II lEEE DAIIN GAZETTE, sniff agounro: (same') praimitair, a i m:mak, ."'rc:Pihrlfscrrai, asa, r. mprium...—•—•*--VakliziN z emarox.. .... X...0,r5. t n elnon. IttrILDMI. ORICE. GAZ/TTE Xis. 1111 I 117711111111,1r5. teplrxa h e r if Tide. le nslinak• *km'ircts_inn • **,:i1H1111 • tziage&E_ evi t nErts_ fer F-lIZ/LT lytti Tblig Olt DULY: Srieegters::vi OAZICrIgt% Ckellittoktritil Gay& Choi fit' ctai * tit, contatoporarit:s con.: sidadotiali displays tads tumenacetzieat ae the atomd of its colisens: '"TlaCtoramavial is the ingest . daily gamin the Bute, and gives daily one , fourth rare reading. than any other papa in Pittsburgh. It le °ray Pituborgh paper that 111011 the telegraph libeadig, gives hill market reports, and all the news of the day." • "ThiVress, p, of Philadelpida;lbr twelve Months put, at leaat, has been larger than the Oorinnercial. - Now tho GLUT.= la luta then:either. Though not given to poetry, Ott linnet forbear quoting a lira Ilya it celebrated item that once appeetad to the New York Tritons, and las Oficri ante rade& conunotion: IMEgia;M Tenuity imminiting Convention. of. the Labor &fora party, held last even fug, was attended by but few delegates, sad tbirputting forth of modulate" for thkurodripal offices • was_ postponed, The enthusiasm of the. voters who de. parted from the multi of the ‘ Repablican party ibi the new organization has been maidly subsiding since the recent elec tion+, by Which it was clearly demonstra. ted that the Movement was to strength- en the Democracy. Those who wan dered frozothe fold have dissented that their beet Mends remain in the ranks of ,tiot ,Derpublielut . party, and that in Ds hiving their interests will ever be guarded, and labor reform best be accomplished through its influence and • Ws received by Amociated Press hit Might A &lament of the public debt, - which was so Waal up sad full of et , :tors %lulu cut it into the waste' Mus ket, as the indebtedness :tight le more euflypaid . than" stated• by the tigeru tarnished. At a late hoer corrections iblioteedhlehich oily served to increase , the stupidity at dm original tomes. Tu Organs Mom not been dismayed at the figure of the Cemmisiron ta-ia 4cim intoihelr !roam but with heroic ersznige Mind out for AZIXIOI6iIOI to Grater- " A winter campaign against the Turks is befog arranged. - afatztoo is again threatened with rev elation. The people havegrovrn restive. Inner the rale of Autrez.and are ripe for anotherravols, - fimusumni demands hla rights and 4 121 Tilitgee tinder "thi law of nations as . a AN= of Abe United Staten GLEANINGS letwaree excitement was felt ia Chico:. aro CO Sunday . attire,* over the ad. venture and inciitible fate of two fool lardy yeeeng 'men: They 'took a little . •Vine seatedvailbaat,. and after sailing about for a while, ventured - .outside the breakwater. Where their bast became unmanageable,- and was completely at the mem, of one of the Newest galas - of the Wasson: • The helpless hung men cried loudly for esaistanee, and an ink encase crowd gathered on the shore to Watch, with' beating hearts and strained elnasy...l4eimftsW , Sneft'Snad fte itelidess ...crew, bus no one volunteered assistance. X° one of all thatcrovrd raised a band to ' help nun° the fellow.bange who were is sacirinutilitent danger, until a maxi, a stranger fa Clditago, otned Arty dol len to seen of the craft who would first overtake and rescue the unfortunate couple.., This acted like merle, and three tugs started at once, manned 'with Men Wks world soak fora . part of gfty dol. bdtwould not to aye the liyes of two men.. These tugs were out several boars, tuft fearnd no boat, and it is sup. • reed that the increased severity of the kale wedged it . and that the passengers Were drowned. . . . Tie railroad authorities at 'Cheyenne Station, on the Union Pacific ildireed, hies had trouble with equatterk who as. ' sett their right to the land on which they' have built. Three hundred soldiers hays been orderedto tear down *ashen. ties ateignard the ground, and to shoot any one attempting to ' there. _ _ The feedbag Is said tobemccediagly bit ter, as Indeed we may!Wellikalerit, and the squatters halo held an Indignation meeting, Aegean:et all is quiet. : - man in Cludnzatl, while fitting on his own.. front door steps, on . Monday evening, - Was knocked down, stabbed aid tabbed of some trm by a man .who had tattered the house , by the back door and stolen upon his sitelm. The theney bolonged to the employers or the young man robbed, he hating collected it that erasing. The bold robber has thus Ear escaped detection. A inoaszweinanakfAlconon, France, died recently be destitution. The char ' Liable neighbors In putting the house to eight atter the funeral, found tea thous. sad dollars hld away la corners by the poor old woman, . 1 A zundsmatologlst, of New York, bad the pleesureof purchasing an A.MOIIBIII silver dollar of NM for s7se, at a ule of rare coins last week. There Le Ind one -Withigente ham 'known to be In any tollecUom .Ihusatorium,! where Invalids my eajoY excellent car; together with the "lamb: ten of mineral spring water, sett ,- Wats:, bathing arid hosting, is about to =4- 11;:established by , print. - enterprise la New Perk. • • • The Sultan of ?palmy has an income • :pr 1143M0,000 m gold, yet he has never gib, money to meet his current ex - paws, and is involved In debt. Loaimißs Is organizing a Dee Keep. are Assetdatimsou t d bas called a Com lwatlOl4, where very many mutant apt- Asians are expected to be present. Went . Winc,Albany a man threw a steins a t a Mtn.: Its failed to hit the mops sijn, but innimisd In hitting and ktillsts amen named Woodward. • Mame afros to bold mart in Inch. Mond Dor the trial of Jett Davis' on the 18th of November, If Aldo Underwood ...will do so t 00.., ' lliethodlst preacher is lecturing on the nee of the 'people. Mott men of Ids profemion beton on the errors of EGYPT Wang again gotten a Meg, Is ;moat, to -bate postage stamp., a thing ;Ada It le'supposed the FINIS:mks heves &Dulled , * Anna Diaxxxson - has decided on inarligabot rostrum [or the gaze, where It is hotel she will at length And her proper TOCaira. ..11W how-gleas two hundred Years old old to be In the p3zitalonola Duna Cedar Fella lowa. The time of Old Tutltannantla allpartsof the =nary c 411 t *Mit tba to Oiled Agricultural Farkas nothing but home abnws and rue Met Ziarass,,, of Chicago, bas never been Oleto dtid Irby eln wan Jet knee on..9*.werld; and in greatly troubled tbritaxists In Chicago stoplog at the Tremont House. Psis Las twang-two theatres. FIRST EDITION MIDNIGHT: FROM EIIROPE. TN ROM QUESTION. Politolan of Vairibatill's Defeat. His Loss 900 Killed and 1 000 Taken Prisoners. The Bread Biota in England. G-aribaldi t , in Prison. Declares He Is a Caned Kites Utizei Claims His Rights as Such. Amerian MdicUu to. Visit Him, taker* tt ur+hmr u k WA by rr.iice; Pentane Acquitted in Kaucheaten CST Tousnokt, uok Patabush aunt. =ALT. • BORIC, R0v.. 1,-- eßomMe.—Dn:ring the pat faw days Gen. Garibaldi concentra ted his brats around his former position at Monte Rotundo. Yerterday afternoon 1 Sipped Corte crispi and Sevanient, sup porters of his cause, and • formal dep- I ntation from the Refolutionary Society, begged of him -to withdraw, stating that the Italian troops bad crossed the iron-' tier. Garibaldi refused, saying "he did not value his life in such a cause, and data soldier ought not tocotued the num- bee of his enemies." Signor Curio re plied "A. General should." The depu tation then left the camp. This morning Garibaldi, with about three thousand of his command, having two gone, moved for Tivoli, to join Xi- Catena, one of his otlicene. In the mean time the Papal Zonaves, who were ad vancing, had taken Tivoli at the point of the bayonet. Garibaldi's force did not knew this, and were marching towards the sante point... When they arrived at Milonsthery ware mrpriaalbysemen bat tenons of the Papal army, supported by twelve guns, who attsekedthein in the front and bothilanlns. - The battle ground, was among the hills, with a cotmtry toad running on,both sides. The fight big continued fiercely for over an hour. In the hottest moment of the engage ment Garibaldi had to be dragged sway from the, battle., His troops suffered much loss, and retreated towards Monte Rotondo, pursued by the soldiers of the Pope. Here flea light was renewal and continued -for-over an hoar when the Gartbaldian retract becam e as utter rout. It is believed here 'that :Gynaral Gari baldi had nine hundred mm killed. one thousand prim:mars taken, andsi great many wounded. " Menpti Garibaldi was wounded slightly in the leg. The loss of the Papal Como was not so heater: Ar rivalstithe Italics feendlon, tha seized.' tug Gazilialdians gave up their arms, er. cept weapons which ware their own pri vate property, to the . Italian regular Garibaldi left this morning by aspeelal railroad train kir Florence. Ile made no parting address, and looked old, haggard and dlaappointed. The revolutionary insurrection movement is broken down all over the territory. There were no French engaged in the fight, with the ex oeptken of a few who went in as volun teer; though some of the GaribaldJans, deceived by the resemblance of the tint term of the Panel meddlers to that worn in some of the French ,regiments of the line, 5.9.4-bey Were beaten by the French soldiers. The. Italian troops, stationed on the frontier, behaved with great judg ment the emergency. Many of the wounded Garibaldiansare liersind some at Monte Rotondo. • Tzaxi,Novemtert—dfternoon—Hmi dredi of Wounded melt are attiring here from the scene of the late engagements' between the Garibaldiana and the Papal troops. They are convoyed by special railroad tralmt ' The Italian regulars set In SI Very klndly rummer to all, mutating in carrying them ft=l the station to Where they are laid, weeping like women on beholding the sad spectacle. Father Gavazd Ina charge of the hospital. Lummox.; November 4.—When. Gen. Garibaldi reached here this morning, the Italian . officers on duty told him he most go to Sperzia. Garibaldi • drew a revolver, saying he would not resist the officers, but that ho would not go willingly. • Tim • Italian soldiers then , stepped forward and lifted him into the cam. Ella sons would not go with him. Finneran; November s.—TheFluglish Minister and Embassy hero have re quested Ring Victor Emanuel to treat Garibaldi leniently. 1 It is said there will be no collision be. twoen the French aticiltalian troops. Italy Is quiet' There are rumor's' atioat hare to the et- feet that Garibaldi's mind is affected. Pause, November L¢ Prene, of this evening, says: The French Charge Do Affair; at Florence, was or to present on Sunday to the Nimes Government an ultimatum that the Italian troops which had been marched into papal territory should evacuate It before Thursday evening, November seventh. a'atuuran's Amtrerr—rram.t.N . moors RECALL= TM; ZOKE. Fronmter, Nor. o.—Tbe Garet& an nounces that Garibaldi was arrested by the Italian Government, and the cote to the towns In the province, which seem In rarer of a =don with Italy, has been discontinued. The Italhm troops have been re-called from the territory of Rome. 4:agac - Yawy,.:!i-x,alL=ll MONS ALTO PRLSONZES. Peons, Nov. 6.—Tbe Ontrier de Fran i:6dd annornioes that the French troops will retire from Rome to Avitia, pandit:lg the negotiations between Italy and France and Remo in regard to the exiat- The Moniteror nays Garibaldi with hit two sons stio pritiOnersatTarignana. mantas oe otaxtaasoz's DZIPEAt Fionmrcr., Nov. 6.—On Sunday Gaib bah% with 3,600 men and two cannon, lett Ida camp, near Monte Rotondo, to odium to the Wick 'of which was held by the Papal triers. Netband, the latter to number 6,500 moo, posted In a strong position, and supported by ar- Winn% The Pontificial 'tree's immedi. suety Bred with their batteries upon the, approaching Garitskilank A desperate =odict ensued, which lasted forty-five ornitea, when Garibaldi retreated. The batik wee renewed at Monts Rotunda The Insurgents fought with great obeli- . nation sad kept no the =Vika at this point for two torus and a half, when, ex. hanged and Overwhelmed, they give way and were utterly routed. Four hun dred sad Say insurgents were killed, and nine hundred taken prisoners. No . Idea of the =labor *wounded • can be as certained. The total loss of the Papal serenhundred killed =dram- aAstnAlan ig lqueox—Dactsiess luau A CTTIZMi orraz UNIT= ATATIS Yummes, Nor. o,—Aft t ==== , 141. TAB•ws --- r tea "ow 0, • 1 ,• . - K , •,....., .., .....,„... . • . - ..,..,..„.. - ----_ ...-....:- .. „..,,„,,...._....-....- • . • • .!...ip ~. ••• iiiss ,i. %., - ,.. - , 6 - 1 ,-F., -- -1 - .:,, -- - *4.- ...slil t ‘ 6 ....' _„„iii----- k..", 5, , . ~-4 ..,_- •:- 7 .. -E I - ..e-4 - 7 .-- la ._ V . - I . ?' ` k., .!. 4 - 73,r , -- / --, _ 1 -- ,/ //•.- , - -,',---:_, : 11. Stllt ‘ ^-' - ^ .711'47' '478 ----..., , , is • - -___,—....-..,____ - --- --- -- ----; t -,- .T .: , ,,,1.-_---- ..—„,,.... _ ~ --- ._--,--„-_-,---= ___-_-- P 4151 Piedmont. • He dalms he is a althea of tbe United Stakes, and demands hls rights sad privileges as imeb. tinder the laws of nations. The American fdlnis ter,llon. George P. Marsh, lettFlorenoe for Vigevano to visit the General. 118217 RN OF, FILMCCII TAOOTS. Pante, November G-4,fichufron.--One thvitdon of the French troops which en tered Rome has already been with drawn-from the city and returned to Cl vita Vecchia, and the rest will limn fol low. The whole expedition : for the re lief of Rome will then remain at Civita Vecchia, and there await the action of The 'feeling on the Bourse to4lay lus been sohneted, but the cessation of war like pinitliMUOlLE and general disarming are necessary to restoreconlidence. • A call for a General Confortmee of the European powers will soon be issued by the French Government. ems. merman IN COMMAND. FLortmcon, Nov. G—.e. Clal dint is in command of the Italian forces acting as an army of observation on the 'Papal tic:Miler.- He haslocated his bead . TES 113X6Ate RIOTS AT wars AT 'Aximumsll- - In.rru, Qualm lieu November 4. Inth4or. the bread riot, widoh comieMiAlitiM, has extended to Athiduatar, eitua4sd twenty, lettee east. of Exeter, where the preeth t e e of the corn dealers have been burned. Axminster contains the wen- known carpet &dories, with buildings for the manufacture of woolen clothe, and has a very determined population of working men. The. local militia have been called out and. placed.underarms In Exet:er, and reinfotaimients of thereg- War troops bate arrived in the city from the IS - aral Stakes atElymouth. Several arrests have been made. Special consta bles have been sworn in both at Exeter and Amsninater. The Mayor of Exeter bad made a speech to the people, bat the,. mob Ls kill force, and great excite meat prevails In the streets even at this ymetA.Ne ACQLTIVXD. MA-NeirESTER, Nov. a—/knaing.—Of the prtacemers 'tried before the Speoistl Commission yestenlayand to-day, Nu gent, BAUM, reatherabme; CiltTay and Mart@ bare beenaequl tted. • nri•enirr RE or emote's JOSEPH. PARIP, Nov. e.—The Malt of the Em peror. of Aristria to Friumeo ban ended, and Ma Majesty departed from .Parts yea:tea-day on his return to Vlentia. WINANCIAILL AZD 0 0111ZSCILAL. Lorne, Nov: a,, r. st.--Cotusols closed at 941. Fhe. Twentl a, 701; Illinois Cen . rol, 91 16 14; Erie 47. FRANICPOST, 2, ay. 6, P. st —United 8: ate bonds, 76. Ltvratroon; Nov.l3.—Doeniag.—Cotton closed a shade) firmer at an advance of 1 16 on 'American description dlingnphusda atB 9-19 d; Or 813.18 d. tales 45.000:bales. B 4fh 6d. Wheat; white California, 16e 6d; N0..1 311Iwankee, 13a 9d. Barley, la Q. Oats, 3s lid.. Peas, 51a. Provisiona—Beef, 115 e &L . Pork, 'M. Bason, Eh. Lard, 5% 6d. Cheese, 5a4 Produce—Rosin; common, Is 3d; fine pale, 128. tis tid. Spirits Turpontinc,27B. Petro leum advont ed to 2d; refined; la bid. Losnozr NOT. 6.—Evesieg.—Eingat, 248 6d for No. 12. Aterwans, Nor. ,6, r. x.—Petroleum and deelining;- standard whit*. 43 I francs 75 . - HURRICANE IN THE WEST INDIES Lou of Lifer:treat yid Deotntotion of,Proporty Immense. ` Town of 6t Thoauts la Ruins. CBI Tolcr:spkto tie Matra thuttaa HA.v.V.CA, November s.—Ait official dispatch from the Superintendent of the Royal Mail Steamship Company. at St. Thom* to the 'British Conard In this city, says all the property of the Com pany was destroyed byatetvible tornado on the Olth of October. • The steamer Rhone was lost on Peter Island, and the Wye on Bock Island. The Conway went aahare. on TortaLa Isisa4__ and the Der went at St. .Thomas. The Solent and Tyne were dismasted. The town of St. Thomas Is in complete mini. Myra,- eels are ashore. The lass of life was very ' great, and the destruction of property immense,. All the °Mom and engineers on the - Rhone and all others on board were lost. From the Wye holy persons were saved Ho , Includ ing Captain Taylor and Mr. dg man. Of the passotigera on board the regular I steamer for Southampton', which had sailed with one hundred and fifty gem, only twelve werosaved. steamer was also damaged , and the list of other vessels that received Injuries is very large TUE BET6LLTION IN IT. 'DO/MOO. Havax4, Oct. 30, via nor Won., nee. 3.—An arztud “edition of the follow ers of Ex Prmident Baez ded at Monte Crt to from Hayti= vessels, and occupied Gnayabin. They were 'deck ed an b. aten by General Tame°. The Dominicans are panting to avenge the treachery of Boinave, and - could easi ly march five , hundred armed men on the capital of The Dominican Minister of Hs has been recalled. President Cabral gone to Oboe.. He has negotiated • loan with London capi talists tbr ten tallow,. ATEAYES wascricsn. Jost before day break the steamship Hendrick Hudson went ashore on the Chibo beach, near Moro Castle, having been carried ashore by a heavy current and a strong northeast Knelt She Is a totalloss. It is probable no Ryes were lost MEXICO. = ifsaurai—libe lieverammal Will gill hp, Poralame flovsemmisui ="11m, limpimaiss 211ryisi. Ile. Ail" am. tilanal to UnfitUtarglessats.l Ilavarra., Nov. .s.—Late Maims from Mezioo state it was momentarily expect ed a revolution would break out in that republic for the overthrow of Juana.. Hammy November s.—The Mexican government refturee to hold any Inter worse with the Ministers and Consuls of foreign governments until the Repub. tic is recognized by such' gerernMenta. Santa Anna and wife come passengers on the steamer Elder, en route to St. Thomas. r The court which tried hhn has been imprisoned for exiling. - The remains of Maximilian had not been rent teVera Cruz ap to the depart ure of the Eider. Mr. Mall, Maximil ian's lawyer, is epaasenger on the Elder, and goes to New Orleans. CALNADA, *Dimas or Pssttsinsanl. [BlT.Jettraph to the musesnes nesisse.l Ornswa, Nov. 6.—Hon. Amos Couch on Was appointed Speaker of the Santo. The. Canada Parliament woe formally opened this afternoon. To-morrow the Governor General will deliver an address from the Throne. • - lire at tligeinersak w w gitubergh.thwatte.l Scssirrow,Nev.6.—A trete the north Ward tide wonting destroyed ten build ings occupied as tores, s dwellings. .lu. T. s M saloon ello, Hyde and Park Cooperation ~Mrs.Co Walter Jones. IL fthm, H. B. Powell, M. 'Great end U.O. Near. arethetwinelmllosen. ,Loes between 00,0 M and 1140,0 ft About one. half Insured. Yellin, Fey*" sit. IMO* ri Tetegrpli to Us 11talin/1h OataUCl Monti; o.—Westber clear and cold;. heavy frost this morning. The physician' say Oars is no danger le fling the elty. Yellow fever deaths to- Lir Talegrapa se ,sna ruasaarsa nasan‘i Ormurraurang, , , November - criminals oicaped boar theJallkurtniAr, Including Frank King, under Infflea. meat ter murder., • *Mar lerMMEgilloW csr . r•uaw. tearn rrth "In waw a Locisvria.r., November S.—River nt stand, with Ave feet nine Indies in the anal try the mark. MON En THREE O'CLOCK A. M THE STITH BLINTIONS Mx* WAIL %Se Pram es Om isossi—DesseersUe lesitratt7 la Me Same 40.00.-ebe assess ‘lree Skeeli-1111w1 la Pita Wary eireolitels inv Tolesroatt to tae Nineveh 01WitEM] NEW TORE, Not: 6, ifeN. Tho Trtliote art "With thrtiolomths of the Republican Journals pued in our city either neutral in the ' ontest Or virtually telling their readers t would be better for the Republica muse to have the Republican ticket be n this th fall, we could bunny =te ato 'old ear own in State Melly; but the defection in both la tar greater than could with rea 7lectin heonrogobeebya 711 :fL ,t ati lei ft, it i ed. fieas T h ;:l 6 ci t m il d ° 1 arglrod, .try the trimmers and camp ild ietsrent would Muth out what they are pleased to stignuttiee as itatiltelliMe, and render inevitable the norninanoh of =trent tht Vitektimik isuch eon.' chi and calculations have kept fifty thousand voters from the PAIs,. and, insured the overwhelming defeat of our State ticket" The Timm say.: "The vote of the the State of New York yeeterday went Democratic by an aggregate nlV°ritT, ranging from present.. Rum an. rat y-tbreot mates from eighteen to twent damned," The Merida ease: 'Wet York, o'lth her large financial interest, declares against the party of debt and taxation; and - rebukes the attempt to pia* the Southern Staters of the Union under the heel of the African barbarian." Irarid Barg "Byytesterday'swerk the Empire State planed herself at the hoed of the noble army of Ccatinion ivealths whore mission has been here and now to stay the hands of the archi tects elf rulir, and whose mitudortwilit • be in the year and the contests that are to come to redeem and restore the Union, and establish peace and representation and self government throughout all hl borders." The rbee thinker the "tedhifestalion of the people Will be a mere passing clue- Bremer:it, Intended to rebuke their faults and bring thembark to moderation, com mon sense and policy." The pinnatercial ddvertiaer accuses the managers of the Repuhlitan party ,of improvidently and thriftlesalyscattering what coat so much rare and toll to ease; but aritlithis defeat, our winter of dis content, and under better auspices, the approaching canvass will be made glo clone summer. Shaking itself free from incumbrances, the "Republican party, re-orsiardwsd, reformed And petrified will, assert Its devotion to the' Union, nuke] the Grant banner end fight ont the Prost den:dial campaign on this line. . New YORK, November 6.—The OD* .Mrsa complete and estimated from Mir ty-edght counties give a Democratf gain over lad last, year, when the liepubli- Mita carried the . Slate by 12,729 votes. The Democratic majority- "In the State will doubtless exceed 40.004: , . The vote for Sheriff In thls efts 1s quite close. O'Brien, Tammany candidate, Is elected by aright hundred and eighty voter over ConnallyOdonut nominee. ignites riot occurred In the Filth ward, Brooklyn, last night. A gang of rowdies aftemptedto tear down the sheds at the corner ilJohnsois and Gold street. An Mawr who arrested one wee stoned by the crowd, but weer not Injured. The rme of his revolver had no ethiet on the mob. One of the rioters vrat subsequent ly arreetted. rrhe ?ramie canoedes the State.to the I Demminemby les* , tbstilbtly thou sand. l Anunity,- November 6.—The ..Argos claims over 40 000 majority; fez the Dem ocratic State ticket, a majority of the As otorthly and at lout dation of the thirty . tjo Senators. REASIMAJnues&- (67 Wayy k 10 Ye lentabargh Gluons .fix.idkliniebusettk, - Neredber 8. The Venially° htusdred Mul Ibrtymine towns give Bullock 83,828, Adams te,8.58.• Of tee Stele Beekteell elected so far as heard Roth twenty.eight are lioensemen arid may six for prohibition. Out of one •hOndred and nimty-tive Representatives one hundredandflitr.five ere ficrilosnao. John Quincy Adams wee electid Repre seBtative from Quincy. 1;.1.1:4•0ff.Ljo) 051111511010 liksmsorsoll 211616118. 5 Tobin" to the Illistarge 5 sum.] : TIXOEX, Nov. G.—Returns tome In • ly. , The indications are that every tidal . positiOn In the State will be fined Democrats. In. Waahington unity • entire Democratic ticket is electe& also believed that the, entire Demo- tic ticket is elected In Frederick . . ... ty. . Kent county gives twelve lam ; :. and eighty-two Democratic major -, and Wycamco, la new county,) es one thousand Democratic majority. WISCONSIN. tbrrelompb to the illt ; lmall W.WY.) € IlLwAuLgr., November 6: The net macralio gain In the State, as far as h Dona, is two thousand sad tbur. a Republicans claim that Fairchild is el by about four thousand. The Dimemmaconaxleaboutihreethonsand. Tlie Democrats gain el: or eight mem bers of the Assembly, and three or tour MINNESOTA. to Talastapate taigittamure qT. PAUL, NOT. 6.—aliatering returns Indicate that Marshall,: Republican, la elected Governor by about 4000 major ity, Negroauffrage isprobably defeated, though not yet hopeless'. Tbe entire Detnocratie ticket Is elected In thie °aun ty from seven to eight hundred ma- PEn.AT LPmA. Na ,• . Preanyeartsa Velem "Osivers. ins ye no the musters:l Wasiak/ • Pts yanytrgta , Nov u.—The National ' Presbyterian Tinton Convention has com menbed its session. Rev. Mr. Blair, the , t old delegate present, opened theton ved on with prayer. George H. Stew art electe4 permanent . Chairman, and Dr. Archibald, of New York , clerk. Oy three hundred delegates ens me. sot, representing the Dutch Reformed Chu , _Um _ Old and New . chool and Ref ed.rnited. and Cumberland Pres byte Churches. Reva. Dr. Hedge. H. B. Smith, Hatfield, • Breckenridge, Boarty, Duffield sad many uther "Haile gulahed divines are present, The Church In which the Convention mete is crowd ed a 4 evening Session, and greet public into Lebow n in its deliberations. NEW ORLIIANS, Ye Fever IMO Limier gateenste— ini;YsiSereth to eirisesreaeuw,.. ] Napr,Oaissite, Nov. 6.—The Board of e Heal last night declared yellow fever no l ong er epidemic, and that the city la now from al/ epidemic diaeaeo; that clam end strangers ma ream at cm without apprehension. The weather hl ' : been ivory -cold for several days, with northerly winds. The total number of deaths from tho , epidemic 'to yestr day 13:10111111ff with thme hundred. The Board of Health pays 'thigh and deserved compihnont to the Howard dissociation, sepias Wig success tug been artuiderf u L - , were Id: interments from yellow yesterday. The Theatre 'mean rmmormod. ' -- ALAWitaiii ' ' 2- - ... ER =Mrl 4 Toro to ub rittstrunti VIM (filO+.l Idavzoosemrr, tt.---The flacon strnetion -Oonventicni . to-day plueled e resolution anthorithrg- - the raising of proper eiandbm committee; and to me . triorianze Congress to :remove the t eaPekltl aided Woos -of all , who, ma - rexmatrttcliem anima:Was introdnoed Jusd referred to team au =Pert, sold,byeixece totirand adze toradmin - the war, for Confederate currency , the local bare ef_ibe , neat* without court. The CO:united= will probably be . Mailed oiler the Vermont Conetitu tion. EWE WASHINGT97I. lßy Telegraph t the Plttabwah Rteelle.l .Weaumaron, N44,1E 167 . FARRAOUT'S RECEPTION TN ENGLAND . . The Nay Department hrp Meeirod ou ofacial occotint from root of hie reception in Erileuni, Ito czpretoree gmtrlndh it the pc CoOrt.• eitendid to ham & and (dicers: =I The report of the Commissioner Gen end of the land (Aloe showa,that nine millions semi of public Lands have been disposed of during the put ysr. .There Is yet remaining fourteen husblred liana bielittillag the *may - ae- Rassian territory. lIAILMADS 11.1 Tiis,CIVITEtt E , TATEs. ' Them ars now thirty-sevea thousand miles of oompletetf ratiroad to this country, while tho tpinlimitl l2ll1 0 4 la cburo, of isiiistrilcitha is 17, SZCRISTAItY m'crmodt The Seuelacy of the Treasury helng ellinieci In preparation finanhial report, denies himself to nearly all visitors. PIuAL clarrE. Tho blast amounts from Crete confirm the feportof the total 1111urnib_tohe ni skin of AllWahai ire pry- Paring fora whiter eampaign *lust the Turks. They declare they Will not lay' down their arms Mid/Ithe Island Is an nesedto 131eeie. Advioes Mein Athens aniiftuuoe ilit(tintuhlation oda. Psia fwlnta AWSideist or the Aaatenbay;With a strong ministerial tonjority, which is ootudderod as indhatite of the stability of tho _ GRANT ADVIIeAT/li4 Fornei's .Press. and Okaymkki of morrow will eaM :edlto• rial In advocacy of Genera] Grant for Preaident. It In therein said Chit Gen. Grant la id hear* , accord link the Ba publichtl park", and in pix,of kit the troth of. Ms timeitten the editor 'quotes from the speech of Hon, Elittnli. Washbrume, of ElLsatieth r Illinois,. Wn . tpti 6th of October, which' - 4`oriiey says may. bo . accepted as a like authority" witli,.*the 'declarations of Genets! Rawlings, - now chtekntetag,of the army of tho United Stater, multi at Galen On the Hat of June bat. Au to General , : :...peeen,Ainii , editor aayn:in Italics, It weans:retail prepared in Washington, alter a full understarid- Mg with General Grant; and was spoken that the Country Might kno'w exactly the position occupied by General Grant him. self. TREATMENT OF UXTOS FIRSONESS. Several members of the Committee on the Treatment of . trnion Primmer';• arri red this morning . . front New tork. sub-Committee, with - Represent rive Plle for chairman, will ocanenoe sitting Si the Capitol on noir:item of witnesses are 'summoned, nrosterwhom are expected tri•morrow, -att.,uniks; Chairman of the - - General'. Vottnnittait will go to the treat forth, plitrOrioof tak ing mom thrilincity.! - It le Anted Commiasionei , *gilts' re port will contain.• strong. arguinent favor of ndoptlns ti plan bf to ingiehla- key stale - according to cepielty.' Was busily euipiged st.theeelqusyters this learning preparing his =oast report am Gemara of the Arroy,-..0f the. Untied States.- • .. - SOUTE CAROLINA. Ceases seine .eimweewaren Assembled. ray Teleran* tome PlurbeilltUarinati Catmints, Now. e4—Tho Conservative Convention met to-dig:' liigbty.eiidel ?get. were present, reirowientlog twenty dist:ride. James Chestnut was elected rnaddent. A Committee on Business wisspnointedrand the,Costrentirat ad journed until to-morrow. • . tiiirtirstaiih Setae Pintals% Conic 1 , IVrtv MM., November e.—Chief Jus,- Lee S. P. Chase arrived La this city this evening, and Is stopping at the lie tropolltan.Hotel; also, thig. Oen. Gar field, Just arrived frnm Europe. - Yid* Calm, (MI suer Dad. (Hy Tobtarvb to rlttaltink Owns.) :CLw lIAVEN, Itrovettibar 6.—Wortb hreon Hooker, M. D., Professor of Yele Medical CO/lege, died this arming., THE COURTS .ND4ll,ste 11Ne,a!1{ Court met at ulna Ithalneaday morning. Present 'a fall bench. The followincases were heard: , Steel vs. Frick. Wirtz:woreland county." "Argued by Fodor for dialntiff to error and by Laird contra. Roberta et et.: vs. Orr erat,.; .Arautrong County; 'Awned by Gilpin Ibr plalstllff In error, and (xolden contra. • . DonnelliTliomas et a; Indiana fur i li tintTerTr e b" P a s i i r od ;.::;'4Groliden layva.tiltewart;• - A.nnstrongotansty. Submitted by Barclay for plaintiff In error, and by Golden and GLI - pin contra. Humphreys vs Armstrong county; Armstrong county. Submitted by Bar. clay and Phelps for gallant/In error, and by Golden and Neale contra. Gompero re. Roebester; Latnaos cowl ty. Argaedlay Walrforplahttitrln error, thalled Natal' Distates 11;•ars—Maair• ~:~7: 'lirgazrzeDar, Noy. s.—Court met a the usual hour, ten o'clock. tthitedfitatas vs. 34,400 cigars, owned by John Paine. Proceeding u, rev; for 'taxing alleged• fibs stamps. - yn.1.1110 county ease.', Verdict not patty. An Indictment against the name den= .) relative to theism matlar. wan di of by a verdict of not guilty. • • United States 11. David Boil& Do fondant plead guilty to day the business of a pedlar of the Cif and was neaten ad to pay a fine of ten dol. United Staten vs. Daniel bfecnan. In dictment, concealing whisky upon whinh the tax had not been_ paid. On trial. • United Staten vs. Charles Byron; soil ing -lager beer without having stamps affixed to the bungholes of the barrels. Held to ball for his appearaneo at ten o'clock Thursday morning. = United States Peterdmen. docket. Continued till January venial United Stitteexe. Waal:Wm of hoer a (ata, being the property of Peter Alien. Bond filed and property ordered to be Moaned.' veammen eisa•—logic Wallee. • WIRDNIZDAT, November o.—Court met at thernanal hour, ten o'clock. Tradeemena National *Bank, of burgh U. C. W. Rlcketson's adminfstro tor. Verdict for plaintiff for 115,510,73. National Bank of Lawrence county vs. W,..ltlektitson's administrator. Ver. ,Illet-}tt &Tor of plaintiff forillA,ol7.ol. ' Samuel Cochran and . Wm: Campbell vs. James N. Byers. This woo an ac tion to recover the value of two hundred sheep, seized by the defendant, who was then Sheriff of Washington munty. The sheep were seized as theproperty of Gen. Collett, of Cannonsbutg,pon • jtidg.- moot issutorit the mat of A. J. McQufs ton, and wore sold under that Judgment. The plaintiffs allege that the sheep be longed to them and not Gen. Callon, and bring this stilt to recover thevalue there of, claimed to be te,ooo..Mesara Acheson and Gibson for plaintiffs.. and Merahall for defendant. On trial. • Follo7ing is the list for this day. :a. 'Henry vs. Noun. • Posse vs. West. Transportation. Co. GO. •11.sre vs. Rigdost It al. -• - -4. Itiehardson &Ca. vs. Miller. 8. sorg for 131118 Tu. Rohrksate. 0. M..insiies vs. TdcOluniss. 10: Hillery. lifiCilitalss, I. amtber Ts. Of:Milbank. .V. Anderson ro. Hmlath & Co. 24. Brown vs. Batley., • a Plasm Shrift. a .Very vroriby 'yoking man of Greenville, Pa., died suddenly ono day ban week: Re bad been subject to vilepayiend on 'retiring Le his, bed was In - Mammal health, but WM Ibund dead inAlie morning, dyin . g, an samedofroma , - TheabastowiCorlght and wigers--wetto thePenitlea qa.l9r!PrP.M.',- , . - . The Allegheny Comity 'Cieee be taken up In the finprotne Court to-dsy. CITY in stimuli', Sale of the Plltsbnreh and Iltenbete. nellread—ireeina. Central th e Penchant, ler a/.1/00.0.30' Wednesday at titelth &chick, the Court Ranee, in the city; wad oxpos ed to public ado- the Pittsburgh and Steubenville (or Pan Handle) Railroad, kom the south aide of the Monongahela 'river, opposite thla citj, to the ea:stet:ly side of the Ohio river opposite Steuben: , vine, with all the . property . franchisee, it.c.laiso all the can, engines, land other things tending to the manage tint of the The UMW *de In pain Mum df a dew of die gilt:blithe OAR tittdif mortgage, dated August Ist, l t, (deelar- esi to be a Snit lion,) given to omits Mc- Pirelli, of lles; York, in t, for the b - -neilt of the hidden, of bon of the Pittabbrgh Wand Steubenville •flailroati CottipAny, beatitift Man datb with the mortgage, to the amount of one million of dollars; and for securing the name with the principal, moneys and interest thereafter to amens thereon. - Shortly befofe twelve o'clock a crowd , began collectlog in the rotunda of the Cottrt.ROush and among Others we no- tked Ifdn. Thorn:ie . C. Jewett; President of the Western 'fransportation Com- I piny. (lease, o[ the Pittsburgh d.. Ed- I gar 'R ompacm, President of the' Pennstivanig Central . Railroad; doorga W. cam, President of the Pltta burgh, Fort Wayne and (Thieve Raid; rmth, William Phillips, Preeldent of the • Valley Hailrmid,- • Colonel M'Cook, of • Steubenville, C.:worse...ll: Itoiserts,ed Philadelphia, Theodore Day-, ler, of Philadelphia,' 'Solicitor of the' Piitsbutgb. and litetthenvlila Railroad,. Will.d. Annan!. tuaill.Tne4..Bl. liensptom , elollatois or tile Pennsylvania Central, W. C. Moreland, Solicitor of the West ern Trammoetation Company; and W.lt. Ellis, of New York. Atter the hour of twelve was sounded by the tower boll, Capt. Harry.lll..fttnith nun, or the ducticin liras of Sinititson, Palmer Co., was about to begin the sale, when , for comfort's sake, the at, moiddiere being very ch ll . l Y. the District Courtioomwasthrew! n opostund thither the crowd ed. Capt. Elniithasin took the bench and formally annoutrxd that the salts was about to proce ed . The odore Cuyler, Esq., by request read the advertisement of the triistoe, Mr. Me. larath, who was present After the read ing Mr. Cotylecomaced that the sale 'was edbtetS td a c*rtal.nigontract; entered into in'18.1.5, with the Chartiera : alloy Railroad Company. . r r. li. Hampton, Esq., at th e request of the President of the Western Transpor- Milan Company, read a papergiving no- Utley!' a claim of 14400,000, for rights, of ways. Materiel, •labor cfc., -and money advanced in the conie t etion of the Pitts burgh and Steubeav o Railroad. hum,tle whose name we did not aloe gave notice of a elatnfor Fred. erica Marshall, of Noblestowm for 8,000 Mi grading. Captain Smithson stated that bidder, might take node-oaf the claims presented, if they chase, but they- would not be tic ogntied in the sale, which would be in accordance with the mortgage and decree of the pond: . • . . .. • . Ey thin e the loan room mid - Mob kr well tilled. Theirldding commenakt tab quarter pest twelve, and the fins sum named wino twenty thousand dol len. In thecOurse *Mitsui minuton the fiktiree bad Increased to live hundred antwand; In.livestalusteo more to one million; at fa minutes past twelve to one mutton five. hundred .thousand; Ilklitt, one million seven hundred thou mud; 12.105, one million nine hundred ' thousand. The I:Ideal-on mu Mk twenty, thirty ; thirty-tire, forty—out—two— three and lost cull—forty.liveollty, fitly. live, sixtyone—two—thene and blot call —gone (said (apt. Stnitiolon) for one tot f ion n user Trine hundred and sins thood dol rtra, hid by W. J. Ilowton, Esq., So- ! lide of the Pennsylvania Relined. T e next highest bidder was W. it- Ell who reptooonted himself and other sop sa dists of New York city. /,. er the formality of eiguing the bide, Mr. Howard, in compliance with the -terms of the male, pp:duped the sum of twenty-live thousand dollars,_ gave it to the.mortgage trustee, 4r. StoEbotli, and took a receipt therefor, thus completing the bun - noes of the °caution. The result vrasMl had been genenilly autiapsted. Lbw 'lto Cowirealles—Aimilsa: propea , Utia• roallgposed—Elma /Noirleis tosed; The Delegates elected to the Labor Reform Convention, fur the, purpose of Placing In nomination candidate: for the venous Ittutilelpil Oillees, met pursuant: to call et the nines of the Firm:none' daeo!elatlon, City Building; ;Wednesday evening, Nov. thh. The mertingivers or. {malted byailling Siorge Saber to the Chair, and appointing If. B. Nary . , Nov. .31nttaber took the Chair, and after thanking the Convention for the honor conferred uporthina, stated that the Con .vention ruu ready for business. Mr. 8. W. Clay .offered the follotving emulation whittle was adopted: Wiremeas, Thestelegates heel, amain bled In this Convention deem It inex pedient to make nomination], at present for the office, to be filled at the ensuing election, therefore Resolved, That this Convention stand adjourned from this date to the evening of the 27th of November, 1867. Atter the adjourtunent the Chairman stated that be had "by some mean]. neg lected to have the list of delegates read, and in order that. they might , know what districts were represented requested the Secretary to call tho names of the dale. the Secretary then walled the names of the delegates, when seveidoen respond ed, representing eleven districts, yin The Find, Semnd; Third, Fourth, Sev enth,' Eighth - and Ninth whede of the city; First. and Second wards, Lawrence ville, Oakland and Pitt townships.- On motion, the districts not represent ed were requested to send delegates to the Convention on the !Nth Irmt, The meeting Siena/Um/riled: ~ gad. Destieglaig Angel' We have a dlatinetrecollection of read ing an account of the doings orthe .. strOying angel hi Revelations, how the vials of wrath were emptied• upon the heads Of the offending millions, etc., but never dreamed of 'Meeting him or - iny • of his assintants on this terrestrial globe, or even hearing of hi* presence heron- I shouts. lie is here, 'or at leak an Judi ; vidual professing to be an '9,:ngel," made his appearance on Poian street, eaterday, where be exercised his die position to destroy and leave desolate whatsoever should come within his reach. Re wan armed, not with a two edged sword, but. an old, dull hatchet, with which he broke windows, backed door poets, and even attacked the sign of Dr. Charles William Betas'', at the building formerly occupied by tho uttergh rlkhool, which he defaced into do itruction. The Doctordid not appreciate his tabor., and straightway went - to the office of Alderman Taylor and made an inferruation against Mr. Angel charging him with Malicious mischief. Awarrnnt wee issued for his arrest and placed In the hands of officer Dell, who, if Angel law -not taken his departure from this portion of the land„, certainly arrest' him and take him tstifore. - tbe Alderman, where all who have a desire to coo birn am do so, freo of charge, by calling at the office. • • ' hiss Protease. We have on several occasions, spoken ofthepracticeefusing the criminal law fisr the purposoofcolleetingdebts, road In col. leetingpolleenewe have found numbeire of fable pretense mesa which apoctulid to have. but little, if nisY foundation; but never before have we heard of a more palpable attempt to subvert the criminal law The that purposethan the Ibllowing: Charles Konmer, a resident oflnditusa township, attended a public sale In that district, where he bought at auction bogs amounting to $53, for which he gave his note to Antone blankle, of whom the hogs were purchased, payable In ninety days. The note matured a few days since, but Konmer was not prepared to lift it and asked for an extension, which mai reflased, and yesterday the bolder of the note, Mr. hankie, made information , before Alderman Mullin, of Allegheny, againstKonmer, chargingnim with false pretense. The defendant was arrested and held fbr a hearing. The nee of the the bow for the purpose ofentomlng the payment of debts Is - Intolerable, and sontetWng should be done to stop It Two attempts have been mado to bum the old Academy building In Franklin but both were unanowambl. It. Is sup: posed that the Are woe kindled by, som e old oop who Manes school botosta,and acaderniew.for a/averting Venang. i nto Republican county, Tic Eria quaeuq ea that the church powein that'elty no plies upon photo, so that the ocenpanta may not be obliged to strain their necks every time searbody comms into the church. Mirldirva sae El mitten ateat*. • The businees community fully aPpre• elate the advantages presented: by the Gazarrs ea an advertionxtg . medium, es will be aeon E,' iefeiende. to suit' Es the dividend and elec tion libtteha 'nit; of Importance to persons Interested in the various berth ing, is's'uance and oil con:Pantos of the city, we herewith publish the announce ments in • DtVIDERDS. The Directors of the 3farino Oil Com pany havedeclared a dividend ottive per cent. on he capital stock, payableat their office; No. 12 rourtl, street, on and 0,51. November nth, 1867, 'Tractsfer booka Closed, Mr. G. A. Eadley, Cadger of We der man National Bank, announces that i s semi-annual dividend of six per cent., (free of Government tax) on the capital stock of the bank has been declared by the Board of Directors, payable on and after the 11th Mr. J. MilsortinjqMshief nr . tbe Iron City National Bailie announces that We Directors of the bank have .dsciared a dividend of six per cent on the capital mock 'out of the profits of the lest six months, payable to the stockholders, or their legal representatives;oe and after the Bith inn., from of national tax. - Mr. Willititn littesler, Secretary end Treasurer of the Triumph.oll Furs at WDLIAZU FleminWs, No. 139 Wood street, at lower prices at any other house In th e • Lions' 'Braes flux Varxrr FOR auk:ea.—Beautiful goods, sublime gnat ince, in all widths, at less prices than can be found in the two cities, on west cor ner of Market and Fourth amens. Trs. Cr . /LADNER & SMEWAXT =I 211001MEAD—OnWeetneadarafternoon,shorl sr before three o'clock. of brala borer LAURA 7_ NOOftelikAD. oaly daughter..? Jun. r. Moorhead. in the fourth row of bee age. • The funeral will take place on PeSDAT AMA. Know, at two o'clock. from her parent's rub dance, Pride street. near Pentinivanla avenue. Friends of the fautilp are invited to attend. O%AMPBELL:Oa Wednesday afternoon, at o'clock. at the resldeuce of hle • diteehter. Mrs. Nano, Donahue. 11E3 CAMPBELL. of !Mater township, aged 93 year.. Toneral from bit daughtero reoldoace. Fa. Scott street, Sixth ward, toi raloat, at too o`olook o. to woe tell to Pine Civet Much. POWLZ“.-0o Woduoutay morning. .t.eisht O'clock, JOIIN ruwmcs, aged 63 year*. Funeral from hls late residence, coracrot Da 'Don and Church streets, Lawrenceville; at o'clock Vela ATT3I,OOII. The Mends *Mite fatallyirei invited to attend. MeICI:LVT.-4). Wednesday moreleg, MILEY le the Vtil year other age. ?neutral from the retldenee of her mother rtme moaatedott to o'elock. Ile &leads or th family are invited to attend. • .B b u l t,, , .,.. a:ot re zi p mj a rnilsr ., :tr at : m o r r B. buss. En. romeral from her we reildnee, No. IN Tbird street, on Ta.naT 5.031.2 lUN lO'clock. The Mends of the family are Invited to attend. • Tuesdey evening, NOT. 5. lam,•e tls o'clock, Yr. JOLIN XLNNIII, aged due- Wel ITU*. no funeral will takildam on TUVIIISIMY as- Ml= w, at tmen'eloek. from Ms late residence on Penn street, near St. Mb.. The blends of the hal], ere, respeelftlly Invited to Wend. ; - ;i : AWL. 41111101, lONDERTAILER, No. 111 Fourth Stmt. Pllttabitrgh, to. CO/11148, of all kinds; maxim. otovzso., . eren ifeeiniptlon et reseral Yurnithing UOO.ll tend... -Booau op. dp.na night. Heusi .4 Pillages tersdshed. ' ittalassau—Div, David Warr, D. D., er D. W. Jaeotats, P. D.; Tbaalas Evelas. Jaaoh IL Millar, Dap. G. RODdERII. ONDEEITA a XIII AND 191111 ran, foneeepor Lotto late damsel K. bodgers,) No. 9 Obto Wee: Wes door* from Beaver, Alleettsuy Cl 4. mr aura. Boopenood,llAbogany, Webn't and 99. wood lseitstlon - Comae, at the lowest red..' P.M Noon. open at 91 hours, day and nlona. Hsarw ...I 0 = 9 99 fernlabed on abort and on moat reasonable tarns. RIMIVARIII. • czansrecaw, — minimize: OEleo, No. 24f Ohto Strom, Alleeway. Notolllo, Hoomood sod other .fill samples Goa of funeral TurnlsldiN Goods, on hued and furnished at shorten notice, at Went :oleos. Solo and Unity Btubles, one. nee of First and %MM. Etroeu. Currtsm, Goroanheo, Brutes, Saddle 110.,.., do., dz.. for him CIICSIIETERY BIARALIC WORitti. A. 7. lIARBBUOB, at tho Comotory Una. Ltorroacoolllo, Pt. ORNAMBIITAL yid STONE WORK'S; MINE BURIAL C1A11143, omoraosod water proof. NEW STORE AND NEW GOODS. H. SMITH, Merchant Tailor, o.p WYLIE Wt., comer of Polars' la now reeelybag Ills •eeena inpply er ' , ALL END WINTER CLOTHS. ' CASSINLIRES, VIERINOIK AO4 OVER COATIN(18. HEELER & wnsok mAxtrrAcrtraurs COMPANY - 85WIf@ BLACHSIBB phutMake athe Leebest k. bllta . , and are the eheapeet, slaw nd Sale.roaso,. STUEZ?. HOLMES, DELL a, co, • Author Cones MOIL intishlgb, or iler,7. ) 14 . 11 .• LW Mietter.d )1.1P.0n. 111111EMITI6N411114 /My 11111. THE WEEKLY GL7SITE, TWO ZDITIONI. 1/81:1111311DlT AID lIATOIDAY. A , MT. WOW, roINOWWI roars cos„ DIM of laorosass to .." .4 1.4 " U ". loran Tritorlalr. Wool lia.• y4YOrwrWr WWI. valuable Radios MOW rir tbr rad It rod oar rollsbio ftwoola sod ,:crt martial Itarkst }reports irtwo 57 ror PAW hi tb. WO, No Former. Yorksair or Ifrrer.V storoldl bo 'Maori W. mull FOS TIM Imola , eitiTinee Slate embecriber .......... Clu Clubs of Tee ....... ........ —Mad one oopy of papa to tto• " < 1 .4 Additions to nisb• as be Node a. of Wee. at dab rata. Nencb To atrascansais.—b, enemies year Pg.. be ma .41 god* . .4.0 wut,u we Lama Weeseede7 batio" .. " - sellbere laving bat au zeal • west. irbLeen by D r a t , z a p.% Now ommt or In iteiLmndlwtunoay Mat al tair Oak; adds.*** • CASETTE. PITIIIIIIIII6B. r7T7I WARTED—cmmasingne,naic end Emile. The Beak ter lb/OMM.; THE 1013 IN ELM: or, , SEEM Or Tat RAMS AND TILE. By Mn. A. H. Eo d e • 4 th. D.3.beettery C 0101121.101%. It It at , Mee tory of the we; orof any ow:WOW but atoll end gallant mord of the eeartgoe awl avavitEr of the rank end 111. for term ene, apply to A. OTLEMMON a C0..10 Market dram. Pittsbubth. WANTED—pURCHASIERS -- uf • ante, County and Clty Rferts• end Mel. Patent ever Wand. ell In Its tea to every bests's. note. rantro , : - into to MSG PER D 9Y. delttiOUßl. 9,9. can be understood In • ten a mino. AddreseJ. W. REAZELL. Pittsburgh, pa. Call at mem , tio. 3, Kohn's Law 'grinding, 93 Mamma Street. Ptueburgb, bettreefi i e. M. sad fah d“ POE RENT F 0 II lIENT—OFFICES--The rooms now onenpled by the Setzetary of NKr Usles Railroad end Transportation Camino , No. na Fifth Meek over 0. McClintock It Co,. • Carpet Store. Vine room. are very deetintae Coriander, being located in the pet. et busk ~ nes., and on Fifth street, son being t.id wi " the Nicolum priamenp rendering from noise, cu. Front room contain. lan* proof init. Panted= can be had en theist proximo. Inquirn of OLIVER MoCLLNIOCK so CO., m Filth stmt. FOR SALE. IFS SALE-1320 ACIVEN (moo PADDING LAID. ter I. T. otter: Good title. Tore. all paid. Will trade Dor atty . property. For partlealers loopilso of D. W. SOUTH. No. Deterkst hoer. - • .' pole' RILL EHOIEISEII.-031g •••• LAIK/1.8.4Y DIL6.0011? IMAM: one. Sae Many ILUICIIICHZ man,. lel eels e/ HOWARD'S 1 4 , ..7 . auth1.. mar errar2 ilear the Mosourabetz Beebe.' FOR SELE-ItABE CRANCE.-• 41181, STORE FOR BALI.—Ai old vete . . Ileled eland, ea elm of lie prtaetral streets RA; Alladies, City, sad doled a good bute medic., lam of Lai,sa and eao•I will, ate teammate-a' price. - For part lea ses address Box 'EC All. gßee_lF P. O. • FOR PALE=HIRICIL .YA111174-' The undereigned will sell all er ese-half of. • Brick Teed. to any person wieldier to ensue 10' the badness. The ynedls new, wink atl the eal• ern improvements. Lease runs Unman. Now need apply Inn those who news beetneee. dress E. T. C.. Allegheny P. 0. FOR BALE—BMILIIIIV.—A good Dakar?. dotter a bathe,. °Maar i to I. barrel. or doe! • 'week, and &Mated .t PALO ALTO f3TRZZT. Allegheny City. win .old an reasonable terms. The abet, bakery te doing a good beldam., and has Ow health* od doled a much Ivor one tears I sear.runatug. Any person triaging to tapes Walla buslotea will Sad Ws. rare opportunity. Par waked.. !adult . . at thaBABIEBT. FOR. SALE.--House and Lot oc owner 'or Manhattan .4 Adam lie. rummer Hallway. Lot et by BB Mt. Rouse Mine, containing 7 room sal good hell, well Improve!. 11onse .4 Lot on IMMO•14, wine Bidwell street. Allegheny City. Lot a by It feet; hon. Marie. contalns hall, An rooms and good cellar: orator and gm Also, naval admit Bums .4 Lots in good location, //Mira 01 4 , 1111811 & CO., Beaver street, lee.' ammo: Roos s•L E—saaarsavaG - • LOTS.—We now otter on asoe•Nusly.sasir to • now Plan of large and desirable lets, b. log part of that valuable property belonifinnir the hale. of L. C. I. Noble, altnata at Menet/0r cod ern•rinborg, and near (infanta Station.** the Wed Rex.. Railroad. A porUon clam. lots front the railroad on the west, and Rola sweet on the wroth. The lots are entry Ibilott, 01111 'wide burets running Ihrearti Übe exitlin propertj. The sell lee sablentng parpeees us. not he =relied, and ter beauty of loestion and _ • _ aocesalkawsta equal. Por deaerlpthallii.ra fartherlattarmatiwa call at SILL Al LY9, Beal Lamle Asanta, BMA. Banat, Law. ♦Ala GREAT BAR9AINS LOW PRICES BURSON, PALMER AT IRA MAMMOTH EMPORIUM, Noe. 115 & 57 PUTS BMW, A" *MM.: Prat buoy. meows. 117110Z11, IA GAITER/. IN IN CAIIIIIE2II. DOXIIIIIO Bel OM" De, 21.0311.1 M. IS ILIMISIILi. HOOP •ms=s, roomer AND TAXL*IOI: =3 Polsouo w 4 l gt ourOkuo 'will 66.211 oormalas coo of Uto Out asooftemildovoi of tondos:Rl ATyHE LOWEST PRICES. adpVuraltsin sad Hassobstel Glam. as ♦go: TION cat EPLRY 2111363 DAY. SPECTACLE& OF ALL =DB. WH0L111111.111.3 laltAtt." SPZCIAL 3ARGAZSIII eland I•4l64iark' DIINBEATH t HABLETA Jewelers and Opticians, as 'rams. avraluenv. omens =soma Razz.. I[EISET G. Merchant Tailor; Coe. Penn and et. CIMr Oteeo*= maui Kew plural. of Inforadag Ida tbe public Ilk general, that Ms mak K. -41 FALL AND WINTER GOODS IN NOW Oururr, • BOLLARD nowlat Rogri•.: iiv E MITE 11J8T OPEIPLIWA ember et eaaie. eotepthilet tigOlltt elleelleu of bathe ev . or offend to thle rttfi - • • hag to the extant of out Importwes the 110 04 , he...been reduced from thou of Let elleeth, • •-• Seaman and Hortionitml4.-'1 11$ LISKIITT lino= =I