If aytte innmPalf. • • ,pullraPS. ...1•1111Sen all"t a r 'Sprat* • smut. pew of The Pit!aborgh OxialltfteLltsie lleld Monday evenin g , November lithribr the Porlsoese of con.. in:athuvlni ko m aly in regard to taking Into galatt thedialrlote between t he sitialgagelelal hi theCkprualldation act, .....__ lbir i mar e s Nowa ihrrin , Br n Vi e, Criestird, 'Dicksonr one , G a l. dileEw___,en Mumm a; nley 2100. 1 Willson White, . . OA . morminataarday stated the °ldea of the Milettal. • ' - • ma winos ef t i tia4rovions meeting , • •11=41z Ontunon Connellwere the Select bretscla In .--,-,Vw, Ipoolved from Ct. C., in _As fo)hin thane En joint ineadon. Meet treet Committee onift hilit"n ildidloWing: tageleLed sgre U ra to yd make 1- the Construction of a pil L b.. •Lie mi wareaWasa and Fifth 'streete, In - d a me( Isa 8. Craft and Zolan Wilson, Iwn On 6 .Brown. ieloet Cohn - I twibto wbp AUMlfidsoutoS• . 4 toad t.i. 7 , ... - the invitation of 0. C., and • --- "'" t o C. C. cham ber. offered e followings . That VP ra be appoint astader the act of th Legislature & 2.gagiOrinfl In relation the vacation • ran of Spruce all ,in the Ninth between Carroll and Wilkins , isszpordse !hovel of the portion ~• Gallaher, agar oo skierable dia . oial,m, meted that the . rbe post:., 1/2...841.n1ey (Mr. Crawford in the Atlongbredlho, Milowingaa a =ball- ; Mahe, That Counelli are now ready ' .. M *WM from William- Smith, Faa . wprapcest he may have to make in '. aopttio the amount he may be-willing _ - .cat' the.vacation of that portion of alley lying between Carroll and ' -•• ,hEn...trinittrungmoved to lay the mat 41[1r-onthe table, Which motion was lost. . • • edanesemidereble dimussion Cmmeils seamed without taking a vote. • agasibets' present Miura Beggs, House, lidawhinn. liFQnowan (rNalll., Rahman, Reed, Roberts, Robb; gemalvan, Torley,Verner, and Pres. t scab 8113810 X. ioa motion, B.C. were Invited to meet ettiff.C. - C. in joitit session to ooneldar theelkuolidation act, t llambera Select Connell appeared. L motbm the City Solicitor; Mr. aglpel re q uested to give his opinion Is ao the elYectof the act of cereal- Mallon cm t city government. Mr. the ed that It was impossible *filo refer to all the questions that Amite having. bearing onthe sob , 4 ,4 nd - would. however, answer the webs she et the mast Important. The - act of consolidation was only a t to the act of ineorporation, tit as It did not conflict with the toner, remained in full throe.. Re thotiebt there was no queetion as to • nemeipme of S. C. holding crver;.irt mpirdenthey did notholdover. He that treed the section of the act referring to the Octal= of members of S. C. which ernAtigeed two members to each district. .Theintentkor of the act was to inaugu neit. a:new City Government, without meterdtethe expiration of terms of city *tr ks iThe set, he mid, did not change year. It not only fixed the ` • Smear election, but also regulated the =tticn. -. of the Councils. It does laprever, fix thetime that Mayor, t and ' Controller shall take office, and it, therefore, remains as be- v o eaeleT mad that himself and I visit Jec a of the Select Council were alerisitand swam far two years from the first 7' i We b a emduodtoknow . Yd.. Maple said there wan no doubt as What , Theinteetkateras to form a new asked If members holding • over - would net go into the new Cormclie taluttaalt maths law did-not Bay two ausatiere 'ehonld .be added, but that dist:dot be entitled to two.mem • • .. x.. ./4.lll:Onthy ttimight the act nncon.. thought theiriatter shoe* let taken beibrethe mutts. Jtalled . for. the .vitnew of Mr. Robb Moeda- that' any sections . . of the actwere tudi:Md:4ol, - brat it are gulled/sr- Oa 'teem elostioa was to be /add; sad,* anteetmant section declared . that each , district should be entitled to Predfleat Steel; of C. thought that Motniara more partite:dor-1y to -and be was In favor of +eV. ,ths„reatter. to therm bottle did ritg ling the members holding over -saki be ruled oat. 10.11014 e mid the matter might be ,_ . sstletlactortiy arranged if the ten meet s , • over Would resign: ti,.a n y ag aald be for one was .• moved that the City OW - be directed to. prepare a are and ' teltelbernatter emit. _Atm - Robb hoped that such a nanaentdz , : e.r.mown would net be put before .bow =alai wir: last - Ou motto°, We jotnt oemodon 'adjourn. Id, and' the numbers of the Select Conn. .2751 COMM, litilliPol.lll Coot Preeessimrs. ftwelpe Count:oat at nine o'clocir. morning. Present, Judges ThompeOMßesd, Strang and A,gnew. The Plknetzsr opinions were delivered: Ettignaimei;J:=Chrelf vs. Craig, Indt anacounty. "Affirmed. , Evans 11.. Mob . Iter:Arinstran lk ~ .Balter's ceennt" executo Affirmed— rs ,L vs ! . I.Str ' Vsarooteland county; affirmed. lly Aerasw,'l...-Omar Overseers of Paler Aruertng county. Affirmed, Eliarditeger inbernen Armstrong •Otrun4. Aftirm_ed...Allegiumy Valley It Els Oa. .i.d.rmstnaegeotatty. PeileraCourt below removal andJudg =ol i o nred Sir 8 / 1 72t, and record tted. for execution. = e rt.leuzon4Curobsrlandcounty. sorrel.QPe .T. Y.AfoLeleUmblie.- vs. aroma B. .ClulsT. saligleticn for quo _ , Bale not iiikaw cause Irby r,..... ==d • not isaue. Argued by v - J. IL Kerr and W. g' Lowrie 1 rule:and ,lderirs. Marshall- and Vaee>, moire. 2iltdikii"lnetiziance Ca. ••• Robin.= 11111116&06.,—Citlamos'amnsraaco ._ na C ' and Monougabels Insura Yea nce Ca me , Te• , P. Argued h for in,errox and Acbes by on contra.... ' Brim. arena Coart-Joidity Clourt•and Ihr 4 lll 7Ltriali• . 'The first ease talons ep , and In which a Jj ll 7_ints_Aworn„was that of Samuel O. va: 910=101 'Rants. The 'plaintiff Peeldent °Mew Jersey, and the *lc. . 1 400.14 one'of ejectment tar two contigu ous tracts of land situate in the town 4WWoodward, county of fileartield. euntalsdair theswvabe aLx. hm , WM sod enty-four =TM The writ, was Jantuu-y, ISM - The 'cane will occupy perhaps eight or ten days. nr...4.4 =Mia. MONlikr, Nov. IL=-Court met at the 'wild bon:, tdc OWOCk. va. 'Michael .o . Baza. latt a 4 4 4=a balance of WOO doe Aran:at - end - Jabot done.. Verdict in favor ppplaintiff twantF.elght dol. Michael Mo ran ea /mos Fleming. Aiditailbr fir alleged rarelew necri ieb ia dalbadata dri a r bla dray, by w Pigs= wu 'baying sat. riPe laroken.. ;Ivy - Jetta/ - Bottles -via Michael laledud.itatart ea. some, and Malachi KasetOsideattea:. Actions to recover for wall4o w ilsbar done. Juzy ant. • lathe trial list for this dry. lfartisa Ta.Petrie. • _ ii.sll•l4,ltratus! ea Pitta. Ft. W* & .LWO;kI.,- - • ' e.B=l. same. a; .Tower et. et. aL es. O'Neill . . lo.'il for use ell. Barth. ,Wllliesas vs. Bute & Co, • Otikinire:aamei -A44."6..A0,411r4.16 Nang.. . ' , lrbe'Penenet Iqm . Cancrt. whlckhes 1* Wane weeks been holding Beeslont in eneerthejury rooms in the nea3nd eta. Iyief *0 isk Uwe Conti Renee, m wlll meet today ateldanil roo ape: A ems, o 'on floriday morn. 4 1&d418°ceurn4Z to - Mr-aem,ai guest at the "An dW Lula Mrdedg' and • MA Jameateddirsi. the wife of the hotel proprietor, who, In erourtiy.Witti'Mrs. Keen started out to takli a eerriage ride. me trout • was drlvetaby,a young ;nen fromahe livery stable, wherethaUnro had been Hied.' When : nearing tho -third Moakley JaniN Wahorieltrom aoniecousooranother,be came friihtened and ran away, brow ns *sr axle of the carriage, uptiondoz.th o Tablets, .and dra..Wng the ocenpana f ar some wawa,. we rem wee ermsid erahly Ittnieed * though nosevere sroeusda waltialcred. Mrs. Madeira's lett 'leg was much InJured„the flesh being torn • Oont. „the =ale; and one of, boom being gala the r:Friarre 6 upsiti IL, Sane mai a/an otrierwiso in- MISIM ~,,:,-~, PIEL AIDIREThiII*,, N , 1 / 1 10 11:01110 1 118 Wood ikeiir malaise Mb. Gover,uniiit Gold, ismer. • Ana Sought tut idd ' Os ittoml ti , M tla at oa ail Qs priemmu d a ta amen CONVERSION OF 7-30'S. • are sow orepirid to eoarM Ma eECONO MID TIIIBD ISERiff 4404 Stew ISO 6.40 gold fawn ionis. MIA anAnyie ca.;, nit Corner Fourth & Wood' fin 4641. IBA B. ttleVAi= & , f4).; AN) 11 . 113 tl onturtivretnit*r Cor. Foarth aril Ftroots. aiv ll3 }Eirt46ll7 t'ggil Int (91,4 •nd gift nem la txlente 5.20 ao.r.vs, QV 184i7ijr InWrest ni GOLD stlIO:i oint. from Rat dm. IRA R. IleValr #.OO. FINANCE AND TRADE na tag P TI rresimasi Qiiiatak • ONnEr, November 11, 1 S. The following. stateavat gelatine the hod. am of the Pittsburgh Mewled Home. tt; , tike week . 44i,t iriOvember oth : ,Eildrangei. • Nov, 4 0. 1114,224 et • 4 3 3.117 43 . .. 7, mem ar MAW II I smug It. 17,11311 fe 10e,flt • fi 4 N , UAW ..... 441M40 —77th'elthrf Interest felt piye an exchaaget by the brudasie eaceirawaty la the Nomaber debt etatemet waters la the. Erimibachs „rm. mammy wkid. amasurta to Ibex millions, .mml.l by the wetrattlea law of &Me de torn,.. braked lathe Tiara. ore hal bees dradalshed Rom thttity,ohe . aIY How ma Oa of'-October! to Ramat ealtleas on the lit of November, the ecuattits elector the &Eh* greeabithre Ii Qin edition le more apparent than ma/. The coutractlort of $ 4 . 017 M !gel Wader Mtwara coarreitlim with the muroallatioa ef Omen offterpoirM . Edw. wouki make art apparent contrastiort ris,motth, bit 11 lire 4teduei. $11.100,000 of itro per cat& entlacates, there la a real ecatrecc, lion of nearly Is. tralliorm; Whether the gov• erammt MU probably be able to sell gold to thy comiderable exteatany be larhated Alms the hat that the goldh to. Ttliehtti. quite' tOotte hu.d.nd and Mere. RINIOMMWhifts foerteia *helm privEriperioas, fearing thwagerburutir ert gol/Eamal gold abratpaevea ardillau. The receipt. to the Pat of Jimmy are eakmabEt ar.twerity =Mow, placing am Sthadred ead vevardwar atillbriee of gowenthremt gold at dreperal, - . • —The trtdcago Perbuceir (opperead to centre.' Ron of the gummy) Myer %nit ~ .ehrretelr hu betheoatrected• arault SWARM dwthg the part t in dvalocattra-mmEr,oroaterma Worm —.Ad the 0000117. .0w ao .eagrapwte pap meats then thy. Gold ERE& sr m Watts Preatm to.day w It 414 la Pear lignE Which lo.• etetteetthlT .erovse that w' eardathtloa of the • eurream will ma trim It taw. A ranugelext or daParateate o a l 7 worth QM esem rr bm are . Ithe di ir; sad ebbrualoradowthl thla ba, pllehed, tI. teet Usher with the sieteeeil with/he hope of tol tal ualecr eriotgtesittlett, , . • , -Tha.New PEW MIME layer PIG ! MR.:- MG le s &EEG •throurpleut egricaltural emettortaf the wrathy W' Eccles.. berbeßaM Mew. lt EaeMe thaw she haw antetreamy rad apeauhtare. bar It la WPM en wed VMS farm produce teraitheago for cummodlthe. predelly lee codas . and woolen. WEAL.. The Radler wideh made ems polite* by th e. ad luau In their etetha .ses wry &peace looe. much galai deem MEM tha MEE.. !Eli RESER EVierf cm axed tuoalthEr- • • , ....Ba7e the, Bum* sadboai The inumearlou peratorge b C ttri ' 6,ll74:;s s s t" V e b .. b ° l6 . 4 salrestt haa ham aluak,:',.Thi magmata tm L" N " '' l mi l ', Wiens that% hie .thobbEr,ll/7; be wile teer pomp, sad vs trust A ton Ea &epee w i ll folly reallsed. ' Wormer at . other of lower now- Bordowel• very dat, " CV prospect for the farm Is amaawfutt 410E+7. oda:alai* •okettktiliz zar Oman ciiY)Tattatss sold &I bold "f a r Ohm . b 61 1 . 66 411 40 WI odd 66 bead Workington oonntJ oa t&dt $ to. 3M Itedillator »- Par& Mai sold &Mad for Dagark-mmemos own and Wm; aft % to 631, owd of fof Williams. (Mom Belmont Co. Otuo) at 41,1 U lera. dkomalar ;11 " d ' ad 4 difs s Moan to Rothchild. & Byars, at lidd. Roth. Mul& & lrro moot toolog mttal . pf AW 6 4 Krona 163 6 6 1.06611661 Pad Wiliblildlon Co. moat at 04411; Sad &stand from Unto aadjoi " ft L arldmood lnu"nb ritllatt t riattl is r. tie - pilaw to extra Moot* adds at Oldiffird d ' ad Hamm 'Ott, Oh% stook. mu pervg. at Mao Koren tad iibood of s tgiritiows, for Etamlamord&Llolas,st FA so 'Mein sold noon oomint 0.1 to .1.16064110. mad to bead. os 0000- at I thil. lemma Tri:road sold Cow =oat& ot WOO TW swlftrio 01d0,161 "Vg,Nati, treletr aomaos Peauta.. eattioat teke,& WIDOW& Clett Irmlato CM& of Work aa ammo or 6, Mom V& moblll, al avorogoold. 0. ?mob as mkt OW of lialMmi atilt at kW to &AL J. Slwelors Moartattaltisif ro, mild* 2110m4 111:tmdladroll0tallo&W Mauna oold 66 toad tb OgnigtoA l omiti e. aw i s fr. wl y t . Tboro woo vorg a s or Row to 111. t.n u tmewt, Moo wad astiraly 6,00 mdmy of Ma &Woo& as a amfotqWtagt&tita mutat wad a bard wie. Mao fat flltbirpiron so good 4.4, .44 .44 readilf 66 wtot was squirmiest to Of 14, II; OW ftruslosiv of whisk them wig as atomism irongy,oro told to oil at soy 4 4 .0003 1 .6.6 Us why* eke gogllty of `the 'igloo am solo to toy 1000 wooldsrably billow tho log000m„ gbo following WO won WSW; • - W. Bolan Ivo AI hut% oz Sathhr Co. SP. IS as loTottfo cab" hood. •J. Bala aad lletkind of Balder b ! osgjokg &Tern! OMI R. gleratits: most' folrttsr , sOld tO Owl of Lembo art,* Per 4 4,1 q" 60, ,k 0 M/0 mom Soyder ropers lair* sold lo W 290 hood et Slump 010 Limbo of i f OI I 2 O.IMIL bead tor oho bfuor, oad 100 for the lotto. ,114afe Eaten nays Mod Akawol4l4.l.to Pof bawd. Sod ut Limbs ff.N4O 9,26 per goad.. _ YOung rout. Isoins . old /Nap and LsoJ.sbo..l .222a20 of 31.60 Dee Tom Bingham moons boobs sold 2to htad Shoop of .46010 02 p.'2 Soma" P. Kato Zepo2lll blirlarntl DOO4 toe 10111.0 - $ll. ...10,n, IT to WO par Us& ittaktaligo=C UarsV2ll:ol l tra 148241. p at $4.111 10 fdd. Pot bddd. ood hood Lembo 5i11 2 . 1 4Par41.1. ;,•• I=l Th• maim' ter !ha elmiiio stoutli litaady. mad wltb.'ooly modaratsoCatiso •••• Pnity . P:••diassidaataes int audatainsa: Tetrdt•b:l•••••ced. Pular& do act simitlii; r0f,•}0 , 41114•1.04,.. - Alerldgr P"""l erwarl tp lill . ; Oa . .W.4 ••• • 1•'.'",`,•• tined *bent It& bad st 11 5( 1 10W' "?"' ScrUmblldp & matt 70 at I 3 to %.-. , . . • • Jim Tall MYle Yilmiet. :By Toingrasia to War frttiallS2lb EMMY.] 2tzw YOKE. fiarecyber 1 1 .—Reyelay forth, a rnbyymeg,A6l7•Ybeyyr.sal , lamMe .0m.•,. Thy may Of Bola Came at. tboyardattateainrsonalte laranAfla bead, not the ntarketnia waboutsoctvitylorlcem dammed 3461 a per wreath. antleiceett Baur an AI few undlopoood 01.gm05- q .ai r , Cattle{ frowlbolo6 molti iwzpenf. exitrar=r ll o l 4fot — lettata — nett gLllitestiattfatti.; .tunars4 67fi0lteadt denist l / 2 1. thrw.witb d market awl yes• .elne;ref ith tome offertheit 'Mat6o = bol Dy sedielferfor tlooMazi 4 imts le.ntedinnitonned ietign run .41.6346. Vb. • Rant meter t vat 45011 P pieties oreratcakedra row iltaasenannetth uth fortieth streel rants atm mat 000,1 ZOO. Wpm; UodooroolkOaTeobelnarlinfall =Mt Yamed . a n nita arry - 140606Xer g a d i Al a r /lidaMAlnail,W47:l44l,4l =EM My fatan.Ph to tbillitibuils 4 114g41''it. NM .0441064, XOT. 444 toolanes octavo, lult4jr s 4= am soon as lauded die::: ..ing, meads !Witta, 1 to allow" Jr/ Ts_ eWoo CIO ' Cara'4l4 , 4 attelos, IrtOte 14.4 L 4:041 -44 n. mil Batea—abonlastsuetoi44l , _o4l46. , aouthotrXl4 l l . 44l 4 i=tl4etis 114 Conon Z'; °t MOD +WM 11444, Wail SW aims. Gold 198. ateirg s treZrYort Mama ps:4l% yr. MIS piumuk ! :!leakw, tab ki.-kismoTußEßB And &atm to oftgps, GRAIIaCAMWO Rad • 0.1.1133 UP MA. • • We TrarrauS our Jut,. I Lard till equal iLe beat rtstarealL or other bßndr,. end propose to aell se low as Clostanall or Carom rate, a: It rt OIR 11.ardetl " ! .4 , r lS9FIlitt ite Hoot Croon Lensleallne and Standard brand s at Carton ant constantly es barte.• - , iornnun Naafi oanort factsrers •11.1nad. tale %Ler Lateral to 1. a call before ordering Lard Lott Rout ens wen. nieo• ! , ILVIALI6II3. °Moll OP SIDI Pltrintiraal Dual I • -1110.kalart Narrater 11, har % . The Sangria markers Were eglia doll to-day, oailha -0641,10.11 a beirresat. amanita:tot trio wwitireri Whith alarm ha nd tradeoff tt. rstartiOntatoOr :iiptrallots a rutriot burl. ete. 'rttlitele o f to note hi the aemun Tor any of tbc twins fad PliphsPra Vithot4 material runs. ..egittic,Wlhit h quiet huh eteedyothe with arritraki, ars call .rtalned; we S3SaosAo R.l"'a IPlinetta CO ' Whits. • Barley is antst and ark.. ohityred.. l .aulatara Straw to 1.e. , * OM la; 4 "alia sod lila for fall. Coro woo thine* ex ee.41417 dun, and dm =DPI, it large t w,soh. thins to,qaot• al IMMO , ee , et ezet SIMO I . l nOiale Igjatau tub Seward - at We. Oats 'Randy drama at ladtacc on track, and WPM in ink", • • ELOtiZtOoti ll aitre dell a nd weak, with no demand imidegrom the lily trade, which is vary llialted„ 'Prima aie without quotable eland; isle. In adore at 101:00,0) lid' Spring Wheatgll2 fi12,60 forWiette.Wheat, sit4ll:44l)S, for taa4 brand.. Iy. MM. 1.11 Ward at" e5,71,40,per bbl. and Bueirwheat iit3ectigglikao Init MACON—Is dull bat noudnally unchanged, mid the stunt h!' lid plenty well . reduced; Sliontiters - mar he quoted 'at .11,100,,pu had Md. ifigainal4 Ptigar dim! a.* Me: and Clanyisied do Ellaggite.„ . • LA EiDlidull at - • MESS PORE—Ia dull at ilMaft,en. POrATOES—Zaleabf Pasch Blowe at per tutatel,.anit 41,g1101,40, peg DOL Mew Jersey Sweet. IPS per bbl, ,• APPLES—Coattail chit." Malik Iliad iapply but tutahaaleat mutat tiles La more at 112440 VW tot fat? to intaie, iid fa Air darks. JMITErt,-;l4flaif Itallituttir to iitaasaaad mad La bid tad iiteply; may be quoted at ae. Light_ impply auk Ulna but up. oitslaratilaat italm'reportad at Metee—malaly at Zoo. - ~ . . Damp rsurr.,4anut and unchanged; teg alai nahithe stars it "kg Igples; an. 141/11go toe Fuchsia. OU b leporum ateadr. with tag. utai.a. at I..tori at 440 3 94 .• and 111,11001,111.0 Zr , . fin% utta , II . study_ demand, anti twilit Pais beim: 'eitiniry wtgnot at staara, eteddy at iv utieebbl tar easasimi, aa4 fl3Oll per bbl far tir rmtwttlittrimatizicrtaxuasza, arrive in Prnestroa Glltesid‘ - ' ' , rewriter. Nemec. 11, 'tid.llDE—Tha tkuda market pnewste minim abasastadilita with, siCitSeatat antics,' The 4s:dada Deihl*, 'w 'att tad 'Ware delivery; Ilditt tad with bat =tot naively Ittue oittitatiettsse are without quotable shady; - wean togatwawr,td cidateto, tall mat malt, itattataa-att;' - a t tanati at toe, aiLthaat eidltd hakes twins the Diet efts that Weald to obtalapt tes molt it tale et Idid Dimas ildioalbet aglow. oa taut/ tad . eitto: htswils for .Idands cod :104.1,111; akprlsidia, tutata: Spot cdt, ta teak,is bedsit •l• to tetordled to Ices. doe, Add thW:adpplr. lt,ptettr . 'mar "ti- ItteirEf.-. gutotat - for beaded .3 d t Pidt'd 4 aW).hade steeigsr that ea Batas: day,anditotied a little esausi thts males thta rat I h 44dkntti.lmL attatag than were two-toet of VG Mt wash, tut liennabsi t at Mite, walla Later Is the day thaw was • ads of Soo tddsteettlis -111 awl 'listember, at oh. sturuti* *it were rather Odra to hie at itts, eitsi wrist to stdi. at fonds delreigiss last noted. Tat soszket limit tlpteypaatu, - .tad sotwithstattettad Uwe drat a Milt What felling. 'demand), Uwe is stilt phi:if einem tee leapornattd. - ' elcirsio Loy lilou . strqtridszo - =rim ' ftutektoson 011 00. ISO Olds reflood toW. O. Windom, Philadelphia . . 'Brooks:RW=l:cm Ai CO, ON do do 'to W. G. Watdoti. Pllllsthdoblo. - • • )11.1.,mch t%a., 1110 do do to Task, Um. a POLlsdolphls. , -T. Ti. Potty, II do do to W. 6. Watdes,Pl,4lt. excma ilurr T. tot Winn iAsia* GO IA& te dud to insult, - . iititk i er*predicei Market. - lei tuna • I d.elAbatraffeneulbsi.ll.2ottatt 1 ace Lire and droopleas sales of SAW bale. at •183801.43 for usiddilne uplauda,chielly sll7o. Ploar-recelpta, lifM bids; leilleo lower; sales. of ILOXI bbl* at 8808,20 for auPorflu. -fiteleaud WasteruteSSlOolo.l2 for remmou. chtdoe ettnte4te.BB,2ool2xo far do extra tereterp, 18211,08 for do B. IL 0.. MOWN 'Tor St. Look; dating more acUre vim • better tome. •_Caltdralla Llizoft• maitre; wales of- 1,183 radix at 11.12.215,80, and IX% beta choloe do a& mod Ilya ..120ar 41 7 A 8 0 11 . 2 2. Wbbk 4 /..• quid- sod aucurared. wheat rat,i rda Vl.2Pts wheat 1020 borer. closing ebb a ',Mbar . bets. (setts; and a fair ex port . demand - Was of 37,007 bur at', .CMB for Pa. Springy C.,1102M for .:121,51Lamber areun flay; $ 1 .3 No. 1 sod 2 sump taxed; $2,7002,75 amber state; •id eirezesseei a Mmice Call. tbenia. rap fitye nominal, ata lm 41.0310 r wasters. Barlcy settee and grAi1aa1.38,0181311.L111.48 for No.. Chlaago,.=.l.&X !for Canada Wax dulL ' .odps. 108.814 Mt at anomie beitertnaler 1•03) h at. 4,270 Litforpdxed western lti ser e-sod adieu: We-reeelpta 2:44118 bu and le lower; Wes MAO bu ;it Mtallo for western; closing at -Me latter_pitee.k. of grain In wars. board ILL * 4l.lbut corn tea 'oats AUL= not rye 1111.643 be; barley lirtAt bus suais6,ls2 Du peas ti,M2 Dn. Moe nerds. at *Milk for Coffee firm with !somelagt.l.l7:. - Cugar steady; sales 250 bra Canw /310/11llic;121 bra Havana at Ik. notninaL Hops quiet and tur, changed. _Petroleum dullest 11.2 do l ly Mo for rafted In bond. Pork . dmopkw i les7S3 Obis at COM= or . milk! aff120,73' Man; gl far Mom Rabbis mar 10 Whin all !tha year C Beath - kvry, Wes' 14,1 Mk 'at previous prices. Beet imam dull Bacon quiet; salkioo Clanberland mat 1/140 l iiti t e n torkl a tkari s =os Stnatorri for umoit i s e rTL , for, c L 1 trochsuredz sale. 100 - 1 7 bla at 12888i1280; disallaut/t Dater az sae. demand at • follise fOr parte: ! Cheme nary. at 11018 c. I Prided. ta l4 2M99 ol .2adtlf inr4 8 ,/a C 4 ler" I a laykagr/toffar 4 e6wlimOre stesdyiii4 :moderate demand, part to, export. Wheat more stasdnat r,notAs for N 0.9 ftprieig,. and_ POT forlloa Opting.. EywnOtalnal at 211,01421,60 for Western.. oats burly salvo UM stolid, lit ]lo tot Western. Corn dull. at $1,1701.18 for good to prima Mixed Wert. arm Pork dull sad nary, atel4ll4l2O,DlW Smilers. cash and rani?, Beef and trfelitieri o rtt. • 1 Wei l # far flumbertint • Lard steady, at $ 12 1 12124 1 Grimed to prisms ,; dezioatiad Isettle ralulered- . • , • Viasaalsalla Xarlist, 107 . . Tolletatt to the ristaborob dwatto4 Drlcm"Cillalks4ll,llolc,4lour doll aod lunar= .Wbeat 001 W of OAS for Noe 1 rodwititer. Corn -Ir regalart new ear lo la demand and tbo ossballeboad-to MOO so deaulad lac old abellodi ,, sod 'l% is Crated at To.-Otte NO.I. doll., dub, clowns With no buyers ot over Ilto for &Ws " triad ilitjat 4%1= orwosagial. !flaky ',toady at quota tloaor rrcerasiatoi aad pricesalecooloaL Mow bort bald at po. Bacon.= be boned at lit far alicaddamaad lao for Maar sides. Dud told as Infle for obi city, which is a doolbie, but the sale Was *knead orwc.liora sold at le bet, and 1160140 grasq tits *milie u. Is *obi arid Intrr. bowl for abuyiteallay, sad idiarly to tnir o Soa were killed. Orworstada sold st 1 120 /lunar and cheese • isnoiniaged sad Arsoles • and f=doll, DU -sianisagistl, sus no. ro doll., at MO ido tor refined tram Beef battle doll. atgross abbey doll, at 03.3150 pew gross =cased oil y sold rotvgl. - zAzsmzur="eit • LUZ/twat& to Ida PUtdistritti asset% , , 1 1s. /Ante; Nor. 11.Tobarirol Muni- and ewers are apart, slut Mere was but yell, don& '4etton Is toner at ido for goon ordinary Flour 1.0 eat and Unsettled with Ve ele l =WiVet " .4. r tre.g. •Is inanely tor chows • fal fi d get. . sprang.' and Weill= grades Sr. belly; whilst. 1 11,agnedi raids IdAdV l 2 r a n i l i n.t d a=for .. nrltes &win:. Car incald,oo for old ' . Oats heaf so at o zi, ' l67 nd o. Bartel is 'Arm llnt inaettoll as for prinks Ming. and for saunas tal Ilya Is i.r at gime Sfil. • rtontalon___ • sra extremely ann. • Heal Pork Innen la hold at .30Wdera.` rn_fl t. doll dad C at 190 ts =logi:tff itndo,4bdd Wr? . 2 .g e float. O alitmnnat, t sacks; corn. UN fucks; nuier, unbar Is Cl ear ="9.""aci, • , Ireledo M ar ke t CE Y Te ke4eh to the rkkberee Oragllt.l • 'doll ao~ criapeor;i2k-'rbncm4rdifigm:24:iti;. wlthol.., Penal amber, Je per au. loam Ada& la Unit and Ananias; anew al.widta . mintopan . 11;94 amass lAinCdpa Ow% okl. Is ..Wlthent, zeiterlat inuri Ore /111 u thlfi a-x x l a k slg i .V4 ' 4l.'l,ll,l • itrz,;!..lll ORA; aulssejoital, San Outi-s nude bat. load of No.l 1.3 2 600 per turk. Itya-gaws * Dff l :4 4l / 1 V ri fie rat pl i r g. 13 . 41, " .. frol/reta ,rao dull; 3140 oar. be.. Oct oOrn to Buoys; tato Oswego- 140011allforthe peat week er arello,ooo Olcmriflnin Winiall rU r 111 air t etta °e .l_ 2 r lo ?ini . sr °*" ... ; lj eu r bL ed wt 470:Coen. oats Zb, . - /4341,40intr41 . 44,444 1.44%41.' tylivaleinutoso fLe rtitabarmohiasettol • Itaii.x.m , NovAL'—Ttiorlis Goods liar: ititriVactiumal • IltUsil epromea.but,lbere Is tallier monad,* dt onneesslna prima, .4 though•ttialaids • tar from bala g satire. aimed ea rer Latter Or liaaaSaalneala AZ* b:TOWTI 8110 141110 are re. 954 e 1134 for B 8 , and Mto /4. =Atha Great Pa ll s B. brawl 1010 urea Pella spear' bras 4 Blesabed Prints /tad ready Ms atilt Analda print. in i n ass& at 110; at ether clagedPLl,ta there 4 irT - 2.4411.4.1n0 rittoims emil4.l ritonkmber 11.--Tobitoo i Woo for loos sod loot Floor rise elarVed.- lot e la " Cor i Z s a st: ljr_ter . 7.lnboadAlit Wen 'Pork Okossittg . /3,4541MC‘ PatArearraXprk . , assotio - Onsamio; twist= ls. , :agest caws' nit' onottaa ct rop Irma and 101:113o w Ar L it i rs for ,[ood to oludoei re- lftssUKt; IriMikl6l . ![spar! II Jai York: "a CiNM si Mg. eanitt to W ritubarge Low Tom, Saw. 11, 1,17. Money needy at Ur per cent for tall ltnim The butt state:dant wasp:met on Bate:ids*. Starling Maid/ for first el" Dille— Gold U without decided chancel opener stle2g; edrencitee to 129. aid doe• GOrerookent mots _o3lto ores "44 'rota de and, t - g:24 . 7, uo-e 4 . t t IQy7adr or,losrtli., I*d L 7rwerh .na COI btobte were steady most ni the day-end mooed heavy and /awnr. The eantarenoe betweim the Valdese Campaniae faded without any arrangamens being made. The EMsnts says the war will be mewed with ===l !Cuing sham are fitru 'ction.. Eldorado lah Quartz er a a mlth .POMar ; , amurizzu Flag. ar , ..lfirvr York, lia;Dayabort, Say EMIT. Mouati/u. lltarra. = The reeelpla of the Sob Treliehre to4av wino 0.1156,419. Ph3lUeltta, .psgtas" B • -_. • • .. letalDate ikorkka. • ENT xsisgrsob to the 111.1:ugh Elautte4 111,..4).X0rOrtlbilr iiAr/Oilr IS cambium , ed. Wheat unsettled and quiets ales of 7,500 bosh 61100074 pm 03,11657,50) both Nog C 6 1 0 14 04. Corn fa lusher with a uotilryi ouch 001 bush No !Wes tern at 01,17;6, 00 Not o at 0,18 Oats dist; oaths of 14030 bush wastero at ads, and 14,001 buah sally at &INA Nya—aales of 4,900 bust at 411,1001,4 y ilarl i g—aales of 8,070 huh Caurdian at 41,431,(411 44. Other articles are unchanged. Naos pts—whetat. 203.001bu11i 00013. 13,10 bosh: oats, 40000 Isaiah; barley. 17,1:03 huh; Awn. OM° bpi / . Shlpmento—NOADO bush wham; 0:6,01:11 bush coral 330.000 bush oust 8,030 buh 17a Grath tore—wh cat, 630,000 bush; corn. MON bush; oats, 433.000 btasto rye, 30,000 both; bar. MAO both. Nretrhui aro lower—wheat Lfoc, corn lb and oal.loo to New York. CBr . • priming ..• ' Taleirapti to the rittatmrgh rosette.) °Lavaca's'', November IL—hoar dull and :Fw'riLtch"iirtpilifolar°t?tgigl"%bei:trolfr rulTirezelieV:: and edeltet IV hut: the m ar ke t ! e dull and !roar Not bed wintar lAirgual I. 1: 2 : . 0n1 a ll n c dlLa light rea:st 1,• salt et MAMMA for old No I mixed' noltednets. aeall data No 1 State on the spot held at ego. from the melt Nye there is • 'light demand 'atll l 4Bo/.12 Mr Not Mateand widen], fromol/0 sore.. tomb. nal at 1 1 ,3001,3610 r No 1011,1BOIA for No 0. Petroleum quiet ard unchanged' den. dant 454 tenet's bend sold at 23frao; do tree, .li.6°. • • • I . l lleago Market. Illy Telegraph to tha PM - stank Quetta Camara, November 110,77.eatherolondy tad cold. Flour dull and nnehanae d. pleat heavy sod kial‘e lower, at a1.e3T1.111 for No. 1 alld $1,701T1,19 for No. S. Corn doll and Se lower, at 11.00 UT No. 1 and 91100.1.01 for Ito. I. Oats doll at MOM. Rye heavy 1.030 lower. at 111XIM1,11 for No. 1, dot ing at the inside once. Barley doll at .1.07 Q4l/I for No. I M. store. Proelelooa Men York 11211 to o oWf. Often Rams MO. Lard lk. Ikeelpta , lo,lkl Okla dour, 11,001 bosh wheat, 77.000 bosh. oorni istwo bo th oate. Istapmenul-4,an' Ibis Court 111,00. bosh Inlaid; 60,003 book- oornt El,OOl bulk caul. Freights steady and more sours, at. 7o for wheat and Cc for corn to Bolklo, • • llfleraultee fifty Teleereeb to Pitubarge Casette.] Merarameira,'ltoy. , 11.:-1floui dull and lower;11, city double extraextraSlaked; eculatry 711 exult $301343. lineal declined 111,e13.5 for Ho. I sal dial for ISo. L. Oats. dae ARA tor No. Corn runalnal at ix* ler new. Hoye limner at pylilyelae• .adreaced %Di to EUEMIO ea r rO l j h g OIROZOI4O. Yecelyta-4,800 bble door. 110 .030 ens helical,! Xi Inn eats and. 1,4001 ma torn. libleuieuta.:lo,oll:o tibia Aqui% . - bus wheat andlpiel by oats. Oswee lialeltet. ilty "relevant to Oa eltUnault asaineal: Ortiino. 'Noe. IL— is neat— noesuss. Coro la quiet. Zara", la Mad above the *lows of buyer*. Reels warest. i!ialea of bu 1.6.0300u. Canadian Palma !minding TAM at e1,..9a In bond. lake IntOortarMine Da el heac6e3.ooo ba.Connll3Cla. Marley, 3403 ontipl4ooobn. ream. ' Sporta; ne Debi nfta; MAXI los. Wheat, Ijani Gam; Ilya) btt• /Winn 0.40:1 bu • • rhumetpida nay Yet, . . t Ttaterapli to thlPlttaburth osiette.l • BXLA.DIISM/A..114 wreaker IL—Yieur - Weak and without quotable about& Whoa WI ; red • ao lo Abe towbar. adaanoed to__._ _Corn qolats tutted 'greaten% 111,11. Caul imam, Goecerleuulte Proutalot . 1., dull and utualtatuteth •• • Phlladolpitta Cottle if arkaL: (Or o4orrorn to as PlitatotroO fixortto.l • • f o routoro rrao , joreatter f attledoll 710 8oexa tor fair to gool. i rofl46 for octio r mte. Stoop onehaareAtoales of it,tCo Modat OM ap. riots dna; owes of AAA hood As MID ant. Beltninereißatket: • Mr Tasman to the Plit burin Quette.y r eE Iteensons.- owether. n.—fletur 411111 ffna settee; eel, ISMII4 western el XL' Oats aull; prime 724 50. Bre 4 I. torsions uonsinel. • ItosistiOle ittarkit.' fa, T.Yo r r o h to Mt Pltsgbam &Imm • o. litmus; Nonpabar 31..Coticaa quiet at laxcilay,a. Ova dolt at $1.1001,111. Oats at ITICkt Art a TE.L.i.f.c.t.IMV.AI • - 1NP02116 AR AlUjinus•Jro. Prusortmer. Parr Waren& Canned E.B. Novoraber 11-3 Us Ronda do apple barter. L H Valet• ONI ben non, IS de eider Wandot.- d t r bt . 6 . „„. h 7 1 „.. 2 . 11:„.Wt httL . ll . PAU Uol Med fruit, Oulleld• Bonin do biZa t irg / 1 1 Gordan i .14 On rue. Dia.. a , Co; i 1 do do, tkdlrey (nut; 0.00 bbla dear. , /I.lsitatk . 6 „ ; le s t b ! . .111 7 1b , t i ttoz,X t e e eep, bean , oner, Ousoo, • Dirilniton is: ON Wiwi batter P Shriven / count, 1/7 Mae ri? elm.: do elder, H. Ras Jr Si Om nu, 1110)al. Magh, Smith A CP; 64 Ou 'cherps, demon*. • tios 64 dodo. Elavrortb,2lcDoull • Co; MO do do, Linla, Rand • Patens SW Mb Lom e Om LAM 04 do do, 26 - MeOullonsh Jr A Om I en potatoes. 8 11 - of 100 able ap plc& bble dry peso/tea, Vont Is ON 40 . bans moot. W Botha & ON7II. Idn p_aper, W • kn.. Claris 60 do do, Itc roy A . aantiono kap lard. 1 61:1101021ek, Aro • Oil _IP, teem Iggles, Wm Itentorp . 260 aka 3 Dor. oos 600 pip lead, B FahuntWt ON gr ease, a men por Wans* ON ye p unk gr 101 to lant, UM meat, r SeIIITS sJos 200 obis dour. Chiip 11Shopard; .100 m' ay - Y• 11 a !Utahans tau brandnek, Horton de Col 100 Ole Roan Wan • WiLlonetke kjder4.ll Chinon &Col .bbla Roan 9310/161 40,3..0.db:earl au bean, Pekbrall. Vat E Myna &ON 1 oar middling& Dor. linens ear bran.B 11Floyd •OpWI MI bbls, Lockhart • Jr..; Von Sr. clay, Shaw. taametiatr men Pineatizait ELILWSD November IL-2 ear. pig Iron, 101.1.5 & GNU bbinwhlte Ilsh, ittankles A ON 91 be. hard. wants Ootaboist OM ft lutbed,W W • ONII,OOO do elo, Ashore,. Oroodenr oar tremors, W 8 . iThonborter • Goldin Ins Itolt ko:s, a J.l 9 onami boo beau, Robtßistarl lon Denim tipenon • llidLays I do non. fittli.l=3 ro b r ut in p loom, a eer & W raukcy I - is boil dry oPPin, Robbnon • Oos 00 bee obsess, Shaman Longs Mao do, •10 Lee • tla; 10 bbleoi T Ii Olson a aka rye, 17 do tom, 11 do , barley, W Nooks AM bbls, (17 • Wormoutlos TT do do, J 1818 ru de do eeb t W . P k‘ Lonto lo=do,a IN do PLonn./.6 4Pa. t Int batter, Voila A ilea sl do ?D • • 0 , 3010; Is. anon, Yaounde? • ..Rhimards de bone?, find a Wateenr; WA bide nusledi PAWL& AusaMir STAMM. Nonatber IL,il on oar wheat, bWe_appin, SR aim nts, 12 do ton. /61, Roainde & LUMP; Id oars robes; Kim nen & Oro; I Ude linnet; II Undue; 4 bols pipet, Etahn • Iladnu bee barley, 0 Weer. hart; 40/ do do, Leta is Waits; 10 bbis Weer. . 1032ennelane. • -Clusond a Ira.. eraakenh o*? lumber:NW .4 lit earlam and, /11 It Suydam; I ear ooro, W Stool & dons Ido mhost,W Mtn ON U older, 16 Book; 45 do do, Rinehart • oat .hay, 84. :11. 5 44) aI I n ittu ualy & Datigprltt schlake,llll4amentas 4 ken Karon • Roblonai 26 bid* elder, W WaLli XI do apples, ' Mod Saas 1 oar attediton, RUnlene & Cles oar Tomatoes, L WWI A Doi • 1 241 what* mote, Straub • 00,17 ties t 14 Barman so bids apples, Vanilli 1 050 stared, .111 Hemphill; St do 410, Rain 11ohentstons 3 this Prenrotosol.Uountan IkOrtrourrapt B. B„ Itontoku II .4 Otto ott, TLI Beth! On 111 do do. Bosom. On do do. I P Scott; I • oar wen, 1871 Ponta Mao olA• L It Petit Se do do. O. do alder, I [ a rgot nt u a i l aglr D li n =ltitt MI If tla detod noshes, ening*, pan k t Ohl nod. Orate& Batton TT & t b b arto O y, Smith mold do do t& lo n o n u, 10W01 401 ih maoo ne batty. Olhottro. Straub & On 1 oat nit II ••.1 Melo t oar Wboat, 76 Weed; 46 balm onto% Lanny, Mild. • a 011 . t • dodo, 611 coma a coy to tee pinaottl lardd a o .odotT t ad pplo ta P tt bbl. I ISblo ak LL v wit k ,24 , 7 4 tiu4=2 . 1 :nt=O : oodi O pt. .o.ll.lswanwr 'tractor R. I%.,SPorstabst 11.— k) t1e..7 It w rattly' 1 roll leather, W MlLasghlla 9l bgs oats, llisllanty• litrodi I kip tont. do Masi, owner' IS bills lout. Shomaksr Lang; MI kegs nails, Id hats Woo. Moms, Belsksli Clot obt tallow. Watt I Wilton' its 111. oil, J 101 do do Jos Itede A. - Bneathall II do &o,J Oallagher; Former:4os 'ANN Ommesumonza B. ft, November bad ski Wray, ftsoaabeloa t Nu. las a uoat . edylosper, lierlubb Mayon IN{ golltigtoulto, WEEKLY GAZETTE; THE LARGEST, ufD ACISiIOWLIDatI) TIM BEST PAPER IN THE STATE In chubs of Ma sad npwrits, 111. ID I Jingle Iltop Pllll ni tie 1/1111 1111111M111, rr us no tou;L. is by calm seossei sckestrialoi to be lie CRAMPION mi,AKET REPORTS, =1 NEWS OF THE WEEK, 0•11glf tILVX iu CetrUCl.llll A? ONCII == hazzrksy , NW burst, INisoa. XIADINONTWARCUAUE Just rseel.: !me aboro au TAUS LAT, from Mo toot of /Lukas .01:r°1-tvierarvc.6"t ippEonun wEEKLw a gimb maxirr strwszx rave SCRIM I PURVIZOOTit,STZURIciII7tLIA was Eta ere, sum tErrx. rAtelCZIORUicil. PUntteUT utl tLALLIPULLS —Moe stem.. OLIIIO. O. au" wt lean PitUburgh evert TUCIID&TA rt wrieri r. K. Lee. rcrtrutorth Irtrl7 TOMB. et 2 o'clock p. to. • 7 °' ffi ' ikt Witirarr"* . 7 - nox J. I):4•OLL bwbrm Aatate HAZARD POWDER. ILA3INOW PREPARED TO noCce, all order. tar Luse ot LIZARD'S CELEBRATES POWDER. All Orton left at or mutt by omit to my store. se*. lif tall It 4 Ti.DZILL.I. WYRKXT, All. aboul CUT. nu. be to lea SZCOND ram?, lklttatarob. ortll retelY• orostys ottaayoa. ARTHUR .. .KIRK: S. B.II3nYAR, • • • NIUMILIt . BONPS ! 'S TOCW.K. AND BEAL ESTATE, Apoila BalKtig, FantailWel. INWlrOarorsow sod Xonlanai Waldo. owl all klaOs of Wants bowel sad said aft wounswon. konarows flowt wad sold. ' via -NE* STYLES DIBIEARK AND GRECIAN SUITS; Di r f i rrest atriaaler tbs fall salt.!,;o4i,Do:n RELAiY & LOGAN. • stir. 77 ors. mu. same. Plijitylt E "iig l aVr usuEll W. GILMORE:. to °itaic's a IIgiUXV.i Itioinfaetarar, Wlsalesala and Eatall.Duler tq ' ' TRUNKS vausis, Carpet Bags, & i e. ifLiZELI=2"" 0.. OM WOOD STAMM nitibuillth W. S. JACKE.37 ..t./MANDIS flaw. JACKSON _8( FREW,' teacineAm to Lovairsior 'a rah.:) ., 54y1370.9 . 2131=545 AND MILLI= la ilaineikai Saddleri, Trunkti itco keza. tatlawn from Iseßnavowatati, - 1 "' 4 ""4t 11414 raeS, Sqt lei w Hone Hp p6q atta.o an 100.102 Wood Eilreet. T. 'Kurz 11414.11.1)1 . 0113.—.wx. a. wcaxmag. adEliati lASUIIIISCE AGENCY. , - - satotaiitoga a wCANOLESS, as. Llt roust= IT ., Pittstosusb, Ps. 0...gr.1 Unto for Western renurylvanta Continental Lint Insurance Co., crEIEM3 nut. Ltva iiTtXJA and .11 dendolLons of 'unmet sflecto4 fasponslblo Cozr US. fa M lawns a.. J,, SCHOONMAXER & 80N itopHHoa of tb. • • W . SZ . SSO33II7.IFiCtiaZi White Lead and Oolor Works, lirMalsturm of • WHITZ AIIEIIIEII LIRA% 812.10, PUTTY BLUP. MILD, .le . O r tgr o t . YlC/W1T . 611 °mum, °Aim So. 67 roouraz lITHEET. 'actor,. Nos. 400. 40_9. 464, •1131LI La 45111lobeeestitroot sv, in and 63 mat, Allroboor , • 1 .111110 MBERFROIR PAPER NWT. oTviarrocompkrur, mr,run.rturrrr.rr PRIRTINO AND , WRAPPINO PAPERS . o uw tra'giltlii: T lfgraYiNitNril: onnoz AND WAIMEIIIOOII4.. No, $2 Third Street, Pittsburgh, rem "n°"s lllll9i r 9[Mirin:r Ple.llllllSNlDlnr,tlee'ret. Vtaxerrodmreat Hartle. Joe. ,411tes1 eAriNtlf4: u".gsta. -- o.m. PoSel fee raper DIIISOLIITION OF PARTNER. Inc gi r .ii; T iitiTtu t Tli lv llirSiltViritn . " 4l . i h o i lp JANINJ NADVoIt... end title pima sad s. li Etl :V.B ttrll,4lViNgt . Alles.esiy —ty cs CUM . • allagry Nor. BUN IN% VU,LTON WOURS. - terpn,rogro l. .V.VlVlLlLit'ltt.fgar42: At!! Vrea r Sit" ao4 trrXl.l4 11. d or. WARZIOVN .1,."11* at ver7 Wallsialle. 0.1 1 7, 1 1, 7T2i08717.11.1r 6 "" h ° uT,7,ltr, WILL R o te r d olv HAND tlCri 1". .111 JAKIMST 41119 . /lINIM. Ka, WMIOA WOA-RIN ti , q4 00, Ya 34 t lV.,,T ''' f,AlTZ.NV.... , ingwr.n Ann. QUEEN Mumma, verz to Kkn ;:r .; SptiMALW, ticlll,ll2,gssi. BORVETO Is CUT MOWERS,, At Ili OAALJUND tiVErtItitOUIV. R7n"~l+ _ .1111011111. rtirludyg:474ll::t. 1 fel SP:TA COI 111121,11%. SWORD* SELF/-TERPRIUDO • IMO. POWER • -' BRICK . M II ACHINE . , -.- MAIDILIICY DILD BY Till - PITTSBURGH lOKMAIDIENE - D : • BRICK BILN FACTIIIIING CO. Ttildi Maeline tbb Oaf direct from the res k ailVentValr"Tit X) .aeon[. IVlT,°,:ggiorr: 6 l.,Por.l, l o7*7.l§: ~. as made. r ea ! dn a t eux, the uowe. rat. th iglir Tr INVITILIA4 k Attll 4" of scaldn a lbeln be Is cased. lets= 93 MM. to 111.10r1;11.000. Seerlaa r r the rates of 17:111"O a tl!'elf7l A add :Celt D a d 1a ttVbeg. 011ie A p ply f 'ma, th 1434100.111.11 t iliple workla g e1t . t ... ,„.. ............... h..... " 340 t ' lliffitill BT.. 94 Slam Near toe (10100 8... , IL D o ot t eCt:ftt - Ml!rM=,l MHOS, HOPPER & CO., I ovuotsoors to 11 , . K U ULUSL, Au.suaaarratasa Or FURNITURE Of EveT Description. SCHOOL AND OkinCE FIIBBITIIHE. No. 46 Smlthlield Street, , 712TallIVBEINL, pa. -.4e•A sesortiesat of Pittabaran Manatee. tared reireltar•cOanaatlY ea band u•Lowlarr cuou Palos. a. 1. arran...ww. norsiu.....wit. a. wum. TO. WHEAT GROWERS. EIMEIL‘ AItIIIIOIMiED BONE Super-Phosphate of Lime. auxiutmrruuev sr THE ALLEOHERY FERTILIZER CO., SEWARD & CAL lIPBELL = Mee, 858 Penn Bs., Plitsburgb, Pa. It* beat Partlllattr tu i.e. and rettottalid by rumen who ba. Mr= trt ,al to be the otabelard for ralatar Ito crabs of Wheat, arr. Vats. Cara. Potato., Le. We Lave eubllabee or atalulto. elreutallett a Dateleblet alatestlarr Lae valuable alatameatr ot Cala Per. Utter, °opt. of tr bleb .wlit be sent fr., 14 my sm.:tins vs their add... JUST ItECEUVED, AT ROBERTS & 811MRATTI3 WIIRLEBALE &ND 1/ZZILLI; C4pr2 el Wit Bay .1U041171 DI eXiTB7ir+DCT.,.TTTITIII:IILOII. fall amply of Cooking. Ruth* .d Parlor Stoves. Fenders, Plea Roos aad eland. lean, oval and beau* alma 'Vss. and nods. .4 ttg.rxmargatzwri..zwittli asepasua sO. Inr coaling ta..stetedes. 5i.,.., Varattebraele• and odor and. Me. R. at. special ettetstßl tO laa moan natant or Unseen , Canisters. ocars. STAIR RODS, ID Bronze, Fire Gilt and Silver, WWI Patent Ifsatteatia. !Web prervela the rod vnthoe, the uae Of sprinse, oat can eittaetad 14 an lastast. 31Lanetleolutekt 0117 07 W. W. a .3. Acammukr, 69 1317.119211T/INST; New Tort. . ler Alak tar 1111elit31RZILIPO rtara. ?old be tallet Dealers. actemal PHOLUI STEAM BREWEIT ICL 1 1 1 - 1141.1107717 LZDDrLS. SPENCER, & CO., EMBROWIIII Porter ruidltrown 3-tout, I'ITIZEUR6II, Pae ,afar 9711d0N. Matuter. EMI PAPER RANGINGS,. NOir DUMP/190. llt 13.11E1T vadramrs. AT 90. 107 Market titrest Joq. dz.. nronles 81W. avow REVOLUTION •-.E 9 / THE 61 =1141. u art:k14thrraATIZ Ctrl g • Th. ict twined would cell the enaction o$ anveaccsen4notalliteinans abeconaw. 9 . 444 =l , anneaZ t 4 • Carina% Mae nt to • ..CONTI:Rimy How., PITILADJUzaIi,VeI. 2180, 1 "MMus& BacCilia • po.— Onilinant: am Wiltratr, F.llftnr:.3"'"ttaTrethairil " IFSX LIL -1000.., bare our sued. W. wlrrc.ll Ws!, I t..neAte t taf t e.. j , VrA " WinircliVA. C . h igrigi. B.T CITY COLLECTING AGENCY. SEA.TON & Co., Local Collecting Agente.... Vico. 124 P. V. BUX, SU. MTN TKO*. Bill, or all deoetioroLien for eollectiza AZI/211 . . made w ho re mu me mot COlleate t Or vim , mzucumirs bibiltAN 11.11/Intil CC.. PRI anindr. In e. 145 .. October 2.% Wood streot, TIVIS COMPANY Is now pre band beans Moan / Yr/algal and panels ninon / ban 3,001/ CM.. Tonna •11/2 Villas .% last and West. Unto AP the illallsland t Plat. btirch Haltroad andsal Its Dinettes,. aad be Plitsbarn .Da inn /isllntadi with Dromplassa l dispatch. • Trans nave tot ltvb at s gin. •• •. •• •• UlavaLand at 1;16 a. na and •• 0 0 IVbeeller and' Hells Alt at bis Coninne I: 3 :ettatly snan•lar Ita 11.... and nnetneloa so b. able Jo roan every Inbanatit pine ta, th. Union , • , aellnil , jUent.- IMITATE DISEASES. oator-gea3i rim; nraarr, glitz nand, for Moque of ari diorama of a private itaiatil, ,tit from two to four darr, try as entirely am ano rata treatment. Mao. beiniast Weakiaa. and all other Mammal of Ike MIMS Maas sag Mitt gravitation. Coro warranted or MOney reamiaa. 0111aa h ound -7 to 10 a. at.. Ito and g toga. at ma. ,1B Sealer of..Welgtitp EleaSlll'oB. . No. 5 POURTII !STUMM, ' BLOT/a& 'Liberty awl /my stream, order., propaotlyatUmded to. • .1111•21 D. R. IEACIIKEJEL, CXMENT rIDX" 111161111r1 BindsHlCA{ll 4 "DTI" ' WHITM. w eIC I / 2. OEIIIIIILT TOTO, • 4.11!“ to 4 Wareboole. 161 11 814 Mono:lmM el a Hoare. B ILZToell Z.A.PANNII‘G, . PLAIN AND 00.333133TAL. Br WILLIAM LLOYD, - sr. 3 It. (71A1r.11trist. PITTS/307WD. Orogen. Tss Oussten Ea-Japanned...7o.So WASHINGTON: ILLS, INSkies Street, sou tittotarrn Orsis Master. W. W. Anrwmiworir, a`c , ";4711114 : 41:5° . 61TJA " smif4 A . I:TETT : LEO SONS & CO, Plll l l7/41010111:111 OP gleam Boilers, Oil EttlUth !ranks, Ana um? NVOIUS, of ill Wads. Immo, al.. ru w.wd, ruiPural , • SIONELUOR COAL. . C. CHERRY & CO., i th rAti I•hatin tv,,mualkLue,a t..A ° OA , Mal eletlyare4 DromDtly all p. • or the aiilriat.loWeStAntv... • lltrlarria.o..1711111:113, Vembnyyt. * * • P. • BOX. 12zt. _oda: L. N., BALI, I l O 4lll°°f O r Of o f nun BID DOZES 110 archtta, m o t e .a. .ne rmu leaks 1 1 1 =t1: 11 4.: maw, 1111U77. rd./A Wit WOOD erariT - ••111:1S1 'brut 1 4bart1. Pittiglgrat.'r ACOB WEAVAR-JB. I= General. Patent Vag, sellste No. 1 1?. CLAM InitZET. BRR 12.. 1867 SEWING KACIEENES. Donr.z. BE DECEIVED BY rloorisbfas half Ooluato oavertlonoeato o of Sof slokr i r3 . lllnoNttigla GUOVZIf BA ' • :um ro , n WAIL . ds u ir " l ,.. : nuanced • WO, /CIO 9.12t3s • - is troolt atom SaaitttfleaCt. GROVER lc RAREIVV : ELASTIC STITCH AND LOCK iTTICH Sewing 211.abhines Are rah pS for /ugly &Ad •••• • • • MM... Call and see than at. - • • Xo. 105 /PIM, Bina. GET NONE BUT • GROVER, & BILKER ror • llottday thlts. It Ls rethbl4. perfect therefore the beet. Don't fall tooellaad tee NO.. 103 TIFTRAT,, Mahe let SHOE, nenNESs & CA AMMON KAMM ehooldsee the new , ROTA'6 HIM 11, ECM Beare burlag elmitsta. It la Oa bat fonbatx use. Pol. We MO. los r.rni Ovum &tali amitbEeldl. MEM THE GROVEB & BAKER 'DEWING. MACHINE • Le the tritlema Thole of Ilecttuthrse. . PleasllltO9 ahaattne It at • NO 101 MTH arfilaiT, above atalthiald =I p~:~t~P4 is=~ COULTER & LABE, House and. sign Painter., 30. .• 100 GUATIT 1111111 IT, Pittsburgh lOppaslte Onthettral.) 61.1141 CARDS done to order. U. • RO WE/4ND at HARRIS, NUDE AND ERN PAINTER:, GBAINAIIsAND exam:cup, •NO. 64 DIAMOND, ALLEONI.NNT CALCIMINING done In the 6 . 115% mannm. K. HAMILTON, Jr., House and Sign Painter, No. IZ3 iennixo grriusar. Pltistostrgb. Graining, Glazing and Gilding rs►znr WOUTZD.. ■IZED VA11.11115132.3, PUTT!, GLasts, TIMPEDITINT, WRITE LEAD, ZLI4O, • , HUTCHINSON 4 HEPBURN, RaUPI. uil OUAUDAA MOM tarAitriss AND OLAZIERB, No. PEAR% UNMADE, Pittsburgh. All orders Sr tug rfo.rotlir ottoooto to. REMOVAL. JOHN F. CLULIEir. Nouse and Sign Painter, • 2.3:10904 to so. lg. raillitllELD 37.; Plelibura, larin797 Omens &Mold .laud. flows? loco --nro. warn. ROUES BM AND ORNILIODMILL WIZ 888. AND GRAMM AND °LAZIER& eieaort► Ode of Diamond. Allegheny. Commenstel and/ lota e•rrni made to order. Orden re•oee troldlelted =id Moral" Iri !nuted. .rote. Window Eileoe aed Putty !alastantly oe hand. • 10rd.6,... vico:pAigioxi i cry:4g:11:1 JOHN MECRAW • Vow:Mann, Vaud Whofinale oat% Beton Meer lot all Cads of Tobacco, Snuff and' awn mc..a.r4=, BicELAM& weans. R. & W JENKINSON. _ 16.111-ILotarm mad deaters Tobacco, ittlictigars, Pipes, &e. . u. Ito. • riDIZAL WV siamworr. trtFiev v Q)j • REMY W. RORBACR, Confectionery and Bakery, Zia 3100 11Y1T8FIELEi STIIICZT, Between VOTellat and ILlbutr. 417_ , ..L.1.13168 , OYSTER PALOOlfatlacbed. QIUNDA.If SCHOOL CELEHRA 4.7 turnisbed with Lb, TlO6. PIONW6 bus . DLNNEII PA B TIZ6. Par 06XLIC, COMPZCTIONAHI 061 MS, 711011 6. , AU Um l sad ob ose6o utee Oututto ,%, Issas MIIMIELTMEES. Zia 16 I/ LLKOND, liberanao 1111.. L SOURTZ & CO.; No. 31 Fifth &Ad, Dimmer Dies, Steel Moulds, Bolriq Eli ni Linte Caafizp Fungi, daTaMawaz=r4rd to Or - BOOTS, SHOES it GAITERS, 11" pievE MIST _RECEIVED the most complete assortment of • LA 9113'. exxre, ID3 W. Bois , AND Oil LIULTX`S The lateet Etre of FALV &ND WENT= WaLLXING BOOS/3, lILIVILTYLD 11113311 Z, BOLIOOLIiULP neatly made and durable. LAG.ll..ialturroll imans. ;bleb aro 041.4 AT THE LOWEST PRIDES 1:1511 and amaialets Um ben gnat., and 414. of 'Zoe•• In rltisboritl. Na.3l 'inn& stireet. = L o t) 1.1..11_1 02 UNIVERSAL * COMPOUND aftTIRELT NEW rairil.BATlOle. • We we new'eeferee 1.0 - ertiweiteterler nelnable article nir °ltalin& linclieweei vela Tee nave confidence will glee entire sailsnictioni HOUSEKEEPERS, • PLEASE TRY. IT. With It you out sate at least from three Ito eve hours. herd labor o: i t the truh,bos.rd, !Nadu ' 7 , 71141141141111t th Ineslerthle r Intim it °V.l:ll,9 ,r 74 9,llllrVisittlabunitze, WAJSFIItiu stein fur ao. it is warranted to • • - •NO LIME . or Ibtorioo article. 'or IOU; by GO. Ultlioand DaIIuGIOTO outoral .17 and Irbollo role ue Mall al our 0111eaan4 Celemmom, N o . 8D DOUR= STRICET: ' 660. MILATIS1116.11:10. TO. GL 6,88 EtkaUFACTUREIII3. , THE UNDERSIGNED haVIAg aered tee wle AM.* , fo r the Dills . COPLEY POT.CLAY. - unties prrierett to familia it le say quantity *Wang to proem this nonat lltater Illtees Peen' enter this °ley wf e D a cle. far need at each oropertlone as we bettewe maim It • better entitle for Dots than.. IA the merest , mLott leelee secured. an avert eland. or ell oat Priwereoltt Arr te7 too the proportion orlbetoletere er ten Clay P ie rtotTet4i2gt% [foun d "4. , . :Drrautotaz • sox: teal ITUS thee TO 'GIVE NOTICE that on 2:d day of October. A. D. IrO. C Wursat In Beakraptoy Ina issued melon the !Or Arr Or MART& rrIALrY. . . • :VaOf tbe Oltr Pltliburgb. In tbergr i g i e: g; ► danin4prOtra own ;yetttlen t that Inc brent of uly debta and k tlinTALenj a aral lr dt 'g by 4* lr tF thas 2 Tree PProp er.l4iiitb: amnion ot Um solo belraot, An wenn Übe's. or . O f hI. and to • Ow= e or . te r z i tainx motor. to tiMen as of tbe Arglatu. ft:. 03 Dtalsond str i l i ee n Ucheta w r itr; 0411421 t artilifOVAlthitYl. A. A. 1004 at leo'cl i eek a. In. • • 714P4 =lra MANHOOD; DOW ;b1 LOST 3 BOW BVITOUXD lam abed, Ines sealed Na 111144% Alf a R E... a:lllOl4Z= g t enasicnitals... ttrcthr.4ll""ra 6133 4AVAI R I NAPAIIV&V i ht 3l u aut01 . 4 14 oree4 beoir, 8 00 Wiltaastads BMWs.. eksktAls4., Mt, rtrubagreriaz ? ac t tat t a, n Woo, Dn sualduldal. • • ' " "'IL "I:; 1111786111LN8, Firth arca, balsams- -TurAel .isiogi Omaha= Newts, OWlSimith and Dealer la Hardware. argrAreteggLV.... ll " l L2!,2 401...01.1 1, nu atinftnatll4o. 4 : 1 : 11 . 01 4X11 , 11Urics. latty Of Allegkeilm - 11411.11 t. VW. SEALED PROPOIALS.wIii be at this taw azUll'llUitartLy s pc , :;4 4 4lauembrii zeTeldAltV oat tatilmllmlialt Of T#UtlgitT.ll 2 / 1 411X4 la - Olt, O.IIILTOUtt. ITEM . . TEM,PELTYra --8 °1" now • k. o, l 4Sklttsi itu : : 13111111 Ell IRON. WOMB. JONES & • 3V. X.V.142.33.Cri11a1r33., MILIOTTAM:ramm AIRRICAN AND CLAIR Har,floop,dkeet and Plate Iron Bridge Iron; dingo and T Iron; • Guard Iron; Coal Screen Iron; T Bails, 16 & 201bs. to the lard Tram Itala,puncherland onus ' ter gunk Boller Bridge and Tank filvetil Cut Nails and SPLIErsI • Ship and Boat Spike' Railroad Spikes; Bartroad Wish Bars andilolts; Railroad Car wneels and axle's; 'Street Car wheels and Axles; Coal-pit Cat Wheels anddxles; Patent Cold Rolled Shafting; I PatentColdßolled Piston Rods: Rower and Reaper Bars. WALBJEHOMM AND 0/71C14 . 120 Water and-0B Front Its, BRAINCII 1101:111i. 24 and 26.1114er .81. 1 omoseo, Nos. Jet.ou lOW HAMM NM Lindsay, Sterrit & Manufacturers tig Importers of HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &c, 337 LIBERTY STREET, cickr. vcrawymze, • One Oquarn Below Falon Depot, PITTSBUIWEL zr 411111%1 Ibr /111113*=8, SHEITIELD STEEL WEIS SING , ERICK &CO BEST EKRUD UST STEEL ail, na AD OridW. 61 Au RIK rox...z i marc. 4 . 14300.00177 • • SAW PLATES EuseriaAND spin-ro RAILWAY SPRINGS, Cash apiring aka, Cimi and German Plow Steel, PLOW MEMO 1.151/1110W13 ELBA spßrNfis, earcEs AND STEEL TIES, inesta,fieuvia., ios; nAar.,_ronis, 2 gux OALLK altY O.6iT caOW-BAJW, ia, a.. a. Warehouse, 83 Water Ft., Pliterlb. ATLAS worn •- • . 7 110.11T0X fi • TRIE • I22 . • Math Ward, Plttstlrgh: T lll oll4llll4lllLLEB,Pirezident. Thaw warm uw =oar •the larecit oat meet oomplase enablisetocat la the Wen. end an wow prepare! to tomtit • ihnianeeolleveryßorcrlptlon. Balers, 011 Tante 'Sheet Iron - Work.. • Railroad Castings, Bolting MI Castings, Raigtna Castings, Kunnas Castings, General C!!..G]:p. .9 . 1WM3 130LIMM), JOHN Rorauf„ HBULA FUNDBY, n i on BA, 91b Want, near &LB.& PITT POUNDBri CRIELti - tRAP .SZPRIMB HEAVY AND ALL SierLa 07 Ma b ANY 0 Thi b l + Urrr ttim:ls. - ' alma auandal lavatur. • AA toil, Um best toAtortals Inn obroy, pro= W4 V a lraAgYalittir . o igt . A " consumtcd udo" the 'filoyervuton or Nam to WALLA NAIL MACIIIGNAA al abort no- OUQUEINE IRON AND STEEL WORItt. EAniNAYX. BAKU a CO.; ' =I Iron t Nail% SPrings. loneti r PLOITOIL snare MID A.zeuttuta, Stercl4 r, lairs6to2 111it9rakst. zi PITTSBURGH. TN.& B.I"AVE WORl3.fii, luzeraptit aannhotore•V x7.anot7pt • Cook, Parlor and Ileallag Storm .hka troths onto ( luatod ZIT/MU VITIMASULard ,781411121 WM Gook itowto.F Alto =normal. • • ; • • • '• GRATER, GRATE IMORTS, (Moo and Warehotoo,. corner of Se soci Iftelet. P7Obli azotto, fittotoarg4. -Estrooloo on Somas!! ,~a~R,~~~~a~ B. WOLF, TR., (zOO., Hatdware cBs ouilery. Ari. row Manus WV. f alb:n.lo ear .tor! Wtrieb 1s offered t Duleni al reuemrznet!criprre,temniei. Corner Liberty and fik Clair Slay.. . v!AttsolcilkA+. 3 P,.. , - Bums DLABIOND . _ _ . , 0- • NOCINCAMILiarACk - ERTIIIIIVILGIT. re. r 112411, BatarNlZl dr Co.. /JUT QUALITY TLET/NeW mete.% /Le sad POL./L clan /Lees. War. .oele ant. d equAl tow Impo lmported OS roaanneme;m • =airy. cnlnewandenzontmes., IL wren seana Pettebetvgb • luatie....area. L SPIMie .vikull BTOVE7 IiTOMBB.-H-„:, ALLEN hincfig pees W 0.4 30 !MITT OP mstiz. Sid= lilltinimetraseizejAerittuf en the eele Mated A.nerberry .Coal Oaektni Monet alto: the Minoan and and o3ttoe dentlnel !brims! at Taal. mg the unrivalled W. or te. =moire. Kettle;eenl Archa . _ Orates. rendets. anv Dog none yolleve Were • . 1/.33 6 / 1 :14, IMI:1112 ..........XOllll7/TD D. EVID4 BM= Bonn 0117. Stills, Tanks, Sheet Iron Works, - - 131.!Pimen JOlllsburylh, Pa. worm GE AL 'FOUNDRY AND KOLL VOIUM •13130 Naesurs: 1101rreet. BOLLMAN, BOYD & BAGALBI. Mall Bolls, Xlll OarUsn. Holl Lomas. *O. THOS. null TAD 101/111, AD Rang TUB, : 65 (15 11 11.4 1 57. l alre b il k% ma.t. 1. mita isTtAld ENGIND. of all diUtsa• Moat. PIffSBEIGIURONWORIS. J. PAINTER :& SONS:- Iron aublu4Tnto aind Trunk Voors AND ECEINISTS, ROW= PIiMISPII.OI4 PL. 111.01M'AMThMau8. GUFF, BTU!S &CO., Bar, Hoop and Sheet Iron, WROUGHT• MN caw rim mum as,euallans,it on WELL Tea% Office, Ma OS Water' Street, rinamnikat, PA. I=l NATIONAL . POUNDR PIPE WOJELIKt4, Corner Carroll and droallman Streets, Ninth Ward, P-ITTSBII9OII, PA 7AT3g. 11313MIEr, 11611113PACIVEKR Cast Iron Bowl Pipe, FOE SAS An WATER WORM . . . MT Mu are al cis?. vanes*, In ,tss - Dr/ WO and /Iran isznarna.,. Du my* gum C iina H r,,orad suoosll the att.aiyn OD;oarea . u or tis. Works to my - FORT PITT -; BOHM, In TANI W(OXIIErS.i CAIIMILLL sruypErt 1 “. 1 WMC21:12:12IIII or turandat„ nouurs-rxxim, TuzuLut InALDO2./t OILINDEP.sTEAIII Bonzes, OIL BZILLS AND CIL TANZA • OEOXBOITIA BILENOBINGAIno AAIL NAM' eXTTLING PAIN BALT PAM AND 00N DENBANA, ersant reain s, soamoxranns, aßDlaw =p - rausos mow 168 D COAL BlltiEs... ostorisaerviroriuseiiisre.somnori k isi stunt wig Liberty Strut& Pittsburgh, .Pennityltratis, . • arrordm to theataloriddrisi PosartlT attended to. na.b74Nl KIIHERGTON 11101511 LLOYD & DLACH, Beer Common) Refined Charcoal lIIMEI . Juniataßloomirou: M ISZ O EOHBL t Ti n RAZ ROONDa tbpis • recni f%AKWArirde TLIMDE od aLGUABD OR rue= =UV. SMALL TRaILS,RLO =die Lbs. to tat ward. ' WROUGHT ORALiza sad ISPISTR Utz sou. • M CO ATRAILI Puoebod =4Oonatansolt. ooLLa eaa =4 sagas ' Woreb_gLoo Waco tie GRERN OUGH .T.,Asoootbotatton of sun sizootaod foanlait th, wtriito Worlo.yittstnoßit. pyrrinumeier EITEELWOBILEI .ANDERSON, COOK do oucomPsons ,nnue, porn -a C REFINED CAST'STEEL, &Rum TIM .4 . Oatakon, - all all atm: O. rtigno? ". I.°"' Out Out AWING AND NOWINCINAORTNEA, erssz PLOW WINDS,' SPRINGS AILS.% OINONLARS.*•,io.:. Cast and Contra° Plow BprlGg keel. • .• • w o w st r . ; c am , °gr.' anAlt i oatrita. ivro noun M. ♦ To. DOLL FIDUSTRW,BA& • HUGII. 11. BOLE & CO. •• • FOOMIDESIS, •. • • Engine Builders and .110,41nIsts, /Las to ordex Marine twolE Ltiael d sa Mllsotm ra ZnAt is yM a u o w e , <47 v r onmto aa lez. Jeacul zissaiur. B.ltoza, Torte-- Vitt ta igg no.. AVAKAiItt Erstissuseit...pah.. ECM BERLIN -. 'FOUNDRY BICEi & SIMS 1' No. 29 WmXi Street. V ' uianfiuwnnn4 tam oonstaikuf Tiatissbte, Earei!i d Pip! pore*, ITAtiarAyinniME4.OII , VAIGAA And eastangsganatally, - Wein MONT BLANC FOUNDRY. Butler- Street, Muth , .Wara, • ormenz zitaozr =xi wwwwiti3l3=Eaplaqi.. RIM and Addle 'Fildluts. sums . MI NW. . gumlagatery sad litaittaga gpon‘raLly. Orlon temnaptly sadurehilly execillka. cruassa BEABONASIA • EnnEirr &mucuaalein. ORMENT aittait WORKI ifira!Kaa lath a PAlgago BEVQIILLITY WEL Warranted Maas' te way In the ka net, lather traperted ararDt, spzcaLL Arrff i re n PAID TOITIEIIIDT Offici. - 38 WciodStrecit; • 4,6 1 %.°W.,ram not= Bon,m,M;;• a. R. mozscrw,..ris. S. inoorda...us. nun (7. 11 4',. 1 4) 11 9. 11 . 1 4 11 1TOPIKfk,:' MORROW BiIinIILLA CO4 ILLNOTACTI323IIII OP Loam Boilers 011 suns, -*Otani, • 'AMU. - Set Pans. CLIPMICterr, • Wrought Imo. Bridges, Skeet Won Work, 0314 LIBERTY AND SECOND BTB, PITTSBURGH,. P 4. intrAlleke DOSE rsomrrtr.:Wt Or ROBE* LEA, 1 4suiAmunsu07 TIM BEMS AN BOILERS Freight =Roisters : ' ' AHD: DOCTOR, ENGINZB; or al Qu . alpttonu auto toortla eerier *trim as inn" ses4.to. As.s* -PISTABLIWIL UNION ENTERPRISE 'rourais! • Mrzncris;lonNePros. tr A vreviroxpr i aA kled4 061OL LOW AlM omb OAR Intd = kIad•oft, = LLULITEUT CABT2MieIO.. s il eor. Witlll2learßr," EIT/3180N, •PBESTON4 eck- Px.x.ftrziret47.l' , ' • EROlN:W.4ooiiEt4e'r (RON CITY MILLS. ritOpgje &941:12 OEMISILA mi.amorg or g „ imed , cmareoszaaniat.di reumea -4023 , 1:39314T ampfzur. (WM AMOVAft Gem No. as MARK/Wirt THIS VIVO GIVE NOTICE that on the UI day or October, • . D. tem Werra:Ms Saalunotay woe lasse4 Karon be • Erri*Or:j.n. zezalmnr:: Or 101iskiny ttlthitt tlte oenite 07 ilia/tiara!, mot Maw ar ranatllf wax% *no . bova att. Jotted bableocrabitderuretltton, Malebo . 1 11,12onsl ior Wire tech baskolOol„nx .7am - um, enol tae of an 7 t as r e fteelVeibir italVbeWeet; aa 7 7 04 that, Atu.Nbu•Vit.:=r.wr:_, r=7.1 1 1: MrM asides at leo. -ArrAest earcutiolatf tn b eriirin Of 64114 a 7 Us 0 .. 12 TP; lola o'clock a. Mel THOMAS A. .11T, V. B. leash{, itAUIROMX!t, A LueGaza, VALLIST - JOIAILw SOLD. tla • mamma or =MX ald .11dp uss. sm.,. Intl Wats aad &Mee at Plitabarst Dela; 'Orate rite nag Cakal Masts. as 101/owes ' • 140 vr it st.' 214. 6:30). 1 14' Vint Soda worts Aunts... feliute, - WahlL ' SeCond Pod. Works Accoat.. &der. le. Ur, 1.. k. . Halton Moor= odstlo:...10S041.11. Lait. Sunday Church 'Vida, frO. . • and to Sods Works. r. Thal la.' terms, North makes Cosa tocceeiles all ado holds./ Itch Hag of packets tor 7r6.1..4 811 My. @counts with paelift tsos 1117 I'4 H. suatimszars.zapt. PrITEIBURGIII AND CONIiELLS ••• vu,Ls MEW • • • 4.111 GE OP 111111111, tee eed 0 1 1 . 813.NDAT, October leth.nt: trams will lean the B#Pet, CM*" " wi Wavle streets. ke &Um,: • • •• " V.i.P=Zl leaptO Leif llnlo'st•n. TAO.. Y. Szee J w% l w M en deMs t " 340 r. x: l eteAaa. , reenetAocostod•n..o:, r.n .14eNt.. 4(0 0 p4 !cavort seem-11MA.M NAIL. e: BrAoeve ..101e 1. N.• 4:10t. ata r. sehasy ChexcltTrath aria• - • i. Veto Wen Newt0n........ r. .• ler 'nett 14 Apr, to . 19.. B. inn:fr. B.D•riAtoll.daUt.• . PENNSYLVANIA AutxuAlk.. O smArnian- , sad anti CiCTIME.II Ott WA: ?Islas Idle M and &Intl tt_op Usuoa lanad#o7lllll, . asblasua a •did• • ••, • • !•,;.7 swarn= Kw T41.7 4 '1 . 10 a MID*, ••• • •• 11.21 ft . ..r .. . et ' a ' :111441tt:tgit a n 4 2 4ia l i;:stra Ala J'Alf4trt;...l 4 6l! ITV 11'; P. EV174. - 41* I ..i xar= !„;„ train—.'.... 104 ^ • Tha Mane 'ham Nava Wall#Nana Bandq . atnit a. la., Plttabargli t a. la. Zalae.Las mar=ux at ulto y. tad won at s ums/ wtattoa at • • • Ex /MU - 411W •11 , 4. I MaliadajTa#,Atie lees I=4l=l. and wale d4lye 1 alanatt Eliusararrtrea daa An Olt= [Talmo daily Saait• ••••••.. I."s""the' " . PritifejlTrira. Piiaaryrraala itaxtroad Guar.) wilt , lhin; aladtaa 4 an . y ra rg a l imam emo a t t a lmm i rortrad•Ddilart ..78agrisc • . W W injg Inas mount Ls 'Liao A.a.aum.4,•"; ttidOlfatr, Valcsk a ta i k v az i t j ; Glans' liavariatandadkaltisaa. IiVrESTE/iN . r • BAILII0A1).-4.n sitars UNE Otb, Ur; tl Eassengar Trains - on 11 westank Panarryanta and drnart tram Um /We pray lI.T.Ap .•ENABYLVLIrif" Ana Stmlxrc.4ll-- J r .PO I git:: l i tg;vri t Zl Briars ......ICdO A.ll. NbarprOir of dada road: echo iisr.ar. Rapror...,lSO rpm bro. 4.. S rat. ttormorreo As Wrraici ; e7O . l2ll: Abovo trains ran Cody tizeopjoarlayr Jbe earth Nll irons *Omar dirtr illty rr at eiterar. 'litOth i M=, azis s an ''al Ot t ot =Or. at. and &MVO ai AllataMbi • all rib r. CioradiutatiOn ilpaeks/010 r0 .r" :17/ia b rir : l an a l l ., 4 slTo p cx. ° l?: rt=• odorldburib. Rao ;moo only wo too trawl OOP' Wird I b talons oboettorton tickets. • , biode ov . rAs =fib y MAW et port wits Walter; Line a? Ns JO 2 1 ° Tlflul:gAtire)4VicA.tultlopete;. 14Ent a= omranuationia 'fr The Werratt !ern.. Imola Railroad not, WOW, May r ift ; nagras tatibt fbraiYeav v i A ss .a. limit thelr remposulltally to. oictortli7= argittrinthvargniZar rirl of th e owner, Wen Wm Ds ft.. H . 11:1W.111D H. WILLI:101UL fitatni {0074,114, 12 , 1Ezims , eCCobhhl littgro 10 Oltratt:: :Po an!• estials rcalWi les fliTM E ifliig mop 112 m rerArt. '" Atigt r ul N. mirtu J.c 6.18 am . Loolidals •:10;11 la liochenci Wte!NCW], 3:apm keeteebtle 15:Clpn1 N. vat::m ittg .1 1 Tl2l WH.Vixtie , , ZW,Ia'AAI (Map !At& to ar11.11.1113 /Mgr b..1(.113p2aL1i MILT Pa k it l a !:111; " a•Ttratitarle . ) D'ZPi, Lit K e l l eat .1 11 !IT 1411t.tes ins nu; • L e oxt . :4v*, "-- str i a " "hal thinaratiLter.ilt ' ?MAIM. MMUS AA CINCINNATI- IL L. PAN • RAND LE. ROWS.' 1:011.WCIE 97' IDM-ft nufatiarsitialiki% natobar 701: ILD, www .11 tem .0 areDest' „ Delon DePot sago/10w, Pete... Was e • h.., , asatirif 'Wan Exert. rife .... ear/A. , -1:10 - acato t fiti f* A - 4 - 67aar. - .411°).1". '` ', ;Mgt was recjwc2.,.• . ...• I,ao Igen ettentwevlite..enewn . .. sta.. ite.Donahe •CC011114..1.. dna 0.. • SO Zee heyday Tram leaves .7:02 anDani 51T4E411V::::11tartiiiii The II: a. le. Tell, 1 we daily Sudsy eita Me:I:Z=1114: sigte i t v aS UP girl. change et caii between PI and • Ctnelnnatt: and bat OW le shin:l_o_6 tat SU 7 ... 04 , 1x, and the principal mints wan Witt When pacchaslagßitircta be as. IMBRIUM, COMM /Union Ni6pot, zw. D. NfOnTIfOD6UPI.OOI,WI..7I,III / SOWarl74 hlL 447l ,i 1 SMOKY HELL ROUTiti MB PICK .:Iwzw4x . '; f - EASTERN DIVISION; ' .TI• 81101ITEST.---AluilleDlOr E E LPLIABLZ HOUTZ team tts• Xs*. ootousno.: !NEVADA. owrourna. AZIENEVA. W ANHEINI.• NEW IIEXIC% AUDAII% I= TTptrOns tonal Hate Line. sad Lawireai‘or,th leamilLiTs exoepled,i on, the sgllnt.ol._ togas of racitki Yisaread troutEh .Logli, assuabat and St Jo liallro.l4 tram Qilnch ow; netting at Lawrsaa, Topeka and Wasuigo*ls6.' 8144. for of 'MAU In SataSii• 'At ala 01,014: !MI at Saimartb. with UNITZD frea27lol., IMPRIZEI; OOMPANVIS MILT ..t1 1 / 1 ;p1". - 0V7:81.434) YAIL • .ND XLPSISICCOX9.3V, DESVER. RAW LAlrg if&PODITIS 18 78i TiILIPPOUVW; sad with BANDEBOONIPTIIO•WisELTLIXIO OP COACH= fir tort trolon.-11spl'a,Fin, *soi, - .4ll , hosercoa. ILvata /a, , allpetild As: PatunaltaadZowlinuoi • • WM ins recant anditaini of falling stockist , essuftwas, and Um ninfagoliella Mono want* , SPOnfligo Overland Trinfooftollon Una nieng Itawestson terminus. OW road stow agora ani , analog thelltilal tag frnonollsolos ag Sallgli , nokots tar. We Wli thwarinetiadolll* fig thiOnik4 Motes and Consdain • • _" • • :Bo acre. fad AIM PUB TICAOLTS NU: EMORY , RILL SOOTS. • Villillll.APAlllnfa Latt,WA.l", 3A37333 . DP7I6WM. . A 3 DX II .OIt: -7 fleneral incoartaletiellit." , is n,wiragrX4.. Goma Jrntshi 64.4kkit sTEARt mrofloat LIVEIy'I7OI:4II.4UEENSTOWN,IreIs.r4:: "n " A Mrr•VE. TRH nouor Luir t griaf.o 4E T saTuaDAT.4„i,i . te .11 eroPraa H. sou.. TiL u v"Z" 15.01.1=0. WM. tent to Boa cat. 54 itxrni imam' UOICs. Pra.baratc. 5. E=M EMI I In, 1,2 S 44 ,- * • zit :CO. DM ==ll=9 1867!