The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, November 11, 1867, Image 1
THE DMZ -GAZSITE, rustannsn zrziniicwaxe, unnmArs arcorsa.) PENNIMAN, REED& CO. • N g24, 2 3 riAbiei 4 ll,- T. If. PIITIVIITAT Xl3O. T. P. 11 0C/11)1 • 2. p. lot= ThiatTess lisztsger OYFICZ, GANZTTE BUILDING NH. at or 1111 turn 1111111X1' ink ppirlpu hpet or Uteri !ezujitstis. OPIUM Pag i i i )P g r air elGll un LAX14 . 6m2m , ,T1 LEA!' 7Z.11.7L7 Tilt{ OT TZT DAILY ... • • ••• • • Mert=Warnei7Frlreek• Yell Pouter per yew....... __ _ jadi”le. . rrrranunau, Cie. littOrittO Gapth Philadelphia the decision of the humane Conn in relation to the Tanning' of sheet unison Sunday, is regarded as i practleally conclusive of the whole agt• tenon;. and as many establishing the right of the company to hat on all days of the week. The only form of proceed ing against companies or individuals for engaging in running cars on Sunday be. log •by Indictment, it is held that in 'view of a public opinion, !sustaining Inc h Fannies, indletmeats will hardly be attempted, soil if obtained will not result in convictions. Same of the lines corninaneed mains pate:day. , LITERARY NOTES. Mrs Jessie Benton Fremont, whose RUM Is almost as wet known to fame mei the American public as that of her husband,' is - about to maim another plunge into - the literary world, as a Dash toluene from her pen Is announced ready fee the mess. Twenty4hree more volumes of Madame Nitwit are announced as about to mate their appearance In rapid au ciiitsion. Three novels freer the pen of Dr. Mudt, her husband, are also Warta to be issued by the Appletons. Literar ily the /Dudes are prolific The literary' wren s of the season are few and scarcely' noteworthy. But few bookaare being issued b 3 the protium:at houses, and those few are - composed principally, of editions of Dickens and Christmas gift 'hooka. • tlf these latter we hare seen , none as - yet, and there are unusually few announced as • forthcoming• Magazines, on the con trary,.-Us multiplying in "heaps upon hew," and what with the old and new; the native and foreign; the quartalles and monthlies, we bid fair to be over- wham's& in a flood of ephemerae; or crushed to death beneath a weight of light literature. The public appetite seems to erase aerial, not salons food, and as the, leadbig Eaglish novelist ro t:mpg, remarked, ther"norelists are our lertaon.. ',filters," and 140/110ftle4 our teachers of history, literature and gen eraLknerarledge.. Speaking of Trollope reminds ni of the announcement of "a new Irish novel from his genial pen.. As an Irish norellat ho was Sot a *navies, and imam sure that itoras with unmix ed regret that his readers, whorin name is Legion, iecelied his announcement - that the good people of Barseuhire bad madetheir last ,Thew new lileh people to whom we are' about to be bi troduced are no doubt 'delightful, but . the ethics are old and Intimate friends, and Ward "ulnas 'tills our hearts as we thii last time ;add, adieu instead of an' . . A Now York musical journal gives dor following good bit .07 advice, which we would all do wall to think of some— Units: When, as .coacerts or private patsies, where music is being , perform ed, never converse, no matter how's's:- lons you MO N, to do .so, or how many persons you may see doing so; retain, alai, from beating time, humming the. aim,.applauding, or ms:king ridiculous cestn_72.4 enrrilt~. wale pro- iiooice . lby Joao Were, or Delaware, lasi. weeln . • • "John I?i.7ones, for forgery of an'in ilorsement note, Was sentenced to y slat Of $2,000, tobe In s pa ollftfyectilinement for threeimprisoned month; to stand =bloat in the pillory and to wear a fclon'n jacket fbr sir mouths after his ramie* froul'iwisact. • ...7beetuta °Aver; a negro, on his own piingstay, in dine most: atrocious cuff saisult and battery, with intent to. rape r fru • sentenced to pay lines antoautbtg to $1,109, wed all the costs of prosecittices * : to 'be innidsoned. twenty yens, to stand In the pillory one hour, to be hipped with sixty lathes, sad to mind. 'canumtted until the sentences the court be complied with, ,There are two chines pending easiest Oliver to a tied by a Caart of Oyer bad Termi ner, end ea one or them is f capital feta, it is welter probable that his term, of Imprisonment , mey end - before the' period malgtettlby the Court Thii,tort ;Old:ladle Age batharity : ls AUDl:anted on in fall forcein one of Madre polo, as . groin above. -.It 11 almost incredible; . it in .beyand it carrieentiiieck to the tutu ilia' Pi ritiniali was faineant in New England,. when tntoterino Was the Viols more .es teemed. than all the 2Vlrtuesi. when the blue laws were not things of yore,' and childreri were solemnly chrittened With a Whole chapter or Numbers or Leviti cal. One could get Hiwthonut's &ars•r let Dater sod, sitting inthe open square in Newcastle or DOI`Pi, read it while the scenes, most creel fad berbsron, vent being entered before hie very eyes, We do net Want to sr pelf ;bumming; we have no &tire to anti our Butt: stave its ifilghbolfsfbut We do %tank God that DiFasylnala isnot ai; I,l4arDelawatt, oar lielonlatinsighlerr.bi4 . 4kfigin u disPhYlvg-tbi r, oc touokleg =a up to `housikiibleadritu• Up to thit areCOXIARPtr-lran *dal: 'Wm asi the ibUerfbili (=ln* An unMalantikind tither notttriatY, has-been" given anicmg newt. Apar Liu people,' abut; to the Dame 'of 'Vanderbilt, brtbe application of Conte VandaWit,' the patroger;i far-4h thane, in beinkruptcy„ from his debts— amoustint Mover Afty thomanddallaes —ln iiii‘..irprn onts dollar, upwards. Tbs Coeditor,,isildiet the Hon. Horace erseloy-418,005.00, borrowed money. We Mime in - holding , every .man to a Mkt heamidability folds owp adsmul weds; but the dispocition mMifestal id soya quitters to hold , the .Clommodorg responsible for his eon, white he has not whood him, is, In our oPinion• on- Just. It is. Onlylfair towards the Com , niticm for us to as y this; and we take in saying it, notwithstanding — rissatateale little wantof am ability perhape, in a mina his years—lareplyinetos good nature lin ter .from us in alorsomontroversy into which he recently drew as. • The stun is huge; to be eure,for Mr. Oreelay to lose; but itillunrates Ms characteristic bonen. vino; If anything could tempt us to trot borers for money,weshoold be In clined to do it in this cum, and Ceti the Ode 11012 q to Mr. Greeley, as he la one of our moat distingulabed centritmtors— provided he woad consent 'to it—to mar& making up. his tummy loss at the loads of the younger. Kr. Vanderbilt. oninnodoro Vanderbilt; In 'a Dud which he publishes over his owe almus. tam a:poes sss willingness to " enrich " gam "worthy charity. by ello*lng one of his:harem to trot aping one of our., in a public rave: a challenge quite safe for hint to make, knowing ma ha does that we never trot for money. Now, is Wilms us that it the Ckmmodore Le real. ly Anxious to "enrich" SOtte "worthy charily" it Is 'quite easy for him, Inas. sunek m he Is said to be worth abautfilly Ddlikom. to do so without descending. in his <Adage,. to trotting bona for gate 111101261% There would be less notoriety, but notion merit, item= tons, in mak. tog a small contribution privately. A** diusittstkk chkam Wad 31.,Peterson, died the Whet main/ bon Mtn/retie of poison adudnligared to bias wine Iltapherry wine.' It fa not hatowaL by whom. bed the general bafirebbinlathat It Wu aims of /W -ebb. The ..Transa• hiatus the Corona beau* although cognizant of thabote. be Dads no lemealgationa, and allowed the body. to be burled without an In• FIRST EDITION. MIDNIGHT,' THE cApprax.. The Bradley-Fisher Affair Judge Fisher Sustained The Messate and Nationil Finances. Circular from General Grant ligallections on. the Elections Proddemi WM not be Impeached engressfonal Investigathig Committees. Delegation of slopobooAmen The Ithilbanahig Ordei CI7 Telegraph ta the Plttabargh gazette.] ;Wgsnrsaiolg, Nov. 9,1647. TICE '.IIIiADLEY-11.1ittglt DISMIPA.LItia 'YR. BRADLEY Imo( Till In the Supremo. Court , of the. District of Columbia, to-day, Mr. - Bradley read a statoment in answer to tho rule of Court for him to show causewhy he should net be excluded front the bar es apraeticlng attorney, owing to. his • difticulty with -fudge Fisher. lion, Robt. J. Walker =dean argument In Mr. Bradley's be half, when the Court, through Chief Jim tice Carter; sustained the order crritufge Fisher, beretbfbrennule, suspending hlr. Bradley as a prod:Maker at the bar. ChisitJustioo Darter, In the murmur his remarks, said it was a painful duty, bath wanumesiarythat the Courtshould sustain its dignity . and punish the mo lar:Bradley 'thanked" the. Court for the delicate • manner 'in which It had announced its decision, and said_he hadlong ago contemplates" retiring alto gether from the bar, but ttudthe present manner of severing his connection with. thepl Court rendered the separation more uneasant. ' Three Judges were prcsertt, vim Car tor, Oita and Wylie. J udge' 'Fisher was TUB I'ICESIDZICNIIXS23.I.OB. It Is Understood , a large portion of the President's forthcoming =cloaca will be devoted to theconsideratiotafthenational finances: In a conversation with some gentlemen a - tow • oradisgs since .M.r. Johnson said, be regarded the ilnanntal question es the nowt important now before the country. has no sympathy with the views _rottener sat- forth by either Butler or Pendleton owthls sub, jot, but agrees vrith .the opinions of t3eo4 . rotary McCulloch, and believes in a con tractton of the aur ency. and a . speedy return to specie payments. • lINAZCIAL 31.A..T1E1121. Tho National Careers'' , printed foshippedr the amounted to$317,100; ditto , $75;9V,9 Including Including 6106,000 to the Coated States Depositary at Cincinnati. Ns, timed bank notes honed, it 50,330. aorao tionat currency redeemed, 6110,403. cosswev*nvr. srasNAnz. The President will be serenadol on Wednesday night ander the envied. of the Conservative drm,y and Navy Union. Other organisations will unite in the Genend Grant hall Weed CittTair, through the Adjutant General's office, as fellows: All clerks anti 'employees of the Basin. of the War Department are prohibited holding ootrunnnionlou on bositless, ddring offimluntrArwith claim o other persons not specially an- =r by th e Chief Chlef of the Bureaus to tranaut with them such business: Ali clerks and employees of WO. Depart-, Meta Bureaus are prohibited transacting , am' public business pertaining to their °Dices with any claim agent or other person at any time.. _Clerks and, employees will imme di ate ly Men tho chiefs of their Duiluts the. name of any imam not belonging to the office who may COMMrUIIeaW with them on any public - badman of the attire, and also the nature of inch business. ' Any claim agent who shall commuoiosto t ; T r, or Mho Itia=e;War - Depart= office than the officers in charge of Abe' several branches of the su ch, with an thority in writing-from such officers, will be prohibited from prosecuting his business with. the Burnous of the War Pviutrteldta =Yea tbetle• , =was or Atritre-e;'-' Gem Giant has directed that no leaves of absence for army eliicera be granted, or eren.oonaidered, =lees :applied for through the regular channels, and that applications& ouudde parties wlllnot be heeded, .Thisia dealegml topsitaa end to that abuse:of ppoollttllmll influence by which eertaln .orneets bropennittattte slay away from their'eonimanda 'and piton derded,leavea they ought to ;have. rosTornce AlTa=mui;ms. The Poslmoster - Genend hes appolntoct Bay Myers Arstitant Spuetal Agort - ofthePostofftee Department, et the pay of sl,ooo,per sane= stet itp, per_ diem. to 'Ake erred Nor,' MX 1867.. ISTLiXISOATIE ER DEILAOATIOVi. A delegation of , ataamboatmon hes arrived to confer with See_rotitrylfcCal lock in refereneo amending and mod. - ifTll2g„atenthbeat lima. The deleig-_, tion mu- hooded ,by Captain . . Shark 7, of Lei:Lavine, and the 2 =e;e . are from:P,lttebtugh,-Cincionattnl24 I,rater , trotraa DEnnerstiV Havana telegnun repor . . - A Havats , Lb w: de. ettuatton of the lighblentee IgKeY Y9:90. by the Ina tenible gee, end the sttepen , 11 °n Pstking cFnsegneneb• .• ttairiaai tiftbilLaiia 'Fate:WO**, tor , tha , Enka- pastatuta AO% tat wbkh Gen ttar and BrOWII • - word tentetcer-:attai Utak bairrilmar • Drat flltinar wtalti 'ha* 6 4 11 40.00 1 '1 1 .4. ule;ww,;afirapkgesl.- • • &Lark "NA. " 11 , 7. •idattaAnia lout Wan r atualscatiat `tort an itakiar Court at Havana to tab. • AM -up ati • ' "' • -Tha - nnelpts- of Intanak:Reittaw Car ^el owu carnspoodent4 Iteil•Otella ON AN naetlana-.11. . . s..r-Th.. • Waartnni, Foy: 9, MT. lIETLECTIOIe itaanose. The elections and the defeat • of the partyof progress and liberty ant 'of course, tho subJoct , of most earned oda: motion hero during , thaseidayst When one foldouts upon what the Copperhead Porti*Pr.# 4 :' 7lll 4ol Aca ntuntltund elements, If lemma tndy a =Mar of profbund wonder that.mniorliles any County, Brats or Nation could he'found voting for US Ea whatappears stmager over, than' -this, *that oniatidzsliditY, calling themselves Republicans, coolly odvising now - .eldratWo - Ca W aU PIE* IWI. of principle, now and other policy for the. Republican Tony. The woak-hneed, who have . been the sutlers and' camp- followers for dm past ~ sows ifcars, are ng 'uto c neW, as ever,•looki'''P ° "" One „hears at Willard's the buss of a dozen knots of wise-acres who . uknew it would lw just No; nigger suffrage won't do; tho Bspublkan party mast cut dear of It; most go into the market. and figure for the ruusdoduence and the_ FCCILIA TOte," Clie, and to the end of too chapter. Mrusty • rens . gam& er_.ol4l: *44 .4)* smisi A atectisswithout a just principle were • thonaatid time. wone than defeat. Thew men who make a trade of peddles and deal In the misOnturon of the coun try as nuncbandise, wars, jouly a b, sw d by the dexerrs in a powerful index of the 21st alt Here wo find the odd, Im pmelve whose wool Le eaten up with volt-ambit on who outs only for stutems and . woul d win it through say oven , the 'useancse a:moonstone.' • lion; we your tenoo won watching .for the aefo sidO etttklultd9 to Jump. The MU ue dpppyprisig /Oak smialcon4yonnell. Er their way On do& to see whethw p Nwohorto sink or nor. You placed %stae wiafter hr a light so powedttl in the adideadridid to, that Inter the reader Ind Mbeirittim weskau bfpars. • :i , , : i. )q , , , T.{ 4 144 olt. : :TT ir,.1,7,',./, ".,- 1-lit Li i' ii i 'i ~ -C '..• . . • .. • ', .... - A - 11 ,„-••:8, \t , " 11 1 / 1 .- / 5ft.6 4 . 11 , ---•-1 1 -, _.. .. . _•. ! :_- .._ .-.,_ i.- /, -...,.178. -._ • - :•• '.. ••---4 . , . a .. ._ ..,,1,..1_,,..,._::„.„,..„,,./,!--11: ... . . . . . , , . • -- - • .e.... . ... - ----_ \\'' ''g ',•/ /- -'- - . ••"' • . ~. . , - • . . . . ...: . .. .. t . . . . .' .:.• ' - : '-• ' ' ' .:',? . .'...'1-- . ' • Nt ~ ~..kiski .; ,':. 1 . :;:-;;;;-"': ,. . -, ,• 7 i'f.: , . . tillpr l . •-: -. „ I -- . ; )•.5r..,• 7 4 , . .! . .!3 •, .- . • 1 1) .• • .: -•,:_. -..: . • _ , Pi I j I :• • . . ~,,,,, '''''',.*-4,7_,.. --• ve., , ''''''... - ... 4 .. ?.,... ;,,,1t£5,:`,.„ 1 7 .? ~: ~ , 4 ... , -....,.._- ..- ~.,..zp.,„o,- .. -,..t.-- , --'• 1 ~, i , .. , I'•i) ~i,Pri, ; m,`:'::! --- 1.,% - "",,,,-:"" , ..,,,,.; k, • ~........44., i t.. , ..,e..T.' '''' ,...' V; -.4i. `t• •• . 4 -' ' _ . • , i .....\ , . .. ' . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . ... . . • ' -, ' , . .. , .• , . . , . .. phasing ft. lint even here ono hears ce csaionly the other side of the case. Your correspondent was drawn to a knot of listeners the other night by deep and earnest voice of a line faced, intellectual man, who, after listening for some time to those who had decided that we "must go In to win" and make no promises and have no principles, thus addressed them: " Gendemen : You forget apparently that in altering for votes as you praFtwe, you may Iwo on the one hand as much as you win on the other—posaiblymore I Inn party which has eared the Republic there moot be some who believe Minot tice sad-truth ^ for their own sake, else they net se freely - hate staked their lives in scores of battlodields In m ance . or.boch! Remember. that in selling out the Republican party you cannot guarantee a title to the trAide es tate. There remain In It souls purer than gold tried in the Are, which no auc tioneer. eau transfer by At blow of his hammer. These believe in th e declare . don that 'all men are created opal that them is no elaseor race upon whom me be placed withiumunity theburdens ofgovernment, while at the same time they are denied its privileges ; that the man, black of white,. who ' pays. and lights must vote,' to quota from Jefferson. LIMY 'with impunity,' and I mean it, imeause you shall find your blind giant, in some dayyou least apprehend it, will topple down upon your temple reared In fraud and by unrequited toll. Dis appointed ire your election you rush with indecent haste to this or that eon eassful man, and crawling beneath his mantle and peeping out trout under his legs you cry, ' Come od now, come on; we have no principles; no traditions; no history. We ignore the post; we live in hopes of a future only as wo succeed. I% e go Into this mutest with no banner, with no truth, with no rallying cry to stir the souls of mon and Marshal battalions to the fight for righteousness. We have simply, as you see, a candidate without avowals, without friends, save such as worship success. Statesmanship, knowledge of affairs, culture, lofty morality, cornett tact devotion to great prhadples on which nations ground themselves and grow great—thate are nothing; We wor ship samosa. -From all curio persona I turnawayr and suiting the action to the word, ho turned on his heel and walked oat of the crowd which had Un tamed in silence and with-respect, and after he had gone, by common consent, dropped the snidtwt. The preacher had rendered himself dlaagrecoble. Ha was one of the "tsunami" who had doubtless smelt rotten eggs in the days of chivalry and fugitive alove•hunta. . • . • SO IXPEACIIKENT. Congress moots LA two weeks. Thor will not impeach the President That fa looked upon as a fixed tact. They dared not gaterward when they had vast ma jorities behind them and the whole case before them; or rather, at lent, they did not. Who looks for courage now, when each man of them to considering hewhis re-election is to be compassed In a dis trict which would have sent this tall, it it could, a colleague, politically, Hof 'John Morrissey! _ - . = A 151cetal from Washington to the Express says the frids or 'ftnator WU" son, chairman of the Judiciary Commit tee, assert be will kill the impeachment Project by his Casting vote.' =VI2rrtGAIT3O CONXTITESS. Congressional Committees aro busy lelup and into reputed jobs and . am, One has navy matters In and there are report; of contracts let in the interest of - Mr. Fox, of the Navy Department. That ha .had any thing in It is as strenuously dueled by "Vindex" arid a score of earnest MlCribm with benevolent rumw-deptume. Mr. Fox had over enjoyed a most excellent repu tation and if now wrong has steered this tank late. It is stated that no testimony has as yet been taken benne the Ass , . 4 l moion Committee., of wblett General Butler is The Investigation Into the affairs of the Pay Department has taken a very wide range the committee having. held se. I alone n various arte of the , country. Their report will, It le believed,' be 13:11140 at enearly day and • big. The Payliaater, , *sew ti mnaa.of high,oghlal.D#OVerlirla the Department; all Ake i meld dbvea lt,beamaltobalA/111 mtructsmlapi, elo-s,- lint In the , :dlabanteement, , „ef-sala same In wail= and vennair ::leglook. by. so many different, men: it would be strange if some walitigr - 4headd 'not lie perdu which the contealtinewill . beuble tubring to light - TEE COLOn&D talttpi t Theattempt to Kamm and disarm the coictred battallen.cfnAo' Marla la found to be not quite ao ealy. Ms Ex cellency gave General .Grant the task, and the , nerat seems to him misunder stood the scope of the order. - Re has al. gledlt to all theDistrlel iolunteartroops. In doing this babas stirred up a newt of hornets. Fents; Turner;,fihuttintti Feder; returned greplAck*— a 1 are botch-notched by the “tiltmdee of glen. Grant with the pear .nlortmt."' .13y an authoritative publication It aft, pears, as far as colored troops in the tils , laid are concerned, that they are, as I Mated in my .of honor ably dlseletrged soldier, and' sailers of the Rated &stet army and navy. Tho foll o: owingliftromttha publication refer red t "We formed; sit the =matinee. a Col eyed, _Soldiers' and Bailors' .Watlorml Lowe; for, whose record Hsu can by =on,, - refer to. Brevet : Bcrllga~ddier Chokes Qt noward, Asastant Comnilasioner, Bureau it., F., and A. I L. The object:a of. pervorgimlzatlons are benevolent, viet, toolitleal. The armed portion of the organimUonsla made up of those men who purchased from the Orivenuneut-the arms they were .per 7 tueVirt ita defence, and veer eirs UMW together to resist no law- nor intimidate any person or pumas In the community in which 'we= reside, but to keep np the associatlona engendered by our companionship incamp.. Verily the wicked flee when no man .punmetb. ' 1: -' .14A108. ANDzIAVIII AMERICL P , , , ..Tfitir!.9l. 4 uw*Tt 2 .eim•Ll i NOW Yoirr;zol,74:; ." kaiwi* Attar of the West hat adiletefrom Central iithAicktipiC, -.— ' ' - . , Ali . EV3411.411' letala(stinialia to get rip a Awolutlentitli , Proved ' Avoiding tots** iJas number -4 'deaths rtomr, , thoremartioweat ilfthor Led biCl...._the ofi 0 . ~,....r. turntantetitei Aialst .is teulklitettinadebetween Mew. the OW The ; .10V , thannacil aa ou ta fess. UMW.* .. , provettilay. the survoy llpEttf....r 4 ' dd' ;Mod SO 0011Tfigkecelt theilay Ica , want of a da rt:l or yriormit.7 - alartalshing for 101iii10: 'il, ' irairobtaihed and boldness = w bad' th. , " i,, , , d i• ` Lad. been riastdo;Wrie . by' it - ti 1- the Ironed States. °win te tiretatfif. mkt.. pope . OM etl • -The reportthaaa irtienhateran Slimed upon between - SOW ittiditailla is doubted. Th 9 itthatAtOti IAIM7-Elouth are entrains greatly goeftxtdr,' , - - -''' 'rho revolution. 'lntittesi le, gaining grata& Pnakr,blet tbe, belld:br , 45 .QQ° =CA mereuinteuelust the Kfurotatior bru. but unseetestout radstanoe. A Lints late of October =ct says, a revolution had broken out In two pm vhsoettit the Muth - and five bithenorth. Araguipe2of Tinxille, had also re veltedotad". Clevenger was killed at thatlngn g. - Col. Delta had been Raked to take charge of the revandocary fames. Prado had arrived at Yaley, and was abontto match asminat'AraoMpa. A Chill letter of Coacher lOth say. It is now stated that aniasagepalsod throne' Paraimajust bolero the bombardment of Valparaiso, In ISM, beating_ Instructions front Washington to Gan. Kilpatrick and Cbra. Rogers to prevent tho bombard ment and protect tho thy. It arrived too late, however. Tim Chills= propose 'wading aid to Prato to enplanes the revolt in Porn. A Panningteller sent tho ease of 310s gas was still betb da z a : i b i e d i C d o a l , o i m f blan thi l d it a u. militylespotism had an;4 l l7g to do with the powers of Europe, but Congress Is Convinced, to the contrary. 11.111 raid oak* • liolibers Arreetiod. or, !Vies h to cu Plttsbnralk esastte I htsttrans, Nov. —Two passenger tidos on the Mississippi Central Rail= read collided last night, near Grenada. Moth engines were demolished Only a no broken/anti/4e injured. Crehotoatuidiehnrig= were arrested here yesterday as t rohbers the Seilihere EIS icas Oil co at " 4 9 101 3. 'Palm, a taw, days titaa 4 . 1. • = CC= Friar; November 9.—Weatolh the re. coondobtzlagyessehell ppm IA Xiks tms ifter• 1 , 4: 1 : 1 0P)atli:V:IlvaiV 31 01 ... ALIMMOr• fotter from Me OM Opm• moaner-11M viers on UM Tinaurfal Anesum. rßiTeerron to Ito elt , aborgh Bantle.) ' NEW - Yoar , November' 9.-4. lettr from Ron. Thaddeus Stevie* otr the inthjeat of our national flaaticei, is pub llehed. It hi in reply to a letteraddressed to bins by s neighbor, and Is very long and comprehensive. . 1 Mr. Stevens commented with theasser tloa that so far as the financial eondition of the liepublle is concerned, It is not, not never can be, In doubt or peril with ' the products which we can readily die pore of to aupply the• demand 'of every kind. • There never can ben time when, with honest dettlinga, thls Itepublle will not be able to paymll -her just liabilities. He sayet. "1 liavomet approved, and do not approve of-the financial pollcy-put sued by one Government for tbo last clx that a I think that e have thrown away our blllions;Ond re still throwing away mi ll ions by min ruagement." Than addrcsaing -. correspondent, ta i who is a Nationallian r, ho ya: "You are a banker, and a 'mod don but- you are snaking more off 10 UM State!, through the National llflektn system, as Is every other man who has opted it, than you ought to make." He has never doubted, be says, that the Governinent has the constitutional power to make money of whatever ma terial it may choose, whether metal or paper, leather, tin or greenbackS, and to regulato its velum, and therefor° legal tenders are to all Intents and purposes the lawful moriery'ortho country, money In which alt debts, public or private, may be legally andlttatly• paid. Money is just what the law makes it. -.. • Re refers to the fact that the Govern intuit lucent different tunes reduced the prim of silver, and that when so re:du ped it was,mode to pose to every. credi tor, es well as debtor, at the original price,anclargnes that thereels the acme power to Loam and regulate the value of any kind of money ilo mehatrims, con sequently, that OP:just and proper for the Government to pay the National debt tit' greenbacks, Loynd money. lieforringro the debt. ho sour "Now let us come to the Geverninent loan, and for a singls moment consider it, watch. even without the monstrous - doctrine of Greeley and Cooke, le themes profitable investment over modebvmoney lenders, and is a monstrous swindle on Amen. cans on the part of Etoopeon capitalists. However, he should pay to Nil the rich capitalists and speculators who have made princely formica MI-laugh - the folly. of the Government, but ho does not think there Is any, obligation to force r ie t= m o e ve nts r t u ltrt d trey to orl y onTy .o sul justly entitled to." Ile shows beyond coati-unction tout in creating loans there was no Intention ou the part of Congress to commit the Gov , em in to the payment of.the pnneipal. in coin, except where this was expresoly mentioned. This matter was well con sidered and well turdentrood at the time, and the bond holders have no reason to complain if paid In legal tenders. In speaking of this money, Mr. Stevena says: "Par two years, the greenbacks were the met - popular currency ever Wolin the United Ntotea and had there been no other would net have failed to buy every 1:10.1 commodity for everyone, public and private, "without complatnt, and lilt swelled the currency of the country it also swelled bualness of every kind, foreign and dam:mole, egri. cultural and manufacturing; so also it swelled the income of business men, and thereby vastly hammed the revenue of the tiovernmest." The great question at lune is the right of Cho ft ovenommt to pay,andthe policy of paying the debt in greenbacks—lawful money. Upon this ho remarks,: "Vari ous metho& are suggcstal to redeem the live-twenties in currency. One very able writer suggests a loan in green-• backs to their amount, on that after wards the greenbacks - may be redeemed with the others. If we ore Will:led that there is no more than a sullicierit cur with rency to Re do the business of the country, probable increase.. then that be the proper. method, what ' ant Inflating as a couniorbalorke to the eavnigf but lilt is bellevidthat.the prey. ent and' prospective busbies-. of- the country would fairly abeorb an amount largo enough to redeem - those tarachi as they cone - due, Ind not injuriously In cream business, then the true way would be for. thio Government, to, Issue legal-, tenders equal to the Amount tothe re deemed, and thus save the interOd both of Unsold audit new loam". With throe views tie deems the reittetietkeief the currency. to , the amount of four mil 'Masa month; ari nowanthor, highly impolitic, 11/1f he believes the true 'Way, if tot the one, to notch specie payments Is to red uce the debt es pro posed,'-Wire any: attempt be made to contract the currency. 11T. LOUIS. . taelHe•oif• Coarramolorsli. tiffellosokosoy •1 Tearooms illoolOtfr Pomo Clemsoloalimoir. - enrrearroan to us triiponik Sr. Loore, , Nov: o:—The grocery of Manny .t.'ctlertny, near the corner of Olive and Seventh atritete, - whit brSiucd to-night. Lona sl2,o l lololl4,(Witunared for $3,000 In each of the fo/10Wing_ St. Lords companiec Mutual, U. S. Mutual, Merriman and Manufacta rem. Lou on bnilding,_ $4,001% hutured for $5,000 in Heom Mutual and $3,60 in State idaktaL Serena gentlemen oecu pying lodging room in the upper part of the building will lose from $5OO to $l,OOO, !welling tho total loos to about $25,000. A large Democratic meeting vim held at the °oust house tcnlgtvt: hohor of 60901111331113 t. <Alms recentl y seised about three thousand barrels of high. winos at Hennepin, Minot... for an at. recent to defraud lhe noveninsint.V The. names of thopartice owning the spirits, have not transpired. The value or the property seized la dhcalt three hundred tnousantidotus., The ilUt ztains of the elticEoii in th e Third 'Eno onal //WA*. :of thls {Cr, vneaney ea by the death of Thomas E. Noel!, in Irate the election of General' , 31cCormIck, , Derocardp 'anent 500 - msjoitty. Arto' rate-liverr . Bt. Lome, Nov. 10.—The several ann. rdittimi."of _ the lioniory of the'ASMY - OT ;Tennessee have completed arrangements for the annual meeting hem on the 13th end MIX and .en,toneruelly.interesting reunion is expected. ' Cerieral . Hairline, :President ofUwe Mainly, min . :probably dellref.the ameml, manorn,. Gem Sher, man ',Wlirwstalrat , tbe - banqtrie.' , Gera Iltround heater thathewllt pool lively be hale A large number of other prontleitats i flettende eat, and Gssaial - Gitind,ts eapectred,;alt ask stabs tr un k ndirenths4in neTahlt4, - Aihisoorl, antl , meny eres_ roe& In Mee States and isteeralitt SC.Ofk•; - tacky MA Imlay and both U3O Pilau andiredde robins -WOW) free, oripreeentation of a certificate then the Border) , Of the Society. ~, Governor„Pletcher, has appoltshilthe - 33 th hut, as a day of Unuakegivio Ff. An Omaha dispatch says a hill repro. eentation of northem Sloux,Cheyennes, Arapahoes and Crows, will meet the- W Men. Commissioners at 'Port Zaratille:t Tho Commissioners will return to the North shout tba.15414 - waettx Alt southern Sloan and Cheyermatovho are rommented , as very anxious lorlesicv WILL WOMAN SUFFRAGE. itasraink-itkiss. rmtseinui Limy 111•WiliaorliGe4 - 11,1 ate. - mod some lnamrialtnftz - Tuognel M. t 1 ii ~ liMas 1 LEAVICIWorrEtt. _ Bonn B. Anthony, Limy Steno, ' Mrs. Mingled' Cody . 6 4,3atiend prominent indica of Kansas, members of the Vomaln gaffing° Committee, feeling encouraged at the very flattering vote Just given for woman suffrage In this State, have prrjectod an extensive twa. reign in the aforthent and Eardern States. They have arranged for meetlngifin the following places, at which the above named ladles will °peak: Omaha, Itervanber TAth; -Dosmolnee, list; chleago, .V.W; Igleraukna, Ali K. Louis, 2.6 tin _Louisville,. 27th; Vineinz. neul,o3l.b; Cleveland, Mb; Iluifalo;:ieth; dester • Docember 2d; :By 3.1; Albany, ith; 1411110dd. MABL oth; Worcester, 7th; I.loeton, ban Lim:Cord, 10th; Philadelphla,t2th;dgew York,l9th. 02orge Francis !Crain has telegraphed ho else .1.111 appalt In behalf of feando .nutrrAge at dm spar:, Vinod idnetts And MEXICO ?MINIMUMS SO SOOSIIVO O. eaaseus.etiesitelere • LIWIC.MO• SPOISOOLOnita. TOl.lnsiat to Stu rlittablIA,ULMOL) "NEW Tpl% Noremberft—Mexhas Qity corresponds/nee, doted October Mil t nay'[ Great preparations are making for the reception of Horner° and Glen.nke. , Prince Halm-Salm's reply to the traitor Lopes published &mime ,Lopes's ststemeni toto, d ie nages* Min to mortal combat trattornd wurtivrer. MR rwa SHOND EDITIO THREE O'CLOCK A.Mr NO CABLE NEWS. - • he .Thspatahee OOP the Three Dere—Au ExplaeleaTh Re, =lll Krt Yost:, I...foveinber tliMe days past no ditiPatchento the Assoriaad Preen havtibeen received over Metal"- lid dablo: It is supposed that coninquelice of the land line through Now rtiuntiland being down front the effects of . a storm, but the telegraph a ficialeir, under Mstrtietlous from theirs 4-. Porldrs, refnie to flirt:Mir any °nitwit• lion or statement In roteteneo THE ROMAN QUESTION. M;ZMMS7a *il Olio'alai am* filo French , 111.1.. [Br Tcleaiiph to Um Filitbargla Gazette.] Now Tolls, Nov. - 10; 1507 • • • Tito Thais Th•• Pecan!, of 9etobar 91 mays in ivie'ienee to the Roman 'E.tpeetk!, tiOU. . General Claidini sent for the French Charge de Affitires, Af;DoLayilestroang; andlold him la was no longer Illinlatat. . The Generat gold hint' he -Moiled Ili would havn been able to master tho situ ation, but fi nding . he could not, ho bad asked the King to be relieved of tile charge which his Majesty had confided to him, and he was waiting the nomina tion of n succesior.. The re-appearance of Gartualdi on the scene had sing.nlarty aggravated the. state of affairs, for the Party of Action true thus istipplled with a chief and the public mind Inflamed, and the Italian Government acknowledged itself Inenpublo of doterminLog themoir* In reply to an observation of Id. DO La Viletarenux, that the lira flap on Poutitteal territory would result in a do duration of war trout -France, General Cieldled said the Italian government foresaw and accepted that conseepleneo War aguinst France appeared - the best bane. To 'attempt to struggle against Oinggini and Garibaldi would be to attempt theltnpoislble. The govern-. went would be devoured by revolution, Victor Emanuel , would 'risk ttaelesaly and without any hope his popularity, his crown, and perhaps hie ilfe: “France," continued the General, "is ri generous enemy. She will not make war otherwise than in conformity to the laws of eiviliratiou, and we feel certain she will not take undue advantage of the situation. One may be vannumbed by her without shame and aimed without danger." . Gen. Cleldlni, in 'Joni:darting.. niter. alai to the French Charge de Andre. the turnout:moment that he was delegated to flake to him, vie That the Italum Gov ernment, fatal itself unable to execute, the ScptemlggConvention. ' • This important conversation was trans mitted to Paris by telegraph, and determined the Emperor In giving the orders which his Majesty made known to the Minister. - • CHICAGO MUM... Haase Bagrame—T•sr;4l;l4e Boller railleillos—Aarother Lank* rem. • C 57 Taturrana so ats rainbow+ t!tartua , °mean°, • Ifori 'ln —The Illfghtcm• House, ontslde of tho city limps, togeth. cr with the stables, sheds, an, was; stroyed by they - wordily allotnoon. boas from :Intro, twenty thonsand dial, on which there Is . nn Insurance •or e ght thousand dollen, In Chicago rent panics: Ten horse were burned to death. This mornfof at two &cloak ths hon.; ars In Sharpie s tour mill , on Canal street, exploded with tremendous vio tliWaeng-rillMiWaire Zire The Iron roof was thrown almost itr o od eomosot.msess adtataneo rt one hundred foci. The building took the iumedistoly alter the explosion and Ras entirely consumed. The loss Is cell. M.V 44 ) staeranty. lye, thousand &Mara The engineerls mkning and supposed to hare been burled in the ruins, . , CILICAGO, tiov. 10.—A fire this elle, nocardaitrayed the entire bleak berms= Welts and In 841le street's. on the north aide of the and. rtver. Ten -buils3lngs. occupied as =loans and sailor, boarding houses. were 'Cottinmed. together with the docks and.frolght sheds of the north ern Tmnspertatiort 'Companv. ' colt siderable amount of tuerattulize. in store was also burned. The loss is tett mated at twenty thousand dollars. . P EiILADELIIIUi. • Om two An Illuadirr—Doseimisump by nlittlitcre..irse or tb liOrrOoroos Sr Cops. gldidto Asrostod. Pitt'Ant:2l.lll,e Nov. 11X—tinder tits recent dectslon of ttm Supreme Court ital.', were run on aoverat of the clty rail ways tortlay,-Adtirere well gatrooLted. In some e'litircllei the trilltisters strongly denounced the whole stroll sa most. tricked and unchristian like. f John enlivwho Ls. implicated In tirsa minder of Whii Riddle, tn this eitvika May last,-was captured yesterday,* Northeast, in Ile made au objections , coming Ata tide *tato with. out the frimallty of a requisition froth the Governor and tin s :Wu ruplCottlit knitted for tri al. LOIIISVILINK; KK, f tionstreat Pearl sislisiak awe by • stares. 11) , Telteraph . to tG Eltiabargik Utzetto 1 Lovisyrktm,Norember J 0 . 7-11 Ia ra. 'poitihiihigteadisiVeitritan.'. 2 front xhi. bhinati for the Arkansan river, wan sunk near Senfilatown r_Zhe bout • was !owned an Insured in Ctineinnati. Tito storm of Friday night IMO:41MM; !arable damagd - at' Franiflin,'Nentutdar; demolishing a twoatery tobaooo wort .houne, unroofing*, asigist Church, and `lnjuring sevond %dug buildings. At °remand ,le Indiana, tfronty-five than. sand dounrs of ytwjis -ntroyed:' Thn tatirreh watblown 'down and - the °Mod* Church on :roofed. Many ether bowies weroconsid. erablv injured. the.cpantry 'much ;valuable tiatteminsableirtt down: .;:,. ,. -:40.`,M-4„.,::::. OPILDIVIded amply* Alma viiigtoin. , 4 ... Dlfirplll4l INMAN, t hlealkla to W 1 rni,4191.12101.11118. HAVA-NA, NOTolibift ft" Tb. eifral , ths biiiititint* Uatilik 4 ,land fs a fabricatlon,.thottglilt fa alfoltOd i dna the rejoarr was started on _mod . an : Malty.: On tbe istrenolff - ft.tan - littort several phAlatana , andititiaplial , hisphea Mars wore appolntod to kook alter thopnb= 1111rhealth. Tho health or thOelty 1a IieYANA, November 9.—Thu.olltelal: amiaffepfubliabeania ordar from,thoMlm items ntatadrid, provldlnglfor 01.3)1'e= merchants or overpaid duties ulnae •Jfinititry. Tlio document. Lharsher than and i fornier:onobawmthrthe customs ollb, - A.LAILAZIA. ' IleraWritettena caairtaittoy 9).rdataA► to in. Plttabluvb turtlikl: • hicerraousny, November P.—Tthe, construction Convention 'hits Altlettled alil,thaptupitsition to Itiert:isa -pro scriptive feature 1n the new Constitution. The Republican 'party - pro Pose to elect all State and county Whom at the eatne time. The Constitution is Subtnitteo e 'people, in the hopes'' or. getting a large Vg4.OOU liM ceUfleetlon And th pre vent any Dm to thaltopublicans :ac, —Ant outho freOnitlV:Pluibiging their tome ea 60 : 111 7 4 4 - 44unry,... - Death rr 04 , 1 time' . csr.T:i4kirth the rittomb o.u. I 1M 45 " 9r "Noienib taln David liinleloy, or LlVerinoro. (Ha this morning, aged ono hundred and two years, Ho -voted for , Waaldngton Arr drat President and remembered Asuold's expoditiorrup the-lEdzinotheO Arras' of a Nlekoboar Mt Telege*Pb to the Plasburgh tlosotts.3 ligiAlttLEANts 2 ItV. rt • r; WenLKetleor ,1 ylelednirg7m4; tint yoatarday placed 1n enflame:neat by order of General Ord. The amp, ban not. been xnadoktmn - ;.t.bongh Angela. to, dm Ov l . lolo- I .aYoVora, for P er 49l ol denunciation. - =!=ff= ray Takimailio the,Pltzolorp thalu62. PernOT, 4°V. Q,—Tour Itynsi WOO loet "thli • - irteratug 'by the hpatddntfof bud at Grand Haven. The mmes are Sllas Cob?, I.l..ftdiey,;•• Met& No ddid: : They Item etrergets:ol4ll =====l CITY AIM SUBURBAN. LATE BOILER,EIPLOSION. out Reid Reported Meeting of °Medan Anooiaticm Appeal . the Public Public Meeting T.-day. Funerals of the Dead - Owing to the oxen went and general confusion Incident' in. le occasion, It was 1 41111,M - it matter to Larkin very definite h4ormatlon—in net ir to the killed end wounded ut the race t boiler explosion, of Wideli we pubttabed en semantic' the Gszcmc of Saturday; but notwilluttand log this fact, 011 r repOlUr wits mainlyocir met. We gave the' 11a1110w of eight Niletlinfi whose bodies had been Mewed by the mircineefijuri.iaince when 'they have found the fallowing: _ 'John C. Wittlomo, sr., aged 5.7 i years; ymilded In township; died at ten ceplocar. on Friday night. . Elijah 'Decker, nisi 47 years; skull fractured and arm' broken in two places; died at hie residence, Lafayette alley, Lawrenceville. Leaves a wife and five Andrew LitudergnaiL. aged .til; skull fractured, and body badly burned; died Saturday morning, at S • o'clock; at HL Fran duns Hospital, Lawrencevb le. Itte sided on Fine aims, Fifth ward. . :fames lloylenan. aged 23 years; jaw and ribs broken ; body badly huru, died at 640 Friday night at his rceldenta on Sutra:tan street, Ninth ward. Loaves a Will, and two childrn. Patrick (Jabal/it, aged 27 palm: inju rod about thejunid and body—scalded; died before nnkhlug home; resided on Liber ty street, Fifth wurd. Married. . .Joseph Webs , aged 44 years; hand crushed and body nuilded; died at his. reeldeme on Troy at O o'clock, Friday...coning.. . We have received the nnmes of the tot lowingifklured pot included in Our re. ppd. on Saturday:. . John Rorberrew; Ninth one d; ribs iractured; not dun crone. . Thomas - Kendriek, Ninth ward; left :urn slightly Inlured. Daring Sat:inlay and Sunday the scene of the disaster was visited by thousands, and will 'continue to be visit e :l'w° tatp. pose uutil.the wreckhas:bcott ..romovod. stnurpro OP cYxaxcl l . l olsovtnrro e. . . Purstiant ton call published Saturday morning, is mactlng cif the Young Mares Cluistiait .I.3soclation urea held 'at their rooms on Fifth street, at four o'clock that afternoon, to devlss means for the immediate relief of the families made ilemituto by the tato. terrible calamity.' The meeting erns called border by Pres ident M'Clintock, and, on motion, .the reporters of the press were made Seem- . twice, alter which Mr. Porter made en Itepressire prayerin behalf of the suf ferers. • Tto President stated that it was the In tention to relievaall, so far as It could be accomplished, and while he regretteddiat au few wore pre ant, still, It WEIR news. mry that pnungt, and united action be taken et once, and auggaeledtheappcdnt ni=l of A 00intnitS00 an visitation, and distribution, and another•la solicit nub walptiona In arab. focal and fool—the members of which should nor, be cosh fined to the sasodation, us It was test no bare the( tarty co-operation of all, and the committees should be instrindod to 000perato with 03mmittees ed by a meeting of citizens, should such meeting bo called. tin motion, tho suggestions of Pros. blent were a dopted unanimous l y. Crecti ttrado mught • Mi mnist a Con mines 0 0. 1 1rymiipay - Ste:earthy, and request bigot° is pub lio meeting.. Who gentlenum made a mo tion to that eiTact which was edopted. Mr. C. K. DeniV, , said that aoveral of Ihe tannins - of those who hart been killed were in need of speedy assistance, and whilst he approved of a public meeting; still there were enough presegitto smarm. plialt much good before another meeting could be held. Mr. T. E. Everett stated that during the day ho bad collected .filty•els dollars In oath, and had Routed antsperlptions to the amount of tiny dollars additional, which could be collected at any time. A vote'of thanks way tendered Mr. E. for his active end sucupwful efforts. Piealdont McClintock said that, in ae- Conlance with BA nerersi motions adept d, he would anithunee the committeen, which embraced the names of mane who rem not members of the Association. Tho collection committee would each be fiu - nLihed with a back containing car, (ideate signed by the Prawident, accom , panted be the eeel of the Society. Ile I then announced the following: 1 . CONXITTYCON rOOTATIoIT AND Dot rialnurtort.—K. T. Cook, Chairman: Thomas N. Paola, S. P. ftarbison, It. A. S. D. Dudley, GeorpreChtdfant, Dr. Cyrus Lt. King,-Edward - P. tonr Lthorge K. Derdg. Countrrrli oif Co i.t.ceito*s.Janper E. Brady, Jr., Chairman; S 11. Ewing, John Chalfant, John S. Slagle, James B. Beep s Thomas .C. Dickson, Thomas K. env, th'ititan. Rinehart, W. R. :ten often, Pant Wright; 'nonfat. Perk, Jbeeph W. Long, E. A. Deed, W. M. Clatter, It. C. Fry, John Krepps and John Adam.. CantItITTEE To VOOT Tea MAYOn.— John A. Emery, E. S. Morrow, B. F. ilonningo. }} A motion was adopted' - requepting the Drecident to issue and publish an addreen. calling upon Duane who were no disposed to Send In their tionatlerui, without wait ing to be called upon by the corm - MELT; niter which the meeting AAJourned. We have been requested to state that the gentlemen , unnted on- the Amp two committees will meet thin morning at eight. o'cloola, at the rooms. of the. Ass.. . elation. sersat. or TOE .633nCIATIoN. 1 156.16 6 6 ,61 t Waiter et Messrs Meek Undid: Dull's Iron Mills, by Its appall ing loss of life among. the workingmen, Mrs calanilly whissei consequent burden Of garroting and prospectlvo wont upon 'their families, Is of anon magnitude and pactrumency as to demand theme ImuiesiV ate and onergatleefforta of the public, In isilditlon to tae as ittlons'of the it:aikido nate proprietors, for Its alleviation. Tho majority of those killed and wounded worts beads of familia: depending neon their daily ton for support. The inter ment of Um dead and modloal attendance. 'upon theft:Oral are to be added to the imNa dtexpense for rent, fuel, cloth. provulous awl other , necessaries, which boa already brought despair for the future to ninny whose houses still haM the nifflned ternithia of their only support and stay. Those need sympn. thy to their prceent grier, prosisikm few their present wants and' coOentsgelticht . the future's needs, • • Actuated by the simple elealroCif what 'wo confd terltelp aUellato ILIA o die- tress; a meeting of thu Young lien', , ' Christi/In Association was hold on Saler dayslterpoon, In whiab- a committee for visitattowand distribution, and ono fbr Tolle. cling of fundiweio appolitted,lbe .fonnor is tout la ooneort wittusny dint larommittre epobted' the meeting tbr relief, to be held undertho adrof the %Mayor: Tbo Women's - Christian Asso dalOn have nobly offered their torsdepa and saaistance witenever required. • Inasmuch se thtst csietenhy btu' °Tar-. wheimed thews nunlike in suffering and Want that will extend at 'must through the winter,and the Cenunillwo on Visitation and istrlbutlorr wore appointed with this normal:le:icy of duty in vlow, ono *half utwitain aro eillsons, mot members of the Association, and all chosen for !their fitness by vita% or qoarnesa of / 0 66613 . 66 OF ' ingaatutenes with 'thew, families end their eanditlon, or efficient satvirwashwa4y ise efjeivlng,tholr,diss tress—hi ti word, thosieneniess to •arint,i• ' 'nu impartial but iserelbi and judicious espendittqa..of are cotribution, on outs ' trustedtotheln; We, thefore, earnestly appeal to everyeitisen and brolly whits rngazd to rol/glint—t4 tlnlatd4MOrdrif and vorkincli--0 emptoyera sad ant -112 :every branch of business to do What they am. Wo would reqoest the proprietors of establishments to en deavor to secure concert of action 6Xliong 'their employees, in tho donation of at least cue days . wages, and whore any ono on the oomuditocs aro In tholt empley . to allow tholl=e, ljnVes, dist. 4r4.111311 p 1644 of their. In provisions end coal, shbjfet to the ordorof the Commit tee, will .bo of noel ameptable servioe for the prospectivo wants of these pcosi l o. TbaCommittott ou Collection beau: trictod the city, and will hnmodlato canvass the, prindpal strode mid:' mod,. Iliduuentsount present books for sub serlplione hearing ilia sill' Of ike Mood ,wd • elinse i t ' , hie6Pl 6 b l 4, lot moons watt &intent, but send their dOnallonli Atone* to Moss:suns of the Aosielation. . „ . Tito Visiting Conant ties , relibirt • Ilmtno (lists want Ins talitinCT of fantillen, berme =I = the necessity- .of prompt notion in this matter. • • , . - TheVisiting and Fil3anco Committees are requestodto nicer at ithoTooms of the Association at 8 o'clock this morning., "Bear ye one anther's burdens. and ;0 fulfill the law of Christ" • ' ~Ottyun IdeCiarocri, President. Tun atm:ifs° To•Mxv. The Committee appointed to call upon Maypx McCarthy attended to that duty on Saturday evening, andhave fmnished the press with the following: MATon's Orrick, Pirrsirtnitin,' PA., - • November if, 1867. The citizens of Pittsburgh and vicinity are 'requested to meet at the Booed of Trade ltoorns. on Monday, the 11[131135t., at 3 o'clock. r. M. to take each steps as may be deemed necessary to alleviate the distress the late explosion at the iron Works In Pitt township. WN. C. EfeCommv 'Mirror. niNERALs 1 iT}:XiDAX. The eormatuences of tliciterrible disas ter wore plainly. visible yesterday in the number of funeral "prournisions' _which thronged Peon street during the day: Strong moo wept tears of sorrow for the griefstrickenfclpds; who were following to the groan • remains' ar.thaeo who .but, a Yew dayksinee wore In full Wound . , • Wire Desisrtiort cosocrailegea Forced Marriage. -•- A wife Mandan case,'pendirig nitro the October term, and - In Which there . have been several hearings,' was fi nally dieposal of on Saturday, in the Quarter Sesslonsjefore Judge,. Stowe anti Mel lon. `lt flrisauted some peculiar features. , . The proof W a s that bintle Crawford, on . the aithofltioe Rot., WOm united in ar ring(' with. Margaret Prophater, 'at, her , . „ father's house, in 3ltutellester, and th at be lead failed to discharge hie titanic es ' husband Ice projialtm for the support of b is wife end Child; The defense 'set up Ovals. that be was not the father of tlio . ._ . child, and that th e marriage was a forced . . one. The defendant, a compe tent ` wit. ., . also Ruler on of the Lost actleg islature , was permitted Inthat)fy. Its Is „ twenty. for years or age, at - least viz feet ... two Ic e his, steeldne,s, no . d . altogether a very likely young man. ' not to may ,of very handsome or. striking apt nee. lie admitted having been In company with. Atha P,rophater, that denied that he was the father of .hor child. Thu substance Of his story, no to the forced marriage,- was 'that. on the g evenin of the ad of June the young irolnan'a father, Martha Prophator, and her angle Matthew IleCarraltan, =Bete his bearding honor, InAlleghony. city, , and dealredliim to take al.walk up to bletiarraban's house, at • the head of James street. Third wer44 Allegheny,. Or thopurposo ofseeing Miss Prophater, shout some "talk," as he suppoeed, the subject, of marriage not beingmentioned. On the woe, against his wish, noel Al the earnest solicitation of Mr. Prophater, he went into a salons., end task - a drink of beer or hie. ' Arriving at MeCarrnikan't boaso it was ascertained that 31Iea -Pro phater was not there, -. having toturnal home to her • father's, In Manchester, whither it was then proposed to go; Crawfortl. - mak. log no objection. On the-way be woe peroutiaal LO take two More - drinks Of her of ale. At Propluner's he found the mother and snot of the young woman. 1 After ho had been seated stow moments, send had same pleasant 'conversatlean rinse In an adjoining room• attracted his I attention, and be entered.''There he found bliss l'rephater in team - wringing herhantisand imparently in great agony of mind. - /redeems.' to know what was wrong, and was infbrmed. - `Following' this he bad some conversation. walk! Ml:Carnahan and was told by biro - that , Ito man merry Miss.P. Crawfonl re plied (bat he would die tlist,• or used wends In that effect.' Re 'further and I that McClanahan told lure that hoshould , I not leave the bonso alive • It; be did not make Miss P. lno, wife. - itelglint' him by the collar with onehatuthatui petting the other' in his "side pocket Cra*ford and he maw Irian appeared to Rifling; and of a r ilatol—conld -tell litho appa,... tent r ,`Wlti t:' of -Wbalthe'sworrel'lo-Xeß.' ~allowed t to arop la his lonzet, - that it was 'such weapon.- Re`kkattented- and told them to soma foals preacher. •".11ev. lir. /feint:Rote:ad cunn and the marri ageeeremeny wars performed: Although , be told ties preacher fbr hie servhas; Crawford end the moneys was. not his own, ,Rita. Pr0p1444.e. hating obtained it from be father and given it to hire to give t 4 the minister. CraWfora being ' , asked th question, sold he consented to the Warr ago through intimidation ; or in' 1 other wants. that Use threats made upon 1 his life had influenced him to allow the act to be performed. RC retrained at 1 the boons all Matt, occupying the roam apartment with Ma wife.- • • . . - Other nritheasat were called, among theui.Crawford's father, quite an aged matt, residing on his farm of "one bun. dred and tiny- news in Ross township. Nodding very material .in defense, fur, ther than that given, teas elicited, rave' the fan that Crawford was repo rented 151 an apprentice tocarpentering business, that he had not yet served out his term, and that for some time pant his earnings head amounted too fraction over aloe dolling per week. • , Mr. MeCarruban wen roknodtho "rebut tke statement °reran - Cordes to the force naiad in: ancomphabing-the , marriage. This witneas said Crawford: Ikea been : anted upon - let his boarding horse no be staled. Alter they bad started away incompany,tho (Crtterrerd)lVßAirlibrtned of the nature of the,. business: thew had with him. • In answer to Crawlbrd'a in. gutty, he (witness) told him (Crawford) that •ho knew all about it, and no "ex. I planation": - *as regulate. - .Alter they . had arrived at Prophets's'. /ko (McCaw.. rattan) and. Propbater went. together, 1 for Vie minister, leaving Cpkorrenlat the house. Flavingtowitltaconsiagrabletime MeCrugahnu ' mad 'he 'tett:deed 'ln the 1 bonne, leaving ..Prophator to bring' the minister, which he aid. McCar. rehab. tntist empluitfonlyalculed having made any threats to Crawford, and pro tested 'that- has effortsta'aeoomplish thol marnajte artiolinted,, to. nothing. more than persuasion; He had been tonal In_ ns a friend of thefaintly, Ito bad geld - to Cmsvforillhat UM satneContinenthivotati root hold them-throth;Weree memberof hishiss family thus, invelvaL .The;•,platel story, was absurd. lie • had .no , can weapon; or anything like it, 'unless it Earl a 41 ria" PrOdu kftiom Tito aliO vi. 104 'ollaY' reason I Crawford gave:far, btellating &lout. thel marriage Wee that be "wee "engiged to I another." Ile tusked that-the- - char d be not published, and - this * request was mode Of the inttnater. Ito bad 'also -re, Imaeated that lite, rtillano .of renttlage be "anal hack", is anct tt. tannin. p -, - nod, in order tbat his father might- " trot` su4z, , ,cl,.„.l3,yt.binir ri ; o b i lt . ..tlas e l d rna an nc ,ittz .' ) naked theqdrostien," stated 06tIbrawas the- father of hqr s shill, lam ia quite young, and of wither prOVlAfte-98ingSp. Considerable unto Nvaa orotiplea in the hearing ~nn . Satinday. ' At Its ciente sten the, Court 41Irectal that Crawford should etuatributo -to rho .support of hie :wife to the ,extent of tint Rollers pet week, aiding from the Ist inst., until the further order of the Court, and to give Alt An the Sign Of POO for ,rompliance with' ench" 'rho counsel In the case Irene,. Oeneral order: l', 11. Oniler for (ho 'Wire, John M. Kirlilkatriek antl C. W Robb, Nage„ - Intalto IRsbend. - ,_ r ' ' r /Luellen letenr meaeal4 . On • Shturdny; the tntEl CUM,. at- !dans. field, Id:intim from the city.. there will iiit'inMertruit sale et• auction.. The schedule , inelodeet braid. Various agri cultural !Lnidentents and other miner ar. foles;• o number of bLielt. and frutoo dwelling houses, abellt ilfty attiMing lots,. very eligibly shunted. a borourbe, trav elling am! buoit-wegous.. burthen cart and wogon, Lorne chohn blooded eon's and heifer; and e three yearold bull. It will - tie borne inland that the die reed is now wholly lu the hands of the Permaylvicala ' , antral. Settee Indiry will be to dills! the Chanters Valley and other feeders, whkph N.lll GrOattNUMOOD the valuebf tlie fets'and threl gs now to be sold, so the& IheriTverty offend by dlr. lir= very atm ruble, whether 113 solo tortornnburbenrestilensee. eneddend it )enspected Vat done_ Seep rly butes will run mend Crum Mans. imak ild 'Ai nt io d 'AU do well to Woke! ehanaele• end Ltn o the eetithig. , OveitlelpeN I Meerebele "..74.44"-, • faweal Wemirlffreireeteee t u. 1 1 ' °- XltlOttlit'Wll9V Qicave,ra' Assad:4- ,km twat' bold Se anneal • meeting M P /Itabttegb, •Vrodneylay, November , 17tb, LW; at ltio'elack• • ' ' '•'• I.llteur S. Iteatex.t.., • Preaktenc:• V • • W. —Sutra, Thhin tent be bald,' qt trio Coati 7totem quarlersur tba. Mo. uoagaltela Moat lieD. Gutter• Sec.refurx. VetyllYlV*4ol Netat *dal [tremors: Aieeelettolle.• . 7.. The city Connelllai—A vegeta zeeettog t City Csoe4elle will be Feld th 4. ewe.: The Will. of Thomas 0. Clarke and Times Weed. The willa of thbse two aged citizens, who died recently, have boon admitted to probate.' Mr. Clarke's bstate Ls valued at- "$3.50,000 in real estate, money and awoke. The, whole property, with the exception 9f liberal' beiiuesta to nieces and nephews and 'certain charitable be quests, is left to be divided equally-be tween his two children; Charies.T. Clarke and Agnes . H. Krufhody. The following sums, to be paid oat of his estate, are set apart by Mr. Clarke in hilti will for phi lanthropic purposes: To the Pittsburgh and Allegheny Or phans' Asylum L 5,000. - VO the Allegheny Boma for the Friend- To Ploutiwant's Hospital, In the city of 'ittaburith, $5,000. Tothe A.merezian Sunilny School Union, ! • To the Home kiissicmary Society of the - New School Presbyterian church, To be expended Irt the education of young men forth° ministry-by the. Per manent Committee on Education of the New . School Presbyterian church,. To the Church Elfl4oll Fund er the .New, Scheel Presbyterian citurett,'B2,ooo., • .Thd amount bequeathed by Mr. Clarke in - bequests ! to distant relatives and to chattlebte purposes, to •Dti,ooo. The ro inainder o(tho estate inns in equal mute to his two surriclng children: • Mr. Wood'. wilt is listed January lot, His estate is estimated at:gni:oo,- 000, including Property in . St. Louis val.. ued at between three, and four millions. One-third Is devised to his wile, and the remainder, In equal parkt, - to his child ren, Rebcora Jane Friend, wire of For tor R. Friend; Elizabeth Roscoe Stort ing, Emma Hanna • Reath r jahaos Theo-. Bore Wood, Charles Augustus Wood, and !Alice Josephine Wood--pose, idea. Dr. Tlndlo. The administrators named in the will are 'James Theodore. Wood, Charles A. Wets], and 'Benjamin Bran- ! Prigtilltal accident actident of a frightful charauter De, eurred yesterday on Fenn street, near Lawrenceville. A funeral procession mum from Boundruy•stroet,'Lawrenco, vine, into Penn street, andwhen about . • • one h.sitof the Inaceislort bad turned the eornor, It was halted, and, th.cie in the rear nut Observing the. - Liet. Weve on, which. roused ,a - jrun at the corner. ''Two carriages were turned byor and consider- - ably damaged. The bers6s attached to them becoming entaiMled in theharnesa. were -thrown to the 'ground. i Several other' horses becamciftiglaimed, some of Which 'were I; ickinganu othersll:tlPt6*. log - to - run •away, while 'the c.sompants. moat of wham wore ladicK.were scream: leg Vor - strew 'mintites.:le looted as though there honk( bea gun= oral stampede; but after soma time the' Loma were quieted,. arid 'the procession moved on. Fortutudelv,' one wee injured, testseveral cariiages and bug. ; glee were seriously damaged. - • • . abaakaar onna*M. Wednesday. last en, interesting little daughter'of„Jackson Rhodos, (brother of Captain Joke Ithodes,) aged Are yeant, was fatalii burned, at' the residence of her parents, near Carpenter's Station, on the' Pennsylvania in,Weit inorebnol eonnty. Her mother had been boiling , aoap out . 41(xinkand,bariag fat-' lobed took lathe kettle andexti4mished the tire, no she suPPeend, t stilt hreeze; howerer r fazoted the dying embers and the, Little girl. throw onetime eldN, thas kindling a -blaze .whictt,shi ahnplayad, about in oblldlsh glee; caught; her ing: The' screams of the child ittiracted the attention of the itiotheri-ethOlu...once ran to 'its iissistanee.' She succeeded' In enttnmdahing the tamel,:buttmotmptil. tho little girl nnaztrain,:tarellay 'burned. deoth resulting from theeffectisWednes. day - night. The mother, was, nonsideni bly bunted, her , Olean* ]laving - also :taken/41 3 ;4R hefeinele:Pe EaYgkUL7 18osomvfe , -Totem letimeimpa.. . 94 411: 1 4 1 e 4f40 3 : 14 4*. * 61 n44- I *;iou4r.;- 7l2PleFeZet-W/tiFieeT4 On in thelanratenh - of , Strattnk. ham, was en, Mead and robbed orthree .. getter —brandr, gin! and wine : -okti boat:1111z trig fivo gellons:„...llesldes;„ two empty kegs herowi.ulagand . are have been.'lllled: - with -- tridiaty 'down from other vottails:' The thieree entered • the rellarttom , the , sidewalk; the dour. awing tba recent paving the , stree soil grading: of the Addowalki..halting been left inseetire.'; The shentena who committed thegobbeir,y4co Snlpllesed to reside In the borough, and cati--eeareely . °magic detect:ten' We lisernalso thatlraloblazie Stainita'a' sirr9cery store; oh sarrecer suttee; , wan visited by thieves during Sunday Morn inginud UtnultitY of goods nulled otT. em, I*.*tL`. Omuta liousr..-3143 Ta rn ta Dean co, - - • • , Inermosa brief engagemeut lbe Opera liousefanlglit, whoa labs-khinehback'!. . fire*nted. - : . , Sotidi6Ttrtt'fea'ttheVu. racy , bill will bop - resesuelitblxerenlng.,„ u Tniratlt.—The-Faireir 1314aritigere Chneek will eloaa Wednesday night. Dir.r..—PosiotaVones aria Charley Gallagher, assisted by a number. or other kelabritlea,- a t's - ring": exhibition gat..Lafayetto . for three nights, commening to - niet The priNovls ofthe.4l_ %Mi t ten t em-'1 fina l night n V.l'arelbfaht,°-e7.7. =9 :Lathe CoUrtiit Centrum .Plaus,l3.;.tru, day,- h dlyohir ehaed wore acetyl wren ,Titrai3l . ol2 . l4ll vktdij'Antioqiiiiw Met In itrverectalmU.k for ' arse the rorttualtslaii" of 'adtritery,With'Danlet , rstbel - tilatribried at We cost Of peUtionts: , °Onion. by Stage Same: •=" Liza° J:...Reatw. Jens: 5eat. ...,( -ttuse, Cruel treatment. Decree retuned. . HElizabeth tiollinger vh.,,r4 , o4erlek Hot uger. Decree granted. lirargaiet• ..ti2 - Buddy Vs . James Reddi. btrriet E. ~ L. dryD•Jraey Dikt4o3^. Drigree" 4l lW; with leaTeitotakelbstlter testiMOr.j. rretittY Ecireo,,grh,r.te.d. ,or. 4 !` 1 4' 4.6 4 - WIPAITYP• tßit.chit go 104 . bPl.p,ack tko' follpur~trg ; e,l. linge r m ay any " picked oo" -In .Vl.v.aora'• Pennsylvania, at Unto, ppark Aut lath inst., the pnecee4ol,Alte:ipPno td - ppo acYctold le' the sulle.sre'qf the recent bolter eplosibn: The ,:entterprlie .Is : a betteene,ted-.atid ere hope the challenge eep: - TheAllevheny Base Bell Chtb:etud. /or LtnerPrhtellase Ball. (nub to pi , a Maleil,RarwOn IVeduesday, Nov. int ;,Ik,' ;at Union , :rarln the proceeds to - be given to the sufferers by the reeent czpleston. It the • fintorptine,t.cffue .to pl ny, the Allegheny till - piny:any,' pick ed inen'titlceststn-r`einwlvanto.fortbe IZM=M Parft •ed. — lnformatlaci-Iplo. born or calved Ibei the 96KdDaltd o istoihsotAltoonyocartict44 or odoaitng couptorkil soaosy,:at ugust Itot , !n coup 1191y:1 syktes Djl trk gultet. ' • The Flrekotalc.*siodatton • wilt bold regular: =ambit •• mouthig , this • unp , r,,, , yerml, aware .o.lllor , Now. nut; Pone° t Tnttnlutivt nteivasel.; 16101lIgOkititi• fsim Noir ~ 1 0451 . Nietiosimiaid Noir c i ricw. • , • • ,!, . . 064 P Fag 'vf!l !Ida: - • • 0 &I,citi' ' ORM liropicUard'aria iron errata Chocolate Drops, Peas Cream and Dana Alriacmdr. Ilho Jordan 'Almonds,' Imperial Ur Dro„eto-Dropa, Mask , Dropr; Marsh Mellow brow, Liguori,* , Drops, Iluarkmand' Mans, CandY and New, lloodtras ./talslna, as. tho.Lowast prlocs,-11:2 Vederalatroes, Alleglutny linavrra. set Pot oftletliErg —Tho • hdehs asi ahons, morn, So., for men, ladle:land &On. kept .at ?Saran street, 'an made of tho Tray best cunithat, and sold as lour as MO Jaaroet: , 4411 good. unwarranted !2 . o_' anVernollon. Ton ,ward. oome '"F IC oo 4ilyt goa..prices, at. R° botig q /194 ,AotunV toys thing Pat i a,„47te - C4r o e4l Snalmt. tt Kirk's Gm., eer y 810 re. /7.t and- . 174 Federal streit~Aitepheny;•are•wattaatedtobe Unt.vor.7-beat In • oho Anistkatilt B s t'o plias Um. ,• • Cq WO; irkliawly"; *W. S ir C t ei, for b.rEnhul hubs: • • . . IMMEE ~ ;: ;.; ~~~~-. ir. OITY ITEMS iSotlitiig ov r' ito d _the people as proved tio pOpular as ilia elegant patent or copyright mentioned` below. Friad Personal knowledite we cnn recotinnend it as Piet what It is repreistntokl,. invalu able to all, and a lartano In. it for those P:urchasing territory: ROW VOUTIININ Ant IIE111(1 . 11. Ap- •. Those - who have seer:trod - State, counto and city lights todisposobt Col. Boaroiie Civenfraterd or Copyright, which In its me Liadapted to all classes, am making from $lOO.OO to $150.00 daily. It is invnl -uablo to every business man and every lady In America, and there Is a clear profit of 8100.60 on every 811.40 expended Inc working. "material. , t Address .I.IV. Em men, Pittsburgh,Pa. thrum liubn's Law Building 53 Dia- Mond street, room No. 5. Cale between 7 1 A.3t. and 5 r. sr. : . Boon ibe Testimony front One or Ibe 101deSI COloons of Allegheny- City: ~A LLEatinnit, Oct. 14, 1447. I Met. KELLEY.—Dcar I tiaio boon troubled for some yours with the conipMint described by your adver tisement of Dr. Sargent's Diuretic or Backache Pile, and oahcluded to give Thom a trial, and anf glad to say they af forded mit immediate reiW..l cheerfully r - eMmmend them to any ono aufforing troth like symptoms, feeling confident they will do all you claim tor. therm - rano by a u D DAVID SALITD. !With per box. .7gg!Stß• 50 • TP =3 Prunes, Raisins, Currants, Citron; Spi . detl*nion, Canned Fruits and Vegeta bles; i'lckles, Calming, Saudi's, Jellies, Marmalade,: Extrect of Beef, Condß aker ensed Milk Gelatine, Canton Ginger, 4; Whitman's Chas:awes, Spiced Oysters, Fresh Tine Apples, Quinces, Plums, Chemise, CcuTania, Years and ll'ackber vie!, Spas', Olives, Capon?, Olive Oil, Tamarinds, Ertracts, dtc., dx.„ second dodr North of the Mist National Bank, tallegheayqity. Oaonon Banyas. oh To Country Ilferchants.Totir attent tion is called to the Wholewd° cult re tail grocer), store .of.4rthrts Kirk, Nos i,72 and 1,4 Federal, street, Allegheny, Just the:place to. buy' your groceries: ir. eles...iwilitios. for buying en ables him to soil to retail merebandlso at, a lower figure than :my other house to the two iii7kedps :stall times all kinds Of 9n:reties and will be phumed to lion parties cal ' and examine bioptic° 114 . 'endd - the ipiallty , of goods kept-by him. ;-Remember bias:acrobat, 172 7 and• 17:1°/:08n4strue4 , , i+t laszga te, duct/omen, trill Min on. Thursday, Nov, 14d1,. at in'clock4gsery beaUttflally lodated three acre lot ou the Tacky ;elate, at Davisidlle, th 6 Brighton road, 'adjoluiustlas Campbell end Daliell properties. „The city, mat piper Odd 1 - 6o' premises: which ate a qtuirter , ofa mile from_ Woods^ run'eta.. Uon. The attention of those In quest.of a flue alto . to specially invite to tele sale. :.State ,Lottery«—The only. I .llzed..lirsiwinge/rt the United Stang. ma Grandliblltddy 'Dinning - *intake pliee'Deeembernlak• , 1g.,50 - to be 'din 'minuted.. Capital, - prize ! SWAG.- corn inunkaitions strictly cortildontial. eularesimt addreining ' 3111IIDAY, EDDY at CD. : • Covington by, Ari ., .Geode at •• Wllelesalei—We Stelae u part . trar attentlott buvers at• titr ' go r lsoln ur d c iTa t t mc g ecvm staplo goods, and to the lattiL we sail the lowest eastern prices, and cut goods to snit - • • lUsima& " • • 69, Market street "A CiAgf CAAT.Eveitelierliec nit Ter3l- co :Apple; Demo , ;Venlltsi Aleunirthi, Tee .Candy, Clioeolate and VrteEti: Oltalllele, Dates, ft', 44; sir ID. redertd street, 'A.- 0211eRY ekr.r,x; aLazannatemnra2 - M2V22 TQ snle and ..retall gloper,. —Nos..' 172. ar4 • 174 Federal istreot, trpelvdd bnecittllti beit - hlarks'of Vrooeilees'evier , tirought; to 44 0 A4OCWIcitiM*Im14IcroriMMOlg any house la.the*lty, r. TirraaStatc--Go , c6sZArt.hut .Shk% r Store" Npa,..172.-aud.l7.}..FNeml litteutTe4 l 4n.Y, bUY: ygur Sugai LiLdn2 nirup Ifelluksibelargest, obeapattatoc.k of and see foryouraulcurs.,-, „ upr• - -Ciaotl lozenge.: ilamolyPappanzda, Rese.' 2 . lll 4ks TeaberrYf einnarapu, Cad'r enna Pappar and Conversation, at tb@ loafkat pelt:a -, At 112 Federal 'ilmeal legtketiy taty. *. • GEO/Wlt Baieku,i 6reit2o.llfr i0r1111.2 111 Mid MUM .tan; , at Wni,,Flamlntea -extaaalvo- hat,. imp, Pad Itt4les thrhouag; NO. 139 Wood at.' - Unm_-• • ' Eye Eat, Minna, , Linen;. , Linen;. ort 1.1111E2123 mut 't CATI747Ia, X treated 'by Dr.'Abent, - 134tITT4n1 stmt. z - A book' by matt to cents. Om* Creeerita—TOC cheap GrO-' caries. and something good; 6 6 to Artant Kirk's' Grua:ay. gtcs,..tios. i.7?.,and.174 Federal street; 41legtomy. am! • I..)3Esittuflon NVutur , tu s,.ckrtalu cure f6r Diabetes undull discaces of Me id+ turps Forrale IkrallArugglsts. Co: tri.iincadrig>a , Dra . g . ,l3tons,N4 . ", 84 Market tree; fur ypi.r....sept! , Go , co FlerilriprZrtig slore , fort ho best White Len In the clty , 84 Market CARS : UN,ircOTALEANP:.2Iittiii4Iay crion biide" Die: CAtt.SUlt to MI. JEN*It both orAnisbenr " ": ,:.:-..•-. '. ,T u ß tgit t al.Z l ,V•l??L'l. l *,P,',l•4 l '41•:11`lt,ITN:"*"-AZ'4,1, WWERTAs A LE Y!d AIIirktNeIUNDEIRVAILEar 'Ytte. 104-leourlit2eteng`.Vitiabortb. COFFINS. at alllledis; 0L09141 See OTOrrdnddiAidb'OW*. banished:: Iteoz;ae open ds) , askuleht: linen FodCariliin funthbea. •%, David I.ICM. /M., D.. 1 147. ise.buse U. 'Z!!‘up.asi.lNlns. ais4ll.lllller, km: 'DODGERS. lINDICIZTA' *• - lekni Imaimmun 120 dram rt , ,Z , ;Olga Went ; Ulna door. Grata Deaver, AlleidtattY_ CUT. .t ratuaraad toido Imprisiltatioa - Ootasuois theAnresit radoori prim. rams open at all boat", day ar!¢!,al44t. llama and carriages hriLllhed oi go:14 auttextinatttoisonabia Cm* 't • EDEVAnn' . iWAUD I ZOrapplat, Vl. brirtiara; oak.. Ng/stick& tau :bk . immutk. Itoairooel: sit StaistlXik witti al:0=1)144 atock at Murat fogratddlbn floOdo, onlooel sad Dirol4bed at MAP. kr.e.i Oleos: Salo"okixt Urorretobloo. low or ,IPlrot '&34 litaIII• Stmt.. CoarloW. torn to, 11•4410 Alarm. a10..-Ao• cglaxrierrtjosAmmOng,. 4.: J. luall 800% u uwe.6.esmUslc• Itanuenma, R.. 011.111•31121114 NOMA mint/NZ WOBIMSTMOOXLILOASO. FOB - RENTe: Fos neni , .ortros,Ariaie roams new cleceplie y' U.ytillir 111/4. RXIIIO4III and Tfisnsportallon;CkonpalY. No. ea MC affect, over O. ItcoNla wok • LS. . Siam 'Tbs. mooli ono tar donnetir tor iSOOO. Was located to SW menthol look sash ancloro TIM woof. now bolos log .10, Ins ...ital.. mule rhos thin. Itilt tram who: re. PROS hone contains data 11.. e. proof' net. Pourulon coo be bad 'on WNW, noo.ttao. of. Nre.I.INSUOS 11 CO.. 11l PIM Mire.. LOST. - - - Ecut-oto emtvAnn.- Lost. .es liciinabersllll, 11r oi Beat Oa Conn 4lotnia LAILGIC DROWN 'WALLET. m. , IVit.Lba , of papers aed 1.U...0f no, Oats. 1.4,n7p. but' flee uweet. The ileac' , rill rengra tl. Ka , * retard es )5.155 lb. wallet 11,4 golgup N.lit. to MAIII9IIrigWET. Plltabirgb. NEW3SIPODS.,;: , H. BlUTitellitiabiliffeji; or& as 'nu" rromoi* Pailinkl, ''• • • Pl t ,!:lo:!ttitiF cL 0 7: 01 .. :; 63s ualtza. Virr T a l• `.* • A!'1"7" II :1; `WEEKLY= GAZETTE, . contslator FORTY 41,1 11133 of Intorsttloff oral' qiU.T. 1 . 01 . 4 / 0 1 aw. xsa earwillillit rot 4b•Jramit.._. 'tut mo „t flosoefal ood Co. Miettatitarket RaITIM Ps9o tM eIZT. • Tie rancor, If eCt.ekill.., Itorstmot , abOuld be witboot TettMß Mit Taw vramact.7 . aanariz. *** *** !a d: Club r)7 Club. or .... 2••••••••••• • ••? . P 6 • —lrkeite copy of paper to tile perewa get LIAR Nitta, deb. Addltteet tO Chiba be Mate,/ NoTILS To S end 70Cta reran . . be gaze end apeelty,Tailst OM= rat wett4 as we Ili. a IVeduertiTiwi nl " scribers haelnt bat one Mill aweet. ri - Itatey by Draft: •rao JkagYl3"l".' or to buont vull.P.- Addrea, . oazirrrs. • r irrittirguit rast*A.- , '.~T,~N~B'' > AV INTVD . • al. eat.: A ter tn awn, ay nat.:lg, ratildianre , " .. ": . : 2144 " tartrate. given. A4dreas 0+..71.1,4z711CL',., aigitic,i 'shy WANTED— CANVA .. n .,„ .....,,.x,,,,,ead,•, ,, • and Female.' 2110,..-^,—' .., f ,TIVC 7 TUE POI'S 1:: imuE: or.• g ~ „ l i o .. Tma: AND rp.x. ify aft.. .' t. 4'ii 6 4.&4 ttie U.'S. liinltari Ciatoisi kin. , 11., _ 44.4 ~ tort ar tlie Imit - os of 1.1••• to. w u m, ,-,, or um bi,,• WI me rattrktr..--_,--- I . n . trim 814 , eugteriegs or Ito n0.15...4,.."!.. .A•4oolk.ii tcrrninr uldre. Oreapnii yo A. W . . ~, co.; CO Bartertiterei. rirksurx. • WANTED,— puseint4sell*T9r, Stale, Calmly and City It valuable and lit/pular Paten! ed In lit ate to every butluelutta i.t`rdy alt= to $1:;.1 Plllt DAY. 'Buslaboa 40110011 1 1• 40 ' can be understood 11. ralnult AlartsfiJ. t}". BEAZELL; Plttsbutgb, 11. Calf a. n nQltl' Huhn La.. lb:aiding. OD mod " Plustturdb,' bott.voltu a. ea. and as:' FOR SALE: FOR SALE-320-AC I ICEIA.IOOVP' VAILVINO LAUD: lovi. Tarifa (loa . fl title. Tals all paid.' trida Icittlt• nroperty. )or partlenlira inquire of-L*lr. n SOUTII. Mo. St arket street.' "" • -•-- • F 0 R BALE-15101k1Efi,--.42 1 .i Llvel-rand Sals,ltstA•eGG arm /AIRILY LIOIDE tAns , ouxr- HORSES,. , ott... LARGE r. DRAUGHT' : NORSE: :bred RLACIC 'MARES: DM DIRT 11.111 FD. FIRST STRRZI, usar /DSGSGIS.- CZ - Horses Vaught and sold earnaltist.i. • . FOR. 1 3.11 LE—BARE CHANCE,. • SAKI). BTUItB FOIL 6111 'nilnult, unb of the velnotralltreftAft Allegheny city. and cows nood,trafteeitni n leaft, and gool vltl , at lunallio6.llllll , helen. For 41=11a/hers liddrestilos•Mete Anti' PAULt—Tralell The oddernigned 'he in1.40A.-. . rick. Yard, to Loy • thelendoess. The ysrd le new, with all the tre!...., Inwroveneents. .I.easo teals-In..gone need aindx but iboie who wen' bosAnehly. FOR HALE—newaqv.--A: good Bakery., dolnit:a 'of lisiso 75 Wirersof floor a breek,'lnd atlto:l,' ir.tto 'AVM sTrAttrZliitci? CifOrtit sold on reasonable terms. The' abiga * dologa good bulb:tees, and' has 'the lbg going' a mash larger one than 10 now 'lkniskjr. lag person srlstang be engssro `i tbi biathlon, ;du•itaa timarkew opportunity r.,9#tlifili!*. Inninra at ttatAictur.' . . . FOR 8A1.E.--fionne and Lot or opener or Mialtattan . and 'Adams Attests no.. rateeoger Battorny. , Lot 9t •trr -=• - •1•.a. • tioae tn.., eputalVizst,.roatos and groodLano• I well *gored., too* and Lot oillandttald. S IM ,1 ksi dwell !array, Alleghtay, Clty. , Lot 3itnY AC. , ti frame. contain. LW. too rn 4,44 SOL '. oi water ellaz; war and g 0... . .4.14 00. toms! Mali . 44 and Lot, tanned location. , lona: rant J..,: Ett/dH.. •E . CO.. Soarer Cunt, near. Cbeenst,r , . .Vanellestor. • , . .. ... FOB RR L E7I9ICIATIPSIIII7UP 7:01 . 3.-3Vininr °Per rits eateeditioly Anal fertasii now rdaii °flub and desirable lota. for 14 Tied % Met - voruable property bolo:mingle thiltlVA "or Tr. C. I. Xoblf . altooleit this apior. sod bfilliailrestieg, add nein. Go7autit9tatloo. oe pis NtilltZietrius. liallroad. - A portion of tots• frblititufAneroid' eit the 'lon; and stain' itle'irouNtte . collat., 'IA tote ale 40 by tto*., erkh iiildestreets ratOdisir 'Monet tho italro P~MrtT The aolt to gdisterdniporioaaotitio,, *vibe aSeelled; and foe beadtii•ol . .liioation anti had edial. Toedeacalptfiidiloa luta ratir turtnumuoti reit' et' GILL tr:9llUl76,St, , Lysikuog I:dour/cents, nutter inotet.'.4yrr,o;., ' A v riECTA,CIES, itetzle.tx-airn ; • spr.clikt, 4 1 :4 -3 9 4 / 4 ., .... I lINSEATM 471MLETT. JEwalora and Opticians, wzmtv,23.' =-orrasrtaaaaustoirXt~G"""'•" , ~. }U G. HALE; Meroliant - 'raal• or iCer. P4rin anlBt ClairM:Fret# takes of Infonataa tottosasts theyadl ublic In retterii; dzat hl Moot BALL AND , -IFINTEW MEN coon ;;:;;`;'s. is Now so,u4KT.c:, : ' UaltNTO:r ILIMGAVIS :1 MEM /OW. Pirtiag,l3 - '.l _~ ax _c;" MITIESO?i, PEAR &E ISE .11T11 . 0 . 1 .1 -1 MI =tl MAMlnili-EMPORTUIV - to ; 2-1 5,11.1,i 7508.55 & 57 FIP'IIIMICBT • El f!ft r f r e l 'a . : Bl ...°Vl"4 . 4!,ll . : If " • btl4/11 rAW*R.• o-Q .:att 1"d if.t.;1;74, arei' Tlrnzlirt - so 1..; 7 .S.iIIIALX9/11/041,4 :-- • Tol-ou; • • . • •ut t:t.• nsn—. . .•• = Rgegii AWD Ithlualooo2ll47‘o,oi • , : '.• ail Milmlkua1•1111/4,4090,, oesiniuse One et UN. 4 frft, . • AT nil tMr, .Wa: iti 6 elligigoods TIM as • i•ta EMMEN WOZELER Mi,rlOS . • 1 t ILUIOIACTO MMOOOISAIM : a awns: lamina 2 . , . E2M;=MEII iii;=i:=M HOLTtn , moor Koitoaittithialibbeir BE Ell lELIM Ell EMI OEM DM z~9