'THE - DAILY GAZETTE. • 'tuatara= =MIT =lmmo. • - PENNUI&N, REED 34. Ea, I.royariotorso. 40111.11 =NO. linslos“ T. Z. T. T. 1 .41 1 1•411 . ..... • lAlto's.. • Orin; GAZITLZ BUILDING Nos. /Hi it SI TIFTU ■TRCCT. !Wig lerlilicut ?sr Team Pestsilniti. CrrIOILL MU Or PrriBBolll3 131 D ALLEopar OISr. C/16"..1MT rad BERT . PLIII7.I' AAA CoMMEACIAL PAPER fat titatat. • TiZMIII OT IRK Dall.3t per wvok irawca.lvers,per fe Addrein. ZIiTTN. =I Eljt gittslnvro Gaptti • Gonnhon Gnat ye - stonily hunted a prohlynatioh4letlgnating Thursday, Oth November, as Than - lying Day. WAND RTEU. LitOAD. SA=E OF PITTSBV DENVILLE R • Suprema Court Thomas gage, wilt sell the Pittsburgh • Company, to Court House, instant, detailt menta u pro• Under a decree of of Pennsilranis, Hr. Tathi True of the m• the entire property 04 and Stenhenville Balk. the; highest bidder, at t 1p thrasity,•oe tho. dth haring been made in 'Med In that instrnmen EDITORIAL GLEANINGS TERRE is mutely a city In the Union that within the last six months tuts not bidet. heist one fiendish outrage cam .`rnitted upon some of its female reddenta The pardalunent for this ensue is terribly insufficient, and ha.s proved to be totally inadequate. The crime is the worst in the• cal9dar, and entails more mental . sgonyand more lasting stigmalhan any other; Murder limerey compared to it, and hanging is too good for the cling . nala Every day tha number of install "as incenses. :and the punishment for it should at once be made severe enough 'to check as much as posalb:e the horri bie onward tide: ; - Jeer as the excitement over the Nicol son pavement contest in tne City of Brotherly Lova Was calming, down, it has been resuscitated. North Broad street fought for months, and at last laid kinile or the N Maori, with which they • were all enraptured. South Broad street wrangits; iito„: - bUt vetoed the Nleolson, ' and are. pitting down the concrete pave. meat. And now the controversy is be tween tint partleans el the two sorts. We have bad enough trouble with the Nicolsort question alone, here, sadden% Want to touch pitch pavements for fear of being defiled. StßoszToN A. Minces, Eeq, died re eenily In Paris. Hewes one of the most . :prominent iaerthants of Philadelphia, was fcernerly - . senior partner of the To. ' tbatteo house of Altreet Bros. & Co., and ' for the last twenty years has been Fred -tent of the old Farmers and Mechanics Bent. During.the war he was Treas urer of,the Citizens' Bounty Fend. Last year his health failed him and be went to Snropeto recuperate, but found only &grave. Tun total loss at the great fire on Broadway, New York, on Wednesday morning, was 8250,000, and the total amount of insurance was $168,.000, which Was divided among a large list of cont .: pante& The Royal, Liverpool, and • London, of. Ragland, the Pacific, of Ban Prandsco, North American, of Philadelphia, Western, of Buffalo, and the Albany City were the heaviest suf firma Tux stare mill and dwelling house of Jot= Strong, situated at Huron station, on the Detroit and Toledo railroad, was destroyed by fire on Thursday, and also over boo million staves. An equal num ber of stair was saved. Tho loan is es tiutated at thirty thousand dorms, and he has b _ut Ova thousand ,thdlars an maw wu arrested an a charge of big amy in Chicago, on Wednesday, against Whom Ilya! proved that he had mani ed.two :woken and deserted them both. Thai Were .or a forgivina holor eirwand did not want to prosecuteb3m, . thefanly both wanted him for a .has .Tun celebrated Dickler :collection ir coins wu sold in New York recently, and brought very good prices. The .Azieripm dollar of 1801 brought $l,OOO, and scieral others broughtequilly fancy prices. It - was. considered one of the • finest •nnmismetieal collections in the Giro. U. Pairtmxrosi„ who was an- Emitted to lecture in, Detroit, Chicago, MilwAnkte etc., declines now to lecture 4400E14 that he has higher and Morn Airessing engagements. Haman , aloe hide nigh and presing engage. •• iiiiiitivitich - abont finished him. Art YLVIIIBITION of flying machines in to take Place in England, next spring. - 'Mention is as yet made of the de - 7,inirtment reserved for perpetual motion machines;, but of course such a roars- Etticwill be made. • TIM New York Evening Gazette says of an exceedingly vale clergyman In that • City, that Ibis waiting for a vacancy in • the Trinity. O. A. SALA is going to imitate ,Bir Walter Scott bi paying his debts• • with ' his novels. This is rather bard on the 4. Nar, Tom exchange complains of • the Eircpean moils. Oar housekeepers compialnas loudly of the European fa. A nsw magazine if to appear . shortly In:Washington. 'lt - will belong to the Government, and will be built of brick FRITZ 11112TEIS Is the most popular German novelist of tbil'ilay: HO writes only in tbei Afeekliiiliery Tetertit BALL cells Teatime) , a con. tradictory writer., Pity we couldn't hive a few more contradictions. . ;idea nova. preys are common in the ,tilaboe theatres. The eight hour system ; 'Would be's decided improvement. Pima. Gotworza Berra's father has committed suicide, leaving the Professor a comfortable Jacopo.' Taxan 4 to ba e contest for the clam plouiliip of the snore's la Pastime', for WO a aide.' I, , Ina New York Leenizip Gaudespeake of. Wes Aaly.oUe as a diatlnvaished as- A, 1 1714 7 ears old eim trco bas been fra!iirrgletedia Chicago and is flatuielt i ;Suwon Is Oallecting his mircellarte. • lam wilt , ims for publication. Tan calitoirda crop of earthquakes .ilms been light this season. ti.las 'dude re" still rages at the nth. delptda ?levy Yard. A enorr fa uarlfylappert of Philadebi VIRGINIA ELECTION Tea °Eclat Woto—?d Centou• of Blab. (n, Tetagreez to the Pittsburgh Gusto.) Ittengteago, Nov. 1.--Tho °Motel vote ',elate State Is tut folloirw Whites, 75,724: colored, 98, for COnvention, 14,835 *WWI. 02.207 eolOred; itgainet Convect -110414 61,545 whites, 0,357 colored. ' General SeJwilleld, to view of the com plaint of frauds, Is *bona, to order new ' eel:teal of the Toting poretioci of Rich mond.' , . TI CBI Tdeirrbob So lbs ritubusis o awns) DZOUAM, MAU., NOv. tbo left - the Phenix House, in 3lodham, Mydneteen minutes before ono o'clock to-day. beginning one hundred mites here which be proposes to &mote t:dial' in twenty-four hours. Paw/meatus, : Noe. /.—Westim the pedestrian, reached this city at about 15 • minutes before it o'clock Ada evening. Timermed wee so past that the police had to open a mileage for him through the streets. Ide - stepped =at the Hotel 1•5 minutes en end tb • Itt reaponso to' the cheat of e crowd, he said he bad walked thirty-Woof the hundred miles to be donekttwenty - four bows, and was eighteen minutes ahead of lime. Re was in OZOfitalati9o4lB.• it,tsbll,T# , IPl' VOLUME TXXXTT. 111111 N. MIDNIGHT. TUE ITALIAN REYOUITION. The Situation at Rome. UMW/ OF Flinn 11100P8. Beceivea Profound Silence, GARIBALDI MILL OM THE OUTAKIRTIL Preparal o osz it tl e lig n spal Troops ENTRY OF FRENCISTIROPS DENIED. Garibaldi Does' not Reply to the Demand to Disarm. 1118151 l VA MIMI it Pawl wci Jr lIICEMIT, Fenian Exclteineut in Dublin FEW TRIALS IN MARCIESTRIL ElvePrisoners Convicted of Ender DRAM SENTENCE PRONOUNCE) Sy Telegraph to the Int Ubangi Gazette.] PRRNCII TROOPS Ix ILOYE-OARIBRI.DI ON THE OUTITRIRTS--PAPAL TROOPS Nov. - Lommtr, ov. 1.--Telegniphlo dis patches from Florence., Riving the altal, don o . f affairs at. Rome, are itat received ere h. ' TIM French troops which debarked at Civita Vecchla,a few day@ since, have ar rived at the Holy City. There were uo demonstrations whatever. The city was perfectly quiet, and the Fiench were re, caved with prvfound silence. Garibaldi, whose force is icesstantly . Incroaaing, still holds his positiOn on the outskirts of Home: 'The Papal forces were to move out of their entreach.menut and attack him to:day. NAITO:CAL PATITI BOTIZAIT - CIO= BY .1 1 1.caunrcx, 'Nevemlber I.—The . police have taken pornesaion of and closed the Bateau of the Notional party and head quartent of the' Relief Committees In this city and elsewhere, by order of the: Italian Government. . coornamoreer amour—raw ca FLoauzics, Yov.l-.—The :rim: this 'morning denies the truth of the report that, the French troops have arrived in Roitio. The Heflin army, which has entered the Papal States, la under the command of-GoutCialdinL so EYTLi mom GAM:BALM. Garibaldi law retired to Mont° Roton do: He has made no reply to the anm mons of the Italian Government to dis arm hia volunteers. " GARIBALDI AT XONTRROLTINDD. . FLOIMICE, 'SOT; I—/dMainit.—At last 110:411Xitil frcaOhe Sohth Garibaldi re mained ri moia; Ithbando, with a form estimated at dm thousand strong. =3 mks= warm RILL NOT ♦TILT Irma 112:1==1 Psnts, Nov. I—Eresing.--The state mum that the Emperor Francis Joseph is to visit King William, of Prnsaia, 4 Berlin, le contradicted. 1rA701:1.02( DEVANDS EXPLOZNATION. The ilfim[tear todayasysthe Emperor braibalean bas demanded of King Victor Emanuel an explanation of the invasion of the Roman territory by the Italian il!!!!MEE!M! Lennon, November L—Lord William Rome, the celebrated astronomer, died - yesterday, in the 07th year of his age. 11DELAAS 00AVICTZD Of XVIIS/0 1 A-ND THE DELTEr SRN7II3 - CE PEONOLZ/clOl. • - Ifeircazeran, November I.—The trhil or Allen arid four oilier prisonent was concluded to-do before the Special Com mission. They were all convicted of murder and have received sentences of death. , The aline of,. the rat of the loomed will be triad on Monday, to which Ald , the Geoit has adjourned. The proieedlage hive' caused extraordinary interest here. , luilreito rote ,TIEC .AIIIIKONSSION or . . Tar. POLICE XIIRDERZWI. postmc, L.-9mM, excitement has bOen created here by the wanton shoothig or the two policemen on Wed nesday night. A proclamation low been leaned by the Governthent, offering* re ward of _ono pounds for the ar rest of theassaimana.- The police in this city and throughout Ireland are search log for the murderers. TWOsespeeted peraonahase already been apprehended, and are; now In Custody awaiting exam ! mention. riusr.oi ars. whims Doncrw,•November L—Noeniag.—The trial of General Warren is now proven log before the Conan:lesion. - • . Unlt 41.11 . 111111114:41 WAS. acrowrzn Atraerarrrtia: trconess or TIES BR =OOPS. Loaves, lgoventber 1.-Ai the laid mall steamer was leaving itlo Jazdero, reportreached thas city that the Brazil ian troops had captured the town or Pl idr. (Called IV the natives Neembuc,) the ale port of Paraguay. It was also repeated that many primmer* and a great gawkily of military stores had Mien Into Weir hands- rust SIOUAN CIVEIELION, , ' BETILIN, Novembt3r L—Tho Provincial Correspondent, a - journal of a, seml,ottl'- clid character, ears Prneata will interfere In the Ravish tilf6aulty, should such ac tlop on her part be , nsecessry to pneerve the Pew! of Europe,:.. • - xtansuaon or TOE num or onager. - Bi Preasatiorgi, Nov. I.—The mar. Hue' of Xing George of Grebe& and the Priming,Olp foOk place today with great pomp end eeratacny. 1111411SCIAL ANSIVOILIMIPAL. LoxDcor 94 7-lit; Pond Ot SulncP Central, 891:47.1 „ rILANIMOITT, NOT. I—BVelltoff.--..Ve• Twentlea, 751. ' hbes ,1 op lavtaroor., Nov. 1.-• unchanged. Athlete fit= prove unfavorable. Breudetudh dull. Peas declined to Lb. flallfin3l l9 :lM34 l . declined 3 4 getoted at Ile 9d. Western mixed Corn advanced to 49e 9d on gag. and to arrive. lie 6d. Oats and Barley without chan Provisions—Lard de r:lined tog2s 9d; other articles unchli Produce Mi ge. r '1:03,,X0 change 'deice noon. I.Amnott, -- N0v.1.--:Xtentap.--liarkete unchanged. . Lognoir,Nov. l—Meahey..—The boll. day has been generally observed here and on the Continent. Little bueinesa has been transacted in this city or in Liverpool. and. the .markete all cloned early. The commercial dirpatches sent from London - and Llyerpoot at two o'clock P. it. contain the c,101 , ),Rg /upt. ur igugoolt $ tb. "POPO €1 14 .1 jaTt r ehk7S l F T : =pork?. WeathlF CONDENSED TELEGRAMS. -Oliver Wendell Holmes has arrived at Montreal, Canada, to take steps to se cure a copyright for his works. —Governor.Harriman, of. Now liamp shire, has issued a proclamation appoint ing NoVember :Nth as I phankaging day. —Oen. Pope has ordered the State Ala bama Constitutional Convention to as semble at Montgomery on the sth' of No camber. —The Commissioner of Internal Rev enuchas decided that the deposit tick e ts, or rather advice tickets, used in sales of gold to notify the ".;ew York Gold Ex change Bank to make transfer from one party to another in its hooka, aro not sal:dart to stamp tax as eheeka or eon traotn —Hon. James S. Wilson, Chairman of the Judiciarr Committe§, has arrived In Washington, and authorises a contradic tion of the report that be had changed his opinion art the impeachment ques. lion. Senator Drake, of Missouri, luta also arrived. Ile is strongly in favor of impeachment. —With regard to the extension of time for the election in Georgia by General Pope, it should Lo stated that there has been but ono polling place in each crowd' ty, except to the incorporated cities. some of the counties are - very large, and the voting by registration is a novel and .slow proceeding for the s hiacks, the adde• ttortat time has been fbund rurrieuutry. —Orders have been issued by the Com , missioner of Internal; Revenue for the removal of a number of Inspectors of In ternal Revenue in Now York city and Brooklyn. These removals were .nulo on amount of the Department having oeived information- of corruption and fraud having been practiced on the. Government by those removed. —Collector Shook. of . the 32d District, New York, reports that on Thursday "240,000 were collected at his office, the greatest amount over known to be tot • fowled in one district on any particular day. One gentleman paid in his cheek for 11g3,000, probably the greatest amount ever paid by any one tax payer: =The internal Buvenuo Bureau is ad vised !hit ticemetrea, wileh all distillers are required to annex as early as practi cable, are being.manufactured tithe rate of eight per week. They' will Ks% be suppled at 11(17 per week. All the prin cipal distilleries in Now York have eaup pended for the present, principally on as of the regulation requiring these meters and certain seizures there bribe Government. - -There were fire 'sallow fever meats at Stabile, yesterday. CENTRAL AMERICA = Nita - Year, November I.—Panama letters of October ii 3d say that Setter Miirrillo, the Colombian Commissioner, who arrived in New York by Aspinwall - steamer, is sold to be engaged ou a spe cial mission oonneetedwiththe privateer Onyier, and not as Minister to Washing ton, 21 heretotoro announced. The Co- lombian man-of-war Colombia was to have conveyed him, but the commander being an nupardoned rebel, it we. thought best not to send her. LIMA, October 12,--The Arignipa volt assumes much formidable proper-. Lions that President Node him takes. command of too army in the field. Ad other split has occurred between the Ec motive and Congress. The latter refused to gram. the . President extraordinary powers for the quelling of the rebellion, and he arrested one aril* members. No quorum could be convened afterwarda and Prado had It all bin own way. Gutierrez has declined the Presidency, on the ground that he Ls' a candidate for the often during the next term, and would ho ineligible for the second term if ho acted now. Acosta, therefore, re mains acting President. Stosquera's caw haw been close& lie will probably be banished. Acosta is doubtful of getting him out of the mum try without a collision with his adher ents. The act of the former Leg talature. granting Mosquera E 12,000 ayear for put service, has been ratified bythe Supreme Court which lamiahes him. NEW yoax OlTTelettsph to the Pltiebarge Gazette.) • , - •', , YeEVC Tong, li:Ov. I,•,19:17. OEN. SURRIIIAN. Gem Sheridan rwrirod • yesterday and remains sometime. ' PERILS BOAT Setet. The - Jersey City ferry t.-• John 'S. Darcy, was slink ymberda by a collis ion with another stomper. All on board were rescued. i • , itoiirt. lICRICILD ' The Rutherford Park II el, on the banks of the Passaic River i nearßurn lng Spring; N. J, was dent Ted by tire ast night. Loss 175,000; small insurance. MISIGOSARCLa crott.x._ Several inlationaries sailed for Japan and Chiria via California tolilay. • . ,L t AMERICAN NIGGION TOT r. core_ TheExprem hewn spiel • stiffing that Secretary Seward has swat lire. Mr. Hawley, of Attlituu, to ROGIO ou a secret mission, the object' of whiett is to Iffier the Pope an asylum, in this country. Ho Jere entertained, thtj the misilon win be suomessful. i m nsumtavio. i . _ - The official returns filtOW that 01,S0 voters wore registered in this city to-day. Total number registered te, date, 10G,H10. Total registration last year4lfe,ll2.• Reg titration closes to-morrow evening. . ABIZON Otintousd ladles Oinannoatordttp. log Winne oath WOW* Off Owll to to on Wootton. Ity Tategsspb to %la ritteutill 41.V111.3 !lAN rnamintco, Nov. .--Arizona ad vice; are to (et. lath. Governor Mc. Cormlck's action In signlog the bin for the:removal or the Gordian° Tuscan hoe randy criticised. • The• Indians attacked Die snore near Sadolaki; October 17th, and killed Dr. E. M. tiluov r il, S. Army. The nest night the surrounded Drell station, but y were compelled to p by the arrival of troops. s. I Valentino, formerly- partner In the Vulture Company, was killed by indiaria near Tuscan. He su In killing four Indians bokire rood 'lug bin death wound. The Indians are m Ing the whites In every direction, drivin off stock and destroying Improveme • " NEW . ORL Fellow Feist , esterroweese—haellese lettpesianewt" seenstarew. , ter rehires" to be muss nib useetta; , Nate , Dercasss, Ifortrtaber I.—There were nine intermenta train yellow fever during the' twenty-four, boars ending AIM mom' n g. • Special Order 186, detain dayy, front tbo . headquartare of the Fifth dillutry District, retnorviatm. Purvey J. Baps' from the office of Sheritrof the perish of 'Odom; for being an "Impediment' "to the recomilnyction of Louisiana under the laws of Congress, end :19P01241! Cu!' bert Bullett In lite pleas.. . VERMONT. iLegtelastve 4allees sw. the Dew!** ter Talegmb to tom I.lst.baxo Qualm) 1 MONTPELLIM, Vt., November I,—Tho fedlowing reaointion was adopted by the Vermont tegialature to-days • • Resolved, By the t3onate and Hons. Ler Representatives, that wo I.Arn with pr.:l - sorrow of the death of the who statesman auddevoted 'patriot, hatiGov. Andrew,' of brass., and while,wo our mode his body tenderly to hie open, pimp o oltorigh bin memory eus a no. Ronal . 9rsitage. _ BOSTON. Mao et ItiAblor. inernr—aomealits I. MO Jallarred SS NC Aldnik a. (By T.lgienyb to tee ottltbursb Usirtta.] !VINTON, November l.—Tbeluneral of the . la ; ow Governor Andrew It pliee . wars , in, Arlington Street Church, and ill be - Mtended by ii3o Stale and Unnle pal officials, members or tho Leg is ljtidgber members of the bar, o 'or the IM ottyy etUolunwr 8 ,,i A. corps of Inoepo t Cadets will net at an esoort. The remains will I be co • eyed to - Mount Auburn. • agree et Aniseed WelPima. MY Tel nee to the elnessteutledstie. -- TEe Messichnaetts, Nov. 1— of wortmefat,the United Sulteeltamory, in - 4 ed 7 , ,liii ' Cardin. nO.OOl a greet portion thyXiitearg idle. • Irty.fire men 'were yeas ay, end the whole number eni ploy le reduced to about Sys hundred. ' atM PITTSBURGH, SATURDAY , NOVEMBER r 2. 1867. Effin SECOND LOCK A. M THREE 0' NGTON EMI =SI EBY Telefrellk to the Weed °Knelt FROM CIII ' VrtACTION 'mock *or:I 1867 A APECIMENK OI L CQIIRS NOY. ress Agent . for the .nry Department to- M from China for a samples of (Motional They will ho sent to r rnment at once. This from a foreign eons leimens within three The Adams . E.. 1 United Slates day received ord supply of specimo currency sheets. the Chinese Gov is the second orde try for these s months. TUB. CONVLSC TION QUASTION. In the Supreme °art Of the Dietrict of Columbia, to-day Mr. Merrick, in be half of the defend to in the 1.90 of the United States ve .no Cornelius Boyle and H. Tyler, I• e suit having been brought to move • confiscated property, submitted a moti• to atuenit the write of error by strik ng out the name of Chief Justice Chi o and inserting that of Chief Justice ••• ter. The Court de nied the motion • • d overruled the write. The object of the •rits woe tO carry the Mee it<NR. the Sup .me Court of the Dis tglet of, . Cola= •la ' to the District Court blthe Uni Statoefor:thb District of Columbia. T•a aloes will now be taken directly to •e Supreme Court of the United States. It is probable, how ever, they may be disposed of in another form before sate • can be taken by thin °Mirk as reaenti the original owners, whatnot ibeirlpro • .rty by participating in the rebellion ' • avo• entered aulto of ejectment. against be ii rchasent at the confiscation sales, whi suits have ma-. cured mad aro no read for trial, DEMOCItA 0 ApOrtirse. The Rational mocratic Hseenfive Committee have • ued an address con tinting the Nov • berelrotlon. The ad &rats appefs to n and judgment, and novat 'Ho ho refuse. to heed the call is unworthy. •f hir share in the rich heritage of Ara orican freemen. - It I. signed by Thee. • . Florence, Samuel J.- Randall,Charliss Mason, of Ohlo, Corne lius Wendell, an other*. • CIONNA Ell TITLA:rk. The traitea : !.es stammer Maumee, ideuteuant'Corn • der W. B. Cushing, sailed loot event • g tor the China mind ing). Her a • tontine. is to look after the pinata( n•- ng time China seas:: Be ing se tight dr* • • ht Screw ameatner, it is thought she will be peculiarly adapted to the pursuit of piratical craft ud the, shall°+ ricers, whore they ore in the habit of biking taminge when pursued by men of war. =I There seas ei full meeting of the Cold net tooloy, lowing newly three hours. The reports of the Ilea& or Department were the chief subJecui under considers don. It is understood t hot the Tree) dears ;storage wee talked over. - IS DIANAPOLLs ARSENAL. Thera Intro reoently beau shipped nearly 'a hundred gun malinger , and mor tar wagons, as also ordnance stores, to the ludianapolLs Arsenal. LEAVE TO 00 110 XE A.` , D VOTE. General Ortnt has issued an orde granting a week's leave of absence to al clerks camanocted .with the War Depart anent who wish to go borne to Tote. If The recollect of customs fur the week ending October :r.th were t2,307,1}r3. 'DELAWARE Cl`llillhlo 1111 Dreier.. Iseperallys no Volt CDT Tyl.timpb to PIA ...it 1.7•34%,•• 1 Wit.tintorox, Soy. I.—ln the Court of General Siotedena of Delaware, at Dover, 'yeete . rday, in the rose of the State against Moses Bash, it being proposed by the pnisecuting oar to present the nil -aen of the complainant, Samuel Dew ey,s. milord mair,. objection .wa• made by . tin Online," counsel for the.rixteuse. that the laws of Delaware do not permit colored tesumeny when them. are competent white witnesses. Chief tics Gilpin., ruled that the; testl many be admitt. d, because be ash it had boen customary In his court to permit promieuting witnersee to testi fy, even though they were colorcili.but be give as his .o lon from the bench, upon si point which could as well be set tled now as at any other time, that the Civil Rights Rut or roomy., no far as It assumes to regulate a contract, admis sion or -rejection of testimony, in this State, which was regulated by the lawn of the State, was ireoperutlye and void. Judge Woolen concurred in the deems ion and Judge Wales illasenteti In case of a decision to this effect, by the Court, an appeal to the Court above would doubtless las sustained. INDIANA - .. • .- . 1111111•1a4-11 , dre tiri••••••• Tslgina from , JaLaud Hoe!—another Execs,sloe Auterdtat to Law Et Total** to Um rlttaltatib Smut. INDLANAroum, IND" NoveNAm '7 . 4 - ,lin I'sittemin and_. man - "names Hatchet], in jail at Franklin, Intl., the former accused of the murder of David ;Jona, Greenwood, Ind.„ - and the latter supported to be an • eceompliru of Fltienton, and alsO nor:sifted of commit-I lugs murder in Nentneky, were fonibly ittketiltoni jail lent night by a melt end conveyed to lichutlehro Woods, near the town, and hung. •Ilatetiell nearly nun ceedtni In making bin escape while an ther way to the place of eleentitm, bet was tired on anti roptured. At the fleet attempt to hang lintehell the rope broke. Anotbar Injes securtni and the deed hom- The Jouna4;l4 correspondent says an. Inquest is being held at the Court Rollie to-day, but that.thera Is but little emelt+ meat in Conscpuonee or theutralr. Atiltort White, the murderer 'pea, at Anderson, Indians, In Ittsui' bud, was executed to-day.at two u'adoek. , In answer to the Sheriff, as to whether - he had,anyttdng to or before tile'-execu tion, lie replied, "nettling." . " BT. LOMB. toiboinui Colebratlea of tele Reform. troo—Vir• at wt. Jea•pb—Leetare by fur kwursali b Ins misusers tisinticl ST. Lotus N'overaber I.—The three : hundred and , uncouth jubilee , or. the Ref. Ors:nation was celebrated hers t: day by the various churelteit, schools and or gaideatthis of 'the Lutherans. , An tm. mans* proeissloa estimated to have con. tallied-10.000 persions, including children, with . banners and.. muski. marched through some of tho principal streets to ConcordhiPurk, where speeches appro. pr ate to thoonisalan were delivered by several prominent Lutherans. • The llverystable of kir. Dfceilacra, two tonetitent bhuses Of John Angel, sold whinery store anti residence of Mr*, Mohnen, in St. Joseph, were burned toot night. Twenty horses, soma of them site aluablo,• perished in the stable. Loot mitt' ascertained. McAlear+ Js, in sured for $.2.A00 In Um Home, Now York, and kin; ilolntan 6':,0 00 in the State Fire of Ohio and e 2,000 lu the fiangaino, Springfield, Illitiel.. .-iitin.".Chas. Sumner lectured herd to-: prghttofr large.gPflleaco, . . .HAVANA. . . My ti laths mular‘b Gasetts i, liavAigA, Nt, 41. Via Key irese._. Twdbiiiidred.and stably detuultore re sist thsipsylniutlof their taxes at toms m - the Jaz Falterers hove ro ho fifhtyafthe ' esisits of staves' In liavana has beta. rnivonded, there not being a sufficient number of clerka rut ploved. to parry it on. - • bo—Fee Masons have subscribed WOO for tbro fatally of Morales. Tfferowsro COOS Pr Tollow, rover. GEord - li'x.l)(sl7orr . . , Teiarrsen to les flintier's eastits • ArensTai'llaventberl.,-.lhe CionserT. ative papers denounce General Pepe • extension of the time -of voting as , gal and contrary to the law. ilanleld• Trial alselltelool tar 'Mum* to UN rklUbt , rit G.Ott. 1 KiItoRTOIC Nov. I.—Tha of the Driscoll marderere.lol/innetr;44l4 Sophie Alien was ben eneed o 11 110 d on the 11th of December. lier accom plices, Gemmel, Howard and Whalen, were respectively sentenced to. ten, nine and five years In the penitentiary. comma or cosionos Aulautp, DM+ (Byrdirsub to the Pittsburgh Vault.] • Unarm, Nov. I;—Honarable and ntglal.Aaverend John Stvachan, Bishop Orthel Churnlt of England, Sled this Ligßib to V r l //~/ MO CITY AND ILDTHTIOWAL NOLL OH FOURTH PAGE.) Falai analgesia A fatal accident Occurred on the Pitt*. burgh and Connellaillie Railroad about twelve o'clock .Wednesday night, near Layton Station, beyond West Newton. the throuill freight train west was going up a heavy grade; at the point mention ad..When the coupling of the care gave way, and the rear'pertion 'of the train /naked Back dOwn the tirade- John Wol . ford I.won brakeman on the hind cur, and intrying to atop thetrain the brake bar gave way and fell upon the rail, throwing the car cathe track. Wolford attempted to aims himself. by Jumping froindhe air, which wan at that time pluming through a cut. Ile. endeavored to Lamb a projecting - mink, but falling in hie' utlompt,^ wan thrown back against the ear with aura force as to ammo hie death in u few hours , aftervmrds. Ile was picked Tip- end conveyed to West Newton, and medlear,. edmmoried, but' their efforts were unavailing, as be expired e.bertiy after he arrived there. The deceased wan about twenty-five yearn - of age, end was young men of estimable character. =1 During the, month of October, there were onion alarms er tire; one bundled and thirty-two blows were struck anther . central bell sounding &arms, and two hundred and fortreight - blows were struck aunding the hour according to Reed'e time. The total loss for the month wattsBlo;and the amount of insurance $l,lOO. •• • During the year which closed with 0c... whir Mere were 113 Unruh 2,917 blows' were streick on the big ,bell sounding alarms, `and. 1,102 blastsw ere . etnick soundind. - the hour. 'Besides . 230 blows wereatruck in tolling Air the Me erut of Samuel Shirley. a wall• known member Of lbw Duquesne FireooMpanye who wan killed while going. to a Are. The totalleas for the year was $237,035; and The Wei Insurance $1118,823.:. The 1 largest Sri) of the yearwsstliat of blesars. Gillespie ,li. Mitchell, in the Ninth ward, on the ifidll Mien*. The largest. amoont of insurance lost wan that on the steam bests Dlck Fulton and Dolphin, burned April lltig - The causes of lisle have. of course, The 'Seventeen coutla grations were the week of incendiaries, eight were caused by the explosion of lamps, eighteen caught from defective ;Ines, nineteen were sot by_ quirks. two were catmal by gas explosions, and five caught fret; furnaces. At the tire on toe cover of 'Webster sad- Seventh streets, on January 20th. a young man. named James 'Young, tres/Mnied tedeath. Dur ing theryele mails bons+ were burned to death. - ' El:= thane. Chanfreu, the in imitable. ormurodtan, is still drawing huge additiOsal the Opqa Roos, and wllFdoubti titularies to ado to during hle stay with in, which, we regret to say, will end to.adight. Ile nppeered lent night in ...Solon tillugle,” the .IVldow's Vic tint" and 'Toreilev,'' In all of which be excels. Ilbtitmlialleas in the " Widow's Vietim" web excellent, and be evinced itt them aESZILIIIy or talent seldom round in an man. '!'hie . afte rn oon and evening wit the last opportunity at muted our citizens of treeing him, and no one, who hairnet-already enjoyed that pleasure, shailld let it pees unimproved. Verurrizeilruerevnu.-.There is no abatement leths enemy and - enterprise of the Ittenwre of the Varieties, which •thsrecteribdthe opening of the ester: hotment,htallos the-oonintry it appears to bo ou the toirout. Tito potions of the Institution ere always sure of • rich , rueL teal* afte.r novelty is presented to the ad Wog hundreds who nightly thmug the , and arab succeeding night re novel epportra. Midi trot "on the Lim Lot la etteaded by lboo - The outran in tilled to Its ut most rapacity et every exhiletion. This afternoon and °Tenat will be the last op. pertontlies of attending it, as to-night's performance °lbws the aeeson, at a Mel time Den will deliver his' farewell ad -- =I Whiln our No. 27 of the Manchester lino was desoeuding tho sharp grade at South Common, yesterday, two wagons wore asrending rui the sane tack. The trnek was so wet and allpperitiukt the //rakes, although worked vinare/ugly, made lon little Impression. The condo. tor with. brom, was doing his beat to scotch the wheels, and the /hie& wee sditstling the alum: The Edward tom succetvied In clearing the track, but the other had not 'managed his /MT 00 promptly, and a • collision conned. .No damage was o[lo to the horse. or driver, lon the conutryman'a wagon wag upaei, the hind and tree and coupling pole broken, and the load or produce, with the ."driver, thrown out, Front the statemente made tona on the stint, just atter the casualty, "we Incline to the opinion that the coun tryman was culpably tardy to getting ott the track, and that the driver and conductor on the ow did their utmost to avert the accident. .Novertheless, we understand that two owner or the broken wagon comment/ea legal proceedings for redress. • . _ as, liertillty. A. (I. 31ceontileos, rtillootoo to 'Board of Health, reports the *Mow ingi!pierniente, with the MUM of death, rto C'dtebt'r:27oi , , . . The comes of death were ; Dropsy, I; 'Dispose of Drain, 8; Typhoid - Fiver, 1; gillotl by u Blow, 1; Tehuts, 1; Acci dent, 1; Smolt Pox, th Nervous Fever,l; Cotivulsinne, 1; Mammon, 1; Diarrs, 1. Croup, 1; Disease of Lungs, 1; Eryil eI a 1; turvngitis, 1; Consumption. 1. Of the above there were: .ITruler om, yon*, 3; from one totem, 3; front two to dye, 2;• from twenty to thirty, 3; from thirty to forty, 2; from forty to. 114, 4; from duty to savalty; . Of thew there were: it; Fe. melee, 5. White, 1e; Colored none. To• 1a1,'19. NSlined Most There ore a number of leading railroad men ho this city, at present, repreeenla arm of the. various railroad's moults Into Pittsburgh: Tho °bigot which bring' them hero Is the approaching sale or the Pittsburgh and Stenbenville—Railmad, which will be 'cold of trashier' sale. on the sixth Inst. 'rhe Pennsylvania Rail road Company' hold $1,000,000 of the tirst mortgage bonds of the road, and It is m t probable hatlt will par into their b • oda.. We or e informed, howeier, t hot th ro.wlll.be other bidders, but we do no know who they arr. The former 00 pany, underatood, are not anx -11• 0 to piarsi.,, but ticalre w hove their di IM eeTured by the sale. ittaburgh Monthly Magaskte.—We a'. in menet ot the current number - of 'a, °Pdisburtth quarterly alagerine," i - pa Mallard by W. f!. Ilwyer,i3io. la'rhlrd st et. 'lt is a publicotlon lit which all ea I ts6urgbers ehould Lake lunch pride, t is editorially conduct( d with ability and strength: is original wit and humor columns übound ngood hits and clever anecdotes, while l o t nelections show equally good literary taste and Judgment. Asan advertising - medium the "quarterly Magaatof.' promote ynry fair claim. to - the. Mil, y, naripg loll ex tend e d elleanoa commla tlon in o unit ur own kn ow uu agates. We are glad to that tbeenterprise kna th us tar proven tt decided apes to t and wish qv gublishera contirampapeoftbe gener ous euMiukagourrit 41 1 4 , k o;Tieelsed. T h. coamplour PensideslAn inter esting mune of basal:ail Wee played yes umlay between the:Alleetenrand En terprise Clubs, of Allegheny City; on the grounds of UM former,'!Which resulted In the defeat Mille chatapionkby aware of 40 to 10. v Right innin gs weroplayed an dtmepleeur booth lest by , the'VnaPrlsO - ltererOdt gotta OM first halm,'Whictiµcis pegtra&nded - Zcalure•Tolrutitiirtaiir (Sunday) evening, at A. o'clock, Di s h ol ; Domcnce wilt deliver a - free lecture in the Cathedral; in which hdmill relate all matters of interest connected with. - hia late OM to , Rome.. During thenvonlng a collection will bo taken tip for the ben, set of the orphan children - under:the care of thonhurch. Thoob, le& oc w . wad &cum, and IMlli'etitnit audible; we therefore hope lt till mei with a liberal • . Ares litkon of John 'Manner, (Ma ) pme 1)), aged ab ou t Ilya years, while play! With. wino children on Fourth atreetzta, was accidentally thromdelrzWWain4 Doti Dr. or the left forearntnent MS elbow. Dr. Wm. R. ChlidattotradteB in and at tended to the' injuseditoys.;"Tids same child met with a . allttilar accitiettr last - • . '7" . ? - - , ,,- - - • - . - v- ~-• . , . , '..- . 11 4 1..4 • )1 t C - a" „:\ . ....._•• . .. - - erlirs Naos. Our efficient:and worthy Sheriff. S. B. Cluley has alinest monopolized the third page of to-day's °amt.; in order to an nounce thesale of valuableandehoice real estate, width hewill dlspoio of under, the hammer at the Court House, on Monday, November 11th. Many of the places ad vertised-are vary desirable for homes, and all will prove rare chances for spec ulation by capitalists. The attention of persons Interested In the buying and sel ling of real estate is especially directed to the four columns of sales advertised by Sheriff Cluloy. Grand Youl sad laatras•antal Coe it= In aid of the Hebrew Benevolent So ciety, one of the most praiseworthy or , genic:glom: In the county, there will be given a grand vocal and instrumental concert at Masonic Hall, on Monday evening next. Tho programme embra ce. gems of vocal and instrumental mu ale, to be rendered andexoeeted by many or our moat talented amateurs. Mee. where wo publish the programme. The priCe of cards one:mission has very gen erously boon fixed at one dollar each, and inasmuch as thoeuti= proceeds are to be applied to benevolent and charita ble purpoecs, we treat the hall will be crowded to ita utmost capacity. A !Segel Case.—ln visiting the pollee offices - yesterday we found a rather. nov el case of false pretence, in which Justice J. A. . j i ppart bi the prosecutor. Ile charged Peter Dean with having institu ted legal pnmeedlngs before him, against certain panics for the collection of a debt, otter which "be took the law in his own handeand collected the mo nay," leaving the Jtiatice in the "lurch," gofer as "coats" were concerned. Almost any thing to construed into "false pretence" by' megistrates now for collecting debts, and we suppose this is as good a remedy as any other, when it succeeds, but in this melt ignerialnly a novelone. • . • Letter Carrier.' Iteport.—Poltowinets the report of the operrtimm of the Lotter Careen; in the month of October: • Delivery. Collections. Mail Letters 8e,043 38,7013. Drop Lettere 10,126 11,022 Papers 2S,MI 1,163 Totals , 118,100 42,891 Throughout the business portion of the city there are five daily deliveries and the same number of collections are made • from the boxes. Oar friend CoL'iL 1.1. Eagan, the well.L known book seller and periodioal dealer, Sixth aria, below Smithfield street, has on luunlono of the fineatoollectionaorrare and current literary. works to be found in the city. Pomona In nedd of anything in the lino should Lemur him with a cslL A Colored Wtlinsign, an the stand in the Quarter &visions; yeetorday,oras yolked by Mr. McCarthy, .eaumiede , Are you e Dornocratf" Judge Starro—''Wltnass Lo not bound to criminate himself, and may refuse to arunrcr." _ The Cathedral.—The work of con structing the new tower at the Cathedral progroming very slowly, and. If we mistake not the work has been temper arily austwodsd, for what came we are unable to say. Just 14(1'104-90O barrels Lime; bXt do. Plaster'Paris; INV do. Hydraulic Ce ment, Marble and slate Marduls, Chim. ney Tops, dn., in store and' for ;talc by 11. Laker, 167 First streeL • Letter Llat..—On our bomb mo o r 3 1... , V . :l %112; 1U b. renfunnlng In the Pate burgh wet Allegheny P9. l tAgn . . Railighoaa.—The Rev.?. U. Rpm( will preach in the First 'Reran:nett Preabyls• rinn Cbtavh -(Dr. Druglos'l tn-morrow (Sabbath) evening, at 71'0.4Svolt. Jeans Wood, do old citizen. long can• posed festh the Iron bugeese fn tide vi cinity. died yeeteeday. His ege wee wraggriti 3:11 2 1 1 . , CITY ITEMS I=C=== The Oregon Brewery frah, cream and Burton ales have fairly earned a high reputation, and tire equal to any brewed in the country. Many, of the mealipl frahnnitr,socomme nd. them entirely Bar their patients, owing to their purity and health-giving qualities Mama. Pier, bonnets S. Co., the proprietors of the ex tensive Oregon Brewery. are extremely anxious to manila the high reputation of their aim and pdvtera, end give careful munition to wets Pleltage which 1.." their Establishment - Orderaliv mail will bo promptly aUendedt.o, and Barrel. and half barreled ale or, porter will be der, livered to any part of the cities or cur rounding boroughs, or shipped where = Wtilts all wool blatuktts $4,00 wth r 00: 0 " " 4,50 " ,00 " u" 5,00 " 9,00 10,00 5,1-0 " 11,00 8.00 " 13,00 14,10 19 51 11,00 10,50 Effl " " oo 17,50 i n stook, and cheeped goods over seen In the two elites, on .west corner illArkeir and. Fourth Woes. 69 • stow - GUILDS= drIBTZWiIIS. There la nothing more afriFigre shout • house than eacaping - go, and in ad dition to being an annoyance It is ex condi ngly unhealthy; consequently per sona having gee tilting to do should be careful to have It well done, and thus avoid the unhealihy annoyance. Since it la Important to have work of this kind well done, it In, of the greatest Impor-. leilculhat It Ire .61:Amsted to competent hands; and In order that our readeni may know Jolt where to find a competent gas Inter. we refer them to T. T. linens, No. 1165 Wood Weal. The Itest C racker.-Messrs. Wray d Brothers, succeasors to M. Connotly's old establialtederacker and bliscult bak ery, Irwin street, near .Penn supply dea/ets, reatedrants fidaifies with ' the very beet quallty or crackers, aoda biscuits, de.; et the most reasonable &deer. Thril i lrholoOle and retail trade hire and creasing rapidly, as where once introduced no other crackera 'will he used. We commeta this firm to the palronaptet our Traders, asking for them a alr trial of their crackers and biscuits,. • Where to Purchase,—Choleo toas, tiro' matte coffees, pure and unadulterated nacos, co lono, deo, can to be par slimed to ost advantage at the ol at. tithed tea mart of Joseph 41.. &Ulnae ,n No. Falb street, Ladilleare requested to call and convince themselves of the superior quality of the stock in store at the old tea mart. like Precious Pearls her teolh gust=" mud, showing the - effectiof having taken good atre or them, with a knowledge that Ward's Plaid and Powdered. bend- Moe will work a reform Many mouth— wring the teeth, hardening the gams, and purifying the - truth. • Sold, whole- sale andretald; by Joseph Fleming, No. 84 51404pfr 844904; 4444 ell druggists. Dar /relay in Ladies' Furs at the New York list and Fur House, 52 St. Clair . For Fatally lihie,:—Tbe beatquality. of 11 . 111 . Y alga ere sold at the moat reasons blo prhea, and delivered in barrolor half .barrel packages, anywhere in the city, or shipped In good. order tomay point, by Meanna_Fier..liqartmls.g. Co,, propri etor" of tba - oldeatablialied Oregenitrow. To the Hungry —Try a meal at Eons holm:wee weiroondueted end popular Con tinental/aloha Rooms, Fifth otroet next door to the Poeleffice. No whore else in the oily an a better breadths, dinner or copper, be prootund at such reasonable rota, Everybody who can apprer r tate good cooking pe#Opietara. thin Vadatinnan mead. Prairrant froth lot of tho finest flintily leas of all the poputsr bnizads, just -zeoet , /ed at the old estab lished toe mart of &mph A. Robinson, No. m Fifth street— p ons very reason. obi°, Patty SuPPerk—bianaprior bills and Parties can make reasonable arrange. ,manta with lioltabelmer of tlla com . - nental Salami Flnti streo, nmo Op; to OW Postale% for . or either a but laiutirecuutos mur, or any. where ap desired. ,OR- Ilond.6d.dirgo 'dock of Midlen Fors, sa Wm. Flomlng% No. 389 Wood tha andlloatlillau; - dallip'eaunteir, at Pit. gi rff a.A. and Mos.' roil, . 1 4 1 VarqlyfiiKS , NoiPMS i d .11tiqat, - 4010 4taleTk *" 4 V' CITY Elogius This ! DMOi TniC o4 .l ! The great sale of New Drass Goods at a reduction almost unheard of. Goods are all Pita., bought at a .Cl-ilk.° and ivlll ho sold as bargains.. Look and you will buy. Prices to suit everybody, from 25 cents to M. Reduced In some Instances fully ono half. Bought very cheap and tan Alford to 'fell for one half the price asked for old stocka of goods In the city: 'We intend to do It; come and' see for yourselves to tho West corner of Market and Fourth streets, Gardner Or Stewart, (observe the address) and early arid soon, as our prices may never be- so low • GARDS EH & STSWAST. Wad. lbe Testiomay from Om, or lb* Olden' elstses• of •11 city. ALLEGFISNT, Oct. 14, 1887. • Mu. 010. A. KELLEY.—Dear.Hir haye been troubled for some years with the complaint describal by your adverr tisement of Dr. • Sargovit's Diuretic or Backache Pfils, and concluded to .give them a trial, and am glad to soy they af forded me immediate relief. I cheerfully recommend them to any. one suffering from like symptoms. feeling confident they will do all you clef to for them. . DAVID 8311111., For sale by all Druggists. Price h 0 cents per box. • Ladles. ram, Ledle►' Pon The larg.ast stock In the city of Slbeilan Squirrel, Hungarian Fitch, Mink a-d fluthion Bay Sable for children and la dles, can now be seen at Gardner dr Stew art's West corner of Market and Fourth streets: These Furs are all entirely new, and are for sale very low;Leheaper than atany house In this cheap., large stock of new bry Goods • • mitts:2w. At the late wState Fair' the First Pre mium was ,awarded to Grail; Hugus dr. Co., for the best Cooking Range exclu sively for bituminous coal, for the best Cooking Stoves, the ''Columbia;" for the bent Grate Fronts, Summer Picoes and Fenders; for the bast parlor heater, the "Mornln7, Glory (base burner); for the beat Furnace for warming churches, school houses and dwellings the "Morn ing Glory." The Monitor Furnace, for bituminous coal, has no equal for warm. in churches and dwellings. 'All persona who wish the best articles, call at Graff,, Rogue( et Co.'s, manufacturers, Nos. 206. and WS Liberty street, Pittsburgh. !tar: gttl i IV,V 474 AS gnfe. ind If e•es egg , Pura- lirgefee, ete ant gets! f lea.en. deed. let Wiry tee* Wk. egg t lb- dog sued. •ed melee I.f. • Mug ie be ' We believe that there are millions of living witnewww so this fact. Dyspecwia is a horrid &tease, but Plantation Bitters will cure lt. It is a most invigorating tonic far wesknons and mental dexpon dency, Those who are "out of ports" should try Plantation Bitters, Illagnella Nor er.—A 'delightful toilet artielei—euperlor to Cologne end at hull the price. . aria The bestows of gee and steam fitting is onothetnnuiroanoinolyskilifulbutcare ful and trusty workmen. Inroanylnshin oos we have known it cost more to MAO a leek in a gas or steam pipe then the on owe of doing. the entire Job. This ehows the neeetwity of haring the word done well et tint. Mr. T. T. Etc owl, at No. 16C, Wood otreet, isexporieno ed at the business, and employs nonehut ''mnt = an' = ll r l ;orrtntri l; him promptly end in e =mew which cannot Ail to render entire artistes:Won. • To Wholesale 'Sayers —1 am prepared to• over you at my new bones, No. 101 Wood, street, a 'ulterior lot of Trunks, Tellers, Carpet Bags, Satchels, tic., lower then any othorbouse In the city. I man ufacture all my work, and can warrant damn to be made of ;he verybottntateri al: Remember tbo number, 101 Wood street i4l= , u Lazut.ss. =I • •.• • —Vs? , Gnils - sit ANlasiessie --We in vite tho.partieniar attention of buyers at whotersie bonny complete stook of silks dross goods,tuad an kinds of fancy and staple goods, and to the Wu that we sell at the lowest eastern prises, and cut goods to cult purchasers. .1. W. lianuas & • • • 39 Market street. essiethlrg Gros.—The boots, 'Moen, gaiters, etc, Mr men; ladles and alldreit ' , kept et Pti Alluitet street, are made or the very ,beed material; and hold as low as the lowest: 'All goods are *Wanted to glee Sattalketion. want somo- Mlng good, and at gold prices, eall st Robb's Shoe Rome, eV t. market street Fan.—A lain° and einapiete stock ot'Ladlea' . and ?knows' fan at Pia New York flat and Fax nous°, N0..52 St. tiair /greet. Oregon Ales,--The Oregon Brewery Ales and Porter manufacturodby Igor, Atonal* it Co., fitoveomn street, are equal to .the Anent foreign brewing. Families, hotels and ealoons ere bop. pUod In quantities to suit at the most reasonable prices. The perfect 'adaptation of the. Keeler Seale for weighing coal either In the chute, or in carts or ma, is nue reason why It wiwuys takes the highest premi ums wherever exhibited. It :J; F. Xxxt.un, 3t Wood street. : To the ladles.—lf you warg • Nice Traveling Bag, Vallee or Satchel, go to LeLbler'• fashionable Trunk Nouse, No. 104 Wood street, end you will Mid any thin you can wlah for to Ids line—ohenp and good. Tr& Teabial Temkin Trustslit —Remem ber the place to get pont Truti s ke. va blea, Wood Lieblet's Trunk House, No. 104 street, lie 'keeps the very best and natter latest styles. Call In and axamlnet . At Auction This Day.—Sltes for pri. rate residences, on Ridge — street, Alle: ghmay city, at DUCtiOlll this day at o'clock v. at. See advertisement or Smithson, Palmer S C 0 . .. LTOKIO BLACK SHAG Vat Ns? Fort Csoalta.—Deautiful goods, subhmequab ithe, to all with ha, qt haw prices than can bo found in the two cities, on west cor• nor of Market and Fourth greet.. Tie.. GARONCII & errwmcr Jut Opened at .W... 13. Clapp & 23 and Zi 1 , 101% weeti _ , 300 palrsOlnlciren'aShoes, only 300 Ilbroaa. .t $ 1, 6 .:'AI " WOMOre4 *IA 3t ! Ladles' Vern ut the extensile Foe Meteor Wen. Fleming, No. 139 Wood street, at low Woes. • . • Eye. Her, Throat , Luso, Came Thamms and CATARRH, SUONMenily treated by Dr. Aborn, ISt Scratinekt, `stmt. A book by =ll6O owes. Par Valuable 'lntbrinsithin and side , aplittlngjekes, see the "PI rghQuar terly Magazine." • For sale hy all news dealers. Gt. New Boo4s.—Recelved as 1,0011 as Issued, at Padoek's. New York Earning Dtall.—Dally at, Pittock'N. t • DLL° Vlows.-I'o be bed only at Pit took's. .... • —A young man vette carried the col looting. plate utter tbs. service, before starting, took from his peeked a shilling, as he supposed, pot it in the plate, and then passed It round among the congre gation,- which included many young girls The gide as they looked at the plate, all seemeseastonlshedandiunused; and the man, taking IL glance at the plate, found that, instead of a shilling, he bad put a conversation lozenge on the plate, with the words, 'Will you marry mar' in red letters, staring everybody in the face,. M&RULEU 111A1/11ON r—yrninoo Thursday canting. Ott. itat.. by theßas. L. r.lto.giu, at the tuta• Wages am,* Drideo h bar, Dr. o'!"" REAURONT told Blida r$lllA L. WARD, daughter at R. &Ward, Dag., .414 MOM' , DIRO—HISICHART-41a Thutuday 0ct...31a, 1112, .t uke •noldosoi et tb bodt. Mb*, M noo no, Jon,. COW • I. Old hgbig Ligitz, asolkler at David . . Inele,lloiLAND—OeTborsday. October :Ist, lbe Iletond Probyteruut choral+. rittsbargh. 1".. by thy . .-Itar. Dr. Howard; w. A. SIPE, ludixasyolD. India-a:and Mu CLACA E. DURLAND, or rlluborib. _,..' • • • =I s , •ee. the 71.1. t ZntullEltfa*A;l4 , llll.& maa In vuir.„ N a l Seventy three7s.trs , Tneytnnaill serslFlo.lll be heists* 151.'reara, Cathedral-at:0.:0.1.E/, x TONOP.T. ust 4Ari vsbXsh tho 4biads at the delpo r Tempo:MlT 10.r11 -•• ;,),ZW.lr3;'it.'ll Welps.,K ' . ....t Weal, J.. 0.. • funhir aolice of ;Ito Poona be 61,04 NIIMERR 254. ozinozixo RRH IIOtTEMO,. TPSTIMONTA,I4, 1313 Hon. M. C. Beebe;, Pleasaatilllo, Crawford Cc. Ps. Dr. Abort., No. 184 S'lnitlyleld Street Pittsburgh, Pa. DEAR SlB —Soros nye years ago my son Willie' ocannumoni 'sheeting Jump. toms of catarrh of the head, which eon: tinned to grow wane until , his system was so debllltaied as to preclude an ao• Live enjoyment of the sports of childhood or punsue any system of stody, or attend at school, snd at times wesentirely pros trated with lingering fliver—sometione, for weeks together, with 's constant man trestle...ion of the symgtoms Of the disease' such as a constant hacking, nostril sits charges, &a; irritation of the thrtat, musing nausea: all the smut appli ances and Westmont of physicians, etc., bad failed to afford relief until you were applied to during your prottesional visit at Tittutville last winter, when he begun to Improve Immediately after =Mono lig yam treatment, and continued to imkiroVe, =tit now he. enjoys 'good Mae of health, and is able to Mirtlelpate In . the active sports of c.hildbood with scat, as well as pursue his studies with.. out interruption. I have omitted 'to make this statement heretotbre, as I wished to be satisfied that the relief was permanent NWspoNtelyyourk M.' C. news: Plavuayille, October 91,1887. CA.11,13. ' E:& ABOWIL CONIMLT)NtIi BM Operithe Elorima sad !Wilda", rm. mesas= Os THE Eye, EIE Etead;, - T4roats AND THE Organs of the cheSti and Chrollio , I • Generally; ESPECIALiAr strait WE* silutTe been CONSIDERED thOU'itea* en , bnelng • Beata" • tseiarge trot Ui• Huh ' • Shiglit Noise! • _as - Iliad, , i l f thi to si the Ilea, 140116 1 tb1. _ - J u its Bissau. of Vie Rust as. the 11 66 111 . ippatatinh MEDIOAL MD fillitEaClAL iagOICYSIM No, 134 Faithieli .(kimlniaatrit. clam. .;PIMBVItGIC'" THE - WEEKLY .0 WEDIEBDiT lIATMIDAY. ton• colitokstoo OM, OM of latoraloloo loading natter. tnetadlag Ldltorts/o. balm Novo bJ Tolograpb Mon, Wad& noodfoellittoe for 'Ota sod ndloil sod moot toltablo Irlanedal sad Om minis! Market Reports ffirttl by .7 leper to the elt7..kte Foomo, Ilooluollo or Mambos% sbool4 be .ithest It. roma ma rai , razyt rirw. Clete et i.e ...AM MO *my et paper to the panesßoutes the deb, Additlese aleße Dumb alio et say Gas. at, ilea Mee. • • Hence re ammriass..iseorimas pew, be sera and sposgr .whee Tee Ina:. as *.lane. Weeseeday .112004eS sLS *Gibers Molar, bet one a'Week. .RtMei.Tr by DralT;ZwpreseOltiSlT OITSPON or la Iteglonered Letters, may bent etear 6,14.11.1. GAZIRTTHe , - PITTSBURGH, PcinVa. WANT& WANTED:—TORCIFISSICRS — Or State, Ccianty aud Cllflllghts, teethe most valuable and petal's/ . Patent ever bated. adapt ed In Masa to every Curtness 12111}2. Pays from 1199. TO dabl Pk:lt DAY. Dulness del/10M'. 1104 can be understood to ten manatee. Address J. W. IMAM:Lt. Pittsburgh: Pa. L` all al roam 0. Swim's Law Doltiltng, 93 Dhonond atreet. Plttsbordb. between 7 a. at. and 2 2•:111. • . W - ANTED.—Sltualtai Wasted, by•int-class Cca ig coma. ern Pettnlylranla or 123.. tern Ohlo.. ]list of elty ro [cream. Address A. D.. Gazim UNDRIM.ASERS. ALEX. AI gi EN,IINDERTAIKER, No. IY Fourth Street, Pittatowe; Pa- COFFINS. °lntl kind.: CZAPYB. GILOVO, and atm deseelptlon of Funeral Furnishing ,Gocal• tarnished, Boom open day and,nline. liaseed RW•CItasCEE—ReV, Dlvid Nom D.p.,8•• M. W. Jumbos. D.S. Thomu Ewing. Seq. J... G. DODGEM': • =II AND EMBALMER, (taidyttatty' ee tu. DU tactual K. Itedgars.) No. A Oble three doors Rom Beaver, Allerbtal OW Me tallic,• ItosalYeed. MabitiWy, Walast uto sem wood, Imitation at De Icctri.relnalmli prim; Wyman tipen is all hone, day =4 Welt- Beano *ad Dania:awe tarnished ea Swat "alit" and ea moat ca.:nimble term. ' ' ' RIMARDCZALBIVIECILIODN. DZIST PEZ P. OPlee, 11. 14C010/111treps... Ilegbaly• taL'lrlith geriesplete Kock otttutaial INerVatalsip *Pea erei Wad sued tleralshod 'bedew' siniew • at lomat piton. Ws, sad Lim./ I!ltalgie. eler , per of first Middle elireeta.„.C. g..ppebes, Boggles, SWI4 Horste, for kin. nE9IIIIOTEIiT -MARBLE ' A. J..IIARIMIGH. at the 'Ominfary LAWlrorteoville, Ps. OHNAII2NTAL iItABLY and STUN! WORICS; Swim !itißT.A.ye.l,ll:ll.. - ' , grArnatod water proor. FOR RENT. FOR HEYT—OFIPIEEL—The noon now contend by the ficentarg of On Melon Railroad and Transportation Comp./. N 0... TM street, over O. McClinteek a Co.lat Carpet Eton.. Then recant an very' deiiiabie her ernes, being located in the centre er ben len. and en Fifth street, now being lal4 with the Illoolson pavement. nattering the frog from noise, en. 'Trout roan manias taro In proof vault. Poneaslon can be had on kite lot proximo. Ingrate of OLIVER MCCLINTOCK AL FOR BALE. VOll PIA LE —3lO AIGILIEIV GOOD "- 'TARRING LAND, la lown‘..' ?mu ow. Good title. - Tazes all pal& WDltnde . ty, t properly. For inetlealArs build» . at D. 111/- 80D1'IL No. a I. azket Mrs.' FOR SALE--HOURES.I4I6 LARGE BAY DIULOGLIT HORS; t sea tee Sunni BAROUCHE UUSeE. Itteaal• at HOWARD'S Meaty Stable. rutsr tear tbe lleanasslela Haug. fi 1.11- , •10,600.- , -EIGYAT !`. THOUSAND STUD IfUIfDELD DOLANS Allegheny MT Berea per MG, Bonds. De egle. or exchange for Government Securities, moos thvorable term. ' R. IL MANUS; Controlgulg Rollt a4LF S largoi • LOT OF ..1211t0IIND. situated iv P.M ifieei;lialn feet, basing tam fiesta', .I,Vproreisesito are our gad d.enut.m ern eett i eet•••• • • J . ." way shop la test.. fittifitts . slaty . fisetpasa writ a good. MUIR AY:butts" site. VIII tot waft aeP•tat• U&A rd. Inetalre a Ile. 21 pra2( FIPP. 41,11LEInruck I.ItARD,r -•"" The toadorstnuod will son ono-Datf el &Thick Tort, to any Torsos wishing te mime Ist the baslntos. The yard Is ow, with •71 the mod ern boproonnosts. LeudFeno tern noir.' coed Eng" bat lboso lobo 11M111 %KAZI.. 4411.. dress IL T. R. Allegbony P. V. ' ROB SALE-1 1 46 toes ff 'Laid; amble tram,* bane, oft; liven 224 51:212i; nun biro; Yl DaUdlnp anr. tog moms to tour foot, robi amid, 2.21•110rt2g ahoot, re rms.. Botha , 12101'11ttionhig Taro -1:42r.02t-through UN. Arm 'The obbriiirll3 law , osolloasod tor proport7 I. Ow <try or. seotalar lords. Apply 12 S. BOYD Rool ro— tate Aonts,So. riltn Eltratd, Ottsbuier 'you RILLIC—BAKERY.—A itakery, doles a tout.. ail*. II Im ID tares of Matt a me., and ann eel et Ito. • ?AID ALSO MUM'. AlleitatarCtri. tdtt to Mar. M. 0.., terms. The, abonro.g.kogy fa dagag a 'good bottana...d.t.t..i.4lll. or Mang . muelt lamer onetlataletkom raising. Asty p.ams wishing to mama fa thttbarlatm. Min lbw ini...r.moppcuit, r.ar • . 112`OS SAI4E4-4101105 'lnd 16141bn.. tarot" of lisatitttin and Adams lou,Psamrs= Balls!. Lot '44 by iltrlbri.. Itoom puma centalnists 7 rooms bad-iota ball,. tie" tobaroved. • /loose and Lot anSttsblelcV Bidwell' acne', .lllNtbeby City.. Lot . 11(7 1/10 hitt booze Visa, COittiltlS ball. Iva roonotityn 'nod cont7Orater and gat. also, toytninntta labototlid Lett to good looatlo4 "ma", 41:1241' C 0.,. Stave r. stzett., am gib...not. UIV ' . WAIL E-sitavir*ausa " Will.—Ve vow after en,eaannalhantr csaT terms anew plan arisrge and deelreble.lete. tlistNOtabln nraperty belOnstai the Smite at.k C. I. Noble, sUatele zi the inner endof Sherpsburg, neer,lnktstnaltteetam,ses , the West Penns. Eillramt: Atiortlon .nr,these. .4ta :Tani tha .rallroaa Ufa nia.t,eilit4 Alain am& oaW rota. The lota arail .with lade, stroau _rowans atrantligiulliare property. The ma lor iardenalag parpaiar ata- DO be ..tailed. aad for, btaaty,,,or.lagales aaa loam tuts no 'viola: Xor ,dueagalva plaa nod 'reg. IclDrautlo untt Amt. 81113117;3- LY11,"Ilaal latate AicaaN"/*1••• • • SIPECIACILES• • • 011' Ail. LIAM: , 4:1 irawasazag MID 1111ral4".. SMIIILLII/410ALE11*Myr42i.i I: . llpvm!rit. & • HL aatm , ergs "sziesfmai oeroarrs . ausoato alma N LW ":4,111P <9 , * 9; 6 - • 7 r n SMITH, wirus az, litate64 mime% m t p Wirt, 0 Anwpi Inarewsi v .:,„o, .1' • . MlLtßDlCllreitli,lattatilWtl44 : , wuctliiietittiasuatalfv Emty , atosuirt6it 4111 it as Mau to tea ci v.= wirpalis aullinerg: firrlug .tnet:,9Wl4l2 _l4 'WHEEL= & MUTE . 1 - X l3i t ' M A C I " Mia Ci9ErPc; !IgiCt%G . )IAW2NI4I,. M.k.:l2W , MV4. , .. 4 ! , U , d.4.4 tbN k/ii.ew so. 31 virraliratri HERBY G. nif3ii(4umi Talio'r"" Peanasill St. Clair'Mac Taos ieniat pha.,Ein!,.er,tatorstaskAilippme m fiaittemkpabite upland 9.6 kt.,•1 1 .0,*c , , vki.a. mirk iirurrEit • zoo =remelt's 'tip s co. -440E,0101010 1 6 MOW". )theiiinitanal - et axiom =noire iliagori rAciWiß.l**olll, EMI MEM BICE Erta
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers