_DAILY , A=I"II, , % ' l.l.! l2l # 6ll ":# 4ll o ,l fixb' *, - lUitt ll . l o - 0 0 .9 r: f:+a o o c rtour.i_.»..:.....::aoarai mo;.. .'ll:l7p7r, pa*Fnic struansil. AB, HpmtN rwril amour. • Paper' &Uteri hulin!is, oritathiZi A ttg 41? Vela* AIID Siatii r *L ANlZtig er 7 -?,,}113 1 41 . 0 . 7. LMIIrI Merlin pt wNt .. .11. 4 ". 1'. • pprikA._ CM= MIT EDITION. *IDNIGBT NMIONAL N. 4143 Dhplay Thu Nenfing. • ' The Maryland Investige , . ,iiiiiiiir.bistetat quits , Reim' &Beam Bops Rap, Burr arj Stanton. gkikiutii,Aird the Praaiienoy. =?=!=M Vl* /Unctions and the Un - Mxinitrae,sd. ESffl TilipMninido in the ,Gnlli; llNZillit,* to ilk! racuearrn anew.] ;t:i-li::.Waaiusorox, Nov. li, lik. t t4 Ore el.;sflerseMlC DISPLKS7.' , ~,' , . fiend; Suptaintendent of the iermilarurt One hundred- and rated , h 4'4i:606.644as teem MOPPOd down biefik_: 43 ., t :a'o o4l r, 1 !bon ..the ! 2 }Gieom. - thrirao:thiek that the Identification of tholesein .from Ai; two shdiocui here toeliniklioPithenii.and - simple. seaming was maned to , Otte 'fbottseled mitoors , _ wisf7tenotted lettureen,:, 4.14 and t.'.35. Woloplf.: , !„ . i.AfteristeirieMite - .1 111 .11. *oda were. L unsuited,. at. Intervale; Ttee fast Mie thotaien4 being partly K ij, „while the mapping was "till . 4. 1 t is Probehle ono Mit:were not • m z s . be t.. 'estimated . that two ' '''' MU' In the 'coarse Of , ..... _ . ' 'MP time 'of the Mantanim Addams of the s h ower was fode*l'Ma':and ; twenty-five minutes. 2Mitlrf:two„hgnin's later Shan glvan by Metpeen.etteetya . tin= of lest year , she** a alight change of thonotation of the itnmen; The radiant point was very well , ffehnektiodmr, in Itight ascension tan hauls mai One minium' declination torentyitertrdagrent and thirty. seconds. Many were remarkable for thelrbrillinn• ey s end for teluilllnnt train, which 'nen ally matishaditt's lbw. seconds; bat in one or, two puss es lasted several manut. TbriboiCtaiMant end thickest display come hem the dirs.:lion of .. Leo..!.wnk.h vsietzty degrees above tho.bori ',. ' Ohne of the in:tetras - win' north and eastilhough there were soatteMhsg ones from -other. 'dime; ilex . 31i117r1X3D:-.E92113A1if6".- ThirdilinitialNi iii:4titiicais:eagaioa. in the 'Maryland Mrptigation, was in =Won to-day. IlienararotayWrig col ored woman, who** awardrbytiJury one matt deinsgeklbt aiwarattly- a , white mu_ _... i Wetfrtrivestiented, And:satitimenta enu . - ...-eolor individnabo as trkl. : ally nemeieyalty birthed Unto.. .._. T ing weatald.md, outing on thin OPIUM whieabfaryituni. has artMisblicati gov ortmenth- .:' . Vtil,itriiiAn4& - tiskrinicia% :.. Cs k Maki DepaitMen beitalliimict tliiit B. millions of dolhas worth or Proper, 1 ty destroyed by the tornado on 00. tobWith. - 411: hundred haulm were dean st= 4.l . l 4 l l l6 e l 'UtZ t =ro;ti'dOol At the , month ottho - Meer .thera.was sceedy =a 'lmam 'left.''...A.ll. ',.shtt , river steamers were wreaked or 'dlrablid - ix.- Mit:A% Pregoi'Frft:,:,,=er"''''. _,.._ Ei= 11,1" anderatoai that the impeachment' In *lll *lll be. resumed In afew do/6:i Gnuat .Ina Col. Wryer Ira ;thkii - o?n suarinsaio Ittbit, , W.• Patterson - Assessor .orlitA terAPSltevetthe of the Fourth District; Irtridineornts to-dry impended by the Proddeut . o# . lll charge of.minanuittet tu = ta tai (heis; tap 3 ' l "= / =a t .mt eialW.T. Welles still in critical acICOUSIN idiShilY better. Map Sete:Tiertlar coraespondent.] V Maa.i ltr—latatraatsta•-13blef The Oran (Torero. 1111ussal Lad 01111 e•-. 4 ..,.. "" ”.}4. 4 .terioreir;Nev-12".Z3Z ~lIIIKI4OIrat thitethis autumn vre have elltitylatonte the _weather The sea •tM been aloriora, and the - falai eatlitiie r thlf orowaing - Ite rolling &mail. is aopea, lg all theAoolYei.the fading year. The Ne tleipestdirt:r to atunmer. have The, Fiala on to the very .serge of *hair: BralithiitelfaVe :teen urged- tbraipli to ocertgethin..; Cow, for. the first thee; a a I.7.oeiera; WOO ititrodnother ;rater,' bits hew' ad190141 - ,1900A, **emends era laid in i tfie 4 ftt ir strretin hOuniswith pods= 'every' aid : 4 "( 044Whitataktittrera cue alter an othee_paierseetdoCahnplotion. Wash: . Inglaatlaribtseaboottatlog.itt ibrtho pa tient leiditteftelit,`considared - as a city. ' siiesirorirtuir or Ran: Ur.fitanton hot returned hither from Ma Nifttent , and,ti'revisit to Mts. bored id..M brlettalthimd In biota, 1•11 .e i."1 b 1 e 4411, ThittnaligUitY of Cho , 1 1Ie f - VOW . hliii . marimenes Dena , IU modicum ofthintate nenthlt Itithyea ~ p, era red to eset luturdo. dable auction 1411 New York is thrown aside, sod be tho'haariOir tian , of .„ . " )/f g p kr:: u', Vl on ta , the awthoop,'al- le a p the war .IY•any • evidence, wale heeded of of Mr.l3tanton In free primal toeverirpart of hit duty-ehard tee it mud often have been in Wat , efilen--yre bate it in - the towed famine:Mr. John ilnikilla toward friends and coadia, tars, , Ili kft , t,it . I that, encouraged 11 7 1 I I & 1 ett s ' -VI 41T. • I. ' gii,ie r frt trillVP clinnfir Mr. Stantonfrom the ar t.,tteocendithenalla% lis coostrbietthe me of" oftice le* as amt withal Bas him Dan the dismissal 010 .' 0 ' Of the ' °Alma as be sUtadidemdeppcdtd. it la probable - DlaoMay--rectintly niturudd Id • remeettated condition hem s V , :given an- °pinta! e•tui h 'an 0 0 thneuidect.. 'de this gentler . sasn'tworar dadled lawor ~,37 other eel. enind beelelield to beitud the matt to glee or lone by, MT:: te DAT have It own violas of =riti mean by the law t o pr os seehedhanleed witboutlnOtankento and an Intennaing Terabit Ude von he—and ! rm . ". dem paean:ad to - the ' public Of ammo lan Menton don't witet 'ti dedirithapositlemwhleb i mixo one wider no notion upon ..idmi.but doubtineef hef• treble and Matchless adtalle . ,.: • a .•-ot. , the . . Department thrOtighthritenbaletef that war will lea° vlntliceneelbitbeeßePreseedallvesof both thitagadeaarmitite people, that be mn n th, crowned with nude approbation ..' front the disagreeable contact Which se a member of the Cabitket,lns WAS obliged ' 100101141Hlta iiiiii'doctor had to ecpen =pork or cauterize a. gangrened 'Enters' M. &rewrote In or out grew Cabinet, will be held In grateful • rementheraitok when - the -poor hand 'thanked went, angle •bitaf-autherity,4 and Dow ratted "genet hint, shall have loon mooldesed—forirotten In its con- Sanietrt, ••• pr . • "'' • ' . - ~runintratiank. s` `em le making here and en haiku/taxa parts of the mike ib ' - 'ant thename of the Chief • JmdOcanneandidge for the Presidency. Tluout 'the 'South, whore Ropubli , mankameothein they want, his name is Dahl te Wray . acceptable... Documents; In large =unbent, Intended to operate In Lis few, hero boon soattered through the mintonatrooted' Mae, whit It t hoped, maybe so brought tato the Moo that the true loyal people Iney speak Alarm*** thicomilig - election. nam ed men all over the 'land are: evidently lathing towed him air a true and pro , nonneellepresentatlie of the great can- . trd, ideas of ngmblicatilimi , It would seem that theism= of thexampaign are shaping thenweites at a remarkably VOLIIKE' .LXXXII . . - oarly period—the Convention :irrat be ing troheb/Y sight months distant. Yet on. au* Wyatt 'hands the demand for speedy decimations from this or - that man;as hi alt the questions of weight be re the- people, indlosther, as it would seerk very deckled °placate as alreadY Axed in the public Mita; And especial ly at the South fa there fixed - purpose, sad iidoess.:Carnestmes, not. only as touching the candidate, but the Issues of the oo stratb. .h niers. noartirr.r. -This earnestness comes 'from' the ro new6.l hostility of the rebel 'element,. sham the success of their. Mende at the North.' This day a - missionary from a PeoPle w r iternty - mlles -from this' city told the of thli that he was accost. od by a rebel attho depot with an mann ance that "now our friends are tipper- Inost in New York, well soon make all you d--d.Yeinlat ski p Mit of this ale you did a ft er Bull Ran!' Such was the wanton spirit toward a poor self-denying missionary, whose life is spent In teach ing and preaching the Gospel to rt hand-. fel of poor whith people,. which he has gathered in a log school boamin Fair fax ooanty, Virginia. Redoes not even ask them to support hlin=-Medistlone.bY I the American Ithmehillalorlary Society. The noticeable point is that whore n sot. of people aro thew subjected In a hoitile community to gross and even per sona violence on-account of certain en tertainod opinions ; or boo:Luso of their devotion to fldigion; or tho cause of edu cation, or any ram dlattnethro. achetne of goodness and benevolence, they ,are either extirpated, or, clinging. for-sup port to each other; . like the - grand old Covonanters of Sootiand, they become peculiar poople; zealous works,' with cicsayedeantid id corners wont clean by the mutant attd en -end foremost-and 111001 cssnest which to, them mans life, liberty, com fort, hippiness. And the .ettooess of. the Republican party does mean, just duit and nothing • less 16 'the. sonata, hated and persecuted unionist! of the South of whatever complexion: i • TEM, LAND 0iT1072. !!!I ion. The anneal repent of the General Land Office this ytar is -a maavelhans paper. I doubt if Thom la any document hatted by the Government:whlch will exhibit our country - in: so favorable tr- light to the eyes of the ;world.. There are nearly one and halt billion acres of public lands, presenting the greatest Teddy of soil in Me .trorlui,. and abounding in all the minerals and ;machine motels. This report brings to public' notice regions in Nevada andblontana, , of beauty and-fer tility which, until- now r have been as much hidden from the world and from us- e.Cen Mem are val.. bye separated by walls, of mometans almost if not' quite ,luipaalbbe, save where the rod of Omnipotence has smitten through them as if mere gates for the world's convenience. This -report shows that we, stand upon the great highway of the weed, and that the Indian and Chinese hada is to mere over the Pacific Railway by that' invin cible law of the marestand most', conve nient transit. The Gaastent.must have acopyof thisremarkable report of which the writer hereof saw theedvance sheet* onl • The- Land Moe .bt by bar re st acted to the:whitest:len of..comparer: tlvely f order but=s o can aid :17ttri t ,Int= it in ' infie l y i tzt Stages. Hon. 7. li.'"Wilaon; the Cola: relasioner of the General land Oillos, probably better versed in the /and laws than any other min the tounhy, and has produced here *paper that is tho re snit of Reek years researchttl observe , . JEFF. DAYLS. - . . The csee'et this .:.Patriet" is the piece de resishmenot ail napostadal banguata. Thlimmulbg We," ars 'esstured the trial wilt °emanate on lhe , 23th Inst. Yes terday.we aeries ttualt would be postponed To-morrow surfeit • sabel , .But, dear Mr. Editor., what, after ND. &es the whole.“coll" ineount to?. What are you going to tryldneforf: Lit as to the .1 act of treason, i..e. alevying war against the United States? •Who doubts theft _Then it only remains tc decide whether' r not levying war against the - United ',States is 'treason! and - Is there any man ao .demehted _as. to suppose a • . tiori Lithe affrmative? . loot • The we the Davis imbroglio has been thenrsim , but two: men to the country to-day so great heaves in New York, and generally throughout the country, where Democracy =lea, as Jetty; and they are Andy . Jolutscau and Brick Pomeroy. =l*.olwiLms aMMI Igasiorek's AsrvisitAanchmaio• ' Irirairalumi-464 *taw et .ailhiss. I)4l . iirstaeto ski Titlstperiea Gasettol Nztv Ortt.ssatit, November 44.—C.tra. Hationers arrival is anzlorady locked tdt br the citizens of New. Orleans, who liopellil he will corrict the abuses of the city administration. At -a meeting of the citizens, Wednesday night, a Cora , milts. was appointed to prepare mato tints layinga the currency matter be fore Ocoma:Threitock, and; reque log himto act for 'their relief. The large bills of city Lane are at 17 per cent die , oo=r, smallantee piths same lame are only th ree per- mnt. Five do ll ar tdll. Which a few days a were only thole and-four per cent.)i tamnnt, are now Allem and seventeen: 'The runes lays the blame upon the Tresanry The Zhaldisissyw .131en.Hancrelt cornea to Mb ComnalmityWith themg:ardor an educated-and accomplished soldier and gentlemen, andhe should. be welcomed as such?' ThePfcronembayin The most substantial. • Ablest , - sad :best citizens should waloome himirels 'And Precut him their views of ihortecoodtles of the hour, end cmweltdly than unconnected' with poilldrsl affairs," and suggest a tbiZ a committee be appointed to welcome The Oeneraratul mcgain to him the titre deplorable condition.. - SOUTH mama& The War _Bolines WWI sae Piss ; inme-6eireety.erPeaelh Bellereese See lieserels es Oa Field. 'UM* to tail 14114+9 , 143.418.1 Saw Ziovetraber 14.—The ref; Deny Ettenoc s A3rres,. OOrrottpoPilliftee kayo theatinertilfilit the tiebrhate Agreed to terms apogee, and mat them to their respective governmente for confirma tion. • Thesertertim etre; briefly. • The allied 'emir evacuate: the briefly bullion', and theßrastilLen fleet yen waters; Lopes, President of . ,ItadMaeln faros 'of the Tice. ~P— A 2treZt and goes to Europe for two Lymng Paraguay yields -.all claim to the arruchaeo territory; free ruivigatioU rivers from source tante Ocean granted; neutral nation to fix the boundary be tween Paraguay and Brazil expeniai of the war to be borne by t he bditger ant respedively; prisoners of war ex. rhang.M without ransom; no claims of indemnity to be made; indopendenoe of Paraguay, guaranteed; • otertructkom • to the River , Paraguay to4bo removed by Paraguayans within three mention mob belligerent made en agent to conclude a treaty of oemmeree and amity. An armistice was at once conoluded, end the ratification of the treaty and Mebane was to be accoMpliabed a114301i 1111 per. Bible: etemeste Misplay Iranumitay Prof. Watson, of the kichigen Vet. IV:stlA at Detttlt.roMta that, oaten . iading ended of the full moon end the smoky ss of thestsnesphereefine mbifaen ottvum , e ye sltioi. maximum oc curred ak hear, war (Muck, at which time they ware counted at the rate cif fif teen hundred per hour, slthough the ste tted number visible woo much Mester. At New 'lrark the *owe= did not sp. pear is - mined irk thizt "i• —Three ha y- our mete cantha "I"ark Obsery ors wire seen from - :dory, New Tcrk, Wodneetisty night, of which day-four left luminous M hod. The The greater portkes were men aim be tween three and live o'clock in the morn ing. r its hundred were omunted in twenty minutes, at , Wlindrigtoe, Del., and an observer 'thought two or three thousand were visible in ell. '--Observers at Heck Hall, Evanston, 11.11acda r report that notwithstanding , the a nd was partially °bleared' by ridatis and the full moon. a thus display of me tears was aimed Wednesday morning. The 011111.1011201 occurred teßwech three and four o'clock, when eleven hundred and nine were counted between throe twenty and four heels.). At Dearborn tlalrendty mllljarget number were • —Prof Loomis, of Yale College._re perm about thirty thcmsand metors ruurally .13104dpg.^ The rammer Est dley- DNerratmy, Albany, counted one themsandlhreehnnared. ' " • ' Pros Harktruut, atria National Oh servatery at Iticlunond, reports 'meteors Oahe raterot fifteen btuid an honr, yesterday morning at roar O'clock. —The meteoric display at, Charisma, S. C., was very brilliant, lasting several tr. Ildenribio • u..riutearn etulti6l Lotrtarnat ie iioveanbes 14.—Elver falling, 'with fret seven Inches 111 the canal by Mark. ._, . . • • , , . . - .. . . . • . . - .. sigrAßLlSitt o - • _ AIL- J• ..• -•., - . . _ .. . . _ . : . _.. . . ' • : _ , -,-, „. A Iv,,itigitp -4 zt1713 . . ' ---.-,' •-'• - . , .. . .' ... , , . ' - t '• ' • -f-4,rz:,,,..,....44. 's_____ - Va i mit .....74i 0 H ---- ti ,' ` , ' I'L-4_,... ~,,, ..„....... - : - . . ~... 717 . .- „t-, -- - -, -- 1 0,, , 1 ii . :. . -___ I II I. -tr,, , mima -,,,- , .............. f. „_• . .,..x,....-71-- 4.1 , g3....., , -- ." It. -•,. ). . : - .." . .. 1 " -7.1 '''. . ''-. - th- ' 74- ' l- 's- - --- "•;,:.,-:.=.:-. 1 .• - '' •,- --"--; ' . . ..- . • • -.... _ . . - • . . , KOMI EDITION, THREE O'CLOOK A. M. FROM tIIROPE. The Italian Situation. Temporal Power oftheropt. Its Abolition 4sential to Peace; rurors 41smienst *rands. An . Outbreak Imintnent. Troops EWA from IPraMks, Ratazzt Diebees for the Itadletih. ItallYL, Called Opt. Pope's A#d4stiVthe the, atlthe 4Tatican. • = by the •Qaien. The Be.'glen Plosia;l.;Tie;aii.. • pl ,• . • . . y i.lwpft w PT!Tabnigil ztitaiiiin: • • • • :rtuce - rraIXA.K 7Himeriox 14 :4 ,0 K. 6 *-: ISiding:OaltOriel on the Italian 4emotion, tithes to the Wit ixda of the iirinsa Min ister Matnibree; boldly:deals:rim that the abolition of the "temporal power of ths Popo to essential to the protervathm. of peace, and calls it Italy's ultimatum to noctser PAUDONED nr THE QV= :C. Mikinatte, one of the Ilve priisoners con victed ofnuardir het'fbre the Special Can mlaalonat if aster, and condemned to death, has been pardoned. .by The Queen. .4111hrong# bias' triad Maguire stoutly maintained his ituuxamee, claringbe was not even . present on the 'police van when. Sergeant Brett was =I Loin: Ir, 1r v..14---Bo,itiv—ie I; said The Fenian CoL.'kelry,..who was reeeued .Tronythe pollee. at .iiisiieleslit;has sp. point% • ' = . Official returns of the Dank of Eng , laudations bullion has decreased .1:940,(00 since the AL dense fog prevalltd last algtit. meteor' were seen. • , • , E=3 Pains November.l4.-7-The Moagear ptibibibes ea Imperial diems making - the following Cabinet appointments: M. Marie - Oscar; PiniatT, - Minister- of State for thelnteiiori M: Pierre moue Mb° Minister of Finance. THE POPE4IXE , THE THENCE TEDOItt. Previous to the departure of the French troops from Rome, the Holy Father re ceived tbe EMS ofEccre in a body at the Audience Chamber of, the Vatican: and addressed - there to theinost %Cling Man ner. He'exiiieseed,his happiness other ing soldiers of France around . him once more; but never Lappincas been so great as now, because of the re cent pall to which he had been exposed. He returned thanks, to the ahem, to France, and' to Emperor Napoleon, for the deliverance of the Holy See. Ho was filled with grief to see Italy held ,out as a vanguard. against Rome by a horde of muirchtste, upon • whose - flag was Inscribed"'Rapine and Dessata- . tion." While the valor of: the.Pon tideist troops bad meccas:fully de fended the • soli ,of the Church, the army "of name Mid come to crown the -splendid : defeuee.., Tho Pope concluded by .eaying thas in the midst able trouble he had the consola tion of melting sincere expressions; of Catholic sympathy from all parts'' of the world. Men ttirniirattA the interview by. giving his Apostolic blessing -to the `army' of the' people and Emperor , , , • •lETALi. ".• • • ,syslorus AGuassr: knExcii Loarear, Nova:ibex 14 2 —Evening.— tate - diapatchea received 'front Italy state that the feeling. agatuat the Trerich 1331 the part of the. Ita/lana has reached tniaderit vtoors amsr num Tomos: • The ontitorittas tiara taken precautions, to payout another outbreak, which was Imminent, and more trench troops bad bnett &iv:itched from Totdon for Clvits 'Ring Victor Emanuel and Primo Min baariferiebrua are yery.tinpopcdar with the People: Baran Ratan/4 formerly Primo Alum tel.; hes operdzJoinod the Radical party. Tbe'lting hay called out the iaersm of tha.ltallan mirky, and ordered: the Lamar. lion of three largo minim General Garibaldi la still closely. con fined. :The Pidreime 'ltalia of MU mender; however, scouts the s fear or ■ map d'etal b t ui. insaigents. The same, aurboriii gentle that the Nolloaal Diet will. Meet, to a felt days. - • ' - 111111AIIVIL YOSTALTII,NATT . . Bnaseste, Nov. 14.—8 y the new pea l& treaty negotiated betwedn Belgium and dm Valid Annear ,of...dromiert, the rate at *stage on single letters, weigh. lag halt an mune or less, is • rednoed to atrUlt. - CUAltOr OF - sr. Pwrgesouno, Nov. .11.—It is re iortad on good nothority ttud Lieut. don. Nltholas lirnatoff;ot prmentMin liter of Ronda at Constandnoplo,.. repl*so !Prinoe - GoFfsobskoff at Mixdstor SotrrtrAxrros ' Novompor H.—The oieinuitip AUemanin, from New York, airtsaltaday. - • • PISAINCIILL 11110 cOattitial AL. ,tioxxiin,' Nor. g.-Consolsl4:—Anentw 5.2 ) 9 . 70i;' Minds Central, 841 Erie, .4,, American securities . close d balmy. r FluastrosT,Say.-14.—..Elessing.-6-Wis, Pixel, Nov. 14.—Afternoon.—Rontes very flat. latmattoot., Noir. 1.1.--tEtoeniag.—Cof ten closed paler; Balm 8,000 bale. Mid gdsU tu . d. plands at Orleans, 81c. Bff. gla CorE li n q 4519 d. Wheat; lra for White California; No. I.'2diltran koo ited 15s 10d. Barley 5e 4.d. Oata ltd.' Pena 50s. ' Provisions—Beef 105ar Part Tbq Ltd 5$ 3d; Chetteos3l; Bacon 55. Preduco--,Sugar Potrolourn flpilits 2a, and , Rellned la sd. daersvaap. Nay. 14.--Ructling.--Petzp leuba fir itandard White. —Thar New , Hampshire • Democratic Convention yesterday nominated J. G. Rieder for Governor. Oversix hundred delegates were present. The resolutions dedard fidelity to the Union arid Ctmel. tutiou, against the Congonsional plan'of Reoonstraetion, taxation of the pro= of the State and maim without vi the nallohal faith, and wins!, sumptuary laws. .6eorge IL rierrowas nominated tbr Railroad Commlasioner. -jrtio Tonsieneerkttato Touchers' As. Nociallas, In sesskinat Nashville, yester day, maseniallsed the tare 11? Kai a law hnunnansne s , :57;ionTi hoot artamodteseldng lnAhn &Ida The question of mixing whits and cog. anal children In the same sehoois was sait up for dlscuolon.' !FRIDAY. , N6VEMBER -) 15. -1867 =WS BVTIELEGItAPH. .—Tke members of the Arrey . of .-Ten nanwSociety, in session at St. Louis,' at a htiaileea meeting yesterday . elected . the -fp-linWug officers. for the ensuing year: Pre:Went—Gaya— - latie'llreal dentaltlitmerals Howard, la. -4.. Smith, Bellunp. hiCArtlinr, Fairchild; Laven der, 'Recording flecretary—CoL .L. Dayton Corresponding Secretary—Gen. illifiteslooper; Treasurer—Gen. Corse. Chit:mow= selected tut the next place of Meetllg. The Committee on MoPbereon monanent reported over threettfonsaiadl 'dollen on hand, whieb was le ft the of tho Committed ter disposal 'During' the afternoon the-members of the Sfelety were conveyed In carriages throuth the city and vialtedall plac.a of note 'n the suburbs. In the evening abouttwo hundred officers and cuirass sat down to a magnificent banquet at the Southim IfoteL The banquet was pro /onged to a into hour, amid much hump-- my, aft general good and hilarious' feel ing unsalted. —AsE. A. Pollard,- Historion of sibil hi Llontenanta," roe passing in ' .Bont if the Maltby Howse, in Baltimore, yostertay, he ants approached by a eon and ampler* of Henry A. Wise, named Jobe nd Douglas Wife, each of whom fired s' shOt at Pollard, ono pairing throng' his right arm, ha .having his 'itiforea • his loft arm at the time. rnl •Lardde*a-pletol;And -weds onside to raise lion account of the wounds,lital the ball trim his weapon struck the pave. 'merit. 'The Wises came up from Rich 'Mond to obtain satisfaction tram Pollard fora later recently published by the latter, n reply tu to a letter of Henry A 'Mao his Pollard's) inner" of the War, and previously declared their Inter:4lin to shoot him at sight. Thoy are both It custody to await an examination. --A ancus of.the radical majority of the Aldramaßeeinustructlen Convention, Wedntsday night, decided to send Spechd. . messengers to Washinguin to ascertain from /Le leading Repunlicans . how far Congicarvfil permit the Convention to go on the question of disfranchising rabela, and yesterday the Convention, by a rote of fifty-six to turenty.six, postporod further action on the fran chise qteation until Monday next. rmolutbn woe adopted- instructing the 'proPer 'conimittoo to Inquire Into the expediency of requiring former own ers to pay, the blacks • wages for service's front the - date . iif the °me dallion proclamation to May thh, WU& An ordinance introduced and' **aid proposing to connacate a 'part atm Selma end Meridian Railroad, whlcharas constructed by the Confeder ate Government in aid of the rebellion, the proceeds ofthe Immo to _go Into the. 'Educational h'und An ordMande was Introduced and referred to abolish State —Pins occurred at New 'Pork pater. day prating ; at tho plain warehouse of Geo:Snake It Co., Walker atria* loss file,000; at the blind and sash misrules& tot y of Jackson. & Steemits, Fon...rows ond !serest; led Jel,ooo, ,Ineuredt. and at Hos dead 33 Peck Blip oecupledllY Itinwatt,‘ccatonineratantkos ,t Co.; and Rodand & Sone, pro oirilealera; tom irM,CDO, partially Meuisi. —Weste, the pedestrian„ arrived at Bnifsinxi half-pist twelve o'clork yen lardaY. left-a 4 four o'clock in ; the afternoon expecting to make hls one betides:ladles in twenty-four hulls be lwent -Hdralo and Cleveland. . klaterdispatat states - that NVistotit rived at Daffelo at one o'clock. yesterday, 'Afterno4lll . He attended the Theatre lad night, and left for Erie, Pia. on his tromp clone husdred Mika about midnight . - —Fen - umi o .Wood, in acceptiug: the Mozart Dancatracy nomination The May orof licrwYork, made a speech vigor, mealy ante-Wog the expulsive honesty and respectable Incompetency of Mayor. Hoffman; sad put forth a scheme of mu mic)patrefam which-he pledged hlmsolf to awry ficeugh If elmted. • . .—Mra. CintbLa - IL Newton, who .wes &Tamed to years ago died at t ter, Mean; jeaterday; frearther uhortion..3 back oiriVer lo suspected or leading backlib as affair, and a promi nent phyaldan o( predneitie the abor tion. • —A tire Thdnintday night, at (*oars, Canada, destroyed the Mare warehouse occupiedby.;. L. Baum rt Co., whole sale webers. • The lose on the contenta to estimated at one hundred thousand dollars, .an vial& there was forty-two thousand dolling Insurance.... —Rev. O. E. AteDwaine,' son or the Episcopal hiblion of phi°, was marriod to a dna glitorof Bishop Loco( Dolma - tiro, at St. 2..ndror's Church, Wilmington, Delaware, yesterday" rm. Bishop of Ohio waisted •Lo BLstiopbf Delaware in the seryiees. . ' —Thaddimejtevers arrived hi Wash . IngtOn Wednoday night. was 'able to sit up yesterday, ind Was calla& upon by a •large mimber d friendmlnzt. it. is warmly IN:01MM that ht will be able to appear 112 the Rottae. • —The .Roputticina ow York City have nomhaatel Hem Mr. , A..lDarling as their candidate for Mayor. fete awl chosen on the Ast ballot—ninety-two to fifty-els. Abraham Lent, State Senator, was his competkor. . --A Ars.* Dmitrille, Kentucky, yes terday mondus destroyed buildings Occupied by moil grocers, liquor and nod i deafen, da., involving a •lom of wideitther l was an nsurnwe —A letter fron Dakota county, Ne braska, says that the Bth inst. that rte 0011 wan slatted* the mad destructive fires that overoomrred In that section. 'Thirty-five thouund dollars worth of bay and grainwiedestroyed. . - —A nildattit, *ironer Quitter WA. . , Bung yesterday; af,Elizaboth,' N. .1., for the murder- of another -swim, •• named Geo. Firmer. Theoutprit madea dying , speech, in which * declared rum - woe the muse or the ern*. —lt. ThasiihMlle!, of Cfnehithitl, end T. T. Moody, of Chicago, were among the opeakersat the State Christian Coq. vention'at New 'York, yesterday. ' - —ln the Protestant Eplacepal Cnnven• don, to aosakat at ;taw York, a report *as made In. favor ti'a &dikes of the dloosse. —The Utica, ..i.`lrentngo and Susque hanna Valley liallroad was opened yes terday to Waterville. —One that:wand bats Rlo coffee were Sold at' traction it Thilndelphis, yoster day,,at Ifitg=tc. -;The radila itartedOvint °Penal to Cheyenne on Wednestay. There was a grand Jubilee ,by the railroad men and —ln the traital District Coart, af. Be ;imam, Georgia, Judgetaskinepreildhim, ih tho cane of the United States m Fos ter tiladgott, a true bill wes,fouad and the trial camel off to-morrow, 4 _Thi n . Nathaniel Rel.lsa; the al t smidnate. ot. Brown tialventty, . died* Bristol, R. L, Wednesday, night, Aged _ , —About throe hundred, freedmen passed through Augusta, Ga., yesterday, ea route to Charleston to fake passage on the ship Golconda for Mom. —The new bridge across null& river, at Norwich, Connecticut, fell yesterday evening Three men went down; <hut were uninjured. —Alai:wider Carter was killed In Nor folk, Thursday night, by Harry Warren. Both were marinas. The murderer was. Akrn•ted.. • - --Orders have been limed from thi hoodqwirtors alb) forMe egab- Itohmout of an artillery ■choot st Fortrom isreported that the r..eatua l v go v - ernitent proposes to reduce :otter pea .tage to.tkree cent .ntitte, end arranging nu.wqmPur Post!iiM —The helm of Anneko.jahn, who claim tho Trinity . Church (New York) property, mat to conventlon at Pongb , keeled!) onWedneaday. They numbered two hundred men and wanen. Tluistaterilittit that=Colonel Forney, ,es Secretary of the &rude, Is *defaulter, is wholly unfounded, as he has abalones in the !smary to bin credit. b stated that Secretary hilCul loch recently tendered his resignation, but altbdrent,ll-,at the reqhest of the President. • , , —A thief netuedbraguire shotby . . °Meer Woodbridge, ut „Nose,ark, Thursday night:: Ho was caigebt the —John -C. Stable, the 4404 '0 1 46 11 i . wake Hay Pirate. will berried iii . .llFook lyo, H. Y., next week. ' fikermsn's next steitici'Vaidi• tngtedwill berxinotirrdrigliullii3nearai and not DC a pollitest_nature, - ' . . . —4.lalataxt Secretary bundler, .IVta gated wllliontninly rentirn in. Juuutry. , 434.1.1.11Ch150f mow h il liSpril6l4ol4, 2flass.; yesterd4. I . CITY BIIIIIMBIA. -THE MAZE EXPLOSION. _ . lilarliners loves voDe.biasil—A4l Jentliment till TOrdilY: The Coroner's jarylnthecierieSof those/ killed by the Boiler, explosion at Reese,' Graff & Ddireroiling mill; lathe Ninth Ward; on l'ilday;of last week, pentinued, titer investigation at the blayer'e pace: '..3fr. 4. J. Dial, recallaztLliaVe . r" pro , cured some sampdes, of - iron lbaral the Muse of Lyon, Shorb,,t Co., which have been drawn; cold (temples hrtilhited ) . It has Men Meted in e-idence that por tions' of•the exploded , boLter had been drawn from Not 3or fall quarter inch to No. • - e. One of these pieces has 'Men dtawn 'from i inch square to Ptlit inch square; and- the. other pieces have been drawn correspondingly; me piece, ad ' bielttmend, waadrawn down toptl Shale pieces were not hammered down 'but drawn out by" .means press. :,Thos. Otilloch, sworn—Have been In the Iron Madness; have witnessed tho ex perimenta made at Bessie. Lyon, Short' & Co.; in drawing:bars 6f cold Iron with their hydfaulle press; have seen many bars drawn' out; have. no doubt that sheets. of-boiler iron could be drawn cold, abd whold show the, samodogrooof reduction a. in the case of. bars. The friction In drawing would - heat tbe iron, though not ton red heat: Joseph :IfirishiLif, swom—Am a mem ber of: the firm ef lifetsludl dc Brothers, ironmtututheturers; hav4 examined the exploded hollers; the iron , in -them 'was of • the, best quality. 'Brought away pieces of the. Milers.' fefth.Wited the pieces.) They were cut off in my pres ence; have : tested them; both hot and cold, 'The reault pinves 'the iron first rate; if the iron of the, boilers • tad been fractured hot the fracture would bo diet Minted and not bright, as-it would be •if broke cold;lzione portion of the boater plate the iron••had . been stretched ono- Mtn rho fortsi of the ; steam smilicient to etplode the bolter would, I thluk, 'terve stretched the plates; a portion of one of theplates seemed to have been a 'good deal:heated, - but not to a" red hest; t• .e boilersgenerally, did not taro 'the sp. 'pearance of having been overheated; the boilerlates could bo stretched cold. Mr.Jetegatt , French, aworn.—llm ace mrintendeot of ebb Pittsburgh • Water Works, and-was recently Inspector Of Boiler. for Mt' United Mates govern meet;bete eXtultMei thitcfalOakbo. ll ' ere; cite of iheiluottmn,:mappearanoo, at ono end, of having been overheated, while the other end was collapsed: think the flue could - Mt heed beta overheat* 'could sect nit treee - •otalirater.lino that wouldblairthar themmter was low In the boilers; thetestimony shows that a abort time before thearplaelon there're* owe bruadred and twenty pounds arid:ant in the belittle • with thattproesure tla fintertempenstere of the_lron would la 3-177 degices; Mho tempo:thus wouldl ten. det-thelron much sealer ~ta stretch than If perfeetly cold; I have known Infector' to be used with-safetyrter several pane the zurunobjectkatto injectoralsthadthey are more complipated th an pumps The expleidemeasconsed by an ewer pressure. If the flues were entlrely, nnoovered. sad ;aftbeeameteMpernture, thesameteMpemture, More would be no Masan why they: atm ld collapse o way .sooner than' another.' When they werehot entirely unrovered endlbe the Bee heated, they woultleolle= , Madly. - would require about minutes to lower the water in the boiler two Mare. - I know that balm have been mid asunder when-there tbseplenty of *rater it, theta., The evaporation of Wesel data hare beest Imaanterwoutt-- Ilmaa May otmom—l Ina employ.. ed as plate and- shoat rollor Mew, Graff - ..t. Detre mill; I was'ia , the - mitt elienthe ex_plasicaotearredtbed piece trod in ;a* roue et the timPlt 'red; was shant-to wawa the plate then the explosion MA, the engineer was aktbashiottle Nave pitting down the governor rod; /*awing' there; bette d to,be there what". twee rolling , heavy plates; I saw him about Ave minutes pervious and talked -with him; ha sins, in toy °Pinion,- a very • easeful men; be mut-duly sober. that morning; I wee worklng on the fourth best elate . duet, • . he bed been at barest stiterpi- • • . f wee at work on heavy Iron 'au %reek and found him alepeya 'Menthe and et hi =es t tituony Met kneed, and thaJuit adjourned to: meet at tour o'clock this af ternoon,' when a verdict will be rendered, rdweasAiairiibllyla - ed An accident which -will probably re sult In the death of a young, married . . . residing blear named I.aa Anwar., the Scott Rouse, on Irwin street, occurred about five O'clock Thursday' morning. t Mrs: Bmtnet, arose abouthre o'clock and heel kindled a fire In the cooking stave, but bad not Yet tenlaced 4 6 1 0 P, P/ates',. and while attempting to' remelt etemetblafg from a mantel plies lin'itirdlidelP-...imbeve the - .Move lffiie'.wvefilltned, , a ..hurt bottle -contain-, ing Wined oil. The bottle fall upon the minim, was' brocon Into - (rotor - tents, and the fluid, corning in contact with tits i ii t;l3 14? et m Mg;? 1 Y u t i tt u r i t t u ed nite .. Th s c t ' o ' l a' an was. also saturated with oll,'. and 'ln .1 1 an Ittsparte, she was enveloped in dames:' c. , endeavored to .. °Attn. quids the ' nmil. ran into a bed-room to procure a b In her e ff orts the tire was commun to the bed, and but for the . attracted by. her 'demount, the 'building would hare ta ken tire. The. tiro was subdued; bur 'the young woman had toed karfully turned. Dr. 'Wm. M. Kern, of Penn areet,.was summoned, and was In auen dams, shortly after the accident occurred. Ile found that her bands and arms were burned almost to ;scrimp, while battery, bream, neck and beelypremented altbeck tng spectacle. The physician did all In his power to alleviate ber sufferings, hut bus no hopes of .ter recovery as besides i the extents! injuries she- nhaled. the dame: Mrs.. Brunet Is about eighteen. years of ago, und.was married only Mg ;luring. lice husband Is absent from Use city at present, bat has been telegraphed for. ' The couple . formerlyrulded In Washington, a., having only removed to this' city a few menthe since. rri.'ui - rm The National Wool - Growers' Anaheim Con monitne, to ,be'. held In this eliy on the 27111 of this month, nt the Court flonscosill be an, Important . gathmring It Will" bg - 6 repiesentattiM - ntoctltur of tho - agricultural Interest of the United States::. , That there wlllbOdulgphanft* Most of the State;t thorn is art doubt. The intimate misname of the Society Wool llanufacturousb Aisochttlon of the 'UMW States, renders thaforthcoming meetingn very luta:rat- Lug one to all Of our ettizens,_partlEhVly Bodo our manufacturers, =a the who lo of our industglOus population . The rootlet; will moment iS majority of theileop o le of our common country, an 4 4 1rOther r ; °Tirc,Tbituritiritnitzfl. Stalls. The Agricultural presa the' country . *Ube jreß, represented. lion., Henry S. Randall. L.L. D., the President of the Society, will preside. Ho le.tlin editor of the ohms -husbartdry deportment of iwKArcto Yorker, &on The Ohio /Wino, ounrinto of the Ohio State Wool Growers' Assorietlon, will be rep. iesented . by Col. Harris, Ss able 'editor., The Prairie.Forrecr will be repits' entail brW. W. CorkW, oneof Int editors. The, hew Hampshire Mirror end Penner by . Dr.-Henry - Boylston, its sheep husbandry oditer:and other oditons will.be present.' ; smotssaastaw—Vaeasey , liiajor George W. Murphy, who foz seine lime past boo Olio& the position of Chief Clerk in the United States Marshal's office, in this City, bee tendered fits kesignationi having act/api cal asimilar posltlonundec Major floneral Frank J. Herron, UnitedStatas Metal al of Major Murphy will carry with - him to New'Orlenns, where he - will take up his . abode, the best wishes of a host off/deeds, whose respect and confi dence he has gained byltle uniform cour tesy and probity during a lift/dons- real , dance In this , community- . . `. Our 'regret at' the change made by. Maj. 'Murphy, is counterbalanced r y knowledge of the . fact that Col. Joe Brawca will bellia BUCCOSSOr ill the Mar shal's Mika. de "ruljutant't ipa deli re lation, C o l.B. will we doubt dot prove quite as competent as . he abundandy showed blue/Otto be in the army, sad Gen. Howley, the Marshal, certainly bud lir:emend/mum his aerobe*, when be decided to mil him email to hut aid.. , . eerier('aoe- Went 'occurred In ripotown Wednesday, by which Charles Pritchard . _ i • bar about iburteen - Yeara had both It /cgs hsciered between the hip end =knee Joint& The boy was playiag-In thogertiet and actidentally lieMmthe of a . beery.: - weiph; loaded malt Arta; which lamed over: WS tegy them both unhurt:Waled. Moth= It die and dddlion 'Arthure'were celled and reduced the. tracturee,andthe txtf le in fait WAY t• ran T#L!* . CONSOLIDiTIONAVESTION. The Ci , nelitntlefaelltS•f tli•Aet to be tuu*- 31 6 11 .1. , Prelfultsam litrthe Supreme Court, ytehterd.sy,fore-: AtOon, /ion. Walter FL Leearrie; Mil', .sect on with. James. Vomit, Insq., moved for' a - Prellmlnarylnymotion to:stay all proeredings for the election , proposed to be held'on the Sicontr.lutriday 'of Bac rezi,mider the Actlifast u s i tly ceo!h. no ; antia.f.wf mapPle, liPidirr the acts inoorporating: burgh," by which Lawrenceville boro. ,and'l'ltt, Peebles, Collins, Literati and townshlps,':(oreiptising, with •tho_ under Wct e A,' the 'Kiddie Middle are Claimed in lave' been con coldsaisi with the city, sznitioriti or the citizens thereof having voted in fagot of lite:same id - the test October election: .Tbe .1111rUCII applying ftirthe injunction contend that the consolidation out LA on . • • . The Court fixed Ifonday next as the IdMo.for hearing tho argument on the ,Motlan, dt‘.being ffosimble to biro tho 'Matter decided os soon aspossible. Is a copy of tho bill ted, by:which the nature of the pro: loodinar d ill appear more fully than we have The facia set forth are t•or d:by affidavit of lifaillson 14 tle Supreme Chart of , pemisyivania, -;...; _• Indere District. • ' Wilharrillt Brnith,Johit DenlafS'l'hord te Fawcett. Medium Bailey, William 11. mien, - Charles J. Clarke, John McDo- Tilt; Christopher Ztig, G. H . •John :Moorehead, James .2dc(Bnitia: E Mader, Samuel go Kee, vs. Hon. W.ll. McCarthy, Rob ert - Bracer liVilLeun Owen.; P. McCoy extr,--. James V. llonaktaoll. - Jo se = Dickson, Joseph A. Butier, , Owro altbEir, John Beatty, Wilt= Dithridge, r e t r m i liciLll i llor p rio i r i. N rt oa . h i 47. Shaffer . P:e win 11. ahlbora;"11. Wl:adman, ILT 'Otcfen, Wilke' Boothe, - Jacob - Glosier.- Alexander Alexander-Black, Isaae. Jot" - T.' 11. , Young,. William •H. Harrison John B. Baum, William B. - Begley, CharienD. ?nelson. Joseph Mellibben, Charles D. KWIC., Joseph 0. Boole, Tabu N. Berlin, Jame Joycoand William R. Morrinon. ~.The above named plaintiffs,. for thorn.: 'selves and _ench.tther citizens of Pitta. buret ;end' Lawrencerville, • and,. , of the tOwneldnet of Pitt, COBB* Oakland. 'Lib arty:std. Pibles, in Aso county of -Ail. ' boa -, at wisr chooao Might theMmitres, _ 4 j Iteepecitall, y mpreami Met: .. c: 1 1.-,They ere ,nalutus '. and Ann -parirs ;'labia --the territorial, limits above do. ~. The defendants'. are the Mayor of "Pittsbnigla and the election ahem Mend . **wend parts of said territory. thi'The dehindanikand other election' °BMWs etthe sevetardistricts friths ter , Duey ; or many : et them. Ore Md. and a eke known Mat the said territory has all been:conselidetell into one municipal sterporatiou called the City of Plueburgh, sand that they intend, on the sooruid Twee. day ot, December, next, to hold an else: florae their several districts, for the eleo • • • l'of..thas Ineudions ;of the: ikluncils, La Ayer ml -other- Mtv officers, to take - • d ramie* municipal jurisdiction over 1 w hole A of the saki territory. 4, , ,4. This la, 16 the opinion of the tam ,Wnants; asSitipalon of authorityavor : • citizens of Pittsburgh/ nod especially Over thocillzona of the several townships above and of therhomeab of law. Mnee ' though thee:Mae is pretended to bo Mad • and required byshe Act of the GM' efApri ,I ISC, entitled *a Bather inlpplornent to the Acta i nco ration the Oily of railitiongh," AO.; iP rpo . I. ma.) wWelsyour orators regard ea entirely laid Ana eneonstitational: 5.-Ifthe Amid . deltad a nte be allowed to plywood whit the 'Mid eleothm; Share is *Mat danger that. the municipal antains ot the City of Pittsburgh mod' the said tterough and townships will be thrown into meet disastrous - etafealoo. so the great • injury of the pithllo redo*. and of t • , : interests brall she citizens included ••• • the mid territory. • 'our coattail therefore pray that— . ' Tee said Art of Amenably -be de ..lol4;amiksuziessiatnatkesslyssest k. e add ilefendants, and all Other election ettleertu• be forever enjoined from holding the said election, or any other, under the cold .ill e t of Assembly. ' .. That a preliminary Injunetion Issue to - •r ay all era outgo is and about any such election,: until the further enter of the Court. ' . = Yesterday evening, about five o'clock, Lieutenant Wilson and °Mem MrCluy, of thn police force, while standing at the - oarner of Fifth and Wood streets, ob. serval Daniel- - Written ;attempting to steal a pair of alior from Cannon& Mal. holland's shoo store. , While ,In the at temptt awl hebnv be had succeeded ha - - concealing tbe shoes, one of the clerks . came to the door. . a proceeding whiph slightly interfered . wltli Daniel's lilacs.lie was not dlicouraged at Ida Wham, however, but concluded to _chap& hi - X . . base. of operations, and accordingly raay.: oil twriPned decal. to the eistabllehtnitat of Piro - a 'Porten. where be attoMpt. 441, to' gobble tip some tin svgstil. which ' e.Wa proved a failure. Rio next Ott. mpt was at • 'Espera. Ilitt: (her- MP- . Wood street; where ho Was M. the act of carrying off a Mu:idle-of Whipit and an umbrella, when interrupt it. by .aoine one In the cstabUshratmt. ot disheartened by We nnsueectudni offorts„ho still persisted in bla attempts, the next being at .Mr. Drown's clothing store, whore ho fastened upon a pair of moue, but-fins compelled to let go of them again, on new:Lunt .of boll:mumble to extricate them Dont Um hoolunpOn which theywere' trooper:Oak Be nod visited. Goldman's, on Liberty: street, ggaggieeted 0 - coat, but W 11.11141114 doom edro dfoMpoLuttnent, as ',t/a0 proprietor hadkitien watching his nummumms, and -politely requested him to leave 'the coat exits .equlralent to greenback*. , Not baying a surplus of the latter article, he preferred leaving the .cwt and running hie chances of getting another. tie did not, however, appear, to have MO defi nite object In. Claw- other than Mtn of stealing something; and it soon= !nun= at. all, particular what that something syn.' •/110 next attempt was more may , , ecesnal than there'd, ultimo - theme:inn Hof getting bitn kr the lookup, and In all probabilltl will seicme him it (roe pant to . e Allegheny hs'. end provi the After leaving sion tbr sex. dal mont . onto whore ho atampted to. atetd:the 1 006 4 - bn Prowded tly Pbraty 'street till be acme to theeslabusinment cilia:mud =AI:, at ta l tt e co ym nr of bo Libertyatroc i t roll °Heather cad. made - elf dow leko n alley. Thoollicernwho had all this Wee bona fallout= him and -observing-his <aorta from the-appoint* aide of the street, - ,basing unmistakeable -evidence of hisintentions, thought it time to al , 1 - filathigkand. it posaible, put, a dreek, ti pen his paraistent efforts to appropriate the property of "011ors.to kids own use. They accordingly JolloWed, and caught Mtn In the alloy with the feather, under rile arm, and convoyed him to the-lock ' up. Ho will have a hearing tty•day.. ~ Carpals at Crest Barralas. • lifewsra. Berard; Rose di Co. the pro prietors of the well.linartrearpot elope rium?2l Filth street, announce, a special tale at cost .. of their heavy stack of car pets end inattlega, adaptalTor churches, chapels., ..brults. and public 141 s. Tido is one of the finest aelectiois Sr bee.' pie vatting ; styles in the cut to be found In the city, and is offered to the trade at the importers end manufacturers' prices. The. entire stock of.the Ann, which, la very huge iced inducing, hartbeest mark; nd down at .prices much below those which ruled last summer, and great may. e anticipated.. The firm 'largely in • Pelhontl: cov ers,l rin'ttocnw' flollauths; English - :woolen druggata, ,woolen and linen crumb cloths, English wilton mot velvet rugs, StViRS taco and applique curtains, Nottingham curtains, centime and a general stock of carpet and curtain upholstery. Orders from the country Will be 'promptly add prep-. Oly filled, and trade front that - quarter respectfully !solicited. From long Personal acquaintance with the members of this firm, and,a thorough knowledge, of the system and etyloof their business, thornare prepared to fully recommend to the patronage of the public. The city trade is Invited to call in and exam ine the stock and inquire the prices. Keystone Hatel.—The .well known and popular 'tcenor hotel, 34 and 34 Worth street, Was passed. Into the. pro , Drietorehlp or 24V. • Al. Johns, Wh° h° ll 'changed lie name to the lteystone Hotel, and. will conduct...it in the very best altyle. This le one of the most-convent ant and pletimMtly. located befell:la the elty, and having endshorougy retair ell and renovated refurnished, will ,eomparn favotably wig) any. in the city +ln lntbroomibet and convenience). - it' ebnailica 'thirty huge and commodiona nieepinge rooms,: le) - addition to largo dlning balls • ladles' and gentlemen's peelers, dm&groonts, Mike, Sc., which are sa.fLu ju the hest style, , We earnestly commend theta Mode to the - patronage of out readers. TEE COIIETIS libireinsCollre rrkeealUla o Nov;l4.Presimt: Judges Thompson, Stiong, Reed and'AgneW„ • ' • The folloiring opinions were delivered , Thanipseri, , .I:—Xe4sler vs.•Steelw 10eStinerelond county. .'atflirmed. vs."6m„Aller,heny C Itarte. pee Co; v's. Pittsburgh Coal Co:: Allegheny county; C.F. Affirmed. 13:9 Strong: .I:—R6betta et al va. Orr. et al.; Armstrong oountr: O. P. Judgment against W. hißnor Roberta reversed and record remitted:" ' ; • • Rani In Veesaillet tp.; Allegheny: Q. MiiM=M3 -•• • . Ry Read, J.—Donnelly Nv. Itofftnan et el; Indiana. Reversed end venire& novo •• - • - Stewart's Appeal; Allegheny; 0. C. •Appealdismissed and decree aillrmod at the cost of the appellant. By Arptev vlllkWhites; Cant brie. Jrlfinned. - • -The following eases were argued ; Chow's ears. vs. Gillespie; -Butler co: Arkued by James Draft., for plaint: in .error add by J. IS. Thompson - and Fur ! vlarteo contra. • ' Forward 'township School Directors' appeal: Butler. Argued by - Breslin for. appellant and by Gee. Al Black contra. Clinton town hlp School Directors' air pcabn Butler. Argued bY 'Brediu for appellants and bylfcCandlem contra. Cleveland and Plitsbnrgh Railroad Company vs. Speer; Allegheny. -Ar gued by Otis and Schoyor for plaintiff' in error. John S. Lamble, of Pittsburgh, on mo tion of A. M. Brown, Esq., Jonas It. Butterfirdil, of Pitehurgit', on motion of E. 31.. Collier, rind 'Geo. •A. Black; of Butler, on motion 'of Ohas.'lsloCand. lees, lA., worn duly admitted and quali fied to practice in this Cotirt.. . Comusiam - riaiat,u . Tettnisorix, Noy. 14.—Cotirt Mutat the banallatir, ten - O'eliiriti: - . C -7 ' • In the nine of Schnabel , Efelimin vs. Jsinis hfeKiii a 'inter was withdraw - Li atadidaltdiffs took u non-sidt, , Following Is the trial HA for Ms day: Forbes vi. Peons: R. R. Co. '39.'Cupps Ins Hartman and Danean) 39. Retneman for oats ve Penna. R. It. 40: McElroy at. al. vi:Baket el. al .41: Drava for use vs. Ramo. - 42. Sellers varßequeta-•• 4 - -44. Brad4Hnivvi .' PunTanee. Phtterairt 011ksple. • . - O. Burton vs Rattner and trite. :rota"L~m.. AMAULT ♦ND DATiNDY :John O'Neil' appeared before, Alder man: Morrow, iestanitity, - iner ehargod Pateick Farrell wlthaaanaltexad baticiry, alleging that ho struck him with a ham mer. 'Arrested and held for Court, •- - Thomas Minns ytatorday* shpeared before Jdatice Helsel, of 'East Dimling horn, and diaargtd Jacob Pastore, with wasn't and battery'. 'Warrant Issood. ' , Ana Nlll. m ister made complaint ye-S -totts"! bdb' Justice Helsel. of 'Eat Ilinstinghato, asnlastdier husband, Jas. If eCallWer, charging him with meant: and battery. '.She alleges that he knook ed her down and kicked her. Ho was held td hail for Court.' ianciccr nr n:tiil Z. Ford. Altseater wide infonnatlon be fore Aldarman Maiastora ago- lust Wm. ave, thargivirn with larceny by bailee. Ho ol that. Copp, also woo in his employ, acted •• sum of money which. be appropriated to his own 13. U., A warrant was tuned. . = Charles Lisner, n tailor on Liberty street, like nil other husinens men, in troubled with unprofitable customers, as will appear from the following: One of Mr. Litter's customers orderedn auk of 'clothes, which, after ther'wernlialsbedi hernswiged'ralren-Intoldepeseestikist without paving for. = Mr. L. not liking die proceeding. made infOrmatirmbefore Alderman Taylor, charging the custo mer with fraud. A. - warrant was issued for his arrest.. =ME Sohn O'Neil yusterdai- made int< rma lion before Alderman Morrow against Fat. Farrel. charging bim with perjury. He alleges that In an action before Al derman McMaster... -in which he was a witness, he committed wilful perjury. The parties reside in tho .Ninth ward. Ho was arrestod and held for trial. C:1=! Erancis Ildiovern, of Lawrenceville, who, It appears, 'has a - disposition to ho calmed continually •in prosecution", either so prosecutor or defendant, rondo Information Were Alderrnari - Taylor, yesterday, 'against Hannah Donaldson, charging her rich selling liquor on it mi. Tlui defendant 'keeps a drinking tarpon tri lAwrenrevhle. A warrtint V!‘ 11 ImMlett • • . Nartiti yeaterday rhado in forma= Aim before Alderman . ,Taylor agnsnst Joltnlitaribe y for Sundayliettior ,Thopartles reside - Tri„ the' Fifth ward, There, le alleged. du) defendant keep. • a drinking ninon.. - Wafrant 1411 . 8 Iseued IMES Wit Usual. Sayer, of Allegheny, some Weeks since had Ms trunk broken open and a quantity ,of clothing taken there. front.. Cireuntstiances connected with tho rohiNrY led him to. suspect Joseph A. Kennedy, of Allegheny,. and a search was made about- Lan. premises, which, however, failed Mreveal any evidence of his guilt. Stibsequandr, _it appears. Kennedy became commuuh:alive ou the sul4ect,and.foformed,outteLble -meet atm and, he had Nikon the clothing, and dealing' that'theystero 'abbot to seareb his preMtses be: bundled it no around a large, Stone And dropped ft in the . ,Alleghery These - facts having been comniunitifted to Mr. Bayer he : yesterdar'lnade . inibrmation before Aldershan McMastars - against Kennedy,. charging yttti lareenr. lle *as arrostedana, sniv admiring, held In 000 for his appearancuat Coprt. • '- - - momenrosonaonmr. ' Ain; - a' altyman, .milding in. Chortler" townphin, yerderday made in oination holhrn Aldortnan hielfastens; F t l i nat John Pound; a•:atwo; charging with nuillelous intubler. Pound is • eamstm, and the , deponemt'nllegce that while his Intik Aragon wanotanding In Virgin allenthitletendrud, droro hlawragen against it, breaking and damoging .itto the amount of forty tioliam, arlimpat SSW issued for - his j , anannoriarn;. Catharine ElamMan- yesterday , m irmen:don benne Alderman Strain ° E:ifr:liairalien: _her husband' lh 'Echlin with having deserted and -her. 1 The defendant wen ar rested, and after plowing eonnultted for IMTALIATIOS. . Sohn Martin yesterday madolnforroa tion against rrunk and' John Shribner. beton) Alderman Taylor, for tumult and battery. •,ap: r i t a that the , prometitor had mule" a o • ligalnit ono dr tho parties for selling loner on Sunday, for Ibieh thee' retaliated, b 3 gllng him a boating: Thoy • Nirero arrested and held thr a hearing. , . • . % The Po.—• 14 l on. - The various Christian and lienovolent 'ergantrations,'and the citlzena in town mooting, have labored' with commend able zeal for the rellecof thoae who were suddenly made widows and orphans by the recent dire.. tmlamity. the Ninth Synni. We dOnbCeol, theponple havp re sponded generally mid., liberally to the appeals for alic ,, Thts Weil 'right and praiseworthy. Now .we auggest that . m „. there ate . very any widows' and Or phans in these cities quite as destitute, and needing help - quite es muchlia three wheni•publio attention and'syMptrthy have boon drawn within the, week past by their sudden — and ;Will bereavement widows long Waco bereft of their earthly Kreacr aTd f l iri P m P *;;u n tLi i ir toit% for element season, whose, approach is al ready plainly heralded. , Let thesoother Ineny; lit beneficiaries. of the crumbs that fall from the - rich males table, not -What wiltionl3rthe dogs to lick thew sores. 'Young men of the Christian As- RMiation, and others engegedin charita ble wark, too to•'ltthat in - opening the fountain of publie.sympathies for. any particular class' of sincere, you do not titbit !tallow dedivert tfrom any other c/ass. The ..pbar yo have always with you," . Let none be overlooked; 'God is their friend; Gad is their avenger, See . to it; ye whose basket and stare the Lord bath 'Missed .that yo. neglect . not tire A Able. Tory or void to reportod in :Ver. 'car tconigv, on rand of Col, James !letup, hill, at West Report soya that wutitnien Ongngod la ataking a shaft for coat came nDOn, rock of n depth a b o ut, ono hundred "feet, which, upon being waitedhawbeen forindto vieldgold at the rate C lf about flytithortatind taus • Relief Trod—Coulloo to tap pooiri— Treasurers Iteport, Le. • The Chairman of the Committee on Collections would advise the public that all tollectors appointed by the Mayors of Pittsburgh' and Allegheny, and, the Young Men's Christian Amociations for Pittsburgh, Allegheny andßirmingham, will present books bearing the • seal and endorsed by the President of the Y. M. C. Association. All who an contribute, even a little, will please do coat once: as awch more will be needed (Or a perma nent provision for the wants created by the disaster. • ,• It is requested- that the fdremen and managers of coal pits and inanufactar ing establishments of every }and litert subscriptions among their man for the relief of the families of their fellow workmen. As an illastration 'of bow much may be _done by such a combina tion of effort, we would. commend the .example of the employees of the .iEtna and Vesuvius coal.works, who have sent in, through their manager,' Mr.- Hugh Wood; $80.75, an average of 11.80 for each. contributor. Tins amount Arai ad vanced by the firm; to be deducted from wages on pay.day. • Other. similar -and equally pmtsworthy eflbrts will be no t Icorl iu the appended report of the TrOas carer of the fund. • • , . LIST OF CDNTI72IIIIIIIIIIA. Lockart. Prow C.•Pchaatrit-i Vol CO 1111.1.24 A_ eirL 11711) Tim lt•thodias •...settaluar C. 2213. 613 111 0111 31 tee 13) 00 B. Childs a Ca .. 50 20 1150 , 1 oahstenock 10 Zen 0.1072.02 Ball • J. H. Llpplecou• 10 10 man L 102.2 41 S le ts listalardnh 1,1 011.11.4 loombslos . 03 1. 11 Blind 73 01 Job, Woofs 5 00 ''' Po p tttr Zo7141; Pro'l !or 1: Mroard 010 H. 14210. 1 2.00 110 not. r.Viarato S. H. Bard...—. 5 w • too 1m f 0 C,tn W. McColl, A Co., 10 001 Waring A /au_ to 00 :nO O . 00 * lfni,. tg. * .• ro Zell!. A 11. U. 4.00211 e. Z 1 03 ' F1 . 27.2•011 . 6 44 Pol 4 " Zgin n e A 4". 2120 /Di t. t . ..4 . .... " ).. 21322 ". °' An% . .0 )0 23 Warden & 10 03 111' 11. toellen at Co 123 00 W. Alrllpattlek... 03 Wolf. 1414. a. J.. A. 172.0 0.4 00 Lo. 50 0 1.5tra,ley n or 0020 I. Jen 0log• IS .0 7.0.12. UAW. - • • . tlno CO 11. 15 ' Or P, Wawa.. 0) 1).7 & Lora,- '1 W Rah.. 50 W. Li adgerto2l. 15 , 0 Jolts 101.1221220.. 303 D. H. Oa/ way.... 10 0 10.5111 & 2.1201.2.20. 07 ring U. Mott.. 1 002. DeC1307.17....:. 03 1 1 .121.42122 M . r. 1 1.0 Ott &Us. 0. earl). ion. 1.001100 11X/ too. 032242. Lt. 1J52..W00.1 A C0...D0 00 5001200.20 dotel 't 111101012 0113 tots Libarty. toloUtk " =".el'iti it • g 3 03 1 2.217. 117•75 Co ID CO 1.5015, 022.7 Mrs Z. Dem..- '131 1 131 W. 112. 15 00 200072 Am Lust - W ¶.111":0;/ . .. Scorn. It Sobbed. it 1.1•0021:147...- I. o OA mos, Am31.300-.4 lee 20 M 5 ao. la AOC& h 710 Ur * Jam, W..- 1110.10. . 1I 0 tv - •. ort.A. . 500 Canolar• 3 101110110 g & DO2OlOO soe • A .... ./Aerii,cs h ' zap, !tt!.. 1000 J. Mereheel •• ; Jeallse.•.. lege mils,bug e .Wl3, ILOstl A' Co he .07 earner et • ea..... 160 J-he Mee.- - -,=!o_l!±, et..ma% • ii ii;c7,43 Nelooll4 idea. ts sa.Mesom ro, lo oe Ts mut To .40) 1 .11-222. r c 00.. ., 4111 Lo le iltrocos-. Do i eta SW:4 et.... 11 11* J ob. MI, 11. r. t 2. ea ..ddlg gt e 1.... led le elaseiSk Ste Ken . ) fit n tig ..t egige. 2.2lter • .Su 03 11 ' .1 . /ket 2 to.. Ng Mr. t 1133..F3. H. ' 11. L. Tmot•taCt ' ... Siltet ... .. SO SS ACo IS ill sMSFS 2 Vomer. ' T: St . .. 16.4empletsts• 74 TS- /Met To to le cO amt. neap oe. . -deem M r a. 6.04. and Filo-i is " a D i urnal a 1310, 1 3atie - tiel ..... le SO .. ..... . *to rowans, &Irwin. ,s rilmottattma 'iLontail a motet.: , eta 1 tows. ' a.. Ft. tataissinrs- M W t Wats... mile.. . ' lettsalth, .otettiallet • Me, my. 4 SO CO 43 OM. F. Pools SO Whitmore, oftvl4 . it. Y. . 103 Dot V . os Jo•tpb 0 . Mete. 00 Cm. Imettet ' a' ',Wm. 01tet10g.,... • 191 Stumm . • ... co' ca n to FF.. Mersa.. VI need: tilos- • • ,s 5 DoZooolte a ... .Pro 1 W rak!itrttfii.er .L. i - AMed. 'to 4 11,e ..... 4 CO J. illloome jw. Z.t.s metoirmo, Jr 100 11F011 II - *Men MOtiolto a tletrt a a 'a Ct 11 Co! , a a' Taw . tor • 6...93 4.. Until - be at the teems of thh Amoda tito, N o. street, daily, from 9 to lei a. E., and 2 to 3 r. at., to, receive any subscriptions or contributions to this fund. W. M. Ciattiy, Treasurer Finance Committee, Relief Fund. A, list •of sulascrintions to the fund. for .the relief of sufferers, by the Into Miller explosion ware intended •to be published in the Gas Errs of yesterday, an attache of the Om mereial havingbeen given the single copy mode out by the Treasurer of the Young Moe'. Christian Association,wlth the express understand= . leg that' torbots 'were 'to be sent to. the other morning papers. •• This stipulation .was not compiled with;'neitt OM Mel tum the credit of exclatire publication.* The of theAssoclationureblatueS less in the matter, as we lectin fronxtbem that. , the end:anion to . fttrnish us with the list resulted - WSW bad' faith on the part of thoCosonsditttl.-: • • • • AIM nova tl•w Brighton. -.Mayor McCarthy Wednesday received, the following cominuntion, to which he mado a Milan reply: ; . inv. Sara Irrox. Nor, 18, Iron. W. C. .3fethr/hy, Mayor: In:au Sra:=At . exueettng tho Ever ett Literary Society, Ireet pvening, it Vaa 17e.gotrett, That the Society give an ex. , hihittou nn s Friday, evening. November rah, 1%7. for then . blauglt ,of, th oen VI.IO are suffering in consevence tbo lato explosion In ther -- IStrith wail of your tolvbem shall lro. send the progesis of the exhibition Please reply at your. earliest convenience.. Resped, , ully Drruterr„ President., . • taw ..._lllie Goa 11Vol.stA - MUM* vomMe7.:O.U6l*td . Theßorough of Lawrenceville, or more properlynew thorensteedUs or Fitton:lth :anal of the city; Ist to have a - gas works . te supply the streets and dwellings-with cell gas. A cOmpapy has been organized with e $lO,l - 400, - which le di-, ride& into three thousand shares. at fitly: dollars each r. Already sixty-Live then send dollars have been sutrscribed, and it le expected that the full' innerinf be mow :taken. ' A splendid :alto for the erection of. the necessary buildings...has been purchased at' the;fbot or Ewalt, street, for which the sum of3l4,ooo`was paid. The contract fur the work hasboan awarded .to W. Wallace Goo:inlets, - of Philadelphia, whole tribempicte the erec tion by the- first of next-April), The Mi lan-leg are the officer. of the Cimsptual: Pre-sktelit, Dr. 3, W. Bailey Treanwer John Chislett; Vim Preaddent. •W. Hannah; Superinfendent,3:3: Shetbitt6 ly. Under the managameat.)ar Armee gentlemen, the onterprtsarismitiot.N.l. to prove a surOcts. • o.lsleoandless, Physielan tattle Board of. Health,. reports thlrty-four as the total, number of deaths for ihroweelc, ending. November 'lO, ISM. Of ( lib. ao , ciagodtweoty ir6O3Raim,anatourtoon females; eoloredone. The dlikmatisliro 4 ' during death scare as Uraerala, 1; cousumptl 4;...dlastuteof heart, 1; itepbrills,l; old , eve ; l ilcalltn. 1; dtairhoen:3; onanche malgua; ILltmtv d, eo: 1; disease of eploon,- , 1:. ea ncer:Al blomi pobsoning,l: accidata,3;l,poplesyv 1; iscimaturo birth, 1; gastriNtliqtrz lattna, 1; peritonitis, 1; eutorl tedv. rastnum,l; disease of brain, 2; ma owti: 1; bronchitis, 1; tpdield. Of tho above them , rotol!.; Tfindeieitio year,;; from ono to.two, Imm two to ;Ivo, ;I; from twenty. to. thirty;. 0 from thirty to forty 1; 'from .forty I;, from fifty to sixty,' 1 ,'from nix to ea °ray, f; from einenty torelithtyil r, . - The Tencheis , Assor-iation of,;Weethrli Pennsylvania. Will . held :net-liege tide and te-morrow eveninhe, 111lhe'Fbuith ward (Pithiburgh) Behool , llcilee.l. The Sniutninnr ArkleOn-Avlll bo -( 14 111 , 0.nd ITY Prof. ii: Gourley.. . PartuerWaitted.-'-'fittentlen to tee wirc rtleemont th tertother.colutrin perroor wartted in - .a well oetebllettod foundry. This le n rare opporwatity for a prolltaple Inve_Wtneot. , The Rev. Me. Noble, •ofSe. reit), Min- nesota, has meth:ea an unantarma cal to become the Pastor, N the Tbird g 405- hYtetiatt chutchbi this city. . , . . • Ilendquattars for. Fut an-west scorner. arket acid Fcturth stivata, No. all, Who great ittr sale is prpgreialiig; new and cheap. GAnntrrt 45.; gratrenr. . Allsms , andlioystArndenwcar;,ebesp; tit Barker" 6.-, , 12°41°1 ' • „ . . FOURTIIPAGE..=VAKIITP'"r. C. NUMBER 265 CITY ITEMS letlee—Asetlos Sale—To 'Properly ru The undersigned are authorized to offer the following premiums to lot holders: 200 premium to the person mire shall build and complete, within the shortest time, a dwelling Louse in "Hoboken," In a good and :substantial mannei, to cost $2,000 and upwards. $2OO premium to the person who shall build and complete, within the shortest time, a dwelling house in "Hobokon,... to cost $1,500 and upwaids. $lOO premium to the person who shell. build, and complete within the shortest time, a dwelling house to cost $l,OOO and upwards: 113,—The last sale of lots at auction for this season at "Hoboken" will take place on Saturday, .November 16th, at ono o'clock - p. ' Free trains will leave the Depot of Western.Pangsylvarda Railroad Alle gheny City on Saturday morn i ng, at tions. 11:10, stopping at nll Intermediate sta . - A free dinner will, be furnished .bll I:tarry-Meg alre, of Fifth street. I ALEV. LEGOATE, Auctioneer. For further informaUott, enquire of Sill and Shutterly, Real Estate Agoras: I,4tivreneetrllle.' - Illankete, Blanket., Blanket.. Whitiall wool blankets 51,00 wth $7,00. '• " .1,50" 8,00 5,60 " 9,00 " • " " • . 5,50 " 10,00 6,50 " 11,00 9,00 34,50 10,00 " /5,00 " II,W " 16,50 o • o • • 1200 , i• 1 .740 . Largest stock; and otstopest rpzrods ever seen in the two chips, on west corner Market and Fourth streets, No, 69 Tine- • Bean:fee ,tB2•ZWAILT... Prunes, Raisins, Currants, Citron, Bpi codth'ilmon, Canned Friths and Vegeta :l4M, Pickles, Catsup, fiances, Jellies, him:halide, Extract of Beef. Condensed Blllk, Gelatine, Canton Ginger, Baker & Whitman's Chooclates, Spleed Oysteis, FrestC.Plne Apples, •.Gnlnces, Plume, CM" Currants, Pears and ,B`ackber ries, 8 me, ,Capers, Olive Oil. Ahma ds, - Extract., dtc., &c,,•second .door North of the Flrst National Bank, AlleghenyClty. -11xonag. BEAVEN. nit Good Goads cues. Good, fresh Gum Drop!, Hard and Soh Cm= Chocolate Dmps, Romero= and Bond Almonds, annJerdart Almonds; Imperial or Drogue Drops, Moak • DroPs t Marsh Mellow Dropaclstinorloe Drops. Hoarhourtd Drooe r ., Rock. Candy and New, Seedless ..11tualas, at the Lowest prima, 112 Federal street; Allegheny City, • Kentne State Lottery.--" The only legalizedirrinilngs In the _United States. Tito GrandHolliday. Drawing take place December Slat. =0,650 Pa Ito dis tributed.-.. Capita- prize - 550,000. Com munications atrietly confidential.. Cir culars sent tree, by addressing EDDY" rb Co: - .Baattuatig Goo4l.—Tho . boots, shoes, galters, dr-, M ar k et en, ladlus and children, kept at 139" street, aro made of the. very best material, and sold as low as fhb /owed. All; goods are warranted to give satisfaction. If you went scene thing good, and at gold price; mil at Robb's ,fdews Lionse,..o market street. . Children*. Bright PlaM Shawls, only 871:centa.onsrart corner of Market and Fourth Streets. : • 36111)2!EiVA: §TEWAIIT. . Goods•st halcsale.-:-We In ite the pirdcular attentlon of buyers at whOlftwro to our complete stock of silks, dreee goods, lard kinds of reecy and staple goods, and** the fart that-we sell et the Wisest eastern pr:ces, and cut. secshi init purchasers. J. -W. Binetele.4 . 0114, 59 Market street. At , No. sr Irwin' atrEir - ..=l2itt - linge trartitiouseind lot otground; at prnsent occupied by the Ardesco Oil Company, at auction on Saturday,.Nororn ocr.l6t b, at 21 p. m. See advertisement et etrolth som Palmer d; Co., In auction column , for particulars. ' Only.--da _Wool Long Shawls from auctiou—s bargsin o ,on the west corner of Market and Fourth streets. GARDNER & STIMAILT. kninad;-43.00 for an Alt: Wool Long &mei, heavy and warm, on Wed • corner *neket and Fourth /divot; No. M. GARDNER STAWART. 63,00 Only,!-All-Wool Long Shawl.% great bargain from unction, on west ear ner Market and Fourth etreet. 11ARD:CER Lt, STEWART. • 'Fars at a ..Barott..--New goods large stock; cheapirg In the city on the vest coiner 'Market and Pourth street, .7.30. OD; f Ganns th-fdrzwart.T. Cloth Saelum—A 'Urge stock opened thilmorang, domsteorner Market wad Fourth treethz-\o. 09.. . ,t _%R th STEurs.L-r. gi.etlitslj,— , lleavi Twilled Grey Flazinal.;,im WI:St , corner - .Market and Fourth streets; .A bargain. • • OARDRER it STEWART. Look, at Them.—su:oo paisley. _Long Shawls, on we corm 3larket and Fourth etreets. Largest one& In the etty. : • GMEIDNEE S SZEIVAIIT. :Ladles , 'Vtiza and the. Great Sale.—All personsuliould remember that thetreat , Fatrßale at tlardner St Stewart . .. on West corner of Market and. Fourth streets, is a new. feature In this market. Go there by ell means. Mluk, Sable, *itch,. Siberian Squir rel Vars. an be purchased 'Onwdst cart' ner of 'Market and- Fonrth streets, at Gardner. Stewart's. cheaper, than anywhere in the city. Go there to make your . purchases. • - ; . Paisley Slumla.—Lonst and aquaro, doled and aufr i centro, black and owlet matte.- A. In, from $l5 to 81,76, on vrtettorner arketand Forirth itreom. • GARDNER k BTE*AILT; Mosso AAA.= ,Vat.vir FOR CLOARA.—BettutinG goods, sublimequal dlea, In all widths, at low prime than can b found In the two cities, on wmt 'cur- ner °Market and Fourth strectal, ERS; GARDNER* STEWART G a i.4 Cough CEEdY; Eirerton . and Cocoa If Tezdy;l , lne Apple, Lomb., Vanilla, Almond and Mountain Tea. Candy. Chocolate and Vanilla Caramels, paws, fggss Am, at 112 Federal street, Al. egiaeny city. - GEDRGE Woolen Shatela.Long and. Sonarei IleaUtlful Plaids from Sit cents up, on weed. corner 3larket and Fourth eireote, "IVPB „ (GROCER .& STEWART. . C0,4_1 Lozenges. nernelv, Pepper Int, Hoge, Musk, 'Peaberry, 'Cllnnamon, Ql5 , - enne Popper, and Conversation,. at, the merest Price, At 112 Federal strent, Al legheny city. , GEonc.t.a Elvtykx. . . ,D ss rt tLesstall , F 0..". 'FAL TOOld atyAnn p Crucir y tient.od by • Dr.' •Abom 134 A. book ,by mal l LO cants. . I .FUteen Donors 'Ouly.,—Failley Long Shnwit,-black -centre, worth PA on the ' west corner drarket.tuul Fourth shoots. :wrs. • • GAnDnEn Srnwen-r. ..Waterproo(—sl.oo. , per yard. on t'est corner. or Market and Fourth' streets. Gardner &Stewart. . ' novl3:3t. Ronsination Maar -is a certain cure for 'Diana& and an diseases of , tbe kid neys: ^Portals by all druggLita.- Tapree.L.Ag Shawl*, aimed and open I:antra; at a bantedn. on the we4corner of Market and Fourth stroots. , .WER " GARDNER it STEWART. 'Waterproof—sl:oo per yard on wont corner .or !dirket and Fourth streets. Gardner Stewart. , n0v,13:3t. . ,Oply SI.AXI,PIaId Shawls the CbU area—On Walt , caviar 2 4 arkot Fourth streets; *So _ .GAlraNlia STE-WAnT. 11111}1Rik.1). I WArniWs—rrloatis,—ta . ;um the., plty• Weehao•day. No, 12th, Sot. EIZOXIGIE L. liArruwars of / . 12111122 . 24.. hod Idlss ANXI . 6 T220.11A1 1 , ,of =I ISTMVA —Ou Thursday ununilug. JAMES W. erswiarr,l, ttydAss....or Ko. Plurul true tbe rrsideue or klalomeuts, „No, CM Perm street, pi;riAr;the 16th lilatn it En THE , WEEKLY GAZE CIL • - TVA) VCSDNESD&T JD SaTIIIIDAL • Imta .bobs. bootbibbsi FORTY (N) OWNS of Inthriftlazireedthe natter. Ineladbh feeding Itollarielt. lel eel Nora by lbanbb‘4l. 4. 11411..ehlabblop ffeedloe Nnuir lbw the ram:, . and Ibtlest /24 is'oft fellable floebelat had thf. melba 'Market Report* el roes by bbl D.Pb the elt7• Re r ranyter, bleefleftle Or Illerelsah:. ehoold be erltboat Ta . ms Iva Pad arlaittl'eladlre Tts Mode' Setbeedber .. .... 41*. (late or nee' '''''''' ?tub.' Pr '''''''''''' ' — and ona .ispy Lot P aPai fo the Inman ire UDR uptha dub. Additions to clubs eat besoft a: tad' date, at dub tarot. Nonce. ea dineetestaral.—tit ealeeddr T . P.M, be nue dal • opacity . /bat *dal= 70. want, as Ire Lesae a ireansulai 41 . 116.. " ."b. scribers bavias but ale mat• Irak , 1 21 -24 0.e7.briket: Evr.•.Agooff Or ra dedatereidLettersoda7b. 0 .' 3" Addr.*46 GAZICTTIre PST7gRiiR6H. hfM'v lINDERTAI:OM A LEX.AIR EN, immeiFeragicui . 166 ?Donn - street Plltaluargth COFFINS, eon kinds; CRAFM OLOVII4 ale • everr desorlpilon of Funeral Fornlablai UFO" famished. Boom open day and night klaalluo and Ca:ulnae. Neatened. • . • MarnaNcss—Rer, Da, Id Ken', b. D “ R" ' M. W. Jambui, D. D. 7bomla Swing, 11 .0.. I . lionGEns. ONDEBT I - IZEIt AND 6911AL.IDElt, (nonuser lathe Isis:S.lnd 6. Dodson.) Do. 9 Ulslo Minot, thriodoororron Donor. Alleghewl DIM ' at. Dneweed, MaholtstlY, Walnut sad Bun wowl Isoltatlen Coldno, st tho lowest reda oo prices. teen. openst all halm, do sod WiShl• Beano awl Clerlsges 1119tsbed on short WU. and„on outerrossonshle terms. - • E D 'WA lUD • t'ZikUNIECILI.' DM:TARES. tlialco. No. PM Ohio Mile,' Allegheny. Metallic., Rosewood and other Mole . tins, with a not:islet* Mott or Pillared narillaalot GOod., on hand ood innalshed at soorlcitoolltas „ at loaget prices. Sale and Livery Stablia. nee' or Pith 'and, Middle Streets. Carfaireaa. Derouches, addle Marna, ac... tap , for hire. (~ E nErrnr MAR FILE WOnato:i A. J. IlAitll Liwourtville, ra. UU O U RA". t".C T "' ArliArtil "6"l a .". ' and SSU~N l/it p tili: r i . ll USE lIIIBIAL CASA. warrSniml r • • WANTS. W./ATMS. — . A.YARTNEIt--111 a. —cell estabilibetl,roundry, now dOloi • toed tooloosa. Ton good, anti. man. thy In • rarnchance. 03SOO to V, CO required. Active or: spent. Andre., VOITOLItY. nnanTa Ofa las lilth real name. . WAY.TE . D—ENGINE—New, ace and-hand, :lola Inch, r Jib a twodhata'l Dollar. from ad ht. bidC ft. to 4 Inch. DT St ft., . Tf. P. ADAMS It DMO, Car. Ilanaock St. and &lawman Way. rlttotau* . .. _ _ AVA 1V TED - AIIDT GETUP AIMT' 'Am - oral:rm.-410 tub for Rpm.' car Rides or Carbines; el to It cash fir Rides or Carbines; (13 ole cools roe C.:V. Ac. T 'or RaTT -Revels r . grab paid for attery de scription oflre ones. Parsons havistd anr'Cif. &bora arm. San send them by Elyria 0.0. d. to :' J. If. ,301INSTON. Gr.at Western Gant trieres s ' Int Penn stir: I. cornet Wayne, Plttabergh.:. W ANTED—CANVASSERS, 4 ` ale ettid Female. The Boon for tire 3 11 , 1tOn e TILE BUT S IN BLUE: or.- ItEIIOICP •rf. Tutr, BANK AND FILE. By Dm A. NOrte.ot the U.'S. 'Sanitary Commission. -It Lt not WS; tory of the war. prof any campaign or U. nettle but fu+and gal ant record or the ranttflee ind motrerlngs of the reek and kit. Bet tame and territory eddrete or apply to A. Illiillnitl7l • CO.. Collarket street, Plitsbnren s . ' FOR RENT ROll BENT—.OIFFICEIL—TWO Otneir, to the Mitten Dolkllng, corner Det , quesii Wry end'lrel, etreet. 'Require at 51.1 T. CLAM STEE-ES. Fon. REVT-11FricES —The rams now occupied by the Secretary et tW Talon Railroad' and Transportation Comma!: Ye. riftlestreet, over (). Meehan:mix it tan* Carpet' Store. These rool2ls ate very destratia Ca °Mena, being lasted to tae-centre of bad, nes, and on TIM attwet. now bang lad will the fiteolsott pavement. rendering them from Milan; eta. Fret room contains UM gar. Mot - Vault. Tasmania eau be bad anatet at Proxima' Theatre of OLIVER IfeCLIITTIVII-da KnMp . FOR `hare for salwag Use East tinnily Stock Yard. the Ileanklot of {PORE 31US,VF ever. 14yought to this pert of Ale Siete, nil from Kentucky, and are hew 1t 4e te:i handl, high, with good weight. /MY Penent eleldnF whey can do watt IT Calling taeley, the labor° [dice. . 11013 S. SCOTT- poll. 841L'g—AL goad . F.CiIILY • )10119E. title Tetra aid nett sprlog. Trots In Lames. and ' , tees antler saddle. Sousa IS; even. respect. mot ecaro at locomotive, etc. Enquire st Xo. 2 DUQUESNE WAY aver naavenslon Bridge. FOJELRlLLV:tttlty.Aillt.'*!!'llNMna FARMING LAND, la lowa.:-Terms Good title. Taxis ell meld. Will trade lea eltlr property- For partlettlars inquire.et;D::' W N , SOOTH.Iio.I3 Martel street. ' • '• , port. it A LE—IIO R eiEs.-LT. 110WATIO'S Lleerr and Sale Stable...lpm t. bee I.IOBSE tray): three }TARE t--- OBEYtionsE_e, obe LAIIOF. DIUMORT. HORSE: three ZLACII. LIMES; two Git.EY MARES. FIRST VrltZtel, tie - ar.the Yoooijpi beta Home. Ziplioraes banabt and sold an comnMaslan FOR SALE,42ARE Pd'ED STORE; ►OR SALE.—An old nub, lb tied stand, on oat of the prlaebod streets 1* Allegheny Cltr, and dotal a 'rood Ominou s lease, aria.. and fool odd. at n reWpgW a r , prier, -►or bartlealara address Box .131411ab14' Foa GALEL-BRICK . . Tbe underslyntd will sell all sor exte-00805;.4 alltiek Yard. to say person 'etching laterittita' tre., the beaten. The yard Is new, OHO ellttitilkayj. ern baprorannents. Lt.,.e nuts teniwifaalbli:V need apply but those who meet btu/peel: Atat - ,:., decal. T. C.. Allegheny P. O. ' F°l3 ALE--13 A IiCRY.—A. . Bakery, doing a. btolnesa of heat if bill ' barrels of goer a week; mal ettnated at flo. PALO ALTO STREET, Allegheny City, trot tart sold on reasonable terra. The above pater, o doing a 1 - .0. business. and has the factlltlitattr delay, • tenth toyer ova than Is atom Any penon tattling toengage to the bottbaelak,.. will Ana tbisa rev opportunity. Yor partlreters tnontre at the BAKERY. - FOR RALE.—Elowle and taro* Loaner at Hanttattan and Adaini Waits; neer rnowager Railway. I,ot. 41.1e7 1271641. !louse/ lame, ronlalnlna 7 - rooms and good th e wall improved. llonse and Lot OP Shelled, near Bidwell street,' en,•gbeigy City, Lot feet: nonce frame. contain ball, Are rawntwastg gOod eellir: water and gat. Also, tearralagmb [labia. and Lots In goal location, Indalsaol - 1, =SO & CO-, Dearer !groat,. near . C6t" sna4 F 0 R BAt I: E—SiIARPI3IIVR - Q :: "'• LOTS.—R t e boo oilier on erceedlnety er.e7 terms n nen plea or liege end desirable lot; be. log ortt of that *linable 'protrertybelongingtb. the heirs or L. C. L . Proble, shear/ant threser*, ceder. Etherptherir. end tICIO a ufsats Star Win. eia,. 4 , the Wert Ilanne. - leallthad...krewtien Or itune ,, lets Novi the rellreed on the wee.. etiri, Pei% 4. 4 street on the theits. The 1041 ere 10 by troths', arch wide' streets ntrining through Abe rtillee ' property. The wit. I or. rianieuleid SWIM...* bare I. mgt. excelled, etifur bestir,: or letellessteeire,,, at him. no fa te. Par deteelptitie Dian eta Airtime ittranrutloa iat BiLL. a sli [ trrotts. , ,, , IN , S, Real Estate. Beat.: ]loiter strial; . ....., .4 KIND.% 7• ---==ll , . , . ItAT.6 otrere4te DIINSEAT & HAALET:rr Lwaera 'and Opticians, r, se zu.7. , rxi arra:tanim:, orrosrre,uAwno ILALL. PlIE.lllllf G. DALE, Merchant 'railer- cor. Penn and dc Clair Btriot4:l grungsl=g.t==, 4 ,4t..-- FALL AND WINTED • GOODS l 'tow coarurrs; wurgLEn Nni.sopi x,NurAcimuia couiA:xx stAuffe mAtaratis . Make tho LockEat*, ".124.141; ttyt!.thu iottia . le.room, NEW s STORE AND NEW. GOODE. H. SMITH, Meroliazi.Tallai 98 WTIIE corne r Sr rig lts 4 4 , _ 40. r. - wins b,..kondsurnivar'z /ALL AND WINTER CV.01113; DASSDiminzi , Atm OVLD'cigilatilkP.; SEE itil2
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers