11 M II ES MINI ' 6 4!+Mlbil3S A- _____ well known and highly respected •gentleman of Boston was in a etreet car .; pin to the the other erecting, When a woman seized him by the collar and segued him of having picked her 1:,7 /VOW of a „ portmonuie containing ineeln dollars. The car was atoned, the gentleman Wu attested and in spite 111 protentetions 'was walked elf to of a ~,,Polhea.'iltatirea. Here be' * succeede IWag n friend who went his ball, d and n ..,-ilt th• Dimlin g it' wu discovered that theWolise could not prove the lois, and Ithegualenagn was sitteased. It is sup- Ponta that this women aldalf in to limb az t a PaaPla's Pockets (daily. y ',".• ' Chiesgo is just now in red over , the trials of some forgers and the recent _urea ot others. OtteAan was caught ..Past ae he Ina inning i CoUnterfeit 3.10 hilkle Neil aucuted that it would have tf,lMoolll_ _ attiromiarr. tor the government to wmaagenw It's Issues of that denomination bed the I:elution gotten into circulation ~, The titular, however, in this Carnlvelof ,r..lbrgery has been reaghed in the acme.. ", tkos and arrest of a Mr. Rodney M. 1 'Whipple of that place, and said to be a ' - prominent and active ;merchant. lir. Whipple is ac crued of having pasted, or ; negotiated, as bimetal* imettnt, of . Cheeks and papers, with forged signs .- tures and ,endorseanents. Mr. Whipple ' ind ir lfa•" l 7 denies the charge, sad Is probably - entitled! to belief rather than A:siyi_serieaa tilventurell excitbeg the • ltripioorat*, oe_Wabaah arcane, in MI .( .-cagral• Rsseigy r e window in the third Jiggly eta building on that thoroughfare wsa seen toSPen,sn anzhins face peered feitkend irpeir of (illy hands dropped - tightly together from the 'vie end, however. was made fast tort Then a pair of little feet appear , ed, sidle= Ute being - bed advert ••; tiviirhenelf on the perilous Tome . deist; fidly intending tosligiat on a shed - WO*. But her intentions were foiled; Istgrasp loosemed and she fell heavily, y Rae of. slighting airily on throat t rissosill;2l. nta mitt of gi house' and eargted. beck. This warseen and • : sifted by quite a number of neighbors aid pawn by. • • But here comes in the ,:tesßost a '-What did- it alt tarsi ? The - • ey yi n ;Ow icairred in Loatirvilla in a den r- of low obaracter.,.occupled by some . me- 1 1 Biwr:is - attlle burr ' The eßbt 'Wed BM great violeice for some time, soon and risen being promiscuously ming .l.4oostones and atlas being the di .leaspipons., Some policemen put an end tolhe agair,which lid caused much ""alermib the quiet neighbor:lmi, partie ; 1 11 4/.7 12 It took place at noon on Bu t dui. The writ wounds were not very •i Bakbeinceslashed face and &hand cut 412 91140 papers, in. spite or memeuves, *how their dislike fer the` - sol, d e rs and that haekering after the entuk We clip the following savory -• Bail:Om a southern eat:henget , ' "'We have been repeatedly sehedlf we Welidsapport General Sherman f Abe praddancy.- We will stand by ttroolarsa i tenths port/ Ind Ruppert its nominee. .„ ,"1,. tat was made once. by s bowing that ho could eat a crow. vstssrl had 'the crow seasoned with French ma The man nevenhe , ttlese ate It all, with a. wry face.' When he be4,onished; he ejaculated very arc istlf---"recta eve crow, but rtt b• d-4 lAttlikertsitrr it." _ Aury, , destniet Ins fire occurred on , 13atuittay on the line of the Chicago and • - NOrthWeatent • •liaroad, near Milne roarbtrota a locomotive entire to a 'weer cord wood, of which some ' I - Authrtudred end illtraordi were - des. • " `ltYrode_._ *Wilt intim Inindred . mdtto he emulator The ituneaset tribe thi - ; neighboring - lbrear, 'and all day-Satorday and until Sunday , morn • "lag the fire raged, sweeping over fields and woods, desukung, trees, grits and .fanoes.". When !eat heard tkom the fire wet stiltraging. Wage** the other day of the genius which Parisiam display in . baventlag ,ttine r :4l/47 Startling modes "'-of suicide. ; 'TM satiai_bnaginative Brerichnun will ; -_fied it didicali to ducover any method ' slitting titan that toad s use of by iMer Asiereinan chute actor; called oiu ac. count, of seats of his feats "The Mut Ty," who took a pistol and shot hien. - t..ll#l6:theiuuth while buten by his "at Gtlbilelling of a theatre in Berlin, two 'thousand *opts were iO iii at lase. On Saturday evening a car while going down *rattle, street, in. Pkaladelphie, Woe Alsaetered to be on are. A stam pede °cowed among the passengers and Amami! boy was slightly hurt . The con • unbar la likened to Clessebianat by - the Arose, because he stood upon the burning -which filen all 'hut win bad_ fled,. and: synnaeded In petting out Outlive. Two vinegar factories la Milwaukee . have been seized by the ronaue otllcers. "key were tiosneed for vinegar, but had taken tee whiskey. A large amount of MO 1614 loei wines ware taken Route Ski of, and them:tors are so overwhelm- Jut t hat the ownerswill EaDeelyattempt Aitssyland paper tells a very tough ltro, who, while out ,I.llwwWoueesewt three deer, and after eaufallyehatednghli poaltion, he shot, "ltiUlag all three at one shot. He brought theta all fume with him too. ,Xmilettolet playing very moon 1110t1101 hi Baltimore, a place where h .meattthey bays tut* for unsexpamed Atenewebutee or Unrivaled histrionic tal • Thireitts flowing well at Glasgow, 'ltalitatiti..„,e which has already produced ; . teatiiindibousand barrels of crude petty. - Gauty, which is now being need In this lieiM(f7 a =all place, a lialiaajpoclo set s /Gager BA of deaths Abu aro do fa' Ptttobarstt. " Last week ebog . vies thlrey;orreia. 4 ,tielfew York; Gaulle ago, "Why la tagarsimga Z 013171116 t couple like an minikeftriuldansyrenr, mßectusake: . - 4 The Boom Post illy* that the Redoes we like 'Weston, the podeetrian, now, ffeet PeirS - 01,ect Icto7 oat of de . , J:f4lie Bolden Piet gels Off the following joke: "Brotraknr is pretty bad for eategoe. but hie associate is Fowler." The Boston aneettreial Bulletin ob., iliac* that deny polithdaus who Itched ,ler.ollbM ware scratched last wee*. ka.-Cdosos t . Wibtonale, la to hive a menderal cenrentios, and every singer for fiftrattles mad la invited to attend. The rebel iron clad ram Lady Dials has been bought by some Philadelphia gentlemen and taken to that thy. Guinea* gusts Lie bosh ItriParted 3,llleitailn,..teliecethej are said to . • noels selling, for thirtyalx. aiki*bidiel in Haw Allisay. laffisiNpocith II now playing - with id!titlfbtlabai,ln at. Loma 3 11 140,19alsiients onneacntted at To. rostini;tthinads;azt Sunday, The "td.rtkaainnaie the' Philadelphia natio* baads atilt continua. Gen. 0. 0. Howard waa la St. Louis on Wadnasday, the illth inst. kilizelp4s inetioines, has taken out a paint itrs 'Aim& Lots, the ilaado u e la playing in Ota.l3heraisiwis In St day. 04 , 401.4. !Anti your • Barna 'iorgliania !rife are playing Deaths from tone bill average °as per , . . Gnat elobt`arctnnitag throughout Law. Batew due clabi * IMO tbraalag la Qan,. Er% coma. A COLD. OR A BORE iflatl&Tr omimhnudbu.sad littooto be b e a u emulamo. Irritation al' the Lungs, a Permanent Tiuroat Plume: ar Causeway/las. otras Ma algal, BROWS'S BRONCHULL TIOEWEIS REF:IFM ha:TlVVingru'' DIM • ' Fire VsYri P igr . Altat yr Val to OO cllZtrArs!..tatialittlL." them _ n ole _o ed V ila . say be aned. roltrdt? grim HARISTRILL C 0. ,& Ce ti BOILER ICA.B.BIiS MEET IRON WORICE dcl. 20. 9 2014 mid 44 re= et. 1/ .ftwwvii larp Ma sad ranaletwel WoeSeeiewreel aaelatzwri. we ere yew Canty to laanateciar* ere wy dewnetlea WSW. uye the best warmer. warranted IlUl la y Watle.la tea. lt,. B•ds tea anittel. Clilawans. Tlewial- . Maus • lareomealwi elk. en. Condensers. Balt Paw,Ppm. , Teats. 011 = B U. Ainaeole. eetttleg Pau. Bailee Iral. /SWAM. Peireiraaa, Sad lois nuklillaCturan It BASS. Buz PATZBT miss% amanairda. 111. Ow. EirLAKE lIVPICRIOR COPPER MILL CIRELTINEWORKS. • • PARK. MoCrUILDY CO ., egA=rtestals i Itrazizzdaolt. .ftal lr rixigrZ 4 B° E. Abo taa lis.,__ Pst_ALln w' eg.. W E Ai° sz.nrifitaturraret D:= l o.D7XleassttlA.l%,,,,„ tarltOMUiON. REA a t.u., allteoss ars to 201 01107..•XIIS • Nuanitsd wesacat_Fmrs W0P.718, Itoutodemindaseauw ' ifttoboorm linaniaotartro or 'Eons not itnitonarr Stein Lastoor. Mort insinon. NUL innaltlna7. Noon. QOM& Coiling. or ID desatPsionn 7011 TWA Stills, /Warr and Munn iron Worn. Meet No. la =nor h a w s d Routtatnni Bt.. IslNlssata tor °m ruxtrr MOTOR Ma towns bonus. e_ : > :~> • aars aoussos 't.3.ra.citovo.m. rj All OMB .%t.aal .41MAK.F. 1.1124 4 081711 i 811 n re, e'" et h rd Mar. Ocala leaved abaft+. Addrase. Dr. J. bEII.LIK ee ll 21.1br-Olarrara Aism o i stloa. - 11.11adellg4 PO - writdarr - orgliCirC'S A. SCOTT, DENTIST, MO. 21$ PRJIMP STREIT, COAL, &a. Pirrawn. —"TioNAL cm a coirk COMPANY nu m wpm. and dasaws. s l*4ll ta • . BEST FABIELI COQ NUT OCiAL AND MAWR rictwamtla-fror.. TOUR= RAD TRI AL ordrrs tar Ayo u b tho eltr, or abtrozeo ort/Ls o o t p l • N , k „ s sal losaoaloto tlei s.daa BEST FAMILY-COAL, 11hrass a. Mad &ad dattmid Imallrttitcloadsi lr towsrr saute runs, sr NM P. LAlnt CO., I!_e_rdinict Skedtall. ban; Ax.c.iNagmar— icter. A.tandis 0.1 reratsimi As.iiihoirast ntn Ira „, 0 au •. : ;e 0 ALl; c041,:u Dinar, titswil? oar us** Ito. UnERTIr• Aft Min n ato PUM2 11WICOVD FLOM good Tollt100•113 LIMP. XVI' COAL 0.11 ay =M Mau law itn nattat ordan hatszx Mr% ouusuLps wasunsmoaret Iroucatioenntaioontteitiiius our /lad M•ol.llgUnnel asel. Stack, Asa t:losulyttartatit Cott 4WD= AND AI D. deturt tat paltit Martos: Int my sa / tap. tutd Oman ,tresu i p...tu=ll:::-.41.1"ft tan tort ante:. et Opal or 00.0 . '1 im leyrut Orders Left si angel:bar slim 11111 may mums:ORGAN3. Oko, cluwast.asa.a. BM% INAEB tt (IMMIX mate wiummum • LEA Re. Lt 6L cute rittsbarib. =I rianpa, 11:30rgais 4.10ME110 gado gsursits. 111rIkOsitatatailDeo.ii.n.stra alairst IR. illy tat. as 4 111780MADIDDI • OD_ Zlittaiesada. mums. alma zaTzr a coos •rocrrraas... a y D. a B. R. awn% •WICLIODLIIMOD. MUM aurraerux , s ramizar DOTZAD. _ ThelmalaDADSLl Darns* IrDamibil Oa taronnes ahran as &Ana WM LBWS UNUIYALLVD 'Pr Asoa.—Tzto_panst fatarreher crfal; the min menu =avail: +tit la [mi.:eau laas say alien int mai lois* Yeemia!4l•ls IILIIMLIt,4II itre4ll. LIVERY hil611101,WMI;', LIVERY AND SALE' STABLE. L WAICHOLSOL ritopurroit. um. - Asp in nut, mum topjoilumweissto e•ta.,. awn. surtio TIOKILASKOZZLizi......,zwan, I. UMW Livers and Sale Stabler:. mg LIMNS! OrPodie roatrtvaata Lamm tires: , . .. . Pirrstulicif : „,,t....401„,d. sitsatios ft: nd ie easilskisi .I Csiityrsi far ils. • .ifanwitept la liven._ • ' ' iii.:- I•1•),:t :19 to N t:4 s HENRY younijuir • iCloafeationcnl and Beicitti 10. soo sitirtnrrturi ' • • r-- Iletlll.ll, in/ jAgrti. , /OPLADlES•ollTlll4l,oodativielobl, SinVDAT•OO ggantrairlualAFfwg*- ICI astir. 00111ZWL p aseastoeutarisetaa iraZircirla NIX lift SO ZMLYOZD. UMW TOBACCO. °MARISA°. JOHN M EGRAW , .. . n i tatvz .,,,,,,„ ird, Tobticeo, Snuff and ` WMlT..rd... a prociuma swam. - _ . R. & WI JENKINS 'Mr , l m, maathoiniessas +pon TasseAH- , SSA OP* P 1 . se.' No. 1 PIWICIIIAL VT -, acacia c. saw= GREENWOOD DOVEDRE. BRAVO &•DONMILLY. JONI, abf Radiant Caahigst U',..torm=44 'LW= XIII; •7.7 mum". isaa• is order. mat, 260 Melly Street •7741110 ( msaf II Wet BOWLS.) •OITr ..2oX hrnalawit. tub. MCVTErin • the COLIft Of Wit 11 IC ,1 1 42 ''SV Ir 5 V r :Veit 1.11 I• 7 WOW. •414 Net • • th• bellesesests obeli be p•ld vitatle 101/17 dna role. the ea.., Stip be MY 11.710 eabees $O. ••m a"'"V ' Waal bed Cbdbeal sh - tjrarrerta liareas ~ far el Le. Ntbb. " IMAiltat. . • Mee tor, 12:1!:1 samara • Jut artve4 scr. ition4slas " is 'van et Dubai. Was ylaftrifforai et Nei.ign l 4 l ll , olllTEr. NC illtral Stmt. . • • .., et •08,1 TRADE, 1867. WILROY DICKSON. - • CONPUT, No. 54 Wood Street, PITTBIIIM6II, 'row offs: Tl:uikts vALtor, sriooic DOMMUIC AND FANCY DRY GOODS, 19 . 1 ELN7GPX4119, _Il AND NOTIONS, I'M GRKILT VARIETY ?be smortsieas will be kept eon. !We auriast Mammy Med Cash and Short Time Buyers Are blotto" to swains tbe Steak. U.ll. ictIZIMOT. ZJIJI:ES DICIMOIf JOHN 7. 1111411Nr. 1867. F* TakmlB67. ARBUTHNOT, • • SHANNON • & COMPANY, inguisasaa ozatacas ur DRY GOODS, No. US Wood Street, a Nmi t aninximici-sEr.. OF/E/1 AT :Lamar raw= Goode, PtlatqGlngtuuns, Cheeks. Jeans. Tweeds, Cloths, Cassimeres. P. et M. Bassimeres, Flannels, numb, Elkins, Whits Goods, Bleached and Brown Domestics, ♦ YULE LIU OP lioUens and Esull Goods, Barred Flannels. Of tutus aa4 Dam maamsture. M!! FREEPORT HAIRED FLANNELS. ortaice•s Greenville Baried Flannel& OpIINTAY 818 . :trot„ vs amvalsnes. at * SIM 1 • 110.1. L Fall Llne in all Departments. am taws* war . 'rood ati4a. ARBIIIHNOT, SHANNON & CO. asTuTapor .;. - i - c. sa i r: T. Tam mir BOULEVARD SHIRT, /911.1.1)=1 Amp mum. ia7t.ca.)trai4a aed intooldared ' also, Real Tartan Cashmere Hese, Le all inlets ass Urn: ben wannest we me IN. &tad arms sawarli.mast of ladies' dr inane' Underwear, asD awn* ISIDIDISIIIIVG GOODS; tiIaTIAND DRAWERS, Traveling and Fine Shirt, _nraikinrce, svarasusitv, litipicrgus„ era , ectinfintiviorrli A aria rvxartocz. as landkor Dress Trimmings, C.f *Try gleft:Mmeg. HOSIFRY AND CLOVES. ETC. Nemoßawls 1201 CITY AWD WUXI= Sao erpopewureed to ems sad 4 •2=011141 ar 11.. d. -Ia =wan vs au =MM. ..d wAil AT THE VEIT LOWEST PRICES MORK CLYDE & CO ID IID SO_ DIAREET 11111 M. DU' GOODS!. DM GOODS! cm& THE MEN innzrefAkallasnran ku :7 44 DRESS GOODS AND C&6ERINEILEB *or 110.14 80110 waif 1 3 , 0•11310CIWTHS, of great misty. —lmiatirrq both Omuta, • Latent nab& /haletioTheaaortl3l.3.llto 11-11 bad 14 WILITII PLANXILI. BUDISCILMIta GOOD% la all grades, CLOAK/ Ltd ISACQUia Mad. to sale& H. J. la 7 5r 10. IPS 11 }Mir GOODS. kit amok Pittsburg'ly Ps. 47 : tro. ai virta S'rREET, 41 We are so:rel no via, ' mu. . 4 . , k FALL GOODS, : Na. .‘ - irldsli we lavlt• t sttaatlon of sadOisseauss. he . .. .... . . * - EIMISON 4 HECKERT. •II HECKERT% jagleang,:Laajagnal 0 . 3117 /13.••: , .• • • ...IL LONG TUBER & LONG, DILY GFC)CIOI_)I9, ft.ii.w.461, 0 ,i so tbotr sow /AcA of /ALL Er nm Ano 6a& r , oig mezz, wi1k131.11.•A..i. Reo 11 oat, K ., ALLILUBLICST Fair doors ton of tin innsoulL .N:4- -• "I iret..D rca. " Carpenter and Builder, xe. as rinntenvArru. ANL. uw a t. *no sum Pi:ripsaw r.a. Jobgrtaii4lUkataiste•• ddlateh. AU sra murpur ap•ad•C 121.4. C. TIM? ... S.V. ..... ... yorisT EMOTHERS, Sense Carpenters and Builders, fr rkPlars."o4l2.bZifealserifgaZAzt JIM •sawcraa, & & FRANCLEB, aBIZIMMB Al'iD BITIIDERF. Frjra Wale r IN. al la Mine B. Ceder! 6th, VW. Z. H. PALLACEEL, Bubo Bander and Earpeater. g eft ruft4 l .11•13Ma 7 ALLZT Bad DU- Alir — jatibreast Eipansi elcs• witt4m. HOVEN MILDER! AIM CARPENTERS. sa in4t l .lnle AND Lena@ inassur "Luisa mu, rtritars a nava, PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE : THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 14. 1967: OTG CLOTHadtre. ' VELVET CARPETS, BRIISSELS CARPET/3, INGRAIN CARPETS NEW PATIERNI. • At salmi Lowrie ttASI triage Of Boston, 11 Tartar rbiladelpats. *EDS ES, MILD.. OLIVER MCCLINTOCK `& COMPANY, as. to PIP= SIALET hicaiLLVZ BROTHERS, No. 51 Fifth Street CARPETS. CARPISTI. =7! A sploadtd asoutmeat of low prleed .a.1.1.W0c1 Xaasraisug. ==02211 OIL OLOTHS. ♦ n• w bilge* of Crumb Cloths, liruggets. li isti:• ;malt; a RAG CARPETS. McCALL UM BROS., 31 irsrui abon,( yeas. NEW FALL sToca C.ELRPETS. MoLILELI4ND & COLLINS omit To Quit BUTZAS BABGABS AT RETAIL Ma. 71 and 78 rum Street. Nitre to trinTra sugcs calm miller, elsouv heal. out trren:siwr. DLAIUSRAILI NOTICES. Tan Is TOVIVIC NOTICE that •ta. WM rid day of No rearbrr. A. D. LC. = 22 s4atms47w. U... 3 MUM Ur LINTATZ OP /1113.111AEL illeXl4llll4l. P" Ofttro2.2l[Pltna.r.qprgi.recta; ' Am oa t :a oriOrritAt• LIM Um oimaaat of al] debts tad *era/ Orord,r, loudly, rano! Oaokropt, a o drow_ror 111 w, et reht • S 11:+T ZreMl& ' ' r u , r, d la prows debt. moo ro I L Salo or arm Aoslrporeo artat.o. iglig r 0 ,411. rog lllc rokorTZL Tdr rildutcrt liVrtulteitatTite UP "'"TrittiaritirP°lk ..rteu • . u. Morrtral TMs Is TO GIVE NOTICE that a. ea m the dav OeSober. A. D. Da, • Puri la iDatnipwr via loved asallm the WITS OP hart= W . P/RIL*T. Of Oa Cf. , f PM..., la the Ocasflaf.AbLle =l;•lll=oargrlraliriZtl”tlos that taa ponoani of .r dabl. Aellry: of .7 - n:ratragt.vrAx. dahta .4 to ob.. ono ar. no. Auto.. of Wu agta. vitt al at a Coeff of Ma.. fa... to Pa bold. is that oan of the itaata a. aris434re,eutraimil.sira3.Z .4 P 1 .% taa atAr or MOVOlalialit o A. G. OM. at no•floot a. a. raw 71. 1101OLIT, 17. 6. eerktra - . E reinimun BALE. rr lifts* of • Istltof wea.t.ttimat orpow. to otod oat of ••• ntotrtet of of too thatott Mateo rot the Weston. it of Poltatilrazda, era by dlrottoo. goon. •abuo ego at the IJoari Wave. la DAT. tho lira DAY or NuritX•itt. VC. at 11!tiod 1,•• follootatt demartOod . 1114tift Lartola of Alba. Mood mot tr tee u 100 tram*, 54 essamo e• ow..t sr. it UN salt entail - Intuit THAL. A. NOWLET, 17. L Yanks), Wortors Dittret. Pe. t Inttabsia. Say. la. 11/2 nada, SIBERIMAIIIPS FE 817 Liberty Street, bantam. MA parr cum lARIMJEJS emu AIR PICTUU FRAME MAIIIWACTOM • .Y...LYOIsTS, No no, wooa it, intwoush, VEINL IPV I Sp a Iti r . I IO4. I itrartsalixd (rub railirreket Attz' ertriarz.l:: alvats. =lmmo essoti.a ta VgitingWatAti. .A. 22... SCHOOL BOORS At' WHOLESALE, WCanby /Melanin tamed to cat as 4 42=- oar ..imutmrloell at UM EMU q ITATIOM. MID 101 211101Lter. CAEN, CLARKE A CO.. 'lagoon IMUIZT.eo.. Plamesd Wq 0117 COLLECTINGASENCI. SEATON' & Local Collecting Aiontr. Zeo. '7Pcn=•Ut:i • r. o. sox. rrrranuitex. am, a sil desertvUot. takes au t.. do Oars. nada others MIL ass ma ousaks EDO r iunqUAIITERS FOR Rana Atriteghlets and Ventflatori, Wllll6 Znamaled, eaten or Nossil. al, RISSELT. & COM. N. 235 LTRISTY CHEAPEST PEACE IN THE (wry To sin' Tax !Rips CIMINO STOVE, is al 2 eitail 11. - r. a, norm. .1 CAT Of :I.l=M. •114 c l i irt. SEALED IPTIOPCKALB will be toottival at this efts. TlillatDATa r•ity " ljtqt ht% fireittgi'Aitt tj"Tritlim4, liato tar Um tirldlos of A'AttA.A- Brut t PBANCIB, • - 4131t7 Oeutrollet. ummi IEI. 13. Lae - co.t.r, Sealer et Weight; aid Measures. rotrirnarramer. • Mamma Liberty sat lair! Wyatt, Ord.," grew:roil7 attmaeod to. salluile ~ z ~~:A. ~ a6ALa 111 CRXMIT Burat,txiplu i , liPTlVltivrn TryZA 'th'ILIZLIT=t;h4I.7. "al"' JAPANNINCi rtaix man oaxißtleyaz, By - InLLIAN LLOYD, 13.. i IBM Clair Ilitrart. !SRS3URJg • PL Gloom , chustatui 31•-.1spouted••rd WASHINGTON .Xl=3, %age INA Pita. w.ininamos, 1:761.81,1F Wirt! s l e w etty. hes of m e . lima %a dude m aze sad Gong ed. • B' "• ' ♦ • rders PLEASANT ACM% WITH EOM BOARD, •elta. 13D GRANT lITUIT. Frain Bonus, PUMP MAKER. C r i rr u ismikai /dna to the adras* 808 PO., Wir tr et...tri , ozeta t deo . nal. FOR •ALLEI-The .belt Farm In aollee swath or the Penoo7Prania Wellan el Nolarar Station. The ;wre:route era a leant hued log hoer/. with nine rooms, • • rood cllar ) . •frease bark barn , insla , 00th the Mat or ma.) Veofe ixtrwofin'egrliat Mo7tttitrAuottl Lee fentina Is alt Na. 1: tat soil Is good. end La well mtlyg o sArgr o zrata . u si ,.. it h t re-, mt. In offered et iota Jaw tele. or ray Pei wt. Cr Imodletelr. I.lab. • /arm 3ll terns la Penn towattap, grelT:7lilrolif*Wllo.l'rtlist= white I unl other Um oar, 4w111.1. honota. 1 j , Marla. the Otte, kyy. 011h,a tenant ttonee. .:31=ar thtita 411 ar.l"s 14,1 , 0. i eiery ace MU:ha:eon:a Ilawmone toll sod will% never =lna tartrom; wltnla one hundred nod. of the Panes. Ventral I Weareed: 311Mlles nut olllttaballgh, and thee• MUMS welt of Urewaebtarg. Thal Mr' Icata antly +ad atlrt.7 tr l ,l2.l.4rta s irhtattt nti EVA t 707 *". Awe. issues In Derry tWeralN. 444i1•1,' " 4 : 111. /tit " a 'au ft wo l Terion7el " ealra B. n..The.laworogalents art, now from. laWj g boo rtst d gil ejwotwoufrr. t 001110, cloth,. 000 all the seeestsl7 and Vr " arlf trdlrlnfd 000100 l e r IT% I WIWI. new enamed. and to ablizdaneo of Ibrroa none. Thls ornert7 anll 00.010 wort low. lt "2 . l rZeft s gAlotel b, 11 0 3 3.0 Of the coanto met mainly. Pa • ah. I. • 10r0e roar story Mice bulldlog. er ZI resale sad a Olsen:eat sander the rent, hoes 004 la atteated ou the coer el Palls:Utah:a and 1 - 17.. mar MIMIC on rut CO I,‘ BM Del: tad on laid • trzasrzj :.• gam borlllgCOledt..ntti astrii"g,..VsroMt:irilO7r!tVnATl7siei6:: 1101 ' - erry allz".lo7l'VeTrgitl,ellrVor:opalrgi thronghont. and (0 00. of the net leealloat a pub. toMame ln Welter Pa. , and WILL be mild 006 7100 ell / 1 •Polltd for soon. • o. • P.m or 1-1 norm •t halt pea, to • h emnower. Tel. fire:lsla Darr, totratblo. alTOT.Tne t ilre t' ttt, tie r) P:m73 u lf. o 0.9d111.114. oader good feeelna. tat Means Vr c . r,";gi rate from, Inn stVe OPealUraz'on,Olch nod one comfortable talldletts. tram. boos. or a looms: Mtge Dart.lo.. 7 . 110 feet, sad ha. ooel itl l i tra.Mgre!f:tricltt a t ln. ‘ 4 ' . " Alt; IT•rm of I= acre( wahla 113 11.41 I the Pens. E. M.. at Catatotarla tetWw. a n tram the alt ,l aa arm o. the land lee to and ander rtlOd rereingthe residue of tee Watt :a walla oat tanbtr: There lee bowel los aotts•ano :ben. on. 'ono. apWe otohaat Oa the pe calm. m good Itoten.. n toll, with all whose:me. of Utormote • and neter.rallln• . 71;3131 : a7r e t zTett '21011 7: e 14.1::: ) ,ro=f• It ;vase to . •t:' tottlnot aid tanaot)attetd ror tnethor partimain amaze of • ' a. Tbwrs. 101 Baal lodate Anat. 16*.Taarth tIL 2,000,000 AM; Ul COM LAM FOB OK = Mon Pattie Railway Co,, JUJITZiUf DIV/SIOX, iflas aux Ms Use of WO res 4, u $l.OO to $5OO Per• Acre, Aid o• • cIII/Sorral7 IIPZ rum. Fat pulaculrs, num a., mictrui - JOHN t. DEVEIIaIINi Land o.oll;aleaar, Topa; Law. Or, MAIL a. LLIONONA • BEAUTIFUL, IFECELLEAT AAA WiLLJAWED Farm of. Nitre!) , Acres, Two lltlTos atocvo knit star , . on the "roost•• g. "1 47:?eg . 0 0.i44,11,1'VH it 9_l:V Z " 4 1 .1 rAlweadiattlexv-A .,,arria tho thr. I 'slam will* b. ...tattoo gs:jo far logrovul wrog 873RL & WILkN Bitters •aa Beal Uwe Ajoats. ■o. 6611=1126e1d rterrit. 131=1 WARIIINGTOIV CO, FALL I. • len alkir grant al 03 awls, af vltten eteated, and the eS , Osliader ..vnsd Ole Whitlt oat blahs/ tilltstled to West_llllel• Witt" W'""it_Cfi. rt:r11=1:1.71.1 ortUll'ag C7 th ot{;•••“. onveattlit Glnforaba 418 d Orae ll als. Has ea It Ma log nova., an. stable ang gnln nowt,: an orebani Maya MU *I gnaeLing a goligg h o g at i lan. pl sung, at. AIPLY TI, s• MI6 MIIat."SFISAV I stoles ix Stook - sett lIW imam, • Atol* 1110 411w. 110{1111 mat. Los 84 LC OR Re — NT, CHEAP— AighlifotzlC=r. Wl**, 00g0 , p00., U too boosoo•AO tittoo, entogli all tootoo. .4 toot fbr to tilva as, Also. On. vial tabu Vann. lit go-At Wall a s limb otkl.a 1 Son Kam, mbA twee. rtort &so . , umber of er:--2 tatildi A g lot. Poo fortAor soritollar• 1 1411t1.0f WIWJLOI W&ED, _ Inlaravt mon. mods, the elation...l.- I= A COAL WORKS FOR MLIX *h"l°at. ofl°azzlng ttliterthele ehltf. atTitol7: .41;Att ,1 4 ; was let.aordtataeharatioa. .o... acme of coal. ^CU I. eon el the moos 141:40 d Irtzotta 4%14. th,...l..dXltral.t. HOUSE &U LOT role SALE: km altaa/..1 It ears= o r pumas a!lae aa.l rep WI.. te• co/Watt lON.- wCa ...affl !taw. awl tba sag a id at- cabrieelea tbar..,l, tb Zir " Ve tr0•14.11.4{•11,..1arib iwa, to twee taatteata. Wm", Ware, ,aat I, arfa. throaat to. intrlrfil yea . fral m rl.4l . 4 &nl! V.:Ur " ...T1 , 71 , hat lay aorfau of ma Deramilt le aelhartaki tamer:lb, for shwa • of th• **pilaf stark off a• IQ Limon& Wa. tl=l7'it's 'A= l = 1.114341 T." tad a. . aurrtat. Haman. Mint, 1 1 , 7:11CC•13t, alert. Lawreataa te • am, a 4a 7. sa7:tll • •A N UUDIN&NCE relating to lbo • .Laylog of Goo Pip.; 1 1 / 1 1403 t. B. U oratataal end altatefad COU B 11 / 4 .! atrasta owl ltell 0. (A. rot n el tot (a f ft, That from att4 after oPtTrtiLeara: ;Veto "' I T ' a Lt . = - gawky to aso poolle al g a aca: tot.tata.' tm; io.r. Horoaalt, df lb. pot rAft.fd:tii trigfinsl;ll. 0 , 441 g. 411 .:1Miri r li:11=1 ' rostooltle. ttat calla.** Alto, r.tetal of Oa oat. oat ootatry. ati. 01 4 0V14.11 nod all (/m a id OMa 11 , dal , 11:la Itsfigj gr . attlao. sbo.l ropalntd al 7 ,T erS ttro rilt2 T or Nue . t4lrollsh la a• ...b4