B 1 1786. II 111 nrifilM amans, „ m i . 1 .," deo japer is th• State of .Penestybanda stem the Oa year of itz =wow arW fitoreaset fad lities for dre , aetablatiagr the estrrent nests of the day, et±ed fir good petilicaZ serotee du the important fraidensa Qantas' of , 25Liforitsiton of Cbrzgreas Tromiseitoproes ens of the wet import antliat. Wax the forsatioo Wthe lios , ..... a id tu r&N,fts wilt be any ;;;7.itiad kia4era m aites• Iw „ as , gie a , deep {brut centered in the poep, the lilnilei'm of the GA - e 4 . 2 5 7 Attie' Oak arsassgemenu for - statist doenhes and Idlers due*, the eessien, front a MIA, into idilent sore, Vended, who OAP tk B confidante and frkr , kowp ~,,,,a l igai af f,fneMbera of th e Renate and Sot* the Adadt of the Intri gue Deadateena, "4' the kadiN7 potitt eans OM! /Nista WalhingtOn, so tkae redden cel *mad " reegi viN thefirat, tours aldose rakthio intalitrence from the seist r t=w 4 of the &ate Zegist a = run,ll, WJKtBnY ausion, will (au. 0,,,,,..,„„,,,,,,„4„0mm0, as many rem. divettertae will , some up for , .lAe GAZETTE 'eat keep at tits • •' • &wog the entfre elusion, as , ~* faithinfearrespandent, n'Aa t */ • re i" r4 ela'lnveeedinge by.titia•• 4 1 eraint. Batas poet Journal of put s . ewtt, inWariil reflects and stead il y adettiotlei PrinaPren Add by eke Vniolt , , *.• -RIM', and interpreted by . aeer or 0411.1qman Iten es. Ile the Or. WO A U 406 i • re awara. U Ma*, motet at asp sore ataMitir antaaa, ohja We...PM .4 mil .4 the I. the Oemeleneaveettth. vDtmaeS ever dez.ecrteeent )/4. ra, 140. ehorneter of U 4 .4 WU sutioanfiars, mut at/ itkinpoitaseo Wit OffiNtriwt. The .10 111 :0 newt .KB.l 41. , k•PC .p to Lhe eeMMsniWo/tJ. tray, ant (ft oesemmet iiitoAdmair Wm all the fraxtegctiats 4wwir gag r Os Mr. 81.14. Coulun, etna km" awl tor t 4 (LIZZITTS mwit,,,,,t of a Um, orat•rwf.thav and 4.iitp4o6 osedeolawerviat AM mob •pre has born nurned far werkst n. papiiiii* Ass Wait ttmet b ratat twos as A, eatrnnti cmatattons Jar ...Vag. prodrate. eattla. 41 , .. &a.. an daily 0 1114 . 1 1......th.a”ker. bit reu": .401. dimtAr.t.r. ' fletimir sew to collated WA .an, tad wit "..,..asiatonrstbigisahtreqrtte GAZETTA. rioimua new dep.t...4 Ms n. plowed yang Vas abLi 4=4 arp.iintsed banker soU marnmiter , a Taft* as attradive mad willta 6rtger• caul outlaw awn pm. . ktesur departamt welt wart the dark. didifirrett daportawar, mug WI/ be so ettnetv.tel as St icpleardir amt reedebk 4 okeatere 41. sit relleßieardesoakeitione. jlortellewe, . ..71 4 ..4 brk , . per erwleog or.ber oI tki.S.er be weilkeki k eteameeer mill peek sane. $ • 444 reader. O! Tax DAILY .ftnifAmetbe .. .. ............ .. ; ...... cm. Oia ........ .... .. . . ..... BM. tillien4 titraLegh, AlkpArny ow./ 0; the .e4kkekt Jtererey .9.ivek.kkebie • ' WIZZILL7 6.11211717. • rhewszzr.: OASES= lair hem m [mood So no him Wm 08 Go Daggs", awl to sow Cho sout..4llairput sad hoot raki, Smarty arbrepapri rabbi Ittats. It •Apaga be Ca w hp wt of ropy mioohorato and barratry ea. .1t en, oaohmookflorly shag.tontotoott tailor er Agtoptitph mad tosano .aLfortatir qf Use doily, owl a Metro retoottos of tgtorasy mut sot ootUtothaoa. NNW ,. gogeh ergogghtoo tsdportaat ' paaoapa. to tho loorieg olsolliges. no lumina. twit oolagiao rat ho odAtah to ogah a moaner at go And farei Web Ow Amur and stardom>. 2.4 ...agg May* a/ Wirszuz oaurrs L ai I* 'oolgoeat ow/aortal/mg to to OW *mg.. authority foi both bisirors and ar at iffaaaarrarial natl. fa Wareia .Paratai vaaa;: Ardent Ohio alai Trutera 17rolata as Wait/ *grata; , L. a• .011.721.T.72 air aarriartarariy by as Obal Orairear altrobary wharf. .440 nforonat tol;lhoporlaot 081011, 0 de teiraur the nags" pegoto fa U. gamuts at Oa +lwiiftbribribaratrawarralyyr• abrartr. • ghor Jarsdi law Ire by 'Dotting aa Cher •?wo, cut vtot attar:day thoir tae.tat.. thidiptes. as or are anal.. that 7010 V. I.lllol4lsiorLitedepolood Ja weerimao. •ittigOis — to aloha eau la wade at aag , ggo.y at me, anter. Pootsoartero and Ifirelasta as rd. ~fa toad as arena. uanni&erMaele Trams NOR tam eiftrrs. S CriWyt Cult gr • .......... lAA —sad es! aVW vuor ta. ez.a. • 411.76' spathes. eeirLes qf eittoes. Dattv • Maly. «kb.* su screp r kg.... • PAIMIDur, HEED tr. 00, Stearrils Bott.ning. • Pee. Neural Jefte pralit, Pittsbereb. air. Call* papers re Western Pennsyhranta, Maim Oble cep Western pia isubllsblae Cie evsl males =asked mfr. Ell be eantlee Mate enchensa with Qs Deny 4.11:1121. isfe i Gaytt xexuar,:xovzion a u. A RATIONAL WOOl. Gnowttne Asso• Men= is announced to meet in . this clty . ca' the 27th' day of the mew month; Fungi; tbe Yastern States a strong prosere will be kraeght to bear on the Republican National ConTention for the samba= of Mr. ELICLIK of Rene, as Ince President. Ws &artily congratulate Mr. O r lfstrz. of the Dispatch, upon the manner lit which the legal proceedings instituted against him have ended. nil vindica tion Is= those charm mutt be regarded 17 all ea tall end complete. . Itimemaini does not seem to be teed In . llinnesots. The Republicans net only .carried their cindidato for Gov mum by in Moreasecininlority, but sate the bleak. the right of latrine. Will the Ildithltearted note that Aim, and tithe gn cemi'i IT Is announced that Yr. and Mn, Bram will occupy their tomer gm tars at Washington darin the nazi sea. dui of anew. This disposes quietly ofttelltatai red scandal .with which nownswspaper nays been lulled res; pking thaw. Tl ni t pa n . amity seporica N thillidda iiegiiiev, and other Repub- Reaujournals of Pannsylvanht pointedly dissent from' the QUM movement, on the pound that the General bits- not nude much' disclosure of his views as is eathdheterty to them We like both this caullos and undspendenco. "Let every ONO be fully parraadcd labia own mind." Tim action of the Supreme Court of the Marlin of Columbia 'ls restalelag Judge Maher in excluding Mr. Bradley from the bar, will meet with the op piong of tke country. His comm as a /awn? lisa been utterly disgracefill to Mussel: and the legal profession. A coadderable exteuudon of the discipline to which he bas been subjected, would sot be newholesome. Tax adnurati* tales of letters written by /aux Oonxi, Esq., and published in our columns, relative to Kansas and the country beyond, on the line of the Tel* Pacific Rillirs.9, Eastern DI. vision, from the Kirsouri to the Pacific Cosan,baVeteea , reiroblished by d B. Ifyytata4t & Co., of Philadelphia, in yamphlet form, embellished with an waste map of the two main railroad 2*mm area the aratineat. We do not wonder that these letters have gained attention, for . they are Written fe ithrictlne ayle, but abound In val uable Information.. , Tla TzlernAXo2 XO9XIBAT has hum in progress for thirty years. It bee enlisted a largo Swum of intelli gence, energy and demotion. A few pare ago them wu a p • y..,••t that It world end la the permanent prohibition of the; sale of all- intoxicating dtinks y bermagia. This praipmt no longer 'rhea, A garked champ .hu come eTer the people. Bo palpable s reaction pant be ignored- Even in Masiadta ants, where the . Prohibitionists, up to the last moment, felt confident they kw pined absolute control; their policy kss been repudiated by .the popular, "Moe " tThifue Dodos prevails among a =r iga pontos ot the neve population 'that this change to owili mainly, It not cecludi+ely; to the 'turpteedentedinanz of Duopease Into the country, during the last few years, bringing with them 1868. Ithe habit to which ____,, they were educated. Ilia is to take a narrow and misleading view of tbe cue. It ls to fall Into a and , lar ndacalettlation to that made by the 1 opponents of Sunday cars and Sunday recreations. Great changes have been wrought to the ideas and habits of native born citizens. These modifies. dons have been produced so gradual as not to be attentively observed. y ' The war tuadonbtedly gave a fresh isi: pulse to the use of intoxicating bever ages We cannot help regarding this as an evil of serious magnitude; but who ever undertakes to advocate and enforce great alterations In the social or moral habits of millions of the* fellow', elleal -17 fracas they _ale themselves, and en dowed with as nicee sense of personal independence, -ought carefully to meas ure the strength °rpm forces with which they have to contend. It is undeniable that the Temperance movement lisi re ceived a "set back," from which it will not speedily recover. Tun SELUCTIOX of a ftepalahcan can: di ate for Mayer of thia city. excites et larger amount of speculative. curiositY than of practical interest. Some desire is expressed fora candidate who has demon- Anted a certsla tort of executive talent in the management of prime enterprises and whose social position is esteemed to be each as would add'_ dignity to the office. When Shove who feel hare uked to4uune their man; and. ensure his at ceptance, .they,confeas to, , to meet their own demands. Under the circumstances, it is folly for them to ex• pect others will do for them what they have no'noticm of doing in their own behalf. , • • The names' of several perases besides that of the iniumbent have been pre muted to, the public. A totudderable proportion of these men posaea all the requisites for the place which can reason , ably be desired; yet most of them have promptly withdrawn their names; :tor an it truthfully be mud that either of them has excited any enthusiasm. This is not the Cult of the..poilticiant upon - whom an attempt is made to cast the respoludbility; but of the individual, who rehise the use of their names, or of the community which seem te be any; ' earthly apathetic tea respect to the matter. • It is understood that Mr.. MCC/arr./re dui not ohject tea re-alectian, and that Mr../nnzaiv is willing to be his emcees. sor. Beyond these two, names, we do not known of another that can now be properly regarded as In the list of can didates. If 'ethane shall. be announced, and signify a consent to stand, the tepect of the case will be altered. • I Between these two aspirants Mr. Mo- OANTRT has the advantage of having been tried.. • A Oct recently disclosed by the City - Controller is greatly , to his credit, which is that he /Inlaid over to that department tenthouand, damn mere than any of 'his rude-cum& I This official statement shows that he OR the whole, discharged the duPea ef ficiently and -with marked integrity; This is high conamendabon, anditcomes to a form so anthentic as not to admit of disPute- . . With Mr. .Imuna.lits our,miefortmte not to be acquainted, and as yet , he his no official record to which 'au appeal cia be nada. His friends evidently think him a seltatde man for the station, as they are canyudog vigorously lahlabe. half. • • If le beat far Crag' Republican -to make up his egad at onCe what he win do In the prnmlstia. - nut delegates to the Nougzatlng cheacti unman Satunlay. ht New York the - Republicans art so deeply in the minority as to confase and bewilder The Dewar-its, whir's plans and Mora did not make such a: resell probable. - These - cases in which .men reap more than they ...sew; am not un common, and tarn up, is politics es of ten as elsewhere In. Polot of fact Ibis overthrow of the Rep:Miami la &WOO. table much mere to the Conservatives m their own ranks than to the Democrats. Let the city of New 'York be 'taken' as an illuitration. All the Republican Jour. nals, except thosTribuic, wens either in different to the progress and termination of the mamas, 'or else did 'wind. they could to make the triumph of the Dem °crate easy and immense. - ' - ' In part these .otloor Reqathileu t jow -1 male were doubtless Influenced hy • the Consermusin of their 'town'. destied measurably from conviction, but mere from aoeial and commercial surround loge : In put, Ago, they ware impelled by personal and 'lntiness entagenimi to' Kr. Giummxr. Theitlgire hi - miles In political affairs I. so 'huge •asth calif shadow upon tie:o; whrl' inneetufm theirjealormy. In .helping the Dem*: crate to a elder', as they did, their or pose was as mai:daily to- see if they could - not. hIll• Mx. Gerartarr coif, as to check the tendency to Xatlicallain In ;alta - ; and others. RowLartheyhavesucieeded In either or both of these designs; can* told some little time lutore better than now, bat we apprehend it will soon be ascertained ' they , ' 'hen acomplished 1 neither of ilia ends they aimed at. There is little or -no probability the I I more than two; candidates ftir r th . e*Tiail danajwill be nominated next rat's.. Ta each a degree are Vnt . ;Democrats elated by the gains they bassi made this fill that it is mod unlikelythey.Will resort to the saltterttge of selecting es their candidate a man Who does not adequately represent their principles and senti ments It is alteadher probable they will contribute by ,theit selection' of a standard-bearer, sad b y their 'band dsclardion -el Oplaisit end •policy, • M makethe contest a Square one. It seems to na them is no longer a remittable doubt; or the 'noinidatiOn of aisscr...by the Iterablisuis. ';.A• large body of unmet men among 'them who are unaunproluidng in their delis greatly prefer 'Chief Justice Can should be the mai. Palling to retry him, as we believe thoy must, no cism e will be lift them but support Gel. Gmurr, or go over tothe Democrataand support Yr. PIADISTON, or some other man of the same sort. That they will be certain not to do. • • A decided majority of the &Publican throughesa the country are _what are known ai Radials; that is, they au dis posed to fellow out the principles they espohse to all necessary and jut :appli cators'. Whiz the Republican National Convention shall assemble it will be foend 'to represent intelligently • , and thoreughly the idea and feelings of this majority. The Platter& will be wind they shall please to make it. Doubtless in framing thu Instrument they arill be gabled by -mud dlseration,seehinfr neither to comproinlm their: CODYIMICOLI nor to repel seta.. When the work of the Convention shall be accomplished ' there will be Just, two thingelcir- the ' Orriserranses to choose between to go sionewith the Republicans or to go over to the Democrat& " We mate no question es to which way the great bilk of them The largest seizure of highivinesi Vist made in the west wax that at Hunt- Din, 111. Th. ; Ofacers vsho ;Ads ,the mixers are very mediae on the suldect,' as am also • the:. parsons managing the dlstillaries. But it - id certainlg :ham, that more than three thousand barrels ivenxisiftred, valued at Over The fraud Is alleged to be one Of the most stupendous error brought to light fa' the west, and the manufacturers haye for some time carried On an extensive and lumetive business. 021onel J. Ettmimam. Grose, .who is probably sol.gleit...t9gt. forger of modern or iat antes, And .mosnitor whose exploits are sti,tizaJartci Penisgf. ,mien's,is at . Frascati noneied in the Chlesgojail: 1311' eibertness does not min nt him from getting caught Ter! often. PHIIADELPHLA. Iral" PV.lderiewirew Vemweatiens.-pea. Magee geese Zp,imsgcll chetveh ardeest=.stwe se—Prtethelr Omuta et the Beats et Unless —lt le Assessum.tt teem oar tonsClonssoesiimmi Pethanirrorta,,..liov.lBB7. 8, , . Quite a ~.pleasent interroption, was given this morning to the:proceedings of the Union Preabyterian;Qmvantion. As Intimated in a former leUer,' the Presbyterian Council passed resolutions conveying their christien salutations to the Episcopal Convention which has been in session for some days in chit city, and appointed a committee who formally, presented them. This cam- Mittee Was received cordially by moat _ the ppiscopallans, who reciprocated the fraternal sentiments expiesaed by ap. pointing a committee to visit the Union Convention. . At ten o'clock a -large number of Episcopal brethren entered the Presby terian Convention in procession, filed down each side. of the middle aisle of the church, sail were immediately fur sashed with seats among the delegaten The chairman then requested all.-to unite in singing the 133 d Paalm, com move-Mg, - Behold bow tech a thing it is, And now becoming wen, Together such ss brethren ere, is unity to dwell. After singing the Psalm threllghoc Rev. Dr. siewton, of the Epiphany I Church, led the Assembly in an extent- pore prayer. The Committee appointed by the Epla copal Convention, consisting of Bishops Melte:one and Leo and Bev. Stephen H. Tyng, Jr.,ith Felix R. Brunet, .Esq., and Judge Cunningham, made p latfor m a pearance and took seats on the immediately behind the President. who, advancing towards Bishop M'llvaine, grasped him. Armly by the hand; and ,"Brother I cannot call you Bishop here, for we a r e, all bre th ren in Christ Jesus, in thUnamo of the Presbyterian bodice here present, Itender to you our Bishop Christian greetings," Relivable then aldreMed the Assembly. Re said::Wo reciprocate your prayels for our welfare. These prayers have been enswered more au spiciously than we- could have, antici pated. God has answered them' in a spirit of love. -When your 'delegation entered our, assembly yesterday, every one was taken - agreeably by aurpnie. and all our hearts were opened at once. In 165 e, the Roam of Bishops, during their sittings in this city, appointed a committee totake advantage of any Op. portnaity 'hit God in his good provi dence might affordta promote the cause Of a closer union among.-Christiana It ti remarkable fact that I am the only surviving member of that committee— the neat have gone to the blessed union above. lam greatly rejoiced to know that it has been reserved for me to be an actor the first opening of the kind contemplated by the Rouse of Biatoips. Your committee extended to us the right hand of fellowahipyeaterday. Today I greetyon, in the name of; our Mime of Bishops, and in the mune of the Lord Jena Quist,- our common Matter. - Bishop Lee followed Bishop Idellvalne in a touching address. This scene. ho said cannot be attributed to the will or wistioin'of man, but to Gad, our heaven ly rather.' It pleasant to call to in. nitunbrance that Prostryterians contend ed earnestly for the great troths of the blessed glorious , Bitrormation. It leasable a solace of great joy that they were all, willing to stand unitedly tgainat and resist the powers of darkaase in the great moral conflict that is now I being waged the world: In - the great day of final judgment, when all shall stand before -the sovereign _judge, the differences which biro distracted us here will appear ,very insignificant in. , As this juncture In the proceedings, on motion .of a Philadelphia clergstrum ? Bev. Professor Amlth (Now Scheel Prise- , byterian); led in the.recitation of what le commonly called the Apanlets' Creed, In which most of the audience joined. ; Brief remarkswere then made by Bev. 13:71L 'Tyner,: Jr., 'judge Cunningham ' I and Pale B. aruitot, Esq., th e other I member, of the deputation. DrAßodgeand liteuns then delivered ' touching. and "affectionate addresaes in Miaow* to the delegation. The lirge and specious- edifice Ins crowded tolts utmost capacity and the scenes wen 'the most impressive and gratifying that have been witnessed in e alconventiensforaltiall At sinters' periods tliniegthe progress I of the nroceediaP we taw r.tbaitreTes glistening and cheeks' bedewed- With team- These were not shed merely thereinto= preterit, whose tender send-, bilitiel are mere easily affected. We saw strong kaea who were bowed down and could not refrain front weeping. It I may be thaSit was the inauguration of 1 1 closer. more intimate and fraternal inter.' trosasetamong eltristlan hoddes, whohold to manytkingain conunon. Tree church as well lathe nation recAtient tabs nn Constructed on the:m.l=4a of sensual fdrbelirlince. - bindaim and rove • The Oentreitionsdiourned. to meet at three o'clock, when the cezudderation of the Lod' of Union wu rammed: The first 'article was attended by add ing the words "the only 'infallible rule of faith snd•rtectice."•• The sward - trick Wieszeur ~ tled by the insertion' of the following MOM: "The Catieldsins' larger • sad Meet , ' I !'it being understeical that this euMfersion is received in its historized,- toil is, its Calvinistic or, reformed AelLe o : " Sulking out theerard and insert „sr, word' hird recogeistwit m." ted .- I .. t s or ctlinee/thrg mige, sTen itb t o ta l e Refo faro rmed Digcle Church Totingi in ; Its Thu Committee asked leave -to Strike Out the fourth article and - nabstitute• the The Booket - Twilms, which. Is lof di- Mae bassdration, well 'adapted. to the state of the church' in all ages and cir cumstances, and should be used I the , worship of God. • 'Therefore, we recom mend that nnew and faithful revision of the Book of Pullun:be promded, as soon as practicable. But inasmuch as mtrious collections of Psalmody are used thndiffirent .churches, a change In thm e hour respect not be required. • j• ,Th of raved, ournment bar in g ar yed, tke fOrther adj consideration of this article was postponed till seven o'clock avureto nuarom. The Convention resuembled at .the hoer appointed and was called, to order by the Chairmen Rey. Dr. Wallace opened the proceed. jags with prayer. The settstittnki Bir the 'Dwelt article was then taken .up tot considerition: Rey. Dr. Bretton moved to 'emend by adding, 'Until the United Mirth sh all pr . eptue a plater from the Bible which shall be used )th v a l, rip4 . " 13Y time M "arch. 'Not 'a 'to. ThCsubsti. tele' by a =salmons vote of the churches, adopted.' ' The:, Crolvsation - thei' proceeded to cornsider the fifth and last article, Den Mr. Roberta moved to so amend as that it should read, 'That the session cinch church shall have the tight to determine who shall join in comnomionth the par. peeler church committed to their care, 'subject to the' revision and 'control of tha superior judicatories.'" Not agreed The original utlelei and the pro Posed amenduient was then, by a unanimous vote, laid upon the table. The resolutions were then taken up, amended to read as follows , and near ' lefts; That we unite in requesting our reoactive churches, in their etipreme judicatories, to ' appoint a committee of five each, which shall consiltfita a joint , committee, whose_ duty it shall be to r meet at a Um. and . place- to be, agreed e end Proceed 'with all convenient dispatPerl. ch in an attempt to form a )vest s of union according - to:the principles of this rePort, which basis they shall sub mit to the aunties for their - .madders. iron sad adoption, it being understood that this is not oeidgued to interfere With thepezeling negotiations barrel:m ien between two of the larger . bodies represented in this convention. Boond, Ai there is so much agree- Ment am a/I U-came/Ma Mil resented in ong all ' ess e ntial matters of fai V' th, discipline and order, It le recommended that 41=47 and fraternal Intercourse' be /attested by Intercluinge. of pulpits, by fellowship with one another in social rearm meetings, and in every pried ay. Tkfrd, That in case the store paper should be adopted, a committee I.e ap.• pointed to lay this act of the convert. Lion before the highestdicatories of the redone branches of t he church here .Foortol, That the members Of thiscon-; vendon *bounty vote for the foregoing I baste of: union, -to be laid !before the I ; chniches, shall net, thereby, be regard ed an being Omitted to advocate its adoption when laid befOre the braiichei of the chutch . rely, bet 'hall be free tO act" to the indhutions dr/evidence at.the Urce, . . After tim adoptbm of the buds ofundilll and the resoltukins,. the President imaiP a few remarks, referring to the rusgal- 1 tilde of theinterostaintobred; sad cog. giattdatitig . the, conrandrus Non' the , peaceable, friendly Manner in which Ifs proceedings bad been conducted. Bev. James Bell, of lowa, then offer ed a prayer, and, at its conclusion, the PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE congregation joined hi singing a hymn. The Baldness Committal made their report, In which It is recommended that the, ant Thursday in May, 1888, be ob served as a da y of hamlllation and Prayer- Tho thanks 'of the Convention were returned to the oongratation of the First Presbyterian Uhtercie,, end to the citisema gatunally, far the brapitable manner of this, reception, and to the - rallroada the form to extended by then. communication wee received from John W. Geary, expensing his regret at being unable to respond to the invitaticui of the convention. Ex-Governor Pollock being discovered in the audience, he was invited to act as temporary chairman of the convention,l for the - purpose of tendering the en-' grossed thank. of the body to theill .Moderator, George H. Stuart, Esq., for the able and impartial- manner in which he had discharged the 'onerous duties of his poaltion. After appropriate remarks from both these gentlemen the convention ad . jaunted eine dfa The basis of union 'adopted is as fol. Pith.toq a: An acknowledgment of the Scripture of the Old, and New Testa ments to be the inspired Word of God— the only infallible rule of faith and prac. Second.: That In the. Halted Church the Westminster Confession of Faith shall be received and adopted as contain the fag th Ho e ly Scri syst ofem doetrinee taught in ptares. - ' Whilst the committee recommend the foregoing bath of doctrine, they wish to be understood as mcognisdng the or thodoxy of the Heidelberg Larger and Steelier Catechisms, and the canons of the Synod of Dort.— ' - Third, That the United Church shall receive and adopt the Presbyterian form of Church emolument kherla, The Zook of -Plaints, which is of ivine inspiration, is well adapted to th state of the Churcr, in all ages and rcumstan and should be used in th worship of God ; therefore we recommend that a new and faithful Ter mon of the Book of Psalms be prodded e i) as soon as practicable. But as widens collections of l'aalmody arensed in t h e different churches, a change in this re spect shall not be required. tar releirapit to lee rttutrarith thuotta.l PZILADELWILA, Nov. 9.—The Presby- Wien National Convention adjourned late last night, after the adoption of a basis of union. Dr. 'Hodges endorse -meet of the bash caused great The closing scenes were especially impressive. Eloquent addresses were made by Ex-Governor Pollock and Geo. H. Stuart. • resolution passed recommending a 'Limiter Contention next year. The members will remain In the city to hold a upecial union thanksgiting serclee to.morrostafternoon. FREIMEEITILIN the DIORN IIO BUIE.—Can Instil:deg be !rather than • 'morales rate er pane la Ita colon ? The one thin[ to It la Color la a healthy. Mt sam. and am Is putty It a Sao rear of teeth with a fra grant breath. The duetOt breath etfrad ranee ill VII.. a taltltfal • aselleallof of WAND% FLUID LTD POWDIRED aIiTTIIITIOIL . ASTOMllstiewer.—.• *entuses alms profs. Man' brustt blts Into 4 .1 1 / 7 bonsai. elm Mutt elute et sell on. Tat not • lltte annoyed by the &squat leattentlu of We Meads and all. bas at elfateet tun. tie wan to Mat tenable Dr a: Lima. teartes Me mud paean sad wit Tara sat so attreetlve ea atoldorbera, au mora les hat week, Ito mute:yens relied. &Mend '-teked to lbn that Ma breath nu use of the sad *trued Alta at ones tent It battle Plaid and Predated DOSPIIICO. 'Solt sae end Ma% - by JOSTITI FLIP= 0. Yule* street, and all &SUM& Shall Nature Ae Suitalnedt To etao dotalltattop tosalAsta to MI weak is about as aaertJa as It would tat to vita help ' a nub to hlsi het by blotto. Was ohm he was That Stott of practice Is toles ant of Late. It has Poled. moat tr. 1t S. th.t Imoas ho looser bolters It. If tamest/us an oat stralta est.* Otimet to arold the stacks of diaease. they nest ea. Laver to acostre the vigor heceseLry Jarman It. Is ittla to be dohs Clemson mate leg. tens by the ass of lashonatisatombelas. The net olLot Is to straorbsa the .Loom mttbettatzsluag TILL otdest Is accoothlboami by the Jedielsms zu1t...71 =Mel 7. oTOblat i ll BITTYLI. • • " • aw, ad* proDenhis eollblind in Oils preparstlOLw / 111 :normr..1m.07 are Xlite wad Iva. gen dleentos may and ImrProt. • • „: AIL: Lawn seujo germ. n nooti tiateeis yektiont ozetnly pm= the XVIAlsi frintry ettnialaUks tb•erliren an 4 BOW,WIMkto I °unarm, currni4 ocsms. o 4.o- • • BL/147/ATB. both tkivatlT ltaatanlntik ftllertiniva Preel 11.44121ZFAL •44 am: vairrz PLANBILIS. 1101 IMICSILIPTILB 600D3, la idtgnaei. CLOLTIA im4 19 1.0Q1021 aade R. Wm ' - LYNCH, -1(o. DO *kilts& tureeterttabertNril. pinCER 'HEMMED* ' • WHITE, ORR & 00., ==2 DIMS GOODS, AT Vier LOW PIIIOII2 nISSOLVTION or PARtlikrt.. •• been 11W artnrship - b./rubbly* taltt.' lug mo iiiittliks V. OPASULI.B gttrP l Ztt i llett r atWAra . l:llll!TL " t i b! Rayed by the trltbdtasal bf SAM Ca% 10RUfroto the MO Ono. be bovine Oi!jottad or hie totems. to GOOtttlY U. brAlliel.o U.. who trlll &elle Me Minus of lb* Isla hba. sad VIII Matzos 'be - buttons ott , MUNK, _GO. Sod atom llttßY aarnatm. it No. Runic maw, ermieraß. • • 4AIOIIIIII/LUIVID. Ausoess 011 y. lar, dW, Utf7.. • Itofloot • . HOPE. SPICE awaTanr, EPRXB. sucomim wll n fn poptorsptall Rinds oformv Amu cato M r ?: rallut, %MIS Jaw alwar.o. band. Bouti.lt daa• eall Boutlngs Aux 4 settklilft $lO9 FO!" TEN CENTS Lhejle. few more eubrerlaerf art reletred to 7 l , a•speede Lune of the Great lllestrated !R WBEILLY PRESS. Ina'63td.o3o22,Peoi.mirVill •r the mo.e nnm:nttb i ine rr wW be d 1t the Out tomboy. OM REAL LACES n vAL LACES HEAL LACES &KRUM & CARLISLE, HEAL ',tau; HEAL LACES. ECM PITTSBVRGII, 4 is.iiesisoir 411111LICZ DICLIMOII JOILN z isnAzi. cralm as sa narrg SIRCBT TOMS! TOBIES! TOBIRS! 50,000' NO, 1 TOBIES, Lancaster pail Spanish Cigars, va 7 t , llo te Ibe.trida tircau and eitinilne befox!e parchaslog,lastrerb ~ •• em It.. &. JENNINSON • I ::MtALECOZE.3EMISS Mt ivm lmpro ,yekawalt wßomui-TAlniiumAls., "-• 91 Liberty St. me CoT. mini, B 1 et 'CO. - . xacca:alEttraltuS 4 Ns. ;100 Wood , zuurramii:LiiP iiimnisis azsmuut,.-nurnias azeirasratoos• Fp:tit:kr. az AIM at ak . vaeoltla 1.41 salt arbolual• and retail trade; Wiwi lari.a:pacir tonndisto ankrarr ediumisi gairifi r As dilaa. • &Elms ==1:1 LiDll:6' UNDMILWICAB; HOUIVIE END HLOYEII: ZEPHYR SNIT HOODS; ERAWLE.IIIACQUEN RM. ins;ormuut El. XL. IaWrOINT' virtu alinsa ESTAIIIMILIED J. T. WRAY & BROS:, STRIN. e,' 1•:111ERT, 29 and 31 !rwen Street, prnsnumen, WATERPII4I)F CLOTH, Cloaking, Oassimeres, At LOW #II,IOM, AT WIG SEMPLE'S, • ISO 182 Fedieral Str*oi, Wrlesben7 711.E,NC8 .11.21Uh05. runaws, It[l'PS, =MO =ET is.* sonxisr.x.apso I NO •IB* PiDEAAL ST., 4LLlOliza7 I= EfUSLCUY. H6IIDICZ6OIII . s• AT WM._ SEMPLE'S, AO sad ler Federal Street. 6lijall, TAIIL EC LIN eN, cusk3ll. r4vFzias, Sip OkLECIE, TIIEI =EES rcrzow CAB& VItJLT CHEAP. •T vinur. SEMPLE'S, 101. 110 1001 183 [dna, Etrat, dlisglt ytcity, rat 1867. WALL JUDE.T 1867. ARBUTHNOT, SHANNON & COMPANY, WIIOLIMALL.F. DE47.44t3 DRY", GOODS, • No. H Wood Street, 7P-Awarigoiiircrart...csmf.,. °rims •S summit rimacres Dress Goods, Print% Glngtams, Cheeky Jeans, Tweeds, Cloths, metres,. Sathnis, F. a Di. Casslmeres, Flannels, Shawls, Skirls, White GOods• Bleached and Brown Domestics, A . YULL uweor • • Notions and Goode, Barred Flatusels, Of Exatem and home suantsetire WI /LILL MITUSITS NOB arrarrsauximcnacrvi FREEPORT BMIZBO FUNNELS, Greenville Barred FlanneLv qOMIY BIMM, ntlx,l7. oa ecomdwaxt. at XIII Faced: & Full Llne In allWelk &%,,, , .....al i tt„tartu a il call ami:malthe Ott; 116 Witted street. MIBIPTIIS6, SHARRON a to Esrixx cTx: VELVET CARPETS, BRUSSELS CARPETS INGRAM:CARPETS, NEW PATTERNS. 4 1 .tgzeg i p . Z.F11 Um; those or Boston, N • alv nqins 01 , 11/0. OLIVER McCLINTOCR & COMPANY, BEINIXD WEEKLY. Alm. 500,000 No. II Ihdeviii Stmt. ' ALUBIX;SIT CM. - Agytw4:. , : : suzigoi To ME! ' ' DII7IDENDS. TEM° ZlarlOaial. Baler, Zittaborgli, boraelber Sm. Iser. tarrar Roam; OF DIREC .,. TOM of refs Bank have declared • ',emu: Per COWL, tke Capltal•atock,ut of Oa aerator. of tee last no tree or (forenamed tad. Pare• &moo and after rondo, llta loft. llotadil JOBS y, LIVLaitiSTON. Castile, CMZI2IS NATIOXLL saes Or fretsimsz Ir. I Menem yn, Nov. 0. leC. WERE DIRECTORS of this aunt have DU day declared • Dividend of Five Per COOL, :1 1 7 1 :‘ gtvg..l,DrodY et tie ;z ..p s ,t .:::= , .1.32 d aner the ilte E. Baal) T. Jr.. Casale, •••.• •. • • aCZE.O at a , T!Caal.Nig? PTITAIO.3II. • a • Stlablarab. re., November; /W. -1 tarrlkE BOARD OF DIREIC. azialkAl2:g sllT.glitlZV' ed : . _ _ 4. ' 7 ' 7 Lb° DIVIDEND OF hIX . PER CrliT, neeenne tsz Bald by the rani etbelholdiethr *III be eml4 on and attar the 11th hut. nclthlt B. at. brierA'rePbehl.r, • rag-TuE itrAstoNE mynas 4 . 2 1.14—11. have Ma dkr declamt Dizettm, of thLs Zink Dividend of Thefts Dollies pir eikaVi.; 2i.,..1;„ sib. orValintrion. Nov. 6 60.1.67 IerTEI PREISIDENT AND D . tletiared • CE TOILS of Ws Book have ttla day R , .)/VIDISSIJ 0/./tVR on tta Capital *tort , oat of the proilts of the last i .oht.ths. vs bleb OIL tat p to nocatolasa• riegv...g.Trjattret, tiler the Taxes:- s • _•-• hottblaldS/ BOVEHMIII. caahlas. OfrICI Wisrour Dtscsunca co, • P/Mb.fith N0t.41141837. IarDIVIIIEND,=The Boat d'of •o•TdeelarettDlretorm of this Company bare tht. • • Omar= or inikaii 7WLImSR 'opon oath share of the Cepltal Stook. out of the Governmentle of Ohs last six months. free of e and State Saxe., Impale to etoolo• holders on end tiler th e Itco MIL P. HEAUXIST., Becietari = arDIVIDEND... • Orn Ch oPPitisruaoa ixWpAxci C 0..? • .Dovonnoeretli, LS. At manatee et the Hoard of Linear. of Ude C4Pho7. held OD day. a Dividend eras de hined,or . . '• ' Ten laitieuei - Pip sheen,. ~ :. .. (napoleon and after Jlittt tott ).1 la cosh and 43 to credit of block Duo 1111111, moll.' the atoct fob PgtitrP. tree or/M1.110124 tat:: - '.., . 0. o.' ivuxi, nottlll7 . ' Becrotaxy. 'Wawa OY TIM Tletraoll OIL COKYANT, • • : No. Minna street. Prrtsloraclu. Nev.*, ISO& I y gar- DIVIDEND O. b.—TILE • 'Board oflorectontettels Company Ilan tin day declared a monthly dleldend Of norm PaII'IDENT. Pxy . •ble on ,and attar !ha 15th In•tait, at this Tho trltUllfee Soo. VW be cloaca from thi oil tome lath len.; Intimate. WILLISag StIISSLICE, ' Secretary and Treasszer. =ME . TEN molt CITE NATIONAL BANN Or I erTIVE , DIRECTORPI of this Nook have able Aar .dedared a DITII-. - DEED to Ole atoetheldera, ON JAM! legal relLaaaath Una. 00 .124allae tea LUNITNO4 Tree of staUaall iraeoriter *Balder: ' . . Et=3:ll Gum:Az= r.%. far A 'BEM. ANNUAL . IDIVI. • LEND of • ndslua • PkOlisona r =via% • rgrDIV_IDEND. • • . uo. mt.uneson, . Sic,: t 2 ifoo nt binrth• .. October leaWO, The Director. of the Marine Company have nth day datlare. Montana or MA 1111 f.oNT. on the camtal. Bank. pa), ote at thla bother moan attar oloreinbea /aO7. Trate/tr ook& *toted. - . nOlfr ....E.III2IEHLErr. neetnnn7• TEAS I::TEASI Or ati Pikes and tiallit At 1' AL.. .3k X it S P SEEd. Der 17.r.,41. LC .• ELME 11Cr—Zilront. • . ..per Ina& j o e.. ELAun. e Bon - _ • rixteltwo 11.'4 1:11!4 UI beentrl. do.-- Lar cry ."" t 7 atiantelawir. Japan. Yana; /O it Oaf.° 7.4"1171.121'114‘k,'..?:"110' Cat tic &bare any andelit int what. Cat of Tea they van; antoo.empi; p toy quantity. and Iltnniclad by any or the a r.i. low WM Ca o. mpania.. who now carry goods at any Dann) to toe dolts some twenty anyway Wenn artinix.rfl:Pantetly trittautifars=• • RUM _ - rzxm ...In! Sad rodcral Alestisay. POE FRAGRANT TEAS CHOICE COFFEE, PURE c:lmi ROB=SONS, No. ;20 , . Fifth Str:eet tuna acre ..... ..._.. r.lora. JOHN TROTH . & SON ; 7m➢arWa and %%Wm,* . 7 - Trraliirt la VOEICION AND iNDUNNTO ' BRANDIig9; GINS, BUMS, . . wErlaxims, 807 Zailacartv SiStreet, OnOirrit Itemmentx erexze, Best Lave to Info= thetrltteada tbe *ladle ton:tem that thiphe.e opened treie .1, - eTZ g1T4T,4,%4 L". `'""" 4 ' 4444 rmr tb• • Obtletteuelk ot Znitt l etret` - ` 1 " c't tee surtor igulattleS um toll le be tb+et WA eybola theta:me. •Di'oc'VelollM:=l°l" ten OLD SiDDAD WIDD, And IniKtb: , t quilttlee of maraca moss o,: Orem left al No. el Duattrorn, Pft1.41 , Q7 atteasdet to. 1411 . 4 a. to ed . rsi aODD *MD It SOX. , HAZARD POWDER, Alf NOW POMPAItED TO ,auultallse. a/1 eidazi itnr lute as b°ll-1- 0 1 / 1 1108 tatEIIEATEW POWDER,. , 'All attars llatt at ar seat by waif to aty star% Sm. ifs.,et wrii rzoiaix. trrasxr. Alts. chemy elty, Pt., or to iOSI SIOOND BTEEZT.- Pfttgblgrgh, WM. +OMIT* =palm attuattob. S. a• B MA% B° N - DISP STOCICIS,. 4111111;BRAL =TATA - Apollo Bat!Alas, FoilMi Street = l{ - • hhhhh , ontiotad ll lonparoa banit s seta. —a Ga. = TWO mavosEn Tnotreszin Halt Spanish' egars, anit - nicnt ! en on antsin6m.nt. - 711 i Da jo)ti as' Eight Douai" Per Tfitinsand. oraci.of bluTp2F/ItL.ls 1161V . Ai, b!,46. WE• WILL alvEr. opt aw:UMW" 41 kill. r "511 hittf i z i f ' Hi P al. AI DIRIIIIIMIII RIIOO7EWOZZI. 11511:+u.s. t it, Matas,. A ll atbeav Ca. 1." ______telna.........._ ,..______!l___t A m.OOI.XICAV.TOttniST * I a:Thc:Tviaa' 14/(I,xtec:iIOBIRVSON A , ' '" 7". ="jg thrl". :;* 'LOCH PtrlkEpE3,..•!• riAußoticeakoLmas: c 0..., ..u•ate IIN#060:11tz,41!4);4,1.- ,„ .; leitc,l4l4l43l•••suaisilis FOREIGN' AND DOMESTIC DREOCIOIL • No. 94 WOOD Maw% thlr4 bonus aMn Eumon4 P1i7113178914 ra. tarTOE HEYSTOitIE 84v1111G8 DI —,,,M4`4-IZtrAvtlikuamc't I`lO -HO VIM. N0..4 Litman, *lnv!, op tp. TIIIILD 1101IDAY Ot NOVEIRSER, Reim... the hoar* of twa wit Ito cotta Ilk the zee itaxt opm TH4 T DAY. Ctrov. 1164 ing fee receivien sile... ng acpusite end doles Co general Peal . mmgmm Orr UM Or rlrr9o.loll 411. Minn AO4llll YISSYPOPP St. O. Cokrubr„ . .. 111u:burgh, Nor. 41b14 tarn:lE AINNVAL MEETING nir,m, Of the husekboWer,g Of tbeetsburgh Nl : lll M P .sl:Virtitilattla 111.111 4 b7, 7 . P 41 M 08113.117. NOVSJIBER 11211, 1847, • Xr-- 4. 1i. O'CLOCK Y. tt., • • • At which md plam • Boarl 'of Directors yilll eleetcd farina amide, yam. and amb Wirt Mistimes transactod may coma bafOrs the nallard) wx.ic.'24lllllC)i. Eirmstar. OP7l.ClPlsiara Fats. p.au.SPAT • • - Elltabara!l, Nor. bap, N INT 7.9 r ANNUAL. cia,en, lidt. e a t 'CYT:a"y. Pp: ear or Plltiqtorgek. be hold ' aa • 111; I . agf, , Nz f,.1.g1aat1.52a,t,.,.011 X01 , (1)1. T. Roe. place a 401.. rd Dlrettora will be Pia easultm yeu, aadazteb other Nutria . ..l tr,Nall acted ao may cease aernie the pocpUna. . D.:l'. COOWL'r. reamarr. NO. 'r tf o u A t f i n 11 .• g LAN! f ebouwnor the otee et the >L`o pte). at Oakland Batton, a L oo on at one •zr r, r 4 for tlly orutz of th.5g4,74044.r. antam putsbu ra U. -4r . 147. gr JONES '., FERRY CCl.—Tike knout lfeetleg of the f toekbOlde-re of ,5 ",.... Ff.ft/o.m.y wilt Do he /4 wa AWN& =t it , hoeuabet ettb, it ii Wank a. 111 .. ai • /.. D i :: ffortd* g Ve t' As her i r ie . dO V tr ' ll=l! dr. 111/ he DDI./..Orgeoe . l/ ot Dean Ha true. "Ztlray " "y,..1!1ib.1174r',:—.T. li t e , .. "''1...1 EiraltAttlf,r,l,2 .1 . tares E VEZON _ ZOICT FMCS.% 1//111CCTOILY of this Corey/my. to Sire. for the enetdu you. rein De held at th odlce, No. ID Water Meet, as Toeinday, lith day of November Nemt. Between the Loan of a. mk. fitIOZET. oe34:zto . ~ 'CITY CONVENTIONv-The vut.b. ge .l % 2ol Z . Arartillg.d ° ll: ° 7 l 4.ls Ihlp.•olleSed to :A Mr soder the act of eon. soildstlos.) will /sect at teen must Num at holding elecilphe, op . Saturday, Notentber 16lb, 1867, Ittewer la the bonnet V wad e Wench h. at., and cites by - ballot. two delegate. to represent esti Ve " hertt on 4 lag I L AT. Tali ' Alt u tg " 111 "1" '- ' oTdoelt . so., St 111. Common Coasetichl'estr. nr the Den... or, not tattoo nitable entel. flAttalb o r r itg a oza:Onttoller,.. Trousers and So- 810th1 baptize., election Te n thth menet be Om • ward. see for the ward wilt held st the: PalAto .Onotot Anneals gala wards se- Itl74lll*ew e i ' rag es c telt" ogflr :, f 1 1: 1 11:LIgrIit" , "1".11V,IP.I'W"'.. .Lave .see 14 the Third ward. The COmmit ;g 1, ;r 11 / 1 1 O; `., LT:1 0 .41,1 5 ,1417,m, u1 T 'oh's°. . T. fr. PAWS. - - -• ' Chstrount of Comentee. ,---, "AL. Atristrbe, Emmen. ~ no.:111 NrItIIEHCALIOTILIE. LIBRAIOLY • LEO'LL"../TI?,ES.":: The' LILOTVEZ B SOS, TWIELTO sot'now. gad l'r or tll i g:lntic aj. a d trl . ag i pk r btl i p . Rug TON. LibnilAol. 'Roams. $4.00 .I.lei. B. wort.. on. V. licOuroLSES. Emu. T.' strxm e, aae. B. Monoor.L.lna... ouvra LzKov, Wit. P. 11211 inst. arNOTIC • • _ • Moroi PA.,.. rt 8,:7), T'alkZirtki;t/eloberklat,te67. c. ' The Interest /the 11/. 4 tf fo rtrege_B rLooventrortb Dravelt, r. 6 6. .y .„ Tu reat e= ttITIET, WlT;etklder i preeentatlan of tI rD 0,0 1: - 11 1 4;VafflOVP8., t3l=7.7tc . e, New / York, ort.d tont • NOTIOE stackhold.;' Petroisgeg, h 4l7,3.nx tiVglt b has of Thome, (I) CcerSo b rell Beloa has beta tetlulom the Capital Stock of the Celt. buy, etatt to De applied In Dorchester thf hue menu ag the CoseetaLT. payable fontrfito, ee ntg . b . 47 . .r,t.Ooettetto, No 116 rot/rare 1., stoeteui • • B.l9gitaTreastsaa.;, Ftifoil to) Mt' II51,:l nr . A. IMBILITE ' ' MA: ll i i ' IC IF IC EN.T COVNTHY .- us MET(OIt AT PUBLIC llALT.—Tbana min bo 'd on . breauxes. ati TIIUZIODAY, • AJ'TSHISOON. IOoM II /h. et 3 o'clock. Me gess, eel reslitence of Hai Walt., .K.E.., tot alto me.' Erlebton tem& near Me secold toll s h o o t Tim (Mad. moms& of %n acres of •morg .11. Mad. under a bleb state otos/ants. on omen /al tale u1`:17.67.2g ''=.":4°111. 1 ,17 1 ,11 • 11 : 1 t;v 2.,. .e.iimz - lc—fiz s lig gn i rerel! IT%Earn and abentlmt spring Ismer. Tite , morts,Mthedwon'en9l;st 'b otrie, XI i rr; 1111 beat Oendltloas ill addltteb to ali other Ems.' Menem. le o conlems the Mealsable am:assorted 'ailfgle.LVlretr.7.7Z.rgll::°:MAtt, ' ... In Me come, There arc the Emu ant. beedes mult-totto, mum, La, Tam li e aood. Emelons tarns with stabung the Wahl, barna. Also, a Kardeneredtotlee o'roncrOottist Tt7itßan,ft'ftli.trmLlititrlantatotfett_l_slit the Err. aedenly one Earl mlle terrtelletnec • li t rg= ( e z,,,,, . t . r . :, v ....,.. 1 ,.... . alf t dete run Amon mat sa nteggla Migt: ' erlit—Aa frota VEr '" atteeTllfbe 03 . 3 tlat= ' gond Memo. to...KEAKew Iftlsr ottatike,-eddelv Is- the best raa4 ibr dratairs' travel lesalas from tea .lour ns exuelabs - ,t , , :a . e e t=l , l / WI ty or tz , l.• meat cananlL-: meroctrolly TA4ll.fog Me g il y of ieie, / Terme — One-Chlrd con, talaace Um (Mr years, , • ......______'noE '' ' ... its rederm tit.. Allegtunry, ', , yeILIIIAT(LIE .161081174:80..PR0r.':' mrty us xavni Eirstrr. ' ,' .., AT ALVICTION.: ''• • ' ' --', Ott BAIIIIIDAT, Niel Muer lath, al ECM ay,'' an the pretelsas, mtil be sold. Eta very valuable, , Lot otelrommt. Not 32 jrerin Acmes, D• a Croat ore) Met, , . 1 .110Int•blek ip f eet. MUM ' A rrn " ar3l% We ' r h' s= l to depth a i t7t e t ' ' ' i large threwitorleA bel t warehonai. let. prem... emoted Ertl. Ardetco CM Inc ,I having Seat cstotUng.roolos on arst a seems 1i0n,., brick P r o alt Sad zeta cotopkte The locatlon ur Em_ gny for Wane. ;or sit Mown aacellinW , rAg e r .l,d ru st ga to th . atEratten or bestnento be rented ai EOM itegnaatte'. tin ..!" / Tarmargheoextra=kirg. otiAto r t i, ' 84' - , Sot ..__=,,. .treet. YALvAnue • HANK - STOCKS,: • jt.o.-TUESDAY. No vember e i ttb. Ai ad sle street ras la Cans Fierestau btattonal Baal. O awes Allegheny National Bask: 20 shares Iteessad ristiosatihask. ' ,Iteshares National Rattgag sag Starlet 00. - holt WM tittstrartes Irealt-HaesstlLasaehtl'ar YelLlVALNl.Asstlasess. • VALUABLE LAND Thrfebeter w wor e i it Male Folk on 17111183.0 . 11 . 1 4 -210 914[Blei:.elw,.ewerr, • • la trrto°l=Mairengt olgedtitelled miles f TGT rookYltutensb, toot albs balOwaoosre. ntaaar t sall oj a/14 , , below coat B/Oli, 41.111"i)1411617.1441414%; MIA JUMilisOlt.. ism% 1113,1kiN 4/411.a41.1114atiairilifig:), • • NDEltStilw & WiLSOII ltEerolmilt Tailors, AND DICALLRS swims IFITIMISUING„4100.1)0, us num HEM Jim received, oir ran con ifitstitr Steet Clotht. rummer.. Tr inarr.emraantada sad thnitieauteve acmccacit UNA.. Whita 'oft Rt.:DP*4lO make• Div ty. haw at) "1/1.1 NEw strt.Es , • BISURK AND GRECIAN: SUItS, EAL:t:&. • Ern. et.:11:1111Ile COCOA MLAlWililigitl, 4T nyoszc AtFaor...Etax..t Asa ifidARLAND." COL4IB,' . . aw • ,-- MAIO, slJlrraisTrufatV,,, BOAIIaDINGA elletant. To isoosaar roarkierracoxlarat;,, oltortlentasr sait wit* _or does soaraccem ozneit h .bormtdgivav: 05t00..... -ADM, ,TT GAIIIDOMICJIE4LEO. : " A WI Um. mim,- AtOgery ttlee' ill I ltd sag fo on »Aet r assortaunt ale 0411...Viin a tatly 8""4 ekilitinTeillarit- • All/ban, yc 71, 4 41 4 1 - t lin it* P 4 7: ll : l lll ." . b" iiim u ' ao r, 'th.-- 11117 . -be. - bO y~ * ;: tiud444 Qemt4oll 2 . 4 .Thtm 44, Jitst 4itocr. iti4 Tian Ot buttcl. &WA< 5...1 -Tranear rot. weltiripmr swiss, eqeituiy dity: At the OLILLAND OBEEZIOMP-3. veal II r=za