The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, November 08, 1867, Image 1

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1 4 . .1 . 0::07:0iAlterat
v. a. troini. us " •. soma Aso.
of' • , 01710 .oalzarrn rnnumoi
iai ,
keit= \ Pipe d listen hinsyl =L
CIPTICILit PM nr g trzisuteni in
. ....
: 6 Z e figikiii ff.fri li gnit LIZ ".841.,rm r
ace.v. per
ittsbut# traleltg
'-' '-'1" SUBBAT Cm*.
- Titibirday . theSturnutie Cotut refined
hue:Matti the - injunction granted by the
Cart 'but* retrain tbe,.,Vnion
rallantier wel of PbnuaeWalt
Bunt ' mouths ears 9 11 ';',Bundayl,
The action , the • Mutt - Oat' be
laud, elsew _ ' /I/ - our , cobains.
oticiii,,Lor ito.p4imie.
Ipnishripfyl. 130 far otheterhaf, .-it aal
dietthe i b' e betich.rethisZ Vas •
''But, it - Auniesed the ' Mitznetio
hems. a' -maw": roe improperly
wigaht; waist° talc the attempt was
by injunodon to enforce a .penal statute,
adieu the ittotegatage ihntild have been
by ilididiiiiii,.'` • ' - '
• L`Tbkil,ao.oo3ot pill' bet,'"'"est, lams
t a i 'itittae ' of Bonday cartticks ' "
ficatairroa, Inllatzerne county, was a
few, months ago, raised to the. rank of
litHifer±tity , of-Penneylvania r hy the
easiscoMion Of!Provideoce, Hyde Park,
, •aird other outlying. alitri , Ft& It newer,
Maims remained vrltitaira daily newt;
defibitrAY lifittrtriaPPlied
Cyandall :M. Co:, - ptlipeeters
:itho7.ll•Peldicii, 'whit 'issue a dab'
Tafilifsi.or thit,jcitumal. '.ltis edited by
3:l43"liatiagin. uithe founder
of that city, and recently Ceilm.tor
of,rederal tares for that district. He
. girls aim:A
tm of euccesilin his new
vocation; while the . mechanical mean-
Hon is"creditable; tit tie skin and enter
prise of the pablfshem
. . .
Tin New York Strait' proposes to
psy the national debt by a great -.bonfire
Gaverronent bonds, and offers to con=
White -One hinidrod thousand :dollars
,ActszoL, an:Slum& Capital idea
Snips:mo n the fferaLl leads off and bums
the ansonit stated and than wait (or oth
or signally 111E466 bolidiui Mere to Ibl
lirii-thectibla isna43lll.-
~. . ,
Zug dedelou; of the, prpreme Court,
lieliTeisislipodalt city on the
ids, mr questrou, ens telegraphed he
IUI to Pbliadelphla . Oa receilit of the
Inktaligeuee the Inane tompealee deco
..estea'ailt can with ahoind
otair'dge4 or lby Itad Si thlfaCtiall war
fat; flaw developed that the
.Itradiehlhiaiiie eared the dig" for the F'a.
fiisitoiales 'at Monte Rotondo, ending
ii::timelecame just u Slie Guribilituu
On' the eve of, obtilidiag victoiy.
Fahve.-geeord, of Cheater, sas:
Lan, Thursday .manting - a boy by the
name of Poley, reeding in Phiernrrille,
met with a ftm.l socinent by being ran
°earl bye coal train. He rihdartook to
upi l a= o p4=coal train near the
_kr • the purpate of
setting's tide to the - depotorben be slip
peditad'foltunderAeiwbegagof tbereart
winch cot tan In beat, • .
. • • - -
' - .-•rbe barn;etehlie ito caroto-1666
ortbe Laiumenadaustasotha r
were destmied by.Mnottgaturderjeed.
Three horses, two , Ure . and a - uge
a * .
amount of , grata mel farming Well
ies wee • u We hire not been
Age to the Takeo!' th e build
ingi'dietioyed; ut their content/were
supposed do be worth wane $3,000, end
there wee no insurance.
. .
—Two boy .war, smothered to death
in r4Telzildnin the hesielevidorat Ede,
reeentlV They s got- In' •.withotxt the
jir to ot ny' one bet o, am...tem,
a i
grain rem above hailed
and buried them oonsplete.; • r
—A tremendous stornted
lest woolcht Weindrotter_ Vicki iiIXEZILS.
The - ball atones ere described ner being of
04 0 0 414 1 . 1, PtPrAS.WekAn:P.feet.
Reedql.k toteteddji Crawford tyj 'wee 'pedr-or twim. were
1 , x4111,2033 eV5*b.0t , r- -
.• _ d
ST. LOlllB
The Weesems aassessases Tress. Om
tar nuesraset to uwriumarine•ant‘l
Sr. November• 7.—The' annual
ostrventlen of 'the . ' Waned' :eaisocbged
Preset, which has been in setaiontere for
the ten thy's; dosed lite labors this
afterunon alter a haritonions and agree
.,.eble mended , Alamo amount of buta
ne= waitraniacted sad xneontres per
forted for the generaladvaneepied or Rio
Anton* blithe - Wasted prem. ' • -
The Ibllowbts; Japers were imre!fr
Sald ,nol
at the -tootaing, :Wredfy.
Louhrville W. N.
Dayton Jeurnet, sathid Honer&-Cln
. drinatillisaserreisd, M. - Xfalsted;
Grazats, Richard elmlth; Clevolmd
Herald; W. , ratebanken cierebiud
W. W.A.rontrongt'tilt. Louis
new", W. N. Swift; , Louis _Dem
, verst, , Wrn, NolCon. Chi Trulonte,
lT titeD_ ,Lll. Chicago , Nan,
J. T. Ballentino ; Chi -ago Tines,
3 .cistiodier; .Detruit ..ove ivms, H.
W. - Walkerf Detroit Adrirtiscr & TW
.Oteer..ls4.E. Baker; :bedevills .J ran{
fbarirr, proxy,{. W. rishbacin . Chielgo
Pbst, , lA , Bbarer, stains, , BnOffron,
John Snapp; Indltuntoolis joherrel,W.
N. Holloway; Pittsburgh ammereid.
"D -rer ak; Late Beit• Ca . mino. Joursol,
Wilson; Toledo Cbstnal, V. Wag
rtfEvaneville And-) Jeurnatorohn
. Carter; .43cdum7.7.....4 •
;11'~I; Ertamille "and.}::COerte6lW.
ChlesgOgeftmej, ProYi.Or
lisdill;.Cinettmatl-Aliquirer and. ;Lima,
,proxy,liichartLfimlthasullf Tr. 04.111 ;
• Tinuar,S. Ilutcdton Lorna
er, C. Dectuan - • . 3
The following Board of Edrectors were
elontedtke -4he eftraingVyeaft 'Jormiph
W. W. Armstrong, Jno. W. Foster, W
N.„Neldernart, andlb.N. , Welker..l
.gt meetingdf the Boa rd of.Difettorr,
held subsequent to, the regular sessions
.411 he angehtlettlho *MIMIC sstftriGre
.weresdeeed: H. N. Walker, President;
Jobe Ninon, Vice Pros:Ant:N. E.Ma
keroftentsal W. W. Artnentrag, Au
ditor; -Geo, General Agent.
The .Ezeentive Committee consists of
Joe. Medill AMA pichard. Eymith. . •
ba at therm beds Hotel; dreer'hy
theme. Louie -Press, ;antidotal the
14610 rLIPIP• iIIea•UM.4.44IIM64MON.
( B ? l 74 l oo4 . tigiti..rti.blailt. ol 4o 3 (,4
5111034T44 , -Nosamtatr 7. , ‘A.: tire
brdleebiOti_ditighf !Ohs Irrnonry. of N.
.etxet, and that and.thdielOhling gores
were soon horned. The : .Rind being
"hint the fire was.blown across' thistreet
and ttijo store -- htnrol , I :4: 4 "b9rAi 00 "
toad by &rause dc Gutman, an the
ad at-budidbellgi brittgfllw
kilo:W*lmM On 00301 Who fa•
dipestkitt - Prese wets anettutied. The
tyke , 11 ;ortdilliSit qtrenbectr,
wgbodss Winsonburg; :to :corral;
ner C 0.,, dist/gem 7'., P. - Childs,
;,.gcoatn'Etrinnnot:ounnan, - :.idotblern
longstratisTay/or, Conrail.
Co, grocers; Heil Cs Co., .00nindaslott
menlitanta-and - Jobni Sites protniethr of
of the Mcßissock /louse. The loss Is
estimated* one to two hundred thons
.Atel dollars, large .portion of .whish le
MThre 4l.l, 7.'lrOlOotti oo ;.' The Illeroluthts
maths Uproot are heavilotars /allotted:
`:' ' HAVAIkTA.,
Lliie7l4 , •
(4 TO*** to tas titUbargh - eilsello,j
avam November 5.—A rovollitlen
bee il broken r.,
out in Hayti in lever of Mon
k= and eiteltett. ttio uriborttp orPtlet-
Dtamsegilrit 110 4 / 1 1111
. 10miraidt:to rutstantut G gui 4 3
- Pon:n=6=n.. IC. November
Di the. cage of .I:L. - roster vs. D.
Spliumy„crwiare acute Moto and, Union
eLIII . 0106, thousand
Ins2v. award ile
oW,A, .3 7 tt Mob two years ed for a
sacking t
—The Toniahma odIUA by
a descendant of Saint Thomas a Becket,
and ,a son of the wit Gilbert a Bala.
• - •
. ~ ._ ~~,
vouxE axm:
. ra
f , ‘ sat
. / MNIG - gM
The ,Peesidentli.lllvguge
General Ortutt'a lieport on
. ,
Cornet . Mlic .3hibt ~ giant elit.
The Coniini Gamlen of
Probable Eventful Session.
Disbaudment of Colored 11111111 i.
Preeldent 'Needlesay Alarmed:
Ovlnano % r mait4ti . Deillmbletto
of Jeff. Davi s
Heftlth of Thiddein Steven
Rebel Secretary of;liat Parted*
Agriaultoral - Repoit foi `Oatober
rapT4 plsp)tiek co tb.t , r.lttatTgla fiasetta.) ,
WAStritstriwc Nov
T.he Mripboise .of,Ceturress are coming
In 81614 and takhig up their quarters
.aelaa• approaching Walation.,l"*Wwith-.
standing, the &Lid at the ballot box in
NeW-Xurli, the paling among Ittpubll
nts Is. hopeful and ir better day owning
l thenniveraal =premien. - !lbw - Gsint
mot - oaten! Is , rapidly Increasing ..
strengthOmt. the friends of Chase are
aalvely Anti nc.:;t;jitag
undone to advent"
,„his.hitereista' 1 In the
Presidential way... Leading Radicals ea ,
uremia to doubler Grant'apolltleal
He stands straight with them; and lust a
few days may roll away 'era 'ha ehnwe
that he is proud to be classed among the
foremost of that aelotd of . Politics..
ct ackssiar.
, -
--The Press Minn la =gaged ht the pm.
anti= of his - mutual masage. .13 will
cover many pages of foolscap, and the
blowing ones confidently predict:that
lie r.wDl Min bold ground intrust Con•
grace and Hs plan of reconstruction.
Under, -the Imprensa= that7tim.recent
Democratic triumphs are endpreementa
of his pcdicy, inaPired to go even
beyond his old limits; and will preelpi.
tate a crisis oru the Nit:Wind Assembly. ,
Grant is busily engaged in preparing
his annual impart, tolhe President. Els
Mends assets that he will net - depart
from plain statistles to obtrude any Dont -
VAX opinions *rhea owes. taS will in no
hesitating Manner Maki known his
eiews regarding reconstructlemso- far as
ebeNfillea r y Department Is.ooncorned,
..Pneseport,lt le elahmeelorl/1, piece him
winakelyin the ramka of the Beptabllom
Weir and win make certain of hisnonii.
1110 for the Preaddencle..
o['the Public Debt * oil Itte
Snit of iTovember :
rive Der echl. 11000.• —....... $ 144,44141:10 OP
rasasi...ls4•lo of.4ooCsadiXii .14.444,0u10
De!ae 4 : 8eadi..2103........1....: "a 15031040 40
- di , vest. 4-14 , 0 4.511...........i...UM441.110 40
• ihaa 14 44Z 1 0 4 d.“...........4....1 4111154 40
rota. t .,.. a
' ' 'rkal Z - 1444 - kgg .14644. .
'tit • • , .. , 1: i .„
,; .
ellrper ent..1 4 0108......-qZair $..- 44 . 4 a 4 2 a
Three ppm eO4IVO batmen XlO4O ~.. 0 40
Three year 740 Noted. 214.040,7441 6
Thew yeretat.4.tertde4oohl ' • u . . SMOG OA 0
, . .
I lashieficaeatliet 144.4siedyn.;„Appli..
vs", 7-30 VOUS, Astast IS..
CaMINNEad 1114.11.1. to, Ana „ - -
k sa d 21,4.724, .41,11g•set ,• • -•
ladalwLllL 9.4144:0 to
Trealoart 4404•...nc1a #11417, Wt., -sum • - • •
• - iss,ast
Salads of Ann
?wager, IstaN i kandk an MI
Ssessarsry-L055.."...... MX* to
Ca llassisi af la! salsdadss........ ,SLMOI
4‘1 .1.4 " /. 4 ;v l t.
11. ... 4
—.4 .l*l.43Sour
AslmaU (*.Ur 7lycmry..
The Preadont haat granted a pardon to
Tames A-iBeddan, lata.6ocrabs7 of War
'of the Sabel CAufederacy; !tad' a rataat
wee placed to his hauda to-ay.,.. - •
_ T - 1 1:1&.:',.• • -
-: The,ofdeo of ..11a.i.Clierfugton.IDletAct
Attorney ham was. sot =lite Tbaliii4sT,
Cud but en the licuely diecovery , •migat
have been divas:rya% Mr, 444 1 706WD
bee ht We waseesSoti all t.b..lupers, dr,
W r t d d Mitt the t;lst
L I e l H e l l;
° Y.Pbo l md "have hem o ffice
all.. 'There is no cluato. the luceadlary
It bi understood that our Government
ISt eretr4b*t levenerninrott auszarq
the Wand 'orS.t:Thomne; but
h o
,Ituset Naha Government, who
uotv vial= Meat . tm eAchtertnit
I avia n lama itlion:* • !
ontomtrion pnyinterritts . ,
"thutoony- 'befOre OrdiuMee
committee shows that the liitiry Detkert.
goat pureleteed-rnachlnery of Clatl4 ... .sfr
vexed contrib. derma= they ireretheouth
:With ll,Anki-,1 101,6 4 Platen Co ate
governixmt; inie eine beim proved
hetl - extrenter_ _ pettlulittty is shown to ,
sterile - the thteriMiartheN' Domerntet,..
Mach& theeeeeptenee aielutuent,: to
the injury Mother parttewi 4!
There has been . am:e s t asmuch tat
hero to-day a diof
thaeolored mill bout dams a the bout the hand el mant ections.
It appears that some ten days ago the
Presbi 's lineation was allied toeparr sent }tom this 'city bye amuse
tionsl corrospondabt, in which It watt
stated • the& the =grecs. were arming
here to aid Congress and the Radicals in
their attempt to suspend the President
Went impeachment.. :This psper , Mr.
Johnson sent to lietsweiGrard, with an
order to report. the number character
and tobjeet - of Abe 7 nigtoftlltlA. - The
Stcretary of War mlled - on General Em
ory, In commend ,here, Mean answer;
Ileho limb reported Mena there
were ' , about 'fear- inn:died Of the
troops, of whom half were armed,
and, - ,:there - was , no
express authority far their orgenitedien.
they yrorkpar to =main
companies hy the citP This
report wait forwarded y Gen. Grunt to
thtiPriskkinVoittinettlnthdliWlth the
peremptory order directing the disdain&
merit of the negro tallitWs.' , Thle order
passed through Gem Grant's handl to
oftleenr (tithe colored troopsnot topansde
wry more in public.:, Ss did mast one
order their 'Weskit's up, for the reason
that he could riot see why they should be
disbrulded when all other classes of chi
setta ansallowed to organize- in millinery
contpazdee. This morning he tett:wiled
the President's order; with an indorse.
ment In "Shot thanes martal's , te
existed 4inet, he was not able , to , ttnd
bp , Whai enthenitytie etaidOrdertha
bandment of the troope, This indorser
nient 'moisten forwsNed to the President
by.Ge4'Gant„l: - •
,TViud,furtheraction Mr. Johnson nil
take sir , not known. The .colored men
hits bsenoilleetedalwout their headliner.
tern, to some extant,. this evening, end
they laugh heard:Wet the fear with which
they*Thte!Ptred the rnestit!3Pl-,
r4l'7, Dav,te
District Attainei Chandler autbOilres
the statement that he will be ready for
Me Jeff... • parte hint on the 24b14140-, and
eaye he 'has so :entitled the opnestng
counsel _ 3t ban not been learned 'what
response wan made by DANIA to 'Chief
JuattooCbase'n propoaltlon'to begin, on
the lath, but It is evident that the Gov
ernment, 1111 rep anted by Ur. Chest&
•• - .-eiT, ' .-.' f It' I .14 ; );: - 1.-- . ; . • - .. , - , 4_
. . ._.
- . .
•=;--- .: - 1: ~ , . ..;.- v i•_,.'4, : ,.. lin ' "-, 7: '' - 1.:': , .1 - 1. 7. '%. ,_.' -• ~-;-':": VI ~ E.';':=.7x:r.::; dl. '.''''..:l if, ~,,,, r,-- 4 - - 44,._.1; - .: - ., - ,... - ...',:;f',' . ,......,.
,'"— ..,-+' ', ..*._ 7 '..,... re. - ' !n . •:',': --- •; ,'. -' '' -2 ''' ' ' ''' .'' .;'. ' ll' ri:
• , . ;, -7 .. C: 7.:;' :1. -:
" 1-: -. .; - .., ...
, ~.. .. ..., -., -.71k, "A - -. 11t tan. „,„”, 148 '? i .--- -.: JW, ;i'' _-,
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... :, _'. L , ', '.l.
' ~•:- .
. ::-.• : 1,
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i - •-- '
..,, ' , -,k' - -., ....., -114 -_ - * T AIA .,- )°=•.. ,- -liiitii--i- . . .••• - • . N . ' :': , , - . , 2, , .., , -_,- . i•k . . '' •-•- ''' . .
i 1 . '': ...- .. • . ('- - ,z - --- vq1110..- -- --L=•=''''-• - '! (- ''••' .. * , ',„41§, •-• " • '
:-..-r-1:: ' g,1.,, -, ="T 0 t' ,7. __,,,, t 4,1 , .' i 12= 1 . 1 1.-.::, ' --,p•ft--=-1.-- , -,---'-,,,„ - ,- : .
. . .
. . .
ler, has no Intention of commencing at
that time. ;The Bnpie Conrt, opens in
general teim ht * Wesgton. - on the first
I Monday.. in December, and therefore it le
not probable that Mr. Chase can be at
Richmond on - . the - SUSof this month.
The story that the trial will be put off
till next Kay Is said by - District At
torney to be.without, fonntlaUes.--.
The Beard.appoinfeel last year,hyßeo z
rotary IffeCallocli. under acf of o_
to revise and codify the laws relatWg to
customs and marine, made a partial re
port in the spring; by War of a bill in
troduced to the Homo byy/fr. Elliott, In
which, however, no final action was
taken. The Board, 'did mot' finish its
labors, and one tn
or two of-the ombevu,
will' prolsibly resume work in - alhort
sutra Hotnt,pETATION. •
'rho ii r eilYienToTtl7Q - lOrta - I Labor
Er oat!
c oV en in g n a rr o hrlev o tui re t
IWO ' k g:7kt giUth='aft petttlon 6/ettrit2
of an eight hour law..'.
A letter reCelvid from a personal and
political friend , of Thaddeus Stevens,
dated Lanmater eth, mgt..: Mr. Stev
ens Is not so wert, • still he expects tt,
leave, forWasldngton on ,fttarfty• Ha
may go, but I think. it extremely
doubtful If twain' appear in. the House.,
' - NE or etst...urr.
The government clerks aro holding
e c=l c ';lM l n '
Con They.
sedation. , prhpose to become a chartered
L'o'sm;;T , 's BE int:
The report of General Grant will mo
nths reporta of the District and Depart.!
tflOpt Aftglindfulldetallstaphat
ropefaidons of the former under the re-;
construction laws establishing ltfilitary
Districts. - - -
General Rawlings yesterday presented:
lion. IL B. Wiehburne with a cane cut'
from the tree 01 Muksbakeandef which:
Pemberton surrendered.
1 / 1 1 0 reeetititief customs from Octoberi
18th to 31st, inclusive, were 81.1n2,8-18.
noses iStlit=iittisettiton noesmi—mt:
woman ON Hawn trey ISECOND trnsr,
'hieldette Pair Wits .01.014 d
0 1 0 *Btargitbia 4urtrzx., the , n'
Wing the zacetetween Joe Giles; nwinid
by Col. Pry, of Cusc-itmall, liar
and,COlCtifilia , free 7
Polly Ann, from Miadalphia, and
gamier, boinat;Lcatim- istere
towed to go n Pleta except
Magoocler, and he to wagon. Joe Gall*
won thequize of„ fire hundred . doilare,
taking the first, tMrd and' fturth beats
beet , Mae.= - . • - •
Magoozler won the second twat.
tfiVertioitort:-Of the temt.m. t of•A
culture: MX OCCOber, 1143 V "2110, what
crop of the country kill exceed any hars
reit hithartm - t- 'The arnteankti 'placed at
two hundred and twenty to two hundred
and twinity-five - million bushel.. 1111,
note gives an it:4mm of _seven menet.,
liflunesotaeight, Michigan thirteen, lowa
Mice; Wisoonsinisixteen; Ohio one hun
dzedand thirty', Indhou eighty-tlve,West
Virginia titty-one,Kentooky thirty-eigt,
Pennsylvaniap-enrso. The quality
of whoa. y. superior, to that of
last year. "It almoktunireriallysomsd
am! dry,. but In many Ictodittes there
may be found Ikons third ten.,helf de,
tleieney in tr,, tefir.init• In plumpness_
or slightlL i ahtirebed. al wastes LS 2s t o z,
i l etalLL TaLI6 than r 1 714180Zpirist pounds,
deny to cloanlinesa and awe in proper.
inn the for market. t t,t.ed
hundred'. andWy : liesthels;
about - three per cent. abovelastyair:—Eethnsto , of all the States, ar4
minion th ose =J j :L b c, tu lr: i nty -one
az tent.
itartey—luo t.nt; about mllllOll ,
BrentrtrAtt 111111.
airii--42hility'iitatorittlY iiio' di . vain*
°Caitlin arop„ after dedg defitiezei
in that:Ohio valley met allowing lor in.
crease Malmo= all the other States,. will
be greater than that of last year .
Sorghum-Greatly declined and despots
iletteySeteldent in Alio rtemagi or mikey
sinners.' , • .
nuagrAcat-Harilly equal to teat year.
1 - Potatoes-Crop poor.
1 ~, T 4lstor-,_Ltew thim last year...
an -TwoutY Per bent. greater limit
emau crop of mat year. .
' Gig:on-About two and a half millini
bolm - diefiew bitodredtoindsreeoh. '
.Flnteilinettatte-Nainalf deficiency lo
Kentucity..oldo...l.ndisua. and Illinois;
farther west and northwest the supply is
=ZTates, good as. hist year. Itt
its that titport areduced einillYi
there is also a reduction in the condition,
lit all of the others - the upon the
condition *re quite firtmSble. " • - ! !
Old TlTheop-s.. Sixinction tea compared
7 i
with last year.' The deck of d wheat
has not been rednoed so low,+. for many
years, if ever. r. a '`' i ~.- 0 I
CONVIZSITON or mart - , ac. ;
official.lll3liiiti.ic** Of the get mai convention of amity, commerce and
navigation and - for theentrender of t o
githisiltrindnals, .betwistat the United
titres and the Dominican Republic., The
convention is CI the ittostliberal claret,
tor, and enact tie provislona Is that free
ships znakerreag olt,...andthatthoprop;
gelneal liaitboard an ;away's
li not =Moot to confiscation, tint
law the same be contraband of war.
It than not, be lawful An any fore**
priVateeni; who have oommLiainns from
any prime or state in enmity with either
nation, Stilt their -ships In. the ports of
either, to soli their prizes. or- ii caba :4 3 vn
nunmerto estniampstbant -it
theybe allawodlo: pureateProTisiOtu4
except such .as - shall be noseimuy to
their going to the next port of that
prince or elate front which they have riz•
ceival their eommlasion.- •' L ~ - .
..1 317.,.
- 2fononal •Democtatle
Iliekutive Commlttoe met this CO=
The badness transacted wee of a
politicei kaki/1g to tbe.tnoro
thototiglaormatiation ofthe timitecratie
Comisrvative element, In view of the
importemeato. bo .attached to the ap.
proaehitigTretddimtial election.
The eufiro namber ofregletared yawn
'iatiotathVigrollzta. UMW,. 4C,cliost
45,7 n ere %dater,. •
TheltaltOtaindzed guinit•Of
11103 04.the.DIMA-gbinTial o
tq_the Sicrrarrunitn Vlyak.
: 104
pb.W o nAllr.3 . loe,.
'llrl 4 11114===gt
illqrlNA JOS".
' "
P 4ol 9{lk ItI ZZ I ".
"... T 8 tilt •
ia433.4,219 ' 14 , 1! tt*
One Ltiewuansoficvsslrk
draws near, propitiator= are hairt hog et4C
tbrward on all shine, ;11.intsling ,
are furbishing op their ,dilapidated
niters and dnaty ea:yeti krer hold to' th
searching brooms of antnmn; the various
Irishs",pfall aorta to those Whe are
to Como hero In the whiter 114
spending money wti t be made by sllsorM
et men from ail aorta of. plums,
ftahhlftat l A n d- ‘ ivi ee l i ‘ a tlrQ dr ; ' lo4 o 4
tle aweetai taken hard metrita
inicnots at ;Willard's as ertraly'rri tb
!'goodatom. achemos of all aorta
Atbustle totempbs to silver - mined la
„Montana and ood fish In Abuska arß:dia.
013111 ed. Nor-ere , costumes• and.llluthr
loaow mock less, .Yorlona here now
than Ikon or lobe:. Mexican blank•
en". and . -.Melton overmans walk
tp , tbe. Amine:me , tigOther ' erttOokert
draws, neatynOdes and mike trading a
arty rysrd: On Wm ..nleglrfpnttersenti,
Minnesota greets,Vnina and Now York
holtik-tiobt with gattiladsftAmid
el; tio., 'note' of preparation la heard at
the Capita', whole new . corps palms
ml , trarnith 7 are laid on , for delacta
t.l9R of the honorable' who 'fro nmay be
.pextrdtted to hope will coins impala,'
th courage to do and dare in the canoe
Orrighf 'some' of tho 'things thoje railed
'either to Qo or dare at the hit session.
The extension of oho 120b10IItaaattRVia
yrnelant com yy77 mrs to
plete es kr it r ,
Cho next New Year. The Lehluset'a plan
- demanda en extension of the , end cen?
tail4'oo out to a lino with the cortical
of the new wings. A now appropriation
of,Tittionf not hcarinuch, will be aerated
fOrAhli purpose. Tsvelve millions of
trAs a have already been - spent. lq the
the Othenytheneper meat
—the,4th eatato—,the true heneseters, are
hers sharpening their pew and their
wits and Maktnedreadfalnote of p
oration for • the ..oPordag • mtmPt pre iV,
Everybody% %affairs are. to. be rooked
after. everybody ' s title scheme . tr. be
hald'ap to a pobikt Orr, Loch ,
berm idnis day. in California and In
Conn LaMothe - GszFrra's , soyrero
pondrmt-WM Add 'his line of ,00mment.
&NAY*, ort the nide, he trogs, , 11111-Irel
*Perot* by to tiazarrn t an many a
SNaat' eattnedge, and. peppy. an
. .
eventful 'Year—the ' side of-Justice-and
frtitidenn, and for the MOM einsecrated in
even , age by the Martyrs cot Yiessdo
'letlged fir ItellgiolfiLlbetrand Law."
Jay.drinbtleas te be an', eventful Mid
interwaing amnion of Congress._ .The
eithof the eculthn; Presidential campaign
will be largely shaped in the coming ma;
Mops New elements ate to enter largely'
Into Matesimptigh, tuid Mutates:WV.
,a are to be taken, Nis. when
the - mariner Isunches upon' an unknown
sea:, Already; Vest labors' *singeing on
in scatterlng &rand wide over the dark
Placthof nonth the; light of knowl
edge.,; Prisinind. 7 theeeplacea conies the
Shusediettliarctvi and the helping bandit
istrelehed•ollt'almatly. - 'Volumes 'of id-
formation have been already collected
and. collated, - bearing : upon , the con.
of.,the , enfranchised
whine , voter will for , the • tint
,134", potent :in pinking a Pas `ident in his nkeetif.power. Win to be
hoped, , ntoretorer; that the Lanes of the
mean the riot laanne—rat be no
shaped that- several aspirants to highest
hohors who 'hive ridden'. all The horses
that Deemed any way Inclined to be :'dare
notr come , aately down vo terrar. Mena
during the ' winter, and riot longer
vex the public eve and— ear . by
their untompy WlDiratlol:l3.
it WOUldf oll atthatMelkll3hairing a tulle
touch' of martisi law here again. - I re
member in the summer of . GSA 'skean
regiment of veteran black „troops, abedt
lobe mustered out of their..fMttsful sier-
vice, came up inti'rewung Mond the cir
cle" in front of the White Howse to sec
the,big men tharb, that be dime out and
showed himself, as usual loudly praising
them meantime for what they had done
In the - war. It so happeared Wetly an
erpress cetera,/ the,buttertStutes Goren.
men!, these and other, soldiers were al
lowed to retain their guns and euxentre
mantes on paying a certain sum fixed by '
the War Demmerut upon thew, i. e.,
the gaited Btntes sold each eolored eel
diere,ea . many as, wanted to buy—the
musket he had carried proudly In de
fence of .the -flag. of stare and stripes—.
particularly stripes to him. Now, many
of these soldiers whom A. 3. malsea
in front of . his big house here
have - retained their Company ormusiza-,
tion, and from time to time turn out to
drill with their muskets. But hat week,
the great . Johnson . sot. his Lieutenants
after Were men with guns. What right
have they with: the guns they bought
and paid for on invitation of the United
States—not one oriel: Lich, in black hands,
was over raised against the flag of the
uatlent Bo J.—at, ones orders
General U. S. Greta, Secretary of War
ad interim, to
-se into this drilling and
marching of 'ggens"' wi ry et..
Gen. (leant calls Ott Gett ' lean(
Maryland, now Commander of the ite=
partment of Washington, to see to thin;
and Gen. Ernarrmmortalhat no author
ity has been given for the , carrying of
their muaketabut as aforesaid. Yester
day, "our" President ordered General
Grant to order Gen. suppress
these militia 13241:1anddisarea them. And
vet all Maryland swarms with grey
backs just out of Lee's army!
s them sway eascoeusen ,t. has
Wei held maned-no ang , f
generals. been summoned to devi se
means of disarming them. In art a
standing army of rebels_ extend. hem
Baltimore to Hagerstown, while tbeitsw
loyal men here and there, -"hese three
are pare of rebellion, are hunted down
and disarmed like criminals, Meantlme
half • of regular. car es 'este
from Ri to-Washington to rein
force the garrison now on ditty in this
District. The hearts of traitors wax
reliant tri,vieset ,of .Pentosylvania and
few ; York gone over to the relseLs and
an executive reedy and eager to do their
behests. VIATOIL
CB? r ammo* I Wptak, 4k esibMe.l
Nzw — roig,'Ncrivailber 7. 1.37
. •
Tnereci.Uteri of ddi bill, Issued
an address dcrlsrnsr they sue compelled
- "Plrtlm;~i'iTEss::
The bargo Harvest QII0131„ loaded with
hay andpotatnes, was burnt this morn
ing. Law, 30,00 C; parUally Insured.
Tho otoorlM a lios?lo, for ArtlorPc to o k
Checistr7rla,.?or Baden; Cciasal
Cieneral ,or Italy cunt Pontifical Bode.,
died at the Brevoort Honor, on Nectar..
t isaidd Turin EusMed tatericie' to re
sign the United Mateo Markt Judge
ahlp us Alabama, atui resume .tilt-Plm:
thirtdlllo tallow -link city. L
-TN,' Evangelical Knowledge Scaoiy,
in erneaton at
hePhildelppyiy ; h )o e :t x hinid ead
c'er y i tciesl n ed .o
Presidentof the A merican s
Barmy Statlettyj nncl.hidgem
has beech elected Ithi maces ion ' •
: ,17 1 1 11.1:TgAlP.PLUZilf97:.
7il6lltelGlfiihip colißk. - lisid: rot' Poito
estrllo,,reporte the mysterious tlisspl
rmranoe it it* Mahe night 'of fleMber
alst, of the first assistant engineer and
stewatt,Littsituppoted that they went
overboard, but whether it was suicide or
edittoldent ts unkdown.
7c7c . im. Ppa aDVCATION
. ._ .
The Bowl of Education ask two hula:.
ninety theineind dollgrelgbe
yo our puislleatiboole. fbr , '
rs• iistresticrritorberriOi. ‘.""
The Herald proposes to pay the! nen
timed debt bra weWbondrno,
i goveru l .
nsant benikle,it eitires, fti - diling
new to devote one hundred thounand
dollars thereof to the dames.
ti :ID it nestlcrteu ornrcrantuan i
n; et , "i '
A large meetingondethodistn waeheld
thin evening at the Bedford street church,
of thee°, who faXOl , -„A, lety.eledessition at
the Contereinnes. Addresses' wore deny;
ered by for. Ds; Eddy, of (moo, and
Bishops, Simpson end MITT, all of
whom took groundin Carer f o move.
ment, but nanuntly. deprecated the in
troduction of a apjrit of acrimony into
tieetheetleaden. - 'lt Us aanncstee acted in
A propet aniitarbesning manner, the ow
am tiny ;indicted wnuidultynainty un
man kraut amnia= • • '
The , wins rolling mi ll s of Corded h.
etelefeade,- ciri Tenth' street between'-0
and .D evenness were this evvednXeYrn
plitely dettioyod'by fire. ' Loisi 'niiiivy,
butabnaninunteatmliabe ationitalnal to.
tlifillfe,— , . a.
~.....- , • -, , 7,.., ,, , , „„ ~_•,
Slate laaals alapablesaa If • fathead
alVarti r e fr ileaalfa . s4,aal. Amaaa4-
meil A•
r , c
(ay Tap rtitabwalialisatte. 4
Lnaviowoirrn i Nov. F. — Full req
ile l lii bine - Pt t e , r e iwaleiO4" -
coifed 6ineli`pavi 'DetiiainaiC, '
tboagb_pb• - .Mats; win probably give
small It t erllcan . majority„ . Atchison
1 ellr rn dire:s 4 a ilia i.Ve W ie . iie T pti ft l ; " ,
veg iv id ia, deeLled - .Democratic majority..
1 cou_nly *wee Slaw e'Reirunli•
1 tesot twee DMomeno Repteeentativai.
Leavanwartii.. elty. and' inoaktY. 4 eve
ebonaffelp Deinixtratio andotity,i Cifinini,
"ThiPoseentatieee In thbroottutyffobey
"antetarn - Deinocrins"sind 'two; ItoPeilli
caw' ,Noteellneate can yet:• be mod
e• patty division nt. the. - .
atio.Erniing linitabs radical,' anyielh
zetninsindicete a ltepublicanLytetoty lb;
the - Stlite, by a lednesti Inajonty, fb
:44Ibactn the Constitatiottel , dan
'bye oonsideriblyiersornteetbeillM!
~TENNESSE/it -::` i' I
Galeria PlolealleillearieGlufdaitasi.
tat Or 3. 1 4 , BrrOO—OOlik , 07114100.
4 1
:B, Teuvaph to Lb* FM 'bang\ ouottaol
Nassrvimm,Noyensber 7.17,4:h0„
iOdirl rermig . thalAW bill ,qn
distinction of color hi , reilreide 'in th
oonveyrwerwof ?gr.,. Tim male
was to arneni4r ring wathro i tro r
vide eara Ce r eedorisi
Judge Jo nB. lien wax buir . 4lll
afternoon. in consequenon none of. the
Courts 313rnmus, November i.-,lsle
Is received here thaVdraits . parnortin
to have been draira by the First Natt er ,
at Bank of Memphis' on,tha seventy and
Third National. Banks at New,York, for
iitenuddeemble sznortht; Arts' being riev e
timed North. They:ere , fMganes,: the
First National it_rri . nif tim.lMeeriiii :vitt
those banks. . ~. -: ~ ; . ...
The • Board M ii, . met to d ay
a resolution that yellow fesaVn
exists here, and Inviting re '
WESTON, TEE roorrEteri.
O. Mistral AWN la Twaskydresup
cur teursph to Um ruimush 6hseti..l
PriTe Y. rfampolz
9 1 604 4 4 4 an,uoichedbakhilatarnia n
at a quarter before three o'clock. He
&Bid, yeeterdek; hi hiliniftnint to make
one.hur..,in consequence of the
ahnostint la.:audition EsalChethern of thermals,
and eit bottraght ,
114 Sb In spleen:Hither . - d'
although btu pow are 6,11t11 4 more ex
presses entire confidence In his obi* to
make flotjoUrtoy o the
He relit not atteMpttbefent of oralitng
ono hundred MI/es netwentp-four hours
'until alter he Imes .Buffalo.
THREE - Wel:00K A. M.
The Italian Situation.
T6'llrendi at the-:N6at
of Garibaldi.
rt ,
They 7 ' uin - the "' ~ide of ~B~a~tle
Se'riiitis Waif at
, Ri otailan.
DcmOluttrattots , •at vorqusy,c
mouth, and Other Places.
Irish Protestant Ohuroh Com.'
r tti
Turkey.. PrePliFh l 6 , )',Far
so Ainos Ourcjiased by
. •
• • ,;E,
Napoleon'. treinc:
(M Telogreph io the rneobee)tkelee, 4e!7,
Fs4nm:icy...November. Z.—ln the re ,
cent. enzUgettleM 9 0 .r Nerd° •Itotundel
the Paipdtiteitel *eke tuidly'belicu until
the aelieel of.lite..Fressikt r rogps, when
the ttapkhatitn'l*ltniisik.l"
Novcanben 7:-,Thoro have been
serious riots inettisrbr the Party - of Ac;
Stoup. dli;erAt i pv: of, andArer,-
;Mhati at I. ll an: 4 xbr2> ft Pbtir'ruatirl
nmxgary tro6pilo 4n&i
-dlturbance, Many rioters were killed
.FL.,,-c•E, Nov. 7‘
Muntltif at.9.lloollgsgenu pt .I,r-BPUH'
itividedred. littuecnithiii=
day Garibaldi brought into 1tC41012 ten
thousand men. At ono Urns during the
day dip papal imp* dire ,bodon, and
Gat Mahn was gaining ground, when the
Fionch camp up and turned his sirtory
into defeat.' It Ls -110. repotted dap ht
summits lad:eight Imadred killed.and
wounded and two thousand taken j•mbs
rut IL:ups : W/1V
Panta,—Erenfag.—lnformation to re.
colvtd from ROMP that the Pontifical an.
thotitiaar Ildandtouptutpoode Chow citi
zen* Web *nod In Ammo( -Wimp with
ita}y.... The Preada- , Govarmosaac
tonde repri , ieothtlot. to the Pam WF
sing him !Mtn allow this purpOor to t.
Tits Noes.
',moos, November' Tie' disturb.
IMO" Caused by tbur Arab{ ,ritv etnyloi
roent and estreity. or. food isanthmus
In Devonshire. 1110IS`reps rtsd ut
For9usy, ladle:4ller , plokes in
the eottja‘sy.., arorin aft.
Chorines troubles st }.ieter vreresuy
liFf,*,..4ra'Ahi .# l .*
Many or the rioters are antler seen.
M." PPOTIVST , A4 . , eiguaattiwkmas.ton.
• '',V.k.d;tl Cnininfirafont tnirdrie Into
the Protestant ebnicb eMnbliabrnent in
Irefunil 4ppolidea, Wilti*thp
* c/itiVttik
The Tunas has an antimal on the Ala,
!aria ellanain,httrieikarimentaarisit
rniv‘h aesir4l7:44l tlaUliat Mapatch on
tho aubject, addressed by *entity Sew
15Varati=axAtEsaLiar4 1
The lit purrdenanO'ppr i nel, arbo was
mho. by am utilcimard- earilawlii, died to.
day from bia
put weeLly returns of o tbn Ilank pt Val i.r.fziat,tar/t4iho
Aniquut, trt,
.„ '
FIZEZCII 1 N V (14111E1a.L.D01, DEPW.'
P"ritalPPYMO, cictbat 1 .1 r?
unchiCtl otnnAntaild
ic loYhAt inA gredt*Pmex, aa n ui
4bletiidisor Papal ray g
the roar engagement with the brourgenta,
and theilitnitlyii iii . hneoPthese
forget:nerds tenni). the tide of betnn and
anteint tho def.m.eof GarliteddL'
itfAitenrorttn, Nevember 7.—Doeritn4.
At the acaslon oftho Special ceinmineidn
to-day, the comusel foK,t4eCintgg nba4:
mantuag indictinents, and all the pri.*
.ern now untried xtllbe prevented agste,
on n charge of xnhidomeaner.
NO 310312 TISOOPN DOR 11 LY,
' Paws, Not. 7.—The Monßem?' of to-diy
Pays Lb e entharkattionli MAW" at Toe
lon has emoted, and no more troop. w'jt
Immo that part , :)I:( Vs
Imtnos, Nov,
. 2 yma t ^- driY
predicts that tibtinld :Napoleon an 41,
bringing about a general
yye~ce or
infin ' N u lr a kiV r irt
OW; Irtlt WA' °to
fence of the temporal power of tho Polio
and leittentitirivoi et)
fa irtrereettforr of Rome.
11 .
PARIS; November 7.—no metai re-
100,000 fmrmi,o49,29nrk.
RM + Bn ig:IV I MMII3, I
~/.24:41Y a P .4 . 9trar a , 791 Eri,i,TY4trAth*
ported, on,good autherite, that LW/W
-ien in making tartneuel mllttaFy pr6p4-
rgfeta!"lt 4 a t itkfoa ) ltiiHfitf . tfoilind
geedlesgona Irma refuettLtyPanktaind
th;LJSICit h AoI
huge shlpment<tqf rifled guns have bean, in 4 t l ,..-LP!' ,7, *l di/1 14PR9AL. 4 0 I t ,
fe • etep-ttitteett4ttet the tiovanmunkt2.hek
bogy. nedolit ethoaltathill timdpialnk
walliMa'afik*ao, airraitiltigat4
fortiflcalonieir the ifixinn.
;-- -
scnt.tarwiay?r , Tr ix ,t . ho z;
Bantatc, NOVeteber7.l-All thetowna
in Sehleswigrdiehtleitt -Imre Joined tilt
zol ',Trete wit tAtesatxtslea et,Altootr..
1:1..P.C2107f OP rirddrriFa.
The eloctlwi of Ve'ptities to the nest'
P0 5 1 1 44 . 0. 3 09, 1, -4. oaoo.4irt WAY.
All the summed candidates belong te
the progreglia =1 4i
rimulaum AND 04111111E140144,;
7-16; 5 s, 7 0 4; ittleois tdral,
Pi l ligtArt " t l2- EutitraV:-V.P. r B.
beru1a.78.1,16.: • • .
LavEzirocm; - Nov.. 7 —renifty.--Cottem
eloeed do;
Orleans,*itlulAri- Breed:
stuffs Corn fleelfued Wbeat,
flanef.l7,s tar CaltronibilutffeztulfiVilli
iktforrodvestern. litirley,OateasaPes4
Pork 76e, Lard 51% El& ACheesel.N. , Bui
leum for splrite and is .541 for hafted.
4im a shade firmer; etandard white suit
valued to
• rlifErW
1 dr tei"igi to the Pittsburgh Ossetia 1
,:kbey,-; a", NOV. 7. , ,TheLTribunet fig
less 414 e. ea York. Senate at nineteen
Ilitrllbtl and thirteen Democrats.
and, ib ',Assembly. slityA r epubliritne
41:411;14ibittlat bemocrate. '' . , 1 ...
p s
`.;.l,pw putibnal returns !Mtn tboStato
atm racer. ,MotllTo com
. Ity gives 905
/,1111.1b11 maJorltY-,41 less - of 674 from
Ninv Yonx, Nov 7.:4•The
c " 1/C WPJ ° f" ). 4 1 *Tr . ' . I
•T n r; to
ANA' 12,000:
- •
. Titlitairmallirtroat
tns Torttrarb to tea rittrattribute.t.
Harlittr,'Zi6v: 7,-4tittortht from throe
hundrilluul Nlxteen. thwrsveltharly the
wholetitthe, giro Bullock ttistts2,-,thiatl
'nlll66llltirldrinn t
House th Ware, Mass., sere burned lust
night., " 1 •
, ru_ t -WEIFT ORL,lll.4ol*rip
Nollitinudt Oaten Party Platform anal
eakararrOalareet Sarasota Transfer.
layviturnot $!:, the riustraran inuctntst
NOW ta ttittaaa; Noe'. Kii4 'Cut
1014 , organterad: the] Upton ; party of
140 ahleh - womulmttes the .plat
form' of universal isitfirage, universal
amr, universal edueation, - andoppo.
lath to ronfiscation. The Macs and.
R O T Dean have becalebonen ' as' the
° Arth n e r t , o ' POZ n i =tithils city no.
der ve - rontrol of the cPreetimen's
roan'orere yesterday turned over tn the
Marl of Public School Directors. The:
trontier liteludral the teachers us well a, ,
=the. &null ogreclnryto,retain nil
who - prove thentselves comps ,
tent upeneaunination.
t - mut C " sa.
ter telegraph to tattstmeas earsheo
Rrcrttaccen, Nov. 7. -A matting or 1134
Executive Committee of the Conserva.l
Use piny of nriftuht..wes hekl to-night;
TheyidePlel it:101'10re O 0 V tUton to
beheld in Richmond nu the 11th or D.
ember. to effect an organization or tlui
Geaorld Schoileld has consented to ati
Ore.& talsAd. ontamissiou-or, Voltasi
Wes sted;citizoesa, nppalnidd by
theltatyltdbacil,afo - lakwtthrocernans Sat
the wards to which fraudulent voting
sets suspected.
*l '
by the Calmer,.
dlly 14 , gt ritubarat.
Iturtutaceroir; N. C.. NiSeremliel—iL.-4
'he Convention will be carried In !Jill
'E4I3; , Vulevine , o1 I :ehe divtelon
the'rkeegervethee .pree.e. • e
ahead certainly hr. 'ecnitillt,l
lexi:outersztice legusnee.—
CuArtt,prrarri, 'Nor. 7.—General Vaubv
V' vintrentfstrniedallsnnuielpaletertion;,
Jitnidairstited tiro present Nsynt and
nittl, - Silletrenitne , Isssfirplrett, nliJ
rallnr rows*
itlybgEorards tt. the ruabantituruitc
.October ,7.—The .Hoardor
entth hate plioeattnett the ;i elkot - raver
no longer epidemic, and it probahlT
Rinfeb 4 l4lfllitov .
2L _fif
- •
burs 6ie.nleaeeeinigx- -
Thl3 Court mot at the usual hour Ttnet.l.
..esoir., fulkbsttell beipn'Prews l.
on'inatien et tiolxitt 'Wends, r;
Hi n 1 Dug and 1., I'. Stone, Esgs.,
co3td Win on motion' of- lines Wishes
Lowrie, and Joseph tddppen, of Meal
silly., no tnotiort of. G. Ileydriek.
were atily qualified and admitted to prase
Lion In iltla
foltoWlng nidniotriseetedelleott.,4 ;
Br Tlionipsol3,, J. Sparhawk et 4
Limon Passenger liallway Coritpany
front mei mina. Decree reversal =or
illeinbutel at er areeelleee.• : Con
eurrthg opinion be Pend. .1. Jutigtw
Strong anti &meet:
mean&, - -StuanT ;re. liakennii
at.; Arrnekong county...kftirtmed..
Shield - et al. vs. - Deemer et at.; WeuF
moreland county. Decree .sillinned
eptwlitta ordered to pay the twine, • •
a ,tirrinevel
4 l;
Indiana counts: awarded,
and - venire de wow warded. • i
Kunkle Ne.' Vi'eArnoretenti
City or Plitabargh vs. `Float tislttiaal
Buck : Alloskieny Ana fined.
TLutnpoo J.
li rWoornv4E/....._,. .r.L
C.ii 4 dIUMVIO,
Pesseuger...ieuswey Cotny ;of
Plalladelpl?ist. Nerve reernsepatt ul
plalntiff'e bill .• clierninsed, idSlite coat.
'rtKunimon and Read, Judges, twnenr
ling,' Strangled Agnew. Judges,' dile
Foremen na: minty .
Judgment reverted and 1,0, iitAcitt, tic
1101 . 0 eatifttled:: 1 t
Snyder vs. the Pennsylvania ItaPrima
Corn,y;-Joano . later- Atinur
Allettbeary totay was
called over, and the following camas were
non-prod..- Troup, C. P.; Katie
ye. ffernphW, C. P.; Pittsburgh Colum
bus eineinnattilailrciadla. 'Jones, 1).
- C.i.,47lm . ulavf vs. Glllesple, C. I'4 Di
Ilugton 'IV. Co. vs./Fleming D
, . 0.; .P 1
burgh Paper Iltanuraeturlp . g
Postdr 8"(%. D. C.; Maug: . : 4lllo r & CO.
N4Stanayil _Petzt4etiu Rafting
ottman'sadm'r. ea. Penna. Inauranee
b. C. A.rgtiodbfitarten and Wood.;
Aridaintiff Inlrrair: and byk Lticcuy.tabi-
Oakland • Ilarilway Co, va. Heenan, C.
P. Argued by 'White for plaintiff In et , -
ror, and by, l 44fiiiii ven-tnii
rfgr 7,+:J14 -ira4
u "' "I".
sb of Se_ m '
net Cochran and Wlllimun Campbell vo.
James M. Ityom;retiorted yostorday, waa
concluded thin morning. The Jury found
for the plitlittlffi Ati.the atmorsl,3B9.o.
TM) cane of Mareret Henry vn-Johh
Nolan and ,Antvkl.Noltup;its then taken
up. Thiiititf ani4.l6tifdritlander to ret.
recover damage." for alleged t'lnallclous,
acandalune aitAffanignorytwortin," uf r
tared by defouttanta. Jury out. t .
Court adJonrued'Jn. mpg! i tuk .
day morning at teu o'CrOtile.` irt
Orate llnna&—itlr. and 14frx. Barney
Williams o
tho Operailtomie to-night, whim a very
attractive bill will 1, presented. Barney
;stypearana.Paddy o , liladerty, ;.7flprti
to Good Luck," and Mrs . William, se
Jongini‘init'Vankeittourishlii." Ti
orenVits.entertaitunent will close with
Pflio 'Hifi Lion," 'Willi Barney and hie
wife h, the prinigietTiolive ‹, I 4 " .
NiAktoNlo Acts.—" The May queen,"
hienitilnleardiatammpasedbyhtr. Ben;
nett, of London, will be sung by a num•
flge f ig tlitn r iittOttirl a tlt l9 "
MINeTZIELS.—Tno celebrated Morrill
T.4thenl o yirt , inWhill vavve r
r fen night ; 'totroth rig
Monday, the 18th Wait.
Vanruntaa,-Johnny Harland Carlin)
.theytincipal attractions utile Varrt
dins at promo L • ; ' r 7 '
_ Ferit.—ThirFair for dm hone& Oink.
Bridget's Church continues, and Ii
nightly thronged with visitors. It la
hem iguggincw thiwoh building.; In the
AUegbielay Gan [hock-13neeessed Cop
11.1-1111 ale Laei Alveolar.
44 . 4 . 1 0 Pr ,. t . r
City, lent evening. illxposed of Increased
capitol *locker the Allegheny Gla Cern.
Phan an f011oWl: , 1' a
e. Arfincklel: . .
John Dean .. . ... ......100
. 33' .
WOkerlr,:,::, 4 , ;10 33.00
.. . . 100 • "' 4-
L.14.1dtt1eb..4'.. 4 .14111733 op.
=U. K
Rubt. SWAR L . ' 1 •.,...... 33 co
S lav 00- ..
as co en
C. Arbuckle ...... .•140" 33 L.
The safe'rviiri hirdely
autt the bidding very spirited.. ,
cifl PIO StBiiRBAN.
Decision of the Sepreioe. Colart :Ite•
T.lnting „the,.Decreo,Grantlai
Inimmeglon Attains& Pbllodelphla
Passenger 11 . .alkwa7 !Company.
in the Supreme Court Thursday morn
ing Judge Thompson tiled an opin
ion in the ease of Sparhawk et al no.
the Union Nmacogoi llailWay Company
of l'hiladelphla. This was a bill in
equity, by ' , which proceeding the corn
plainants'sought to obtahr an inJumation
rtistraining the defeadants !Mtn operat
ing their Mad on the "tires day of the
wetli,'ehinnionly celled Sunday." The
hearing was at fetus before
Stroug,f., and the injunction .gtatrted; .
but the ceSe was ccrtiorttried . 'before a
full bench: -Judgellhittuppon. holds that
the petitioners had no Nuitable rights
in •
dime 4ilailirP o 4lA*
_the intiqlle
tiOLLZGalith aboultlito set wildelinelthe
bin Si theicestuf the appelhaes.
The Co in en-lying. at .this. decision,
held that the proper mode of proceeding
wax under the statute law, of the State,
and that if the proviaions of the law
woronotsualelout to, deter desecrations
of the day,. it should, bo emended by the
Legislature. TiosJudge, fu oonclus/on,
.s"This decision, is not intended to in,
fringoon whattho mum lies more, than
onemhold, =mot* the throe of:the „act
of '179.k - stud: that 411 twarldiy business,
170t-'eroeptedin.l4 is liable to lts penal
help .. .We .rucan, held' ifiothing elite
now, Nor a century arid .three-rtpirtem
the' colony and Siete of .lienusylvants.
has boon oontenttO preserve Me Sabbath
day from .disturbance by murkily em
ployments 1, a day. of trust-,a day
that might &sit employed th devotional
exercises and worship, public or private
—by Millibar* penalties only. WO 'bald
no now doctrines, thereMre,Mn this deci
sion, but adhere Mthe old, uninterrupted
practice •in regard to it, lay leaving, the
complainants to the prirvisions of the
statute to attain the ends in view, If it be,
suppmc It is, to. Preserve the day
froth.. mere worldly employment,
if it: - be infringed .upou b* defendants.
Were we to extend equityjuriadiction to
such rams as tills, for the reason.and,on
the grotto& ihown, we should scar;,risro
habit. beengiighti in hearhurcases
all tiro great leading .railmads the
Stater:outing . Rhilailelphia, Malden
in es - ery other,taiso of thieatened or al
leged infraction of the Siihdav hors. and
sow. pewees °Unwires of •a - ihrisdiction
beneath the weight of,which, no mutt
Could stand., IS the penalties in the law
be not deemed suflreient, in any given
mse, Mitre:terve order add the immix of
theliabhatit. the Legislature mustturtend
the lawn. We .tmanot supply their de
theta.. .For Millet* reasons, and others
which might begiven, we think the in
junction 'granted below' should be set
_ •
Doom atrordluglyrevereed
dennlsrei at the •tat of the apfwilees.
` elder .lustit‘, Wocalarunt nod •Instlee
Road filed roncurringoplaione„ Jandal.
Strong and Agnew dig:wanting. -
eitiefittithat.,Woeriward delleersd hie
concurring opinion. irtthu CaSoof Fentbn
ye. the Union Yasaenter fintiiittir Cent
platy; of I'l•fladelphia, In whlelttur -In
junction had elan Wm granted.,,ltt tat.
ae the petitioner asked for an injune••
Lion un the . a:Nuzzle. thathrthlash atock
holder, and that the Operating of the road
was inapeelllime- the eharret of the Cow
and endangering his stock. The
Chief - .Tuatfce said that It was :apparent
that the LIU bust been Yawl simply for
.Lhe pi:rpm. of awing We plaintiffs Ln the
other t.anke; that the MAC , waster shadow
of the anbalance. It _Was. apparent
that - Ironton 'end - - - rititthaard e.
Aro .tharen of xtipck in the - cora-.
pony.- solely for the purpose. of aid.
trio h'perlecirk ant his trlimc titaintli6.
and with tha 101 l itnoniedtte Of We esti
home of the arse of wlttvh It. complain..
Ile oath ! not theteforn to.rotntrclad as a
neen 'rick .taeltholdrr,vaxi, [l.,,tua ,i tu unc
that was refused in the tininer resent
should be in tltix.. In regardttothapeinta
In the tailor coutplairir,• the : -Oder .I•ot
hoa... T 1 , 141
I ant tune - perotanett eon do ho ld:
Blot—That am la worldly ern.
.glos r ufat,. in trioLo !lon the ant, af the
tpril.-17t , h'fPwrdern - , MU. , f
Second—That pt is not 'anthortied bv
the charter of the
,entriratton dell•ntlant,
and la itred
itm.Votopxnyrimd nu au•
thnrity by their charter to hold nr exe
cute a
lint, fourthly—'Whether tht.& Magni
act, coinaituto,euch 47yr0.0r width* of
the CempanY'li charter 84 tO
e-TAMUSISCW /8 a quvitinn that cm only bo
tried at the euft'nYUtd Commonwealth
wis, nut eemplaltdiva, and therefore I
conclude It Is in no present danger.
- Tiro decree is - therefore reversed and
the bill dismisaed. Jtu.l9..u. .trvirifsand
./Lfrisevrelhatent, ' 4 -
Tisk - Oil Works , - *.rstr.l nyetl„.by „are
s Weeipewiar night, of Which WO
,publ Weed
eAscoount yostutday,seere ntsued2hy
William- elacktown d liar„- and ea we
then atatakthe entire establishments..
rotostmust. The lava is entiMated bythe
proptletomeir F.30,00u, noon which there
wow nu insumno• The, Impression do.
rived from the oridence, beton , the osre
otter's Jury ye:den/W.7W that, the tire
originates{ from the os owing. gas, which;
to account of elufeellro g• 3 traps,"
dlewletrged in the burgling:near which •
lentfrn was kept burning during the
night, irotearl _of being carried off by
pipes.' This' lithe tun,t reasonable con
clusion that LUAU be arrived at, from the
fact that all who, witiressoLthe the, tire
Insisted in saying that It hail been pro
area/hag several minute the, ling
eipicakth teak to acele• • re •
Messrs. Markeown L.,e•
IlliVe ever
held a high place in de eAtilmulon of the
busbies. community and we are sincere
ly sorry that, they have met. with .61104 •
deeletrOUS loos." WO tense,
however, they will nut grow discouraged
but speedily rebuild their 'refinery and
enter again- intollua successful, nresocu
tion of thole businesa. - e"Thoy, certainly
have with tiler" thelicartlratoytnietthies
of all Who rise - • tind — fransactiona With
thuntoend isannnertialmen generally.
)Ig:gestsgaii,lower, - the well-known
red mitige won!, No. 164 Fourth areet;
announces on our second page
numboi of vary miduabla ploOeis et real
o,dolo, which offor rare inducements to
thFikr4:TYlPril , ccur:
lug homes. Several very excellent
farms, under full cultivation, and located
its that" belt' tiVagrliiiitirial 'clematis,
NVentmoreland, are enumerated in the
Ilst .Thelarneurarc4mny sitrparlor, and
are Improveilln the boat modern style;
.Ite„ademi prill find ful4Misa, niptlorysindbi
idiVartM Tosirat. - 112
o ,4s4ar i s
for redo, at a bargain, the beat public
hotel In. ttle,ttuivltig borough, of Ind!,
luta;'thelibat 'Of Ibtlfittlit'Sounty. The
hotel4s handsomely located In th e'boart
of the town, is 14.1 1 iptive4prrotick, build
ing, containing tlfty-four well voutillafod
and minim:idioms. rooms, together with
a dry balleationtitliderdbetilichole house:
The lot Id a ...other our, an d . In addition
to the hotel contains all the necessary
out"totwe,VAitabllng." wadi bout dr..
' This la the rarest opportunity we knost
for a barlodti In real estate, and, as the
atatid 14 wellatherwti and popular, it pros
souls brilliant Inducements to those who
' ll 44:4=e t' rtftnl4 al:1411144.!?
.14arriemo was unuenally Jut! akilta
tombs last night, anti, lui,r4F,opaopww...
the Mayor'. Court this 'mOinttiglitot
tocenStYtivittele.dlinnor it.t,,fitetyeat*Ginekt
114 zitript,bat threctavreate..44 , 13004
mad.), and they were' plaVe'dultficiat the
orreetedeatt ilirunk" ,, The .officfrovrati
nd.Wlth aiiiiaftal)tnaltWarcttattSuort.,
however, who have M0at:2610 , 41d, atoll
to toll:t . rotnottottho..elep-nemeoi c env ,
plopnento r andltaye:ioantnewt , dtttlk ,
from: 14itt,',Inntdatertoaling,,,at.pror
Brut e there noturnplornent,surnaleo
,to keep those who, tq
. tannw here ongngegi
aud-persontr,who extend:4n lind worg
latattaiter bad bettor remain
-.. , tu'uotyntitiftluty Ara niakhgentOney
enough to live ea,, •
cilliamsalseton a.ireogo•
We are always ,plcueaii _, lo nolleg the.
advaa,tof puns into. 1 ;119 1 / 1 02.
their . own neenuut. We observe that our
young friends Jameati:Conionlaie*ltti
Bates it DelJ and diunesßell,into Super
intendout for JauteailL. Carr, .411eg1wily;
have.foroted a.oorpariaorstilp. (blithe pur.
prme'econducling business ea commis
shitrtagents for the sale of dry goods, nO,
Lions and general merchandise, at Zito, 42
Fifth etreetf "racial gentlemen. =Coml.
aoatlymmillAied far.A.hranott ot -Arita
Ai which. they , bgve. elafirlais).; stud we
mast. oordlalW oomtkentil Thom , to the
pati - onege of our friend!. The style of
the Aim wilt Le Conroy .
, . . .
. 014 , 211 db butheanaotreet,
'upon which elands OA old Fourth ward
school houilei Allestropy, Was , sold ou
Wodurodoy "Logote.t, auctiorwor,
rleethelath Merge oat leen tanausens:
We accomplished yesterday a visit,
Whicitlynical, for some time contempla
ted, to ilia e:diiiiside.wptius of the Pitts
burgh Forge and ire§ Cinitipturki altos
led on u:Ce;l)likiior. the ohfc-dvaii*it
tmelaile Woods' lain; . -.or. four
miles from the city. Tie strip' of laird;
conslating of , thirteen and Arnenialf
acres; , 6n which the Companyrs Works
are erected, has an extensive frontage on
the dyer aniektends bticlC milts up :
bluttA ta t rave7 th rough int
entire' ion 'the inm af the Pithy , '
btiMli,•Fort Chino'
road, thris rendering'• It eligible for
cheapMideasy ;motes by water or nth
The ~ " Forge WV.. of Stone, with
interrsof, and la sixtplbni feet by
seven: COMM= three Met .clasa
„m hammers, which are run at itirY
reiltotral speed, and are capable of turn
ianiffr t T a i r :a tiv a per (Ay, oar . cur i
operatic:kr . since' gay,JESS,' And. a
ready demand, from variona
Companies for 465' 'work, , 'Ot. all their
heavy sales durint - this-paried , not a
single axle has been returned. or a Kin
gip of quality or:Amish been
repor While lcmemotlye and. oar
axles iwn a princi ,product .ot the
"Forge Mill," a veer Variety of other
work is illa° tamed mit, Mich its francs
side reds, yokes, strum pistoi24;
steamboat /Matta cranks, piston-rods,
yriety,'Oltmarylawajeollars, tta, dm. ,
tire Mrinmei xrii. '
which was tl , }t&t, gad cogema but a
f woelca hito; -
-v Mtatantial
SltuCture of teasyy• frame wet*, OM
ninety iron clad; he diminutions are LS
bylik.feet. , ToiClileadeZitsch train now
ideperation - there wlli shortly be addeda
glecicttaid, when the capacity of this
milivrill be•2s tons, all sires; marcluusta
her iron per day. The enffine, with its im
mensely wheel,oneof the most detetplete
we, have, seen, felts upon deep laid add
MILWEIO tOWldtaida if= a eratinnotie
Iron bed plate. • This engitte from
the fir j st retraction ofpair Its =aft, re i q m uited
no 'ad or re, ram t a
the eela ustment bmtedretabliabeeentofMc lt ht il iosb, t
Hemphill tr. Co.,in this tits, and is very
creditable tot their .mnity
m a d aski
The iron ma t Item is e ex,
ctasisnly from selected rd* material,
and will withrtand the severest Yeats of
strength and ducty. For the prepare
tau' prooesepicarptiddllng fanuees, two
heating furnaces =done aster furnace of
the most approved construction are need.
altogetner tele Mlles mill i !nits strut ,
tore and argoolonto a nd fa themletY
anti quality off Moth:Wife Is o model
until, unser paned by any lids vi
cinity, and adjaceraground ,reserVed
for its la oat. enla rgement.
The ,Compat We traded"
land, at convenient distances mom the
I Mill, two rows of thirty-two tenements
for their workmen's farallies, ands have
ample rram for multiplying these and
other economical appurtenances.
The Centipany is 11 eorporated under
the laws of Penney and have am
ple capital for the theft carrying out
of the extensive designee ibilteriftes.
The, weilknown adrardstrattve abilities
end It orgy of the President, James Ver
' q., att este tee ertadrart of, the I re! ' to rs in selecting him to manage the
externfil affairs of the corporation. The
eagacity 01 the management la fart. cc
ecompbtlel in the selecran of. Mr. Wm.
P. Porter for Superintendent+, No man,
perhaps, in this vast commun ity of 41,
pericncedmer ^. is baiter known or
more ditilngratrad for Intelligence
and as a forgiEr of .ron.- A
cable of — two inch iron made by
hint In 1145 fir' the iron steam frigate
° Alleghens," built hers fors the g es--
mutant by Mn Tomlinson, twenty-two
yeara ago, *MI the largest drain cable
ever mrde lira city. $e Alm the only
man found on thin aide of the mountains
curable of asakusg the frame& stand
bseringsoitct, for the grusbaate Of:dither°
during she it
by Etnowden &Mason.
This was eo akilfn vets'4W sate elicit I
praSs in several joranab• bribe
try., Mr. Mr. Porte4baddes bell* a man of
:a i r . p , vr , lenee' rad skill, ls 11.• num of per
, energy and adtdizab Mid for .
Ws merespimaals , andear of men,
dire.ft Wisethe
sort "orfOrmng, from the smallest eiv
or wrist to the mostponderous steamboat
alters We were glad to notice that the
company bare °retied r eommodious
steno mansion house, on a Ifeantiful
sits mailgram to the works, tor
Mr. Portent dually resident% where,
during , out visit, we had the
pleasure • of joining• hit Interesting
&mils at dinner. ,We else met with
Mr. Murdock, the Secretary of the COM
puny, who la an e.rperiateedexxsultant,
and has about bim the air of an =cora
pllahed man of hesineas. Sratley,
flatlet*, also gives unmistakable signs
of being the right rusnin the right place.
We were, on the aliole„ eerie favorably
Impressed with all the appollitments and
everything pertag to this thus estab
lishment, and venture the prediction
that the (Mere history of the enterprise
will be. ono of pleural rind prosperity.
See their badness card In our aefeert.h.
lug columns. .
.1440!„ L 0.0. T. Ilteliempfirt
• -4Racsuailisa of 0111,MIL •
A meeting of Lukens lodge, of the
independent Order of Good Templars '
of. IleKtorport, was held in Odd Fellows
Hall, Ttiosday droning, when the follow
ing °Moon elect for the ensuing term
were duly installql, b_y District Deputy
Ilugh D. McGee: W. T., Et E. Patter
ape; W-V. T., Mil* M. L Strong; W. 8.,
L. E. - IfePherson; W. Miu Sadie
McLaughlin; B. H. 8., Miss 31surie
Mteri.t.W. L G., W. Solar W. Chapfidn,
O. Pritq'W.M., G c ic , :, z. erridry; W. D.
M., Miss ',Mamma W. T., G.
Monet W. P. S. G. Ho olden L. H.
8., Mies Lillie'Prito W. 0," G. John
Merritk P. W. C. 'l', 0: G. Warns.
The regular tneethrge of ards Lodge are
held every Tuesday craning in Odd Fel
lows Hall, McKeeepOttr
A tneeting of the Degree Lodge, I.'o.
G. T.; oPMelleesport, weealso held on
Tuesday. evening, when the following
ollibers elect were duly installed by the
same officer. W. D. T. 0. G. O'Bryen;
W. - V,13. T., Mrs. Jo hn J. Davis; W.
Chap., G. G. ' Murphy. P. W. D. T. b. John
.1 . Davis; W. 8., L. McPherson;M.,
W. Means; D. G., Ise L. Cogan; no
cleetiou lbr A. 31,; DCFNIOSIMUIIIII, Wm.
Fields. This Lodge irdsorgatilred about
three Monthsago, and hownintibers over
one hundred and twenty-five members.
It Ise actsampllshlug great good in the
:,..WootritCd; 'rodeo:lNF niondog.Mat the
philtribiterj'enOrgetnents stir *Ting the
. 1 9M)isin'p4entinitiniNVOOd. :Meet:were
.rmsgentng , zapidlr. , osd ti* the ley .
Mu of the pavement would , oommemee
Ina short timer ' Upon , whdting. the
street yesterday - afternoon we hituutihat
the work had shady. been commenced,
The workmen engaged. In Melchor* am
omieneed hand; end. ill donbtlfte Tut
It through in Me she:Matthew possible.
w Ab l n a t i dy o r e t m um rdditmwl
ofohot& a lt r t a h n e
p Ma e . m me t
The Wet Nook woo laid until tha.ttork
stopped. for the dor. the eldewaib were
thronged with.eople, aurteue,we sap
' pas% La ktotar tune: ths,Work, - of, which
thgp•beeti,boord monk Dr lite, I..was
We atolerred“dtaing...the abort
time waves* thetetztbetextutotthe spec
' Mims, espealally.thole whets:o*W, prr
sitionehn !he Mteetosere on _impediment
PlaStrealtallattleark..A, +knee,
ItOOoPtlaactalyisitiontloatonlyond : .oc.
licznmodethinoteh,and perfectly. willies*
that Shope** should gratify,: their Ma'"
ashy In regent to the mom but would
ilottbildatt Wet* the 'room oltheie who
itfetit i et *lth tho workmen, kr , crow&
Wulf to Mole preemie% I:i%
Broad n:Mho whowieols sudielenk" .
; glehhehnd. nn Win? hndaftho Itheme.
144.YrntandiY, in - Which Antoine Um-
Ate sppeanid as proseen torszni Chrietian
Kromer ea defendant, and. waited that
Kronor had . Stven hienota to the prose
'ontor ihrhso , and. dhat unable to
pay the eamawbeaitmatured was pow
eented. .fabas_vettinsa„..This %MS
=Leak, Au. ths rattawing. extract heat
the Information will slam: "Christian
Kromer did purchase throelnr the
f $.50.8.4 and which said wets
71e of
ia' hint hinter. th e- and
RateltdOtlt_rwpoisentation that he would
giLVP the saw deponent,. his note at ono
,ynar, la payment, of themes, with good
and suilicient aecnrity on said note, end
thte he Au -to dos r awl owing to
,lelee and. frandajent . rapresenta•
_'lload'deferidant was induced . to let
"'""a'n/ said. UM", .Thhi alters , the
Crila,Zl3o44ll ; : i t nuke the car
recd p 1,4 the am now
•• Wade It appeare that ',grainer is net the
40 440 bat ,usketuutte: man.roPre•
NnlinVkiin, to be , but on the either hand.
Wia whited.* attempting to defraud the
t i n*Antormut tot *het isinettY. dna
Installstloo.At the regular meolloir
Of iron City Templo of Honor. 5 , of
the &ate . of Pennsylvania,' held• Thur,,.
'IV everting lest, the following, oft:Were
worn Installed-to serve Ibr The • eastrhig
term: W.' C.- T., W. a. Warren: W.' V.
W...t 'Freedom R.; O. Ellis; W.
A.R. J. Hamby; B,T. D. Shaw;
W. T., W.' Brown: 'W. U.; T. C. Davis;
II:' W. W. Giblacm; W. G., A. G.
Gibson ;W. 8., W'Roans- W.C B.
$0 Varied' to noatto , lioiofie. - '• to-
A moat horrible and shocking tteeltlenl
occurred on Wednesday evening at the
bunting of Meekly:own d:Bro.'soll works,
In Conte towitsbilt an account of which
was published itt !Ito GAZETTE of yester-,
day. Hr- Harry (look, assistant fore-
Mini of the work. • was, at the time the
lire broke out, tiding near the still eat
ing a luncheon, and before fid was as are
of trig danger that threatened him,
was surrounded by n wall of tire, which.
baffled althis eilbrbe to break through.
His body Was recovered yesterday niOril
mg almOst burned to u crisp. Coroner
Clawson Was notified, and held an in
qttest. when the Jury returned the fol
'Owing verdict: "Henry Cook came to
Ms death otn the :arming of November
titb,,)367, ftlyM ~ t.ho effects of Injuries re
ceived by an exPlosion in the mi. refinery
OTWlllinm blackmails &Bro., situated in
Caning township.. 'The cause of the es
plosion to
~a matter unknown to the
jury." The deceased was a Inints man
and but recently married,
Filre,—The alarm of tire from
bog, :I, Limner of Penn and Band streets,
,between Warta., and twelve Welocrit yes
terility morning, was occasioned by dames
issuing from the roof of a house on Penn
street, pear Hand. The fire &velment
was prompt - in turning. out, and: the
flames were extinguished before any Se,
clime diansgte. wa.9 dose.
The 81L.7...P7
.Entron.s trA.z.Erviii—As there been. to
hsi seine dissatisfaction with - the familia
Hens suggested fur the IMayetaltv I
would like. to add another mime to the
net, which rt h ink will meet the approval
of the public generidly.•'
I name Willow Little, Esq., of the
Tenth ward, late Collector of lutermd
Retinae and once Mayor of the city..
Mr. - Little - is a native of Pitmbuigh,
and. hoe, all through a. very . busy lire,
Maintained the chin.cter of au upright
and honorablo man. Re is a gentleman
or high toned nleraisilibersi - education,
sound Judgment and grat firmness or
character, and as Collector. of internal
Revenue gave great satisfaction' to the
people of Allegheny county.
Flaring been .removell from his °Mee
for opinion's sake, it would be right and
proper that the Republican party should
tender him this ordeal* a testimonial or
Its respect. for his devotion to principle.
If he would accept the nomination, ho
is the man for the position.
. Par Vonrissu
Palish aiia
leolitaions aroma 1), Fa ,
NOV. 5, 1367,
Dr. 4.-,9. ...Iborn, 134 NatitAßeld
Docron:—l not now almost well
oC the terrible attach of Catairh and Tit
bereulosis which I hail 'when I applied
to yon for advice. I have always die
liked adveitialng very Much, end , yo( It
way your advertisement that gone(' tor'
a patient. .• .
1 am continced by 'the careful stcolv
of the new system of atominklon, that If
-well carried out, we gain -arthousand
years march upon Catarrh andDiscabe of
the Lungs. • be please to earmtine In • as
Zan-enthusiastic disciple of the new syn.;
Icm and and admirer of tiro. simple;
stridghtf , orivaid moans by which we
now reach Die:meteor the Lungs nod ear-
Fur more than fort.yjire yams - I have
been lis.ect to the Allopathic practice, for
twelve years located - In Lawrenceville,
and favorably received. and honored
with, business by the citizens.
Ytmrs, respectfully, '
A. PALCONEU, Practical Apothecary. •
Go and See die large and . empleto
stock of Leidtes and 37teneli Here, nt Wm.
Flemines,No. 1:19 Wood street.
'Lead Trothimmor from One of i.e
OlgesS.Clilgons Alleshosy City.:
Auccomitay, QW.,14,1.117,
• -sass. Bait. „A. Bscuirre—Dear,Yiet,_ Ii
hate, been trout/had for some years witbi
'the ooniplahit described byyritur
thtement of ' Bargenra 3Wuretio or.
Backache Pith, ank-wincludod to eye'
them a trial, and *railed to say they el
Ihrtled me iniihedlate collet I Cheerfully,
recommend them to any tato. taaferizigi
from. like symptoms, Mating t confident!
they will do all yen claim for them.
For male by• nil Druggien. rrim.9sd
Nem ow , 4ll—Tesituliesala I Crum;
. .
• Wsli.lll4asnr• slssaeu.
For live or,slx - Yedrs have been Par-4
ttally deatand a suffererirom a conetatig
bugling noise ha my ass* linder4be
treatment of Dr...l.horn, Nu. 134 Smithi
tiehl street, 1 have had the buzzing noise
eideliengeh and be:Aug , nusioredf
so that .1 eau now law the ticking ,of I, .3•41,14:*M21.1441E4w:
• • • Ross canal.,
Vl7 Goods tt • Wholcsale.—We
'vita the particular attention of bn,yers at
wholow.M to our complete stook of silks;
drdia goods, and all kinds of fancy, and
staple goods, and to the'feet that we sell
at, the lowest. patent 'prices, and cut
goods to suit pnrchciers...
J. W. Btitaridit Co.'," •
• • ' • 60.lifarket Arent.
Go to Fleming's' Drug Store. No:'8-1
Idaritet 'street, tor all geittdno -Patent
Medicines, at the lowest rates. , ;
* SomettArk Geod.—The boote, shore
*tem &A., for men, ladleaardchildren,
kept at, 89 Market etreet, are mode of
the very best material, and anloili . ! . V . oA
as the lowest. All goods are
to glee estiefactlon. If you want sees
thing good, and, at gold prices mil 41
Robb'a Shoo Hoare, 89 market street.
Cloaxta—Beautiftd goods sublime quill.
tiles, Inuit width.; at less prices than sad
be foiled in the two cities; on west ear/
oar ofDierket and Fourth etreeta. -
, , i
Fursll-136mIng, No. i3B Wood
street, hasopoued a large mock ofLadiest
Furs, 031 of which, .rlll lie sold stlets
. .
litre, Ear, Throat; Lelia C aere
DLIMADES and VANAltiat, • etitoessfcabr
treated- by Dr. Aborn, 154 Szniddlelrl
atreet. E9 ..4. book .by narl,so cente. -
27 -
lILTIPAIn! fn Ladies Furs;
st Flvmlaff 139 Wood ntteet.
. .
Iftr Valuable Information and
Splijokcs. ise , o the ..Plttaburgh
Lary, For r ip by ult newel
4 1 1 3 a ors: ' • et.
Constitution Water Le-a certain curd
for Dlabatesatal all dlaawaSs of the' kith
nays." Fore ale by all dnaggists.
Co to Fleming's Drug N'o; 84
Parr:Mime fOr mo4tol nal.purpos ce; I
to - Irlisolne 9 s'lpiug ,
Market street, for the: bred Toble•on.b. l
the city.
EC606115-11ItLIR—Chl: . 111ursdas. Wasem,
bat ath.; at. the Sevezth meat Usti tgd • FlSthy
tertan Chorat
ss Key. A. P.11.0.1,Aft. tilLOßtial
MoDuZII3.4 ki BLCELIE StILI4II, troth of
. ,
rWe *fah the hippy etiopfe at om end heather:
ohellfe; hod tenet:they:my ever ate in ttattere
of awe , oWv~ ten legatees . Shut t !lehtt Pre
enzelitelelthont encouiterlog • eerie ortorrbsri
iiet'otleve 'or Mph!, ieenlettirtune.)
ALL.-TITITLY.LOn .- ivesday, Noismsbei
fit the. ruldeato • ot th.,br . , ...1es walla. hi
lifew.Brlghtint,rx., by Elder J. 'VII, Mr.
N.w Brighton:. . •
. ; #o.lilitg-6114011.--41t.itia pbas.... .4.146 •
brlde . a leather. Thursday Usoruiug. Noy,
Vet, ey (be Rae, OR
.11.18,,Zap.i And Visa ASENLEAI..4.I.ILORs both
of Atigghimy City. M. Vs.evd4. .
ideVARVIC.V.:-11cCIATItti — At the reiblenie of
the' brideia .paisatitii;•For. Vb.. Itaa.sligru:
CARRIE, daughter or W. T. Mcclurg L t
Vita ally. as eHQL - -
tillreßleLta—t/o Wednesday. arternoott..
Cook, at the raclaenee - of Ma -, tatrghte,
alaa,ay Mamba, or
crtowashlta getl73 - Tear:
' , remittal fmn trim ttanattlararesklaocc,-No:
smote rt.W4l" ten
..d.ft. at% to OtOceed : Mal e Crack
folleratiromherledmiteldeace. 114.Thted
cgt InotaLX mployXo,,o4 so•qoa. Th o
Maids of the fun* ere lUviteMiattend.
tillenOLSON.—On'Algoveraber enh, teM,4141 , 1
o'clock g. m. JA. 51 4.1.2 . 4011t1f.5GM. In Me ;fih
Funeral tram Waists amalacti• a, Ski. rfrst
,atreet. turpa.l", the eth last, at 1 o'clock p. m
The, frleado attar (Maly a re reapaetrultr Ina Itml
. . .
MOORHEA.l)—OnWednentlay afterboon.short.
ty before tbretto . elocf brain raver LAURA
:AG. KUORELZAD.•oteIy denghter of Jame. F.
and Mary C. MoorbeattOn the fourttlyear of her
The funeral trill tike place on Felber .at Ter o
NOON. at' tvro o'elork, from bei..harente.
eases, ldo. 0 Pride street, stoat ,Penusylvanta
avenue. Friends of the fatally are /nytfed to
attend. ~,
- .. .
e.;• •
' -'.. • amrsen I HATIMDATA
i.. '" •:; ..'
14.1„,. .6.utoss Torn . cot..
rams of Internam reales' Mutter. triettlallec
btadilteleitattoriale, laiiit eLeureblT•UlerfAb toe
MaZt. valuable Itefdilift Matter for the Iramtlr.
sue rull'ut asl meet tellable Ilusuelal and Com.
.604 Apake iurria ghts by .7 MOW eve
tbe aty. Be- Palmer. rdeasale or learevita
should be wttbout It. -
i 2 . Sitell PileX i Sleg . , i" .. . ..'
Ski t tle Seucvezer ...... ... . ... . . ..--.41. 50 .
Clubs or fire......: .... ..- .......... E .
. -Aud env ruff of p4ure
,110/04 evereveo gett/au
' 4 P the dub, - maw... i.;elults asu be tuaneett .
Cue time, at dub rates. '
Nome. To BLlLeClentesSo-la IffetereuX raur
.IwPer. be seri itul gentler i ` 0, 0 4 .2Rid. i
rsta, to we testis a Womb:Maar wilt/es elerealr.
sateen banns bat one mall a west. • , •
i n Lr . Molter by Dna', IS:mousy goray ("N.M.
• r .. 2 .6 1 .te red Letters lazy be eget at matter.
Add.... . OAZICTTIC.
• ... - PITTSIIIIII4H.' rrero A.
No. lee Fourth Street. fittsbvirets
cos. FINS, of sit kinds; CRAPES. ELOPIES.
an y
verY description of Funs& furnishing Cioorsi
furiiiihiJ.' Danis opeo dsy and night. Muse
and Carriages nl7¢4bcd.
itcycarscos—lict; David Karr, D. Dso.ff.
M. W. Jacobus, D. D., Thomas Nallig:
. !!!.F.S22I.IDScr. Esq. ;
jG. !AO DGEIt jrlllo EGTA
• NEU AND EMRSEMER..iots ,.."" ,,_
Into Samuel K. Itodgerso No. 9 01,' • 4 .
three doors from Ressvr. Alleghcsr e " Y. ;
; Rosewood. Mahogany, Wahint
scood Imitation Coldn. . at the lovrest
Prir6• E.ois °yen at all boon. dsf asa."."'
Urdtsc;and Carriages tarnished on short noikno
and UK tICOIt rossonsbia terms. •
'DEBTAKEit. Mee, NM BM Oldo BthK
Itileglieoy. - itooemood and abr. Vet e;
dos, talk a complete stock of Ppm& itirlieldfM!
Go'oda, on band and filnalebed at aborted isoMo*•
et lon . Bet price, Bate and Lfterry StalePta..:( 4
per of lest sad )fiddle &realm Cartfaltra%
15 '...8.8. BoaEtea. &tan, How., £O.•
13a . r biro.
li d VETE AY ;113,4itilLE VW
A. J. 11A8131Woll. Peak t•eisAta?_l"iii
Nrosts; stoics AnaiALVAlsgu•
wamo[cdw&tei proof. '
and F:llanale. The Boot for tbelfllllelwa
IlAligl'AMT FMK. iny Hia. A. H. Hognawt
the 11. S. Sanitary Conallsalon. It la aolahia.
Tory of the war, or of any eiMPAtt..r. o... " . __,
bet a fall and gallant record of
aullerlogrof the Tank and' Ale. ?,r "Mtn"'
nelely•to A. GIT.RESON'a
CO., 0031arket street, Pittsbarrieb.
sute;ro.4.6 CUT Wenn, fnrlb . E 4 ' 6
valuable a an papalairueut ever lasabn. eunr.• ,
ad' 14 tee to every bovines. man. Pali M.
tt , oto IRO PER DAY. Dullness dells/a/R . 4 %
eall bo underevocal In tan minutes. ,AddraseJ
BEEZELL; Plttabargt, Pa.. cat at ream
'tie. b. Suture Law Bullatult. ea Diamond Strict.
Eaulbutlb, between; a.'zca and m.
F'° a HENT=OFFICY. 4 B.—The
rooms nave Occupied by the &end:OTOS ft*
lilal. Rantoul and Transportation CoNitidlT•
No. v 3 Fifth street. over 0. McClintock &CV..
Caner Stare. rooms - ve 'very dadrObid
- iueofhces, being located in the centre of be.
[iris, and an Fifth strict,' now bolus lalditiO•
the It icolson pavement, rendertwr thorn' did
front spire, Ott. Froth roam contains ia.rialiso
prod' vault; Possession esti be End on thud ,
CIL, =Firth street. •
..14711 9 . SALE-7340 ACREI GOOD
LULISLIG LAND, In lima. Tenet; Oo+P
SPopd title., Taxes V7lll trido ford:F.
property.... For jiarticalars Inquire of D.. W.
$ . 9 . 171 . H. No. =Market stma.
te 0 n ALE—HOWIE!) AT
IroWAIIITS Livery awl Isle• Stable; eTh
TIEST iMILET, 'Um licn#iwr
FLED &FOSE rotisALE.—An' o ldlr,eitat.
11.1n4 stastd,'oe one of the pritteltdd StF* o . 4.
Xt.:ltchy Cltlt an44otoit Shed tdhaddate,. llB
less, tine.. and Food 10111, at a phut:ha/X.
price. For pertlentars address 8ex.:35114/10-
Tin n.o;derelyned .ell *ll or ornadadrot
a II rtek Yard; to any prrandl willblug to =Me In
the tartans. • The yard ts acme, with all the Ina&
ern laproretnenti Leman:nat. years;..NOCtilla e ,
-need apply bat Mo. lean name tree:nese, Ad
dreee E. T. C.. Allegheny P.'o. - • ' ,
E Q ",-;
, ,bastoess or . eioata4oe; -
b . oettle_or hoar a treett.',...l
euoarroarazsr.Aaegh*uy_cleT..rlllo6 -
sold ou eosin:table tutai, lb* above bakeeviq,
dologatrood loatinesa ead hit the - thetittleaht,
data, a much larger one than Is now' roimlete:S.V:;(-'- ; ..
Any person ertstang to engage to the tosslaess e
Ih had Ms araropportunity.ooualty. Tor parttaalats , .
handre at tito BAKERY.
FOR SALE.—ltouse and Lot ma
corner of Manta/Lin and Adams 412441, •
ar Plioincer lialltray, Lot 41 by 1.21 r Ant.
.1.10444 frame, containing . / 01,011 M bad =44114114
'selflmproved. Emma and Let on/Meg:WM stair
street,,illeglatar City. Los tat bt t
feet: goose frame. eontalna ball, Gee nom .NY
good oaten, seater =Cow Also, sareial gene,
Elonaaa and Lots In good loeallort, •Inrlalrs Of J.
A CO., 'Bearer street, near . fAlabatm
F •' S
LOTS.—We now offer 'on expel &lig* Sas?
terms anew plan of Large and desirable lota, toss
log part t , 4 1 property latinngingtP
the bars of L. C. T. Noble, &lamas at tne appal
end of Ltbarpabarg, and near Gnyauta Station: on
the West Penna. Ballsoad. A portion of tam
lots font the railroad on the west, and-Maly
'street on the eodtb. The lots ars sO trf ltd foe,
with vide streets • running' throegb • tbsisettlie
property. Thelon tor .gardennti Purfseedis pans
not be earalled, and. for beauty. of locatloe end
Irma hire no eclair. • For 'deseriptlys pleasant/
fritter inlbratation eallat SILL is gIitITTZIL
LY'd, Bad Nstato Agenda Mater, streets:Leer`
wine. '
st29lsa. tee/1141 tC. dea/srs.
Jewelers and Optiaianz,
86-' SIFTS arzwazirar.
Alerohan.t Tailor,
cor. Per) and BR Clatr,Stititti.•tpleuiss. of.latorfol.s hl4 tutazw,
itud th e public, In general, that XL stook 'of
re Now . ooxEsszt.
. 0 i 1013 *. "1 M P II F"..
B,ud up 01,..• .4
rarte;7 of style.
BIIPPpED ItlcTlfzcAs.
Olammed tot. the largest And IWit.t meters
-NEW A3001X3;
. Tails;
: •. IL SMS/11.310olittrit
nor rr.4.1 , 1A1 LL 1,09*A4 7 . Iss . ,
CA2Majfit a. vrar7Soa- -'
.• . 11A1 , 1117•ACTIFuNG
• • emu% xamitaa
Vmot. lb.
b"!: eiis.b, &rime etiliape.t. atm .
eet •n 4 • . • ••
•Balmroom,.lco.p f?PB,eTBRrr.
•- • -
pm pm:me:3Pl.LE rAiunt:' • •
The Llibtutng AtDie .try.
3...vv., fag
!!!..1....411...,444.7..1L are. I him Imo
at the loire‘t. rht,7,11=7
Aitira BORpr•
.Houttcs, rum, at . co.,
An del Cotiii*l s ,
. 1 4 th uutk o c zi,.. T y . . -4 , 441: 44 4 0 . •