The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, November 06, 1867, Image 1

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    ZEIS, - GAME,
arsvpuz-rmi n ct
• triairs 2s.czrrn9
1111,1* REED & CO.
N . Z4.:I3:IO2 . I.4TTCPSWOT
T. r. aloo•Tox.
• tditer..
.....actal.ta trio.
Jr. I , RIM
Ewrueu /411110(11
71•0‘ . 1141 ants 1111
1411114 leptiacia Pap 41161eraPateujirUi3.
Mtinzi r ripi r p , lau iiD
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L410,1717'. ' CIDIASEIT and - .
lfall p~ f'
: ttot.
littslnit` &kilt
Tai Staecnior held yesterday in Hew
;Ymt,ao far as we bate learned, pia.
ginned - ordeilY and quietly. The re
,tants ratadved up to our hone of going
.to pus are meagre and tumatlafantory,
Land on them we cad Mae no caleMatlon
na SO the probable State result. The city
or New York has Increased its Demo.
erzUe mijOrity 'over • twelve thomand,
thus nralltnq up .. ,,tkie figures to gty!eisitt
t h mo ad.„ GOV. Trarrox was elected
our. Ilioarmaw la. 18130., ildrteen
, .
,thoasand astertioutdred awl edgittpaine.
Aka, the Repttbllottuilticreatad
their majorities or held. that/Aiwa ha the
districts outride the city, the *Democrats
Am tritunphed by, a .amall. Majorliy.
'• The Legislature, which is now' lamely
ThaPliblican, cannot be, materially
Misischuptts, Ballock hulntin re•
Aectedly ya increased Majority; From
the retttyns thus tar received WO foal eats
Ytt estkoatting the Republican majorityaa
ayrentiAri theauensl„. 'rho ruoblifitoiy
—,. , ,
knew lavr wan npadinted in no untale:
Isarinsas tbnistsult is not yetrdeter
'-minedi: but it 'llAnite certain tliat the
re,m . a. L . 1 my& negreiVirege amendments
to the Oansiltution have been defeated.,
Neeijersey tie gene Democratic.
Whiciisan hu gone Republican by an
~..hiereeseah2ejurity. !The Tx4slature will
be largely Republican.
has gone Republican by:
01,0": *ority. The - negro suffrage
ahieridnunit has been deteated.:
. . .
Ida gland - .1=7, gone Dimoctatin
There Vote elections, held alp in 1111 ,
no's, Delaware, iflebigast: 31.1sacniri gra y
Naiads knt We have no retatnaihdivt
- ,
F 31014 the commencement of Gained
lashentetrise it liai been Mhnifest
that he relied either upon private assn.
rances'ot support from the Italian gov
' ;eilinismt, or upon the ..expectation that
the enthusiasm of the Italian people for
the posieniasiof Roble would draw the
' iitto concert with the as.
tletutl Movement, even against its will
Vgion:Whicirver of these alternatives he
hien disappointed. The
gor snireent did not .volunterily ruh to
bin aid, nor did th 6 pOputution — evinee
ottchlatense desire far the consummation
as to bear the rulers onward against their .
.inchnations. -It ie now clear that he led
• it iiirlorn hope, and - failed In leading it.;
The dispatches this 1120111111 g do not
• • Conann those we published yesterday; to
the effect that France, Prone and Italy
had virtniOY agreed to rebuilt the
tion of Temporal gnpremacy to a vote of
thelpeople in Papa territories, and
that this election had actually been held,
with a large majority in Rome in. favor
of Italian unification. The later die ,
patches imply that the former ones were
altogethet untrue; and that .Fmace and
Italyw ere non at agreenient, bat that' a
French. envoy_ had returned from Flor
ence Without a estisfactory answer, and
:titim anothir bad gone forward to require
a categorical .
Snianosco.—T.itohe Pittsburgh Gazette
yookodoximodlo : oppoixonoo
to linty •ft.o4r., The :enlargement,'
tkapnbUshen say, la only temporary.—
What are said • was In these exact
do not that We last en.
eat abet be permanent, only that
:1 11= remain as long as prime% upon
- outadyertiling columns continues,wtdch
we betel will be alwaYe."
(Moorage. our contemporary did not
tell the truth, but to do the other
Tan cable tells of dote In Paris, Ina
';.`..kii*Oeitpiintestott titerrt.. thin le Jain
jinoogh to be tantalletni. What were
,ibe,riote about? 110db/cal, therms,
-11..W.leed!Y.fer. the Emperor.
T as Pytto cannacrametarjlarniebtmg
s..aiestairdirsand:tleclared Ju4gell3hsis-
Wood/ majority to be 037.- Goverior
Gary Wined his Proclamation accord:
—lt li not tme that tbli most alarming
tacommtritave reached Geierrd. Griait's
beudgoerttov,regeniiag the , defiance of
the 'nerves in connection with the
iti t tr en ftg i tht tha i L t . .,ls,, , „l . ax t i l t =
tibis military 7commanders to keep the
imam at all hatardL •
.isijori r. t7 end minority—will have their
,t t ;al. - :riportia• marir to rtibmit to Congress
' "an Thunday, th e net The majority
impart will be lambast impeachment,
• and will be signed by the Ammo'
- ...lastobarrarho ted anginal° Commhtee
on the 13th of June last. The minority
will be 'Murrell, Lawrence. Williams
e,.. and Thornaa, as here.ofore. Both wimp
are agreed upon ono•Nlnt, that this gum ,
A. kcal= •must be intmerltely - deeldeti, and
'twin probabljt bo the only business of
• ..4111 ilsw o la i Lsl t tm oi l il will remain of the first
&11.1.4ithley, o ei ithe l Ve l a l =en S i.
movement, arrived to-day.
~...7 2 . ( tunerons. oommunicatlons : have
• Were sent to the Executive from sailor's
...: - .e:goikterff Of Scsith; Stating that arm
. -•ed orgunizatlons cf colored persons' were
' }brining, in some instances theentenlng
lives of the whites; that negroe
~petsiess are drilling never Chain Bridge
and Other places in Virginia for thopur
,-, ,gole of Supporting Congruent in the en-
Ibrosment, of the law to depose the Pres
' }dent' daring his linpoacherment. The
has been. referred to General
.for organizing
• inieb 1)&1,10i:ilea bus 'been given by the
War Department. .It In undenatood that
'l2msPresidenthati ordered General Grout
=ln Now 'York, Sukday night, tx-rasa
staapadoby ttio lievenne Officers, on :a
dsatißory to Fortplifth greet. 'lt
sr sem found In full blast. at A CS •:PaC./e.r or
gallant. A rectifying catabWitunont
I , Contiguous WIIV also adroit. Both are
,pSekd to Br. Slaisdoll, President
ccao Piktitinni . Association. .
franabcuad one largo bantling,
en the Ohlo laveo,tt CAlro, were burned
afternoon. The total loss 11
- betweeir Wty and naty tbouannd dot
Xantranee, twenty thottsand do'
. . ,
6012.81:18 of illo.Disirlet of Ceitutt.
.74b1sZwillbolaken on tho Itth, under the
direction of the Cotnnitanioner
perkantll4tinlelptaAutheritte's. '
41.rper's Weak/ coutalno a pleture
ttrob or , the Sea and land,"
both otts 'Mat and it moored at
lbotbr Vestry Ftreetl but In the don't,-
'ratt r uirt tohrthiledbet.lbT4t2l:mmal
. .
Interesting feature in the church. Twee
'e a the itearubOat 'Atlantic
rr New York for the East with a mit
,s„loot of passongunt.lxauad Dome to attend
Thanksgiving. The v 0.01 wee wrecked
dm t, Iterttiaudrfert, surerred tho WAS'
trophe. ruing this awful thne the
.Anna ttut heU was hcard, ehaken by
tk* wind Into mtternnett and when the
" wreck ly - cn Use Skualisgtoneocka with
4lint livWxcellSOU aboard, the bell still
sounded its requiem po or the lost. This
,rit7 belt tune calla the sailor to wore hi
the"Clnircat of the Sea and Laud."
--The author of the celebrated 'Widow
Baden. papers left: behind: hunt at Ms
deltb the MIIIIIMItipt of another comic
lc* which Is soon to be laid before the
public; under Mettle of Widow Sprig
-..:Ouir- • .At fate Wide'Beclott waxes
hotuiehold words, and Healy
was eateteaed one of the ,most: genial of
'Vita and pleasant gentlemen. Title tluae,
sad the people of it, are almost things of
7ne%tbeit Widowtlut memories grouped around
. the ewill thews a welcome for
„ ,
dazibaldi Attacked; Defill
~B eported Zurre!ideftd.
Gatlbaldl and His Solt enpldted.
Meat" Shop s 11 sae& -*pi&
iftactinui cauat. gee Tlificirk,
ED , fia.AnDlLto the rilspbqrsl ar tsa.l
oaatuatta Arran® awn aatrnasz
num, Noceenber '4.—lgeeninsk—The
followingUtelligenewleu Just beeis
celYo. 3l .ifi , ikPat Hemet At-A.44'4 - 0W
thi m
s orning the Papal troope,aingioripd"
by.tbe French foreek attacked - Gardsddi
at. Monte-IWO:nada 'and 'defiatiodHhink.
&Aim ilifie is iiinisoner and some 'sap
thatlnf wail - killed. Half- in•lmmigtar
.thenneek commeneed,Garibeldl, finding.
firat'ille retreat ; wait eat oil, feught "Ada
Wri.p io the_ lowa . 'gout° Rotitndo;
where :he . - woe reinforced by' some '
isikticeipe, but the F'renela coming to the
walker= of the P•outifietd
'was ' •
Ttio following acotont comes from an.
other - souree:, Graribalg aiticked
and defeated on. Sunday. -He reheated
MICRIION . Not. A*iliitSS,7",U7js
PARTS, No*. --General La
Diannota, Who "was sent to . Patin by the
Xing yl Dab , on a mission, the wintiliaot .
which - has not been developed , hie re - ! :
turfed tv, PlOrticioe, having fatal to' ael .
compllatt- the : object:tot which he waii
Wan:itched. hither: .
The ulthitatureof Napoleon - Was pre
sented by the French Chargh de - Affaires
Ettylorentta to the. Italian . Government.
on Sunday, and an Instant reply was de-
Pais, November: b.—The •ifoniteur
pubdinhes ' of the
!tittle in Italy. = The scene of the 'fight
wee near Tivola. Three thoussindof the
Insurgents a'ero either killed, • wounded
or made prisoner. Garibaldi 'himself
and ids eon Menotti . -iri•re • eanhired .at
Tani and sent to Florence us Prisoners'
- Four-Motu:and Ga • rilialdiana,..Whllo on
the march" to reinforce the initirgentn,
were stopped, - disarmed, and turned
back: -• " • •
•Tho greitest . agitation preCalls In
Tho oltimatum'a Napeloon is to be
answered by or; before Thur4ey..
. Grans, nrvember" S.—Garibaldi has
anirsd st:Apeida, , Sn board 'an Italian
Mn-pf-srar,a prisoner in the hangs at
the 'Ratan qnnaent..„ „ _ ,
Lcamrt, November s—liventog.-It br
mid tho Italians have ro-passed the fron
tier. It Is aLso stated that, Napoloorthae.
received, Gcnitt4 liarre9ref • the Italian
bread riotx occurred in Exeter ycsterdaY
and to-day. ' Every Meat and breaded:l - op
in the city had been asoked Mild, date of
the bid dispatches. Incendiary fires are
breaking out In different pA2121 of the
town. There was much excitement mut
tho lOad authorities haill petitioned the
Government for troops to quell the die
lircarnikron:ltroy. s.—The O'S.cMes
Company, cotton merchants, of this atty,
hive stopped psymenh , .
November s.—.Parllainent
has tn.& called to reasseMble on the 19th
or the present month. '
• Lomax., November 5--.E.hroing,—Dls
patelles from Dublin state that arrests of
eappesmi reelects still 'eolith:Me to be
made.. General Nagle is to . be'trted at
Inarrclf, '
have taken place at several poluti In
Paris; but llntat been etippeeieed.
Vcralgi, Nov:
enna Diexitte, e;wml•oficlsl Journal Or
this city, natal that Baron von Detest., in
a note, says that the policy of the -Em
peror 'Napoleon and-that of FrancliSo-
Kph are Use same, namely, that of peace.
Tux u,tirluerrx.corcymtsv
BEnt.ra, Nor. —Afe;:rnoon.-11 •le
thouglat hero that the recent defeaVpf.
Gen. Garibaldi - cancel. the ultimatinia of,
A- 111 ,"7"
• Soith - wirxo,'Noi.. ri.--The,stesun•
here this evening.
nsAuronix. Cogatzsolau
Losnort, Nov. 0, P. Conaola, 94h
Five-Twenties, 751; Illinois Ventl7l, 611;
Edo, 45/..
LIVNUPOOL, Nov. 5, r. w.—Cotton
closes Irregnbul oaks tf,toxf-baliat mid
dling-uplands at 61d; Orleans; Sid.' Ad
vice. from 'Manchester are unfavorable,
Ilrmulatuffet quiet. Corn, Ets 6d. Wheal;
white California, 15. 6d, and No. 1 Mil
waukee red, lie iod. Barley, Se 4d. Oats,
Sa lid. Foss, Proviitiona—Beef,
1116.1. • Pork, 72a. Bacon, Ws. Lord,
5.2 - ad. Clouse, 51. t. " Produce—Moan;
common 6Yllmington. Es 3d; flan
12a. Tallow, 41. ad. Spirits Turpentine.
575. l'etfoleam; aplrita, is 6d; retinal,
Losnorr, Nov. 5, e: u.-75farksta un
A:mallow, Nov. r. it.--Petrolcum:
45 franca for standard white.
FRANKFORT, November 5.--Bonds
closed at 701.
• lavitrwo; November s—Etenfact.
United States 111-40borla have been In
troduced in tbis _market, and are now
quarterly quoted In the papers,
211r.fiatit ReUm trona Sbe fi s
enri .
fil•artla Cals
EX7 Tekt.t.h w It. ritstpunrtimaptiso
TOIMONTO, Nov.. dinstteh 'tram
OttowiDays that Tf0n.244: 4 5 41 i - tu"
tired Atm MO Government fOrtnapoos of
a private nature. lie del is yet men
tioned al his sum...comm. 1
-• . ,
The cue of, the propellor .Genrgian,
which has been the subject of much pub-
Uo lutenist for 501118 time, tuts been de
cided finally at Ilanillton, a decree
having been nude in favor of tho plain
tiff.hmding the vessol over to the Uni
ted 'States. The bill against . Jacob
ThOmpson, defendant, woe dismissed
with coms;4ionnx.i ductalming all inter
est In the teasel. I .
ne'arlumter Merriam , . carried away
four of the gates of lock 'No. T 2. of the
Wentmd Canal UM morning. Natio.
lion will le interrupted for two or three
, .
, l , 4 1,- ~...,_.ilsit,,,, I ,
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MI T.I.E.Dh to us random/11.SW 14:a 2
' WABIEM3II7:I;IStht. s ; 1867. - -
~ .
r • • excatrAllit riILI.Z6 Ipt, i
At is thought . the heap - -of liferli*y
Wallas hop someerbet linprovadAlebse
been confined td hie bed for seVeraldttya
with a slow fever. • -.- . „
.` :-
The Chief 'of the Dentin of • out
- and Clothing of the Nevr , e at
I n
hen awarded contracts: cir" ;
fifty, thousand, pounde abut tive
thoneand pounde of .fresh *MON thei
lbretior at litlo said the hitter ist a c per
pound. - •
.. ~.. - xatrnimus agrugari. '` •
Thedupreme 'Conn, of the , of
Volutoltheto-day. delimiter Its. ion
in the mut of. Dmlemln IL Co Is.
fames C. Westmont. The latter was
State Agent, of ChM andwis celled on to
surrender the • books and papers to the:
petitioner; but refused: A ruleiras trent.;
ed . by' the ;Court - arid • an. alteenatlin
ManftmUs immed,' meld- the 'mu lamer
up on a :motion to ,confirm the mends
tmts. ,The Court. refused the poreurpttine
Tin tuns:. -,
, . ..
• The raw ,at the hone fib- this after
.TtOlM attracted many spectators. Y / t was
for • a. citizens', premium: i 11,600, ten
tales; in' barrieets. "The ' ft.WOB Wenn
Lucy. Lcuiglogs. end Belle Of Ballitnoro.
Lucy led up to the tbree.goartur veleta!
the - last. mile, and. then - broke, 'when
- Balloted: the lead.arid 'mune e the
winner .byibter longtbs,itt3odef::
loOlyelte doignon.the.ladette .• of
IkftMetb .....,
The report or the ' COxiintiahlei '
Currencyr.bee. been .coinplated, laid
before the • Bemetitl7„:of thie . :Tro4 66l 7:
The i report ,wal, 'make ,4 ,volnine of
.seven hundred seldchwill Include.
the laid querturlyre of esehHattonal
liiiik itithe.,country,. separately and in
slid abstriadsOf the reports Or the
,t 2 - itneitore during theyear: The
report" sho embrace extended i Eren
e el oltri .I = i t l :M en U t u r s en w e ti= i f
the 'Natio= Bank system . The ntenner
in which Wain appearwill be a standard
book. ofreference for Bardreni and those
interested In the 'oporatlims of the 'Ns-
Reona have bden homod from tho
War p.t• , erit requiring the Quarter
ineateen Department to fornish,Z
proper ragataltion ,tha-qoardlty of al
'remise , to" heat t lhb room or b air
"set:, a 'id any- post of iiirriacpa fbr
soboo . and other purpoems, in accord
ance with section 21th of act of Commas,
ins isrinZitoratrin 'awn maim
`rherti bra story:afloat here that certibi,
gentlemen who 'llsvor . .Chief Justice
Chase for the next President, halls had
some' talk about buyinga controlling In
terest In the National listelligaiier, but
the present ,proPriehirs ,of tintt paper
deny that any ouch aide Is contemplated.
.ronNuac roa=w=
In this connection it may be added
that President Jobnaon his renontg,...aa
between General Grant and Mr.
declared his prep:el:Me for the — anie •
COLOAID sartaxaer ohuassismiass
The military authorities to-day, In ix
oordanoe with the'dtreetions of the Pres
ident, were engaged pl. gio netsweit
preliadttarhe• for impprisilief and at
handing des :colored voile:deer mitary
cothpanlee In the District of Coltunbis.
One of-them, parade for
ed.than alight .hourst yesterdey} !ally
TICEAANCE Vl' VIE tterrlt.
There seems tube no doubt. - that the
C0M1111122001 . 5 of the SouthenY Middle
Distrtetterill be izontoeted ay, Gettetal
Grant to- suppress all arena' 2rolutiteer
orgunizanotte both Macho and white!,
In that aeellon of the emu:dry.
. nr,Tfix.toit nittr r."
The Twelfth Vatted States hibothry,
under command . of CoL ..Geo. W.
Wallace, exercised In tattallou
the grounds south °ram .Execlattre i:
aloft • .Tbe_. flue band of i that
" t l i M lt ":4l3 f all Treposedb4l=DlstA
of e troops in.thla et.
sissy OSTICEit
Captainend Brevet Colonel Saines'E.
Hscrrison, -Fifth Cavalry, died in this
' , ark yesterday'. taritatn Harrison was
lately on-the staff of General Sheridan,
'which he left - en' rieconnt of ill health
'TSP. tils'inut or OPTS= x.slirA
This latelligeniir, this iewriiing, has an
editorial Supporting Piesddent's
dattethst be has aright to twilit' the To;
nure of Office law, so as effects
Cabinet t...Allatstois, as uneonstitutiosud,
until it has boas otherwise ordered by`
this Supremo Court. 1 •
. •
=VV.( L 'ou. rmsescrom:
J. P. Tamgdon, general Wiptstor of
oil at Pittsburgh. was , removed .yeeter
day. ma relations with Colonel N. , P.
Sawyer, editor of the Johnson' Ortpui In
that city, weronot such as the Treasury
Departmenttbonght draproper character.
General Organ antiunion the pnaltlve
conincliction of the report originating id
the New York paper. that troops will be
sent Sarah in view ,of The apprehended
trquble with the negnsee, nor his any
evidence reached, him that dlitionitlas
are apprehended by the people' in that
Thorumor that ihe - Ckivernment, .hut
concluded tne negotiations for the 'pur
chase of the Dmelah West India Wanda.
le untrue. Secretary Seward wishes to
finish up the payment of c ar Northwes
tern possessions before embarking to
other great National speculations. '
=arrears=creme six= zutorwoma
The city IS much excited to-night over
the State elections, particularly as to
New 'York. A large number of dis
patches have been received by privet('
parties, and there are various gathering
Pieces where they are read to anxious
inquirers. The President is the recipient
norocrowi menutges on the same sub-
Cgs Titurssa Se ma iniubersit audio.)
;ism "totilr, November 5,1507. ,
lien NUM° who has been on trial Pm
long time :lamed with complicity in
fthe Hayti liuntraneelxmil robbery, was
yesterday (Uncharged by Judge Hogan.
theevidenoe against him being deemed
inauMcioul. Ho wap, nowover r lminadl-
Maly re-arrested on an old indlitinent.„
FOIL 310111C,11M
Morris Ephraim,' who plead guilty to
morda - Dr the 1121 rd degree,. In killing
Jain irytypetriek, - In WlllhiniSburg, on
the night of the /.61h of March, was yes.
terdey sentenced, In Brooklyn to ono
year's hard Labor In the State prison.
itifitoatt •
The Monterey (Ifelinal earreaCulant
of the Jerald
of Oct. Llth, 'Nays vote
along the Itto Grande border week' favor
of /mow end the . Wenn amendments;
eltbougialis the Clty ofMonterey Dias
received le maierit qu It was
confidently bid WPM
the border:. n Kota
mores, by the broaden!' the MI en.
Penni to hare been Wet terrible. The
Lou Is estlmsual at 111,000"
rentiermiser. TRIAL. :'• • •
In booordance with the Tulsa .cf
Episcopal Church, Itev. Mr. Type nit
be tried' by twelve neembers of Me
Tho clogad at sunsnt. ti _LtlO,
'north ward today Jaa. Valet, a printer,
tem shot dead by two then named Har
rigan and . Hayes, while In as • olectient
fracas. iA man named Kelly was shot In
the thigh during the altercation. In the
Twenty-Kral ward Chaa. Montvale*, nu
licenuut, was dangerously shotleat Ithrht
by *desperate nano - sunned (Y. Donnell,
w bile attempting In ~ treat htrn.
. .
Registration Igiespasinir-lierthersi
ltionasasitsretilait villa Wrens lasso
Mr Teem.a rate. rllGlgrtb Ostarttai
Witstraavorr,'Nov.'bi—Tha Reglatra
non books "were re-opened 10-day and
two blacks registered; . •
• The result of the Northern diction' Is
anxiously looked for. Th. Republican■
here are dividing in mentinient and
anotiutr county ticket is talked or.
Lyme Selslam br State osesestelse.
ter ?Oomph to les ritubargb inunts.)
AtrOorrA, Nov: 5.--Pour State Conel.
Klee made nine seizures berg, Yeettarle.T.
In only three planes • was our liquor
found. TWO were sequitted soden' ow
irlcusl. The bons which sonvoyesl* ass
constables into town was found dead this
morning In the Anguilla noon* stable.
caaseutimmataats gas pnumanmearatta i
drit,X ' CITY ninnicitaiTa'.ll7 - 60,000—ems
' - . : . ' NEW Yomr - ,'N'0r.d412:30 - a. u.
Thoeityvotehafi been oo fed and foots
up a fraction, lam tiap !I sty thoolaacd
th40111"7161 the DeM ' - : ' 'The Dem
ocrats are exuberant and the State
by ; a majority ,apprn.xl
~ ng fifteen
Maxima The ' will proba
bly be, Republican. S.
hisw - konic, Nor. 6, 1367. 1
ThhiosiONA6 ahem s Demmatio
majority of 30,;83, a guile of 8,000 over'
anDIMUNe4....• ! r oots VOTE Or'
=II =I
Ngse :Yoke, Nov. 5, 1.1. z. x.—Fifty-
Baron towns beard from give a Demo-
Made Majority on the vote for 'filecretar3-
of State of 2,319: -
In Poughkeepsie, McKean, Bopubll
mn, has 38 majority. Hi ll house, Repub •
limn, for Comptroller, in the sense city,
hass.lBl iniParity. ,Ponst in pisin : ls
ailbV and' MAW lerliNlY
kiieid — onlii• ticket' ha • y'eounty.
Albany city gives I,G el Democratic ma
jority, not included la the above. This
atteurei 48d4 election , ottherDemoczatle
county ticked.
Returns from the Senatorial districts
show Tweed, Norton, Creamer, Bradley
and Genet, all Democrats, elected.
The tobilNote in thia ping, just receiv
ed. shoWs a total DOZPOCMILIO Majority of
59,81& The following Is the full vote In
the cllq for.Secretarr . of Stabs, McKean,
KepatOw. „ , Nobou; Democrat
Ward I—McKean... 122 Nelson-1031
Ward .2.41e1Ce5a.... 80 Nelson.. 255
Ward "3—McKean,.. - 143 Neiman... 000
Ward 4—McKean.... Sib Nelson.-2457
Were ,5—,b1eKein.,4465 . 4•Na1a5na...2187
Ward B—McKeals... 188 Ne1a0n....3300
Ward 7—MoKeen.... :700 • Ne150n...5048
Ward B—McKeen.... 963 Ne150n....4111
Ward i 9—MeNeen....2743• Ne150n...4=2
Ward 10—McKean.... 809 tie150n....3482
Ward 11—McKern....100.3 Ne150n....0394
Ward 12—M05ean...1584 Ne150n...3075
.Ward 13,McKiwt4... Ha • Nabors
Ward 14=. McKean:.,; 831 "Ne150n....1349
Ward IS—McKean...l4Bs • Ne150n...511
Ward 16—McK5an..,7194 _Ne150n...3830
Weed 17:3[a8ser , ” ' 90 .0 • :Kabala-4476
Ward 18—McKsin..,17114 Ne150n..5431
Ward le—McKean...l7so Ne150n...4060
Ward 33—McKe5n....2141 Nelson.. 6731
Ward 21-11cSean.„.0137 Ne150n—.4794
Ward =—MeKean....2l3ll Ne150n...5125
Total—McKean, 23X1; Nelson, 33,721.
The Demeanslie gun In this city 'over
last year la over. 12,000.
Detormi h over. 32,001.
13cratic majority. on TecretarY Of State of
New Yuan.' Not:: 6,`130 o. Y.—Eta
turn* from eighty-one additional towns
in this State give a net majority for
McKean, Republican, for Secretary, el
BAIA a lugs Deinceralk, gain.
In addltion to the above eight towns in
Orange show a Democratic gala of 4.301.
Sehnylar county, complute, given Mo.
Kesn,ltepubilmin, 400Maty. 'Reuben
county. oortiVette, eves McKean 1,100
majority." . Eight town. Genesee show
Deatonstio , gain of Sir towns in
Broome countyshow a Democratic gain
of 4°.J.i.
irssa verlier n zmu ..- 11 1• 1 1014.1•41, 1..4. 1
. 1
. 1 112 .. 111
ctirlitles,lll,lMlNVis 10,09116aLlinsir PT.
(Di mamma. tow Pinstmegb GuatU. •
' Bmiturribtoy. 6.—The relidualudlcate
beyond alioubt the re-election of Gov.
Bullock and the Republican Maio ticket
11ceficdf;Ifenr. s.=dlsiaschimalim voted
today 1 . 4. State , sdleam and members Of
the:: Xaglalidadv:' The tisult shows a
heal.? vote. Last year GOT. Bullock
had, 92,021 spina 21,671 lot Sweitzer,
The tmealloti of grohlbitlon; orlarge lltenasly
In regard to li, entered into
the comma for quor mamba* of the Lugtele;
The rote in-Boston to-day, tor , Gov
ernor, foots Bullock 7,:art:, 4,ldanol
weermor .tactit.dattut, 17,4 a.- Last
Bullock plurally In the city Ira"
Up toire r. Y. wetutve returns frau
sdnelydimrtitlte andicealla; which give
Bullock 41,539; Athutov3;3&:.
Tux anmezenturnornars . eneozuver....
'Opp:monis of proldhltbm and the
license law advocates have undoubtedly
elected asthma majority to the
l 4
tore and are extremelyjubilanc= .
/40 elating tlirge =made lathered in
Stale street, opposite the old State House,'
where they were regaled with a band of
music and speeches from the leading
lights of the ".P. 2'. T." OrgarliZalol2.
The several newspaper . oftleee, where
extras *OM surrounded
with eager crowds for the latest reports.
A/together the scene, this evening has
•bben one of annanaliellideetltra 'hid ex
hibition of good temper on all sides.
Woncirrint,"'llfiti.,' Nov. s.'i—The
Democrsts of this city formed in pro
.cession - fifteen thousand strong ' this
oniang,..and- marched through the
principal streets with bands of muslc."
There was great enthusiasm among the
BOSTON, November 5-10:30 r. N.—Re
turns from two hundred cities and towns
foot up for Bulks* - 111,924 imd .Attains
53,12. The same towns bud year 'gave
Bullock 68,000=4 feettgar2l,ooo.
lack's majority will probably reach
25,000. Lieutenant Governor Clailln and
the balanoe .of the Republican ticket to
chosen by aboutthe mune =Worth.' The
Legislature is very largely - Republican
in both branches, but, the opposition of
the prohibitory law probably have. two
thirdiof each btanoh.
. ,
Boston gives 1„500 ;majority for Aditits;
Chariestown, 500 do.;Roshury, 850 do.;
Ifburyport, 050 ilo:1 Salem gives ZO
m aj ority - for BullOoki Chelsea, 450 do.;
Fall River, 000 do.; New BWord, 1,400
do.; Lowell, 800 do 4 Oloucester. 000;,
Nprhigileld; 2 - .40.1' Loafratale. 20 .doh
theHassey to electod'Colsielldr on
the Dettneistio tkiet in the Boston dis
trict. •
nartiarausw wASOISITY 20,000 To 30,000
Additional retinae balin elocticin , do
not alter the result previonalytelegraph
ed. The Republican =Verity in the
State will exceed 20,000—eome intimates
claim 80,000. Both branches of the Leg
are strongly itapnblWin. and
,Sktept*Obitory Uquar law :in reptidisted
Ina-vary etaphatto mannec; ,, ; e
Watteau as Rollie Mauil4.llfies..
, VA * l7so= * I rs li Cr'A
far Weillea , s ayes mil Female Ma
LH_Vailanok to p• !UMW...O eugtia.j
"110[217:11, NOT. G.-Ant of about
tr.?! _14,10-. hundred Tot nor,. / .4
:to 4041 r;), n e lirr 9 .s o 4 l o.l4celiceititni
received only about seven hundred votes.
.Ding SWAP tad OpialF :B. Anthony,
Whei have ,- Veen eenvessum the State in
rover of female atiffri visited thopalls
.in ..each wart at i .. ftsed the voters,
probably the fi rst ocourrenoe of the , kind
lu the country . . - They accompanied
b y, the. Ilutinsort Family, who 'sung
some of their qUePelaw songs and were
received at every precinct with. boe r Zy
aeon for "Woman eitights and Female
Suldige.” The proposition to stake
the • word "nude" from the Constitution
will probably receive a larger vote then
either of Omaha propelled amendments.
enxiti Asl' Saone taryrnaon
tir. Loma November o—Returns from
K .. ore ' ro t ietpe„ but indicate that
both tames' aud. negro stave are de.
astted by ,ft ht to ion thousand majority..
Loareuworth gives Miami hundred to
twotheamand sgehiscultig" luirll gu
The entire Demeerathroonutlgitat Is
elected, and four 'Dontactalie men
lathes to the, Lmialature,by e large
age. fi' ma.
14;Y0 Pe:ildikW 3 jee•C CU : t.51 : 1 : .nt1 1 hr l d.dnti .0 . 4
.. : 7n , 1
uMavas4dti :
Edam from Bilay cormtr Mdbist,
mail majority in Amor .ar , &Iry Elf
frtaudiies, gaunt, elects *Mira
Democratic 'ticket, and' , defeat* egro
suffrage by five hundred majority
.White Cloud gives thirty-four jor
ity against negro sad:Wilt ,
LAWRENCE, Kan., Nov. L.— R -
12ublicati ticket is elected M this unty
by the usull.mVortri. - Nip*: d
male stirege L detested by aam ma
(By Tslegrayl io the litinberik asaltted
Cameo°, 'November 4.—The e talon
to.dey passed al' very quietly. Only
about two-thirds of the vote in it
General Osborrie, - liapnblbsin
for County Treasurer, has thur r tr u isand
and three majority, with ono cite
hear from, in the city. Ella majiiity In
the county probably
,Mtentid five
J. M. Wilson, who ran as an in‘lxma
mit cruididato for Judge of the *parlor
Court, is bestenin thkelty by Mt. hun
dred and forty majority.
llopoblloan Gortnimir
Insure Strongly Mg=
t /It Toustipalothe Ylltaltutt
AI/twat:rim November h. enty
live of the lancet towns and in
cluding Milwaukee, show a not mor
erotic gain of 1,7066ver the'vots 1865,
when there was a Reputdkon wily
of 10,000. Falleltdid, • Repu for
Governor, is probably 1 The
Legislature is decidedlo,trp
wrou Degmeipsis. , ?WWI
ter Teiramora to she putGarslt
Naar Your, Nov. s.—Thein
New Nero .Teisey to-41sYwas for 'idx a tom
and sixty 'niembiriale thit' bly.
The returns show Democratic over
last year, and the whole Dem tick
et Is elected. The 'electiOrl posed off
quietly. . . t
Saw Yogi, November s.—Additional
returns from New Jersey show in
creased Democratic gains. , The loigiahs
tore will be 'Democratic. . ..
Abu. 2•4041.11•41
DeM fas.eivor-11er• Oatea& twoloadJ
aul, •
'tar rausrspa Um ruts' •it guttural
Pam:, Attan: t Nov: , 15.—Iteltams
reeetrod room thixtreitiai sod Went! fn-1
diode the. n.etectlon,of
Rerltiam, tor Gclararaor, 'by
'small ma mitt.' Negro, adentio U
' •
ttrad to dell:sled.
&summons Nov, s.—Six wards'itive a
Dentoomtto majority of 4,741. '
BALTIMORE, Novelebor S.—MS tenon
In this city on the Gobernanonsi vote
shows a majority of nftesn'iboussad for
Bowie, dernodratle candidate—a gain of
two thonoand over last year. ' ,
eBY TekinDli w rlrtallfj=i
Drrnorr, November s.—The Charter
election took place to-day hey!? 1 1 r 1 W0t.
excitement and Williallight elt The
returnsfrom all the Xmas but allow
a majority . for W. W. Wheaton_
erotic candidate for,idayor, of OM This
will be reduosd to Glean 300 by_ihe re
turn,. from ;the - Fifth , ward. The Cite
Council will remain a tie, as at present,.
The Republican candidate for Director of
the Poor ,and two for Just Acts of the
Paseo..probably elected. •
ellanriroodra 0111•1•1 Usd.
Tammy& to a• 1 . 1112391.32 b 3
llMEtaignuao, Pa., Nor. L. rnor
Geary ha. Issued a proelamationaZnoun
eingAbanwoolta twiLlorlsy Or.
Llluk •161••—fieseral RsDowell's
BAN -Faartcreco,,Nora.—Lite Art
sons advice.; state that einiennia',foree
was swscksd by the Hullapal Indians
neer:l3o4a! liountalivittd eeinnelled
. tc;. falPbeck.'-.tlendennii.:refumed to
camp after three days' scout. He Ought
the Zrumb band and drove them from
The Hartehere. , 4mongthe %trigs aban
&Med by thh Indians were books and
papers belonging to the Milling party
W.ey, driven-Bons the Elseramento
tdote Lees.,folty 'Flnelludians
killed another mall rider ne n r Wyoekon
Before adJoirrnmerit Legislature
pewee resolutions condemning the' poll.
cy of General McDo ell, in ian af. ,
Hinkasklng that the bee miele
a separate "d.epartment.
A memorial asking Co that the
Governor be allowed to rebel regiment
of volunteers to take the field against the
Indians was unsnlnfouslyadopted.
One oompany of Arisen. volunteers,
sitaitanod at amp Lincoln during the
summer of 'tl6, killed one hundred Apr.
ohne in three - months. Two companies
of the Fourteenth Regular Infantry
, sta
tioned there for six. months pad, barn
not killed an Indian. The settlers lost
crOr i !t"a l k th e n !T e P f th°°Museri
garages nisieemelos Um Old GOMM.
says—.G Seastlall lalanws elm
• PIONIP*1•418•0 I.sWl Ills ,
elfglitas Dassossissa - 311th.
If gefeenial totes Pineatregtislegal
Ittcamouu, Va., November s.—The
fallowing fatter has. . Just beep made
public: • ' •
lizanquagrana, October 31, lelg..
1b.•,/dal.E.rceUenty Il //. Pistpotali tlov
: awn. of, Virg she gia, Yg .
l * have received' lettere frent'serrend
members of the late Virginia Legisla
ture, inquiring whether there would be
a make of that body daring the coming
winter, andeniaing the ghotMon whether,
under the State In the members of the
Rouse of Delegates do not hold over Ull•
ttl their anoossants are duly elected and
qualified. - Without deciding the- latter
question, upon which there *Mu to
a diversity of opinion, 'l' have to to
queetthat. ott wllloinibrm the members
of the late 'that the regular
evasion of the of the coming
Winder w e re
lrr vTillf„.4 • 1
Your obedient servant,:
4 Scnowltm,
Oen. IL ft, A.
Five companies of, U. B. troops Jr( Viz ,
en's war, ordered to Weatdraglop to
.olY4tloo#slWirlbr& o'4
; 15rM))A. rijg.ippTßLiti.
He Mut. savilla Second TOY el Owe
ZSilip,,:ll. Twen4.4liar
Tit•IRAPII to Ilttebargl pay.µ4.) !
4Littrronn, Corm., Nov. ii:Vi r eston,
Gto pedestrian, loft bare at Oro p. m. for
his second trial of one hundred miles 'Br
twenty-four bows. A greattuowd gath
ered tO see him start, and teeny people
on foot - and do. carriages .accompanied
him a short dlstor3co. Thopolloo cleared
&Towage - through Abe crowd for him.
tel) es by the Albany turnpikethrongtt
Aron, Winsted, Great Barrington and
WeatStopkbridge,biasa., and Sand ;eke,'
Nov Toric;to" Troy. 'lie is In line con
/4lost,r4igkurldent of enema_
Sooirostreelloo.llNosvolotton Atmoti.
as* .oigaajsKr.r.tortly-two
' Doloorittes *4 simme r
i" pomp to Um rittetoton Vomits
Monns,'Wor. G.-. The Reconstriletion
Convention met at Montgomery at, 12
o'clock to-day. F.eighty-ttro'inernisint
were present, of-whom fourteen were
colored. :Peildt,- of Tuscola:lea,
wiss elected President, Robert Barber.
gemwtary, and two negro.. were Gloated
Assistant Secretary • and Door-keeper.
The day was consumed In p-erfecting the
organization. Fifty odd of the Inetribini
are old citizens of Alabama and - the rest
co lored axed man from the North.
CgARLI:6I.°N, a. O.
Zasleizatles Iletio n ra•—aerthennOblll•
glistes rata.
CtrAnuarrors, Nov. 5.--Otricial regls
trettaltr4l l l l A irelltthe.Fourth District
in the State 'hrw that the blacks so 'ear
hisliistejert=4,l334. Only nitieout
ottkirty-ette In the Mita rhayo
whitZetities, t
cob ohs exceed ' balls millhet, et
darn Ix .the : . : due chiefly Id
aena ereditrs,r st the pity .
Pt banks - isatindaT-link . vretn - PrOMPtly.
ESDAY. NOVEMBER ' 6. 1867.
Supreme Omura Prowimmilmts• ,
Court met at nine - o'clock. Tuesday,
morning, a full belioh being present.
lifesaler ea. Steel; Wont:noteland coup-.
ty. Argued by Stewart for plaintift in
error; Falter, contra, not beanl.
Linaenbigler vs: Gourley; Annetrong
county. Argued by Golden for plaintirf
In error, and by Perviatice and Wag
Sbmder ra. Brown; Armstrong coun
ty. Argued br Painter for plaintiff in
error and by &olden and Boggs contra.
Baker's Execumnf va. Baker; West
moreland county". -Argued .lby Poster
for plaintiff,' and by Laird °Mira
Ellenberger vs.; Ellentierigriverm
strong county. Atgned by and
antith forplaintir In error, and y, Cicd-'
den and Neal iontra. •
Val ile4 4tee 011 inlet
TvEsii'Ar, Nov. 4.—Court mot at'thd
canal hour, ten o'clock.
The oounterthitere convicted on Mon
day, John.B. WrightandGeo.M.Watera
were brought from' the Jail and sentertaxi
to an ttn_ prisonment o ten years, each,
in the -Penitentiary, They wore eon
tcnced in but one anise; eentenco in two
others being snepended.
United Staten ye. Nelson T. Cletincer
and Philip Clot-Luger; three coma:
United States TS. John Flanigan; too
c‘ 7131 . 1. Va"Gocorie tfoucta three
caeca.'" -
. .
The abovenamed parties were proOetwl
ed agaiturt for distiWno liquor Mleitly, or
allure 10 comply • wiih the law. 'lh
not w guil ty eretried . d.L by one jury, and verdicts t f
United .ligaters. int.tldatibusw IL He -
oar William 31., Darnell and Ah
ham Gibson, -impleadod With'W. W.
Bruce . and Jpisea X.._ Lockwood;
'action on oil tranaporlation bond. Ver
dict for the United - for .1,000, ibe
penalty of the bond; - to lite released on
payment of fir 22,23,. amount of epecial
tax due.
Unitett Maks vs. Matthew IL Mercor,
imPliwded with W. W. „Bruce and Robt.
Mercer; t' emotion.. Verdict for
$.",500 the penaltynf the bond to be re
leased en payment or I,"tif in, the amount
of tax due and batereet thereon freest
United itrtates TS. John McCoy; distil-
Ling.spirita withoift ,giving bond, dot
Veldlet not guilty. •
United States vs. forty-Nee barrels of
whiskey claimed by Sp se B. i Rank;
United' fitatee ve. the rectifying distil
lery of Barber A. lienderson, whiskey
tube. .t.c.; United States ye. the whiskey
owned by Kit. Hughes;. and United
States tor. four barrel. of whiskey owned
by Patrick Sheridan. On motion of
W. C. Moreland, Esq., the Court ordered
a rule on the District Attorney to show
nose wife John L.3Anton should not,be
declarotlf7hiformer In the above named
cases, And a moiety of the forfeiture
awardedleint as such informer. '
United Stales 1111. Charles Johnston; in
dictment comiterfolting. Continued to
term at Erie.
United States - rt. Matinees Barber,
Jesse 11. Rank
_And Brown Henderson,
and United Stiles 'vs. George McPher
son. Continued till next special term.
United States vs. Geo. ..MePherson,
Peter Ashman, Melon' Sullivan, William
TUompsort, -Casper Main, Homo Van
Gesci,.Cbailesßryson :and George Vol
ker.Fromages awarded.
United Stator vig Junes Wright,
Wright and John W. O'Brien. Roomf
ul:am:so forfeited, and process issued for
the arrest of defendaitta."
ate..■ iuwa
TI.7ICHDAY, Nor. s.—Court mat at the
naval Itocm, ten o'clock.,
•• .
..,7,hpirat Bursts el nx,' •
vs, the Adams
P.xpreas Ctunplowy."• 'Plaintiff claimed
thatln June, BO; he gave into the cus
tody iddifendentCat Acetate Crook, Wir
gtzda„ a package coatainlng eine hundred
dollars In greenhaoturto be delivered at
West Greenville.. Pa The package nor=
er dame to hind, and It was alleged was
lost through negligence el defendants me
0:1111a1011 carries. Verdict in fkvor of
plaintiff for . _ -
neigh Roberts vs. 1". X. Dolt • Action
to recover WO alleged to be due as com
pensation Inc managornent of partner
ship business at the maw mill of defend
ant, in Tomparancoville.. Jury with- .
drawnand nonault entered.
Samuel Nixou mt. Soott toarnoblp.
Action on a contract for keeping a road
ln repair,- Verdict in - favor of plaintiff
for $10.30..
Following in the lint for thin day
Goodot a 1 y. Roder h hauL.,
Henry Inn Nolan. ••-••
:lA. Coiling vs. Fortor.
56. Blackburn ca. 'Watson. •
60. DavLs
60i. Tradesmen's:s4R Bank U.
etson'a Adm'r.
61. Darla ra. ,
631. '.` , .Zat. Bank of Lawrence county va
Aleketsmfr Adm`r.
,64. , Parum - vs. Wad. Tnumpodatlon Co.
,• FabbadockosoStaunboill Dictator.
Yesterday a yoking married G erman
woman, tamed Miry Mae, - ryas &woe',
tied In her eropansity for shoplifting at
the dry goods sterner 111 r. James Eccles,
In Birmingham. Bhp came into the
* shwaand looked over some 'seeds, appal.
lordly with a view of purchasing. • Mr.
Eccles, from a etreirostance of previous
occurren' suspected' her honesty, and
hence kept:nth:ale watch upon her move
ments. Pram:lefty he observed her eon:
ceding a shawl under her dress, passing
ltender her. apnm•and through an open
ing infkont. , M4Hoolos,leaving another
person in the store with 'the woman;
went out the back way,to the omen of
Justice Lip 4 -which was close -by, and
informing arra Hartzell and Kautfteld
of what had transpired, returned the
way ho loft, whilst the officers ftnmodi
ately repaired :to the store by the front.
Mr. E., upon the arrival of tho of
linens, accused the woman of con
cealing the shawl. This she denied,
but confessed' her guilt and ' pro
-dared the' article j when about being
searched. The woman was detained In
custody, while the °Moors proceeded to
search her residence, on Denman street.,
bavhig procured the necessary warrant.
There they found ashawi which had been
stolen (or ono lash) from' Eccles' store,
and a number of other 'articles, also sap
' posed to have been stolen. Notwith
standing the evidence of - her guilt, Mr.
:Eccles rdused to prosoeute, rather &sin
gular circumstance, • ' perhaps to be
accounted' for in the fart (if it so be) that
the accused pecuniarily satistied her ae
auger. • -fudge Sterrett net long since, In
charging a grand Jury, spoke pointedly
of the nhortoomingeof parties who re
fused to prosecute Id - eases of the kind re
ferred to: ' IS so doing they plainly neg
lect their duty, not only to themselves,
bp t to the poldle generally.
' ". Visetvid i Sis kills.
William Blvd, a resident of the Point,
acted in a very uncivil manner towards
Hugh Salle, proprietor of a drinking
indoor* in too First in oinacquence
.04 which a warnir t has beim Issued by.
Alderman Humboz t for his arrest for Ms
orderly conduct. e wont into Salllo's
saloon in a semi- ntonicated state, and
demanded liquor, which was refused
lam. ~ He at: moo bocarno enraged and
behaved Mellott In a very disorderly
nitanner, breakinggiames, fu rolture, etc.,
and "wearing he would have whisky or
a fight.-:He--was finally, ejected from the
aaloon,.and sti hitoTtaaLlara made against
him, Since when he hos boon non eat.
Theollicersarsonhis track and wilimost
likely nab him, ;as Ida propensity' for
"tanglefoor' is so 'groat that it will be
auto tp Iliadic h is cap t ure... . .
. .
Michael O'Brien - is a' guide:let, and he
employed on Mr. Knoshstbrnt, in Lower
St. Chilr township., Yesterday he op-
Peatect ei.Ablerrnen' MeMestere' office
and' related the following story: Be
stated that Matthew Story, a fellow
workman, and himself were engaged In
the field at work, -when sai.puto arm
between them, -to ' settle which Story
used a "knock down argument," In the
form of a shovel, with which It Is alleged
ho struck 013rion over the head scvorat
times. Me further alleged that' Story
threatened to Mil him. A. watrant was
issued for the arrest of Story,, who will
hair* to answer aurety.of the peace,
as well as • charge of assault and battery-,
The ' , store'wf perlnipigeonalnde In the
Quarter Ssssl o 48.
• Amman and Batteiy—Wfillam Ma
ndl, manager in Shcamberger's mill,
yartorday made Information before Al
derman Taylor against Terrono Mo
m., charging Ohm With assault and
battery. The accused, It apeman, ts a
workman Mthe noll1; end tria l m onthig
became obstrverous from some cause
and assaulted the manager. striking and
kicking lain severely, when lattirtnallon
wits Inado as ataLid. - A warrant Wed lo
aned for the arrest.ofpe!nan who &dim
FOURTH FAOH—Peteeeetltoriof the
lights 4 City Mimi of Contra.
The W. Sr the Irae-Ilanale *attn.&
At the COurt-House, in this city, today
at twelve .o•oloelc, the Pittsburgh and
Steubenville (Pan-Handle) Railroad will
be exposed to public male, by.Thotuas
Trusteesnilder 2Xid virtue,
of a mortgage dated August let;'
- declared by decree of Supreme Court to
boa first den. •
more will be sold the Pittsburgh and
Steubenville Railroad proper, together
with the lands, depots, grounds and
buildings, altuato-!- Imtween and at the
termini at this city and the boundary
line gf the State of Virginia; also ; all the
tails, issues, incomes, and profits of the
Pittsburgh and Steubenville Railroad
Company derivable•from the use of or
lay& on their road or any part thereof;
also, all the cars, engines, I?comce
dyes,. tnuders, h orses, or other
things used in the business or Manage
ment of the railroad; and also,
all the estate, interest,
claim and doomed of the Company in
that portipu of the road operated and
run by thisim, through their lessees, In
West Vhainia, between the boundary
line of 'Pennsylvania at the easterly end
and the Ohio river at the westerly end.
The road Is thus more particularly de
cribed: 'Beginning en the south aide of
the Washington turnpike, in the borough
of South Pittsburgh, en the south aide
of the Monongahela river, opposite the
city of Pittsburgh, at its point of inter
section' with the - Pittaburgh andStenben
ville extension of the Pennsylvania Rail
road, and extending for a distance of
about thirty-three miles to the western
boundary line of the State, where it con
nects with the railroad in the State of
West Virginia, which latter railroad ex
tends from. therint of connection
through West 'it nia to a point near
the-easterly side o the Ohio river, near
ly opposite the town of Steubenville, in
the State - of Ohio, there connecting with
the railroad crossing the Ohio river on
the bridge there constructed.
The property will be knocked down to
the highest bidder, upon signing the
conditions of sale, which are as .follows
...Twenty-dye thousand dollars of, the
purchase money - ehall be paid in eish,
and the balance within twenty days
thereafter, Provided however, that if the
purchaser or purchasers are the holders
of bobda and matured coupons,' or eith
er, secured by the .aformaid first mort
gage, be and they May receipt to Thos.
Willmar for the dividend of said enh
ance of purchase money payable on the
said bonds and matured coupons, or
either, the sum thus receipted for to be
considered sapaid in cosh on aogeunt of
the said purelutie money; the said bonds
or coupons to be delivered al the time of
such navipt to the said Una IM:truth,
and to be returned by him to the holders
after the dividend thus receipted for
- shall have been endorsed • thereon; the
seemed Interest on the said coupons
from the date of their Maturity to be
elided to the principal In estimating the
dividend payable thereon. In awe the
terms of the sale are not complied with
by the bidder to whom the property has
been struck Mt the next highest bidder
at the salt, who shall have signed the
conditions thereof, shalt havethe option
of tan* the property at his bid, upon
Pa yth* or accounting in nianner afore
said for thesmount thereof, within tea
days after tberexpiration of the aforeeald
twenty days from theday of sale. When
the purr i, mouey ahallhavebeen paid
or rocel ted for, and the sale confirffied
by the ' the said Thomas Sl•Eirath
will execute and deliver to the purchas
er or purciumers a good mad sufficient
deed or' deeds conveying the P re sea
unto him or them Ph foo simple."
. • lkinsirtn. 41ervants. ' •
8. Iferkowlta some time since :Our,
chased the Intelvat .of Miss Hatchely in
the. Tremont House, No. 17 In tho Dia
mond, for which he paid the stub of
$1,200. After he bad paid the =bunt
agreed upon, and taken possession of
the property, Mrs. Catharine Hatehe2.',
mother of the girl froth whom he ha
purchased, called upon him and demand-
ed two hundred dollars more, stating
that She had that much invest.' .in the
"institution." Ho • reftised. ;o comply
t aw.
with the demand, whereupon a quarrel
ensued bleb :vaulted in a light. The
Women ..she..! would ..scniare au
counts” - HA hint; and it appears at
tempted to do so, as Mr. Herkowlts re
ceived a severe beating. at her hands. He
appeared before Alderman. Hum
bert Saturday and made infbrmation
against her for &email and battery,
upon which a warrant wee issued
and the accused arrested. The pros
ecutor, however, having no desire to
push the matter, agreed to withdraw the
sult and pay the costa If the woman
would promise to behave herself in the
future; laud trouble him no more. She
consented to this proposition, and was
raleasesL She, however, forgot her pro
mba., and yesterday paid him another
I visit, when, It appears, she was even
mom severe than on - the fenrierocomion,
not only beating Idin with her fist and a
club, but threatening to take his life. Ile
again made Information against her and
a warrant was Issued for her erret. It
seems that on her last visit she was ac
companled,by a married daughter, Afra.
Annie Valentine, who assisted her moth
er In squaring the account. An inform
tlon'was made against this daughter for
assault and battery, and a war
rant also issued for her arrmt. Wo sup
pose if the officers 'succeed in catching
the offenders, Alderman Humbert will
assist them to settle the, matter hy send.
lug the ease to Court. - '
akartuta Autessalt,Arm Ampauttaa.
James Scott, a 'brakeman on the Pitts
burghand ConacllsvlUo. Railroad, met
with eerie. accident aboltt 'twelve
o'clock on kbafelay night, by which he
lost his right arm. Ho woo in the act of
"oonpling" a ear, preparatbty to leaving
Connellsville, when by come means his
right arm. was caught, between the
"bumper." and completely Crushed
hem the elbow to the wrist. He was
taken to bin boarding house, and Dr.
Rogers tieing summoned, amputated the
arm above the elbow.
Accident. of the above daaeription are
becoming fearfully frequent of late, and
Intometldng is not done to prevent them,
a man had better make his will before he
engagesto nth on the railroad. It. now
appears 'to be only a question of time
with all railroad employees, and the
more danger. they pare throughi the
more melees they become.
enr•sy or the Pestle.
Patrick Duffy yesterday elide
, il Baron
anfoation, before Alderman - 310M tens,
against John'and Samuel Eggleston, for
surety of the Pence. Diary keeps a tav
ern in Robinson township, and he alieg.
es that on Monday estranger came to his
hones and called fora drink, layinghis
gloves on the counter while drinking.
John and Samuel Eggleston were. at - the
time, standing by the counter, and as
soon as the gloves wore laid down john
picked them up, put ttiom on, and refus
ed to return them to the owner. Patrick
interteredjia behalf of the stranger and
succeeded in having the gloves returned
to the ...wrier, 'whereupon the Egglestens
abused him and threatened to do him vi
olence. Warrants were Lamed for their
Bathers Diergan made information be
fore Justice Comstock, of Sharpeburg,
against Difieph . Hart, 'of Lawrenceville,
charging him with afilltation. Tho In
formation was made In September, but
for some man? wee t not executed
of illi w cors en Sarber an was nimi n th, who
arrested him and took him befote foe.
ties covert, Of Lairroncevllle, who. hold
him in one thousand dollars ball for his
appearance before Justice Comstock for
sheering on Friday. The proeeentrix Is
at present at the onuntyzitior farm,- and
it was at the Instigation of the Directors
of the Poor that the arrest was made.
The -defendant is an.. elderly man and
father of a family of grown up children.
Falmo . Passense.
John 'O. Stevens appou'ed before Ai
derman Thomas, yesterday, and made
Information dye with
obtaining goods under fella pretimaea
,proaecutor alleges that the defend
ant obt ainod lama* and. cigars at dif
ferent time' from him under false pro
tense. A warrant was Issued, the de•
fendant arrested and held to ball for a
further hearing. The prosecutor resides
In the Fifth ward, and the defendant In
The :Bltvilagb►m Market Place; was
the scene of considerable confusion yea.
tardaY, morning, mused by the reckless
coudact of a nelored man named Jacob
Humphrey, who drove a W14:011, belong
ing to Jones ct. Laughiltut, through the
crowd at a rapid rote, regardless of life
or limb. When remonstrated with, he
replied with profane and insulting
;Janice Lipp issued s Warrant
We Ware ,Weone ht. stating ,that the
Oentral Skating Park would be 'closed
the coning season.. Itywill ho thrown
open' to a public, as soon as . the Ice
farmland the, managers promise a kn._
lien season. ,
. * C.Oetua HOVE—The' "Fairy Circle
was again presented at the Opera Howse
last night; and, in
anticipated, the
house was tilled to Its utmost capacity.
Not a seat , remained unoccupied, and
thstewastaxtroelynanding roomfor those
who had not secured seats. The piece,
as lanai, was 'well rendered, the Corn
lomy all being well "tin" to their parte.
"Con." of course Is the principal charac
ter in the piece, and Barney renders It to
perfection. The audience however, ap
peared to be better pleased
with i the at
tendee°, "'Yankee Help, or Customs of
the Country," in which Mrs. Williams
appears i Yan kee c haracte r Her delin
eation of la certainly
unexceptionable, in this piece, at least
the audience appeared to think eo. Per
sons dealring seats for this evening's en
tertainment should ;not fall to engage
them this afternoon, m the homier will
doubtless be crowded, not only le -night,
but every night during Barney's en
VARIESTE9.—The attractions' at this
cosy little "Temple of Thespus,", , still
continue to increase: The Managers de
serve great praise for the untiring energy
displayed In their efforts to make the
Varieties attractive, and the crowdi that
nightly visit the place plainly. indicate
that their efforts are folly appreciated.
Go and ace Johoy Hart.
Ifisome Hats.—The lovers of good
music will be served with a rich treat at
Masoniellail, Tuesday evening meat.
Mid-celebrated cantata of the "May
Queen," by William-Sterndale Bennett,
will be rendered by a company of Ama
teur' vocalists, comprising some of the
beat musical talent in the city. A num
ber ofother edentates, from eminentoom
ers, will be given. The concert , will
he under the direction of Mr. William
Dighy, Jr., assisted by Prof. Cities es
Tao Fain. The attendance at 'the
Fair now being held in Bt. Bridgers
church, in the Lk - wends ward, continhes to
Increase each night, and the attractions
are beingmultiplini But a few ereldngs
more' remain before the antertalaMent
norms, and we urgently advise attend
anteon the pert of our readers.
boimmi.:-The world known Itorris
Brethers' instrels are coming !for a
brief season at .hfuonle Hall. A rare
gala week may be anticipated..
. . .
The Labor Miler= Peter.
To-night the delegatea chosen by the
Labor Reforni party of the city, toicom
pate, a Convention. for the purpose of
nominating candidates for them:ink:lpol
offices. will assembly at Firemen's Ball,
City Building: Tho following la a flat of
the delegates: . 1
First 7 ward—Ed. Sullivan, GCorgo
Second—Samuel Steel, D. ilegey.,
Thlnl—Wm. F. Efarlde, John Munn . .
Foneth--Jaseph Totem, John H. Skel
.Fifth Fleet pncluct.—Jarned Steyens,
Jahn Stge.l. Second' predinctJoseph
Dunri; Stimuel Ellison, Jr.
SL:th—Wm. A. , McLaughlin, George
Snowdon. 1• '. . •
fieventh—FxsO;eiti Hardin, B. A: Mc-
Ttn ckloy, Isaac NW
Santh—Wm.M. Reoct;Statthewdreen.
Tenth—John A. Est"re.n, Peter list,
t tftirrenoevllle-0 . W. Clay, William
Oakland township—Daniel Coyle; Jas.
Pitt thwnship—Wm. Printer, Henry
A. George. -
Slight Flre,—The alarm of tire from
bo "27, corner of Grant and Webster
streets, about live o'cloOk last evening.,
was occasioned by a alight tire In the
,basement of the Catholic School build
ing, in rear of the Cathedral, on Cherry
alley. The tire, It Sc supposed, origin
ated from the carelessness of some of the
scholars. There was a quantity of du'
rubbish In the cellar, which was ignited,
It is thought, by some of , the boys drop
ping alighted match among it. The fire
department was promptly on the spot,
but their services were not needed, as
the fire wad extinguished by the applica
tion of a few buckets of water.
Obitaary.—We are pained to announce
the death of Mr. Harvey Lambert, sop
of our worthy County Controller, Irenry
Lambert, F,q., who died, after s linger
ing illnesa, at his parents' ?evidence, Mi
nersville, onAlonday last. The deceased
had attained his seventeenth year, and
gave promise of a long life of useful
nem, having been endowed with many
noble qualides of bead and heart: Hia
funeral will take place this aftemodn at
two o'clock. Carriages will , leave from
tit, corner of FM end Grant streets, at
oue o'clock.
Abasing a ligna—C. O'Nell, slivery
stable keeper on Webster street,
day made Information before Al=
MoUsaters, against James Kemp',-charg
ing him with abusing a horse and break.
ing a buggy by aweless and reckless
driving, contrary to the Act ofAssembly
In such case made and provided.' Its
alleges that the defendant hired a home
and buggy from him, which he damaged
to the extent or thirty dollars; A war
rant was..L4sued for hls arrest.
Larceny by —Elizabeth Stew.
art, a resident of the Second ward, Alto.
gheny, yesterday made Information
before Aider Man McMaster' against
William Stewart, her;
him with larceny by bailee.
She alleged that the defendant came to
her house and took possession of all her
household goods, which he still retain",
and refuses to glee up. He was arrested
and held for Court.
A Nuisance—Mary triterbine Is a res
ident of Cherry alley antthas fora neigh
bor one Mary Jungszt, who, she alleges,
persists In annoying her by carrying the
art, straw and rubbish out of her house
and yard and burning it in front of
plainant's door. She yesterday made In
formation before Alderman Mehfaaters,
against Mrs. amgart, for maintaining s
nuisance. A warrant was issued and the
defendantarrested. and held fora hearing.
Committed for Court.-8. Herkowitr.,
proprietor of the Tremont HO t 1243 Id the
Diamond, yesterday made information
aViniw t i:' l "tisa2 Ta b ambaneg: °Tkta:g i dne!
fondant, It is allegn., struck the
for on the head with a dinner r=d
knocked bin down. He was arrestqL
and after a hearing committed to jailib
default of the required ball for his ar
peararice at Court.
Young Men's Christian Association.—
At, tho annual election of thh Young
Men's Christian Association, held at tho
rooms of the Am:oda:lon on Monday
evening, November 4th, the following
gentlemen were duly elected: Messrs.
'Thomas Babe, 11. K. Porter. C. B. Shea,
Walter McClintock and E. T. Cook.
Tho board is composed of fifteen mein
bun, one third of whom retire each year.
-Amanita& a Boy.—liu'resa Grad yes
terday male Information before Alder
man lif'Dlasters against Mary O'Connell,
charging her wi assault an batt.
She allege. that th
the defendant d ery
beat and
abuied her little son, without cause or
provocation. Theraties reside on Fay
ette street, In the bourthWard. The de
fmdant was arrested and held for a
Holland Flower hoets.—Mr. J. Knox,
seedman and horticulturist, No. 138 Lib
erty stmt, usajust received, in fresh and
perfect order, direct from Europe, one of
the finest wheaten ofliolburd bulb roots
ever brought to ibis or any other city.
The prism have been reduced much be;
low those prevailing last season, as the
stock Imported le yery large.
The Philomathia Circle of Allegheny
City held a publie mooting at their hall
last night, which was largely attended.
n o :e x ercises Worn of a high literary
o rder, the several members participating
developing oratorical and elocutionary
abilities of no ordinary. .charactor. All
present were delighted with tote enter
Fresh .11e.-At this soa•on of the yesr
fresh ale Is an admirable table boventitor
and belittles trams the blood at pro.
motes good health. The very best can
be obtained at Pler, flannels 4 Co.'s old
established Oregon ltrowom 9tevenson
street, - Ightli" word.
Faxonles aro supplied with Pale, Cream
and Burnett Ales and delicious roster,
in barrels and half-barrels, by rler, Danz
nals & Co., proprietors of the old estab
lished and celebrated Oregon 'llrowery,
Stevenson street, :Ninth 'ward,
The Beimlaity f the water, butter and
sugar crackers an d e oda biscuits manu
factured by the Messrs. Wray Brothers,
successors to hf " Calumny's old eolith
!lilted cracker bakery; Is fully • earned.
ales thew a' • '
The very beet creams tn 'the . market
are those mazurraostred at the extensive
bakery of Wray rt Brothers, Irwin street,
sear Fess. „rromptatteatituo given to
the city trade. Orders by mail solicited.
lava toe Testimony Mom One of the
Oldest an.... of Allegheny City.
ALLY:arm:cr. Oct. 14,1167.
Mn. Sao. A. KELLEY.—Dear dirt I
have been troubled for some years with
the complaint described by Bayer
tiaoment .of Dr. Surgent'a Diuretic or
Backache Pigs, and concluded to give
them a trial, and am glad to saythey r.
forded me immediate' relief. I cheerfully
recommend them to any one entering
from like symptoms, feeling confident
they will do all you claim for them.
For =le by all Druggists. Price 511
cents per box.
.112 Country Merohants—Your attent
tion is called to the wholesale and re
tail atom of Arthur Kirk, .Nos.
172 and' 1 4 Federal street, Allegheny,
Just the place to buy your groceries.
Mr. Kirk's, facilities for buying en
ablee him to sell to retail merchandise at
a lower figure than any other house in
the two cities. lie keeps at all timro all
kinds of groceries, and be pleased
to have parties roll and examine his price
llst, and the quality of goods kept by
him. Remember his numbers, 172 and
174 Federal street, Allegheny
Pale, Cream and Burnett Alm.—The
brewery of Messrs. Pier, Benneis t Co.,
which is everywhere known as the cell,.
bilged "Old Oregon," is running to the
(tallest capacity to supply the large de
mand which inaisprung up for its famous
brands of Ale and Porter. Hotel` keep.
ens and Proprietore of restaurant& shbuld
keep these ales on hand, as they invaria
bly give general sitlafactlon. Orders by
mall from all points will receive prompt
attention, and shipments will be •care
fully made.
Eometblng Niee,—Wm. Fleming. No.
39 Wood street, has Just opened a largo
took of ladles' and mlases fora.
Dti Goods at Wholesale.—We In
vite tho particular attention of buyer. at
wholesale to our complete stock of ailks,
staplegoods and all kinds of Amoy and
goods, and to the fact that we sell
at the lowest eastern prices, and cut
gcOds to emit purhuiers.
.J. W. Bens= 4:t Co.,
• 59 Market street.
Samethlog Good.—The boot; alines,
plters, dr.e.o for men, ladles and children,
kept at 89 Market street, aro made of
the very best material, and lucid ea low
as the lowest.. All goods are warranted
to give satisfaction. If you want some
thing good, and at gold prices, call at
Robb's Shoe House, 89 market street
Valuable Real Estate this Day.—The
Fourth ward, Allegheny Public School
house and lot, cornet South Canal and
Walnut streets, will be sold at 10 o'clock
to-day. A. LEOLIATE, Autloneer.
Just Opened, a large and complete
stock of ladles' and misses' furs, at the
New York hat and fur house, No. &3 St.
Clair street.
To Allathe:Piaui—Arthur Kirk, whole
sale and retell grocer, Nos. 172 and
174 Federal street, has received one oftho
best stocks of groceries ever—brought to
the city, which willbe sold loger then at
any house In the city. xws
Clocks of every style for public halls,
banking offices, parlor., kitchens and
bed chambers, ornamental and plain,
warranted to be perfect time keeper, at
m..utly. reduced prices, at Rothman,
Meyran h Media's. No. :N Filth street.
To Fasullles.—Go to Artanr . Grrk's
Grocery Store, Nos. 172 and 174 Federal
street, Allegheny, and buy your Sugar
for putting up fruit. Ile has the largftt,
best and cheapest stock In the city. Call'
and see for yourselves. • mw's
Something Pure.—The Teas, Coffees,
Sugars, Sphiee, .te., sold at Kirk's Gro
cery Store, Kos. 172 and 174 Federal
street, A.llegitnny, ore warranted tb be
the very bestln the market. Calf and
get a price list. ]R,r•.:
A Prcuninent Western Physician Nays:
"Wilson's Pills are tho only combi lion
I hare ever met with in my long arse
of practice that really possess any Irg
curative or specific for sick heads e:
All the drugg sell them.
Evieribody uses the crackers end, bis
cuits manufactured by Messrs. Wray .t
Brothers, successors to M. Connolly, Ir
win street, near Penn. Orders by 'mail
promptly filled. •
1,000 Sitar. Allegheny Gas Stock at
unction. at A. Leggate's Auction Hone°,
159 Federal street, Alkghtiny, to-mor
row, Thursday evening, at 71 o clock.
Cheap Groceries:For cheap Gro
ceries and something good, go to Arthur
Kirk's Grocery Store, Noe. 172 and 174
Federal street, Allegheny. ' .tatea
Bargains In ladles' furs, at the Now
York hat and fur house, No. 52 St. Clair
Eye. Ear, Miro at, tuna, Cans?
DISEASES and CATAIIEII, successfully
treated .by Dr. Aborn, 134 Smithfield
street. A book by mall 50 mate.
Elegant engagement rings of solid
Gold, at rednoed Ohms, at the fashionable
welry establishment of Reineman,
op= ,tBledie, No. 29 Fifth *greet.
Great Aftractlona at W. W. Moor
head's, No. SI Market street.. Gents
Merino Umlerwear !ocularly sold at V.,30
selling at $1,25.
For Valuable Intorntatkot and side•
splittlngjekee. seethe "Pittsburgh' Quar
terly Magazine." For sale by all news
dwlers. tit.
Go to FlEmlng's Drag Store, No. 84
Market street, for the liana assortment
of Brindle., of_all kinds, and Toilet
Comte. •
Go to Flemings Drug Store No. S 4
Market street, for the beet Po[stab and
Bode Ash In the dry, at lowest prises.
Go to W. W. Myorbead's and secure
bargains. Ali our goods selling at great.
ly rodueedprices. No. SI Margot street.
Go to Fleming's Drugstore ftir a re
liable remedy for the cholera. 134 Mar.
kct street.
Constitution Water is a certain cure
for Dlabetat and all diseases of the kid
neys. For r ale by all druggists. trwr.
Go to- Wm. Pleating's, N0..139 Wood
street, for bargains In ladles' rum.
Jewelry atrellueed rates, at Relaeman,
May= & Media's, No. LI) Fifth Atroot.
The Great Salo to stillgoing oti at W
W Moorhead's, SI Market street.
MaDRIDE—TIRADEORD.-0. Thursday Trul
l., Augnat*tis, ]at, by Ms Nu. Dr. Douglat,
/MED. bah of Alleshruy City.
211P.T" ) ,
ev e yes. Ts ..
Ibentnenn sr VI take Wass on Ttlesspat AM-
Intslng VS, at two o'clock, teem sit tats residence
ea rano street, near Bt. Clair. Th. Mewls of
the toothy arerespectfolly lolled to attend.
DAVIS.—On Teeple, enorolom_st 4 o'elott,
rvi n !.. , YSt e t r i ii i r wiln Of /Awls Datts, la the
, Th. noteral will take place tente tWedneeday,)
tarnarrOos, at 1 o'clock, from her late mi
nuet.. No. lirrent. street. to proceed to the AI.
legheny Cemetery. The Mends of the featly
are respectfay Servitor& to attend., •
LA.VIIKIIT.—On November 4th, at o'clock
P. M.. lIANTLY. eon at Usury and nebeeea S.
Lambert, In (be nth year or Ms age,
The f kerbe of the Madly are limited to attend
ta t oio oro i, from the residence of hie porcine, at
klinervelllc.oo.Dat, oth loot„ at I rpoleet r . %.
Carrion. will leave gl. prrosre It C 0.... cor
ner llfth and Grant etemle, at &o'clock.
CIIITINTON.—On the 4th Inst., ALIGN, el
dest daushter of Joseph and Allee Chbrrion,
aged Glean arsd a month..
The Greaser will take prom., therm Ildeuce of
tw o pereehr, at Worahr Nom If:Clove tow.hip,
1 . 00.. Y, at 1 o'clock 1, a, The friends of the
family arc tnytted to amend,
POLLOClLLOrrnst.batb .Geetreen. M Inttant.
et" e`elock.• at the maiden. of her Intorand.'lrontrkkfr.'POlATiC KATE
t. aged
twenty:GO: pear.
The tones! will take plece on Inazona.PAT
port, at a . Y o'clock, to procedd
rby ran) to Greensburg. and then. to Congruity
Chorch. We.tmetoland county, 0 unerar
'store at & o'clock. The Pleads of the family are
rempectnnly invited to attend,
L 049 In.LlAßeDenCellille., be.
Wean tee Tall Gate and Robinson Hail, on
rem.? evening last. a LADY'S BREAST . PIN.
Tba ander will tat liberally rewarded and neater
•irest. Was on tho loner by leaving It al the
e•ASICTPE COON TIIIO-110011, or at Dr. CO.
°Dee, Lawrenenellle.
Davueit, cr.ou & COy
eta cUtairaritturemanitratta rers
Lateptatiles of ltralnanktosatsatis unhand.
' A lane doe!, eaataltdo. TORTE flu...
WINS of listantliat reading a &Mr.
leading Editorials. latett News by ehogrup..4
lt.ttsr for the YAW,.
sad fullest and moot reliable Flu"sist sad ttowe Market lisPork. lnE
the eity. No Farmer. NOO K or Aura"
should be without It.
:ante troy . - ' •
Till witiET NASEEkk
Sabseriber ..... .......
Clete of - ............... .. • i • I '•
Clubs of Ten— ..... ........... 1.11.
—induce uoyy of pale. to NA 10 0,
uv th. el.b. .Addltlbas to stubs ow. b. *aft h.
say thas, at dab rates.
Nonce To EirsaCarElELYs *NINNY you!
twists; be sure slid spooky what wiltioW OA
wst. to 'refuse s Ilreacies467 sa
scribers harts. hot one mai treak. •
/Er Nosey ky Dna, EkliNd.• klastirf Order* .
or la ileyissie.d may to mat sf ware Sas
Address. faANYTEIEs
- - pirreetatog.
ALEX. Al EV, Imonvirnuar.s.,
FOlnth Strees Dita[bmitis liNfs
COFFINS. of •11 kinds: citArei. waw,
seem desesiptlon of 7.0.1 TorraLohlakil DOOos
Varnished. Ra....p.dse kW.
nod Cu-slates [famished. •
Ds's...ono—Ram lissid SW, D. D.,ltinr.
M. W. Jacobus, D. D., ThODDI Llak.;
Jneob 11, 3111Ier, I.Q.
• XER AND EMDAtallts trucearbor toU.•
late Samuel R. Radgarso
' l....ed .'s* Rom Rose's, h . RIM
sithoglaY. St rout ' ad 8 " * "
wood Imitation COID.F at th• 1°."4."4.14
prises. Rooms open .t all boors. dal aaid
Hearse and Carriages turntsbad on abort sedan
and on most mossonabla terms.
Ens* a lltil zmsniECILI, OM
Allegheny. Metatile. sosewood Wad WSW lAiew
fins, with • complete shack of funeral /101161 14 Wif
Goods, on bend And furnished et shortest sold"
at lowest prices. Side and Llelt7 Bidbhika lo
or rind and Middle Streets. COT .
_Beseeches, Boggles, Beadle liortitth
for hire.
ovnr.rEnv NIAIIRLe WORM.
`"' A. J. HANDEL:OM at tae
Lawresserills, Pa. orcsAillarrAl , A• B3 "
warranted water proof.
State, County and City MOW,ei Met
valuable and popular /latent avulses nete
ed In Its use to every bustnesa man. .ftransi
41.0 to lima PER D nr. Business daIASSIA 4
tan be understood• In ten minutes. A44alegv'
W. BEAZELL, Plltsbnrgh. Pa. Call 51 esiat
\0.4 Riahnis Law Building, 51Diat005584. 11 4
Pittsburgh; between 7 a. tn. and sp.m.
WANTED— Sittuvion Wanted.
by a Inst-olass Cosmic tErrrns Inge*,
cr. Per.srlyartla or Easton, Oblo. ENS a air
reran., Adams A. 8., Gaa site 02ffica.
xl)oms now ueopled bp the Secret... Tat tb•
Union Railroad and Traunortatien CemperiTa
No. ea Flfißstreet, orer U. bleClintori
Carpet:Story Thou rooms are very &and.
ior Ogees, ,being located in the centre of Wei)
nal), and oo Fifth street, now being laid Will
the Nieolaon pavement. rendering trim ftee
from nolre. etc. Front room oontatul larri
proof rata. Posaaulon ban be hake. thelle
proximo. Inquire of OLTVIZM IfeCLINIOO2I.4I
CO., =Fifth street.
YAHOING,LAND, In lowa. Tools easy.
Good title. 'Twee. oil pald. WUI OwletN . .4r
propert*. Tor • parttenlarir Inquire OIL W.
SOUTH. No. 113 Market street.
flee &rally RAROUCLUS HORSE, lost:sala ALL
HOWARD'S Lieery'Stable, ripsr 87111 C;
near the Mannurahelallasse. -
Allegheny Ulm seven per cent. Sends. for al%
or exam's, for Government Somultlee..lsto
Ihromble terms. H. B. STIANCIS, Contiollmoo
ODee, Allegheny. • .
FOB lIALE4-A largo - LOT or
aßotrh-Di Pain 'trent:N:loSM
leer, having three fronts. Improvatantien
ansrgood dwellings on Penn ntreet and a ann
soars ahoy in rear. Shop in away try fatty...
feet: a good manurleturing aloe. Wlll be anal
nrparata It desired. Ersqtdra at No. at rali A
Tbe uudaralgued . will sell air or one•hall one
a Britt Tard, to anj pee -Win wishing to erivure
the beWrons. The yard to new, with an lbe mid.
ern Improvement. Lena runs ten yes% Nom
need apply but those 'who menu buslndes. BA.
dress. E. T. C.. Allegheny P. O.
F°" BALE -146 Acres of Laud,
glib one doubts frame bode, opting boom
and stud spring; small barn; all buildings new.
tear access to four foot vein drum*, underlaying
about 133 acres: Butler and Kittanning Tunis
pike runs through die farm. The .barn wilt lan
reel...gad for property to the elty or adjoining
town. Apply to W. 13. BOYD A CO., Heal Er
toe Agintts, No. IMP= Street, Pltteliang‘
Pater/, doing a business of Liam It
barruis of dour a week, sad sltuated at hlo.O.
PALO ALTO STREET. Allegheny City,,wlll Ow •
sold on reasonable terms. The above Dike:Tat
doings good business, and has the fatillties at
doing a much larger one thaw Ls now mtablash
Any tycoon wishing to cepa, in the boshiSe
will add tht.n rare opportunity. rayons:U.lms
immire at the BUMPS. • • .
FOB lALE.—Bousie and' Let Oa
corner: of Manhattan and Adams atnodi„
aror Passenger Railway, Lot 44 by as: sass,
Boom Mame. eisitalnlng T room and. good
well Improved. Haase sad Lot aogbattlistd, on.
Bidwell .creel. Allegheny . CRT. Lot IA by,l4
Matt boom frame. cantatas ball. Seam:somas:id
good cellar; water and O. Also, mieral staisA
ItonmsAnd Lot. la good Malabo, -lAstalmt ot
Bumf 'A CO., Beater street, near Cbeanst,
bfancheatei. -
LOTS.—We now offer on exceedingly WY
terms a new plea of large and desired. lota, best
lug pert of that Talnable pmerty bolpuipgb
the heirs of L. C. I. Noble, Bloater at the upon
end orffitsrpeburg, and near Uoyeuta Station, ow.
the Wut. Peons. Itallised. A portion Or thus
tote Bout the railroad on the wait, and Bain
.street on the south. The t0i.....40 b 7 ut taay
with wide street. running' through the entire
property, The wit tor gurdening porpoise tAto.
not be ereelled, and for beauty or toestlon and
access Bare no equal, For deuriptin plan aid
further Information call at BILL. • SLIOTTgige
LY , S, Beal Estate . Agents. Butler . Atrial. Lawo
noissm.z *NO Milli,
SPICIAy. ILUMAI:ST odaredlotleollera.
Jewelers and Opticians;
CM NM - NM= IMlFllatrame
orposrm Atalosiolrm.a,
... n
or ewe, eoseptigiff that Mier.
101 l ear. of bulbs ever offered In Meetly. (hr.
r tO the extern of o. Importation ffseprire.
hare - been redueat from those of lest sea..
J. szcspv)..F.
• • ,
seeds= and. Hortionttmfit,
lif Luilzgiiir FraszT. •
Merchant Tailbi
Car. a n d PenSt. Clair 814:stets.
lung great pleasure of lutornaks hinewarnorn
and the prank In general, that tas stextkpt
'auxurAcTrauro COXPASiT'
xne the Loc s :f Stn h, and an. cbsii;j44
ga.rop., N. 71 rims. STEERS.
H. WITH; Merchant TailiFt
N.. a WYLIE EL , corner et
is now re.hing till accond '644:
AuEl 01724 COATIOSI.,
1101,111 EL WELL & CO., - • •
Anchor Cotton Elds, PittobilA
l=tas: smi., 44l *,
innuniiGurarinpuy• jai' •