The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, November 13, 1867, Image 1
• - •,111 _• - j'IMAY' '.GLUTTE, ... : . •• • • 11113141111 isCarsze.) • onus. GAzrrrz zunnnio: iaa as Jana oreitser. -Was.tom, P . it %sten huaybuis. CM, ing a rl i .: eiffacia AID t..l4oBlpiazatirtgrzt Z& LI Wk.!' • - 4". , „ . Tsai, or , rics DA.T. ' Et r Z7-, ......... ... ......... ,assns.. . „ . • MSWA.. , Vernrasielal tabs It for granted ..s tat retry Min has a short memory, whittt would not, tri mew of the defeat W . the" antatitutteeml amendment in Ando allowing Um blacks to iote, ft " Ainemethaboarolled 414114 end arse Get "flanator Wabs and ha vet will not lousitter be able to badger fie Tiviagesse, In or out of °engross, - late acts Or a fine of policy at mance „wits papiett judgment la Sawa' o J.:lnaup Opinion and • reason %Wei." ,• 2 ret 1L 12 7 menthe Wow andffiabrowei ~,a,cdasarette for negro "Moire its Soo. 'ot•or Wires hes tem; wanted It with • conditions or without; jest as might happen; and tried to "badger" the Leg ldatara taro pandas a = law to thAtt tad, lihreinii the Colitttution stood plainly In as it does now. Ottr content. yeast bas a clear sight , to Clangs its .90,44 - ind does io as cameo ton ~:.211ana*attler cock; bat ire Windt It hoe ` : 0,"2 ,sto tight to abase Benater:Wsta because he,Wlll not slake a weather ceck of hlm- MI . , •• :.,.011.41,cumwvive noticed the fact'„of the ."barbarees;inanmate. recently 'fund is I Dedsinki :an - a negro. canted Thomas, . 011 ver- We:give below au exeunt of ' , •:. tbssaandinlent as indicted ,-: It was truly A. correspondent at Ckorgetenva, Sur .....? lex *lusty, Delaware, commulanes the • '.. • llbikra rnistatementredatiere to the whip -43114 of e persons ted at the re -- -opal teem oicoun: a ntic -- .!i •' Olivet a th m en eg T ro w-*ini ppudeOd, fTotym 0/ t .en ho,white sea Sinned:to the tutnels'of. JIM Wingate, a --:•-du .' netarlduc, hatredoharacter, well-knNownW..Mr his •,-,,, • dish. to thebluk The sendensmentiru' silty lanes. Thhty of • , - thelt^were - indicted in the morning. The •anoutuniat; an was a• cowhide,' - i t was, Leh Any that the ;. -_:' .'„lidnid flowed at . every icut, 'cawing the ~ ,, ,, ,Itilleetvtikattar the mat pintas screams. ',.,,:., Alt even scserted nun sumo persona held Whet to keep him from ghinnunty to . :;:‘,l*.eipho., Welk the Sheriff looked on ' - ', --111 . 1 *-nnotalsectuci- The man** again „...,;•liamint.,nal.afternnaeind the -,' nuneknente reversed, won back, _ , _c,crentabtrs. ' The wounds wine - 7. -. . t . , . ...trub ed withlzine. It is do te be the =OR horrid punishment the - State; 'and tlus ottnedet enti.strokes of the bolt were , v bonded le distancer: of Mandy:l6o yard& The beater_ close of Demomata declare notesebee CNixtesed. final is no doubt I:,that:, Oliver.- , additioly be con .', : d, et eV - another Court, of rape, for • !--;'' ::-.7 . 11d01t,„ lt.,be4ng a, capital offence in will l'. 'i.'le iinsin' Tbit tartttre , le, U 413 ( 0 114 a "' - Hein 'rerelladenry to his execution. ':u ~..thr- t he lame day, i P:Jories, (widteY i'..,:yeauleted oribrnetw, IGO3 IrOllght Ottt .. - , ferparedshmetit, ne 'being sentenced to ''"..l.Alltandla rho pillory an hour, beside im. •• . imisonment, fine, wearing • convict's : ..," adopt, dc. .lie seemed laimmt Aumsled --. in Des thought arthe doutudatlon he Was - to Undergo. and bugled the Uinta te ltheothtin, . li rhunieezertkma he sue * ,- --4Seedid In away,And ran somel +:: oar i t when' he felt from exhanstlur... was take:thank aide:a ttiring:at_ the ' ramlalusient.--ftenfeope ,•uri, Jr". 7 . - 1 ' - • ' , -••— 'lam' -..----.....- • ~. .., Detroit .Trihr no gives the follow , .. ; : - .l.rtag - noconnt of the behavior ol a steamer 1 i', , :liana rate tenriSq gale on the lakes: 1.., , , ,, , , terel ~-;,•,- 4 ,uthince the termination of the recent i ' •L'lZirsitrunberolt:pellerehaveanisni &Ivan, sad report i ~,MtaLsoa the upper 1 .s the most . . .17-... .of ..Ilk season. ,-Tba.propaller ' F7 4 .,_,,, .., -.*-41 thempaelsle, nuns to contact with such , de . aster "' . .7 assary - .lrnalhat far a time- the. chances ' ~ .. - •-law-tambin g is point of aarr ar y z i:c a r e , to ' • ~', -,eirslartha ./easi, few. Her- as the - • atensneg rolled; frequently the ,- wafer, and her . cargo, above and below , j ... s chrelts,, shifted, rendering it harrardoas to ~ ' proisente the 'some Sather: She was, ' .i... IhnriTer s got , blot to Sheboygan, and I) thereonnatied until the storm anbabiai . -. On baker:teal here yesterday, Oaptidn • . • • ^ rairbsakeeleted in : arnorriangu with , .. ritatbetnth .gansumeau ' 'rtwenn. of the Phio:kips:la itaibusd paints our goodly old town • of seteditilindecots •- • Therele I style of - face that darken toititilthet-of Wtrovesion from a dark color .ansier the eye, blended into the jbmilthdlue of the ruddy cheek; this - 'beautifier Is the contribution of we amok* tessell, passed In at the car • , „Valk". autt,deposited in the form of .mconiseenseembon,esot houltbeilre . 15 ottprovided SU the cri Of bite inhume ln engine., To • bes;,,eittre, - such• doomed= le not coveted e'er' WC by _Youths ner= r m rebore- in to this lustre which is MO :hemline* of the Mind" hempe , : 7 4simori Ear the dbontufeatineldent to the Mehra* her attach ment; , of the . able • and wher Pftteborgh. we becam e think mold Intere in Its smoke, it is every shack arsl -, iltimuny to , thett, contributes • Mar amoke t o •t nne i - Gba sable panoply . iormbs e c m ur es ctthwilin n thmoon e issi n nificant o of f rr - 44dWrittildentibed with iron and coal— • Mith tbseessets ander of with, buried I_ l o'lMM:ice' aocoun by edam, ma. • • "bpd fn art, Isom Wed and demon ememel in Libor of the body and effort of be mind; Thm, tea,- Pidentrgli is media all Other Ames, so that on enteng Pitts - burgh no traveller can say,in a lucid in, ...tarsal, - "2 thought this wies"—eo and so . naming some other place, for no oth daoe /oohs like Pittebungh—thare la, It tishil, only one Pittebureet, end oat - tba - -itead .the ' where - the river ' and the 1s la come to, gether. - Pielabtugh le not, allieporiongy, beithettipas in fig loaf, butithing -' of Wooly UotAgarmentolsreoketthrorth vmple ce. '7l, l=7,;a ud n to ioduitet .n ras, looked :at through Its murky atuicaphare, and In milli light of ' Its Ibundries and rolling milli in a rain IPittaburgh ia a great place In the over ' ' k . „shadowing mienalecenoe of ltrembstesetbd loduntries, and_Pitteletegh is destined to • - become is big place been:tee of its natural ' considered with referenos to Its for supply, and the capacity don tlieldhammippl valley. for eneteemp , Weedilaya /mad pittaborgbstrdnone ~„i t heleas became Pitiabutgb [snot al Th Waw L grad tamper. neither with the haute nor with the oarporitions own her naboadiq Am It ht the count*- ..cae that, wears ng.expreas , aloe tine hrto edam if It ',ist•Mblia not aling it can cherish no at e,,feetion. X.:Pittsburgh did not mild, co 011010liall.revha would be. undemontitra s tireauld tudnueroang, bared of conuet• , moods. Take, for mumee, her long s. Wieland staadriet representative Thos. Agtam, laid whit better type or plptsb nro 14011 d an no d in om o hero,' calm and Weepiest, in trunaldoet t Plies- -inte in llocirtally sooentric, and j Magid not be otherwise than idea le—if ilbsy Pittsburgh maser - isasage, but/dove grow. biome Jetelligeneer Ores this - ete of the mutdrapf Elias IMkrter in Wi aid= to learn that Mlea ; -, 4llarteri Anekaant nasameor ;Initial Intermit .M lteismne. Fifth Division,' Third States :arkleof.Lcialalana, while - . anis ut the duties amirtabling to That On* was brutally inundated to Fmk- Teri* anew evening of th 02.44 last. Kr. Career ban :resided to years in Franklin parish'; and laterteta , ..nifet and six children to mourn his 100. Iblangleet'llit wan a Jenne :lend faszlesi Man; alas mr union and`a: faithful and ;1-oViola= nfritdreasutufaerrfoo ever igiCe Ma. rt eisnWurni n by tba =a t 1 . ~..111E. C larter left Viliough about, ' 2; n4 ' nit lor Prairie landing to alitatoser of option, and font from , the fora ar place . lfnue dead am! lel in the road. • me adepappa, twa In number /MVO not yet bean ansated, but for: tha . honor or Goo woo wo bops net be .; long oired to go unpunialued , . . - .. . . a : n *sieb,... - boast. 'of poempudog the . bronse endue in.tbe wolid. The 00 / 08661 figure represents the protect • .. rtr of..beap t with a tinge lion hy her aide. e'e 'of the' figureW it sty-thm feetfjes ght; Iwo ' hundred . 'thousand patinae:AT:at stall& 'otieireartito pedestal s , Uldrtr , !begin height, through. which 's spiral stall way kW, to the heed of the figure, where are seate provided for eight persona. HEE VOLUMS IRST MUNN. iscawiGHT. 'TUE CAPITAL. The Fra Of Public Debi Theddons atoms' Health amvtnsuziwzimuithei , ixttiami l'efte Fight Spectators ,Funkrktif Tworimuftil Persist's Asyntelt.' Behased Upon aTechiaical Qua tian The Thud 91 Wanda Matter. Tiie Recent Postal Treaties ter Te/errepa te the rivasersa oarstts.) ' • ' WaimutotOtt, Noy. 12, 1867. . .. i . Tax Wintery na.ons... A viola to the New Tork World says that to view of the hot that.the Illicit '.wlilakey balloon hoot Checked by WO mere seizure of the article. and informers and oftlohde securing the lion , a share of the p reset It isonderstood that before el the present weekthatraellOna, secret or otherwise, will be reoelved from Washington; ' ordering' the arrest •and trial of all who viOlate the provisions of the law In relaU uor, and the prosecutions are tl n clu dethe usual for feitures of whlakey. - . .. . The Tribunes *Pedal says: From the views of members of Congress who have been hare recently, and others now In the elliiitamears there isaatrifterproba bility that the tax on cotton will . be re- Lealed shortly after "Congress convenes. The pressure in' Aver or this . repeal to all directions of the North, from Marten thtlsoltiserw, is almost lrreannaible. rtnenrino or ran DIM. - Front thessznesonme It Is /earned that then; . Is also a. p?iverbil influence for a . general fanning selndin.. cowing the whole Nationaldebt, thus-extending. the time of the payment of oar nahllitica end in the meantime porlding . tai Ito gradual liquidation by a jodldar system - of - lexanno:- ' =-- - -. = T aiohEalOVlW - B. The Theca special says: Mr. Stevens' hialth Is each that he, ill mot be. able to dorm the Sidra duthie of Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee. • lie' will, therefere, he made honorary chair. ' MAN :Mt moat lade:tato trim& have little hope that he will survive the winter. artnizETART =ANION. It hi rOpOrted .l :by' the friends of: the Preddent that he will refuse to send to thetary Senate his reasons for removing:See- re Eitanton, in : violation of the tenure of aloe lavr.. The frisods of itopwoh- i menu claim thel'abonid be do icr,lt it. i be a greater reason for Itopedtment th an . ) any yet adduced. , , _ . int= 7108115--A. wriliirßDZ—TWO 401: t name mresoa - s alutra: , - J Two prize tights were oe- ) cur this morning at Fort Albany. Thad between Bolster and McLaughlin w w a s men, was declared off. Tito latter was sick; and: the - Were awarded to 'Bolster, who was te ' prsent. Sorrel, one of the black vtt:lista,. :ben went into the • dw, bat Bowls •was trot flntiecoroing. At CMe - point the emsiotwoo were startled by dies of .thenaill tat7 aro oomlimp ve got Lt.putlEn it." A stanmedOst awe sommenoed, but. tho tallift too late for the spe,oostemi to maps hom ry, Who formed a cordon around the Fort and with Sand bayonets and pistol anwatened every one .who to swine or break through the I l l in tl e m . nurchar of masons ..mptured woo about. -two hunred, The troOPO were Company JP of-- the 3th ;Artillerr, who bed been lying in the woods' alms 1 dayligl ift wa!in r tor the cm . wl e t i t ippesr. also present,- with a polies tog.- Ife paroled a: number of Um . priaoners to Jappm.r at .bis ofiloi daring the .day, and l' military escorted th e telahholer to glexacuiria. Sorrell nude good • his es. csizacatithe "Mary- It is • said the was made by direction of Gen. Schofield, who has decLared that no inore its ligilia will bePerittlited wit hin his _ Alter reaching the "city of Alexandria the snisted were 1 .tiail. Aboitt twenty blacks were amon marched into g the number. • The. reading of the law was called for by one prisoner, by which it appeared the riot act. is repureti to be 1 read before the arrests: can be made, which was not done. In this case.there , fore, MS military sad . civil enthorldes released the entire of lwannee. party after a oouree Enver mon corearera: Senor. ,to-day, delivered. his credentials - ad Envo..from the United States or Colombia, The stauel oompli m ante and speeches we:reroute. Tbe 'practice *bleb his Primafled' with certain partici of using for private pm , Taros meek - Pee stamped with "signs ?tr .. e• of government •olliciala, tO be vartantated by the 'application of legal ponaitlea !gating offender. xy4inur-viarr "antis. According to a private latter received from that quarter, it Is proposed to sell eh o ishands atilt, Thomas and St. John for d. four to the mil li ons of dollars in go 7 Theexect price is not staled. It L further said the arrangement or. treaty provides thst the sale is dependent on the inslarity of Inhabitants, which, It Is su pposea,will be seemed. 31. De Bil ler, recentlyi of the Dinh& .1..1:kr gallon, !share aerating the =milt or thil The Postmaster General bee trtiamtt ted to the -Preddent, far approval, the two 'postal treat - lee' reoeudy concluded between the trattedlttates and Switzer land sad the North. Gorman Union, WEST 1121:078. warmer seastramara .M.ridiaasa as the mama air at. glasaaaa; My Wing a to laarntooszli emit - ) NEW Tong, ,Nov. 12.—The Herald's MOlZlL,, farther parikerlarsOf the destainiksii•bi the ter rible hurricane.. Thom la not a dwelling on the Island that , he, not suffered. Many ,bouses have no roofs. The null hones of *epee= clams were rivaled r to the - ground, and there have been buried already over -one hundred pentane who I were killed on shore, and. a rune =tabor have teen wounded awl maimed. Every few momenta the harbor throve hp the dead, and it •is one 00131.1nual !string of coat= through the Mamas. over, nice hundred parsons were - I drowsed. : Er some' eases not a soul is living to 'relate lt word' regarding their vmela, The steamer Wye lost fifty_ three souls.. The steamer Blume, cal of one hundred and fifty, twenty-one were saved. The Span_ _hth ataIMM, I whose heroic wanly ' . . ll llllllat e saved many urea, laaseventeen out of thirty. The dined= shin: Chat Elwairaa, bad LMbut the and one man • saval, . In ther% ath hardly a veinal butnan re. I port some or the mew la:dazing. Men were lined bodily from the shore: and °Or • carriedlighter to a w is l atery !Lave. _Not a wharf Howes ware rigid. one : one thousandett. that 'ln the air the streets are alit Inches deep with' WI - aka H shutter/1 and doors, and nearly every treo la uprooted. The English steamer Colunabian bad jut atriirod with moo p of dry and was sunk in ima then three l ' O N ia alter anchorage. Eight Millions of donalt VIA-. not ray the .105 e. .; The merchants suffered heavily with the rain the by of the dome were of • p to this da -have been haurecautoer Irtte Sfai io lost their Eves In the hurricane: This awful vialtation has 'Wilde& severe nning a the inhabitants of thi su s Island, ' all Mme : elpecially. Messrs. Paudston Co., of jt0,..17,130uth street, N. Y., who have vas. eels trading there; will receive and for ward gnitisanyeetotributionsofrooney or ThetetnalOwateClaellelli•eh. • UM Talesman Ca Qs Minaret filamtlekl, Nay Yong ,-- Noy. I.2:—Tightin= nay 'that Joe the learn lb? nail co make the long t a lked -Of match with DieCoxle. EN 1 ' - 4 6- i /\ 1 -, . . I I l i lt ) t - • NEWS Br TElLltitiehs military authorities of lUch- Mond, Virginia,yestardayarteated Lew is Lindsay, colored delegate to the Vir ginia Convention.' for using language calcnst ulated to array , the blacksandwhitee agaieach other. Ho is to be ti - fed by military ammoniate. o.olZol, 'plirtorting to come froth the City of Mexico, - announcing the arrival of Hon. N. P. limits in that city, have no foundation in fact. Gen eral Banks is at, home In Waltham , Musach,setts. —The steamer lithural - iidnam, be : longing to the Lighthouse Department; ens sunk on Monday, In a collision with the steamer Mayor Roybolt, near- New Cestle, lb the Delaware river. The crew were atvcd. — Aconineet , wps an4lided iestorday, by the gr. Mut Board of Water Com tilissionena, WIA. D. Wood ct Co., PEMa delpide, to amply water pe And oth matinee! for the now water pi works. The o cattractientonian th over a million and quarter da ollars. Pittsburgh, Cinch:it:lath Philadelphia ; Phllipsbu N. 54 and N . ..T.Sirtisl..Mtbpob3ll ref th rg b contract. -.ZAtnoilnist from different sections in Missouri and Kansas mention very se rious losses to farMers from prairie nres. 'ln some instances whole forma have been devastated, fen barns, ghat, grain and haystacks, bcchgMs , and oom sionally,honses, being consumed. Many thottsand dollars worth of property has been destroyed. —A non-unit ha% been orde red by r the Court (at Now York,) in the cede of Riceland versus Otis, relative to the pro ppruned mail ract FiCOmint,cairotmm deciding that the.egroement was r ;its being against public policy and teeming I with competition between bidders for 1 a a:armament contract. —Ron. E. M. Stanton was at the War Department -yesterday, conlbrring with General Grant. —Thaddeus Stevens, it is feared, will not survive the next session of Con gress. -The ?resident will be serenaded this (Wednesday) evening, by the 'Tenser- Vaties„" and la expected to realm a long speech. —The Cleveland Plain Dealer of yes tart* rill* the selection of.Clevelaid as the place to hold the next Democratic National Convention, and says that prominent gentlemen agree to erect a grand temple to be used by the Co wen llon In its session. —Neal Drosoy was hung yesterday at Wllkesbarre,.A., for the murder of his wife. lie made a full confession. —The first - snow of the »elven tell at New 'York yesterday. It sgeetlity well ed. The anow was quite heavy at Al bany and St. Athens (V t-). Sleighs wore in demand at the latter place. —A movement is on foot in the Cana dian :Senate , to petition the Imperial Parliament to make a change in; the Constitution, so as to provide for the election oftipmher of the-Senate by that body, tufted of by the Crown It is en.' 'doomed to be the government policy, on the mithia gueetion, to drill one hun dred thousand menannually twenty-flve days. This Will , make - the militias ex pendlturo about three million dollars per year. —Chief Justice Chase, will arrive in Richmond to-day, to preside with ledge Underwood at the adjourned is&r . p irt. iir term of tba United State& Circuit Mend! lenn, at which Jeff Desists to be tried,. commenoca - on the 2.5 th inst. L ro la n: v tiet venire , it ane f irr, the jury will W , P 9 P'K —The propiistor of therlanters' flotilla, at Plaits City, Me., named Jenktna, was shot and instantly kilicd' en Tuesday morning, by a negro Man named 'Jenk ins who had. been . diachatgod from bbesersiceforroisconduct. FPre hundred donna:sward Isofferad'arthemurdeistr. . , - 7,-..14. Booth.,... l loaswowerth, ..Kazi on Theater ineiziting,a mulatto woman shot another,tba ball entering. the ear, killing her instantly. Jealousy was the supposed now —A. fire at White Water, Wisconsin, on Bonday, burned the Mosier Wense aodatzaohilag bandbaga. Unit:3o,oW — Judge Parker, of Winchester, Pti.; was arrested yesterday b in officer of the Freethrieres Bureau not poeltively known. No order for his arrest was issued from headquarters at Rich. mond.- ' • —The qaadraple baby story, originat ing in Brooklyn, proves a hoax.. —The New York Constitutional Con vention reassembled at Albany, yester day, but teutssieted no lmainess. —Henry C. Jarrett arrived at New York yesterday, fromEarope, with forty new members of a ballet trct.... 2, who will shortly appear - _ln the e of . Thldine" bra Oper. ease , Chi cago- • —A cotton factory at Savannah, ' de.. With six adjorniiig bonsea;wwi destroyed drti yesterday. Lees with:Dated at $25,030; Insurance, 111,SC0. —The Alabama Reconstruction . Con. ventloneonaurnod the whole of yester , - . day In cot:eddying the franchise gum. trlli tfon.-.The ntsjorirpreoetti-wtdch em hews sdrong,.proe be adopted. —oeckerak Mower lour. tippet/reed R. King Cutler Judge of Melia:owl District Court of lioutelutui; in phew of Judge A. Cssabigi, resigned. SOUTH AMERICA. The V., I•llweirs Email sad - alio Ai; ?!. 0 1 14 / 1 16 4111 racing* torislittssinra • ,Ivsw Yong, November 11..' — . ll/o Ja niedro eerie:Tx:deu ce is to tbelOt/irdoO: Mbar: - The. Chief of Staff to Mar-- gales De Casks hedarrived from Para, goay sod - departed again, alter a short stay, for the seat of war. Them were rumors that Ito brought proposal@ for pesos from Lopez, but the truth was that he was sent solely to Inform "the 4rmcnt of the t o nc ji l m reiss i d 3 ng enmity .. It;b 1 esculents were oluasegnentlY bring lo 72117, rded '''.2l4.:l7l,lfi; drafted, owners being paid for them at six hundred dollars par head. The rumored 'propositions for pmm, were really prepared In Buenos Ayres lbreffect in tbe market. A fight occurred about the 24th of Sep tember, in vddch thertradilans were de. faded, with a reported loss of one thou tend men and forty officers.- They were compelled to abandon the field. Gen. Porte All ero was blamed oonaldens. , . „ bly_for tbe Mr. Gould, the Secretary of the British Legation, was attempting to patch up • tsee between the rival powers, but so Ear without su6xtss, The papery stated no mediation could be scoured by Era -24 except Itannefrom the Unltodfdtates. sm in en lineane Tanen the g i n gety Osen. - ter Tenpin% le Oa instatune Ussenn Rionnonn, Nov. 11.—The Common wealth'. Attorney, of the opening of the gnarterli.terto of the Iltuithilts: Mint td-day, called the attention of the Grand Jury to the Incendiary speed:Lea that here lately beentnade by Itunrleutt and his set, as a palpable violation of the lawe of the State, end Witnemmit are mu mooed to oppme before the Jury to-mor row tetnl. If true hills 'found ma tber d e . can:be no n.s loelst w titist those who ill be put ms trial, and It. u ot7 — sergullty, be made to sneer the penalties of the law. James A.' Seddon. who *Maned his pardon a few days alums arrived at Rich. mond yesterday, and today 'took the amnesty oath required in the pardon. Gen. sehodeld edit leave Richmond on Wednesday for Weed yoint, - New 'York. pe will be abeam-pm bly two weeks. 011 Realons—Condy and cool. yerneatourn; N. Y.—Cloudy and cool. New York City--Raining he r d. Philadelphia—Cloudy and cool. ' Cleveland—Cloudy and cool. • Columbus-. Clou dy and c 001..., Akron—Four lncbcs =OW: Ind/anapolla:—Clear and ono]. Fort Wayne—Cloudy and cool, New York City—Snowing. .. —The Lewisburg, Unioneonnlypprea ia speakethei of the games proepoeter LIMA& county: . , Beam have become re markablypienty in the moan tales north ann. Yesterday, Mr.. Thomas Reber, of this,.fair and. matted chance to, lama a dignified, solepar look ing spethuen. of Mtn 'sort, on iVhite Deer Mountain, but unfortunately his arttliely hung des, end Bruin off with a sound bide. Deer, ma re &teleran' and a 'number hare been NM EDITION, THREE . 0' PRON The Roman Question Prat ea 4rine for (Inference. Italy Averse to th•Propotittoa Notes Ns BOW Powers' to Olken Formal Beticor of the New English Kster at Path, Prussian DepuTyl Imp u3oned. • Frond' Troops Withdrawn from Papal Teritory: Riot at Oitiort4 England By . Tsleitrob to tbe rltteb4b gent% - , rem/mama rnomarrsou. 'bar li .M.ening.—The it bas issued a second the proposed confer rail question. In tina "rate. powers aro cali f!. Is thought they will -..nasti ._. r.sts-r Mr. _......,5, November 10. Lord Lyons, the new Engliah Minister' • Paris, pre sented his credentials to parer `Napo leon to -day, and wan cordl received. Mutual congratulations were axe/waged on th e s able of therstenle nWiale which E tly existed between Great Britain andFnuwe MOhe peeeenxid avllliatlon of the world. .FRENCTI TRCKIPIS WITILDEAWN FROM PAPAL =REIT° T. Pents, 'November 12. • . Mendeur, In Ito °Meld column, annou ces that the Emperor, seeing that Italy resolved to do her duty and fulfil all or oblige-, dons under the September cum/idiom has withcbawn the French "Ist from 'the city of Rome,nd other , . •. of the Papal territory to Chita Veec la. —,— coarrstizacz ON TEE =Y./LE . OINTION . . , FLORENCE, November /1-- ' - • .. The Government at Italy, whl is hos tile to the projected Conference hansom a note to the European Powers, in order to . enable them to decide again the ne cessity of any Conference wha Cr.' In this' note the. Roman question is dis cussed from an Italian stand-po .t. The details have not transpired. —___ 01.11 N? RIOT AT OXY*II.O. Lwow; Nor. 12.--A serious rio reported In Oxford,And troops have. • • ordered there to Ind It down. , , Lonnoir, NOvember Ber-iny•. The nunintres taken to sappntsp • o dis ittrbaneeln Oxford, to-dny,- were • flee Lice; and Ike town Is now quiet. . - • • cox - moms or immiscee. Il~anrr t , November il—Earning.—Tbe trial of Malin bolbito the, lal WM MilialenWESOn The Jut? brought in a verdict of ..gullty of trea son and felony.” • The prisortergiumigh out: the trial maintained hii • cbeim of 'rbe Court bas not given judgment • LONOON, Nor. loan of ono mil lion ponnds "darling for the Ilondume Railway has. been introduced Into the market here. The loan looks to the construction , of the miliesy through Honduras. from Porto . Othello, on the Atha:die, to - -the Gulf of yansea, on the Pacific. The proposed mute b about two hundred and'illty miles long, and the.mok of conotiumion wql . tw 'boat Rix thousand pounds par mile. • t.. 1 . DWI rocalled.—Thlnk that the bullets. wero all supplied were Stage CookE not confldent they were on the two outside amen and think, they were on the third. =Rear. Thomas R<u swum . —Am Foreman In James Rosa' machine shop; saw the Owlets oa 3 1onday. Examined the Aron which looked to bo an good as any I had ever vottn:put in boilers; ono sheet nape-1 daily on the alde towards the Sumo wan drawn nearly WO on an tarn, which I think wan .counssl by overheating. My opinion fa that the expleaion resulted , I from the mom being 'toper-heated and converted Into gas width exploded like Min ponder. Ifad the arifety voice been fastened down the three bonen could not have exploded unions tho super.hrot ing had turned the water into gun; the steam I thlok cannot i.e mtiverted Into gas *talon the heat oftho Hm oorneol in contact with ft. Ido not think It Is pint. ble to blow up three Whin, If the water is above the tire. Ito not think anlnjector to safe to +supply boilers with', water; would not hare thent In preferencoto alarm. pomp. mac - natl. =minute's rummy. ' Aomori Wallace, owl-urn—Am an engi neer; examined the boilers exploded nhortly after tho explosion; two of the opinion that Ware was an inanflieient quantity of water to the bolter, and the linos evidently pad boon heated; sup _ pone that they had entlravorod to In- Fmrsi ni B eim a t " Bl owwlsri crease Cho quantity of water and the explosion ensued. The evidence of MO fIIVIWAIWAPA WWW POWOWVIA aWWW6.I fragmental was that all tile trolled ware New Twin, Nov; 'LL—ThastininnhlP doncient of boa of the opinion Scotia, which left Liverpool on tho 2d of that boilers canexplode.' by high November, ached this emming. prennure etcam if there is water in them Al a awed.. of showde n kh oo o f by irregular- thitor the water may lb ; the .. .ginand,ond.n tne d uan h on k . °m oo . thrown out of level, but not to ouch an don, resolution previously, i n extent AA 'to taus* ao ax lotion. The favored the concern b e ing vo=ily appearance of the iron and the collapsing wound up was non&mad. 0/ the flues indicated that tho boilers had At a meeting of the Grand Trunk been overheated. Tito iron of tholwilcm (Canadoi rbilbny Company jf.,..tatod was very good and bore tho brand of the total Iptotoodojneett de {h. Company "Shoonberger'n No. 1 charcoal luunmarcd from Igo to June hot in Anent. one. front" water will folk it would probably tonic, amounted sit wo.ponnd„, require two or throe hours for Ulu water A great Protestant densatudeallon had to foll lodow, the flocs with ordinary k. think the. water won below the taitedßilwe Riihth°lWagh i t ur n. ' and mur k; Cortaidanthl . The throe might be quieti t The 'l"' of r: i .d e hot without Inciting the ga g sketa; Dovonaldre preal ed. Bombay advittensto October 14th tx. tale the fallowing: The advance brl n. with ordinary mre tho exploston could havo boon provantod; the coginoor h was WO Of MO AbYWllitlfll2l field force 101 l !nat.:ad/Ye . ;anthem for too t , or ! T ree . d'rpot twY witt ra ho r 14"1° ,,,toir h hthed hh o t th j.d e owo 7th o „,, antatn".thera o f h irl s p 4 rol nP ea Y tedon wa tte r. time Itbid the advonoo brigade ru n wa y . would require the water to go down prey march sixty mike into thO Interior of 'Ming - Moro eons no extraordinary ex tho country . ..l3p to October 12tb, twenty- Intuition or Idearn.) Do not think the do not Live vossels had boon 4ontend for the tnjonor is an nab as a pump; Itronsport 'sond e ° by tho Bombay goy. think, with ordinary attention, tho oX ornmeraL The by' beim% o f the engineernd Occur; It Is not Kato for an Abysalnian form will leovo Marra he . to team Ids post; if tho Val Vex about the 28th of October. The chok e . , had been cloned the accident MUM not which bad bow eovero In many of tho ham occurred. up corintiz• . otations, bus .alluost &bap- - ANOTVER ENGINEER'S TLTlllfOrire V "1. (4Walra of 11 virulent tyPe had 1?oloert Keane sworn.—Am Engineer ken out In Thema atrown Co's Rlling Mill; examinod Detectims arrested man named Mo- th e bonen; think f a tcarcity of wator and .nab, at D üblin,u armed with a ottedlo letting of water of a lower temperatore a vnd elate.= rounds of Into the boilers he rause oftho ax mitation, and wearing an American ploolon. All theD o iler. may net have army belt. Two other., namod - ate,' been hot; there WIIA onoplece of tinsmith and McDowe ll , were arrested.- All aro no indication ofleat of afro char g ed with the ethunßted from of meat Is based on the appearance of tho two policemmt, one of whom way fium. The heat of a formica will take dangerously and another un ght l T one flue of • batteries. The water in a *rounded. A man named • Hey urn, heated boiler may badrivon out into the who aerlrod a term of tonYeare_ lloPritton- cooler oneo, and might lower itself below ment for oomplieityth the roman move- . (hone° mark; have known the wader to MO,Pty tutlebeen_tglitt_, ,_A,,LOother be thu s down below the lower gong°. i ' °°/ Mul wan in la en.?. .Is of cock In one hotter while It wan flush rubiln. tbs.:ahem With thifety cock Son the t to wo Bev. Bight Noe/ Moir miin.,,,_ennotal his and ballets in safe, al l. I would intention Born the =moon on tanner her them on, all. Would sop- Meo.,..ont_or age , .loext_summer. _ pose at, ordinary work in the mill that It w rouman .mOlOlBll sotro omnor, would roquire forty-flvo minutes CO re. regn trtalby jury , the duce We ft staler belOw the licenses Know ning o ho &coasts' engineer's char education of o poop a , and mat- actor or capacity. Red ordlnarY owe ten tending to the freedom end =light- h em token by tho engineer the water anent of the nation, passed the nos' would not have been down no low. It tzian.Behlbrtnith. • bards to use (ejectors, oven safer than a IfElfarreAlll AND OGNAIN- OS thOY ere prompt Warn , when In muse working; toe alone can be B f ridit n .komf . 0 o; Nov. /2*--r " °lo ' 74.i • Se di ,n s e §actly beard from ono end of the be Livr.aroL, Nov. ""' ".° ' ton heavy and declinthir sales 0,000 We e BOILERS 8011Xo IX EVEnv rartmetthaa. Mid dß°B BPlands Ohlt Orleans, flid. Levi Brenneman t .sworia—Am a molar Manchester market . dull with a docile. bar of the firm of W il liam Barnh ill & ingtaa=. Breadirt=s--Wheat firm; Co., boiler makers; examined the frog 11a for rola white; Ks 10d for No. I moots of the hollers on Monday last; Milwaukee rat. Corn. new mixed West, think the exPloslon resulted from a wth sie°d Y at 484 9.41,' Bar/ 43 7,03u and ocarclty of water, judging from Ulf/Way Pasannelianged. Provialonatinobangod. the flues colbpsed. There wino parts of Beef, lasn. Pork, 72a. Lard, /52a gd. thalami). which looked se though they • s to. 'Boom, 5 ..N1; Froduco un- had been overheated; nom the sppear ommgooheese,, - ante of the boilers it did not appear to Anawtatr, NOV. 12 . ,— nmairex__Petro- be a uniform beat; the bolleft were Made Inure unchanged; .11; franca for standard good and or good workmanoldP. white. War firing -would canoe the eniptylng of . 1 Dulrrr iscranionne. It atuarc,lioiamberll.-43.err Twestan, a Pineal=-Deputy, Ina been tried and sentenced to two years' imprisotimimf, for remarks on the Judiciary made by biro in the Diet. • Llonox, November is rind er 40ed. tbo' united Stake . fleet: under the corterund at Admiral Favegtit will ro- tiertZiaLAlD. • • roirrAt *Jar icyrnovan. BRAME, .I.Covetalbee. 12:--The Swiss COUnCil. baa *planned the new 'Pardai treaty , negotiated with the Untted Stake of Atneries. • ' 0171% ggsmorrows, Nov. 14'—Tlio steamer City of Paris, ,hom York, arrived We foronoon. • ' DINIXF2MaLEIT. 11.—Tho atodunor Uritted Klutzlora, from New, 'York, nr. . ... • - It ., 4 a-klit'll'l ---..; i , : 7 / 9 * . i A- -- 7 0 t- -- -- :rk- •••yik -, • . , •. . . . _ • . . . . . •-••••••• . ...._ f _.- .;_!......,,,.. _ , --- 4 . .' ), , :::-4..- . • . . .. . _ - •- - ,--... •itio.;;;;•,-.;-• -- owl , .... , . • ~ —.„,„, • . .: . . - —,,,-:„. •:- •-.Led. ',..., , --Nott.•F - .-_-:...._• - -. . , . - .-.,---,„---,,7,..974, 1 , x,-.-- , 77 - 5 ~ 174 - - ------,,:"... • ..., - k 1 4. , . . . . •-•-.. .. - ~ N.s.-A.,_:4 I 7 N.,...47 . '',l , . <P7/"." • .... ...._.:._:;.,- ..••"',... ~... . 771 .,: - '. - --.." •on 1......-..7......-A04:401 1.. „1 . 7 . ~,. t „ ( ‘ ,• • ~• W•eklr Gegen°. • , The {Pretax 0 210wrrit, - the lit' weekly paper ln the - State, : contain forty crolumns of tending matter, inol .. log a correct °amnia t of the late boiler ploalon, complete list of the killed a tlka, wounded, Coroner'. Investigation, now ready for molting, iind tam be lied aftt coiuntang room on first floor. • ; i LOdIC A. M. lIROPE LATE BOILFIR•DgPLOSIO • c of.Pers. !!! !! eat —fiatutteneal Tee th. • Tito Coroner's jury, linbanteilled hold an iieineat On the bodies fOurteon yletlina to the redeti iartf boiler explosion, regesofriblod bat nig and the following new toetbnotty wor aditticed - 4 "' ' eitnltencinarive.. . Ames fl. letorth—tith,ldg tnetaber of tbeiirm'of Storm* i Co., boiler makens. 'I am a Precthild holler maker; saw the Millers that we* blown up on Friday,'SathrdayandldevE day; examined theni on Monday; thi the boilers *MS liot and Wale tt!, very little water in them; think so ori count of the flues being collapsed. Ir not think any other eauxe - shauldlie produced the name offeet.... If ahem .been plenty of water in,the boilers and ,the tom were not hot'"-ovp4preentme erste= would oath' ssallagetaledUL.,_ I do not kneer hoW with water. Tim waa loosened; .dip of the Iran I the lt natl. low in thelt. Mir octet .10tikel. . ' pled the boiler might Ave stopped at' own accord. Ido not knoW ithaat! 0 0 1 . the. injector to stop, When ,my etope I pohr cold water on it Snntitt preen they might stop Without iitteletler the attention of the engineer, tudese . was very close to it, as there is a grad deal of nolao about a mill. I like thaw Injector, very well. llot water would. not likely come out of the injector. • Id , I not know whether the larger hogeoto stop or not. We do not um as large It size as are need in rolling mills. I cove eider there as aafo as a pump. -If Meet !linear had been' plying strict attention to him duty the water could nether° lee' come - so low. .t good engineer would always know when Um water was below thee-age, and I think it would 'Nam at least hour to boll 'it, down to :the Saint at 'which I think it-was in this cane. u examined the iron of Which the boilers • were made and 1 , ihink. it the beat quality of. iron. le-I was sunnitur au engine I would examine the sge °filo water every, tty dive thinu t minutes.l think a pump Len° wen alter then an Infector. I think from my examina tion that the water was below the flues; never knee( of an instance where an explosion occurred If water aullicient was In the holler; an explosion might re ult from the valves becoming closed or faatened; as any holler can be blown up by an overpressure of steam; where there , £s. an overpmssure of "team the shall of theboiler filgrnerally turn:Parte of the exploded boilers showed the blow mark which indkotoe low water in the 1 boiler. Some parts of the caulking show ed evidences of over heating. EFITICM Or lIIILEOULArt FIBINO. CUL J 089711 firye el:worn—Am fore Man of the Fort Fitt FotuadrYl bete IMMO the, levee of the recent explcedon Wee and examined the fragmente of helical what I thoughtfotety. awfully. netti I my examination by dge an inan Iju that the iecieexplo sion Waa muses cat ney of I water in sense ono or two of the boiler. Irregular, tiring or the clog ng of the con , nection, trill result in more water in one boiler than in the others' this, has hap -1 Pelted 'several times under my observe tin. There:should bo gunge cocks on levery holler,' don't know whether there were gunge oocks on each of the boilers exploled. Thant:ins were collapsed from top to bottom which is an indicatims of Neter overbeCttech,in one of the boiler plan, the iron sea, drawn out thinner, or stretched. I think the explosion rem vital from the sutlep...eastaxgene,me gaoora tion do not put numb faith in the water marks. but there wax ono tine as indented as top give the impression that brims hot- The 1 expiration could have resulted from the 1 water in the boiler. equalizing teem- selves, and withoutputting In cold water; It is dangerous and unsafe to trust teen. set of wages. It Is usual - in boilers to'' Curry water about two inches above the 1 eldest. It would take the water from a I half to three-quartcte of an boor to have boiled down to where it most have been, I have every teaaou to believe Miler bads nuelcient quantity of water' hr it, from the fact that the lines in it were nos eellarood, and there was root in them. It Is impossible to run mid water in the boiler by an Injector, but hot water will generate stoma almost • fant. ave known of an ,e„ .j. —.once of this chara cter;. think th e boilers constructed like these were safe E.....if... 'hip b i - ni n i,01,,,,, of the with safety on the outer Orlaa. • Press -Parmaylvaal.l rkkl • • larkan fire - . ai'l l / 1 311011 or ZIEATLI7 soots s. Martha- Comparry-Taa Trip, as . &e. George *tiros Reath-Am &practiced An invitation having been extended to engineer; tinned the scene of fleapits. , the members of the city press by Mr. - piece an hour or so after; examined a Robert Peteniru,Superintendent tomake piece of iron which had killed the fore man; It was at blue as lion - freshan excursion over the Western Peanayl from the rolling mill; the color was produced Tanta Ratireati, raterdee, the following lg. overheating! do not think hot billets gentlemen availed themselves of ILO /113. I'd ell it *tell hale hinds this effects vitatien, J. G. Siebetteck,W. A. Collins The Iron was as good its /My over !nude and C. E. Locke, of the chronicle, Frank In tho city. (Mr. Wilson here shored several specimens of the Iron of tho bol- r- Case, &Vetch! William Anderson, William lore, and model, of the relative stretch- Guyer! M. Irwin, John N. Thelett, 0. T. fi t of the iron in the ahleeer th e boile rs! ,Bennett, S. Caldwell, G. E.. North, E. D. 'TI 14 WAR oeteutioned by overheating-) i Thin k elia io ned tb 4 4°Ci l rr d eg tn t i lde e°Ul tlr d ln i rir iV have n ISO ''. OI3 Abel,. blatt; C Zco mm r; di ßa t. b . l o I r e 7.1 m oe 3 e 1 171: 1 11 n g . ' o l. Zl i e.;:, Iluitart es where thin hisdrnefred; . the thane" Rattigan, Advocate: N. P. Sawyer, Irate In ono boiler baring been driven J. 'f,' Mire, P. F. Smith, Relmblie: F. B. - ;to exhaust the alder in. bled- of the: bed- At nine o'clock, A. M.. the train left the w U3 Auld "egu only 4t Ect l NlZ fve into or Rana another;. it Penniman and 3. D. Ramsey. Goeetle. lons by irregalaroverheating; thisiateld depot of the Western Penusylvaniaßail occur rwhile clearing Ores and. having a read ; on Federaintreet, Allegheny. under a ,heavyhea Ore' on. the other, side. • From charge . of We Superintendent, Robert ppestrance pf one of e Hues, judg- Pitcairn, and 0, -MT. Creighton, As set that one of the 11, norm bad' 'more wa- attend Superintendent, with the exelar ter in it than the others. - ' , • Shuttles on board, and proceeded at the . Ileriathe itiquent adjourned to meet at rate of about twenty miles an hour, us ' the Mayor's office thin atlernoon at three. tit the end twelve miles had been made, o'cleket, • • ... • when it was delayed a few minute, only to allow the ten o'clock 'sprees train to' pies: The aiding, on whith the. racer-, sloe train woe run, is in the celebrated gravel cue and while waiting, the entire, party went out curiosity bunting among the gravel, a number of fine specimens of , which were gathered by different mem- 1 berg of the party, The .express having passed, the cry of "ail aboard" was glv on, and thel train moved on.. There be- ing nothing farther to interfere with the Progteer of the train, and the road forth.", ttext twenty Mile, being almost a I lead level; and In ceeellent condition, o engineer put on steam, and tbel-Fola ent whirling along at lightning speed,,l :until It arrived at. Mamie: whom It 'stopped, and at the request of -Mr, CIR. ford Pemberton, of the Pennsylvania I Salt Manufacturing' Company, whose name we neglected to mention ns one of j the excursionists!, the parteerere invited 'to rig:, ho extensive works of theetre- l'auy free W ita :a ti ch o - p wet it' Are -situated eepici,i a- 14- t tii'^ d t ,u P° ll i d n ar t. The the eharge . ot leney. Pemberton . , blep; and Mr: ou-status liagernian, armlyticali chemist bf the works; the company e , tre , "hewn h the establishment. •To - airman g• amprostlniallng to a defleitedbacription of the iforks of the I Oottipanrrindd:- roqture.far„more time , iibtripaoe- dianire ran aparei s eeit iwthe mostatttenalvaesfalthelumetit cd (held err ' In-the Unlted.Statess and perhaphaecoild l to" mete in .. It is not. onlY.' a' j saltnianefectoryearithename would in dicate, buttilkalLin all.lte varlet , " forma l is preduced there. Tliepitheiphi feature j of the Cowpony; however, "f 9 the menu. facture el Both, and sapenieer, both of , which are produced' In large quantities , sufficient to supply the extensive trade of the eastern west en and southern Slates. I The manneactere of enlphurie acid la ex- tensteely terried on, the ajilmrsena for which mutest% of a still undo of 01.1 ileum, coating thirty. thousand dollar's, and of these there are two. 'Sulphate of iron, or copperas!, Is al. manufactured in large quantitiox. The buildings of the Coral auy rover 'Le leg of twentv.ilve acres of, ground: orel are printipilly of I stone or brick. When the works { are - run to • re theit' - full' capacity about j t htindd • persons, men, uiwo- , men and -ehlldren are reqred to do the work. At present, however, there are but fourhuupresentdredhunds empley-,, ed. It requires fitly horses 1 and Melee to do theimuling for theestab ilahment. Mr. liagermin; the chemist, in a very sadtfactory manner - explained the process by whichthZ•dlreSent articles shorn referred to weremanuthetured. af ter which Mr. Pemisarton oennucted the , party to huneildence whereabountiful re -1 poet was served, the exeellent qualitiee of which were amply attested by tho hasty =neer In which the vistudi thiappeared. tint noes - item-ending the revs-noun up petite', which had Nem sharpened by. the two hours' menet. in exploring the. work*, the supply arta amply sufficient ,hisatitsfrthaskmand„ ..,-.....-.., -....., - , ---..-I I After all the want ; of the inner matt I had been attended to, Col. N. P. Sawyer I was called upon, and in u few appro. 1 prints remarks, on behalf of tire excise sterile* thanked Mr. Pemberton for the ' hospitalities extended to them. The Weeks of the party were also extended to Meese Pitasirn surd Creighton, of tho Pencuoylvanta Railroad Company, fur the many attention" received from them eßleUtAted to femme the pleasure of the occasion. The sound of the. whistle here lister ended Anther p .oeslinge . In a few minutes the e party were "all aboard," and at 12: r. 31. the train atart , 0,1, not went as som of the party antic(- ' pitted, but in' the opposite direction, ' moving over the smooth and level reed at a rapid rate of speed turned Freeport where gars-teed at 12.14. Alter deliver i ing Into the hands of the elegiseh oper ator a env dispatches wtt had previ ously been prepered, the •histks bloats", the bell tapped; and the rt was again In motion. . .I • , • The atmosphere, whichwasquite damp and heavy In the morning, was now cold, j clear and bracing, and n . :. R4 snow covered hills indicated the app of old winter, with UM boary - frosta, and a slight chill pawed through the trainee of some of the, party who. bed not previously seen mach positive evideuee of his near ap , preach. •A few minute!! more brought his to the place of crossing the river, at which point the Allegheny. Valley road Is also crossed. Wo .next 'pressed the tonne of Leochbury; and Apollo; after Which wa went through the big tunnel. At twenty-Ave minutes pest ono o'clock P. at. just one hour from the time wo left Freeport, vie arrived at the elligir Bridge." which is one of the most inter eating points on the route, and to laid to be the Mghest b h the State. bridge crosses I t o ma rt ge ford a run, a ehort disThe tance abort!, where It cteptlea into the river'. .• it is about filer hundred. feet in length,, vonatmeted with two abutments and u omens pier,' he wthch la one hundred and fifty feet la rght. Mr./Realer proposed that the party walk e the bridge being !Keeled to scen by all, the Main was sopped, and - theaempany dlaembarked. The train was then moved slowly on the `bridge after - the. excurelonleta:atarttd across on , foot. Considerable snow had fiffienatthet point, and tho bridge, being !severed with, boarde was white with It. Aftera lbw tainutee spent in viewing the bridge' and surrounding !scenery, which •is - truly I -grand, the .engineer I "piped -to • qnarterst," • stud . wo were again in motion. The next point reached was 'Shareelburn, which we placed through without stopping. Livermore was next passed, - and BUJ re 'milled, reached. at twenty minutes past two o'clock; where we stopped for a few minutes to allow the train on tho-In dians Branch rood to pers.. Thusignal for starting was -onco more given and ! trammoved eft toward the interstection, which._ wall reseed without any delny, and at ten mentos pant three we errired at Latrobe.' Rare to short halt was made, which:war taken .advantage or by the 'entire Tarty: At the- request of Mr. ‘.T. MCCI.• Crelghtnn, they visited the La. trobe' Finnan In alsbody and after a short Stay returned, refreshed and is sigomted. The err of "all aboard!" is no again heard, - and the train 1111Tred off, but , having left ono of the representative' of the l Advocate behind, was compelled to "hold up" a moment. 'lt was only fora ' moment; however, AR the gentleman ro- (erred to was !deterred but a short dis tance In the rear, making rapid ."ttme" I toward the trate. Once more in motion, and With but aslnghtinterruptinn,which was. at the Coal _e near Wilkins.. burg,- we 'arrived at the Union Depot ' at 5,50. Before leaving . tho car an he promptu meeting was held, and the thanks of the party tendered to ?deems. Pitcairn and Creighton for the gentle manly attention and efficient manner in which they bad ecmducted the excursion, after which the party imprinted and•re paired to their rcapettive homes. .- • t . bat Mount Thus ended ono of the' Mast yleasmn and interesting excursions; It nes ever been our privilege to - partielpate in, and p ellien t el ed r T an f an or d th e e rie : eigihn , 7, nesi minYig y th cilia and gentlemanly, conduct tovvard the matt whose oorafort hritrpleasnre do trairpoe; I th irt : - Ir efforts, and Mr. Pemberton, for his gen -sirens • hospitality, will long be remem bered by every gentlerium of the party: *MO Wino nifiners by lb. Secant Vahsal ,snik.meg,smi on Their Canal - A Meeting. ct.tba;Dishibution Corn ' mitten for therillof ,of.the sufferers by the recent egplividonOrtut held yester. day afterthXia at the roams Of the Young Mon's Mwellroyo s. Col. Jappointed anice Kayo and Jo C hn /1 ch,' lil , by the hur Guild as the Committee to net. in *moan with the Young Men's Christian Associ , Mien Committee of Donal, were present by invitation, for the union of both win 1,. !rho Con:mitten, de to now, Wanda . , ''dais of lie following named gentler:nen: Moss V.. Cook, chairman; Colonel jams -John B. . McElroy , H. A. D. Dtt Dr. CyricsD KM_ 11. Sloane, Moe. AV. Davis, 8. P. Harldiiini, GeorgeA. Challimt, Ed. P. Long, Geo. E. D en ise rts of.thi riondificiricif all the sturierbisitere.hidOriint 'Which we ex tract the L James' Ibuyldr,, a . ease descrying greatisylbyi very yam; the willaand, two etuldren,'one Infflni, riew'on their. way. to tide country from Wales.' The buebond and Dither 'borrowed. a portion of the money necessary to bring his Hy over, Their provider and en is called away...leaving their', en their an rival, "houselmis, penniless, triendless, widowed and orphaned indeed. floury Koch; Stewartstown, Mr.; Koch merest three years in the Union army as a Pilate. Since hls return home has been sick a great ylortion of his time, iusd, pansenttently, leaves fflis wife without means erdlir.imit to dam/ his funeral expansps. 3. Ilenunti !loyal% PM township; leaves a wife and children, two af Wham are siek; utterly destittite, without clothing, food or medical attendance. 4. Elijah Docker; Lawtencevillei hovel *wife who bas boon afflicted with two or three stmken of paillyalst has three de pendent children; no means of subsist_ once; have . provisioru. for only lbw w.ntatnpn, &nehmen street; /Morena wife and fou r . children, aged from nine months to fourteen not In immedlatewanb but will be g ins suffer- Ingoondltlon tutu winter unleas aid Is furnished. • • - g Patrick Enright, corner erf Penn n.nd Baldwin streets; leans 'a widow: conaldorablyy. In debt. She in very poor and desires to return to her home In Ire land, but has not the meson. 7. Andrew Blandergrtlrt leave. e. wife acrd IN:ilium] children In• great need of clothing and food. A 11611601 Bullitan, leitea a widow and four young and helpleaserpbans. 0. James Cusick: leaves a lotto and ono child six weeks old; de wndent upon a mother MI an income of aL per weem to absOlnla want. IFortothe ! Fred. Miller, Lawrenceville; wife and children; in very needy elnann stances. 2. Kenntly McKee, Greensburg pike, opposite Ctilon Park; dangerously wnunded; in very needy circumstanetn. 2. James Handley, Walnut etrect; willr and children; apmrently needy, but delicate about making their want. known. 1. Edward Hayden, Smallman Street; right arm broken and otherwise severe ly- Injured; only a short time In this country, and In absolute want; wife, no children. . . • The above t ea report of a few of the nuferers as they ROM found by the COM. The fnasedierr wants of all the dent. tuto are now s uPPlilx l -_ • ..• On motion, it ass rftolved that a new ! assignment be made to the dillierent members, with the understanding that an accurate and carefully ascertained statement of the condition of each 0ne,.1 be front time to, time ommuniested in writ;ng to the Chairman. Also that a detailed account of expenditures be I transmitted , in the !same manner. It , having been reported by some of the Committee that confrution had been no. canton by the independent action of in , dividuals In the distribution of money, it was resolved that President McClin tock," cant, as publiabed In the Chroni cle, expresaes • the views and wishes of the Committee, and that the morning papers he requested to re-publish the same, [lt la appended below.) On motion, Committee. of Three— Mesans. Lindley,. Kaye and 31oEiroy— were appointed to import to tho meeting a list of regulations for the government of the Committee In meeting the wannt of the aulifmers. their report wax adopted. - The rumor baring ',gone abroad that the Committee . intended ta pay bills owed by these families before tae explo sion, it was decided bY vote that it Woe only their province to meet the SMUG' Lewin:lawn upon WM calamity. ! An eel attendance Will 111 many eases still be needed, it was rwolved to request the physicians of the city who aro willing to contribute their profes sional services .to communicate -their names* and address to., the .11ecretary of the Young Mettle Christian Association. On motion, Messrs. King and Dudley were appointed a committee to vialt St. Francht Respite.' to ascertain and l:mospay! any expe incurred in- the reception of patients from this Wanner. At a late hour thoy reported having paid PO for expenditures for throe who hod tiled, and - having pledged to the Ala of Merry the auppmt of the three patients now in their hands. It having been decided to meet on next Thursday afternoon at 44 o'clock, and thereafter cocoa week, the meeting adJoimuid. • CARD TO THE PI7DLIC. To Ton .BITNEVOLMCT PUBLIC: it! 00. wt .- dance with adopted at the Mato public' meeting ! of the citizens, by which donations I'M the relict of the sufferers by the recent calamity were es-', commended to be applied through the Committee on Distribution, appointed by the Youttgbien'a Christian Am,oolation, It is requested that all collections and donations 11w-this purpose , by ehurehm, sometlesombools, stores. Manufacturing establishments and lndlvidualS,, be leff at the rooms of the Association, No, Fifth street, with full tutu of. the denote, which will be' • published. in. the daily' paper& - If eontributora. - names do not tarapp in these lista, they will confer a by commacticating the particulars as to the name, amount, end to whom given, to Chu Secretary °tithe, Young Mon'e Ch and Association. To prevent confusion and no effort, any aloe requested th at no one give to f the families involved without consultation I and concert of action with the Committee on Distribution, (of which- E. T. CoOk, Flag.: !neurone. agent, No. 80 Fourth Arcot, is Chairman.) as they are now In =on of hill particulars of the tam.; of each family, and have aye tematically undertaken to look after the needy during the winter. public etatement of the expenditures of this committee will from time to time e mode. With the kind assistance of the Women's Christian Association, the mediate wants of the Intlihrera are now relieved; but it will require a vary much larger amount than has already bemicon. tributell to make sure of anything like a permanent relief of these destitute and afflicted "people. Let every one in the commtuffty and vicinity do. What - they ean,,and once. • ' OLivan bfoCL BOONS . OF Tnit..Y. M. ei A.; Nov; Lti 11. D. Idellaw; District Deputy of Al.' leghony county, LO. G. has teneitad fifty dollars for the .relief of sufferers by the explosion: - This - was- donated by the members of Meal& Dodge„No. le% ot. • ti. F. theArat raised by any temperance society. The Yetteg 2 411'5 Median.. Anociation earthing the same by - oath : i s at the Ciiroaticia office _ • - ilne cawaing Pioneer'. . The musical pot - Roder the community groW impatient. for the grandhlaY Queen ee noett..-nilleh taken . place to morrow night rd. Masonte Hall, no it promises to prota ell:mottle) most . brillbuit allidre of this season. Elmewhere we publish .thkPrOgramme, .whfeh embraced many names which., will bo recognized h.y one readers 'as amateur performed% Of , no ordinary 'merit - and ability. Psek um ther m & la no musical composition in the-Eng language . sc, Natalia] as the May Queen cantata. lt contains re citatives and airs which will tindotibted ly bo tendered withell , theedstabge for . , which the elegem, announced. to partici-. ar Justly.finnowe. : The price of ad -------- ",_ ' ?I:irate:bat been fixed at the reas nable SEE FOURTH PAGF..--Aruseal Re. figure of one dollar :for reserreeseate, pores of ledieeittlekteny Relief liocl. latch may be procured ate 11. . Sieber et et) , and, Widowia.. Home : Allegheny Rra'a . music store, Waal street. We Temperance Leagr M . Central best Rua none of our readers will fall to Beard of Educe n r The &a be la attendanoe. Pennsylvania Railroad. • Nospeemon to Noisiness Merchants and manufacture expL once much difficulty In the open ng ant closing in a correct and systems t c man. ner sots of books, or in disentang hag ac counts which have became kno ed and mixed through lack of ability or tof care on the part of a book-keeper Like all other sciences, book-keepin must be thurodghly understood in every branch and a full knowledge ti it can all be properly acquired frotnjo ex perience and epplication. Mr. eery' Kirkpatrick, an accountant with a ex perience of imirly a quarter of cent m hos recognized the want felt for the r vices, at times, eta correct practical boo keeper In nearly every business➢ boo*, and loos accordingly opened an office on the 3d floor of the Apollo buildlng,Fourth street. tints without superior as a book keeper in Western Pennsylvania, and holds thehlghestrecommendations of the leading businesa firms in the city. He will attend to the opening and dor of merchants' books, to the posting of ally, weekly or monthly, and will close a ngle entry books and re-o n them by :ET entry. Disarranged ...Its will bo cutely adjusted, and partnership ,e- moms %ill he made ont in a thorough 'bailment manner. We havepersonal qualutanee with Mr. Kirkpatrick, an can commend him to our busmees com tuunity as in every why fitted for the important profweional business ke baa entered. Itementbier We Peat.. A lady visiting New 'York City; found . ragged, cold and hungry child gazing wistfully et some cakes in e shop win , dow. Sho took the little forlorn one by the hand, led her Into the shop, bought her a cake, and theri took her elsewhere, impplying more needed wants. The grateful little creature looked the be , ummient woman fall In the faee, and with artleen, simplicity Inquired, "Are I yen God's wirer' How many of just , ,-such women 'could' find plenty to do here at home. Ilow many poor, little and big, entente are ablveringabout our , own streets. The ',late ' explosion has aroused as all to the certainty Unita cer tain number ofnew made orphans and widows must be cared fo during , the coining winter, and we' ho every one -i r i,,; -ivo according to his a intim Ent wbu r dca ;:z thi. we ,abou d not Joao eight of the tinna....7 48 M. ' ''t' orwidows rutd children Mho vill;:.', lff c 88 m uch" these daring the coming "'weather_, Give liberally to the as irere trk" t 0,:.. - plosion, but clo trot forget the ottaftfil de7 that perhaps some loot rant one 164 think from :your Jbatier linttr Unit you aro God's mire, or may p even a • ,PrsparetimiS, _Alm • Ines. . •P —Allo ” ownlys t -0 1 11 111.-Trades mbly of Allenheny ais,: • unction Witlethelaborileftnm; Y e coin mitteo, miChrg: • ihithti recepuon; on Saturday. e : next, of lion. S.. P. Carey, Congr..“. •• from the .Cinclanatt Dian. and Isaac J. Nml.l President of • Cincin nati. Trades AssoMbly. The following gentlettlett been appointed as the Committee .n KOMI. tion: Jos. R. Oxley, Thos.A. •." •ng, George Armor, floury 'Weaver, Lee, Nicholas Snyder, in tohalf of Um Ttuda AlsonthiJi Andrew Bunt., John Vic Rrepos John D. Evans, Geo. Bator, J. F. .APClymonds,. John Flannigan, Samuel A. Steel, John' Cregan, David 'Lowry; R. A. NrClinty; EL Lambed, IL 3PCorry, In behalf of the Labor Reform ExecutinsOanantittea, Mr. Armstrong, President of the Alir ghbny• County Trades Assembly, has ..en selected to extend the formal wel come to - the visitors. 1,1 .1111ginlinit IfolOoory•-• Hoax.. A story was current ydsterday that a Man, residing .in Birmingham, 'lrldie • • (rooming tho upper bridge Over the Mo nongahela river. Monday evening, he . , two= seven and nine o'clock; Inetb, was .attailkuggy ed, &egged from/11a vehicle; Sod robbed ettetwer- tem- add - three bu' dollars.. It t o '. unnecessary to - giv the ' name eirthii *UM; Si' it is be , ilor his acronnt. Cr tile robbery 13 pu •ly Imaginative, his actions pretious and subsequent to the time at which bo alleges he waa robbed plainly indicating that he was sufferinglirom maniapota. Tho'bridge authorities, or those on duty at the time, are eonlident nothing of the kind occurred. None of the six. bridges ' , panning the rivers at this city are more safe in all respects than the one referred to, and any impression to the contrary, arising. from the highway robbery dory, is unfounded.: - alma SIMSUtero. . Yesterday two men entered. the dry, goods store of Mr. Ilishop, In the Pllth ward, and, after lOoking at soriegmada, departed without making . a, purchase. Soon after Mr. Bishop missed apiece of red bunting valued at fourteen dollars; and; being right smart on foot, followed tho fellows; Judging that they had stolen it: tie came up- with - them- on- Pike street and captured his good s , and attar= wards procured the arrest of the thieves; against whom he made an hilbrmation for larceny: before Alderman' Taylor. In default of halt they were committed to Jan. Mr. George Hoban, dealer Iddiv goods In the same loWity. had *call from Gramme fellows, who adlod them e-01PM George Smith and George fevers and shortly afterwards missed a pair of gloves. He- visited' Alderuum Taylor's oltiee and found his gloves in Me pocket of Smith, but he made no informaUon. AINIrIZROZIONSIL OPERA Nottse.—Nisi Julia Doan is drawing full houses at thlspopularplace of amusement. . To:night , will be pre , rented the new and interesting comedy, "larried, Not !dated," in which Ulu Dean is said to excel. • lissome Haw. -Monday Monday a•cmi, November.lgtp,.the „celebrated Mo rri e Brothers' lillustreas will commence a season of ton mghta al *mato Hall. TaLsrm..a's .V.t.tuk-rtsa— George R. Ildeson and Mien Lucy Clifton are the attracUons at the, Varietits this, week. PAWL—The Mali at.. 8t Midget's Cliurch,sBeventh ward, la 'mill in pro gress • The contmil fbr the , cute will - . Incaussico Mostton:y.AS a mooting of the Stockholders of She - Western -.lnsur ance Company, yesterday, the following Directors were elected , to sorra for the emotion year: Alexander Mahon' - Miller,' Jr,. Jamea At'Anloy. Andrew AokloyaLlexanderSpeer, Darld ht. Long. John• 8. Id.'Cuno, Charles J. Clarka;Wlillatn S. Evans, Joseph VW potriek, Roy. mar, Wm. mention CITY ITEMS - . .. Paisley ahavela.—Lo'sr. and .aquani . closed and open centre, black and scarlet centre. A banaln, from 415 to $1,73, 011 westoornorMaltetatutFourth sheets, wra . . Gs.inaZiatt et iiTLIVAXIT. . . . ,Great Rush for Mahn' inhtsee' Atm, at Wm. Flomlng4llo. IST Wood street. Nos. 63 and OS corne r of Fourth street. • The.lot and It:Meting at present oecuPted, .by the Unton Na tional Eankand Max Gobdstlen, at /motion on . Monday; ;Xovember 18th, at 2 P. nm.. See adrorttsement of Smithson, Palmer et co., north:ulcers, • ' iVooleU Shawbo.—Loug. aril 'Square, Beautiful Plaids from sq coots up, on moat comer MarkotandFourttitatreeta, 1973 GlARDNitit:a , • • New Brighton Reed Tu.rozgrow.:-.The highly 'annuity° eato of lift.'.*Vildkatoe rosidence and ground. rumen oftk.mor. roe' nt 3 o'clock. Seen. Loggnte'is wirer tlscrurnt Itrauctlon nabs., Fifteen Dollar. "Ott4.—Paltdog Long' Shawls, black contra, worth tie; polka west corner. Market and Fourth straota. .wys . . 04.11 D NEU . * STAIns4RIV • . . _H e r. Caps -and Ladies , Furcia inlZio. 130 Wood sena,. Wove; of anY other bonze ja the T.appee Long Inland:, Wined mind open centralist a tengstAon the *eat:coma of Mat et and Fo streets. • .. . Arra Gerantnit eiestrmcm, la • ed.:. Heavy - Iterino Sloe, at William Sample's, lea .and ltil t Ftderal It . retn Anegh.enY• ' Only 1 111.00.-Plald Ahavvis Chg. •„ dren..;.on Wee.' corner- . of Martand WFS GARDITER & EMIWART,- Itargaiiir • fun, - ' at.r. Flotnlog'ir 'No 119 WoOd'...tmote:". Chlldrenos Drikbfrbid nut* Only 87i emits, on west coiner or MarkBt and • 3Anbi& d . 3tE) Asr. Pere: Fele: at Wen. Fleming* No L 1.9 Wood civet. e. CITY ITEMS 11E7 lodes—/metlea ' Properly Oprianws at "HebolltOn." The undersigned are authorized to offer the following premiums to lot holders: tt 3 oo premium to the person who shall build and complete, within the shortest time, a' dwelling bonito In "Hoboken," in a good and stfttantlal manner, to cost .i 2,000 and upwards. =0 premium to the person who shall build and complete, withlgthe shortest time, a dwelling house in "Hoboken." to cost $4.500 and upwards. $lOO premium to the person who shall build mid complete within the shortest time, a dwelling house to mat $l,OOO and upwards. P. S.—The last sale of lots at auction for this season at "Hoboken" will take place on Saturday, .November 16th, at one o'clock P. 21. .W estern Frew trains will laitve the Depot of Panmiy, o gheny City. on Saturdlvanimayßailroad morningA, li at 11:10, stopping at all intermediate sta tions . A free dinner will be furnished by Harry McGuire, of Fifth Mreet, ALEX. LEOWern, Auctioneer. ' For further Information, enquire o tawreneeville. Sill and Shntterly, Real Estate Agents, !Is the almosi all pervading vice of he . man nature, and no form of it is more censurable than thativhich impels a man . tat deny himself and his family an ac knowledged 'benefit fore fear that some ono else - may ahare in It. Now. dear reader, don't be too prompt m censuring this species of meanness. Are not you denying • yourself , and family comfo hati rt and th, - beca use endangering your own and their , you tenant might a rented house and the next tenant might bo ben efited by having the cracks and crevices around your doom and - windows closed by the Maarten of the Patent Invisible Weather Strip? . If you should move in the eerier, von still. loee nothing by in f47XsfieirtiriTggth'exriirewlfgrtlageo-. far towards repaying Tom besides, Tort and, yours wilt enjoy and appreciate aug mented comfort. One word - morec 'Those who wish to de so, aro assured that they cm remove the Strip when they move, withopt Menage. Leave en Nut Smithfield street; or addrem or ris,Mo- Box 14.2 e, Pittsburgh Postoffice. I=l hun k ., it s 9 3 si IA Currants, Orme, Bpi ced gahnon, canzed._ ftilt BB n — ' l T eget.i bles, Pickles, Catalina,- ti . suces,- Marmalade, ratted of Beef. Cfmdenned Milk, Gelatine. Canton Ginger. Whitman's Chocolates. flpfeell Fresh - Pine . Apples. Quinces, q . Cherriss. Currants, Pears and Blacber es,' °Vent, O P , T , ' n -Pstraets,, .the. sown door - North of the Pinta ,l'fat/onal Allegheny qty. Ozonoz ISEA'rmr. dt Te Country illeretuints...—your attcnt lion called to the wholesale and re tail grocerlstote of Arthur Kirk, Nos. 172 and Federal to buy streeyourt, Allegheny, just thd pillo6ll - groceries. lin :Kirk's Malt:lee for buying en ables him to sell to retell merehanclise et a lower figure than any Olissr house in the two cities. . He keeps at ail times all kinds of grocerles,_ and bo pleased to hare parties call and examine Ms price llst, and the quality ague& kept by him. /Remember his numbers, 172 and 171 Federal street, Allegheny City. trw -440.1 Coma, 0111247. • Good. fresh Gum Drops, Hard and SOII Cream Chocolate Drops, 'lime Cream and Burnt Almonds, tine Jordan' Almonds, Lmpatial or Drage° Drops, bleak Drop. d Mellow, Dropsjart troth* Etoluttrund• • D Back Candy and New Seecidatsat the Lowest Edge, 112 Federal street, Allegheny City, Giro. lizavEw. set Kentucky State Zattery.--Tba only M led'Drawingin the United States. i l lrandlEfoill , Dra wing will take place December Ms • 4230650 to be dla-, tribute& Capital prize 1160,000. Com.' snunielitlana etrictry confidential', Cir culars sent Ned, by addressing -.3frnnsat, Faint &Co., . Caving's]; kY• Something Good.—The bo, shoes, gadtara, dr.c:, for men, ladies and aildren, .kept at Ile Market street, are. made of the Ire* , best nuderlah and mad aglow as the lowest.' All goods are warranted to givertstisfeetion, If you want some thing good, and at gold prime, calla! Robb 13h6s House., orriarket street. Allallseuai wren,r more or leis by Indtgeetle In ap p a first thing in order to remove &same, the is to regulate. the stomachand bowels. So better general cathartic . can be adminis tered. for this purpose than 'Wilson'. TAW Sold by all , the - principal drug_ guts. in the tanked States.' Dry Goods at Wtadenals_w e timMtrUcular attention of buyers at rho lssaM to our complete stook of silks, ,dress goods, and all Muds of fancy and staple goods, and to Ms fact that ere at - the lowest eastern prices, and out goods to cult purchaser& J. W.1 1, ..v - rxt C 0.,& •' 39 Market street 4-4 Red Flannel, Heavy Country' Flannel, Plain and Opera Fienneir A large stock at very low pricer wholesale and retell, at Wm. Sample's 120 and lletFederalstreet, Allegheny. . _ Good Cough Candy, Evertmtand Cocoa Nut Tally; Pine Apple, Lemon, Vanilla, Almond and ••Moulinlli; Tea • Candy. Chocolate and Vanilla Caramels, Dates, Flea, ac., 112 Federal street, Al ioOeny city. - Gromm Bnavimr. 8,51. , • To AlleghenLarm—Arthar Irdrk;whole mile and retail- grocer, Noe. 172 and 174 Federal street, has reccdved one of he beet stookaor groceries ever brought to the city,which besold lower than at any house in the city. - xtve . • To eamutat.—Go to Arthur Kirk's Grocary Store, Noe. 172 and 174 Federal street, Allegbetor, and buy your Sogar teranntt aL lp Z tl it i :4ra h l u b l e t !g ui rat and see for youraelree. Oman, Waterproof Cloth; Heavy Catelraerw, Jame, /*Ma 13 " sordnerd, eap, wholesale and retail, at. William Sample's 180 and 180 Federal street, Allegheny. V metals( Paralhe T h is, Coffee", Sugars, Sploes, sold at IClrk's are. oery Store, Noe. 172 and 174 Federal street, A llegheny, are warranted. to be the very best In the market. Call and get a price list. • - 21130, Good .Ito M Laran rry, menorioly, innam Peppermint, se, insk , on, am , mum Popper and Consmonotton; at' tho lowest price. • At 112 Federal 'stamp& Al legheny city.::.anonon BEAdim ...Eye, Ear, Throat, . Lune • Gni= lb:mum and OA.'fAZIRII, InAmenity treated by Dr. Aborn, 134 Smithfield street. A. book by moll 150 opt.. - Mum Creeerfet—ger • cheap Oro caries and something good, go to and Rirk'n Grocery Store, Nes. 172. and 174 Federal street, Allegheny. an& • arogutation Water , a certain care fir Dlabetee mid all &map of the kid neys: Fem ale by ell draggles. HAT. Go to a Drug store. No. 8t Market ein Fkoothiget, Brown's Verselhege Comfits, the beet Worm Medicine ih use. . • - At LS att. Iteautifal IStqles of Dalattiaa, at William Sempla'a, lao and 1/4FedaW . . De to Fleminee Drug Store for DM , nettlifitandard Prepare:l°l%sord! kind.; cheaper than gay other place in the city. Gold Natal Sparkling ataiba Wine sold 'at thi 'lowet rates C at Flming's Drug Mors, % r o. l 343,larket stmt.- Dunn . . SOMISOM an:VIM PX:4 2 1% enal hale letirnaldgner, Indians Wm ship; au TIiViIaDAT.iFOIXTIIII. viosgai gantaps kayo ridnosa Sikapies's see* 114,nammitsta,4,v0 4 Asebfe /Waugh *Val. isiiWti . N . ! 4 .,Nam , jumr wA sasenun moos, °raisins. _ _ _ : A ar , Mka eiea ',woo' it riik. as saogirmar, lintfai, St. Feral* t 7 th*Can. THE WEEKLY GAZETTE; IWO IDI7P2SIL WEDYBIEDAT AND 13VIVIDAY. A him OW, coototalag 70177? 011213 of tztoorroune Imam rdlbrials, Wort Itorri. b 7 Tologropb.,o ralooblo Boadror Sbrbbb Obb the 71 0 Sr, cad /nl4rtrad mart mums Ihromotai, gab lbw martial Nortot Boort+ xOl. by iq7 PAP. RI Os city. So 7zrotor. Xochanio or likeetloOt skald be without It. rtzu roa sac ImmELyllaaarim lanL of Gabof Sea ***** —And one copy.of psper . •P Oa club, Addltkm• to cliNtcmi Ipal4• at u. 7 rtse. AS dab rates. ' . Non= to Ilasimamma& - 1 11 Mar. b• outs and Vogt , ' "" .411:4"r 704 lama • W•damday adltlaa mill.. !wrist bat am mall • ' alaMltaarr by Draft, Uwe.. Mum Ordate,; ar ta 7/1410,..4 Iwtten , au7M meat at atnist. Addrm, • GAZETTE. rcrrsircreeEr, I,7NDERTASEER4 - - Alma. argEN, 'mutter/am,. MI Fourth Street. ritubnrsb. CCir rIMS, of all Muds: CRAPES, OLOY.l4ttri cren OtisiDtion of •Iruserel4rsraleitiii Moods frrithhed. Rome ores tley and sled. Mum "t, 46 wleSse fishalthed. • Y. Derld Kerr. D. Date•• • W. Jeeetrie, D. D.. The Ewing. Isl.:, Juob R. Mille r. J,• G. HODGEittl. 1171IDEIITA ate ;. 2 `za AND LELALIIED., Yaneelleanetnllal Bantnel . 'Rodgers./ N. " °M'aal. theta one tem 8ea..., Allegheny. GUY , : Mahogany. Waltint and Bona 7" 4 . I.l "thn come., et the bete.. eteeeeed v r R. ..... Pen at all hours, day Hausa and guying. ftegho e g an abort nollOe Grand outmost rosaaaabla tams. EDWesn czstesnecaLN , EN. L ' E "AtEn• Otte, No. 344 Ohio Street. • Allegheny. Iratatlai Ittnewood and naber tx4a du, elth •cetnpleta stock of Innen" INtrialshind Goods, ea hand and hunL•bed at Animist nett., at !unrest plc.. We and LIMY Staht.H.".*. . nee of rant and ILlddla litaacta. ChnnnUt.• 'Wench.. Buggies, -Saddle .Naansa, ad.. for 'arc. I ."ETIETEIBILIStRLE 1511 • A. 3. ItAUBBUGEt. et the Cesteden7 Ma . Lawrenceville, P. ONPAILENTAL MA/LBLA and LITONE WOIIILS; !PONE BURIAL ClAnd. warranted "filar preen ultra's. W AN TED — ENGM—New ma it • • so d-ban S. 7to to Inch. • Ilb shoo. it Boller. from at In. by M 11. to Matson. by M. P. ADAMS 15/W, llarmort St. and Dnona N 177. WANTED— CALNYAMERS # AM* "sad Pao a l e . The Boa bit Me AL/iDge; THE 'ROTH LW BLITZ..or.' IMP.= NW TEM RABE AND MN.. Ny U... N.,NOte. the D. f&llipaltary Coseedeglot..•ll /a sot • biz. tory of Me wag, of of •Ity o•toP•brew bet • fait attl galltol mord of the gsatittge apd gtargglatg of tbe rick red Me. _Tor tams ash territory address or , apoly to A. -01/4.1030N.0. CO.. 00 Narkelstreet, Pittsbantb. , FOR RRIVT FOR lIENT--9FFICEI6—Two Oakes, Le the Dslsell Belt:114c earner Da- Vane Way and Inste street. SAW , . Se. DOR BENT —OFF/CEPr-The v rooms now occupied by the Beesatas7 et the Union Railroad and Transpertetion . Complern N. g Filth street, over o.lftClintesdrll Carpet Storm These rooms are very desirable &raked, being Located in the centre of ben& nen, end es gifth swat. now being laid wilt the Ricelme pavement, rendering them tuts Rmm noise, etc.. Front mom contains brio OM' piney runt. Possession can be had as Shan Proxima Inqedee of OLIVER PIeiILINTOCIC• Cr.., =Piens street. • - FOR SALE.- PORCSALE=A good :FAMILY noir; ailblyears old nu . t . satter: Trots . directs lie pleas cedar Saddle, Bad la let 7 motet. at scare at loctratetlre et, Matadi* at No. i VId9BI6BE SPAT. agar Fan EIALE-320 Amyl; (moo IPARKING LAND, to lowa Tento an, Goo/fllle. Taxeo W pale. Wlll tradoloreltif property. For portlenlan !again of D. W. BOMB. No. Market noon. - VOU 111 •LE11014 .—A ROWAILDG lareor Mateo!. RUN.... lee ZANILY EGREZ. Mont, fare, D APPLE GREY HOWER atm, LARGE -DRAUGHT HORRE: Wow RLACZJIA.RER; two GREY MARES. 7IDGE STREET, wax thoMwooass- GirHorses mid mole on commission. - • • FOR , SALE --RALRE . CIIANOL-- PIED STORE 103 BALL cdil. Watt. staad, oa one of the prindpal , ltnets lu Alktb.7 City, and adig•seed tqtdetisnovitla lean: Sixtmes aad zeo will, at a Tesanaatia prloe. 7er Particlas,ni adareis 3511, Alla , Oozy?. 0. FP, put.ruletcs. so.dorehnied will soil all or marled( of arlek Yard, to =paws. wlabbag woos la ths badness. ,Thexard Is slew, vete an the mode era Loorerreiftols. Leaio.roas tooyeirs' Rom deed VOLT hot Moil who mean leudnies. Ad. dress E. T. C.. Allesberry.P. 0. For. Abe FIALE—BARIEBIL—A good Bekety. doing hos:teen Of fniiiiint al/ barrels of Boer week, sad ethanol An 24..0 PALO ALTO anZElVAlleghezeCltvorall be wed OA ressonahle teems,: The Mang hekeeTte dotage good hastuse, and 'hen the feetlltlee on doing • area law 00th.. L ocotre,tthWn• A. person fetching to engage lathe badmen will gen thie nre envertanity. .Tor partleolose lamina at theIIAIMET: "le 111111 Leg Oft comer of ht si'iteite&A, a." Passansai ihninm. , Lot 4f by 212 • hat. Hons•Onana: ana tablas . / nvas and gnarl bad. wautatpursad. House awl Lot onhatathad. =se 111 &mil street. Lot - 7. SS (set; Mica ham. cantatas hall. he mats and good actual water satt gas. ',also, savant Cana Hostas sad Lots to rood toratton, 'kali. as.. Htilß & CO., Bum sliaat, nest , Cbasaat,. • FOB 8A 1. E-421)EuuLes9vala LOTS. now offer or, oxoeedloolY tray torment, plan of lure and dearth!. lota, be. toppers of that valuable' PrOperti relooxiorte• the heirs art. C. eltzteta do opt , . end of Ltharpeh ora . . end near Gam ta Station, as the Wet Pen.. T4llmW . E portion. of them lota floes the railroad oa Stto - west.'attlt Alain cruet on tho tooth. The lota aralah7.lroroat. with wide meets runlet through ,ttlit eut.hoe property. The moll for garlerdit Pongee. M.. hot be aseelled. and for beauty of ape acmes Dare no opal. lor duct:Who pion end Author InfonrationOall as env I..lllll.rTritit. Lire, Heal ifeitate Agehte.- Butler'street.' Law. AFTER Allu8Elmorr8;:•• Take your laid' ea !o-& HERBST ORDHIARY 64 Fonda-St. sae zamishs.' 0 SPLeIeAcLEs, op ALL LENDS, waotzusas ikai! SPIOI/iL B4ROMMl.Mo!s!;lto4ealen.s. DIMMUILTH & Jeweler's and Optieisi—fi' ae armeuram mrrawaiiira". OPPOHITE arr zanx lICALIATiII unworn:wax Illiterbart arrellzumt 9. Ponett. Bt., ...Market. HENRI G. HALF, Merchaat T4il4, Car. Penn and St. Clair Stine analtanrall la pa:L. that lit l att," . .M • „ . ALL AND Virniiiiit GOODS •stow ooigßny ~ - SPLENDID DINNED, lizßefir 011DIMai7.;414.1t'iplith- 111':2° M - _ war.ELER & mmirtpurrtr,ror o _ sawnict M~Aroom, Ma Tiriu BUT CUP OF CONT• ItE,<.•(: nv Wit arr. re iratir t iq r Hartzter WM STORE virD- W GooDs„ = IGSMlnufaiSisittins, AO. *miss , . nay manu10urftu.,;47...:,,-,, .' FALL AND 71.71TeitLOT.113, 0. mei II t,