0 g M XPCSSIBER 9. 15" Wt sae-ladebted to the Hon. Bum engt ß o, for i c opy or "Official Army Register." TOE Washlegion (Armada contains a iciOer, *tilling four columns, arraying evidence to prove that General Grant "is an hearty aeeoret gelth the great Repub. licanpvirtg," No noel, Items of evidence are afforded, - !hunch facts previously pu bbi llec ta ia . s e grouped as to produce au i - unmistakable impressinit. Wh at is ennsilarerg. however, is the an ammo:anent that this article wan pre- Pitt d upon fall consultation with Gen. Gr4tltlmaelf. .In that case, it is fair to region ii U - an authoritative statement on his part, and of great significance in ifin present conjuncture of affairs. Tni Borussia Cilt3ILT of this State f u ti l e l y pronounced a decision against this constitutionality of the law under whtek Ibis city has levied a tax for mi d e lpal ;arrows On the business of National Banks. A rall statement of the CAW, will be found 'elsewhere in our whittle& This decision dots not torch the law r paned at the last ECEWIII o: tLe tnmial.lng etocLs In _National Banks In the lin& or the individual _bolaErs tha t ot; thougt. ii t: .Izdt..d..f.lcult - to par Wye t,LM 8001 C la' tLo pibeiplza uow artiiiefeed by the Wart could csiip be Elede;wltboet cuz.;:dcrd,:e ~tracbizg, to corer the later CAXCELLATION UN GULILINBACKS. -Daring the past few rnar.the increased . alsiathifeetfort has been di:,,.^lJseJ among thipeople, in all pram ul the country, it the polity pursued Ly the Secretary :of s the Treasury 41 contracting the cur. ' , ropey, nadir the iliccretienney rowers vested in him by the laws. This dissat. isfactlein has at tart become so p4l . able And, so nearly .uonaimnut 03 to create 'the Iropreesiou tint Congress, to oho. diesiro to public seutiment, will, shortly aftey the opening of the regular session, abrogate that ei2Cl etiQu, and provide that the surplus iurome of the Treasury 'Wall be troplled, not to lessenhrg the mount of greenbacks in circulation, rut to thaJkinidation of national bonds. I ,It if manifestly earedtent, instead 'of riacallog evidences of htlebtedness whieti .do not draw interest, to take up ahirdestrOy, as for as practicable, those •Istria do. if this course bad been pnr atted during the past7ear, the amount of :hrtterest to be paid during the coming -twain months would he:velmen lessened SeytlEll 1111MOUS of dollars, which —would have been a clear gain to the tar ' payers, while the exactest justice would have been done to the public creditors. ' ".“ Aortas it -escaped observation ea . white the amount of greenbacks, in use among the people or held in reserve by the hanks, has been largely titillate/Led, 'Off country Is apparently farther from a suamption of pecie payments than it intawyeir and a half ago. Of course, " - tiluaincremed distance is only in appear ance, and not in actual time, for the march of events is as regulartmd unmis. takiblo as the sidereal movement, so tut all future . •dcvelopments are nearer thins they were; but the value of gold as compared with that of paper, hitt not diminished, but rather increased, under the contraction of the currency. This 1. shows that some important elements of .., the calculation were orcriooken entirely • or Improperly rated. 'Tile friends and conflannis of the Sec • retary of tho Tressuri now Intiinate,it ~ , ,they do not squarely affirm, that if Conf grass shall pass a bill itoopiog the can• relation of smolt, scks, and ordering the redemption of bonds as fast as surplus • revenuisahall accumulate in the Trees ' ury, the President will interpose by his negative to prevent its becomin; a law. This would certsiely be an exercise of . the veto power which few men of rake lion will he found to Justify. 'That . power was given to the Executive not to lie used arbitrarily, as a 030131211 for set. - thsg up the will of one man sgainst the deliberate judgment of Congress, but an . • 4/. check upon Inconsiderate• or unconstt tallonal legislation.' Whatever use of I transcends these limits is not only dart : prime, bat altogether unwarrantable However, it now secius as if the ma— tend judgment . of the people, finding expreesion through their representatives JD Congress, will be Do nearly unanl• ' - '.motif, that opposl.lon oo the part of the Prefldent will be unavailing. TILL FUTURE, It Is not often we ague Go subatantlally "Itith the New Tork Times as we do .when it tar, "Congress at its renting session has 'the whole question in the hollow of 'its hand. If it recognizes and defers to public sentiment as sow rxpressed—not by any reversal of Rs general policy nor any abandonment of its leading princlplea—but by a modification of its • pamper and tone, it can put the party on impregnable ground. The Democrats ,: are no nearer the passession of power, if the Republicans are wiser, than they were a year ago. Indeed, if the Repnb• liana profit by experience and by the lemma of the latejlectiona, they are not - no near. If Congress wilt do its duty this winter—lf it will give the country good tariff, a wise, fruitful and equlta. hie systerifof taxation, a sound and safe currency, such aid as will- stimulate and • Make productive Southern Industry, and show, by practleel action, as well as Wards, that the Republican party is not COntrolled by malignant feeling towards - the Southern Statee, but teeth their wel fare as pane of the Common Union— pad It theßepublican National Conven. thin will givens n Presdential candidate who will command the con (Pence, re ~. gird and devotion of lojal med through• oat the whole nation without regard to ' cliques or sections, we shall sweep the . whole country at the next election, - and ,pleetithe Republican /administration on permanent and im pr!go able basis." It Is quite likely that by entering into adlicassion of details with oar content- POTSTy, xt. should difrrrxrith it foiching a number of pointr. Ju t in this general statement we concur. • In this country a - Majority or the people are necessarily_ masters. A million Of men Cannot be Selected out of the Mass of citizens who ` , will stand together on any platform of , doetrines and measures which descends •to minute particulars. Their association must rather be , determined by the larger iympathy and intention, On this basis. may are brought Into co operation who could not be brought together-on any other terms. It is not needful that any should suppress their convictions; bnt that there' should be a definite t nder :-111tandlng all arinntl that every one shall . ..,Snerclae the fullest latitude of discus sloa. , A good many ItepubliCans—aml we among them—will tot conulat to "a mime] of its general policy," noel° an ."abandonment of Its laming Nine!. plea" We are not eo unsecatomed to being In the minority as not to . kuow it la better to be there then to make eon- Ceedollll disapproval by pasture jade. ,ment. Nor are we so ignorant cf the power which minorities exercise over the destinies of nations and the ultimate sweep of great principles, as not to coin. pretend that It Is always safer to follow the policy espoused, beau 36 believed to be iigbt, foto retirement, than to main. `Wit the control of Goren:ncut by em. ?doper subterfuges and resorting to die. honorable abatemen's. We shall not :suppress the utterance of our opinions; we sword the same freedom M another& *hen co operation Is needful, those who are to act together, meat meet on ground so nearly 'common that each eheli pre, servo hislonse of Complete equality. Standing upon these speclticallons we admit tbat the ' lesion of the hour, sd sninlstered to Jlepublieaus by current OTCDts, to not badly stated by our eon- temporary mEtte RELIGIOUS ETELLisunt The official. etatfitical: returns of the Methodist Episcopal Church, for ' the year 1867, which the presiding Billiton of each Conference forwsids to the Book Concern, at New York, for publication,., being all received, the New York Advs. rate has compiled a summary of the riots table* in advance of publication to book form, making an elaborate andin teresting article, We remark in passing that in these things, method and precis ion, as far as possible, 'are strictly ob. served by thia body, sp, , that the name of Methodists is fully sustained for their ,methodical customs. We group together some points of general interest. Unus ual prosperity metaled in all the departments, - in this the drat year of the second century of Its Church history. There are now organized sixty-eight conferences, an increase of four over the previous year; containing from two 'score ministerial members up to two hundred and fifty, making an aggregate of itinerant ministers of nearly eight thousand, these with the local ministers, makes nearly seventeen thousand, be side' the blahops. The total member. slop Is ono million one hundred and forty-four thousand seven hundred and sixty-three, exclusive of the traveling preachers, an increase over returns of the' previous year Of Core' hundred r i and twelve thousand five hundred and strenty-nble. Chief gain comes from those who were reported last year Am ply as probationers, who attained mom. berehip by meeting the requirements of the Discipline. This gain does not in- Cade the deaths of over twelve i * hou. Land., The net gain in two years, came. ly, in 1866 and 1867, is 215,504, or a little over twenty-three per ctra. of the number reported in 1865. Number of church edifices is eleven thou. rand one hundred and thirty-eight, be. rag an increase of six hundred and see entpelx. Parsonages thirtydive dred and seventy, augmented last year . two hundred and fifty-alx. The Increase In parsonage property, alone is nearly one million of deflate Benevolent col lections, exclusive of Centenary came,. with,.perbsps, the missionary cause, are in excess of them If env preVious year. The Centenary returns, reported by thirty-seven Conferences, amount to sir million onehundred and forty• One thou. sand and twenty-seven dollar% 'When all the returns are received, it is eipect; ed the amount, will reach over saran mil; !iota of dollars. The most sanguine fixed the highest BUM at only five sail: lions of dollars. one School returns show that over one million pupils are in the schools, under the anpervisicut °tone hundred and seventy•five thousand 'MD. corn and teachers. Thus its brief are the statistics of this denomination. Such has. been the demand upon the American Bible Society for bibles and testament., to supply destitute places, chiefly the South, that they hive added seven new power - presses, and a steam engine of thirty-six horse power luut been exchanged Inc one of sixty. With the twenty-three power gresses,listiiden one hand press, the Society can Dow make Ave thousand, or, If necessary, sin thousand volumes a day. liquitenrar may be the temper of the South towards the different denomination; partictdarly the progressive, loyal, and anti-slavery bodies; there is a wilhagneu to woo* rate with the AmeriCan Bible &slaty, Since the war the Society hare expend; ed inside South not less than tates dred and sixty-four thousand (lain: Besides the demand from the South the Bible work is enlarging in foreign lands. Church made now-a-days in some of the upper-tendom chutchesof New York, and other eastern cities, is anything than spiritual. The New-Yerk cones. pondent of the .ehdranee gives an inside view of how church music is managed, and Instances an raprtowitchcoch—the place of whose prima donna was tempo rarily suPplied by .another. The new voice was the'nbject of conversation, as some of . the worshipper begulledtheir' homeward way, thus: "Who was she?" "Who can she bet" The answer Was, "She is a young, timid girl, quite tmac cuatomed to such a - congregation,. Did you notice how she trembled?" It mune out the next day that the timid girl was one of the performers in the Bleak Crook. The cause of her amnion could ' not possibly be the large congregation. The birthday of the areal Reforma tion, three hundred and fifty yews ago, was observed on the .31st of October, pretty generally by the Lutherans.' In some places the services were ma nn*. Ing as interesting. And well they might with propriety . commemorate mat a grand event; one, coo, , in which the whole Protestant warld should feel an interest in. Three centuries and a half ago, Luther, a young German monk, of. Wittenberg, posted • up .on the doors of the Iltblesaldrele, in that town, i bold protest, comptlaini ninety-five thefts, against the corrupt practices, of Tetgel, the seller of indulgences. This "lathe beginning of a new era in history, which is now a power in the earth. 1 ; The Liberal Chrlatians of Chlcago,wbo were refosed membership la the. Young Men's Christian Association of that city, have formed an association called "The Christian Union," to be devoted o the Physical relief and moral e'en tion of the poor. At a public meeting st Crosby's Opera House, addresses were delivered by the ministers of the Usti. verstlist and Unitarian churches. The 'new society Is said to' bate already membership of throe thousand. The Unirerse asserts upon authority received from responsible sources. that Archbishop fienriek, of Br. Louis, ins been detained at Mame by the. Pope, to receive the Cardinal's Hat. The honor will be conferred at an early prisconlits. lion. It is probable that Le will sit at the forthcoming Goners! Council. R9V: Alexander Clark, pastor of the Methodist church adjoining one publish ing building, bas just finished a series of discourses on "Gospel Themes in Ns. (tires Blementi"—wieh as Bur Dew, the Light, the Raln; the Hall, the lishabow, - the Snow. Next Sendai Mr. Claik will begin another series of six evening ear.. -mons, as "The Gospel of Common Things"—special topics, the Dress the Lyme, the Door, the Howie, the Mirror, the Magnet. The congregations attend* log the first series were quite large. This minister his recently been reappointed by the Conference for anotherr year. Dar. leg his pastorate the attc.ndance has been greatly increase 1 and otherwise Ins: proved. Notwithstanding the belief of some of the ministers of the United Brethren Churett,thit the Disciplinary rule prohili. Ring connection with secret societies, as being -"unwarrantable by the Word of God," and should be advisory inetesd of penal, that body makes It a penal olferwe to be a Meson ; an Odd Fellow or a Good Templer. The eatne stringent rule 'Ain force in the . Wesleyan Church.' The Pittsburgh Christian ddrocatiquidentaii, in wrong terms, such en Investment:of I a man-made. rule wills the dignity and force belonging to a law of God, The Baptists of Ohio, Says the PRlV burgh jdooeate, recently held their an- I niverisries at Lebanon. They are rawf• Psi forwent in all their Interesbs with vigor and prosperity. While the Bap- I data are prosperieg in Ohio, according to the Marscioni:wn end Record, the Bap. Bet cattle is not proopering in Indiana. It represents thatuttore Baptist ministers, die each ' year in Indians than are or" &bled; that more leave the State than move into it; and that only one hundred and twenti-flve men aso lanstsged pastors for tbe four /Inndred and fifty churches. The interesting . sthilitlee of this body, taken from the Baptist Alms: net, which: we published . some days since, however, show an - encouraging condition of the general work. 'The spirit of intoterstion seems to be wanipir, at least It would appear, from the Incidents constantly i„ ea Recently The New York railroad off Mals are Rev. D r. H un, the we l ted President not pleased with their new oalforms of th e miehi gen u e i me ity. a Methodist The only way to satisfy them is to ac minister, by request of the Father Mat-- custom them end the public to 'ate inno thew (Capiolic) tremPexsnce and this can better be done by delle ere d e l ed * hefore them cut the all railroads adopting the "uniform" piti ed e t. tem ieteenas; Anothef to system; sooner or later... . eir,Tre,, of itr er eity teas loot reached us. -Oa butternut and hickory - nut crops The Supreme Court of Nei Hampshire, have been large this fall in Ohio. Po at tie opening of its se-aaPits at Porii - litical butternut". and hickory nuts have month, was opined with prayer by • had fall crops too, considering. Catholic priest. This is said to tie the The fire which has been der/Mating Ars ease of the kind 11 the State, If not the forests of the Indiana knobs for the la the country. - het few days was extinguished by the Bishop Cleveland Cage preached mat t heavy showers. • Strauss won't bring his band to New &Oath night, at Calvary Church, New rumn Mission. . He York city, In behalf of the Midnight Sketched the origin _ sad Fork becalm ho thinks eachman would proems' of the society, and spoke feel. become IwPablicanixed end want to be a ingly of the mil which it had - already Isli 4 a blutself -. accomplished. This noble object, says /‘ writer in the ~ /citure Hour tlnd's It the Christian intetreyeriete, is receiving difticultto eat *meal of several 'causes generous aid and sympathy . without . theaa knivei, forks, wens The New York Guillede pharamocally aristocratic. It says "self-nuidemen are common." True, but `common men are not sisif-made. Connelly, an American in. Florence, is said to be the coming man In the,- scalping way. A Cordell", in marble, Is his muter - piece The golden wedding being an "anion'. nary rarely obtained, opal weddings, being the fortieth anniverury, are now P LIQUORS, PHIWLDELPHL*. Cetwitemattes at reetroodlogs or the Bowknot Craton rreabttertam Oca. voutten, Crrma oar Owa Carrearoolarlit.l Pincruntarras, Hoy. 7, 1867. 'l'll. Convention met on. Wednesday evening at 71 o'clock, sad 'ci ft er engag ing In devotional exercises, ineceeded to . _ the consideration of the sublect of orga nization. After a lenlitioi discussion,. a substitute was adopted to the following effect: In- all awe - involving direct anon' on any terms or bans of union, . the 'vote of the: Convention be taken by' churches; in all other cases in the usual way, unless a majority of the Conran-, tion shall determine otherwise. The Convention then went into & free conference on the . subject of union, for the purpose of 'Clown's - the delegates from the different denominations en op portnni EV of expressing their opinion", in order that the Committee on the Basis might, if possible, Incorporate them in their report. Those who spoke in behalf of the larger denominations In the Con. realm. represented the differences ea toting among the bunting of the Pot biterian family, as being of little or no Importance whatever, anti believed there was nothing to keep them apart. To this if was repliedveryndroitiv by those who spoke in behalf of thepeallirrioilioll churches, that inasmuch u these differ ences were looked uponu being so man by the larger Presbyterissbodia, and so great by those woo held them, the ibr mar should at once come over to the latter l.; • The Chairman read an eloquent letter from the Bev. Dr. Onthrie, or Edinburg, on the subject of Union. Insets forth the progress. of ecclesiastical union in the old world, and represented the breaking down of the ancient .burters that have so long separated the different families In the greet Presbyterian Blow On motion, the cordial salutations of the Convention. were -tendered to the Pplicepal Vortrention In -session here, 'praying that- - gram' mercy sad —paw may - rest upottithem hom God our Fath er and the Lord testis Olnist.l' The 4.Noarrertion• met again on Thurs. dap monism at nine o'clock. Spent an hour in devotional excuses, and , then proceeded to bailees& An Invitation-was • extended to the Convention to - visit' the Union League during their stay In the city. The invi tation was received With thanks. Dr. ihreldikna wised ' that. -the Con renticm unite In requesting their respect tivechttiches, in their supreme Jc torie s,which to appoints committee of three each, shall wxostitute an Sure. ' paw Joint..Commlnee, whore duty it shall be to meet at a time and place -to be agreed upon," aid 'proceed' with all convenient dispatch in an attempt to name baaisof union, which baala they shall submit to the churches for their consideration and adoption. Dr. Beaty, of Elteubmalle;presented a paper embodying principles which he thought might forma but. of union. These papers, as well on the one ed ty.the Hev. Barr,, of P= the previous day, were referred to the Committee on the Buis of Union. The Convention adjourned at twelve o'clock, sod, tm invitation of the "Pres tyterian Historical Society," repaired tol the front of the church on Broad street, where, 'being cdhfronted by stage cam era, they Mt their phis ea MU& Itls 'to he hoped that the impression will be a good one, uit will be handed down to posterity as &historic reminiscence of an important meeting, whose inflames may be felt when, Mob who figure inn may lure been - forgotten. It is to be re gretted, as it generally Lt in all cow of the kind, that individuals of the smallest calibre was prompted by a love of noto riety es equate themselves Into the most prominent position, while the more worthy and the morevenerable , although , contented themselves ' witha Wks pant position. ,Oa Thursday afternoo hen the _re. liglowi Gurnee* were br o u ghtto a close, the Committee appointed to present the salutations ,of the Convention to the Episcopal Coureattion,• reported that they bad been readvedroost courteously, and that the Episcopal Convention ha d appointed Committee to appear to morrow morning and Quintus greenest". :rotate - the The Committee to prepare a hods re ported as follows: 1. An acknowled gm ent of the Scrip. turn of the Old and Hew Testament" as the Wader God. 0 . That the Westminster confession of ' faith 'haft bereceived&nd adopted u containing the system of doctrines taught in the Holy Scriptures. It Isnot /lauded by this to impugn the onto dozy of .the Heidelberg Catechism, United Church shall receive and adopt the Presbyterian form of Chinch - government. 4. The Book of Palms, Which is tit divine Inspiration, is well adapted to the state of the chmvh in all ages and dr. cumstancee and 'hand be used in model worship. Bat is various collections of Psalmody aroused laths different church es a u amigo title respect shall not be reqited. - 5. The seolon of each church .shall have the right to determine who shall join in communion in the particular chnrck committed to their care. • The committee recommended the or prime judicatories to appoint commit tee.of, sive esch,,tho shall have charge of the matter of onion and Ake cultiva tion of fraternal Intercourse among min istectio rs n&and people of the di ff erent. denom. Ina It la supposed that thiapaper will pass without much opposition, and the' mow pects of &nearly organic union of these bodies are hriginenlag. • 6Mi_lArf INGS. Another It added to the horrible fiat of outrages lady fifty pine old and of the highest respetabllity was knocked down and outraged In the most horrible meaner by four drunken men, In Green. nestle; Indiana, recenty. The little decaliter of the lady WAS compelled to stand-by and look on. Tke lady, a Mn. Purcell, was &traveller, and was trait- lag at the railway station 'for the train. lira Parcel Mao badly injured that ad hopes are entertained of her recovery. The people are out on the trail, and It Me misesla of whom they are in 'search &refound, the. indignation is so strong that they wilt be hug immediately, a fate which they deserve, though a lin rains. spay yeould be more appropri ate paid:Peat. • " acme monthsego we received with regret the announcement of the death o Miss Nary Boitartis elemeenikthed lin guist; to whom excellent tranalatione we are indebted foe our, aequntance with many foreign* works. Now we see it announced that EU Booth hu charge of the aditozahlp Bsrper'e Bazar. It would be very pleasant to look for more translations from the pen of to Booth, and to know that she is still in the land of the living, but the reportsmeat to be a little contradletory. Tyremty thousand Roman Catholics are said to live in Japan, who are des cendazds of converts made by missiona ries who labored' there two hundred years age. They have a Bishop and, a munber of priests, and are said to lave pre*yed the rellgtoa la all as °dead parity, undisturbed by their snub= Pendia= should neva be President; he nada aptatelma two hours long. No clergyman Who practiced preaching ser mona that lairth; would ever become • mous prairie fire occurred near. Ohicago r recentry.iird did • large =omit ortamagela the way of Or destruction ofhaYatacka,..6,at Ito lives, tt ui believed, Mrs. Linder Is an . Englishwoman and Lin no way connected with B. L. Day. port, the tragedian. • GAZETTE; SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1567: Pure Liguori, pure Liquor.. Pan Liquors, Pare Liguori. Pure Upton. Zara Liguori, For ateglelog tampons. /or mIEia4LL h►rpdses. • Poe salettelaut parpme. Cogasa Bruar. Port Rini, (fog.* artado. Port WWI. 500n7 Vas, MoOrirs Wlart Mum Mao, listotrolVloa r estorebe Mtge. • Yarn Hollood Catawba Mtn% Pan H . oltkod, OIL Para Janata% ltatot. . Per. Xl* Wahk7. !. Pan aye ( 7.llblata. run Nye WllO7. Puy are 'Misty. AT assEritrizaturevi . . . Omar GI tbs Diamond W %Luken mss, Caron of tie Dlaaloakaad Yule% 3 WWI. , Xature be Iltutalited I To glee debtlltellwy • meat.thtee to the Week li aloof u sealable salt would be te try to help taset to ma teat by ktellaihbo wheat he wee down. lb.%oortol girlattals tote[ of ".41"°4' It bui tPle4.6 many ITSTIIIT•rd. Mat people ao looter twillave lt. • IC lato w bot str.o. butanemond to avoid lbo att.. of dloyan, tot ea. Oyayor to sepal. Itio 71S. ...WI WIC h$ How Is Ws to In 4.61 0m....a.i yyr gr. by Uto VW or I.l‘or.tlYi The at oNOet to to yinOolouythf Eli.* • 0.111. IL TUN able.a to oroomyllabed by t\. laUeto.ia ot tb• sto.gto 1.54 Into'., of ”ft Ws toot 'olzarothey, _lll)lSYKkairAtt *may valyablopyo.lll.l.ll to Obi proparatloe. dm .peuto noo. O. ry Oloyalloa mlbet. Ia Sty isianrsPiZortat.. li artat . rirW Vy ' roatiks "l l ylyoroas ooadinoo or yby 0.00. we mow. ono, ..OloorWooosoratab b she meat Intboattoo of p man. ortibto..ac oo.itloa of W e • • • • oom. bravos .00 0. body. sad 5. sob. awe or to. No. lo tb• us. to to. evol, em. and tens Iminsal syslari.• tem, M entil other Ink% ma.. ye may lbowayds .. • . . Attend totollithe and Colds. Share fa a arrantaaeo to 1b above ulnae Plkh 1/atiarlde4 Lo 11 Ulm. would ens lape. ands af venom Ina watlenle naves" Do Pa • has• Uiti num panaal aathea naana4 tonneau and sae/ant. easlad.es van the bops tact akar. lilt !ratan sorattlau don sue; bat aka arlll ear. area son nod!" Lf u. meted by ions' nea'reakerly as Da. Xiernat , a rictobis ruby. obtca to soalocadt4 fot • van alsealra of Ike lugs sad Onnahlal appa-naa so prenlau la nary pan of Um tfal.al mess. We Melee ear nallan, than.. fon, pas pay to afaleta4 pith total., bro. Uhl Irettatlaa ot any dinase of shoring, or ./. 1 140e. to rata moan at aaea So tala ems. de, which Do. Xenia La prepan4 lath no. for . tha ner• of Arm . eales. 'naafi atter • •111 am sub sarartag. 004 sampan arena of Um penal rulta It: so:a .t Da. Irratay yreat Uri kiln HAM Zia 1014 WJD imam% ILZT,III9 CONSULTAIIOA .1100,3. De /Mir itarillutioas. Is. DIP PIXIS sr.. aosaar INsims r11:4:1,10:):4„ - M. Jr.. Adm. Moms fr , /84114 4.lllkfiraff. fa on A s to frame ~..aarreaura r Oa lit ma atafor a ihrimpame As Maid and Ow WeAT flue.. lel Or It l b.lt b alges 46 oltb due Om. U•ollase, Obi Abe poor. luso mos•••••• Us• tottoa, sad savior *to 11. ... I , so loot oo alms no Now. bolo goeulll Woretoo NSW . u Is n ine ono d /der foe woes II oar l•bl 17. I u/o Ul. taw, Qom.* U. Is and. al. Uto U.—Pea Iris Avow. Cliklutoo. eello o.ont• tbe reed tout-elks be eal4 It. .11on•LICem Nobs. l• ?volt) sonol •Po Wbooeite CAW. balbr Ironed sod boo V* waft n11..-011tls Aster 660.21410* ohs tt Uu pretenoli• Cur all ahem—hot Holublud. wilartrtal. a owe wereweles3 hautertge er , ll got Coremboos :a. II Wee ou7 e•• Morel. let waterer ...WM We ever MI, —Wee Mews door/sal 0.1 clooler. , 111,1 • 'motor moo Win te fee •uotto'ilus toe oto7s•lllsobtelee.-260 W. V. V. Nadooo Okelno. • olUso tUre thug o• pr. a. A. Aloe. • ••rintholal. la Ml. •14113 aa tlatr sumo. _ 1 a NI. lOwnt.t.irre. See •• - bele ureaU Mr Ws emeaty. FILL AD WINITA GOON ti , Di•ii: ll, vilrii.Ml./ icAzurr oasnisu SWIZZ{ rIAIIILL.. wiurs Ruiz° CAXTON PIaiXIIIIILL. NMI, wuzsalsJ; WI .4 lodged plow; Slut Is u.:41. emu:. iesaura a sus. =C32222 SIPLENDED , •tprtea to *urine tlsta GRAY, POMMEL & REBA MILROVAifT TAIL°, a 1.. ea Vrei. Inas= 'MU paoroakur win be received lINTH. TN/ 'Mu INIT., For the Gradini, Curbing & Paving Nt Nam, IfergdWZN. MOGI and 11W 'MOT ITKZAVII and 1711011 ALLNY. la Yr Ilownadd of Da' WIN, daps ma bids tar eIIWr coablratena a 1 Nlcalana paerasaaf. Wiz SNIW partlealads analyst the 011ie of the /lama& wan , a. P. WIUMILe. WM ChMtliall stmt Ooneilttat rADIZIP SIMS, MluiV Furs, GiesaVl tun, USCAT VAILIETT. 1 1 41.31111111::OW, at itIeCORD t 00.'8 HIT EITOIIR, • No. ISt swum) avuurr SECONDAIALI!D IPW/ML . • , Om 7 octave Eirireoeleaseagee b 7.240 .• *".' , b tzeigeg4 • . ...7oeum. ' Jae Sograc. Oros • mtaie, Imet• g 7 lottoolo • as. UI „ Os alms ti 1004 mks.. sad ww 01 0774 as 'ors low srlAsts. so clam cot is Loy • Mao, gm Mose kose Moses dad Mcomens. C. C. MELLOR; V WOOD ST • V =EY, rialiELL & CO.. 311lanthetaim of Patent Leagi Pipe, 'AISD BEZET LEAD.' =I 1111113,4111 /Dina htllllllollllll. Ha 167 1111iikat throat.'l missommrA I!== ep S D ~M I + isosEke -Izuradifaie, Ei'Affiatry m p yg. , — , ,reavaicitfrsTairti t t, Lnipz ram, Allefattl Olt. tor.":rrreir.6,ll:7°.. 4 1 / 4 11114 6: 111%161414. JAMES PALUYUIRD. =War 0 117. Pa.. Xv.: 8f. 1 1, 1 , 5 21NG1.—A few Hoarder* PLEASANT ROOM, wrni cow BoaD,. As no, J 9 'Hun? ►2Rtiti MED . . SHAKER PMED COWL Jost antrOd sad aow atom foe Ws by b. goon or bonatl. atilko Family Oman of illaXigliT lbajyrier, logboxy =mcm2 O PE tpfat . invapar, TER rai s wawa aili!ae vana7 tha Wais now at warns aorsaintar. Aai u n* ritinal..n., our. :I t iMilr y eraliVire received 114 do We sauxualir At MITE, lY Twistal aunt, Wm y. ..nrammodo OirTianT4 cnvncui siv a ETWIZT,,CUOILLI. SZHVICIL-E Liss Llzal litrx " "1..""k34"; 13.111VWWW" /RAP/IST entraene =="l : 4l : l(lll2 rfiaPAV. , taa TN 'Alabama nei:mast a Al nto vl ta aied teal:wad , rte rerlainajaat tii Pasn . ALIEN 8. DIOILE at Itswi, oy Vilma • stmt. cata 9104 t nta. Om at chit 'a t . and owl WWII from the YOU atm t 4111. arPiIIFACIWG mum la *0 Mr!tfatit"' riitIVCZ W ar .tiotttl MU< slut Deaver Man, :11:an.. tk i nl N TlTAtittZi L M. Inctl M D. la. itarzyri,Ejesusr cerviten r. itteiriAit Il s 9ll4ll Y rn r11%'14A 2. ,'" 11 4'1 4 #. Plo 4 . 1: • Jol Jo boqoarl-ow ovoying-...6b1 obt mai; n cone. cos of Mille-in rartNION ILLPTISTCHCROB. e ."- att. — ibf ,2 .. , t ` 9 ` 4.9.l! " 4ti t iV rs= RZai'attnialf i te k i Navas • wall Loeb. luld In la. ariaila.7t7 • 'alock—agermua nular slam 2164 a b are 0 - nll.'l'lo,lW to be mak•al. • • "gr.:I:111ST CONGUEGATION " K. W. ttil o tel. * Kamm.. Borrloo Gni lioeid a l ;: 711:14°'?14M1611 : **1 not Ideatllltol vlttlron "4 41 "." "44.". 4oa art 'titular Invited: ."° PiK "WU'S.. , I • I ZIZIEITIAA CUORON, Allegheny t •g al g CAW. ItATILL rat IE. sub Ytbro-t by My Put. btu IlritlghtaMtßaTr"."""l Urine MI:UM METHODIST and rab•at.P. N.ra. loblasov.ry cabballo /0:110.1.1: THE GOSPEL Or COMMON win De the estfleei of it fortes of IhronD Delle. oosfese, as saw Ire I . : IbagDl Z:f . i:ffl:lll 1; e. t / la2l h bn oh MIDI•2IgI2rO NOT. ::Tgj%bi . e VeoECIL • .; 0., i7ea1.0.1. Deo 11.- - 1/1• eellaaa, TOO Ind 710 Fiends are 101, 11017 WIWI' TM mote DM weleonve to ail. L' Ilarar4lllll NORMAL INSTITUTE A 11{9. 1:3414i . WILL" se Tokoogoor NEXT ro.eosar,aoworn ra thi ironaal ladles at Tax urn All Canons wishlog to jot. lh 'Medd pswesre.ttaarticklas inumodlstaly. IarNOTICE...—Tbe illtockhold.• p . t . u . ,:z e lf . tt . CD:ln E. al:l i r ... 0 Capital lite. et O l rites a 0.1. .T.l rollgrnang. PPJt tb..n. tralAratan.. au IN ann.. ' %/gr. •. 8.4.14L3•XL reury..2 Tr. . are ITT 9 ,1•41 aka. &sassed to Unitas Incas t , • act of coo.. aollaattool alit a set at Mir omal slaws a ItotaLug awatioto. as ~• • • Isatnegat, Norsiebat ISM SUM • lleik kart ot sad SW/Soak o OWL iry SOW% Oro dattattaa to santwat wok Oa oa alone; scoot% ta oconsataa TO Stitt Da ateliDaT. tab last sat. •t Walesa a. so. , atlas Oomotata Conseil (boats,, Ita taw, parse. of aao uslas isitalea cool -4.3.. &au,. ecaoosuss, urea sans and do limos °Said OW. k 663 num., gam:lota bath socalsets of es Blatt ward. ski for We Yenta oars will Da kaki Pabila acacia tioasaa la sad iracia sliteicats. • • Tao Itionsta• Camellias asquaalL tis I l liSrtir:Li T stfa7 titgantrwrir.truwa we primacy slac.loa to bad. Oarnt .1 beaid sks Stut ward • • v .fees . W 01l LAWS. • Okstr A. L.N.DII. fiecrstars. ma n to oa. tlit TEAS I TEAS i • - Mut malted. ►Wire Yd elt.tayel. it &est TZLAJIB, A? Mumma TR* NA??, No. sa ingarma. rltLibatat. WWI are Wisp , rateloi iteeten Mat vial left .1111112.11414011 ebb boy u. .rwerf WWI • Mal 114 7,47•111 b. WWI ed. WM, 17111//de &i a=t:ll . WESTZSLT DISTRICIP. PERIN. 11TLV1II.11, SI: • 20e asamr.lirsed beteg era make at 114. .0091ataat or ASSIGNEE OF ROBERT HERVEY, 08 Um boicaiii H Turshia. 'MI musty of aiDltbs.t. cad State or incsyliaalx,oltliDk cold Diststst, woo to Ma siDdirt4 it last. not on 04 ogra potties by Ms District fowl of • • 211101 SOLIC. Atop., caner Porn A 314) *ad 1: 0 4 , 9!... WAY 1110CIESI DOT,IIII CLOTIIES WAIIIILIL ramun rsowas ENE-011T TOBACCO, =I . I Ndi t iiiii•bnituirtve•Cat CbevlairTokati C 7 DILA wt a? setwi.scry of teue .1...5e0P0 vntla Qs 4114 m CO/tta w toatualssll4lL. Parr. Ilrbaimle east WAIL at. CHAS.. 'C. 'BAER'S, gun, lid No, Mpg al FroLig ,filiacca 4 , 41 , 4 a tos:or000 tram.. ALLIEGIUMNI ißOClillir IND I'BOVISIO COMPANY. JOHN A. MdillAW, ?reside/AL J. r. isaili., See/elan . . ?Jo Meek a ud. ► usms rlts than wishing to alaLlosserni tometta. O.IV/7 • tha , suipapsisr Awrr cersrerae At ZS Federal Bt., Allegheny. Ellirapunizo rms. nouns trrrso @ wrra' • C2II4ILIS, Hot tind Cold Water, Ace., exparicamt I amotseat irarbsta. JOHN N. TATA • Number and ea' Ma., . , 227 Liberty Street, Pltisiiira I lid , 69 Federal. Street, Allegbeny. 131ZICEEP lIEDIUCED. litatlM; (Mit t & co, sz rim 'maxi:. Oftar io!sale tYdr tarp ■:oat or DRESS GOODS, - yrar. Wit vitiate LADIES' . .adless irately, a air not oluallty, sELLIEG AT THE LOWEST Puoee Mu al, - OCT/LW 1117L113 HATS AND CAn,! Purr A Mall'av No. 107 r asa Stria. Allegheny InAnDret Huimstibleicant- aaaosseroarlllolT 1001 10 LET, Aria Wag vitimpis bold, It ratan& 14101. " 420 " 11771 W48"4 AMA raw" Myer. 8.-. ga l a .• ft Air; .101111 B. • a. MOBDUljil. Nl'Vir ADVIEB Antr4ICAS IVATCHEB, It la peg. lest fin kpbt Price . ilrll riDLEAL : Argyar, TI Jana isirsott 300 ries Hoff ofßinsis Lima. Tor salslry 20111W11 ffil==M:ll FULTON MINE AMYL . mato nos: - - masusetorr- ItTinalt .1[1.1.• My of an Om and o r . • nnovad patterns. far ins- RV& : a "T intftr i TAO:lran dapQ[ ` lpfy bleb n 4 b ..old at nor, no- J. P. 17111411C0 Wolfsirll.l.• Woo Pl...burgh, on tn. Oklo Myer. nod .4no of •P.ILIL. n 091.5 Corsact.l.Klia therm. e CUT or ♦ll . Derv. eta., 1/17. SEALED PROPOSAL! Will be received at Sto c kee THURSD&Y, Nov. ttith, at ea. m. tar eradlor ead Paving vrttifliet el.t.ar. la tea Third mart. azd far the Undies of TAtiliAltS BTRAZT, la itu bacond •ard. s. Z. FRANCIS. tioe:sl3 City Ocatealfae. • MUMMER!! • • BLOOMINO OtRIVS, CPlsloa 811Viar OPOIVIIAX ( FOND LILLY: aIALVIIL or reau; nizell4 LILAC Lad lam GUM ♦ArlrOey for Willa, ' lAXES a. awiram. 11=12723 =MMI • . • HOSEEMT! iHOI I IEIIIIr Ezus li.,ry mut exam, ae to 41 Matra berry BBk Vrawoft. la to 44 loakts. r H0L4.102. l'olf:ll:2l;°% , 4ll 4 ,lhVgaT l ' lri n slr trot Ty %Aim. Brotna 8h141.4 .or Hem Caxton Tisane AT P NEL IL* 41. - - Ladles Usad. kat Eltsakran *bawl, Gad Boa. ° Manta #llid-lialt 'goads. Caps. Strata awd 14411., env.. tout., 01,114...1 tradsa.hirs• .0 Dan," of •tvri AT PHELAN'S ALD 1571.21 D lITOOZINO Bra Jr, 131E7.7.33:2 BOOKS AT HALF PRICE! • Webster , * Unabridged Ma{loamy. nootre Poettesl Work, " Ziani ' Wig eVglii. .rei Kaden BALLA gmayllits. Pope's Works. Menai asa txklMb Arehltenti The Antertrae Vonglet. sireeiey. VOL , lleilatsral elide. a von. Quarto. • Freon'. Ulenonery etas Mole. • Untied Stater Inenewstory. giestrortli•elbeglien sod L bla OletiOnary. ' An th em • gnelisb and Latin Lexicon. Trimmer. Practical eindoaT and Mineralogy. aureen.. Meek. ad ltaginb Lexl*on. hr tt t""4. Troatiat 55.5 Raley. Prune.. 2 Vole. '4 be Literalist. a vats. R 1530.7 Orn. WO, Ida *rola. MOO TOLVDIES TO SELECT PROM. tit and Lade' E vIgITIZOoI StMECri _ Mummy. of W Mat.. obolohlo /MU. as thorn orthc. Tot IthAs, la areal Imlay. as Rabataken. !thou Ban ansbara of ell that Mahatma. Mra*Sag lath. tahhar Sheds. a*. call and gangue tees n annoont.hla ft...ha he all she &ad illarithol Papers, as r. =I Magazines and 111losiraiset Papers. • C always b head at BOOK'AND POMO DEPOT, shah anima, Iftterw asatakaera. JOHN D. EGA N. MeCILLEN BUOTEHIIIII, Na Si Fifth Street. CaarNTII. wares.. C&S.PI7II. i 1 . "2.1•11.17.4 otassiot low prim'', 41.11•Wcrel laaLsroilligmi• AL*vo lomat stoat .1 OIL CLOTHS. • lal./ 211•Stee Ot Crumb CloOts. Draggets. V extra sialitylii RAG CARPETS. McCALLUIe BROS., al Mai 111..4 sloay. Wait. COVSTInr ThUNimTti, . I BIIICHFILI) &CO'S. Large alzo and beet SP Al 4 WETS In Wa city.. - W, 4-4; 3-4 ivnrrE FLANNELS: RED ARD YELLOW FLANNELS: GREY AND COLORED FLANNELS; GREY TWILLED FLANNEL% TIO FLANNEM gantOOP CLOTHS; I ' VELVETS; CM sep assutwat Mt, 60413*. Liumsbes 1141!Giailt MEJIT. TUB 50,000 Toiges, liscEiveD *Kent AL*, 600,000 Canister Ralf llNnist tar talr• rasTid. Wklatt Mr to thOtrOd• ONO amid erskudne Defoe! purchasingelzewhere. L- W JENKINSON l ift!. 6 Fed f rfil - Street, II V mill ALMS ' CWT. NEW Eau!: trropi!r. .O,IUtPETS 1 • lA large woman, at WOOL INL RAINB,:.'.. . .WO§L DUTOLI, CO AGE. AND ENO AND - AM RICAN DEUOVOITS, 1 : ME ALDION DRUGOETM-- : W : In Cg i rIAL =.lll1 '1" " 10 1" th h Oell it 110 0 1 1; 41M111: • • • 130 V RO, ROSE 42 :CO.. at in/Tana:Ai. t= M===l FoR t 2112% tmentiLferea Of Clitaret; Zind Aadr , AZZirr awits 07 WOODS MID. Near Partassy. Mails& es UPS Aralyttpy lane. trot. ra _yank . 2 ittr o milya g al . itlo !lett gel* 3 1110.4T0AT 11 1 / 1 .1111 HOU Mr. Mil. M 4 asj let etable. •eoest I, reatT a tell btu te•MOg: Iwo elM a r i ijalri worsay %toe %Hanlon Of talents, • 41.0 MO 22222 gatfinolno • Ant 7 SO MG eilintlttilar,—.o"Anili &ollites. of Welter eI.IIIII* I • . SUCP/IMADM caLcric'wo; 817 Liberty Street* prinrissasua. rd GARDoirs maws. • ON 11 11•16311/0 roan' mamma's Jnius. 'warm guses.,All Wear' OVFICE PENNSYLVANIA IL It. SAMPAN I. Itz manure ra. NOT. I IE7. Take P•llisSetTaall. 1.4110114 ticarpsor besot , / itsgglo.e . tit se T.SIST Mel. proposals • 1 111 7 107 leasing was rattily or eptieelltral7 the °Woo Depot Rotel as .Pluserurals, Logos Bonn at AIM.. SRO the Ulm P. 1 ,411 I WWI DIEP ab /1. far t t ISM tiratiOrgoVfdr.AllAlla ms.tslelltrovetgaat la Sae t usantr. image ba express, adios Ur. .0 - road Collapany veleta alai [small •apinles tabllalustata M all Mira% la • alttstleant Imams. facto. eaaveolenes elad Galaftlll. of teleanters Datrealitles Its UMW' A r s e Msllilesaderetse t .108311.3121 7 . Arab Y.irsat, IPltilralse="t""'n."%ll'B76 Vlum Pies.' W. P. Foam. PITTSBURGH FORGE AND IRON CO., miamlritCroavlii or Ear Iron; - Railroad Pleb Rm. and Bolts; Railroad . Car data RolloOr • , Railroad Mir Axiom Haimitered; Locomotive rearacti Loodattalive Imiso Shape,' Midst/add . , Tokio, Straps; - Pillion Heade; - . • Steamboat Sttaltty Ilimitaboat Cramlaor ! Paton Bodo, Velem; Putman Jaw., Lollar. is °erten, N0..177 PENN BTREZT, E=ll2 PI 1511131/1A61114 PA AT ERWIN, dIeCONIBLL'IIi•COA 178 Federal St, Allegheny, JIIJigT oplClnr ati a, •T. 50 (MITI. . . , ONE CARE SUPERIOR EMPRESS CLOTELS alicolors t ENOTABH MERINOS, ••• FRENCH MERINOS, POPLIN AND WOOL PLAIDS DET Aivr.s AT 111% A.E.A11111.. ALL THE BEST PRTH7S. BF,EAMIED . am.strs. UNBLEACHED 11 ' ÜBLIN GIGIEEAMS; TICKINGSc. dud '&11111111.e of DOMESTIC AND /10U8EKEEFINO GOODS, at low prices, : .. 'PLAIN FLANNELS, • •;, BARRED 0311.RY„.EXJANNEISi WHITE COUNTRY FLANNELS, ISLAM): Vl9, 'at IRMO. BLANKETS; at $540. BLANKETS, at $6.00;,, SUPZRIOR cousTny BLAlrlarth,' It priors ulowiWaar WHOLIMAIX'A3/11 VATLID, £T ERWIN, ItIeCONNELL a n 24 rivszAz. cm= REAL LACS'S: RICILL . LACESS. I lICAL LACES. SEAL LACES We true last opened, tlla day. nee =Pint Rica. ?mg , ( Liu= ammarsouizirs W 4. POINT YaUZL 7*NOROR& . =AL PRINT oatiz 'imply"' n. MULL room attsr:3A4or. !ILL 14.611" a uas same. TM, lot la Pal or a special iigivondlo... ima oter,et al numb Icedar regalaiydeca. . . I:44ga WU 1141.1 pt. t. 124 vat Qat site:atm magus a WILIAM 7T0..19 . IMAM Rat. sumt. Laass azaz LAms. SEAL 'LACE& LUNN TRADE, 1887. KILROY DIO :c ON & COMPANY, Nom 64 Wood Street, PITIIHBIIII6II, "Rpvcr 0117•31. *imp' I* sipcm:= ME= LND F OT „ DKr e •• D sEDEL.:LN7Ivx4% AND ' NOTIONS, IN GREAT VAREETT. NTao immeetamis wia be kepi rem. thartsig the Ikeel!..T. Elba Cash and Short Time Buyers ' tinnii4 ce U4l. its•kr. i!excaor. J►EBS stoxsoir. -JOHN ix*. THE FORT PITT ' LUMBER I, CO. ettpUll4 i . $125.000. "erfageol.:al/11W. DMUMMiIig. =n).n±i tarai r aMoliVAlanal /= au tarn elmll+l4lll.weEt_ulLvil.l4J. raliirrioragrjard, -m Ent OM UM Ir mbar at* Eh, CollulW.tiw/17 poi amad a , ie. .11. WRIGHIT. Ihrereel.a7. DITICOODS! DitilOODg! Twombcaz.E. Ting Jarrow + TZtVi of far enitoman as rock. fm tw lttna taut o< Dun GOOD - 8 All): CASIIIVERES. N. ouatl hots' 'roar. CUMMING 41L(NNot etyma mutt /worm% bcitliMmory.• yam mat NIMMora "MUM MiSEIRD I/LASICI 4.4514•4 NNITG ItLiauch LV. `I woUtNIXPING GOMIS. Ls t . rait (NM= MOQMGarscle so 024 an • EL , 11 . 0 *D. Se PlUkobarglis, in 001 • WATERPROOF` CLOTH, °looking, Oaanimoria CMMII W. Maze 1112 reausi Illeabesky, Et=l = =ME ..t . ! . ;17ii632ikv 4- . .;4 I'. : 7:3 7 Z .4_ :' 0 .•:..i .. •;,.,..'-‘, ?' ;., ..' 12 ::,.: 18116 IBA If XDZILAL VV., AILLIIIHRNI. - f:' , 4 ... A :1K.•: .. . C . ,.!.::.:f : , : . i . : S . .7 -7 ' i..-,..!..-rt SHAMUS, GU/Vt.!, ROBIZNY.IIINDSS/1011117/. AT VVId.SEMPL.E!S, tio :as iw r..f.iriiiireet..o,linikaar 'ta, , .llLt . LlNtNi 011 44133,14.1W1LL5, TWILINO. SHIRTING BUJ .riumw cansslascia, issti CaP4 l % £T WM. SMEPLE'S, Gm. In mai In ravi had, nom rifb-I4 1 1 867 . . IrAILI4:TR4IDE. 18'67, ARBUTHNOT, SHANNON & COMPANY, irouLiamat vs.spos lA DRY GOODIIIi No. 118 Wood Strad, amse.rourcriocsair. arm.. ..0/1124 AT 2.071.1311 MOld press Pied% FM% 6141111110, Cbeeks,,Jeansi 'Tweeds, Cloths. Cassinere. Fatinits. P. a 4: emsdmeres, Flamm% Shawls; Skisia, - Whlte Goods, Bleached and: GSM'S Domestics, ars or lotions and trail Gondar', Barred Flannels. =I • acunt Iron 21 ' 77- ii ; XalinTi=a 4 n, FREEPORtIMUUMIUMBELM azix,iasaisar Greenville Barred 'Flannel& WuNSY: ta . . 0,141, •t. mem!. & Full Line in all Depulitint9 e. .n mug to e.n aßt sza l ums ov frood Street. LIBLIIINOT, sualisix a to. c. Axaasnain.— slurs° yE;NET CARPETS, niurssrms CARPETS, cARPETsi NEW PAMIRS. --... . 11 °" . " , !4. 4 021. 34* 1111119112 /Ira 11111/: OLIVER McCLIN'rOCK CIOMPANY, No. SS nrraz la ACM NC* /WU. !Mak 0.41. - R,E'ErriE;. 111,04RLM & COUPS orrim ru wine stmt.= BOMPS. AT E•IM141 eta. 'silo'', va rims stieet, nitrvairrArp ctrwrostnauar. =:=3 ,M4RVIN'S AILE-SUPEBIOR TO 'ANY Int Jllou omen, is tins unit I=l o. 81 Liberty • • .104.Yror.roDRTA. CEMAL WAREHOUSE. giew BILE D & amicp9an.nriimuia; m6)100 Wood Wm.. Mania tm giumt,rzaTtLiii. AWMUM TU. 7-MAYI lad TJUII4 CU?. . VA A ""in.didabUtli 1111 „ay.= . 3 .4 . 1 33 1 an vatissui LC Wet W, 44k " 47- : . 3 .. W tram w Will SI PM). GEWPO - IMFOEingitig. „ : Lemma , iisoiswlliti scams iizo 'emits; zerari. aztvr 040118:: =Amu?. emseurs. LTO. .. Jut °modal F. IL 311.44. 7 1 ' 0'N 9S, 1.0 itrZ/44111111111M, ESTABLIONZD IN i& . *TRAY 'Br:;iitcis.,' as TO sT. coincorzy, Still HINKEL BUIL 29 and sa 111111101911. PA. =l9 - - TIMID l'eaStOlrat. HAM • • riushodhh, a ofeatber nu, tee, WTEIE BOAIRD OF DIREIN 21.11 ti of VII, Blot hero dotland a Dividend et Din Per Cent.. " Oiedha Capital Stack, oat of the carolers of the • nitat its moouc , frog of eloratement Wm, ra,.. inool and URN.ay. tilt , J LIVINOSTON. Caehler. • ' Crests) lielmes.t. MANIC Or vs/litre,/ v. nitsburee, Is.. 'Nes. $. sed. 1120 — TIDE DIRECTORR of this Butt hays this eat • ''... Dividend of Five for Cent.. Go the Caplt•l Doer, mart the prolln at the last all. mot.tos. yap ahie o tha Doesoolosrs o. hitt2Lesi presslitoUr et. on •ad ante the Ilia voithn e ‘4°. 7,2nlVar, Jr Cutler. Zen.... 411 tgATIONA. Ban or rivrerroo rotthmxll. fl., November.% Mb arFIFIF; ISOARD OF DUIEC. SIMS tbia Mt, dartrod, from the . miii,ara or Um Last Xs mouth.. • . ItIV/D•dili UP . PIXX . XX CaNrsa r Reroute' tax paid by the liaak,' •toolholdora MIX tonal,, anti mum mot Mb Pist. - • - • X alltsmiali a Csartiar. " .r w Allie 6AVINVW ."re int/ Sank ett Mime' Denberi , of tee liennt. al tbe Vitt six tenths, wk . ". et , new Datek,n 7 e Hoy v. =a utbert; 11T itt is ;rwld 24.Vezien et LSI'.. noale BANMILM 11 lIRO,IIOT, lth. 1 W. taring EMINENT AND all. ILLCIVES of thl, B. It ha,. tcl. 4a7 rortor..NO or rtes rze emir. SIXIts Capps* Stock, out or the poillts of too last sts mouths. stitch will be Dim .o htockbolucts ee that*ree•ehlittee a. ohl 5 or altar the Ifst Tree.. re ISLIa rive of • Slovenians, Stahl Sad Lout , ao6itti! • WM. 110181113170,' CaShler. 0//lCit Vissran Ismsnavrci co ;1 Elsislaursq, Mot. 4th. 1167. s 05 1— DIVIDEND.--Tbe Hosudof Director* of SW" Comp., h.,. {Au :•RIVIDE/1111 or ;IMMO DOLL• 10,114 .001.4serettarCotibe Captml Stout. out of tie ....A , gavels of tb. tan six momma, tram or italonamoot sudituue 2s.as. payalmpto.tock• holdera aad sher Mogul las. WN. P. sizanssir. I=3 arDIVIDESD. trtrivx or Fir/152mm 1216CAlatC% C0..1 At i meal. of tba Hard of Dtteetare Of Mt Dalnivtaf. beld ads 0 0 7,a • Dividend woe de. . „ :Ten Dollar. Per4lbaze.. CZ amble on sou aftet /IA teat))h .d. to a 641: of litookDultUlo, =Waft roee or iv suonA 13.:IlIILTZ, Etrontitl7._ MEM Vllicit 07 rssTaltraini VU. Coxviarr,, PrlTSaolunl,, . $ far niviDEsn34o4- b:- THE • - Board of Dueet.ara of Cogaiaa y have hi, 4.1 dee . ..ad a meathly Er laced of FIVE PEE K.iabla.olisid 'atter the !install% it lII* Th. Riots wlll ha cloud from t➢e j wuaa 156 h Init..litles.Ta. . • W/Lidi.X treci.tary aid Trinsuct. TIM Mon tart Nartox•l. na.R o; ._t,.. J. f ' jar TIM nittecTotis at this DzinArgArA p OUt ofte prottr. orthe lest Steatolithz. tor MHO to tne steetholders, or Intir legal reoreserna• tlyl, on sad after tne Ilia last. . tree ot.tloaa ' ' .I:3lll3lorirri. . : GslbLutl+AYlo.l46BAa.; t 11Mbuttk. b f. Ima• I ilgr A SEMI- APINtrAL • DIVIt. six PER CELT , , • -- frt. of flo , tolloment tar.) on the Cabtfal Stock o, Tula 11.11.. but.% O , a aro/ by um obani of DlOrbtOm paYable ea ”dattor Um tub 1.6 not: U. L. taigt.Y, 4.3.0kr. - • .firens .1.11.01 D Co.. .110.12 Man]. W.I. uctobar.O, I. -Ma lfirectorsot tbeldarloa .11 Cp.tee ltd. day declared • Me dead or /Ws - PER CMNr. oa 1.00 Capital' ate... parrotsat t.l. nfel -• *sand atter ;a cassaba"... LSI. Tr . ..fir oota cloud. -sorfis - Z. 215211 ANT. flecritarr• TIVAS I TEAS! Of SU Prices and Quality, at a.. $3 I 3F1.. 32r. 7g3 fiSKKE TEL. rc .T0U5E1V 416, ...,.........11.6194r00.14. LIN • 0.4 .....I.*** O X , L .• BLUM L" ..u. • E BLACK TeLli . ILL,f2s• 04. thutotaratinarh - Very_ll _Mama Uwe...4;4410 , J•lna• I a ! U ?X U AW tif " rhe lr . " .. .1; T :# . Phroa the above Sol 011• Jolt 'wagn kind erica they hnestr, and have these p tpL r ear human). arta ronrartlext hr hey or fb:Sy. t e r Coseriallee. Leo hoer earn . geode at very planet la the Eeli, b.l7erretillri yere "'" slum article It Wetly snit. their - tarts "' _ 11#1.110 ..1111 744174 1 . 44c74124.. 4117/1•77. FOR FRIORINT TEAS, CHOICE OFFEE, pu . R4' , •.ppicEs; QM! ROBINSON'S, 20 Fifth Stieet. JOHN RO - T*l & SON, : . . ,. :Itpculers sad Wholess.•Dsalousis.. 11:416319 AiD . Doll*.ll7o — MIANDIEfi GIRO. 1101118 i &0.. II O 7 rairaratsr aersoi,r •011.011tTa e1ft78 . ./IltD erzamir, Baleen.ie nifoits 1A40171i...51 Amd th. ahttd raturat that tmilWritopused (bar vrime.o. :Ira at ft" d tres " usfze w " Lon " ' t. bo will Waltham. . . . - _ . . _ .3ed eed estebtlebeel repetation et Burn .1.1,e• •• reill•lest 'est.:motor 1:1711• 4 11111:11 S ie l = r""" ' Forsmnem purvoine. mrticalar acleetion t. directed to tern. lan. elect et • • „ . pIa.aFFEA.II WISE; JoiLig.4soialiorqulttlai Or • "' •,, r/t.ESCII 4 XNBNACP.'-• , . „. „ • • Or Mrt 10- We.- 91 Duitcao,' vlll &Ma 14 promptly alluded to. • . • 4010121.11MTU & MON.. t=!!!!1 HAZARD POWDER. - I ANL NOW TREPAIZEW TO limed nottes, all mien for IsSis of • • IIiTARDV CELEBRATED POWDER ardOri lan at or .ant t 7 midt to m 7 'nark Am' III) and BT4 PADIALL LITAIXT,III. r 7... or to 19 OZQU)D entErr, PlUstarrO:Pa.”, otll MOT. amigo aUsatlon.• • • • itatant s URVANi • • • BONDS, STOOKS, A3D WM, EBTATS, Apollo Raitble6, Fetwar Street. i•eareiiiiee6ll666llo - 1113inks,ead all - weds Meek, Wee bI, sea eced omeneell.M. kerma. tereee. We. .TWO ULNDOED n .r 13 "" Half Spanish-Segars, last Swatted on tiossltddlddl.7l:ll ddi wild is Blight DoMira - Per Thaniand. ROBERT F ' .ll "Pro ivivo: au. r== . INTWILL KEEP ON-' flinj kail soosocola t it Mat of • • • • IhealloulN, 'X... W.141.10ra,,, : , • : , .-' doks I trriißm . •: , : -, ..-•-k . 41,.,,mal ~. At .711111MITAAOTWORIN imAlinql. 1411 .A.U•thea• City. , . . 1., .. niltarle /of. IntißturATleli a nil tr. r. imizson LTIILMB & HORINIIIO7I6 . letoctuan toJazi mummy -LOGY" avzmu c rgreg rir: s". ,i tt v6iNg et.' M o . • .i , " : llN r i ta lleCAßDlLk- a WltUtladla DRAM (1111101 avo sotto c sa Nouto eithil hem. aim Mimosa gin Pl2lll RYOOOII2. • 3172(111. ra viornr. T0arAN8E4...1433.1161F0.0.31241tEL1A1pw+7., i THIRD MOROAT Or ROVIERSTR. IFtetwo. t goo• hilliarnot hi d‘clifelr la Um artert. o=4l=lagtVa 71,143,44:gerk% aNYaff baalzeis. Pittabursit: N 0,7. (M . ES "21!. PrY t. °"Wa rltt r il=rl 4 . "" = "4 l . Vlttabwrib,.Elay. A lilt FarTEIE ANNUAL nEIIeVIC ti ostttaldmt trtlttga i rit !;.: beta at Um YON ititalLea Ital/L 7 . OADAT e aroviuturantria. ma, AT ItS it'CLQOI( . „ , which as 4 Ow. a. Beteg otpheetnkb ..14 be elem.. tettbe meal.' TS , ...t 4 ••• tbr F ee ttitutlUMß 1.1.111111 .. So fly PDX =MR the tn. ne74. - 3 ' E. KUM& Settniarr.. scams. eAci-wan.r.tvcatt rldeberee. Nee. Weenie. IarTHE NINTH VUILITNEVee !be Ilteekb.l46oll Of Vid: P 11.411104 MAIMS/ Gdal.l2. or Th..' er:r Plit•Ourek. wed be held as 16.11clita• V.SS rine &twin, Om MOW Ddr, Ler.. leth Iniztdoolbetziee, redid. Wee mnd ft.. :ape eedolleirether let= Ina w easy tb• de e C d a es ull r CodWIN, lectetatr: gni ()TIC E..--Trie *usual LEND tiilLltaT t giliDENl? . 4l 4 4. l3 6l 36.. r agraltjaTlZTADZAap.s.u.r hoDa of atm sad tante creack jar * : *Mao at IhrattortE Ealaltgary Katt Trilisaije for the ..1111.1eR 0 7././ the 8r..114. - • , . JONES rintur.to.—Tit• jo illoWleotlog of the itockbollemit DAY er ° °'°:"l'it ". the Pk. tUtlan!, " St o , 101 l %tonna. p to .401 ox maroon_ .. 1‘ oro ba boy, oat ioteh other totontooo Imo ! "OltrO7.7'"Vfeli:RllMW Vanes WI irrilUt lignnus;• . nrreau.au. Osan; 11/2e-t lAN .E.L.ECrUnr, JOB TILI3TII4if plawTrat, at tato dap nr:lai soi la. anus kith "'al plod .1 ika WIC% /19, "W"V"."" Toesda7,ll2Bb dor of limosior Mori Sewn at Sours of Its: WC 6242 2416 ' ' 101. 4 P; no: mix E 251 NoTtozs. UT'S OT/IUL al,l'a;P: Urn°, r attar IL,itiwkr rar.r patairill::4llllVAlZiii...r daVe=ll4: da b % l F greatcr Wit. lay Complain Eastern Diriatals. dW. Jiwealwbar n. ldo7 , will be paid onmseatatlon or V Ceti- K7l3l . l7llWrin. ta wneltit Tara. ea nail after ttat data. .www WII. J. YALMEIL Treannair. AR MOIRARX. : LECTII.R Tba LICOTIME SZA.SUIS TlClliire are rsady for dbirlbarirn and ma bs tad My member or tba voussaithe, ar Army.. TUN: Librarian.' at the Auaartatina"liacaaa. • tit)! r e Wn;lacui, &ma Latins. • I imit. 0. 5.. Scams. I?aanataw " AUCTION - ti.A.LEIL A,LLscitaiora,; • M.AGN rrclerrlPtcitslol4 mtpeN 9 AT r m ...., wet= •rZtalsrtoAlr, Nrni. Mb. et l i si7bek. they ut r.s/areee of ILay-WAlkef; . Sae isbler 11ziebLoo yrs& n ser ths:seeh - st ill.. 'The 11.2. ITN :al re : o;riettr AILIZI T IMWaItst. slsallm Abb. AA eyeball sot melee Iranian% la mat rastat, ssayeriet, al blade ey yawl teens. sbyebbery, • psx.soof et meld papal 41 het by I:Am ertte at titsgsta, Alton* tent. sture mut aboallut • pits( ' The been Is •tertNeurry , yesase ballast At Mater% 17 r:Olt i gittO ri L a in Nag ! Tigg= salvo.% It amstAtse she thrshbstab boYAetAlhA. n,e ..lashes. and eealteg - W. city Ase mn. gown tile ba.talay. 11•111 of .I.ft.ite Melee , A the eons aaa , lbere dm muss eat :rttrasfitiliTh. 41 1 ;14 p r one. Also. • ierdsbere bee.. ...lrkeoes. s i t 11. " Mi . " :t1,14 1 :41 tbeeaT, ably en& still vete nem Wilber WV= Virz i gr.% c ßalf. agettne Avon eonstest massy Emden Ilten will. AlI front catnap ts by tits am Mb be 7ond 'be ese i r a lg toUigas.. en Me Mew MEM. reVents:ter rem tle ft a irty "" . Tari..tari '4=l t;t:Y f t:ii 14;4',AtItriarL siebeelthlt, yltee before tall ewer eme. Tertes-lbse.. MIA oral, 11111 0 AM Inn. ressenslos Yet April 111. • • • 'firtC • ' A. itl rediLesa7.' VALUABLE BUSINESS PROP- ZRIY Oa avanbar l6lo.atllf Jr. Y.. Cl tle M VIM the my Lot ag - errealVl. 21 VI I 'La ann. haying • :mat of TO tatt. feaVar Medulla Awn, siva marl In test. sad malls slag le davta 00 nu me.. In an 100 feat, nu wimp Le anoollinl 1311 laren Inellsd,blet. (sll WPM =NMI 41,:x.71.4%.10,rirtanZ1 'atilt sad tate coapplata. •Itta Watt. .4100 :MI = rogra lea at; weal ud caital/ Va itataaPTVlValle alit Y Is • mute r at lao per avant. - Tavaa , 7; mad* talrgra Oa stage. IaSIL, PALMY.. UM. Amen, • En • -•• P. • • .• r llttlutlea. painac tia1.11411". , VAIITABLE. LAW • • Toriul*Pribars11101•••••P•1•26110• 03 T . nVianiAr• , 11101M1117111 111121“24%; 'l•slicre• et sopselo , Tsimiliittsugii•ttista• iclten=g4 wi rojirt:i nft tp a .1..ki1ticy,•,•41 , !,•-e? • mita stew re:veltil ti isr• lanFilljrgsaln i efi vir o:24• wu.rll l=gt in 13•14140 0.1•1111/Ka IS Li ircleet • • • nuaartur.wins.: . aimodalr' . ." l - kaimaia CARTER'S . •NEW-• • SHOE •• HOUSE. . minalisiaum mai , BOOT ••AND S1101:.11011SO No. 47 Fifth Streit, • . currberniu ourTautta.4 • grUjikaraW s Dnet l ias . M;Mg aimed at &AT GM!, house 111 {!11•141.7. latire o< .. CiAtiMe ONTint• Prnmunftrowrui*F. solunlYtkrintit 1 - - -mipiiiiinsiii,:-.lk-ri . nit ... ... GERMAN . i cif OM : W/NIBMDADMISI - , 409 raii. sire etkPOIR* i . , 0.1 , 1110163 MDT bannAiillaralnitrei la. ram num." lan, okreAulukastan= . ralkintents • 1,11.11 134 MAMA( f • itgkaVGlTL Ct lrr itisi . ll PBOXIIE. • CM. ' WM CHAO. LaIIIBLIINO. re t. ~ ... ~,, • =BN 11D bllelloi.i LT0 .01., •D.ibalr• t• l, i A.« Aru m a ;A: i itigra k AtttrtluZid .7 , ..% . 194! "2. 1 ef Atill2li STS 1 /ViSrAL=F:OtaA:.- Iliesber• b. ..e. Rana G Os brsa4 f. , warmly a. VII& 1.41461. itief i rli talsri.noo •,! 91111111uolionipa. c cozyciump„opacir , SEIiTON- Local'Ool;ectinir 3Poi-444. SIOL. t.,,, neranniont. • yap ELMot tl.l' descriptloair tlar=s• it:gve ass4e. me t 81141.., 11011311. C.DP.AYO ........ (4RE DRIVO4IO 4bilss and Nadler/1r _Castlagiy fairbi b n i r=avg,...m.m r.taz it 4 once, wo.ithext7 is paw* lA6.4werat utak sieuttax.) Rcw STYLES' BISXAMI AND GRECIAN 'si SUiTS - Th. Immo Ute--17' 1 4 1 . 1 M4011.1) MTV ~. , . IiIRAY . xlk LefilAll6 - - iiei-liiiceiisseress. ri :4 4l 6 `"Ait: '11,• 4 1 ° • Met. 01167. ta. Litmus at Om saes .111 00 mated IL; beim. jam Qua • .lars orzespumu-an.lll.44lbrnie Bonaine. Jaws a. walnut. 5 rfOtttailOtam LDI