6 n 11 Oft AND SUBURBAN ALLEGHENY COUNCILS. litAittreetifitteteatiosset totproveniest Akdotteed-atetotooro lilts to be Is eluded lei tat, thrown:W. 44tilablz:, meeting of Allegheny City Couneilitric:ltetti Thiiittliy evening, Nolen:ibex, • lefenda;ra preserdLlifesars. Drown, Drain, Pe lglieh, Ging, Hall, Hillerich,lr- With /ithheyel,lityler, McCormick, Pace, d. D. Smith, W. Smith. Thomas end President Mcßrier. The minnfeeiert previews meeting were reeding tipproced.- Urazieln..iiresetited a petition from thi(Mitte.hinkon OLL = ltellulug Campany, *Akins popdasfon to construct a 'switch froth tie thifroad to their grounds. lie - cerreettio - Rommlttee en „Streets, with a pothlon for a sinter pipe frritartheskrther of Fayette and Manhat tan to Page street. I,teterred to the Water CorritYliftee? Mr. J. C. Patterkon, a petition for . a watatillpet on 'LOCilet Street. Referred teWther.Conithittee. Mr.','Motherel, a :petition fiont prop ortylidlders on . Franklin street. asking pepziwop to pare the name. Referred to thettoenmittee on Streets. itfro Tehran - presented a petition from the dtizene 'residing on and , ne a r Lime forte opening of an alley to : enablo thorn to reach their property. Referred to Street Committee. 111rVILlder. presented nth profile, thou-- ing the gthdo of Taggart street, as sub rthtted to Street Committco by the City li Engineer. _Adopted. Mr, English prose:dot' the report of the Park. lutprovelacet COIIIIIIMIIOII, published is YOMZZ:iI2.y':: flakErra ac compenlo_ hpp tho el.ith‘vittft rsooletions: Rentbra. B y list:a. and Common Councils of the City of dilegliony, That the report of iho Part Commit:Lion be and the'sthno le licray .ezeptcd and or dered to be Mod. • • ORdielred, That the pith ;did Epee:kir:a lien" pPMessrs.. Mitch 11, 'Grant et Co., anbo.l, by the Park Catr.nnesion with their ernal-oport for tho t.:..uking, ornate lic Parka in the City of 2111,heny, on Costume' 6wnndt and Itendnars• kMr,ll9 MOO. they are toroby upproved. Thefthgthrt was• received and the res. oludons adopted. iftaThomas presented the report of tho Wate,r .Comtnittoo, reentnneentling 'Walther of teeter pipes ou Find Alley arid aeon Vieth atrmt, accompanied by done, theetedirth,eandorizing thodathe to be ... . . . Ativd..D..Bll3lth eves opposed to lay ing nay . ore water pjpe this • Ronson. He thoaght-they amid get along without • Mr. Brown said • the Committee had MA recount:tended the laying of water - plpsksrberever it conic' be dispensed . with - . That is inetunce where they \ dy had , itscommended the rtsourees will • ' from IS to L'O per rent. en the invest ent. ,•- • ' ; • - r - •,. I Mr. Haildatid he illd ant like to object - to isyhtgivaterplpe but he did not like tcestOte for It, *hen there was no money in thi s Treasury. . . . . , Mr. Drown said that. If tit° Finance Committee had Issued- bonds, Rs they were Instructed to tie by Councils, there wishld-harebeett money in the treasury swat:tient to defray the expenses. - Mr. Hall thought the Fituume Corn mlttee had done what they were directed tothaby Councils. Mr. Mylerthought they had better lay the lataral pipe. wherever :boy land laid the main ones. ' -PrltilutioiniunaWlT,'rilrlPltgedil;c transfer • of thirty thousand dollars to appropria tion Nes'll - (trater,) was referred to the Flaarteo Cointuittee. Ma;•11. D. Smith ettinnltted the report of - the City. Controller, showing the ex. rinditares for the Month, nceOinsulleo IIi , MOIULIOII Ullthorlzing the payment o elle bilis. • • • , • No. 3. Engines rical Firemen:4 333,99, • t 4.-. erinting. ...... ......... 2/0,31 . 1 . 3 . 4 - Streets and .tirldges - ' 1,360,36 4 9. Contingent Fund 465,15 I 'ill. Water Works. .. . ... ....- 1a.378,24 "13.--liat . . .... ....- ,-- 1M1,33 j i'ttlid ills or October - $ 2 . 0 ,099,38 Fresioasly„puid ...... ........ 199,315,61 Weirtiiits outstanding ~. -- Total to date........ ........ $2.19,994,73 _ TN report WaS ,recei v ed ' slog the tem ' inticessidepted. - ; • -,..,...- , ' - Mr. Smith offered a resolution author" . (deg ilatrElriance Committee to borrow UMO, whiett was accepted. • - - . • Mr.'.3lylef.presen.tett Um irepert betho COntmittee on • Streets;' accoinceirticid by • sul=tance authorizing the opening of 'street. The report was received,' - Tisecresoluttm authorizing the openi, Eager Itebeeca street was then taken up,. • - and after • consider-Ads discussion tram ^defraud. - • Idulimilln presented the report of the Fitumeo Committee, in whien they. re port adversely to the semi-monthly pay -. meat of cgyernployees. The reportalso coif/amidst resolution prohibiting cent , saltless imil,othera from contracilugdebta ' Without the authority of Councils. The stereptert was ft,. received and the resolution llinfeii - Mr. illotherel presented it resolution azdWiring the payment of. the .bilt of Saukand Orr, commuters for grading Fratiklin: Street, runnunting, to 523 80, and amberizing the same to. the whorl impsznatment fund. Adopted. hir,..317/er. offered a resolutio n that the . : Cqiiintlitee.. on. ...Engines be instructed • ' toparothsee a how carriage for the ,I.tan etiosteg Rose Company; Referred to Cointeittee oh 'Engines. • ' 34.1:trittm offered a resolution ex. osittragng Mem . ..Mclntyre, 1 1 le.Natigher A' - Co., gram paving tee sidewalk on ItMt.ilTd6rd'gm provided rnianexene WvoUJnn. st, a 'Adopted. , • - A o.lsap c nlved lit all action of S. C. . mairing the same. • oamptkni Councils adjourned. , - • •• .. omatoli mm coix: • M.. • einbilts present: iifecsnCliuniunn,. ' Dessrimn,Dill, Hamm, Horn. Kirkpat .s2.3ferv, Means, 3foul, McDonald, 4 - Heed, Smith,- Vocgtloy, Wind -wad Riddle. President. w iAdams. orthe preceding meeting ~read Mid ith presen approved. , , • r. Sm ted a emtuntinication from the Flzymen'a -Association of the - city, notifying the Counelisthat the As sociation had perfected .en organization, selected °alters, and asked Councils to • appoint a similar Committee from the Association to perfeOt rides for the got - - ` *emote of the department. Mr: franita stated thetas the city paid tbs Seamen for their ermines, the Coon ~ etb,attamld have the exelueive moverns Mater Me Department, sad moved dun lieressmadmlrsitintes be referred - to the Committee on Fire Engines. -. Mr. Smith hoped the motion would not passall. - The gentlemen compoeing the =en were gad firemen and knew irsa required tram the Department. Tao ally. did pay the firemen, but the pit, time was no *mall that it should not -be The spe.aker boucluded by t hiCtt c rai the request of the. Assocks. ' eke would be granted. , . ID. Reed, chairman of the Committee .lEllits least one 1, b re? company pa 1: V in o r rt IT; i city had refused to net with the Almelo lib. bill thought the entire matter shateld• be - referred to the committee which was appointed to govern the de , Vldegentv said. that the firemen %Mild 'have oi proper- head.• It Oran a Witter ef Importance that a Chief Engl. • user ahottld be- selected, nod the sooner ' AIM done the better. If the men who lersoidthe organisation wo u ld compe. • litlek_lheroomaittee would find It ont and 11 00.1) , Catincits of the fact. Per his part, - he was satisfied that the matter was all ii Proper - ent right, and assuming a good , .. • , Mr. Hanna • denied , that the "Matter Idittlitrltight." The tint' department -- etattle.Alle ghe ny City n "good bit" of aMes9 ht • year, and he thought .if any (*tango wee -triad. it should' be aeon& mous among Aim firemen .thesnsAyni. Its hoptsi the tultreat would - ire rciatrosi to the ePPropriate cent mi dee -, ategrant said that every etimnY - • kfallotned the ' Asmclation except one, whIM hid stiffened its neck for a Wile; Th.% idlasgreement should -not hale any street, .and. Councils should recognize .the Association. - - Mr.plii. had been of the opinion that thwAseotatation was an independent or. gsphadioni end - only desired Counella to: nocemlze It. Heald not knots the parties Who constituted it, and. hoped Councils weed& serer • the - matter - to the proper Ocimmittee, who could make the proper Stir. Smith said that five of the coMpa- Wes of the city had organized time Anse elatkr% and all they dotired was that . (Monello ehoidd-recognize themand give them si edictal existence. - The speaker salinhat he bad been handed - the core. runniention five minutes before present ing% and wasnot aware of its contents art hat tirm4- - 7z -, • IL vote"Wrilflaken on Mr. Hanna's • amentinasgg3tlien .It.was declared lost. The yeas ;Wheys were then called on 'the mew of the resolution, which re sulted itifileirm'YeastoaLtortsys—lliessni. DIU, Minna; Means,.ltmd-and President Riddle:voting to the negative. Avpotition for Bar opening of Mont •-Eftalley was reatFand referred to " ornraittce on Onrygya.• _ .. . A prititiotifor a abetment' the grade of Jetramin street woe mad and referred to the Committee on Streets. - - Aledition Gar thooontinuntion of water plpes on Western avenue to Beaver amor a l: l i the PUHA ward. was read mud _ - lig.:3laDotaild, from the Committee atankprp...tod a report recomenend- , aidie • eractlon of a number of public ', Jumps In various panne( the city. rt WU. accepted and thdreetoms - fontadopted. Mr. Mord Presented the report or the . celmaittoo on SUrveYs.s.rt",,oinutending the *ideal 'OT - P i tt a lley. ' The'roport , . . wariest Threepeortof 1 e Committee on 3 - , k. - egrering the reportrof the Olfirk of , . .. •• . and Welghmasters for the - mtteth Of October, wailreadand Mr. Reed, trim the Committee on En glues, pneteuted'a-repert, with-Xesolu lions, recommending the.purclutee ofthe Hopi hose'earriage and barn a. 'a t stoat not to exceed one thousand • ' re commenclingttmt the cost Incurred in the suite growing out "ettlfte difficulty between UM city end the General Grant Piro CalllDUTle• paid, and that a lot be Parry for the Sixth ward hose corn. pany at a cat:of4lBoo.. Mr.Megraw Objected to Cho city /n- I heatingmonefln hiehose ceurlagc ofl • Mr. Hanna stated that:the Hope was the onfy fire company In the city, - and it should be paid back the amount it had expended for ibt hone carriage, In order ho - put it on . n proper footing with the other companies. Mr. Smith said he thought It out of place for.a Member of - Connell - to say that the Hope was the only lire com pany" in the city - . He woe acquainted withthe menthe?* of the Company, end' knewAhat they would not desire to etig mediae the other companies of the city by repudiating them as firemen. • Mr. Hanna explained. He did not in tend to say that the Hopd was the only fire company in the city, but the best • Mr. Smith Bald the exlgaludimi-wm satisfactory. t• The report was then accepted and the resolutions adopted. ' The report of the Commissioners' on Common Ground Improvement, - which had been adopted in Select Council, was called up and read.• • • •' • Mr. McNeil stated. that be was satisfied that 8200,000 word d IsetjAy ten per cent. on the amount required to carry out the "r /W. s igg i l l e ,P m m o v v c r tu t i na sunenthie;t that so much of the repdrt ad provided for the improvement 5 SeMinary. be stricken out. • -- '"" • Mr. hi'Nell said that the only redeem ing feature in the report wee thebnprove meet of the MIL " • The chairman agreed with Mr. M'Nell - that the hill should be Improved. The yeas and nays were called on the adopting of the report as read, reselling in its passage. Ye., thirteen: neyse,fonr —.Messrs. Denham, DILI, ' Hum and Means voting in the negative. Mr. Drennan offered a resolution, granting the Firemen'. A.3 l oeiStioll the Privilege of holding their meetings In the Common Council Chamber. Adopted by a vote of eight yeas to seven nays. Mr. Smith offered the following reset , . hation Brattdoed, That the City Engineer. lie instructed to stibmit Councibi n pro. filo of Federal street, from.. the 'St.. Clete sfroet brake to Water alley, with a re port grade the prectleablllo n t o m bathe n the of mid street no trains of the Fittsburgth'..Fort, Wayne and Chicago. Itattroad pass 'under the street. , , iir.Rtultb, in . presenting the. resolu tion, sold the under wee ono of great Importance. and.whllo heft not intend to press lt, be dallied to bring 'is before Council In order that it might be acted eT r i ri.tilltomewfuturipmeelliew sib . la that 1110 nextvolwrial theta - wild bet/paved from the Railroad Companywcneld-be to remove the track hem the Common grounds tolhebtlf, and tunnel through . the city. • hfr. Rill also spoke against the resolu tion. ' ' • - A cote yes then taken, when. the rmd lutton Yoe declared lost, • •••• Mr. Smith offered a rolntion pernilt ting . I felntyrei' MeNanghter , de co. to pOStp_one laying tho pavement in front of A.. H. English's pro Porty on Ridge street, nntil 11f ny, 18dS. Laid on the table: . . Mr. Dunham presented a resolution . In structing.the Semtaternient pr Water Works to repair the pavement on Xack-, emisitreet, which had- became:red torthe pqrpose of , ,laying water A.U. McNeil moved asap amendment that all the streets ,in the city in ask:idler condition be included. -The aesoltdicer," as amended, was adopted: Council then solicirned. , —The eleetloonn the question of Che r Convention Is quietly.- progressing. in Florida. There to no doubt but that It will be carried by a large mato - rity; the whites are indifferent.. dispatch from Thdlahassa rays the eleetion 1* go ing oh quietly; very few votes vot es clociM. against. Um Convention; whites genera Mg to vote. •. • : - NUBS, HOPPER & JL suaerst. LBQlaQrQa=p W.. RNITURE Of Ivory ritiztaripilon, tcuooL anv OFFICE EVINTI/RB .10. 45 SmltlLQ*'lt Street, Sq=eavi!•us,pa 4lf-1 fa Li suotteacsa of Pr:tient...l Oisao:NO t wed funalteta oinutalstlf on hood 05.14/11707 CUE( PRIUVO. C./. Hums. Sranyo, RiEl PAPER EAEGLEGB, sow incouvnite, n Garr: ir4s=m,A.T &o len market street: Jo& tL avairvils ona J. segoolitWOß * ,gON ZnlLmTsa[ W'; rwrracEsicnraciii '- White Lead alidiColarliror4 1.4 all Oolois Orr or to rrsL 001Ook. SIM* gottarixrazarik ritWtlnia' 4 4 l 4ll,W i tat .rrot. Alto corer ,7 _ _ mrllosit GE` 1A LIDIZS• ONDZIAWLAI . limner Altp*Tl/2!: _ _ Zin4 . 11,7F54' . 51143". *QM 1 40. - ; ZiLt1 . 44111;41 F. IL- 0*.71441D1rT. . Mtn inimical m Two lEVArnitt,' Tuoromo Spaiisklitga .00 Tom roodoodatticaaaLuatif;wlll tegloit tow as Ei g h t DquariPer Thotu*d, noritO wwgiciapti; . co. of earrErni!tu slam la. sctivrx With . ioH - !Mira lE,k-er 124FMAStreet. As.s.; fur tai asaa'atforimu; Joseptthse. =show. Sleldos, srul *Molina& orLottnaite. Yoctigb• , 4 141 75..ke IMP44'. 13,11i.ctkiromulii tted. • (MY o Niitit4ruio %. lib-ucto er Sttb, . -=al Qbartay s tentosy .5Y•13051.177,, 7b i llttgailn a...i1l • , trt es Y.. lore but dasames bettlity ES beallled by ID, bas tom Wed Y bsy_olleb, abb an 41 , ;! ‘ r e o3 0 1:trti V ellt 1 riVi b ltWairo otilg Mt to law. ‘. ro:l1 . 3=1 , a and Mtbbbi Stmt. Oa. bets muted 4 , lllbulirt oS CUM. , abes. . Ih Oplieltor. IZERM WEST' COMMIS • irroars wonits,,.Narktirus Witt . • num.'s. Autatiazi 00. ,i.p.r=n l ymmo to ew i gti s irmirginT24 kin - 011.• 71 0 .- kiu,„,„ t tf ~_ • A. Po "MASH VOn . t Mo. os arra,. etammun .e(moouvli auctogas. DiAuste terfj2:4 l :4serßlßT i'L c ."T"lp. g ete nt - 15 4 3 1' 1 %.1'.42/: Tall% AIY ennabtattr 1111. wuoisau.s ns.tiatc tr. '' - Choice Wizieii Nc.as Y. E. cor. 01119 Irr. 10D /4 1 0 02 V' .^t • - ,a.notsoir Itla SCREENS 'Jr!' emus. • r Farr( tAMI uat'-.7111.4 I • 1 I I 7 OW, PH. 131.2krEaurrZ, BIKE IND 880 iii, 118 TiOcKl St., ow mar of MX GoVerninent Securities,. Gold, Silver, ' And Coupons; Agimat iu24 sold Überal tapir Dana WA eti Depth:awl titles of *arra& CONVESION OF 7-30'S We we now yrsp,rod,to convert Oa SECOND . RIO T IRD SERIES iNalPil Kew 1867 6-20 Gold Coupon Bonds. JANES T. BRADY & CO.. lkito 6 &newt Bentiii& Dune: Fourth & Wood streets. IRA - 11. • Mei'AV &CO -31344, - rum.. ern. HUM II OMAN swam, Cdr. Fourth and Smithfield Steeds. ei w e'eMitrN b en74 f .gEffivita , E . ;Fr pat. W Jangi at, and ern ttnno In IF.ennns. 3.20 'q nO.viriti or .1867. Mind= iFOLLI ita Der cest.lne that dais. mos. neva** ou. F7ANOFEI 4ND TRADE, Overt oyenmprgresnaus Clamrra. • Miramar. November It, WM '5 LO old oyemd drm IOU; deellned to m', and cloiedditil:iX ItONQI4O3I. dome people eitPleal the opiates& that geld will go much higher 0040000 this and the matting. of Con. green but parttritb their gold of conpme at or U. thereby showiag they have an eon. nava.* le their own predicable. 'neither Co. Met emplain Why told should Limo= any More than byes eiamitre loos of legal ten; am notes to redeem, maturing bond.. It aheuld be borne in mind that the Qmarament has been itruggilag for-more tem two man to brim down the prenalum.an gold and the the legal tender money 'mine mammalian gold. to thM ellen • It - has paraliaed itanufeatudet . laterests bps aglfered nor. atm" ' , ranee have den/Ined • without in) Melanie redoettorma the pilau of pronleime ehailtien. Mantas but specUlatOrsin property ham beta enriched. Indation at the, present detect ilia!» Would' rob the middle and Libor. Ira Mummer aU their •11110,11 el °Maisel ecru Meat.and.theirer Wtole of the National burden brithat elms whO le least Mk to make saarldets. - If the roorthwest le elantoroue for :.Pll./Xollo7tinifialsts to pay) and 1. amnion. on Member. of Colinas to shape the dunalal potterer the doverament so as to mule ea , entamlom 'Me maaufesturing districts beim equal Melina on maturing • Speedy return to :Neat peymoat and loasening of the expenses ere sow Maur lr. our foreign iMportetion. Beads wao tam (a them:Wog but declined with the die of gold. There!, • portrait .I.e. mead nu bonds by parties for temporary; In. reateme4 tor want of .other smuritlea ang Mortals loads to. ingulred• for at • de. . "Th. ate.* inarkat la blgtitr mad excited, etypitliy Mir Toth Central 'tad Meths*. tent Coeitooo. tha catgut lltealul and pod mining thins; • lktiney,l, exceedlngir tight tad MSC anything to affcrol far uneasy tp Dartlita to instals, their credit. New Yoe*. qaotiitiosui. regetTcl by Pli: T..2Certi. were f,s folic/Inn . . •-• • • • Gold, 1103(1911% 1121i1 040.. ink • Pgsi , /06501 - at; 1004 ,uonsola UTM 1040 a, 10, )(3 1.- do v 10 '4 Otsveland 1 Plttatmegh R. X. lali Motelants - Colon Exproes• ' Waters Vann Illsograth. gi ,this Is - Plattounh Tort Wayne le Casa. 8. 8. Notalwastens ofX. Nortdweetens , ..ufarrelV.....—. New Tort Centro „ •... 11434 -Ohio and htlantappi CerunnuZ -- SoUthorn Uorydoo... 115,i Y quarto ' .faulehatira ' ISM war has beau platon for nye tllns be. areest the Ilyeress Companies and tho ma. chain' to New York for eonsolidatlma and ebespoi trilglits. A tooter.. woo hekttoo: Pro. the putt . . or! Moulay.laut the meting aLtpentad lathout ;Monk at a gals. haetantstilaneat., Stn aids..ad that waits labe reamed with flaw. pliblisbalei letter Mamas •to , the Ira tWooff es MIA to Europe. , wevalzsat Ca following resew. : datittier , etfoolty• fa Um ...ono prat or kul Pon.. of so conadarebtaa pontou 1 of the da. being hold on th f th ' bale, to toopema moody fwhi n la e the olleet of thla letter.' It was, no doubt, or lot mean Impalas. don. Um last tar. years the Lames to be eta. to pay .0100 . of her ludeltwar ta.rhaniato bonds; tmt th. tune Is flat alut Llatdo to have than rip turned to her for gold, at tines and in annunta welch she nay am is aids. without lanono War., to men- The bust hair of Eon.n r i vr w esUons thaw atone to stein her gold To DI rid of Oa digit: boa' •element would count that the noenae., with the 1 sonatas al Cowan, should tone Atte,ooo,ool el Wait. 6 aft eat. loads, ft..; Poo prla. pal - molds to Load. toNoych. for estaing 640 bon. at Qs le Sd to the dollar. Then bad. ought have forty years to nu; and be radaeouttle byanousl drawn. or Mar... was . thoueht meat dirstrabla. I bore 004000; shop os.ould ssadily be ulna in onbooge. I mention eo large ea •pkomtAt It is esppolLNl mot'. prom.* x PP' cent, 02 I tha Madan debtla noldllatuope, rho Ater ,reforstrooot would Wifely have to o9ar .then gnarling Wanda la Weahloston to Its own Misses aad they would nos hatithere way to Europa. Oenr plated on this aide. sad not no antsole in Now York. they oraoM bo op mon mat to that Market for gold in tune at paalo_thip 'UK wade of any lonign Sada. Amain would save 410:03,400 yealy In mt. oat; she would. beades rube. tee value of her 649hoodsat hone byvalleviag the linnet r no extent of 194.0:0,030 and Numbly ban the ettialataa af. ood.i loan. her &tering ' hoods etamai s. pa par aa they ought to do nth. 1410 melte; ~ : "Yew York Enaltdal 4,4102. sans ~ .Gol4 Is extra.) doll. sod the 'PlM laticuLls In map..., 180 operaloel for. 1100 b.. fluently- Pluazarsted at lb/ 011.01 seen of rasped Or' Lau wi whin the lcag =Nolo.. Sterne' Inter.. . loilann en re. tweed to ftnasoial claim .Coln le plentiful for delivery; stoat per nat. lo the rout paw for nartynet.v - —ma New Tolltisconni Clnerneree .an: onteurterestee of Thad. moron, urging the perecentat thejgoverronens ttoodele sumer, tamed alma& of Hole talluineson Mho market, Dot ashy of our beakers who mores huts oozier es to the erns et las represen tation open Melt • dente abroad. Mr. Itterects tut been eons!• fermentative teen of the dominant parer, teed hte nay be credited la Europe with more weight then thsl are ualtsiod 'soo, 00110.42 they ere likely to carry to this country. , The papors that era considered as the organs of Ihe Rs pubtlese party handle Mr. Steens mole seri Virirly thaw *toy did Ptedleton or Duller. inns the party awn. Wad the towdom of thought lehlas should te nom edirtuts prir. —TM failure of Troon Irwin a Co.tr to ported. sad gut a anew of thlo. Om boll. witht oottoottad with a A.tto.al Bask of Now Torkg'itek•tuototra hot. bookourottgt otlroogo to th e credit ot ttog Institution. Thaw tam s we thob oh k bolo twakiu, r a tz r i o * w o h t o k t extoenta ofM*CO .- overloud above what Is twin to Mom tty the outpoodod tino.-0/11cogo xtp y tun, 132311111,A1, ILIVX-111TOCIE Cossitiv aim Prresztrkei Garzrys, •• nrrosp.4:4, /74144=.155 . 14,181. CULTYLII. This was only s mcdsrato .apply Of cattle tats with, hot with admatailal 10PLOVEZILIII, Um demand, the market, so • rotund thing, was &mold of We or saltaation, sad the traad ettitata, the alartilate, show s yernytiblo falling off. . Tams was • fair atteadatto• of bijou Mid stilly goal mule. of which that* Nee bit veil few Is mark.; sold without math dlffltaltr at fall prima, whits prime to (Wee stock, bad tams bees may of thla partid der desnlytioa MI site, would doubt/sashay. itonsht an midmost the tomer may be quoted at 8 36075. . Tor. mamas and Inferior, est Us. its sailkat conitanes stoesdtagly doll load with bit MU. mimeo of say tatmediatr. Ph4stamtt coal to plan stool sails VIM to fair ihmuitt dal sold at from 43.6 to 6y and oat bomb Si prim* lading ovals broatat with;. I radios of es. Ths Loareosioa samal hatiria I. Oat *OW of all puss will nee low drain me inatik'but in Um tying putuadady mod Sattlirlyillbabigheit as • timarqtatato a Imp Taman of fanners and mock growen will win. fir a megaratmater tbaa thay would otbawbe bora doos, sad it Le Nimble titst Oda polity , May doted the Walsh it sou to ao- oompttah. • tl 1'a4166' sold 2= bead of maw ILL LL ILL to ea head tams load sky to Ott is bead tallith outobars rattle to Krim; at 'tad It head to /UM*. Lir cattle, at IPAi bead a Shads Muir, to IfLedvd. It • aas I t some batmen eatio b samo boyar at f% /11: n Johan sold It bead common Ohio nowt to McLane at kilt Id bead fsirtab sows mid Stem to woe sower at 636. • Glue. Lafferty it 00. soil gibed! feiTaeltet io Kura. at 4,1 u fosdiond to staniQufiab ma. 41 , 11 - *thud let - atardft"m-Ot toed eattlotat=o Itoblosed 51 6.44 lot to stela{ lued loyAsno hag to motnue,gr.isa st for nomads& Pais.. (mut:Fmk - at 41;55 aura lestitAr. so .. fito map it)te sad I sea* . r . • , tobroaheidnirtrt falyeand-oatritaVOr LO to Peter mil, summit's* lidt 14 had to Harvey ati z t:%kmal Ocirpee. bead esamtastoswa at Wohts ralCI a i, Otto tittlt,a!lllift hildoro Lekrtr o., malls at 160 AT "'" f , Ei 99 47 Torero.,. Nick la at 4NtHrdass Taylor tdWile 111 *de 454 nont Waal. Cie, lit i e h ttt UM tea, to Wright a =cob% nt:l7stegtigrgig: C 0,16•1436, Mini It; ONO. to Pease* al bead any. I Vir= l ", 4 l;bir WC, M edi a sad Afyon • ,1172iw17=t216:1474;:5°4; am. yamysa,lt hood good buttata. aril . {a von as o ls%. htsaa to /I-6 I s Gloat:l4A /rColi ,DithlatiaW same twit st.at ix. • I star. = llattallba lagatkaa• ataaattaata Itirpt artairouta Maritsa with tut areataqiiiis ban UM Weer ultasecd, W. .fiat pat* gaol vs prima tat mattaa Sharp at , uo...pas •drave, aulassUm3, aoldat Wog !sighse Lakbeit - , than, as hi m • Irs.staiddi lusat.ireistba]eatt Falai Lads gun • lysBP4lthmai.itid4oll.oronank b1.14.0.,S ao • tak of IM matt . 4toUtaii Shop PITTBBVR JAIII3. 69 and TOlVater Street, ,LARD OILPLASITEACTMERs J did diked. 1 ozuDZ, Lueßiluimme.aiti Car 11 We warrant oar 3%. I.erd Olt aqua, Wide buttnersisma other_ renas. and ternatee low aa Clitelonati or Masao rates. Ow Kr. 1 LAMM as a Labriestor arastot be Deck cre•ttniiteutig eta romauttursadi of Carbon Oil coat fealty on Itar a. ateretuate end mean Awaren min arid It to ttudr Interest Ur etre as • am Wine creedal, LW till trout tae Wert. felt: llJar coalman eattle,oontlaa• ,r 7 dalt and ulna eau only Do enacted at azaiondlney • • • . . Hadays l Taylor sold IN head, restaging so lb., to Boater it Co.. at eygi tal head to Dray averaging ttly at met !mad, aneurism K.S. /WOW, at 4291' to Smith, amartatik at 233 —open mooL Jacob Sable bought as tolinars: dead floe ~..yrios 93, at 4; ltd ham R. Allen,: averaging W. at 3% and 1110 °Vert DO front Smith it Co, averaging fa, at at 1071 rota Tailor, slanging 39, at 1..110.• Glue, Lafferty Se Co. told'. headiciPtatt . 1 0 0 91 e. Lloyd at 440.137 to Lloyd at ,ItiXt 111 to tame buyer at Vgilgt to tam* atlYt e err to Kama at SU. J. Lu l a bought 1143 bead, averagtog EC, from Smith. 130 [mu nark. at Co., averaging ad. at 41‘01 from Glasa h Lafferty, antraghtg los, extra &ova, at Czo . Smith t Tahnage sold 9i head to Pideoen at It ao head to Banta at SI LO head to natality. at :1203 to Ruda at a. lE=! • ," •• Th. hot market has been fahliactivw during the past week, au alas In Um . amtregate , W.. lot Mile. and Mims ate Arm, and. emanated with Last weak, prima heavy .atartgaS, if any: 3 i Mat. on • shade WI ‘ r. QUOtations may be . fat/11M. at Q M, fo fair to Rime; while oecaltwayao told at 6 Xe. So far, Stamm Hanna & CO. oa th . on y one of the packers that hare been in the kat; Myer. & Ca, we 'ondantand, Will corn mum operation. out week. V . Hodson & Taylor ant 217 head to tallehrlett a Co. at 1.43.64 te m at 0. 11 1 to. to E. Smith at 830; 83 to Orr ••11 to E. Smith at 6.645:113 to same buyer at.6,80;61 to Crowe, Gmiak al& Glam. Lastdr & Co. wild 03 hud to Olt. chrelat & Co. at 6.93; 96 to hies.emor, Oillem En t 1t1:11 ‘ 1 , 1 0 . 1 0:74,0.7; "'" 6 " . 0 r4 5.. ' rit v iTaii 10 to T. P. Hausa u0. 1 a1 t .561 Ifto tioto , R oth . 4;40 to lialltru & Co. at 0.00;103 to Ora... el man at 6,6.t0t 90 to Olialalmt & Co. at Leh 207 to Crow & Co. at osizoto oat 11l to rearm at OM; 117 to mato at a 101120 to asme at 4,10; 111 to M. Smith at 6,43;107 to W. Hedger. at 4,274; "1 to ammo at 6.70;123 to Halligan a 00. at tau; 90 to E. Smith at 4;100 to 11•111660 a floe a. 4,30; 64 to Murphy at 40; 47 to Lrome, w.m.iew 8 co. at 6t4; , or to Dougherty at 0.41; 110 to 11411106 at Mt t 850 to um. buyer at 654 1 : from He dg e s. t 211 Mad from Shaner at 0,1 s; at ! .0. at 'XI It from Slater & Imhoff it 0% ; 05 from Orlon. at 7; 93 from Blackwood at :84 Smith & Talmage tai to Pearce at 4 moochriest Oa. bought 111 itoad Own Sey. r at CV; 00 bead from Blames at &eh. tO from Coulter. at 6.10; .117 from Loot at 4 Mt Tai ham Guthrie at 6,741 14 from aut dwe l l 97 from Cavell:ma at COO; 97 Rout Calat CU; 00 from Olan. Lafferty & 00. at (420, ill from Vlntient atiLLIO WI from Clayton at 41.110443 from Stott at 610: 140 from Townsend at 610;20 from Voter at 60;140 from Oooltar at 0,07; 60 from same at 7143 from Groff at 666; ito from Dial at 11%; 101 from Mctilalo at 63i; 40 from Hulot: at f; SO from - .Cook at 6,90; 96 from (Ltiampbell at 7; 110 troin:Pideock fa co., PITTMBIIM(W RUMOR. • Owarca /UM ileum:rad* 3mrerri, TUUUDAT. November U. 1117. The moral markets pretreat oo aew features worthy of spatial bottom. For some few aril oleo there lira allgbtly losprdyed dmoutt at atiffeolui price., but u • general thing, doll ana la the order of the day, mud what la wane still, there Is but little pommel it Imucat of any Ismordlata ttoproreemat. Thou t. as tite, absence of anything like • speculative frellni, which la . ..Mug partially 14 the shin: gnu is money nutters, but mainly to the doubt aad apprehaulou la regard to ths tu. GRAlN—Wheat. Is - quiet but • Iteede With . limited arrierds 'enda light sandy; erica. thine to quote at eildidelbalfOr Rod. Mid MO 012;fi for prime While. Coro In very doll_but unoldieged; may' be quoted id weak fortify; and 111,111(3t,ie for old. Thaler leis better de. , mood and Wilson we tee report Was of Spriii ai 11.80 th.lllt hoods and OM la suns. Bre is quiet and uoihangell at RAO. ?LOUlS—While there to oo Intyrooexamot to nob In the dem oa4, and the ;market ,toa- Musa doll .1.4 Rook, plots . tolthout quotable GUAM. We tooth:no to quote ai 1110a10.110 for Spring Whom; $1413,150 for Winter Wheat. in; suois Zit fancy brand.. Rye not., ettlO4lll bbl, and Iluekorhest, ee,.6[jc,tp ;or clot - POTATOES—no nalout lo qolot and. U. doll • Dot , ou2atookoseal intins•Panots Coors may bet quoted it $l-I,toeta for mall lota In atom. Now Jorsoy Soroota St per DDL APPLES—no antra. coot/Imo Ilbona,and aotorithationdlog tbs_ mooket to completely glutted, prices aro osnellsoord—tipleo,oo for fate to potato, oadll4 for thole. - lIIITTIM—Ia fair - demand, erpaelallr prints up chaise Ball, and gra cantinas toVuga raffiaa. ElOS—Senren and In Wt. dalnand hat an. channel altiarns forlrnali ILLT—Th• dnmand an rally vp to showman, and the . matkirt Is Ann. With mullar lulu front ootanter intioss at IItSOIS Pe , Um, .• BEANS...ComIng la mots gnat, and im solmgatlmgi. prim ars • Mai lomr—isim at SASOOSSI 'per black" • OnANBEIIEMO-.Sna of.nlnt on a t stpa per al, and aulttrala at Otnioannio' OlL—Lard 0111 a repo ad okaar, with rag % War cam at (Astoria aletiOc tor 2 ' I oro 1 1 . 10 13143 tor No. I. taurr—smal ►Ws to Was ►t ► Cs At , Apples, ►►d Deus toe Poaches. P ITTII I7 / 1 / 1 /trISTILOLZIMUI / .XIM/ . Cresco or no Pm-macaw Caserta, / . Tatillanar, NovomMir CatiD—Flie market inm dull aml woe* to. day. under the Icethenee or &doom report. from tho twat, sod them wee Ono a Wilkie aide reparuoithr.“ thonstimi hernia low eitahror 39904 7. .1 obenary sad Wanh,ailiSe,.. For Vet oil. tazni tout hat itinntry, and be tar uwe min loam, hat Attie elfirthat,.o44 but Huh, hem to oda; we contintuii to micro at 00 01010—Daniel would net eon:mend am than e140,1f that. Watch sad April, MO, Trolled at is, while toe drat ramr sod all' the i roar len. oidlari option, there En beat :Mit= lug done for mend dor*, and St la tuipossibbi to give euotatkons. REPINED—I Ito market ter boadad oil, to um a *outman phrase among oU oleo 7 40 7 merlin to and prim have vela father decithati Wo report a mile' ISMObbla. rat each for Dateterar, January, /.binary and Worth, at alti; November and Dthember wen wPorted very 4qll, and 2ilie was about the. - beet offer that amid tie obtained for thm months. 12bere to some irminizi far timer Titmice rtOrsi January to July at .1749biNe. btu no &Clara •Promthant Now Torklmmoo, Mt., la mooned nil !lariat tatittA 504 tvatay b. that (hie had eometatok to do' with prodium Ink the present dollneee and stagnation,-W& ea& report aWe of bee bbl. free oil, at Wfie, tem as board lam al worke--the Jargon sale arise *it reported MU yam. , MA srarvo our rum rum:rasp Niro% Untebineon 011 do, 7R bbl. Mood toW. 0. Warden, Pollecialphia A Tr W do do to Watther, Nino • Co, PDllad.o hi.. J. hither, 79 do do to Waring, Kink A Co. Philadslphia. 'FAL Pottlolo do do to W. G.Wardan,Phila. bolphle. W. Watheown t 800, I.ldO do is W.W. War— Inv irrag A Co, Philadelphia. • Kirkpatrick. Lyon A Lick 201.0 do to W. P, Logan Bro. PhilmMlPhia. cacruirrrav iuurr sr v.. v. I. . • : . Clark- A Soma., all btda Mined to E. Schalk, Philad•lphia. • • • - N. 4 Met ODOM do dole Warden, Frew & Co, Philadelphia 17;2114(.1%.111a1cAr. _do 4o to Wulog, o.ll,lltanou &Oa., AI do do to W. P. aoran,• & Bro.. Phliedalphla. • . National 8.4 00.,100 do do to Eral 840a114 Philadelphia. Marty Mt Wodie.l3o do do to Brower, Botha & Co.,' • J. We er & Co.. leo do do to Arming, Sting A Co., tda. • • (By Ttlegraph $i Until Plana Miens.) fhticmiorn. Nov. 11.—floor Is firmer and In fair demand, with *aim of family at ll.= Wheelie In dammtdot st 42 bit the best pntly bald at $2.00. . Corn Is no. Chas. w ith a food local demand for new ear a SWIM, and there Ls neater omg In old. Oats hive adVanced to 600 for No. I, and holders at the blow asked la hitcher. nye has advanced to CIAO for No. I. Barley I. unchanged. Cotton Is dull at, 164 c. for aliddlLog. -Tobacco is in fair demand and Mica are Mandy. with sales of 100 bads; quotations aramichanged. Whiskey Men ai:mimed. . Mem Pork is held at but not =doable at over alb. IL held ord firmly at Ito at therOloto• with buyers Cl flotOn 1, firmer with an improved • demand, with Sales 02 • 110 bade, ahkfy ShoOldell, at 1.534015ti0 or clear Miles, and _for shoulders. QM Inside rate for. • ... 01 471 the stoat nowhere t q =all. Green malls are inactive, 0 51 0gto the change in the Weigher, and .shoalders were botght as low as OW.. end" hamrat 11%00 Il .. and there ilnot.intich arming, • Hat. lonia unchanged, with sales of frusu at tile Ida. Gnome is. waist ati4 16n.; Clover ae'dis eniet at e 112501140. Timothy Seed Is doll' at *lt ellfiNCL nag Used lasteady at Si. Linseed 0146101 X; , Petrtdennt /.Mull S 4 480510 for relined, me.. Apples ire very doll and the pply is large at from 10.5 0 Um Der bari%. Potatoes are Chalet IVO 03 • Per barrel, on arrival. Hogs are en. Changed. The weather Is too warm for anumidering, therefore but Gala has b.eli dOne and prima are tinehenliod ffieg.4° grou. end et.7lQ2 23 not. The raeolpla Want I MO head. • • • • • • AS. Leal. market. (0, raleparb to Marnuataaab Muter:7 • ar: Lama,-Hoar. 11.-. Tobacco It .toady and aubkated. CI% I t axli 35 . 10. Ilmtr I? , l 4 :=Magt trthr:x erre, 34 mrmat, co tall lababanaaa' ba toadtamaaa tbebbwar grades macular; tad and *bits nap from T 0 rnor, . pn . g talegrar prime 1 regrt i nVeZZ fa Aar . , tar wav , t374 , 54. , :mr; Basley—bo,et) are Ilaldb4slaW mime' to abate° rprtag bola at Law, °b o l e . fan Is VAL Bre to &mar at* .30for Drhan. Provlatons Sr. dull: Zara Pork to ral,ceo 001,20 Der bbl. ' Buton shoulders are /2Xo pot . is . .. Mar can 153.C0M6 Hon are at atreat•Ja. arms weight. • lard • per tom worm 504 kegs. &eel etas Vic atm het.; Wheat 1%10 aaeka; Cons 1110 trztg Oat* 4.904 •bm Era /91 Im; Hada' nS Dn.` Th. weather la warm aidpleallaat. •• • 1 „ Lewisville Natter. UM Tslscrseb MU* Pittsberib tmselbi , 3 ocrommus, Norember IL—Tele:no; sees Of 4 3 Ohdei attroli for luee to Medium lest. /Mos dump mpereoe Sfi. • Wheat lower, at WOW 14 Norm abselee le Milk $1,03* new for , soarmagn bb .bras, MOM . Cotton duo and nualmased. IR/MOrtig bowl 10 . . p. Mess flaVI let Ma hit k ° • °°l . 4 " , a en MIN SOW 11 Gil DAILY GAZETTE: 4 SON, FIIMICiaI Igniters lo Few York 111 440 - Clesed as 140 tar TelticestOt to the Pitiotkarit angelic] • Niro Tosz, Nov. um. . . . .The =May market la lin and Steady at po7 per coat. for dal tow. Starling qtdat at 1090109 X gold for Ant clata Wks. Gold Armor. opening at 110C1f036, declining to 1411, aid doting at 110,1: , • • • TS. 40Temment stocks. on Eurtseanpriees, nee about. 3i,lcoser, except 10404. Gums- Mein; will bo isiunewhat etlmulated, from the feet that the Treasury announced they will gscontinue the proeent plans alter Route,. r PUN when interest will be 'allowed on sarup to .ranusry Lt. The Palestine were the elcausg . quotations: Coupon. or 1884 pairs: . ..1 0 0r . ;17 6. 1nCr do OVEN, ,au Lt do of '67 I i . 4 .1 4o tig i alorif: .an. /053406534. . Witter. t. Canton .44K12404; Oumberl.d. 234a75; woli Ex 5334; American. 773•1,073 i Adams. 725.473 g 84:40 - 1(4 MAT.. 113 0 3 /4 Qmialcsllvotr , 160.17 t Mixt pole. 7,07814; Paoli:La Sinhl. 13601aa0 &Vic, 169121; 41:,_17,..1.k3PrArt)4; I ix:=l4l3Bill'Ommli =WS. 2%,. 211, x ,, , :prletp.1. ° Z"1..LISITi.`,!;6 1 i,"‘ ed ya c i° 1334, °do. W.42111:44 w" 5 1%; Pretermi, au ; Aim Tenn., G.3X; ilissoores SOM. • , • . onatiao musts. Eldorado active; mei ; Eldorado IGO mud; :orydort.ls); firolth d Parmlegyat&S; Wokll 421AmerIcan Flag; Edico 1.11, t10441k (irogorr. 681;,Qoartz lO lat. • , • 31711.T.1/Jarar liCallq% TteCfiPtS Ilrib•TrlSSlOry. $1.826.3111; • my menu, menu, µMA* [lsaac& 41 108 M6108. . , Row. York Prof Ise. Market.- Telearaph to the rittabargh Ate.) New.Yoart,Nor..l4.—Cottrat &abide tower; aloof 1,400 bales at 140118145 for middling uplands. Itecelpts—flour 10.977 bble; opened 100200 better but closed dull with the ad vance last; Wei of MOO Dbl. at VW/PP .for euperfine Mate and 'modern: *0,70010,20 for extra state; 22 60012.3 tor extra western; 0,0001300 for Bound Hon. 'Oldot .1110013.73 for et. Lard.; California dant Balm of OW necks at e 12013.23; alert 4130 sacks,of rye door 01 . 009,m. Whisky unchanged at $2.20 Inroad. Itecelpta—wheoo937,4o2bumopened a evade firmer but M 0 , 4 ,4243. Invert wiles or 01.020 has No. 2 at 04002 11.3 g No. 1 412,270 I 2.01. No.l and 2 mlsol $3,70 for amber Del aware and state. Rye Warmly; aides of 40,000 bus state at $,,07. Baxley and dr:metes; ales 100301 f MOOD bus Canaria West -cornboo •to lair. Iteeelpts 40,093 opened easier, aftenrads edvanced arid for d western O ats re -at 41,3301,33 for mired .oatst re. celote of 24,078 bnahi without deelded change; sales Knee bush at 773‘020e. glee dull. Ceffee quiet and firm. Beget fro; sales 33 LaMar.' Ctitmat 12.4 e; also , aides of 215 bores Unarm!. at Miry/ 4c. InOlesagni dull. Petroleum quiet at 100 for erode, and .....o‘erM , ..s for retailed in bond. Pops greet el.3.lanne for American. Pork quiet; kale. 1,500 bele at .5 1 ,730M1.00 for Meal, akteltUt at 110) al, 01014 IA 475010,23 for prime. and ral for prime mesa. Peel beam sales 270 Mee ut previous mice*. P.eef /fates hears., males 21.1 y able at. r.3OMi alio gala of Of Mowery and 35 tierces of /mils mess and prime Mere On prlreto teems, flacon quiet and steady; Wee 450 besez at 11Sfailltio for 'Cumberland out for December and Jana au; oleo sates 01 .0=0er/sad out and lotur cut hams for November end Deerinbar on private terms. COt Meat. beam. sales Mg packages at 133011100 for shoulders,l2l4ol4e for Lam limner mad actmet gams of 4320 bola at 121,02131.40. Entrer arm With a 0004 demand. at. Mgltbe.. Cheese Anted, at 1101.1 e. Freights' to Livenool. qW,ga end ateatly. Laver.—Flour rimed doll 0 44" r 4 llOO lower. Wheat 'dull and 1020 lower; No. 2 spring • 12,2002,21. No. 1 spring 10.2702.21. pre quiet; sl,e3 for waters. Oafs:steady Pin for western. Corn duly at.21.3501,M for good to prime mixed weetern, 21.20 for uew du. Pork rather more steady. Monne tor buyers nt.' 221,10. sellers 01. regular 1153,93. Beef quiet a n dy Cut meats dull. Bation , steady ln fair deemed. Lard quiet 01 /30LIKe for. good to mime ideam and kettle rendered. • . - • =meg* llarket. :Br Tolegrane m tha KWh:area Omit* l Catoaoo, Nov Flour Market fairly ootire. ete=gll3.o3 for Whaler Extras, and 40,14010,00 for low grads. to rums Spring Extras. 'Wheat ....settled. and Ito as lower than vaslay .1.81111,27 for No. /I 41.7001,72 for No. 2. closing...l CASSIA Mr I I sag 111.7,1411,79 for tits , latter. lawn forpool rostie.t. um Ingest, at 111401111.c1% No. 'l, and 9701,00 for No. 2, tea atter closing at 9282950. Vats 'antra, molting at 36,4 n. agoutis. and Omar a sales at 111,21 donna. .0 Inside figures. Barley tem, at gotaija. Pcovialotui firmer, and thillatas moderato sales Or Old Hut at COP, and Naw at SeD,M. Orton flaw , also, at 9423{,. Bast products quiet a Hess, 414,950 EX...Bess, CUB. Lard Inactive but it.,., at ' 1499.&,C10a of Dreamt Hogs Increasing asales at 06.00C17,02. 'magus tendy, steady, at SO to Buffalo, sod its 90 Oswego ler Wheat. Iteceipte-400 belt !lour, ;SAE waaat 1 00,900 Waal Cons a 11 . 70 0eassit (Natal lIJSZO Liana Maas, lielproonta-1,3* eels Pamir a 70,490 bare wheat; 2.000 base Corot 21.900 base 031.4 SACO LW, Hogs. , • • Salalle learlsoa .Taliterapti to tha Pltisburgh 6ssatte.l sootllorrato, NortortbOr 11-11 Whe a ton- et western sorfor,lllo-41L Ilse. advanced fiela and timed dull sod wok and atm adv.. was font aal ii.too insta . Na 1- elltaataitoo at aft 01; Nos Colour*, et 00; ISA* but do at 1402. aria MOW No I s2lotbkM at W , and In tbo of. torit00010,21:0 boob NO 2 Calr-ara and Mil wank. at atO). Corn doll; Woe of Latoo boob No ...hem, at Oat Oats bettor; Wes of WOO bath Milo at Co, and MOO bush .areattro. •at em . ilyo-.aattos $1.4401,30 for western luau Cloada. Haney —[Data In stood loqati7l taloa of MAXI boa woinarn at #l4l, adhog SL.O2 for Canada. Peas nouttoali 41,10 for +UMW. fa bond. Westport 1112,62 far hoary. Other artielso remain unclaimed. lesooyss—.bait, 4.011, 000 0u,,0, corn, t1,,030 boatatts.lSMOl Irk 79.00 Y bunt; bailor, 73, 0 00 boat; dour, 11,200 stappmd....vbeat, InCOO bole, cora, SCOW bustooota, 1,102 bumf ; .barloy, aajm Proteins anobangod,, • Illehras awake& (IleTelrerson so the Fluidounce Mamie. I • NeurOoLzsas lior.l4—Cotton.salesoft.ooo , baler Orlostisbas dooltual to 17%0 t per lb. Itxolpta-4.itt bales; Export.— ea balSugar Li dull and . M is olasses atm,. ar, tbagoo par droOple fottr oortuncul to abeam Flour. superfine is 110,01 per tbl; treble extra #13.73. Corn Is dolor sod truchanitent . ..bite Is SUS per Oa. Oats has drollued to 73(rta per bn. Pent - le nestedual t. =AV num *braden are retelling. at lir per lb.. nabs Mt a:musli:ls Mr per lb; Ltrdls verydullt =bum tierce to /7140/Sa; In keno 134 d par 11. Wblskr •Is dull; western as Zany/A In bond. Mold lo 14.014, Sterling Commercial Msntan:m.42B3l. Dent roles for morning No• Tort Sift drafts % pentium. novelised Markel. Car 'reformat to me foligebarsa ry 2.3,3 Cuarat.a. a. Noreniber 14.—floor quiet. row:Y. and a thado Orwell suumatim rot IX .priori aII.roANSA for IN red winter; 111.1e701.544 f0r..1l fad XXX white. Wheat null and inactive. hut Mate &thine drum: Woo for No. I red winter; kid) tor No.l do.; al.e) for No. 1 Milwaukee epilog. Corn to 'eeNlyOar detimmd; moderate *afro of old No. 1 aL Ilt011; new shelled dull at Nte. .Vats Mead, awl eclat or COWleo for No. I ikons Com store. Nye waive. but It Naha demand; held at 11.4001.13 for No.l fliste arid tweeter, from more. Barley nominal ar51.2061.13 for No. I. and $1,16414.5 for No. d.retrofit= rmotianited and eclat. wlst Oar demand for ,toe at MGM; tended CM. WM at IMMO 0 .11411. /Kit - 2163. 4 . tot Teltandsh a the entabsrel lissatts.f Omura, November if —I lour Is doll and unchanged. freest la trestrands4 irldb males of 10.700 barbels Na It Mince sprier 4LSZOS. Corn !shed at 1ft.15 far No. l /oar. aaa. ',Barley Is encases and Oates lets Sr. 0514 meets tbe elav /IW, oref etryerstaalss *nomads of 4.55 hufbola fair thesada at Vat, and Was emboli, prim deaf 111.1119 1.45.•• Ilya Is Irregular and blew with sales in trend 5t11.1411.40. Peas an-sauce sod met. Lots ireporils-41,110)busbeis Wheat and Yrf,far oussels barley. CaMiti • 111310[1.1... ,;(1 IXXI b0111.111 heat; 13500 bastrels son: areal austral, bar w ley; LIAO austral/ ryf. and 10.0L0 trostrals peas. Toledo Markel. • ray Taisvaah to the ri LI analog Osistte.) • • Tempo, Nor: 14.—Irk)ury ree•lnts3,ooo tibia en 4 the 'market quiet le hail receipts LAO be winter anal tole better, spring quiet; sales white hilehlgan at SUSI etnner 1r at. Coro; receipts kilo but old eteatly mad mot a 3 battery mate. No. 1 Wabash et $1,0514 X do SIM; elleelsao tiA. new tie; Na I old yellow sl,os; sales 111.1/ to strive ell next No at Sex Oats ninss sales NO. I at Owl no. S tee . SIM tor No, I. Barley null. Weser 'Nee* KM. 'Dressed 'bogs St(ilfro. Lek* freights eXo on oern by Mare us Bat. - tilLtwasleee Market. i ", . . .• [Or Tettataah.to IdtLattia Elmttto I • - • • Itimmarama r ' November 14.—dlcmr doff' oitY 'Oootaa•sztrml AF : 73, mammy do, 118.1100%txtra al • Whom llama.. Moat a • for N0..11 LIS Mt. No 11 2 Otto armor at VA for .11a. L Cora do at OM for 1t0.2. - ltrolabla dot , t , t 040 to noffalo. led Ito 'to Omer). allow-1140 taas door. a 2,00) boa admit, I.Mobut °awl.= Ono corm Ittapmenta.-I,LO Data le 13.070 Dm wheat, MAO° bad oats, =Loa corn. . • hew Yeti Del Coedit . nr Telermali to the Pit/seam trammed New Tome, lidgetober .Therti le no particular chance to note to the festal* of too market.. The' price of Most kinds of goods, .both foreign sad domestio have sessentniiig toadied low water mark. Rill. there to no pmepecit of an advance kntll goods become Rt.:Cathie ember., ea the Me. Non Is en:. far *dreamed I- therefore._ DM , Oilmen &re baying with more istuddence deco cold weather set la. San Francisca Market. • . Taterrspe to Cm Pittsburgh tiasstal.) bas Passetaco. November It—The Oppo. Wien stnamer Oregonian Offer. to carry dour from New York, via Panama at Mao per barretal,to lea. thaarlheino Nal l.' East. ens Butter, choice, at 1160373‘0. The ship Hamlet, ler New rk. w is esties kW tons of flour and S O U torts • Maar dull, at 42.40Miett. Wheat gab:m.ond prima nomi nal. Legal Tendersli. - Alban) , Cattle iaticet . alr'relegrame to the Plitabarah ilamette4 .• Auttar, Nom.l4.—The Cattle trade la ex.' treately dell, as there le no dlepOmltlon Mohan of dealers to grandma, *culprit:lea have drooPed St and %a per lb., and drama re tlal: al:mold at thee. deoelphh 3?. head. , 1114016 5(irlgeZ. " Itel l eZm p i er 0, 1 4 . 3 a r e l, Salem hind athyasoo. ANSI A 0007,10, fleeelpts; PAO.. • Ilan/more Earket. En Y Tem/ apti to Me riiteboritiOarette.) F .flecririoss,.Nprember le: lour • galiie Ind firm. Wheht firmer wiiti au edrence or fa ou prime te choice souttierni red am atm, Lora active with Se advance oPteto El.omixed western. at i 11,180425 for Dew zed 13 for old. Oats . 'my Arm at 74(175c. visions dull arid onctishirod.' =I Cpl Telegraph to toe 17tisburgetlemete.3 • PilMAraccrnm, Dicrrember IL—Patrolimm vorettled. Ilopr Importing , • 87.7151118,b). intent satire; red 4003,51 Corn drinert anima moo bash; ye low 41,3701^ mixed Iren.na ILZa. Osta ?DOM. Ocner &Macs littemblie By Tolvizolkb to thentlainugh !hatUhl • • Halide: Ravambot-14.6:0ottatt Alan at Virtue. coral Imola Mite as sl.loob la, Iti nitnrinolati= 73° l47/1 " ="• thaahlara lay,e111150; clear al aa/aSittia. /sal mace; tag .IMl4)irtlerop VW • - BogyAra, CUT 11:140,T41di UkItli 11 1) 1 / 1 1114111101/111i; 1011.41 14 LAIMIDOCH. FRIDAY; NOVEMBER 15. 1867 PHISBUReIi BON WOlllB, FULTON, lONA' i CO., ==Et=l OAX.IIIII, T WINES, b may misty. warmassok us *HI Water as. eat Cr Snit = NEWS. The Cenral unman took to . New Orleans her last MD, ,323 bales of ootton, and 2,222 thereof notion need. - The Nick rib goes into the Memphis. and New Or trade, Captain' Irvin in com. maid. • The read •of Capt. 0. D. Conway, thou Mlles bath r t radison, was dertroted by Ire on SI rday_snothing that, about eight oreloek. The furniture ire saved. There wile th Inseirtheg of $2.0X1 On 'the house. Captain Conway la lithuit from - home, In command of the St. Lathe and llemphli packet Mettle The Ironton Bepfair says: Captain Sam. Beaty has poratued the 'victor No. Nos and Planed has in the Big Handy and • Portsmouth t n ra o d e t l h np le P a o t r t o an th ou e t Vo an in d N P o o . me w y th goes trade. Captain - 3.lth Bummer, for many yeast eitieen of ltds_plue, has purebued an interest la the Hate. Henderson and plated her In the Portsmouth and: Pomery tteamer. Hum and resumes Ear regalrade.: The steamer. tripe In the we Boothe and Guyandothe tuft toothy. attar; the killowiegatems from the Cia. dotal' Gaulle and', Briguirer, of Wednesday: The Somme, Capt. Marsh Mark; lelt Wheelies that night, She Is astremely O light that we presume Ma Wilt:aye thalami. ty W madame then point Her ;dicta are 3o; soph Rowley and Wham H. Dusty. She will be beet again In a week, and will run u • roatthrltheant. Capt. Marsh. Clark ummanda her. Three uthorothe pan e been In goatee of eon. auction at Hamittoaa yard for some time past.. They are nowtompletal. and will de part, today for Texas, via. New Orthans. Thar emu err ith for their destinehoh They have two mute, aro 44 feet /opt, - aro 14 feet • wide, are beastrea in anyearthoe, and will be nand, It le math. for outer boats. Oa their we. *oath they will be lathed together, lad will be piloted by Joseph Dithenon. QUICK Tar Pther Prrrentmon.—The steamer Frankli o made the trip fro:3l'PM. burgh to 13rownsvIlle on Monday td,ght /set; in adaddy nix boon and fifty minute., loolaling seventeen Lithen • dateualom of 23 mei. at.., by barges loath although well la. dened with freight and bevies on board a lute orunber of passengers. Thesis said to be one of the thickest up.nver plume. ever made on the Monongahela. , between the twit Dolma meationird.—Brownralte Clipper. Pomo,. Noveba 12.—The river Le (alloy rapidly with three and ber • half feet water here. The Bate Flaunt Is hen- awaiting /neat water. Th Li b ertyot euffelent to let her above has The No. 4 departed for Pothers. bum with a barge load af gals In tow. The Victor No.O arrived and departed far Pone. mouth. The Spray pumaidown from Matietta to Chaelthati. Weather cool. with mow. . Ry. Loma, Novembar IV—The little swell uP the atithesippi and along the I n Iths dote no goal hue. A heavy snowstorm Re am ti Batted on onday Waal one hundred ad/.. e above berg.. The river businese contuthes without animatiaa • The rates to New Orleans Tieketuarg and Nettles for the week, were ad s/weed yesterday, Flour le It _per bbl, and other *whiles In proportion. Berge thus thug. 000 for flour; eta The stamen Kear ney and Labelle ate Laid u_p,thd Many others win theedlly follow, The Ltet lthanes thane the Arhus. trade. .The Ruth and Lady Gay go to oath next week. The Arthur Dui rut on the ways daring next Ewer, and want then be got Ist pleats andentarged.. • • The Lthoore No. f has been sold, we lesu. to the truallinati and Tenneure River Packet compath..- - We indenting 0000 Lew Mouth will pot • but La the Uthannati and Evans. yule trade In plueof the:Leonora. Ixeonvanv To Pnare—lthreoves.• or On weave-non is vita lime llerwrits Tole Ann Leorevette.—thotaht rare itleffeelh of the latviag Bell: , Intones op that he has removed the wrecks of ths.two earthen coal barges at the bead of Moderns:, one ot which waa a nd medlately la the etimmel over the her, and the otter three fourths of a mile above the bar, and.. aear the ehannot es to render It every deoleretts abstraction. They hove both hoar entirely removed. Ile Lae also removed the wreck of the Means bowlder boat at the heed of Medea, whist, wagmask during the Morgan raid net Mon, and bout ma) now had there without 007 danger whatever. 11. has taken' the Mg locust use on the left Mod bar, below bte Miami, and boats east note ende bar I with safety. It WOO forts feet long three feet In diameter. with a huge root.. It was placed glow tato the /mile. shOselo deep water. Ile nest promeded toremove the well horn aad mtrehenewhid Priories mug, mailed, as. month. Meuse, of that risotto .was wreaked aeon Is Mee Teen ago. It laid immediately to the middle of the river. end right la the elmanst, oppoelte the lone WOO of Lawrence. burg. It was eyearnere, Mazy lima long, wen few la , sad had two very long libs two feetdiameter thick—altogether • fortaideole ob. stradloo.,,lt woe placed elate Lou the We. locks sham, abreast where it laid In the dm. oat. olooliredo of the Priories snag were Wm . . other /age er . ! ieT,Wrati: were alser_removed :rrt O d hlo 'a ttl Or t o Z w Y fret gi= Maas. The important/ Of this work sae Rare. IT be overrated.and rt le wall that It wee viand la charge of 0000- eilidatit hands ea Oaptala KM min's. 14[1•01111• isaziaoan. Prosansaw. Poor Wain • anooso EX. ••••abet 14.4 8414141dar, owoan NIL inp• 41114441 oe • (No 18 144 otder, VOllB I Cu; 2 an Slo. Witt, ILotralotte • C 4; t ous oblot Wont& 1301$1 au no. sam • • (owlet We. wool yolk ataoy.3 • P 242 0. 2 2222. 1142 . tl:/44",:="* ""'AiotrialstrUitartnibbk°l9"burlCoklMUG Your potato...l X Sal thi rp t IX r...a gg s ma . appWso k4B b , .1; Z :r t.i, g 4 821•Lry; 4 1 14 U potalou us. 7n lel tuatark4 tea a lax o l, 1841.1g0i 24 Imo gr:11:7"871:14 KLNP 4I II4/1 ni•ova as it. DAM; .1 II Potion OR 1U21222. 2V.ai a ft. Prrmartolatkumicars OnnsornamiL Robratbsr 14-1 01r1ww, Pitts Olas. m 1 ear corn, Etchitarl Cott do ao, Tabor O s t air dam, 1 , 11110,1, 00; I do do, 1113 810110;10 Obis doott; 1101118 booday, Vastrordmh, 06.4004;13 aka W 4107, W Ciltrwd, 90 do do, Et do rth, 11 IN do 40,10 aka 004.310, Maury ••Remit IM do bertcy,4l Oasts 141 do do, ado • rya. do botaton. addeldt II ears Mater, 1111141 tuba %rata r.araft Reiter; ts tads shaman, Ears al But 12 ak• OmMT. bats apples, M.o. k liarpert aits oata, Jam tllcant SI OW a pp les , ltdUsge, Perry • r Linty-aim Aunt Prerstronni Itcatana, Nosamthr m.-21:0) am lumber, W W Rl'dost o .4laas krP, l J Buda,: 1 eu Mach 31. Vaasa /4 sacks oats, Weaver •Cdool ea dNo o, Grabam, On sacks tailo. W Meeks so m Wash Taneordar • Fthepards; so do do T C Jeaktom aka testator., .121 sack. do. 400 bids soots; M Os. abseoham sash oats, la do sots, Void • tki lia 0016 MI. J T alma: 60.0 00:04, Tatum R. 8.. tinmember So Om oats, Wm BL Moust a Isse seed, Boa. k a onto do twat. wo. flooo. soa4 .sou.*, W Bracken; Sal Moil. Flakes at Bro l1. : la' Pitts may 561pc00 i Wallami 1 ear 0037, antacid's a homed 0648 00, Morgan /14,40. Prrcsaanois mos Clannksavrrak B. H. Norma. 13—I can mutat, ft JR Wlaltemaanot 1 mr ma bark, Lamm h weniso aka ostatClal Weak; le bd/a paper, 11•101 s, /dawn 0001 30114/0 kod.her andusami bkite pots. sash 0 &Mere Fail ist m ßOod. . . ` i t dtm .Nov o e s tabe r Bake rca sari wisest, T d.aa.d7a Bra, 4 pap. crint, • Camas; 2 can stares. Stara Robert son. ISTRAMBOATEI -- 74 Eta tii Au VD EtlLLlTagrat raCE LT N !Ma K„ n Wa tu al t ° ri LlTelilb rumanoruagauLtLts —TA. *sumer , Lll 2L AIX 21. ..... fatara,, will lean putabaeab •Tary TUREDay. ag 0•e1 , a2 e. •. Leave ran avtry7tll,l63. U. T. at Welenly. ' • • .W.ar tratatig ay pawn spar ati board at , nal V•Du:E.ll.l5.llla4wD, F77 7., * r •-••••- 7 . V14: - COULTEIt & LANE, House ,and Sign Painters, too ottaii nasal, etu:botsb. - - -(vppott• Cath.draf.) 9;ASIS CAWS dove to rder. 11. loWtazD. ROWLAND & HAMM, • NOSE AND LION 'PAINTERS, • 411.4.12141/211.4D GLA.121233, LK 44 4144.1110/11D, .. ALLZI4II2I4. .OALOWNLWO &Me 1114* isinza: J. K. HAMILTON, Jr., Hama and Sign Painter, Li tiqzen •!'IIXL?, rutsbarita. Granting, Glazing and Gilding ■ELTLT XMLOII7=D. • "~f~'~tt.~,t~l" I~::t :i ~.... itcolnil. HUTCHINSON & HEPBURN. . nom tau eunamt; twin* apAitaits imp ouinam. No. si PINS% AVX111:14, Pitiabusgb. All sr aus tly m.O pmniptly MI adod REMOVAL. 'JOHN P. CLULEy, Souse and Sign PakAir. No. tea MIFZILIPIZIM ar., rinsio n it; ra.; • I.7lkra orpodte tbsomatasa., =um lIXTDIA• NICCOWAN , sou= AID 011111111 TA PUNT. • OIL LID 0141:111318 AID Grams& . im..llls*Nerth aide of DlowacMd; rested Commerelal aad flu* E t v irtut made to alder. me.tpredito dAMEs_'Br dONESr~, Scrip Iron, • davit ion} arnovawst num, . Comm Aailormait filtre• *MI Av...... , Ainniabilm•eser. • ' • - g o STETTpCja :SONE! lb CO :401VU11/1 : 02 , 81taikaolless, Oil Stills, Tanks, Apa Bazar LBO" wows, or ou 114(41. aliettett.,rum liard.'PlUstraigh GOLDON'S JELLIE!. . '.. i agmorsa!att for sue •1 1 2• I =ll7o=r i • WI " MT al 1; • red nil tl et DOW DE DECEIVED DT Pknulablashalipslusof !at na i=t b" rwel l2 =2r jlt" Imam j. sal 002140. . BAIT • .Ikray, 10111 31P12121 altreet. .no:. Smitallaid. CORDAGE GROVER a ntszats ELASTIC STERN - AID lOC = Sewingaluzbitilite =MEM fru' 1. 4 li stvag'" i4 .ro. 103 /Ptah Stmt. GET NONE BUT . . , GROVE R - & BARER for A EWALT NM. It I. MAN% perfect theratbra the hon. Man rail locals:mime NO. lONNINIM no store SVattEse. g u itV I3IZ. - EUVIR 1 lila ID. awn, WIJI Bean bacylag ;Laval ana is t.:6;ba;t . lar taw ase. Nat sal. a: • N 0.401 TIFIE trazyr, aboy• Etadtb.eald. I=l TIDE GRO*EII& SEWING MACHINE L tie crittie. , reetior sad ataataa It at NO_ 1061 - PM/ 50:11=0,.. them 6ha1(161 =I FOR-MAGRANTTEAS UWE COFFER; PURE SPICES ROBILVSOItitS, No. 20 Fifth TOBIES!, T,(1.RE5 . ;„T,(1,1#141 1 '' I__ 'so,ooo'' t'.-.'.. NO. 1. TOBIES, BECEIVED i4SEKLY. Also, 800,060 Lancaster MI, Sputa' Chars, but izrlTed. which we cr., t o the trace cheap flreall and examine before pnrchaslageniewhere; - • IL 41. W. ,JENKINSON, No. 6 Federal Street, B 32G. C:IO.I 4 VES UNIVERSAL WASHING COMPOW AN ZWIISZLE NEW ISICIWELT/014 r"""'"" " 1 ' HOUSEICEEPERS, PLEASE TRY IT. - W. I/ pm eau save al e s from tame le SIM bawl , bard .labor au Wasia.acatas aesalla 2'.7girahrentrgit b. dew them 031114 and aaalsas ta_soe ' ',rhea .rer " IS is also Instal ser fLAJUI.S9. WaIsHISSU DLYIsEd, Se. viartaatea matall • ' ' •• . &o 'is leg. Mt Lit 'T'L d tei P:ll:4:VrAn: faki .41 retail la out Onleo .12d Claatalpah 69 aVOLI.TiIIgrII3L UT. ' OILO. II SLOES!. 4k-C.O. jverr excErrsa, AT ROBERTS & 03:14tArra • • .witoissALL AND ASSAIL -Lti lira V. l O 1 1 4 0 4 67. to: Ii eptersingwisi ..'ritinatrzezr.• f 4114 44917 or noolthi s ifootist• • utt Parlor Room Irtst4ors. Yin Inas ant stands; lAan eta. aid sauna teal: Vaasa 444 sad VArAr st l2ll = lll49 r474.ll A M)ll Art . 4 . 41.44. cooklat tor.. 'Alltsaaat 4 a. 0 444 14/tas 44.. Is one vessel. .440: OPAL .f ostaat &WI oast 441 Wm Santos SWIM Stve& Ate Lathr.44 and ottor toaL Il&ra R.. &A. tiara glottal stt4stka tO Itta masn&salsra 41 Armen. Oaalstars. • admit • . . STAIR 'RODSi. Ia Bronze. - . Fire Gat and giber, Wmt, -ma weir. roo pm.i. pc. It. p! iket. thott the Of wise s alai pm 0. argliazt.d la aa Llama. . . Maaariatit;xl aaii W.T. .I..asstautziv, 09 DIJAN9 9?BZ T, Yew 7orL jar AI myxxitii.tiouni ratiat e ad tr ,s- PHOWiII STIA* BREWERY 01 1 11 01311...aa1t. 21 1U.T.J10111T . 3PENCtit, wart a CO., :' EMS IND NM Ale, Porter ;uadErniiii . :Skint Prrrszuß6ll, ,1011 X ST WATSON. rums,: SCHOOL BOORS wRousALE. Coaak7 Dears tanned to cal and emus- SCHOOL BOOKS 4 STATIONEIY. sou mole LIB% DAYS!, cA,AFIKtr*- - c0;, 03 WOOD OT/LICET. eoe. DI•00,03 ODI HAZARD POW DER Xll ;.sal kow:rekriumb To 614 st aho ot etest notlaa. orders:to Lamm* bls • . .• BAEIEDRs CELIIIIIIITED POWDER.. • • 'All =dash:Mason mat 1,7 nal May OA" doe. 1f! 14 174 YtIaRAL 8711 ZIT, iltskretty;kti.iiiia uni imam) max% rtiubanch.P....tu men mama atiaz!Uola. • salmi• ARTHUR, -Mak. * • Hardware a Cutlery. An 607 neaelvtttir lan's f to oar likik R - bich to °Casa t Della" at ia.saciTmearcr.7pwrscona o .; Torner_Liberty.andl% Galr.Bl3 4 rftttaileiisrelb. /PM. Neil= AND REAL ESTATE, =rl BONDS, STOCKS. Apollo eaddUng, Founit Btlmek Tina. l nane, instruoit sitiNtudelwll4:4ll4 au an ":=:41,""1:13°' • THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED %TIM/. 1300.116 le Tine CITY. • G ,ILIVIOttE. 1 , 11 ulaiketnr.,051.10,44 113.4 8•411 . Dealer In TRUNKS _ . • iraiiiieiatiot: Balm &a Air A Iwo assartMaxit 42 tLDIIIS. ALM- X.. ZOO . WOOD - MIT AtILOOKODO. MANHOOD I I R0W3.14/7i KIM •nehleatt l iatirk '=re *as 10ThIr S . S or ai nardziV d -TfiNis qp•Talethra•4ll•MY Abu; W Fm nAbUnita and rky matt .I.3oamitt, rirl. I.*. de. pilTrtrtkr.?..dzan,UX:... ate, prate , 1 1 .11Cm.' %ILLS, IC lAN -tbaprial.M. 'Cr all i jA l =4:ll4 l . Mite latats, 1.11:4111.1.1, _ . r- PEES 1 .1 7HE* 9 , 1 • 7 . 1 T4 12 ttrEi N. 211. Ler Pniitll , o blzsds Trete ;Ts:trees. •44 htaps V!:,ailcr!salop by f : - siiiix al. !!!!!!!!! - " $1.6,000 To ' ittelstisio ArarVitultithiti.,, Gk.. ZUG- - ss • ao. oeatV4ta stmt. Waal rstat• twin/U.O fotA.V. :4 MR • • NOTICE le - hereby, area that Nt ' al=triqit . raitiiv t %tin?: 'AltanaUinta& HEIM IRON WOI JONES & MOLES 3 : 7.3 mwiaaizrzitazi-xcc, AMERICAN AND CLAIR . - 824 troop, Sheet and Plato Iron Bridge Irani _ Angle aired T. Irma guard Iron; Veal Screkr gal Scrisa Iran; t Italb,l6 & 20 lbs. to the yard Tram telt lin ulit punchedanikcous. st BaLler t prpige and Tani Myatt Cut Valls atiSpiket; Ship And, Boat Eiptituti Ha im:nut Spikest - Ha:tread Fish gars and Bolin nallratui Car wueelasuld Asian Street Car wheels and Ands Coal-Pit Car Wheels and Axles; Pate• latent Cold =oiled Shafting; PatelatColdlicilled Piston Bodin Slower and Camper Cam waaaaotali Av.) 07,1034 ' l2O Water awl Ng Mint 131,1. /LIR= nocax, - 23,21 and 20 Mier 84, Jelas OHICA.I.IO. ILL. NOV ~1141,111 WIRE' 10110 1 ; ', 7 ;:';'...;.• , i, , ,-',4 -,: :3: , , ;: ,, .:.. 1 : ~ - : : aim Lindsay, Sterrit & Eniver, Manufacturers &Importers of HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &c., 337 LIBERTY STREET, ara Clcm ! 1717.41.373c0, . 'r Bgbare Below Union' Depo PITTSBURGH. 2 .4%...,t1eft1141111A81L8' SCUMS: EREPITELD STEEL WORKS. BEI, MEE & co ' ACLIMPACranIa at . B RUINED UR BHA • . - ep,14.40 Aio,cmON. AA auts. ans. Maim. Crtscra4 . 4 pars Asa Clow Ow • SAW PLATES. zwarrvo AND ME1M1L.1.11.2•10 RAILWAY SPRINGS, cad ffprin,g Casi and Eckman Plcsi Steal, IM==MI :17:0W rainkf Azraltovrica nem SPRINGS, AXLES AND STEEL TIDE, O Et aitin v EgattiVaga n a Ware!crsc, _ P.OIV-111rat, *a.. AM a.. arecase, 83 Water ATLAS worms; -' • monTox STEER 7'. • Nintri Ward, Pttt burgh, 71102L4d N.5111..LE8, President lam warts are talo4e , thiialacit. sad most omPlata ertAblishmuat la OW Wen. sad EloglassolZvery Ilocrlption TAIiID: Sheet Iron Wort. )11allttad Cantlings, ELWIN; MU! Caning*. Magi= arstilessi • Cienexakealikyrk • ORDELEttf SOLICITED %TORN' MONEY, RECLi FOUNDRY, Canton St" ihn Ward, near A. 11. B. Ili Hammer Dies. Steel:l6l3lde, - • lelkEnYiL 1 &ea* 441, pa g 1 1d0 11 _ 11 4 614-o Ra . maf.ivituttided ' L On .4. .41 .1 ...114 =agar .4 slum:wont, FORT PrIT FOUNDRY. < I• , z 11E1%8118 .. _ . BJEAVY :017.1DI61IINCE, '4111.14.2.2. amnia Or Fmorr 41 .1.141 - psll.l to ROLLIN. @y a m .l. MBLAIIT 11ACIIIITSZY add X1744.1a2„. ontofr .a ., tV'resi orTriliV;lll. 1.4 tt, 1.0.04 of our old stodek. are 1. 1 / 1 oz. 1ar1d....10 1 .11 constmeted fa 11..1.10.1 Oxon to tor.. 1 1.0.11..ILLCIEIZS as atuart no. not= OMR IRON INO STEELWOMEL UM W" , /WM 41 In; I:f='.=E Iron, Nails, Springs, Axles: PLOUGH. SPRIND an a. a. arm, OCI. Dar 2. 77* VPAtgi r 4:itit l oot i•rrrsatatfa . • A11711:11 - • . - - L Alio Th l'ltA :STOWE Welik,ai- • zauszrzy.a.to. varieii4 Cook, parlor and &alio; Storm . 4 ,3 a! wlrt aroma eel* brattd aIItIZEL • MAYA' VICTIVaIr= ..pxklcst.. - ) Al= muntr.cuma pßxrcs: GRATE DEMITS, ht. upl; tornai. - orBao WOO ...U. Plitsbur. . mom/ • BEAL JR; 393--WAlit)11" FirpLA rrrranzseu.,rA.. co«, , _...... :aver tivAlarr qtanslavtleatifrkta- Nur% Mt tral OataiOM. Ot& i tlrazi Maid tonal to tar ZoVottatt at OZta ana usimAse; No. sai in rlcal. itd Mawr. etnises. Pleteoperoln • • ul73atr..aario Allill(ktit7MVt•WiiTl -00,te luniubnla..3oll mate aSzatuipd. trauntsurnro even,ulst7o.l 41 . 11 T.MLINI-Mt.6 1 " 1 4 1 77,. ‘ ,. 9 v 3WA yAal Cootialf. atm.: ...tom_ CM& MA V "n - "*" . • .rotp,R.d.r4-0—‘4:11.:4:14.4 /A.llolLllnvlrt D,SXV6II.I JinE3tsl2.: =MEI 4 : 15 04.,•;•: -; • , • I#eala 'rollotsi On 0 11 1181:T*4 Bbeet Iron Q :Penn EL Bar; OHM Map no z.vvroaxtv -0430a, ZFozaza., lettxo4s% • POLLIIAN;11011t4 natutt m,.. am nuiu... eon tiLai."ta . . .OARLIN; . . nom lib mumlas nut ,A3elhafftiliNfiM: katMa WSJ /Maly ataD r e p o lh I.I3ST:a Jai l ] Itaalcatani and make le o 1111LAal PITTSBOGII MONIOBIL: J. p . ititatert titi#f - . - Ltublyet. Tub • and Trunk "low% ANDIonETB, • num.- • Plwrs u man, - • GRAFF, BIERS & CO., Bar, Hoop and ShO'et.lron, ILANEMACTIMMIS CM au logo TUBLItes im aux "milt OIL WELL TUBING Office, lia, 98 Water Otree PITTSBURGH, PA. NATIONAL FOUNDRY prt , w wo)aks, ~i. t. i Adr" faildr=ll336 !ILIIIIIIINAVITI=St r Cast Iron Bowl Pipe, FOR GAS AND-W-A'ITS-WOBER My Clpcs its• all =I ial lical..l , 4 2 ittl. orr 2.ativand 12 ri2t 2.llCrata& atoll 22/tort• mentor .anam. c u e tas,W • • •- • • its oat •toal/tILAIaI 9 - 2breggnd WW2 nat. oIARTO PORT prry,, , 0 - IM, A 4 ififi 4CAft .. ipmEL7 r , sAmDFAL rii - EuLAB, imsaloxt OlLttiDirilMAKßOarata OIL nuts AIM Tiltrah, asnarThrthlL ef EMpanurG Alitiiibut- EIXTTLING PAM, SALT P6111.45D,002it- E1TZ4311 P 7 . 1 , 43 .& 8 070TZEZ111,010 PB.IBO/(DIX185 61ZD COAL =MP. 011. asilWeiski *armee Bounia.:7lkl.ill Saari *Ad MAIM, lit/Nt., Pittetrargb, Pennsylvania. • s. .cnt to Us aboT• adtinies KENSINGTON MON WOMB LLOYD & BL&CD, • Best COtsmon, iteanai Juniata Bloom iumonA NT rap. 80111911 BROW ON I.loo_ OaND., wut , BOL D —• 80u..3/IPLAS2NapoI haLLT 1310X.•;._.. • NOWEB 44 Nwl3l BABB_ OTLLIIDNI3 OUAIID on 115IiiILINO.14 • 51 1 / 4 11.01, Ulll4. 9t .42 16 lb, Se tlllllll,ll. -- 41: WYOUGHT MMUS .4 SPIN-103 for filam PLAT BASLE. Pruathall. sad 091,01Wpfekr?..7 OcuLL isOENNN IRON. Vgettgern al uf&t:Clii,ilee WWI IST..42,anitlnalittoss of Pim )3.4- .}iNntng thif 01.11 WOTIMPUSSIIIIMT,peI2:I4 PITTSHVIIIGH wrEtalketi as (eFccimbitti kibin'" c o • AIMERSON T OOOrik C0. , - ; a. ..„.. 3 1 4 .-,"tietlinrsofthstest REFINED CAST STEEP &mare. 1#34 tad Oct .I,3:it Tort .4%*.tcha-4:01'" ontovwts.*4.3 FROII .1.11.411. Dvsizta*onus: • a spry. HUGH. 111 4 ,", BOLE &: , -rowrosAyik..: rvitaiiildrailsts i kW to inter ittem Or all aim Inreluitt4=lll.lolllloll, • Cit/PUZ.• 0L1KC77.911 to orJ cr 4.1.1M1N13.41103f~.- 1 4 4 XILtetArtillk - Machltio - EituipPeolitr Alkft • Poltagr.l. Wane 114 ama. 1. ITETSAI7K4 OI. - PA t j 111=1 BERLIg'VOTIItDRI" PRICEdo SINS, \ ‘ . i.s l '“ = • ~ :Wood fitreet . au laracum.witin!fixatuiroon.bauf.-_ Thimble, Marin* kips ilitrsit. vralioN is bOp intevilium MONT !MARC f OUND_RT:' Miner Streeiteirinttl'ilrok . _ ttrivarriumoist lairsi.l? - wwwwitdettrZt.o34llK: i!olLing Hill - And Bridg e 'Castings, , tuna 213113 In MI Canis - igs issertaXl7, Urderiirmarnly .deUvetiltr tlabCllll44.'l:', 911.9i3411:5 =AEON/SW leguwaire Itticaluano;), =EMT tilltk.2L WO r ; I MILLER# sariveic man —wrcramrstos BEST Mint 048?-13M, w• vantr l2 oii u tte l a:lll l 'i': mlll. nOI.IIII,ACtII7O. YppEUilL I 0/11 C 8 0 88 Wood Street, • 04 I :inFaAPm li u. u TR L - • m O'HARA BOILER-WORM. MORROWi'akkatlAtt6 thirtlata it•aa aoucza, on Enalls. Agigataa Tanks. Salt Pans,Cunmatars, • : *-ThaT nTAIR" OR. LIBERTY AND .BECONI) BTB.. • pirrslirat 014 Rarivattra DOMB ricuartec-- R9BERT 3EIFS4C, 101 3171 . ACA*01. inirt ENDINEL 11011,14 •Hoisters: AHD DOCTOR ENGgiES, , _ isrcf.th'—,o 6ezensany ,Veriisi of Vim sod lama ' unoni cElmiusE MINIM! wry. a 6 JOillgBTON~ 43 , 111.Van".112.7.Midiga ..g a .l'allrautill• Mtn's . v on, no* of WailluX sad off KM t•USt. Isra/R4 of, /UM Meet exlitnalon, Plio3Donk. ' • 04V:4:44040 4: 4 A. 2,10,1 parmaiw.ratmczou, MCOMNFOAXECK m tf,E=l4l4 4 iiikt gat -POMMY IRON CITY MAU; *KtEitt 7 de ITURCUPERIn • sarnzerEprreav r . 01./1 COM 11 M.111111• VUKA T • , TIM DI TO ernir XWrittEthillitk IV "" •••k• ark tb• UM day of Oetobai' WM' .'9:14; " 4 I.. Psr . K '•:'D a" ~.pfeLTE o r 7.8 . sp6na.,xl..-?: a,itig77 tAiL;r,Lhl tott °a ',ire r. a rdtv.kgrabt . eztrlizz. z . -I, imia-io ft.o-,,L,--21,:i..:=. MTV re balttnousa ..ellittireo4rlL344W. ", t 440 .: ~,,,1.7-1,--6.41. 7:ifigahrastrinafiX Vil," fig .-- - - - 3 4 traii,Vl?4,MtitatireiraZAW 'I -. Aiwa ' ' . '- '4zi'*-.."1 M holden at .0. 111 Vo4.1•1 Mk" ... ,r,- .. city, Ca... beton, 7..111( N. f La 2 ., I , Lia. - {r; n • Mjrknt "r""' '""" T ' . ; rrgatkv iti : -. ---. ''"a m , rn . Ttiono a. Esta =NM , - 1 munrractivii:u 171101IGHT /EON L:=E , PITI'BI9IIIAGEI,'PA. I•• ,, - , Ulpiaptc ...13,111 V11,1 2 ` ':'''-iiii itiiiitit lidie ... ^ r rilirldillZ'OT46:4l"iiadatieill=' T.,',„-',. I 117aloarptaistrirwi. Mous* Ilimpet' , ... ll Ib - m•••••' °-1 111.1,--Attl . , t; -ri b=11::1111::::` - '14... f .tat."*1 etslol .r.144..114,114.6.#17.• -,• ~..7.l"o:tirivaiThiiiiir.-4,-;•,-.., • ...I" ,•: o ,lo‘, - • i li titowatu ,41-,......,_"",,, , , ? , 2 ...i -- , isMT kfilk W" ' iir 4 th. - ........- : ?1 ,, .." .i.lit=4ibi I Fairozi tattrir - D04,- t q broranak. ltde.P.r-.'' grpear-ro , lIVERPOOLIk,": 41011111 d • emiultr! • •• • glirmrsruzsiorrauninikkr, BRlCKlititol4l6l4l, - Llbtrya 4 bf liII m 3 IIRELEMBRTE.6II#II4tv • - um.. ta , ..av iz o rs4 ZSAIIV4Oft VP" ,J 3 Itarzoln 1"4"1- -;0 eiqVgripetrZrwir fiZa, Mfri-itliVortftso stiu4 on Ma elm, *pat/ i rae ta ju • raterthatM il tota. Lt. #ll-4"17-''''' 2 And M' az) Mt, liiitiALMAtiar* Brimait..vaiNfrttvi i iii lutAlwm /pm / ANlVltlearlik ;hi /fm,lta, e1'.404/9**lF eVealirelll jay'. Ulll////:=TO IL:;* ••••• t 110 a l srw~ar~atr of iO . Zat t irantraVattpeg="o' legrt.=, ciwitareim,_F- A lLLEenEant IrALurx ROAD. =LAMM or yam - o..na Who TERINCIINT ttsl. 11116.11 a.m.* US • shrhernia 00.1e1Cr00... CASA. S. Ku: Schram. lot T.O 11.3 a. hhc....Accacum.lutlont Lo) rr.a.7i, Ntrrt eq. Wortchhecon... 1 . 1 h.11/. alga:ft hccond Coda Wong Acooss—hrtar. S. Ira p.m. Halton Acc0a..act0n.....19:01.1. 11 144•1‘.• , Band. Church Truln. nom • aad to todahrortu.—...... Tree. /Li 70014.11.1it1 Lrpre. North mhos don boaneatim how. with 11. of pocketa the_ !YOCUM calIF 01l ,Ill i nciatOcaaativrllo 1?" y 17 LT " hsaktlSi • ANOCOMUnia . .4nl.s R It JAD . Mom= i: Th/ mit or irimr , • ' on and star 11171 WA... Ontotnne MI6 Way oval .11.1 leave quo Doak cornet ' erns and MalsnltZW.ll. alldro.l.lld —di • • • idartd• Pt:n.6.l *hal t 1 all from Untont`n. W. tar. . Wall 15, ntddd.k'd ..M.11:11% **lll Istlndsy Obluila T 411112 trrat Nwton. 4Zr. IrahliWit',%‘ to bb tor 71cka1l apply to W. B. roux., ent..runasCri, 1 1:10ENA SYVASTJLCENTILikLi,e,' DAlLBU .thsliad attar QOTOOXII itt&t, VW MAWldil . share attd dirDanfroaa tlit uslco. ILiskil,oo,ea at Washlzurin 62.0, Liberty 81G..44 • •-r -, ., 1) 3411 Traln.... I . *) •IA .A.4.4.,....,..rg..*. 0:0;11:17,11112 22, 4 4.M., - ; legtt ii!tapla Zia L. - Tad a ta fli:all , a lan. L.. Wile • tr 66 alt 6 Kn. _a... Ira a m ..tetnit.n.tl.lkia.ttill•ln.., .°2=ll.l.',Lig: LI 74,1." ti.:1341 pp... r .,„ Igo p m Wall% ro. I. SIN ;111 ~ olslot. - 1... Itan, a 'ra,./I'.: .. 1'4:41-.ir• ON; it 6::: mu C: a: 1 A... : lantlei . &Ws Mit m last Lim.... .1* a Akedna La ata mm • . WIWI IN O 6 6 - II I ... .T snua ". C EZZa. %T.: * l ifftia lr i Plat all a rta ' i • ta.,Ftaliarfa Pluablanitt 0 P. Ili ‘%l=litt Lyari k cala i tirig. ..WI ;; l ise tratnt dally aSeent Mama ' '' rldlaaalphla,Mxpreas and tba AI •. . '.: modatton and smivaat Trill, arms anew rrnanal Snakes dJklly attain • j Ad atnai trains da6V ekeer.l .122.7. : . • Sor fasiderlsaformattoximbluto•• , 0; .: • . • ;_; .• . • w. n. usuimlTYL. . Tim ronasylualgt 143.trasd.C1r. tut 'i. a p 'paild.""Tarliclartarl4pcmgar 14M % ... tiondral Doll.. favalus. All nag stab antenna In , 11i110 111111. eke earner, nalesa taken by , . ,61.6kank - "."..., SEDarre,Wltatfatin L.8 .7A 1 .... 1903 u4.. -.-1.i.-'.. . li r ezel , ..tra mant ion oonA . ',..• ~ 7.OJUN= MI. 1.17' . r If amazes Traler on she wtrter. proartrwals ttellroott VIII. otlar Ana aernika. tlnv... ' , went Ousel DOM, .soMtiTs. l4i4Lar.Z • . - trprers ~.....10t1a.a..*: stirropetiVitta Pr:M4-MM P.at 1a7 ".... er1i OM. = 11011 -- km rat. treeport Ito. ; .cosrar;! cviaxgallgotit 0t..0, ffiliapimal..! ,me Church Train 'ems Alleghera.i i errs, it ' WEI& rgataaw n IVA " a city.: tio c. r. !ie.: 44!!..„.1 og. 3 t.__, iiaitA L -.9 , 32P1i i - ti ~ ...i, . fj,.."ll7.karrantnt"Crea: =Mt; 2" / la."' V. " It ! Is", ' 7 , r '' ft!: i ..st.l'Verema, atutiiiii .friii=-§"AVrsaiM '4777. g.PArIZ, %AIWA= !li,. .h.....'44115-:' 013., 3/. 3HU COW street: car BrIATh Plf.ttbarrh. cad et theril, AllgresAr' i 171":"'&,,'Ilfli'iriAttainta - ' ltl . : ' s. • The, WesteraThrneylrazas ,aattrord • +a immi mouse aurettlt4or Haws. thr taw cued earn aoaClltalt L,' ,, i .i r. l ' ~ Setf , limetedgic t7'l',4=paqt Lersine, a Nta °4 . a " 3181 el 336 faarat34.3.33 Mg 31 'ale. 'lln - -. • : . I k..r4* 8...% 4 1 . ._ . : .:-.,. 1867 . 0 .... IMINIIIIIrI367I' .1, 11.1" , &Nil CTlEL; W ri a j a a. a CUI LVti a tsgiNZOlSCteltber MM Wrir. =M a" 1 . 111 411......D.1. '' army av, me Inuask wroi. UM aft...raill -- • Marii.leit elf r iT z' " ill . 1 vitylvallia 1 X,....... 1 =1 1 14;2:..-',' a.tß i . ,, tf. u . Ali: ,wc.e..E.L.E..4.7.141: tralke iS k I a ri l ,41-ILAr.,o4raiiislear4""?ts rcelaliV3 - Reahmter- 1: C y r ll2" ' WI. a NClefilira Lotii=t 44. n .. 1 "." Lettaalaa Isla *. l " ...,. . ~,,.,—a . " N. Ng' %lilt : , L 2rtaill._ . ..._ ' nftlet i rk' Lark - • .iiia l.. 71v... , •: 44 41 0 4..., 1.1 a& e1ar 6 7 6 7 ..... ~., .45-, P.m. ll .* lNUsiliek - '.:, MEE