed by law to each Schoo District in the State ho re duceddn nun r, and a higher grade of qalltleatb?ns bo required of them by The discussion wris, opened by. Mr. Chamberlain. Messrs. McCormick, Lucky, •Douthott and Carey followed, after which Mr. Chamberlain closed the debate, and the AlBoClatkill took a recess of tive minutes. • Business Was resumed, and the choir favored the Association with a beautiful song., which was tblloyed bean address by Rev.. Joseph It. Kerr, on the clutios whichothicatloninvolres. 'The theinewas handled in tin able and eloquent-man nor. A song was then sung •by the choir, after which Mr. Cory urged upon those present the importance of attend ing the meetings of the Association. • A metrical criticism by Miss Jennie Smith was then rend, after which the meeting adjourned to meet et ten o,cloek Saturday morning. • • • • - bsruntisr KE,551017. • The eocond session of the haseclation was called to order at ten o'clock Satur day morning, by the Chairman and opened with prayer by Mr. Cluripbell, alter which tho aung a beautiful hymn. ' - Mr. James Boggs, of Spring Garden Schools, next entertained the Aasooia• Mon :with a short reveling from •"The downfall of Poland." . . . W: P. Montgomery, of Brownstown. delivered a short lecture on Penman ship. He said that no one of the branch es taught in Common Schools "was as importantaspenmanship. Asubject of so great, practical advantage, he said, should command thegrmiest attention in every school, yet In many instances it was sadly neglected: In addition to Ita gen eral usefulness, penmanship is a great aecompllahment, and very Justly clamed among the line arta. Practice, he said, was moat essential, and he. believed that butchers could koop their scholars at practice daily with very little trouble. 110 thought the excuse of'"want of time,", on the part of the teacher a very poor ono. • Alter sonic further remarks, in which ho referred to the general useful ness of the art, Ito dosed his remarks. The question for discussion, "Should that portion of the recentauppletpent to the School Law of Permsylrunia, which provides for the granting of permanent certificates, be repealed?" was then taken up. • • Mr. Carey-, In the absence of Mr. J. P. Anderson, who had been appointed to open the discussion, stated tho question. Amording to the supplement he said i that County Superintendents wore an thorized to gime permanent, cortilloatml which allow the holders thereof to go from ono county to another.' Ile of ject.. ed to It on the ground that It had a ten dency to bring teachers from other thin Icicle where wages were lower, and, to ts =sequence tho grade of teaehers lower, 'to districts where a higher grade etisted and ;better wages were pahl, and thus ),y, competition bring down , the .• Mr: 9 Patterson, or. n'Ashlnglott county thought the supplethent .tert• pmd thing for leachers. Ire did "Mit think It should ho repealed urtil It had been o from tried. no Rohl llot lw been fronted by the hod Moeller% In t hod he State and was-certainly entillelj ton trial, It would soon be I i fuli operation and he had no fears of Its working well. - 'Mr. Uaroy then (wile the littor,, nod spoke u the Minutes on the fillittnatlVe . side of the question, atul who also ply WWI rtillthrpd Mr. C. A Chamberlain, ored, the Impost of the law. At the conclusion of debate a mess was taken, liner which the ellelr 111VVI-tyl tho Association , . . , 6 111;11, hell hellny der! , The, uelnloit next ft ;Inter for • dirous. 1111011, "1)oon the inollo.l of flu.llug thopor con tam of nttondruleo given In rho Tench. ere' Monthly !Input -t preeetlted by the School flopmintont truly e.1:11blt the Alllntinllve, J. At. Loon; .Negrnirel G. A. j.uokoy. A metvital crittelent max rend by Min Jonolo• Stnlth,'nßor• ‘vbloh n unto of thntlkli WWI, returned to Cho orltique, and alto to the roportorn of. Um pmts. • The Annoclatlon iiloll adjourbed. MineDito'ftreak Jan . . . .111rnm Miler and Jobe Burns, mitten era lii county Jell. attempted to es cape Saturday evfulng, by working their waythrough tho walls, but through the 'vigilance of Warden White and :dr. Singh; ittudident Warden, their Work Was detected and the ,plan frustrated Dailey and Burns were confined In - cell anti their plan tens to work through' the' partition wall separating. them from ,T 2, front which they could meth No, tit, the cell from , which two men escaped last week. They bad sue geeded to removing .the plastering end a portion of ille brick, milky they at tempted to hide by tinting paper over the wall where they had biter% at work. sts soon as the discevery was made they were removedlognotbkr cell on Out op- i Toone Aldo of the building, Where they , Will be closely watched. - pickposirets on Thaw. When the train on the Port Waytio and . Chicago . Mad, which left; thin city , on Friday - afternoora, reached Crestilne, It stopped for supper,- as urinal., Au soon - as supper wasover agangcif pickpockets entered the cars. • Three or four of thorn enteral the forward coach, and In per emptory tonos ordered the occupants of It to take the hindniost coach, as that ono would be left. Simultaneously, another portion of the gang entered thohlndraost car, and ordered them- to tako seats In die forward car, as that'onawas to be de tained. Instantly there -was la general , movementbf the passengers who at once found the aisles blocked by perscrna who did not, ant to move. An experienced -traveler immediately gave loud avarning that plukpockets - were , on -board... The admonition multatri late too save one roan, who lost his wallet Containing one -hun dred delhire. Meanwhile the train start ed, but neither conductor, brakeman or any other employs of the company, took any notice of the dlaturbance., At the next stopping, plaoe- beyond, , a farradr.frinn'Erle was' Standing at .a doOrof ono of theca looking nutria, the platform, when - one-of tiali-gang Came out of the next amt -and Inquired If he was going to :Chicago. Tire farmer replied that he wax.: Tho fellow , then ox, plallind that he was a (.11mgo merchmtt, and had bought a lot of merr.haridlao at thatstatlon, exhausting his Money so that ho could not pay his' freight. in ad vance, which was , diernahriertof him Ile had a chock for eight hundred - and fifty dollars on a Chlange bank, on which he wanted the farmer to ndinance hidt idly doUam. At this point another mum la- Niro W u I . '" i e th o " u roar, ~ , f r .oTert°,7kiat t .::: Who had raised the money, _otherwise the gbods would not go up on that Maim The fellow fiercely demanded that the farmer show his pocket 'Wok, to - teat whether or not be could advance the money. Hereat the farmer took who hint, owl withdrew to hia seat. - At the next stopping place the pick pockets left the - trein, undlaturbed"by any ono, and sren.t. en chairlray. . =r= It W.I.Y reported on Saturday that ur prisoners had escaped from the Western Penitentiary on thoday previous, buten investigating thertunor :we find that-it Is false and without the slightest founds . tion, as no attempt to escape has - been' made from that 'restitution' shem thrir . Monday, an account a w4lelr we:pub-. Halted Saturday. Reports of tide char,' actor have been circulated formorly,fuid It appears have all been traced- to one source, which, to say- the least of it, la unrellablo. The. public,- not.- knowing from what sonnet these reports originate, and heating no denial, of couple believe them, and are thus le d into error. Hav ing taken the trouble to make inquiry as to the came -of these reports, we Ilnd that sometime , during last sprint an employee of the establishment was Ali charged for neglect -cif dely k sincesthen a number of false statemenbi in relation to the management . : .of.-.the I”.*itnt have been, put in circulation,. every boo of. wldeli are ; clearly tram able to 'hear ;,Peeling sore at..the loss era good ifindlon, for wliich he has himself Slone to 'blame, he, re-aorta to this cowarill3r method of obtaining r venge. Snell ..nduct Is mean and mu- M=E MUM be • extreme: it can in no 'party engaged in It. as to Ulm° it is intended to ernporary, and. ceases to e: truth la nude known. the iaatitntion veinal. all bother any eseages ey are the Leg and only obtained in regard tolhe ithatanding the' varlcins g to., the nituragament oR e..autthoritles .having.-tbe -1.1 are aadefied atith , en, aelllchisprifeafiteie amt-they:am without tempt/Ide in: ! !way benefit 'III thd injury do 1 °fleet lik but I exist whoa tl The reoards'ii times show y csvurred LIM il evideriee to matter. Not reports retail i the prison, right to Invei he present W ~ evidence, at 1, foundation..'. i FEE E! in a Manch .• street car yesterday evening, o eiploslon of a kerosene lamp. About six o'clock. in the evening a car was , p ing down ',l...edenti street, tilled with .1• les; and when near the railroad ere. .ing, the lamp used for lighting the r which had been lighted at' Manchester before leaving the station, exploded.wl a loud. report, scattering fragments of .ho lamp and burning oil throughout th ear and upon the passen gem- A gene a rush was made for the doors, but the • areas having taken fright at the • exploion, -which was only in creased by the screams of thelady pas sengers ami th glare of the burnitsg.oll behind them; become unruly and for a time' baffled, all efforts of the driver to cheek them. They were finallystommi, and the frightened passengers were mot getting but, but by This time the danger was all Over, as The oil had been consonied, andiehat little - tire remained Was easily extbignhbod.. The extent of of the damage was the soiling of a few fine dresses,' the destruction of bonnet, Mad , the. disa • gement of soverM 'lender falls.'! • 'o..lives lost, nor 'was nisy ono serious.' ; injured. • = ==l . . , Joha Rider, a esklent of Manchester, drayman for iCullough, Smith & Co.. corner Penn and Irwin streets, seas seri .. viaslst• injured ThTirsday evening last on tlio Port Wayne and Chicago Railroad at Maachetiter. MX: IL got aboard the train at the Union Depot to rids home, and, it is supposed, attempted , to Jump MI near his residence while the train - was in Imo lion, when ho was thrown violently against the rittl.of tho side track, cutting his face in a Rightful manner. Ills lip • WWI severely cut and -bruised, and his Jawbone so injured as to render it im posaltdo for him to-speak, conseqUeutly be has not been able to tell how tiro amt. dent tioeurred, and no ono having soon IL the manner of its occurrence is not exactly known. Ile was slowly rocov oring at last accounts. • Attempted • Auleldm—dtr,,• L'vonapar, ono of tho employees at the cattle yards at Ford Litany, attempted to trommit, by shooting himself Saturday roming. The ball entered the right aide or his . neck and came out antler the 101 l car; lie \ vas discovered ebortly utter- Ward, mil n In. stelo summoned, to at tend to his In atico. Ile Inthrmed the physician that to had done It Intention ally, and 'WRY entry the shot had not proved fatali•llls Injuries are not thought to bo of a sorlons natant'. Donuotlo trouble Is 8 1 1 1'1 ,0 00d: to. Intro been , tba cause: • • 211 r. Murdock—NW tooilora membor that Mx. intnen IS. Mttnloeh, tho gTetlt:flelOr, ottioutionist and render, will ontertolft to attilioneir With anloctiobi train tho portq f to-morrow orenlng - at the Aemlemy or riltitlo, Under tho mot plow. or the arotes Ittercontilo Librotrln °Mort° aVold oaribi of admiantoit Will be mild to-dor nod to-morrow at Ilia Library rooma. Them Will be tio Kw-or:rod aorta: litordooli will Alva bit, rot:toil nail ing oit Thumlity night.- : - Union Innen itetet:—lty- rentrettee to ton. noW ndrettlnententn Itt to-tins'a paper It ftlll Int 'teen Unit tno 1.7n10n Depot, of thin itity, le ollered to be leaned toe drat elann landlord. Tito nonvo la ene of the lA,: In the went, and In now doing egood Ituttlnenn. rot. particulars eon advon. tlnettiont. • . Illatudon and Vraundt attic. Pennayl.. laid* Atr e.=lllo batnisomelivitatod • niantlon i'd• F. rt. Schenck, EN.. Immo. dintrly apposite Madison atrott, nrhtch Matta from Pennavitanla Avonuo, nestr . Soho taidno, 13 told , *old oh tbe prent• Seen 10-niorrow allMnoon, by A. mall waine, Auctioneer. Particulars Alto tlirrn in ftu advortimattient under auc tion brad. Thy convonleht distance from butineas. Arui the beautiful . view. rornmanded by thin ;Mandan, male it a von. desirably property. - • soptrlor Vurnltarentauction, on Weds nsselity, November 20th,, at 9 o'clock a. tn., at the rosidenee of Walter Itryant, m, on North (Mud street, beteen' Cismund street and bladison avenue. Al. leghony. kite advertisement, of Sndth.: son, PaltnOr th' aliCUOnOinti,' • • Attention:—This day, at 2 o'clock. on th t e premises. will ho sold. thevalunwe le of ground and building on the corner of 51arket end Fourth streets, at present occupiedby thc not Net/anal 'Bank. Sea advertisement of hirnitharch. Feltner auctioneers. Itev. Ps S. travls will deliver a free leo. titre to-night. la the 'Methodist Church, hiast Ilirrnirighero;umler the auspices of the Friendship Lodge of flood Tempters. All ire invited. • Toe warehouse and Int of ground No. 27 Irwin street, wan sold at auttlon .on Saturday last, by Smithson,' Fainter tt Ituellotteurs, for SI.I,SCA, to U. SteCullough,,Y;sti. . • FOURTH PAISIE.--Tho Vointr; Bunke Cionatuoption ; Patellae 41+4Pasinailln, Maus; Additional bunterliiUons, dm. IV NUDIBt.RI 267 CITY ITEMS. ctenotossi , s Views en Omen. We would not be without a, Mason 41: Ha:nun Cabinet Origin ln ourhouse. QI , The :assort d•.. Hamlin ' , Cab, Melt:opens la the 'Mir:Miry and Oiphan's Homo have given entire eatisfathon to all con cerned-. Rev. W: A. Passes/arr. For 'parity, strength and organ-like finality of tone, I consider the Aluson t Hamlin Organs unequalled. , Rgv. W. A. SN'IvELT. • • The sweatuelw, purity and power of hula of 411 i Mason th Hamlin °mato. has been o. constant sours oflinalloyed pleasure taus. . REV. JAN. 8. TSIAVELLT • can recommend the Masont Hamlin Organs from. . my own expellent-5 as bIR the best that are made. REV. A.-31LYt2.—LD. bonVine. rrha power and richness 4. tone of our Mown dc 'Joplin- Organ orrmot besot-- 780 i In our opinion, byrilog ,yet, Vented. Rm.. P. Ali, Dot 0 w4X assitoryou that our Mason& Munlin -Organ is nyhitiahlo instrument, and gives universal textisfaction. lOW. W. /I WATICI.Nit. J have no'. hesltation in endorsing the Mason dt Jiaralin Organs as the best in attutoonta I have over seen. ' . Rev. I. DALLAS. . . . - • Manonlin .Organ in my (.wily gives perfect entiaraction. I estoem the Meson & Hamlin Organs vastly superior to any other kind mann redone:l. Roe. W. P. Dineen, , 011 City. - , ,We would not take twice the east of our Mason & Hamlin Organ, and be without h. Rev. I). li. Ix - num, • I New Wilmington, Pa. , We,think our Maxon A Hamlin Organ Emma treasure. REv. L. B. GRIFFIN. . Ated more than one "hundred other clt{rgymaa in this vicinity are uning the Idiaon -.50 Organa, and all any thy are the but organs made. Weatern emporium 'for the Mason 6: Organ., 81 Wood atreeh O. C.- .01411pr,.aoloogent. trieesurtry:.lierchantai—Your - anent is:,called to the wholesale and re. grocery store Of Arthur Kirk, Nos. atid- 174 Federal Street, .Alleglienyi .the: - place to buy your groceries. - . „Nirk's . facilities for buying en es film to sell to retail merchandise at at. wer figure thak any other. hone in cities. He keeps at all times all kb ds of groceries, and will be Rleased to mare parties and examine lus price 110, and the qnslite of goods kept by. Mrs 1. Remember:Ws numbers, 172 and Hai Federal street, Allegheny City. rw goneelt •in weakest bodies strongest How massy imagine that niter their toilet Is perfect and all ready for a per itneruale; toll, or 'lseneert, :gni all is ear hplete, and they' are:paid criniearn. Bo F could you reflect your broth as on osr I your how from Alte mirror, you would are the neeessity at once.of axles trd'a Flatland Powdered Dentifrice. Sol d wholesale and retail by Joseph Firming. No. SI Markel =met - • • b.itction saos of Lots - at Sbarpabarg.— Thu ■aloof lots on :Ins preaniass, tbls tan oon. the Eastern extension of Shs.craborg. Is an invitingopportanny to recd re ralnabli i Soperty In an szoelleat loin Won: Sue bfelbrainl, austbsn tiset nont, and be on band at the Alloidto ay Ilepot - of. the Western Perupylsolda Bat troad for the free' excursion train to and' from.tbes sale. o purest and sweetest Cod Liver Oil in t .0 world, monufachired from fresh, boa thy livers, upon the sea shore; it Ss pen . tly• pure end sweet. Patient-6 'who Imo once- taken it cm take no - othe'r. , Sou-ttalasard_tuld_Caswellrs :CAA. Lip • roll,'"inanufaetured Uy CSELL, n LA.V.ARD A- - CO., New lock. Sold by all drug.gleto. - htentucki ' — State Lottery,—The only legalized Drawings in the linimd netlrand Holliday Drawing aill. take place December ?Ist. 5.M0,65 - 0 to be dis tribnted. Capital prize 5. 50 ,000.• Cam =cations strictly confidentiaL sent free, free, by addressing • Cons tt Co to the extensive Fur Howe of Writ Fleming, No. 13) Wood street, fbr Bar . . • Kiln Heavy Country Blankets opened to.dsy at Wm. Semple's, No- 1130 and 11V. Federalstreet, Alleg-heny. !methlog Socd.—The boot; shoes, gaiters, &c., for men, ladles and children, kept - at- 69 Market - street, are made ar the very best. material, and sold as low as the lowest. All goods are warranted to glue ests•Netton. If you want some thing -good, and at-gold prices, can at Robb's Shoe Rouse. 89 market street: Dry Glade 'at iltholetaletre tho particular attention of holesile to oar complete stock = t , s d ' r ' ass goeds,'and all kinds of fancy and staple goods, and to the fact that coI sell at the lowest ,eastern pf/cmi,; sad- cat gooda to snit purchasers, 's j. W. , rit i gi l ig etroeC • _ ThO On'l Place in Ws cite to got o wood Set of Furs lent Wm. 'Fleming's, No. 13n Wood street. Furs! Fere I I—A huge variety, Whole sale mei retell at Wm. temple's, No. ISO .and 182 Federal street, Allegheny. To illegheniatis.--Arthur klrk, whole sale cud retell grocer, Nos. 172 and 174 Fedenstatreet, hes received one ofthe Wei docks of groceries ever. brought to the oily, which will be sold !ewer than at ariy hnuse in the city. • MU. To ihstallles,-rno to Arline Kirk's Grocery Shsre, Nos. 172 and 174 Federal street, Allegheny, and .buy your. Sugar for putting up fruit.. Ile has the largest,. best and cheapest mock In the city. - Call and see for yourselves. stir*. • • A Splendid Chance - to obtain possoi don or a largely - paying- wholosale and retail haulm s& house is advertised else whorn Tho capital. required IL ants% or It win tat iold on easy credit to-good . a ontethlng Pare.—Tbe Ma* Car.* Sugars, Elplora, &a, sold at IClrk's..Gto eery Store, Tae..172 and 174 Federal street; Allegheny, aro warranted to be the very beet in the market. Call and gets' price /Ist. - um* ttealtionto and two and a quarter acres of ground In Sewickley at auction: See LeMinte'a auction. advertisement of patiliVo sale on 'Wednesday first, at ten BargainHi' in todlft rum, it Wm riming% 1qd , 130 Wood anat. - .. • Men , . Undershirts and Drawers; a good aback at low rime wholesale - and retail M I at W . Semple'e, go. 180 andlB2 radar saran; A ll egheny. , Eye: Ear, Threat, Lo'a, OMNI' Dtssionat and CLUE iraoomahilly fronted - by' Dr. Aber; L.. 14 Smithfield attract.- d. book by mall fa cents.' nut Furniture in georiekley.—Side at Mr. Etitton'a, on Wednesday next. at ten &dock. See A. Legirate'a adveriise tnenrin auction eaten Cheap iPlueetter.—For ebeap °Mee and something good, go to Arthur KirlOn, Grocery Store, Nos. 172 andl74 Federal street, Allegheny. . .ara. Hand—Velvet Hata; Stnin Hats; Rib bon and Fitment, cheap at Wm. Sem pl 7.0 .180 and .1e..?, Federal ntmet,.Al. Coustitatiou Water is a certain care for Diabetes and ail diseases of the kid. goys. For ale by all , druggists. xwr.- . BIARRILE I 4 • . DAVID—BARB. Norrokror .by rho R. Yr.; ClopLato. or Ilairtsbarg, M. TI109: n. A:.DATID, ot Pffiabgrab, and - Ws. ELIE A: DEM BAAL al liatrt.barg, Pa. . ICENNEPT—kitilanif.9l.—Ork 7Tarsda, No• votalnr Ilth;110C; . .1 the nisldeser of M. bride's . Went.. Da AM -Wattln, Yr. IS. P. rams EDT, or rittemrsb...4 - 1141 ETTA, IMANNON, or Washinatdo, Pa.. DIE= ilf. l .ll2fill - .lJirAY2Ttht",7li fib ge 190,/ 12 e.r.. . /unreal from the tethleace hie parent, Nn. Le N. " 4 Atiest.cuy. on To. ∥ 13th • hi.t., .t 2 o'clock 2. IC • • etROO . Is 03&andal. th MII In. MA aotr ICES Yeti/00X, agsl479as4 s ituserktlSlll taloa plea call.ltstsai . , t9t6 tsist.. ai Ist'etoels tomes./ Cbartierarene. . 81111TAII:D,,r0t0.n44,T .1:47%"' Ni Vric k rtheir " ,:l26 i4is gha mod M evegitpronS p'clack. emstom THE WEEKLY' GAZgTTLI ' Two gnaw-vs. IWEDNISMY AWL, B&II7IDAYJ la. sheet. arstatillot rtnar WENS of tntereellsor reading raetter.bseladloA Indtng Etilterlals. latest N.R. by Telegraph 4%1 MAIL -raleablejtaatl.o Water fbr the nararr; .0 rollut aneroost reliable Itineeelet eadtketve 1. Inerdyl Mulot B•P.r4 ft". bi POPS , 'the city. blo "arrear..M.rallaale or Karehiet thoild be without It." • Tents Ton vil,WriliVe cutirbst • .• - Sinele Subscriber ...... . , Clubs of ..... Club* 0f............ ... -And eve cop) of peps i lte• p•eiee awl tlog op Use clots Aeltiltlage V 54161401 So Osa.1•11: $l7 thOs.. Staub nate. . • - . Non. TO klitlßscaniso.-12 °realm ywa. P•per, e etw,l i. - eibeeity 'vast *Mlle rig weet..{, we Issue • IT•dnisdar Jeri . alb.' 00 llten baelaw bet one mitt • week. • iirbteasi by lizprese. Jitney Ordiets. :5011 Rettetered Letters, • =7 . 8 ." 3 "" 1 " . ' cii . ZETTS, rrrrsitre oll . P-nrs'A. lIIVDERT ALEX. AIKEN, UNDRUTAKEIIit. roaeln Street, •FiltOttOSSl COFFINS, of all klub; mark, oLovro, , every dr...Option of Fusena bomb/SOW ( MOO.. tuotlabed. Ileontiortin day and slibt. listlrsa sad Carriages foralsbed.. 11sratotcri—ger, °arid Karr, D. D.,Rfl. M. NC. J.obus, b. D., 'Lb.:ants Ella(, 1 .1.1 Jacob 11.31111er. but. --- J G. RODGERN.• 11:1111DIGRT.4 • • ISE(t - ANIT EMBALM% leneritmer tett e 'a: R. • !Menem) IfO. M ULO.Utdwy. tar. doors from Deaver. sillentimi , On. an r tutu, Ilusswood, Itahugany, Walnut nod. Man. mood Imitation' Comae. at the lowtit r. P"".. Eooma open at all hoed. day aad 0 11 64 ' Hearse and Caniages furnished On abort maw and ou mast reasonable Lem.. - • - ED 1 14 sun tozsmviEcar, tnr- BSGTABYB.OM.. No. eu ado SIM*. • Booaliood and OW: Vol. ens, will+ completo csoci of Amoral IfololstlYarf Goo4f. on Pond ao4Tonalshal atamortaaa NOM at ionr.t prices.' 8010 aid Livery filoblooomm. net of Slut and. 11.14.11 e OsalOale. g f r oEb" , Boffido, 8.111. 10.:4 . _ MARIVLE Wanialt A. J. HANIBDUPII. ct tb.. comaniuot s . tv.re6Aitffe, pi •Ortar/irtlr.A.t. KIX", sub mom woussl s innum;CA.ll,l•s..:." $lOO LOIM •- /EY a3.4811Y-YaSESII. DAY, sit,hor an , 81. (Rilr str. et. FMb . otreet, or. 31.zoottroter ,ears, or Fed• 111 =roe,' ,Allogheny, the sloo,or pier ; wrapped aria paper. A {lboro/ rewax3,4.o3 be peel Carib If t.n .t the GAZETTE COUNTING ,ROOKVIK REV. NVic:Coornn. :WANTS. W . :INTEL. —A PA Ett3ll*-4n-ak _ Well ast.;bilds.2 rosto;inc eo. da•S,• gold 4.14.4. To good, attire thl.“ o • rue clainct. 41 00 to 115.1.0.) recialsed. APS,. or: Wink Address, 7011.1.D111, o.tairraOtxtei. with real nut • . - • W E 110:=EN. tsienr.- - New' uc seep:id-hand, 7 toiCI Ida. • ttb atwu . audt Batler, Gina it hi. by le ft: to .6 lack. by ft ir.r. ADAMI & Y 18.0.. Cac naneock SL and thitre Irwr, WAN TED 4 /MN"' GUNS— ' AILItrICETiMrkitM-410 nal fel. feeler eet Eters rri Cathie.; GI {6 . reed. f r Elearreo Win or Cublees; 115 .* writer Co3•e • Arie.4 or'rerr Feral, posh raid for , erred - d.. eeription of [in./were. reruns baring asiy : *f, above inn] IYO send tbeicibf Lifintes e. O. A. SO. J. b. 701I21STON; Or: at "%filet= Oen Worts. SR retie e[re.o earlier Wayee. : WANTED—CAINVARSERIP,wiIIe -:'and 'Female. ''rbe vow ppmi. 8 'Mai; THE HUTS IN'OLIIIS:• or i • =ROES err' CNIr. RA37S=i!YD PILE :' Byltii. A. a. LW*, of tbe a. Esalt.".l 7 Conratilail: 'lt Is noi tot . of tbe,rwor of anfe.1?1,..14*.r tru6k thltaad calltat rabid 1/f hie fitisrud nEferings Ma rink and RIC - for ten:lit:244 ta• COL GOStirlieistreef:rittibtielihr Fe as BErr-roktums.--14.. 0 Offices. In the Daliattliendlad a corner Da-• ;mean. Way and. Irwin 'trent. LngalsoLL No. MST. CLAIR EITZEET.••• ••• , • 4 • F 0 11 ItEo.4otrittli.Z-The. /now now occupled bYthn dea9oo7 Unk , ,Undba Dallrond and TranswodlAnn . Cdenpnar,, No.!nd Sln.b street ozen g . 41d1.144 Carper Story. . !limn roman .nre.nnz4 dedratnu Dar daces; belay en!RanCtus• nes; and on /MO sting{, nom *ind. 14 .1&L the '2i1.4502 z.n . nenient: pep, We 'froni ... ionninini'tann dm, proof vnult. .. oink int lind ,o,n. Was!: pmnimo.` linntrinf fi taiWt e lii tO.,= run street. F(3n'sv. - Et SAVEr;dlBocid Vilioteaate nd.neta.ll lacciaas =kiwi laird :at ttierm q.l4 42 0} 0r rAITZILSONA.S.-1711Nal street': Cllpllal . regydred,atoritssolat. Aimed - • , d.h . :1 , 40 , t..1!£i5Mi.....1.171.... loot, to clear trom to. ow to illt.ete Deizear..l2. good maw. for wanting to sea. Cal/ . . porn - 5a1 . .51:-Alisive, toil- =ties- She East Llbetty Stock Yars, , :ra !twat too of atftr'lrcrials ever pkt. pat fie Sista: ul boto Koutioky. arid siva feasao:23 to 10 , 0ra:ids with rood <tight. Awls parson wialiteg to linty tan Oo walf,try ca ll ing towtol, tht sure puce. • '• 'tart. seism. ROM SAVE—A good Eivermr . ••• itonsr, eight imaold ititia again. 'Trost • ivtuineas sad. pre, Hader saddia. .6aaatts • rut tweet. pot , scut Logantactaa tc. !wart at No . . lin'tatrZatn 1111lratana F Q 8 u *wit - Livery - ma Sa4•Scibls4. Eve .VAMILYIIOIME tgayn Wes Daltet.r. . GILET HOUSES, H0R.93.; three .LLACS- 31/02.121.:• - pmk ALIMX, II A WIS. YILST STULL...4.r or Xicia .heallovse. SirElorse.stwughtsnesot pagualatais, • FOR SALE—STEABII-ESIG An I Inch eyllnder,lollteek strokniktlierlll • Iteh, II feet long, leltla :era 12 Itfee 26 .6 .1 1660ke Stack: . orate Data: ns conipt , .le.'eett may nre. She englaele _neatly Aklet; .1 ob. porEole - - order.lood AM Le sO/E 000 y etieeep.tJoe,ter.cetok hivltui nee for It. I: can be be exasetatet ej Om,. Ittote or W. W. WALLACE; oi Cherii 26:6r. - - Pot price cod terms:apply 6.6 So: 11/ De.eseled street: rlttetottesb. - ' • dart • surati. DEVE., , • 8.41.E.1l ,-euse "a 'aglow. roast or Ylanbattan and LYWWw !Attar* near reastigir Railway: Lot 4t sr aims. - Muse ,theae. eantatelos 7 avows. Sal floltEadir watt Improved. Itonawwial Lot oottlantadolltir - ntd.o .usst...bersesr cfsr. Lat: bt - tort; house frami. mutat. ba/L'lni Wifti good water anct trata ? AU% warrftrat *to, nonage - Lots In Owl locattott, Imatew at a, wan:aco.. Ism..r islet; sam'ese.ass: ',ll s L E-SBATIRSIMPaRt ••• LQI9.IVe nOw exkl da 6examsty Isms e 1f pLs of lame had 401.**Lies.eb.... lute.% cr clot ye..ag4 miwitimusieptie 16e 6etti of L C.l.soul.,ttaau at tersest *Old Of peopizerme.. 4 ...GolOotsfieseles e et- r • ' tAe l'.....r.s.naveLL. 1 poet*" , lots !hint tbs ralinsid ce the.wee,),o4 /1194,, e.t.a on the tOOOM oOs' " the laie41•0•11COLass•;, with ,t set. no.lef etioszle • tb.Seedft nmperl,a , pel» excelled, and for toroutz of loceik.l sale siren lia,eac eq.]. • roedesestiethip/ses sale • thrtlem;laon.tbooes4 eirSlGte LDS; 144/LBWe Agents, 'Better iqnale4etsee TiIIoTTED ST¢TES - WATCH COMPAHri_WAil(tiEt.' 'WO haec Just received =other let of these aid. ebraued Weed.. :They p r im mimeaMtally 1 ev w . FINICST Ind hEST for the veer bn.42.Eht vo, Ohio market. belch 3iiThiiiitYriLti CMI . MLIT• '1 zpouril Itocapeueen , t, Irllti - , . . ..... ._ ._. . . . , . ....., _ , . . . onaesoneris I!JMINC4 .3911olesale end Retail Aints UNSEATHdo gABLETT, . 'OPCOSkTE )11:0816, li4cr. H/F.P1 , 11.1r G. BAL} Ittercharkt Cor. Penn and El. 414.- • liZ=Ml SI;11P1730V8 BOA HT lIRKEY. r6itlia.asilti. WllG • - , cutc.vo; 116, •a 4 • kind., tad& and cave ademet, a for dtant. , t*-4ny, e t t h e 'ounierAistrOsa laurtA M.; NET sronE *Y • • • .H.BlETEL•Merohant Tailor rt-ala on • - no~ his l.lo”Eki! oppl, co?)4 AND :CASS/MUMS. V411,1f. ursTEest OrrITER9I thlstwltia Um best is the ett}; .56,44 le adq 477e.atn„ st Toiallk.soPPlled by the can Or do.en, ' LOST. FOR'B~T.':; ;. ECM =
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