0 Iltlea,6,6artttr Ttivisupwro piavr-ILDEU - 7,1847. El Tor. PRESTOS.S7 4:engines the reatit of the N Tc t MI. affording blm fall 11 - 1111 7 .114 10 IV: Up Lis .0010 an, I hortly against the Will of Congress in Vac matter — of reconottnetton. Aptmial %denims from Wasbingiou to carton' ennocratie journaht COM.II.Ir In represent tag hlm.;Mitoolyclite• precipitate a 11s ImleU Congress shall conform to Ids IdeaCh r ,' Conitin4 onsece the lan week . thopresent month, when will be die. t bleed ethit:e.fitet election s have I rodneedinnts the repretentati tea of the . Mates tenktbeliewp . GARIBALDI ettletal hoped by hta !went. antarP4W crisurr an eventful nib nitb . "tri,j2lKentlant em 7, and to stand evermore is Idatorg as the consummator of ItaUat unity. Ills failure, so complete rad turtipartElsi reens to have crushed DL spirits. ,:.resucur der the misfortune of- being new;-rated by men who aro without genial .iod courage, Wh en by holdneasaadisct they might have won u keu pportemity Wag so vast and hrlillait - 141 it paralyzed what capact• tin therinstersed, and so ldt to 'Prance an gasi :v;;Olcale SAIoIiALTY Some.,months ego suggestions were medals some of the city newsppera of I mei of-tadirld La's to ft.l the off.= of \ pi. Mt et for the next term. We depreci ated titans..eati, , g...Stion., ~.e. •tbe ground . that 3 Important question of Conseil. elatiqn,‘e pending; that if the measure ehotaidtms carried, .lo wholo or In part, the d utlee and resrmusibli Wee of the of fice wade be mr.terially , altered.; and that t would ha decorous 'towards the lalu4itants of the thstricta which might laniited tn the city to. ]cove the mtge. lion f , the •ReoublicA .cacdidate open and hableard: [ ' • The'resua - Orthe vole on Consolida tion t f ;tot only lrown, but time has been Jrded to all thii population now Inc! r ediwithln the city limits to con elder thel matter as It actually diode. 'The Ity, though not what we hoped It word beds not. what it was. Large and dons dint rims hive become lid- ted 14th,ft. Bat this is not AIL The hawof the .lltyor Lave been en-, largethe full degree they would ed hal the whole of the pro. nsolidatcon b:cn perfected, Ame 4 :tther important powers the . Mayor. has now th tt of a veto upon all . meuirts passed by the Council& : • ' his time the Ilepultheart voters re . velfeeserlOrtsly m 'their minds what theilwill .tio iri. the premises.' The ignmil lid for Mentioned from which to mitheinteleenre the. present Incumbent, W.U.: mec.aray,.wilham s. Barron, . y . ;wilil. Riddell and Charles Jeremy. It is possible other nu Mee have been Eng petellevhfch hare eszaped our recollec . dena t ,,lYe - do.not knout that either Of - diesegeedletnen considers kimeelf as a candidate.o. • 1 ItinOt our porpose at this time to . 4rapr a preference fOr either of the pageMet:lnetneil. Our purpose is rather 'ao itoctioui npon Republicar.s the convle -*kw that if they Vie= 1, win alw-esa at alaitstaleng municipal election theymnit elmetwe Ili' ahke by the character and abiAlliii_atibetr nominee :or Mayor, ea by unanimity and gallnt:lEln with w 'They-shall 'contiett the cansusa, , after,' lejaing their leathr. Peculiarob. ' Gre Gerooll their path; and if they mein . to iitie t weil In er.gintorizto the altaira • 't. the ennwlidated city they must noitinoter tri..ely, and then pneh the cam- I= When the eight of suffrage was ex-, tended to the black male citizins .of the States - lately - fu revolt r st‘inst tie gov ernment, the Neil -r..th Work( accepted' the measure as ciasporti or entirely with the genuine spirit of a:tourney, and urged Ate co-partlitna to "court thel Necks" as one of the means for securlnin a portion of their rotes. The seed of its Liculeatbms fell on stony ground, and: brought forth no fruit. The blacks pro- Sterol ti) Tine with the tarn whose friend. puni...had 'be= detnonstrited, Tither than, with men who hid steadily sodded their just demands tor the re. „.•.covut.loo or most essential rights. In fibs blocks evinced alarger amouht at ordinary human man t ra than they had ben credited. ycLlt wtscssing. The Troricf . Vidadie disgusted, not so much ',Mita friends for refueinz its salutary counasla, as with the negroes for not Itatestrtittglwith- those .vr ho continually paired out 'Lipp them immessniable contumelies, In ,ta disgust it wrathfully anhhilmsthat thhe mob of the =siert days of the revolution, was not e more unfit depo,ltory of political power than are the Southern peones; crop of Bnow.Nudws and II UN ri scurra law better than amokef Rolla PIEBAYSi with Ronearninits's power they would rival his atrocities." The nearest approach at the South to what, according to the popular concep: tion, would. , be a crop of nobesplerrea, was not realized through :he agency of segrn suffrage, ,but, wjth the right to vote latttfQidiytothewhites. Libby and An. dersonallle were the instruments witb monsters executed yeti ' pence upon the!r opponents. primary Idea of a democracy I:O -pal* a poem nment in whtah all the peo ple particfpate.., , The, iforld, and other Pinata of its Claes, Said much on this adder; and with admitted' pungency, ',booths attempt was made, a few yearp ago, to rci:riot the cxcrciPe of, political putts° native botn'inhabltants., :Lat. • %oily, they have insisted that the right of nee gp-wesnorthrojekly sacred and. maliennble that It was a gt eat wrong to threat men of It even for the higheet mime known to the i iawa. Bo long a.a the Weeks. of the Both- also slaves It rompotted with !heir legal status that the shonld not Vote.l • The condition of chattellumi and the right of voting are 'palpably irreouclii.lile. .When, diminish the operation of the laws, •the •taarki cearad''to be attics in the 'Southern &site., 'the right of vet. rug followed an ti necesstry Mose qualm The case in there States differs pmettesllywidely imp It la hcre. In the northers States theie are rurnpar a tho y few idloreil rieoPle; 'WU] their deprivation of suffrage, while as clearly violative of qletdentary 'prtrielPles as 'though they lived elsewhere, is cot productive of the miiialapeclflE or general results. In may of the Southern States the Naas ars 'a mspiity of the , people. To de „prisie thentof the right of voting is to pet the many at the , merry of the few. , snlis to subvert . dentoerrey, end con uteun oligarchy: , .It must cOrifessui rhat'tnany of the blacks are exceedingly igoorant,; and Lance scantily tined to cuerelte aright she ,falvileges _cititenship: If civil rights depended on is given degree of education, or if igniaance or. stolidity Were peculiar e btatke, th e oblcc• Simi to negro suffrage would haves force It ins mit now T,as . of thousands of white voters, scattere l d up End down the erntry,lare as ignorant end debased as &sib( the WEIL. of know ledge ought to disfrenchire the hlacke, it ought,sler dlairMatte the whites. It so happens that tile Men who moot pertinaciously .white igno ramuses retaining the riAllt tO . T?te, are *lasi Eidaimnittilog ides'orl uorlag!)lackdolts toapproach Iheb4lot- The /sat year of the war, riding from Washlagten to Phlladellibla, we chanced . tiiicipy a scat In coach with . witeachiin wbo vita engaged In cool- A loe at Naar York, - l'reeektly in , ' Qoirttd.lf.we,approved of negro regl .rn,nts. We replied in the affirmative, when he advanced a point farther, and atl:ed if we would make voters of the lkicke. We evaded a direct answer, *bee he said he would. Turning tines-, tinecr, we asked hlm, Why% Said be, 'the great body of ignorant whites in this country vote with the Dements and always will; the negrces, however Ig norant they may be, wilt rote with wAite• felka, which will remit is offsetting one mats of ignorance by another of the same sort, thus leaving the actual settle ment of allure to rest between men of intelligence." While not prepared to accept this exegesis, it embodies an idea worth re flecting on. • The Wrieul' ngton Chronicle reports an intelligent gentleman residing la Vicks burg, as itcylnt•-hit -. • • - • Ten Daniel Webs - ten and as_many. Henry Clays could not make the South submit to the lesia of the lender be true to the Government since Andrew John eon joined the rebels, it it were not, for the colored people, and that these people not only till the roil cad-f&d their late masters, but sacs the North and West from the curse of repudiation. With this important element all will go tight, and those who are not convinced' will yield." There Is certainly reason to sonelnde that the recognition of the complete cit izenship of the blacks in the States late ly in revolt, is necessary to the manta fence of most important rights and In terests throughout the whole country. In the progress of events now not far off this will appear in a stronger light to the popular mind than it does now. There la a swing and oscillation to all movements oa a grand scale; but sere. lotions never go backward. Tbe . blind of vision and the weak In resolution of ten mistake vinsteady motions fora total change of c 'neat, and suffer themselves to be borne away; -bat thekeest In vision, and strong in heart and limb stand firm s contidenlthat great movements, what ever barriers may interpose, Make chan nels for themselveeto run in. JUDGE =WIE:= i=t! Lotions Claxxxne: The election of Mr. Williams was deleatat by the Pitts burgh Comae:mid. This la .a broad al legation, but as terribly incontrovertible as it is inezeraNytme,, which, nolltilts the din and smoke of the data political battle and the "tumult of the people" have subsided, your.. otuvesPonama dertakes to verify, In the conclusioa of every fair-Minded and , nnprejutileed man who will examinensuse mid . erfact. Every reader of that journal lesa been for the last six months well posted u . tti its acerbity and unrebuong hostility to the Pennsylvania Railroad Company; its abuse of that corporation was the daily theme in the col turns of the hybrid Jour nal to which reference is made, charging, as was Its daily practice, the basest cor ruption and turpitude to the Directors by intercepting Ballioad legislation im portant to the intersatsof Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania; thereby =Hellos and inviting the active 1.00114 of every. member of the Board of Directorsaltainst Mr. Williams, whose election the "Crera. mireiot assumed tole the great advocate sad Mr. Williams Its special protege.'!. Can there, therefore, be a man of cow: moo sense. who has the nardihood to &scream the vulgar abate lavished - upon the Directors was not well calculated to secure their personal efforts and opposi tion • to the eminent candidate of our party and rejoice in Um defeat of the gentleman claimed as the protege of that newspaper? The hostility of many of. these Direc tors, we are Wein asaerting, was intim, creed by the bitter denunciation of the Commercial mins, the Board and its policy, gentlemen of the - -highest post. tion for integrity and fair dealing; In .themselves alone of ample influence to secure for the opposition the meagre ma jority of the Democrulc . candidate. Mr. 'Bihar, this la by no mem the only active and efficient hostility invited our to the opposition of Mr. Williams. The charges of bribery and corruption against the members of the Lsglsisture were u bitter and unrelenting as those fulmina ted against the Directors of the Penn. sylvanls Railroad Creeping These sweeping charges embraced the whole legislative body, and- think you not, on returning 'to 'their constituents, they would not carry with them the deepest prejudices against the eminent candidate of Pittsburgh, thus abused and ltflad by one of the organs of the Republican party. Why, it Is humeri. Even unintel ligent nature, the worm trodden, under, foot, recoils . on its oppraisax, Could it then be even hoped. that these members of the Leg-4 'stature would look with :any sort of favor, and would not these fifty or' one, hundred members, by their indiffereace,' not to nay hostility to our candidate, be 'more than adequate to his defeat, under! the circumstances of the sme ll - number` of votes which would:bus carried the Hu not your correepon dent, .dien,: clearly indicated the main causes of Yr; Williams• defeat, by the numb,* end 111%4 politic journal; the anbject of these re: marks. RATIZET. OHIO NEWS —There it. a Gypay encampment ai Dayton. —The 103 d Obits Ifitiment I to have reunion at Cleveland thankagtvlngday4 —Lakeilriti ship captains say •the wits: ter of the Lake lit two feet lower thail —lnto the Cleveland Postof6ze, last mon 2.16.193 letters and 22,278 papers —John Gaudy, of Lidependestoe, 'was drowned in tho canal, near Seventeen Side Lock, last week. . Kent. News is the name of a new psperhist started b 9 Ears L. D. Dori Ann & Co., et Rent, Ohio, . &Cabin pecaolc eabacrlbed S,V,OCO; at a ineettingthe other night; for tbe iittrpose ofcompletingthe Ironton 1 — , Bdtcard Blakely, of jackiaii . hip, formerly ft member ofthatild Inrontry, committed suicide recently. 1 largo enterprises, of* Imagine-pi character, ore on foot in Spirinaliteld—i• machine shcipe,.factorles, Jobblngtionsett, . . .. • , . _ -8. T. De Rub, son , of Denkd Db Roan. while working onn mill etareen. vinelest week, fell to-"the ground end n an . . . . . —lncendiaries bare been st.work In Snietn, Columnlaws county; -Tbe Town Council btu offered e. 50 reward for thew -Tho -Snit through ear from - At.ht;. nettpults - to New York- passed =t6rough Cleveland - on. Saturday, . freighted- witdt 100 barrels of flottr. —A young man in Hamilton huralterl, mtne way, a young lady of Um town,. frontal th* girl's , father .corrhlded In the Opera Homo. Lawrence cOnnty gets .the bannerol rereti by the Democratic State Committee for the largtut Democratic gain. The geln ores wan IXI votes, Five hundred bushels of good corn Were rased on little morothan six acre ot ground on the site of the obi.Coninkl orate prison, on Johnson'alaland. —George W. iol3oli, of Zanesville. 0., died last week from the effect of a Weir. on the temple, Inflicted wlth'st glass tumbler, October 19th 'by John Jarvis. —Over 100,001/bushels or Canadian Bar ley wens received at Cleveland inst:weeg, and a largo amount at Toledo.. Cincin nati and Cleveland bus:Unto takes Hull. —liansficld people have -given a lot Of land worth 815,000, and losncd-$15,000 to manttracturinix :conipany., Croulloo has done something handscurta..ror tale. • —Royal Spragne, Jut elected Judd(' of tho Supremo Court of California; for merly Bred at Zanesville, Where read law. and married a daughter or the late Judge lilocksont, ' - , ;-11. L. Kline, of ChLUlcOthe, bin 'A cherry tree, procured from the stock. 9f Adens, tiny years ago, which measures ten and a half feet in circumferenee,s feet from the ground. —ln /leknout flaunty, After a drought of seventy' days' oontlnnitnce; rain fell on the lea h. 'the Chronicle expresees - a. hope that Its conduit will put-an 'end io the prevailing fever. . . I . —Durleg the past season • 1,181 bozos n 1 markt* were chipped 'from Clyde. Now that the season Is over, the people propose to.breok up the bands or bona, thieves in that vicinity, —The threyrns.Journal says: "Our fanners all tell us that there has been :a greater number of acres of wheat sow n this season In this county than for some yours past. Moat of the fields are look ing well.l i• • —The application for an :Injunction to prevent. the Commlssionom of Um now Lunatic Asyliun, at Athens, from enter ing upon the Coats lands, been Ala-. uted by Judge IA right for.want.df Jurisdiction. _ ' - , —Twice as 'much wheat Las beeitiown' this season in Muskingum county as was sown That year, but only half a crop wits put In last season. _The wheat sowathla year is Vet7backward, 0 0 1 8411 Mo continued dry weather. t • ..:-The'reledi , "aarary daeodisv6n ad: vertices a good list of !camas for this I winter. 'Among tbent are , ner, Dr. Isaac. eon, President Fairfield, Anna F. Dick- In.n, Henry 'Vincent and E. P. Whip ple. —A. W. Parker, inthlisher of the Ohio Fan"eri diod suddenly in Cleveland on the 30th. He was born to Vermont in 1811, and came to Ohio in 1831. Bekaa his connection with the Ohio Farmer be had beau connected with the Cleve land AdverfpfrBl 2 4,o o Wedetal ye ,tqitruniete. • —The flrs*bleveir built in Prima,. was t oveuVikluril u ttek, in Barri e: Tito 1 1 3 i. 110 1C.810 n,iii 1.911:by roads taroatod Nadi tow of nelg bort:. Out et -the limnber who assisted him in the orectiOnlif bridge, but two are now living—lfte Griswold , En., aged about ninety e ars , and V,Lee?e, esided Osborn , o t O a f I I ty . PC15 .4 x h e t U t 3 , y : yea= • —The Canton Repoiitory says: "We learn that the attorneys of Mr. *tattles, the Demoeratio amdldaton for Statstiten• atonlattile distrlet„baynsery_e4 a noUce contest npon. Gen. Senator eat The ground 'upon xrhich tne contest lain be tonalioas sto..inlbrmed, btu** legetl fact Umtlhe judger oteloetlonat certain polls where *solidarity of Roplab llean totes were cast, vacated the polls; daring the dinner hour, taking the bel, lot box with them." ' •- —Eletand men entered the mom of Mr.. Israel, at Coolvove neap. Ironton the other night, and two of thorn, each armed with a club and a revolver which they exhibited, telling him they were dona tive' in search of counterfeit money, and demanded to be shown, his funds. He gave them what he bed about, him, and after examing, pronounced it 'good and returned it. Meantime others' of the party ransacked the house, collected see. eral valuable articles, and lice whole force then lett. . , —The.Dayton Journal say.: "The other night Mr. Mayers, of'the Oregon Mills, carried lighted candle to the ease alb° elevator, !nth& second , stern to regulate the,Empty; the institution having got 'choked.' The elevators were Coated with a llthir of flour an light as gossamer. awl a portion of debris be coming detached and showering *down On the candle, it', nulled - like esonder toothed. y . alive coal, ardent blue ran up to the elevator to the 'ceiling .In an Instant! The flame wavered : between the calling and the floor for several m&- Metal, end it seemed - at if the. whole room :Would be enveloped In fauna. Mayer' polled MT his coat to beat out the lames, is possible, but at this In 'taut Ine flames suddenly went out. Stronge as It may appear, neither this elevator nor the ceiling were scorched." -The fish trade of Sanduskieniploys a large number of men and mach pul let. The present :anion him bee* the most succeeded known : " Sams klesi of its extent Is Warded ,by an:arlaele in the Sandusky Regtater, from.which the tbl lowing.facta are taken:. Intine day' Mal lory et.C.o.,wbosts tends arelecated near Marblehead, dallveredtoVilagan &Cc, nine tons. of .dsh, the, catch of it'slngle dayi ~ A bout,thaa_ 'Alma', another dealer gave erre ocitht ,fishermerrereclit fof the estimated welghtota large haul her ring, and directed blnito fake them bacit and throw them overboard; he was mute ble totakenaro of Ahem.,. A car' ead /or Phase • mat (of ..thalihdo - ,4nis ; frequently been dix - potched# l ,a. 4l 4gbii l V by our fishermen,and several times WS IMMIX cam have beetsloath.d:*Yedaller-the Fulton marketin,ork.:cl . ,The greater part. ut titatheut Tar sea son, han..bastn,..ftoglit at Cede:Point and Marble.nend. - 4iven Huron light to Cedar Point. Lights 4 1 4 - XWO-.Poundis hare been pm down, that coat not lase than 876,000.. Between. Marble Head and Ottowa env-Jib:am ilbriprikra or fifty pouts* abont , rketiey'llaidand, eleven pounds; Middle nees.UMnd,fonrpoands; Sugar 'fant,pbunds; North Bam Island, flrele poutids, or about. one hundred and thlropeimpoundEthat de• liver their. fish .to San dusky : denim. Not less than. twenty par cent; more twine is believed to be now in the water In this vicinity; than ban ever been put out Ina previous seascos.,' Thellskann mence running along , the shore imlint than about the Islands;•and tido season; it is said, some days - earlier than nstal. The principal catch front this orally comes In about the AM week-in November. :After the found , fishing is about over the gilß= neaztletang com mences. Already thirteen. fine. boats and about seventy-flee men,:with- =We than ems thousand gill nets, brie arrived from Bareelona.Wesifleidand Ittualuirk, New York, and are preperlng for gill Mg fishing, which soon commences. Those flaherrnen reap their harvest about the reefs. —The Lemon /toms Jos:roof his the following: A. ,German named Conrad Reid * returning from- town whither he had- been 'with s- .load of. apple;, was stopped neer the brick yard by thine men with a demand to ."stand and didivie', Dutchman-like tor had an aversion to giving Imp his greenbacks without* fight, and when ono of the. Wawa- poked an trey lookinghistolin Ids thee, he made for a heavy sixers4 assi told , thems to; 'come on, , Miekle Dofile.":l iTha who had holder ihr horses, hating-than: solo assist his companions, they warted' quic n t - leasing-this would-be -robbers. PETRIE '1.411111114111. Pare Ligeoes, Tui YttiiLlOteis: forftalehal 14Ta ' 1Nint1.806.% Yotliodlalsel arporak ()Kik . Pon *Pim. Ciesias Enxtr. "•- .1.011,11126; 111 k any itattlis Wtpw • - CoduiteMania en, Catawba WW2. Pgre Heti' Lad ilia. PlUm Irk 'MAN " Pen IrTifigillet. rus stl V1414 , 11.' r . .OotYt it /OW* t¢dDltfet(pdf{ttltt meet. lb. DiAaem iar Maki% 107:1•11 glitiltNaturcbelitttghlod • ap gin lest.tinito.tlsinasn It itsoos as sins Ws isttsniskter tito-try to 6 . sto iota to au - hes br' WU= Ma ' , ace 61,.*11 • , That sort or prscitt• plag bat' of l'altise It I= glint ea tacolpt•na ,, lt Vat tends se . ... • • • tr &U itruil 5 , 771.3trav 53330 to trait the ,atiselui etlfulue,, •tM souvu,i. ann.' 35 3 31 r 3153 , 6•71773.77" UT 3373-In n. nor I,4sUrts be 4ea*7 .03/317 30 Hsu me , COM ter the '524 et tlMcel. W i aintettli. • , Tbs gnmi 3 , 3.3 Is is ftnrog Us nut 1753331 171U3337 creltisi rt. This *Won aanumil•344 . 47. Jedielecto eLtZaz jr;t11111 , - . v .. !I t rA r At i i r mpi . can yon 8 . 7TII y ff 7 r 7 r . a l a peyvaeabe . d . thes • prto3 • Lo tus e s dthlo arpe rrr 1301001ba, •• It .lve• stead* • an io narmi. hiuliCtlll Auta , thy. insral sow of 00., purunuounips. how 'Milan 3543 , 717031.33 a. - bowels; reaut asUnialus tioccrastalbs.> . at i • x Prolnalms -7i35ma530331 , lose( 111 u 57 171700. Ws. insiao WoOkitelleallOnaymbleb lis.ytea to Immtle* of • Ina-Oascoll '5.1,14111119/ at.atttall Nana:: rongur aaaaa loth ealudy sod ook sore or Um 3.353•11514: law Um - 11133U T. wed tamp.torsoue-the salsruall rtftlGic?hiAkiiag . mg4 .iktteißdtai COUgbran4 Caal . Ttao I. • .18.ukiaaki* 1N Oor* 541.1. shlcO It stiosied tot ii... ;realism to o . dotes aptness too Is thipihrfirsolls; Sok Os, OSSA OuMff 0010.4 0140 utoattis Windlint•lSl4fhp.osda I tow tbs. Wore 'Missy*r =hors .ow Slaw, Oars imp; but die oall i!itilite/Spop !sofa., s'." .tflodsack, < tic r - riner IscoOssi. Poo ce..wkali le onssosad.d ""TAY'rt i rt i lf m kp b. " . " 1 4 1 oPP“Ofo. OfstoPl7l_l4 .tors pus of LW :tralgolZt4air,Tro ado Old - car 1 *sari, laNs4= fors,:aii* t. iuritiorols eoPiak-iosi olial tr.Ratlos of soy droOkio at Or loop ar :oladoloo. Up lave tossups of osoi to tplolisst , d 7 ..lea Da. Yon= ifOff . pMASoot twit ran rottipl castor OM Mu. ?toot/ OM,. 11.. 011 1 toys iamb solids L'iSO 102h1 ofinspasea Osi4 II 50 at Da. POSIZZPIGoma /loi Wm* Mop% NO. 110 11 CUD 112121-Z. Dn. 7110.111.11 ContbULTATION BOOM. t" Lug 1 . 4 . 44 •;44 , ..• /14. iso.rzait Minos or rim. j:•L WAr l k.o ... a _ sat frfiG+o4-4itiluo mtkor A= largo U an saw Vtlimett: alit • lIIILM)rii,e I MrIJ4I waiwrz swami sz.asxr.L. . cuurrox naatitzt ft st :oval mutt* to:4 , aium.rositax. , a , Ariagt .0 idyl SPLENDID Sloe& os FILL AND WlNga GOODN Dlif:l ty Ilia 114 i!alia: GRAY,. kita/EL, ac.; REBID, AMnIUUM'SrAILOSe. • IP*7 ' /Chit' aiieiitsnt alai ing ea. , * lonlas neidviinlm a: Ye /Maw Onxtal • • tomitirait.44,cm • Btllolll6tA few Searden kadittiNVirlinikitgOie, Ailtii:ll39llllAlNt'ittntii. Seta's MlCial4t. PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE: HAW ADVKR lariEW OPER4 BOVISE. -- PilDi7llllllM6, lareaber 7‘l. Its. 401 IT iaItINITXT. 111187.117. 3. " 4 Pe.' l U ,, II ms *PD•Sraae• Of MIL AND . 11 13.116 • /111111INKT 11111111111 if Aa limissa• Wit *ea cliorlos I mew • -AOilf . kitsinratetitir. :mut LIOX IPosillaars mai Tire Duch. are 1 1 / 1 11.81e In In. • FR OPOSALS Will be received UNTIL TEI lies LIST" For the Grading, Citzbing & Paving Ur AlLtNcellll4 - KePADUZJIL- MUMS me nhir TIOT aneirrs uC rims 'Azuzr; lath. lamp of Panama. NMI:* hlhajer either reell.asale or blealral Pareteerh• Car tarthar particulate *Weal the raise et • • ChainikilAireeitakiiiiii.. , . . L IDI W • 011114'. • Mime /Iv 1, Gears Fars, essAT liaLtaiii Low, 01 MeCORD 0 CO.l HAT STONE. volt Ne. mWOOD MITSIST THE 1 1 14GIBIOLlik FAR" ' • 150 A6res, ....+MeXouport. aet fait= rattwa rotriastesitar= itt=ll4 1.7 ratelit=ili; Van:a= Vit survanegi In/ .X7 trti . .prtkr:i.italei binds voat bask: - OP I. 'due. pal, es. .0 sLid mpg. avow se ' • lIITEEL:St WILBON trotan asel 'ate assata. a..lsal siautulatatnist. BAT Rllllll SOAP. r E . 114. T RCN! BOAS 110112 i BOA:. HOMIT SOAP GLICEIPARIBOAP erratum: soar. Asa 'sass olio, riftll4ll: • stags L Caraa Diumorer: 001111,2111 a. lam atinik arm. SECOND-HAND PIANOIL inn. a. T eetele itionaittod ea*. tree trj tacos . •et 7 etreet. made WIIMer illthatat 01417 1 / 4 N.,a w lac y_Calelttlas• Oa.? Nazar, Sado 07 W., • We. W.6 1 1311111.11131%.11., lialantaMlo, • ' A. 4 the there eis la: soot tellirt . e.tialla ael4 at vete tete mete; sada.. MR • Walk gT11.60111010. C 400 7 140, • sec . iroull Stillat% Gael: ,H1t..1.7001! WriißAl& 11411P275, ta toot osain, am ante to IL tot tat . wflotus ,l * AND urait. McP Liii'D a COLLIN', vi amp is inn= ■ra*sa: Dovittx ins= ,Eng'Halt Tipestri iircaillAßAND7i4B ICAE:uniar bt rants 'Warm pia Maad n' arm 7* ill/111'4MM% eirik4 lll 7oPtif Egad • A:swam mass ow wocanium, e eft Ala 44 =NMI= ~~rr r~~iyyHP --rimaszsiAluittaing, .•' Mittar l Ari= ♦4 iir ; Pima IDS fur sate* } L oa =kal• is manloy Liu MMUS. Loam . ..Munn . , sae ° leeta WIT . rTkIPUZII 11'9141! itia tam ajaz meow Llama We'cr`t Ittly ipmancuzi k . coos - 144ilizi nova* FINE-OUT : Mon t it.":':,;2.."..4.4t=w..:th waSsa iwey Obniag Ira sad mem a CHAS. C. BAS.EVS, Moak fait Gm .pr' ail Wilma Um. LADIES' PIIRS. Aatintleis gradell; of mparlarisalltr. SALIM) AT TEE UM= MEM Ales, Ma SAW amt. HATS AND CAPS, AT k nun . & iisssrva, Mount 1111 PH% amodony. pine= REINDUEIX 4)211 a CO., Id ring mum .thruseres. saw 4•oo,nara DM= GOODII. wir tams .mrsJcs BIANARIC AND GRECIAN SUITS, ,T144.,17.!t at l*. all fa l l 8040 *. oliesY & LOCIIIII4 se. a M. Cajal. f Amin. Gmaits intiozawicall; Lhaust crsoFff*x...: Amu @Lariat rimy: wiry e.ove; sae,iricsicquia. Nava. • • ,nus ay ail as 7;t. .141.41k,'JE'Org COCOA 7441Mirfillo AT WANDTAOTUIIIIII' mess. AT waptsfas.s eipissz#4l., iffenzleirD Coatis, mama nrna rraa= setarnaants CR&CEZBS, 817 I 41311 : 11 T mwrimmaluiim SIMILES DEEM . COMIC tutria 'e n M W. et a• oMorNMLUUMWAsuporwinet . ' iceilVairrAmmg. liliwpostftm.mulunan, Ft ie S . r w r n. 44 AND mut o,l l l.lwip.sa. "' 'hign&t.. QOM iltimios.:nraismoi law& Ims afas...Cras4 at .004 14 fie • -- 774:Zinptallfuttaris. BOOM kVIIIPI,II4OIMMW 'Amite airs:ma, lf cos Kam 1. • a. iarinutos. NEw ADvKitisiffiterTits CIIANSIZIMEII, Crastaens. i*:* tat at ;4..31=4 fitutory arc jattiresi i - . . itiapasuarr t stars, ME= orwnica—xis. - *.:gircent 5a1171311.7. TH 97K Nu andia.lol r 2 nT.d . tr " thiW ut anal of 'I6III7BBIIIIILEITILI. AS 19% 190 944:194 ARAL sr.. Autress, rio., AT.PRIC BTO CORRESPOND WITH • - THE 'LATE DECLINE I • _ }IKE ERENcu. Nil as:~LQp: cholo..hp. ! ...P9l.l.nr4LP4CPA S . SILK CRAIN EPINOLINES. POPLIN REPS. , - BLACK SILKS. FANCY SILKS. LINEN GOODS, JOHN PORTER. in Mina= nsiatr. FOR FRIGINT TEAS, CHOICE COFFEE, \ LSD PURE 80,0 ROBINSON'S,. No. 20 Filth Street. ... . ill! . GOODS! 111110008 v . . :..••... . ....._ _ . !Twicitii. CALL TIER ATT NS. . MIN of tat oaotomeri to ml n'ook,•■ Mild. vill b. famicl s Ur.. gisatortmeit of . .' DRESS GOODS LAD USsinsiss. II ocoAmite CLOTHS, of Treat vulgar. DIAN zero, both 4104.4117 a Luna. *dia. tauertea•s Trepan SI II . 44.4.41 Bata 44 wails 4 Wig?! PLAXN•4.4. • Binnikxczezas so an, la al man. • GLOM 44.415414 QUO a Me to order. Er. J. LYNCH, ■w IS mama sirees. y, ps. MARVIN'S CYJELA.CIECOMIFILIS ARE SUPEIIIOR TO ANY mi um HMI d mi waourems AND =TAIL. No: 91 Liberty Bt., ' PUCrr or 10Orrtt WARMBH~p 1.833. 1101:11.141 1/1211/011r "MI IMAM, Bel *ad Cold Waler, lorzrorlobed sad prartleat 'ratan, JOHN H. TATE; Phseiber and. Pas tine?, tll Lassty BireitiPlaskimilt i aaill Vaderal Strata. Alleyway. DOT '1 CLOTWEi WARDER. vim? firs lista, say or , if. 14 11.). WO , 441 , 4t.eat aramlt , Maw. bet It. apsr,. woe non vane o. sad Un anurnf• omn. 1, n 2er to 100 k... nun in Wan bole woullnlU.-.llkint Insvarer.-• dawar • 111 ILO awn, .• . lemeht, Ike *Kw. 11. L apt. IN ,Mu r. Meng.. • • : .1117 too mloa taaa • I* CP. tialas.—lf4.7.2osts eadio 'wafted mad Coe. MI +et t .a.—all 6 4,tia • bit "IQ., tt tY. prilantaa. all go hem—Teseriesesetagmt. • &gar telsl, • geed tftratomicat hownrtfe • ill 'waft %nib.* st, Ai LISA twr.cf.e. =WU* I. sgebutor ewes. m• eve; haven . . _. . . id a • (THU, 11•1011..1.11 1.. tb• tw ., 111, tie 'cuts. Mae* wair.-2. W. Y. 'KM 11 1 ;: e . r/rX Z. 2 . I. Vl ' Ittr " . 1=742 '- r011,1{14a511114411i04., VirrAm.t.... - - ' LB.cs3misca* , a =7:11 WMBe COMPOIRS. All 111111A:Lt 311 1 / 1 / rAA , AILIT/UX ja sr. lived I. masanufttr.lll. in Uwe imaildina•4l==6.= HOUSEKEEPERS, PLEAtit TRY IT: vntoptimmvo=arlj a *ars. ft l i g . .17:71k p~l~t~tn♦ FAX tt 16 tairulAA.l..r6 IS n i tiF v ißE mir i zr.risY4o6 MI Ali 16 9 It &A. -6 le AMA Awl le NO Ent-Et aj itg. d a rn WO WI I i bOVATH Irraregre ' taw. outwriaa THE - o i , nr , ST ANITA thuantiniu TIM& WAILS tam cm. W. a s. . GILMORE. diaturm to (Imams Itiasiusaurr. Wkolssais an 4 Sahli Dealer .la TRUNKS • Carilet..•Bags, 80. ju tAluo g ooort z to of LAMS' llATOl it....zok woos, sTaszir. 442 litir - MARS/UM BALE. Y/411141ill*t * nit or orkittlast aspenba, ma *ell of - AN Un•trlet treat Uslud Norm tart ia Weeloors 'Manes et reos.ryari w.s d tone aintr. gATTU:aArTIIIDAY.4IP 5tr11717:1411... *Waft a a.. 14. Item follow*, easertbipi prOD. .Iklrry3t atutti, of wants; Nsid sad 1a ... AZatrt: a ! ' i.Z TU.So A. ISOWILST.. . tr. s. Moms Dilutes, I.e. autilil .. 114 Po LW! rex aryl wow WOUILI4 . 1 OW. O. CiARK'e C 0.4, .1==i773171 iftwle.t."llll2=:• * 4 4 44' 4114 'JAMBS-B. JONZS, • Scrap' , Iron s • 14ght Irani way aim walWun7l nom, 2111.004P1i 0 .0011“/ diadem* it.. : ft,lombroi Oil?. FtEttlintfl'itatt s .9l: Mi g eAtej,irtgAiat .thneo., =',V2:244llVl2'"•'"" * ": 11lustre ?EA rums. siviaakend, TeIIISOW6 flood( deltwead ave. 101 0 11 ,4 114 ._ .wWourtt li ..l "l " • . . wxur; swag, DNA MN Fg 11/4 KAIFU 0111100111. 'Tale lIATTEJI rrilistaNitr Tita °gut" At.. 411 " •-Nottei WE" 74ie gat n Anootittoa a rt bi 17,41. a n - tni 'um. sari r r i nalt• - • at u, ar LrvonCii -1 " . outl.=Or.' ii...PlitariTi"^..,:botg D. IVA LAT 11. Protbeaotar COMAINEST PLACE /4 1 • T cirrro surrin TBIUNIPH-4100111111 STOVE , iMio, lie UiIAT Iltirkr• sb r. o. Durrr: ' NOVEMBER 7,1 M: NEw - A6 hicl/.lt namigok _ • No.. 61.;M1L , lAS VIPRIS. _ . A 3333344 imartssat petped 11;11•110bal Magraiszass. ♦saistasat sunk ot._ OIL CLOTHS. • n•vr Mutat of Crumb - Oaths, Druggets._ ; .# 4 .O... T Hip • RAG CARPETS. McCALLUM BROS., 31 NUM ittest. above Weed. commie supoixrs, 1. BRICIPIRD a CO'S. Latp at=e and ben BLANKET/3 in the -6-4,44; 64 Witlfrk. FLANNELS; RED AND YELLOPk . , FLANNELS; N i A. GREY AND COLOR D FLANNELS; OREN: TWILLED NNELS; /3/11RTING..FLAN LS;, . - WATERPROOF CLOTHS; WIDE: VELVETS; Aaagt.Te asiettaisat of Nil! 900 all VIM a•. N S►RU? sass?. CARTER'S NEW SHOE HOUSE. M oiomiaW IU IMO 1 BOOT 1M) SHOE HOUSB Ho ; 47 Fifth . !beet, (0117411121,11 TR111172.1 .w ogwa ... Lt . - in... 191z . &HO t aaui ger....47 . l4 . laWass. DANIEL C ANTED. NM" li r AIM STOOK • , =WETS- 1 • urea agioccureat . ALL WOOL WOOL DIITOIL LIST AND DAG. HALL AND STAID, =TAOS . AND . WIMP, KNOW= AND • Amartcarr DRIP:JOST% KeDelwox at oar u I.tow tiC ... % o i SOVARO, ROSE & , lit inurr. winvimonet we Iwo•••11,41 _ 11ilIRS! TOBIBS! TOBIBS! 5%000 NO TC)Breds mpg" .1111ZELL um. 44111,0011 Laatasur RIZ Spipakb °tan, •aat irldak tea to tb. Usti tliaglip Wein and aucalahle beferp purckaalat B. W; JINEINBO 11..••••,744•4r0t. . ALEX HEIM CUT. New o. OTWICTS. 167AIMAirD a comm i s uprita ZU GYM SCUM BARGAINS AT .lißkalL 11o•. Ira s* TS VJft Stunt. weir so Ipuzzo sum cram wad moss luau; awartsymem. INITIAL PAPER ENVELOPES, really psi fp is P4ECY STATIONBRY. • BLANK BOOKB, Of Ilerf . deseTiptie", q Mid awl M. so PAM"; Slll7 ill* lad lulUy DUX rams atoms. • 'Jour; :raw .1100 . WS. 00/.ol* *7004 as iUtlie Maks. NUB, scuonsa Post ItvEdia` fr , 89 Yifth Stmet. um . WOOLBN ''.DRUGOMA . CRUMB 'CLOTHS,. NEW . PATTERNS, BRIOAT COLORS, BEST QUALITIES, * - LOW i. 1111213, • KonIiLLAND ' , 11; ..Cites, 2.• 7/ 711 111111/1( Et L.,VOri. Jailer u W isw smsaisires: . . swore. cirri ; maw " 133 1: 4 . 1 . 1 . 4 . ..timenraa ,i-stwa4o,lo. , • maw* ' ix rt.-m=om; Asavut. - . . ht tors, s rar s aur n o..a. k k nisi% NEW ADVERODMMd!ii'Ii NEW GOODS ! NEW GOODS! at a I,l , centi!, GOOD Lazio : At ,• .": 900 D DfAi.PELlit ' S. At 01.00, 603/3 WATSOMEOO/ CLOTS. OPLAILD 70•D&7, as 1:117ML. 1111111130C1P7ahltivap 111917/018.11L 8T"•14.101111tT At 621-1 Cents, uootr.n:asA omo9 , uttittis. • , itst 56 , wpi) air,ow# AT Vvin. tee mad 111.1gadeval 1111/iRLII 3U4WLI, lIIILWLI3. • MOODS. Biliulito. HOSLICRY. Ate.. • • "ut Low rwcs,i., AT WEL SEMPLE'S, uo ato use ream" ammo, "uksicter• DM D=l arium KAM. HI 1160116 /IND 'WWI SS, I=9 aliiiPLE'S, hi.ll4,opi At fei.ni Ertel 11 esbui laty, REAL IL&CEIL REAL LACES. EtrAL LACES. EELS, LACES w. hay. lust opelted. tlila (11.7. K.* imiNilb .1716• M 0/11321.11.A.MDNABOKIZYS: .IEAL POINT . 11•IIZIC Y& ÜBOIB . 11ILL TOMS MITI= covruatt. AL fo[ax:oLaze aussL I= SIO loth pan of • nodal Import Was, ma ograralit =allude" regular patch . LnOka.id ine roomy elf am /000/itt ts tei. !tad irotsb ti•dr astinitLia. • • NAMUR a WILMS W/co. 18 Winks lllMrsoot. REAL ILICES RELLLACES DM= &UTUMN TRADE, 1867 MILROY, DICKSON a Nem Wo. 54 Woos Street, PITTSfIy 6GH slow Cleffur Their VALI, SPOOK MEDSAIJOY • D T .GOODS, mx4wv:NrLAEo, AND NOTIONS, IN GBAJIN YABIATIN somortmost will be kepi NOW. panto dila. Lloo liosons. opt . Cash and Short Time Motets Art Molted to sigmas. tam Stook: issinaibz a* DIC1011•16 P 11• ME FORT 'PITT LUMBER CO. Capital, : *123 000. Prealdsall—sow. DIMSIII4II4 OMMIIIGIT. a. Myertalleadaml-4/11,. GILLUM*. T. rosy_ 1,0113 . /11 nco.. airips vls t h irlTr i : Ft TWA l in IWlY , Ant i eS n a . 02 hada to Yams Cam. y. Ltd .new E t."""rS girZil l ! j&r i4‘l = oi. Ilia, and d Ink ullUe¢olll. ••- Clarmasamalloas by mall - GIGS be ad- T. A. *MOUT. • , r:rroiscratia. ri WM. .301111111iTi 11. Co No. St Fifth Street, LUTELUTE JUST RECEIVED the -118 T nut coinpleti wort:nut of 1.4011.11% 0w1.% nun , . now "...210 1100TI3 811020 Ao GAITZEWL r•i4 t -mp isAoiionTii."*!so 111146111ThD =lvan& ,oiuriuivevizonow. Natty mule we srable. p r ili "G!!1 . 3:214311 BOMB. Au of whtell art .4fdred AT THE LOWEST PRICES. OW mallows. tbe bin tailtir eed .1,4 Of Km) la Clusbarin. , • Pro,Bl Filth Street. • symniqe ■nts-Tfami= SLAM POWER BRICK MACHINE, mAsomorusmosFni PITTSBURGH nIOK M&Olilln 1 - ' BEM IfinirACTIIIIING% . , ~,,,„,,,,at.' tan %b. - 0 a I ea* hm M. Wh— um . itwarstauku4ll Maths M. r .4:UMW MU idn....Z2W.P., ip. pftliMai • 1. ftimd 14-1,001 IMP w .larrAgniZtlgth= 1 .: k 4. 1 % - marAmtumr,:t im hatb• Milt 111 11 V I M WittVlr ' , .4V1;111 EIZTZIri4 ~Irti .... a , 4 1 1 0?0 1 1 . 4 0 1, .. , ► CS4 -131bnn.. 1 .: Po LuiVertiti iliras!or. kw &Wag t a; thfiou '' - *Fr*-An A. 17,.,, t 1) !NOD onNCE relating to Secrters lei. /act ioi Xttredeftetedetths th• fteves• awe Saco -themes of Ms Seem,* of Lotereheeeitte, awe n 4V WV ...t."v"”*" tAthlty of the hues. heat front atm after atm De•• ref.4ltrel th=try " o "h ,. 01t " ..4, r 1" e eater r fettetyL•aele..liell'itere psert caed &Abetter tO as. At pug.. Re• am she I.rte• zed In axed Mitt. for Ity. het, , t ..itiettett ,t,...oeleyhtenuartpteett• htteouthalshtpee: eta. tenet forth') ehtts. aed tt•e.t et.' grtair:—.:=lluzg.Z 4 graDttr, Z•ata Ittereof tt4 Vie •13sevete. covatvh. oath erathhs E,Vettegi L ' ; flt_ eqtotteater !apt, hwo. to said the......1.4.hetin. .4,mA ten.. t. " 21 :2 72/ ChnstahW .ter t'otiftshl-.' Seen le3 , lltet the metes& 'of Ithd 1102tegh t• Duet.. aellitrseet reetetibt -- share. ef tae . ceethetset of • lh ...etyma st.. Ler Compatm tb•••=e of lee Bargee. ettel Coattail of tea Dormji . knelt: W. J. Xt`Ceette, there. Lairrete••l le. Nov. 4. ISM eon= A N ORDINANCE relating to • Laying' - of Gas Pip p. • Z lnrrrOx I. U ordained and enacted ha t.. igrzl end CosactUat the Borough ef Lam -4-o.oorttetimuta • that.ro.o-atadonad 0.-pauisis of Ulla anrskaltae. to. jib Gas Co am, shall havo.tas palest and II Whit? Ur a. , not PM , . tn xal Notuadtta foe the hot p.m of lading douo r 10.1.,ert0 ood !Mudd.' tI:T.2I"errAIA.II 4 AC: Kt. eat amour,: Irttb psi caromed %bat ail ignanittg,tiAnrt l f. ali di eilfga t Z e tt attallogo hoc..? gr... 4 •11.4 ..1;" r.P.U.d [la von at Mid liaa , Otoltato7 sac L that Oa 11.ga of: a* floroagh is banal. anhtorts to to autuonott fur oho*. of Altoona! stoat ataxia Us/ Coatoldff. to tea ata • of tan Sari sa sad Cousoal of too Boe*tth of Lowe*. a -•1110 • .• • • X 10 .. !PFPUA. ownau6lie.; oe r 416 7 , 007108 AN ORDINANCE. fol'iNici Gsad -1.1,V......131111.t,115Catb0f Chu. 170. latstie..tt Vt. D. sal wont, sonthintodis• to tag Wt... galtot tag storosith of Limn... Do. St.ctios 1. Ds lt ordof.d and sisodialift. 11.rpas. area Torn Catoseit Latsntwiffs... « It Anis poet. is as. of .....s, That the west {lumina., la swans... wiltt the /Soros.. - Derilitor. tot and 1b... no .7 aotbor;o44 't.ll is ang t.naiva pp.... our tog paios.. fun:tug.. 11211.0.11011 ',bus. sta . , tit •11414:1( from it • los. row.. Ot Sad PIM • oltO O• 11105 Satyr, solltillral.ll, W tag Una,• awl .0.4111,C1 Ihesof,r with tholimasi and bidder; at Shur die. or Um Saollo7 , t That the a... so orika4lnif sad. 017.taalll 0.• pall ant ottaelsoronatiThattity, as 0t0.111.4 for Dy tslttlag porifOoe oatraylOßMOD o•tia sipaisso of atom gad . 70 .11.1. ...tottere he..; ...II int.* letkaanwo , attat.‘ S l it lbs stttnl this on 1.1. ain't. In 2CI/.... lafa /sou testacut asol t0upt...... Wand.; liad about. as • 017.4.1.. ' • 11.710..1. Tnat so soon a lo Li cost t I. es , MD • of .sarois rub./ eahl t if annul.. 07 sho /10600j0 lator, It an. Oo his aut. .o astfla soportlon ths Gatos rAz., Wit4g4, , V1,0-11, • g r. Pars tualcated, " in • thireahtia au;gll.. poUrto tlanot ISIO us. Olrserd o raid lot or lot. wipstrilvaly. gassOlana of earn own. 1, sad mats return of mash Mass. TrolsorOr Of sold Da➢lloDl Teat It stolll bi, oho siatr of lb. Tr p os s. . ie t 010Uew r W on thi sM ro.lorn so 00hm MOS— Shot all. tem amounts of ..C.h.11040.41 , matt.. . to aim In thirty Cl,. In= V. of .0 , .1101. .14 Inobotd pol}oct the sun la the in.. , too slds. 0/ Jaw. , • • r saUlUlt. : el bS"—N ;thr. 1 3 1. 4 e1:./Wr i" ; 1867. FALL TRADE ' 1867. AMBUTENOT, SHANNON & COMPANY, yanzuzi Dr+lsm rim DRY GOODS, No. Ha Wood Street, trrrnwErcril.ciazr, wee.. 01/ZS AT LiSTESN IR3O= Dress Goods, Prints, Glngkams, Cliecks, Jeans. Tweeds, Goths, Cashmeres. satinets, F. & Pl. Cashmeres, Flannels, Shawls, Skine, Waite Goods, Bleached and Brown Domestics, J CULT, LINA Os . B•lloaa and tmall Goode, Baired_Planuels, Of Luisa us/ home aualfactomi. E= amrz.x,a4nnccnvnp ' MHO BARRED MOM' Greenville Barred Flanivefil. (14311 MT - BI METS, myur ti-110/1. hau Line in ill Depariniente. sto2 muotoo wr i 1 Wood litred. OBVIIINOT, .8114NNON & CO. VELVET BRIJSSELS CARPET% INGRAIN CARrETS; NEW .PATREINI. B°llo s aauenan au OLIVER McCLINTOCK Bc CONIPANY, as. 13 nava 11011116 ST. MYERS HOPPER it - CO., maman to a. a. NOLO ill. . . • • ILLDIUNMITILINSII3 Or . FURNITURE Of Every Description.- mom .AND OFFRE FOUITIMIL No. 45 Smithfield Street, errivaista. 'lllra tun mantmant rlttebn Mamba ., tuzed Furniture, coutaath OD tua LOW.Ir oAbil MCC& mea„'mn —lna. I. V 14.2. - - • . . d. ACUO.II, MAXANDFIMUIW. JACKSON 84 FREW , ettcoolsors to Loostillit MANUPACTIniItiIII AND DZILISS Ilarsesr, Saddlery, -Trunks, an., . pd ,wl.ll also kerp oo bane ond•totoort tfala NAM= Mattel, 111 UN IM yli Mt stn. sad 181,1Mva12111141111. Sukets, lan lap a I Hera moo• last? InOw Warito . . ibB Vlrcocpclintreeire. JUT RECEIVED, AT 110BIEST8 & 8/01117161T8 • • wail:Aiwa ant Baran. I . fq, Copper id SW ha fanlnotiry, MIX el 61117 87114115 T.. rrrranvaue. &fall niPT9T 6 . iolles; Haub/ and railer el.m. V. eau*. and tandsg rano , nva. 944 'gigue teal v.ses and dodo. ese Er.Z.g"hrwaimatqwfAirmatu tntoookleg .004. Vilretabimg, Wm. E., one et.b, 40%14 ry IPatestiewl atAtias II I. Yulor efr nuthr.elte and oth.roal. • e.m. S. AIL ere .Itelitk.ll &COW, malkairaptur• of Ciallstere. cll:ne laVringlraefii;;P 00 " 14 °N• NDI3 111§ ON & WILSON, liferoliiixit. Tailors, Axt, DiAtails u, GENT'S roosisanvo -Goons, . 811113t.inrEadiiii 4•4 retilrea, oar 'Wall • ul4 Viol. 8,00101 Clocamares,l4.Utag., tiverwitlair..Q • ru nalittlt tioodt.. .we pntriteal tO Maks opts IDA lats.t &WM% fumble Due.. oal4 and bop us.• . • - • DIFRO *AL: lIIIFAT SALE AT COST! IMO . of )Crelb• L%" !MAW Is l a ti VIN Wt.c. tn •xbaiyvs. sad tit M a m m • ormy preen ock..s: l i W ll : eem 11).mtthed ; : ..4-p,4A., , 44;iti . rzata.,aap #l , vnuuunt.Lvaso, 1 .. a ss.cas.,llllrar4,/nTriatillea: PA. I amen. Su OGAtiNli .11s.JADAUsid my to. I : . ot,* -1 Ph.= h twg. Pittsburgb. r ootuabor am. M. I IgrTHE BOARD 011' DIREC TOWS of WS Bank him de. Wog • Myth:lewd SIBIU Vow Cane, the the Capi ta l dusk, out of the easel.. of the neet as moat. e, fry , of ltd. nment tan, r, lots snd after 'wefts. Ilth Inst. n 0 ,11.% J° id it. /AV thlunedlN. chibler. Vre. sins Naly i tiv u .4tef . o .. 1' ;1 2 , fartliE DIFIECTORR Of this. Bait bare this day de:l4ra 1 a • Dividend of Five Per Cone. es the Carlin stalk. oat a the pr.. et the le. MX mes.... payable tire lit.teraders or teal, trier r.pereenl..4res. on .4 inner Ile 1111. Let.. fr • 01 JUT...UhI lei , J. E. DR eDY. Jr. !tr. Ixc Zn.no ATI Onni. BAY. Or PITTS'S , / V. I rittsbnoiln. SoVnalber /a 7. Igr TIME BOARD or DIREID eam.j,T2:r.ttIII../gurrissed. tram the lavans or tqs. CINL. 111Albsree tez pew. by the Be.k eteabolders Itrattd on and Kat Ito 10 tact. It. -M. MUMMY. 011011iT. art,' _HE'REssiromin.C4iviNas C.. Direct... of this sort DvlVland orTaroo Dollars per obrre, pug( two firiall•of.tha last st. smalls. park' We AK tltett Xlrer Butkl.Roa. v, z.srdnimb.4 rollat29 BABK Or Parsaalas, boy. LI, WO- IarTAID eniestorzer AND Dl declareo a ICIVII of tble - Bate hare' tlals day R ii~mzsn 07.1^19Z via czar. of tl. Corortol Moot. outer the'Proaer arta' Uri .(zmnew.. omen win be - p .0 , &arnica.," 13'.0r, loth ropmeatatirra. oa or arm. too turr, !MO or boTirgaelelas. Masa .0 Lour raars. ir.4:llll+4,LE aoszaugo, Cashlur 0r,16s wurcuv triciaiNcs coy'. rum.nah bor. Na, arDIIIIDEND.--The Board of Direetabll of th Cuubsay b.,. thy D/911,12/D Off-IIiIIES DOLI4IIII, eittisbue pttaatotk, mit alas bar. of the - tut novella. lre• el Nor. rola< ut xpel Mate Twaell, payal :Lock holden ob eras I. 0.113.4. WAG P. 11 ERBIUM . . arDI VIDE ND. • igggirefg?t' At • 11.0411. thaDoard of Otrostsrs of this, Ossa/wAr. halt' thls car, • Dirpland was aa•' elstsaterr <5 Tea Dollars Per Share. • (+:•yable on and attar lith hut )61 ta rA.h and . 4 41 0 . 4 5 14, ..14. 0 5. 0 ftu Lid p, nee aizatlonas D. U. 1111LTi, Vinci of TM Taxtreint On. 00111Aerf.} . -No..ll.letris street. . Prrreaosen. Atm. 4.1214 liar DIVIDEND 7N0:1 Ze,TEIII noun of Direetory of thin Company itnv • this day deelared • lebAtnly dividend of . FIVE *Jug 'czar/4 rayabte . lug ante the i Ittaiant, at thli *dice. . Ib. Truula Books be dud from . 1.12• tottl to the 13.0 Inst..: lichot,a. WEILIZZU; - stlithls 'hot/tory .pd Trifturar. Tia MIT CITY TIATIONAL BooTrOP 1 • . -• . CITTeImOJI..ZIoT,I Pka., t tar,TFIV. DIRECTORS +of DEED TY:StSWINNit Y 4Ig ..d I, D L e V' i out or Pe plollto of th e I/o; sly mo n th .. naval - to to me stoo o oolden. tor 'Writ testi t00t.... tIT .s.os ond oToquicinh =Wood c_2:4119 atT • J. Yo9ol/71/I..Cathler. tilswouttli..ftettatatut.. t littaounn, ; 1)54 grigi - ANNVALL DIV; LESU of • ' PER CURET , (free of Qo.et®wt tax.) on Qs ClaD/t4 Ftoct ' l ' ai i ;. "' WPaLl:OraZZ;::. [fie . % ail. ' of ao4: ..V. A. X2ta LT. llsoul:r. . arD/VIDEND. • • 111 . PIC1111/11411•011. Co.• No. Et fourth otrot, October 31, Ilia Motors of Ito Yarned Clononiyboi this do declared My col Iran, YIN 1.10110. on Oa Capitol hoer,. ponolo at 1.12 atllv Ca and 4.1 1 / I racryktabl”.4 LW. 01 . 3104 boots Cond. - nolo Z. Z. EINZHAET. Bectrtary• • TEAS 1: 'TEASE :Of:all Maas and tuillty, at AL, -lE. X MIL MC. erounrami. •rytm. Torn Erin' LID per :rad. inmspoo . • Mood i •• 1.19 Ben Wad • trus 1.20 • .• 1:11.10E Tl4ls—ros . thowc, 8013011011/ COSIVe-S. 119.. Mottoes Ithr*.lthovillethlthas.......o.9l *. . Ettglz coethr. . . - JAPAN Ti4l4 rthootemed ve.ryp_levothl 47•7"14 TOW ;.• 611 7614 1 auxim T.4.$ No. o, 24 pest paot .• t.t • do. non UN WM. an/ a 1 to. Oct kind o t, ave thew Jpeott *o p In gthy qu fT ti th ad w rruded any orlbe m S rues, ati4V , rott , so save Meaty oetig r eg I ro=4llll , ll , .l,:ee t lsleasraimz . pl i .l:lll . • • • • , uzi¢. wr:art 179 .4114 ledeal as.. AT1e.0...m STEAM'ENGINES And Mathlnist's !fools FOR et AL Zap M. 3 trild aft EMUIVE3 603 itoti bomb pawn. U snitllNE 1.6.11166. 11 , on, 6 Inas to Lei as .beart nlrlag tram 11 ro ar tube. 1 NIA • M.a 14.63: T 1 an* I foci try Wu. lEanan m ..ad 6 Musa ainsi&W CUTTI2I4I Mas• OHM 1 67116 IGuTlati 3 G tad 10Z171 C7l7lnci 66.611911: 31 , 6,6 I 0 mites. ans nar omits Torres and Tans, s. lanai nerm„.6coelua, Mies min Tana. nu Unit. masebins, Mandrils, 6 6666 gm, Common 0011 , Mirst/Jrall Ursa., Camp., Le 64. in. r wan • isran larr ad •mall town, men at arc 5.12.1re4 1. 0 11 Tim *bane Maelnam7 emlra aeen In apankUon Kratee••rean Manninar Won.," No. IM Lund. Kra Jil/ea homy Clay, saddle Ziarlnnear. """"nth" /711 "' % " wWwrimsr. 66.6637.drr 46 isanannt• as.„ 66,60667. JoHN,rtarg - .4. , 50 N, Monter* and Aboleag• Doalrra la - 10BEIBB AND ZIOXXSTIO WINES, . • . BILINDUI4 . GINS, RIMS V7ll IBELEB; & ' &0 • 80'7 3Leiberty Intrecot, - Orr:arra Extra ruts, gra KM Be. tear. to tarots( Maar blood aod the oils:Io la remora Um uge11500..01get,d411%.404.04 ;Kra:41%1..14.0, to tae astastaelizo " . to W who wilt hear them. , JOHNIop cipad eltstoltslted nmpt.ipp or JOHN BA/M el tie =aeon goat...ea toe imperlor q..lthn awl portly of tb•irgsoos s aod I. .Lt be *nett MID To .101m1.1 &Po opazaw. roe medlogl yarrows. partlealar attentloa la directed taelr Bogs aloollog- • - OLD ozszurs Lad oemloroullitat Or ' rairsuu .1.13113NAV19. Orders len Duitorn. +lll alu NOMMIII 4 , 41 to. ' • JoUx Bova s iost. HAZARD POWDER. iAm Iwo* Par.pikED 170 tilat !Mottos' talk*, all &Mora Mr Ism or LIZARD'S VELEBILITED POWIII2, ATI =Las loft at or ;out 17 mall . to my mom N00..1 1 a Lod .174 IP ISDICILII. STBiST. • Ile , ghao7 City. Ps, or to 102 SZCOSD Bram= Attatlargh, ra" will tow!". to.oTitotttotitro• mimeo ARTHUR KIRK.' S . 13. BRYAN, saoasa to BONDS, STOOKS. MID REAL ESTATE, &PP. WWI, Fourttianei. kuWeraeVrttrui al =sl4 4 . itonruns boo.bt, .4 sola. TWO KUWORED THOIMAND Half Spanish Segall, racelved 40. mamma, will be mald bwY Eight Dollars Per Thousand. . 11071ELIT F. IVEDDE4I. csonsiot san'armil a lulu ca. 0171010. CW! renSINZIOI 71.1) a9nymo, Prrivs93ol4 Oat. 1[.)167. TEICASSESIEttENT tor the Gra. .ad COM."' of intirOßJ, AVANUf. frees .ristaprio. /114>VMD c.tty lbw, sad CAtia4.lll 5211.EX2. Item Peva street tallimb.relallet. 11* no,leadi tor *m ust:m*l4...d roatin Is' Ms aftlee, Vint. liAtkat ballinursontll 11011 DAT: Noir..llLN sum 'an they rLLI be D 1 ,0413. Um City Tr ,s. artr'i Mai tor 091 . 1.!etion . • /amour; ; Cltr Ituthrect. ON 0- -4°Diavaprum tb Wallo?Woincs, War u rv s rt ' ' llt i t ' Z'" " . 4 4r4arvinarpreit F cii M A s B ,2l 36l— A, lar g e elefant" 613CONO4TOT PIOT 300 U TO =T.. To% MaiMtAr. TrelieV6;ll,9ll:l4%, itiryt ,!1.10"4% . '"g"' iMPArourrr stawar. ._._______~axt~ ___ ctencem•PrlTekkil•k•.lllaertelealle? 4 .- irione , iis.NvAlLAtiermria et tee ISSeelbolders or fte Matinee% • HirminebuoMmeettker Matee.7 4 neeete•ty •111 be held at tee k!ONlJelie•liaie• aUttaX, ee - intik • Web:Mkt at trttal ttitt attl plate S.VOItt btratatt twit lye ideated Itt •4111.4 rttr Itestnata tralitettall a. way tii d.. , ` el g. . lint. E. EIJOCE. &tutu% u m" cr ietiVig T l,lrtario lart i r NINTH. /LAMM Clan= PatarZir lat h eial Coarasj, tt 4t v., ° !c i .V.ralatg.l7.lllol l l37:*7lE elnek r. Iral 111111 A► Nt7;l=ZtautPar. ":117-","'ir,'PAZZl*4ll;mtur. T I C • IS D ea TI T 7 =I& •• lir • • b=l rag l artirrergon.ritiVretriin i. bosre - oras• oil mew Weise! Ti . 11 Varela f• eaten*. Director., mammy sad Tasiralvt or Dm aarmt■ yam, . ' Broteerqf r . u ttmtd.. itttbnitti,igor. Iry • igr JONES rEnsir . Ammar INCOME eta* Itt Mt Jones NMI Com oaay anti batilli! m a y. -Nermabri L 0.4 lleti..e.k saa *Zee of S. D. eileU6 a urr, at.,__UT,..• at motet nolo COD! p AZ 11140‘10111 - trionzoo. ors will ea bed. !Lod nub mac; anMaaoa.tinua. aaVd at. may be OTOO1111t*Ibr• eau. . WRAC. LINU.u.,-Uwaaay. 2=474%.11:71.941.' • t ggirxs razeriosi' - ros Tautrzes - . 0 . , * .7* to torteOW this n will Da bete at the eon,Eta. IR Want Meer. 04 , *oeola r , "ilk day ar itimagui. arm Retinal. the ton. at tie.sr. as 3 70. ft , . ocza:il.l riostall. . NOTICES. IarSOTICE. UNION r nine, Ilett.tore CO.. E. D. } • Uhler:No. W.lout St., IthAlierase, October net. eta . 'The Interest oio the' Phr t lifertora Be_t :orA "" y, ll ragnilabloVictatrwr Istria/Z * 4M In paut ' on Msesitailon of the Coo ,vatrt the IleullOn lioose of DAD'. a yu., KNILIth leek. oh sod alter at Jet*. 11114 WIZ. J. FAVIECIL..2Ttanniti tarMICUCANTI!..IIII4II3IIART . LECTI7RES., Tb. LECTII/37: BEASON TIGICtill ratty for dlittbatic a:1ml amt. IssiVerW, menmcr of Um Comatttell, .r at Mc. .11r7;.•• TOY. • LtbrarM.. at tbi , immlat,' D &Mr. lap..l4 C -6•77 +. , 11•34., P. Jappl;f(4, J. 111: B. .05....14 HaMuntT.., 7021 BA.LBEI. = prriff wAnrAPERor (mincer PROPERTY g LOTS and MOUE KASetue.—Ou TtItt•ISDAY Triielittn, 41,2 VP, at a o'clock will be oold. ea Iles or mute. vent very nleatia terse .fan lop Lik • a • tlanlv , •tan or Om gamma CAW:Me MAO of ru P llt4.=l.lfr.,,,Al3, l _olMl 01rtb wands ON Penn an aet b.soraan altaamand la•enaala Matta. • ' I , a Lott. each It fee% tOntaabas Rant Oa Pan 1• that 111,,e0.112:t.11.1MiNtalb= may bOck tor e.t.a eiftet, inag. tatatagaida • Ott tbranebbet set taste twee D et d oltulietreVtetl ' Atiril 0 . : 4" V ji .00; .Le 0.013.0 an anted Roam .....144111 ger w ale and "vanto,• mom tallag faralteo. U and wr OunaganntOnt Teo twice. lax vecentlcla wart It/ROMM sone • at a. Ohms. . • • • .. . Poor lota Anon =llr.t I 4)( insbis Aron' *a Mu, amt. in lm zeal. to rear or t h e artery lota. sad heanid of. to rear 0ft...1,na) street. U 0 t in deptli ea of Wank,. In it largo Met De ma-0 la outnd tiro o; in • . WaILWAILIC I= • •T'Aial..`,'El.°AltluifArr* TR" 101 l o n the tn , mites. an SATtIatTiT,MeN. Ht to o'clock, two yam, to ItentUsg on eater street ahead. the Pass...lm Catve• Um, la • rent rate loaallt7 fat annals( pare tame. %emit al Wed- • • Is. . • A. L84(1, Tl, Avrittatmt, 1,01100 Ili. LT &I , E I , eAs Broca +only m, au TttUrtant if flaw i lveTr.,l: ota, at Vi Want, at Ma Amnion noun laa Ifedant 'ono. -nßetraanoro.Oguttutaa We.. Gas !Stott,. Istlnot los to a Imam' ann.. ' . Ikuakkaw. am sal num'. PAIJIIIIIrik Ca ITVIDLAIMED AT AUCTION. To /seesaws of Mom Is 7/o7csoosit4s. • Oa DATUM:kV, Naralaiar la batilloc&aa' Is. an. at. van hots& a. 11.WO. W h ir. Ault. neventb street Irtn►• .14 AI An. sten. Um ranovlng UrclOntod,enanbln•eavelt of It so may not be untied forma an or Jinn RE IT st int.--nnimpn or • wsoute. , J•X•13,...V1 10-3 Too.Flnno• Wagon.% WanD—VXDIVII Itataarest Uri I /Empty lEff. , & lignalt'S a a...sueauaarars, J. B. ALT.II.-1 Trust. tl B. varm , )19410 iggiVIVIV:114nWM* bcl7, 56 bud Arum ttteaL PFTTEMIIIIIIIIIMPORTINg int* 801111Drit 1111 DAY, OEIIIAS, /REICH MID SPAIIIM WINES AND - LOPRIBB 109 Pena . Sired, Plusirrgl. 17 our XL PORIHDT ' IcsOlf rttunp4 it= a. I:AVAir ,XL " ! trfallailiii d ialre 11011..1 F 1 g. ti s ss 7 .P 'l k "r4" youtiovollOon-ftik s *loins - • L al qtirtlinareal: ""' ofealVail:=l Hose WI smile.. • Hasa a •sts.. smelts/I Atm A olta SIZE • easta Alas. cleft, assortment of r.tiall OLD 1112 OCIII-11ZY osastontle on hand. Bartag perfected arrasionneuhro I ttr Inaleholo o ril le szor . e . t t stio errata deems .Isesaal qualm and coospartlf Wm ' t01.4=4.. up : " ARELHIII9I,_ RICILIIIII'..MIN CO. TECIpar"3IIOIMI - • Nc 100 Wood. tittisui, a kurralrt& ANTW' =vim ems,.i. iVAIG/L TRA.III4III Gad WM= 0172 , IM/Q. Masn ea am& • . . . . 011.1.14 ti IMIPSEMMM • . OffI. N .NA tL . X GSM. • OIUGA bEVoGrG. maiEGULAN WARR Armor" damagaGan LAVA CAMI nAkuuTi. • • sziewsuirro....Asitla Matins —SO amt wbolcsale Gad retail MGM. Mmen Gm:lmM Guandue GUMGMVISI lasla ;Wm la eIM Prima GM lams Msmamas title Gadam muse. ESTABLISHED EN 11142. I' l L T. WRAP &BROS., stideassoas TO 3t. CRICERR 8.. • i 29 and 81 Irty, . . , nrnsAs SCHOOL. BOON I S Ar WHOLESAI,JL .• Oosstrs Dan aro do Wiled to sad Sad sass. las ow 6 , tiMil• stoat of SCHOOL 14 &ULTIMO:OT. StdD PSLICLUST. DAVIS, CLARKE A CO:, va woori grazir,' PROEM STEM mownT.:. untaai..zaa, iricaT..zomr troziaw SPENCER, WIEST CO., MALSTERS I 'Willi ,Porter andßromietdut.„ PITTSBUINNI, - smart WAION. mr.kr.r. • OW CITY couscrure mafatam St*TCOX Co. Locai Collegt44lfeliti. 'sae. '2.24 zoomm t h. sac. 1%0. 01. • • ', .71.741.' as pOsEIR 11103nunaT. GREENWOOD VOIINDRI4.. BRAVO IiIIOMY Jobbing and illacatherg,tadgack, t 7.7. 17,..%c5.. Oe am Vallmte. MAO ki tatet: Mika, 250 /Abort* itteilte mama Omani, 9: Xs* Oralatas.)