El II 3 RAILE O . 9I ))Y6.T . T . EItB • The extensioa of - the branch from the „Erie Railway . laci the Lackawaxen river Ithealidale,Ta„ will be completed by - - the first Of Jemmy next. The grading of the Danville and Wilkes-Barra (Fa.) Railway was re - xittly let to John Bowen and Jeremiah sad Samuel G. Bavidge, of Sunbury, and he balance to - William M. Wiley. of r aancaster, and Js'Vi. erliegen, of Bar leburg.l Wei ,lintierstand that Brent* Wiley and Criswell' Live .contracted to y the sills and rail. on the whole road. The Easton Press states that the con tact on the Lehigh, and Busquehanna hthlway, managed hi/icons. Hughes ,k iro., tt Freemanaburg, reached totem:a -,letion a few days ago, after a tedious nd laborious work of nearly three year', hiring the month of January, 1817, — lnety men were employed upon the age rock, "situated opposite the aged „ock," under the aropices of Mr. R. G. ' tantbach, who fought bravely within; saws of flint,_winch malted in a glori es victory. The track is now perma ently placed between Bethlehem and `reenuussburg. The lows Central Railroad Is being milted with irrepressible energy. From is Cedar-Falls GaZette we learn that cite meetings are being held in that lace to gather aid for the enterprise, ad there is a fair prospect that the iron ' 111 be put down on the mad from Cedar ails south to the crosiong of the North- ' astern road near Toledo, in Tama 'runty. The iron for one hundred and ty miles has already been purchased. he opening of this railroad will add ameneely to the value of property in antral lowa, and hasten the eettlement the now unoccupied prairie lands of a interior of the Butte. Tha work on the section of the Tole. Peoria and Wantag Railroad be. then Peoria and the Miselssippi is be g pushed with great vigor. The Pen a Transcript of the 24th ult. says that e grading on the diriaLon between the . akin Junction and Canton, twenty lies, was commenced about two weeks :o, and about six miles arc already tished, Borne 'seventy-Ore . teams are work on Lt„ and it is expected that the t of December, it the weather 'eon; tuts favorable, will eco fourteen of the •anty miles done. The entire section 11 be completed and ready for the cob before the iron tan reach here, itch is tp be delivered in New Orleans February. j On the section between thton and Bushnell, there is an old ado exteuding about ten miles, leaving ly four miles of new grading. This II be put under contract and graded 2g before the track layers can reach it Is confidently expected that cars will running over the entire routs from aria to Wantew by July next. . She Chicago, Burlington and Quincy ..11road paid last.year twenty per cent. ,on its capital stock.- rho Rock Island Railroad, running in 'repetition, thugreater part of the way :th the Illinois river, has paid fur the it three years annually about ten per The Illinois Central pay' seven per ,ut. of its gross earl:dries into the State . Maury. Atter deducting 'this seven r cent., it leaves ten per cent to the s ickholders. This, is outside and .dis. act from Its land operations. ' The last nual report or Ms road shows the . 'rmanent expendltruro on the road(cost) have been thirty millions. 4.a capital jck Is about twenty-three millions. net earning; last - year,- were $2,- 2,523 13. The Chicago. Alton & St. Louis road $10,118,521 32: Its net mining' . year were $2,494,6113 63. ;Aside this it made permanent improve • into, last year, amounting to 611.8 per 'at. of its grog earnings.. It has paid :1 per cent. for the last three years, and addition hen declared an extra divi !rid of 95 per cent. - • . The Toled o ,Wabash & Western Rail -7,,y, stretching from Toledo, on Lake ae, to Quincy, !IL, Is counted as one the poorest paying r oads In the west. --1 capital and indebtedness amounts to . • enty millions of dollars. - Last year ' earnings were $906,190 72: Aside m this it put down sLlty-one miles of 1 14 ,'' 4 "'esr track; last 'year, at a cost of $241, T 79. It built a new telegraph. line at oat of - 110,WO. It put on the road 11,114 92 Worth of locoMotivee, and 1,000. worth of new passenger cars 3 this, and very much more, was tech 'ed Into the expenses, and was dednc • from• the gross earnings as stated . the Northport Branch of t h e Long ;and Railroad, from Huntington to dthport, a distance of four and .a half Peg, has been amtracted for, and the ark will be immediately commenced. The double track on the Western, • us.; Railihad will be completed to 'Aster In about two weeks. Between place and Mecket—niste milea— ire will be only a single track during r winter and ads ,will be tho only rak th e track between 'ba it a recent meeting of the friends of I Kant County (Rd.) Rallriad , It wse lid that the citizens of the tillages of sutras, Warwickund Middletown had tennined to nrisethe sum:of $lOO,OOO, • order to securettievonstruMson of the id from Midges Peek- $O 11.1ddle— 'fn. Del. The entire amount required $150,000. • The Connecticut Neatens. Railroad, MI Springfield to Collinsville, Is said 'be In strong handVand the extenalon the Collinsville Branch of the Canal tad to Lee and Borth Adams, Rua, regarded as' thisoit :certain. These o enterprises will be of =mil benefit the Canal Baltroadi and draw • a rge trade to. New Haiem.that new .sks 11- market eleawhen. • its market elsewhere.. The competition between' the North 'Warn and Illinois Central, ' foe ship; ant. of freight to and from Dubuque the country West end` forth of that ty, mill continues, wu.kmollinthretkm Its intensity. The If orthwestara has on sending freight from Dubuque down e river, to the termintut of the .Western Mon lkiirosci, anOlutifue. to Freeport td Chicago over the Old %lean - route. o counteract this Moire, the Central are rilding boats and. barges •to transfer add cars from , Dubaque to Danleith, lOU the fen 7 ., Farther ninth, 17,the arches° of the 'Winona and Si; Peters, td other contemplated connections, the orthwestem seems determined to drain large share of the up-river traffic to its 3201, restricting dui to the rev- Me derived from its local business one Wood. along tha Paella 'Railroad, seta from twentpdve to lrandred dollars Freight may Anal/ be shipped from Iminapolls direct to Mow. York, Boa. and all pointiaßee: and South; with w breaking bulk: The only intarrup an in the line at Praittrild here tho Mississippi is craned by eatut of a fury' boat bunt for the ext . !ass purpose, epcin ,whiolt six - loaded as can be taken Oar at ono time The I . fer Union Er - Merchants.4lon Espres; Cern any have' orgardust,,upther,irast might Line, to bOknown u the "Tel graph Despatch,”U•snn over the Erie • ' lll l7 end all tech from few Y ork to el points est, South. ''lest and NorthweatAheh a w,Deepatcli • du went Into ctiefaitiition the Stan% *Officers and offices of thel'hooltes" • isd "Telegraph" Despatchltinet l wUf If The St. Lotds ADA- , /llriacdr- Bilge lompiny have becm at Wont dip and night for the . l44 two weeks to Complete., co a • am. w u4O Aaable 10,truild the foundation of theltausterif shot. Sant pier before-11w framing weather. 'o w " ar now Adler, ;the dent with Iv, and will Itareildp fat ramping out Se „w t . to three or lour di ti „They Fare had two steam eleghlefJor thue leph rartnight'st work I. l 4l l r&Lhil la theca• itructi on of the data , and this put Of work to now completed,- receipts 1..0. /jig from 1 2 5 0 .000 to t 4OO- ":411 artit -pared with the corresponmAr e ssww 'WC -` - 4,A••• • )•-, The overland railway . has been proven pract....";„ hundred relies long , •to Mang Hunt , on the • • • • • - This route avoids the•dan Ides of the Chins and •• • , And Saps the rich tea-gro , • . •.• . :Western Chins. ;:•••',": :wens - experiment of stessOessoli t ''''''' -- • ; s a w ln the streets of LpOwlfroos,' , • hos been neurncoestfal. Abops..W , :br prondnint 4.4-0•4441", o. ompsnied by theebebt the nelgti; Iserhood. PneeerrAn ttOti•story . coaches. The engine pulled well on 1 level ground, or on a down grade, and turned around cornea very nicely. It relbeed to pall op hill, holfilTer, andthe train ran *Way with it. A littJeftnore 'deuce end the thing nay be made to work. Proclamation . conswarvrairrn or ranstsvcvaßra. BY. JOHEI W. GELEY, GOVERNOR Froth the creation of the world, In all ages and climes, it has been customary to set apart certain days for special re ligious obserm ice . Thisbaanotaltrays -been inflamed by . the light of Christian knowledge, nor by any proper concep tion of the character of that Great Deng "who rnleth the earth in righteousneu," and."who daily loadeth with his bene fits;" bat by an innate sense of the ex istence of an over-ruling Power, by which the world and allit contain; are governed and controlled. • Aldedby the dictates of cultivated reason, and the teachings of Divine revelation, we, how ever, are taught to recognize in that Su preme Ruler a Heavenly Father, to whom we are indebted for existence and all the blessings we enjoy, and to whom we owe constant and fervent thanksgiving and pialse. It is He who "vulteth the earth and watereth it;" who "ietteth the i furrows and bleseeth the springings thereof:".'who crowneth the year with his go odnes s, , and whose paths drop fat- nese,' who "clothest the pastures with flocks, and coverest the valleys with corn; who maketh the out-goings of the morning and the evening to rejoice;" who Is ''our refuge and strength;" who , "maketh war to cease," and "saveth as from our enimles;" whose "throne is forever and ever," and who "bleuetk the nations whose God is the Lord." On 11.11 aides we have increased assur ances bf the "loving kindness" of an ill-wise Parent of Good, who has con ducted our nation through a long and terrible war, and permitted our people to once more repose' in safety, "without any to molest them or maize them afraid." The monstrous yontiment of disunion Is no longer tolerated. The Flag, the Union, and the Constitution ' are esteemed as the Safeguards of the rights and liberties of the people, anti are revered and defended as the ark of their political safety. • A. kind Providence has not rOwn weary of supplying • our continuous wants, bountueo harvest itas re. warded the labors of the husbandman. Flocks and herds are scattered In count., less numbers over our valleys and hills. Commerce is uninterrupted, and vessels laden with the, products of nature and of art, speed, unmolested, over the track less deeps. Neither pestilence, famine, political dr 'social evils, financial em barrassments or commarzial • distresa, have been permitted to stay the progress and happiness of the people of this great Cqmmonwealth; but peace, health, edu— cation, morality, religion, social. Im provement and refinement, with - their attendant blessings, have filled the cup of comfort and enjoyment to over flowing. - Recognizing our responsibility to Him who controls the destinies of nations as well as of individuals, and "from whom cometh down every good and perfect gift," and to whom we are deeply In* dehted ifor all these and the richer bless ings of our common Christianity, let us unitedly giie our moat devout gratitude and hearty thanksgiving. I, therefore, do hereby recommend that THIIRSDA.T. THE 28en DAY OF NOVEMBER NEXT, .be set apart as's day of praise and thanksgiving, that all secular and worldly , business beAmpend ed, and tho people assemble In their.va rious places of worship to ackaoWiedgs their gratitude and offer up prayers for a con, Wynne° of Divine favor. Grrzx under my Hand and the Great Beal of the State, at Harrisburg, this thirty-first day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hun dred and eizty-seven, and of the Com monwealth the ninety-second . JNO. W. GEARY. By the Governor: IMiNi;Mal g 1:1*) p atOpp::}l ALLEGHENY GROCERY ED PROVISION COMPANY. JOHN A. McGRAW, PrOdent. J. P. ISRAEL, Secretary Ilas Mat of tals Cosilnas Is Orme, amp bong. sp. TIPPte mtstilag to stall tlnauelppo ALlP , Sria`2" as camera. Al 48 Federal EL, Alleglaay, -,arEw , BOOBS. i~ DSHHIeOH & HECKERT'S, NO. 2T FIFTH STREET,;., I4 • Wa are low receiving oar FALL GOODS,' • whlcli we ane+u the altectlai 0? ear b Illends yid easterner& DENNISON & HECKERT. a; aaw I:== BAVINGS BEM I e. 14 Smithfield Street. I MEM= PAID ON DZPOSITII. ANY SOK EIeOZIVZO PEUY ONE MAAS. trrwma). Mamas me m! maddest° Matet, wtaboat ta SAZZII ELLOKNOSIL. Prembierril. aso. D. 1111D1.11, See'7 so • 114,..r. JAM= it.,110P1L11114.. knitter. vonrnua, ..TAxxs Buicsxow.„ .1•1. EL HOTELWiII ALEX. hint; 41.1r31 HOWN. WILIALIE Dux; W. W. Nitanstair, O. ,IlatiaTwawr. 2 GREATINEVOLIMON IN THE WINZTRADZOV TEL I.I3ITZD maws. —ruEss • OAL111)11111.1. _chi_AJILYAJiII S. Made to gallant . 12 . 11 , D r utiv , The exeettligteo enael=ta atteattes el Wafts ula, anal Hotel to the tont.. We haw lehlebater be. • *omen Nee or heelitlefthait Wines • • 'Wits/AL 84: M i fileW""rdaftit. Om.; rr lu, Z./Bur _ _has.. la Bann. mai, ..,,, . Z./Burma.. ~ W ID•We Raft sm.:al:we Wall at me pisigs Um, oar bUla t kr it 00.... r ; J. It. NIX • .Cril a 5011.7 c..1/CM-Lain.Wr. -....— 1 . , SljulelZZ Ai UM. 211 . X T IK HI:: •1 :11i' r AL AND PICTURE FRAME MANUFACTORY. j. LYON'S, . . No. 110 wood fit” Pittaborgh, r.,,,„,,... i . r , tad atu;Vgtere. r i eetr, SI AIA,_ Wrif!":CANarn. Pr ski I' ICIMIL• 1 Curial* *woe., . ads and Butte., Alunao Tripod sad Bruton -Tablas of.omuntli!lt• - as az* . numar ND ESOLLIYENB exicakid Iniba UnpalirittlDVATz, -'; t moinstlxwa' • /0111 . 131 sznilaraza WhIASTEN.OIIIIIIII/11117ERREID, Attorneys B'Conasolloo4l-Lair, AND BOLICITODB 3N _.SANSBQPTCY; rxritusuzes. Crave, IPS MAXI WISIRT. orroa~mcir~our: PAPBB ELNGIRQ6, R#iorntaa, is cursiiitisucir. liktor Market Streit. Alta , a. ZiVarilDSr i3JIIO. ais • ° ' . - ,l•RflApqD; BOW LOST, BOW MOW " VW!. IThatnient sat Onl " tf..l r gas " ptlas rtysteal letrirrp""r44 iva47 1= oa tlr ,r7.4.l,=,63lltvgapya C7 . l=atutist IScUlt; .74 ,;,, , L . : : .. 110411 0011 wy fTIV, I . 10 . &WAD& VIA? n tr .. „ a 4 4. rn, oft; out onto. • Al., ph; eleter..ll•• 41,211.1 g• Maids.. Drift 111 MM. • pauvATE DURUM', ittem-lism riaus emir!: A l=luVratirOr an Maumee • prkras••wow ate inatigie=Witgars, all Other Ot tralrolattal Ma. and Ic l u . ILO wantatad or asOairf nab tarIVOL RARNHELL & CO., BOILER MAKERS MUM IRON WO : •a: frac Stt), 22, 94 and 241P4939 It. Ltensg secured • Irads nrd sad Zhrlittuni n wtta the t.hrtnhttrosset toschlnery. we are pre. pared to resnereattentiTatl desalptlon of Batt ers Is the beets:leaner. ersersated easel to sty nude la the , Chbesere, litneeb• Are Bads. Stiehl Leeesseure Ewa on, Gnawers, Ben P.M. Teaks. 00 nun. Lman It Pau, Satin len. BMW.% Slaw Palls, said IMO 00u en or 3.1.11 X. BILL'S PATINT panans, 84 1 74 111118 done on the shortest mottos. fatted HIEBITIMI3OLICYA EXTRACT tree Idtt AND LIII.HOVID 2052 and delate dlsordary la all 'MM. at little UM* or eta cent. m xtut: 7 . 7 r and no a:pont. It and ;Ma vutigrlgrztl' 1" RAs. , is b tli ' L pu uuon EEO PEREVNIE FOB TBE lIINDIEIKMEF = CM! ti .N11,8;t1111••=lug Ceres I= ho . 1 101 gin Blooming C. '• "Night 131•esing o.4rors. I=3 N. • ~ .mist lll..=lag !Dere lse., MEI exerelehre. &Ilea., and Frweert Pathos from the reter atittl n. UM tare. free A mw ' Vol kd vrhrl It Itare mak! by ILIION /ON, New T. = EWAltil OP COMPPERPEPTEL OR vir AWN'S-TAUS PO OPITIOO OR non.nETENTWON OR acioNTLldlitrOCl. of Mlle. Irritation, on, or aleoratton Of Um bladder. or dighte 1 1 74 1 111tetr ri lta k it lo a rio all M 0... 5 the gadder , 0104; ... 3 11.r.. Use Hi/1:100Lnia roadie otiCalu. 0/18410.7 g ° , l •74i 1,1712 ar LICIDOLIPS 33 170=17 cute4a ewe for Cseaaaa of the BLASID ultu LhoVINATNIIir,k3I4VEL. DRONIY, I= I ._ . ... URINY OM URA ‘l"l4 g.t t i. AR A.R. OR Pill 1. 1 ." , I...foams ortrMatUmt smal no mat- ROUT 1..0.5498TAXD1NG. 1 It":.-,tre.grinagar't ,:100 or 211•IiIit• may eon. um Plea my tormortedfrom them somem.sact • CRUM MID ERPPINICRs. ar . V . &Mot opno prompt Roe, 1 ME! arar. ar ^ .. tat af diuretic Lucent:l wil u d Eta Li an , th na of H istabils! nours trnemn RUCH% ed a pliard. of 1/1 Yea..._ P.M. , by . T. • urnaTtst. Brm4' Raw York aaa :0450-.W Ng . 0-8 Druschas. ' “11.1111. Bold 1) far : EL I III3OLIPS RTDISItA BCONCEN 1-rAttE Beiersore COCM:WIt= • BaHIhWILLA It the Breat Blood fa • Lb bat Phmared &moaned to tale. of cam be C mhe ade. Millr,ao4 tall fah =M M. menseitste eyeteeth.", area 1131. rider. 1.I•0 teo Bald 0 =I C PP: SVPMIIIOI/ MILL & SMELTIMILWOUL rrrriunnuni. H. IttoCURDY At CO.. mime Va . l= l Deolars ao. Co.' Too!. land 7.A *? O Bloc patooro. • ,op sl, •••thl.E. Mrs:late sad Bolt 11d.C . par Bottdrau. Raised DUI rtalsrirAst. ° l6l=49*; 31keltirs ane r a i rlrgl a tkirPri r taVirrT 2111 q ...len of On est 4.1...4.. ELNIBOLEYPS IFATIKAILIT lICHU eves lealtb .6 'troy se flu bloom. the yal , le sae.. Deblllty sal. by busy alssyslu ...eat Is submitted to noum.- q, orepileptle 6111 frame an b aeon= and 11 n. Una, In lONSON, ItEA -Co., Pi' Wm,. ict / 1 0113 , 105. MIES • "11324.315„) WA Iniund liasafact Zlitaeo, tan, xn Tanks • • 'MSc. -• Dart • SECTuIt RINGTON WOEEB, an; sunanntn.wunlowym of Wet sad Crtalioaary Logloodh Xadd.llll.l7, Am. • Of all dadolttlogue:oll Will.. Botta mid Iroa won. 0.19 armor lust owl lmltu.l6 Rs. ts for GIFPAILLPII PAIXIS IN. • tkolhutbollan. orp use klnft bri •pel •leeo Veil EEBLED I.llllli DELI. CONsMI7IO7 of botl OLD'S 12111.A.C1 . BUCIEV. Win 0•11 0•1010 70111 CZE REALING , • ND HOUND OP MILILOY. • HOW CP AN 7 OCLA77O‘ RDPoRee, Tog TuIJNO F.24a tea Calla OF NOLITIIDI4, aa4 • the =DO ,a RS. ABUCON aa4 ICI.[ which aeetroy %be manly 'waren. oued ormla ID poilmeateeta IIaIUDAEIV.. ern le ran M. Of trailer. Seen is sealed eeete e eF•Ooliehle. es o s. MKT . , D!.4 2 M i tt i ee o t FLIH• -4414a21 . 747' ,t RE HO CORE EISPLEA. eh • etel trausz animus err ea sad deuce's. lamas. Me am,. Bean, *See =MOM Zeta • wean, I * SCOTT, 3 ENTDBT, 8 pavrx STREET, eel:. • tArnours FLUID . CT =CLIC Is plateau ha WS. es 4 • lehuloox pruperttas. had be • Its settee. Neuter/ E Gunn OF BUN II • elNGlTH.—Therelbre the hen°. II • the should leesteelsialy etellll.l - OCCLIII. t 2,11.1 art", untasosia — t MLD't IC , WASII. ME .TO. farg olar. free f i Media. t• WTI xsd aeewiJ Pours • Eiressartmou AND "MUM, stn. VIGOR MS molted t 7 'Um** souva 1:21 RAC, /I MM. Whim IarSdrATTERCD Tan u. IILIYAITZD by EiZtailliniqb Nibotw 14:11.3;c19:1 wawa 00trwrza.—.......-- LAZA COULTER fir, , LAPIE, House and Sign Painters, ea.loe GAM 1117211=1, rilisipsyM tOpPeous Cataadno rrlrr ROWLAND & HARM, 1. HOUSE AND ESN PAINTERS, 01!A1irEa0 AND fillalt32llo. 414 Dlll3lOllDi CLAICIENINCI dose ta sba best wiser E. HAMILTON, Jr., Howe mut Sign Painter, fish 2111:1111D imam. rueourp. Graft s Glazing sad Gilding InGATLY /11XID PA.1111115, Y !VITT. enacts: iiscnslos, ruirszirrnts. wittim zaAo.sztara. irsun 110TPLL1611011................71 1. 1111,110134 -• - HUTCHINSON:A, 11EPIUM HOW 1111 Li 1111110 M i . : OPLAISZBII .104 D OLLEDUIa. 1b1.1141 FUWA AB skm try 'lama proaPUT 11021NoVALL. - JOHN F. CLULLY. House aved_Mess Painter. Ift, LIS 1.11M712LD IT., 171Liteall. re., Onoetta Stu aid stead. M 1,02111 C? WA Q. 11113 M• / & ganrD ZBI =az IMO AID 011111311711 MIL AID GRUM /LID MOW& NeollsArerth slink at alasmailhALUNCool7. mw rcu agegta . arr.: 01.00. rirtlijfici P"" ! ' ! "B . 4 , l" . 4'"."721114M7 MOM, ORGANS. aco4 BARR. KNAKE 131Thava3.- irmumcgrza now No. ti tit. OW It, .Pittoborett. MIU,IOO II Elbznos, Organ" Asa ltasual Coosa guitrauly. itsata tot tie Calebtattd i ktaDSL IT. /Sow : Tara. sttel 80.110 MILO CA CO. I . lkOs4etshis. otaotto.. . . . WAN MILT 1 00.11.111111 Trial„.. tr , ..41 euirraro .. Aztusaaar.. CIABS. astaT/LTUNII PATIENT etire..l. ,71.1 bait balls. and %rasa IMO. sad Oat• tar Stems always*. has*. app. ' iffNURVB .10NRIVILLIS Pl. az. AlloL—lbs=gl=34. n .rar ra "01,1,==a othim lin'APeili ^am - ronideskl,taia news plow. oemuarle smut. e rasa arm., Mtn& M&: b lier.M. "gigr Irk TACOD3IIIIIII3ICHAIL, ar, co. weAd riott MINM*.M!MM BABB ICBM 4a..u.ammTrw, , PATP(WitiratrinktteS eitTLIM-1, . hituisoplyauci!sia mciy . itilioatoos iharott. • For willow to Utoictritio, AM, t'ITTSBUSGH DAILY p77lr7nW!lrrr L,M LIMN TRADE, 1867 MILROY, DICKSON Sc COMPANY, No. 54 Wood Street, PITTSBURGH, wow =Mir Theis FALL ASTOIDIiE DOM= AND FOOT DRY GOODS, 113133.A.Viriags, ' AND NOTIONS, E GREAT *ARLETA'. Th. sisoortsonat *III be kept ooze. Not. doming the Meioses, a■d Cash and Shorti . lime Boyers Ato i■.tik to oxtulao the Stook. 111. s BiZLIWY. JALipte znoilsosi zoix r, aisurs. 1867. FALL " lA "' 1867. ARBUTHNOT, SHANNON 1 COMPANY, WHOLICSJSZ DXALLEIS LI DRY GOODS, No. lia Wood Sired; rrzwpasaancranocrara. aro. OTYLId AT KUMLA P 210131 Dress Deeds, Pratt, Glastams, Cheeks, Jeals;Tweedc, Cloths, Casslieres, Paßuhl. • F. a 111.-Cassineres, Rm.lst Rawls, Skirts, White Deeds, Bleached and keno Desedign, a FULL LUIZ OF Mains aid Pisan Geode, Barred VILMA Of luta: fad Imes asaantaetara iE3!EI BEE= DAM FLANNELS, Greenville Barred Flannels, 00 I CM. at IiLU flokos, l I la all Departottals. era sati samaras oar strait. SHANNON S; CO. ';.. maz'w6 T BI ANSEI~, .anus on. A Fa Lbw 4 Iwwar=t 'it lIIBITHNI TEE NEW BOULE ARD SKIRT, 701 zallia LID szuse. la Vela. Zs e 2 Ma illbralatilld. iti € B Also, Real V Gunner* Hose, la all colon awl tat best aseestateat ma elms itaa. Abse. • fan at of • 1 Wiell'..lt trnderwear, arms orin:GOODel SIDRA 0 DRAWERS, Traveling Pine Shirt., coma's, rms,arverssalow.- OBIZACMCBO. I aroa 700LTHI5 WITH A lI7LSIDID =WY 07 Ladies' Bram Trimmings, M mai denzipttes. NOWAY fag 01.11143,UL 5 51108A11111 7505 034 AND bourn: .imttsveLizn.Argar...ei eu.tut Yl. = AT THE PEAT MUST PRICES. ®ACRD, CLYDE & CO.' 78 AND 80 Oen lawmor mmq.. COllSplilf -1•LB11 , VELD CO'S Large size city. 5-4, 44; 34 beetßl.4llltETS In the . , ,~ ~, = 1:=1 LOBED FLANNEL& =i: 443511M13; SHIRTING wATERe • WIDE vEL :• =I! L'l Is. WS own; MICA & Cal&LB'S ter. 1 a Bplased AIMIA• `AT LOW p CIS itia.CAIIN. Nr• lisperfrlaustag d Seise* Z 111.105116 Nem arid a Till sad 110ELLIM Ituisho Is MIMI EANDMISCHLIVIL Mr onr osIATIS RMIXO 00111117.” ILLIA PLAITS 1611 r ATM ALM sonr MIA Itnalat tHAWLII•O6 COMMA" an, • A 1011 W W 2 OP ' . • FISMONIBLE NT 1 VG MAW MM. - The .llttar Slillitt,pv likampoz!LemiraN "Miam i AM a aospisfeLtri an= AND WIIIMICII ,VHDLIKUIirra • 11 -mummy. ~. N. wi l i, Noe imul a NON !lase*"•• afaligy: • 4.l44 40 1 0 1 MISUIO44 taltiimm. otA . t Jo 'grim atm wings it Ammer or V ow . onfat auks Lid ?Mae • • Ili rank kg . , - - Trowas . _ diereerlh, 1 . 1111 - 000118! Tits L ATTIS. It Of t a b oret. Ix vile! . ID .l4tenggilik , ._. ailliO,OP'Pan,.. ~ .1:14%411X5t a fa out trailii7; 1141zIgni. souk Mau, /MOM auto. "thilftei'l Itiliport laility nulart.ii. 64 aid II 4Wairri 714311,11f1A:' ' , . liotalmtimnuti 41041)2, la 11l witt4i . " : • , ' CLAIM .01 &Leg:ll2lfmk Sek "Mai ,,' , ~ , . . - ' ~ ~,. - , ,- .• `H.'J. r..7lsTi3Et "r ''. 081 GOOD WOELII C innVIZZI . DOSS ii0)141 aro. se norm* sonw4;l4sissingr;Jra. EUWER & ratan u.. to ;Mitt; IeVUD Aiq, a dt. owt 7l =to. °° Jott.s o. a muck sr. Azaamnr. 00 rear own ars et an Duero. =I CARPETS. OIL CLOTHS. tto. mccawat 1111 ; ERA, No. 51 Fifth treet. i ior CARPETS. casprra CARPETS. L co. priced INT 1 41 " 1 "IZIOX X MAXIM. :IL maga Meant Salt of • •Plenaid assortment o! OIL CLOTHS. • OtwiliVolOe It crumb Cloths, lllruggets. • ♦a eituaflltt l RAG OARFETS McCALLUD& BROS., 31 Pita liitroot. Move Wood. NEW FALL STOCIL C.A.R_FiETS. MoraBLAND & COLLINS OMIIII TO OASEI BOYKIN BA.RGABS AT RETAIL ilea. 71 and 78 Firth Street, NEXT TO OWITEO STATES CUSTOM HOUSE. lil.olßD FLOOR. OLLB:IVRII:RawT. r NEW ELLE STOCK or CARPETS I A largo atoottazost of ALL WOOL INGRAINS, WOOL DUTCH LIST AND RAG, HALL 'AND STAIR, COTTAGE AND HEMP, ENGLISH . AND AMERICAN DRUGGETS, MEDALLION DRUGGETS. wt. boy to ran. BOVARD, ROSE & CO., t nrra OT focal:111110mi Um am. a Balla. VELVET CARPETS, BRWSSELS CARPETS, ENGRAIN CARPETS, NEW PATTERNS. Ittcoa of Bootoo. Now MUM JIM inn OLIVER McCLINTOCK & COMPANY, oatlw U rirnkin awn kij . :44. 11-4:7:NMI A8):-1:i:! Je• DICK. Carpenier and Builder, O. Z 1 TILINSYLVAXM O ttat . 1 . 11 , 41. str" Jobbtr, aZILL uskdOpatek. au cut.. =any alii.4loll MI 44.14.401411 a• C. ,a. 11taw ... yostaT IMOTIECUS, Zeus Clir*Vert itad • All Lads ad' Jobldaf BUtaboi r lGM " irMittr ." *l4l4=lll....lMAJll. IT.. j B. IFILANCIES, ICUMMILS. AND BVILIHNIS. uus imildlna.Stors Trost* I' 4 4 1= , CI=.""&"• i"1.1 th in labia p. 'w.v Gil. h. • Z, EL IP.Aia MEER, Hetre WNW and Cormier. alamp; B•iiC.Z.WII4ILLIT mid D 1).• Air .Fil;i 4 daze 11/1111 SOM. IMO j ftmlak. NM,» HOURS BUILDERS A3D • CARPENTIRS. i r o DADING AND UNA= mootty sties& I ningaillON sets lit adtblall strost. SZWJNG KAMilln-123. Dozer moiIDECIUTED BY r" ... htg iv. l . l o.wl M J a VSte 7Nos au NOD. "71 , rAF . WO. zoo NUM astreell. 'mama Alm SalUalistel. GIEIOII , Mit $ BAILER'S MIME STITCH All Mk STITCH Sewing 31111.04*inets Jr . J .K.,gwr iA m tga . : 4, IlasCfm, MI. UM Alta Street. GIST.XOIIE PXT A catmint & mum, pat flandijilft. Ulf tellabh. perSeirl Ilmielltretle bat. Don't= ileasElsailmo AU nrra rr.. saes. . SUROI4III/ISI3IIIIIIIIIOAISMUUSI "!% - is!zgFi pan le• us sow - 11111111 k 111 111111111 11101IIL riitestiocrirrhen. as LOW tees forums au. las nrra Bizarr. " /emir pi& anon= & BAKER SEWING MACHIN!!! . M l6' Entail Tketiter Mosaaausi. israfisies s iiro iss nrzu min?. Ifsfor Otero Ralilkillald CIONNIACITIONERIEB &o Hamm _ iv. nostril - me, 'Oodrotionery and Bakery, P 1401104 IMITIIIIILD man. ' . Mina. iciashimi la sort?. ADON attaebe4.• PrOWDATVIOOL CELEBRA. =Fe ji i Junin PASTISI.S.S. ISS COMM OUS/Vllar tm., 0 Al ass towsonstse sas es s o ts IS Z7O SeXcrilt.znisza No DIASIOND. anspass. =BIOGRAPHERS. prus UMW A CLEM tilil loge°. P. lishulaas • C 0..) 'r MOTU LITHOMPIieII ;'/ I : '' ' W * P , . fl. :. '.T , • c i 'a....''.!:111. ORAL A. mummy untiovaLtrau,, ' Avow smith s BIM lig& am zjer., '*L Sealer it We&lN,' pig Meagan& Er& irivalit num, , Bono Loom mg row, stmts. .11.41 as sturoUr “Nold•4 111. fripi/OL 11901li. i ntVaral l .o.` c " n 1 Cui r ue d "" sten pa/Saily gam— l 4 /1 Tkalli . c ;11L3112. . • 1 T 5 1 1867: FOR BALE-BRAE ESTAT VOR RALETIke best ruin In A- /airfield township. Weemondand count. tontalting about - am macs eitnalam miles Aouth ef the Peannylvenla lisithead, at Bolt.. Station. The improvemenu ` are. large hoed log Mose. With nine month, e oodmil a ro cann an. omm, with the Mint sta. whot Own t Two reilt • tad :Ill rtate O ar ' t the feeder Li all O. soU good. we ts well waito: aboot PIG scree cleared. the re. =Under la good Whitton% Umber. This prop erty is:offered at the low print of ifty Der mf. Pam's!. immediately. Also. a valuable Garden lam. contemang OP ' L ' real YEUL' ' "4 34% l' Zli" rotri gh t U7 ti laPil ltvireS .: l l Toed, utmost trinetbaa' miles Rom the dry. The imporrements are • twoitory brick boom with Me rooms, hall running through the house. with callar,th Mo. 1 hare end other outbuilding. , Abuitaxace of the beet ot all mimes. • Omens. lintwole and verycOnTe "" I nleht. ~rorntna • MIMI or sawin Powyetil Weelatorilleal Meat. =acme enn Mona t d salon. ts of ealtiattiOn. SI sate Of Irsorate white oak and other Umber. deredibm home., I album 2 r ifiri b eWi t azitsizz , ll : 4Ma tvg d at ,.. henme, Egra=thard t iegre.4 174..r= k e d t~k a t wit numerubwiTntn never ibillug tonna °.! 7= 4 ", mum; Tout at etterinta. term Is tees -4.006w1 .4gl aora brr 4qt a trz Toes tleo, a Pam one W F.. it la illithann the gil=l "' . arror e InlitUtorn.lollidoetnatT=tllglaii trams he. property all he sold hth. • Alms !lei saes In, Dem tartishly. Westmont lead oamtv, Pe.. within foor twee of Blain- VIII. audit:um =Um of two stanch, on the Pa. E. pm tmprovezams am, a sew frame dwellin boo. and outbuilding; • new et s e. Pan grin mill i with two ran of bun. two bolting cloths. uid ell the neeemary arturre, t/1 vaunt mbar. of emits troll tree. The ole Ida,. Is tindeslaid with a Sta tont vein of aut low opened, and ma Oldnidanae Of Moe -110,4. Tbi. pmeier will be sold Tel, it n i f 0i . 4 1"• MU. 1.... M. 1 . 00 I G. H. TOWER, WI I Real r.taie Arent. 1/14 Mouth at. 2,000,000 ACRE! CllOOll LM DS FOR SALO, ST 2112 Union Pacific Railway Co., zawrxuar simaiom, ua l ux. nut. .1 *l.OO to 00 Per Acr e And oM • CREDIT OP PIPE PLUM I==:l3 801111 P. DEVERZIOX, Uwe Ceasaolsaloner, Topeka. Puma. Or, CHAO. IL LAJIIIIOIN, Grey. Bt. Lola., ILL•roul. suits f HAVE THIS DAY ASSOCIA, TIM with no Ix bastnes j a l f i re . o 2 ll l oatl• WU. J. JOLT LI. M. JOHN D. MULLET & HAN STOCK ARO REAL ESTATE BROKERS AND LOOTIONLILMS. Are poopanod So oeU at Ana..., Stook., Bondo' stel all elan, of noonrittot, Re. Kent*, nown hold laroltort e 66, settler on the ...au or at the Board off.. Um.. rattle...*Wootton Dela, as heretofore, to the Isle of Iteel Rotate at rote sole. .lee oft.. notate the 6..17 Wooded. 0m..1 /14 /OUST ITESZT. WASHINGTOI CO. WAJEtaL , WY of GO ecru, of aka. GO la cleared. and Ile renalader covered wtto AIN white ask Umber. 18110.1.1 , 0 West Find lay tarnehis W loath of Wait Al=tr. Sad Wlir W. teell= or emekt scree or . k.16r4 ,1 grata bitscal: It 4oe . oTt ie:g bar ' d ‘ Yowalrol , Ples. Deem peaches. Plume, do. txol water la every Sold. CIZEIEM ES. IL 131:11. , r."..1X1'. Bra.. 14..45 NW Z 44.4, ==I=!!!21 TWO BUICK DWEL,LIENGS, un timgatr 111111IXT. um Water. Owl of tee lOW frontlet I ra Wattr, welch le a 8110 P. \entire wed ebony. Apply to STEEL & WI SON, • Broken Lad *el BMW BMW. %CO MI Wilford stmt. RUM DWELLING DI SERIES, LI/LT.—no slam:PM. Is sow buthflas sad 0111 soon bass nosy fox We. ollas oast boons of Rousso& 500m5. ,0, 010 0 . 4 ., Poe* , P 0 0.7. twos room, klichos, mask room, omen thus. god Oath rpm. lows store most. Vs closets, good sotlam s/.llstootAVls owl ssr. , = trjtViZtrfil tbe 110 ;MS.. le•ltsd to sall .24 gumbo. the psoesllos. Skew oalsetas osSir. Irons gnat.. P 511.7 r. rt. M. • C. lielonor or wi tness soy vool. JU/121 WA; Jit.. IMOISto , Sorrlcklmisis P. 0. .14'011 SALE Olt HUM CHEAP— .- • Yana at Clreeateee SUM*, es the Ces• tral Santora. eentalalas rum (mem"- as made, sere becalm and • .hee, red ochard: a v t! gq."4.7 1 =11,4=a 4 4:Prgeei d ar= tze i ai dA ze of ie WAIM. MESNS2II =3 A- 7- 613AILWRIVII rootWALE; doDoblo at roltalog boatel. dolly, to. autism Most% Mama, nom boom. data wog. ow. made, no W t.o somotard llrtlibta tot • Mao amines nO latztedloto edema:mt. rum ma PI awn of coot. d I. oa.tat tie most vltiosble words on OW Idomoodoltolo rtvor: be mold low oad so M t tems. apply to W L. lidtild. tool Ed.. Ss. f• Wait Bt. 0p0.1.14 13•5,11 HOW. 1140IINE AND LOT iron SALE, s-e. attestedst ears. •1 Lanus sed Bobo Mutsu. PUtaberta. Lulea Out es US feet, ex. Weed_ Is as drams haus. 100 abut. SUE tar en maw; sine sallau Unt• 0 0 041 cent; ludesallufa on tee let S rna. 0.100. :sr 10 8. WAIN • CO" 11 Tune wan. M SESTATE OF WILLIAM HEIM, Osesthort. . Norree It hereto , glum that .Letts.. or Mara- Wraiths es the ester. or Um above sate WM. AVM. We of Jltleshear CM. In the thusly • Allthhesy, dthosesd. here ►.es striated to JORMAI. WALTIII.2, ...Pits Is the Dthesth Weeder the saes dlr. et Lath • Pas• Brewery. All wryest. therefore. Motu shams or do. made sestast the estate GS the loth Leeriest, eth reproutoth Le age the some Worn to the thy JULIA U. WALT/1111. ',Meet Baler. JOG/ GAO. WALTEIVI. QetoMrfu, GO. ocllGreery WW P T ERN DISTRICT OF e PIINIreTLT&NI a. Mt •tenturberge. um re Oar et ...her, D. LW. Tte ...Wenn , . Weer gtvre eau. of at. polemeet _ap_ eeeleeee of SETT.", Jell." ;ht h antr i 4ti el.egheav, nteteef ran n trltelt 111.1 Elbtriel t •Itl. ha. bet W e 'entree. epee tk•lr wont (It'll IT the lolstrtat Cain at gel Inetrlet. JUBA H. 11•ILIY. bet:elemit I (VT at Sue, 'likens el WE/TTeBN DISTRICT OF SSSSSS LVANIA, At llttebarah.teet it env of Meaner, 1.10 isr, 11. Worsicalli vor,r.t. r ratteberill, ll l aa at te eta. Pr ressonly.la, 010*. I. sele munch 'dm b. M. ailleagen , all. a, If Ise Dletalet Vovt r s , • eat= ltionre -4• ll 2•9• l 3Tettet Meet, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.- /MW flumveztras...lnh . ..f rtirV Ott! . taill b T ol on o i t tiaVe t a o tmat to the s ioiti' t.r mom*. =rod= e `•"5 1 1 u"" °"""T ". IlolthiltaVOUoll. dak% Ootottkro 411.055 My. 146 IN TUE COURT OF COMMON r. 71 ° . t inLibi YO O. altd.ll2g • penal?. 00 Plano a /tower, mina earshot Pouf... Nam Billdsvlt 0.1 PVT license Illed farll 07 elf& tater ... r(Vel 1 . 11171. ts. Ws's* do seal... es Wee egg a/ sad adypkgr.. J 010• melt u 11..7. 117. Is dorsal.. tler. hog. U. 1.11. ISM Mae•e fameegrolbonotasy to N.U. esloaes• due 1.1•1.1l1re d..debto. es de. Vere. 7 1 1" rall. " 1.1:1. "0 ..111 q 11 .0' ! ayalt.t,T,:enr,t,jirotoTialiit 144, elves toile d.l.pdasto sad ail partial.elooky sou env • 11, Qat th• Prothomosor of Alle musty. pio7:; . lw":latdrufe avt . AtZ s V ..THUlso.eb J e. YElßs . d at das.. s ) 4.30477 . 4 rt•atur..‘•••• WESTERN DISTRICT OF At Pgar:I LV teirat l'. lia. TbtPlieder• i igP t l SfuttriryVagato ofAlllutly.m 11.. $lO testy u eb not 171011„ Iv 11.1 A da/4 flume...he br u ilv i riv.ve • es,krapt too. Isl. atm " • Judi lantNeel. " 4lgat l" ! " etlo,l7lllstr_ Attempt. mlaw. idta . pg. A . reisTßAlroitysium b«. 7 l::=l4% . l4:lL:Mr A i n '' trit; atuatizi lb...tam of 41011111 e. ° 14t211,11... It : : l4 otVotrterAtt:on:ll 4 :l4.t.:4 s". 22,000t0ct0 Nala pampa, 504 Shots 0.71114 ms moms soo soorarg bat% to otagothw , • *aft ivitot t rittltnarg%. LETTERS OF ADMINISFRA• t , L l.U r . ::: l 4r . tom d ilta t. ilef ii NU. moat Skirl t rlrdi,lllll7t, rtly.l.. 1.1. UV. •• ExEcarrosup BOTICF. :D a li s liv i ttnTartZ. T .., auto . I. ICr .antson towasOlp. ~. er.may 4.2.4. .... Au l\ ~ , , . .r NI t•to•vao...lgami, dal per -1100. MYR. PI 111114 Utile MD nOootto4 to I. " . 1.." lio Intapasi aa4 Moe having el.'s= irU, siea, Win. 1a0P.117 . 0 . 0 . 0 . r ma raugatummis. ' WV. V. EVA.IIIII. lisintor. Tannats 0e1.11)1 . 1117. . . 3 . , r.l, ff UJE MATTER or THE AP. msAffOrdrattMearig Matas, - Illa:::•=1Vasoll ortm, or • =trirt= 1•• 1 , •••••• Obitto of wporsues.y W 'NYS 11111 011211:1 rirallalMtta jam tiro • T ihrinftittlaafLairi 0+ ragsl;ll"4l2%:=Va.. • ;.. 4 „t7K l ll==tl.2" Wisucapas z latier i Test o mpla .44 L -S,, 4-artnr...ag m o m:. la l tr iz Had . 1 ... a Lirtqu make ..., - Ppa n iplat Zs, " prmaty ,It/mi -- wawa. 2.144442. inntior. HART, CAUGHEY &............ C 0.,, STEELE Bankers and Brokers,- FLOUR, FEED. R.11. , r, Ho. 93 OHIO tiTlaliT. CORNER THIRD AND WOOD STREETS eiL'''''' ALLEUYIENY CITY. Pa. rrrreamen, rEtionsestaa ITLAT k 00.) I= Exchange, Coin, Coapons, t.T. our- GO VERNMENT BONDS. MIRMSEI N. HOLMES & SONS, 33.a.mmr.m3R. $9. No. 57 Narket Str eet, PITIUBUIZBEi. Deepens re...teed in Par turd. and ParreneTt COUScUolia made on iIL the Drlnelpel point. of We Untied Piatee and cans 4,44. I Stocks, Bonds and Other Securities BOUGHT AHD BOLD ON COMAIESIOX. enrueliv autumn tald to tlot DO ' roltosa tx4 Ma of ' 11. S; Secturities, Ina u. 6. 1111/ED 1./7 1 , 7111: do. do. 1-402; 17. D. nuts U. a. GIRTIPICATEB LlSDlrltTir.llbliin. Order. axtd Vontherstourcht or collected. 1.0:•1 DOLLAR I - r SAVINGS BANK, No. 65 Fourth Street, CHARTERED IN 1855 ABACTIII .1'.282.900 °Pen daily from k to fo'clock, &blood W day and batarday eyentngs, from May let to Noe Pemba Ist, from 7 to 9 o'clock, sal from NO. Vember let In II ay Ist. from 11 to o'clock. Deposits received of all mums of not es. de- On. Dollar, and a dividend of the •profits de clared twice a year, In June and December. In. ims been declaredsabotionally In June H and December since the an m k ...organised, at the rate of six twee.. a Interest. If not drawn put, is plated to the Credit'f the depositor,. principal. anal.bears the earns terest from the Ant days of June and Deeember, compounding Deice • year. without troubling ( b e depute.t to call. or oven to present bi ass than t pass tame. At thl i s rato money will double In l twelve year Books containing the l midianslatkou,ftinsish PYieipkxrOYl at MID. mini(°ooiou~fuuya MILIJE ALBREE. A. M. PRobb olloc . k, I 31.1.1.. !Oben JJamnohs U. nimenbergar, ames Alexander tixtitr. Clbrlatlen Yeaker. rue, Robert O. Loomis. , Joan Marshall; I Walter P.Mtarchall, 11 "3 Ir . ! 147,17z...5ebfft:t.:" Alexander Tlndle, Ilwliam Vackiet. W Weider.] D. WEEDS. Ili rtes John O. Bartenen Bard. 1.. ralmentoek Jamm Hardman, Jam. lleAulry. Jmcas B. D. Mends, ham Y. Pennock. WsiJ. A Andorson. MEW Y . obp C. HlndliT. deo/. 1110.1 k. i i nnsc ' ol. w ea'rrter. Po '" " It.t; c e"°•• . 0111 A 1`. 11. ;151i. Pew turd H Hem. Hanker. Ille Jules D. YOH, THcAscruns—CH•RL' lI•cmaTAHT—JAH. Y. MATSU SAVIIGS tak, .ro. 59 Fourth areet t r 10 1 31341.31R1M 1 °ME1-131:CI 11386. Lateran Pahl ea Thin °opeel ta lay gam raintrad ha= Oae Dollar aperard• Deposita sabjaat to Cheek. •tialtheat Lateran. DIDCOUNT DAILY. AT 13 WOLOWL. President—THOMPSOS 'lee President—A. M. IllAttnitALL. Indi(11118.5. • TaMhasos Sit,. 4. 4. Ulu.serrii, JOrts 11.13a1.11,... VIL MASLIMAY.S. JOB. ==rM:l LISZNEWL.MCE3 ,01,02,. .102.1. b W. Caldwell, 18.4 m, Darld Ken. Ea. ar ALLfEGIIF.NT SAVINGS BANK, ii.L.LTAMENT, PA. Clol•64allina el la ammo. lITOOLHOLDEI/3 lIDIVIDUALLT LIABLE /.I Depotlts reoelveil and lit D.. cent. tatereSl 10.. on tlele depealc.. rartlealar etteettlep VIM 10 Qollectlon. awl proesed. promptly re mltted. SazdTburfday. . .. . . 9. Wettwb. ..I. T. btoct.l•l4f. ii ... , ...11fy, _ E teat Tiernan. ''''' J A gi. 1.. th ' itarin ,v.td . . ( . JOHN W. RIDDLE. CzahNr. 1441 Cheap Soap! Good So a p !) N&ThONA REMMED SAPONIFIER Conocatnited Lye. 2 Cb, a lb. for Mellor Hari Soap, TWELVE POUNDS OF .SOFT SOAP FOR ORE cEirr Every Family can Make their Own Eoap, ALL VARIETIES OF SOAP. iCia Cully Wad* La • Cup •D 1 IN i new Concentra:Ad Lye, ter =eking gap, Juni discovered ht OIIZINLAND, LS Mt ARCTIC Fillaa, lad is calm:twat mainly of Altuitizata of &do, which, when mixed with am. 'EIS /AT, prodooom tits HEST DETERSIVE SOAP Box Will, mato 175 Ina good soft Soap, to taitortor Hard Soap. Illntanod by an Inundate and - Grooms In IN, United MAU& irru. news Irma MU= 207 t../ tilealase - ebtata It eche/reale la sue% gosh weatalatag 48 beses, at . Ilberaa diseemeat. et the .etteleeato eraem aa4 °might, la an the Wot! sag atUee of the (WWI States, Mat CWPOBD PKIDIER) Gesital Amt. MlZStraa. MUM Wismatee lb Cook, Cake or noose as won as sip Storo,th the BISSELL & CO., $ LTSERTY EITILTJa•, Ala Olk boa and rat aalq 'memos 15TOVI Hurts° armies,. "PiIifiIZWOHINU It/1101:6. 1 Addrosa O. B. Woodwcirth & Bon, I LN:heater Chemical Woriu/ hi 111, 11l I 111 Milo bed, ROCUICIIIMR. B. 7. ' \ N. T. oviloz. Lir e \ neverro.dwar. P. 4, ed : - 111\ FR ii az El I ezh. , ;ina. , \ a n k A:li L rill 'ZS - a l , ° ,l.ti A 5 ;ilia :x 4.-,_. .. 1 ". .. 0 "P .. 41 - . Vi:31• 1 1 ,A s tr 1,.54. E ,: il °11 4 2 1 1 /. 4. ilipt, / lo eiru , Tige . pi g. • me ~,,, . - , m , .ter4W474ll:l l Atz . IN %Inn - inntrawa Enz. , :71Z in f l lirraVA l akli:pliii,„ tafit;;Tlllr:gt.rig l """TT , •''" soka sozmipee so:nao4llpoObs. 1 ELIOT'S CAM' WADI! AND OASTEW Gia.—A flail anonertaat of alard Cam Wads, Cartridges .4 aismaahloo , soy, e by SARIS DOWN. asailtaitll7/ • IN Wood otavaL A. TOILING & WHOLP.4aLE DZALiftll /LIND Commission Merchants in FLOUR, FEED, AND PRODUCE GENERALLY. No. 555 Penn St., PPPTSBOUGUI. Pet. EMI BREWER BURKE & CO., Cemssiort lIESCUILNTS, f LOZZ:TS Poe. yin • Padlle, Globe & Liberty OH Works, erasAMA. WM. lbr Orma sad /leaned Lt. each *dram. mad. on conslirmaara Crude or Heated Va Ind... Yards for atom. and .0 Iprmat of erode 011 at La...earn* 00 rm a 0 nd a Warmmot.r . r Co b r anrearb o . f trodana LS Teas — AZ . . 7 . 1 7w''' GoinassioNN:utoKANTe. Flour, Ural% Seeds, NM Feed , at. ;40 LIIIB6TY BTEZICT. • inTil PITTOBOBSEL. EtNltlt ILEA, Jr., " 17.0tUR, And Produce Couunlsslon ffierchint. e.. 3 245 LIBERTY erusar, PITTBRUEUIi. STY ROBERT KNOB, Jr., COSIIIIRISION MIERCHANT, Ana ewer la F'LOUR, GRAN AND PRODUCE, °Mee, OS LIBERTY NT.. 1. nLANciLann, WHOIXIALI AND IiZTAIL Fit. CO CI in IFt. , 398 Penn Stavot. tr.19:219 AWL. 1. AMflit M'DANE & AMER, Commiserion Merchants, Dealer. le ?LAMY. URAleland PEOTRUJI snerally. No. lel WATICIA above elnitbeate treet.. L'llistneve. 1.5 FETZEU b. ARMSTRONG, PORTAXIgG 6411128101 MUM, for tea mat t e or Plow.. Unto, Bacon. Lard. Hotter , Bow% Ihl.llfralts, m e rcer of la Mort et !Aro... oofoor of TIM. l'ittotrarig Pt re=:us POat R. IHNON - 8. SON, Commission MIAMI ANTS aaa Dealera to YLOTIE, KILL FULD and 17/01M02 mint- IT, No. 79 Diamond. opyortta Oltl HaII.A.CL•• lal 7:117 DAT'. CILAWFORD,coninitA lON HERM:MM . trald /LEW, /MOUE. OILE, VIDIJUOIiT SORA.P MON, ArME BRICK arol CIA T. af, Warehouse and 4101c5e,N05. 366 Anot :MN 1 . 611 N lITISZET. Statue furnalbed. Comormerans .olfaitea. qj yrr : wt, . • . -: • inhnlaaalserocara Oonzdarlon Manahan and dta.ers Produes. Franz. Ohm% rtsh, Cuban and Lard OIL. Iron. N • • • •• • RISMEtt & BlloB.,(Suocesson to litrmar ♦ Andtasm)WhelaaalettaaLars to l'ort-iaa /matt, Nataaad BDIDM. Conbettaa. 7o . oglarat!lboaa Pittle . 1•12417• JOUN U. CANFIELD,Cosamis aI,I .211 Yorsnmsdlos_Xerchant asul who.- eale 44-!sr Wes.. Reserve Ct... Bats . r. Port, BaosokyNoes , reti. and 'P.- FUN rot end r:, est., .4 (Mk 'Pro - sseer.v, NOR 141.4 lit Trost Plit•batEti. itIDDLE,No. 183 Liberty St., eL-ne Pntebargb, ra.,orunlesioeterthant.aal Wavle. ale Deader la Cannery Produce, Orme:ries ad! Pnee burgh icanntactuenn Caen advanced Oa Ooralnantenta. and raid to: khottne• aopo tIOIIIIINOW.IIII 1100...Tf1a. 110011... JOILV L HOUSE & C 10.10.5 TO 10ILY 1. )30aliz CO., WU.I* 11,3ve, 1.70 . 211121111.1 MOSTAIIIII4 I%IT pet,: '. , 2011:tOe111 and Faun . stn,o4, Pluitrarril QCIiONLME.I2 & LANG, Whole •l.lers la qmsollos. Ylo .A nth.. AV: dna, P, ovlslets_ ,P 126. CA:Pe, AIL, Canaan OIL • Nos. In and R. Wood t.tMt. SIIdiPLIOMT MAIM PlMl:crcb, max sutrrom.-- 16444.11 glifin'ON 4. Weill& f IE, whole. e t .1 , 0 , 0 „. Z kr • sp PEODIMIL DEALERS. eh. OIL WORKS& COMPANIES EUREKA OIL WORKS, Itaaltao.r.leas of Eueeka Carboil Oil, 7 4 TxLi CZIMIZAT.II.I Sperm Lubricating Oils, CECEIVICAL LIME= OIL, I= idnale, Refined and Latatattadi Lard, 2±l=a, Vra al and B. C. MACHESNEY, Agent. 19 Irwin Street, PITTIRTIIIOI9 H. M. LONG - & CO., EANIJ/LC2171121111 Or NIB iffITH BRINING OM. Brand—" LUCIFER." Once, No. 2 Duquosne ( Way, nrrsuumenr. PA. TACK BROTHERS, COMMISSION REMOUNTS, 13=2:2E1 Petroleum and Us Products; _ ." sandtag comer of Dago-tate lirsy and blot" ittnitt..• r 111LADELPH LA. US/10 t—IST Walaqn n. • • aptwal WARING &XING, Milani MIMS All MUM IT! Petroleum and Its Product& Maze Block,littquesup Way, rrninsvutaii. AUD1124521: WARINC. KING at 00.... 11=MMMR=I BUT TUE BEST, . PEYROLIA BLUE LEAD. /01/ OIL narnmus Manisa;Arad =IF and for Wan, T. IL t EFTA' P/ONEWR rT . WORE* ar.W.00r.4:14 Vales ktfarket SU N oall pir Ma IMO H. FA. ww. wriun LDB;111 Cat EAGLE; OIL mtwevo - rezokofts . 4rtliei. - .. WIC4Tr44AN &ANDERSON. _ Mennen and DealOn in . PETROLETTM. ornoo. noon.) snow. Donn OMB BT. AND =MUM Way. r. C. Itrnria. 0. u caumr..w. s. wanuraus. 50110 OIL WORKS, • Manorlain and kayo Art sate all Linda of 1,, OB a" 61' OILS; IST. GLAIR ISTIMICT„ , nor►on. aitnam&-vo • °Ng Dr. N. W. BATES, VETERINARY EERREON. Mee and Stables to rear of larieiel bloet4 .dip.a,he .' toe Livery and Ws tante. of Ur"b" DIAMOND; AllealitY. a . .„kbeie—a2 veto Alto f/L.1100n4 'Ward. Home nil 41allyttgratedugr 00bl, di,. "Cargy:Malett JP. HAP, lletehank ..deca4 Viren•nigewirat.Jarnee elitir/Jr. , L.its, so ihrty gnat: 1-vi.ILIVILVaIi.7 Pak :10, • Federal itelet, 5.11.,„..PEALT2 VlittatHrgleKta•Patehahnlairvi;,•l4)7TeArelMifari% • „ pnor. N. P. DUSIMIr, • VETERNAV SURSEIN £N NORSE MINER. Thmanal Intrapse Lintaftte ' ItTrEr Is t aiuk " r nzni traivezt Itthaboz.,r- I. UVrigrifon ArY! Irls's istrig•Oritlirrnln tst 44ziii. ota:73_ Vsli b tt,Wr rar : Jobs urker,ll.u.:l). a. Vaas. 104:171 JOALN 3I CC sues,L Attorney -at-Law. ST" Plttabturth. Collee .oet. spec , LlY to. It . A. CAMEHON. Attorney -at-Law, J. 1.• No. 98 Fifth SUNeet. R. sunni.r. 110BEIHTti. - • Attorney -at-Lax'. thsec-No. 73 tissaar Airtpealal atuntion elvta to c.s. 134131. name, LS TACT S. 31113R0 ALDERMAN, ExrOfllcto,Juatlce of the Peace, AND PULICL MAUIbTI!A.TIL. eke, !la. 7! Veanylruis dream Piastrird, Pa Deeda, Acknoarlady:neat, DaynalLioca and all Legal linalnaaa d arltn DlVlLititteus and dlanstett• o:21 A . AMMON, JUSTICP OP THE PLUM. Ckonoyoooor, Real Lobate and lostasneo Arent, CARSON ISTBELT, Last 1:1roaloglasw. Collect Sot of Root, solicited and oromptly .111r1.. WILLIAtri H. HAILRJER, • JIIBTIOE Or THE praor, Clnil/MU:CIS% Mo. • (Mee, ISTRILY.T. otarly oppotll: Hallway Dem/L.Booth Plttsburge. Mariners en trotted to PM care promptly attoudocl to. • My :vll DANIEL IIicIDEAL„M, D., - PRACTICING PHYSIC Al 4: • 02c* and Ret!dano% No, 150 Grant St., near blg4. anxo•rn J. & FERGUSON, Attorney-a-L:7w, 83. ha? 1‘1.7r7.1.18.882, MOM> FLOOr. rtr.rr 200 IS aptooi H . IL racconDuca, - 411.t.tdi-.r.a.ervv,=.4l..:l7:asyscr. Gra t Waal Pl•atap:_atccallua alecu to all Maas ol• law alumina • ap3,o w . A. LEWIN. .A'ITOVINEY AT LAW, No, 98 Diamond Street, C==o! JOHN W. ILIDDEL7L;* ATTORNEY AT LAW, OEFICE: 115 , roust . = STREIT!, =C=E H . C. MACELRELL, alonary a. CIatIN:ELLOA AT LAW , To. 89 Grant Btrest, rrrranuncre, PA. pin.= JOAN ea. EATsr33:2lltMLE!!iimff. Ex-011icio, Justice of the Peace •ED VOLICE ILAGDSTRATE, Mice, 1112 1711,11 St. oppoelte.Cathedral, PITT3BUILU Doed., BoadJ, Monism. Ackamledsnants. "DepottLons .1.1 atl Lexal Bach." asecat.l promutnens mod dllsnateh. In919:111 WILLIAM JANCEY_, NCtI'ART vv. PUBLIC. JUOTtCIe OTTHE PEACE. AND BEAL =MAT/ Ali /NT. illace. corner of Sutler and PTILVOr Crean. Lawrenearllla: Of atonal. g Lyon le c oola end sant Of E 02.1 /data. sae Colleetl. Henta. mad tile Of pra M ysraeloa asal ayance.cktemledgatemt of all klrido 01l Conve Janke of taa Tame aod A lro j tar i P S Wie. laylad=3 JongC.IIIcCOMBEI, • ITITIMEY, INS VINSEEICII AT LAW. No. 87,, Fifth Street. airrmgions, uocittles. sad &mars of Pay plomptlrcolletted. sO2/:0gli INB7RANCE BEN FR/17.1,1iL1N INSIMANCE COLITLNY, IN IPAIIKUN SAVG3 BANK, No. 48 Ohio at., Ailegh any, Pa. • - max.cronA: . H.r7 uto. P., Biddle. =du. Ur.n. T garptr. J. B. Fmitet. W. M. ttc...n. . Joseph us.utoe.r. GEO. n. Seeret.ry. HW9AY• MAVIS. Prw Wens. oc:Vi A LLEGIIENYJNSUMPACE CO 0? 1 • 1171P511110_%-tiCoo, No. A Pita Areol But Moot ts. 101.1.$ Lind. Li F.re and Mi • . , it nl.o f BlJ rrest.t..s. D. 111.4•0. VipsPriod.a. 8 . .P.: 1 i7g.'it.16 5 ". at= A, _... , S OTS Joan !JIM. Jr" - Car.. No. Lean. Jahn D. .tacos 11.1... Tabzesloat Viliv h knns, ikbe l a l l A.'lfga; • T. J lioaktwax. Prattel.esellers, . Marl. LI int. , ' lik.. D. TeHme. RENNEnawm. INSURANCE 41,11C2.5.11Y. OF PiriSOURON, PA, tiGtoo.lll,lll2. Street, /Guth BUNN, rali It •110 ma Comall . ...ll.lmanwmrsici lonely ltre mr.eltuely. • 1.6014A1LD W ...I.TICI, rresldeat. C. V. COl - 1.., Vie. Proallm.. COSSET CATILIC/i. ^I . . mu. • ICJOB ICICLIMNY. ;IVITUJT. c Tr 4; .' Loosard Sit: tkarg a W 1.15 0 ,2. 0..(1. Bey 1 (Ito. W. Cm., Jikanzt YIL J. C. Lapre it =qtr 7 =IC:u... J,.,/Lasua .. IJ. 4 14 . 7 .. i. s.'l widm INDEMNITY AGAINST LOSS BY 173131, FRANKLIN INSURANCE COMPANY. OF PHILADELPHIA. OlAce: DA fwd 487 CTIESTNEIT BT. Tam Mk. eker, north. IL Loan. 20blasWainer. David H. Banta 4emael net. Isaac L., Jacob U. !mint. ' admen! C. Dale, nootat W. usenards. Conn, Pales, . 011/.... U. BAN!: Ita, Treete,... WI!. C: illeali . 4.l44aL4,, , Vieo so lVa . loentC J. eAII.2IIVEII CONTI% Agent, . Nona Wen tor. 'and a Wood sta.'. WESICEON LTICIIIANCIK . CO., or MIYIPP.Ye Nunez: rnwani. Wm P. IfiltUEfIT A wow". CAPT.' tlYoEttli hi WILD, (touch! ASIA I. C Calm SO W.? otnat. houg L a D. by.. Bosh* oh othlm.PlUshoh. s ain, malign:at at' notW i llatixt who wolfraown to 14 '''''34 [ y . oltd ;r741 orw detertathed by protortawth had lthertitt, to hti.otsla tho el width Ur? , bwre ta. ...4. . oftertox it* but gawbecttah to *two who desalt to tor.Pantbed.. • : . . by It. .. • Ife.11:1_ Aes... 1 .:_ Irtat l Y l1 _4 1 4 4 ' ' ~• Ohio. albitabli. Otil 11. moan& AleolnArY &woo. .'. hatosP.ll etl:l7l7‘.l'll, :i i:I , Vit iE J.:3. I°PU.44 4 . Ro.wwt•rw. pEoP4II 11 1 / 8 1 WIMPS, W. 11,C08. WI IUiIikANCE , l1(111 VID,r/rzu dr) . , ". : A flows couranA," , • TLKINU. nus Alit) bauLuzi usu. 7' rt. r1 , 141:34''. Cap.. John iM IT k e . 1 '''' C apt. iss.yaio jot= 7,. iarimatslat wz vta rk n . m . Tp . IL. 4dtvat. . ft". . 7- , , • ra. pliant, Pnvq.u.u. • w jp • „i d; tt Witert Vice Precdirn o ' • .- ' 011 at• riMITISN. th.t. , l Av. ti :Vizy_4ll:) EEttuU.ANTF? gvray -AND,. SALE STABLE. L W NICSOLEPS. PROPRIETOR. BOIL 'llll ;LAID 1141' IrltlaD "mate is annum , liotel.) MUM 010181AtlEtl, to 011114 He tteutar aniadonyald to P.M.. .ad "*.' on, rd• 1"." , 7 (.) • •••, 1•7••••=4.1aa 11111111;AND 6 0111143111LLi: Liver 3 I :ate Stabler. ittllrof.d Depot, , • PITTS-BURCH. isurrato. p4sd to him/11114 ( ArrligrO /or framals. . Hones kept at,llv.t• =1:1 PARTNERSHIP NOTICES. 00- PARTNEBB.II.Ie BUT/OE. -ms.' HO.UINSON asso• ••••• elated wlttinte tp the manufacture Of alai, Wars, to date trout tatOnat. 11111 button *U' 00.11.4441pider tbo Kyle et BEST & 110111INSON, /lathe corner of Third Lad Try anty when allerden 1111r1 1.61.4 prompt attention and be examotel Nth dirpursh. . ~■s .. ME! DtM . PARTNER. 4tAntrivoll;l47Ki Val? 17.11 a. VA gat it7ll:t N A l i e of +e. it, ,p? ruu. o , 0e.4 . 11',71T ' 4.111.7174 dEXLE , NTS. 1101..5E. Lir - NEW • ..mthrnion R HANN' • El= !lie OsW, Ott. valid. nragrEv..n . , 4 - 4,14,E4.,1 •r 1-4 , , 3yit. A,No v,, ,, .. 114....F.T T.L1•1111. rb''''''..".,,l, — ,,, r. of 4r1•14 ,timlke• Lit. , 0 F.rl /• ) 6 V , ... k 11 . , ,4,,,,,,, SO. hr. wm: .4•4 nre•44 4,4. tn.. n. w 1•4••• tegent• of the P:Alitr CI, I' ;,,-.. ox ~ • ~,, '" "..."" ~, , , , ,,4... ‘414 a n ,Mr • •rn, pros, 91.4. r , I ~ %,:, Nr:": 2= 1 1371. , :l PIO: 'Mk., I ..!:.. or .' . Itrl,a•a ' v.4. ' " .' r ''' .."" "Y ilinexu. .. ...0 .. ...,..ey •0, , .10... ,t.t .11..,,, 4 •-1 4) 'lll E LIN - S. lar - CONCCIIT SALOON, Bear Wen..ton sow. ..... PrWitt% ITIMMI ! Eos.g 'et ntd collection of kßktß QUi9. INDISE 81. VnRY NIGHT. PT A CO it I gr. 11=2153 Or7lll T It L. WILLI 1. IL .lit? 1,1-• i!LE'S ARIETIES !~ !Manson' g•• m t SII•ntl I ,,Vie ..r eesal ' l e l lady athlat li:111.:AlrrY;(111. rest Rees ItPO Wire Penman , . , AlumMa'a Ulla Joist. -le • of th, llebanw." IL4 c.. i ay-- I fit; k QUIEEN, 1 Ii I VTST6• 1 11171ZEOCI ALW. DEN. Er. of London. :^1,42 ecatlt s from otbef 00 IDPO• ri s, r ..t s .. b . 1 i/E1 Tgillf thaq Evening. November 124 k. ILI I , oli THE BENEFIT _ lll t ll.,, EY'SrllMlCll.llleevnth It. Is Open'EVERY EVIZNING. s h 7 Fa e, t.. 1 11 ;r, ' I/ COLD IiEWDED • CANi wit " I lac _Editor receiving. the hlibut A :,. . aaaLir r rot. k"LUMfg' FITTING. E. cer....01 IA ANA I G ==l Ili a. co., 3. Lumars BT2EST. toppoalle Liam. Honda , BBRi, CAS 4N suit mmui • • Ice. .13 Pumps. L,41 tonk . 5V9 curios. Om 1 • ra. •nr partYntur actuation. city car country, • IL P• U Ale and ➢.